"Etvmological Dictionarv oftne Slavic I nkeritea Lexicon LEIDEN INDO-EUROPEAN ETYM OLOGI CAL DICTIONARY SERIES 'BRILL Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series Edited by Alexander Lubotsky VOLUME 4 Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon By Rick Derksen ✓ S ' / 6 8 * ' BRILL LEIDEN • BOSTON 2008 This book is printed on acid-free paper. This publication has been made possible by the financial support of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). A C.I.P. record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISSN: 1574-3586 ISBN: 978 90 04 15504 6 Copyright 2008 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface...............................................................................vii Abbreviations and symbols..............................................................ix INTRODUCTION............................................................................1 1. Origin of the dictionary.............................................................1 2. Theoretical framework................................................................2 2.1 General considerations and Proto-Indo-European...............................2 2.2. Balto-Slavic accentology.....................................................3 2.2.1 Introduction.................................................................3 2.2.2. Balto-Slavic developments....................................................4 The rise of the mobile paradigm..............................................4 Hirt’s law...................................................................6 Winter’s law.................................................................7 2.2.3 Slavic accentology...........................................................8 Introduction: Stang 1957.....................................................8 Progressive shifts...........................................................9 Illic-Svityc’s law and the neuter o-stems...................................10 The fate of the Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex...........................12 2.3 Substratum borrowings.......................................................14 3. Structure of the entries............................................................16 3.1 The reconstructed etymon....................................................16 3.2 Grammatical information.....................................................16 3.3 Accent paradigm............................................................ 17 3.4 Meaning.....................................................................17 3.5 ESSJa.......................................................................17 3.6 Church Slavic...............................................................17 3.7 East Slavic.................................................................18 3.8 West Slavic.................................................................18 3.9 South Slavic................................................................19 3.10 Balto-Slavic............................................................... 20 3.11 Baltic..................................................................... 21 3.12 Proto-Indo-European.........................................................22 3.13 Cognates ...................................................................22 3.14 Discussion of the etymology.................................................22 3.15 Notes.......................................................................22 3.16 Cross-references............................................................22 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS DICTIONARY..............................................................25 References.............................................................569 INDICES................................................................583 preface The work on the etymological database on which this dictionary is based began in the autumn of 1998 and continued until the spring of 2002, when I started compiling a Baltic etymological database. The project was financed by the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), whose support I gratefully acknowledge. Since July 2005 I have been employed part-time as an editor of the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary project, which position is financed by Leiden University and Brill. In this period I completed the Slavic etymological database as much as possible and transformed it into a book. It is my convinction that historical linguistics is all about details. Most of the entries that make up this dictionary fail to meet the standard that I consider desirable for etymological investigations. That said, I admit that the project of a single-volume Slavic dictionary to be written by one author called for a different approach. This book is as much a tool for further research as it is a collection of etymological case-studies. I hope that I shall be able to tie up some loose ends in my Baltic etymological dictionary. For at least ten years the collaborators of the IEED have exchanged views at Tuesday morning sessions. It seems appropriate to thank all colleagues who took part in these sessions at one time or another and may have made a contribution to the present dictionary. They are, in alphabetical order: Lucien van Beek, Robert Beekes, Dirk Boutkanf, Johnny Cheung, Michiel Driessen, Alwin Kloekhorst, Guus Kroonen, Alexander Lubotsky, Hrach Martirosyan, Michael Peyrot, Tijmen Pronk, Peter Schrijver, Michiel de vaan, and Caroline aan de Wiel. I owe special thanks to Alexander Lubotsky for his willingness to be the sole proofreader of the manuscript. Jan Bicovsky provided useful comments on the Czech material. For technical support I would like to thank Thomas Olander, who supplied a font that even includes Slovincian, and Maarten Hijzelendoorn, who wrote a macro for generating the indices. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to Willem Vermeer, who was always prepared to share his vast knowledge of Slavic accentology, and my promotor Frederik Kortlandt, whose work in the field of Slavic provided the foundation for this dictionary. To my regret, our Ukrainian colleague Anatolij Nepokupnyj, linguist and poet, who always showed a keen interest in the Balto-Slavic component of the IEED, is no longer with us to witness the publication of this dictionary. I fondly recall our conversations in Vilnius and Paris. Leiden, October 2007 ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations of languages Aeol. Aeolic Alb. Albanian Arm. Armenian Av. Avestan Bel. Belorussian Bret. Breton BSl. Balto-Slavic Bulg. Bulgarian CS Church Slavic Cak. Cakavian CroatCS Croatian Church Slavic Cz. Czech Dan. Danish Dor. Doric Dzuk. Dzukian Est. Estonian Fi. Finnish Gaul. Gaulish Gk. Greek Go. Gothic Hitt. Hittite Hung. Hungarian Kajk. Kajkavian Kash. Kashubian LAv. Late Avestan LSrb. Lower Sorbian Lat. Latin Latv. Latvian Lith. Lithuanian Liv. Livonian Lomb. Lombardian MBulg. Middle Bulgarian MDu. Middle Dutch ME Middle English MHG Middle High German MIr. Middle Irish MLG Middle Low German MLat. Medieval Latin Mor. Moravian MW Middle Welsh Mac. (Ancient) Macedonian Mcd. Macedonian MoDu. Modern Dutch MoE Modern English MoFr. Modern French MoGk. Modern Greek MoHG Modern High German MoIr. Modern Irish Mong. Mongolian Nw. Norwegian OBel. Old Belorussian OCorn. Old Cornish OCS Old Church Slavic OCz. Old Czech OE Old English OHG Old High Herman OIc. Old Icelandic OIr. Old Irish OLat. Old Latin OLith. Old Lithuanian OPl. Old Polish OPr. Old Prussian ORu. Old Russian OS Old Saxon OSlk. Old Slovak OSw. Old Swedish OW Old Welsh Osset. Ossetic PGmc. Proto-Germanic Piem. Piemontese Pl. Polish Plb. Polabian PSl. Proto-Slavic Ru. Russian RuCS Russian Church Slavic Rom. Romanian x ABBREVIATIONS SCr. Serbo-Croatian Sw. Swedish SerbCS Serbian Church Slavic Toch. B Tocharian B Skt. Sanskrit USrb. Upper Sorbian Slk. Slovak Ukr. Ukrainian Sln. Slovene W Welsh Slnc. Slovincian Zem. Zemaitian Span. Spanish Abbreviations of grammatical terms, etc. A accusative inj. injunctive act. active L locative adj. adjective m. masculine adv. adverb med. middle aor. aorist N nominative C consonant n. neuter c. commune sg. singular conj. conjunctive pass. passive D dative pf. perfect du. dual pl. plural f. feminine pres. present G genitive pret. preterite I instrumental ptc. participle imper. imperative V vocative impf. imperfect v. verb inf. infinitive Symbols * reconstructed form C consonant > developed into V vowel < developed from R resonant >> analogically replaced by N nasal << analogically replacing I i or u INTRODUCTION 1. ORIGIN OF THE DICTIONARY The dictionary is based on a database that was created within the context of the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary project (IED). The circumstance that the dictionary originates from a database is still apparent from the way the lemmata are structured. This type of rigid structure is at times a burden for the author, but it also increases the value of the dictionary as a book of reference. The main objective of the dictionary is to present an up-to-date etymological account of the Slavic inherited lexical stock. Since there is no consensus on neither the reconstruction of the Indo-European proto-language nor on the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic, the etymological dictionary is bound to represent my personal views, which obviously reflect my academic background (see section 2). Few will deny, however, that especially from the Indo-Europeanist’s point of view the dictionary is more up-to-date than, for instance, the Etimologiceskij slovar slavjanskix jazykov (ESSJa) or Pokorny’s treatment of the Slavic material in his Indogermanisches etymologisches Worterbuch (IEW). As to the scope of the dictionary, it must be said that it has not been easy to define the set of etyma that were to be discussed. It was completely out of the question that I should be able to cover as many lemmata as the ESSJa, which at the moment contains about 20,000 entries (many of them marginally attested and of unknown origin), neither would it have been desirable for a dictionary concentrating on the inherited lexical stock. It was therefore decided to focus on etyma that have been part of the scholarly discussion in the field of Indo-European linguistics, e.g. etyma that occur in Pokorny’s dictionary or LIV. Obviously, this selection includes a number of etyma that may be considered borrowings from a non-Indo-European substratum language (see 2.2). Excluding such etyma would not be very wise, as the classification of a word as, for instance, “North Indo-European” is merely provisional. Furthermore, even the possibly non-Indo-European elements of the Proto-Slavic lexicon usually meet the IED’s criterion that an etymon must be attested in at least two branches of Indo-European in order to be included. An important difference between the present dictionary and etymological dictionaries such as the ESSJa or the Stownik prastowianski (Slawski SP) is the fact that an attempt is made to reconstruct the prosodic characteristics of the Proto-Slavic etyma. I regard this as a justifiable goal in itself, but Kortlandt’s theory about the origins of the Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex intonations (see 2.2.33), to which I subscribe, adds significantly increases the importance of Baltic and Slavic accentology for the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European. The accentuation of an etymon may reveal the former presence of a laryngeal or be decisive in cases where it is unclear whether or an aspirated or an unaspirated voiced stop must be reconstructed. 2 INTRODUCTION At an earlier stage of the project I planned to present the reconstruction of the accent paradigms more or less as given facts. Then I decided to provide more information on the accentuation of the forms attested in the individual languages, for instance by adding information on the accentuation in Old Russian or presenting a number of case-forms. While this dictionary does not aim at completeness, I have strived for an accurate representation of reliable data. Since the database hopefully remains available on-line, the set of data may be expanded. Unlike many other etymological dictionaries, the present dictionary does not abound in references. The Etymologicky slovnik jazyka staroslovenskeho (ESJS), for example, painstakingly lists the most prominent etymologies, which are subsequently evaluated. Though I highly value this approach, I felt that my dictionary had to be set up in a different manner because otherwise too much time would be taken up by reproducing and scrutinizing the scholarly literature. I realize that by limiting the number of references I am at risk of ignoring valuable contributions to Slavic etymology. This I regret, but I think that it is a concession I had to make. 2. Theoretical framework 2.1 General considerations and Proto-Indo-European Not surprisingly, the ideas about the structure of the Indo-European proto-language underlying this book conform with the theories propagated by Leiden based Indo-Europeanists such as Beekes, Kortlandt, and Lubotsky. The best introduction to this theoretical framework is Beekes 1995, which is the English edition of Beekes 1990. The existence of this introductory work largely relieves me of the obligation to present an outline of the theories on which my Proto-Indo-European recon-structions are based. Thus, I shall confine myself to representing some of the main aspects. It is a well-known fact that Leiden Indo-Europeanists tend to deny that there was a Proto-Indo-European phoneme *a (see especially Lubotsky 1989). Nevertheless, it is quite possible that a Proto-Slavic etymon derives from a form containing *a. The Proto-Slavic lexical stock contains numerous elements that do not have an Indo-European origin. These may have been borrowed from a substratum language, possibly at an early stage. The *a that these words may contain is sometimes called “European *a” because the substratum language was located on European soil. I subscribe to the hypothesis that Proto-Indo-European did not have an opposition between palatalized and plain velars (cf. Meillet 1894, Steensland 1973). The latter arose from depalatalization in certain constellations, in particular after *s (though not before *i) and after *u, where the opposition between the palatovelar and labiovelar series was neutralized. Depalatalization before resonants unless followed by a front vowel occurred in Balto-Slavic and Albanian (cf. Kortlandt 1978a: 240-242). The latter development is to a considerable extent responsible for the variation between velar stops and sibilants that we observe in both Baltic and Slavic. INTRODUCTION 3 The traditional Proto-Indo-European system of voiceless, voiced, and aspirated voiced stops has repeatedly been challenged on typological grounds. As an alternative, it was proposed that the unaspirated voiced stops were actually glottalic (e.g. Gamkrelidze and Ivanov 1984: 5-84). The glottalic hypothesis was applied to great effect by Kortlandt, who employed it to tackle a diversity of issues in various branches of Indo-European (cf. Kortlandt 1985a). Crucial to the present publication is Kortlandt’s interpretation of the Balto-Slavic development known as Winter’s law as the merger of the glottalic element of the traditional mediae with the reflex of the Proto-Indo-European laryngeals (see 2.2.23). In Proto-Indo-European, the lengthened grade vowels *e and *0 occurred in a limited number of categories, which can ultimately be reduced to monosyllables and forms ending in a resonant (cf. Beekes 1990: 204, 1995: 167, Kortlandt 1986: 154-155). Contrarily to what is generally assumed, lengthened grade vowels are regularly circumflex in Balto-Slavic. Forms presented as counter-examples contain either a laryngeal or can be regarded as examples of Winters law. Another source of circumflex long vowels is contraction. A special case is the constellation *eH (*oH), where according to Kortlandt the laryngeal was lost (Kortlandt 1985b: 115, 118-120). As can be gathered from the preceding paragraphs, I adhere to the view that there once existed a Balto-Slavic linguistic unity. It can be demonstrated that Baltic and Slavic underwent a sequence of common developments, a number of which relate to the place of the stress. In view of its complexity as well as the important role it plays in this dictionary, Balto-Slavic accentology will be the subject of a separate section. 2.2 Balto-Slavic accentology 2.2.1 Introduction As stated above, Kortlandt’s theory about the origins of the Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex intonations significantly increases the relevance of Balto-Slavic accentology for etymological studies. This is reflected in numerous publications by Indo-Europeanists from Leiden, for instance in several monographs that appeared in the Leiden Studies in Indo-European series. A good example is Schrijver 1991, where a conscious effort is made to take the Balto-Slavic accentual evidence into account.1 My own book in the series, Derksen 1996, is a slightly different matter, as it deals with an accentological subject, the problem of metatony in Baltic. It contains a brief survey of Balto-Slavic accentology, which partly coincides with Derksen 1991. I shall here repeat some of the points I tried to make in these two publications, while shifting the emphasis onto Slavic phenomena. 2.2.2 Balto-Slavic developments Over the years Frederik Kortlandt has devised a detailed relative chronology of developments ranging from Proto-Indo-European to disintegrating Slavic. It was 1 We may draw a comparison with the thematically similar dissertation Beekes 1969, where Balto-Slavic accentology still does not play any role of significance. 4 INTRODUCTION first published in a Serbo-Croation translation in 1989. The English version, which was marred by many misprints, appeared in 1994, to be followed by a corrected version on the World Wide Web (2002). Articles reproducing and discussing large parts of the relative chronology are Kortlandt 2005 and 2007. Kortlandt’s chronology might be called the backbone of my investigations in the field of Balto-Slavic historical linguistics, which is not to say that it will be treated as if it were carved in stone. The Balto-Slavic section of Kortlandt’s relative chronology contains a number of developments that concern accentology. These are conveniently listed in Kortlandt 2006a (349): “1. Loss of PIE accentual mobility, of which there is no trace outside the nominal flexion of the consonant stems, e.g. Lith. dukte ‘daughter’, piemuo ‘shepherd’, and the flexion of the athematic verbs, e.g. duodşs ‘giving’ (cf. Kortlandt 1985b on the latter). 2. Pedersen’s law: the stress was retracted from medial syllables in mobile accent paradigms, e.g. acc.sg. dukterj,piemenj, Greek thugatera,poimena. 3. Barytonesis: the retraction of the stress spread analogically to vocalic stems in the case forms where Pedersen’s law applied, e.g. acc.sg. ăvj ‘sheep’, suni} ‘son’, dievq ‘god’, ziemq ‘winter’. 4. Oxytonesis: the stress is shifted from a medial syllable to the end of the word in paradigms with end-stressed forms, e.g. inst.sg. sunumi, inst.pl. ziemomis. 5. Hirt’s law: the stress was retracted if the vowel of the pretonic syllable was im-mediately followed by a laryngeal, e.g. duona ‘bread’, vyras man’, dumai ‘smoke’, Vedic dhănăs, vîrăs, dhumăs. 6. Winter’s law: the PIE glottalic stops dissolved into a laryngeal and a buccal part. The former merged with the reflex of the PIE laryngeals and the latter with the reflex of the lenes stops, e.g. Latvian pţds ‘footstep’ < *pedom, nuogs ‘naked’ < *nogwos, duomu ‘I give’ < *dodH3mi. 7. Retraction of the stress from final open syllables of disyllabic word forms unless the preceding syllable was closed by an obstruent, e.g. Lith. gen.sg. vilko ‘wolf, dat.sg. vilkui, gălvai ‘head’, nesa ‘carries’, Serbo-Croatian vuka, vuku, glâvi, nese ‘carried’, neuter pîlo ‘drank’, but Lith. gen.sg. avies, gen.pl. vilky < *-om, nom.sg. galva < *-aH, Russian pilă ‘she drank’ < *-aH, neuter neslo, infinitive nesti, where syllable-final consonants (including word-final laryngeals) prevented the retraction of the stress.” The rise of the mobile paradigm The developments 1-4 and 7 are intended to account for the accentual curve of the Balto-Slavic mobile paradigm. Here a few words on the historical background of the problem are in order. According to de Saussure (1896), the Lithuanian opposition between barytona and mobilia continues an Indo-European opposition between barytona and oxytona. As the identity of the Lithuanian and Proto-Slavic mobile paradigms is beyond doubt, this implies that the Balto-Slavic mobile paradigm arose from an oxytone paradigm. De Saussure’s explanation for the origin of the Lithuanian mobile paradigm started from consonant stems of which the number of INTRODUCTION 5 syllables did not remain constant within the paradigm. In Kortlandt’s chronology it appears under the name Pedersen’s law in view of Pedersen’s effort (1933: 25) to reformulate the law proposed by de Saussure. The prehistory of the Balto-Slavic accentual system has been the subject of much debate (see especially Olander 2006 for an overview). Kortlandt’s development (1) places him at the same starting-point as de Saussure: the early Balto-Slavic system mainly had an opposition between barytona and oxytona. The few traces of original accentual mobility that survived only played a modest role. The question is if it is possible to strengthen the link between the Balto-Slavic accentual mobile paradigm and Proto-Indo-European accentual mobility. We may note that Illic-Svityc, when he set out to provide comparative proof for de Saussure’s hypothesis on the Indo-European background of the Balto-Slavic barytone and mobile paradigms (1963, English translation 1979), tried to gain a better understanding of Pedersen’s law by suggesting a link with the survival of mobile root nouns. With respect to the Indo-European situation he preferred the term “mobile-oxytone” to “oxytone”. It so happens that Kortlandt himself (2006b) has recently modified his account of the rise of the Balto-Slavic mobile paradigm. Instead of assuming an early loss of Proto-Indo-European accentual mobility, he now starts from the Late Indo-European hysterodynamic and proterodynamic paradigms. The first step is the replacement of the isolated root stress of the Nsg. of the hysterodynamic paradigm by final stress. The sigmatic Nsg. of the proterodynamic paradigm then underwent the same development, creating a clear accentual opposition between end-stressed masculines and feminines on the one hand and root-stressed neuters on the other. The medially stressed case-forms, viz. the Asg., Lsg., Apl., and Npl. forms of the hysterodynamic paradigm and the Dsg. and Npl. forms of the proterodynamic paradigm, subsequently retracted the stress to the initial syllable. Kortlandt’s objective here is to reformulate Pedersen’s law as a phonetic development. Furthermore, the scope of the barytonesis has been limited: “The barytonesis did not affect acc.sg. ăvj ‘sheep’, sun} ‘son, which had preserved Indo-European radical stress, nor ziemq ‘winter, which was built on the original nom.sg. form *gheim (cf. Beekes 1985: 44), but did yield the retraction in dievq ‘god’, cf. Vedic devăm, because the o-stems had fixed stress from the outset.” (Kortlandt 2006b: 3) Finally, the existence of oxytonesis as a Balto-Slavic development is put into doubt. The accentuation of Lith. sunumi Isg. and ziemomis Ipl. may be old because it replaces the end-stressed instrumental in *-bhi. On the whole, the new scenario links the Balto-Slavic state of affairs more closely to Late Indo-European nominal accentuation. The retraction listed as number 7 was first formulated by Kortlandt in 1975 (5-7). Since it was inspired on a retraction formulated by Ebeling, it was baptized Ebeling’s law, but in recent publications by Kortlandt this designation tends to be avoided. An interesting consequence of the condition that the stress was not retracted to syllables ending in an obstruent is the rise of a class of oxytone neuters. In Slavic, these 6 INTRODUCTION oxytona ended up in AP (b). If the root contained the reflex of a laryngeal or the laryngeal part of a PIE glottalic stop, it was lost in pretonic position. In Baltic, the oxytone neuters became barytone when the stress was retracted from final *-a, yielding metatony (Derksen 1996: 96-128, 229-232, see also 2004: 87-89). Words belonging to this class were occasionally misinterpreted by Illic-Svityc (1963). The effects of Ebeling’s law may also be observed in masculine o-stems (Derksen forthc. a). Hirt’s law2 Hirt’s law, which is listed above as development 5, was proposed in order to account for the large number of correspondences between Baltic and Slavic barytona and nouns which considering the Sanskrit, Greek and Germanic evidence had mobile/oxytone accentuation in PIE. In Hirt’s original formulation (1895) the stress was retracted to long root syllables. Since then the law has been reformulated a remarkable number of times, among others by Hirt himself (1899). An important observation was made by Bonfante (1935, 1937), who showed that the stress was only retracted to non-apophonic long vowels, i.e. to sequences of a short vowel and a laryngeal. After a thorough investigation of the “Hirt-Bonfante hypothesis”, Illic-Svityc (1963: 80 = 1979: 63) concluded that the retraction was indeed limited to non-apophonic long syllabic elements, i.e. to non-apophonic long vowels, long resonants and long diphthongs. He contrasts syllables containing “new length” from laryngeal loss after a syllabic element with syllables containing apophonic length or an original sequence of a short vowel followed by a resonant and a vocalized laryngeal, e.g. *tensuos < *tenHuos, cf. Gk. Tavaoq ‘outstretched, tall’, Latv. tievs ‘thin’. This invites the conclusion that at the time of the retraction the laryngeals were still present, as has indeed been argued by some scholars (cf. Kortlandt 1975a: 2, Rasmussen 1985: passim). In that case one might simply say that the stress was retracted to an immediately preceding syllable containing a vocalic element followed by a laryngeal. That the position of the laryngeal plays an essential role was demonstrated by Kortlandt in connection with the accentuation of the Slavic l-participle (1975: 2-4). He suggested that in instances such as Ru. pilă f.sg. ‘drank’ the laryngeal must originally have preceded the i of the root. His reconstruction *pHilăH is supported by full grades of the type *pe/oh3i- or *pe/oh3- e.g. Skt. păyăyati. The opposition between *-HI- and *-IH- has a parallel in Greek and Italo-Celtic, where we find indications that pretonic *-HI- yielded a short reflex (Schrijver 1991: 512-536). It may be clear that Hirt’s law is a strong argument for a Balto-Slavic linguistic unity. Winter’s law Winter’s law, which in its original formulation is vowel lengthening before PIE unaspirated voiced stops (Winter 1978), is without doubt a sound law of major 2 The sections on Hirt’s law and Winter’s law as well as section 2.23.2 on progressive shifts in Baltic and Slavic are adaptations of the corresponding sections in Derksen 2004. INTRODUCTION 7 importance. So far, however, it has not received the recognition it deserves. The main reason for this is probably the fact that a number of appealing examples seem to violate the law. Since a survey of the evidence clearly indicates that the law is essentially correct (cf. Young 1990, Rasmussen 1992, and especially Dybo 2002), the next logical step is to look for special circumstances which might provide an explanation for the apparent exceptions. For ‘water’ (cf. OCS voda vs. Lith. vanduo 3a) and ‘fire’ (cf. Lith. ugnis, OCS ogn’b), Kortlandt has proposed that the law did not affect the clusters ndn and ngn (1979: 61, 1988: 388-389). The nasal infix which may be reconstructed for Balto-Slavic must have developed from a nasal suffix in PIE times already (cf. Thurneysen 1883). Another major exception is Slavic *xodv ‘going, course’. Here the absence of Winter’s law may originate from a reduplicated present stem *sizd-, where the law was blocked by an intervening z (Kortlandt 1988: 394). This is not the place to discuss the various attempts to modify the formulation of Winter’s law, for which I refer to Derksen 2003a, 2004, and forthc. b. I would like to elaborate, however, on Kortlandt’s interpretation of Winter’s law and its relationship to the Balto-Slavic prosodic system. According to the traditional doctrine, the Balto-Slavic acute intonation, which is usually reconstructed as a rising tone, reflects length, i.e. original length or length resulting from the loss of a laryngeal. If Winter’s law is interpreted as vowel lengthening, the fact that the law yields acute long vowels and diphthong is only to be expected. The regular reflex of a lengthened grade, however, is circumflex in Balto-Slavic, as Kortlandt has argued on several occasions (e.g. 1985b, 1997a). The main reason why this is not generally recognized is the ease with which some Indo-Europeanists postulate lengthened grades, thereby obscuring the original situation. Since both the presence of a laryngeal and Winter’s law generate acute syllables, one may try to link this observation to the hypothesis that the PIE voiced unaspirated stops were actually (pre)glottalized (Kortlandt 1978b). In Kortlandt’s interpretation, Winter’s law is the merger of the laryngeal element of the glottalic stop with the reflex of the Indo-European laryngeals, which had become a glottal stop in Balto-Slavic. An advantage of Kortlandt’s interpretation of Winter’s law is the possibility to regard the Latvian and Zemaitian broken tones as direct continuations of a Balto-Slavic glottal element (Derksen 1995, Kortlandt 1998). This does not imply that already in Balto-Slavic glottalization existed as a vocalic feature. There are no indications that the Balto-Slavic glottal stop lost the status of a segmental phoneme which it must still have had when Hirt’s law operated (see The Balto-Slavic distinction between acute and circumflex syllables, which was clearly independent of the place of the (free and mobile) ictus, was originally the distinction between the presence and absence of a glottal stop. It most certainly was not a tonal distinction originating from PIE (cf. Kortlandt 1985b, Nassivera 2000). The rise of tonal distinctions must probably be dated to the separate branches of Balto-Slavic. One of the subjects of the next section is the rise of distinctive tone in Proto-Slavic. 8 INTRODUCTION 2.2.3 Slavic accentology Introduction: Stang 1957 The starting-point of modern Slavic accentology is the publication of Stang’s Slavonic accentuation (1957).3 In this study Stang effectively did away with a number of concepts of what is often called “classical accentology”, though in particular the interbellum witnessed many unrealistic theories. Stang ends his book with a list of conclusions (1957: 179), which I shall now try to rephrase and provide with comments (cf. Derksen 1991: 53-55). Stang established three (Late) Proto-Slavic accent paradigms, each with its own prosodic characteristics: (a) Fixed stress on the stem. If the stem is monosyllabic, the stressed syllable is “acute”, i.e. we find a short rising tone on a historically “long” syllable, which is equivalent to saying that the nucleus of the root syllable is not constituted by monophthongal *e, *o, *fc, or *b. A special class is formed by nouns of the so-called *vdla type, where the root has neo-acute intonation. Stang discusses these nouns within the context of (j)ă-stems belonging to AP (a), but there are good arguments to classify them as belonging to AP (b), which is what will be done in this dictionary. If the stress is on a medial syllabe, there is a greater number of possibilities regarding the prosodic qualities of the root. Since these cases are not crucial for understanding the three basic types, I shall not go into the matter here. (b) The stress alternates between the last syllable of the stem and the first syllable of the ending. Stem-stressed forms have a rising tone with retention of the old quantity of the syllable. This tone is called “neo-acute” Forms with stress on the ending have a short rising tone. (c) The stress alternates between the first syllable of the stem and the ending. Stem-stressed forms have a falling tone and lose the stress to a clitic. End-stressed forms usually have a short rising accent, but in some cases a long rising accent. The falling tone is sometimes referred to as “circumflex”. This is potentially confusing because the same designation has been used to refer to any non-acute long syllable or even to any non-acute syllable (cf. Derksen 1991: 55). In classical accentology, an acute or a circumflex tone changed under certain conditions into a neo-circumflex and a neo-acute tone, respectively. This process, called metatony, yielded four distinctive tones (Kortlandt 1978c: 271). In Stang’s system there are three tones, which are all connected with a specific accent paradigm. Stang now showed that the neo-acute originated from a retraction of the stress.4 He also showed that the neo-circumflex is an innovation of Slovene and the Kajkavian 3 See especially Vermeer 1998, which deals with the place Stang’s monograph occupies in the history of the field. 4 Cf. Ivsic 1911. INTRODUCTION 9 dialects of Serbo-Croatian rather than a Proto-Slavic tone.5 The next question that we must address is the relationship between the Slavic and the Baltic accent paradigms. 2.23.2 Progressive shifts Lithuanian nouns belong to one of four accent paradigms, of which (1) is barytone, while (2), (3), and (4) are mobile. Monosyllabic stems are acute in (1) and (3), while they are circumflex or short in (2) and (4).6 If the stem is polysyllabic, the situation is slightly more complicated, but that need not concern us here. The four accent paradigms can be reduced to a barytone and a mobile paradigm if one takes into account the progressive shift which is commonly referred to as de Saussure’s law. Employing the method of internal reconstruction, de Saussure (1896) demonstrated that at a certain point in the history of Lithuanian accentuation the stress shifted from a circumflex or short syllable to an immediately following acute syllable. This development was independently discovered by Fortunatov (1897). Hence, de Saussure’s law, when applied to both Baltic and Slavic, is sometimes referred to as Fortunatov’s law. Propagated by none other than Meillet,7 de Saussure’s law came to occupy an important place in classical accentology. The law was often considered a Balto-Slavic innovation, though Meillet regarded the progressive shifts in Baltic and Slavic as parallel developments (1900: 350-351, 1924: 145). The decline of de Saussure’s law as a Balto-Slavic development may be said to have started with Kurylowicz (1931: 75ff, 1952), who denied its operation in Slavic, albeit basically without addressing the facts. A much heavier blow, one might argue, was delivered by Stang (1957: 15-20), who by presenting a series of factual arguments undermined the at the time prevailing view that de Saussure’s law had also operated in Slavic. Now as we have seen, Stang reconstructed three Proto-Slavic accent paradigms, whereas the Lithuanian situation points to a system with two paradigms, one of them barytone and the other mobile. Since AP (a) corresponds to Lithuanian AP (1), while AP (c) corresponds to (3) and (4) (see the next section), the core of the problem is the relationship between AP (b) and AP (2). As shown by Stang, the neo-acute tone originates from a retraction of the stress, a development now generally referred to as Stang’s law. This means that AP (b) was originally oxytone. AP (2), however, is a mobile paradigm originating from a barytone paradigm as a result of de Saussure’s law. Stang did not have an answer for this discrepancy, but he made it clear that the answer most certainly was not de Saussure’s law. A solution was proposed by Dybo and Illic-Svityc, who argued that the oxytone paradigm which must have existed prior to Stang’s retraction had been generated by a progressive stress shift that cannot be identified with de Saussure’s law (see especially Dybo 1962, Illic-Svityc 1963: 157-161 = 1979: 140-144). According to Dybo’s 5 The neo-circumflex also occurs in Northwest Cakavian (cf. Vermeer 1982). 6 See for the realization of the acute and circumflex in Baltic. 7 Actually, Meillet had already suggested the operation of the progressive shift in Slavic at the very same session where de Saussure presented his discovery (CIO 1894). 10 INTRODUCTION law, also known as Illic-Svityc’s law,8 a syllable which was neither acute nor falling lost the stress to the following syllable, causing a split of the Proto-Slavic immobile paradigm. The syllable which received the stress became falling, which provided the input for Stang’s law, the retraction of the stress from long falling vowels in final syllables.9 The scenario proposed by Dybo and Illic-Svityc allows us to derive the Baltic and Slavic accentual systems from a stage when there were only an immobile barytone and a mobile or oxytone paradigm. As later publications from the Moscow accentological school have shown (see especially Dybo 1968a), it is possible to distinguish between dominant (“strong”) and recessive (“weak”) morphemes at this stage. The place of the stress is governed by the valency of the morphemes that constitute a given form (cf. Dybo 1981: 260-262, 2000a: 10-14, Lehfeldt 2001: 67-69). Whether a morpheme is dominant or recessive cannot be predicted on the basis of its phonological structure: the distribution of morphemes over the two classes is “traditional” (Dybo 2000a: 10).10 2.23.3 Illic-Svityc’s law and the neuter o-stems11 In his monograph on nominal accentuation in Baltic and Slavic, Illic-Svityc tried to explain why so many PIE neuter o-stems appear to have become masculine in Slavic, an observation which was first made by Hirt. A comparison with accentual data from Baltic, Greek, Sanskrit and Germanic led Illic-Svityc to conclude that PIE barytone neuter o-stems correspond with Slavic masculine o-stems belonging to the barytone class in the case of “long” roots and to the oxytone class in the case of “short” roots (in Stang’s terminology to accent paradigms a and b, respectively). As we have seen, AP (a) and (b) continue a single barytone paradigm, which allows the conclusion that PIE barytone neuter o-stems became barytone masculine o-stems in Slavic. This shift of gender must be rooted in Balto-Slavic (see below). In originally masculine mobile o-stems with a non-acute root, accentual mobility has been generalized (Illic-Svityc 1963: 109-119 = 1979: 94-104), a development that is sometimes called Illic-Svityc’s law. Thus, Slavic masculine o-stems belonging to AP (b) in principle continue old neuters. I consider it possible, however, that masculine o-stems that were oxytone in Late Balto-Slavic, i.e. after Ebeling’s law, escaped the transfer to the mobile class (cf. Derksen forthc. b). 8 The designation Illic-Svityc’s law is also used to indicate the transfer of masculine o-stems belonging to AP (b) to the mobile accentual paradigm. 9 This is actually the formulation of Stang’s law as it appears in publications of Dutch accentologists. Stang himself did not limit the retraction to final syllables. In order to account for the *vâla type, he also assumed that the stress was retracted from semi-vowels. For Kortlandt’s solution, which is connected with a development that he baptized “Van Wijk’s law”, see Kortlandt 1975: 30-32. 10 It should not be left unmentioned that in the last few decades the concepts of the Moscow accentological school have undergone significant modifications, on which see Vermeer 2001. Since at present it is doubtful whether these modifications can be regarded as improvements, a discussion of the relevant issues fall outside the scope of this dictionary. I shall confine myself to the remark that the new scenario for the rise of AP (b) comes close to a rehabilitation of de Saussure’s law for Slavic. 11 This section derives from an (unpublished) paper that was presented at the Fachtagung of the Indogermanische Gesellschaft in Cracow (October 2004). INTRODUCTION 11 Whereas the barytone neuter o-stems became masculine, PIE oxytone neuter o-stems remain neuter in Slavic. According to Illic-Svityc, the majority of the Slavic neuter o-stems belong to the oxytone class, Stang’s AP (b). Mobile neuter o-stems (c) contain, as a rule, a historically long root or have a jo-suffix. In my opinion, the distribution between AP (b) and (c) is not completely clear. We can say with a high degree of certainty, however, that originally oxytone neuters of the structure CVC1C2-o (where Ci is an obstruent) belong to (b), in conformity with Ebeling’s law (see Proto-Slavic neuter o-stems belonging to AP (a) originate from the retraction generally known as Hirt’s law, which generated a new class of neuter o-stems with fixed root stress in Balto-Slavic times already. It is remarkable that Illic-Svityc, who reaches the conclusion that the Baltic and Slavic accentual paradigms were identical, does not make an attempt to connect the Slavic NAsg. -o with the Lithuanian ending -a, which now only occurs in adjectives, participles and pronouns but must have been the East Baltic NAsg. ending of neuter o-stem nouns, as is evident from Baltic borrowings in Finnic. While he follows Nieminen (1922) in deriving the East Baltic ending from pronominal *-od, Illic-Svityc assumes that Slavic -o continues stressed *-om, a delevopment advocated by Hirt (1893). In my opinion, it would be natural to look for a common origin. Since I do not believe that *-om ever yields Balto-Slavic *-o, the best option would be to assume that in Balto-Slavic the ending *-om was replaced by *-od in oxytone neuters. In that case one would expect Old Prussian neuter o-stems to correspond to Slavic neuter o-stems and end-stressed neuters in other Indo-European languages. The evidence seems indeed to point in that direction, e.g. (cf. Kortlandt 1983: 183). Illic-Svityc’s law implies that barytone neuter o-stems were still distinct from masculine o-stems. Though the above-mentioned bifurcation of neuter o-stems seems to be Balto-Slavic, suppletive neuter plurals may have existed both in Baltic and Slavic. The existence of suppletive neuter plurals may also explain why we find so much vacillation between neuter and masculine o-stems belonging to (a) and (b). Illic-Svityc’s law must have preceded the rise of distinctive tone in mobile paradigms because the transfer to the mobile class was based on the identity of the barytone case forms. For the same reason, Illic-Svityc’s law must have preceded Dybo’s law. The above-mentioned developments may be illustrated with the following examples: PSl. *tyh (a) ‘back of the head, back’ (e.g. Ru. tyl, Cz. tyl) < *tuHlom, cf. Skt. tula-n. ‘tuft, reed, panicle’. Secondary *tylo in Slk. tylo. PSl. *dvân (b) ‘courtyard, door’ (e.g. Cak. dvor, Cz. dvur) < *dhuorom, cf. Skt. dvăra- n.‘door, gate, passage’. PSl. *zgbv (c) ‘tooth’ (e.g. Cak. zub, Sln. zgb) < *gombhos, cf. Skt. jămbha- m. ‘tooth’, Gk. Y0|if0q ‘pin, nail’, Lith. zambas ‘sharp edge’ 2/4. PSl. *jato (a) ‘flock, herd’ (e.g. SCr. jato) < *iăHto < *ieh2tod << *ieh2tom, cf. Skt. yătă- n. ‘course, motion’. Secondary *jatv in Ru. jat (dial.) ‘shoal of fish’. PSl. *perâ (b) ‘feather’ (e.g. Ru. pero, SCr. pero) < *pero < *pero < *perod << *perHom (*tperom?), cf. Gk. HTspov ‘feather, wing’. 12 INTRODUCTION PSl. *mţso (c) ‘meat, flesh’ (e.g. SCr. meso, Pl. migso) < *memso < *memsod << *memsom, cf. Skt. mămsă- n. ‘id.’. 2.2.34 The fate of the Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex As I explained in the section on Winter’s law, the Balto-Slavic opposition between acute and circumflex syllables is in Kortlandt’s framework equivalent with the respective presence or absence of a glottal stop. Before discussing the fate of the glottal stop in Slavic, I would like to present a concise account of the rise of the East Baltic tones (cf. Kortlandt 1977, Derksen 1995).12 The crucial point is that the broken tone is an archaism. In East Baltic, the glottal stop became a feature of the neighbouring vowel, yielding the laryngeal pitch that in Baltic linguistics is known as “broken tone”. Tonal oppositions arose when the stress was retracted from prevocalic *i and word-final *-a. In the Aukstaitian varieties of Lithuanian, retraction onto glottalized syllables yielded a rising tone and loss of the laryngeal feature, e.g. edis ‘food, fodder’, cf. esti ‘eat’ (of animals). In originally stressed syllables, the glottalic pitch changed into a falling tone, e.g. seti ‘sow’, whereas the non-glottalic pitch merged with the new rising tone, e.g. dukte ‘daughter’. Retraction of the stress onto non-glottalized syllables yielded a middle tone, which later merged with the falling tone, e.g. vilke ‘she-wolf’, cf. vilkas ‘wolf’. In unstressed syllables, glottalization was eventually lost. In Zemaitian, the broken tone was preserved under the old ictus, e.g. omzios (Kretinga) ‘age, century’ = ămzius. In Latvian, the retractions of the stress yielded a rising tone on both plain and glottalized vowels. The other stressed vowels became falling per oppositionem. Subsequently, glottalization was lost under the falling tone. The result was a stretched tone, which later merged with the rising tone, e.g. set ‘sow’ with the same tone as sniedze ‘snow-bunting’, cf. sniegs ‘snow’. The remaining glottalized stressed vowels, which had lost their distinctive tone when the glottalic feature was lost under the falling tone, lost their glottalization as well and became falling, e.g. dests ‘plant’, cf. destît ‘plant’, det ‘lay (eggs)’. In originally unstressed syllables, glottalization was preserved as a broken tone, e.g. gaîva ‘head’, Lpl. gaîvâs, cf. Lith. galva, Lpl. galvose. This scenario is in conflict with the widespread view according to which the broken tone results from retraction of the ictus. The system with a threefold tonal opposition only survives in certain Central Latvian dialect areas. Apart from the fact that it is not always easy to tell if the tone of a given syllable is metatonical, the way in which the Balto-Slavic acute and circumflex are reflected in East Baltic is fairly straightforward.13 It is often insufficiently realized that this is not 12 Since our knowledge of West Baltic is based on a limited number of Old Prussian documents, the accentual developments in this branch of Balto-Slavic cannot be determined in detail. The system reflected in the Enchiridion points to a rising acute and a falling circumflex. Furthermore, Old Prussian seems to have undergone a shift of the ictus from any short vowel to the next syllable (Kortlandt 1974). 13 In this account the term “circumflex” refers to non-acute long vowels and diphthongs. In my description of the Balto-Slavic situation I, strictly speaking, used the term as a designation of every non- INTRODUCTION 13 the case in Slavic. A common misapprehension, for instance, is the idea that the “Serbo-Croatian” short falling tone indicates that the syllable was originally acute. In reality, the situation is much more complex. If the form belongs to the neo-Stokavian variant of Serbo-Croatian, the short falling tone indicates that the syllable was already stressed before the neo-Stokavian retraction of the ictus and that it is short. The quantity may be related to the fact the syllable was originally acute, but it may also have been originally short or originate from a comparatively late shortening, for instance the shortening of long falling vowels in forms counting more than two syllables. The fact is that the history of Slavic quantity is immensely complicated. Both the vowels that on qualitative grounds are considered “historically long” and the ones considered “historically short” may be reflected as either long or short. In order to establish the origin of a morpheme in terms of acute and circumflex, one must evaluate the information offered by the individual Slavic languages regarding stress, tone and quantity within the context of the Proto-Slavic accent paradigms, which is by no means simple (cf. Vermeer 1992, Kortlandt 2005). In the classical view, sequences of vowel plus laryngeal merged with lengthened grade vowels. Subsequently, long vowels acquired an “acute” tone movement, probably a rising tone.14 Thus, the Balto-Slavic acute is about vowel length. As one might expect, Winter’s law, insofar as the law is accepted, is interpreted as vowel lengthening. The difficulties raised by the classical scenario are numerous (cf. Vermeer 125-126). In Kortlandt’s theory, sequences of vowel plus laryngeal (including the glottal stop that arose from Winter’s law) remain essentially distinct from lengthened grade vowels up to the end of the Proto-Slavic period. With the exception of certain positions where the distinction was lost (see below), the original contrast is reflected by a quantitative difference. I shall now give an overview of the fate of the laryngeals in Slavic (cf. Kortlandt 1975: 21-37, Vermeer 1992: 127-130): (1) The laryngeals were lost in pretonic and postpostonic syllables with compensatory lengthening of the adjacent vowel. In mobile paradigms the loss of the laryngeals gave rise to an alternation between long vowels and sequences of vowel plus laryngeal. In root syllables the long vowel was generalized. This is Kortlandt’s explanation of Meillet’s law, according to which mobilia with an acute root underwent metatony (Meillet 1902). (2) The laryngeals were lost in the first posttonic syllable without compensatory lengthening. In stressed syllables the glottal stop became a feature of the adjacent vowel. Since the new short vowels had the same timbre as the long vowels and the glottalized vowels and therefore did not merge with the old short vowels, the timbre distinction became phonemically relevant. In pretonic syllables, where the laryngeals had been eliminated at stage (1), quantitative oppositions were rephonemicized as acute syllable. It may be clear, however, that there is no distinction between acute and circumflex short vowels. 14 Note that in the traditional view the distinction between the rising acute and falling circumflex must have existed in unstressed syllables as well. 14 INTRODUCTION qualitative oppositions. In other words: pretonic long vowels were shortened. At a later stage, Dybo’s law reintroduced phonemic length in pretonic syllables. (3) Glottalized vowels lost their glottalic feature and became distinctively short rising. This development must have been posterior to Dybo’s law because the progressive shift only applied to non-acute non-falling syllables. Summarizing, we could say that originally acute syllables are reflected as short vowels in syllables which prior to Dybo’s law were stressed or immediately followed the stressed syllable. In originally pretonic or postposttonic position acute and non-acute long syllables merged. Non-acute long vowels and original diphthongs are long in AP (b), whereas in AP (c) they often fell victim to the widespread shortening of falling vowels. Length was preserved in monosyllabic and disyllabic word-forms in Serbo-Croatian and in Slovene monosyllables. 2.3 Substratum borrowings The Indo-Europeans who populated Europe must have come into contact with speakers of non-Indo-European languages, who to a certain extent were assimilated to the invading tribes. Consequently, we expect to find traces of non-Indo-European substrata in the attested Indo-European languages. In Leiden, the study of substratum influences received an impetus from Kuiper 1995, where mainly on formal grounds three substratum layers were distinguished (see also Beekes 1996: passim, Boutkan and Siebinga 2005: xiii-xvii). What these layers have in common, is the frequent occurrence of the vowel *a, which did not belong to the Proto-Indo-European phoneme inventory (see 2.1). One of the layers, labelled A3, is the language of Krahe’s hydronymy and is usually called “Old European”. It is, among other things, characterized by the vocalism *a and the high frequency of continuants and *s. Substratum A2, qualified as “European”, only had aspirated voiced stops in antevocalic position, or rather the antevocalic stops were identified with the traditional mediae aspiratae. Furthermore, there seems to have been variation between labial and velar stops. The vowel *a was frequent and there probably was no distinctive vowel length. Another characteristic feature are vowel alternations of the type *a :*ai and *a : *au. Substratum A1, which is mainly reflected in Germanic, but also left traces in Italo-Celtic and Balto-Slavic, is claimed to have had *a : *i : *u vocalism, prenasalization, initial consonant clusters *Kn- and *Kl-, as well as a remarkable alternation of root-final stops, including geminates. While A3 did not prove to be a fruitful subject of investigation, one might say that as far as Kuiper’s substratum layers A1 and A2 were concerned, the hunt was on, e.g. Beekes 1996, Schrijver 1997, Boutkan 1996, 1998, 2003, Derksen 1999, 2000. Kuiper’s criteria for identifying substratum borrowings were applied to various Indo-European languages and attempts were made to establish more phenomena indicative of non-Indo-European origin, of which Schrijvers prefix *a- (1997: 307- INTRODUCTION 15 312) is among the most spectacular.15 At the same time, Kuiper’s distinction between A2 and A3 was called into question by Beekes (1996: 217), who proposed to group these two together under the name “European”. I am inclined to agree with him that in this respect Kuiper’s classification seems premature. Beekes (ibidem) also suggested the designation “Helladic” for the non-IE substratum language that left so many traces in Greek, but he himself now seems to prefer “Pre-Greek”. Without question, Beekes deserves great credit for his attempt to reconstruct Pre-Greek through a careful analysis of the Greek material (1997, cf. Furnee 1972). A different approach is applied by Schrijver (2007), who tries to link the Pre-Greek substratum to “Minoic” (attested in Linear A) and Hattic. In his view, we are dealing here with the language of the first agriculturalists, who migrated from Asia Minor to Central Europe through Greece and the Balkans and whose language left traces in Anatolian, Greek, Albanian, Germanic, Balto-Slavic and Italo-Celtic. Undeniably, it makes perfect sense to look for formal characteristics of non-Indo-European elements in the vocabulary of the individual Indo-European languages. Within a couple of years after the publication of Kuipers article, however, the limitations and inherent dangers of this new line of research became apparent, in particular with regard to the Pre-Germanic substratum, where there was a tendency to pay insufficient attention to the role played by specifically Germanic developments, such as Kluge’s law (see Kroonen forthc.). Though it seems to me that the Indo-European origins of Balto-Slavic etyma which in view of their Germanic cognates seem to violate Winter’s law are suspiciously often unclear, it cannot be denied that the typically Germanic alternation of root-final consonants may at least partly result from Proto-Germanic sound laws. Nevertheless, the question why Germanic underwent these specific developments (the rise of geminates, for instance) is still legitimate. So far I have only discussed borrowings from a non-Indo-European substratum, but we must also reckon with the possibility that etyma were borrowed from an unknown Indo-European language. An interesting attempt to demonstrate a layer of borrowings of this type was made by Holzer (1989, cf. Kortlandt 2003). Holzer reconstructs an Indo-European language whose main feature is the fact that it underwent a consonant shift: the traditional tenues became mediae, while the mediae aspiratae became tenues (hence the name “Temematic”). This shift enables Holzer to propose alternative etymologies for words that often belong to classes where substratum borrowings are expected. Holzer’s etymologies will occasionally come up in this dictionary. 3. STRUCTURE OF THE ENTRIES 3.1 The reconstructed etymon The reconstructed etyma represent a late stage of Proto-Slavic, posterior to the loss of glottalization under the stress and Stang’s law. Quantity, tone and stressed are 15 Interestingly, this type of prefixation seems to occur both in Greek (and possibly Anatolian) as well as in “North European”. 16 INTRODUCTION marked accordingly (see 3.5) The most recent development that I have taken into account is the shortening of the falling tone in word-forms of more than two syllables, e.g. *sbrdbce. With respect to the metathesis of liquids (and the East Slavic polnoglasie), which shows dialectal differentiation, I had no option but to let the forms reflect the stage where the syllable was still closed, even though the metathesis preceded the above-mentioned developments. The alphabetical order observed in this dictionary is: a b c c d e e ţ g x i j k l m n o q p r s s s t u v y b z z. Please note the following: • The results of the second and third palatalizations of velars (*k, *g, *x) are written *c, *dz and *s. This may seem inconsistent, but I considered that there was nothing to gain by using *C and *dz or *j. The introduction of *s, on the other hand, could not be avoided, cf. *vbsb ‘all’ vs. *vbsb ‘village’. • I have employed the signs */, *n and *r to render sequences of resonant + *j. In the alphabetical order these signs are equivalent to *lj, *nj and *rj, respectively. • I follow the ESSJa in writing anachronistic *tj, *dj rather than *tC, dj vel sim. • Word-initially, I do not distinguish between *e- and *je-. I simply write *e-because the *j- was automatic before front vowels from a certain stage onwards. I also write *e- for etymological *e- and *ja-, which merged after the rise of prothetic *j-. I do distinguish between *u- and *ju-. Initial *jb- < *i- is more complicated. I have argued that we basically had stressed *ji- vs. unstressed *jb-with generalization of the latter in mobile paradigms (Derksen 2003b). Nevertheless, I have decided in favour of a uniform spelling *jb-, which is more conventional. 3.2 Grammatical information Following the reconstruction, there is an indication of the word class the etymon belongs to. In the case of substantives, the stem class is preceded by an indication of gender, e.g. “m. n” for “masculine n-stem”. The flexion types to which OCS mlbn’i(i) ‘lightning’ and svekry ‘church’ belong are designated with î and u, respectively. If there is more than one lemma, the grammatical information runs parallel to the lemmata. For the sake of readability, the attested Slavic forms are generally speaking only provided with grammatical information if they belong to a different word class than the etymon.16 This practice extends to non-Slavic forms insofar as it does not cause confusion. 3.3 Accent paradigm In those cases where I deemed it justified to reconstruct the accent paradigm of a noun or verb, the paradigm is indicated by Stang’s (a), (b) or (c). I am not convinced 16 In the case of original u-stems it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the fact that in the attested languages the u-stem and (masculine) o-stem paradigms have merged into a single paradigm, which here will be referred to as the o-stem paradigm. INTRODUCTION 17 that there ever was a Proto-Slavic paradigm (d) (Bulatov, Dybo, and Nikolaev 1988, cf. Vermeer 2001). I have occasionally resorted to designations such as (b/c) in those cases where there is strong evidence for two accent paradigms. Tone and quantity are indicated in the same way as is conventional for literary Serbo-Croatian: short rising: *mati (a) ‘mother, *mQka (a) ‘torment, torture’, *nozb (b) ‘knife’ long rising: *beh (b) ‘white’ pQtb (b) ‘way’ short falling: *sbrdbce (c) ‘heart’ long falling: *mţso (c) ‘flesh, meat’, *bogb (c) ‘god’ long unstressed: *mgka ‘flour’ (b), *osnovă ‘base, foundation’ (a) Thus, I have not adopted any of the special signs that are sometimes used to indicate the original acute, e.g. *mati or *ma!ti. 3.4 Meaning Unlike the ESSJa, I have attempted to provide a reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic meaning of an etymon. In principle, attested forms meaning the same as the reconstructed etymon have not been glossed, though occasionally the meaning has been retained for the sake of clarity. This holds good for both the Slavic and the non-Slavic forms. 3.5 ESSJa The line beginning with the reconstructed etymon is concluded by a reference to the ESSJa unless, of course, the latter dictionary does not have a corresponding lemma. The most recent volume at my disposal was volume 32 (-*orzbotati). I have not included a reference to the Stownik prastowianski because at this point the number of published volumes is too limited. 3.6 Church Slavic The field “Church Slavic” contains forms that occur in texts belonging to the Old Church Slavic canon as well as forms that occur in Church Slavic texts whose language was influenced by the local vernacular. The latter varieties of Church Slavic are called recensions. With the aid of the Slovnik jazyka staroslovenskeho, which, by the way, includes a number of texts that fall outside the canon, and the Staroslavjanskij slovar’, I have tried to keep Old Church Slavic and Church Slavic forms apart. Here I should also mention Birnbaum and Schaeken 1997, where attention is paid to the lexicon of the manuscripts that were discovered at the Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai in 1975. It is not unusual to present Old Church Slavic forms in a normalized shape and this is the practice I have adopted here. If an etymon is only rarely attested, however, I usually present the form as it occurs in the manuscript(s). If an etymon occurs in a 18 INTRODUCTION fairly limited number of manuscripts, the latter have been mentioned. I have used the following abbreviations: Ass.: Codex Assemanianus Boj.: Bojana Evangeliary Cloz.: Glagolita Clozianus En.: Enina Apostol Euch.: Euchologium Sinaiticum Hil.: Hilandar Folios Hilf.: Macedonian Folio18 Mar.: Codex Marianus 3.7 East Slavic The East Slavic field comprises three living languages: Russian, Ukrainian, and Belorussian. Furthermore, an important place is occupied by Old Russian, which can sometimes hardly be distinguished from Russian Church Slavic. Here I generally follow the ESSJa. For Old Russian accentual data I have relied on Zaliznjak 1985. The accentuation of a noun or verb in Old Russian is chiefly mentioned in those cases where it deviates from the modern Russian standard language. My main sources for Russian dialect material are the classic dictionary by Dal’ and the Slovar’ russkix narodnyx govorov (SRNG). To indicate the region where a form is attested I have used a number of abbreviations: Psk. (Pskov), Olon. (Olonec), Arx. (Arxangel’sk), Novg. (Novgorod), Smol. (Smolensk), Rjaz. (Rjazan’). 3.8 West Slavic Czech forms may belong to the literary language, for which the SSJC is an important source, or originate from dialects. Dialect material generally stems from the ESSJa or from Machek’s etymological dictionary. A special category is formed by the i8th century dictionaries of Jungmann and Kott, which include archaic and dialectal forms, but also borrowings from other Slavic languages and neologisms. An analysis of the material from these dictionaries is beyond my competence, so I have confined myself to indicating Jungmann (Jg.) or Kott as the source. Slovak forms, insofar as they are not dialectal, are generally quoted according to the Slovnik slovenskeho jazyka (SSJ). Since the juxtaposition of Czech and Slovak forms is interesting from an accentological point of view (cf. Verweij 1993), the collection of Slovak material is relatively comprehensive. Upper Sorbian is one of the languages that are not heavily represented in this dictionary. Nevertheless, the language has retained a number of features which may provide additional information about Proto-Slavic prosody (cf. Dybo 1963, 1968b, Derksen forthc. c). In this respect Lower Sorbian has less to offer. Schuster-Sewc’s Ps. Dim.: Psalter of Dimitri Ps. Sin.: Psalterium Sinaiticum17 Ril.: Rila Folios Sav.: Sava’s Book SPbOkt.: St. Petersburg Oktoich Supr.: Codex Suprasliensis Zogr.: Codex Zographensis Zogr.2: Codex Zographensis palimpsest 17 Ps. Sin. MS 2/N refers to the part of the Psalterium Sinaiticum that was discovered in 1975 at the Monastery of St. Catherine. The other part (MS 38/O) was discovered in 1850 at the same location. 18 Discovered by Hilferding. INTRODUCTION 19 Sorbian etymological dictionary (HEW) deals with both languages and may also function as a source of older attestations and dialect forms. A considerable portion of the Polish material in the ESSJa, which subsequently found its way to the present dictionary, is quoted from the voluminous dictionaries by Karlowicz et al. (1900-1927) and Doroszewski (1958-1969). For Old Polish the main source is, of course, the yet unfinished Stownik staropolski. The etymological dictionaries by Slawski (unfinished) and Bankowski (in progress) provide a lot of information about the earliest attestations of an etymon. In this context the Stownik jţzyka polskiego XVII i 1. potowy XVIII wieku (Karplukowna and Ambrozewicz 1999-) is also worth mentioning. Within West Slavic, Slovincian - now extinct - and the North Kashubian dialects are unique in having preserved accentual mobility, albeit with certain restrictions. Furthermore, old quantitative distinctions have been transformed into qualitative distinctions, like in Polish. In Slovincian and Kashubian, however, this phenomenon (called pochylenie in Polish) applies to a greater number of vowels. Our most important source for Pomeranian, as Slovincian and Kashubian are sometimes called, are the works of Friedrich Lorentz (e.g. 1903, 1908-1912, 1958-1983). The westernmost attested Lechitic language, Polabian, only plays a marginal role in this dictionary. Forms will be quoted according to Polanski and Sehnert 1967. 3.9 South Slavic The name “Serbo-Croatian” will occasionally be used as a generic designation for all varieties of the language spoken in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Montenegro. The abbreviation “SCr.”, however, refers in principle to neo-Stokavian, i.e. to those Stokavian dialects that underwent the neo-Stokavian retraction of the stress. A prominent example is the language that was codified by Vuk Karadzic and Duro Danicic in the 19* century and subsequently became the basis of normative grammars and dictionaries, for instance the Rjecnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika (RJA). The Serbo-Croatian (neo-Stokavian) forms presented in this dictionary usually conform to aforementioned normative tradition. In some cases I have quoted directly from Vuk Karadzic’s dictionary (abbreviated as “Vuk”).19 The Cakavian dialects of Serbo-Croatian are mainly represented by Jurisic’s description of the Vrgada (Vrg.) dialect (1966-1973), Kalsbeek’s description of the dialect of Orbanici (Orb.) near Zminj (1998) and Belic’s description of the dialect of Novi (1909), which is the best-known description of a Cakavian dialect. In addition, I have occasionally added data from Hvar (Hraste 1937), Cres (Tentor 1909, 1950), and Orlec20 (Houtzagers 1985). The Kajkavian dialects are respresented by Jedvaj’s description of the Bednja dialect. The Slovene material originates almost exclusively from Pletersnik’s dictionary (1894-1895), which is a compilation of data from a great variety of sources presented 19 For practical reasons, I have used the third edition of Vuk’s dictionary (Belgrade 1898) instead of the second, which appeared in Vienna in 1852. The latter would have been preferable, as the later editions are marred by misprints. 20 A village on the island of Cres. 20 INTRODUCTION in a historical spelling, i.e. in a spelling that reflects dialectal differences that are absent from many dialects, including the ones underlying the modern standard language. The reader will therefore be confronted with the spectacular dialectal differentiation that is characteristic of Slovene (cf. Greenberg 2000). Bulgarian and especially Macedonian provide little information on the prosody of Proto-Slavic.21 Nevertheless, it is clear that this corner of the Slavic territory must not be neglected. The material presented here is chiefly modern Standard Bulgarian. 3.10 Balto-Slavic Since I adhere to the view that there was a Balto-Slavic proto-language, I found it atttractive to include a field “Proto-Balto-Slavic” in order to obtain a modernized version of Trautmann 1923a (cf. Derksen forthc. d). As I explained above, I follow Kortlandt in not reconstructing any Balto-Slavic tones. The stage represented by my reconstructions is posterior to Winter’s law. The reflex of the laryngeals and the glottal element of the (pre)glottalized stops is indicated by ?, the IPA symbol for a glottal stop. The phonological system is as follows (cf. Kortlandt 1994): p t s k ? b d m n u o u o l s r w a With respect to morphology, it is important to note that the barytone neuters have a Nsg. in *-um < *-om, while the originally oxytone neuters have *-o < *-od << *-om. Notwithstanding my comparison with Trautmann’s Baltisch-slavisches Worter-buch, it is my opinion that these reconstructions in themselves do not have independent evidential value for the Balto-Slavic hypothesis, as striking formal similarities between Proto-Baltic22 and Proto-Slavic etyma usually relate to those common developments on the basis of which the Balto-Slavic linguistic unity was postulated. We must reckon with the possibility that seemingly Balto-Slavic etyma are actually old borrowings from Slavic into Baltic or vice versa. In particular, Baltic substratum words in Slavic are a factor that is to be taken into account (cf. Nepokupnyj 1976). The assumption that there was a Proto-Baltic-Slavic stage raises the question how to act if an inherited Proto-Slavic etymon does not have a Proto-Baltic counterpart? 21 This does not hold good for Middle Bulgarian, which is the language of a number of accented texts. Since Middle Bulgarian is on a par with Russian Church Slavic, etc., it belongs to my category Church Slavic. 22 Actually, I am not convinced that it is justified to reconstruct a Proto-Baltic stage. The term Proto-Baltic is used for convenience’s sake. INTRODUCTION 21 Does it make sense to reconstruct a Balto-Slavic form anyway, thereby assuming that the etymon was lost in the other branch? In my opinion, it does not. The main point of the field Balto-Slavic is to get an impression of the number of lexical items shared by Baltic and Slavic. A Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction of an etymon that is exclusively found in Baltic or Slavic would just be one of many intermediate stages. Another, quite common problem is the determination of the orginal stem class of a noun in those cases where Baltic and Slavic diverge. Unless there are clear indications which stem class is more archaic, I considerered it best to allow the variation to be reflected in the Balto-Slavic reconstructions. 3.11 Baltic It stands to reason that Baltic is fairly well represented in this dictionary. On the other hand, it would hardly make sense if the Baltic material were so extensive as it will be in my Baltic etymological dictionary. For this reason I cut down on the Lithuanian and Latvian data by leaving out some of the morphological and accentual variants. Where the modern Standard Lithuanian form serves our purpose, I have quoted from the fourth edition of the DLKZ. The most important source for Lithuanian, however, is the LKZ, which has incorporated data from older periods and dialect data. The most important Old Lithuanian text is Dauksa’s Postilla (DP). Latvian data will be quoted from the dictionary by Muhlenbach and Endzelîns (ME) and the supplement by Endzelîns and Hausenberg (EH). The orthography used in these works deviates from modern Standard Latvian orthography but is still customary in the scholarly literature. Forms followed by 2 originate from a dialect with two tones (instead of three), where the tone of that particular form is ambiguous from a historical point of view (cf. Derksen 1996: 11-14). We are dealing either with a conflation of the broken and the falling tone (West Latvian) or a conflation of the sustained and the falling tone (East Latvian). These tones are indicated by A2 and '2, respectively, but it should be noted that there exists considerable variation regarding the realization of the conflated tones. The Old Prussian evidence stems from the Enchiridion (or Third Catechism) unless indicated otherwise: I write “I” for the First Catechism, “II” for the Second Catechism, “EV” for the Elbing Vocabulary, and “Gr.” for Simon Grunau’s vocabulary. The forms are quoted from Trautmann 1910 and Maziulis PKEZ. 3.12 Proto-Indo-European The field “PIE” basically contains forms that may have belonged to the Proto-Indo-European vocabulary. I do not wish to condemn the practice of reconstructing quasi-Indo-European forms, as the latter may contain useful information, even in the case of etyma that may have been borrowed from a non-Indo-European language, but I personally prefer to let this information be part of the discussion of the etymology. 22 INTRODUCTION 3.13 Cognates It is not my intention to present an exhaustive list of cognates from other branches of Indo-European. One may expect to find quite comprehensive lists of cognates in the dictionary that is the ultimate goal of the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary project. I have tried to mention forms that are in all respects close to the Proto-Slavic etymon, but occasionally I had to settle for forms that merely contain the same root. 3.14 Discussion of the etymology As a rule, the etymology of a given root is discussed under a single lemma. If the eymology is perfectly clear, there may be no discussion at all. Instead, only a Proto-Indo-European reconstruction is given. 3.15 Notes Any lemma may contain a number of notes pertaining to a variety of subjects. The notes do not directly concern the etymology of the lemma, which is discussed elsewhere (see 3.13). 3.16 Cross-references The last field mentions all cognate lemmata except the ones that are referred to in the discussion of the etymology. If the discussion of the eymology contains a reference to a cognate lemma, the field is omitted. Dictionary *A *a conj. ‘and, but’ ESSJa I 33-35 CS OCS a E Ru. a W Cz. a; Pl. a S SCr. a; Sln. a BSl. *0 B Lith. 0 ‘and, but’ PIE *{h1)6d Cogn. Skt. at (RV+) adv. ‘afterwards, then, so’; Av. ăat adv. ‘afterwards, then’ *ablo; *âbl^ n. o; m. o (a) ‘apple’ ESSJa I 41, 44-47 W Cz. jablo n.; OPl. jabto n.; Slnc. jable n. S Sln. jablo n. ‘apple, apple-tree’; jăbsl m. ‘apple-tree’; Bulg. jablo n.; jăbol m. BSl. *a?b-dl-s; *a?b-l-o B Lith. obuolys m.(io) 3a; obuolas (dial.) m.(o); obulas (Zem.) m.(o) 1; Latv. âbuols m.(o) ‘apple, clover’; âbuls (dial.) m.(o) ‘apple, clover’; âbuolis (dial.) m.(io) ‘apple, clover’ {1} OPr. woble (EV); wabelcke (Gr.) PIE *h2eb-dl-; *h2eb-l- Cogn. OIc. epli n.; OHG apful n.; afful n.; OIr. ubull n.; W afal m. {1} Apparently the Latvian words for ‘apple’ and ‘clover’ (dâbuols, dâbuls, cf. Lith. dobilas) were mixed up. The same may have happened in Old Prussian, where we have wobilis ‘clover’. See also: *âbolnh ; *âblonh; *âbl^ko; *âbl^ka; *âbl^k^ *abolnb; *ablonb f. i (a) ‘apple-tree’ ESSJa I 42-43, 47-48 CS MBulg. ablanb E Ru. jăblon {2}; ORu. ablanb; jablonb W Cz. jablon; Pl. jabton; USrb. jabton; LSrb. jabton; LSrb. jabotn (dial.) {1} S Sln. jăblan f.(i); jăblana f.(a) BSl. *a?b-ol-ni-; *a?b-el-i- {3} B Lith. obelis f.(i) 3a; obele f.(e) 3a; Latv. âbele f.(e); âbels f.(i) OPr. wobalne PIE *h2eb-ol-n-i-; *h2eb-el-i- Cogn. OIr. aball f.; W afall f. {1} According to Schuster-Sewc (HEW s.v. jablon), the Lower Sorbian dialect form jaboln is limited to the Spremberg area. {2} The current modern Russian form is jăblonja. {3} We find 26 *abl^ko; *abl^ka; *abl^ki several forms which indicate that we are dealing with an old consonant stem, e.g. Gsg. obels or obeles, Gpl. obelş. See also: *ablo; *âbl^; *âbl^ko; *âbl^k^ *âbl^ko; *âbl^ka; *âbl^k^ n. o; f. a; m. o (a) ‘apple’ ESSJa I 41, 44-47 CS OCS abfako n. E Ru. jăbloko n.; jăblok (dial.) m.; ORu. jabhkv m.; jablokv m. W Cz. jablko n.; Slk. jablko n.; Pl. jablko n. S SCr. jâbuka f. ‘apple, apple-tree’; ; jâbuko (arch., reg.) n.; Cak. jâbuka (Vrg., Novi, Orb.) f. ‘apple, apple-tree’; Sln. jăbolka f. ‘apple, apple-tree’; jăbolko n,; Bulg. jăbălka f. ‘apple, apple-tree’ Diminutives in*-kz> (*-ka, *-ko). See ^ *ablo, *âbh. *adati v. ‘investigate, explore’ ESSJa I 52 W O Cz. jada ti ‘investigate, explore’ BSl. *o?d- B Lith. uosti ‘smell’; Latv. uost ‘smell’ PIE *h3ed- Cogn. Gk. o(w ‘smell’ An example of Winter’s law. *agnş n. nt (a) ‘lamb’ ESSJa I 54-55 CS OCS agng (Zogr., Supr.) E ORu. jagnja W Cz. jehne; Slk. jahna; Pl. jagniţ S SCr. jâgne; Cak. jâne (Vrg.), Npl. jânci; Sln. jăgnje; ăgnje; Bulg. ăgne; jăgne PIE *h2egw-n- Cogn. Gk. qavoq f./m.; Lat. agnus m. {1} PSl. *agn- < *h2egw-n- (N.B. Winter’s law) with the diminutive suffix *-ţ < *-ent-, which is common in designations of young animals. Slavic forms without a secondary suffix do not exist. {1} The word *agnţd^ ‘black poplar’, which Trubacev derives from the word for ‘lamb, may be related to Gk. â^voţ ‘chaste-tree’. I tentatively posit a root *h2eg-. See also: *âgnhch *agnbcb m. jo (a) ‘lamb’ ESSJa I 57 CS OCS agnbcb; jagnbcb E Ru. ăgnec’ (eccl.) W Cz. jehnec (Kott) S SCr. jâgnjac; Cak. jane (Vrg.) n. ‘lamb’ Npl. jânci; janjac (Orb.), Npl. jâjnci; Sln. jâgnac; jâgnjac; âgnac *ajhce 27 PIE *h2egw-n- PSl. *agn- < *h2egw-n- (N.B. Winter’s law) with the diminutive suffix *-bcb < *-iko-(cf. ^ *ăgnţ). *agoda f. a (a) ‘berry’ ESSJa I 57-59 CS OCS agoda (Sav.) ‘fruit’ E Ru. jăgoda ‘berry’ W Cz. jahoda ‘strawberry’; Slk. jahoda ‘strawberry’; Pl. jagoda ‘berry’ S SCr. jagoda ‘wild strawberry, berry’ {1}; Cak. jagoda (Vrg.) ‘blackberry’; Sln. jăgoda ‘berry’; Bulg. jăgoda ‘strawberry’ BSl. *o?ga? B Lith. uoga 1 ‘berry’; Latv. uoga ‘berry’ PIE *h2og-eh2? Cogn. Go. akran n. ‘fruit (of trees, corn)’ Adams (1999: 109-110) connects Toch. B oko n. ‘fruit, effect’ with this etymon and claims that we are dealing with “a remarkable Balto-Slavo-Tocharian corre-spondence” (Germanic being more remote). The vocalism of the Tocharian form, which Adams reconstructs as *h20g-eh2, is not without problems, however. OIr. ăirne m. ‘sloe, fruit of the blackthorn, W eirin ‘plums’ may contain *h2eg-, but there are more possibilities. Here, as well as in the case of akran, a connection with *h2eg-ro-‘field’ may be taken into consideration. {1} SerbCS vinjaga (XVIIth c.), SCr. vinjaga ‘wild grapes’ is a derivation of vino rather than a compound containing *jaga. *aje n. jo (c) ‘egg’ ESSJa I 61-62 W Pl. jajo; jaje (obs.); Slnc. jâja; USrb. jejo; LSrb. jajo; Plb. joji S SCr. jăje, Npl. jăja; Cak. jâje (Vrg.), Npl. jâja; jâje (Novi), Npl. jăja; jâje (Orb.), Npl. jâja PIE *h2oui-om Cogn. Gk. wov n.; Lat. ovum n.; OIc. egg n.; OHG ei n.; W wy m. A derivative of *h2eui- ‘bird’. See also: *ajhce *ajbce n. jo ‘egg’ ESSJa I 61-63 CS OCS aice E Ru. jajco; jăjko (dial.) W Cz. vejce; vajko (dial.); Slk. vajce; Pl. jajko; jajce (obs., dial.); USrb. jejko ‘testicle’; LSrb. jajko ‘Easter-egg, berry’ S SCr. jăjce; Sln. jăjce; Bulg. jajce Originally a diminutive of ^ *âje. Forms with a suffix *-ko are secondary. 28 *ako *ako adv., conj. ‘as, if’ ESSJa I 64-65 CS OCS jako ‘how, as’; ako ‘how, as’ (the form with j- is predominant) W Cz. jako ‘as, when, if’; jak ‘as’; Slk. ako ‘as’; jak ‘if’; Pl. jako ‘how, as’; jak ‘as’ S SCr. ako ‘if’; Sln. ako ‘if, insofar as, although’; Bulg. ako ‘if’ The *a- may probably be identified with the conjunction ^ *a. See also: *ak^ *akb prn. ‘such as’ ESSJa VIII 171 CS OCS jakv (Mar., Zogr., Supr.) ‘such as’ W Cz. jaky ‘what (kind of), which’; Slk. jaky ‘what (kind of), which’; Pl. jaki ‘what (kind of), which’; USrb. jakny ‘outstanding, strong’ S SCr. jâk ‘strong, healthy’, f. jăka, n. jăko; Cak. jâk ‘strong, healthy’, f. jăka, n. jâko; Sln. jâk ‘strong, prominent, superb, brave’; Bulg. jakyj ‘strong, healthy’ I endorse the hypothesis that the meaning ‘strong’, attested in South Slavic and Upper Sorbian, is secondary, cf. Rom. tare ‘strong’ from *talis ‘such’ (Meyer-Lubke 1935: 705). See also: *ako *ama f. a (a) ‘pit, hole’ ESSJa I 70-71 CS OCS jama ‘pit, hole’ E Ru. jăma ‘pit, hole’; njăma (dial.) ‘pit, hole’; ORu. jama ‘pit, hole, ditch, grave’; Ukr. jăma ‘pit, hole, grave’ W Cz. jăma ‘pit, hole’; Slk. jama ‘pit, hole’; Pl. jama ‘pit, hole, cave’; Slnc. jqmă ‘pit, hole, cave’ S SCr. jama ‘pit, hole’; Cak. jama (Vrg., Novi) ‘pit, hole’; jama (Orb.) ‘pit, hole, two vines planted together in a hole’; Sln. jăma ‘pit, hole, cave’; Bulg. jăma ‘pit, hole’ Etymology unclear. *arimi; *arbmo m. o; n. o (b) ‘(ox-)yoke’ ESSJa I 76-78 CS OCS jarbmv (Supr.) m. E Ru. jarmo n.; jarem (obs.) m.; jarem (dial.) m. ‘busy period, haymaking time’; Ukr. jarem (dial.) m. W Cz. jarmo n.; Slk. jarmo n.; Pl. jarzmo n. S SCr. jăram m., Gsg. jărma; Cak. jărâm (Vrg.) m., Gsg. jărma; jărăm (Novi) m., Gsg. jărma; jărâm (Orb.) m., Gsg. jărma; Sln. jăram m., Gsg. jărma; Bulg. jarem m. According to the traditional etymology, this is a derivative of the root *h2er- pin, cf. Gk. dpapiCTKW ‘join, fit together’. The long initial vowel must be a Slavic innovation (cf. Pedersen 1937: 312-318). In view of the fact that *arb- is found everywhere in all parts of the Slavic linguistic territory I do not consider it plausible that the long *as(^)trşbi; *as(^)trebi 29 vocalism is of the rare type found in OCS ahdii ‘ship, boat’, ahkati ‘be hungry, etc., the more so because the *b (instead of *v) would be an anomaly. See also: *kojariti; *orbmo *asenb; *âsem m. jo; m. o (a) ‘ash-tree’ ESSJa I 79-80 E Ru. jăsen’ W Cz. jasan; jasan (dial.); jesen (obs.); jesen (dial.); Slk. jasen; Pl. jesion; jasien (arch., S. dial.); jesien (arch.); jasion (arch., S. dial.) {1}; OPl. jasien; Slnc. jâsoun; USrb. jasen S SCr. jasen, Gsg. jasena; Cak. jasen (Vrg.), Gsg. jasena; jesen (Novi); jesen (Orb.), Gsg. jesena; Sln. jăsen, Gsg. jasena; jesen, Gsg. jesena; Bulg. jăsen; osen (N.) BSl. *o?s-en-; *o?s-i-o- B Lith. uosis m.(io) 1; Latv. uosis m.(io) OPr. woasis (EV) PIE *Hehî-s- Cogn. Lat. ornus f. ‘mountain-ash’; OIr. uinnius m. ‘ash-tree’; OIc. askr m. ‘ash- tree’; OHG asc m. ‘ash-tree’; Arm. hac’i ‘ash-tree’; Alb. ah m. ‘beech’ In view of the Baltic forms as well as Ru. ja- (je- > ja- is common in West Slavic and western South Slavic but not in East Slavic), we must reconstruct *o?s- < *Heh3-s- for Balto-Slavic. Unless the West and South Slavic forms with je-/o- continue ja- (cf. Slawski SP I: 159), Slavic also offers evidence for the elsewhere in Indo-European widely attested stem shape *Hh3-es-. The e-vocalism could be considered an example of Rozwadowski’s change (see Andersen 1996: 142-143). {1} The Standard Polish form jesion originates from the Mazowian dialect area (Bankowski 2000a: 588). *as('b)trşb'b; *as(’b)treb'b m. o (a) ‘hawk’ ESSJa I 83-85 E Ru. jăstreb; ORu. jastrjabv; jastrebv; Ukr. jăstrib; astrjăb (dial.); jăstrjab W Cz. jestrăb; OCz. jestrăb; jestrăb; Slk. jastrab; Pl. jastrzqb m.(jo), Gsg. jastrzţbia {1}; Slnc. jastfib; USrb. jatrob m.(jo); LSrb. jastseb m.(jo) S SCr. jastrijeb; Cak. jastreb (Vrg.); jâstrop (Orlec); Sln. jâstreb; Bulg. jăstreb Cogn. Gk. WKUHTspoq (Il.) ‘swift-flying’; Lat. accipiter m. ‘hawk, falcon’ As far as I can see, there are no serious objections to the daring etymology ^hiohiku-ptr- ‘fast-flier’ (Vey 1953, cf. Kortlandt 1982: 26). According to Vey, the Slovene falling tone points to the former presence of a weak jer in the medial syllable, but it seems to me that the neo-circumflex may also reflect original posttonic length. The compound has nice parallels in Homeric ipr|^ WKUHTspoq N 62 ‘a swift-winged hawk (or falcon)’ and Lat. accipiter ‘hawk, falcon’. {1} The original Gsg. jastrzţba was replaced by jastrzţbia on the analogy of golqb, Gsg. golţbia ‘pigeon’ (Bankowski 2000a: 577). 30 ‘asceri; ‘ascerica *ascerb; *ascerica m. o; f. ja ‘lizard’ ESSJa I 87-89 CS OCS astera (Supr.) Gsg. m. ‘lizard’ E Ru. jăscer m. ‘inflammation of the tongue (cattle, horses)’; jăscerica f. ‘lizard’ W Cz. jester m. ‘saurian, dragon’; jesterka f. ‘lizard’; jesterice f. (rare) ‘lizard’; Pl. jaszczur m. ‘salamander, saurian’; jaszczurka f. ‘lizard’; jaszczor (dial.) m. ‘lizard’; Slnc. vjescierăcă f. ‘lizard’ S SCr. jaster (obs.) m. ‘lizard’; jasterica f. ‘vesicle on the tongue’; Cak. jascerica (Vrg.) f. ‘vesicle on the tongue’; Sln. jâscerica f. ‘green lizard’; jâscarica f. ‘green lizard’ B Lith. skerys m. 4 ‘locust’; Latv. sfcirgaîlis m. ‘lizard’; sforgaila f. ‘lizard’ OPr. estureito (EV) ‘lizard’ Cogn. Gk. doKapiq f. ‘worm in the intestines, larva of a mosquito’; OKaptâsq' e!8oq e\|a[v9tov (Hesych.) Though the details would remain unclear, there is definitely a possibility that this is a substratum word showing prefixation of a non-Indo-European type (cf. Schrijver 1997: 307-312). Among the alternative solutions, the analysis *hiohiku-sker-, a compound of the word for ‘quick’ and the verbal root that is found in Gk. OKaipw ‘frisk’ as well as probably Lith. skerys ‘harvestman, daddy-long-legs’ and Latv. sfcirgaîlis2, seems the most attractive (Vey 1953, see also ^ *astrb). *ave adv. ‘manifestly’ ESSJa I 93-94 CS OCS jave ‘manifestly, openly, clearly’; ave ‘manifestly, openly, clearly’ S SCr. javi ‘manifestly, openly’; Bulg. ăve ‘in reality’; jăve ‘in reality’; Mcd. jave ‘in reality’ BSl. *ăw-? B Lith. ovyje (DP) ‘in reality’ PIE *h2eu-ei- Cogn. Skt. ăvis ‘apparently, noticeably’; Av. auuis ‘apparently, evidently’ OLith. ovyje ‘in reality’ is sometimes regarded as a borrowing from Slavic but there are no compelling arguments for this view. The absence of initial j- rather points in the direction of an etymological relationship (thus Buga RR I: 370), cf. OLith. jovnai ‘openly, which is a borrowing from Belorussian. In that case we would have to start from a PBSl. i-stem *ăv-i- (cf. Anikin 1998: 21, see also s.v. *aviti). On the other hand, it seems possible that the form ovyje, whose oldest attestations are two occurrences in Dauksa, is based on Church Slavic ave. The Slavic adverb, in turn, may have been borrowed from Iranian (Lubotsky p.c.). See also: *aviti; *avbn^; ‘umi *aviti v. ‘show’ CS OCS javiti ‘show, reveal’; aviti ‘show, reveal’ E Ru. javit’ ‘show, display’, 1sg. javlju, 3sg. jăvit {1} ESSJa I 94-95 ‘azbno 31 W Cz. jeviti ‘show’; Pl. jawic (obs.) ‘show’ S SCr. jăviti ‘inform, 1sg. jâvîm; Cak. jăv'iti (Vrg.) ‘inform?’ 2sg. jăvis; jăv'it (Vrg.) ‘(se) greet, answer, 3sg. jave; Sln. jăviti ‘announce’, 1sg. jăvim BSl. *ăw-? B Lith. ovytis ‘appear’, 3sg. ovijasi Lith. ovytis (arch.) ‘appear’ derives from the i-stem which must underlie ovyje ‘in reality’. Fraenkel (I: 519) claims that ovytis ‘appear; rage’ and Latv. âvîties ‘talk nonsense, get up to mischief’ are inherited words cognate with Lith. ovaidas (< *avi-vaidas) ‘rowdy, braggart, while Lith. jevaidas (< *jeva-vaidas) ‘ghost’ and Latv. javîties or jâvîties ‘behave like an idiot’ are borrowings from Slavic (see also Anikin 1998: 22). I am not convinced that this solution, which seems to rely exclusively on the presence or absence of j-, is correct. Moreover, it is not obvious that ovytis ‘appear’ and ovytis (also jovytis) ‘rage’ are cognates. It seems quite possible that Lith. ovaidas must be connected with Ukr. jăvida (dial.) ‘devil’, Ru. jăvid’ (dial.) ‘snake’. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). See also: ‘ave; ‘avbni; *umi *avBm adj. o ‘manifest, obvious’ ESSJa I 99-100 E ORu. javbnyj ‘manifest, obvious’ W Cz. jevny (Kott) ‘manifest, public’; zjevny ‘manifest, obvious’; Pl. jawny ‘manifest, public, open’ S SCr. jâvan ‘manifest, obvious’; Sln. jăvan ‘manifest, obvious’; Bulg. jăven ‘obvious’ Probably derived from the adverb ^ ‘ave. *az^ prn. ‘I’ ESSJa I 100-103 CS OCS azv E Ru. ja; ORu. (j)azv W Cz. jă; OCz. jăz; Pl. ja; OPl. jaz (Flor., possibly a Bohemianism); ja S SCr. jâ; jaz (dial.); Cak. jă (Vrg.); ja (Novi); ja (Orb.) ‘I, me’; Sln. jaz; Bulg. az; ja (dial.) BSl. *e?z-um; *es (?) B Lith. as; es (OLith.); Latv. es; es (dial.) OPr. as; es PIE *hieg-H-om Cogn. Skt. ahăm; Gk. eyw; Go. ik The distribution of *azv and *ă suggests that the latter form is a Proto-Slavic innovation (Kortlandt 2006b: 6). *azbno n. o ‘goat-skin’ ESSJa I 103-104 CS RuCS jazbno ‘skin, leather’; SerbCS (j)azno ‘skin, leather’ 32 ‘baba BSl. ‘aîz-ino- B Lith. ozena f. 3a ‘goat-skin’; ozinis adj. ‘goat-’ PIE *h2eg-ino- Cogn. Skt. ajina- n. ‘(animal) skin’ The Balto-Slavic acute root vowel originates from Winter’s law. *B *baba f. a (a) ‘old woman’ ESSJa I 105-108 CS OCS baba ‘nurse’ E Ru. băba ‘grandmother, married peasant woman’ W Cz. băba ‘grandmother, midwife, old woman’; baba (pej.) ‘old woman’; Slk. baba ‘grandmother, midwife, old woman’; Pl. baba ‘grandmother, midwife, old woman, mother-in-law’; Slnc. babă ‘old woman, grannie, female (of an animal)’ S SCr. baba ‘grandmother, midwife, nurse, mother-in-law’; Cak. baba (Vrg.) ‘grandmother, midwife’; baba (Novi) ‘midwife’; Sln. băba ‘grandmother, midwife’; Bulg. băba ‘grandmother, old woman, mother-in-law’ BSl. *bă?ba? B Lith. boba 1 ‘old woman’; Latv. baba ‘old woman’ Cogn. MHG băbe f.; bobe f. ‘old woman’ The Middle High German word is assumed to be a borrowing from Slavic (Slawski SP I: 171). *bâdâti v. ‘prick’ ESSJa I 121-122 E ORu. badati ‘butt, prick, investigate’; Ukr. badăty ‘investigate, test’ W Cz. bădati ‘investigate’; Slk. bădat’‘investigate’; Pl. badac ‘investigate, check’; Slnc. bâdăc ‘push’; LSrb. badas ‘investigate’ S SCr. bădati ‘prick, go slowly’, 1sg. bâdam B Lith. badyti ‘stab’, 3pres. bado Cogn. Lat. fodio ‘dig’ An iterative with long root vocalism (^ *bosti). See also: ‘bodati; ‘bodilb; ‘bosti *badli m. I ‘enchanter, healer, physician’ ESSJa I 150 CS OCS balii; bali (Cloz.) ‘physician’; CS bali (OSln.: FrD) ‘healer, Saviour’ E ORu. balii; balija ‘physician, enchanter’ PIE ‘bheh2-dhl- ‘bajati 33 There is no direct evidence for a suffix *dhl-bji-, but the form bali from the Freising Fragments could be regarded as counter-evidence, as dl is regularly retained in this dialect, cf. modliti. It is not impossible, however, that bali is of Church Slavic origin. Trubacev bases his reconstructions *badlbji and *badlovati chiefly on derivatives of the type of OCz. predli ‘spinster’, svadli ‘needlewoman’. According to the ESSJa (I 137-138), further evidence for a suffix *-dH- is provided by SCr. bajalo m. ‘sorcerer, Ru. băjala (dial.) m./f. ‘talker, chatterer, story-teller, which may be transformations of *badlbji. Meillet’s idea (Et. I: 417) that ‘bali is based on a derivative in -l- deserves consideration. See also: ‘badlovati; ‘bajati; ‘basnb; ‘basna *badlovati v. ESSJa I 148-149 CS OCS ubalovati ‘cure’ (cf. balovanije ‘treatment’, balbstvo ‘cure, medicine’); CS balovati ‘cure’ E Ru. balovăt’ ‘indulge in, amuse oneself with’ S Sln. balovăti ‘chatter, talk nonsense’ See ^ ‘badli. *bagno n. o (b?) ‘marsh’ ESSJa I 125-127 E Ru. bagno (dial.) ‘marshy place, wild rosemary’; ORu. bagvno ‘mud, marsh’; Ukr. bahno ‘marsh, mud, wild rosemary’ W Cz. bahno ‘marsh’; băhno (Jg.) ‘marsh’ (Jungmann mentions both bahno and băhno); OCz. bahno ‘marsh’; Slk. bahno ‘bog, large marsh’; Pl. bagno ‘bog, marsh, wild rosemary’; Slnc. bagne ‘wild rosemary’; USrb. bahno ‘marsh, silt’; LSrb. bagno ‘marsh, (dial.) wild rosemary’ This etymon is limited to West and East Slavic. It is tempting to seek a connection with MoDu. bagger ‘mud’ < *bhogh- and assume that we are dealing with a substratum word. Semantically more remote is OIc. bekkr m., OHG bah m., OS beki m. ‘brook’, which nevertheless may belong here (*bhogh-no-?). The problem with an oxytone proto-form (b), whether the root was *bhog- (> ‘bo?g-) or *bhogh-, is the West Slavic evidence for a short root vowel. Lith. bognas and bogna 4 are generally regarded as borrowings from Slavic. *bajati v. (a) ‘tell’ ESSJa I 138-139, 161-162 CS RuCS bajati ‘tell fables’ E Ru. bajati (dial.) ‘speak’; Ukr. băjati ‘tell, narrate, practise sorcery’ W Cz. bajeti ‘chat, tell fables’; OCz. băti ‘speak, invent’; Pl. bajac ‘narrate (fables, fairy-tales)’; USrb. bac ‘narrate (fables, fairy-tales)’ S SCr. bajati ‘practise sorcery, exorcize’; Sln. băjati ‘talk idly, prophesy, practise sorcery’, 1sg. băjam, 1sg. băjem; Bulg. băja ‘talk about, say magic chants’ PIE ‘bheh2- Cogn. Gk. şr||i[, Dor. şoqai ‘say’; Lat. făn ‘say’; OE boian ‘brag’ {1} 34 ‘basnb; ‘basna {1} Lith. boti ‘draw attention to’, which has an older variant dboti, is a borrowing from Slavic, cf. Pl. dbac ‘(take) care’ (Fraenkel I: 53). According to LIV (181), OE bo(ia)n might continue *ghueH- ‘call’, which seems dubious. See also: ‘badli; ‘badlovati; ‘basnb; ‘basna *basnb; *basna f. i; f. ja ‘tale’ ESSJa I 138-139, 161-162 CS CS basnb ‘tale’ E Ru. băsnja ‘fable’ W Cz. băsen ‘tale’, Gsg. băsne; OCz. băs(e)n, băsn ‘tale’; Pl. basn ‘tale’ S SCr. basan ‘tale’, Gsg. basni; Sln. bâsan ‘fantasy, fable’, Gsg. bâsni; Bulg. băsnja ‘fantasy, fable’ Deverbative noun in ‘-snb. See ^ ‘bajati. *baviti v. (a) ‘be, linger’ ESSJa I 168-170 E Ru. băvit’ (dial.) ‘linger’; OUkr. baviti ‘remain, linger, delay’ W Cz. baviti ‘amuse, take time’; Pl. bawic ‘amuse, be, abide’ S SCr. bavit (dial.); baviti se (dial.) ‘be late, linger’; Sln. băviti se ‘occupy oneself with, linger’, 1sg. bâvim se (Pletersnik (I: s.v.) does not indicate the change of tone in the present (o.c. II: I)). BSl. ‘bo?u-i?-; *b?u-in?- B Lith. buvintis ‘sojourn’ PIE ‘bhoHu-eie- Cogn. Skt. bhăvayati ‘cause to be, cherish, refresh’ See also: ‘bydlo; ‘bylbje; ‘bystri; ‘byti; ‘bytbje; ‘byvati *bebrb; *bobrb; *bbbrb m. o (b) ‘beaver’ ESSJa I 174-175; II 145-146; III 159 CS CS bebrv; bobrv E Ru. bobr, Gsg. bobră; bober, Gsg. bobră; ORu. bebrv; bobrv; bbbrv; Ukr. bibr, Gsg. bobră W Cz. bobr; Pl. bobr, Gsg. bobra S SCr. dabar; Sln. bobar; bebar; Bulg. bobăr BSl. ‘bebrus B Lith. bebras 2; bebrus 4; Latv. bebrs OPr. bebrus (EV) PIE ‘bhebhrH-u- (bhebhrH-o-) Possibly a derivative of the word for ‘brown’ with reduplication of the root. The reconstruction of a laryngeal is based on Lith. beras ‘brown’. The fact that this etymon was not affected by the generalization of accentual mobility in the masculine o-stems points may be be accounted for by positing a u-stem. Cogn. Skt. babhru- ‘reddish brown’; Lat. fiber m. ‘beaver’; OHG bibar m. ‘beaver’; OE beofor m. ‘beaver’ ‘bel(e)ni; ‘belena; ‘bolni 35 *bedro; *bedrâ n. o; f. a (b) ‘thigh’ ESSJa I 175-176, 179-180 CS OCS bedra f.; SerbCS bedro n.; bedra f. E Ru. bedro n. ‘thigh, hip’; bedră (dial.) f. ‘thigh’; ORu. bedra ‘hip’ f. W Cz. bedra Npl. n. ‘loins, hips’; OCz. bedra f. ‘thigh, groin’; Pl. biodro n. ‘hip’ S SCr. bedro n.; bedra f.; Cak. bedra (Vrg.) f., Asg. bedru; Sln. bedro n.; bedra f.; Bulg. bedro n. PIE ‘bhedh-rom The etymology of this word is not entirely clear. The connection with Ukr. bedră (dial.) ‘large pit, valley, swamp’, Pl. ubiedrze ‘slope, steep bank’ and Lith. bedre ‘swamp, valley’, Latv. bedre ‘pit’ (Anikin 1998: 30-31), which derive from *bhedh- ‘dig’, is semantically unattractive. In Balto-Slavic, the meaning of this root seems to shifted to ‘to stab, however, which makes one wonder if ^ ‘stegno ‘thigh’ may derive from a root meaning ‘stab’ as well, cf. OIc. stinga ‘stab, thrust’. Pokorny’s reconstruction of a root *bed- ‘swell’ (IEW: 96) is impossible because of Winter’s law. *bel(e)niti; *belnovati; *bolniti v. ‘rage’ ESSJa I 185-187, III 159 E Ru. (uz)belenit’sja (dial.) ‘become infuriated’; bolonit’ (dial.) ‘pester, bore’; bolonit’ (dial.) ‘talk’ W Cz. blenovati (Kott: Bylinar Mathioluv, 1596) ‘chatter’ S SCr. blăniti (17th c.) ‘go crazy, rage’; Sln. blencăti ‘talk in one’s sleep, rave, chatter’, 1sg. blencâm (also belendăti ‘rave, phantasize’ from Hung. belendek ‘henbane’); Bulg. blenuvam ‘be poisoned by henbane, day-dream’; Mcd. blenuva ‘dream’ PIE ‘bhel(e)-n- Apart from denominative verbs meaning ‘to rave, to talk nonsense’, expressions of the type “he has eaten (or drunk) henbane” conveying the same meaning exist in several languages, e.g. Ru. on beleny ob”elsja, OCz. kdyz se komu prihodi, ze by se blena najedl, Cz. jako by se blmu napil, SCr. kao da se buna (bunike) nazobao (najio, (na)jeo). See also: ‘bel(e)ni; ‘belena; ‘bblniti; ‘bblnovati; ‘bblni; ‘bblnika; ‘bolni *bel(e)m; *belena; *bolm m. o; f. a; m. o ‘henbane’ ESSJa I 185-187; II 177 CS RuCS belem m. ‘henbane’ E Ru. belen (dial.) m. ‘henbane’; belenă f. ‘henbane’ {1} W Cz. blin m. ‘henbane’; blim (dial.) m. ‘henbane’; OCz. blen m. ‘henbane’; Slk. blen m. ‘henbane, bitterness’ {2}; Pl. blen m. ‘henbane’ {3}; OPl. blen m. jo ‘henbane’ {4} S SCr. blen (rare) m. ‘henbane’; blem (rare) m. ‘henbane’; belena f. ‘fool, idiot’; blan (17th c.) m. ‘furibundus’ {5}; Sln. blen m. ‘henbane’, Gsg. blena; Bulg. bljan m. ‘day-dream’; blen m. ‘day-dream’; Mcd. blen (poet.) m. ‘dream, day-dream’ PIE ‘bhel-(e)n-o- 36 ‘berdjh Cogn. OE beolone f., beolene f., belene f. ‘henbane’; OS bilene f. ‘henbane’; Dan. bylne, buln-urt (early Dan.) ‘henbane’; Gaul. PsXsvouvTÎav Asg. ‘henbane’; Gaul. BELENO Dsg. ‘name of a divinity’ {6} See Derksen forthc. f for a discussion of the Slavic word for ‘henbane’. {1} Ru. belen- cannot reflect *beln-, which would regularly yield ‘bolon-. {2} Alongside bielian. {3} Alongside bielun. {4} In Old Polish we find blen, bielun, bielun, bielon. According to Slawski (SP I: s.v.), blen is a borrowing from Czech. {5} Both blen and blem are rarely attested. The form with m can be traced to Stulli’s dictionary. {6} Besides the n-stem *bhel(e)no-, there was an s-stem *bhel-es-, e.g. OHG bilisa f., bilesa f., bilsa f., MDu. bilse, Span. belesa, velesa, and probably W bela, bele, all meaning ‘henbane’ (see Schrijver 1999). See also: ‘bel(e)niti; ‘belnovati; ‘bhlniti; ‘bhlnovati; ‘bhlni; ‘bhlnika; ‘bolniti *berdjb adj. jo (a) ‘with young, pregnant’ ESSJa I 188-189 CS CS brezda f. ‘pregnant’; RuCS brez(d)a f. ‘pregnant’ E Ru. berezaja (dial.) f. ‘in foal’; berezaja (dial.) f. ‘mare in foal’; Ukr. bereza f. ‘with young’ W Cz. brezi f. ‘with young, pregnant’; OCz. brezi f. ‘with young, pregnant’ S SCr. breă (W. dial.) ‘pregnant, (Cr.) in calf’; Cak. breja (Orb.) f. ‘pregnant (of a cow), with young’; Sln. breja f. ‘with young’ BSl. ‘berfdios B Lith. ber(g)zdzias 4 ‘barren (of a cow)’; ber(g)zde f.(e) ‘barren cow’ PIE ‘bherdieh2 Cogn. Lat. forda f. ‘in calf’ Both *bherdHeh2 and *bherHdHeh2 would have yielded ‘‘forba in Latin (see Nussbaum 1999 for the development of originating from syncope). A proto-form *bherHdieh2 is therefore the only possibility. Nussbaum, who considers the connection with OCS brezda possible, suggests that an original noun *bhori- > *fori ‘birther’ was expanded to *fori-d- and then hypercharacterized as a feminine (1999: 406). See also: ‘bermş; ‘bhrati *bergti v. (c?) ‘take care of’ ESSJa I 189-191 CS OCS nebresti ‘neglect’, 1sg. nebregg E Ru. berec’ ‘take care of, spare’, 1sg. beregu, 3sg. berezet; Bel. berahcy ‘take care of, spare’; Ukr. berehty ‘take care of, spare, preserve’ S SCr. brijeci (arch.) ‘take care of, spare, guard, preserve’ BSl. ‘berg- B Lith. birginti ‘save, stint’ PIE ‘bhergh- Cogn. Go. bairgan ‘keep, preserve, hide’; OIc. bjarga ‘keep, preserve, hide’ See also: ‘borgi; ‘bhrgi ‘bersti 37 *berg^ m. o (c) ‘bank’ ESSJa I 191-193 CS OCS bregb ‘bank, shore, steep slope’ E Ru. bereg ‘bank, shore’ W Cz. breh ‘bank, shore, boundary, edge’; brech (dial.) ‘hill, Gsg. breha; OCz. breh ‘hill, hillside, bank, shore, pier’; Slk. breh ‘bank, shore, hill, hillside’; Pl. brzeg ‘bank, shore, edge’; USrb. brjoh ‘bank, shore, hill, Gsg. brjoha; LSrb. brjog ‘bank, shore, hill, heap’ S SCr. br'ijeg ‘bank, shore, boundary, edge, hill’; Cak. brîg (Vrg.) ‘bank, shore, boundary, edge, hill’, Gsg. brîga; br'eg (Orb.) ‘hill’, Lsg. br'ege; Sln. breg ‘bank, shore, hillside, hill’; Bulg. brjag ‘bank, shore’ PIE ‘bhergh-o- Cogn. Go. bairgahei f. ‘mountainous region’; OIc. bjarg m. ‘mountain’; OHG berg m. ‘mountain’; Skt. brhănt- (RV+) ‘great, large, high’; LAv. baraz- ‘great, high’; Arm. barjr ‘high’ In view of the Indo-Iranian and Armenian forms, the *g of the Slavic etymon is problematic. Attempts to establish *bergb as a borrowing from Germanic or Venetic-Illyrian (Pokorny IEW) lack a solid basis but cannot be rejected out of hand. *bermş n. n (a) ‘load, burden’ ESSJa I 196-197 CS OCS bremţ ‘load, burden’, Gsg. bremene E Ru. beremja (dial.) ‘armful, bundle, burden’, Gsg. beremeni; Ukr. beremja ‘load, burden’ W Cz. bnme ‘heavy load, burden’, Gsg. bremene; Slk. brema (arch.) ‘weight’; Pl. brzemiţ ‘load, burden, Gsg. brzemienia; USrb. bremjo ‘heavy load, burden’, Gsg. bremjenja; LSrb. breme ‘load, burden, yoke, bundle’, Gsg. bremena S SCr. breme ‘weight, load, pregnant woman’, Gsg. bremena; Cak. bnme (Vrg.) ‘weight, load’, Gsg. brimena, Npl. brimenâ; breme(n) (Orb.) ‘load, burden’; Sln. breme ‘weight, load, bunch, foetus, burden’, Gsg. bremţna; Bulg. breme ‘weight, load, pregnant woman’, Gsg. bremena PIE ‘bherH-men- Cogn. Skt. bhărîman- n. ‘maintenance, care, burden’ The accentuation of the etymon points to the presence of a laryngeal in the root. See also: ‘berdjh; ‘bhrati *berstb m. o (b/c) ‘elm’ ESSJa I 199-200 E Ru. berest, Gsg. beresta {1}; Bel. berast, Gsg. berasta; Ukr. berest, Gsg. beresta W Cz. brest; Slk. brest; Pl. brzost; brzost (dial.) S SCr. brijest, Gsg. brijesta; Cak. brîst (Vrg.) ‘a herb similar to rosemary’, Gsg. brîsta; brest (Novi), Gsg. bresta; br'es (Orb.), Gsg. bresta; Sln. brest; Bulg. brjast; brest Cogn. Go. bairhts ‘bright, clear’ 38 ‘berza If we assume that ‘berstv is cognate with ^ ‘berza, which has an acute root, we must explain the variant belonging AP (b). In my view, a form ‘bherHg-to- (admittedly with slightly unexpected end-stress) would remain oxytone in Balto-Slavic, in which case the root would be affected by the Proto-Slavic loss of pretonic laryngeals. As I consider it possible that the generalization of accentual mobility in masculine o-stems with a non-acute root vowel did not apply to the marginal class of Balto-Slavic oxytona, Illic-Svityc’s reconstruction of a substantivized neuter adjective is not necessarily correct. {1} Illic-Svityc (1963: 52) mentions a Gsg. berestă (dial.). See also: ‘berza *berza f. a (a) ‘birch’ ESSJa I 201-203 CS CS breza E Ru. bereza; Bel. bjaroza; Ukr. bereza W Cz. briza; Slk. breza; Pl. brzoza; Slnc. bmeză; USrb. breza; LSrb. brjaza S SCr. breza f.; brez m. o; Sln. breza f.; brez m. o; Bulg. breză; Mcd. breza BSl. ‘berîzos; *ber?za? B Lith. berzas m. 3; Latv. berzs m. OPr. berse PIE ‘bherHg-o- Cogn. Skt. bhurjă- m. ‘kind of birch’ The root may be identical with ‘bhrhg ‘shine’, cf. Skt. bhrăjate ‘id.’. See also: ‘bersti *bez(^) prep. ‘without’ ESSJa II 7-13 CS OCS bez(v) E Ru. bez; ORu. bezv W Cz. bez; Slk. bez; Pl. bez S SCr. bez BSl. ‘be(z) B Lith. be; Latv. bez OPr. bhe PIE ‘bhe-gh *beda f. a (b) ‘need, poverty, misery’ ESSJa II 54-56 CS OCS beda ‘distress, need, necessity’ E Ru. bedă misfortune, trouble’ W Cz. bida ‘poverty, misery’; beda ‘woe!’; Slk. bieda ‘poverty, calamity’; Pl. bieda ‘poverty, misery’; biada interj. ‘woe!’; OPl. biada ‘distress, necessity’ {1}; USrb. beda ‘grief, woe, misery’; LSrb. beda ‘grief, pain’ ‘begati 39 S SCr. bijeda ‘grief, misfortune’; Sln. beda ‘misery’; Bulg. bedă misfortune, misery’ PIE ‘bhoidh-eh2 Cogn. Alb. be f. ‘oath’ {2} According to Buga (RR I: 345-346), Lith. beda 4 ‘misfortune, trouble, guilt’ is probably not a borrowing from Slavic because it has e instead of the expected ie (cf. biednas ‘poor’). Indeed, there seems to be no obvious reason why beda and Latv. beda ‘sorrow, grief, distress’ should not be old. These words could be connected with bâdas ‘hunger’ and Skt. bădhate ‘oppress’ (Buga l.c., Derksen 1996: 258). However, a dilemma arises if we consider that Slavic ‘bediti ‘force, persuade’ cannot be separated from Go. baidjan ‘force’. We must either declare the Baltic forms borrowings or assume that in Slavic *bed- < *bhoidh- and *bed- < *bhedh- were contaminated (cf. Anikin 1998: 39). In the latter case OCS beda ‘distress’ and ‘necessity’ would continue different roots. This is a possibility which cannot be excluded. The hypothesis that Lith. baidyti ‘to scare’ < *bHH- ‘to fear’ is cognate with *beda and *bediti (cf. ESSJa II: 55-56) must be rejected, if only on formal grounds. {1} The vocalism of Modern Polish bieda ‘id.’ is of Mazowian origin, cf. biada ‘woe!'. {2} Demiraj (1997: 94) prefers *bheidh-i-s to an ă-stem. See also: ‘bediti *bediti v. (b) ESSJa II 56-57 CS OCS bediti ‘force, persuade’, 1sg. bezdg E Ru. bedit’ (dial.) ‘spoil, vex’ W Cz. biditi (Jg., Kott) ‘reduce to poverty, (se) torment oneself, suffer’; bediti (Jg., Kott) ‘reduce to poverty’; bidit se (dial.) ‘live in poverty’; Slk. biedit’ ‘live in poverty’; OPl. biedzic ‘struggle’ S SCr. bijediti ‘slander’, 1sg. bijedîm; Bulg. bedjă ‘accuse’ PIE ‘bhoidh-eie- Cogn. Gk. nsiOto ‘persuade’; Go. baidjan ‘force’; OHG beitten ‘demand’ It is very unlikely that Slavic *bediti ‘force’ and Go. baidjan ‘id.’ belong to different roots. Stang even includes these words in his “Sonderubereinstimmungen” (1972: 14). The meaning ‘persuade’ is another indication that we are dealing with PIE *bhoidh-. The question is whether denominative *bediti ‘reduce to poverty, live in poverty’ ultimately continues a different root (see *beda). See also: ‘beda *begati v. (a) ‘run, flee’ ESSJa II 58-59 CS OCS begati ‘run, flee’, 1sg. begajg E Ru. begat’ ‘run’, 1sg. begaju W Cz. behati ‘run’; Slk. behat ‘run’; Pl. biegac ‘run’; Slnc. bjiegăc ‘run’ S SCr. bjegati ‘flee’, 1sg. bjegăm; Sln. begati ‘walk to and fro, rout’ 1sg. begam; Bulg. bjăgam ‘run, flee’ 40 ‘beli BSl. ‘be?g- B Lith. begti ‘run’ PIE ‘bhegw- Cogn. Gk. şepo^ai ‘flee’ The acute root vowel results from Winter’s law. See also: ‘bezati *bel^ adj. o (b) ‘white’ ESSJa II 79-81 CS OCS belh E Ru. belyj; bel, f. belă, n. belo {1} W Cz. bily; Slk. biely; Pl. bialy; Slnc. bjauli S SCr. bijel, bio, f. bijela, n. bijelo; Cak. bî(l) (Vrg.), f. bila, n. bilo; b'el (Orb.), f. b'ela, n. b'elo; Sln. bel; Bulg. bjal B Lith. bâlas 4 ‘white’; băltas 3 ‘white’; Latv. băls, bâls ‘pale’; balts ‘white’ The fact that this etymon belongs to AP (b), which implies a non-acute root, does not pose any problems if one assumes that the regular reflex of a lengthened grade vowel was circumflex. We may reconstruct ‘bhelH-o-, with regular loss of the root-final laryngeal. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘bolna; ‘bolnh; ‘bolna; ‘bolnhje; ‘bolto *bes^ m. o (c) ‘demon’ ESSJa II 88-91 CS OCS besh E Ru. bes W Cz. bes; Slk. bes; Pl. bies S SCr. bijes; Cak. bîs, Gsg. bisa; Sln. bes; Bulg. bjas ‘rabies, demon’ BSl. ‘boiîsos B Lith. baisus ‘terrible’; Latv. baîss ‘terrible’ PIE ‘bhoiHdh-so- Cogn. Lat. foedus ‘repulsive, terrible, disgraceful’ Since both Slavic and Baltic point to BSl. ‘s instead of ‘ş, it has been suggested that the root of this etymon was ‘bhoiHdh-, cf. Lat. foedus ‘repulsive, terrible, disgraceful’ (cf. Pedersen 1895). An extension of the root is also found in Lith. baidyti, Latv. baîdît ‘scare, but it is uncertain if this ‘d, which may be identified with ‘dhhi- ‘put’ and is part of a productive suffix (cf. OPr. pobaiint ‘punish’), is the same element. *bezâti v. (c) ‘run, escape’ ESSJa II 92 CS OCS bezati ‘run, run away, escape’, 1sg. bezg, 2sg. bezisi E Ru. bezăt’ ‘run, escape’, 1sg. begu, 3sg. bezit W Cz. bezeti ‘run’; Slk. bezat ‘run’; Pl. biezec (obs.) ‘run’; Slnc. bjiezec ‘suffer from diarrhoea’ ‘biti 41 S SCr. bjezati ‘run, escape’, 1sg. bjezim; bijezati (Vuk: “u pjesmi”) ‘run, escape’; Cak. bizati (Vrg.) ‘run, escape’; bezât (Orb.) ‘run (away)’, 1sg. bezîn; Sln. bezati ‘flee, run, 1sg. bezim; bezăti ‘flee, run’ BSl. ‘beîg- B Lith. begioti ‘run about’ PIE ‘bhegw- Cogn. Gk. şe^o^ai ‘flee’ See also: ‘begati *bicb m. jo (a) ‘whip, lash’ ESSJa II 94 CS OCS bicb E Ru. bic’; ORu. bicb W Cz. bic; Slk. bic; Pl. bicz; Slnc. bjîc S SCr. bic ‘whip, cane’, Gsg. bica; Cak. bic (Vrg.) ‘whip, cane’, Gsg. bica; Sln. bic, Gsg. bica; Bulg. bic ‘whip, leather lash’ Derivative of ^ ‘biti. The suffix continues ‘-tio-. *bidlo n. o (a) ESSJa II 94-95 E Ru. bilo (dial.) ‘pestle, seat in a sleigh’; ORu. bilo ‘board which is struck to convoke people to church or to the dining-table, plectrum’; Ukr. bylo ‘board used instead of a bell in monasteries’ W Cz. bidlo ‘pole’; OCz. bidlo ‘rack, support, plectrum’; Slk. bidlo ‘pole, perch, slay’; OPl. bidlo ‘squared beam covered with nails in a sleigh’; Slnc. bjîdle ‘round bar in a sleigh’; LSrb. bidlo ‘reed (of a loom)’ S SCr. bilo ‘mountain ridge with spurs, artery, riveting hammer’; Sln. bilo ‘artery, striking mechanism (of a clock)’; Bulg. bilo ‘crest of a mountain, mountain ridge’ Derivative in ‘-dhlom from the root ‘bHH- ‘strike’ (^ ‘biti). AP (a) is in accordance with Hirt’s law. See also: ‘bich; ‘biti; ‘bitva; ‘bojh *biti v. (a) ‘beat’ ESSJa II 99-101 CS OCS biti ‘beat’, 1sg. bbjg E Ru. bit’ ‘beat’, 1sg. b’ju, 3sg. b’jet W Cz. bit ‘beat’; Slk. bit ‘beat’; Pl. bic ‘beat’; Slnc. bjîc ‘thresh, beat’; USrb. bic ‘beat’; LSrb. bis ‘beat’; Plb. bait ‘beat’ S SCr. biti ‘beat, kill’, 1sg. bijem; Sln. biti ‘beat’, 1sg. bijem; Bulg. bja ‘beat’ PIE ‘bhiH- Cogn. OIr. benaid ‘strike’, pret. pass. -bith; Lat. perfines 2sg. pres. subj. ‘you may break’ See also: ‘bi&; ‘bidlo; ‘bitva; ‘bojh 42 ‘bitva *bitva f. â (a) ‘battle, fight’ ESSJa II 100-101 E Ru. bitva W Cz. bitva ; Slk. bitva ; Pl. bitwa S SCr. bitva; Sln. bîtva; Bulg. bitva PIE ‘bhiH-tu-eh2 See also: ‘bich; ‘biti; ‘bidlo; ‘bojh *blekotb; *blekota m. o; f. â ESSJa II 108-109 E Ru. blekot (dial.) m. ‘henbane’; blekotă (dial.) m.f. ‘chatterbox’, blekota (dial.) m.f. ‘chatterbox’; Bel. blekat m. ‘henbane, hemlock’ ; Ukr. blekit m. ‘poison hemlock’; blekot m. ‘henbane’ ; blekotă f. ‘poison hemlock, henbane’ W Cz. blekot m. ‘shouter, babbler’; blekota f. ‘grumbler’; OCz. blekot m. ‘chatter, grumbling, chatterbox, grumbler’; Slk. bîakot m. ‘bleating, bellowing’; Pl. blekot m. ‘fool’s parsley, henbane, (arch.) stammerer, chatterbox’; USrb. blekot m. ‘muttering, babble’ S SCr. bleket m. ‘bleating’ See ^ ‘blekh. *blekb m. o ESSJa II 109 W Cz. blek ‘bleating’; USrb. blek ‘henbane’; blik ‘henbane’ S SCr. blek ‘bleating’; Sln. blţk ‘flock (of sheep)’; Bulg. blek (dial.) ‘henbane’ PIE ‘bhlek-o- The semantic connection between *blek(ot)h as the name of various poisonous plants and *blekoth ‘chatter, chatterer’ is the fact that particularly henbane may cause a delirium, cf. Ru. belenit’sja (dial.) ‘become infuriated’, SCr. belena ‘fool’ from *belena ‘henbane, or the Polish expression brodzi, jakby siţ blekotu (‘fool’s parsley’) objadl, which equals Cz. jako by se blinu napil. I am inclined to consider the verbs *blekati ‘chatter, mutter, bleat’ and *blekotati derivatives of *blekh and *blekoth rather than vice versa (pace ESSJa). The development of a meaning ‘bleat’ may have been favoured by the onomatopoetic qualities of the root. Alternatively, we could distinguish a separate onomatopoetic root *blek- ‘bleat’ or even separate *blek-‘henbane’ from *blek- ‘chatter, mutter’. Pokorny (IEW) erroneously classifies Ru. blekoth ‘fool’s parsley’ under *bhleiq- ‘shine’. See also: ‘blekota; ‘blekoti *bled^ adj. o (c) ‘pale’ ESSJa II 111-112 CS OCS bledh E Ru. bledoj (dial.); bledyj (dial.); Ukr. blidyj W Cz. bledy; Slk. bledy; Pl. blady; Slnc. blad'i; USrb. bledy ‘pale, bright’; LSrb. bledy ‘bleski 43 S SCr. bltjed, f. blijeda; Cak. blîd (Vrg.), f. blidă, n. blîdo; bl'et (Orb.), f. bl'edă; Sln. bled; Bulg. bled BSl. ‘bloi?d-(w)o- B Lith. blaîvas 4 ‘whitish, blue, sober’ PIE ‘bHoid-(u)o- C°gn. OE blăt ‘pale’; OHG bleizza f. ‘pallor’ In view of Winter’s law, we would expect to find traces of a glottalic element in Balto- Slavic. The accentuation of Lith. blaivas - the Proto-Slavic form is mobile and therefore inconclusive - offers no evidence for an original acute, however. Pokorny’s reconstruction *bhldido-s is impossible for Slavic and *bhleh2ido-s is incompatible with the mobile accentuation of the adjective in Balto-Slavic. *blejati v. ‘bleat’ ESSJa II 107 CS RuCS blejati ‘bleat’ E Ru. blejat’ ‘bleat, (dial.) ‘speak, chatter, cry’; Ukr. blejaty ‘bleat, speak, tell stories’; blijăty ‘bleat’ W Cz. bleti (arch.) ‘bleat’ S SCr. blejati ‘bleat, talk nonsense’, 1sg. blejim; Cak. blejăti (Vrg.) ‘bleat, talk nonsense’, 2sg. blejes; blejat (Orb.) ‘bleat’, 3sg. blejî; Sln. blejati ‘bleat, quarrel, mutter, 1sg. blejam, 1sg. blejem; Bulg. bleja ‘bleat’ BSl. ‘ l e - Latv. blet ‘bleat’ PIE - le hl b Cogn. Lat. flere ‘cry’; MHG blxjen ‘bleat’ ^bleskb m. o (c) ‘brightness’ ESSJa II 113-114 CS RuCS bleskv ‘brightness, colour, lightning’ E Ru. blesk ‘brightness, splendour’; ORu. bleskv ‘brightness, colour, lightning’ W Cz. blesk ‘lightning, brightness’; Slk. blesk ‘id.’; Pl. blask ‘brightness, shine’; Slnc. blâsk ‘lightning, brightness’; bliesk ‘id.’; USrb. blesk ‘id.’ S SCr. bltjesak ‘glow, glimmer’; Sln. blesk ‘brightness, splendour, lightning’; Bulg. bljăsăk ‘brightness’ BSl. ‘bloisko- Latv. blaiskums m. ‘spot’; blaizgums m. ‘spot’ PIE ‘bHoig-sko- The preglottalized velar may or may not have been lost before Winter’s law. I prefer a Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction without ‘? for reasons mentioned s.v. ‘blbsk^. (cf. Derksen 1996: 285-294). Dybo (2002: 490) also assumes that Winter’s law did not operate in this etymon. In his formulation, Winter’s law was blocked by a following ‘s. See also: ‘bliskati; ‘blistati; ‘bliscati; ‘blîskb; ‘blhskb; ‘blhscati 44 ‘blşdh *blşdb f. i ‘error’ ESSJa II 114-115 CS OCS blţdb f. ‘nonsense, error, debauchery’; blţdb m. ‘chatterer, idle talker’ E Ru. bljad’ f. ‘prostitute, dissipated woman’, Gsg. bljădi; ORu. bljadb f. ‘deception, nonsense, deceiver, lunatic, adulteress’ Cogn. Go. blinds ‘blind’; OIc. blindr ‘blind, unclear’ See ^ ‘blţsti. *blşsti v. ‘talk nonsense, err’ ESSJa II 115 CS OCS blţsti ‘chatter, talk nonsense’, 1sg. blţdg; RuCS blţsti ‘lose one’s way, talk nonsense’ E ORu. bljasti ‘lose one’s way, talk nonsense’, 1sg. bljadu W OCz. blesti ‘lose one’s way, talk nonsense’, 1sg. bledu S SCr. blesti (arch.) ‘talk nonsense, blaspheme’; Sln. blesti ‘rave, talk nonsense’, 1sg. bledem BSl. ‘blend- B Lith. blţsti ‘sleep, stir flour into soup, talk nonsense, become cloudy’, 3sg. blendzia; Latv. bliezt ‘talk nonsense’, 3pres. bliez; blenst ‘talk nonsense’; blenst ‘be short-sighted’ {1} The root ‘bhlendh- seems to be limited to Balto-Slavic and Germanic (cf. Stang 1972: 15). {1} In ME, blenst ‘talk nonsense’ is accented blenst2 (blenzt2) or blenst2 (blenzt2). Blenst ‘be short-sighted’ occurs with the unambiguous accentuations blenst and blenst (1x). In some dialects, the latter verb has also preserved the root-final d. See also: ‘blşdh; ‘blşditi; ‘blşd'b *bliskati; *blistati; *bliscati v. ‘shine’ ESSJa II 116-117 CS OCS bliskati sţ ‘sparkle, shine’; bliscati sţ ‘sparkle, shine’ E Ru. blistăt’‘shine’; bliskat’ (dial.) ‘sparkle’; Ukr. blyskati ‘twinkle, kick’ W Cz. blyskati (se) ‘shine, flash (lightning)’; Slk. blyskat‘id.’; Pl. btyskac ‘shine, flash’; OPl. bliskac ‘shine, flash’; Slnc. blâskăc ‘sparkle, glance’; USrb. btyskac ‘sparkle, shine’; LSrb. btyskas (se) ‘sparkle, shine’ S SCr. bliskati (se) ‘shine’; blistati (se) ‘id.’; Sln. bliskati (se) ‘sparkle’; bliskati se ‘shine’; Bulg. bljăskam ‘shine, sparkle’ BSl. ‘blisk- B Lith. blysketi ‘shine’, 3sg. blyski; blizgeti ‘shine, sparkle’; blisketi ‘shine, sparkle’ In view of the forms with ‘b (^ ‘blbskv), we must assume e-grade rather than ‘iH. Cogn. OE blican ‘shine’; blikan ‘id.’ See also: ‘blesk^; ‘blîsk^; ‘blhsk'b; ‘blhscati ‘blizi I; ‘bliziki 45 *blîskb m. o (c) ESSJa II 114 CS OCS bliskb (Euch.) ‘lightning’ W Cz. blisk (dial.) ‘marsh marigold’; Slk. blisk ‘gilding, brightness, marsh plant’ S Sln. blîsk ‘lightning’ PIE ‘bhleig-sko- Cogn. OHG blic ‘flash, lightning’; OS bliksmo ‘lightning’ See also: ‘bleski; ‘bliskati; ‘blistati; ‘bliscati; ‘blhski; ‘blbscati *blizna; *blizno f. â; n. o ESSJa II 118-120 E Ru. blizna (dial.) f. ‘missing thread in fabric, flaw in home-spun material’; bliznă f. ‘knot in linen resulting from an incorrect arrangement of the warp’; blizno n. ‘flaw in fabric, absence of one or two threads’; bljuznă f. ‘flaw in fabric’; ORu. blizna f. ‘scar’; Bel. bljuznă f. ‘flaw in fabric’; Ukr. blyzna f. ‘wound, scar’; blyznă f. ‘defect in linen’ W Cz. blizna f. ‘stigma (bot.)’; Pl. blizna f. ‘scar, gash, seam, cicatrice, trace left by a fallen leaf’; OPl. bluzna f. ‘cicatrice, stigma, stamp’; Kash. blizna f. ‘cicatrice’; USrb. btuzna f. ‘scar, birth-mark’; LSrb. bluzna f. ‘scar, bruise’ S SCr. blizna f. ‘two threads put into a reed (instead of one); ruptured thread in weft or warp’ Npl. blizni; blizna f. ‘scar’; blizno n. ‘gap’; Bulg. bliznă f. ‘place in fabric where a thread is torn or missing’ BSl. ‘bli?z-n- B Lith. blyze f.(e) 4 ‘rip in fabric’; Latv. blîznis2 m.(io) ‘pile of broken trees in a forest’ A formation with an n-suffix derived from ‘bHig- ‘beat’, cf. Lat. fligere ‘hit’. The forms that seemingly reflect *bluzna must be secondary unless they are cognate with Lith. bluzgana ‘scurf’, Latv. blaugznas Npl. ‘scurf, husk’, which in my opinion is not very likely. See also: ‘blizi I; ‘bliziki; ‘blizi II; ‘blizb *bliz^ I; ^bliz’bk'B adj. o ‘near, close’ ESSJa II 121-122 CS CS blizb {1} E Ru. blizyj (dial.) ‘short-sighted’ {2}; blizkij ‘near, close’; Ukr. blyz’kyj ‘near, close’ W Cz. blizy (arch.); blizky; Slk. blizky; Pl. bliski; OPl. blizi ‘near, close, adjacent’; USrb. blizki; LSrb. blizki S SCr. bliz; blizak; Sln. blizdk, f. blizka; Bulg. blizăk BSl. ‘blei?z- See ^ blizb II, ‘blizb. {1} As an adjective, blizb is exclusively attested in Croatian Church Slavic manuscripts from the 14th century. {2} The adjective blizb has AP (a/c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 133). 46 ‘blizi II; ‘blizb *bliz^ II; *blizb adv., prep. ESSJa II 121-122 CS OCS blizb adv./prep. ‘near, close to’ (rarely blizb) E Ru. bliz prep. ‘near, close to’ W Pl. blizo (dial.) adv. ‘near, close by’; OPl. blizu adv. ‘near, close by’ S SCr. blizu prep./adv. ‘near, close by’; Cak. blizu (Orb.) prep./adv. ‘near, nearby’; blizu (Orb.) prep./adv. ‘near, nearby’; Sln. bliz adv. ‘near, close by’; bliz prep. ‘near, close to’; Bulg. blizo adv. ‘near, close by’ BSl. ‘blei?z- B Lith. bliezti (dial.) ‘throw hard’; blăizyti ‘tear off, shell’; Latv. bliezt ‘beat, hew’; blaîzît ‘squeeze, squash, hit, beat, rub’ PIE ‘bH(e)ig-o- Cogn. Lat. fligere ‘hit’ Although puzzling at first, the semantic transition from ‘to beat’ to ‘near’ appears to have convincing parallels, e.g. MoFr. pres ‘near’ : Lat. pressus ‘squeezed’ (ESSJa II: 122, with references). See also: ‘blizna; ‘blizno; ‘blizi; ‘bliziki *blusti v. (c) ‘watch’ ESSJa II 136-137 CS OCS bljusti ‘watch, guard’, 1sg. bljudg E Ru. bljusti ‘guard, observe’, 1sg. bljudu, 3sg. bljudet S SCr. bljusti (RJA: arch.) ‘guard, observe’, 1sg. bljudem BSl. ‘bjoud- PIE ‘bheudh-e/o- Cogn. Gk. neu9o|aai ‘give notice’; Skt. bodhati ‘observe, heed’ See also: ‘buditi; ‘bideti; ‘bidri *blbvâti v. ‘vomit’ ESSJa II 140-141 CS OCS bl’bvati, 1sg. bljujg E Ru. blevăt’ (vulg.), 1sg. bljuju, 3sg. bljujet; ORu. blbvati, 1sg. bljuju W Cz. bliti; blut (dial.); OCz. blvati ‘vomit, spit’, 1sg. bluju; blivati; Slk. bluvat; Pl. blwac (obs.), 1sg. blujţ; bluc, 1sg. blujţ; USrb. blec; bluwac ‘vomit, spit’; LSrb. bluwas; blus ‘vomit, spit’; Plb. blavă 3sg. ‘vomits’ S SCr. bljuvati, 1sg. bljujem; Cak. bljuvat (Orb.), 3sg. bljuje, 3sg. bljuva; Sln. bljdvăti ‘vomit, spit’, 1sg. bljujem; bljuvăti ‘vomit, spit, 1sg. bljuvam, 1sg. bljujem; bljuti ‘vomit, spit’, 1sg. bljujem; Bulg. bălvam; bljuja (dial., arch.); bljuvam (dial., arch.) BSl. ‘bljou?- B Lith. bliăuti ‘bleat, sob, weep’; Latv. blaut ‘bleat, bellow’ PIE ‘bhleuH- Cogn. Gk. şXew ‘flow over’; Lat. fluo ‘flow’ ‘blixa 47 *blşditi v. (b) ‘err’ ESSJa II 125-127 CS OCS blgditi ‘err, indulge in debauchery, 1sg. blgzdg E Ru. bludit’ ‘wander, roam’, 1sg. bluzu, 3sg. bludit; bludit’ ‘fornicate’, 1sg. bluzu, 3sg. bludit W Cz. blouditi ‘lose one’s way, roam, be mistaken’; Slk. bludit ‘lose one’s way, roam, be mistaken’; Pl. btqdzic ‘be mistaken, roam, lose one’s way’; Slnc. blq^ec ‘be mistaken, roam, talk nonsense’, 1sg. bloujq; USrb. btudzic ‘delude, lose one’s way, be mistaken, roam’; LSrb. btuzis ‘confuse, roam, be mistaken’ S SCr. bluditi ‘spoil, caress’, 1sg. bludim; Sln. blgditi ‘roam, be mistaken, talk nonsense, mix, blend, delude, 1sg. blgdim BSl. ‘blond-ei/i- B Lith. blandytis ‘clear up, become cloudy, recover, roam’; Latv. bluodîties2 ‘roam, be ashamed’; blandîties2 ‘roam’ PIE ‘bhlondh-eie- Cogn. Go. blandan sik ‘mix’; OIc. blanda ‘mix, blend’; OE blandan ‘mix’; OE blendan ‘darken, blend’; OIc. blunda ‘close one’s eyes’; ME blundren ‘stir, confuse’; MoE blunder ‘blunder’ See also: ‘blşdb; ‘blşsti; ‘blşdi *blşd^ m. o (c) ‘delusion’ ESSJa II 126-127 CS OCS blgdb ‘debauchery, depravity, adultery’ E Ru. blud ‘lechery, fornication, (dial.) evil spirit that leads the drunk astray’ W Cz. blud ‘mistake, delusion, insanity’; bloud ‘fool’ {1}; Slk. blud mistake, delusion, insanity’; Pl. btqd ‘mistake, delusion’, Gsg. btţdu S SCr. blud ‘mistake, delusion, lechery, adultery’; Sln. blgd ‘mistake, delusion, voluptuousness’; Bulg. blud ‘fornication, adultery, time of unrest’ BSl. ‘blondos B Lith. blandas m. ‘cloudiness, obscuration of mind or eyesight, drowsiness’; blanda f. 4 ‘fog’; blandus ‘dim, cloudy, thick (soup)’; Latv. bluods m. ‘evil spirit that leads one astray, wood-goblin’ Deverbative o-stem with o-grade in the root of ‘bhlendh-. Skt. bradhnă- (RV+) ‘pale ruddy, yellowish, bay’, which has been assumed to be cognate, rather belongs together with ‘bronb. Cogn. OIc. blundr m. ‘slumber’ {1} According to Verweij (1994: 528), the originally long root vowel of Cz. bloud may be a vestige of the accent paradigm to which *blgdb belonged prior to the operation of Illic-Svityc’s law. See also: ‘blşdb; ‘blşsti; ‘blşditi *bl^xâ f. â (b) ‘flea’ ESSJa II 129-130 CS RuCS blbxa E Ru. bloxă, Asg. bloxu; bloxă (dial.), Asg. bloxu; Ukr. bloxă 48 ‘blbknţti W Cz. blecha; Slk. blcha; Pl. pchta {1}; Slnc. pxlă; USrb. tcha; bka (Pfuhl); pcha (Pfuhl); tk(h)a (Pfuhl); LSrb.pcha; bcha (dial.); Plb. blăxă S SCr. buha, Asg. buhu, Npl. buhe; Cak. buhă (Vrg.), Npl. buhe; buha (Orb.); Sln. botha; Bulg. bălxă BSl. ‘bluşa? B Lith. blusa 2; Latv. blusa PIE ‘plus- Cogn. Gk. -yuAAa f.; Skt. pluşi- m.; Lat.pulex m.; OHG floh m.; Arm. low {1} In Polish dialects, we find a large variety of forms, e.g. pcha, pta, ptecha, btecha, btcha. *blbknşti v. ‘fade’ ESSJa II 112-113 E Ru. bleknut’ ‘fade, wither’ {1}; Bel. bljăknuc ‘fade, wither’; Ukr. bleknuty ‘fade, wither’ W Pl. blaknqc ‘fade’ {2}; Kash. vablekngc ‘fade’; zblekngc ‘fade’ B Lith. nubliekti ‘fade’ PIE ‘bhlik- The ESSJa actually reconstructs *blekngti. I prefer the traditional reconstruction, which is also found in Slawski SP I. {1} Cf. also bleklyj ‘faded, pale, wan’. {2} Rather than regarding the a as old, I would follow Slawski in assuming that the root vowel was influenced by bladny ‘pale’. *blbskb m. o ESSJa II 113-114 CS CS blbskb ‘splendour’ W OCz. blesk ‘lightning, brightness’, Gsg. blsku; LSrb. btysk ‘lightning, brightness’ S Bulg. blăsăk ‘blow, stab’ BSl. ‘blisko- B Lith. blizgas 2 ‘shine, glimmer’ PIE ‘bHig-sko- If the preglottalized velar was preserved up to Winter’s law, the Slavic and Baltic forms with short *i would have to be of analogical origin. For this reason I prefer a Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction without ‘? (see also LIV 89). See also: ‘bleski; ‘bliskati; ‘blistati; ‘bliscati; ‘bliski; ‘blbscati *blbscati v. ‘shine’ ESSJa II 131-132 CS OCS blbstati sţ ‘sparkle, shine’ E Ukr. blyscăti ‘shine’ W Cz. blysteti se ‘shine, sparkle, twinkle’ (Jungmann has blsteti, blysteti, blisteti ‘shine’); Pl. btyszczec ‘shine, sparkle’; Slnc. blăscec ‘shine, sparkle’; bliescec ‘shine, sparkle’; USrb. btyscec ‘shine’; LSrb. btyscas (se) ‘shine’ ‘bodilb 49 S SCr. blijestati (se) ‘shine, glisten’; Cak. blisciti se (Vrg.) ‘shine, glisten’; Sln. blescati ‘shine, sparkle, gawk’ {1}; botscăti ‘gawk’; Bulg. blestja ‘open one’s eyes wide, gawk’; blesti (dial.) 3sg. ‘shines’ BSl. ‘bliske?- B Lith. blysketi ‘shine’, 3sg. blyski; blizgeti; blisketi ‘shine, sparkle’ PIE ‘bHig-sk-eh!- A number of the above-mentioned forms contain a secondary full grade. For a motivation of the Proto-Balto-Slavic reconstruction, see ‘blbskb. {1} The accentuation blescăti (Pletersnik I: s.v.) is a misprint (see o.c. II: I). *bo conj. ‘for’ ESSJa II 141-142 CS OCS bo ‘for’ E Ru. bo (dial.) ‘if, for, because’ W Cz. bo (arch.) ‘for’; Pl. bo ‘for, because’ S SCr. bo (dial.) ‘for’ BSl. ‘bo B Lith. ba ‘for’; be ‘for’ PIE ‘bho Cogn. Go. ba ‘that not, if not’ *bodati v. ‘stab, sting’ ESSJa II 122-122 E Ru. bodăt’ ‘butt’, 1sg. bodăju W Cz. bodati ‘stab, pierce’; Slk. bodat ‘stab’ S Sln. bodati ‘sting, stitch’, 1sg. bodam; Bulg. bodă ‘stab, feel a sharp pain’ BSl. ‘bod- B Lith. badyti ‘butt, prick’, 3pres. bâdo PIE ‘bhodh- Cogn. Lat. fodio ‘dig’ The ESSJa mentions forms reflecting ‘bodati under ‘badati because the o-vocalism is assumed to be analogical. Since in general ‘bodati is also semantically closer to bosti (the meaning ‘investigate’ is limited to bădati) and in some languages occurs alongside ‘bădati, it is perhaps more accurate to say that it is a recent formation. See also: ‘bâdati; ‘bodilb; ‘bosti *bod^lb m. jo (c) ‘thorn’ ESSJa II 154-155 CS RuCS bodlb ‘thorn’ S SCr. bodalj (Montenegro) ‘a kind of thorny grass’, Gsg. bodlja; Cak. buodalj (Orb.) ‘unidentified plant (thistle?), prickle, thorn’, Gsg. buodlja; Sln. bodalj ‘needle, thorn’, Gsg. bodlja; Bulg. bodel (obs.) ‘thorn’ See also: ‘bâdati; ‘bodati; ‘bosti 50 ‘bogati *bogâtb adj. o ‘rich’ ESSJa II 158-159 CS OCS bogatb E Ru. bogătyj W Cz. bohaty; Slk. bohaty; Pl. bogaty S SCr. bogat; Cak. bogat (Vrg., Orb.), f. bogata; Sln. bogat; Bulg. bogăt See - *bog^ m. o (c) ‘god’ ESSJa II 161-163 CS OCS bogb E Ru. bog, Gsg. boga; Bel. boh, Gsg. boha; Ukr. bih, Gsg. boha W Cz. buh, Gsg. boha; Slk. boh; Pl. bog, Gsg. boga; USrb. boh, Gsg. boha S SCr. bog, Gsg. boga; Cak. bog (Vrg., Novi), Gsg. boga; buoh (Orb.) ‘God, Christ, Gsg. boga; Sln. bog, Gsg. bogâ; Bulg. bog Cogn. Skt. bhăga- (RV+) m. ‘prosperity, good fortune’; LAv. baya- m. ‘lord, god’ The Slavic noun ‘bogb is usually considered a borrowing from Iranian (cf. Vaillant Gr. I: 16). This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the etymon does not show the effects of Winter’s law. See also: ‘bogati; ‘nebogi *bojati sş v. ‘fear, be afraid’ ESSJa II 163-164 CS OCS bojati sţ E Ru. bojat’sja, 1sg. bojus’, 3sg. boitsja; Ukr. bojăty sja W Cz. băti se; Slk. bat sa; Pl. bac siţ; Slnc. buejec sq; USrb. bojec so; LSrb. bojas se S SCr. bojati se; Cak. bojati se (Vrg.); Sln. bojăti se, 1sg. bojim se; băti se, 1sg. bojim se; Bulg. bojă se BSl. ‘b(o)i(?)-a?- B Lith. bijoti(s) ; Latv. bijât(ies) ; bîties OPr. biătwei PIE ‘bhoiH-eh2- Cogn. Skt. bhay'- (RV+) ‘fear, be afraid’ See also: ‘bojaznb *bojaznb f. i ‘fear’ ESSJa II 165 CS OCS bojaznb E Ru. bojăzn W Cz. băzen f.(i/jâ); Pl. bojazn S SCr. bojăzan; Sln. bojâzan; Bulg. bojăzăn BSl. ‘b(o)i(?)-a?- B OPr. biăsnan Isg. ‘fear’ See also: ‘bojati sş ‘bolgt 51 *bojb m. jo (b/c) ‘battle, fight’ ESSJa II 167-168 CS OCS uboi murder’ E Ru. boj ‘battle, fight, beating, Gsg. boja {1}; Ukr. bij ‘fight, battle’, Gsg. boju W Cz. boj ‘battle, fight’; Slk. boj ‘battle, fight’; Pl. boj ‘battle, fight, Gsg. boju S SCr. boj ‘battle, war, Gsg. boja; Cak. boj (Vrg.) ‘battle, war, Gsg. boja; Sln. boj ‘battle, fight, Gsg. boja; Bulg. boj ‘battle, fight’ PIE ‘bhoiH-o- {1} AP (b) in Old Russian, sporadically (c) (Zaliznjak 1985: 134). See also: ‘bicb; ‘biti; ‘bidlo; ‘bitva *boleti v. (c) ‘ache’ ESSJa II 187-189 CS OCS boleti ‘be ill, be in pain, 1sg. boljg, 2sg. bolisi E Ru. bolet’ ‘ache, 3sg. bolit; bolet’ ‘be ill, 3sg. boleet; Ukr. bolity ‘ache, 3sg. bolit’; bolity ‘be in pain, be ill, 3sg. bolije W Cz. boleti ‘ache’; Slk. boliet ‘ache’; Pl. bolec ‘ache’; Slnc. buelec ‘ache’; USrb. bolec ‘ache’; LSrb. boles ‘ache’ S SCr. boljeti ‘ache, hurt, bolim; Cak. boliti ‘ache, hurt, 3sg. boli; bolet (Orb.) ‘hurt, 3sg. boli; Sln. boleti ‘ache, 1sg. bolim; Bulg. boli‘aches’ 3sg.; boljă ‘be ill’ PIE ‘bhol(H)- Cogn. Go. balwjan v. ‘martyr’; OIc. bglva v. ‘curse’ The possibility exists that we had bleh2u- (Gk. şAaupoq ‘inferior, bad, OIc. blauSr ‘timid’?) alongside *bhelh2- (cf. Pokorny 125, 159). See also: ‘bolb *bolgo n. o (c) ESSJa II 173 CS OCS blago ‘(the) good’ E Ru. bologo (dial.) adv. ‘well, good’; bologo (dial.) adv. ‘well, good’; ORu. bologo ‘(the) good’ W Cz. blaho ‘bliss, happiness’; Pl. btogo ‘good, happiness’ S SCr. blâgo ‘wealth, money, cattle’; Cak. blâgo (Vrg.) ‘cattle’; blâgo (Orb.) ‘(head of) cattle, farm animal’; Sln. blago ‘good, goods, cattle’; Bulg. blăgo ‘good, property, wealth’ Etymology unclear. The etymon has been compared with Skt. Bfhaspăti- (name of a God) and Av. bsrsg- f. ‘rite, but this is highly speculative. See also: ‘bolg^ *bolg^ adj. o (c) ‘good’ ESSJa II 174 CS OCS blagb ‘good, gracious’ W Cz. blahy ‘blessed, good’; Slk. blahy ‘blessed, good’; Pl. btogi ‘good, happy, beneficial’ 52 ‘bole(je) S SCr. blâg ‘sweet, good’; Sln. blâg ‘noble, benevolent’; Bulg. blag ‘good, pleasant, sweet’ See — ‘bolgo. *bole(je) adv. ‘more’ ESSJa II 193-194 CS OCS bolje ‘more’; bole ‘more’ E Ru. bolee ‘more’ W USrb. bole ‘more’ S SCr. bolje ‘better’; Cak. bole (Vrg.) ‘better’; bolje (Orb.) ‘better’; Sln. bolje ‘better’ Adverb of — *bolbjb. *bolbjb adj. jo ‘bigger, better’ ESSJa II 193-194 CS OCS bolii ‘bigger, better’, f. bolbsi, n. bolje E Ru. bol’sij ‘bigger, f. bol’saja, n. bol’see S SCr. bolji ‘better’; Cak. boli (Vrg.) ‘id.’; bolji (Orb.) ‘id.’; Sln. bolji ‘id.’ Cogn. Skt. băliyas- ‘better’; Gk. PsAtiwv ‘better’ A comparative ‘bol-(t)is-io- from a PIE root ‘bel- ‘strong’. See also: ‘bole(je) *bolna f. â (a) ‘membrane’ ESSJa II 175-177 CS RuCS blana ‘placenta’ E Ru. bolonă ‘sickly outgrowth on trees, sap-wood, (dial.) lump’; ORu. bolona ‘placenta’; Ukr. bolona ‘membrane, window-pane’ W Cz. blăna ‘film, membrane, web (of water-fowl), sap-wood’; Slk. blana ‘membrane, film’; Pl. blona ‘membrane, film’; OPl. blona ‘placenta, eyeweb, peritoneum, entrails’; LSrb. blona ‘membrane, film’ S Sln. blâna ‘membrane, thin skin, parchment’; Bulg. blană manure (used as fuel), turf’ BSl. ‘bol?-n- B Lith. bălnas 3 ‘white, having a white back (cattle)’ PIE ‘bholH-n- Both the ESSJa and Slawski SP (I: 307-309) are inclined to derive ‘bolna ‘membrane, sapwood’ and ‘bolna ‘turf, meadow’ from a root meaning ‘white’ (see also Urbutis 1982: 163-164). Though the relationship between ‘membrane’ and ‘white’ may not be obvious, the relationship between the usually light-coloured sapwood and ‘white’ is unproblematic. In view of the semantic similarities between ‘sapwood’ and ‘membrane’, the etymology advocated by the ESSJa and Slawski SP may very well be correct. The connection between ‘bolna ‘turf, meadow’ and ‘bolto ‘swamp’, where an etymology involving the root for ‘white’ is widely accepted, seems quite plausible. See also: ‘bel^; ‘bolnb; ‘bolna; ‘bolnbje; ‘bolto ‘bolto 53 *bolnb; *bolna f. i; f. jâ ESSJa II 178 E Ru. bolon’ (dial.) ‘peritoneum, membrane, upper layers of a tree, cambium, bull’s belly’; bolon’ (dial.) ‘timber’; ORu. bolonb ‘low-lying meadow near a river’; Ukr. bolon’ ‘meadow, pasture’ W Cz. blana (dial.) ‘film, skin (on milk, etc.)’; OCz. blane ‘pasture’; Slk. blana ‘membrane, film’; Pl. blona ‘membrane, film’; Slnc. bloun m.(o) ‘cloud’, Gsg. bloună; LSrb. blon m.(i) ‘meadow, clearing’; Plb. blân ‘meadow’; blână ‘id.’ S Sln. blănja ‘board, stump, log’ BSl. ‘bolfni- B Lith. bălnis m.(io) ‘peeled tree-trunk’ PIE ‘bholH-n- See ^ ‘bolna. I have included Slnc. bloun in spite of the fact that it is morphologically and semantically deviant. *bolnbje n. io ESSJa II 178-179 E Ru. balon’e (dial.) ‘low flooded place’; ORu. bolomje ‘low-lying meadow near a river’; Ukr. bolonja ‘low-lying meadow’; bolonje ‘ravine, pasture’; bolon’e (dial.) ‘swamp’ W Cz. blăne (arch.) ‘meadow, pasture’; OCz. blăni ‘meadow, lawn’; Pl. blonie ‘large pasture, meadow’; Plb. blâne ‘meadow’ BSl. ‘ l i PIE ‘bholH-nio- See also: ‘bel^; ‘bolna; ‘bolnh; ‘bolna; ‘bolto *bolto n. o (a) ‘swamp’ ESSJa II 179-182 CS OCS blato ‘swamp, quagmire’ E Ru. boloto ‘swamp’ W Cz. blăto ‘mud’; Pl. bloto ‘mud’; Slnc. bluete ‘swamp’; USrb. bloto ‘mud’ S SCr. blăto ‘mud, swampy terrain’; Cak. blăto (Vrg.) ‘mud, swampy terrain’; blăto (Orb.) ‘mud, dirt’; Sln. blăto ‘mud, swamp’; Bulg. blăto ‘mud, swamp’ BSl. ‘ l O B Lith. băltas 3 ‘white’; bală f. 2/4 ‘swamp’; Latv. balts ‘white’ OPr. Namuynbalt [placename] {1} Cogn. Alb. balte f. ‘mud, swamp’; MoGk. pdXToq f. ‘swamp’; Rom. baltă f. ‘mud, swamp’ {2} Both formally and semantically, ‘bolto may derive from PIE *bhelH- ‘white’, cf. Pl. biel (dial.), bielaw, Bel. bel’ ‘swampy meadow’ (ESSJa II: 180). PSl. *bolto is sometimes considered an “Illyrian” substratum word. In this connection not only the above-mentioned forms from the Balkan peninsula are adduced, but also Romance forms such as Lomb. palta, Piem. pauta (cf. Demiraj 1997: 87-88). 54 ‘bolh {1} Cf. also the Rythabalt meadow and the placename Peusebalten. Namuynbalt is the equivalent of Namoyumpelk (pelk ‘swamp’). See also: ‘beta; ‘bolna; ‘bolnh; ‘bolna; ‘bolnhje *bolb f. i (c) ‘pain’ ESSJa II 191-192 CS OCS bolb m.(i) ‘sick person’ E Ru. bol’ ‘pain’; Bel. bol’ m.(jo) ‘pain’, Gsg. bolju; Ukr. bil’ m.(jo) ‘pain, suffering’, Gsg. bolju W Cz. bol m.(o) ‘sorrow, grief’; Slk. bâl’ m.(jo) ‘sorrow, grief’; Pl. bol m.(o) ‘pain, sorrow, grief’, Gsg. bolu {1}; Kash. b^ol m.(o) ‘pain’ b^olu {1}; Slnc. boul m.(o) ‘pain’, boulu; USrb. bol f.(jâ) ‘pain’, Gsg. bole; LSrb. bol ‘pain, grief’, Gsg. boli S SCr. bol ‘pain, illness’, Gsg. boli; Cak. bol (Vrg., Novi) ‘pain, illness’, Gsg. boli; buol (Orb.) ‘pain, illness’, Gsg. boli; Sln. bol ‘pain, suffering, grief, Gsg. boli; bol m.(o) ‘pain, suffering, grief’; Bulg. bol (dial.) m.(o) ‘pain, sick person’; bol’ (dial.) m.(o) ‘sick person, illness’; Mcd. bol f.(i) ‘pain’ PIE ‘bhol(H)-i- Cogn. OCorn. bal f. ‘illness’; OIc. bgl n. ‘misfortune, damage, Dsg. bglve; Go. balwawesei f. ‘wickedness’; OE bealu n. ‘woe, harm, wickedness’ A deverbative of ^ ‘boleti. {1} Slawski mentions bol (17th/18th c.) ‘devil, demon, Gsg. bolu (SP I: 315). A variant with the expected short root vowel is also attested in dialects and in Kashubian (Gsg. -olu alongside -olu mentioned in Lorentz PW). *bolzina f. â ‘beam’ ESSJa II 183-184 S SCr. blăzina ‘pillow, bolster’; Sln. blazina ‘roof-beam, cross-beam, pillow, mattress, bolster’ BSl. ‘bolzei?na?; *bolzei?nos B Lith. balzienas m. 1/3 ‘cross-beam (harrow,waggon, sledge)’; balziena f. 1/3 ‘cross-beam (harrow, waggon, sledge)’; Latv. bălziens m. ‘cross-beam (sledge, plough)’ OPr. balsinis ‘cushion’; pobalso ‘bolster’ PIE ‘bholgh- Cogn. OIc. bjalki m. ‘beam’; OHG balko m. ‘beam’; OE balca m. ‘beam’ It seems plausible that we are dealing with two, formally indistinguishable roots (cf. IEW: 122-123, 125-126). The meaning ‘pillow, bolster’ belongs to the same root that underlies Lith. balnas, OHG balg, etc. Stang (1972: 14) attempts to separate ‘beam’ from ‘pillow, bellows’ on formal grounds (‘g vs. g\ respectively), but this does not seem to work, as the Balto-Slavic forms that are supposed to contain ‘g do not show the effects of Winter’s law. It is more likely that the Germanic forms with ‘k contain ‘k(k) < ‘gh-n- (Kluge’s law). See also: ‘bolzhno ‘bordati 55 *bolzbno n. o ‘beam’ ESSJa II 184 E Ru. bolozno (dial.) ‘thick plank’ W Kash. blozno ‘cross-beam’; Slnc. bluezne ‘body of a sleigh’ BSl. ‘bolzei?na?; *bolzei?nos B Lith. balzienas m. 1/3 ‘cross-beam (harrow, waggon, sledge)’; balziena f. 1/3 ‘cross-beam (harrow, waggon, sledge)’; Latv. bălziens m. ‘cross-beam (sledge, plough)’ OPr. balsinis (EV) ‘cushion’; pobalso (EV) ‘bolster’ PIE ‘bholgh- Cogn. OIc. bjalki m. ‘beam’; OHG balko m. ‘beam’; OE balca m. ‘beam’ See ^ ‘bolzina. *bordâ f. â (c) ‘beard’ ESSJa II 197-198 CS OCS brada ‘beard’ E Ru. borodă ‘beard, (dial.) chin, Asg. borodu; Bel. baradă ‘beard’; Ukr. borodă ‘beard, chin’ W Cz. brada ‘chin, beard’; Slk. brada ‘chin, beard’; Pl. broda ‘beard, chin’; Slnc. bruedă ‘beard’; USrb. broda ‘beard, chin’; LSrb. broda ‘beard, moustache, chin’; Plb. brodă ‘chin, throat’ S SCr. brăda ‘beard, chin’, Asg. brădu; brăda ‘axe’; Cak. brâdă (Vrg.) ‘beard, chin’, Asg. brădu; brădă (Orb.) ‘chin, beard, Asg. brădu; Sln. brăda ‘beard, (beardless) chin’; Bulg. bradă ‘chin, beard’; Mcd. brada ‘chin, beard’ BSl. ‘bordă? B Lith. barzdă 4; Latv. bărda; bărzda (dial.) OPr. bordus (EV) Cogn. Lat. barba f.; OHG bart m.; OE beard m. Possibly a North Indo-European substratum word. In PIE terms - albeit with “European a” - the reconstruction is ‘bhard^eh2. See also: ‘bordati *bordâtb adj. o ‘bearded’ ESSJa II 198-199 CS CS bradatyi E Ru. borodătyj; Bel. baradăty; Ukr. borodătyj W Cz. bradaty; Slk. bradaty; Pl. brodaty; Slnc. bredatî; USrb. brodaty; LSrb. brodaty S SCr. brădat; Sln. bradăt; Bulg. bradăt BSl. ‘bordă?-to- B Lith. barzdotas Cogn. Lat. barbătus Adjective in ‘-to- derived from ^ ‘bordă. 56 ‘bordlo *bordlo n. o ESSJa II 200-201 E Ukr. borolo (dial.) ‘cleft in a crag’; borolo (dial.) ‘crag’ W OCz. bradlo ‘cliff, (pl.) fortification’ {1}; Slk. bradlo ‘cliff’; Pl. brodlo (dial.) ‘hay-stack, shock’; brodlo (dial.) ‘hay-stack, shock’; OPl. brodlo ‘hay-stack’ S Bulg. brălo ‘weir’ PIE ‘bhorH-dhlom Verbal derivative in ‘-dlo < ‘-dHo-, cf. ^ ‘borti. {1} Cz. bradlo ‘handle of a stick’ derives from *bbrati ‘take’. See also: ‘borna II; ‘bornh; ‘zabordlo *borg^ m. o (c) ‘stack, rick’ ESSJa II 202-203 E Ukr. borih (dial.) ‘stack, rick, Gsg. boroga W OCz. brah ‘stack, rick’; Pl. brog ‘stack, rick, shed’, Gsg. brogu; Slnc. broug ‘stack, rick’, Gsg. bruegu; LSrb. brog ‘stack, rick’ PIE ‘bhorgh-o- Cogn. MLG barch (barg, berg) m. ‘shed without walls for storing sheafs’ Lith. b(a)râgas ‘stack, rick’ is a Slavic borrowing. Ru. brog was probably borrowed from Polish. See also: ‘bergti; ‘bhrgi *borna I f. â (b/c) ‘harrow’ ESSJa II 204-206 E Ru. boronă, Asg. boronu; ORu. borona; Ukr. boronă W Cz. brăny Npl.; Slk. brăny Npl.; Pl. brona {1}; Slnc. bârnă ; USrb. brona; Plb. bornă S SCr. brăna; Sln. brăna; Bulg. brăna; brană (dial.); Mcd. brana PIE ‘bhorH-neh2 Cogn. Gk. şapowCTi 3pl. ‘plough’; Lat. forăre ‘perforate’; OIc. bora ‘perforate, drill’; OHG boron ‘perforate, drill’ According to the ESSJa, *borna ‘harrow’ and *borna ‘guarded entrance, barrier’ belong to one and the same root. Though this may be correct, I prefer to leave it an open question whether these words may be identified. In my opinion, this is tantamount to leaving the question whether PSl. *borti, Lat. ferire and OIc. berja are cognate with Gk. şapowoa, Lat. forăre and OIc. bora unanswered. {1} We find attestations of brona (bruna) from the 16th century onwards (Slawski SP I: 324). See also: ‘borna I; ‘birna; ‘birth; ‘birti *borna II f. â ESSJa II 204-206 E ORu. borona ‘defence’; Ukr. borona ‘defence’ ‘borti 57 W Cz. brăna ‘entrance, gate, defences’; OCz. brăna ‘fortification, gate’; Slk. brăna ‘gate, guarded entrance’; Pl. brona ‘(arch.) fortified gate, movable part of a gate’ S SCr. brăna ‘dam, weir, barrier, defender, defence’; Sln. brăna ‘protection, defence’; Bulg. brană (dial.) ‘dam, weir’; Mcd. brana ‘dam, weir’ PIE ‘bhorH-neh2 See ^ borna I. *bornb f. i (c) ESSJa II 208-209 CS OCS branb ‘war, battle, fight’ E Ru. boron’ (dial.) ‘prohibition, order’; ORu. boronb ‘battle, obstacle, guard’ W OCz. bran ‘arms, fortification, defence’; bran ‘arms, fortification, defence’; Pl. bron ‘weapon, military division; USrb. bron ‘arms, equipment’; LSrb. bron ‘arms’ S SCr. brăn f. ‘fight, battle, war’; brăn m. ‘fight, battle, war’; Sln. brăn ‘defence, kind of weir, (wicket-)gate’; Bulg. bran f.? ‘war’ BSl. ‘bor-n-i- B Lith. barnis m.(io) 2 ‘abuse, quarrel’; barnis f.(i) 4 ‘abuse, quarrel’ PIE ‘bhorH-n-i- See also: ‘bordlo; ‘borna II; ‘borti; ‘zabordlo *borsbno n. o (c) ‘flour, food’ ESSJa II 212-213 CS OCS brasbno ‘food’ E Ru. borosno (dial.) ‘rye-flour’; ORu. borosbno ‘(farinaceous) food’; Ukr. borosno ‘flour’ S SCr. brăsno ‘flour, food’; Cak. brăsno (Vrg.) ‘flour, food’; Sln. brăsno ‘food’; Bulg. brasno ‘flour’ BSl. ‘bar- B Latv. barîba f. ‘food’ PIE ‘bhar-s-in-om Cogn. Lat. far n. ‘flour’, farina f. ‘id.’; Go. barizeins adj. ‘barley-’; OIc. barr m. ‘grain’; OIr. bairgen f. ‘bread, loaf’, W bara ‘bread’ We are probably dealing here with a root *bhar-, which was borrowed into European (cf. Schrijver 1991: 113-114). *borti v. (b) ESSJa II 213-214 CS OCS brati (sţ) ‘fight’, 1sg. borjg (sţ), 2sg. borjesi (sţ) E Ru. borot’ ‘overpower, throw to the ground’, 1sg. borju, 3sg. boret; borotsja ‘fight’, 1sg. borjus’, 3sg. boretsja; Ukr. boroty ‘overpower’ W Pl. broc siţ (dial.) ‘fight, contend’ S Bulg. borja ‘torment, conquer’; borja se ‘fight’ 58 ‘borvi BSl. ‘bor?- B Lith. bărti ‘scold, accuse, forbid’; bărtis ‘quarrel’; Latv. bârti ‘scold, blame’; bârties ‘quarrel’ PIE ‘bhorH- Cogn. Lat. ferire ‘hit’; OIc. berja ‘beat, hit’; OHG berjan ‘hit, pound, knead’ For semantic reasons it is unclear whether Lat. forăre ‘perforate’, OIc. bora ‘id.’, etc., belong here as well (cf. Schrijver 1991: 216; see also s.v. *borna I). The Germanic forms continue PGmc. *barjan. See also: ‘bordlo; ‘borna II; ‘bârnh; ‘zabordlo *bârvb m. o (c) ESSJa II 214-215 CS CS bravi ‘small live stock’ E Ru. borov ‘hog, castrated boar, (dial.) boar, castrated bull’; ORu. borovv ‘small live stock, hog, castrated boar’ W Cz. brav ‘small live stock’; brav (dial.) ‘hog, castrated boar’; Slk. brav ‘hog, castrated boar’; Pl. browek (dial.) ‘porker’ S SCr. brăv ‘sheep (pl.), (dial.) hog, castrated boar’; Cak. brăv (Vrg.) ‘ram’; Sln. brăv ‘sheep (pl.), pig, animal’; brăv f.(i) ‘sheep (pl.)’; Bulg. brav (dial.) ‘ram’ PIE ‘bhor-u-o- Cogn. OIc. bgrgr m. ‘hog, castrated boar’; OHG barug m.; barh m. ‘id.’; OE bearg m.; bearh m. ‘id.’; MoE barrow ‘id.’; MoDu. barg m. ‘id.’ It is unclear whether this root may be identified with the root ‘bhrH- of ^ ‘borti and ‘bvrtb, as is advocated by Pokorny (IEW: 133-135). The Germanic cognates reflect ‘bhor-u-ko-. *bârb m. u (c) ‘pine-tree, pine forest’ ESSJa II 216-217 CS RuCS bon ‘pine-tree, pine forest’ E Ru. bor ‘coniferous forest’; bor (dial.) ‘woods, forest, heather, shrubbery, high place, dry place, waterless valley’; ORu. bon ‘pine-tree, pine forest, Npl. borove; Ukr. bir ‘pine forest, coniferous forest’, Gsg. boru; byr (dial.) ‘high, sandy place, pinewood in a high, sandy place’, Gsg. boru W Cz. bor ‘coniferous forest, woods’; bor (dial.) ‘pine-tree, pine forest’; Slk. bor ‘pine-tree’; bâr ‘pine-tree’; Pl. bor ‘forest’, Gsg. boru, Lsg. boru; Slnc. bor ‘dry, barren soil, pine forest’; USrb. bor (arch.) ‘pine-tree, pine forest’; LSrb. bor (obs.) ‘pine-tree, (pine) forest’ S SCr. bor ‘pine-tree, Gsg. bora; Cak. bor (Vrg.) ‘pine-tree’, Gsg. boră; Sln. bor ‘pine-tree’; Bulg. bor ‘pine-tree’ In Slavic, there are many indications for an original u-stem bon < ‘bhoru-, e.g. RuCS borove Npl. ‘pine-trees’, Pl. w boru ‘in the forest’, or derivates based on a stem ‘borov-, such as SCr. borovik ‘coniferous forest, pine forest’, borovina ‘pine-tree, pinewood’, borovka ‘bilberry, raspberry’. Cogn. OIc. bgrr m. ‘tree’; OE bearu m. ‘tree’, Gsg. bearwes ‘bosi 59 *borzdâ f. â (b) ‘furrow’ ESSJa II 220 CS OCS brazda ‘furrow’ E Ru. borozdă ‘furrow, (dial.) harrow, canal’ W Cz. brăzda ‘furrow’; Slk. brăzda ‘furrow’; Pl. bruzda ‘furrow’; Slnc. bardă ‘furrow’; USrb. brozda ‘furrow’; LSrb. brozda ‘furrow’; bruzda (dial.) ‘furrow’; brouzda (dial.) ‘furrow’ S SCr. brăzda ‘furrow, (dial.) canal’; Cak. brâzdă (Vrg.) ‘furrow’; brăzdă (Orb.) ‘furrow, row (of potatoes, etc., planted in one furrow)’ (more common is the i-stem brăs, Gsg. brăzdî); Sln. brăzda ‘furrow, wrinkle’; Bulg. brazdă ‘furrow’; brezdă ‘furrow’; Mcd. brazdă ‘furrow, irrigation canal, wrinkle’ B Lith. birze f.(e) 2 ‘sign (out of straws or twigs) that marks the boundary of the sowed land, furrow’ {1}; Latv. birze f.(e) ‘furrow’ The reconstruction ‘bhrs-d(h)-, which would enable a connection with Skt. bhrşţi- f. (RV) ‘point, top, spike, tooth’ (if not ş < ‘s), cannot account for the Baltic forms. {1} The original accentuation of this word cannot be established. In Lithuanian, we find birze 1/2/4 and birzis 1/2/3/4. In Latvian, birze, birze and birze are attested. *bosti v. (c) ‘stab, sting’ ESSJa II 222-223 CS OCS bosti ‘stab’, 1sg. bodg, 1sg. aor. bast E Ru. bost’ (Smol.) ‘butt’, 1sg. bodu; bosti (Kalin. obl.) ‘butt’ W Cz. busti (poet.) ‘stab’, 1sg. bodu; OCz. bosti ‘stab’, 1sg. bodu; Pl. bosc ‘stab, butt’, 1sg. bodţ S SCr. bdsti ‘sting, prick, stab’, 1sg. bodem; Cak. bosti (Vrg.) ‘sting, prick, stab’, 2sg. bodes; bos (Orb.) ‘sting, prick, stab’, 1sg. boden; Sln. bosti ‘stab, butt’, 1sg. bodem BSl. ‘bed-; bod- B Lith. besti ‘stick, drive (into), dig’, 3sg. beda {1} PIE ‘bhodh- Cogn. Lat. fodio ‘dig’ {1} We find o-vocalism in, for instance, the intensive badyti, Latv. badît. See also: ‘bâdati; ‘bodati; ‘bodilh *bâs^ adj. o (c) ‘barefooted, unshod’ ESSJa II 223-224 CS CS bost E Ru. bosoj; Ukr. bosyj W Cz. bosy; Slk. bosy; Pl. bosy; USrb. bosy ‘barefooted, tasteless’; LSrb. bosy S SCr. bos; Cak. bos (Vrg.), f. bosă, n. boso; buos (Orb.), f. bosa, n. boso; Sln. bos; Bulg. bos BSl. ‘bosos B Lith. bâsas 4; Latv. bass 60 ‘bţbhniti PIE ‘bhos-o- Cogn. OIc. berr ‘naked, bare’; OHG bar ‘naked, bare’; OE b&r ‘naked, bare’ *bşbbniti v. ESSJa II 232 E Ru. bubmt’ ‘grumble, mutter’ W Cz. bubeniti (Jg.) ‘beat the drum’; Pl. bţbnic ‘beat the drum, make noise’ See ^ ‘bgbbnt. *bşbbm m. o ‘drum’ ESSJa II 232-233 CS RuCS bubent ‘drum’; RuCS bubont ‘drum’ E Ru. buben ‘tambourine’ W Cz. buben ‘drum’; Pl. bţben ‘drum’ S SCr. bubanj m.(jo) ‘big Turkish drum, (dial.) fishing-basket’; Cak. bubanj (Orb.) m.(jo) ‘drum’; Sln. bgbm ‘drum, fishing-basket’ Cogn. OIc. bumba ‘drum’ *brâtrb; *bratb m. o (a) ‘brother’ ESSJa II 238, III 8-9 CS OCS bratrt; bratt E Ru. brat, Gsg. brăta; Ukr. brat W Cz. bratr; brat (dial., poet.); OCz. bratr; brat; Slk. brat(e)r (dial.); brat; Pl. brat; OPl. bratr (Bibl. Zof.); Slnc. brat; USrb. bratr; LSrb. bratr (arch.); brats; Plb. brot S SCr. brăt; Cak. brăt (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. brăt; brătdr; Bulg. brat; Mcd. brat BSl. ‘bră?-t(e)r- B Lith. brolis m.(io) 1; broterelis m.(io) 2 ‘brother (dim.)’; Latv. brâlis m.(io); brătaritis m.(io) ‘brother (dim.)’ OPr. brăti (Ench.); brote (EV); bratrikai (Ench.) Npl. ‘brothers (dim.)’ PIE ‘bhreh2-tr- Cogn. Gk. şpăTr|p m. ‘member of a brotherhood’; Lat. frăter m. ‘brother’; Go. bropar m. ‘brother’ *brâtrbja; *brâtbja f. jâ (a) ‘brothers (coll.)’ ESSJa III 7-8, 9-10 CS OCS bratrija ‘brothers, brotherhood’; bratija ‘brothers, brotherhood’ E Ru. brătja Npl. m. ‘brothers’; Ukr. brăttja Npl. n.(jo) ‘brothers (coll.)’ W Cz. bratri (arch.) ‘brotherhood’; Cz. bratrie (arch.) ‘brotherhood’; OCz. bratr f.(i) ‘brotherhood’; Pl. bracia (arch.) ‘brothers (coll.)’; LSrb. bratsa (arch., obs.) ‘brothers (coll.), brotherhood’; Plb. brot’ă ‘brothers’ S SCr. brăca ‘brothers’; brătja ‘brothers’; Cak. brăca (Vrg.) ‘brothers’; brăca (Orb.) ‘brothers (and sisters)’; Sln. brătja ‘brothers’; Mcd. bratija ‘brotherhood’ PIE ‘bhreh2-tr-ieh2- ‘brezgi 61 Cogn. Gk. şpăTpîa f. ‘brotherhood’ See also: ‘bratri; ‘brati *brediti v. ‘rave’ ESSJa III 12 E Ru. bredit’ ‘be delirious, rave, (dial.) clear a way’; OUkr. brediti ‘talk rubbish’; brediti ‘talk rubbish’ W Cz. bredit se (dial.) ‘writhe, forget out of malice’; Pl. bredzic ‘be delirious, rave’ {1} B Lith. bredyti ‘chatter, deceive’ {2} No doubt, this is the same root as in ^ ‘bresti ‘wade’, cf. Ru. sumasbrod madcap’ (van Wijk 1911: 128). We may be dealing with a denominative verb, cf. Ru. bred ‘delirium, ravings’. {1} Since the 16th century. According to Bankowksi (2000: 74), we are dealing with a Ruthenianism. {2} A borrowing from Slavic. *bresti v. (c?) ‘wade’ ESSJa III 14-15 CS RuCS bresti ‘wade’ {1} E Ru. bresti ‘drag oneself along, stroll pensively’, 1sg. bredu, 3sg. bredet; Ukr. bresty ‘drag oneself along, wade’, 1sg. bredu, 3sg. bredet W OCz. bristi ‘wade’, 1sg. brdu, 1sg. br(e)du; Slk. brst‘wade’, 1sg. brdie, 1sg. brdu; Slnc. brasc ‘wade’, 1sg. bradq; Plb. brade 1sg. ‘wade’ S Sln. bresti ‘wade’, 1sg. bredem ‘wade’ BSl. ‘bred- B Lith. bristi ‘wade’, 3pres. brenda, 3pret. brido {2}; Latv. brist ‘wade’ Cogn. Alb. bredh ‘jump, hop’ The root must be reconstructed as ‘bhredh-. {1} The forms neprebredomt and neprebredimt ‘infinite’, which are mentioned in the SSJ, do not occur in texts belonging to the canon. {2} Proto-East Baltic *bristi must have ousted *birsti < *bhrdh-ti on the analogy of forms with full grade. See also: ‘brediti; ‘broditi; ‘brâdi; ‘brhdnşti *brezg^ m. o ‘dawn’ ESSJa III 17, 19 CS OCS probrezgt E Ru. brezg (coll., dial.) W Cz. rozbresk; OCz. brezk; Pl. brzask; OPl. brzazg S Sln. bresk BSl. ‘bre?z-(s)k- B Lith. breksti v. ‘dawn, 3pres. breksta, 3pret. bresko Cogn. Skt. bhrăjate ‘shine, beam’ We may reconstruct a deverbative noun ‘bhrehig-sk-o-. 62 ‘brşknţti *brşknşti v. (a) ‘swell’ ESSJa III 23 E Ru. brjăknut’ (dial.) ‘swell, expand as a result of dryness or moisture’; Bel. brjăknuc ‘get soaked’; Ukr. brjăknuty ‘swell’ S SCr. breknuti ‘swell’; Bulg. brekna (dial.) ‘get angry, swell’; Mcd. brekna ‘swell’ BSl. ‘brink- B Lith. brinkti ‘swell, bloat, grow dry’, 3pres. brinksta, 3pret. brinko PIE ‘bhrnk- Cogn. OIc. bringa f. ‘chest’ I suspect that AP (a) is connected with the formation in ‘-ngti, while the Lithuanian acute may be attributed to the sta-present, cf. the variant brinkti and the causative brankyti (dial.) ‘soak (peas)’, 3pres. branko. *brşzdzati v. ‘jingle’ ESSJa III 24-25 E Ru. brjazzăt’ (dial.) ‘talk nonsense, jingle, strum’; OUkr. brjazcăty ‘jingle, tinkle’; brjazcăty jingle, tinkle’ BSl. ‘brenzg- B Lith. brengzti ‘jingle’, 3pres. brţzgia. *bricb m. jo ‘razor’ ESSJa III 25 CS RuCS bricb; SerbCS bricb S SCr. brîc; Bulg. bric Derivative in ‘-cb < ‘-tio- of ^ ‘briti. See also: ‘bridi; ‘bridiki; ‘bridh; ‘britva *brid^; *bridb m. o; f. i ‘sharpness, sharp edge’ ESSJa III 27-28, 29 E Ru. bryd (dial.) m. ‘sharpness, fumes, haze’; brid (dial.) m. ‘smoke’ S SCr. brîd m. ‘border, edge, blade’; Sln. brîd f. ‘sharp edge’, Gsg. bridî See ^ ‘bridtkt. ^brid'bk'b adj. o ‘sharp’ ESSJa III 28-29 CS OCS bridtkt (Supr.) ‘sharp’ E Ru. bridkij (Psk.) ‘sharp, cold’; bridkoj (Psk.) ‘sharp, cold’; britkoj (Dal’: Arx.) ‘sharp’; britkij (Dal’: S, W) ‘repulsive’ W Cz. britky ‘sharp’; OCz. bridky ‘sharp, quick, repulsive’; Slk. britky ‘sharp’; bridky ‘repulsive’; Pl. brzydki ‘repulsive’; USrb. britki ‘repulsive’ S SCr. brîdak ‘sharp’, f. brîtka, f. britka; Sln. briddk ‘sharp, bitter, beautiful’, f. bridka; bridăk ‘sharp, bitter, beautiful’, f. brîdka The root of this adjective seems to be an extended variant of ‘bhr(e)iH- (^ ‘briti). See also: ‘briă; ‘bridi; ‘briti; ‘britva ‘broditi 63 *briti v. (a) ‘shave’ ESSJa III 31-32 CS CS briti sţ (Christ.) ‘shave’, 1sg. brijg sţ E Ru. brit’ ‘shave’, 1sg. breju W Cz. briti (obs.) ‘shave’ {1}; Slk. brit ‘shave’ S SCr. brîti (arch., obs.) ‘shave, cut’, 1sg. brîjem; brijati ‘shave, cut’, 1sg. brîjem; brîjati ‘shave, cut’, 1sg. brîjem; Cak. brît (Orb.) ‘shave, 3sg. brîje; Sln. briti ‘shave, shear’, 1sg. brîjem; Bulg. brija ‘shave’ PIE ‘bhr(e)iH- Cogn. Skt. bhrinăti ‘injure’; OIr. bronnaid ‘injure, damage’; OIc. brinna ‘to cause a cutting, sharp sorrow’; MoHG brennen ‘id.’ {1} Possibly a borrowing, as the verb is not attested in Old Czech. See also: ‘bricb; ‘bridi; ‘bridb; ‘bridiki; ‘britva *britva f. â (a) ‘razor’ ESSJa III 25 CS OCS britva E Ru. britva W Cz. britva; Slk. britva; Pl. brzytwa S SCr. brîtva; Cak. brît(v)a (Vrg.); brîtva (Orb.) ‘razor, kind of knife’; Sln. brîtva ‘razor, clasp-knife’ Verbal derivative in ‘-tva < ‘tu-eh2. See ^ ‘briti. *bruxo; *brux^ n. o; m. o (c) ‘belly’ ESSJa III 33-34 E Ru. brjuxo n.; ORu. brjuxo n.; brjuxt m. W Cz. bricho n.; brich (obs.) m.; Slk. brucho n.; Pl. brzuch m.; brzucho (XV- XVIIth c., dial.) n.; Slnc. bfă\ m. PIE ‘bhreus-o- Cogn. OIr. bru f. ‘abdomen, belly, womb’; W bru m. ‘womb, belly’ See also: ‘bristb *broditi v. (b?) ‘wade’ ESSJa III 36 CS RuCS broditi ‘go across’ E Ru. brodit’ ‘wander, roam, stroll’, 1sg. brozu, 3sg. brodit W Cz. broditi ‘bathe (horses), (rarely) wander, roam’; broditi se ‘wade’; Slk. brodit (sa) ‘wade, squeeze through’; Pl. brodzic ‘wade’; USrb. brodzic ‘wade’; LSrb. brozis ‘wade’ S SCr. broditi ‘wade’, 1sg. brodim; Sln. broditi ‘wade, bathe’, 1sg. brgdim; Bulg. brodja ‘wander, roam, stroll’ BSl. ‘brod- B Lith. bra(i)dyti ‘wade’ PIE ‘bhrodh-eie- 64 ‘brodi See also: ‘brediti; ‘bresti; ‘brâdi; ‘brbdnşti *brâd^ m. o (c) ‘ford’ ESSJa III 36-37 CS RuCS brodt E Ru. brod, Gsg. broda, Gpl. brodov; Ukr. brid, Gsg. brodu W Cz. brod; Slk. brod; Pl. brod, Gsg. brodu; USrb. brod, Gsg. broda; LSrb. brod S SCr. brod ‘ford, ship’, Gsg. broda; Cak. brod (Vrg.) ‘ship’ Gsg. broda; brod (Novi) ‘ship’ Gsg. broda; brot (Orb.) ‘ship, Lsg. brode; Sln. brod ‘ford, harbour, ferry’; Bulg. brod ‘ford’ BSl. ‘brodos B Lith. brâdas m. ‘muddy spot or road, ford, fishing net’; bradă f. ‘muddy spot or road, ford’; Latv. brads m. ‘ford’ PIE ‘bhrodh-o- See also: ‘brediti; ‘bresti; ‘broditi; ‘brbdnşti *brom adj. o ‘white (of horses)’ ESSJa III 41-42 CS CroatCS bront ‘white (of horses)’; RuCS bronii; bronyi ‘white (of horses)’ E ORu. bronii; bronyi ‘white (of horses), grey, dun’ W Cz. brony (obs.) ‘white (of horses)’; OCz. brony ‘white (of horses)’ PIE ‘bhrodh-no- Cogn. Skt. bradhnă- (RV+) ‘pale red, ruddy, yellowish, bay’ *brusbnica f. jâ ‘mountain cranberry, cowberry, ESSJa III 51-52 red whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)’ E Ru. brusnika W Cz. brusnice; Slk. brusnica; Pl. brusznica; brusnica (dial.) S SCr. brusnica ‘mountain cranberry, cowberry, red whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), bilberry, whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)’; Sln. brusnica ‘mountain cranberry, cowberry, red whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)’; Bulg. brusnica measles, mountain cranberry, cowberry, red whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)’ BSl. br(o)us/k- B Lith. brukne f.(e) 2; Latv. bruklene f.(e) PIE ‘bhrouk- See ^ ‘brtsati, ‘brtkati. *brut^ m. o ‘nail’ ESSJa III 53 CS SerbCS brutt S SCr. brut (dial.); Bulg. brut BSl. ‘brouk-to- B Lith. brauktas ‘wooden knife for cleaning flax’ ‘brizda 65 See ^ ‘brtsati, ‘brtkati. *brbsati; *brbkati v. ESSJa III 53-54, 55-56 E Ru. brosăt’ ‘throw, (dial.) scutch flax’, 1sg. brosăju; brokăt’ (dial.) ‘throw’ S SCr. brcati ‘throw’; Sln. brkati ‘push, rush, provoke’; brsati ‘kick, touch (in passing), graze’; brsati ‘kick, touch (in passing), graze’; brcati ‘kick’ BSl. ‘brus/k- B Lith. brukti ‘poke, thrust, press, scutch (flax)’ PIE ‘bhruk- The alternation between ‘s and ‘k points to *k. The ‘k may have arisen in the position before a resonant. See also: ‘briselb; ‘briselije; ‘brusbnica; ‘brisnşti; ‘briknşti; ‘brysadlo *br^selb; *brbselije ESSJa III 56 CS OCS brbselije (Supr.) n.(io) ‘potsherd’; CS brtselb [?] ‘potsherd, tablet’ See the previous lemma. *br^snşti; *br^knşti v. ESSJa III 56-57 CS RuCS brtsnuti ‘shave’ E Ru. brosnut’ (dial.) ‘squeeze, pick berries’ S SCr. brknuti ‘throw’; Sln. brsniti ‘kick, poke, rush’; brkniti ‘kick, poke, rush’; brcniti ‘kick, poke, rush’; Bulg. brăsna ‘shave’ BSl. ‘brus/k- B Lith. brukti ‘poke, thrust, press, scutch (flax)’ PIE ‘bhruk- See also: ‘brisati; ‘brikati; ‘briselb; ‘briselije; ‘brusbnica; ‘brysadlo *brbstb f. i ‘bud’ ESSJa III 58 E Ru. brost’ ‘buds (of a shrub)’; Ukr. brost’ ‘bud (of a tree)’ W LSrb. barsc (obs.) ‘bud’ S SCr. bfst m.(o) ‘(young) foliage, shoots, sprouts’; Sln. brst ‘bud (of a tree), sprout, Gsg. brsta, Gsg. brstă; bfst ‘bud (of a tree), brushwood, Gsg. brstî PIE ‘bhrus-t-i- Cogn. OS brustian ‘bud’ The connection with OS brustian was advocated by van Wijk (1909: 235), who actually reconstructed ‘bh^t-. See also: ‘bruxo; ‘bruxi *brbzda f. â ‘bit’ CS OCS brtzdami (Ps. Sin.) Ipl. ‘bit’ ESSJa III 62 66 ‘bry W Cz. brzda ‘brake’; Slk. brzda ‘brake’ S Sln. brzda ‘bridle’; brozda ‘bridle’; bruzdă (16th-18th c.) ‘bridle’ BSl. ‘bruzd- B Lith. bruzduklis m.(io) ‘bridle’ PIE ‘bhrus-dh- Cogn. OIc. broddr m. ‘spike, shaft’; OHG brart m. ‘edge’ *bry f. u ‘eyebrow’ ESSJa III 63-64 CS OCS brbvbmi (Supr.) Ipl. ‘eyebrows?, eyelids?’ E Ru. brov’ f.(i) ‘eyebrow’ W Cz. brva f.(â) ‘eyelash, (pl.) eyebrows’; OCz. brev f.(i) ‘eyebrow, Gsg. brve; Slk. brva f.(â) ‘eyebrow, eyelid’; Pl. brew f.(i) ‘eyebrow’, Gsg. brwi S SCr. bfv (13th c.) f.(i) ‘eyelid’ BSl. ‘bruîs B Lith. bruvis (dial.) f.(i) ‘eyebrow’; bruve f.(e) ‘eyebrow’ PIE ‘h3bhruH-s Cogn. Skt. bhru- f. ‘eyebrow’; Gk. oşpuq f. ‘eyebrow’; OE bru f. ‘eyebrow’ *brysadlo n. o ESSJa III 65 CS OCS brysalo (Supr.) ‘towel’ S SCr. brîsalo ‘rag, duster, wooden knife’; Sln. brisălo ‘towel, rag’ Derivative in ‘-dlo of the iterative ^ ‘brysati. See also: ‘brisati; ‘brikati; ‘briselb; ‘briselije; ‘brusbnica; ‘brisnşti; ‘briknşti *brbdnşti v. ‘wade’ ESSJa III 67 W Cz. brednouti melt, (obs.) wade’; Slk. brdnut‘wade, roam’; Pl. brnqc ‘wade’ BSl. ‘bird- B Lith. bristi ‘wade’, 3pres. brenda, 3pret. brido; Latv. brist ‘wade’ PIE ‘bhrdh- One would have suspected *bbrdngti, but Cz. brednouti points to *brbd. Apparently the zero grade of the root was influenced by the full grade of other forms. Likewise, Proto-East Baltic *bristi must have ousted *birsti < *bhrdh-ti on the analogy of forms with full grade. How old the metathesis actually is, cannot be determined. See also: ‘brediti; ‘bresti; ‘broditi; ‘brâdi *brbna f. â ‘mud, clay’ ESSJa III 69-70 CS OCS brtnojg (Euch.) Isg. f. ‘mud, dirt’ W USrb. borno n. ‘bog, marsh’ S SCr. brna (16th c.) f. ‘mud, dirt’; Sln. brna f.(â) ‘clay, humus’; bfnja f.(jâ) ‘clay, humus’; bfn m. ‘silt’ ‘buditi 67 Perhaps cognate with ^ ‘bresti, cf. Lith. bradă f. ‘mud’. *brbnbje n. io ‘mud, clay’ ESSJa III 170 CS OCS brbnije ‘mud, dirt’; RuCS brbnije ‘mud, dirt’; brenije ‘mud, dirt’; bbrnije ‘clay’; bernije ‘clay’ S SCr. brnje (arch., obs.) ‘mud, dirt’; Sln. bfnje ‘clay, humus, dirt’ See ^ ‘brbna. *brbvbnd n. o (b) ‘beam’ ESSJa III 72-73 CS OCS brbvbno ‘beam’ E Ru. brevno ‘beam’ W Cz. brevno ‘beam’; Slk. brvno ‘beam’; Pl. bierwiono ‘rough timber’ {1} S SCr. brvno ‘beam, small bridge, boundary’; Sln. bfvno; bruno It is attractive to derive the word for ‘beam’ from ^ *bry ‘eyebrow’, Gsg. ‘brtve (Pedersen 1905: 322), except for the fact that it has the wrong jer. Pedersen (l.c.) presents examples of similar cases. {1} A back-formation based on dial. bier(z)wionko, bierzwienko, cf. OPl. Birzwno (place-name) (Bankowski 2000a: 49-50). *bucati v. (c) ‘roar’ ESSJa III 74 E Ru. bucăt’ (dial.) ‘low, weep loudly, hum’ W Cz. buceti ‘roar, low’; Slk. bucat ‘low’; Pl. buczec ‘hum, cry’; USrb. bucec ‘roar, low, cry’ S SCr. bucati make a loud noise, boom, rage’, 1sg. bucim; Cak. bucati (Vrg.) ‘hit the surface of the sea to frighten fish into a net’, 2sg. bucâs; Sln. bucati ‘make a loud noise, roar’, 1sg. bucim; Bulg. bucă ‘make a deafening noise’ BSl. ‘bouk- B Lith. baukti ‘roar’ PIE ‘bhouk- *buditi v. (c) ‘awaken, arouse’ ESSJa III 76-77 CS OCS ubuditi ‘awaken’, 1sg. ubuzdg; vtzbuditi ‘awaken’, 1sg. vtzbuzdg; CS buditi ‘arouse’ E Ru. budit’ ‘awaken, arouse’, 1sg. buzu, 3sg. budit {1} W Cz. buditi ‘awaken, arouse’; Slk. budit ‘awaken, arouse’; Pl. budzic ‘awaken, arouse’ S SCr. buditi ‘awaken, arouse’, 1sg. budim; Cak. budîti (Vrg.) ‘awaken, arouse’, 2sg. budis; budît (Orb.) ‘wake up, 1sg. budin; Sln. buditi ‘awaken, arouse’, 1sg. budim; Bulg. budja ‘awaken, arouse’ BSl. ‘boud- 68 ‘bujb B Lith. bausti ‘incite, force, punish’; băudyti ‘incite, instigate’; Latv. baudît; băudît ‘incite, instigate’ OPr. etbaudints ptc. pret. pass. ‘awakened’ PIE ‘bhoudh-eie- Cogn. Skt. bodhăyati ‘awaken, draw attention’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). See also: ‘blusti; ‘bideti; ‘bidri *bujb adj. jo ‘mad, foolish’ ESSJa III 84-85 CS OCS bui W OCz. buj PIE ‘bhoHu- See also: ‘bujbni *bujbm adj. o ‘stormy’ ESSJa III 86 CS CS buino adv. ‘boldly’ E Ru. bujnyj ‘wild, tempestuous’ W Cz. bujny ‘lush, tempestuous’; Slk. bujny ‘lush’; Pl. bujny ‘lush’ S SCr. bujan ‘wild, stormy’; Sln. bujdn ‘luxuriant, lush’ PIE ‘bhoHu- Cogn. Skt. bhuyăn ‘bigger, stronger’ See also: ‘bujb *bura; bura f. jâ (a) ‘storm’ ESSJa III 97-98 CS OCS burja ‘storm’ E Ru. burja ‘storm’ W Cz. boure ‘storm’; Slk. bura ‘thunderstorm’; bura (Kalal) ‘north wind’; Pl. burza ‘storm, thunderstorm’ S SCr. bura ‘stormwind’; Cak. bura (Vrg.) ‘north wind’; bura (Orb.) ‘northeast wind’; Sln. burja ‘northeast wind, impetuous person’; Bulg. burja ‘storm’ BSl. ‘bouîr- (‘boîur-) Latv. bauruot ‘bellow (said of oxen)’ Cogn. Nw. bura ‘bellow (said of raging oxen)’ *b^deti v. (c?) ‘be awake’ ESSJa III 109 CS OCS btdeti ‘be awake, keep watch’, 1sg. btzdg, 2sg. btdisi E Ru. bdet’ (arch.) ‘keep watch, keep vigil’, 2sg. bdis’ {1} W Cz. bditi ‘awake, keep watch’; Slk. bdiet ‘awake, keep watch, follow’; LSrb. bzes (Jakub.) ‘awake, keep watch’ ‘birtb; ‘birti 69 S SCr. bdjeti (arch.) ‘be awake, keep watch’; Sln. badeti ‘be awake, keep watch, 1sg. badim; bdeti ‘be awake, keep watch, 1sg. bdim; Bulg. bdja ‘awake, keep watch’ BSl. ‘bud- B Lith. budeti ‘be awake, keep watch’ PIE ‘bhudh- {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). See also: ‘blusti; ‘buditi; ‘bidri *bidr^; *bidrb adj. o; adj. jo (b) ‘alert, cheerful’ ESSJa III 111-112 CS OCS btdn ‘cheerful’; bbzdrejg (Supr.) Isg. f. ‘cheerful’ E Ru. bodryj ‘cheerful’; bodr ‘cheerful’, f. bodră, n. bodro {1} S SCr. badar ‘cheerful, alert’; bodar ‘cheerful, alert’; bodar ‘cheerful, alert’; Sln. bodar ‘cheerful, lively’; Bulg. bodar ‘fresh, cheerful, awake’ BSl. ‘budros B Lith. budrus 4 ‘vigilant’ PIE ‘bhudh-ro- {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘blusti; ‘buditi; ‘bideti *b^rna f. â ‘snout(?)’ ESSJa III 130 S Sln. brna (Steiermark) ‘carnival mask depicting an animal’; Bulg. bărna ‘lip’; Mcd. brna ‘nose-ring (of animals)’ BSl. ‘burîna? B Lith. burnă f. 3 ‘mouth, face’; Latv. purns m. ‘snout’ Cogn. Arm. beran ‘mouth’ The root can be reconstructed as a zero grade ‘bhrH-, wich may be identical with the root of Lat. forăre, OHG boron ‘perforate’. For the initial p of the Latvian form, see Kiparsky 1968. See also: ‘borna I; ‘birtb; ‘birti *b^rtb; ^b’Brt'B f. i; m. o ‘hive of wild bees’ ESSJa III 132-133 E Ru. bort’ f. ‘wild beehive’; ORu. btrtb f. ‘log for bees, tree with a beehive’; bortb f. ‘log for bees, tree with a beehive’; Bel. borc’ f. ‘wild beehive’; Ukr. bort m. ‘wild beehive’; bort’ m.(jo) ‘wild beehive’; bort’ (dial.) f. ‘natural or artificial beehive in a tree, opening in a hive for viewing bees, wild family of bees living in a hollow tree-trunk’ (other dialect forms are bort’ f. and bort) W Cz. brt f. ‘wild beehive, (dial.) opening in or section of a beehive’; OCz. brt f. ‘beehive (also of wild bees)’; Slk. brt m. ‘opening in a beehive’; Pl. barc f. ‘wild beehive’ 70 ‘birzdi S Sln. brt m. ‘hollow tree with bees’ (possibly of Czech origin) PIE ‘bhrH-t- Cogn. Lat. forămen n. ‘opening’ See also: ‘borna I; ‘birna *b^rzd^ adj. o ‘fast’ ESSJa III 135-136 CS RuCS borzdo adv. ‘fast’ E ORu. borzdo adv. ‘fast’; OBel. borzdyj adj. ‘fast’ BSl. ‘burzd- B Lith. burzdus ‘agile, active’; bruzdus ‘agile, busy’ The distribution of ‘btrzdt (cf. ^ ‘bîrzt) suggests that the sequence ‘-zd- may be due to Baltic influence. On the other hand, we find a form brzdica (Vuk) ‘rapid, strong current’ in Serbo-Croatian. *birz^ adj. o (c) ‘fast’ ESSJa III 137-139 CS OCS brbzo (Supr.) adv. ‘quickly’ E Ru. borzyj (obs., poet.) adj. ‘fast, fleet’; borzyj (dial.) adj. ‘bold, dexterous, daring’; borzoj (dial.) adj. ‘bold, dexterous, violent’ W Cz. brzo adv. ‘soon, early’; brzy adv. ‘soon, early’; OCz. brzy adj. ‘fast’; brzo adj. ‘quickly, immediately’; Pl. bardzo adv. ‘very’; barzo (dial.) adv. ‘quickly’; OPl. barzy adj. ‘fast’; Slnc. barze adv. ‘very’ S SCr. bfz adj. ‘fast’, f. brza; Cak. brz (Vrg.) adj. ‘fast’, f. brza, n. brzo; Sln. brz adj. ‘fast, quick’; Bulg. braz adj. ‘fast, quick’; barz adj. ‘fast, quick’ Since Gk. Ppaxuq ‘short’ and Skt. muhur ‘suddenly’ reflect ‘mrghu-, a connection with these forms is dubious. Lat. festinăre ‘hurry’, W brys m. ‘haste, speed’ probably continue ‘bhris- (Schrijver 1990) and must therefore be kept apart as well. See also: ‘birzdi *bydlo n. o ESSJa III 147 E Ru. bydlo ‘cattle’; ORu. bydlo ‘animal’; Bel. bydlo ‘cattle’; Ukr. bydlo ‘cattle’ W Cz. bydlo ‘existence, abode’; Slk. bydlo ‘abode, residence’; Pl. bydlo ‘cattle’; OPl. bydlo ‘existence, abode, possessions’; Slnc. bîdle ‘steer, young bull, bullock’ BSl. ‘bîutlo B Lith. buklas m. ‘abode, den’; bukla f. ‘residence, existence’ PIE ‘bhHu-tlom The formation is comparable to Gk. şutAov ‘race, OE botl n. ‘dwelling, house’. The East Slavic forms are borrowings from Polish. See also: ‘baviti; ‘bylbje; ‘bystri; ‘byti; ‘bytbje; ‘byvati ‘bytbje 71 *bylbje io ESSJa III 150 CS OCS bylije n.(io) ‘herbs, plants’ E Ru. byl’e (obs.) n.(io) ‘grass’ W Cz. bylin.(io) ‘weed’; Slk. bylie n.(io) ‘herbs’; OPl. byle n.(io) ‘weed’ S SCr. bîlje n.(jo) ‘plants, grass’; Sln. bîlje n.(jo) ‘plants, grass, stalks’ Derivative of ^ ‘byti. *bystrb adj. o (a) ‘quick’ ESSJa III 153-154 CS OCS bystn ‘quick’ E Ru. bystryj ‘quick’ W Cz. bystry ‘quick, sharp-witted’; Slk. bystry ‘quick, sharp-witted’; Pl. bystry ‘quick, sharp-witted’ S SCr. b'istar ‘clear, transparent, quick’; Sln. bistar ‘quick, vivacious, transparent’; Bulg. bistăr ‘clear, transparent’ Attempts have been made to connect ‘bystn with ^ bidn ‘cheerful, lively, which derives from PIE ‘bhudh-. This etymology fails to provide an explanation for the acute ‘y, however. We could assume that the root is simply ‘by- ‘be’, but in that case the origin of the suffix would be unclear. In my opinion, it is not unattractive to assume a connection with Skt. bhusati ‘support, be active, strengthen’, the root of which is probably an s-enlargement of ‘bhHu- ‘be’. See also: ‘baviti; ‘bydlo; ‘bylbje; ‘byti; ‘bytbje; ‘byvati *byti v. (a) ‘be’ ESSJa III 155 CS OCS byti, 1sg. bgdg E Ru. byt’, 1sg. budu W Cz. byti, 1sg. budu; Slk. byt’, 1sg. budem; Pl. byc, 1sg. bţdţ S SCr. biti; Cak. biti (Vrg.); biti (Orb.); Sln. biti BSl. ‘b?u- B Lith. buti; Latv. but PIE ‘bhHu- Cogn. Skt. bhăvati ‘be, become’; Gk. şuo^ai ‘grow, become’; OLat. fui 1sg. pf. ‘was’; OIr. buith f. ‘being’ For a justification of the reconstruction of the root as ‘bhHu-, see Kortlandt 1975a (3, 81) and Schrijver 1991 (228, 512, 526). The AP refers to the (perfective) present ‘bgdg. The present forms that derive from PIE ‘hies- are discussed separately (^‘esmb, etc.). See also: ‘baviti; ‘bydlo; ‘bylbje; ‘bystri; ‘bytbje; ‘byvati *bytbje n. io ‘existence’ ESSJa III 157-157 CS OCS bytije ‘existence, origin’ E Ru. byt’e (obs.) ‘way of life’ W Cz. byt ‘existence’; Slk. bytie ‘existence’; Pl. bycie ‘existence’ 72 ‘byvati S SCr. bice ‘being, existence’; Sln. bitje ‘existence, state, being’; Bulg. bitie ‘existence’ B Lith. butis f.(i) ‘being, existence’ Deverbative noun in ‘-ti-o-. See also: ‘baviti; ‘bydlo; ‘bylbje; ‘bystri; ‘byti; ‘byvati *byvati v. ‘be, happen’ ESSJa III 157-158 CS OCS byvati ‘become, be’, 1sg. byvajg E Ru. byvăt’ ‘happen, be’ W Cz. byvati ‘happen, be’; Pl. bywac ‘be often, frequent, happen’ S SCr. bivati ‘happen, be’; Cak. bivat (Orb.) ‘be, dwell, live (somewhere), 1sg. bîvan; Sln. bivati ‘be, exist, happen, live’, 1sg. bivam; Bulg. bivam ‘be, exist, happen’ B Lith. buvoti ‘be’ PIE ‘bhHu- See also: ‘baviti; ‘bydlo; ‘bylbje; ‘bystri; ‘byti; ‘bytbje *bbcela f. â (b) ‘bee’ ESSJa III 104-105 CS OCS bbcela (Ps. Sin.); btcela (Mar., Ass.) {1} E Ru. pcelă; bcelă (dial.); bzelă (dial.); Ukr. bdzolă;pcolă W Cz. vcela; Slk. vcela {2}; Pl. pszczola; pczola (dial., arch.); pczela (arch.); USrb. pcola; wcola; LSrb. cola;pcola (arch.); Plb. celă S SCr. pcela; cela; Cak. cela (Vrg.); cela (Novi); celica (Orb.); Sln. bacţla; bcţla; cabţla; cabţla; cţla; cmţla; Bulg. pcelă BSl. ‘bi-t-; *bi-kel-eh2 B Lith. bite f.(e) 2; Latv. bite f.(e) OPr. bitte PIE ‘bhi- Cogn. OIc. by n.; MoDu. bij; OHG bini n.; bia f.; OE beo f.; OIr. bech m. The North European root ‘bH occurs with various suffixes. The *-k- of the Slavic forms is also found in OIr. bech < *bi-ko-. The main alternative etymology starts from PSl. *btcela and advocates a connection with ‘bucati ‘make a loud noise, roar’. This is the etymology preferred by Slawski (SP I: 456-457). {1} The variant bbcela occurs only once, but considering that bbcela is almost as rare, it is impossible to conclude on the basis of Old Church Slavic which is the original form. {2} Slovak dialect forms have an anlaut pc-, fc-, ps- or c-. *bblniti; *bblnovati v. ESSJa III 159 S SCr. buniti se ‘be mistaken’; bunovati ‘rave’; Bulg. bălnuvam ‘day-dream, rave’ ‘capati 73 See ^ ‘bblm. *bblm; *bblnika m. o; f. â ‘henbane’ ESSJa III 159 S SCr. bun m., Gsg. buna; bunika f.; Cak. bunika (Vrg.) f.; Bulg. bunika (dial.) f. PIE ‘bhl-n- Cogn. OE beolone, beolene, belene f.; OS bilene f.; Dan. (early) bylne, buln-urt; Gaul. ^eXevouvTiav Asg.; Gaul. BELENO Dsg. ‘name of a divinity’ See also: ‘bel(e)ni; ‘belena; ‘bel(e)niti; ‘belnovati; ‘bblniti; ‘bblnovati; ‘bolniti *bbrati v. ‘take’ ESSJa III 162-163 CS OCS bbrati ‘gather, select, 1sg. berg E Ru. brat’‘take’, 1sg. beru, 3sg. beret; Ukr. brăty ‘take’, 1sg. beru W Cz. brăti ‘take’; Slk. brat ‘take’; Pl. brac ‘take’; USrb. brac ‘take, steal’; LSrb. bras ‘take’ S SCr. brati ‘gather, 1sg. berem; Cak. brati (Vrg.) ‘gather, 1sg. beres; brat (Orb.) ‘pick, gather, collect’, 1sg. beren; Sln. brăti ‘gather, pick, read, take, 1sg. berem BSl. ‘ber- B Lith. berti ‘scatter’; Latv. bert ‘id.’ PIE ‘bher-e/o- Cogn. Gk. şepw ‘bear, carry’; Skt. bhărati ‘id.’; Lat. fero ‘id.’; Go. bairan ‘id.’ See also: ‘berdjb; ‘bermş *bbrg^ m. o ESSJa III 167 W Cz. brh (obs.) ‘heap, shock, stack, quantity, net’; OCz. brh ‘cave, hut, tent’; Slk. brh ‘stack’; OPl. barg (bark) ‘stack, rick’ PIE ‘bhrgh-o- See also: ‘bergti; ‘borgi *C *capati v. ‘tramp’ ESSJa III 12-13 E Ru. căpat’ ‘seize, snatch, scratch, căpaju W Cz. capati (Kott) ‘push, stamp’; capat (dial.) ‘walk with difficulty’; căpat (dial.) ‘stamp, wade’; Slk. căpat ‘beat, tramp, wade’; Pl. capac ‘seize, grab’ S Sln. capăti ‘wade, tramp, 1sg. capâm; Bulg. căpam ‘soil, wade through water or mud’; Mcd. capa ‘seize, grab, bite (of fish), tramp through mud’ 74 ‘ce We may distinguish two basic meanings, viz. ‘tramp, wade’ and ‘seize’. The latter meaning is reminiscent of ‘gabati and ‘xapati and may be secondary, cf. ^ ‘xabiti. The anlaut ‘c-, which cannot be regular, may originate from an interjection cap. *ce conj. ESSJa III 173 CS OCS ce ‘and, also, (and) besides, though’; RuCS ce ‘though, however’ BSl. ‘koi B Lith. kaî ‘when’; Latv. kâ(i) ‘when’ OPr. kai ‘when’ PIE ‘kwoi *cediti v. (c) ‘strain, filter’ ESSJa III 174-175 CS CS cediti ‘strain, filter’ E Ru. cedit’ ‘strain, filter, 1sg. cezu, 3sg. cedit {1} W Cz. cediti ‘strain, filter’; Slk. cedit ‘strain, filter’; Pl. cedzic ‘strain, filter’; Slnc. cie^ec ‘strain, filter’; USrb. cydzic ‘strain, filter’ S SCr. cijediti ‘strain, filter, 1sg. cijedim; Cak. ciditi (Vrg.) ‘strain, filter’ 2sg. cîdis; c'edit (Vrg.) ‘sift, sieve, drain, strain off, 1sg. c'edin; Sln. cediti ‘strain, filter, drip, 1sg. cedim; Bulg. cedjă ‘strain, filter’ BSl. ‘(s)koifd- B Lith. skiesti ‘separate, dilute’; Latv. sfciest ‘scatter, spill, cut’ PIE ‘(s)koid- Cogn. OIc. skita ‘shit’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). See also: ‘cestiti; ‘cistiti; ‘cisti *celiti v. (c) ‘heal, cure’ ESSJa III 178 CS OCS celiti ‘heal, cure, 1sg. celjg E Ru. celit’ (obs.) ‘heal, cure, 1sg. celju, 3sg. celit; Ukr. cilyty ‘heal’ W Cz. celiti ‘heal, cure’; USrb. cylic ‘heal, complete’ S SCr. cijeliti ‘heal, cure, 1sg. cijelim; Sln. celiti ‘heal, cure, 1sg. celim PIE ‘kail- Cogn. Go. (ga)hailjan ‘heal’ Derivative of ^ ‘ceh. See also: ‘celovati *celovati v. ‘greet, kiss’ ESSJa III 178 CS OCS celovati ‘greet, kiss, 1sg. celujg E Ru. celovăt’ ‘kiss, 1sg. celuju W Cz. celovati (poet.) ‘kiss’; Slk. celovat (poet.) ‘kiss’; Pl. calowac ‘kiss’ ‘ceniti 75 S SCr. cjelovati (rare) ‘kiss’, 1sg. cjelujem; Sln. celovăti ‘kiss’, 1sg. celujem (according to Pletersnik (I: 77), this is a borrowing from Serbo-Croatian) Derivative of ^ ‘ceh. The original meaning must have been ‘greet’, cf. Go. hails ‘hail!’, OPr. kayle ‘id.’ in the Basel epigram. *cel^ adj. o (c) ‘whole’ ESSJa III 179-180 CS OCS ceh ‘whole, healthy’ E Ru. celyj ‘whole, entire’; celyj ‘safe, intact’, f. celă, n. celo {1}; ORu. keh (Novg.) ‘whole’ W Cz. cely ‘whole’; Slk. cely ‘whole’; Pl. caly ‘whole’ S SCr. cijel, cio ‘whole’, f. cijela; Cak. cî(l) (Vrg.) ‘whole’, f. cila, n. cîlo, Npl. cili; c'e(l) (Orb.) ‘whole’, f. c'ela, n. c'elo; Sln. cel ‘whole’; Bulg. cjal ‘whole’ BSl. ‘kailos B OPr. kailustiskan Asg. ‘health’ PIE ‘kailo- Cogn. Go. hails ‘healthy, whole’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). See also: ‘celiti; ‘celovati *cena f. â (c) ‘price, value’ ESSJa III 182 CS OCS cena E Ru. cenă, Asg. cenu, Npl. ceny; cenă, Asg. cenu, Npl. ceny {1}; Ukr. cină, Asg. cinu W Cz. cena; Slk. cena; Pl. cena S SCr. cijena, Asg. cijenu; Cak. cina (Vrg.), Asg. cinu; cina (Hvar), Asg. cînu, Asg. cinu; cena (Novi), Asg. cenu; c'eno (Orb.) Asg.; Sln. cena; Bulg. cenă BSl. ‘koina? B Lith. kăina f. 1 ‘price, value’; Latv. ciens m. ‘honour, respect’ PIE ‘kwoi-neh2 Cogn. Gk. noivf f. ‘penance, penalty’; Av. kaenă f. ‘penance, penalty’ {1} The variant with mobile stress is also attested in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138), 17th and 18th century texts, 18th and 19th century poetry and in dialects. See also: ‘ceniti; ‘kajati *ceniti v. ‘evaluate, value’ ESSJa III 182-183 CS OCS ceniti ‘evaluate, value, 1sg. cenjg E Ru. cemt’‘evaluate, value, 1sg. cenju, 3sg. cenit W Cz. ceniti ‘estimate, evaluate’; Slk. cenit ‘estimate, evaluate’; Pl. cenic ‘estimate, evaluate, price’ S SCr. cijeniti ‘evaluate, value’; Sln. ceniti ‘evaluate, value, 1sg. cenim; Bulg. cenjă ‘evaluate, value’ 76 ‘cesta BSl. ‘koin- B Lith. kăininti ‘price, value’; Latv. cienît ‘respect’ A derivative of ^‘ cena. See also: ‘cena; ‘kajati *cesta f. â (a) ‘road’ ESSJa III 188 CS OCS cesta (Ps. Sin. MS 2/N) ‘road; RuCS cesta ‘road, street’ W Cz. cesta ‘road’; OCz. cesta ‘road’; Slk. cesta ‘road, street, journey’ S SCr. cesta ‘road’; Cak. cesta (Vrg.) {1} ‘road’; cesta (Orb.) ‘road’; Sln. cesta ‘road, street’ Probably the best etymology stems from Zubaty (1894: 385), who connected ‘cesta with Lith. kăisti ‘scrape’. In this view the road is a worn path, cf. Lat. via trita (ESSJa s.v.) or Pl. utarta droga (Fraenkel I: 205). {1} According to Jurisic, this word has only recently come into use. *cestiti v. ESSJa III 189 CS OCS cestiti ‘castrate’; RuCS cestiti ‘clean’ S Sln. cestiti ‘castrate, (listje) tear off’ BSl. ‘(s)koifd- B Lith. skaistus 3/4 ‘bright’; Latv. skaists ‘beautiful, pretty’ PIE ‘(s)koid- See also: ‘cediti; ‘cistiti; ‘cisti *ceva f. â (b) ‘shin-bone, tube, bobbin, spool’ ESSJa III 190-191 E Ru. cevka ‘bobbin, spool, (esp. hollow) bone, (dial.) shin-bone’; kevka (Arx., Psk.) ‘bobbin, spool, (esp. hollow) bone, (dial.) shin-bone’ {1} W Cz. ceva ‘vein’; OCz. ceva ‘tube, spool’; cieva ‘tube, spool’; cievka ‘small tube’; Slk. cieva ‘tube, vein’; USrb. cywa ‘spool, reed’ S Cak. cîva (Vrg.) ‘bobbin, spool’; Sln. cevka ‘bobbin, spool’ BSl. ‘koi-u-a?; *koi-u-a? B Lith. saivă 4 ‘spool’; seivă 2/4 ‘spool, forearm, shin(-bone)’; Latv. saiva ‘bobbin’; saive f.(e) ‘bobbin’ {2} PIE ‘koi-u- Cogn. Skt. aşţhivă(nt)- m. ‘shin’ {3}; Est. kăăv ‘spool’; OHG scina f. ‘shin’; OE saa m. ‘shin’ Apparently, the Baltic evidence points to ‘k-, while Slavic points to ‘k, with ‘c- < ‘k-as a result of the second palatalization. The plain velar must have originated in root variants with an s mobile. {1} North Russian attestations of this root showing initial k- are presented in Nikolaev 1988: 142-143, cf. Anikin 1998: 115. {2} Much better attested are săiva2, saîva2, săive2 and saîve2. {3} This may be a compound containing ‘ast- and ‘ciua- (see Lubotsky 2002). ‘cadi 77 See also: ‘cevt; ‘cevbnica *cevb f. i (c) ‘tube, spool’ ESSJa III 193 E Ru. kev’ (Psk.) f. ‘handle of a flail’ {1}; cevbe n.(io) ‘fore-end (of rifle-stock), pivot’; ORu. cevb f. ‘spool’; cevije n.(io) ‘handle’ W OCz. cev f. ‘tube, spool’; ciev f. ‘tube, spool’ S SCr. cijev f. ‘tube, spool, shin-bone’; Sln. cev f. ‘tube, pipe, spool, thigh-bone, blood vessel’, Gsg. cevî; Bulg. cev f. ‘tube’ BSl. ‘koi-u-i-; *koi-u-i- PIE ‘koi-u- See ^ ‘ceva. {1} North Russian attestations of this root showing initial k- are presented in Nikolaev 1988: 142-143. *cevbnica f. jâ ‘reed, flute’ ESSJa III 193 CS OCS cevbnica ‘lyre’ W Cz. cevnice (Jg.) ‘reed’ S SCr. cjevănica ‘shin’; cjevnica ‘shin-bone, flute’; Sln. cevnica ‘organ’ See ^ ‘ceva. c *cadjb; *cadja m. jo; f. jâ (a) ‘smoke, soot’ ESSJa IV 9 W Slk. cadza (dial.) f.(jâ) ‘smoke, soot’ S SCr. câd f.(i) ‘soot’; cada f.(jâ) ‘fumes, soot’; Cak. cada (Vrg.) f.(jâ) ‘soot’; saje (Novi) Npl. f.(jâ) ‘soot’; saji (Orb.) Npl. f.(jâ) ‘soot’; Sln. căj m.(jo) ‘vapour, haze, abscess’ See ^ ‘cadt. *cad^ m. o (a? c?) ‘smoke, fumes’ ESSJa IV 9-10 E Ru. cad ‘fumes, intoxication, Gsg. căda W Cz. cad ‘fumes’; Pl. czad ‘fumes, soot’; Slnc. caud ‘smoke, fumes’, Gsg. cădu S SCr. cad (RJA: 17th-18th c.) ‘fumes, soot’; Sln. câd ‘smoke, fumes’ PIE ‘k(w')ed-o- The accent paradigm of ‘cadt cannot be determined with certainty. Bogatyrev (1995: 29) slightly prefers (a) to (c). Since the etymology is also unclear, there are a number of possible reconstructions, e.g. ‘k(w)ed-o-, k^ehd^-o- or - if AP (a) is secondary -k(w)ed(h')-o-. See also ^ ‘kaditi. See also: ‘cadjb; ‘cadja; ‘kadidlo 78 ‘cajati *cajati v. (a) ESSJa IV 10-11 CS OCS cajati ‘expect, thirst for, hope for, 1sg. cajg E Ru. căjat’‘expect, hope for, 1sg. căju, 3sg. căet {1} S SCr. cajati ‘wait’; Sln. câjati ‘wait, 1sg. câjem PIE ‘kweh^-e/o- Cogn. Skt. căyati ‘perceive, observe’; Gk. tîw ‘esteem, respect highly’ Its has been a matter of dispute (see LIV: 377) whether or not the root contains a laryngeal. Even though Dybo (1968: 205, 234, 236) classifies ‘cajati as (c), it seems to me that the evidence warrants the reconstruction of AP (a), which in my framework implies the former presence of a laryngeal. {1} Also AP (a) in Old Russian, with traces of (c) (Zaliznjak 1985: 133). *cakati v. ‘wait, await, expect’ ESSJa IV 13 W OCz. cakati ‘wait, await’; Slk. cakat ‘wait, await’; Pl. czakac (Sil. dial.) ‘wait, await’; OPl. czakac ‘wait, await’; USrb. cakac ‘wait, await’; LSrb. cakas ‘wait, await’ S SCr. cakati (RJA) ‘wait, await, expect’; Kajk. cokati (Bednja) ‘wait, await, expect’, 1sg. câokam; Sln. căkati ‘wait, await’, 1sg. căkam; Bulg. căkam ‘wait, await’ It is tempting to assume that ‘cakati and ^ ‘cajati contain the same basic root (cf. Meillet Et. I: 163), but this hypothesis does not explain the variation between ‘cakati and ^ ‘cekati. *cara f. â ‘magic, sorcery’ ESSJa IV 22 CS RuCS cara ‘sorcery’ E ORu. cara ‘sorcery’ W Slnc. cară ‘magic, sorcery’ S SCr. cara ‘magic, sorcery’; Sln. căra ‘magic, sorcery, sorceress’ See ^ ‘cart. *carodejb m. jo ‘enchanter, sorcerer’ ESSJa IV 24 CS OCS carodei ‘enchanter, magician’ E Ru. carodej ‘enchanter, magician’ W Cz. carodej ‘enchanter, magician, sorcerer’; Pl. czarodziej ‘enchanter, magician, sorcerer’ S SCr. carodjej (arch., obs.) ‘enchanter, magician, sorcerer’; Sln. carodej ‘sorcerer’, Gsg. carodeja; Bulg. carodej ‘sorcerer’ Compound of ‘caro- < ‘kwer-o- and ‘dejb < ‘dheh^i-o-. *carb m. o ‘magic, sorcery’ CS OCS cary (Euch.) Apl. ‘magic, sorcery’ ESSJa IV 26 ‘cekati 79 E Ru. căry Npl. ‘magic, enchantment’ W Cz. căry Npl. ‘magic, sorcery’ {1}; OCz. căry Npl. ‘magic, sorcery’ {1}; Slk. car (poet.) ‘charm, enchantment’, Npl. cary ‘magic, sorcery’; Pl. czar ‘charm, enchantment’, Npl. czary ‘magic, sorcery’ S Sln. câr ‘sorcery, magic’; Bulg. car ‘charm, magic’ BSl. ‘ker-/‘ker- B Lith. keraî Npl. m.(o) ‘sorcery’ PIE ‘kwer-o- Cogn. Skt. krnoti ‘make’ Unlike Baltic, Slavic has a lengthened grade vowel in the word for ‘sorcery’. It is possible that ‘cart and ‘cara continue a root noun (cf. Kortlandt 1985b). {1} The singular căr is uncommon. The SSJC also mentions căr or car (poet.) ‘unusual beauty, magical appeal’. *câs^ m. o (a) ‘time’ ESSJa IV 27-30 CS OCS cast ‘time, moment, hour’ E Ru. cas ‘hour, moment’, Gsg. căsa, Npl. casy {1} W Cz. cas ‘time, weather’; Slk. cas ‘time, weather’; Pl. czas ‘time’; Slnc. cas ‘time’ S SCr. cas ‘moment’; Cak. cas (Vrg., Novi) ‘moment, Gsg. casa; Sln. cas ‘time, Gsg. căsa; Bulg. cas ‘hour’ BSl. - e k B OPr. kisman Asg. ‘time’ The root may be reconstructed as ‘k(w')eh1s-, but it has been suggested that the ‘s belongs to the suffix, the root ‘ke (i.e. ‘kehi) being a variant of ‘ke(i), cf. Skt. căyati. For the latter verb I have reconstructed ‘kwehii-e/o- (^ ‘cajati). The connection with Alb. kohe f. ‘time, season, weather’ is not straightforward (cf. Kortlandt 1987: 222, Demiraj 1997: 221-222). {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 134). *cekati v. ‘wait, await, expect’ ESSJa IV 36-37 CS CS cekati (Venc.) ‘wait, await’ E Ru. cekăt’ (S., W. dial.) ‘wait, await’; Ukr. cekăty ‘wait, await’ W Cz. cekati ‘wait, await’; OCz. cekati ‘wait, await’; ckăti ‘wait, await’; Pl. czekac ‘wait, await’ S SCr. cekati ‘wait, await, expect’, 1sg. cekăm; Cak. cekati (Vrg.) ‘wait, await, expect’, 2sg. cekăs; cekat (Orb.) ‘wait’, 1sg. cekan; Mcd. ceka ‘wait, await’ Stang (1961: 68-69) has suggested that cekati is cognate with OPr. kackint ‘attain, Lith. kakti ‘be sufficient’ (cf. Toporov PJ 1980: 162-163 for the semantic development). In Slavic, we may originally have had ‘cekti alongside the intensive ‘cekati. According to an older etymology (cf. Vasmer s.v. cekăt’), ‘ceka- is a reduplicated variant of the root ‘keh2- that we find in Lat. cărus ‘dear, MHG huore ‘whore’ (note, however, that according to Schrijver (1991: 95, 112), the -r- belongs to the root here). It seems to me 80 ‘celesbni that Stang’s scenario is preferable because it offers a solution for the variation ‘cek-/cak-. See also: ‘cakati *celesbm adj. o ‘top’ ESSJa IV 39 CS RuCS celesbnyj ‘main, principal, top’ E ORu. celesbnyj ‘main, principal, top’ W OCz. celes(e)n m. ‘oven’ S Sln. celţsan ‘main, principal, top’ The stem shape cel-es- is probably secondary. See also: ‘Celo; ‘celovek^; ‘Celadh; ‘koleno *celadb f. i ‘servants’ ESSJa IV 40-42 CS OCS celedijg (Mar.) Isg. ‘servants’ E Ru. celjad’ ‘servants’ W Cz. celed’ ‘servants’; Slk. ceîad’ ‘family, members of a household, hired workers’; Pl. czeladz ‘servants’ S SCr. celjăd ‘servants, family’; Cak. celjăd (Vrg.) ‘servants, family’; Sln. celjad ‘children, servants’ B Lith. kiltls f.(i) 4 ‘tribe’; Latv. ciîts f.(i) ‘tribe, origin’ See ^ ‘koleno. *celo n. o (b) ‘forehead’ ESSJa IV 45-47 CS OCS celo ‘forehead’ W Cz. celo ‘forehead, front’; Slk. celo ‘forehead, front’; Pl. czoto ‘forehead, front’ S SCr. celo ‘forehead’; Cak. celo (Vrg.) ‘forehead’; celo (Novi) ‘forehead’, Npl. cela; celo (Hvar) ‘forehead’, Npl. cela; celo (Orb.) ‘forehead, brow’ Npl. c'ela; Sln. celo ‘forehead, front’; Bulg. celo ‘forehead’ A neuter o-stem derived from ‘kelH- ‘lift’. See also: ‘celesbn^; ‘Celadh; ‘celovek^; ‘koleno ^celovekb m. o ‘man’ ESSJa IV 48-50 CS OCS clovekt E Ru. celovek, Gsg. celoveka; Ukr. colovik W Cz. clovek; Slk. clovek; Pl. cztowiek S SCr. covjek, Gsg. covjeka; covjek, Gsg. covjeka; Cak. cov'ik (Vrg.), Gsg. cov'ika; cov'ik (Novi); cov'ik {1} (Orb.), Gsg. cov'ika; Sln. clovek, Gsg. cloveka; Bulg. celovek; covek According to the tradional etymology, this is a compound of celo-, cf. Lith. kelias 4 ‘family, tribe, generation, and ‘vekt, cf. Lith. vaîkas 4 ‘child’. The variants with ‘cl- ‘Cerda; ‘cerdt 81 may continue ‘cbl- with raising of ‘e to ‘b after a palatalized consonant in a pretonic syllable (cf. Kortlandt 1984-1985). {1} Less frequently covek or sovek. See also: ‘Celesbn^; ‘Celadh; ‘Celo; ‘koleno *cemerica; *cemerika f. jâ; f. â ‘hellebore’ ESSJa IV 52-53 E Ru. cemerica W Cz. cemerice; Slk. cemerica; Pl. ciemierzyca; OPl. czemierzyca S SCr. cemerika; Sln. cemerika ‘hellebore, morose person’; Bulg. cemerika See ^ ‘cemert, where also the non-Slavic plant-names are mentioned. The Slavic derivatives of ‘cemer- denote both the highly toxic white hellebore (Veratrum album) and various species of Helleborus, which are also toxic. *cemerb; *cemerb m. o; m. jo ‘hellebore, poison’ ESSJa IV 52-53 CS RuCS cemerb ‘hellebore’ E Ru. cemer (dial.), cemer’ (dial.) ‘crown (of head), forelock, headache, belly- ache, horse’s disease’; cemer (dial.) ‘poison, illness caused by poison’ W Cz. cemer ‘name of an illness, aversion’; Slk. cemer ‘illness caused by coagulation of the blood, weakness’; Pl. czemier (dial.) ‘hellebore, stomach-ache (of a horse)’ S SCr. cemer ‘venom, anger’; Cak. cemer (Vrg.) ‘venom, anger’; Sln. cemţr ‘venom, anger, gall’; cmer ‘venom, anger, gall’ BSl. ‘kemero- B Lith. kemeras ‘hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabium), burr marigold’ (Bidens tripartita); Latv. cemerins ‘hellebore’ Cogn. Gk. Kd|aapoq m. larkspur (Delphinium)’; Gk. Kd|i(|i)apov n. ‘aconite’; OHG hemera f. ‘hellebore’ Undoubtedly a non-Indo-Europan plant-name. See also: ‘cemerica; ‘cemerika *cerda; *cerd^ f. â; m. o (b) ‘file, herd’ ESSJa IV 60-63 CS OCS creda f. ‘order, herd’ E Ru. ceredă f. ‘sequence, file, bur-marigold, (obs.) turn, (dial.) herd of cattle’, Asg. ceredu; ceredă (dial.) f. ‘sequence, turn, Asg. ceredu; cered m. ‘turn, (coll.) queue’; Ukr. cered m. ‘turn’ W Cz. trida f. ‘row, turn, street’; Slk. crieda f. ‘herd’; Pl. trzoda f. ‘herd’; OPl. czrzoda f. ‘herd’; Slnc. stroudă f. ‘herd’; USrb. crjoda f. ‘multitude’ S SCr. creda f. ‘turn, sequence’; Cak. crlda (Vrg.: obs.) f. ‘herd (of sheep)’; creda (Novi) f. ‘herd (of sheep)’, Asg. credu; Sln. creda f. ‘flock, herd, row’; Bulg. cerdă f. ‘herd (of cattle)’ BSl. ‘(s')kerdaf 82 ‘Cerditi B Lith. (s')kerdzius m.(ju) ‘herdsman, shepherd’ OPr. kerdan Asg. ‘time’ Cogn. Skt. sărdha- m. ‘host (of Maruts)’; Skt. sărdhas- n. ‘troop, host (of Maruts)’; Av. sardSa- m./n. ‘kind, nature’; Go. hairda f. ‘herd’ On the basis of Balto-Slavic and Gothic we may reconstruct \s)kerdh-eh2. According to Mayrhofer (EWAia II: 619-620), the connection with the Indo-Aryan forms mentioned above is dubious, but cf. Lubotsky 2002: 22-23, where Mayrhofer’s semantic arguments are dismissed. See also: ‘cerditi *cerditi v. (b) ESSJa IV 63 CS CS crediti ‘receive, treat, satiate’ E Ru. ceredit’ (dial.) ‘clean, clear, treat, establish’ W Cz. tnditi ‘classify, sort’; striditi (Kott) ‘group, distribute’; USrb. crjodzic ‘pile up’ S Sln. crediti ‘order, arrange’, 1sg. credim See ^ ‘cerda. *cerm^xa; *cerm^sa; *cerm^sb; *cermuxa; *cermusa ESSJa IV 66-68 f. â; f. jâ; f. i ‘ramson, bird cherry’ CS OCS cremosb (Ps. Dim.) f.(i?) ‘ramson’ E Ru. ceremuxa ‘bird cherry’; ceremxa (dial.) ‘bird cherry’; ceremsă ‘ramson’; ORu. ceremtxa ‘bird cherry’; Ukr. ceremuxa ‘bird cherry’; ceremxa ‘bird cherry’ W Cz. stremcha ‘bird cherry’; cermucha (Jg.) ‘bird cherry’; OCz. tremcha ‘bird cherry’; Slk. cremcha ‘bird cherry’; Pl. trzemcha ‘bird cherry’; trzemucha ‘ramson, bird cherry’ S SCr. crijemusa ‘ramson’; Sln. crţmha ‘bird cherry’; crţmsa ‘bird cherry’; crţmos m.(jo) ‘ramson’ BSl. ‘kerm-(o)us-; *serm-(o)us- B Lith. kermuse (dial.) 3b ‘tip of a drill, top of a flail, ramson’ Cogn. Gk. Kpo|i|auov (Hom.), Kpo^uov (Ion., Att.) n. ‘onion’; Gk. Kpe^uov (Hsch.) n. ‘onion’; OIr. crem m. ‘dog’s leek, wild garlic leek, gentian, buckrams’; OE hramsa m. ‘ramson’ The variation between BSl. ‘k- and ‘s- (cf. ^ ‘sermtsa, etc.) points to an initial palatovelar. The plain velar may have arisen before ‘r. In this connection it should be noted that the cognates outside Balto-Slavic reflect ‘krem- or ‘krom- instead of ‘kerm-. The suffix apparently contained an s. See also: ‘sermtsa; ‘sermusa ‘Cerni III; ‘Cereni; ‘Cerenh 83 *cernovitb m. o ‘molar’ ESSJa - CS RuCS crenovitt ‘molar’; crenovitbcb ‘molar’ See ^ ‘cernt II, ‘cernb II. *cernovb adj. o ‘molar’ ESSJa IV 68-69 CS OCS crenovbnyjţ (Ps. Sin.) Apl. m.(o) ‘molars’ W Cz. trenovy (zub) ‘molar’; Slk. crenovy (zub) ‘molar’; Pl. (zqb) trzonowy ‘molar’ See ^ ‘cernt II, ‘cernb II. *cerm I; *cernb I m. o; m. jo (c) ‘handle’ ESSJa IV 69-70 CS RuCS crent E Ru. ceren’ (dial.) W Pl. trzon; USrb. crona f. S SCr. cren; Sln. cren PIE ‘kwer-no- Cogn. Skt. kărna- ‘ear’ See also: ‘kirma I; ‘kirni *cerm II; *cernb II m. o; m. jo (c) ‘stem, stub’ ESSJa IV 69-70 E Ru. ceren (S. dial.) ‘molar’ W Cz. tren ‘stem of a mushroom’; cren (dial.) ‘jaw, jaw-bone’; Slk. cren ‘molar’; Pl. trzon ‘stem of a mushroom, trunk’ BSl. ‘ker- B Lith. keras m. 4 ‘tree-stump, stub, bush, shrub’ PIE ‘k(w)er(H)-no- Cogn. OIr. cern f. ‘angle, corner’; W cern f. ‘cheekbone, side of the head’ If the Celtic forms mentioned above are cognate, the root must be *ker-. See also: ‘Cernoviti; ‘Cernovi; ‘korenh; ‘kirh *cerm III; *cerem; *cerenb m. o; m. o; m. jo ESSJa IV 64-65 E Ru. ceren (Dal’) ‘salt pan’; cren (Dal’) ‘salt pan’; ceren (Dal’) ‘salt pan’; cren (Dal’) ‘salt pan’; ciren (Dal’) ‘salt pan’; ceren (Arx.) ‘salt pan’; ORu. cerent ‘tub for the extraction of salt’; Ukr. cerin m.(jo) ‘stove bottom’; cerin m./f.(i) ‘stove bottom’; ceron (dial.) ‘stove bottom, Gsg. ceronu W Cz. ceren ‘device for fishing’; OCz. ceren ‘mountain ridge, rafter, square fishing-net’; Slk. ceren m.(jo) ‘fishing-net’; Pl. trzon ‘stove bottom’ S SCr. cerjen (dial.) ‘cap with air-hole on a stove, brazier on a hearth, small basket for drying grain on a hearth’; Sln. ceren ‘rocky place’, Gsg. cerena PIE ‘k(w)er-no- 84 ‘Cerpati IlliC-SvityC (1963: §43) only mentions forms that may reflect *cernt. Since Ru. ceren (Perm) might just as well continue *ceren, the evidence for AP (b) - and therefore for an old neuter - is weak, the most important piece of evidence probably being Ukr. cerano. The etymological connection with Gk. Kspvoq n./m. (also Ta Kspva Npl. n.) ‘earthen dish affixed with small pots for miscellaneous offerings’ is doubtful. *cerpati v. ‘scoop, draw’ ESSJa IV 71 E ORu. cerepati ‘scoop, draw’; Ukr. cerepaty (dial.) ‘scoop, draw’ S SCr. crepati (Dubr.) ‘scoop, draw’; Sln. crepati ‘scoop, draw, gulp’, 1sg. crepam, 1sg. crepljem See ^ ‘cerpti. *cerpti v. ‘scoop, draw’ ESSJa IV 71-72 CS OCS pocreti ‘scoop, draw, 1sg. pocrbpg W Cz. criti (Jg.) ‘scoop, draw’; OCz. crieti ‘scoop, draw, 1sg. cru; Slk. criet (poet.) ‘gather’ BSl. ‘kerp-; *kirp-B Lith. kirpti ‘chop, cut, 1sg. kerpu PIE ‘(s)kerp- Cogn. Lat. carpere ‘pick, pluck’ Though the semantic development is not evident, I assume that ‘cerp- continues PIE ‘(s)kerp- ‘cut off, tear off’. See also: ‘Cerpati; ‘Cerpi; ‘Chrpati *cerp^ m. o (c) ESSJa IV 72 CS CS crept (Parim) ‘potsherd’ E Ru. cerep ‘skull, Gsg. cerepa; Bel. cerap ‘skull, Gsg. cerapa; Ukr. cerep ‘skull, Gsg. cerepa W Cz. (s)trep ‘broken piece of pottery, fragment’; cerep (arch., dial.) ‘broken piece of pottery’; Slk. crep ‘broken piece of pottery, vase, skull’; Pl. trzop (obs.) ‘potsherd, pot’ {1} S SCr. crijep ‘broken piece of pottery, tile’; Sln. crep ‘shard, broken piece of pottery, jug, skull’; Bulg. cerep ‘skull’ PIE ‘(s)kerp-o- Cogn. OHG scirbi n. ‘potsherd’ Obviously derived from ‘(s)kerp-, cf. OHG scarbon ‘cut up’. {1} Ousted by czerep, which is of East Slavic origin. See also: ‘Cerpati; ‘Cerpti; ‘Chrpati *cerslo n. o (b) ‘loin’ ESSJa IV 74-75 CS OCS cresla Npl. ‘loins’ ‘Cervo 85 E Ru. cereslo (dial.) ‘ploughshare’; ceresla (dial.) Npl. ‘waist, groins’; Ukr. cereslo ‘ploughshare’ W Cz. (s)trislo ‘cortex, bark (used in tanning), planks, groin’; Slk. crieslo ‘lintel’; Pl. trzosta (arch.) Npl. ‘loins, groin’; trzosta (dial.) Npl. ‘loins, groin’; USrb. crjosto ‘ploughshare’ S SCr. crijeslo ‘cortex, bark (used in tanning)’; Sln. creslo ‘cortex, bark (used in tanning)’ BSl. ‘kerslo B Lith. kerslas m. ‘chisel, cutter’ OPr. kersle ‘axe with two blades’ Derivative of the root ‘(s)kert-. The suffix may be reconstructed as ‘-slom, but ‘-tlom is more attractive. It does not seem implausible that ‘kers-tlo- < ‘kert-tlo- became ‘kerslo- in Balto-Slavic. See also: ‘Cersti; ‘Cersi; ‘Cerzi; ‘Chrta; ‘korti; ‘kortiki *cersti v. ‘carve, slash’ ESSJa IV 75-76 CS CS ocresti ‘carve’, 1sg. ocrttg; RuCS cbrsti ‘hew, slash, 1sg. cbrtg E ORu. cbrsti ‘hew, slash, 1sg. cbrtu BSl. ‘kert-; *kirt- B Lith. kirsti ‘hew, slash, 1sg. kertu; Latv. cirst ‘hew, slash, 1sg. certu PIE ‘(s)kert- Cogn. Skt. krntăti ‘cut (off), split, break’; OHG scrintan ‘split (intr.), burst’ See also: ‘Cerslo; ‘Cersi; ‘Cerzi; ‘Chrta; ‘korti; ‘kortiki *cers^; *cerz^ prep. ‘over, through’ ESSJa IV 76-77 CS CS crest ‘through’ E Ru. cerez ‘over, through’; ORu. cerezt ‘over, through’; ceres ‘over, through’ S SCr. crez (dial.) ‘through, by means of’; Sln. crez ‘over, beyond, against’; crez ‘over, beyond, against’; Bulg. crez ‘through, by means of’ BSl. ‘(s)kerso- B Lith. (s)kersas adj. ‘transverse, cross’; (s)kersaî adv. ‘across’; Latv. sfcerss adv. ‘transverse, cross, bad’ PIE ‘(s)kert- See also: ‘Cerslo; ‘Cersti; ‘Chrta; ‘korti; ‘kortiki *cervo n. o (c) ‘belly, intestine’ ESSJa IV 82-83 CS OCS crevo ‘belly, womb, (pl.) entrails’ E Ru. cerevo (dial.) ‘belly, womb’; cerevo (dial.) ‘belly’; Ukr. cerevo (dial.) ‘belly’ W Cz. strevo ‘gut, intestine’; trevo (Kott) ‘gut, intestine’; OCz. (s)trevo ‘gut, intestine’; Slk. crevo ‘gut, intestine’; Pl. trzewo ‘entrails, intestines’; USrb. crjewo ‘intestine’ 86 ‘Cervhje S SCr. crijevo ‘gut, intestine’; Cak. crîvo (Vrg.) ‘gut, intestine’, Npl. crîva; crîvo (Novi) ‘gut, intestine, Npl. criva; Sln. crevo n.(s) ‘belly, Gsg. crevesa; Bulg. cervo ‘intestine’ BSl. ‘ker-m/w- B OPr. kermens ‘body’ Cogn. Skt. cărman- m. ‘hide, skin’ See also: ‘Cervhje *cervbje n. io ESSJa IV 83-84 E Ru. cerev’ja Npl. ‘belly’; ORu. cerevije ‘hide from an animal’s belly, shoe’ W Cz. trevo (Kott) n.(o) ‘footwear’; strevi (Kott) ‘footwear’; OCz. trevî ‘footwear’ S Sln. crevje ‘intestines’ See also: ‘Cervo *cesati v. (b) ‘scratch, comb’ ESSJa IV 85-87 CS OCS cesati ‘pick, pluck, 1sg. cesg E Ru. cesăt’‘scratch, comb, 1sg. cesu, 3sg. ceset W Cz. cesati ‘scratch, comb’; Slk. cesat‘comb, hackle’; Pl. czesac ‘comb, hackle’ S SCr. cesati ‘scratch, comb, 1sg. cesem; Cak. cesati (Vrg.) ‘scratch’ 2sg. ceses; cesat (Orb.) ‘comb, 1sg. cesen; Sln. cesati ‘tear, scratch, comb, 1sg. cesem BSl. ‘kes- B Lith. kasti ‘dig, rake’; Latv. kast ‘rake’ PIE ‘kes- Cogn. Hitt. kiszi v. ‘combs’; OIr. cir f. ‘comb’; OE heord f. ‘hair’ See also: ‘kasati; ‘kosa I; ‘kosmi; ‘kosnşti *cesm; *cesno; *cesmk^ m. o; n. o; m. o ‘garlic’ ESSJa IV 89-90 E Ru. cesnok m.; ORu. cesntkt m. W Cz. cesnek m.; Slk. cesnak m.; Pl. czosnek m. S SCr. cesan m.; cesno n.; Cak. cesan (Orb.) m., Gsg. cesna; Sln. cesm m., Gsg. cesna; cesnak m., Gsg. cesmka, Gsg. cesnaka; Bulg. cesăn m. PIE ‘kesn-o- Cogn. OIr. cainnenn f. ‘leek’; W cennin pl. ‘leek’ As the Celtic forms point to *kasn-, it is likely that this etymon is not of IE origin (cf. Schrijver 1995: 456). *cetverb; *cetvorb num. ‘four’ ESSJa IV 93-94 CS OCS cetvort ‘four’ E Ru. cetvero n. ‘four’ W Cz. ctvery ‘four’; Pl. czworo n. ‘four’ ‘Ceznţti 87 S SCr. cetver adj. ‘fourfold’; cetvero n. ‘four’; cetvoro n. ‘four’; Cak. cetvero (Vrg., Orb.) n. ‘four’; Sln. cetvţr adj. ‘four, quadruple’ BSl. ‘ketuer-; *ketuor- B Lith. ketveri Npl. m. ‘four’ PIE ‘kwetuer-; *kwetuor- Cogn. Skt. catvăras Npl. m.; caturas Apl. m. See also: ‘Cetvhrti; ‘Cetyre *cetvbrtb num. o ‘fourth’ ESSJa IV 95 CS OCS cetvrbtt E Ru. cetvertyj W Cz. ctvrty; Pl. czwarty; OPl. cztwarty S SCr. cetvrtî; Cak. cetvrtî (Vrg.); cetrti (Orb.); Sln. cetrti; Bulg. cetvărti BSl. ‘ketuer-; *ketuor- B Lith. ketvirtas; ketvertas (OLith.); Latv. cetmtaîs PIE ‘kwetur-tHo- Cogn. Skt. caturthă- ‘fourth’ See also: ‘Cetveri; ‘Cetvori; ‘Cetyre *cetyre num. (a) ‘four’ ESSJa IV 97-98 CS OCS cetyre E Ru. cetyre W Cz. ctyri; Pl. cztery; OPl. cztyrze; czterzy S SCr. cetiri; Cak. cetiri (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. stirje, f./n. stiri; cetirje, f./n. cetiri; Bulg. cetiri BSl. ‘ketur- B Lith. keturi Npl. m. PIE ‘kwetur- Cogn. Skt. catvăras Npl. m.; caturas Apl. m. See also: ‘Cetveri; ‘Cetvori; ‘Cetvhrti *ceznşti v. (a) ‘disappear’ ESSJa IV 100-101 E Ru. ceznut’ (dial.) ‘disappear, vanish, perish’; Ukr. ceznuty ‘disappear, (dial.) perish’ W Pl. czeznqc (obs.) ‘wither, disappear, vanish’ {1} S SCr. ceznuti ‘thirst for, long for, yearn, 1sg. ceznem; Bulg. cezna ‘disappear, vanish’ See ^ ‘kaziti. {1} According to Bankowski (2000a: 229), this word was originally limited to the eastern dialects and must be considered a Ruthenianism. 88 ‘Cşdo; ‘Cşda; ‘Cşdi *cşdo; *cşda; *cşd^ n. o; f. â; m. o (a) ‘child’ ESSJa IV 102-104 CS OCS cţdo n. ‘child’ E Ru. cădo (obs.) n. ‘child, offspring’ W OCz. cad m. ‘little boy’; căd m. ‘little boy’; cada f. ‘little girl’; căda f. ‘little girl’ S SCr. cedo (arch.) n. ‘child’; Bulg. cedo n. ‘child’ PIE ‘k(e)n-do- Cogn. Gk. Kaivoq ‘new’; Lat. recens ‘new, fresh’; MW bachgen m. ‘boy’ See also: ‘Cşdh; ‘koni; ‘konhch; ‘naCşti; ‘sCenş *cşdb f. i ESSJa IV 104 CS OCS cţdb ‘people’; RuCS cadb ‘children, people, servants’ E ORu. cadb ‘children, people, servants’ S SCr. ced ‘family, servants’ PIE ‘k(e)n-di- Cogn. OIr. cenel n. ‘nation, tribe’ See also: ‘Cşdo; ‘Cşda; ‘Cşdi; ‘koni; ‘konhch; ‘naCşti; ‘sCenş *cşstb adj. o (c) ‘frequent, dense’ ESSJa IV 106 CS OCS cţstt ‘frequent, dense’; cţsto adv. ‘often’ E Ru. căstyj ‘frequent, close (together), dense’; căsto adv. ‘often’ W Cz. casty ‘frequent’; casto adv. ‘often’; Slk. casty ‘frequent’; casto adv. ‘often’; Pl. czţsty ‘frequent’; czţsto adv. ‘often’ S SCr. cest ‘frequent, dense, f. cesta; Sln. cţsto adv. ‘often’; Bulg. cesto adv. ‘often’ BSl. ‘kimsto- B Lith. kimstas ‘packed, stuffed’ PIE ‘kmk-to- *cfstb f. i (c) ‘part’ ESSJa IV 107-108 CS OCS cţstb E Ru. cast’ W Cz. căst; cest {1}; OCz. cest; ciest; Slk. cast; Pl. czţsc S Bulg. cast BSl. ‘kin?d- (‘ken?d-) B Lith. kandis m.(io) 2 ‘bite’ See ^ ‘kgsati for a discussion of the root. {1} Cz. căst must have adopted the root vowel of the diminutive căstka (Verweij 1994: 518). *ci conj. ESSJa IV 109-110 CS CS ci ‘because’; cimb Isg. m.n. ‘what’ E Ru. ci (dial.) ‘if, or’ W Cz. ci ‘if’; Pl. czy ‘if’ ‘Cisti 89 S SCr. ci ‘if’; Sln. ci ‘if’ PIE ‘kwiH Cogn. Av. cl adv. ‘how’; Lat. qul adv. ‘how, why’; OE hwy, hwî adv. ‘why’ *cixati; *cbxati v. ‘sneeze’ ESSJa IV 110 E Ru. cixăt’; cxăt’; Ukr. cxăty W Pl. czchac (dial.); czychac (dial.); USrb. cichac S Sln. cihati, 1sg. cîham See also: ‘kixati; ‘kixnşti *ciniti v. (c) ESSJa IV 112-113 CS OCS ciniti ‘arrange, construct, 1sg. cinjg E Ru. cinit’ ‘repair, 1sg. cinju, 3sg. Unit; cinit’ ‘carry out, execute, 1sg. cinju, 3sg. cinit W Cz. ciniti ‘do, make, carry out, act’; Slk. cinit ‘do, make, carry out, act’; Pl. czynic ‘do, make, carry out, act’ S SCr. ciniti ‘do, make, sift’, 1sg. cinlm; Cak. ciniti (Vrg.) ‘do, make, (se) appear, 2sg. cinîs; ciniti (Orb.) ‘make, force, 1sg. cinîn; Sln. ciniti ‘sift, do, bring about, 1sg. cînim; Bulg. cinja ‘do, cost’ PIE ‘kwei-n- Cogn. Skt. cinoti ‘gather, arrange, pile up’ In view of the ‘-n-, we seem to be dealing with a derivative of ^ ‘cînt. *cîm m. o (c) ESSJa IV 113-115 CS OCS cint ‘row, order, rank, rule’ E Ru. cin ‘rank, order, ceremony, Gsg. cina W Cz. cin ‘affair, act, deed’; Slk. cin ‘act, deed’; Pl. czyn ‘affair, act, deed’ S SCr. cîn ‘appearance, form’; Sln. cîn ‘act, deed, (from Russian) rank’; Bulg. cin ‘rank’ PIE ‘kwei-no- Cogn. Skt. cinoti ‘gather, arrange, pile up’ See also: ‘Ciniti *cisti v. ESSJa IV 119 CS OCS cisti ‘count, read, honour, 1sg. cbtg {1} W Cz. cisti ‘read, 1sg. ctu; OPl. czysc ‘read, 1sg. cztţ S SCr. cisti (13th-16th c.) ‘read’ BSl. ‘(s)keit-/‘(s)kit- B Latv. sfcist ‘think, suppose, seem, 1sg. sfcietu PIE ‘(s)kw(e)it- Cogn. Skt. cetati ‘perceive, take notice of’ 90 ‘Cistiti {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘Citati; ‘Chsth *cistiti v. (a) ‘clean, purify’ ESSJa IV 120 CS OCS cistiti, 1sg. cistg E Ru. cistit’, 1sg. ciscu W Cz. cistiti; Slk. cistit; Pl. czyscic S SCr. cistiti ‘clean, sweep’; Cak. cistit (Orb.) ‘clean’; Sln. cistiti ‘clean, purify, 1sg. cîstim; Bulg. cistja ‘clean’ Denominative verb derived from ^ ‘cistt. See also: ‘cediti; ‘cestiti *cistb adj. o (a) ‘clean, pure’ ESSJa IV 121-122 CS OCS cistt E Ru. cistyj W Cz. cisty; Slk. cisty; Pl. czysty S SCr. cist; Cak. cist (Vrg.), f. cista, n. cisto; cis (Orb.), n. asta, n. cisto; Sln. cist; Bulg. cist BSl. ‘(s)ki?sto- B Lith. skystas ‘thin (of liquids)’; Latv. sfâsts ‘liquid, thin (of fabric), clean, clear’ OPr. skijstan Asg. ‘pure’ PIE ‘(s)kid-to- See also: ‘cediti; ‘cestiti; ‘Cistiti *citati v. ‘read, count’ ESSJa IV 123 E Ru. cităt’ ‘read, 1sg. cităju W Cz. citati ‘read, count, suppose’; Slk. citat’ ‘read’; Pl. czytac ‘read’ S SCr. citati ‘read, 1sg. cităm; Cak. citati (Vrg.) ‘read’ 2sg. c'itâs; citat (Orb.) ‘read, 1sg. citan {1}; Sln. citati ‘read, 1sg. citam BSl. ‘(s)keit-; *(s)koit- B Lith. skaityti ‘read, count’ PIE ‘(s)kweit-; *(s)kwoit- Cogn. Skt. cetati ‘perceive, take notice of’ {1} In Orbanici, citat is on the verge of ousting stet, 1sg. sten, while in Vrgada the native verb is stiti, 1sg. stijen. In Novi, we find stat, 1sg. sten, 2sg. stes. These forms seem to point to ‘cbteti / ‘cbtati, 1sg. ‘cbtg, cf. Sln. cteti ‘read’, steti ‘count’. See also: ‘Cisti; ‘Chsth *cuditi (sş) v. ‘be surprised, marvel’ CS OCS cuditi sţ, 1sg. cuzdg sţ ESSJa IV 127-128 ‘Chrmhni 91 E Ru. cudit’ (coll.) ‘behave eccentrically, play the fool’, 3sg. cudit; cudit’sja (coll.) ‘seem’ W Cz. cuditi se S SCr. cuditi se, 1sg. cudlm se; Cak. cuditi se (Vrg.), 2sg. cudls se; Sln. cuditi se, 1sg. cudim se; Bulg. cudja ‘surprise’; cudja se ‘be surprised, marvel’ Denominative verb. See ^ ‘cudo. *cudo n. s (a) ‘miracle’ ESSJa IV 128-129 CS OCS cudo, Gsg. cudese, Gsg. cuda E Ru. cudo, Npl. cudesă W Slk. cudo; Pl. cudo n.; cud m.; OPl. czudo; cudo; Slnc. cud m. S SCr. cudo, Npl. cudesa; Cak. cudo, Npl. cudesâ; Sln. cudo ‘miracle, marvel, admiration’, Gsg. cudesa; Bulg. cudo, Npl. cudesă PIE ‘keud-os- Possibly cognate with Gk. Ku5oq ‘fame, renown’. The acute root may be attributed to Winter’s law. See also: ‘Cuditi (sş); ‘kuditi; ‘kudo; ‘kudi; ‘kudh *cuti v. (a) ‘sense, feel, notice’ ESSJa IV 134-136 CS OCS cuti ‘sense, notice’, 1sg. cujg; RuCS cuti ‘feel, hear, know’ E Ru. cujat’ ‘scent, sense, feel, 1sg. cuju, 3sg. cuet; cut’ (dial.) ‘hear’; ORu. cuti ‘feel, hear, know’ W Cz. citi ‘sense, feel’; couti (coll., dial.) ‘sense, feel’; OCz. cuti ‘sense, feel’; cieti ‘sense, feel’; Slk. cut ‘hear’; Pl. czuc ‘feel’ S SCr. cuti ‘hear, 1sg. cujem; Cak. cuti (Vrg.) ‘hear, feel, sense, 2sg. cujes; cut (Orb.) ‘hear, taste, smell, 1sg. cujen; Sln. cuti ‘hear, be awake, 1sg. cujem {1}; Bulg. cuja ‘hear’ {1} Pletersnik (I: s.v.) incorrectly has a falling tone in the present (see Pletersnik II: III). *Cbrmbnovati sş v. ESSJa - CS OCS cnmtnuett sţ (Zogr., Mar.) 3sg. ‘reddens (sky)’; RuCS cermnovat’sja ‘become clear’ E ORu. cermnovat’sja ‘become clear’ See also: ‘Chrmhni *cbrmbni adj. o ‘red’ ESSJa IV 149-150 CS OCS cnmbm (Ps. Sin., Cloz., Supr.) ‘red’ E Ru. ceremnoj (dial.) ‘red-haired, ginger’; ceremnyj (dial.) ‘red-haired, ginger’ W Cz. cermny (Kott) ‘red’; crmny (Kott) ‘red’; Pl. czermny (dial.) ‘red’ S SCr. crman (arch., obs.) ‘red’ This colour-adjective is one way or another connected with ^ ‘cbrvb ‘worm, which is also the source of another word for ‘red’, ^ ‘cbrvem or ‘cbrvem (insects and larvae 92 ‘Chrni of insects are known to have been used for the production of red dye). Since in Lithuanian we find kirmis, the ‘m may be regarded as old, cf. also Sln. cfm ‘inflammation, carbuncle, anthrax’. On the other hand, colour designations such as MoDu. karmozijn or MoDu. karmijn were borrowed from Arabic qirmiz through Romance. The Arabic form was borrowed from Persian and may ultimately originate from India. In this context it does not seem impossible that cbrmbm is a borrowing as well. See also: ‘Chrmhnovati sş *cbrm adj. o (b) ‘black’ ESSJa IV 155-157 CS OCS cnm (Zogr., Mar., Supr.) E Ru. cernyj; ceren, f. cernă, n. cerno {1} W Cz. cerny; Slk. cierny; Pl. czarny; USrb. corny; LSrb. carny S SCr. cfn, f. crna; Cak. crn (Vrg.), f. crna, n. crno; cfn (Orb.) ‘black, dark, f. crna, n. cfno; Sln. crn; Bulg. ceren BSl. ‘kirsnos B Lith. kirsnas 4 ‘black (of a horse)’ OPr. kirsnan ‘black’ PIE ‘krs-no- Cogn. Skt. krsnă- ‘black’ {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). *cbrpati v. ‘scoop, draw’ ESSJa IV 158-159 CS OCS crepbjgste (Supr.) Npl. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘scooping’ {1} E Ru. cerpat’ ‘scoop, draw, 1sg. cerpaju W Cz. cerpati ‘scoop, draw, pump, 1sg. cerpăm; OCz. crpati ‘scoop, draw’; Slk. cerpati ‘scoop, draw, pump’; Pl. czerpac ‘scoop, draw, 1sg. czerpiţ S SCr. crpati (Vuk) ‘scoop, draw’ 1sg. crpăm; Sln. crpăti ‘scoop, draw, pump, 1sg. crpăm; Bulg. cerpja ‘scoop, draw, host’ BSl. ‘kirp- B Lith. kirpti ‘chop, cut, 1sg. kerpu PIE ‘(s)kerp- {1} The verb is generally reconstructed as crbpati, 1sg. crepljg, 2sg. crepljesi. See also: ‘Cerpati; ‘Cerpti; ‘Cerpi *cbrstvb adj. o (c) ‘firm’ ESSJa IV 159-161 CS RuCS crbstvt ‘hard, strong, dry, real’; cbrstvt ‘hard, strong, dry, real’ E Ru. cerstvyj ‘stale, hard, callous’ {1} W Cz. c(e)rstvy ‘strong, healthy, fresh’; Pl. czerstwy ‘stale, healthy, strong’ ‘Chrvh 93 S SCr. cvfst ‘strong, hard, firm, f. cvrsta; Cak. cvrst (Vrg.) ‘strong, hard, firm, f. cvrsta, n. cvrsto; cvrs (Orb.) ‘strong, firm, f. cvrsta, n. cvrsto; Sln. cvfst ‘firm, strong, fresh’, f. cvrsta BSl. ‘kirst(w)os B Lith. kirstas ‘sharp, harsh (of a person)’ PIE ‘krt-tuo- {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). *cbrtâ f. â (b) ‘line’ ESSJa IV 161 CS OCS cnta (Zogr., Mar., Ass.) ‘tittle’ E Ru. certă ‘line, boundary, trait, Asg. certu W Cz. crta ‘line, sketch’; Slk. crta ‘trait, sketch’ S SCr. crta ‘line’; Sln. crta ‘line’; Bulg. certă ‘line, trait’ Derivative of ‘cbrt- < ‘krt-, cf. ‘cersti. See also: ‘Cerslo; ‘Cersi; ‘Cerzi; ‘korti; ‘kortiki *cbrvjem; *cbrvem adj. o ‘red’ ESSJa IV 168-169 CS OCS crbvljem (Zogr., Mar., Euch.); crbvljem (Sav., Euch.) E Ru. cerevlenyj (obs.) ‘dark red’ W Cz. cerveny; Slk. cerveny; Pl. czerwony S SCr. crven; Sln. crljen; Bulg. cerven Originally a past passive participle. See ^ cbrviti. *cbrviti v. ‘dye red, lay eggs (of insects)’ ESSJa IV 169-170 CS RuCS crbviti, cbrviti, cerviti ‘dye, redden’ E Ru. cervyty’ ‘lay eggs (of insects)’ W Cz. cerviti (Kott) ‘lay eggs (of insects)’ S SCr. crviti ‘colour, dye’ Bulg. cervjă ‘dye red’ A derivative of ^ ‘cbrvb. Cf. also ^ ‘cbrmbm. *Cbrvb m. i ‘worm, maggot’ ESSJa IV 171-172 CS OCS cnvb m.(i) ‘worm’ E Ru. cerv’ m.(jo), Gsg. cervjă W Cz. cerv m.(o); Slk. cerv m.(o); Pl. czerw m.(jo); USrb. cerw m.(o); LSrb. cerw m.(o) S SCr. cfv m.(o); Cak. crv (Vrg.) m.(o); crv (Novi) m.(o); cfv (Orb.) m.(o), Gsg. cfva; Sln. cfv m.(o) BSl. ‘kir-m/w-i- B Lith. kirmis f.(i) 4 ‘worm, maggot, snake’; Latv. cirmis m.(io) ‘worm, maggot, caterpillar’ OPr. girmis ‘maggot’ 94 ‘Cfistb PIE ‘kwr-m-i- Cogn. Skt. krmi- m. ‘worm, maggot’; OIr. cruim m. ‘worm’; W pryf m. ‘worm’ The Balto-Slavic vocalization ‘ir (instead of *ur) after an original labiovelar is unexpected. See also: ‘Cbrvjen^; ‘fervent; ‘&rviti *cbstb f. i (c) ‘honour, respect’ ESSJa IV 175-176 CS OCS cbstb E Ru. cest’ W Cz. cest, Gsg. cti; Pl. czesc; USrb. cesc, Gsg. cesce S SCr. căst, Gsg. casti; Cak. căst (Vrg.); căs (Orb.); Sln. căst; cţst; Bulg. cest ‘honour, luck, happiness’ PIE ‘(s)kwit-ti Cogn. Skt. citti- f. ‘thinking, understanding’; Av. cisti- f. ‘consciousness’ See also: ‘Cisti; ‘Citati *Cbto pron. ‘what’ ESSJa IV 177-178 CS OCS cbto, Gsg. ceso, Gsg. cesogo E Ru. cto S SCr. sto; Cak. sto (Vrg.); Bulg. sto PIE ‘kvi-/kve- Cogn. Gk. ti ‘what?, Gsg. Teo (Hom.) *da conj. ESSJa IV 180 CS OCS da ‘(in order) that/to’ S SCr. dă ‘(in order) that/to, if’; Sln. da ‘(in order) to, because, though’; Bulg. da ‘(in order) to, that’ PIE ‘do-hi (do?) Cogn. OE to prep. ‘to, OIr. do prep. ‘to’ *D *dadja f. jâ ESSJa - CS OCS dazda (Hilf.) ‘distribution’ According to Pokorny (IEW: 224), OCS dazda is analogical after *edja (the substantive jazda is not attested in OCS). The jă-stem is based on the reduplicated root ‘dad- < ‘dodh3- (^ ‘dati), which shows the effects of Winter’s law. ‘dânh 95 *dadjbbog^ m. o ESSJa IV 182-183 E ORu. Dazbbogb proper name W OPl. Dadzibog proper name Compound of the imperative ‘dadjb (^ ‘dati) and ^ ‘bogt. *dajati v. ‘give’ ESSJa IV 197 CS OCS dajati ‘give, allow, 1sg. dajg; RuCS dajati ‘give, allow’ E ORu. dajati ‘give, allow’ W Cz. dajati (arch.) ‘give’ S SCr. dajat (dial.) ‘give’; Sln. dajăti ‘give, 1sg. dăjem, 1sg. dajem, 1sg. dăjam See ^ ‘dati. ^dalekb adj. o (b) ‘far, distant’ ESSJa IV 184-185 CS OCS dalece ‘far, long’ adv.; CS dalekt E Ru. dalekij; dalek, f. dalekă, n. daleko, n. daleko W Cz. daleky; Slk. daleky; Pl. daleki S SCr. dalek; Sln. dălek Derivative with the suffix ‘-okt, cf. ^ ‘vysokt. For the root, see ^ ‘dalb, ‘dala. *dalb; *dala f. i; f. jâ ‘distance’ ESSJa IV 186-187 CS OCS dalja E Ru. dal’ W Cz. dăl; dăle; Pl. dal S SCr. dălj f./m.(i); dălja; Sln. dălja The root may be identical with the root of ^ ‘dbliti ‘last’. See also: ‘daleko *dânb f. i (c) ‘tribute, tax’ ESSJa IV 194-195 CS OCS danb ‘tax, tribute’ E Ru. dan’ ‘tribute, debt’ W Cz. dan ‘tax, duty’; Slk. dan ‘tax, duty’; Pl. dan ‘tax, tribute, duty’ S SCr. dan (13th-16th c.) ‘tribute’; Sln. dăn ‘tribute, tax, Gsg. danî; dănj ‘tribute, tax’ BSl. ‘doînis B Lith. duonis f. i, m. io ‘tribute’ {1} PIE ‘deh3-n- Cogn. Skt. dana- m. ‘donation, gift’; Lat. donum n. ‘gift’ {1} Probably a transformation of the borrowing donis ‘tribute, gift’ (Skardzius 1931: 65, 67, Anikin 1994: 191). See also: ‘dajati; ‘dadja; ‘dadjbbog^; ‘dârt; ‘datelh; ‘dati; ‘davati; ‘prid'b; ‘prodadja 96 ‘dârt *dârb m. u (c) ‘gift’ ESSJa IV 191-192 CS OCS dan, Gsg. dara, Gsg. daru E Ru. dar W Cz. dar; Slk. dar; Pl. dar S SCr. dăr; Cak. dăr (Vrg.); dăr (Orb.); Sln. dăr, Gsg. dăra, Gsg. daru; Bulg. dar PIE ‘deh3-ro- Cogn. Gk. 8wpov n. According to the ESSJa, the arguments for reconstructing a u-stem are not compelling. For the root, see ^ ‘dati. *datelb m. jo ‘giver, donor’ ESSJa IV 193-194 CS OCS datel’b E Ru. dătel’ (dial.) W Cz. datel (Jg.) S SCr. datelj (arch.) Deverbative nomen agentis. See ^ ‘dati. *dati v. ‘give’ ESSJa IV 194-195 CS OCS dati, 1sg. damb, 2sg. dasi, 3sg. dastt, 1pl. damt, 2pl. daste, 3pl. dadţtt E Ru. dat’, 1sg. dam, 2sg. das’, 3sg. dast, 1pl. dadm, 2pl. dadite, 3pl. dadut W Cz. dăti; OCz. dăti, 1sg. dăm, 2sg. dăs, 3pl. dădie; OSlk. dăti; dat; Pl. dac, 1sg. dam, 3pl. dadzq S SCr. dati, 1sg. dăm, 1pl. dămo; Cak. dati (Vrg.), 2sg. dăs, 2sg. dâdes; dat (Orb.), 1sg. dân, 1pl. dămo; Sln. dăti, 1sg. dăm; Bulg. dam BSl. ‘do?-; *do?d-mi B Lith. duoti; Latv. duot OPr. dăt PIE ‘deh3-; *didh3- Cogn. Gk. 5[5to|ai; Skt. dădăti; Lat. dăre In the reduplicated present the first element became acute as a result of Winter’s law. See also: ‘dajati; ‘dadja; ‘dadjhbogt; ‘dânh; ‘dârt; ‘datelh; ‘davati; ‘pridt *dâvâti v. ESSJa IV 197 CS OCS -davati E Ru. davăt’, 1sg. daju W Cz. dăvati; Slk. dăvat; Pl. dawac S SCr. dăvati, 1sg. dăjem; dăvati (Vuk: SW), 1sg. dăjem; dăvati, 1sg. dăvăm; Cak. dăvati, 2sg. dăjes; dăvat (Orb.), 1sg. dăjen; Sln. dăvati, 1sg. dăvam; Bulg. dăvam BSl. ‘do?wa?- ‘debelt 97 B Latv. dâvât ‘give (iter.)’ Cogn. Gk. 5[5to|ii ‘give’; Skt. dădăti ‘give’; Lat. dăre ‘give’ The secondary je-present ‘dajg is built on the aorist stem. The long non-acute root vowel of the imperfective iteratives in -dăvati can be traced to a perfect form ‘dh3-eu (Kortlandt 1989: 111). See also: ‘dajati; ‘dadja; ‘dadjhbogt; ‘dânh; ‘dârt; ‘datelh; ‘dati; ‘pridt; ‘prodadja *dave adv. ‘recently’ ESSJa IV 198 E Ru. dăveca (coll., arch., dial.) ‘recently’; dave (dial.) ‘recently, yesterday’; ORu. dave ‘yesterday’ W LSrb. dawe (dial.) ‘before, recently, long ago’; Plb. dovă ‘recently, just’ S Sln. dăve ‘this morning, recently’; dăvi ‘this morning’ Cogn. Skt. dăvîyas- adj. ‘further, more distant’; Gk. 8fv adv. ‘a long time, far’; Gk. 5ăv (Dor.) adv. ‘a long time, far’; Gk. 5odv (Dor.) adv. ‘a long time, far’ The long vowel of this adverb is striking. We may be dealing with a lengthened grade vowel that originated in a monosyllabic form. See also: ‘davhnt *dâviti v. (b) ‘suffocate’ ESSJa IV 198-199 CS OCS daviti ‘suffocate’, 1sg. davljg E Ru. davit’‘press (upon), suffocate, crush, 1sg. davlju, 3sg. dăvit W Cz. dăviti ‘suffocate, strangle, throw up’; Slk. dăvit ‘suffocate, strangle, throw up’; Pl. dawic (obs., dial.) ‘suffocate, strangle’ S SCr. dăviti ‘suffocate, strangle’, 1sg. dăvlm; Cak. dăv'iti (Vrg.) ‘suffocate, strangle’, 2sg. dăvls; Sln. dăviti ‘suffocate, strangle’, 1sg. dăvim; Bulg. dăvja ‘drown, suffocate, strangle’ PIE ‘dhoh2u- Cogn. Gk. Zsuq OauAioq m. ‘strangler?’; Go. afdauips ptc. pret. pass. ‘tormented’ *davbm; *davbnb adj. o ‘ancient, past’ ESSJa IV 200 CS CS davbno adv. ‘long ago’ E Ru. dăvnij W Cz. dăvny; dăvm (arch.); Pl. dawny S SCr. dăvan; dăvn(j)l; Sln. dăvm ‘ancient, past’; dăvnji ‘from this morning, ancient, past’ Adjective derived from ^ ‘dave. *debel^ adj. o ‘fat’ ESSJa IV 201-202 CS RuCS debelyj ‘fat’ E Ru. debelyj ‘plump, corpulent’; debelyj (dial.) ‘healthy, strong, plump, corpulent’ 98 ‘debelhstvo S SCr. debeo ‘fat’; Cak. debe (Vrg.) ‘fat’, f. debela; Sln. debet ‘fat, big, strong, f. debţla; Bulg. debel ‘fat, strong’ BSl. ‘deb- B Latv. depsis ‘small, fat boy’ OPr. deblkan Asg. ‘big’; debica (Gr.) ‘big’ Cogn. OIc. dapr ‘sad’; Nw. daper ‘sad, with young’; dabb(e) (dial.) m. ‘small, fat fellow’; OHG tapfar ‘firm, heavy, thick-set’ Formally, the Balto-Slavic and the Germanic forms do not match, considering that in the case of PIE ‘b the Balto-Slavic evidence would violate Winter’s law. It is by no means necessary, however, to assume that this etymon is of Indo-European origin. See also: ‘debelhstvo; ‘doblh *debelbstvo n. o ‘fatness’(?) ESSJa IV 203 CS OCS debelbstvo ‘rudeness’ {1} {1} According to the SJS (I: 472), the scribe may have translated ma^uTr^ ‘fatness’ instead of Tpa^uT^ţ ‘rudeness’. See ^ ‘debelh. *deg^tb m. jo ‘tar’ ESSJa IV 204-205 E Ru. degot’; Ukr. dihot’; dehot’ W Cz. dehet; Slk. decht; Pl. dziegiec S Sln. degdt BSl. ‘degut(i)os B Lith. degutas 2; Latv. deguts PIE ‘dhegwh- In view of the presumed connection between *zegti ‘burn’ and Lith. degti ‘id., *deghtb is sometimes regarded as a borrowing from Baltic. I find it more likely that it is a relic of the original root *deg- < ‘dhegwK (cf. Slawski SP III: 34-35), cf. Sln. dţgniti ‘radiate, OCz. dehna ‘devil, *delto n. o (b) ‘chisel’ ESSJa IV 205 S SCr. dlijeto; Cak. llto (Vrg.), Npl. lîtă; leto (Novi), Npl. leta; dl'eto (Orb.), Npl. dl'eta; Sln. dleto {1}; Bulg. dleto Cogn. OE delfan ‘dig’ Variant with e-vocalism of ^ ‘doltd. The ESSJa adduces Cz. dletko (Kott) ‘edge of a plane’ to show that ‘delto is not limited to South Slavic. It seems plausible that the e-grade is analogical after the verb, but it must be admitted that ‘delti is hardly attested. The only form mentioned in the ESSJa (IV: 205) is Cak. dlisti. {1} Pletersnik actually has dleto, which is probably a misprint. See also: ‘dştelt; ‘dolto; ‘dhlbiti; ‘dhlti ‘dervo 99 *derm m. o (b) ‘cornel, dogwood’ ESSJa IV 208-209 E Ru. deren (dial.) ‘cornel’; Ukr. deren (dial.) ‘cornel’, Gsg. derenu W Cz. dnn ‘cornel’; OCz. drien ‘cornel’; Slk. drien m.(jo) ‘cornel’; Pl. drzon (dial.) ‘cornel’; OPl. drzon ‘cornel, dogwood, barberry(?)’; Slnc. droun ‘blackthorn, Gsg. drounu; USrb. dren ‘dogwood’ S SCr. drijen ‘cornel, dogwood’, Gsg. drijena; Cak. dren (Novi) ‘cornel’, Gsg. drena; dr'en (Orb.) ‘dogwood, cornel’, Gsg. drena; Sln. dren ‘cornel’, Gsg. drena; Bulg. drjan ‘cornel’; dren ‘cornel’ PIE ‘dhergh-no- Cogn. Gk. Tepxvoq n. ‘young shoot, branch’; OHG tirn-pauma m. ‘cornel’; OHG dirn-baum m. ‘cornel’; OIr. draigen m. ‘thorn’; MW draen m. ‘thorn(s), prickle(s)’ AP (b) points to an original neuter. For the etymology, see also Schrijver 1995: 135. *derti v. (b) ‘tear’ ESSJa IV 209 W Cz. dnti ‘rub, flay’, 1sg. dru; Slk. driet (sa) ‘rub off, toil’; Pl. drzec ‘tear, 1sg. drţ; Slnc. drec ‘tear’; USrb. drec ‘tear’ S SCr. drijeti ‘tear, pull out, 1sg. derem; Cak. dr'et (Orb.) ‘tear up, fleece, 3sg. dere; Sln. dreti ‘tear, pull out, 1sg. derem BSl. ‘der(?)- B Lith. derti (Zem.) ‘tear, peel, 1sg. deru PIE ‘der(H)- Cogn. Gk. 8epw ‘flay’; Go. distairan ‘tear apart’ See also: ‘dera; ‘dira; ‘dira; ‘dhrati; ‘dbrvtna; ‘udariti *dervo n. o (c) ‘tree, wood’ ESSJa IV 211-213 CS OCS drevo n.(s/o) ‘tree, wood, Gsg. drevese, Gsg. dreva E Ru. derevo ‘tree, wood’ W Cz. drevo ‘tree, wood’; Slk. drevo ‘tree, wood’; Pl. drzewo ‘tree, wood’; USrb. drjewo ‘wood’ S SCr. drijevo ‘tree, wood’; Cak. drîvo (Vrg.) ‘tree, wood’; dr'evo (Vrg.) ‘wood, lumber, tree’; Sln. drevo n.(s) ‘tree, plough, Gsg. drevţsa; Bulg. derevo (obs., dial.) ‘tree, wood’ BSl. ‘der(?)wom B Lith. derva f. 3/4 ‘chip of kindling wood, log from which tar is produced, resin, tar’; Latv. darva f. ‘tar, pitch’ PIE ‘deru-o- Cogn. Skt. dăru n. ‘wood’; Gk. 5opu n. ‘tree-trunk, wood, spear’; Go. triu n. ‘wood, tree’; OIc. tyrvi n. ‘coniferous wood’; OE teoru ‘tar’ The laryngeal reflected by the Baltic evidence must be an innovation, cf. Skt. dăru. See also: ‘drhkolh; ‘drhkolhje; ‘drtvo; ‘stdorvt 100 ‘desştt *desştb num. o ‘tenth’ ESSJa IV 215-216 CS OCS desţth E Ru. desjătyj W Cz. desăty; Slk. desiaty; Pl. dziesiqty S SCr. desetl; Cak. desetl (Vrg.); des'eti (Vrg.) ‘tenth, the tenth month, October’; Sln. desţti; Bulg. deseti BSl. ‘desimtos B Lith. desimtas 4 OPr. desslmts PIE ‘dekmHo-; *dekmto- Cogn. Gk. 5eKaToq; Lat. decimus; Go. taihunda See also: ‘desşth; ‘stto *desştb num. i (c) ‘ten’ ESSJa IV 216-217 CS OCS desţtb E Ru. desjat’, Gsg. desjati W Cz. deset; Slk. desat; Pl. dziesiţc; Slnc. fiesinc S SCr. deset; Cak. deset (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. desţt; Bulg. deset BSl. ‘desimt(is) B Lith. desimt indecl.; desimtis f.(i) 3b; Latv. desmit OPr. dessempts (I); dessimpts (I); dessimton (III) PIE ‘dekm-t- Cogn. Skt. dăsa; Gk. 5eKa; Lat. decem; Go. taihun See also: ‘desştt; ‘stto *desiti v. ‘find, encounter’ ESSJa IV 217-218 CS OCS desiti ‘find, encounter, 1sg. desg; RuCS desiti; desiti ‘find, encounter’ W OCz. podesiti ‘catch up with, get hold of’ S SCr. desiti (Vuk) ‘encounter, 1sg. deslm; desiti ‘find, encounter’ PIE ‘dek- Cogn. Skt. dasasyăti ‘honour, serve’; Gk. 5eKo|aai (Ion., Aeol.) ‘accept’; Lat. decet ‘it suits, becomes’ See also: ‘dositi *desm adj. o (c?) ‘right’ ESSJa IV 218-219 CS OCS desnh; RuCS desnyj E ORu. desnh {1} S SCr. desnl; desan, f. desna; Cak. desnî (Vrg.); Sln. dţsm; Bulg. desen BSl. ‘des(i)nos B Lith. desinas 3b ‘dedt 101 PIE ‘deks-(i)no- Cogn. Skt. dăkşina- ‘right, southern’; Av. dasina- ‘right’; Gk. 5s^iTsp6q ‘right’; Lat. dexter ‘right’; Go. taihswa ‘right’; OIr. dess ‘right, just, south’ See Beekes 1994 for the problem of medial ‘i. {1} AP (c) according to Zaliznjak (1985: 138). *devştb num. o ‘ninth’ ESSJa IV 222 CS OCS devţth E Ru. devjătyj W Cz. devăty; Slk. deviaty; Pl. dziewiqty S SCr. devetl; Cak. devetl (Vrg.); dev'eti (Orb.); Sln. devţti; Bulg. deveti BSl. ‘deuin(t)os B Lith. devintas; Latv. devît(ai)s OPr. newlnts PIE ‘hrn(e)un-o- Cogn. Gk. evaToq; Lat. nonus; Go. niunda See ^ ‘devţtb. The introduction of ‘-to- may date from the Balto-Slavic period. *devştb num. i (c) ‘nine’ ESSJa IV 222-223 CS OCS devţtb E Ru. devjat’, Gsg. devjati W Cz. devet; Slk. devat; Pl. dziewiţc; Slnc.fievjinc S SCr. devet; Cak. devet (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. devţt; Bulg. devet BSl. ‘dewin B Lith. devyni; Latv. devini PIE ‘hneun Cogn. Skt. năva; Gk. evvea; Lat. novem; Go. niun For Balto-Slavic one would expect ‘dowin, with ‘eu > ‘ou before a vowel. The e vocalism may have been reintroduced on the basis of the ordinal ‘deuno- prior to the development ‘eu > ‘iou before consonant (Hamp 1976, Kortlandt 1979: 57). The ordinal was later reshaped into ‘dewino-. In view of OPr. newlnts ‘nine’, it is possible that the numeral still had initial ‘n- at the end of the Balto-Slavic period (the ‘d must have been adopted from ‘ten’), but German influence cannot be excluded. See also: ‘devştt *ded^ m. o (a) ESSJa IV 227 CS OCS dedh ‘forefather’ E Ru. ded ‘grandfather’ W Cz. ded ‘grandfather, forefather, old man’; Pl. dziad ‘grandfather, forefather, old man’ 102 ‘delati S SCr. djed ‘grandfather’; Cak. did (Vrg.) ‘grandfather’; Sln. ded ‘grandfather, old man, Gsg. deda BSl. ‘de?d- B Lith. dede m.(e) ‘uncle’; dedis m.(io) ‘uncle’; Latv. deds m.(o) ‘old man’ PIE ‘dhehidh-o- Cogn. Gk. Tf0r| f. ‘grandmother’ *delati v. ‘do’ ESSJa IV 231-232 CS OCS delati ‘do, work, 1sg. delajg E Ru. delat’ ‘do, 1sg. delaju W Cz. delati ‘do, work’; Pl. dziatac ‘act, be active, operate’ S SCr. djelati ‘do, 1sg. djelăm; Cak. dilati ‘do, 2sg. dilăs; delat ‘do, make, work, 1sg. delan; Sln. delati ‘do, work, 1sg. delam BSl. ‘de?l- B Lith. delioti ‘put down, away’ OPr. dllants ‘worker’ Cogn. Skt. dădhăti ‘put, place, make’; Gk. TÎ0r|ii ‘put down, ground, create’; Lat. fecl 1sg. pf. ‘made’; OHG tuon ‘do’ Derivative of ^ ‘delo. See also: ‘dela; ‘delhma;‘deti I; ‘deva; ‘devica *deliti v. ‘divide’ ESSJa IV 233-234 CS OCS delith (Supr.) 3sg. ‘divides’ E Ru. delit’‘divide, 1sg. delju, 3sg. delit {1} W Cz. deliti ‘divide’; Slk. deliti ‘divide’; Pl. dzielic ‘divide’ S SCr. dijeliti ‘divide, 1sg. dijeljlm; Cak. dlliti (Vrg.) ‘divide’, 2sg. dîlls; d'elit (Orb.) ‘divide, 1sg. d'elin; Sln. deliti ‘divide, 1sg. delim; Bulg. deljă ‘divide, share, 1sg. delim BSl. ‘doil- (dail-?) B Lith. dailyti ‘divide, 3pres. daîlo Cogn. Go. dailjan ‘divide’ Slavic ‘del- has Germanic counterparts reflecting ‘dhoil- or ‘dhail-, which fom a PIE point of view is an unsual root structure. The aspirated stop precludes a connection with Gk. 5aio|aai ‘distribute’ < ‘deh2-i- unless we assume that the Germanic forms are borrowings from Slavic, which is not particularly plausible. Note that the accentuation of ^ ‘delh (b) would be in conflict with a reconstruction ‘deh2i-l-. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). *dela; *delbma; *dela; *dbla prep. ‘because of’ CS OCS dela postp.; delbma postp. ESSJa IV 234-235 ‘dera 103 E Ru. dlja prep. ‘for’; Ukr. diljă (dial.) prep. ‘for, because of, therefore’ W OCz. dle prep. ‘because of’; Pl. dla prep. ‘for’; OPl. dziela (Bogurodzica) prep. ‘for’ S SCr. dijel (arch.) prep.; Sln. delj prep. B Lith. del prep.; Latv. del prep. This etymon cannot be separated from ^ ‘delo, cf. Lat. causă ‘because of’. The form ‘dela seems to be a petrified Isg., while ‘delbma is an Idu. The presence of an element ‘-j- is unexpected. Furthermore, the explanation of *dbla as a shortened variant is not particularly convincing. The ESSJa suggests a contamination of the root of ‘delo and the root *dbl- found in ^ ‘dbliti. The Baltic prepositions may be borrowings from Slavic. See also: ‘delati; ‘deti I *delo n. o (a) ‘work, deed’ ESSJa V 5-8 CS OCS delo n.(s/o) ‘work, matter’, Gsg. delese, Gsg. dela E Ru. delo ‘business, matter, thing’ W Cz. dilo ‘work’; Slk. dielo ‘work’; Pl. dzielo ‘work, deed’; dzialo ‘cannon’; OPl. dzialo ‘work, deed’; USrb. dzelo ‘work’ S SCr. djelo ‘deed, act’; Cak. dilo (Vrg.) ‘deed, act’; delo (Novi) ‘deed, act’; delo (Orb.) ‘work, job, Npl. dela; Sln. delo ‘work, act, deed’; Bulg. delo ‘work, act, deed’ PIE ‘dhehA- Cogn. Skt. dădhăti ‘put, place, make’; Gk. TÎ0r|ii ‘put down, ground, create’; Lat. fecl 1sg. pf. ‘made’; OHG tuon ‘do’ Derivative with an l-suffix of ‘dhehi- ‘put, make’. See also: ‘delati; ‘dela; ‘delbma; ‘deti I *del^ m. o (b) ‘part’ ESSJa IV 233-234 CS RuCS deh ‘part’ E Ru. del (dial.) ‘division, section’; Ukr. dil ‘part, section’ W Cz. dil (dial.) ‘division, section’; Slk. diel ‘part, section’; Pl. dziat ‘part, section’; Slnc. fel ‘part, section, Gsg. jela S SCr. dijel ‘part, mountain, Gsg. dijela; Cak. dî(l) (Vrg.) ‘part, mountain, Gsg. dlla; del (Novi) ‘part, mountain, Gsg. dela; d'el (Orb.) ‘part, share, Gsg. d'ela; Kajk. dîel (Bednja) ‘part, mountain, Gsg. diela; Sln. djal ‘part, fate’ Cogn. Go. dails m. ‘part’; OHG teil m. ‘part’ See ^ ‘deliti. *derâ f. â (b) ‘crack, hole’ ESSJa V 12 E ORu. dera ‘opening’ W Cz. dira ‘hole’; Slk. diera ‘hole’; Slnc. jeră ‘hole’; USrb. dzera ‘hole, lair’ 104 PIE ‘der- Cogn. Gk. 8epw ‘flay’; Go. distairan ‘tear apart’ AP (b) confirms the lengthened grade in the root. See also: ‘derti; ‘dira; dira; ‘dbrati; ‘dbrvbna; ‘udariti *detş n. nt ‘child’ ESSJa V 12-13 CS CS detţ, Gsg. detţte E Ru. ditjă, Gsg. ditjăti W Cz. dlte, Gsg. ditete; Slk. dieta, Gsg. dietata; Pl. dzieciţ, Gsg. dziţciţcia; Slnc. 3&cq S SCr. dijete, Gsg. djeteta; Cak. dlte (Vrg., Novi), Gsg. diteta; dlte (Orb.); Sln. dete ‘child, infant’, Gsg. detţta; Bulg. dete See ^ ‘deti II. See also: ‘deva; ‘devica;‘dojidlica; ‘dojidlo; ‘dojiti *deti I v. ‘do, say’ ESSJa IV 229-230 CS OCS dejati ‘do, say, 1sg. dejg; deti sţ ‘get to, disappear, 1sg. dezdg sţ {1}; -deti ‘do, say, 1sg. -dejg, 1sg. -dezdg, 1sg. -deng E Ru. det’ ‘put, place, 1sg. denu; dejat’ (dial.) ‘do, make, 1sg. deju W Cz. diti (obs.) ‘speak’; OCz. dieti ‘do’, 1sg. deju, 2sg. dejes; dieti ‘speak, say, 1sg. diem, 2sg. dies {1}; Pl. dziac ‘weave, knit (arch.), do’ S SCr. djeti ‘do, say, 1sg. djedem, 1sg. djenem; djesti (Vuk) ‘do, say’ 1sg. djedem, 1sg. djenem; Sln. dejăti ‘do, say, 1sg. dejem; dejăti ‘place, put, do, say, 1sg. dem; dejăti ‘place, put, 1sg. denem, 1sg. dţnem; deti ‘place, put, do, say, 1sg. dem BSl. ‘de?- B Lith. deti ‘lay, put, 3pres. deda; deti (OLith.) ‘lay, put, 3pres. desti; Latv. det ‘lay (eggs)’ PIE ‘dheh- Cogn. Skt. dădhăti ‘put, place, make’; Gk. TÎ0r^i ‘to put down, to ground, to create’; Lat. fecl 1sg. pf. ‘made’; OHG tuon ‘to do’ {1} The SJS gives deti sţ, 1sg. dezdg sţ, 2sg. dezdesi sţ (Hilf., Venc.). The latter text does not belong to the Old Church Slavic canon. The quoted passages do not show that the present stem dezd- occurs in Hilf. {2} In his Old Czech dictionary, Gebauer has deti, deju ‘do’ and deti, deju ‘speak, say’. In his Czech historical grammar (III.2: 228), however, he says that deju ‘I speak’ is not attested and claims that the attested 1sg. diem is an innovation. See also: ‘delati; ‘dela; ‘delbma; ‘delo; ‘pridt; ‘sşditi; ‘sşdi; ‘sşdt *deti II Npl. f. ‘children’ ESSJa V 14 CS OCS deti Npl. E Ru. deti Npl. W Cz. deti Npl.; Slk. deti Npl.; Pl. Npl. dzieci; Slnc. jieca Npl. ‘devica 105 S Bulg. deti (dial.) Npl. A derivative of the root ‘dhehi-, cf. Latv. dels ‘son, det ‘suck’. The singular ‘detb is hardly attested. The common singular of the word for ‘child’ is ^ ‘detţ, where the suffix ‘-t- was enlarged with the suffix ‘-ţ < ‘-ent-, which is frequent in designations of young living creatures. Cogn. Lat. fetus m. ‘birth, foetus, offspring’ See also: ‘detş; ‘deva; ‘devica;‘dojidlica; ‘dojidlo; ‘dojiti *deva f. â (a) ‘maiden, girl’ ESSJa V 17-18 CS OCS deva ‘virgin, maiden’ E Ru. deva (obs.) ‘girl, maiden, (D.) The Virgin, Virgo’ W Cz. deva ‘girl, maiden’; diva (dial.) ‘girl, maiden’; Slk. deva ‘girl’ S SCr. djeva ‘girl, maiden’; Cak. Dîva (Marija) (Vrg.) ‘The Virgin (Mary)’ {1}; Sln. deva ‘maiden, virgin’; Bulg. deva ‘maiden, virgin’ Cogn. Gk. 0^Auq adj. ‘feminine’; Lat. fecundus adj. ‘fertile’ {1} The noun djeva seems to be a hypercoristic of djevojka (RJA II 449-450) and cannot be regarded as a direct continuation of ‘deva. The RJA has also djev (18th c.) f.(i) and djeva ‘virgo, which do not belong to the living language. The status of the accentuation of these words is unclear to me. See also: ‘detş; ‘deti II; ‘devica;‘dojidlica; ‘dojidlo; ‘dojiti *deverb m. jo (a (c)) ‘husband’s brother’ ESSJa V 19 E Ru. dever’, Npl. dever’jă {1} W OCz. dever; OPl. dziewierz S SCr. djever ‘husband’s brother, best man’; Cak. diver (Vrg.) ‘husband’s brother, best man’; dever (Orb.) ‘marriage witness’; Sln. devţr ‘husband’s brother’, Gsg. deverja; dever ‘husband’s brother, best man’, Gsg. devera; Bulg. dever ‘husband’s brother, best man’ BSl. ‘dă?iuer- B Lith. dieveris m.(i) 1; dieveris m.(i) 3a; Latv. dieveris m.(io) PIE ‘deh2i-uer- Cogn. Skt. devăr- m.; Gk. 8ăfp m. In case-forms with original stress on the suffix one expects root stress as a result of Hirt’s law. This accounts for the many indications for root stress in both Baltic and Slavic. {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). *devica f. â (a) ‘maiden, girl’ ESSJa V 19-20 CS OCS devica ‘virgin, maiden, girl’ E Ru. devica (obs.) ‘unmarried woman, girl’ W OCz. device ‘girl, maiden’; Pl. dziewica ‘virgin, maiden’ 106 ‘deza S SCr. djevica ‘girl, maiden, virgin’; Cak. Divica (Vrg.) ‘The Holy Virgin’; Sln. devica ‘maiden, virgin’; Bulg. devica ‘maiden, virgin, girl’ See ^ ‘deva. *deza f. jâ (b) ESSJa V 23-24 E Ru. deză ‘vat’; deza ‘vat’ W Cz. diz, dize f.(i/jâ) ‘kneading trough’; OCz. dieze ‘kneading trough’; Slk. dieza ‘kneading trough’; Pl. dzieza ‘kneading trough, earthen pot, crock’; USrb. dzeza ‘kneading trough’; LSrb. zeza ‘kneading trough’ S Cak. diza ‘milk-pail’; dîzva ‘milk-pail’; Sln. dţza ‘milk-pail, bee-hive’ Cogn. Gk. Tolxoq n. ‘wall, side’ A jă-stem from the root ‘dez- < ‘dhoigh- ‘knead (clay)’. See also: ‘zidt; ‘zbdb; ‘zbdati *dşga; *dşg^ f. â; m. o (a) ‘strap’ ESSJa V 24-25 CS RuCS djagv m. ‘strap’ E Ru. djăga (dial.) f. ‘(W, NW dial.) strap, leather belt, (Psk.) strength, height’; djag (dial.) m. ‘height’; ORu. djagv m. ‘strap’; Ukr. d’ah (dial.) m. ‘strip of bast’ W Slk. d’ah m. ‘road, direction’ S Sln. dţga f. ‘strap, hame-strap’ See Derksen forthc. e. This etymon is not to be connected with ^ ‘dgga. See also: ‘dşglt; ‘dşglb; ‘nedşgt *dşgl^ adj. o ‘healthy, strong’ ESSJa V 25 E Ru. djăglyj (dial.) ‘healthy, strong’ BSl. ‘den?g- B Latv. denkts ‘strong, healthy, important’ Cogn. OIr. daingen ‘firm, fast, solid’ See ^ ‘dţga. *dşglb m. jo ‘angelica’ ESSJa V 25 E Ru. djăgil’ ‘angelica’; djagil’ (dial.) ‘Heracleum, Valeriana nitida’ W Cz. dehel ‘angelica’; Pl. dziţgiel ‘angelica’; USrb. dzehel ‘angelica’ See also: ‘dşga; ‘dşgt; ‘dşglt; ‘nedşgt *dşsno; *dşsnâ; *dşslo n. o; f. â; n. o (b) ‘gum’ ESSJa V 26-27 E Ru. desnă f.(â); deslă (Psk.) f.(â) W Cz. dăsen f.(i/jâ); OCz. dăsno n.(o); dăs(e)n f.(i); Slk. d’asno n.(o); Pl. dziqsla Npl. n.(o) ‘dira; ‘dira 107 S SCr. desni Npl. f.(i); Sln. dlesna f.(â); dlăsna f.(â); lesna Npl. n.(o) It is very plausible that ‘dţsnd/a ‘gums’ contains ‘h3dent- ‘tooth, cf. OPr. dantimax ‘id.’. The fact that we find both ‘-sno- and ‘-slo-, makes one wonder whether the latter may be due to dissimilation. *dştel^ m. o ‘woodpecker’ ESSJa V 27-28 E Ru. djătel, Gsg. djătela W Cz. datel, Gsg. datla; Slk. d’atel'm.(jo), Gsg. d’atl'a; Pl. dziţciot, Gsg. dziţciota S SCr. djetao, Gsg. djetla; Cak. detelj (Orb.) m.(jo), Gsg. detelja; Sln. dţtdt, Gsg. dţtla; dţtelj m.(jo) PIE ‘ dh(e)lbh-tel- The word for ‘woodpecker’ can be derived from ‘dhlbh- ‘dig’ (in Slavic ‘hollow, chisel’, cf. ^ ‘dblbti) if we assume that ‘dţteh < ‘denteh or ‘dbnteh reflects ‘delteh or ‘dblteh, cf. ‘zţdlo < ‘gwlH-dhlo-. See also: ‘delto; ‘dştelt; ‘dolto; ‘dblbiti; ‘dblti *dikb adj. o ‘wild’ ESSJa V 29-30 CS RuCS dikyi ‘wild, rude’ E Ru. dikij, f. dikă, n. diko; ORu. dikyi W Slk. diky (Kott); Pl. dziki; USrb. dziki B Lith. dykas 4 ‘empty, idle, for free, vacant’; Latv. dlks ‘empty, idle, inactive’ {1} Perhaps cognate with Skt. day' ‘fly (of birds, chariots, horses, gods)’. In view of the evidence for circumflex long i, the East Baltic forms may be borrowings from Slavic, but the semantic difference (cf. MoDu. woest ‘desolate’ ^ ‘uncultivated, rough, wild’, with the opposite direction) is conspicuous. Note that East Latv. dieks2, provided that this is indeed the correct interpretation of the form dlks in that area, may reflect ‘deik-. {1} Both dîks2 and diks2 are attested. In principle this combination points to diks. See also: ‘divt II; ‘divb *dira; *dira f. â; f. jâ ‘crack, hole’ ESSJa V 30-31 CS OCS dira ‘crack’; dirja ‘crack’ E Ru. diră (dial.) ‘hole’; dirjă (dial.) ‘hole’ S SCr. dira (Herc.) ‘hole’; dira (Herc.) ‘hole’; dira (Dubr.) ‘hole’; dira (Elez., RJA) ‘rags’; dira ‘rags’; dira (RSA) ‘hole, crack’; dira (RSA) ‘hole, crack’ PIE ‘dr- Cogn. Gk. 8epw ‘flay’; Go. distairan ‘tear apart’ See also: ‘derti; ‘dera; ‘dbrati; ‘dbrvbna; ‘udariti 108 ‘diriti *diriti v. ‘look for’ ESSJa V 31 S Bulg. dirja ‘look for, seek, strive for’ B Lith. dyreti (coll.) ‘look out (for), watch (for), stare, gape, be in hiding’ Cogn. Nw. tira (dial.) ‘look, shine, beam’ According to the ESSJa, the Slavic and Baltic verbs are possibly cognate with ^ *dbrati ‘tear’. In that case the i would have to originate from the iterative. The connection with Germanic, as advocated by Stang (1972: 18-19), is not unattractive, however. One might reconstruct *dei(H)r- or ‘deh-r-, cf. Skt. day‘- ‘shine, radiate’. *diviti v. (c) ‘surprise, astonish’ CS OCS diviti sţ ‘be surprised, wonder, marvel, 1sg. divljg sţ, 3sg. divisi sţ E Ru. divit’sja ‘be surprised, wonder, marvel, 1sg. divljus’, 3sg. divitsja; divit’ (dial.) ‘be surprised, wonder, marvel, look (at), gaze’ W Cz. diviti se ‘be surprised, be astounded’; Slk. divit sa ‘be surprised, be astounded’; Pl. dziwic ‘surprise, astonish’ S SCr. diviti se ‘marvel at, admire, 1sg. divlm se; Bulg. divjă ‘surprise, astonish’ See also: ‘dîvo; ‘divt I; ‘divbnt *dîvo n. s (c) ‘miracle’ ESSJa V 33-34 CS OCS divesa (Ps. Sin.) Apl. ‘miracles’ E Ru. divo n.(o) ‘miracle’; divo (dial.) n.(o) ‘miracle, astonishment’; divesă (dial.) Npl. n.(s) ‘miracles’ W Slk. divo n.(o) ‘monster’; OPl. dziwo n.(o) ‘miracle’ S SCr. divo n.(o) ‘miracle’ See ^ ‘divt I. *divb I m. o ‘astonishment, miracle’ ESSJa V 35 CS OCS divt (Cloz.) ‘astonishment, amazement’ E Ru. div (dial.) ‘miracle, astonishment’ W Cz. div ‘miracle’; Slk. div ‘miracle’; Pl. dziw ‘miracle’ Cogn. Skt. dhî- f. ‘observation, vision, thought’ Since we find no traces of Hirt’s law, an analysis ‘dhHi-uo- or ‘dheiH-uo-seems best. See also: ‘diviti; ‘dîvo; ‘divbnt *divb II; *divb adj. o; adj. jo ‘wild’ ESSJa V 35-36 CS OCS divii ‘wild’ W Cz. divy ‘wild, furious’; divi (dial.) ‘wild, furious’; OPl. dziwy ‘wild’; Slnc. jăwi ‘wild’; USrb. dziwi ‘wild’ S SCr. divljl ‘wild’; Cak. divll (Vrg.) ‘cruel, brutal’; Sln. divji ‘wild’; Bulg. div ‘wild, rough’ ‘doblb 109 See ^ ‘dikt. The Russian adjectives divyj (dial.) ‘surprising’ and divoj (dial.) ‘miraculous, surprising’, which the ESSJa mentions under this lemma, are obviously cognate with ^ ‘divbnt. *divbm adj. o ‘amazing’ ESSJa V 36-37 CS OCS divbnt ‘amazing, wonderful’ E Ru. divnyj ‘amazing, wonderful’ W Cz. divny ‘strange, queer’; Slk. divny ‘strange, queer’; Pl. dziwny ‘strange, queer’ S SCr. divan ‘wonderful, splendid’; Sln. divdn ‘amazing, wonderful, miraculous’; Bulg. diven ‘amazing, wonderful’ Adjectival derivative in ‘-bnt (^ ‘divt I). See also: ‘diviti; ‘dîvo; ‘divt I *do prep. ‘to, until’ ESSJa V 37-38 CS OCS do E Ru. do W Cz. do; Slk. do; Pl. do S SCr. do; Sln. do; Bulg. do PIE ‘do Cogn. Gk. sv8ov adv. ‘within, OLat. endo- preverb ‘in’; OIr. do prep. ‘to’ *doba f. â ‘time’ ESSJa V 38-39 CS CS doba ‘use, advantage’ E Ru. doba (dial.) ‘time, measure’; Ukr. dobă ‘twenty-four hours’ W Cz. doba ‘time’; Pl. doba ‘twenty-four hours, time’ S SCr. doba ‘time’; Cak. doba (Vrg.) ‘time’; doba (Orb.) ‘time, season, point of time’, Asg. dobo; Sln. doba ‘time, period’; dgb f.(i) ‘time’; Bulg. doba ‘time’ BSl. ‘doba? B Lith. daba ‘nature, habit, character’; dabar adv. ‘now’; Latv. daba ‘manner, habit, character’ Cogn. Go. gadaban ‘happen, be suitable’ The root is best reconstructed as ‘dhabh-, with “European a”, cf. Lat. faber ‘craftsman, artisan’. See also: ‘dobrt; ‘podoba *doblb adj. jo ‘strong’ ESSJa V 40 CS OCS doblb ‘strong’; RuCS doblii ‘strong’ E Ru. doblij ‘valiant’ S Sln. dgbdlj ‘capable, able’ BSl. ‘dob- 110 ‘dobrt Latv. dabls ‘strong, lush’; dabls ‘strong, lush’ Cogn. OIc. dapr ‘sad’; Nw. daper ‘sad, with young’; dabb(e) (dial.) m. ‘small, fat fellow’; OHG tapfar ‘firm, heavy, thick-set’ See ^ ‘debelt. *dobrb adj. o ‘good’ ESSJa V 45-46 CS OCS dobrt ‘good, beautiful’ E Ru. dobryj W Cz. dobry; Slk. dobry; Pl. dobry S SCr. dobar, f. dobra; Cak. dobar (Vrg.), f. dobra, n. dobro; dobar (Vrg.) ‘good, kind, tasty’, f. dobra, n. dobro; Sln. dgbsr, Gsg. dobra; Bulg. dobăr Cogn. Go. gadaban ‘happen, be suitable’ Adjective in ‘-ro- of ‘dhabh- (^ ‘doba). The relationship between ‘doba ‘time’ and ‘dobrt ‘good’ is parallel to ‘godt ‘right time’ vs. PGmc. ‘goda ‘suitable, good’. See also: ‘doba; ‘podoba *dojidlica f. jâ ‘nurse, nursing animal’ ESSJa V 52-53 CS OCS doilicb (Ps. Sin.) Gpl. ‘suckling (ewes)’; RuCS doilica ‘nurse, milch cow’ S SCr. dojilica ‘nurse, nursing mother’ A derivative of ^ ‘dojidlo. See also: See also: ‘detş; ‘deti II;‘deva; ‘devica;‘dojidlica; ‘dojiti *dojidlo n. o ESSJa V 52-53 E Ru. dojlo (Dal) ‘quantity of milk produced by one head of cattle in a twenty-four-hour period, worthless milk’ W Cz. dojidlo (Kott) ‘milking machine’ S Sln. dojilo ‘breast-feeding, milking’; Bulg. dojlo ‘milking’ Deverbative noun in ‘-dlo. See ^ ‘dojiti. *dojiti v. (c) ‘give milk, milk’ ESSJa V 53-54 CS OCS doiti ‘breast-feed, nurse’, 1sg. dojg E Ru. doit’‘milk, 1sg. doju, 3sg. doit; doit’ (dial.) ‘give milk (cow), suckle (calf)’ W Cz. dojiti ‘milk’; Slk. dojit ‘milk, give milk’; Pl. doic ‘milk, (arch., dial.) give milk’ S SCr. dojiti ‘breast-feed, suckle, give milk, 1sg. dojlm; Cak. dojiti (Vrg.) ‘breast-feed, suckle, give milk, 2sg. dojîs; dojit (Orb.) ‘suckle, breast-feed, 3sg. dojî; Sln. dojiti ‘breast-feed, give milk, milk, 1sg. dojim; Bulg. dojă ‘breast-feed, give milk, milk’ Cogn. Skt. dhăyati ‘suck’; Go. daddjan ‘breast-feed’ ‘dolnb 111 The straightfoward analysis ‘dhoihi-eie- meets with several difficulties. In the first place, one would rather expect ‘dhohii-eie- in view of forms such as Latv. det ‘suck’, where we are dealing with an unextended root. This reconstruction would yield ‘dajati, however. Skt. dhăyati ‘suck’ has been analyzed as ‘dhhi-eie- (see LIV: 142, where the same analysis is applied to OSw. dla), but this reconstruction cannot account for the Slavic form. Klingenschmitt (1982: 148) has suggested for both Slavic ‘dojiti and Go. daddjan that the formation is built on the present stem, i.e. ‘dh(hi)eie- gave rise to ‘dhoieie-. See also: See also: ‘detş; ‘deti II;‘deva; ‘devica;‘dojidlica; ‘dojidlo *dola f. jâ (b) ‘share, fate’ ESSJa V 62-63 CS RuCS dolja ‘part, fate’ E Ru. dolja ‘part, share, fate, (bot., anat.) lobe’; ORu. dolja ‘part, fate’; Bel. dolja ‘share, fate’; Ukr. dolja ‘fate, destiny’ W OCz. s doli ‘succesfully’; Pl. dola ‘fate, destiny, (coll.) share’ (the earliest attestations date from the 17th century) BSl. ‘dolja? B Lith. dalia 4 ‘fate, destiny’; Latv. dala ‘part, share’ PIE ‘dolhi- Cogn. Lat. dolo ‘fashion, work (wood)’ According to Bankowski (2000a: 282), this etymon spread from Belorussian, where it originated from a Lithuanian substratum, to Ukrainian, Russian and Polish. The secondary meaning ‘fate’ is assumed to have arisen in Belorussian. Though this is not an implausible scenario, it should be noticed that the ESSJa mentions late 14th century attestations of dolja in Old Russian / Russian Church Slavic, in the meaning ‘fate’ as well as in the meaning ‘part’. Furthermore, there is an Old Czech attestation from around 1400. See also: ‘odoleti *dolnb f. i (a) ‘palm of the hand’ ESSJa V 63-64 CS OCS dlanb E Ru. ladon; dolon (dial.) W Cz. dlan; Slk. dlan; Pl. dlon S SCr. dlan m.(o); Cak. dlăn (Vrg.) m.(o), Gsg. dlana; dlăn (Vrg.) m.(o), Gsg. dlana; dlăn (Orb.) ‘palm (of the hand), Gsg. dlăni; Sln. dlăn, Gsg. dlani; Bulg. dlan BSl. ‘dol?n-; *del?n- B Lith. delna f.; delnas m.; Latv. delna f. We are apparently dealing with a Balto-Slavic root ‘del?-, the origin of which is unclear. Pokorny suggests that there is a connection with Lith. dilti ‘rub off, wear out’ (‘flatten’ ^ ‘flat of the hand’), which seems far-fetched. 112 ‘dolto *dolto n. o (b) ‘chisel’ ESSJa V 60-61 E Ru. doloto W Cz. dlăto; Slk. dlăto; Pl. dluto S Bulg. dlato; dleto BSl. ‘dolbto B OPr. dalptan ‘punch, instrument for punching holes’ Cogn. OE delfan ‘dig’ Nomen instrumenti from a root meaning ‘hollow, chisel’ (^ ‘dblbiti, ‘dblti). See also Derksen 1996: 115, 236, where the accentuation is discussed. See also: ‘delto; ‘dştelt *dol^ m. o (c) ‘dale, valley’ ESSJa V 64-65 CS OCS dolu adv. ‘below’; dole (Supr.) adv. ‘below’ E Ru. dol ‘(poet.) dale, vale, (dial.) pit, ditch, grave, bottom, earth, Gsg. dola; Ukr. dil ‘valley, bottom, earthen floor, Gsg. dolu W Cz. dul (Jg.) ‘valley, pit, shaft’, Gsg. dolu; OCz. dolov adv. ‘down’; Pl. doi ‘pit, hole, grave’, Gsg. dolu S SCr. do ‘valley, dale’, Gsg. dola; Cak. duol (Orb.) ‘(small) valley, field in a (small) valley’; Sln. dol ‘valley’; Bulg. dol ‘narrow gully, ravine’ PIE ‘dhol-o- Cogn. OIc. dalr m. ‘valley’; OHG tal n. ‘valley’; W dol f. ‘valley’ The forms pointing to an old u-stem may be analogical after ^ ‘vbrxt (cf. Meillet Et. II: 242-243). *doma adv. ‘at home’ ESSJa V 66 CS OCS doma E Ru. doma W Cz. doma; Slk. doma; Pl. doma (dial.); OPl. doma S SCr. doma; Cak. doma (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. domă The petrified case-form ‘doma cannot reflect a Lsg. ‘dom-ou, which would have yielded ‘domu. A possible reconstruction is an Isg. ‘dom-ohi (cf. ^ ‘vbcera), but we would not expect to find the old Isg. ending of the o-stems in a u-stem. See also: ‘domovt; ‘domt *domovb adj. o ‘house-’ ESSJa V 71 E Ru. domovyj ‘house-’; domovoj ‘house-’; domovoj (arch., dial.) ‘house-spirit’ W Cz. domovy (obs.) ‘house-’; domov m.(o) ‘homeland’; Slk. domovy ‘house-’; domov m.(o) ‘homeland’; Pl. domowy ‘house-’ S SCr. domov ‘house-’; Bulg. domovi ‘house-’ ‘dorgt 113 Cogn. Lat. domus f. ‘house, Gsg. domus Denominative adjective with full grade of the suffix. See also: ‘doma; ‘domt *dom^ m. u (c) ‘house’ ESSJa V 72-73 CS OCS domt E Ru. dom {1}; Ukr. dim, Gsg. domu W Cz. dum, Gsg. domu; Slk. dom; Pl. dom; USrb. dom, Gsg. domu S SCr. dom, Gsg. doma; Cak. dom (Vrg.), Gsg. doma; Sln. dom ‘house, home, Gsg. doma, Gsg. domu, Gsg. domu; Bulg. dom ‘house, home’ BSl. ‘domus B Lith. nămas PIE ‘dom-u- Cogn. Lat. domus f., Gsg. domus {1} Vestiges of an old u-stem are the alternative Gsg. and Lsg. in -u, e.g. na domu ‘at home. See also: ‘doma; ‘domovt *dorga f. â (a) ‘road, way’ ESSJa V 74-75 E Ru. doroga ‘road, way’ W Cz. drăha ‘road, way, waste land, (dial.) track’; Slk. draha ‘road, way, furrow’; Pl. droga ‘road, way’; USrb. droha ‘road, way’; droha ‘road, way’ S SCr. draga ‘ravine, rapid stream, (arch.) road, way’; Sln. drăga ‘ditch, gully, ravine’ Possibly cognate with ^ ‘dbrgati < ‘drHgh-. As for the semantics, cf. OIc. dragan ‘pull’ (‘dhrogh-) vs. Nw. drag ‘draught, stream, drog (dial.) ‘short sleigh, track (of an animal), valley’. See also: ‘dbrgati; ‘dbrnşti ^dorgb adj. o (c) ‘dear’ ESSJa V 77 CS OCS dragt ‘dear’ E Ru. dorogoj ‘dear’ W Cz. drahy ‘dear’; Slk. drahy ‘dear’; Pl. drogi ‘dear’ S SCr. drăg ‘dear, f. drăga, n. drăgo; Cak. drâg (Vrg.) ‘dear, f. drăgă, n. drago; drăh (Orb.) ‘dear, nice, expensive, f. drăga, f. drăga, n. drăgo; Sln. drăg ‘expensive, dear’, f. drăga; Bulg. drag ‘expensive, dear’ BSl. ‘dorgos B Latv. dărgs ‘dear’ Etymology unclear. 114 ‘dositi *dositi v. ‘find, encounter’ ESSJa V 82 CS RuCS dositi ‘find, encounter’ E ORu. dositi ‘find, encounter’ PIE ‘dok- Cogn. Skt. dasasyăti ‘honour, serve’; Gk. (Ion., Aeol.) 8exo^ai ‘accept’; Lat. decet ‘it suits, becomes’ Causative with o-grade of ^ ‘desiti. *dovbleti v. ‘suffice’ ESSJa V 89 CS OCS dovbleti ‘suffice’, 1sg. dovbljg, 1sg. dovblejg E Ru. dovlet’ ‘suffice’; Ukr. dovlity ‘suffice’ S Sln. dovleti ‘suffice, 1sg. dovlim Prefixed verb consisting of ^ ‘do and ‘vbleti (^ ‘veleti). *dşb^ m. o (c) ‘oak’ ESSJa V 95-97 CS OCS dgbt ‘oak, tree’ E Ru. dub ‘oak’ W Cz. dub ‘oak’; Slk. dub ‘oak’; Pl. dqb ‘oak, Gsg. dţbu S SCr. dub ‘oak, (reg.) tree, Gsg. duba; Cak. dup (Orb.) ‘tree, oak, Gsg. duba; Sln. dgb ‘oak’; Bulg. dăb ‘oak’ Etymology unclear. An old hypothesis is the connection with Gk. 8s|aw ‘build, but this fails to convince me. *dşga f. â ‘arc, arch’ ESSJa V 98-99 CS CS dgga ‘rainbow’ E Ru. dugă ‘arc, arch’, Asg. dugu W Cz. duha ‘arc, arch, stave, lag, rainbow’; Slk. duha ‘rainbow, stave, lag’; Pl. dţga (dial.) ‘scratch, rainbow, stave, lag’; OPl. dţga ‘scratch, arc, arch’ S SCr. duga ‘rainbow, Asg. dugu; duga ‘stave, lag’; Cak. duga (Vrg.) ‘stave, lag’; doga (Orb.) ‘stave (of a barrel)’; Sln. dgga ‘stave, lag, rainbow’; Bulg. dăgă ‘arc, arch, rainbow’ BSl. ‘danga? B Lith. dangă f. ‘cover’; dănga (dial.) f. ‘Deckel des Backtroges’; dangus m.(u) 4 ‘sky, heaven’; Latv. danga f. ‘corner’. *dşti v. (a) ‘blow’ ESSJa V 99-100 CS OCS dtmy (Supr.) Nsg. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘blowing’; dtmese sţ (Supr.) 3sg. impf. ‘swelled’ E Ru. dut’‘blow, 1sg. duju {1}; ORu. duti ‘blow, 1sg. dtmu W Cz. douti ‘blow, 1sg. dmu; Pl. dqc ‘blow, 1sg. dmţ S SCr. duti ‘blow, inflate, 1sg. dmem, 1sg. dujem ‘drâziti 115 BSl. ‘dom?tei; *dum?tei B Lith. dumti ‘blow’ PIE ‘dh(o)mH- Cogn. Skt. dhămati ‘blow’ {1} This verb may theoretically belong to *duti, but the Old Russian evidence renders this unlikely. *drab^ m. o ESSJa V 100-101 W USrb. draby Npl. ‘clothes, dress, rags’ BSl. ‘drob- B Lith. drabuzis m.(io) 2 ‘clothes, clothing’; drobuzis m.(io) 2 ‘clothes, clothing’; drăbanas m.(o) 3b ‘rags’; drăpanas m.(o) 1 ‘clothes, clothing’ See also: ‘draskati; ‘drâpati; ‘dbrpati *drâpâti v. ‘scratch’ ESSJa V 101-102 E Ru. drăpat’ ‘clear out, 1sg. drăpaju; drăpat’ (dial.) ‘scratch, tear’; drjăpat’ (dial.) ‘scratch, tear’; drjăbat’ (dial.) ‘scratch, tear’; Ukr. drăpaty ‘scratch, tear’; drjăpaty ‘scratch, tear’ W Cz. drăpati ‘scratch, tear’; Slk. driapat ‘scratch, tear’; Pl. drapac ‘scratch’; Slnc. drapac ‘scratch’ S SCr. drăpati ‘scratch, 1sg. drăpăm; Sln. drăpati ‘scratch, 1sg. drăpam, 1sg. drăpljem; Bulg. drăpam ‘tear’ Cogn. Gk. 8psnw ‘pluck’ See also: ‘drobt; ‘dbrpati; draskati *draskati v. ‘scratch’ ESSJa V 102-103 S Bulg. drăskam ‘scratch, scribble’ It is likely that this verb must be analyzed as ‘drap-sk- (^ ‘drăpăti). See also: ‘drăpati; ‘drabt; ‘dbrpati *drâziti v. (b?) ‘incite, provoke’ ESSJa V 104-105 CS OCS razdraziti ‘incite (against), provoke, 1sg. razdrazg E Ru. drăzit’ (dial.) ‘tease, 1sg. drăzu, 3sg. drăzit; drazit’ (dial.) ‘tease, 1sg. drazu, 3sg. drazit {1} W OCz. drăziti ‘tease, annoy, incite’; Slk. drăzit (dial.) ‘irritate’ S SCr. drăziti ‘annoy, provoke, 1sg. drăzim; Cak. drăziti (Vrg.) ‘annoy, provoke, 2sg. drăzis; drozit (Hvar) ‘annoy, provoke’, 1sg. drozin; Sln. drăziti ‘annoy, provoke, incite’, 1sg. drăzim LIV reconstructs ‘dhroh2gh-eie-, connecting draziti with Gk. Opăaow, Tapdaaw ‘stir up’. In view of the accentuation of the verb, this is problematic. 116 ‘drebezgt {1} In the Pskov region, where both drăzit’ and drazit’ are attested, a variant dorozit’ seems to have been recorded as well. I am inclined to regard this as a hypercorrection. *drebezg^ m. o ESSJa V 105-106 E Ru. drebezg‘sound of breaking glass, falling metal objects, etc.’; drebezgi Npl. ‘splinters, remnants’ BSl. ‘dreb- B Lith. drebe(z)nos Npl. f. ‘remnants’ PIE ‘dhrebh- See also: ‘drobezgt; ‘drobezga; ‘drebt; ‘drebbnt; ‘drobiti; ‘drobb; ‘drobbnt *dreb^ m. o ESSJa V 106 S Bulg. dreb ‘combings of wool or linen, small man’ BSl. ‘dreb- B Lith. drebe(z)nos Npl. f. ‘remnants’ PIE ‘dhrebh-o- Cogn. OE dr&f n. ‘waste, mull’; MoDu. draf m. ‘swill’ See ^ ‘drobiti, ‘drobt. *drebbm adj. o ‘small, fine’ ESSJa V 106 S Bulg. dreben ‘small, fine’; Mcd. dreben ‘small, fine’ Adjective in ‘-bnt. See ^ ‘drobiti. *drevje; *dreve adv. ‘earlier, before’ ESSJa V 106-107 CS OCS drevlje ‘before, earlier, once’ E ORu. dreve ‘from the earliest times, long ago’; dreve ‘from the earliest times, long ago’; drevlje ‘once, before’; drevlje ‘once, before’ W Cz. driv(e) ‘before, earlier’; OCz. drev(e) ‘before, earlier’; driev(e) ‘before, earlier’; Slk. driev ‘before, earlier’; Pl. drzewiej (obs.) ‘once, before, earlier’; OPl. drzewie ‘once, before, earlier’ S Sln. drevi ‘tonight’ According to a widely accepted etymology, this etymon is cognate with the word for ‘wood’ (^ ‘dervo). *drevtnb; *drevbm adj. jo; adj. o ‘ancient’ ESSJa V 107 CS OCS drevlbnb ‘ancient’ E Ru. drevnij ‘ancient, very old’ W Cz. drevny (Jg.) ‘earlier, ancient’; drevm (Jg.) ‘earlier, ancient’; dnvny (Jg.)’earlier, ancient’; OCz. drevm ‘earlier, ancient’; drevm ‘earlier, ancient’; Slk. drevny ‘earlier, ancient’ ‘droba II; ‘drobina II; ‘dreba 117 S SCr. drevan ‘ancient, very old’; Sln. dreven ‘ancient, old, antique’ See also: ‘drevje; ‘dreve *dremâti v. (b) ‘doze, slumber’ ESSJa V 108-109 CS CS dremati (in OCS, we only find dremanie (Ps. Sin.) Asg. ‘slumber’) E Ru. dremăt’, 1sg. dremlju, 3sg. dremljet W Cz. dnmati; Slk. driemat; Pl. drzemac; Slnc. driemac S SCr. drijemati, 1sg. dr'ijemăm, 1sg. dr'ijemljem; Cak. drlmati (Vrg.), 2sg. drîmles; Sln. dremati, 1sg. dremam, 3sg. dremljem; Bulg. dremja It has been suggested that the Slavic root ‘drem- is a contamination of ‘drehi-, cf. Skt. ni-drăyăt (Br) 3sg. opt. ‘may sleep, slumber, and ‘drem-, cf. Lat. dormio ‘sleep’. A reconstruction ‘drehim is in conflict with the accentual evidence, however. It is therefore more likely that ‘dremati has a secondary lengthened grade vowel, which is not uncommon in intensives (cf. Klingenschmitt 1989: 81). One might argue, however, that ‘doze, slumber’ is hardly an intensive meaning. *driskati; *dristati v. ‘suffer from diarrhoea’ ESSJa V 116 E Ukr. drystăty W Cz. dristati (Jg.); Pl. drzystac (dial.); Slnc. drastac S SCr. driskati; driskati; drickati (Vuk); Sln. driskati; dristati; Bulg. driskam Cogn. OIc. drita ‘shit’; OE drltan ‘shit’; OHG trlzan ‘shit’ To be reconstructed as ‘dhreid-sk-, with early loss of ‘d. *drobâ I; *drobina I f. â ‘crumb, small fry, small livestock’ ESSJa V 117, 118-119 E Ru. drobina (S. dial.) ‘small livestock’; Ukr. drobynă ‘poultry, small fry, small change’ W Cz. droba ‘type of sandstone’; drobina (Jg.: Slk., Kott) ‘crumb, little piece’; Slnc. druebă ‘small fry’; druebjină ‘small fry, crumb’; USrb. drobina ‘trifles, nonsense’ S SCr. droba (RSA) ‘bread crumbled into milk’ Derivatives of ^ ‘drobiti, cf. ^ ‘drobt I, ‘drobb, ‘drobezga. See also: ‘drebt; ‘drebbnt; ‘drobbnt *drobâ II; *drobina II; *drebâ f. â ESSJa V 105, 117, 118-119 ‘sediment, brewer’s yeast, dregs, entrails’ E Ru. drobă (dial.) ‘sediment, brewer’s yeast, dregs’; drobina (dial.) ‘sediment, brewer’s yeast, dregs’; drebă (dial.) ‘sediment, brewer’s yeast, dregs’ S SCr. droba (RSA) ‘entrails’; drobina (Vuk) ‘entrails, tripe’ BSl. ‘drob- 118 ‘drobezgt; ‘drobezga B Lith. drabnă (dial.) f.(â) 4 ‘sleet, dough, mud’; Latv. drabenes Npl. f.(e) ‘sediment of malt after brewing process’ Cogn. OIc. draf n. ‘lees, yeast’; Nw. drav n. ‘sediment of malt after brewing process’; OHG trebir Npl. m. ‘pig’s swill’; MoDu. draf m. ‘pig’s swill’; MoIr. draoib f. ‘mud, mire’ Unlike the ESSJa, I have separated ‘drobă II ‘sediment, dregs, entrails’ from ‘drobă I ‘crumb, small fry, small livestock, etc. It can be argued that the meanings ‘dregs’ and ‘crumbs’ may be covered by the designation ‘remnants, but for the root of ‘drobă I the notion ‘small, fine’ seems essential, while ‘drobă II is about thick, weak masses. We may reconstruct a European root ‘dhrabh-. See also: ‘dreba; ‘droba II; ‘drobina II; ‘drobt II *drobezg'B; *drobezga m. o; f. â ‘crumbs, small fry’ ESSJa V 118 E Ru. drobezgă; drobizgă f.(â) ‘small fry’ W Cz. drobesk m. ‘crumbs’; OCz. drobez f.(i) ‘crumbs’; Slk. drobizg m. ‘small fry’; Pl. drobiazg m. ‘small fry’ BSl. *drop- B Lith. drebe(z)nos Npl. f. ‘remnants’; Latv. drapsnas Npl. f. ‘crumbs, remnants’ See ^ ‘drobiti. *drobiti v. ‘crumble, crush’ ESSJa V 119 CS OCS drobei (Supr.) Nsg. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘crushing’; CS drobiti ‘crumble, chop, break’ E Ru. drobit’‘crush, 1sg. droblju, 3sg. drobit W Cz. drobiti ‘crumble, chop, crush’; Slk. drobit ‘crumble, chop, crush’; Pl. drobic ‘crumble’ S SCr. drobiti ‘crush, crumble, 1sg. droblm; Cak. drobiti (Vrg.) ‘crush, crumble’ 2sg. drobîs; drobit (Vrg.) ‘pulverize, crush, 1sg. drobîn; Sln. drobiti ‘crumble, mince, 1sg. drobim; Bulg. drobjă ‘crumble’ Cogn. Go. gadraban ‘cut out’ (unless this is a mistake for gagraban) LIV (153) reconstructs ‘dhreb- on the basis of Germanic forms such as OIc. drepa ‘beat, kill’, OHG treffan ‘hit’. Since this proto-form is in conflict with Winter’s law, I reconstruct *dhrobh-eie- for Slavic. The discrepancy between Slavic and Germanic may have something to do with the fact that the etymon is of non-Indo-European origin or Kluge’s law may have played a role. See also: ‘drebt; ‘drebbnt; ‘droba I; ‘drobezgt; ‘drobezga; ‘drobina I; ‘drobt; ‘drobb; ‘drobbnt *drob^ I m. o E Ukr. drib ‘little piece, small livestock’ ESSJa V 119-120 ‘droCiti 119 W Cz. drob (dial.) ‘hay-dust’; OCz. drob ‘little piece, crumb’; USrb. drob ‘hay- dust, sawdust’ S Sln. drob ‘little pieces, crumbs’ A derivative of ^ ‘drobiti, cf. ^ ‘drobă I, ‘drobb, *drobezgt, ‘drobezga. *drob^ II m. o ESSJa V 119-120 E Ru. drob (dial.) ‘dregs’; ORu. drobt ‘dregs’ W Cz. drob ‘entrails’; USrb. drob ‘entrails, tripe’ S SCr. drob ‘entrails, pulp (of fruit), sediment, Gsg. dregs’, droba; Sln. drob ‘entrails’; Bulg. drob ‘entrails’ See ^ ‘drobă II. *drobb f. i ESSJa V 121 E Ru. drob’ ‘fraction, small shot’ W Pl. drob m.(jo) ‘poultry, small items’, Gsg. drobiu S Sln. drob m.(o) ‘small piece, particle, chaff, hay-dust, entrails’; drob ‘chaff, hay-dust’, Gsg. drobi; Bulg. drob ‘fraction’ See ^ ‘drobiti. *drobbm adj. o ‘small, fine’ ESSJa V 122 CS OCS drobent (Supr.) ‘fine’ E Ru. drobnyj (dial.) ‘small’ W Cz. drobny ‘small, fine, fragile’; Pl. drobny ‘small, tiny’ S SCr. droban ‘small, fine, fragile’; Cak. droban (Vrg.) ‘small, fine, fragile’; droban (Orb.) ‘tiny, fine’; Sln. drobdn ‘small, tiny’ Cogn. OIc. drafna ‘dissolve into small parts’ See ^ ‘drobiti. *drociti v. ‘stimulate, irritate’ ESSJa V 122-123 E Ru. drocit’ ‘stroke, caress, feed, tease, irritate’; drocit’ ‘stroke, caress, tease, irritate’; drocit’sja ‘be obstinate, go mad (said of cattle, for instance)’ W Pl. droczyc ‘tease’ S SCr. drociti ‘sting’; Bulg. droca ‘loaf, amuse oneself, booze’ BSl. ‘drok- B Latv. dracît ‘scold’ It is difficult to link this Balto-Slavic etymon to forms with an Indo-European etymology. The Russian reflexive drocit’sja may also be compared with Latv. drakâties ‘rage, dance’. See also: ‘drokt; ‘droka 120 ‘droga *droga f. â ‘bar, pole’ ESSJa V 123-124 E Ru. drogă ‘wooden bar or metal strip uniting the front and the rear axis of a cart, centre pole’; drogă (dial.) ‘pole’; droga (dial.) ‘cart for transporting wood’ Apparently a variant of ^ ‘drggt. A comparison with Gk. Tpsxw ‘run’ and OIc. draga ‘pull’ does not bring much. ^drokb; *droka m. o; f. â ESSJa V 124 E Ru. drok (dial.) m. ‘broom (Genista), oregano’; drok (dial.) m. ‘time when cattle are restless, agitated’; droka (dial.) f. ‘indulgence, over-indulgence’; Ukr. drik m. ‘Dyer’s Broom, gadfly’, Gsg. droku; druok (dial.) m. ‘warm period in May or June, when cattle are plagued by gadflies and run from one side to another’, Gsg. droku BSl. ‘drok- B Lith. drâkas ‘noise, agitation, quarrel’; Latv. draks ‘fight’ See also: ‘drociti *drozd^ m. o (c (/b?)) ‘thrush’ ESSJa V 126-127 E Ru. drozd ‘thrush, (cernyj d.) blackbird’, Gsg. drozdă {1}; Ukr. drizd ‘thrush, Gsg. drozdă W Cz. drozd ‘thrush’; Slk. drozd ‘thrush’; Pl. drozd ‘thrush’; Slnc. drouzd ‘thrush’ S SCr. drozd ‘thrush’; drozak ‘thrush, Gsg. drozga; drozak ‘thrush, Gsg. drozga; Cak. drozak ‘thrush, Asg. drozga; Sln. drgzd ‘thrush’; drgzg ‘thrush, (crni d.) blackbird’; Bulg. drozd ‘thrush, (coll.) blackbird’ BSl. ‘trozdos B Lith. strâzdas 4 ‘thrush, (juodasis s.) blackbird, (dial.) starling’; Latv. strazds ‘thrush, (melnais s.) blackbird, (măjas s.) starling’ OPr. tresde ‘thrush’ PIE ‘trozd-o- Cogn. Lat. turdus m. ‘thrush’; OIr. truit f. ‘thrush’ {2}; OIc. prgstr m. ‘thrush’ In order to explain why ‘drozdt was not, or rather only partly affected by the generalization of accentual mobility in masculine o-stems, Illic-Svityc (1963: §45) reconstructs a u-stem, referring to OIc. prgstr < ‘-uz. I am inclined to consider the possibility that owing to the cluster -zd-, which prevented the Balto-Slavic retraction called Ebeling’s law, *drozdt belonged to a marginal oxytone type that in principle merged with AP (b). In that case it is no longer necessary to posit a u-stem. It must be said, by the way, that the evidence for AP (c) seems to outweigh the evidence for (b). {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 137). {2} OIr. also truid, druid. ‘drugi I 121 *drozdza; *drozdzbje f. jâ; n. io ‘yeast, dregs’ ESSJa V 129-130 CS OCS drozdbjţ (Ps. Sin.) Npl. f.(iâ) ‘dregs’ E Ru. drozzi n.(io) ‘yeast, leaven’ W Cz. drozdi n.(io) ‘yeast, leaven’; Slk. drozdie n.(io) ‘yeast, leaven’; Pl. drozdze Npl. f.(jâ) ‘yeast, leaven’; OPl. drozdza f.(jâ) ‘sediment, dregs’ S SCr. drozda f.(â) ‘sediment’; Sln. drozjţ f.(jâ) ‘yeast, leaven’; drozţ f.(jâ) ‘yeast, leaven’; drozdzţ f.(jâ) ‘yeast, leaven’; drozî f.(i) ‘yeast, leaven’ BSl. ‘ dro(z)gi(?)a? B Lith. drâges (Bretk.) Npl. f.(e) ‘dregs’; Latv. dradzi Npl. m.(jo) ‘sediment (of melted fat)’ OPr. dragios ‘dregs’ Cogn. Lat. fraces f. ‘fragments of olive pulp left after pressing’; OIc. dregg f. ‘dregs, yeast’ Cognate with OIc. dregg ‘dregs, yeast’ < ‘dragjo and, in spite of the differing velar, probably also with Lat. fraces. Since the word is possibly non-Indo-European, we might just as well reconstruct ‘dhragh-i-, with *a. *drşg^ m. o (b) ‘bar, pole’ ESSJa V 129-130 CS OCS drggy (Euch.) Ipl. ‘sticks’ W Cz. drouh (obs., dial.) ‘bar, club’; Slk. druh (dial.) ‘bar, club’; Pl. drqg ‘bar, Gsg. drqga; Slnc. droyg ‘bar, pole, Gsg. droyga S SCr. drug ‘rail’; Sln. drgg ‘bar, latticed side of a cart’ BSl. ‘drongos B Lith. drangas m. ‘pole (used as a lever)’; drănga f. ‘pole (used as a lever), edge (of a cart)’ Cogn. OIc. drangr m. ‘detached pillar of rock’; OIc. drengr m. ‘heavy stick, pillar’ On the basis of the Balto-Slavic and Germanic evidence, we may reconstruct ‘dhrong - The limited distribution of the etymon and the fact that we find variants without a nasal or with root-final ‘k leads us to consider non-Indo-European origin. See also: ‘droga; ‘drşkt ^drşkb m. o (b) ‘bar, pole’ ESSJa V 130-131 E Ru. druk ‘pole, stake, club, beam’; drjuk ‘pole, stake, club’; Ukr. drjuk ‘club’ W Cz. drouk ‘iron bar, rod’; Slk. druk ‘stake, pole’ S SCr. druk ‘fairly thick stake’; Sln. drgk ‘pestle’ See ^ ‘d irggt. *drug^ I m. o (c) ‘companion, friend’ ESSJa V 131-132 CS OCS drugb ‘friend’ E Ru. drug ‘friend’ W Cz. druh ‘friend’; Slk. druh ‘friend’; OPl. drug ‘companion, comrade’ 122 ‘drugi II S SCr. drug ‘friend’; Sln. drug ‘companion, best man’ BSl. ‘drougos B Lith. draugas 4 ‘friend’; Latv. draugs ‘friend’ Cogn. Go. gadrauhts m. ‘warrior’; OIc. drottinn m. ‘prince, lord’; OHG truhtîn m. ‘lord’ Only Balto-Slavic and Germanic, cf. also Go. driugan ‘be up in arms’. I consider the connection with ‘dhreugh- ‘deceive’ dubious. See also: ‘drugi II; ‘druzina *drug^ II adj. o (c) ‘other’ ESSJa V 131-132 CS OCS drugb ‘other’ E Ru. drugoj ‘other’ W Cz. druhy ‘second, other’; Slk. druhy ‘second, other’; Pl. drugi ‘second, other’ S SCr. drug ‘second, other’; Cak. drugi (Vrg.) ‘second, other’; drugi (Orb.) ‘other, second’; Sln. drug ‘other’; Bulg. drug ‘other’ Etymologically identical with ^ ‘drug I. *druzina f. â (a) ESSJa V 134-135 CS OCS druzina ‘society, party’ E Ru. druzina ‘(prince’s) armed force, militia unit, squad’ W Cz. druzina ‘squad, detachment’; Pl. druzyna ‘team, crew’ S SCr. druzina ‘society, friends, detachment, servants’; Cak. druzina (Vrg.) ‘society, friends, detachment, servants’; Sln. druzina ‘servants, family’; Bulg. druzina ‘troop’ Cogn. OIc. drott f. ‘followers’; OHG truht f. ‘multitude, host’ Derivative in ‘-ina of ^ ‘drug I. See also: ‘drugi II *drbgati v. ‘tremble, shake’ ESSJa V 144 E Ru. drogat’ (Voron.) ‘shake’ W Cz. drhati (rare) ‘tremble, shiver’; Slk. drgai‘shake’; Pl. drgac ‘tremble, shiver’ S Sln. drgati ‘tremble’, 1sg. drgam BSl. ‘drug- There are Baltic forms pointing to a Balto-Slavic root ‘drug- ‘tremble’ (^ ‘drbzb). Alongside ‘drbgati we find forms with a secondarily lengthened root vowel. e.g. ORu., RuCS drygatisja ‘tremble’, Ru. drygat’, drygăt’ (dial.) ‘tremble, shake, writhe’. *dr£vo n. o (c) ‘tree, (pl.) wood’ ESSJa V 141-142 CS OCS drbva (Supr.) Npl. ‘wood’ E Ru. drovă Npl. ‘wood’ ‘drhkolh; ‘drhkolhje 123 W Cz. drvo (dial.) ‘tree, wood’, Npl. drva ‘wood’; Slk. drvo ‘tree’; Pl. drwa Npl. ‘wood, firewood’ S SCr. drvo ‘tree’, Npl. drveta, Npl. drva ‘wood’; Cak. drvo (Orb.) ‘wood, firewood, Npl. drva ‘wood’; Sln. drvo ‘log, baton, Npl. drva ‘firewood’; Bulg. dărvo ‘tree’; dărvă Npl. ‘wood’ PIE ‘dru(H)-o- Cogn. Gk. 5puq f. ‘tree, oak’ For the reconstruction of a (Balto-Slavic) laryngeal, see ^ ‘dervo. *drbzati v. ‘tremble, shiver’ ESSJa V 144 E Ru. drozăt’ ‘tremble, shiver, 1sg. drozu, 3sg. drozit; ORu. drozati ‘tremble, shiver’ W OCz. drzeti ‘tremble, shiver’; drezeti ‘tremble, shiver’; Pl. drzec ‘tremble, shiver’ A stative verb in ‘-eti. See also: ‘drigati; ‘drizh *drbZb m. jo? ‘shivering, tremor’ ESSJa V 144 E Ru. droz’f.(i) ‘shivering, tremor’; drosc (Psk.) m.(jo??) ‘shivering, tremor’ W Pl. dreszcz m.(jo) ‘shivering, tremor, shudder’; dreszcz (dial.) f.(i) ‘shivering, tremor, shudder’ {1} BSl. ‘drugios B Lith. drugys m.(io) 4 ‘fever, malaria, butterfly, moth’; Latv. drudzis m.(io) ‘fever, ague’; drudzi Npl. m.(io) ‘moths’ BSl. ‘drug- may in principle reflect ‘drugh- or ‘dhrugh-, but to my knowledge there are no cognates outside Balto-Slavic. {1} In the 18th century, we find forms such as dresz, dres, drez and dresc (Slawski SEJP I: 163). According to Bankowski (2000a: 297), dreszcz may be based on a plural dreszcze from ‘drezca < ‘drbz-bca. See also: ‘drigati; ‘drizati *drbkolb; *drbkolbje m. i; n. io ‘stick, club’ ESSJa V 139-140 CS OCS drbkolb m.(i) ‘stick, club’; drbkolb m.(i) ‘stick, club’ E Ru. drekol’ (dial.) m.(jo?) ‘pole’; drekol’e n.(io) ‘staves’ W Cz. drkoli (Jg.) n.(io) ‘wooden rattle, club’ {1} S SCr. drkol (arch.) m.(o) ‘truncheon, baton’; Sln. drkot m.(o) ‘truncheon, baton’; drkdlj m.(jo) ‘truncheon, baton’ In all likelihood a compound of drb ‘wood’ (^ ‘dervo) and ‘kol- ‘stab’ (^ ‘kolti). Unlike the ESSJa, I have reconstructed ‘drbkolb, ‘drbkolbje because the evidence points to b. I admit, however, that the form originally may have had ‘b (cf. Vaillant 1928). 124 ‘duxati {1} Also drkolna, OCz. drkolna, strkolna. See also: ‘dervo; ‘drivo; ‘sidorvi *duxati v. (b) ‘breathe, blow’ ESSJa V 151 CS OCS duxati ‘breathe’, 1sg. dusg W Cz. douchati (Kott) ‘blow’; duchati (dial.) ‘breathe’; Slk. duchat ‘blow’; Pl. duchac (dial.) ‘blow’ S SCr. duhati ‘blow, 1sg. duhăm, 1sg. dusem; Sln. duhati ‘smell, breathe, 1sg. duham; Bulg. duxam ‘blow’ B Lith. dvesti ‘breathe, blow’; duseti ‘breathe heavily’; Latv. dvest ‘breathe heavily’ Denominative verb based on ^ ‘duxb. See also: ‘dusa; ‘dvoxati; ‘dixnşti; ‘dixi; ‘dyxati *dux^ m. o (c) ‘breath, spirit’ ESSJa V 153-154 CS OCS duxb ‘breath, spirit’ E Ru. dux ‘spirit, breath, smell’ W Cz. duch ‘spirit’; Slk. duch ‘spirit’; Pl. duch ‘spirit, breath’ S SCr. duh ‘spirit, breath, smell, Gsg. duha; duh (Vuk) ‘spirit, breath, smell, Gsg. duha; Cak. duh (Vrg.) ‘spirit’ Gsg. duha; duh (Novi) ‘spirit’; duh (Orb.) ‘ghost’; Sln. duh ‘spirit, breath, smell’; Bulg. dux ‘spirit’ BSl. ‘douşos B Lith. dausos Npl. f. ‘air, breath’ Cogn. Go. dius n. ‘wild animal’ (‘dheus-) The root shape *dhous- is peculiar to Balto-Slavic. Elsewhere in and Indo-European -and in Balto-Slavic as well - we find full grades of the type ‘dhue/ous- (cf. ^ ‘dvoxati). See also: ‘duxati; ‘dusa; ‘dvoxati; ‘dixnşti; ‘dixi; ‘dyxati *dunşti v. ‘blow’ ESSJa V 137 CS OCS dungti ‘blow, 1sg. dung E Ru. dunut’ ‘blow’ W OCz. dunuti ‘blow’ S SCr. dunuti ‘blow’; Sln. duniti ‘strike, swoop down on, 1sg. dunem Cogn. Skt. dhunoti ‘shake’; OIc. dyja ‘blow’ Perfective in ‘-ngti, cf. ^ ‘duti. *dupa; *dupş f. â; n. nt ‘hole’ E Ru. dupa (dial.) f. ‘buttocks’; Ukr. dupa f. ‘arse’ ESSJa V 157-158 ‘duplh 125 W Cz. doupa (arch.) f. ‘hollow, burrow’; doupe n. ‘hollow, burrow’; dupa (dial.) f. ‘hind quarters’; Slk. dupa f. ‘hollow, burrow’; după n. ‘burrow, den’; dupa (dial.) f. ‘hind quarters’; Pl. dupa f. ‘arse, vagina’ S SCr. dupe n. ‘arse’; Sln. dupa f. f. ‘hole, burrow’; Bulg. dupe n. ‘arse’ BSl. ‘doub/p- B Lith. daubă 4 ‘ravine, hole, burrow’ PIE ‘dhoup- Cogn. Go. diups adj. ‘deep’ The Slavic root ‘dup- has a variant ‘dbb- (^ ‘dbno). See also: ‘dupina; ‘duplo; ‘duplh; ‘dupla; ‘dibrh; ‘dino *dupina f. â ‘hole’ ESSJa V 158 CS OCS duping (Supr.) Asg. ‘opening’; RuCS dupina ‘hole, grove, ditch’ E ORu. dupina ‘hole, grove, ditch’ S Sln. dupina ‘hole, hollow, cavity’ Derivative of ^ ‘dupa. See also: ‘dupş; ‘duplo; ‘duplh; ‘dupla; ‘dibrh; ‘dino *dupla f. jâ ‘hollow’ ESSJa V 159 E Ru. dupljă (dial.) ‘hollow (of a tree)’; duplja (dial.) ‘hollow (of a tree)’ W Pl. dziupla ‘hollow’ S SCr. duplja ‘hollow (of a tree), orifice, hole, den, cave’; Sln. duplja ‘hollow (of a tree), cave’ PIE ‘dhoup- Derivative of ^ ‘dupa. See also: ‘dupş; ‘dupina; ‘duplo; ‘duplh; ‘dibrh; ‘dino *duplo n. o (b) ‘hole, hollow, cavity’ ESSJa V 159 E Ru. duplo ‘hollow (of a tree), cavity’ W Pl. dziupto (19th c.) ‘hole, cavity, burrow (of a weasel)’; duplo (dial.) ‘hole, cavity, burrow (of a weasel)’ S SCr. duplo ‘hole, hollow, cavity’; Sln. duplo ‘hole, hollow (of a tree), cavity’; Bulg. duplo ‘hole, cavity’ Derivative of ^ ‘dupa. See also: ‘dupş; ‘dupina; ‘duplh; ‘dupla; ‘dibrh; ‘dino *duplb adj. jo ‘hollow’ ESSJa V 160 CS RuCS duplii ‘hollow, light’ S Bulg. dupli (arch., dial.) ‘hollow’ Derivative of ^ ‘duplo. 126 ‘dura See also: ‘dupa; ‘dupş; ‘dupina; ‘dupla; ‘dibrh; ‘dino *dura f. â ‘hole’ ESSJa V 160 E Bel. dzjură ‘hole’; Ukr. djura ‘hole’ W Cz. d’oura (Jg.) ‘hole’; d’ura (E. Mor. dial.) ‘hole’; dzura (Sil.) ‘hole’; Pl. dziura ‘hole’; dura (dial.) ‘hole’; OPl. dura ‘hole’; dziora ‘hole’; Slnc. ^âră ‘hole’ West Slavic cognate of ‘dyra (the Ukr. and Bel. forms are borrowings from Polish). According to Slawski (SEJP I: 208-209), there is evidence for a Polish form dziora. This form may derive from OPl. drac, 1sg. dziorţ, or may continue an older noun ‘dora from the same root, which was then influenced by the Polish verb (similarly Baudouin de Courtenay apud Berneker 1899: 150 fn.). See also: ‘dyra *duriti v. (c) ESSJa V 161 E Ru. durit’ ‘be naughty, be obstinate, 1sg. durju, 3sg. durit; durit’ (dial.) ‘go crazy, do smth. forbidden or unnecessary, deceive’ W Cz. durit sa (dial.) ‘be angry’; Slk. durit (dial.) ‘chase, hurry’; durit sa (dial.) ‘be angry’; Pl. durzyc ‘deceive, fool’ S SCr. duriti se ‘be angry, fill with disgust, be disgusted, 1sg. durim se; duriti se (RSA) ‘be angry, fill with disgust, be disgusted’; Cak. durit (Orb.) ‘sulk, pout, 3sg. duri; Sln. duriti ‘make hateful, despise, 1sg. durim Derivative of ^ ‘durb. See also: ‘durhni; ‘durh *durb adj. o ESSJa V 162 S Sln. dur ‘shy, wild’ BSl. ‘d(o)uros B OPr. durai Npl. ‘shy’ Perhaps to be analyzed as *dhou-ro-, cf. Skt. dhăvati, Gk. 9ew ‘run’. There is no connection with Gk. Ooupoq ‘rushing, impetuous, furious’ (pace Trautmann 1910: 325, Vasmer s.v. durnoj and others), which derives from ‘d.hrh3-. See also: ‘duriti; ‘durhni; ‘durh *durb f. i ‘stupidity, madness’ ESSJa V 162-163 E Ru. dur’ f.(i) ‘stupidity’; dur’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘pus, fumes causing faintness, faintness’; dur (dial.) f.(i) ‘stupidity, madness’; Ukr. dur’ f.(i) ‘stupidity, wild behaviour’; dur (dial.) m.(o) ‘henbane’ W Pl. dur m.(o) ‘typhus, mental derangement (from fever)’ See the previous lemma. ‘duzh 127 *durbm adj. o ‘stupid, crazy’ ESSJa V 162-163 E Ru. durnoj ‘bad, evil, nasty, stupid’ W Cz. durny (Kott) ‘stupid, crazy’; Slk. durny ‘scary, rude’; Pl. durny (E. dial.) ‘crazy’; Slnc. derni ‘crazy’ S SCr. duran ‘hot-tempered, malicious’ Adjective in ‘-bnb, cf. ^ ‘durb *dusa f. jâ (c) ‘soul’ ESSJa V 153-154 CS OCS dusa ‘breath, soul’ E Ru. dusă ‘soul, spirit’, Asg. dusu W Cz. duse ‘soul, spirit’; Slk. dusa ‘soul, spirit’; Pl. dusza ‘soul, spirit’ S SCr. dusa ‘soul, spirit’, Asg. dusu; Cak. dusa (Vrg.) ‘soul, spirit’; dusa (Novi) ‘soul, spirit’; dusa (Orb.) ‘soul, spirit’, Asg. duso; Sln. dusa ‘soul’; Bulg. dusă ‘soul, character, breath, Npl. dusi, Npl. dusi BSl. ‘douşja? B Lith. dausios Npl. ‘air’ PIE ‘dhous-i-eh2 Cogn. Go. dius n. ‘wild animal’ See also: ‘duxati; ‘duxi; ‘dvoxati; ‘dixnşti; ‘dixi; ‘dyxati *duti v. ‘blow’ ESSJa V 166 W Cz. douti ‘blow, 1sg. duji; Slk. dut‘blow, 1sg. duji S Sln. duti ‘blow, 1sg. dujem; Bulg. duja se ‘be angry, grumble’ B Lith. dujă f.(jâ) 4 ‘(Zem.) drizzle, mist, (Dzuk.) loose, ashy earth’ Cogn. Skt. dhunoti ‘shake’; OIc. dyja ‘blow’ Ru. dut’, 1sg. duju may also belong here, but cf. ORu. duti, 1sg. dbmg. See also: ‘dunşti *duzb adj. jo ‘strong’ ESSJa V 167-168 E Ru. djuzij ‘sturdy, hefty, robust, healthy’; duzij (dial.) ‘strong, healthy’; ORu. djuzij ‘strong’; Bel. duzy ‘strong, vigorous’; Ukr. duzyj ‘strong, healthy’ W Cz. duzi (rare) ‘firm, strong’; Slk. duzi ‘strong, big, healthy’; Pl. duzy ‘big, (16th-18th c., dial.) strong’; duzo adv. ‘much, many, (16th-18th c.) very’ {1} BSl. ‘doug-jo- B Lith. daug; daugi (OLith.); daugia (dial.) adv. ‘much, many’; Latv. daudz(i) adv. ‘much, many’ If the Polish forms are “Ruthenianisms”, there is no objection against positing a root containing a nasal, cf. ‘dţga, ‘dţglb, *nedggb. On the other hand, the parallellism between Pl. duzo and Lith. daugia is suggestive. Possibly, the roots ‘dgg- and *dug- 128 ‘dvoxati were confused (cf. Shevelov 1964: 321-322, ESSJa 25: 126). The latter root may reflect ‘dhough-, cf. Go. daug ‘is useful’. {1} According to Bankowski (2000a: 312), duzy ‘strong’ and duzo (duze) ‘very, which are attested since the 16th century, originate from Ukrainian. Duzy ‘big’ is recorded sporadically from 1600 onwards and more frequently since the 18th century, while duzo ‘much, many’ occurs o nly since the 18th century. *dvoxati v. ESSJa V 169 E Ru. dvoxat’ (dial.) ‘breathe heavily, gasp, cough loudly’ BSl. ‘dwos- B Lith. dvesti ‘breathe, blow’; duseti ‘breathe heavily’; Latv. dvest ‘breathe heavily’ The ‘x is analogical after formations to which the ruki-rule applied. See ^ ‘duxb. *dvdrb m. o (b) ‘court, courtyard’ ESSJa V 169-170 CS OCS dvorb E Ru. dvor, Gsg. dvoră; dvor (dial.), Gsg. dvoră W Cz. dvur, Gsg. dvora, Gsg. dvoru; Slk. dvor; Pl. dwor, Gsg. dworu; Slnc. dvor, Gsg. dvuem; USrb. dwor, Gsg. dwora S SCr. dvor, Gsg. dvora; Cak. dvor (Vrg.); dvor (Novi), Gsg. dvora; duor (Orb.) ‘stable(‘s complex), Gsg. dvora; Sln. dvor, Gsg. dvora; Bulg. dvor BSl. ‘dworum B Lith. dvâras ‘estate’ OPr. dauris (EV) ‘big gate’ PIE ‘dhuor- Cogn. Av. duuar- m. ‘door, court’ See also: ‘dvhrh *dvbrb f. i (b) ‘door’ ESSJa V 171-172 CS OCS dvbrb; dvbri Npl. E Ru. dver W Cz. dvere Npl.; dvere Npl.; OCz. drvi Npl.; Pl. drzwi Npl.; USrb. dwerja Npl. S SCr. dvari (16th/17th c.) Npl. ‘gate’; dveri Npl. ‘doors of the altar’; Sln. duri Npl. ‘door, gate’; dvţri Npl. ‘door, gate’; davri (16th c.) Npl. ‘door, gate’ BSl. ‘dvir-; *dur- B Lith. durys Npl. f.(i) 2; dures (dial.) Npl. f.(i); Latv. durvis Npl. f.(i); duris Npl. f.(i) PIE ‘dhur- Cogn. Gk. 9upai Npl. f. ‘door’; Lat. fores Npl. f. ‘zweiflugelige Tur’; OHG turi Npl. f. ‘door’ See also: ‘dvori ‘dilgi 129 *d^xnşti v. ‘breathe, blow’ ESSJa V 177 CS OCS dbxngti ‘breathe, blow’ E Ru. doxnut’ ‘breathe, blow’ W Cz. d(e)chnouti ‘breathe, blow’; tchnouti ‘breathe, blow’; Slk. dochnut ‘breathe, blow’; Pl. tchnqc ‘breathe’ S SCr. dăhnuti ‘breathe, blow’; Cak. dahnuti (Vrg.) ‘breathe, blow’; Sln. dahniti ‘breathe, blow’, 1sg. dăhnem; dăhniti ‘breathe, blow’, 1sg. dăhnem BSl. ‘dus- B Lith. dusti ‘suffocate’; Latv. dust ‘gasp’ PIE ‘dhus- See also: ‘duxati; ‘duxi; ‘dusa; ‘dvoxati; ‘dixi; ‘dyxati *d^xb m. o ‘breathing, breath’ ESSJa V 178 CS OCS dbxb ‘breathing, breath, smell’ E Ru. dox (dial.) ‘rest’ W Cz. dech; Slk. dech (dial.); Pl. dech S SCr. dâh; Cak. dâh (Vrg.), Gsg. dâha; dâh (Orb.), Gsg. dâha; Sln. dăh; dăh (both forms are absent from Pletersnik’s dictionary); Bulg. dăx BSl. ‘duşos B Lith. dusas ‘short breath, asthma’ Cogn. Go. dius n. ‘wild animal’ (‘ dheus-) See also: ‘duxati; ‘duxi; ‘dusa; ‘dvoxati; ‘dixnşti; ‘dyxati *d^kti f. r (c) ‘daughter’ ESSJa V 178-179 CS OCS dbsti, Gsg. dbstere E Ru. doc’, Gsg. doceri W OCz. dci, Gsg. dcere S SCr. kcî, Gsg. kceri; sa, Gsg. scera; Cak. cer (Vrg.) f.(i), Gsg. ceri, Gsg. cere; hcî (Novi), Gsg. hceri, Gsg. hcere; hcî (Orb.), Gsg. hceri, Gsg. hceri; Sln. ha, Gsg. hcţre; hcţr f.(i), Gsg. hcerî BSl. ‘dukte B Lith. dukte, Gsg. dukters OPr. duckti PIE ‘dhugh2-ter- Cogn. Skt. duhităr-; Gk. OuydT^p *dilg^ m. o (c) ‘debt’ ESSJa V 179-180 CS OCS dblgb E Ru. dolg W Cz. dluh; Slk. dlh; Pl. dlug S SCr. dug; Sln. dolg, Gsg. dolgâ; Bulg. dălg 130 *dtn6 Cogn. Go. dulgs m. ‘debt’ Possibly a borrowing from Gothic. Within Germanic the noun is isolated. A plausible cognate is OIr. dligid ‘be entitled to, deserve’. *dvno n. o (b) ‘bottom’ ESSJa V 174-175 CS CS dino E Ru. dno W Cz. dno; Pl. dno S SCr. dno; Cak. dno (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. dno; Bulg. dăno ‘bottom, floor’ BSl. *dubno B Lith. dugnas m. 4 PIE *dhubh-no- The Slavic vacillation between root-final *b and *p (cf. ^ *dupa) does not have a Baltic counterpart. In East Baltic, however, the full grade *daub- occurs both with acute and circumflex tone, e.g. Latv. duobjs ‘deep’. The acute variant could be attributed to Winter’s law (note that PGmc. *deupa- ‘deep’ < *dheubKn- by Kluge’s law), but this would leave us without an explanation for the other forms. The many formal problems connected with this root have made it a prime example of a borrowing from a substratum language (cf. Kuiper 1995). See also: *dupş; *dupina; *dupl6; *duplb; *dupla; *dibrb *d(v)va num. ‘two’ ESSJa V 185-186 CS OCS diva, f. dive, n. dive E Ru. dva, f. dve, n. dva W Cz. dva, f. dve, n. dve; Pl. dwa, f. dwie, n. dwa ‘two’; Slnc. dva, f. dvjie, n. dvjie S SCr. dvâ, f. dv'ije, n. dva ‘two’; Cak. dvâ (Vrg.), f. dvî, n. dvă; dvâ (Orb.); Sln. dvâ; Bulg. dva ‘two’ BSl. *duo?; *duoi? B Lith. du, f. dvi PIE *duo-h!; *duo-ihi Cogn. Skt. dvă; Gk. 8uw See also: *d(i)ve; *d(i)vogubi; *d(i)vogubbnt; *d(^)vojb *d(v)vogubv; *d(v)vogubbnv adj. o ‘double, twofold’ ESSJa V 190 CS OCS d(i)vogubbni; RuCS dvogubyj E ORu. dvogubyj S SCr. dvogub; Sln. dvogub BSl. *duo-goubos; *dui-gubos B Lith. dvigubas ‘double, twofold, bipartite’ OPr. dwigubbus See also: *d(^)va; *d(^)ve; *d(^)vojb *dyxati 131 *d(^)vojb num. ESSJa V 192 CS OCS divoi ‘two, double, twofold’ E Ru. dvoe ‘two, two pairs’ W Cz. dvoji ‘double, twofold’; Pl. dwoje ‘two, double, twofold’ S SCr. dvoji ‘two, double, twofold’; Sln. dvoj ‘two, double, twofold’ BSl. *duoios B Lith. dveji ‘two’ PIE *duo-io- Cogn. Skt. dvayă- ‘double’; Gk. 80101 ‘both, two’; Soioq ‘double’ See also: *d(T>)va; *d(^)ve; *d(^)vogubt; *d(^)vogubbnt *dizdjb m. jo (b) ‘rainstorm, rain’ ESSJa V 195-197 CS OCS dizdb ‘rain, rainstorm’ E Ru. dozd’ ‘rain, Gsg. dozdjă ‘rain’ W Cz. dest ‘rain’; dest ‘rain’; OCz. dese ‘rain, Gsg. dsee; Slk. dăzd’ ‘rain, Gsg. dazd’a; Pl. deszcz ‘rain’; OPl. dezdz ‘rain, Gsg. dzdzu; Slnc. deise ‘rain’; USrb. dese ‘rain’ S SCr. dâzd (Vuk: SW dial.) ‘rain, Gsg. dăzda; dăzd (Dubr.) m.(o) ‘rain, dăzda; dăzd (Prcanj) ‘rain, Gsg. dazdă; Cak. dăz (Vrg.) ‘rain’ Gsg. dază; dăs (Orb.) ‘rain, Gsg. dajză ‘rain, Gsg. dazljă; Sln. dbz ‘rain, Gsg. ddzjă ‘rain’; Bulg. dăzd ‘rain’ PIE *dus-diu-(s) Cogn. Skt. durdina- n. ‘rain, shower, rainy weather’; Gk. suSia f. ‘fair weather’ Watkins (1991: 175-176) argues that the basic meaning ‘rainstorm, which is still attested in OCS, explains why the compound contains the element *dus- ‘bad, cf. Skt. durdina- < *dus-di-n(-o)-. In this way he challenges the view that Trubetzkoy’s and Vaillant’s etymology (see Trubetzkoy 1927, Vaillant 1927) cannot be correct because to the farmer rain is beneficial. I assume that the long vowel attested in several languages results from the retraction of the ictus from final jers (Derksen forthc. a., forthc. d). *dyxati ‘breathe’ ESSJa V 199 CS OCS dyxati ‘breathe, blow’ E Ru. dyxat’ (dial.) ‘rest, breathe’ W Cz. dychati ‘breathe’; Slk. dychat‘breathe’; Pl. dychae (arch., coll.) ‘breathe’ S SCr. dihati ‘breathe, blow, 1sg. dîsem, 1sg. dîhăm; Cak. d'ihati (Vrg.) ‘breathe, blow, 2sg. dises {1}; dihat (Orb.) ‘breathe, 1sg. dîsen; Sln. dihati ‘breathe, blow, 1sg. dîham; Bulg. disam ‘breathe’ B Lith. dusuoti ‘breathe, heavily’ Intensive verb with secondary length of the root. Cf. ^ *duxi. 132 *dymi {1} According to Jurisic’s dictionary, the form in the Vrgada dialect is a “rijec nova” *dym^ m. o (a) ‘smoke’ ESSJa V 203 CS OCS dymi ‘smoke’ E Ru. dym ‘smoke’ W Cz. dym ‘smoke, steam’; Slk. dym ‘smoke’; Pl. dym ‘smoke, steam’; Slnc. dim ‘smoke’, Gsg. damu S SCr. dim ‘smoke’; Cak. dîm (Vrg., Orb.) ‘smoke’, Gsg. dima; dim (Novi) ‘smoke’, Gsg. dima; Sln. dim ‘smoke’, Gsg. dima; Bulg. dim ‘smoke’ BSl. *du?mos B Lith. dumai Npl. m. 1 ‘smoke’; Latv. dumi Npl. m. ‘smoke’ OPr. dumis (EV) ‘smoke’ PIE *dhuH-mo- Cogn. Skt. dhumă- m. ‘smoke, vapour’; Gk. 9u|aoq m. ‘heart, passion, courage’; Lat. fumus m. ‘smoke, vapour’ The fixed root stress results from Hirt’s law. *dyra; *dyra f. â; f. jâ ‘hole’ ESSJa V 205 E Ru. dyră ‘hole, gap’; ORu. dyrja ‘hole’ W Plb. dară ‘hole, prison’ PIE *dr(H)- In the ESSJa, it is argued that Ru. dyră, which occurs alongside diră (^ *dira), results from secondary ablaut (starting from *dir- instead of of *dbr- ‘tear’). The same is suggested for ^ *dura. It seems to me that such a scenario requires that there existed a formally and semantically similar root. In this particular case the root of Lith. durti ‘stab, push’ has often been mentioned, but more often than not (e.g. Vasmer s.v. dyră, Fraenkel I: 113, Slawski SEJP I: 208) the latter root is considered etymologically identical. This implies that already in Balto-Slavic both *dir- and *dur- functioned as the zero grade of *der- ‘tear’. Here I would like to adopt a more agnostic attitude, i.e. I prefer to provisionally separate forms belonging to the “u” ablaut series from *der-‘tear’. Note that Baltic *dur- is firmly acute, while in the case of the verb ‘tear’ there are many indications for an old circumflex. See also: *dyra *dbbrb f. i ‘valley, ravine’ ESSJa V 176-177 CS OCS dbbrb ‘valley, gorge’ E Ru. debri Npl. ‘jungle, thickets, dense forest’ W OCz. debr ‘valley’; OPl. debrz ‘valley, hollow’ S SCr. debri (1302) ‘hollow, ravine’; Sln. debar ‘ravine’ BSl. *dubr- B Latv. dubra f. ‘puddle, marshy spot’ *dhliti 133 PIE *dhubh-r- Cogn. Go. diups adj. ‘deep’ I have reconstructed *dbbrb on the strength of the Old Church Slavic and East Slavic evidence, but it is plausible that the original form was *dibrb (^ *dino), cf. OPl. debrz. Secondary forms with *i also occur in Baltic, e.g. Latv. dibens ‘bottom’ alongside dubens. *dblbiti v. ‘hollow, chisel’ ESSJa V 206 E Ru. dolbiti ‘hollow, chisel, 1sg. dolblju, 3sg. dolbit S SCr. dubiti ‘hollow, chisel’ PIE *dhlbh- Verb in *-iti containing the zero grade of *dhelbh- ‘dig, cf. OE delfan ‘dig’. Like Adams (1999: 738), I consider the etymological relationship with Toch. B tsălp- ‘free (from)’ doubtful. See also: *delt6; *dştelb; *dolt6; *dhlti *dblgotâ f. â ‘length’ ESSJa V 208 CS OCS dligota (Ps. Sin, En., Supr.) ‘length, duration’ E Ru. dolgotă W Slnc. dlăguetă S SCr. dugota; Sln. dotgota Abstract noun in *-ota, cf. *vysota ‘height, *sirota ‘width’. See also: *dblgt *dblg^ adj. o (a) ‘long’ ESSJa V 208-209 CS OCS dlbgi E Ru. dolgij W Cz. dlouhy; Slk. dlhy; Pl. dtugi S SCr. dug, Cak. dug (Vrg.); Sln. dolg, f. dotga; Bulg. dălăg BSl. *dil?gos B Lith. ilgas ‘long’; Latv. ilgs ‘long (of time)’ PIE *dlhigh-o- Cogn. Skt. dlrghă- ‘long’; Gk. SoAixoq ‘long’ See also: *dhlgota *dbliti v. ‘last’ ESSJa V 210 CS OCS prodbljg (Supr.) 1sg. ‘prolong’ E Ru. dlit’sja ‘last’ W Cz. dliti ‘last’ Verb containing the unextended root *dlhi- ‘long, cf. ^ *dblgi. 134 *dhlti See also: *dhlh *dblti v. ‘hollow, chisel’ ESSJa V 206 CS RuCS dilbsti; dlibsti E Ru. dolbiti, 1sg. dolblju, 3sg. dolbit; ORu. dilbsti; dlibsti W Cz. dlbsti (Kott); Slk. dlbst’ (dial.) S SCr. dupsti, 1sg. dubem; Sln. dotbsti, 1sg. dotbem BSl. *dilb- B Lith. dilbti ‘be lowered (eyes), loiter’ PIE *dhlbh-tei Cogn. OE delfan ‘dig’ See also: *delt6; *dştelb; *dolt6; *dhlbiti *dbly f. u ‘cask’ ESSJa V 210 CS MBulg. dbly f.(u) ‘clay cask, Gsg. dblive (the Nsg. is attested as dlivi); RuCS dbly f.(u) ‘cask’; dily f.(u) ‘cask’; delva f.(â) ‘cask’; delbvb f.(i) ‘cask’ S Bulg. delva f.(â) ‘big jug with handles’ Cogn. Lat. dolium n. ‘pot, drinking vessel (of stone)’ The closest cognate of this etymon seems to be Lat. dolium. OIr. delb f. ‘form, image’ and W delw f. ‘form, image, idol’ are semantically more abstract. *dblb f. i ‘length’ ESSJa V 210 W Cz. del (poet.) f.(i); OCz. del f.(i); dle’ f.(jâ) PIE *dlht- The unextended root *dlhi- ‘long’ also occurs in Ru. dlină ‘length’. See also: *dhliti *dbnb m. n (c) ‘day’ ESSJa V 213-214 CS OCS dbnb m.(n/jo), Gsg. dbne E Ru. den’ m.(jo), Gsg. dnja W Cz. den m.(jo), Gsg. dne; Slk. den m.(jo), Gsg. dna; Pl. dzien m.(jo), Gsg. dnia; USrb. dzen m.(jo), Gsg. dnja S SCr. dân m.(o), Gsg. dâna; Cak. dân (Vrg.) m.(o); dân (Novi) m.(o), Gsg. dâna, Gsg. dneva; dân (Orb.) m.(o), Gsg. dâna; Sln. dân m., Gsg. dnţ, Gsg. dnţva; Bulg. den m.(o) BSl. *dein-/*din- B Lith. dienă f. 4; Latv. diena f. OPr. deinan Asg. PIE *d(e)i-n- Cogn. Skt. madhyăm-dina- m. ‘midday, noon’; Lat. dies f. ‘day’ *dhrgati 135 Originally a hysterodynamic n-stem. The Balto-Slavic paradigm must still have shown ablaut. *dbnbsb adv. ‘today’ ESSJa V 215 CS OCS dbnbsb ‘today’ E Ru. dnes’ (dial.) ‘today’ W Cz. dnes ‘today, nowadays’; Slk. dnes ‘today’ S SCr. danas ‘today’; Cak. danas (Vrg., Orb.) ‘today, nowadays’; Sln. dănas ‘today’; dnes ‘today’; danas ‘today’; Bulg. dnes ‘today’ Adverb consisting of ^ *dbnb ‘day’ and enclitic *sb ‘this’. *dbrati v. ‘tear, flay’ ESSJa V 218-219 CS OCS dbrati ‘flay’, 1sg. derg E Ru. drat’‘tear, 1sg. deru, 3sg. deret W Cz. drăti ‘tear, 1sg. deru; Slk. drat ‘tear’; OPl. drac ‘tear, 1sg. dziorţ S SCr. drăti ‘flay’; derati ‘flay, 1sg. derem; Cak. derati (Vrg.) ‘flay’, 2sg. dires; derat (Orb.) ‘flay, 3pl. dero; Sln. dţrati ‘flay, 1sg. derem; Bulg. deră ‘flay’ BSl. *dir- B Lith. dirti ‘tear, peel, 1sg. diriu; dirti ‘tear, peel, 1sg. deru; Latv. dirât ‘flay’ Cogn. Gk. Sepw ‘flay’; Go. distairan ‘tear apart’ Verb in *-ati with zero grade of the root *der-. See also: *derti; *dera; *dira; *dira; *dbrvtna; *udariti *dbrba f. â ESSJa V 219 E Ru. derbă (dial.) ‘new ploughed field, of which the hardened top layer has been removed; virgin land, fallow land which has been ploughed up anew, overgrown fallow land’; Ukr. derba ‘turf’ PIE *drbh-eh2 Cogn. OIc. torfa f. ‘turf’; OE turf f. ‘turf’; OHG zurba f. ‘turf’ See also: *dhrbati *dbrbati v. ESSJa V 219 E Ukr. derbaty ‘remove turf’ W Cz. drbati ‘scratch, scrape’; Slk. drbat ‘shake, pull’ PIE *drbh- See also: *dhrba *dbrgati v. E Ru. dergat’ ‘pull, tug’; Ukr. derhaty ‘pull, tug’ ESSJa V 221 136 *dbrnţti W Cz. drhati (rare) ‘tear, pluck’; Pl. dziergac ‘stitch, make bobbin lace, comb (flax)’; dzierzgac (obs., dial.) ‘stitch, make bobbin lace, comb (flax)’ S Sln. drgati ‘rub, whet, sweep, strangle’, 1sg. dfgam; drzati ‘scrape, scratch, comb (flax), graze’, 1sg. drzam, 1sg. drzem BSl. *dir?g- B Lith. dirginti ‘irritate’, 3pres. dirgina, 3pret. dirgino PIE *drHgh- Cogn. OE tiergan ‘irritate, annoy’; MoHG zergen (dial.) ‘tease’; MoDu. tergen ‘provoke’ See also: *d6rga; *dhmQti *dbrnşti v. ESSJa V 221 E Ru. dernut’ ‘pull, tug’ W Cz. drhnouti ‘rub, scour, make bobbin lace, comb (flax)’; Slk. drhnut’ ‘clean, tear, comb (flax)’; Pl. zadzierzgnqc ‘tie (a knot)’; Slnc. jiernoyc ‘rub, clean’ S Sln. drgniti ‘rub, whet, scratch, 1sg. dfgnem BSl. *dir?g- B Lith. dirgti ‘become weak, 3pres. dirgsta, 3pret. dirgo See ^ *dbrgati. Lith. dirgti ‘become irritated, get wet, become bad (weather), be retted, (J.)’, 3pres. dirgsta, 3pret. dirgo, belongs together with ^ *sgdorga. *dbrpati v. ESSJa V 225 W Cz. drpati (Kott) ‘pick, scratch, crumble’; drpac’ (Sil.) ‘tear off’ S SCr. drpati ‘tear’; Sln. drpati ‘scratch, 1sg. dfpam, 1sg. dfpljem; Bulg. dărpam ‘pull, drag’ See ^ *drăpati. *dbrvbna f. jâ ‘field’ E Ru. derevnja ‘village, (dial.) field, wasteland, ploughed field’; ORu. derevnja ‘village, field’ (the meaning ‘field’ is attested in the Domostroj) BSl. *dir(?)w- B Lith. dirva f. 2/4 ‘(arable) land, field’; Latv. dirva2 f. ‘(arable) land, field’ PIE *dr(H)-u- Cogn. Skt. durvă- f. ‘panic grass’ The reconstruction of a zero grade implies that the sequence ere in the Russian forms originates from the so-called vtoroe polnoglasie. See also: *derti; *dera; *dira; *dira; *dhrati; *udariti *dbrzati v. ‘dare’ CS OCS drbzati, 1sg. drbzajg ESSJa V 227 *dhrzati 137 E Ru. derzăt’, 1sg. derzăju W OCz. drzati BSl. *dirs- B Lith. drpti PIE *dhrs- Cogn. Go. ga-daursan ‘venture’ The z of the Proto-Slavic form must be secondary. See also: *dbrzt; *dbrz^kt *dbrznşti v. ESSJa V 227-228 CS OCS drbzngti E Ru. derznut’ W OCz. drznuti; Pl. darznqc S SCr. drznuti; Sln. drzniti, 1sg. dfznem See ^ *dbrzati. *dbrz^ adj. o ‘daring, bold’ ESSJa V 228-229 CS OCS dnz-b ‘daring, bold’ E Ru. derzyj (dial.) ‘daring, bold, impudent, rude’ W Cz. drzy ‘daring, bold, impudent’; Slk. drzy ‘daring, bold, impudent’; Slnc. 3'irzî ‘daring, bold’ S Sln. dfz ‘bold, impudent’ BSl. *dirs- B Lith. drqsus 4 ‘courageous’ (AP 2 is attested in Dauksa’s writings); Latv. druoss ‘courageous’; druoss ‘courageous’ OPr. dirsos (GrG) ‘good’; dyrsos (GrAF) ‘good, brave’ PIE *dhrs-u- Cogn. Skt. dhrsnu- (RV) ‘bold, courageous, strong’; Gk. Opaauq ‘bold’ The z of the Proto-Slavic form must be secondary. See also: *dbrznşti; *dbrz^kt ^dbrz'bk'b adj. o ‘bold’ ESSJa V 229 E Ru. derzkij ‘impertinent, daring’ W OCz. drzky ‘unruly’; Slk. derski (dial.) ‘dexterous, agile’; Pl. dziarski ‘lively, bold’; OPl. darzki ‘daring, bold’ S SCr. drzak ‘impertinent, daring’; Bulg. dărzăk ‘impertinent, daring’ *dbrzati v. (c) ‘hold’ CS OCS drbzati ‘hold, possess’ {1} ESSJa V 230 138 *dzelo E Ru. derzăt ‘hold, keep, 1sg. derzu, 3sg. derzit {2} W Cz. drzeti ‘hold, keep’; Slk. drzat ‘hold, keep’; Pl. dzierzec ‘hold, possess’ S SCr. drzati ‘hold, keep, 1sg. drzlm; Cak. drzati (Vrg.) ‘hold, keep, 2sg. drzîs; drzati, drzât (Orb.) ‘hold, hold on, support, keep, 1sg. drzîn; Sln. drzati ‘hold, keep, 1sg. drzim {3}; Bulg. dărză ‘hold, keep’ Cogn. Av. drazaite ‘hold, lead’ The root may be an extension of *dher-, cf. Skt. dhărăyati ‘hold, unless we assume that Gk. Sp&aoo|aai ‘seize, grab’ also belongs here. {1} Spellings with t are predominant. In the SJS, the lemma is actually dnzati. {2} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). {3} The form drzăti (Pletersnik I: 182) is a printing error. *dzelo adv. ‘very’ CS OCS dzelo ‘very’; zelo ‘very’ E Ru. zelo (arch.) ‘very’ W OCz. zielo ‘very’ S Sln. zelo ‘very’ BSl. *goil- B Lith. gailus 4 ‘sharp, lamentable’ PIE *ghoil-o- Cogn. OHG geil ‘reckless, frolic, strong’ *E ^edinakb; *edbnakb adj. o ‘similar, identical’ ESSJa VI 9-10 CS OCS jedinako (Ril.) adv. ‘at the same time’; jedbnako (Supr.) adv. ‘at the same time’ E Ru. odinăkij (obs.) ‘identical’ (cf. odinokij ‘solitary’); odnăko adv. ‘however’ W Cz. jedinaky ‘only’; jednaky ‘identical’; Slk. jednaky ‘identical’; Pl. jedynak ‘only’; OPl. jedzinak ‘only’ S SCr. jedinăk ‘identical, similar’; jednăk ‘id.’; enăk ‘identical, similar’; Sln. ednăk ‘of the same kind, identical’; enăk ‘identical’; Bulg. edinăk ‘solitary man or wolf’ A derivation in *-akt of the numeral ‘one’ (^ *edint). *edim; *edbm num. o ‘one’ ESSJa VI 11-13 CS OCS jedint; jedbnt (the form with b is less common than jedint) E Ru. odin, Gsg. odnogo, f. odnă W Cz. jeden; Pl. jeden; jedyny ‘only’; OPl. jedziny ‘only’; Slnc. jăden *ed(t)va; *ledva 139 S SCr. jedan, f. jedna; Cak. jedăn (Vrg.), f. jedna, n. jedno; jedân (Orb.) ‘one, some, a certain, a’, f. jena, n. jeno; Sln. edin ‘only, lonesome’; jedin ‘only, lonesome’; edan; jedan; en; Bulg. edin PIE *htedh-(H)iH-no- In view of Ru. odin, Gsg. odnogo, etc., the form *edbnb must be due to analogy. The vowel of the second syllable behaves similarly to a so-called “tense jer”: in strong postion we find i (sometimes e), in weak position the vowel is lost. This behaviour might be linked to the j of ^ *jbnt. Though the j, which before words beginning with a front vowel had arisen as an automatic Hiatustilger, is absent in *edim/*edbm, it is conceivable that it conformed to the pattern of *jbnt. The problem with this hypo-thesis is that forms with *jn- < *jbn appear to be lacking. Andersens reconstruction *edeino- alongside *edino- (1996: 116) is, in my opinion, an unsatisfactory explanation for the alternation mentioned above. The origin of the element *ed- < *(hi)ed.h- is unclear. Pokorny’s reconstruction *ed- is in conflict with Winter’s law. See also: *jbnt; *edinakt; *edbnakt; ed^va *edlb; *edla f. i; f. â (c) ‘spruce, fir’ ESSJa VI 14-15 E Ru. el’ f.(i) ‘spruce, fir’, Gsg. eli {1} W Cz. jedle f.(jâ) ‘fir’; OCz. jedl f.(i) ‘spruce, fir’; Slk. jedla f.(jâ) ‘fir’; Pl. jodla f.(â) ‘fir’; Pl. jedla f.(â) ‘fir’ {2}; OPl. jedl f.(i) ‘spruce, fir’; jedla f.(â) S SCr. jela f.(â) ‘fir’; jela f.(â) ‘fir’; Cak. jela (Vrg.) f.(â) ‘tree-trunk’; Sln. jţl f.(i) ‘spruce, fir, Gsg. jelî; jţla f.(â) ‘spruce, fir’; Bulg. jelă f.(â) ‘fir’ BSl. *edli- B Lith. egle f.(e) 2 ‘spruce, fir’; Latv. egle f.(e) ‘spruce, fir’ OPr. addle (EV) f. ‘spruce, fir’ PIE *hiedh-l-i Cogn. Lat. ebulum n., ebulus f. ‘dwarf-elder, danewort (sambucus ebulus)’; Gaul. odocos ‘dwarf-elder, danewort (sambucus ebulus)’; OHG attuh, attah ‘dwarf-elder, danewort (sambucus ebulus)’ Connecting the name of the ‘spruce’ or ‘fir-tree’ with Lith. âdata ‘needle’ and adyti ‘to darn’, as advocated by Fraenkel (I: 117-118) and Pokorny, is semantically attractive but does not make much sense in relation to Lat. ebulum (cf. Andersen 1996: 119). {1} Alongside elka. A different reflex of the sequence *dl is attested in the dialect form egla. *ed(^)vâ; *ledva adv./conj. ‘hardly, only just’ ESSJa VI 16 CS OCS jedtva; (j)edva (Supr.) E Ru. edvă; odvă (dial.); ledva; ledve (dial.); ORu. odtva; odva W Cz. jedva; ledva (dial.); Slk. ledva; ledvo (dial.); Pl. ledwo; ledwie; OPl. jedwo; jedwa; USrb. ledma (dial.) S SCr. jedva; Cak. jedva (Vrg.); Sln. jedva; jedvaj; odvaj; odvo; Bulg. edvă(m) ; odva(j) (dial.) 140 *elenh; *eleni BSl. *edvaHs B Lith. vos ‘hardly’ {1} PIE *hiedh-ueh2-s {1} Lith. adva (a.o. Bretke, Sirvydas) is considered a borrowing from Belorussian. I have not been able to find a form with o- in the latter language but we do have ORu., Ru. (dial.) odvă. The dialect form advos is probably a blend of vos and a Slavic adverb *odva. See also: *edint *elenb; *elem m. jo; m. o ‘deer’ ESSJa VI 20 CS OCS jelenb (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘deer’ E Ru. olen’ ‘deer, stag-beetle’; elen’ (dial.) ‘deer, stag-beetle’; Ukr. olen’ ‘deer’; jelen’ (dial.) ‘deer’ W Cz. jelen ‘deer, stag-beetle’; Slk. jelen ‘deer, stag-beetle’; Pl. jelen ‘deer’ S SCr. jelen ‘deer, stag-beetle’; Cak. jelen ‘deer, stag-beetle’; Sln. jelen ‘deer, stag- beetle, Gsg. jelţna; Bulg. jelen ‘deer’ BSl. *elenios B Lith. elenis (Bretk.) m.(io) ‘deer’ PIE *hiel-hien-i Cogn. Gk. svsAoq (Hsch.) m. ‘young of the deer, fawn’ (if a metathesized form of sAsvoq < *hielhieno-) The reconstruction of a medial laryngeal is based on ^ *olnl. See also: *olsh M'bk'b; ^jbl'bk'b adj. o ‘bitter, rancid’ ESSJa VI 22 E Ru. elkij ‘bitter, rancid’ (cf. also el(o)c’ (Psk.) f.(i) ‘bile’); Bel. elkij ‘bitter, rancid’; Ukr. ylkyj ‘rancid’ W Pl. jetkij (E. dial.) ‘rancid’; itkij (E. dial.) ‘rancid’ S Sln. jerak ‘sharp, astingent’; zerak ‘sharp, astingent’ B Lith. alus m.(u) ‘beer’; Latv. alus m.(u) ‘beer’ OPr. alu mead’ {2} PIE *h2el-uko- Cogn. Gk. aXuSoi^ov n. ‘sharp, pungent’; Lat. alumen n. ‘alum’; OIc. gl n. ‘beer, ale’; OE ealu(p) n. ‘beer, ale’ The sometimes advocated connection with âAuSoi^ov (Hes.) ‘sharp, pungent’ and Lat. alumen ‘alum’ must be qualified as dubious. The Baltic words are probably borrowings from Germanic. *elbcb m. jo ‘dace’ ESSJa VI 22-23 E Ru. elec ‘dace, Gsg. el’că; Ukr. jalec ‘bleak’ W Cz. jelec ‘dace, chub’; Slk. jalec ‘dace, chub’; Pl. jelec ‘dace’; Kash. iel ‘a fish’; LSrb. jalc ‘dace’ *emesh; *emezh 141 S SCr. jălac ‘dace’; jal (dial.) ‘ide’ As the ESSJa observes (VI: 305), the semantics of Pokorny’s root *el- are capacious and complex. In my opinion, there is little evidence for a root *el- ‘light-coloured’. It is tempting to seek a connection between *elbcb and OHG alunt ‘ide’. Pokorny identifies what is presumedly the root of the latter word with the first element of *albho- ‘white’ and links it to *el-. Since the fish-names under discussion refer to shining, whitish species, this is semantically unproblematic. Nevertheless, it seems quite possible that the root *al/el (Slavic *el as a result of Rozwadowski’s change?) originates from a substratum language. *emext m. o ‘ploughshare’ ESSJa - E Ru. omex (dial.) ‘ploughshare’ See ^ *emesb, *emezb. *emela; *emelo; *jbmela; *jbmelo f. â; n. o ‘mistletoe’ ESSJa VI 26-27 E Ru. omela f. ‘mistletoe’; ORu. omela f. ‘lure (for birds)’; imela f. ‘lure (for birds)’ W Cz. jmeli n.(io); meli (dial.) n.(io); omela (dial.) f.; omelo (dial.) n.; OCz. jmele n.(io); Slk. jemelo (dial.), hemelo (dial.) n.; imelo, jmelo (dial.) n.; Pl. jemiota f.; jamiota (dial.) f.; imiota (dial.) f.; OPl. jemiota f.; jemiot m.(o); jemioto n.; USrb. jemjel m.(o); LSrb. jemjot, hemjot m.(o) S SCr. imela f.; mela f.; omela (dial.) f.; Sln. omţla f.; imţla f.; mţla f.; meljţ n. BSl. *emel- B Lith. âmalas m., emalas m. 3b ‘mistletoe’; Latv. amuols m.; emuols (BW) m.; amuls m.; ămals m.; ămuls m. ‘mistletoe, clover’ (the forms with ă- may show the influence of âbuols ‘apple, clover’) OPr. emelno (EV) ‘mistletoe’ This plant name is probably a borrowing from a non-Indo-European substratum language. The Slavic forms with *jbm- may be due to popular etymology (the mistletoe’s sap is used to produce bird-lime), cf. OCS imati ‘to take’. An etymological connection with PIE *him- ‘to take’ is doubtful, as is the connection with *h3eHm-‘raw’. *emesb; *emezb m. jo ‘ploughshare, plough’ ESSJa - E Ru. omes ‘ploughshare’; omez ‘ploughshare’; omez ‘ploughshare’ W Pl. jemiesz (dial.) ‘ploughshare’ S SCr. jemes (dial.) ‘plough’; jemljes (dial.) ‘plough’; Bulg. emes ‘ploughshare’; emez ‘ploughshare’; emez ‘ploughshare’; imez ‘ploughshare’; Mcd. emes (dial.) ‘plough’ In order to explain the variation between initial l- and initial j-/o- Popowska-Taborska (1984) has proposed a change l- > j-. This seems unlikely. See also: *emext; *lemext; *lemesh; *lemezh; *lamt; *lomiti 142 *erşbica *erşbica f. jâ ‘partridge’ ESSJa I 73 W Slk. jarabica ‘partridge’ S SCr. jerebica (dial.) ‘partridge’; jarebica (dial.) ‘partridge’; Cak. jareb'ica (Vrg.) ‘partridge’; oreb'ica (Novi) ‘partridge’; Sln. jerebica ‘partridge, (snezna j. or j. bjelica) ptarmigan, (rdeca j. or gozdna j.) hazel-grouse’; jarebica ‘partridge’; Bulg. erebica ‘partridge’; erembica ‘partridge’; jărebica ‘partridge’ BSl. *erim?b-; *erum?b- B Lith. jerube f.(e) 3b ‘hazel-grouse’; jerumbe (dial.) f.(e) 3b ‘hazel-grouse’; Latv. ierube (BW) f.(e) ‘partridge’ PIE *ermb-o- See ^ *erţbb. Cogn. OIc. jarpi m. ‘hazel-grouse, jarpr adj. ‘brown’ *erşbina f. â ‘rowan-tree’ ESSJa I 73 E Bel. jarabina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’ W Cz. jarabina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’; Slk. jerabina ‘rowan-tree’; Pl. jarzţbina ‘rowan-tree’; jerzţbina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’; orzţbina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’; USrb. jerjabina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’ S Sln. jerebina ‘rowan-berry’ (cf. jerebika, rebika ‘rowan-tree’) BSl. *erimb- B Lith. jerube, jerumbe (dial.) f.(e) 3b ‘hazel-grouse’; Latv. ierube (BW) f.(e) ‘partridge’ PIE *ermb-o- See ^ *erţbb. *erşbb; *erşb^; *erşb^k^ ESSJa I 73-76 CS RuCS jarţbb m. ‘partridge’ E ORu. erjabb, orjabb m. ‘partridge’ W Cz. jerăb ‘rowan-tree, crane, (arch.) ‘partridge’; jerăbek ‘hazel-grouse’; Slk. jerab ‘rowan-tree’; Pl. jarzqb (arch., dial.) ‘rowan-tree (dial.), hazel-grouse (OPl.)’; jarzqbek, jerzqbek (dial.) ‘hazel-grouse’; USrb. jerjab ‘hazel-grouse’ S SCr. jâreb (dial.) ‘partridge’; Cak. oreb (Vrg.) ‘partridge’; Sln. jerţb ‘partridge’; jarţb ‘partridge’ BSl. *erimb- B Lith. jerube, jerumbe (dial.) f.(e) 3b ‘hazel-grouse’; Latv. ierube (BW) f.(e) ‘partridge’ PIE *ermb-o- Cogn. OIc. jarpi m. ‘hazel-grouse’; OIc. jarpr adj. ‘brown’ Rather than reconstructing *(j)arţbt, etc. (ESSJa I: 73), I assume that *ja- arose secondarily from *je- (cf. Andersen 1996: 136 ff.). We seem to be dealing with a root *erth 143 *(e)r(m)b- (with a variant *(e)ru(m)b-) of undoubtedly non-Indo-European origin (Derksen 2000). See also: *erşbica; *erşbina; *jhrbica; *jhrbina; *jhrbika; *rşbika; *rşbina; *rşbt; *rşbt; *rşb^kt *erx^k^ m. o ESSJa - S Sln. resak ‘sow thistle (sanchus asper)’ BSl. *er?ks- B Lith. ersketis m.(jo) 2 ‘thorn-bush’ {1}, er(k)sfos, erksis m.(jo) ‘thorn-bush’; Latv. er(k)sfcis m.(jo) ‘thorn-bush’; erksis m.(jo) ‘thorn-bush’ PIE *HerH(k)s- The s of Sln. resak may have originated in a form *ers-bcb < *erx-iko- (cf. Andersen 1996: 140). Bezlaj (1977: 17) has proposed to link the Slovene word to SCr. rekes ‘eryngo’ (Dubrovnik), with metathesis. The etymological connection with Skt. anrksară- ‘thornless (path)’ - if reliable - is attractive, but the fact that Baltic forms require a laryngeal is problematic. {1} There are many variants, e.g. ersketis, ersketis, ersketys 3a/3b (cf. Derksen 1996: 51, 149). *ernb f. i ESSJa - E ORu. renb ‘hatred, malice, spite’ BSl. *er-n-i- B Lith. ernis m.(io) 2 ‘wolverine’ Young (2001: 163-164) links Lith. ernis ‘wolverine’ to ORu. renb ‘hatred, malice, spite’ and derives these words from Pokorny’s root *er- ‘sich in Bewegung setzen, erregen (auch seelisch argern, reizen’ (IEW 326-327). LIV distinguishes between *hier- ‘wohin gelangen, geraten’ (238, 303) and *h3er- (299) ‘sich in (Fort-)bewegung setzen, cf. Kummel 2000. Formally *ertb may only belong to the former root, which is semantically less attractive, but it should be noted that the distinction between the roots is not always clear. See also: *erth; *orth *ertb f. i ‘strife’ ESSJa - CS OCS retb (Zogr.2, Supr.) ‘strife, contest’ E ORu. retb ‘diligence, strife, contest’ PIE *hier-ti- If the anlaut of OCS retb does indeed originate from *er- (cf. ^ *ernb), we would expect retb in view of the regular development of *oRC- in South Slavic, cf. ratb ‘war, battle’ (^ *ortb). Nevertheless, the etymology advocated here seems the best option (cf. Toporov 1981: 154). See also: *ernh; *orth 144 *ese *ese interj. ESSJa VI 8 CS OCS ese ‘behold!’; jese ‘behold!’ E Ru. vose (dial.), vose (dial.), vos’ (dial.) ‘look!’; ORu. ese, ose ‘look!’; Ukr. ose ‘look!’; ese (dial.) ‘here!’ S Sln. esej m. ‘that one, f. esa, n. eso; Bulg. ese ‘there!’ PIE *hie-se This interjection is based on the PIE particle *(hi)e, cf. Gk. sKsîvoq. See also: *eto *esenb f. i (c) ‘autumn’ ESSJa VI 28-29 CS CS esenb (Const.) Asg. E Ru. osen; esen (Rjaz.); Ukr. osin W Slk. jesen; Pl. jesien S SCr. jesen; Cak. jesen (Vrg.); jesen (Novi)’; jesen (Orb.); Sln. jesţn; Bulg. jesen BSl. *es-eni- B OPr. assanis Cogn. Gk. onwpa, onapa (Lak.) f. ‘late summer, early autumn’; Go. asans f. ‘harvest time, summer’; OHG ar(a)n m. ‘harvest’; Fi. kesa m. ‘summer’ (see Koivulehto 1991: 36-38) If the root is indeed PIE *hies ‘to be, which would lead to a reconstruction *hios-en-, the e- of the Slavic forms as opposed to the *o- elsewhere (Old Prussian being inconclusive) may be an instance of ablaut or a result of “Rozwadowski’s change”. The Greek forms may reflect *oaapă, which would point to an r/n-stem. *esera f. â ‘fishbone, awn’ ESSJa VI 29-30 W Pl. jesiory (OPl., dial.) Npl. ‘fishbone’; osiory (NE. dial.) Npl. ‘awn, beard (on ears of grain), hulls’; Slnc. jiezoră ‘fishbone’; Plb. jeserâi ‘awn, beard (on ears of grain)’ BSl. *es-er-a? B Lith. eserys m.(io) 3b ‘perch (perca fluvialis), fin’; aserys (dial.) m.(io) 3b ‘perch (perca fluvialis), fin’; Latv. asaris m.(io) ‘perch (perca fluvialis)’; aseris m.(io) ‘perch (perca fluvialis)’ PIE *h2ek-er- It seems obvious that this Balto-Slavic etymon is cognate with Germanic *ah-s-/*ah-iz- ‘ear, cf. Go. ahs n., OIc. ax n., OHG ahir, ehir n., and with such forms as OHG ahil ‘Ăhrenspitze, MoE (arch.) ail ‘beard on wheat and barley’ (Kluge-Seebold 1999: 21, Falk-Torp: 1326). A nice parallel for the meaning ‘perch’ is OIc. ggr ‘bass’ < *agura- < *h2ek-. Since the root is probably *h2ek- ‘sharp, the forms with *e- must be considered instances of Rozwadowski’s change. Note that we find a- in the Latvian forms but also in Lith. asaka ‘fishbone’ and as(t)rus ‘sharp’. *esetrb; *esetra 145 See also: *ostrb; *eseth; *esetbka; *esetrb; *esetra *esetb f. i ‘rack for drying grain’ ESSJa - E Ru. oset’‘granary, rack for drying grain’; Bel. (v)osec (W.), asec (W.) ‘granary, drying shed’; osetka (dial.) ‘granary, asetka (dial.) ‘spot in granary for drying sheafs’; Ukr. osit’ (dial.) ‘granary’ W Pl. jesiec (dial.) ‘grain sieve’; osiec (E. dial.) ‘granary’; jesiotka (dial.) ‘grain sieve’; osiotka (W dial.) ‘granary’ BSl. *es-et-i- B Lith. akecios Npl. f.(jâ) 1 ‘harrow’; ekecios (dial.) Npl. f.(jâ) 1 ‘harrow’ {1}; Latv. ece(k)sas Npl. f.(jâ) ‘harrow’ OPr. aketes ‘harrow’ PIE *h2ok-et-i- Cogn. Gk. o^îva (Hes.) f. ‘an agricultural implement with iron teeth, drawn by oxen’; Lat. occa f. ‘harrow’; OHG egida f. ‘harrow’; OE eg(e)pe f. ‘harrow’; OW ocet f. ‘harrow’; Fi. aes ‘harrow’ This is another case where we find Balto-Slavic evidence for *e- corresponding to *a-or *o- in other branches of Indo-European (Rozwadowski’s change). Toporov (PJ I: 67) regards the k of the Baltic forms as evidence for a western technological borrowing. Since the Baltic and Germanic forms mean exactly the same, while the Slavic forms are semantically more remote, this is a serious option. {1} The Standard Lithuanian form with a- may stem from the territory where the development e- > a- occurred. In any case, the attestations of the form with e- (see the LKZ, s.v.) indicate that there are Lithuanian forms completely matching Latv. ecesas. See also: *ostrb; *esera; *esetrb; *esetra *esetrb; *esetra m. o; f. â ‘sturgeon’ ESSJa VI 30-31 E Ru. osetr m., Gsg. osetră; oseter (dial.) m.; ORu. jesetn m.; osetn m. W Cz. jeseter m.; Slk. jeseter m.; Pl. jesiotr m.; OPl. jesiotr m.; jasiotr m.; USrb. jesetr (arch.) m.; jasotr (arch.) m.; LSrb. jesotr m. S SCr. jesetra f.; Sln. jesetar m.; Bulg. esetra f. BSl. *esetros B Lith. ersketas; ersketras (dial.) 1 {1} OPr. esketres It seems highly plausible that *esetra is cognate with ^ *esera ‘awn, fishbone, Lith. eserys ‘perch’ and that both etyma belong to PIE *h2ek- ‘sharp, cf. Lat. acipenser ‘sturgeon’ < *h2eku-. The Baltic forms are not without problems, however. Forms like ersketas and ersketras were probably influenced by ersketis ‘thorn’ (thus Buga RR I: 328), though it must be admitted that a development ersketas < esketras is plausible in itself (cf. Toporov II: 89). It is clear, however, that the original form contained a k, cf. OPr. esketres, which is absent in Lith. eserys ‘perch’. This may be the familiar 146 *esmh intrusive velar which in Baltic frequently arose before s or z. In that case we would have to start from a Baltic protoform *eksetras. {1} OLith. esketras ‘whale’ (Bretkunas) is probably a Prussianism. See also: *ostrb; *eseth; *esetbka *esmb 1sg. ‘am’ ESSJa VI 32 CS OCS jesmb E ORu. esmb W Cz. jsem; OPl. jesm S SCr. jesam; sam.; Sln. sam BSl. *esmi B Lith. esmi (OLith.) OPr. asmai PIE *hies-mi Cogn. Skt. ăsmi; Gk. si|aî See also: *byti; *esth *estb 3sg. ‘is’ ESSJa VI 32 CS OCS jest-b E Ru. est’ W Cz. jest; je; Pl. jest S SCr. jest; je; Sln. je; Bulg. e BSl. *esti B Lith. esti OPr. ast; est PIE *hies-ti Cogn. Skt. ăsti; Gk. sot! See also: *byti; *esmb *esce adv. ‘still, yet’ ESSJa VI 32-33 CS OCS jeste E Ru. esce; osce (dial.) {1} W Cz. jeste; OCz. jesce; Slk. este; Pl. jeszcze; oszczo (dial.) S SCr. jost(e) ; jesce (dial.); Cak. josce (Vrg.); jos (Orb.); Sln. se; sce; josce; jos; esce; isce; Bulg. este; oste PIE *hiesk(w)e(hi) Cogn. Skt. ăcha prep., preverb ‘to’; Arm. c- prep. ‘to, till’ {2} See Lubotsky 2001. {1} In Russian dialects forms with e- occur alongside forms with o-. This variation is already found in Old Russian. {2} Forms such as SCr. joste, Bulg. joste (dial.) and Sln. (sce (dial.) result from the accretion of *i ‘and’ (cf. Meillet 1934: 124). The *o-variants in this word are attested in *evhja; *evhna 147 a remarkably large area. The alternative etymologies contain a deictic element *edh- or *et-(see ESSJa s.v.). *eterb prn. ESSJa VIII 187 CS OCS eteri ‘some, someone’; RuCS (j)eten ‘some, someone’ W USrb. wot(e)ry ‘another’; LSrb. wotery, wotary, wotory ‘some’ PIE *io-tero- Cogn. Skt. yatară- m. ‘which of the two’ It cannot be decided whether this pronoun continues PIE *io-tero- or *hie-tero-, cf. Skt. yatară- ‘which of the two’ vs. Av. atăra- ‘this one of the two’. The Sorbian forms may have been influenced by *vbton ‘second’. See also: j *eti; *ebati; *ebati v. (c) ‘copulate’ ESSJa VIII 188 E Ru. eti, 1sg. ebu, 3sg. ebet; ebăt’, 1sg. ebu, 3sg. ebet; Ukr. jibăty W Cz. jebati ‘copulate, curse, beat’; Slk. jebat’ ‘copulate’; Pl. jebac ‘copulate, scold, beat’; Slnc. jâbac ‘destroy, tear up, spoil’; USrb. jebac ‘deceive’; LSrb. jebas ‘beat, push, deceive’ S SCr. jebati; Cak. jebati (Vrg.); Sln. jebati, 1sg. jebam; Bulg. jebă PIE *h3iebh-e/o- Cogn. Skt. yăbhati; Gk. otyw, oişsw The variant with *e is unexpected. The ESSja, which only has *jebati as an entry, suggests that *e has the same vocalism as Gk. ol^w, but I consider it more likely that we are dealing with an iterative formation. *eto ptcl. ESSJa VI 8 E Ru. eto ‘here (is), this is’ S SCr. eto ‘here (is)’; Bulg. eto ‘here (is)’ A combination of the particle *hie and the neuter pronoun *to. See also: *ese *evim m. o ‘granary, drying shed’ ESSJa VIII 187-188 E Ru. ovin ‘drying shed’; ORu. ovim ‘drying shed’; Bel. avm ‘drying shed’; Ukr. ovin (dial.) ‘small granary’ Unlike ^ *evbja, this etymon is not generally considered a borrowing from Baltic. See also: *evma *evbja; *evbna f. iâ; f. jâ ‘granary, drying shed’ ESSJa - E Ru. evnja (W. dial.); evnja (Psk.); evnjă (dial.) ‘drying shed without a ceiling’; Bel. eunja; eunja; jauja (dial.) {1}; Ukr. jevja; jevnja W Pl. jawia {2}; jewnia (arch.); jownia (arch.) 148 *ezero;*ezeri BSl. *iouiaH B Lith. jăuja 1 ‘granary, drying shed, threshing shed’ {3}; Latv. jauja ‘threshing floor’ OPr. jauge ‘drying shed, barn for braking flax’ {4} PIE *ieu-iH-eh2 Cogn. MoHG jauge (dial.) ‘barn’ It is evident that *evbja is a borrowing from Baltic. The Baltic word is a derivative of the word for ‘grain, Lith. javaî, which lacks a Slavic counterpart. The resyllabification of *iau-iă to *iau-iă may account for the metatonical acute tone of both the Lithuanian and the Latvian form, if we assume that the original form was *iau-iă. The East Slavic word *ovim apparently underwent the e- > o- shift (I do not share Andersen’s objections to the ESSJa’s Proto-Slavic reconstruction *evim, theoretical though it is). {1} The form without -n- has been recorded from 1540 onwards in many different shapes, e.g. evja, javja, evga and javga. According to Anikin (2005: 143), only the form jauja is known in the living language. The other forms are limited to areas that were inhabited by Lithuanians.{2} Since 1554 many variants have been recorded, e.g. jawia, jawgia, jewia, jowia. {3} There are many variants, viz. jăuje, jăujis, jăujas, jăujus. {4} The oldest source (1604) has the spelling jawyge (Toporov PJ II: 21). See also: *evint *ezero; *ezerb n. o; m. o (c) ‘lake’ ESSJa VI 33-34 CS OCS jezero n.; jezen (Zogr., Ass.) Asg. m. E Ru. ozero n. W Cz. jezero n.; Slk. jazero n.; jezer (E. dial.); Pl. jezioro n.; USrb. jezer n. S SCr. jezero n., Npl. jezera; Cak. jezero (Vrg.) n., Npl. jezerâ; jezero (Novi) n., Npl. jezera; jezer m.; Sln. jţzero n.; jţzer m.; jezer f.(i); Bulg. ezero n. BSl. *ezero B Lith. ezeras 3b; Latv. ezers; ezars OPr. assaran n. PIE *hiegh-(e)r-o- Cogn. Arm. ezr ‘edge, border, bank’ In view of “Rozwadowski’s change”, the reconstruction of the anlaut offers a number of alternatives (*h2e-, *h3e-, *Ho-), but not if the etymon under discussion belongs to *ezi ‘balk, weir, which in my opinion is the case. A cognate from outside Balto-Slavic is Arm. ezr ‘bank, border, limit’ < *hi(e)gh- (^ *ezv for the semantic aspects of the etymology). Note that the short initial vowel of *jezero requires the reconstruction of an aspirated velar anyhow (Winter’s law). The connection with the Greek mythological river Âxspwv is dubious. See also: *jezt ; *jezh; *jeza; *ezt 149 *ezevica; *ezevika f. jâ; f. â ESSJa VI 35 E Ru. ezevika ‘blackberry’ S SCr. jezevica ‘meadow grass, quill, blackberry’; Sln. jezevica ‘prickly husk’ BSl. *ez- See ^ *ezb. *ezica; *ezika f. jâ; f. â ESSJa VI 35-36 E Ru. ozika ‘rush’ W Cz. jezice ‘female hedgehog’ S SCr. jezica ‘sea-hedgehog, she-hedgehog, husk’; jezika ‘Jew’s myrtle’; Sln. jezica ‘prickly husk’ BSl. *ez- See ^ *ezb. *ezina f. â ‘blackberry’ ESSJa VI 35 E Ru. ozina (S dial.) ‘blackberry’ W Slk. ozina (dial.) ‘blackberry’; Pl. jezyna ‘blackberry’; ozyna (dial.) ‘blackberry’; OPl. jezyny Npl. ‘strawberries’ S SCr. jezina (dial.) ‘edible marine mollusc’ BSl. *ez- See ^ *ezb. *ezb m. jo ‘hedgehog’ ESSJa VI 36 E Ru. ez, Gsg. eză; oz (dial.); ORu. ezb; ozb; Ukr. jiz (dial.); oz (dial.) W Cz. jez (dial.); Slk. jez; Pl. jez; USrb. jez S SCr. jez, Gsg. jeza; jez ‘hedgehog’, Gsg. jeza; Cak. jez (Vrg.) ‘sea-urchin, kind of plant’, Gsg. jeza; 'es (Orb.) ‘hedgehog, sea-urchin, Gsg. 'eza; Sln. jţz ‘hedgehog, jimsonweed (datura stramonium), prickly husk’; Bulg. ez ‘hedgehog’ BSl. *ezios B Lith. ezys m.(io) 4 (variants are ezis 2, ezys 4); Latv. ezis m.(io) PIE *h!egh-io- Cogn. Gk. exîvoq m. ‘hedgehog, sea-urchin’; OHG igil m.; OE ig(i)l m. ‘hedgehog’; Arm. ozni m. ‘hedgehog’ In Greek, where exîvoq ‘hedgehog, sea-urchin’ looks like a derivative of ex^ ‘viper, there seems to be a connection between ‘hedgehog’ and ‘snake’. In Balto-Slavic, the words for ‘hedgehog’ and ‘snake’ do not match formally (^ gzb). See also: *ezina; *ezica; *ezika; *ezevica; *ezevika 150 *edro *edro n. o ‘bosom’ ESSJa VI 43 CS OCS jadra Npl. ‘embrace, bosom’; CS jadro Npl. ‘depth, womb, bosom’ W Cz. nadro ‘breast, bosom’; nadra Npl. ‘breast, bosom’; OCz. nadra Npl. ‘breast, bosom’; nădra ‘breast, bosom’; Pl. jadro ‘net’ S SCr. jedro ‘sail’, Npl. jedra; jedro (Vuk) ‘sail’ (according to the RJA, the accentuation of jedro is wrong); Cak. 'idro ‘sail’, Npl. idră; jadro (Novi) ‘sail’; Sln. jădro ‘sail, “bosom” of a net’; nedro ‘bosom’; nedrje n.(jo) ‘bosom, Npl. nedrja ‘bosom’ The forms with n- originate from the syntagms *vin edra and *vin edrexi, cf. vb nedrexi (Supr. 244, 26). The ESSJa identifies the root as *h2eid- ‘swell’. *ed^ m. o (c) ‘poison’ ESSJa VI 45-47 CS OCS jadi ‘poison’ E Ru. jad ‘poison’; Ukr. jid ‘poison’ W Cz. jed ‘poison, (dial.) malice’; Slk. jed ‘poison, (coll.) malice, anger’; Pl. jad ‘poison, something harmful or contagious, anger, malice’; USrb. jed ‘poison’ S SCr. ijed ‘gall, poison, anger’; jed ‘gall, poison, anger’; jâd ‘grief, sorrow’; Cak. îd (Vrg.) ‘gall, poison, anger’; jad (Vrg.) ‘grief, sorrow’; jât (Orb.) ‘anger, Gsg. jâda; Sln. jâd ‘poison, anger’; Bulg. jad ‘poison, anger’ PIE *faed-o- Cogn. OIc. ăt n. ‘food’; OHG. ăz n. ‘food’ I prefer this etymology to the one deriving *edi from *h2eid- ‘swell’. As to the semantics, we may compare the euphemisms MoHG Gift ‘poison’ (from MoHG geben) and MoFr.poison < *potion(em) (Vasmer s.v. jad). See also: *edh; *esti *edb f. i (c) ‘food’ ESSJa VI 53-54 CS OCS jadb ‘food’; CS jadb ‘food’ E Ru. jad’ (dial.) ‘food, dish’; ed’ (dial.) ‘meal, dinner-time’ W USrb. jedz ‘food’; LSrb. jez ‘food, meal, dish’ S SCr. jâd (arch., lit.) ‘food’; Sln. jed ‘food, meal’ BSl. *e?di(o)s B Lith. edis m.(io) ‘food, fodder’ OPr. îdis m. ‘food’ PIE *faed-i-See also: *edt; *esti *ero; *era; *eri I 151 *exati v. ‘go, ride’ ESSJa VIII 169-171 CS OCS jaxati ‘go, ride’, 1sg. jadg, 1sg. jaxajg E Ru. exat’‘go, ride, drive’, 1sg. edu, 3sg. edet W Cz. jechati ‘run’; Slk. jachat’ ‘run, move, ride’; Pl. jechac ‘go, ride’ S SCr. jahati ‘ride’; Cak. jahati (Vrg.) ‘ride’; Sln. jâhati ‘ride’, 1sg. jâham, 1sg. jâsem; Bulg. jăxam ‘ride’ BSl. *ja?- The *-x-, which the ESSJa calls an intensive suffix, is a Slavic innovation, cf. Lith. joti, Latv. jât ‘ride’ and ^ *eti. It is possible that it originates from the s-aorist. See also: *eto; *ezda *erş n. nt ESSJa VIII 172 CS RuCS jarţ ‘lamb’ E ORu. jarţ ‘lamb’ W Cz. jerătko n.(o) ‘one and a half year-old sheep’ S SCr. jare ‘kid, young goat, Gsg. jareta; Sln. jare ‘lamb, Gsg. jarţta; Bulg. jăre ‘kid’ Derivative in *-ţ, which is frequent in designations of young animals. See ^ *ero, era, *eri I, for the etymology of the root. * *erina f. â ESSJa VIII 173-174 CS CS jarina ‘wool’; RuCS jarina ‘wool’ E ORu. jarina ‘wool’; Ukr. jarynă ‘spring corn, spring sowings, spring field’; jarynă (dial.) ‘vegetables’ W Cz. jarina ‘spring corn’; Slk. jarina ‘spring corn’; Pl. jarzyna ‘vegetables, spring corn’ S SCr. jarina ‘lamb’s wool’; jarina ‘spring crop’; Cak. jarina (Vrg.) ‘lamb’s (first) wool’; jarina (Orb.) ‘late crop (grapes, wheat etc.)’; Sln. jarina ‘spring seed, summer fruit’; Bulg. jărina ‘lamb’s wool’ Derivative in *-ina. See ^ *ero, *era, *eri I, for the etymology of the root. *ero; *era; *erb I n. o; f. â; m. o ESSJa VIII 175-176 CS RuCS jara f. ‘spring’ E Ru. jar (dial.) m. ‘heat, fire’; ORu. jara f. ‘spring’; Ukr. jar m. ‘spring’ W Cz. jaro n. ‘spring’; Pl. jar (dial.) m. ‘spring, spring corn’; jaro (16th c.) n. ‘spring, spring corn’ {1} S SCr. jara f. ‘great heat, mirage, spirit’; jâr m. ‘spring’ BSl. *je?ro- B Lith. eras m. 3 ‘lamb’; jeras (dial.) m. 3 ‘lamb’; Latv. jers m. ‘lamb’; jere f.(e) ‘one year old sheep, mother lamb’ OPr. eristian (EV) n. ‘lamb’ 152 *erosth PIE *Hiehi-r- Cogn. Skt. paryănnî- (Kâţh.+) f. ‘cow which has its first calf after a year’; Gk. wpă f. ‘time, season’; YAv. yăr- n. ‘year’; Go. jer n. ‘year’; OHG jăr n. ‘year’ There is a possibility that the root is identical with *Hiehi- ‘send’. {1} According to Bankowski (2000a: 574), the form jaro was made up by W. Pola. See also: *erş; *erina; *erbka; *erb II; *erh; *erhch *erostb f. i ‘fury’ ESSJa VIII 177 CS OCS jarostb ‘wrath’ E Ru. jărost’ ‘fury, rage’ W Cz. jarost ‘abundance in strength, unruly conduct’ S SCr. jărost ‘fury, anger’; Sln. jarost ‘fury, anger’; Bulg. jărost ‘fury, anger’ Abstract noun in *-ostb (^ *eri III). *erb I adj. o ESSJa VIII 175-176 E ORu. jaryj ‘spring-’ {1}; Ukr. jăryj ‘spring-, young’ W Cz. jary (dial.) ‘spring-’; OCz. jary ‘spring-’; Pl. jary (dial.) ‘spring-, of the first shearing (wool)’ S SCr. jara f. ‘great heat, mirage, spirit’; jâr m. ‘spring’; Sln. jâr ‘spring-, f. jăra BSl. *je?ro- {1} Also jarovyi. Now only jarovoj, dial. jărovyj. See also: *erş; *erina; *ero; *era; ; *erb II *erbka; *erh; *erhch *erb II adj. o (c) ESSJa VIII 178-179 CS OCS jari (Zogr., Mar. Ass.) ‘austere’ E Ru. jăryj ‘furious, violent, vehement’ {1} W Cz. jary ‘young, fresh, wild’; Slk. jary ‘energetic, fresh, cheerful’; Pl. jary (arch.) ‘clear, strong, hot’ S SCr. jâr (RJA) ‘heated, steep, cruel’; Sln. jâr ‘furious, savage’ The connection with Gk. (wpoq ‘pure, sheer (of wine)’ is, of course, merely a possibility. Note that a reconstructed form *ioH-ro- or *ieh3-ro- would be affected by Hirt’s law, which seems to be in conflict with the attested accentuation. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). See also: *erosth *erbka f. â ESSJa VIII 179-180 W Cz. jarka ‘spring wheat, sheep born in spring’; jarka (dial.) ‘spring rye, ewe that had young in spring’; Slk. jarka ‘one year old sheep’; Pl. jarka ‘increase or harvest of this or last year’s spring, barren sheep’ *esni 153 S SCr. jarka ‘spring corn, hen that has laid eggs for the first time’; jârka ‘spring maize’; Cak. jărka (Orb.) ‘species of grain’; Sln. jârka ‘summer fruit (e.g. of spring rye or wheat), young hen’; Bulg. jărka ‘young chicken’ Derivative in *-ika. See ^ *ero, *era, *eri. *erb f. i ESSJa VIII 180-181 E Ru. jar’ (dial.) ‘spring, spring field, spring wheat’; ORu. jar’ ‘spring corn’; Ukr. jar’ ‘spring, spring corn’ W Cz. jar ‘spring corn’; jar (dial.) ‘spring’; Slk. jar ‘spring’; Pl. jarz (15th-17th c.) ‘spring, spring corn’ S SCr. jar f.(i) ‘spring barley (Hordeum distichum)’; jar m.(o) ‘spring barley (Hordeum distichum)’; Sln. jâr f.(i) ‘spring corn, Gsg. jarî {1} See ^ *ero, *era, *eri. {1} Pletersnik actually has ‘Sommergetreide’, which means ‘corn that is sown in spring and harvested in summer’. I assume that jâr may be identified with jaro zito ‘corn sown in spring, cf. jărica ‘id.’. *erbcb m. jo ESSJa VIII 180-181 E Ru. jarec (dial.) ‘one year old beaver, Gsg. jarcă; Ukr. jarec’ (dial.) ‘barley’ W Slk. jarec ‘barley’; Pl. jarzec (dial.) ‘spring barley’ S SCr. jarac ‘he-goat, Gsg. jârca; Cak. jarac (Vrg.) ‘he-goat’ Gsg. jârca; Sln. jârac ‘kid born in spring, (uncastrated) ram, spring wheat’; Bulg. jărec ‘kid’ Derivative in *-bcb. See ^ *ero, *era, *eri. *esm adj. o (a) ‘clear’ ESSJa VI 51-52 CS OCS jasni (Supr.) E Ru. jăsny W Cz. jasny; Slk. jasny; Pl. jasny S SCr. jasan; Sln. jăsm; Bulg. jăsen BSl. *ai?şk-(n)- B Lith. ăiskus The root of this adjective can be identified with *h2eidh- ‘kindle’ if we assume that the acute originates from the suffix *-Hsk- << *-sk-, cf. OIc. eiskra ‘rage with heated excitement’. Here the laryngeal of the suffix must have arisen through reanalysis of sta-presents containing a root ending in *-RH (Derksen 1996: 291-294, 337). This development can easily be pointed out in East Baltic, where it spread to roots of other structures, but is not so clear if it can be traced back to Proto-Balto-Slavic. My explanation of the acute in the etymon under discussion implies that it can. See also: *ji>skra; *jbstt 154 *esti *esti v. ‘eat’ ESSJa VI 53-54 CS OCS jasti, 1sg. jamb, 3sg. jastv E Ru. est’, 1sg. em, 3sg. est W Cz. jisti; Slk. jest; Pl. jesc; Slnc. jiesc S SCr. jesti, 1sg. jedem; Cak. 'isti or îsti (Vrg.), 3sg. ide; jes (Orb.), 3sg. (j)î; Sln. jesti, 1sg. jem; Bulg. jam BSl. *efsti B Lith. esti; Latv. est OPr. ist; îstwei PIE *hied-mi, etc. Cogn. Skt. ătti; Hitt. ed-z‘/ad-; Gk. s8|asvai; Lat. edo; Go. itan See also: *edt; *edh *eti v. ‘go, ride’ ESSJa VIII 183 W Cz. jeti ‘ride, drive’, 1sg. jedu; OPl. jal 3sg. pret. ‘rode’; USrb. jec ‘ride’; LSrb. jes ‘ride’ BSl. *ja?- B Lith. joti ‘ride’; Latv. jât ‘ride’ PIE *ieh2- Cogn. Skt. yăti ‘drive, travel’ See also: *exati; *eto; *ezda *eto n. o (a) ‘herd, flock’ ESSJa VIII 182-183 CS CS jato n. ‘flock’ E Ru. jat (dial.) m. ‘shoal of fish’ W Pl. jato (obs.) n. ‘herd, flock’ S SCr. jato n. ‘flock (of birds), swarm, herd’; Cak. jato (Vrg.) n. ‘flock (of birds), swarm, herd’; Sln. jăto n. ‘herd, flock’; jâta f. ‘herd, flock’; Bulg. jăto n. ‘flock (of birds)’ PIE *ieh2-tom Cogn. Skt. yată- n. ‘progress, course’ The fixed root stress of this etymon must be due to Hirt’s law. See also: *exati; *eti; *ezda *ezda f. â ‘ride’ ESSJa VIII 184-185 CS CS jazda ‘ride’ E Ru. ezdă ‘ride, drive’ W Cz. jizda ‘ride, cavalry’; Slk. jazda ‘ride, cavalry’; Pl. jazda ‘ride, cavalry’ S SCr. jezda ‘what one rides in/on, ride’; Sln. jezda ‘riding’; Bulg. jazdă ‘riding, ride’; jezdă ‘riding, ride’ *ezdzh; *ezdziki; *ezgari; *ezgarb; *eskari 155 Formation not entirely clear. The sequence *-zd- may have originated from *-dd- if we assume that a suffix *-da was added to the present stem *ed- of *exati. See also: *eti; *eto; *exati *ez^; *ezb; *eza; *ez^ m. o; m. jo; f. jâ; m. o ‘weir’ ESSJa VI 59 CS RuCS ezm., (j)ez& m. ‘fish weir’ E Ru. iz (dial.) m.(jo) ‘fishing tackle made of willow-twigs or a net’; ez m. ‘fish weir’; ORu. ezi> m. ‘fish weir’; (j)ez& m. ‘fish weir’; Bel. jaz m. ‘fishing tackle; ez (dial.) m. ‘fish weir’; Ukr. jiz m. ‘fish weir’; jaz m. ‘fish weir’ W Cz. jez m. ‘mill-pond, dam, weir, dike’; Pl. jaz m. ‘mill-pond, fish weir’ S SCr. jâz m. ‘drain (at a dam or weir), mill-pond, dike’; jez m. ‘mill-pond, dam, weir’; jâz (dial.) m.(jo) ‘canal’; jâza (dial.) f.(jâ) ‘brook streaming from a spring’; Sln. jez m. ‘dike, dam, weir, Gsg. jeza, Gsg. jezu; jeza f.(jâ) ‘dike, dam, weir, mill-pond’; Bulg. jaz m. ‘dam, weir, dike’ BSl. *ez-; *ez-o- B Lith. ezia f.(jâ) 2 ‘boundary(-strip), balk’; Latv. eza f.(jâ) ‘boundary(-strip), balk’ OPr. asy (EV) ‘boundary(-strip), balk’ Cogn. Arm. ezr ‘bank, border, limit’ Meanings such as ‘mill-pond’, ‘drain, canal’ and ‘brook’ form a semantic link between *ez-/ez- ‘dam, weir’ and ^ *ezero ‘lake’, cf. MoE dike ‘thick bank or wall built to control water’ vs. MoHG Teich ‘pond’. The original meaning in Balto-Slavic is best covered by the word balk, meaning both ‘boundary-strip, dividing ridge’, ‘wooden beam’ and (dial.) ‘fishing-weir’. Arm. ezr (^ *ezero), which basically means ‘edge, agrees semantically very well with the Balto-Slavic etymon under discussion. We must reconstruct *h!egh-o/ă-, with an obscure lengthened grade, alongside *hiegh-o/ă-. *ezva f. â (a) ‘wound’ ESSJa VI 56-57 CS OCS jazva ‘wound, injury, scar’ E Ru. jăzva ‘ulcer, sore, (dial.) damage, injury’ W Cz. jizva ‘scar, scratch’; OCz. jiezva ‘scar, scratch’; Slk. jazva ‘scar, scratch’ S Bulg. jăzva ‘ulcer’ BSl. *oi?zwa? B Lith. ăiza 1 ‘crack’; Latv. aîza ‘crack’ OPr. eyswo ‘wound’ There seem to be no reliable cognates outside Balto-Slavic. *ezdzb; *ezdzik^; *ezgarb; *ezgarb; *eskarb m. jo; m. o ‘ruff’ E Bel. jadzgăr; Ukr. jazgar (dial.) {1} ESSJa VI 60 156 W Cz. jezdik; Pl. jazdz (arch., N. dial.) m.(jo); jaszcz (arch., N. dial.) m.(jo) {2}; jazgar (dial.); jazgier (dial.); jazgarz m.(jo); jazgierz (arch.) m.(jo); OPl. jezdzyk; Kash. iwz§; iwsc m.(jo) BSl. *egz-io-; *ezg-io- B Lith. ezgys m.(io) 4; egzlys (arch.) m.(io) 4; ezegys (Pruss.) m.(io) 3b {3} OPr. assegis (EV) ‘perch’ It seems perfectly plausible to me that this etymon is cognate with ^ *ezb ‘hedgehog’ (thus Buga RR II: 217). Like its close relative the perch, the ruff has prickly fins (cf. MoHG Barsch ‘perch, Borste ‘bristle, Lith. eserys ‘perch, which presumably derives from *h2ek- ‘sharp’). The g of this word may be the well-known Baltic intrusive velar. In that case, archaic Lith. egzlys would have preserved the original constellation. The Slavic forms would have to be borrowings from Baltic, which in view of their distribution is not unlikely. {1} Other dialect forms are jaskar and jazgar. {2} In this case the term “northern dialects” probably refers to Kashubian. {3} The Standard Lithuanian word is pugzlys. *şcati v. ‘wail, moan’ ESSJa VI 61-62 CS RuCS jacati ‘cry out, wail, moan’ E Ru. jacăt’ (dial.) ‘wail, moan’; ORu. jacati ‘cry out, wail, moan’ W Cz. jeceti ‘shriek’; OCz. jeceti ‘scream, moan’; Slk. jacat‘weep loudly, moan’; Pl. jţczec ‘moan’ S SCr. jecati ‘resound, moan’; Sln. jţcati ‘whine, moan, jecim; Bulg. ecă ‘sound, buzz’ BSl. *ink- B Lith. inksteti (dial.) ‘stammer’ (cf. also inksti ‘whine, whimper’) Cogn. Lat. uncăre ‘make the sound of a bear’; MLG anken ‘moan, sigh’; MoDu. janken ‘howl, cry’ See also: *şkati, *şcati *şcbmy m. n ‘barley’ ESSJa VI 63-64 E Ru. jacmen’ m.(jo) ‘barley, sty (in the eye), Gsg. jacmenjă; ORu. jacbmy ‘barley’; jacbmenb m.(jo) ‘barley’ W Cz. jecmen m.(o) ‘barley’; Slk. jacmen m.(jo) ‘barley, sty (in the eye)’; Pl. jţczmien m.(jo) ‘barley’ S SCr. jecmen m.(o) ‘barley, sty (in the eye)’; jacmen m.(o) ‘sty (in the eye)’; Cak. jacmer (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘sty (in the eye)’; jacmik (Orb.) m.(o) ‘sty (in the eye)’; Sln. jecmen m.(o) ‘barley, sty (in the eye), Gsg. jecmena *şkati; *şcati 157 In OCS, only the adjectives jţcbm (Mar.) and jţcbnem (Zogr., Ass.) are attested, e.g. pţtb xlb jţcbm (Mar.), (otv) pţti xlebv jţcbnenyxv (Zogr.) ‘five barley loaves’. The root of this etymon is usually linked to *gk- ‘bend’ (cf. ^ *gkotb), which must be reconstructed as *h2e/onk-. Consequently, forms with *ţ- must continue a zero grade. The ESSJa reconstructs an attested verb *ţkt’i ‘bend, which is considered to be a Slavic creation. *şdro n. o (b) ‘kernel, core’ ESSJa VI 65-66 E Ru. jadro ‘kernel, core, Npl. jădra W Cz. jădro ‘kernel, core’; Slk. jadro ‘kernel, core’; Pl. jqdro ‘grain, kernel, core’ S SCr. jedro ‘kernel, core’; Kajk. jădre ‘kernel, core, Npl. jadro; Sln. jedro ‘kernel, pit’; Bulg. jedro ‘kernel’ PIE *hien-d(h)r-o-m? The connection with Skt. ăndă- (RV, AV+) n. ‘egg, testicle’ has generally been abandoned. See also: *ştro; * in Slavic. The nasal vowel of the root is reflected as short in the languages where quantitative differences can be observed, which points to original suffixal stress. The Lithuanian form was influenced by liezti ‘lick’. *G *gabati v. ESSJa VI 76-77 E Bel. habăc ‘seize’; Ukr. hăbaty ‘seize’ W Cz. habati (Kott) ‘seize’; habat (dial.) ‘seize, appropriate’; Slk. habat ‘seize, take, grab’; OPl. gabac ‘attack, pursue’ S Sln. găbati ‘be in need, starve, be lost, die’, 1sg. gâbam; Bulg. găbam ‘grieve’ LIV classifies *gabati under *ghebh- ‘fassen, nehmen; geben, from which it also derives Skt. găbhasti- ‘hand’, Go. giban ‘give’, Lith. gebeti ‘be able’, gabenti ‘transport, 160 *gâdati remove’. LIV also has a root *g^eHb- ‘ergreifen, nehmen, which is claimed to be represented in Italo-Celtic only, e.g. Lat. habere, OIr. gaibid ‘take seize’. To a certain extent this classification seems abitrary. Many forms could be derived from a root *ghabh- (the Germanic verb may contain the prefix *ga- and therefore be unrelated) instead. *gadati v. ‘guess’ ESSJa VI 77-78 CS CS gadati ‘tell fortunes, guess’ E Ru. gadăt’ ‘tell fortunes, guess, 1sg. gadăju W Cz. hădati ‘guess’; Slk. hădat ‘guess’; Pl. gadac ‘talk, chatter’ S Sln. gădati ‘guess, chatter, 1sg. gâdam; Bulg. gadăja ‘guess’ Cogn. Gk. xav8avw ‘contain’; Lat. prehendo ‘take, seize’; OIc. geta ‘get, learn, guess’ The root of *gadati, which seems to have lengthened grade, could be regarded as a variant of *gwet, cf. the synonymous ^ *gătati, Go. qipan ‘say, speak’. Late Vedic gădati ‘say, speak’ may have originated from *gat- as a “Reimbildung” after vădati (Mayrhofer KEWA: 318), which renders a direct comparison with *gadati doubtful (pace ESSJa s.v.). More convincing than the suggested connection with *gwet- is the etymology that links *gadati to OIc. găta ‘get, learn, guess, Gk. xav8avw ‘contain, Lat. prehendo ‘take, seize’ < *ghed-. Finally, a connection with ^ *goditi ‘please’ < *ghedh-cannot be ruled out, cf. Latv. gadît ‘happen to find’. See also: *gatati *gâditi v. (a) ESSJa VI 79-80 CS CS gaditi ‘blame’ E Ru. gădit’ ‘defecate (of animals), defile’ W Cz. haditi ‘scold’ S SCr. gaditi ‘fill with aversion, soil’; Cak. gaditi se (Vrg.) ‘be repulsive’; Sln. găditi ‘make loathsome, scold, slander, 1sg. gâdim Denominative verb. See ^ *gadv. *gâd^ m. o (a) ESSJa VI 81-82 CS OCS gadv ‘creeping animal’ E Ru. gad ‘reptile, amphibian, vermin’ W Cz. had ‘reptile, snake’; Slk. had ‘snake’; Pl. gad ‘reptile, scoundrel, (arch.) insects, livestock, poultry’ S SCr. gad ‘loathing, nausea’; Cak. gad (Vrg.) ‘repulsion, repulsive person’; Sln. gad ‘adder’; Bulg. gad ‘animal, scoundrel, loathing’ B Lith. geda f. ‘shame, disgrace’ OPr. gîdan Asg. ‘shame, disgrace’ PIE *gwohidh-o- Cogn. MoDu. kwaad adj. ‘angry, evil’ *gatati 161 The comparative evidence points to *gwohidh-o-. See also: *gaditi *gajati v. (a?) ESSJa VI 84 E Ru. găjat’ (dial.) ‘yawn, talk, scream, curse’; ORu. gajati ‘caw, croak’ BSl. *ga?i- B Lith. giedoti ‘sing’; Latv. dziedât ‘sing’ PIE *gfw~>eHi- Cogn. Skt. găyati ‘sing’ *gasiti v. (blc) ‘extinguish’ ESSJa VI 104 CS OCS ugasiti, 1sg. ugasg E Ru. gasit’, 1sg. gasu, 3sg. găsit {1} W Cz. hasiti; Pl. gasic S SCr. găsiti, 1sg. gâslm; Cak. gâs'iti, 2sg. găsls; găsit (Orb.), 3sg. găsi; Sln. gasiti, 1sg. gasim; Bulg. gasjă B Lith. gesyti Cogn. Skt. jăsăyati ‘extinguish, exhaust’; Gk. apsvvu|ii ‘extinguish’ Causative formation with lengthened o-grade of the root *(s)gwes-. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). See also: *gâsnşti *gâsnşti v. (a) ‘be extinguished, go out’ ESSJa VI 104-105 E Ru. găsnut’ W Cz. hasnouti; Slk. hasnut; Pl. gasnqc S SCr. gasnuti; Sln. găsniti, 1sg. gâsnem; Bulg. găsna Perfective of ^ * gasiti. The acute tone of the root is productive in this formation. *gatati v. ESSJa VI 105 CS CS gatati ‘tell fortunes, guess’ W OPl. gatac ‘talk, chatter’ S SCr. gătati ‘tell fortunes, guess, await, talk’; Sln. gătati ‘guess, tell fortunes’, 1sg. gâtam (possibly of Serbo-Croatian origin); Bulg. gatam ‘tell fortunes, guess’ Cogn. Go. qipan ‘say, speak’ The etymological relationship with Go. qipan etc. is plausible, but the fact that there is a synonymous verb ^ *gădăti presents a problem. Unless we wish to assume that the latter verb, which may contain a root *ghod-, originates from a variant of *gwet-, we may consider the possibility that we are dealing with two etymologically distinct roots that became mixed up. 162 *gatt; *gath *gatb; *gatb m. o; f. i ESSJa VI 108-109 E Ru. gat’ f.(i) ‘road of brushwood, (dial.) weir’ W OCz. hat f.(i) ‘road of brushwood, road in a marshy area’; Slk. hat f.(i) ‘weir, fence from twigs’; Pl. gac f.(i) ‘road of brushwood, weir from brushwood or twigs’; OPl. gat m. ‘belt, girdle’; USrb. hat m. ‘pond, weir’ S SCr. gât m. ‘drain next to a weir (Vuk), weir’; Sln. gât m. ‘weir, drain’ Derivative with a t-suffix from *gweh2- ‘go’. PIE *gweh2-to-/-ti- Cogn. Skt. gătu- m. ‘way, course, progress’; LAv. gătu- m. ‘way, place’ *gaziti v. (a) ESSJa VI 113 CS RuCS izgaziti ‘ruin’ S SCr. gaziti ‘trample, wade’; Cak. gaziti (Vrg.) ‘trample, wade’; Sln. găziti ‘wade’, 1sg. gâzim; Bulg. găzja ‘wade, trample’ BSl. *ga?z- B Lith. gozti ‘overthrow, overturn, pour out’; Latv. gâzt ‘overthrow, overturn, pour (out)’ PIE *g(w)eHgh- Cogn. Skt. găhate (RV+) ‘penetrate, step into the water, wade’ The Baltic forms appear semantically distant, but cf. RuCS izgaziti. *glabati v. ESSJa VI 114 E Bel. hlabac ‘rake together, gather, rob’ W Pl. gtabac (dial.) ‘seize, rake together, appropriate’ S SCr. glabati ‘gnaw’; Bulg. glăbam ‘eat while picking out the best bits’ See ^ *globati. The Belorussian and Polish forms are apparently alterations of *grab-. *glabiti v. ESSJa VI 114 S Sln. glăbiti ‘snatch, grab, rob’ (cf. grăbiti ‘snatch, grab, rake’) See also: *glabati; *globati ^glâd'bk'b adj. o (a) ‘smooth, plain’ ESSJa VI 115-116 CS OCS gladbkb E Ru. glădkij W Cz. hladky; Slk. hladky; Pl. gtadki S SCr. gladak, f. glatka; Cak. gladak (Vrg.), f. glatka, n. glatko; gladak (Orb.), f. glatka, n. glatko; Sln. glăddk; Bulg. glădăk BSl. *gla?dus B Lith. glodus 4; Latv. gluoss PIE *ghleh2dh- *glevb; *glevh; *gleva 163 Cogn. Lat. glaber ‘smooth, hairless’; OHG glat ‘shining’ *glâz^ m. o ESSJa VI 117-118 E Ru. glaz ‘eye’ W Cz. hlaz (Kott) ‘eye’ (probably a borrowing from Russian); Pl. gtaz ‘rock, cobble-stone’ Etymology unclear. If we accept that here the *z arose from *s as a result of Zupitza’s law (cf. Shevelov 1964: 147-148), it is possible to establish a connection with OHG glas ‘glass, amber, MoE glare, etc. The correctness of the law is doubtful, however. *glezna; *glezno; *glezm f. â; n. o; m. o ‘ankle(-bone)’ ESSJa VI 118 CS OCS glezne (Hilf.) Ndu. f. ‘ankles’; CS glezna f. ‘ankle-bone, heel’ W Cz. hlezen m. ‘ankle’; hlezno n. ‘ankle’; Pl. glozna (obs., W. dial.) f. ‘elbow, ankle, shin’ S SCr. glezanj m.(jo) ‘ankle(-bone)’; glezan m. ‘ankle(-bone)’; Sln. glţzmj m.(jo) ‘ankle, wrist’; glţzsn m. ‘ankle, wrist’; glţzno n. ‘ankle, wrist’; Bulg. glezen m. ‘ankle-bone’; glezna f. ‘ankle-bone’ PIE *glegh-n- Cogn. OIc. klakkr m. ‘lump, blot’ Slavic *glezn- and Germanic forms such as OIc. klakkr, with a geminate arising from Kluge’s law, point to a reconstruction *glegh-n- for the Slavic form. *glenb; *glem f. i; m. o ESSJa VI 120-121 CS RuCS glenb m. ‘moisture, juice’ E Ru. glen’ f.(i) ‘moisture, juice’; ORu. glenb m. ‘moisture, juice’ W Cz. hlen m. ‘mucus, moisture, sediment’; Slk. hlien m. ‘slime, mud’; Pl. glon m. ‘alga’; glăn (dial.) m. ‘alga, mud, dung’; OPl. glan m. ‘sediment, dregs’ S Sln. glen m. ‘mucus, sediment, silt, clay, waterplant’; Bulg. glen (dial.) f.(i) ‘waterplant, duckweed’ PIE *glohii-n- Cf. ^ *glevb, *gllna. The root is *glohii-. See also: *glistt; *glîsta; *gliva; *glbjb *glevb; *glevb; *gleva f. i; m. o; f. â ‘slime’ ESSJa VI 121 E Ru. glev (dial.) m. ‘slime, mould, (sticky slime on) fish scales’; glev’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘slime on fish scales’; glevă (dial.) f. ‘slime on fish scales’; glevă (dial.) f. ‘slime on fish scales’ PIE *glohii-uo- Cogn. Gk. YXoioq m. ‘any glutinous substance’ For Baltic cognates meaning ‘slime’, see ^ *gllva. 164 *glşdati *glşdati v. (a) ‘look at’ ESSJa VI 122-123 CS OCS glţdati ‘look at, see’, 1sg. glţdajg E Ru. gljădat’ (dial.) ‘look at’ W Slk. hl'adat’ ‘look for, try’; OPl. glţdac ‘look at’ S SCr. gledati ‘look at, see’; Cak. gledati (Vrg.) ‘look at, see, watch, expect; gledat (Orb.) ‘look, see smth.’; Sln. glţdati ‘look at, see’, 1sg. glţdam; Bulg. gledam ‘look at’ BSl. *glen?d- B Latv. glemt2 ‘(scarcely) perceive’; nuoglenst ‘notice’ PIE *ghlend- Cogn. OIr. as-gleinn ‘investigate, examine’; MHG glinzen ‘shine’ LIV (200) reconstructs *ghlendh- because a proto-form with root-final *d would trigger Winter’s law, which is not in agreement with the circumflex of the Balto-Slavic forms. It is unclear to me, however, what exactly is the evidence for a Balto-Slavic circumflex. The mobile accentuation of Ru. gljadet’ (^ *glţdetî) is inconclusive, while there is ample evidence for *glţdati, with fixed stress on an originally acute syllable. To my knowledge, there is no Baltic evidence for an original circumflex, the Latvian forms being ambiguous. I therefore prefer the reconstruction *ghlend-, which has the additional advantage of corresponding with the Germanic forms. *glşdeti v. ‘look at’ ESSJa VI 123 E Ru. gljadet’ (dial.) ‘look at’, 1sg. gljazu, 3sg. gljadit W Cz. hledeti ‘look at’; OPl. glţdziec ‘look at’ See ^ *glţdati. *glina f. â (a) ‘clay’ ESSJa VI 125-126 E Ru. glina W Cz. hlina; Slk. hlina; Pl. glina; Slnc. glână S SCr. gnjila; Cak. gnila (Vrg.); Sln. glina; Bulg. glina BSl. *gle?ina? B Lith. gleine f.(e) 1 ‘moist clay’ PIE *glehii-n- Cogn. Gk. yXîa f. ‘loam’; Gk. yAivri f. ‘loam’ See also: *glenh; *glent; *glevb; *glevb; *gleva; *glistt; *glîsta; *glbjb *gllstb; *gllstâ m. o; f. â (b) ‘worm’ ESSJa VI 128-129 E Ru. glist m. ‘intestinal worm, Gsg. glistă; Bel. hlist m. ‘intestinal worm, Gsg. hlistă; Ukr. hlyst m. ‘intestinal worm, Gsg. hlystă W Cz. hlist m. ‘intestinal worm’; hlista f. ‘intestinal worm’; Slk. hlista f. ‘intestinal worm’; Pl. glista f. ‘intestinal worm, earth-worm’ *globati 165 S SCr. glista f.(â) ‘intestinal worm, earth-worm’; Cak. glîsta (Orb.) f.(â) ‘worm’; glîs (Orb.) f.(i) ‘worm, glîsti f.(i); Sln. glista f. ‘intestinal worm, earth-worm’; Bulg. glist m. ‘intestinal worm, earth-worm’ B Lith. glaîstas m. 2/4 ‘layer of clay, plaster’ Though masculine o-stems belonging to AP (b) in principle continue old neuters, I am uncertain if this holds for original oxytona, i.e. words that were already oxytone before Dybo’s law. Here the reconstruction of an old oxytonon may account for the unexpected absence of a laryngeal in the root, which can now be attributed to the Early Slavic loss of laryngeals in pretonic position. In view of Hirt’s law, which would have generated root stress, a reconstruction with a zero grade (*glhiit-to) is preferable. The semantically different Lith. glaîstas probably continues an old neuter, in which case metatonie douce is plausible. See also: *glenb; *glent; *glevt; *glevb; *gleva; *glina; *glbjb *gliva f. â (a) ‘fungus’ ESSJa VI 129-130 E Ru. gliva (dial.) ‘bergamot (kind of pear)’; Ukr. hliva ‘bergamot (kind of pear), tree-fungus’ W Cz. hliva ‘kind of mushroom, tumour’; Slk. hliva ‘kind of mushroom, tumour’; Pl. gliwa (dial.) ‘kind of mushroom’ S SCr. gljiva ‘tree-fungus’; gljiva ‘gland, tonsil’; Sln. gliva ‘mushroom, tree- fungus’; Bulg. gliva (dial.) ‘small edible mushroom’ BSl. *gle?iwa? B Lith. gleives Npl. f. 1 ‘slime’; gleivos (dial.) Npl. f. ‘slime’; Latv. glîve f. ‘green slime on water, mire’ See also: *glenb; *glent; *glevt; *glevb; *gleva; *glina; *glistb; *glîsta; *glbjb *globa f. â ESSJa VI 131-133 E Ru. globă (Psk.) ‘cross-beam, pole’; globa (dial.) ‘path’; Ukr. hlobă ‘curved tree, iron wedge, trouble, worry, burden’; hloba (dial.) ‘fine, misfortune’ W OPl. globa ‘malice, anger’; LSrb. globa ‘value’ S SCr. globa ‘fine’; Sln. globa ‘fine’; Bulg. globa ‘fine’ The etymology of *glob- is unclear and so is the issue if we must distinguish more than one root. See also: *globiti *globati v. ESSJa VI 133-134 S SCr. globati ‘gnaw’; Sln. glgbati ‘excavate, gnaw, 1sg. glgbam, 1sg. glgbljem The root *glob- has been connected with Gk. yXafupoq ‘hollow, hollowed, yXdfw (Hes.) ‘scrape up, dig up, hollow, but this etymology seems doubtful to me. Note that for the meaning ‘excavate’ we must reckon with influence of globdk ‘deep, cf. globiti ‘excavate’, globsti ‘excavate, carve’. 166 *globiti See also: *glabati; *glabiti *globiti v. ESSJa VI 134 E Ru. globit’sja (dial.) ‘be greedy, (?) worry’; Ukr. hlobyty ‘strengthen a shaft in a mill with wedges, caulk, insult’ W Cz. hlobiti (Jg., Kott) ‘strengthen, wedge’; hlobit (dial.) ‘beat, eat, ask’; Slk. hlobit ‘beat, knock down’; hlobic (dial.) ‘wedge’; Pl. globic (arch.) ‘squeeze, oppress’; globic (dial.) ‘wedge, hoop’; OPl. globic ‘beg of, ask persistently’; globic siţ ‘be concerned for’; LSrb. globis (arch.) ‘give, offer’ S SCr. globiti ‘impose a fine’; Cak. globiti (Vrg.) ‘impose a fine’; Sln. globiti ‘impose a fine, pillage’, 1sg. globim; Bulg. globjă ‘impose a fine’ See also: *globa *gldgb m. o (b) ‘hawthorn’ ESSJa VI 136-137 E Ru. glog ‘cornel’; Ukr. hlih ‘hawthorn, Gsg. hlohu W Cz. hloh ‘hawthorn’; Slk. hloh ‘hawthorn’; Pl. glog ‘hawthorn, Gsg. glogu S SCr. glog ‘hawthorn’; Sln. glog ‘hawthorn, Gsg. gloga; Bulg. glog ‘hawthorn’ PIE *glogh- Cogn. Gk. yXwxsţ Npl. f. ‘beard of corn’ For the Greek form, which is cognate with yXwCTCTa ‘tongue, language, cf. Beekes 1969: 246. *glota f. â ESSJa VI 138-139 E ORu. glota ‘crowd’; Ukr. hlotă ‘narrowness, throng’; hlota ‘narrowness, throng, family’ S SCr. glota ‘the poor, family, crowd, weed (in corn), dust, litter’; Sln. glgta ‘weed, darnel, Brachypodium, riff-raff’; glota (arch.) ‘crowd, Brachypodium (the latter form occurs in the Slovar slovenskega knjiznega jezika); Bulg. glota ‘dust, litter’; glota (dial.) ‘flock, crowd’ Etymology unclear. It seems completely unlikely that *glota derives from *gel- ‘swell’ and has anything to to with Go. kilpei ‘womb’ (pace Pokorny IEW: 358) ^glşbokb adj. o ‘deep’ ESSJa VI 141-142 CS OCS glgbokb E Ru. glubokij; glubok, f. glubokă, n. gluboko W Cz. hluboky; Slk. hlboky; Pl. glţboki S Sln. globok It is often assumed that the root of this adjective is connected with *gleubh-, cf. Gk. yXuşw ‘cut out, engrave, but the presence of *g < *oN (not *uN) can hardly be accounted for. Note that Slk. hlboky seems to derive from glbbokb. *glupt 167 *glux^ adj. o (c) ‘deaf’ CS OCS gluxi ‘deaf’ E Ru. gluxoj ‘deaf’ W Cz. hluchy ‘deaf, (dial.) empty’; Slk. hluchy ‘deaf, empty, barren’; Pl. gluchy ‘deaf’ S SCr. gluh ‘deaf’, f. gluha; Cak. gluh (Vrg.) ‘deaf’, f. gluha, n. gluho; gljuh (Orb.) ‘deaf’, f. gljuha, f. gljuha; Sln. gluh ‘deaf, muted, quiet, empty’; Bulg. glux ‘deaf’ BSl. *gl(o)uşos B Lith. glusas ‘dumb’ The Slavic and Baltic forms do not agree as far as the ablaut grade of the root is concerned. In Slavic, we find zero grade in ^ *glixngti. *glumiti v. ESSJa VI 148-149 CS OCS glumiti sţ (Ril., Supr.) ‘be distracted, talk idly, 1sg. glumljg sţ; RuCS glumiti ‘amuse’ E Ru. glumit’sja ‘mock, desecrate’; ORu. glumiti ‘amuse’ W Pl. glumic (dial.) ‘spoil, mock’ S SCr. glumiti ‘play (on stage)’; Sln. glumiti se ‘joke’, 1sg. glumim se Cogn. OIc. gleyma ‘forget, make a merry noise’ Derivative of ^ * glumi, *gluma. *glum^; *gluma m. o; f. â ESSJa VI 147-148 CS OCS glumi (Ril., Supr.) m. ‘idle talk, mockery’; RuCS glumi m. ‘noise, amusement’ E Ru. glum (dial.) m. ‘stupidity, mockery, joke, noise’; ORu. glumi m. ‘noise, amusement’; Ukr. hlum m. ‘mockery’ W OCz. hluma f. ‘actor, comedian’; Pl. glum f. ‘mockery, torture, misfortune’ S SCr. gluma f. ‘joke, gaiety’ Sln. gluma f. ‘joke, foolishness’; Bulg. gluma f. ‘joke’ PIE *ghlou-m- Cogn. OIc. glaumr m. ‘jubilation’, OE gleam m. ‘jubilation, joy’ See also: *glumiti *glup^ adj. o ‘foolish, stupid’ ESSJa VI 151-152 CS CS glupi E Ru. glupyj; glup, f. glupă, n. glupo {1} W Cz. hloupy; Slk. hlupy; Pl. glupi; OPl. glupy; Slnc. glupi S SCr. glup; Cak. glup (Orb.); Sln. glup The connection with OIc. glopr m. ‘fool’ is uncertain. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). 168 *gl^xnţti *gl^xnşti v. ‘become deaf’ ESSJa VI 145 E Ru. gloxnut’ (Dal’) ‘become deaf, (sounds) subside’; ORu. glixnuti ‘become deaf’ W OCz. hlechnuti ‘become deaf’ S Bulg. glăxna ‘fall silent’ Verb in -ngti containing the zero grade of ^ *gluxi. A variant with full grade also exists, e.g. Slk. hluchnut, Pl. gluchnqc ‘become deaf, (sounds) subside’. *gl^tati v. ‘swallow, devour’ ESSJa VI 157-158 E Ru. glotăt’‘swallow, 1sg. glotăju; ORu. glitati ‘swallow’ W Cz. hltati ‘swallow, devour’; Slk. hltat ‘swallow, devour’; Pl. glutac (dial.) ‘drink noisily’ S SCr. gutati ‘devour, 1sg. gutăm; Sln. goltăti ‘swallow, devour, belch, 1sg. goltâm; Bulg. găltam ‘swallow, devour’ PIE *glut- Cogn. Lat. gluttio, glutio ‘devour’ *glbjb m. jo ‘clay, loam’ ESSJa VI 162 E Ru. glej (dial.) ‘clay, loam’; Ukr. hlej ‘moist clay’ W Cz. glej (dial.) ‘clay, resin’; Slk. glej ‘clay’; Pl. glej ‘loam’ S SCr. glej ‘kind of clay’ To be analyzed as *glhii-o-, cf. MLG klei ‘clay’ < *klaija- (see also ^ * glenb, *glina). *gnesti v. (c) ‘knead, press’ ESSJa VI 165-166 CS OCS gnesti ‘oppress, press, constrict, 1sg. gnetg E Ru. gnesti ‘oppress, weigh down, 1sg. gnetu, 3sg. gnetet W Cz. hnisti ‘press, knead, constrict, 1sg. gnetu; Slk. hniest ‘press, knead’; Pl. gniesc ‘press, squeeze, 1sg. gniotţ S SCr. gnjesti ‘knead, beat, 1sg. gnjetem; Sln. gnesti ‘knead, press, 1sg. gnetem; Bulg. gnetă ‘press, oppress’ PIE *gnet- Cogn. OIc. knoSa ‘knead’; OHG knetan ‘knead’; OE cnedan ‘knead’ *gnevb m. o (a) ‘anger, wrath’ ESSJa VI 169-170 CS OCS gnevi E Ru. gnev, Gsg. gneva {1} W Cz. hnev; Slk. hnev; Pl. gniew; USrb. gnew S SCr. gnjev; Sln. gnev, Gsg. gneva; Bulg. gnjav {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 137). Prabably a derivative of ^ *gniti. The root has o-grade. 169 *gnezdo n. o (b) ‘nest’ ESSJa VI 171-173 CS OCS gnezdo E Ru. gnezdo, Npl. gnezda; Ukr. hnizdo, Npl. hnizda W Cz. hnizdo; OCz. hniezdo; Slk. hniezdo; Pl. gniazdo; gniăzdo (dial.); Slnc. gnauzde S SCr. gnijezdo, Npl. gnijezda; Cak. gnîzdo (Vrg.), Npl. gnîzdă; gnjîzld (Orb.), Npl. gnjîzla; Kajk. gnîezde (Bednja), Npl. gnjiezdo; Sln. gnezdo; Bulg. gnezdo BSl. *nizdo B Lith. lizdas m. 4; Latv. ligzds m. PIE *ni-sd-om Cogn. Skt. nîdă- m./n. ‘resting-place abode, abode, (esp.) nest’; Lat. nîdus m. ‘nest’; OE nest n. ‘nest’ The Slavic and Baltic forms show different alterations of the anlaut. For Slavic, various words beginning with *gn- have been designated as a model, e.g. ^ *gnojb ‘manure’. None of these suggestions carries immediate conviction. *gnida f. â (a) ‘nit’ ESSJa VI 173-174 E Ru. gnida W Cz. hnida; Slk. hnida; Pl. gnida S SCr. gnjida; Cak. gnida (Vrg.); Sln. gnida; Bulg. gnida BSl. *gni?da? B Lith. glinda; Latv. gnîda PIE *k/g/Hnid- Cogn. Gk. Kovîq f.; OE hnitu f.; OHG (h)niz f.; Arm. anic ‘louse’ The PIE form of the word for ‘nit’ cannot easily be reconstructed, as we seem to be dealing with distortion of the anlaut for taboo reasons. *gnil^ adj. o ‘rotten’ ESSJa VI 175-176 E Ru. gniloj ‘rotten, damp’; gnil ‘rotten, f. gnilă, n. gnilo W Cz. hnily; Slk. hnily; Pl. gnily (obs.) S SCr. gnio; Cak. gni(l) (Vrg.); gnjîl (Orb.); Sln. gnil, f. gnila; Bulg. gnil See ^ *gniti. If the original accent paradigm was (c), the full grade *ghneiH-lo- is preferable because this shape of the root would not have triggered Hirt’s law. *gniti v. (a) ‘rot’ ESSJa VI 176-177 CS OCS gnijgstii (Euch.) Dsg. f. ptc. pres. act. ‘suppurating’ E Ru. gnit’, 1sg. gniju, 3sg. gniet W Cz. hniti; Slk. hnit; Pl. gnic S SCr. gnjiti, 1sg. gnjijem; Cak. gnijati (Vrg.), 2sg. gnijâs; gnit (Vrg.), 3sg. gnijen; Cak. gnjît (Orb.), 3sg. gnjije; Sln. gniti, 1sg. gnijem; Bulg. gnija 170 *gn6jh PIE *ghn(e)iH- Cogn. OHG gnltan ‘grind’; OE gnidan ‘grind’ See also: *gnilt; *gnojh *gnojb m. jo (c) ‘pus, manure’ ESSJa VI 175-176 CS OCS gnoi ‘manure, mould, ulcer, suppurating wound’ E Ru. gnoj ‘pus’, Gsg. gnoja W Cz. hnuj ‘manure’, Gsg. hnoje; Slk. hnoj ‘manure’; Pl. gnoj ‘manure’, Gsg. gnoju S SCr. gnoj ‘pus, manure’, Gsg. gnoja; Cak. gnoj (Vrg.) ‘pus, manure’ Gsg. gnoja; gnuoj (Orb.) ‘dung, Gsg. gnoja; Sln. gnoj ‘pus, manure’, Gsg. gnojâ; Bulg. gnoj ‘pus’ PIE *ghnoiH- See also: *gnilt; *gniti *gnşsbm adj. o ESSJa VI 184-185 CS OCS gngsbni (Supr.) ‘vile, repulsive’ See also: *gnşsati; *gnusiti; *gnusbnt; *gnusati; *gnhsh *gnşsati v. ESSJa VI 182 CS OCS gngsati sţ (Supr.) ‘be filled with aversion, abhor, 1sg. gngsg {1} {1} The form gngsaase sţ 3sg. impf. ‘were filled with aversion’ could also belong to a verb gngsiti sţ. See also: *gnşsbnt; *gnusiti; *gnusbnt; *gnusati; *gnhsh *gnusiti v. ESSJa VI 182 E Ru. gnusit’ (dial.) ‘abhor’ W Cz. hnusiti ‘oppress, fill with disgust’; Slk. hnusit ‘make dirty, repulsive’; Pl. gnusic siţ (dial.) ‘dawdle, loiter’; OPl. gnusic ‘be slow’ S SCr. gnusiti ‘make dirty, repulsive’; Sln. gnusiti ‘make repulsive, defile, loathe’, 1sg. gnusim; Bulg. gnusjă se ‘loathe’ See also: *gnşsbnt; *gnşsati; *gnusbnt; *gnusati; *gnhsh ^gnus'b m. o (c) ESSJa VI 183-184 E Ru. gnus ‘vermin’ W Cz. hnus ‘aversion, filth’; OCz. hnus ‘pus, manure, filth’; Slk. hnus ‘aversion’; OPl. gnus ‘weak, slow person’ S SCr. gnus ‘filth’; Cak. gnjus (Orb.) ‘dirty fellow, swindler’; Sln. gnus ‘aversion, disgust, abomination, stain, vermin’ *gobino 171 Etymology unclear. The comparison with OIc. gnua ‘rub’ and Gk. xvduw ‘nibble’ seems chiefly based on the formal resemblance. There are Old Church Slavic forms that seem to have secondary nasalization. See also ^ *gnbsi. *gnusbm adj. o ‘vile, repulsive’ ESSJa VI 184-185 CS OCS gnusbni (Supr.) ‘vile, repulsive’ E Ru. gnusnyj ‘vile’ W Cz. hnusny ‘vile, repulsive’; Slk. hnusny ‘vile, repulsive’; Pl. gnusny ‘slow, inert’ S SCr. gnusan ‘loathsome, filthy’; gnusan ‘loathsome, filthy’; Cak. gnjusan (Orb.) ‘filthy, squalid, f. gnjusna, f. gnjusna, n. gnjusno; Sln. gnusan ‘disgusting’; Bulg. gnusan ‘disgusting, repulsive’ See also: *gnşsbnt; *gnşsati; *gnusiti; *gnusati; *gnbsb *gnusati v. ESSJa VI 182 CS OCS gnusati sţ (Supr.) ‘be filled with aversion, abhor, 1sg. gnusg See also: *gnşsbnt; *gnşsati; *gnusiti; *gnusbnt; *gnbsb *gnbsb f. i ESSJa VI 183-184 CS OCS gnesb (Euch.) Asg. f.(i) ‘dirt, pus’; RuCS gnbsb f.(i) ‘vileness, crime’; gnesb f.(i) ‘vileness, crime’ E ORu. gnbsb f.(i) ‘vileness, crime’; gnesb f.(i) ‘vileness, crime’ B Lith. gniusas m. ‘parasite’ The ESSJa holds that the forms mentioned above reflect a late variant *gnusi rather an original e-grade *gneus. In neither case would I expect a development *u > *b. In order to get the desired reflex we must posit a comparatively early form *gnjus-. Here the *j could have been adopted from *gnjous- < *gneus-, but there is no evidence for variants with an e-grade. Lith. gniusas is probably a borrowing from Belorussian (thus Skardzius 1931: 76), though one may call it suspect that this is precisely the language that has forms containing a sequence hnju, e.g. hnjus ‘bastard, miser’. See also: *gnşsbnt; *gnşsati; *gnusiti; *gnusbnt; *gnusati *gobino n. o ‘abundance’ ESSJa VI 185 CS OCS gobine (Supr.) Lsg. ‘abundance’; RuCS gobino ‘abundance’ E ORu. gobino ‘abundance’ S SCr. gobino ‘spelt’ This word is generally considered a borrowing from Germanic, cf. Go. gabei f. ‘wealth, gabeigs ‘wealthy’. See also: *gobbzt 172 *gobbzi *gobbZ'b adj. o ‘abundant’ ESSJa VI 186 CS RuCS gobbzb ‘abundant, productive’; gobbzyi ‘abundant, wealthy’ {1} E ORu. gobbzb ‘abundant, productive’; gobbzyi ‘abundant, wealthy’ See — *gobbzi. {1} Cf. OCS gobedzie (Euch.) Asg. n. ‘abundance’, gobbzjţstie (Ps. Sin.) Nsg. f. ptc. pres. act. ‘fruitful’. *godina f. â ESSJa VI 187-188 CS OCS godina ‘time, suitable time, hour’ E Ru. godina ‘time, period, (arch.) year’ W Cz. hodina ‘hour’; Slk. hodina ‘hour’; Pl. godzina ‘hour’ S SCr. godina ‘year, (Dubr.) weather, (Cr.) rain’; Cak. godina (Vrg.) ‘year’; godina (Novi) ‘year’; Sln. ggdina ‘year, name-day, rain’; Bulg. godina ‘year, age’ Derivative of — *godi. *goditi v. (c) ‘please’ ESSJa VI 188-190 CS OCS godţ (Supr.) Nsg. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘pleasing’; CS goditi ‘please, satisfy’ E Ru. godit’ ‘wait, loiter, 1sg. gozu, 3sg. godit; godit’sja ‘be suited’, 1sg. gozus’, 3sg. goditsja W Cz. hoditi ‘throw’; hoditi se ‘throw at one another, suit, agree’; Pl. godzic ‘reconcile, unite, heal’; godzic siţ ‘agree, succeed’ S SCr. goditi ‘please’, 1sg. godlm; Cak. godit (Orb.) ‘please’; Sln. goditi ‘rear, please’, godim; goditi se ‘succeed, take place’ BSl. *gad- B Latv. gadîties ‘happen’ PIE *ghodh- See - *god^ m. o ‘right time’ ESSJa VI 191-192 CS OCS godi ‘time, suitable time, holiday, year’ E Ru. god ‘year, Gsg. goda W Cz. hod ‘religious holiday’; hody Npl. ‘feast’; Pl. gody Npl. ‘feast’ S SCr. god ‘important holiday, year, right time’; Cak. god (Vrg.) ‘name day, memorial day, anniversary’; guot (Orb.) ‘holiday, special event (?)’; Sln. god ‘right time, moment, maturity, Gsg. goda, Gsg. godu BSl. *godos; *godos B Lith. guodas ‘honour, worship, hospitality’; Latv. guods ‘honour, banquet, wedding’ PIE *ghodh-o- Cogn. Go. gops ‘good’; OHG guot ‘good’ (with *o) *gold'b 173 See also: *godina; *goditi; *godbnt; *negodovati *godbm adj. o ‘suitable’ ESSJa VI 191-192 CS CS godbni ‘convenient, suitable, timely E Ru. godnyj ‘suitable, valid’; goden ‘suitable, valid’, f. godnă, n. godno W Cz. hodny ‘suitable, worthy, quiet, obedient (child)’; Slk. hodny ‘big enough, good, suitable, worthy, quiet, obedient (child)’; Pl. godny ‘worthy, suitable, (arch.) big’ S SCr. godan ‘suitable, able’; Sln. godan ‘ripe, early’; Bulg. goden ‘suitable, able’ See also: *godina; *goditi; *godt; *negodovati *gojiti v. ‘treat, heal’ ESSJa VI 195-197 E Ru. goit’ (dial.) ‘clean thoroughly, take care of, feed well, heal’; goit’sja (Smol.) ‘heal’; ORu. goiti ‘give live to, animate’; Ukr. hojity ‘heal’ W Cz. hojiti ‘treat, heal’; OCz. hojiti se ‘breed’; Pl. goic ‘treat, heal’; Slnc. guejîc ‘treat, heal’; USrb. hojic ‘heal’; LSrb. gojs ‘heal’ S SCr. gojiti ‘fatten, foster, raise’, 1sg. gojlm; Cak. gojiti (Vrg.) ‘fatten, foster, raise’, 1sg. gojîm; Sln. gojiti ‘foster, feed’, 1sg. gojim; Bulg. gojă ‘fatten’ PIE *gwh3oi-eie- (gwoih3-eie-?) Apparently, we are dealing with a causative of the PIE root for ‘live’, which in this framework is reconstructed as *gweh3i-. A root *gwoh3i- would not yield the attested forms, however. The causative may have been based on the metathesized root *gwih3-, in which case we must reconstruct *gwoih3-eie-. Another possibility is *gwh3oi-eie-See also: *gojb; *ziti; *zito; *zivica ; *zivott; *zivb *gojb m. jo (c) ESSJa VI 197 E ORu. goi ‘peace, friendship’ W Cz. hoj (obs.) ‘(1599) medicine, (Kott) abundance, wealth’; OCz. hoj ‘abundance’; Slk. hoj (poet.) ‘abundance’ S SCr. goj ‘peace’, Gsg. goja; Sln. goj m.(jo) ‘care, cultivation, Gsg. goja; ggja f.(jâ) ‘care, cultivation’ BSl. *goj-o- B Lith. gajus 4 ‘vigorous’ PIE *gwh3oi-o-? Cogn. Skt. găya- m. ‘house, household, family, property’ See also: *gojiti; *ziti; *zito; *zivica; *zivotb; *zivt *gold^ m. o (c) ‘hunger’ ESSJa VI 199-200 CS OCS gladi E Ru. golod W Cz. hlad; Slk. hlad; Pl. glod, Gsg. glodu; USrb. hlod, Gsg. hlodu, Gsg. hloda 174 *golemi S SCr. glâd f.(i) ‘hunger, craving’; glâd (NW dial.) ‘hunger, craving’; Cak. glâd (Vrg.) ‘hunger, craving’, Gsg. glâda; glâd (Novi) ‘hunger, craving’; glât (Orb.), Gsg. glâda; Sln. glâd, Gsg. glâda, Gsg. gladu; Bulg. glad Cogn. Skt. grdhya ti ‘be greedy’ A masculine o-stem *gwoldh-o- from the verbal root attested in — *zbldeti. *golem^ adj. o ‘big’ ESSJa VI 202-204 CS CS golemo adv. ‘much’; RuCS golemyi ‘big, high’ E Ru. goljămyj ‘tall and thin’; ORu. golemyi ‘big, high’ W OCz. holemy ‘big’; Pl. golemy ‘huge’ S SCr. golem ‘big, huge’; Bulg. goljăm ‘big, strong’; Mcd. golem ‘big’ The root of this adjective may be identified with the root of Lith. galeti ‘be able’ and W gallu ‘id.’, which is best reconstructed as *gal(H), with a “European” a. *golenb f. i ‘shin’ ESSJa VI 201-202 CS OCS golenb ‘shin’ E Ru. golen’ ‘shin’ W Cz. holen ‘shin’; OCz. holen ‘shin’; Slk. holen ‘shin (of animals), leg (of a boot)’; Pl. golen ‘shin’ S SCr. golijen ‘shin’; Sln. golen ‘shin’ See — *goli. *golgolati v. ‘speak’ ESSJa VI 204 CS OCS glagolati ‘speak, 1sg. glagoljg W Cz. hlaholati (Kott) ‘make a noise, talk’ (Modern Standard Czech hlaholiti) S SCr. glagolati ‘speak, tell’ Denominative verb. See — *golgol^ m. o ‘speech, word’ ESSJa VI 205 CS OCS glagoli ‘word, speech, event’ W Cz. hlahol ‘noise, singing, (arch.) speech’ S SCr. glăgolj (arch.) m.(jo) ‘speech’; glagolj (arch.) m.(jo) ‘speech’; Sln. glăgol ‘verb’ Cogn. W galw ‘call’ Noun with intensive reduplication of the root *gol- < *gal- (— *golsi). *golota f. â ‘nakedness’ ESSJa VI 213-214 E Ru. golotă (dial.) ‘the poor’ W Cz. holota ‘the poor, nakedness’; Slk. holota ‘emptiness, poverty, nakedness’; Pl. golota (obs.) ‘nakedness’ *g6lţbb 175 S SCr. goldta ‘nakedness’; Sln. golota ‘nakedness’; Bulg. golotă ‘nakedness’ PIE *golH- Abstract noun in *-ota. See — *goli. *golotb f. i ‘thin layer of ice’ ESSJa VI 214-215 CS MBulg. golotb ‘ice, ice-crystal(s), hail’; CroatCS golotb ‘id.’; RuCS golotb ‘ice’; golitb ‘ice’ E Ru. golot’‘thin layer of ice on frozen earth’; ORu. golitb ‘ice’; golotb ‘ice’ W Cz. holot’, holot (Jg.) ‘ice-covered ground’; holet’ (dial.) ‘hoar-frost, ice- covered ground, Gsg. holti; OCz. holet ‘hoar-frost, Gsg. holti S Sln. golot m.(o) ‘crystal’ B Latv. gale f.(e) ‘thin crust of ice, remnants of ice on the road after the snow has gone’ The ESSJa adheres to the view that *golotb is cognate with — *goli ‘naked’ (cf. Berneker SEW I: 322). Seemingly more straightforward from a semantic point of view is the link with forms such as Lat. gelu ‘ice, which derives from *gel- or *gel-‘freeze’. On the other hand, it is a fact that there are compounds referring to ‘ice’ that contain the adjective *goli, e.g. Ru. gololedica, Pl. golomroz. Furthermore, the etymology that starts from the root ‘freeze’ would give rise to the question of the relationship between the initial velars of *golotb and — *xoldi. *golşb^ adj. o ‘blue’ ESSJa VI 217 E Ru. goluboj ‘pale blue’ W OPl. golţby ‘greyish, ashy, blue-grey, dove-coloured (of horses)’ S SCr. golubijl ‘dove-(coloured), blue-grey’; Sln. golgbji ‘dove-’ B Lith. gelumbe f.(e) ‘blue cloth’ OPr. golimban ‘blue’ Colour adjective deriving from the word for ‘dove’ (— *golgbb). ^golşbb m. i (c) ‘pigeon, dove’ ESSJa VI 215-217 CS OCS golgbb m.(i) ‘pigeon, dove’ E Ru. golub’ m.(jo) ‘pigeon, dove’ W Cz. holub m.(o) ‘pigeon, dove’ Slk. holub m.(o) ‘pigeon, dove’ Pl. golqb m.(jo) ‘pigeon, dove, Gsg. golţbia S SCr. golub m.(o) ‘pigeon, dove’; Cak. golub (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘pigeon, dove’; golub (Novi) m.(o) ‘pigeon, dove’; golop (Orb.) m.(o) ‘pigeon’; Sln. golgb m.(o) ‘(male) pigeon, dove’ The suffix *-(V)mbh- is frequent in bird-names, but the origin of the root is unclear. The well-nigh inescapable connection with Lat. columba is impossible within an Indo-European frame-work. 176 *golsi See also: *golşbt *gols^ m. o (c) ‘voice’ ESSJa VI 219-220 CS OCS glasi ‘voice’ E Ru. golos ‘voice’ W Cz. hlas ‘voice’; Slk. hlas ‘voice’; Pl. glos ‘voice’; USrb. hlos ‘voice’, Gsg. hlosa S SCr. glâs ‘voice, Gsg. glâsa; Cak. glâs (Vrg.) ‘voice, Gsg. glâsa; glâs (Novi, Orb.) ‘voice’, Gsg. glâsa; Sln. glâs ‘voice, news, knowledge’, Gsg. glâsa, Gsg. glasu; Bulg. glas ‘voice’ BSl. *golsos B Lith. galsas (Mik.) ‘sound, echo’ The root is probably best reconstructed with “European” *a. PSl. *golsi may reflect *gal-so-. Cogn. Lat. gallus m. ‘cock’; OIc. kalls n. ‘demand’; W galw ‘call’ See also: *golgolati; *golgolt *golva f. â (c) ‘head’ ESSJa VI 221-222 CS OCS glava ‘head, chapter’ E Ru. golovă, Asg. golovu W Cz. hlava; Pl. glowa; USrb. hlowa S SCr. glăva, Asg. glâvu; Cak. glăva (Vrg.), Asg. glâvu; glăva (Orb.) ‘head (also head of cattle, head of cabbage), Asg. glâvo; Sln. glăva; Bulg. glavă BSl. *gol?wă? B Lith. galva 3; Latv. gaîva OPr. gallu (Ench.); galwo (EV) PIE *golH-u-eh2 Cogn. Lat. calva f. ‘skull’ I consider it plausible that *golva is cognate with — *goli ‘bald, where the *g- seems to have replaced *k-. *gol^ adj. o (b) ‘naked’ ESSJa VII 14-15 CS OCS goli (Supr.) E Ru. golyj; gol, f. golă, n. golo {1} W Cz. holy; Slk. holy; Pl. goly S SCr. go(l), f. gola; Cak. go (Vrg.), f. gola, n. golo; guol (Orb.), f. gola, n. golo; Sln. gol, f. gola; Bulg. gol PIE *golH-o- Cogn. OHG kalo ‘bald, Gsg. kal(a)wes; OE calu ‘bald, Gsg. calwes In spite of the incompatibility of the initial consonants (*g : *k), it is tempting to connect the (Balto-)Slavic and the Germanic forms with Lat. calvus ‘bald’ and Skt. kulva- ‘bald, thin-haired’. 177 {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: *golenb; *golota; *golotb; *golva *gomola; *gomola; *gomula f. â; f. jâ; f. â ‘lump’ ESSJa VII 18-19 CS RuCS gomola; gomula E ORu. gomola; gomula W Cz. homole ‘cone’; Pl. gomola S SCr. gomolja ‘pile (of cheese)’; Sln. gomola ‘barren ground, waste ground, fat clay’; gomolja ‘lump’ BSl. *gomolos; *gomulos B Lith. gămalas m. ‘lump, chunk’; gămulas m. ‘lump, chunk’ Etymology unclear. See also: *zşti *goneti v. ‘suffice’ ESSJa VII 22 CS OCS goneti ‘suffice’, 1sg. gonejg; RuCS goneti ‘suffice’ BSl. *gon-e?- B Lith. ganeti ‘suffice’ PIE *gwhon- Cogn. Gk. suOsvfq adj. ‘in abundance’ *goniti v. (b) ‘chase, persecute’ ESSJa VII 23 CS OCS goniti ‘chase, persecute’, 1sg. gonjg E Ru. gonit’ (dial.) ‘persecute’; ORu. goniti ‘chase, hunt, persecute’ {1} W Cz. honiti ‘chase, hunt, persecute’; Slk. honit ‘chase, hunt, persecute’; Pl. gonic ‘chase, hunt, persecute’ S SCr. goniti ‘chase, persecute’, 1sg. gonlm; Cak. goniti (Vrg.) ‘chase, persecute, 2sg. gonis; gonit (Orb.) ‘drive, chase, 1sg. gonin; Sln. goniti ‘drive repeatedly, 1sg. ggnim; Bulg. gonja ‘chase, hunt, persecute’ BSl. *gon-ei/i- B Lith. ganyti ‘graze, pasture’ PIE *gwhon- Cogn. Skt. hănti ‘strike, slay’; Gk. Oeîvw ‘kill’ {1} AP (b) according to Zaliznjak (1985: 137). See also: *g^nati *gorâ f. â (c) ‘mountain’ ESSJa VII 29-31 CS OCS gora ‘mountain’ E Ru. goră ‘mountain, Asg. goru W Cz. hora ‘mountain’; hura (dial.) ‘mountain’; Slk. hora ‘(wooded) mountain’; Pl. gora ‘mountain’; USrb. hora ‘mountain’ 178 *gordjb; *gordja S SCr. gora ‘mountain, (dial.) wood’, Asg. goru; Cak. gora (Vrg.) ‘mountain, Asg. goru; gora (Novi) ‘mountain, Asg. goru; gora (Orb.) ‘mountain, Asg. goro, Asg. goro; Sln. gora ‘mountain, woods (on a mountain)’; Bulg. goră ‘woods’ BSl. *gor-/*gir- B Lith. giria f.(jâ) ‘woods’ Cogn. Skt. giri- m. ‘mountain, hill’ Derivative with o-grade of the root *gwrH-. *gordjb; *gordja m. jo; f. jâ (b) ‘fence’ ESSJa VII 36-37 CS OCS grazdi (Supr.) Asg. m.(jo) ‘stable’ E Ru. goroza f.(jâ) ‘fence, palisade’ W Cz. hrăz f.(jâ) ‘dike, dam’; OCz. hrăze f.(jâ) ‘pise wall, garden fence, dam’; Slk. hrădza f.(jâ) ‘dam, weir, embankment, ditch’; Pl. grodza f. ‘pise wall, enclosure’ S SCr. grâăa f.(jâ) ‘building material, (dial.) fence’; Cak. grăja (Orb.) f.(jâ) ‘thornbush (at the roadside), thorny branches (used by way of fence)’; Sln. grăja f.(jâ) ‘fence, weir, building’ Cogn. Skt. grhă- m. ‘house, residence’; Go. gards m. ‘house’ A derivative of — *gordi. *gord^ m. o (c) ‘fortification, town’ ESSJa VII 37-38 CS OCS gradi ‘wall, town, city, garden’ E Ru. gorod ‘town, city, Gsg. goroda; Bel. horad ‘town, city, Gsg. horada; Ukr. horod ‘town, city, Gsg. horoda W Cz. hrad ‘fortress, castle’; Slk. hrad ‘castle’; Pl. grod ‘fortress, castle, (arch.) city, Gsg. grodu; USrb. hrod ‘castle, Gsg. hrodu, Gsg. hroda S SCr. grâd ‘city, fortress, castle, Gsg. grâda; Cak. grâd (Vrg.) ‘city’, Gsg. grâda; Sln. grâd ‘city, fortress, castle, Gsg. grâda, Gsg. gradu; Bulg. grad ‘city, fortress’ BSl. *gordos B Lith. gardas ‘fence, enclosure, stall’ PIE *ghordh-o- Cogn. Skt. grhă- m. ‘house, residence’; Go. gards m. ‘house’ See also: *gordjb; *gordja *goreti v. ‘burn’ ESSJa VII 42-43 CS OCS goreti, 1sg. gorjg, 2sg. gorisi E Ru. goret’, 1sg. gorju, 3sg. gorit W Cz. horeti; Slk. horiet; Pl. gorzec *gorni; *gorno 179 S SCr. gorjeti, 1sg. gdnm; Cak. goriti (Vrg.), 2sg. gorîs; goret (Orb.), 3sg. gorî; Sln. goreti, 1sg. gorim; Bulg. gorjă BSl. *gor-ei/i- B Lith. gareti ‘evaporate, breathe out’ PIE *gwhor- Cogn. Skt. ghrnă- m. ‘heat, glow’; Gk. 9sp|aoq adj. ‘warm’ See also: *gorbjb; *gorbkt; *gore; *gre(ja)ti; *g^rnidlo; *g^rnt; *g^rno; *zarb; *zeravb *gorx^ m. o (a) ‘pea, peas’ ESSJa VII 45 E Ru. gorox W Cz. hrăch; Slk. hrach; Pl. groch; Slnc. gruex; USrb. hroch; hroch (dial.); LSrb. groch S SCr. grah ‘pea, bean’; Sln. grah ‘pea, bean’; Bulg. grax BSl. *gorş- B Lith. garsva f.; garsas m. ‘Aegopodium podagraria’; Latv. gărsa f. ‘Aegopodium podagraria’ *gore n. jo (c) ‘grief, woe’ ESSJa VII 40-41 CS OCS gorje ‘woe’ E Ru. gore ‘grief, woe, misfortune’ W Cz. hore ‘grief, woe’; Pl. gorze (arch.) ‘grief, woe, misfortune’; LSrb. gore ‘grief, woe, irritation, anger’ S Sln. gorjţ ‘woe’ For the etymology, see — goreti. *gorbjb adj. jo ‘worse’ ESSJa VII 54-55 CS O CS gorii ‘worse, worst’, f. gonsi, n. gorje W Cz. horsi ‘worse’; hure adv. ‘worse’; OCz. hori ‘worse’; hore adv. ‘worse’; Pl. gorszy adj. ‘worse’; gorzej adv. ‘worse’ S SCr. gorl ‘worse, worst’; Cak. gorl (Vrg.) ‘worse, worst’; Sln. ggrji ‘worse, more impressive’; ggrsi ‘worse, more impressive, nicer’ Vaillant (1929: 6) has compared *gonjb to Skt. gărlyas-, the comparative of guru-‘heavy’ < *gwrh2-u-. I see no formal objections to deriving *gonjb from *gworh2-, but consider it more likely that we have to seek a connection with — *gore, etc. *gorm; *gorno m. o; n o ESSJa VII 49 CS OCS grani (Euch.) Asg. m. ‘verse, line’ (spelled granni); CS grani m. ‘verse, line’; grano n.(s) ‘verse, line’ W Cz. hrany ‘death bell’ Npl. m.; Slk. hrana Npl. n. ‘death bell’; USrb. hrono n. ‘phrase, pause, pulse’; LSrb. grono n. ‘speech, talk, story’ PIE *gworH-no- 180 *gorbkb Cogn. Skt. grnăti ‘praise, honour’ A derivative in *-no- from the root of — *zbrti. *gorbkb adj. o (c) ‘bitter’ ESSJa VII 55-56 CS OCS gorbki E Ru. gor’kyj; gorek, f. gor’kă, n. gor’ko W Cz. horky; Slk. horky; Pl. gorzki S SCr. gorak, f. gorka; Cak. gorak (Vrg.), f. gorka, n. gorko; Sln. gorak ‘warm, bitter, f. gorka; Bulg. gorak For the etymology, see — *goreti. *gospodim m. o ‘lord, master’ ESSJa VII 61-63 CS OCS gospodini ‘lord, master’ E Ru. gospodin ‘master, gentleman’ W OCz. hospodin ‘the Lord’; Slk. hospodin ‘the Lord’; Pl. gospodzin (arch.) ‘master’ S SCr. gospodin ‘master’; Cak. gospodîn (Vrg.) ‘master’; gospodin (Novi) ‘master’; gospodîn (Orb.) ‘sir (in particular when addressing a priest)’; Sln. gospodîn ‘master’; Bulg. gospodin ‘master’ See — *gospodb. *gospodb m. i ‘lord, master’ ESSJa VII 61-63 CS OCS gospodb m.(i) ‘lord, master’ E Ru. gospod’ m.(o) ‘the Lord, God, Gsg. gospoda; Ukr. hospod’ m.(o) ‘the Lord, God, Gsg. hospoda; hospid’m.(o) ‘the Lord, God, Gsg. hospoda W OCz. hospod m.(i) ‘the Lord, god’; Pl. gospod (dial.) m.(o) ‘lord, master’ S SCr. gospod m.(i) ‘the Lord’; Sln. gospod m.(o) ‘lord, master’; Bulg. gospod m.(i) ‘the Lord’ PIE *ghost(i)-pot- Cogn. Lat. hospes m. ‘host’ To my knowledge, there is no convincing explanation for the problem that the Proto-Slavic etymon has a *d. According to Ernout-Meillet (529), the variation between *pot- and *pod- is old, cf. Gk. 8san6(to ‘be master, but in view of Winter’s law this explanation does not work for Slavic. See also: *gospodint; *gostb *gostb m. i (c) ‘guest’ ESSJa VII 67-68 CS OCS gostemi (Supr.) Dpl. m.(i) E Ru. gost’ m.(i); Ukr. hist m.(jo), Gsg. hostja W Cz. host m.(o); Slk. host’m.(jo); Pl. gosc m.(jo) S SCr. gost m.(o), Gsg. gosta; Sln. gost, Gsg. gostu, Gsg. gosta; Bulg. gost m.(i) *govori 181 PIE *ghost-i- Cogn. Lat. hostis m. ‘enemy, (OLat.) stranger’; Go. gasts m. ‘guest’ See also: *gospodint; *gospodb *goveti v. ESSJa VII 72-73 CS OCS goveti (Supr.) ‘live a God-fearing life’ E Ru. govet’ ‘fast’ W Cz. hoveti ‘satisfy, show indulgence’; Slk. hoviet ‘favour, satisfy, show indulgence’ S SCr. govjeti ‘attend to, respect, please’; Bulg. goveja ‘fast, be silent (respectfully)’ PIE *gwhou- Cogn. Lat. favere ‘favour’ Lith. goveti and Latv. gavet ‘fast’ are borrowings from East Slavic. *govşdo n. o (a) ‘head of cattle’ ESSJa VII 74-75 E Ru. govjădo (dial.) ‘head of cattle’ W Cz. hovado ‘head of cattle, cattle’; Slk. hovado ‘head of cattle, cattle’ S SCr. govedo ‘head of cattle’; Cak. govedo (Orb.) ‘head of cattle (cow, ox, bull)’; Sln. govţdo ‘head of cattle’; Bulg. govedo ‘head of cattle’ B Latv. guovs f.(i) ‘cow’ PIE *gwh3-eu- The root *gov- reflects *gwh3-eu-. The suffix is reminiscent of — *agnţ, -ţt-, but it is unclear why we find *-do- instead of *-t-. *govoriti v. ‘speak, talk’ ESSJa VII 75-76 CS OCS govoriti (Supr.) ‘make noise, chatter’ (only govori imper. and govorţstemi Dpl. m. ptc. pres. act.) E Ru. govorit’ ‘speak, talk, 1sg. govorju, 3sg. govorit W Cz. hovoriti ‘speak, talk’; Slk. hovorit ‘speak, talk’; OPl. goworzyc ‘speak, talk’ S SCr. govoriti ‘speak, talk, 1sg. govorlm; Cak. govoriti (Vrg.) ‘speak, talk’ 2sg. govorls; govorit (Orb.) ‘speak, talk, say, 1sg. govorin; Sln. govoriti ‘speak, talk, 1sg. govorim; Bulg. govorja ‘speak, talk, say’ See — * govori. *govorb m. o ‘talk’ ESSJa VII 76-77 CS OCS govori ‘noise, shout, rumour, murmur’ E Ru. govor ‘sound of voices, talk’ W Cz. hovor ‘conversation, talk’; Slk. hovor ‘conversation, talk’; Pl. gowor (arch.) ‘speech, conversation, talk’ 182 *govbno S SCr. govor ‘speech, dialect’; Cak. govor (Vrg., Orb.) ‘speech, dialect’; Sln. ggvor ‘speech, talk’; Bulg. govor ‘speech, talk, dialect’ PIE *gou(H)- Cogn. Skt. joguve ‘call, invoke’; Gk. 760c; m. ‘weeping, wailing’ See also: *govoriti *govBno n. o (b) ‘shit’ ESSJa VII 77-78 CS RuCS govno ‘shit, dung, garbage’ E Ru. govno; ORu. govno ‘shit, dung, garbage’; Ukr. hivno W Cz. hovno; Slk. hovno; Pl. gowno S SCr. govno; Cak. govno (Vrg.); Sln. ggvno; Bulg. govno PIE *g(w)ouH- Cogn. Skt. gutha- m. ‘excrements’; Av. guda- n. ‘excrements’ *g?ba f. â (a) ‘(tree-)fungus’ ESSJa VII 78-80 CS OCS ggba ‘sponge’ E Ru. gubă ‘lip’; gubă (dial.) ‘mushroom’; guba (dial.) ‘mushroom’ W Cz. houba ‘mushroom, tree-fungus’; huba ‘snout, mouth’; Slk. huba ‘mushroom, tree-fungus, snout, mouth’; Pl. gţba ‘mouth, snout, face’ S SCr. guba ‘mushroom, tree-fungus, amadou, leprosy, snout’; Sln. ggba ‘mushroom, tree-fungus’; Bulg. găba ‘mushroom, tree-fungus’ I have adopted the widespread view that *ggba ‘tree-fungus’ and *ggba ‘lip, mouth’ are etymologically identical, the latter being secondary. Formally there are no problems. In the case of Cz. huba and houba we may be dealing with differentiation resulting from the generalization of either the short or the long variant of the root (the long variant originated from the so-called “Czech lengthening”, see Kortlandt 1975a: 19). The connection with Gk. an6YY0q, CTf6YY0q ‘sponge’ is formally very difficult. *g9gnati; *gşgnati; v. ‘speak through the nose’ ESSJa VII 81-82 CS RuCS gugna ti ‘whisp er, grumble’ E Bel. huhnăc’ ‘speak through the nose’ W Cz. huhnati ‘speak through the nose’; Slk. huhnat ‘speak through the nose’; Pl. gugnqc (obs., dial.) ‘speak through the nose’ S Sln. gognjăti ‘speak through the nose, murmur, 1sg. gognjâm; Bulg. găgna ‘speak through the nose’ This verb is undoubtedly onomatopoetic in origin. See also: *gQgnavb; *gQgniti; *gQgnivb *g9stt 183 *g9gnavb; *gşgnavi adj. o ‘speaking through the nose’ ESSJa VII 81-82 E Ru. gugnăvyj (dial.) ‘speaking through the nose, unclearly’; gugnjăvyj (dial.) ‘speaking through the nose, unclearly’; gunjăvyj (dial.) ‘speaking through the nose, unclearly’; Ukr. huhnăvyj; huhnjăvyj W Cz. huhnăvy ‘speaking or spoken through the nose, nasal’ S Sln. gognjav; Bulg. găgniv See —*gggnati, *gggnati. *g9gniti v. ‘speak through the nose’ ESSJa VII 82 E Ru. gugniti ‘tell, speak’; Ukr. huhnyty ‘speak through the nose’ See —*gggnati, *gggnati. *g9gnivb adj. o ‘speaking through the nose’ ESSJa VII 82 CS OCS ggginivi ‘speaking thickly, speaking through the nose, dumb’ E Ru. gugnivyj ‘speaking through the nose’ S Bulg. găgniv ‘speaking through the nose’ See —*gggnati, *gggnati. *gşsti v. ‘play an instrument’ ESSJa VII 85-86 CS CS ggsti ‘play an instrument’, 1sg. ggdg E Ru. gust’ (dial.) ‘howl, weep, sing’; gusti (dial.) ‘hum, make a sound, howl, weep, sing’; Ukr. husti (dial.) ‘hum’ W Cz. housti (arch.) ‘play (the violin)’; Slk. hust ‘play an instrument, chatter incessantly’; Pl. gqsc (arch.) ‘play, jingle, strum’ S SCr. gusti (arch.) ‘play, hum’; Sln. ggsti ‘play the violin, grumble’, 1sg. ggdem B Lith. gausti ‘make a sound, hum, 1sg. gaudziu. The discrepancy between Slavic and Baltic is reminiscent of the *g : *u variation within Slavic. *gşst^ adj. o (c) ‘dense’ ESSJa VII 87 CS CS ggsti ‘dense’ E Ru. gustoj ‘dense’; gust ‘dense, f. gustă, n. gusto W Cz. husty ‘dense’; Slk. husty ‘dense’; Pl. gţsty ‘dense’ S SCr. gust ‘thick, dense, solid, f. gusta, n. gusto: Cak. gust (Vrg.) ‘thick, dense, solid, f. gusta, n. gusto; Cak. guos (Vrg.) ‘thick, dense, solid, f. guosta, n. guosto; Sln. ggst ‘dense, f. ggsta; Bulg. găst ‘dense’ BSl. *gonstos B Latv. guosts m. ‘quantity, masse’ The formation is *ggt-ti, cf. — *ggtbni and Ru. gut’ (dial.) ‘thicket’. The etymology of the root is unclear. 184 *gşsb f. i (c) ‘goose’ ESSJa VII 88-89 E Ru. gus’ m.(jo), Gsg. gusja W Cz. hus (dial.); OCz. hus; Slk. hus; Pl. gţs S Sln. gos, Gsg. gosî BSl. *gansis/*zansis B Lith. zqsis; Latv. zuoss OPr. sansy PIE *ghh2ens- Cogn. Skt. hamsă- m. ‘goose, swan’; Gk. m./f.; Lat. ănser m.; OHG gans f. For the ablaut pattern, see. Kortlandt 1985b: 119. The depalatalization of the initial consonant must have originated in the Gsg. *ghh2nsos. *gştbm adj. o (c) ‘dense’ ESSJa VII 87 W Cz. hutny ‘dense, substantial’; Slk. hutny ‘dense’; Pl. gţsty ‘dense’ See — *ggsti. *gşz^; *gşza; *guz^ m. o; f. â; m. o ‘bump’ ESSJa VII 91-92 E Ru. guz (dial.) m. ‘behind, buttock, lower part of a sheaf, butt-end, bump’; guza (Dal’) f. ‘wrinkle, fold’; guză (Voron.) f. ‘lower part of a sheaf, butt-end’ W Cz. huza (Kott) f. ‘coccyx’; huzo (Jg.) n. ‘rump (of a bird)’; Pl. guz m. ‘bump, lump’; OPl. guz m. ‘bump, lump, gizzard, dwarf’; gqz m. ‘bump, lump’; Slnc. guz m. ‘bump, lump’ S SCr. guz m. ‘buttock’; guza m. ‘behind’; Sln. ggza f. ‘buttock, behind’; guza f. ‘behind, pouch, wrinkle’; Bulg. găz m. ‘behind’ Cogn. OIc. kgkkr m. ‘ball’ Another instance of variation between g and *u (see also — *gyza). On the basis of OIc. kgkkr ‘ball, we may reconstruct gong-. The connection with Gk. y6YYpoq ‘conger-eel, tubercular disease in olive-trees’ and Yoyypwv^ ‘excrescence on the neck’ is dubious, as the meaning ‘conger-eel’ is generally regarded as primary. The comparison with Gk. Y6YYu\oq ‘round, hard’ seems more promising. See also: *gyza *gşzb m. jo ESSJa VII 93-94 E Ru. guz ‘tug, cartage, Gsg. guză W Cz. houz (dial.) ‘plait, braid’; Slnc. goyz ‘strap of a flail’ S Sln. ggz f.(i) ‘strap of a flail or yoke’, Gsg. gozî; Bulg. găz ‘band, bandage, turban’ Cogn. OIc. kengr m. ‘bend, hook’ Probably a non-Indo-European word. To clarify the relationship with Germanic, we may nevertheless reconstruct *gongh-io-. *grajati 185 See also: *gşzbvb; *gşzbva *gşzbvb; *gşzbva f. i; f. â ESSJa VII 94-95 E Ru. guzva; guzvă (dial.) f. (â) ‘twig used for tying up’ W Cz. houzev f.(i) ‘braid or band made from twigs’; Pl. gqzva f.(â) ‘strap of a flail’; Slnc. goyz m.(jo) ‘strap of a flail’ S SCr. guzva f.(i) ‘basket or braid from plaited twigs’; Sln. ggzva f.(â) ‘braid from plaited twigs’; Bulg. găzva f.(â) ‘band, bandage, noose’ See — *ggzb. *grâbiti v. (a) ‘seize, grab’ ESSJa VII 97 CS OCS grabiti ‘rob’, 1sg. grabljg E Ru. grăbit’ ‘rob, rake’ W Pl. grabic ‘rake, gather’ S SCr. grabiti ‘seize, grab, rake’; Cak. grabiti (Vrg.) ‘seize, grab, rake’; grăbit (Orb.) ‘rake’; Sln. grăbiti ‘seize, grab, rake’, 1sg. grâbim; Bulg. grăbja ‘rob, ramsack, snatch’ BSl. *gro?b- B Lith. grobti ‘seize’; Latv. grâbt ‘seize’ PIE *ghreb- Cogn. OIc. grăpa ‘seize’ In Balto-Slavic and Germanic, the roots *ghrebh- ‘dig, rake’ and *ghreb- ‘seize, grab’ were mixed up to a considerable degree (Kortlandt 1988, Derksen 1991: 321-322). ^grâd'b m. o (a) ‘hail’ ESSJa VII 101 CS OCS gradi ‘hail’ E Ru. grad ‘hail’ W Cz. hrady Npl. ‘thundercloud’; hrad’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘hail’; OCz. hrad ‘hail’; Slk. hrad (dial.) ‘hail’; hrăd (dial.) ‘hail’; Pl. grad ‘hail’; Slnc. grrnd ‘hail’, Gsg. grâdu S SCr. grad ‘hail’, Gsg. grada; Cak. grat (Orb.) ‘hail’, Gsg. grada; Sln. grad ‘hail, Gsg. grăda; Bulg. grad ‘hail’ PIE * ghreh3d-o- Cogn. Skt. hrăduni- f. ‘hail(-stone)’; Lat. grando f. ‘hail’ Lith. gruodas 3 ‘frozen earth or mud’ is probably cognate with — *grgda, *gruda ‘heap, lump, Lith. grudas ‘corn, etc., as advocated by the ESSJa and Fraenkel. *grajati v. ‘caw, croak’ ESSJa VII 102 CS RuCS grajati ‘caw, croak’ E Ru. grăjat’ ‘caw, croak, laugh loudly, quarrel’ 186 *grakati S SCr. grajati ‘caw, croak’; grăjati ‘talk, cry’; Sln. grăjati ‘scold’, 1sg. grăjam, 1sg. grăjem BSl. *gra?- B Lith. groti ‘caw, croak, howl, roar, scold’ Cogn. OHG krăen ‘crow’ See also: *grakati; *gtrkati *grakati v. ‘caw, croak’ ESSJa VII 102 CS RuCS grakati ‘caw, croak, 1sg. gracu E ORu. grakati ‘caw, croak, 1sg. gracu S SCr. grăkati ‘caw, croak, cry’; Sln. grăkati ‘caw, croak, cry, 1sg. grăkam, 1sg. grăcem Cogn. Lat. graculus m. ‘daw, jackdaw’ See also: *grajati; *g^rkati *gramada f. â ‘heap, pile’ ESSJa VII 103-104 CS OCS gramada ‘heap, pile’ E ORu. gramada ‘pile’ S SCr. gramăda ‘clod, pile of firewood’; gramada ‘lump of earth’; Sln. gramăda ‘heap, pile’; grmăda ‘heap, pile’; Bulg. gramăda mass, big pile’ B Lith. gromulas m. ‘food in the rumen of ruminants’ If — *gromada is to be analyzed as *h2gr-om- (with the root of Gk. dyeipw v. ‘gather’), we may formally reconstruct *h2gr-om-, but that does not add much to our understanding of this formation. On the other hand, the hypothesis that this is an instance of assimilation (e.g. Berneker EW) cannot be considered satisfactory. *grebenb m. jo ‘comb’ ESSJa VII 112-113 E Ru. greben’ m.(jo) ‘comb’ W Cz. hreben m.(o) ‘comb’; hreben (dial.) m.(jo) ‘comb’; Slk. hreben m.(jo) ‘comb’; Pl. grzebien m.(jo) ‘comb’ S SCr. greben m.(o) ‘comb’; Cak. greben m.(o) ‘card (for combing fibers)’; Sln. grebţn m.(o) ‘comb’; Bulg. greben m.(o) ‘comb’ Originally an n-stem derivative of — *greti. *greti v. (c) ‘dig, scrape, rake’ ESSJa VII 109-110 CS OCS greti (Zogr., Mar., Ass.) ‘row, 1sg. grebg E Ru. gresti ‘row, rake, 1sg. grebu, 3sg. grebet W Cz. hre(b)sti ‘bury’; OCz. hresti ‘bury, 1sg. hrebu; Slk. hriebst ‘dig’; Pl. grzesc ‘bury’ *grşda 187 S SCr. grepsti ‘scrape, scratch, 1sg. grebem; Cak. gres (Orb.) ‘scratch, 1sg. greben; Sln. grebsti ‘dig, comb, 1sg. grebem; Bulg. grebă ‘spoon, scoop, rake, row’ BSl. *greb- B Lith. grebti ‘rake, seize, rob’; Latv. grebt ‘scrape, excavate, seize’ PIE *ghrebh- Cogn. Skt. grbhnăti ‘seize, take, hold’; Go. graban ‘dig’ The acute root vowel of the Lithuanian form is analogical after grobti ‘seize’ (Derksen 1996: 321-322). See also: *grebenb; *gribati; *grobt *grex^ m. o (b) ‘sin’ ESSJa VII 114-116 CS OCS grexi E Ru. grex W Cz. hrich; Slk. hriech; Pl. grzech; Slnc. gre'x; USrb. hrech S SCr. gr'ijeh, Gsg. grijeha; Cak. grîh (Vrg.), Gsg. grlha; gr'eh (Orb.); Sln. greh; Bulg. grjach In Nievergelt 2003 as well as Nievergelt and Schaeken 2003, attention is drawn to the gloss hreho in a Swiss manuscript dating from the first quarter of the ninth century. This is possibly the earliest attestation of a Slavic word. The root of *grexi is often identified with the root of — *gre(ja)ti. *gre(ja)ti v. ‘warm, heat’ ESSJa VII 116-117 CS OCS grejati, 1sg. grejg E Ru. gret’ W Cz. hrăti; hrit (dial.); Slk. hriat; Pl. grzac S SCr. grejati ‘warm, shine’; Cak. grejat (Orb.) ‘warm’; Sln. greti ‘warm, heat, 1sg. grejem; Bulg. greja ‘warm, shine’ PIE *gwhr-ehi- Cogn. Skt. ghrnă- m. ‘heat, glow’; Gk. 9sp|i6q adj. ‘warm’ See also: *goreti; *gorbjb; *gorbkb; *gore; *g^rnidlo; *g^rnt; *g^rno; *zarb; *zeravt *grşdâ f. â (c) ‘garden bed, beam’ ESSJa VII 120-122 E Ru. grjadă ‘ridge, bed (of flowers), Asg. grjadu, Npl. grjădy; grjadă (Domostroj, 18th/19th c.) ‘ridge, bed (of flowers), series, (dial.) pole, staff, Asg. grjădu, Npl. grjădy W Cz. hrada ‘perch’; Slk. hrada ‘perch’; Pl. grzţda ‘garden bed, perch’ S SCr. greda ‘beam, Asg. gredu; Cak. greda (Vrg.) ‘beam’ Asg. gredu; greda (Novi) ‘beam’, Asg. gredu; gr'eda (Orb.) ‘beam, Asg. gr'edo; Sln. greda ‘beam, garden bed’; Bulg. gredă ‘beam’ BSl. *grindă? 188 *grşsti B Lith. grinda (dial.) 4 ‘flooring of a bridge, (pl.) wooden floor in a barn’; Latv. grida ‘floor, threshing-floor’ Cogn. OIc. grind f. ‘gate made of spars or bars, fence, dock, store-houses’ The Balto-Slavic and Germanic evidence points to *ghrndh-. *grşsti v. (c) ‘go’ ESSJa VII 123-124 CS OCS grţsti ‘go, come’, 1sg. grţdg; RuCS grţsti ‘go, come, 1sg. grţdu E Ru. gredut (dial.) 3pl. ‘go’; ORu. grţsti ‘go, come, 1sg. grţdu; gresti ‘go, come, 1sg. gredu {1}; Ukr. hrjasty ‘run fast and noisily, ride, 1sg. hrjadu S SCr. gresti ‘go, 1sg. gredem; gresti ‘go, 1sg. gredem BSl. *gri(n)d- B Lith. gridyti (Jusk.) ‘go, wander’ PIE *ghri-n-dh- Cogn. Go. grid Asg. ‘step’; MHG grit ‘step’; OIr. ingreinn ‘persecute’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). *grşza f. â (c) ‘mud, dirt, mire’ ESSJa VII 123-124 CS RuCS grţza; grţzja E ORu. grjaza; grjazja; Ukr. hrjazjă S Sln. grţza PIE *g(h)rm- Deverbative ă-stem. See — *grţzti. *grşziti v. ‘sink’ ESSJa VII 124-125 CS RuCS grţziti W Cz. hriziti S Sln. greziti, 1sg. grezim See — *grţzti. *grfznşti v. (c) ‘sink’ ESSJa VII 125 CS OCS pogrţzngti ‘sink, submerge’ E Ru. grjăznut’ ‘sink into smth. sticky, boggy’ W Cz. hreznouti ‘sink, get stuck in’; OCz. hrăznuti ‘sink, plunge, fall’; Slk. hriaznut ‘sink, get stuck in’; Pl. grzeznqc ‘sink, get stuck in’ S SCr. greznuti ‘drown, sink’; Sln. grţzniti ‘sink, collapse, 1sg. grţznem See — *grţzti. *grşzti v. ‘sink’ ESSJa VII 125 E ORu. grjazti ‘sink, wallow’ BSl. *grimz- *grivbna 189 B Lith. grimzti ‘sink, 3pres. grimzta, 3pret. grimzdo; Latv. grimt ‘sink’ Slavic has *grţz- corresponding to Lith. grimzd-. In Latvian, where the *z was eliminated analogically due to reanalysis of the sta-present, there are forms with a root grimd- (see Endzelin 1922: 582). The situation is reminiscent of PSl. — *loza vs. Lith. lazda. Further connections are uncertain. See also: *grşza; *grşziti; *grfzb; *grşziti; *grfznQti *grfzb f. i (c) ‘mud, dirt’ ESSJa VII 125-126 E Ru. gr jaz’ ‘mud, dirt’ W Cz. hrez (Jg.) ‘mud, dirt’ S SCr. grez (arch., dial.) ‘mud, dirt’; Sln. grţz ‘watery, deep mud, abyss, Gsg. grezî Deverbative i-stem. See — *grţzti. *gribati v. ESSJa VII 109-110 E Ru. gribat’sja (arch., dial.) ‘frown, become angry, pull faces’ S SCr. gribati (arch., dial.) ‘dig, scrape’; Bulg. gribam (dial.) ‘bury’ Cogn. Skt. grbhnăti ‘seize, take, hold’; Go. graban ‘dig’ Iterative of — *greti with lengthened zero grade of the root. See also: *grebenb; *grobt *griva f. â (a) ‘mane’ ESSJa VII 129-130 E Ru. griva W Cz. hriva; Slk. hriva; Pl. grzywa S SCr. griva; Sln. griva ‘mane, overgrown boundary’; Bulg. griva BSl. *gri?wa? B Latv. griva ‘river mouth’ PIE *gwriH-ueh2- Cogn. Skt. grlvă- f. ‘neck’ An instance of Hirt’s law. *grivbna f. â (a) ESSJa VII 130-132 E Ru. grivna ‘old monetary unit, (obs.) three kopecks’; Ukr. hryvna ‘(current) monetary unit’ W Cz. hrivna ‘old monetary unit’; OCz. hrivna mark’; Pl. grzywna ‘fine, unity, measure of weight for silver ‘ S SCr. grivna ‘iron ring on scythe, bracelet, name of a monetary unit’; Sln. grivna ‘necklace, name of a monetary unit’; Bulg. grivna ‘bracelet’ A derivative of — *griva. 190 *grobt *grob^ m. o (b/c) ‘grave’ ESSJa VII 112-113 CS OCS grobi ‘grave, tomb’ E Ru. grob ‘coffin, (obs.) grave’, Gsg. groba; grob (dial.) ‘coffin, grave, Gsg. grobă W Cz. hrob ‘grave’; Slk. hrob ‘grave’; Pl. grob ‘grave, Gsg. grobu S SCr. grob ‘grave, Gsg. groba; Cak. grob (Novi) ‘grave’, groba; grop (Orb.) ‘grave, tomb, Gsg. groba; Kajk. greb (Bednja) ‘grave’, Gsg. gryeba; Sln. grob ‘grave, Gsg. groba; Bulg. grob ‘grave’ PIE *ghrobh-o- Cogn. Go. graba f. ‘grave’; OHG grab n. ‘grave’ Deverbative o-stem. See — *greti. *gromada f. â ‘heap, pile’ ESSJa VII 136-137 CS RuCS gromada ‘heap, pile, bonfire’ E Ru. gromăda mass, bulk, pile’; ORu. gromada ‘heap, pile, bonfire’ W Cz. hromada ‘heap, pile, multitude, gathering’; Slk. hromada ‘heap, pile, multitude, gathering’; Pl. gromada ‘pile, multitude, village community, gathering’ S SCr. gromăda ‘cliff, crag, heap, pile’; gromada ‘cliff, crag, heap, pile’; Sln. gromăda ‘heap, pile of firewood, bonfire’; Bulg. gromăda ‘heap, pile, mass, bulk’ B Lith. grumulas m.(o) ‘lump’ PIE *h2gr-om- Cogn. Skt. grăma- m. ‘(military) host, village, community’; Gk. dyeipw v. ‘gather’; Lat. gremium n. ‘lap’ The Lithuanian form may have an analogically metathesized zero grade. We must also reckon with influence of the synonymous gumulas. See also: *gramada *grom^ m. o (c) ‘thunder’ ESSJa VII 138-139 CS OCS gromi E Ru. grom, Gsg. groma; Bel. hrom, Gsg. hromu; Ukr. hrim, Gsg. hromu W Cz. hrom; Slk. hrom; Pl. grom S SCr. grom, Gsg. groma; grom (dial.), Gsg. groma; Cak. grom (Vrg.), Gsg. groma; grom (Novi), Gsg. groma; Sln. grom PIE *ghrom-o- Cogn. Gk. Xp6^o^ (Hesych.) m. ‘crashing sound, neighing’; OIc. gramr ‘grim, hostile’ See also: *grbmeti *groziti 191 *grozâ f. â (c) ‘horror’ ESSJa VII 141-142 CS OCS groza (Supr., Cloz.) ‘horror’ E Ru. groză ‘(thunder)storm, disaster, terror, (obs.) threats’ W Cz. hruza ‘terror, horror, multitude’; Slk. hroza ‘horror, multitude’; Pl. groza ‘threat, terror, horror’; Slnc. grueză ‘horror’ S SCr. groza ‘horror, disgust’; groza ‘horror, disgust’; Sln. groza ‘horror, shudder, large crowd’ See — *groziti. *grozd^ m. o (b) ‘cluster, bunch’ ESSJa VII 142 CS OCS grozdi ‘bunch of grapes’ E Ru. grozd’ f.(i) ‘cluster, bunch, Gsg. grozdi; grozd (Dal’) ‘cluster, bunch’; ORu. grozdi ‘grape’ {1}; grozdb f.(i) ‘grape’ S SCr. grozd ‘vine, (bunch of) grapes’; Cak. grozd (Vrg.) ‘vine, (bunch of) grapes, Gsg. grozda; gros (Orb.) ‘bunch (of grapes), Gsg. grozda, Gsg. grozda; Sln. grozd ‘grape, Gsg. grozda; Bulg. grozd ‘grape’ {1} AP (b) according to Zaliznjak (1985: 137). See also: *grozdbje; *grozdbnt; *grozdbno *grozdbje n. io ESSJa VII 142 CS CS grozdije ‘bunch of grapes’ S SCr. grozăe ‘vine, grapes’; grozăe (dial.) ‘vine, grapes’; Cak. grozje (Vrg.) ‘vine, grapes’; gruojze (Orb.) ‘vine, grapes’; Sln. grgzdje ‘vine, grapes’; Bulg. grozde ‘vine, grapes’ See — *grozdi. *grozdbm; *grozdbno m. o; n. o ESSJa VII 142 CS OCS grozni (Mar., Supr.) m. ‘bunch of grapes’ E Ukr. hrozno n. ‘vine, (bunch of) grapes’ W Cz. hrozen m. ‘bunch, Gsg. hroznu; Slk. hrozno n. ‘bunch’ See — *grozdi. *groziti v. (c) ‘threaten’ ESSJa VII 143 E Ru. grozit’, 1sg. grozu, 3sg. grozit W Cz. hroziti; Slk. hrozit; Pl. grozic S SCr. groziti ‘threaten, (g. se) detest, shudder, 1sg. grozlm; groziti ‘threaten’; Sln. groziti ‘threaten, scare, 1sg. grozim; Bulg. grozjă ‘threaten, mar’ BSl. *groz- B Lith. grazoti; Latv. grţzuot I see no reason to regard the Baltic forms as borrowings from Slavic (pace ESSJa). The connection with Gk. YopY6q ‘grim, fierce, terrible’ is formally impossible. 192 *grozbni See also: *grozâ;*grozbnt *grozbm adj. o ‘terrible’ ESSJa VII 144 CS OCS grozini (Euch.) ‘frightening, terrible’ (only grozinu Dsg. m. and grozinoe Asg. n.) E Ru. groznyj ‘threatening, terrible’; grozen ‘threatening, terrible’, f. groznă, n. grozno W Cz. hrozny ‘frightening, terrible, horrible’; Slk. hrozny ‘terrible, horrible’; Pl. grozny ‘threatening, terrible’ S SCr. grozan ‘frightening, terrible’; grozan ‘id.’; Sln. grozan ‘horrible, stately, beautiful’; Bulg. grozen ‘ugly, horrible, terrible’ Adjectival derivative of — *groza. Sln. grozan ‘stately, beautiful’ has been compared to Latv. grţzns ‘beautiful, lush, proud’, Lith. grazus, grâznas ‘beautiful’. Though this is an intriguing idea, it seems hardly plausible that the Slovene adjective is to be separated from the other Slavic forms. Of course, the meaning of the Slovene form may be considered an argument for an etymological relationship between *grozini and grazus. *grşb^; *grub^ adj. o ‘coarse, rude’ ESSJa VII 145-146 CS OCS grgbi (Supr.) ‘ignorant, uneducated’ E Ru. gru byj ‘coarse, rude’ W Cz. hruby ‘big, coarse, rough’; Slk. hruby ‘thick, big, coarse’; Pl. gruby ‘thick, big, coarse’; grţby (dial.) ‘wrinkled, sharp, tough’; Slnc. grăbi ‘thick’ S SCr. grub ‘coarse, rude, ugly’; Cak. grub (Vrg.) ‘ugly’; Sln. grgb ‘big, strong, conspicuous, rude’, f. grgba; Bulg. grub ‘coarse, rude’ B Lith. grubus ‘uneven, rough’; Latv. grumbulaîns ‘uneven, rough’ PIE *gru(m)bh- Cogn. OIc. kryppa f. ‘hump’; OHG kropf m. ‘crop, gizzard’ The vocalism *g may result from the lowering of *um before a tautosyllabic stop. *grşda; *grşd^; *gruda; *grud^ f. â; m. o; f. â (a) ‘heap, lump’ ESSJa VII 148-149 CS RuCS gruda f. ‘heap, pile, breastbone, drop’ E Ru. gruda f. ‘heap, pile’; grud (dial.) m. ‘heap, pile’; ORu. gruda f. ‘heap, pile, breastbone, drop’; Bel. hrud m. ‘hill’; Ukr. hruda f. ‘lump, earth with frozen lumps, hummocks’; hrudă f. ‘lump, earth with frozen lumps, hummocks’; hrud m. ‘height, hill’ W Cz. hrouda f. ‘lump of earth, clay’; Slk. hruda f. ‘lump of earth, clay’; Pl. gruda f. ‘lump of earth, clay’; OPl. grqd m. ‘dry, wooded place amidst swamps’ S SCr. gruda f. ‘clod, lump’; Cak. gruda (Orb.) f. ‘clod, lump’ Sln. gruda f. ‘lump, clod, heap’; Bulg. gruda f. ‘lump, clod’ BSl. *grou?d- *grustb 193 B Lith. gruodas m. 3 ‘frozen earth or mud’ These words are usually considered cognate with Latv. grauds ‘grain, OIc. grautr ‘groats, etc., in which case the root is *ghroud-. The nasal in Pl. grqd may be secondary. I have adopted the ESSJa’s set of lemmata, but it should be noted that the evidence for a nasalized vowel is very limited. One may wonder if the o-stem *grgdi belongs here. The reconstructions with *g are partly based on the suggested connections with — *grţda and — *grgdb, neither of which is beyond doubt. Forms such as Bulg. gărdă ‘breast, which points to a nasal, may not belong here. *grşdb f. i (c) ‘breast’ ESSJa VII 148-149 E Ru. grud’ ‘breast, Gsg. grudi, Gsg. grudi {1} W Cz. hrud’ ‘breast’; Slk. hrud’ ‘breast’; OPl. grţdzi Npl. ‘breast’ S SCr. grud ‘breast’; Sln. grgd ‘breast’; Bulg. grăd ‘breast’ The connection with — *gruda, etc., is not entirely certain. An exception must be made for — grgdi, which has a nasalized vowel and is semantically close. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). See also: *grşda; *gruda; *grudt *grşziti v. ‘sink’ ESSJa VII 150-151 CS OCS pogrgziti ‘sink, 1sg. pogrgzg E Ru. gruzit’ ‘load, 1sg. gruzu, 3sg. gruzit {1} W Cz. hrouziti ‘sink, dip’; Slk. hruzitsa ‘sink, dip’; Pl. grqzyc ‘sink, dip’ S SCr. gruziti ‘dip, sink’; Sln. groziti ‘dive, dip, 1sg. grozim A causative formation. See — *grţzti. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). *gruditi v. ESSJa VII 152 W Cz. hruditi se (Kott) ‘be unfriendly’; Pl. grudzic (dial.) ‘stir, spoil, blame’ S Sln. gruditi ‘torment, 1sg. grudim (gruditi ‘lump, bite to pieces’ obviously derives from gruda ‘lump’) BSl. *groud- B Lith. graudinti move, touch’ See also: *grustb *grustb f. i ‘sadness’ ESSJa VII 155 E Ru. grust’ ‘sadness, melancholy’; Ukr. hrust’ ‘sadness, melancholy’ S Sln. grust m.(o) ‘aversion’ B Lith. grustis f.(i) ‘sadness, harm’ See also: *gruditi 194 *gr^mezdzb *grbmezdzb m. jo ‘fester in the cornes of the eyes, gramiae’ ESSJa VII 158-159 CS RuCS grbmezdb ‘pus in the eye, gramiae’; gremezdb ‘pus in the eye, gramiae’; gromezdb ‘pus in the eye, gramiae’ S SCr. krmelj f.(i) ‘fester in the corners of the eyes’; krmelj f.(i) ‘fester in the corners of the eyes’; Cak. krmelji (Vrg.) Npl. m.(jo?) ‘gramiae’; krmezalj (Orb.) m.(jo) ‘sty, sleep (in the eyes)’; Sln. krmţlj m.(jo) ‘fester in the corners of the eyes’; krmezalj m.(jo) ‘fester in the corners of the eyes’ Cogn. Lat. grămiae Npl. f. ‘viscous humour, rheum that collects in the corner of the eyes’; Go. qrammipa ‘moisture’ The numerous formal difficulties connected with this etymon and its cognates render the reconstruction of a proto-form impossible (cf. Schrijver 1991: 487-488). Unlike the ESSJa, I am not unclined to reject the connection with the non-Slavic forms. *grami m. o ‘bush, shrub’ ESSJa VII 159-160 CS OCS grimu (savekove) (Euch.) Lsg. ‘the aa^eK bush’; RuCS grimi ‘bush, shrub, garden’; grbmi ‘bush, shrub, garden’ (also gromi, gremi) E Ru. grom ‘hummock’; ORu. grimi ‘bush, shrub, garden’; grbmi ‘bush, shrub, garden’ W Slk. grmolec ‘stump’ S SCr. grm ‘kind of oak, bush, shrubbery, Gsg. grma; Cak. grm (Vrg.) ‘kind of oak, bush, shrubbery, Gsg. grma; Sln. grm ‘bush, shrub’ In view of the voiceless initial consonant as well as the acute root, Lith. krumas ‘bush, shrub’ and Latv. krums ‘id.’ are better not connected with the Slavic etymon. *gryzati v. ‘gnaw’ ESSJa VII 160-161 W Cz. hryzati ‘gnaw’; USrb. hryzac ‘gnaw’; LSrb. gryzas ‘gnaw’ S Bulg. griză ‘gnaw, torment’ See — gryzti. *gryzti v. (c) ‘gnaw’ ESSJa VII 160-161 CS OCS grizeti (Sav.) 3sg. E Ru. gryzt’, 1sg. gryzu, 3sg. gryzet W Cz. hryzti; Slk. hryzt; Pl. gryzc; Slnc. grasc S SCr. gr'isti, 1sg. grizem; Cak. gr'isti (Vrg.), 2sg. grlzes; gris (Vrg.), 1sg. grlzen; Sln. gristi ‘gnaw, bite, eat, 1sg. grizem BSl. *gr(o)u?z- B Lith. grăuzti; Latv. grauzt See also: *gryzati *gvezda 195 *grbmeti v. (c) ‘thunder, roar’ ESSJa VII 163-164 CS OCS grimţ (Supr.) Nsg. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘thundering’ E Ru. gremet’, 1sg. gremlju, 3sg. gremit W Cz. hrmeti; hrmiti; Slk. hrmiei; Pl. grzmiec S SCr. grmljeti, 1sg. gmlm; germiti (Vrg.) ‘thunder’ 3sg. germî; Cak. grmet (Orb.), 3sg. grmî; Sln. grmeti, 1sg. grmim; Bulg. gărmjă BSl. *grime?tei B Lith. grumeti PIE *ghrm-ehi- Cogn. OIc. gramr adj. ‘grim, hostile’; OE grimman ‘rage’ The zero grade must have been metathesized quite early - possibly in Balto-Slavic times - on the analogy of the full grade. See also: *gromt *gubiti v. (c) ‘destroy’ ESSJa VII 166 CS OCS gubiti ‘destroy, 1sg. gubljg E Ru. gubit’‘ruin, squander, 1sg. gublju, 3sg. gubit {1} W Cz. hubiti ‘destroy, devastate, exterminate’; Slk. hubiti ‘ruin, destroy’; Pl. gubic ‘lose, ruin, destroy’ S SCr. gubiti ‘lose, destroy, 1sg. gublm; Cak. gubiti (Vrg.) ‘lose, destroy’ 2sg. gubîs; gubit (Orb.) ‘lose, 1sg. gubin; Sln. gubiti ‘harm, spoil, destroy, 1sg. gubim; Bulg. gubja ‘lose, spoil, kill’ PIE *ghoubh-eie- {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 139). See also: *g^bezb; *g^nşti; *gybati; *gynşti *gumbno n. o (b) ‘threshing-floor’ ESSJa VII 173-175 CS OCS gumbno ‘threshing-floor, granary’ E Ru. gumno ‘threshing-floor, barn’ W Cz. humno ‘threshing-floor’; Slk. humno ‘threshing-floor, barn’; Pl. gumno ‘threshing-floor, barn’ S SCr. gumno ‘threshing-floor’; Cak. guno (Orb.) ‘threshing-floor’; Sln. gumno ‘threshing-floor’; Bulg. gumno ‘threshing-floor’ The most widely accepted etymology, going back to Pogodin 1903 (234), derives *gumbno from the words for ‘cow’ (— *govţdo ) and ‘trample’ (— *mţti). A reconstruction in PIE terms would be *gwh3eu-mnH-om. *gvezda f. â (b) ‘star’ ESSJa VII 181-183 CS OCS dzvezda; zvezda E Ru. zvezdă W Cz. hvezda; Slk. hviezda; Pl. gwiazda; USrb. hwezda 196 *gvorb; *govorb S SCr. zvijezda, Asg. zvijezdu; Cak. zvlzda (Vrg.), Asg. zvlzdu; zvezda (Novi), Asg. zvezdu; zv'ezda (Orb.), Asg. zv'ezdo; Kajk. zvlezdo (Bednja), Asg. zvîezdu; Sln. zvezda; Bulg. zvezdă BSl. *g/zwoizde? (g/zwoizde??) B Lith. zvaigzde f.(e) 4; zvaizde (OLith., dial.) f.(e) 4; Latv. zvaigzne f.(e) On the basis of Balto-Slavic, we may propose a reconstruction *ghuoigh-dhehi-, but considering the fact that in Lithuanian we find zvai(g)zde alongside zvai(g)zde (with assimilation?), the reconstruction *ghuoidh-dhehi- is a serious alternative, cf. Latv. zvaidrlt, zviedrlt ‘shimmer, shine’. Latvian forms with zvaig, e.g. zvaigala ‘cow with a star-shaped blaze’ may be based on zvaigzne. Pokorny’s reconstruction *ghuoigw- is based on the connection with Gk. şol^ot; ‘pure, bright, radiant, which I consider untenable. *gvorb; *govorb m. o ‘bubble’ ESSJa VII 184 CS RuCS gvori ‘bubble’; govori ‘bubble’ E Ru. govor (dial.) ‘bubble (on water)’; ORu. gvori ‘bubble’; govori ‘bubble’; Ukr. hvor ‘gores in trousers’ S Sln. gor ‘pile of dung, Gsg. gora Possibly cognate with SCr. gura ‘hump’ and Ru. girja ‘weight, (dial.) lump. clod’. For the Balto-Slavic stage we may reconstruct *g(o)u?-. *gvozdi m. io ‘nail’ ESSJa VII 185-186 CS OCS gvozdii (Supr.) m.(io); RuCS gvozdii m.(io) S Bulg. gvozdej m.(io) See — *gvozdb. *gvozdb; *gvozd^ m. i; m o ‘nail’ ESSJa VII 185-186 CS OCS gvozdie (Cloz.) Npl. m.(i) ‘nails’ E Ru. gvozd’m.(jo) ‘nail, Gsg. gvozdjă; Ukr. hvizd’m.(jo) ‘nail, Gsg. hvozdjă W Cz. hvozd m.(o) ‘big, dense forest’; Pl. gwozdz m.(jo) ‘nail’; OPl. gozdz m.(jo) ‘nail’; gozd m.(o) ‘woods’; USrb. hozdz m.(jo) ‘nail’ S SCr. gvozd (arch., dial) m.(o) ‘iron, nail, peg, pig’; gvozd (arch., dial.) m.(o) ‘iron, nail, peg, pig, dense forest’; Sln. gozd m.(o) ‘(big, high) forest, Gsg. gozda Perhaps cognate with PGmc. *kwasta, e.g. MLG quast(e) m.f. ‘bundle, broom, besom’. Otherwise unclear. *g^bezb m. jo ‘bend, joint’ ESSJa VII 188-189 CS RuCS gibezb ‘bend, joint’; gbezb ‘turn, bend, slope’ E ORu. gibezb ‘bend, joint’; gbezb ‘turn, bend, slope’ BSl. *gub- *g^nţti 197 B Latv. gubezis m.(io) ‘pile, hay-loft’ PIE *ghubh- C°gn. OIc. gumpr m. ‘tail-bone’; MoLG gubbe (Estonia) f.? ‘small hay-stack’ See also: *gubiti; *gbnşti; *gybati; *gynşti *g^lbb ESSJa VII 190 S SCr. gub (dial.) m.(o) ‘swan’; gub (dial.) m.(o) ‘goby’ BSl. is £ B Lith. gulbls f.(i) 4 ‘swan’; gulbis (Zem.) m.(io) 2 ‘swan’; Latv. gulbis f.(i) ‘swan’ OPr. gulbis (EV) ‘swan’ Cogn. OIr. gulban m. ‘beak, sting’; W gylfin m. ‘bird’s bill, beak, snout, sharp- pointed nose’; W gylf m. ‘bird’s bill, beak, nose, mouth, sharp-pointed instrument’ ★ kilpb. There is a chance that SCr. gub ‘goby’ is cognate with Lat. gobius, Gk. î O O S Kw^ioţ ‘goby, gudgeon’, cf. Sln. guba ‘barbel’. *g^nâti i v. (b) ‘chase, persecute’ ESSJa VII 196-197 CS OCS gbnati ‘chase, persecute’, 1sg. zeng E Ru. gnat’ ‘chase, drive, persecute’ W Cz. hnăti ‘chase, drive, compel’, 1sg. zenu; Pl. gnac ‘chase, drive’ S SCr. gnâti ‘chase, persecute’, 1sg. zenem; Sln. gnăti ‘chase, persecute’, 1sg. zenem BSl. *gun-/*gin- B Lith. ginti ‘chase, drive’; Latv. dzit ‘chase, drive, persecute’ OPr. guntwei ‘chase, drive’ PIE *gwhn- Cogn. Skt. hănti ‘strike, slay’; Gk. Osîvw ‘kill’ See also: *goniti *g^nşti v. ‘bend’ ESSJa VII 188-189 CS RuCS gi(b)nuti ‘bend’ E Ru. gnut’‘bend’, 1sg. gnu, 3sg. gnet; ORu. gb(b)nuti ‘bend’ W Cz. hnouti ‘move’; Slk. hnut ‘move’; Pl. giqc ‘bend’, 1sg. gnţ S SCr. ganuti ‘move’; Sln. gmiti ‘move’, 1sg. gănem BSl. - b B Lith. gubti ‘bend, curve (intr.)’, 3sg. gumba; Latv. gubt ‘bend, curve (intr.)’, 3sg. gubst PIE *ghubh- Cogn. OE geap ‘crooked, sly’ (with *p from Kluge’s law) See also: *gubiti; *g’bbezh; *gybati; *gynşti 198 *g^rbi; *g^rba *g^rb^; *g^rba m. o; f. â ‘hump’ ESSJa VII 199-201 CS CS grobi (Bon.) m. ‘back, hump’; grobb (Pog.) m. ‘back, hump’ E Ru. gorb m. ‘hump, (dial.) back’ W Cz. hrb m. ‘hump, mound, lump’; Slk. hrb m. ‘hump, mound, lump’; Pl. garb m. ‘hump’ S SCr. grb m. ‘back’; grba f. ‘hump’; Sln. grb m. ‘hump, back, wrinkle’; grba f. ‘hump, back, wrinkle’; Bulg. grab m. ‘back’; gărba f. ‘hump’ B OPr. grabis [garbis] (EV) ‘hill’ (the emendation garbis is justified by many place-names, e.g. Gailgarben or Geylegarben ‘Weissenberg’) In my opinion, it is preferable to separate *girbi from ^ *grgbi, *grubi ‘coarse, rude’. Of course, the roots may have influenced one another. We may reconstruct *grbh-, if we wish to stick to Indo-European terms, perhaps an enlarged variant of a root meaning ‘bend’ (cf. Maziulis PKEZ IV: 324-326). *g^rdlo n. o (a) ‘throat’ ESSJa VII 204-205 CS RuCS grilo; girlo E Ru. gorlo; ORu. grilo; girlo W Cz. hrdlo; Slk. hrdlo; Pl. gardto S SCr. grlo; Cak. grlo (Vrg.); Sln. grlo; Bulg. gărlo BSl. *gur?tlo B Lith. gurklys m.(io) 3 ‘crop’; gurklis (dial.) m.(io) 1 ‘crop’ PIE *gwrh3-tlom The comparison with the obscure Greek form p&pa9pov ‘gorge’ may not be justified. See also: *zerdlo; *zerti ^g’îrd'B adj. o (c) ‘proud’ ESSJa VII 206-207 CS OCS gridi ‘proud, haughty, majestic, amazing, terrible’ E Ru. gordyj ‘proud, haughty’; gord ‘proud, haughty’, f. gordă, n. gordo W Cz. hrdy ‘proud, haughty’; Slk. hrdy ‘proud, haughty’; Pl. gardy ‘fastidious, proud, haughty’ S SCr. grd ‘terrible, ugly, (eccl.) proud’; Sln. grd ‘nasty, ugly’, f. grda Formally *girdi may be cognate with Lith. gurdus 4 ‘weak, slow, uncommunicative, stiff’, Latv. gurds ‘tired, weary’, even though strictly speaking the mobility of the Slavic form does not correspond with the fixed stress reflected by the Latvian form. The meaning ‘uncommunicative, stiff’ attested in Lithuanian is close to the meaning of the Slavic adjective, but one wonders if we are dealing with Slavic influence here. If there is an etymological relationship between the Baltic and Slavic forms, we may connect BSl. *gur?dus with Gk. Ppa5uq ‘slow, dull, sluggish’ < *gwrdus. *g^rkati v. ‘coo’ CS RuCS girkati ‘coo’ ESSJa VII 102 *gtrtati 199 E Ru. gorkat’ (dial.) ‘coo’; ORu. girkati ‘coo’ W Cz. hrkati ‘crack, creak’; Slk. hrkat ‘rumble, rattle’ S SCr. grkati ‘coo, caw’; Sln. grkati ‘coo, screech’, 1sg. grkam, 1sg. grcem Cogn. Lat. graculus m. ‘daw, jackdaw’ See also: *grakati; *grajati *g^rnidlo n. o ‘furnace’ ESSJa VII 210 CS OCS grinili m. ‘smelting furnace, hearth’; RuCS grinilo ‘furnace, hearth’; girnilo ‘furnace, hearth’ E Ru. gornilo ‘furnace, hearth, crucible’; ORu. grinilo ‘furnace, hearth’; girnilo ‘furnace, hearth’ Derivative in *-idlo. See ^ *girni, *girno. *g^rm; *g^rno m. o; n. o ‘furnace, cauldron’ ESSJa VII 210-211 CS RuCS grino n. ‘cauldron, pot, oven’; girno n. ‘cauldron, pot, oven’ E Ru. gorn n. ‘blacksmith’s hearth, Gsg. gorna; gorno n. ‘blacksmith’s hearth, clay-oven’; ORu. grini m. ‘cauldron, pot, oven’; girni m. ‘cauldron, pot, oven’; gorni m. ‘cauldron, pot, oven’; Ukr. horno n. ‘furnace’ W Slk. grno n. ‘blacksmith’s bellows’ S SCr. grno n. ‘heat, embers’; Bulg. garne n.(nt) ‘pot’ PIE *gwhr-no- Cogn. Skt. ghrnă- m. ‘heat’; Lat. fornăx m. ‘oven’ See also: *goreti; *gorhjh; *gorbkt; *gore; *gre(ja)ti; *g^rnidlo; *zarb *g^rstb f. i (c) ‘cupped hand’ ESSJa VII 212-213 CS OCS gristijg (Euch.) Isg. f. ‘cupped hand’ E Ru. gorst’ ‘cupped hand, handful’ W Cz. hrst ‘cupped hand, handful’; Slk. hrst ‘cupped hand, handful, bundle’; Pl. garsc ‘cupped hand, handful’ S SCr. grst ‘cupped hand, handful’; Cak. grs (Orb.) ‘handful’; Sln. grst ‘cupped hand, handful’ BSl. *gursti- B Latv. gurste f.(e) ‘bundle of flax’ See also: *g^rtati; *girtnşti *g^rtati v. ‘rake together’ ESSJa VII 214 E Ru. gortăt’ (dial.) ‘rake together’; Ukr. hortăty ‘turn over (pages)’ S SCr. grtati ‘rake together, heap up, 1sg. grcem See also: *g^rstb; *g^rtnşti 200 *g^rtnţti *g^rtnşti v. ‘rake together’ ESSJa VII 214-215 E Ru. gortăt’ (dial.) ‘rake together’ W Cz. hrnouti ‘rake together, (h. se) rush’; Slk. hrnut‘rake together, (h. se) rush’; Pl. garnqc ‘clasp, gather, rake (g. siţ) rush’; LSrb. garnus ‘grasp, squeeze’ S SCr. grnuti ‘rake together, swarm, rush’, 1sg. grnem; Cak. grnuti (Vrg.) ‘rake together, swarm, rush’, 2sg. grnes; Sln. grniti ‘rake together, gather, swarm’, 1sg. grnem; Mcd. grne ‘gather, amass, clasp’ See also: *g^rstb; *g^rtati *gybati v. ESSJa VII 216 CS OCS gybati ‘perish’, 1sg. gybljg E Ru. gibat’ (dial.) ‘break, press’; gibăt’ (dial.) ‘bend’ W Cz. hybati ‘move, touch’; Slk. hybat ‘move’; Pl. gibac ‘twist, bend’ S SCr. gibati ‘swing, move, bend’, 1sg. gibam, 1sg. gibljem; Sln. gibati ‘move, perish’ The root has lengthened zero grade (cf. ^ *gingti). See also: *gubiti; *g’bbezh; *gynşti *gyn$ti v. (a) ‘perish’ ESSJa VII 218-219 CS OCS gybngti ‘perish’, 1sg. gybng E Ru. gibnut’ ‘perish’, 1sg. gibnu, 3sg. gibnet W Cz. hynout ‘perish, decay’; Slk. hynut ‘perish, decay’; Pl. ginqc ‘perish’ S SCr. ginuti ‘perish’; Sln. giniti ‘perish’, 1sg. gînem PIE *ghubh- The acute root is secondary, as is often the case in verbs in *-ngti. See also: *gubiti; *g’bbezh; *gtnşti; *gybati *gyza f. jâ (a?) ‘stump’ ESSJa VII 224 CS RuCS gyza ‘unripe grape’ W Cz. hyze (Kott) ‘tip of the shinbone’; OPl. giza ‘leg of pig or cattle, ham’ S SCr. gi(d)za (dial.) ‘stump of a vine’; Bulg. giza ‘vine, stump of a cut off vine’ BSl. *gun?zja? B Lith. guze, guze f.(e) ‘head of cabbage, (dial.) gizzard’; guzys m.(io) 3/4 ‘gizzard, (dial.) tip of the thighbone, head of cabbage, Adam’s apple’; guzis f.(i) 1 ‘gizzard, breastbone, tip of the holy bone of birds, elbow of a wing, protuberance (on the nose)’; gunzys (Zem.) m.(io) 3 ‘gizzard’; Latv. guza f.(jâ) ‘thigh, ham’ The Baltic material points unambiguously to an acute root, which is in agreement with the vocalism of *gyza, whether *y reflects *un? or *uP. The reconstruction of a nasal is only based on the Zemaitian form and therefore less secure. On the other hand, it facilitates the connection with ^ *ggzi, *ggza, though it must be admitted *xabbni 201 that there is also evidence for ^ *guzi. Another form containing a nasal is Lith. gunga ‘hump, hunch’, where the *g was apparently depalatalized, unless we assume that this word is not related. Still more remote is Lith. guga ‘bump, knot (in wood), withers’, where apart from the nasal also the glottalization is absent, cf. Ru. guglja (dial.) ‘bump’, Pl. guga ‘id.’, Lith. gaugaras ‘ mountain top’. See also: *gşzt; *gşza; *guzt *X *xabati v. ‘spoil’ ESSJa VIII 7-8 W Cz. chabati (Kott) ‘seize, snatch’ S SCr. habati ‘wear out, scold, spoil, soil’, 1sg. habăm; Sln. hăbati ‘push’, 1sg. hăbam See ^ *xabiti. *xabiti v. ‘spoil’ ESSJa VIII 8-9 CS CS xabiti ‘spoil, corrupt’; xabiti sţ ‘abstain’ E Ru. xăbit’ (arch.) ‘seize, snatch’ W Cz. chabiti (Jg.) ‘spoil, damage’; chăbit (dial.) ‘snatch, steal’; Slk. chabit‘fool’ S SCr. habiti ‘spoil’; Sln. hăbiti ‘spoil, damage’, 1sg. hăbim; habiti ‘spoil, damage, 1sg. habm; Bulg. xabjă ‘spoil’ BSl. skaîb- B Lith. skobti ‘become sour’; Latv. skâbt ‘become sour’ In my opinion, this of one of the cases where Slavic *x- corresponds to Baltic sk-. I thoroughly disagree with Fraenkel that Lith. skobti is cognate with skobti ‘hollow out, tear’. The meaning ‘seize, snatch’, which is attested for both xabiti and ^ *xabati is reminiscent of ^ *capati, ^ *gabati and ^ *xapati and must be secondary. See also: *xabt; *xabbnt *xab^ adj. o ‘weak’ ESSJa VIII 9 W Cz. chaby ‘weak, faded, bad’; Slk. chaby ‘weak, faded, small, timid’ BSl. *ska?bos B Lith. skobas 3 ‘sour’; Latv. skâbs ‘sour’ See ^ *xabiti. ^xabwb adj. o ESSJa VIII 9-10 W Cz. chabny ‘cowardly, faint-hearted’; LSrb. chamny ‘poor’ S Sln. hăbdn ‘quick, hasty, (dial.) weak’; Bulg. xăben ‘blunt (of an axe)’ See ^ *xabiti. 202 *xâpati *xapati v. (b) ‘seize’ ESSJa VIII 18-19 CS OCS xapbjgste (Supr.) Npl. m. ptc. pres. act. ‘biting’; RuCS xapati ‘seize, bite, sting, trample’ E Ru. xăpat’ ‘seize, grab’, 1sg. xăpaju; xapăt’ (dial.) ‘seize, grab’ {1}; ORu. xapati ‘seize, bite, sting, trample’; Ukr. xapăty ‘seize, grab, steal’ W Cz. chăpati ‘seize, comprehend’; Slk. chăpat ‘seize, comprehend’; Pl. chapac ‘seize’; Slnc. x^păc ‘seize’ S Sln. hăpati ‘snap, (h. se) seize’, 1sg. hăpam {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 137). See also: *xabt; *gabati *xleb^ m. o (a) ‘bread’ ESSJa VIII 27-28 CS OCS xlebi ‘bread, loaf’ E Ru. xleb ‘bread, loaf, bread-grain, (pl.) corn’ {1} W Cz. chleb ‘bread’; Slk. chlieb ‘bread’; Pl. chleb ‘bread’; Slnc. xl'b ‘bread’, Gsg. Xliebă S SCr. hleb ‘bread’; (h)leb ‘bread’; hljeb ‘bread’; ljeb ‘bread’; Cak. hlib (Vrg.) ‘loaf of store-bought bread’; hleb (Orb.) ‘round loaf’; Sln. hleb ‘loaf, (white) bread’, hleba; Bulg. xljab ‘bread, grain’ A borrowing from Germanic, cf. Go. hlaifs, OHG hleib. The length reflected in Slk. chlieb is probably due to Czech influence. *xlşbb f. i ESSJa VIII 32-33 CS OCS xljţbei (Ps. Sin.) Gpl. ‘waterspouts’; xlţbb (Euch. MS 1/N) ‘waterfall’; RuCS xljabb ‘waterfall, rapid’ E Ru. xljab’ ‘abyss, mud, muddy ground’ S SCr. hl(j)eb (obs., arch.) ‘rapids, waterfall’ BSl. *sklembh- B Lith. sklembti ‘slide off, slide down’; sklţsti ‘slide off, slide down’. *xlşd^ m. o (b/c) ‘stick, pole’ ESSJa VIII 37-38 CS RuCS xlgdi ‘staff’ E Ru. xlud (dial.) ‘pole, truncheon, yoke’; xlut (dial.) ‘pole’ W Cz. chloud ‘stick’; OCz. chlud ‘stick’; Pl. chlqd ‘stalk, twig, Gsg. chlţdu S Cak. hlud (??) ‘pole, bar’; hluot (Orb.) ‘beam on a waggon (placed lengthwise on top of the hay)’, Gsg. hluoda; Sln. hlgd ‘sawed off block, bar of a plough’; hlgd ‘bar of a plough’ BSl. *skland- B Lith. sklanda (Zem.) f. 4 ‘fence-pole, bolt’; Latv. sklanda f. ‘bar, fence-pole’. *xoditi v. ‘go, walk’ CS OCS xoditi, 1sg. xozdg ESSJa VIII 48-49 *xold,b 203 E Ru. xodit’, 1sg. xozu, 3sg. xodit W Cz. choditi; Slk. chodit; Pl. chodzic S SCr. hoditi, 1sg. hodîm; Cak. hoditi (Vrg.); hodit (Orb.), 1sg. hodin; Sln. hoditi, Gsg. hgdim; Bulg. xodja PIE *sod- Cogn. Gk. o8euw ‘wander’ The initial *x is thought to have originated after prefixes triggering the “ruki-rule” (e.g. pri-, u-). In order to explain the absence of the effects of Winter’s law (cf. also the stem *sbd-), Kortlandt assumes that *xoditi replaces a reduplicated present *sizd-, where the law would not apply (Kortlandt 1988: 394). See also: *xodt *xod^ m. o (c) ‘motion, movement’ ESSJa VIII 51-52 CS OCS xodi (Supr.) ‘motion, movement’ E Ru. xod ‘motion, movement’, Gsg. xoda; Ukr. xid ‘motion, movement’, Gsg. xoda W Cz. chod ‘motion, movement, walking’; Slk. chod ‘motion, movement, walk’; Pl. chod ‘motion, movement, walking, Gsg. chodu S SCr. hod ‘motion, movement, speed, Gsg. hoda; Cak. hod (Vrg.) ‘motion, movement, speed’, Gsg. hoda; huot (Orb.) ‘walk, walking’, Gsg. hoda; Sln. hod ‘motion, movement, walking’, Gsg. hoda; hgd ‘motion, movement, walking’, Gsg. hodă; Bulg. xod ‘motion, movement, step’ PIE *sod-o- Cogn. Gk. 65oq ‘way’ See the previous lemma. *xoxotati v. ‘laugh loudly’ ESSJa VIII 55 CS CS xoxotati E Ru. xoxotăt’ W Slnc. xoxotac ‘laugh’ S Sln. hohotăti, 1sg. hohotăm, 1sg. hohgcem Cogn. Skt. kăkhati ‘laugh’; Gk. Kax&(w ‘laugh loudly’ *xold^ m. o (c) ‘coolness, cold’ ESSJa VIII 57-58 CS OCS xladi (Ps. Sin, Euch.) ‘coolness, cool breeze’ E Ru. xolod ‘cold’ W Cz. hlad ‘cold, coolness’; Slk. hlad ‘coolness, cool shadow’; Pl. chtod ‘cold, coolness’, Gsg. chtodu; USrb. chtod ‘coolness, shade’, Gsg. chtoda S SCr. hlăd ‘coolness, cool shade’, Gsg. hlăda; Cak. hlâd (Vrg.) ‘shade’ Gsg. hlâda; hlăd (Novi) ‘shade’; hlăt (Orb.) ‘shade, Gsg. hlăda; Sln. hlăd ‘coolness’; hlad (dial.) ‘shadow’; Bulg. xlad ‘cold, coolness’ 204 *xoldbni Cogn. Lat. gelidus adj. ‘icy, cool’; OHG kalt adj. ‘cold’ Possibly cognate with Latin and Germanic words for ‘cold’ reflecting PIE *gel-. The *x- lacks a convincing explanation. See also: *xoldbnt *xoldbm adj. o (c) ‘cool, cold’ ESSJa VIII 59-60 CS OCS xladbni (Euch., Supr.) ‘cool’ E Ru. xolodnyj ‘cold’ W Cz. chladny ‘cool, cold’; Slk. chladny ‘cool, cold’; Pl. chtodny ‘cool’ S SCr. hlădan ‘cool, cold’; Cak. hlădan (Vrg.) ‘cool, cold’; hlădan (Orb.) ‘cold’; Sln. hlăddn ‘cool’; Bulg. xlăden ‘cool’ Adjective in *-bni. See ^ *xoldi. ^xomştb m. o ‘horse’s collar, hames’ ESSJa VIII 69-70 CS CS xomgti ‘yoke, scales’ E Ru. xomut ‘horse’s collar, hames’ W Cz. chomout ‘horse’s collar, hames’; Slk. chomut ‘horse’s collar, hames’; Pl. chomqto n. ‘horse’s collar, hames, clamp’; chomqt (arch., dial.) ‘horse’s collar, hames, clamp’; OPl. chomqt (arch., dial.) ‘horse’s collar, hames, clamp’ S SCr. homut ‘bundle, bunch’; Sln. homgt ‘horse’s collar, seine’; Bulg. xomot ‘yoke’ B Lith. kâmanos Npl. f. ‘leather bridle’ Cogn. MoDu. haam n. ‘hames’ This etymon is sometimes regarded as a borrowing from Germanic. Bankowski (2000a: 143), on the other hand, regards Mong. khomut as a possible source. *xorbrb adj. o (a) ‘brave’ ESSJa VIII 71-72 CS OCS xrabiri (Supr.) ‘brave’; xrabbri (Supr.) ‘brave’ {1} E Ru. xorobryj (dial.) ‘brave, vain’; ORu. xorobryj ‘brave’ {2} W OCz. chrabry ‘brave’; Pl. chrobry (poet.) ‘brave, bold’ S SCr. hrăbar ‘brave’; Sln. hrăbdr ‘brave, bold’; Bulg. xrăbăr ‘brave’ BSl. *skor?bros B Latv. sfcerbs ‘astringent, sharp’ Cogn. OIc. skarpr ‘sharp’ {1} The distribution of the two variants (xrabiri Nsg. m., xrabiryi Nsg. m., xrabira Gsg. m. : xrabbre Lsg. m., xrabbri Npl. m.) seems to be governed by the vocalism of the final syllable. {2} AP 2 in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 155). *xorna f. â ‘food, fodder’ CS CS xrana ‘food’ W Slnc. x%rnă ‘food, fodder’; Plb. xarnă ‘food’ ESSJa VIII 76-77 *xudt 205 S SCr. hrăna ‘food, fodder’; Cak. (h)răna (Vrg.) ‘food, fodder’; hrăna (Novi) ‘food, fodder’; hrăna (Orb.) ‘food’, Asg. hrăno; Sln. hrăna ‘food, fodder’; Bulg. xrană ‘food, fodder, grain’ Cogn. Av. xvarma- ‘food’ Possibly a borrowing from Iranian. See also: *xorniti *xorniti v. ESSJa VIII 78-79 CS OCS xraniti ‘preserve, guard, protect’, 1sg. xranjg E Ru. xoronit’ ‘bury, hide’, 1sg. xoronju, 3sg. xoronit; xranit’ ‘keep, preserve’, 1sg. xranju, 3sg. xranit W Cz. chrăniti ‘defend, guard’; Pl. chronic ‘defend, guard’; Plb. xorne ‘feed’ S SCr. hrăniti ‘feed, keep, preserve, save’, 1sg. hrănim; Cak. hrăniti (Vrg.) ‘feed, save, 2sg. hrânis; hrănit (Orb.) ‘feed, nourish’, 1sg. hrânin; Sln. hrăniti ‘keep, guard’, 1sg. hrănim; Bulg. xrănja ‘feed’ The noun from which this verb derives may be a borrowing from Iranian. See also: *xorna *xromi adj. o (b) ‘lame’ ESSJa VIII 101-102 CS OCS xromi E Ru. xromoj; xrom, f. xromă, n. xromo {1} W Cz. chromy; Slk. chromy; Pl. chromy (arch.) ‘lame, mutilated’ S SCr. hrom; Cak. hrom (Vrg.); Sln. hrom ‘lame, sick’; Bulg. xrom PIE *sromo- (?) Cogn. Skt. srămă- ‘lame’ In this case it is difficult to explain *x- < *s-, as prefixed verbs to which the ruki-rule applied seem to be lacking. The ESSJa compares Pl. poskromic ‘tame’ ^ ‘clip the wings of’ and MoHG Schramme ‘scratch’, advocating *x- < *sk-. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). *xud^ adj. o (c) ‘small, thin’ ESSJa VIII 111-113 CS OCS xudi ‘small, insignificant, poor’; xuzdii comp. ‘worse’ E Ru. xudoj ‘thin, lean, bad, full of holes’; xud ‘thin, lean, bad, full of holes’, f. xudă, n. xudo; xuze comp. ‘wor’se’ W Cz. chudy ‘poor, bad, lean’; Slk. chudy ‘thin, lean’; Pl. chudy ‘thin, lean, insignificant, poor’ S SCr. hud (dial.) ‘bad, evil’; Cak. hut (Orb.) ‘leaky, with a hole in it, f. huda, n. hudo; Sln. hud ‘bad, evil’, f. huda PIE *ksoud-o- Cogn. Skt. kşudră- ‘small’ 206 *xvoja; *xvojh The fact that the root is not acute in Slavic, as one would expect in view of the *-d (Winter’s law) is a consequence of Meillet’s law. *xvoja; *xvojb f. jâ; m. jo ‘needles or branches of a coniferous tree’ ESSJa VIII 125-126 E Ru. xvoja f. ‘needles or branches of a coniferous tree’; xvojă f. ‘needles or branches of a coniferous tree’ W Cz. chvoj m. ‘needles or branches of a coniferous tree’; Slk. chvoja f. ‘brushwood, branch of a fir-tree’; Pl. choja f. ‘needles (of conifer), branches (of conifer)’ S SCr. hvoja f. ‘branch, sprout’; hvoja f. ‘branch, sprout’ Sln. hgja f. ‘fir-tree, coniferous tree, brushwood of a coniferous tree’; hgja f. ‘id.’; hvgja f. ‘id.’ BSl. *sku(o)ja? B Lith. skuja f. 4 ‘needle of a coniferous tree, (dial.) twig of a pine tree, cone, fish-scale’; Latv. skuja f. ‘needle of a fir-tree’ *xv6rstb m. o (b) ‘brushwood’ ESSJa VIII 130-131 CS CS xvrasti ‘osier’ E Ru. xvorost ‘brushwood’; xvorost (dial.) ‘dry osiers, twigs, brushwood’; Ukr. xvorost ‘brushwood’ W Cz. chrast ‘rustle’; chrăst (dial.) ‘bush’; chrast (dial.) f.(i) ‘thicket, dry osiers’; Pl. chrust ‘brushwood, shrubbery’; Slnc. xroust ‘brushwood’; USrb. chrost (obs.) ‘brushwood, shrubbery’ S SCr. hrăst ‘oak, (dial.) tree, Gsg. hrăsta; Cak. hrâst (Vrg.) ‘oak’, Gsg. hrăsta; Sln. hrăst ‘oak’; hrăst f.(i) ‘brushwood’; Bulg. xrast ‘bush, shrub’ Perhaps cognate with OHG hurst m./f., OE hyrst m. ‘bush, thicket, but the latter etymon is usually derived from *krt- ‘wind’. See also: *xvorsthje *xvorstbje n. io ‘brushwood’ ESSJa VIII 131 CS SerbCS xvrastije n.(io) ‘osiers’ W Cz. chrasti n.(io) ‘shrubbery’; chvrasti (arch.) n.(io) ‘shrubbery’; Slk. chrastie n.(io) ‘shrubbery, thickets’; Pl. chroscie (obs.) n.(io) ‘shrubbery, osiers’ S SCr. hrăsce (arch., dial.) n.(jo) ‘oaks’; Sln. hrăstje n.(jo) ‘oak-wood, brushwood, osiers’; hrăscje n.(jo) ‘brushwood’ See also: *xvorstb *xvorb adj. o ‘ill’ ESSJa VIII 131-132 CS CS xvori ‘ill’ E Ru. xvoryj ‘ill, sickly’; xoryj (dial.) ‘ill’ W Cz. chory ‘ill, sickly, bad’; OCz. ch(v)ory ‘thin, skinny’; Slk. chory ‘ill’; Pl. chory ‘ill’ PIE *suor-o- 207 Cogn. Av. xvara- m. ‘wound’; OHG swero m. ‘pain, ulcer’ *xybati v. ‘sway’ ESSJa VIII 153 W Cz. chybati (Kott) ‘hesitate’; Slk. chybat ‘be absent, be missing’; Pl. chybac (obs., dial.) ‘sway, rock, run, rush’ S Sln. hibati ‘scold, criticize’ Cogn. Skt. kşobh- ‘stagger, begin to swing, tremble’ Iterative in *-ati with lengthened zero grade of the root *k(w)seubh-. Perhaps also cognate with Lith. skubus, Latv. skubrs ‘hasty’. *I *i conj. ‘and’ ESSJa VIII 167 CS OCS i E Ru. i W Cz. i; OCz. (h)i; Pl. i; OPl. (h)i S SCr. i; Sln. 1; Bulg. i PIE *hei Cogn. Gk. ei ‘if’ *J *ju(ze) adv. ‘already’ ESSJa VIII 190-191 CS OCS uze; juze; RCS ju ‘now, then’ E Ru. uze W Cz. jiz; OCz. juz(e) ; Slk. uz; Pl. juz; ju (dial.) BSl. *jou B Lith. jau; Latv. jau. *jug^ m. o (a) ‘South, south wind’ ESSJa VIII 192-193 CS OCS jugi ‘South, south wind’ E Ru. jug ‘South, south wind’; ORu. ugi ‘South, south wind’ W Cz. jih ‘South’; OCz. juh ‘south wind’; Slk. juh ‘South’ S SCr. jug m. ‘south wind’; jugo n. ‘south wind’; Cak. jugo (Vrg., Novi, Orb.) n. ‘south wind’; Sln. jug ‘southwest wind, South’, Gsg. juga; Bulg. jug ‘South’ If *jugi is cognate with Gk. auyf| ‘light, beam’ < *h2eug-, the acute tone of the root can be explained by Winter’s law. On the other hand, this etymology also implies that 208 the *j- was originally a glide, which considering the distribution of forms with and without *j- seems less likely. The ESSJa argues that *jugi contains *ioua ‘mix, knead’. The original meaning would have been ‘soft’, cf. ^ severi, of the which the older meaning is assumed to have been ‘sharp, severe’. This all seems highly speculative. *juxa f. â (b) ‘broth, soup’ ESSJa VIII 193 CS CS juxa ‘broth’ E Ru. uxă ‘fish-soup’, Asg. uxu {1} W Cz. jicha ‘liquid, sauce, (arch.) soup’; Slk. jucha ‘cabbage soup’; Pl. jucha ‘bull’s blood, soup, sauce, juice’; Slnc. juxa ‘soup’ S SCr. juha (dial.) ‘soup, broth’; Cak. juha (Vrg.) ‘soup, broth’ {2}; juha (Novi) ‘soup, broth’; juha (Orb.) ‘soup’, Asg. juho; Sln. juha ‘soup’ B Lith. juse f.(e) 1 ‘broth, soup’ OPr. juse (EV) ‘soup’ Cogn. Skt. yuş- n. ‘broth’; Lat. ius n. ‘broth’ The fact that all in all the accentological evidence points to AP (b) is problematic in view of the laryngeal reflected by forms from other branches. If the root is identical with Skt. yu- ‘unite, attach, bind’, which is uncertain, we may reconstruct *ieu-alongside *ieuH, cf. Lith. jăuti, jauti. In any case, Slavic has full grade, *ieu(H)-s- or *iou(H)-s-, against zero grade in Baltic. {1} AP (b) is also attested in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 135). {2} According to Jurisic, this form is a recent designation of corba. *jum adj. o (c) ‘young’ ESSJa VIII 195-197 CS OCS juni ‘young(er)’ E Ru. junyj ‘young, youthful’ W Cz. juny (poet.) ‘young, youthful’ S SCr. jun (eccl.) ‘young’; Sln. jun ‘young, youthful’, f. juna BSl. *iou?nos B Lith. jăunas 3 ‘young’; Latv. jauns ‘young, new’ PIE *h2i-eu-Hn-o- Cogn. Skt. yuvan- (RV+) adj./m. ‘young, youth’; Lat. iuvenis m. ‘young man’; OHG jung adj. ‘young’ *jb(ze) prn. ESSJa VIII 204-205 CS OCS i prn. ‘that, he, who’, f. ja, n. je; RuCS oze conj. ‘how, that, because’ E ORu. oze conj. ‘how, that, because’ W Cz. ze conj. ‘that’; (j)ez (arch.) conj. ‘that’; jenz (arch.) prn. ‘who’, f. jez, n. jez; Slk. ze conj. ‘that’; Pl. ze conj. ‘that’; ze prn. ‘who’ PIE *io-*gfw)he *jhgrati 209 *jbde conj. ‘where’ ESSJa VIII 206 CS OCS ide ‘where, when’; RuCS ide ‘where, when, as’; ide ‘where, when, as’ E ORu. ide ‘where, when, as’; ide ‘where, when, as’; Bel. idze ‘where’ W Cz. jdeze (arch.) ‘where’ PIE *io+dhe *jbgo n. o (c) ‘yoke’ ESSJa VIII 206-207 CS OCS igo ‘yoke’ E Ru. igo ‘yoke (fig.)’; Ukr. iho ‘yoke’ W Cz. jho ‘yoke’; OSlk. jho ‘yoke, burden’; Pl. jugo (dial.) ‘yoke, cross-beam’; igo (dial.) ‘yoke’; Slnc. vjîge ‘yoke’; Plb. jaid’u ‘yoke’; jaigo Gsg. ‘yoke’ S SCr. igo (arch., lit.) ‘yoke’ {1}; jlgo (Krk) ‘stabilizing cross-beam on primitive boats’; Sln. igo n.(s) ‘yoke’, Gsg. izţsa; jigo (Carinthia) n.(s) ‘yoke’, Gsg. jizţsa; Bulg. igo ‘yoke’ BSl. *ju?go B Lith. jungas m. 1 ‘yoke’; Latv. jugs m. ‘yoke’ PIE *iug-o-m Cogn. Skt. yugă- n. ‘yoke, pair’; Gk. (uyov n. ‘yoke’; Lat. iugum n. ‘yoke’ The s-stem that occurs in Slovene and in late Church Slavic texts must be analogical after forms such as kolesa ‘wheels’, ojesa ‘thills’ (cf. Vaillant Gr. II: 237). {1} The RSA gives the accentuations igo and igo, but it is unclear on what basis. Skok has igo with a question mark. The word igo seems to have been introduced into the literary language at a relatively recent stage. *jbgra; *jbgrb f. â; m. o (b) ‘play, game’ ESSJa VIII 208-210 CS OCS igrb (Euch., Supr.) f.(i) ‘entertainment, joke’; CS igra ‘entertainment, dance, play’ E Ru. igră ‘play(ing), game’; Ukr. hra ‘play(ing), game’ W Cz. hra ‘play, game, entertainment, amusement’; OCz. jhra ‘play, amusement’; Slk. hra ‘play, game, entertainment, amusement’; ihra (arch.) ‘play, entertainment’; Pl. gra ‘play(ing), game’; OPl. igra ‘play(ing), game’ S SCr. igra ‘play(ing), dance’, Asg. igru; Cak. igra (Vrg.) ‘play(ing), dance’, Asg. igru; igra (Orb.) ‘game, play’, Asg. igro; Sln. igra ‘play’; igra ‘play’; Bulg. igră ‘play(ing), game’ Etymology unclear. The connection with Skt. ejati ‘move, stir’ < *h2eig- is semantically unconvincing and formally unattractive because it is in conflict with Winter’s law. See also: *jhgrati *jbgrati v. ‘play’ CS OCS igrati ‘amuse oneself, play, 1sg. igrajg ESSJa VIII 210-211 210 *jbg^la E Ru. igrat’‘play’, îsg. igraju; Ukr. hraty ‘play’ W Cz. hrati ‘play’; Slk. hrat’ ‘play’; Pl. grac ‘play’; OPl. igrac ‘play, dance to music’; Plb. jaigrojq 3pl. ‘play’ S SCr. igrati ‘dance, play, îsg. igram; Cak. igrati (Vrg.) ‘dance, play’ 2sg. igrăs; igrat (Orb.) ‘play, îsg. igrân; Bulg. igraja ‘play’ See ^ *jbgra, *jbgn. *jbg^lâ f. â (c) ‘needle’ ESSJa VIII 213-214 CS CS igla ‘needle’ E Ru. igla ‘needle’; Ukr. holka ‘needle’; ihla (dial.) ‘needle’ W Cz. jehla ‘needle’; ihla (dial.) ‘needle’; Slk. ihla ‘needle’; Pl. igla ‘needle, pin’; jegla (dial.) ‘needle, pin’; Slnc. jieglă ‘needle’; LSrb. gla ‘needle’; Plb. jâglă ‘needle’ S SCr. igla ‘needle, Asg. 'iglu; jigla (dial.) ‘needle’; jagla (dial.) ‘needle’; Cak. igla (Vrg.) ‘needle’, Asg. iglu; igla (Novi) ‘needle’; jogla (Hvar) ‘needle, Asg. iglu; igla (Orb.) ‘needle’, Asg. iglo; Sln. igla ‘needle, kingpin’; igla ‘needle, kingpin’; jagla ‘needle, kingpin’; Bulg. igla ‘needle’ B OPr. ayculo (EV) ‘needle’ The connection with Lith. aigyti (dial.) ‘prick, sting, incite, beat’, aîgaras ‘straw’ (Toporov PJ s.v. ayculo), does not seem implausible. OPr. ayculo may have for g. The assumption that ay- reflects *ei is not trivial. The Slavic root may have either zero grade or e-grade unless the root has initial *h2 or *h3. Note that in case of a zero grade in the root the *u of the suffix would have blocked the progressive palatalization. {1} According to the Staroslavjanskij slovar’, the adjective igblirn occurs nine times, always in the context skvoze igbline usi ‘through the eye of a needle’. *jbkrâ; *jbkro f. â; n. o (c) ‘roe, spawn, (anat.) calf’ ESSJa VIII 217-220 CS CS ikra f. ‘roe’ E Ru. ikra f. ‘roe, spawn, caviar, (anat.) calf’; ikro (Psk.) f. ‘roe, spawn, caviar’; ikra f. ‘roe, spawn, caviar, (anat.) calf’; kra (arch.) f. ‘ice-floe’ W Cz. jikra f. ‘roe’; ikro (dial.) n. ‘(anat.) calf’; kra f. ‘ice-floe’; OCz. kra f. ‘lump, clod’; Slk. ikra f. ‘roe’; Pl. ikra f. ‘roe, spawn, caviar, (anat.) calf’; OPl. ikro n. ‘roe’; Slnc. krue f. ‘roe, (anat.) calf’; Plb. jâkră f. ‘roe’ S SCr. ikra f. ‘roe’; Sln. ikra f. ‘spawn, roe, hydatid, scale’ BSl. *ikra?; *ikro B Lith. ikras m. 2 ‘fish-egg, (anat.) calf, (pl.) roe, spawn, caviar’; Latv. ikri Npl. m. ‘roe, spawn, caviar, (anat.) calves’; ikrs m. ‘(anat.) calf’; ikra f. ‘roe, spawn’ OPr.yccroy (EV) ‘(anat.) calf’ A derivative of *iekw-r/n- ‘liver’, cf. Skt. yakar- (yakn-) m. ‘liver’; Gk. ^nap n. ‘liver’. *jhmeti 211 *jbl^; *jblo m. o; n o ‘silt, clay’ ESSJa VIII 221-222 CS CS ili m. ‘bog’ E Ru. il m. ‘silt’ W Cz. jil m. ‘silt, clay’; Slk. il m. ‘silt, clay’; il (arch.) m. ‘silt, clay’; Pl. il m. ‘clay, natural dampness of earth’; jel (dial.) m. ‘clay, natural dampness of earth’ S SCr. il (arch., obs.) m. ‘clay’; jilo (Cres) n. ‘silt, clay’; Cak. ilo (Vrg.) n. ‘entrails of an octopus or cuttlefish’; jilo (Novi) n. ‘clay with water’; Sln. il m. ‘loam, clay’, Gsg. ila; ilo n. ‘loam, clay’; jilo n. ‘loam, clay’ BSl. *i?l- B Latv. îls ‘very dark’ PIE *(H)iHl-u- Cogn. Gk. IXuq f. ‘mud, slime’; Gk. eiXu (Hes.) Nsg. n. ‘black’ *jblbm^ m. o ‘elm’ ESSJa VIII 222-223 E Ru. il’m ‘wych elm (Ulmus montana)’, Gsg. il’ma; ilem (Dal’) ‘common (or small-leaved) elm (Ulmus campestris)’, Gsg. il’ma; lemok (dial.) ‘young wych elm’; ORu. ilemi ‘elm’; Ukr. il’m ‘wych elm (Ulmus montana)’; ilem ‘wych elm (Ulmus montana)’; l’om ‘wych elm (Ulmus montana)’ W Cz. jilm m.; jilma f.; Pl. ilm; OPl. ilem; Slnc. helem; Plb. jelmă f. S Sln. lim, Gsg. lima (according to Pletersnik, ilm, Gsg. ilma, is of Russian origin) PIE *hil-mo-? Cogn. Lat. ulmus m.; OHG elm m.; OIc. almr m. *jbmati v. ‘take’ ESSJa VIII 224-225 CS OCS imati ‘take, gather’, 1sg. jemljg E Ru. imăt’ (dial.) ‘catch, try’; imăt’ (dial.) ‘have, possess’; imat’ (dial.) ‘have, possess’; Ukr. măty ‘have, intend, be due’; imăty (dial.) ‘take, seize’ W Cz. jimati ‘take, seize’; OCz. jimati ‘take, seize’; jmăti ‘take prisoner’; Slk. mat ‘have, possess’; jimat ‘have, possess’; Pl. imac (obs.) ‘take, have’; Slnc. jimăc ‘seize’; Plb. jaimăt ‘catch’, 3sg. jeme S SCr. imati ‘have’, 1sg. imăm; Cak. imati (Vrg.) ‘have’ 2sg. imăs; Bulg. imam ‘have’ See ^ *%ti. *jbmeti v. (c) ‘have’ ESSJa VIII 226-227 CS OCS imeti ‘have’, 1sg. imamb (rarely imejg) E Ru. imet’ ‘have (of abstract possession)’, 1sg. imeju; Ukr. imity (dial.) ‘have’; mity (dial.) ‘have’ W Cz. miti ‘have’; OCz. jmieti ‘have’; Pl. miec ‘have’; imiec (arch.) ‘have’; OPl. imiec ‘have’; jemiec ‘have’; jmiec ‘have’; Slnc. mjiec ‘have’, 1sg. moym; USrb. mec ‘have’; LSrb. mes ‘have’; Plb. met ‘have’, 3sg. mo 212 S SCr. imjeti ‘have’; Cak. imet (Orb.) ‘have’, 1sg. iman; Sln. imeti ‘have’, 1sg. imâm; Bulg. imam ‘have’ See ^ *ţti. The present formation *jbmamb, which had mobile stress (cf. Dubr. imăm, imamo), is the subject of Kortlandt 1985. {1} The present *jbmamb had mobile stress, cf. SCr. 'imăm, imămo (Dubr.) {2} Rarely imejg. *jbmş n. n ‘name’ ESSJa VIII 227-228 CS OCS imţ, Gsg. imene E Ru. imja, Gsg. meni; Ukr. im’a, Gsg. imeny; m’a (dial.) W Cz. jmeno n.(o); meno (dial.) n.(o); OCz. jme, Gsg. jmene; Slk. meno n.(o); Pl. imiţ, Gsg. imienia; imiono (arch.) n.(o); miano (arch.) n.(o); miono (dial.) n.(o); Slnc. mjuene n.(o); USrb. mjeno n.(o); imje; mje; LSrb. me, Gsg. mena; jime (arch.); Plb. jaimq; jaimă n.(o) S SCr. ime, Gsg. imena, Npl. imena; Cak. ime (Vrg.), Gsg. imena, Npl. imenâ; ime (Orb.), Gsg. imena, Npl. im'ena; Sln. imţ, Gsg. imţna; Bulg. ime BSl. *in?men- OPr. emmens Gsg., emnen Asg. PIE *h3nh3-men- Cogn. Skt. năman- n.; Gk. ovo^a n.; Lat. nomen n. *jbnog^ m. o ‘gryphon’ ESSJa VIII 231 CS RuCS inog-b E ORu. inogb W Cz. noh; Pl. nog (obs.), Gsg. noga S SCr. ineg (arch.); inog (arch.) Probably a derivative of ^ *jbnb with a meaning similar to ^ *jbnokb, cf. Gk. ^ovioq ‘solitary, ferocious’. It remains unclear why the suffix of the word for ‘gryphon’ has *g, however. *jbnok^ adj. o ‘solitary’ ESSJa VIII 232-233 CS OCS inokb (Ps. Sin.) ‘singular’; RuCS inokyj adj ‘only, sole, solitary’; inokyj m. ‘hermit’ E Ru. inok m. ‘monk’; inok (dial.) m. ‘robber’; ORu. inokyj adj. ‘only, sole, solitary’; inokyj m. ‘hermit’ S SCr. inok (arch.) ‘lonesome, monastic’; Bulg. inok m. ‘monk’ Derivative in *-okb of ^ *jbnb. See also the previous lemma. *jbm prn. (a) ‘other’ ESSJa VIII 235-236 CS OCS inb ‘some(one), other’ E Ru. inoj ‘different, other’ {1} W Cz. jiny ‘other, different’; Slk. iny ‘other, different’; Pl. inny ‘other, different’ *jbrb; *jhrhjh 213 S SCr. in ‘other, different’; Sln. in ‘other’ BSl. *(o)i?nos B Lith. vienas ‘one’; Latv. viens ‘one’ OPr. ainan Asg. ‘one’ PIE *HiH-no- Cogn. Gk. oivr| f. ‘one (on dice)’; Lat. unus ‘one’ {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 133). *jbnbjb; *jbnbje m. io (a) ‘hoar-frost, rime’ ESSJa VIII 235-236 CS OCS inii (Ps. Sin. MS 2/N) m.(io); RuCS inii m.(io); inije n.(io) {1} E Ru. inej m.(jo); ORu. inii m.(io); inije n.(io) (also inej, inij); Bel. inej m.(jo); Ukr. inej m.(jo) W Cz. jinin.(io); OSlk. jinie n.(io) S SCr. inje n.(jo); Sln. inje n.(jo); Bulg. inej m.(jo) BSl. *i?nio(s) B Lith. ynis (dial.) m.(io) *jbrbica; *jbrbina; *jbrbika f. â ESSJa I 73 W Kash. jerzbina ‘rowan-tree’; jarzbina ‘rowan-tree’; USrb. jerbina (dial.) ‘rowan-tree’ S Sln. rbika (Josch 1853) ‘rowan-tree’; Bulg. erbica (dial.) ‘partridge’ BSl. *ir?b- B Lith. irbe f.(e) ‘hazel-grouse’; Latv. irbe f.(e) ‘hazel-grouse, irbene f.(e) ‘rowan-tree’ PIE *hirb-i- See also: *erşbt; *erşbb; *erşb^kt; *erşbica; *erşbina *jbrb; *jbrbjb m. o; m. io ESSJa VIII 236-237 E Ru. irej (dial.) ‘strong wind’; Bel. vyraj ‘warm lands to which birds migrate’; vyrij ‘warm lands to which birds migrate’; Ukr. (v)yrij ‘warm lands to which birds migrate’ W Pl. wyraj (obs.) ‘warm lands to which birds migrate, fairytale land of happiness’ S Sln. ir ‘der Wasserabgrund, (pl.) deep spot in water’; irin ‘Wasserwirbel’ (Bezlaj has ir m. and also mentions ir f.) BSl. *iu?r- B Lith. jura f. 1 ‘sea’; Latv. jura f. ‘sea (dial. also pl.)’ OPr. luriay [iuriay] (EV) ‘sea’; iurin Asg. ‘sea’ According to Bezlaj (1977b: 212), the connection between Sln. ir and the other Slavic forms can be understood in the light of the ancient belief that migratory birds hibernate under water. If one is not prepared to accept this, only the Slovene forms 214 *jhskati are possibly cognate with Lith. jura ‘sea’, Latv. jura ‘id., etc. On the other hand, Sln. ir is similar to vir ‘Wasserwirbel’, which seems to belong together with *vbreti ‘boil’, etc. Formally, *jbrb(jb) and Lith. jura could both continue *iuHr-, but in that case it becomes impossible to establish a connection with *ueHr, cf. Skt. văr ‘water’. A full grade *euHr- would yield BSl. *iouHr-, cf. Lith. jaura marshy land’. Subsequently, the *i- could have spread to the zero grade. The PSl. reflex of *uHr- would have been *vyr-. Nevertheless, it seems more probable to me that such forms as Ukr. vyrij were influenced by derivatives containing the prefix vy- or arose from collocations with *vb (cf. ESBM II: 279-280). *jbskati v. (b) ‘look for, seek’ ESSJa VIII 238-239 CS OCS iskati ‘look for, seek’, 1sg. iskg, 3sg. istetb, 3pl. iskgtb (also 1sg istg, 3sg istgtb, with analogical spread of the palatalized root form ist-) E Ru. iskat’‘look for, seek, 1sg. iscu, 3sg. iscet; Ukr. s’katy ‘search (one’s head)’ W Cz. viskati ‘look for lice’; iskat’ (dial.) ‘bite (frost), look for lice’; OCz. jiskati ‘look for, seek’; Slk. iskat’ ‘look for lice’; Pl. iskac ‘look for lice’; Slnc. vjîskăc ‘look for lice’, 1sg. vj'iscq S SCr. iskati ‘wish, (Dubr.) look for’; iskati ‘look for lice’; Cak. iskati (Vrg.) ‘look for, 2sg. isces, îsces; îskăt (Orb.) ‘look for, get’, 3sg. îscen; iskat (Orlec) ‘look for, 3sg. îsce; Sln. iskati ‘look for, seek, 1sg. iscem; iskati ‘look for, seek, 1sg. iscem; Bulg. iskam ‘want’ BSl. *(o)i?ska?- B Lith. ieskoti ‘look for’; Latv. ieskât ‘look for lice’ PIE *h2is-sk-e/o- Cogn. Skt. icchati ‘wish for, seek’; Av. isaiti ‘seek’; Lat. aeruscăre ‘beg, ask for’; OHG eiscon ‘investigate, demand’ The full grade may be of denominative origin. I assume that at a certain stage of Balto-Slavic the suffix *-sk- was replaced by *-Hsk- (Derksen 1996: 294, 337). *jbskra f. â (a) ‘spark’ ESSJa VIII 239-240 CS OCS iskra (Euch.) ‘spark’ E Ru. iskra ‘spark’; Ukr. iskra ‘spark’; skra (dial.) ‘spark’ W Cz. jiskra ‘spark’; Slk. iskra ‘spark’; Pl. iskra ‘spark’; skra (arch., dial.) ‘spark’; Slnc. skra ‘spark’; USrb. skra ‘spark’; LSrb. skra ‘spark’; Plb. jâskră ‘spark’ S SCr. iskra ‘spark’; Cak. iskra (Vrg.) ‘spark’; Sln. iskra ‘spark’; Bulg. iskra ‘spark’ BSl. *i?sk- B Lith. yskus (dial.) 1 ‘clear’; eiskus (dial.) 1 ‘clear’ Cogn. OIc. eiskra ‘rage with heated excitement’ It is quite likely that we are dealing with a noun containing the root *h2eidh- ‘kindle’ (see ^ *esnb for the origin of the acute). *jhstbbâ 215 *jbsto n. o ‘kidney’ ESSJa VIII 242-243 CS OCS istesa (Supr.) Apl. ‘kidneys’; istese (Supr.) Adu. ‘kidneys’ {1} W Plb. jaistă Npl. ‘kidneys’ S Cak. jisto (Cres) n.(o?) ‘kidney’ (in the dialect description of Tentor (1909, 1950), the diacritic " denotes length); Sln. obist f.(i) ‘kidney’ BSl. *i?st- B Lith. inkstas m.(o) ‘kidney’; Latv. îkstis Npl. m.(i) ‘kidneys’; îstri Npl. m.(o) ‘kidneys’ OPr. inxcze (EV) n. ‘kidney’ PIE *h2id-st-es- Cogn. OIc. eista ‘testicle’ {1} Though Ps. Sin. has gtrgbg Asg. ‘entrails’ in the same passage (Psalm 26:2), both Gk. vs^poi and the fact that Supr. has a dual istese here justify a translation ‘kidneys’ (‘reins’ in the King James Version). The kidneys were considered to be the seat of desires and affections. The SJS translates ‘entrails’. *jbstb adj. o (a) ‘true, genuine’ ESSJa VIII 246-247 CS OCS isti ‘true, genuine, precise, that’ E Ru. istyj ‘true, genuine’ W Cz. isty ‘definite, true, reliable’; Pl. isty ‘true, sure, the same’ S SCr. istî ‘true, the same’; Cak. istî (Vrg.) ‘true, the same’; isti (Orb.) ‘same, identical’; Sln. isti ‘the same’ BSl. *i?stos B Latv. îsts ‘real, true’ See ^ *esni. *jbstbba f. â (c) ‘room’ ESSJa VIII 243-245 CS CS jbstiba ‘room’ E Ru. izbă ‘peasant’s hut, cottage’, Asg. izbu; ORu. istbba ‘house, building’; iz(i)ba ‘house, building’ W Cz. jizba ‘accomodation, room’; izba (dial.) ‘attic, peasant house, house’; OCz. jistba ‘room, pillar, arch’; Slk. izba ‘accomodation, room’; Pl. izba ‘room’; izdba (arch.) ‘room’; istba (arch., dial.) ‘room’; zdba (dial.) ‘room’; zba (dial.) ‘room’; OPl. histba ‘peasant house, room’; Slnc. jîzbă ‘room’; USrb. jstwa ‘accomodation, room’; stwa ‘accomodation, room’; LSrb. spa ‘attic, big room’; Plb. jâzbă ‘sitting-room’ S SCr. izba (Herc.) ‘room, cellar’; izba (dial.) ‘cellar’; Sln. izba ‘room, attic’; izba ‘room, attic’; jezba ‘dining-room’; Bulg. izba ‘cellar, hut’; istăba (arch., dial.) ‘hut’ B Latv. istaba ‘room’ Probably from Romance *istuva or *istuba ‘bath-house’, cf. MoFr. etuve. 216 *jbti v. ‘go’ ESSJa VIII 247-248 CS OCS iti ‘go, 1sg. idg, 2sg. imper. idi E Ru. idti ‘go, 1sg. idu, 3sg. idet, 2sg. imper. idi {1}; Ukr. iti ‘go, 1sg. idu W Cz. jiti ‘go, 1sg. jdu, 2sg. imper. jdi; Slk. ist ‘go’; Pl. isc ‘go’; ic (arch.) ‘go’; Slnc. jic ‘go, 1sg. jîdq; Plb. ait ‘go, 3sg. aide, 2sg. imper. aid S SCr. ici ‘go, 1sg. idem; iti (dial.) ‘go’; isti ‘go’; Sln. iti ‘go, 1sg. grţm, 1sg. grţdem, 1sg. idem; Bulg. ida ‘go, come’ BSl. *ei- B Lith. eîti ‘go’; Latv. iet ‘go’ PIE *hiei- Cogn. Skt. eti ‘go’; Gk. sl|ii ‘go’; Lat. îre ‘go’ The stem form id- results from a reanalysis of the 2sg. imperative idi < *hii-dh-oihs cf. Skt. ihi 2sg. imper. ‘go’, Gk. î9i 2sg. imper. ‘go’. The original ending was transformed under the influence of the optative ending *-oihis. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). *jbva f. â (a) ‘willow’ ESSJa VIII 248-249 E Ru. iva; ORu. iva; Ukr. iva (dial.) W Cz. jiva; Slk. iva; Pl. iwa; USrb. jiwa; LSrb. wiwa S SCr. iva; Sln. iva; Bulg. iva BSl. *ei?wa? (*e?iwa??) B Lith. ieva 2/4 ‘bird-cherry’ {1}; Latv. ieva ‘bird-cherry’ PIE *hieiH-ueh2 (hiehii-ueh2?) Cogn. Gk. oa, 0^, otr| f. ‘service-tree’; Lat. uva ‘bunch of grapes, raisins’ {1} AP 1 seems to occur in dialects. With respect to AP 2, cf. Illic-Svityc 1979: 53. *jbverb m. o ‘chip’ ESSJa VIII 250-251 E Ru. iver (dial.) ‘felling, mark on a log’; Ukr. iver’ m.(jo) ‘notch across a tree’; yver m.(jo) ‘notch across a tree’; hyver m.(o) ‘chip, splinter’ W Cz. iver (dial.) ‘chip’; vejr (dial.) ‘notch, chip’; ver (dial.) ‘notch, chip’; Slk. iver ‘stump, chip’; Pl. wior ‘shaving, chip’; wier (dial.) ‘shaving, chip’; jewir (dial.) ‘shaving, chip’; iwer (dial.) shaving, chip’; Slnc. vjor ‘shaving, chip’; Plb. jever ‘shaving, chip’ S SCr. iver ‘chip’; Sln. ivţr ‘chip’; Bulg. iver ‘chip, chunk’ Formation unclear. *jbvblga f. â ‘oriole’ ESSJa VIII 251-252 CS CS vlbga ‘oriole’ E Ru. ivolga ‘oriole, (dial.) purple willow’; Ukr. jivolga ‘oriole’ W Cz. vlha (Kott) ‘European bee-eater’; Slk. vlha ‘oriole’; Pl. wilga ‘oriole’; wywiolga (dial.) ‘oriole’; wiwielga (dial.) ‘oriole’; wywilga (dial.) ‘oriole’ *jhzmhrmhrati 217 S SCr. vuga ‘titmouse’; Bulg. avliga ‘oriole’ B Lith. volunge f.(e) 3a ‘oriole’; Latv. vâluodze f.(e) ‘oriole’ Cogn. MHG witewal m. ‘oriole’; MoHG wiedewalch (Swiss dial.) m. ‘oriole’; MoDu. wielewaal m. ‘oriole’ Drawing a comparison with Germanic forms such as MHG witewal, with a first element meaning ‘wood’, Bulaxovskij (1968: 104) has proposed that *jbvblga continues *jbvo-vblga (*jbva ‘willow’). This is a reasonable attempt to account for the problematic prothetic vowel. I consider it possible, however, that we are dealing with a substratum word, cf. Lith. irbe ‘hazel-grouse’, jeru(m)be ‘id.’, Latv. irube ‘partridge’. *jbz prep./pref. ‘from, out of’ ESSJa VIII 6-8 CS OCS iz E Ru. iz W Cz. z(e) ; Slk. z(o) ; Pl. z(e) ‘with, from, out of’ S SCr. iz; Cak. z (Orb.) ‘out of, from, off’; Sln. iz; Bulg. iz ‘from, out of, at, in’ BSl. *iz (is) B Lith. is; iz (arch., dial.); Latv. iz OPr. is; assa prep.; assae prep. PIE *hiegh(s) Cogn. Gk. prep.; Lat. ex prep. The *i- of the Balto-Slavic forms is unexplained. The Balto-Slavic form may have been is, with secondary voicing in Slavic. *jbzkrb prep. ‘close to’ ESSJa IX 38 CS OCS iskrb adv./prep. ‘close (to)’; RuCS iskrb prep. ‘beside’ E ORu. iskrb prep. ‘beside’ S SCr. iskr (arch.) prep. ‘close to’; Sln. iskdr prep. ‘close to’ This preposition probably originates from *jbz and a second element going back to PIE *(s)kr ‘cut’, cf. Ru. krej, kri (dial.) ‘beside’. See also: *jbzkrbnt *jbzkrbnb; *jbzkrbm adj. jo; adj. o ESSJa IX 39 CS OCS iskrbnii ‘close’ E Ru. iskrennij ‘sincere, candid’ W Pl. skierny (dial.) ‘obstinate, foolish’ S SCr. iskrnjî (Dubr.) ‘close’; Sln. iskrnji ‘close’ Adjectival derivative of ^ *jbzkrb. *jbzmbrmbrati v. CS OCS izmrbmbrgti 3pl. ‘gnaw to shreds’ ESSJa IX 51 218 *jhzuti PIE *mhmrh2 Cogn. Skt. mrnăti ‘crush’; Gk. ^apaivw ‘quench’ *jbzuti v. ‘take off (footwear)’ ESSJa IX 87 CS OCS izuti (Hilf.) ‘take off (footwear)’ W Cz. zouti ‘take off (footwear)’; Slk. zozut’ (obs.) ‘take off (footwear)’; OPl. zuc ‘take off (footwear)’ S SCr. izuti ‘take off (footwear)’, 1sg. izujem; Cak. izuti (Vrg.) ‘take off (footwear)’, 2sg. izujes; zut (Orb.) ‘take off (shoes)’, 1sg. zujen; Sln. izuti ‘take off (footwear)’, 1sg. izujem BSl. *out- B Lith. auti ‘put on (footwear)’; Latv. aut ‘put on (footwear)’ Cogn. Hitt. unu- ‘adorn, decorate, lay (the table)’; Lat. exuere ‘take off’ Prefixed verb composed of ^ *jbz- and *uti- < *h3eu-. The reconstruction of *h3 is based on Hittite. See also: *obuti *K *kadidlo n. o ‘incense’ ESSJa IX 109 CS OCS kadilo (Ps. Sin., Euch.) ‘incense’ E Ru. kadilo ‘thurible, censer’ W Cz. kadidlo ‘incense’; Slk. kadidlo ‘incense’; Pl. kadzidto ‘fragrance’ S SCr. kadilo ‘smoke, incense’; Sln. kadilo ‘smoking, incense’ Derivative of ^ *kaditi. See also: cadt; cadjh; cadja *kaditi v. (c) ‘burn incense’ ESSJa IX 109-110 CS OCS kaditi (Euch.) ‘burn incense’ E Ru. kadit’ ‘burn incense’, 1sg. kazu, 3sg. kadit W Cz. kaditi ‘fumigate, burn incense’; Slk. kadit ‘smoke’; Pl. kadzic ‘burn incense’ S SCr. kăditi ‘smoke, burn incense’, 1sg. kădîm; Cak. kâd'iti (Vrg.) ‘smoke, burn incense’, 2sg. kâdîs; kodit (Hvar) ‘smoke, burn incense’, 1sg. kodin; kădit (Orb.) ‘incense’; Sln. kaditi ‘smoke, cover with dust’, 1sg. kadim; Bulg. kadjă ‘burn incense, smoke’ The accentuation of the Serbo-Croatian forms points to AP (b), but the evidence of the other languages rather points to (c). This is not an uncommon situation, as Serbo-Croatian mobile verbs in *-iti have been transferred to (b) on a large scale. *kaliti I 219 Due to the absence of reliable cognates, the reconstruction of the root presents difficulties (^ *cadb). In the case of *kaditi, we may be dealing with a lengthened grade *o. See also: cad^; cadjb; cadja; *kadidlo *kajati v. (a) ‘regret, repent’ ESSJa IX 115-116 CS OCS kajati sţ ‘repent’, 1sg. kajg sţ E Ru. kajat’sja ‘repent’ W Cz. kati se ‘regret, redeem’; Slk. kajatsa ‘regret, redeem’; Pl. kajac siţ ‘repent, regret’ S SCr. kajati ‘repent, be sorry, avenge’, 1sg. kajem; Cak. kajati se (Vrg.) ‘be repentant’, 2sg. kajes se; se kajat (Orb.) ‘repent, regret, 3sg. se kâje; Sln. kajati ‘blame, retort, (k. se) repent, 1sg. kajam, 1sg. kajem; Bulg. kaja se ‘regret, repent’ PIE *kwoi- Cogn. Av. kăii- ‘repent’ The fact that the accentological evidence points to AP (a) is problematic if, following LIV (371), we reconstruct the root as *kwei- ‘observe, perceive’. Since this is the root that I (s.v. *cajati) reconstructed as *kwehii-, the formal difficulty may be solved by positing *kwohii-. From a semantic point of view, however, I consider it more plausible that we are dealing here with the same root as in ^ *cena, where the reconstruction of a laryngeal seems unfounded. Thus, the formal difficulty remains. See also:*ceniti *kakb prn. ‘what (kind of)’ ESSJa IX 118-119 CS OCS kakb E Ru. kakoj’ W OCz. kaky; Pl. kaki (arch.)’ S SCr. kaki; Sln. kak' BSl. *kokos B Lith. koks’ PIE *kwo-ko- *kaliti I v. ‘temper, case-harden’ ESSJa IX 123-124 E Ru. kalit’ ‘heat, roast, 1sg. kalju, 3sg. kalit W Cz. kaliti ‘temper, case-harden’; Slk. kalit ‘temper, case-harden’ S SCr. kaliti ‘temper, case-harden’; Cak. kălit ‘temper, harden (iron), 3sg. kâli; Sln. kaliti ‘temper, case-harden, 1sg. kalim; Bulg. kalja ‘temper, case-harden’ Cogn. Lat. callum n. ‘callous’; OIr. calath adj. ‘hard’; W caled adj. ‘hard’ 220 *kaliti II *kaliti II v. ‘soil’ ESSJa IX 123-124 E Ukr. kalyty (dial.) ‘smear a wall with clay’ W Cz. kaliti ‘trouble, spoil’; Slk. kalit‘trouble, spoil’; Pl. kalic ‘soil, trouble’; Slnc. kâlăc ‘soil’ S Sln. kaliti ‘trouble’, 1sg. kalim Clearly a derivative of ^ *kâli. According to the ESSJa, ^ kaliti I ‘temper’ is etymologically identical. *kâl^ m. o (c) ‘dirt’ ESSJa IX 127-129 CS OCS kali (Supr.) ‘dirt, mud’ E Ru. kal ‘faeces, excrement’ W Cz. kal ‘dirt, muddy water, puddle, sediment’; Pl. kal ‘dirt, puddle, excrement’ S SCr. kâl ‘dirt, mud, puddle’; Cak. kâl (Orb.) ‘small pond (rainwater cistern) near a village’; Sln. kâl ‘mud in a puddle, dregs, puddle’; Bulg. kal ‘mud, dirt, dregs’ Unfortunately, the reconstruction *kweh2l-o-, cf. Gk. nr|A6q f., Dor. năAoq f. ‘clay, earth, mud, mire’, would be in conflict with Hirt’s law. See also: *kaliti II *kamy m. n ‘stone, rock’ ESSJa IX 137-140 CS OCS kamy m.(n) ‘stone, rock’, Gsg. kamene E Ru. kămen’ m.(jo) ‘stone, Gsg. kămnja W Cz. kămen m.(o) ‘stone’; Slk. kamen m.(jo) ‘stone’; Pl. kamien m.(jo) ‘stone’ S SCr. kamen m.(o) ‘stone, millstone’; Cak. kămen (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘stone, millstone’; kămen (Novi) m.(o) ‘stone, millstone’; kămen (Orb.) m.(o) ‘rock’; Sln. kămen m.(o) ‘stone’ BSl. *(?)akmen- B Lith. akmuo m. 3b ‘stone, Gsg. akmens; âsmenys Npl. m. 3b ‘cutting-edge, blade’; Latv. akmens m. ‘stone’ PIE *h2ek-men- Cogn. Skt. ăsman- m. ‘stone, rock’; Gk. aK|awv m. ‘anvil, meteor, heaven’ The root-final palatovelar was depalatalized before the resonant of the suffix. In the Lithuanian word for ‘cutting-edge, blade’, the palatovelar was restored after the word for ‘sharp, astrus (Kortlandt 1978b: 271). *kara f. â ‘punishment’ ESSJa IX 151 CS CS kara ‘quarrel’ E Ru. kăra (rhet.) ‘punishment, retribution’; Ukr. kăra ‘punishment, retribution, anger’ *kas(h)lh 221 W Cz. kara (arch.) ‘punishment, retribution’; Slk. kara (arch.) ‘punishment, retribution’; Pl. kara ‘punishment, retribution’ S SCr. kara ‘punishment, quarrel’ See ^ *korb. The long vowel may originate from ^ *karati. *karati v. ‘scold, punish’ ESSJa IX 152-153 E Ru. karat’ ‘punish’ W Cz. karati ‘reproach, scold, (arch.) punish’; Pl. karac ‘punish, (arch.) reproach’ S SCr. karati ‘scold, punish’; Cak. se kărat (Orb.) ‘quarrel’; Sln. karati ‘nick, scold’, 1sg. karam; Bulg. karam ‘scold, quarrel’; Mcd. kara ‘scold’ See ^ *koriti. The long root vowel is of Proto-Slavic origin. *kasati v. ESSJa IX 155-156 CS OCS kasati sţ ‘touch, 1sg. kasajg sţ E Ru. kasat’sja ‘touch’ W Cz. kasati ‘roll, roll up’; Pl. kasac (obs., dial.) ‘grab, aspire, climb, prepare’; OPl. kasac ‘fold back, tuck up’ S SCr. kasati ‘trot, walk hastily’; Sln. kasati ‘go while shaking one’s head (horses)’, 1sg. kasam; Bulg. kasae se ‘concerns’ B Lith. kasyti ‘scratch constantly’; Latv. kasît ‘plane, rake, scratch’ See also: *cesati; *kosa I; *kosm^; *kosnşti *kas(b)lati v. ‘cough’ ESSJa IX 160 CS CS kasbljati E Ru. kasljat’ ‘cough, have a cough’ W Cz. kaslati; Slk. kaslat; Pl. kaszlac S SCr. kasljati, 1sg. kasljem; Cak. kaslati (Vrg.), 2sg. kâsles; kasljat (Orb.), 1sg. kâsljen, 1sg. kasljân; Sln. kâsljati, 1sg. kâsljam; Bulg. kaslja; kasljam B Lith. koseti; Latv. kâset PIE *kweh2s- Cogn. Skt. kăs- Denominative verb. See ^ *kas(b)lb. *kas(b)lb m. jo ‘cough’ ESSJa IX 160-161 E Ru. kaselj; ORu. kasblb W Cz. kasel; Slk. kaseî; Pl. kaszel S SCr. kasalj; Cak. kasal (Vrg.); Sln. kasdj, Gsg. kaslja BSl. *ka?s(u)lio- B Lith. kosulys m.(io) 3a; Latv. kâsulis m.(io) 222 *kâzati PIE *kweh2s- Cogn. Skt. kăsikă- (AV) f.; OHG huosto m.; OE hwosta m.; MIr. cosachtach f. ‘cough(ing)’; W pâs m. ‘whooping cough’ See also: *kas(h)lati *kazati v. ‘show’ ESSJa IX 168-171 CS OCS kazati ‘show, 1sg. kazg E Ru. kazăt’ ‘show, 1sg. kazu, 3sg. kăzet W Cz. kăzati ‘teach, judge’; Slk. kăzat ‘rule, order, teach’; Pl. kazac ‘bid, order, let’ S SCr. kăzati ‘say, tell, show, 1sg. kâzem; Cak. kâzăti (Vrg.) ‘say, tell, show, 2sg. kâzes; kăzăt (Orb.) ‘show, point, 1sg. kăzen; Sln. kăzati ‘show, 1sg. kăzem; Bulg. kăza ‘say, show’ LIV (383, 385) regards *kazati as a causative *kwog-ie-, the root being a variant of *kwek- ‘see, behold’. For the time being this may be the best solution. See also: *kaznh *kaziti v. ‘ruin’ (c) ESSJa IX 171 CS OCS kaziti ‘ruin, castrate, 1sg. kazg E Ru. kazit’ ‘spoil, ruin’ {1}; Ukr. kazyty ‘distort’ W Cz. kaziti ‘spoil, ruin’; Slk. kazit ‘spoil, ruin’; Pl. kazic ‘harm, ruin, destroy’; Slnc. kâzec ‘destroy, ruin’; USrb. kazyc ‘destroy, ruin’; LSrb. kazys ‘ruin, harm’ S SCr. kaziti (dial.) ‘ruin one’s own appearance’; Sln. kaziti ‘spoil, ruin, 1sg. kazim It is unclear if this verb is cognate with ^ *kăzati. A connection with ^ *cezngti is more attractive. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). *kaznb f. i ‘punishment’ ESSJa IX 172-173 CS OCS kaznb (Supr., Euch.) ‘punishment, command’ E Ru. kazn’ ‘execution, capital punishment’ W Cz. kăzen ‘discipline’; Slk. kăzen ‘sermon, reprimand’; Pl. kazn ‘torture, execution’; OPl. kazn ‘punishment’ S SCr. kâzn (arch.) ‘punishment’; kâzanj (arch.) ‘punishment’; Sln. kâzdn ‘punishment, tax’, Gsg. kâzni See ^ *kăzati. {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 132). *klasti v. ‘put’ CS OCS klasti ‘put, 1sg. kladg E Ru. klast’ ‘put, 1sg. kladu, 3sg. kladet ESSJa IX 187-189 *klekbtati 223 W Cz. klasti ‘put’, 1sg. kladu; Slk. klast‘put’; Pl. klasc ‘put’ S SCr. klasti (arch.) ‘put’, 1sg. kladem, 1sg. kladem; Sln. klasti ‘put, lay’, 1sg. kladem; Bulg. klada ‘pile’ BSl. *kla?- B Lith. kloti ‘cover’; Latv. klât ‘cover’ PIE *k(w)leh2- Cogn. Go. afhlafcan ‘overburden’; OHG hladan ‘load’ The Slavic verb seems to contain an enlargement *-d(h>, whereas in Germanic we find *-t. Given the meaning of the verb, the hypothesis that the Proto-Slavic *-d originates from the imperative (LIV: 362, cf. ^ iti), is not implausible, but cf. Vaillant Gr. III: 115. *klegotB; *klegota m. o; f. â ‘shouting, shout’ ESSJa IX 189-190 CS RuCS klegota f. ‘shouting’ E ORu. klegota f. ‘shouting’ W Cz. klehot (dial.) m. ‘shout’ We may reconstruct * klegh-, but the root is probably onomatopoetic in origin. See also: *kleg^tati; *klekotati; *klekotb; *klek^tati *kleg^tati v. ‘scream’ ESSJa IX 193 CS CS klegbtati ‘scream’; RuCS klegbtati ‘scream like an eagle’ E ORu. klegbtati ‘scream like an eagle’ See ^ *klegotb, *klegota. *klekotati v. ‘scream’ ESSJa IX 191 E Ru. klekotat’ ‘scream (like birds)’ W Cz. klekotati ‘scream (like birds)’; Pl. klekotac ‘clatter, knock, buzz’ S Sln. klekotati ‘clack, croak, 1sg. klekotâm; Bulg., 1sg. klekgcem See ^ *klegotb, *klegota. *klekotb m. o ‘scream’ ESSJa IX 191-192 E Ru. klekot ‘scream (of birds)’ W Cz. klekot ‘scream (of birds)’; Pl. klekot ‘rattle’ See ^ *klegotb, *klegota. ^klekbtati v. ‘scream’ ESSJa IX 193 CS CS klekbta ti ‘scream’ E Ru. klektat’ ‘scream like birds of prey’ W Cz. klektati ‘knock, shake’; Pl. klektac ‘knock, pound, shake’ See ^ *klegotb, *klegota. 224 *klejh; *klhjh *klejb; *klbjb m. jo ‘glue, resin’ ESSJa X 19-20 E Ru. klej ‘glue’ W Cz. klej (dial.) ‘glue, resin’; OCz. kli ‘resin, clay’; Pl. klej ‘glue’; klij ‘glue’ S SCr. klija ‘glue’; Sln. klej ‘bitumen, glue’, Gsg. kleja, Gsg. klejâ; Bulg. klej ‘resin, glue’ This noun is reminiscent of ^ *gleva, *glbjb, etc. The connection with Gk. KoWa f. ‘glue’ is doubtful. Note that *kle/lbjb does not seem to contain a zero grade *kbl- < *kl-. *klesca f. jâ ‘claw, pincer’ ESSJa X 20-22 E Ru. klesci Npl. ‘pincers’; klesci Npl. ‘pincers’; ORu. klesca ‘claw’ W Cz. kleste Npl. ‘pincers’; Slk. klieste Npl. ‘pincers’; Pl. kleszcze Npl. ‘pincers’ S SCr. klijesta Npl. n. ‘pincers’; klijeste Npl. f. ‘pincers’; Cak. klîscâ (Vrg.) Npl. n. ‘pincers’; klisca (Novi) Npl. n. ‘pincers’; kl'esca (Orb.) Npl. n. ‘pair of tongs’; Sln. klesce Npl. ‘pincers’; Bulg. klesti Npl. ‘pincers’ B Lith. klise f.(e) ‘(crab’s) pincer’ If we start from a root *k(w>leik-, the etymon *klesca may be reconstructed as k(w)loik-t-ieh2. A possible cognate is Skt. kles- (SB+) ‘trouble, torment’. See also: *klesciti *klesciti v. ESSJa X 22-23 W Cz. klestiti ‘castrate’; klestiti ‘prune, clear, castrate’; OCz. klestiti ‘castrate, 1sg. klescu; Slk. kliestit ‘castrate’; Pl. klescic (dial.) ‘castrate’, 1sg. kleszczţ, 2sg. klescisz; kleszczyc (1902) ‘castrate’ S SCr. klijestiti ‘squeeze’ Apparently a derivative of ^ *klesca. The ESSJa suggests that forms reflecting *klestiti are analogical after *pustiti, 1sg. *puscg. This may very well be correct, but it should be noted that the West Slavic forms with *-sc-, which could be analogical after the present stem or the noun ^ *klesca, are comparatively recent. *kletb f. i ESSJa X 25-27 CS OCS kletb ‘closet, abode’ E Ru. klet’ ‘cage (in mines), (dial.) store-room, shed’ W Pl. klec ‘hut, cabin, (arch.) store-room’ S SCr. klijet ‘closet, cabin, granary’; Sln. klet ‘cellar, store-room’ BSl. *kle?tis B Lith. kletis ‘barn, granary’; Latv. klets ‘granary’ Unlike the ESSJa, I consider it unlikely that the Baltic forms are borrowings from Slavic (see also Fraenkel s.v. kletis, Anikin 2005: 169-171). I agree that long vowels in borrowings are not necessarily circumflex in Lithuanian, but the vocalism e instead of ie is not what we would expect in a loanword from Slavic. The ESSJa assumes that ^kliknţti 225 the vocalism is due to remodelling, but I find that unconvincing. It seems preferable to reconstruct *klehi-ti- with secondary mobility in the Slavic i-stem. The reason why the Baltic words have been regarded as borrowings is that it makes it possible to derive the *e of the Slavic etymon from *oi, cf. Go. hleipra ‘hut, tent’, OIr. cliath ‘hurdle, woven wall’ late Lat. cleta ‘enclosure’ < *klei-, whereas a root klehi- cannot easily be connected with forms from other branches of Indo-European. *klşcâti v. (c) ‘kneel’ ESSJa X 28-29 CS OCS klţcţsta Ndu. ptc. pres. act. ‘kneeling’ E Ru. kljacet’ (dial.) ‘grow numb’ W Cz. kleceti ‘kneel’; Pl. klţczec ‘kneel’ S SCr. klecati ‘kneel, squat’, 1sg. klecîm; Cak. klecăti (Vrg.) ‘kneel, be on your knees’, 2sg. klecîs; kl'ecet (Orb.) ‘kneel, be on your knees’, 1sg. kl'ecîn; Sln. klţcati ‘kneel, 1sg. klecim; Bulg. klecă ‘squat’ BSl. *klenk- B Lith. klenkti ‘walk with difficulty’; Latv. klencet ‘hobble’ If Lith. klenkti ‘walk with difficulty’ and Latv. klencet ‘hobble’ are cognate, we must reconstruct *k(w')lenHk(w')-. Further etymology unknown. *klikati; *klicati v. (a) ‘cry out, call’ ESSJa X 41 CS OCS klicati ‘cry out, wail, 1sg. klicg E Ru. klikat’ ‘call’ W OCz. kliceti ‘call’ S SCr. klicati ‘cheer, shout, cry out, call’; klikati (dial.) ‘cry out, make a merry noise’; Cak. klicati (Vrg.) ‘cheer, shout, cry out, call’; klicat (Orb.) ‘announce (news, publicly)’; Sln. klicati ‘shout, call, 1sg. klîcem BSl. *kli?ka?- B Lith. klykti ‘scream, yell’; klykoti ‘scream, yell’; Latv. klîkât ‘scream loudly (in a forest)’ The acute of the Baltic forms in *-ăti may be metatonical, but on the basis of the Slavic evidence I am inclined to reconstruct a root containing a laryngeal. See also: *kliknşti *kliknşti v. (a) ‘cry out’ ESSJa X 42 CS RuCS kliknuti ‘cry out’ E Ru. kliknut’ (dial.) ‘cry out’; ORu. kliknuti ‘cry out’ S SCr. kliknuti ‘cry out, call’; kliknuti ‘cry out, call’; Sln. klikniti ‘cry out, 1sg. klîknem Perfective in *-ngti. See ^ *klikati. 226 *klîkb *klîkb m. o ‘cry’ ESSJa X 43 E Ru. klik ‘cry’; ORu. klik ‘cry, shouting’ S SCr. klîk ‘cry, call, scream (of birds)’; Sln. klîk ‘cry’ Deverbative o-stem. See ^ *klikati. *kluciti v. ‘lock’ ESSJa X 50 CS OCS kljuciti sţ ‘happen, 1sg. kljucg sţ; RuCS kljuciti ‘lock’ {1} W Cz. kliciti (Jg., Kott) ‘lock’; Slk. klucati ‘squat’; Slnc. klecec ‘lock’ S SCr. kljuciti ‘lock, peck’; kljuciti ‘lock, peck’; Sln. kljuciti ‘bend, 1sg. kljucim {2} According to the ESSJa, this is a derivative of ^ *klucb, but the accentological evidence suggests that in some cases we might be dealing with a derivative of ^ *kluka. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). {2} The form kljucim (Pletersnik I: 409) is incorrect (see o.c. II: V). See also: *kluch *klucb m. jo (b) ‘key’ ESSJa X 50-52 CS OCS kljucb ‘key’ E Ru. kljuc’ ‘key’ W Cz. klic ‘hook, key’; Slk. kluc ‘key’; Pl. klucz ‘key’; Slnc. kluc ‘key’ S SCr. kljuc ‘hook, seedling, key’, Gsg. kljuca; Cak. kluc (Vrg.) ‘hook, seedling, key’, Gsg. kluca; kljuc (Orb.) ‘key, Gsg. kljuca; Sln. kljuc ‘hook, key’; Bulg. kljuc ‘key’ See also: *kluciti *kluka f. â (a) ‘hook’ ESSJa X 55-56 E Ru. kljuka ‘walking-stick, (dial.) poker’; ORu. kljuka ‘deceit, walking-stick, poker’; Ukr. kljuka ‘pole with a hook, hook’ W Cz. klika ‘door-handle’; klika (Jg.) ‘bend, hook’; Slk. kluka ‘joint, knob’; OPl. kluka ‘hook’; Slnc. klâka ‘yoke’ S SCr. kljuka ‘hook, door-knob’; Sln. kljuka ‘hook, knee-pad, handle’ B Lith. kliuti ‘brush against, be caught in, obstruct’ PIE *kleh2u- Cogn. Gk. KAr’K (Ion.), KXaîq (Dor.) f. ‘bolt, catch, hook, key, rowing pen’; Lat. clăvis f. ‘key’ The reconstruction of the root as *kleh2u- implies that the *e of BSl. *kle?u is secondary (Schrijver 1991: 175). *klokotati v. ‘bubble, gurgle’ ESSJa X 64-65 CS OCS klokotati (Supr.) ‘bubble, boil, 1sg. klokostg *kogtda; *kogtdy 227 E Ru. klokotă t’ ‘bubble, gurgle’ W Cz. klokotati ‘bubble, gurgle, boil, sing (of a nightingale)’ S SCr. klokotati ‘bubble, gurgle’; Bulg. klokotăti ‘bubble, gurgle’ Verb of onomatopoetic origin. *kl^kati; *kl^cati v. ‘pound’ ESSJa X 79-80 CS OCS klicase (Ps. Sin.) 3sg. impf. ‘made diligent search’ {1}; RuCS klbcati ‘pound’; klicati ‘pound’ {2} W Slk. klkat (dial.) ‘batter, pound’ S Sln. kolcati ‘knock, 1sg. kolcam; Bulg. kălcam ‘chop up, mince, pick’ Verb of onomatopoetic origin. {1} In klicase dxi moi (Psalm 76:7). {2} E.g. klicaase duxi moi (Psalm 76:7) and a srdce klbcase v nemb (from klbcati or klbkati?). *kobb f. i ESSJa X 101 CS OCS kobb (Supr.) f.(i) ‘fate’ E Ru. kob’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘evil, obstinacy, scoundrel’ W OCz. koba f.(â) ‘wish, success’ S SCr. kob f.(i) ‘encounter, omen, augury’ Cogn. OIc. happ n. ‘success’ Origin unclear. We may be dealing with a substratum word. OIr. cob n.(?) ‘victory’ may or may not belong here. *kobbcb m. jo ESSJa X 101 E Ru. kobec (Dal’) ‘honey buzzard’; ORu. kobeci ‘merlin’; Ukr. kibec’‘merlin’ W Slk. kobec ‘merlin’; Pl. kobiec ‘falcon’ S SCr. kobac ‘merlin’; Sln. kobac ‘sparrow hawk’; skobdc ‘sparrow hawk’ Cogn. OIc. haukr m. ‘hawk’; OHG habuh m. ‘hawk’; OHG habuh m. ‘hawk’ Origin unclear. The suggestion that this etymon is cognate with — *kobb is based on augural rites. *kog^da; *kog^dy adv./conj. ‘when’ ESSJa X 108-109 CS OCS kogda ‘when, sometimes, one time’ E Ru. kogdă ‘when’ W OCz. kehdy ‘when’; Pl. kiedy ‘when’; OPl. kiedy ‘when’; kiegdy ‘when’ S SCr. kada ‘when’; Sln. kddă ‘when, sometime’; kddăj ‘when, sometime’; kdă ‘when, sometime’; kdăj ‘when, sometime’; kadă ‘when, sometime’; kadaj ‘when, sometime’; Bulg. kogă ‘when’ The element *ko- must reflect *kwo-. The element *gida is sometimes interpreted as a, Gsg. of - 228 *kojariti *kojariti v. ESSJa X 111-112 W Pl. kojarzyc ‘connect, match, unite’ S SCr. kojariti ‘increase, develop’ The connection with ^ *arbmo is uncertain. See also: *orhmo *kokosb f. i (c) ‘hen’ ESSJa X 115-116 CS OCS kokosb (Mar.) ‘hen’ W Cz. kokos (dial.) ‘cock’; Slk. kokos (dial.) ‘cock’; Pl. kokosz ‘hen’ S SCr. kokos ‘hen’; Cak. kokos (Vrg.) ‘hen’; kokos (Orb.) ‘chicken, hen, Gsg. kokosi; Sln. kokos ‘hen’ Probably onomatopoetic in origin. *kokot^ m. o ‘cock’ ESSJa X 117-118 CS OCS kokotb W OCz. kokot ‘cock, penis’; Slk. kokot ‘penis’; Pl. kokot (arch., dial.) S SCr. kokot; Sln. kokot *kolda f. â (a) ‘block, log’ ESSJa X 122-123 CS OCS gladg (sic: Supr.) Asg. ‘block’ E Ru. koloda ‘block, log, (water-)trough’ W Cz. klada ‘block, log, beam’; Slk. klada ‘block, log, beam’; Pl. kloda ‘block, log’; USrb. kloda ‘stocks, fetter’ S SCr. klada ‘block, log, beam’; Sln. klada ‘block, log, layer’; Bulg. klada ‘pile, pyre’ PIE *kold-eh2 Cogn. Gk. K\d8oq m. ‘branch, shoot’; OIc. holt m. ‘wood’; OHG holz m. ‘wood’ *koleno n. o (a) ‘knee’ ESSJa X 132-134 CS OCS koleno ‘knee’ E Ru. koleno ‘knee’ W Cz. koleno ‘knee, generation’; Slk. koleno ‘knee, (arch.) generation’; Pl. kolano ‘knee’ S SCr. koljeno ‘knee, joint’; Cak. kolino (Vrg.) ‘knee, joint’; koleno (Novi, Orb.) ‘knee’; Sln. koleno ‘knee, generation, origin’; Bulg. koljano ‘knee, generation, origin’ BSl. *kol-/*kel- B Lith. kelis m.(io) ‘knee’; Latv. celis m.(io) ‘knee’ As to the etymology of the root, there are two candidates, viz. *kelH- ‘rise, raise, lift’ and *kwel(H>- ‘turn, rotate’. For semantic reasons, I have a slight preference for the *kolo 229 former option. The connection with Gk. kwXov ‘limb’, which cannot reflect an initial labiovelar, is hardly secure enough to serve as a formal argument. See also: *celesbnt; *celo; *celovekt; *celadh *koli adv./conj. ‘how much’ ESSJa X 135-136 CS OCS koli ‘when, ever’ E Ru. koli (obs., dial.) ‘if’ S SCr. koli (RJA, RSA: obs., dial.) ‘how much’; Sln. koli ‘however much’ Adverb (also conjunction) consisting of the neuter pronoun *ko and the particle li, cf. Ru. li, which functions as an interrogative particle and as a conjunction ‘whether, if’. *koliko adv./prn. ‘how much’ ESSJa X 135-136 CS OCS koliko ‘how much’ W Cz. koliko (arch.) ‘how much’ S SCr. koliko (Vuk) ‘how much’; koliko ‘how much’; koliko ‘how much’; Cak. koliko (Orb.) ‘how much’; Sln. koliko ‘how much’ Derivative in *-ko- of — *koli. *kolkol^ m. o (c) ‘bell’ ESSJa X 137-138 CS CS klakoli E Ru. kolokol; ORu. kolokoli W Plb. klăt’ol B Latv. kaluot ‘talk idly’ PIE *kolHkolH-o- Cogn. Gk. KdXsw ‘call’; Lat. calăre ‘call’ *kolo n. s ‘wheel’ ESSJa X 141-145 CS OCS kolo n.(s/o) ‘wheel’, Gsg. kolese, Gsg. kola E Ru. koleso n.(o) ‘wheel’; Ukr. kolo n.(o) ‘wheel, circle’ W Cz. kolo n.(o) ‘wheel’; Slk. kolo n.(o) ‘wheel, circle’; Pl. kolo n.(o) ‘wheel’ S SCr. kolo n.(s) ‘wheel, circle’, Npl. kolesa; Cak. kolo (Vrg.) n.(o) ‘wheel, circle’, Npl. kolâ; kolo (Novi) n.(o) ‘wheel, circle’, Npl. kola; kuolo (Orb.) n.(o) ‘wheel, circle’, Npl. kuola; Sln. kolo n.(s) ‘wheel, circle’, Gsg. kolesa, Gsg. kolesa B Lith. kâklas m. 4 ‘neck’; Latv. kakls m. ‘neck, throat’ OPr. kelan (EV) ‘wheel’ PIE *kwol(H)-es- Cogn. Skt. cakră- n. ‘wheel (of a chariot, of the sun, of the year)’; Gk. kukXo^ m. ‘circle, ring, wheel’ 230 *kols^ Meillet (Et. II: 357) suggests that the root vocalism *o (unexpected in an s-stem) is due to contamination with the masculine o-stem that is reflected in Gk. noAoq ‘(axis or pole of the) celestial sphere’. *kols^ m. o (c) ‘ear, spike’ ESSJa X 152-153 CS OCS klasb ‘ear, spike’ E Ru. kolos ‘ear, spike’; Ukr. kolos ‘ear, spike’ W Cz. klas ‘ear, spike’; Slk. klas ‘ear, spike’; Pl. klos ‘ear, spike’; USrb. klos ‘ear, spike’, Gsg. klosa S SCr. klâs ‘ear, spike, corn-cob’; Cak. klâs (Vrg.) ‘ear, spike, corn-cob, Gsg. klâsa; klâs (Orb.) ‘ear, corn-cob, Gsg. klâsa; Sln. klâs ‘ear, corn-cob, Gsg. klâsa, Gsg. klasu; Bulg. klas ‘ear’ Derivative in *-so- of the root *kolH-, cf. Alb. kalli m. ‘ear, awn’. See also: *kolti; *koltiti; *kolt^; *kolta; *kolto; *kol^; *k^l^ *kolti v. (b) ‘stab, sting’ ESSJa X 154-156 CS OCS klati ‘kill, 1sg. koljg E Ru. kolot’ ‘prick, stab, chop, 1sg. kolju, 3sg. koljet W Cz. klati ‘stab, beat, kill’; Slk. klat’‘stab, butt, kill’; Pl. kluc ‘sting, prick’; Slnc. kluec ‘sting, prick’ S SCr. klati ‘chop, cut, 1sg. koljem; Cak. klati ‘chop, cut, 2sg. koles; klat (Orb.) ‘slaughter, 3sg. kolje; Sln. klati ‘sting, bite, slaughter, split, beat, 1sg. kgljem; Bulg. kolja ‘slaughter, kill’ BSl. *kol?- B Lith. kalti ‘beat, forge’; Latv. kalt ‘beat, forge’ PIE *kolH- Cogn. Lat. calamitas f. ‘damage’ See also: *kols^; *koltiti; *kolt^; *kolta; *kolto; *kol^; *k^l^ *koltiti v. (b) ‘shake, strike’ ESSJa X 156-158 CS OCS klatiti (Supr.) ‘shake, 1sg. klastg E Ru. kolotit’ ‘strike, smash, shake, 1sg. kolocu, 3sg. kolotit W Cz. klatiti ‘shake’; Slk. klatit ‘shake, swing’; Pl. klocic ‘stir up, cause to quarrel’; Slnc. kluecec ‘kill’ S SCr. klatiti ‘shake, swing’; Cak. klătit (Orb.) ‘beat, shake (e.g. nuts from a tree), knock about, 1sg. klâtin; Sln. klatiti ‘knock down, shake off, 1sg. klatim; Bulg. klatja ‘shake, swing’ Denominative verb. See ^ koltb 231 *koltb; *kolta; *kolto m. o; f. â; n. o (b) ESSJa X 158-159 E Ru. kolot (dial.) m. ‘wooden sledge-hammer, heavy club’; kolota (dial.) f. ‘flail, threshing floor’; ORu. koloti m. ‘instrument for ramming’; Bel. kolat m. ‘pole for rousing fish’; Ukr. kolot m. ‘quarrel’ W Cz. klăt m. ‘bee-hive, piece of wood around the neck of a mean dog, (dial.) log’; Slk. klăt m. ‘log, block, primitive bee-hive’; Pl. klota (dial.) m. ‘boot-tree, last’ S SCr. klăto n. ‘log around the neck or feet of livestock’; Cak. klăto (Orb.) n. ‘clapper, tongue (of a bell)’, Npl. klâta; Sln. klăta f. ‘log around the neck of a pig’ BSl. *kol?to B Lith. kăltas m. 1 ‘chisel’; Latv. kalts m. ‘chisel, small hammer’ I assume that the mobile o-stems found in East Slavic are secondary and that the root-final laryngeal was lost in pretonic position in an end-stressed noun kolftd or kolfti. Note that due to the transfer of the original barytone neuter o-stems (in *-om > *-um > *-i) to the class of the masculine o-stems, there was widespread vacillation between the Nsg. endings *-i and *-o (cf. Illic-Svityc 1963: 49, Derksen forthc. a: passim). The relationship between *kolti and — *koltiti (see also Derksen 1996: 118) may be compared with the one between — *molti and — *moltiti but is not completely parallel (see — *molti). I wonder if the East Slavic variant kolot may be analogical after molot. The East Baltic forms do not show metatony, which is regular in the case of to-derivatives of dominant acute roots. The final stress reflected by the Slavic etymon may be due to the productivity of the neuter suffix *-to (*-ti). In view of the numerous Old Prussian derivatives in -tan (e.g. dalptan ‘punch’), the spread of the suffx may have been a Late Balto-Slavic development, in which case the East Baltic state of affairs results from redistribution according to the accentual properties of the root. See also: *kolst; *kolti; *kolt; *k^lt *kol^ m. o (b) ‘stake’ ESSJa X 160-161 CS OCS koli (Supr.) ‘stake’ E Ru. kol ‘stake’ W Cz. kul ‘stake’; Slk. kol ‘stake’; Pl. kol ‘stake’, Gsg. kolu, Gsg. kola S Sln. kol ‘pole, stake’, Gsg. kola; Bulg. kol ‘pole, stake’ BSl. *kol-/*kol-? B Lith. kuolas ‘stake’ Originally a neuter o-stem derivative of — *kdlti. *konb m. jo (b) ‘horse’ ESSJa X 197-198 CS OCS konb E Ru. kon W Cz. kun, Gsg. kone; Slk. kon, Gsg. kona; Pl. kon; USrb. kon, Gsg. konja 232 *koni S SCr. konj, Gsg. konja; Cak. kon (Vrg.), Gsg. konja; kuonj (Orb.), Gsg. konja; Sln. konj, Gsg. konja; Bulg. kon Etymology disputed. An attempt can be made to connect *konb with Ru. kobyla ‘mare’, etc., which may be cognate with Lat. caballus ‘working-horse’. In that case we might posit a (non-IE) root *kab- (with a non-glottalized *b) and derive *konb from *kab-n-io-. Another possibility is to start from *kom-nb and seek a connection with ORu. komonb, Cz. komon ‘horse’ and maybe also Lith. kumele ‘mare’. *konb m. o ESSJa X 195-196 E Ru. kon ‘row, turn, kitty (in games)’; kon (dial.) ‘beginning, end, turn’; ORu. kon ‘end, limit’ W OCz. kon ‘end’; LSrb. kon ‘period, moment’ S SCr. kon ‘beginning, end’ (in the expression od kona do kona ‘from beginning to end’) PIE *kon-o- Cogn. Gk. Kaivoq adj. ‘new’; Lat. recens adj. ‘fresh, young, new’; OIr. cet- ‘first’ See also: *cşdo; *cşda; *cşd^; *cşdh; *konhch; *nacşti; *scenş *konbcb m. jo ‘end’ ESSJa XI 5-6 CS OCS konbcb ‘end, boundary’ E Ru. konec ‘end, boundary’ W Cz. konec ‘end, limit’; OCz. konec ‘death, death penalty’; Slk. koniec ‘end’; Pl. koniec ‘end’; USrb. konc ‘end’ S SCr. konac ‘thread, end’, Gsg. konca; Cak. konac (Vrg., Orb.) ‘thread, end’, Gsg. konca; konac (Novi) ‘thread, end’, Gsg. konca; Sln. konac ‘end, tip, beginning, purpose’ Derivative in *-bcb. See ^ *konb. *kopa f. â ‘heap, shock’ ESSJa XI 10-12 E Ru. kopa ‘heap of hay or rye’; ORu. kopa monetary unit, shock (group of sixty units, group of sheaves)’ W Cz. kopa ‘shock (group of sixty units), heap, pile, (dial.) hay-stack’; Slk. kopa ‘shock (group of sixty units), heap, pile, hay-stack’; Pl. kopa ‘shock (group of sixty units, group of sheaves), hay-stack’ S SCr. kopa (Vuk) ‘hay-stack’; kopa ‘hay-stack’; Cak. kopa (Vrg., Orb.) ‘hay- stack’; kopa (Vrg., Orb.) ‘hay-stack’; kopa (Orb.) ‘hole (to plant a tree in)’; Sln. kopa ‘hay-stack’; Bulg. kopa ‘heap’ BSl. *kop- B Lith. kâpas m. 4 ‘grave’; Latv. kaps m. ‘grave’ PIE *(s)kop- Deverbative ă-stem. See ^ *kopati. *koptt,b; *koptth 233 *kopati v. ‘dig’ ESSJa XI 18-20 CS OCS kopati, 1sg. kopajg E Ru. kopăt’, 1sg. kopăju W Cz. kopati; Slk. kopat; Pl. kopac S SCr. kopati, 1sg. kopăm; Cak. kopati (Vrg.), 2sg. kopâs; kopăt (Orb.) ‘dig, cultivate (land)’, 1sg. kopân; Sln. kopati, 1sg. kgpljem; kopăti, 1sg. kopâm; Bulg. kopăja BSl. *kop- B Lith. kapoti ‘chop, hew’; Latv. kapât ‘chop, hew’ OPr. enkopts ‘buried’ PIE *(s)kop- Cogn. Gk. kohtw ‘beat, hit’ See also: *kopa; *kopbje *koprb m. o ‘dill’ ESSJa XI 26-27 CS OCS kopri (Mar.) Asg. E Ru. koper W Cz. kopr; Slk. kopor; Pl. koper; OPl. kopr S SCr. kopar; Sln. kopdr ‘dill, camomile’; Bulg. kopăr Cogn. Gk. Kunsipov (Hom.) n.; Kunspoq m. ‘galingale’ The ESSJa holds that the root is *kuep- ‘smell’, but I consider it more likely that we are dealing with a borrowing from an identified language. ^kop'bt'b; *kop^tb m. o; f. i ‘soot’ ESSJa XI 29-30 E Ru. kopot’ f.(i) ‘soot, (dial.) smoke, dust, hoarfrost’; ORu. kopotb f.(i) ‘soot, dust’; Ukr. kopit m.(o) ‘dust (in the air)’ W Cz. kopt m.(o) ‘soot’; OCz. kopet m.(o) ‘soot’; Slk. kopt (arch.) m.(o) ‘soot’; Pl. kopiec m.(jo) ‘soot, fumes’ BSl. *kwop- B Lith. kvâpas m. 4 ‘smoke’ PIE *k(w)h2uop-o- Cogn. Gk. Kanvoq m. ‘smoke’; Lat. vapor m. ‘steam’ (both probably < *k(w')uh2ep) The reconstruction *k(w^h2uop-o- was first proposed by Schrijver (1991: 161), who tried to account for the accentual difference between Latv. kupt, kupet ‘smoke, steam’ and Lith. kvipti ‘cough, breathe’ by placing the laryngeal before the *u. The broken tone of Latv. kvept is assumed to be analogical after the zero grade. I would like to add that the broken tone may also orginate from the sta-present, cf. Latv. pîkt ‘be angry’ vs. pikts ‘angry’. Schrijver does not discuss — *kypeti, which he correctly groups together with Latvian forms containing a root kup- (see — *kypeti). 234 *kophje *kopbje n. io ‘spear, lance’ ESSJa XI 40-41 CS OCS kopije n.(io) ‘spear, lance’ E Ru. kop’e n.(io) ‘spear, lance’, Npl. kop’ja W Cz. kopin.(io) ‘spear, lance’; OPl. kopije n.(jo) ‘spear, lance’ S SCr. koplje n.(jo) ‘spear, lance, point, shaft’; koplje n.(jo) ‘spear, lance, point, shaft’; Sln. kopjţ n.(jo) ‘spear, lance, wedding banner’; Bulg. kopie n.(io) ‘spear, lance’ Deverbative of ^ *kopati. *korâ f. â (b) ‘bark’ ESSJa XI 44-45 CS CS kora ‘bark’ E Ru. kora ‘bark’ W Cz. kura ‘bark, crust’; kora (obs.) ‘bark, crust’; Slk. kora ‘bark, crust’; Pl. kora ‘bark’ S SCr. kora ‘bark, crust’; Cak. kora (Vrg.) ‘bark, crust’; kora (Orb.) ‘bark (of a tree), crust, peel (of fruit)’; Sln. kora ‘bark, crust’; Bulg. kora ‘bark, crust’ Prosodically, some forms behave as if *kora belongs to the *vdla type (cf. Zaliznjak 1985: 135-136, Verweij 1994: 507, 510). The root is (s)ker-, cf. Gk. Ksipw ‘shear, OIc. skera ‘cut’. See also: *korica; *koryto; *korhch; *skora *korb^; *korba m. o; f. â ‘basket’ ESSJa XI 52-54 E Ru. korob m. ‘box, basket’; ORu. korobb m. ‘box, basket’ W Cz. krabuse f.(jâ) ‘wicker basket’; Pl. kroba (dial.) f. ‘wicker box’ S Sln. kraba f. ‘box’ B Lith. karbas m. ‘basket’ Cogn. Lat. corbis f. ‘basket’; OHG korb m. ‘basket’; Fi. karpas m. ‘basket’ Possibly an early (Balto-Slavic?) borrowing from Germanic. The Germanic word was in turn borrowed from Latin. See also: *korb! *korbl f. ! ‘basket’ ESSJa XI 55-56 CS OCS krabii (Supr., Ass.) ‘casket, basket’ E Ru. korob’ja (dial.) f.(iâ) ‘box or case for storing clothes’; korob’ja (dial.) f.(iâ) ‘box or case for storing clothes’; ORu. korobbja f.(iâ) ‘box, basket’ W Pl. krobia f.(jâ) ‘basket, box’ See ^ *korbb, *korba *korda f. â ‘pile of logs’ ESSJa XI 58-60 CS OCS krada (Supr.) ‘bonfire, stake’; RuCS krada ‘bonfire’ E Ukr. koroda ‘pile of logs, wood-stack’ *korsta 235 W OCz. krada ‘tinder-box, torch’; Pl. kroda (dial.) ‘hay-cock, stack of sheafs in a field’ S Sln. krăda ‘pile of logs, wood-stack, refining works’ PIE *kord-eh2 Cogn. Go. hrot n. ‘roof’; MHG răz(e) f. ‘stake’ *korica f. jâ ‘bark’ ESSJa XI 69-70 CS OCS koricţ Npl. ‘cinnamon’ E Ru. korica ‘cinnamon’ W Cz. skorice ‘cinnamon’; korice (Kott) ‘cinnamon’; Slk. korica ‘small bread- basket’ S SCr. korica ‘bark, crust’; Cak. korice (Vrg.) Npl. ‘scabbard, sheath’; Sln. korica ‘bark, crust’; Bulg. korica ‘cover (of a book), binding’ PIE *(s)kor- Derivative of — *koră. *koriti v. ‘reproach’ ESSJa XI 74-77 CS OCS koriti (Supr.) ‘jeer at, 1sg. korjg E Ru. korit’ ‘upbraid (for), reproach (with)’ W Cz. koriti se ‘submit, resign oneself’; Slk. korit sa ‘submit, resign oneself’; Pl. korzyc siţ ‘humble oneself’ S SCr. koriti ‘reproach (with)’; Sln. koriti ‘reproach, punish, 1sg. korim; Bulg. korjă ‘reproach (with), scold’ BSl. *kar- B Lith. kăirinti ‘provoke’; Latv. kaîrinât, karinât ‘tease, irritate’ PIE *kar- Cogn. Lat. carinăre ‘use abusive language’; OHG harawen ‘mock’ The *i of some of the Baltic forms is due to secondary ablaut. For the etymology, see — *kori. *korsta f. â (a) ‘scab’ ESSJa XI 93-95 CS OCS krasta (Euch.) ‘scab (of a leper)’ E Ru. korosta ‘scab’ W Cz. chrăsta mange, scab’; OCz. krăsty Npl. ‘mange’; Slk. chrasta ‘scab’; Pl. krosta ‘rash, scab’ S SCr. krăsta ‘scab(s), leprosy’; Cak. krăsta (Vrg.) ‘scab(s), leprosy’; krăsta (Orb.) ‘blister, corn’; Sln. krăsta ‘scab(s)’; Bulg. krăsta ‘scab(s)’ PIE *korHs-t- Cogn. MoHG verharschen ‘form scabs’ 236 *kortb The often advocated connection with Lith. karsti, Latv. kărst ‘comb, card, Lat. carrere ‘card’ (from PIE *(s)ker-s-) is problematic because the tone of the Baltic verb does not match the acute of *korsta. Perhaps there is a relationship with PGmc. *harska-‘raw’. It seems hardly possible that we are dealing with a borrowing from German, cf. MLG korste, because this would require the Low German metathesis (the etymon is a borrowing from Romance *crusta, cf. OHG kruste) to have preceded the Slavic metathesis of liquids. *kortb m. o (b) ‘once, time’ ESSJa XI 99-100 CS OCS kratb m. / adv. ‘once, time’ W Cz. krat m. / adv. ‘once, time’; Slk. dvakrat adv. ‘twice’ S SCr. krât (arch.) m. / adv. ‘once, time’; Sln. krat ‘once, time’, Gsg. krata BSl. *korto- B Lith. kartas m. 2 ‘once, time’ PIE *(s)kort-o-m Cogn. Skt. krtvas (RV+) adv. ‘- time(s)’; Skt. sakrt (RV+) adv. ‘once’ See also: *cerslo; *cers^; *cerz^; *cbrta; *kortbk'b *kortik^ adj. o (b) ‘short’ ESSJa XI 101-104 CS CS kratbkb E Ru. korotkij W Cz. kratky; Slk. kratky; Pl. krotki S SCr. kratak, f. kratka; Cak. krâtak (Vrg.), f. krâtka, n. krâtko; krâtak (Vrg.), f. krâtka, n. krâtko; Sln. kratak; Bulg. kratăk BSl. *kortus B Lith. kartus 4 ‘bitter’ I see no reason to separate *kortikb from Lith. kartus. The latter is attested with an acute root, but this may be analogical after saldus ‘sweet’. See also: *cerslo; *cers^; *certi; *cerz^; *Chrtâ; *kort^ *korva f. â (a) ‘cow’ ESSJa XI 106-112 CS CS krava E Ru. korova W Cz. krava; Slk. krava; Pl. krowa; USrb. kruwa; krowa (dial.) S SCr. krava; Cak. krava (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. krava; Bulg. krava BSl. *kor?ve? B Lith. karve f.(e) ‘cow’ OPr. curwis (EV) ‘ox’ PIE *korh2-ueh2 Cogn. Gk. Kspaoq adj. ‘horned’; Lat. cervus m. ‘deer’ *korhch 237 *korb m. o ESSJa XI 120 CS CS kori ‘contumely’ S SCr. kor (dial.) ‘reproach’; Bulg. kor ‘nickname’; kor (dial.) ‘reproach’ Cogn. Gk. Kdpvr| (Hesych.) f. ‘penalty’; OIr. caire f. ‘blame, disapproval’ Schrijver (1991: 429) makes an effort to derive the various forms that have been mentioned in connection with Lat. carinăre (— *koriti) from *k(e/o)r-. One may consider a reconstruction *kar-, however. Note that Gk. K&pvr cannot reflect a form with syllabic *r. The etymological connection with Lith. kăras ‘war, which has also been connected with *kori, seems quite uncertain (see Fraenkel s.v.). See also: *kara; *karati; *koriti *kory m. n ‘root’ ESSJa XI 62-65 CS OCS korenb m.(n); korţ (PsDim.) Asg. m.(n) {1}; RuCS korenb m.(n); korţ m.(n) E Ru. koren’ m.(jo), Gsg. kornja W Cz. koren m.(o/jo); Slk. koren m.(jo); Pl. korzen m.(jo) S SCr. korijen m.(o); Cak. koren (Vrg., Orb.) m.(o); koren (Novi) m.(o); Sln. korţn m.(o); kgren m.(o); kgrm m.(o); Bulg. koren m.(o) B Lith. keras m. 4 ‘tree-stump, stub, bush, shrub’; Latv. cţrs m. ‘bush, knotty root of a tree’ PIE *k(w)or(H)-en- {1} Also kory (see Birnbaum and Schaeken 1997: 32, 147-148). See also: *cemovitb; *cernovt; *cernt II; *cernh II; *k^rb *koryto n. o (a) ‘trough’ ESSJa XI 121-126 CS CS koryto ‘trough’ E Ru. koryto ‘wash-tub, trough’ W Cz. koryto ‘trough’; Slk. koryto ‘trough, river-bed’; Pl. koryto ‘trough, river- bed’ S SCr. korito ‘trough, river-bed’; Cak. korito (Vrg., Novi) ‘trough’; korito (Orb.) ‘(drinking) trough’; Sln. korito ‘trough, bee-hive’; Bulg. korito ‘trough, depression, river-bed’ This etymon can be analyzed as *kor- ‘cut’ (PIE *(s)kor-) plus the suffix *-yto that we find in Ru. kopyto ‘hoof’. We may compare Lith. prâkartas manger, trough, OPr. pracartis ‘trough, which contain a root *kort- ‘hew, an enlarged variant of the above-mentioned root. See also: *kora; *korica; *korhch; *skora *korbcb m. jo ESSJa XI 128-130 CS OCS koreci (Mar.) Gpl. ‘measures’ {1} E Ru. korec (dial.) ‘bucket’ 238 *kosaI W Cz. korec ‘dry measure’; OCz. korec ‘dry measure’; Pl. korzec ‘100 liters, 100 kilograms’ S SCr. korac ‘bark, crust’; Sln. korac ‘scoop, bucket, bushel’ PIE *(s)kor- {1} Zogr. has kon Gpl. in the same verse (Luke 16:7) See also: *kora; *korica; *koryto; *skora *kosa I f. â (c) ‘hair, braided hair’ ESSJa XI 131-133 CS CS kosa ‘hair’; RuCS kosa ‘braided hair, braid’ E Ru. kosa ‘braid, plait’, Asg. kosu; ORu. kosa ‘braided hair, braid’ W OCz. kosa ‘hair’; OPl. kosa ‘braid, mane’ S SCr. kosa ‘hair, wool’, Asg. kosu; Cak. kose (Vrg.) Npl. ‘hair, wool; kosa (Novi) ‘hair, wool’ Asg. kosu, Asg. kosu, Npl. kose, Npl. kose; Kajk. kyeso (Bednja) ‘hair, wool’, Asg. kesou, Asg. kyesu; Bulg. kosa ‘hair’ BSl. *kosa? B Lith. kasa ‘braid’ OPr. kexti ‘Zopfhaar’ Cogn. OIc. haddr m. ‘hair (of a woman)’ Derivative with o-grade of the root *kes- ‘comb, scratch’ (^ *cesati) *kosa II f. â (b) ‘scythe’ ESSJa XI 133-135 CS CS kosa ‘scythe’ E Ru. kosa ‘scythe, spit (geog.)’, Asg. kosu, Asg. kosu W Cz. kosa ‘scythe’; Slk. kosa ‘scythe’; Pl. kosa ‘scythe’; USrb. kosa ‘scythe’ S SCr. kdsa ‘scythe’, Asg. kosu; Cak. kosa (Novi) ‘scythe’ Asg. kosu, Asg. kosu; kosa (kosa) (Orb.) ‘scythe’, Asg. koso; Sln. kosa ‘scythe, spit (geog.)’; Bulg. kosa ‘scythe’ The ESSJa regards *kosa ‘scythe’ as etymologically identical with ^ *kosa I. This may indeed be the best solution. It seems unlikely that *kosa ‘scythe’ derives from PIE *kos-, cf. Skt. sastra- n. ‘knife’. Positing original zero grade of the root, as has been done for Skt. sastra- and Lat. castrăre, does not seem to explain the depalatalization of *k- because in that case we would expect *kox- < *koş- << *kş-, but before a consonant *kos- < *koş- << *kş- is possible. Likely candidates for this development, such as Slk. kostura ‘big knife’, Ukr. kostura ‘knife for slaughtering animals’, seem to be related with ^ *kostb ‘bone’, however. *kosm^ m. o ‘tuft, lock of hair’ ESSJa XI 145-147 CS RuCS kosmb ‘hair, lock of hair’ E Ru. kosmy Npl. ‘locks, mane’ W Cz. kosm (Jg.) ‘tuft, lock of hair’; kosma (obs., poet.) f. ‘tuft, lock of hair’; Pl. kosm ‘tuft, lock of hair’ *kosara; *kosarb; *kosera 239 S Sln. kosam ‘tuft, flake’; Bulg. kosăm ‘hair, fibre, colour of animals hair or coat’ PIE *kos-mo- See — *kosă I. *kosnşti v. ESSJa XI 155-156 CS OCS kosngti sţ ‘touch, 1sg. kosng E Ru. kosnut’sja ‘touch’ S SCr. kosnuti (se) ‘touch’ Verb in *-ngti from the same root as — *cesăti. *kostb f. i (c) ‘bone’ ESSJa XI 167-173 CS OCS kostb ‘bone’ E Ru. host’ ‘bone’ W Cz. kost ‘bone’; Slk. kost’ ‘bone’; Pl. kosc ‘bone’ S SCr. kost ‘bone’; Cak. kost (Vrg.) ‘bone, Gsg. kosti; kost (Novi) ‘bone’; kuos (Novi) ‘bone’ Gsg. kosti; Sln. kost ‘bone, pit’; Bulg. kost ‘bone’ Cogn. Lat. costa f. ‘rib’ The relationship with the otherwise isolated Lat. costa ‘rib’ seems quite possible. An interesting hypothesis is to regard the *k of *kostb as the reflex of the initial laryngeal of PIE *h2ost- ‘bone, cf. Skt. ăsthi, Gk. ooteov, in an Indo-European substratum language (cf. Kortlandt 1997b: 47, where the option is dismissed, however). Meillet (e.g. 1921, Et. II: 262) regards the *k as a prefix. If the root is *h2ost-, we are probably dealing with an original neuter *kosti. *kos^ m. o (c) ‘blackbird’ ESSJa XI 175-177 CS RuCS kosi E Ru. kos (arch., dial.) ‘starling’; Ukr. kis (dial.), Gsg. kosă W Cz. kos; kus (dial.); Slk. kos (dial.); Pl. kos S SCr. kos; Sln. kos; Bulg. kos Cogn. Gk. KO^ixoq m.; Gk. Kooouşoq m. PSl. *kdsi can be connected with the Greek forms mentioned below if we reconstruct a root *kops-. The variation attested in Greek points to a pre-Greek substratum word, but that does not entirely rule out a relationship with the Slavic word. *kosara; *kosarb; *kosera f. â; m. o; f. jâ ‘sheep-fold, basket’ ESSJa XI 183-186 CS CS koserja f. ‘basket’ E Ru. kosăra (dial.) f. ‘large wicker basket’ 240 *kosh W Cz. kosar m. ‘enclosure’; Slk. kosiar (dial.) m. ‘enclosure for sheep’; Pl. koszar m. ‘sheep-fold, enclosure for sheep’; koszara f. ‘sheep-fold, enclosure for sheep’ S SCr. kosara f. ‘basket, fence’; kdsăr m. ‘basket, bee-hive’; kosăr m. ‘basket, bee-hive’; Cak. kosara f. ‘large (hay) basket’; Sln. kosâra f. ‘round basket’; kosar m. ‘round basket’; Bulg. kosara m. ‘sheep-fold, enclosure for sheep’ See ^ *kosb. *kosb m. jo (b) ‘basket’ ESSJa XI 195-197 CS OCS kosb ‘basket’ E Ru. kos (dial.) ‘fishing-basket, bird-trap, bee-hive’; Ukr. kis ‘basket’, Gsg. kosa W Cz. kos ‘basket’; kus (dial.) ‘basket’; Slk. kos ‘basket’; Pl. kosz ‘basket’; LSrb. kos ‘basket’ S SCr. kos ‘granary, basket, Gsg. kdsa; Cak. kos (Orb.) ‘basket’, Gsg. kosa; Sln. kds ‘basket, pannier, bee-hive, chest’, Gsg. kosa; Bulg. kos ‘basket’ The connection with Lat. quălum n. ‘wicker basket’ and quasillum n. ‘small basket’ is somewhat hazardous. See also: *kosara; *kosarb; *kosera *kotera; *kotora f. â ‘quarrel, fight’ ESSJa XI 200-201 CS OCS kotora (Supr.) ‘quarrel, fight’; RuCS kotera ‘fight’ E Ru. kotora (dial.) ‘hostility, fight’; kotora (dial.) ‘hostility, fight’; ORu. kotera ‘fight’; Ukr. kotora ‘quarrel, offence’ Cogn. OIc. hgd f. ‘quarrel’; MHG hader m. ‘quarrel, fight’; OIr. cath m. ‘fight, host’ PIE origin doubtful. The North European evidence points to *kat-. *koterb; *kotorb prn. ‘who, which’ ESSJa XI 201-203 CS OCS kotoni ‘who, someone’; koteni (Mar., Hil.) ‘who, someone’ E Ru. kotoryj ‘which, (rel.) who, which’ W Slk. kotery ‘which’; kotory ‘which’; kotry ‘which’; USrb. kotry ‘which, what’; LSrb. kotary ‘which’ S SCr. koteri (dial., obs.) ‘which’; Sln. kotţri ‘which’; katţri ‘which’; Bulg. kotryj (Gerov) ‘which’; kotri (dial.) ‘which’ BSl. *kot(e)ros B Lith. katras ‘which (of the two)’ PIE *kwo-ter-o- Cogn. Skt. katara- ‘which (of the two)’; Gk. noTspoq ‘which’; Go. hapar ‘which’ *kotiti sş v. (c) ‘have young’ ESSJa XI 204-205 E Ru. kotit’sja ‘have kittens, have young, 1sg. kocus’, 3sg. kotitsja W Cz. kotiti se ‘have young’; Pl. kocic siţ ‘have young’ *kovati 241 S SCr. kotiti (se) ‘have kittens, have young’; Cak. kotiti (Vrg.) ‘have kittens, have young’; Sln. kotiti ‘have young, brood, 1sg. kotim; kotiti ‘have young, brood’; Bulg. kotja ‘have young’ According to one theory, *kotiti sţ derives from *koti ‘cat, which must be a borrowing from a non-Indo-European language (cf. Lat. cattus, attested since Palladius, which ousted feles). On the other hand, there is Lat. catulus ‘young of an animal, already attested in Plautus, which has been connected with OIc. haSna f. ‘goat’. This word, too, is probably of non-Indo-European origin. See also: *kotb I *kotb I m. o ESSJa XI 211-212 W Cz. kot (dial.) ‘post-natal period’; Pl. kot (dial.) ‘place where forest animals young’ S SCr. kot ‘(time of) having young, litter, breed’; Sln. kdt ‘brood, litter, Gsg. kota; Mcd. kot ‘(time of) having young, breed’ Deverbative o-stem. See — * kotiti sţ. *kotb II m. o ‘booth, sty’ ESSJa XI 211-212 W OCz. kot ‘booth, stall (market)’; kot ‘booth, stall (market)’ S SCr. kot (dial.) ‘sty for domestic animals, young animals’ Cogn. OE heaSor n. ‘incarceration, jail’ Furthermore, the etymon has been connected with LAv. kata- m. ‘storage room, cellar’. The ESSJa points out that in the culture of the early Slavs sties for domestic animals may have been dug out. See also: *kotech *kotbcb m. jo ESSJa XI 214-215 CS CS kotbcb ‘cage’ E Ru. kotec (dial.) ‘(fish-)trap made from brushwood’ W Cz. kotec ‘sty’; OCz. kotec ‘booth, stall (market)’; OPl. kociec ‘enclosure for domestic animals’ S SCr. kotac ‘cattle-shed, weir’; Sln. kotac ‘compartment of a stable, pig-sty, bird-cage’ See — *koti II *kovati v. (c) ‘forge’ ESSJa XII 10-12 CS OCS kovati (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘forge’, 1sg. kovg E Ru. kovăt’‘forge, hammer, 1sg. kuju, 3sg. kuet W Cz. kouti ‘forge, 1sg. kuji; OCz. kovati ‘forge, 1sg. kuju; Slk. kovat ‘forge, shoe’; kut‘forge, shoe’; Pl. kuc ‘forge’; kowac (dial.) ‘forge’ 242 *koza S SCr. kovati ‘forge, shoe’, 1sg. kujem; Cak. kovati (Vrg.) ‘forge, shoe’ 2sg. kujes; kovâti (Orb.) ‘forge, shoe’, 1sg. kujen; Sln. kovati ‘forge, hammer, 1sg. kujem; Bulg. kova ‘forge, hammer’ BSl. *kou?- B Lith. kauti ‘murder, beat, hew’; Latv. kaut ‘fight’ PIE *kouh2- Cogn. Lat. cudere ‘beat, grind, forge’; OIc. hgggva ‘hew, beat’; OHG houwan ‘hew, beat’ See also: *kuzna; *k^znb; *kyj^ *koza f. â (b) ‘goat’ ESSJa XII 19-21 CS OCS koza (Supr.) E Ru. koza, Asg. kozu W Cz. koza; Slk. koza; Pl. koza S SCr. koza, Asg. kozu; Cak. koza (Vrg.), Asg. kozu, Asg. kozu; koza (Orb.), Asg. kozo; Sln. koza; Bulg. koza Possibly a borrowing from a Turkic language (cf. ESJS: 350-351, Dybo 2002: 478-480). See also: *kozbl^; *koza *kozbl^ m. o ‘he-goat’ ESSJa XII 32-33 CS OCS kozbh (Ps. Sin., Supr.) E Ru. kozel, Gsg. kozla W Cz. kozel; Slk. kozol (dial.); Pl. koziot; koziet S SCr. kozao, Gsg. kozla; Sln. kozai, Gsg. kozla; Bulg. kozel Derivative of ^ *koza. The suffix *-bh is not uncommon in animal names. *koza f. jâ (b) ‘skin, leather’ ESSJa XII 35-36 CS OCS koza ‘skin, leather’ E Ru. koza ‘skin, leather, rind’ W Cz. kuze ‘skin, leather’; koze ‘skin, leather’; Slk. koza ‘skin, leather’; OPl. koza ‘skin’ S SCr. koza ‘skin, leather, rind’; Cak. koza (Vrg.) ‘skin, leather, rind’; koza (Orb.) ‘skin, hide, leather’; Sln. kgza ‘skin, leather, rind’; Bulg. koza ‘skin, leather, rind’ Derivative of ^ *koza. *kşda adv. ‘where, whither’ ESSJa XII 46-47 E Ru. kuda S SCr. kudă; Sln. kgda; kgd B OPr. isquendau ‘thence’ 243 PIE *kwom-d(h)- The final part of the formation is obscure. An Isg. would be unexpected in an adverb with this meaning. See also: *kşde *kşde adv. ‘where, whither’ ESSJa XII 47 CS CS kgde E Ru. kude (dial.); ORu. kude S Bulg. kăde See — *kgda. *kşpina f. â ‘bush’ ESSJa XII 63-64 CS OCS kgpina ‘bush, shrub’ E Ru. kupină (arch.) ‘bush’; kupina (dial.) ‘mound, knoll’ W Cz. kupina ‘bunch, bush, bramble bush’; Slk. kupina ‘bush’; Pl. kţpina ‘hummock’ S SCr. kopina ‘bramble bush’; Bulg. kăpina ‘bramble bush’ Derivative of a peripherally attested noun *kgpa, e.g. Slnc. kqpa ‘sandbank overgrown with reed in a lake’. The root *kgp- cannot easily be separated from *kup-, cf. — *kupi. *kşsati v. ‘bite’ ESSJa XII 65-66 CS OCS kgsati E Ru. kusăt’ W Cz. kousati; Slk. kusat; Pl. kqsac; kţsac; Slnc. kqsac S SCr. kusati ‘eat with a spoon’; Sln. kosăti ‘break in pieces, pulverize, 1sg. kosâm; Bulg. kăsam ‘tear, hurt’ BSl. *kon?d- B Lith. kqsti, 3sg. kănda; Latv. kuost In view of the East Baltic forms, the root must have ended in a dental stop. We may reconstruct either *k(w')ond- (where Winter’s law would be responsible for the acute) or *k(w)onHd(h)-. It is therefore formally possible to regard the root under discussion as a nasalized variant of the root of Skt. khăd- ‘chew, bite, eat’ and Arm. xacanem ‘bite’. Like the Armenian form, Slavic *kgsati seems to contain *-s-. One might be inclined to think that the *s originates from a suffix *-so- in — *kgsi, but the ESSJa regards the latter as a deverbative noun. *kşs^ m. o (c) ‘piece’ ESSJa XII 67 CS CS kgsi ‘lump, piece’ E Ru. kus (dial.) ‘piece of smth., food’ W Cz. kus ‘part, piece’; Slk. kus ‘piece’; Pl. kţs ‘piece, bit, morsel’ 244 *kţtati S SCr. kus ‘piece, lump’; Cak. kus (Vrg.) ‘piece’, Gsg. kusa; kus (Orb.) ‘piece, part, Gsg. kusa; Sln. kgs ‘piece’; Bulg. kăs ‘piece’ BSl. *kan?d- B Lith. kandis m.(io) ‘bite’ See also: *c|stb; *kşsati *kştati v. ‘muffle up, conceal’ ESSJa XII 69-70 E Ru. kutat’ ‘muffle up (in)’; ORu. kutati ‘muffle up (in), conceal’; Ukr. kutaty ‘muffle up (in), take care of, reassure’ S Bulg. kătam ‘hide, conceal’ See ^ *kgtja. *kştja f. jâ ‘hut’ ESSJa XII 70-74 CS OCS kgstţ (Supr.) Gsg. ‘hut’ E ORu. kuca ‘hut, cabin’; Ukr. kuca ‘bird-cage, pig-sty’ W Cz. kuca (dial.) ‘hut, shack’ (according to Machek (1997: 304), this word may have been borrowed from Ukrainian through Polish); Slk. kucka (E. dial.) ‘little house’; Pl. kuczka ‘hut, shack’ (perhaps from Ukrainian) S SCr. kuca ‘house’; Cak. kuca (Vrg., Novi) ‘house’; kuca (Orb.) ‘house, (obs.) kitchen’; Sln. kgca ‘peasant hut, shack’; Bulg. kăsta ‘house’ Etymology obscure. To all appearances, the etymon was originally limited to East and South Slavic. See also: *kştati ^kştb m. o (b) ‘corner’ ESSJa XII 75-78 CS OCS kgtb E Ru. kut (dial.) W Cz. kout; Slk. kut; Pl. kqt; Slnc. koyt S SCr. kut; Cak. kut (Novi), Gsg. kuta; kuot (Orb.: obs.), Gsg. kuota; Sln. kgt; Bulg. kăt ‘corner, angle’ BSl. *komp- B Lith. kampas ‘corner’ If *kgtb is cognate with Lith. kampas, we may reconstruct a neuter o-stem *komp- tom. *krajb m. jo (a) ‘edge’ ESSJa XII 88-89 CS OCS krai ‘edge, end, shore’ E Ru. kraj ‘edge, country, land’ W Cz. kraj ‘edge, end, region’; Slk. kraj ‘edge, end, region’; Pl. kraj ‘edge, country, land’ *krasti 245 S SCr. krâj ‘end, (dial.) edge, bank, Gsg. kraja; Cak. krâj (Vrg.) ‘shore, end, Gsg. kraja; krăj (Novi) ‘end’, Gsg. kraja; krâj (Orb.) ‘side, rim, piece (of wood, thread), end, Gsg. kraja; Bulg. kraj ‘end, edge, area’ See — *krojiti. *krakati v. ‘croak’ ESSJa XII 92-93 CS RuCS krakati E ORu. krakati, 1sg. kracu W Cz. krăkati; Slk. krăkat; Pl. krakac S SCr. krăkati; Sln. krâkati, 1sg. krâkam, 1sg. krâcem B Lith. krokoti (dial.); Latv. krâkât Cogn. Lat. crocîre See also: *k^rkati; *k^rknşti *krâsâ f. â (b) ESSJa XII 95-97 CS OCS krasojg Isg. f. ‘adornment, decoration’ E Ru. krasă ‘beauty’ W Cz. krăsa ‘beauty’; Slk. krăsa ‘beauty’; Pl. krasa ‘colour, beauty’ S SCr. krăsa ‘snake’; Bulg. krăsa ‘snake’ Etymology unclear. The resemblance to Lith. grazus ‘beautiful, grozis ‘beauty, has given rise to the idea that this is another instance of the alternation between voiced and voiceless obstruents which is observed in, among others, — *kilpb vs. Lith. gulbis ‘swan’. See also: *krasbnt *krasti v. ‘steal’ ESSJa XII 102-105 CS OCS krasti, 1sg. kradg E Ru. krast’, 1sg. kradu, 3sg. kradet {1} W Cz. krăsti; Pl. krasc S SCr. krasti, 1sg. krădem; Cak. kras (Orb.), 1sg. krăden; Sln. krăsti, 1sg. krădem; Bulg. kradă BSl. *kra?- B Latv. krât ‘gather, heap’ PIE *kreh2-d(h') LIV (367) suggests that the d-enlargement of the root is actually to be identified with the *-d- of *jbdg ‘I go, which originated in the imperative. Vaillant (Gr. III: 179) explicitly argues against this. {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 133). 246 *krasbni *krasbm adj. o ‘beautiful’ ESSJa XII 109-110 CS OCS krasbm ‘beautiful, pleasant’ E Ru. krasnyj ‘red, (obs., coll.) beautiful’ W Cz. krasny ‘beautiful, pretty’; Slk. krasny ‘beautiful, pretty’; Pl. krasny (poet.) ‘red, beautiful’; krasny (poet.) ‘red, beautiful’ S SCr. krâsan ‘beautiful, pretty’; krasan ‘beautiful, pretty’; Sln. krasan ‘splendid, beautiful’ See also: *krâsa *krecetb m. o ‘gerfalcon’ ESSJa XII 111 CS RuCS krecetb E Ru. krecet; ORu. krecetb; Ukr. krecet W Pl. krzeczot In all likelihood a derivative of an onomatopoetic root *krek-. *kremy m. n ‘flint’ ESSJa XII 118-123 CS CS kremy m.(n), Gsg. kremene E Ru. kremen’ m.(jo) W Cz. kremen m.(o); Slk. kremen m.(jo); Pl. krzemien m.(jo) S SCr. kremen m.(o); Cak. kremen (Vrg.) m.(o); Sln. kremen m.(o) ‘flint, energy’, Gsg. kremţna BSl. *krem- B Latv. krems m.; krams m. The root may be *(s)krem-, an enlargement of *(s)ker- ‘cut’. *krep^ adj. o ‘strong’ ESSJa XII 134 CS OCS krepb ‘strong’ W Cz. krepy (obs.) ‘strong’; Slk. krepy ‘slow-witted, simple-minded’ S SCr. kr'ijep (poet.) ‘strong’ PIE *kreh!p-o- Cogn. OIc. hr&fa ‘endure’ See also: *krep^k^ ^krep'bk'b adj. o (a) ‘strong’ ESSJa XII 135-138 CS OCS krepbkb ‘strong’ E Ru. krepkij ‘strong’; krepok ‘strong’ W Cz. krepky ‘fresh, strong’; Slk. krepky ‘adroit, smart’; Pl. krzepki ‘strong, alive, quick’ S SCr. krepak ‘strong, lively’; Cak. kripak (Novi) ‘strong, lively’; krepak (Orb.) ‘strong, lively’; Sln. krepak ‘hard, stiff, tough, f. krepka; krepâk ‘hard, stiff, tough, f. krepka; Bulg. krepăk ‘tough, hard, strong’ *krîki 247 Adjective containing the very common adjectival suffix *-iki. For the etymology, see — *krepi. *kreslo n. o (a) ‘chair’ ESSJa XII 126-129 E Ru. kreslo ‘arm-chair, (dial.) flooring for the slaughter of livestock’ W Cz. kreslo ‘arm-chair’; Slk. krieslo ‘arm-chair’; Pl. krzesto ‘chair’; krzasto (dial.) ‘chair’; OPl. krzasto ‘chair’ S Bulg. kreslo ‘seat’ BSl. *kre?slo B Lith. kreslas m. 3 ‘arm-chair’; Latv. kresls m. ‘chair’ OPr. creslan ‘arm-chair’ *kricati v. (c) ‘cry, scream’ ESSJa XII 149-150 CS OCS kricati ‘cry, shout, scream, 1sg. kricg, 2sg. kricisi E Ru. kricăt’ ‘cry, shout, scream, 1sg. kricu, 3sg. kricit W Cz. kriceti ‘cry, shout, scream’; Slk. kricat ‘cry, shout, scream’; Pl. krzyczec ‘cry, shout, scream’ S SCr. kricati ‘scream, 1sg. kricîm; Sln. kricati ‘scream, 1sg. kricim B Lith. krykti ‘cry (of birds), quack’; kryksti ‘cry, shout’ See — *krîki. *kr!dlo n. o (b) ‘wing’ ESSJa XII 152-154 CS OCS krilo ‘wing, roof’ E Ru. krylo ‘wing’; Ukr. krylo ‘wing’ (with analogical y after kryt’ ‘cover’) W Cz. kridlo ‘wing’; Slk. kridlo ‘wing’; Pl. krzydto (dial.) ‘wing’; Slnc. kfidlo ‘wing’ S SCr. krilo ‘wing, fin, nostril, lap’; Cak. krîlâ Npl. ‘skirt, white linen half-slip, (esp. in songs) wings’; krîlo (Orb.) ‘lap’; Sln. krilo ‘wing, fin, nostril’; Bulg. krilo ‘wing’ BSl. *(s)krei- B Lith. skrieti (dial.) ‘rotate, circle, fly’ (Standard Lithuanian has skrieti); Latv. skriet ‘go, run, fly’ PIE *(s)krei-dhlom See also: *krina; *krinica II *krîkb m. o (c) ‘cry, shout’ ESSJa XII 155-156 CS CS kriki ‘shouting, cries’ E Ru. krik ‘cry, shout’ W Cz. krik ‘cry, shout’; Slk. krik ‘cry, shout’; Pl. krzyk ‘cry, shout’ S SCr. krîk ‘cry, shout’; Sln. krîk ‘cry, scream’ BSl. *kreik- 248 *krina; *krinica I B Lith. krykti ‘cry (of birds), quack’; kryksti ‘cry, shout’ PIE *kreik- *krina; *krinica I f. â; f. jâ ‘vessel, jug’ ESSJa XII 156-158 CS OCS krinicg (Supr.) Asg. ‘jug’; RuCS krina ‘vessel, grain measure’ E Ru. krinica ‘earthenware pot, jug’; ORu. krina ‘vessel, grain measure’ S SCr. krînica (arch., dial.) ‘plate, clay bowl’; Sln. krmja ‘flour vessel’; krmjica ‘flour vessel (dim.)’ Etymology unclear. The ESSJa derives this etymon from the root *(s)ker- ‘cut’. *krinica II; *krbnica f. jâ ESSJa XII 158-159 E Ru. krinica (dial.) ‘spring, well’; Ukr. krynycja ‘spring, well’ W Pl. krynica ‘spring, well’; kiernica (dial.) ‘spring, well’; krzynica ‘stream, well’ S Sln. krnica ‘deep spot in river or lake, vortex, basin’ The Slovene word in particular agrees very well with Lith. skrieti, dial. skrieti ‘rotate, circle, fly’. I therefore reconstruct the root as *(s)kr(e)i-. See also: *krîdlo *kriti v. ‘buy’ ESSJa XII 160-161 CS RuCS kriti ‘buy’ E ORu. kriti ‘buy’ PIE *kwr(e)ih2- Cogn. Skt. krlnăti ‘buy’; Gk. npîaaOai ‘buy’; OIr. crenaid ‘buy’ See also: *krhnşti *krojiti v. ‘cut’ ESSJa XII 180-182 E Ru. kroit’ ‘cut (out)’, 1sg. kroju, 3sg. kroit W Cz. krojiti ‘cut’; Pl. kroic ‘cut’ S SCr. krojiti ‘cut, 1sg. krojlm; Cak. krojiti (Vrg.) ‘cut, 2sg. krojîs; krojit (Orb.) ‘cut out (garment from cloth), 3sg. krojî; Sln. krojiti ‘split, disrupt, unstitch, cut (out)’; Bulg. kroja ‘cut out (a garment), devise’ B Latv. krijât ‘skin’ In my dissertation (1996: 271-272) I discussed the accentual properties of the East Baltic root *krei- ‘skim, fish’. Beside solid evidence for an original acute, we find forms pointing to a circumflex. Schrijver, in his discussion of Lat. cerno (1991: 407408), does not commit himself. LIV (366-367) now reconstructs a root *krehi(i)-‘sieben, trennen’ and claims that CS kroiti continues an iterative *kroh!i-eie-, but with a root *kroihi-, which is supposed to be analogical after the metathesized zero grade. In view of similar problems connected with roots of the structure CVHI- (cf. ^ *gojiti), I think that this is acceptable. The original full grade *krohi seems to be present in ^ *krajb. *krosno 249 *kroma f. â ‘edge, slice’ ESSJa XII 185-186 E Ru. kromă (dial.); kroma (dial.) ‘edge, (thick) slice of bread’; ORu. kroma ‘(thick) slice of bread’ W Pl. kroma (dial.) ‘heel of a loaf, slice of bread’; USrb. kroma ‘edge’; LSrb. ksoma ‘edge’ Perhaps derived from a root *(s)krom- ‘cut’, cf. MoHG Schramme. See also: *krome *krome prep. ‘except’ ESSJa XII 185-186 CS OCS krome prep. ‘except, without’; krome adv. ‘far away’ E Ru. krome prep. ‘except, besides’ W Cz. krome prep. ‘except’; krom prep. ‘except’; Pl. krom (dial.) prep. ‘except, without’ See — *kroma. *kropiti v. ‘besprinkle’ ESSJa XIII 8-9 CS OCS kropiti (Euch., Supr.) ‘besprinkle, asperse, 1sg. kropljg E Ru. kropit’‘besprinkle, asperse, trickle’, 1sg. kroplju, 3sg. kropit W Cz. kropiti ‘besprinkle, splash’; Slk. kropit’ ‘besprinkle, splash’; Pl. kropic ‘besprinkle, drip’ S SCr. kropiti ‘pour, besprinkle’, 1sg. kropîm; Cak. kropiti ‘pour, besprinkle’, 2sg. kropîs; Sln. kropiti ‘besprinkle, asperse’, 1sg. kropim BSl. *krop- B Lith. skrepliuoti ‘spit slime’; Latv. krepât ‘spit thick slime’ Etymology unclear. *krosno n. o (c) ‘weaver’s beam, (pl.) loom’ ESSJa XIII 13-17 CS RuCS krosna Npl. ‘canvas, loom’ E Ru. krosna Npl. ‘loom, threads’; krosno (dial.) ‘loom, threads’; krosna Npl. ‘loom’; krosnă Npl. (dial.) ‘loom, canvas, linen’; ORu. krosna Npl. ‘canvas, loom’ W Cz. krosna f. ‘basket (carried over the shoulders)’; krusna f. ‘basket (carried over the shoulders)’; Slk. krosnă Npl. ‘loom’; Pl. krosna f. ‘loom’ S SCr. krosno (dial.) ‘weaver’s beam’; krosna ‘loom’; krosna (dial.) f. ‘loom, weaver’s beam’; Cak. krosnâ (Vrg.) Npl. ‘loom’; kruosna (Orb.) ‘(part of a?) loom’; Sln. krosna Npl. ‘loom’; krosne Npl. f. ‘loom’; Bulg. krosno ‘weaver’s beam’; krosna f. ‘cradle’; Etymology unclear. An analysis *krot-sno, with the root of Lith. kresti ‘shake’ (Vaillant Gr. IV: 584) is semantically not particularly convincing. More promising is the connection with forms such as Lith. krâse (obs., dial.), krese (dial.) ‘chair, Latv. kreslis ‘(simple) sledge’. The relationship between this root *kres- and the root of — 250 *krotiti *kreslo < *kre?slo, cf. also Latv. kresls ‘Stuhl, der Teil des Spinnrockens, in dem die Beine ruhen’ is unclear to me. Even the assumption that a lengthened grade yields an acute brings no solution because the fact that this Balto-Slavic neuter o-stem has fixed stress must be due to Hirt’s law, which is a retraction of the ictus to a non-apophonic vowel. *krotiti v. ‘tame’ ESSJa XIII 17 CS OCS krotiti (Euch., Supr.) ‘tame, reassure’, 1sg. krostg E Ru. krotit’ (dial.) ‘soothe, restrain, tame, club to death (fish, seals)’ W Cz. krotiti ‘soothe, restrain, tame’; Slk. krotit’ ‘soothe, restrain, tame’; OPl. krocic ‘soothe, tame’ S SCr. krotiti ‘tame, calm’; Sln. krotiti ‘tame, restrain, 1sg. krotim Factitive verb. See ^*krotbkb. ^krotbk'b adj. o ‘gentle, quiet’ ESSJa XIII 18-19 CS OCS krotbkb ‘tame, placid, quiet’ E Ru. krotkij ‘gentle, meek’; Ru. krotok ‘gentle, meek, f. krotka, n. krotko W Cz. krotky ‘quiet, tame’; Slk. krotky ‘quiet’; OPl. krotki; krotki ‘gentle, tame’ S SCr. krotak ‘gentle, meek, quiet, slow, f. krotka, n. krotko; Cak. krotak (Orb.) ‘tame, calm’; Sln. krotak ‘quiet, gentle, meek’; krotâk ‘quiet, gentle, meek’; Bulg. krotăk ‘quiet, tame, gentle, meek’ According to Berneker (I: 624), we must start from a meaning ‘castrate, but there is little formal support for this hypothesis, Gk. KpoTSto ‘rattle, clap, knock, strike’ being the best example. The connection with *(s)kert- ‘cut’ (^ *cersti) would require Schwebeablaut and is therefore not very convincing. See also: *krotiti *krdvb m. o (b) ‘roof’ ESSJa XIII 20-21 CS OCS krovb ‘roof, shelter’ E Ru. krov ‘roof, shelter, Gsg. krova {1} W Cz. krov ‘roof, shelter’; Slk. krov ‘roof’ S SCr. krov ‘roof, Gsg. krova; Cak. krov (Vrg.) ‘roof’ Gsg. krova, Gsg. krova; kruof (Orb.) ‘roof’, Gsg. krova; Sln. krov ‘roof, lid’, Gsg. krova BSl. *krou(?)um B Latv. krava f. ‘heap, pile’ A derivative of ^ *kryti. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 134). *krşcina f. â ‘gall, anger’ ESSJa XIII 21-22 CS RuCS krucina ‘gall, grief, anger’ E Ru. krucina ‘grief, anguish’; ORu. krucina ‘gall, grief, anger’ *krţtiti 251 W OPl. krţczynka ‘gorse’ S SCr. krucina (arch., obs.) ‘gall, anger’ The root *krgk- has been linked to words meaning ‘bend’ (cf. — *krggi), but the voiceless root-final velar is awkward and almost isolated within Slavic. Vasmer (s.v. krucina) mentions Sln. ukrociti, ukrokniti ‘bend’. *krşgl^ adj. o ‘round’ ESSJa XIII 23-24 CS CS krggli E Ru. kruglyj {1} W Pl. krqgty (poet.); krţgty (dial.) {2} S SCr. krugao; Sln. krggst; Bulg. krăgăl Adjective in *-lo-. See — *krggi. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136}. {2} Cf. Cz. okrouhly, Pl. okrqgty ‘round’. ^krşg'b m. o (c) ‘circle’ ESSJa XIII 25-27 CS OCS krggi ‘circle’ W Cz. kruh ‘circle’; Slk. kruh ‘circle’; Pl. krqg ‘circle’, Gsg. krţgu S SCr. krug ‘circle’, Gsg. kruga; Cak. krug (Vrg.) ‘circle’, Gsg. kruga; kruh (Orb.) ‘big stone, rock (in a field), circle’, Gsg. kruga; Sln. krgg ‘circle, disc’; Bulg. krăg ‘circle, sphere’ PIE *krongh-o- Cogn. OIc. hringr m. ‘ring’ *krşpeti v. ESSJa XIII 27-28 CS CS krgpeti ‘contract’ BSl. *kromp- B Latv. krumpet ‘shrink’ See also: *krşpt *krşp^ adj. o ‘short, small’ ESSJa XIII 27-28 CS CS krgpi ‘small’; RuCS krupyj ‘small’ W OCz. krupy ‘rough, unpolished’; Pl. krţpy ‘rather short, thick, strong’ S Bulg. krăp (dial.) ‘short’ The entry in the ESSJa is *krgpi(jb)/*krupijb, but in this case we are rather dealing with two roots having become confused (cf. — *krupbni) than with g : u variation. See also: *krşpeti *krştiti v. ‘turn, twist, twirl’ ESSJa XIII 30-31 CS CS krgtiti sţ ‘turn’, 1sg. krgstg E Ru. krutit’‘twist, turn, 1sg. krucu, 3sg. krutit W Cz. kroutiti ‘turn, twirl’; Slk. krutit ‘turn, twirl’; Pl. krţcic ‘turn, twirl’ 252 *krţti S SCr. krutiti ‘consolidate, compress’; Sln. krotiti ‘turn, twist’, 1sg. krotim See ^ *krgtb. ^krştb adj. o (c) ESSJa XIII 33-35 CS CS krgtb ‘winding’ E Ru. krutoj ‘steep, severe’ W Cz. kruty ‘cruel, severe’; Slk. kruty ‘cruel, severe’; Pl. krţty ‘winding, crooked’ S SCr. krut ‘hard, coarse, cruel, severe’; Sln. krgt ‘fierce’ The meaning ‘steep’ can be linked to Lith. krantas ‘bank’. The root *kront- seems to have no cognates outside Balto-Slavic. See also: *krştiti *krux^ m. o ‘chunk’ ESSJa XIII 41 CS CS kruxb ‘fragment, chunk’ E Ru. krux (dial.) ‘slice, lump’ W Cz. kruch ‘piece, lump’; Slk. kruch (dial.) ‘piece, lump, chunk of bread’; Pl. kruch ‘piece, lump’ S SCr. kruh ‘bread’, Gsg. kruha; Cak. kruh ‘bread, Gsg. kruva; kruh (Novi, Orb.) ‘bread’, Gsg. kruha; Sln. kruh ‘bread’, Gsg. kruha; Bulg. krux (dial.) ‘piece of salt or sugar’ PIE *krous-o- Cogn. Gk. Kpouw ‘beat’ See also: *krbxa; *krbx,b *krukb m. o ‘raven’ ESSJa XIII 42-43 CS CS krukb ‘raven’ E Ru. kruk (dial.) ‘raven’; Ukr. kruk (dial.) ‘crane’ W Pl. kruk ‘raven’; Slnc. krek ‘raven’ Probably of onomatopoetic origin, cf. OPl. krukac ‘roar’. *krupâ f. â (b) ‘grainy substance, groats, hail’ ESSJa XIII 43-45 CS CS krupa ‘grain, groats’ (cf. OCS krupica ‘crumb’) E Ru. krupa Npl. ‘groats, sleet, Asg. krupu W Cz. kroupa ‘groats, grain’; Slk. krupy Npl. ‘groats, hail’; Pl. krupy Npl. ‘groats’; OPl. krupy Npl. ‘groats, broth, hail’; Slnc. krâpa Npl. ‘groats’ S SCr. krupa ‘hail, (arch.) crumb’; krupa ‘hail, (arch.) crumb’; krupa ‘hail, (arch.) crumb’; Cak. krupa (Vrg.) ‘hail’; krupa (Novi) ‘hail’; Sln. krupa f.(â) ‘barley-groats’; krupi Npl. f.(i) ‘hail’ BSl. *kroupa? B Latv. kraupa f. ‘wart’ PIE *kroup-eh2 *kr^vbni 253 Cogn. OIc. hryfi f. ‘scabies’ See also: *krupbnt *krupbm adj. o ‘coarse’ ESSJa XIII 46-47 E Ru. krupnyj ‘big, tall’; ORu. krupnyj ‘consisting of large parts, big’ W OCz. krupny ‘coarse’; Pl. krupny ‘coarse’ S SCr. krupan ‘coarse-grained, coarse, big, high’; krupan ‘coarse-grained, coarse, big, high’; Cak. krupan (Orb.) ‘large, heavy, bulky’; Bulg. krupen ‘great’ BSl. *kroup- B Lith. kraupus ‘rough’ PIE *kroup- Cogn. OIc. hrjufr ‘rough, scabby’ See also: *krupa *krbxâ; ‘krtxi (b/c) f. â; m. o ‘lump’ ESSJa XIII 51 CS CS krixa ‘grain’ E Ru. kroxă ‘crumb, Asg. kroxu W Slk. krh ‘bar, touchstone’; krch ‘bar, touchstone’; Pl. krech ‘piece, lump’ S Sln. krh ‘crack, notch, rift, Gsg. krha BSl. *kruşa? B Lith. krusa f. ‘hail’; Latv. krusa f. ‘hail’ PIE *krus- Cogn. Gk. Kpouw ‘beat’ See also: *kruxt *krbvbni adj. o ‘bloody, blood(-)’ ESSJa XIII 66-67 CS OCS krivbni ‘bloody, of the blood’ E Ru. krovnyj ‘blood(-)’ W Cz. krevni ‘blood(-)’; krevny ‘blood(-)’; Slk. krvny ‘blood(-)’; Pl. krewny ‘sanguineous, bloody, blood(-)’ S SCr. krvnî ‘bloody, sanguineous’; krvnî ‘bloody, sanguineous’; krvan ‘blood(--)’; Sln. krvdn ‘blood(-), sanguineous’; Bulg. krăven ‘blood(-), sanguineous’ BSl. *kru(w)inos B Lith. kruvinas ‘bloody’ PIE *kruh2- Cogn. Skt. kravyă- n. ‘bloody’; OE hreaw adj. ‘raw’ See also: *kry 254 *kry *kry f. u (c) ‘blood’ ESSJa XIII 67-70 CS OCS kry (PsDim.) f.(u); knvb f.(u), Gsg. knve E Ru. krov’ f.(i), Gsg. krovi W Cz. krev f.(i), Gsg. krve; Pl. krew f.(i), Gsg. krwi; OPl. kry f.(i); Slnc. kra f.(i), Gsg. krăvjie; USrb. krej f.(i), Gsg. krwe S SCr. krv f.(i), Gsg. krvi; Cak. krv (Vrg.) f.(i), Gsg. krvi; kri (Cres) f.(i), Gsg. krvi; krf (Orb.) f.(i), Gsg. krvi; Sln. krî f.(i), Gsg. krvî; Bulg. krăv f.(i) BSl. *kruHs; *krouio B Lith. kraujas m.(jo) OPr. krawian; crauyo (EV) PIE *kruh2-s; *kreuh2- Cogn. Skt. kravis- n. ‘raw meat’; Skt. kravya- n. ‘raw meat’; Gk. Kpsaq n. ‘meat’; Lat. cruor m. ‘raw blood’ Like Skt. kravya-, Lith. kraujas m.(jo) and OPr. krawian represent a derivative in *-io- of the root noun reflected in Slavic. The Lithuanian form underwent resyllab-ification. See also: *kr^vtn^ *kryti v. (a) ‘cover, hide’ ESSJa XIII 71-72 CS OCS kryti ‘cover, hide, 1sg. kryjg E Ru. kryt’ ‘cover, 1sg. kroju, 3sg. kroet W Cz. kryti ‘hide, keep’; Slk. kryt ‘cover, hide, keep’; Pl. kryc ‘cover, hide’ S SCr. kriti ‘hide, keep’; Sln. kriti ‘cover, 1sg. krîjem; Bulg. krija ‘hide, cover’ BSl. *kr(o)u?- B Lith. krauti ‘heap, pile’; Latv. kraut ‘heap, pile’ PIE *kruH- Cogn. OE hreodan ‘cover’ According to LIV (371), the *dh of the Old English form was originally a present suffix. See also: *krovb *krbnşti v. ‘buy, take, pay’ ESSJa XIII 74-75 CS RuCS krbnuti E ORu. krenuti PIE *kwri-n-h2- Cogn. Skt. krlnăti ‘buy’; Gk. npiaaOai ‘buy’; OIr. crenaid ‘buy’ See also: *kriti *kuca f. jâ ‘heap’ ESSJa XIII 79 E Ru. kuca ‘heap, pile’; kuca (dial.) ‘hill, shock, hay-cock’ *kukati 255 W Cz. kuce (dial.) ‘lump, heap’; Pl. kucza (arch., dial.) ‘heap, pile’; Slnc. kuca ‘tuft, mane’ S SCr. kuca ‘bunch, bundle, forelock, sheaf’ Derivative in *-jă. See — *kuka I. *kuditi v. (a) ESSJa XIII 82-83 CS OCS kudţti (Supr.) 3pl. ‘use ill language’ E Ru. kudit’ (dial.) ‘force, persuade’ W Slk. kudit (Jg., Kott) ‘blame, criticize’ S SCr. kuditi ‘slander, reproach, condemn’; Cak. kuditi (Vrg.) ‘slander, reproach, condemn’; Sln. kuditi ‘blame, criticize, despise’, 1sg. kudim PIE *koud- Cogn. Gk. Ku8a(w ‘jeer at’; OIc. hota ‘threaten’ See also: *cuditi (sş); *cudo; *kudo; *kudt; *kudb *kudo n. s ESSJa XIII 83-84 E Ru. kudesă (dial.) Npl. n. ‘miracles performed through an evil force’; kudes’ f.(i) ‘(dial.) sorcery’; ORu. kudesi m. ‘magic, sorcery’ W Pl. kudys (dial.) m. ‘evil spirit, devil’ PIE *koud- Cogn. OHG hosc m. ‘scorn, mockery’ Since o-grade of the root is unexpected in an s-stem, the formation may be secondary. In Russian dialects, we find an o-stem (— *kudi). See also: *cuditi (sş); *cudo; *kuditi; *kudt; *kudb *kud^; *kudb m. o; f. i ESSJa XIII 84 E Ru. kud (dial.) m. ‘evil spirit, demon, Satan’; kud’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘sorcery’; ORu. kudb f.(i) ‘will, desire’ See — *kudo. *kujati v. ESSJa XIII 85 CS OCS kujajgsta (Supr.) Gsg. ptc. pres. act. ‘grumbling’ S SCr. kujati ‘be ailing, doze’; Sln. kujati se ‘sulk, behave capriciously’, 1sg. kujam se According to the ESSJa, of onomatopoetic origin, but this is far from evident. Unclear. *kukati v. ‘cuckoo’ ESSJa XIII 35 E Ru. kukat’ (dial.) ‘cuckoo, call, cry, grieve’ W Cz. kukati ‘cuckoo’; Pl. kukac ‘cuckoo’; OPl. kukac ‘cuckoo, appeal, complain’ 256 *kukaI S SCr. kukati ‘groan, moan, cuckoo’; Sln. kukati ‘cuckoo, grieve, 1sg. kukam; Bulg. kukam ‘cuckoo, grieve’ *kuka I f. â (a) ESSJa XIII 86-87 E Ru. kuka ‘fist, lever, handle’; Bel. kuka ‘big wooden hammer’; Ukr. kuka ‘big wooden rattle’ S SCr. kuka ‘hook, poker’; Cak. kuka (Orb.) ‘hook’; Bulg. kuka ‘hook’ BSl. *koukos B Lith. kaukas m. ‘lump’ PIE *kouk Cogn. OIc. haugr m. ‘hill’; MHG hocker m. ‘hump’; OIr. cuar adj. ‘crooked’ I suspect that the fixed stress of the Slavic etymon is due to influence of ^ *kluka. See also: *kuca; *kukonos^; *k^k(^)nb *kuka II f. â ‘goblin’ ESSJa XIII 86-87 E Ru. kuka (dial.) ‘wood-goblin’; Bel. kuka (dial.) ‘something terrible living in the dark’ W Slnc. kuka ‘evil spirit’; USrb. kuka ‘intestinal worm’ S Sln. kuka ‘insect, intestinal worm, pig’ BSl. *koukos; *kouka? B Lith. kaukas m. ‘goblin’ OPr. cawx ‘devil’ Possibly etymologically identical with ^ *kuka I. *kukonos^ adj. o ‘hook-nosed’ ESSJa XIII 91-92 CS CS kukonosb ‘hook-nosed’; RuCS kukonosyj ‘hook-nosed’ S SCr. kukonos ‘having a hooked nose’ See ^ *kuka I and ^ *nosb. *kup^ m. o (a) ‘heap, mound’ ESSJa XIII 114-115 CS OCS kupb (Supr.) ‘heap’; vvkupb adv. ‘jointly, at the same time’; vvkupv (Mar.) adv. ‘jointly’; vvkupe adv. ‘together, at the same time’; RuCS kupv ‘hill, burial mound’ E Ru. vkupe (obs.) adv. ‘together’ S SCr. kup ‘heap, pile, crowd’; Cak. kup (Vrg.) ‘heap, pile’; kup (Orb.) ‘heap, pile’; Sln. kup ‘heap, mass’, Gsg. kupa; vkup adv. ‘together’; vkupe(j) adv. ‘together’; Bulg. kup ‘heap, pile, crowd, mass’ BSl. *ka?upo- B Lith. kaupas 4 ‘heap’; kaupas (dial.) 1 ‘heap’ PIE *keh2up-o- Cogn. OHG hubil m. ‘hill’ (cf. Latv. kâpa ‘dune, hillock, snowmound’) *kuri 257 *kurenbje n. io (b) ESSJa XIII 119 CS OCS kurenije (Euch.) n.(io) ‘burning of incense, steam, fire’ E Ru. kuren’e n.(io) ‘tobacco’ W Cz. kourem n.(io) ‘fumigation, evaporation’ Noun derived from the past passive participle *kureni of — * kuriti. See also: *kuriti *kurica f. jâ ‘hen’ ESSJa XIII 121-122 E Ru. kurica ‘hen’ W Cz. kurica (dial.) ‘hen’; Pl. kurzyca (15th-17th c.) ‘hen; Slnc. kurăcă ‘young hen’ S Sln. kurica ‘pullet, little hen’; kurica ‘female genitals’ See — *kuri. *kuriti v. (b) ‘smoke’ ESSJa XIII 123-125 CS OCS kuriti sţ (Euch.) 3sg. ‘smokes’ E Ru. kurit’ ‘smoke’, 1sg. kurju, 3sg. kurit W Cz. kouriti ‘smoke’; Slk. kurit‘kindle, smoke’; Pl. kurzyc ‘raise dust, smoke’ S SCr. kuriti (dial.) ‘smoke, set fire to’; Cak. kurit (Orb.) ‘smoke (ham, etc.)’, 1sg. kurin; Sln. kuriti ‘kindle, smoke’, 1sg. kurim B Lith. kurti ‘light, kindle’; Latv. kurt ‘light, kindle’ If *kuriti is cognate with Lith. kurti, the vocalism *u < *ou must be secondary. The Lithuanian verb, which also means ‘make, create’ has been connected with Skt. krnoti ‘do, make’ < *kwr-. This etymology is not implausible, though the fact that the East Baltic evidence points to a root-final laryngeal is problematic. One may consider an extended root *kwrH-, which would not be unprecedented. A reconstruction with a labiovelar has the advantage that it explains why we find *ur instead of *ir. It seems to me that if we also wish to establish a link with Lat. carbo ‘charcoal’, Go. hauri n. ‘coal’, OIc. hyrr m. ‘fire’, it might be best to give up the above-mentioned etymology and simply reconstruct *kerH-. See also: *kurenhje *kurb m. o ‘cock’ ESSJa XIII 129-130 CS OCS kuri ‘cock’ E Ru. kur (dial.) ‘cock’ W OCz. kur ‘cock’; kur (?) ‘cock’; Pl. kur ‘cock’; Slnc. kur ‘cock’ S SCr. kur (RJA: N. Cak. and Kajk.?) ‘cock’; Sln. kur ‘cock, Gsg. kura; Bulg. kur ‘cock, penis’ It is sometimes assumed that *kuri derives from a root *ku- ‘cry, which may be onomatopoetic in nature. The connection with — * kujati is semantically not very 258 *kutiti convincing. As possible cognates containing an r-element, Latv. kauret ‘howl, cry’ and Lat. caurîre ‘howl (of panters)’ have been mentioned. See also: *kurica *kutiti v. ESSJa XIII 139-140 CS CS kutiti ‘devise’ E Ru. kutit’ ‘live a disorderly life, booze’, îsg. kucu, 3sg. kutit W Cz. kutiti ‘design, plan, venture’; kutiti se ‘rummage (in)’; Slk. kutit’‘look for, rummage (in), venture’ S SCr. kutiti (RJA) ‘plunge completely into illness’; Sln. kutiti se ‘bend, hide oneself, squat’ Etymology unclear. *kuzna f. jâ (b) ‘smithy’ ESSJa XIII 124-125 E Ru. kuznja (dial.) ‘smithy’ W Cz. kuzna (dial.) ‘smithy’; kouzen (Dobrovsky) f.(i) ‘smithy’; Slk. kuzna (dial.) ‘smithy’; kuzen (dial.) f.(i) ‘smithy’; kuzna (dial.) ‘smithy’; Pl. kuznia ‘smithy’; Slnc. kuznă ‘smithy’ S Bulg. kuznja ‘smithy’ Derivative of ^ *kovati. The suffixes *-zna/zna and *-znb are not uncommon, cf. OCS ukorizna ‘insult’, bojazrn ‘fear’. The root is not acute because it is a recent formation. See also: *k^znb; *kyj^ *kvâs^ m. o (c) ‘leaven, fermented drink’ ESSJa XIII 153-155 CS OCS kvasv ‘leaven, fermented drink, kvass’ E Ru. kvas ‘kvass, fermented drink’, Gsg. kvasa W Cz. kvas ‘leaven, kvass, fermented drink’; Slk. kvas ‘leaven, mud’; Pl. kwas ‘sourness, (arch.) fermented drink’ S SCr. kvâs ‘leaven, kvass, malted drink’, Gsg. kvâsa; Cak. kvâs (Vrg.) ‘yeast’ Gsg. kvâsa; kvâs (Orb.) ‘yeast, Gsg. kvâsa; Sln. kvâs ‘leaven, ferment’; Bulg. kvas ‘leaven, kvass’ Cogn. Lat. căseus m. ‘cheese’ For Lat. căseus, Schrijver (1991: 252) has tentatively suggested that it is based on a collective *kHu-os. See ^ *kysati for a discussion of the root. *kvetb m. o (c) ‘flower’ ESSJa XIII 162-163 CS OCS cvet-b ‘flower’ E Ru. cvet (obs.) ‘flower’, Gsg. cveta, Npl. cvety; cvetok ‘flower’, Npl. cvety; kvet (dial.) ‘flower’ W Cz. kvet ‘flower’; Slk. kvet ‘flower’; Pl. kwiat ‘flower’; USrb. kwet ‘flower’ *kbde 259 S SCr. cvijet ‘flower, bloom, Gsg. cvijeta; Cak. cvît (Vrg.) ‘flower, white wheat flour, Gsg. cvîta; cv'et (Orb.) ‘bloom’; Sln. cvet ‘flower, Gsg. cveta, Gsg. cvetu; Bulg. cvjat ‘bloom’ PIE *kuoit-o- In Balto-Slavic, PIE *k was depalatalized before *u followed by a back vowel. The second palatalization affected *kw- in South and East Slavic (North Russian excepted), but not in West Slavic. See also: *kvisti; *svetja; *svet^; *svbteti *kvisti v. (c) ‘bloom, blossom’ ESSJa XIII 167-168 CS OCS cvisti (Supr.), 1sg. cvbtg E Ru. cvesti, 1sg. cvetu, pret. sg. m. cvel W Cz. kvesti, 1sg. kvetu, kvetu (obs., dial.); kvisti, 1sg. kvetu, kvetu (obs., dial.); OCz. kvisti, 1sg. ktvu; OPl. kwisc S SCr. cvasti, 1sg. cvatem; Cak. cvâs (Orb.), 3sg. cvate; Sln. cvesti, 1sg. cvetem; cvasti, 1sg. cvatem; cvasti, 1sg. cvatem BSl. *kweit-/*kwit- B Latv. kvitet ‘shimmer, glimmer’ PIE *ku(e)it- The *k of Balto-Slavic *kw(e)it- is analogical after forms with o-grade, where the palatovelar was depalatalized. See also: *kvetb; *svetja; *svetb; *svbteti *k^(n) prep. ‘to’ ESSJa XIII 173-174 CS OCS kt E Ru. k(o) W Cz. k(e/u) ; Slk. k(u) ; Pl. ku; OPl. k(u) (by the beginning of the 18th century, the variant ku had ousted k, which still occurs dialectally). S SCr. k(a) ; Sln. k; Bulg. kăm; Mcd. kon Possibly cognate with the Sanskrit particle (after datives) kam. *kbde adv. ‘where’ ESSJa XIII 173-174 CS OCS ktde ‘where’ E Ru. gde ‘where’ W Cz. kde ‘where’; Slk. kde ‘where’; Pl. gdzie ‘where’ S SCr. gdje ‘where’; Cak. kade (Orb.) ‘where’; Sln. kje ‘where’; kje ‘somewhere’; Bulg. gde ‘where’ BSl. *ku B Lith. kur ‘where’ PIE *kwu-dhe 260 *kbxati Cogn. Skt. kuha adv. ‘where?’; Lat. necubi conj. ‘lest somewhere’ *kbxati v. ‘cough, sneeze’ ESSJa XIII 176 S SCr. kahati (dial.) ‘push, shove’; Sln. kâhati ‘cough loudly, 1sg. kâham See — *kyxati. ^kbxnşti v. ‘cough, sneeze’ ESSJa XIII 176 CS CS kixngti ‘sneeze’ S SCr. kahnuti ‘cough, sneeze’; kăhnuti ‘cough, sneeze’; Sln. kţhniti ‘sneeze (once), 1sg. kţhnem See — *kyxati. *kbjb prn. ‘who, what, which’ ESSJa XIII 116-117 CS OCS kii ‘who, what, which’, f. kaja, n. koje E Ru. koj ‘what, which’ W Slk. ky ‘what, which, f. kă, n. ke; Pl. ki (arch., dial.) ‘what, which, f. ka, n. kie S SCr. kojî ‘what, which, f. kojă, n. koje; Bulg. koj ‘who, which, f. kojă, n. koe BSl. *kos B Lith. kăs ‘who, which’ PIE *kwo- Cogn. Skt. kă- ‘who, which, someone’; Go. has ‘who?’ *k^k(^)nb m. jo? ESSJa XIII 177 CS OCS kikinu (Supr.) Ldu. ‘shins’ See — *kuka I. *kblbb m. jo ‘gudgeon’ ESSJa XIII 182-183 E Ru. kolb’ (dial.) m.(jo) W Pl. kietb m.(jo); kietb m.(o); Kash. kelb m.(jo); kelp m.(jo) BSl. *kulb-/*kilb- B Lith. kilbas (obs.) m. 1; kelbas (obs.) m. 3 See — *kilpb-. *kblka; ^kblkb f. â; m. o ‘bony stump’ ESSJa XIII 188 E Ru. kolk (dial.) m. ‘bony stump underneath a horn of a cow or bull’ W Cz. kelka (obs.) f. ‘stump of an arm or leg, artificial limb’ S SCr. kuk m. ‘thigh, hip, (dial.) ham, rock, Gsg. kuka; Cak. kuk (Vrg.) m. ‘hip, rock, Gsg. kukâ; kuk (Novi, Orb.) m. ‘hip’; Sln. kolk m. ‘thigh, hip, cliff’; Bulg. kălka f. ‘thigh, hip’; klăka (dial.) f. ‘thigh, hip, side, bend of a river’ BSl. *kul?k- 261 B Lith. kulksnis f.(i) 4 ‘ankle(-bone)’; Latv. kulksnis m.(io) ‘tarsal joint, hough’ PIE *klHk-? Cogn. Lat. calex f. ‘heel’ *k^lpb f. i; m. jo ESSJa XIII 189-190 E Ru. kolp’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘spoonbill’; ORu. kolpb (dial.) f.(i) ‘spoonbill’ W Kash. kwlp m.(jo) ‘swan’; kelp m.(jo) ‘swan’; Slnc. ke-up m.(jo) ‘swan, Gsg. ke-upjă {1}; USrb. kolp m.(jo) ‘swan, Gsg. kolpja S SCr. kup (Herc.) m.(o) ‘swan’; kuf (Dubr.) m.(o) ‘swan, pelican’ BSl. *kulpis; *gulbis B Lith. gulbis f.(i) 4 ‘swan’; gulbis (Zem.) m.(io) 2 ‘swan’; Latv. gulbis f.(i) ‘swan’ OPr. gulbis (EV) ‘swan’ Cogn. OIr. gulban m. ‘beak, sting’; W gylfin m. ‘bird’s bill, beak, snout, sharp-pointed nose’; W gylf m. ‘bird’s bill, beak, nose, mouth, sharp-pointed instrument’ In view of the variations k/g and b/p, the geographical distribution of the root, and the semantic field to which the etymon belongs, I consider this a North European substratum word of non-Indo-European origin (see Derksen 1999). Note also that in view of the Celtic forms the sequence *ul does not reflect a syllabic resonant. {1} Place-names deriving from kielp- occur in various parts of Poland (see Bankowski 2000a: 665-666). See also: *gblbh; *k^lbb *k^l^ m. o ‘fang, tusk’ ESSJa XIII 192-193 E Ru. kol (dial.) ‘sharp lower tooth of a horse, fang, tusk’ W Cz. kel ‘fang, tusk, shoot, Gsg. klu; Slk. kel ‘fang, tusk, Gsg. kla; Pl. kiel ‘canine (tooth), fang, tusk’, Gsg. kla S SCr. kâl ‘canine (tooth), fang, tusk’; Sln. kal ‘tusk (of a pig), Gsg. klă Derivative containing the zero grade of the root of — *kdlti. See also: *kolst; *kolti; *koltiti; *koltb; *kolta; *kolto; *kolb *kbrb m. jo ESSJa XIII 242 E ORu. kirb ‘cleared spot, shrubbery’; korb ‘cleared spot, shrubbery’ W Cz. ker ‘bush, Gsg. kere; ker (lit., poet.) ‘bush’ Gsg. kre; Slk. ker ‘bush, Gsg. kra; Pl. kierz ‘bush, Gsg. krza, Gsg. krzu BSl. *kur-/*kir- B Lith. kirna (dial.) f. 1 ‘root of a tree or shrub on a riverbank that is hollowed out by water, soggy spot overgrown with bushes, spot with fallen trees’ OPr. kirno ‘bush’ A jo-stem containing the zero grade of the root of — * korenb. See also: *cernovitb; *cemovb; *cernt II; *cernh II; *korenh 262 *kbrkati *kbrkati v. ESSJa XIII 216 W Cz. krkati ‘croak’; Slk. krkat ‘croak’; Pl. karkac ‘cackle’ S SCr. krkati ‘stuff oneself’; krkati (Elez.) ‘eat greedily’; Bulg. kărkam ‘gurgle, rumble, stuff oneself, booze’ Verb of onomatopoetic origin. See also: *krakati; *k^rkati *k^rknşti v. ESSJa XIII 216 CS OCS knkngti (Supr.) ‘squeak’ W Cz. krknouti ‘belch’ S SCr. krknuti ‘bang, crash, squeak’; Sln. krkniti ‘squeak, 1sg. krknem See the previous lemma. See also: *krakati *kbrma I f. â ‘stern’ ESSJa XIII 220-222 CS OCS knma (Zogr., Mar.) ‘stern’ E Ru. korma ‘stern’ S SCr. krma ‘stern, helm’; Cak. krma (Vrg., Novi) ‘stern, helm’; Sln. krma ‘stern’; Bulg. kărma ‘stern’ PIE *kwr-m- See also: *cern^; *cernh I; *k^rn^ *kbrma II; *k^rm^ f. â; m. o ‘food, fodder’ ESSJa XIII 222-223; XIII 227 CS OCS knma (Supr.) f. ‘food’ E Ru. korm m. ‘fodder, forage’; ORu. ktrmt m. ‘food, feast, banquet’; kormt m. ‘food, feast, banquet’ W Cz. krm (obs.) m. ‘fodder’; Slk. krm m. ‘fodder’; krma (dial.) f. ‘fodder, mother’s milk’; Pl. karm (arch, dial.) m. ‘food, fodder’; Slnc. kârma f. ‘fodder’ S SCr. krma f. ‘fodder’ (according to the RJA, the original meaning ‘food’ occurs until the 16th century); Cak. krma f. ‘(cattle) fodder, Asg. krmo; Sln. krma f. ‘nourishment, fodder, hay’; Bulg. kărma f. ‘fodder, mother’s milk’ The root of this etymon may be reconstructed as *krh3-, cf. Gk. Kopevvu^i ‘satiate, Lith. serti ‘feed, with depalatalization before syllabic *r. *kbrn,b adj. o ‘maimed’ ESSJa XIII 236-237 CS CS knm mutilated (with ears slit or cropped)’ E Ru. kornoj (dial.) ‘stocky, thickset’; kornyj (dial.) ‘stocky, thickset’ W Slnc. karn m. ‘notch’ S SCr. krn ‘broken off, dented, knocked out (teeth), maimed’; krnja ‘crop- eared, snub-nosed, toothless’; krnja ‘crop-eared, snub-nosed or toothless person’; Sln. krn ‘maimed, mutilated’ *k^sbni 263 BSl. *kurnos Latv. kurns ‘deaf’ PIE *kwr-no- Cogn. Skt. karnă- ‘eared, crop-eared’; LAv. karsna- ‘deaf’ I assume that in Slavic this root was secondarily associated with *krH- ‘to cut’ (Derksen 1996: 226-227). See also: *cernt I; *cernh I; *k^rma I *kbrpa f. â (a) ESSJa XIII 237 CS OCS kripa ‘texture, fabric’ W Slk. krpa ‘earthenware pot’; Pl. karpa (dial.) ‘stump and roots of a felled tree’; OPl. karpa ‘stump and roots of a felled tree’ S SCr. krpa ‘rag, patch’; Cak. krpa (Vrg.) ‘rag, patch’; krpa (Vrg.) ‘piece of cloth, rag, towel’; Sln. krpa ‘patch, stain’; Bulg. kărpa ‘piece of cloth, towel’ BSl. *kur?p(i)a? B Lith. kurpe f.(e) ‘shoe’; Latv. kurpe f.(e) ‘shoe’ OPr. kurpe (EV) ‘shoe’ Cogn. Gk. KapPomvai Npl. f. ‘shoes of undressed leather, brogues’; Gk. Kapn&Tivov (Hesych.) n. ‘shoe of undressed leather, brogue’ If the Greek words, which are formally incompatible with the Balto-Slavic forms, are cognate, we are probably dealing with a substratum word (cf. Beekes 2000: 28). *kbrzbno n. o ‘fur’ ESSJa XIII 244 CS CS kriz(b)no ‘piece of clothing made of fur’ E ORu. korzno ‘cloak’ (also kirzno, korbzno, krizno, korozno) W Cz. krzno ‘military cloak’ S SCr. krzno ‘fur’; krzno ‘fur’; Sln. krzno ‘skin, pelt, fur’ This Slavic etymon was apparently borrowed into Germanic, cf. OHG kursi(n)na, krusina, OS krusina f. ‘cloak made of fur’ (Kluge-Seebold: 495). The relationship with Lat. crocina (Gaul.) f. ‘pelt, fur’ is uncertain. According to Vasmer (s.v. korzno), Slavic borrowed this word from an eastern language, cf. Osset. kxrc ‘fur’. ^k'bsbn'b adj. o ‘slow’ ESSJa XIII 246-247 CS CS kisni (Nik.) ‘slow’ E Ru. kosnyj ‘inert, sluggish’ S SCr. kasan ‘late, tardy’; kasno (Vuk) adv. ‘late, tardy’; Cak. kasan (Vrg.) ‘late, tardy’; kâsan (Orb.) ‘late, tardy’; Sln. kasân ‘sluggish, slow, late’; kăsan ‘sluggish, slow, late’; Bulg. kăsen ‘late’ BSl. *kus-no-; *kus-lo- B Lith. kuslas (dial.) ‘blind, weak (plants), small’; Latv. kusls ‘stiff, small, weak’ 264 *kbsiti The ESSJa rejects the connection with the Baltic forms and links *ktsbm to *kyselt, etc. As a parallel Lat. serescere ‘become dry’ and serus ‘belated’ are adduced, but these words may very well derive from different roots. *kbsiti v. ‘cast lots’ ESSJa XIII 247 CS CS ktsiti ‘cast lots’ E ORu. kositisja ‘cast lots’ Derivative of ^*ktsb. *kbsb m. jo ‘lot, fate’ CS RuCS ktsb; kosb E ORu. ktsb; kosb Etymology unclear. See also: *kysiti *kbto prn. ‘who’ CS OCS ktto E Ru. kto W Cz. kdo; OCz. kto; chto; Pl. kto; OPl. kto; chto S SCr. tko; ko; Sln. kdo BSl. *kos B Lith. kas ‘who, what’ The pronoun *kwo- (^ *ktjb) + *tod See also: *nek^to; *nek^to *kbznb f. i ‘art’ ESSJa XIII 249 CS OCS ktznb (Ril., Supr.) ‘art, manner’; RuCS ktznb ‘occupation, profession, art’ E Ru. kozni Npl. ‘machinations, intrigues’; ORu. ktznb ‘occupation, profession, art’ Considering that the root is *kuh2- (^ *kovati), the vocalism < *u is unexpected. We may be dealing with a productive ablaut pattern, however. See also: *kuzna; *kyj^ *kydati v. ‘throw, fling’ ESSJa XIII 252-253 E Ru. kidat’‘throw, fling, cast, 1sg. kidaju; Ukr. kydaty ‘throw, fling, cast, cease’ W Cz. kydati ‘throw, muck out’; Slk. kydat’ ‘throw, muck out’; Pl. kidac (dial.) ‘throw, fling, cast’; OPl. kidac ‘throw, fling, cast’ S SCr. kidati ‘tear, muck out, 1sg. kidăm; Cak. kidati (Vrg.) ‘tear, muck out’ 2sg. kidâs; Sln. kidati ‘throw out, throw aside, muck out’, 1sg. kîdam; Bulg. kidam (dial.) ‘soil, stain’ ESSJa XIII 247 ESSJa XIII 248 265 PIE *(s)kud- Cogn. Skt. codati ‘impel’; OIc. skjota ‘shoot, shove’ An example of Winter’s law. See also: *kydnşti *kydnşti v. ‘throw, fling’ ESSJa XIII 252-253 E Ru. kinut’ ‘throw, fling, cast’, 1sg. kinu; Ukr. kynuty ‘throw, fling, cast, cease’ W Cz. kydnouti ‘throw, fling’; Slk. kydnut ‘throw, fling, strike’; Pl. kinqc (dial.) ‘throw, fling, cast’; OPl. kinqc ‘throw, fling, cast’ S SCr. kinuti se ‘get away from’; Sln. kiniti ‘nod’, 1sg. kînim; Bulg. kina (dial.) ‘tear’ PIE *kud- See also: *kydati *kyxati v. ‘sneeze’ ESSJa XIII 254-255 E Ru. kixat’ (dial.) ‘laugh loudly, cough’; ORu. kixati ‘sneeze’ W Cz. kychati ‘sneeze’; Slk. kychat ‘sneeze’; Pl. kichac ‘sneeze’ S SCr. kihati ‘sneeze’, 1sg. kîhăm, 1sg. kîsem; Cak. klhati (Vrg.) ‘sneeze’ 2sg. kîses; klhat (Orb.) ‘sneeze, 1sg. kîsen; Sln. kihati ‘sneeze’, 1sg. kîham, 1sg. kîsem; Bulg. kixam ‘sneeze’ Undoubtedly onomatopoetic in origin. In view of the forms with *ktx-, we are dealing here with an intensive verb. See also: *cixati; *chxati; *k^xati; *k^xnşti *kyjb m. jo ‘stick, club’ ESSJa XIII 257-258 CS RuCS kyi ‘hammer, club’; kii ‘hammer, club’ E Ru. kij (dial.) ‘stick, wooden hammer, pestle’ W Cz. kyj ‘stick, club’; Slk. kyj ‘stick, club’; Pl. kij ‘stick, cane’ S SCr. kij (15th c.) ‘hammer’; Sln. kîj ‘big wooden beetle, corn-cob’ BSl. *ku?ios B Lith. kujis ‘hammer’ OPr. cugis (EV) ‘hammer’ A jo-derivative of *ky < *kuh2. See ^ *kovati. *kyla f. â (a) ‘outgrowth, hernia’ ESSJa XIII 262-263 CS CS kyla ‘hernia’; kila ‘hernia’ E Ru. kila ‘hernia, outgrowth on plants’; Ukr. kyla ‘hernia’; kyla ‘hernia’ W Cz. kyla ‘hernia’; Slk. kyla ‘hernia’; Pl. kila ‘hernia’ S SCr. kila ‘hernia, oedema, swelling, outgrowth (on plants)’; Cak. kila (Vrg.) ‘hernia, swelling’; Sln. kila ‘scrotal hernia, outgrowth (on plants)’; Bulg. kila ‘hernia’ 266 *kypeti BSl. *ku?la? B Lith. kula (dial.) f. ‘lump, hernia, stalk’; kulas (dial.) m. ‘lump, hernia’ PIE *kh2u-l-eh2 Cogn. OIc. haull f. ‘hernia’; OHG hola f. ‘hernia’ For the colour of the laryngeal cf. Gk. KauXoq ‘stalk, shaft’ = Lith. kăulas ‘bone’. *kypeti v. (c) ‘boil, seethe’ ESSJa XIII 265 CS OCS kypeti (Euch., Supr.) ‘seethe’ E Ru. kipet’ ‘boil, seethe’, 1sg. kiplju, 3sg. kipit W Cz. kypeti ‘boil, overflow’; Slk. kypiet‘boil, overflow’; Pl. kipiec ‘boil’ S SCr. kipjeti ‘boil, overflow’; Cak. kîpet (Orb.) ‘boil, 3sg. kîpî; Sln. kipeti ‘boil, overflow, 1sg. kipim; Bulg. kipjă ‘boil, overflow’ BSl. *kup- B Lith. kupeti ‘boil over, 3sg. kupa In my opinion, Schrijver (1991: 260-263) correctly separates kypeti from Latv. kupet ‘smoke, steam, vapor ‘steam, heat, etc., which he derives from a root *k(w')h2up- (— *kopitb). An analysis of the East Baltic material alone nearly suffices to establish the roots *kup- ‘smoke, steam’ and *kup- ‘boil, seethe, e.g. Latv. kupt, kupet ‘smoke, steam’ vs. kupet, kupuot ‘seethe’. The latter root may go back to PIE *kup-, cf. Skt. kupyati ‘swell, heave or boil with rage or emotion, be angry, be angry with’, Lat. cupio ‘desire’. LIV distinguishes between *keup- ‘innerlich beben, *kuehp ‘sieden, and *kuep-‘hauchen’. The root *kuehp is posited on the basis of forms that do not or not necessarily require a laryngeal, such as Lith. kupeti ‘boil over’ (cf. Lith. kupti, Latv. kupt ‘rise (bread)’ and OCS kypeti, the etymon under discussion. The forms that do require a laryngeal, viz. Latv. kupt and kupet ‘smoke, steam’ have a different meaning and can be linked to the forms mentioned under *kuep- if we adopt Schrijver’s reconstruction. *kyprb adj. o ESSJa XIII 267 CS RuCS kypryj ‘porous’ W Cz. kypry ‘ironed, rounded’; Slk. kypry mellow, soft’; USrb. kipry ‘weak, powerless’ S Bulg. kipăr (dial.) ‘beautiful, neat’ The connection with — *kypeti, as advocated by the ESSJa, is semantically unconvincing. *kysati v. (a) ‘turn sour’ ESSJa XIII 269 W Cz. kysati ‘turn sour, rot’; Pl. kisac (arch.) ‘turn sour, ferment, pickle’ S SCr. kisati (arch.) ‘turn sour, boil’; kisati (RSA) ‘rise (dough), pickle’; Cak. kisati (Vrg.) ‘leave to rise (bread)’; se kisa (Orb.) 3sg. ‘rises (dough)’; Sln. kisati ‘pickle, 1sg. kîsam, 1sg. kîsem; Bulg. kisel ‘sour, fermented’ *lajati I 267 BSl. *ku?s-a?- Latv. kusât ‘boil’ LIV (374) derives Slavic *kys- from an aorist stem *kuth2-s. The root is reconstructed as *kuath2-, cf. Skt. kvathant- (YV+) ptc. prs. act. ‘bubbling, boiling’, Go. hapo f. ‘foam’. I seriously doubt the necessity to reconstruct *a for this root, but my main objection is that the fact that the root is acute is not explained, cf. also Ru. kvasit’ ‘make sour, pickle’, SCr. kvasiti moisten, dip’. If we want to stay close to LIVs reconstruction (the presence of a dental before *s would explain that in the zero grade we do not see the effects of the ruki-rule, but perhaps this is due to analogy), we may posit *kuHth2-s-, but of course there is a possibility that the Slavic root is not cognate with Skt. kvath-. See also: *kvâs^; *kyselh; *kysel^; *kys(b)h> *kysel^; *kysel^ adj. o (a) ‘sour’ ESSJa XIII 271 CS OCS kyselu (Euch.) Dsg.n. ‘sour, young (wine)’ W Cz. kysely ‘sour’; Pl. kisiaty (arch.) ‘sour’ S SCr. ktseo ‘sour’, f. ktsela; Cak. ktse (Vrg.) ‘sour, f. kisela, n. ktselo; ktsel (Orb.) ‘sour’, f. ktsela, n. ktselo; Sln. ktsel ‘sour’; Bulg. ktsel ‘sour, fermented’ See ^ *kysati. *kys(b)l^ adj. o (a) ‘sour’ ESSJa XIII 275 E Ru. kislyj ‘sour’ W Slk. kysly ‘sour’; Pl. kisly (arch., dial.) ‘sour, fermented’ S SCr. ktsao (arch., dial.) ‘sour’; Sln. kissl ‘sour’ See ^ *kyseh, *kyseh. *kyvati v. ‘nod’ ESSJa XIII 283-284 CS OCS kyvati ‘nod’ E Ru. kivat’ ‘nod’ W Cz. kyvati ‘wink, nod, move, shake’; Slk. kyvai ‘wink, nod’; Pl. kiwac ‘wink, nod, wag’ S Sln. kivati ‘nod’, îsg. kivam PIE *khhu- Cogn. Lat. cevere ‘move the haunches in a lewd or effeminate manner’ *L *lajati I v. (a) ‘bark’ ESSJa XIV 20 CS OCS lajati (Supr.) ‘bark’, îsg. lajg E Ru. lajat’ ‘bark’; ORu. lajati ‘bark’; Bel. lajac ‘curse’; Ukr. lajati ‘curse, scold’ 268 *lajati II W Cz. lăti ‘scold, bark’; OCz. lăti ‘scold’; Slk. lăt ‘scold’; Pl. lajac ‘curse, scold, bark’; OPl. lajac ‘curse, scream’; Slnc. lajac ‘bark, curse’; LSrb. lajas ‘bark, scold, curse’ S SCr. lăjati ‘bark, swear, 1sg. lăjem; Cak. lăjati (Vrg.) ‘bark, swear, 2sg. lăjes; lăjati (Orb.) ‘bark, 3sg. lâje; Sln. lâjati ‘bark, scream, curse, 1sg. lâjam, 1sg. lâjem; Bulg. lăja ‘bark, scold’; Mcd. lae ‘bark, swear’ BSl. *la?- B Lith. loti ‘bark’; Latv. lat ‘bark, scold’ PIE *leh2- Cogn. Skt. răyati ‘bark’ (if not from PIE *Hrehi-); Lat. lătrăre ‘bark’ *lajati II v. ‘ambush, lie in wait for’ ESSJa XIV 21 CS OCS lajati ‘ambush, lie in wait for, 1sg. lajg; RuCS lajati ‘ambush, lie in wait for, engage in intrigues’ PIE *leh2- Cogn. Gk. AfOw ‘be hidden’; Lat. latere ‘be hidden’ See also: *lakati *lakati v. ‘lie in wait for’ ESSJa XIV 23 W OCz. lăkati ‘lie in wait for’; USrb. lakac ‘lie in wait for’; LSrb. lakas (dial.) ‘lie in wait for, threaten’ Apparently, an extended root *leh2-k(w')-. See also: *lajati *lam^ m. o ‘hollow, bend’ ESSJa XIV 26 E Ru. lam (dial.) ‘(Psk.) meadow covered with small trees and bushes that is occasionally flooded, (Novg.) wasteland’ W Pl. lam (obs.) ‘quarry, bend’ S SCr. lâm (RSA: dial.) ‘knee-joint, underground passage’; Sln. lam ‘pit, (dial.) quarry’ BSl. *lom- B Lith. lomă f. 4 ‘hollow, valley, plot, lump’; Latv. lama f. ‘hollow, pool’ See — *lomiti. The sustained tone of the Latvian form reflects the root-final laryngeal (pace Schrijver 1991: 142). *lapa f. â (a) ‘paw’ ESSJa XIV 26-28 E Ru. lăpa ‘paw’; ORu. lapa ‘paw’ W Cz. tlapa ‘paw’; dlapa (dial.) ‘paw’; lapa (Jg.) ‘snare, trap’; Slk. laba ‘paw’; tlapa ‘paw’; Pl. lapa ‘paw’; dlapa (dial.) ‘paw’ S SCr. lăpa (RSA: dial.) ‘paw’; Sln. lăpa ‘snout, mouth’; lapa ‘paw’; Bulg. lăpa ‘paw’ *laziti 269 BSl. *la?pa? B Lith. lopa (dial.) 1 ‘paw’; lopa (dial.) 2 ‘paw’; Latv. lâpa ‘paw’ Cogn. Go. lofa m. ‘flat of the hand’ The problem with a reconstruction *leh2p-eh2 is the fact that *lapa seems to be related with ^ *lopata ‘spade, shovel’. Besides, Latv. lepa ‘paw’ points to *lehip-. One could reconstruct *lohip- for *lapa, but *ă for stressed *0 is not that common. Perhaps we are dealing with two separate roots, *leh2p- and *lep-, which became confused, cf. Lith. lopeta vs. PSl. ^ *lopata. *laska f. â (a) ESSJa XIV 46 E Ru. laska ‘caress, endearment, kindness’ W Cz. laska ‘love’; Slk. laska ‘love’; Pl. laska ‘favour, mercy’; Slnc. lâskă ‘favour, mercy’ S SCr. laska ‘flattery’; Bulg. laska ‘caress, tenderness’ Deverbative ă-stem (^ *laskati). *laskati v. ‘flatter, caress’ ESSJa XIV 46 CS OCS laskaase (Supr.) 3sg. impf. ‘flattered’ E Ru. laskat’ ‘caress, fondle, (obs.) comfort, console’, 1sg. laskaju W Cz. laskati ‘caress’; Slk. laskat’‘caress’; OPl. laskanie n.(jo) ‘soothing’ S SCr. laskati ‘flatter, 1sg. laskam; Sln. laskati ‘flatter, 1sg. laskam; Bulg. laskaja ‘flatter, caress’ PIE *leh2s-sk- Cogn. Lat. lasclvus ‘playful’ See also: *laska; *las^ *las^ adj. o ‘greedy’ ESSJa XIV 46 E Ru. lasyj ‘greedy, eager, affectionate’; Ukr. lasyj ‘greedy, eager’ W Pl. lasy (obs., dial.) ‘greedy, eager’ BSl. *la?s- B Lith. loksnus 4 ‘sensitive’ PIE *leh2s-o- See also: *laska; *laskati *lâziti v. (a) ‘crawl, creep’ ESSJa XIV 64-67 CS OCS izlaziti (Supr., Hil.) ‘come out of, 1sg. izlazg E Ru. lazit’ ‘climb, clamber, 1sg. lazu, 3sg. lazit W Cz. laziti ‘crawl, climb, walk slowly’; Slk. lazit ‘drag onself along, crawl’; Pl. lazic ‘crawl, tramp’ 270 *lazi S SCr. lăziti ‘crawl, creep’; Sln. lăziti ‘crawl, creep, sneak, lâzim; Bulg. lăzja ‘crawl, climb’ Iterative of — *lezti. See also — *lazi. *laz^ m. o ESSJa XIV 72-76 W Cz. laz ‘part of a furrow that has not been ploughed up’; lăz ‘slope where the forest has been uprooted but the earth has not been worked’; OCz. laz ‘strip of land, ploughed field, field’; lăz ‘strip of land, ploughed field, field’; Slk. lazy Npl. ‘kind of mountain settlements’; lazy Npl. ‘ploughed fields, meadows, houses on a slope’; Pl. laz ‘mountain path, pasture’; OPl. laz ‘strip of worked land in the woods’ S SCr. lăz (Vuk) ‘small field, place with many felled trees’; lâz ‘cleared field, narrow passage, hole in a fence’; Cak. lâz (Vrg.) ‘hole in a fence’; Sln. lâz ‘clear spot in the woods, virgin soil’ PIE *lohigh-o- Cogn. OIc. lăgr adj. ‘low’ See also: *laziti; *lezti *led^ m. o(/u) (c) ‘ice’ ESSJa XIV 91-92 CS OCS ledi (Supr.) E Ru. led, Gsg. l’da; Ukr. lid, Gsg. l’odu W Cz. led; Slk. l'ad; Pl. lod, Gsg. lodu; USrb. lod, Gsg. lodu, Gsg. loda S SCr. led, Gsg. leda; Cak. led (Vrg.), Gsg. leda; led (Novi), Gsg. leda; l'et (Orb.) ‘ice, cold, frost’, Gsg. leda; Sln. lţd, Gsg. lţda, Gsg. ledu; Bulg. led BSl. *ledus B Lith. ledas m.(o) 4; ledus m.(u) 4; Latv. ledus m.(u) OPr. ladis (EV) The PIE proto-form would be *ledh-u-s, but cognates from outside Balto-Slavic seem to be lacking. The connection with Gk. \[0oq ‘stone’ seems rather fanciful. *legti v. (a) ‘lie (down)’ ESSJa XIV 99-100 CS OCS lesti ‘lie (down), 1sg. lţgg, 2sg. lţzesi E Ru. lec’ ‘lie (down), 1sg. ljăgu, 3sg. ljăzet; legci (dial.) ‘lie (down), 1sg. lecu; legti (dial.) ‘lie (down)’; ORu. leci ‘lay (down)’; Ukr. ljagty ‘lie (down)’ W Cz. leci ‘lie (down)’; Slk. last’ (dial.) ‘lie (down)’; Pl. lec ‘lie down, fall, 1sg. legnţ; lqc (arch., dial.) ‘lie down, fall’; OPl. lec ‘lay (down)’ S SCr. leci ‘lie (down), 1sg. lezem, pret. m. legao, pret. f. legla, pret. n. leglo; Cak. leci (Vrg.) ‘lie (down)’ 2sg. lezes, pret. m. legă, pret. f. legla; lec (Orb.) ‘lie down, 2sg. l'ezen, pret. m. lega, pret. f. legla; Sln. lţci ‘lay (down), go to sleep, 1sg. lţzem PIE *legh- *lezati 271 Cogn. Gk. Xexo^ai (Hes.) ‘go to sleep’; Go. ligan ‘lie’ The present stem contains a nasal. See also: *lezati; *legati; *log^; *lono; *loze; *lozesno; *loziti *lemex^ m. o ‘ploughshare, plough’ ESSJa XIV 106-107 E Ru. lemex ‘ploughshare’; lemex (dial.) ‘ploughshare’; lemex (dial.) ‘plough’; ORu. lemexv ‘ploughshare’; Bel. lemex ‘ploughshare’ W Cz. lemech (dial.) ‘back of a chair’ See ^ *lemesb, *lemesb. *lemesb; *lemezb m. jo ‘ploughshare, plough’ ESSJa XIV 108-110 CS OCS lemesb (Bes.) ‘plough’ E Ru. lemes ‘ploughshare’; lemes ‘ploughshare’; Bel. ljames ‘ploughshare’; Ukr. lemis ‘ploughshare’, Gsg. lemesa W Cz. lemes ‘ploughshare’; Slk. lemes ‘ploughshare’; Pl. lemiesz ‘ploughshare’; OPl. lemiesz ‘ploughshare’; lemiţsz ‘ploughshare’; limiesz ‘ploughshare’; Slnc. lemjes ‘ploughshare’; lemgz ‘ploughshare’ S SCr. lemes ‘ploughshare’; lemez ‘ploughshare’; Cak. lemes (Orb.) ‘ploughshare’, Gsg. lemesa; Sln. lemes ‘ploughshare’; lemez ‘ploughshare’; Bulg. lemez ‘ploughshare’; Mcd. lemes ‘ploughshare’ BSl. *lemeş- B Lith. lemezis m.(io) ‘wooden part of the plough’; lâmezis (dial.) m.(io) ‘wooden part of the plough’; Latv. lemesis m.(io) ‘sharp plough’ The *l- must originate from *lem-. See also: *emex^; *emesh; *emezh; *lemex^; *lam^; *lomiti *leteti v. (c) ‘fly’ ESSJa XIV 145-148 CS OCS leteti ‘fly’, 1sg. lestg E Ru. letet’ ‘fly’, 1sg. lecu, 3sg. letit W Cz. leteti ‘fly’; Slk. letiet‘fly’; Pl. leciec ‘fly’, 1sg. lecţ S SCr. letjeti ‘fly’, 1sg. letîm; Cak. (Vrg.) letiti ‘fly’, 2sg. letîs; (Orb.) letet ‘fly’, 3sg. letî; Sln. leteti ‘fly’, 1sg. letim; Bulg. letja ‘fly’ BSl. *lekt- B Lith. lekti ‘fly’, 3sg. lekia; Latv. lekt ‘jump, (rarely) fly, 3sg. lec Cogn. MHG lecken ‘hop’ According to Meillet (Et. I: 180), *leteti derives from *letv < *lek-to-. *lezâti v. (c) ‘lie’ ESSJa XIV 161-165 CS OCS lezati ‘lie, be (situated), 1sg. lezg, 2sg. lezisi E Ru. lezat’‘lie, be (situated), 1sg. lezu, 3sg. lezit; Ukr. lezaty ‘lie, be ill, 1sg. lezu 272 *legati W Cz. lezeti ‘lie, lie asleep, lie ill’; OCz. lezeti ‘lie, lie asleep’; Slk. lezat ‘lie, sleep, lie ill’; Pl. lezec ‘lie, be situated’; Slnc. liezec ‘lie’; USrb. lezec ‘lie’; LSrb. lazas ‘lie, rest’ S SCr. lezati ‘lie, be ill, 1sg. lezîm; Cak. lezăti (Vrg.) ‘lie, be ill, 2sg. lezîs; lezăt (Orb.) ‘lie, 2sg. lezîs; Sln. lezati ‘lie, 1sg. lezîm; Bulg. leză ‘lie, spend the night, be ill’; Mcd. lezi ‘lie, be in custody, be situated’ Verb with the stative suffix *-eti. See — *legti. *legati v. ‘lie’ ESSJa XIV 182-183 CS OCS legati (Euch.) ‘lie, 1sg. lezg E Ru. legăt’ (dial.) ‘lie down’; ljagăt’ (dial.) ‘lie down’; ORu. legati ‘lie’ W Cz. lehati ‘lie down’; Pl. legac (obs., dial.) ‘lie down (frequently)’; USrb. lehac ‘lie, be situated’; LSrb. legas ‘lie down, lie’ S SCr. lijegati (se) ‘lie down, put to bed’; Cak. lîgăti (Vrg.) ‘lie down, put to bed’; Sln. legati ‘lie down, lie, 1sg. legam; Bulg. ljăgam ‘lie, lie down, go to sleep’ Iterative of — *legti. The root has lengthened grade. See also: *lezati; *logt; *lono; *loze; *lozesno; *loziti *lexa f. â (b) ‘strip of land, bed’ ESSJa XIV 184-187 CS OCS lexa (Zogr., Mar.) ‘row’ E Ru. lexă (dial.) ‘strip of land, furrow, bed’; lexa (dial.) ‘strip of land, furrow, bed’; Ukr. ljaxă ‘bed (garden)’ W Cz. lîcha ‘narrow strip of land’; OCz. lecha ‘strip of land’ Pl. lecha (obs.) ‘row, file’; OPl. lecha ‘strip of land, bed (garden)’ S SCr. lijeha ‘small patch of farmed land, ridge between furrows, flower bed’; Cak. l'ehă ‘flower bed, vegetable plot, row of plants (in a garden), Asg. l'eho; Sln. leha ‘furrow, strip of land, gap in a field’; Bulg. lexă ‘flower bed’ B Lith. lyse f.(e) 1 ‘bed (garden)’ OPr. lyso (EV) ‘bed (field)’ PIE *lois-eh2 Cogn. Lat. lîra f. ‘ridge between two furrows’; OHG wagan-leisa f. ‘track of a cart’ The acute of the Lithuanian form is unexpected. *lenivb adj. ‘lazy, sluggish’ ESSJa XIV 204-205 CS OCS lenivi (Ass., Sav., Supr.) ‘lazy’ E Ru. lenîvyj ‘lazy, sluggish’ W Cz. lenivy ‘lazy, sluggish’; Slk. lenivy ‘lazy, sluggish’; Pl. leniwy ‘lazy, sluggish’ S SCr. ljeniv ‘lazy’; Sln. leniv ‘lazy, sluggish’; Bulg. lenîv ‘lazy, sluggish’ See — *leni. *lepi I 273 *lem adj. o (c) ‘lazy, slow’ ESSJa XIV 209-211 CS OCS lenb (Zogr., Mar.) ‘lazy’ E Ru. ljanoj (dial.) ‘lazy’; lenoj (dial.) ‘lazy’; ORu. lem ‘lazy, slow’ W Cz. liny ‘lazy, slow’; OCz. leny ‘lazy, slow’; OPl. leny ‘lazy, slow’ S SCr. lijen ‘lazy, slow, f. lijena; Cak. lîn (Vrg.) ‘lazy, slow’ f. llna, n. lîno; len (Novi) ‘lazy, slow’; l’en (Orb.) ‘lazy, slow, f. Vena; Sln. len ‘lazy, slow, f. lena BSl. *le?nos; *lenos B Lith. lenas ‘lazy’; Latv. lens ‘lazy’; lţns ‘lazy’; lens ‘lazy’; lţns2 (Biel. Gr.) ‘soft, mild’ PIE *lehi-(e)no- Cogn. Lat. lenis ‘soft’ For the reconstruction, cf. Schrijver 1991: 125, Derksen 1996: 227-228. See also: *lenrvb; *lenh; *leth *lenb f. i ‘laziness’ ESSJa XIV 211 CS CS lenb ‘laziness’ E Ru. len’ ‘laziness’ W Cz. len (obs., dial.) ‘laziness’; OCz. len ‘laziness’; Slk. lien (poet., dial.) ‘laziness’; OPl. len ‘lazy person’ S SCr. lijen ‘laziness’; Sln. len ‘laziness’ Abstract i-stem. See ^ *lem. *lepiti v. (b) ‘smear, stick’ ESSJa XIV 247-249 CS OCS prilepiti ‘stick, 1sg. prilepljg E Ru. lepit’ ‘model, mould, stick, 1sg. leplju, 3sg. lepit W Cz. lepiti ‘glue, stick’; Slk. lepit’ ‘glue, stick’; Pl. lepic ‘glue, stick’ S SCr. lijepiti ‘cover with clay’ 1sg. lijeplm; Cak. llpiti (Vrg.) ‘cover with clay’ 2sg. lîpls; Sln. lepiti ‘stick, 1sg. lepim (the homonym lepiti ‘clean, embellish’ derives from lep ‘beautiful’); Bulg. lepja ‘stick, smear’ BSl. *loip- B Lith. lipinti ‘glue, stick’; laipioti (dial.) ‘glue, stick’ PIE *loip-eie- Cogn. Skt. lepayati ‘smear’; Gk. Arnaivu ‘oil’ See also: *lep^ I; *lep^ II;*lbnşti *lep^ I m. o (c) ‘glue’ ESSJa XIV 224-225 CS CS lep-b ‘glue’ W Cz. lep ‘glue’; Slk. lep ‘glue’; Pl. lep ‘glue’; Slnc. lep ‘bird-lime’; USrb. lep ‘glue’ S SCr. lijep ‘glue, bird-lime, mortar’; Sln. lep ‘glue, bird-lime, mistletoe’ Deverbative o-stem. See ^ *lepiti. 274 *lepi II *lep^ II adj. o (c) ‘beautiful’ ESSJa XIV 225-228 CS OCS lepi ‘appropriate, beautiful’ W Cz. lepy ‘beautiful’; Slk. lepy ‘beautiful’ S SCr. lijep ‘beautiful, f. lijepa; Cak. lîp ‘beautiful, f. lîpă, n. lîpo; lîp (Novi) ‘beautiful, f. lîpă; l'ep (Orb.) ‘beautiful, f. l'epă, f. l'epa, n. l'epo; Sln. lep ‘beautiful’, f. lepa The communis opinio is that this adjective derives from the root ‘smear’. The semantic development is supposed to be from ‘fat’ to ‘rich, abundant, of good quality, cf. MoDu. vet (pop.) ‘cool, neat, great’ (see the ESSJa for more parallels). See also: *lepiti; *lept I; *lbnşti *leska f. â (b) ‘hazel’ E Ru. ljazgă (dial.) ‘hazel’; Bel. ljăska ‘stick, cane’ W Cz. liska ‘hazel’; laska (Sil.) ‘hazel’; Slk. lieska ‘hazel’; Pl. laska ‘stick, staff’; Slnc. lâuskă ‘hazel’; USrb. leska ‘hazel’; LSrb. leska ‘hazel switch’ S SCr. lijeska ‘hazel’; Sln. leska ‘hazel’; Bulg. leskă ‘hazel’ B Lith. lazdă ‘stick, staff, (OLith., dial.) hazel’; Latv. lazda ‘hazel’; lagzda ‘hazel’ OPr. laxde (EV) ‘hazel’ In spite of the formal differences, there can hardly be any doubt that the Slavic and Baltic forms are cognate. For Balto-Slavic, one might posit a medial cluster *-zgd-. The difference in root vocalism remains unaccounted for, however. Forms such as SCr. lijesak, Cak. l'esăk (Orb.) ‘hazel’ must be compared with SCr. mozak ‘brain, marrow’ vs. Ru. mozg and should not be identified with *lesiki, a diminutive of — *lesi. See also: *loza *les^ m. o (c) ‘forest, wood(s)’ ESSJa XIV 249-252 CS OCS lesi (Euch., Supr.) E Ru. les; Ukr. lis W Cz. les; Slk. les; Pl. las S SCr. lijes; Sln. les ‘wood (material), forest, Gsg. lesa, Gsg. lesu; Bulg. les If there is an etymological connection with OE lxs f. ‘pasture, Gsg. lxswe, we might reconstruct *lehis-u-. In the case of an u-stem, the fact that Hirt’s law did not cause the noun to acquire fixed root stress, can be attributed to the influence of trisyllabic end-stressed case-forms, cf. — *syni. *leto n. o (a) ‘summer’ ESSJa XV 8-12 CS OCS leto ‘summer, year’ E Ru. leto ‘summer, (pl.) age, years’; leto (dial.) ‘South, south wind’ W Cz. leto ‘summer, year’; Slk. leto ‘summer, (dial.) year’; Pl. lato ‘summer, (arch.) year’ *lezti 275 S SCr. ljeto ‘summer, year’; Cak. lito (Vrg.) ‘summer, year’; leto (Novi, Orb.) ‘summer, year’; Sln. leto ‘summer, year’; Bulg. ljato ‘summer, (obs.) year’ PIE S -t hi le *l Cogn. OIr. laithe n. ‘day’ l i ESSJa XV 18-19 f. CS d’ SerbCS lijet ‘it is e llowe al is let S C £§ d’ e we lo al is let S C O allowed’ E Ru. let’ (arch.) ‘it is allowed’; ORu. letb ‘it is allowed’ {2} PIE - -t hi le *l Cogn. Go. letan ‘let’ {1} The construction is letb/letijg jesfo. {2} Also letiju (estb). See also: *lenrvb; *len^; *lenb l v. ESSJa XV 28 ii ti E Ukr. leviti ‘weaken, diminish’ W Cz. leviti (obs., poet.) ‘facilitate, alleviate, diminish’; leviti (Jg.) ‘reduce, give up, release, drop’ S SCr. leviti (dial.) ‘waste time, loaf’ BSl. *le?w-(V)-; *ljo?u-(C)- B Lith. liâuti ‘stop’; Latv. laut ‘allow, (refl.) stop, yield, rely on’ OPr. aulaut ‘die’ PIE - iu hi le *l Cogn. Go. lewjan ‘betray’ According to LIV (399), the *u was originally a present suffix. The basic root *lehi- is assumed to occur in ^ *lem, etc. *levb adj. o (c) ‘left’ ESSJa XV 29-31 CS OCS levb E Ru. levyj W Cz. levy; Slk. l'avy; Pl. lewy S SCr. ltjevl; Cak. lîvl (Vrg.); l'evi (Orb.); Sln. lev, f. leva; Bulg. ljav PIE *lh2eiuo- Cogn. Gk. Aaioq; Lat. laevus *lezti v. (a) ‘crawl, climb’ ESSJa XV 36-38 CS OCS izlesti ‘go out of’, îsg. izlezg E Ru. lezt’ ‘climb, crawl, drag oneself along’, îsg. lezu, 3sg. lezet W Cz. lezti ‘climb, crawl, drag oneself along’; Slk. liezt’ ‘crawl’; Pl. lezc ‘climb, crawl upwards, drag oneself along’; Slnc. liesc ‘crawl’ 276 *lşdvhje; *lşdvhja S SCr. ljesti ‘crawl, climb’, 1sg. ljezem; Cak. listi (Vrg.) ‘crawl, climb’ 1sg. lizes; Sln. lesti ‘crawl, drag oneself along, 1sg. lezem BSl. *le?z- B Latv. lezet ‘slide’ OPr. lîse ‘crawls’ PIE *lehigh- See also: *laziti; *lazt *lşdvbje; *lşdvbja n. io; f. iâ ‘loins’ ESSJa XV 48-50 CS OCS lţdvijţ (Ps. Sin., Euch.) Npl. f. ‘loins’; CS lţdvije n. ‘loins’; lţdvija f. ‘loins’; lţdvijţ Npl. f. ‘loins’ E Ru. ljădveja (arch.) f. ‘thigh’ W Cz. ledvi (arch.) n. ‘thigh, groin (horse), entrails’; ladvi (arch.) n. ‘thigh(s), loins’; OCz. ledvie f. ‘thighs’; Slk. ladvie (arch.) n. ‘loins’; ladva f. ‘kidney’; Pl. lţdzwie Npl. f. ‘loins’ S SCr. ledvija Npl. n. ‘loins’; ledva Npl. n. ‘side, thigh’; ledva f. ‘side, thigh’; Sln. lţdija f. ‘calf, thigh’; lţdeja f. ‘calf, thigh’; leddvje n. ‘loins’; ledovje n. ‘loins’; lţdje n. ‘loins’; lţdje Npl. f. ‘loins’; lţdvije Npl. f. ‘kidneys’ PIE *lendh-u- Cogn. Lat. lumbus m. ‘loin’; OHG lentîn f. ‘kidneys, loins’ *lşga f. â (a) ‘depression’ ESSJa XV 52-53 E Ru. ljăga (N. dial.) ‘swampy place, swamp, depression, cavity (usually filled with water), puddle’; ORu. ljaga ‘damp low place’ W Slnc. lega ‘low place, depression’ BSl. *len?g(i)a? B Lith. lenge (arch.) f.(e) ‘depression, small meadow between two hills’; lenke f.(e) ‘vale, depression, moist and boggy place, meadow, marsh’; linka f.(â) ‘depression’ See — *lggi. *lşkati; *lşcati v. ESSJa XV 59-61 CS OCS lţcgti (Supr.) 3pl. ‘set traps’ E Ru. ljakăt’ (dial.) ‘scare, chase a fish caught in a net’ W Cz. lekati ‘scare’; leceti ‘lay snares, set traps’; liceti ‘lay snares, set traps’; OCz. leceti ‘lay snares, set traps’; Pl. lţkac siţ ‘be afraid’ S SCr. lecati se ‘not feel well, fear’; lecati se ‘not feel well, fear’; Sln. lţcati ‘bend, lay snares, tremble, be scared’, 1sg. lţcam The form *lţcati shows the regular reflex of the second palatalization. See — *lţkti for the etymology of the root. *libi 277 *lşkti v. ‘bend’ ESSJa XV 62-63 CS CS lţsti ‘bend’ W Cz. leci (arch.) ‘bend’; lict (dial.) ‘lay snares (for birds)’; USrb. lac (arch.) ‘set traps, grow ears’; LSrb. lec ‘set traps’ BSl. *lenk- B Lith. lenkti ‘bend’; Latv. liekt ‘bend’ As a verbal root, *lenk- seems to be limited to Balto-Slavic. See also: *lşkati; *lşcati; *lşk^; *lşciti; *lşcbje; *lşka; *l9kâvb; *lşk^ *lşkb adj. o ‘bent’ ESSJa XV 63 E Ru. ljakij (arch.) ‘bent, hunchbacked’ BSl. *linkas Latv. liks ‘bent’ See ^ *lţkti. In view of the Latvian form, we must probably reconstruct zero grade of the root, though in that case we would in principle have expected the velar to be affected by the progressive palatalization. *libavb; *libevb; *libivb; *libovb adj. o ‘lean, thin’ ESSJa XV 70-71 CS CS libavv ‘slender, thin’; libevv ‘slender, thin’; libivv ‘slender, thin’ E Ru. ljubavyj (dial.) ‘lean (meat)’; libivyj (dial.) ‘gaunt, weak’; libivoj (dial.) ‘gaunt, weak’; ljubivoj (dial.) ‘gaunt, thin’; ljubovyj (dial.) ‘fleshy, meaty’; Bel. ljubava f. ‘lean pork’ W Cz. libovy ‘lean’; libivy (Kott) ‘lean, fleshy, meaty’; OCz. libevy ‘lean, thin’; Pl. lubawy (dial.) ‘lazy, weak, sluggish, lean (meat)’; Slnc. lebavi ‘lazy, sluggish, excessively tall, thin, lean (meat)’; labavi ‘slow, lazy, sluggish’ S SCr. libav ‘agile, flexible’; libiv ‘big, fat, fleshy, meaty’ See ^ *libv. We find o-grade of the root in the rare adjective *lebavv, e.g. Cz. lebavy (Jg., Kott: Mor.) ‘bald’. *lib^ adj. o ‘thin’ ESSJa XV 74-75 W OCz. libi ‘lean, thin’; OPl. luby ‘thin, frail’ {1}; Slnc. leb'i ‘weak, soft, frail’ BSl. *lei?bos (*le?ibos?) B Lith. laibas 3 ‘thin, tall, high’; liebas (dial.) 3 ‘thin-legged’ Cogn. OE lef ‘infirm, diseased, ill’ If Lith. liesas, Latv. liess ‘thin, lean, arid’ belong here, we may reconstruct *leiH-bho-or *lehii-bho-. {1} According to Bankowski (2000b: 67), the single gloss we are dealing with here may be an instance of luby ‘dear, beloved’. In that case we must assume that the scribe misunderstood Lat. gracilem. See also: *libavb; *libev^; *libivb; *libovb 278 *Hce n. jo (b) ‘cheek, face’ ESSJa XV 75-78 CS OCS lice n. (jo./s.) ‘face, person, Gsg. lice, Gsg. licese E Ru. lico ‘face, person’; ORu. lice ‘face’; lico ‘face’ W Cz. lice ‘face, (lit.) cheek’; OCz. lice ‘cheek’; Pl. lice ‘cheek, (pl.) face’ S SCr. lice ‘face, appearance’; Cak. lîce (Vrg.: obs.) ‘face, appearance, Npl. lica; lîce (Novi) ‘face, appearance, Npl. lica; lîce (Orb.) ‘cheek, Npl. lîca; Sln. lice ‘cheek, face’; Bulg. lice ‘face, appearance, person’ BSl. *lik-/*loik-? B OPr. laygnan (EV) ‘cheek’ PIE *l(o)ik-o- Cogn. OIr. lecca n. ‘jaw, cheek’ Since the third palatalization is generally considered not to have operated after *ei, one may advance the hypothesis that the root originally had zero grade (Kortlandt, p.c.). *lixo adv. ESSJa XV 89-91 CS OCS lixo adv./prep. ‘abundantly, above, beyond’ E Ru. lixo (dial.) adv. ‘very, (it is) bad, heavy, boring’; lixo (dial.) n. ‘evil, harm’; Ukr. lyxo n. ‘misfortune, grief’; lyxo (dial.) adv. ‘very, badly, disgustingly’ W Pl. licho adv. ‘badly, unsuccessfully, insufficiently’; licho n. ‘evil, misfortune, devil’; OPl. licho (Ps. Flor.) adv. ‘unjustly, badly’ S SCr. lîho adv. ‘unevenly, above, beyond’ See — *lixi. *lix^ adj. o ‘superfluous, incorrect’ ESSJa XV 99-102 CS OCS lixi ‘excessive, superfluous’ E Ru. lixoj ‘brave, quick, swift, evil, heavy, difficult’; lixoj (dial.) ‘sharp, strong’ W Cz. lichy ‘lonesome, isolated, empty’; OCz. lichy ‘unequal, wrong, evil, simple, empty’; Slk. lichy (lit.) ‘deceptive, empty, incorrect’; lichy (dial.) ‘deceptive, empty, incorrect, poor, insignificant’; Pl. lichy ‘poor, miserable, insignificant, mean, (dial.) evil’; OPl. lichy ‘incorrect, evil, poor, pitiful, insignificant’ S SCr. lih ‘exclusive’; lîh ‘unnecessary, false, empty, odd (number)’; Sln. lîh ‘uneven, odd (number)’ In order to explain the *x, we may reconstruct *leikw-so-. For the root see — *ot(i)leki. *likb m. o ESSJa XV 107 CS OCS liki ‘round dance, chorus’ E Ru. lik (eccl.) ‘assembly’ W Pl. lik ‘assembly, detachment’ Cogn. Go. laiks m. ‘dance’; OHG leich m. ‘play, melody, song’ *lîstb 279 A borrowing from Germanic. *lipa (a) ‘lime-tree’ ESSJa XV 114-116 E Ru. lipa W Cz. lipa; Slk. lipa; Pl. lipa S SCr. lipa; Sln. lipa; Bulg. lipa BSl. *lei?pa? (leîipa?) B Lith. liepa 1; Latv. liepa The acute root precludes a connection with *leip- ‘smear’. *lisa f. â ‘fox’ ESSJa XV 137-139 E Ru. lisă ‘fox’; ORu. lisa ‘fox, vixen’; Bel. lisă ‘fox’; Ukr. lysa ‘fox’ W OCz. lisa ‘fox, vixen’ S Bulg. lisa ‘fox’; Mcd. lisa ‘fox’ If we reconstruct *leipsa, the closest cognate is Latv. lapsa ‘fox’. This would still leave us facing considerable problems, cf. also Skt. lopăsă- ‘a jackal, fox, or a similar animal’ with yet another vocalism of the root. See also: *lis^; *lisica *lisica f. jâ ‘fox, vixen’ ESSJa XV 140-141 CS CS lisica ‘fox’ E Ru. lisica ‘fox, vixen’ W Pl. lisica ‘vixen’; Slnc. lăsăcă ‘vixen’; Plb. laisaică ‘fox’ S SCr. lisica ‘fox’; Sln. lisica ‘fox’; Bulg. lisica ‘fox’; Mcd. lisica ‘fox’ See ^ *lisa. *lis^ m. o ‘fox’ ESSJa XV 150 CS OCS lisb ‘fox’ E Ru. lis (obs.) ‘fox’, Gsg. lisa W Pl. lis ‘fox’; Slnc. lăs ‘fox’ S SCr. lîs (Vuk) ‘(male) fox’; Sln. lis ‘fox’, Gsg. lisa See ^ *lisa. *lîstb m. o (c) ‘leaf’ ESSJa XV 147-148 CS OCS listb (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘leaf’ E Ru. list ‘leaf’, Gsg. listă, Npl. list’ja; list ‘sheet’, Gsg. listă, Npl. listy {1} W Cz. list ‘leaf, sheet, letter’; Slk. list ‘leaf, sheet, letter’; Pl. list ‘letter’; Slnc. lăst ‘letter’ S SCr. lîst ‘leaf, sheet’; Cak. lîst (Vrg.) ‘leaf, sheet’, Gsg. lîsta; lîs (Orb.) ‘leaf’, Gsg. lîsta; Sln. lîst ‘leaf, sheet, letter, Gsg. lîsta, Gsg. listu; Bulg. list ‘leaf, sheet’ B Lith. laîskas 4 ‘letter’; lăiskas (E. Aust.) 3 ‘letter’ 280 *lisiti OPr. crixti lăiskas ‘Taufbuchlein’ A reconstruction *lehii-sk-to-, containing the verbal root ‘let, leave’, would raise the question why Hirt’s law did not generate fixed stress. Instead, we might posit *leid-sk-to-, cf. Lith. leisti ‘let, leave, provided that this root exists (see LIV: 402-403). {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 137). *lisiti v. ‘deprive of’ ESSJa XV 155-156 CS OCS lisiti ‘deprive of, 1sg. lisg E Ru. lisit’ ‘deprive of, 1sg. lisu, 1sg., 3sg. lisit W Cz. lisiti ‘distinguish, (se) differ’; lisiti (Jg.) ‘spoil, (se) take care’; Slk. lisit’ sa ‘distinguish oneself, differ’; Pl. liszyc (arch.) ‘deprive of’; liszyc siţ ‘lose, be deprived of’; OPl. liszyc siţ ‘worsen, deteriorate’ S SCr. lisiti ‘deprive of, (l. se) sell, give away, lisim A derivative of — *lixi. See also: *lixo; *ot^lekt *liti v. ‘pour’ ESSJa XV 157-159 CS OCS -liti, 1sg. -lijg (izliti ‘pour out, proliti ‘id., etc.) E Ru. lit’, 1sg. l’ju, 3sg. l’et W Cz. liti, 1sg. liji; OPl. lic S SCr. liti, 1sg. lijem; Cak. liti (Orb.), 1sg. lîjen, 1sg. lîjen; Sln. liti, 1sg. lijem; Bulg. leja BSl. *le?i- B Lith. lieti; Latv. liet OPr. pralieton ‘shed’ PIE *lehii- Cogn. Gk. ‘shed, pour’; MW di-llyd ‘pour out’ See also: *lojh; *lhjati; *s^lojb *llzâti v. (b) ‘lick’ ESSJa XV 162-163 CS OCS lizaase (Supr.) 3sg. impf. ‘licked’ E Ru. lizăt’ ‘lick, 1sg. lizu, 3sg. lizet W Cz. lizati ‘lick’; Slk. Uzat ‘lick’; Pl. lizac ‘lick’ S SCr. lizati ‘lick, 1sg. lîzem; Cak. lîzăti (Vrg.) ‘lick’ 2sg. lîzes; lîzăt (Orb.) ‘lick, 2sg. lîzes; Sln. lizati ‘lick, 1sg. lizem; Bulg. liza ‘lick’ BSl. *leiz- B Lith. liezti ‘lick’; laizyti ‘lick’; Latv. lăizît ‘lick’ (also laîzît (W. Latv.), with metatony) PIE *leigh- Cogn. Skt. reh- ‘lick’; Gk. Aeixw ‘lick’; Lat. lingere ‘lick’; Go. bilaigon ‘lick (at)’ 281 *lubiti v. (b) ‘love’ ESSJa XV 174-176 CS OCS ljubiti ‘love, desire, worship, 1sg. ljubljg E Ru. ljubit’ ‘love, like, 1sg. ljublju, 3sg. ljubit W Cz. libiti se ‘please’; OCz. libiti ‘love, like, prefer’; libiti se ‘be inclined’; Slk. lubit ‘love, like’; Pl. lubic ‘love, like’ S SCr. ljubiti ‘love, desire, kiss’, 1sg. ljublm; Cak. lubiti (Vrg.) ‘love, desire, kiss’, 2sg. lubls; Sln. ljubiti ‘love, caress, promise, 1sg. ljubim; Bulg. ljubja ‘love’ PIE *leubh- Cogn. Skt. lubhyati ‘desire’; Lat. (arch.) lubet ‘pleasede’; OHG liuben ‘please, be dear’ See also: *lubo; *lub^; *luby *lubo conj. ‘or’ ESSJa XV 177 CS OCS ljubo E Ru. libo; ljubo W OCz. lubo; lubo; lib(o) ; Pl. lub; OPl. lubo S SCr. ljubo (arch., lit.); ljibo (arch., lit.) See ^ *lubb. *lub^ adj. o ‘sweet, pleasant’ ESSJa XV 181-182 CS OCS ljubb ‘sweet, pleasant’ E Ru. ljuboj ‘any, either’ W Cz. liby ‘sweet, pleasant’; Slk. luby ‘dear, pleasant’; Pl. luby ‘dear, beloved, pleasant’ S SCr. ljub ‘dear, beloved’; Sln. ljub ‘sweet, dear, f. ljuba PIE *leubh-o- Cogn. Go. liufs ‘dear, sweet’ See also: *lubiti; *lubo; *luby *luby f. u ‘love’ ESSJa XV 185-186 CS OCS ljuby f.(u) ‘love, passion, Gsg. ljubbve {1} E Ru. ljubov’ f.(i) ‘love’; ORu. ljuby f.(u) ‘love’; ljubbvb f.(i) ‘love’ W OCz. luby f.(u) ‘love, Gsg. lubve S SCr. ljubav f.(i) ‘love’; ljubov f.(i) ‘love’; Cak. lubâv (Vrg.) f.(i) ‘love, Gsg. lubavi; lubâv (Novi) f.(i) ‘love’; ljubâf (Orb.) f.(i) ‘love, Gsg. ljubavi; Sln. ljubâv f.(i) ‘love, friendly turn, kindness’; Bulg. ljubov f.(i) ‘love’ BSl. *loub- B Lith. liaupse f.(e) 4 ‘praise, eulogy’ PIE *leubh-uH Cogn. Go. liufs ‘dear, sweet’ 282 *ludini; *ludina {1} Secondary Nsg. forms are ljubivi (En.) and ljubbve (Sav.). Interestingly, the Asg. is ljuby in the expressions ljuby dejati, tvoriti, sitvoriti ‘commit fornication. See also: *lubiti; *lubo; *lubt *ludim; *ludina m. o; m. â ESSJa XV 192 CS OCS prosti ljudini (Euch.) ‘layman’ E Ru. ljudina (dial.) ‘man (pej.)’; Ukr. ljudyna ‘man’ S SCr. ljudina ‘strong man’ Singulative of — *ludi. See also: *ludhje *lud^ m. o (c) ‘people’ ESSJa XV 194-200 CS CS ljudi E Ru. ljud (coll.) W Cz. lid; OCz. lud; Slk. lud; Pl. lud S Sln. ljud BSl. *ljoud- B Lith. liăudis f.(i) 1; Latv. lăudis Npl. m.(i) PIE *hileudh-o- Cogn. OHG liut m. See also: *ludint; *ludina; *ludhje *ludbje Npl. m. (c) ‘people’ ESSJa XV 194-200 CS OCS ljudbje E Ru. ljudi W Cz. lide, Gsg. lidi; OCz. ludie; Slk. ludia; Pl. ludzie S SCr. ljudi; Cak. ludi (Vrg.); ludi (Orb.); Sln. ljudjţ BSl. *ljoudejes B Lith. liăudis f.(i) 1; Latv. lăudis Npl. m.(i) PIE *hileudh-ei-es Cogn. OHG liuti Npl. See also: *ludint; *ludina; *ludt *lutiti v. (b) ‘be angry’ ESSJa XV 224-225 CS CS ljutiti sţ ‘rage’ E Ru. ljutit’sja ‘be angry’; Ukr. ljutyty ‘anger, irritate’ W Cz. lititi se (obs.) ‘become angry’; lititi (Jg., Kott) ‘anger, (se) become angry’; OCz. lutiti ‘anger, (se) become angry’ S SCr. ljutiti ‘anger, 1sg. ljutîm; Cak. lutiti (Vrg.) ‘anger’ 2sg. lutîs; Sln. ljutiti ‘anger, 1sg. ljutim; Bulg. ljutjă ‘bite, burn, (l. se be annoyed, be angry)’; ljutja (BTR) ‘anger’ *lokati 283 See ^ *lutb. *lutb adj. o ‘fierce’ ESSJa XV 231-236 CS OCS ljutb ‘fierce, wicked, strong’ E Ru. ljutyj ‘ferocious, fierce, cruel’ W Cz. lity (lit.) ‘fierce, ferocious’; OCz. luty ‘fierce, ferocious, sharp’; Slk. luty ‘strong, sharp, fierce’; Pl. luty ‘fierce, ferocious, wild’ S SCr. ljut ‘bitter, sharp, angry, fierce’, f. ljuta, n. ljuto; Cak. lut (Vrg.) ‘intense, strong, severe, sour, f. lutâ, n. luto; ljut (Orb.) ‘strong (of brandy and of food), sour, hot, f. ljuta, n. ljuto; Sln. ljut ‘strong, sharp, fierce, bitter, f. ljuta; Bulg. ljut ‘sharp, pungent, angry, horrible’ The proto-form must be reconstructed as *leut-o. Cognates seem to be lacking, however. Gk. Auaoa f. ‘rage’ is generally considered a derivative of XuKoq ‘wolf’. See also: *lutiti *lob^zati v. ‘kiss’ ESSJa XV 241-243 CS OCS lobbzati ‘kiss, 1sg. lobbzg E Ru. lobzăt’ (obs.) ‘kiss’ S SCr. lobzbât (Cres) ‘kiss (?)’ PIE *labh- Cogn. Gk. XaşuCTCTW ‘swallow greedily’; Gk. A&htw ‘lap’; Lat. lambere ‘lick’; OHG laffan ‘lick’; Arm. lap’em ‘lick’ Apparently a verb with “European a”. *log^ m. o (c) ESSJa XV 248-250 E Ru. log ‘ravine, broad gully, Gsg. loga S SCr. log ‘lair, den, riverbed, Gsg. loga Cogn. Gk. Aoxoq m. ‘ambush’ See also: *legti; *lezati; *legati; *loze; *loziti *lojb m. jo (c) ‘tallow, suet’ ESSJa XV 259-262 CS CS loi ‘fat, suet’ W Cz. luj ‘tallow, suet, Gsg. loje; Slk. loj ‘tallow’; Pl. toj ‘tallow, Gsg. toju S SCr. loj ‘tallow, fat, suet, Gsg. loja; Cak. loj (Vrg.) ‘tallow, fat, suet’ Gsg. loja; luoj (Orb.) ‘tallow, fat’; Sln. loj ‘tallow’; Bulg. loj ‘tallow’ Since *lohii-o- would have yielded **lajb, we must reconstrcut a secondary full grade *loihi- or *lhioi-. See also: *liti; *lhjati; *s^lojb *lokati v. ‘lap’ CS CS lokati ‘lap’ ESSJa XVI 6-7 284 E Ru. lakăt’ ‘lap’; lokăt’ ‘lap’ W Cz. lokati ‘gulp, swallow’; Pl. tokac (dial.) ‘lap’; OPl. tokac ‘lap, gulp, gobble’ S SCr. lokati ‘lap, guzzle, 1sg. locem; Cak. lokati (Vrg.) ‘guzzle’, 2sg. loces; lokăt (Orb.) ‘drink (of animals), booze, guzzle’, 2sg. loces; Sln. lokati ‘lap, slobber, 1sg. lokam, 1sg. lgcem BSl. *lak- B Lith. lăkti ‘lap’; Latv. lakt ‘lap’ PIE *lak-?? Cogn. Arm. lakem ‘lick’ Another expressive (onomatopoetic?) verb that seems to contain “European *a”, cf. — *lobbzati. *loky f. u (b?) ‘puddle’ ESSJa XVI 10 CS OCS lokivi (Euch.) Gsg. ‘puddle’ S SCr. lokva f.(â) ‘puddle, pool, swamp, (arch.) lake’; Cak. lokva (Vrg.) f.(â) ‘puddle, pool, swamp’; lokva (Novi) f.(â) ‘puddle, pool, swamp’; Sln. lgkav f.(i) ‘puddle, pool, pond, lagoon, Gsg. lgkve; lgkva f.(â) ‘puddle, pool, pond, lagoon’; Bulg. lokva f.(â) ‘puddle, pool’; lokva (dial.) f.(â) ‘field on a riverbank with rich alluvial soil, grassy meadow at the bend of a river’ PIE *lok-uH- Cogn. Gk. AaKKoq m. ‘pond’; Lat. lacus m. ‘lake, reservoir’; Lat. lacuna f. ‘cavity, deep, abyss’; OHG lahha f. ‘pool, puddle’; OE lagu f. ‘lake’; OIr. loch n. ‘lake’ For this etymon one has often suggested a substratum origin, mainly in view of the supposed *a of the root. It is uncertain, however, if we must reconstruct *a (cf. Schrijver 1991: 423-424, 475). Crucial in this respect is Lat. lacus, where, according to Schrijver, la- may originate from *lo-. If this is correct, we may posit *lok-uH- for PSl. *loky, cf. Lat. lacuna, in which case the Greek form does not belong here unless it contains Aa- < *1. *lomiti v. (b) ‘break’ ESSJa XVI 16-19 CS OCS lomiti ‘break, 1sg. lomljg E Ru. lomit’ ‘break, 1sg. lomlju, 3sg. lomit W Cz. lomiti ‘break’; Slk. lomit ‘break’; Pl. tomic (14th-17th c., dial.) ‘break, plough across a field’ S SCr. lomiti ‘break, plough for the first time, 1sg. lomîm; Cak. lomiti (Vrg.) ‘break, 2sg. lomîs; lomit (Orb.) ‘break, burst, 1sg. lomin; Sln. lomiti ‘break, 1sg. lgmim; Bulg. lomjă ‘break’ BSl. *lom?- B Lith. lemti ‘decide, determine’; Latv. lemt ‘decide, determine’ OPr. lembtwey (I) ‘break’; limtwey (II) ‘break’; limtwei (III) ‘break’ *l0Sh 285 The Baltic evidence is slightly in favour of a root containing a laryngeal (see Derksen 1996: 68-69). See also: *emex^; *emesh; *emezh; *lemex^; *lemesh; *lemezh; *lam^ *lono n. o (b) ESSJa XVI 32-35 CS OCS lono ‘breast, bosom’ E Ru. lono (obs.) ‘bosom, lap’; luno (dial.) ‘abdomen’; luno (dial.) ‘abdomen’ {1} W Cz. luno ‘womb, (lit.) lap’; OCz. lono ‘bosom, lap’; Slk. lono ‘lap, womb’; Pl. lono ‘lap’; Slnc. luone ‘breast, inside’ S Sln. lono ‘lap’ (according to Pletersnik, this is a borrowing); Bulg. lono ‘lap’ In view of ^ *lozesno, this etymon has been reconstructed as *logh-s-no-. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 135). *lopata f. â ‘spade, shovel’ ESSJa XVI 39-43 CS OCS lopata ‘shovel, fan’ E Ru. lopăta W Cz. lopata; Slk. lopata; Pl. lopata S SCr. lopata; Cak. lopata (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. lopăta; Bulg. lopăta B Lith. lopeta 1; Latv. lâpsta OPr. lopto (EV) ‘spade’ The relationship with ^ *lapa is problematic. A Baltic cognate with a short vowel may be Lith. lâpas ‘leaf’. *lososb m. jo ‘salmon’ ESSJa XVI 88-90 E Ru. losos’ m.(jo); losos’ m.(jo); lox (dial.) m.(o) ‘salmon which has become thinner after spawning’; Bel. lasos m.(jo); Ukr. losos’ m.(jo) W Cz. losos m.(o); Slk. losos m.(o); Pl. losos m.(jo); Slnc. lueses m.(o) S Sln. losos m.(o) BSl. *losos- B Lith. lasisa f.(jâ) 2; Latv. lasis m.(io) OPr. lalasso [lasasso] (EV) m. PIE *loks-os- Cogn. OIc. lax m.; OHG lahs m.; Toch. B laks m. ‘fish’; Fi. lohi ‘salmon’; Osset. lxs&g. *losb adj. jo (b) ‘bad’ ESSJa XVI 92-94 E Ru. losij (dial.) ‘bad’, f. los’ja, n. los’e S SCr. los ‘poor, bad, evil, f. losa, f. ldsa, n. lose, n. ldse; Cak. los (Vrg.) ‘poor, bad, evil, f. losa, n. loso, n. lose; Bulg. los ‘bad, evil, angry’ 286 *loviti Cogn. Go. lasiws adj. ‘weak’; OE. lyso adj. ‘bad, wrong, evil’ The ESSJa rejects the traditional comparison with PGmc. *lasiwa- for semantic reasons, but in view of OE lyso this is hard to understand. On the other hand, OE lyso < *lusiwa- may not belong here. *loviti v. (c) ‘(try to) catch’ ESSJa XVI 106-108 CS OCS loviti ‘catch, hunt’, 1sg. lovljg E Ru. lovit’‘(try to) catch, 1sg. lovlju, 3sg. lovit {1} W Cz. loviti ‘(try to) catch, fish’; Slk. lovit’‘(try to) catch, fish’; Pl. towic ‘(try to) catch, fish’ S SCr. loviti ‘(try to) catch, fish, 1sg. lovîm; Cak. loviti (Vrg.) ‘(try to) catch, fish, 2sg. lovîs; lovit (Orb.) ‘(try to) catch, fish, 1sg. lovîn; Sln. loviti ‘(try to) catch, fish, 1sg. lovim; Bulg. lovjă ‘seize, (try to) catch, fish, hunt’ Lith. lâvinti ‘train, develop’ must derive from lavus ‘adroit, dexterous’ (— *loviki) and is therefore not to be compared directly with *loviti. Latv. lavît ‘catch’ is probably a borrowing from Slavic. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). See also: *lovb *lovb m. o (c) ‘hunt, hunting’ ESSJa XVI 111-113 CS OCS lovi (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘hunt, hunting’ E Ru. lov ‘hunting, catching, catch’ W Cz. lov ‘hunting, catching, catch’; Slk. lov ‘hunting, catching, catch’; Pl. tow ‘hunting, catching, catch, Gsg. towu S SCr. lov ‘hunting, catching, Gsg. lova; Cak. lov (Vrg.) ‘hunting, catching, Gsg. lova; Sln. lov ‘hunt, catch, Gsg. lova; lgv f.(i) ‘catch, catching’; Bulg. lov ‘hunt, game, catch’ See — *loviki. loviki adj. o (c) ‘adroit, dexterous’ ESSJa XVI 111-113 E Ru. lovkij ‘adroit, dexterous, cunning, smart (dial.) beautiful, good’; lovok, f. lovkă, n. lovko; Ukr. lovkyj ‘beautiful, good, tasty’ S SCr. lovak (RSA) ‘clever at catching smth., f. lovka, f. lovka, n. lovko BSl. *low- B Lith. lavus ‘adroit, dexterous, clever’ To my knowledge, there are no cognates outside Balto-Slavic. One may even wonder if Lith. lavus is a borrowing. See also: *loviti; *lovb *loza f. â (c) ‘vine’ CS OCS loza ‘vine’ ESSJa XVI 118-120 *loziti 287 E Ru. loză ‘rod, vine’, Asg. lozu {1} W Cz. loza (dial.) ‘vine’; OCz. loza ‘tree-trunk (?)’; Slk. loza ‘vine, sapling’; Pl. loza ‘willow, osier, vine’ S SCr. loza ‘vine, umbilical cord’, Asg. lozu; Cak. lozâ (Vrg.) ‘vine’ Asg. lozu; Sln. loza ‘shoot, vine, wood, grove’; Bulg. loză ‘vine’ This word for ‘vine’ is usually compared with Lith. lazda ‘stick, staff, (OLith., dial.) hazel’, Latv. la(g)zda, OPr. laxde ‘hazel, which are semantically closer to ^ *leska. In addition, the latter etymon contains a consonant sequence that can be linked to Baltic *(g)zd. On the other hand, the root vocalism of loza is the same as in the Baltic forms meaning ‘hazel’. The problem is to explain the relationship between the *-z- of *loza and the consonant sequences that occur in the Slavic and Baltic words for ‘hazel’. Possible parallels are ^ *grţzti vs. Lith. grimzd- ‘sink’ and ^ *bbrzdb, Lith. burzdus, vs. ^ *bbrzb. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). *loze n. jo ‘bed’ ESSJa XVI 125-126 CS OCS loze ‘bed, den’ E Ru. loze ‘bed, den’ W Cz. loze ‘bed, den’; OCz. loze ‘womb’; Pl. loze ‘bed’ S SCr. loze ‘bed, den’; Sln. lgze ‘den, afterbirth’; Bulg. loze ‘bed’ PIE *logh-io-m Cogn. Gk. Aoxoq m. ‘ambush’; OIc. lag n. ‘situation’ Deverbative jo-stem. See ^ *legti. *lozesno n. o ‘womb’ ESSJa XVI 126-128 CS OCS lozesna Npl. ‘womb’ (the singular lozesno occurs once in the Codex Suprasliensis) E ORu. lozesno ‘womb’ ; lozesna Npl. ‘womb’ S Sln. lozesna Npl. ‘womb’ An old derivative in *-no- of an s-stem, cf. ^ *lono. The root is generally identified with the root of ^ *legti ‘lie down, cf. Gk. Asxoq ‘bed, bedstead, marriage, Aoxioq ‘belonging to child-birth’. The vocalism of the root may have been influenced by ^ *loze. *loziti v. (b) ‘lay’ ESSJa XVI 127-128 CS CS loziti ‘lay’ E Ru. lozit’sja ‘lie down’; polozit’ ‘lay down’; Ukr. lozyty ‘lay, put’ W Cz. loziti ‘lay, put’; Slk. lozit’ ‘lay, put, kindle’; Pl. lozyc ‘lay out, bestow’; Slnc. luozec ‘lay, put’; LSrb. lozys ‘lie, rest’ S SCr. loziti ‘spread out, heat, kindle, make a fire’, 1sg. lozlm; Cak. loziti ‘heat, kindle, make a fire’, 1sg. lozis; lozit (Orb.) ‘heat, make a fire, burn (as fuel)’, 3sg. lozi; Sln. loziti ‘lay, put’, 1sg. lgzim 288 *lţciti PIE *logh-eie- Cogn. Go. lagjan ‘lay’ See also: *legti; *lezati; *legati; *logt; *lono; *loze; *lozesno *lşciti v. (b) ‘separate’ ESSJa XVI 132-134 CS OCS lgciti (Supr.) ‘separate, 1sg. lgcg E ORu. luciti ‘accomplish, reach’ (cf. Ru. razlucit’ ‘separate’) W Cz. louciti (lit.) ‘separate, (arch.) unite’; OCz. luciti ‘separate’; Slk. lucit sa ‘separate, part’; Pl. tqczyc ‘separate, unite’ S SCr. luciti ‘separate, herd together, 1sg. lucîm; Sln. lgciti ‘bend, separate, 1sg. lgcim BSl. *lonk-ei/i- B Lith. lankyti ‘visit’; Latv. luocît ‘bend repeatedly, move, arrange’ See — *lţkti. ^lşcbje n. io ‘rush’ ESSJa XVI 134 CS CS lgcije n.(io) ‘rush’ W Pl. tqcze (obs.) n.(io) ‘snare’ S Sln. lgcje n.(io) ‘reed, rush’ Derivative in *-bje of the root *lţk- ‘bend’ (— *lţkti). *lşgi m. o (c) ‘depression’ ESSJa XVI 139-141 CS OCS lgga (Ps. Sin.) Gsg. ‘wood(s)’ E Ru. lug ‘meadow’ W Cz. luh ‘damp depression overgrown with shrubs and trees’; OCz. luh ‘forest, wood(s), grove, wooded meadow’; Slk. luh ‘damp wood with tall trees, grove near water’; Pl. tqg ‘damp or flooded wood, meadow or pasture near a river or in a depression, Gsg. tţgu S SCr. lug ‘forest, wood(s), shrub(s), (dial.) meadow, depression, Gsg. luga; Cak. lug (Vrg.) ‘ashes’ Gsg. lugă; luh (Orb.) ‘lye, Gsg. lugă; Sln. lgg ‘grove’; Bulg. lag ‘meadow, depression, grove (on a damp spot)’ BSl. lonîg- OPr. Langa ‘name of a brook’; Langodis ‘name of a swamp’ I have grouped together a number of etyma where the vacillation between *k and *g as well as between roots with and without a nasal could be interpreted within the context of a substratum origin. To a certain extent, influence of *lenk- ‘bend’ must be taken into consideration (cf. — *lgkă). See also: *lf ga; *lugt; *luza; *l^kno *lşkâ f. â (b) ‘low-lying medow, water-meadow’ ESSJa XVI 141-142 CS OCS lgka (Supr., Euch.) ‘ruse’; CS lgka ‘bay, swamp’ *lubt 289 E Ru. lukă ‘pommel, bend, (dial.) flood plain, Asg. luku; ORu. lgka ‘bay, bend, ruse’; Ukr. lukă ‘flood plain’, Asg. luku W Cz. louka meadow, hayfield’ (in the plural also luk); Slk. luka meadow, hayfield’; Pl. lqka ‘meadow’ S SCr. luka ‘bay, harbour, port, fertile field, meadow near a river’; Cak. luka (Vrg.) ‘bay, harbour’; lukâ (Novi) ‘bay, harbour, Asg. luku; Sln. lgka ‘swampy meadow in a valley, harbour’; Bulg. lăkă ‘meadow in the bend of a river’ BSl. *lonka? B Lith. lanka 4 ‘water-meadow, swamp’; Latv. lanka ‘bend of a river, big low- lying meadow, big puddle’ See ^ *lţkti. *lşkâv^ adj. o ‘curved, cunning’ ESSJa XVI 143-144 CS OCS lgkavb ‘evil, sly, cunning’ E Ru. lukăvyj ‘sly, cunning’ W Cz. lukavy (Jg., Kott) ‘sly, cunning’ S SCr. lukav ‘sly, cunning’; Sln. lokav ‘sly, cunning’ See ^ *lţkti. ^lşkb m. o (c) ‘bow’ ESSJa XVI 148-149 CS OCS lgkb ‘bow’ E Ru. luk ‘bow’ W Cz. luk ‘bow, saddle-bow, shaft-bow’; Slk. luk ‘bow, shaft-bow, arch’; Pl. lţk ‘saddle-bow, shaft-bow, curvature, bow’ S SCr. luk ‘shaft-bow, bow, Gsg. luka; Cak. luk (Orb.) ‘bow (on the cover of a well)’; Sln. lgk ‘shaft-bow, bow, rainbow’; Bulg. lăk ‘bow’ BSl. *lonkos B Lith. lankas ‘shaft-bow, hoop, bow’; Latv. luoks ‘shaft-bow, rim’ OPr. lunkis (EV) ‘corner’ See ^ *lţkti. *lub^ m. o (c) ‘bast’ ESSJa XVI 156-158 E Ru. lub ‘bast, Gsg. luba W Cz. lub ‘rim, hoop’; Slk. lub ‘wooden rim’; Pl. lub ‘bast’ S SCr. lub ‘bast’; Sln. lub ‘bast’ PIE *loubh-o- Cogn. Lat. liber m. ‘bark, book’ The root of this etymon seems to have a variant with *p (^*lupiti). One might consider a substratum origin. See also: *l^b^ 290 *luca *luca f. jâ (b) ‘ray, beam’ ESSJa XVI 160 CS OCS luca (Euch., Supr.) ‘ray, beam’ W Cz. louce (Kott) ‘ray, beam’ S SCr. luca ‘ray, beam’ (probably a Church Slavicism) See — *lucb. *luciti v. (c) ESSJa XVI 162-163 CS OCS luciti sţ (Zogr., Supr.) ‘happen’; RuCS luciti ‘accomplish, find, meet’; lucitisja ‘happen’ E Ru. lucit’ (dial.) ‘allow’; lucit’sja (dial.) ‘happen’; ORu. luciti ‘accomplish, find, meet’; lucitisja ‘happen’ {1} W Cz. luciti ‘throw’; Slk. lucit ‘throw’; OPl. tuczyc ‘aim, reach, attain, find’ S SCr. luciti (RJA) ‘find, receive’; luciti (Mazur.) ‘attain’; Sln. luciti ‘throw, fling, 1sg. lucim PIE *louk-eie- Cogn. Skt. rocăyati ‘let shine’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). See also: *luca; *lu&; *luna *lucb m. jo (b) ‘ray, torch’ ESSJa XVI 163-164 CS RuCS lucb m.(jo) ‘ray, light, shining’ E Ru. luc m.(jo) ‘ray, beam, (dial.) torch’ W Cz. louc f.(i) ‘torch’; OCz. luc f.(i) ‘torch’; Slk. luc f.(i) ‘ray, (dial.) torch’ S SCr. luc m.(jo) ‘torch, light, ray’; luc f.(i) ‘torch, light, ray’; luc (dial.) m.(jo) ‘torch, resinous tree’; Cak. luc (Vrg.) m.(jo) ‘core of pinewood (used as fuel)’, Gsg. lucă; Sln. luc f.(i) ‘light (from fire)’ B OPr. luckis ‘torch, log’ PIE *louk- Cogn. Skt. rocis- f. ‘light, splendour’; Lat. lux f. ‘light’ See also: *luca; *luciti; *luna *ludi adj. o (c) ‘crazy’ ESSJa XVI 168-169 CS CS ludi ‘foolish’ E Ru. lud (Dal’: arch.) ‘stupid, mad, crazy’ S SCr. lud ‘stupid, crazy, immature, f. luda, n. ludo; Cak. lud (Vrg.) ‘stupid, crazy, immature’, f. ludă, n. ludo; Sln. lud ‘crazy’, f. luda; Bulg. lud ‘crazy, insane, wild’ B Lith. liudnas ‘sad’ PIE *loud-o- Cogn. Go. liuts ‘hypocritical’ *luska 291 The Lithuanian form has a lengthened zero grade. The palatalization of the l originates from the (unattested) e-grade *liaud-. *lug^ m. o ESSJa XVI 169-170 W Pl. tug (arch., dial.) ‘meadow, grove’; OPl. tug ‘swamp, marsh, lake, grove’; Slnc. tug ‘swamp, marsh, lake, grove’; Plb. laug ‘meadow’ S Sln. lug (dial.) ‘meadow’ See ^ £ g * *luna f. â ‘moon’ ESSJa XVI 173-174 CS OCS luna ‘moon’ E Ru. luna ‘moon, (dial.) ray of light, firmament, echo’; Ukr. lună ‘reflection, glow, echo’ W Cz. luna (poet.) ‘moon’; Slk. luna ‘moon’; Pl. tuna ‘reflection, glow, moon, flame’; OPl. tuna ‘moon, reflection, glow’ S SCr. luna ‘moon’; Cak. lună (Orb.) ‘full moon, phase of the moon’, Asg. luno; Sln. luna ‘moon’; Bulg. lună ‘moon’ BSl. *louksna? B OPr. lauxnos Npl. ‘luminary’ PIE *louk-s-neh2 Cogn. Av. raoxsna- adj. ‘shining’; Lat. luna f. ‘moon’ Dybo (1981: 20) classifies this etymon as belonging to AP (b). The absence of length in West Slavic is puzzling, however. See also: *luca; *lu&; *luciti *lupiti v. (b) ‘peel’ ESSJa XVI 183-18 E Ru. lupit’ ‘peel, bark, thrash’, 1sg. luplju, 3sg. lupit W Cz. loupiti ‘rob’; Slk. lupit’ ‘steal’; Pl. tupic ‘plunder, loot’ S SCr. lupiti ‘clean, peel’; Cak. lup'it (Orb.) ‘peel (potatoes etc.) ‘, 1sg. lupin; Sln. lupiti ‘clean, peel, 1sg. lupim BSl. - ei/ oup-e lo B Lith. laupyti ‘tear off’; Latv. laupît ‘peel, rob, lunder’ See ^ h lu * *luska f. â ‘peel, shell, pod, scale’ ESSJa XVI 188-191 E Ru. luskă (Dal’) ‘skin, peel, chaff’ W Cz. luska (obs.) ‘pod, husk’; OCz. luska ‘iron scale’; Pl. tuska ‘pod, shell, scale (of fish, reptiles)’; USrb. tuska ‘pod’ S SCr. ljuska ‘shell, pod, scale (of fish, reptiles)’; luska (arch.) ‘skin, shell, pod, scale (of fish), splinter’; Cak. luskă (Orb.) ‘splinter’, Asg. lusko; Sln. luska ‘scale, bran’ 292 *luskati BSl. *lou(?)ska? B Latv. lăuskas2 Npl. ‘flake, dandruff’ According to Vaillant (Gr. IV: 122), *luska derives from the verb *luskati < *lup-sk-ati (< *loup-). Though the accentuation of several forms is in conflict with this etymology, it is nevertheless an attractive solution. The East Latvian form lăuskas2 may very well differ etymologically from lauska ‘something broken, potsherd, splinter, the breaker (personification of frost)’, which clearly derive from lauzt ‘break’. This raises the question to what extent *loug-sk- may be present in Slavic. Though *loug-sk- would regularly yield *lusk- in Balto-Slavic, it is only to be expected that the glottal stop originating from Winter’s law was occasionally restored. See also: *luskati; *luskt; *luspa; *lusciti; *luzga *luskati v. ‘peel, shell, pod’ ESSJa XVI 192-194 E Ru. luskăt’ ‘peel, shell, pod’; luskat’ ‘peel, shell, pod’ W Pl. tuskac ‘peel, shell, pod’ S SCr. ljuskati (dial.) ‘peel, shell, pod’; Sln. luskati ‘peel, shell, pod, clean (fish)’; Bulg. luskam (dial.) ‘peel, shell, pod’ BSl. *lou(J)ska?- B Latv. lăuskăt2 ‘flake, peel’ See also: *luska; *luskt; *luspa; *lusciti; *luzga *luski m. o ‘peel, shell, pod’ ESSJa XVI 197-198 E Ru. lusk (Dal’) ‘skin, peel, chaff’ W Cz. lusk ‘pod, husk’; Slk. lusk (lit.) ‘pod, husk’; OPl. tusk ‘skin, peel, rind’ S Sln. lusk ‘pod, bran, flake of skin’ See — *luska. See also: *luskati; *luspa; *lusciti; *luzga *luspa f. â ‘peel, shell, pod, scale’ ESSJa XVI 199-200 CS RuCS luspa ‘shell, skin, peel, scale’ E ORu. luspa ‘shell, skin, peel, scale’; Ukr. luspă (dial.) ‘shell, skin, peel, scale’; luspă (dial.) ‘shell, skin, peel, pod, scale (of fish, snakes)’ S SCr. ljuspa (dial.) ‘scale, peel, shell’; Bulg. ljuspa ‘scale, peel, rind’; luspa ‘scale, peel, rind’ The most likely explanation for the sequence *sp is contamination of *lusk- (— *luska) and *lup- (— *lupiti). See also: *luska; *luskati; *luskt; *lusciti; *luzga *lusciti v. ‘peel, shell, pod’ ESSJa XVI 207-209 E Ru. luscit’ ‘shell, hull, pod, crack, remove stubble (from), (dial.) guzzle, cram oneself’, 1sg. luscu, 3sg. luscit *l^b^ 293 W Cz. lustiti ‘solve, pod, shell, hull’; OCz. lusciti ‘pod, shell’; lustiti ‘pod, shell’; Slk. lustit ‘pod, shell, hull, try to solve’; Pl. tuszczyc ‘peel, pod, shell’ S SCr. ljustiti ‘skin, peel, shell, eat or drink greedily’, 1sg. ljustîm; Sln. lusciti ‘skin, peel, pod, shell’, 1sg. luscim; Bulg. ljustja ‘skin, peel, shell, pod’; lustja ‘skin, peel, shell, pod’ Verb in *-iti created alongside *luskati. See also: *luska; *luskati; *lusk^; *luspa; *luzga *luzga f. â ‘peel, shell, pod’ ESSJa XVI 213 E Ru. luzgă ‘husks, (dial.) scales (of fish), chaff, peel, membrane’ S SCr. luzga (dial.) ‘scale (of fish), snake-skin’ BSl. *l(o)uzg- B Lith. luzgana 1 ‘scale (of fish)’ Variant of ^ * luska. This type of vacillation is quite common. See also: *luska; *luskati; *lusk^; *luspa; *lusciti *luza f. jâ (a) ‘puddle, pool’ ESSJa XVI 217-219 CS CS luza ‘marsh’ E Ru. luza ‘puddle, pool’ W Cz. louze ‘hollow with stagnant water, puddle, pool’; OCz. luze ‘puddle, pool, swamp’; Pl. tuza (dial.) ‘pit, hollow, puddle, pool’; Plb. lauze ‘swamp, puddle, pool’ S SCr. luza ‘puddle, pool, mud, bog’; Sln. luza ‘puddle, pool’ B Lith. liugnas m. 2 ‘puddle’; liugas m. 2 ‘puddle, little marsh, mud, quagmire’; lugas m. 1/2 ‘hollow overflown by a river, muddy branch of a river, marsh, quagmire’; Latv. luga f. ‘aspic, pulp’; luga f. ‘marshy deposit of a lake that is silting up’ Cogn. Ill. Aouysov ‘swamp’ See ^ *lggb, where it is argued that we are probably dealing with a borrowing from a substratum language. Most of the Baltic forms do not match the acute of the Slavic etymon. ^l'bb'B m. o ‘skull’ ESSJa XVI 225-228 CS CS hhb ‘skull’ E Ru. loh ‘forehead, brow’, Gsg. lha W Cz. lehka f.(â) ‘skull’; leh (lit.) f.(i) ‘skull’, Gsg. l(e)hi, Gsg. lha (arch.); leh (lit.) ‘skull’, Gsg. l(e)hu (Jungmann also mentions an obsolete Gsg. lha); OCz. leh ‘skull’, Gsg. lha; leh f.(i) ‘skull’, Gsg. lhi; Slk. leh (lit., arch.) ‘skull’, Gsg. leha; leh (arch., lit.) f.(i) ‘skull’, Gsg. lehi; Pl. teh ‘head of an animal, (coll.) head, pate’, Gsg. tha S Sln. lbh ‘skull, forehead’, Gsg. ldhă 294 *ltgati PIE *lubh-o- See also: *lubt; *lupiti *ligati v. (b) ‘lie’ ESSJa XVI 233-237 CS OCS ligati ‘lie, 1sg. lizg E Ru. lgat’ ‘lie, 1sg. lzu, 3sg. lzet W Cz. lhăti ‘lie’; OCz. lhăti ‘lie, 1sg. lzu; Slk. luhat ‘lie’; lhat ‘deceive’; Pl. tgac ‘deceive, lie, 1sg. tzţ S SCr. lăgati ‘lie, 1sg. lăzem; Cak. lagăti (Vrg.) ‘lie’ 2sg. lăzes; Sln. lagăti ‘lie, 1sg. lăzem; Bulg. lăza ‘lie’ BSl. *lug- B Lith. lugoti ‘request, beg’ (possibly of Latvian origin); Latv. lugt ‘request, invite’ PIE *lugh- Cogn. Go. liugan ‘lie’; OIc. ljuga ‘lie’; OHG liogan ‘lie’ See also: *l^za; *l^zb I; *l^zb II *likno n. o ‘water-lily’ ESSJa XVI 244-247 E Bel. lokno (dial.) ‘yellow water-lily’; Ukr. lokno (dial.), lukno (dial.) ‘water- lily, yellow water-lily’ W Cz. lekno (Jg.) ‘water-lily’; OCz. lekno ‘water-lily’; Slk. lekno ‘water-lily’ S Sln. lekno ‘water-lily’ (in view of the e, probably a borrowing from Czech) BSl. *luk-n- B Lith. lugne f.(e) 2 ‘yellow water-lily, (dial.) quagmire, bog’; lugne (dial.) f.(e) 2 ‘yellow water-lily’; lukne (arch.) f.(e) 2 ‘yellow water-lily’ Here, too, we find variation regarding the phonation type of the root-final velar. The East Slavic forms can be found in Nepokupnyj 1976 (34-35). See also: *lfga; *lşgt; *lugt; *luza *liski m o ‘shine’ ESSJa XVI 251-252 E Ru. losk ‘lustre, gloss, shine, Gsg. loska W Cz. lesk ‘lustre, gloss, shine’; OCz. lesk ‘shine, metal’; lesk ‘shine, metal’; Slk. lesk ‘lustre, gloss, shine’; Pl. tysk (obs., dial.) ‘lightning’ S Sln. lask ‘shine, shimmer, Gsg. ldskă Derivative of the hardly attested verb *liskati < *luk-sk-, cf. Cz. leskati (Jg.) ‘shine’. See also: *luca; *luch; *luciti; *luna *liza f. jâ ‘lie’ ESSJa XVI 256-257 CS OCS liza E Ru. lza (arch.) W Pl. tza (dial.); OPl. tza ‘deceit, lie’; Slnc. lza 295 S SCr. laza (coll.); Sln. laza; laza; lza; Bulg. lăză Cogn. OHG lugl f.; OE lyge m. Derivative in *-ja of ^ *lhgati. The «-stern *hga is not as widespread. See also: *lMb; *lMb *l^zb I f. i ‘lie’ ESSJa XVII 5 E Ru. loz’; ORu. lhzb; lozb W Cz. lez; OCz. lez; Slk. loz; Pl. tez (arch., dial.); OPl. tez; Slnc. taz S SCr. lâz; Cak. lâz (Vrg.); lăs (Orb.); Sln. lăz, Gsg. lazî, Gsg. lazî; laz, Gsg. lazî Derivative i-stem synonymous with ^ *hza. See also: *l^gati; *l^za; *lMb *l^zb II adj. jo ‘false’ ESSJa XVII 6-7 CS OCS hzb ‘lying, false’ E Ukr. loz’ ‘deceptive’ PIE *lugh-i-o- Cogn. OHG luggi ‘lying, mendacious’; OE lycge ‘lying, mendacious’ See also: *l^gati; *l^za; *lMb *lyda; *lyta f. â ‘thigh, calf’ ESSJa XVII 22-23 E Ru. lydy (dial.) Npl. f. ‘long legs’ W Slk. lido (dial.) n. ‘thigh’; Pl. tyda n. ‘calf’; tyta (dial.) n. ‘calf’; OPl. tyda n. ‘long leg, thigh’ See ^ *lysto. ^lyd'bka; *lytbka f. â ESSJa XVII 23, 55-57 E Ru. lytki Npl. f. ‘calves, shins’; lytka (dial.) f. ‘leg, calf, shin, thigh, heel’; ORu. lytka f. ‘leg, shin, ham’; Ukr. lytka f. ‘calf’ W Cz. lytko n. ‘calf’; lytka (Jg.: obs.) f. ‘calf’; OCz. lytka f. ‘calf’; Pl. tydka f. ‘calf’; OPl. tytka f. ‘calf’ S Sln. lîtka f. ‘calf’ See ^ *lysto, *lysth, *lysta. *lyko n. o (a) ‘bast’ ESSJa XVII 28-31 E Ru. lyko; Ukr. lyko W Cz. lyko; Slk. lyko; Pl. tyko S SCr. liko; ltk m.; Sln. liko ‘bast fibre, fibre’; Bulg. liko BSl. *lun?ko B Lith. lunkas m. 1; Latv. luks m. OPr. lunkan 296 *lysto; *lystb; *lysta PIE *lnH-k-o-m Cogn. Fi. lunka ‘remnants of bark’ (a borrowing from Baltic) *lysto; *lysti; *lysta n. o; m. o; f. â ‘shin, calf’ ESSJa XVII 43-44 CS OCS lysto (Ps. Sin. MS 2/N) n. ‘shin’; CS lysti m. ‘shin’ W Cz. listo n. ‘shin-bone’; Slk. listă (dial.) f. ‘calf’; Pl. tyst (arch.) m. ‘calf’; tysta (arch., dial.) f. ‘calf, shin’; OPl. tyst m. ‘calf’ S SCr. lîst m. ‘calf’; Mcd. list m. ‘calf’ A neuter derivative in *-to- of a root *lyd- or *lyt-. Schuster-Sewc’s suggestion (1963) that *lyd-/lyt- is cognate with Ru. gluda (dial.) ‘lump, clod, Sln. *gluta ‘lump’ seems to have gained some acceptance in spite of that fact that the “simplification” of *gl- to l-seems completely ad hoc. See also: *lyda; *lyta; *lyd^ka; *lytbka *lysi adj. o ‘bald, having a white spot on the forehead’ ESSJa XVII 45-50 E Ru. lysyj ‘bald’; lys, f. lysă, n. lyso W Cz. lysy ‘bald, (animals) having a white spot on the forehead’; Slk. lysy ‘bald’; Pl. tysy ‘bald, (animals) having a white spot on the forehead’; Slnc. lasi ‘bald, having a noticeable spot’ S SCr. lîs (dial.) ‘having a white spot on the forehead, bald, f. lisa, n. liso; Bulg. lis ‘bald, (animals) having a white spot on the forehead’ The comparison with Skt. rusant- ‘shining, bright’ (Vasmer s.v.) does not seem promising. A connection with — *lysto ‘shin, calf’ (Lubotsky, p.c.) is semantically feasible, cf. — *golenb vs. — *goli. *lbdza f. jâ ‘possibility’ ESSJa XVII 108 CS OCS lbze (Cloz., Supr.) adv. ‘(l. jesti) it is possible’ {1}; CS lbdza ‘possibility’ E Ru. l’zja (obs., dial.) adv. ‘it is possible’ W Cz. lze adv. ‘it is possible’; OCz. lze adv. ‘it is possible’; OPl. ldza adv. ‘it is possible’; lza ‘it is possible’ Originally a Dsg. of *lbdza or *lbga. The *dz results from the progressive palatalization. For the etymology, see — *lbgiki. *lbga f. â ESSJa XVII 64 E Ru. l’ga (dial.) ‘facilitation, possibility’; Bel. l’ha (dial.) ‘facilitation, pos- sibility’ Ultimately identical with — *lbdza. The *g must have been restored on the basis of forms where the progressive palatalization did not operate, e.g. — *lbgiki. See also: *lhdza; *lbg^kt; *polhdza *lbneni 297 *lbg^k^ adj. o ‘light, easy’ ESSJa XVII 64 CS OCS lbghkh (vocalization of the first jer is quite common in this word; Euch. also has two instances of lek-) E Ru. legkij W Cz. lehky; Slk. lahky; Pl. lekki S SCr. lăk; lăhak (arch.); lăgak (arch., dial.); Cak. lăk (Vrg.: obs.), f. lakă, n. lăko; lăgak (Orb.), f. lăhka; Sln. lahăk, f. lahka; lăhak, f. lăhka; lagăk, f. lahka; lăgak, f. lăhka; Bulg. lek ‘light, light-hearted’ B Lith. lengvas 4 ‘light’; Latv. liegs2 ‘gentle’ PIE *hileng(w')h-u- Cogn. Skt. raghu- (RV+) ‘fast’; Skt. laghu- (RV+) ‘light, small, easy’; Gk. eXaxuq ‘small, little’; Gk. eXaşpoq ‘light, dexterous, fast, little’; Lat. levis ‘light, fast, small, scanty’; Go. leihts ‘light’ The root vocalism *b is problematic because it can neither continue *n nor *en, which is what we find in most languages, nor *e, as in Lat. levis. See also: *lhdza; *lhdga; *polbdza *lbjati v. (c) ‘pour’ ESSJa XVII 80-81 CS OCS lijati (Mar., Supr.), 1sg. lejg W Cz. liti, 1sg. leji; OCz. leti; Pl. lac, 1sg. lejţ S SCr. lijati (arch., Cak.); Sln. leja See ^ *liti. *lbnşti v. ‘stick’ ESSJa XVII 92-93 CS OCS prilbngti ‘stick’, 1sg. prilbng {1} E Ru. l’nut’ ‘stick, cling’ W Cz. lnouti ‘stick’; Pl. lgnqc ‘stick’; OPl. lnqc ‘stick’; Slnc. lnoyc ‘stick’ BSl. *lip- B Lith. lipti ‘stick’ PIE *lip- Cogn. Skt. limpăti ‘smear’; Gk. Arnaivu ‘oil’ {1} For instance in i praxh prilbphsii (Zogr., prilephsei Mar., prilepbsii Ass.) ‘the dust that cleaveth to us’ (Luke 10:11). See also: *lep^; *lepiti; *lep^ *lbnem adj. o ‘flaxen, linen’ ESSJa XVII 82-83 CS CS lbneng (Supr.) Asg. f. ‘linen’ W Cz. lneny ‘flaxen, linen’; Pl. lniany ‘linen’ S SCr. lănen ‘flaxen, linen’; Sln. lanţn ‘flaxen, linen’; Bulg. lenen ‘flaxen, linen’ Material adjective derived from ^ *lbm>. 298 *lbni *lbm m. o (b) ‘flax’ ESSJa XVII 87-90 CS CS lbni E Ru. len, Gsg. l’na W Cz. len, Gsg. lnu; Slk. Ian; Pl. len, Gsg. lnu; USrb. len, lena, Gsg. lenu S SCr. lăn; Cak. lân (Orb.), Gsg. lâna; Sln. lăn, Gsg. lâna, Gsg. lanu; Bulg. len ‘flax, linen’ BSl. *linum B Lith. linaî Npl. 4; Latv. lini Npl. OPr. linno Cogn. Gk. Aîvov n. ‘flax’; Lat. lînum n. ‘flax, linen’; OIr. lin n. ‘flax, linen, cloth’; Go. lein n. ‘canvas’ The widespread vacillation between long and short i makes it impossible to establish a common IE proto-form. Ablaut *ei : *i can only be assumed if the Celtic and Germanic forms are borrowings from Latin. We are probably dealing with a non-IE culture word. For Balto-Slavic we must reconstruct a barytone neuter o-stem. Accentual mobility is secondary. See also: *lbnent *lfistb f. i (c) ‘ruse’ ESSJa XVII 97-99 CS OCS lbstb ‘ruse, deceit, error’ E Ru. lest’ ‘flattery’; Ukr. lest’ ‘flattery’ W Cz. lest ‘cunning, craftiness, Gsg. lsti; Slk. lest’ ‘cunning, craftiness, ruse’, Gsg. lesti, Gsg. Isti; OPl. lesc ‘hypocrisy, cunning, lie’; USrb. lesc ‘cunning, Gsg. lesce S SCr. last (arch., dial.) ‘craftiness, cunning, lie’; lâst ‘use’; Sln. last ‘ruse, cunning, Gsg. lastî; lâst ‘rest, leisure, easiness, Gsg. lastî Cogn. Go. lists f.(i) ‘ruse’ Probably a borrowing from Gothic. *M *maxati v. ‘wave’ ESSJa XVII 123-126 CS CS maxati, 1sg. maxajg E Ru. maxăt’, 1sg. masu, 3sg. măset W Cz. măchati; Slk. măchat‘swing’; Pl. machac ‘wave, swing’ S SCr. măhati, 1sg. mâsem; Cak. mâhăti (Vrg.), 2sg. mâses; măhăt (Orb.), 1sg. mâsen; Sln. măhati, 1sg. măham; Bulg. măxam BSl. *maHs- B Lith. mosuoti *maki 299 PIE *meh2s- In spite of the fact that the x in *maxati is not the regular reflex of *s in this position, I assume that we are dealing with a Balto-Slavic enlargement s of the root *meh2- ‘to beckon’ (cf. Vaillant Gr. III: 332), for which see ^ *majati, *mavati. *majati; *mavati v. ‘wave, beckon’ ESSJa XVII 133-135, XVIII 21-22 CS OCS namaiaaxg (Supr.) 3pl. impf. ‘beckoned’; RuCS pomavati ‘give a signal with one’s hand or head’ E Ru. măjat’ ‘exhaust, harass’; mavat’ (dial.) ‘wave’; ORu. majati ‘beckon, agitate, vibrate’; pomavati ‘give a signal with one’s hand or head’ W Cz. măvati ‘wave’; Slk. măvat ‘wave’; LSrb. mawas ‘wave, rock’ S SCr. măjati ‘beckon, keep, detain’; Sln. măjati move about, shake’, 1sg. măjam, 1sg. măjem; Bulg. măja ‘dawdle, detain’ BSl. *maH- B Lith. moti ‘beckon’; Latv. mat ‘beckon’ PIE *meh2- Cogn. Go. afmauips ‘tired’; OHG muoan ‘alarm, worry’ It is clear that *majati and *mavati continue one and the same verb, j and v being “Hiatustilger” While majati ‘to beckon’ cannot be separated from Lith. moti, Latv. mat ‘id.’, majati ‘to detain, to tire, to exhaust’ has been linked to Germanic forms like OHG muoan and Go. afmauips (cf. Stang 1972: 35). The respective roots in Pokorny are mă- (693) and mo- (746). If we assume that *majati indeed continues *meh2- as well as *meh3- (LIV: 382), we have to settle for semantic arguments. Since it is also possible to argue on semantic grounds that *majati ultimately continues *meh2- ‘to beckon’ only (ESSJa XVII 134), it is to a certain extent a matter of taste which solution one prefers. See also: *maxati; *mamiti; *maniti; *mâmi; *manşti; *matati; *mara; *mora *mâkb m. o (a) ‘poppy’ ESSJa XVII 149-151 CS CS makh E Ru. mak, Gsg. măka W Cz. măk; Slk. mak; Pl. mak S SCr. măk, Gsg. măka, Gsg. măka; Cak. măk (Vrg.), Gsg. makă; Sln. măk, Gsg. măka; Bulg. mak B Lith. aguonă f. 2; măguone (dial.) f. 1 {1}; Latv. maguone f. {2} OPr. moke (EV) Cogn. Gk. |af|Ktov f., Dor. |aăKwv f.; OHG măho m.; OHG mago m.; OS magosămo m. ‘poppyseed’; OS mecopin (Konigsberg) m.; OSw. valmoghe m. {3}; Est. magun; Liv. maggon 300 *mal^ The Germanic forms show grammatischer Wechsel as well as an alternation *ă : *a. The vocalism, which could reflect PIE *ehi : *hi, does not match the ă of the Greek and the Slavic forms, which leads us to assume that the vowel alternation arose when at a comparatively late stage the root măk- was borrowed into Germanic (cf. Kluge-Seebold: 565). The Lithuanian and Latvian forms are usually considered borrowings from Germanic, whereas OPr. moke may have been borrowed from Polish. The Estonian and Livonian forms must be borrowings from Baltic, probably Latvian. It is generally agreed upon that ultimately we are dealing with a word of non-Indo-European (Mediterranean?) origin. {1} Besides, we find the variants maguona and maguna. The forms with m are restricted to the area around Klaipeda. {2} I have found the variants maguona.2, magana, magane and magune. The initial m of the word for ‘poppy’ was apparently lost in Lithuanian but not in Latvian. The Lithuanian dialect forms with m- may be due to the influence of the (Latvian) language of the fishermen of the Curonian Isthmus (cf. Buga RR III: 320). Sabaliauskas (1960: 71-72) suggests dissimilatory loss of m, parallel to the loss of r in arotai : rarotai, akrutas : rakrutas, Latv. ruodere : uodere, ukeris : ukeris. {3} The first element means ‘sleep, cf. Nw. vale (dial.) ‘deep sleep, Sw. valbjorn (dial.) ‘Schlafdorn’. *mâl^ adj. o (a) ‘small, little’ ESSJa XVII 173-178 CS OCS mali E Ru. mălyj W Cz. maly; Slk. maly; Pl. maty S SCr. măo; Cak. mălî (Vrg.); mâli (Orb.); Sln. mâli; Bulg. mal (BTR) PIE *mohi-lo- Cogn. Gk. |a^Aov n. ‘small cattle, goat, sheep’ (Doric also has r|); OIr. mil ‘(small) ‘animal’; Go. smals m. ‘small, insignificant’; OIc. smali m. ‘small (live) ‘stock, sheep’ The question is whether *măli can be linked to PIE *melH-, as has been advocated by Varbot, for instance (1972: 63). In view of the acute root vowel, I consider this unlikely: we would have to posit a lengthened grade root of which the acute intonation is analogical after forms with full or zero grade. Thus, I prefer to reconstruct a root *mhi-, which in the etymon under discussion is followed by an l-suffix (cf. Vaillant Gr. IV, 545, where the root is assumed to be identical with the root of Ru. măjat’, which I reconstruct as *meh2-). The Germanic forms would have s mobile and zero grade of the root. Notice that Pokorny classifies CS meliki under 1. mel-, mela- ‘zermalmen, schlagen, mahlen, etc., while OCS mali can be found under melo-, smelo- ‘kleines Tier’. See also: *mal^kt; *melt; *mel^kt ^mal'bk'b adj. o (a) ‘small’ ESSJa XVII 173-178 E Ru. mălok (folk.) ‘child, teenager’ S SCr. mălak ‘small, little, f. mâlka; Sln. mâlak m. ‘small man, dwarf, devil’; Bulg. mălak ‘small, little’ Derivative of — *măli (cf. Vaillant IV: 545, Varbot 1972: 63-64). *mara 301 *mamiti; *maniti v. ‘deceive’ ESSJa XVII 189-190, 197-199 CS CS mamiti ‘deceive’; maniti ‘deceive’ E Ru. mamt’ ‘beckon, attract, lure; (dial.) ‘deceive, lie, linger, loiter’, 1sg. manju, 3sg. mamt W Cz. mămiti ‘stun, deceive, seduce’; Slk. mamit ‘stun, deceive’; Pl. mamic ‘deceive, seduce, lead astray’; manic (dial.) ‘deceive, seduce, lead astray’; Slnc. manic ‘attract, lure, deceive’; LSrb. mamis ‘deceive, enchant’; manis ‘deceive, enchant’ S SCr. mămiti ‘attract, lure, seduce’; Cak. mămiti (Vrg.) ‘attract, lure, seduce’; măniti (dial.) ‘lure’; Sln. mămiti ‘stun, deceive, seduce, fool’, 1sg. mămim; Bulg. mămja ‘deceive, seduce, lead astray’; mănja (dial.) ‘deceive’ B Lith. monyti ‘practise sorcery’; Latv. mănît mislead, deceive According to van Wijk (1934: 73), *mamiti is the original denominative verb (^ *mămh), while *maniti arose through dissimilation, which was probably favoured by the existence of *mangti. Van Wijk’s hypothesis is supported by the fact that there is more or less a geographical distribution. The form *mamiti occurs in West and South Slavic, whereas *maniti occurs in East Slavic and in certain West and South Slavic regions. I consider both the Latvian and the Lithuanian forms to be borrowings from Slavic. Endzelîns is inclined to regard Latv. mănît as an inherited word. ‘mâmi m. o (c) ‘deceit’ ESSJa XVII 190-191 CS CS mamh adj. ‘foolish’ W Cz. mam ‘deceit, error, (dial.) ‘apparition, ghost’; Slk. mam ‘deceit, mirage’ S SCr. măm ‘lure, bait, temptation, charm, frenzy’ Derivative in *-mo-. See ^ *majati, *mavati. *manşti v. ‘beckon’ ESSJa XVII 200-201 CS CS mangti ‘beckon’ E Ru. manut’ (dial.) ‘beckon, lure’; mănut’ (dial.) ‘beckon, lure’; ORu. manuti ‘nod, beckon’ S SCr. manuti ‘nod, beckon, wave’ Vaillant (Gr. III: 332) regards *mangti as the original perfective of ^ *majati. *mara f. â ‘ghost, apparition’ ESSJa XVII 204-207 CS RuCS mara ‘ecstasy’ E Ru. măra, mară ‘apparition, mirage, (dial.) house-sprite, evil spirit’; Bel. mară, măra ‘dream, apparition, nightmare; măra (dial.) ‘witch, demon’; Ukr. mară ‘apparition, ghost, witch’ W Slk. mara ‘ghost, apparition’; Pl. mara ‘dream, illusion, ghost, (dial.) nightly spirit that attacks people and horses in their sleep’; Slnc. mara ‘dream, apparition, ghost’; USrb. mara ‘goddess of illness and death’ 302 *maslo S Bulg. Măra ‘name of a fairy-tale monster’ PIE *meh2-reh2 There are basically two views on the origin of *mara. According to a hypothesis put forward by Franck (1904: 129, against Solmsen 1908: 580-582) and advocated by a.o. Schuster-Sewc (HEW 885ff), *mara continues PIE *moră and differs from *mora only in having lengthened grade. The alternative etymology, which can at least be traced to Zubaty 1894, connects *mara with the root ma- < *meh2- of *majati, *mamh, etc. Though at a first glance it seems unsatisfactory to separate *mara from *mora - in Polish, for instance, mara and mora are synonymous -, it is awkward that in most Slavic languages both apophonic variants would occur side by side. Perhaps we have to start from *mara ‘illusion, apparition’ beside *mora ‘female demon that tortures people with nightmares’, which later became confused. This scenario may also offer an explanation for the fact that the accentual paradigm of both words is so hard to determine. We would expect *măra (a) - in view of Hirt’s law - beside *moră (b) or (c). Nevertheless we find forms like Ru. mora and mară (beside măra). I think that in this respect, too, we have to reckon with analogy. See also: *maxati; *majati; *mavati; *mamiti; *maniti; *mâmi; *manşti; *matati; *mora *maslo n. o (a) ‘oil, butter’ ESSJa XVII 230-232 CS OCS maslo ‘oil, butter’ E Ru. măslo ‘butter, oil’ W Cz. măslo ‘butter’; Slk. maslo ‘butter’; Pl. masto ‘butter’ S SCr. măslo ‘butter, oil’; Cak. măslo (Vrg.) ‘butter, cream’; măslo (Orb.) ‘butter’; Sln. măslo ‘lard, butter’; Bulg. măslo ‘butter, oil, fat’ If *măzati is cognate with Lith. mezti ‘manure, muck out’, Latv. mezt ‘muck out, sweep’, *măslo < *măz-slo < PBSl. *mo?z-slo closely matches Lith. meslas 1/3, Latv. mţsls ‘manure’ < PEBl. *mez-sla < PBSl. *me?z-slo. Here I must add that Slavic *maslo is sometimes derived from *maz-tlo. See also: *mâsth ; *mazati; *mâzh; *mâz^ *mâstb f. i (c) ‘ointment’ ESSJa XVII 30-31 CS OCS mastb ‘chrism, ointment’ E Ru. mast’ ‘colour of wool or feathers’ W Cz. mast ‘ointment’; Slk. mast ‘ointment, fat, lard’; Pl. masc ‘ointment’ S SCr. măst ‘fat, lard, grease, ointment, colour’; Cak. măs (Orb.) ‘fat, grease, Gsg. măsti; Sln. măst ‘fat, lard’, Gsg. mastî; Bulg. măsti Npl. ‘animal fat’ Derivative in *-tb of ^ *măzati. *matati v. ESSJa XVII 235-236 W Cz. mătati (dial.) ‘frighten’; Slk. mătat‘haunt, frighten’; OPl. matac ‘deceive, swindle’; Slnc. mautăc ‘swindle, lie’ S SCr. matati (Stulli, dial.) ‘bait, attract’ *matorb; *materb 303 The root must be an enlargement of *meh2- in — *majati, *mavati. *materbstvo n. o ‘motherhood’ ESSJa XVII 254 CS OCS materbstva (Ps. Sin.) Gsg. ‘old age’ W Cz. materstvo (Jg.); materstvo (Kott); Slk. materstvo S SCr. materstvo (Stulli); Sln. măterstvo Derivative of — *măti. *mati f. r (a) ‘mother’ ESSJa XVII 254-259 CS OCS mati, Gsg. matere E Ru. mat’, Gsg. măteri; ORu. mati, Gsg. matere W OCz. măti, Gsg. matere; OPl. mac, Gsg. macierze S SCr. măti, Gsg. mătere; Cak. măti (Vrg.), Gsg. mătere; măt (Novi, Orb.), Gsg. măteri; Sln. măti, Gsg. mătere BSl. *mă?ter- B Lith. mote (OLith, dial.) f.(r) 1 ‘wife, mother’ {1}; Latv. mate f.(e) ‘mother’ (the accentuation mâte, as found in IEW, is incorrect) OPr. muti (Ench.); mothe (EV); muti (Gr.) PIE *meh2ter- Cogn. Skt. mătăr- f.; Gk. |ar|TrP f.; Lat. măter f.; OHG muoter f.; OIr. măthir f.; Alb. motre f. ‘sister’ The root stress in this word may be due to Hirt’s law, cf. Skt. mătăr-, but there is a distinct possibility that it is old, cf. Gk. |ir|Trp. {1} The oldest form of the genitive is moteres, which occurs, for instance, in DP and in dialects. The most important Standard Lithuanian derivatives are moteris ‘wife, mother’ and motina ‘mother. The form mote, which frequently occurs in the older scholarly literature, does not exist. See also: *matorb; *materb; *matorbnt; *materbnt; *materhstvo *matorb; *materb adj. o ESSJa XVII 244-249 CS CS matori ‘old’ E Ru. materyj ‘experienced, full-grown’; materoj ‘full-grown’ S SCr. mător ‘old, elderly’; Sln. matgr ‘old’ PIE *meh2tor- While the ESSJa states that *matori is older than *materi, the same dictionary considers the o-grade of the suffix in *matorbni as well as the meaning of this formation (in comparison with materbni motherly’) to be late. The point is, however, that *matorbni and *materbni may not be cognate with *măti at all. Lat. măturus has been connected with mănus ‘good, OIr. maith ‘id.’ (Pokorny 693, Ernout-Meillet s.v., Schrijver 1991: 143). In Trubacev’s dictionary, the connection with the latter form is dismissed. Instead, *matori is considered cognate with both *măti and măturus (with references to Trubacev 1959: 32 and - incorrectly - Meillet 304 *matorbni; *materbni Et. II: 407, where merely the connection with măne and măturus is considered). Yet another etymology was proposed by Vaillant, who tried to link the Slavic etymon to words meaning ‘big’, such as OPr. muis ‘bigger’ (1961: 189). In my opinion, Lat. măturus has the best chance of being cognate with *matorh etc. (pace Vasmer s.v. materyj). The connection with *măti cannot be disproved on formal grounds but there are sufficient semantic reasons for keeping this word apart. Athough ultimately we may be dealing with the same root, it is unlikely that *matorh is a recent derivative of *măti. Cogn. Lat. măturus adj. ‘ripe, mature, premature’; Lat. mănus adj. ‘good’ See also: *materbn^; *materhstvo; *mati; *matorbn^ *matorbm; *materbm adj. o ESSJa XVII 251-253 E Ru. maternyj (dial.) ‘big, strong’ W OCz. matorny ‘mature, serious’ S Sln. matgran ‘elderly, old’; Bulg. matornyj ‘old, senile’ Derivative in *-bnh of ^ *matorh, *materh. *mazati v. (a) ‘smear, anoint’ ESSJa XVIII 23-25 CS OCS mazati ‘anoint’, 1sg. mazg E Ru. măzat’‘smear, oil, grease, 1sg. măzu, 3sg. măzet W Cz. mazati ‘smear, oil, defile’; Slk. mazat‘smear’; Pl. mazac ‘smear’ S SCr. măzati ‘smear, grease, paint’, 1sg. măzem; Cak. măzati (Vrg.) ‘soil, besmirch, 2sg. măzes; măzat (Orb.) ‘smear, grease, 1sg. măzen; Sln. măzati ‘smear, grease, paint’, 1sg. măzem BSl. *mo?z- B Lith. mezti ‘manure, muck out’; Latv. mezt ‘muck out, sweep’; muozet ‘gobble, pound, fool, harass, beat’ For the time being I have grouped together Slavic *măzati and Lith. mezti ‘manure, muck out’, Latv. mezt ‘muck out, sweep’ and muozet ‘gobble, pound, etc.’ (cf. Ostir 1912: 214, Fraenkel I: 444). It seems to me that the Baltic words can be linked semantically to *măzati ‘smear’ if we start from a meaning ‘smear, wipe, sweep’ (for the semantic development attested in muozet, cf. Ru. smăzat’ ‘strike a blow’, MoDu. afsmeren (dial.) ‘give s.o. a beating’). Another possibility would be to connect *măzati with Gk. |adaow (aor. pass. ^ay^vai) ‘knead’ (provided that the root is not |aaK-instead of |aay-, which, according to Chantraine (670), cannot be determined), Arm. macanim ‘thicken, stick together’ (Meillet 1916: 122) and OHG mahhon, OS makon, etc. ‘make’. This would entail a reconstruction *meh2g- (*mag- in IEW), which would preclude a connection with mezti, Latv. mezt. See also: *maslo; *mâsth; *mâzh; *mâz^ *mâzb; *mâz^ f. i; m. o (c) ‘grease, ointment’ CS CS mazb f.(i) ‘unction’ ESSJa XVIII 33-34 *medju 305 E Ru. maz’ f.(i) ‘ointment’; maz (dial.) m. ‘lover’ W Cz. maz m. ‘ointment, grease, glue’; Pl. maz f.(i) ‘grease, oil, tar’; USrb. maz (dial.) m. ‘ointment, grease’; LSrb. maz f.(i) ‘starch, grease, oil, tar’ S SCr. mâz (arch.) m. ‘ointment, grease’ Sln. mâz f.(i) ‘lubrication, grease, ointment’, Gsg. mazî Deverbative nouns derived from — *măzati. *mecb; *mbCb m. jo (b) ‘sword’ ESSJa XVIII 38-42 CS OCS mecb E Ru. mec’, Gsg. mecă W Cz. mec; Slk. mec; Pl. miecz; USrb. mjec; miecg (Matthaei 1721) S SCr. măc, Gsg. măca; Cak. măc (Vrg.), Gsg. macă; Sln. mec; Bulg. mec Cogn. Go. meki m.; OS măki m. This etymon has often been considered a borrowing from Germanic, but the Slavic short vowel does not match the long vowel of the Germanic forms. The vacillation between *e and *b may be attributed to the raising of pretonic *e in the vicinity of a palatalized consonant (see Kortlandt 1984-1985), but this development seems to have occured prior to Dybo’s law and there is no particular reason to regard *mecb as an old oxytone noun. The ESSJa advocates a connection with OIr. mecc-, referring to Odincov 1985. *medja f. jâ (b) ‘border, boundary, balk’ ESSJa XVIII 45-47 CS OCS mezdaxi (Supr.) Lpl. ‘alleys’ E Ru. meză ‘boundary, boundary-strip, Asg. mezu; Ukr. meză ‘boundary, boundary-strip’, Asg. mezu W Cz. meze ‘balk, border’; Slk. medza ‘balk, border’; Pl. miedza ‘balk, border’; USrb. mjeza ‘balk, border’ S SCr. meăa ‘boundary, border, Asg. meău; mejă (dial.) ‘boundary, boundary- strip, Asg. meju; Cak. mejă (Vrg.) ‘boundary, border’ Asg. meju; Sln. meja ‘boundary, fence, shrub(s), grove’; Bulg. mezdă ‘balk’ BSl. *med-j-o/a? B Lith. medzias m.(io) ‘forest’; Latv. mezs m.(io) ‘wood’ OPr. median ‘wood’ PIE *medh-ieh2 Cogn. Skt. mădhya- (RV+) adj. ‘middle, located in the middle’; Lat. medius adj. ‘id.’; Go. midjis adj. ‘middle’ See also: *medju *medju prep. (b) ‘between, among’ ESSJa XVIII 51-52 CS OCS mezdu (Supr., Ass., Boj.); mezdju (Zogr., Mar., Sav., Cloz.) E Ru. mezu (dial.); mezu (dial.) W Cz. mezi prep.; mezu (Kott) 306 *medojed,b S SCr. meău; Sln. meju; Bulg. mezdu Originally a dual of — *medjă. *medojed^ m. o ‘honey-eater’ ESSJa XVIII 55 E Ru. medoed (dial.) ‘honey-lover’ W Cz. medojed (Jg.) ‘honey-lover’ S SCr. medojed (dial.) ‘death’s head moth’; Sln. medojed ‘honey-eater, honey- lover, Gsg. medojeda For morphological as well as semantic reasons the noun *medojedi must be a more recent formation than — *medvedb. See also: *medva; *medvedh; *medt *medva f. â ESSJa XVIII 62 E Ru. medvă (dial.) ‘hydromel, sweet must’ S SCr. medva (dial.) ‘kind of white grapes’ Derivative in *-ă based on the u-stem *medhu- (— *medi). Cogn. Skt. mădhu- n. ‘sweet drink, anything sweet, honey’; Gk. |as9u n. ‘wine’; OHG metu m. ‘mead’; OIr. mid n./m. ‘mead’ See also: *medvedh; *medojedt; *medt *medvedb m. jo (a) ‘bear’ ESSJa XVIII 55, 65-67 CS OCS medvedb (PsDim.) m.(jo) {1}; CS medvedb (Par., Hval.) m.(jo) {2} E Ru. medved’ m.(jo) W Cz. medved m.(o); Slk. medved’ m.(o); Pl. miedzwiedz (arch., dial.) m.(jo) {3} S SCr. medvjed m.(o); Cak. medv'id (Vrg.) m.(o); medv'id (Novi) m.(o); medved (Orb.) m.(o); Sln. medved m.(o), Gsg. medveda PIE *medhu-hied- Cogn. Skt. madhvăd- m. ‘honey-eater’ {1} The Psalter of Dimitri belongs to the corpus that was discovered at St. Catherine’s monastery in 1975. Strictly speaking it might be classified as a Middle Bulgarian text (Birnbaum and Schaeken 1997: 143). {2} The attestations occur in a Croatian MS from the 14th century and a Serbian MS from the 15th century, respectively. {3} In West Slavic, we find secondary forms with n-, e.g. (O)Pl. niedzwiedz, OCz. nedved. See also: *medva; *medt *med^ m. u (c) ‘honey, mead’ ESSJa XVIII 68-72 CS OCS medi ‘honey, Gsg. meda, Gsg. medu E Ru. med ‘honey, mead, Gsg. meda, Lsg. medu, Npl. medy W Cz. med ‘honey, mead’; Slk. med ‘honey, mead’; Pl. miod ‘honey, mead, Gsg. miodu; USrb. med ‘honey’, Gsg. mjedu, Gsg. mjeda *melzti 307 S SCr. med ‘honey’, Gsg. meda; Cak. med (Vrg.) ‘honey’, Gsg. meda; med (Novi) ‘honey’ Gsg. meda; m'et (Orb.) ‘honey’, Gsg. meda; Sln. mţd ‘honey’, Gsg. mţda, Gsg. medu; Bulg. med ‘honey’ BSl. *medu- B Lith. medus m.(u) 4 ‘honey’; Latv. medus m.(u) ‘honey’ OPr. meddo (EV) ‘honey’ PIE *medhu- Cogn. Skt. mădhu- n. ‘sweet drink, anything sweet, honey’; Gk. |as9u n. ‘wine’; OHG metu m. ‘mead’; OIr. mid n./m. ‘mead’ See also: *medvedh; *medojed^; *medva *melko n. o (b) ‘milk’ ESSJa XVIII 85-88 CS OCS mleko E Ru. moloko W Cz. mleko; Slk. mlieko; Pl. mleko; USrb. mloko S SCr. mlijeko; Cak. mlîkd (Vrg.); mlîkd (Novi); ml'eko (Orb.); Sln. mleko; Bulg. mljăko Since the PIE root for ‘to milk’ is *h2melg- (^ *melzti), this etymon is often regarded as a borrowing from Germanic. *melti v. (b) ‘grind, mill’ ESSJa XVIII 90-91 CS OCS mleti, 1sg. meljg E Ru. molot’, 1sg. melju, 3sg. meljet W Cz. mliti; Slk. mliet; Pl. mlec, 1sg. mielţ; Slnc. mluec; USrb. mlec S SCr. mljeti, 1sg. meljem; Cak. mliti (Vrg.), 2sg. meles; mlet (Orb.) ‘grind, mill, babble, chatter’, 1sg. meljen; Sln. mleti, 1sg. meljem; Bulg. melja BSl. *mel?- B Lith. mălti; Latv. malt PIE *melH- Cogn. Skt. mrnăti, mrnăti ‘crush, grind’; Hitt. malla- ‘grind’; Lat. molere ‘grind’; Go. malan ‘grind’; OHG malan ‘grind, mill’; OIr. meilid ‘grind’; Arm. malem ‘crush’ See also: *melh; *mel^; *mlin^; *moltiti; *molt^; *molb *melzti v. ‘milk’ ESSJa XVIII 95-96 CS RuCS mlesti ‘bring down, dislodge’, 1sg. mlbzu {1} W Slk. mlzt ‘suck’ S SCr. musti, 1sg. muzem; Cak. musti (Vrg.), 2sg. muzes; mus (Orb.), 1sg. muzen; Sln. mlesti, 1sg. motzem; Bulg. mălzjă (dial.), 1sg. mlbzu BSl. *mel?z- B Lith. melzti, 3sg. melzia; milzti, 3sg. melzia 308 *mene PIE *h2melg- Cogn. Gk. d^eXyw; Lat. mulgere; OE melcan {1} Also RuCS melbziti ‘milk'. Furthermore, cf. Ru. molozivo ‘colostrum, beestings. *mene prn. GAsg. ‘me’ ESSJa XVIII 96-97 CS OCS mene GAsg. E ORu. mene GAsg.; Ukr. mene GAsg. S SCr. mene GDAsg.; mene (dial.) GDAsg.; Bulg. mene Asg. B Lith. manţs Gsg. PIE *himene Cogn. Av. mana Gsg. See also: *mtne *merti v. ‘die’ ESSJa XVIII 101-102 CS OCS mreti (Supr., Ass.) ‘die’, 1sg. mbrg E Ru. mriet’ ‘die (in large numbers), 1sg. mru, 3sg. mret W Cz. mriti ‘die, wither’; Slk. mriet ‘die, wither, thaw’; Pl. mrzec ‘die’ S SCr. mrijeti ‘die’, 1sg. mrem; Sln. mreti ‘die, be miserable’, 1sg. mr(j)em, 1sg. mrjem, 1sg. mrjem BSl. *mer-; *mir- B Lith. mirti ‘die’; Latv. mirt ‘die’ PIE *mer- Cogn. Skt. mriyăte ‘die’; Lat. morior ‘die’ See also: *merti; *morb; *mbrtvt; *s^mbrtb *merza f. jâ (a) ‘net’ ESSJa XVIII 102-103 CS OCS mreza ‘net’ E Ru. mereza (dial.) ‘fishing-net’; mereza (dial.) ‘fishing-net’ W Cz. mrize ‘grating’; Slk. mreza ‘grating’; OPl. mrzeza ‘a type of net’ Slnc. mrieză ‘small fishing-net’ S SCr. mreza ‘net’; Cak. mr'iza (Vrg.) ‘net’; mr'iza (Novi) ‘net’; mreza (Orb.) ‘lace, net, netting of a sieve’; Sln. mreza ‘net, grating’; Bulg. mreza ‘net’ BSl. *mer?g(i)a? B Lith. mărska ‘sheet, table-cloth, drag-net’; Latv. marga ‘railing, gallery’; merga ‘railing, gallery’. *mesti v. (c) ‘throw, sweep’ ESSJa XVIII 105-108 CS CS mesti ‘throw, sweep’, 1sg. metg E Ru. mesti ‘sweep’, 1sg. metu, 3sg. metet W Cz. mesti ‘sweep, (Jg., Kott) throw, sweep’; Pl. miesc ‘sweep, throw’ *mexi 309 S SCr. mesti ‘sweep’, 1sg. metem; Cak. mesti (Vrg.) ‘sweep’, 2sg. metis; mes (Orb.) ‘sweep’, 1sg. meten; Sln. mesti ‘sweep, throw’, 1sg. metem; Bulg. metă ‘sweep’ BSl. *met- B Lith. mesti ‘throw’, 3sg. meta; Latv. mest ‘throw’, 3sg. met OPr. pomests (Ench.) ptc. perf. pass. ‘submissive’; pomettîwingi (Ench.) Npl. m. adj. ‘obedient’ According to LIV (442), verbs with the root *met- ‘abmessen’ (cf. Lith. metai ‘year’) are limited to Balto-Slavic. The meaning of these verbs is supposed to have developed through an intermediate step ‘aim’. Considering the similarity between the movements ‘sweep’ and ‘mow’, I would rather advocate a connection with Lat. meto ‘mow, harvest’ and W medi ‘reap’. See also: *metati; *motati *metati v. (b) ‘throw’ ESSJa XVIII 112-115 CS OCS metati, 1sg. metg, 1sg. mestg, 1sg. metajg E Ru. metăt’, 1sg. mecu, 3sg. mecet W Cz. metati; Slk. metat; Pl. miotac S SCr. metati ‘place, put, throw’, 1sg. mecem; Sln. metati, 1sg. mţcem See ^ *mesti. *medb f. i (a) ‘copper’ ESSJa XVIII 144-146 CS OCS medb ‘copper’ E Ru. med’ ‘copper’; Ukr. mid’ ‘copper’ W Cz. med’ ‘copper’; Slk. med’ ‘copper’; Pl. miedz ‘copper’; USrb. mjedz ‘ore’ {1}; LSrb. mez ‘copper’ S SCr. mjed ‘copper, brass’; mjed m.(o) ‘copper, brass’; Sln. med ‘ore, metal (esp. copper and alloys of copper)’, Gsg. medî; med m.(o) ‘ore, metal (esp. copper and alloys of copper)’; Bulg. med ‘copper’ {1} According to Schuster-Sewc (HEW II: 920), medz ‘copper’ is of Czech origin. *mexb m. o (c) ‘bag (made from skin)’ ESSJa XVIII 156-159, 220-221 CS OCS mexv ‘wine-skin’ E Ru. mex ‘fur, (dial.) bag’, Gsg. mexa, Npl. mexă (the plural noun mexi means ‘fur bag, wine-skin’); mesok ‘bag’, Gsg. meskă W Cz. mech ‘bag, net’; misek ‘purse, small bag’, Gsg. meskă; Slk. mech ‘bag’; Pl. miech ‘bag, bellows’; Slnc. mjiex ‘bag, bellows’; USrb. mech ‘bag, bellows’ S SCr. mijeh ‘bellows, wine-skin’, Gsg. mijeha; Cak. mîh (Vrg.) ‘bellows, wine- skin’, Gsg. mîha; mîh (Novi) ‘bellows, wine-skin’; m'eh (Vrg.) ‘bellows, bag-pipes’, Lsg. m'ehe; Sln. meh ‘fur, wine-skin, bellows, leather bag’, Gsg. meha, Gsg. mehu; mesak ‘small bellows’; Bulg. mjax ‘bellows, bag made from skin’; mex ‘bellows, bag made from skin’ 310 *meli; *mel^ki BSl. *moişos B Lith. maîsas 4 ‘bag, sack’ {1}; Latv. măiss ‘bag’ OPr. moasis (EV) ‘bellows’ PIE *moiso- Cogn. Skt. meşă- m. ‘ram’; OIc. meiss m. ‘basket’; OHG meisa m. ‘pannier’ I feel that we should not attach too much importance to De Vries’s observation that with respect to Germanic it is unwarranted to start from an original meaning ‘Tragkorb aus Fell’ (1962: 382). In fact, the same would apply to the Baltic forms. I consider the semantic similarity between, for instance, Lith. maîsas ‘ein aus Schnuren gestricktes Heunetz’ (note that the meaning ‘net’ is also attested in Slavic), OIc. heymeiss ‘hay-sack’ and MoE maiz (dial.) ‘large, light hay-basket’ sufficient evidence for the etymological identity of the Germanic and the Balto-Slavic forms. MoIr. moais ‘bag, hamper, moaiseog ‘wicker basket’ is doubtless a borrowing from Germanic. {1} Friedrich Kurschat’s dictionary (1883) mentions the more specific meaning ‘ein aus Schnuren gestricktes Heunetz’. See also: *mes^kt *mel^; *mel^k^ adj. o (a) ‘small, little’ ESSJa XVIII 168-170 CS CS meliki ‘small, thin’ E Ru. melyj (dial.) ‘small, little’; melkij ‘small, little’ W Cz. mely (Kott) ‘small, little’; melky ‘small, shallow’; Pl. miely (obs.) ‘small, little’; mialki ‘small, refined; Plb. mole Npl. ‘small, little’ S SCr. meok ‘small, shallow’ PIE *(s)mehi-lo- Cogn. Gk. |a^Aov n. ‘small cattle, goat, sheep’ (Doric also has r|); OIr. mîl ‘(small) ‘animal’; Go. smals m. ‘small, insignificant’; OIc. smali m. ‘small (live) ‘stock, sheep’ See — *măli. *melb; *mel^ f. i; m. o ESSJa XVIII 162-168 CS OCS mela (Supr.) Gsg. m.(o) ‘lime’ E Ru. mel’ f.(i) ‘sand-bank, shoal’; mel m. ‘chalk’ W Cz. mel (SSJC) f.(i) ‘spit’; mel (Jg.) f.(i) ‘pebble, dust, shoal’; mel (Kott) f.(i) ‘loose earth, powder, pebble’; OCz. mel m.(i) ‘shoal, sand-bank, fodder’; Pl. miat, miel (dial.) m. ‘dust, chalk, muddy water, fine powder’; OPl. miel f.(i) ‘sand-bank’; miat m. ‘finely ground substance’ S SCr. melj (Cak.), Gsg. melja m.(jo) ‘fine sand’; mel (Cak.) m. ‘dust, powder, Gsg. mela; Sln. melj m.(jo) ‘sand-bank’ BSl. *(s)mel-i- B Lith. smelis m.(io) 2 ‘sand’ (also Standard Lithuanian is smelys 4); Latv. smelis m.(io) ‘fine sand’ {1} *meniti I 311 PIE *melH-i- Cogn. OIc. melr (dial.) m. ‘sand-bank’; Sw. mjâg (dial.) m. ‘sand-hill, high riverbank’; Sw. smula m. ‘chunk’; Nw. smola (dial.) ‘smash’; Nw. smol (dial.) m. ‘dust’ {2} The Baltic and Slavic forms are formally compatible with the root *melH- ‘to grind’, the Baltic word showing s mobile. The lengthened grade vowel points to an old root noun. Semantically, this etymology does not seem implausible to me (pace Stang (l.c.), who, by the way, does not mention any Baltic forms). {1} Judging by the Lithuanian evidence, the zero grade of the root was originally acute: smiltis (LKZ) 1/3/4 ‘fine sand, gritty earth’. The only non-ambiguous Latvian forms in ME are smilts and smiltis ‘sand’, however. The most plausible option is that the Latvian falling tone is secondary (cf. Derksen 1996: 147). {2} The Scandinavian forms with sm- could derive from the root melH- ‘grind’ preceded by s mobile. OIc. melr and Sw. mjâg (dial.) < *mjalg are mentioned by Stang in connection with Ru. mel’, etc. (1972: 36). According to Stang, these words point to *melha-/melga-. Therefore the possible etymological relationship with the Slavic forms is limited to the root. See also: *melti; *melh; *mel^; *mlin^; *moltiti; *moltb; *molh *mena f. â ‘change, exchange’ ESSJa XVIII 171-172 CS OCS mena (Supr.) ‘exchange’ E Ru. mena ‘exchange’ {1} W Cz. mena ‘exchange, change’; Pl. miana ‘change’ S SCr. mijena ‘exchange, change, new moon, metamorphosis’; Cak. mină (Vrg.) ‘phase of the moon’; Sln. mena ‘exchange, change, phase of the moon’ BSl. *moina? B Lith. maînas m. ‘exchange’; Latv. mama f. ‘exchange’ PIE *moi-n- Cogn. Skt. menă- ‘concubine’; OHG mein adj. ‘false, deceitful’ {1} AP b/c in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 135). See also: *meniti I *meniti I v. (c) ‘change, exchange’ ESSJa XVIII 173-174 CS OCS menitK (Supr.) ‘changes’ E Ru. menit’ (dial.) ‘change, exchange’ W Cz. meniti ‘exchange, change’; Slk. menit sa ‘exchange, change’; Pl. mienic siţ ‘change colour’ S SCr. mijeniti ‘change’; Sln. meniti ‘change, exchange, 1sg. menim; Bulg. menjă ‘change, exchange’ BSl. *moin-ei/i- B Lith. mainyti ‘exchange’, 3sg. maîno; Latv. maînît ‘exchange’ Derivative of ^ *mena. The root is *moi-, cf. Skt. măyate ‘exchange, change’. 312 *meniti II *meniti II v. ‘think’ ESSJa XVIII 174-175 CS OCS meniti ‘suppose, think, reckon, mention, 1sg. menjg E ORu. meniti ‘think, suppose, mention, mean, symbolize’ W Cz. miniti ‘think, suppose, intend’; Slk. mienit ‘intend, plan’; Pl. mienic ‘think, suppose’ S SCr. mijeniti ‘think, say, remember’; Sln. meniti ‘think, suppose’, 1sg. menim Cogn. OHG meinen ‘mean’ This formation may be identical with — *meniti I. The original meaning may have been ‘consequentively present one’s meaning’ (Kluge-Seebold: 551). *mera f. â (a) ‘measure’ ESSJa XVIII 178-181 CS OCS mera ‘measure’ E Ru. mera ‘measure’ W Cz. mira ‘size, measure, limit’; Slk. miera ‘size, measure, limit’; Pl. miara ‘measure’; USrb. mera ‘measure’ S SCr. mjera ‘measure, weight’; Cak. mira (Vrg.) ‘measure, 100 liters’; mera (Orb.) ‘measure, size’; Sln. mţra ‘measure, size’ An r-derivative of *mehi- ‘measure’, cf. Gk. |a^Tiq f. ‘plan, ruse, OE m&d f. ‘measure’. See also: *meriti *meriti v. (a) ‘measure’ ESSJa XVIII 183-185 CS OCS meriti ‘measure, 1sg. merjg E Ru. merit’ ‘measure’ W Cz. meriti ‘measure, judge’; miriti ‘aim at, try’; Slk. mierit ‘aim at, compare’; Pl. mierzyc ‘measure, judge, aim at’ S SCr. mjeriti ‘measure, weigh, 1sg. mjerîm; Cak. miriti (Vrg.) ‘measure, weigh, 2sg. mirîs; meriti (Orb.) ‘measure, weigh, 2sg. meris; Sln. mţriti ‘measure, compare, aim at, 1sg. mţrim; Bulg. merja ‘measure, weigh, aim at’ Cogn. Skt. mimăti ‘measure, assign’; Lat. metîrî ‘measure’ Denominative verb. See — *mera. *mesşcb m. jo (a) ‘moon, month’ ESSJa XVIII 191-195 CS OCS mesţcb ‘moon, month’ E Ru. mesjac ‘month’ W Cz. mesic ‘month, moon’; Slk. mesiac ‘month’; Pl. miesiqc ‘month’ S SCr. mjesec ‘month, moon, Gsg. mjeseca; Cak. misec (Vrg., Novi) ‘month, moon’, Gsg. miseca; mesec (Novi) ‘moon, month’, Gsg. meseca; Sln. mesec ‘month, moon’, Gsg. meseca, Gsg. mesca; Bulg. mesec ‘month, moon’ BSl. *mefn-(e)s- B Lith. menuo m.(s) 1 ‘moon, month, Gsg. menesio; Latv. meness m.(i) ‘moon’ OPr. menig (EV) ‘moon’ *mezga 313 PIE *mehin-(e)s- Cogn. Skt. măs m. ‘moon, month’; Gk. |as[q (Ion.) ‘moon’, Gsg. |ar|Voq; Lat. mensis ‘month’; Go. mena f. ‘moon’; OHG măno f. ‘moon’ PSl. *mesţcb apparently reflects *mehin-s-(e)n-ko-. *mesiti v. (b) ‘mix, knead’ ESSJa XVIII 119-201 CS OCS mesimv (Supr.) ptc. pres. pass. ‘being mixed’ E Ru. mesit’ ‘knead’, 1sg. mesu, 3sg. mesit W Cz. misiti ‘mix, confuse’; Slk. miesit ‘knead’; Pl. miesic ‘knead’ S SCr. mijesiti ‘knead’, 1sg. mijesim; Cak. misiti (Vrg.) ‘knead’ 2sg. mîsis; m'esit (Orb.) ‘knead (dough), 1sg. m'esin; Sln. mesiti ‘mix, knead’, 1sg. mesim; Bulg. mesja ‘mix, knead’ BSl. *mois-ei/i- B Lith. miesti ‘dilute’; maisyti ‘mix’; Latv. maisît ‘mix’ PIE *moik- Cogn. Skt. misrăyati ‘mix’; Lat. miscere ‘mix’ *mesto n. o (a) ‘place’ ESSJa XVIII 203-206 CS OCS mesto ‘place’ E Ru. mesto ‘place’ W Cz. mesto ‘town’; misto ‘place, space’; Slk. miesto ‘place, town’; Pl. miasto ‘town, city’; USrb. mesto ‘city, place’ S SCr. mjesto ‘place, town, city’; Cak. misto (Vrg.) ‘place, town, city’; mesto (Novi) ‘place, town, city’; mesto (Orb.) ‘place, spot, room, space’; Sln. mesto ‘place, town, city, square’; Bulg. mjăsto ‘place’ As observed by Fraenkel (I: 460), the problem with the connection with Lith. misti ‘feed, live, stay’ is that the acute tone of the root of *mesto is left unexplained. The same holds for the etymology advocating a t-enlargement of Skt. may- ‘fix, build, mită- ‘built, established’. To my knowledge, there are no satisfactory alternatives. ^mesbkb m. o ‘bag (made from skin)’ ESSJa XVIII 156-159, 220-221 E Ru. mesok ‘bag’, Gsg. meskă W Cz. misek ‘purse, small bag’ S Sln. mesak ‘small bellows’ Diminutive of ^ *mexv. *mezga f. â (b) ‘sap’ ESSJa XVIII 23-25 E Ru. mezgă (dial.) ‘sap-wood, pulp, membrane, remnants of meat on the inside of a hide’; ORu. mezga ‘sap, sap-wood, resin’; mjazga ‘sap-wood, resin’ 314 W Cz. miza ‘sap’; mizga (Mor. dial.) ‘sap’; OCz. miezha ‘sap’; miezka ‘sap’; Slk. miazga ‘sap’; Pl. miazga ‘mass, mash, pulp’; Slnc. mjauzgă ‘sap’; USrb. meza ‘sap’; LSrb. mezga ‘sap’ S SCr. mezga ‘sap’; mezgra ‘sap’; Sln. mezga ‘sap’; Bulg. măzgă ‘sap’ Obviously, some forms have been influenced semantically and/or formally by — *mţzdra. The original meaning of the etymon seems to be ‘sap of (trees)’ rather than ‘sap-wood’. The connection with MoHG Maische, MHG meisch, OE măx-wyrt ‘mash (in a brewery)’ is not unattractive, but becomes less plausible if the Germanic word derives from OHG miscen, OE miscian ‘mix’. The ESSJa suggests that the root is *h3meigh- (— mizati II, etc.) and adduces Sln. mazeti ‘trickle’, meziti se ‘begin to contain sap. The seemingly obvious semantic link may be secondary, however. *mş prn. Asg. ‘me’ ESSJa XVIII 232-233 CS OCS mţ E Ru. mja W Cz. me; Pl. miţ S SCr. me BSl. *mem OPr. mien (EV) PIE *hime-m Cogn. Skt. măm; Av. mqm (< *hime-om) *mşknşti v. (a) ‘become soft’ ESSJa XVIII 241-242 CS CS mţkngti E Ru. mjăknut’ W Cz. meknouti; Slk. măknut‘make soft, become soft’; Pl. miţknqc S SCr. meknuti; Sln. mţkniti, 1sg. mţknem BSl. *min?k- B Lith. minkyti ‘knead’; Latv. mîcît ‘knead, tread’ PIE *m(e)nHk- Cogn. OE mengan ‘mix’ LIV (438) acknowledges the Balto-Slavic evidence for the presence of a laryngeal in the root, but prefers to reconstruct *menk- on the basis of Gk. |adoow ‘knead’. The latter verb does not necessarily contain a nasal, however (— *măzati). See also: *m|k^kt; *m- seems to be limited to Slavic. *mbne prn. Dsg. ‘me’ ESSJa XVIII 96-97 CS OCS mbne E ORu. mine W Cz. mne; Pl. mnie B Lith. măn OPr. mennei See also: ‘mene *mbneti v. ‘think’ ESSJa XXI 113-115 CS OCS mbneti ‘think, suppose, reckon, imagine, 1sg. mbnjg, 3sg. mbnit E Ru. mnit’ (obs.) ‘think, imagine, 1sg. mnju, 3sg. mnit W Cz. mneti (arch.) ‘think, suppose’; mniti (lit.) ‘think, suppose’; OCz. mnieti ‘think, suppose, intend’; Slk. mniet (obs.) ‘think, suppose’; OPl. mniec ‘think, suppose’ S SCr. mnjeti (arch.) ‘think, suppose’; mniti ‘think, suppose’; Sln. mneti ‘think, suppose, 1sg. mmm BSl. ‘mineîtei B Lith. mineti ‘mention’; Latv. minet ‘mention’ PIE ‘mn-ehi-; present stem *mn-ei-. ‘mhrki I 341 Cogn. Skt. mănyate ‘think, believe, suppose’; Gk. |aaîvo|aai ‘rage’ See also: ‘pamşth *mbne(je) adv. ‘less’ ESSJa XXI 119-122 CS OCS mbnje ‘less’ E Ru. menee ‘less’ W Cz. mene ‘less, fewer’; Pl. mniej ‘less, fewer’ S SCr. mănje ‘less’; mănje ‘less’; Cak. mănje (Orb.) ‘less’; Sln. manj ‘less, fewer’; mânje ‘less, fewer’ PIE ‘mi-n-ios Cogn. Lat. minus ‘less’; Goth mins ‘less’ See also: ‘mhnhjh *mbnbjb adj. jo ‘smaller, lesser’ ESSJa XXI 119-122 CS OCS mbnii ‘smaller, lesser, younger, f. mbnbsi, n. mbne E Ru. men’sij ‘smaller, lesser, younger’ W Cz. mensi ‘smaller, lesser’; OCz. meni ‘smaller, lesser, younger, f. mensi, n. mense; Slk. mensi ‘smaller, lesser’; Pl. mniejszy ‘smaller, lesser’ S SCr. mănjî ‘smaller, lesser’; Cak. mănî (Vrg.) ‘smaller, lesser’; mănji ‘smaller’; Sln. mânji ‘smaller, lesser’; mânjsi ‘smaller, lesser’ PIE ‘mi-n-i(e/o)s-jo- Cogn. Lat. minor ‘smaller’; Goth minniza ‘smaller, lesser’ See also: ‘mhne(je) *mbrknşti v. (a) ‘become dark’ ESSJa XXI 133-135 CS OCS mrbkngti ‘become dark, darken’ (according to the Staroslavjanskij slovar’, six of the seven attestations actually have mrik-) E Ru. merknut’ ‘become dark, become dim, fade’ W Cz. mrknouti ‘wink, blink, glimmer’; mrknouti (Kott) ‘become dark, screw up one’s eyes’; OCz. mrknuti (se) ‘become dark, darken’; Slk. mrknut’ ‘become dark, darken, blink’; Pl. mierzchnqc ‘become dark, darken’ S SCr. mrknuti ‘become dark, darken’; Sln. mrkniti ‘become dark, darken, blink, wink, 1sg. mrknem BSl. ‘mirîk- B Lith. mirkseti ‘blink’ PIE ‘mrHk- See also: ‘morki; ‘mhrki I; ‘mhrki II *mbrk^ I m. o ESSJa XXI 136-137 W Cz. mrk ‘blink, wink, sign’; Slk. mrk (dial.) ‘twilight’; Slnc. mjierk ‘twilight’ S SCr. mrk ‘solar eclipse, kind of mollusk’; Sln. mrk ‘eclipse, darkness’ 342 ‘mbrki II BSl. ‘mirîk- B Lith. merkti ‘close one’s eyes’ PIE ‘mrHk-o- Cogn. Go. maurgins m. ‘morning’ See also: ‘morki; ‘mbrknşti; ‘mbrki II ^mbrkb II adj. o (a) ‘dark’ ESSJa XXI 137 W Slk. mrky (Kalal) ‘dark(?)’ S SCr. mrkî ‘black’; mrk; Mcd. mrak ‘dark, black’ See also: ‘morki; ‘mbrknşti; ‘mbrki I *mbrtvb adj. o (b) ‘dead’ ESSJa XXI 146-148 CS OCS mrbtvi E Ru. mertvyj W Cz. mrtvy; Slk. mrtvy; Pl. martwy ‘lifeless, dead’; miartwy (arch.) ‘lifeless, dead’ S SCr. mrtav, f. mrtva; Cak. mrtâv (Vrg.), f. mrtva; mrtav (Novi), f. mrtva; mrt (Orb.), f. mrtva; Sln. mrtav, f. mrtva PIE ‘mr-tu-o- Cogn. Lat. mortuus See also: ‘merti; ‘mori; ‘simbrtb *mbrzeti v. ESSJa XXI 159-160 CS OCS mrizeti (Ps. Sin.) ‘be loathsome, detestable’ E Ru. merzet’ (dial.) ‘become disgusting’ W Cz. mrzeti ‘irritate’; Slk. mrziet‘irritate’; Pl. mierziec ‘be repulsive, disgust’ S SCr. mrzjeti ‘experience hostility, aversion, disgust, freeze’; Cak. mrzet (Orb.) ‘hate’, 3sg. mrzije; Sln. mrzeti ‘freeze’, 1sg. mrzim Verb with zero grade of the root of — ‘morzi. For the semantic development, cf. SCr. stud ‘cold’ vs. Sln. stud ‘aversion’. *mbrziti v. ESSJa XXI 159-160 E Ru. merzit’ (dial.) ‘render disgusting, be unpleasant, feel disgusted’; ORu. merziti ‘sicken, disgust, defile’ (also mbrziti, mrbziti) W Pl. mierzic ‘be repulsive, disgust’; Slnc. mjierzec ‘be repulsive, disgust’ S SCr. mrziti ‘hate, detest, 1sg. mrzîm; Cak. mrziti (Vrg.) ‘hate, detest’ 2sg. mrzis; Sln. mrziti ‘experience disgust, hate, detest, be angry with, 1sg. mrzim See — *mbrzeti. *mbrznşti v. ‘freeze’ ESSJa XXI 163-165 CS OCS pomrizngti (Supr.) ‘freeze’; CS mrizngti ‘curse, detest’ ‘mhzda 343 E Ru. merznut’ ‘freeze’ W Cz. mrznouti ‘freeze’; Slk. mrznut ‘freeze’; Pl. marznqc ‘freeze’; mierznqc (arch.) ‘become disgusting, irritate, disgust, repel’ S SCr. mrznuti ‘freeze, grow cold’; Sln. mrzniti ‘freeze, turn into ice’, 1sg. mrznem (see Pletersnik II: VI); Bulg. mrăzna ‘freeze’ See ^ *mbrzeti. *mbstiti v. ‘take vengeance, revenge, avenge’ ESSJa XXI 170-171 CS OCS mbstiti ‘take vengeance, revenge, avenge, punish, 1sg. mbstg, 2sg. mbstisi E Ru. mstit’, 1sg. mscu, 3sg. mstit W Cz. mstiti; Pl. mscic S Sln. mastiti, 1sg. mastim; Bulg. măstjă Derivative of ^ ‘mbstb, ‘mbsta. *mbstb; *mbsta f. i; f. â ‘vengeance, revenge’ ESSJa XXI 172-174 CS OCS mbstb ‘vengeance, revenge, punishment, defence’ E Ru. mest’; msta (dial.); Ukr. msta (poet.) W Cz. msta; Slk. mstva; Pl. msta (16th-17th. c.) S Bulg. măst Cogn. OIc. missa f. ‘loss, damage’ I consider a reconstruction ‘mith2-ti- more likely than the assumption that ‘mbstb has the same origin as ^ ‘mbzda. See also: ‘mite; ‘mitush; ‘mitva *mbsel^ m. o ‘profit’ ESSJa XXI 174-175 CS CS mbseli m.(o) ‘shameful profit’; MBulg. mbseli m.(o) ‘income’; RuCS mseli m.(o) ‘profit, unlawful gain, property’; mseli m.(jo) ‘profit, unlawful gain, property’ E ORu. mseli m.(o) ‘profit, unlawful gain, property’; mselb m.(jo) ‘profit, unlawful gain, property’ Etymology unclear. *mbzda f. â (b) ‘payment, pay’ ESSJa XXI 176-178 CS OCS mbzda ‘payment, salary, fee, gift’; mizda ‘payment, salary, fee, gift’ E Ru. mzda (arch.) ‘recompense, payment’ W Cz. mzda ‘wages, salary, fee’; Slk. mzda ‘wages, pay’; OPl. mzda (arch.) ‘fee, price, ransom’ S SCr. mazda ‘recompense, payment, pay, revenge, punishment’; mzda (CS) ‘recompense, payment, pay, revenge, punishment’; Sln. mazda ‘wages’ PIE ‘misdh(hi)-o- 344 ‘mbza Cogn. mtdhă- (RV) n. ‘booty, prize, profit’; mtzda- n. ‘reward, prize’; Gk. |aia96q m. ‘reward, rent’; Go. mizdo f. ‘reward’ *mbza f. jâ ESSJa XXI 179-180 E Ru. mza (dial.) ‘drizzle, slumber’; Bel. mza (dial.) ‘mist’; Ukr. mza ‘drizzle’ See — ‘mbglă, ‘mbgă. *mbzati I; *mizati v. ‘screw up one’s eyes, doze’ ESSJa XIX 62-63; XXI 179 E Ru. mzat’ (dial.) ‘doze’ W Cz. mzeti ‘blink, screw up one’s eyes’; Pl. mzec ‘blink, doze, dream’ S SCr. mizdati ‘doze, drizzle’; Sln. mazăti ‘keep one’s eyes closed’, 1sg. mazim; mizati ‘keep one’s eyes closed, 1sg. mizim; Bulg. miză ‘blink, screw up one’s eyes, flicker’; miză (dial.) ‘screw up one’s eyes, stand with eyes closed’ See — ‘mbglă, ‘mbgă. *mbzati II v. ‘drizzle’ ESSJa XXI 179-180 E Bel. imzec W Slnc. mzec See — ‘mbglă, ‘mbgă. *mbziti I v. ESSJa XXI 181-182 E Ru. mzit’ (glaza) (dial.) ‘screw up one’s eyes, doze’ W Cz. mziti ‘blink, flash’; Pl. mzyc ‘blink, doze, dream’ See — ‘mbglă, ‘mbgă. *mbziti II v. ‘drizzle’ ESSJa XXI 182-183 E Ru. mzit’ (dial.) ‘drizzle’; mzit’sja (dial.) ‘be wrapped in a cold mist’ W Cz. mziti ‘drizzle’; Pl. mzyc (dial.) ‘drizzle’ See — ‘mbglă, ‘mbgă. *N *na prep. ‘on(to), in(to)’ ESSJa XXI 185-187 CS OCS na E Ru. na W Cz. na; Slk. na; Pl. na S SCr. na; Sln. nă; Bulg. na prep. ‘of, on(to), in(to)’ BSl. ‘no ‘nâgi 345 B Lith. nud ‘from’; Latv. nuo ‘from’ OPr. no; na ‘onto, against, over’ *nacşti v. ‘begin’ ESSJa XXI 226-227 CS OCS nacţti, 1sg. nacbng E Ru. nacăt’, 1sg. nacnu, 3sg. nacnet W Cz. naciti ‘begin, begin to cut’; Slk. nacat‘cut off, begin’; Pl. naczqc (dial.) S SCr. naceti, 1sg. năcnem; Cak. naceti (Vrg.), 2sg. năcnes; Sln. nacţti, 1sg. nacnem PIE ‘no+k(e)n- Apart from two suspicious instances of OCz. cieti, the simple verb is nowhere attested in Slavic. See also: ‘cşdo; ‘cşda; ‘cşdi; ‘cşdh; ‘koni; ‘konhch; ‘scenş *nad^ prep. ‘over, above’ ESSJa XXII 15-16 CS OCS nadi ‘over, above’ E Ru. nad ‘over, above, on’ W Cz. nad(e) ‘over, above’; Slk. nad(o) ‘over, above’; Pl. nad(e) ‘over, above’ S SCr. nad(a) ‘over, above’; Sln. nad ‘over, above’; Bulg. nad ‘over, above’ An extended form (‘-dhhi-om) of ‘na, cf. ^ ‘podi I. *nagl^ adj. o (b) ‘very quick, sudden’ ESSJa XXII 33-37 CS OCS naglo (Ril.) adv. ‘very quickly’ E Ru. năglyj ‘impudent’; năgl ‘impudent, f. naglă, n. năglo; {1} W Cz. năhly ‘sudden, hasty’; Slk. năhly ‘very quick, unexpected’; Pl. nagty ‘sudden, urgent’ S SCr. nâgao ‘hasty’, f. năgla; năgao ‘hasty’, f. năgla; Cak. nâgal (Vrg.) ‘hasty’, f. nâglă, n. năglo; nâgal (Orb.) ‘rash, hasty, sudden, steep’, f. nâgla, n. nâglo; Sln. năgal ‘abrupt, sudden, f. năgla; Bulg. năgăl ‘impudent, insolent’ Etymology unclear. Lith. ndglas ‘sudden’ is a borrowing from Slavic. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). *nâg^ adj. o (c) ‘naked’ ESSJa XXII 70-72 CS OCS nagi E Ru. nagoj; nag, f. nagă, n. năgo W Cz. nahy ‘naked, bald’; Slk. nahy; Pl. nagi S SCr. nâg (obs.); Sln. nâg, f. năga BSl. ‘noîgos B Lith. nuogas 3; Latv. nuogs For the PIE background, cf. Skt. nagnă-, Lat. nudus, Go. naqaps, see Beekes 1994. The Balto-Slavic etymon is an example of Winter’s law. 346 ‘nârodi *nârod^ m. o ‘people’ ESSJa XXII 253-255 CS OCS narodi ‘people, tribe’ E Ru. narod ‘people’, Gsg. naroda, Gsg. narodu W Cz. nărod ‘people, nation’; Slk. nărod ‘people, nation’; Pl. narod ‘people, nation’, Gsg. narodu S SCr. nărod ‘people, nation’; Cak. nărod (Vrg.) ‘people, nation, Gsg. năroda; nărot (Orb.) ‘people’; Sln. nărod ‘people, nation, generation, Gsg. nargda; Bulg. narod ‘people, crowd’ Prefixed noun consisting of — ‘na and — ‘rodi. The stress on the medial syllable originates from Dybo’s law. See also: ‘roditi I; ‘rodi *nas^ prn. GALsg. ‘us’ ESSJa XXIII 105-106 CS OCS nasi E Ru. nas W Cz. năs; Pl. nas S SCr. năs; nas encl.; Cak. năs (Vrg.); năs (Orb.) The form ‘nasi goes back to ‘nos plus the Gpl. ending ‘-om. Cogn. Lat. nos Apl. ‘us’ See also: ‘my *natb f. i ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’ ESSJa XXIII 186-187 E Ru. natma (dial.) ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’; Ukr. nat’ (dial.) ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’ W Cz. nat’ ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’; Slk. nat ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’; Pl. nac ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’ S Sln. năt ‘leafy top of a root vegetable’ BSl. ‘na?t- B Lith. notre f.(e) 4 ‘(stinging) nettle’; Latv. nâtre f.(e) ‘(stinging) nettle’ OPr. noatis ‘(stinging) nettle’ The relationship with OHG nazza, OIc. ngtr ‘nettle’ is not entirely clear. *naustiti v. ‘incite’ ESSJa XXIII 198-199 CS OCS naustiti (Zogr., Mar.) ‘incite, persuade’ E Ru. naustit’ (obs.) ‘incite’ W LSrb. nahuscis ‘prepare oneself, undertake’ S SCr. naustiti ‘prompt, incite’; Sln. naustiti ‘incite’, 1sg. naustim; nahustiti ‘incite’, 1sg. nahustim Prefixed verb consisting of — ‘na and — ‘ustiti. ‘nebo 347 *naviti v. ‘torment, tire’ ESSJa XXIII 198-199 W Cz. naviti (poet., Jg.) ‘tire’; naviti se (dial.) ‘get tired’; OCz. naviti ‘torment’; Slk. navit sa (dial.) ‘get tired’ BSl. ‘now(?)- B Lith. novyti, novyti (OLith., dial.) ‘kill, torment’; Latv. nâvît ‘kill, destroy’; nâvîties ‘exhaust oneself, toil’ Like the Baltic verbs, ‘naviti may derive from a noun with lengthened grade (— ‘navb). The ESSJa is probably right in suggesting a connection with — ‘nyti, ‘nuditi, etc. Note that ‘nuditi, ‘ngditi is also attested with the meaning ‘exhaust, torment’. *navb m./f. i ‘dead man’ ESSJa XXIV 49-54 CS CS navb m.(i?) ‘corpse’ E Ru. nav’ (Dal’: arch., dial.; SRNG) m. ‘dead man, corpse’ (also năvij, năvej); ORu. navb m.(i) ‘dead man, corpse’ W OCz. năv f.(i) ‘the other world, realm of the dead’; OCz. năva f.(â) ‘grave, the other world, hell’ S Sln. năv m.(o) ‘soul of a dead person’; Sln. năvje n.(jo) ‘souls of unbaptized children’; Bulg. năvi (Gerov) Npl. f. ‘evil spirits’ BSl. ‘naw?- B Lith. novis (dial.) m.(io) 2 ‘death’; nove (Daukantas) f.(e) 2 ‘massacre’; Latv. nâve f.(e) ‘death’ OPr. novis Cogn. Go. naus m. ‘dead person’ In view of the Baltic evidence, the root must probably be reconstructed as ‘nouH-, with the Latvian broken tone reflecting the root-final laryngeal. If the root was ‘noHu-, we would expect to find fixed root stress on an acute syllable. See also: ‘naviti *ne adv. ‘not’ ESSJa XXIV 91-93 CS OCS ne ‘not’ E Ru. ne ‘not’ W Cz. ne ‘not, no’; Slk. ne ‘not’; Pl. nie ‘not, no’ S SCr. ne ‘not, no’; Sln. ne ‘not’; Bulg. ne ‘not, no’ BSl. ‘ne B Lith. ne ‘not’; Latv. ne ‘not’ PIE ‘ne Cogn. Lat. ne- ‘not’; Go. ni ‘not’ *nebo n. s (c) ‘sky, heaven’ ESSJa XXIV 101-104 CS OCS nebo n.(s) ‘heaven, Gsg. nebese 348 ‘nebogi E Ru. nebo n.(o/s) ‘sky, heaven, Npl. nebesă (a Church Slavicism); nebo n.(o) ‘palate’ W Cz. nebe n.(jo/s) ‘sky, heaven, Npl. nebesa; Slk. nebo n.(o) ‘sky, heaven’; Pl. niebo n.(o) ‘sky, heaven’; USrb. njebjo n.(jo) ‘sky, heaven’ S SCr. nebo n.(s) ‘sky, heaven, (dial.) ceiling, palate, Npl. nebesa; Cak. nebo (Vrg.) n.(o) ‘sky, heaven’ Npl. nebesă; Sln. nebo n.(o) ‘sky, heaven, (dial.) ceiling, palate’; Bulg. nebe n.(s) ‘sky, heaven’, Npl. nebesă BSl. ‘nebo, nebes- B Lith. debesis f.(i) ‘cloud’; Latv. debess f.(i) ‘cloud’ PIE ‘nebh-es- Cogn. Skt. năbhas- (RV+) n. ‘fog, mass of clouds, sky’; Gk. vsşoq n. ‘cloud, mass of clouds’; Hitt. nepis- n. ‘sky’ *nebog^ adj. o ‘poor, unfortunate’ ESSJa XXIV 104-105 CS OCS nebogi (Supr.) ‘unfortunate, poverty-stricken’ W Cz. nebohy ‘poor, late (deceased)’; Slk. nebohy (dial.) ‘poor, dead, late (deceased)’; Pl. niebogi ‘poor, unfortunate’ S SCr. nebog ‘poor, unfortunate’; Sln. nebog ‘poor, miserable’ Compound of ^ ‘ne and ^ ‘bdgi, cf. ^ ubogi. See also: ‘bogati *nedşg^ m. o (a) ‘disease’ ESSJa XXIV 125-126 CS OCS nedggi ‘disease’ E Ru. nedug ‘disease’; ORu. nedugi ‘disease, vice’ W Cz. neduh ‘disease’; OCz. neduha f. ‘disease’; Slk. neduh ‘disease’ S Bulg. nedăg ‘flaw, disease’ It seems to me quite natural to connect this compound with ^ ‘dţgli ‘healthy, strong’, etc., which has an acute root. The ESSJa suggests that the (various) roots ‘dgz- and ‘dug- may have become mixed up, cf. ^ ‘duzb. For ORu. dugi ‘strength (?), Cz. duh ‘flourishing, the ESSJa’s reconstruction ‘dugi (V 150) seems to be based on the comparison with Lith. daug much, etc. *negodovati v. ‘be indignant’ ESSJa XXIV 129 CS OCS negodovati ‘be indignant, exasperated, 1sg. negodujg E Ru. negodovăt’ ‘be indignant’ S SCr. negodovati ‘be indignant’; Bulg. negoduvam ‘be indignant’ See ^ ‘goditi. *nejşsytb f. i ‘pelican’ CS OCS nejţsyti (Ps. Sin.) Dsg. f.(i) ‘pelican’ E Ru. nejăsyt’ f.(i) ‘tawny owl’ ESSJa XXIV 134-135 ‘nestera 349 S SCr. nesit m.(o) ‘pelican’; Sln. neslt m.(o) ‘pelican, Gsg. nesita (cf. nes'it = nesitan ‘insatiable’); Bulg. nesit m.(o) ‘pelican’ PIE ‘ne-him-seh2??-to- Compound of — ‘ne ‘not, — ţti ‘take’ and ‘sytb ‘satiety, repletion’ (— ‘syti). The background of this etymon has been discussed by Shapiro (1982). *nekbto; *nek^to prn. ‘someone’ ESSJa XXIV 146-147 CS OCS nekito E Ru. nekto W Cz. nekdo; OCz. nekto; nekdo; Slk. niekto; Pl. niekto (dial.); OPl. niekto S SCr. neko; Sln. nekdo Compound of the negative prefix ‘ne- or ‘ne- and — ‘kito. *nerstb; *nerstb m. o; f. i (c) ‘spawning’ ESSJa XXV 9-11 E Ru. nerest m. ‘spawning’ W OCz. nerest f.(i) ‘spawning’; Slk. neres (dial.) m. ‘spawning’; nerest (dial.) f.(i) ‘spawning’; Pl. mrzost (dial.) m. ‘spawning’; nerest (dial.) m. ‘spawning, spawn’; OPl. mrost m. ‘spawning’ S SCr. mrijest m. ‘roe of a small fish, Gsg. mrijesta; Sln. mrest m. ‘rutting period (of cats), (zabji m.) frogspawn’; drest m. ‘spawning’ BSl. ‘nerş-t- B Lith. nerstas m. 2 ‘spawning’; Latv. nţrsts2 m. ‘spawning’ The hypothesis that ‘ners- is an enlargement of the root ‘h2ner- that we find in Gk. avfp ‘man’ (IEW: 765) does not seem very plausible. See also: ‘norsti *nerti v. ESSJa XXV 13 CS CS ponreti ‘enter, 1sg. ponbrg; RuCS nreti ‘go deep into, hide oneself’; nereti ‘go deep into, hide oneself’ E Ru. nreti ‘go deep into, hide oneself’; nereti ‘go deep into, hide oneself’ BSl. ‘ner<’- B Lith. nerti ‘dive’ Only Balto-Slavic. *nestera f. â ‘niece’ ESSJa XXV 18-19 CS RuCS nestera ‘niece’ E ORu. nestera ‘niece’ W OPl. niesciora ‘niece’ S SCr. nestera ‘niece, sister’s daughter’ BSl. ‘nep(o)t- 350 ‘nesti B Lith. nepuotis (OLith.) m./f.(i) ‘grandson, granddaughter’; nepte (OLith.) f.(e) ‘granddaughter’ PIE ‘h2nep-t-ter-eh2 Cogn. Skt. naptl- (RV+) f. ‘daughter, granddaughter’; Gk. ave^ioq m. ‘cousin’; Lat. neptis f. ‘granddaughter, (later) niece’; OIr. necht f. ‘niece’; OHG nift(a) f. ‘niece’ An r-stem created on the basis of PIE ‘h2nep-t-. See also: *nethjh *nesti v. (c) ‘carry, bring’ ESSJa XXV 19-23 CS OCS nesti, 1sg. nesg E Ru. nesti, 1sg. nesu, 3sg. neset W Cz. nesti; Slk. niest; Pl. niesc S SCr. nesti, 1sg. nesem (rarely without prefix); Cak. nesti (Vrg.) ‘lay (eggs), 2sg. neses; nes (Orb.) ‘lay (eggs), 3sg. nese; Sln. nesti, 1sg. nesem BSl. ‘nes- B Lith. nesti PIE ‘hinek Cogn. Gk. ^veyKov 1sg. aor. ‘brought’ The specific meaning ‘lay (eggs)’ is found in the entire Slavic language area. See also: *nositi *netopyrb m. jo ‘bat’ ESSJa XXIV 143-145 CS RuCS netopyrb m.(jo); nepityrb m.(jo) E Ru. netopyr’ m.(jo), Gsg. netopyrjă; netopyr’ (dial.) m.(jo); Ukr. netopyr m.(o) W Cz. netopyr m.(o); OCz. netopyr m.(o); Slk. netopier m.(o); Pl. nietoperz m.(jo); niedoperz m.(jo); OPl. nietopyrz m.(jo); USrb. njetopyr m.(o) S Sln. netopir m.(jo), Gsg. netopirja ((Pletersnik mentions a large number of variants: natopir, nadopţr, matopir, matofir, letopir, latopir, dopir, dupir, nadopir (Meg. 1744)) What makes this etymon interesting, is the fact that it may contain ‘neto- < ‘nekwto-‘night’, with e-grade as in Hitt. nekuz ‘at night’. Vaillant (Gr. I: 83, IV: 655) reconstructs original o-grade, however. The second element is often interpreted as ‘pyrb ‘flier’, with a lengthened zero grade (^ ‘pariti, ‘pbrati). A reanalysis ‘ne-topyrb seems only possible for East Slavic (Ru. ne ‘not’, topyrit’ ‘bristle’). According to Vaillant (l.c.), ‘pyrb has replaced original ‘pirb under the influence of the suffix ‘-yrb, which originated in borrowings from Greek (cf. Ru. psaltyr*). *netbjb m. io ‘nephew’ CS CS netii m.(io) ‘nephew’ ESSJa XXIV 224-225 ‘nevodi 351 E ORu. netii m.(io) ‘nephew’ W OPl. niec m.(jo) ‘nephew’; niesc m.(jo) ‘nephew’ S SCr. necăk m.(o) ‘sister’s son’; Cak. netjăk (Novi) m.(o) ‘sister’s son’; Sln. necăk m.(o) ‘nephew’ BSl. ‘nep(o)t- B Lith. nepuotis (OLith.) m./f.(i) ‘grandson, granddaughter’; neptis (OLith.) m.(io) ‘grandson’ PIE ‘(h2)nep-t-i-o- Cogn. Skt. năpăt- (RV+) m. ‘descendant, grandson’; Gk. ave^ioq m. ‘cousin’; Lat. nepos m. ‘grandchild, offspring’; OE nefa m. ‘grandson, nephew’ See also: ‘nestera *nevesta f. â (a) ‘bride’ ESSJa XXV 70-76 CS OCS nevesta ‘bride, daughter-in-law’ E Ru. nevesta ‘bride, fiancee, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law’ W Cz. nevesta ‘bride, daughter-in-law’; Slk. nevesta ‘bride, marriageable girl, daughter-in-law’; Pl. niewiasta ‘woman, wife’; OPl. niewiasta ‘married woman, bride, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law’; USrb. njewjesta ‘bride’; LSrb. njewjesta ‘bride’ S SCr. nevjesta ‘marriageable girl, bride, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law’; Cak. nevista (Vrg.) ‘id.’; nevesta (Orb.) ‘bride, daughter-in-law’; Sln. nevesta ‘bride, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law’; Bulg. nevesta ‘bride, young woman, wife’; nevjăsta ‘bride, young woman, wife’ The most plausible analysis is — ‘ne plus a to-derivative of PIE ‘uoid- ‘know’. *nevod^ m. o (c) ‘seine, sweep-net’ ESSJa XXV 81-84 CS OCS nevodi ‘seine, sweep-net’ E Ru. nevod ‘seine, sweep-net’; nevod (dial.) ‘big fishing-net, net for fishing in winter’; nevod (dial.) ‘big fishing-net, net for fishing in winter’ W Cz. nevod ‘seine, sweep-net’; OCz. nevod ‘seine, sweep-net’; Pl. niewod ‘seine, sweep-net’, Gsg. niewodu; OPl. niewod ‘type of big fishing-net’; niewod ‘type of big fishing-net’; LSrb. nawod ‘seine, sweep-net’ S SCr. nevod (Stulli) ‘net’; Bulg. nevod ‘seine, sweep-net’; năvod (dial.) ‘seine, sweep-net’ BSl. ‘wodos B Lith. vâdas 4 ‘seine, sweep-net’; Latv. vads ‘seine, sweep-net’ Cogn. OIc. vadr m. ‘fishing-line’; MHG wate f. ‘fishing-net’; MLG wade f. ‘fishing-net’ It is clear that this compound must be analyzed as ‘ne + ‘vodi. According to Vasmer (s.v. nevod), the negation is motivated by reasons of taboo. The root may be identified as the o-grade of ‘uedh- ‘lead’ (— ‘vesti), but on the other hand the attempts to connect the Germanic forms with ‘uh2dh- ‘wade, cf. OHG watan 352 ‘neze ‘advance, wade, Lat. vado ‘wade’, vădo ‘go, walk’ must be taken seriously in view of parallels such as Ru. breden ‘a kind of dragnet’. It is not attractive, however, to separate the Balto-Slavic forms from their Germanic synonyms (the connection with ‘wade’ is formally impossible for Balto-Slavic) and a borrowing from Germanic into Baltic and Slavic does not seem very likely. *neze adv. ‘than’ ESSJa XXIV 98 CS OCS neze ‘than’ W Cz. nez ‘than’; Slk. neze ‘than’; USrb. njez ‘than’ S SCr. neze ‘than’; Bulg. neze ‘than’ BSl. ‘ne-g- B Lith. negu ‘than’ See ^‘ne and ^‘ze. *ni conj., ptcl. ‘nor, not’ ESSJa XXV 106-107 CS OCS ni ‘not’ E Ru. ni ‘nor, not’ W Cz. ni ‘nor, not’; Slk. ni ‘nor, not’; Pl. ni ‘nor, not even’ S SCr. ni ‘nor, not even’; Sln. ni ‘nor, not even’; Bulg. ni ‘nor, not even’ BSl. ‘nei B Lith. neî ‘nor, than’ PIE ‘nei See also: ‘nize *nicati; *nikati v. ‘arise’ ESSJa XXV 109 CS OCS niceti (Cloz.) 3sg. ‘arises, germinates’; RuCS nicati ‘lie stretched out face downwards, germinate’; nikati ‘appear, germinate, stoop’, 1sg. nicu E Ru. nikat’ (dial.) ‘dive (Psk.), walk around aimlessly (SW)’; ORu. nikati ‘appear, germinate, stoop’, 1sg. nicu W Cz. niceti (Kott) ‘germinate’; niceti (Kott) ‘lie face downwards’; Slk. nicat (Kott) ‘bow down’ S Cak. nikat (Orlec) ‘come up (of plants, etc.), 1sg. nîcu; Sln. nikati ‘bow down, 1sg. nikam Verb derived from ^ ‘nicb. *nicb adj. jo ‘lying face downwards’ ESSJa XXV 109-110 CS OCS nicb ‘lying face downwards’ E Ru. nic adv. ‘face downwards’ W Cz. nici (obs.) ‘lying face downwards’; nice (Jg., Kott) adv. ‘face downwards’; OCz. nici ‘lying face downwards’ S Bulg. nicom (dial.) adv. ‘face downwards, with downcast eyes’ ‘nitb 353 PIE ‘ni-h3kwo- Cogn. Skt. ni adv. ‘downwards’; Skt. nîcă adv. ‘downwards’ The operation of the progressive palatalization in this etymon confirms the reconstruction ‘ni- h3kwo- as opposed to a reconstructed form with e-grade. See also: ‘nicati; ‘nikati ‘nicati; ‘niknşti; ‘nizi *nicati v. ‘bend, stoop’ ESSJa XXV 119 CS RuCS nicati ‘bend, bow, droop’ E ORu. nicati ‘bend, bow, droop’ W Cz. niceti (Jg., Kott) ‘bend, stoop, lie face downwards’; OCz. niceti ‘hang one’s head, stoop, lie face downwards’ S SCr. nicati (arch.) ‘bend, bow’; Sln. nicati ‘squat’, 1sg. nicim Verb in ‘-eti derived from the stem ‘nik-, see — ‘nicb. *niknşti v. ‘arise’ ESSJa XXV 114-115 CS RuCS niknuti ‘appear, arise’ E Ru. niknut’ ‘droop’; ORu. niknuti ‘appear, arise’ W Cz. niknouti ‘bow, disappear, germinate, sprout’; Pl. niknqc ‘disappear, be lost’ S SCr. niknuti ‘appear, arise’, 1sg. n'iknem; Cak. niknuti (Vrg.) ‘appear, arise’ 2sg. niknes; Sln. nikniti ‘germinate, sprout, disappear, 1sg. nîknem; Bulg. nikna ‘germinate, sprout’ See — ‘nicb. *niscb adj. jo (a) ‘poor, destitute’ ESSJa XXV 123 CS OCS nistb ‘poor, destitute’ E Ru. niscij ‘destitute, poverty-stricken, (dial.) thin, ill’; ORu. niscii ‘poor, destitute, poverty-stricken’; Ukr. nyscyj ‘destitute, poverty-stricken’ S SCr. nist ‘poor, destitute’; nist (OSerb.) ‘poor, destitute’; Sln. nist ‘poor, destitute’; Bulg. nist ‘poor, destitute’ According to Meillet (Et. II: 381), we are dealing here with a tjo-derivative of ‘nis, cf. Skt. nişţya- ‘external, foreign’. The form ‘nis as such (with unexplained length) has not survived. Instead we find — ‘nizi. *nitb f. i (a) ‘thread’ ESSJa XXV 130-133 E Ru. nit’ ‘thread’ W Cz. nit ‘thread’; Slk. nit ‘thread’; Pl. nic ‘thread’ S SCr. nit ‘thread’; Cak. nit (Orb.) ‘(piece of) thread, (piece of) wire’; Sln. nit ‘thread’, Gsg. nîti BSl. ‘niîtis 354 ‘nizi B Lith. nytis f. ‘(warp) thread’; nytys Npl. f. 1 ‘harness (text.), heald’; Latv. nîtis f. ‘(warp) thread’; nîtis Npl. f. ‘harness (text.), heald’ PIE ‘(s)nhii-t-i- Cogn. Gk. veto ‘spin’; Lat. nere ‘spin, weave’; OIr. sniid ‘twist, tie’ *niz^ adv. ‘down, below’ ESSJa XXV 145-148 CS OCS nizi ‘down, below’ S SCr. niz ‘below’; Sln. niz ‘down, from’ PIE ‘nei-gh-? Cogn. Skt. ni ‘downwards’; Skt. nlcă ‘downwards’ See also: ‘nicati; ‘nikati; ‘nicb; ‘nicati; ‘niknşti *nize conj./adv. ESSJa XXV 108 CS OCS ni ze (Supr.) conj. ‘nor’ E Ru. nize (dial.) conj. ‘nor, not even’; Ukr. niz adv. ‘than’ W Pl. niz, adv. ‘than’; nize (arch.) adv. ‘than’ See ^‘ni and ^‘ze. *niva f. â (a) ‘field’ ESSJa XXV 134-137 CS OCS n’iva ‘field’ E Ru. niva ‘(corn-)field’ W Cz. niva ‘field, ploughed field’; mva ‘field, ploughed field’; Slk. niva (lit.) ‘meadow, field’; Pl. niwa ‘field, (poet.) ‘corn-field’ S SCr. njiva ‘field, ploughed field’; gniua (Mazur.) ‘field, ploughed field’; Sln. njiva ‘field, ploughed field’; gnjiva (dial.) ‘field, ploughed field’; Bulg. niva ‘field, ploughed field’ PIE ‘nehii-u-? If this etymon is to be connected with Gk. vsioq f. ‘fallow-land’ the g- of the SCr. and Sln. dialect forms, which could account for the sequence nji, must be secondary. The palatalized n reflected in certain Old Church Slavic manuscripts would remain unexplained, however. A serious alternative is Shevelov’s suggestion (1964: 209) that ‘niva is cognate with ^ gniti ‘rot’. *noga f. â (c) ‘foot, leg’ ESSJa XXV 161-164 CS OCS noga E Ru. nogă, Asg. nogu; Ukr. nohă, Asg. nohu W Cz. noha; Slk. noha; Pl. noga S SCr. noga, Asg. nogu; Cak. nogă (Vrg.), Asg. nogu; nogă (Orb.), Asg. nogo; Sln. noga; Bulg. nogă ‘leg’ BSl. ‘noga? B Lith. naga f. ‘hoof’; năgas m. ‘nail, claw’ ‘nora 355 OPr. nage ‘foot’ PIE ‘h3nogwh-eh2 Cogn. Gk. ovu^ m. ‘nail, claw, hoof’; Lat. unguis m. ‘nail, claw’; OIr. ingen f. ‘nail’; OHG nagal m. ‘nail’ See also: ‘nogitb *nog^tb m. i / m. io (c) ‘nail, claw’ ESSJa XXV 170-173 CS OCS nogitb (Supr., Euch., Hil.) m.(i) ‘nail, claw’ E Ru. nogot’ m.(jo) ‘nail’, Gsg. nogtja W Cz. nehet m.(o) ‘nail’; Slk. necht m.(o) ‘nail’; nehet (dial.) m.(jo) ‘nail’; Pl. nogiec m.(jo) ‘nail’; nokiec (arch.) m.(jo) ‘nail’; USrb. nochc m.(jo) ‘nail’; LSrb. noks m.(jo) ‘nail’ S SCr. nokat m.(o) ‘nail, claw, hoof, Gsg. nokta; nogat m.(o) ‘nail, claw, hoof’, Gsg. nokta; Cak. nohat (Vrg., Orb.) m.(o) ‘fingernail, toenail’, Gsg. nohta; Sln. nohat m.(o) ‘nail, claw, Gsg. nohta; nghat m.(o) ‘nail, claw’ Gsg. nghta; nohat m.(o) ‘nail, claw’, Gsg. nohta; nggat m.(o) ‘nail, claw’ Gsg. nghta; Bulg. nokăt m.(o) ‘nail, claw’ BSl. ‘nogutios B Lith. nagutis m.(io) ‘nail, claw (dim.)’ OPr. nagutis ‘nail’ PIE ‘h3nogwh- Cogn. Skt. nakhă- m./n. ‘nail, claw’; Gk. ovu^ m. ‘nail, claw, hoof’; Lat. unguis m. ‘nail, claw’; OIr. ingen f. ‘nail’; OHG nagal m. ‘nail’ See ^ ‘noga. *noktb f. i (c) ‘night’ ESSJa XXV 175-177 CS OCS nostb E Ru. noc, Gsg. noci W Cz. noc; Slk. noc; Pl. noc; USrb. noc, Gsg. nocy S SCr. noc, Gsg. noci; Cak. noc (Vrg.), Gsg. noci; nuoc (Orb.) ‘night, darkness, Gsg. noci; Sln. noc, Gsg. nocî; Bulg. nost BSl. ‘noktis B Lith. naktis 4; Latv. nakts OPr. naktin Asg. PIE ‘nokw-t- Cogn. Skt. năkt- (RV+) f.; Hitt. nekuz Gsg. ‘in the evening’; Gk. vu^ f.; Lat. nox f.; Go. nahts f. *norâ f. â (c) ‘den, lair’ CS CS nora ‘den, lair’ E Ru. noră ‘burrow, den, hole’ ESSJa XXV 184-185 356 ‘norsti; ‘norstb W Cz. nora ‘den, lair, hole’; Pl. nora ‘den, lair, hole’ (also nora, nura) S Sln. nora ‘hole, crater-like depression’ BSl. ‘nor<’- B Lith. nâras (dial.) m. 4 ‘hole, lair’; nara (dial.) f. 4 ‘hole, lair’ Deverbative «-stem (see — ‘nerti). In the LKZ, only the variant nara is designated as a borrowing. The form nâras is attested in an East Lithuanian manuscript. *nârstb; *nârstb m. o; f. i (c) ‘spawning’ ESSJa XXV 189 E Ru. norost (dial.) m. ‘frog spawn’; noros (dial.) m. ‘frog spawn’; norost’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘spawning’ BSl. ‘norş-t- B Lith. narstas m. 2 ‘spawning’; Latv. nărsts2 m. ‘spawning, mating season (birds)’ See — ‘nersti *nârvb; *nârvb m. o; f. i ‘custom, manner’ ESSJa XXV 192-195 CS OCS nravi (Supr., Zogr.2) m. ‘custom, manner’ E Ru. norov m. ‘(obs.) custom, (coll.) obstinacy’ W Cz. mrav m. ‘custom, manner’; OCz. nrav m. ‘custom, manner, habit’; Pl. narow m. ‘bad habit, shortcoming, vice’ S SCr. nărav f.(i) ‘custom, nature, character’; Cak. nărăv (Vrg.) f.(i) ‘custom, nature, character, Gsg. nărâvi; Sln. nrav m. ‘custom, Gsg. nrăva; nrav f.(i) ‘customs, Gsg. nrăvi; Bulg. nrav m. ‘character, (pl.) customs’ The connection with Lith. noreti ‘want, noras ‘wish, desire’ is possible if we assume that the tone of the Lithuanian forms reflects the root-final laryngeal of ‘(H)norH-, which is not impossible, though the consistency is surprising. *nositi v. (b) ‘carry, bear’ ESSJa XXV 206-210 CS OCS nositi, 1sg. nosg E Ru. nosit’, 1sg. nosu, 3sg. nosit W Cz. nositi; Slk. nosit; Pl. nosic S SCr. nositi, 1sg. nosim; Cak. nositi (Vrg.), 2sg. nosis; nosit (Orb.), 1sg. nosin; Sln. nositi, 1sg. ngsim; Bulg. nosja BSl. ‘nos- B Lith. naslnti ‘announce, proclaim’ k o ‘ IE PI Cogn. Gk. ^veyKov 1sg. aor. ‘brought’ See --- ‘nestl. ‘nozdra; ‘nozdra 357 *nos^ m. o (c) ‘nose’ ESSJa XXV 212-216 CS CS nosi E Ru. nos, Gsg. nosa W Cz. nos; Slk. nos; Pl. nos; USrb. nos, Gsg. nosa S SCr. nos, Gsg. nosa; Cak. nos (Vrg.) nose’ Gsg. nosa; nos (Novi), Gsg. nosa; nuos (Orb.) ‘nose, nozzle (on a jug or a pair of bellows)’, Gsg. nosa; Sln. nos, Gsg. nosa, Gsg. nosâ, Gsg. nosu; Bulg. nos BSl. ‘nas-; *na?s- B Lith. nosis f.(i) ‘nose’; Latv. nâss f.(i) ‘nostril’ OPr. nozy (EV) ‘nose’ PIE ‘nh2-es-/*neh2-s- Cogn. Skt. năs- (RV+) f. ‘nose’; Lat. năris f. ‘nose’; OHG nasa f. ‘nose’ Slavic and Baltic have generalized different variants of the stem. PSl. ‘nosi is based on the Asg. ‘nh2-es-m, whereas Baltic ‘nâs- continues the stem of the Nsg. ‘neh2-s-s. See also: ‘nozdra; ‘nozdra *novâkb m. o ‘novice’ ESSJa XXV 225-226 CS CS novaki ‘novice’ E Ukr. novăk ‘novice, new moon’ W OCz. novăk ‘novice, newcomer’; Slk. novăk (arch.) ‘novice’; Pl. nowak (arch.) ‘novice’ S SCr. novăk ‘novice’; Sln. novăk ‘novice’; Bulg. novăk ‘novice’ Derivative in ‘-aki of ^ ‘nOvi. See also: ‘novi *ndvb adj. o (b) ‘new’ ESSJa XXVI 9-13 E Ru. novyj {1} W Cz. novy; Slk. novy; Pl. nowy S SCr. nov, f. nova; Cak. novl (Vrg.), novă f., n. novo; novî (Novi); nudf (Orb.), f. nova, n. novo; Sln. nov, f. nova; nov; Bulg. nov BSl. ‘nou(i)os B Lith. naujas PIE ‘neuos Cogn. Skt. năva- (RV+) ‘new, fresh, young’; Gk. veoq; Lat. novus ; Go. niujis {1} AP (c) in Old Russian with traces of (b) (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). See also: ‘novaki *nozdra; *nozdra f. jâ; f. â (b) ‘nostril’ CS OCS nozdri (Ps. Sin., Supr.) Npl. f.(jâ) E Ru. nozdrjă f.(jâ) ESSJa XXVI 15-18 358 ‘nozb W Cz. nozdra f.(â); Slk. nozdra f.(â); Pl. nozdrze n.(jo); OPl. nozdrza f.(jâ); nozdrze n.(jo) S SCr. nozdra f.(â); Cak. nozdrva (Vrg.) f.(â); Sln. ngzdra f.(â); ngzdrva f.(â); nozdrv f.(i), Gsg. nozdrvî; Bulg. nozdra f.(â) BSl. ‘nas-r- B Lith. nasraî Npl. m.(o) 4 ‘mouth (of an animal)’; nastraî (dial.) Npl. m.(o) 4 ‘mouth (of an animal)’ PIE ‘nh2es-r-eh2 The alternative solution is that we are dealing with a compound of — *nosi ‘nose’ and — *dbrati ‘tear’. *nozb m. jo (b) ‘knife’ ESSJa XXVI 23-24 CS OCS nozb E Ru. noz W Cz. nuz, Gsg. noza; Slk. noz, Gsg. noza; Pl. noz, Gsg. noza; USrb. noz, Gsg. noza; LSrb. noz; nouz (dial., see Schuster-Sewc 1958: 270) S SCr. noz, Gsg. noza; Cak. noz (Vrg.), Gsg. noza; noz (Hvar), Gsg. noza; nuos (Orb.); Kajk. nez (Bednja); Sln. noz, Gsg. noza; Bulg. noz PIE ‘hnogb-io- Cogn. Gk. syxo^ n. ‘spear’ See also: ‘vinoziti; ‘vinbziti ; ‘vinhznşti; ‘vinbzti *nuditi; *nşditi v. (a) ‘compel, force’ ESSJa XXVI 34-37 CS OCS ngditi ‘force’; nuditi (Sav., Supr.) ‘force’ (Supr. has 24 instances of nud- against 1 occurrence of ngd-) E Ru. nudit’ ‘compel, force’; nudit’ (dial.) ‘compel, force, plague’; nudit’ (dial.) ‘compel, force, plague’ W Cz. nuditi ‘bore, (obs.) plague’; Slk. nudit ‘bore’; Pl. nudzic ‘bore, plague’; nţdzic ‘plague, exhaust, worry’; OPl. nţdzic ‘compel, force, plague’ S SCr. nuditi ‘offer, incite, invite’; Cak. nuditi (Vrg.) ‘offer, incite, invite’; nudit (Orb.) ‘offer’; Sln. nuditi ‘force’, 1sg. nudim Formally, ‘nuditi matches Lith. naudoti ‘use’, Go. niutan ‘attain, in which case the acute of the root could be attributed to Winter’s law. Semantically, the etymology fails to convince, however. More attractive is the connection with OPr. nautin Asg., nautins Apl. ‘need, Go. nops f., OHG not m./f. ‘need, force, which may contain a suffix ‘-ti-. (cf. IEW: 1351). Besides ‘nuditi, *ngditi, we also find — ‘nutiti (*ngtiti) and — ‘nukati (*ngkati). We may posit a root ‘neuH- (cf. — ‘nyti) with various enlargements (as well as secondary nasalization), but it can hardly be excluded that ‘neuH- is itself an enlargement, the other root variants being enlargements of ‘neu-. The accentual evidence is not always unequivocal and besides the verbs may have influenced each other. See also: ‘nukati; ‘nşkati; ‘nudja; ‘nşdja; ‘nutiti; ‘nştiti; ‘nyti ‘nuta 359 *nukati; *nşkati v. ‘urge, incite’ ESSJa XXVI 43-44 CS CS nukati ‘incite’ W Cz. nukat (dial.) ‘incite’; Slk. nukat ‘incite’; Pl. nukac ‘urge, induce, impel’; nţkac (dial.) ‘urge, induce, impel’; nqkac (dial.) ‘urge, induce, impel’; Slnc. nqkăc ‘chase, urge’ S SCr. nukati ‘(try to) persuade, offer’ See ^ ‘nuditi, *ngditi. *nudja; *nşdja f. jâ (a) ‘need’ ESSJa XXVI 37-39 CS OCS ngzda ‘force, necessity, suffering’; nuzda (Supr., En.) ‘force, necessity, suffering’ (Supr. has 27 instances of nuzd- against 4 instances of ngzd-) E Ru. nuza (dial., arch.) ‘need, necessity’ W Cz. nouze ‘poverty, need’; OCz. nuze ‘difficult situation, torment, need’; Slk. nudza ‘poverty, need, torment’; Pl. nţdza ‘poverty, need, torment’ S SCr. nuzda ‘poverty’; Sln. nuja ‘necessity, need’; Bulg. nuzda ‘need, poverty’ See ^ ‘nuditi, *ngditi. *nura f. â ESSJa XXVI 45 E Ru. nura (dial.) m./f. ‘sullen, morose person’; ORu. nura ‘door’ See also: ‘nora; ‘nuriti; ‘nyrati *nuriti v. ESSJa XXVI 45-48 CS CS nuriti ‘derive profit from’ E Ru. nurit’ (dial.) ‘exhaust, compel’ W Cz. nuriti se (Kott) ‘plunge (into)’ (Modern Standard Czech noriti); Slk. nurit sa ‘plunge (into)’; Pl. nurzyc (obs.) ‘soil, wet’; USrb. nuric ‘plunge (into)’; LSrb. nuris ‘dive, (se) plunge (into)’ S SCr. nuriti ‘stuff, shove’ See also: ‘nora; ‘nura; ‘nyrati *nuta f. â ‘cattle’ ESSJa XXVI 48-49 CS CS nuta ‘cow, ox, cattle’ E ORu. nuta ‘cattle’ W LSrb. nuta (arch.) ‘herd’ S Sln. nuta ‘herd of cattle’ This etymon is considered a Germanic loanword, cf. OIc. naut n. ‘cow, ox’, OHG noz n. ‘cattle’. 360 ‘nutiti; nţtiti *nutiti; nştiti v. (a) ‘compel, force’ ESSJa XXVI 49 W Cz. nutiti ‘compel, force’; OCz. nutiti ‘torture, punish, force, constrain, compel’; Slk. nutit ‘compel, force’; USrb. nucic ‘compel, force, impel’; Pl. nţcic ‘entice, tempt’; nucic (16th c.) ‘entice, force, compel’; OPl. nţcic ‘impel’ S SCr. nutiti (obs.) ‘offer’ BSl. ‘nout- OPr. nautin Asg. ‘need’ See ^ ‘nuditi, *ngditi. Cogn. Go. nops f. ‘need, force’ conj. ‘but’ CS OCS ni conj. ‘but’ E Ru. no conj. ‘but’; Ukr. no conj./adv. ‘but, only’ S Bulg. nă conj. ‘but’; Mcd. no conj. ‘but’ PIE ‘nu For cognates, see the next lemma. *nyne; ‘rnne adv. ‘now’ CS OCS nyne ‘now’; nynja ‘now’; CS nine ‘now’ E Ru. nyne ‘now, today’; none (dial.) ‘now, today’ W Cz. nyni‘now’; OCz. nenie ‘now’; Pl. ninie (obs.) ‘now’; OPl. nynie ‘now’ BSl. ‘nunoi; *nunoi B Lith. nun ‘now, today’; nunaî ‘now, today’ PIE ‘nu-; nu Cogn. Skt. nu, nu ‘now, just, but’; Gk. vu(v) emph. ptcl., vuv adv. ‘now’ (also emph. ptcl.); Go. nu adv. ‘now’ See also: ‘ni *nyrati v. ESSJa XXVI 65 CS CS nyrjati ‘immerse oneself’; nyrati ‘immerse oneself’ E Ru. nyrjăt’ ‘dive’; Ukr. nyrjăty ‘dive’ See ^ ‘nora. *nyti v. ‘yearn’ ESSJa XXVI 66-67 E Ru. nyt’ ‘ache, moan, 1sg. noju, 3sg. noet; ORu. nyti ‘grieve’, 1sg. nyju W Cz. nyti ‘yearn, 1sg. nyji; OCz. nyti ‘yearn, suffer, 1sg. nyju; Slk. nyt (poet.) ‘grieve, be deeply moved’; USrb. nyc ‘yearn’; Pl. nyc ‘yearn, languish’ BSl. ‘nu?(d)- B Lith. panusti ‘yearn’ ESSJa XXVI 50-54 ESSJa XXVI 57-58 ‘obetjati 361 See also: ‘nuditi; ‘nşditi; ‘nukati; ‘nşkati; ‘nudja; ‘nşdja; ‘nutiti; ‘nştiti *O *ob prep. ‘about’ ESSJa XXVI 71-74 CS OCS o(b/bi) ‘about, at, during’ E Ru. o(b/bo) ‘about, with, against’ W Cz. o ‘about’; ob ‘every other’; Slk. o ‘about’; Pl. o ‘about, with’ S SCr. o(b) ‘about’; Sln. d(b) ‘about’; Bulg. o ‘about, at’ Skt. abhi (RV+) ‘to, against’ probably reflects ‘h2mbhi (<‘h2nt-bhi?), not ‘h3ebhi. This means that in spite of formations such as abhi-vira- ‘surrounded by men, there is no etymological relationship with ‘ob unless we are dealing with a special development, cf. — ognb. The connection with Go. bi ‘about’ may perhaps be maintained. Lith. apie, ap(i)- ‘about’ probably continues ‘hiopi. See also: ‘obhtjh *oba num. ‘both’ ESSJa XXVI 85-88 CS OCS oba, f. obe, n. obe E Ru. oba, f. obe, n. oba W Cz. oba, f. obe, n. oba; Pl. oba, f. obie, n. oba S SCr. oba, f. obje; Cak. oba (Vrg., Orb.), f. obe, n. oba; Sln. obă, f./n. obe BSl. ‘obo? B Lith. abu, f. abl Cogn. Skt. ubhă-; Gk. d|aq>w; Go. bai The PIE anlaut of the root defies reconstruction. Toch. B antapi, ăntpi, and Gk. d|ifw seem to reflect ‘h2nt-Wohi, which does not match Skt. ubhă- and Go. bai. *obetjati v. ‘promise, pledge’ ESSJa XXXI 31-33 CS OCS obestati ‘promise, pledge’, 1sg. obestajg E Ru. obescăt’ ‘promise’, 1sg. obescăju (a Church Slavicism); obecăt’ (N. dial.) ‘promise’; obvecăt’ (N. dial.) ‘promise, bequeath’; obvicăt’ (Arx.) ‘promise’; ORu. obescati ‘promise, pledge’; obecati ‘promise, pledge’ W Cz. obecat, obecet (dial.) ‘promise, appoint’; OCz. obeceti ‘promise, pledge’; Slk. obecat ‘establish’; Pl. obiecac ‘promise’ S SCr. obecati ‘promise’, 1sg. obecăm; Cak. obecati (Vrg.) ‘promise’, 2sg. obecâs; Sln. obecati ‘promise, pledge’, 1sg. obecam; Bulg. obestăja ‘promise’ BSl. ‘woitia?- OPr. waitiăt ‘say’ Prefixed verb consisting of — ‘ob and — ‘vetjati. 362 ‘obolki *obolkb m. o ‘cloud’ ESSJa XXXI 85-87 CS OCS oblaki m. E Ru. oblako n., Gsg. oblaka; oboloko (dial.) m., Gsg. obolokă; ORu. oboloki m.; oboloko n. W Cz. oblak m.; Slk. oblak m.; Pl. obtok m. ‘cloud, swath’ S SCr. oblăk m., Gsg. oblăka; Cak. oblăk (Vrg.) m., Gsg. oblăka; oblak (Orb.) m., Gsg. oblaka; Sln. oblâk m.; Bulg. oblak m. Prefixed noun to be analyzed as ^ ‘ob plus ^ ‘volki. *obora I f. â ‘string, twine’ ESSJa XXXI 92-93 CS CS obora ‘string’ E Ru. obora (dial.) ‘string for tying up bast shoes’; obor, obor (dial.) m. ‘string, kind of fishing-net’; ORu. obora ‘strap, string for tying up bast shoes’; Bel. obora ‘string, twine’; Ukr. obora ‘string, twine’ W Pl. obora (dial.) ‘string for tying up bast shoes’ Derivative consisting of ^ ‘ob and a deverbative noun ‘vora (^ ‘otiverti). Lith. apvara ‘cord, string’ can only be etymologically identical if the prefixes are identical. See also: ‘obora II; ‘obori; ‘proverti; ‘zaverti *obora II; *obdrb f. â; m. o ‘enclosure’ ESSJa XXXI 93-96 E Ru. obora f. ‘cattle yard, pasture, field, plot’; ORu. obora f. ‘area for cattle, pasture for cattle’ W Cz. obora f. ‘game preserve’; obora (Jg., Kott) f. ‘game preserve, paradise, fence’; OCz. obora f. ‘fence, enclosed strip of land, enclosed wooded area, preserve’; Slk. obora f. ‘preserve’; USrb. wobora f. ‘pasture for cattle’ S SCr. obor (Vuk) m. ‘enclosure for pigs, courtyard’; Sln. obora f. ‘zoo, enclosed strip of land’; obor m. ‘fence, region, Gsg. obora; Bulg. obor m. ‘fence, building for horned cattle’ Derivative consisting of ^ ‘ob and deverbative nouns ‘vora and ‘vori (^ ‘otiverti), cf. Sln. ovreti ‘detain, enclose’. *obresti v. ‘find’ ESSJa XXIX 74-76 CS OCS obresti ‘find, 1sg. obrţstg E Ru. obresti (rhet.) ‘find, 1sg. obretu, 3sg. obretet, 1sg. obrjăscu (arch.), 3sg. obrjăscet S SCr. obresti (13th-16th c.) ‘find’; obresti se (dial.) ‘meet’; obres(t) (dial.) ‘be found, turn out to be’ {1}; Sln. obresti ‘find, 1sg. obretem Prefixed verb containing the elements ^ ‘ob and ‘ret- < uret-(?). The Lithuanian verb suresti ‘seize, referred to by Pokorny, is of obscure origin (^ ‘siresti). {1} According to Skok (III: 319), obresti was borrowed from Russian into the eastern variant of the literary language. The position of the dialect forms is unclear. ‘odoleti 363 See also: ‘siresti *obuti v. ‘put on footwear’ ESSJa XXX 246-247 CS OCS obuti (Mar., Zogr., Supr.) ‘put on footwear’ E Ru. obut’ ‘put on someone’s boots or shoes for him, provide with boots or shoes’ W Cz. obouti ‘put on footwear’; Slk. obut ‘put on footwear’; Pl. obuc ‘put on footwear’ S SCr. obuti ‘put on footwear, 1sg. obujem; Cak. obuti (Vrg.) ‘put on footwear’ 2sg. obujes; ubut (Orb.) ‘put on (shoes)’, 1sg. ubujen; Sln. obuti ‘put on footwear, 1sg. obujem; Bulg. obuja ‘put on footwear’ BSl. ‘(-)outei B Lith. auti ‘put on footwear’; Latv. aut ‘put on footwear’ Cogn. Hitt. unu- ‘adorn, decorate, lay (the table)’; Lat. induere ‘put on footwear’ Prefixed verb composed of — ‘jbz- and ‘uti- < ‘h3eu- (— ‘jbzuti). *obbl^ adj. o ‘round’ ESSJa XXXI 124-126 CS CS obbli ‘round’ E Ru. oblyj ‘rounded’ W Cz. obly ‘round, rounded, oval’; Slk. obly ‘oval, round(ish)’; Pl. obty ‘oval’ S SCr. obao ‘round, oval, f. obla; Cak. obal (Vrg.) ‘round, oval, f. obla, n. oblo; Sln. gbsl ‘round, oval’; Bulg. obăl ‘round’ Prefixed noun, of which the element ‘(v)bl- is the zero grade of the root of Lith. apvalus ‘round’; Latv. apals ‘round, OIc. valr ‘round’. *obbtjb adj. jo ‘common’ ESSJa XXXI 166-167 CS OCS obbstb E ORu. obbcii W Pl. obcy ‘foreign’ S SCr. opci; Sln. obci; Bulg. obst Derivative in ‘-tio- of — ‘ob. *odoleti v. ‘overcome, defeat’ ESSJa XXVI 161-162 CS OCS odoleti ‘defeat, 1sg. odolejg E Ru. odolet’ ‘overcome, conquer’ W Cz. odoleti (Kott) ‘resist, withstand’; Slk. odoliet (dial.) ‘resist, defend oneself’ S SCr. odoljeti ‘overcome, withstand’; Cak. odoliti (Vrg.) ‘overcome, withstand’; Sln. odoleti ‘overcome, defeat’ B Lith. dalyti ‘share’; Latv. dalît ‘share’ OPr. dellieis ‘share!’ 364 ‘odri See ^ ‘dola. The root is ‘dolhi-, the meaning of which is given as ‘behauen, spalten’ in LIV (114), cf. Lat. dolo ‘fashion, work (wood)’. The maning ‘split’ developed into ‘share’. The meaning of the Slavic prefixed verb arose from ‘get one’s share’ (cf. Vasmer s.v. odolet’). *odrb m. o (b) ‘bed’ ESSJa XXVII 165-169 CS OCS odri ‘bed’ E Ru. odr (arch.) ‘bed, couch, Gsg. odră; oder (dial.) ‘bed’ W Cz. odr ‘pillar, frame, summer-house’; Slk. vodor ‘hay-loft’ S SCr. odar ‘bed, scaffolding, Gsg. odra; Cak. odâr ‘dugacki stol od trstika, na kojemu se suse smokve’, Gsg. odră; Sln. odar ‘flooring, hay-loft’; Bulg. odăr ‘couch, bed’ PIE ‘hiodh-? Cogn. OE eodor m. ‘fence, house’; OHG etar m. ‘fence, edge’ *ognb m. i / m. jo (b) ‘fire’ ESSJa XXXII 30-33 CS OCS ognb m.(i), Gsg. ogni; ogn’b m.(jo), Gsg. ognja E Ru. ogon’ m.(jo), Gsg. ognjă; ogon’ (N. dial.) m.?(i), Gsg. ogni; Ukr. ohon (dial.) m.(jo), Gsg. ohnju; ohen’ (dial.) m.(i), Gsg. ohny W Cz. ohen m.(jo); Slk. ohen m.(jo); Pl. ogien m.(jo); Slnc. vuegoun m.(jo); USrb. wohen m.(jo); LSrb. wogen m.(jo) S SCr. oganj m.(jo), Gsg. ognja; Cak. ogan (Vrg.) m.(jo) ‘fire, hearth’ Gsg. ogna; ogăn (Novi) m.(jo), Gsg. ognă; ugănj (Orb.) m.(jo), Gsg. ugnjă; Sln. oganj m.(jo), Gsg. ognja; Bulg. ogăn m.(jo) BSl. ‘ungnis B Lith. ugnis f.(i) 4; Latv. uguns f.(i); uguns m.(i) PIE ‘hingw-ni- Cogn. Skt. agni- (RV+) m. ‘fire, Agni’; Lat. ignis m. ‘fire’ According to Kortlandt (1979: 60-61, 1988: 388-389, cf. Hamp 1970a), ‘ognb reflects a Balto-Slavic noun ‘ungnis, where ‘-ngn- blocked the operation of Winter’s law (cf. Thurneysen 1883). The sequence ‘un was lowered to ‘on before a tautosyllabic stop, with subsequent loss of the nasal as a result of dissimilation (^ ‘voda). Apparently, the latter development occurred in Baltic as well. The expected reflex of Winter’s law is found in ^ ‘vyginb, vygina. See also: ‘ a-. *olkati v. (a) ‘be hungry’ ESSJa XXXII 57-58 CS OCS alikati ‘be hungry, fast’, 1sg. alicg; lakati ‘be hungry, fast, 1sg. lacg {1} E Ru. alkăt’ ‘hunger (for), crave (for), (obs.) be hungry, 1sg. ălcu, 3sg. ălcet; ORu. al(i)kati ‘hunger (for), crave (for), 1sg. alicu; lakati ‘hunger (for), crave (for), 1sg. lacu W OCz. lăkati ‘crave (for), 1sg. lăkaju, 1sg. lăcu S Sln. lăkati ‘be hungry, be greedy, starve, 1sg. lăkam BSl. ‘ol?k- B Lith. ălkti ‘be hungry’; Latv. aîkt ‘be hungry’ In my view, the reconstruction ‘olk- < *hiehiolk- (Rasmussen 1999: 199) cannot account for the acute tone of the root. For this reason I reconstruct ‘hiolHk-. The colour of the initial laryngeal is based on OIc. illr < ‘elhila-. The connection with the latter adjective is not beyond doubt, however, so that we might reconstruct ‘h2 or ‘h3. The verbal root is limited to Balto-Slavic. {1} According to the Staroslavjanskij slovar’, the ratio between alik- (including alk- and alk-) and lak- is 19 : 9, respectively. Zogr. (1 : 4), Mar. (3 : 1) and Ass. (3 : 1) have both variants. See also: ‘olcbni; ‘olkomi *olkom^ adj. o (a) ‘greedy’ ESSJa XXXII 60-61 CS OCS lakomyi (Supr.) ‘glutton’ E Ru. lăkomyj ‘tasty, fond of’; Ukr. lăkomyj ‘greedy’ W Cz. lakomy ‘greedy’; Slk. lakomy ‘greedy’; Pl. takomy ‘greedy’; USrb. takomy ‘greedy, overly ambitious’ 368 ‘olkitb; ‘olkiti S SCr. lakom ‘greedy’; Cak. lakom (Vrg.) ‘greedy’; Sln. lăkom ‘greedy’; Bulg. lăkom ‘greedy’ See the previous lemma. See also: ‘ol∋ *olkbtb; *olk^t^ m. i/jo; m. o (c) ‘elbow, ell’ ESSJa XXXII 65-67 CS OCS lakitb m.(i) ‘elbow, ell’, Gsg. lakite {1} E Ru. lokot’ ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. loktja W Cz. loket ‘elbow, ell’; Slk. lakot ‘elbow, ell’; Pl. tokiec ‘elbow, ell’; USrb. tochc ‘elbow’; tochc (dial.) ‘elbow’ S SCr. lâkat ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lâkta; Cak. lakat (Vrg.) ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lahta; lakat (Novi) ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lahta; lâkat (Orb.) ‘elbow, armlength, yard (measure), Gsg. lâhta; Sln. lakât ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lakta, Gsg. laktu, Gsg. lahta, Gsg. lahtu; lakât f.(i) ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lakti, Gsg. lahti; lahât ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lahtu; lakat ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lakta; lăkat ‘elbow, ell’; lakât f.(i) ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lahti; lakât ‘elbow, ell, Gsg. lahtu; lehat ‘elbow, Gsg. lahta; Bulg. lăkăt ‘elbow, ell’ BSl. ‘Holk- B Lith. alkune f.(e) 1 ‘elbow’; elkune (arch., dial.) f.(e) 1 ‘elbow’ {2}; Latv. elks m. ‘elbow, bend’; elkuons m. ‘elbow, bend’ {3} OPr. alkunis (EV) ‘elbow’ PIE ‘Hh3elk-? Cogn. Gk. oXsKpăvoq m. ‘point of the elbow’; Lat. ulna f. ‘elbow’; OIr. uilen f. ‘elbow’; OHG elina f. ‘ell’; Arm. otn ‘spine, shoulder’ The e- of the East Baltic forms may be another instance of “Rozwadowski’s change”, cf. Andersen 1996: 130-131. The somewhat awkward reconstruction *Hh3elk-(*HHolk-) is required by the acute intonation of Lith. uolektis, Latv. uolekts ‘ell’ < *Heh3lk- (*HoHlk-), cf. OPr. woaltis ‘forearm, woaltis ‘ell, Gk. w\evr| ‘elbow, forearm’ (see Schrijver 1991: 78-79). {1} In some case forms OCS lakitb is inflected as a consonant stem. In the modern languages *olkitb has adopted the pattern of the jo- or o-stems. {2} The LKZ has elkune instead of elkune, even though one of the sources mentioned - F. Kurschat’s dictionary - actually has an acute. {3} Also elkuonis, elkuone, elkune2. See also: ‘olnita *olni f. I (a) ‘doe’ ESSJa XXXII 70-71 CS OCS alinii (Supr.) Gpl. f.(iâ) ‘does’ (provided that this is the correct reading of mbnii) E Ru. lan’ f.(i) ‘fallow deer, doe’ W Cz. lan f.(i/jâ) ‘doe’; OCz. lanif.(iâ) ‘doe’; Slk. lan f.(i/ja) ‘doe’; OPl. tani f.(iâ) ‘doe’; tania f.(jâ) ‘doe’ S SCr. lane f.(jâ) ‘doe’; Bulg. ălne (dial.) f.(jâ) ‘young chamois’ ‘olovo 369 BSl. ‘ol-Hn- B Lith. elnis (arch.) m.(io) ‘deer’; ălnis (dial.) m.(io) 1 ‘deer’; elnias m.(jo) 1/3 ‘deer’; elne f.(e) 1 ‘doe’; ălne (dial.) f.(e) 1 ‘doe’; Latv. aînis m.(io) ‘elk’ OPr. alne (EV) ‘?deer’ PIE ‘hiol-Hn-iH- Cogn. Gk. eWoq (Hom.) m. ‘young of the deer, fawn’; eXaşoq m. ‘deer’ {1}; Arm. etn m. ‘deer’; MIr. ailit f. ‘doe, hind’, Gsg. ailte; MIr. elit f. ‘doe, hind’, Gsg. eilte {2}; MW elein f./m. ‘young deer, doe, hind-calf’, Npl. alanet ‘young deer, doe, hind-calf’ {3} {1} Probably < *hiel-n-bho-. Like the Armenian word mentioned below, this form does not contain the “Hoffmann-suffix” {3} According to Schrijver (1995: 79) < PIE *el-(H)n + t-iH or *el-en + t-iH. {3} MW elein, MoW elain may reflect PIE *(hi)el-Hn- or *(hi)el-n-i (Schrijver 1995: 79). See also: ‘elenb; ‘olsb *olni adv. ‘last year’ ESSJa XXXII 69-70 CS CS lani; loni (Christ.) E Ru. loni (Arx., Olon.); ORu. loni; Ukr. lony W Cz. loni; Slk. lani; Pl. toni (14th-17th c., dial.); USrb. toni; LSrb. toni S SCr. lâni; lăni; Cak. lănl (Vrg.); lăni (Novi); Cak. lani (Orb.); Sln. lăni; Bulg. lăni; lani This adverb may contain a demonstrative pronoun ‘h2ol-, cf. OLat. olll ‘then, Lat. olim ‘at that time, once’. If olll continues ‘olnl one may even consider this form to be identical with the Slavic etymon under discussion. Meillet has suggested that the ‘n is etymologically related with Gk. evoq ‘year’. *olnita f. â ‘cheek’ ESSJa XXXII 72 CS OCS lanita E Ru. lanita (arch.); Ukr. lanyta W OCz. lamtva S Sln. lanita This word for ‘cheek’ is usually considered cognate with the word for ‘elbow’ (^ ‘olkitb, ‘olkiti), the semantic connection being the curved shape of the body-parts. *olovo n. o (c) ‘lead’ ESSJa XXXII 76-77 CS OCS olovo (Supr.) n.(o) ‘lead’ E Ru. olovo n.(o) ‘tin’; ORu. olovb f.(i) ‘tin’ W Cz. olovo ‘lead’; Slk. olovo ‘lead’; Pl. otow m.(jo) ‘lead’; otow (obs.) m.(o) ‘lead’; otowo (dial.) ‘lead’ S SCr. olovo lead’; Cak. olovo (Vrg.) lead’; Sln. olgv m. ‘lead’; Bulg. elavo (dial.) ‘lead’ B Lith. ălvas (DK, Bretk.) m. ‘tin’ {1}; Latv. alva ‘tin’; alvas m. ‘tin’ OPr. alwis (EV) ‘lead’ 370 ‘6lsb Forms with ‘(j)e- are limited to Bulgarian, e.g. MBulg. jelovo, Bulg. elavo (dial.). In Russian dialects, we find a form lov’ (Voronez), which may reflect *olvb. The fact that we do not have *lavb < *olHvi-, as we might have expected on the basis of the Baltic forms, can be explained by assuming that the laryngeal was eliminated according to Meillet’s law before the metathesis of liquids. Pokorny derives the Balto-Slavic word for ‘tin, lead’ from *al(a)- ‘white’. This more or less presupposes that the original meaning was ‘tin’ (plumbum album) rather than ‘lead’ (plumbum nigrum). In view of both the formal problems and the sphere to which this word belongs it seems preferable to regard it as a borrowing from an unknown language. {1} It is unclear to me on what grounds the LKZ assigns AP 1 to this word. To my knowledge, the only accented form is ătwu Isg. (DK), which points to AP 1 or 3. The Modern Lithuanian form ălavas is a borrowing from Slavic. *olsb m. jo (c) ‘elk’ ESSJa XXXII 79-80 E Ru. los’ ‘elk, (Arx.) Great Bear, Gsg. losja; ORu. losb; Ukr. los’ W Cz. los m.(o); Slk. los m.(o); Pl. tos PIE ‘hiol-k-i- Cogn. OIc. elgr m.; OE eolh m. {1} {1} Gk. dXwr (Paus.) ‘elk’ and Lat. alces (since Caesar) are assumed to be borrowings from Germanic (cf. Frisk I: 75). See also: ‘elenb; ‘olni *ol^ m. u (c) ‘fermented liquor, beer’ ESSJa XXXII 80-81 CS RuCS oli ‘fermented liquor, strong drink’ E ORu. oli ‘fermented liquor, strong drink’ S Sln. gt ‘beer, Gsg. gla, Gsg. olu BSl. ‘alu B Lith. alus m.(u) ‘beer’ OPr. alu (EV) ‘beer’ PIE ‘h2el-u- Cogn. OIc. gl n. ‘beer, drinking-bout’ *olbxa; *elbxa f. â ‘alder’ ESSJa VI 23-25; XXXII 81-82 E Ru. ol’xă ‘alder’; elxa (dial.), elxă (dial.) ‘alder, spruce’ {1} W Slk. jelcha (dial.); Pl. olcha S SCr. jelha (dial.) ‘alder’; Bulg. elxă ‘alder, spruce’ BSl. ‘a/elisaH; *a/el(i)snio- B Lith. alksnis, elksnis m.(io) 2 ‘alder’; allksnis (E. dial.) m.(io) 2 ‘alder’; ălksna, elksna (dial.) f. 1 ‘alder thicket, place where alders grow, marsh, dale’; Latv. alksnis, elksnis (dial.) m.(io) ‘alder’; ălksna, elksna (E. dial.) ‘alder thicket, swampy place’ {2} PIE ‘h2eliseh2 ‘onutja 371 Cogn. Lat. alnus m. ‘alder’; Span. aliso m. ‘alder’; Mac. a\i(a ‘white poplar’; OHG elira, erila f. ‘alder’; OE alor m. ‘alder’; OIc. glr m. ‘alder, jglstr f. ‘alder’ {3} As Schrijver observes (1991: 40), this etymon presents two problems. The first problem is the anlaut. The Slavic forms with je- cannot be explained away by assuming analogy after the word for ‘spruce’: je- also occurs in West Slavic, where ‘spruce’ is jedl-, not jel- (pace Kortlandt apud Schrijver: o.c. 41). The a-: e- variation in Germanic suggests that the variation in Baltic and Slavic does not result from “Rozwadowski’s change” alone (cf. Andersen 1996: 130). The second problem is the alternation between i and zero in the second syllable. It is true that the *i and *u (cf. the Latvian toponym Aluksne?) of the Germanic forms may continue the regular ablaut of an s-stem (Schrijver: l.c.), but the fact that we find *i of in Slavic and East Lithuanian as well indicates that it should be taken at face value. The above-mentioned peculiarities of the etymon strongly suggest that we are dealing with a word of non-Indo-European origin. The fact that there are North Slavic forms with s alongside the expected x must be connected with the Baltic presence in the area (cf. Anikin 2005: 85-86). {1} In Russian dialects there are apparently also forms with a vocalized medial jer, e.g. eloxa (Kostr.), alex (Voron.), olex (Rjaz.) ‘alder’ (cf. Popowska-Taborska 1984: 39). {2} The form with e- is actually reflected as ălksna (Bersohn, E. Latvia) (M-E: s.v.). {3} From ‘aluz- and ‘elustro (< ‘elastro?), respectively. See also: ‘olbsa; ‘elbsa; ‘olbsa; ‘olbsi; ‘olbse *olbsa; *olbs,b; *olbse f. â; m. o; n. jo (a) ‘alder thicket’ E Ru. Ol’sa (Upper Dniepr) top. f.; ales (Smol., Dniepr basin) m. ‘alder thicket, swampy place’; Bel. al’sa (Upper Dniepr) f. ‘alder thicket, swampy place’; ales (dial.) m. ‘alder thicket, swampy place’; Ukr. ol’os (dial.), oles (dial.) m. ‘alder thicket, swampy place’ W Pl. olesie n.(jo) ‘swampy place in forest’ (cf. also olesisty ‘swampy’ and olesnik alongside jelesnik ‘white hellebore’) See also: ‘olbxa; ‘olbsa; ‘elbxa; ‘elbsa *olbsa; *elbsa f. jâ (a) ‘alder’ ESSJa VI 23-25; XXXII 82 W Cz. olse ‘alder’; jelse (dial.) ‘alder’; Pl. olsza ‘alder’; USrb. wolsa ‘alder’; LSrb. wolsa ‘alder’ S SCr. jelsa ‘alder’; Sln. jţtsa ‘alder’; gtsa ‘alder’ , elksna (E. dial.) f. ‘alder thicket, swampy place’ {2} Derivative in ‘-jă of ^ ‘olbxa, ‘elbxa. *onutja f. jâ ‘footwear’ ESSJa XXXII 88-89 CS OCS onusta (Supr.) ‘footwear, sandal’ E Ru. onuca ‘sock, cloth puttee’ W Cz. onuce ‘sock, cloth puttee’; Slk. onuca ‘sock, cloth puttee’; OPl. onuca ‘sock, cloth puttee’ 372 ‘oni S Sln. onuca ‘puttee’; vnuca ‘puttee’ Compound containing the root of — ‘jbz-uti, ‘ob-uti. The prefix is often assumed to be the o-grade of ‘hin ‘in’. This hypothesis is supported by the Slovene dialect form vnuca < ‘vin-. See also — ‘gtrb. *om prn. ‘he, she, it’ ESSJa XXXII 89-90 CS OCS oni, f. ona, n. ono E Ru. on, f. onă, n. ono W Cz. on, f. ona, n. ono; Slk. on, f. ona, n. ono; Pl. on, f. ona, n. ono S SCr. on, f. ona, n. ono; on, f. ona, n. ono; Cak. on (Vrg.), f. ona, n. ono; Sln. on, f. ona, n. ono n., ono BSl. ‘anos B Lith. anas ‘that’ PIE ‘h2en-o- Cogn. Gk. dv modal ptcl.; Lat. an ‘whether, or’ ^opakb; *opako; *opaky adv. (c) ‘the other way round’ CS OCS opaky (Supr.) ‘the other way round, behind one’s back’ E Ru. opak(o) (dial.) ‘back, backwards, the other way round’ W Cz. opak m. ‘contrary’; OCz. opak m. ‘backwards, the other way round’; Slk. opak ‘contrary’; Pl. opak ‘(na o.) the other way round, upside down, wrongly’ S SCr. opăk adj./adv. ‘the other way round’; Cak. opâk (Vrg.) adj./adv. ‘the other way round’; Sln. opâk ‘backwards, the other way round’, Gsg. opăka; Bulg. opak ‘backwards, the other way round’ PIE ‘h2epohkw- Cogn. Skt. ăpăka- (RV+) adj. ‘located behind, distant, aside’; Skt. apăkă (RV) adv. ‘behind’; Skt. apăkăt (RV) adv. ‘behind’; OIc. gfugr adj. ‘turned the wrong way, wrong’ The quantitative variation in the second syllable reflects accentual mobility, as pretonic long vowels were shortened but posttonic long vowels were not. The laryngeal of the second syllable had been lost with compensatory lengthening at an earlier stage. *orâti v. ‘plough’ ESSJa XXXII 106-109 CS OCS orati (Zogr., Mar., Ass., Sav., but only in John 17:7). E Ru. orăt’ (dial.), 1sg. orju, 3sg. oret W Cz. orati; Slk. orat; Pl. orati, 1sg. orzţ S SCr. orati, 1sg. orem; Cak. orati (Vrg.), 2sg. ores; orat (Orb.), 2sg. ores; Sln. orăti, 1sg. orâm, 1sg. orjem; orati; Bulg. oră BSl. ‘ar?- B Lith. ărti, 1sg. ariu; Latv. art ‘ordlo 373 PIE ‘h2erh3- Cogn. Gk. dpow; Lat. arăre See also: ‘ordlo; ‘orlbja; ‘ortajb *orbiti v. ‘do, work’ ESSJa XXXII 116-118 E Ru. robit’ (dial.) ‘do, work, 1sg. roblju W Cz. robiti ‘make, do’; Slk. robit ‘make, do’; Pl. robic ‘make, do’; LSrb. robis ‘work, earn’ S SCr. răbiti ‘use’; Sln. răbiti ‘use, do, 1sg. răbim See — ‘orbi. *orbota f. â ‘work’ ESSJa XXXII 119-122 CS OCS rabota ‘slavery’; robota (Supr.) ‘slavery’ E Ru. robota (dial.) ‘work’; ORu. robota ‘work, slavery, captivity’ W Cz. robota ‘corvee’; Slk. robota ‘work, corvee’; Pl. robota ‘work, labour’ S SCr. rabota ‘corvee’; Cak. rabota (Vrg.) ‘corvee’; Sln. rabota ‘corvee’; Bulg. răbota ‘work, thing’ Cogn. Go. arbaips f. ‘labour’ See — ‘orbi. *orb^ m. o ‘servant, slave’ ESSJa XXXII 131-133 CS OCS rabi ‘servant, slave’; robi (Zogr., Supr.) ‘servant, slave’ (In Supr., the variant rob- occurs 28 times, but rab- is even more frequent) E Ru. rab ‘slave, Gsg. rabă; ORu. robi ‘servant, slave’ W Cz. rob ‘slave’ S SCr. rob ‘slave, Gsg. roba; Sln. rob ‘slave, detainee, Gsg. roba, Gsg. rgba; Bulg. rab ‘slave’; rob ‘slave, servant, prisoner’ Unlike the ESSJa, I think that an etymological relationship with Germanic forms such as Go. arbaips f. ‘labour’ and OIc. erfiSi n. ‘id.’ is highly plausible. These forms are possibly cognate with Gk. opşavoq ‘orphan, Lat. orbus ‘deprived of, orphan’ from a root ‘h3erbh-. The South Slavic variants reflecting ‘robi, with unexpected ‘rob- < ‘orb-, must be borrowings from West (or East) Slavic. See also: ‘orbiti; ‘orbota *ordlo n. o (a) ‘plough’ ESSJa XXXII 141-145 CS OCS ralo (Zogr., Mar., Sav., Euch., Supr.) E Ru. rălo W Cz. rădlo; Slk. radlo; Pl. radto; USrb. radto; LSrb. radto S SCr. ralo; Sln. rălo ‘small plough’; Bulg. rălo BSl. ‘ărîdlo; *ăr?tlo B Lith. ărklas m. 3; Latv. arkls m., Latv. ărkls m. 374 ‘orexi PIE ‘h2(e)rh3-dhlom Cogn. Gk. apoTpov n.; Arm. arawr In Balto-Slavic, zero grade of the root (cf. Lith. irklas ‘oar’) was apparently replaced by full grade after the verb ‘to plough’. The fixed stress on the root must result from Hirt’s law. OCS oralo (Ass.) is clearly analogical after orati. See also: ‘orati; ‘orlbja; ‘ortajb *orex,b m. o (a) ‘nut’ CS CS orexi E Ru. orex W Cz. orech; Slk. orech; Pl. orzech S SCr. orah; Cak. or'ih (Vrg.); or'ih (Novi); Sln. oreh, Gsg. oreha; Bulg. orex ‘walnut, nut’ BSl. ‘(o)re/oi?ş- B Lith. riesutas m.(o) 3a; riesutys m.(io) 3a; Latv. rieksts m.(o) OPr. buccareisis (EV) ‘beech-nut’ *oriti v. ESSJa XXXII 162-165 CS OCS orisi (Supr.) 2sg. ‘tempt’ W Cz. oboriti ‘collapse’ S Bulg. orja (dial.) ‘bring down’ BSl. ‘or-ei/i- B Lith. ardyti ‘pull down, destroy’; Latv. ărdît ‘destroy, scatter’ PIE ‘Hor-eie- The literal meaning of OCS oriti, which in Supr. 510,8 translates Gk. KaOeXxeiv, is apparently ‘drag down’. The ESSJa (s.v. ‘oriti II) connects oriti in this particular meaning with SCr. oriti se, Sln. oriti se ‘resound’ as well as with Lat. orăre ‘speak’. I am inclined to consider the reconstruction of a second etymon ‘oriti unnecessary. See also: ‘razoriti ‘ork'B m. o (a) ‘crayfish’ ESSJa XXXII 169-172 E Ru. rak W Cz. rak; Slk. rak; Pl. rak; Slnc. rak S SCr. răk; Cak. răk (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. rak, Gsg. răka; Bulg. rak BSl. ‘or?k-; *er?k- B Lith. erke f.(e) ‘tick’; Latv. erce f.(e) ‘tick’ OPr. {1} {1} OPr. rokis (EV) ‘crayfish’ and Lith. rokis, rokis (dial.) must be borrowings from Slavic (pace Maziulis PKEZ IV: 31). ‘orţdhje 375 *orkyta f. â (a) ‘brittle willow’ ESSJa XXXII 173-175 E Ru. rakita; rokita (dial.); Ukr. rokita W Cz. rokyta; Slk. rakyta; rokyta (pop.); Pl. rokita S SCr. rakita; Cak. Rakita (Vrg.) an island; Sln. rakita; Bulg. rakita B Latv. ercis m.(io) ‘juniper’ Cogn. Gk. dpKSuOoq f. ‘juniper’ It is very likely that we are dealing here with a substratum word, cf. the Greek variant dpYSToq (Hesych.). *orlbja f. iâ ‘field, arable land’ ESSJa XXXII 177-179 E ORu. rolija ‘(corn-)field, ploughed field’; rolja ‘(corn-)field, ploughed field’; Ukr. rilljă ‘ploughed field’ W Cz. role ‘field, arable land’; roll (S. dial.) n. n.(io) ‘field, arable land’; OCz. roll f.(iâ) ‘field, arable land’; Slk. rola ‘field, arable land’; Pl. rola ‘field, arable land’; USrb. rola ‘field, arable land’ I assume that the root-final laryngeal (see — ‘orati, ‘ordlo) had been lost in pretonic position before the word-initial metathesis of liquids. The fact that we find no lengthening is also connected with non-initial stress. *ormo; *ormş n. o; n. n (a) ‘shoulder’ ESSJa XXXII 185-187 CS OCS ramo n.(o) E Ru. ramenă (arch., poet.) Npl. n.(n) ‘shoulders’ W Cz. răme (lit, arch.); rameno n.(o); Slk. ramă; Pl. ramiţ; USrb. ramjo; LSrb. ramje S SCr. rame, Gsg. ramena, Npl. ramena; Cak. rame (Vrg.), Gsg. ramena, Npl. ramenă; rame (Novi), Npl. ramenă, Npl. ramena; ramen (Orb.), Gsg. ramena, Npl. ramena, Npl. ram'ena; Sln. răme ‘shoulder, arm, Gsg. rămena; răma f.(â); rămo n.(o); Bulg. rămo, Npl. ramenă, Npl. ramene BSl. ‘Irîmo; *lr?men-; *or?men- B Lith. lrmede f.(e) ‘gout’ 1 OPr. irmo ‘arm’ PIE ‘h2erH-mo-; *h2erH-men- Cogn. Skt. Irmă- m. ‘arm’; Lat. armus m. ‘arm, shoulder’; Go. arms m. ‘arm’ *orşdbje n. io CS OCS orgdije (Supr.) n.(io) ‘business, affair’ E Ru. orudie n.(io) ‘instrument, tool, gun’ W Cz. orudln.(io) ‘instrument’; Pl. orţdzie n.(jo) ‘proclamation, message’ S SCr. oruzăe n.(jo) ‘instrument, organ’; oruzje n.(jo) ‘weapons’; Cak. oruzje (Vrg.) n.(jo) ‘weapons’; oruzje (Orb.) n.(jo) ‘weapons’; Sln. orgdje n.(jo) ‘instrument, organ’; Bulg. orădie n.(io) ‘instrument, artillery’ 376 ‘orsti Prefixed noun consisting of ^ ‘ob and a derivative of the root that is also found in ^ ‘rţdi ‘row, line’. *orsti v. (c) ‘grow’ ESSJa XXXII 197-199 CS OCS rasti, 1sg. rastg E Ru. rasti, 1sg. rastu, 3sg. rastet (the spelling with -a- originates from Church Slavic); Ukr. rosty, 1sg. rostu W Cz. rusti, 1sg. rostu; Slk. răst; Pl. rose; USrb. rosc S SCr. răsti; Cak. ras (Orb.), 3sg. răste; Sln. răsti, 1sg. răstem; Bulg. rastă Formation unclear. Since there are reasons to assume that the Lithuanian and Latvian sta-suffix arose from ‘-ska within Baltic (cf. van Wijk 1933), it is unattractive to posit ‘h3er-st-. Nevertheless, a possible connection with ‘h3er- ‘move (upward), rise’ deserves attention. *ortajb m. jo (a) ‘ploughman’ ESSJa XXXII 209-211 E Ru. rătaj (folk poet.) ‘ploughman’ W Cz. rataj ‘farmer’; Slk. rataj ‘farmer’; Pl. rataj ‘farmer’ S SCr. rataj (Montenegro) ‘farmer’; Cak. rătaj (Orb.) measure of land (± 2000 square metres, = a day’s ploughing); Sln. rătaj ‘ploughman, farmer’; ratâj ‘ploughman, farmer’; Bulg. rătaj ‘servant’ BSl. ‘arîtaîjos B Lith. artojas 1 ‘ploughman, farmer’; Latv. arajs ‘ploughman, farmer’; arejs ‘ploughman, farmer’ OPr. artoys (EV) ‘farmer’ Agent noun in ‘-tajb. See ^ ‘orati. *ortb f. i ‘war, battle’ ESSJa XXXII 214-215 CS OCS ratb (Supr.) ‘war, battle, (pl.) enemy forces’ E Ru. rat’ (poet., arch.) ‘host, army, war battle’; ORu. ratb ‘war, battle, troops’ S SCr. răt ‘war’; răt m.(o) ‘war’; Bulg. rat ‘battle, war, soldiers’ PIE ‘hior-ti- See also: ‘ernb; ‘ertb *orbl^ m. o (b) ‘eagle’ ESSJa XXXII 232-234 CS OCS orbli E Ru. orel, Gsg. orlă W Cz. orel; Slk. orol; orel; Pl. orzet, Gsg. orta; USrb. worjot, Gsg. worta; LSrb. jerjot; jerjet; herjot (dial.); herjet (dial.); horal (arch.) S SCr. orao; Sln. orat, Gsg. orla; Bulg. orel BSl. ‘or-il-o-; *er-el-io- B Lith. erelis m.(jo) 2; Latv. erglis m.(jo) 377 OPr. arelie PIE ‘h3er-il-o- Cogn. Gk. opviq m. ‘bird’; Go. ara m. ‘eagle’; OIc. grn m. ‘eagle’; OIr. irar m. ‘eagle’; Hitt. hara(n)- c. ‘eagle’ The Lithuanian variant arelis is limited to the area where e- becomes a- (Buga RR II: 508). The East Baltic forms therefore all have initial ‘e-. Since this is unexpected, these forms may be labelled as an example of “Rozwadowski’s change” It does not seem very plausible that within Slavic only the Low Sorbian forms would show the effect of this phenomenon. *orbmo n. o ‘part of a (wooden) plough’ ESSJa XXXII 234 E Ru. or’mo (Dal’: Nizegor.-Mak.) ‘mount of the ploughshare of a (NE Russian type of) wooden plough’; ormo (Jarosl.) ‘wooden part of a plough on which the ploughshare is fixed’ If this etymon is to be identified with — ‘arbmi, ‘arbmo, the root vocalism may be attributed to the influence of — ‘orati ‘plough’. Note, however, that the long vowel of ‘arbmi/o is unclear. *orz pref. ‘dis-, un-’ CS OCS razE Ru. roz- (in unstressed position and in Slavonicisms we find raz-) W Cz. roz-; Slk. roz-; Pl. roz- S SCr. raz-; Sln. raz prep. ‘away from’; raz-; Bulg. raz- It has been suggested that ‘orz- continues ‘ord-z, where the ‘z may have been adopted from — ‘bez, ‘jbz, ‘viz. The form ‘ord < ‘od (note the absence of a Balto-Slavic glottal stop) may be connected with Skt. ărdha- m. ‘side, part, half’. *osa f. â (b) ‘wasp’ E Ru. osă, Asg. osu; osvă (dial.); Bel. osvă; Ukr. osă, Asg. osu; osă (dial.), Asg. osu W Cz. vosa; Slk. osa; Pl. osa S SCr. osa, Asg. osu; Cak. osa (Vrg.) ‘prickle of an ear of grain, Asg. osu; (Orb.) osa, Asg. oso; Sln. osa; Bulg. osă BSl. ‘wops(w)a? B Lith. vapsva 2/4; vapsa (dial.) 2/4; Latv. vapsene f.(e) OPr. wobse PIE ‘uobh-s-eh2 Cogn. Lat. vespa; W gwchi m. ‘wasp, drone’; OHG wafsa The root is sometimes identified with ‘uebh- ‘weave’. 378 ‘osa; ‘osina; ‘esika *osa; *osina; *esika f. â ‘aspen’ ESSJa I 80-81; XXXII 93 E Ru. osina; Ukr. osyna W Cz. osa (dial.); Pl. osa (obs.); osina; USrb. wosa; LSrb. wosa S SCr. jesika; jasika; Sln. jesika; jasika; Bulg. jesika; jasika BSl. ‘aps- B Lith. epuse f.(e); apuse (dial.) f.(e) 1 (alongside epuse, apuse); Ăpse top. f.(e) 2; Latv. apse f.(e); epse f.(e); epss f.(i) OPr. abse f. PIE ‘aps-eh2 Cogn. OHG aspa f.; OIc. gsp f.; Arm. op’i ‘aspen, poplar’ This tree-name may be classified as a (North) European etymon. It is also found in Finnic and Turkic. The forms with *e- may be attributed to “Rozwadowski’s change” (cf. ^ ‘asenb), though their distribution over the Balto-Slavic territory (South Slavic + Lithuanian) is remarkable. ‘oskbrd'B m. o ‘pointed hammer, pickaxe’ ESSJa XXIX 197-198 CS OCS oskridi (Ps. Sin, Euch.) ‘stone cutter’s tool, pickaxe’ E Ru. oskord ‘axe’ W Cz. oskrt ‘iron tool for whetting or roughening mill-stones’; oskrd (dial.) ‘iron tool for whetting or roughening mill-stones’; OCz. oskrd ‘iron tool for whetting or roughening a mill-stones’; Pl. oskard ‘pickaxe’ S Sln. oskrd f.(i) ‘pointed hammer for whetting mill-stones’ BSl. ‘skurd- B OPr. scurdis ‘dibstone, mattock’ To be analyzed as ^ ob + ‘skirdi, with zero grade of the root attested in ^ ‘skorda. *osmi num. o (b) ‘eighth’ CS OCS osmi E Ru. vos’moj W Cz. osmy; usmy (dial.); Slk. osmy; Pl. osmy S SCr. osml; Cak. osml (Vrg.); osmî (Novi); «osmi (Orb.); Sln. gsmi; Bulg. osmi BSl. ‘osmas B Lith. asmas (obs.) PIE ‘h3ekth3-uo- Cogn. Lat. octăvus The suffix ‘-mo-, cf. Skt. aşţamă-, must have been adopted from ‘seventh’. See also: ‘osmi *osmb num. (b) ‘eight’ CS OCS osmb ‘ostri 379 E Ru. vosem’; vâsem’ (dial.) W Cz. osm; Slk. osem; Pl. osiem; OPl. osm; Slnc. vuesem; USrb. wosom; LSrb. wosym; wosom (dial.) S SCr. osam; Cak. osan (Vrg., Orb.); osam (Novi); Sln. gsm BSl. ‘ost- B Lith. astuonl Cogn. Skt. aşţău; Lat. octo The cardinal number may have been created on the basis of the ordinal — *osmi on the analogy of other numerals. *osnovâ f. â (a) ‘base, foundation’ ESSJa XXIX 233-237 E Ru. osnova ‘base, foundation, warp’ W Cz. osnova ‘system, plan, device, warp’; Slk. osnova ‘plan, device, basis’; Pl. osnowa ‘warp, theme’ S SCr. osnova ‘base, foundation’; Sln. osngva ‘base, foundation’; Bulg. osnova ‘base, foundation’ Prefixed noun consisting of the elements — ‘ob and ‘snova (— ‘snuti). The final syllable is long because prior to Dybo’s law it was in post-posttonic position, where the laryngeals were lost with compensatory lengthening. ‘ostrov^ m. o (c) ‘island’ ESSJa XXX 79-82 CS OCS ostrovi (Zogr., Supr.) E Ru. ostrov, Gsg. ostrova S SCr. ostrov; Sln. ostrov, Gsg. ostrgva; Bulg. ostrov Noun consisting of --- ‘ob and an o-stem ‘strovi (cf. Gk. pooq m. ‘stream’) deriving from a verb meaning ‘stream’ (--- ‘struja). *ostrb adj. o (b/c) ‘sharp’ CS OCS ostri ‘sharp, rough’ E Ru. ostryj; oster, f. ostră, n. ostro W Cz. ostry; Slk. ostry; Pl. ostry; USrb. wotry S SCr. ostar, f. ostra; ostar, f. ostra; Cak. ostăr (Vrg.), f. ostra, n. ostro; ostar (Orb.), f. ostra, n. ostro; Sln. gstdr, f. ostra; Bulg. ostar BSl. ‘asros B Lith. astrus 4; asrus (dial.) 4; Latv. ass PIE ‘h2ek-ro- Cogn. Gk. dKpoq ‘pointed’; Lat. ăcer ‘sharp’ See also: ‘6ste; ‘ositi; ‘osteni; ‘osbla 380 ‘ostb *ostb f. i (c (b?)) ‘sharp point, smth. with a sharp point’ E Ru. ost’ ‘awn’ W Slk. ost ‘fishbone, awn, thorn’; Pl. ose ‘fishbone, awn, thorn’ S SCr. osti Npl. ‘harpoon’; ostve Npl. ‘harpoon’; Cak. osti (Vrg.) Npl. ‘harpoon’; Sln. gst ‘sharp point, fishbone, (pl.) harpoon, Gsg. ostî BSl. ‘astis B Lith. akstis f.(i) 4 ‘spit, thorn, prick’ (the form akstis is also attested) On the basis of Sln. gst, Illic-Svityc posits an original AP (b) for this etymon. Furthermore, Skardzius (1941: 330) has akstis, -ies, which “mixed paradigm” Illic-Svityc (1963: 57) also regards as evidence for original barytone accentuation. The root is ‘h2ek- ‘sharp’ (^ ‘ostri). *ostbm m. o (b) ‘sharp point, smth. with a sharp point’ CS OCS ostbni (Supr.) ‘sharp point’ E Ru. osten (dial.) ‘thorn, spike’ W Cz. osten m.(jo) ‘spike, quill’; Pl. oscien ‘harpoon, (arch.) fishbone’ S SCr. ostan ‘pointed stick for driving cattle’; Sln. gstan ‘spike, thorn’; Bulg. osten ‘pointed stick for driving cattle’ BSl. ‘astinos (akstinos?) B Lith. akstinas 3b ‘thorn, awn, pointed stick for driving cattle’ Derivative in ‘-bni. See ^ ‘ostb. ‘os'bt'b m. o ‘thistle’ CS OCS ositi (PsDim.) ‘thistle, sow thistle’ E Ru. osot W Cz. oset; Pl. oset; USrb. wost; LSrb. woset S Sln. osât; osat BSl. ‘asutos B Lith. asutas ‘hair of a horse’s tail or manes’ Derivative in ‘-iti. See ^ ‘ostri. *osb f. i (c) ‘axle, axis’ CS CS osb E Ru. os’ W OCz. os; Slk. os; Pl. os S SCr. os; Sln. gs, Gsg. osî; Bulg. os BSl. ‘asis B Lith. asis; Latv. ass OPr. assis (EV) PIE ‘h2eks-i- ‘otjhtnţti 381 Cogn. Skt. ăkşa- m.; Gk. d^wv m.; Lat. axis m. *osbla f. â ‘whetstone’ CS OCS osla (Supr.) E Ru. oselok m. W Pl. oselka S Sln. osla Derivative in ‘-bla. See — ‘ostb. *osbl^ m. o (b) ‘donkey’ CS OCS osbli E Ru. osel, Gsg. oslă W Cz. osel; Slk. osol; Pl. osiol S SCr. osao, Gsg. osla; Sln. osdt, Gsg. osla BSl. ‘asilos B Lith. ăsilas 3b OPr. asilis A borrowing from Germanic, cf. Go. asilus. *otjutiti v. ‘feel, perceive’ CS OCS ostutiti ‘feel, perceive, understand’, 1sg. ostustg E Ru. ocutit’sja ‘find oneself, come to be’; ORu. ocutiti ‘notice’ W Cz. cititi ‘feel’; Slk. citit’ ‘perceive, (refl.) feel’; Pl. cucic ‘bring back to consciousness, (refl.) awake’ S SCr. cutjeti ‘feel’; Cak. cutiti (Vrg.) ‘feel’; cutit (Orb.) ‘feel’; Sln. cutiti ‘feel, sense, notice’, 1sg. cutim; cutiti ‘feel, sense, notice, 1sg. cutim BSl. ‘jout- B Lith. jausti ‘feel, sense, 3pres. jaucia, 3pret. jante; Latv. jaust ‘feel, notice, heed, understand’ PSl. ‘jut- can be connected with Skt. vat- ‘get acquainted with’ < ‘uet- only under the assumption that Balto-Slavic created a new full grade ‘eut- > ‘jout-. The unprefixed forms reflect initial *tj- resulting from reanalysis of *ot-jutiti as *o-tjutiti. See also: ‘otjhtnşti *otjbtnşti v. E Ru. ocnut’sja ‘wake, regain consciousness, 1sg. ocnus’, 3sg. ocnetsja W Cz. octnouti se ‘find oneself, come to be’; Slk. ocitnout sa ‘find oneself’; Pl. ocknqc siţ ‘awake’ BSl. ‘jut- B Lith. justi ‘feel, 3pres. junta, 3pret. juto; Latv. just ‘feel, notice’ 382 ‘ot(i) Perfective verb with zero grade of the root. If the connection with Skt. vat- is to be upheld, the ‘j- must have been adopted from the full grade (see ^ ‘otjutiti). *ot(^) prep. ‘from’ CS OCS oti E Ru. ot(o) W Cz. od(e) ; Slk. od(o) ; Pl. od(e) S SCr. od(a) ; Sln. od; Bulg. ot BSl. ‘ot B Lith. at- pref. ‘back, away’; Latv. at- pref. ‘back, away’ OPr. at-; et- pref. ‘back, away’ PIE ‘heti Cogn. Skt. ăti prep. ‘beyond, over’; Gk. eTi adv. ‘yet, still, besides’; Lat. et conj. ‘and’; Go. id- ‘again’ Beekes (1990: 264) reconstructs ‘hoti alongside ‘heti, but the e-grade is predominant. Perhaps the first element of Go. appan ‘but, however’ may be compared directly with the Balto-Slavic forms. *ot('b)lek'b m. o ‘remainder’ CS OCS otileki (Ps. Sin.) Asg. ‘remainder, rest’; odileki (Ps. Sin.) Asg. ‘remainder, rest’ BSl. ‘otloiko(s) B Lith. atlaikas ‘remainder, remnant’ Prefixed noun of which the second element continues the o-grade of PIE ‘leikw-‘leave’, cf. Skt. rinăkti ‘leave’; Gk. Asinu ‘to let, to leave’. See also: ‘lixo; ‘lixi; ‘lisiti *otrokb m. o ‘child, servant’ CS OCS otroki ‘child, son, boy, servant’ E Ru. otrok ‘boy, lad, adolescent, Gsg. otroka W Cz. otrok ‘serf’; Slk. otrok ‘serf’; OPl. otrok ‘hired labourer, adolescent, lad’ S Cak. otrok (Orb.) ‘child, boy, Gsg. otrokă; Sln. otrok ‘child, boy, Gsg. otroka; Bulg. otrok ‘serf, (obs.) child’ Noun consisting of the prefix ‘ot- and an o-stem ‘roki from ‘rekti ‘speak’ (as in OCS proroki ‘prophet’), cf. Lat. lnfăns. See also: ‘râciti; ‘rekti; ‘recb; ‘roki *ot(^)verti v. ‘open’ W Cz. otevriti ‘open, 1sg. otevru, 1sg. otevru S Sln. odvreti ‘remove an obstruction, open, 1sg. odvrem ‘otbcb 383 BSl. ‘atwer?- B Lith. atverti ‘open’; Latv. atvert ‘open’ OPr. etwerreis imper. ‘open!’ The root-final laryngeal seems to be a Balto-Slavic enlargement (cf. Derksen 1996: 8182). Synonymous prefixed verbs of the same root are Skt. apavrnoti ‘open, Lat. aperîre ‘open, See also: ‘obora; ‘ot(i)voriti; ‘proverti; ‘zaverti ‘ot(^)verzti v. ‘open’ CS OCS otvresti ‘open, reveal, 1sg. otvnzg (the prefix less frequently has the shape oti-) E Ru. otverzt’ (poet.) ‘open, 1sg. otverzu, 3sg. otverzet BSl. ‘verz- B Lith. verzti ‘string, tighten, squeeze’ PIE ‘hoti-uergh Cogn. OHG wurgen ‘strangle’ See also: ‘povorzi; ‘pavorzi; ‘verslo *ot(^)vetjati v. ‘answer’ CS OCS otivestati, 1sg. otivestajg E Ru. otvecăt’, 1sg. otvecăju See — ‘vetjati. *ot(^)voriti v. (b) ‘open’ CS OCS otvoriti E Ru. otvorit’, 1sg. otvorju, 2sg. otvorit W Cz. otevriti; Slk. otvorit; Pl. otworzyc S SCr. otvoriti, 1sg. otvorîm; Cak. otvoriti (Vrg.), 2sg. otvorîs; Sln. otvoriti, 1sg. otvorim; Bulg. otvorja See — ‘otiverti. *otbcb m. jo (b) ‘father’ CS OCS otbcb E Ru. otec, Gsg. otcă W Cz. otec; Slk. otec; Pl. ojciec S SCr. otac, Gsg. oca; Cak. otac (Vrg.), Gsg. oca; otac (Novi, Orb.), Gsg. oca, Npl. oci; Sln. oce, Gsg. ocţta The root ‘ot- may be compared to Gk. dTTa, Lat. atta, Go. atta (all ‘father’), etc., and must be considered a nursery word. 384 ‘ovi ‘ovi prn. ‘this, that’ CS OCS ovi ‘someone, someone else, other’ ((ovi...ovi ‘the one...the other’) W OCz. ov ‘that’, f. ova, n. ovo; Pl. ow ‘that’, f. owa, n. owo S SCr. ovăj ‘that’, f. ovă, n. ovo; Cak. ovî (Vrg.) ‘that’, ovă f., n. ovo; Sln. gv ‘this, that’; Bulg. ovi ‘that’ PIE ‘h2eu-o- Cogn. Av. ava- ‘that’ *ovbca f. jâ (b/c) ‘sheep’ CS OCS ovbca E Ru. ovcă, Asg. ovcu {1} W Cz. ovce; Slk. ovca; Pl. owca S SCr. ovca, Asg. ovcu, Npl. ovce; Cak. ovca (Vrg.), Asg. ovcu; ofcă (Novi), Asg. ofcu; Sln. ovca; Bulg. ovcă BSl. ‘owis B Lith. avis f.(i) 4; Latv. avs f.(i) PIE ‘h3eu-i- Cogn. Skt. ăvi- m./f. ‘sheep, ram’; Gk. oiq m./f. ‘sheep’; Lat. ovis f. ‘sheep’ Derivative in ‘-bca < ‘-i-keh2. {1} In Old Russian we find indications for AP’s (b) en (c) (Zaliznjak 1985: 135). According to Illic-Svityc (1963: 85), ovcă has mobile accentuation in 18th and 19th century poetry as well as in dialects. See also: ‘ovbni ‘ovini m. o (b) ‘ram’ CS OCS ovbni (Ps. Sin., Euch.) E Ru. oven ‘Aries, (obs.) ram, Gsg. ovnă; ORu. ovbni W OCz. oven; OPl. owien (Ps. Flor.) S SCr. ovan, Gsg. ovna; ovan, Gsg. ovna; Sln. ovan, Gsg. ovna; Bulg. oven ‘wether’ BSl. ‘owinos B Lith. avinas; Latv. auns OPr. awins (EV) The word for ‘ram’ is another derivative of ‘h3eu-i- (^ ‘ovbca). ‘ovbsi m. o (b) ‘oats’ E Ru. oves, Gsg. ovsă; ORu. ovbsi W Cz. oves; Slk. ovos; Pl. owies S SCr. ovas, Gsg. ovsa; Cak. ovăs (Orb.), Gsg. ofsă; Sln. ovas, Gsg. ovsa; ovas, Gsg. ovsa; Bulg. oves BSl. ‘awiz-; awis- ‘ţgill 385 B Lith. aviza f. 3b; Latv. auzas Npl. f. OPr. wyse PIE ‘h2eu-igh(s)-eh2 Cogn. Lat. avena f. The Balto-Slavic and Latin forms can be derived from ‘h2eu-igh- (cf. Schrijver 1991: 46-47), except for the fact that Slavic has a voiceless sibilant. A substratum origin cannot be excluded. *ozord^ m. o (a) ‘device for drying hay or grain’ E Ru. ozorod ‘device for drying hay or grain, hay-stack’; Bel. azjarod ‘device for drying sheafs’ See — ‘zordi. *Q *şditi v. (c) ‘smoke’ W Cz. uditi; Pl. wţdzic S Sln. voditi, 1sg. vodim; oditi ‘smoke’, 1sg. odim PIE ‘(s)uondh- Cogn. OHG swintan ‘fade, pine away, wither’; OE swindan ‘subside, fade’ See also: ‘svşdnşti; ‘uvşdati; ‘vşdnşti *9glb m. i (a) ‘coal’ CS OCS gglb (Ps. Sin., Supr.) m.(i) E Ru. ugol’ m.(jo), Gsg. uglja, Gsg. ugljă W Cz. uhel m.(jo); Slk. uholm.(jo); Pl. wţgiel m.(jo) S SCr. ugalj m.(jo), Gsg. uglja; ugljen m.(o), Gsg. ugljena; Cak. uglen (Vrg.) m.(o), Gsg. uglena; Sln. ggalm.(o), Gsg. ggla; vggslm.(o), Gsg. vggla BSl. ‘onîglis B Lith. anglls f.(i) 4; ănglis m.(io) 1; anglis m.(io) 2; Latv. uogle f.(e) PIE ‘h!ongw-l- Cogn. Skt. ăngăra- (RV+) m. ‘coal’ (with a suffix ‘-ol-) Probably a hysterodynamic l-stem. See also: ‘ognb; ‘vyginb; ‘vygina *9g^l^ m. o (c) ‘corner’ CS OCS Qgili E Ru. ugol, Gsg. uglă W Cz. uhel; Slk. uhol; Pl. wţgiel 386 ‘?gorb S SCr. ugal (dial.); Sln. ggsl, Gsg. ggla; vggzt, Gsg. vggla; Bulg. ăgăl PIE eng- e h2 Cogn. Lat. angulus m. ‘corner, angle’; OIc. ekkja f. ‘ankle, heel’; Arm. ankiwn ‘corner’ Derivative in ‘-tlb of ‘gg- < ‘h2eng-. *9gorb m. jo ‘eel’ E Ru. ugor’ ‘eel, blackhead’, Gsg. ugrja W Cz. uhor ‘eel’; Slk. uhor m.(o) ‘eel’; uhor m.(o) ‘pork tapeworm, blackhead’, Gsg. uhra; Pl. wţgorz ‘eel’; USrb. wuhor ‘eel’; LSrb. wugor ‘eel’ S SCr. ugor m.(o) ‘eel’; Cak. ugor (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘conger eel’, Gsg. ugora; ugor (Novi) m.(o) ‘conger eel’, Gsg. ugora; Sln. oggr ‘eel’, Gsg. oggrja BSl. ‘angurio- B Lith. ungurys m.(io) ‘eel’ (with E. Lith. un- < ‘an-) OPr. angurgis m.(io) ‘eel’ PIE ‘h2engwh-ur-io- Cogn. Lat. anguilla f. ‘eel’; Fi. ankerias ‘eel’ See also: ‘şZb *şkotb f. i CS SerbCS gkotb ‘hook’ E ORu. ukotb ‘claw, anchor’ BSl. ‘h2onk- B Lith. anka (K, WP) f. 1 ‘snare, noose’ Cogn. Skt. anka- (RV+) m. ‘hook, clamp’; Gk. oyKoq m. ‘hook’; Lat. uncus ‘hook m. The root of this derivative is ‘h2onk-, cf. Lat. ancus (Paul. ex Fest.) m. ‘with crooked arms’ < ‘h2enk-. For the meaning of the root, cf. Skt. anc- ‘bend’. m. o (b) ‘moustache’ CS RuCS gst ‘moustache, beard’ E Ru. us ‘hair of a moustache, whisker, Npl. usy ‘moustache’ W Cz. vous ‘beard hair, Npl. vousy ‘beard’; Pl. wqs ‘moustache’, Npl. wqsy ‘moustache’ S Sln. vgs ‘moustache’, Npl. vosi ‘id.’; vgse Npl. f.(â) ‘moustache’ BSl. ‘wonsum B Lith. uostai (Zem.) Npl. m.(o) 2 ‘moustache’ OPr. wanso ‘first beard’ PIE ‘uondh-s-om Cogn. OHG wintbmwa f. ‘eye-lash’; MIr. find m. ‘hair’ 387 *9tro n. o (b) ‘inside, coe’ E Ru. nutro ‘inside, coe’; Bel. nutro ‘inside, coe’; Ukr. nutro ‘inside, coe’ PIE ‘hion-tr-o-m Cogn. ăntră- (RV, AV+) n. ‘intestine’ (with unexplained ă); Gk. evTspa Npl. n. ‘entrails’ The initial n- originates from vin- ‘in’ as a result of reanalysis, cf. — ‘gtrb. *9troba f. â (a) ‘entrails’ CS OCS gtroba ‘entrails’ E Ru. utroba ‘womb, (coll.) belly’ W Cz. utroba ‘entrails’; Slk. utroba ‘entrails, womb’; Pl. wqtroba ‘entrails’ S SCr. utroba ‘intestines, womb’; Cak. utroba (Vrg.) ‘intestines’; utroba (Orb.) ‘intestines’; Sln. otroba ‘entrails, womb’; vgtroba (Meg., Dalm.) ‘entrails’ PIE ‘hion-tro- Cogn. Skt. ăntră- (RV, AV+) n. ‘intestine’; Gk. evTspa Npl. n. ‘entrails’ Slavic has a suffix ‘-ba, cf. OCS ziloba ‘badness’. See also: ‘jşdro; ‘jştro; ‘ştra; ştrh *ştrb adv. ‘inside, within’ CS OCS gtrb (Supr.); vingtrb E Ru. vnutr’ adv./prep.; vnutri adv./prep.; ORu. utrb W Cz. vnitr; uvnitr; OCz. vnutr; Slk. vnutri; Pl. wewnqtrz S SCr. unutar; unutra; Sln. ngtsr ‘in, inside’; ngtri ‘inside’ Adverb based on ‘hion-tr-, cf. — *gtro. *şty f. u ‘duck’ CS CS gty f.(u) E Ru. utka f.(â); utvă (dial.) f.(â); ORu. uty?? f.(u), Gsg. utive; utovb f.(u); Bel. uc f.(i) S SCr. utva f.(â); Sln. gtva f.(â) BSl. ‘an?t- B Lith. ăntis f.(i) 1 OPr. antis (EV) PIE ‘h2enh2-t- Cogn. Skt. ăti- f. ‘aquatic bird’; Lat. anas f. ‘duck’; OHG anut f. ‘duck’ *şziti v. ‘constrain’ CS RuCS gziti ‘constrain, torture’ (cf. OCS gziliste n. ‘prison’) E Ru. uzit’ ‘make narrow, straiten, 1sg. uzu, 3sg. uzit; ORu. uziti ‘constrain, torture’ S SCr. uziti ‘make narrow, straiten, 1sg. uzîm 388 PIE ‘h2omgh-eie- For the root, see ^ ‘gztkt. m. o (a) ‘knot’ CS SerbCS gzlt; vgzlt E Ru. uzel, Gsg. uzla W Cz. uzel; Slk. uzol; Pl. wţzel S SCr. uzao, Gsg. uzla; Cak. uzai (Vrg.), Gsg. uzla; uzal (Novi), Gsg. uzla; *ozalj (Orb.) m.(jo); Sln. vozdt, Gsg. vozla; âzzt, Gsg. ozla; Bulg. văzel BSl. ‘on?z-(o)l- B Lith. qzuolas 1/3 ‘oak’; Latv. uozuols ‘oak’ OPr. ansonis ‘oak’ In his list of laryngealized roots in Slavic, Kortlandt (1975a: 63) groups the above-mentioned Slavic and Baltic together, which since a publication by Zubaty is not uncommon. This etymology is sometimes integrated with the hypothesis that ‘gzlt is cognate with ^ ‘vşzati. In view of the tone of the root this connection is problematic. ‘şz'bk'b adj. o ‘narrow’ CS OCS gztkt E Ru. uzkij; uzok, f. uzka, n. uzko W Cz. uzky; Slk. uzky; Pl. wqzki S SCr. uzak, f. uska, f. uska; Cak. usak, f. uska, n. usko; Sln. gzak, f. gzka BSl. ‘anz-(u)- B Lith. ankstas PIE ‘h2emgh-u- Cogn. Skt. amhu-; Lat. angustus; Go. aggwus See also: ‘şziti; ‘vşzati; ‘uvşsti *$zb m. jo (b) ‘snake’ E Ru. uz ‘snake’, Gsg. uza; ORu. uzb ‘snake’ W Cz. uzovka f. ‘adder’; Slk. uzovka f. ‘adder’; Pl. wqz ‘snake’, Gsg. wţza; USrb. wuz ‘grass snake’; LSrb. wuz ‘snake, (dial.) maggot’ S Cak. *os (Orb.) ‘kind of black snake’, Gsg. *ozâ; Sln. gz ‘grass snake’; vgz ‘snake’ BSl. ‘angi(o)s B Lith. angis f.(i) 4 ‘snake’; Latv. uodze f.(e) ‘adder’ PIE ‘h2engwh-i- Cogn. Lat. anguis m. ‘snake’; OHG unc m. ‘snake’; MIr. escung m. ‘eel’ See also: ‘şgMb ‘paxnţti 389 *P *padati v. (a) ‘fall’ CS OCS padati, 1sg. padajg E Ru. pădat’, 1sg. pădaju, 3sg. pădaet W Cz. padati; Slk.padat; Pl. padac S SCr. padati, 1sg. padăm; Cak. padati, 2sg. padăs; padat (Orb.), 1sg. padan; Sln. pădati, 1sg.pâdam; Bulg. pădam Derivative in ‘-ati. The root is PIE ‘pod- (— pasti II). We are therefore dealing with another example of Winter’s law. *padorga f. â ‘bad weather’ E ORu. padoroga ‘bad weather’ BSl. ‘dorîga? B Lith. darga 4 ‘bad, rainy weather, (dial.) retting’; dărgana 1 ‘bad, rainy weather’ See also: ‘sşdorga *paxati I v. ‘sweep’ CS O CS paxa ti ‘wave, agitate’ E Ru. paxăt’ (dial.) ‘sweep, sweep the chimney’, 1sg. pasu S SCr. pahati ‘sweep off dust, blow off’, 1sg. pahăm; păhati ‘blow off, dust’, 1sg. pâsem; Sln. păhati ‘dust, brush off, 1sg. pâham Etymology unknown. According to Vasmer (s.v. paxăt’) probably of onomatopoetic origin. See also: ‘paxnşti *pâxati II v. (b) E Ru. paxăt’ ‘plough, till, 1sg. pasu, 3sg. păset W Cz. păchati ‘do, make, (dial.) herd cattle’; Slk. păchat ‘accomplish, perform’; Pl. pachac ‘dig, cause harm’ Etymology unclear. The meaning ‘herd cattle’ is reminiscent of — ‘pasti, but the tonal properties of the root do not match. *paxnşti v. ‘smell (of)’ E Ru. paxnut’ ‘puff, blow, 3sg. paxnet; păxnut’ ‘smell (of)’ W Cz. păchnouti ‘be fragrant’; Slk. păchnut ‘smell (of)’; Pl. pachnqc ‘smell (of)’ See ‘paxati I. 390 ‘palica *palica f. jâ ‘stick, staff’ CS OCS palica (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘staff’ E Ru. palica ‘club, cudgel’ W Cz. palice ‘baton’; Slk. palica ‘club’; Pl. palica (dial.) ‘club’ S SCr. palica ‘stick, staff’; Cak. palica (Vrg.) ‘flat stick for beating laundry’; palica (Orb.) ‘stick for beating laundry’; Sln. palica ‘stick, staff’ The obvious connection with forms containing a root ‘pol- (e.g. ^ ‘polica) forces us to reconstruct a lengthened grade ‘pol- for ‘palica. This is not in agreement with the accentual evidence, however. The etymology of the root is unclear. See also: ‘palika; ‘poleno; ‘polica; ‘poli *pâliti v. (b) ‘burn, singe’ CS OCS paliti, îsg. paljg E Ru. palit”, îsg. palju, 3sg. palit {1} W Cz. paliti; Slk. pălit; Pl. palie S SCr. paliti, 1sg. pălim; Cak. păliti (Vrg.), 2sg. pălis; Sln. paliti, 1sg. palim; Bulg. palja Since this causative verb belongs to (b), we must reconstruct the root as ‘polhi-. LIV has ‘pol- in view of Ru. polomja ‘flame’, but I prefer to reconstruct ^ ‘polmy (a) (see also Dybo 1981: 74). There is also East Baltic evidence (see ^ ‘pepeh, ‘popeh). {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 137). *pal^ka f. â ‘stick, staff’ E Ru. palka ‘stick, staff’ W Cz. palka ‘stick, club’; Pl. palka ‘stick, club’ S Bulg. palka ‘stick, club’ See ^ ‘palica. *palbcb m. jo ‘finger’ CS CS palbcb ‘finger’ E Ru. palec ‘finger’, Gsg. pal’ca; ORu.palbcb ‘finger’ W Cz. palec ‘thumb’; Slk. palec ‘thumb’; Pl. palec ‘finger’ S SCr. pâlac ‘thumb, big toe’, Gsg. pălca; Cak. pâlac (Vrg.) ‘thumb, big toe’, Gsg. pălca; pălac (Hvar) ‘thumb, big toe’, Gsg. polca; pâlac (Orb.) ‘thumb, big toe, spoke (of a wheel)’; Sln. pălac ‘thumb’, Gsg. pălca; Bulg. palec ‘thumb’ This derivative is strongly reminiscent of Lat. pollex m. ‘thumb, big toe’, but the details remain unclear. *pâmştb f. i (a) ‘memory, remembrance’ CS OCS pamţtb ‘memory, remembrance, memorial’ E Ru. pamjat’ ‘memory, remembrance’ ‘pariti 391 W Cz. pamet ‘memory, remembrance’; Slk. pamat ‘memory, remembrance’; Pl. pamiţc ‘memory, remembrance’ S SCr. pamet ‘mind’; Cak. pamet (Vrg.) ‘mind’; pamet ‘mind’; Sln. pămet ‘memory, mind’; Bulg. pămet ‘memory’ BSl. ‘mintis B Lith. mintis m.(i) ‘thought’ PIE ‘mn-ti- Cogn. Skt. mati- f. ‘mind, thought’ For the prefix, see — ‘po, ‘pa. See also: ‘mmeti ^pâşkb m. o (a) ‘spider’ CS CS pagki Cf. OCS pagcina, paucina (Ps. Sin.), pajgcina (Supr.) ‘spider, spider’s web’. E Ru. pauk, Gsg. paukă; pavok (dial.); Ukr.pavuk, Gsg. pavukă W Cz. pavouk; Slk. pavuk; Pl. pajqk S SCr. pauk, Gsg. pauka; Cak. pauk (Vrg.), Gsg. pauka; pauk (Orb.), Asg. pauka; Sln. pâjdk, Gsg. pâjka; pâjok; pâvok; pâvuk Compound of — ‘pa and ‘gk- (— ‘gkotb). The spider was apparently named after the shape of its legs. *pâra f. â (a) ‘steam’ CS CS para f. ‘steam’ E Ru. par m. ‘steam’; Ukr. păra f. ‘steamy field, evaporation’ W Cz. păra f. ‘steam’; Slk. para f. ‘steam’; Pl. para f. ‘steam’ S SCr. para f. ‘steam’; Cak. para (Vrg., Orb.) f. ‘steam’; Sln. pâra f. ‘steam, vapour, soul (of an animal)’; Bulg.păra f. ‘steam’ If there is a connection with Gk. m|anpr||ai ‘kindle, burn, blow, which continues a root ‘prehi-, we must assume Schwebeablaut. Furthermore, the acute must have been adopted from forms where the laryngeal was preserved. It might be better to seek a connection with — ‘pariti, even though this root is generally considered to have no laryngeal. As in other cases, (Balto-)Slavic may have a secondary ‘H. *pariti v. CS OCS parţstţ (Supr.) Apl. f. ptc. pres. act. ‘which flew’ E Ru. parit’‘soar, swoop, hover, 1sg. parju, 3sg. parit PIE ‘porH- Cogn. Skt. părayăti ‘lead’; OE forian ‘lead’ For a discussion of the root, see the previous lemma. See also: ‘pero; ‘pbrati I 392 ‘pasti I *pasti I v. (c) ‘pasture, herd’ CS OCS pasti ‘pasture, herd, feed’, 1sg. pasg E Ru. pasti ‘pasture, shepherd’, 1sg. pasu, 3sg. paset W Cz. pasti ‘pasture, look after, watch’, 1sg. pasu; Slk. past’ ‘pasture’, 1sg. pasiem; Pl. pasc ‘pasture, feed, 1sg. pasţ S SCr. pâsti ‘pasture, look after’, 1sg. pasem; Cak. pâsti (Vrg.) ‘pasture, look after’, 2sg. păses; past (Hvar) ‘pasture, look after’, 1sg. posen; pas ‘graze’, 3sg. pase; Sln. pasti ‘pasture, look after’, 1sg. pasem; Bulg. pasa ‘pasture, graze’ PIE ‘peh2s- Cogn. Lat. pasco ‘pasture’; Hitt. pahs- ‘protect’ *pasti II v. ‘fall’ CS OCS pasti (sţ), 1sg. padg (sţ) E Ru. past’, 1sg. padu, 3sg. padet W OCz.pasti, 1sg.padu; Pl. pase, 1sg. padnţ S SCr. pâsti, 1sg. pâdnem; Cak. pâsti (Vrg.), 2sg. pâdes; pâs (Orb.), 1sg. păden; Sln. pasti, 1sg. padem PIE ‘pod- Cogn. Skt. padyate ‘go, fall’; OE gefetan ‘fall’ See also: ‘padati II *pazduxa f. â ‘bosom, armpit’ CS OCS pazuxa (Euch.) f. ‘bosom, armpit’ E Ru. pazuxa f. ‘bosom’ W Cz. pazucha (dial.) f. ‘armpit’; OCz. pazucha f. ‘armpit’; Slk. pazucha f. ‘armpit’; Pl. pazucha f. ‘bosom’ S SCr. pâzuho n. ‘armpit’; Cak. pâzuha; pâzoka (Orlec) f. ‘armpit’; Sln. păzduha f. ‘armpit’; păzdiha f. ‘armpit’; păziha f. ‘armpit’; păzha f. ‘armpit’ B Latv. paduse f.(e) ‘armpit, bosom (of a dress)’ PIE ‘pos-dous-eh2 Cogn. Skt. dos- n. ‘arm, forearm’ The prefix ‘paz is a long variant of the prefix found in ^ ‘pozdm, cf. Lith. pas. See also ^ ‘paznegbtb. *paziti v. ‘heed’ S SCr. pâziti ‘love, pay attention’, 1sg. pâzim; Sln. paziti ‘heed, pay attention’, 1sg. păzim; Bulg. pazja ‘guard, keep’ PIE ‘(s)pog- Cogn. OIc. spakr adj. ‘clever, quiet, soft’ ‘pektb 393 *pazneg^tb; *paznog^tb m. i / m. jo ‘hoof’ CS OCS paznegiti (Ps. Sin.) Apl. m.(i) ‘hoofs’; CS paznogitb (Pog.) m.(i) ‘hoof’; paznokitb (Bon.) m.(i) ‘hoof’; paznoxitb (Par.) m.(i) ‘hoof’ E Ru. paznogt’ (Sib.) m.(jo) ‘phalanx’; Ukr. păhnist’ m.(jo) ‘hoof’ W Cz. pazneht m.(o) ‘hoof’; Pl. paznokiec m.(jo) ‘nail’ S Sln. păznohdt m.(o) ‘claw, Gsg. păznohta PIE ‘pos-h3nogwh-ut-io- For the prefix, see — ‘pazduxa. The second element is — ‘nogitb. *pazitb f. i ‘pasture, meadow’ CS OCS pazitb f.(i) ‘pasture, meadow’ E Ru. păzit’ (obs., poet.) f.(i) ‘pasture’ W Cz. pazit m.(o) ‘meadow’; Slk. pazit m.(jo) ‘meadow’ The root of this prefixed ti-derivative is ‘gw(e)h3i- ‘live’ (— ‘ziti). *pekti v. (c) ‘bake’ CS OCS pesti (Mar., Ass.) ‘bake’, 1sg. pekg; pesti sţ ‘care for, worry, mourn, 1sg. pekg sţ E Ru. pec ‘bake’, 1sg. peku, 3sg. pecet W Cz. peci ‘bake, 1sg. peku; Slk. piect‘bake, 1sg. peciem; Pl. piec ‘bake, 1sg. piekţ S SCr. peci ‘bake, 1sg. pecem; Cak. peci (Vrg.) ‘bake’ 2sg. peces; pec (Orb.) ‘bake, 1sg. pecen; Sln. peci ‘bake, fry, 1sg. pecem; Bulg. pekă ‘bake, fry, 2sg. peces BSl. ‘pek- B Lith. kepti ‘bake, fry’ ((with metathesis) PIE ‘pekw- Cogn. Skt. păcati ‘cook, bake, fry’; Gk. neaow ‘bake, cook, ripen’ See also: ‘pektb; ‘potb *pektb f. i (c) ‘oven’ CS OCS pestb ‘oven, cave’ E Ru. pec’ ‘stove, oven’ W Cz. pec ‘oven’; Slk. pec ‘oven’; Pl. piec m.(jo) ‘oven’; USrb. pec ‘oven, Gsg. pjecy S SCr. pec ‘oven, Gsg. peci; Cak. pec (Vrg., Hvar) ‘oven, Gsg. peci; Sln. pţc ‘oven, rock, Gsg. peci; Bulg. pest ‘oven’ PIE ‘pekw-ti- Cogn. Skt. pakti- ‘cooking, cooked food’ Derivative of — ‘pekti. 394 ‘pelena; ‘pelna *pelena; *pelna f. â ‘band, bandage’ CS OCS pelena (Cloz., Supr.) ‘band for swathing children’ E Ru. pelena ‘shroud, (dial.) nappy’ W Cz. plena ‘headscarf, bandage’ S SCr. pelena ‘bandage, shroud’; Cak. plenâ (Vrg.) ‘band for swathing children’; plenâ (Vrg.) ‘band for swathing children’; pl'en (Orb.) f.(i) ‘diaper’; Sln. plena ‘bandage’; Bulg. pelena ‘bandage’ BSl. pel-(e)n- B Lith. plene f.(e) 4 ‘membrane’ PIE ‘pel-en-eh2 Cogn. Gk. nsAAopdfoq adj. ‘sewing skins together’; Lat. pellis f. ‘skin’; OIc. fjall n. ‘skin’ See also: ‘plena; ‘pleva; ‘polteno *peles^ adj. o CS CS pelesv ‘grey, greyish black’ E Ru. pelesyj ‘spotted (of animals)’ S Sln. pelţsast ‘spotted’ B Lith. palsas ‘light grey’; Latv. palss ‘faded’ Cogn. OIc. fglr ‘faded’ Besides the different full grades of the root, Slavic and Baltic diverge regarding the ablaut of the suffix. See also: ‘plesnh *pelm m. o (c) ‘loot, spoils, captivity’ CS OCS plem ‘captivity, loot’ E Ru. polon (arch.) ‘captivity’, Gsg. polona; ORu. polom ‘loot’; Bel. palon (arch.) ‘captivity’, Gsg. palonu; Ukr. polon ‘captivity’, Gsg. polonu W Cz. plen ‘loot, spoils’; Slk. plen ‘gain’; Pl. plon ‘harvest’ S SCr. plijen ‘gain’; Sln. plen ‘loot’ BSl. ‘pelnos B Lith. pelnas m. 4 ‘gain, profit’; Latv. pelna f.(jâ) ‘gain, profit’ Cogn. OIc. falr adj. ‘for sale’ The accentuation of the verb polonit’ (arch.) ‘to take captive’, 3sg. polonit, may be considered evidence for original mobility (cf. Illic-Svityc 1963: §43). *pelti v. (a) ‘weed’ CS OCS plevoma (Supr.) Nsg. f. ptc. pres. pass. ‘being weeded, eradicated’ E Ru. polot’, 1sg. polju, 3sg.polet W Cz. pliti, 1sg. pleji; Slk. plet, 1sg. plejem; Pl. plee, 1sg. pielţ ‘per 395 S SCr. pljeti, 1sg. plijevem; Cak. pl'evet (Vrg.), 1sg. pl'evin; Sln. pleti, 1sg. plevem, 1sg. plejem It seems to me that there is a slight possibility that this verb is cognate with LIV’s root ‘pelhi- ‘in Schwung bringen’ (469), cf. Gk. naAAto ‘sway, swing’. More plausible is perhaps the connection with the next lemma. *pelva f. â (a) ‘chaff’ CS O CS plevy Npl. ‘chaff’ E Ru. polova ‘chaff’ W Cz. pleva ‘chaff’; pliva (S. dial.) ‘chaff’; OCz. pleva ‘chaff’; Slk. pleva ‘awn, chaff’; Pl. plewa ‘awn, (pl.) chaff’; USrb. pluwa ‘(pl.) chaff’ S SCr. pljeva ‘chaff’; Cak. pliva (Vrg.) ‘chaff’; pleva (Orb.) ‘chaff’; Sln. pleva ‘awn, chaff’; Bulg. pljăva ‘chaff’ BSl. ‘pelîus; *pel?ua? B Lith. pelus Npl. f.(u) ‘chaff’; Latv. pelus Npl. f.(u) ‘chaff’ OPr. pelwo ‘chaff’ PIE ‘pelH-u- Cogn. Skt. palăva- (AV) m. ‘chaff, husks’ *pepel^; *popel^ m. o (c) ‘ashes’ E Ru. pepel ‘ashes’, Gsg. pepla W Cz. popel ‘ashes’; Slk. popel ‘ashes’; Pl. popiot ‘ashes’ S SCr. pepeo ‘ashes’; Cak. popel (Orb.) ‘ashes’; Sln. pepţt ‘ashes’, Gsg. pepţla; popţt ‘ashes’; Bulg. pepel ‘ashes, dust’ B Lith. pelenaî Npl. m.(o) ‘ashes’; plenis f.(i) ‘speck, fine ashes’; Latv. plene f.(e) ‘white ashes on coals’ OPr. pelanne ‘ashes’ PIE ‘pepelhi-o- See also: ‘paliti; ‘poleti; ‘polmy. *per pref. ‘over, through, very, exceedingly’ CS OCS pre- E Ru. pere- (pere-) W Cz. pre-; Pl. prze- S Sln. pre- BSl. ‘per B Lith. per prep. ‘through’; per- pref. ‘through, over’ PIE ‘per Cogn. Skt. pări (RV+) adv. ‘around, about’; Gk. nspi prep. ‘around, about’; nspi- KaAAf|c; adj. ‘very beautiful’; Lat. per pref. ‘through’; per-magnus adj. ‘very big’ 396 ‘perdi See also: ‘perdi; ‘perki *perd^ prep. ‘before, in front of’ CS OCS predb E Ru. pered(o) W Cz. pred(e) ; Pl. przed(e) S Sln. pred; Bulg. pred This preposition must reflect ‘perdhi-om, cf. ^ ‘nadb. See also: ‘per; ‘perki *perkb adj. o E Ru. poperek prep./adv. ‘across’; ORu. perekb m. ‘width, cross-beam’ W Slk. priek m. ‘obstinacy, resistance’; Pl. przeko adv. ‘across’ S SCr. prijek prep./adv. ‘steep’; Sln. prek ‘rough, wild’, f. preka; prek ‘cross, across’; Bulg. prjak ‘shortest, direct’; prjako prep. ‘over, beyond’ Apparently, ^ ‘per + ‘-ko-. *pero n. o (b) ‘feather’ CS CS pero E Ru. pero; ORu.pero W Cz. pero; pero; Slk. pero; Pl. pioro; USrb. pjero; LSrb. pjero; pjoro S SCr. pero, Npl. perâ; pero (E. Hercegovina), Npl. pera; Cak. pero (Vrg.), Npl. perâ; pero (Novi), Npl. pera; Sln. pero n.(s) ‘feather, leaf’, Gsg. perţsa; pero ‘feather, leaf’, Gsg. pera; Bulg. pero B Lith. sparnas m. 4 ‘wing’; Latv. spărns m. ‘wing’ PIE ‘perH-o- Cogn. Skt. parna- n. ‘wing’; Gk. HTspov n. ‘feather, wing’; OE fearn m. ‘fern’; OIr. raith m. ‘fern’ The reconstruction with a laryngeal is based on Baltic (e.g. Lith. papartis ‘fern’) and Celtic evidence (see Derksen 196: 79). See also: ‘pariti; ‘phrati I *perti v. (c) E Ru. peret’ ‘go, make one’s way, push, drag’, 1sg. pru, 3sg. pret W Cz. priti se ‘quarrel, (obs.) be engaged in a lawsuit, 1sg. pru se, 1sg. pru se; priti (obs.) ‘deny, renounce’, 1sg. pru, 1sg. prim; Pl. przee ‘press (on), push’, 1sg. prţ BSl. ‘per- B Lith. perti ‘beat, lash with a besom (in a bath)’ PIE ‘per- 397 See also: ‘phrati II; ‘phreti; ‘phrth; ‘sipori *pega; *peg^ f. â; m. o (a) ‘freckle’ CS (OCS pegoty Npl. f. (Supr.) ‘leprosy’) W Cz. piha; piha (obs.); peha (Mor.); pija (SE dial.); OCz. pieha; Slk. peha; Pl. piegi Npl. m.;piega (obs.) S SCr. pjega; Sln. pega ‘spot, freckle’; Bulg. pega PIE ‘poig- Cogn. Skt. pingala- (AV+) adj. ‘reddish brown, reddish yellow, greenish yellow’; Lat. pingo ‘paint’ See also: ‘pegi; ‘pegavi *peg^; *pegavb adj. o E Ru. pegij ‘skewbald’ S SCr. pjegav ‘spotted, freckled’; Sln. pegav ‘spotted, freckled’ PIE ‘poig- Cogn. Skt. pingala- (AV+) adj. ‘reddish brown, reddish yellow, greenish yellow’; Lat. pingo ‘paint’ See ^ ‘pega,‘pegb. *pena f. â (a) ‘foam’ CS OCS peny Npl. E Ru. pena W Cz. pena; Slk. pena; Pl. piana; USrb. pena S SCr. pjena; spjena (Dalm.); Cak. pina (Vrg., Hvar); pena (Orb.); Sln. pena; Bulg. pjana BSl. ‘(s)po?ina? B Lith. spaine f.(e) ‘foam (on waves)’ OPr. spoayno ‘foam (of fermenting beer)’ PIE ‘(s)poHi-neh2 ((s)peh3i-neh2?) Cogn. Lat. spuma f.; OE fam m.; OHG feim m. *pestb m. o (b) ‘pestle’ E Ru. pest m. ‘pestle’, Gsg. pesta W Cz.pist m. ‘pestle’;pista f. ‘pestle’; Slk. piest m. ‘pestle’; Pl.piasta f. ‘nave’ S Sln. pesto n. ‘nave, hub’ BSl. ‘poistum B Lith. piestas m. 2/4 ‘pestle’; piesta f. 2/4 ‘wooden mortar’ Latv. piesta f. ‘wooden mortar, pestle’; piests m. ‘wooden mortar, pestle’ PIE ‘pois-to-m Cogn. MLG vîsel m. ‘pestle’ (with ‘-tlo-) 398 ‘pesîki See also: ‘pbxati; ‘pbseno *pesik^ m. o (b) ‘sand’ CS OCS pesiki E Ru. pesok, Gsg. peskă W Cz. pisek; Slk. piesok; Pl. piasek; USrb. pesk m.; LSrb. pesk; pjask (dial.) S SCr. pijesak, Gsg. pijeska; Sln. pesak, Gsg. peska; Bulg. pjăsăk PIE ‘pe(n)s-u-ko- Cogn. Skt. pămsu- (AV+) m. ‘dust, sand’ *pesb adj. jo ‘pedestrian, on foot’ CS OCS pesb (Zogr., Mar., Supr.) E Ru. pesij; pexij (dial.) W Cz. pesi; Slk. pesi; Pl. pieszy S SCr. pjese (Vuk) adv. ‘on foot’; pjeske (Vuk) adv. ‘on foot’; Sln. pesji; peski; Bulg. pes adv. ‘on foot’; pesă adv. ‘on foot’ BSl. ‘pe?(d)- B Lith. pescias 3 ‘pedestrian’ Derivatives of PIE ‘ped- ‘foot’ showing the effects of Winter’s law. While the Slavic etymon seems to contain a suffix ‘-sio-, Baltic requires ‘-tio-. *peti v. (c) ‘sing’ CS OCS peti ‘sing, praise, 1sg. pojg, 2sg. pojesi E Ru. pet’‘sing, 1sg. poju, 3sg.poet;pet’ (dial.) ‘sing, 1sg.peju, 3sg. peet W Cz. peti ‘crow, 1sg. peji; Pl. piac ‘crow, 1sg. piejţ {1}; OPl. piec ‘sing, 1sg. pojţ; piac ‘sing’, 1sg. piejţ S SCr. pojati ‘sing, 1sg. pojem; peti (Vuk: “in songs”) ‘sing, 1sg. pem (pojem?); Sln. peti ‘sing, 1sg. pojem; pojati ‘sing, 1sg. pojam, 1sg. pojem; Bulg. peja ‘sing, 2sg. pees PIE ‘poiH- Cogn. Toch. B pi- ‘sing, make sing’ {1} According to Bankowski (2000b: 540), piac ‘sing’ occurs from the 14th to the 17th c. and in 18th and 19th c. poetry. *pfdb f. i (c) ‘span’ CS OCS pţdb (Euch., Ps. Sin.) ‘span’ E Ru. pjad’ ‘span’ W Cz. pid’ ‘span’; Slk. piad’ ‘span’; Pl. piţdz ‘span’ S SCr. ped ‘span’; Sln. pţd ‘span, Gsg. pedi BSl. ‘(s)penfd- B Lith. spţsti ‘set a trap’ 399 PIE ‘(s)p(e)nd— Cogn. Lat. pendo ‘weigh, judge’ *p§ stb f. i (c) ‘fist’ CS SerbCS pţstb ‘fist’ E Ru. pjast’ ‘metacarpus’ W Cz. pest ‘fist’; Slk. past’ ‘fist’; Pl. piţsc ‘fist’ S SCr. pest ‘fist’; Cak. p'es (Orb.) ‘fist’, Npl. p'esti; Sln. pţst ‘fist, handful’, Gsg. pestî PIE ‘pnkw-s-ti- Cogn. OHG fust m. ‘fist’; OE fyst m. ‘id.’ See also: ‘pşti; ‘pştb *pştâ f. â (c) ‘heel’ CS OCS pţta (Zogr., Ps. Sin., Supr.) E Ru. pjata, Asg. pjatu W Cz. pata; Slk.pata; Pl.piţta; USrb.pjata; LSrb.pata; Plb.peta S SCr. peta, Asg. peta; Cak. petâ (Vrg.), Asg. petu; petâ (Novi, Hvar); Cak. p'etă (Orb.), Asg. p'eto; Sln.peta; Bulg. peta BSl. ‘pen?ta?; *pen?tis B Lith. pentis f.(i) ‘backside of an axe, part of a scythe near the handle, (dial.) heel’; Latv. piets f.(i) ‘backside of an axe’ OPr. pentis ‘heel’ Derivative in ‘-t- of the root ‘(s)penH- (^ ‘pţti). *pşti v. (c) ‘stretch’ E Ru. pjat’ (obs.), 1sg. pnu W Cz. pnouti, 1sg.pnu; OCz. pieti, 1sg.pnu; Slk. pnut, 1sg. pnu; Pl.piqc, 1sg. pnţ S SCr. peti, 1sg. penjem; Sln. pţti, 1sg. pnem BSl. ‘pin?- B Lith. pinti ‘braid’; Latv. pît ‘braid’ PIE ‘(s)pnH- Cogn. Gk. nevo|aai ‘toil, work’; Arm. henum ‘weave, sow together’ See also: ‘pşta; ‘pşto *pşt^ num. o (b) ‘fifth’ CS OCS pţtb E Ru. pjatyj W Cz. paty; Slk. piaty; Pl.piqty S SCr. petî; Cak.petî (Vrg.); p'eti (Orb.); Sln. pţti; Bulg. peti BSl. ‘penktos 400 B Lith. penktas OPr. piencts PIE ‘penkw-to- Cogn. Gk. Ke^KToq; Lat. qulntus; OHG fimfto See also: ‘pf stb; ‘pştb *pftb num. i (c) ‘five’ CS OCS pţtb E Ru. pjat’ W Cz. pet; Slk. pat; Pl. piţc; Slnc. pjînc S SCr. pet; Cak. pet (Vrg., Hvar);p'et (Orb.); Sln. pţt; Bulg. pet BSl. ‘penk- B Lith. penki; Latv. pieci PIE ‘penkwe Cogn. Skt. pănca (RV+); Gk. hsvts; Lat. qulnque; Go. fimf In Slavic, the uninflected PIE numeral ‘penkwe apparently acquired the suffix ‘-ti-. See also: ‘pfstb; ‘pştb *plskâti; *plscâti v. (b) ‘squeak, whistle’ CS OCS piskati (Mar.) ‘pipe’ 1sg. piskajg E Ru. piscă t’ ‘squeak’ W Cz. piskati ‘whistle’; pisteti ‘whistle’; Pl. piskac ‘whistle, squeak’; piszczec ‘whistle, squeak’ S Sln. piskati ‘whistle’, 1sg. piskam, 1sg. piscem; Bulg. piskam ‘howl, cry, squeak, whistle’ BSl. ‘plsk- B Lith. pysketi ‘click, snap, crack’; Latv. pîkstet ‘squeak’ It seems best to posit an onomatopoetic root ‘pl- followed by the suffix ‘-sk-. See also: ‘piskorb; ‘piskarb; ‘piskalt *piskorb; *piskarb; *piskal^ m. jo; m. jo; m. o ‘loach, gudgeon’ E Ru. piskăr ‘gudgeon’; peskăr’ ‘gudgeon’; piskăl (dial.) m.(o) ‘gudgeon’; peskăl (dial.) m.(o) ‘gudgeon’ W Cz. piskor ‘loach’; Slk. piskor ‘loach’; Pl. piskorz m.(o) ‘loach’ S SCr. piskor m.(o) ‘muray’; Sln. piskgr ‘lampray’, Gsg. piskgrja; piskgr ‘lampray’, Gsg. piskgrja; piskur ‘lampray, Gsg. piskurja; Bulg. piskăl m.(o) ‘gudgeon’ PIE ‘peis-sk- For the semantic development cf. Lith. pyplys ‘loach, gudgeon’ vs. pypti ‘squeak’ or Pl. sykawiec ‘loach’ vs. sykac ‘hiss’ (Vasmer s.v. piskăr'). As was to be expected, attempts ‘piti 401 have been made to link this fish-name to PIE *peisk- ‘fish’, cf. Lat. piscis. This etymology is difficult to disprove. See also: ‘piskati; ‘piscati *pitati v. ‘feed’ CS OCS pitati ‘feed, raise’, 1sg. pitajg E Ru. pitat’, 1sg. pitaju W OCz. pitati S SCr. pitati, 1sg. pitam; Cak. pitati (Vrg.), 2sg. pităs; pitat (Orb.), 1sg. pitan; Sln. pitati ‘fatten, feed’, 1sg. pîtam Verb derived from ‘pit- < ‘peit (^ ‘pitja). *piteti v. ‘feed’ CS OCS piteti, 1sg. pitejg Verb derived from ‘pit- < ‘peit (^ pitja). *pitja f. â (a) ‘food’ CS OCS pista ‘food, bliss’ E Ru. pisca ‘food’ W Cz. pice ‘fodder’; OPl. pica ‘fodder, victuals’ S SCr. pica ‘fodder’; Sln. pica ‘food, fodder’ BSl. ‘peit- B Lith. pietus Npl. m.(u) ‘dinner’ The root of Skt. pitu- m. ‘nourishment’ and related forms is sometimes reconstructed as ‘pei- (cf. ‘peiH in Skt. pivan- ‘fat’, etc.), but ‘peit- seems more plausible. In view of the accentuation of ‘pitja, however, one may wonder whether the root ‘peiH may have influenced ‘peit-. See also: ‘pitati; ‘piteti *piti v. ‘drink’ CS OCS piti ‘drink’, 1sg. pijg E Ru. pit’ ‘drink’, 1sg. p’ju, 3sg. p’et W Cz. piti ‘drink’; Slk. pit’‘drink’; Pl. pic ‘drink’ S SCr. piti ‘drink’, 1sg. pijem; Cak. piti (Vrg.) ‘drink’, 2sg. pîjes; pit (Orb.) ‘drink, 1sg. pîjen; piti (Hvar) ‘ask’, 1sg. pijen; Sln. piti ‘drink, 1sg. pijem; Bulg. pija ‘drink’ B OPr. pouton ‘drink’ PIE ‘ph3i- Cogn. Skt. păti ‘drink’; Skt. pîta- ptc. pret. pass. ‘drunk’; Gk. mvw ‘drink’; Gk. kwvw (Aeol., Dor.) ‘drink’ See also: ‘pîvo 402 ‘pîvo *pîvo n. o (c) ‘drink, beer’ CS OCS pivo (Zogr., Mar., Euch.) ‘drink’ E Ru. pivo ‘beer’ W Cz. pivo ‘beer’; Slk. pivo ‘beer’; Pl. piwo ‘beer’ S SCr. pivo ‘beer’; Cak. pivo (Vrg.) ‘beer’; Sln. pivo ‘drink, beer’; Bulg. pivo ‘beer’ PIE ‘ph3i-uo-m Cogn. Gk. mvov n. ‘beer’ See also: ‘piti *pjbvati v. (a) ‘spit’ CS OCS plbvati, 1sg. pljujg E Ru. plevăt’, 1sg. pljuju, 3sg. plujet {1} W Cz. pliti, 1sg. pliji; plvati, 1sg. pliji; Slk. pluti, 1sg. plujem; Pl. pluc, 1sg. plujţ; plwac (arch.), 1sg. plujţ S SCr. pljuvati, 1sg. pljujem; Sln. pljuvăti, 1sg. pljuvam, 1sg. pljujem; Bulg. pljuja; pljuvam BSl. ‘(s)pja?u- B Lith. spjăuti; Latv. splaut PIE ‘(s)pieHu- Cogn. Lat. spuere; Go. speiwan {1} AP (a) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 133). *plakati v. (a) ‘cry, weep’ CS OCS plakati (sţ) ‘cry, lament, 1sg. placg (sţ) E Ru. plăka t’ ‘cry’, 1sg. plăcu W Cz. plakati ‘cry, 1sg. plăcu; Slk. plakat ‘cry, 1sg. placem; Pl. ptakac ‘cry, 1sg. ptaczţ S SCr. plakati ‘cry, 1sg. plăcem; Cak. plâkati (Vrg.) ‘cry’ 2sg. plăces; plakati (Orb.) ‘cry, 2sg. plâcen; Sln. plăkati ‘cry, 1sg. plăkam, 1sg. plăcem; Bulg. plăca ‘cry’ PIE *pleh2k-/*pleh2g- Cogn. Gk. n\f ctctw ‘beat’; Lat. plangere ‘beat, beat the breast as a sign of mourning, bewail’; OE flocan ‘applaud’ For the semantic development, cf. Lat. plango. *plâstb m. o (b) ‘layer’ CS RuCS plasti m. ‘layer’ E Ru. plast m. ‘layer’; ORu. plasti m. ‘layer’ W Cz. plăst f.(i) ‘honeycomb’; Slk. plăst m. ‘honeycomb’; OPl. ptast m. ‘honeycomb’ ‘plesti 403 S SCr. plăst m. ‘hay-stack’; Sln. plăst m. ‘layer, hay-swath’, Gsg. plastî; Bulg. plast m. ‘layer’ The etymology ‘ploth2-to-, cf. Lith. platus ‘broad, wide’, Gk. nXaTuq ‘wide, broad, flat, level’ (see ^ ‘pletje), seems possible, but I consider it preferable to reconstruct ‘plosk-to- (^ ‘ploskb). *plavati v. (a) ‘swim, sail’ CS OCS plavati (Supr.) ‘sail’, 1sg. plavajg E Ru. plavat’ ‘swim, sail’ W Cz. plavati ‘swim’; Slk. plavat ‘swim’; OPl. ptawac ‘swim, sail’ S Sln. plavati ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. plăvam; Bulg. plavam ‘swim, sail’ PIE ‘pleh3(u)- Cogn. Gk. nXww ‘float, sail’; OIc. floa ‘flow’ It seems that Balto-Slavic offers evidence for both ‘pleh3u- and ‘pleu- (cf. Derksen 1996: 116-117). LIV (485, 487) distinguishes between ‘pleh3- and ‘pleu-, while entertaining the possibility of a ‘ue-present for the former root. Balto-Slavic ‘pleh3u-may be a conflation of these two roots. The existence of an acute root ‘pl(j)ou?d- < ‘pleud-, cf. Lith. plausti ‘wash, bathe’ (alongside plauti), OIc. fljota ‘flow’, may have added to the confusion. See also: ‘plaviti; ‘pluti; ‘pluto; ‘ph>tb; ‘plyti *plaviti v. (a) E Ru. plavit’ ‘melt’ W Cz. plaviti ‘float, bathe (horses, cattle), navigate, scour’; Slk. plavit ‘float’; Pl. ptawic ‘bathe (horses, cattle), (arch.) melt’ S SCr. plaviti ‘flood’; Sln. plaviti ‘flood, sail, melt, 1sg. plavim; Bulg. plavja ‘rinse’ See ^ ‘plavati. *plesno; *plesna n. o; f. â ‘sole’ CS OCS plesno (Euch., Ps. Sin., Supr.) n. ‘sole’ (cf.plesnbce n. (Euch.) ‘sandal’) W OCz.plesna f. ‘sole’ S Sln. plesna f. ‘sole’ BSl. ‘ples-/‘plos- B OPr. plasmeno ‘front part of the sole’ The usual reconstruction is ‘pleth2-sn-, cf. ^ ‘plastb. I wonder if ‘plesk-n- (^ ‘ploskb) would not be a viable alternative, cf. Ru. pljusk ‘flattened spot’ : pljusna ‘metatarsus’. *plesti v. (c) ‘plait’ CS OCS pletomi (Supr.) Npl. m. ptc. pres. pass. ‘(plots) being hatched’ {1} 404 ‘pletje E Ru. plesti ‘plait’, 1sg. pletu, 3sg. pletet W Cz. plesti ‘plait’, 1sg. pletu; Slk. pliest ‘plait’, 1sg. pletem; Pl. plesc ‘plait’, 1sg. plotţ S SCr. plesti ‘plait’, 1sg. pletem; Cak. plesti (Vrg.) ‘plait’, 2sg. pletes; plest (Hvar) ‘plait’; ples (Orb.) ‘plait’, 1sg. pleten; Sln. plesti ‘plait, knit’, 1sg. pletem; Bulg. pletă ‘plait, knit’ PIE ‘plek-t- Cogn. Lat. plectăre ‘plait’; OIc. fletta ‘plait’; OHG flechtan ‘plait’ {1} In: kovi ze i sbveti zbli na nţ pletomi byvaaxg. See also: ‘ploti *pletje n. jo (b) ‘shoulder’ CS OCS pleste n.(jo) ‘shoulder’ E Ru. pleco n.(jo) ‘shoulder’ W Cz.plec f.(i) ‘shoulder’; Slk.plece n.(jo) ‘shoulder’; Pl.plecy Npl. n.(jo) ‘back’ S SCr. plece n.(jo) ‘shoulder (blade)’, Npl. n. pleca, Npl. f. pleci; plece (Pos.) n.(jo) ‘shoulder (blade), Npl. plecă; Cak. plece (Novi) n.(jo) ‘shoulder (blade), Npl. pleca; pleco (Orb.) n.(jo) ‘shoulder (blade), Npl. pl'eca; plecă (Vrg.) Npl. n. ‘shoulders’; Sln. plece n.(jo) ‘shoulder, Npl. plţca; Bulg. plesti Npl. ‘shoulders’; plesti Npl. ‘shoulders’ Derivative of the root ‘plet- < ‘pleh- ‘broad’ (^ ‘plesna). See also: ‘plasti; ‘plesna *plena f. â ‘membrane’ E Ru. plenă ‘membrane’ W Cz. plena ‘membrane’ BSl. ‘plen(i)a? B Lith. plene f.(e) 4 ‘membrane’; pleve f.(e) 4 ‘membrane’ OPr. pleynis ‘cerebral membrane’ PIE ‘plen-eh2 See: ^ ‘pelenă *plesnb f. i ‘mould’ CS RuCS plesnb E Ru. plesen W Cz. plisen; Slk. plesen; Pl. plesn S SCr. plijesan; Cak. plesnja (Orb.) f.(jâ); Sln. plesm, Gsg. plesni; Bulg. plesen m.(o) B Lith. pelesis m.(io) Formation not entirely clear. Apparently, plesnb : ‘pelesi runs parallel to ‘plena : ‘pelenă, with ablaut of both the suffix and the root. ‘plutje 405 *plesb f. i (c) ‘bald patch’ CS CS plesb W Cz. ples; Pl. plesz S Sln. ples m.(jo);plesa f.(jâ) B Lith. plikas adj. ‘bald’; pleike (E. Lith.) f. ‘bald patch’; Latv. pliks adj. ‘bare, bald’ Cogn. Nw. flein (dial.) m. ‘bald patch’ Forms such Ru. plexan ‘bald person’ show that the root of this etymon is ‘plex-. According to Kortlandt (1994: 112), Slavic ‘x corresponding to Baltic *k points to ‘kh2, cf. ^ ‘soxa vs. Lith. saka. We may therefore reconstruct ‘ploikh2-o-. *pleva f. â ‘membrane’ E Ru. pleva ‘membrane, film’ W Slnc. plievă ‘iris’ S Sln. pleva ‘eyelid’ BSl. ‘plew(i)a? B Lith.pleve f.(e) 4 ‘membrane’ PIE ‘pleu-eh2 Cogn. Gk. emnAooq m. ‘net around the intestines’ See also: ‘pelena; ‘plena; ‘polteno *pluskb m. o E Ru. pljusk ‘flattened spot’ Etymology unclear. The root seems to be a variant with ‘u of the root of ^ ‘ploskb. See also: ‘plusna *plusna f. â E Ru. pljusna metatarsus’ BSl. ‘pl( j)ousk- B Lith. plauksta ‘flat of the hand, palm’ See ^ ‘pluskb. *plutje n. jo (b) ‘lung’ CS OCS pljusta (Supr.) Npl. n. ‘lungs’ E ORu. pljuca Npl. n. ‘lungs’ W Cz. plice f.(jâ) ‘lungs’; OCz. pluce Npl. f. f.(jâ) ‘lungs’; Slk. pîuca Npl. n. ‘lungs’; Pl. ptuco n. ‘lung’ S SCr. pluca Npl. n. ‘lungs’; pluca (Vuk: Dubr.) f. ‘lung’; Cak. pluca / pluca (Vrg.) f. ‘lungs’; pluca (Novi) Npl. n. ‘lungs’; pluca (Orb.) Npl. n. ‘lungs’; Sln. pljuca Npl. n. ‘lungs’ 406 ‘ploski BSl. ‘pl(j)outia? B Lith.plauciai m.(io) 2 ‘lungs’; Latv. plăusi m.(io) ‘lungs’ See ^ ‘plăviti. Apparently, we are dealing here with a tjo-derivative containing the root ‘pleu-. ^ploskb adj. o ‘flat’ CS OCS ploski (Supr.) E Ru. ploskij W Cz. plosky; O Pl. ptoski (Maz.) S Sln. plosk, f. ploska; Bulg. plosăk B Lith. plâkanas PIE ‘plok-sk-o- Cogn. OHG flah See also: ‘plasti *plot^ m. o ‘fence’ CS OCS ploti (Ps. Sin.) ‘fence’ E Ru. plot (dial.) ‘fence’; ORu. ploti ‘fence’ W Cz. plot ‘fence’; Slk. plot ‘fence’; Pl. plot ‘fence’; USrb. plot ‘fence’, Gsg. plota, Gsg. plotu S SCr. plot ‘fence’, Gsg. plota; Sln. plot ‘wickerwork, fence’, Gsg. plota, Gsg. plotu A to-derivative of the stem ‘plot- < ‘plokt- < ‘plok-t (^ ‘plesti). *pluti v. ‘swim, sail’ CS OCS plu (Supr.) 3sg. aor. ‘sailed’ W Cz. plouti ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. pluju; OCz. pluti ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. plovu; Slk. plut ‘swim, sail’ S Sln. pluti ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. plujem, 1sg. plovem BSl. ‘plaîu- B Lith. plăuti ‘wash, bathe’ See ^ ‘plăvati. *pluto n. o (b) ‘flotsam’ W Slnc. pluto ‘flotsam’ S SCr. pluto (Prcanj) ‘flotsam’; pluto (Dubr.) ‘flotsam’ BSl. ‘ploîuto (plouto?) B Lith. plautas 2 ‘sweating shelf, bath shelf, sideboard (of a bee-hive or a boat)’; Latv. plăuts2 ‘shelf, Verschlufibrett des Klotzbienenstocks’ PIE ‘ploh3u-to-m (plou-to-m?) ‘po; ‘pa 407 Cogn. OIc. fleydr ‘cross-beam’; Fi. lauta ‘bath shelf, board’ See Derksen 1996 (116-117) for a discussion of the accentual properties of the Slavic and Baltic forms. See also: ‘plavati; ‘plaviti; ‘pluti; ‘pluto; ‘plyti *pl’£tb m. o (b) ‘raft’ E Ru. plot ‘raft’, Gsg. plota W OCz. plet f.(i) ‘raft’; Slk. plt f.(i) ‘raft’; Pl. plet ‘raft’ BSl. ‘plutom B Latv.pluts m. ‘raft, ferry’ (possibly a borrowing from Slavic) Here we clearly find the zero grade of the root ‘pleu-, i.e. without a laryngeal, cf. Skt. plavate ‘swim, float’, Gk. nAew ‘to sail, to swim. See also: ‘plavati; ‘plaviti; ‘pluti; ‘pluto; ‘plyti *plyti v. (a) ‘swim, sail’ E Ru. plyt’ ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. plyvu, 3sg. plyvet S SCr. pliti ‘swim, sail’, 1sg. plijem BSl. ‘pl?u- B Lith. pluti ‘flow’ According to LIV (486), Gk. hAuvw either goes back to ‘plu-n-ie-, which would be a Greek innovation, or continues a sef-root. See also: ‘plavati; ‘plaviti; ‘pluti; ‘pluto; ‘pliti *po; *pa prep., pref. ‘after, by, at’ CS OCS po ‘after, by, at’, pa pref. E Ru. po ‘after, on, by, at, up to’, pa- pref. W Cz. po ‘after, on, by, at, up to’, pa- pref.; Pl. po ‘after, on, by, at, up to’, pa- pref. S SCr. po ‘for, over, through, by, after’, pa- pref.; Sln. pd ‘at, on, after, by’, pa- pref.; Bulg. po ‘on, over, in, at, to’ BSl. ?) o( ‘po B Lith. pa- pref. {1}, po- pref. PIE hpo Cogn. Skt. apa- adv. ‘away, from’; Gk. ano ‘from, away from’; Lat. ab prep. ‘from, away’; Go. af ‘from, away from, since’ The nominal prefix pa- is the equivalent of the verbal prefix po-. The prefix po- also forms perfective aspect in Russian and most other Slavic languages. The glottal stop of ‘po?- was probably adopted from nouns with an initial laryngeal or a glottalized stop. 408 ‘pociti *pociti v. (a) ‘rest’ CS OCS pociti, 1sg. pocijg E Ru. pocit’, 1sg. pociju S Sln. pociti, 1sg. pocijem Prefixed verb containing the root ‘kwihi- ‘rest’, cf. Av. săitim Asg. f. ‘happiness’, Lat. quies f. ‘rest, quiet’ *podoba f. â (a) CS OCS podoba ‘manner, necessity, decency, appearance’ (podoba jesti, na podobg (sc. jesti) ‘it is necessary, it is becoming, na podobg byti komu ‘be worthy, podoba jesti ‘it seems, apparently’) W Cz. podoba ‘similarity, appearance’ S Sln. podgba ‘image, picture, appearance, likelihood’ BSl. ‘doba? B Lith. dabă ‘nature, habit, character’; dabar adv. ‘now’; Latv. daba ‘manner, habit, character’ See ^ ‘po and doba. *podorg^ m. o ‘hem, border’ CS OCS podragi m. ‘hem, border’; RuCS podragi m. ‘hem, border’ W OCz. podrah m. ‘hem, border’; USrb. podroha f. ‘hem, border’ Cogn. OHG zarga f. ‘frame, side wall’ Derivative consisting of ^ ‘po- and a noun ‘dorgi, cf. OHG zarga f. ‘frame, side wall, which is probably cognate with ^ *dbrgati. *pod^ I prep./pref. CS OCS podi ‘under, towards (of time)’ E Ru. pod(o) ‘under, near, towards (of time)’ W Cz. pod(e) ‘under’; Slk. pod(e) ‘under’; Pl. pod(e) ‘under, near, towards (of time)’ S SCr. pod(a) ‘under’; Cak. pod(â/ă) (Orb.) ‘under, beneath’; Sln. pod ‘under, towards (of time)’; Bulg. pod ‘under’ An extended form of ^ ‘po. Perhaps essentially the same as ‘podi II < ‘h2po-dhhi-o-. *pod^ II m. o (b/c) ‘floor, ground’ E Ru. pod ‘hearth-stone, sole (of furnace), Gsg. poda; pod (Rjaz.) ‘hearth- stone, sole (of furnace), Gsg. poda; ORu. podi ‘floor, bottom’; Ukr. pid (dial.) ‘hay-stack floor’, Gsg. poda W Cz. puda f. ‘floor, bottom’ S SCr. pod ‘floor, ground, Gsg. poda; pod (Vuk) ‘floor, ground, Gsg. poda; Cak. pod (Vrg.) ‘floor, ground, Gsg. podă; pod (Novi) ‘floor, ground, Gsg. podă; ‘pokojh 409 Kajk. ped (Bednja) ‘floor, ground’, Gsg. pyeda; Sln. pdd ‘floor, threshing floor, Gsg. attic’, Gsg. poda; Bulg. pod ‘floor’ BSl. ‘podum B Lith. pâdas 2 ‘sole, metatarsus, floor of a stove, (E. Lith.) clay threshing- floor’; Latv. pads ‘stone floor’ Compound of ^ ‘po and an o-stem containing the zero grade of dhehi - ‘do’ (^ ‘deti I), cf. ^ ‘pridi. *podisbva ‘sole’ E Ru. podosva ‘sole, foot (of a slope)’; ORu. podisbva ‘sole’; Ukr. pidosva ‘sole’ W Cz. podesev f.(i) ‘sole’; podesva (Mor. dial.) ‘sole’; Slk. podosva ‘sole’; Pl. podeszwa ‘sole’ Compound of ‘podi I and ‘sbva < ‘siuH-eh2 (^ ‘siti). Cf. also ^ ‘podi II. *poiti v. (c) ‘give to drink’ CS OCS poih (Supr.) Nsg. m. l-ptc. ‘gave to drink’ E Ru. poit’ ‘give to drink, 1sg. poju, 3sg. poit W Cz. pojiti (obs.) ‘give to drink’ (now usually with a prefix, e.g. napojiti ‘give to drink, opojiti ‘intoxicate’); Pl. poic ‘give to drink’ S SCr. pdjiti ‘give to drink, 1sg. pdjîm; Cak. pojiti (Vrg.) ‘give to drink, 2sg. pojîs; Sln. pojiti ‘give to drink, 1sg. pojim; Bulg. poja ‘give to drink, water, 1sg. pojim PIE ‘poh3i-ei-*pdjâs'B m. o (c) ‘girdle’ CS OCS pojasi ‘girdle’ ((the verb is pojasati, 1sg. pojasg or pojasajg) E Ru. pojas ‘girdle’; ORu. pojasi ‘girdle’; pojasbnica f. ‘girdle’ W Cz. pas ‘girdle’; Slk. pas ‘girdle’; Pl. pas ‘girdle’ S SCr. pojăs ‘girdle’; păs ‘girdle, Gsg. păsa; Cak. păs (Vrg.) ‘girdle’, Gsg. păsa; păs (Vrg.) ‘belt, waist, Gsg. stripe, păsa; Sln. păs ‘girdle, Gsg. păsa, Gsg. pasu; pojăs ‘girdle’; Bulg. pojas ‘girdle’ BSl. ‘jo?s- B Lith. juosta f. ‘girdle’ Prefixed noun consisting of ^ ‘po- and ‘jasi < ‘ie/oh3s-o- from a PIE verbal root meaning ‘to gird, cf. Gk. (wctt^p m. ‘girdle’; Gk. (wCTToq ptc. pret. pass. ‘girdled’; Av. yăsta- ptc. pret. pass. ‘girdled’. *pokojb m. jo (a) ‘rest’ CS OCS pokoi ‘rest’ E Ru. pokoj ‘rest, (obs.) chamber’ W Pl. pokoj ‘peace, chamber’ 410 ‘poleno S SCr. pdkoj ‘tranquility’, Gsg. pokoja; Cak. pokoj (Vrg.) ‘tranquility’ Gsg. pokoja; Sln. pokoj ‘rest’, Gsg. pokgja; pokoj ‘rest’, Gsg. pokgja; Bulg. pokoj ‘rest’ Compound of ^ ‘po and ‘kojb < ‘kwoihi-o, cf. OCS pokoiti ‘calm down, put at ease’. See ^ ‘pociti for the etymology of the root. *poleno n. o (a) ‘billet’ CS CS poleno E Ru. poleno; ORu. poleno W Cz. poleno; Slk. poleno; Pl. polano S Sln. poleno See ^ ‘palica. *poleti v. ‘burn’ CS OCS poleti (Supr.) ‘burn’, 1sg. poljg S Sln. poleti ‘burn, flame’, 1sg. polim See ^ ‘păliti. Here the stem is ‘polhi-, which according to LIV (469) - but without the laryngeal - continues an old perfect stem. *polx^ I m. o ‘fear’ CS RuCS plaxi ‘fear’ E Ru. perepolox ‘alarm, commotion’; Ukr. polox ‘fear’; polox ‘horror’ W Cz. poplach ‘alarm’; Slk. poplach ‘alarm’ Etymology unclear. The connection with Gk. n&AAw ‘sway, swing’ from ‘pelhi- is a possibility, cf. na\Ao|aevr| Kpa8îr|v (Il. XXII 461) ‘with pounding heart’ (LIV: 469470). The ‘x of the suffix must have arisen secondarily for ‘s. See also: ‘polxi II; ‘polsiti *pdlx'b II adj. o (a) ‘shy, timid’ W Cz. plachy ‘timid’; Slk. plachy ‘timid’; Pl. plochy ‘frivolous’ S SCr. plăh ‘quick, sharp, hot-tempered’; Sln. plâh ‘shy, timid’, f. plăha; Bulg. plax ‘shy, timid’ See ^ ‘polxi I. *polica f. jâ (a) ‘shelf’ CS CS polica ‘shelf’ (Supr. has one instance of polica for palica ‘staff’) E Ru. polica ‘shelf (for kitchen-ware)’; ORu. polica ‘shelf’ W Cz. police; Slk. polica; Pl.polica (arch., dial.) S SCr. polica; Cak. polica; Sln. polica; Bulg. polica See ^ ‘palica. ‘polteno 411 *pole n. jo (c) ‘field’ CS OCS polje E Ru. pole W Cz. pole; Slk. pole; Pl. pole; USrb. polo S SCr. polje, NApl. pdla; Cak. pole (Novi), NApl. pola; polje, NApl. polă; Sln. polje; polje; Bulg. pole, Npl. poleta, Npl. polja One might reconstruct ‘pol-i-om, cf. OHG feld n. ‘field’. *polmy m. n (a) ‘flame’ CS OCS plamy m.(n) ‘flame, fire’, Gsg. plamene E Ru. plamja n.(n) ‘flame, fire’, Gsg. plameni (obviously a Church Slavicism); polomja (dial.) n.(n) ‘flame, fire’ W Cz. plamen m.(o) ‘flame’; Slk. plamen m.(jo) ‘flame’; Pl. plomien m.(jo) ‘flame’ S SCr. plamen m.(o) ‘flame’, Gsg. plâmena; Cak. plamen (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘flame’, Gsg. plâmena; Sln. plamen m.(o) ‘flame’, Gsg. plamţna; plamţn m.(o) ‘flame’;plamm m.(o) ‘flame’, Gsg.plamna B Lith. pelenaî Npl. m. ‘ashes’; plenis f.(i) ‘speck, fine ashes’; Latv. plene f.(e) ‘white ashes on coals’ OPr. pelanne ‘ashes’ The formation ‘polhi-men- is a Slavic innovation. For the etymology of the root, see ^ ‘păliti. *polsa f. â (c) ‘strip’ E Ru. polosa ‘stripe, strip, Asg. polosu; ORu. polosa ‘strip of land’ W Pl. plosa ‘measure of arable land’; plosa ‘measure of arable land’ S SCr. plâsa ‘clod of earth, piece of ice, a swelling beneath the eyes’; plăsâ (dial.) ‘treeless land, Asg. plăsu; Cak. plăsâ (Novi) ‘treeless land, Asg. plăsu; Sln. plasa ‘strip of land, plateau, zone’ The same root ‘pol- may be present in OHG falg f. ‘plowed field, OE fealg‘fallow’. *polsiti v. ‘scare’ CS RuCS plasiti E Ru. polosit’ W Cz. plasiti; Pl. ploszyc S SCr. plasiti; Sln. plasiti, 1sg. plăsim; Bulg. plasa See also: ‘polxi I; ‘polxi II *poltbno n. o (b) ‘linen’ CS OCS platbno (Ps. Sin.); CS platbno E Ru. polotno 412 ‘polvb W Cz. plătno; Slk. plătno; Pl. plotno S SCr. plătno; Cak. plătno ‘fabric, textile’; Sln. plătno; Bulg. platno ‘fabric, linen, sail’ PIE ‘pol-t- See also: ‘pelenă; ‘plena; ‘pleva *polvb adj. o CS OCS plavi (Zogr., Mar., Ass.) ‘white’ (only in John 4:35.); RuCS plavi ‘white’ E Ru. polovyj ‘pale yellow, sandy’; polovoj ‘pale yellow, sandy’ W Cz. plavy ‘faded, dun, light yellow’; Slk. plavy ‘faded, dun, light yellow’; Pl. plowy ‘faded, straw-coloured’ S SCr. plâv ‘blue, blond’, f. plăva, n. plăvo; Sln. plav ‘blue, pale, blond’, f. plăva BSl. ‘polwos B Lith. palvas ‘light yellow, straw-coloured’ PIE ‘pol-uo- Cogn. Lat. pallidus ‘pale’; OIc. fglr ‘faded’; OHG falo ‘faded’ *pol^ I m. o ‘half’ CS OCS poli ‘sex, half’, Gsg. polu E Ru. pol ‘sex, (in compounds) half’ W Cz. pul ‘half’; Slk. pol ‘half’; Pl. pol ‘half’ S SCr. po ‘half’; Cak. po (Vrg.) ‘half’; Sln. pol ‘side, half’ *pol^ II m. o E Ru. pol ‘floor’; ORu. poli ‘foundation’; Ukr. pol ‘sleeping bench’ PIE ‘pol- Cogn. OIc. fjgl m. ‘floar board, plank’ See also: ‘palica; ‘palika; ‘poleno; ‘polica; ‘poli *polbdza f. jâ ‘use, benefit’ CS OCS polbdza ‘use, benefit’; polbza ‘use’ E Ru. pol’za ‘use, benefit’; pol’ga (Arx.) ‘use, benefit’ S Bulg. polza ‘use, benefit’ See ^ ‘lbdza; ‘lbga. *polz^ m. o (c) E Ru. poloz ‘sledge runner, grass-snake’ W Cz. plaz ‘reptile’; Slk. plaz ‘reptile’; Pl. ploza f. ‘sledge runner’ S SCr. plâz ‘plough sole’; Sln. plâz ‘plough sole’; Bulg. plaz ‘sledge runner’ ‘poriti I 413 On the basis of OHG felga f. ‘felly, harrow, one might be inclined reconstruct ‘polgh-for the Slavic noun. The root seems to be acute, however (^ ‘pblzati). Consequently, we must reconstruct ‘polHgh- or give up the connection with the Germanic word. *porâ f. â ‘time’ E Ru. pora ‘time, season’; Ukr. pora ‘time, season, age’ W Pl. pora ‘ocurrence, time’ S Bulg. pora ‘age’ See ^ ‘poriti I. *porg^ m. o (a) ‘threshold’ CS OCS pragi (Cloz., Supr.) ‘door-post’ E Ru. porog W Cz. prah, Gsg. prahu; Slk. prah; Pl. prog, Gsg. progu; Slnc. pary, Gsg. păryu; USrb. proh, Gsg. proha S SCr. prag; Cak. prâg (Vrg., Novi); prâh (Orb.), Gsg. prâga; Sln. prag, Gsg. praga; Bulg. prag BSl. ‘por?gos B Lith. pergas ‘(fishing) canoe’ PIE ‘porg-o- Cogn. OIc. forkr m. ‘bar, stick’ *porx^ m. o (c) ‘dust’ CS OCS praxi ‘dust’ E Ru. porox ‘gun-powder, powder’ W Cz. prach ‘dust, powder’; Slk. prach ‘dust, powder’; Pl. proch ‘dust, powder’ S SCr. prăh ‘dust, powder’; Cak. prâh (Vrg.) ‘dust, powder’; proh (Hvar) ‘dust, powder’; prăh (Novi, Orb.) ‘dust, powder’ Sln. prăh ‘dust, powder, Gsg. prăha, Gsg. prahu; Bulg. prax ‘dust, powder’ BSl. ‘pors- B Latv. părsla f. ‘flake, particle (snow, hoarfrost, ashes)’ See ^ *pbrxi. *poriti I v. E Ru. pont’ ‘grow fat, increase, help’ PIE ‘porhî- Cogn. Gk. nopsîv ‘procure’ See also: ‘pora; ‘porini; ‘sipori 414 ‘poriti II ‘poriti II v. ‘unstitch’ S SCr. poriti ‘unstitch, 1sg. porlm; Cak. poriti ‘unstitch, 2sg. poris; Bulg. porja ‘cut, unstitch, plough’ See ^ ‘porti. ‘pormi adj. o ‘healthy, strong’ E Ru. pornoj (dial.); pornyj (dial.) PIE ‘porhî- See also: ‘poră; ‘poriti I; ‘suport ‘porsş n. nt (c) ‘piglet’ CS CS prasţ, Gsg. prasţte E Ru. porosenok m., Npl. porosjăta; ORu. porosja W Cz. prase n.(o/jo) ‘pig’; Slk. prasa; Pl. prosiţ S SCr. prâse, Gsg. praseta; Cak. prâse (Vrg.), Gsg. praseta; prose (Hvar), Gsg. proseta; prâse (Novi), Gsg. praseta; Sln. prase ‘piglet, pig, Gsg. prasţta; Bulg. prase ‘piglet, pig’ BSl. ‘pors- B Lith.parselis m.(io) 2;parsiukas m.(o) 2 OPr. prastian PIE ‘pork-os Cogn. Lat.porcus m. ‘pig’; OHG far(a)h n. ‘pig’; OHG fearh m. ‘pig, boar’ ‘porti v. (b) ‘unstitch’ CS CS prati ‘cut, 1sg. porjg E Ru. porot’‘unstitch, rip, 1sg.porju, 3sg. poret W Pl. proc ‘unstitch, cut, 1sg. porzţ S Sln. prăti ‘unstitch, 1sg. porjem, 1sg. pgrjem This verb is cognate with Gk. nsipw ‘pierce’ (PIE ‘per-). LIV (472) links the o-grade to a reduplicated present. See also: ‘poriti II ‘posetiti v. ‘visit’ CS OCS posetiti ‘visit, 1sg. posestg E Ru. posetit’ ‘visit, 1sg. posescu, 3sg. posetit S Bulg. posetjă ‘visit’ B Lith. svecias m.(jo) ‘guest’ PIE ‘sue-t- Cogn. Gk. eTapoq m. ‘comrade’ The lengthened grade is unexpected. ‘pozdi 415 *pâtb m. o (c) ‘sweat’ CS OCS poti E Ru. pot, Gsg. pota W Cz. pot; Slk. pot; Pl. pot S SCr. pot, Gsg. pota; Cak. pot (Vrg., Novi), Gsg. pota; pot (Vrg.) f.(i), Gsg. pota; puot (Orb.), Gsg. pota; Sln.pot, Gsg. pota, Gsg. potu; Bulg. pot f.(i);pot PIE ‘pokw-to- The Slavic word for ‘sweat’ formally matches MWpoeth < ‘pokw-to- < ‘kwokw-to-. See also: ‘pekti; ‘pekth *povinşti v. CS OCS povingti ‘subject’, 1sg. poving BSl. ‘wi? B Lith. vyti ‘drive away, chase, pursue’, 3sg. veja PIE ‘uihi- Cogn. Skt. veti ‘persecute, strive, chase’ See also: ‘vojh; ‘vojbna *povorz^; *pavorz^ m. o ‘cord’ CS SerbCS povrazi ‘lobe’ E Ru. pavoroz ‘cord of a tobacco pouch’; Ukr. povoroz ‘cord, loop’ W Cz. provaz ‘cord’ (from *povraz); Slk.povraz ‘cord’; Pl. powroz ‘cord’ S SCr. povrăz ‘ear of a cauldron’; Sln. povraz ‘cord, noose, handle, Gsg. povraza; povraz ‘handle’ Cogn. OS wurgil m. ‘snare’ Compound of ^ ‘po and ‘vorzi < ‘uorgh-os. See also: ‘otiverzti; ‘verslo *pozd^ adj. o ‘late’ CS OCS pozde adv. E Ru. pozdyj (dial.); ORu.pozdi W Cz. pozde adv.; Slk. pozde adv. S Sln. pozd; pozdi adv.; pozdî adv.; pozde adv. ‘later, afterwards’ B Lith. pas prep. ‘to’ Cogn. Skt. pască (RV+) adv. ‘behind, after’; OLat. poste prep. ‘behind, after’ For the element ‘-dhhi-o-, cf. ^ ‘nadi, ‘podi, etc. See also: ‘pozdrni 416 ‘pozdbni;‘pozdbnb ‘pozdbni; ‘pozdbnb adj. o; adj. jo ‘slow, late’ CS OCS pozdbni (Supr.) ‘slow’ E Ru. pozdnij ‘late’ W Cz. pozdm ‘late’; Pl. pozny ‘late’ S SCr. pozan ‘late’, f. pozna, f. pozna; Cak. poznî (Vrg.) ‘late’, f. poznâ, n. pozno; Sln. pozan ‘late’, f. pozna ‘late’; Bulg. pozden ‘late’ See ^ ‘pozdi. ‘pşcati v. ‘bud, germinate’ W Cz. puceti ‘germinate, sprout, bud’; Slk. pucat‘thrive, germinate, sprout, bud’ See ^‘pgki. ‘pşcina f. â CS OCS pgcina ‘(open) sea’ E Ru. pucina ‘gulf, abyss’ S Sln. pocina ‘open sea’ Derivative of ^ pgciti (‘crack’ ^ ‘abyss’ ^ ‘open sea’). ‘pşciti; ‘pşkti v. (a) ‘swell, burst’ E Ru. pucit’ ‘become swollen’ S SCr. puci ‘burst, crack, shoot’, 1sg. puknem; puknuti ‘burst, crack, shoot’, 1sg. puknem; Cak. puknuti (Vrg.) ‘burst, crack, shoot’, 2sg. puknes; Cak. puknut (Orb.) ‘burst, crack, shoot’, 3sg. pukne; Sln. pgciti ‘crack, hit, burst’, 1sg. pgcim See ^ ‘pgki. ‘pşditi v. ‘chase’ CS MBulg. pgditi ‘push, chase’ E Ru. pudit’ ‘scare, chase’; pudit’ ‘scare, chase’ W Cz. puditi ‘impel, induce’; Pl. pţdzic ‘chase’ S SCr. puditi ‘chase’; Sln. poditi ‘chase, 1sg. podim; Bulg. pădja ‘chase, dispel’ ‘pşgy; ‘pşgivica f. u; f. jâ (a) ‘knob, button’ CS MBulg. pggy ‘knob, Gsg. pggive E Ru. pugovica ‘button’; ORu. pugy ‘knob, Gsg. pugive; pugivb ‘knob, Gsg. pugive W Pl. pqgwica ‘button’ S Cak. pugva (Vrg.) ‘pimple’ BSl. ‘ponîg- B Latv. puoga ‘button’ The root ‘pgg- seems to be a variant of ‘pgk- (^ ‘pgki). 417 ^pşkb m. o ‘bud’ E Ru. puk ‘bunch, bundel’ W Cz. puk ‘sprout, bud’; Slk. puk ‘sprout, bud’; Pl. pţk ‘bunch, bundel’; pqk ‘bud’ PIE ‘ponHk- Cogn. Lat. pănus m. ‘tumour’ See also: ‘ pşcina; ‘pşciti; ‘pşgy; ‘pşgivica; ‘pşkti *pşp^; ‘pşp'bkb m. o ‘bud, navel’ CS CS pupi ‘navel’ E Ru. pup ‘navel’ W Cz. pupek ‘navel’; Slk. pupok ‘navel’; Pl. pţp ‘plug, bung’; pţpek ‘navel’ S SCr. pup ‘bud’; pupak ‘bud’; pupak ‘navel’; Cak. pup (Vrg.) ‘bud’; pupak (Vrg.) ‘navel’; pup (Orb.) ‘bud’; pupak (Orb.) ‘navel, bud (on a tree or vine)’; Sln. pgp ‘bud, navel’; Bulg. pap ‘navel’ BSl. ‘pomp- B Lith. pampti ‘swell’ *pşto n. o (a) ‘fetter’ CS OCS pgta Npl. ‘fetters’ E Ru. puto ‘fetter’ W Cz. pouto ‘fetters, shackles’; Slk. puto ‘fetter’; Pl. pţto ‘fetter’ S SCr. puto ‘fetter’; Sln. pgto ‘fetter (for horses)’ BSl. ‘pon?to B Lith. pantis m.(io) ‘horse-lock’ OPr. panto ‘fetter’ PIE ‘ponH-tom Cogn. Arm. hanum ‘weave, sow together’ See also: ‘pşta; ‘pşti *pştb m. i (b) ‘way’ CS O CS pgtb m.(i) ‘way’ E Ru. put’ m.(i) ‘way, journey’ W Cz. pout’ f.(i) ‘pilgrimage, (lit.) journey’; Slk. put’ f.(i) ‘pilgrimage, (lit.) journey’; Pl. pqc m.(i) ‘way’ S SCr. put m.(o) ‘road, way’, Gsg. puta; Cak. put (Vrg.) m.(o) ‘road, way, time’, Gsg. puta; put (Hvar) m.(o) ‘road, way’, Gsg. putâ; puot (Orb.) m.(o) ‘road, way, path, Gsg. puota; put (Orb.) m.(o) ‘time’; Sln. pgt f.(i) ‘way’; pgt m.(o) ‘way’; Bulg. pat m.(jo) ‘road, way’ BSl. ‘pont-/‘pint- B OPr. pintis ‘way, road’ PIE ‘p(o)nt-hi- 418 ‘pravi Cogn. Skt. panthă- (RV+) m.; Gk. n&Toq m. ‘road’; Gk. novToq m. ‘sea’; Lat. pons m. ‘bridge’ The combined evidence of the various branches of IE points to a hysterodynamic hi-stem. *prâvb adj. o (a) ‘right’ CS OCS pravi ‘right’ E Ru. pravyj ‘right’ W Cz. pravy ‘right’; Slk. pravy ‘right’; Pl. prawy ‘right’ S SCr. prâv ‘innocent, straight’; Cak. prâv (Vrg.) ‘right, good’; prâv ‘innocent, straight’; prăvi (Orb.) ‘right, good’, f. prăva, n. prăvo; Sln. prav ‘right’; prăvi ‘right, real’; Bulg. prav ‘right, straight’ If ‘pravi < ‘proH-uo- (see ^ ‘pro, ‘pra), we may compare the formation with Lat. probus ‘solid, decent’ provided that the latter form continues ‘pro-bh(u)o- and not ‘pro-bhuH-o-. *pretivb prep. ‘against’ W Pl. przeciew; USrb. preciwo; LSrb. prsesiwo BSl. ‘preti B Latv. pretî adv. ‘to meet, towards, opposite’; pret prep. ‘against, before’ PIE ‘preti- Cogn. Skt. prati adv. ‘against’; Gk. npeq (Aeol.) prep. ‘in addition’ See also: ‘protivi; ‘protivş; ‘proti *prşdati v. (a) E Ru. prjadat’ (obs., dial.) ‘move (its ears)’ S SCr. predati ‘fear’ PIE ‘(s)pr(e)nd- Cogn. OIc. spretta ‘jump up, sprout’ An example of Winter’s law. See also: ‘prşdnşti *prşdnşti v. (a) CS OCS visprţngti ‘leap up, come to one’s senses’ E Ru. prjanut’ (obs.) ‘jump aside’ S SCr. prenuti ‘rouse somebody from sleep, (p. se) wake up, come to one’s senses’; Cak. prenut (Orb.) ‘frighten, (se p.) get frightened’, 3sg. pr'ene See ^ ‘prţdati. ‘prijatelb 419 ‘prşsti v. (c) ‘spin’ CS OCS prţdgti (Zogr., Mar., Ass., Sav.) 3pl. {1} E Ru. prjast’, 1sg. prjadu, 3sg. prjadet; Ukr. prjăsty, 1sg. prjadu W Cz. pristi, 1sg. predu; OCz. priesti, 1sg. pradu; Slk. priast, 1sg. pradiem; Pl. przqsc, 1sg. przţdţ; USrb. prasc, 1sg. pradu; LSrb. psesc, 1sg. psedu S SCr. presti, 1sg. predem; Cak. presti (Vrg.), 2sg. predes; prest (Hvar), 1sg. preden; pres (Orb.), 1sg. pr'eden; Sln. prţsti, 1sg. prţdem; Bulg. predă BSl. ‘(s)pren?d- B Lith. sprţsti ‘stretch, spread, solve, judge’, 3pres. sprendzia; Latv. spriest ‘stretch, press, judge, discuss’ 1sg. spriezu PIE ‘(s)prend- Another example of Winter’s law. Vaillant (Gr. III: 153-154) assumes that this root is etymologically identical with the root of ‘prţdati. {1} ‘Neither do they [the lilies of the field] spin’ (Matthew 6: 28, Luke 12: 27). Zogr. actually has the scribal errors pridgti (also Sav.) and prţxgti. ‘pri prep., pref. ‘at, with, by’ CS OCS pri E Ru. pri W Cz. pri; Slk. pri; Pl. przy S SCr. pri; Sln. pri ‘at, by’; Bulg. pri ‘at, with, by, to’ BSl. ‘prei(?) B Lith. prie prep. ‘at, with, to’; prie- pref. ‘at, with, to’ OPr. prei prep. ‘at, with, to’ PIE ‘prei See also ^ ‘pridi. ‘pridi m. o (b) ‘addition’ S SCr. prîd ‘addition, supplement’, Gsg. prîda; prîd (Slavonia, Croatia) ‘addition, supplement’, Gsg. prida; Sln. prid ‘use, advantage’, Gsg. prida; Bulg. pridăt ‘(the) gift to the bride’ BSl. ‘preidum B Lith. priedas 2 ‘addition, bonus, supplement’; Latv. prieds ‘bonus’ PIE ‘prei-dhhi-o-m (‘prei-dh3-o-m?) See ^ ‘podi II. ‘prijatelb m. jo ‘friend’ CS OCS prijatelb (Euch., Ril.) E Ru. prijătel’ W Cz. pritel, Npl.prătele; Slk. priateî; Pl.przyjaciel 420 ‘prijati S SCr. prijatelj; Cak. pr'ijatel (Vrg.); pr'ijatel (Novi); pr'etel (Orb.); Sln. prijătelj; Bulg. prijatel PIE ‘priH- Cogn. Skt. priya- adj. ‘dear, beloved’; Go. frijonds ‘friend’ See also: ‘prijati *prijati v. ‘please, favour’ CS OCS prijati (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘take care of’ W Cz. prati ‘be well disposed towards’ S SCr. prijati ‘please, agree with, be of benefit’; Sln. prijati ‘favour, grant, do good’ PIE ‘priH- Cogn. Skt. prînăti ‘please’; OHG frîten ‘to look after’ See also: ‘prijatelh *pro; *pra prep. / pref. ‘through’ CS OCS pro- pref. ‘through’; pra- pref. ‘through’ E Ru. pro prep./pref. ‘about’; pro- pref. ‘through, past’; pra- pref. ‘through, past’ W Cz. pro- pref. ‘through, past’ S Bulg. pro- pref. ‘through’ BSl. ‘pro(?) B Lith. pra- pref. ‘by, through’; pro- pref. ‘pre-, fore-, between’; pro prep. ‘through, along, past’ PIE ‘pro Cogn. Skt. pro- adv. ‘before, forward’; Gk. npo adv. ‘before, forwards, forth’ The variant pra- occurs in nominal compounds. The glottal stop was probably adopted from nouns with an initial laryngeal. See also: ‘proch; ‘proki; ‘prosti *procb adj. jo (b) CS OCS procb ‘remaining’; proceje adv. ‘further, then’ E Ru. procij ‘other’; proc’ adv. ‘away’ S SCr. procî ‘other’; Sln. proc adv. ‘away’ Derivative of ^ ‘proki. *prodadja f. ja ‘sale, selling’ E Ru. prodaza ‘sale, selling’ S SCr. prodaja ‘sale, selling’; Sln. prodăja ‘sale, selling’ The root of this prefixed jă-stem noun is the present stem of ^ ‘dati. ‘prosti 421 ‘proki adj. o CS OCS prokyi ‘remaining’; proki (Supr.) m. ‘remainder’ E Ru. prok m. ‘use, benefit’; ORu. proki m. ‘remainder’ Cogn. Gk. npoKa adv. ‘immediately’; Lat. reciprocus adj. ‘mutual’ See also: ‘pro; ‘pra; ‘procb; ‘prosti ‘prosejati v. ‘sift’ CS OCS proseati (Supr.) E Ru. prosejat’ S Bulg. proseja See ^ ‘seti II, ‘sejati II. ‘prositi v. (b) ‘ask’ CS O CS prosi ti, 1sg. prosg E Ru. prosit’, 1sg. prosu, 3sg. prosit W Cz. prositi; Slk. prosit; Pl. prosic S SCr. prositi ‘beg for charity, ask a girl’s hand’, 1sg. proslm; Cak. pros'iti (Vrg.) ‘beg for charity, ask a girl’s hand’, 2sg. prosls; prosit ‘beg for charity, ask a girl’s hand, 1sg. prosin, 3sg. prosi, 3sg. prost; Sln. prositi ‘ask, 1sg. prgsim; Bulg. prosja ‘beg for charity, ask’ BSl. ‘pros-ei/i- B Lith. prasyti PIE ‘prok-eie- Cf. Skt. prcchăti ‘ask, Lat. posco ‘demand’ < *prk-sk-. ‘prosterti v. ‘extend’ CS OCS prostreti, 1sg. prostbrg; prostbreti, 1sg. prostbrg E Ru. prosteret’, 1sg. prostbrg W Cz. prostriti S SCr. prostrijeti, 1sg. prostrijem; Cak. prostriti (Vrg.), 2sg. prostres; prostrit (Novi); Sln. prostreti ‘expand, 1sg. prostrem; Bulg. prostră ‘expand, extend’ PIE ‘pro-sterhî- Cogn. Skt. strnăti ‘spread’; Gk. aTopvu|ai ‘to extend, to strew’; Lat. sternere ‘strew, spread’; OIr. sernaid ‘extend’ See also: ‘stornă ‘prosti adj. o (c) ‘simple, straight’ CS OCS prosti ‘simple, free’ E Ru. prostoj ‘simple’ 422 ‘protivi; ‘protivo; ‘protivţ; ‘proti W Cz. prosty ‘simple, straight’; Slk. prosty ‘simple, straight’; Pl. prosty ‘simple, straight’ S SCr. prost ‘simple’; Sln. prOst ‘free, natural, simple’, f. prosta; Bulg. prost ‘simple, dumb, ignorant’ PIE ‘pro-sth2o- See also: ‘pro; ‘pra; ‘proch; ‘proki *protivb; *protivo; *protivş; *proti prep. ‘against’ CS OCS protivi (Supr.) adv. ‘against’; protivo (Euch.) prep. ‘against, in accordance with’; protivg prep./adv. ‘against, towards’ E Ru. protiv prep. ‘against’; proti (dial.) prep. ‘against’; prot’ (dial.) prep. ‘against’ W Cz.proti prep. ‘against’; Slk. proti prep. ‘against’ S SCr. protîv prep. ‘against’; Cak. proti (Orb.) prep. ‘towards, in the direction of, against’; Sln. proti prep. ‘towards’; prgti adv. ‘to meet’; Bulg. protiv prep. ‘against’ PIE ‘proti Cogn. Gk. npou prep. ‘to, against’ See also: ‘pretivi *proverti v. ‘stick through’ CS OCS provresţ (Supr.) 3pl. aor. ‘stuck through’ S Bulg. provra ‘stick through’ See ^ ‘otiverti. *prşglo n. o ‘noose, snare’ E Ru. pruglo (Dal’) ‘noose, snare’; ORu. prgglo ‘net’ W Cz. pruhlo ‘noose’ S SCr. pruglo ‘noose’; Sln. prgglo ‘snare, trap’; prggla f. ‘snare, trap’ Derivative in ‘-lo- of ‘prgg- < ‘(s)prongh- ‘jump, cf. OIc. springa ‘jump’, MoE spring (obs., dial.) ‘trap’. See also ^ ‘prggi. ^prşgb m. o ‘locust’ CS OCS prggi (Sav., Ps. Sin., Euch.) ‘locust’ E ORu. prugi ‘locust’ PIE ‘(s)prongh-o- Cogn. OHG houuespranca f. ‘locust’; MLG spranke f. ‘grasshopper, locust’; MLG sprinke f. ‘grasshopper, locust’ See ^ ‘prgglo. ‘puxnţti 423 ‘priskati v. ‘splutter, splash’ W Cz. prskati ‘splutter, sizzle’; Slk. prskat ‘splutter, sizzle’ S SCr. prskati ‘splash’; Sln. prskati ‘splash, 1sg. pfskam; Bulg. prăska ‘sprinkle, splash’ B Lith. prausti ‘wash’ PIE ‘prus-sk- Cogn. Skt. prusno ti ‘sprinkle’ See also: ‘pryskati; ‘prysnşti ‘pryskati v. ‘sprinkle, splash’ E Ru. pryska t’ ‘sprinkle, spurt’ W Cz. pryskati ‘splash, sprinkle’; Pl. pryskac ‘splash, sputter’ See ^ ‘priskati. The y is secondary, ‘prysnşti v. ‘sprinkle, spurt’ CS CS prysngti ‘sprinkle’ E Ru. prysnut’ ‘sprinkle, spurt’; ORu. prysnuti ‘become turbulent (of the sea)’ See the previous lemma. ‘puxati v. W OCz. puchati ‘swell’ ((in Modern Standard Czech only napuchati, opuchati); Pl. puchac ‘blow’ S SCr. puhati ‘blow, 1sg. pusem; puhati ‘blow, 1sg. puhăm; Cak. puhati ‘blow, 2sg. puses; puhat (Orb.) ‘blow, pant, 2sg. puses; Sln. puhati ‘snort, puff, blow, 1sg. puham, 1sg. pusem See ^ ‘puxngti. ‘puxli adj. o E Ru. puxlyj ‘chubby, plump’ W Cz. pouchly ‘fruitless, barren, empty’ S Sln. puhal ‘empty, having little substance, f. puhla BSl. ‘po B Lith. pusle f.(e) 4 ‘blister, bladder’ See ^ ‘puxngti. ‘puxnşti v. ‘swell’ E Ru. puxnut’ ‘swell’ W Cz. puchnouti ‘swell’; Slk. puchnut ‘swell’; Pl. puchnqc ‘swell’ S SCr. puhnuti ‘blow, 1sg. puhnem; Cak. puhnuti ‘blow, 1sg. puhnes; Sln. puhniti ‘blow, blast’, 1sg. puhnem 424 ‘pustiti PSl. ‘pux- continues the o-grade of PIE ‘peus-, cf. Skt. puşyati ‘thrive, flourish, Nw. foysa ‘swell’. See also: ‘puxati; ‘puxli *pustiti v. (c) ‘let go, let, send’ CS OCS pustiti ‘let go, let, send’, 1sg. pustg E Ru. pustit’ ‘let go, let, send’, 1sg. puscu, 3sg. pustit W Cz. pustiti ‘let go, let’; Slk. pustit’‘let go, let’; Pl. puscic ‘let go, let’ S SCr. pustiti ‘let go, let’, 1sg. pustîm; Cak. pustiti (Vrg.) ‘let go, let’, 2sg. pustîs; pustit (Orb.) ‘let, leave’, 1sg. pustîn; Sln. pustiti ‘let go, let’, 1sg. pustim See ^ ‘pusti. {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). *pustb adj. o (c) ‘empty, desolate’ CS OCS pusti ‘empty, desolate’ E Ru. pustoj ‘empty, deserted’ W Cz. pusty ‘empty, desolate’; Slk. pusty ‘empty, desolate’; Pl. pusty ‘empty, desolate’ S SCr. pust ‘empty’, f. pusta; Cak. pust (Vrg., Hvar) ‘empty’, f. pusta, n. pusto; Sln. pust ‘empty, desolate’; Bulg. pust ‘empty, desolate, poor’ BSl. ‘poustos OPr. pausto ‘wild’ Etymology unknown. If the root were ‘poh2u- ‘end’, cf. Gk. enawa ‘ended, terminated’ (LIV 462), we would expect fixed stress on an acute syllable. See also: ‘pustiti ‘p'blk'b m. o ‘troop’ CS OCS pliki (Ps. Sin., Supr.) ‘troop, army’ E Ru. polk ‘regiment’ W Cz. pluk ‘regiment’; Slk. pluk ‘regiment’; Pl. putk ‘regiment’ S SCr. puk ‘people, crowd, regiment, Gsg. puka; Cak. puk (Vrg.) ‘people, crowd, Gsg. puka; Sln. polk ‘regiment’ Cogn. OIc. folk m. ‘army, people’; OE folc m. ‘army, detachment, people’ Probably a borrowing from Germanic. *p^tak^ m. o ‘bird’ W Cz. ptak; Slk. vtak; Pl. ptak;ptâk (Mal. dial.); Slnc. ftăux BSl. ‘put- B Latv. putns ‘pytati 425 ‘pitica f. jâ (a) ‘bird’ CS OCS pitica E Ru. ptica S SCr. ptica; Cak. tica (Vrg., Hvar); Sln. ptica f.(jâ); ptic m.(jo), Gsg. ptica; Bulg. ptica See ^ ‘pităki. ‘pitika f. â ‘bird’ E Ru. potka (dial.); ORu. potka S SCr. patka ‘duck’; Cak. patka (Vrg., Orb.) ‘duck’ See ^ ‘pităki. See also: ‘pitica ‘pyri; ‘pyrbjb m. o; m. io (a) ‘spelt’ CS RuCS pyro n. ‘spelt’ E Ru. pyrej m.(jo) ‘couch-grass’ W Cz. pyr m.(o) ‘quitch’; Slk. pyr m.(o) ‘quitch’; Pl. perz m.(jo) ‘quitch’; OPl. pyrz m.(jo) ‘quitch’ S SCr. pir m.(o) ‘spelt’; Cak. pir m.(o) ‘spelt’, Gsg. pira; Sln. pir m.(o) ‘spelt’; pira f. ‘spelt, millet’ BSl. ‘pu?ro- B Lith. purai Npl. m.(o) 4 ‘winter corn’; puras m.(o) 1 ‘grain measure’; Latv. puri Npl. m.(io) ‘winter corn’; puri (E. Latv.) Npl. m.(io) ‘winter corn’; purs m.(o) ‘corn measure’ PIE ‘puH-ro- Cogn. Gk. nupoq m. ‘wheat’; Dor. anupoq m. ‘wheat’ ‘pytati v. (b) ‘ask, examine’ CS OCS pytati ‘examine, scrutinize, 1sg. pytajg E Ru. pytăt’ ‘torture, torment, try for, 1sg. pytăju W Slk. pytat ‘ask’; Pl. pytac ‘ask’ S SCr. pitati ‘ask’; Cak. pltati (Vrg.) ‘ask’ 2sg. pitâs; pltat (Orb.) ‘ask, request, 1sg. pitan; Sln. pitati ‘ask, 1sg. pitam; Bulg. pitam ‘ask’ Cogn. Lat. putăre ‘cut off branches, estimate, consider, think’ An interesting form is Cz. ptăti se ‘ask, inquire, which seems to have a unique zero grade. 426 ‘phchli; ‘phkili; ‘phkilo *pbcbl^; *pbkblb; *pbkblo m. o; m. o; n. o (b) ‘pitch, hell’ CS OCS pbcbli (Supr.) m. ‘pitch’; pbkili (Ps. Sin. MS 2/N) m. ‘pitch, resin’ (an Isg. pekilomb occurs in the fragments of the Psalterium Sinaiticum that were discovered in 1975); RuCS pbkili m. ‘pitch’ E Ru. peklo n. ‘scorching heat, (coll.) hell’ W Cz. peklo n. ‘hell’; Slk. peklo n. ‘hell’; Pl. pieklo n. ‘hell’; OPl. pkiel m. ‘hell’; Slnc. pjiekle n. ‘hell’ S SCr. pakao m. ‘hell, pitch’; Cak. pakâ (Vrg.) m. ‘hell, pitch’, pakla; pakal (Novi) m. ‘hell’, Gsg. pakla; pakol (Hvar) m. ‘hell’, Gsg. păkla; pakâl (Orb.) m. ‘hell’; Sln. pakal m. ‘pitch, hell’, Gsg. pakla; Bulg. păkăl m. ‘hell’ BSl. ‘pikil-/*pikul- B Lith. pikis m. (io) ‘pitch’; Latv. pifos m.(io) ‘pitch’ OPr. pyculs (EV) ‘hell’ Cogn. Gk. maaa f. ‘pitch’; Lat. pix f. ‘pitch’ *pbxati v. ‘push, shove’ CS CS pbxati ‘smite’ E Ru. pixat’ ‘push, shove’; pxat’ (dial.) ‘push, shove’; ORu. pbxati ‘push, shove’; pixati ‘push, shove’ W Cz. pchati ‘prick, sting, stuff, poke’; pichati ‘prick, sting’; Slk. pchat ‘stuff, shove’; pichat ‘sting’; Pl. pchac ‘push’ S Sln. pahati ‘push, shove’, 1sg. pahăm; Bulg.păxam ‘push, shove’ BSl. ‘piş- B Lith. pisti ‘copulate’ PIE ‘pis- Cogn. Skt. pinaşţi ‘crush’; Gk. htictow ‘winnow grain, bray in a mortar’; Lat. pînsere ‘to crush’ See also: ‘pesti; ‘phseno *pblm adj. o (a) ‘full’ CS OCS plbni E Ru. polnyj W Cz. plny; Slk. plny; Pl. pelny S SCr. pun; Cak. pun (Vrg.), f. puna, n. puno; pun (Novi), f. puna; pun (Hvar), f. puna; pun (Orb.), f.puna, n. puno; Sln. poln; Bulg. pălen BSl. ‘pilnos B Lith. pilnas; Latv. piîns PIE ‘plhi-no- Cogn. Skt. purna-; OIr. lan; Go. fulls An example of Hirt’s law. ‘pbrati II 427 ‘pblstb f. i (c) ‘felt’ E Ru. polst’; ORu. pilstb W Cz. plst’; plst; Slk. plst’; Pl. pilsc S SCr. pust (dial.); Sln.polst, Gsg. polsti Cogn. Lat. pilleus m. ‘felt hat’; OHG filz m. ‘felt’ ‘pblzati v. (a) ‘crawl, creep’ CS OCS plbzati (Supr.) ‘crawl, 1sg. plezg {1} E Ru. polzat’ ‘crawl, 1sg. polzaju W Pl. pelzac ‘crawl’ S SCr. puzati ‘creep, crawl, 1sg. puzem; Cak. puzat (Orb.) ‘creep, crawl, 1sg. puze; Sln. polzati ‘crawl, 1sg. polzam See ^ polzi. {1} In the Staroslavjanskij slovar’, the participle plbzţ (Supr.) is listed underplbzeti or plbziti, cf. Sln. polzeti, 1sg. polzim ‘slide, sneak, SCr. puziti, 1sg. puzlm ‘crawl, climb, slide’. ‘pblzti v. (c) ‘crawl, creep’ E Ru. polzti ‘crawl, creep, 1sg. polzu, 3sg. polzet See ^ polzi. ‘pbnb m. jo (c) ‘trunk’ CS CS pbnb ‘trunk, stub’ E Ru. pen ‘trunk, stub’ W Cz. pen; Slk.pen; Pl. pien ‘trunk, stump’; USrb. pjen (arch.), Gsg.pjenja S SCr. pânj, Gsg. pănja; Cak. pân (Vrg.), Gsg. pana; pânj (Novia); Sln. pânj, Gsg. pânja, Gsg. panjâ, Gsg. panju; Bulg. păn ‘trunk, log’ Etymology uncertain. The connection with Skt. pinăka- n. ‘staff, stick, bow, Gk. mva^ m. ‘wooden board, writing slate, painting’ is doubtful. ‘pbrati I v. CS OCS pergti (Supr.) 3pl. ‘fly’ PIE ‘prH- Cogn. Go. faran ‘wander’ See ^ ‘pero. ‘pbrati II v. ‘beat, trample, wash’ CS CS pbrati ‘trample, press, wash’, 1sg. perg E Ru. prat’ ‘wash, beat linen, 1sg. peru; poprat’ ‘trample, 1sg. popru 428 ‘phrdeti W Cz. prati ‘wash, beat, 1sg. peru; Slk. praf ‘wash, 1sg. perem; Pl. prac ‘wash, 1sg. piorţ S SCr. prati ‘wash, 1sg. perem; Cak. prati (Vrg.) ‘wash, 2sg. peres; prat ‘wash, 1sg. peren; Sln. prati ‘beat, wash, 1sg. perem; Bulg. pera ‘wash’ PIE ‘pr- Cogn. Skt. pft- (RV) f. ‘battle, strife, fight’ See also: ‘perti; ‘phreti; ‘phrth; ‘sipori *pbrdeti v. (c) ‘break wind’ E Ru. perdet’, 1sg. perzu, 3sg. perdit; Ukr. perdity W Cz. prdeti; Slk. prdiet; Pl. pierdziec; USrb. pjerdzec S SCr. pfdjeti, 1sg. pfdîm; Cak. prditi (Vrg.), 2sg. prdîs; Cak. prdet (Orb.), 3sg. prdî; Sln. prdeti, 1sg. prdim; Bulg. părdja BSl. ‘per?d-/‘pir?d- B Lith. persti; Latv. pirst PIE ‘perd-/‘pird- Cogn. Skt. pardate (attested quite late); Gk. nep5o|aai; OIc. freta (with metathesis); OHG ferzan; Alb. pjerdh *pbreti v. ‘quarrel, deny, renounce’ CS OCS pbreti ‘quarrel, contradict, deny, 1sg. pbrjg W Cz. priti se ‘quarrel, (obs.) be engaged in a lawsuit, 1sg. pru se, 1sg. pru se; priti (obs.) ‘deny, renounce, 1sg. pru, 1sg. prim; OCz. prieti ‘question, deny, renounce, 1sg. pru, 1sg. pru; Pl. przec (siţ) (14th-18th c.) ‘repudiate, renounce, be engaged in a lawsuit, 1sg. przţ (siţ) See ^ ‘perti, ‘pbrtb. *pbrx^ m. o (c) ‘dust’ E Ru. perx (dial.) ‘dandruff’ S SCr. pfh (dial.) ‘coal dust, Gsg. pfha; Sln. pfh ‘dust from fine earth, mould’ PIE ‘prs-o- Cogn. OIc. fors m. ‘waterfall’ The root of this etymon has also been connected with Skt. prşant- ‘dappled, with white spots’. See also: ‘porxi; ‘phrsth *pbrst^ m. o (b) ‘finger’ CS OCS prbsti E Ru. perst (obs.), Gsg.persta ‘pbrsb 429 W Cz. prst; Slk. prst S SCr. prst ‘finger, toe’, Gsg. pfsta; prst (Lepetane, Prcanj, Ozrinici) ‘finger, toe’, Gsg. prsta; Cak. pfst (Vrg.) ‘finger, toe’ Gsg. pfsta; parst (Hvar) ‘finger, toe’, Gsg. pârsta; pfs (Orb.) ‘finger, toe’, Gsg. pfsta; Sln. pfst; Bulg. prăst BSl. ‘pirsto B Lith. pirstas 2; Latv. pir(k)sts OPr. pirsten ‘finger’ PIE ‘pr-sth2-o- Cogn. Skt. prsţhă- (RV+) n. ‘back, mountain ridge’ In view of the Sanskrit and Old Prussian evidence I am inclined to posit a Balto-Slavic oxytone neuter o-stem. I suspect that the Nsg. in ‘-o was replaced by ‘-i at a stage when barytone masculine o-stems continuing old neuters still had a NApl. in ‘-aH and may have shown neuter agreement (see Derksen forthc. a). Note that there is a large-scale fluctuation between masculine o-stems continuing Balto-Slavic barytone neuters and neuter o-stems belonging to AP (b). ‘pbrstb f. i (c) ‘dust, earth’ CS OCS prbstb ‘dust, earth’ E Ru. perst’ (arch.) ‘dust, earth’ W Cz. prst’ ‘earth, soil’; OPl. piersc ‘dry earth, dust’ S Sln. pfst ‘earth, soil’, Gsg. prsti; Bulg. prăst ‘earth, soil’ BSl. ‘pirstis B Lith. pirksnys (Zem.) Npl. f.(i) 4 ‘hot ashes’; Latv. pirkstis m.(io) ‘spark in ashes, heat’ See ^ ‘pbrxi. The development ‘s > ‘x did not take place before a consonant. ‘pbrsb f. i (a) ‘chest, breast’ CS OCS prbsi Npl. f.(i) ‘chest, bosom’ E Ru. persi (arch., poet.) Npl. f.(i) ‘breast, bosom’ W Cz. prs m.(o) ‘(female) breast’; prso (rare) n.(o) ‘(female) breast’; prsa Npl. n.(o) ‘chest, bosom’; OCz. prsi Npl. f.(i) ‘chest, bosom’; Slk. prsia Npl. n.(o) ‘chest, bosom’; Pl. piers f.(i) ‘breast, chest’ S SCr. pfsi Npl. f.(i) ‘breast, chest’; pfsa Npl. n.(o) ‘breast, chest’; Cak. pfsi (Vrg.) Npl. f.(i) ‘breast, chest’; pfsa Npl. n.(o) ‘breast, chest’; Sln. prsi Npl. f.(i) ‘breast, chest’ BSl. ‘pir?sis B Lith. pirsys Npl. f.(i) ‘chest (of a horse)’ Since the connection with Skt. părsu- ‘rib, curved knife’ is better abandoned, the etymology must be designated as unclear. 430 ‘pbrtb *pbrtb f. i ‘bath-house’ E Ru. pert’ (dial.) ‘Karelian cottage’; ORu. pbrtb ‘bath-house’ BSl. ‘pirtis B Lith. pirtis m.(i) 4 ‘bath-house’; Latv. pirts m.(i) ‘bath-house’ PIE ‘pr-ti- Derivative in ‘-ti- of the zero grade of ^ ‘perti. The connection with Skt. pft- (RV) f. ‘battle, strife, fight’ is uncertain. *pbrvb num. o ‘first’ CS OCS prbvi E Ru. pervyj W Cz. prvy; Pl. pierwszy; OPl. pierwy S SCr. pfvî; Cak.prvî (Vrg.),prvă f.; prvi, f. prva; Sln. pfvi; Bulg.părvi BSl. ‘pirîwos B Lith. pirmas; Latv. pirmaîs OPr. pirmas PIE ‘prH-uo- Cogn. Skt. purva- (RV+) adj. ‘foremost, first, previous’ The suffix ‘-mo- of the Baltic forms, also found in Lat. prîmus, is analogical. *pbsati v. (b) ‘write’ CS OCS pbsati, 1sg. pisg; pisati, 1sg. pisg E Ru. pisat’, 1sg. pisu, 3sg. piset W Cz. psati, 1sg.pisi; Slk. pisat; Pl.pisac S SCr. pisati, 1sg. pîsem; Cak. pîsati (Vrg.), 2sg. pîses; pîsat (Hvar), 1sg. pisen; pîsat (Orb.), 3sg. pîse; Sln.pisati, 1sg. pisem; Bulg.pisa BSl. ‘p(e)is- B Lith. piesti ‘draw, paint’ OPr. peisăi 3pl. ‘write’ PIE ‘p(e)ik- Cogn. Skt. pimsati (RV+) ‘hew, carve, form’ See also: ‘pbstri *pbstrb adj. o (b) ‘variegated’ CS CS pbstri E Ru. pestryj; pestr, f. pestra, n. pestro, n. pestro {1} W Cz. pestry; Slk. pestry; Pl. pstry S Sln. p'astsr, f.pastra; Bulg. păstăr PIE *pik-ro- ‘râciti 431 Cogn. Gk. mKpoq ‘sharp, pungent’; noiKiXoq ‘variegated’; OHG feh ‘variegated’ {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘pbsâti ‘pbs'B m. o (b) ‘dog’ CS OCS pbsi E Ru. pes (coll.) W Cz. pes; Slk. pes; Pl. pies; USrb. pos, Gsg. psa; pos (dial.), Gsg. psa; LSrb. pjas, Gsg. psa S SCr. pas, Gsg. psa; Cak. pas (Vrg., Novi), Gsg.pasa; Sln. pas, Gsg.psa There are many etymologies for this word, for instance the identification of ‘pbs-with the root of ^ ‘pbstri ‘variegated’. One of the more appealing etymologies is ‘pk-o- with zero grade of the root (s)pek- ‘see, watch’ (cf. Meillet Et. I: 238). Another possibility is ‘pk-u-, cf. Skt. pasu, ksu- ‘cattle’. ‘pbseno n. o (b) ‘millet’ E Ru. pseno ‘millet’ W Cz. pseno (dial.) ‘millet’; OCz. psano ‘millet’; Slk. pseno ‘millet’; Pl. pszono (W.) ‘millet’ S SCr. psena f. ‘kind of clover’; Sln.pseno ‘peeled grain, millet’ PIE ‘pis- Cogn. Gk. KTÎCT^a n. ‘peeled or winnowed grain’ See ^ ‘pbxati. ‘pbzdeti v. ‘break wind’ E Ru. bzdet’ ‘break wind’; Ukr. bzdity ‘break wind’; pezdity ‘break wind’ W Cz. bzditi ‘break wind’; Pl. bzdziec ‘break wind’ S SCr. bazdjeti ‘stink’; Sln. pazdeti ‘break wind’, 1sg. pazdm BSl. ‘p(e)sdetei B Lith. bzdeti ‘break wind’; Latv. bzdet ‘break wind’ PIE ‘psd- Cogn. Gk. p8ew ‘break wind’; Lat. pedere ‘break wind’ ‘R ‘râciti v. (b) ‘wish, want’ CS OCS raciti ‘wish, want’, 1sg. racg E Ru. răcit’ (dial.) ‘be zealous, wish, want’; racit’ (dial.) ‘be zealous, wish, want’ W Cz. răciti ‘wish, want, (lit.) deign’; Slk. răcit ‘deign’; Pl. raczyc ‘deign’ 432 ‘radi S SCr. raciti se ‘(+D) feel like’, 3sg. răci se; Cak. răciti se (Vrg.) ‘(+D) feel like’, 3sg. răci se; Sln. raciti ‘wish, want, deign, (se) please’, 1sg. răcim LIV (506) hesitantly suggests an iterative ‘rok-ie- (secondarily ‘-eie-) of ‘rek-‘ordnen, festlegen, bestimmen’. According to Vaillant (Gr. III: 434), we are dealing with a borrowing from Gmc. ‘rokija- ‘care about’, cf. OIc. r&kja. See also: ‘otroki; ‘rekti; ‘recb *radi postp. ‘for the sake of’ CS OCS radi postp. ‘for the sake of, because of’; radbma postp. ‘for the sake of, because of’ E Ru. radi postp./prep. ‘for the sake of’ S SCr. radi prep. ‘for the sake of, because of’; rădi prep. ‘for the sake of’; Cak. radi (Vrg.) prep. ‘for the sake of’; Sln. zarădi prep. ‘because of’; zarad prep. ‘because of’; rădi prep. ‘because of’ Cogn. OP rădiy ‘for the sake of’ A borrowing from Iranian? *raditi v. ‘care about, heed’ CS OCS raditi (Supr.) ‘care (about)’; neraditi (Mar., Supr.) ‘not care (about), not heed’ (the form neroditi is much more frequent) E Ru. radet’ (obs.) ‘oblige, take care (of), carry out rites’, 3sg. radeet; ORu. raditi ‘care (about)’ S SCr. raditi ‘work, do’, 1sg. rădîm; Cak. răditi (Vrg.) ‘work, do, 2sg. rădîs; Bulg. radja ‘care (about), attempt’ See ^ ‘roditi *rajati v. E Ru. rajat’ (dial.) ‘make a noise, sound’ BSl. ra?i-?. B Lith. rojoti ‘caw anxiously’; Latv. rât ‘scold’ According to LIV (501), the root is ‘reh2(i)-, the main motivation for ‘-i being Lith. rieti ‘scold, bark’. Schrijver (1991: 257-258) reconstructs ‘Hrohi- for the Baltic and Slavic forms. He derives OIc. ramr ‘hoarse’ from ‘Hrehi-mo- and OIc. romr from ‘Hrehi-mo. LIV (l.c.), however, claims that Rasmussen is right in deriving the Old Icelandic forms a root ‘rem-. As in Schrijver’s opinion Lat. ravus ‘hoarse’ may reflect either ‘Hrhiuo- or ‘Hrouo-, PSl. ‘rajati has virtually no reliable cognates outside Balto-Slavic, whichever reconstruction one chooses. *razoriti v. ‘destroy’ CS OCS razoriti ‘destroy, 1sg. razorjg E Ru. razorit’ ‘destroy’ ‘remy 433 S SCr. razoriti ‘destroy’ B Lith. ardyti ‘pull down, destroy’; Latv. ărdît ‘destroy, scatter’ See also: ‘oriti ‘rebro n. o (b) ‘rib’ CS OCS rebro ‘rib, (pl.) side’ E Ru. rebro, Npl. rebra W Cz. zebro; OCz. zebro; rebro; Slk. rebro; Pl. zebro S SCr. rebro, Npl. rebra; Cak. lebro (Vrg.), Npl. lebrâ; rebro (Hvar), Npl. rebra; rebro (Orb.), Npl. r’ebra; Sln. rebro ‘rib, slope’ (cf. rţbar f., rţbar f. ‘slope’); Bulg. rebro ‘rib, slope’ PIE ‘(H)rebh-rom Cogn. OHG rippi n.; OHG ribbi n.; OIc. rif n. ‘rekti v. (c) ‘speak, say’ CS OCS resti, 1sg. rekg E Ru. reci (dial.), 1sg. reku, 3sg. recet; ORu. reci, 1sg. reku W Cz. rici, 1sg. rku; Slk. riect, 1sg. reciem; Pl. rzec, 1sg. rzekţ S SCr. reci, 1sg. recem; Cak. reci (Vrg.), 2sg. reces; Sln. reci, 1sg. recem; Bulg. rekă, 2sg. reces PIE ‘rek- Possible cognates are Skt. racayati ‘construct, work’ and W rhegi ‘curse’ (cf. LIV: 506). See also: ‘otroki; ‘râciti; ‘recb; ‘roki ‘remy m. n ‘strap, belt’ CS OCS remenb m.(n) ‘latchet’, Gsg. remene E Ru. remen’ m.(jo) ‘strap, belt’, Gsg. remnjă W Cz. remen m.(o/jo) ‘strap, belt’; Slk. remen m.(jo) ‘strap, belt’; Pl. rzemien m.(jo) ‘strap, belt’; rzemyk m.(o) ‘little leather strap, thong’ S SCr. remen m.(o) ‘strap, belt’, Gsg. remena; remik (Herc.) m.(o) ‘strap, belt’; Cak. remik (Orb.) m.(o) ‘strap (of a whip)’; Sln. remen m.(o) ‘strap, belt’, Gsg. remţna Attempts have been made to connect ‘remy with ^ ‘arbmi/o, but this meets with formal difficulties. The fact that there are no South Slavic forms pointing to ‘re- may, for instance, be considered a counter-argument (but cf. OCS retb). More importantly, ‘arbmi/o is usually derived from PIE ‘h2er-, which seems incompatible with ‘remy. On the other hand, the relationship with MHG rieme m. ‘strap, belt’, the etymology of which is unknown, is also unclear. 434 ‘recb *recb f. i (c) ‘speech’ CS OCS recb ‘speech, accusation’ E Ru. rec’ ‘speech’ W Cz. rec ‘speech’; Slk. rec ‘speech’; Pl. rzecz ‘thing’; USrb. rec ‘language, speech’ S SCr. rijec ‘word’; Cak. rîc ‘word’; Sln. rec ‘thing, Gsg. recî; Bulg. rec ‘speech, language, conversation’ Lengthened grade formation to ^ ‘rekti. The i-stem goes back to a old root noun. *red,bk'b adj. o ‘sparse, rare’ CS OCS redikyjţ (Supr.) Apl. m. ‘rare’ E Ru. redkij ‘sparse, rare’; redok ‘sparse, rare, f. redka, n. redko W Cz. ndky ‘sparse, rare’; Slk. riedky ‘sparse, rare’; Pl. rzadki ‘sparse, rare’; USrb. redki ‘sparse, rare’ S SCr. rijedkî ‘thin, sparse, rare’; rijedak ‘thin, sparse, rare, f. rijetka; Cak. rîtak (Vrg.) ‘thin, sparse, rare’ f. rîtka, n. rîtko; r'etki (Orb.) ‘thin, sparse, rare, f. r'etka; Sln. redak ‘sparse, rare, f. redka BSl. ‘re?d- B Latv. rens ‘undicht’ (e.g. reni rudzi ‘undicht stehender Roggen’, rens audums ‘loses Gewebe’); rţds (BW) ‘undicht’ *rejati v. (a) CS OCS rejati (Supr.) ‘push, press’ E Ru. rejat’ ‘soar, hover, flutter’; Ukr. rjaty ‘swarm’ S Bulg. reja ‘wander, fly’ BSl. ‘roif- B Latv. raîdît ‘send hastily, urge’ PIE ‘h3roiH- Cogn. Skt. rîyate (RV, YVm) ‘flow, whirl’ See also: ‘reka; ‘rinşti; ‘rojb *rekâ f. â (b/c) ‘river’ CS OCS reka ‘river’ E Ru. reka ‘river, Asg. reku; reka ‘river, Asg. reku {1} W Cz. reka ‘river’; OCz. rieka ‘river’ (Nonnenmacher-Pribic 1961: 84); Slk. rieka ‘river’; Pl. rzeka ‘river’; Slnc. rekă ‘river’ {2}; USrb. reka ‘river’; LSrb. reka ‘river’ S SCr. rijeka ‘river, Asg. rijeku; rijeka (Orahovica) ‘river, Asg. rijeku {3}; Cak. rîka (Vrg.) ‘river’; r'eka (Orb.) ‘river’; Sln. reka ‘river’; Bulg. reka ‘river’ PIE ‘h3roiH- Cogn. Lat. rîvus m. ‘brook, stream’; OIr. riathor m. ‘torrent’ ‘rşbh; ‘rşbbkb 435 The Proto-Slavic AP is not entirely clear. Dybo (1981: 156) classifies reka as (b), but the evidence for the on etymological grounds expected AP (c) cannot be ignored. {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 135). {2} Slnc. rekă belongs to a small group of ă-stems that have a “Langstufenvokal” in the root but are nevertheless mobile. {3} According to the RJA, r'ijeka (with root stress on the analogy of the Asg.) has been recorded in Bosnia and Hercegovina. See also: ‘rejati; ‘rinşti; ‘rojb ‘rşbica f. jâ ‘partridge’ S SCr. rebica (dial.) ‘partridge’; Sln. rebica ‘partridge’ BSl. ‘ri(m)?b-; *ru(m)?b- B Lith. irbe f.(e) 1 ‘partridge’; irbenis m.(io) ‘snowball-tree’; Latv. irbe f.(e) ‘partridge’; rubenis m.(io) ‘black grouse’ See ^ ‘rţbika, ‘rţbina. ‘rşbika; ‘rşbina f. â ‘rowan tree’ E Ru. rjabika (dial.); rjabma; Ukr. rjabyna (dial.) S SCr. rebika (dial.); Sln. rebika BSl. ‘ri(m)?b-; *ru(m)?b- B Lith. irbe f.(e) 1 ‘partridge’; irbenis m.(io) ‘snowball-tree’; Latv. irbe f.(e) ‘partridge’; irbenăjs m.(jo) ‘snowball-tree’; rubenis m.(io) ‘black grouse’ PIE ‘r(e)mb- Cogn. OIc. rjupa f. ‘ptarmigan’ Latv. rubenis < *rub- and OIc. rjupa < *reub- lack the nasal element of *rţb- but nevertheless seem to be cognate. Lith. răibas, Latv. raibs ‘speckled, variegated’ (= Ukr. ribyj? ) probably belongs here as well. The i : u alternation in the root and the traces of prenasalization (not to mention the *e- of jerţbi) definitely point to a non-Indo-European origin. The u of Latv. rubenis must have been secondarily shortened because in view of Winter’s law we would have expected *rubenis, cf. Lith. irbe, Latv. irbe ‘hazel-grouse’. See also: ‘erşbb; ‘erşbh; ‘erşbbkb; ‘erşbica; ‘erşbina; ‘jhrbica; ‘jhrbina; ‘jhrbika; ‘rşbb; ‘rşbb; ‘rşbbkb ‘rşb'B adj. o ‘speckled’ E Ru. rjaboj (dial.) ‘speckled’; Ukr. rjabyj (dial.) ‘speckled’ See ^ ‘rţbika, ‘rţbina. ‘rşbb; ‘rşb'bk'b m. jo; m. o ‘hazel-grouse, partridge’ E Ru. rjab (Dal’: eccl., N. dial.) ‘sand-grouse, hazel-grouse’; rjabok (dial.) ‘hazel-grouse’. Cf. rjăbcik (the Standard Russian form), rjăbuska and rjăbec 436 or rjabec ‘hazel-grouse, rjabka ‘partridge’ (Dal’ s.v. rjabyj). The form rjabec also means ‘trout’. S Sln. rţb ‘partridge’ See ^ ‘rţbika, ‘rţbina. *rfd^ m. o (c) ‘row, line’ CS OCS rţdi ‘row, line’ E Ru. rjad ‘row, line’ W Cz. rad ‘rank, row’; rad ‘order’; rada f. ‘line, row’; Slk. rad ‘row, line’; riad ‘gear, order’; Pl. rzqd ‘row, line’, Gsg. rzţdu; rzqd ‘government, Gsg. rzqdu S SCr. red ‘row, line’, Gsg. reda; Cak. red (Vrg.) ‘row, line’ Gsg. reda; Sln. rţd ‘order, Gsg. rţda, Gsg. redu; Bulg. red ‘row, order’ BSl. ‘rind- B Lith. rinda f. 4 ‘row, line’; Latv. rinda f. ‘row, line’ (according to ME, either a Curonianism or a Lithuanianism, cf. rîdă or rîdams ‘reihenweise’) *rinşti v. (a) ‘push, shove’ CS OCS ringsţ sţ (Supr.) 3pl. aor. ‘precipitated’ E Ru. rinut’sja ‘rush, dash’ W Cz. rinouti se ‘stream, flow’; Slk. rinut se ‘stream, flow’ S SCr. rinuti ‘push, 1sg. rinem; Cak. rinuti (Vrg.) ‘push’, 2sg. rines; rinut (Orb.) ‘push, shove, 1sg. rînen; Sln. riniti ‘shove, press, 1sg. rînem; Bulg. rina ‘shovel’ PIE ‘h3r(e)iH- Cogn. Skt. rinăti (RV+) ‘make flow, run’ See also: ‘rejati; ‘reka; ‘rojb *ritb f. i ‘buttocks’ CS SerbCS ritb ‘buttocks’ E ORu. ritb ‘hoof’ W Cz. rit ‘buttocks’; Pl. rzyc ‘buttocks’ S Sln. rit ‘arse, Gsg. rîti BSl. ‘reift- (refit-?) B Lith. rietas m. 1 ‘thigh, loin’; Latv. rieta f. ‘thigh, haunch’ *ruti v. ‘roar’ CS OCS revy (Hil.) ptc. pres. act. ‘roaring’; rovy (Supr.) ptc. pres. act. ‘roaring’ (the SJS reconstructs the lemmas rjuti, 1sg. revg, and ruti, 1sg. rovg) E Ru. revet’ ‘roar, 1sg. revu, 3sg. revet; ORu. rjuti ‘roar, 1sg. revu W OCz. ruti ‘roar, 1sg. revu; Pl. rzuc ‘roar’ S SCr. revati ‘roar, bray, 1sg. revem; Cak. rovat (Vrg.) ‘roar, bray’ 2sg. roves; rovat (Orb.) ‘bray (of a donkey), 2sg. roves; Sln. rjuti ‘roar, 1sg. rjovem, 1sg. rjujem ‘rodb 437 PIE ‘h3reu- Cogn. Skt. ruvăti ‘roar’; Gk. wpuo^ai ‘howl, roar, complain’; Lat. rumor m. ‘noise, rumour’ ‘roditi I v. ‘give birth, bear (fruit)’ CS OCS roditi ‘give birth, beget, 1sg. rozdg, 2sg. rodisi E Ru. rodit’ ‘give birth, bear, 1sg. rozu, 3sg. rodit W Cz. roditi ‘give birth, bear (fruit)’; Slk. rodit ‘give birth, bear (fruit)’; Pl. rodzic ‘give birth, bear (fruit)’ S SCr. roditi ‘give birth, bear (fruit), 1sg. rodim; Cak. roditi (Vrg.) ‘bear, bring forth, 2sg. rodis; rodit (Orb.) ‘bear, bring forth, 1sg. rodin; Sln. roditi ‘give birth, beget, bear (fruit), 1sg. rodim; Bulg. rodjă ‘give birth, bear (fruit)’ BSl. ‘rod-ei/i- B Latv. radît ‘give birth to, create’ Only Balto-Slavic. LIV’s reconstruction ‘(H)rodh-eie- (497) of an aspirated voiced stop is based on Matasovic’s modification of Winter’s law (only in closed syllables), which is why in a foonote ‘d is not completely ruled out. The often suggested connection with Skt. vărdhate ‘grow, increase, thrive’ is formally problematic, since we would have to assume Schwebeablaut and loss of ‘u-. See also: ‘nârodb; ‘rodb ‘roditi II v. ‘care (about), heed’ CS OCS neroditi ‘not care (about), not heed, 1sg. nerozdg W OCz. neroditi ‘not care (about)’; USrb. rodzic ‘want, strive’ S Sln. roditi ‘care (about), observe, 1sg. rgdim; Bulg. rodjă ‘care (about), observe’ See also: ‘raditi ‘rod'B m. o (c) ‘birth, origin, clan, family, yield’ CS OCS rodi ‘birth, origin, kin, people, sex, sort’ E Ru. rod ‘birth, origin, kin, genus, sort, Gsg. roda W Cz. rod ‘family, clan, origin, birth’; Slk. rod ‘family, clan, origin, birth’; Pl. rod ‘family, clan, Gsg. rodu S SCr. rod ‘family, clan, sex, genus, harvest, fruit, Gsg. roda; Sln. rod ‘birth, origin, kinship, race, generation, tribe, genus, Gsg. roda, Gsg. rodâ, Gsg. rodu; Bulg. rod ‘birth, origin, clan, tribe, people, family, generation, sex, genus, sort, fruit’ BSl. ‘rodos B Latv. rads ‘birth, origin, kin, people, sex, sort’ The meaning of the denominative o-stem (^ ‘roditi I) is ‘birth’ (hence ‘origin, clan, family, etc.), but also ‘yield, harvest, fruit, cf. Ru. urozăj ‘harvest, Lith. rasme ‘ripeness, maturity’, Latv. rasma ‘prosperity, maturity, harvest’, raza ‘harvest, yield, crop’. 438 ‘rogi *rogb m. o (c) ‘horn’ CS OCS rogi E Ru. rog, Gsg. roga; Bel. roh, Gsg. roha; Ukr. rih, Gsg. roha W Cz. roh; Slk. roh; Pl. rog, Gsg. rogu S SCr. rog, Gsg. roga; Cak. rog (Vrg.), Gsg. roga; rog (Novi), Gsg. roga; ruoh (Orb.), Gsg. roga; Sln. rog, Gsg. roga, Gsg. rogă; Bulg. rog BSl. ‘rogos B Lith. râgas 2/4; Latv. rags OPr. ragis (EV) *rojb m. jo (b) ‘swarm’ E Ru. roj, Gsg. roja; roj {1}; Bel. roj, Gsg. roja; Ukr. rij, Gsg. roja W Cz. roj; Slk. roj; roj (dial.); Pl. roj, Gsg. roju S SCr. roj, Gsg. roja; Cak. ruoj (ruoj) (Orb.), Gsg. roja; Sln. roj, Gsg. roja; Bulg. roj PIE ‘h3roiH-o-m Cogn. Lat. rîvus m. ‘brook, stream’; OIr. riathor m. ‘torrent’ {1} According to Zaliznjak (1985: 134), the Old Russian evidence points to AP (b), cf. Gsg. roja in Derzavin (Illic-Svityc 1963: §52). See also: ‘rejati; ‘reka; ‘rinşti *rokb m. o ‘time’ CS OCS roki (Euch., Supr.) ‘time’ E Ru. rok ‘fate, (dial.) year, time’, Gsg. roka W Cz. rok ‘year’; Slk. rok ‘year’; Pl. rok ‘year’ S SCr. rok ‘period, time’, Gsg. roka; Sln. rdk ‘period, fate, omen, Gsg. rgka B Lith. râkas (OLith.) ‘time, limit, end’; Latv. raks ‘goal, limit’ For the semantics, cf. Lat. fătum. The Baltic forms are probably borrowings from Slavic (cf. Skardzius 1931: 185). See also: ‘otroki; ‘râciti; ‘rekti; ‘recb *rosâ f. â (c) ‘dew’ CS OCS rosa (Euch., Supr.) ‘dew, rain’ E Ru. rosa ‘dew, Asg. rosu; rosa (arch.) ‘dew, Asg. rosu {1}; Ukr. rosa ‘dew, Asg. rosu; rosa ‘dew’, Asg. rosu W Cz. rosa ‘dew’; Slk. rosa ‘dew’; Pl. rosa ‘dew’ S SCr. rdsa ‘dew, Asg. rosu, Npl. rose; Cak. rosa (Vrg.) ‘dew’ Npl. rose; rosa (Orb.) ‘dew, Asg. roso; Sln. rosa ‘dew’; Bulg. rosa ‘dew, drop of sweat, drizzle’ BSl. ‘rosaf B Lith. rasa 4 ‘dew, drop’; Latv. rasa ‘dew, drop, drizzle’ PIE ‘Hros-eh2 439 Cogn. Skt. rasă f. ‘mythical river, moisture’ {1} According to Illic-Svityc (1963: §39), rosă, Asg. rosu, Npl. rosy is attested in 17th and 18th century documents as well as in 18th and 19th century poetry. Zaliznjak (1985: 138) reconstructs AP (c) for Early Old Russian. ‘rovb m. o ‘ditch, pitch’ CS OCS rovi ‘ditch, pit’ E Ru. rov ‘ditch, pit’ W Cz. rov (lit.) ‘grave’; Slk. rov ‘ditch’; Pl. row ‘ditch, Gsg. rowu S SCr. rov ‘ditch’; Sln. rov ‘ditch, Gsg. rova; Bulg. rov ‘ditch’ BSl. ‘rowos B Lith. râvas ‘ditch’ OPr. rawys ‘ditch’ See ^ ‘ryti. ‘rşbiti v. ‘chop, hem’ E Ru. rubit’‘fell, chop, 1sg. rublju, 3sg. rubit W Cz. roubiti ‘erect, (rarely) hem, (arch.) graft’ S SCr. rubiti ‘hem, 1sg. rubim; Cak. ruobit (Orb.) ‘peel, shell (of nuts), 1sg. ruobin; Sln. rgbiti ‘hem, hew, beat, 1sg. rgbim; Bulg. rabja ‘hem’ B Lith. rumbuoti ‘hem’ See also: ‘rşbb ‘rşb'B m. o (c) CS SerbCS rgbi ‘cloth’ E Ru. rub ‘coarse cloathing, rags’; Bel. rub ‘hem, seam’; Ukr. rub ‘hem, seam’ W Cz. rub ‘hem, the wrong side’; Slk. rub ‘hem, the wrong side’; Pl. rqb (obs.) ‘hem, border, scar, Gsg. rţba S SCr. rub ‘hem, seam, edge, brink, Gsg. ruba; Cak. rub (Vrg.) ‘edge, end, Gsg. ruba; Sln. rgb ‘hem, seam, cloth, plain clothing’; Bulg. rab ‘hem, edge, border’ BSl. ‘rom?bas/‘rum?bos B Lith. rumbas 4 ‘scar, notch, waist (of skirt or trousers)’; rumbas 3 ‘scar, notch, waist (of skirt or trousers)’; Latv. ruobs ‘notch’ (this form actually has uo < ‘am before a homorganic obstruent) See ^ ‘rgbiti. ‘rşkâ f. â (c) ‘hand, arm’ CS OCS rgka ‘hand, arm’ E Ru. rukă ‘hand, arm, Asg. ruku W Cz. ruka ‘hand’; Slk. ruka ‘hand’; Pl. rţka ‘hand, arm’ 440 ‘rudi S SCr. ruka ‘hand, Asg. ruku; Cak. ruka (Vrg., Hvar) ‘hand’, Asg. ruku; ruoka (Orb.) ‘hand’, Asg. ruoko; Sln. roka ‘hand’; Bulg. răka ‘hand’ BSl. ‘ronkaf B Lith. ranka 2 ‘hand’; Latv. ruoka ‘hand’ OPr. rănkan Asg. ‘hand’ Cogn. OIc. ra f. ‘corner, berth in a ship’ The Balto-Slavic word for ‘hand’ derives from a verbal root *urenk, cf. Lith. rinkti ‘gather’. Since deverbative ă-stems are usually immobile, Kortlandt (1977a: 327) suggests that the accentuation is analogical after ‘noga ‘foot, leg’, where mobility is old. *rud^ adj. o (c) E Ru. rudyj (dial.) ‘blood-red’; rudoj (dial.) ‘red, red-haired (S., W.), dirty (Smol.)’ W Cz. rudy ‘red, reddish’; Slk. rudy ‘red, reddish’; Pl. rudy ‘reddish’ S SCr. rud ‘reddish, rust-coloured, Gsg. ruda; Sln. rud ‘reddish’; Bulg. rud ‘blood-red’ BSl. ‘roudos B Lith. raudas ‘reddish brown, bay, reddish’; Latv. rauds ‘red, reddish brown, ‘light bay’ PIE ‘hiroudh-o- Cogn. Lat. rufus (dial.) ‘red-haired, reddish’; Go. raups ‘red’ *rux^ m. o (c) ‘movement’ E Bel. rux ‘movement, bustle’, Gsg. ruxu; Ukr. rux ‘movement, bustle’, Gsg. ruxu W Cz. ruch; Slk. ruch; Pl. ruch; Slnc. râch PIE ‘(H)rous-o- Cogn. OIc. reyrr m. ‘pile of stones’ *runo n. o (b) ‘fleece’ CS OCS runo (Ps. Sin.) Asg. E Ru. runo ‘fleece, (dial.) school of fish, bundle (of hops) with roots’; Ukr. runo W Cz. rouno; Slk. runo; Pl. runo S SCr. runo; Cak. runo (Vrg., Hvar); runo (Orb.) ‘skin, fleece’, Npl. runa; Sln. runo; Bulg. runo PIE ‘(H)rou-(m)no- Cogn. Skt. roman- (RV+) n. ‘(body-)hair’; OIr. ruamnae m. ‘blanket’ ‘rygati 441 ‘rbvati v. (c) ‘tear’ CS SerbCS rivati ‘tear, 1sg. rivg E Ru. rvat’‘tear, 1sg. rvu, 3sg. rvet; ORu. rivati ‘tear, 1sg. rivu W Cz. rvăti ‘tear’; Slk. rvat ‘tear’; Pl. rwac ‘tear’ S SCr. rvati se ‘wrestle, struggle, 1sg. rvem se; Cak. rvati se (Vrg.) ‘wrestle, struggle, 1sg. ervăs se; Sln. rvăti ‘tear out, pull, 1sg. rujem B Lith. raveti ‘weed’; Latv. ravet ‘weed’ PIE ‘(H)ruH- See ^ ‘ryti. ‘rydati v. ‘weep, wail’ CS OCS rydati mourn, lament, 1sg. rydajg E Ru. rydăt’‘sob, 1sg. rydăju; ORu. rydati ‘weep, wail’ W Cz. rydati ‘wail, nag’; OCz. rydati ‘attack, nag’; Slk. rydat‘wail, lament’ S SCr. ridati ‘sob, 1sg. ridăm BSl. ‘ru?d- B Lith. raudoti ‘weep, sob, lament’; Latv. raudât ‘weep’ PIE ‘(H)rud- Cogn. Skt. rudanti 3pl. ‘weep’; OE reotan ‘weep, complain’ ‘rydlo n. o (a) ‘spade, snout’ CS OCS rylo (Supr.) ‘spade’ E Ru. rylo ‘snout, mug’ W Cz. rydlo ‘cutter’; Slk. rydlo ‘cutter, spade’ S SCr. rilo ‘snout, trunk’; Sln. rilo ‘snout’; Bulg. rilo ‘snout’ B Latv. rauklis ‘scraper’ PIE ‘(H)ruH- See ^ ‘ryti. ‘rygati v. ‘belch’ CS OCS otirigati (Supr., Ps. Sin.) ‘disgorge, throw out (words)’ E Ru. rygăt’ ‘belch, (dial.) sob, weep, 1sg. rygăju W Cz. rihati ‘belch’; Slk. rihat ‘belch’; Pl. rzygac ‘throw up’ S SCr. rigati ‘belch, 1sg. rigăm; Cak. rigati (Vrg.) ‘belch’ 2sg. rigâs; Sln. rigati ‘throw up, belch, bray, 1sg. rîgam BSl. ‘ru?g- B Lith. răugeti ‘belch’; Latv. raugâties ‘belch’ PIE ‘hrug- Cogn. Gk. epeuyo^ai ‘belch out, disgorge, discharge, vomit, roar’; Lat. rugire ‘roar, erugere ‘disgorge noisily, belch’ 442 Some of the Slavic forms seem to reflect ‘rigati. This may be due to a relatively recent development, but it is also conceivable that these forms continue ‘rjufg-, with analogical ‘j from ‘rjoufg- < ‘hireug-, cf. Lith. riaugeti (dial.). *ryti v. (a) ‘dig, root’ CS OCS ryti (Euch.) ‘dig, tear up’, 1sg. ryjg; SerbCS ryti ‘dig’, 1sg. ryjg E Ru. ryt’ ‘dig, 1sg. roju, 3sg. roet W Cz. ryti ‘dig’; Slk. ryt ‘dig’; Pl. ryc ‘dig’ S SCr. riti ‘dig, 1sg. rijem; Sln. riti ‘root, dig, 1sg. rîjem; Bulg. rija ‘root, dig’ BSl. ‘ruf- B Lith. rauti ‘tear out, pull’; Latv. raut ‘tear, pull, take’ PIE ‘(H)ruH- Cogn. Lat. ruta caesa Npl. n. ‘minerals and timber already quarried and felled at the time an estate is put up for sale’; OIc. ryja ‘tear out wool’ See also: ‘rovi; ‘rivati; ‘rydlo *S *saditi v. (c) ‘plant’ CS OCS saditi ‘plant, 1sg. sazdg E Ru. sadit’ ‘plant, 1sg. sazu, 3sg. sadit {1} W Cz. saditi (arch.) ‘set, plant’; Slk. sadit ‘set, plant’; Pl. sadzic ‘set, plant’; Slnc. să§ăc ‘set, plant, 1sg. sau3ă S SCr. saditi ‘plant, seat, 1sg. sădîm; Cak. sâditi (Vrg.) ‘plant’ 2sg. sâdîs; sădit (Orb.) ‘plant, 1sg. sâdin; Sln. saditi ‘set, plant, 1sg. sadim; Bulg. sadja ‘sow, set, plant’ BSl. ‘sofd-ei/i- B Lith. sodinti ‘set, plant’ OPr. saddinna 3sg. ‘sets’ PIE ‘sod-eie- Cogn. Skt. sădayati ‘set’ {1} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 140). See also: ‘sâdi; ‘sedeti; ‘sesti *sâd^ m. o (c) ‘plant, garden’ CS OCS sadi ‘plant’ E Ru. sad ‘garden’; ORu. sadi ‘tree, plant, garden’ W Cz. sad ‘orchard, (pl.) park’; Slk. sad ‘garden, park’ S SCr. săd ‘new planting, Gsg. săda; Cak. sâd ‘new planting, Gsg. sâda; Sln. săd ‘fruit, plantation’, Gsg. săda, Gsg. sadu ‘sedblo 443 B Lith. sodas ‘orchard, garden, park, (dial.) plant’; Latv. sads ‘garden, orchard’ The Baltic forms are borrowings from Slavic. For the root, see ^ ‘saditi. ‘sanb f. i ‘sleigh, sledge’ CS RuCS sanb ‘snake’ E Ru. săni Npl.; ORu. sani Npl.; Ukr. săny Npl. W Cz. săne Npl.; sane Npl.; san ‘dragon, tapeworm’; Pl. sanie; OPl. sani Npl. S SCr. saoni Npl.; saone Npl. f.(â); sâni (NW dial.) Npl.; Sln. sanî Npl. BSl. ‘sa?nos; *sa?nis B Lith. sonas m. 1 ‘side, flank’; Latv. săns m. ‘side’ ‘sedm^ num. o ‘seventh’ CS OCS sedmi E Ru. sed’moj {1} W Cz. sedmy; sedmy (dial.); OCz. sedmy; Slk. siedmy; Pl. siodmy S SCr. sedmi; Cak. sedmi (Vrg.); sedmi (Novi); s'edmi; Sln. sţdmi; Bulg. sedmi BSl. ‘septmos B Lith. septintas; Latv. septîts OPr. septmas PIE ‘septm-o- Cogn. Skt. saptamă- (VS+); Gk. ep5o|aoq; Lat. septimus; OHG sibunto {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘sedmb ‘sedmb num. i (b) ‘seven’ CS OCS sedmb, Gsg. sedmi E Ru. sem, Gsg. semi W Cz. sedm; Slk. sedem; Pl. siedem, Gsg. siedmiu; siedm (arch.) ‘seven’; Slnc. setem; USrb. sydom; LSrb. sedym S SCr. sedam; Cak. sedan (Vrg., Orb.); sedam (Novi); Sln. sţdsm; Bulg. sedem BSl. ‘sept- B Lith. septyni; Latv. septini PIE ‘septm Cogn. Skt. saptă; Gk. enTa; Lat. septem; Go. sibun Both in Baltic and Slavic the cardinal was reshaped under the influence of the ordinal. See also: ‘sedmb ‘sed'bld n. o (b) ‘saddle’ CS CS sedblo E Ru. sedlo; ORu. sedblo 444 ‘selo W Cz. sedlo; Slk. sedlo; Pl. siodlo S SCr. sedlo, Npl. sedla; Cak. sedlo (Vrg.); sedlo (Novi), Npl. sedla; sedlo (Orb.) ‘seat (on a bicycle), saddle’, Npl. sedla; Sln. sedlo; Bulg. sedlo A borrowing from Germanic, cf. OIc. sgdull m.; OHG satul m. *selo n. o (b) CS OCS selo ‘field, abode, tabernacle, village’ E Ru. selo ‘village’ W OCz. selo ‘field’; Pl. sioto (poet.) ‘soil, hamlet, village’ S SCr. selo ‘village, country, Npl. sela; Cak. selo (Vrg.) ‘village, country, Npl. selâ; selo (Novi) ‘village, country, Npl. sela; selo (Orb.) ‘village, Npl. s'ela; Sln. selo ‘building lot, colony, hamlet, village’; Bulg. selo ‘village’, Npl. sela B Lith. sala f. 4 ‘island, (dial.) field surrounded bij meadows (or vice versa), (E. Lith.) village’ Cogn. OIc. salr m. ‘hall, room, house’ *serdâ f. â (c) ‘middle, Wednesday’ CS OCS sreda ‘middle, community, Wednesday’ E Ru. sereda (obs.) ‘Wednesday, Asg. seredu W Cz. streda ‘Wednesday’; Slk. streda ‘Wednesday’; Pl. sroda ‘Wednesday’; USrb. srjeda ‘Wednesday’ S SCr. srijeda ‘Wednesday, Asg. srijedu; Cak. srîda (Vrg.) ‘Wednesday’ Asg. srîdu; sr'edă ‘Wednesday, Asg. sr'edu; Sln. sreda ‘middle, centre’; sreda ‘Wednesday’; Bulg. sreda ‘middle, centre, environment’; srjada ‘Wednesday’ BSl. ‘serd- B Lith. serdis f.(i) 3 ‘core, kernel, pith’ PIE ‘kerd- Cogn. Go. hairto n. ‘heart’ See also: ‘shrdhce *serm^sa; *sermusa f. jâ ‘ramson, bird cherry’ S SCr. srijemusa ‘ramson’; Sln. srţmsa ‘bird cherry’; srţmsa ‘bird cherry’ See ^ ‘cermixa, etc., for a discussion of the etymology. *serm; *sernb m. o; m jo (b) ‘hoarfrost, crust of ice’ CS CS sreni ‘white, greyish white (horses)’ E Ru. seren (dial.) m.(o) ‘crust of ice’; seren (dial.) m.(o) ‘crust of ice’; seren (dial.) f.(i) ‘crust of ice’; Ukr. seren m.(o) ‘frozen hard snow’ W Cz. strin (dial.) m.(o) ‘ice on branches’; strin (dial.) f.(i/jâ) ‘ice on branches’; Slk. srien m.(jo) ‘hoarfrost’; Pl. szron m.(o) ‘hoarfrost’ (older spellings sron, srzon) ‘sedlo 445 S Sln. sren m.(o) ‘hoarfrost, frozen crust of snow’; srenj m.(jo) ‘hoarfrost, frozen crust of snow’ BSl. ‘ser(s)nos B Lith. serksnas m. ‘hoarfrost’; serksnas adj. ‘grey, whitish’; Latv. sţrsna f. ‘hoarfrost’ PIE ‘ker(H)-no-m Cogn. OIc. hjarn n. ‘frozen snow’; Arm. sarn ‘ice’ ‘sestra f. â (b) ‘sister’ CS OCS sestra E Ru. sestră, Asg. sestru W Cz. sestra; Slk. sestra; Pl. siostra S SCr. sestra; Cak. sestra (Vrg.); sestra (Orb.), Asg. sestro; Sln. sestra; Bulg. sestră BSl. ‘ses-(e)r- B Lith. sesuo f.(r) 3b, Gsg. sesers OPr. swestro PIE ‘sues-r- Cogn. Skt. svăsar- f.; Lat. soror f.; Go. swistar f.; OIr. siur f. ‘sedeti v. ‘sit’ CS OCS sedeti, 1sg. sezdg E Ru. sidet’, 1sg. sizu, 3sg. sidit W Cz. sedeti; Slk. sediet; Pl. siedziec S SCr. sjedjeti; sjediti, 1sg. sjedim; Cak. siditi (Vrg.), 2sg. sidîs; sedet (Orb.), 1sg. sedîn; Sln. sedeti, 1sg. sedim; Bulg. sedjă BSl. ‘se?d-e?- B Lith. sedeti, 3sg. sedi PIE ‘sed-eh!- Cogn. Lat. sedere For the root, cf. also Gk. e(o^ai ‘to sit down, Go. sitan, OIc. sitja See also: ‘saditi; ‘sâdb; ‘sesti ‘sedlo n. o (b) ‘seat’ W Cz. sidlo ‘seat, residence’; Sedlo PN; Slk. sidlo ‘seat, residence’; Pl. Dtugosiodto PN; USrb. sydto ‘residence’; LSrb. sedlo ‘residence’ PIE ‘sed-lo-m If this is a Proto-Slavic formation, we must assume that in those languages where ‘dl- > ‘l- the etymon merged with ‘selo. In West Slavic as well these two etyma seem to have infuenced one another, cf. Pl. Dlugosiodlo with ‘e in the root. 446 ‘sekti *sekti v. (c) ‘cut, mow’ CS OCS sesti (Euch., Supr.) ‘cut’, 1sg. sekg (the attested forms are seky Nsg. m. ptc. pres. act. (Euch.) and secete 2pl. (Supr.)) E Ru. sec’ ‘cut to pieces, beat’, 1sg. seku, 3sg. secet W Cz. sici ‘mow, 1sg. seku, 1sg. secu; OCz. sieci ‘mow, 1sg. seku; Pl. siec ‘hew, beat, 1sg. siekţ; USrb. syc ‘hew, beat, 1sg. syku; LSrb. sec ‘hew, beat, 1sg. seku S SCr. sjeci ‘cut, 1sg. sijecem; Cak. sici (Vrg.) ‘cut’, 2sg. sîces; sec (Orb.) ‘cut, chop, hew, 1sg. s'ecen; Sln. seci ‘cut, 1sg. secem; Bulg. seka ‘chop, fell, 1sg. seces It is hardly imaginable that ‘sekti is not cognate with Lat. seco ‘cut, mow’. The acute root cannot be reconciled with the root variant ‘sek-, however. LIV (524) predictably reconstructs an acrodynamic present to account for the Slavic length, which in their framework yields the desired acute. Kortlandt claims that “‘sekti adopted the long root vowel for disambiguation from the root which is preserved in Lith. sekti ‘watch, follow’ and Slavic sociti ‘indicate, pursue’” (1997a: 28). The original short vowel is attested in OCS sekyra ‘axe’. *semş n. n (a) ‘seed’ CS OCS semţ, Gsg. semene, Gsg. semeni E Ru. semja W Cz. sime; Pl. siemiţ S SCr. sjeme, Gsg. sjemena, Npl. sjemena; Cak. sime (Vrg.), Gsg. simena; sime (Hvar), Gsg. simena, Npl. simena; Sln. seme, Gsg. semena; Bulg. seme, Npl. semena BSl. ‘se?men- B Lith. semenys m.(n) 1/3a ‘linseed, flaxseed’ OPr. semen PIE ‘sehi-men- Cogn. Lat. semen n. See also: ‘seti I *seno n. o (c) ‘hay’ CS OCS seno ‘hay, grass’ E Ru. seno W Cz. seno; Slk. seno; Pl. siano; USrb. syno S SCr. sijeno, Gsg. sijena; Cak. seno (Vrg.), Gsg. sena; seno (Novi), Gsg. sena; s'eno (Orb.), Gsg. s'ena; Sln. seno; Bulg. seno BSl. ‘soino B Lith. sienas m. 4; Latv. siens m. If this etymon is cognate with Gk. KOiva (Hesych.) f. ‘hay’ we may reconstruct ‘koi-n-om. ‘seti I; ‘sejati I 447 ‘senb f. i (a) ‘shadow’ CS OCS senb ‘shadow’ E Ru. sen’ (obs., poet.) ‘canopy’ W Cz. sin ‘(entrance) hall’; OCz. sien ‘(entrance) hall’; Slk. sien ‘(entrance) hall’; Pl. sien ‘(entrance) hall’ S SCr. sjen m.(o) ‘shadow’ B Latv. seja f.(jâ) ‘face’; seîja (dial.) f.(jâ) ‘face’; paseijă adv. ‘behind one’s back’ PIE ‘ skoHi-n(-i)- Cogn. Skt. chăyă- (RV+) f. ‘shadow, reflection’; Gk. orciă f. ‘shadow’; Alb. hie ‘shadow’ The *s- was adopted from forms with zero grade of the root, cf. ^ *sijati. See also: ‘stenb; ‘tenb ‘sen adj. o ‘grey’ CS RuCS seri E Ru. seryj; ser, f. seră, n. sero; Ukr. siryj W Cz. sery; OCz. sery; Slk. sery; Pl. szary; USrb. sery S Sln. sţr, f. sţra PIE ‘kHe/oiro- Cogn. OIr. ciar ‘dark-brown’; OIc. hărr ‘grey-haired, old’; OE hăr ‘grey, grey-haired’ The initial fricative results from the palatalization of ‘x- before ‘e < ‘oi/ai. According to Kortlandt (1994: 112), ‘kh2 was depalatalized to ‘kH in Balto-Slavic, which sequence ultimately yielded k in Lithuanian and ‘x in Proto-Slavic. Lubotsky (1989: 51), on the other hand, reconstructs ‘kh in order to account for the vocalism ‘ei of the Old Irish form. Heidermanns (1993: 269) seems to ignore the problem. ‘sesti v. ‘sit down’ CS OCS sesti, 1sg. sţdg E Ru. sest’, 1sg. sjădu, 3sg. sjădet W Cz. siesti, 1sg. sadu, 2sg. sedes; Pl. siqsc, 1sg. siqdţ S SCr. sjesti, 1sg. sjedem; Cak. sesti (Vrg.), 2sg. sedes; ses, 1sg. s'eden; Sln. sesti, 1sg. sţdem; Bulg. sjădam BSl. ‘se?d- B Lith. sesti, 3sg. seda OPr. sindants ‘sitting’ See ^ ‘sedeti. ‘seti I; ‘sejati I v. (a) ‘sow’ CS OCS seti, 1sg. sejg; sejati, 1sg. sejg E Ru. sejat’, 1sg. seju W Cz. siti; Slk. siat; Pl. siac; USrb. syc; LSrb. ses 448 ‘seti II; ‘sejati II S SCr. sijati, 1sg. sijem; Cak. sijati (Vrg.), 2sg. sijes; sejat (Orb.); Sln. sejati, 1sg. sejem; Bulg. seja BSl. ‘se?- B Lith. seti; Latv. set PIE ‘sehi- Cogn. Lat. serere; Go. saian See also: ‘semş *seti II; *sejati II v. (a) ‘sift’ CS OCS seti ‘sift’, 1sg. sejg; sejati ‘sift’, 1sg. sejg S SCr. sijati ‘sift’, 1sg. sijem; Cak. sejat (Orb.) ‘sift, sieve’, 1sg. s'ejen; Sln. sejati ‘sift’, 1sg. sejem; Bulg. seja ‘sift’ BSl. - e s( B Lith. sijoti ‘sift’; Latv. sijât ‘sift’ PIE ‘sehii- See also: ‘prosejati; ‘sito *setb f. i (a?) ‘snare, net’ CS OCS setb ‘snare, trap’ E Ru. set’ ‘net’, Gsg. seti {1} W Cz. sit ‘net’; Slk. siet’ ‘net’; Pl. siec ‘net’ PIE ‘sh2-(o)i-t- Cogn. Skt. setu- (RV+) m. ‘band, fetter, dam’; OHG seid n. ‘cord’ If one does not wish to posit PIE *seH- alongside *sei- (Insler 1971: 581 ff), Lith. sieti, Latv. siet ‘tie’ must reflect *sHei- (Schrijver 1991: 519) or rather ‘sh2ei- (LIV: 544).On the basis of Hitt. ishamin- c. ‘cord’ alongside ishăi, 3pl. ishiianzi ‘bind, wrap’, Kloekhorst (2008: 393) has argued that we must reconstruct PIE ‘seh2- and ‘sh2-(o)i-. This seems to be a satisfactory solution. Baltic forms with e-vocalism, e.g. Lith. seja (dial.) ‘ties’ can easily be analogical. On the other hand, we may wonder wat the fate of ‘sh2-oi- would be in Balto-Slavic. It is possible that ‘sh2-oi- > would develop into a root ‘soi-, which could have given to rise to new apophonic grades ‘sei- and ‘si-. The root of ‘setb seems to be acute, however. Perhaps the zero grade ‘sh2i-provided the basis for a new full grade ‘soh2i (after all, ‘Ce/oHI : ‘CHI is a common type of ablaut) or the word for ‘net’ was influenced by the verbal root ‘se?i- ‘sieve’. The semantic connection is obvious. {1} AP (a) is also attested in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 132). See also: ‘sidlo; ‘siti *severb m. o (a) ‘North’ CS OCS severi ‘North, north wind’ E Ru. sever ‘North’ 449 W Cz. sever ‘North’; Slk. sever ‘North’; USrb. sowjer ‘(high altitude) haze’ {1} S SCr. sjever ‘North’; Sln. sever m.(jo) ‘north wind, North, Gsg. severja; sever ‘north wind, North, Gsg. severa; sevar ‘north wind, North, Gsg. sevra; Bulg. sever ‘North’ BSl. ‘se?wer-; *sjo?ur- B Lith. siăure f. ‘North’ PIE ‘kehuer-o- Cogn. Lat. caurus m. ‘northwestern wind’ (< ‘khuer-o-) {1} Sewjer ‘North’ is a 19th century borrowing from Czech (Schaarschmidt 1997: 150). ‘sşdzati; ‘sşgati v. (a) ‘reach for, attain’ E Ru. posjagăt’ ‘encroach, infringe’ W Cz. sahati ‘touch, reach for’; OCz. sahati ‘touch, reach for, 1sg. sahu, 2sg. sezes; Pl. siţgac ‘reach for, reach’ S SCr. sezati ‘reach, attain, 1sg. sezem; Sln. sţzati ‘reach for, 1sg. sţzam; sţgati ‘reach for, 1sg. sţgam See ^ ‘sţgti. The acute root is in agreement with Winter’s law. ‘sşgnşti v. ‘reach for, attain’ CS Only prefixed verbs, e.g. prisţgngti (Supr.) ‘touch’. E Ru. sjagnut’ (Dal’) ‘reach for, attain’ W Cz. săhnouti ‘touch, reach for’; Slk. siahnut ‘reach for’; Pl. siţgnqc ‘reach for, reach’ S SCr. segnuti ‘reach’; segnuti se (Vuk) ‘reach for’; Sln. sţgniti ‘reach for, 1sg. sţgnem BSl. ‘se(n)g According to Kortlandt (1988: 389), the fact that Winter’s law apparently did not operate in the derivative in ‘-ngti (where AP (a) is productive!) is due to the cluster ‘-ngn-, which blocked the law. For the etymology, see ^ ‘sţgti. ‘sşgti v. ‘reach for’ CS OCS prisţsti sţ ‘touch, 1sg. prisţgo sţ W Cz. dosici ‘reach’ S Sln. sţci ‘reach for, try to grab, 1sg. sţzem BSl. ‘se(n)?g-B Lith. segti ‘fasten, pin’ PIE ‘se(n)g- Cogn. Skt. săjati ‘adhere to’ Lith. seg- must have been created on the basis of the nasal present (^ ‘sţgngti). See also: sşdzati; ‘sşgati 450 ‘sşknţti *sşknşti v. ‘run dry’ CS OCS isţkngti ‘run dry, 1sg. isţkng E Ru. issjaknut’ ‘run dry’ W Cz. saknouti ‘ooze, trickle, wet’; Pl. siqknqc ‘run dry’ S Bulg. sekna ‘stop, fade away’ BSl. ‘se(n)k- B Lith. sekti ‘subside (water), diminish (strength)’ PIE ‘sek- Cogn. Skt. sascasi (RV) 2sg. imper. act. ‘dry out’; Gk. sctksto fwvf (Hom.) ‘his voice broke down’ See also: ‘sşciti *sştjb adj. jo ‘sensible, wise’ CS CS sţsti ‘sensible, wise’ BSl. ‘sint- (‘sent-) B Lith. sinteti (Zem.) ‘think’ For the root ‘sent-, cf. Lat. sentîre ‘feel’. *sIdlo n. o (b) ‘noose, snare’ CS OCS silo (Supr.) E Ru. silo (dial.); silo (dial.); ORu. silo W Pl. sidlo ‘snare, trap’ B Lith. âtsaile f.(e) ‘cross-bar between beam and axle’; Latv. saiklis m.(io) ‘string, band’ Cogn. OHG seil n. ‘rope, snare, fetter’ In view of the etymology discussed s.v. ^ ‘setb, we must in principle reconstruct ‘sh2i-dhlom. Formally this is without problems. The stressed suffix was not affected by Hirt’s law as well as Ebeling’s law and the laryngeal was lost in pretonic position with compensatory lengthening. Nevertheless, a secondary full grade ‘seid- cannot be excluded (see also ^ ‘siti). *sijati v. ‘shine’ CS OCS sijati, 1sg. sijajg E Ru. sijat’, 1sg. sijaju S SCr. sjati, 1sg. sjâm; Cak. sjati se (Vrg.), 3sg. sjaje se; Sln. sijati, 1sg. sîjem; Bulg. sijaja PIE ‘skHi- Cogn. Go. skeinan In the position before ‘i, PIE ‘sk was realized as [sk] > BSl. ‘s. ‘sivb 451 See also: ‘senb; ‘stenb; ‘tenb ‘sila f. â (a) ‘strength, force’ CS OCS sila ‘strength, force, miracle’ E Ru. sila W Cz. sila; Slk. sila; Pl. sila S SCr. sila; Sln. sila ‘force, mass, need’; Bulg. sila BSl. ‘seîila? B Lith. siela 1 ‘soul’ OPr. seilin Asg. ‘diligence’ Etymology unknown. ‘sito n. o (a) ‘sieve’ E Ru. sito W Cz. sito; Slk. sito; Pl. sito S SCr. sito; Cak. sito (Vrg., Novi, Orb.); Sln. sito; Bulg. sito BSl. ‘seîito B Lith. sietas m.; Latv. siets m. The fixed root stress originates from Hirt’s law. The original form must have been ‘sehii-to(d). The Latvian broken tone is explained by the fact that barytone neuter o-stems with an acute root became mobile in Latvian (see Derksen 1995). See also: ‘prosejati; ‘seti II ‘slt'B m. o (b) W O Cz. sit ‘twining’ S Sln. sît m.(o) ‘rush’; sît f.(i) ‘rush’; sita f.(â) ‘rush’ B Lith. sietas m. 2 ‘tie’; saîtas m. 2/4 ‘tie’; Latv. saîte f.(e) ‘string, cord, tie, leash’ OPr. saytan ‘strap, belt’ Cogn. OHG seid n. ‘cord’ (< ‘saipa-) A reconstruction ‘sh2i-tom (cf. ^ ‘sidlo) seems possible, as there are indications that neuters in ‘-to were productive anterior to the loss of the laryngeals in pretonic syllables, but we would have to assume that ‘-to was replaced by ‘-ti. This is not unprecedented in original neuters, however. Alternatively, we may posit a secondary e-grade ‘seitom (see ^ ‘setb), cf the (rare) Lithuanian variant seîtas 2. The Baltic and Germanic forms mentioned above point to ‘sh2oi-tom, though for Baltic an oxytone neuter cannot be excluded. ‘sivi adj. o (a) ‘grey’ E Ru. sivyj W Cz. sivy; Slk. sivy; Pl. siwy 452 ‘skora (skora) S SCr. siv; Sln. siv, f. siva; Bulg. siv BSl. ‘siîvos B Lith. syvas 3 ‘light grey’ OPr. sijwan ‘grey’ PIE ‘kihi-uo- Cogn. Skt. syăva- ‘dark brown, dark’ (<‘kiehi-uo-) *skora (skora) f. â (b) ‘bast, skin’ W Cz. skura (obs., dial.) Npl. ‘(tanned) skin’; skura (obs., dial.) Npl. ‘(tanned) skin’; skora (obs., dial.) Npl. ‘(tanned) skin’; Pl. skora ‘skin’; Slnc. skdmă ‘skin, bast, leather’ S Sln. skgrja ‘bark, crust’; skorja ‘bark, crust’ As in the case of ^ ‘kora, a number of forms behave as if they belong to the ‘volja type, e.g. Sln. skgrja. According to Bulaxovskij (1953: 45), we must reckon with influence of the semantically similar ‘koza. The widely attested long o in the root may be somehow connected with the following r (cf. Zaliznjak 1985: 135-136). See also: ‘kora; ‘korica; ‘koryto; ‘korhch *skorda f. â ‘harrow’ E Ru. skoroda (dial.) ‘harrow’ BSl. ‘skord- B Lith. skardyti ‘dig up, crush’; Latv. skărdît ‘pound, crush’ OPr. scurdis ‘dibstone, mattock’ PIE ‘skordh-eh2 See also: ‘oskirdi *slâb^ adj. o (a) ‘weak’ CS OCS slabi E Ru. slabyj W Cz. slaby; Slk. slaby; Pl. slaby S SCr. slab ‘weak, bad’, f. slaba; slab ‘weak, bad’, f. slaba; Cak. slab (Vrg.) ‘weak’, f. slaba, n. slabo; slap (Orb.) ‘weak, bad’, f. slaba, n. slabo; Sln. slab ‘weak, bad’, f. slaba; Bulg. slab ‘weak, bad’ B Lith. slâbnas (Zem.); slobnas (E. Lith.) {1}; Latv. slâbs PIE ‘slob-o- Cogn. MLG slap ‘weak, slack’ Though Latv. slâbs matches the Slavic etymon perfectly, I am inclined to regard the Baltic forms as borrowings (cf. Derksen 1996: 83). Rasmussen (1992: 72) mentions slâbnas as an example of his blocking rule, according to which Winter’s law did not operate for resonants. Since he also claims that Winter’s law applied exclusively to the ‘sliva 453 syllable immediately preceding the stress, his version of Winter’s law cannot account for PSl. ‘slabi (Derksen 2003: 9). {1} According to Fraenkel (151), the vocalism of slobnas may be due to an East Lithuanian development (cf. Zinkevicius 1966: 103). ‘slava f. â (a) ‘glory, fame’ CS OCS slava ‘glory, fame, magnificence’ E Ru. slăva W Cz. slăva; Slk. slăva; Pl. slawa S SCr. slava; Cak. slava (Vrg., Orb.) ‘glory’; Sln. slăva; Bulg. slăva BSl. ‘slou?- B Lith. slove f.(e) 3/4 ‘honour, fame’; slove (Zem.) f.(e) 1 ‘honour, fame’; Latv. slava f. ‘rumour, reputation, fame’; slave f.(e) ‘rumour, reputation, fame’ PIE ‘kleu- Cogn. Skt. srăvas- n. ‘fame, honour’; Gk. KXeoq n. ‘fame’; OIr. clu f. ‘fame, rumour’ The root-final laryngeal reflected in Baltic as well as Slavic is a Balto-Slavic innovation. We must assume an original root noun with lengthened grade. See also: ‘slovo; ‘sluxati; ‘sluxb; ‘sluseti; ‘sluti; ‘slysati ‘slimaki m. o ‘snail’ E Ru. slimăk (dial.) ‘snail, slug’ W Cz. slimăk; Slk. slimak; Pl. slimak PIE ‘sleh^-m- Cogn. Gk. As[|aă^ m. ‘slug’; Lat. limăx m. ‘snail, slug’ ‘slina f. â (a) ‘saliva’ CS OCS sliny (Euch.) Npl. E Ru. slina (dial.); slină (dial.) W Cz. slina; Slk. slina; Pl. slina S SCr. slina; Sln. slina BSl. ‘sle?ina? B Latv. slienas Npl. PIE ‘sleh^-n-eh2 Cogn. OIc. slim m. ‘slime’ ‘sliva f. â (a) ‘plum, plum-tree’ E Ru. sliva ‘plum, plum-tree’ W Cz. sliva ‘plum, plum-tree’; Pl. sliwa ‘plum-tree’ S SCr. sljiva ‘plum (tree)’; Cak. sliva (Vrg., Hvar) ‘plum (tree)’; sliva (Orb.) ‘yellow plum (tree)’; Sln. sliva ‘plum’; Bulg. sliva ‘plum, plum-tree’ 454 ‘slovo For the root we may perhaps compare Lat. livere ‘be livid, bluish, OIr. li ‘colour, pallor’. In that case the reconstruction would be *(s)liH-u-. Lith. slyvă 2 and slyvas (dial.) ‘plum, plum-tree’ are borrowings from Slavic. *slovo n. s (c) ‘word’ CS OCS slovo n.(s) E Ru. slovo W Cz. slovo; Slk. slovo; Pl. slowo S SCr. slovo ‘letter (of the alphabet)’; Cak. slovo ‘letter (of the alphabet), Npl. slovă, Npl. slovă; slovo (Orb.) ‘letter, Npl. slova; Sln. slovo ‘good-bye, farewell’ n.(s), Gsg. slovţsa; slovo ‘letter (of the alphabet), word, Gsg. slova; Bulg. slovo ‘word’ B Lith. slâve (E. Lith.) f.(e) ‘honour, respect, fame’; Latv. slava f. ‘rumour, reputation, fame’; slave f.(e) ‘rumour, reputation, fame’ PIE ‘kleu-os- Cogn. Skt. srăvas- n. ‘fame, honour’; Gk. KXeoq n. ‘fame’; OIr. clu f. ‘fame, rumour’ See ^ ‘slăva. *slşka f. â (a) ‘snipe, woodcock’ E Ru. sluka ‘woodcock’ W Cz. sluka ‘snipe, (s. lesni) woodcock’; Slk. sluka ‘snipe’; Pl. slomka ‘snipe’ S SCr. sljuka ‘snipe, (sumska s.) woodcock’; Sln. slgka ‘woodcock’ BSl. ‘slonka? B Lith. slănka 1, slănkă 4 ‘snipe’; Latv. sluoka ‘snipe’ OPr. slanke ‘snipe’ I have no explanation for the tonal difference between Slavic and the Latvian form (see Derksen 1996: 137 for a the complete Baltic material). In my dissertation I opted for a root ‘slonHk-, even considering to give up the connection with Lith. slinkti ‘sneak, crawl, Latv. slikt ‘lean over, be submerged, drown’. The snipe, however, is an extremely elusive bird and a name corresponding to OHG slango m. ‘snake’ would be entirely appropriate. I also failed to point out that Lith. slănka may very well show metatonie rude, cf. pecialinda, pecialănda ‘leaf-warbler, from pecius ‘oven’ and lţsti ‘crawl’. The root is therefore to be reconstructed ‘slenkw- and the Slavic acute must be regarded as irregular. *sluxati v. (a) ‘listen’ E Ukr. sluxa ty ‘listen’ W Pl. sluchac ‘listen’ BSl. ‘klou(?)s- B Lith. klăusti ‘ask’; klausyti ‘listen, 3sg. klauso OPr. klausiton ‘hear’ ‘slysati 455 See ^ ‘slusati. ‘sluxi m. o (c) ‘hearing, rumour’ CS OCS sluxi E Ru. slux W Cz. sluch; Slk. sluch; Pl. sluch S SCr. sluh; sluh; Sln. sluh; Bulg. slux PIE ‘klous-o- Cogn. Skt. srăvas- n. ‘fame, honour’; Gk. KXeoq n. ‘fame’; OIr. clu f. ‘fame, rumour’ See ^ ‘slusati. ‘slusati v. (a) ‘listen’ CS OCS slusati ‘listen, 1sg. slusajg E Ru. slusat’ ‘listen’ W Cz. sluseti ‘become, befit’; Slk. slusat’ ‘become, befit’; Pl. sluszac ‘listen to, obey’ S SCr. slusati ‘listen’; Cak. slusati ‘listen’; Sln. slusati ‘listen, follow, 1sg. slusam; Bulg. slusam ‘listen, follow, obey’ BSl. ‘klou?s- B Lith. klăusti ‘ask’; klausyti ‘listen, 3sg. klauso OPr. klausiton ‘hear’ PIE ‘klous- Cogn. Skt. srosati ‘listen, obey’ Slavic *s- < *s- was adopted from forms with e-grade. The acute of Lith. klăusti may originate from a desiderative ‘kleu-Hs-. The question is if this is also the origin of the acute tone of ‘slusati. As we have seen s.v. ^ ‘slava, the presence of a laryngeal is not limited to the root variant with ‘-s, at least not in Slavic. See also: ‘slava; ‘slovo; ‘sluxati; ‘sluxb; ‘sluti; ‘slysati ‘sluti v. ‘be called’ CS OCS sluti ‘be called, 1sg. slovg W Cz. slouti ‘be called, have a reputation (for), 1sg. sluji, (obs.) 1sg. slovu; OCz. sluti ‘be called, have a reputation (for), 1sg. slovu S Sln. sluti ‘be famous (for), sound, 1sg. slovem, 1sg. slujem See ^ ‘slava, ‘slusati. ‘slysati v. (a) ‘hear’ CS OCS slysati, 1sg. slysg, 2sg. slysisi E Ru. slysat’ W Cz. slyseti; Pl. slyszec S SCr. slisati; Cak. slisati (Vrg.); Sln. slisati, 1sg. slîsim 456 ‘slyti See ^ ‘slusati. *slyti v. ‘have a reputation (for)’ E Ru. slyt’‘have a reputation (for), 1sg. slyvu, slovu (arch.), 3sg. slyvet See ^ ‘slăva, ‘slusati. *smext m. o (b (c)) ‘laughter, laugh’ CS OCS smexi (Euch., Supr.) E Ru. smex, Gsg. smexa W Cz. smich; Slk. smiech; Pl. smiech S SCr. smijeh, Gsg. smijeha; Cak. smîh (Vrg.), Gsg. smlha; sm'eh (Vrg.), Gsg. sm'eha; Sln. smeh; Bulg. smjax Derivative of ^ ‘smbjati. The suffix ‘-xi arose from ‘-so- as a result of the ruki-rule. *smord^ m. o (c) ‘stench’ CS OCS smradi (Supr.) E Ru. smorod (dial.); Bel. smarod; Ukr. smorid, Gsg. smorodu W Cz. smrad; Slk. smrad; Pl. smrod, Gsg. smrodu S SCr. smrâd, Gsg. smrâda; Cak. smrâd (Vrg.), Gsg. smrâda; smrâd (Novi); smrâd (Orb.) ‘dirt, dust, Gsg. smrâda; Sln. smrâd, Gsg. smrâda, Gsg. smradu; Bulg. smrad BSl. ‘smor?dos B Lith. smardas (Bretk.) ‘odour, stench’; Latv. smards ‘smell, odour’ PIE ‘smord-o-s The glottal stop originating from Winter’s law was eliminated as a result of Meillet’s law. See also: ‘smhrdeti *smbjâti v. (c) ‘laugh’ CS OCS smijati sţ, 1sg. smejg sţ E Ru. smejăt’sja, 1sg. smejus’, 3sg. smeetsja W Cz. smăti se; OCz. smieti se; Slk. smiatsa; Pl. smiac siţ, 1sg. smiejţ siţ S SCr. smijati se, 1sg. smijem se; Cak. smîjâti se (Vrg.), 2sg. smijes se; smîjât se (Hvar), 1sg. smljen se; smejât se (Orb.), 1sg. smejîn se; Sln. smejati se, 1sg. smejem se, smejam se; smejăti se, 1sg. smejem se, smejam se, smejim se; Bulg. smeja se BSl. ‘smi?- B Latv. smiet ‘laugh at, mock’; smieties ‘laugh’; smaîdît mock’ (alongside E. Latv. smaîdinât); smîdînât ‘make smb. laugh’ (alongside W. Latv. smîdînât) PIE ‘sm(e)i- Cogn. Skt. smăyate (RV) ‘smile’ ‘snuti 457 Here, too, the Balto-Slavic laryngeal seems to be an innovation. See also: ‘smexb ‘smbrdeti v. (c) ‘stink’ CS OCS smrbdeti, 1sg. smnzdg, 2sg. smnzdisi E Ru. smerdet’, 1sg. smerzu, 3sg. smerdit W Cz. smrdeti; Slk. smrdiet; Pl. smierdziec S SCr. smrdjeti, 1sg. smrdim; Cak. smrdeti (Vrg.), 2sg. smrdîs; smrdet (Orb.), 2sg. smrdîs; Sln. smrdeti, 1sg. smrdîm; Bulg. smărdjă BSl. ‘smir?d-e?- B Lith. smirdeti, 3pres. smirdi; Latv. smirdet See also: ‘smordb ‘snegb m. o (c) ‘snow’ CS OCS snegi E Ru. sneg, Gsg. snega; Bel. sneh, Gsg. snehu; Ukr. snih, Gsg. snîhu; snih (dial.), Gsg. snihă W Cz. snîh, Gsg. snehu; Slk. sneh; Pl. snieg; Slnc. snjeg, Gsg. snjiegu S SCr. snijeg, Gsg. snijega; Cak. snîg (Vrg.), Gsg. snîga; snîg (Novi); sn'eh (Orb.), Gsg. snega; Sln. sneg, Gsg. snega, Gsg. snegâ; Bulg. snjag BSl. ‘snoigos B Lith. sniegas 4 (AP 2 is attested in dialects); Latv. sniegs OPr. snaygis PIE ‘snoigwh-o- Cogn. Go. snaiws m. ‘snuti v. ‘warp’ CS RuCS snuti ‘warp’, 1sg. snovg E Ru. snovăt’‘warp, dash about’, 1sg. snuju, 3sg. snuet W Cz. snouti ‘warp, spin, (lit.) prepare, plan, 1sg. snuji, (rarely) snovu; snovati ‘warp, spin, (lit.) prepare, plan, 1sg. snuji, (rarely) snovu; Slk. snovat‘wind’; Pl. snuc ‘warp, spin’ S SCr. snovati ‘warp, 1sg. snujem; Sln. snovăti ‘warp, 1sg. snujem; Bulg. snovă ‘warp’ BSl. ‘snou?- B Latv. snaujis m.(io) ‘noose’ PIE ‘sneuH- Cogn. Go. sniwan ‘hurry’; OIc. snua ‘wind, twist, warp’ See also: ‘osnova 458 ‘snixa ‘snixa f. â (b/c) ‘daughter-in-law’ CS SerbCS snixa ‘daughter-in-law’ E Ru. snoxă ‘(father’s) daughter-in-law, Asg. snoxu; ORu. snixa ‘daughter-in- law’ W Cz. snacha ‘daughter-in-law’ {1} S SCr. snăha ‘daughter-in-law’; Cak. snaha (Novi) ‘daughter-in-law, Asg. snahu; Kajk. snleho (Bednja), Asg. snîeho, Asg. snehou; Sln. snăha ‘daughter-in-law, bride’; sneha ‘daughter-in-law, bride’; Bulg. snaxă ‘daughter-in-law, sister-in-law’ PIE ‘snus-o- Cogn. Skt. snusă- (AV+) f. ‘daughter-in-law’; Gk. vuoq f. ‘daughter-in-law’; Lat. nurus f. ‘daughter-in-law’; OE snoru f. ‘daughter-in-law’ The form ‘snus-o- was replaced by ‘snus-eh2- in many languages. {1} A borrowing from Serbo-Croatian. The original designations synovă and nevesta (cf. Slk. nevesta) still occur in dialects. *sociti v. ‘indicate, accuse’ CS SerbCS sociti ‘indicate’ E Ru. socit’ (Dal’) ‘look for, track down, summon, 1sg. socu; ORu. sociti ‘look for, search for, conduct an action (leg.)’ W Pl. soczyc ‘slander, abuse’ S SCr. sdciti ‘establish the guilt of, reveal, find’; Bulg. socă ‘show, indicate’ BSl. ‘sok- B Lith. sakyti ‘say’; Latv. sacît ‘say’ PIE ‘sokw-eie- Cogn. OIc. segja ‘say, announce’ See also: ‘soki I *soxa f. â (c) ‘forked stick’ E Ru. soxă ‘(wooden) plough, Asg. soxu; soxă (dial.) ‘(wooden) plough, Asg. soxu; ORu. soxă ‘stake, club, brace, plough’ W Cz. socha ‘statue, sculpture’; Slk. socha ‘column’; Pl. socha ‘two-pronged fork’ S SCr. soha ‘forked stick, Asg. sohu; Cak. soha (Vrg.) ‘forked stick, Asg. sohu; Sln. soha ‘pole, pole with a cross-beam’; Bulg. soxă ‘forked stick’ BSl. ‘sok?a? B Lith. sakă ‘branch’; sâke 2 ‘fork, pitchfork, dungfork’; sâkes Npl. 2 ‘fork, pitchfork, dungfork’ PIE ‘kok-(e)h2- Cogn. Skt. săkhă- (RV+) f. ‘branch, twig’; Go. hoha f. ‘plough’ The ‘x arose in case-forms where the suffix had zero grade, e.g. Gsg. ‘kok-h2-os. ‘solma 459 ‘soki I m. o ‘accuser’ CS RuCS soki ‘accuser’ E ORu. soki ‘accuser’ W Cz. sok ‘rival, opponent’; OCz. sok ‘plaintiff’; Slk. sok ‘rival, opponent’ S SCr. sok ‘accuser, prosecutor, witness’ PIE ‘sokw-o- Cogn. Lat. inquit 3sg. ‘says’; OHG sagen ‘say’ See also: ‘sociti ‘soki II m. o (c) ‘juice’ CS OCS sokomi (Supr.) Isg. E Ru. sok, Gsg. soka; Ukr. sik, Gsg. soku W Cz. sok (dial.); Pl. sok S SCr. sok, Gsg. soka; Sln. sok, Gsg. soka, Gsg. sokâ; Bulg. sok BSl. ‘sokos B Lith. sakaî Npl. 4 ‘resin, tar’ PIE ‘sokw-o- ‘soldiki adj. o (a) ‘sweet’ CS OCS sladiki E Ru. solodkij (dial.) W Cz. sladky; Slk. sladky; Pl. slodki; USrb. slodki S SCr. slatki; sladak, f. slatka, f. slatka; Cak. slakî (Vrg.); slak (Vrg.), f. slaka, n. slako; slatki (Orb.), f. slatka; Sln. slădak, f. slădka; Bulg. slădăk ‘sweet, tasty’ BSl. ‘sol?dus B Lith. saldus 3; Latv. saîds The root is an enlargement of ‘sh2el- ‘salt’ (^‘solb), cf. Go. salt n. ‘salt’. ‘solma f. â (a) ‘straw’ CS CS slama E Ru. soloma W Cz. slăma; Slk. slama; Pl. sloma; USrb. sloma S SCr. slama; Cak. slama (Vrg., Novi, Orb.); Sln. slăma; Bulg. slăma BSl. ‘sol?m- B Latv. salms m. OPr. salme PIE ‘kolh2-m- Cogn. Gk. Ka\d|ar| f. ‘stubble’; Gk. KaXa^oq m. ‘reed’; Lat. culmus m. ‘stubble, stem (of wheat)’; OHG hal(a)m m. ‘stalk’ 460 ‘solna *solna f. â (c?) ‘hoarfrost’ CS OCS slana (Ps. Sin.); RuCS slana S SCr. slăna, Asg. slânu; Cak. slăna (Vrg.) ‘dew’; Sln. slăna; Bulg. slană BSl. ‘sol?nă? B Lith. salnă 4 ‘light frost’; Latv. saîna ‘id.’ PIE ‘kolH-n-eh2 Cogn. OIc. hela f. ‘hoarfrost’ *solm adj. o (c) ‘salt(y), salted’ CS OCS slani (Euch., Supr.) E Ru. solonyj (dial.); Ukr. solonyj W Cz. slany; Slk. slany; Pl. slony S SCr. slânl; slân, f. slăna; Cak. slănl (Vrg.); slân (Vrg.), f. slăna; Sln. slân, f. slăna See ^ ‘solb. *solp^ m. o (c) ‘rapid, waterfall’ W Cz. slap ‘(usu. pl.) rapid, waterfall’ S SCr. slâp ‘waterfall, stream, wave’, Gsg. slâpa; Sln. slâp ‘waterfall, stream, wave’, Gsg. slâpa, Gsg. slapu BSl. ‘solpos B Lith. salpas 2/4 4 ‘river cove, creek, backwater’; salpă ‘flood-land, river cove, creek, backwater’ Other ablaut grades of this root occur in RuCS vislepati ‘flow, slbpati ‘flow, spout’. *solvB adj. o CS CS slavoocije n.(io) ‘state of having green eyes, glaucitas’ E Ru. solovyj ‘light bay’; solovoj ‘yellowish grey’ PIE ‘sal-uo- (solH-uo-?) Cogn. OIc. sglr ‘dirty yellow’; OHG salwo ‘dirty yellow, Gsg. sal(a)wes; MoE sallow ‘sickly yellow, pale brown’; MoDu. zaluw ‘yellowish’; OIr. salach ‘dirty’ I suspect that we are dealing with a root ‘sal- with “European a”. According to Schrijver (1991: 212-213), ablaut ‘solH- : ‘slH is an alternative solution. See also: ‘solvbjb; ‘sol(o)viki *solvbjb; *sol(o)vik'B m. io; m. o ‘nightingale’ CS RuCS slavii E Ru. solovej, Gsg. solov’jă; ORu. solovii W Cz. slavik; Pl. slowik; USrb. sylobik; solobik ‘sova 461 S SCr. slavuj, Gsg. slavuja; slavuj, Gsg. slavuja; Sln. slăvac, Gsg. slăvca; Bulg. slăvej BSl. ‘sal(V)w- B OPr. salowis (EV) See ^ ‘solvi. ‘soltina f. â ‘salt marsh’ CS OCS slatina ‘salt-marsh’ E Ru. solotina (dial.) ‘sticky liquid, stagnant marsh’ W Cz. slatina ‘marsh’; Slk. slatina ‘marsh’ S SCr. slatina ‘mineral spring’; Sln. slâtina ‘carbonic water’ See ^ ‘solb. ‘solb f. i (c) ‘salt’ CS OCS solb E Ru. sol’ W Cz. sul; Slk. sol; Pl. sol, Gsg. soli; USrb. sol, Gsg. sele; sel (dial.) S SCr. so, Gsg. soli; Cak. so (Vrg.), Gsg. soli; sol (Novi, Hvar), Gsg. soli; suol (Orb.), Gsg. soli; Sln. sol, Gsg. solî; Bulg. sol f.(i) BSl. ‘sal-; *săl- B Latv. săls f.(i) OPr. sal PIE ‘sh2el- Cogn. Gk. a\q m.; Lat. săl m./n.; OHG salz n.; OIr. salann n. According to Kortlandt (1985: 119), the root shape *sh2el- originates from the Asg. of a hysterodynamic paradigm. Latv. săls is supposed to reflect a Nsg. ‘s^l-s. See also: ‘soldbkb; ‘solnb; ‘soltina ‘somi m. o (b) ‘sheat-fish’ E Ru. som, Gsg. somă; som (dial.), Gsg. soma; Ukr. som, Gsg. soma W Pl. sum; OPl. som S SCr. som, Gsg. soma; Sln. som, Gsg. soma; Bulg. som BSl. ‘somum B Lith. sâmas 2/4; Latv. sams The sometimes advocated connection with Gk. Ka|aaof|v m. ‘a fish’ seems a shot in the dark. ‘sova f. â (b) ‘owl’ E Ru. sovă W Cz. sova; suva (dial.); Slk. sova; Pl. sowa 462 ‘sovati S SCr. sova; sova (Vuk); Cak. sova (Orb.), Asg. sovo; Sln. sova; sova; Bulg. sova I find it tempting to seek a connection with Lat. cavannus (a borrowing from Celtic), W cuan, Bret. kaouenn, kaouann ‘owl’. According to Schrijver (1995: 99, 335), the Celtic forms may reflect either Proto-Celtic ‘kouanno- or ‘kuuanno-, which renders the ‘a of cavannus somewhat enigmatic. I provisionally reconstruct ‘kou-. ‘sovati v. ‘shove’ CS OCS sovaati (Supr.) 3sg. ‘overflows’ E Ru. sovăt’‘shove, thrust’, 1sg. suju, 3sg. suet W Cz. souvati (obs.) ‘shove’ (still common in prefixed verbs); OCz. suvati ‘shove’, 1sg. suju; Pl. suwac ‘shove, slide’ S Sln. suvăti ‘thrust, knock, 1sg. suvem, 1sg. sujem; suvati ‘thrust, knock, 1sg. suvam; sovăti ‘thrust, knock, 1sg. sujem BSl. ‘souH- B Lith. săuti ‘shoot’; Latv. saut ‘shoot’; saut (E. Latv.) ‘shoot’ Only Balto-Slavic. Transposed to PIE, the root is ‘keuH- (thus LIV: 330). See also: ‘sunşti ‘sş- pref. ‘together’ CS OCS sp- E Ru. su- W Cz. sou-; Slk. su-; Pl. sq- S Sln. so-; Bulg. să- BSl. ‘som B Lith. sam- (san-, sq-) OPr. sen- (san-) PIE ‘som Cogn. Skt. săm (RV+) prvrb./prep. ‘together, at the same time’ A nominal prefix. See also: ‘sb(n) ‘sşciti v. ‘dry up, dry out’ CS CS spciti ‘dry up, dry out’ See ^ ‘sţknpti. ‘sşdi m. I (b) ‘judge’ CS OCS spdi (Zogr., Mar., Cloz., Sav., Supr., Ps. Sin.); spdii (Zogr., Mar., Ass., Supr.) E Ru. sud’jă m.(iâ); Ukr. suddjă m.(iâ) W Pl. sţdzia m.(jâ) 463 S SCr. sudija m.(iâ); Sln. sgdij m.(io); sgdja m.(jâ); Bulg. sădijă m.(iâ) PIE ‘somdhi-iht Forms such as Ru. sud’jă reflect ‘sgdbjă < ‘sgdbja. The prefix ‘sg- < ‘som- was already in pretonic position before the operation of Dybo’s law and is therefore reflected as a short vowel. The root is ‘dhhi. See also: s ‘w - p, cf. ‘wulfa-. See also: ‘vbrgnşti 516 ‘vermş ‘vermş n. n ‘time’ CS OCS vreme: E Ru. vremja (a Church Slavicism); ORu. veremja; Bel. vereme; Ukr. veremje S SCr. vrijeme, Gsg. vremena; Cak. vrîme (Vrg., Novi, Hvar), Gsg. vrimena; vr'eme (Orb.), Gsg. vremena; Sln. vreme ‘weather, cause’, Gsg. vremţna; vreme ‘weather, cause’; Bulg. vreme PIE ‘uert-men- Cogn. Skt. vărtman- n. ‘track, course’ See also: ‘verteno; ‘vorta; ‘vortiti; ‘vbrsta; ‘vbrstva; ‘vbrteti ‘verteno n. o (b) ‘spindle’ CS CS vreteno (Parim.) ‘spindle’ E Ru. vereteno ‘spindle, axle’ W Cz. vreteno ‘spindle’; Slk. vreteno ‘spindle’; Pl. wrzeciono ‘spindle’; USrb. wrjeceno ‘spindle’ S SCr. vreteno ‘spindle’; Cak. vreteno (Orb.) ‘spool, spindle’; Sln. vreteno ‘spindle’; Bulg. vreteno ‘spindle’ PIE ‘uert-en-om Cogn. Skt. vărtana- n. ‘rotation, rolling’ See also: ‘vermş; ‘vorta; ‘vortiti; ‘vbrsta; ‘vbrstva; ‘vbrteti ‘verslo n. o (b?) E Ukr. vereslo ‘gourd stalk’ W Cz. povrislo ‘binder’ S SCr. vrijeslo ‘kettle hook’ PIE ‘uergh-s-lom Cogn. OS wurgil m. ‘snare’ See also: ‘otiverzti; ‘povorzi; ‘pavorzi ‘versi; ‘verski m. o (c) ‘heather’ E Ru. veresk; veres W Cz. vres; Slk. vres; Pl. wrzos; USrb. wrjos, Gsg. wrjosa; wres (dial.) S SCr. vrijes; Sln. vres BSl. ‘wer?z-/‘wir?z- B Lith. virzis m.(io); Latv. virzis m.(io); virsis m.(io) Etymology uncertain. The variants with ‘s may originate from forms with a suffix ‘-(s)k-, cf. also Latv. virksne ‘potato-stalks’. ‘veslo n. o (b) ‘oar’ CS OCS vesla (Supr.) Npl. ‘oars’ E Ru. veslo ‘oar’ *vetiXi 5i7 W Cz. veslo ‘oar’; Slk. veslo ‘oar’; Pl. wiosto ‘oar’ S SCr. veslo ‘oar’; Cak. veslo ‘oar, Npl. veslâ; veslo (Novi) ‘oar’, Npl. vesla; Sln. veslo ‘oar’; Bulg. veslo ‘oar’ An alternative for a reconstruction *uegh-s-lom would be *uegh-tlom. See also: *voziti; *voz^ *vesna f. â ‘spring’ CS OCS vesng (Ps. Sin.) Asg. E Ru. vesna, Asg. vesnu {i} W Cz. vesna; Pl. wiosna S SCr. vesna; Sln. vesna BSl. *wes-n/(e)r- B Lith. vâsara ‘summer’; Latv. vasara ‘summer’ PIE *ues-r/n- Cogn. Skt. vasanta- (RV+) m. ‘spring’; Skt. vasar- (RV) adv. ‘in the early morning’; Gk. sap n. ‘spring’; Lat. uer n. ‘spring’ {i} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak i985: i38). *vesti v. (c) ‘lead, conduct’ CS OCS vesti, isg. vedg E Ru. vesti, isg. vedu, 3sg. vedet W Cz. vesti ‘lead, conduct, isg. vedu; Slk. viest; Pl. wiesc S Sln. vesti, isg. vedem BSl. *wed- B Lith. vesti ‘lead’, 3sg. veda PIE *uedh- Cogn. OIr. fedid ‘go, bring’ See also: *voditi *vetixi adj. o ‘old, ancient’ CS OCS vetixi ‘old, ancient’ E Ru. vetxij ‘old, ancient, decrepit’; vetx ‘old, ancient, decrepit’, f. vetxa, n. vetxo W Cz. vetchy ‘feeble, decrepit’ S Bulg. vetxi ‘old’; vext ‘old’ BSl. *wetusos B Lith. vetusas (obs.) ‘old, archaic’ Cogn. Lat. vetus ‘old’ In view of Lat. vetus, Gsg. veteris, the Balto-Slavic adjective is a thematized form *uet-us-o- (Beekes i985: 59-6i). 518 ‘vezti ‘vezti v. (c) ‘cart, lead, convey’ CS OCS vesti (Supr.) ‘cart, lead, convey’, 1sg. vezg E Ru. vezti ‘cart, convey, 1sg. vezu, 3sg. vezet W Cz. vezti ‘lead, convey, 1sg. vezu; Slk. viezt’ ‘lead, convey, 1sg. veziem; Pl. wiezc ‘lead, convey, 1sg. wiozţ S SCr. vesti ‘lead, convey, 1sg. vezem BSl. ‘vez- B Lith. vezti ‘lead, convey’ PIE ‘uegh- Cogn. Skt. văhati ‘carry, drive, lead’; Lat. vehere ‘drive, lead’; OIc. vega ‘move, swing, lift’ See also: ‘veslo; ‘voziti; ‘vozi ‘vedeti v. ‘know’ CS OCS vedeti, 1sg. vemb, 1sg. vede, 3sg. vesti E Ru. vedat’ ‘manage, (obs.) know’ W Cz. vedeti; Slk. vedet; Pl. wiedziec, 1sg. wiem S Sln. vedeti, 1sg. vem BSl. ‘woiîd- OPr. waist PIE ‘uoid- (pf.) Cogn. Skt. veda 3sg. pf.; Gk. ol'8a 3sg. pf.; Go. wait 3sg. pf. See also: ‘videti; ‘vîdi ‘vedro n. o (b) ‘bucket’ CS OCS vedro (Euch., Supr.) ‘barrel’ E Ru. vedro W Cz. vedro; Slk. vedro; Pl. wiadro S SCr. vjedro; vijedro (Montenegro); Cak. vidro (Vrg.); Sln. vedro; Bulg. vedro BSl. ‘we?d(e)ro B Lith. vedaras m. 3a ‘sausage, (dial.) belly, intestines’; Latv. vedars m. ‘belly’ OPr. weders (EV) ‘belly, stomach’ PIE ‘ued-rom Cogn. Skt. udăra- n. ‘belly, womb’; Gk. u8spoq m. m. ‘dropsy’; Gk. o8spoq' yaaT^p (Hes.) m.; Lat. uterus m. ‘lower abdomen, belly, womb’ (with unclear -t-) There are basically two etymologies for this noun. According to, among others, Meillet (Et. II: 407-408) and Vasmer (s.v. vedro), ‘vedrd derives from the root of ‘uod-r/n- ‘water’ (^ ‘vodă), cf. Gk. u5pia ‘water-pot, pitcher, vessel’. The other option is to connect the word for ‘bucket’ with forms meaning ‘womb, belly’. The former etymology offers a much better explanation for the full grade of the Balto-Slavic *veno 5i9 forms. In both cases the long vowel of the root can be attributed to Winter’s law, which at first sight is incompatible with AP (b). In my framework, however, it is possible to assume that in Proto-Slavic the reflex of the laryngeal was lost in pretonic position (the sequence -dr- prevented the Balto-Slavic retraction of the stress from final open syllables). The remaining problem is the fact that the evidence points almost exclusively to a short root vowel, as words of the aforementioned type as a rule appear to have escaped the pretonic shortening that took place before Dybo’s law. *veja f. jâ ‘branch’ CS OCS veja ‘branch’ S Sln. veja ‘branch, twig, foliage’ PIE *uoHi-eh2 Cogn. Skt. vayă- f. ‘branch, twig’ Skt. vayă- f. ‘branch, twig’ points to *uoiH-eh2, while for Slavic a root *uoHi- would be preferable (^ *viti). *vejati v. (a) ‘blow (of wind), winnow’ CS OCS vejati (Supr.) ‘blow (of wind)’, isg. vejg, 3sg. vejefo E Ru. vejat’‘winnow, blow (of wind)’, isg. veju, 3sg. veet W Cz. vati ‘blow (of wind)’, isg. veji; OCz. vati ‘blow (of wind), isg. veju; vieti ‘blow (of wind), isg. veju; Slk. viat ‘blow (of wind)’; Pl. wiac ‘blow (of wind)’ S SCr. v'ijati ‘winnow, fall heavily (snow), isg. v'ijem; Cak. v'ijati (Vrg.) ‘rise (steam), winnow, 2sg. vijes; vejat (Orb.) ‘sieve, winnow, 3sg. v'eje; Sln. veti ‘blow (of wind), winnow, isg. vejem; vejati ‘winnow, blow (of wind), isg. vejam, isg. vejem; Bulg. veja ‘blow (of wind), blow away, winnow’ PIE *h2uehi- Cogn. Skt. văti ‘blow (of wind)’; Gk. ar|ai (Hes.) 3sg. pres. ‘id.’; OHG wăen ‘id.’ See also: *vetrb *veko n. o (a) ‘lid, eyelid’ CS OCS vekoma (Ps. Sin.) Ddu. ‘eyelids’ E Ru. veko ‘eyelid, (dial.) cover of a bast basket or punnet’ W Cz. viko ‘lid’; OCz. vieko ‘lid’; Slk. veko ‘lid’; Pl. wieko ‘lid’ S Sln. veka f. ‘lid, eyelid’; veko n. ‘eyelid’ BSl. *vo?ko; *ve?ko B Lith. vokas m. i/3 ‘eyelid, envelope’; Latv. vâks m. ‘lid, eyelid’ Etymology unclear. *veno n. o (c?) ‘bride-price’ E Ru. veno ‘bride-price’; ORu. veno ‘bride-price’ 520 ‘vera W Cz. veno ‘bride-price’; Slk. veno ‘bride-price’; Pl. wiano ‘bride-price’; USrb. weno ‘dowry’ S SCr. vijeno (arch., dial.) ‘wedding, bride-price’ {1} PIE ‘hued-no-m Cogn. Gk. ss8va Npl. n. ‘bride-price, wedding-gifts’; OE weotuma m. ‘bride-price’ {1} According to Hamp (1968, 1970b), the SCr. form adopted the accentuation of vijenac ‘wreath’, which came to mean ‘wedding’. ‘vera f. â (a) ‘faith, belief’ CS OCS vera E Ru. vera W Cz. vira; Slk. viera; Pl. wiara S SCr. vjera; Cak. vira (Vrg.); vera (Orb.); Sln. vţra; Bulg. vjăra PIE ‘ueh!-r-eh2 Cogn. Lat. verus adj. ‘true’; OHG wăra f. ‘treaty, loyalty, protection’ ‘vetjati v. ‘say’ CS OCS vestati ‘say’, 1sg. vestajg E Ru. vescăt’ ‘broadcast, (obs.) prophesy, (coll.) pontificate, lay down the line’, 1sg. vescăju (A Church Slavicism) W OCz. vecech (vecech, vecech) 1sg. aor. ‘said’, vece (vece, vece) 3sg. aor. ‘said’ S SCr. vijecati ‘deliberate’, 1sg. vijecăm; Bulg. vestăja ‘proclaim, prophesy’ BSl. ‘woitia?- OPr. waitiăt ‘say’ To my knowledge, the root is only Balto-Slavic. See also: ‘obetjati; ‘ot(i)vetjati ‘vetri m. o (a) ‘wind’ CS OCS vetri E Ru. veter W Cz. vitr; Slk. vietor; Pl. wiatr; Slnc. vjăter; USrb. wetr S SCr. vjetar, Gsg. vjetra; Cak. vitar (Vrg.), Gsg. vitra; vetăr (Novi); vetar (Orb.); Sln. vetar, Gsg. vetra; Bulg. vjătăr BSl. ‘ueîtr- B Lith. vetra f. ‘storm’; vejas m. ‘wind’; Latv. vetra f. ‘storm’ See ^ ‘vejati. ‘vşdnşti v. (a) ‘fade, wither’ E Ru. vjănut’ W Cz. vadnouti; Slk. vadnut; Pl. wiţdnqc ‘vîdi 521 S SCr. venuti; Cak. venuti (Vrg.), 2sg. venes; venut (Hvar), 1sg. venen; Sln. vţniti See ^ ‘svţdngti. ‘vşzâti v. (b) ‘tie’ CS OCS vţzati ‘tie, join, 1sg. vţzg, 1sg. vţzajg E Ru. vjazăt’‘tie, bind, knit’, 1sg. vjazu, 3sg. vjăzet W Cz. văzati ‘tie, bind’; Slk. viazat‘tie, bind’; Pl. wiqzac ‘tie, bind’ S SCr. vezati ‘tie, connect, bind’, 1sg. vezem; Cak. vezati ‘tie, connect, bind’, 2sg. vezes; vezat (Hvar) ‘tie, connect, bind’, 1sg. vezen; v'ezat (Orb.) ‘tie, connect, bind’, 1sg. v'ezen; Sln. vţzati ‘tie, bind’, 1sg. vţzem; Bulg. veza ‘stitch’ PIE ‘h2mgh- Cogn. Hitt. hamank ‘tie, betroth’ (‘h2m-(o)n-gh-); Gk. ayxw ‘squeeze, strangle’; Lat. angere ‘strangle, choke’ The origin of the initial ‘v remains unclear. See also: ‘şziti; ‘şzli; ‘şziki; ‘uvşsti ‘videti v. (a) ‘see’ CS OCS videti, 1sg. vizdg, 3sg. viditi E Ru. videt’, 1sg. vizu, 3sg. vidit W Cz. videti; Slk. videt; Pl. widziec S SCr. vidjeti, 1sg. v'idîm; Cak. viti (Vrg.), 2sg. v'idîs; vidit (Novi), 2sg. vidîs; vidit (Hvar), 1sg. vidin; videt (Orb.), 1sg. vidin; Sln. videti, 1sg. vîdim; Bulg. vidja BSl. ‘weiîd- B Lith. veizdeti (Zem.) ‘look, look for’ PIE ‘ueid- Cogn. Gk. e!8ov 1sg. aor. ‘saw’; Lat. videre ‘see’; Go. witan ‘observe’ See also: ‘vedeti; ‘vîdi ‘vîdi m. o (c) ‘sight, view, appearance’ CS OCS vidi ‘sight, view, appearance’ E Ru. vid ‘appearance, species, sort’ W Cz. vid ‘appearance’; Slk. vid ‘appearance’ S SCr. vîd ‘sight, appearance’, Gsg. vîda; Cak. vîd ‘sight, appearance’, Gsg. vîda; Sln. vîd ‘sight, appearance’; Bulg. vid ‘sight, appearance’ BSl. ‘weiîdos B Lith. veidas 1/3 ‘face’; Latv. veîds ‘form, external appearance’ PIE ‘ueid-o- Cogn. Skt. vedas- n. ‘knowledge, insight’; Gk. e!8oq n. ‘appearance’ 522 *vix^ri See ^ *videti. *vix^ri m. o ‘whirlwind’ E Ru. vixr’ m.(jo) ‘whirlwind’; vixor m.(o) ‘forelock’; vixor (dial.) m.(o) ‘whirlwind’; vixor (dial.) m.(o) ‘whirlwind’; ORu. vixbn m.(jo) ‘whirlwind’ W Cz. vichr m.(o) ‘stormwind’; Slk. vichor m.(o) ‘stormwind’; Pl. wicher m.(o) ‘whirlwind, storm’; USrb. wichor m.(o) ‘storm’; LSrb. wichor m.(o) ‘storm’; wichar (arch.) m.(o) ‘storm’ S SCr. vihăr m.(o) ‘whirlwind’; Sln. vihdr m.(o) ‘storm, lock of hair, Gsg. vihra; vihar m.(jo) ‘storm, Gsg. viharja; vîhra f.(â) ‘storm’; Bulg. vixăr m.(o) ‘stormwind’ BSl. *we?işur/los B Lith. viesulas m.(o) 3a ‘whirlwind’; viesula f. i ‘whirlwind’; Latv. viesulis m.(io) ‘whirlwind’; viesuls m.(o) ‘whirlwind’ PIE *uehii-s- Cogn. Lat. viere ‘wind, bend’ The root is *uehii- ‘twist’ (^ *viti). Here we find *uehii-s-. *virb m. o ‘whirlpool’ E Ru. vir ‘whirlpool, deep spot in a river or a lake’ W Cz. vir ‘whirlpool’; Slk. vir ‘whirlpool’; Pl. wir ‘whirlpool’ S SCr. vîr ‘whirlpool, deep spot in a river, Gsg. vira; Sln. vir ‘source, whirlpool’; Bulg. vir ‘deep spot in a river, pond’ B Lith. vyris m.(io) ‘whirlpool’; vyrius m.(ju) ‘whirlpool’ See also: *variti; *vârb; *vbreti *viti v. ‘twist, wind’ CS OCS viti, isg. vbjg E Ru. vit’, isg. v’ju, 3sg. v’et W Cz. viti; Slk. vit; Pl. wic S SCr. viti, isg. v'ijem, isg. v'ijem; Sln. viti, isg. vijem; Bulg. vija BSl. *w?i- B Lith. vyti; Latv. vît PIE *uhii- Cogn. Lat. viere ‘wind, bend’ For the position of the laryngal, see Schrijver i99i: 245. See also: *veja; *vitb *vitb f. i E Ru. vit’ ‘something that has been plaited’ ‘voditi 523 W Slnc. vjîc ‘pole of willow wood for tying up a thatched roof’ S SCr. pavit ‘vine’; Sln. vît ‘screw, turn’ BSl. ‘wîitis B Lith. vytis f.(i) 4 ‘twig’ PIE ‘uHi-ti- Cogn. Av. vaeti- ‘willow’ See also: ‘veja; ‘viti ‘vodă f. â (c) ‘water’ CS OCS voda E Ru. vodă, Asg. vodu W Cz. voda; Slk. voda; Pl. woda S SCr. voda, Asg. vodu; Cak. voda (Vrg., Novi, Hvar), Asg. vodu; voda (Orb.), Asg. vodo; Sln. voda; Bulg. vodă BSl. ‘wondor, Gsg. ‘undnes B Lith. vanduo m.(n) 3a; Latv. udens m. OPr. wundan; unds The origin of *voda is the heteroclitic noun ‘uod-r/n- ‘water’. The fact that the etymon was not affected by Winter’s law calls for an explanation. Kortlandt (1979: 60-61, cf. 1988: 388-389) claims that the vocalism of ‘voda continues the Gsg. ‘(v)undnes of a Balto-Slavic noun ‘vondor, with a nasal infix originating from a suffix, as in Lat. unda (cf. Thurneysen 1883). The sequence ‘ndn blocked Winter’s law (cf. the regular acute in Lith. vanduo). The vocalism ‘vod- arose in Proto-Slavic when ‘un was lowered before a tautosyllabic stop, which development was followed by the dissimilatory loss of the ‘n (cf. ^ ‘ognb). Cogn. Skt. udăn- (RV+) n.; Hitt. uătar n., Gsg. uetenas; Gk. u8wp n.; Lat. unda f. ‘wave’; Go. wato n.; OS watar n.; OIc. vatn n. See also: ‘vydra ‘voditi v. (b) ‘lead, conduct’ CS OCS voditi, 1sg. vozdg E Ru. vodit’, 1sg. vozu, 3sg. vodit W Cz. voditi; Slk. voditi; Pl. wodzic S SCr. voditi, 1sg. vodîm; Cak. voditi (Vrg.), 1sg. vodîm; Sln. voditi, 1sg. vgdim; Bulg. vodja BSl. ‘vod-ei/i- B Lith. vadyti ‘lead’; Latv. vadît ‘lead’ PIE ‘uodh- Cogn. OIr. fedid ‘go, bring’ See ^ ‘vesti. 524 *vojb; *voini *vojb; *voini m. jo; m. o ‘soldier’ CS OCS voi; voim E Ru. voim ‘soldier, warrior’; ORu. voim, Npl. voi W Cz. vojin; vojak; Slk. vojin; vojak; Pl. wojak S SCr. vojnîk; Sln. vojnik; Bulg. vojnik For the etymology of the root, see ^ *povingti. The formation of *vojb is *uoihi-o-. *vojbna f. â ‘war’ E Ru. vojna W Cz. vojna; Slk. vojna; Pl. wojna S SCr. vojna (obs.); Sln. vojna ‘war, army’; Bulg. vojna See the previous lemma. *voldeti; *voldati v. ‘rule’ CS CS vladeti ‘rule’ E Ru. vladet’ ‘own, control, wield’; volodet’ (dial.) ‘own, control, wield’ W Slk. vlădat ‘be able’; Pl. wladac ‘rule, reign’; OPl. wtodac ‘rule, reign’ S SCr. vladati ‘rule’, isg. vlâdam; Cak. vladati (Vrg.) ‘rule’, isg. vlâdam; vlâdăti (Vrg.) ‘rule’ 2sg. vlâdas; Sln. vladati ‘lead, direct, rule, own, isg. vladam; ladati ‘lead, direct, rule, own, isg. ladam BSl. *wol?d- B Lith. valdyti ‘rule, govern, wield, 3pres. valdo, 3pret. valde; Latv. valdît ‘rule, govern, wield’ PIE *uolH-dh- Cogn. Go. waldan ‘rule’; OHG waltan ‘rule’ Apparently, the (present-)suffix *-dh became part of the root. The basic root is usually reconstructed with a laryngeal (cf. LIV: 676), which is apparently present in Lith. veldeti ‘rule’, cf. OIr. follnaithir ‘rule’. The Baltic forms with o-grade, e.g. Latv. valdît and Latv. valsts f.(i) ‘state, realm, point to a circumflex syllabe, however. See also: *volsti; *volstb *volga f. â (a) ‘moisture, liquid food’ CS OCS vlaga ‘moisture’ E Ru. vologa (dial.) ‘moisture, liquid food, additional ingredients, side-dish, butter, bacon, fat’; vologa (dial.) ‘moisture, liquid food, additional ingredients, side-dish, butter, bacon, fat’; ORu. vologa ‘liquid food or additions to it, butter, fat’ W Cz. vlaha ‘moisture’; Slk. vlaha ‘moisture’; USrb. wtoha ‘humidity’ S SCr. vlăga ‘moisture, dampness’; Cak. vlăga (Vrg., Orb.) ‘moisture, dampness’; Sln. vlaga ‘moisture, rain, soup’; Bulg. vlaga ‘moisture’ BSl. *wol?ga? ‘volka 525 B Lith. valga (E. Lith.) f. ‘food, victuals’; pavalga f. ‘food, victuals, additional ingredient’; Latv. pavalga f. ‘additional ingredient, side-dish’; pavalgs m. ‘additional ingredient, side-dish’ OPr. welgen (EV) [‘snuppe’] ‘cold’ PIE ‘uolg-eh2 Cogn. OHG wolchan n. ‘cloud’ The semantic aspects of this etymology were discussed by Eckert (1982-1983). See also: ‘volziti; ‘vblgiki ‘voliti v. ‘wish, choose’ CS OCS voliti ‘want, wish, 1sg. voljg W Cz. voliti ‘choose’; Slk. volit ‘choose’ S Sln. voliti ‘choose, wish, bequeath, prefer, 1sg. vglim PIE ‘uel(H)- See also: ‘dovbleti; ‘veleti; ‘voia ‘voia f. jâ (b) ‘will, wish’ CS OCS volja E Ru. volja ‘will, wish, freedom’ W Cz. vule; Slk. voia; Pl. wola; OPl. wolâ; USrb. wola; LSrb. wola S SCr. volja; Cak. voia (Vrg., Novi) ‘wish, desire’; volja (Orb.); Sln. vglja; Bulg. volja BSl. ‘wolei?; ‘wolj- PIE ‘uol(H)-(e)ihi Cogn. OHG wala f. ‘choice’ According to Kortlandt (1997c: 162), we may be dealing with a proterodynamic ihi-stem. See also: ‘dovbleti; ‘veleti; ‘voliti ‘volkă f. â (b) E Ru. voloka (dial.) ‘part of a field, measure of an area’; Ukr. voloka ‘part of a field, measure of an area’ W Pl. wtoka (dial.) ‘pasture’ S Cak. vlăka (Novi) ‘lumber road, Asg. vlăku; Sln. vlăka ‘tugging, harrowing’ BSl. ‘wolka? B Lith. valka (dial.) 2 ‘draught’; Latv. valka2 ‘draught’ 526 *volkno *volkno n. o (b) ‘fibre’ E Ru. volokno W Cz. vlakno; Slk. vlakno; Pl. wtokno S SCr. vlakno; Sln. vlakno; Bulg. vlakno PIE *uolk-nom Cogn. OE wloh m. ‘fibre, fringe’ An instance of depalatalization before a resonant, cf. ^ *volsv. *volki m. o (c) E Ru. volok ‘portage’, Gsg. voloka; Ukr. voloka f. ‘part of a field, measure of an area’ W Cz. vlak m. ‘drag-net’; vlaka (Mor. dial.) f. ‘drag-net’; Slk. vlak ‘drag-net’; Pl. wtok ‘seine, sweep-net’; wtok ‘seine, sweep-net’ S SCr. vlâk ‘portage’; Sln. vlâk ‘tug, drag-net’; Bulg. vlak ‘train’ BSl. *wolkos B Lith. valka (dial.) f. 2 ‘draught’; Latv. valka2 f. ‘draught’ PIE *h)uolk-o- Cogn. Gk. oXKoq m. ‘windlass’ See also: *velkti; *volka *volsti v. ‘rule’ CS OCS vlasti ‘rule, isg. vladg W Cz. vlasti (obs.) ‘rule’ See ^ *voldeti, *voldati *volstb f. i ‘rule’ CS OCS vlastb ‘power, sovereignty, rule’ E Ru. volost’ ‘volost (smallest administrative unit in Tsarist Russia)’; vlast’ ‘power, authority’ W Cz. vlast’ ‘homeland’; Slk. vlast’ ‘homeland’; Pl. wlosc ‘farmstead, village’ S SCr. vlâst ‘rule’; Sln. lâst ‘property’; vlâst ‘property’; Bulg. vlast ‘power, authority’ BSl. *wolstis B Latv. valsts f.(i) ‘state, realm’ A deverbative in *-ti (^ *voldeti, *voldati, *volsti). *volsi m. o (c) ‘hair’ CS OCS vlasv E Ru. volos, Gsg. volosa; Bel. volas, Gsg. volasa; Ukr. volos, Gsg. volosa W Cz. vlas; Pl. wtos; USrb. wtos, Gsg. wtosa ‘vorgb 527 S SCr. vlâs, Gsg. vlâsa; Cak. vlâs (Vrg.), Gsg. vlâsa; vlâs (Novi, Orb.), Gsg. vlâsa; Kajk. lâos (Bednja), Gsg. lâosa; Sln. lâs, Gsg. lâsa, Gsg. lasu; lâs PIE ‘uolk-o- Cogn. Skt. vălsa- (RV, AV+) m. ‘sprout, twig’; LAv. varasa- m. ‘hair (on the head)’ See also: ‘volkno ‘volziti v. ‘wet, moisten’ E Ru. volozit’ (dial.) ‘wet, become wet, pour’ W Cz. vlaziti ‘wet, moisten’ S Sln. vlăziti ‘wet, moisten, 1sg. vlâzim BSl. ‘wol?g-ei/i- B Lith. vălgyti ‘eat’; Latv. valgît ‘eat in a hurry, gobble’ (according to ME, a borrowing from Lithuanian) PIE ‘uolg- Within Slavic, Ru. voloznic’at’ (dial.) ‘eat something filling, tasty, live in luxury’ is semantically close to the Baltic forms. See also: ‘volga; ‘vblgiki ‘vona; ‘vonb f. jâ; f. i (b) ‘smell’ CS OCS vonja ‘smell’ E Ru. von’ ‘stench’; ORu. vonja ‘fragrance, smell’ W Cz. vune ‘fragrance, smell’; Slk. vâne ‘smell’; Pl. won ‘smell’; USrb. won ‘smell’ S SCr. vonj ‘smell, odour, stench, Gsg. vonja; vonja ‘smell, odour, stench’; Cak. von (Vrg., Hvar) ‘smell, odour, Gsg. vona; von (Novi) ‘smell, odour, Gsg. vona; vuonj (Orb.) ‘smell, Gsg. vonja; Sln. vonj ‘smell, Gsg. vgnja; vgnja ‘smell’; Bulg. vonjă ‘stench’ This etymon may be a jă-stem derived from the root ‘h2enh- ‘breathe, cf. Gk. ave^oq ‘wind, Lat. animus ‘spirit, soul’. ‘vorg^ m. o (c) ‘foe’ CS OCS vragi ‘foe’ E Ru. vorog (folk poet.) ‘foe, fiend’ W Cz. vrah ‘foe’; Slk. vrah murderer’; Pl. wrog ‘foe, Gsg. wroga; USrb. wroh ‘murderer’, Gsg. wroha S SCr. vrâg ‘devil, Gsg. vrâga; Cak. vrâg (Vrgda) ‘devil’, Gsg. vrâga; vrâh (Orb.) ‘devil, Gsg. vrâga; Sln. vrâg ‘devil’; Bulg. vrag ‘enemy’ BSl. ‘wor?gos B Lith. vargas 2/4 ‘hardship, misery’; Latv. vărgs2 (dial.) ‘misery’; vârgs ‘pining, miserable’ OPr. wargan Asg. ‘misery, suffering, danger’; wargs adj. ‘evil’ PIE ‘(h)uorg-o- 528 *vorna Cogn. Go. wrikan ‘persecute’ The reconstruction of an initial laryngeal hinges on Gk. elpYW ‘shut in, shut out’, which may or may not be cognate (cf. Derksen i996: 73-74). I now believe that the Baltic o-stem substantive mentioned above was an end-stressed neuter at the time when the East Baltic retraction of the stress from word-final *-a operated, causing metatony. The Slavic form, which obviously was not neuter, cannot be regarded as a barytone masculine o-stem that became mobile as a result of Illic-Svityc’s law because the root was originally acute (this is a correction to o.c.: 74). It is therefore an original mobile noun that underwent Meillet’s law. The acute originates from Winter’s law. *vorna f. â (a) ‘crow’ CS RuCS vrana E Ru. vorona W Cz. vrana; Slk. vrana; Pl. wrona; USrb. wrona S SCr. vrăna; Cak. vrăna (Vrg., Novi, Orb.); Sln. vrana; Bulg. vrana BSl. *wor?na? B Lith. varna; Latv. vărna OPr. warne This is a perennial example of Balto-Slavic metatonie rude resulting from vrddhi (e.g. Pedersen i933: 55). Kortlandt (i985b: i2i) draws a comparison with Gk. Kopa^ : Kopwvr and Lat. corvus : cornîx (both ‘raven’ : ‘crow’) and assumes that in Balto-Slavic the root *kor- ‘burn’ was replaced with the synonymous *wor-. The metatony is attributed to the fact that the suffix of *wor-?n-a? ‘crow’ contained a laryngeal, while the word for ‘raven’ originally had a suffix *-wos. This ingenious explanation has met with scepticism because of its ad hoc character. I would argue, however, that a unique case of Balto-Slavic metatony calls for a unique explanation. See also: *vorn^ I; *vorn^ II *vorni I m. o (c) ‘raven’ CS OCS vram E Ru. voron S SCr. vrân; Cak. vrân (Vrg.) ‘a kind of dark-coloured fish’; Sln. vrân BSl. *worwos B Lith. varnas OPr. warnis (EV) PIE *uor-uo- See also: *vorna; *vorn^ II *vorni II (c) ‘black’ CS RuCS vram (Hval., Rumj.); vranyi ‘voskb 529 E Ru. voronoj; ORu. voronyi S Sln. vrân, f. vrăna; Bulg. vran BSl. ‘worwos See ^ ‘vorna. ‘vorta Npl. n. o (b/c) ‘door, gate’ CS OCS vrata Npl. n. ‘gate, door’ E Ru. vorota Npl. n. ‘gate’; vorotă Npl. (coll.) n. ‘gate’ W Cz. vrata Npl. n. ‘gate’; vrăta (dial.) Npl. n. ‘gate’; Slk. vrăta Npl. n. ‘gate’; Pl. wrota Npl. n. ‘gate’; USrb. wrota Npl. n. ‘gate’ S SCr. vrăta Npl. n. ‘door, gate’; Cak. vrătă Npl. (Vrg.) n. ‘door, gate’; vrăta (Orb.) Npl. n. ‘door, gate’; Sln. vrăta Npl. n. ‘door, gate’; Bulg. vrată f. ‘door, gate’ BSl. ‘worta? B Lith. vartai Npl. m. ‘gate’; Latv. vărti Npl. m. ‘gate’ OPr. warto (EV) ‘gate’ See also: ‘vermş; ‘verteno; ‘vortiti; ‘vbrsta; ‘vbrstva; ‘vbrteti ‘vortiti v. (b) ‘turn, return’ CS OCS vratiti sţ ‘return, turn, 1sg. vrastg sţ E Ru. vorotit’‘bring back, turn aside, 1sg. vorocu, 3sg. vorotit W Cz. vrătiti ‘return, send back’; Slk. vrătit ‘return, send back’; Pl. wrocic ‘return’ S SCr. vrătiti ‘return, 1sg. vrâtîm; Cak. vrătiti (Vrg.) ‘return, 2sg. vrătîs BSl. ‘wort-ei/i- B Lith. vartyti ‘turn, turn over’; Latv. vărtît ‘turn, turn over’ OPr. wartint ‘turn’ PIE ‘uort-eie- Cogn. Skt. vartăyati ‘turns’ See also: ‘vermş; ‘verteno; ‘vorta; ‘vbrsta; ‘vbrstva; ‘vbrteti ‘voskb m. o (b?/c) ‘wax’ CS OCS voski (Ps. Sin., Supr.) E Ru. vosk, Gsg. voska; Ukr. visk, Gsg. vosku W Cz. vosk; Slk. vosk; Pl. wosk S SCr. vosak, Gsg. voska; Cak. (v)osak (Vrg., Orb.), Gsg. (v)oska; Sln. vosak, Gsg. voska; vosk; Bulg. vosăk BSl. ‘wosko B Lith. văskas 4; Latv. vasks PIE ‘uoks-ko-m? 530 *voziti Cogn. OIc. vax n.; OHG wahs n.; OE weax n.; Fi. vaha; Est. vaha *voziti v. (b) ‘cart, lead, convey’ CS CS voziti sţ (Christ.) ‘sail’, isg. vozg sţ E Ru. vozit’ ‘cart, convey, isg. vozu, 3sg. vozit W Cz. voziti ‘lead, convey’; Slk. vozit’‘lead, convey’; Pl. wozic ‘lead, convey’ S SCr. voziti ‘lead, convey, isg. vozîm; Cak. voziti (Vrg.) ‘lead, convey, 2sg. vozîs; Sln. voziti ‘cart, drive, isg. vgzim; Bulg. vozja ‘cart, drive’ BSl. *voz- B Lith. vazioti ‘lead, convey’ PIE *uogh-eie- Cogn. Gk. ox£0|aai ‘drive, ride’ See also: *veslo; *vezti; *voz^ *vozi m. o (c) ‘cart’ CS OCS vozy (Supr.) Apl. E Ru. voz, Gsg. voza; Bel. voz, Gsg. voza; Ukr. viz, Gsg. voza W Cz. vuz; Slk. voz; Pl. woz, Gsg. wozu; USrb. woz, Gsg. woza S SCr. voz, Gsg. voza; Cak. (v)uoz (Orb.) ‘waggon, cart, Gsg. voza; Sln. voz PIE *uogh-o- Cogn. Gk. oxoq m. See also: *veslo; *vezti; *voziti *vb(n) prep., pref. ‘in(to)’ CS OCS vv(n) ‘in(to)’ E Ru. v(o) ‘in(to)’; vn- ‘in(to)’ W Cz. v prep. ‘in(to)’; v(n)- ‘in(to)’; Slk. v(o) ‘in(to)’; Pl. w(e) ‘in(to)’; wn- ‘in(to)’ S SCr. u ‘in(to)’; va- ‘in(to)’; Sln. v ‘in(to)’; Bulg. v ‘in(to)’ BSl. *in B Lith. i ‘in(to)’ PIE *hin There are basically two views on the origin of *vv(n). It is either regarded as zero grade or as an o-grade of PIE *hien ‘in’. In the latter case, the development to *vv(n) must have occurred in word-final position. I prefer the hypothesis that *vv(n) is to be identified with Lith. i < *hin. The unexpected reflex of *un may be explained in the same way as in the case of ^ *svto. Vbnukb m. o (a) ‘grandchild, grandson’ E Ru. vnuk, Gsg. vnuka; unuk (dial.); ORu. vvnukv; Bel. unuk; Ukr. onuk W Cz. vnuk; Slk. vnuk; Pl. wnuk; OPl. wnţk ‘v^nbzti 531 S SCr. unuk, Gsg. unuka; Cak. unuk (Vrg., Hvar), Gsg. unuka; Sln. vnuk; vnuk, Gsg. vnuka; Bulg. vnuk ‘grandchild, grandson, descendant’; unuk (coll.) ‘grandchild, grandson, descendant’ B Lith. anukas m. 2; unukas (dial.) m. 2 (the Lithuanian forms are borrowings from East Slavic) The root ‘vin- may continue the zero grade of ‘h2en- in Lith. anyta ‘mother-in-law, Lat. anus ‘old woman, etc. ‘vinoziti v. ‘thrust’ CS OCS vinozisţ (Supr.) 3pl. aor. ‘thrust’ PIE ‘hmogh-eie- See also: ‘nozb; ‘vMbziti; ‘vrnbznşti; ‘vinbzti ‘vini adv. ‘outside, away’ CS OCS vini adv./prep. ‘outside, away, out of’ E Ru. von adv. ‘away, off’; vne prep. ‘outside, out of’ W Cz. ven adv. ‘away, out’ S SCr. van adv./prep. ‘out, out of, except, besides’; vân adv./prep. ‘out, out of, except, besides’; Cak. văn (Novi, Orb.) adv./prep. ‘out, except, besides’; Sln. van adv. ‘out, away’; vane adv. ‘outside, on the outside’; vne prep./adv. ‘outside (of)’; Bulg. văn adv. ‘out, outside’ PIE ‘unH-o-m? Cogn. Skt. văna- (RV+) n. ‘tree, wood, forest’; LAv. vană- f. ‘tree’ With respect to the semantic aspects of the etymology, Vasmer (s.v. von) mentions Lith. laukan ‘outside, away’, which is a petrified illative of laukas ‘field’. This is not a perfect parallel, however. Nevertheless, I consider this etymology the best solution. ‘vinbziti v. ‘plunge, thrust’ E Ru. vonzit’ ‘plunge, thrust’, 1sg. vonzu, 3sg. vonzit See ^ ‘vinbzti. ‘vinbznşti v. ‘drive into’ CS OCS vinizngti (Supr.) ‘drive into’ See ^ ‘vinbzti. ‘vinbzti v. CS OCS vinbzi (Zogr., Mar. Ass.) imper. ‘put up’; vonbze 3sg. aor. (Ps. Sin.) ‘pierced’ (the SJS classifies these forms under “vinisti vel vinbzgti’") PIE ‘hingh- See also: ‘nozb; ‘vrnoziti; ‘vMbziti ; ‘vbnbznşti 532 *vbpiti *vbpiti v. ‘cry out’ CS OCS vipiti ‘call, cry out’, isg. vvpijg, 2sg. vipijesi E Ru. vopit’ ‘cry out, wail’, isg. voplju, 3sg. vopit W Cz. upeti ‘wail, howl’; OCz. upiti ‘wail, howl’ S SCr. vapiti ‘cry out, summon, isg. vapijem; upiti ‘cry out, summon, isg. upijem; Cak. văpiti (Vrg.) ‘summon, 2sg. văpîs; Sln. vpiti ‘cry out, call, isg. vpîjem BSl. *up- B Latv. upet ‘howl’; upuot ‘howl’ Cogn. Av. ufyeimi ‘call out’ Verb in *-iti from the zero grade *vip- < *up-. See also: *vypb *vbsuje adv. ‘in vain’ CS OCS visuje ‘in vain’ E Ru. vsue ‘in vain’ Compound of ^ *vi and ^ *sujb. *vîsb f. i (c) ‘louse’ E Ru. vos’, Gsg. vsi; ORu. vzsb W Cz. ves; Slk. vos; Pl. wesz; USrb. wos S SCr. vâs, Gsg. văsi; us, Gsg. usi; Sln. us, Gsg. usi; us B Lith. utele f.(e) 3b; utis (Zem.) f.(i) 4; Latv. uts f.(i) It is unclear if and how Slavic *vvsb and Baltic *ut- are related. The forms may have been distorted for reasons of taboo. It cannot be excluded that OHG lus f. ‘louse’ also belongs here. *vbtorbjb num. o ‘second, secondary’ CS OCS vvton {i} E Ru. vtoroj {2}; Ukr. vtoryj W Pl. wtory (arch.) S Sln. vtori ‘second’ PIE *(hi)ui-tor-o- Cogn. Skt. vitaram (RV) adv. ‘again, further’; YAv. vitarm adv. ‘further’ The PIE form may have had initial *hi- < *d- as a result of dissimilation before a following dental. It is not very likely that the PIE form was *n-toro-, with an unparallelled zero grade of the root reflected in Lith. antras ‘second, etc. {i} The variant vbtor- only occurs in the Codex Suprasliensis, where we have vbtoreemb Lsg. m. against i2 occurrences of vifor-. In the Codex Assemanianus, there are two occurrences of vbtoricejg ‘for the second time’. {2} AP (a) - vitonjb - in Old Russian (Zaliznjak i985: i33). ‘vy- 533 ‘vitorbniki; ‘vitoriki m. o ‘Tuesday’ CS OCS vitoriniki {1} E Ru. vtornik W Cz. utery; Slk. utorok; Pl. wtorek S Sln. vtorak, Gsg. vtorka; Bulg. vtornik Derivatives of ^ ‘vitorijb. {1} The variant vbtor- only occurs in the Codex Suprasliensis, where we have vbtoreemb Lsg. m. against 12 occurrences of vitor-. ‘viz prep., pref. ‘in return for, (pref.) up, back’ CS OCS viz ‘instead of, in return for’; viz- ‘up, back’ E Ru. vz(o)-, voz- ‘up, back’ W Cz. vz(e)- ‘up’; Slk. vz(o)- ‘up’; Pl. wz(e) ‘up’ BSl. ‘uz B Lith. uz ‘at, within, instead of, in return for’; Latv. uz ‘on, to’ Etymology disputed. A proto-form ‘ups, cf. OIc. upp ‘up’, might work for Slavic (regular loss of the labial stop and generalization of the sandhi-variant with ‘z), but I fail to see how it could account for the Baltic facts. ‘vy prn. ‘you (pl.)’ CS OCS vy E Ru. vy W Cz. vy; Slk. vy; Pl. wy S SCr. vî; Cak. vî (Vrg.); vi (Hvar); vi; Sln. vi BSl. ‘ju?(s) B Lith. jus; Latv. jus OPr. ious PIE ‘iuH Cogn. Skt. yuyăm The anlaut of the pronoun was apparently remodelled after the oblique cases. This must have occurred before the delabialization of u, which was an allophone of /u/ after a preceding ‘j. See also: ‘vasi ‘vy- pref. ‘out’ CS OCS vy- E Ru. vy- W Cz. vy-; Slk. vy-; Pl. wy- PIE ‘(H)ud Cogn. Skt. ud (RV+) prvrb. ‘up, away, out of’; Go. ut prep. ‘from, out of’; OIc. ut prep. ‘from, out of’ 534 ‘vydra The ‘y results from Winter’s law. ‘vydra f. â (a) ‘otter’ E Ru. vydra W Cz. vydra; Slk. vydra; Pl. wydra S SCr. vidra; Sln. vidra; Bulg. vidra BSl. ‘uîdra? B Lith. udra OPr. wudro PIE ‘ud-r-eh2 Cogn. Av. udra- m. ‘otter’; Gk. u8poq m. ‘watersnake’; u8pă f. ‘watersnake’; OHG ottar m. ‘otter’ See also: ‘voda ‘vyginb; ‘vygina m jo; f jâ ‘forge’ W Cz. vyhen f.(i/jâ) ‘forge, hearth, blazing heat’; Slk. vyhna f.(jâ) ‘forge, hearth’; USrb. wuhen m.(jo) ‘chimney, stove-pipe’ S SCr. viganj m.(jo) ‘forge’; Sln. viganj m.(jo) ‘forge, hearth, sledge-hammer’ The root ‘vyg- reflects ‘un?g < ‘hingw-. Here Winter’s law was not blocked by a cluster ‘ngn, nor was the root affected by lowering (^ ognb, ‘gglb). There is no reason to assume that the initial ‘v is the preposotion ‘in, cf. ‘vydra. ‘vyknşti v. (a) ‘get used to, accustom oneself’ CS OCS vykngti ‘get used to, accustom oneself, 1sg. vykng W Cz. vyknouti ‘get used to, accustom oneself’ (usually preceded by another prefix, e.g. privyknouti ‘make smb. get used to, accustom’); USrb. wuknyc ‘learn’ S SCr. viknuti ‘get used to’ BSl. ‘un?k- B Lith. junkti ‘get used to’; Latv. jukt ‘get used to’ Cogn. Skt. ucyati ‘be accustomed to’; Go. biuhts adj. ‘accustomed to’ See ^ ‘uciti. Here, too, the j- of the Baltic forms must have been adopted from forms with e-grade. In this case the acute of both the Lithuanian and the Latvian verb may be assumed to have originated in the sta-present, but we have already seen that the problem of the intonation seems to be more general in this root. ‘vymş n. n (a) ‘udder’ E Ru. vymja, Gsg. vymeni; ORu. vymja, Gsg. vymene W Cz. vyme (obs.); vymeno (obs., dial.) n.(o); vemeno n.(o); Slk. vema; vemeno n.(o); Pl. wymiţ 535 S SCr. vime, Gsg. vimena; Cak. vime (Vrg., Hvar), Gsg. vimena; Sln. vime, Gsg. vimena; Bulg. vime PIE *H(o)uHdh-r/n- Cogn. Skt. udhar- n., Gsg. udhnas-; Gk. ouOap n.; OE uder n. The Slavic form apparently replaced the suffix *-en- by *-men-. The root has zero grade, cf. Lith. pa-udre ‘underbelly of a sow’. See also: *Uditi *vypb f. i CS CS vyplb ‘seagull’ E Ru. vyp’ ‘bittern’ BSl. *u?p- B Latv. upis m.(io) ‘eagle owl’ (there are many attestations of the accentual variants upis2 and upis2) Cogn. OIc. ufr m. ‘owl’; OHG uvo m. ‘eagle owl’ The long root variant *up- may be of onomatopoetic origin. See also: Vbpiti *vysdkb adj. o ‘high, tall’ CS OCS vysoki E Ru. vysokij; vysok, f. vysoka, n. vysoko W Cz. vysoky; Slk. vysoky ; Pl. wysoki S SCr. visok, f. visoka, n. visoko; Cak. visok (Vrg.), f. visokă, n. visoko; visok (Orb.), f. visoka, n. visoko; Sln. visok; Bulg. visok Cogn. Gk. u^r|A6q ‘high’; OIr. uasal ‘high, lofty’ For the suffix *-oki, cf. ^ *glgbdki, *daleki. The suffix is absent in the comparative, e.g. Ru. vyse, SCr. vise, Sln. vise, where we also find the original acute tone. The root is usually reconstructed as *ups-, cf. Gk. u^r^6q ‘high’. Kortlandt (i977b) has argued that in Balto-Slavic initial *u yielded acute “long” *u (Lith. u, PSl. *vy) under the stress and short *u in pretonic position. The acute variant is supposed to have originated from a Balto-Slavic prothetic laryngeal. The Slavic situation regarding initial *u undeniably resembles the situation regarding initial *i, where I have claimed (2003) that stressed *i- yielded *(j)i under the stress, but *jb in unstressed position. In my opinion, it is likely that the reflex *vy- originated in stressed position, cf. vysb and the comparative vyse. *vysb f. i ‘height’ E Ru. vys’ f.(i) ‘height, (usu. pl.) summit’ S SCr. vis m.(o) ‘height, summit’ See ^ vysoki. 536 ‘vhcera ‘vbcera adv. ‘yesterday’ CS OCS vbcera E Ru. vceră W Cz. vcera; Slk. vcera; Pl. wczoraj S SCr. juce; jucer(a); Cak. ucer(a), jucer (Vrg.); cera (Novi); c‘er(a) (Orb.); Sln. vcţra; vcţraj; Bulg. vcera See ^ ‘veceri. ‘vbdova f. â (b) ‘widow’ CS OCS vidova; vidovica (variants with b are rare in both vidova (1 : 12) and its more frequent synonym vidovica (3 : 35)). E Ru. vdovă, Asg. vdovu W Cz. vdova; Slk. vdova; Pl. wdowa S SCr. udovica; Cak. udovica (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. vdova; Bulg. vdovica BSl. ‘wideuH OPr. widdewu PIE ‘h!uidhh!-(e)uh2- Cogn. Skt. vidhăvă- (RV+) f.; Gk. r|[0soq m. ‘unmarried youth’; Lat. uidua f.; OIr. fedb f.; Go. widuwo f. According to Kortlandt (1997: 161), this etymon continues a hysterodynamic uh2-stem (see also Beekes 1992: 184). In his view, the e-grade of the Asg. must have spread to the Nsg. at an early stage of Balto-Slavic, i.e. before the development ‘eu > ‘ou before a vowel, because otherwise the medial front vowel of OPr. widdewu is hard to explain. For the initial laryngeal, cf. also Lubotsky 1994, where it is argued that the adjective on which the word for ‘widow’ is based ultimately goes back to ‘dui-dhfa-u. ‘vblgiki adj. o ‘moist’ CS RuCS vilgiki E Ru. volgkij (dial.); Ukr. vohkyj W Cz. vlhky; Slk. vlhky; Pl. wilgi (from ‘vblgi) S Sln. votgak, f. vothka; vothak, f. vothka; votgâk, f. vothka BSl. ‘wilfg- B Lith. vilgsnas (Zem.) 3; Latv. vilgans PIE ‘ulg- Cogn. OHG welc ‘moist, mild, withered’ See also: ‘volga; ‘volziti ‘vblki m. o (c) ‘wolf’ CS OCS vlbki E Ru. volk, Gsg. volka *vhreti 537 W Cz. vlk; Slk. vlk; Pl. wilk S SCr. vuk, Gsg. vuka; Cak. vuk (Vrg., Hvar), Gsg. vuka; (v)uk (Orb.), Gsg. (v)uka; Sln. volk, Gsg. volka, Gsg. volkâ; Bulg. vălk BSl. *wilkos B Lith. vilkas 4; Latv. vilks OPr. wilkis PIE * l k - o¬ s Cogn. Skt. vfka-; Gk. XuKoq; Go. wulfs The oxytone accentuation of the Balto-Slavic form hinges on the absence of Lithuanian forms belonging to AP (2), the Slavic evidence being inconclusive due to the generalization of accentual mobility in masculine o-stems. The evidence from other branches of Indo-European points to an original barytone. *vblna f. â (a) ‘wool’ CS OCS vlbna E Ru. volna (dial.); volna (dial.); Ukr. vovna W Cz. vlna; Slk. vlna; Pl. wetna S SCr. vuna; Cak. (v)una (Vrg., Orb.); Sln. volna; Bulg. vălna BSl. *wil?na? B Lith. vilna i; Latv. vilna OPr. wilna ‘skirt’ PIE *Hulhi-neh2 Cogn. Skt. urnă-; Lat. lăna; Go. wulla *vblna f. â (c) ‘wave’ CS OCS vlbna E Ru. volna, Asg. volnu {i} W Cz. vlna; Pl. welna S Bulg. vălna BSl. *wil?n- B Lith. vilnis f.(i) 4; vilniă (E. Lith., DP) f.(i) 2; Latv. vilna (E. Latv.) f.(i) 4 PIE *ulH-n- Cogn. Skt. urmi- m. {i} In Old Russian usually AP (c), occasionally (b) (Zaliznjak i985: i38). *vbreti v. ‘boil’ CS OCS vbrţstţ (Supr.) Npl. f. ptc. pres. act. ‘boiling’ E Ru. vret’ (dial.) ‘sweat profusely’, isg. vreju W Cz. vriti ‘boil’; Slk. vriei ‘boil’; Pl. wrzec ‘boil’ S SCr. vreti ‘boil, isg. vrîm; Sln. vreti ‘boil, gurgle, isg. vrem; Bulg. vrja ‘boil, seethe’, 2sg. vris 538 ‘vbrgnţti BSl. ‘wirî- B Lith. virti ‘boil, 3sg. verda; Latv. virt ‘boil’, 3sg. verd PIE ‘urH- Cogn. Hitt. urăni ‘burns’ See also: ‘variti; ‘vâri; ‘viri ‘vbrgnşti v. ‘throw’ E Ru. otvergnut’‘reject, turn down’; ORu. vbrgnuti ‘throw’ W Cz. vrhnouti ‘throw’; Slk. vrhnui‘throw’ See ^ ‘vergti. ‘vbrxi m. u (b) ‘top, upper part’ CS OCS vrbxi m.(u) ‘top’ E Ru. verx, Gsg. verxa, Lsg. verxu {1}; Bel. verx, Gsg. verxu; verx (dial.), Gsg. verxu; Ukr. verx, Gsg. verxu W Cz. vrch; vrch (dial.); Slk. vrch; Pl. wierzch; Slnc. vjerx S SCr. vrh, Gsg. vrha; Cak. vfh (Vrg., Novi), Gsg. vrha; vfh (Orb.) ‘top, tip, point (of a plant, a needle, etc.), mountain, Gsg. vrha; Sln. vrh, Gsg. vrha, Gsg. vrhâ; Bulg. vrăx ‘top, tip’ BSl. ‘wirsu(s) B Lith. virsus m.(u) 4 ‘top, addition, victory, cover’; virsus m.(u) 2 ‘id.’; Latv. virsus m.(u) ‘upper part, top’ PIE ‘urs-u- Cogn. Skt. vărsman- m. ‘height top’ {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 134). ‘vbrsta; ‘vbrstva f. â ‘row, line, age, kind’ CS OCS vrbsta (Euch., Supr.) ‘age, generation’ E Ru. verstă ‘verst’; ORu. vbrsta ‘age, pair, person of the same age, verst’ W Cz. vrstva ‘layer’; Slk. vrstva ‘layer’; Pl. wrstwa ‘row, layer’ S SCr. vrsta ‘kind, species’; Cak. vrsta (Vrg.) ‘kind, species’; vfsta (Orb.) ‘kind, species’; Sln. vrsta ‘row, line, sort, age’; vrsta ‘row, line, sort, age’; vrst f.(i) ‘row, sort, age’, Gsg. vrsti B Lith. varstas m. ‘turn of the plough’ OPr. ainawarst adv. ‘once’ PIE ‘urt- A cognate outside Balto-Slavic is Lat. versus m. ‘furrow, row, line’, which reflects ‘urt-to-. See also: ‘vermş; ‘verteno; ‘vorta; ‘vortiti; ‘vbrteti *vhsh 539 *vbrsa f. jâ (a) ‘fishing-basket, fishing-trap made of osiers’ E Ru. versa W Cz. vrse; Pl. wiersza S SCr. vfsa; Cak. vfsa (Vrg.); Sln. vfsa B Lith. varzas m. i/3; Latv. varza f. PIE *urg- Cogn. OHG werc n. ‘work’; OHG wirken manufacture by sowing, stitching or weaving’ The fact that Slavic has *s may be explained by assuming a suffix starting with *s. This is obviously not an ideal solution. See also: *vers^; *versk^ *vbrteti v. (c) ‘turn’ CS OCS vrbtitsţ (Supr.) 3sg. E Ru. vertet’, isg. vercu, 3sg. vertit {i} W Cz. vrteti; Slk. vrtei; Pl. wiercic S SCr. vftjeti, isg. vftîm; Cak. vrtiti (Vrg.), 2sg. vrtîs; vrtet (Orb.), 2sg. vrtîs; Sln. vrteti, isg. vrtim; Bulg. vărtja BSl. *wirt- B Lith. virsti ‘fall, collapse, turn into’ OPr. wîrst 3sg. ‘becomes’ PIE *urt- Cogn. Skt. vartate ‘turn, roll’ (with e-grade) {i} AP (c) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak i985: i39). See also: *vermş; *verteno; *vorta; *vortiti; *vtrsta; *vtrstva *vbsb f. i ‘village’ CS OCS vbsb E Ru. ves’ (obs.), Gsg. vesi {i} W Cz. ves; Slk. ves; Pl. wies; Slnc. vjies; USrb. wjes, Gsg. wsy S Sln. vâs, Gsg. vasî BSl. *wis- B Lith. viespats m.(i) ‘lord’ OPr. waispattin (EV) Asg. ‘housewife’ PIE *uik- Cogn. Skt. vis- (RV+) f. ‘settlement, community, tribe’; Gk. ofooq m. ‘house’; Lat. vîcus m. ‘neighbourhood, street, village’; Go. weihs n. ‘village’ The evidence points to an Indo-European root noun, cf. also Gk. ol'Ka8e ‘homeward’. {i} In Old Russian both AP (b) and (c) are attested (Zaliznjak i985: i36, i38). 540 ‘vbSb ‘vbSb prn. ‘all’ CS OCS vbsb, f. vbsja, n. vbse E Ru. ves’, f. vsja, n. vse; ORu. vxu (Novg.) Asg. f., vxe (Novg.) Npl. m. W OCz. ves, f. vse, n. vse; OPl. wszy, f. wsza, n. wsze S SCr. sav, f. sva, n. sve; Cak. svas (Vrg.), f. sva, n. sve; vas (Hvar), f. sva, n. sve; s(v)a (Orb.) ‘all, the whole’, f. sva, n. svo; Sln. vas, f. vsa, n. vse BSl. ‘wisos B Lith. visas; Latv. viss OPr. wissa- PIE ‘uiso- Cogn. Skt. visu- ‘in all directions’ (only in compounds) The origin of this etymon may be a Lpl. *uisu. In Lithuanian, the s < ‘s may have been replaced with s when the variant -su of the Lpl. was generalized (F. Kortlandt, p.c.). Slavic generalized the ending -xi < ‘-su in the Lpl., which is why the pronoun has ‘s < ‘x as a result of the progressive palatalization. In North Russian, we still find forms with x (cf. Vermeer 2000: passim). ‘Z ‘za prep. ‘behind, beyond, after, for’ E Ru. za ‘behind, beyond, after, for’ W Cz. za ‘behind, after, for, by, during’; Slk. za ‘behind, after, for, by, during’; Pl. za ‘behind, after, for, by, during’ W SCr. za ‘behind, after, for, to, during’; Sln. za ‘behind, after, for, to, during’; Bulg. za ‘at, for, to’ B Lith. azu (E. Lith.) ‘behind, after, for, beyond’; az (E. Lith.) ‘behind, after, for, beyond’; Latv. aiz ‘behind, beyond’; az (âz, âz) (E. Lith.) ‘behind, after, for, beyond’. I have no explanation for the a- of the East Baltic forms. The element common to Baltic and Slavic may be reconstructed as BSl. ‘zo?. ‘zabordlo n. o E Ru. zaborolo ‘rampart’; zabrălo ‘beaver, visor, upper part of a rampart’; ORu. zaborolo ‘wooden city-wall’; zabralo ‘fortification’; Bel. zabrălo ‘beaver, visor, upper part of a rampart’ S SCr. zabralo ‘rampart, bulwark’; Bulg. zabrălo ‘fortification’ PIE ‘bhorH-dhlom *zeleni 541 Compound of *za- and a derivative in *-dlo < *dhlom * borti). Cz. zâbradli, Slk. zâbradlie ‘railing, balustrade’, derives from *bbrati ‘take’. The East Slavic forms containing -ra- are obviously of Church Slavic origin. See also: *borna II; *bornh; *borti *zarâ f. jâ ‘dawn, aurora’ CS OCS zarja (Supr.) ‘dawn, shine, ray’ E Ru. zarja ‘dawn, sunset, reveille, retreat’, Asg. zarju, Asg. zorju, Npl. zori (the spelling a for unstressed o is purely orthographical). W Cz. zare ‘shine’; OPl. zarza ‘dawn, daybreak’ S Sln. zarja ‘redness of the sky’ See ^ * zora. The root seems to have lengthened grade, but perhaps this is due to influence of ^ *zan. *zaverti v. ‘close, enclose’ CS OCS zavbri 3sg. aor. ‘closed’ E Ru. zaveret’ (dial.) ‘mend, patch, wrap, roll up’, isg. zavru, 3sg. zavret W Cz. zavriti ‘close, lock, incarcerate’; Slk. zavriet’ ‘close, lock’; Pl. zawrzec ‘contain, enclose, (dial.) close’ S SCr. zavrijeti ‘hide’, isg. zâvrem; Cak. zavriti (Vrg.) ‘hide’, 2sg. zâvres; Sln. zavreti ‘detain, obstruct’, isg. zavrem BSl. *wer?- B Lith. verti ‘pierce, string’; Latv. vert ‘open, close’ Cogn. Skt. apivrnoti ‘close, cover’ Compound of ^ *za and *verti < *uerH-. See ^ *otvverti. See also: * O b O ; * t tf r t * t tf S * ro 3 t *zeleni adj. o (b) ‘green’ CS OCS zelem (Zogr., Mar., Supr.) E Ru. zelenyj W Cz. zeleny; Slk. zeleny; Pl. zielony S SCr. zelen, f. zelena, zeleno; Cak. zelen (Vrg.), f. zelenâ, zeleno; zelen (Hvar), f. zelenâ, zeleno; zelen, f. zelena, zeleno; Sln. zelen, f. zelena; Bulg. zelen BSl. *zel?- B Lith. zâlias 4 ‘green’; zelvas 4 ‘greenish’; zelvas (dial.) 3 ‘greenish’ PIE - s$l el Cogn. Skt. hâri- ‘fallow, yellowish, greenish’; Gk. x^wpoq ‘pale green, greenish yellow’; Lat. helvus ‘yellowish’; OHG gelo ‘yellow’ See also: *zelhje; *zolto; *zhlch; *Zhlttf 542 ‘zelbje ‘zelbje n. io ‘greens, herbs’ CS OCS zelije n.(io) ‘vegetables, greens, herbs’ E Ru. zel’e n.(io) ‘potion, poison’ W Cz. zeli n.(io) ‘cabbage’; Pl. ziele n.(jo) ‘herb, weed’ S SCr. zelje n.(jo) ‘greens, sorrel, dock’; Cak. zele n.(jo) ‘mangel (type of beet)’, Gsg. zelâ; Sln. zţlje n.(jo) ‘cabbage’ Derivative containing ‘zel- < ‘ghelh3-. See also: ‘zeleni; ‘zolto; ‘zblcb; ‘zblti ‘zemla f. jâ (b/c) ‘earth, land’ CS OCS zemlja E Ru. zemljă, Asg. zemlju {1}; Ukr. zemljă, Asg. zemlju W Cz. zeme; zem f.(i/jâ); Slk. zem f.(i/jâ); Pl. ziemia S SCr. zemlja, Asg. zemlju; Cak. zemla (Vrg.), Asg. zemlu; zemlja (Novi), Asg. zemlju; zemlja (Orb.) ‘earth, soil, ground, country, Asg. zemlju; Kajk. zămljo (Bednja), Asg. zămlju; Sln. zemlja; Bulg. zemjă BSl. ‘zem- B Lith. zeme 2; Latv. zeme OPr. semme PIE ‘dhgh-em- Cogn. Skt. ksăm- (RV+) f. ‘earth’; Gk. x9wv f. ‘earth’; Hitt. tekan m. ‘earth, Gsg. taknas The Balto-Slavic forms are based on the Asg. stem of the PIE hysterodynamic m-stem. Illic-Svityc (1963: §41) suggests that in the larger part of the Slavic territory the original AP (b) was ousted under the influence of an i-stem *zemb, cf. Kortlandt 1975b: 410, where it is argued that the Freising Fragments also offer evidence for AP (b). {1} In Old Russian, both AP (b) and (c) are attested (Zaliznjak 1985: 138). ‘zenica f. jâ ‘pupil (of the eye)’ CS OCS zenica E Ru. zenica W Pl. zrenica S SCr. zjenica; Sln. zenica; Bulg. zenica The Polish form was influence by the verb ‘see’ (^ ‘zbreti I). The etymon has been connected with ^ ‘zevati. ‘zevati v. ‘yawn’ CS RuCS zevati E Ru. zevăt’ ‘yawn, (dial.) shout, cry, 1sg. zevăju W Cz. zivati; Slk. zivat; Pl. ziewac 543 S SCr. zijevati, 1sg. zijevăm; Cak. zihăti (Vrg.), 2sg. zîses; z'ehat (Orb.), 1sg. z'esen; Sln. zevati ‘yawn, cry, 1sg. zevam B Lith. ziovauti; Latv. zavât2 Cogn. OHG giwen See ^ ‘zijati, ‘zbjati. See also: ‘zinşti ‘zşbnşti I v. ‘suffer from cold’ E Ru. zjăbnut’ W Cz. zăbnouti; Slk. ziabnut; Pl. ziţbnqc Derivative in ‘-ngti. See ^ ‘zţti. ‘zşbnşti II v. ‘germinate’ CS OCS prozţbngti ‘germinate’ E ORu. zjabnuti ‘germinate’ B Lith. zembeti ‘germinate, sprout’ Cogn. Lat. gemma f. ‘bud, precious stone’ Possibly from ‘gemb- (Schrijver 1991: 434), but note that from an Indo-European point of view the root structure is impossible. ‘zşti v. CS OCS zţbomi (Supr.) Npl. m. ptc. pres. pass. ‘being pulled out’ W Cz. zăbsti ‘suffer from cold, freeze’ S SCr. zepsti ‘freeze, 1sg. zebem; Cak. zesti ‘freeze, 2sg. zebes; z'es ‘freeze, be very cold’, 3sg. z'ebe; Sln. zţbsti ‘freeze, 3sg. zţbe BSl. ‘zemb- B Lith. zembti ‘cut slantwise, sharpen’ PIE ‘gembh- Cogn. Skt. jămbhate ‘snatch’; Skt. jămbhayati ‘crush’ The semantic development is made plausible by expressions such as “frostbite”. See also: ‘zşbnşti; ‘zşbi ‘zştb m. i (a) ‘son-in-law’ CS OCS zţtb m.(i) ‘bridegroom’ E Ru. zjat’ m.(i) ‘son-in-law, brother-in-law (sister’s husband or husband’s sister’s husband)’ W Cz. zet m.(jo) ‘son-in-law’; OCz. zet m.(i) ‘son-in-law’; Slk. zat m.(jo) ‘son- in-law’; Pl. ziţc m.(jo) ‘son-in-law’ S SCr. zet ‘son-in-law, brother-in-law (sister’s husband), Gsg. zeta; Cak. zet (Vrg., Hvar) ‘son-in-law, brother-in-law (sister’s husband), Gsg. zeta; Sln. 544 *zidtf; *zhdh zet ‘son-in-law’, Gsg. zţta; Bulg. zet ‘son-in-law, brother-in-law (sister’s husband)’ BSl. *zen?tis; *zen?tos B Lith. zentas 1 ‘son-in-law’ Since Latv. znuots ‘son-in-law, sister’s husband, wife’s brother’ seems to reflect *gneh3-to-, we might consider a reconstruction *genh3-ti-. *zidi; *zbdb m. o; f. i ‘wall’ CS OCS zbde (Ps. Sin.) Lsg. m. W Cz. zed’ f.(i) ‘stone wall’, Gsg. zdi S SCr. zîd m., Gsg. zîda; Cak. zîd (Vrg.) m., Gsg. zîda; zît (Orb.) m., Gsg. zîda; Sln. zîd m., Gsg. zîda, Gsg. zidu; Bulg. zid m. ‘stone wall’ BSl. *zeid- OPr. seydis The root may be a metathesized variant of *dheigh- ‘knead clay, coat with loam’. See also: *deza; *zhdati *zijati; *zbjati v. ‘open (one’s mouth), gape, be wide open’ CS OCS zijati (Supr.) ‘open (one’s mouth)’, isg. zejg, isg. zijajg E Ru. zijât’‘yawn, gape’, isg. zijâju, isg. zijajg W Cz. zeti ‘gape, be wide open’, 3pl. zejî; zâti ‘gape, be wide open’, 3pl. zejî; OCz. zieti ‘gape’, isg. zeju; Pl. ziac ‘exhale’, isg. ziejţ S SCr. zijati ‘yawn, shout’, isg. zijăm; zjâti ‘yawn, shout’, isg. zjăm; Cak. zijati (Vrg.) ‘gape, yawn, cry, shout’, isg. zijan; Sln. zijati ‘yawn, gawk, shout’, isg. zijăm, isg. zîjem; zîjati ‘yawn, gawk, shout’, isg. zîjam; Bulg. zeja ‘be wide open, yawn’, 2sg. zejes BSl. *zia?- B Lith. zioti ‘open (one’s mouth)’ PIE *ghh!i-eh2- Cogn. Lat. hio ‘yawn, be wide open’ The present has e- grade. See also: *zevati; *zinQti *zima f. â (c) ‘winter’ CS OCS zima E Ru. zimâ, Asg. zîmu W Cz. zima; Slk. zima; Pl. zima S SCr. zîma, Asg. zîmu; Cak. zîmâ (Vrg., Novi), Asg. zîmu; zîmâ (Orb.), Asg. zîmo; Sln. zîma ‘winter, cold’; Bulg. zîma BSl. *zeima? ‘znamenhje 545 B Lith. ziema 4; Latv. ziema PIE ‘ghei-m-eh2 Cogn. Skt. hmă- (RV+) f.; LAv. ziiă m., Gsg. zimo; Gk. xsi^wv m.; Lat. hiems f. Originally a hysterodynamic m-stem. ‘zinşti v. (a) ‘open (one’s mouth), gape’ CS OCS zingti (Supr.) ‘open (one’s mouth), 1sg. zing E Ru. razinut’ ‘open wide (one’s mouth), gape’ W OCz. pozinuti ‘swallow up’ S SCr. zinuti ‘open (one’s mouth), yawn, 1sg. zinem; Cak. zinuti (Vrg.) ‘open (one’s mouth), yawn, 2sg. zines; zinuti (Hvar) ‘open (one’s mouth), yawn, 1sg. zinen; Sln. ziniti ‘open (one’s mouth), 1sg. zinem; Bulg. zina ‘open one’s mouth’, yawn’ Cogn. OIc. gina ‘yap, yawn’; OIc. gine ‘be wide open’; OHG ginen ‘be wide open’; OIc. gina ‘yawn’ See ^ ‘zijati, ‘zbjati. I am not convinced that the nasal present reconstructed by LIV (173, cf. the Germanic forms mentioned above) applies to ‘zingti. ‘zmbja f. iâ ‘snake’ CS OCS zmija ‘serpent’ E Ru. zmejă ‘snake, Npl. zmei W Cz. zmije ‘adder’; Slk. zmija ‘adder’; Pl. zmija ‘(venomous) snake, adder’ S SCr. zmija ‘snake’; Cak. zmija (Vrg.) ‘snake’; zmija (Novi, Orb.) ‘snake’; Bulg. zmijă ‘adder, Npl. zmii A derivative of the zero grade of the word for ‘earth, ‘dhgh-m-. ‘zmbjb m. io ‘snake, dragon’ CS OCS zmii ‘serpent, dragon’, Gsg. zmija E Ru. zmej ‘dragon, (obs., coll.) snake, Gsg. zmeja; zmij (arch.) ‘serpent, dragon, Gsg. zmija S SCr. zmâj ‘dragon, tapeworm’; Sln. zmâj ‘dragon’; Bulg. zmej ‘dragon, tapeworm, (arch.) snake’ See the previous lemma. ‘znamenbje n. io ‘sign’ CS OCS znamenie n.(io) ‘sign’ W Cz. znamenin.(io) ‘sign’; Slk. znamenie n.(io) ‘sign’ S SCr. znamenje n.(jo) ‘sign, symbol, omen’; Cak. znam'enje (Orb.) n.(jo) ‘traces, trail’; Sln. znămenje n.(jo) ‘sign’ A derivative based on the stem of ^ ‘znămţ. See also: ‘znati 546 *znamş *znâmş n. n (a) ‘sign’ CS CS znamţ ‘sign’ E Ru. znâmja ‘banner, standard’ W OCz. zname ‘sign’; Pl. znamiţ ‘sign’ S SCr. znâmen n.(o) ‘sign, symbol, omen’; Bulg. znâme ‘flag, banner’ PIE *gneh3-men- Cogn. Gk. yvw|aa n. ‘sign, symptom’ See also: *znamenhje; *znati *znati v. (a) ‘know’ CS OCS znati, isg. znajg E Ru. znat’, isg. znâju W Cz. znâti; Slk. znat; Pl. znac S SCr. znâti, isg. znăm; Cak. znâti (Vrg.), 2sg. znâs; znât (Hvar), isg. znon; znât (Orb.), isg. znăn; Sln. znâti, isg. znăm; Bulg. znam, 2sg. znâes; znâja, 2sg. znâes BSl. *zn-/*zin- B Lith. zinoti ‘know’; Latv. zinât ‘know’ OPr. posinnat ‘confess’ PIE *gneh3- Cogn. Skt. jănăti ‘know’; Gk. yiyvwctkw ‘perceive, realize’; Go. kunnan ‘know’ See also: *znamenhje; *znamş *znojb m. jo ‘heat’ CS OCS znoi ‘heat’ E Ru. znoj ‘intense heat, sultriness, Gsg. znoja W Cz. znoj (poet., arch.) ‘sweat, heat’; Pl. znoj ‘toil, sweat, (obs.) heat’ Gsg. znoju S SCr. znoj ‘sweat’, Gsg. znoja; Sln. zngj ‘heat, sweat’; znoj ‘heat, sweat’; Bulg. znoj ‘heat’ See ^ *znbjati. *znbjati v. ‘smoulder, burn’ E Ru. znijât’ (Dal’: Tver, Psk.) ‘smoulder, burn (without flames)’; znejat’ (Dal’: Arx.) ‘smoulder, burn (without flames)’; znet (Arx.) ‘shine, flame, become red’ W Cz. znat (dial.) ‘shine, burn’; znet (dial.) ‘shine, burn’ The question is if this root is to be identified with the root of ^ *gniti ‘rot’ and ^ gnojb ‘pus, manure’. Semantically the connection does not seem implausible to me, while the variation gn- : zn- may originally have been conditioned by the following vowel. ‘zolto 547 See also: ‘znojb ‘zobati v. ‘peck’ CS OCS ozoba (Ps. Sin.) 3sg. aor. ‘devoured’; izoba (Supr.) 3sg. aor. ‘ate’ E Ru. zobăt’ (dial.) ‘peck, swallow, eat greedily, devour’; ORu. zobati ‘eat’ W Cz. zobati ‘peck’; dzobac (Lach dial.) ‘peck’; Slk. zobat ‘peck’; Pl. dziobac ‘peck’ (originally an East Polish form); OPl. zobac ‘peck’ S SCr. zobati ‘peck, (Vuk) eat grains’, 1sg. zobljem; Cak. zobati (Vrg.) ‘peck’, 2sg. zobles; zobat (Orb.) ‘peck, eat, nibble (grapes, berries, etc.)’, 1sg. zobljen; Sln. zobati ‘peck, eat (berries, cherries, etc.), eat grains’, 1sg. zgbljem; Bulg. zobam ‘eat berries one by one’ BSl. ‘zob- B Lith. zebti ‘eat dry substances, gobble, crave for, covet’ It is doubtful if there are cognates outside Balto-Slavic. See also: ‘zobb; ‘zobi ‘zobb; ‘zobi f. i; m. o (c) E Ru. zob m. ‘crop, goitre’, Gsg. zoba; zob’ (N. dial.) f.(i) ‘food, grub’ W Cz. zob m. ‘birdseed’; Pl. dziob m. ‘beak, bill’ Gsg. dzioba (since the 18th century for nos). S SCr. zob f.(i) ‘oats, Gsg. zobi; Cak. zob (Vrg.) f.(i) ‘oats’, Gsg. zobi; Sln. zgb f.(i) ‘(solid) fodder, grain, Gsg. zobî; Bulg. zob f.(i) ‘fodder (grain)’ See the previous lemma. See also: ‘zobati ‘zolto n. o (c) ‘gold’ CS OCS zlato E Ru. zoloto W Cz. zlato; Slk. zlato; Pl. zioto; USrb. zioto S SCr. zlâto; Cak. zlâto (Vrg.); zlâto (Novi, Orb.); zloto (Hvar); Sln. zlato; Bulg. zlăto B Latv. zelts m. PIE ‘gholh3-to- Cogn. Skt. hiranya- (RV+) n. ‘precious metal, gold’; Go. gulp n. Like the Latvian and Germanic words for ‘gold, the Slavic etymon is a to-derivative. Slavic has an o-grade ‘gholh3-, however, wheras Latvian andGermanic have e-grade and zero grade, respectively. See also: ‘zeleni; ‘zelbje; ‘zblcb; ‘zblti 548 *zordtf *zordi m. o (a) ‘hay-stack’ E Ru. zorod ‘hay-stack, enclosure for a hay-stack’; zarod ‘hay-stack, enclosure for a hay-stack’ BSl. *zor?dos B Lith. zârdas i ‘rack for drying flax’; Latv. zârds ‘rack for drying flax’ OPr. sardis ‘fence’ Despite the semantic proximity, I do not agree with the prevailing view that *zordb is cognate with ^ *gordb, which has a circumflex root (cf. Lith. gardas) and probably initial *gh. See also: *ozordtf *zoriti v. ‘ripen (tr.)’ CS OCS sbzori (Supr.) 3sg. aor. ‘ripened (tr.)’ E Ru. zorit’ (dial.) ‘make (berries) ripen by spreading (them) on a mat’ W OCz. szoriti ‘ripen (tr.)’ S SCr. Cak. zorit (Orb.) ‘ripen, 3sg. zori; Sln. zoriti ‘ripen (tr.)’, isg. zorim PIE *gorh2-eie- Cogn. Skt. jârati ‘make old, let smth. reach an old age’; Gk. Y^paq n. ‘old age’ See also: *zhreti II; *zi>rno *zorâ f. jâ (o) ‘dawn, aurora’ CS OCS zorjţ (Ps. Sin., Supr.) Npl. ‘dawn’ E Ru. zarjâ ‘dawn, sunset, reveille, retreat’, Asg. zarju, Asg. zorju, Npl. zori; zorjâ (arch., poet.) ‘dawn, sunset, reveille, retreat’, Asg. zorju, Asg. zorju; Ukr. zorjâ ‘star’ W Cz. zora ‘dawn, aurora’; zore (arch., eccl.) ‘dawn, aurora’; Slk. zora ‘dawn, aurora’; Pl. zorza ‘dawn, daybreak’; OPl. zorza ‘dawn, daybreak’ S SCr. zora ‘aurora’, Asg. zoru; Cak. zorâ (Vrg.) ‘aurora’, Asg. zoru; zorâ (Orb.) ‘aurora’, Asg. zoro, Asg. zoro; Sln. zorja ‘aurora, redness of the sky’; zgrja ‘aurora, redness of the sky’; zgra ‘aurora’; zora ‘aurora’; zor m.(o) ‘shine, daybreak, East’, Gsg. zora; zor m.(o) ‘shine, daybreak, East’; Bulg. zorâ ‘aurora, daybreak’ BSl. *zori? B Lith. zara ‘dawn, sunset, hot coal’; Lith. zarija ‘hot coal’ OPr. sari ‘glow’ Derivative of the root of ^ *zbreti I ‘see’. The original meaning of the root may have been ‘shine’. See also: *zorktf; *zhreti I *zârkb m. o (c) ‘sunbeam, look, appearance’ CS OCS zrakb ‘look, appearance, countenance’ ‘zverb 549 E Ru. zorok (dial.) ‘look, glance, appearance’ W Cz. zrak ‘face’; Slk. zrak ‘face’ S SCr. zrâk ‘sunbeam, air’; Cak. zdrâk (Vrg.) ‘air’, zdrâka; zrâk (Orb.) ‘air, zrâka; Sln. zrâk ‘beam, air’; Bulg. zrak ‘light, vision’ See the previous etymon. See also: ‘zara; ‘zbreti I ‘zşbrb m. o ‘wisent’ E Ru. zubr ‘wisent’, Gsg. zubra W Cz. zubr ‘wisent’; Slk. zubor ‘wisent’; Pl. zubr ‘wisent’; OPl. zqbr m.(o) ‘wisent’; zqbrz m.(jo) ‘wisent’; zubr m.(o) ‘wisent’ {1} B Lith. stumbras 2 ‘wisent, aurochs’; Latv. sumbrs ‘aurochs’; stumbr(i)s ‘aurochs’; subrs ‘aurochs’ OPr. wissambs’ (EV) ‘aurochs’ {2} A connection with the root ‘gombh- of PSl. ‘zgbi, Latv. zuobs ‘tooth’ cannot be ruled out, but it is possible that we are dealing with a migratory term, cf. Osset. dombaj ‘bison’. {1} Variants with a nasal are also attested in placenames, e.g. Zţbrzyce. {2} The meanings of wissambs’ ‘Ewer’ and tauris ‘Wesant’ are seemingly reversed (cf. Young 1998). Young (o.c.) connects the element wis- with OPr. wissene ‘wild rosemary’ and OHG wisa ‘meadow’. ‘zşbi m. o (c) ‘tooth’ CS OCS zgbi E Ru. zub, Gsg. zuba; Ukr. zub, Gsg. zubu W Cz. zub; Slk. zub; Pl. zqb, Gsg. zţbu S SCr. zub, Gsg. zuba; Cak. zub (Vrg., Novi, Hvar), Gsg. zuba; zuop (Orb.), Gsg. zuoba; Sln. zgb, Gsg. zgba, Gsg. zobu; Bulg. zăb BSl. ‘zombos B Lith. zambas ‘sharp edge’; Latv. zuobs ‘tooth’ PIE ‘gombh-o- Cogn. Skt. jămbha- m. ‘tooth’; Gk. oq m. ‘pin, nail’; OIc. kambr m. ‘comb, jagged edge’ See also: ‘zşbnşti; ‘zşti ‘zverb m. i (c) ‘wild animal’ CS OCS zverb m.(i) E Ru. zver’ m.(jo) W Cz. zver f.(i); Slk. zver m.(o); zver f.(i) ‘game’; Pl. zwierz m.(jo) ‘wild animals (coll.), big animal’ S SCr. zvijer f.(i); Cak. zvîr (Vrg.) f.(i), Gsg. zvîri; Sln. zvţr f.(i), Gsg. zverî; Bulg. zvjar m.(o) 550 *zvşgti BSl. *zwe?ris B Lith. zveris m.(i) 3; Latv. zvers m.(o) OPr. swîrins Apl. PIE *ghuehir- Cogn. Gk. 9f|p m. ‘wild animal’; Lat. ferus adj. ‘wild’ The problem connected with the reconstruction presented above is the fact that Hirt’s law apparently did not operate. Kortlandt (i975a: 54) assumes lengthened grade for this etymon, suggesting that the Baltic acute may be an instance of metatony resulting from a retraction of the stress in a form corresponding to Gk. 9r|piov. I find that hard to believe, in particular because the Latvian form has a broken tone, which in Kortlandt’s theory is the reflex of an unstressed acute. Perhaps one might combine the reconstruction of a lengthened grade as well as a laryngeal and assume loss of the laryngeal in a monosylabic form.*ghuehir. The forms with an acute root may reflect the ful grade of other case-forms. *zvşgti v. CS OCS zvţgoma (Supr.) Gsg. ptc. pres. pass. ‘being told’ E Ru. zvjac (dial.) ‘bark continually, scold’, isg. zvjagu, 3sg. zvjazet BSl. *zwen?g- B Lith. zvengti ‘neigh’, 3pres. zvengia. Only Balto-Slavic. The root may be an enlargement of the root found in ^ *zvonb. *zvâni m. o. (c) ‘sound’ CS OCS zvonb (Supr.) ‘noise’ E Ru. zvon ‘(ringing) sound W Cz. zvon ‘bell’; Slk. zvon ‘bell’; Pl. dzwon ‘sound’; OPl. zwon ‘sound’ S Sln. zvon ‘bell, sound’, Gsg. zvona, Gsg. zvonă Pokorny (IEW: 49i) recontructs the root as *ghuon-, cf. Alb. ze m. ‘sound, Arm jain ‘id.’. The hypothesis that Slavic *zvonb continues PIE *suonh2- (e.g. Meilet i934: 30), cf. Lat. sonus ‘sound’. must be considered a serious alternative, however. The anlaut may have been influenced by ^ *zbvati. See also: *zvbneti *zvbneti v. ‘ring, clank’ CS OCS zvbneti E Ru. zvenet’, isg. zvenju, 3sg. zvenit W Cz. zniti; OCz. zvnieti; Slk. zniet S Sln. zveneti, isg. zvemm See ^ *zvonb. ‘zbdati 551 ‘zili adj. o ‘bad, evil, wicked’ CS OCS zifa E Ru. zloj ‘bad, evil, wicked’; zol ‘angry, f. zla, n. zlo W Cz. zly; Slk. zly; Pl. zly S SCr. zao, f. zla, n. zlo; Sln. za?, f. zla; zâl; Bulg. zăl BSl. ‘zul?- B Lith. atzulus (Zem.) 1, atzulus (Zem.) 3 ‘rude’ The Lithuanian forms may be cognate with pazvilti ‘bend, stoop’. The vocalism zul-could be a lengthened zero grade of an acute root ‘zul?-, cf. jzulnus alongside jzvilus and jzviînas ‘slanted, diagonal’. The root has been connected with Skt. hvărate ‘go crookedly’. ‘zily f. u ‘sister-in-law (husband’s sister)’ CS CS zhva (Mikl.) f.(â) E Ru. zolovka f.(â); zolva (dial.) f.(â) ‘sister-in-law (husband’s sister), daughter-in-law’; zolova (dial.) f.(â); zolov’ (dial.) f.(i); zolovica (dial.); zolovica (dial.) W OCz. zelva f.(â) ‘sister-in-law (husband’s sister), daughter-in-law’; Slk. zolvica; OPl. zlew f.(i) ‘sister-in-law (husband’s sister), daughter-in-law’; zelw f.(i) ‘sister-in-law (husband’s sister), daughter-in-law’ {1} S SCr. zaova f.(â); zâva (Vojv.) f.(â); Sln. zâlva f.(â); zâva f.(â); zolva f.(â); Bulg. zălva f.(â) PIE ‘glh2-u- Cogn. Gk. yaXwq ‘husband’s sister’ f.; Lat. glos f. ‘sister-in-law’ For the PIE origin of this etymon, see Beekes 1976: 13-16, Schrijver 1991: 131. {1} The material presented in the Slownik staropolski seems to point to a paradigm zlew, Gsg. zelwi < ‘ztfavb, Gsg. ztfavi. In that case the vocalism of zelw must be analogical. ‘zivati v. (c) ‘call’ CS OCS zvvati, 1sg. zovg E Ru. zovăt’, 1sg. zovu, 3sg. zovet W Cz. zvăti ‘call, invite’; Slk. zvat‘call, invite’; Pl. zwac S SCr. zvăti, 1sg. zovem; Cak. zvati (Vrg.), 2sg. zoves; zvat (Orb.), 1sg. zoven; Sln. zvăti, 1sg. zovem PIE ‘ghuH-e-/*ghouH-e- Cogn. Skt. hăvate ‘invoke’ ‘zbdati v. ‘build’ CS OCS zbdati ‘build, 1sg. zizdg E ORu. zbdati ‘build, 1sg. zizu 552 *zblcb S SCr. zidati ‘build’, isg. zîdăm; Cak. zidât (Orb.) ‘build, lay bricks’, isg. zidan; Sln. zidati ‘build a wall’, isg. zidam; Bulg. zidam ‘lay bricks’ BSl. *z(e)id- B Lith. ziesti ‘form (from clay)’, 3sg. ziedzia; Latv. ziest ‘coat with clay’ PIE *ghidh- A metathesized variant of *dheigh- ‘knead clay, coat with loam’. See also: *deza; *zid^; *zbdb *zblcb f. i ‘bile’ CS OCS zlbcb f.(i); zlbcb (Zogr., Supr.) f.(i) E Ru. zelc’ f.(i), Gsg. zelci W Cz. zluc f.(i); Slk. zlc f.(i); Pl. zolc f.(i) S SCr. zuc f.(i), Gsg. zuci; Cak. zuc (Vrg.) f.(i), Gsg. zuci; zuc (Hvar) f.(i), Gsg. zuci; zuc (Orb.) f.(i)/m.(jo), Gsg. zuci, Gsg. zuca; Sln. zolc f.(i), Gsg. zolcî; zolc m.(jo); Bulg. zlăc f.(i) BSl. *zul?- B Lith. tulzis f.(i) 4 (with metathesis); Latv. zuî(k)ts f.(i); zuîkts (dial.) f.(i) PIE *ghlh3- Cogn. Gk. xoAf f. ‘bile’; Lat. fel n. ‘bile, gall-bladder’ The forms with z- may have arisen under the influence of *zbltb ‘yellow’, but it should be noted that z- < *g- is in fact what we would expect before a syllabic *l. The East Baltic forms rather seem to agree with Old Church Slavic, though the situation has been obscured by various developments. See also: *zelen^; *zelbje; *zolto; *Zbltb *zbreti I v. ‘see, look at’ CS OCS zbreti ‘see, look at’, isg. zbrjg E Ru. zret’ (obs.) ‘behold, gaze’, isg. zrju, 3sg. zrit W Cz. znti ‘see’; Slk. zriet ‘see’; OPl. zrzec ‘see’ S SCr. zreti (obs.) ‘watch, isg. zrem; Sln. zreti ‘look (at)’, isg. zrem; Bulg. zra ‘look (at)’ B Lith. zereti ‘shine, sparkle’ The reconstruction of the root is uncertain. One might posit *g(h>r(H')-. See also: *zarâ; *zorâ; *zork^ *zbreti II v. ‘ripen’ CS OCS zbrelb (Supr.) ‘ripe’; CS zbreti E Ru. zret’, isg. zreju W Cz. zrâti; Slk. zriet; Pl. zrzec S SCr. zreti; Sln. zreti, isg. zrejem, isg. zrem; Bulg. zreja ‘zalb 553 PIE ‘grh2- Cogn. Skt. jărati ‘make old, let smth. reach an old age’; Gk. ypauq f. ‘old woman’ See also: ‘zoriti; ‘zbrno ‘zbrno n. o (a) ‘grain’ CS OCS zrbno E Ru. zerno W Cz. zrno; Slk. zrno; Pl. ziarno S SCr. zrno, Gsg. zfna; Cak. zrno (Vrg.), Gsg. zfna; zârno (Hvar), Gsg. zârna; zrno (Vrg.) ‘grain, kernel, bead, Gsg. zfna, Npl. zfna; Sln. zrno ‘(single) grain, tree-fruit’; Bulg. zărno ‘(single) grain, bean, berry’; zărno ‘(single) grain, bean, berry’ BSl. ‘zir?n- B Lith. zirnis m.(io) ‘pea’; Latv. zirnis m.(io) ‘pea’ OPr. syrne ‘grain’ PIE ‘grh2-no- Cogn. Lat. grănum n.; Go. kaurn n.; OIr. grăn n. See also: ‘zoriti; ‘zbreti II 1 ‘zaba f. â (a) ‘frog, toad’ CS OCS zaba (Ps. Sin.) ‘frog’; zeba (Ps. Sin.) ‘frog’ E Ru. zăba ‘toad, quinsy’ W Cz. zăba ‘frog’; Slk. zaba ‘frog’; Pl. zaba ‘frog’ S SCr. zaba ‘frog’; Cak. zaba (Vrg.) ‘frog, turtle’; zaba (Orb.) ‘frog’; Sln. zăba ‘frog’; Bulg. zăba ‘frog, (krastava z.) toad’ B OPr. gabawo (EV) ‘toad’ Cogn. Lat. bufo m. ‘toad’; OS quappa f. ‘eel-pout’; MoDu. kwab f. ‘lobe’ The Slavic form seems to reflect ‘gweb-eh2, but the presumed cognates do not fit this reconstruction. I suspect a substratum origin. ‘zalb f. i ‘grief, regret, pity’ CS OCS zalb (Zogr.) ‘tomb’ E Ru. zal’ ‘pity’ W Cz. zal ‘grief, pain’; Slk. ziaî ‘grief’; Pl. zal ‘grief’; Slnc. zaul m.(o) ‘grief, regret, Gsg. zaulu S SCr. zao je + Dat adv. ‘feel sorry, be angry, suspect’; Cak. je zal + Dat (Orb.) adv. ‘feel sorry, care, mind’; je zal + Dat (Orlec) adv. ‘feel sorry’; Sln. zal ‘grief, pain’, Gsg. zâli; Bulg. zal ‘grief, pity’ 554 ‘zari BSl. ‘gel- B Lith. gela f. 4 ‘acute pain’ PIE ‘g^elH- Cogn. OHG quăla f. ‘violent death’; OS quăla f. ‘pain, torture’ The evidence points to an original root noun (cf. Kortlandt 1985b: 117). See also: ‘zeleti I; ‘zela; ‘zşdlo; ‘zblna ‘zari m. o (b/c) ‘glow, heat’ E Ru. zar ‘heat’, Gsg. zăra, Gsg. zăru, Lsg. (o) zare, (v) zaru W Cz. zăr ‘heat’; Slk. ziar ‘heat’; Pl. zar ‘glow’ S SCr. zâr ‘live coals, ardour, zeal’; Cak. zâr (Orb.) ‘live coals’; Sln. zâr ‘glow, heat’; Bulg. zar f.(i) ‘glow’; zar m.(o) ‘fire, passion’ According to Kortlandt (1975a: 72), we must reconstruct a root noun ‘gwher-, for which the coexistence of ‘zari and ‘zara, cf. Ru. zara, SCr. zăra, may count as an argument. See also: ‘goreti; ‘gorbjb; ‘gorbki; ‘gore; ‘gre(ja)ti; ‘girnidlo; ‘girni; ‘girno; ‘zeravi ‘zasiti v. ‘frighten’ CS CS zasiti ‘frighten’ It is uncertain if ‘zasiti is cognate with ^ ‘gasiti ‘extinguish, in which case the root would reflect ‘gwes-. Semantically the etymology is not convincing. The connection with Go. usgaisjan ‘frighten’, on the other hand, is obviously convincing as far as semantics is concerned, but the vocalism does not match. See also: ‘uzasi ‘ze ptcl. CS OCS ze emphatic particle E Ru. ze conj. ‘but, and, after all’; ze emphatic particle W Cz. ze ‘that, since, because’ conj.; ze emphatic particle; Pl. ze conj. ‘that, since, because’; ze emphatic particle PIE ‘g«he Cogn. Skt. ha (RV+) emphatic ptcl. ‘zegti v. (c) ‘burn’ CS OCS zesti, 1sg. zegg, (Supr.) zvgg E Ru. zec, 1sg. zgu, 3sg. zzet W Cz. zeci, 1sg. zehu; Pl. zec, 1sg. zgţ S SCr. zeci, 1sg. zezem BSl. ‘deg- B Lith. degti ‘burn, light’, 3pres. dega, 3pret. dege; degti ‘burn, 3pres. denga, 3pret. dege; Latv. degt ‘burn, light’ *zelezo 555 PIE *dhegwh- Cogn. Skt. dăhati ‘burn’; Av. dazaiti ‘burn’; Lat. foveo ‘warm, cherish’ Most probably from *dhegwh- > *geg- as a result of assimilation. *zeldi; *zeldica m. o; f. jâ ‘glazed frost, sleet’ CS CS zledica f.(jâ) ‘sleet’ E Ru. ozeled’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘glazed frost, crust of ice over snow’; ozeled’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘glazed frost, crust of ice over snow’; ozeled’ (Tersk.) f.(i) ‘crust of ice on trees’; ozeledica f.(jâ) ‘glazed frost’; ozeledica (S. dial.) f.(jâ) ‘black ice, thin crust of ice over snow’; Ukr. ozeled’ f.(i) ‘glazed frost’; ozeleda f.(â) ‘glazed frost’; ozeledica f.(jâ) ‘glazed frost’ W Pl. zlod (obs.) m.(o) ‘sleet’; zlodz (obs.) f.(i) ‘glazed frost, sleet’; Slnc. zlou3 f.(i) ‘icicle, Gsg. zluo^ă; Plb. zlăd m.(o) ‘hail’ S Sln. zled m.(o) ‘glazed frost, sleet’; zledica f.(â) ‘glazed frost’ PIE *ghelh2d- Cogn. Gk. xd\a(a f. ‘hail’; MoP zăla f. ‘hail, hoarfrost’ *zeleti I v. ‘regret’ CS RuCS zeleti ‘regret, grieve’ W Cz. zeleti ‘regret’ See ^ *zalb. The verb has an e-grade *gwelH-. *zeleti II; *zelâti v. (a) ‘wish, want’ CS OCS zeleti ‘wish, want’, isg. zelejg; zelati ‘wish, want’, isg. zelajg E Ru. zelăt’ ‘wish, want’ S SCr. zeljeti ‘wish, want, desire’, isg. zelîm; Cak. zelîti (Vrg.) ‘wish, want, desire’, 2sg. zelis; zelit (Hvar) ‘wish, want, desire, isg. zelin; Cak. zelet (Orb.) ‘wish, want, desire’, isg. zelin; Sln. zeleti ‘wish, want’, isg. zelim; Bulg. zelăja ‘wish, want’ PIE *g"hel- Cogn. Gk. 9e\w ‘wish, want’ AP (a) applies to the present in *-ajg. The Serbo-Croatian and Slovene i-presents are mobile. See also: *zela II *zelezo n. o (a) ‘iron’ CS OCS zelezo E Ru. zelezo; zelezo (dial.); zjalezo (dial.); Bel. zelezo; zalezo; Ukr. zalizo; zelizo W Cz. zelezo; Slk. zelezo; Pl. zelazo S SCr. zeljezo; Cak. zelezo (Orb.); Sln. zelezo; Bulg. zeljăzo BSl. *gelez-; *gelez- 556 ‘zela I B Lith. gelezis f.(i) 3b; gelzis (Zem.) f.(i); Latv. dzelzs f.(i); dzelezs (E. Latv.) f.(i) OPr. gelso ‘zela I f. jâ ‘grief’ CS OCS zela (Supr.) E ORu. zela See ^ ‘zalb. ‘zela II f. jâ ‘wish, desire’ CS RuCS zela ‘wish’ S SCr. zelja ‘wish, desire’, Asg. zelju; Cak. zelja (Vrg., Novi) ‘wish, desire’; zelja, zelja (Orb.) ‘wish, desire, Asg. zeljo; Sln. zelja ‘wish, desire’ PIE ‘gwhel-ieh2 See also: ‘zeleti II; ‘zelati ‘zelşdiki m. o ‘stomach’ CS RuCS zeludiki E Ru. zeludok W Cz. zaludek; zaloudek (arch., dial.); Slk. zaludek; Pl. zolqdek S SCr. zeludac; Cak. zeludec (Orlec); Sln. zelgdac, Gsg. zelgdca; zelgdak, Gsg. zelgdka In view of Gk. xo\d8sq Npl. f. ‘intestines, ‘zelgd- reflects ‘ghel-ond-. The Greek form must reflect ‘ghol-nd-. ‘zelşdb m. jo (c) ‘acorn’ CS RuCS zeludb m.(jo) E Ru. zelud’ m.(jo) W Cz. zalud m.(o); Slk. zalud’ m.(jo); Pl. zolqdz f.(i), Gsg. zolţdzi S SCr. zelud m.(o); zeljud m.(o); Cak. zelud (Vrg.) m.(o), Gsg. zeluda; zelud (Novi) m.(o); zelot (Orb.) m.(o), Npl. zelodi; Sln. zelod m.(o), Gsg. zelgda; Bulg. zelăd m.(o) ‘acorn, beech-nut’ BSl. ‘gel-/‘gil- B Lith. gile f.(e) 2; gyle (dial.) f.(e) 4; Latv. zîle f.(e); zile f.(e); dzîle f.(e) (forms preserving the original anlaut dz- are very rare) OPr. gile ‘acorn, oak’ PIE ‘gw(e)lh2- Cogn. Gk. pdXavoq m.; Lat. glăns f. Kortlandt (1985b: 120) reconstructs ‘gwelh2-s, Gsg. ‘gwlh2-os. ‘zelsti v. ‘repay, pay for’ CS OCS zlesti (Supr.), 1sg. zledg; zlasti (Supr.), 1sg. zladg *zelza 557 E ORu. zelesti, isg. zeledu Cogn. Go. fragildan ‘repay’; OHG geltan ‘pay, repay, sacrifice’; OSw. gjalla ‘pay, repay’ (the Germanic evidence points to a sufix *-t-) Probably a borrowing from Germanic. *zely I f. u ‘tumour, fistula’ E Ru. zelvăk m.(o) ‘tumour’; zolv’ (Dal’) f.(i) ‘tumour’; zelvi, zelvi (dial.) Npl. m.(i) ‘abscesses, lumps, bumps’; zelvi (dial.) Npl. m.(i) ‘swollen glands on the neck’ W Cz. zluva (Kott) f.(â) ‘soft tumour (in horses)’; zuva (dial.) f.(â) ‘swelling on the udder of a cow’; Pl. zolwi (dial.) Npl. m.(i) ‘abscess on the ear’; zolwie (dial.) Npl. m.(i) ‘boils on the legs of a cow’ S Cak. zelva (Cres) f.(â) ‘tumour’; Cak. zolva (Vis) f.(â) ‘scrofula’; Sln. zţlva f.(â) ‘fistula’ BSl. *gelu?- B Latv. dzelva f. ‘(slight) swelling on the skin’ Possibly etymologically identical with *zely II. See also: *zelza *zely II f. u ‘tortoise’ CS RuCS zely f.(u), Gsg. zehve E Ru. zolv’ f.(i); ORu. zely f.(u), Gsg. zehve W Cz. zelva f.(â); Pl. zolw m.(jo), Gsg. zolwia S SCr. zelva f.(â); Sln. zelva f.(â) PIE *ghel(H)-uH- Cogn. Gk. f.; Gk. xs^wvr f. *zelza f. â (b?) ‘gland’ CS CS zleza ‘gland’ E Ru. zeleză ‘gland’, Npl. zelezy; zelezo n.(o) ‘tumour (neck, throat, groin)’; zelezy (dial.) Npl. f.(â) ‘glands’; zoloză (dial.) ‘gland, tumour on the neck’; zoloza ‘gland’; Bel. zaloza ‘gland’; Ukr. zăloza ‘gland’ W Cz. zlăza ‘gland’; OCz. zleza ‘gland’; zlăza ‘gland’; Slk. zl'aza ‘gland’; Pl. zolzy Npl. ‘scrofula, strangles (adenitis equorum)’; USrb. zalza ‘gland, (pl.), glandular disease’; LSrb. zalza ‘gland, (pl.), glandular disease’; zalza ‘gland, (pl.), glandular disease’ S SCr. zlijezda ‘gland’; Sln. zleza ‘gland’; Bulg. zleză ‘gland’ BSl. *gelz- B Lith. gelezuonys Npl. m. ‘submaxillary gland, strangles (adenitis equorum)’ PIE *ghelgh-eh2 Cogn. Arm. geljk' ‘glands’ 558 ‘zena The Polish and Sorbian forms seem to reflect a zero grade. ‘zena f. â (b) ‘woman, wife’ CS OCS zena ‘woman, wife’ E Ru. zena ‘wife, (poet., obs.) woman’ W Cz. zena ‘woman, wife’; Slk. zena ‘woman, wife’; Pl. zona ‘wife’ S SCr. zena ‘woman, wife’, Asg. zenu; Cak. zena (Vrg., Novi, Hvar) ‘woman, wife’, Asg. zenu; zena (Orb.) ‘wife’, Asg. zeno; Sln. zena ‘woman, wife’; Bulg. zena ‘woman’ BSl. ‘gena? OPr. genno Vsg. ‘woman’ PIE ‘gwen-eh2 Cogn. Skt. jâni- (RV+) f. ‘woman, wife’; Go. qino f. ‘woman’; OIr. ben f. ‘woman’ ‘zeravb adj. o ‘burning, scorching’ CS RuCS zeravv E ORu. zeravv W Cz. zeravy (lit.); zeravy (lit.); reravy; Slk. zeravy S SCr. zerăv f.(i??) ‘live coal’; zerava (u Grblju) m. ‘live coal’; zeravica f.(jâ) ‘live coal’; Cak. zerava, zevara (Vrg.) m. ‘live coal’; Sln. zerâvica f.(jâ) ‘heartburn’ Derivative in ‘-avv. The root is ‘gwher-. See also: ‘goreti; ‘gorhjh; ‘gorbki; ‘gore; ‘gre(ja)ti; ‘girnidlo; ‘girni; ‘girno; ‘zari ‘zeravb m. jo ‘crane’ E Ru. zuravl’; zuravel’ (dial.); zorav (dial.); ORu. zeravlb; Bel. zuravel’; zorau m.(o); Ukr. zuravel’ W OCz. zerăv; zerăb; Slk. zeriav; Pl. zuraw S SCr. zerăv m.(o); Sln. zerjav m.(o), Gsg. zerjăva; Bulg. zerav m.(o) BSl. ‘ger?(o)u- B Lith. gerve f.(e) 1; Latv. dzerve f.(e) OPr. gerwe PIE u o rh2-o r e Cogn. Gk. yepavoq m.; Lat. grus f.; OHG kranuh m. Kortlandt (1985b: 120) reconstructs ‘gerh2-ou, Gsg. ‘grh2-u-os. The Balto-Slavic ‘g (instead of ‘z) must have originated in the zero grade. ‘zerbbjb m. io ‘lot, fate’ CS OCS zrebii m.(io) ‘lot’ E Ru. zrebij m.(jo) ‘lot, fate’ W Cz. hreb m.(o) ‘nail’; OCz. hrebi m.(jo) ‘nail’ *zezli; *zbzli; *zezlo 559 S SCr. zdr'ijeb m.(o) ‘nail’; Sln. zreb m.(o) ‘nail’; Bulg. zrebie n.(io) ‘nail’ B OPr. gîrbin Asg. ‘number’ PIE *gerbh- Cogn. Gk. Ypdfto ‘carve, write’; OE ceorfan ‘carve, cut, strike down’ *zerdlo n. o (b) ‘mouth, gorge’ E Ru. zerelo (dial.) ‘mouth, orifice’; ORu. zerelo ‘throat, mouth, orifice’ W Cz. zridlo ‘source’; Slk. zriedlo ‘source’; Pl. zrodto ‘source’ S SCr. zdrijelo ‘ravine, gorge’; Sln. zrelo ‘gorge, abyss, hole’; Bulg. zrelo ‘gorge, source’ BSl. lo r e B Lith. gerkle f.(e) 3 ‘throat, larynx’ The e-grade of the Balto-Slavic form, which formally derives from *gwerh3-tlom must be an innovation. See also: *girdlo; *zerti *zerti v. (c) ‘devour, eat (of animals)’ CS OCS pozreti (Ps. Sin., Hil., Supr.) ‘swallow, devour’, isg. pozbrg E Ru. zrat’ ‘eat (of animals), gobble, isg. zru, 3sg. zret; ORu. zbrati ‘eat (of animals), gobble’, isg. zbru W OCz. zrieti ‘eat (of animals), gobble, isg. zru; Pl. zrec ‘eat greedily, isg. zrţ S Sln. zreti ‘eat (of animals), gobble’, isg. zrem BSl. *ger?- B Lith. gerti ‘drink’; Latv. dzert ‘drink’ PIE *gwerh3- Cogn. Skt. girati ‘devour’; Gk. ‘eat, digest’; Lat. vorăre ‘devour, eat greedily’ See also: *girdlo; *zerdlo *zezli; *zbzli; *zezlo m. o; m. o; n. o (b) ‘stick, staff ’ CS OCS zbzh m. ‘stick, staff, sceptre’; zezh m. ‘stick, staff, sceptre’ E Ru. zezl m. ‘stick, staff, crozier’, Gsg. zezlă {i}; zezel’ (dial.) f.(i) ‘short stick to which draught dogs are tied’ W Cz. zezlo n. ‘sceptre’; OCz. zezl m. ‘sceptre’; zezlo n. ‘sceptre’ S SCr. zezlo n. ‘sceptre’; zezelj (Vuk) m.(jo) ‘ein Anbindstock fur die Schafhunde’; Sln. zţzlo n. ‘sceptre’; Bulg. zezal m. ‘staff, sceptre’ Cogn. OHG kegil m. ‘nail, peg’ The connection with OHG kegil ‘nail, peg’, etc., which would point to *gegh-l- is uncertain. The variant with *b results from raising of *e in a pretonic syllable in a palatal environment, which occurred prior to Dybo’s law (Kortlandt 1984-1985). The 560 ‘zşdati noun was oxytone due to the fact that it had escaped Ebeling’s law, which states that the stress was not retracted from open final sylables to a syllable closed by an obstruent (Derksen forthc. a). {1} In Old Russian, both (a) and (b) are attested (Zaliznjak 1985: 134, 137). ‘zşdâti v. (b) ‘wish, desire’ CS OCS zţdati ‘wish, long for, desire’, 1sg. zţzdg E Ru. zadăt’ (dial.) ‘thirst for, 1sg. zadăju W Cz. zădati ‘ask, demand’; Slk. ziadat ‘ask, demand’; Pl. zqdac ‘demand’; USrb. zadac ‘wish, desire, demand’; LSrb. zedas ‘demand’ BSl. ‘gend- B Lith. pasigesti miss, 3pres. pasigenda. The nasal of the Slavic root must have originated from a nasal present, cf. Lith. -genda. The PIE root is ‘gwhedK, cf. Gk. 9saaaa9ai ‘pray for’; no9ew ‘desire’. See also: ‘zşdja; ‘zşdbni ‘zşdja f. jâ (b) ‘wish, desire’ CS OCS zazda (Euch., Supr.) ‘thirst, desire’ E ORu. zaza ‘thirst, drought’ W OCz. zăda ‘wish, desire, request, Lsg. ziede; OPl. zqdza ‘wish, desire, request, avarice’ S SCr. zeăa ‘thirst’; Cak. zeăa (Vrg.) ‘thirst’; zeja (Novi) ‘thirst’; z'eja (Orb.) ‘thirst’; Sln. zţja ‘thirst’ A ja-derivative of ^ ‘zţdăti. See also: ‘zşdbni ‘zşdlo n. o (a?) ‘sting’ CS OCS zţlo ‘sting’ E Ru. zălo ‘sting, point (of a needle, etc.)’ W Pl. zqdlo ‘sting’ S Sln. zelo ‘prickle, sting’ B Lith. gela f. 4 ‘acute pain’ Apparently with dissimilation of the first l to n. In Indo-European terms, the proto-form is ‘gwlH-dHom. See also: ‘zalb; ‘zeleti I; ‘zela; ‘zblna ‘zşdbm adj. o ‘avid, greedy’ E Ru. zădnyj ‘greedy, avaricious’; zăden ‘greedy, avaricious, f. zadnă, n. zădno W Cz. zădny (obs.) ‘avid’; Pl. zqdny ‘eager, anxious’ ‘zica 561 S SCr. zedan ‘thirsty’, f. zedna, n. zedno; Cak. zedan (Vrg.) ‘thirsty’, f. zedna, n. zedno; Sln. zţdm ‘thirsty’; Bulg. zăden ‘thirsty’; zăden ‘thirsty’; zeden (dial.) ‘thirsty’ See ^ ‘zţdăti. ‘zşti I v. (b) ‘press, squeeze’ CS SerbCS zţti, 1sg. zbmg E Ru. zat’, 1sg. zmu, 3sg. zmet S SCr. zeti, 1sg. zmem PIE ‘g(e)m- Cogn. Gk. yevTo (Il.) 3sg. aor. med. ‘grasped’; Nw. kumla ‘knead, squeeze’ The primary meaning of Latv. gumt ‘seize’ seems to be ‘bend, stoop’. I wonder if this verb belongs here (pace LIV: 186). ‘zşti II v. (b) ‘reap, mow’ CS OCS zţti, 1sg. zbnjg, 1sg. zbng (Sav.) E Ru. zat’, 1sg. znu, 3sg. znet W Cz. ziti, 1sg. znu; Slk. zat’, 1sg. znem; Pl. zqc, 1sg. znţ S SCr. zeti, 1sg. zânjem; Cak. zeti (Vrg.), 2sg. zenes; zet (Hvar), 1sg. zănem; zet (Orb.), 1sg. zanjen; Sln. zţti, 1sg. zănjem; Bulg. zăna BSl. ‘gen?-/‘gin?- B Lith. geneti ‘prune, hem’; Latv. dzenet ‘id.’ LIV (215) suggests that ‘zţti goes back to a nasal present of the root ‘live’, which is reconstructed as ‘gwieh3. I consider this unlikely. I prefer a connection with the above-mentioned Baltic forms, even though these words are usually assigned to the root ‘gwhen- ‘strike, which would be in conflict with the tone of the Slavic root. See also: ‘zştva ‘zştva f. â (a) ‘harvest’ CS OCS zţtva E Ru. zătva W Cz. zatva; Slk. zatva S SCr. zetva; Cak. zetva (Vrg., Hvar, Orb.); Sln. zţtva; zţtdv f.(i), Gsg. zţtve; Bulg. zătva See ^ ‘zţti II. ‘zica f. jâ (a) ‘thread, wire’ E Ru. zica (dial.) ‘coloured woollen yarn’ S SCr. zica ‘wire, rope, thread’; Cak. zica (Vrg., Novi, Orb.) ‘wire, rope, thread’; Sln. zica ‘thread, wire’; Bulg. zica ‘thread, wire’ 562 *zidiki B Lith. gija 4 ‘thread (in warp)’; Latv. dzija ‘thread’ See ^ *zila. *zidiki adj. o ‘liquid, watery’ CS CS zidbkb ‘watery’ E Ru. zidkij ‘liquid, watery’; zidok ‘liquid, watery, f. zidkă, n. zidko W Cz. zidky ‘liquid, watery’ S SCr. zidak ‘liquid, watery’; Sln. ziddk ‘liquid, fluid, flexible, weak’, f. zidka The etymological connection with Gk. 8sIoa f. ‘slime, filth’ does not seem very likely. A better candidate is perhaps Arm. gej moist’ < *ghoidh-. *zila f. â (a) ‘vein, sinew, tendon’ CS OCS zila ‘vein, sinew, tendon’ E Ru. zila ‘vein, sinew, tendon’ W Cz. zila ‘vein’; Slk. zila ‘vein’; Pl. zyta ‘vein’ S SCr. zila ‘tendon, vein, root’; Cak. zila (Vrg., Hvar) ‘tendon, vein, root’; zila (Orb.) ‘vein, root’; Sln. zila ‘vein, sinew’; Bulg. zila ‘vein, sinew’ BSl. *gi?(s)la? B Lith. gysla ‘vein’; Latv. dzî(k)sla ‘vein’ OPr. pettegislo ‘Ruckenader’ If *zila is cognate with Lat. filum n. ‘thread’, Arm. jit ‘sinew’, we may reconstruct *gwHH-l-(eh2). There is an alternative etymology, according to which *zila is cognate with Skt. jiyă, jyă f. ‘bow-string’, Av. jiiă f. ‘bow-string’, Gk. Pioq m. ‘tendon, bow-string, MW gieu Npl. ‘sinews, tendons’, which have a root *gwiH-. The presence of *-l-makes the former option more attractive. See also: *zica *ziti v. (c) ‘live’ CS OCS ziti, isg. zivg E Ru. zit’, isg. zivu, 3sg. zivet W Cz. ziti; Slk. zit’; Pl. zyc S SCr. zivjeti, isg. zivim; Cak. zîv'iti (Vrg.), 2sg. zives; zivet (Orb.), isg. zîven; Sln. ziveti, isg. zivim BSl. *g^i(w)- B Lith. gyventi; Latv. dzîvuot OPr. giwît PIE *gwh3i(-u)- Cogn. Skt. jivati; Lat. vivo See also: *gojiti; *gojb; *zito; *zivica; *zivot^; *ziv^ The position of the laryngeal is based on end-stressed forms such as Ru. zila f. ‘lived’. ‘zivoti 563 ‘zito n. o (a) ‘grain, corn’ CS OCS zito ‘corn, fruits’ E Ru. zito ‘corn’; Ukr. zyto ‘rye’ W OCz. zito ‘corn’; Pl. zyto ‘rye’ S SCr. zito ‘corn, wheat’; Cak. zito (Vrg.) ‘barley’; zito (Orb.) ‘grain’; zito (Cres) ‘wheat’; Sln. zito ‘corn’; Bulg. zito ‘corn’ BSl. ‘geit- OPr. geytye (EV), geits (Ench.) ‘bread’ PIE ‘gweHi-to- Cogn. W bwyd ‘food, meat’ In view of the Old Prussian and Welsh forms (note that in this case the vocalism of Old Prussian forms cannot reflect ‘î because is also found in the vocabularies), we must reconstruct ‘e-grade. Since in an o-stem neuter fixed root stress must result from Hirt’s law, we are confronted with the problem that ‘gweHi-to- is impossible because of the o-colouring laryngeal of the root for ‘live’ (see also Derksen 1996: 117). If we wish to maintain e-grade, there are several options. First, we may reconstruct a full grade ‘gweih3-to- based on a metathesized variant of the root (cf. ^ ‘gojiti). Second, we may assume that the full grade was created after the Balto-Slavic the merger of the laryngeals, thus abandoning the direct connection with Welsh. Third, the root may be considered to be a variant with ‘hi, for which there is evidence in Greek (cf. Beekes 1969: 248-249). See also: ‘gojb; ‘ziti; ‘zivica; ‘zivoti; ‘zivi ‘zivica f. jâ E Ru. zivica ‘soft resin’; Ukr. zyvycja ‘soft resin’ W Cz. zivice ‘bitumen’; Slk. zivica ‘resin’; Pl. zywica ‘resin’ Cogn. OIr. bl ‘pitch’; Arm. kiw ‘tree pitch, mastic, chewing gum’ A derivative of ‘gwh3i-u- ‘live’. See also EIEC: 500a. See also: ‘gojiti; ‘gojb; ‘ziti; ‘zito; ‘zivoti; ‘zîvi ‘zivoti m. o (b) ‘life’ CS OCS zivoti ‘life, living creature’ E Ru. zivot ‘belly, stomach, (arch.) life, (obs., dial.) animal’ W Cz. zivot ‘life’; Slk. zivot ‘life’; Pl. zywot ‘life’ S SCr. zivot ‘life, scrotum, Gsg. zivota; Cak. zivot (Vrg.) ‘body’ Gsg. zivota; zivot (Orb.) ‘lower part of the back, life’, Gsg. zivota, Gsg. zivota; Sln. zivot ‘life, body’, Gsg. zivota; Bulg. zivot ‘life’ BSl. ‘g?iwot- B Lith. gyvată f. 2 ‘life’ OPr. giwato (EV) ‘life’ A derivative of ‘gwh3i-u- ‘live’. 564 *zîvb See also: *gojiti; *gojb; *ziti; *zito; *zivica; *zivb *zîvb adj. o (c) ‘alive’ CS OCS zivb E Ru. zivoj W Cz. zivy; Slk. zivy; Pl. zywy S SCr. zfv, f. ziva; Cak. zîv (Vrg.), f. zîva, n. zîvo; Sln. zîv, f. zîva; Bulg. ziv BSl. *g?iwos B Lith. gyvas; Latv. dzîvs OPr. gijwans Apl. PIE *gwh3i-u-o- Cogn. Skt. jîvă-; Lat. vîvus See also: *gojiti; *gojh; *ziti; *zito; *zivica; *zivot^ *zuna f. â (a) S Bulg. zuna ‘lip’ BSl. *zjou?na? B Lith. ziăuna i ‘jaw, jaw-bone, gill’; Latv. zaunas Npl. i ‘jaw’ See ^ *zbvati. *zuriti v. ‘rage’ E Ru. zurit’ (coll.) ‘reprove, scold’, isg. zurju, 3sg. zurit; zurit’sja (dial.) ‘grieve, quarrel’, isg. zurjus’, 3sg. zuritsja W Cz. zuriti ‘rage, be furious’ {i}; Slk. zurit ‘rage, be furious’ {i}; Pl. zurzyc siţ (obs.) ‘be angry, rage’; LSrb. zuris ‘make sour, embitter’ S SCr. zuriti se ‘hurry, (dial.) complain’, isg. zurîm se; Sln. zuriti se ‘hurry’, isg. zurim se PIE *gheuro- Cogn. Skt. ghoră- (RV+) ‘terrible, terrifying’; Go. gaurs ‘sad’ (both with o-grade) According to Young (2002: iii-ii4), the West Slavic forms continue a denominative verb based on an unattested adjective corresponding to Lith. ziaurus ‘cruel, savage’, which he assumes to have the same root as Lith. zveris‘wild animal’ (*gheuhir-?). Like Vasmer and others, he connects the East and South Slavic forms with Skt. ghoră-‘terrible, terrifying’ and Go. gaurs ‘sad’. Since the meaning of the West Slavic forms may have been influenced by German sauer ‘sour, angry’ (perhaps through association with West Slavic *zun ‘sour mass used for soup or bread, which is regarded as a borrowing), I wonder if it is necessary to assume a different origin for the West Slavic forms on the one hand and the East and South Slavic forms on the other. {i} With dissimilation of *zur- to zur- in Czech (Machek i97i: s.v.). The Slovak form may be a borrowing from Czech. ‘zblti 565 ‘zbdati v. (c) ‘wait, await’ CS OCS zbdati, 1sg. zidg, 1sg. zbdg E Ru. zdat’, 1sg. zdu, 3sg. zdet W OCz. zdăti, 1sg. zdu S Sln. zdeti, 1sg. zdim BSl. ‘g(e)id- B Lith. geîsti ‘long for, desire’, 3sg. geîdzia; Latv. găidît ‘wait’ OPr. g(i)eide 3pl. ‘wait’ PIE ‘ghidh- Cogn. OHG gît m. ‘greed, desire’ ‘zbldeti v. ‘desire’ CS RuCS zlideti ‘desire’ S SCr. zudjeti (Vuk: SW) ‘desire’, 1sg. zudîm See ^ ‘goldi. ‘zblna f. â ‘woodpecker’ E Ru. zelnă (dial.) ‘black woodpecker’ W Cz. zluna ‘(z. zelenă) green woodpecker’; Slk. zlna ‘(z. zelenă) green woodpecker’; USrb. zoima ‘(corna z.) black woodpecker, (zelena z.) green woodpecker’ S SCr. zuna ‘(crna z.) black woodpecker, (zelena z.) green woodpecker’; zunja ‘(crna z.) black woodpecker, (zelena z.) green woodpecker’; zuja ‘(Srijem) oriole, (Backa) woodpecker’; Kajk. zouno (Bednja) ‘woodpecker’; Sln. zolna ‘(crna z.) black woodpecker, (zelena z.) green woodpecker’ BSl. ‘gil?na? B Lith. gilnă (BZ) ‘black woodpecker, blackbird’; Latv. dziîna ‘(melnă dz.) black woodpecker, (zală dz.) green woodpecker’ The root is ‘gwelH- ‘torment, sting, cf. ^ ‘zţdlo and Lith. gelti ‘sting, hurt’. See also: ‘zalb; ‘zeleti I; ‘zela ‘zbltb adj. o ‘yellow’ E Ru. zeltyj; zelt, f. zeltă, n. zelto, n. zelto {1} W Cz. zluty; Slk. zlty; Pl. zotty S SCr. zut, f. zuta; Cak. zut (Vrg., Hvar, Orb.), f. zuta, n. zuto; Sln. zoit, f. zoita; Bulg. zălt BSl. ‘gil?- B Lith. geltas 4; Latv. dzelts (dial) PIE ‘ghlh3- 566 ‘zbrny Cogn. Skt. hări- ‘fallow, yellowish, greenish’; Gk. ‘pale green, greenish yellow’; Lat. helvus ‘yellowish’; OHG gelo ‘yellow’ While ^ ‘zeleni ‘green’ has ‘z- < ‘g-, ‘zblti has ‘z < ‘g- as a result of the first palatalization. The depalatalized velar must originate from the zero grade, where it was followed by a syllabic resonant. This suggests that the e-vocalism of the East Baltic forms is secondary (Kortlandt 1978b: 240). {1} AP (b) in Old Russian (Zaliznjak 1985: 136). See also: ‘zelbje; ‘zolto; ‘zblcb ‘zbrny f. u ‘millstone’ CS OCS zriny f.(u) ‘millstone’; zrinovi m.(o) ‘millstone’ E Ru. zernov m.(o) ‘millstone’, Npl. zernovă W Pl. zarna f.(â) ‘handmill’ S SCr. zrvănj m.(jo) ‘handmill’; Sln. zfnsv f. ‘handmill, Gsg. zfnve BSl. ‘gir?nu? B Lith. girna f.(â) 1 ‘millstone’; Latv. dzirnas Npl. f.(â) ‘millstone’; dzirnus Npl. f.(u) ‘millstone’; dzirnavas Npl. f.(â) ‘millstone’ OPr. girnoywis (EV) ‘handmill’ PIE ‘gwrh2-n-uH- Cogn. Skt. grăvan- (RV+) m. ‘pressing-stone’; Go. asilu-qairnus ‘donkey-mill’ ‘zbrti; ‘zerti v. ‘sacrifice’ CS OCS zrbti, 1sg. zbrg; zreti, 1sg. zbrg E ORu. zereti, 1sg. zbru; zreti, 1sg. zbru; zrbti, 1sg. zbru BSl. ‘gir?- B Lith. girt ‘praise’; Latv. dzirt ‘praise, (-ies) swank, boast, intend long for’ (usually reflexive) OPr. girtwei ‘praise’ PIE ‘gwrH- Cogn. Skt. grnăti ‘greet, praise’ See also: ‘gorni; ‘zbrcb; ‘zbrtva ‘zbrtva f. â ‘sacrifice’ CS OCS zrbtva ‘sacrifice’ E Ru. zertva ‘sacrifice, victim’ S Sln. zrtva ‘sacrifice’; zftsv f.(i) ‘sacrifice, Gsg. zrtve Noun in ‘-tva derived from ^ ‘zbrti. See also: ‘gorni; ‘zbrcb; ‘zbrti *zhvati 567 *zbrbcb m. jo ‘priest’ CS OCS zrbcb ‘priest’ E Ru. zrec ‘priest (of a pagan religion)’, Gsg. zrecă S Bulg. zrec ‘priest’ Agent noun in *-bcb derived from ^ *zbrti. See also: *gorn^; *zhrti; *zbrtva *zbvâti v. (c) ‘chew’ CS SerbCS zbvati, isg. zuju; RuCS zbvati, isg. zuju, isg. zbvg E Ru. zevăt’, isg. zuju, 3sg. zuet W Cz. zvăti (dial.), isg. zvu; OCz. zvăti, isg. zuju; Slk. zut, isg. zujem; Pl. zuc, isg. zujţ PIE *gieuH- Cogn. Toch. B suwam ‘eat’; OHG kiuwan ‘chew’ See also: *zuna REFERENCES Adams, D.Q. (i999). A dictionary of Tocharian B (Leiden Studies in Indo-European io). Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi. Andersen, H. (i996). Reconstructing prehistorical dialects: initial vowels in Slavic and Baltic. 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Slavic 585 4.1 Sanskrit 1.1 Church Slavic 585 4.2 Avestan 1.1.1 Old Church Slavic 585 4.3 Late Avestan 1.1.2 Church Slavic (unspecified) 593 4.4 Ossetic 1.1.3 Middle Bulgarian 595 5. Italic 1.1.4 Russian Church Slavic 595 5.1 Latin 1.1.5 Serbian Church Slavic 597 5.2 Old Latin 1.1.6 Croatian Church Slavic 597 5.3 Medieval Latin 1.2 East Slavic 597 5.4 French 1.2.1 Russian 597 5.5 Spanish 1.2.2 Old Russian 610 5.6 Romanian 1.2.3 Ukrainian 613 5.7 Lombardian 1.2.4 Old Ukrainian 616 5.8 Piemontese 1.2.5 Belorussian 616 6. Celtic 1.2.6 Old Belorussian 617 6.1 Old Irish 1.3 West Slavic 617 6.2 Middle Irish 1.3.1 Czech 628 6.3 Modern Irish 1.3.2 Old Czech 628 6.4 Old Welsh 1.3.3 Slovak 630 6.5 Middle Welsh 1.3.4 Old Slovak 639 6.6 Welsh 1.3.5 Upper Sorbian 639 6.7 Old Cornish 1.3.6 Lower Sorbian 640 6.8 Breton 1.3.7 Polish 641 6.9 Gaulish 1.3.8 Old Polish 652 7. Germanic 1.3.9 Slovincian 653 7.1 Gothic 1.3.10 Kashubian 655 7.2 Old Icelandic 1.3.11 Polabian 655 7.3 Norwegian 1.4 South Slavic 655 7.4 Swedish 1.4.1 Serbo-Croatian 655 7.5 Old Swedish 1.4.2 Cakavian 667 7.6 Danish 1.4.3 Kajkavian 676 7.7 Old English 1.4.4 Slovene 676 7.8 Middle English 1.4.5 Bulgarian 689 7.9 Modern English 1.4.6 Macedonian 696 7.10 Old High German 2. Baltic 697 7.11 Middle High German 2.1 Lithuanian 697 7.12 Modern High German 2.2 Old Lithuanian 704 7.13 Middle Low German 2.2 Latvian 704 7.14 Old Saxon 2.3 Old Prussian 709 7.15 Middle Dutch 3. Greek 711 7.16 Modern Dutch 3.1 (Old) Greek 711 8. Hittite 3.2 Modern Greek 713 9. Tocharian B 4. Indo-Iranian 713 10. Armenian 713 716 716 716 716 716 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 721 722 723 723 723 723 723 723 723 725 725 725 725 725 725 726 726 726 584 INDICES 11. Albanian 726 13.3 Livonian 12. Ancient Macedonian 726 13.4 Hungarian 13. non-Indo-European 726 13.4 Mongolian 13.1 Finnish 726 13.5 Arabic 13.2 Estonian 726 INDICES 585 1. Slavic ...di .............. 47 bbzdrejg ................ ....... 69 bl ţ ..............48 ce ......................... ........74 s tat st lb bl 1.1 Church Slavic bo .................. .............. 49 celiti....................... ........74 bogati............ .............. 50 celovati.................. ........74 1.1.1 Old Church Slavic bogi................ .............. 50 celi ........................ ........75 a ......................... .........25 bojati sţ.......... .............. 50 cena....................... ........75 abliko................... .........26 bojaznb........... .......50, 258 ceniti ..................... ........75 agnţ....................... .........26 bole................. ...............52 cesta....................... ........76 agnbcb................... .........26 boleti............... ............... 51 cestiti..................... ........76 agoda.................... .........27 bolje................ ...............52 cevbnica................ ........77 aice........................ .........27 bolii................. ...............52 cveti...................... ...... 258 ako ........................ ........28 bolb................. ...............54 cvisti...................... ......259 alceni................... .......366 bosti................ ...............59 cajati..................... ........78 £ 29,367 brada.............. ...............55 carodei .................. ........78 al alikati.................. ...... 367 branb.............. ...............57 cary....................... ........78 alinii.................... .......368 brasbno........... ...............57 casi ....................... ........79 astera .................... .........30 brati (sţ)........ ...............57 celedijg.................. ....... 80 ave......................... .........30 bratija ............ ..............60 celo ........................ ....... 80 aviti....................... .........30 bratrija........... ..............60 cesati..................... ........86 azi........................ .........31 bratri............. ..............60 cetvori .................. ........86 baba...................... ........ 32 brati............... ..............60 cetvrbti................. ........87 bali(i)................... ........ 32 brazda ............ ...............59 cetyre..................... ........87 balovanije............. ........ 33 .i ...............37 cţdo ....................... ........88 g e r b balbstvo................ ........ 33 bremţ.............. ...............37 cţdb ....................... ........88 bedra..................... .........35 brezda............. .............. 36 cţsto....................... ........88 bez(i).................... ........38 bridiki........... .............. 62 cţsti...................... ........88 beda ...................... ..38, 39 britva.............. ...............63 cţstb....................... ........88 bediti..................... ........ 39 brinojg........... ..............66 ciniti...................... ........89 begati.................... ........ 39 brizdami....... ...............65 cini........................ ........89 beli....................... .........40 brysalo............ ..............66 cisti........................ ........89 besi....................... .........40 brbnije............ .............. 67 cistiti ..................... ....... 90 bezati.................... ........40 brbselije.......... ...............65 cisti....................... ....... 90 bicb........................ ........ 41 brbvbmi.......... ..............66 cloveki.................. ....... 80 biti......................... ........ 41 brbvbno .......... .............. 67 creda...................... ........ 81 blago ..................... .........51 brbzo............... .............. 70 cremosb................. ........82 i .........51 bui .................. .............. 68 crenovbnyjţ.......... ........83 lagi bl blato...................... .........53 burja............... .............. 68 crepbjgste.............. ........92 bledi ..................... .........42 bicela............. ...............72 cresla ..................... ........84 blţdb..................... ........44 bideti ............. .............. 68 crevo...................... ........85 blţsti...................... ........44 bidri.............. .............. 69 criminueti sţ..... ........ 91 bliscati sţ.............. ........44 bylije............... ...............71 crimbni ............... ........ 91 bliskati sţ.............. ........44 bystri ............. ...............71 crini..................... ........92 bliski .................... ........ 45 byti.................. ...............71 crita...................... ........93 blizi...................... ........46 bytije............... ...............71 crivb...................... ........93 bl’bvati.................. ........46 byvati ............. ...............72 crbvljeni............... ........93 bljusti.................... ........46 bbcela ............. ...............72 cuditi sţ................. ....... 90 blgditi................... .........47 bbrati.............. ...............73 cudo....................... ........ 91 586 cuti.........................91 Cbstb........................94 CbtO.........................94 da ..........................94 dajati.......................95 dalece.......................95 dalja........................95 danb.........................95 dan..........................96 datel’b......................96 dati.........................96 -davati......................96 daviti.......................97 dazda........................94 debelbstvo...................98 desţtt......................100 desţtb......................100 desiti......................100 desnt.......................100 devţtt......................101 devţtb......................101 dedt........................101 dejati......................104 delati......................102 delitt......................102 dela........................102 delbma......................102 delo........................103 deti........................104 deti sţ.....................104 deva....................... 105 devica......................105 dira........................107 dirja.......................107 divesa..................... 108 divii...................... 108 diviti sţ...................108 divt........................108 divbnt......................109 dlanb.......................111 dltgota.....................133 dlbgt.......................133 do ........................ 109 doblb.......................109 dobn........................110 dgbt........................114 doilicb.....................110 doiti.......................110 INDICES dole.................... 112 dolu.................... 112 doma ................... 112 domt.....................113 dovbleti................ 114 dragt....................113 drevlje..................116 drevlbnb.................116 drevo.................... 99 drobent..................119 drobei ................. 118 drozdbjţ ............... 121 drggy....................121 drugb..............121, 122 druzina................. 122 dnkolb...................123 dnva.....................122 drbkolb ................ 123 drbzati..................136 drbzngti.................137 drbzt....................137 drbzati................. 137 dungti...................124 duping...................125 dusa.....................127 duxati...................124 duxt.....................124 dvon.....................128 dvbri....................128 dvbrb....................128 dtxngti..................129 dtxt.....................129 dtlgt....................129 dtmese sţ................114 dtmy.....................114 dtsti....................129 dtva.....................130 d(t)vogubbnt.............130 dvvoi....................131 dvzdb....................131 dyxati...................131 dymv.....................132 dzelo .................. 138 dzvezda ................ 195 dbbrb....................132 dbnb.....................134 dbnbsb ................. 135 dbrati...................135 ese.......................144 eten......................147 ţdri......................157 gadv......................160 gladg ....................228 gladv.....................173 glad'bkv..................162 glagolati.................174 glagoh....................174 glast.....................176 glava.....................176 glezne....................163 glţdati...................164 glgbokt...................166 glumiti sţ................167 glumt.....................167 gluxt.....................167 gnesti....................168 gnesb.....................171 gnevt.....................168 gnezdo....................169 gnijgstii.................169 gnoi......................170 gngsati sţ................170 gngsbm....................170 gnusbm....................171 gnusati sţ................171 gobedzie..................172 gobine....................171 gobbzjţstie...............172 godţ......................172 godina....................172 godt......................172 golenb....................174 golgbb....................175 golt......................176 goneti .................. 177 goniti................... 177 gora......................177 goreti....................178 gorii.....................179 gorje.....................179 gorbkt....................180 gospodint.................180 gospodb...................180 gostemt...................180 goveti....................181 govoriti..................181 govort...................181 ggba.....................182 gggtnivt.................183 grabiti..................185 gradt..............178, 185 gramada..................186 grant....................179 grazdt...................178 greti................... 186 grejati .................187 grţsti ................. 188 grext....................187 grizett................. 194 grobt....................190 gromt....................190 groza....................191 grozdt...................191 groznt...................191 groztnt..................192 grgbt................... 192 grtdt....................198 grtmţ....................195 grtmu (savekove)........194 grtnilt..................199 grtstijg................ 199 gubiti...................195 gumbno...................195 gvozdie..................196 gvozdii..................196 gtnati ..................197 gybati.................. 200 gybngti..................200 xapbjgste................202 xladt....................203 xladbnt..................204 xlebt....................202 xlţbb....................202 xljţbei..................202 xoditi...................202 xodt.....................203 xrabtrt..................204 xrabbrt..................204 xraniti..................205 xromt....................205 xudt.....................205 xuzdii.................. 205 i .................207, 208 ide .....................209 INDICES igo ...................... 209 igrati.................... 209 igrb...................... 209 imati................ 141, 211 imeti......................211 imţ........................212 inii ..................... 213 inokt......................212 int........................212 isţkngti...................450 iskati.....................214 iskra......................214 iskrb......................217 iskrbnii...................217 istesa.....................215 istese.....................215 istt.......................215 istbng.....................505 iti .......................216 iz ....................... 217 izlaziti ................. 269 izlesti....................275 izliti ................... 280 izmrbmbrgtt................217 izoba......................547 izuti......................218 jadra......................150 jadt.......................150 jadb.......................150 jagnbcb.....................26 jaxati.....................151 jako....................... 28 jakt....................... 28 jama ...................... 28 jarostb....................152 jart.......................152 jarbmt..................... 28 jasnt..................... 153 jasti..................... 154 jave........................30 javiti......................30 jazva..................... 155 jţcbnent...................157 jţcbnt.....................157 jedinako ................. 138 jedint ................... 138 jţdro..................... 157 jţdza......................157 587 jed(t)va...................139 jedbnako ................. 138 jedbnt ................... 138 jelenb.....................140 jese.......................144 jesmb......................146 jestt......................146 jeste......................146 jezero.................... 148 jezert.................... 148 jţti ..................... 158 jţzykt.....................159 jugt ......................207 junt...................... 208 jutre..................... 510 jutro .................... 510 juze.......................207 kadilo ................... 218 kaditi.................... 218 kajati sţ ................ 219 kakt ..................... 219 kalt ......................220 kamy.......................220 kasati sţ..................221 kazati.....................222 kaziti.....................222 kaznb......................222 klasti.....................222 klast......................230 klati......................230 klatiti....................230 kletb......................224 klţcţsta...................225 klicati....................225 kljuciti sţ................226 kljucb.....................226 klokotati..................226 kltcase....................227 kobb.......................227 kogda......................227 kokosb ....................228 kokott.....................228 koleno.....................228 koli.......................229 koliko.....................229 kolo.......................229 kolt.......................231 konb.......................231 588 INDICES konbcb............... .......... 232 krivb ............ ...............254 lisi...................... .........279 kopati............... ...........233 krivbni........ ...............253 -liti..................... ........ 280 kopije............... .......... 234 kudţti .......... ...............255 lizaase................ ........ 280 kgpina............... .......... 243 kujajgsta ...... ...............255 ljubiti ................. ......... 281 kopri................ ...........233 kupi.............. .............. 256 ljubo ................... ......... 281 korţ.................. .......... 237 kurenije........ ...............257 ljubi................... ......... 281 koreci ............... .......... 237 kuriti sţ....... ...............257 ljuby.................. ......... 281 korenb.............. .......... 237 kuri .............. ...............257 ljudini ............... .........282 koricţ............... ...........235 kvasi ............ ...............258 ljudbje................ .........282 koriti................. ...........235 kypeti............ .............266 ljuti................... .........283 kgsati ................ .......... 243 kyselu............ .............. 267 lobizati.............. .........283 kosngti sţ.......... .......... 239 kyvati............ .............. 267 lokivi ................. .........284 kgstţ................. ..........244 ki ................ ...............259 lomiti.................. .........284 kostb.................. .......... 239 kide.............. ...............259 lono .................... ......... 285 kosb ................... ..........240 kii................ .............. 260 lopata................ ......... 285 koterii............. ..........240 kikinu........ .............. 260 loviti................... .........286 kotora.............. ..........240 kito............... .............. 264 lovi..................... .........286 kotorii............. ..........240 kiznb............ .............. 264 loza..................... .........286 kgti.................. ..........244 ladii.............. ...............367 loze.................... .........287 kovati................ .......... 241 lajati............. ......267, 268 lozesna.............. .........287 koza................... ..........242 lakati ............ ...............367 lgciti ................... .........288 koza................... ..........242 lakomyi........ ...............367 lgga..................... .........288 kozbli.............. ..........242 lakitb ........... .............. 368 lgka..................... .........288 krabii............... .......... 234 lanita............ .............. 369 lgkavi ................ .........289 krada................ .......... 234 laskaase........ .............. 269 lgki..................... .........289 krai................... ..........244 ledi............... .............. 270 luca..................... ........290 krasojg .............. ..........245 lesti ............... .............. 270 luciti sţ............... ........290 krasta............... ...........235 lemesb........... ..............271 luna.................... ......... 291 krasti................. ..........245 leteti.............. ..............271 ligati.................. .........294 krasbni............ ..........246 lezati............. ..............271 liza..................... .........294 krati................ .......... 236 legati............. ...............272 liZb.................... .........295 krepi................ ..........246 lexa............... ...............272 lysto................... .........296 krepiki............. ..........246 lenivi............ ...............272 lbgiki................. .........297 kricati ............... ..........247 leni............... ...............273 lbstb................... .........298 krilo................... ..........247 lepi............... ...............274 lbze ..................... .........296 krinicg .............. ..........248 lesi................ ..............274 mali................... ........ 300 krggi................ ...........251 leto................ ..............274 maslo.................. .........302 krome............... ..........249 letb ................ ...............275 mastb................. .........302 kropiti.............. ..........249 levi ............... ...............275 materbstva......... .........303 krotiti................ ..........250 lţcgti ............ .............. 276 mati.................... .........303 krotiki............ ..........250 lţdvijţ........... .............. 276 mazati................ .........304 krovi................ ..........250 lice ................ .............. 278 mecb ................... .........305 krupica ............. .......... 252 lixo................ .............. 278 medvedb............. ........ 306 kry.................... .......... 254 lixi................ .............. 278 medi .................. ........ 306 kryti .................. .......... 254 lijati.............. .............. 297 mene................... .........308 krikngti........... .......... 262 liki................ .............. 278 metati................. .........309 krima.............. .......... 262 lisiti............... .............. 280 mezdaxi........... .........305 kripa............... .......... 263 listi............... .............. 279 mezdju.............. .........305 mezdu....................305 medb.....................309 meniti...................312 menitt ................. 311 mera.....................312 meriti...................312 mesţcb...................312 mesimt...................313 mela.....................310 mena.................... 311 mesto....................313 mext.....................309 mţ.......................314 mţktkt...................314 mţso.....................315 mţsti .................. 315 milt.....................317 mimo.....................317 mingti...................318 minovati.................318 mirt.....................318 mite.....................318 mladenbcb................322 mladenbcb................322 mladt....................323 mladbnt .................323 mladbnbcb............... 322 mlatt....................323 mleko .................. 307 mleti................... 307 mltni(i).................333 mltva....................333 mltviti................. 334 mlbcati..................340 mnogo....................334 mociti.................. 320 mgciti.................. 328 mgditi...................330 mgdrt....................329 moi..................... 322 mgka.....................329 mokrti...................322 moliti ................. 320 monisto..................324 morje....................325 mort ................... 326 mostt....................326 mostb....................321 INDICES mosti.................. 321 mosbna..................327 motyky..................327 mozdant.................328 mgtiti..................329 mgzb....................330 mrakt...................325 mrazt...................326 mreti.................. 308 mreza ................. 308 mrtzeti................ 342 mrbkngti................341 mrbtvt..................342 muditi .................330 muxa....................330 mtdlostb................332 mtnogt..................334 mtzda...................343 my......................336 myslb...................337 myst....................337 mysbca..................337 myti....................338 myto....................338 mbcimi ................ 331 mbcbtt..................338 mbgla...................338 mbne................... 340 mbneti..................340 mbnje...................341 mbnii...................341 mbstiti.................343 mbstb...................343 mbzda...................343 na .................... 344 nacţti..................345 nadt....................345 naglo...................345 nagt....................345 namaiaaxg ............. 299 narodt................. 346 nast....................346 natruti.................499 naustiti............... 346 ne .....................347 nebo....................347 nebogt..................348 nebresti................ 36 589 nedggt....................348 negodovati................348 nejţsyti..................348 nektto....................349 neraditi..................432 neroditi..................437 nesti.....................350 neuvţdajgstiimt..........511 nevesta...................351 nevodt....................351 neze......................352 ni ...................... 352 ni ze.................... 354 nicett .................. 352 nicb..................... 352 nistb.................... 353 nizt .................... 354 niva......................354 noga......................354 nogttb....................355 nositi....................356 nostb.....................355 nozdri................... 357 nozb..................... 358 ngditi................... 358 ngzda.....................359 nravt.................... 356 nuditi....................358 nuzda.....................359 ny .......................336 nyne..................... 360 nynja.................... 360 nt ...................... 360 o, ob, obi................361 oba...................... 361 obestati..................361 oblakt....................362 obresti...................362 obuti.................... 363 obbstb....................363 odoleti...................363 odrt......................364 odtlekt...................382 ognb......................364 gglb......................385 ggtlt.....................385 oimi..................... 365 oko...................... 365 . 188 . 193 409 409 409 .410 ..411 . 412 . 412 . 412 . 342 .414 .467 . 416 . 417 . 417 496 . 415 . 415 . 415 . 416 . 559 420 . 413 . 418 . 413 . 395 .396 . 419 . 419 . 419 420 . 273 . 297 449 449 476 420 ... 61 420 420 ..133 . 421 . 421 280 . 382 . 421 . 421 INDICES . 369 ..371 . 372 . 372 . 374 . 372 . 374 . 374 ..375 . 376 . 378 ..381 . 378 . 378 . 379 . 379 ..381 .380 .380 ..381 . 382 . 383 . 383 . 382 . 382 . 441 . 383 . 383 . 384 . 384 . 384 . 547 . 387 . 387 . 387 . 388 . 389 . 389 ..391 .390 .390 .390 ..391 ..391 . 392 . 392 ..391 . 393 pazuxa....................392 pazitb....................393 pelena................... 394 pergti .................. 427 pesti.....................393 pestb.....................393 pegoty....................397 peny......................397 pesiki .................. 398 pesb......................398 peti..................... 398 pţdb .................... 398 pţta..................... 399 pţti..................... 399 pţtb......................400 pisati................... 430 piskati...................400 pista.....................401 pitati....................401 piteti....................401 piti .....................401 pivo......................402 plakati (sţ)..............402 plamy.....................411 platbno...................411 plavati...................403 plavi.....................412 plesno....................403 plesnbce..................403 pleste....................404 pletomi...................403 pleni.................... 394 plevoma.................. 394 plevy.....................395 pljusta...................405 plbvati...................402 ploski....................406 ploti.....................406 plu.......................406 pliki.................... 424 plbni.................... 426 plbzati...................427 po ...................... 407 pociti....................408 pocreti....................84 podoba....................408 podragi...................408 408 pogrţzngti.... pogrgziti...... poili ......... pojasi......... pokoi ......... poleti ........ polje.......... poli .......... polbdza........ polbza......... pomrizngti.. posetiti ...... postigngti..... pgcina ........ pgta........... pgtb .......... potopiti....... poti........... povingti ...... pozde.......... pozdbni ....... pozreti........ pra-........... pragi.......... pravi.......... praxi.......... pre-........... predi.......... prţdgti........ pri ........... prijatelb ..... prijati........ prilepiti...... prilbngti...... prisţgngti..... prisţsti sţ ... prisvţngti..... pro-........... probrezgi...... proceje........ procb.......... prodbljg....... prokyi......... proki.......... proliti ....... proroki ....... proseati....... prositi........ INDICES 591 prostreti......... .............421 roditi.......................... ..437 smrbdeti.......... ...........457 prosti............. .............421 rodi ........................... ..437 snegi................ ............457 prostbreti....... ............ 421 rogi............................ . 438 sokomi............ ............459 protivo ........... .............422 roki ........................... . 438 solb .................. ........... 461 protivg............ .............422 rosa............................ . 438 sovaati............ ...........462 protivi............ .............422 rovy............................ . 436 sg- ................... ...........462 provresţ.......... .............422 rovi........................... . 439 sgdi.................. ...........462 prozţbngti...... .............543 rgka ........................... . 439 sgdii................. ...........462 prggi............... .............422 runo............................ 440 sgditi ............... ...........463 prbsi ............... .............429 rydati......................... .441 sgdi.................. ...........463 prbsti............. .............428 rylo.............................. .441 sgki.................. ...........463 prbstb ............. .............429 ryti.............................. 442 spexi ............... .......... 464 prbvi............... .............430 saditi.......................... 442 spesiti............... .......... 464 pustiti............. ............424 sadi ........................... 442 speti.................. .......... 464 pusti............... ............424 sedmi........................ . 443 sreda................ .......... 444 pitica.............. ............ 425 sedmb ........................ 443 srbdbce............. ............485 pytati.............. ............ 425 selo.............................. 444 stado................. .......... 464 pbcbli............. .............426 sestra .......................... 445 stani ............... ............465 pbkili............ .............426 sedeti ......................... 445 stari................. ............465 pbreti.............. .............428 sejati...................447, 448 stati.................. ............465 pbsati ............. .............430 semţ........................... . 446 staviti............... .......... 466 pbsi................ .............431 seno............................ 446 stegno............... .......... 466 rabota............. .............373 senb............................ 447 stenati.............. .......... 466 rabi................ .............373 sesti............................. 447 stenb................. ...........467 raciti................ .............431 sesti............................. 446 stogi................. .......... 468 radi................. ............ 432 seti......................447, 448 stojati............... .......... 468 raditi.............. ............ 432 setb............................. . 448 stol................... .......... 468 radbma........... ............ 432 severi ........................ . 448 strana.............. .......... 469 ralo.................. ............ 373 sijati............................ 450 strazb................ .......... 469 ramo............... .............375 sila ............................. ..451 stresti............... ...........467 rasti................ ............ 376 silo ............................. 450 stristi................ .......... 469 ratb.................. ............ 376 skrbzbti..................... ..338 struja............... .......... 470 raz-.................. ............ 377 slabi .......................... ..452 strupi.............. .......... 470 razdraziti........ ............. 115 sladiki...................... . 459 studeni............ ............471 razoriti........... ............ 432 slana........................... 460 studi................ ............471 rebro............... ............ 433 slani........................... 460 stbblije.............. ............472 remenb........... ............ 433 slatina ....................... ..461 stbdza............... ............472 resti ................ ............ 433 slava........................... .453 stbgna.............. ............472 retb.................. ......143, 433 sliny........................... .453 stblati .............. ............473 revy................ .............436 slovo........................... 454 stbza ................. ............472 recb................. .............434 sluxi........................... . 455 suea.................. ............474 redikyjţ......... .............434 slusati......................... . 455 suxi................. ............473 rejati............... .............434 sluti............................ .455 surovi ............. ............474 reka................. .............434 slysati.......................... . 455 susiti................ ............474 rţdi................. .............436 slinbce....................... . 479 svekry.............. ............475 ringsţ sţ.......... .............436 smexi........................ .456 svţti ................ .......... 476 robota ............ ............ 373 smijati sţ................... 456 svesta................ ............475 robi................ ............ 373 smradi...................... .456 sveti ................ .......... 476 592 INDICES svinija.....................477 svint.......................477 svbteti sţ..................478 synt....................... 483 syrt................483, 484 syta........................484 st .........................478 st-.........................478 stdravt.....................478 stlati......................479 stlt........................480 stmeti......................480 stmrbtb.....................480 stnt ...................... 481 stpati......................481 stresti.................... 482 stsati..................... 482 stto....................... 482 stzori......................548 sb .........................484 sbxnease....................479 sestt.......................486 sestb.......................487 sibaaxg.....................487 stitt.......................486 sui.........................487 taiti.......................489 tajati......................489 tatb........................489 tesati......................491 tesnt.......................492 testi.......................489 teti........................491 tţzi........................493 tţzg........................493 tţztkt .....................494 tlesti .................... 490 tokt .......................494 toplt.......................490 tgga........................495 trava.......................496 travţstiima.................496 tretii......................497 treva.......................497 trţsti......................497 trije ......................499 trgdt.......................497 trudt.......................498 trupt.....................498 trtnt.....................505 trtstb....................499 trbstb....................499 trbzati...................505 tucbnt....................499 tukt .................... 500 turomt .................. 500 tvarb ................... 500 tvoriti...................501 tvort.....................501 tvrbdt....................501 tvrbdb....................501 tt .......................502 ttntcaje..................505 ttstt.....................502 ty .......................502 tysţsti...................503 tysgsti...................503 tblext....................504 tbleti................... 504 tbma......................504 tbmbnt....................505 u(-)......................506 ubalovati..................33 ubogt.....................506 uboi...................... 51 ubuditi .................. 67 uciti ................... 506 udariti...................507 ugasiti.................. 161 uxo.......................507 ukorizna..................258 umt ..................... 508 unii......................509 unei..................... 509 usta..................... 509 ustiti....................509 ustbna....................510 ustngti...................510 utoliti...................495 utre......................510 utro......................510 uvţsti....................511 uzda......................511 uzast.....................511 uze ..................... 207 vabimo ...................511 vaditi......................512 variti .....................512 vart........................512 vast........................513 vecert......................513 vedro ......................513 veleti..................... 514 velikt..................... 514 velbmi......................515 veprb.......................515 vesla.......................516 vesng ......................517 vesti.................517, 518 vettxt .....................517 vedeti..................... 518 vedro ..................... 518 veja....................... 519 vejati......................519 vekoma......................519 vera........................520 vestati.....................520 vetrt.......................520 vţzati......................521 videti......................521 vidt .......................521 viti........................522 vlaga.......................524 vlasti......................526 vlastb......................526 vlast.......................526 vlesti......................514 vlbkt...................... 536 vlbna ..................... 537 voda........................523 voditi......................523 voi ........................524 voint.......................524 voliti......................525 volja ..................... 525 vonja.......................527 vonbze......................531 voskt.......................529 vozy........................530 vragt.......................527 vrant...................... 528 vrata.......................529 vratiti sţ..................529 vremţ ..................... 516 INDICES 593 vresti.............. ..............515 znamenie ......... ...........545 zrbti.......................... ...566 vrbxi.............. ............. 538 znati ................. .......... 546 zrbtva....................... ...566 vrbsta............. ............. 538 znoi................... .......... 546 zbzli......................... ... 559 vrbtiti sţ........ ............. 539 zorjţ.................. .......... 548 vi(n).............. ............. 530 zgbi .................. .......... 549 1.1.2 Church Slavic vidova........... ............. 536 zraki ................ .......... 548 alcbni ...................... ...366 vidovica........ ............. 536 zrbno................ ........... 553 bali ........................... ..... 32 vikupe........... ............. 256 zverb ................. .......... 549 balovati.................... ..... 33 vikupi........... ............. 256 zvezda............... ...........195 basnb........................ .....34 vikupb........... ............. 256 zvţgoma........... ...........550 bebri........................ .....34 vingtrb.......... ............. 387 zvoni................ ...........550 blizi......................... .....45 vinozisţ......... ..............531 zvbneti.............. ...........550 blbski....................... .....48 vini............... ..............531 zide.................. .......... 544 bobri........................ .....34 vinizngti...... ..............531 ziloba............... ...........387 bosi.......................... .....59 vinbzi............ ..............531 zili................... ........... 551 bradatyi................... ..... 55 vipiti.............. ..............532 zivati................ ........... 551 bravi........................ .....58 visprţngti...... ............. 418 zbreli................ ...........552 breza ........................ .....38 visuje............. ..............532 zbreti................. ...........552 brezda...................... .....36 vitori............ ..............532 zbdati ............... ........... 551 briti sţ...................... .....63 vitoriniki .... ..............533 zaba.................. ...........553 briselb...................... .....65 viz.................. ..............533 zalb ................... ...........553 buditi ....................... .....67 vizbuditi....... ...............67 zazda................ .......... 560 buino........................ .....68 vy .................. ..............533 ze .................... ...........554 cediti ........................ .....74 vy- .................. ..............533 zela................... ...........556 cekati........................ .....79 vykngti........... ............. 534 zelati................. ........... 555 ci ............................ .....88 vysoki............ ..............535 zeleti................. ........... 555 cimb.......................... .....88 vbcera............. ............. 536 zelezo................ ........... 555 crediti....................... .....82 vbrţstţ............ ..............537 zena.................. ...........558 crepi......................... .....84 vbsb ................ ..... 539, 540 zesti................... ...........554 cresi ......................... .....85 zarja............... ..............541 zezli.................. ...........559 daleki ...................... .....95 zaustra........... ..............511 zeba .................. ...........553 davbno ..................... .....97 zautra............ .............510 zţdati................ .......... 560 detţ........................... ...104 zavbri............. ..............541 zţlo.................... .......... 560 doba ......................... ...109 zeleni............. ..............541 zţti.................... ...........561 dgga.......................... ....114 zţbomi........... ............. 543 zţtva ................. ...........561 dremati.................... ....117 zelije............... ............. 542 zila.................... ...........562 drobiti...................... ....118 zelo................. ..............138 ziti .................... ...........562 dino ......................... ... 130 zemlja............ ............. 542 zito.................... ...........563 esenb......................... ...144 zenica............. ............. 542 zivoti................ ...........563 gadati....................... ...160 zţtb................. ............. 543 zivi................... .......... 564 gaditi........................ ...160 zijati............... .............544 zlasti................. ...........556 gatati........................ ....161 zima............... .............544 zlesti.................. ...........556 glezna....................... ... 163 zingti.............. ............. 545 zbdati............... ...........565 glupi ........................ ... 167 zlato............... ............. 547 zrebii................. ...........558 goditi........................ ... 172 zlicb............... ..............552 zreti................... .......... 566 godbni..................... ....173 zlbcb ............... ..............552 zrinovi............ .......... 566 golemo...................... ... 174 zmii................ ............. 545 zriny................ .......... 566 ggsti.......................... ....183 zmija.............. ............. 545 zrbcb ................. ...........567 ggsti......................... ....183 594 grano......................179 grant......................179 grobt......................198 grobb......................198 grozdije...................191 xabiti ................... 201 xoxotati ................. 203 xomgtt ....................204 xrana .....................204 xvort......................206 xvrastt....................206 igla ..................... 210 igra.......................209 ikra...................... 210 ilt ...................... 211 jadro......................150 jadryi.....................157 jadb.......................150 jarina.................... 151 jato.......................154 jazda......................154 jţtry......................158 juxa.......................208 jbsttba....................215 kara.......................220 kasbljati..................221 kila.......................265 klakolt....................229 klegttati..................223 klekttati..................223 kora...................... 234 koryto ................... 237 kort...................... 237 kosa.......................238 koserja .................. 239 kotbcb.....................241 kgde...................... 243 kgst.......................243 krattkt....................236 krava......................236 kremy......................246 krikt......................247 krgglt.....................251 krgpeti....................251 krgpt......................251 krgtiti sţ.................251 krgtt......................252 kruxt .................... 252 INDICES krukt................ ...........252 meltkt ........... ......300, 310 krupa................ ...........252 mţkngti.......... ............. 314 krtxa ................ ...........253 mţti................ ...............315 krtnt................ .......... 262 mţzdra........... ............. 316 krtz(b)no......... ...........263 mlatiti............ ............. 323 kukonost.......... .......... 256 mlint.............. ..............319 kutiti................. ...........258 moca............... ..............319 ktsnt................ ...........263 modrt............ .............320 ktxngti............. .......... 260 molb............... ............. 323 ktsiti................. .......... 264 motriti............ ............. 327 kyla................... ...........265 mozgt............. ..............328 lacna................. ..........366 mozdivyi........ ..............336 lani................... .......... 369 mravii ............ .............326 lenb ................... ...........273 mrtzngti........ ..............342 lept................... ...........273 muzga............ ..............331 lţdvija............... .......... 276 mtdlt............. ............. 332 lţdvije............... .......... 276 mtmati.......... ..............334 lţdvijţ............... .......... 276 mtsica............ ............. 335 lţsti ................... ...........277 mykati............ ............. 337 libavt................ ...........277 mylo ............... ..............336 libevt................ ...........277 mysbca........... ..............331 libivt................. ...........277 mbcbta ........... ..............338 lisica ................. .......... 279 mbdlt............. ............. 332 ljudt................. ...........282 mbselt............ ..............343 ljutiti sţ............ ...........282 navb................ ..............347 loi .................... ...........283 netii................ ..............350 lokati................ ...........283 nikati.............. ............. 352 loni.................... .......... 369 nora................ ..............355 loziti.................. .......... 287 nost................ ............. 357 lgcije ................. .......... 288 novakt........... ............. 357 lgka................... .......... 288 nukati ............ ............. 359 ludt .................. .......... 290 nuriti.............. ............. 359 luza................... ...........293 nuta................ ............. 359 ltbt................... ...........293 ntne ............... ............ 360 lystt .................. .......... 296 nyrati ............. ............ 360 lbdza................. .......... 296 nyrjati............ ............ 360 lbneng............... .......... 297 obora.............. ..............362 lbnt................... ..........298 obblt.............. ..............363 maxati.............. ..........298 ocresti............. ...............85 makt ................ .......... 299 orext.............. ............. 374 mamiti ............. ...........301 osb .................. .............380 mamt............... ...........301 gty.................. .............387 maniti............... ...........301 palbcb............. ..............390 mangti.............. ...........301 pagkt ............. ............. 391 matort............. ...........303 para................ ............. 391 mazb................. .......... 304 paznogttb...... ..............393 medvedb........... ..........306 paznoxttb...... ............. 393 mesti................. .......... 308 paznokttb...... ..............393 pelest ................... 394 pero.......................396 platbno....................411 plesb......................405 poleno.....................410 polica.....................410 ponreti....................349 prasţ..................... 414 prati......................414 prysngti...................423 pupt.......................417 pbnb ..................... 427 pbrati.....................427 pbstrt.....................430 pbxati.....................426 rastţsti...................493 sedblo.....................443 sţstt......................450 slama .................... 459 slavoocije.................460 sgciti.....................462 sport .................... 481 srent .....................444 s(t)rbsenb.................485 strtzbnb...................471 sungti.....................474 svekrt.................... 475 svepiti sţ.................475 svraka.....................477 stenţ......................486 surb.......................488 tiskati....................494 tggt.......................495 trgdt......................497 tryti......................499 vedrt......................513 vladeti................... 524 vltga .................... 216 voziti sţ................. 530 vreteno....................516 vyplb......................535 zltva......................551 znamţ......................546 zasiti ................... 554 zidtkt.................... 562 zledica....................555 zleza......................557 INDICES 1.1.3 Middle Bulgarian ablanb ....................25 dbly......................134 golotb....................175 jelovo ................. 370 mbselt....................343 pgditi....................416 pggy......................416 1.1.4. Russian CS bajati.....................33 belent.....................35 bernije....................67 blana .....................52 blejati ...................43 bleskt.....................43 blţsti.....................44 bltxa..................... 47 bodlb......................49 borove.....................58 borzdo.....................70 bort ......................58 brenije .................. 67 bresti.....................61 brez(d)a...................36 bricb..................... 62 broditi ...................63 brodt......................64 bronii.................... 64 bronyi.....................64 brtsnuti...................65 brbnije................... 67 bubent.....................60 bubont.....................60 bbrnije....................67 ce ........................74 cadb ..................... 88 cara.......................78 celesbnyj................. 80 cemerb.....................81 cermnovatsja...............91 cerviti....................93 cesta......................76 cestiti....................76 crenovitt..................83 crenovitbcb................83 crent......................83 crbstvt................... 92 595 crbviti.....................93 cuti ...................... 91 cbrsti......................85 cbrstvt.....................92 cbrviti.....................93 dajati......................95 debelyj.....................97 delva..................... 134 delbvb.....................134 desiti.....................100 desnyj.....................100 delt...................... 103 desiti.....................100 dikyi......................107 djagt......................106 dltbsti....................134 doblii.....................109 doilica .................. 110 dolja......................111 dositi.....................114 drygatisja.................122 dupina.....................125 duplii.....................125 dvogubyj.................. 130 dtlbsti....................134 dtly.......................134 dbly.......................134 ezt........................155 gbezb......................196 glent..................... 163 glumiti....................167 glumt......................167 gnesb......................171 gnbsb .....................171 gobino ....................171 gobbzyi....................172 gobbzb ................... 172 golemyi....................174 golotb.....................175 gomola.....................177 gomula.....................177 goneti ................... 177 govno......................182 govort.....................196 grajati....................185 grakati .................. 186 gremezdb...................194 gremt......................194 596 INDICES grţsti ................. .......... 188 kliknuti.............. ..........225 nreti.................. ...........349 grţza ................. .......... 188 kljuciti............... ......... 226 oli.................... ...........370 grţziti................ .......... 188 klicati............... ..........227 oze .................... .......... 208 grţzja................ .......... 188 klbcati................ ..........227 gsi.................... ...........386 gromada........... .......... 190 korţ.................... ..........237 gziti.................. ...........387 gromezdb.......... .......... 194 korenb................ ..........237 plaxi................ ...........410 gromi............... .......... 194 kosa.................... ..........238 plasiti............... ............411 gruda................ ..........192 kosmi................ ..........238 plasti................ ...........402 grilo.................. ..........198 kosi.................... ..........239 plavi................ ........... 412 grimi............... .......... 194 kosb.................... ......... 264 plesnb............... .......... 404 grinilo .............. .......... 199 kotera ................ ......... 240 podragi............ .......... 408 grino................. .......... 199 krada................. ..........234 pomavati......... ...........299 grbmezdb.......... .......... 194 krakati............... ..........245 pyro.................. ...........425 grbmi................ .......... 194 kreceti............... ......... 246 pbkili .............. .......... 426 gugnati ............. ...........182 krina.................. ......... 248 sanb.................. ...........443 gvori................. ..........196 kriti.................... ......... 248 seri................... ...........447 gvozdii .............. ..........196 krosna................ ......... 249 slana................. .......... 460 gi(b)nuti.......... ...........197 krucina.............. ......... 250 slavii................. .......... 460 gibezb............... ..........196 krupyj................ .......... 251 slbpati.............. .......... 460 girkati.............. .......... 198 krbnuti .............. ..........254 snuti................. ...........457 girlo.................. ..........198 kukonosyj.......... ......... 256 soki.................. ...........459 girnilo .............. .......... 199 kupi................... ......... 256 srina................ ...........485 girno................. .......... 199 kiSb.................... ......... 264 strbzbnb........... ...........471 gyza................... ......... 200 kiznb................. ......... 264 svricati............ ...........477 xapati ............... ..........202 kyi..................... ..........265 sipori.............. ........... 481 xljabb................ ..........202 kypryj................ .........266 teki................... ..........490 xlgdi................. ..........202 lajati.................. ......... 268 teneto ............... ..........490 ide ..................... ..........209 letb ..................... ..........275 tesla.................. ...........491 ide ..................... ..........209 luciti .................. ......... 290 tonoto............... ..........490 inii..................... ...........213 lucitisja.............. ......... 290 tyti.................... ...........503 inije................... ...........213 lucb .................... ......... 290 ulii.................... ...........508 inogi................. ...........212 luspa.................. ......... 292 unje.................. ...........509 inokyj................ ...........212 mara.................. ..........301 velii................... ............515 iskrb.................. ...........217 melbziti............. ......... 308 vrana................ ........... 528 izgaziti.............. ...........162 mitusb............... ..........319 vrani................ ........... 528 jacati................. ...........156 mlesti................. ......... 307 vranyi............... ........... 528 jara.................... ........... 151 mlini................. ..........319 vilgiki ............ ...........536 jarţ.................... ........... 151 mozdeni ............ ..........328 vislepati .......... .......... 460 jarţbb................ .......... 142 mseli................. ..........343 zevati................ ...........542 jarina................ ........... 151 mbdblyi............. ..........332 zela................... ........... 556 jati..................... ...........158 mbdblbnyi......... ..........332 zeleti................. ............555 jatro .................. ...........158 nepityrb............ ..........350 zeludiki.......... ........... 556 jazbno ............... .............31 nereti................. ......... 349 zeludb............... ........... 556 (j)eteri ............ .......... 147 nestera............... ......... 349 zely................... ........... 557 (j)ezi ............... ...........155 netopyrb............ ..........350 zeravi............... ...........558 kii ..................... .......... 265 nicati ................. ..........352 zlideti.............. ........... 565 klegota.............. .......... 223 nicati ................. .......... 353 zbvati............... ...........567 klegitati............ .......... 223 niknuti .............. .......... 353 1.1.5 Serbian CS bedra........................35 bedro........................35 bricb....................... 62 brutt........................64 xvrastije...................206 (j)azno......................31 lijet...................... 275 mora........................324 gkotb.......................386 gzlt ...................... 388 pţstb.......................399 povrazt.....................415 ritb........................436 rgbt........................439 rtvati......................441 ryti........................442 sntxa ..................... 458 sociti..................... 458 strti.......................470 stbblo......................472 stbblb......................472 sbcati..................... 485 siti........................487 tajati......................489 treti.......................491 trutt.......................498 tylt........................503 vinjaga..................... 27 vgzlt...................... 388 zţti........................561 zbvati......................567 1.1.6 Croatian CS bront........................64 golotb......................175 1.2 East Slavic 1.2.1 Russian a ...........................25 ăgnec........................26 ălasnyj.....................366 ălcnyj......................366 alex........................371 ales........................371 alkăt’......................367 ălosnoj.....................366 INDICES băba.........................32 bagno........................33 băjala.......................33 bajati.......................33 balon’e......................53 balovăt’.....................33 băsnja...................... 34 băvit........................34 bcelă .......................72 bdet.........................68 bedă.........................38 bedtt’.......................39 bedră........................35 bedro........................35 begat’.......................39 bel ........................ 40 belen........................35 belenă.......................35 belentt’sja..................42 belyj........................40 berec .......................36 bereg........................37 beremja......................37 berest.......................37 bereza.......................38 berezaja.................... 36 berezaja.................... 36 bes..........................40 bez .........................38 bezăt........................40 bic’.........................41 bilo.........................41 bit’.........................41 bttva........................42 bledoj...................... 42 bledyj...................... 42 blejat’......................43 bleklyj..................... 48 bleknut’.....................48 blekot...................... 42 blekotă, blekota.............42 blekott......................42 blesk........................43 blevăt’......................46 blin....................... 319 bliskat’.....................44 blistăt’.....................44 bliz........................ 46 597 bUzkij......................45 bliznă......................45 bUzna.......................45 blizno......................45 bUzyj.......................45 bljad’......................44 bljusti.....................46 bljuznă.....................45 bloxă.......................47 blud........................47 bludtt’.....................47 bo ........................ 49 bober.......................34 bobr........................34 bodăt’......................49 bodr....................... 69 bodryj......................69 bog.........................50 bogătyj.....................50 boj.........................51 bojatsja....................50 bojăzn......................50 bol’........................54 bolee.......................52 bolet’......................51 bologo......................51 bologo......................51 bolon’, bolon’..............53 bolonă......................52 bolontt, bolonit’...........35 boloto......................53 bolozno.....................55 bol’sij.....................52 bor.........................58 borodă......................55 borodătyj...................55 boron.......................57 boronă......................56 borosno ................... 57 borot’......................57 borotsja....................57 borov.......................58 borozdă.....................59 bort’.......................69 borzoj, borzyj..............70 bosoj.......................59 bost’.......................59 bosti.......................59 598 brat........................60 brat’.......................73 brătja......................60 bred....................... 61 breden.....................352 bredit’.....................61 bresti......................61 brevno......................67 brezg...................... 61 brid ...................... 62 bridkij, bridkoj............62 brit’.......................63 britkij, britkoj............62 britva......................63 brjăknut’...................62 brjazzăt’...................62 brjuxo......................63 brod........................64 brodit’.....................63 brog....................... 56 brokăt’.....................65 brosăt’.....................65 brosnut’....................65 brost’......................65 brov’.......................66 brusnika....................64 bryd....................... 62 buben.......................60 bubnit’.....................60 bucăt’......................67 budit’......................67 bujnyj......................68 burja.......................68 bydlo.......................70 byl’e.......................71 bystryj.................... 71 byt’........................71 byt’e.......................71 byvăt’......................72 bzdet’.....................431 bzelă...................... 72 cedit’......................74 celit’......................74 celovăt’....................74 celyj...................... 75 cenă....................... 75 cenit’......................75 ceren.................83, 84 INDICES cevka...................... 76 cevbe.......................77 ciren.......................83 cren........................83 cvesti.....................259 cvet.......................258 cvetok ....................258 cad.........................77 cădo ...................... 88 căjat’......................78 căpat’......................73 carodej.....................78 căry....................... 79 cas ....................... 79 cast’.......................88 căsto...................... 88 căstyj .................... 88 cekăt’......................79 celjad’.....................80 celovek.................... 80 cemer.......................81 cemerica....................81 cered.......................81 ceredă......................81 ceredit’....................82 ceremnoj, ceremnyj........91 ceremsă ....................82 ceremuxa ...................82 ceremxa.....................82 ceren.......................83 ceren.......................83 ceren.......................92 ceren’......................83 cerep ..................... 84 ceresla.....................85 cereslo.....................85 cerevja.....................86 cerevlenyj..................93 cerevo, cerevo..............85 cerez.......................85 cernyj..................... 92 cerpat’.....................92 cerstvyj....................92 certă.......................93 cerv’.......................93 cervyty’....................93 cesăt’......................86 cesnok..................... 86 cest’........................94 cetvero......................86 cetvertyj....................87 cetyre.......................87 ceznut’......................87 cxăt’........................89 ci ..........................88 cin .........................89 cinit’.......................89 cistit’......................90 cistyj.......................90 cităt’.......................90 cixăt’.......................89 cren........................ 83 cto..........................94 cudit’.......................91 cudit’sja....................91 cudo........................ 91 cujat’.......................91 cut’.........................91 dal’.........................95 dalek........................95 dalekij......................95 dan’.........................95 dar......................... 96 dat’.........................96 dătel’.......................96 davăt’.......................96 dave.........................97 dăveca.......................97 davit’.......................97 dăvnij.......................97 debelyj......................97 debelyj......................97 debri.......................132 ded.........................101 degot’.......................98 dejat’......................104 del ....................... 103 delat’......................102 delit’......................102 delo........................103 den’........................134 derbă.......................135 deren .......................99 derevnja................... 136 derevo.......................99 dergat’.....................135 INDICES dernut’............... ..........136 doit’............................. . 110 derzăt’................ ..........137 dojlo............................ . 110 derzkij................ ..........137 dol .............................. . 112 derznut’............. ..........137 dolbtti...................133, 134 derzyj................. ..........137 dolg............................. 129 derzăt’................ ..........138 dolgij........................... . 133 desjat’................. .........100 dolgotă........................ . 133 desjătyj.............. .........100 dolja............................ 111 deslă................... ......... 106 dolon.......................... 111 desnă.................. ......... 106 doloto......................... . 112 det’..................... ......... 104 dom............................. ..113 deti..................... ......... 104 doma .......................... . 112 deva.................... ......... 105 domovoj, domovyj.... . 112 dever’................. ......... 105 doroga ........................ ..113 devica................. ......... 105 dorogoj....................... ..113 devjat’................ ..........101 dorozit’....................... . 116 devjătyj.............. ..........101 dovlet’......................... . 114 deză, deza.......... ......... 106 dozd’........................... ..131 dikij.................... ......... 107 drăpat’........................ ..115 diră .................... ......... 107 drat’............................ . 135 dirjă ................... ......... 107 draztt, drăzit’............ ..115 ditjă.................... ......... 104 drebă .......................... ..117 div ...................... ......... 108 drebezg....................... . 116 divesă................. ......... 108 drebezgi...................... . 116 divtt’................... ......... 108 drekol’......................... . 123 divtt’sja.............. ......... 108 drekol’e....................... . 123 divnyj................. ......... 109 dremăt’....................... ..117 divo.................... ......... 108 drevnij........................ . 116 divoj, divyj........ ......... 109 drjăbat’....................... ..115 djag.................... ......... 106 drjăpat’....................... ..115 djăga .................. ......... 106 drjuk........................... . 121 djagil’................. ......... 106 drob ............................ . 119 djăgil’................. ......... 106 drob’............................ . 119 djăglyj................ ......... 106 drobă.......................... ..117 djătel.................. ......... 107 drobezgă..................... . 118 djuzij.................. ..........127 drobina....................... ..117 dlină................... ..........134 drobtt’......................... . 118 dlit’sja................ ..........133 drobizgă ..................... . 118 dlja..................... ..........103 drobnyj....................... . 119 dnes’................... ..........135 droctt’, drocit’............. . 119 dno..................... ......... 130 drocit’sja..................... . 119 do ...................... ......... 109 drogă .......................... 120 doba................... ......... 109 droga .......................... 120 doblij.................. ......... 109 drogat’........................ . 122 dobryj................ ..........110 drok ............................ 120 doc’..................... ......... 129 droka.......................... 120 dox..................... ......... 129 drosc........................... . 123 doxnut’.............. ......... 129 drovă.......................... . 122 599 drozd..................... 120 droz’......................123 drozăt’....................123 drozzi.....................121 drug.......................121 drugoj.................... 122 druk.......................121 druzina....................122 drygăt, drygat’............122 dub .......................114 dugă ......................114 dunut’.....................124 dupa.......................124 dupljă, duplja.............125 duplo......................125 dur....................... 126 dur’.......................126 durtt’.....................126 durnoj.................... 127 dusă...................... 127 dut’..................114, 127 dux........................124 duzij..................... 127 dva....................... 130 dver ......................128 dvoe.......................131 dvor...................... 128 dvor.......................128 dvoxat’....................128 dyxat’.....................131 dym .......................132 dyră.......................132 ebăt’......................147 ed’........................150 edvă...................... 139 egla.......................139 exat’......................151 el’ .......................139 elec.......................140 elen’......................140 elka.......................139 elkij......................140 eloxa..................... 371 elxa.......................370 esen.......................144 est’...................46, 154 esce.......................146 eti .......................147 600 INDICES eto....................... ........ 147 gniloj.............. ..............169 govet’.............. ..............181 evnjă, evnja ....... ............ 7 gnit’................ ..............169 govjădo.......... ..............181 evnja ................... ........ 147 gnoj................ ..............170 govno.............. ............. 182 ez ....................... .........155 gnus............... ..............170 govor.............. ......181, 196 ez ....................... ........ 149 gnusit’............ ..............170 govorit’........... ..............181 ezdă..................... .........154 gnusnyj.......... ...............171 grăbit’............. ..............185 ezevika................ ........ 149 gnut’.............. ..............197 grad................ ..............185 gad...................... ........ 160 god................. ...............172 grăjat’............. ..............185 gadăt.................. ........ 160 goden............. .............. 173 greben’............ .............186 gădit’................... ........ 160 godina........... ...............172 gredut............. ............. 188 găjat’................... .........161 godit’.............. ...............172 grex................. ............. 187 gasit’.................... .........161 godit’sja......... ...............172 gremet’........... ............. 195 găsnut’................ .........161 godnyj............ .............. 173 gresti............... .............186 gat’...................... .........162 goit’................ .............. 173 gret’................ .............187 gde ....................... ........ 259 goit’sja........... .............. 173 gribat’sja........ ............. 189 gibăt, gibat’........ ........200 gol ................. ...............176 griva............... ............. 189 gibnut’................. ....... 200 golen’............. .............. 174 grivna............. ............. 189 glădkij................. .........162 goljămyj........ .............. 174 grjadă............. .............187 glaz...................... .........163 golod.............. .............. 173 grjaz.............. ............. 189 glej....................... ........ 168 gololedica...... .............. 175 grjăznut’........ ............. 188 glen’..................... .........163 golos............... ...............176 grob ................ .............190 glev...................... .........163 golot’.............. .............. 175 grom............... .....190, 194 glev’..................... .........163 golotă............. .............. 174 gromăda ........ .............190 glevă.................... .........163 golovă............ ..............176 groză .............. ..............191 glina.................... ........ 164 goluboj........... .............. 175 grozd.............. ..............191 glist...................... ........ 164 golub’............. .............. 175 grozd’............. ..............191 gliva.................... .........165 golyj............... ...............176 grozen ............ ............. 192 gljădat’................ ........ 164 gonit’.............. ...............177 grozit’............. ..............191 gljadet’................ ........ 164 gor’kyj............ ..............180 groznyj........... ............. 192 globă, globa........ .........165 goră................ ...............177 grubyj............. .............192 globit’sja............. ........ 166 gorb................ ...............198 grud’............... ............. 193 glog...................... ........ 166 gord................ ...............198 gruda.............. .............192 gloxnut’............... ........ 168 gordyj............ ...............198 grust’.............. ............. 193 glotăt’.................. ........ 168 gore................ ...............179 gruzit’............. ............. 193 glubok................. ........ 166 goret’.............. ...............178 gryzt’.............. .............194 glubokij............... ........ 166 gorkat’........... ..............199 gubă, guba..... ............. 182 gluda................... ........296 gorlo............... ...............198 gubit’.............. ............. 195 gluxoj.................. ........ 167 gorn............... ..............199 guglja............. ............. 201 glum.................... ........ 167 gornilo........... ..............199 gugnăvyj........ ..............183 glumit’sja............ ........ 167 gorno............. ...............199 gugniti............ ..............183 glup..................... ........ 167 gorod.............. ...............178 gugnivyj......... ..............183 glupyj.................. ........ 167 gorox.............. ...............179 gugnjăvyj....... ..............183 gnat’.................... .........197 goroza............ ..............178 gumno............ ............. 195 gnesti................... ........ 168 gorst’.............. ..............199 gunjăvyj......... ..............183 gnev..................... ........ 168 gortăt’............ ......199, 200 gus ................. ............. 184 gnezdo................. ........ 169 gospod’........... ..............180 gust................. ..............183 gnida................... ........ 169 gospodin........ ..............180 gust’................ ..............183 gnil...................... ........ 169 gost................ ..............180 gusti................ ..............183 INDICES 601 gustoj.....................183 guf........................183 guz....................... 184 guz....................... 184 guzvă, guzva...............185 gvozd’.....................196 xăbit’.....................201 xapăt, xăpat...............202 xleb.......................202 xljab’.....................202 xlud.......................202 xlut.......................202 xod........................203 xodit’.....................203 xoxotăt’...................203 xolod......................203 xolodnyj...................204 xomut......................204 xorobryj...................204 xoronit’...................205 xoryj......................206 xranit’....................205 xromoj.....................205 xud........................205 xudoj......................205 xuze.......................205 xvojă, xvoja...............206 xvorost, xvorost ........206 xvoryj.....................206 i 207 idti.......................216 iglă ..................... 210 (go........................209 igră.......................209 igrăt’.....................210 ikră...................... 210 ikro...................... 210 il ....................... 211 (lem.......................211 (l’m.......................211 imăt’......................211 (mat’......................211 imet’......................211 (mja.......................212 (nej.......................213 inoj.......................212 inok.......................212 (nok.......................212 (rej........................213 iskăt’......................214 (skra.......................214 (skrennij...................217 issjăknut’...............450 (styj.......................215 (va.........................216 (ver........................216 (volga......................216 iz ........................ 217 izbă....................... 215 iz ........................ 155 ja ......................... 31 jăblok...................... 26 jăbloko..................... 26 jăblon.......................25 jăblonja.....................25 jacăt’......................156 jacmen......................156 jad.........................150 jad’........................150 jadro.......................157 jagă....................... 157 jagă-băba...................157 jăgoda.......................27 jajco........................27 jăjko........................27 jăma ....................... 28 jar ........................151 jar’........................153 jarec...................... 153 jarem........................28 jarem........................28 jarmo........................28 jărost’.....................152 jarovoj, jărovyj............152 jăryj.......................152 jăscer ..................... 30 jăscerica .................. 30 jăsen........................29 jăsny...................... 153 jăstreb..................... 29 jat ........................154 jat’........................158 jatră.......................158 jatro, jătro................158 jătrov’.....................158 jăvid’.......................31 javit’.......................30 jăzva.......................155 jazyk...................... 159 jug ........................207 junyj.......................208 k(o)........................259 kadilo......................218 kadtt’......................218 kăjat’sja...................219 kakoj ..................... 219 kal ........................220 kalit’......................219 kămen ......................220 kăra........................220 karăt’......................221 kasăt’sja...................221 kăselj..................... 221 kăsljat’....................221 kazăt’......................222 kaztt’......................222 kazn........................222 kev’.........................77 kevka........................76 kidăt’......................264 kixat’......................265 kij ........................265 kikimora....................325 kilă........................265 kinut’......................265 kipet’......................266 kislyj......................267 kivăt’......................267 klast’......................222 klej........................224 klekot..................... 223 klekotăt’...................223 klektăt’....................223 klesci......................224 klesci......................224 klet’.......................224 klik........................226 klikat’.....................225 kUknut’.....................225 kljacet’....................225 kljuc’......................226 kljukă......................226 klokotăt’...................227 kob’........................227 602 INDICES kobec.............. .............227 kos........................ ......240 kryt’.................... .........254 kobyla............ .............232 kosăra................... .......239 kto...................... .........264 kogdă............. .............227 kotec..................... .......241 kuca.................... .........254 koj.................. .............260 kotit’sja................. ......240 kud..................... ......... 255 kol.................. ......231, 261 kotora, kotora...... ......240 kud’.................... ......... 255 kolb’................ .............260 kotoryj.................. ......240 kudă................... .........242 koleno............ .............228 kovăt’.................... .......241 kude.................... .........243 koleso............. .............229 koză...................... ......242 kudesă................ ......... 255 koli................. .............229 kozel...................... ......242 kudes’................. ......... 255 kolk................ .............260 kozni..................... ......264 kudit’.................. ......... 255 koloda............ .............228 koza...................... ......242 kuka................... .........256 kolokol........... .............229 kra........................ .......210 kukat’................. ......... 255 kolos............... .............230 kraj....................... ......244 kupină, kupina. .........243 kolot............... ..............231 krasă..................... .......245 kur...................... .........257 kolot’.............. .............230 krăsnyj.................. ......246 kurene............... .........257 kolota............. ..............231 krast’..................... .......245 kurica................. .........257 kolottt’............ .............230 krecet.................... ......246 kurit’.................. .........257 kolp’................ .............261 krej........................ .......217 kus...................... .........243 kon................. .............232 kremen................. ......246 kusăt’.................. .........243 kon’................. ..............231 krepkij.................. ......246 kut ...................... ........ 244 konec.............. .............232 krepok................... ......246 kutat’.................. ........ 244 kopă............... .............232 kreslo .................... ......247 kutit’................... ......... 258 kopăt’............. ..............233 kri ........................ .......217 kuznja................ ......... 258 kop’e............... .............234 kricăt’................... ......247 kvas.................... ......... 258 koper.............. ..............233 krik....................... ......247 kvăsit’................. .........267 kopot’............. ..............233 krinica.................. ......248 kvet..................... ......... 258 kopyto............ .............237 kroxă .................... .......253 ladjă.................. .........367 koră................ .............234 kroit’..................... ......248 ladon................. .......... 111 korec............... .............237 kromă, kroma...... ......249 lăjat................... .........267 koren’............. .............237 krome................... ......249 lakăt.................. .........284 korica............. ..............235 kropit’................... ......249 lăkomyj.............. .........367 korit’............... ..............235 krosnă, krosna..... ......249 lam ..................... .........268 korm.............. .............262 krosno................... ......249 lan’...................... .........368 kormă............ .............262 krotit’.................... ......250 lanita.................. .........369 kornoj............ .............262 krotkij................... ......250 .........268 kornyj............ .............262 krotok................... ......250 lăska................... .........269 korob.............. .............234 krov....................... ......250 laskăt’................. .........269 korobja.......... .............234 krov’...................... .......254 lăsyj.................... .........269 korosta........... ..............235 krovnyj................. .......253 lăzit’................... .........269 korotkij.......... .............236 krucina................. ......250 lebed’.................. . 365, 366 korova............ .............236 kruglyj.................. .......251 lebedă................. .........366 koryto............. .............237 krux...................... .......252 lec’...................... .........270 kos.................. .............239 kruk...................... .......252 led ...................... .........270 kosă................ .............238 krupă.................... .......252 ledva................... ......... 139 kosmy............. .............238 krupnyj................. .......253 ledve................... ......... 139 kosnut’sja....... .............239 krutit’................... .......251 legăt’................... .........272 kosnyj............. .............263 krutoj.................... .......252 legci.................... .........270 kost’................ .............239 krylo..................... ......247 legkij................... .........297 INDICES 603 legti...................... .......270 ljubov’................... .......281 luscit’................... ........292 lexă, lexa............. ....... 272 ljubovyj................ .......277 luzgă.................... ........293 lemex, lemex....... ........271 ljud ....................... .......282 luza...................... ........293 lemes, lemes......... ........271 ljudi ...................... .......282 lydy...................... ........295 lemok................... ........ 211 ljudina.................. .......282 lyko...................... ........295 len....................... .......298 ljutit’sja................ .......282 lysyj..................... ........296 len’........................ ....... 273 ljutyj..................... .......283 lytka .................... ........295 lenivyj.................. ....... 272 l’nut’..................... ...... 297 lytki ..................... ........295 lenoj..................... ....... 273 lob ........................ .......293 l’zja...................... ........296 lepit’..................... ....... 273 lobodă................... ......366 lza ....................... ........294 les ....................... ....... 274 lobzăt’................... .......283 maxăt’................. ........298 lest’....................... ........298 lodja..................... .......367 măjat’................. 299, 300 let’........................ ....... 275 log ........................ .......283 mak..................... ........299 letet’..................... ........271 lox ........................ .......285 mălok.................. ....... 300 leto ....................... ....... 274 lokăt’..................... ...... 284 mălyj................... ....... 300 levyj...................... ....... 275 lokot’..................... ...... 368 manit’................. ........ 301 lezt’....................... ....... 275 lomit’.................... ...... 284 manut, mănut’.. ........ 301 lezăt’..................... ........271 loni........................ ...... 369 măra.................... ........ 301 l’ga........................ .......296 lono....................... .......285 măslo................... ........302 lgat’...................... .......294 lopăta................... .......285 mast’.................... ........302 li ........................ ....... 229 los’........................ ...... 370 mat’..................... ........303 libivoj.................. ....... 277 losk........................ ...... 294 maternyj............. ........304 libivyj................... ....... 277 losos, losos’........... .......285 materoj, materyj ........303 Ubo....................... ....... 281 losij....................... .......285 mavat’................. ........299 lico....................... ........278 lov........................ ...... 286 maz...................... ........305 Uxo....................... .......278 lov’........................ ...... 370 maz’..................... ........305 lixoj...................... ....... 278 lovit’...................... ...... 286 măzat’................. ........304 lik ....................... ....... 278 lovkij..................... ...... 286 mcat’................... .........331 lipa....................... ........279 lovok..................... ...... 286 mec’..................... ........305 lis ....................... ........279 loză....................... ...... 287 mectă................... ........338 lisă....................... ........279 loz’........................ .......295 med...................... ....... 306 lisica..................... ........279 loze........................ ...... 287 med’..................... ........309 list ....................... ........279 lozit’sja................. ...... 287 medlennyj........... ........ 332 lisit’...................... .......280 lub ........................ ...... 289 medoed ............... ....... 306 lit’........................ .......280 luc ........................ ...... 290 medvă ................. ....... 306 lizăt’..................... .......280 lucit’...................... ...... 290 medved’............... ....... 306 ljădveja................ .......276 lucitsja................. ...... 290 mex...................... ........309 ljăga..................... ........276 lud ........................ ...... 290 mel....................... ........ 310 ljagăt’................... ....... 272 lug ........................ ...... 288 mel’...................... ..310, 311 ljakăt’................... ........276 luk ........................ ...... 289 melen’jă.............. ........ 333 ljăkij.................... ....... 277 lukă....................... ...... 289 melkij.................. ........ 310 ljănoj................... ....... 273 lukăvyj................. ...... 289 melyj................... ........ 310 ljazgă .................. ....... 274 lună ...................... .......291 mena................... .........311 ljubăvyj................ ....... 277 luno, luno............. .......285 menee.................. ........ 341 ljubit’................... ....... 281 lupit’..................... .......291 menit’.................. .........311 ljubivoj................ ....... 277 lusk....................... ...... 292 mensi)................. ........ 341 ljubo..................... ....... 281 luskă ..................... .......291 mera.................... .........312 ljuboj.................... ....... 281 luskăt, luskat’...... ...... 292 mereza ................ ........308 604 INDICES mereza............ ............308 molit’................... ....... 320 mykat’................. ........ 337 merit’............... ............312 molnija................ .........333 mylo .................... ........336 merknut’.......... ............341 molodnjă............. .........333 mysl’.................... ........ 337 mertvyj........... ............342 molodoj............... .........323 mys..................... ........ 337 merzet’............. ............342 moloko................. ....... 307 mysca .................. ........ 337 merzit’.............. ............342 molon’ja.............. .........333 myt’..................... ........338 merznut’.......... ........... 343 molot................... 231, 324 myto .................... ........338 mesit’................ .............313 molot’.................. ....... 307 mza...................... ........344 mesjac.............. ............312 molotit’................ .........323 miat’................... ........344 mesok.............. .....309, 313 molvă................... ........334 mzda................... ........343 mesti................ ............308 molvit’................. ........334 mzga.................... ........336 mesto............... .............313 monisto............... ........324 mzit’.................... 339, 344 mest’................. ........... 343 mor...................... ........326 mîit’sja................ ........344 metăt’............... ...........309 mora.................... 302, 324 na ....................... ........344 mezdră............. ............316 more.................... .........325 nacăt .................. ........345 mezgă............... .............313 morgăt’................ .........335 nad...................... ........345 meză................ ........... 305 morkov’............... .........335 nag....................... ........345 mezu, mezu..... ........... 305 morkvă, morkva. .........335 năgl ..................... ........345 mga.................. ........... 338 mormulit’............ .........335 năglyj.................. ........345 mgla................ ........... 338 morok.................. .........325 nagoj................... ........345 mig................... ............316 moroz.................. ........326 narod................... ........346 migăt’............... ............316 mosnă.................. ........327 nas....................... ........346 mikat’............. .............317 most..................... ........326 natina................. ........346 milyj................ .............317 motăt’.................. ........327 naustit’................ ........346 mimo.............. .............317 motrit’................. ........327 nav...................... ........347 minovăt’.......... ............318 motyga................ ........327 năvej................... ........347 minut’.............. ............318 mox...................... .........333 năvij.................... ........347 mir................... ............318 moxa ................... .........332 ne ....................... .347, 350 mja.................. ............314 mozg............274, 328, 336 nebo..................... ........348 mjăgkij............ ............314 mozzăt’................ ........336 nebo..................... ........348 mjăgok............ ............314 mozzit’................. ........336 nedug.................. ........348 mjăknut’.......... ............314 mriet’................... ....... 308 negodovăt’.......... ........348 mjăso .............. .............315 msica................... ........336 nejăsyt’................ ........348 mjasti............... .............315 msta..................... ........343 nekto................... ........349 mjat’................. .............315 mstit’.................... ........343 nerest................... ........349 mladenec......... ........... 322 mucit’.................. ........328 nereti................... ........349 mnit’................ ............340 mudryj................ ........329 nestl..................... ........350 mnogij............. ........... 334 muxa................... ........330 netopyr’, netopyr .......350 mnogo............. ........... 334 mukă ................... ........329 nevesta................ .........351 moc.................. .............321 muka ................... ........329 nevod................... .........351 mocă ............... ............319 mur...................... ........ 331 nevod................... .........351 mocit’............... ............320 muravej............... ........326 ni ....................... ........352 modet’.............. ............332 murok.................. ........ 331 nic ....................... ........ 352 moj................... ........... 322 muryj................... ........ 331 nikat’................... ........ 352 mokr................ ........... 322 mutit’................... ........329 niknut’................ ........ 353 mokryj............. ........... 322 muzgă, muzga.... ........ 331 niscij.................... ........ 353 mol’.................. ............323 muz...................... ........330 nit’....................... ........ 353 molcăt’............. ............340 my ....................... ........336 niva..................... ........ 354 INDICES 605 nize................. ............. 354 odr ................... ........... 364 otvergnut’............. ...... 538 njăma............ ...............28 odvă................. .... 139, 140 otverzt’.................. ...... 383 no ................. .............360 ogon................ ........... 364 otvorit’.................. ...... 383 noc................. ..............355 ogon................ ........... 364 ovcă...................... ......384 nogă............... ............. 354 ogorod............. ........... 479 oven...................... ......384 nogot............. ..............355 okno................. ............365 oves....................... ......384 none.............. .............360 oko ................... ............365 ovin...................... ....... 147 noră............... ..............355 olen ................. ........... 140 ozero..................... ...... 148 noros............. ............. 356 olex.................. ............371 ozorod................... ...... 385 norost............ ............. 356 ol’xă................. ........... 370 oz ........................ .......149 norost’............ ............. 356 Ol’sa................. ............371 ozeled, ozeled’...... .......555 norov............. ............. 356 olovo................ ........... 369 ozeledica.............. .......555 nos................. ..............357 omex................ ............ 141 ozika...................... .......149 nosit’.............. ............. 356 omela............... ............ 141 ozina..................... .......149 novyj.............. ..............357 omes................. ............ 141 pădat.................... ......389 nozdrjă ......... ..............357 omez, omez..... ............ 141 paxăt .................... ......389 noz................ ............. 358 on ................... ............372 paxnut’.................. ......389 nreti............... ..............349 onuca............... ............371 păxnut’.................. ......389 nudtt’............. ............. 358 opak(o)............ ............372 pălec...................... .......390 nudit’............. ............. 358 or’mo............... ............377 pălica.................... .......390 nura............... ............. 359 orăt’................. ............372 palit’...................... .......390 nurit’.............. ............. 359 orel................... ........... 376 pălka..................... .......390 nutro.............. ............. 387 orex.................. ............374 pămjat’................. .......390 nuza.............. ............. 359 ormo................ ............377 par........................ ....... 391 nyne............... .............360 orudie.............. ............375 parit’..................... .......391 nyrjăt’............ .............360 os ................... ........... 380 past’....................... .......392 nyt’................. .............360 osă ................... ............377 pasti....................... .......392 o, ob, obo....... ..............361 osel................... ............381 pauk..................... .......391 oba ................ ..............361 oselok............... ............381 pavok.................... .......391 obecăt’............ ..............361 osen................. ............144 păvoroz................ ...... 415 obescăt’.......... ..............361 oset’.................. ............145 paznogt’................ ...... 393 oblako ........... ............. 362 oseter............... ............145 păzuxa................. .......392 oblyj............... ............. 363 osetr................. ............145 păzit’..................... ...... 393 oboloko ......... ............. 362 osina................ ............378 pcelă..................... .........72 obor............... ............. 362 oskord.............. ............378 pec’........................ ...... 393 obor............... ............. 362 osnova ............. ............379 pegy....................... .......397 obora.............. ............. 362 osot.................. ........... 380 pexij...................... .......398 obresti............ ............. 362 ost’................... ........... 380 peklo..................... ...... 426 obut’............... ............. 363 osten ................ ........... 380 pelenă................... .......394 obvecăt’.......... ..............361 oster................. ............379 pelesyj.................. .......394 obvicăt’.......... ..............361 ostrov............... ............379 pen....................... .......427 ocnut’sja........ ..............381 ostryj............... ............379 pena...................... .......397 ocutit’sja........ ..............381 osvă.................. ............377 pepel...................... ...... 395 oder............... ..............364 osce .................. ............146 perdet’................... ......428 odin............... ....... 138, 139 ot(o)................. ............382 pere-...................... ...... 395 odinăkij........ ...............138 otec .................. ............383 pered(o) ............... .......396 odnăko.......... ..............138 otrok................ ............382 perepolox............. .......410 odolet’............ ............. 363 otvecăt’............ ............383 peret’..................... .......396 .415 420 .427 . 418 . 419 . 419 . 418 . 418 . 419 420 420 420 420 420 . 421 . 421 . 421 . 421 . 421 .422 .422 .422 .422 . 423 . 423 . 350 . 425 . 416 . 416 . 416 . 416 . 416 . 423 . 423 . 417 . 417 424 424 . 417 . 417 . 425 . 425 .431 . 373 .431 . 432 . 432 . 432 INDICES .....428 .....396 .....429 .....428 .....429 .....430 .....430 ......431 ..... 400 ..... 400 .....398 ..... 397 .....430 .....430 .....398 .....398 .....426 .....426 .....430 ..... 400 ..... 400 ..... 401 ..... 400 ..... 401 ..... 401 .....402 .....398 .....399 .....399 399, 400 .....399 .....402 ......411 .....402 .....403 .....403 .....404 .....404 .....404 .....404 .....405 .....402 .....405 .....405 .....405 ..... 406 406, 407 ......407 po ...................... 407 pocit’....................408 pod...................... 408 pod.......................408 pod(o)....................408 podosva...................409 pott’.....................409 pojas.....................409 pokoj.....................409 pol ......................412 pole......................411 poleno................... 410 polica....................410 pol’ga....................412 polk..................... 424 polnyj....................426 polomja.............390, 411 polon.................... 394 polonit’..................394 polosă .................. 411 polosit’..................411 polot’....................394 polotno ................. 411 polova....................395 polovoj, polovyj.........412 poloz.....................412 poloîit’..................287 polst’....................427 pol’za....................412 polzat’...................427 polzti....................427 poperek.................. 396 poprat’...................427 poră......................413 porit’....................413 pornoj....................414 pornyj....................414 porog.....................413 porox.....................413 porosenok.................414 porot’....................414 posetit’..................414 posjagăt’.................449 postii’ ..................467 postignut’................467 pot.......................415 potka.....................425 pozdnij...................416 pozdyj........ pra-.......... prat’......... prăvyj........ pri .......... prijătel’..... prjădat’...... prjănut’...... prjast’....... pro .......... pro-.......... proc’......... procij........ prodăza....... prok.......... prosejat’..... prosit’....... prosteret’.... prostoj....... prot’......... proti......... protiv........ pruglo........ pryskat’...... prysnut’...... psaltyr’...... ptica......... pucina........ pucit’........ pudit’........ pudit’........ pugovica ..... puxlyj........ puxnut’....... puk .......... pup........... pustit’....... pustoj........ put’.......... puto.......... pyrej......... pytăt’........ pseno ........ rab........... racit’, răcit’. radet’........ rădi.......... răjat’........ rak.........................374 rakita......................375 rălo....................... 373 ramenă......................375 rasti.......................376 rastorgăt’..................502 rătaj.......................376 rat’........................376 razinut’....................545 razlucit’...................288 razorit’....................432 rebro...................... 433 rec’........................434 reci........................433 redkij......................434 redok.......................434 rejat’......................434 rekă........................434 remen’......................433 revet’......................436 rinut’sja...................436 rjab’.......................435 rjăbcik.....................435 rjabec......................436 rjăbec......................435 rjabika.....................435 rjabina.....................435 rjăbka......................436 rjaboj......................435 rjabok......................435 rjăbuska................... 435 rjad........................436 robit’......................373 robota .................... 373 rod........................ 437 rodit’......................437 rog.........................438 roj.........................438 roj.........................438 rok.........................438 rokita......................375 rosă........................438 rov.........................439 roz-....................... 377 rub........................ 439 rubit’......................439 rudoj...................... 440 rudyj ..................... 440 INDICES rukă.........................439 runo.........................440 rvat’........................441 rydăt’.......................441 rygăt’.......................441 rylo.........................441 ryt’.........................442 s(o).........................478 sad ........................ 442 sadit’.......................442 săni.........................443 scat’........................485 sec’.........................446 sed’moj......................443 sedlo....................... 443 sej .........................484 sejat’.......................447 selo.........................444 sem’.........................443 semja........................446 sen’.........................447 seno.........................446 ser ........................ 447 serdce.......................485 seredă.......................444 seren ...................... 444 seren ...................... 444 serna........................485 seryj........................447 sest’........................447 sestră.......................445 set’.........................448 sever....................... 448 sidef........................445 sijăt’.......................450 sila.........................451 silo.........................450 silo.........................450 sito.........................451 sivyj........................451 sjagnut’.....................449 skorodă......................452 slăbyj.......................452 slat’........................479 slăva........................453 slimăk.......................453 slină........................453 slina........................453 607 sliva......................453 sloj ..................... 480 slovo......................454 slux...................... 455 sluka......................454 slusat’....................455 slysat’....................455 slyt’......................456 smăzat’....................304 smejătsja..................456 smerdet’...................457 smert’.....................480 smet’......................480 smex.......................456 smorod.....................456 sneg.......................457 snoxă......................458 snovăt’....................457 socit’.....................458 soxă.......................458 soxnut’....................479 sok........................459 sol’.......................461 solnce.....................479 solodkij...................459 soloma.....................459 solonyj....................460 solotina...................461 solovej .................. 460 solovoj................... 460 solovyj....................460 som........................461 son........................481 sop........................482 soroka ....................477 sosăt’.....................482 sovă.......................461 sovăt’.....................462 spat’......................481 spex.......................464 spesit’....................464 spet’......................464 spor...................... 481 sporyj.....................481 ssat’......................482 stădo......................464 stan.......................465 star.......................465 .491 .491 .491 .491 .492 .492 .491 494 .493 .493 .493 494 494 .504 .504 .504 494 490 .505 .505 496 . 502 . 502 . 502 496 496 499 .497 499 .497 499 498 498 .497 498 499 .495 .495 .495 500 500 500 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 502 . 503 INDICES .....465 susit’.....................474 tes ....... .....465 suvoryj......................474 tesăt’..... .....466 svecă........................475 teslă...... .....472 svekor.......................475 teslo...... .....472 svekrov’.....................475 tesnyj.... .....472 svekry.......................475 testo...... .....466 sverbet’.....................478 teti....... .....466 svet.........................476 tiskat’... .....467 svinjă.......................477 tjăga...... .....466 svinoj.......................477 tjagăt’... .....467 svjatoj......................476 tjanut’.. .....471 svorob.......................477 tjat’...... .....472 syn .........................483 tjăzkij.. .....467 sypat’.......................483 tma........ .....473 syr..........................483 tlet’...... ..... 482 syroj...................... 484 tlo ....... .....468 sytyj...................... 484 tok ....... .....472 scenjă.......................486 toloc...... .....468 scenok.......................486 tonkij.... .....468 scit ........................486 tonok... .....468 sersen.......................485 topit’..... .....469 sest’........................487 tosc....... .....469 sestoj...................... 486 toscij..... .....470 sibăt’.......................487 tot........ .....470 sit’ ........................487 travă...... .....471 sula.........................488 travit’... .....469 sulo.........................488 trest’..... .....470 surin ...................... 488 tretij .... .....470 svec ...................... 488 tri ....... .....469 tait’........................489 trjasti.... .....470 tăjat’.......................489 trost’..... .....471 tat’.........................489 trud....... .....471 tec’.........................489 trup....... .....471 tek .........................490 trut....... .....471 temen........................505 truten .. ..... 473 temja ...................... 492 tucnyj.. .....473 temnyj.......................505 tugă....... .....473 ten’.........................492 tuga....... .....462 teneto, teneto...............490 tugoj...... .....463 tepat’.......................491 tuk........ 462, 463 tepel........................490 tur........ .....463 teplyj.......................490 tvar’...... .....474 tepsti.......................491 tverd...... .....473 tepti........................491 tverd’.... .....463 teren........................505 tverdyj.. .....61 teret’.......................491 tvorit’... .....474 tern.......................505 ty ........ .....474 terzăt’....................506 tyl ....... INDICES 609 tysjaca................... ...... 503 vedro............. ................513 vojnă .................... .......524 O........................ .......506 vejat’............. ................519 volgkij.................. .......536 ucit’....................... .......506 veko .............. ................519 volja ..................... ....... 525 udărit’................... ...... 507 velet’............. ................514 volk....................... .......536 udit’....................... ...... 507 velij............... ................515 volnă .................... ....... 537 ugol....................... ...... 385 velikij............ ................514 volna .................... ....... 537 ugol’...................... ...... 385 vel’mi............ ............... 515 voloc’.................... ....... 514 ugor...................... .......386 veno .............. ................519 volodet’................. .......524 uxă........................ ......208 vepr’.............. ................515 vologa................... .......524 uxo........................ ...... 507 vera............... .............. 520 vologa................... .......524 uj ......................... ...... 507 veres.............. ...............516 volok..................... .......526 ulej........................ .......508 veresk............ ...............516 voloka................... ....... 525 ulica...................... .......508 vereteno........ ...............516 volokno ................ .......526 um......................... .......508 verx............... ...............538 volos ..................... .......526 unuk...................... ...... 530 versa............. ...............539 volost’................... .......526 urozăj.................... ...... 437 verstă............ ...............538 volozit’................. ....... 527 us ......................... ......386 vertet’............ ...............539 voloznic’at’.......... ....... 527 uslo........................ ......509 ves................ .......539, 540 von........................ ........531 usnut’.................... ...... 510 vescăt’........... .............. 520 von....................... ....... 527 ustă ....................... ......509 veslo.............. ...............516 vonzit’.................. ........531 ust’e....................... .......510 vesnă............. ................517 vopit’.................... ....... 532 ustnă..................... ...... 510 vesti............... ................517 vorog.................... ....... 527 utka....................... ...... 387 veter.............. .............. 520 voron.................... ....... 528 utolit’.................... .......495 vetx............... ................517 vorona.................. ....... 528 utro ....................... ...... 510 vetxij............. ................517 voronoj................. .......529 utroba................... ...... 387 vezti.............. ................518 vorotă, vorota...... .......529 utvă....................... ...... 387 vid ................ ............... 521 vorotit’................. .......529 uvjadăt’................ ........511 videt’............. ............... 521 vos’moj................. .......378 uz ......................... .......388 vir ................ ...............522 vose....................... .......144 uzas....................... ........511 vit’................ ...............522 vosem .................. .......379 uzdă...................... ........511 vixor............. ...............522 vosem .................. .......379 uze......................... ......207 vixor............. ...............522 vosk ...................... .......529 uzel........................ .......388 vixr .............. ...............522 vos........................ ....... 532 uzit’....................... ...... 387 vjănut’.......... .............. 520 voz ........................ .......530 uzkij...................... .......388 vjazăt’........... ............... 521 voz-....................... ....... 533 uzok ...................... .......388 vkupe............ .............. 256 vozit’..................... .......530 (uz)belenit’sja...... .........35 vladet’........... ...............524 vremja.................. ....... 516 v(o)........................ ...... 530 vlast’............. ...............526 vret’...................... ....... 537 văbit’..................... ........511 vlec............... ................514 vsue...................... ....... 532 vădit’..................... ........512 vn-................ ...............530 vtornik ................. ....... 533 var ......................... ........512 vne................ ............... 531 vtoroj.................... ....... 532 varit’..................... ........512 vnuk.............. ...............530 vuj ........................ .......507 vas......................... ........513 vnutr............ ...............387 vy ........................ ....... 533 vceră...................... ...... 536 vnutri........... ...............387 vy-........................ ....... 533 vdovă .................... ...... 536 vodă.............. ...............523 vydra.................... ....... 534 vecer...................... ........513 vodit’............. ........512, 523 vymja................... ....... 534 vedat’.................... .......518 voe................ .............. 364 vyp’....................... ........535 vedro..................... .......518 voim............. ...............524 vys........................ ........535 610 INDICES vysok.......................... ..535 zorod................ ........... 548 zidok........................ .... 562 vysokij........................ ..535 zorok............... ........... 549 zila........................... .... 562 vyse............................. ..535 zovăt’............... ............ 551 zit’........................... .... 562 vz(o)........................... ..533 zolva................ ............ 551 ztto........................... .... 563 za .............................. . 540 zolv’................. ............557 zivica....................... .... 563 zaborolo..................... . 540 zret’.................. ............552 zivoj......................... ....564 zabrălo....................... . 540 zub................... ........... 549 zivot......................... .... 563 zarjă.....................541, 548 zubr................. ........... 549 zorav....................... ....558 zarod.......................... .548 zvenet’............. ............550 zrat’......................... .... 559 zaveret’...................... ..541 zver................. ........... 549 zrebij....................... ....558 zăvtra......................... .510 zvezdă............. .............195 zrec.......................... ....567 zdorov........................ .478 zvjac ............... ............550 zuravel’................... ....558 zdorovyj..................... .478 zvon................. ............550 zurăvl’..................... ....558 zel’e............................ . 542 zadăt............... ........... 560 zurit’........................ ....564 zelenyj........................ ..541 zăba................. .............553 zurit’sja................... ....564 zelezo ......................... ..555 zăden............... ........... 560 zelo............................. ..138 zădnyj.............. ........... 560 1.2.2 Old Russian zemljă ........................ . 542 zal’................... ............ 553 ablanb..................... ......25 zenica......................... . 542 zălo.................. ........... 560 alcem...................... ....366 zerno.......................... ..553 zar .................. ............554 al(jb)£bm................ ....366 zevăt’.......................... . 542 zară.................. ............554 al('b)kati................. ....367 zijăt’........................... . 544 zat’................... ............561 badati...................... ...... 32 zimă........................... . 544 zătva................ ............561 bagbno.................... ...... 33 zjăbnut’..................... . 543 zdat................. ............565 balii......................... ...... 32 zjalezo........................ ..555 ze .................. ............554 balija....................... ...... 32 zjat’............................ . 543 zec................... ............554 bebn....................... ......34 zloj.............................. .. 551 zelăt’................ ............ 555 bedra....................... ...... 35 zmej........................... . 545 zelc.................. ............552 bezi......................... ......38 zmejă......................... . 545 zeleză.............. ............557 bicb.......................... ...... 41 zmij............................ . 545 zelezo............... ............ 555 bilo .......................... ...... 41 znămja ...................... . 546 zelezo ............... ............557 bleski...................... ......43 znat’........................... . 546 zelezy.............. ............557 blizna...................... ......45 znejat’........................ . 546 zelnă................ ............565 blizi........................ ......45 znet’........................... . 546 zelt................... ............565 bljadb...................... ..... 44 znijăt’......................... . 546 zeltyj............... ............565 bljasti ...................... ..... 44 znoj............................ . 546 zelud’............... ............556 blbvati..................... ..... 46 zob.............................. . 547 zeludok........... ............556 bobri....................... ......34 zob’............................. . 547 zelvăk ............. ............557 bologo...................... ...... 51 zobăt’......................... . 547 zelvi ................ ............557 bolona..................... ...... 52 zol .............................. .. 551 zenă................. ............558 bolonb ..................... ...... 53 zoloto ......................... . 547 zerelo .............. ............559 bolonbje .................. ...... 53 zolov’.......................... .. 551 zernov.............. ........... 566 borona..................... ......56 zolova......................... .. 551 zertva.............. ........... 566 boronb..................... ......57 zolovica, zolovica..... .. 551 zevăt’............... ............567 borosbno ................. ......57 zolovka...................... .. 551 zezel’................ ............559 borovi..................... ......58 zoloză, zoloza............ ..557 zezl.................. ............559 bortb........................ ..... 69 zorit’........................... . 548 zica.................. ............561 bori......................... ......58 zorjă........................... . 548 zidkij................ ............562 borzdo..................... ......70 611 .199 .199 .202 204 209 209 ..211 ..141 ..213 ..213 . 212 . 212 . 217 ..215 ... 16 ..215 ...26 ...25 ...26 . 156 . 156 . 156 ...26 ...28 ..151 ..151 ..151 ..153 ..152 ..152 ...29 ...29 . 158 . 158 . 158 ...31 ...31 . 145 ..155 . 221 ...75 . 265 . 223 . 223 .224 .226 . 225 .226 INDICES ...... 63 ...... 63 ......64 ......64 ......69 .......70 .......34 .......83 .......77 .......77 ......88 ......78 ......80 ...... 82 ......84 .......85 ......86 .......85 ...... 91 ......86 ...... 91 .......85 ...... 95 .......97 ...... 95 ......136 .....100 .....103 ..... 107 .... 106 ......127 .....134 ......111 .....114 ......116 ......116 ......116 ......116 ......119 .....123 .....348 .....125 114, 127 .... 130 .....134 ......132 .... 142 .... 144 esmb......................146 ezb ......................149 ezi.......................155 gajati....................161 gbezb.....................196 gleni.....................163 glota.....................166 glumiti...................167 glumi.....................167 glitati...................168 glixnuti..................168 gnesb.....................171 gnbsb.................... 171 gobino....................171 gobbzyi...................172 gobbzb....................172 goi ..................... 173 goiti.................... 173 golemyi...................174 golotb....................175 golitb....................175 gomola....................177 gomula .................. 177 goniti .................. 177 gorni.....................199 govno.....................182 govori....................196 grakati...................186 gramada...................186 gresti....................188 grţsti....................188 grjaza....................188 grjazja...................188 grjazti...................188 gromada...................190 grozdi................... 191 grozdb................... 191 gruda.....................192 grilo.....................198 grimi.....................194 grinilo...................199 gri ni....................199 grbmi.....................194 gvori.....................196 gibezb....................196 gi(b)nuti.................197 girkati...................199 girlo.....................198 girnilo..... girni....... xapati...... xorobryj... ide ........ ide......... ilemi....... imela....... inii........ inije....... inogi....... inokyj...... iskrb....... istbba...... iva ........ iz(i)ba..... jabloki..... jablonb..... jabliki..... jacati...... jacbmenb . jacbmy...... jagnja...... jama........ jara........ jarţ........ jarina...... jar’........ jarovyi..... jaryj....... jastrebi.... jastrjabi .. jati........ jatro ...... jatry....... javbnyj..... (j)azi...... jesetri .... (j)ezi...... kasblb ..... keli........ kixati...... klegota..... klegitati... klesca...... klik........ kliknuti.... kljuka...... 612 INDICES kobecv.............. ...........227 ljuby.............. ...............281 nicati........................... kolokofa........... ........... 229 ljubvvb......... ...............281 nikati........................... kolotv............... ............231 lodbja............ ...............367 niknuti........................ kolpb................ ........... 261 lgka............... .............. 289 niscii............................ komonb............ ........... 232 loni................ .............. 369 nura............................. kon ................... ........... 232 losb................ .............. 370 nuta............................. kopa ................. ........... 232 lozesno.......... .............. 287 nyti............................. kopotb.............. ............233 lozb............... ...............295 obecati......................... kormv.............. ........... 262 luciti ............. ......288, 290 obescati....................... korobv.............. ...........234 lucitisja......... .............. 290 oboloko ....................... korobbja .......... ...........234 luspa............. .............. 292 obolokv....................... korzno.............. ........... 263 hzb............... ...............295 obora........................... korb.................. ........... 261 lytka.............. ...............295 obbcii........................... kosa.................. ...........238 majati........... .............. 299 ocutiti.......................... kositisja ........... ...........264 manuti ......... ...............301 odva............................. kosb .................. ...........264 mati.............. ...............303 odvva.......................... kotera............... ...........240 mecta............ ...............338 okbno.......................... krakati............. ...........245 mecbta.......... ...............338 olovb............................ krecetv............. ...........246 medlyj........... ...............332 oh............................... krenuti............. ........... 254 megnuti........ .............. 340 omela.......................... krina ................ ...........248 mene............. .............. 308 ose ............................... kriti.................. ...........248 merziti.......... .............. 342 osetn.......................... kroma .............. ...........249 meniti........... ............... 312 ovim........................... krosna.............. ...........249 mezga........... ............... 313 ovbm.......................... krucina ............ ...........250 mitusb.......... ...............319 ovbsv ........................... krupnyj............ ............253 mjakvkyi...... ...............314 oze.............................. kuca ................. ...........244 mjazga.......... ............... 313 ozb............................... kude................. ........... 243 mlim............ ...............319 padoroga..................... kudesv.............. ............255 moxv............. ...............333 palbcb.......................... kudb................. ............255 moravej........ ...............326 perekv......................... kutati............... ...........244 morkov’........ ...............335 pero ............................. kvrmv.............. ........... 262 morkva......... ...............335 pixati.......................... kvrb.................. ........... 261 morovej........ ...............326 plastv........................... ktsb.................. ...........264 motati........... ...............327 pljuca .......................... kvznb............... ...........264 msefa............ ...............343 plotv........................... lacbm.............. ...........366 mselb............. ...............343 podv........................... lajati ................ ........... 267 muravej........ ...............326 podvsbva.................... lakati................ ........... 367 muzgb........... ............... 331 pojasv......................... lapa .................. ...........268 mvxv............ ...............333 pojasbnica ................. leci .................... ...........270 mvne............. .............. 340 poleno ......................... legati................ ........... 272 mysca............ ............... 331 polica........................... lemexv............. ............271 mbcbta.......... ...............338 polom......................... lem.................. ........... 273 mbcbtv.......... ...............338 polosa.......................... letb.................... ........... 275 mbgnuti........ .............. 340 polv............................. lice .................... ...........278 navb.............. ...............347 pomavati.................... lico.................... ...........278 nedugb.......... .............. 348 porosja........................ lisa.................... ...........279 nestera.......... .............. 349 potka........................... ljaga................. ...........276 netii .............. ............... 351 pozdv.......................... proki...................... 421 prgglo......................422 prugi.......................422 prysnuti....................423 pugy........................416 pugivb......................416 pilstb .................... 427 pbrtb.......................430 pbxati......................426 raditi......................432 ratb........................376 reci ...................... 433 renb........................143 retb........................143 ritb........................436 rjuti.......................436 robota .................... 373 robi....................... 373 rolija .....................375 rolja.......................375 rivati......................441 rydati......................441 sadi........................442 sani........................443 sedblo......................443 silo........................450 snixa ..................... 458 sociti..................... 458 soxă........................458 soki........................459 solovii ................... 460 stenb.......................467 storovi.....................478 stryi.......................470 strii.......................470 stbblo......................472 stbblb......................472 sui.........................474 sunuti......................474 surovi......................474 svekry..................... 475 svekri..................... 475 sili........................480 sipi....................... 482 sb .........................484 sbrna.......................485 sbrsenb.....................485 surini......................488 INDICES sbrsenb....................485 sbvbcb ................... 488 teci ..................... 489 tjati......................494 trudi .................... 497 trupi......................498 truti......................499 tuki ..................... 500 tvori......................501 tvbrdb.....................501 ti ........................502 tblo.......................504 ugi....................... 207 ukotb..................... 386 ulica..................... 508 ustbe......................510 utovb......................387 utro.......................510 utrb.......................387 uty........................387 uziti......................387 uzb .......................388 veremja....................516 veno.......................519 vixirb.....................522 voini......................524 voloci.....................514 vologa.....................524 vonja......................527 voronyi....................529 vxu........................540 vymja .....................534 vinuki.....................530 visb.......................532 vitorijb...................532 vbrgnuti...................538 vbrsta.....................538 zaborolo...................540 zabralo....................540 zautra.....................510 zdorovi....................478 zjabnuti...................543 zobati.....................547 zbdati.....................551 zaza ..................... 560 zela.......................556 zelesti....................557 zely.......................557 613 zeravlb................... 558 zeravi.................... 558 zerelo....................559 zereti ...................566 zreti.....................566 zrbti.....................566 zbrati....................559 1.2.3 Ukrainian astrjăb...................29 badăty....................32 bahno.....................33 băjati....................33 bdzolă....................72 bedră.....................35 berehty...................36 beremja................... 37 berest....................37 bereza....................38 bereza....................36 bibr......................34 bih.......................50 bij ......................51 bil ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 54 bir ...................... 58 blejaty...................43 blekit....................42 bleknuty..................48 blekot....................42 blekotă...................42 blidyj....................42 blijăty...................43 bloxă.....................47 blyscăti..................48 blyskati ................. 44 blyzkyj...................45 blyznă....................45 blyzna....................45 bojăty sja................50 bolity....................51 bolon’....................53 bolone....................53 bolona....................52 bolonja...................53 bolonje .................. 53 borih.....................56 borodă....................55 borodătyj.................55 614 INDICES borolo............. ...............56 djura................. ............126 hrust’........................... borolo............. ...............56 dobă................. .......... 109 hryvna......................... boronă ........... ...............56 dolja................. .............111 huhnăvyj.................... borona ........... ...............56 dovltty.............. ........... 114 huhnjăvyj................... borosno.......... ............... 57 drăpaty............ ............115 huhnyty...................... boroty............ ............... 57 drib................... ........... 118 husti............................ bort ................ ...............69 drik.................. ...........120 hvizd’........................... bort’................ ...............69 drizd................. ...........120 hvor............................. bort’................ ...............69 drjăpaty.......... ............115 hyver........................... bosyj............... ............... 59 drjuk................ ........... 121 xapăty......................... brat................ ...............60 drobynă........... ............117 xid............................... brăttja............ ...............60 druok............... ...........120 xvorost....................... brăty.............. ............... 73 drystăty............ ............117 ihlă .............................. bresty............. ............... 61 dupa................. ...........124 (ho.............................. brid ................ ...............64 dur................... ............126 il’m.............................. brjăknuty....... ............... 62 dur’................... ............126 (lem............................. brjazcăty........ ............... 62 duzyj................ ............127 imă............................. brost’.............. ............... 65 ese .................... ...........144 imăty........................... bydlo .............. ...............70 hăbaty............. ............159 imtty............................ bylo ................ ............... 41 hist.................... ...........180 (nej.............................. byr.................. ...............58 hivno................ ........... 182 (skra............................. bzdtty............. ..............431 hlej................... ............168 iti ............................... cilyty.............. ............... 74 hlih................... ...........166 (va............................... cină ................ ............... 75 hliva.................. ............165 iver............................. cekăty............. ...............79 hlobă................ ............165 jalec............................ cerano ............ ...............84 hloba................ ............165 jăma............................ cered............... ................81 hlobyty............. ...........166 jar ............................... ceremuxa....... ............... 82 hlotă................ ............166 jar............................... ceremxa......... ............... 82 hlota................. ...........166 jarec............................ cerep............... ...............84 hlum ................ ............167 jarem........................... cerepaty......... ...............84 hlyst.................. ...........164 jăryj............................. cereslo ............ ...............85 hnizdo ............. ...........169 jarynă ......................... cerevo............. ...............85 hojity............... ........... 173 jăstrib.......................... cerin.............. ...............83 holka................ ...........210 jăstrjab........................ ceron .............. ...............83 horno............... ...........199 jăty.............................. ceznuty.......... ...............87 horod................ ............178 jăvida.......................... cxăty.............. ...............89 hortăty............. ...........199 jaz ............................... colovik............ ...............80 hospid’.............. ...........180 jazgar.......................... d’ah................ ............. 106 hospod’............. ...........180 jelen............................ dehot’............. ...............98 hra.................... .......... 209 jevja............................. derba.............. ..............135 hrăty................. ...........210 jevnja .......................... derbaty.......... ..............135 hrim................. .......... 190 jibăty........................... deren.............. ...............99 hrjasty............. ............188 jid ............................... derhaty.......... ..............135 hrjazjă............. ...........188 jîvolga......................... dihot’.............. ...............98 hrozno ............. ........... 191 jiz ............................... dil .................. .......103, 112 hrud................. ...........192 jiz ............................... diljă................ ..............103 hrudă................ ...........192 kalyty.......................... dim................. .............. 113 hruda................ ...........192 kăra............................. 615 . 144 . 145 . 378 . 147 . 149 ..555 ..555 ..555 . 393 .391 .391 ...72 .428 .431 408 409 . 412 .394 .410 .410 . 413 . 415 . 419 . 435 .438 .438 .434 . 375 . 435 . 435 . 375 .438 .376 .439 440 440 .443 . 485 444 .459 .447 . 214 . 214 480 .454 .456 . 457 460 INDICES . 222 . 227 . 239 .240 . 226 . 229 . 230 ..231 ..233 . 234 .. 238 .240 .246 . 252 . 247 . 248 .244 . 256 .244 ..264 . 265 . 265 . 265 . 267 . 367 . 369 .269 . 365 ..271 .298 . 275 ..271 . 270 . 274 . 270 . 272 .. 211 . 282 . 282 . 367 .294 . 369 ■ 370 . 285 .286 . 295 . 287 ..289 lukno....................294 lună.....................291 luspă....................292 luspă....................292 lyxo ................... 278 lyko ....................295 lysa.................... 279 lytka....................295 m’a......................212 maladnjă ............... 333 mară.....................301 măty.................... 211 mene.................... 308 meză.....................305 mid’.....................309 mity.....................211 mizdrjă..................316 mizdro...................316 mlin ................... 319 mox..................... 333 mora.....................324 morkva...................335 morokvă..................325 mova.....................334 movyty...................334 msta.....................343 muravyj..................326 muryj....................331 mytus’...................319 mytus’...................319 mza..................... 344 nat’.....................346 netopyr..................350 niz .....................354 no ..................... 360 nohă.....................354 novăk....................357 nutro....................387 nyrjăty................. 360 nyscyj...................353 obora....................362 ohen.....................364 ohon.....................364 olen’....................140 ol’os....................371 onuk ....................530 osă .....................377 ose .....................144 osin........ osit’....... osyna....... ovin........ oz ......... ozeleda..... ozeledica. ozeled’..... păhnist’... păra........ pavuk ...... pcolă....... perdtty..... pezdtty.... pid......... pidosva..... pol ........ polon ...... polox....... polox....... poră........ povoroz... prjăsty..... ribyj?...... rih ........ rij ........ rjaty....... rilljă...... rjabyj...... rjabyna ... rokita...... rosă........ rosty....... rub......... runo........ rux......... săny........ scjăty...... seren....... sik ........ siryj ...... skăty....... skra........ slij........ sluxaty..... smorid...... snih........ solonyj..... 616 INDICES som......... ..................... 461 baviti...................... ...... 34 spir......... ..................... 481 brediti..................... .......61 stih ......... .....................468 brediti..................... .......61 stil .......... .....................468 brjazcăty................ ...... 62 struk....... .....................469 strup....... .....................470 1.2.5 Belorussian stryj........ .....................470 ales.......................... .....371 stryzen’... ..................... 471 al sa......................... .....371 suddjă.... .....................462 asec......................... .....145 suk.......... .....................463 avin......................... .....147 sverbtty.. .....................478 azjarod................... .....385 sula......... .....................488 baradă.................... .......55 svec’........ .....................488 baradăty................. .......55 syty......... .....................487 bel’.......................... .......53 teren....... ..................... 505 berahcy................... ...... 36 teslo ........ .....................491 berast...................... .......37 tik .......... .....................494 bjaroza................... .......38 tin ’......... .....................492 blekat...................... ...... 42 tjăty........ .....................494 bljăknuc ................. ......48 tjazkyj.... .....................494 bljuznă................... .......45 tolokă..... .....................495 boh.......................... ...... 50 torhaty... ..................... 502 bol’.......................... .......54 tur.......... .....................500 borc......................... ...... 69 vecir ....... ......................513 brjăknuc................. ...... 62 veremje .. ......................516 bydlo....................... ...... 70 vereslo.... ......................516 cerap....................... ......84 verx........ ..................... 538 dolja........................ ......111 visk......... ..................... 529 duzy........................ .....127 viz .......... ..................... 530 dzjură..................... .....126 vohkyj.... ..................... 536 elkij......................... .... 140 voloka .... ..............525, 526 eunja...................... .....147 volos....... ..................... 526 eunja...................... .....147 vovna..... ......................537 ez .......................... ..... 155 vtoryj..... ......................532 habăc...................... .....159 (v)yrij..... ..............213, 214 hlabac..................... .....162 ylkyj....... ..................... 140 hlist......................... .....164 yver....... ..................... 216 hnjus....................... .....171 zalizo..... ......................555 horad...................... .....178 zăloza..... ......................557 hrom....................... .... 190 zemljă .... ..................... 542 hrud........................ .....192 zorjă....... .....................548 huhnăc................... ..... 182 zub ......... .....................549 idze......................... .... 209 zelizo...... ......................555 imzec ...................... .... 344 zuravel’.. ..................... 558 inej.......................... ..... 213 zyto......... ..................... 563 jadzgăr................... ..... 155 zyvycja... ..................... 563 jarabina................. 142 jauja....................... .....147 1.2.4 Old Ukrainian jaz .......................... ..... 155 kolat......................231 kuka.......................256 lăjac......................267 lasos......................285 lemex..................... 271 l’ha.......................296 lisă.......................279 ljames.....................271 ljăska.....................274 ljubăva....................277 lokno .....................294 mară.......................301 măra.......................301 mizăc......................319 morkva.....................335 mova ..................... 334 mox........................333 mza........................344 nutro......................387 obora......................362 osetka.....................145 osvă.......................377 palon......................394 roh........................438 roj........................438 rub........................439 rux........................440 smarod.....................456 sneh.......................457 stoh...................... 468 stol...................... 468 struk..................... 469 strup..................... 470 stryj..................... 470 stryzen....................471 stygnuc....................473 suk........................463 svec.......................488 tik ...................... 494 uc ........................387 unuk.......................530 vecar......................513 vereme.................... 516 verx.......................538 volas......................526 (v)osec....................145 voz........................530 vyraj......................213 INDICES 617 vyrij............................. .213 blecha .................. .........48 brusnice ............ ............64 zabrălo........................ 540 blek ...................... ......... 42 brva................... ........... 66 zalezo.......................... .555 blekot................... ......... 42 brzda................. ........... 66 zaloza.......................... .557 blekota................. ......... 42 brzo................... ............70 zelezo .......................... .555 blenovati............. ..........35 brzy................... ............70 zorau........................... 558 blesk..................... ..........43 brech.................. ............37 zuravel’....................... 558 bleti...................... ..........43 bredit se ............ ............ 61 blim ..................... ..........35 brednouti.......... ........... 66 1.2.6 Old Belorussian blin....................... ..........35 breh................... ............37 borzdyj........................ ..70 blisk ..................... ..........45 brest................... ............37 bliti...................... ......... 46 brevno............... ............67 1.3 West Slavic blizna................... ..........45 brezi.................. ............36 blizky................... ..........45 brich.................. ............63 1.3.1 Czech blizy..................... ..........45 bricho................ ............63 a ............................... .. 25 bloud ................... ......... 47 brime................. ............37 baba............................ .. 32 blouditi................ ......... 47 briti................... ............63 băba............................ .. 32 blud...................... ......... 47 britky................. ............62 bădati ......................... .. 32 blut...................... ......... 46 britva................. ............63 bahno.......................... .. 33 blyskati (se)........ ......... 44 briza.................. ............38 băhno.......................... .. 33 blysteti................. .........48 buben ................ ........... 60 bajeti........................... .. 33 bo ....................... ......... 49 bubeniti ............ ........... 60 băsen........................... ..34 bobr..................... ......... 34 buceti ................ ............67 băti se.......................... ..50 bodati.................. ......... 49 buditi ................ ............67 baviti........................... ..34 bohaty................. ......... 50 buh.................... ............50 băzen .......................... ..50 boj....................... .......... 51 bujny................. ............68 bditi............................. ..68 bol ....................... ..........54 busti .................. ............59 beda ............................ ..38 boleti.................... .......... 51 bydlo ................. ............70 bediti........................... .. 39 bor ....................... ..........58 byli..................... ............ 71 bedra........................... ...35 bosy...................... ..........59 bystry................ ............ 71 behati.......................... .. 39 boure................... ......... 68 byt ..................... ............ 71 bes............................... ..40 brada................... ..........55 byti .................... ............ 71 bez ............................... ..38 bradaty................ ..........55 byvati................ ............72 bezeti........................... ..40 bradlo.................. ......... 56 bzditi................. ..........431 bic ............................... .. 41 brăna................... ..........57 capat................. ............73 bida............................. ..38 brăny................... ......... 56 căpat................. ............73 bidit se........................ .. 39 brat...................... .........60 capati................ ............73 biditi........................... .. 39 brăti..................... ..........73 cediti ................. ............74 bidlo............................ .. 41 bratr.................... .........60 celiti................... ............74 bily.............................. ..40 bratri................... .........60 celovati.............. ............74 bit............................... .. 41 bratrie.................. .........60 cely.................... ............75 bitva............................ ..42 brav...................... ..........58 cena................... ............75 blaho........................... ...51 brăzda................. ..........59 ceniti ................. ............75 blahy........................... ...51 brh....................... ..........73 cesta................... ............76 blana........................... ...53 brod..................... ......... 64 ceva ................... ............76 blăna........................... .. 52 broditi ................. ..........63 cevnice .............. ............77 blăne........................... ...53 broditi se............. ..........63 cad..................... ............77 blăto............................ ...53 brony................... ......... 64 carodej.............. ............78 bledy............................ ..42 brt’....................... ......... 69 căry................... ............79 618 INDICES cas..........................79 căst.........................88 casto........................88 casty........................88 cekati ..................... 79 celed’.......................80 celo.........................80 cemer........................81 cemerice.....................81 cerep........................84 cermny...................... 91 cermucha.................... 82 cerny........................92 cerpati......................92 c(e)rstvy....................92 cerv........................ 93 cerveny .................... 93 cerviti..................... 93 ceren........................83 cesati.......................86 cesnek.......................86 cest...................88, 94 ci ..........................88 cin..........................89 ciniti.......................89 cisti........................89 cistiti......................90 cisty........................90 citati.......................90 citi.........................91 cititi......................381 clovek.......................80 couti....................... 91 cren ....................... 83 criti........................84 crmny....................... 91 crta........................ 93 ctvery.......................86 ctvrty...................... 87 ctyri....................... 87 cuditi se .................. 91 dajati.......................95 dăl..........................95 dăle ....................... 95 daleky.......................95 dan..........................95 dar..........................96 dăsen...................... 106 datel................. ......96, 107 dobry............. .............. 110 dăti .................. ............ 96 dojidlo........... .............. 110 dăvati............... ............ 96 dojiti.............. .............. 110 dăviti................ ............ 97 doma............. ...............112 dăvni................ ............ 97 domov........... ...............112 dăvny................ ............ 97 domovy......... ...............112 dech ................. ...........129 dosici............. ............. 449 ded.................... ........... 101 douchati........ .............. 124 dehel................. .......... 106 doupa............ ...............125 dehet................ ............98 doupe............ ...............125 d(e)chnouti..... ...........129 d’oura............ .............. 126 del ................... ............134 douti.............. ....... 114, 127 delati ............... ............102 drăha............. ...............113 deliti ................ ............102 drahy............. ...............113 den.................... ............134 drăpati.......... ...............115 desăty............... .......... 100 drăti .............. ...............135 deset................. .......... 100 drbati............ ...............135 dest’................... ............131 drhati............ ....... 122, 136 dest’................... ............131 drhnouti....... .............. 136 deti................... ...........104 drkoli............. ...............123 deva ................. ...........105 drkolna ......... .............. 124 devăty............... ........... 101 drob............... ...............119 devet................ ........... 101 droba............. ...............117 dil .................... ............103 drobesk.......... ...............118 dilo.................... ...........103 drobina......... ...............117 dira................... ............103 drobiti........... ...............118 dlte.................... ...........104 drobny........... ...............119 diti.................... ...........104 drouh ............ ...............121 div ................... ...........108 drouk............. ...............121 diva................... ...........105 drozd............. .............. 120 divi.................... ...........108 drozdi............ ...............121 diviti se............ ...........108 drpac............ .............. 136 divny................ .......... 109 drpati............ .............. 136 divy.................. ...........108 druh .............. ...............121 diz.................... .......... 106 druhy............. .............. 122 dize................... .......... 106 druzina......... .............. 122 dlan ................. .............111 drvo............... ...............123 dlapa ............... .......... 268 drzy............... ...............137 ........... 112 drzeti............. ..............138 dlbsti................ ............134 drevni............ ...............116 dletko................ ............98 drevny........... ...............116 dliti................... ........... 133 drevo ............. ................99 dlouhy............. ........... 133 drimati.......... ...............117 dluh ................. ...........129 drin................ ................99 dnes ................. ........... 135 dristati.......... ...............117 dno................... ...........130 driti............... ................99 do ................... .......... 109 driv(e)........... ...............116 doba................. .......... 109 drivny............ ...............116 INDICES 619 dub................ ...............114 hloupy................ .........167 hrăch........................... duh................ ..............348 hltati................... .........168 hrad............................. duha.............. ...............114 hluboky.............. .........166 hrad’............................ duch.............. .............. 124 hluchy................. .........167 hrady........................... duchati ......... .............. 124 hnăti................... .........197 hrany........................... dul ................. ............... 112 hnev.................... .........168 hrăti............................ dum............... ............... 113 hnida.................. .........169 hrăz............................. dupa.............. ...............125 hnily................... .........169 hrb............................... d’ura............. .............. 126 hnisti.................. .........168 hrdlo............................ dufit sa......... .............. 126 hniti.................... .........169 hrdy............................. durny............ ...............127 hnizdo................ .........169 hrkati.......................... duse............... ...............127 hnouti................. .........197 hrnouti....................... duzi............... ...............127 hnuj.................... .........170 hrob............................. dva ................ .............. 130 hnus.................... .........170 hrom............................ dvere ............. .............. 128 hnusiti................ .........170 hromada..................... dvere ............. .............. 128 hnusny................ .........171 hrouda........................ dvoji.............. ............... 131 hod...................... .........172 hrouziti....................... dvur............... .............. 128 hodina................ .........172 hrozen......................... dychati.......... ............... 131 hoditi.................. .........172 hroziti ......................... dym............... ...............132 hoditi se.............. .........172 hrozny......................... dzobac........... .............. 547 hodny................. ......... 173 hrst.............................. dzura............. .............. 126 hody.................... .........172 hruby........................... glej................. .............. 168 hoj...................... ......... 173 hrud’............................ habat............. ...............159 hojiti................... ......... 173 hruditi se .................... habati ........... ...............159 holen................... ......... 174 hruza........................... had................ .............. 160 holet.................... ......... 175 hryzati........................ hădati ........... .............. 160 holot, holot......... ......... 175 hryzti........................... haditi............ .............. 160 holota ................. ......... 174 hrăti............................ hasiti............. ...............161 holub .................. ......... 175 hrada........................... hasnouti ....... ...............161 holy..................... .........176 hrăti............................ hlad............... .......173, 203 homole................ .........177 hre(b)sti...................... hladky........... ...............162 honiti.................. .........177 hreb ............................. hlahol............ ...............174 hora .................... .........177 hreben......................... hlaholati....... ...............174 horeti.................. .........178 hreben......................... hlas................ .............. 176 horsi.................... .........179 hrez.............................. hlava............. .............. 176 hore..................... .........179 hreznouti.................... hlaz............... ...............163 horky.................. .........180 hrich............................ hledeti........... .............. 164 host..................... .........180 hrit............................... hlen ............... ...............163 houba ................. ......... 182 hriva............................ hlezen............ ...............163 housti.................. ......... 183 hrivna ......................... hlezno ........... ...............163 houz.................... .........184 hriziti.......................... hlina.............. .............. 164 houzev................ .........185 hrmeti......................... hlist............... .............. 164 hovado................ ......... 181 hrmiti.......................... hlista............. .............. 164 hoveti.................. ......... 181 huba............................ hliva.............. ...............165 hovno.................. ......... 182 hubiti .......................... hlobit'............ .............. 166 hovor.................. ......... 181 huhnati....................... hlobiti ........... .............. 166 hovoriti............... ......... 181 huhnăvy...................... hloh............... .............. 166 hra...................... ........ 209 humno ........................ 620 hura......................177 hure......................179 hus...................... 184 husty.....................183 hutny.....................184 huza......................184 hvezda....................195 hvozd.....................196 hybati................... 200 hynout....................200 hyze......................200 chabati.................. 201 chăbit................... 201 chabiti.................. 201 chabny....................201 chaby.....................201 chăpati...................202 chcăti....................485 chladny...................204 chleb.....................202 chloud....................202 chod .................... 203 choditi.................. 203 chomout...................204 chory.....................206 chrăniti..................205 chrast....................206 chrast’...................206 chrăst....................206 chrăsta...................235 chrasti...................206 chromy....................205 chudy.....................205 chvoj.....................206 chvrasti..................206 chybati...................207 i ........................207 ihla......................210 ikro......................210 iskat.....................214 isty......................215 iver......................216 izba......................215 jă ........................31 jablko.....................26 jablo......................25 jablon.................... 25 jădro.....................157 INDICES jahoda......................27 jak ....................... 28 jako....................... 28 jaky....................... 28 jăma ...................... 28 jar........................153 jarka......................152 jaro.......................151 jarost.....................152 jary.......................152 jar ...................... 153 jarabina...................142 jarina.....................151 jarmo.......................28 jasan...................... 29 jasan...................... 29 jasny..................... 153 jătra......................158 jaza...................... 157 jazyk......................159 jdeze..................... 209 je ........................146 jebati.....................147 jeceti.....................156 jecmen.....................156 jed........................150 jeden......................138 jedinaky ................. 138 jedle .................... 139 jednaky................... 138 jedva......................139 jehla......................210 jehne...................... 26 jehnec .................... 26 jechati....................151 jekati.................... 157 jelec..................... 140 jelen......................140 jelse......................371 jenz...................... 208 jerăb......................142 jerăbek....................142 jerătko ...................151 jesen...................... 29 jesen...................... 29 jeseter....................145 jest ...................... 46 jeste......................146 jester........................30 jesterice.....................30 jesterka......................30 jestrăb.......................29 jeti ....................... 154 jeviti........................31 jevny.........................31 jez .........................155 jezero...................... 148 jez ........................ 149 (j)ez........................208 jezdik.......................156 jezice...................... 149 jho..........................209 jicha........................208 jih .........................207 jikra....................... 210 jil .........................211 jilm.........................211 jilma........................211 jimati.......................211 jini.........................213 jiny........................ 212 jiskra ..................... 214 jisti........................154 jiti.........................216 jitro........................510 jiva.........................216 jizba .......................215 jizda........................154 jizva........................155 jiz .........................207 jmeli........................141 jmeno ...................... 212 jsem.........................146 juny........................ 208 jutro........................510 k(e/u).......................259 kadidlo......................218 kaditi...................... 218 kal .........................220 kaliti............... 219, 220 kămen........................220 kăra.........................221 kărati ..................... 221 kasati ..................... 221 kasel ...................... 221 kaslati .................... 221 INDICES 621 kăti se............... ...........219 kosa.................. ............238 krzno................ ...........263 kăzati............... ........... 222 kosm ................ ............238 kremen............. .......... 246 kăzen................ ........... 222 kosma.............. ............238 krepky.............. .......... 246 kaziti................ ........... 222 kost.................. ............239 krepy................ .......... 246 kde.................... ...........259 kosăr................ ........... 240 kreslo................ ...........247 kdo ................... ...........264 kot................... ............241 kriceti............... ...........247 kel .................... ...........261 kotec ................ ............241 kridlo................ ...........247 kelka................. ...........260 kotiti se............ ........... 240 krik................... ...........247 ker.................... ........... 261 koureni............ ............257 kuca.................. .......... 244 klăda................ ...........228 kouriti............. ............257 kuce.................. ........... 255 klas................... ...........230 kousati............. ........... 243 kukati............... ........... 255 klăsti ................ ........... 223 kout.................. ........... 244 kul .................... ............231 klăt................... ............231 kouti................ ............241 kun ................... ............231 klăti.................. ...........230 kouzen............. ............258 kupina.............. ...........243 klătiti............... ...........230 koza ................. ........... 242 kura.................. ...........234 kleceti............... ........... 225 kozel................. ........... 242 kurica............... ...........257 klehot............... ........... 223 koze.................. ........... 242 kus.................... ...........243 klej.................... ...........224 kra ................... ............210 kus.................... ...........239 klekot............... ........... 223 krabuse............ ............234 kus.................... .......... 240 klekotati........... ........... 223 kraj.................. ........... 244 kutiti ................ ........... 258 klektati............. ........... 223 krăkati............. ............245 kuzna............... ........... 258 kleste................ ...........224 krăsa................ ............245 kuze.................. ...........242 klestiti.............. ...........224 krăsny.............. ........... 246 kvas.................. ........... 258 klestiti.............. ...........224 krăsti ............... ............245 kvesti................ ...........259 klic.................... ...........226 krăt.................. ........... 236 kvet................... ........... 258 kliciti................ ...........226 krătky.............. ........... 236 kvisti................. ...........259 klika................. ...........226 krăva ............... ........... 236 kychati............. ...........265 klika................. ...........226 krev.................. ............254 kydati............... ...........264 klokotati .......... ...........227 krevni.............. ............253 kydnouti.......... ...........265 kokos................ ........... 228 krevny.............. ............253 kyj .................... ...........265 koleno.............. ........... 228 krkati............... ........... 262 kyla................... ...........265 koliko ............... ........... 229 krknouti.......... ........... 262 kypeti ............... .......... 266 kolo .................. ........... 229 krm.................. ........... 262 kypry................ .......... 266 komon.............. ........... 232 krojiti............... ........... 248 kysati................ .......... 266 konec................ ........... 232 krom ................ ........... 249 kysely................ ...........267 kopa ................. ........... 232 krome .............. ........... 249 kyvati............... ...........267 kopati............... ............233 kropiti.............. ........... 249 labut’................. ........... 365 kopi.................. ........... 234 krosna.............. ........... 249 lacny................. ...........366 kopr.................. ............233 krotiti .............. ........... 250 ladvi................. ...........276 kopt.................. ............233 krotky.............. ........... 250 lakomy............. ...........367 kora.................. ........... 234 kroupa............. ............252 lan .................... ...........368 korec................. ...........238 kroutiti............ ............ 251 ...........268 koryto.............. ........... 237 krov.................. ........... 250 lăska................. ...........269 koren................ ........... 237 kruh................. ............ 251 laska................. ...........274 korice............... ............235 kruch ............... ............252 laskati .............. ...........269 koriti se............ ............235 krusna............. ...........249 lăti.................... ...........268 kos .................... ........... 239 kruty................ ............252 laz .................... ...........270 kos .................... ...........240 kryti................. ............254 lăz .................... ...........270 622 INDICES laziti............ ................269 list ............... ............... 279 mam.................. .......... 301 leb ............... ................293 listo.............. ............... 296 mămiti.............. .......... 301 lebavy.......... ................277 lisiti.............. ............... 280 măslo................. ..........302 lebeda.......... ................366 liti ............... .......280,297 maso.................. ...........315 lebka ........... ................ 293 lititi.............. ................282 mast................... ..........302 leceti............ ................276 Uty............... ................283 măsti................. ...........315 leci............... ........270, 277 lizati............ ............... 280 mătati............... ..........302 led ............... ................270 lneny............ ............... 297 materstvo.......... ..........303 ledva............ .................139 lnouti........... ............... 297 materstvo.......... ..........303 ledvi............ ................276 loboda.......... ...............366 măvati............... ..........299 lehati........... ................ 272 lod’............... ................367 maz.................... ..........305 lehky............ ................297 lokati........... ............... 284 mazati............... ..........304 lekati........... ................276 loket............. ............... 368 măzdra.............. .......... 316 lekno ........... ................294 lomiti........... ............... 284 mceti ................. ...........331 lemech......... .................271 loni............... ............... 369 mdly.................. .......... 332 lemes........... .................271 lopata.......... ................285 me ..................... .......... 314 len ............... ................298 los ............... ............... 370 mec.................... ..........305 len............... ................ 273 losos............. ................285 mech.................. .......... 333 lenivy.......... ................ 272 louc.............. ............... 290 mech.................. ..........309 lep............... ................ 273 louce............ ............... 290 med ................... ......... 306 lepiti............ ................ 273 louciti .......... ............... 288 med’................... ..........309 lepy.............. ................ 274 louka............ ............... 289 medojed............ ......... 306 les ............... ................ 274 loupiti.......... ................291 medved.............. ......... 306 lesk.............. ................294 louze............ ................293 mehnouti.......... ..........340 leskati ......... ................294 lov............... ............... 286 mekky................ .......... 314 lest ............... ................298 loviti ............ ............... 286 meknouti .......... .......... 314 leteti............ .................271 loza.............. ............... 287 mel..................... .......... 310 leto .............. ................ 274 loze............... ............... 287 meli................... ...........141 leviti............ ................ 275 loziti............. ............... 287 melky................. .......... 310 levy.............. ................ 275 lub ............... ............... 289 mely................... .......... 310 lezti ............. ................ 275 luciti ............ ............... 290 mena................. ...........311 lez............... ................ 295 luh ............... ............... 288 mene.................. .......... 341 lezeti............ ................ 272 luj ............... ................283 meniti................ ...........311 lhăti............. ................294 luk ............... ............... 289 meno ................. .......... 212 Ubiti se........ ................ 281 lukavy.......... ............... 289 mensi................. .......... 341 libivy........... ................ 277 luna ............. ................291 meriti ................ ...........312 libovy.......... ................ 277 luno ............. ................285 mesic................. ...........312 liby.............. ................ 281 lusk.............. ............... 292 mesti.................. ..........308 lice............... ................278 luska ............ ................291 mesto................. ...........313 liceti............ ................276 lustiti........... ................293 metati................ ..........309 licha............ ................ 272 lyko .............. ................295 meze.................. ..........305 lichy............. ................ 278 lysy............... ............... 296 mezi................... ..........305 lict............... ................ 277 lytka............. ................295 mezu.................. ..........305 lid ............... ................ 282 lytko............. ................295 mha................... ..........338 lide .............. ................ 282 lze ............... ............... 296 mhla.................. ..........338 liny.............. ................ 273 măchati....... ...............298 mih.................... .......... 316 lipa.............. ................279 măk.............. ...............299 mihati............... .......... 316 liska............. ................ 274 maly............. ...............300 mijeti................. ...........317 INDICES 623 mikati............ ...............317 motati............... ...........327 nărod................. ..........346 mily................ ...............317 motyka............. ...........327 năs..................... ..........346 mimo............. ...............317 moucha............ ...........330 nat’.................... ..........346 mimo............. ...............317 moudry............. ...........329 naviti................. ..........347 miniti............. ...............312 mouka.............. ...........329 ne ..................... ..........347 minouti.......... ...............318 mour................. ........... 331 nebe................... ..........348 minovati........ ...............318 moutiti............. ...........330 nebohy.............. ..........348 mir................. ...............318 mozek............... ...........328 neduh................ ..........348 mira............... ...............312 mrak................. ...........325 nehet................. ...........355 miriti.............. ...............312 mrav................. ...........356 nekdo ................ ..........349 misek.............. .......309, 313 mrăz................. ...........326 nesti................... ..........350 misiti.............. ...............313 mrgat................ ...........335 netopyr.............. ..........350 misto.............. ...............313 mrk................... ...........341 nevesta.............. ...351, 458 miti................ ..............211 mrkev............... ...........335 nevod ................ ...........351 mitvy.............. ...............319 mrknouti.......... ...........341 nez..................... .......... 352 miza............... ...............314 mrkva............... ...........335 ni ..................... .......... 352 mizga............. ...............314 mrmrati........... ...........335 nice.................... .......... 352 mknouti......... ...............333 mrtvy................ .......... 342 niceti ................. .......... 352 mlădenec....... ..............322 mrzeti............... .......... 342 niceti................. .......... 352 mlady............. ...............323 mrznouti.......... ...........343 nici..................... .......... 352 mlat................ ..............324 mriti................. .......... 308 niceti ................. .......... 353 mlătiti............ ...............323 mrize................ .......... 308 niknouti............ .......... 353 mlceti............. ..............340 msta.................. ...........343 nit ..................... .......... 353 mleko............. ..............307 mstiti................ ...........343 niva ................... .......... 354 mlha............... ..............338 msice................. ...........336 niva................... .......... 354 mliti............... ..............307 muciti............... ...........328 noc..................... ...........355 mlna............... ...............333 muj................... ...........322 noh .................... .......... 212 mluva............. ..............334 muka................ ...........329 noha.................. .......... 354 mluviti........... ..............334 mura................. ...........324 nora................... ..........356 mne................ ..............340 mutit’................. ...........330 nos..................... .......... 357 mneti.............. ..............340 muz................... ...........330 nositi................. ..........356 mniti.............. ..............340 my .................... ...........336 nouze................. .......... 359 mnoho............ ..............334 mydlo ............... ...........336 novy................... .......... 357 mnohy............ ..............334 mykati.............. ...........337 nozdra............... .......... 358 moc................ ...............321 mysl .................. ...........337 nuditi................ .......... 358 moci............... ...............321 mys ................... ...........337 nukat................. .......... 359 moc................ ...............319 myti .................. ...........338 nuriti se............. .......... 359 mociti............. ..............320 myto.................. ...........338 nutiti................. ......... 360 modla............. ..............320 mzda................. ...........343 nuz.................... .......... 358 modliti se....... ..............320 mzeti................. .......... 344 nyni................... ......... 360 modry............ ..............320 mztti................. .......... 344 nyti.................... ......... 360 mokry............. ..............322 na .................... .......... 344 o ..................... .......... 361 mol................. ...............323 naciti................ ...........345 ob ..................... .......... 361 mor................. ..............326 nad(e).............. ...........345 oba..................... .......... 361 mora.............. ...............325 nadra................ ...........150 obecat, obecet... .......... 361 more............... ...............325 nadro................ ...........150 oblak................. ..........362 most............... ..............326 năhly................. ...........345 obly.................... ..........363 mosna............ ..............327 nahy.................. ...........345 obora................. ..........362 624 INDICES oboriti............ .............374 pata ............. ............... 399 plesti............. .............. 404 obouti............. .............363 păty.............. ............... 399 ples............... ...............405 octnouti se..... ..............381 pavouk......... ................391 pleva............. ............... 395 od(e).............. .............382 pazneht....... ................393 plice.............. ...............405 odoleti............ ............. 363 pazucha....... ................392 plisen............ .............. 404 odr.................. .............364 pazit............. ................393 pliti............... .......394, 402 ohen............... .............364 pchăti .......... ............... 426 pliva............. ............... 395 oje.................. .............364 pec ............... ................393 plny.............. .............. 426 okno ............... ............. 365 peci.............. ................393 plosky.......... .............. 406 oko.................. ............. 365 peha............. ................397 plot............... .............. 406 okrouhly........ ..............251 peklo ............ ............... 426 plouti........... .............. 406 olovo.............. .............369 pen............... ............... 427 plst................ ...............427 olse................. ..............371 pena............. ................397 plst’................ ...............427 omela............. ..............141 pero.............. ............... 396 pluk.............. .............. 424 omelo............. ..............141 pero.............. ............... 396 plvati............ ...............402 on .................. ............. 372 pes............... ................431 pnouti.......... ...............399 onuce.............. ..............371 pest............... ............... 399 po ............... .............. 407 opak............... ............. 372 pestry........... ............... 430 pod(e).......... .............. 408 orati............... ............. 372 pesi............... ............... 398 podesev........ .............. 409 orel................. ............. 376 pet ............... ...............400 podesva........ .............. 409 orudi.............. ..............375 peti............... ............... 398 podoba......... .............. 408 orech.............. ............. 374 pice............... ................401 pojiti............ .............. 409 osa .................. ............. 378 pichati......... ............... 426 pole.............. ................411 osel................. ..............381 pid’............... ............... 398 poleno ......... ................410 oset................. .............380 piha.............. ................397 police........... ................410 osm................. ............. 379 piha.............. ................397 popel............. ............... 395 osmy............... ............. 378 pija............... ................397 poplach........ ................410 osnova............ ............. 379 pisek............. ............... 398 poslăti ......... ...............479 osten............... .............380 piskati.......... ...............400 pot................ ..................15 ostry............... ............. 379 piskor........... ...............400 pouchly........ ................423 oskrd.............. ............. 378 pist............... ................397 pout............. ................417 oskrt............... ............. 378 pista............. ................397 pouto........... ................417 otec................. ............. 383 pisteti........... ...............400 povrislo........ ............... 516 otevriti........... ......382, 383 piti............... ................401 pozde........... ............... 415 otrok............... ............. 382 pivo.............. ............... 402 pozdni.......... ................416 ovce................ .............384 plachy.......... ............... 410 prăh............. ............... 413 oves................ .............384 plakati......... ............... 402 prach............ ............... 413 păchati........... .............389 plamen........ ................ 411 prase............. ................414 păchnouti...... .............389 plăst............. ............... 402 prăti............. ...............428 padati ............ .............389 plasiti........... ................ 411 pravy............ ............... 418 palec............... .............390 plătno.......... ................412 prdeti........... ...............428 palice.............. .............390 plavati......... ............... 403 pro-............... .............. 420 păliti............... .............390 plaviti.......... ............... 403 prositi.......... ............... 421 pălka.............. .............390 plavy............ ................412 prostriti........ ............... 421 pamet............. ..............391 plaz.............. ................412 prosty.......... ................422 păra................ ..............391 plec............... ...............404 proti............. ................422 păs .................. ............ 409 plen.............. ............... 394 provaz......... ............... 415 păsti ............... ............. 392 plena............ .......394, 404 prs................ ...............429 INDICES 625 prsa............... ..............429 rob................... ............373 schnouti.......... ............479 prskati........... ..............423 robiti................ ............373 sestra ............... ............445 prso............... ..............429 robota.............. ............373 siesti ................ ............447 prst................ ..............429 rod................... ............437 sila................... ............451 prst’................ ..............429 roditi................ ............437 sime................. ...........446 pruhlo........... ..............422 roh................... ...........438 sin................... ............447 prvy............... ..............430 roj ................... ...........438 sit ................... ...........448 pryskati......... ..............423 rok................... ...........438 siti................... ............447 pre-................ ..............395 rokyta.............. ............375 sito................... ............451 prăti.............. ..............420 role................... ............375 sivy.................. ............451 pred(e).......... ..............396 roli................... ............375 skora................ ............452 pri................. ..............419 rosa.................. ...........438 skorice............. ............235 pristi.............. ..............419 roubiti............. ...........439 skura............... ............452 pritel.............. ..............419 rouno............... ...........440 skura............... ............452 priti............... ......396, 428 rov................... ...........439 slaby................ ............452 priti se........... ......396, 428 roz-.................. ............377 sladky.............. ............459 psăti.............. ..............430 rozbresk........... ..............61 slăma............... ............459 pseno............. ...............431 rub................... ...........439 slany................ ...........460 ptăk............... ..............424 ruch................. ...........440 slap.................. ...........460 ptăti se.......... ..............425 rudy................. ...........440 slăti.................. ............479 puceti............ ..............416 ruka................. ...........439 slatina............. ............461 puchnouti..... ..............423 rusti................. ...........376 slăva................ ............453 puda.............. ..............408 rvăti................. ............441 slavik............... ...........460 puditi............ ..............416 rydati............... ............441 slimăk............. ............453 puk................ ..............417 rydlo................ ............441 slina................. ............453 pul................. ..............412 ryti................... ...........442 sliva................. ............453 pupek............ ..............417 s(e).................... ...........478 sloj................... ...........480 pustiti............ ..............424 sad................... ...........442 slouti............... ............455 pusty............. ..............424 saditi................ ...........442 slovo................ ............454 pyr.................. ..............425 sahati............... ...........449 sluch................ ............455 răciti............. ...............431 săhnouti.......... ...........449 sluka................ ............454 rad................. ..............436 săknouti.......... ...........450 slunce.............. ............479 răd................. ..............436 san................... ...........443 sluseti.............. ............455 rada............... ..............436 sane.................. ...........443 slyseti............... ............455 rădlo.............. ..............373 săne.................. ...........443 smăti se........... ............456 rak................. ..............374 săti................... ...........482 smeti................ ...........480 răme.............. ...............375 scăti................. ............485 smich............... ............456 rameno......... ...............375 sedeti............... ...........445 smiti................ ...........480 rataj.............. ..............376 sedlo................. ...........444 smrad.............. ............456 rec................. ..............434 Sedlo................ ...........445 smrdeti............ ............457 reka............... ..............434 sedm................ ...........443 smrt................. ...........480 remen............ ..............433 sedmy.............. ...........443 snacha............. ............458 reravy............ ..............558 sedmy.............. ...........443 snih.................. ............457 nci................. ..............433 sen................... ............481 snouti.............. ............457 ridky.............. ..............434 seno.................. ...........446 snovati............ ............457 rihati............. ..............441 sever................. ...........449 socha............... ............458 rinouti se...... ..............436 sici................... ...........446 sok................... ............459 rit................. ..............436 sidlo................. ...........445 sou-.................. ............462 .491 .491 .492 .492 494 .493 .492 .492 . 503 494 .504 .268 .504 .504 490 .504 494 496 .495 496 496 . 502 .505 .497 499 498 498 .497 ...83 ...83 499 .497 , 86 499 ... 81 ...82 .491 499 .495 500 500 500 500 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 502 ...03 INDICES ..463 strzen......................471 tesati..... ..463 stud........................471 tesla...... ..475 studeny.....................471 tesny...... ..462 studiti.....................471 testo...... ..461 stul........................468 tezky...... ..481 stydnouti...................473 tiha....... ..464 suchy.......................473 tin........ ..464 suk.........................464 tin........ ..464 sul ........................461 tisic...... ..464 sunouti.....................474 titi....... .. 481 surovy.................... 474 tla ....... .. 481 susiti..................... 474 tlapa...... ..485 suva........................461 tliti...... ..485 svaty.....................476 tlo ....... ..485 svekr.......................475 tlouci..... ..465 svet....................... 476 tma........ ..465 svice.......................476 tok........ .. 465 svine ..................... 477 topiti..... ..468 svrab...................... 477 touha...... .. 465 svrbeti.................... 478 trăva...... ..466 syn ........................483 trăviti.... ..472 synovă......................458 trhati..... ..466 sypati....................483 trn ....... ..466 syr ........................483 troud...... ..472 syry........................484 trst....... ..472 syty........................484 trud....... ..472 sery........................447 trup....... ..467 sest....................... 487 trăsti..... ..467 sesty.......................486 tren....... ..473 sesty.......................486 trenovy.. ..482 siti........................487 trest’..... ..468 stene.......................486 treti...... ..468 stit........................486 trevo...... ..477 svec ..................... 488 tri ....... ..469 tăhnouti....................493 trida...... ..444 tajiti......................489 triditi.... ....82 tăti........................489 triti...... ....84 tăzati se...................493 tucny...... ..86 tchnouti....................129 tuhy....... .. 85 teci........................489 tuk ....... ..467 teme........................492 tur........ ....82 temny.......................505 tvar....... ..444 ten.........................502 tvăr....... ..444 teneto......................490 tvor....... .. 85 tenky.......................505 tvoriti.... ..469 tepati......................492 tvrdy...... ..470 teply.....................490 ty ........ ..470 tes ......................491 tyl ....... tyti...................... 503 ubohy......................506 uciti......................506 uditi .................... 385 uhel...................... 385 uhel.......................385 uhor.......................386 ucho ..................... 507 ujec...................... 507 ul ........................508 ulice......................508 um.........................508 upeti......................532 usmy ..................... 378 usnouti................... 510 usta.......................509 usti.......................510 utery......................533 utroba.....................387 uvadati....................511 uvnitr.................... 387 uzda.......................511 uzel...................... 388 uzky...................... 388 uzas.......................511 uzovka.....................388 v .........................530 v(n)-......................530 văbiti.....................511 vaditi.....................512 vadnouti...................520 vajko ..................... 27 var........................512 variti.....................512 văs........................513 văti.......................519 văzati.....................521 vcela.......................72 vcera..................... 536 vdova .................... 536 vecer..................... 513 vedeti.....................518 vedro .................... 513 vedro......................518 vejce.......................27 vejr...................... 216 veleti.....................514 veliky.....................514 INDICES velky.........................515 velmi.........................515 vemeno........................534 ven ......................... 531 veno ...................... 520 vepr..........................515 ver ..........................216 ves ..........................539 veslo.........................517 vesna.........................517 vesti.........................517 ves...........................532 vetchy........................517 vezti.........................518 vid ......................... 521 videti ...................... 521 vichr.........................522 viko..........................519 vir ..........................522 vira.......................520 viskati.......................214 viti..........................522 vitr.......................520 vlăha.........................524 vlak..........................526 vlaka.........................526 vlăkno........................526 vlas..........................526 vlast’........................526 vlăsti........................526 vlaziti.......................527 vleci.........................514 vlha..........................216 vlhky.........................536 vlk ..........................537 vlna..........................537 vnitr.........................387 vnuk..........................530 voda..........................523 voditi........................523 vojăk.........................524 vojin.........................524 vojna.........................524 voliti........................525 vosa..........................377 vosk..........................529 vous ........................ 386 voziti........................530 627 vrah...................... 527 vrăna..................... 528 vrata......................529 vrăta......................529 vrătiti....................529 vrch ..................... 538 vrch.......................538 vrhnouti...................538 vrse.......................539 vrstva.....................538 vrteti.................... 539 vres.......................516 vreteno....................516 vriti......................537 vule...................... 525 vune...................... 527 vuz........................530 vy ....................... 533 vy- ...................... 533 vydra......................534 vyhen..................... 534 vyknouti.................. 534 vyme...................... 534 vymeno ................... 534 vysoky.....................535 vz(e)-.....................533 z(e).......................217 za ........................540 zăbnouti...................543 zăbradli...................541 zăbsti.................... 543 zăre...................... 541 zăti.......................544 zavriti....................541 zblo.......................472 zdravy.....................478 zed’.......................544 zeleny.................... 541 zeli.......................542 zem........................542 zeme.......................542 zet ...................... 543 zeti.......................544 zima.......................544 zitra......................510 zivati.....................542 zjevny......................31 zlato......................547 628 INDICES zly ................. ................551 Zluc ........................ ......552 cieva.............. ................76 zmije............. .............. 545 Zluna...................... ......565 cievka............ ................76 znameni........ .............. 545 Zluty....................... ......565 cad................. ................88 znat............... ...............546 Zluva...................... ......557 căd................. ................88 znăti.............. ...............546 Zridlo..................... ......559 cada............... ................88 znet............... ...............546 zriti........................ ......552 căda............... ................88 zniti............... .............. 550 Zuva....................... ......557 cakati ............ ................78 znoj............... ...............546 Zvăti....................... ......567 căry............... ................79 zob................. .............. 547 cekati............. ................79 zobati............ .............. 547 1.3.2 Old Czech celes(e)n........ ............... 80 zora............... ...............548 bahno .................... ........33 ceren.............. ................83 zore ............... ...............548 băs(e)n.................. ....... 34 cest................. ................88 zouti.............. ...............218 băti ........................ ........33 ciest............... ................88 zrak............... ...............549 bedra ..................... ........35 cieti................ .........91, 345 zrăti.............. ...............552 bidlo....................... ........41 ckăti .............. ................79 zrno............... ...............553 blane...................... ........53 crieti.............. ................84 zub ................ ...............549 blăni...................... ........53 crpati............. ................92 zubr............... ...............549 blekot..................... ....... 42 cuti................ ................ 91 zuriti............. ...............564 blen........................ ........35 dăs(e)n......... ..............106 zvăti.............. ................551 blesk....................... .......48 dăsno............. ..............106 zver................ ...............549 blesti...................... ....... 44 dăti................ ............... 96 zvon .............. .............. 550 blivati.................... ....... 46 dci ................. .............. 129 Zăba .............. ...............553 blvati ..................... ....... 46 debr............... ...............132 Zădati............ ..............560 bosti....................... ........59 dehna............ ................98 Zădny............ ..............560 bradlo.................... ....... 56 del ................. .............. 134 Zal................. ...............553 brah....................... ....... 56 desc................ ...............131 Zaloudek....... .............. 556 bran....................... ........57 dever.............. .............. 105 Zalud............. .............. 556 bran....................... ........57 device ............ .............. 105 Zaludek......... .............. 556 brăna..................... ........57 dieti............... ..............104 Zăr................. .............. 554 brat........................ .......60 dieZe .............. ..............106 Zatva ............. ...............561 bratr...................... .......60 dle ................. ........103, 134 Ze ................. ...... 208, 554 bratr...................... .......60 dolov.............. ...............112 Zebro ............. .............. 433 brev........................ .......66 drăZiti ........... ...............115 Zeci................ .............. 554 brh......................... ........73 drob............... ...............119 Zeleti.............. ...............555 brony..................... ....... 64 drobez........... ...............118 Zelezo ............ ...............555 brt ......................... ....... 69 drzati ............ ...............137 Zelva.............. ...............557 brzo........................ ....... 70 drZeti............. ...............123 Zena............... .............. 558 brzy........................ ....... 70 drzky............. ...............137 Zeravy............ .............. 558 breh........................ ........37 drznuti.......... ...............137 Zeravy........... .............. 558 brezi....................... ....... 36 dunuti........... .............. 124 Zezlo.............. .............. 559 brezk...................... ........61 drev(e).......... ...............116 Zidky............. .............. 562 bristi...................... ........61 drevni............ ...............116 Zila................ .............. 562 bridky.................... ....... 62 drevni............ ...............116 Ziti................. ..........61, 562 buj......................... ....... 68 dreZeti........... ...............123 Zivice............. .............. 563 cesta....................... ....... 76 drien.............. ................99 Zivot.............. .............. 563 cev ......................... ....... 77 driev(e)......... ...............116 Zivy................ ...............564 ceva........................ ....... 76 drkolna ......... .............. 124 Zlăza.............. ...............557 ciev......................... ....... 77 drvi................ .............. 128 INDICES 629 hat ..................... ...........162 kaky............. ................219 libiti se................ ........ 281 (h)i.................... ...........207 kehdy........... ................227 lice....................... ........278 hlechnuti .......... .......... 168 klestiti.......... ............... 224 lichy..................... ........278 hluma ............... .......... 167 kli ............... ............... 224 lisa....................... ........279 hniezdo............. .......... 169 kliceti........... ................225 lodi...................... ........367 hnus .................. .......... 170 koba............. ................227 lono ..................... ........ 285 hoj..................... ...........173 kokot............ ............... 228 loza...................... ........287 hojiti se............. ...........173 kon............... ................232 loze...................... ........287 holemy.............. ............174 konec ........... .................232 lubo..................... ........ 281 holen................. ............174 kopet............ .................233 lubo..................... ........ 281 holet.................. ...........175 korec............ ................238 luby..................... ........ 281 hore................... .......... 179 kosa.............. ................238 luc ....................... ......... 90 hori.................... .......... 179 kot ............... ................241 luciti.................... ........288 hospod .............. .......... 180 kot ............... ................241 lud....................... ........282 hospodin........... .......... 180 kotec ............ ................241 ludie .................... ........282 hrad................... ...........185 kovati.......... ................241 luh....................... ........288 hrăze................. ...........178 kra ............... ................210 lusciti................... ........293 hrăznuti............ .......... 188 krada........... .................235 luska.................... ........ 291 hrebi.................. .......... 558 krăsty........... .................235 lustiti................... ........293 hresti................. .......... 186 krupny......... ................253 lutiti .................... ........282 hrivna............... .......... 189 krupy........... ................ 251 luty...................... ........283 hus..................... .......... 184 kto ............... ............... 264 luze...................... ........293 ch(v)ory............ ..........206 kur............... ................257 lytka .................... ........295 chlud................. ...........202 kur............... ................257 lze ....................... ........296 chrabry............. ..........204 kvisti............ ................259 măti..................... ........303 chto................... ..........264 lăkati........... .......268, 367 matorny.............. ........304 jadati................ .............26 lani.............. ............... 368 mcieti.................. .........331 jary.................... ...........152 lanitva......... ............... 369 mel....................... ........ 310 jatrev ................ ...........159 lăti ............... ............... 268 meni.................... ........ 341 jăz ..................... .............31 laz ............... ............... 270 mhla.................... ........338 jeceti.................. ............156 lăz ............... ............... 270 miesti .................. .........315 jedl .................... ...........139 leb ............... ................293 mieti.................... ........ 316 jesce................... .......... 146 leceti ............ ............... 276 miezha ................ ........ 314 jestrăb............... ............29 ledvie........... ............... 276 miezka ................ ........ 314 jestrăb............... ............29 lecha ............ ................272 mijeti................... .........317 jeze.................... ............157 lekno............ ............... 294 mladny................ ........ 323 jhra.................... ..........209 len ............... ................273 mnieti.................. ........340 jieti.................... ...........158 leny.............. ................273 modla.................. ........320 jiezva................. ............155 lesk............... ............... 294 mozk.................... ........328 jimati................ ........... 211 lesk............... ............... 294 mrkev.................. ........ 335 jiskati................ .......... 214 leti ............... ............... 297 mrknuti (se)....... ........ 341 jistba................. ...........215 lez ............... ................295 mutiti.................. ........330 jmăti ................. ........... 211 lezeti............ ................272 nadra................... ........ 150 jme.................... ...........212 lhăti ............. ................294 nădra................... ........ 150 jmele ................. ...........141 lib(o)............ ................281 năv....................... ........347 jmieti ................ ........... 211 libevy........... ................277 năva .................... ........347 juh ..................... ..........207 libi............... ................277 naviti................... ........347 juz(e)................ ..........207 libiti............. ................281 neduha................ ........348 630 nedved.....................306 nekdo......................349 nekto......................349 nenie......................360 neroditi...................437 nerest.....................349 netopyr....................350 nevod......................351 niceti.....................353 nici.......................352 novăk......................357 nrav.......................356 nutiti.....................360 nuZe ..................... 359 nyti.......................360 obeceti....................361 obora......................362 oje........................364 oje........................364 opak.......................372 os ........................380 oskrd......................378 ov ........................384 oven...................... 384 păsti .................... 392 pazucha................... 392 pieha .................... 397 pieti......................399 pitati.....................401 plesna.....................403 plet’......................407 pleva..................... 395 pluce......................405 pluti..................... 406 podesiti...................100 podrah.....................408 pozinuti...................545 predli......................33 priesti................... 419 prieti.....................428 prsi.......................429 psano .....................431 puchati .................. 423 rebro..................... 433 rieka......................434 roli.......................375 ruti.......................436 rydati.....................441 INDICES s doli.......................111 sahati...................... 449 sedmy ...................... 443 selo........................ 444 sieci........................446 sien........................ 447 sit .........................451 sluti........................455 smeti........................480 smieti se....................456 sok ........................ 459 spesiti......................464 ssăti........................482 stblo ...................... 472 stlăti...................... 473 străka ..................... 477 (s)trevo......................85 strici.......................469 strieci......................467 strkolna.....................124 strziess.................... 470 stze........................ 472 suditi ..................... 463 suvati...................... 462 svadnuti.....................476 svekrev......................475 sviece ..................... 476 szoriti......................548 sery........................ 447 sesty....................... 486 svadli........................33 trest........................499 trest........................499 tremcha.......................82 trevi.........................86 trie.........................499 triesti .................... 497 tsti.........................502 upiti........................532 uzda.........................511 văti.........................519 vecech (vecech, vecech) 520 veli.........................515 ves ........................ 540 vieko........................519 vieti........................519 vnutr........................387 vrci.................... ...........515 zet ..................... .......... 543 zelva.................. ...........551 zielo................... .......... 138 zieti.................... ..........544 zname ............... ..........546 zvnieti............... ..........550 ..........560 Zdăti.................. .......... 565 Zebro.................. ..........433 Zerăb ................. ..........558 Zerăv.................. ..........558 Zezl .................... .......... 559 Zezlo .................. .......... 559 Zito..................... .......... 563 .......... 557 Zleza .................. .......... 557 Zrieti.................. .......... 559 Zvăti .................. ..........567 1.3.3 Slovak ako..................... ............28 baba .................. ............ 32 bădat................. ............ 32 bahno................ ............ 33 bat sa................. ............50 bdiet.................. ............68 behat................. ............39 bes..................... ........... 40 bez..................... ............38 beZat.................. ........... 40 bic ..................... ............ 41 bidlo .................. ............ 41 bieda ................. ............38 biedit................. ............39 bielian............... ............36 biely................... ........... 40 bit ..................... ............ 41 bitva.................. ............42 blahy................. ............ 51 blakot................ ............42 blana................. .......52, 53 blcha.................. ............48 bledy.................. ............42 blen.................... ............ 35 blesk .................. ............43 blisk................... ............45 blizky................. ............45 blud.......................47 bludit.....................47 bluvat.....................46 blyskat....................44 bodat......................49 boh........................50 bohaty.................... 50 boj........................51 bol........................54 boliet.....................51 bor ...................... 58 bor ...................... 58 bosy...................... 59 brada......................55 bradaty....................55 bradlo ................... 56 brăna .................... 57 brăny......................56 brat.......................60 brat.......................73 brat(e)r...................60 brav...................... 58 brăzda.................... 59 bfdnut.....................66 breh...................... 37 brema......................37 brest......................37 breza......................38 brh........................73 bridky ................... 62 brit.......................63 britky.................... 62 britva.....................63 brod.......................64 brodit (sa) .............. 63 bfst.......................61 brt........................69 brucho.................... 63 brusnica...................64 brva.......................66 brvno......................67 brzda......................66 bucat......................67 budit......................67 bujny......................68 bura.......................68 bura.......................68 bydlo......................70 INDICES bylie.........................71 bystry........................71 byt ..........................71 bytie.........................71 căpat.........................73 cedit.........................74 celovat.......................74 cely..........................75 cena .........................75 cenit.........................75 cesnak....................... 86 cesta.........................76 cesto........................492 cieva ....................... 76 cadza ....................... 77 cakat........................ 78 car ......................... 79 cas ......................... 79 cast......................... 88 casto........................ 88 casty........................ 88 cel’ad’.......................80 celo......................... 80 cemer.........................81 cemerica......................81 ceren.........................83 cerpati ..................... 92 cerv..........................93 cerveny.......................93 cesat........................ 86 cierny....................... 92 cin ......................... 89 cinit........................ 89 cistit....................... 90 cisty.........................90 citat.........................90 citit........................381 clovek....................... 80 cremcha.......................82 cren..........................83 crenovy ......................83 crep......................... 84 crevo ........................85 crieda........................81 crieslo ......................85 criet........................ 84 crta .........................93 cudo..........................91 631 cut ........................ 91 d’ah........................106 daleky.......................95 dan..........................95 dar......................... 96 d’asno......................106 dat ........................ 96 d’atel".....................107 dăvat........................96 dăvit........................97 dăZd’.......................131 dech....................... 129 decht........................98 deliti......................102 den........................ 134 derski......................137 desat.......................100 desiaty.....................100 deti........................104 deva....................... 105 devat.......................101 deviaty.....................101 diel....................... 103 dielo...................... 103 diera.......................103 dieta.......................104 dieZa.......................106 diky....................... 107 div.........................108 divit sa....................108 divny.......................109 divo........................108 dlan........................111 dlăto.......................112 dlbst.......................134 dlh ....................... 129 dlhy........................133 dnes........................135 do .........................109 dobry.......................110 dochnut.....................129 dojit...................... 110 dom ....................... 113 doma........................112 domov.......................112 domovy......................112 draha...................... 113 drahy...................... 113 632 INDICES draf................... ............135 hlad................ ...... 173, 203 hrăd.................. ............185 drăzit................ ........... 115 hladaf............ ..............164 hrada................ ...........187 drbaf................. ............135 hladky............ ...............162 hrădza.............. ...........178 drevny.............. ...........116 hlas................ ...............176 hrana ............... ........... 179 drevo................. ............99 hlboky............ ..............166 hraf................... ........... 210 drgaf................. ...........122 hlien............... ...............163 hrb.................... ........... 198 drhnut.............. ...........136 hlina.............. ..............164 hrdlo................. ........... 198 driapaf............. ........... 115 hlista.............. ..............164 hrdy.................. ........... 198 driemaf............ ............117 hliva............... ...............165 hreben.............. ...........186 drien ................ ............99 hlobic............. ..............166 hriaf................. ...........187 drief (sa)........... ............99 hlobif............. ..............166 hriaznuf........... ........... 188 driev................. ............116 hloh................ ..............166 hriebsf.............. ...........186 drobif............... ...........118 hltaf............... ..............168 hriech............... ...........187 drobizg............. ............118 hluchnuf........ ..............168 hriva................. ........... 189 drozd................ .......... 120 hluchy............ ...............167 hrkaf................ ...........199 drozdie............. ........... 121 hlupy.............. ...............167 hrmief.............. ........... 195 druh.................. ........... 121 hnev............... ..............168 hrnuf................ .......... 200 druh.................. ........... 121 hnida............. ..............169 hrob.................. ...........190 druhy............... ...........122 hniesf............. ..............168 hrom................. ...........190 druk ................. ........... 121 hniezdo.......... ..............169 hromada.......... ...........190 drvo.................. ...........123 hnily.............. ..............169 hroza................ ............191 drzy.................. ............137 hnif................ ..............169 hrozif................ ............191 drzaf................. ............138 hnoj............... ..............170 hrozno.............. ............191 dub.................... ...........114 hnus............... ..............170 hrozny.............. ........... 192 duch.................. .......... 124 hnusif............ ..............170 hrsf................... ...........199 duchaf.............. .......... 124 hnusny........... ...............171 hruby................ ...........192 duha................. ...........114 hnuf............... ..............197 hrud’................. ........... 193 dupa................. ...........125 hodina........... ...............172 hruda ............... ...........192 dupa................. ...........125 hodny............ .............. 173 hruzifsa............ ........... 193 dupa................. ...........125 hoj................. .............. 173 hryzf................. ...........194 durif................. .......... 126 holen.............. .............. 174 huba................. ........... 182 durny............... ...........127 holota ............ .............. 174 hubiti ............... ........... 195 dusa.................. ...........127 holub ............. .............. 175 huhnaf............. ........... 182 duf.................... ...........127 holy................ ...............176 humno ............. ........... 195 duzi................... ...........127 honif.............. ...............177 hus.................... ........... 184 dvakrăt............. ...........236 hora ............... ...............177 husf................... ............183 dvor................... .......... 128 horief............. ..............178 husty................. ............183 dychaf.............. ........... 131 horky............. ..............180 hutny................ ........... 184 dym................... ............132 hospodin ....... ..............180 hviezda............. ........... 195 este ................... .......... 146 hosf................ ..............180 hybaf................ .......... 200 glej.................... .......... 168 hovădo........... .............. 181 hynut................ .......... 200 grmolec............. .......... 194 hovief............. .............. 181 chabif............... ........... 201 grno.................. .......... 199 hovno............. .............. 182 chaby................ ........... 201 habaf................ ...........159 hovor............. .............. 181 chăpaf.............. ...........202 had................... .......... 160 hovorif........... .............. 181 chladny............ .......... 204 hădaf................ .......... 160 hra................. ............. 209 chlieb................ ...........202 hasnuf.............. ...........161 hrach............. ...............179 chod.................. ...........203 haf .................... ...........162 hrad............... ........178, 185 chodif............... ...........203 INDICES 633 chomut................ ........204 jedla.............. .139 kon .................. .............231 chory................... ........206 jednaky......... . 138 koniec.............. ............232 chrasta................ .........235 jelcha............ 370 kopa................. ............232 chrastie............... ........206 jelen.............. 140 kopaf............... ............ 233 chromy................ ........205 jemelo........... . 141 kopor............... ............ 233 chudy.................. ........205 jerab ............. . 142 kopt................. ............ 233 chvoja ................. ........206 jerabina........ . 142 kora................. ............234 chybaf................. ........207 jesen.............. .144 koren............... ............237 ihla...................... ........ 210 jeseter........... . 145 korica.............. ............ 235 ihra...................... ........209 jesf................ . 154 korif sa............ ............ 235 ikra...................... ........ 210 jezer.............. .148 koryto.............. ............237 il ....................... ......... 211 jez ................ .149 kos................... ............239 il ....................... ......... 211 jimaf............. . 211 ko ................... ...........240 imelo, jmelo........ .........141 juh ............... 207 kosa................. ............238 iny....................... .........212 jucha............. 208 kosf.................. ............239 iskaf.................... ........ 214 k(u)............... .259 kostura............ ............238 iskra.................... ........ 214 kadidlo ......... . 218 kosiar.............. ........... 240 isf ....................... ........ 216 kadif............. . 218 kotery.............. ........... 240 iva ....................... ........ 216 kajafsa......... .219 kotory.............. ........... 240 iver...................... ........ 216 kalif.............. .......219, 220 kotry................ ........... 240 izba..................... .........215 kamen .......... 220 kovaf............... ............ 241 jablko.................. ..........26 kăra.............. . 221 koza................. ............242 jacaf.................... .........156 kasei.............. . 221 kozol................ ............242 jachaf.................. ......... 151 kaslaf............ . 221 koza................. ............242 jacmen................ .........156 kăzaf............. .222 kraj.................. ........... 244 jadro ................... .........157 kăzen ............ .222 krăkaf.............. ............245 jahna................... ..........26 kazif.............. .222 krăsa ............... ............245 jahoda................. .......... 27 kde ................ .259 krăsny............. ........... 246 jak....................... ..........28 kel ................ .261 krătky.............. ............236 jaky..................... ..........28 ker ................ .261 krava............... ............236 jalec..................... ........ 140 klada............. 228 krch ................. ............ 253 jama.................... ..........28 klas................ 230 kremen............ ........... 246 jar ....................... .........153 klăsf.............. .223 krepky............. ........... 246 jarabica .............. ........ 142 klaf................ 230 krepy............... ........... 246 jarec.................... .........153 klăt................ . 231 krh................... ............ 253 jarina.................. ......... 151 klătif............. 230 kricaf............... ............247 jarka ................... .........152 klieste............ 224 kridlo............... ............247 jarmo.................. ..........28 kliestif........... 224 krieslo.............. ............247 jary...................... .........152 klkaf.............. .227 krik.................. ............247 jasen.................... ..........29 kiuc............... 226 krkaf................ ............262 jasny.................... .........153 kiucati .......... 226 krm.................. ............262 jastrab................. ..........29 kiuka............. 226 krma................ ............262 jazda ................... .........154 kobec............. .227 kropif............... ........... 249 jazero.................. ........ 148 kokos............. 228 krosnă............. ........... 249 jazva ................... .........155 kokot............. 228 krotif............... ............250 jazyk................... .........159 kol................ . 231 krotky.............. ............250 jebaf.................... ........ 147 koleno........... 228 krov................. ............250 jed ....................... .........150 kolo............... 229 krpa................. ............263 634 INDICES kruch............... ............ 252 lazit................. ............ 269 ludia.................. ..........282 kruh ................ .............251 lazy................. ............ 270 luh ..................... ..........288 krupy.............. ............ 252 leb .................. .............293 luhat.................. ..........294 krutit.............. .............251 lebeda............ ............366 luk ..................... ..........289 kruty.............. ............ 252 ledva.............. .............139 luka ................... ..........289 krvny............... .............253 ledvo ............... .............139 luna................... .......... 291 kryt.................. ............ 254 lekno.............. ............294 lupit................... .......... 291 kucka .............. ............244 lemes.............. .............271 lusk.................... ..........292 kudit ............... .............255 lenivy.............. .............272 lustit.................. ..........293 kupina ............ ............243 lep .................. .............273 luty.................... ..........283 kurit................ ............ 257 lepit................. .............273 lyko.................... ..........295 kus................... ............ 243 lepy................. .............274 lysy .................... ..........296 kusat.............. ............ 243 les .................. .............274 mach ................. .......... 333 kut ................... ............ 241 lesk.................. ............ 294 măchat.............. ..........298 kut ................... ............244 lest .................. ............298 mak ................... ..........299 kutit............... ............ 258 letiet................ .............271 makky............... .......... 314 kuzen .............. ............ 258 leto................. .............274 maknut............. .......... 314 kuzna.............. ............ 258 lezat............... .............272 maly................. ......... 300 kuzna.............. ............ 258 lhat................ ............294 mam.................. .......... 301 kvas................ ............ 258 lichy................ ............278 mamit............... .......... 301 kvet.................. ............ 258 lido................. .............295 mara................. .......... 301 ky ................... ............260 lien................. .............273 maslo................. ..........302 kydat’............. ............264 lieska............... .............274 maso.................. ...........315 kydnut........... ............ 265 liezt................. .............275 mast................... ..........302 kychat............ ............ 265 lipa.................. ............ 279 mat.................... ...........211 kyj ................... ............ 265 lisit sa............ ............ 280 mat.................... .......... 316 kyla ................. ............ 265 list................. ............279 mătat............... ..........302 kypiet............. ............266 listă................ ............ 296 materstvo.......... ..........303 kypry.............. ............266 Uzat................ ............ 280 măvat................ ..........299 kysly............... ............ 267 loboda............. ............366 măz(d)ra......... .......... 316 kyvat.............. ............ 267 loj .................. .............283 mazat................ ..........304 laba................ ............268 lomit............... ............ 284 mdly................. .......... 332 labut............... ............ 365 lono................. ............285l mec.................... ..........305 lacny............... ............366 lopata............ .............285 med ................... ......... 306 lad.................. ............270 los .................. ............ 370 med’.................. ..........309 ladva.............. ............276 losos................ .............285 medved’............ ......... 306 l’advie............. ............276 lov................. ............ 286 medza ............... ..........305 lahky.............. ............297 lovit................. ............ 286 mech.................. ..........309 lakomy........... ............ 367 loza................ ............ 287 menit sa........... ...........311 lakot................ ............368 loz .................. .............295 meno ................. .......... 212 lan.................. ............368 lozit................ ............ 287 mensi................ .......... 341 lan.................. ............298 lub .................. ............ 289 mesiac.............. ...........312 lani................. ............369 lubit................ .............281 metat................. ..........309 lăska................ ............269 luby................. .............281 miast................ ...........315 lăskat............. ............269 luc .................. ............ 290 miazga............. .......... 314 last................... ............270 lucit................. ............ 290 mienit................ ...........312 lăt.................. ............268 lucit sa........... ............ 288 mier................... .......... 318 l’avy................. ............ 275 lud .................. .............282 miera................. ...........312 635 .357 . 357 . 358 . 358 . 358 . 359 . 359 . 359 360 360 . 361 . 361 . 362 . 363 . 362 . 363 . 381 . 382 . 363 .364 . 365 . 365 .369 . 372 . 371 . 372 . 372 . 374 .376 .376 .380 . 377 . 379 . 378 . 379 . 381 .380 . 379 . 383 . 382 . 383 .384 .384 . 149 .389 .389 .389 .390 INDICES ..312 mftvy........... .............. 342 novăk.......................... ..313 mrziet........... .............. 342 novy............................. ..313 mrznut........ ...............343 nozdra......................... ..316 msica ............ ...............336 noz............................... ..316 mstva............ ...............343 nudit............................ ..317 mucha .......... ...............330 nudza.......................... ..317 mucit........... ...............328 nukat........................... ..317 mudry.......... ...............329 nurit sa....................... ..318 muka ............ ...............329 nutit........................... . 322 muka ............ ...............329 nyt.............................. ..323 mutit............. ...............330 o ............................... . 324 muz............... ...............330 obecat.......................... ..323 my ................ ...............336 oblak........................... . 340 mydlo............ ...............336 obly.............................. . 307 mys ............... ...............337 obora........................... . 307 mysel............ ...............337 obut............................. . 334 myt................ ...............338 ocitnout sa.................. . 334 myto.............. ...............338 od(o)........................... . 307 mzda............. ...............343 odoliet......................... . 340 na ................ .............. 344 ohen............................. . 334 nacat............. ...............345 okno ............................ . 334 nad(o)......... ...............345 oko............................... ..321 năhly............. ...............345 olovo............................ ..319 nahy.............. ...............345 on ............................... . 320 nărod............ .............. 346 onuca .......................... ..321 nat ................ .............. 346 opak............................. . 320 navit sa......... ...............347 orat.............................. . 320 ne ................ ...............347 orech............................ . 320 nebo............. .............. 348 orel.............................. . 322 nebohy.......... .............. 348 orol.............................. . 322 necht............. ............... 355 os ............................... ..323 neduh ........... .............. 348 osa............................... . 326 nehet............. ............... 355 osem ............................ . 324 neres............ .............. 349 osmy............................ ..325 nerest............ .............. 349 osnova......................... ..335 netopier........ ...............350 osol.............................. . 327 nevesta........ ........351, 458 ost ............................... . 326 neze............... ...............352 ostry............................ . 327 ni ................ ...............352 otec.............................. . 327 nicat.............. ...............352 otrok............................ . 328 niekto............ .............. 349 otvorit......................... ..325 niest.............. ...............350 ovca............................. . 326 nit ................ ...............353 ovos............................. . 308 niva............... ...............354 ozina ........................... . 308 noc ................ ............... 355 padat........................... ..341 noha.............. ...............354 păchat......................... ..341 nos ................ ...............357 păchnut....................... . 342 nosit.............. ...............356 palec............................ 636 INDICES palica .............. ...........390 plny.................. ........... 426 rad................... ............436 pălif................. ...........390 plot................... ..........406 radlo................ ............ 373 pamăf............. ............391 plsf................... ........... 427 rak ................... ............ 374 para................. ............391 plf ................... ........... 407 rakyta.............. ............ 375 păs ................... .......... 409 piuca................ ........... 405 ramă................ ............ 375 păsf.................. ........... 392 pluk.................. ........... 424 răsf................. ............376 păsf.................. ...........399 pluf.................. ..........406 rataj ............... ............376 paf................... .......... 400 piuti................. ........... 402 rebro................ ............433 păta................. ...........399 pnuf................. ........... 399 rec ................... ............434 pavuk.............. ............391 pod(e).............. ..........408 remen.............. ............433 pazucha.......... ........... 392 podosva........... ..........409 riad.................. ............436 pazif................ ........... 393 pol ................... ............412 riecf................. ............433 pchaf............... ...........426 pole.................. ............ 411 riedky.............. ............434 pec................... ........... 393 poleno.............. ........... 410 rieka............... ............434 peha ................ ............ 397 polica............... ........... 410 rihaf................ ............441 peklo................ ...........426 popel................ ............395 rinuf se........... ............436 pen .................. ...........427 poplach............ ........... 410 robif................. ............ 373 pena................ ............ 397 poslaf............... ........... 479 robota.............. ............ 373 perdief............. ...........428 pot ................... ...........415 rod................... ............437 pero................. ...........396 povraz............. ...........415 rodif................ ............437 pes................... ............431 pozde ............... ...........415 roh.................. ............438 pestry.............. ...........430 prach................ ...........413 roj ................... ............438 pesi.................. ...........398 prah ................. ...........413 roj ................... ............438 piad’................ ...........398 prasa................ ............414 rok.................. ............438 piaty................ ...........399 praf.................. ........... 428 rokyta.............. ............ 375 pichaf.............. ...........426 pravy................ ............418 roia................. ............ 375 piecf................. ........... 393 pri ................... ............419 rosa.................. ............438 piesok.............. ...........398 priasf............... ............419 rov ................... ............439 piest................. ............ 397 priatei.............. ............419 roz-................. ............377 pisaf................ ...........430 priek ................ ........... 396 rub................... ............439 piskor.............. .......... 400 prosif................ ...........421 ruch................. ........... 440 pif ................... ........... 401 prosty............... ........... 422 rudy................. ........... 440 pivo ................. ...........402 proti................. ........... 422 ruka................. ............439 plachy............. ...........410 prsia................. ........... 429 runo................. ........... 440 plakaf.............. ...........402 prskaf.............. ............423 rvaf.................. ............441 plamen............ ............411 prst................... ........... 429 rydaf............... ............441 plăst ................ ...........402 pseno ............... ...........431 rydlo............... ............441 plătno.............. ........... 412 pucaf................ ............416 ryf ................... ........... 442 plăvaf.............. ...........403 puchnuf........... ............423 s(e)................. ............478 plavif............... ...........403 puk................... ............417 sad.................. ........... 442 plavy............... ........... 412 pupok............... ............417 sadif................. ........... 442 plaz................. ........... 412 pustif............... ........... 424 saf ................... ............482 plece................ ...........404 pusty................ ........... 424 sedem .............. ............443 plen ................. ...........394 puf................... ............417 sedief............... ............445 plesen.............. ...........404 puto ................. ............417 sedlo ................ ........... 444 plef.................. ...........394 pyr................... ............425 sen ................... ............ 481 pleva ............... ........... 395 pytaf................ ............425 seno ................. ........... 446 pliesf................ ...........404 răcif................. ...........431 sestra .............. ............445 637 .505 .492 490 .491 .492 .493 489 .492 . 503 .268 490 .504 .504 494 496 496 .497 . 502 499 .497 .491 .505 499 498 498 498 499 .495 .495 500 500 500 500 . 501 . 501 . 501 . 502 . 503 . 503 .506 .507 .506 . 385 . 385 .386 .386 .507 .508 INDICES .449 stat sa .............. ........... 465 tenky........................... . 479 stavit sa ........... ............466 tepat............................ .449 steblo ............... ........... 472 teply............................ . 447 stehno.............. ...........466 tesat............................. . 445 stenat............... ...........466 tesny............................ ..443 stihnut............. ........... 467 tiahnout...................... . 447 stit................... ............486 tiect............................. ..448 sto ................... ........... 482 tien .............................. ...451 stoh.................. ............468 tisic .............................. ...451 stol................... ............468 tlapa............................ ...451 ston.................. ............468 tlct .............................. .. 452 straka .............. ........... 477 tliet.............................. . 459 strana.............. ............469 tma.............................. . 459 streda............... ............444 tok .............................. 460 struk................ ............469 topit............................ .. 461 stryc................. ............470 trăva........................... . 453 strzen............... .............471 treti.............................. . 453 studeny............ .............471 trhat............................ . 453 studit............... .............471 tri .............................. . 479 stydnut............ ........... 473 triast............................ .480 su-................... ........... 462 triet.............................. . 454 suchy................ ........... 473 tfn ............................... . 455 sud................... ........... 463 trst.............................. . 454 suk ................... ............464 trud............................ . 455 surovy.............. ........... 474 trup............................ .456 susit’................. ........... 474 trut............................. ..456 svaty................ ............476 tucny.......................... .480 svet................... ........... 476 tuha............................. .456 svina................ ........... 477 tuhy............................. ..457 svokor.............. ............475 tuk.............................. .480 svrab................ ........... 477 tur .............................. ..457 svrbiet.............. ........... 478 tvar............................. ..457 syn ................... ............483 tvăr............................. . 458 sypat................ ............483 tvor.............................. . 459 syr ................... ............483 tvorit........................... .. 461 syty................... ........... 484 tvrdy............................ .. 461 sery................... ........... 447 ty ............................... .. 481 sest................... ........... 487 tylo .............................. ..464 sibat................. ........... 487 tyt ............................... .. 481 siesty................ ............486 ubohy.......................... . 485 sit ................... ........... 487 ucho............................. .444 stena................ ............486 ucit.............................. . 485 svec .................. ........... 488 uhol............................. . 485 tajit.................. ............489 uhol............................. . 465 tazky................ ............494 uhor............................. . 465 tema................. ............492 uhor............................. . 465 temny.............. ............505 ujec.............................. ..468 ten ................... ............502 ul ............................... 638 INDICES ulica ................ ...........508 vlak................... ...........526 zeleny................ .......... 541 um................... ...........508 vlăkno............... ...........526 zem.................... ..........542 usnuf............... ...........510 vlasf.................. ...........526 ziabnuf.............. .......... 543 usta................. ............509 vlha................... ...........216 zima .................. ..........544 ustie................. ............ 510 vlhky................. ...........536 zivaf................. ..........542 utorok............. .............533 vliecf................. ...........514 zlato................. ..........547 utroba............. ...........387 vlk .................... ...........537 zly ..................... ...........551 uzda................ ............511 vlna................... ...........537 zmija................ .......... 545 uzky................. ...........388 vnuk.................. ...........530 znamenie.......... .......... 545 uzol ................. ...........388 vnutri ............... ...........387 znaf................... ..........546 uz ................... ...........207 voda.................. ...........523 znief................. ..........550 uzas................. ............511 voditi ................ ...........523 zobaf................. ..........547 uzovka............ ...........388 vodor................ .......... 364 zolvica............... ...........551 v(o).................. ............ 530 vojăk................. ...........524 zora ................... ..........548 văbif................ ............511 vojin.................. ...........524 zozuf.................. .......... 218 vadif................ ............512 vojna................. ...........524 zrak.................. ..........549 vadnuf............ ............ 520 voia................... ...........525 zrief................... .......... 552 vajce................ .............. 27 volif................... ...........525 zrno.................. .......... 553 var ................... ............512 vone................. ...........527 zub..................... ..........549 varif................ ............512 vosk................... ...........529 zubor................. ..........549 vcela................ .............. 72 vos.................... ...........532 zurif................... ..........564 vcera................ ............ 536 voz.................... ...........530 zvaf.................... ...........551 vdova .............. ............ 536 vozif.................. ...........530 zver.................... ..........549 vecer................ ............513 vrah .................. ...........527 zvon................... ..........550 vedef................ .............518 vrana................ ...........528 zaba.................. .......... 553 vedro ............... .............518 vrăta................. ...........529 zalud’............... .......... 556 veko................. .............519 vrătif................. ...........529 zaludek ............. .......... 556 veliky............... ............514 vrch................... ...........538 zaf.................... .......... 561 velky................ ............515 vres................... ...........516 zatva ................. .......... 561 veimi............... ............515 vreteno ............. ...........516 ze ..................... ......... 208 vema............... ............ 534 vrhnuf.............. ...........538 zelezo................. ...........555 vemeno ........... ............ 534 vrief.................. ...........537 zena................... ..........558 veno................. ............ 520 vrstva................ ...........538 zeravy................ ..........558 ves ................... ............ 539 vrtef.................. ...........539 zeriav ................ ..........558 veslo ................ .............517 vtăk................... .......... 424 ziadaf............... ..........560 viaf.................. .............519 vy .................... ...........533 ziai.................... .......... 553 viazaf.............. ............521 vy-.................... ...........533 ziar.................... .......... 554 vid................... ............521 vydra ................ ...........534 zila..................... .......... 562 videf................ ............521 vyhna................ ...........534 zif ..................... .......... 562 viera................ ............ 520 vysoky............... ........... 535 zivica................. .......... 563 viest................. .............517 vz(o)-................ ...........533 zivot................... .......... 563 vietor............... ............ 520 z(o)................... ...........217 zivy.................... ..........564 viezf................ .............518 za .................... .......... 540 zlaza................. .......... 557 vichor.............. ............ 522 zăbradlie.......... ...........541 zlc ..................... .......... 552 vir ................... ............ 522 zajtra................ ...........510 zlna.................... .......... 565 vif ................... ............ 522 zaf.................... ...........543 zlty..................... .......... 565 vlădaf.............. ............ 524 zavrief.............. ...........541 zriedlo.............. .......... 559 vlaha............... ............ 524 zdravy............... .......... 478 zuf ..................... ..........567 1.3.4 Old Slovak dăti............................ ....96 jho ............................. ..209 jinie........................... ...213 1.3.5 Upper Sorbian bac............................. .... 33 bahno........................ .... 33 beda .......................... ....38 bic ............................. .... 41 bka ............................ ....48 blec............................ ....46 blek............................ ....42 blekot........................ ....42 bledy.......................... ....42 blesk.......................... .... 43 blik............................ ....42 blizki......................... .... 45 bloto.......................... .....53 bludzic...................... ....47 bluwac ...................... ....46 bluzna....................... .... 45 blyscec....................... ....48 blyskac...................... ....44 bojec so ..................... .... 50 bolec.......................... .....51 borno ........................ ....66 bosy........................... .... 59 boh ............................ .... 50 bol ............................. .... 54 bole............................ .... 52 bor ............................. ....58 brac........................... .... 73 bratr.......................... ....60 bremjo ...................... .... 37 breza ......................... ....38 britki......................... .... 62 brjoh ......................... .... 37 brod........................... ....64 broda......................... .....55 brodaty..................... .....55 brodzic...................... .... 63 bron........................... .... 57 brona ........................ ....56 brozda....................... .... 59 bucec......................... ....67 cydzic........................ .... 74 cylic........................... .... 74 INDICES cywa........................76 cepac..................... 492 cemny......................505 cesto......................492 cma....................... 504 coply......................490 cakac...................... 78 cerw........................93 cesc....................... 94 cichac..................... 89 corny...................... 92 crjewo......................85 crjoda......................81 crjodzic....................82 crjoslo.....................85 crona ......................83 desc.......................131 dom........................113 draby......................115 drec........................99 dren ...................... 99 drjewo .................... 99 drob ..................... 119 drobina....................117 droha......................113 droha......................113 dwerja.....................128 dwor.......................128 dzehel.....................106 dzelo......................103 dzen.......................134 dzera......................103 dzeza .................... 106 dziki......................107 dziwi......................108 gnew.......................168 hat........................162 hlod.......................173 hlos.......................176 hlowa......................176 hojic..................... 173 hora ..................... 177 hozdz......................196 hrech......................187 hroch......................179 hrono......................179 hroch......................179 hrod.......................178 639 hryzac....................194 hwezda....................195 chlod.....................203 chrost ................. 206 imje .................... 212 jablon.....................25 jakny......................28 jasen......................29 jasotr................... 145 jatrob.....................29 jebac.....................147 jec ..................... 154 jed ..................... 150 jedz..................... 150 jejko......................27 jejo.......................27 jemjel ...................141 jerbina...................213 jerjab....................142 jerjabina.................142 jesetr................... 145 jez ..................... 149 jezer.................... 148 jiwa..................... 216 jstwa.....................215 kazyc.....................222 kipry...................266 kosa......................238 kotry...................240 kloda.....................228 klos......................230 kolp......................261 kon.......................231 konc..................... 232 krej......................254 kroma................... 249 krowa.....................236 kruwa.....................236 kuka......................256 kwet..................... 258 lakac.....................268 lakomy....................367 lochc.....................368 loni......................369 lochc.....................368 luska.....................291 lac.......................277 ledma ................... 139 . 214 ...48 ...48 . 502 ...72 .520 .520 . 522 ..513 . 539 .524 . 526 . 362 .364 . 525 . 378 . 371 . 527 .376 . 532 . 379 .380 . 147 . 379 . 530 . 516 . 516 . 516 .529 . 527 . 528 . 534 .386 . 534 .388 . 547 .560 . 557 . 565 ... 32 ... 33 ...65 ...48 ...38 ... 41 ... 41 INDICES 272 pec.........................393 298 pena........................397 273 pesk....................... 398 298 pjata.......................399 274 pjen........................427 272 pjerdzec....................396 270 pjero.......................396 301 plot........................406 305 pluwa.......................395 . 211 podroha.................... 408 309 polo........................411 306 pos ........................431 309 pos ........................431 .312 proh........................413 .313 pfasc.......................419 .314 pfeciwo.....................418 305 radlo.......................373 338 ramjo.......................375 .317 rec ........................434 .212 redki.......................434 305 reka....................... 434 309 rodzic......................437 .212 rola........................375 305 rosc........................376 307 sel ........................461 .323 slodki..................... 459 .323 sloma...................... 459 324 sowjer......................449 307 sol ........................461 .319 solobik.....................460 .333 son.........................481 .333 spech.......................464 320 srjeda......................444 326 sroka...................... 477 326 sroka.......................477 348 strona .................... 469 350 strowy......................478 .. 351 stwa........................215 .352 svet........................476 .355 syc ........................446 .355 syc ........................447 .357 sydlo ..................... 445 358 sydom.......................443 360 sylobik.....................460 359 syno........................446 360 sesty.......................486 ..48 sery ...................... 447 .. 72 sesc....................... 487 skra.................. tcha.................. tk(h)a................ ton .................. wcola................. weno.................. wetr.................. wichor................ wjecor................ wjes.................. wloha ................ wlos ................. wobora................ wohen................. wola.................. wosa ................. wolsa ................ won................... worjol................ wos .................. wosom................. wost.................. wot(e)ry.............. wotry................. woz................... wres.................. wrjeceno ............. wrjos................. wrota................. wroh.................. wrona................. wuhen ................ wuhor................. wuknyc................ wuz................... zloto................. zadac................. zalza................. zolma................. 1.3.6 Lower Sorbian badas................. bagno................. barsc................. bcha.................. beda.................. bidlo ................ bis .................. blon.........................53 blona....................... 52 bluzis.......................47 blysk........................48 blyskas (se).................44 bledy........................42 blizki.......................45 blus.........................46 bluwas.......................46 bluzna...................... 45 blyscas (se).................48 bol ........................ 54 bosy........................ 59 bojas se ................... 50 boles........................51 bor ........................ 58 bras.........................73 bratr........................60 brats........................60 bratsa.......................60 breme........................37 brjaza...................... 38 brjog........................37 brod.........................64 broda........................55 brodaty......................55 brog........................ 56 bron........................ 57 brouzda .................... 59 brozda...................... 59 brozis.......................63 brăzda.......................59 bzes.........................68 carny........................92 cerw........................ 93 cola........................ 72 cakas........................78 dawe.........................97 garnus......................200 gla ....................... 210 globa.......................165 globis......................166 gojs........................173 gore........................179 groch.......................179 grono.......................179 gryzas..................... 194 herjel......................376 INDICES herjol................... 376 horal.....................376 chamny....................201 jablon.....................25 jaboln.....................25 jajko......................27 jajo.......................27 jalc......................140 jastseb................... 29 jebas.....................147 jemjol................... 141 jerjel................... 376 jerjol................... 376 jesotr....................145 jez ......................150 jes ......................154 jime......................212 kazys.....................222 kon.......................232 kos ..................... 240 kotary....................240 ksoma.....................249 lajas.................... 268 lakas.....................268 loni......................369 lozys.....................287 lazas.....................272 lec ......................277 legas.....................272 leska.....................274 mamis.....................301 manis.....................301 mawas.....................299 maz.......................305 me........................212 mes.......................211 mez...................... 309 mezga.....................314 migoris...................339 mikas.................... 317 mlin .................... 319 nahuscis..................346 nawod.................... 351 njewjesta.................351 noks......................355 nouz......................358 noz.......................358 nuris.....................359 641 nuta.......................359 pata.......................399 pcola.......................72 pesk.......................398 pcha........................48 pjas.......................431 pjask......................398 pjero......................396 pjoro......................396 prsesiwo...................418 psesc......................419 radlo......................373 ramje......................375 reka.......................434 robis..................... 373 sec ...................... 446 sedlo......................445 sedym......................443 sepas......................492 ses .......................447 strowy.....................478 soply......................490 spa........................215 skra.......................214 wichar.................... 522 wichor.................... 522 wiwa...................... 216 wogen......................364 wola...................... 525 wolsa......................371 woset......................380 wosom......................379 wosym......................379 wosa.......................378 wotery.....................147 wugor......................386 wuz........................388 zalza..................... 557 zuris......................564 zalza..................... 557 zedas .....................560 zeza.......................106 1.3.7 Polish a ..........................25 baba ...................... 32 bac siţ.....................50 badac.......................32 ... 71 ...72 .431 ...74 ...75 ...73 ...74 ...75 ...75 .202 .202 .202 204 .203 .203 206 204 206 .203 204 .205 .205 206 206 .205 .207 .492 .492 494 .493 .493 .493 489 .492 ... 81 . 505 .492 . 505 490 . 505 494 .491 .491 .491 494 . 381 ...91 ... 91 INDICES ..... 33 ..... 33 .....69 ......70 ......70 ......34 ......34 .....38 .....60 .....60 .....38 .....40 ..... 41 ..... 41 38, 39 ..... 39 ......53 ......53 ......36 .....67 .....67 .....67 .....40 .....40 ......35 ......42 ......42 .....48 .....48 ..... 43 ......42 ......35 ..... 45 ..... 45 .....46 .....46 .....46 ......47 ......47 .....48 .....48 ......51 ......51 52, 53 ......53 ......53 .....44 .....48 bo ...................... 49 bystry........ bogaty....................50 bywac......... bojazn................... 50 bzdziec ...... bolec.....................51 calowac....... bosy......................59 caly.......... bobr..................... 34 capac......... bog.......................50 cedzic........ boj.......................51 cena.......... bol .....................54 cenic ........ bor ......................58 chapac........ bosc......................59 chleb......... brac......................73 chlqd......... bracia....................60 chlodny....... brat......................60 chlod......... bredzic...................61 chodzic....... brew..................... 66 choja......... brnqc.....................66 chomqto....... broda.....................55 chory......... brodaty...................55 chod.......... brodlo....................56 chrobry....... brodzic...................63 chromy........ brona................56, 57 chronic....... bron......................57 chroscie...... browek....................58 chrust........ broc siţ..................57 chudy......... brod......................64 chybac........ brodlo................... 56 ciasny........ brog..................... 56 ciasto........ brusznica.................64 ciqc.......... brusnica..................64 ciqg.......... bruzda....................59 ciqgac........ brzask....................61 ciqgnqc....... brzeg.....................37 ciec.......... brzemiţ...................37 ciemiţ........ brzost....................37 ciemierzyca. brzoza....................38 ciemny........ brzost....................37 cien.......... brzuch ...................63 cienki........ brzucho...................63 cieply........ brzydki...................62 ciern......... brzytwa...................63 ciţzki........ buczec................... 67 cios ......... budzic................... 67 ciosac........ bujny.....................68 ciosla........ burza.....................68 ciskac........ bycie.....................71 cucic......... byc.......................71 cud........... bydlo.................... 70 cudo.......... czad..................... 77 czakac....................78 czar......................79 czarny....................92 czarodziej................78 czas..................... 79 czchac....................89 czczy................... 502 czekac....................79 czeladz...................80 czemier...................81 czermny.................. 91 czerpac...................92 czerstwy..................92 czerw.................... 93 czerwony ................ 93 czesac....................86 czesc.....................94 czeznqc...................87 czţsc.....................88 czţsto....................88 czţsty....................88 czlowiek..................80 czolo.....................80 czosnek...................86 cztery .................. 87 czuc......................91 czwarty.................. 87 czworo....................86 czy ......................88 czychac...................89 czyn......................89 czynic....................89 czysty....................90 czyscic...................90 czytac....................90 cma......................504 dac.......................96 dal.......................95 daleki....................95 dan.......................95 dar.......................96 darznqc..................137 dawac.....................96 dawic ................... 97 dawny.....................97 dqb......................114 dqc......................114 INDICES dbac.......................34 dech......................129 deszcz....................131 dţga......................114 dla.......................103 dlapa .................. 268 dlon......................111 dlug......................129 dlugi.....................133 Dlugosiodlo.............445 dluto.....................112 dno.......................130 do ..................... 109 doba.................... 109 dobry.....................110 doic......................110 dola..................... 111 dom.......................113 doma .................... 112 domowy....................112 dol ..................... 112 drapac....................115 drqg..................... 121 dreszcz.................. 123 drgac.................... 122 drobiazg................. 118 drobic .................. 118 drobny....................119 droczyc...................119 droga ....................113 drogi.....................113 drozd.....................120 drozdze.................. 121 drob .................... 119 drugi.................... 122 druzyna.................. 122 drwa......................123 drzec......................99 drzemac...................117 drzewiej................. 116 drzewo.....................99 drzon......................99 drzwi.....................128 drzystac..................117 drzec.....................123 duch......................124 duchac....................124 dupa .................... 125 643 duplo.....................125 dur...................... 126 dura..................... 126 durny.................... 127 durzyc .................. 126 dusza.................... 127 duzo .................... 127 duzy..................... 127 dwa...................... 130 dwoje.....................131 dwor..................... 128 dychac....................131 dym ......................132 dziac.....................104 dziad.....................101 dzial.................... 103 dzialac ................. 102 dzialo .................. 103 dziarski..................137 dziqsla...................106 dzieciţ...................104 dziegiec...................98 dzielic...................102 dzielo................... 103 dzien.................... 134 dziergac................. 136 dzierzec..................138 dzierzgac.................136 dziesiqty.................100 dziesiţc..................100 dziewiqty.................101 dziewica................. 105 dziewiţc..................101 dzieza....................106 dziţciol................. 107 dziţgiel..................106 dziki ................... 107 dziobac...................547 dziob.....................547 dziupla...................125 dziuplo...................125 dziura................... 126 dziw......................108 dziwic....................108 dziwny....................109 dzwon.....................550 gac.......................162 gad.......................160 .187 . 186 . 188 . 187 . 195 . 189 . 189 . 195 . 201 . 182 . 195 . 184 . 195 . 196 .207 . 216 . 210 209 . 210 ..211 ..211 . 140 ..211 . 212 ..211 ..141 . 212 . 212 . 214 . 214 ..215 ..215 . 216 . 216 . 216 ..215 ..215 ...31 ...26 ...25 . 150 . 150 ...26 ...27 ...27 ...27 ...27 ...27 INDICES .... 160 ....198 ....198 ....198 .... 200 .... 199 .....161 .....161 .....183 .....185 .... 259 .....182 183, 184 .... 184 .....197 .... 200 .... 200 .....163 .... 168 .... 164 .... 164 .....165 .....163 .....163 .... 168 .....162 .....162 .....163 .... 166 .... 166 .... 176 .... 176 .....173 .... 166 .... 168 .... 167 .... 167 .... 167 .... 167 .....197 .... 169 .... 169 .... 169 .... 169 .... 168 .... 168 .... 169 .... 170 gnusic siţ................170 gnusny....................171 godny.....................173 gody......................172 godzic .................. 172 godzina.................. 172 goic..................... 173 golemy....................174 golen.....................174 golqb.....................175 golomroz..................175 golota....................174 goly......................176 gomola....................177 gonic.....................177 gorszy....................179 gorze.....................179 gorzec....................178 gorzej....................179 gorzki....................180 gosc......................180 gospod....................180 gospodzin.................180 gowor.................... 181 gora......................177 gowno.....................182 gra ..................... 209 grabic....................185 grac......................210 grad .................... 185 grqd......................193 grqzyc....................193 grţby.....................192 groch.....................179 grodza....................178 grom .................... 190 gromada.................. 190 groza.................... 191 grozic....................191 grozny....................192 grob..................... 190 grod......................178 gruby.....................192 gruda.....................192 grudzic ................. 193 gryzc.....................194 grzac.....................187 grzebien..................186 grzech..... grzesc...... grzeznqc.. grzţda ..... grzmiec ... grzywa...... grzywna .. gubic...... guga........ gugnqc..... gumno...... guz......... gwiazda .. gwozdz.... i ......... ic ........ igla....... igo ....... ikra....... ilm ....... il ........ ilkij...... imac ...... imiţ ...... imiec...... imiola..... imiono..... inny....... iskac ..... iskra...... istba...... isty....... isc ....... iwa........ iwer....... izba....... izdba ..... ja ......... jablko ..... jablon...... jad......... jadro....... jagniţ...... jagoda ..... jajce....... jaje........ jajko ...... jajo ....... jak.......................28 jaki......................28 jako......................28 jama......................28 jamiola..................141 jar......................151 jarka....................152 jaro.................... 151 jary.....................152 jarz.....................153 jarzqb...................142 jarzqbek.................142 jarzec ................. 153 jarzţbina................142 jarzmo....................28 jarzyna ................ 151 jasien....................29 jasion....................29 jasny................... 153 jastrzqb..................29 jaszcz...................156 jaszczor..................30 jaszczur..................30 jaszczurka................30 jato.....................154 jawia................... 147 jawic.....................31 jawny.....................31 jaz......................155 jazda....................154 jazgar...................156 jazgarz..................156 jazgier..................156 jazgierz.................156 jazdz....................156 jqc .....................158 jqdro ...................157 jqtrew...................159 jebac................... 147 jechac.................. 151 jeden....................138 jedla....................139 jedynak..................138 jedyny...................138 jegla .................. 210 jel .................... 211 jelec....................140 jelen................... 140 INDICES ... 140 .... 141 .... 141 ....142 ....154 ....145 29, 144 ..... 29 ....144 ....145 ....145 ...146 ....146 ....216 ....147 ....148 ....149 ....149 ....156 ....156 .... 157 ....159 ....139 ....147 ... 207 ... 208 ... 209 ....510 ... 207 ....218 ....218 ....219 ....219 ... 220 kal ..................... 220 kamien .................. 220 kara......................221 karac.....................221 karkac................... 262 karm......................262 karpa.....................263 kasac.................... 221 kaszel....................221 kaszlac.................. 221 kazac.....................222 kazic.....................222 kazn......................222 kqsac.................... 243 645 kqt.........................244 kţpina......................243 kţs.........................243 kţsac.......................243 ki ........................ 260 kichac......................265 kidac.......................264 kiedy.......................227 kiel....................... 261 kielb...................... 260 kiernica....................248 kierz.......................261 kij ........................265 kila........................265 kinqc.......................265 kipiec..................... 266 kisac ..................... 266 kisialy.....................267 kisly.......................267 kiwac.......................267 klec .......................224 klţczec.....................225 klej........................224 klekot..................... 223 klekotac................... 223 klektac.....................223 klescic.....................224 kleszcze ...................224 kleszczyc...................224 klij .......................224 klocic......................230 klucz.......................226 klasc ..................... 223 kloda.......................228 klos........................230 klota.......................231 kluc........................230 kobiec......................227 kocic siţ.................. 240 kojarzyc....................228 kokosz......................228 kokot.......................228 kolano......................228 kolo........................229 kon.........................231 koniec......................232 kopa....................... 232 kopac...................... 233 jelkij...... jemiesz..... jemiola... jerzţbina jesc........ jesiec...... jesien...... jesion ..... jesiory..... jesiotka... jesiotr..... jest........ jeszcze..... jewir....... jewnia...... jezioro..... jez ........ jezyna...... jţczec ..... jţczmien . jţdza....... jţzyk....... jodla ...... jownia ..... ju ......... jucha....... jugo........ jutro....... juz ........ kadzic...... kadzidlo. kajac siţ . kaki........ kalic....... 646 INDICES koper................. ...........233 krupny.............. ...........253 lgnqc........................... kopiec................ ...........233 krupy................ ...........252 lice.............................. kora................... .......... 234 kryc................... ...........254 licho............................. koryto ............... .......... 237 krynica............. .......... 248 lichy............................. korzec................ ..........238 krzaslo.............. .......... 247 lik ............................... korzen............... .......... 237 krzeczot............ .......... 246 lipa .............................. korzyc siţ.......... ...........235 krzemien .......... .......... 246 lis ............................... kos ..................... .......... 239 krzepki.............. .......... 246 lisica........................... kosa................... ..........238 krzeslo .............. .......... 247 list ............................... kosc ................... .......... 239 krzyczec............ .......... 247 liszyc........................... kosm.................. ..........238 krzydlo ............. .......... 247 lizac............................ kosz................... ..........240 krzyk................. .......... 247 lniany.......................... koszar ............... ..........240 kto .................... ............ 64 lod ............................... koszara ............. ..........240 ku .................... ...........259 lub ............................... kot ..................... .......... 241 kuc .................... ...........241 lubawy........................ kowac................ .......... 241 kucza ................ ...........255 lubic ............................ koza................... ..........242 kuczka.............. .......... 244 luby............................. koziel................. ..........242 kudys................ ...........255 lud.............................. koziol................ ..........242 kukac................ ...........255 ludzie......................... kol ..................... ...........231 kur................... ...........257 luty.............................. kraj................... ..........244 kurzyc............... ...........257 labqdz......................... krakac.............. ..........245 kurzyca............. ...........257 labţc........................... krasa ................. ..........245 kuznia.............. ...........258 labţdz......................... krasc................. ..........245 kwas.................. ...........258 lajac........................... krasny.............. ..........246 kwiat ................ ...........258 lakomy........................ krasny.............. ..........246 lac .................... .......... 297 lam............................. krqg.................. ...........251 las .................... ...........274 lapa............................ krqgly............... ...........251 laska................. ...........274 laska........................... krech ................. ...........253 lato.................... ...........274 lasy.............................. krew .................. .......... 254 lqc .................... .......... 270 laz ............................... krewny.............. ...........253 lebioda.............. ..........366 lazic............................. krţcic................. ...........251 lec ................... ..........270 lqcze ............................ krţgly............... ...........251 lecha ................. ...........272 lqczyc .......................... krţpy................ ...........251 leciec................. ...........271 lqg ............................... krţty................. .......... 252 ledwie............... ...........139 lqka ............................. kroba................. .......... 234 ledwo ................ ...........139 leb ............................... krobia ............... .......... 234 legac.................. ...........272 lez ............................... kroic.................. ..........248 lekki.................. .......... 297 lţk ............................... krom................. ..........249 lemiesz.............. ...........271 lgac............................. kroma ............... ..........249 len .................... ..........298 lokac............................ kropic............... ..........249 leniwy............... ...........272 lokiec........................... krosna............... ..........249 lep .................... ...........273 lomic ........................... krosta................ ...........235 lepic .................. ...........273 loni............................. krotki............... .......... 236 lewy................... ...........275 lono ............................. krowa............... .......... 236 lezc.................... ...........275 lopata.......................... kroda................ ...........235 lezec.................. ...........272 los ............................... kruch................. .......... 252 lţdzwie ............. .......... 276 losos............................. kruk................... .......... 252 lţkac siţ............ .......... 276 lowic............................ . 297 .278 .278 .278 .278 .279 .279 .279 .279 280 280 . 297 .270 . 281 .277 . 281 . 281 . 282 . 282 . 283 .366 . 365 . 365 .268 .367 .268 .268 .269 .269 .270 .269 .288 .288 .288 .289 .293 .295 .289 .294 .284 .368 .284 .369 . 285 . 285 .370 . 285 .286 647 .340 . 341 . 341 . 334 ..321 .319 .320 .320 .320 .320 . 322 ..321 . 324 . 325 . 326 . 327 . 327 . 327 . 334 . 322 . 323 . 326 . 334 . 328 . 325 .326 .326 . 335 .308 .349 . 343 . 336 . 343 . 330 ..331 . 336 . 338 . 336 . 337 . 337 . 338 .344 .344 .344 . 345 .346 . 345 . 345 INDICES .. 287 .. 287 .. 287 .. 367 .. 283 ..286 ..289 .. 291 .. 291 .. 291 .. 291 .. 292 .. 293 .. 293 .. 295 .. 295 .. 295 ..294 ..296 ..296 ..296 .. 295 ..294 ..298 ..299 ..300 .. 301 .. 301 .. 301 ...335 ...335 ..342 .. 343 .. 302 .. 302 ..304 .. 305 .. 330 .. 329 .. 329 .. 330 ...332 ...333 .. 328 .. 329 ...333 .. 338 ...316 mial......................310 mialki....................310 miana.....................311 miano.....................212 miara.................... 312 miartwy.................. 342 miasto................... 313 miazga................... 314 miec......................211 miech.................... 309 miecz.....................305 miedza....................305 miedz.................... 309 miedzwiedz............... 306 'ely....................310 enic.................. 312 erzchnqc...............341 erzic..................342 erziec................ 342 erznqc.................343 erzyc................. 312 esiqc..................312 esic.................. 313 esc....................308 .................314 ţkki...................314 ţknqc................. 314 ţso....................315 ţzdra..................316 mijac.................... 317 milczec.................. 340 mily .................... 317 mo ................... 317 nqc .................. 318 nowac ................ 318 ono....................212 miotac .................. 309 miod..................... 306 mir...................... 318 mitus.....................319 mknqc.................... 333 mlec .................... 307 mleko.................... 307 mlody.....................323 mlodzieniec...............322 mlot......................324 mlocic....................323 mlot......................324 mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mnie...... mniej..... mniejszy.. mnogi..... moc....... mocz...... moczyc ... modla..... modlic.... modry..... mokry..... moc....... mora...... morze..... most...... moszna.... motac..... motyka.... mowa ..... moj....... mol ...... mor....... mowic .... mozg...... mrok...... mrowka... mroz...... mrugac.... mrzec..... mrzost.... msta...... mszyca ... mscic .... mucha..... muzga .... my ....... myc....... mydlo .... mysz...... mysl...... myto ..... mzec...... mzyc...... na ....... naczqc.... nac....... nad(e).... nagi ..... 648 INDICES nagly.................... 345 narod.....................346 narow.................... 356 nas.......................346 nqkac ................... 359 nerest....................349 nţcic.....................360 nţdza.....................359 nţdzic................... 358 nţkac.....................359 ni .......................352 nic.......................353 nie ..................... 347 niebo ................... 348 niebogi...................348 niedoperz................ 350 niekto....................349 niesc.....................350 nietoperz.................350 niewiasta.................351 niewod....................351 niknqc....................353 ninie.....................360 niwa......................354 niz ..................... 354 nize..................... 354 noc.......................355 noga......................354 nogiec....................355 nokiec....................355 nora..................... 356 nos.......................357 nosic.................... 356 nowak.....................357 nowy......................357 nozdrze...................358 nog.......................212 noz...................... 358 nucic ....................360 nudzic....................358 nukac.....................359 nurzyc....................359 nyc.......................360 o ........................361 oba ......................361 obcy......................363 obiecac...................361 oblok.....................362 obly................ ..............363 obora............. ..............362 obuc............... ..............363 ocknqc siţ...... .............381 od(e).............. ..............382 ogien.............. ............. 364 ojciec.............. ..............383 oje ................. ............. 364 okno............... ..............365 oko ................. ..............365 okrqgly.......... .............. 251 olcha.............. ............. 370 olesie.............. .............371 olsza............... .............371 olowo............. ............. 369 olow............... ............. 369 on ................. .............372 opak............... .............372 orati............... .............372 orţdzie........... .............375 orzech............ .............374 orzel............... ............. 376 orzţbina ........ .............142 osa ................. .....377, 378 oselka............. .............381 oset................. ............. 380 osiec............... .............145 osiem ............. ..............379 osina.............. ..............378 osiol............... .............381 osiory............. ..............144 osiotka........... .............145 oskard............ ..............378 osnowa .......... ..............379 ostry............... ..............379 oszczo ............ ..............146 os ................. ............. 380 osc ................. ............. 380 oscien............. ............. 380 otworzyc........ ..............383 owca .............. ............. 384 owies.............. ............. 384 ozyna............. ..............149 osmy.............. ..............378 ow ................. ............. 384 pachac ........... ............. 389 pachnqc......... ............. 389 padac............. ............. 389 pajqk.....................391 palec.....................390 palica....................390 palic.....................390 palka.....................390 pamiţc....................391 para......................391 pas ..................... 409 pasc......................392 paznokiec................ 393 pazucha...................392 pqc.......................417 pqgwica...................416 pqk...................... 417 pcha.......................48 pchac.....................426 pchla .....................48 pczela.....................72 pczola.....................72 pelny.....................426 pelzac....................427 perz......................425 pţdzic....................416 pţk.......................417 pţp.......................417 pţpek.....................417 pţto......................417 piac......................398 piana.....................397 piasek....................398 piasta....................397 piqc......................399 piqty.....................399 pic.......................401 piec......................393 piega.....................397 piegi.....................397 pieklo................... 426 pien......................427 pierdziec.................429 piers.....................429 pierwszy..................430 pies......................431 pieszy....................398 piţc......................400 piţdz.....................398 piţsc.....................399 piţta.....................399 pilsc.....................427 pioro.....................396 pisac.....................430 piskac....................400 piskorz...................400 piszczec..................400 piwo......................402 plec......................394 plecy.....................404 plesc.....................404 plesn.....................404 plesz.....................405 plewa.................... 395 plon......................394 pluc......................402 pla........................48 plakac....................402 plawic....................403 plecha.....................48 plet......................407 plochy....................410 plomien...................411 plwac.....................402 plosa.....................411 plosa.....................411 ploszyc...................411 plot..................... 406 plotno .................. 412 plowy ................... 412 ploza ................... 412 pluco.....................405 po .......................407 pod(e)....................408 podeszwa..................409 poic..................... 409 pokoj.................... 409 polano....................410 pole......................411 polica....................410 popiol................... 395 pora......................413 poskromic.................205 poslac....................479 pot ......................415 powroz....................415 pol ..................... 412 pozny.....................416 prac......................428 INDICES prawy......................418 proch......................413 prosic.....................421 prosiţ.....................414 prosty.....................422 proc.......................414 prog.......................413 pryskac....................423 przqsc ....................419 prze-......................395 przeciew...................418 przec......................396 przec (siţ)................428 przed(e)...................396 przeko.....................396 przy.......................419 przyjaciel.................419 pstry..................... 430 pszczola....................72 pszono ................... 431 ptak.......................424 ptăk.......................424 puchac.....................423 puchnqc....................423 pulk...................... 424 puscic.................... 424 pusty......................424 pytac......................425 raczyc ................... 431 radlo......................373 rak........................374 ramiţ......................375 rataj......................376 rqb........................439 rţka...................... 439 robic......................373 robota.....................373 rodzic.....................437 rok.........................38 rokita.....................375 rola.......................375 rosa.......................438 roz-.......................377 rod........................437 rog........................438 roj .......................438 rosc ..................... 376 row....................... 439 649 ruch...................... 440 rudy...................... 440 runo...................... 440 rwac.......................441 ryc ...................... 442 rzadki.....................434 rzqd.......................436 rzec.......................433 rzecz......................434 rzeka......................434 rzemien....................433 rzemyk.....................433 rzuc ......................436 rzyc.......................436 rzygac.....................441 sadzic ................... 442 sanie......................443 sarna......................485 sq- .......................462 sqd........................463 sqdzic.....................463 schnqc ....................479 sţdzia ....................462 sţdzic.....................463 sţk ...................... 464 sen ...................... 481 ser........................483 serce......................485 siac ......................447 siqknqc....................450 siano..................... 446 siqsc......................447 sidlo......................450 siec...................... 446 siec...................... 448 siedem.....................443 siedm......................443 siedziec...................445 siţgac.....................449 siţgnqc .................. 449 siemiţ.....................446 siolo......................444 siostra....................445 siodmy.....................443 sito.......................451 siwy.......................451 skierny................... 217 skora......................452 650 skra ..................... 214 slaby......................452 slac.......................479 slawa..................... 453 slodki ................... 459 sloj.......................480 sloma .................... 459 slomka.....................454 slony..................... 460 slonce.....................479 slowik.................... 460 slowo......................454 sluch..................... 455 sluchac................... 454 sluszac................... 455 slyszec .................. 455 smrod......................456 snuc.......................457 socha......................458 soczyc.....................458 sok........................459 sowa.......................461 sol ...................... 461 spac ..................... 481 spory......................481 spor.......................481 sroka......................477 ssac...................... 482 stac.......................468 stac siţ...................465 stado......................465 stan ..................... 465 stary......................465 stawic.....................466 sto........................482 stog.......................468 stol.......................468 strqk......................469 strona.....................469 stroz......................469 strup......................470 stryj......................470 strzec.....................467 strzyc.....................469 studzic....................471 stygnqc....................473 suchy......................473 suc ...................... 475 INDICES sum.......................461 sunqc ................... 474 surowy....................474 suszyc................... 474 suwac.................... 462 sciegna.................. 472 sciţgno...................466 sciezka...................472 scignqc.................. 467 smiac siţ.................456 smiec.....................480 smiech....................456 smierc....................480 smierdziec................457 snieg.....................457 spieszyc................. 464 sroda.....................444 swiat.................... 476 swieca....................476 swiekr....................475 swierzbiec............... 478 swiţty .................. 476 swinia................... 477 sykac.....................400 sykawiec..................400 syn .......................83 sypac.....................483 syty..................... 484 szary.....................447 szczac....................485 szczeniţ ................ 486 szczyt................... 486 szerszen .................485 szesc.................... 487 szewc.................... 488 szosty................... 486 szron.................... 444 szurzy................... 488 szyc .................... 487 taic......................489 tajac.....................489 targac....................502 tchnqc....................129 tţga......................495 tţgi......................495 ten ......................502 tlec .................... 504 tlo ..................... 504 tloka......................495 tloka......................495 tluc.......................490 tok ...................... 494 topic..................... 496 trawa......................496 trawic.....................496 trqd.......................497 trqt ..................... 498 tresc......................499 truc...................... 499 trud.......................498 trup ..................... 498 trut...................... 498 truten.....................498 trzqsc.....................497 trzec......................491 trzeci ....................497 trzemcha....................82 trzemucha...................82 trzewo .................... 85 trzoda..................... 81 trzon...................... 83 trzonowy....................83 trzop.......................84 trzosla.....................85 trzosla.....................85 trzy...................... 499 tuczny.................... 499 tuk........................500 tur ...................... 500 twardy.....................501 twarz..................... 500 tworzyc .................. 501 twor...................... 501 ty ........................502 tyl........................503 tysiqc.....................503 u(-).......................506 ubiedrze................... 35 ubogi......................506 ucho.......................507 uczyc .....................506 ujscie.....................510 ul ........................508 ulica .....................508 um ........................ 08 usnqc......................510 INDICES 651 usta......................509 utarta droga...............76 uzda......................511 w(e)................530, 533 wabic.....................511 wadzic....................512 war.......................512 warzyc....................512 was.......................513 wqs.......................386 wqtroba...................387 wqz...................... 388 wqzki ................... 388 wczoraj.................. 536 wdowa ................... 536 welna.....................537 wesz......................532 wewnqtrz................. 387 wţdzic....................385 wţgiel................... 385 wţgiel................... 385 wţgorz....................386 wţzel.................... 388 wiac......................519 wiadro....................518 wiano.....................520 wiara.....................520 wiatr.....................520 wiqzac....................521 wic...................... 522 wicher................... 522 widziec...................521 wieczor ................. 513 wiedziec..................518 wieko.....................519 wielki .................. 515 wieprz....................515 wier..................... 216 wiercic ................. 539 wiersza...................539 wierzch...................538 wies......................539 wiesc.....................517 wiezc.....................518 wiţdnqc...................520 wilga.....................216 wilgi.....................536 wilk......................537 wioslo....................517 wiosna....................517 wior......................216 wir.......................522 wiwielga..................216 wladac....................524 wlec......................514 wlok......................526 wlos......................526 wlosc.....................526 wlok......................526 wloka.....................525 wlokno....................526 wn- ......................530 wnuk......................530 woda......................523 wodzic....................523 wojak.....................524 wojna.....................524 wola......................525 won.......................527 wosk......................529 wozic.....................530 wrona.....................528 wrota.....................529 woz.......................530 wrocic....................529 wrog......................527 wrstwa....................538 wrzec.....................537 wrzeciono.................516 wrzos.....................516 wstyd.....................473 wtorek....................533 wtory.....................532 wuj.......................507 wy .......................533 wy-.......................533 wydra ....................534 wymiţ.....................534 wyraj ................... 213 wysoki....................535 wywilga...................216 wywiolga..................216 z(e)...............217, 478 za ...................... 540 zadzierzgnqc..............136 zawrzec...................541 zqb.......................549 zorza.....................548 zdba......................215 zdrowy....................478 ziac......................544 ziarno....................553 ziele.....................542 zielony.................. 541 ziemia....................542 ziewac....................542 ziţbnqc.................. 543 ziţc .................... 543 zima......................544 zloto.....................547 zly.......................551 znac......................546 znamiţ....................546 znoj......................546 zolzy.................... 557 zwac .....................551 zwierz....................549 zba.......................215 zdzblo....................472 zrenica...................542 zrodlo....................559 zrzec ................... 552 zaba......................553 zqc.......................561 zqdac.....................560 zqdlo ....................560 zqdny.....................560 zar.......................554 zarna.....................566 ze .................208, 554 zebro.................... 433 zec ..................... 554 zelazo ...................555 zlod......................555 zlodz.....................555 zmija.....................545 zolqdek.................. 556 zolqdz....................556 zolc......................552 zolty ................... 565 zolw..................... 557 zolwi.....................557 zolwie................... 557 zona..................... 558 .157 . 139 . 139 139 . 139 . 138 . 138 ..211 .141 .141 .141 145 146 156 149 ..211 .511 .511 259 . 263 . 221 .222 .264 . 227 . 227 265 .226 241 .234 . 233 . 238 242 . 251 250 250 250 252 254 .247 .248 .264 255 259 296 270 . 272 . 271 . 271 INDICES 559 549 567 558 564 562 562 563 563 563 564 ..... 73 ......70 .....38 ..... 41 ..... 39 ......36 ......36 ......36 .....67 35, 36 .....44 ..... 45 .....46 ..... 45 ..... 52 .....60 ......56 ..... 61 ......70 ..... 71 ...204 ...264 ...493 ... 505 ..... 91 .....78 ......81 ......81 .....87 .....87 .....87 ..... 91 .....89 ..... 95 ....137 debrz................132, 133 jqkac........ dezdz.....................131 jedl......... dţga .................... 114 jedla........ doma .................... 112 jedwa........ drac.................126, 135 jedwo........ drozdza...................121 jedzinak.... drug......................121 jedziny...... drzewie.................. 116 jemiec....... drzon......................99 jemiol....... dura......................126 jemiola...... dzialo....................103 jemiolo...... dziela....................103 jesiotr...... dziewierz.................105 jesm......... dziora....................126 jezdzyk...... dziwo.....................108 jezyny....... dziwy.....................108 jmiec........ gabac ................... 159 justrzejszy gat ......................162 justrzenka gatac.....................161 k(u)......... giza......................200 karpa........ glan......................163 kasac........ glţdac ...................164 kazn......... glţdziec..................164 kidac........ globa.....................165 kiedy........ globic....................166 kiegdy....... glupy.....................167 kinqc........ gnus......................170 kluka........ gnusic...................170 kociec ...... golţby....................175 kopije....... goworzyc..................181 kopr......... gozd......................196 kosa......... gozdz ....................196 koza......... grqd......................192 krţczynka . grţdzi................... 193 krocic....... guz.......................184 krotki....... (h)i......................207 krotki....... histba................... 215 krupy........ igra......................209 kry.......... igrac.....................210 krzaslo...... ikro......................210 krzynica.... ilem......................211 kto.......... imiec.................... 211 kukac........ ja ........................31 kwisc........ jablo......................25 ldza......... jal ..................... 154 lec ......... jasien.....................29 lecha........ jasiotr...................145 lemiesz...... jaz........................31 lemiţsz...... len ...................... 273 leny...................... 273 lesc.......................298 lic .......................280 licho .................... 278 lichy..................... 278 limiesz....................271 liszyc siţ.................280 lnqc ..................... 297 lubo...................... 281 luby...................... 277 lza .......................296 lania......................368 laskanie...................269 laz........................270 labţc..................... 365 laczny.....................366 lajac......................268 lani.......................368 lez ...................... 295 lodziă.....................367 lokac......................284 luczyc.....................290 lug........................291 luna.......................291 lusk.......................292 lyda.......................295 lyst.......................296 lytka..................... 295 lza .......................294 mac ...................... 303 marchew....................335 marchwa....................335 matac......................302 mdly.......................332 mgly.......................332 mial...................... 310 miqzdra....................316 miel.......................310 miţzdra ...................316 mniec......................340 mrost......................349 mrzeza.....................308 mzda.......................343 nţcic......................360 nţdzic.................... 358 niec...................... 351 niedzwiedz.................306 INDICES niekto.................... 349 niesc..................... 351 niesciora................. 349 nietopyrz..................350 niewiasta................. 351 niewod.................... 351 niewod.................... 351 nozdrza....................358 nozdrze....................358 nynie..................... 360 oje .......................364 onuca..................... 371 osm .......................379 otrok......................382 owien..................... 384 piac.......................398 pica.......................401 piec...................... 398 piersc ................... 429 pierwy.................... 430 pkiel..................... 426 plast..................... 402 plawac.....................403 ploski.....................406 posrzesc ................. 482 pyrz.......................425 sani.......................443 scblo..................... 472 scdza......................472 scieblo................... 472 sciegna................... 472 sierce.....................485 sierszen...................485 som .......................461 strowy.....................478 stydnqc....................473 szulo .................... 488 tarn.......................505 tluka......................495 trant......................498 tszczy.....................502 wlodac.....................524 wnţk.......................530 wolă.......................525 wszy...................... 540 zqbr.......................549 zqbrz......................549 zarza......................541 653 zelw.......................551 zlew.......................551 zobac......................547 zorza......................548 zubr.......................549 zuc........................218 zwon.......................550 zrzec .................... 552 zqdza......................560 1.3.9 Slovincian băbă........................32 bădăc.......................32 băgne.......................33 bărze.......................70 bârnă.......................56 bardă.......................59 bjauli......................40 bjîc........................41 bjîc........................41 bjîdle..................... 41 bjiegăc.....................39 bjiezec.....................40 blad'i......................42 blăscec.....................48 blăsk.......................43 blăskăc.....................44 blq^ec......................47 bliescec....................48 bliesk......................43 bloun.......................53 bluete......................53 bluezne.....................55 brăt........................60 brăsc...................... 61 bredăt'i....................55 broug.......................56 bruedă .................... 55 brueză......................38 bră%........................63 buejec sq...................50 buelec..................... 51 bidlo.......................70 bor.........................58 boul........................54 ciejec......................74 cud.........................91 cară........................78 654 INDICES căud............... ...............77 jăble................ ...............25 lep ................. ...............273 căs.................. ...............79 jăden............... .............138 llesc................ .............. 275 dern'i.............. ..............127 jăsoun............. .............. 29 llezec.............. ..............272 deisc ............... .............. 131 jăstfib ............. .............. 29 lnoşc............. ..............297 dlăguetă........ ..............133 jqkăc............... ............. 157 luone............. .............. 285 druebă........... ..............117 jqmă ............... .............. 28 luosos............ .............. 285 druebjină...... ..............117 jleglă............... .............210 luozec............ ..............287 drăpăc............ .............. 115 jlesc................. .............154 lză ................. ..............294 drouzd........... ............. 120 jlezoră............. .............144 lajac .............. ..............268 droşg.............. .............. 121 jîmăc............... ............. 211 lăz ................. ................95 dfăstăc........... ..............117 jîzbă................ ............. 215 lug ................. .............. 291 dfoun............. ...............99 jic .................. .............216 manic............ .............. 301 dfec ................ ...............99 juxa................. ............ 208 mara.............. .............. 301 dflemăc.......... .............. 117 kăzec............... .............222 mărz.............. ..............326 dvă ................. ............. 130 kărma............. ............ 262 mărgăc.......... .............. 335 dvor................ ............. 128 kălăc............... ............ 220 mautăc.......... ..............302 dim................. ..............132 kărn................ ............ 262 mgli............... .............. 332 jăwi................ ............. 108 kqpa................ ............ 243 mjauzgă........ .............. 314 jiecă ............... ............. 104 kqsac............... ............ 243 mjlec.............. ...............211 jlefnoşc......... ..............136 klăka............... ............ 226 mjlefk............ .............. 341 jlesinc............ .............100 klecec .............. ............ 226 mjlerzec ........ ...............342 jlevjinc........... ..............101 kluec............... ............ 230 mjlex............. ..............309 jură................ ............. 126 kluecec............ ............ 230 mjîjăc............ ...............317 jel .................. ..............103 kluc................. ............ 226 mjuene ......... .............. 212 jecq................ ............. 104 ko-up............... .............261 mluec ........... ..............307 jeră ................ ..............103 koşt................ ............ 244 mluet............. ...............324 jirzi................ ..............137 kră .................. .............254 medri............ ..............320 ftăux............... .............424 krăpă .............. .............252 meulnau....... .............. 333 glănă.............. ............. 164 krek................. .............252 mrouz............ ..............326 glupi............... ............. 167 kruo................ .............210 mfleză........... ..............308 gnăuzdo......... ............. 169 kfidlo.............. ............ 247 muoră........... ...............324 gfyz................ ...... 184, 185 kuca................ .............255 muevjîc......... ...............334 grăbi............... ............. 192 kuka................ ............ 256 mzec.............. ..............344 grueză............ ..............191 kur.................. .............257 mvova............ ...............334 gruex.............. ............. 179 kufăcă ............ .............257 nqkăc............. .............. 359 gfex................. ..............187 kuznă.............. .............258 păry............... .............. 413 grăsc............... ............. 194 lăbăvi.............. .............277 pxlă................ ................48 graud............. ..............185 lăsăcă.............. ............ 279 pjlekle ........... ............. 426 guojic............. ..............173 lăs .................. ............ 279 pjînc.............. ............. 400 guz.................. ............. 184 lăsi .................. ............ 296 pllevă............. ..............405 helem ............. .............. 211 lăskă............... ............ 269 plute.............. ............. 406 xleb................. .............202 lăst.................. ............ 279 răch............... ............. 440 xăpăc.............. .............202 lăuska............. .............274 răk................. .............. 374 xarnă ............. .............204 lebavi.............. .............277 fekă ............... ...... 434, 435 xoxotac .......... .............203 lebi.................. .............277 sqk................. ............. 464 xroust............. .............206 lega ................. ............ 276 săjăc.............. ............. 442 jăbac.............. ............. 147 lemjes.............. .............271 sărkă ............. ..............477 jăjă................. ............... 27 lemgz.............. .............271 setem............. ..............443 32 . 33 . 33 34 34 34 431 69 35 35 42 38 41 .72 .39 .39 40 40 41 71 41 71 71 42 .72 .39 41 52 51 35 35 53 54 . 43 42 42 35 35 44 . 43 43 49 44 44 45 45 45 45 INDICES 214 452 ■457 463 470 ...81 486 487 495 498 498 ..511 ..512 520 ..30 539 .523 209 214 538 216 364 379 .555 .553 .. 45 ...55 .. 54 .213 .213 260 260 261 261 ..48 ..48 140 .156 .156 216 . 41 ..53 ..53 ..53 blăvă......................46 blăxă......................48 bornă..................... 56 brade......................61 brodă......................55 brot.......................60 brot’ă.....................60 celă.......................72 dară......................132 dovă...................... 97 jăglă.....................210 jaidU.....................209 jaigo.....................209 jaigrojq..................210 jaimă.....................212 jaimq.....................212 jaimăt................... 211 jaistă....................215 jăkră.....................210 jăskră....................214 jăzbă.....................215 jelmă.....................211 jeme......................158 jeserăi...................144 jever.....................216 joji ......................27 jgtră.....................158 klăt’ol...................229 laisaică..................279 laug......................291 lauze.....................293 măuna.................... 333 met...................... 211 mole......................310 muzdenu...................328 muzdin....................328 peta......................399 xarnă.................... 204 xorne ................... 205 zlăd..................... 555 1.4 South Slavic 1.4.1 Serbo-Croatian a .........................25 ako ...................... 28 baba.......................32 bădar......................69 bădati........... băjalo .......... băjati........... băsan............ băvit............ băviti se........ băzdjeti......... bdjeti........... bedra............ bedro............ belena........... bez.............. bic.............. bice............. bijeda .......... bijediti......... bijel............ bijes............ bijezati......... bîlje............ bilo ............ bistar........... biti............. bitva............ bivati........... bjegati.......... bjezati.......... blâg............. blâgo............ blan............. blăniti ......... blăto ........... blăzina.......... blejati.......... blek............. bleket........... blem............. blen............. blesti........... blijed........... blijesak......... blijestati (se) bliskati (se) .. blistati (se)... blîz............. blizak .......... blizna........... blîzna........... 656 bl'izno.....................45 blizu.......................46 blud........................47 bluditi.....................47 bljusti.....................46 bljuvati....................46 bo .........................49 bodalj......................49 bodar.......................69 bodar.......................69 bog.........................50 bogat.......................50 boj.........................51 bojati se...................50 bojăzan.....................50 bol ....................... 54 bolje ..................... 52 boljeti.....................51 boljî.......................52 bor ....................... 58 borovlk.....................58 borovina................... 58 borovka.....................58 bos ....................... 59 bosti ..................... 59 brăca.......................60 brăda.......................55 brăda.......................55 brădat......................55 brăn........................57 brăna.................56, 57 brăsno......................57 brăt........................60 brăti.......................73 brătja......................60 brăv........................58 brăzda..................... 59 bfcati......................65 breâ........................36 breknuti....................62 breme.......................37 brest.......................37 brez........................38 breza.......................38 bric........................62 brîd........................62 bridak .................... 62 brljati, brijati............63 INDICES brijeci......................36 brijeg.......................37 brijest......................37 brisalo..................... 66 briti........................63 britva.......................63 bfknuti......................65 brna.........................66 brnje........................67 brod.........................64 broditi .....................63 bfst.........................65 brusnica ................... 64 brut........................ 64 bfv ........................ 66 bfvno ...................... 67 bfz..........................70 brzdlca......................70 bubanj.......................60 bucati ..................... 67 buditi...................... 67 buha ....................... 48 bujan........................68 bun .........................73 bunika.......................73 buniti se ...................72 bunovati.....................72 bura.........................68 cijediti.....................74 cijel........................75 cijeliti.....................74 cijena.......................75 cijeniti.....................75 cijev ...................... 77 cren.........................83 crepati......................84 crijemusa ...................82 crijep...................... 84 crijevo..................... 86 crman........................91 cfn ........................ 92 crpati.......................92 crta.........................93 cfv .........................93 crven........................93 cfviti.......................93 cvăsti .....................259 cvijet......................259 căd...........................77 căâ...........................77 căâa..........................77 căjati........................78 căkati........................78 cara..........................78 carodjej......................78 căs...........................79 căst..........................94 ced...........................88 cedo..........................88 cekati........................79 cela..........................72 celo ........................ 80 celjăd....................... 80 cemer.........................81 cemerika......................81 cerjen....................... 83 cesan.........................86 cesati........................86 cesno.........................86 cest..........................88 cesta.........................76 cetiri........................87 cetver........................87 cetvero.......................87 cetvoro ......................87 cetvrtî.......................87 ceznuti.......................87 ci ...........................89 cin ..........................89 clniti........................89 cist..........................90 cîsti.........................89 cistiti ..................... 90 cltati........................90 cjelovati ................... 75 cjevănica.....................77 cjevnica......................77 covjek........................80 covjek........................80 creda.........................81 crez......................... 85 crijeslo......................85 cuditi se.................... 91 cudo......................... 91 cuti ........................ 91 cvfst.........................93 INDICES 657 cutjeti......................... ..381 djeti.................. ............104 drznuti.................... .....137 dă .............................. ...94 djev.................. ............105 drzati ...................... .... 138 dăbar......................... ...34 djeva, djeva..... ............105 dub .......................... .....114 dâh............................. . 129 djever............... ............105 dubiti...................... .....133 dăhnuti...................... . 129 djevica............. ........... 106 dug............................ .....133 dajăt........................... ... 95 djevojka........... ............105 dug........................... .... 129 dălek .......................... ... 95 dlăn ................. .............111 duga ........................ .....114 dâlj............................. ... 95 dlijeto .............. .............98 duga........................ .....114 dalja........................... ... 95 dno................... ............130 dugota..................... .....133 dan............................. ... 95 do ................... ........... 109 duh, duh ................. .... 124 dân............................. ..134 do ................... ............ 112 duhati ..................... .... 124 dănas......................... .. 135 doba................. ........... 109 dunuti..................... .... 124 dâr.............................. ...96 dobar............... ............ 110 dupe........................ .....125 dătelj.......................... ...96 dojilica............ ............ 110 duplja...................... .....125 dăti............................. ...96 dojiti................ ............ 110 duplo....................... .....125 davan......................... ...97 dom.................. .............113 dupsti...................... .... 134 davati......................... ...96 doma ............... ............ 112 duran...................... .... 127 daviti ......................... ...97 domov.............. ............ 112 duriti se, duriti se .. .... 126 dâvn(j)l.................... ...97 dospjeti............ ...........464 dusa......................... .... 127 dăzd........................... .. 131 drâg................. .............113 duti.......................... .....114 dâzd........................... .. 131 drăga ............... .............113 dvâ........................... .... 130 debeo.......................... ...98 drapati ............ .............115 dvari........................ .... 128 debri........................... ..132 drati................. ............ 135 dveri........................ .... 128 derăti ......................... .. 135 draziti.............. .............115 dvogub .................... .... 130 desan.......................... . 100 drevan ............. .............117 dvoji ........................ .....131 deset........................... . 100 drickati............ .............117 dvor......................... .... 128 desetl.......................... . 100 drijemati......... .............117 enak......................... .... 138 desiti, desiti............... . 100 drijen............... .............99 eto ........................... .... 147 desnl........................... . 100 drijeti............... .............99 găd........................... ....160 desni........................... . 107 drijevo ............. .............99 găditi....................... ....160 devet........................... ..101 driskati............ .............117 gănuti...................... .... 197 devetl......................... ..101 driskati............ .............117 gasiti........................ .....161 dihati......................... .. 131 drkol................ ............ 123 găsnuti.................... .....161 dijel............................ ..103 drob ................. ............ 119 gât............................ .... 162 dijel............................ ..103 droba............... .............117 gatati....................... .....161 dijeliti ........................ . 102 droban............. ............ 119 găziti ....................... .... 162 dijete.......................... . 104 drobina............ .............117 gdje.......................... ....259 dim............................. ..132 drobiti ............. ............ 118 gi(d)za.................... ... 200 dira, dira, dira, dîra. . 107 drociti.............. ............ 119 gibati....................... ... 200 dîvan.......................... . 109 drozak ............. ............120 ginuti....................... ... 200 diviti se...................... . 108 drozd............... ............120 glăbati..................... .... 162 divljl........................... . 108 drozda............. ............ 121 glâd.......................... .... 174 dîvo ............................ . 108 drpati............... ............136 glădak..................... .... 162 djed............................ . 102 drug................. .....121, 122 glagolati.................. .... 174 djelati......................... . 102 druk................. ............ 121 glagolj, glăgolj ........ .... 174 djelo ........................... ..103 druzina............ ............ 122 glâs.......................... ....176 djesti .......................... . 104 drvo................. ............ 123 glava........................ ....176 djetao......................... . 107 drzak............... ............ 137 gledati..................... ....164 658 INDICES glej...................... 168 glezan.....................163 glezanj....................163 gUsta......................165 gljiva.....................165 globa......................165 globati....................165 globiti................... 166 glog...................... 166 glota......................166 gluh.......................167 gluma..................... 167 glumiti....................167 glup ..................... 167 gnăti......................197 gnijezdo ................. 169 gnio ..................... 169 gniua..................... 354 gnjesti .................. 168 gnjev..................... 168 gnjida.................... 169 gnjila.................... 164 gnjiti.................... 169 gnoj.......................170 gnus...................... 170 gnusan, gnusan............ 171 gnusiti................... 170 go(l)......................176 gobino.....................171 god........................172 godan......................173 godina.....................172 goditi.....................172 goj .......................173 gojiti.....................173 golem......................174 golijen....................174 golita.....................175 golub......................175 golubijî...................175 gomolja....................177 goniti.....................177 gora.......................178 gorak......................180 gorl.......................179 gorjeti....................179 gospod.....................180 gospodin ................. 180 gost.......................180 govedo ................... 181 govjeti................... 181 govno......................182 govor..................... 182 govoriti.................. 181 grăbiti....................185 grăd.......................185 grăd.......................178 grăâa......................178 grăh.......................179 grăjati, grăjati...........186 grăkati....................186 gramăda, grămada ....186 gfb........................198 grba.......................198 gfd........................198 greben.....................186 greda..................... 187 grejati....................187 grepsti....................187 gresti.....................188 gresti.....................188 grez.......................189 greznuti...................188 gribati....................189 grijeh.....................187 gristi.....................194 griva......................189 grivna.....................189 grkati.....................199 grlo.......................198 gfm .......................194 germiti....................195 grmljeti.................. 195 grno ......................199 gfnuti.....................200 grob...................... 190 grom ..................... 190 grom ..................... 190 gromăda....................190 gromada....................190 groza, groza...............191 grozan, grozan.............192 grozd..................... 191 grozâe.................... 191 grozâe.................... 191 groziti, groziti.......... 191 gfst.......................199 grtati.....................199 grub.......................192 grud...................... 193 gruda..................... 192 gruziti .................. 193 gub........................197 guba ..................... 182 gubiti.....................195 gumno......................195 gust.......................183 gusti......................183 gutati.....................168 guz....................... 184 guzva......................185 gvozd, gvozd...............196 hăbati.................... 201 habiti.................... 201 hlăd.......................203 hlădan.....................204 hleb.......................202 hljeb......................202 hod........................203 hoditi.....................203 homut......................204 hrăbar.................... 204 hrăna......................205 hrăniti....................205 hrăsce.....................206 hrăst..................... 206 hrom.......................205 hud........................205 hvoja, hvoja.............. 206 i .........................207 ici .......................216 igla.......................210 igo ...................... 209 igra ..................... 209 igrati.....................210 ijed...................... 150 ikra.......................210 il ........................211 imăm...................... 212 imati......................211 ime....................... 212 imela......................141 imjeti.................... 212 in ........................213 ineg........................212 înje........................213 inog........................212 inok........................212 iskati......................214 iskati......................214 iskr........................217 iskra.......................214 iskrnjl.....................217 isti ...................... 216 istl........................215 iti ....................... 216 iva ....................... 216 iver........................216 iz .........................217 izba, izba..................215 izuti.......................218 jâ ..........................31 jăbuka.......................26 jăbuko.......................26 jăcmen......................156 jâd.........................150 jăgla.......................210 jăgne........................26 jăgnjac......................26 jăgoda.......................27 jăhati .................... 151 jajce....................... 27 jaje ....................... 27 jâk..........................28 jal.........................141 jalac.......................141 jăma.........................28 jar.........................153 jâr .................. 151, 152 jăra.................. 151, 152 jărac.......................153 jaram........................28 jăre........................151 jăreb.......................142 jarebica................... 142 jărina, jarina ............ 151 jărka, jârka .............. 153 jarOst......................152 jăsan ..................... 153 jăsen........................29 jăsika .................... 378 jăster.......................30 INDICES 659 jăstrijeb..................... ... 29 jezevica . ......................149 jăsterica..................... ... 30 jezica..... ......................149 jăto............................. ..154 jezika..... ......................149 jâvan.......................... .... 31 jezina .... ......................149 javi............................. ... 30 jigla ....... ...................... 210 javiti.......................... .... 31 jigo......... ..................... 209 jăz ............................. .... 31 jilo ......... .......................211 jâz ............................. .. 155 jost(e).... ......................146 jâz ............................. .. 155 juce........ ......................536 jâza............................ .. 155 jucer(a) . ......................536 je ............................. ..146 jug ......... ........................07 jebati ......................... ..147 jugo........ ......................207 jecati.......................... .. 157 juha....... ..................... 208 jecati.......................... ..156 jun......... ..................... 208 jecmen....................... ..156 jutro ...... ...................... 510 jed ............................. ..150 k(a)........ ......................259 jedan.......................... .. 139 kăda ...... ......................227 jedar.......................... .. 157 kădilo .... ...................... 218 jedinăk...................... .. 138 kaditi..... ...................... 218 jednăk........................ .. 138 kăhati.... ..................... 260 jedro........................... .. 157 kăhnuti, kăhnuti ...... 260 jedro, jedro................ ..150 kăjati..... ...................... 219 jedva.......................... .. 139 kăkl....... ...................... 219 jekati, jekati.............. .. 157 kâl ......... ..............220,261 jela, jela..................... .. 139 kaliti...... ...................... 219 jelen ........................... . 140 kămen... ......................220 jelha........................... . 370 kara....... ...................... 221 jelsa............................ .. 371 karati .... ...................... 221 jemes.......................... .. 141 kăsan..... ......................263 jemljes....................... .. 141 kăsati .... ...................... 221 jerebica...................... ..142 kăsno..... ......................263 jesam ......................... ..146 kăsalj..... ...................... 221 jesen........................... ..144 kăsljati .. ...................... 221 jesetra........................ ..145 kâzanj... ......................222 jesika ......................... ..378 kazati.... ......................222 jest ............................. ..146 kaziti..... ......................222 jesti............................ ..154 kâzn....... ......................222 jesce ........................... ..146 kcî......... ...................... 129 jeti ............................. ..158 kidati..... ......................264 jetra, jetra ................. ..158 kihati..... ......................265 jetrva,jetrva,jetrva. ..159 kij ......... ......................265 jez ............................. .. 155 kila ........ ......................265 jez ............................. ..149 kinuti se ......................265 jeza ............................ .. 157 kipjeti.... ..................... 266 jezda.......................... ..154 kisao...... ......................267 jezer........................... ..148 kisati ..... ..................... 266 jezero ......................... ..148 kisati ..... ..................... 266 jezik........................... ..159 kiseo ...... ......................267 660 INDICES klăda.......................... . 228 kosa..................... .........238 krov............................. klăs............................. .230 kosnuti (se)........ .........239 krpa............................. klăsti .......................... . 223 kost..................... .........239 krucina........................ klăti............................ . 230 kos ...................... ........ 240 krug............................. klătiti......................... . 230 kosăr................... ........ 240 krugao......................... klăto........................... ..231 kosăr................... ........ 240 kruh............................. klecati........................ . 225 kosara................. ........ 240 krupa, krupa, krupa.. klicati......................... . 225 kot ...................... .........241 krupan, krupan.......... klija............................ . 224 kotac................... .........241 krut.............................. klijesta....................... . 224 koteri.................. ........ 240 krutiti.......................... klijeste........................ . 224 kotiti (se)........... .........241 kfv............................... klijestiti...................... . 224 kovati ................. ........ 242 kfvan........................... klijet........................... . 224 koza.................... ........ 242 kfvnî, krvnî................. klik............................. . 226 kozao .................. ........ 242 kfzno, krzno ............... klikati ........................ . 225 koza.................... ........ 242 kuca............................. kliknuti, kUknuti...... . 225 krăj..................... .........245 kuca............................ klokotati.................... . 227 krăkati................ .........245 kudă............................ kljuc ........................... . 226 krăsa................... .........245 kuditi........................... kljuciti, kljuciti......... . 226 krăsan ................ ........ 246 kuf............................... kljuka......................... . 226 krăsan ................ ........ 246 kujati........................... ko .............................. .264 krăsta ................. .........235 kuk ............................. kob ............................. . 227 krăsti .................. .........245 kuka ............................ kobac.......................... . 227 krăt..................... ........ 236 kukati.......................... kojăriti....................... . 228 krătak................. ........ 236 kukonos....................... kojî............................. .260 krăva .................. ........ 236 kup.............................. kokos.......................... . 228 kremen............... ........ 246 kup.............................. kokot.......................... . 228 krepak ................ ........ 246 kur............................... koli ............................. . 229 kricati................. ........ 247 kuriti........................... koliko, koliko, koliko .229 krijep.................. ........ 246 kus.............................. kolo ............................ . 229 krik ..................... ........ 247 kusati .......................... koljeno....................... . 228 krilo.................... ........ 247 kut .............................. kon ............................. . 232 krinica................ ........ 248 kutiti ........................... konac ......................... . 232 kriti..................... .........254 kvăs............................. konj............................ . 232 kfkati.................. ........ 262 kvăsiti ......................... kopa, kopa................. . 232 krkati.................. ........ 262 laboda......................... kopar.......................... ..233 krknuti............... ........ 262 lăbud........................... kopati......................... ..233 kfma................... ........ 262 lăcan........................... kopina........................ . 243 krmelj................. .........194 koplje......................... . 234 krmelj................. .........194 lăgak............................ koplje......................... . 234 kfn ...................... ........ 262 lăgati........................... kor .............................. . 237 kfnja................... ........ 262 lăhak........................... kora............................ . 234 krnja................... ........ 262 lăjati............................ korac.......................... . 238 krojiti.................. ........ 248 lăk ............................... korica......................... ..235 kropiti................. ........ 249 korijen ....................... . 237 krosna................. ........ 249 lăkom .......................... koriti.......................... ..235 krosno................. ........ 249 lăm .............................. korito ......................... . 237 krotak................. ........ 250 lăn ............................... kos .............................. . 239 krotiti ................. ........ 250 lăne.............................. .250 . 263 . 251 . 251 . 251 . 252 . 252 . 253 . 252 . 252 .254 . 253 . 253 . 263 . 255 244 .242 . 255 . 261 . 255 260 .256 .256 .256 . 256 . 261 . 257 . 257 244 . 243 244 . 258 . 258 .267 .366 . 365 .366 . 367 . 297 .294 . 297 .268 . 297 .368 .368 .268 .298 .368 INDICES lănen............... ............297 ljeb .............. ............... 202 lâni, lani......... ............369 ljeniv........... ................272 lăpa ................. ............268 ljesti............. ............... 276 lăska................ ............269 ljeto.............. ................275 lăskati............. ............269 ljibo............. ................281 last................... ............298 ljub.............. ................281 lâst................... ............298 ljubav ......... ................281 lăz................... ............270 ljubiti.......... ................281 lâz................... ............270 ljubo ........... ................281 lăziti................ ............270 ljubov.......... ................281 lâz................... ............ 295 ljudi ............ ................282 lăza................. ............ 295 ljudina......... ................282 lebut................ ............ 365 ljuska........... ................291 lecati se, lecati se.......276 ljuskati........ ............... 292 leci ................... ............270 ljuspa.......... ............... 292 led ................... ............270 ljustiti......... .................293 ledva................ ............276 ljut............... ................283 ledvija............. ............276 ljutiti........... ................282 lemes............... .............271 loboda.......... ................366 lemez............... .............271 lobzbăt........ ................283 letjeti............... .............271 log............... ................283 leviti................ ............ 275 loj ............... ................283 lezati............... ............ 272 lokati........... ............... 284 libav................ ............ 277 lokva............ ............... 284 libiv................. ............ 277 lomiti.......... ............... 284 lice................... ............278 lopata.......... ................285 lih ................... ............278 los .............. ................285 lîh .................... ............278 lov............... ............... 286 Uho.................. ............278 lovak............ ............... 286 lijati................ ............297 loviti ........... ............... 286 lijegati............. ............ 272 loza.............. ............... 287 lijeha............... ............ 272 loze.............. ............... 287 lijen................. ............ 273 loziti............ ............... 287 lijep................. .....273, 274 lub .............. ............... 289 lijepiti.............. ............ 273 luc, luc......... ............... 290 lijes.................. ............ 274 luca.............. ............... 290 lijesak.............. ............ 274 luciti ........... ............... 290 lijeska.............. ............ 274 luciti ........... ....... 288, 290 lijevi................ ............ 275 lud .............. ............... 290 lik ................... ............ 295 lug............... ............... 288 liko .................. ............ 295 luk .............. ............... 289 lipa.................. ............279 luka............. ............... 289 lîs ................... ....279, 296 lukav........... ............... 289 lisica................ ............279 luna ............ ................291 lîst ................... ....279, 296 lupiti........... ................291 lisiti................. ............280 luska ............ ................291 liti ................... ............280 luzga........... ................293 lizati................ ............280 luza............. ................293 661 măc.....................305 madal...................332 măgla...................339 măgnuti.................340 mâh.....................333 maha................... 332 mahati..................298 măjati .................299 măk.....................299 măknuti................ 333 mălak...................300 mâm.....................301 mamiti..................301 maniti..................301 mănje...................341 mănje...................341 mânji...................341 manuti..................301 măo ................... 300 măslo...................302 mâst....................302 matati..................302 materstvo...............303 măti....................303 mător...................303 mâz.....................305 măzati..................304 măzda...................343 măzâiti.................336 me .................... 314 med.....................307 medojed.................306 medva ................. 306 medvjed ............... 306 meâa....................305 meâu....................306 magă....................339 mejă....................305 mek.....................315 meknuti ............... 314 mel.................... 310 mela ...................141 melj....................310 mene, mene..............308 meok................... 310 meso....................315 mesti...................315 mesti...................309 662 INDICES metati................. ........309 moj..................... ..........322 mezdra................ .........316 mokar, mokar... ..........322 mezga.................. .........314 mokar................ ..........322 mezgra................ .........314 moliti................. ......... 320 mi ....................... ........ 336 molj.................... ..........323 mice..................... .........318 monisto............. ..........324 mig...................... .........316 mor.................... ..........326 migati................. .........316 mora.................. ..........324 mijeh................... ........309 more.................. ..........325 mijena................. ......... 311 most................... ..........326 mijeniti............... .........312 mosnja............... ..........327 mijeniti............... ......... 311 motati................ ..........327 mijesiti................ .........313 motiska ............. ..........327 mikati................. .........337 motriti............... ..........327 milo..................... ........ 336 mozak................ .. 274, 328 mimo .................. .........318 mozdan............. ..........328 minovati............. .........318 mozdani............ ..........328 minuti................. .........318 mozdăni............ ..........328 mio...................... .........317 mozdena ........... ..........328 mir...................... .........318 mozditi.............. ..........336 mis....................... .........337 mrăk.................. ..........325 misao.................. .........337 mrăv.................. ..........326 misca................... .........337 mrăz.................. ..........326 misca................... .........337 mreza ................ ......... 308 miti..................... ........ 338 mrijest............... ......... 349 mizati ................. .........319 mrijeti ............... ......... 308 mizdati............... 339, 344 mrk.................... ..........341 mjed.................... ........309 mrk.................... ......... 342 mjera................... .........312 mrki................... ......... 342 mjeriti................. .........312 mrknuti............. ..........341 mjesec ................. .........312 mrkva................ ..........335 mjesto ................. .........313 mrmljiti............. ..........335 mlăd.................... .........323 mrmrati............ ..........335 mlădan, mlădan .........323 mrtav................. ......... 342 mlădjenac........... ........ 322 mfziti................. ......... 342 mlăt..................... ........ 324 mfzjeti............... ......... 342 mlăt..................... ........ 324 mrznuti............. ..........343 mlătiti................. .........323 mucati............... ......... 340 mlijeko................ ........307 muciti................ ..........328 mljeti................... ........307 mudar............... ..........329 mniti................... ........340 muha................. ..........330 mnjeti ................. ........340 muka ................. ..........329 mnogi.................. ........ 334 muka ................. ..........329 moca................... .........319 munja................ ..........333 mociti.................. ........320 mur.................... .......... 331 moc ..................... .........321 mura.................. .......... 331 moci .................... .........321 musti ................. ......... 307 modar, modar.... ........320 mutiti ................ ..........330 muzga.....................331 muz.......................330 mzda......................343 na .......................344 năceti .................. 345 nad(a)....................345 năg...................... 345 năgao.....................345 năgao.....................345 nărav.................... 356 nărod.....................346 nas.......................346 năs.......................346 naustiti .................346 ne .......................347 nebo......................348 nebog.....................348 necăk.....................351 negodovati................348 neko......................349 nesit.....................349 nestera...................349 nesti.....................350 nevjesta..................351 nevod.....................351 neze......................352 ni ...................... 352 nicati................... 353 niknuti...................353 nist......................353 nist......................353 nit ..................... 353 niz........................54 noc.......................355 noga......................354 nogat.....................355 nokat.....................355 nos...................... 357 nositi....................356 nov...................... 357 novăk.....................357 nozdra....................358 noz...................... 358 nuditi....................358 nukati .................. 359 nuriti................... 359 nutiti....................360 nuzda.....................359 njiva..................... 354 o(b).......................361 oba .......................361 obao ..................... 363 obecati....................361 oblăk......................362 obor...................... 362 obres(t)...................362 obresti....................362 obresti se.................362 obuti..................... 363 od(a)......................382 odar.......................364 odoljeti.................. 363 oganj......................364 oje.........................64 okno ..................... 365 oko....................... 365 olovo......................369 omela......................141 on ....................... 372 on ....................... 372 opăk.......................372 opci...................... 363 orah.......................374 orao.......................376 orati......................372 oriti se...................374 oruzâe.....................375 oruzje.....................375 os ........................380 osa.........................77 osam ..................... 379 osao.......................381 osmi.......................378 osnova.................... 379 ostan......................380 osti.......................380 ostrov.....................379 ostve......................380 ostar, ostar.............. 379 otac.......................383 otvoriti.................. 383 ovăj.......................384 ovan, ovan.................384 ovas.......................384 ovca...................... 384 pădati ................... 389 INDICES păhati, pahati............ 389 păkao......................426 pălac......................390 pălica.....................390 paliti.....................390 pămet......................391 pânj...................... 427 păra ..................... 391 păs........................431 pâs........................409 păsti......................392 pătka .....................425 păuk...................... 391 păvit......................523 păziti ....................392 păzuho.....................392 pcela ......................72 pec .......................393 peci.......................393 ped........................398 pelena.................... 394 pepeo .....................395 pero...................... 396 pest.......................399 pet........................400 peta...................... 399 peti...................... 399 peti...................... 398 peti...................... 399 pica.......................401 pijesak .................. 398 pir .......................425 pisati.....................430 piskor.....................400 pitati.....................425 pitati.....................401 piti ......................401 pîvo.......................402 pjega......................397 pjegav.....................397 pjena......................397 pjese......................398 pjeske.................... 398 plăh.......................410 plăkati....................402 plămen ................... 411 plăsa .................... 411 plăsă .................... 411 663 plâst.......................403 plasiti ....................411 platno......................412 plâv....................... 412 plăviti.....................403 plâz....................... 412 plece...................... 404 plece...................... 404 plesti......................404 plijen......................394 plijesan................... 404 pliti.......................407 pljeti......................395 pljeva..................... 395 pljuvati ...................402 plot........................406 pluca.......................405 pluca.......................405 pluto, pluto................406 po ........................ 407 po ........................ 412 pod........................ 408 pod........................ 408 pod(a)......................408 pojăs.......................409 pojati......................398 pojiti..................... 409 pokoj.......................410 polica......................410 polje.......................411 poriti......................414 pot.........................415 povrăz......................415 pozan.......................416 prăg........................413 prâh....................... 413 prâse.......................414 prăti.......................428 prăv........................418 prdjeti.....................428 predati.....................418 prenuti.....................418 presti......................419 pfh.........................428 pri.........................419 prîd........................419 prijatelj.................. 420 prijati.....................420 664 INDICES prijek.................... .......396 rebro ................ ............433 sestra ................ ............445 proci..................... .......420 reci................... ............433 sezati................ .......... 449 prodaja................ .......420 red................... ........... 436 sijati ................ .......... 448 prositi................... ....... 421 rekes................. ............143 sijeno............... .......... 446 prost..................... .......422 remen.............. ............433 sila.................... ............451 prostrijeti............. ....... 421 remik............... ............433 sin ................... ............483 protiv ................... .......422 revati............... ........... 436 sipati................ ............483 prsa ...................... .......429 ridati ............... ............441 sir ................... ............483 prsi....................... .......429 rigati................ ............441 sirov................. ...474, 484 prskati.................. ....... 423 rijec.................. ........... 434 sit ................... .......... 484 prst....................... .......429 rijedak............. ........... 434 sito.................... ............451 pruglo................... .......422 rijedki.............. ........... 434 siv ................... ............452 pfvi....................... .......430 rijeka, rijeka ... ........... 434 sjăti.................. ............450 psena.................... ........431 rilo ................... ............441 sjeci.................. .......... 446 ptica..................... ....... 425 rinuti............... ........... 436 sjediti............... ............445 puci ...................... ....... 416 riti ................... ........... 442 sjedjeti............. ............445 puditi................... ....... 416 rob ................... ....366, 373 sjeme................ .......... 446 puhati.................. ....... 423 rod ................... ............437 sjen .................. ...........447 puhnuti................ ....... 423 roditi................ ............437 sjesti ................ ...........447 puk....................... .......424 rog ................... ........... 438 sjever................ .......... 449 puknuti................ ....... 416 roj ................... ...........438 sjutra............... ........... 510 pun....................... .......426 rok ................... ...........438 slăb................... ............452 pup....................... ....... 417 rosa.................. ........... 438 slădak............... ............459 pupak, pupak...... ....... 417 rov ................... ........... 439 slăk................... ............459 pust...................... .......427 rub ................... ........... 439 slăma............... ............459 pust...................... .......424 rubiti ............... ........... 439 slăn................... .......... 460 pustiti................... .......424 rud................... ...........440 slăna................ .......... 460 put ........................ ....... 417 ruka................. ...........440 slăni.................. .......... 460 puto...................... ....... 417 runo................. ...........440 slăp................... .......... 460 puzati................... .......427 rvati se............. ............441 slăti................... ...........479 puziti.................... .......427 s(a)................... ........... 478 slătina.............. ............461 răbiti.................... ....... 373 săd ................... ........... 442 slătki................. ............459 răbota.................. ....... 373 săditi................ ........... 442 slăva................. ........... 453 răciti se................ ....... 432 săhnuti............ ........... 479 slăvuj, slavuj.... ............461 rădi ...................... ....... 432 sam .................. ............146 slina................. ........... 453 rădi ...................... ....... 432 săn ................... ............481 slisati................ ........... 455 răditi.................... ....... 432 săni.................. ........... 443 sloj ................... .......... 480 răk ........................ ....... 374 săone................ ........... 443 slovo ................ ............454 răkita................... ........375 săoni................ ........... 443 sluh, sluh......... ........... 455 rălo....................... ....... 373 săsuti............... ............475 slusati.............. ........... 455 răme..................... ........375 săti................... ........... 482 smijati se......... ............456 răsti...................... ....... 376 săv ................... ........... 540 smijeh.............. ............456 răt........................ ....... 376 sedam .............. ........... 443 smjeti .............. .......... 480 rătaj..................... ....... 376 sedlo................. ...........444 smrăd............... ............456 raz-....................... ....... 377 sedmi............... ........... 443 smrdjeti............ ............457 razoriti................. ....... 433 segnuti............. ...........449 smrt.................. .......... 480 rebica ................... ....... 435 segnuti se......... ...........449 snăha............... ............458 rebika................... ....... 435 selo................... ...........444 snijeg................ ...........457 INDICES 665 snovati............ ............457 sunce................ ........... 479 titi ............... ................504 so ................... ............ 461 sunuti.............. ........... 474 tjeme ........... ................492 sociti................ ............458 susiti................ ........... 474 tko ............... ................264 soha................. ............458 sutra................ ............510 tlaka ............ ................495 sok ................... ............459 svekar.............. ............475 tle ............... ................. 04 sok ................... ............459 svekrva ............ ............475 tlo ............... ................504 som.................. ............ 461 svet................... ........... 476 tok ............... ............... 494 sova, sova ....... ............462 svijeca.............. ...........476 topao........... ...............490 spăti ................ ............ 481 svijet................ ...........476 topiti............ ............... 496 spjena.............. ............ 397 svinja............... ........... 477 trava............ ............... 496 spor................. ............ 482 svrâb................ ........... 477 traviti.......... ............... 496 srce.................. ............485 svrăka.............. ........... 477 trecî ............. ................497 sresti................ ............ 482 svrbeti.............. ........... 478 tresti............ ................497 srijeda............. ............444 savac................ ........... 488 trgati ........... ................502 snjemusa........ ............444 scî ................... ............129 trî ............... ............... 499 sma................. ............485 sest................... ........... 487 tfn ............... ................505 srsljenj............. ............485 sestî.................. ...........486 trovati......... ................497 stablo.............. ............472 sibati................ ........... 487 tfst............... ............... 499 stădo, stâdo____ ............465 siti ................... ........... 487 trti ............... ................491 stăjati.............. ............468 sljiva................ ............453 trud............. ........497, 498 stân................. ............465 sljuka............... ........... 454 trup............. ............... 498 stăr.................. ............465 stene................. ...........486 trut.............. ............... 498 stârî................. ............465 stît ................... ...........486 trzati........... ................506 stăti................. ............465 sto ................... ............. 94 tuci .............. ...............490 stăviti.............. ............466 sulj................... ........... 488 tuga............. ................495 stăza................ ............472 sura.................. ........... 488 tur ............... ............... 500 stegno.............. ............466 sur(j)ăk.......... ........... 488 tvâr.............. ............... 500 stenjati............ ............466 tâj ................... ............502 tvoriti.......... ................ 501 stici.................. ............467 tăjati................ ...........489 tvfd.............. ................ 501 stîd.................. ............473 tajiti................. ...........489 u ............... ........506, 530 stignuti........... ............467 tama................ ........... 504 u- ............... ................506 sto................... ....468, 482 taman.............. ............505 ubog............. ................506 stog.................. ............468 tâman.............. ............505 uciti............. ................506 stog.................. ............468 tănak............... ............505 udariti......... ................507 strana.............. ............469 tăst................... ............502 udovica....... ................536 strîc ................. ............470 tât ................... ...........489 ugal............. ................386 strici ................ ............469 teci ................... ...........489 ugalj............ ................ 385 struja .............. ............470 teg ................... ........... 493 ugljen .......... ................ 385 struk................ ............469 tenja................ ...........492 ugor............. ................386 strup................ ............470 tepsti se............ ...........492 uho .............. ................507 strz.................. ............470 tesati................ ............491 ujac.............. ................507 stud................. .... 342, 471 tesla ................. ............491 ujăk............. ................507 studen............. ............ 471 tezak................ ...........494 ulica ............ ................508 studiti............. ............ 471 tî ................... ............503 um ............... ................508 sud................... ............463 tijesan.............. ...........492 unuk............ .................531 sudija.............. ............463 tijesto............... ........... 493 unutar......... ................387 suditi............... ............463 tiskati .............. ...........494 unutra......... ................387 suh................... ............473 tisuca............... ............503 upiti............. ................ 532 . 541 . 542 . 542 . 543 . 543 .544 . 552 .544 . 543 .544 . 545 .544 . 542 . 547 . 545 . 545 .546 . 545 .546 .546 . 547 . 547 . 548 .549 . 552 . 553 .549 ..551 .549 . 196 . 553 . 553 . 554 . 554 . 559 . 559 . 554 . 561 .560 . 556 . 556 . 557 . 556 ..555 ..555 . 556 .558 . 558 INDICES .509 ..532 . 495 . 387 . 387 . 507 . 388 . 388 ..511 ..511 . 387 . 530 ..512 .. 531 .. 531 ..532 ..512 ..512 .. 513 .. 513 ..532 .. 513 .. 513 ..514 ..514 .. 515 ..514 ..521 .. 515 ..517 ..517 ..518 ..521 ..533 ..521 ..521 . 534 . 534 . 522 ..519 . 520 ..518 . 520 . 534 ..535 ... 27 . 522 ..535 vise....................... 535 visok...................... 535 viti .......................522 vjedro......................518 vjera...................... 520 vjetar..................... 520 vlădati.....................524 vlăga.......................524 vlăk........................526 vlăkno......................526 vlăs........................527 vlăst.......................526 voda........................523 voditi......................523 vojna.......................524 vojnik .....................524 volja.......................525 vonj........................527 vonja.......................527 vosak.......................529 voz.........................530 voziti......................530 vrăg........................527 vrăn .......................528 vrăna.......................528 vrăta.......................529 vrătiti.....................529 vrci........................515 vreteno.....................516 vreti.......................537 vfh.........................538 vrijeme.....................516 vrijes......................516 vrijeslo....................516 vrsta.......................538 vfsa........................539 vrtjeti.....................539 vuci........................514 vuga........................217 vuk.........................537 vuna........................537 za ........................ 540 zăbralo.....................540 zăo.........................551 zăova.......................551 zăva........................551 zăvrijeti...................541 zdrăv...................... 478 zelen........ zelje ....... zemlja ...... zepsti....... zet ......... zid.......... zidati....... zijati....... zijevati .... zima......... zinuti....... zjăti........ zjenica...... zlăto........ zmăj......... zmija........ znămen....... znămenje.. znăti........ znoj......... zob.......... zobati....... zora......... zrăk......... zreti........ zrno......... zub.......... zvăti ....... zvijer....... zvijezda..... zăba......... zăoje........ zăr.......... zăra......... zdrijeb...... zdrijelo..... zeci ........ zedan........ zeăa......... zelud........ zeludac...... zelva........ zelja........ zeljeti...... zeljezo ..... zeljud....... zena......... zerăv........ . 75 . 74 . 75 . 74 . 75 . 75 .76 .92 259 259 259 . 77 .79 .94 .94 .79 .79 .72 .72 .72 80 80 . 81 536 .86 .86 .86 .87 .87 .87 .87 536 .89 90 90 90 90 90 80 . 81 . 81 .86 .92 .93 .93 . 91 . 91 . 91 INDICES . 558 . 558 ..561 ..561 . 559 . 559 ..561 . 562 . 562 . 563 . 564 . 562 . 563 ..557 .566 ..552 . 565 . 565 . 565 . 565 . 564 . 565 ... 32 ...35 ... 41 ...40 ... 41 ...40 ...40 ... 71 ... 72 ... 41 ...51 ...51 ...53 ... 43 ... 43 ... 43 ... 43 ...49 ...46 ...46 ...46 ...50 ...50 ...51 bojati se....................50 bol .........................54 bolet........................51 boliti.......................51 bole.........................52 bolî.........................52 bolje........................52 bolji........................52 bor..........................58 bos .........................59 bos .........................59 bosti........................59 brăca........................60 brădă........................55 brădă........................55 brăsno.......................57 brăt...................60, 73 brăti........................73 brăv.........................58 brăzdă.......................59 brăzdă.......................59 breja ...................... 36 breme(n).....................37 br‘eg........................37 br'es........................37 brîg.........................37 brime........................37 brîst........................37 brit.........................63 brit(v)a.....................63 brit(v)a.....................63 brod.........................64 brot........................ 64 brz..........................70 bubanj.......................60 bucăti.......................67 budit........................67 buditi...................... 67 buhă.........................48 buha.........................48 bunika.......................73 buodalj......................49 buoh ....................... 50 buol.........................54 buos.........................59 bura.........................68 cenă ........................75 cesta........................76 cî(l)....... cîditi...... c'e(l) ..... c'edit...... c'eno....... cînă........ cîva........ crn......... cvăs........ cvlet....... cvît........ că$a........ căs ........ câs ........ căst........ cekat....... cekati...... celă ....... cela ....... celica ..... celo ....... celjăd...... cemer....... cera........ cesan....... cesăt....... cesăti...... cetiri...... cetrti...... cetvero..... cetvrtî..... cler(a).... ciniti...... cis ........ cist........ cistit...... citat....... citati...... covik....... credă....... crîdă....... crîvo ...... cfn......... crv......... cfv......... cuditi se.. cudo........ cut ........ 668 cuti...........................91 cer ......................... 129 cutit.........................381 cutiti........................381 cvrs.......................... 93 cvrst......................... 93 dăh...........................129 dăh...........................129 dahnuti...................... 129 dăn...........................134 dăn...........................134 danăs.........................135 dăr............................96 dăr............................96 dăs...........................131 dăt............................96 dăti...........................96 dăvăt..........................96 dăvăti.........................96 dăv'iti........................97 dăz...........................131 debe...........................98 del ..........................103 delat........................ 102 delo..........................103 derăt........................ 135 derăti ...................... 135 deset.........................100 deseti........................100 des'eti.......................100 desni.........................100 detelj ...................... 107 dever.........................105 devet.........................101 deveti........................101 dev'eti.......................101 dî(l).........................103 did...........................102 d'el..........................103 d'elit........................102 dihat ....................... 131 dihati........................131 dilati ...................... 102 diliti ...................... 102 dilo..........................103 dim...........................132 dîm...........................132 dite..........................104 INDICES Diva (Marja)................105 diver.......................105 Divica....................106 divli.......................108 diza......................106 dizva.....................106 dlăn........................111 dlăn........................111 dlăn........................111 dl'eto.......................98 dlisti...................... 98 dno.........................130 dobă...................... 109 doba...................... 109 dobar...................... 110 doga........................114 dojit.......................110 dojiti..................... 110 dom.........................113 doma ...................... 112 drăg........................113 drăh........................113 drăziti.....................115 dren ....................... 99 dr'en........................99 dr'et........................99 dr'evo.......................99 drimăti.....................117 drivo ...................... 99 droban..................... 119 drobit......................118 drobiti.....................118 drozak......................120 droz'it.....................115 drugi.......................122 drugi...................... 122 druzina.................... 122 drvo ...................... 123 drzăti......................138 dug........................ 133 duga....................... 114 duh.........................124 duol ...................... 112 duor........................128 dup........................ 114 durit.......................126 dusă........................127 dvă.........................130 dvă..........................130 dvor.........................128 găd..........................160 găditi se....................160 găsit........................161 găsiti.......................161 găziti ..................... 162 glăd.........................174 glăd.........................174 glădak.......................162 glăs.........................176 glăs.........................176 glăt.........................174 glăvă....................... 176 glăvă....................... 176 gledat.......................164 glis.........................165 glista...................... 165 gledati......................164 gljuh........................167 globiti......................166 gluh ....................... 167 glup.........................167 gn'ida.......................169 gnijăti......................169 gnjil........................169 gni(l).......................169 gnila........................164 gnjît....................... 169 gntt.........................169 gnizdo ..................... 169 gnjizlo .................... 169 gnoj.........................170 gnjus....................... 170 gnjusan......................171 gnuoj....................... 170 go ..........................176 god..........................172 godina.......................172 godit........................172 gojiti.......................173 golop........................175 golub........................175 gonit....................... 177 goniti.......................177 goră.........................178 gorak........................180 goret........................179 INDICES 669 gorî...................... 179 goriti ................... 179 gospodin...................180 gospodîn...................180 govedo.....................181 govno......................182 govor......................182 govorit....................181 govoriti ................. 181 grăbit.....................185 grăbiti....................185 grăd.......................178 grăja..................... 178 grăt.......................185 greben.....................186 gredă......................187 grejat.....................187 gres.......................187 gr'edă.....................187 gr'eh......................187 grîh.......................187 gris...................... 194 gristi.................... 194 grlo.......................198 grm....................... 194 grmet......................195 grob.......................190 grom.......................190 grop...................... 190 gros.......................191 grozd......................191 grozje.....................191 gfs ...................... 199 grub.......................192 gruda......................192 gruojze....................191 gubit......................195 gubiti.....................195 guno.......................195 guol.......................176 guos.......................183 guot.......................172 hcî ...................... 129 hlâd...................... 203 hlâdan.....................204 hlât...................... 203 hlăd...................... 203 hlădan.....................204 hleb.........................202 hlud ....................... 202 hluot....................... 202 hlib........................ 202 hod......................... 203 hodit....................... 203 hoditi...................... 203 hrănă....................... 205 (h)rănă..................... 205 hrănit.......................205 hrăniti......................205 hrăst........................206 hrom.........................205 huot........................ 203 hut..........................205 îd ..........................150 idro.........................150 les .........................149 iglă.........................210 igla.........................210 igră ....................... 209 igra........................ 209 igrăt........................210 igrăti.......................210 ilo ........................ 211 imăti....................... 211 ime..........................212 imet.........................212 iskăt........................214 îskăt........................214 îskăti.......................214 iskra........................214 isti..................154, 215 istî.........................215 izuti........................218 jă .......................... 31 jă .......................... 31 jă .......................... 31 jăbuka ...................... 26 jăcmer.......................156 jăcmik.......................156 jăd..........................150 jădro........................150 jăgoda........................27 jăhati.......................151 jâje..........................27 jăje..........................27 jăk ......................... 28 jăma........................28 jănjac......................26 jăne........................26 jărac......................153 jăram.......................28 jărăm.......................28 jărăm.......................28 jarebica.................. 142 jarîna.....................151 jărina.....................151 jărka......................153 jăsen.......................29 jăstreb.....................29 jăstrop.....................29 jăscerica...................30 jât........................150 jăto.......................154 jăvit.......................31 jăviti......................31 jazik .................... 159 jebăti.....................147 jedăn .................... 139 jedăn .................... 139 jedar......................157 jedvă..................... 139 jela...................... 139 jelen......................140 jes ...................... 154 jesen ............... 29, 144 jesen ............... 29, 144 jetrvă.................... 159 jetrva.................... 159 jezero.................... 148 jez ...................... 149 jilo ......................211 jîsto......................215 jogla..................... 210 jos .......................146 josce......................146 jugo.......................207 juhă...................... 208 jutre......................510 jutro......................510 kade.......................259 kăditi.................... 218 kădit..................... 218 kăjati se ................ 219 kâl .......................220 670 INDICES kălit................ ............. 219 korice............... ............235 kuca............... ............ 244 kămen............ .............220 korito............... ............237 kuditi............. ............. 255 kămen............ .............220 kosă.................. ............238 kuk ................ ............ 260 kăsal............... ..............221 kose.................. ............238 kuk ................ ............ 260 kăsan............. ............. 263 kost.................. ............239 kuka .............. .............256 kăsan............. ............. 263 kos ................... ........... 240 kuolo ............... ..............229 kaslăti............ ..............221 kosăra.............. ........... 240 kuonj............... ..............232 kasljăt............ ..............221 kotiti................ ............241 kuos................. .............239 kăzăt.............. ............. 222 kovăti.............. ........... 242 kuot................. ............ 244 kăzăti............. ............. 222 kovăti.............. ........... 242 kup................. ..............256 kidati............. .............264 koză ................. ........... 242 kurit............... ..............257 kihăt............... ............. 265 koza................. ........... 242 kus................. ............ 244 kihăti............. ............. 265 koza................. ........... 242 kut.................. ............ 244 kila................. ............. 265 krăj.................. ............245 kvăs................ ............. 258 kipet............... .............266 krăj.................. ............245 lăbud............. ............. 365 kisăti.............. .............266 krăj.................. ............245 lăcan.............. .............366 kise................. ............. 267 krăs.................. ............245 lăda................ .............367 kisel................ ............. 267 krăsta .............. ............235 lăgak.............. ..............297 klăs................. .............230 krătak.............. ........... 236 lagăti.............. .............294 klăs................. .............230 krătak.............. ........... 236 lăjati.............. .............268 klăt................. .............230 krăva ............... ........... 236 lăk ................. ..............297 klăti................ .............230 kremen ............ ........... 246 lăkat............... .............368 klătit.............. .............230 krepak ............. ........... 246 lăkat............... .............368 klăto............... ..............231 kff.................... ............254 lăkom ............ .............368 klicat.............. ............. 225 kri ................... ............254 lăn ................. .............298 kl'ecet............. ............. 225 krilo ................. ........... 247 lăni................. .............369 kl'esca............ .............224 krîlă................. ........... 247 lăni................. .............369 klîscă.............. .............224 kripak.............. ........... 246 lăni................ .............369 klecăti............ ............. 225 krmă................ ........... 262 lăs ................. .............295 klicati............. ............. 225 krmă................ ........... 262 lăz ................. .............270 kUsca.............. .............224 krmelji............. ............194 lăz ................. .............295 kljuc............... .............226 krmezalj.......... ............194 lebro .............. ..............433 kluc................. .............226 krojit................ ........... 248 lec ................. .............270 kod.it............... ..............218 krojiti............... ........... 248 leci.................. .............270 kokos.............. ............. 228 kropiti.............. ........... 249 led ................. .............270 kokos.............. ............. 228 krosnă.............. ........... 249 lemes.............. ............. 271 koleno ............ ............. 228 krotak.............. ........... 250 len ................. ..............273 koliko ............. ............. 229 krov.................. ........... 250 leto................. ...............98 kolino............. ............. 228 krpa................. ............263 leto................. ............. 275 kolo ................ ............. 229 krug................. ............ 251 l'evi................. ............. 275 konăc ............. ............. 232 kruh................. ............252 lezăt............... ..............272 kon................. ............. 232 kruh................. ............ 251 lezăti.............. ..............272 kopa............... ............. 232 kru6f................. ........... 250 lice.................. .............278 kopăt.............. ..............233 kruosna............ ...........249 l'ehă............... ..............272 kopăti............. ..............233 krupă............... ............252 l'en.................. ..............273 kora................ ............. 234 krupa............... ............252 l'ep.................. ..............274 koren.............. ............. 237 krupan............. ............253 l'esăk.............. ..............274 koren.............. ............. 237 krv................... ..............54 l'et.................. .............270 INDICES 671 ligăti.........................272 lîn .......................... 273 lîp .......................... 274 lîpiti.........................273 lîs .......................... 279 lîst ......................... 279 listi..........................276 liti ..........................280 lîto............................98 lito...........................275 lîvî...........................275 lîzăt..........................280 lîzăti.........................280 ljubăf.........................281 lubăv......................... 281 lubăv......................... 281 lubiti.........................281 ludi.......................... 282 ljut.......................... 283 lut .......................... 283 lutiti.........................282 lobodă.........................366 loj .......................... 283 lokăt..........................284 lokăti.........................284 lokva..........................284 lomit..........................284 lomiti.........................284 lopăta........................ 285 los .......................... 285 lov............................286 lovit..........................286 loviti.........................286 loză.......................... 287 lozit..........................287 loziti........................ 287 luc............................290 lud ...........................290 lug ............................88 luh............................288 luk............................289 lukă...........................289 luka...........................289 lună...........................291 luoj ......................... 283 lupit..........................291 luskă..........................291 măc .......................... 305 maglă.....................339 măh ..................... 333 măhăt.....................298 măhăti....................298 măk.......................299 maknut................... 333 maknuti ................. 333 mâli .................... 300 mălî......................300 mămiti....................301 mănî......................341 mănje.....................341 mănji.....................341 mâs.......................302 măslo.....................302 măt.......................303 măti......................303 măzat.....................304 măzati....................304 med...................... 307 medved................... 306 medvid .................. 306 mejă......................305 mek...................... 315 mekak.................... 315 mera .................... 312 meriti................... 312 mes.......................309 mesec.....................312 meso......................315 mesti.....................309 mesto.....................313 mleh......................309 m'esit....................313 m'eso.....................315 mlet......................307 mi .......................336 mî .......................336 mî .......................336 miga......................316 migati....................316 mîh.......................309 mili .................... 317 milî......................317 mină......................311 mîr...................... 318 mira..................... 312 miriti....................312 mîsal..................... 337 misec .....................312 mîsiti.....................313 misto......................313 mlăd.......................323 mlât................323, 324 mlăt.......................324 mlătit.....................323 mlătiti....................323 mis........................337 mledan.....................332 mlet.......................307 ml'eko.....................307 mlîko......................307 mliti......................307 moca.......................319 mocit......................320 mociti.....................320 moci.......................321 moc........................321 moj........................322 mokar..................... 322 molit......................320 moliti.....................320 Moră.......................324 most.......................326 mosnja.....................327 motăt......................327 motăti.....................327 motika.................... 327 mozak .................... 328 mrâk.......................325 mrăk.......................325 mrăs.......................326 mrâv.......................326 mrăv.......................326 mrăz.......................326 mreza......................308 mr'iza.....................308 mrkva..................... 335 mrt........................342 mrtăv......................342 mrtăv......................342 mrzet......................342 mrziti.....................342 mucăt......................340 mucăti.....................340 muciti.....................328 672 INDICES mudar.....................329 mudar.....................329 muhă .................... 330 muha .................... 330 mukă..................... 329 muka..................... 329 muoc......................321 muoj..................... 322 muokă.................... 329 muos......................326 muos......................330 muotit................... 330 mus.......................307 musti.................... 307 mutiti....................330 muz...................... 330 naceti....................345 nâgal.................... 345 năgal.................... 345 nărăv ................... 356 nărot.....................346 nărod.....................346 năs.......................346 năs.......................346 nebo .................... 348 nes.....................350 nesti.....................350 netjăk................... 351 nevesta.................. 351 nevista...................351 nikat.....................352 niknuti...................353 nit ......................353 noc.......................355 nogă......................354 nohat.....................355 nos.......................357 nosit.................... 356 nositi................... 356 novî......................357 novi......................357 nozdrva ................. 358 noz.......................358 noz...................... 358 nudit.....................358 nuditi................... 358 nuoc......................355 nuof......................357 nuos........................358 nuos........................357 oba.........................361 obal........................363 obecăti.....................361 oblak.......................362 oblăk.......................362 obuti.......................363 odăr........................364 odoliti.....................363 ofcă........................384 ogan........................364 ogan........................364 oko.........................365 olovo...................... 369 on .........................372 opăk........................372 orăt........................372 orăti.......................372 oreb........................142 orebica.....................142 orih........................374 oruzje......................375 oruzje......................375 osă ........................377 osam........................379 osan .......................379 osmî........................378 osmî........................378 ostar.......................379 ostăr.......................379 osti........................380 otăc........................383 otrok.......................382 otvoriti....................383 ovăs....................... 384 ovca ...................... 384 ovî ....................... 384 pădat.......................389 pădati..................... 389 pakă....................... 426 pakal...................... 426 pakăl...................... 426 pakol...................... 426 pălac.......................390 pâlac.......................390 pălica......................390 păliti......................390 pămet......................391 pămet......................391 pânj.......................427 păn........................427 păra.......................391 părst......................429 păs..................392, 431 pâs ...................... 409 păs ...................... 409 păst.......................392 păsti......................392 pătka......................425 păuk.......................391 păuk.......................391 păzoka.....................392 păzuha.....................392 pec........................393 pec........................393 peci...................... 393 pena.......................397 pero ......................396 pet ...................... 400 petă.......................399 peti.......................399 p'es.......................399 pletă......................399 pleti......................399 pina.......................397 pîr........................425 pîsăt......................430 pîsăti.....................430 pit........................401 pîtăt......................425 pitat......................401 pîtăti.....................425 pitati.....................401 piti.......................401 pîvo.......................402 plăkati....................402 plămen.....................411 plăsă......................411 plătno.....................412 plecă......................404 plece..................... 404 pleco .................... 404 plenă .....................394 ples.......................404 plest......................404 plesti......................404 plesnja ....................404 pleva...................... 395 pllen.......................394 pl'evet.....................395 pliva.......................395 pluca.......................405 pluca.......................405 plucă.......................405 po .........................412 pod.........................408 pod(ă/ă)....................408 pojiti..................... 409 pokoj.......................410 polica......................410 polje.......................411 pole........................411 popel ..................... 395 poriti......................414 pot ........................415 poznî.......................416 prăg........................413 prăh........................413 prăh........................413 prăh........................413 prăse.......................414 prăse.......................414 prăt........................428 prăti.......................428 prăv........................418 prăvi.......................418 prdet.......................428 prdit.......................428 prenut..................... 418 pres....................... 419 prest.......................419 presti......................419 pr'etel.....................420 pr'ijatel...................420 pr'ijatel...................420 proh........................413 prose...................... 414 prosit..................... 421 prositi.................... 421 prostrtt....................421 prostrîti...................421 proti.......................422 prs.........................429 INDICES prsa...................... 429 prsi.......................429 prst.......................429 prvi ..................... 430 prvi.......................430 pugva......................416 puhăt......................423 puhăti.....................423 puhnuti ...................423 puk....................... 424 puknut.....................416 puknuti ...................416 pun ...................... 426 pun ...................... 426 pun ...................... 426 puot.......................417 puot.......................415 pup........................417 pup........................417 pupak......................417 pust...................... 424 pustit.....................424 pustiti....................424 put........................417 put........................417 puzăt .................... 427 răbota.....................373 răciti se..................432 radi.......................432 răditi.....................432 răk........................374 Rakita.....................375 răme.......................375 rămen......................375 răs ...................... 376 rătaj......................376 rebro......................433 reci.......................433 red ...................... 436 remik......................433 rîc ........................34 r'ekă......................434 r'etki.....................434 rigati.....................441 rtka.......................434 rinut......................436 rinuti.....................436 rîtak..................... 434 673 rodit.......................437 roditi......................437 rog ........................438 rosă........................438 rovăt.......................436 rub.........................439 rukă....................... 440 runo....................... 440 runo....................... 440 ruobit......................439 ruoh........................438 ruoj........................438 ruokă...................... 440 rvăti se....................441 săd.........................442 sădit...................... 442 săditi......................442 săje.........................77 săji.........................77 săn.........................481 săn.........................481 sănj....................... 481 se kăjat....................219 se kărăt....................221 se kisa.................... 266 se topit....................496 sec ....................... 446 sedam.......................443 sedan.......................443 sedet.......................445 sedlo ..................... 444 sedlo ..................... 444 sedmi.......................443 sedmî.......................443 sejat.......................448 sekrva......................475 selo....................... 444 seno ...................... 446 ses ........................447 sestră......................445 sici ...................... 446 siditi......................445 s'edmi......................443 sleno.......................446 sijati .................... 448 sime........................446 sîn.........................483 sipat.......................483 674 INDICES sipati............. .............. 483 srbiti................ ........... 478 sest............................... sir ................. .............. 483 srce................... ............485 sesti.............................. sîr ................. .............. 483 sridă................. ...........444 s'esti ........................... sirof............... .......474, 484 sr'edă............... ...........444 sesti............................. sirov .............. .......474, 484 srsen................. ............485 s'es............................... sit ................. ..............484 stablo............... ........... 472 siti ............................... sit ................. ...............487 stădo................ ........... 465 stăt............................... sito................. ................451 stăr................... ........... 465 stet............................... sjăti se........... ..............450 stăr................... ........... 465 sto ............................... slăb................ .............. 452 stări.................. ........... 465 surjăk.......................... slakî............... ...............459 stăt................... ...........468 tă ............................... slăma............ ...............459 stăt................... ........... 465 tănak........................... slăn................ ............. 460 stăti.................. ...........468 tăsc .............................. slănă ............. ............. 460 stăvit................ ...........466 tec .............................. slănî.............. ............. 460 stază................ ........... 472 teci.............................. slăp................ .............. 452 stăza................ ........... 472 tepă............................. slăt................. ...............479 stegno.............. ...........466 tepal ........................... slăti............... ...............479 stenjăti ............ ...........466 tesăt............................. slătki............. ...............459 stîd................... ........... 473 t'esan........................... slăva.............. .............. 453 stiti................... .............90 t'esto............................ slisati............. .............. 455 sto ................... ...........468 tezak........................... sliva............... .............. 453 sto ................... ........... 482 tezăk........................... slovo.............. ...............454 stor................... ........... 465 ti ............................... slusati ........... .............. 455 strîc.................. ...........470 tî ............................... smejăt se....... ...............456 strici................. ...........469 tica............................... smet............... ..............480 studen.............. ............471 tî ............................... sm'eh............ ...............456 stuol.................. ...........468 time............................. smîh.............. ...............456 sud................... ........... 463 tîsan ............................ smîjăt se........ ...............456 suditi ............... ........... 463 tîsto.............................. smîjăti se...... ...............456 suh................... ........... 473 tlă ............................... smiti.............. ..............480 sunce................ ........... 479 tlo ............................... smrâd............ ...............456 sunce................ ........... 479 trăvă........................... smrdet........... ...............457 suol................... ............461 tfd............................... smrdeti.......... ...............457 susit................. ........... 474 treci ............................. smrt............... ..............480 sut ................... ........... 463 tresti ............................ smrăd............ ...............456 sutra ................ ............510 tresti ............................ snahă ............ ...............458 s(v)ă................. ........... 540 treti.............................. sn'eh.............. ...............457 svăs.................. ........... 540 treti.............................. snîg................ ...............457 s(v)ekar........... ............475 tr'es ............................. so ................. .............. 461 svekrf............... ............475 trgat............................. sohă............... ...............458 svekrvă............ ............475 trgati ........................... sol ................. .............. 461 svekrva............ ............475 trî .............................. sovă............... ...............462 svet................... ........... 476 trn ............................... spăt................ .............. 481 sv'ecă ............... ........... 476 trn ............................... spăti .............. .............. 481 sv'et................. ...........476 trovăt .......................... srăb............... ...............477 svică................. ...........476 trovăt .......................... srăka ............. ...............477 svînă................ ........... 477 trovăti......................... srbet.............. ...............478 svît................... ........... 476 trt ............................... INDICES 675 trti................ .................91 velî.................. .............515 vrec.................... ...........515 trud.............. ...............498 veli.................. .............515 vreteno.............. .......... 516 trud.............. ...............498 velik................ .............514 vrh..................... ............38 trup.............. ...............498 venut............... ............. 521 vr'eme............... .......... 516 trut............... ...............498 venuti............. ............. 521 vrîme................. .......... 516 trzat............. ...............506 vera................. ............ 520 vrstă.................. .......... 538 tuc................ ..............490 veslo................ .............517 vrsta.................. .......... 538 tuci............... ..............490 vetar............... ............ 520 vrsa.................... .......... 539 tugă.............. ...............495 vetăr............... ............ 520 vrtet................... .......... 539 tuga.............. ...............495 vezăt............... ............. 521 vrtiti.................. .......... 539 tuk................ ...............500 vezăti.............. ............. 521 vuc..................... .......... 514 tvrd............... ................501 vi .................. .............533 vuci.................... .......... 514 tăman.......... ...............505 vî .................. .............533 vuk..................... .......... 537 ubut.............. ...............363 vî .................. .............533 (v)uk................. .......... 537 ucer(a)......... ...............536 vîd.................. ............. 521 (v)una............... .......... 537 uciti.............. ...............506 videt................ ............. 521 vuonj.................. .......... 527 udovica........ ...............536 vidit................ ............. 521 (v)uoz................. ..........530 ugănj............ ...............364 vidro ............... .............518 z ..................... .......... 217 uglen............ ...............385 v'ezăt.............. ............. 521 zajik .................. .......... 159 ugor.............. ...............386 vijati............... .............519 zărno................. .......... 553 ugor.............. ...............386 vime................ ............. 535 zavrîti................ .......... 541 uho............... ...............507 vira ................. ............ 520 zdrăf.................. ..........478 uho............... ...............507 visok ............... ............. 535 zdrăk................. ..........549 ujac.............. ...............507 vitar................ ............ 520 zdrăv................. ..........478 ukno............. ...............365 viti.................. ............. 521 zele..................... ..........542 ulica............. ...............508 vlădati............ .............524 zelen .................. .......... 541 ulj................ ...............508 vlădăti............ .............524 zelen.................. .......... 541 unuk............. ................531 vlăga............... .............524 zemlă................. ..........542 vos................ ...............388 vlăkă............... .............525 zemljă ............... ..........542 vosmi............ ...............378 vlăs.................. .............527 z'ehăt................ .......... 543 o> ...............388 vlăs.................. .............527 z'es..................... .......... 543 zal ■j usak.............. ...............388 vodă................ .............523 zesti................... .......... 543 usta.............. ...............509 voditi.............. .............523 zet ..................... .......... 543 ustă.............. ...............509 vola................. .............525 zîd ..................... ..........544 utroba.......... ...............387 volja................ .............525 zîdăt.................. .......... 552 uzal.............. ...............388 von.................. .............527 zîhăti................. .......... 543 uzal.............. ...............388 von.................. .............527 zijati.................. ..........544 uzda............. ................511 vorit................ ............. 512 zîmă .................. ..........544 văn............... ................531 (v)osak........... .............529 zinuti................. .......... 545 văpiti............ ................532 voziti............... .............530 zît ..................... ..........544 văriti............ ................512 vrăg................. .............527 zlăto.................. ..........547 văs................ ........513, 540 vrăh ................ .............527 zlăto.................. ..........547 văs................ ................513 vrăn ................ .............528 zloto................... ..........547 vecer............. ................513 vrăna.............. .............528 zmijă................. .......... 545 vecer............. ................513 vrăta............... .............529 zmija................. .......... 545 vedar............ ................513 vrătă............... .............529 znam'enje......... .......... 545 vejat............. ................519 vrătiti ............. .............529 znăt................... ..........546 velî................ ................514 verc.................. ............. 515 znăti.................. ..........546 676 zob......................... 547 zobăt........................547 zobăti...................... 547 zoră.........................548 zorit....................... 548 zrâk.........................549 zrno.........................553 zub..........................549 zuop.........................549 zut .........................218 zvăt.........................551 zvăti........................551 zv'ezdă......................196 zvezdă.......................196 zvîr.........................549 zvizdă ..................... 196 zăba.........................553 zâr..........................554 zăl..........................553 zeâa.........................560 zedan .......................561 zeja.........................560 zelet........................555 zelezo.......................555 zelit........................555 zeliti.......................555 zeljă....................... 556 zelja....................... 556 zelot....................... 556 zelud ...................... 556 zeludec..................... 556 zelva........................557 zelud........................556 zenă........................ 558 zerăva.......................558 zet ......................... 61 zet .........................561 zeti.........................561 zetva........................561 zica.........................561 z'eja........................560 zila ....................... 562 zito ....................... 563 zîv ........................ 564 zivet....................... 562 ziviti...................... 562 zivot........................563 zuc..........................552 INDICES zut ........................65 zolva......................557 1.4.3 Kajkavian cokati..................... 78 dîel.......................103 gniezde....................169 greb.......................190 jădre .................... 157 kyeso......................238 lâos.......................527 mieglo.....................339 nez........................358 ped........................409 snieho.....................458 souk.......................464 tern.......................505 zămljo.....................542 zviezdo ...................196 zOuno......................565 1.4.4 Slovene a ..........................25 âgnac.......................26 agnje...................... 26 ăko.........................28 baba........................32 bajati......................33 balovati....................33 bâsan.......................34 bati se.....................50 baviti se.................. 34 bcţla.......................72 bdeti.......................69 bebar.......................34 bacţla......................72 beda........................39 badeti......................69 bedra.......................35 bedro.......................35 begati......................39 bel.........................40 bezati......................41 bezati......................41 bic ........................41 bîlje.......................71 bilo........................41 bistar......................71 biti.....................41, 71 bitje........................72 bîtva........................42 bivati.......................72 blâg.........................52 blago........................51 blâna........................52 blanja.......................53 blato ...................... 53 blazina......................54 blejati......................43 blţk.........................42 blen........................ 35 blencati.....................35 blescati.....................49 blesti.......................44 blîsk........................45 bliskati (se)................44 bliskati se..................44 bliz........................ 46 blizak.......................45 bljsvati.....................46 bljuti.......................46 bljuvati.....................46 bled.........................43 blesk........................43 blgd.........................47 blgditi......................47 bgbsn........................60 bobsr........................34 bodslj.......................49 bodar........................69 bogăt........................50 boj..........................51 bojati se....................50 bojâzan......................50 bol..........................54 boleti ..................... 51 bolha........................48 bolscati.................... 49 bosti........................59 brada........................55 bradăt.......................55 brân.........................57 brana.................. 56, 57 brasno ..................... 57 brăt.........................60 brâtar.......................60 INDICES 677 brăti............... ............... 73 bolji................... .............52 cist ................. ............... 90 brătja............. ...............60 bor.................... .............58 cistiti............. ............... 90 brăv................ ...............58 bos .................... .............59 cttati.............. ............... 90 brăzda............ ............... 59 cedtti................. .............74 clovek ............ ............... 80 bfcati............. ............... 65 celiti.................. .............74 cmţla............. ................72 bfcniti............ ............... 65 celovăti............. .............75 cmer .............. ................ 81 breja............... ...............36 cena .................. .............75 creda.............. ................ 81 breme............. ............... 37 ceniti................. .............75 crediti............ ................82 brest............... ............... 37 cesta .................. ............ 76 crţmha.......... ................82 bresti.............. ............... 61 cestiti................ ............ 76 crţmos........... ................82 brez................ ...............38 cvesti................. ...........259 crţmsa........... ................82 breza .............. ...............38 cvasti................. ...........259 crepati........... ................84 brîd................. ............... 62 cvasti................. ...........259 creslo ............. ................85 bridăk............ ............... 62 cel .................... .............75 crevje............. ................86 bridak............. ............... 62 cev .................... ............ 77 crevo.............. ................86 brisălo............ ...............66 cevka................. ............ 76 crez................ ................85 brtti................ ............... 63 cevnica.............. ............ 77 crez................ ................85 brîtva ............. ............... 63 cvet.................... ...........259 crljen ............. ................93 bfkati............. ............... 65 căd.................... ............ 77 cfm ................ ................92 bfkniti............ ............... 65 căj .................... ............ 77 cfn ................. ................92 bfn.................. ...............66 căjati ................ ............ 78 crpăti............. ................92 bfna ............... ........66, 69 căkati................ ............ 78 cfta................ ................93 bfnja .............. ...............66 capăti................ .............73 cfv ................. ................93 bfnje............... ...............67 căr .................... ............ 79 cren................ ................83 broditi............ ............... 63 căra................... ............ 78 crep................ ................84 brozda............ ...............66 carodej.............. ............ 78 cteti................ ............... 90 bfsati.............. ............... 65 căs .................... .............. 9 cuditi se......... ................ 91 bfsniti ............ ............... 65 căst.................... ............ 94 cudo............... ................ 91 brst................. ............... 65 cabţla................ .............72 cuti ................ ................ 91 bfst................. ............... 65 cţla.................... .............72 cutiti.............. .............. 381 brt .................. ...............70 celţsan.............. ............ 80 cutiti.............. .............. 381 bruno ............. ...............67 celjad................ ............ 80 cvfst............... ................93 brusnica......... ...............64 celo.................... ............ 80 dă ................. ................94 bruzdă ........... ...............66 cemţr................ .............81 dăh ................ .............. 129 bfvno.............. ...............67 cemerika........... .............81 dăh ................ .............. 129 brz.................. ...............70 ceren................. .............83 dăhniti.......... .............. 129 bfzda.............. ...............66 cesati................. ............ 86 dajăti............. ................95 breg................ ............... 37 cesan ................. ............ 86 dălek.............. ................95 bresk............... ............... 61 cesnak............... ............ 86 dălja.............. ................95 brod................ ...............64 cţst.................... ............ 94 dăn................ .........95, 134 bucati............. ...............67 cţsto .................. ............ 88 dănas............. ...............135 budtti............. ...............67 cetirje................ ............ 87 dănj............... ................95 bujan.............. ...............68 cetfti................. ............ 87 dăr................. ............... 96 burja.............. ...............68 cetvţr................ ............ 87 dăti................ ............... 96 bes.................. ................. 0 ci .................... ............89 dăvati............ ............... 96 bodati............ ...............49 cihati................ ............89 dăve............... ................97 bog.................. ...............50 cîn .................... ............89 dăvan ............ ................97 bolje ............... ............... 52 ciniti................. ............89 dăvi ............... ................97 678 INDICES daviti ........... ..................97 dgga.............. ............... 114 dupina............. .............125 davnji........... ..................97 dojilo............ ............... 110 duplja.............. .............125 davri ............ ............... 128 dojiti............. ............... 110 duplo............... .............125 debel............. .................98 dolbsti........... ...............134 dur.................. ............. 126 debar............ .................132 dolg............... ........129,133 duri ................ ............. 128 ded ............... ............... 102 dolgota ......... ............... 133 duriti.............. ............. 126 dţga.............. ............... 106 domă............ ............... 112 dusa................ ............. 127 degat............. .................98 dovleti........... ............... 114 duti................. ............. 127 dţgniti.......... .................98 drăg.............. ................113 dvă.................. .............130 dahniti......... ............... 129 draga ............ ................113 dvţri............... ............. 128 dejati............ ...............104 drapati ......... ................115 dvogub............ .............130 delati............ ............... 102 draziti........... ................115 dvor................ ............. 128 deliti............. ............... 102 dremati ........ ................117 dvoj................. ..............131 delj............... ................103 dren .............. ................ 99 dol .................. .............112 delo............... ................103 dreti.............. ................ 99 dom ................ ..............113 danas............ .................135 dreven........... ................117 edan................ ............. 139 dţrati ........... .................135 drevo............. ................ 99 edin................ ............. 139 dţsan............ ...............100 drgati............ ........122, 136 ednak ............. ............ 138 desţt............. ...............100 drgniti.......... ...............136 en .................. ............. 139 desţti............ ...............100 driskati......... ................117 enak................ ............. 138 dete.............. ............... 104 dristati.......... ................117 esej................... .............144 dţtal............. ............... 107 drkalj............ ............... 123 esce.................. .............146 dţtelj........... ............... 107 drkol............. ............... 123 gabati.............. ............ 159 deti............... ............... 104 droban .......... ............... 119 găd................... ............160 deva............. ............... 105 drobiti........... ............... 118 gadati.............. ............160 devţr............ ............... 105 drgg............... ............... 121 gaditi.............. ............160 dever............ ............... 105 drgk .............. ............... 121 gasiti............... ..............161 devţt............ .................101 drgzd............ ...............120 gasniti ............ .............161 devţti .......... .................101 drozdzţ......... ............... 121 găt................... ............. 162 devica........... ............... 106 drozţ............. ............... 121 gatati............... .............161 d'az................ ................ 131 drgzg............. ...............120 gaziti .............. ............ 162 dţza.............. ............... 106 drozî............. ............... 121 ganiti.............. ............. 197 dihati........... ................ 131 drozjţ............ ............... 121 gibati............... ........... 200 dim............... ................132 drpati............ ...............136 giniti................ ........... 200 divan ............ ............... 109 drug.............. ............... 122 glabiti............. ............. 162 divji.............. ............... 108 druzina......... ............... 122 glăd................. ............. 174 djal............... ................103 drvo.............. ............... 123 gladak............. ............. 162 dlăn.............. .................111 dfz................ ............... 137 glăgol.............. ............. 174 dlasna ......... ............... 107 drzati............ ...............136 glăs................. .............176 dlesna.......... ............... 107 drzati............ ...............138 glava............... .............176 dleto ............. .................98 drzniti .......... ............... 137 glţdati............ .............164 dnes.............. .................135 drest.............. .............. 349 glţzan ............. ............. 163 dnd............... ............... 130 drevi ............. ............... 116 glţzanj............ ............. 163 do ................ .................09 drob .............. ............... 119 glţzno............. ............. 163 dgb............... .........109,114 duh ............... ...............124 glina............... .............164 doba............. ............... 109 duhati........... ...............124 glista................ ............ 165 dgbalj........... ............... 109 duniti............ ...............124 gliva................. ............ 165 dgbar............ ................110 dupa ............. ............... 125 globa............... ............ 165 INDICES 679 glgbati....................165 globiti...............165, 166 globdk................165, 166 glObsti....................165 gldg..................... 166 glOta....................166 glgta....................166 gluh.....................167 gluma.................... 167 glumiti se............... 167 glup .................... 167 glen.......................163 gnăti......................197 gnesti...................168 gnev..................... 168 gnezdo................... 169 gnida....................169 gnîl.....................169 gniti....................169 gnjiva...................354 gnus..................... 170 gnusan.....................171 gnusiti.................. 170 gnoj.....................170 ggba.......................182 gOdan......................173 ggdina.....................172 goditi.....................172 gognjăti...................182 gognjăv....................183 gdj .......................173 ggja.......................173 gojiti.....................173 gdl ..................... 176 golgb......................175 golgbji....................175 golot......................175 goltăti ................. 168 golen......................174 golota.....................175 gomOla.....................177 gomOlja....................177 gOniti.....................177 gor......................196 gOra.....................178 gOrak....................180 goreti................... 179 gorjţ.....................179 ggrji......................179 ggrsi......................179 gospodîn...................180 gospod.....................180 gpst.......................183 ggsti......................183 govţdo.....................181 ggvno......................182 ggvor..................... 182 govoriti...................181 ggz........................184 ggza.......................184 gozd.......................196 ggzva......................185 grăbiti................... 185 grăd.......................185 grăd.......................178 grăh.......................179 grăja......................178 grăjati....................186 grăkati....................186 gramăda....................186 gfb........................198 gfba.......................198 gfd1........................98 grebţn.....................186 grebsti....................187 greda..................... 187 greh.......................187 greti .................... 187 grţz.......................189 grţza......................188 greziti....................188 grţzniti...................188 gristi.....................194 griva......................189 grîvna.....................189 gfkati.....................199 gflo.......................198 gfm .......................194 grmăda.....................186 grmeti.................... 195 gfniti.....................200 grob.......................190 grgb.......................192 grgd.......................193 gromăda....................190 grOza..................... 191 grozd......................191 grgzdje....................191 grOzan ................... 192 groziti.............191, 193 gfst.......................199 gruda..................... 192 gruditi................... 193 grust......................193 grom.......................190 guba ..................... 197 gubiti.....................195 gumno......................195 god........................172 gos ...................... 184 gost.......................180 hăbati.................... 201 hăban .................... 201 habiti.....................201 hăbiti.................... 201 hăpati.....................202 hcţr.......................129 hcî ...................... 129 hibati.....................207 hlad.......................203 hlăd.......................203 hlădan.....................204 hleb.......................202 hlgd.......................202 hlgd.......................202 hod........................203 hgd........................203 hOditi.....................203 hohotăti...................203 hgja.......................206 hgja.......................206 homgt..................... 204 hrăbar.....................204 hrăna......................205 hrăniti....................205 hrăst..................... 206 hrăst..................... 206 hrăstje....................206 hrăscje....................206 hrom.......................205 hud........................205 hvgja .................... 206 i .........................207 iglă...................... 210 680 INDICES . 210 .209 .209 .209 . 210 .. 211 .. 211 .. 211 (gla............... igră............... igra............... igo ............... ikra............... a ................. ilam .............. ilo ............... imţ..........................212 imţla........................141 imeti........................212 in ..........................213 inje.........................213 ir .................... 213, 214 irin.........................213 iskati....................214 iskati....................214 iskar........................217 iskra.....................214 iskrnji......................217 isti.........................215 isce......................146 iti ......................216 iva.......................216 ivţr......................216 iz ..........................217 izbă.........................215 izba.........................215 izuti........................218 jabal........................ 25 jablan........................25 jablana ..................... 25 jablo.........................25 jabolka.......................26 jabolko.......................26 jăd..........................150 jadro........................150 jăgnac........................26 jagnje........................26 jăgnjac.......................26 jagoda........................27 jăhati ..................... 151 jajce........................ 27 jăk...........................28 jama..........................28 jăr.....................152, 153 jare........................ 151 jarţb..................... 142 jarebica....................142 jărac.......................153 jaram ...................... 28 jarina......................151 jărka.......................153 jarost......................152 jasen ...................... 29 jasan.......................153 jasika......................378 jăstreb..................... 29 jăscarica................... 30 jăscerica .................. 30 jăta ...................... 154 jato....................... 154 javan........................31 javiti.......................31 jăz ........................ 31 je .........................146 jebati......................147 jţcati..................... 157 jţcati......................156 jecmen......................156 jed.........................150 jedan.......................139 jedin.......................139 jedro ..................... 157 jedva.......................139 jedvaj..................... 139 j'agla......................210 jţkati..................... 157 jţl ........................139 jţla........................139 jelen .................... 140 jţlsa.......................371 jerţb.......................142 jerebica....................142 jerebika....................142 jerebina....................142 jerak..................... 140 jesţn.......................144 jesen....................... 29 jesetar.....................145 jesika......................378 jesti.......................154 jţti........................158 jţtra.......................158 jţtrva......................159 jez ....................... 155 jezba.......................215 jţza........................157 jezda...................... 154 jezer...................... 148 jţzer...................... 148 jţzero..................... 148 jezik...................... 159 jeza........................155 jezevica....................149 jezica......................149 jţz.........................149 jigo.....................209 jilo .......................211 jos ........................146 josce.......................146 jug ........................207 juha..................... 208 jun ..................... 208 jutre...................... 510 jutri.......................510 jutro ..................... 510 k ..........................259 kada........................227 kadaj.......................227 kadilo......................218 kaditi......................218 kăhati................... 260 kajati..................... 219 kak........................ 219 kăl.........................220 kaliti..............219, 220 kamen ......................220 karati .................... 221 kasati .................... 221 kasan.......................263 kasalj..................... 221 kăsljati....................221 katţri................... 240 kazati......................222 kăzan.......................222 kaziti......................222 kda.........................227 kdaj........................227 kdo.........................264 kada........................227 kadaj.......................227 kţhniti.................. 260 kal.........................261 681 . 262 .262 . 194 . 194 .262 .248 . 251 . 251 .248 249 249 249 . 252 .250 .250 . 252 .250 .250 .263 . 252 . 252 . 252 . 253 . 263 . 255 . 255 . 256 . 256 . 256 . 257 . 257 . 257 . 257 . 258 . 258 . 239 . 239 . 365 .366 .524 . 367 . 297 . 297 . 297 .368 . 297 .268 .368 INDICES . 263 ..264 . 265 . 265 . 265 . 265 .266 .266 . 267 . 267 . 267 . 259 . 259 . 228 . 230 . 223 ..231 . 230 . 230 . 225 . 224 . 223 . 224 . 224 . 225 . 226 . 225 . 226 . 226 . 226 . 227 . 227 .244 . 242 . 242 . 228 . 228 ..231 . 227 . 228 . 229 . 229 .260 . 229 . 232 . 232 . 232 ..233 kOpati.....................233 kOpar......................233 kopjţ......................234 kOra ......................234 kOrac......................238 korţn......................237 kgren......................237 kgran......................237 kOrica.....................235 koriti.....................235 korito.....................237 kgs ...................... 244 kOsa.......................238 kosăti.................... 243 kOsam .....................239 kos........................240 kosăr......................240 kosăra.................... 240 kot .......................241 kgt ...................... 244 kOtac .....................241 kotţri.....................240 kottti.....................241 kOtiti.....................241 kovăti.....................242 kOza.......................242 kOzal......................242 kgza.......................242 kraba .....................234 krăda......................235 krăkati....................245 krăsan.....................246 krăsta.....................235 krăsti ....................245 krăt.......................236 krătak.....................236 krăva .................... 236 kremen ................... 246 krepăk.................... 246 krepak.................... 246 krh........................253 krî .......................254 kricati....................247 krîk ..................... 247 krilo......................247 krinja.....................248 krinjica...................248 kriti......................254 kfkniti.... kfma....... krmţlj..... krmezalj. krn........ krnica..... krgg....... krggal..... krojiti.... kropiti.... krOsna.... krosne..... krgt....... krotăk..... krOtak..... krotiti.... krotiti.... krov....... kfpa....... kruh....... krupa...... krupi...... kfvan ..... kfzno...... kuditi..... kujati se. kuka ...... kukati..... kup........ kur........ kurica..... kurica..... kuriti..... kutiti se.. kvăs....... kos........ kost....... labgd..... lăcan..... lădati.... lădj a.... lagăk..... lăgak..... lahăk..... lahăt..... lăhak..... lăjati.... lakăt..... .287 .287 ...89 290 290 290 . 291 . 291 . 291 .292 . 291 .292 .293 .293 .295 . 332 . 333 .298 .299 .299 300 300 . 301 . 341 . 341 . 341 . 341 .302 .302 . 303 . 303 . 303 .304 . 305 .304 . 305 .307 . 332 . 332 . 332 . 332 306 306 . 339 .340 . 333 ..315 ..315 INDICES ..... 367 .....368 .....368 .....368 .....268 .....298 .....297 .....369 .....369 .....268 .....268 ..... 527 .....269 298, 526 .....270 .....270 ..... 295 ..... 295 ..... 293 ..... 365 .....366 .....276 .....270 .....270 .....276 .....276 .....276 .....276 .....276 .....276 ..... 272 .....294 ..... 272 .....368 ..... 297 .....368 .....294 ......271 ......271 ..... 273 ..... 273 ..... 275 ..... 272 ..... 273 273, 274 ..... 274 .....294 ..... 274 lesna..........................107 last...........................298 lesti ........................ 276 leteti.........................271 leto...........................275 laz ...........................295 lază ..........................295 lezati.........................272 lice............................78 lîh ...........................278 liko...........................295 lim .......................... 211 lipa...........................279 lis .......................... 279 lisica.........................279 lîst ......................... 279 liti ..........................280 lîtka .........................295 lizati.........................280 ljub...........................281 ljubăv.........................281 ljubiti........................281 ljud ..........................282 ljudjţ.........................282 ljut...........................283 ljutiti........................282 lobgd..........................365 lobOda........................ 366 lOboda........................ 366 lgciti........................ 288 lgcje......................... 288 lgg .......................... 288 loj ...........................283 lgk .......................... 289 lgka.......................... 289 lOkati.........................284 lokăv......................... 289 lgkav ........................ 284 lgkva......................... 284 lOmiti........................ 284 lono...........................285 lopăta ........................285 losos..........................285 lov............................286 lgv............................286 loviti.........................286 lOza...........................287 lgze.......................... 287 lozesna..... lOziti...... lub ........ luc ........ luciti...... lud......... lug ........ luna........ lupiti...... lusk........ luska....... luskati..... lusciti..... luza........ lză ........ mădal....... măh......... măhati ..... măjati ..... măk......... mălak ...... măli........ mămiti...... mănj........ mănje....... mănji....... mănjsi...... măslo....... măst........ măterstvo.. măti........ matgr....... matgran.... măz......... măzati...... mec......... mţd......... madăl....... medal....... madai....... madlţn...... medojed..... medved...... maglă....... magniti..... meh......... mehăk....... mehak....... INDICES 683 meja.............. .............. 305 mladţnac....... ..............322 mrmrati........ .............. 335 meju.............. ..............306 mlăt............... ..............324 mrtav............. ..............342 mekăk........... ...............315 mlatiti ........... ..............323 mrzeti............ ..............342 mekak............ ...............315 mledan........... ..............332 mrziti............ ..............342 mţkniti ......... ...............314 mleko............. ............. 307 mrzniti.......... ..............343 makntti......... ...............333 mlesti............. ............. 307 mrest............. ..............349 mţla.............. ...............141 mleti .............. ............. 307 muciti............ ..............328 meljţ ............. ...............141 mneti............. ............. 340 muditi........... ..............330 mena............. ............... 311 mngg.............. ..............334 muha............. ..............330 meniti........... ............... 311 mnggo............ ..............334 muka............. ..............329 meniti ........... ...............312 mgca.............. ..............319 mur................ ...............331 mţra.............. ...............312 moci............... .............. 321 muzga........... ...............331 mţriti............ ...............312 mociti ............ ..............328 mzeti............. ..............319 mastiti........... .............. 343 mociti............ ............. 320 med................ ..............309 masica........... .............. 336 mociti ............ ............. 320 meh............... ..............309 mesiti............ ...............313 mgdar............ ......320,329 melj............... .............. 310 mesti ............. ..............309 modliti........... ............. 320 mesec............. ...............312 mţsti ............. ...............315 moj................. ..............322 mesak............ .......309, 313 mesto............. ...............313 mgka.............. ..............329 moc................ ...............321 meso.............. ...............315 mgkar............ ..............322 morje............. .............. 325 metati........... ..............309 mOlcati.......... ............. 340 most............... ..............326 mţti............... ...............316 moliti............. ............. 320 mozag............ ..............328 mazati........... ..............344 molj................ ..............323 mozak............ ..............328 mţzda........... ...............316 mOlnja........... ..............333 mozg.............. ..............328 mazdă........... .............. 343 mOlviti........... ..............334 mozga............ ...............331 mţzdra.......... ...............316 mor................ ..............326 nă ................. ............... 44 mţzdro.......... ...............316 mOra.............. ..............324 nacţti ............ .............. 345 mazeti........... ....... 314, 319 mora.............. ..............325 năd................ .............. 345 mezga............ ...............314 morjţ ............. ..............325 năg................. .............. 345 mi ................. .............. 336 mOsnja........... ..............327 nagal.............. .............. 345 mig................ ...............316 motati............ ..............327 nahustiti....... ..............346 migati........... ...............316 motika........... ..............327 narod............. ..............346 mikati........... ...............317 mgtiti............. ..............330 năt ................. ..............346 mii................. ...............317 mOtriti........... ..............327 naustiti ......... ..............346 milo............... .............. 336 mgz................ ..............330 năv................. ..............347 mimo ............ ...............318 mozdăni........ ..............328 năvje.............. ..............347 mimo............ ...............318 mozdzăni...... ..............328 ne ................. ..............347 mintii............ ...............318 mozgăni........ ..............328 nebo............... ..............348 minovati....... ...............318 mrăk.............. ..............325 nebog............. ..............348 mir................ ...............318 mrăv.............. ..............326 necak............. ...............351 misai.............. ...............337 mravlja.......... ..............326 nedrje............ .............. 150 mis................. ...............337 mrăz.............. ..............326 nedro............. .............. 150 misca............. ...............337 mreti.............. ............. 308 nekdo ............ ..............349 miti............... .............. 338 mreza ............ ............. 308 nesit............... ..............349 mito............... .............. 338 mrk................ ..............341 nesttan........... ..............349 mizati........... ..............344 mrkav............ ..............335 nesti............... ..............350 mlăd.............. ...............323 mrkniti.......... ..............341 netopir.......... ..............350 mladan.......... ...............323 mrkva............ ..............335 nevesta.......... ...............351 684 INDICES ni .................... ............352 odvo............. ................139 păhati............... ...........389 nicati................ ............353 odvreti......... ................382 păjak................. ........... 391 nikati............... ............352 ggal.............. ........385, 386 păjok ................ ........... 391 nikniti.............. ............353 Oganj............ ............... 364 pălac................. ...........390 nist................... ............353 oggr.............. ............... 386 pălica................ ...........390 nist................... ............353 j ............... ............... 364 păliti................. ...........390 nit .................... ............353 Okno............. ................365 pămet............... ........... 391 niz.................... ........... 354 oko ............... ................365 pănj.................. ...........427 njiva................. ........... 354 gl ............... ............... 370 păra.................. ........... 391 noc.................... ............355 olgv.............. ............... 369 păs.................... .......... 409 nOga................. ........... 354 glsa .............. ................371 păsti.................. ...........392 nggat................ ............355 omţla........... ................ 141 păvok................ ........... 391 nohat................ ............355 on ............... ................372 păvuk............... ........... 391 nghat................ ............355 onuca........... ................372 păzdiha............ ...........392 nohat................ ............355 opăk............. ................372 păzduha........... ...........392 nora.................. ........... 356 orăti............. ................372 păzha ............... ...........392 nos.................... ............357 Orati............. ................372 păziha.............. ...........392 nOsiti................ ........... 356 Oreh.............. ................374 păziti................ ...........392 ngtar................. ........... 387 Oral............... ............... 376 păznohat.......... ...........393 ngtri................. ........... 387 oriti se ......... ................374 p?£.................... ........... 393 nov................... ............357 orgdje .......... ................375 peci................... ........... 393 nov................... ............357 gs ............... ............... 380 pţd.................... ...........398 novăk............... ............357 Osa ............... ................377 pega.................. ...........397 noz................... ........... 358 osăt.............. ............... 380 pegav................ ...........397 ngzdra.............. ........... 358 Osal............... ................381 pahăti............... .......... 426 nozdrv.............. ........... 358 gsam............. ................379 pakal................. .......... 426 ngzdrva ........... ........... 358 Osat............... ............... 380 pelţsast............. ...........394 nrăv.................. ........... 356 oskrd............ ................378 pena.................. ...........397 nuditi............... ........... 358 Osla............... ................381 pepţl................. ...........395 nuja.................. ........... 359 gsmi............. ................378 pero .................. ...........396 nuta.................. ........... 359 osngva......... ................379 pero .................. ...........396 o(b).................. ............361 gst ............... ............... 380 pas .................... ........... 431 obă ................... ............361 gstan ............ ............... 380 pesak................. ...........398 Obci................... ........... 363 gstar............. ................379 pţst................... ...........399 obecati............. ............361 ostrov........... ................379 p'astar................ ...........430 gbal................... ........... 363 otrOba.......... ................387 pesto ................. ...........397 obîst................. ............215 otrok............ ................382 pesji.................. ...........398 oblăk................ ........... 362 gtva.............. ................387 peski................. ...........398 obor.................. ........... 362 otvoriti........ ................383 pţt .................... .......... 400 obresti.............. ........... 362 gv ............... ............... 384 peta................... ...........399 obuti................. ........... 363 Ovca ............. ............... 384 pţti................... ...........399 obora................ ........... 362 Ovan ............. ............... 384 peti ................... ...........398 Oce.................... ........... 383 Ovas.............. ............... 384 pazdeti.............. ........... 431 od .................... ........... 382 ovreti........... ................362 pica................... ...........401 Odar.................. ...........364 gz ............... ................388 pîr.................... ...........425 oditi.................. ........... 385 gzak.............. ................388 pira................... ...........425 odoleti.............. ........... 363 Ozal.............. ................388 pisati................ ...........430 odvaj................ ............139 pădati.......... ............... 389 piskati.............. .......... 400 INDICES 685 piskgr.................... 400 piskgr.................... 400 piskur.................... 400 pitati................401, 425 piti.......................401 pivo.......................402 plăh.......................410 plakati....................402 plamţn.....................411 plamen.....................411 plaman.....................411 plasa......................411 plăst......................403 plasiti....................411 platno.................... 412 plăv.......................412 plavati....................403 plaviti....................403 plăz.......................412 plece......................404 plen.......................394 plena......................394 plesan.....................404 plesna.....................403 plesti.....................404 ples.......................405 plesa......................405 pleti......................395 pleva................ 395, 405 pljuca.....................405 pljuvati...................402 plosk..................... 406 plot...................... 406 pluti..................... 406 po ........................407 pocina.....................416 pociti.....................408 pgciti.....................416 pod...................408, 409 poditi.....................416 podgba.....................408 pojăs..................... 409 pOjati.....................398 pojiti.....................409 pokdj......................410 pOkoj......................410 pol ...................... 412 poleno.....................410 poleti.................... 410 polica.....................410 polje......................411 polje......................411 polk.......................424 poln.......................426 polst......................427 pOlzati....................427 polzeti................... 427 pgp........................417 popţl......................395 poslati................... 479 pgt........................417 pot........................415 pgto.......................417 povrăz.....................415 pOvraz.....................415 pozd.......................415 pozde......................415 pozdi......................415 pOzdi......................415 pOzan .....................416 prăg.......................413 prăh.......................413 prase......................414 prati...............414, 428 prăv.......................418 prăvi......................418 prdeti.....................428 pre-.......................395 pred...................... 396 prek...................... 396 prţsti.....................419 pfh........................428 pri .......................419 prid.......................419 prijătelj................. 420 prijati....................420 proc...................... 420 prodăja....................420 prggla ................... 422 prgglo ................... 422 prOsiti....................421 prost..................... 422 prostreti..................421 prgti..................... 422 proti..................... 422 prsi.......................429 prskati......................423 prst.........................429 pfvi.........................430 pseno........................431 ptic.........................425 ptica........................425 puhati.......................423 puhal........................423 puhniti......................423 pust........................ 424 pustiti......................424 rabiti.......................373 rabota.......................373 raciti.......................432 rădi.........................432 răk...........................74 rakita ..................... 375 ralo.........................373 rama........................ 375 rame........................ 375 ramo.........................375 rasti........................376 ratăj........................376 rataj........................376 raz-.........................377 răz..........................377 rbika........................213 rţb .........................436 rţbar........................433 rţbar........................433 rebica.......................435 rebika................142, 435 rebro........................433 rec .........................434 reci.........................433 rţd..........................436 redak........................434 reka.........................434 remen........................433 resak........................143 rigati.......................441 rilo.........................441 riniti.......................436 rit .........................436 riti.........................442 rjuti........................436 rob..........................373 rgb..........................439 686 INDICES rgbiti.............. .............439 sirgv.................. .......... 474 sOha............. ................458 rod.................. ............. 437 sit .................... .......... 484 sgk ............... ............... 464 roditi.............. ............. 437 sît .................... ...........451 sok ............... ................459 rOditi.............. ............. 437 sita.................... ...........451 sol ............... ................461 rog .................. .............438 siti.................... .......... 487 solnce.......... ................479 roj.................. .............438 sito.................... ...........451 som.............. ................461 rok .................. .............438 siv .................... ...........452 sOva............. ................462 rOka................ ............ 440 skObac............... ...........227 sova............. ................462 rOsa ................ .............438 skgrja................ ...........452 sovăti........... ................462 rov.................. .............439 skorja................ ...........452 spăti............. ................ 481 rud.................. ............ 440 slăb................... ...........452 spesiti.......... ............... 464 runo ............... ............ 440 slădak................ .......... 459 speti............. ............... 464 rvăti............... ............. 441 slăma................ .......... 459 spor.............. ........ 481, 482 s(a)................. .............478 slăn................... ..........460 speh ............. ............... 464 săd.................. .............442 slăna................. ..........460 srăb.............. ................477 saditi.............. .............442 slăp................... ..........460 srăka ........... ................477 sanî ................ .............443 slătina .............. ...........461 srbeti ........... ................478 scăti................ .............485 slăva................. ...........453 srcţ.............. ................485 sţci.................. .............449 slăvac................ ...........461 sreda............ ............... 444 seci.................. .............446 slina.................. ...........453 srţmsa......... ............... 444 sţdam............. .............443 slisati................ ...........455 srţmsa......... ............... 444 sedeti.............. .............445 sliva.................. ...........453 sresti............ .................482 sedlo............... .............444 slo j................... ..........480 srna............. ................485 sţdmi.............. .............443 slgka ................. .......... 454 srsen............ ................485 sţgati.............. .............449 slOvo.................. .......... 454 sreda............ ............... 444 sţgniti............ .............449 slovo.................. .......... 454 sren.............. ................445 sahniti............ .............479 sluh................... ...........455 srenj............. ................445 sej 4................ ...............84 slusati............... ...........455 stăn.............. ................465 sejăti............... .............448 sluti................... ...........455 stăr.............. ................465 sal .................. .............480 smejăti se ......... ..........456 stăti............. ....... 465, 468 selo ................. .............444 smejati se......... ..........456 stăviti.......... ............... 466 sam................. ............. 146 smeti................. ..........480 stabal........... ................472 seme............... .............446 smrăd............... ..........456 steblo ........... ................472 san.................. ............. 481 smrdeti............. ...........457 stablo ........... ................472 seno................ .............446 smrt.................. ..........480 stagne.......... ................473 sep.................. ............. 482 smeh................. ..........456 stegno.......... ............... 466 sţr .................. .............447 snăha................ ..........458 sten.............. ................467 sasăti.............. ............. 482 sneha ................ ..........458 stenj............. ................467 sesti................ .............447 snovăti.............. ...........457 stenjăti........ ............... 466 sestra.............. .............445 sneg................... ...........457 stază ............ ................472 sever............... .............449 so .................... .......... 462 stîd............... ................473 sevar............... .............449 sgd .................... .......... 463 stigniti......... ................467 sţzati.............. .............449 sgdij.................. .......... 463 stirje............ ..................87 sijăti............... .............450 sgditi................. .......... 463 stlăti ............ ................473 sila.................. ..............451 sgdja................. .......... 463 stog.............. ............... 468 sîn.................. ............. 483 sgdrag............... .......... 463 stol............... ............... 468 sipati.............. ............. 483 sgdraga............. .......... 463 străn............ ............... 469 sir .................. ............. 483 sgdrga............... .......... 463 străna.......... ............... 469 687 499 500 500 . 501 . 501 . 501 .506 .506 .506 .507 .507 .507 . 251 . 251 .508 .508 .508 .508 . 532 . 532 .509 .509 .510 .510 ..511 . 530 ..512 ..512 ..512 ..512 . 539 . 536 . 536 . 536 ..513 ..513 . 518 . 518 . 519 . 519 . 519 . 519 ..515 . 514 . 514 . 514 ..531 ..521 INDICES .....467 .....470 .....469 .....469 .....470 .....470 .....470 ..... 471 342, 471 ..... 471 ..... 471 ..... 482 .....473 .....474 .....474 .....474 .....475 .....462 .....462 .....476 ..... 475 ..... 475 ..... 475 .....476 .....477 .....477 ..... 146 .....486 .....486 ..... 146 .....487 .....486 .....487 .....487 .....488 .....488 .....488 ..... 502 .....489 .....489 ..... 505 ..... 502 .....489 .....489 .....493 .....493 .... 490 .....504 teme...........................492 taman..........................505 tan'ak.........................505 tenţt..........................490 tenţtva........................490 tepsti.........................492 tesăn..........................492 tesati.........................491 t'asc..........................502 tesan..........................492 tesla .........................491 teslo..........................491 testo ........................ 493 tţti .......................... 94 tţzati.........................493 tezăk..........................494 tezak..........................494 ti ............................503 til ...........................503 tiskati........................494 tisgca.........................503 tlă .......................... 504 tlaka ........................ 495 tleci..........................490 tleti......................... 504 tmă .......................... 504 tgg............................495 tgga...........................495 tok............................494 tOlci..........................490 tOliti.........................495 tOpal..........................490 topiti.........................496 trava..........................496 tfd............................501 trţsti ....................... 497 treti..........................491 trţtji........................ 497 trgati.........................502 trijţ..........................499 trn ...........................505 trgd.......................... 497 trgt...........................498 trovati........................497 tfst...........................499 trUd...........................498 trUp...........................498 trzati........................ 506 tucan ....... tUr.......... tvăr......... tvoriti...... tvfd......... tvor......... u- .......... ubgg......... uciti........ udariti...... uho ......... Ujac......... ukrociti .... ukrokniti.. ulica ....... Ulj ......... um .......... um........... us .......... Us .......... usta......... ustiti....... Ustje........ Ustna........ uzda ........ v ........... vabiti....... vaditi....... văr.......... variti....... văs.......... vcţra........ vcţraj....... vdova........ vecţr........ vţdar........ vedeti....... vedro ....... veja......... vejati....... veka......... veko......... vţl(i)....... veleti....... velik........ vţliki....... van.......... vţniti....... 688 INDICES vane............... ...............531 voliti............ ................525 zal................. ...............551 vţpar............. ...............515 vglja............. ................525 zelen.............. ..............541 vţra............... ..............520 volk.............. ................537 zelo................ ..............138 vas................. ..............540 volna............ ................537 zemlja........... ..............542 veslo.............. ...............517 vonj.............. ................527 zenica............ ..............542 vesna............. ...............517 vgnja............ ................527 zet................. ..............544 vesti............... ...............517 vgs............... .................86 zevati............. ..............543 veti................ ...............519 vgse.............. ...............386 zid................. ..............544 vetar.............. ..............520 vosak............ ................529 zidati............. ..............552 vţzati............ ...............521 vosk.............. ................529 zijăti.............. ..............544 vi ................. ...............533 voz............... ................530 zîjati.............. ..............544 vîd................. ...............521 vgtroba........ ................387 zima.............. ..............544 videti............. ...............521 vozal............ ................388 ziniti.............. ..............545 vidra.............. ..............534 voziti............ ................530 zlato.............. ..............547 viganj............ ..............534 vgz............... ................388 zmăj.............. ..............545 vihăr............. ..............522 vpiti............. ................532 znămenje...... ..............545 vihar.............. ..............522 vrăg.............. ................527 znăti.............. ..............546 vîhra.............. ..............522 vrăn............. ........528, 529 znoj................ ..............546 vime.............. ...............535 vrăna........... ................528 zngj................ ..............546 vîr................. ..............522 vrăta............ ................529 zgb................. ......547, 549 vise................ ...............535 vreci............. ................515 zo ................. .............548 visok.............. ...............535 vreme........... ................516 zobati............ ..............547 vît................. ...............523 vreme........... ................516 zolva.............. ...............551 viti................. ..............522 vreteno........ ................516 zor................. ..............548 vkup.............. ..............256 vreti............. ................537 zora............... ..............548 vkupe(j)....... ..............256 vrh............... ..................38 zgra............... ..............548 vlădati.......... ..............524 vfst............... ................538 zoriti.............. ..............548 vlăga............. ..............524 vrstă............. ................538 zorja.............. ..............548 vlăk............... ..............526 vrsta............. ................538 zgrja.............. ..............548 vlăka............. ...............525 vrsa.............. ................539 zrăk............... ..............549 vlăkno........... ..............526 vrteti............ ................539 zreti............... ..............552 vlăst............... ..............526 vres.............. ................516 zrno............... ..............553 vlăziti............ ..............527 vtorak .......... ................533 zvăti.............. ...............551 vleci............... ...............514 vtori............. ................532 zveneti........... ..............550 vnuca............ ..............372 za ............... ...............540 zvţr................ ..............549 vnuca............ ..............372 zăjtra ........... ................510 zvezda........... ..............196 vnuk.............. ...............531 zăjtre ........... ................510 zvon............... ..............550 vnuk.............. ...............531 zăjtro........... ................510 zăba............... ..............553 vne................. ...............531 zăl............... ................551 zăl................. ..............553 voda.............. ...............523 zălva............ ................551 zăr................. ..............554 voditi............. ..............385 zarăd........... ................432 zdeti............... ..............565 voditi............. ...............523 zarădi.......... ................432 zţdan............. ..............561 ga .......385, 386 zărja............ ................541 zţja................ ..............560 v vojna............. ..............524 zăutra.......... ................510 zeleti.............. ...............555 vojnik............ ..............524 zăva............. ................551 zelezo............. ...............555 volgăk........... ..............536 zavreti......... ................541 zelja............... ..............556 volgak............ ..............536 zdrăv............ ...............478 zţlje............... ..............542 volhak........... ..............536 zţbsti........... ................543 zelo................ ..............560 INDICES 689 zelod...................... ...... 556 bârna................. ........... 69 bor .................. ..............58 zelgdac.................. ...... 556 bărz.................... ........... 70 borja................ ..............57 zelgdak.................. ...... 556 băsnja................ ........... 34 bos................... ..............59 zelva...................... .......557 bdja.................... ........... 69 bradă............... .............. 55 ao .......557 bedă................... ............39 bradăt............. .............. 55 lv z zena....................... ...... 558 bija..................... ............41 brălo................ ..............56 zerăvica................ ...... 558 bilo..................... ............41 bran................. ..............57 zerakoooooooooooooooooooooo ......140 bistăr................. ............71 brană.............. .........56,57 zerjăv.................... ...... 558 bitie.................... ............72 brăna.............. ..............56 zţtav...................... .......561 bitva................... ........... 42 brâsna............ ..............65 zţti.......................... .......561 bivam................ ............72 brasno............. ..............57 zţtva...................... .......561 bjăgam .............. ............39 brat.................. ............. 60 O- ...... 559 bjal..................... ...........40 brav................ ..............58 z zica........................ .......561 bjas.................... ...........40 brăz................. ..............70 zidak...................... ......562 blag.................... ............52 brazdă............ ..............59 zila........................ ......562 blăgo.................. ............ 51 brekna............ ..............62 zito........................ ......563 blană ................. ............52 breme.............. ...............37 zîv......................... ......564 blâsăk................ ...........48 brest................. ...............37 ziveti..................... ...... 562 blăto................... ............53 breză .............. ..............38 zivot...................... ...... 563 bled.................... ............43 brezdă............. ..............59 zledica................... .......555 bleja................... ............43 bric ................. ..............62 zleza...................... .......557 blek.................... ........... 42 brija................. ..............63 zled........................ .......555 blen.................... ............35 brjag............... ...............37 zolc........................ .......552 blenuvam.......... ............35 brjast.............. ...............37 zolna..................... ...... 565 blesti.................. ........... 49 brod................ ..............64 zolt........................ ...... 565 blestja................ ........... 49 brodja.............. ..............63 zreb ooooooooooooooooooooooo ...... 559 blizăk................. ............45 brusnica.......... ..............64 zrelo oooooooooooooooooooooo ...... 559 bliznă................. ............45 brut................. ..............64 zreti....................... ...... 559 blizo................... ........... 46 bucă................ ..............67 zfnav..................... ......566 bljan .................. ............35 budja............... ..............67 zftav...................... ......566 bljăsăk............... ............43 bunika............. ...............73 zftva...................... ......566 bljăskam............ ........... 44 burja .............. ..............68 zuriti se................. ......564 bljuja................. ........... 46 căpam............. ...............73 bljuvam............. ...........46 cedjă............... ...............74 1.4.5 Bulgarian blud.................... ........... 47 cenă................ ...............75 âgăl....................... ......386 bobăr................. ........... 34 cenjă............... ...............75 ăgne....................... ........26 bodă................... ........... 49 cev .................. ...............77 ako........................ ........28 bodăr................. ........... 69 cjal................... ...............75 ălcen...................... ......366 bodel.................. ........... 49 cvjat................ ............259 ălne ....................... ......368 bog...................... ........... 50 căkam ............ ..............78 ăve......................... ........30 bogăt.................. ........... 50 car .................. ..............79 avliga.................... .......217 boj..................... ............ 51 carodej........... ..............78 az ......................... .........31 bojă se................ ........... 50 cas .................. ..............79 băba...................... ........ 32 bojăzăn............. ........... 50 cast.................. ..............88 băja....................... ........ 33 bol ..................... ............54 cedo ................ ..............88 bălnuvam............. ........ 72 bol’...................... ............54 celo ................. ............. 80 bâlvam.................. ........46 boli..................... ............ 51 celovek............ ............. 80 bălxă..................... ........48 boljă................... ............ 51 cemerika......... .............. 81 690 INDICES cerdă ................ ...............81 deset............... .............100 duxam.......... ...............124 ceren................. ..............92 deseti............. .............100 dva................ ...............130 cerep................. ..............84 dete................ ..............104 dvor.............. ...............128 cerpja............... ..............92 deti................. ..............105 e ................ ...............146 certă ................. ..............93 deva............... ..............105 ecam............. ...............158 cerven .............. ..............93 dever.............. ..............105 ecă................ ...............156 cervjă............... ..............93 devet.............. ..............101 edăr.............. ................157 cervo ................ ..............86 deveti............. ..............101 edin.............. ...............139 cesăn................ ..............86 devica............ .............106 edinăk.......... ...............138 cest................... ..............94 dim................ ..............132 edvă(m)....... ...............139 cesto ................. ..............88 dirja............... ..............108 elavo............. .......369,370 cetiri................. ..............87 disam............. ...............131 elxă............... ...............370 cetvărti............ ..............87 div................. ..............108 emes............. ................141 cezna................ ..............87 diven.............. .............109 emez............. ................141 cin.................... ..............89 divjă............... ..............108 emez............. ................141 cinja ................. ..............89 dlan............... ...............111 enză.............. ................157 cist.................... ..............90 dlato.............. ..............112 erbica ........... ................213 cistja................. ..............90 dleto............... ........98, 112 erebica.......... ...............142 covek................ ..............80 dnes............... ..............135 erembica...... ...............142 crez................... ..............85 do ................. .............109 ese................ ...............144 cudja................ ..............91 doba............... .............109 esetra............ ...............145 cudo................. ..............91 dobăr............. ..............110 este................ ...............146 cuja.................. ..............91 dojă................ ..............110 eto................ ...............147 da .................... ..............94 dojlo............... ..............110 ezero............. ...............148 dăb................... .............114 dol................. ..............112 ezik............... ...............159 dăgă................. .............114 dom................ ...............113 ez ................ ...............149 dăx................... ...........129 domovi.......... ..............112 găba.............. ...............182 dălăg................ .............133 drag............... ...............113 găbam.......... ...............159 dălg.................. ...........129 drăpam......... ...............115 gad................ ...............160 dam.................. ..............96 drăskam........ ...............115 gadăja.......... ...............160 dăno................. ............130 dreb................ ..............116 găgna............ ...............182 dar.................... ..............96 dreben ........... ..............116 găgniv........... ................183 dărpam............ .............136 dremja........... ...............117 găltam.......... ...............168 dărvă ............... .............123 dren............... ...............99 gărba............ ...............198 dărvo................ .............123 driskam......... ...............117 gărdă............ ...............193 dărză................ .............138 drjan.............. ...............99 gărlo............. ...............198 dărzăk.............. .............137 drob............... ..............119 gărmjă......... ...............195 dăvam.............. ..............96 drobjă............ ..............118 gărne............ ...............199 dăvja................ ..............97 droca.............. ..............119 gasjă............. ................161 dăzd................. .............131 drozd............. ..............120 găsna............ ................161 debel................. ..............98 drug............... ..............122 găst............... ................183 deljă................. ...........102 druzina.......... ..............122 gatam........... ................161 delo................... .............103 duja se........... ..............127 găz................ ...............184 delva................. .............134 dupe............... ..............125 găz................ ...............184 den................... .............134 dupli.............. ..............125 găzja............. ...............162 deră.................. .............135 duplo............. ..............125 găzva............ ................185 derevo .............. ..............99 dusă............... ..............127 gde................ ...............259 desen................ ...........100 dux................. ..............124 giza............... ..............200 INDICES 691 glăbam....................162 glad......................174 glădăk....................162 glâxna................... 168 glas..................... 176 glavă ................... 176 gledam................... 164 glen......................163 glezen....................163 glezna....................163 glina.....................164 glist.....................165 gliva ....................165 globa.....................165 globjă....................166 glog..................... 166 glota.....................166 glux..................... 167 gluma.................... 167 gnetă.....................168 gnezdo................... 169 gnida.....................169 gnija.....................169 gnil......................169 gnjav.....................168 gnoj......................170 gnusăn....................171 gnusjă se.................170 goden.....................173 godina....................172 gojă .....................173 gol ..................... 176 goljăm....................174 golotă....................175 gonja.....................177 goră......................178 gorăk.....................180 gorjă.................... 179 gospod....................180 gospodin..................180 gost..................... 180 govedo....................181 goveja....................181 govno ....................182 govor.....................182 govorja.................. 181 grăb......................198 grăbja ...................185 grad.................178, 185 grăd......................193 grax......................179 gramăda...................186 grebă.................... 187 greben....................186 gredă.................... 187 greja.................... 187 gribam....................189 griva.....................189 grivna....................189 griză.....................194 grjach....................187 grob..................... 190 gromăda...................190 grozd.................... 191 grozde................... 191 grozen....................192 grozjă................... 191 grub......................192 gruda.....................192 gubja.....................195 gumno.....................195 gvozdej...................196 xăben.....................201 xabjă.....................201 xlad..................... 203 xlăden................... 204 xljab.....................202 xod...................... 203 xodja.................... 203 xomot.....................204 xrăbăr................... 204 xrană.....................205 xrănja................... 205 xrast.................... 206 xrom......................205 i ........................207 ida.......................216 iglă......................210 igo ......................209 igră .................... 209 igrăja....................210 imam.................211, 212 ime.......................212 imez......................141 inej......................213 inok......................212 iskam......................214 iskră .................... 214 istăba.....................215 iva........................216 iver.......................216 iz ....................... 217 izba.......................215 ja .........................31 jăbălka.....................26 jăblo.......................25 jăbol ..................... 25 jad........................150 jăgne.......................26 jăgoda......................27 jăxam......................151 jajce.......................27 jakyj.......................28 jam ...................... 154 jăma........................28 jăre.......................151 jărebica...................142 jărec......................153 jarem.......................28 jărina.....................151 jărka......................153 jărost.....................152 jăsen.................29, 153 jăsika.....................378 jăstreb.....................29 jăto.......................154 jatro .................... 158 jăve........................30 jăven.......................31 jaz .......................155 jazdă .................... 154 jăzva......................155 jebă...................... 147 jecam..................... 158 jedro .....................157 jelă...................... 139 jelen......................140 jesen .................... 144 jesika.....................378 jezdă..................... 154 joste......................146 jug .......................207 kăde.......................243 kadjă......................218 .289 .289 .368 .368 ■369 .369 .268 .269 .269 .270 .295 .294 . 365 .270 . 272 280 . 297 . 271 .298 . 297 . 272 . 273 . 274 . 274 . 271 . 272 .278 .295 .279 .296 .279 .279 .279 280 . 272 . 275 . 275 . 281 . 281 .292 .292 .293 . 283 . 282 . 282 .366 . 283 .284 INDICES . 219 koră ................ .............234 lăk ............................... . 220 koren .............. .............237 lăkă ............................. . 227 korica.............. .............235 lăkăt............................ . 219 korito.............. .............237 lăkom .......................... .260 korjă ............... .............235 lani.............................. . 259 kos .................. .............239 lăni.............................. . 243 kosă................. .............238 lăpa ............................. ..221 kosăm............. .............239 lăska............................ . 262 kost................. .............239 laskăja......................... . 262 kos .................. ............ 240 lăzja ............................ . 263 kosăra............. ............ 240 lăză.............................. .244 kotja ............... .............241 lăza.............................. ..221 kotri................ ............ 240 lebed............................ . 243 kotryj.............. ............ 240 led ............................... . 263 kovă................ ............ 242 lexă.............................. ..221 koză ................ ............ 242 leja.............................. ..221 kozel................ ............ 242 lek ............................... .244 koza................ ............ 242 lemez........................... .244 kradă.............. .............245 len ............................... .244 krăg................. ............. 251 lenen............................ . 222 krăgăl............. ............. 251 leniv............................. .264 kraj................. .............245 lepjă............................. . 265 krăp................ ............. 251 les ............................... . 265 krăsa............... .............245 leskă ............................ .266 krăsta ............. .............235 letjă ............................. .266 krătăk............. ............ 236 leză.............................. , 267 krăv................. .............254 lice............................... . 265 krăva .............. ............ 236 liko............................... . 223 krăven ............ .............253 lipă .............................. . 228 krepăk............. ............ 246 lis ............................... .260 kreslo .............. ............ 247 lisa............................... . 230 krija................ .............254 lisica............................ . 230 krilo ................ ............ 247 list ............................... . 225 krojă ............... ............ 248 liza.............................. . 224 krosna............. ............ 249 ljăgam......................... . 224 krosno............. ............ 249 ljăto ............................. . 226 krotăk............. ............ 250 ljav............................... . 227 krux................ .............252 ljubja........................... .260 krupen............ .............253 ljubov.......................... ..231 kuka................ ............ 256 l’uskam....................... . 230 kukam ............ ............ 256 ljuspa........................... . 228 kup.................. ............ 256 ljustja.......................... . 232 kur.................. .............257 ljut............................... . 232 kuznja ............ .............258 ljutjă............................ ..233 kvas................. .............258 ljutja............................ ..233 lădija .............. .............367 loboda......................... . 234 lăg .................. ............ 288 loj ............................... . 237 lăja.................. ............ 268 lokva............................ 693 • 345 •346 • 347 ••351 • 347 •348 •348 •348 •349 ••351 ••351 ••351 • 352 • 352 • 352 • 353 • 353 • 354 • 354 ••355 • 357 • 356 ••355 • 357 • 357 • 358 • 358 • 356 • 359 • 361 • 363 • 361 • 362 • 362 • 363 • 363 •364 • 139 •364 • 365 • 365 • 372 • 372 • 375 •374 •376 • 374 •380 INDICES •••••••284 ••••••• 285 ••••••• 285 ••••••• 285 •••••••286 •••••••286 ••••••• 287 ••••••• 287 •••••••290 ......291 ......292 ••••••• 293 ••••••• 328 ••••••• 329 ••••••• 339 ••••••••333 ......298 •••••••299 •••••••299 ••••••• 329 ••••••••333 •••••••300 •••••••300 ......340 ••••••••333 ••••••• 334 ••••••• 334 ......307 ••••••• 301 ••••••••316 ••••••• 324 ••••••• 301 ••••••• 302 ••••••••335 ••••••• 302 ••••••• 343 ••••••• 302 ••••••• 343 ••••••• 330 ......304 ••••••• 330 ••••••••314 ••••••• 305 ••••••• 338 307, 309 •••••••309 .......315 ......307 mene..........................308 menjă.........................311 merja.........................312 mesec.........................312 mesja.........................313 meso..........................315 metă..........................309 mezdă.........................305 mezdu.........................306 mi •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••336 mîg...........................316 migam.........................316 mija..........................338 mil ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 317 minăvam.......................318 mir...........................318 mito ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 318 mito..........................338 miză..........................344 miză..........................344 mjax..........................309 mjăsto........................313 mlad..........................323 mlătja........................323 mlin ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 319 mljăko........................307 mnogo.........................334 moga..........................321 moj...........................322 mokăr.........................322 mor...........................326 moră..........................324 more..........................325 most..........................326 most..........................321 motăja........................327 motika........................327 mozăk.........................328 mrak..........................325 mrăvka........................326 mraz..........................326 mrăzna........................343 mreza ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 308 muxă •••••••••••••••••••••••••••330 muzga.........................331 na •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 344 nă •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 360 nad...........................345 năgăl........... narod........... năvi............ năvod........... ne ••••••••••••••• nebe............ nedăg........... negoduvam•. nesit........... nevesta......... nevjăsta........ nevod........... neze............ ni ••••••••••••••• nicom........... nikna........... nist............ niva............ nogă............ nokăt........... nos............. nosja........... nost............ nov............. novăk •••••••••• noz............. nozdra.......... nrav............ nuzda........... o obăl............ obestăja........ oblak........... obor............ obst............ obuja........... odăr............ odva(j)......... ogăn............ okno •••••••••••• oko............. opak............ oră ••••••••••••••• orădie.......... orex............ orel •••••••••••••• orja............ os ••••••••••••••• 694 INDICES osă .................. ............ 377 piskăl........... ................400 prjăko.......... ................396 osen................ ..............29 piskam......... ................400 pro-.............. ............... 420 osmi ............... ............ 378 pisa.............. ............... 430 proseja......... ................ 421 osnova............ ............ 379 pitam........... ................425 prosja .......... ................ 421 ostăr............... ............ 379 pivo.............. ............... 402 prost............ ................422 oste................. .............146 pjăna ........... ................397 prostră......... ................ 421 osten............... ............380 pjăsăk.......... ............... 398 protiv........... ................422 ostrov............. ............ 379 plăca............ ............... 402 provră......... ................422 ot .................. ............ 382 plax.............. ............... 410 ptica............ ................425 otrok............... ............ 382 plăsa ............ ................ 411 pust.............. ............... 424 otvorja ........... ............ 383 plast............. ............... 403 rab............... ................ 373 ovcă................ .............384 platno.......... ................412 răb............... ................439 oven................ .............384 plăvam........ ............... 403 răbja............ ................439 oves................. .............384 plăvja........... ............... 403 răbota......... ................ 373 ovi .................. .............384 plaz.............. ................412 radjă............ ................432 pădam............ .............389 plesen........... ................404 rak............... ..................74 pădja.............. ............ 416 plesti............ ................404 răkă............. ............... 440 păxam............ ............426 plesti............ ................404 rakita.......... ................ 375 păkăl.............. ............426 pletă............. ................404 rălo.............. ................ 373 pălec............... ............390 pljăva........... ................395 rămo............ ................ 375 pălen .............. ............426 pljuja........... ............... 402 rastă ............ ................376 pălja............... ............390 pljuvam....... ............... 402 rat............... ................376 pălka.............. ............390 plosăk.......... ................406 rătaj ............ ................376 pămet............. .............391 po ............... ............... 407 raz-.............. ................377 păn................. .............427 pod............... .......408, 409 rebro............ ................433 păp................. ............ 417 pojă.............. ................409 rec ............... ................434 păra................ .............391 pojas............ ................409 red............... ................436 părdjă ............ .............430 pokoj............ ............... 410 reja.............. ................434 părvi .............. .............430 pole.............. ................ 411 rekă ............. ........433, 434 pasă................ ............ 392 polica........... ............... 410 rija............... ............... 442 păstăr............. .............430 polza............ ................412 rilo............... ................441 păt .................. ............ 417 pora............. .................413 rina.............. ................436 păzja............... ............ 392 porja............ ................414 rob ............... ................ 373 pcelă............... .............. 72 posetjă......... ................414 rod............... ................437 pega................. ............ 397 pot ............... .................415 rodjă............ ................437 peja ................ .............398 pozden......... ................416 rog ............... ................438 pekă................ ............ 393 prag.............. .................413 roj ............... ................438 pelenă ............ .............394 prax............. .................413 rosă.............. ................438 pepel............... ............ 395 prase............ ................414 rov ............... ................439 peră................. .............428 prăska.......... ................423 rud............... ............... 440 pero................. .............396 prăst............. ............... 429 runo............. ............... 440 pes................... .............398 prav.............. ................418 s(ăs) ............ ................478 pesă................. .............398 pred.............. ............... 396 să- ............... ................462 pest.................. ............ 393 predă ........... ................419 săd............... ................463 pet................... ........... 400 pri ............... ................419 sădijă........... ................463 petă................. .............399 pridăt........... ................419 sadjă............ ............... 442 peti.................. .............399 prijătel......... ............... 420 sădja............ ................463 pija.................. ............ 401 prjak............ ............... 396 săxna........... ................479 695 •505 • 502 •506 489 •492 •492 •492 •491 •493 494 • 503 • 503 •493 •504 494 496 •505 499 496 •497 •497 •497 499 499 498 498 499 500 500 • 501 • 501 •506 •506 •506 •507 •507 •508 •508 •508 ••531 •509 • 510 • 510 • 510 • 510 ••511 • 530 • 537 INDICES •• 481 ••478 ••485 ••485 ••443 ••445 ••444 ••443 ••448 ••446 ••450 ••444 ••446 ••446 ••445 ••449 ••450 •••451 •• 483 •• 483 ••484 •••451 •• 452 ••447 •• 452 ••459 ••459 • 460 ••479 •• 453 •• 461 •• 453 ••480 ••454 •• 455 •• 455 ••457 ••480 ••480 ••456 ••456 ••456 ••458 ••457 ••457 ••458 ••458 ••459 sol •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••461 som ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••461 sova...........................462 spja...........................481 spor...........................481 sredă..........................444 srjăda ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 444 stăblo.........................472 stădo..........................465 stan...........................465 stăna..........................465 star...........................465 stelja.........................473 stena..........................466 stigna.........................467 sto ...........................482 stojă..........................468 stol •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 468 ston...........................468 străk..........................469 strană.........................469 straz..........................469 striza.........................469 struja.........................470 stud...........................471 studen.........................471 sux............................473 surov..........................474 susă...........................474 svekăr.........................475 svekărva.......................475 svest..........................476 svet...........................476 svinjă.........................477 svjat..........................476 svrăka.........................477 sest...........................487 sesti..........................486 sibam..........................487 sja............................487 stit...........................486 sto •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 94 surej..........................488 tăgă...........................495 tajă ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 489 tăja ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 489 tămă ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 504 tămen..........................505 tănăk •••• tărgam • tărzam • tekă....... teme....... tepam ••• tesăn...... teslă...... testo...... tezăk...... ti •••••••• til •••••••• tjăga ••••• tleja •••••• tok •••••••• topjă...... trăn •••••• trăst...... travă...... tresă...... treti...... trevă...... tri •••••••• trja....... trud....... trup....... tucen •••• tur •••••••• tvar....... tvărd...... tvorjă:: u ......... u- ........ uca........ udărja •• uxo ••••••• ulej....... ulica ••••• um •••••••• unuk....... ustă....... ustie...... ustna •••• utre....... utro....... uzas....... v ......... vălk....... 696 vălnă..........................537 vălna..........................537 văn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 531 varjă..........................512 vărtjă.........................539 văzel..........................388 vcera..........................536 vdovica........................536 vecer..........................513 vedăr..........................513 vedro..........................518 veja...........................519 velik..........................514 velja •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••514 veslo..........................517 vestăja........................520 vetxi..........................517 vext...........................517 veza...........................521 vid............................521 vidja..........................521 vidra..........................534 vja............................522 vime...........................535 vir ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 522 visok..........................535 vixăr..........................522 vjăra..........................520 vjătăr.........................520 vlăga ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 524 vlak ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 526 vlakno.........................526 vlast..........................526 vlekă..........................514 vnuk...........................531 vodă •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••523 vodja..........................523 vojnă..........................524 vojnik.........................524 volja..........................525 vonjă..........................527 vosăk..........................529 vozja ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 530 vrag...........................527 vrăx...........................538 vran...........................529 vrăna •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 528 vrată..........................529 INDICES vreme............................516 vreteno..........................516 vrja.............................537 vtornik..........................533 za •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 540 zăb..............................549 zabrălo..........................540 zăl..............................551 zălva............................551 zărno............................553 zărno............................553 zăstra...........................511 zdrav............................478 zeja ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 544 zelen............................541 zemjă............................542 zenica...........................542 zet..............................544 zid •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 544 zidam............................552 zima.............................544 zina.............................545 zlăc.............................552 zlăto............................547 zmej.............................545 zmijă............................545 znăja............................546 znam •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 546 znăme............................546 znoj.............................546 zob •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••547 zobam............................547 zoră.............................548 zra..............................552 zrak.............................549 zvezdă...........................196 zvjar ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 549 zăba.............................553 zăden............................561 zăden............................561 zal..............................553 zălt.............................565 zăna.............................561 zar •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••554 zătva............................561 zeden............................561 zelăd............................556 zelăja...........................555 zeljăzo.................... ••••••555 zenă........................ .....558 zerav....................... .....558 zezăl....................... ••••• 559 zica......................... ••••• 561 zila.......................... ••••• 562 zito.......................... ••••• 563 ziv •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••564 zivot........................ ••••• 563 zleză ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 557 zrebie...................... ••••• 559 zrec......................... •••••567 zreja ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 552 zrelo........................ ••••• 559 zuna ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••564 1^6 Macedonian blen......................... ••••••• 35 blenuva.................. ••••••• 35 bol •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••54 brada...................... ••••••• 55 brana...................... •56, 57 brat......................... •••••• 60 bratija.................... •••••• 60 brazdă.................... •••••••59 brekna.................... •••••••62 breza •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••38 brna........................ •••••• 69 capa........................ .......73 ceka •••••••••••••••••••••••• .......79 dreben.................... ••••••116 dzăstra ................... ••••••511 emes ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••141 golem...................... ••••• 174 grne........................ •••• 200 jave......................... •••••••30 kara........................ ••••• 221 kon.......................... .....259 kot •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• 241 lae •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••268 lemes...................... ••••• 271 lezi.......................... .....272 lisa.......................... .....279 lisica....................... .....279 list •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• 96 mrăk....................... .....342 no •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• 360 velij......................... ••••••515 INDICES 697 2. Baltic artojas....... ................. 376 barnis................ ............57 asilas.......... ..................381 barnis................ ............57 2.1 Lithuanian ăs ............. .................... 31 bărti .................. ............58 abu.................... ..........361 asakă ......... ..................144 bărtis................. ............58 adata.................. ..........139 aserys......... ..................144 barzdă............... ............ 55 adva................... ......... 140 asis............. ................. 380 barzdotas.......... ............ 55 aguonă............... .........299 asmas......... ..................378 basas.................. ............59 ăigyti.................. ......... 210 asmenys..... ................. 220 băudyti.............. ............68 ăiskus................ ...........153 asrus.......... ..........144, 379 baukti................ ............67 ăiza.................... ...........155 astrus......... ..144, 220, 379 bausti................ ............68 akis..................... ......... 365 astuoni ...... ..................379 balnas................ ............54 akmuo................ ..........220 asutas........ ................. 380 be ..................... ......38, 49 akrutas............... .........300 at- ............. ..................382 bebras................ ............34 akstinas............. .........380 atlaikas...... ..................382 bebrus ............... ............34 akstis.................. .........380 atsaile........ .................450 bedă................... ............39 akecios............... ..........145 atsanke...... .................464 bedre ................. ............ 35 alavas................ ..........370 atverti........ ..................383 begioti............... ............ 41 aldijă................. .......... 367 atZulus....... .................. 551 begti................... ........... 40 aliksnis............... ..........370 atZulus....... .................. 551 beras.................. ............34 ălkanas.............. .........366 au- ............. ................. 506 ber(g)ZdZias..... ............36 ălksna ............... ..........370 aulys.......... ................. 508 ber(g)Zde.......... ............36 ălkti................... .......... 367 aumuo....... ................. 508 berti................... ............73 alkune................ ..........368 ăuscioti...... ................. 509 berZas................ ............38 ălne.................... ..........369 ausis........... ..................507 besti................... ............59 ălnis................... ..........369 ăusti........... ................. 509 biednas.............. ............39 alus.................... .. 140, 370 ausră.......... ..................510 bijoti(s)............. ............50 ălvas.................. ..........369 austră........ ..................510 birginti.............. ............36 amalas.............. ..........141 auti............ .......... 218, 363 birZe .................. ............59 anăs................... .......... 372 avinas........ ................. 384 bite..................... ............72 angis................... ..........388 avynas....... ..................507 blaivas............... ............43 anglis................. ......... 385 avis............. ................. 384 blaîvas............... ............43 anglis, ănglis..... ......... 385 aviZă.......... ..................385 blăiZyti.............. ........... 46 ănka.................. ..........386 aZ ............. ................. 540 blandă............... ............47 ankstas.............. ..........388 aZU............. ................. 540 blandas............. .....47, 339 ăntis.................. ......... 387 qZuolas...... ..................388 blandytis........... ............47 antras................ ..........532 alksnis....... ................. 370 blandus............. ............47 anyta.................. ...........531 b(a)ragas... ................... 56 blţsti.................. ........... 44 anukas............... ...........531 bă ............. ................... 49 bliăuti ............... ........... 46 Apse................... ......... 378 badyti........ ..............32, 49 blieZti ................ ........... 46 aptvaras............ ..........501 baidyti....... ............. 39, 40 blisketi............... ..... 44, 49 apuse, apuse...... ......... 378 baisus........ ...................40 blysketi.............. ..... 44, 49 apvalus.............. ......... 363 bală............ ....................53 blizgas............... ............48 apvară............... ......... 362 balas.......... ...................40 blizgeti .............. ..... 44, 49 ardyti................ ...374, 433 bălnas........ ....................52 blyZe.................. ............45 arelis................. .......... 377 bălnis......... ....................53 blusă.................. ............48 ărklas................. ......... 373 băltas......... ..............40, 53 bluzgana........... ............45 arotai................. .........300 balZiena..... ..............54, 55 boba .................. ............ 32 ărti.................... .......... 372 balZienas... ..............54, 55 bognă ................ ............ 33 698 INDICES bognas............ ••••••••••••••• 33 debesis ••••••••••••• ••••••••••• 348 dukte............ ••••••••••••••• 129 boti................. ...............34 dede ••••••••••••••••• ............102 dumti........... ................115 bradă............. .........64, 67 dedis •••••••••••••••• ............102 duonis.......... •••••••••••••••••95 brădas............ •••••••••••••••64 degti................. ••••••98, 554 duoti............. •••••••••••••••• 96 bra(i)dyti...... ••••••••••••••• 63 degutas............ .............98 dures............. ••••••••••••••• 128 brankyti......... ••••••••••••••• 62 del ••••••••••••••••••• ............103 durys............ ••••••••••••••• 128 brauktas •••••••• •••••••••••••••64 delioti •••••••••••••• ............102 durti............. ••••••••••••••••132 bredyti........... ••••••••••••••• 61 delna................ .............111 dusas............ ••••••••••••••• 129 breksti............ ••••••••••••••• 61 delnas.............. .............111 dusti ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• 129 brengzti.......... ••••••••••••••• 62 derti................. ••••••••••••• 99 dusuoti......... ................131 brinkti............ ••••••••••••••• 62 dervă ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 99 duseti............ ........124, 128 brinkti............ ••••••••••••••• 62 desimt.............. ••••••••••• 100 dvăras.......... ••••••••••••••• 128 bristi............... ••••••••• 61, 66 desimtis........... ••••••••••• 100 dveji.............. ................131 brolis.............. •••••••••••••••60 desinas............. ••••••••••• 100 dvesti............ ........124, 128 broterelis........ •••••••••••••••60 desimtas.......... ••••••••••• 100 dvigubas....... ••••••••••••••• 130 brukne........... •••••••••••••••64 deti................... ••••••••••••104 dumai........... ••••••••••••••••132 brukti............. ••••••••••••••• 65 devyni.............. •••••••••••• 101 edis............... ••••••••••••••• 150 bruve.............. •••••••••••••••66 devintas........... •••••••••••• 101 egle............... ••••••••••••••• 139 bruvis............. •••••••••••••••66 dienă................ ............134 egzlys............ ••••••••••••••• 156 bruzduklis..... •••••••••••••••66 dieveris............ ••••••••••••105 eiskus............ ••••••••••••••• 214 bruzdus.......... ...............70 dieveris............ ••••••••••••105 eîti................ ••••••••••••••• 216 budeti............. •••••••••••••••69 dykas ............... ••••••••••••107 ekecios.......... ••••••••••••••• 145 budrus............ •••••••••••••••69 dilbti................ ............134 eldijă •••••••••••• ...............367 buklas............ ...............70 dilti .................. ••••••••••••• 111 elenis............ ...............140 burnă............. •••••••••••••••69 dyreti............... ••••••••••••108 elksna........... ...............370 burzdus.......... .......70,287 dirginti............ ............136 elksnis........... •••••••••••••••370 butis............... ••••••••••••••• 72 dirgti................ ............136 elkune........... •••••••••••••••368 buvintis.......... ...............34 dirti.................. •••••••••••• 135 elne............... •••••••••••••••369 buvoti............. ••••••••••••••• 72 dirti.................. •••••••••••• 135 elnias............ •••••••••••••••369 bzdeti............. ••••••••••••••431 dirvă................ ............136 elnis.............. •••••••••••••••369 bukla.............. ...............70 dobilas............. ••••••••••••••25 emalas.......... ••••••••••••••••141 buti................. ••••••••••••••• 71 drăbanas......... •••••••••••••115 engti ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••157 dabă............... •••••109, 408 drabnă............. •••••••••••• 118 epuse, epuse • ...............378 dabar............. •••••109, 408 drabuzis.......... •••••••••••••115 eras............... ................151 dailyti •••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 102 drăges.............. •••••••••••• 121 erelis............. •••••••••••••••376 daliă............... •••••••••••••••111 drăkas.............. ••••••••••••120 erke............... ...............374 dalyti.............. ••••••••••••• 363 drănga............. •••••••••••• 121 ernis.............. ••••••••••••••• 143 dangă............. ••••••••••••••114 drangas............ •••••••••••• 121 ersketas........ ••••••••••••••• 145 dănga............. ••••••••••••••114 drăpanas......... •••••••••••••115 ersketis......... ••••••••••••••• 143 dangus........... ..............114 drqsus.............. •••••••••••• 137 ersketras....... ••••••••••••••• 145 dargă.............. ••••• 389, 463 draugas............ •••••••••••• 122 es •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••31 dărgana......... ••••• 389, 463 drebe(z)nos..... ••••• 116, 118 eserys............ 144, 145, 156 daubă............. ••••••••••••••125 drţsti................ •••••••••••• 137 esmi.............. ...............146 daug............... •••••• 127, 348 drobuzis.......... •••••••••••••115 esti................ ...............146 daugi.............. ••••••••••••••127 drugys.............. •••••••••••• 123 esti................ ••••••••••••••• 154 daugia............ ••••••••••••••127 du ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••130 ezegys........... ••••••••••••••• 156 dausios........... ••••••••••••••127 dugnas............. ••••••••••••130 ezeras ........... ••••••••••••••• 148 dausos............ ••••••••••••• 124 dujă ••••••••••••••••• ............127 ezgys............. ••••••••••••••• 156 INDICES 699 eZiă....................... 155 eZis ...................... 149 eZys....................... 149 eZys....................... 149 gabenti.....................159 gailus......................138 gajus.......................173 galsas......................176 galvă.......................176 galeti......................174 gamalas.....................177 gamulas.....................177 ganyti......................177 ganeti......................177 gardas.................178, 548 garsvă......................179 gareti..................... 179 gaugaras....................201 gausti......................183 gebeti......................159 geda....................... 160 geîsti......................565 gelă................ 554, 560 geleZis.................... 556 geleZuonys..................557 gelti ..................... 565 gelumbe.....................175 gelZis .................... 556 -genda......................560 geneti......................561 gerkle..................... 559 gerti...................... 559 gerve...................... 558 gesyti......................161 geltas..................... 565 giedoti.....................161 gijă........................562 gile....................... 556 gyle....................... 556 gilnă...................... 565 ginti.......................197 giriă.......................178 girna.......................566 girt........................566 gysla.......................562 gyvas.......................564 gyvată......................563 gyventi.....................562 glaîstas ................ 165 gleine....................164 gleives...................165 gleivos.................. 165 glinda....................169 glodus....................162 glusas....................167 gniusas...................171 goveti....................181 goZti.....................162 graudinti.................193 grăuZti...................194 graZnas...................192 graZoti...................191 graZus.............. 192, 245 grebti....................187 gridyti...................188 grimzd-..............189, 287 grimzti...................189 grindă....................188 grobti...............185, 187 gromulas..................186 groti.....................186 groZis....................245 grubus....................192 grudas................... 185 grumulas..................190 grumeti.................. 195 gruodas..............185, 193 grustis.................. 193 gubti.....................197 gugă......................201 gulbis.........197, 245, 261 gumulas.................. 190 gunga.....................201 gunZys....................200 gulbis...............197, 261 guodas....................172 gurdus....................198 gurklis...................198 gurklys...................198 guZe, guZe................200 guZis.....................200 guZys.....................200 i 530 ieskoti...................214 ievă......................216 ikras.....................210 ilgas......................133 imti...................... 158 ynis.......................213 inkstas....................215 inksteti............. 156, 158 inksti.................... 156 inte.......................159 irbe............213, 217, 435 irbenis....................435 irklas.....................374 irmede.................... 375 is ....................... 217 yskus..................... 214 iZ ....................... 217 iZulnus....................551 iZvilus....................551 iZvilnas...................551 jau .......................207 jăuja......................148 jaukinti...................506 jăunas.....................208 jăura......................214 jausti.....................381 jauti, jăuti ............. 208 javaî......................148 jente..................... 159 jeras......................151 jerube.....................142 jerumbe................... 142 jevaidas....................31 joti..................151, 154 jovytis.....................31 judus......................365 jungas.................... 209 junkti ................... 534 juosta ................... 409 jura..................213, 214 jus ...................... 533 justi .................... 381 juse.......................208 kaî.........................74 kăina.......................75 kăininti....................76 kăirinti.................. 235 kăisti .....................76 kaklas.....................229 kăkti.......................79 kăltas.....................231 700 INDICES kălti.................... .........230 klykti.................. ••••••••••225 laupyti...... ....................291 kămanos............ •••••••••204 klise.................... ••••••••• 224 lăvinti •••••• •••••••••••••••••••286 kampas.............. •••••••••244 kliuti.................. ••••••••• 226 lavus......... •••••••••••••••••••286 kandis................ • ••88, 244 kloti ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••223 lazdă........ ••••189, 274, 287 kăpas.................. ••••••••• 232 koks.................... ••••••••••219 ledas......... •••••••••••••••••••270 kapoti................. ••••••••••233 koseti ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 221 ledus......... •••••••••••••••••••270 kăras.................. ••••••••• 237 kosulys............... •••••••••• 221 leisti.......... •••••••••••••••••• 280 karbas................ ••••••••• 234 krantas.............. ..........252 lekti •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 271 karsti.................. ••••••••• 236 krăse.................. ••••••••• 249 lemezis..... ••••••••••••••••••• 271 kartas................. ••••••••• 236 kraujas.............. ••••••••••254 lemti......... •••••••••••••••••••284 kartus................. ••••••••• 236 kraupus............. ..........253 lenas......... ....................273 kărve.................. ••••••••• 236 krăuti................. ••••••••••254 lenge......... •••••••••••••••••••276 kăs •••••••••••••••••••••• 260, 264 kreslas................ ••••••••• 247 lengvas..... ....................297 kasă.................... .........238 krese................... ••••••••• 249 lenke......... •••••••••••••••••••276 kasyti ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••221 kresti.................. ••••••••• 249 lenkti........ •••••••••••••••••••277 kăsti ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••86 kryksti................ ••247, 248 liăudis...... ....................282 kqsti................... ••••••••• 243 krykti................. • •247, 248 liaupse...... ••••••••••••••••••• 281 katrăs................. •••••••••240 krokoti............... ••••••••••245 liăuti......... ••••••••••••••••••• 275 kaukas............... .........256 krumas.............. ••••••••••194 Uebas........ •••••••••••••••••••277 kăulas................ •••••••••266 kruvinas............ ..........253 liepa.......... ....................279 kaupas, kăupas • ••••••••• 256 krusă.................. ..........253 liesas......... •••••••••••••••••••277 kăuti................... .........242 kujis................... ••••••••••265 lieti........... •••••••••••••••••• 280 kelbas................. •••••••••260 kula.................... .........266 liezti ••••••••• ••••••••••• 159, 280 kelias.................. •••••••••••80 kulas.................. ••••••••• 266 liezuvis..... ••••••••••••••••••• 159 kelis.................... ••••••••• 228 kulksnis............. ••••••••••261 linaî.......... •••••••••••••••••••298 kemeras............. ••••••••••••81 kumele............... ..........232 linka......... •••••••••••••••••••276 kepti................... ••••••••• 393 kuolas................ •••••••••• 231 lipinti ••••••• ....................273 keraî................... ...........79 kupti.................. .........266 lipti........... ....................297 keras................... ••••83, 237 kupeti •••••••••••••••• .........266 lyse............ ....................272 kermuse............. ••••••••••• 82 kur..................... ••••••••••259 lţsti............ ••••••••••••••••••454l kerslas................ ...........85 kurpe ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••263 iudnas...... ...................290 keturi ••••••••••••••••• ...........87 kurti................... ••••••••••257 liugas........ ....................293 ketveri................ ...........87 kuslas................. ••••••••••263 liugnas ••••• ....................293 ketvertas............ ...........87 kvăpas............... ..........233 lizdas........ ••••••••••••••••••• 169 ketvirtas............. ...........87 kvipti................. ..........233 loksnus..... •••••••••••••••••••269 kilbas.................. •••••••••260 lăibas................. ••••••••••277 lomă......... •••••••••••••••••••268 kiltis................... •••••••••••80 lăipioti............... ••••••••••273 lopă........... •••••••••••••••••••269 kimstas •••••••••••••• ...........88 laîskas, lăiskas •• ••••••••• 279 lopa •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••269 kirmis................. ••••• 92, 93 laizyti................ ••••••••• 280 lopeta ••••••• ............269, 285 kirna •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• 261 lăkti ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• 284 loti............ •••••••••••••••••••268 kirpti.................. .....84, 92 lămezis.............. ..........271 lugas......... ....................293 kirsnas............... •••••••••••92 lankă ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• 289 lugne......... •••••••••••••••••••294 kirstas ................ ••••••••••• 93 lankas................ ••••••••• 289 lugne......... •••••••••••••••••••294 kirsti................... ...........85 lankyti............... ••••••••• 288 lugoti........ •••••••••••••••••••294 klăusti................ • 454, 455 lăpas.................. ••••••••••285 lukne •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••294 klausyti.............. • 454, 455 lasisă.................. ••••••••••285 lunkas •••••• ....................295 klenkti................ ••••••••• 225 laukan............... •••••••••• 531 luzgana •••, ....................293 kletis................... .........224 laukas................ •••••••••• 531 mageti...... ••••••••••••••••••••321 INDICES 701 maguone....... ..............299 minkstas........... ........... 315 maînas.......... ............... 311 minti................. ...........316 mainyti......... ............... 311 mintis ............... ...........391 maîsas........... .............. 310 mirgeti.............. ...........335 maisyti.......... ...............313 mirkseti............ ...........341 makone......... .............. 322 mirti................. .......... 308 maksnă......... .............. 327 mirtis................ ..........480 maldă............ ..............320 myZti ................ ...319, 339 maldyti......... ..............320 mokas............... ...........319 mălti ............. ..............307 moke................. ...........319 măn............... ..............340 monyti.............. ...........301 mandras....... .............. 329 mosuoti ............ ..........298 mandrus....... .............. 329 mote.................. ...........303 manţs........... ..............308 moteris............. ...........303 mănkyti........ .............. 329 moti.................. .......... 299 maras............ .............. 326 motina.............. ...........303 marios........... ...............325 mukti................ .....331, 333 mărska.......... ..............308 murm(l)enti.... ...........335 matrus.......... .............. 327 murmeti........... ...........335 matyti........... .............. 327 musaî................ ...........333 măudyti........ .............. 338 muse................. ... 330, 332 mauraî.......... ...............331 musiă................ ... 330, 332 medus........... ..............307 musos............... ...........333 medZias......... .............. 305 nagă.................. ...........354 melsti............ ..............320 nagas................ ...........354 melZti............ ..............307 nagutis.............. ........... 355 mensă ........... ...............315 naktis................ ........... 355 menuo........... ...............312 namas............... ............113 merkti........... ...............325 nară.................. ...........356 merkti........... .......325, 342 naras................. ...........356 mes................ .............. 336 narstas.............. ...........356 mesă.............. ...............315 nasraî............... ...........358 mesti ............. ..............309 nastraî.............. ...........358 mţsti............. ...............315 nasinti.............. ...........356 meslas........... .............. 302 naudoti............. ...........358 metai............. ..............309 naujas............... ...........357 meZti............. ......302, 304 ne .................... ...........347 miegas........... .......316,339 negu.................. ...........352 miegoti.......... ...............316 neî .................... ...........352 mielas............ ...............317 nepte................. ...........350 mieras........... ...............318 neptis................ ........... 351 miesti............ ...............313 nepuotis............ ....350, 351 miglă............. .............. 339 nerstas.............. .......... 349 migti.............. .............. 339 nerti.................. .......... 349 mylas............. ...............317 nesti.................. ...........350 milZti............ ..............307 nytis.................. ...........354 mineti ........... ..............340 nytys................. ...........354 minkyti......... ...............314 noglas............... ...........345 noras.....................356 noreti................... 356 nosis.....................357 notre.....................346 nove......................347 novis.....................347 novyti, novyti............347 nubliekti..................48 nunaî.....................360 nuo ..................... 345 nuogas....................345 nun.......................360 o .........................25 obelis.....................25 obele......................25 obulas.................... 25 obuolas................... 25 obuolys....................25 ovaidas....................31 ovyje......................30 ovytis.....................31 oZenă..................... 32 oZinis.....................32 pa-.......................407 padas.....................409 pălsas....................394 palvas................... 412 pampti....................417 păntis....................417 panusti.................. 360 papărtis..................396 parselis..................414 parsiukas.................414 pas .................392, 415 pasigesti.................560 pa-udre...................535 pavalgă...................525 paZvilti..................551 pecialănda................454 pecialinda................454 pecius....................454 pelenaî..............395, 411 pelesis.................. 404 pelnas....................394 pelus.....................395 penki ................... 400 penktas...................400 pentis....................399 702 INDICES per ................. ...............395 răkas................. ..........438 seti................... ........... 448 per-................ ...............395 rakrutas............ ..........300 siela................. ............451 pergas............ ...............413 rankă................ ..........440 sietas, sietas.... ............451 perti............... ...............396 rarotai.............. ..........300 sieti.................. ........... 448 pescias........... ...............398 rasă................... .......... 438 sijoti ................ ........... 448 piestă............. .............. 397 rasme................ ...........437 sinteti.............. ............450 piestas........... .............. 397 raudas.............. ..........440 siuti ................. ............487 piesti.............. ...............430 raudoti............. ...........441 siuvikas........... ............488 pietus ............ .............. 401 răugeti.............. ...........441 siuvikis............ ............488 pikis............... ..............426 raupaî............... ..........470 skaistus........... ..............76 pilnas............ ..............426 răuti.................. .......... 442 skaityti............ ............. 90 pinti .............. ...............399 răvas................. .......... 439 skardyti........... ............452 pypl?s............ ............. 400 raveti ................ ...........441 (s)kerdzius..... ..............82 pypti.............. ............. 400 riăugeti............. .......... 442 skerys............... ..............30 pirksnys........ ...............429 riesutas............. ...........374 (s)kersaî.......... ..............85 pirmas........... ...............430 riesutys............. ...........374 (s)kersas......... ..............85 pirstas........... ...............429 rietas................. .......... 436 skiesti.............. ..............74 pirsys............. ...............429 rindă................. .......... 436 skietas............. ........... 486 pirtis.............. ...............430 rinkti................ ..........440 skystas............. ............. 90 pisti ............... ..............426 rojoti................. ...........432 sklandă ........... ............202 pysketi........... ............. 400 rokis.................. ...........374 sklembti .......... ............202 plăkanas....... ............. 406 rokis.................. ...........374 sklţsti.............. ............202 platus............ ..............403 rumbas............. .......... 439 skobas.............. ............ 201 plauciai......... ............. 406 rumbuoti.......... .......... 439 skobti............... ............ 201 plauksta........ ...............405 rumbas............. .......... 439 skobti............... ............ 201 plăusti........... ..............403 saîtas ................ ...........451 skrepliuoti....... ........... 249 plautas.......... ............. 406 sakaî................. ..........459 skrieti.............. ....247, 248 plăuti ............ ......403, 406 sakyti................ ..........458 skrieti.............. ............248 pleike............. ...............405 sală................... ..........444 skubus............. ............207 plene.............. .......394, 404 saldus............... .......... 459 skujă................ ........... 206 plenis............. ........395, 411 salpă ................. ..........460 skverbti........... ............478 pleve.............. ..... 404, 405 salpas................ ..........460 slăbnas............ ............452 plikas............. ...............405 sam-.................. .......... 462 slankă.............. ............454 pluti............... ..............407 săpnas............... ...........481 slănka.............. ............454 pra-............... ..............420 sărgas................ ..........469 slinkti.............. ............454 prăkartas...... .............. 237 sartas................ ...........485 slobnas............ ............452 prasyti........... .............. 421 săule................. .......... 479 slyvă................ ............454 prausti .......... .............. 423 sausas............... .......... 473 slyvas............... ............454 prie................ .............. 419 sausinti............. .......... 474 smardas.......... ............456 prie-............... .............. 419 sedeti ................ .......... 445 smegenys......... ............328 priedas.......... .............. 419 segti................... ..........449 smiltis.............. .............311 pro-............... ..............420 semenys............ ..........446 smirdeti........... ............457 pro................. ..............420 septintas........... .......... 443 smelis .............. ............ 310 puraî............. .............. 425 septyni.............. .......... 443 snăusti............. ............339 puras............. .............. 425 sekti .................. ..........450 sniegas............. ............457 pusle.............. .............. 423 sergeti............... .......... 467 sodas................ ............443 răgas ............. ...............438 sesti................... .......... 447 sodinti............. ........... 442 răibas............ .............. 435 sesuo................. .......... 445 sotus................ ........... 484 INDICES 703 spăine............ •••••••••••••• 397 sirdis.............. ••••••••••••••485 tverti............. ••••••••••••••• 501 sparnas......... ...............396 sirse................ ••••••••••••••485 tvirtas........... ••••••••••••••• 501 spţsti............. ...............398 sirsuo ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••485 tvoră............. •••••••••••••• 500 spjăuti........... ...............402 sis ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 484 udra.............. ••••••••••••••• 534 sprţsti............ •••••••••••••• 419 syvas.............. ..............452 ugnis............. •••••••••••••••364 spekas............ ••••••••••••••464 slăve............... .............454 ungurys........ •••••••••••••••386 speti............... ••••••••••••••464 slove, slove..... ..............453 unukas......... ••••••••••••••••531 sraujă............ ••••••••••••••470 sonas.............. ••••••••••••• 443 uoga.............. •••••••••••••••••27 stăgaras........ ••••••••••••••468 sulas............... ••••••••••••• 488 uolektis......... •••••••••••••••368 stălas............. ••••••••••••••468 suline............. ••••••••••••• 488 Uosis............. •••••••••••••••••29 steîgti ............ ••••••••••••••467 sulinis............ ••••••••••••• 488 uostai........... •••••••••••••••386 steneti ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••466 sventas........... ••••••••••••• 476 Uostas........... •••••••••••••••509 stibyna.......... ...............472 sviesti............. ••••••••••••• 476 uosti ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••26 stiebas........... ...............472 sviteti............. ••••••••••••• 478 utele.............. ••••••••••••••• 532 stirna •••••••••••• ...............485 tăkas.............. .............495 utis................ ••••••••••••••• 532 stonas............ ...............465 tăldyti............ .............495 uz •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• 533 storas............. ...............465 talkă.............. •••• 490, 496 vădas............ ••••••••••••••••351 stoti............... ••••••••••••••466 tamsus........... ••••••••••••••505 vadinti......... ••••••••••••••••512 stoveti ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••466 tăs ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••502 vadyti........... ...............523 străzdas........ •••••••••••••• 120 tasyti.............. ••••••••••••••491 vaîkas........... •••••••••••••••• 80 strujus........... ••••••••••••••470 taukaî............ ••••••••••••• 500 văkaras........ ••••••••••••••••513 stumbras....... ...............549 taukinas........ ••••••••••••• 500 valdyti.......... •••••••••••••••524 sudrus........... ...............479 tauras............ ••••••••••••• 500 valgă............. ••••••••••••••• 525 sunus............. •••••••••••••• 483 teketi.............. .............489 vălgyti.......... ••••••••••••••• 527 supoti............ •••••••••••••• 483 telkti.............. •••••••••••••490 valkă............. ••••••••525, 526 supti.............. ...............475 tepti............... ••••••••••••• 492 vanduo......... ••••••••••••••• 523 suras.............. ••••••••••••••484 tţvas............... ••••••••••••••505 vaps(v)ă....... ...............377 suresti ••••••••••• •••••• 362, 482 tiles................ ••••••••••••• 504 vargas........... ••••••••••••••• 527 suris.............. •••••••••••••• 483 tyleti............... ••••••••••••• 504 vărna............ ••••••••••••••• 528 svecias........... •••••••••••••• 414 tiltas............... ••••••••••••• 504 varnas.......... ••••••••••••••• 528 saivă.............. ••••••••••••••••76 tilti................. .............495 varstas.......... ••••••••••••••• 538 sakă............... .......405, 458 tingti.............. ••••••••••••• 493 vartai ••••••••••• ...............529 săke............... ...............458 tingus............. .............494 vartyti.......... ...............529 săkes.............. ...............458 tingeti............ ••••••••••••• 493 varus............ ••••••••••••••••513 salnă ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 460 tinklas............ •••••••••••••490 vărzas........... ••••••••••••••• 539 sămas............ •••••••••••••• 461 tinti................ .............494 văsara •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••517 sărka............. ...............477 tirti................. ••••••••••••••491 văskas........... ...............529 săuti.............. ...............462 trănas............ .............498 vazioti.......... ...............530 seivă.............. .................76 trandis........... .............498 vedaras......... ••••••••••••••• 518 serdis............. ...............444 trecias............ ••••••••••••• 497 veidas........... ••••••••••••••••521 serksnas........ ...............445 trys................. .............499 veizdeti......... ••••••••••••••••521 sernas............ ...............485 triusis •••••••••••• .............499 vejas............. •••••••••••••••520 sesi................. ...............487 triusas............ .............498 veldeti........... •••••••••••••••524 sestas............. ••••••••••••••486 tu ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••503 velti............... ••••••••••••••• 514 sesuras.......... ...............475 tukstantis...... ••••••••••••••503 verti.............. ••••••••••••••• 541 siăure............ ...............449 tulas............... ••••••••••••••503 verzti............ ••••••••••••••• 383 sienas............ ••••••••••••••446 tulzis.............. ••••••••••••••552 vesti.............. ••••••••••••••••517 simtas............ •••••••••••••• 482 tuscias............ ••••••••••••••502 vetra ............. •••••••••••••••520 704 vetusas....................517 vezti......................518 vienas.....................213 viesula....................522 viesulas...................522 viespats...................539 vilgsnas.................. 536 vilkas.....................537 vilkti.....................514 vilna......................537 vilniă.....................537 vilnis.....................537 vyris......................522 vyrius.................... 522 virsti.................... 539 virsus, virsus.............538 virti .................... 538 virzis.....................516 visas......................540 vyti.................415, 522 vytis......................523 vokas......................519 volunge....................217 vos........................140 zălias.....................541 zară.......................548 zărdas.....................548 zarijă ................... 548 zqsis......................184 zambas.....................549 zebti .................... 547 zelvas, zelvas.............541 zembeti....................543 zembti.................... 543 zeme...................... 542 zentas.....................544 zereti.....................552 ziăuna.................... 564 ziaurus................... 564 ziemă......................545 ziesti.....................552 zinoti.....................546 zioti......................544 ziovauti.................. 543 zirnis.....................553 zmogus.................... 330 zmuo.......................330 zole.......................496 INDICES zvai(g)zde...... .............196 austra, ăustra...... ....... 510 zvengti............ .............550 ausât.................... .......509 zveris .............. .....550, 564 ăut ........................ 218, 363 ăuzas.................... ....... 385 2.2. Old Lithuanian âvîties................... ..........31 esketras........... .............146 avs........................ .......384 jovnai ............. .............. 30 az (ăz, âz)............ .......540 ovyje............... .............. 30 băba ..................... ......... 32 sunus.............. .............483 badît..................... .........59 baîdît.................... ........ 40 2.3 Latvian baîss..................... ........ 40 acs.................. .............365 băls, băls.............. ........ 40 âbele............... ...............25 balts...................... ...40, 53 âbels................ ...............25 bălziens................ ... 54, 55 âbuls............... ...............25 bărda.................... ......... 55 âbuolis............ ...............25 barîba................... .........57 âbuols............. ........25, 141 bărti ..................... .........58 ăiz .................. ............ 540 bărzda.................. ......... 55 ............. 155 bass....................... .........59 akmens........... ............ 220 baudît................... .........68 alkans............. ............366 băudît................... .........68 alnis................ ............ 369 bauruot................ .........68 ălksna............. ..... 370, 371 bebrs..................... .........34 ălksnis............ ............ 370 beda...................... .........39 alkt.................. .............367 bedre .................... ......... 35 alus................. ............ 140 bert....................... .........73 alva................. ............ 369 berzs..................... .........38 alvas ............... ............ 369 bez........................ .........38 ămals.............. ............. 141 bijât(ies).............. .........50 amuls.............. ............. 141 birze, birze, birze .........59 ămuls.............. ............. 141 bite........................ .........72 amuols............ ............. 141 bîties..................... .........50 apals............... .............363 blaiskums............ .........43 apse................. .............378 blaizgums............ .........43 arăjs................ ............ 376 blaîzît................... ........ 46 ărdît................ ..... 374, 433 blăndîties............. .........47 arejs................ ............ 376 blăugznas............. .........45 arkls, ărkls..... .............373 blenst, blenst........ ........ 44 art .................. ..............372 blet........................ .........43 asaris.............. .............144 bliezt..................... .. 44, 46 aseris .............. .............144 blîznis2................. .........45 ass .................. .....379, 380 bluodîties2............ .........47 at- .................. .............382 bluods................... .........47 atvert.............. .............383 blusa..................... .........48 au- .................. ............ 506 blaut..................... ........ 46 aulis................ ............ 508 brads.................... .........64 ăuns................ ............ 384 brălis.................... ........ 60 ăuss................. .............507 brătarîtis.............. ........ 60 INDICES 705 brist................. ........61, 66 draks.................. ..........120 erglis................. ...........376 bruklene.......... ..............64 drapsnas............ .......... 118 erksis................ ........... 143 but................... .............. 71 drăugs................ .......... 122 is ........... 143 r( e bzdet............... .............431 drudzi................ .......... 123 es .................... ..............31 celis................. ............228 drudzis.............. .......... 123 es .................... ..............31 cemerins......... ...............81 druoss, druoss... .......... 137 est .................... ........... 154 cers.................. ............ 237 s .......... 133 ezars................. ........... 148 n e b u d ceturtaîs.......... ..............87 dubra................. .......... 132 ezers ................. ........... 148 cienît............... ..............76 dumi.................. .......... 132 ezis.................... ...........149 ciens................ .............. 75 duobjs................ ..........130 eza .................... ............. 55 cilts.................. ..............80 duot................... ........... 96 gadît................. ...........160 cirmis.............. ..............93 duris.................. ...........128 gadîties............. ........... 172 cirst ................. ..............85 durvis................ ...........128 găidît................ ........... 565 daba................ ....109, 408 dust.................... ..........129 găle................... ............175 dabls, dabls.... .............110 dvest................... .. 124, 128 galva................. ........... 176 dâbuls............. .............. 25 dzelezs............... ..........556 gărsa................. ........... 179 dâbuols........... .............. 25 .ts ..........565 gavet................. ............181 el dze dala................. ..............111 ..lva ..........557 gâzt................... ........... 162 el dze dalît................. ............ 363 dzelzs................. ..........556 glenst2............... ...........164 danga.............. .............114 dzert................... ..........559 glîve.................. ........... 165 dargs............... ............. 113 dzerve................ ..........558 gluoss................ ........... 162 darva............... ..............99 dzî(k)sla............ ..........562 gnîda................ ........... 169 daudz(i)......... .............127 dzenet................ ..........561 grâbt................. ............185 dăvât............... ..............97 dziedât............... .......... 161 grauds.............. ........... 193 debess.............. ............348 dzija................... ..........562 grauzt............... ...........194 ..ds ............ 102 dzilna ................ ...........565 grebt................. ...........187 e de degt ................. ............ 554 dzîle................... ..........556 grţzns............... ...........192 deguts.............. ..............98 dzirnas.............. ......... 566 grţzuot............. ............191 delna............... ..............111 dzirnavas.......... ......... 566 grida................. ........... 188 dels.................. ............ 105 dzirnus.............. ......... 566 grimt................ ........... 189 del................... .............103 dzirt................... ......... 566 grîva................. ........... 189 denkts............. ............ 106 dzit..................... ..........197 grumbulaîns.... ...........192 depsis.............. ..............98 dzîvs................... ......... 564 gubezis............. ........... 197 desmit............. ............100 dzîvuot.............. ..........562 gubt.................. ........... 197 det................... ......104, 111 ece(k)sas............ ...........145 gulbis................ .... 197, 261 devini.............. .............101 egle..................... ...........139 gumt................. ........... 561 devît(ai)s........ .............101 elks..................... ......... 368 guods................ ........... 172 .s .............133 elksna ................ .. 370, 371 guosts............... ............183 n e ib di dieks2............... ............ 107 elksnis................ ......... 370 guovs................ ............181 diena............... .............134 e2 ......... 368 gurds................ ........... 198 n u lk el dieveris........... ............ 105 e. ......... 368 gurste................ ...........199 n o u lk el diks2, dîks2 ..... ............ 107 is ......... 368 guza.................. .......... 200 ni o u lk el dirât................ .............135 s ......... 368 ierube............... ........... 142 n o u lk el dirva2.............. .............136 emuols............... .......... 141 ieskât................ ........... 214 drabenes......... .............118 epse.................... ..........378 iet .................... ........... 216 dracît............... .............119 epss.................... ..........378 ietala ................ ........... 159 dradzi............. ............. 121 erce..................... ...........374 ietere................. ........... 159 drakâties......... .............119 ercis.................... ...........375 ieva................... ........... 216 706 îgt..........................157 ikra.........................210 ikri.........................210 ikrs.........................210 îkstis.......................215 îls .........................211 irbe....................213, 435 irbţnăjs.....................435 irube........................217 istaba.......................215 îstri........................215 îsts.........................215 iz ..........................217 iîgs.........................133 jât.....................151, 154 jău..........................207 jaucet.......................506 jauja........................148 jauns........................208 jăust........................381 jăvîties, jâvîties............31 jemt.........................158 jere.........................151 jers.........................151 jugs.........................209 jukt.........................534 jura....................213, 214 jus..........................533 just.........................381 kâ(i).........................74 kaîrinât.....................235 kakls........................229 kaluot.......................229 kăpa.........................256 kapât........................233 kaps.........................232 karinât......................235 kărst........................236 kăset........................221 kasît........................221 kast..........................86 kăsulis......................221 kauret.......................258 kaut.........................242 kalt.........................230 kalts........................231 klât.........................223 klencet......................225 INDICES klets................. ............ 224 lemt.................. ..........284 klîkât.............. .............225 lţns, lens, lţns... ...........273 krăkât............. .............245 lepa................... ..........269 krams.............. ............ 246 lezet.................. ...........276 krât................. .............245 liegs................... ...........297 kraut............... .............254 liekt.................. ...........277 krava............... ............ 250 liepa.................. ...........279 krems.............. ............ 246 liess................... ...........277 krepât............. ............ 249 liet .................... ......... 280 kreslis.............. ............ 249 ligzds................. .......... 169 kresls............... .....247, 250 liks.................... ...........277 krijât............... ............ 248 lini..................... ..........298 krums............. .............194 luga................... ..........293 krusa............... .............253 lugt.................... ..........294 krumpet.......... ............. 251 luks................... ..........295 kraupa............ .............252 luocît................. ..........288 kulksnis.......... .............261 luoks.................. ...........289 kuost............... ............ 243 lăudis ............... ...........282 kupet............... ............266 laut................... .......... 275 kupet............... .....233, 266 luga................... ..........293 kupt................ ............266 maguone........... ..........299 kupt................ .....233, 266 maîna............... ............311 kupuot............ ............266 maînît.............. ............311 kurns.............. .............263 măisît................ ...........313 kurpe.............. .............263 măiss................. .......... 310 kurt................. .............257 malt.................. ..........307 kusât............... ............ 267 mănît ............... .......... 301 kusls................ .............263 marga................ ..........308 kvept............... .............233 măt................... ..........299 kvitet............... .............259 măte.................. ...........303 la(g)zda......... ............ 287 maudât............. ...........338 laîzît, lăizît..... ............ 280 maurs................ ...........331 lakt.................. ............ 284 maut................. .... 337, 338 lăma............... ............ 268 medus............... ...........307 lanka.............. ............ 289 megt................... ...........321 ............ 269 meness.............. ...........312 lapsa ............... ............ 279 merga............... ..........308 lâpsta.............. .............285 merkt................. .......... 325 lasis................. .............285 mes.................... ...........336 lăt .................. ............ 268 mşsls.................. ...........302 lăupît.............. .............291 mest................... ..........309 lăuskas2.......... ............ 292 mezt.................. ...302, 304 lăuskăt2.......... ............ 292 mezs.................. ..........305 lavît................. ............ 286 miegs................ ....316, 339 .............274 miers................. .......... 318 s ............ 270 miesa................. ............315 u d le lekt.................. .............271 migla................ ...........339 lemesis............ .............271 mîksts............... ............315 INDICES 707 milna ........ ...................333 pirts ............... ............. 430 saîva.............. ................76 mîls........... ...................317 pît ................. ............. 399 saîve .............. ................76 minet......... ..................340 plăusi............. .............406 salds............... ..............459 mirdzet..... ...................335 plăuts2........... .............406 salna.............. ............. 460 mirt........... ..................308 plene.............. .......395, 411 salms............. ..............459 mîcît.......... ...................314 pliks............... ............. 405 sals................. .............. 461 mît............. ...................316 pluts............... ............. 407 sams.............. ..............461 mizt........... ...........319,339 pret................ ..............418 săns................ ..............443 mudet........ ...................332 pretî............... ..............418 sapnis............ .............. 481 mukt ......... ............331, 333 prieds............. ..............419 sargs.............. ............. 469 muodrs..... .................. 329 puoga............. ..............416 sărts............... ..............485 muozet...... ..................304 puri................ ..............425 saule.............. ..............479 muozs........ .................. 329 purns............. ............... 69 săuss.............. ..............473 musa......... ....330, 331, 332 purs................ ..............425 saut................ ..............462 musa......... ...........330,332 puri................ ..............425 seija............... ..............447 nakts......... ...................355 putns.............. ............. 424 seja................ ..............447 narsts2....... .................. 356 radît............... ..............437 septini ........... ..............443 năss........... ...................357 rads................ ..............437 septîts............ ..............443 nâtre ......... ..................346 rags................ ............. 438 sţrsna............ ..............445 nâve .......... .................. 347 răibs............... ..............435 sestais............ ............. 486 nâvît.......... .................. 347 raîdît.............. ............. 434 set ................. ............. 448 nâvîties..... .................. 347 raks................ ............. 438 siens............... ............. 446 ne ............. .................. 347 rasa................ ............. 438 siet ................. ............. 448 nersts2....... ..................349 rasma............. ..............437 siets................ ..............451 nîtis........... .................. 354 răt................. ..............432 sijât................ ............. 448 nuo............ .................. 345 raudât............ ..............441 simt............... ..............482 nuogs......... .................. 345 rauds.............. .............440 simts.............. ..............482 pads........... ................. 409 raugâties....... ..............441 sirds............... ..............485 paduse....... .................. 392 rauklis........... ..............441 sirsnis............ ..............485 palss.......... ..................394 raupa............. .............470 sirsuonis........ ..............485 parsla........ ...................413 raut................ ............. 442 skâbs.............. .............. 201 paseijă....... ..................447 ravet............... ..............441 skâbt.............. .............. 201 pavalgs...... ...................525 raza................ ..............437 skaîsts............ ................76 pavalga..... ...................525 reds................ ............. 434 skardît........... ..............452 pelus.......... .................. 395 rens................ ............. 434 sklanda ......... ..............202 pelna......... ..................394 rîdă................ ............. 436 skriet............. ..............247 pieci........... ................. 400 rîdams........... ............. 436 skubrs............ ..............207 piesta......... .................. 397 rieksts............ ..............374 skuja.............. ............. 206 piests......... .................. 397 rieta ............... ............. 436 slăbs............... ..............452 piets........... ..................399 rinda.............. ............. 436 slava .............. ...... 453, 454 pikis........... ..................426 rubenis.......... ..............435 slave............... ...... 453, 454 pîkstet....... ................. 400 ruobs.............. ............. 439 slienas........... .............. 453 pîkt............ ...................233 ruodere.......... .............300 slikt................ ..............454 pikts.......... ...................233 ruoka............. .............440 sluoka............ ..............454 pilns.......... ..................426 sacît............... .............458 smaîdinât..... ..............456 pir(k)sts.... ..................429 săds................ ............. 443 smaîdît.......... ..............456 pirkstis...... ..................429 saiklis............. .............450 smards........... ..............456 pirmaîs..... ..................430 saîte............... ..............451 smelis............ .............. 310 708 INDICES smîdînât, smîdînât.. ..456 tiît2................... ........... 504 varza....................... .... 539 smiet......................... ..456 tilts................... ........... 504 vasara .................... .....517 smiltis....................... ...311 tima................. ........... 504 vasks........................ .....529 smilts......................... ...311 timss2............... ............505 vedars...................... .... 518 smirdet...................... ..457 trans................ ...........498 vedinât.................... .....512 snaujis...................... .. 457 tress.................. ........... 497 veîds ........................ .....521 sniegs ........................ ..457 trudi................. ...........498 vepris....................... ......515 spărns....................... ..396 trusis................ ...........499 vert.......................... .... 541 spţks.......................... ..464 tu ................... ............503 vetra ........................ ....520 spet............................ ..464 tukstuotis........ .......... 503 viens........................ .....213 splaut........................ ..402 tukstuotis........ ............503 viesulis.................... .... 522 spriest........................ .. 419 tukss................. ............502 viesuls...................... .... 522 stât............................ ..466 tumss............... ............505 vilgans.................... .....536 stăvet......................... ..466 tvert................. ............501 vilks........................ .... 537 steigt(ies).................. ..467 tvirts ................ ............501 vilkt......................... .... 514 stiba.......................... ..472 udens............... ............523 virksne.................... .... 516 stiga........................... ..472 uguns............... ........... 364 virsis........................ .... 516 stirna......................... ..485 ukeris............... ...........300 virsus....................... .... 538 strauja...................... ..470 uodere.............. ...........300 virt........................... .... 538 strazds....................... .. 120 uodze............... ............388 virzis....................... .... 516 stumbr(i)s................ ..549 uoga................. ..............27 viss........................... ....540 subrs.......................... ..549 uogle................ ............385 vît .......................... .... 522 sukt........................... .. 482 uolekts............. ........... 368 vilna........................ .... 537 sumbrs...................... ..549 uosis................. ............. 29 vilna........................ .... 537 surs............................ ..484 uost.................. ............. 26 zărds........................ .....548 svfts........................... ..476 uosta................ ........... 509 zelts......................... .....547 svtns.......................... ..477 uozuols............ ............388 zeme........................ .....542 saut........................... ..462 upet.................. ............532 ziema ...................... .... 545 sis ............................. ..484 upis.................. ............ 535 ziest......................... .... 552 skerbs........................ ..204 upuot............... ............532 zile........................... .... 556 skerss......................... .... 85 uts ................... ............532 zîle........................... .... 556 skiest ......................... .... 74 uz ................... ............533 zinât....................... ....546 iet ..486 vadinât............ ............ 512 zirnis....................... .... 553 ski skirgaila.................... ....30 vadît................ ............523 znuots...................... .....544 skirgaîlis................... ....30 vads................. ............ 351 zuobs....................... .....549 skist........................... ....89 valgît................ ............527 zuoss........................ .... 184 skîsts.......................... ....90 vakars.............. ............513 zulkts....................... .... 552 sut ............................. ..487 vâks.................. ............519 zvaidrît................... .....196 taks............................ ..495 valdît............... ............524 zvaigala.................. .....196 talka.......................... ..496 valka2.............. ....525, 526 zvaigzne................. .....196 tas ............................. .. 502 valsts................ ....524, 526 zvers........................ ....550 tauki.......................... ..500 văluodze.......... ............217 zviedrît.................... .....196 taurs.......................... ..500 vapsene............ ............377 zaunas..................... ....564 tecet........................... ..489 vărgs, vărgs2.... ............527 zavât2...................... .... 543 teka ........................... . 490 varît................. ............ 512 zul(k)ts................... .... 552 teks............................ . 490 vărna............... ............528 tievs........................... .. 505 vărti................. ............529 2.4 Old Prussian tikls ........................... . 490 vărtît................ ............529 abse ........................ .....378 INDICES 709 ackis............... ............. 365 dalptan........... ...... 112, 231 girtwei.............. ...........566 addle.............. ..............139 dantimax....... .....107, 327 giwato .............. ........... 563 ayculo ............ ............. 210 dăt.................. .............. 96 giwlt................. ........... 562 ainan ............. ..............213 dauris............. ............128 golimban.......... ............175 ainawarst...... ............. 538 debica............. ..............98 grabis............... ........... 198 aketes............. .............145 deblkan .......... .............98 gulbis............... .... 197, 261 alklns............. .............366 deinan ............ ............134 guntwei........... ........... 197 alkunis........... ............368 dellieis............ .............363 iaukint............ ...........506 alne ................ ............369 dessempts....... ............ 100 ldis.................... ........... 150 alu.................. .... 140, 370 dessimpts........ ............ 100 yccroy............... ........... 210 alwis............... ............369 dessimton....... ............ 100 lmt.................... ........... 158 angurgis......... .............386 desslmts.......... ............ 100 instran............ ........... 158 ansonis........... ............388 dllants............ ............102 insuwis............ ........... 159 antis............... ............. 387 dirsos.............. ............. 137 inxcze.............. ............215 arelie.............. ............. 377 dyrsos............. ............. 137 ious.................. ........... 533 artoys............. ............. 376 dragios............ ............. 121 irmo.................. ........... 375 as .................. ................31 duckti ............. .............129 is .................... ........... 217 asilis............... ..............381 dumis.............. ............. 132 isquendau....... ...........242 asmai............. ............. 146 durai............... ............126 lst .................... ........... 154 assa ................ ..............217 dwigubbus...... .............130 lstwei................ ........... 154 assae............... ..............217 eyswo.............. ............. 155 iurin ................. ............213 assanis........... ............. 144 emelno............ ............. 141 jauge................ ........... 148 assaran.......... ............. 148 emmens.......... ............212 juse.................. .......... 208 assegis............ .............156 emnen............. ............212 kai .................... .............74 assis................ .............380 enkopts........... ............233 kayle................ .............75 ast.................. ............. 146 eristian........... ..............151 kailustiskan..... .............75 asy .................. .............155 es .................. ............... 31 kackint............. .............79 at- .................. ............. 382 esketres........... ............145 cawx................. ...........256 aulaut............ ....275, 506 est .................. .............146 kelan................. ...........229 aulis............... ............508 estureito ......... .............. 30 kerdan............. .............82 aumusnan..... .............506 et- .................. .............382 kermens.......... .............86 ăusins............. ............. 507 etbaudints...... .............. 68 kersle............... .............85 ăustin............. .............509 etwerreis......... .............383 kexti ................. ...........238 austo.............. .............509 gabawo........... ............553 kirno................. ........... 261 awins.............. ............384 gallu................ ............176 kirsnan............. .............92 awis................ ............. 507 galwo .............. .............176 klsman ............. .............79 balsinis........... .........54, 55 geytye.............. ............563 klausiton.......... ... 454, 455 bebrus............ ..............34 geits................. .............563 crauyo............. ...........254 berse............... ...............38 gelso................ .............556 krawian.......... ...........254 bhe.................. ...............38 genno.............. .............558 creslan.............. ...........247 biăsnan.......... ..............50 gerwe.............. .............558 crixti lăiskas.... .......... 280 biătwei........... ..............50 gldan.............. ............ 160 cugis................ ...........265 bitte................ ............... 72 g(i)eide........... ............565 kurpe............... ...........263 bordus............ ................55 gijwans........... ............ 564 curwis............. ...........236 brăti............... ...............60 gile.................. .............556 ladis.................. ...........270 bratrlkai........ ...............60 glrbin.............. .............559 laygnan........... ...........278 brote............... ...............60 girmis............. ...............93 lalasso .............. ........... 285 buccareisis..... ............. 374 girnoywis....... ............ 566 Langa.............. ...........288 710 INDICES Langodis................288 lauxnos.................291 laxde..............274, 287 lembtwey................284 limtwei.................284 limtwey.................284 linno...................298 llse....................276 lyso....................272 lopto.................. 285 luckis..................290 lunkan ................ 295 lunkis..................289 luriay..................213 maddla ................ 320 maiggun.................339 mais....................322 maldai..................323 maldenikis............. 322 massi...................321 mealde..................333 meddo...................307 median ................ 305 meicte .................316 menig...................312 mennei..................340 mensă ................. 315 menso.................. 315 mes.....................336 mien....................314 mijls...................317 moasis..................310 moke ............. 299,300 mothe...................303 muis....................304 musgeno.................328 muso...............330, 332 muti....................303 muti....................303 na .................... 345 nage....................355 nagutis.................355 naktin..................355 Namoyumpelk..............54 Namuynbalt...............53 nautin............ 358, 360 newlnts.................101 no .................... 345 noatis............. ............. 346 sen-................. .............462 novis.............. ..............347 septmas.......... .............443 nozy............... ..............357 sijwan............. .............452 panto ............. ..............417 sindants......... .............447 pausto............ ............. 424 sirsilis ............. ............ 486 peisăi............. ............. 430 skijstan........... .............. 90 pelanne.......... .......395, 411 scurdis............ .....378, 452 pelwo ............. ..............395 slanke............. .............454 pentis............. ............. 399 snaygis........... .............457 pettegislo ....... ..............562 soalis.............. ............ 496 piencts........... .............400 souns.............. .............483 pintis.............. ..............417 spoayno.......... .............397 pirmas........... ............. 430 stalis............... ............ 468 pirsten ........... ............. 429 stallan............ ............ 468 plasmeno....... ............. 403 stalllt.............. .............473 pleynis........... .............404 stas................. .............502 pobaiint......... ...............40 staytan........... ............ 486 pobalso .......... ..........54,55 strigeno.......... .............471 pomests.......... ............. 309 sulis................ .............488 posinnat........ ............. 546 sunun............. .............483 postăt............. .............466 suris................ .............483 pouton........... ..............401 swestro........... .............445 pracartis........ ..............237 swintian......... .............477 pralieton........ ............. 280 swints............. ............ 476 prastian......... ..............414 swlrins............ .............550 prei................. ..............419 syrne............... ............. 553 pyculs............. ............. 426 taukis............. ............ 500 ragis............... ............. 438 tauris.............. .............549 rănkan........... .............440 tlrts................. .............497 rawys............. ............. 439 tou .................. .............503 rokis............... ..............374 tresde.............. ............. 120 saddinna....... ............. 442 trupis.............. ............ 498 saytan............ ..............451 tulan............... .............503 sal ................. ..............461 tusimtons....... .............503 sălin............... .............496 unds................ .............523 salme............. ............. 459 uschts............. ............ 486 salowis........... ..............461 usts................. ............ 486 sansy.............. ..............184 wabelcke ........ ...............25 sari................. ............. 548 waispattin ..... ............. 539 sarke.............. ............. 477 waist............... ............. 518 saule.............. ............. 479 waitiăt............ ..... 361, 520 sausă.............. ............. 473 wans............... ..............513 schis............... ............. 484 wanso............. .............386 schuwikis....... ............. 488 wargan........... ............. 527 seydis............. ............. 544 wargs.............. ............. 527 seilin.............. ..............451 warne............. ............. 528 semen ............ .............446 warnis............ ............. 528 semme........... ..............542 wartint........... .............529 711 , 97 ..97 .131 .131 .133 ..97 ..99 138 . 115 .123 130 . 96 .517 443 358 ...31 154 520 445 207 .521 .521 .211 146 216 159 528 483 144 475 369 297 297 369 .101 109 140 .101 387 217 487 405 443 441 450 .513 146 414 INDICES 529 .518 .525 536 .537 .537 539 385 540 549 549 368 ..29 .. 25 .. 25 .. 25 377 534 .523 486 ..... 190 ......521 ......519 .....508 .....220 ..... 379 .....370 ......514 ..... 461 ..... 140 .....308 ......26 ......26 ......361 ..... 527 350, 351 ......381 .....407 ......28 ......375 ......375 ..... 374 ..... 373 ......30 ărra...................383 SiSu>|ii.... auyr|..................207 Sqv......... auXa|..................514 Soioi....... auXoţ..................508 Soioţ....... auXwv..................508 SoXi^oţ..... auoţ...................473 Soâv........ aupiov.................510 Sopu........ Â^eptov................148 Spdoao^ai |3âXavoţ...............556 SpE-nw...... Pâpa0pov...............198 Spuţ........ pSsto..................431 Suto........ PeXtlwv.................52 S&pov....... PiPpwoKto..............559 sap......... (3ioţ..................562 £|3So|ioţ.... PpaSuţ.................198 syxoţ....... Ppa^uţ..................70 Eyu>........ yâXtoţ.................551 sS^svai..... yEvro..................561 ssSva....... yEpavoţ................558 sţo^ai...... yr|paţ................548 si ......... yiyvwoKto..............546 slSov....... yXa^upoţ...............165 slSoţ....... yXd^w..................165 siXu........ yXia...................164 £i|ii....... yXivq..................164 sl|ii....... yXoioţ...........163, 168 EivarEpeţ.. yXu^to.................166 sipyto...... yX&ooa.................166 EKarov...... yX&xsţ.................166 EKEivoţ..... yv&|ia.................546 EKUpoţ...... yoyypoţ................184 EXa^oţ...... yoyypu>vr|.............184 EXa^poţ.... yoyyuXoţ...............184 EXa^uţ...... yo^oţ..................549 EXXoţ....... yooţ...................182 svaroţ...... yopyoţ.................191 svSov....... ypauţ..................553 svsXoţ...... ypd^w..................559 EvvEa....... 5ăqp...................105 evrepa...... Săv...................97 El; ........ Saio^ai...............102 ........ Seina..................562 EninXooţ... SEKa...................100 Enrd........ SEKaroţ................100 Epsuyo^ai. SEKo^ai................100 eoketo...... SE|iu>.................114 soropoţ..... Sslirspoţ..............101 Eotl........ SEpw......99, 104, 107, 135 srapoţ...... 712 INDICES £T1 ....................382 suSia...................131 £U0£vr|ţ................177 EXÎVOţ..................149 eX1^....................149 Zsuţ.....................97 ţuyov...................209 tWpoţ...................152 ţwoTrp................409 (wOTOţ................ 409 i|£Xioţ.................479 ii0£oţ..................536 qvsyKOv............350, 356 qnap....................210 0auXioţ..................97 0£lvw..............177, 197 0£Xw....................555 0sp|i6ţ............179, 187 0£00aa0ai...............560 0£W.................... 126 0r|Xuţ..................105 0r|piov.................550 0rp.....................550 0oupoţ..................126 0upai...................128 0păaaw..................115 0paouţ..................137 0puov...................499 0uyaTrp.................129 0t>|i6ţ.................132 i'0i ...................216 IXuţ....................211 îpr?.....................29 lOTr^i...........466, 468 Ka0âXK£iv...............374 Kaivoţ..............88, 232 KaXâ^r..................459 KaXa|ioţ................459 KaXsw...................229 Ka|iapoţ.................81 Ka^aaqv.................461 Kâ|i(|i)apov.............81 Kanvoţ..................233 KappâTivai..............263 KapSia..................485 Kapvr...................237 KapnaTivov..............263 KauXOţ..................266 Kaxâţw.................203 Ksipw..................234 Kspaoţ.................236 Kâpvoţ..................84 Kf|p...................485 KXdSoţ.................228 KXdiţ..................226 KXâoţ........453, 454, 455 KX^iţ..................226 Koivâ..................446 KoXXa..................224 Koviţ..................169 ko^tw..................233 K6pa?..................528 Kopwvr.................528 Koaau^oţ...............239 K6^oţ..................239 Kpâaţ..................254 Kp£|iuov................82 Kp6|i|iUov..............82 KpoT£W................ 250 KpoUW............ 252, 253 KuSdţw.................255 Kt>5oţ..................91 KUKXoţ.................229 Kunsipov...............233 KUTOpoţ................233 KU>|3l6ţ...............197 K&Xov................. 229 Xaioţ..................275 XaKKoţ.................284 Xân:m>.................283 Xa^uaaw................283 X£l|3w.................280 X£i|id^................453 Xsmw...................382 X£ixw..................280 Xâxo^ai................271 Xâxoţ..................287 Xr|0w..................268 Xi0oţ..................270 Xlvov..................298 Xrnaivw...........273, 297 X6xioţ.................287 X6xoţ.............283, 287 XuKoţ.............283, 537 Xuooa..................283 ^ayqvai................304 |iaivo|iai................341 |iăKwv....................299 |iapaivw..................218 lidaaw...............304, 314 |idxâvd...................321 l^âxoţ....................321 [i£0U................306, 307 F‘ţ.......................313 |ir|Ktov..................299 |if|Xov..............300, 310 F|Trp.....................303 Fpţ.......................312 ^rxavn....................321 Fixo^.....................321 |iia06ţ...................344 p5oţ......................332 p0oţ......................337 pîa..................330, 332 pţ........................337 vsioţ.....................354 v£oţ......................357 vâ^oţ.....................348 vs^poi....................215 v£w.......................354 vuv.......................360 vu6ţ......................458 vu?.......................355 ?uXov.....................488 oa .......................216 oyKoţ.....................386 oSspoţ....................518 oSsuw.....................203 0S6ţ......................203 o(w........................26 or ...................... 216 oia?......................365 o’i'Sa....................518 oi'r......................216 oiKaSs....................539 ofooţ.....................539 oivr......................213 ol^âw.....................147 otyw......................147 oiţ.......................384 OXâKpdvoţ.................368 oXK6ţ.....................526 o^sixw....................319 O^Xr......................339 INDICES 713 ovo^a...................212 Ovul....................355 oliva...................145 ondpa...................144 onupa...................144 Opviţ...................377 Oaas....................365 oarEov..................239 ou0ap...................535 o^puţ....................66 o^Eo^ai.................530 Oxoţ....................530 năXoţ...................220 ndroţ...................418 TC£i0to..................39 nsXXopci^oţ.............394 nE^nroţ.................400 tcEvte..................400 nEpSo^ai................428 nspi....................395 nspir^EKrEw.............321 nspiKaXXqţ..............395 nEaato..................393 nEu0o|iai................46 nrXoţ...................220 TCiKpOţ.................431 ni|inpr|ii..............391 niva|...................427 nîvov...................402 nlvto...................401 niooa...................426 nXaruţ..................403 nXEto...................407 nXqoaui.................402 nXuvw...................407 nXuto...................403 no0Eto..................560 noiKiXoţ................431 noivq....................75 noXoţ...................230 novroţ..................418 nopstv..................413 norspoţ.................240 npEţ................... 418 npiao0ai..........248, 254 npo.....................420 npoKa ................. 421 npori....................422 nrspov...................396 nri0|ia..................431 nrioato..................426 nupoţ....................425 nuva.....................401 pooţ..............379, 470 opEvvu^i.................161 aKaipto...................30 OKapiSsţ..................30 OKiă.....................447 aopoţ....................501 onoyyoţ..................182 onupoţ...................425 araîţ....................493 arsiXto..................467 arEXXto..................473 arEvto...................466 arEpyto..................467 arovoţ...................469 0TOpvt>|ii...............469 aropvu^i.................421 aro^oţ...................468 aruyEto..................471 aru|.....................471 a^oyyoţ..................182 ravaoţ...................505 ri .......................94 raupoţ...................500 rapdaato.................115 rsipto...................491 rE^vw....................494 rEpxvoţ...................99 rq0r.....................102 rqKto....................489 Ti0r|ii........102, 103, 104 rito......................78 rot^oţ...................106 rpeiţ....................499 rpE^to...................497 rpE^to...................120 rputo....................499 rOXr.....................503 uSspoţ...................518 uSpă.....................534 uSpia....................518 uSpoţ....................534 uStop....................523 unvoţ....................481 «trXoţ.................535 9ă|ii...................33 ^apotoai................56 ^Epo^ai...........40, 41 ^Epto...................73 9rp.....................33 ^Xaupoţ.................51 ^XEto...................46 ^otpoţ.................196 9părrp..................60 9părpia.................61 ^uo^ai..................71 ^urXov..................70 X«Xa(a.................555 XavSâvto...............160 X£i^uv.................545 XEXuţ..................557 XsXUvr.................557 X0uv...................542 xnv....................184 XXtopoţ........... 541, 566 Xvâuto.................171 XoXdSsţ................556 XoXq...................552 Xpo^oţ.................190 ^uXXa...................48 d>ov....................27 WKunrspoţ...............29 wXEvr..................368 wXKa...................514 wpă....................152 wpuo^ai................437 3.2 Modern Greek PdXroţ..................53 4. INDO-IRANIAN 4.1 Sanskrit abhi...................361 ăchă...................146 agni-..................364 ahăm....................31 ajina-..................32 ăksa-..................381 amhu-..................388 anc-...................386 ăndă-..................157 714 INDICES ăntră-.............. ............387 caturas........ .................. 87 giri-.................. .............178 ăngăra-........... ............385 caturthă-... .................. 87 grama- ........... .............190 ankă-............... ............386 catvaras..... .................. 87 gravan-........... ............566 anrksară-........ .............143 cetati........... .............89, 90 grbhnati......... ......187, 189 ăpa-................. ............407 chăya-......... ................ 447 grdhyati ......... ............ 174 ăpăka-............. ............372 cinoti ......... ..................89 grhă-................ .............178 '"3 ............372 cttti-............ .................. 94 grlva-............... ............ 189 k ă apă apăkat............. ............372 codati......... .................265 grnati ............. .....180, 566 apavrnoti........ ............ 383 cayati.......... .............78, 79 guru-.............. ............. 179 apivrnoti......... .............541 dădăti......... ............ 96, 97 gutha-.............. ............ 182 ăsman-............ ............220 dădhăti...... ..102, 103, 104 ha .................. ............ 554 ăsmi................ ............ 146 dăhati........ ................. 555 hănti............... ...... 177, 197 astamă-.......... ............ 378 dăksina- .... ................. 101 hări- ............... .... 541, 566 astău............... ............379 dăsa............ ................ 100 hăvate............. .............551 ăsthi................ ............239 dasasyăti.... ......... 100, 114 hamsă-............ ............ 184 asthlvă(nt)-.... ..............76 dăvlyas-..... .................. 97 himă-.............. ............ 545 ăsti.................. ............ 146 day1............. .................107 hiranya-.......... .............547 at ................... .............. 25 day1-........... .................108 hrăduni- ........ .............185 ăti ................... ............ 382 devăr-......... .................105 hrd-................. .............485 ăti-................... ............ 387 dhămati .... ..................115 hvărate............ .............551 ătti................... .............154 dhărăyati... ..................138 icchăti ............ ............ 214 ăva .................. ............506 dhăyati....... ............110, 111 ihi................... ............ 216 ăvi-.................. ............384 dhrsnu-....... ................. 137 lrmă-............... ............ 375 ăvis.................. ......30, 508 dhruvă-...... .........478, 479 jămbha- ......... .............549 babhru-........... ..............34 dhumă- ..... ................. 132 jămbhate ....... .............543 badhate........... .............. 39 dhunoti...... ..........124, 127 jămbhayati.... ............ 543 băllyas-........... .............. 52 dhavati...... ..................126 jăni-................ .............558 bhăga-............. ..............50 dhl-............. .................108 jănati.............. ............546 bhărati............ .............. 73 dlrghă-....... ................. 133 jărati.............. ......548, 553 bhărlman-...... .............. 37 dos-............. .................392 jăsăyati........... .............161 bhăvati ........... .............. 71 duhităr-..... .................129 jihva-.............. ............ 159 bhăvayati ....... ..............34 durdina-.... ..................131 jlvă-................. ............564 bhay1-.............. ..............50 dvayă-......... ..................131 jiya.................. ............ 562 bhrlnati .......... .............. 63 dva.............. .................130 joguve............. ............ 182 bhrsti-............. .............. 59 dana-......... ...................95 jya .................. ............ 562 bhrajate-......... .........38, 61 daru............ .................. 99 jlvati................ ............ 562 bhru-............... ..............66 durvă-........ ..................136 kă-................... ........... 260 bhurjă-............ ..............38 ejati............. ................ 209 kăkhati........... ............203 bhusati............ .............. 71 eti ............. .................216 karnă- ............ .............263 bhuyăn............ ..............68 găbhasti- ... ..................159 kărna- ............ ..............83 bodhati........... ..............46 gahate........ ..................162 kas-.................. ............ 221 bodhăyati....... ..............68 gărlyas- ..... ..................179 kasikă- ........... ............222 bradhnă-........ ........ 47, 64 gătu-........... ..................162 katară-............ ........... 240 brăvlti............. ............ 334 găya-........... ................. 173 khăd-............... .............243 brhănt-........... .............. 37 gayati.......... ................. 161 kles-................. .............224 Brhaspăti........ ...............51 ghoră-......... ................ 564 kravis-............. ............254 cakră-.............. ............ 229 ghrnă-........ ... 179, 187, 199 kravyă-........... ..... 253, 254 cărman-.......... ..............86 girăti........... .................559 krlnati............ .....248, 254 INDICES 715 kfmi-...................94 krnoti.............79, 257 krntăti.................85 krşnă-..................92 krtvas.................236 kşăm-..................542 kşipăti................487 kşobh-.................207 kşu-...................431 kşudră-................205 kuha...................260 kulva-.................176 kupyati................266 kvăthant-..............267 laghu-.................297 lepayati.............. 273 limpăti................297 lubhyati...............281 mădhu-............306, 307 madhvăd-...............306 mădhya- .............. 305 madhyăm-dina-.........134 maghă-.................321 măh....................315 mas....................313 majjăn-................328 măm....................314 mani-..................324 mănthati...............315 mănu-..................330 mănyate................341 mătăr-.................303 mati-..................391 matya-.................327 may-...................313 măyate................ 311 mămsă-.................315 medhă- ............... 329 meghă-............317, 339 menă-..................311 meşă-..................310 mih-...................339 mimăti.................312 misrăyati..............313 mită- ................ 313 mithăs.................318 mithună-...............319 mrdu-..................323 mriyăte..................308 mrnăti..............218, 307 mucyate..................331 muhur.....................70 muş-.....................337 mutra-...................337 mivati-..................338 năbhas- ................ 348 nagnă-...................345 nakhă-...................355 năkt-....................355 năman-...................212 năpăt-...................351 napti-...................350 năs-.....................357 năva.................... 101 năva-....................357 ni .................353, 354 nică................353, 354 nidă-....................169 ni-drăyăt................117 nişţya...................353 nu ..................... 360 nu ..................... 360 oşţha-...................509 păcati...................393 pădyate..................392 palăva-..................395 pănca....................400 pănthă- .................418 părayăti................ 391 pardate................. 428 pări.....................395 parnă- ................. 396 paryărini-...............152 pască....................415 pasu.....................431 pămsu- ................. 398 păti ....................401 pimsăti..................430 pinăka-..................427 pinăşţi ................ 426 pingală-.................397 pită-....................401 pitu-....................401 pivan-...................401 plăvate..................407 pluşi-................... 48 pramară-.................326 prăti....................418 prcchăti.................421 prinăti................. 420 priyă-...................420 pro-.................... 420 prşant- .................428 prşţhă-..................429 pft-..........428, 430, 481 pruşnoti.................423 purnă-...................426 purva-...................430 puşyati..................424 raghu-...................297 rasă.....................439 răyati ..................268 reh-.....................280 rinăkti..................382 rinăti...................436 rîyate...................434 rocăyati.................290 rociş-...................290 roman-...................440 rudanti..................441 rusant- .................296 ruvăti...................437 să ......................502 sădăyati................ 442 săjati ................. 449 sakft....................236 săm................462, 478 sanku-...................464 saptă....................443 saptamă-.................443 sărdha-...................82 sărdhas-..................82 şăş- ....................487 sascasi..................450 şaşţhă-................. 486 săstra-..................238 satăm....................483 savyă-...................488 setu-................... 448 sincăti..................485 sivyati..................487 smăyate..................456 snuşă-...................458 soşăyati.................474 716 INDICES sphiră-........ ................464 vălsa-................. ..........527 gu8a-...................... ..... 182 srama-........ ................205 văna- ••••••••••••••••• .......... 531 haoya-.................... .....488 srăvas-........ •453, 454, 455 vanoti................ ......... 509 isaiti....................... ..... 214 srosati......... ................455 văr ••••••••••••••••••••• ..........214 jiia.......................... .......62 sthăna-....... ................465 vărdhate............ ..........437 kaena ..................... .......75 strnăti......... ........421, 469 vărsman-........... ..........538 kay-........................ ..... 219 sunu-........... ................483 vărtana-............ ..........516 maeya-................... .....339 suska-.......... ................473 vărtate............... ..........539 mqm....................... ..... 314 suyă-........... ................474 vărtman-........... ..........516 mana...................... .....308 svăpati........ •••••••••••••••• 481 vasantă-............ ..........517 maoiri-................... .....326 svăpiti......... •••••••••••••••• 481 vasar-................. ..........517 mazda.................... .....329 svăpna-....... •••••••••••••••• 481 vat-.................... .. 381. 382 mazga-................... .....328 svăr- (suvar- -).............479 văti..................... ..........519 a¬ ..... 319 n a mi svăsar-........ ................445 vayă-.................. ..........519 s ..... 319 a mi svasru-........ ................475 veda................... ..........518 raoxsna-................. .....291 svăsura-...... ................475 vedas-................ .......... 521 saitim..................... .... 408 svetă-.......... ••••••••••••••••476 veti..................... ..........415 saraSa-................... .......82 svit-............. ................478 vidhăva-............ ..........536 snaoSa-.................. .....339 syală-.......... ................488 vis-..................... ..........539 spanta-................... .... 476 syavă-.......... ................452 visu-................... ......... 540 taka-....................... .....495 săkha-......... ................458 vitarăm............. ..........532 udra-...................... ..... 534 sări-............. ................477 vfka-.................. ..........537 ufyeimi................... ..... 532 surya-.......... ................479 yăbhati.............. ..........147 vaeti-...................... ..... 523 tăksati......... ................491 yăkar- (yakn-). ..........210 xvarana-................. .....205 tăkti............. ••••••••••••••••489 yată-.................. ..........154 xvara-..................... .....207 tămas-......... ••••••••••••••••504 yatar-................. ..........159 yastă-..................... .... 409 tanu-........... •••••••••••••••• 505 yatară-.............. ..........147 tapăyati...... ................496 yăti..................... ..........154 4.3 Late Avestan tavîti........... ••••••••••••••••504 yu-..................... ......... 208 baya-...................... .......50 tayu-........... ••••••••••••••••489 yudhmă-........... ..........365 baraz-..................... .......37 tisthati........ ••••••• 466, 468 yugă-................. ......... 209 gatu-....................... ..... 162 trăsati......... ................497 yus-.................... ......... 208 karana-.................. .....263 trăyas.......... ••••••••••••••••499 yuvan-............... ......... 208 vana-...................... ......531 tfna-............ •••••••••••••••• 505 yuyăm............... ..........533 varasa- ................... ..... 527 trtlya-.......... ................497 ziia.......................... ..... 545 tucchyă-...... •••••••••••••••• 502 4.2. Avestan tula-............ •••••••••••••••• 503 aat..................... ............25 4.4 Ossetic ubhă-.......... •••••••••••••••••361 atara-................ ..........147 dombaj................... .....549 ucyati.......... •••••••• 506, 534 auuis.................. ........... 30 kxrc........................ .....263 ud............... •••••••••••••••••533 ava-.................... ......... 384 Ixsxsg.................... ..... 285 udăn-.......... •••••••••••••••••523 barag.................. ............ 51 udăra-......... •••••••••••••••••518 ci ..................... ...........89 5. Italic udhar-......... ••••••••• 507, 535 cisti-................... ...........94 urmi-........... •••••••••••••••••537 dasina- .............. .......... 101 5.1 Latin urna-........... •••••••••••••••••537 dazaiti............... .......... 555 ab .......................... .... 407 vad1............. •••••••••••••••••512 drazaite............. ..........138 accipiter................. .......29 vădati.......... •••••••••••••••••512 druua- ............... •478, 479 acer......................... .....379 văhati.......... •••••••••••••••••518 duuar- ............... ..........128 acipenser................ ..... 145 INDICES 717 aeruscăre............... 214 agnus.....................26 alces................... 370 alnus....................371 alumen ................. 140 anas.................... 387 ancus....................386 angere...................521 anguis...................388 angulus..................386 angustus.................388 animus.................. 527 ănser....................184 anus.....................531 aper.................... 515 aperire ................ 383 arăre....................373 armus....................375 atta.................... 383 au-......................506 auris................... 507 auster.................. 510 avena .................. 385 avus.....................508 axis.....................381 barba ....................55 barbătus..................55 bufă.....................553 caballus ............... 232 calamitas................230 calăre...................229 calex....................261 callum...................219 calva....................176 calvus...................176 carbă....................257 carinăre.................235 carpere...................84 carrere ................ 236 cărus.....................79 căseus.................. 258 castrăre.................238 cattus...................241 caurire..................258 caurus...................449 causă....................103 cavannus.................462 centum.................. 483 cervus........ ................. 236 ferus ............ ...............550 cevere......... ................. 267 festinăre...... .................70 clăvis.......... ................. 226 fetus............. ............... 105 cleta ........... ..................225 fiber............. ..................34 columba .... .................. 175 filum............ ............... 562 corbis......... ..................234 flere.............. ..................43 cornix........ ..................528 fligere........... ............45, 46 corvus........ ..................528 fluă .............. ................ 46 costa........... ..................239 fodiă ............ ......32, 49, 59 crăbră........ ..................486 foedus.......... ................ 40 crocina ...... ..................263 forămen....... .................70 crăcire........ ..................245 forăre............ ......56, 58, 69 cruor.......... ..................254 forda............. .................36 cudere........ ................. 242 fores.............. ............... 128 culmus....... ................. 459 fornăx.......... ...............199 cupiă.......... ..................266 foveă............ ................555 dăre............ ............. 96, 97 fraces............ ................121 decem ........ ................. 100 frăter............ ................ 60 decet .......... .......... 100, 114 fumus........... ................132 decimus..... ................. 100 gallus............ ................176 dexter........ .................. 101 gelidus......... .............. 204 dies............. ...................134 gelu............... ................175 dissipăre.... ..........475, 482 gemma ........ ............... 543 dălium....... ...................134 glaber.......... ............... 163 dolă............ ............111, 364 glăns............ ............... 556 domus........ ...................113 glăs............... ................551 dănum....... ....................95 glutiă............ ................168 dormire ..... ...................117 gluttiă.......... ................168 ebulum ...... ...................139 găbius.......... ............... 197 ebulus........ ...................139 gracilem....... ...............277 edă ............. ...................154 graculus....... ....... 186, 199 emere......... ...................158 grandă......... ................185 erugere....... ..................441 grănum ............... 553 et ............. ..................382 gremium ..... ................190 ex ............. ...................217 grus.............. ................558 exuere........ ...................218 gramiae........ ...............194 faber.......... ................. 109 habere.......... ...............160 far ............. ....................57 helvus.......... ....... 541, 566 fări............. .....................33 hiems........... ............... 545 farina......... ....................57 hiă ............... ................544 fătum......... ..................438 hospes........... ................180 favere......... .................. 181 hostis............ ................181 feci ............. ...102, 103, 104 ianitrices..... ............... 159 fecundus.... ..................105 ignis.............. ...............364 fel ............. ..................552 induere........ ................363 feles............ ..................241 infăns........... ............... 382 ferire.......... ...............56,58 inquit........... ................459 feră............. ....................73 ire ............... ............... 216 718 INDICES iugum............ .............209 mulgere...................... 308 pollex............. ..............390 ius .................. .............208 mus............................. . 337 pons............... .............. 418 rnvems........... .............208 musca..................330, 332 porcus............ ..............414 lacuna............ .............284 musculus.................... . 337 prehendă....... ..............160 lacus............... .............284 muscus....................... .336 pressus........... ............... 46 laevus............. ............. 275 muscus....................... . 331 probus ........... .............. 418 lambere.......... ............. 283 mutuus.................318, 319 pulex.............. ................48 lăna................ ..............537 năris........................... .357 putăre............ ..............425 lascivus.......... .............269 ne -............................. .347 quălum ......... ............. 240 latere.............. .............268 necubi......................... 260 quasillum...... ............. 240 lătrăre............ .............268 nepăs .......................... . 351 qui ................. ................89 lenis................ ............. 273 neptis.......................... .350 quies.............. ............. 408 levis................ .............297 nere............................. .354 quinque......... ............. 400 liber................ .............289 nidus........................... .169 quintus.......... ............. 400 limăx.............. ............. 453 nămen ........................ . 212 ravus.............. ..............432 lingere............ .............280 nănus.......................... . 101 recens............ ..............232 linum ............. .............298 năs .............................. 346 recens............ ................88 lira.................. ............. 272 novem......................... . 101 reciprocus..... .............. 421 livere .............. .............454 novus.......................... . 357 rivus.............. ......434, 438 lumbus........... .............276 nox.............................. . 355 rufus.............. ............. 440 luna................ .............291 nudus.......................... .345 rugire............. ..............441 lux .................. .............290 nurus.......................... 458 rumor............ ..............437 malleus.......... ............. 324 occa............................. . 145 ruta caesa..... ............. 442 mălus............. ............. 327 octăvus....................... .378 săl ................. ..............461 mănus............ .............304 octă............................. .379 satis............... ............. 484 mare............... ..............325 oculus......................... .365 scutum.......... ............. 486 mateola.......... ............. 327 ălim ............................ 369 sedere ............ ..............445 măter............. ............. 303 orăre........................... .374 semen............ ............. 446 măturus......... ..... 303, 304 ornus .......................... .. 29 sentire........... ..............450 meăre............. ..............317 ăstium ........................ 509 septem........... ..............443 medius........... ............. 305 ovis.............................. 384 septimus........ ..............443 membrum ..... ..............316 ăvum .......................... ...27 serere............. ............. 448 mensis............ ..............313 pallidus....................... .412 serescere........ ..............264 metiri............. ..............312 pănus.......................... .417 serus .............. ..............264 metă............... .............309 păscă........................... .392 socer.............. ..............475 meus............... ............. 322 pedere......................... . 431 socrus............ ..............475 micăre............ ..............317 pellis............................ 394 săl ................. ..............479 minor............. ..............341 pendă.......................... 399 somnus.......... .............. 481 minus............. ..............341 per .............................. .395 sonus............. ..............550 miscere........... ..............313 perfines....................... ...41 săpire............. .............. 481 mitis............... .......317, 318 per-magnus................ .395 soror.............. ..............445 molere............ .............307 pilleus......................... 427 spuere............ ..............402 mollis............. ..............323 pingă........................... .397 spuma ........... ..............397 monile............ ............. 324 pinsere........................ 426 stăre............... ..... 466, 468 morior............ .............308 p-sc-s........................... .401 sternere......... .............. 421 mors............... .............480 pix .............................. 426 stringere........ ............. 469 mortuus......... .............342 plangere...................... 402 suere.............. ..............487 movere........... ............. 338 plectăre....................... 404 sugere............ ..............482 INDICES 719 suinus............... ...........477 poste.......................... •••415 cir .............. •••••••••••••••••••86 supare............... •• 475, 482 cliath.......... ••••••••••••••••• 225 tabere................ ••••••••••489 5.3 Medieval Latin clu •••••••••••••• ••453, 454, 455 taurus............... ••••••••••500 muta......................... •••338 cob.............. .................227 tenuis................ •••••••••• 505 crem ••••••••••• ...................82 tepidus.............. ••••••••• 490 5.4 French crenaid....... .........248, 254 terere................. ...........491 etuve......................... •••215 cruim.......... •••••••••••••••••••94 tergo.................. •••••••••• 502 poison....................... •••150 cuar............ .................256 tertius •••••••••••••• ...........497 pres........................... ••••46 daingen...... •••••••••••••••••106 tremo ••••••••••••••• ...........497 delb............. ••••••••••••••••• 134 tres.................... ••••••••••499 5.5 Spanish dess............. ••••••••••••••••••101 truncus............. ••••••••••469 aliso.......................... •••371 dligid.......... ••••••••••••••••• 130 tu •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 503 belesa........................ •••• 36 do •••••••••••••• •••••••••••94, 109 turdus............... •••••••••• 120 velesa........................ •••• 36 draigen....... •••••••••••••••••••99 uer •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••517 fedb............. .................536 uidua ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 536 5.6 Romanian fedid........... •••••••••••517, 523 ulmus................ ••••••••••• 211 baltă......................... •••••53 follnaithir.. •••••••••••••••••524 ulna................... ...........368 tare........................... •••• 28 gaibid......... •••••••••••••••••160 uncare............... ••• 156, 158 grăn............ ••••••••••••••••• 553 uncus ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••386 5.7 Lombardian gulban........ •••••••••• 197, 261 unda.................. •••••••••••523 palta......................... •••••53 ingen .......... ••••••••••••••••••355 unguis............... •••••••••••355 ingreinn..... ••••••••••••••••• 188 Unus.................. •••••••••••213 5.8 Piemontese intech ••••••••• ................490 uterus................ •••••••••••518 pauta........................ •••••53 irar............. .................377 Uva.................... •••••••••• 216 laithe.......... ••••••••••••••••• 275 vado ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••352 6. Celtic lăn •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• 426 vado ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••352 lecca............ •••••••••••••••••278 vapor................. •• 233, 266 6.1 Old Irish li ............... .................454 vehere................ •••••••••••518 aball.......................... •••••25 lin .............. •••••••••••••••••298 velle................... •••••••••••514 ăirne......................... .....27 loch............. •••••••••••••••••284 versus................ •••••••••• 538 as-gleinn.................. •••164 maith ••••••••• .................303 verus •••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 520 ău ............................ •••507 măthir........ .................303 vespa................. •••••••••• 377 aue............................ •• 508 mecc-.......... .................305 vesper................ ............513 bairgen..................... •••••57 meilid......... •••••••••••••••••307 vetus.................. •••••••••••517 bech.......................... •••••72 menic ••••••••• .................334 via trita............. .............76 ben............................ •••558 mid............. •••••••••306, 307 vicus.................. •••••••••• 539 benaid ...................... •••••41 mil.............. .........300, 310 videre................ ............521 bi ............................ •••563 moirb ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••326 viere ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 522 bronnaid.................. •••••63 mor-rigain. .................324 vivo •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 562 bru............................ •••••63 muir........... ••••••••••••••••• 325 vivus.................. ...........564 buith......................... •••••71 necht........... .................350 vorare................ •••••••••• 559 cainnenn.................. •••• 86 nel •••••••••••••• .................339 caire.......................... •••237 o (ua)......... •••••••••••••••••506 5.2. Old Latin calath........................ •••219 raith........... •••••••••••••••••396 dingua............... •••••••••••159 cath........................... •• 240 riathor........ .........434, 438 endo-................. •••••••••• 109 cenel.......................... •••• 88 ruamnae.... •••••••••••••••• 440 fui •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• 71 cern........................... •••••83 salach......... •••••••••••••••• 460 olli..................... ...........369 cet-............................ • ••232 salann •••••••• .................461 720 sciath.....................486 sernaid................... 421 siur.......................445 sniid......................354 sruith ....................470 tăid.......................489 tăis.......................493 tanae..................... 505 techid.....................489 truit..................... 120 uasal......................535 ubull...................... 25 uilen......................368 uinnius.....................29 6.2 Middle Irish ailit......................369 cosachtach................ 222 elit.......................369 escung.....................388 find.......................386 6.3 Modern Irish draoib ................... 118 moais......................310 moaiseog...................310 6.4 Old Welsh ocet.......................145 strutiu....................470 6.5 Middle Welsh aseu.......................488 aswy.......................488 bachgen.....................88 di-llyd ...................280 draen.......................99 elein......................369 gieu ..................... 562 ucher..................... 513 6.6 Welsh afal........................25 afall.......................25 bara....................... 57 bela....................... 36 bele....................... 36 bru........................ 63 INDICES brys..................... .......... 70 asilus............. .............. 381 bwyd................... .........563 atta................ .............. 383 caled................... .........219 auso............... ..............507 cennin................. .......... 86 awo................ ..............508 cern..................... ...........83 ba ................. ............... 49 cuan.................... ........ 462 bai ................. .............. 361 delw .................... .........134 baidjan......... ................39 dol ...................... ......... 112 bairan........... .................73 eirin.................... ...........27 bairgahei...... .................37 gallu.................... ......... 174 bairgan......... ................36 galw .................... ..174, 176 bairhts........... .................37 gwchi .................. .........377 balwawesei ... ................54 gylf...................... ..197, 261 balwjan......... ................ 51 gylfin................... ..197, 261 barizeins....... ................57 medi.................... ........ 309 bilaigon......... ............. 280 pâs...................... .........222 biuhts............ ..............506 pryf...................... .......... 94 biuhts............ .............. 534 tawdd ................. ........489 blandan sik... ................47 toes...................... ........ 493 blinds ............ ............... 44 wy ...................... ...........27 bropar........... ............... 60 daddjan ........ ........ 110, 111 6.7 Old Cornish dailjan.......... .............. 102 bal ...................... ...........54 dails............... .............. 103 daug.............. .............. 128 6.8 Breton distairan .99, 104, 107, 135 kaouann............. ........ 462 diups.............. .........125,133 kaouenn............. ........ 462 dius............... 124, 127, 129 driugan......... .............. 122 6.9 Gaulish dulgs.............. .............. 130 mercasius........... .........325 faran.............. ..............427 odocos................. .........139 fimf................ ............. 400 fragildan....... .............. 557 7. Germanic frijonds.......... ............. 420 fulls................ ............. 426 7.1 Gothic gabei.............. ...............171 (ga)hailjan........ ...........74 gabeigs.......... ...............171 af ...................... ........ 407 gadaban........ .......109, 110 afdauips............. .......... 97 ga-daursan... ...............137 afhlapan............. .........223 gadraban...... ...............118 afmauips............ ........ 299 gadrauhts...... .............. 122 aggwus................ .........388 gards.............. ...............178 ahs ...................... .........144 gasts............... ...............181 akran.................. ...........27 gaurs............. ..............564 ara ...................... .........377 giban............. .............. 159 arbaips............... .........373 gops............... .............. 172 arms.................... .........375 graba............. ..............190 asans................... .........144 graban........... ........187, 189 asilu-qairnus..... ........ 566 grid................ .............. 188 INDICES 721 gulp............... •••••••••••••• 547 naqaps........... ••••••••••••••345 wrikan •••••••••••••••• •••••••• 528 hails.............. •••••••••••••••• 75 naus............... ••••••••••••••347 wulfs.................... •••••••• 537 hairda........... •••••••••••••••• 82 ni ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••347 wulla ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 537 hairto............ .............444 niujis.............. .............357 hauri............. •••••••••••••• 257 niun............... •••••••••••••• 101 7.2 OldIcelandic hina............... ••••••••••••••484 niunda........... •••••••••••••• 101 almr..................... •••••••••211 hlaifs............. .............202 niutan............ ••••••••••••••358 askr...................... ••••••••••29 hleipra.......... •••••••••••••• 225 nops............... ••••••358, 360 ăt ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 150 hoha.............. .............458 nu ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 360 austr.................... •••••••• 510 hrot ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••235 qino................ ••••••••••••••558 ax ....................... .......144 has................ ••••••••••••••260 qipan ••••••••••••• •••••• 160, 161 barr..................... .........57 hapar........... ••••••••••••••240 qrammipa..... .............194 bekkr................... •••••••••• 33 hapo............. •••••••••••••• 267 raups.............. ............440 berja.................... •••• 56, 58 id- ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• 382 saian.............. ............448 berr...................... ••••••••• 60 ik ................. •••••••••••••••••31 saljan............. ••••••••••••• 479 bjalki................... •••• 54, 55 itan................ •••••••••••••••154 salt................. ••••••••••••• 459 bjarg.................... .........37 jer ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••152 saps................ ••••••••••••• 484 bjarga.................. ••••••••••36 kaurn............ •••••••••••••••553 sauil............... ••••••••••••• 479 blanda................. ••••••••••47 kilpei............. •••••••••••••• 166 sibun.............. ••••••••••••• 443 blauSr.................. •••••••••• 51 kunnan......... .............546 sitan............... ••••••••••••• 445 blindr.................. ••••••••• 44 lagjan............ .............288 siujan............. ••••••••••••• 487 blunda................. ••••••••••47 laiks............... .............278 skeinan.......... ............450 blundr................. ••••••••••47 lasiws............ ••••••••••••••286 smals.............. ••••••300, 310 bora..................... •••• 56, 58 leihts.............. .............297 snaiws............ .............457 bgl....................... ••••••••••54 lein •••••••••••••••• .............298 sniwan........... .............457 bglva.................... •••••••••• 51 letan.............. •••••••••••••• 275 speiwan ••••••••• ••••••••••••• 402 bgrgr.................... .........58 lewjan........... •••••••••••••• 275 steigan........... ••••••••••••• 467 bgrr..................... .........58 ligan.............. •••••••••••••••271 stols................ ............468 bringa.................. ••••••••••62 lists ................ .............298 sunus............. ••••••••••••••483 brinna................. .........63 liufs............... •••••••••••••• 281 swein.............. ••••••••••••• 477 broddr................. ••••••••• 66 liugan............ ••••••••••••••294 swistar........... ••••••••••••• 445 bumba................. ••••••••• 60 liuts............... ••••••••••••••290 taihswa.......... •••••••••••••• 101 by ....................... ••••••••••72 lofa................ .............269 taihun............ ••••••••••••• 100 dalr...................... •••••••••112 mag............... ..............321 taihunda....... ••••••••••••• 100 dapr..................... •• 98, 110 mahts............ •••••••••••••• 322 triu................. ••••••••••••••• 99 draf...................... •••••••••118 malan........... .............307 tuggo.............. .............159 drafna ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••119 malo.............. •••••••••••••••323 paurus........... ••••••••••••••505 draga................... •••••••• 120 manags......... •••••••••••••• 334 pusundi......... ••••••••••••••503 dragan................. ........113 marei •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••325 ut ••••••••••••••••• .............533 drangr................. •••••••••121 maurgins...... ......325, 342 wairpan......... .............515 dregg.................... •••••••••121 meki.............. •••••••••••••• 305 wait................ .............518 drengr.................. •••••••••121 mena............. ..............313 waldan •••••••••• ••••••••••••••524 drepa................... •••••••••118 midjis............ •••••••••••••• 305 wato............... ••••••••••••••523 drtta.................... ........117 mimz............. ..............315 weihs.............. ••••••••••••••539 drott.................... •••••••• 122 misso............. •••••••••••••••318 widuwo.......... ••••••••••••••536 drottinn •••••••••••••• •••••••• 122 mizdo............ .............344 wiljan •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••514 dyja ••••••••••••••••••••• • 124, 127 mops.............. ••••••••••••••480 witan ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• 521 egg ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••27 nahts............. •••••••••••••••355 wopjan •••••••••• •••••••••••••• 512 eiskra................... • 153, 214 722 INDICES eista............... ................215 hrxfa........ .................. 246 segja.................. ..........458 ekki................ ................157 hringr....... ................... 251 sitja.................... ..........445 ekkja............. ...............386 hrjufr........ ...................253 skarpr................ ......... 204 elgr................ ...............370 hryfi.......... ...................253 skera.................. ..........234 elptr............... ...............365 hyrr........... ...................257 sktta................... ............74 epli................ .................25 illr............ ...................367 skjota................. ..........265 erfiSi.............. ...............373 jarpi.......... ...................142 slm.................... .......... 453 falr................. ...............394 jarpr.......... ...................142 smali.................. ..300, 310 fjall................ ...............394 kalls.......... ...................176 snua................... ..........457 jl................. ...............412 kambr....... .................. 549 sofl..................... ..........475 fletta.............. ...............404 kengr......... ...................184 sgSull................. ......... 444 fleySr............. ...............407 klakkr....... ...................163 sglr..................... ......... 460 fljota.............. ...............403 knoSa........ ...................168 spakr ................. ..........392 floa................ ...............403 r ...................184 spretta............... .......... 418 k k k folk................ ...............424 kryppa...... ...................192 springa.............. ..........422 forkr.............. ................413 lag............ .................. 287 stinga................. ....35, 466 fors................ ...............428 lăgr............ .................. 270 stâd.................... ..........465 f?lr................. .......394, 412 lax............ ...................285 storr................... ..........465 freta............... ..............160 ljuga.......... .................. 294 straumr............. ......... 470 găta............... ..............160 mara......... ...................324 suga................... ..........482 geta................ ..............160 mega......... ................... 321 surr.................... ......... 484 gina............... ...............545 meiss......... ...................310 svefn.................. .......... 481 gina............... ...............545 melr.......... ....................311 sveipa................ ..........487 gine............... ...............545 mergr........ ...................328 torfa................... ...........135 glaumr.......... ...............167 missa......... ...................343 tyrvi................... ............99 gleyma.......... ...............167 mjgllnir.... ...................333 pexla.................. ..........491 glopr.............. ...............167 mosi.......... ...................333 porn................... ..........505 gnua.............. ................171 mglr.......... ...................323 praut................. ......... 498 gramr............ ........190, 195 my ............ .... 330, 331, 332 prgstr................. .......... 120 grăpa............. ................185 myrkr........ ...................335 pungr................. ......... 494 grautr............ ................193 naut.......... ...................359 pyngja............... ..........493 grind............. ...............188 ngtr........... .................. 346 ufr ..................... ...........535 gumpr........... ................197 gfugr......... ...................372 upp.................... .......... 533 haddr............ ...............238 ggr ............ ...................144 ut ..................... .......... 533 haSna............ ...............241 gl ............ ...........140, 370 vaSr................... ...........351 happ.............. ...............227 glr ............ ...................371 valr.................... ..........363 hăr................. ...............464 grn ............ ...................377 vatn................... ..........523 hărr............... ...............447 gsp ............ ...................378 vax..................... ..........530 haugr............ ...............256 ră ............ ..................440 veSr.................... ...........513 haukr............ ...............227 rămr......... ...................432 vega................... .......... 518 haull.............. ...............266 reyrr.......... ..................440 hela............... ..............460 rif ............ ...................433 7.3 Norwegian heymeiss....... ...............310 rjupa......... ...................435 aul..................... ..........508 hjarn............. ...............445 romr.......... ...................432 bura................... ............68 holt................ ...............228 rakja........ ...................432 dabb(e)............. .... 98, 110 hota............... ................255 ryja ........... .................. 442 daper................. .... 98, 110 hgd................ ...............240 salr............ ..................444 drag................... ...........113 hmva.......... ...............242 saurr......... .................. 474 drav................... ...........118 INDICES 723 drog..................... ••••••••• 113 botl................. ••••••••••••••• 70 mx5........................... • •312 flein..................... .........405 bru ••••••••••••••••• ...............66 melcan ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 308 foysa.................... ••••••••424 bxr................. ...............60 mengan................314, 315 kumla.................. •••••••••561 calu................ ••••••••••••••176 miscian...................... •314 musk................... • 331, 336 ceorfan •••••••••• ••••••••••••••559 moru •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 335 olda ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 367 cnedan........... ••••••••••••••168 nefa............................ • •351 smol..................... ••••••••• 311 delfan •••••• 98, 112, 133, 134 nest............................. • 169 smola •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• 311 drxf............... •••••••••••••• 116 reotan......................... • 441 tira •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 108 drltan............ •••••••••••••••117 scla............................. •••76 vale...................... ••••••••300 ealdoht.......... ••••••••••••••367 sear............................. • 473 ealu(p)........... ••••••••••••• 140 snoru.......................... • 458 7.4 Swedish eg(e)pe.......... ..............145 spod............................ 464 âlla...................... •••••••• 367 eodor.............. ••••••••••••• 364 spowan....................... 464 mjag.................... ••••••••• 311 eofor............... ..............515 staca........................... 468 smula.................. ••••••••• 311 eolh................ ••••••••••••• 370 stenan •••••••••••••••••••••••• 466 streke................... •••••••• 471 făm................. ••••••••••••••397 stod............................. •465 valbjorn.............. ••••••••300 fealg............... •••••••••••••• 411 stowian •••••••••••••••••••••• 466 fearn.............. ••••••••••••• 396 strlcan........................ 469 7.5 Old Swedish flocan............. ••••••••••••• 402 swăpan....................... •487 dîa....................... ••••••••••111 folc ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 424 swefan........................ • 481 gjalla................... •••••••••557 forian............. ..............391 swindan..............385, 476 valmoghe............ ••••••••299 fyst................. ••••••••••••• 399 teoru........................... •••99 geap............... ..............197 tiergan........................ • 136 7.6 Danish gefetan........... ••••••••••••••392 to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••94 buln-urt.............. ...........36 gleam............. ..............167 turf............................. ••135 bylne ••••••••••••••••••• ...........36 gnidan........... ••••••••••••••170 uder......................507, 535 grimman....... ..............195 weax........................... • 530 7.7 Old English hăr................. ••••••••••••• 447 weotuma.................... •520 aldaht ••••••••••••••••• •••••••• 367 heaSor........... ••••••••••••••241 wepan......................... ••512 alor...................... •••••••••371 heord ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• 86 wloh............................ • 526 xlbitu.................. •••••••• 365 hnitu.............. ••••••••••••••169 balca ••••••••••••••••••• ......54, 55 hramsa.......... ••••••••••••••••82 7.8 Middle English bealu ................... •••••••••• 54 hreaw............. ..............253 blundren.................... •••47 beard................... •••••••••••55 hreodan......... ••••••••••••••254 bearg................... ...........58 hwosta........... ••••••••••••••222 7.9 Modern English bearh................... ...........58 hwy, hwl........ ...............89 blunder...................... •••47 bearu................... ...........58 hyrst............... ••••••••••••• 206 barrow ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••58 beo....................... •••••••••• 72 ig(i)l............... ••••••••••••••149 dike............................. ••155 beofor.................. ...........34 inca................ •••••••••••••• 157 glare ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 163 beolene, belene... •••••••••• 73 lagu................ ••••••••••••• 284 maiz........................... • 310 beolone ••••••••••••••• •••• 36, 73 lxs................. ••••••••••••••274 sallow......................... 460 blandan.............. ...........47 lef ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••277 blăt...................... •••••••••• 43 lycge............... ..............295 7.10 Old High German blendan............... ...........47 lyge................. ..............295 afful............................ ...25 blîcan.................. ••••••••••44 lyso................. ••••••••••••• 286 ahil............................. • 144 blîkan.................. ••••••••••44 mare •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••324 ahir............................. • 144 bo(ia)n................ ...........34 mattoc ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••327 albiz............................ • 365 boian................... •••••••••• 33 măx-wyrt...... ••••••••••••••314 alunt........................... • •141 724 INDICES anut................. ...........387 felga ........................... ..413 kropf.................. .......... 192 apful................. .............25 ferzan........................ ..413 krusina.............. ..........263 a ...........144 filz ............................. . 427 kruste ................ ..........236 ( a) a asc.................... .............29 fimfto......................... .400 kursi(n)na ........ ..........263 aspa.................. ........... 378 flah............................. .406 laffan................. ..........283 attah................ ............139 flechtan ..................... . 404 lahha................. ..........284 attuh................ ............139 floh............................. ...48 lahs.................... .......... 285 bah................... ............. 33 frîten.......................... . 420 leich................... ..........278 balg.................. ............. 54 fust............................. . 399 lentîn................. ..........276 balko................ ........54, 55 gans ........................... ..184 liogan ................ ..........294 bar.................... .............60 geil............................. .. 138 liuben................ .......... 281 barh................. .............58 gelo.......................541, 566 liut..................... ..........282 bart.................. ..............55 geltan......................... ..557 liuti.................... ..........282 barug................ .............58 ginen.......................... ..545 luggi................... ..........295 beitten.............. ............. 39 gît ............................. ..565 lugî .................... ..........295 berg.................. ............. 37 giwen......................... ..543 lus ..................... .......... 532 berjan.............. .............58 glas............................. .. 163 magan, mugan. ...........321 bîa.................... ............. 72 glat............................. .. 163 mago................. ..299, 327 bibar ................ .............34 gnîtan........................ ..170 mahhon ............ ..........304 bilesa................ .............36 grab............................ . 190 maho................. ..........299 bilisa ................ .............36 guot............................ .. 172 malan................ ..........307 bilsa.................. .............36 habuh........................ ..227 manag............... ..........334 bini................... ............. 72 hal(a)m..................... . 459 mann................. ..........330 bleizza.............. ............. 43 harawen.................... ..235 mano................. ...........313 blic.................... ............. 45 hemera ...................... ....81 mast................... .......... 327 boron............... .......56, 69 hladan....................... ..223 mein.................. ...........311 brart................. .............66 hleib........................... . 202 meinen.............. ...........312 dehsala............. ...........491 (h)niz......................... ..169 meisa................. .......... 310 dioh.................. ...........500 hola............................ . 266 menni................ ..........324 dirn-baum....... .............99 holz............................ . 228 metu.................. ..306, 307 draen................ ...........491 hornuz....................... . 486 miscen............... .......... 314 ebur.................. ............515 hosc............................ ..255 morha............... .......... 335 egida ................ ............145 houuespranca........... . 422 mos.................... .......... 333 ehir................... ........... 144 houwan ..................... . 242 muntar.............. ..........329 ei .................... ............. 27 hubil.......................... . 256 muoan............... ..........299 eiscon............... ........... 214 huosto........................ ..222 muot.................. ......... 480 elina................. ...........368 hurst.......................... . 206 muoter.............. ..........303 elira.................. ............371 igil ............................. ..149 murmulon ........ .......... 335 elm ................... ............ 211 jar ............................. .. 152 mus.................... .......... 337 erila.................. ............371 jung............................ . 208 muta.................. ..........338 etar................... ...........364 kalo............................ ..176 nagal................. ...........355 falg................... ............411 kalt............................. . 204 nasa................... .......... 357 falo................... ........... 412 kegil........................... ..559 nazza................. ..........346 far(a)h............. ........... 414 kiuwan ...................... ..567 nift(a)................ ..........350 fearh................. ........... 414 knetan ....................... ..168 not ..................... .......... 358 feh.................... ............431 korb ........................... ..234 noz..................... .......... 359 feim.................. ........... 397 kraen ......................... ..186 ottar.................. .......... 534 feld................... ............411 kranuh....................... ..558 quala................. .......... 554 INDICES 725 ribbi ............. ............... 433 watan................. ..351 rippi............. ............... 433 welc..................... .536 sagen............ ...............459 werc .................... .539 salwo............ ..............460 wetar .................. ..513 salz............... ...............461 wintbrăwa ......... 386 satul............. ...............444 wirken ................ ..539 scarbon........ .................84 wisa .................... 549 scina............. .................76 wolchan.............. ..525 scirbi ............ .................84 wuofen................ . 512 scrintan....... .................85 wuoffen.............. . 512 seichen......... ...............485 wurgen ............... .383 seid............... .......448, 451 zarga................... 408 seil ................ ...............450 zurba.................. . 135 sibunto......... ...............443 sîhan............ ...............485 7.11 Middle High German skeidan ........ ...............492 băbe.................... ...32 skeitila ......... ...............492 blxjen................. ...43 slango........... ...............454 bobe.................... ...32 steg............... .......472, 473 droz..................... .498 stellen........... ...............473 glinzen................ ..164 stuot............. ...............465 grit...................... ..188 swehur......... ...............475 hader.................. 240 sweifan......... ...............487 hocker................. . 256 swero............ ...............207 huore.................. ... 79 swigar.......... ...............475 lecken.................. ..271 swîn.............. ...............477 meisch ................ .. 314 swintan........ ....... 385, 476 meren ................. . 325 tal ................ ................ 112 răz(e)................. . 235 tapfar........... ..........98, 110 rieme .................. ..433 teil................ ................103 wate.................... . 351 theismo (deismo).......493 witewal............... .. 217 tirn-pauma . .................99 trebir............ ................118 7.12 High German treffan.......... ................118 alden................... ..367 trlzan........... ................117 Barsch................ ..156 truht............. ................122 Borste................. ..156 truhtln......... ................122 brennen.............. ...63 tuon.............. 102, 103, 104 drisseln............... ..339 turi............... ............... 128 geben .................. . 150 unc ............... ...............388 Gift...................... . 150 uvo............... ................535 jauge................... ..148 wăen............ ................519 Maische.............. .. 314 wafsa............ ............... 377 mogen................. . 321 wagan-leisa. ............... 272 sauer................... 564 wahs............. ............... 530 Schramme.......... 205, 249 wala............. ................525 Teich................... . 155 waltan.......... ............... 524 verharschen....... . 235 wăra............. ............... 520 wiedewalch........ .. 217 zergen................. ......... 136 7.13 Middle Low German anken ................. .. 156, 158 barch.................. ...........56 klei...................... .........168 korste.................. .........236 quast(e)............. .........196 slap..................... .........452 spranke .............. .........422 sprinke ............... .........422 vlsel.................... .........397 wade................... ..........351 7.14 Old Saxon beki..................... ........... 33 bilene.................. ..... 36, 73 bliksmo.............. ...........45 brustian ............. ...........65 krusina............... .........263 magosămo......... .........299 măki................... .........305 makon................ .........304 mecopin............. .........299 meldon............... .........320 ......... 554 ......... 553 watar.................. .........523 wurgil................. ..415, 516 7.15 Middle Dutch bilse.................... ...........36 micken ............... .........340 miegen................ .........339 7.16 Modern Dutch afsmeren............ .........304 bagger................ ........... 33 barg.................... ...........58 bij ...................... ...........72 draf..................... ...116, 118 haam.................. ........ 204 janken................ .. 156, 158 karmijn.............. ...........92 karmozijn.......... ...........92 kwaad................ .........160 kwab................... ......... 553 miegelen............. .........339 .447 .230 ...79 . 326 . 303 . 303 .550 . 145 . 365 .386 .234 . 144 407 . 285 .296 . 530 ...76 .299 . 530 .299 ... 35 204 ...92 INDICES 339 10. Armenian ....136 jain......................550 ....217 anic......................169 ....107 ankiwn....................386 .... 460 arawr.....................374 barjr......................37 beran .................... 69 ....321 c- .......................146 ....154 eln.......................369 ....521 ezr ................148, 155 ....377 gej ......................562 ....448 geljk'....................557 ....448 giser.....................513 ....365 hac’i......................29 ....484 hanum.....................417 ....86 haw...................... 508 .... 320 henum ................... 399 ....307 JU .......................562 350, 355 kiw.......................563 ....348 lakem.................... 284 ....392 lap'em....................283 ....489 low........................48 .... 542 macanim.................. 304 ....512 malem.....................307 ....523 meg.......................339 ....512 mor.......................322 218, 363 ner ..................... 159 ....538 oln.......................368 ozni......................149 sam.......................445 ....361 sirt......................485 ....361 xacanem...................243 .... 285 ....27 11. Albanian ....398 ah ........................29 ....567 balte......................53 ....496 be ........................39 ....133 bredh......................61 hie ............. kalli ........... kohe............. mardhe........... motre............ pjerdh........... ze .............. 12. Non-IE 12.1 Finnish ăes.............. aisa............. ankerias......... karpas........... kesă............. lauta............ lohi ............ lunka............ vaha............. 12.2 Estonian kăăv............. magun............ vaha ............ 12.3 Livonian maggon........... 12.4 Hungarian belendek......... 12.5 Mongolian khomut........... 12.6 Arabic qirmiz...........