Mahir İz Caddesi, No. 17, B Blok, Kat 2, 34662 Üsküdar, İstanbul, Türkiye adresinde bulunan SEV Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık Eğitim Ticaret A.Ş. tarafından yayımlanmıştır. ©1999 SEV Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık A.Ş. ©2000 SEV Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık Eğitim Ticaret A.Ş. Türkçe - İngilizce Redhouse Sözlüğü'nün metni, Serap Bezmez, G.H. Brown tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Düzelti işleri, Nilüfer Aydın ve Hüseyin Vatan tarafından yapılmıştır. ISBN: 975-8176-41-2 Yedinci Baskı, Nisan 2007 Yüzüncü Yıl Mahallesi, Matbaacılar Sitesi, 5. Cadde, No.47, Bağcılar, İstanbul, Türkiye adresinde bulunan Ayhan Matbaası tarafından basılmıştır. TÜRKÇE-İNGİLİZCE REDHOUSE SÖZLÜĞÜ The REDHOUSE TURKISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY dl Redhouse Önsöz Türkçe-İngilizce Redhouse Sözlüğü, Çağdaş Türkçe-lngilizce Redhouse Sözlüğü'nün yeni baskısıdır. İlk baskıdaki yanlışları düzeltmenin yanı sıra sözlüğe yeni maddeler ekledik ve var olan maddelerin çoğunu genişlettik ya da yeniden yazdık. Bazı maddeleri örneklerle zenginleştirdik. Maddeler yalnızca bugün Türkiye’de sık karşılaşılan sözcüklerden oluşmuyor, aynı zamanda, günümüzde kullanılmamakla birlikte elli altmış yıl önce yaygm olarak kullanılan pek çok sözcüğü de kapsıyor. Kısacası, bu sözlüğün, 1928 dil devriminden bu yana Türkçenin Türkiye’de konuşulan ve yazılan şekliyle ilgilenen herkesin gereksinimini karşılayacağına inanıyoruz. Serap Bezmez C. H. Brown Mart 1999 Preface The Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary is a new edition of The Redhouse Contemporary Turkish-English Dictionary. Besides correcting errors found in the first edition, we have added new entries and enlarged or reworked many of the original entries. We have enriched a number of entries by including examples of usage. The entries include not just the words that are. most frequently encountered in Turkey today, but many words that, although now either obşolete or obsolescent, were in common use only fifty or sixty years ago. In short, we believe that this dictionary will serve the needs of all who are dealing with Turkish as it has been spoken and written in Turkey since the language reform of 1928. Serap Bezmez C. H. Brown March 1999 Açıklamalar 1. Tanımlanan sözcüğün daha yaygın olan anlamı diğerlerinden önce sıralanmıştır. 2. Eşanlamlı sözcükler virgülle ayrılmıştır. 3. Yakın anlamlı karşılık veya tanımlar noktalı virgülle ayrılmıştır. 4. Taksim işareti “veya” anlamında kullanılmıştır. Örneğin nutuk maddesi altında verilen nutuk atmak/çekmek deyimindeki taksim işareti nutuk sözcüğünün atmak veya çekmek fiilleriyle birlikte kullanılacağını göstermektedir. 5. Örneklerden önce iki nokta üst üste konulmuştur. 6. Önemli derecede farklı olan anlamlar birbirinden rakamla ayrılmıştır. 7. Açıklayıcı bilgiler italik olarak veya parantezler içinde yazılmıştır. 8. Maddebaşı olan sözcük, maddenin her altbölümünde uzun çizgi (—) ile gösterilmiştir. a) Maddebaşı sözcük bir altbölümde büyük harfle başlıyorsa, büyük harf genellikle uzun çizginin başına bitişik olarak yazılmıştır. Örneğin Adalet Bakanlığı, Büyük Millet Meclisi, Kuzey Kutbu ve Milli Güvenlik Kurulu, A— Bakanlığı, B— Millet Meclisi, K— Kutbu ve M— Güvenlik Kurulu şeklinde yazılmıştır. b) Altbölümdeki maddebaşı sözcüğün sonunda bir ek varsa, o ek, uzun çizgiye bitişik olarak yazılmıştır. Örneğin çantada keklik, gözü korkmak, iştahı açılmak ve kafası yerinde olmamak sözleri —da keklik, —ü korkmak, —ı açılmak ve —sı yerinde olmamak şeklinde yazılmıştır. 9. Deyimler, atasözleri, özdeyişler ve iki veya daha çok sözcükten oluşan tamlamalar hangi sözcükle başlıyorsa o sözcüğün altında altbölüm olarak gösterilmiştir. Örneğin bir çırpıda veya hep beraber deyimlerini bulmak için çırpı veya beraber sözcükleri yerine bir veya hep sözcüklerinin altına bakılmalıdır. 10. Türkçe sözcüklerin yazımıyla ilgili bazı önemli noktalar aşağıda belirtilmiştir: a) Çekimi kurallara uymayan isimler -i halleriyle birlikte verilmiştir: bürün, -rnu; dikkat, -ti; hat, -ttı; hukuk, -ku; nevi, -v’i; rol, -lü; tabi, -ii. b) Düzeltme işaretinin kullanılışında şu kurallara uyulmuştur: (1) G ve k ünsüzlerinden sonra gelen a ve u ünlüleri üzerine konulan düzeltme işareti, g ve k ünsüzlerinin ince okunacağını gösterir: eşkâl, ikametgâh, Kâbe, kâğıt, karargâh, topyekûn, yegâne. (2) Diğer durumlarda, bir ünlü üzerine konulan düzeltme işareti o ünlünün uzun okunacağını gösterir: âdet, hâsılat, mâni, nâr, yâr. c) Kesme işaretinin kullanılışında şu kurallar göz önünde tutulmuştur: (1) Kesme işareti genellikle, özel isimleri, kısaltmaları, rakamları, alfabedeki harfleri ve sonekleri takılardan ya da kendilerine eklenen ile bağlacından ayırmak için kullanılır: Ümit’ten; SEKA’ya; 2’nin; d’si; Ayşe’ye; Bu fiilin eki -di’dir; Onat’la; Müdür sınıftaki Osman’ları odasına çağırdı. (2) Önemli bir kişiye duyulan saygıyı belirtmek amacıyla büyük harfle yazılan o zamiri, takılardan kesme işaretiyle ayrılır: O’na, O’nun. (3) Kesme işareti bazen gırtlaksı bir kesintiye işaret eder: mer’i, nev’i, ye’se. viii 11. Türkçe sözcüklerin söylenişiyle ilgili şu noktalar dikkate alınmalıdır: a) Bir sözcüğün söylenişi belirtilmemişse, o sözcüğün hiç uzun hecesinin olmadığı ve son hecesinin hafifçe vurgulu olduğu anlamına gelir. b) Uzun heceli olan ve son hecesi dışındaki herhangi bir hecesi vurgulu olan sözcükler basit bir imleme dizgesiyle açıklanmıştır. Bu dizgeye göre nokta (.) imi kısa heceyi, uzun çizgi (—) uzun heceyi göstermekte, heceyi belirten imden hemen sonra ve yukarıya konulan kesme O imi ise vurgulu heceyi göstermektedir. Örneğin, birinci hecesi uzun ikinci hecesi kısa olan masum sözcüğünün söylenişi biçiminde belirtilmiştir. İkinci hecesi vurgulu olup üç heceden oluşan laterna sözcüğü (./.) imleriyle gösterilmiştir. c) Türedikleri kökün uzun ya da vurgulu hecelerini aynen korumayan türevler yukarıda belirtilen imleme dizgesine göre açıklanmıştır. 12. Ettirgen ve edilgen fiillerle ilgili şu noktalar göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır: a) Sözlükte yer alan ettirgen fiiller genellikle İngilizceye to have {someone) do (,something) şeklindeki kalıba göre çevrilmiştir. Ancak bu tür fiillerin ayrıca kullanıldığı bağlama göre İngilizceye şu kalıplara dayanarak çevrilebileceği de göz önünde tutulmalıdır: to have (something) done, to let (someone) do (something), to allow (someone) to do (something), to let (something) be done, to allow (something) to be done veya to make (someone) do (something). b) Edilgen hale giren geçişsiz fiiller genellikle impersonal passive (özne almayan fiil) adı altında açıklanmıştır. Bu tür fiiller “one,” “you” veya “people” gibi belgisiz bir özne ile kullanılırlar: Oraya tek başına gidilmez. ‘One doesn’t go there alone.’ 13. Tanımlanan Türkçe sözcüklerin işlev veya anlamının iyice anlaşılması için şu noktalara dikkat edilmelidir: a) Sıfat olarak kullanılan bazı Türkçe sözcükler parantezler içindeki bir sözcüğü niteleyen bir sözcük grubuyla tanımlanmıştır: nemelazımcı ‘(someone) who has an I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.’ Parantezler içindeki someone sözcüğü parantezsiz yazılsaydı nemelazımcı sözcüğünün isim olduğu anlaşılırdı. b) Parantezler içinde yazılan belgisiz sıfat a, nitelediği sözcüğün isim olduğunu göstermektedir. Örneğin seksenlik sözcüğünün dördüncü karşılığı ‘(an) octogenarian.’ Seksenlik sözcüğünün ikinci karşılığı olan ‘octogenarian’ sözcüğünden önce belgisiz bir sıfatın bulunmaması bu sözcüğün sıfat olduğuna işaret etmektedir. 14. Sonunda 4ng eki olan bir ya da birkaç isim-fiil ile tanımlanan sözcükler genellikle isim olarak kullanılmaktadır: engelleme ‘hindering,’ oturma ‘sitting’ veya çıkıkçılık ‘bonesetting.’ 15. Bazı durumlarda parantezler içinde yazılan belgisiz sıfat a, kendisinden sonra gelen sözcüğün sayılabilir nitelikte bir isim olduğunu göstermektedir: öğün ‘(a) meal,’ raunt ‘(a) round,’ and yiyecek ‘(a) food.’ 16. Genellikle sıfat olarak tanımlanan sözcükler isim olarak da kullanılabilir. 17. Sıfat olarak tanımlanan birçok sözcük, zarf olarak da kullanılabilir: İspanyolcayı iyi konuşuyor. ‘He speaks Spanish well.’ Cesur davrandı. ‘He acted bravely.’ 18. Hem sıfat, hem de isim olarak kullanılabilen önemli bir grup sözcük de -ci sonekiyle bitmekte ve bir şeyle uğraşmayı meslek edinen ya da bir şeyi alışkanlık haline getiren kimseleri (dişçi, röntgenci, beleşçi gibi) veya bir kişi ya da şeye kendini adayan kimseleri (Atatürkçü, halkçı, milliyetçi gibi) belirtmek için kullanılmaktadır. Bu sözcükler genellikle isim olarak kullanıldığı için İngilizce karşılıkları da çoğu zaman isim olarak verilmiştir. Ancak bu tür sözcükler bazen sıfat olarak da kullanılırlar. Örneğin temizlikçi kadın ‘cleaning woman.’ 19. Maddelerin altbölümlerinde maddebaşı olan sözcükten daha sonra gelen ve parantezler içinde yazılan bazı sözcüklerin kullanımı, kullanacak olanın isteğine bırakılmıştır. Örneğin kaşıkla yedirip sapıyla (gözünü) çıkartmak deyimindeki çıkartmak fiilinin nesnesi olan parantezler içindeki gözünü sözcüğü kullanılmasa da olur. ix 20. Maddelerin altbölümlerinde, maddebaşı sözcükten önce parantezler içinde yazılan sözcüklerin deyimle birlikte kullanılmaları gerekmektedir. Örneğin şaka sözcüğü altında verilen (iş) şaka götürmemek deyiminde iş sözcüğü şaka götürmemek deyiminden önce parantezler içinde yazılmıştır, çünkü bu deyim her zaman öznesi olan iş sözcüğüyle birlikte kullanılır. 21. Türkçe isim çekim ekleri şu şekillerde belirtilmiştir: DURUM EK ÖRNEK Yükleme durumu Tamlayan durumu Yönelme durumu Bulunma durumu Çıkma durumu İli İmi lal /da/ /dan/ ütülemek lıl (örneğin Masa örtüsünü ütüledi. She ironed the tablecloth.) hakkmdan gelmek İmi (iörneğin Onun hakkından geleceğim. I’m going to get even with him.) aykırı olmak /a/ (örneğin Bu kurallara aykırı değil. This isn’t against the rules.) yıllanmak /da/ (örneğin Orada yıllandı. He’s been there a long time.) korkmak /dan/ (örneğin Ondan kork! Be on your guard against him!) 22. İle edatı şu şekilde belirtilmiştir: EK ÖRNEK /la/ beraber /la/ (örneğin Onunla beraber geldi. She came with him.) 23. Türkçe sözcüklerin yalnızca en çok kullanılan türevleri gösterilmiştir. Örneğin sütçü, başlatmak ve işsiz sözcüklerine yer verilmiş, votkacı, gıdıklatmak ve kedisiz sözcükleri gösterilmemiştir. 24. Türkçe sözcüklerin yazılışında genellikle Türk Dil Kurumu’nun 1981 yılında yayımladığı Yeni Yazım Kılavuzu ile Dil Derneği’nin 1990 yılında yayımladığı Yazım Kılavuzunda, önerilen yazım kuralları göz önüne alınmıştır. 25. İngilizce sözcüklerin yazılışında genellikle G. & C. Merriam Company’nin 1976 yılında yayımladığı Webster's Third New International Dictionary adlı sözlükteki öneriler göz önüne alınmıştır. .26. Bu sözlük Amerikan İngilizcesi esas alınarak hazırlandığı için İngiliz İngilizcesine özgü kullanımlar Brit. kısaltmasıyla işaretlenmiştir. 27. İngilizce bir sözcük veya söz öbeği hem edatsız, hem de edatla birlikte kullanılabiliyorsa, o sözcüğe veya söz öbeğine ait edatlar parantezler içinde gösterilmiştir. Sözcükle veya söz öbeğiyle birlikte kullanılması şart olan edatlar ise parantezsiz olarak yazılmıştır. 28. Yazılışında tire bulunan bir sözcüğün satır sonunda tireli yerden bölünmesi gerektiğinde sözcüğün kendi tiresi satırın sonuna değil, alttaki satırın başına konulmuştur. Buna dayanarak, satır sonuna rastlayan double-dealer sözcüğü şu üç şekilde bölünebilir: dou- veya double ya da double-deal- ble-dealer -dealer er. 29. Kaba sayılan sözcükler yıldızla (*) işaretlenmiştir. Notes to the User 1. Senses that are more frequently used precede those that are less frequently used. 2. Commas separate synonyms. 3. Semicolons separate equivalents or renderings that, though similar in meaning, are not synonymous. 4. Diagonals should be read to mean “or.” For example, an idiomatic use of nutuk with either atmak or çekmek is shown as nutuk atmak/çekmek. 5. Colons precede examples. 6. Arabic numerals mark the beginning of senses. 7. Explanatory material is set off in either italics or parentheses. 8. Dashes represent headwords (i.e. words that are the subjects of main entries). a) If the headword represented by a dash begins with a capital letter, that letter is usually written at the beginning of the dash; thus Adalet Bakanlığı, Büyük Millet Meclisi, Kuzey Kutbu, and Milli Güvenlik Kurulu are shown as A— Bakanlığı, B— Millet Meclisi, K— Kutbu, and M— Güvenlik Kurulu. b) If the headword represented by a dash ends in an inflectional suffix, this suffix is written immediately after the dash; thus çantada keklik, gözü korkmak, iştahı açılmak, and kafası yerinde olmamak are shown as —da keklik, —ü korkmak, — ı açılmak, and —sı yerinde olmamak. 9. Idioms, expressions, proverbs, sayings, and compounds usually written as two or more words are listed as run-on entries (i.e. entries that are run on at the end of main entries) under the word with which they begin. Thus, to find bir çırpıda or hep beraber, look under bir or hep, not çırpı or beraber. 10. The following points concerning the spelling of Turkish words should be noted: a) Nouns the final letter or syllable of which is irregularly inflected are followed by an abbreviation that exemplifies this inflection for the accusative case, e.g. burun, -mu; dikkat, -ti; hat, -tti; hukuk, -ku; nevi, -v’i; rol, -lü; tabi, -ii. b) The circumflex accent is used as follows: (1) A circumflex over an a or a u that follows a g or a k indicates that the g or k is palatalized, e.g. eşkâl, ikametgâh, Kâbe, kâğıt, karargâh, topyekûn, yegâne. (2) In other instances a circumflex over a vowel indicates that it is long, e.g. âdet, hâsılat, mâni, nâr, yâr. c) The apostrophe is used as follows: (1) It is commonly used to set off proper names, acronyms, numerals, letters of an alphabet, or suffixes from grammatical endings or from the postposition lie, e.g. Ümit’ten; SEKA’ya; 2’nin; d’si; Ayşe’ye; Bu fiilin eki -di’dir; Onat’la; Müdür sınıftaki Osman’ları odasına çağırdı. (2) It is used to set off the pronoun o when, as a sign of respect for a great person, it is written with a capital letter, e.g. O’na, O’nun. (3) It can indicate a glottal stop, e.g. mer’i, nev’i, ye’se. , xi 11. The following points concerning the pronunciation of Turkish words should be noted: a) If the pronunciation of a word is not indicated, it may be assumed that it has no long syllables and that it is slightly accented on the last syllable. b) Words which contain long syllables and which are accented on a syllable other than the last one have been indicated using a simple system of notation. In this system a dot (.) stands for a short syllable, a dash (—) stands for a long syllable, and an accented syllable has a small accent mark O placed above and slightly after it. Thus, the pronunciation of the word masum, the first syllable of which is long and the second syllable of which is short, is indicated as follows: The pronunciation of the word laterna, a word containing three short syllables the second of which is accented, is indicated as follows: (./.)• c) Derivatives which don’t retain the long or accented syllables of their roots have been marked so using the same system of notation. 12. The following points concerning causative and passive verbs should be noted: a) The causative forms of Turkish verbs that have been entered in this dictionary are often only rendered into English according to the pattern to have (someone) do (something). It should, however, be kept in mind that in the appropriate context such forms can also be translated according to any of the following patterns: to have (something) done, to let (someone) do (something), to allow (someone) to do (something), to let (something) be done, to allow (something) to be done, or to make (someone) do (something). b) Intransitive verbs that have been made passive are usually given the label impersonal passive. Such verbs are used with an impersonal subject such as “one,” “you,” or “people,” e.g. Oraya tek başına gidilmez. ‘One doesn’t go there alone.’ 13. The following notes should clarify some points relating to the meaning and grammatical function of certain entries: a) An adjectival meaning is often rendered by a dependent clause immediately following a word in parentheses, e.g. nemelazımcı ‘(someone) who has an I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.’ If the parentheses enclosing ‘someone’ are removed, nemelazımcı would then be rendered as a noun, i.e. ‘someone who has an I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude.’ b) An indefinite article enclosed in parentheses indicates that the word which follows is a noun, e.g. ‘(an) octogenarian,’ the fourth sense given for seksenlik. Conversely, the lack of an indefinite article before such a word means that it is an adjective, e.g. ‘octogenarian,’ the second sense given for seksenlik. 14. Words translated using only one or several verbals that end in ‘-ing’ are usually used as nouns, e.g. engelleme ‘hindering,’ oturma ‘sitting,’ or çıkıkçılık ‘bonesetting.’ 15. In some cases an indefinite article enclosed in parentheses shows that the word which follows it is used as a count noun, e.g. öğün ‘(a) meal,’ raunt ‘(a) round,’ and yiyecek ‘(a) food.’ 16. Generally speaking, any Turkish word rendered only as an adjective is also capable of being used as a noun. 17. An etymologically Turkish word that is rendered only as an adjective is, in many cases, also capable of being used as an adverb, e.g. İspanyolcayı iyi konuşuyor. ‘He speaks Spanish well.’ Cesur davrandı. ‘He acted bravely.’ 18. Words that end in the suffix -ci are used to denote people who are either professional or habitual doers of something (e.g. dişçi, röntgenci, beleşçi) or who are devotees of someone or something (e.g. Atatürkçü, halkçı, milliyetçi). As these words are usually used as nouns, this dictionary, in most instances, translates them only as such. They are, however, occasionally used as adjectives, e.g. temizlikçi kadm ‘cleaning woman.’ 19. A boldfaced word in parentheses that appears at some point after the headword of a run-on entry is optional, e.g. the direct object (gözünü) found in kaşıkla yedirip sapıyla (gözünü) çıkartmak. Xll 20. A boldfaced word placed in parentheses before the headword of a run-on entry is not an optional word or an alternative. For example, the word iş has been put in parentheses before the expression şaka götürmemek (listed under şaka) because the expression is always used with iş as its subject. 21. The case endings of Turkish nouns are shown as follows: CASE ENDING EXAMPLE Accusative Genitive hi /ill/ ütülemek hi (e.g. Masa örtüsünü ütüledi. She ironed the tablecloth.) hakkından gelmek İmi (e.g. Onun hakkından geleceğim. I’m going to get even with him.) Dative Locative Ablative /a/ /da/ /dan/ 22. The postposition ile is shown as follows: ENDING aykırı olmak /a/ (e.g. Bu kurallara aykırı değil. This isn’t against the rules.) yıllanmak /da/ (e.g. Orada yıllandı. He’s been there a long time.) korkmak /dan/ (e.g. Ondan kork! Be on your guard against him!) EXAMPLE /la/ beraber /la/ (e.g. Onunla beraber geldi. She came with him.) 23. As a nile, only the more frequently used derived forms of a Turkish word are listed, i.e. sütçü, başlatmak, and işsiz have been entered, but not votkacı, gıdıklatmak, or kedisiz. 24. The spellings used for Turkish words are generally those recommended in the Yeni Yazım Kılavuzu published by the Türk Dil Kurumu in 1981 and those recommended in the Yazım Kılavuzu published by the Dil Demeği in 1990. 25. The spellings used for English words are generally those recommended in Webster's Third New International Dictionary published by G. & C. Merriam Company in 1976. 26. As this dictionary is based on American usage, those usages that are peculiar to British English have been so labeled. 27. When an English word or phrase can be used either with or without a preposition, the preposition has usually been shown in parentheses. If the preposition is obligatory, it has usually not been shown in parentheses. 28. When a hyphenated word at the end of a line of type must be divided at its point of hyphenation, the hyphen, instead of being placed at the end of that line of type, is placed at the beginning of the next line of type. Thus, double-dealer, when found at the end of a line of type, might be divided either as dou- or double or double-deal- ble-dealer -dealer er. 29. A word usually regarded as vulgar is marked with an asterisk (*). Kısaltmalar/Abbreviations abbr. abbreviation kısaltma anat. anatomy anatomi arch. architecture mimarlık archaeol. archaeology arkeoloji astr. astronomy gökbilim astrol. astrology astroloji auto. automotive otomobil v.b.’ne ait biochem. biochemistry biyokimya biol. biology biyoloji bot. botany bitkibilim Brit. British İngiliz İngilizcesine özgü chem. chemistry kimya Christ. Christianity Hristiyanlık tin. cinema sinema colloq. colloquial konuşma diline özgü com. commerce ticaret comp. computer bilgisayar dent. dentistry dişçilik econ. economics ekonomi elec. electricity elektrik fin. finance mali işler geog. geography coğrafya geol. geology jeoloji geom. geometry geometri gram. grammar dilbilgisi hist. history tarih hort. horticulture bahçıvanlık ins. insurance sigorta joc. jocular şaka yollu ling. linguistics dilbilim lit. literature edebiyat log. logic mantık mar. maritime denizcilikle ilgili math. mathematics matematik mech. mechanics mekanik med. medical tıbbi mil. military askeri mus. music müzik naut. nautical denizcilikle ilgili obs. obsolete artık kullanılmayan off. offensive aşağılayıcı O.S. oneself kendi Ott. Ottoman Osmanlı path. pathology patoloji Pej- pejorative yermeli pharm. pharmacology eczacılık phil. philosophy felsefe phon. phonetics sesbilgisi phot. photography fotoğrafçılık phys. physics fizik physiol. physiology fizyoloji poet. poetry/poetic şiir/şiirsel pol. politics politika print. printing matbaacılık prov. provincial taşrada kullanılan psych. psychology ruhbilim rail. railroad demiryolu xiv s.o. someone sociol. sociology s-t.^ something surg. surgery tailor. tailoring tech. technology text. textile industry theat. theater Turk. Turkish TV television U.S. American usage vulg. vulgar zool. zoology biri toplumbilim bir şey cerrahlık terzilik teknoloji dokumacılık tiyatro Türk televizyon Amerikan İngilizcesine özgü kaba konuşmada kullanılan hayvanbilim A 1A 1. the letter A. 2. chem. A (argon). 3. mus. A (the sixth note in the scale of C major or the key based on this note). 4. used repeatedly at the beginning of a sentence to show astonishment: A a a! Bu ne böyle? What on earth is this? 5. used at the beginning of a sentence to show affection/pleasure: A canım, söyle! What is it, honey? A ne güzel! How nice! 6. used at the beginning of a sentence to show exasperation: A dostum, beni iflasa sürükleyeceksin! Look here my friend, you’re going to reduce me to bankruptcy. 7. used to show resignation/pity: A birader, felek hiç bize güler mi? Ah brother, will fortune ever smile on us? A zavallı, ne olacak hali? Poor man, what’s going to become of him? — köse, sayılmadık kaç tel sakalın var? colloq. Come on now, who do you think you are? (said to s.o. who has a very exaggerated idea of his own importance). — vitamini vitamin A. —’dan Z’ye kadar from A to Z, completely, every single one of ...: Bu dosyadakileri A’dan Z’ye kadar biliyorum. I know what’s in this file from A to Z. 2A (—) 1. Heavens!/What the devil ...1 (used to show astonishment): A! Bu ne? What the devil is this? 2. Ah, ...! (used to show af- fection/pleasure): A! Ne güzel! Ah, how nice! 3. Look, ...!/Look here, ...! (used to show mild anger/exasperation): A! Fazla ileri gittin artık! Look, now you’ve gone too far! A! Beni sinirlendiriyorsun artık! Look here, you’re beginning to make me angry now! a used to reinforce the meaning of a verb: “Sen sus!” “Sustum a!” “Shut up!” “I have!”. Oyunculuğu seviyorsun a, en mühimi o! You really love acting. That’s the most important thing! Malum a! It’s well known! AA (abbr.for Anadolu Ajansı) a wire service. aa prov. no (a negative reply). aah prov., see aa. AB (abbr. for Avrupa Birliği) EU/EC (the European Union/Community). ab (—) obs. water. aba 1. strong coarse wool cloth. 2. cloak/coat made of this cloth, aba. 3. cloak (worn by dervishes). 4. made of coarse wool cloth. — altından değnek göstermek to show the iron hand beneath the velvet glove, speak softly but carry a big stick. — gibi coarse (cloth). —nın kadri yağmurda bilinir, proverb (The value of a coat becomes clear when it rains.) You don’t appreciate something until you need it. —sı kırk yamalı very poor, very impoverished. — yı sermek /a/ to make o.s. at home (in), move in on (s.o.). — terlik slippers made of coarse cloth. — vakti yaba, yaba vakti aba. proverb (Buy a pitchfork in the overcoat season and buy an overcoat in the pitchfork season.) It is good economy to buy things when they are cheap and available. — yı yakmak /a/ colloq. to fall desperately in love, be infatuated (with). —yı yaktı Fatma’nm/Fatmacığın bezine/ kızma, colloq. He has been swept off his feet by her. —sı yanık 1. man who is head over heels in love. 2. besotted (lover), abaci maker/seller of coarse wool cloth/garments. — kebeci, (ya) sen neci? colloq. Where do you come in?/What’s it to you? abacılık the business of making heavy cloth cloaks. abad (-------) obs., see abat. abadan (----------) obs. flourishing (area/place); cultivated (land); populous and thriving (area/ place). abadanlik (— —..) obs. 1. flourishing state, tliriving condition, prosperity. 2. flourishing place; cultivated land; populous and thriving place. abadi (-----------) Manila paper. abajur 1. lampshade, shade. 2. floor lamp; table lamp. abajurcu 1. maker/seller of lampshades. 2. maker/seller of floor/table lamps, abaküs abacus. abalı 1. wearing a coarse homespun coat. 2. poor, wretched: Vur abalıya! Jump on him while he’s down! (a reproach). abandırmak 1. /i, a/ to have (s.o.) lean down on; to have (s.o.) lean down over; to have (one person) stand right over (another). 2. /i, a/ to have (one person) lean against (another); to have (s.o.) lean on (s.t.) hard. 3. I\l to make (an animal) kneel down. 4. /i, a/ colloq. to set (one person) on (another). 5. Ill prov. to get (s.o.) to lengthen his/her stride. 6. /i, a/ prov. to cause (one person) to sponge on (another), abandon boxing victory declared when one of the boxers gives up the fight before the match is over, abandone 1. boxing victory declared when one of the boxers gives up the fight before the abani 2 Abhazca match is over. 2. sports contest that is canceled at some point after it has begun. — etmek 1. h! to cause (a boxer) to leave the ring before the match is over, cause (a boxer) to give up the fight before the match is over. 2. hi to cancel (a contest) (at some point after it has begun). 3. (for a boxer) to leave the ring before the match is over, give up the fight before the match is over. — olmak (for a boxer) to leave the ring before the match is over, give up the fight before the match is over. — yarış sports contest that is canceled at some point after it has begun. abani (—----------) 1. a fine cotton material em- broidered with yellow silk, formerly used for turbans and jackets. 2. made of this cloth, abanlamak prov. 1. to stride, take long steps. 2. h! to measure (a distance) by pacing it off, pace it off. 3. (for a baby) to crawl, abanmak 1. /a/ to lean down on; to lean down over; to stand right over (s.o.). 2. /a/ to lean against; to lean on; to lean into; to lean against (s.t.) hard. 3. /a/ colloq. to try to overpower (s.o.) physically; to set upon, fall upon, jump (s.o.). 4. prov. to lengthen one’s stride, begin to take long steps; to stride. 5. prov. to sponge on (s.o.), live off (s.o.). abanoz ebony. — gibi (s.t.) which is as black and as hard as ebony, ebony-like. — kesilmek to become as hard and as black as ebony, become like ebony, abanozgiller bot. Ebenaceae. abartı exaggeration. abartıcı 1. habitually exaggerating. 2. exag-gerator. abartılı exaggerated, abartılmak to be exaggerated, abartma exaggeration, overstatement, abartmacı 1. habitually exaggerating. 2. exag-gerator. abartmacılık the habit of exaggerating, abartmak hi to exaggerate, abartmalı exaggerated, abaso (./.) naut., see abaşo, abaşo (./.) naut., used in: — babafingo lower topgallant sail, lower topgallant. — gabya lower main topsail. — velena main staysail. — yakası foot (of a sail), abat (— —) obs. flourishing (area/place); cultivated (land); populous and thriving (place) (usually used with the verbs etmek/olmak). abataj mining (of ore/coal). Abaza see Abhaz. abazan slang 1. horny, randy, filled with lust (because he has not had sexual intercourse for a long time). 2. very hungry, famished, starving. abazanlik slang 1. horniness, randiness, lust. 2. great hunger. Abbasi (.— —) hist. 1. (an) Abbasid. 2. Ab-basid, of the Abbasids. Abbas yolcu, colloq. 1. I’m taking off and that’s that! 2. He’s about to die. ABD (abbr. for Amerika Birleşik Devletleri) U.S.A. (United States of America), abd, -bdi obs., see abit. Abdal Abdal, Abdali. abdal 1. a rank in some dervish orders. 2. formerly begging dervish. 3. formerly dervish saint. — ata binince bey oldum sanır, şalgam aşa girince yağ oldum sanır, proverb (When a traveling beggar gets to ride a horse he feels like a prince; when a turnip is added to some stew it thinks that it is fat.) When a simple person gets undeserved honors he comes to think of them as his right. — m dostluğu köy görününceye kadar, proverb (The beggar’s friendship lasts until he can see the village.) A person who uses his friends drops them as soon as they cease to be useful. — düğünden, çocuk oyundan usanmaz, proverb A beggar never gets enough wedding feasts any more than a child gets enough of playing, —a, “Kar yağıyor,” demişler, “Titremeye hazırım/durmuşum,” demiş, proverb (They told the poor man it was snowing, and he said, “So I’ll shiver.”) The poor are resigned to hardship. — m karnı doyunca gözü pabucundadır (yolda olur), proverb (When the beggar has eaten his fill his eyes are on his shoes.) When an opportunist has gotten all he can from someone he goes on to someone else, —a malum olur, proverb (The saint has foreknowledge.) Some people are good at guessing the truth. — tekkede, hacı Mekke’de bulunur, proverb (The dervish is in his lodge and the pilgrim is in Mecca.) A person finds a place that suits his inclinations. —m yağı çok olursa gâh borusuna çalar, gâh gerisine, proverb (If a poor man gets oil he rubs it not only on his bugle but also on his bottom.) If a foolish person has money he wastes it. abdest, -ti see aptes, abdesthane (..— .) see apteshane. abdiâciz (..—.) obs. your humble servant (a polite formula). abdülleziz bot. chufa, Cyperus esculentus. abe prov. Hey! abece 1. alphabet, alphabet book. 2. the ABC’s, abecesel alphabetical, abeci slang 1. foolish. 2. fool, idiot, dope, aberasyon aberration, deviation, abes 1. useless. 2. absurd, unreasonable. 3. nonsense, absurdity. — kaçmak to be improper. —le uğraşmak to busy o.s. with trifles, fool around. Abhaz 1. (an) Abkhaz, (an) Abkhas, (an) Abkhazian, (an) Abkhasian. 2. Abkhaz, Abkhas, Abkhazian, Abkhasian, of the Abkhaz. Abhazca (./.) 1. Abkhaz, Abkhas, Abkhazian, Abkhasian, the Abkhaz language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Abkhaz, Abkhaz, Abkhas, Abkhazian, Abkhasian. 3. Abkhaz, Abkhas, Abhazya 3 Abkhazian, Abkhasian (speech/writing); spoken in Abkhaz; written in Abkhaz. Abhazya (./.) Abkhazia, Abkhasia. abıhayat', -ti (—...) 1. water of life, elixir. 2. colloq. liquor, raki. — içmiş healthy and young looking in spite of his/her age. abıru (—) obs. honor, pride. — dökmek to implore humbly; to entreat servilely, abi (—.) (colloq. for ağabey) older brother, âbid (—.) obs., see âbit. abid obs., see abit. abidat, -ti (—■.—) obs. monuments, abide (—..) monument, abideleşmek (—....) 1. to become a monument. 2. to be memorialized, become sacred, become an honored symbol. abideleştirmek (—......) III to make (s.o./s.t.) a lasting symbol, abidevi (—..—) obs. monumental, abis geol. abyss, abisal geol. abyssal. Abisinya (../.) Abyssinia. âbit (—.) obs. 1. worshiper. 2. servant; slave. 3. (s.o.) who is a devout worshiper. abit, -bdi 1. Islam human being, servant (of God). 2. obs. slave. — i âciz obs. your humble servant (a polite formula). abiye 1. dressy, smart (piece of wearing apparel). 2. smartly, stylishly, abiyotik abiotic. abla (/.) 1. older sister. 2. ma’am (a respectful term of address for a woman). ablaci (/..) slang lesbian, ablak pej. 1. round, chubby (face). 2. round -faced, chubby-faced. — yüzlü round-faced, chubby-faced, ablalık (/..) role of an older sister. —■ etmek /a/ to behave as an older sister (toward), ablatif gram. 1. ablative, in the ablative case. 2. the ablative, the ablative case, ablatya (./.) seine. abli naut. vang. — yi kaçırmak/bırakmak slang to get flustered, lose one’s cool, abluka (./.) blockade. — ya almak hi to blockade. — altında tutmak hi to blockade. —yı bozmak to break the blockade. — etmek hi to blockade. — kaçağı blockade runner. — yı kaldırmak to raise the blockade. —yı yarmak to run the blockade, abo (.*—) prov. Ah!/Oh! (expression of surprise/ dismay). abone 1. subscriber. 2. holder of a season ticket. 3. person who has contracted with a public utility for its services, user, consumer. 4. colloq. (a) regular, (a) habitue. — yi kesmek 1. to cancel a subscription. 2. to cancel a contract (with a public utility). — olmak /a/ 1. to subscribe to. 2. to have a season ticket for. 3. to contract with (a public utility) for its services. 4. colloq. to become a regular at, become a habitue of (a place). — ücreti 1. subscription fee. 2. price of a season ticket. —yi yenilemek to renew one’s subscription. Abuzettinbey abonelik 1. subscription, being a subscriber. 2. subscription fee. 3. (telephone exchange) capable of handling (a given number) of numbers; (a gas/water/electric line) capable of serving (a given number) of customers: beş yüz abonelik bir telefon santralı a telephone exchange which can handle five hundred numbers. 4. (a publication) which is sold by subscription (as opposed to being sold on the open market), abonman 1. subscription. 2. season ticket. 3. contract with a public utility for its services. — bileti season ticket; ticket good for a specified period. — sigortası floating insurance policy, floating policy, aborda (./.) naut. alongside. — etmek/olmak /a/ to come alongside (another ship/a pier), abosa naut. Avast! — etmek 1. hi to moor (a ship). 2. colloq. to stop, cease, leave off. abra prov. counterweight, makeweight, abrakadabra abracadabra, abrama naut. steering, piloting, abramak hi naut. to steer, pilot (a ship) (under difficult conditions), abraş prov. 1. speckled; dappled; spotted; piebald; (animal) which has a blaze. 2. mottled (leaf) (owing to chlorosis); variegated. 3. change of hue, faint dappling (in a textile) (owing to the thread’s having been unevenly dyed). 4. pale and blotchy (face); (face) disfigured by white spots. 5. speckling; dapple; piebaldness. 6. mottling, mottle (in a chlo-rotic leaf); variegation. 7. (part of a textile) which exhibits a change of hue (owing to the uneven dyeing of the threads). 8. mangy, absent, -ti see apsent, absolüsyon Christ, absolution, absorban 1. absorbent. 2. (an) absorbent, absorbe used in: — etmek hi to absorb, absorplayıcı 1. absorbent. 2. (an) absorbent, absorplayıcılık absorbency. absorpsiyon phys. absorption, abstraksiyonizm abstractionism, abstrakt/me arts, see abstre, abstre abstract (as opposed to concrete). — bilimler the pure sciences. — sayı math. abstract number, absürd absurd. abu (.—) prov. Ah!/Oh! (expression of surprise/ dismay). abuhava (—..—) obs. climate, weather, abuk sabuk (./ ..) colloq. 1. nonsensical, incoherent. 2. (to talk) incoherently, without making sense. — konuşmak to talk nonsense, abuli abulia. abullabut (./..) colloq. stupid, rude, coarse, abur cubur (./ ..) 1. food eaten in casual snacks. 2. haphazard, confused, incoherent (speech). 3.\ordinary, commonplace (person), abus frowning, scowling, glowering (person/ face). abuse etmek slang to stop, come to a halt. Abuzettinbey slang dandy. acaba 4 acaba (/..) I wonder .../I wonder whether .../ Do you think ...? A—! colloq. Is that so? acaib (.—.) see acaip. acaibiseb’a (.— ....) obs. the Seven Wonders (of the World). acaibiseb’aiâlem (.—.......—.) obs. the Seven Wonders of the World, acaip (.—.) 1. strange things, wonders. 2. strange, peculiar, queer, curious, odd. A—! colloq. How strange!/How odd! — i seb’a obs. the Seven Wonders (of the World). —i seb’a-i âlem obs. the Seven Wonders of the World. acar 1. bold, fearless; hardy. 2. clever, cunning. 3. prov. new. acayib (.—.) see acayip, acayip (.—.) 1. strange, peculiar, queer, curious, odd. 2. strange things, wonders. A—! colloq. How strange!/How odd! — ine gitmek /in/ to seem strange (to one). — olmak 1. to be odd. 2. to become odd. —i seb’a obs. the Seven Wonders (of the World). — i seb’a-i âlem obs. the Seven Wonders of the World, acayipleşmek (.—...) to become strange, acayiplik (.—..) strangeness, peculiarity, queerness, oddness, acelacayip (...— .) colloq. exceedingly strange, weird. acele 1. hurry, haste, undue haste. 2. urgent. 3. hurried, hasty (action). 4. in a hurry, hastily; urgently. — acele in a hurry, —ye boğmak hi to do (s.t.) hastily and carelessly. — etmek to be in a hurry, —ye gelememek (for s.o.) to refuse to do something hastily, —ye gelmek (for a job) to be done hastily and carelessly, —ye getirmek 111 1. to do (s.t.) quickly (in order to deceive s.o.). 2. to do (s.t.) hastily and carelessly. — ile in a hurry, hastily. — ile menzil alınmaz, proverb A day’s journey can’t be covered in haste. — işe şeytan karışır, proverb (The devil mixes in hasty work.) Haste makes waste, —si yok. colloq. There is no hurry about it. — yürüyen yolda kalır, proverb (A person who walks fast is left on the road.) Too much haste spoils a job. aceleci impetuous, always in a hurry, acelecilik the habit of hurrying, hastiness, aceleleştirmek /i/ to hurry (s.t.). acelesiz unhurried, slow. Acem (a word to be avoided as it is resented by Iranians) 1. (an) Iranian, (a) Persian. 2. Persian, pertaining to Iran, the Persians, or the Persian language. 3. Iran, Persia. — halısı Persian carpet. — kılıcı a two-edged sword. — kılıcı gibi two-faced, double -dealing. — kılıcı gibi iki tarafı/taraflı kesmek to treat two opposing parties equally. — külahı a Persian black lambskin cap. acem classical Turk. mus. a scale based on C. acemaşiran (...— .) classical Turk. mus. a makam. acemborusu, -nu (./...) bot. trumpet vine, trum- pet creeper, Campsis radicans. acembuselik (..— ..) classical Turk. mus. a makam. Açeıiıce (./.) 1. Persian, the Persian language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Persian, Persian. 3. Persian (speech/writing); spoken in Persian; written in Persian, acemi 1. inexperienced, unskilled. 2. beginner, novice, tyro. 3. one who does not have knowledge/experience (of s.t.). — çaylak colloq. clumsy person, awkward person. — er raw recruit. — katır kapı önünde yük indirir, proverb (An untrained mule will dump his load in front of the house.) An irresponsible helper will abandon you at the worst possible moment. — öğretmeye vaktim yok. colloq. I have no time to argue with fools. acemice (../.) clumsily, awkwardly, ineptly, acemileşmek to make careless mistakes, blunder. acemilik lack of experience, awkwardness, clumsiness. — çekmek to suffer from inexperience. — etmek to make a careless mistake, blunder, acemioğlan (../..) a Christian conscript boy selected and brought up to join the Janissaries. Acemistan obs. Persia. acemkürdi (...—) classical Turk. mus. a makam. acemlalesi, -ni (./—..) bot. California poppy, Eschscholtzia. acenta (./.) see acente, acentahk (./..) see acentelik, acente (./.) 1. (a) mercantile agency, agency: sigorta acentesi insurance agency, seyahat acentesi travel agency. 2. mercantile agent, agent, factor, broker, head of a mercantile agency. acentelik (./..) 1. law agency, the relationship between a principal and an agent. 2. agency, the business of an agent, acep (/.) colloq. I wonder .... aceze obs. the destitute, the needy, the helpless. *aci 1. bitter (to the taste). 2. hot, peppery (to the taste). 3. rancid (butter); sour (wine). 4. bitter, penetrating (cold/wind). 5. poignant, very moving, sad. 6. caustic, hurtful, acerb, acerbic, biting (words). 7. harsh, severe (action). 8. painful, very disagreeable/difficult: acı bir hatıra a painful memory, acı bir tecrübe a painful experience. 9. (a color) of a somewhat glaring shade, that is almost garish. — acı 1. poignantly, very movingly. 2. (aching) painfully. 3. harshly, bitterly, caustically. — bal intoxicating honey (made from certain flowers). — dil harsh/biting words; reproach. — gelmek /a/ to hurt, distress. — kahve cöffe6 made without sugar. — kuvvet brute force. — kuvvetli very strong. — patlıcanı kırağı çalmaz, pro verb (The bitter eggplant does not get frostbitten.) A worthless person does not suffer hard- 5 acımak ship. — son tragic end; tragic ending. — söz insanı/adamı dininden çıkarır, (tatlı söz/dil yılanı ininden/deliğinden çıkarır). proverb Harsh words just arouse a person’s wrath (but sweet words will charm a snake out of its hole). — su water which has a bitter taste (owing to the presence of minerals). — tatlı 1. bittersweet, (s.t.) which is a mixture of pain and pleasure: Acı tatlı birçok hatıramız var. We’ve a lot of memories, good and bad. 2. whatever (food): Acı tatlı ne varsa paylaşırız. We’ll share whatever food there is. 2acı 1. pain, ache. 2. bitterness, sharpness. 3. grief, sorrow (at s.o.’s death): Allah bu acıyı unutturmasın! May God spare you more grief! 4. mental pain^ anguish, suffering, sorrow. — acıyı keser/bastırır, su sancıyı. proverb (One bitter thing drives out another, as water relieves an ache.) The way to solve a difficult problem is to take heroic measures. —smi almak /in/ 1. to take the hot/bitter/ biting taste out of (a food). 2. to stop the pain in (a wound/hurt). 3. to assuage, soothe (a sorrow). — smı bağrına basmak (içine gömmek) to hide one’s distress/sorrow. — çekmek/duymak to suffer (physically/mentally). —sini çekmek Iml to pay the penalty of, pay for, suffer for. — sim çıkarmak /m/ 1. to take away the hot/bitter/biting taste of (a food). 2. to make up for, compensate for. 3. to make (s.o.) suffer for, make (s.o.) pay for (a wrong), —sı çıkmak Iml to suffer the consequences of, suffer for, pay for (an action) (at a given time): Bunun acısı er geç çıkar. Sooner or later you’ll have to suffer for this, —sim görmek Iml to suffer the death of (s.o. one loves), —sı içine/yüreğine çökmek/işlemek Iml 1. to feel acutely the (mental) pain of (s.t.). 2. to be tormented by (a possibility). — katmak/koymak /a/ to add a peppery seasoning to (a food). — yi tatmayan tatlıyı anlayamaz, proverb Until a person has suffered he/she doesn’t understand happiness, —sı tepesine çıkmak to suffer acutely (physically/mentally). — yitimi analgesia, acıağaç (./..) bot. quassia, Quassia amara. acıbadem (./—.) 1. bot. bitter almond, Amyg-dalus communis amara. 2. slang tricky, shrewd, cunning; hard-boiled. — kurabiyesi macaroon, almond cookie, acibakla (./..) bot. lupine, Lupinus. acibalik (./..) zool. bitterling, Rhodeus amarus. acıca somewhat bitter. acıçiğdem (./..) bot. meadow saffron, Colchi-cum autumnale. acıdaş fellow sufferer. acielma (.r\.) bot. colocynth, bitter apple, Cit-rullus colocynthis. acihiyar (./..) bot., see acielma. acık 1. bitterness. 2. mourning, acikavun (./..) bot. squirting cucumber, Ec- ballium elaterium. acıkılmak impersonal passive to feel hungry, acıklı 1. touching, pathetic, sad, tragic. 2. mourning, grieving. — başta akıl olmaz. proverb When a person is in trouble he/she can’t think straight, acıkmak to feel hungry. Acıkan doymam (sanır), susayan kanmam sanır, proverb A hungry person thinks he/she will never have enough to eat and a thirsty person can’t imagine having enough to drink. Acıkmış kudurmuştan beterdir, proverb (It is worse to starve quietly than to froth at the mouth.) When someone has been deprived of something too long, he/she goes crazy when he/ she gets it. Acıkan ne olsa yer, acıyan ne olsa söyler. (Acıkan ne yemez, acıyan ne demez.) proverb Just as a starving person will eat anything, a person who is suffering will say anything, acıktırmak III to make (s.o.) hungry, acılandırmak hi 1. to make (s.t.) bitter, embitter. 2. to make (s.t.) hot (to the taste), make (s.t.) peppery. 3. to make (butter) rancid; to sour (wine). 4. to cause (s.o.) to grieve. acılanmak 1. to grieve. 2. see acılaşmak, acılaşmak 1. to go bitter, develop a bitter taste. 2. to get a bitter taste (in one’s mouth): Ağzı acılandı. She got a bitter taste in her mouth. 3. (for butter) to become rancid; (for wine) to go sour. 4. (for a cry/a sound) to become poignant. 5. (for words) to become caustic. acılaştırmak hi 1. to make (s.t.) bitter, embitter. 2. to make (s.t.) hot (to the taste), make (s.t.) peppery. 3. to make (butter) rancid; to sour (wine). 4. to cause (a color) to become rather glaring. 5. to cause (a cry/a sound) to become poignant. 6. to cause (words) to become caustic, acılatmak III 1. to make (s.t.) bitter, embitter. 2. to make (s.t.) hot (to the taste), make (s.t.) peppery. 3. to make (butter) rancid; to sour (wine). 4. to cause (a color) to become rather glaring. acılı 1. (food) to which something bitter has been added, bitter. 2. (food) to which something peppery has been added, hot, peppery. 3. (s.o.) who is mourning; grief-stricken; mournful. 4. mournfully. acılık 1. bitterness, bitter taste. 2. hotness, pep-periness (in the taste of s.t.). 3. rancidness (of butter); sourness (of wine). 4. bitterness, penetrating nature (of cold/wind). 5. poignancy; pain; sadness. 6. causticity, hurtfulness, acerbity, bitingness (of words). 7. harshness, severity (of an action). 8. painfulness, extreme disagreeableness. 9. rather glaring nature (of a color), acıma 1. pity, compassion. 2. ache, aching, painfulness. acımak 1. to hurt, give pain, feel sore, ache. acımalık 6 aç 2. /a/ to pity, feel compassion for. 3. /a/ to be unable to give up (s.t.); to feel sorrow for (the loss/waste of s.t.), regret. 4. (for butter/oil) to become bitter, turn rancid. Acıyan uyumuş, acıkan uyumamış, proverb The person in pain can sleep, but not the hungry person, acımalık alms. acimarul (./..) bot. endive, Cichorium endivia. acımasız merciless, acımasızca (.../.) mercilessly, acımasızlık mercilessness, acımık bot. darnel, chess, cockle, ryegrass, Lol-ium temulentum. acımış rancid, acımsı somewhat bitter, acımtırak see acımsı, acınacak pitiable, deplorable; miserable, acınası miserable, wretched, acındırmak h, a/ to arouse (s.o.’s) compassion (for), make (s.o.) sorry (for), arouse (s.o.’s) pity (for). Acmdırırsan arsız olur, acıktırır-san hırsız olur, proverb If you make others sorry for a person he/she becomes impudent and if you starve him/her he/she turns into a thief. açınılmak /a/ impersonal passive to feel sorry for. acın kabadayısı, -m slang a penniless but generous person, acınmak /a/ 1. to feel sorrow for, pity. 2. impersonal passive to pity, aciot, -tu (./.) bot. black bryony, Tamus communis. acırak somewhat bitter, acırga (..'.) bot. horseradish, Armoracia lapathi-folia. acısız 1. painless. 2. lacking in peppery seasoning, not hot, mild. 3. (s.t.) that is free of worries, carefree, acıtıcı hurtful, wounding, acıtmak h! 1. to hurt, cause (s.o.) pain. 2. to give (s.t.) a bitter taste, embitter. 3. to give (s.t.) a peppery taste, make (s.t.) hot. acıyavşan (./..) prov., bot. (a) germander, Teu-crium polium. acıyıcı compassionate. aciyonca (./..) bot. buckbean, bogbean, Meny-anthes trifoliata. acibe (.—.) obs. strange thing, curiosity, acil (—.) 1. urgent. 2. swift, quick. — durum emergency. — servis emergency room (in a hospital). — şifalar dilemek /a/ to wish (s.o.) a speedy recovery (from an illness/an injury). — vaka emergency, acilen (—'..) without delay, hastily; urgently, acitato (..—'.) mus. agitato, aciyo (/..) see acyo, aciyotâj (.../) see acyotaj. âciz (—.) 1. unable, incapable. 2. helpless, weak, powerless; destitute. — leri archaic your humble servant. — bırakmak /ı/ to leave (s.o.) helpless/powerless to do s.t. — kalmak /dan/ to find o.s. unable (to do s.t.). aciz, -czi 1. inability. 2. weakness, helplessness. 3. law insolvency, âcizane (—.— .) humbly, modestly, unworthily, acul, -lü (.—) impetuous, always in a hurry, acun cosmos, universe, acunbilim (./..) cosmology, acunbilimsel (./...) cosmological, acundoğum (./..) cosmogony, acunsal cosmic. *acur bot. gherkin, Cucumis anguria. 2acur colloq., see ajur, acurlu colloq., see ajurlu, acuze (.—.) spiteful hag; shrew, vixen, acyo (/.) fin. agio; premium, acyocu (/..) fin., pej. stockjobber, acyoculuk (/...) fin., pej. stockjobbing, acyotaj (../) fin. agiotage, aç, -çı 1. hungry. 2. greedy, covetous, insatiable. 3. hungry person. 4. hunger. — açma on an empty stomach. — aç ile yatınca arada dilenci doğar, proverb If both father and mother are penniless the child will be a beggar. — açık hungry and homeless. — açık kalmak to be hungry and homeless, be utterly destitute. — aman bilmez, çocuk zaman bilmez, proverb A hungry person is unrelenting just as a child persists in unseasonable demands. — anansa/a tansa da kaç. proverb Even if the hungry person is your mother avoid her. — aslandan tok domuz yeğdir, proverb (A pig with a full stomach is better than a hungry lion.) It is not enough to be of a prominent family. A common person who makes money is more important. — at yol almaz, aç it av almaz, proverb (An underfed horse can’t travel, and a hungry dog won’t fetch game.) An underpaid person will not work well. — ayı oynamaz. proverb (A hungry bear won’t dance.) If you want a person to work well, feed him/her first. — bırakma hırsız edersin, çok söyleme arsız/yüzsüz edersin, proverb Don’t leave a person hungry or you will turn him/ her into a thief. Don’t scold him/her all the time or he/she will get to be impudent. — bırakmak h/ to starve (s.o.), let (s.o.) go hungry. — biilaç/çıplak altogether destitute. Aca dokuz yorgan örtmüşler, yine uyuyamamış. proverb (They covered the hungry person with nine blankets and still he/ she couldn’t sleep.) 1. If a person is hungry he/she can’t sleep, no matter how comfortable he/she is otherwise. 2. If a person has a specific need he/she will only be comfortable if that need is met. — domuz darıdan çıkmaz, proverb (You can’t drive a hungry pig out of the cornfield.) If a crude person feels a need he/she will take whatever he/she wants without worrying about the damage he/she causes. — doymam, tok acıkmam sanır, proverb (A hungry person thinks he/she will never have enough, a satisfied person that he/she will never be hungry.) A person can’t imagine that his/her state may change. — doyurmak to feed the poor. — durmak to be without food. — elini kora sokar, proverb (A hungry person will reach into the coals.) A hungry person will risk anything for food. — esner, âşık gerinir, proverb (A hungry person yawns; a lover stretches.) A person’s involuntary movements betray his/her state of being. — gezmektense tok ölmek yeğdir. proverb It is better to die satisfied than to live in want. — m gözü ekmek teknesinde olur, proverb A hungry person will have his/her eyes on the bread tray. — ile dost olayım diyen peşin karnını doyursun. proverb One who wants to make friends with a hungry person should first eat a good meal. — ile eceli gelen söyleşir, prov-erb A person who strikes up a conversation with a starving person risks his/her own life. — m imanı olmaz, proverb A person who is desperate with hunger has no moral restraints. — kalmak 1. to be left hungry. 2. to be poor. — karnma on an empty stomach, while hungry. — m karnı doyar, gözü doymaz, proverb (The stomach of a hungry person can be filled, but not his/her eyes.) 1. Once a person has been hungry he/she won’t stop when he/she is full. 2. A covetous person is never satisfied. Acından kimse ölmemiş, proverb (Nobody ever died of hunger.) There is always some way to get along. — m koynunda ekmek durmaz/eğleşmez. proverb (A hungry person can’t carry bread under his/her shirt.) A poor person will spend any money he/she gets with no thought for the future. — köpek fırın/fırını/ firm damı/fırın duvarı deler/yıkar, proverb (A hungry dog will break through the wall of a bakery.) A person can do impossible things if he/she is starving. — m kursağına çörek dayanmaz, proverb (A cookie doesn’t last in the craw of a hungry person.) When a person is really poor he/she will always be in need. — kurt aslana saldırır. proverb (A hungry wolf will attack a lion.) Hunger makes a person desperate. — kurt gibi hungry as a wolf. — kurt gibi saldırmak /a/ to attack (a meal) like a ravenous wolf; to seize voraciously. — kurt yavrusunu yer. proverb A hungry wolf will eat its own cub. acından ölmek 1. to starve to death. 2. to be dying of hunger. 3. to be very poor. — ölmez, gözü kararır; susuz ölmez, benzi sararır, proverb (A hungry person doesn’t die; he/she gets dizzy. A person doesn’t die of thirst; he/she gets pale.) Poverty does not kill you, but it grinds you down. — susuz without food or water. — susuz kalmak to be poverty -stricken, be destitute. — tavuk (düşünde) kendini arpa/buğday/darı ambarında açık sanır/görür, proverb (A hungry hen imagines herself in a grain bin.) People who have nothing dream of riches to come, —in uykusu gelmez, proverb A hungry person can’t sleep. —, yanından kaç. proverb He/ She is hungry, so avoid him/her. — yanında sarpın kurcalanmaz, proverb Don’t play with the bread bowl when a hungry person is present, açacak 1. any tool used for opening things, opener. 2. key. 3. pencil sharpener, açalya (./.) bot. azalea, Rhododendron. açan 1. opener. 2. anat. extensor, tensor, açar 1. key. 2. hors d’oeuvre, appetizer, açelya (./.) bot., see açalya. açgözlü (/..) greedy, insatiable, covetous, açgözlülük (/...) greed. — etmek to act greed-ily. açı 1. angle. 2. point of view. — çekimi cin. angle shot. — uzaklığı astr. visual angle, açıcı customs inspector. — kas anat. extensor muscle. açık 1. open. 2. unobstructed, free. 3. uncovered; naked, bare, exposed. 4. empty, clear, unoccupied. 5. spaced far apart, separated. 6. open for business, open. 7. clear, easy to understand; not in cipher. 8. not secret, in the open. 9. light (shade of color). 10. fortunate, promising. 11. obscene; suggestive. 12. open, defenseless, unprotected (city). 13. not roofed; not enclosed. 14. clear, cloudless, fine. 15. the open. 16. vacancy, job opening. 17. deficit, shortage. 18. excess of expense over income. 19. distance, space between. 20. outskirts; nearby place. 21. soccer wing, winger, player in a wing position. 22. open sea. 23. frank, open. 24. frankly, openly. — mda/—larmda naut. off ..., offshore. — ta 1. outdoors, in the open air. 2. obvious, apparent. 3. naut. in the offing, offshore. 4. unemployed. — açık openly, frankly, —tan açığa openly. — adım big step, wide step. — ağız aç kalmaz. proverb (The open mouth does not stay hungry.) 1. A person who can speak up will find a way to get along. 2. While there is life a person can find a way to get along. — ağızlı stupid, dim-witted, idiotic, moronic. — almla with a clear conscience, —a almak /ı/ to lay off (a government employee) temporarily. — arazi mil. exposed terrain, unprotected terrain, open country. — artırma sale by public auction. — atardamar yolu anat. patent ductus arteriosus. — ateş mil. direct fire. — ta bırakmak /ı/ 1. to leave (s.t.) outdoors. 2. to leave out, exclude (s.o. from a privilege). 3. to leave (s.o.) without a home/a job. — bono vermek /a/ 1. com. to give (s.o.) a blank check. 2. to give (s.o.) carte blanche, give (s.o.) freedom of action or complete control. — boyalı hypochromic. — boyalı kansızlık path, hypochromic anemia, —mı bul- açık 8 mak to find something amiss. — celse law public hearing. — ciro blank endorsement, general endorsement. — çek signed blank check, —a çıkarılmak to be dismissed from work, be fired, —a çıkarmak /ı/ 1. to fire (a government employee). 2. to bring (a matter) out into the open, —a çıkmak 1. to be fired. 2. to become known, come out. —i çıkmak 1. (for one’s accounts) to show a shortage. 2. (for the inventory of property for which one is responsible) to show a shortage. — deniz 1. law high seas. 2. the open sea. — devre elec. open circuit, interrupted circuit. — dolaşım sistemi zool. open circulatory system. — durmak to stand aside, not to interfere. — duruşma law public hearing, —ta eğlenmek to wait offshore without anchoring. — eksiltme public bidding for a contract. — elbise (a) revealing dress; (a) decollete dress. — elli4 open -handed, generous. — ellilik open:handed-ness, generosity. — fikirli broad-minded, enlightened, liberal-minded. — gel! slang 1. Stay clear! 2. Come on, out with it! — gelmek slang to stay away, not to come near. — giyinmek to wear revealing clothes; to wear decollete dresses: — hava 1. open air, outdoor; fresh air. 2. clear weather. — hava sineması open-air movie theater, open-air cinema. — hava tiyatrosu open-air theater. — hava toplantısı public protest meeting. — hece gram, open syllable. — imza signature on blank paper. — işletme 1. opencut mining, open-pit mining, Brit, opencast mining. 2. opencut mine, Brit, opencast mine. — kaba it değer/siyer, proverb (Every dog touches an open pan.) When private matters are made public there is trouble. — ta kalmak to have lost one’s home/job, Brit, be up a gum tree. — kalp ameliyatı open-heart surgery. — kalpli open-hearted, candid. — ı kapatmak to meet the deficit. — kapı open door. — kapı bırakmak /a/ to leave (s.o.) with some room for choice, leave (s.o.) with some leeway, not to tie (s.o.’s) hands. — kapı politikası open-door policy. — kart vermek7a/ to give (s.o.) carte blanche. — konuşmak to be frank, talk frankly. — kredi open credit, blank credit. — liman 1. port unprotected from storms. 2. port without excessive formalities. 3. mil. unprotected port:. —lar livası colloq. the unemployed. — maaşı half pay (while an employee is temporarily suspended). — mektup 1. open letter. 2. unsealed letter. — mevzi mil. exposed position, —"olmak /a/ 1. to be accessible (to). 2. to be receptive (to). — ta olmak see açıkta kalmak. — ordugâh bivouac, temporary encampment. — oturum panel discussion. — oy open vote. — oylama open voting. — öğretim education modeled after that of an open university. — önerme log. sentential function, propositional function. açıktan —mı örtmek to cover up one’s fraud. — pazar open market. — poliçe certificate of indebtedness issued before all the details are settled. — saçık 1. off-color, risque; bawdy. 2. indecent, immodest (clothing). 3. bawdily, lewdly. 4. (dressing) indecently, immodestly. — saçık yaym pornography. — seçik 1. definitely, clearly. 2. definite, clear. — sekilik bleachers. — söylemek to speak openly. — şehir mil. open city. — taşıt open vehicle. — teşekkür public acknowledgment of thanks. — üniversite open university. — vagon rail, flatcar. — vermek 1. to have a deficit/shortage. 2. to lay o.s. open to criticism. —a vurmak 1. /ı/ to bring (a matter) out into the open, reveal, disclose. 2. (for a situation) to become apparent/evident/clear, —mı yakalamak Iml to uncover (s.o.’s) fraud. — yan mil. exposed flank. — yara open sore, open wound. — yaraya tuz ekilmez. proverb One should not rub salt in an open wound. — yer vacancy. — yürekle candidly, frankly. açıkça (./.) frankly, clearly, openly, plainly, açıkçası (./..) in plain words, in short, frankly speaking, açıkçı bear, short seller, açıkgöz (../) shrewd and alert, canny (when it comes to promoting his/her own interests), açıkgözlük (.../) shrewdness, canniness (in promoting his/her own interests). — etmek to be quick to take advantage of an opportunity. açıkgözlülük (....') see açıkgözlük. açıklama 1. explanation, statement. 2. disclosure. 3. commentary. — yapmak (—da bulunmak) to make a statement, açıklamak hi 1. to explain, clarify. 2. to disclose, make public, reveal. 3. to comment on. açıklanmak to be explained, be announced, be disclosed, açıklaştırmak hi to lighten (a color), açıklayıcı explanatory. açıklık 1. openness. 2. opening, gap. 3. space, open space, blank space. 4. aperture. 5. not being covered. 6. not being enclosed. 7. being without a roof. 8. clearness, cloudlessness. 9. lightness (shade of a color). 10. indecency. 11. clarity, unambiguity. 12. distinctness (in articulation). 13. astr. azimuth. — getirmek/kazandırmak /a/ to throw/ shed light on (a matter). açıklıkölçer (../..) apertometer, device for measuring the aperture of the objective lens of a microscope, açıksözlü (./..) frank, outspoken, açıksözlülük (./...) frankness, outspokenness, açıktan 1. (getting s.t.) without working for it, for nothing. 2. (promoting s.o., assigning s:o. to a position) over people who are both older and of a higher rank than himself/ herself. 3. (money) gained with no work. — açıktohumlular 9 açığa openly, publicly, without any attempt at secrecy. — gitmek naut. (for a ship) to sail at a great distance from the land. — (para) kazanmak to get money without working for it. açıktohumlular (./....) bot. Gymnospermae. açıkyürekli (./...) candid, frank, açıkyüreklilik (./....) candor, frankness, açılama cin. shooting a scene from several angles. açılım 1. expansion, opening out. 2. astr. declination. açılış 1. opening, being opened. 2. opening (ceremony). — bilançosu opening balance. — töreni opening ceremony, açılma 1. being opened, opening. 2. cin. fade -in. 3. bot. dehiscence. 4. sports extended formation. açılmak 1. to be opened; to open. 2. to come open, open of its own accord. 3. /a/ to open out (as a window) into (a garden). 4. (for darkness/sleep) to vanish. 5. to be cleaned. 6. (for weather) to clear. 7. to clear up, bfe refreshed; to recover. 8. to relax, be at ease. 9. /a/ to confide (in), share a secret (with). 10. to become more spacious, open up. 11. /a/ to put out (to sea). 12. /dan/ to come up (in conversation). 13. (for a job/post) to open up. 14. to be extravagant, overspend. 15. to dehisce, açılır kapanır collapsible, folding, açılıp saçılmak 1. (for a woman) to start to wear revealing clothes, start to dress immodestly. 2. (for a woman) to become dissolute, get tarty. 3. to spend money lavishly. Açılan solar, ağlayan güler, proverb The flower that opens will fade; the person who is weeping will laugh. açım 1. revelation, divine inspiration. 2. surg. incision. açımlama 1. commentary, commenting. 2. paraphrase, paraphrasis, açımlamak /ı/ 1. to comment (on). 2. to paraphrase. açımlı surg. performed with an incision. — doğurtma surg. cesarean section, açındırma geom., biol. development, açındırmak /ı/ geom., biol. to develop, açınım geom., biol. development, açmlama revelation, inspiration, açınma 1. development. 2. admission, confession. açınmak 1. to develop. 2. to admit, confess, açınsama exploration, açmsamak III to explore, açıortay (./..) geom. bisector. — düzlemi bisecting plane, açıölçer (./..) protractor, açısal angular. — çap astr. inclination of the orbit. — hız angular velocity. — ivme angular acceleration. — yol apparent angular velocity. açış 1. opening, <*ct of opening. 2. way of opening. — konuşması opening speech. açmaz açıt, -ti opening (for a door/window), açkı 1. burnishing. 2. smith’s tool for widening a hole. 3. key. 4. opener. — makinesi burnishing machine, açkıcı 1. burnisher, one who burnishes. 2. key maker, açkılamak hi to burnish, açlık 1. hunger. 2. starvation; famine. 3. poverty. — çekmek to be hungry; to be poor, —tan göbeğine taş bağlamak to be hungry and in a hopeless state, —tan gözü/gözleri kararmak/dönmek to be very hungry, be starving, be famished. — grevi hunger strike. — ile tokluğun arası yarım yufka (bir dilim/lokma ekmek), proverb It only takes a little bread to make the difference between hunger and satisfaction, —tan imam gevremek to be very hungry, be famished, —tan köpük kusmak to be dying of hunger, —tan nefesi kokmak to be half-starved, —tan ölmek to die of hunger, starve, —tan ölmeyecek kadar enough to stave off starvation, very little, açma 1. opening; opening (s.t.) up. 2. (a) clearing. 3. a savory bun. açmak 1. Ill to ope». 2. Ill to open up, cut through (and make a door/window in a wall). 3. hi to construct and open (a road). 4. hi to clear away, break through (an obstruction) and open. 5. /i/'to draw aside, lift, drop (a veil/a covering). 6. Ill to clear (land), break up (ground). 7. hi to uncover. 8. hi to open out, spread out, unfold. 9. hi to set, spread (a sail); to unfurl (a flag). 10. hi to roll out (dough). 11. hi tq untie, undo (a knot). 12. hi to unlock; to unbar, unlatch. 13. hi to turn on, switch on. 14. Ill to widen (an interval, the space between). 15. Ill to explain more fully. 16. hi to begin, open (war/a meeting/a conversation). 17. hi to disclose. 18. hi to lighten (a color or the general effect of a room). 19. hi to suit, go well with (a person); to lighten (a person’s complexion). 20. hi to sharpen (a pencil). 21. hi to whet, sharpen (one’s appetite). 22. Ill to relieve, free (s.o.) from embarrassment/shyness. 23. (for a flower/a leaf) to open. 24. (for weather) to clear up, become good. 25. slang to go away, clear out. 26. hi slang to appeal (to). Açtı ağzını, yumdu gözünü, colloq. (He/She opened his/her mouth and shut his/her eyes.) He/She lost his/her temper and hollered ./He/She flew off the handle. Aç gözünü, açarlar gözünü. proverb (Open your eyes or others will open them for you.) Be careful or you will suffer for it. Açma sırrını dostuna, (dostunun dostu vardır) o da söyler dostuna, proverb Don’t tell your secret to your friend or he/ she will tell his/her friend, açmalık detergent; soap; cleanser, açmaz 1. chess, checkers difficult position. 2. dilemma, impasse,'difficult matter. 3. line açmazlık 10 adaklı delivered by a straight man as a setup for a joke. 4. slang trick, —a düşmek to get into an impossible situation, —a düşürmek hi slang, see açmaza getirmek, —p gelmek slang to be duped, —a getirmek /ş/ slang to fool, deceive. — oynamak slang to pull a fast one (in a game). — yapmak s/ang 1. to invite criticism. 2. to play a trick, açmazlık 1. difficulty} 2. secretiveness. Açores see Azor Adaları, açtırmak /ı, a/ to have (s.o.) open (s.t.). Açtırma kutuyu, söyletme kötüyi|. proverb (Don’t let the box be opened or you’ll let them say bad things.) Don’t bring up the subject or you will hear unpleasant truths. *ad 1. name. 2. first name. 3. gram.- noun. 4. reputation, fame, name, repute, —ma Iml in the name of. —mı ağzına almamak /m/ never to speak (s.o.’s) name, never to mention (s.o.’s) name. — almak 1. to become famous; to get a reputation. 2. to choose a name for o.s. —mı almak to takç for o.s. the name ..., take the name ...: Ersin adını aldı. He took the name Ersin. — ı anılan see adı geçen. — ı anılmamak Iml to be completely forgotten. — ını anmak Iml to mention. —mı (bile) anmamak Iml to avoid mentioning (one’s) name. — mı bağışlamak to tell one’s name (when asked): Adınızı bağışlar mısınız? May I know your name, please? — ı batasi/batasica damn. — ı batmak to be\ forgotten, not to be mentioned anymore. — ı belirsiz unknown, of obscure origin, —i bile okunmamak to be insignificant, be without influence. — çekimi grim. the suffixing of possessive endings to nouns. — çekmek to draw lots. —mı ...a çıkarmak to present o.s. as .... — ı çıkmak to be talked about, get a bad reputation. — ı ...a çıkmak /in/ to become known as get a reputation as a ...: Adı obura çıktı. He’s gotten a reputation for being a glutton. —ı çıkmış dokuza, inmez sekize, colloq. (His/ Her reputation went up to nine and won’t go down to eight.) His/Her bad reputation is not going to change. — ı deliye çıkmak to get the reputation of being crazy. — durumu gram. case. — ı duyulmak to become prominent. — ı geçen previously mentioned, —i geçmek 1. Iml for s.o.’s name to be mentioned. 2. /m, a/ for s.o.’s name to become a part of. —ı gezmek Iml 1. for s.q. to be well known. 2. for s.o. to be a force to be reckoned with. —ı gibi bilmek hi to know (s.t.) like the back of one’s hand. — ina gölge düşürmek to besmirch one’s name, tarnish one’s reputation. — gövdesi gram. nominal stem. —ı kale alınmamak Iml for s.o. to be forgotten, for s.o. not to be spoken of anymore. — ı kalmak 1. to be remembered after one is dead. 1. to be remembered after it has gone. — ı karışmak lal to be rumored to be involve^ in (some doubt- ful affair). — kazanmak to make a name for o.s. —mı kirletmek Iml see adını lekelemek. — koymak fal to give (s.o./s.t.) a name, name, —mı koymak Iml colloq. to put a price on, decide how much one will pay for (s.t.). — kökü gram, nominal root, —i kötüye çıkmak to get a bad reputation, —mı lekelemek Iml to besmirch (s.o.’s) name, tarnish (s.o.’s) reputation. — ı okunmamak (okunmaz olmak) Iml for s.o. to be completely forgotten. — ı olmak to get an undeserved reputation. — ı sam (one’s) identity: Adı sam belli olmayanları içeri sokma! Don’t let in anyone if you’re not sure who they are! —iyla sanıyla (calling s.o.) by his/her full appellation: Ona adıyla sanıyla Şeker Ahmet Paşa derlerdi. His full appellation was “Sugar” Ahmet Paşa. —ı sanı belirsiz of doubtful reputation, —ma sunmak /ı, m/ to dedicate (s.t.) to (s.o.). — takmak /a/ to nickname. — tamlaması gram, two adjacent related nouns, as possessor-possessed or modifier-modified, —mı taşımak Iml to be the bearer of (s.o.’s) name; to be responsible for upholding the honor of (s.o.’s) name. — tümcesi gram. sentence with a copulative verb, —dan türeme ad gram, noun formed from a noun, —i üstünde true to his/her/its name: Adi üstünde melek gibiydi. True to her name she was like an angel. — ı var 1. existing only in name, imaginary. 2. famous. — verilmek to be named. — ı verilmek to be given the name of, be named after. — vermek 1. lal to give (s.o./s.t.) a name, name. 2. to reveal the name (of the person who did it), —mı vermek Iml 1. to tell on (s.o.), inform on (s.o.). 2. to give the name of (the person who sent you). — yapmak to become famous, make a name for o.s.; to get a reputation. 2ad, -ddi being regarded, regarding, deeming, ada 1. island. 2. city block. A—lar the Princes’ Islands (near Istanbul). A—lar Denizi obs. the Aegean Sea. — gibi very large (ship). — yavrusu a fishing boat with two or three pairs of oars, adabalığı, -ni (./...) zool. sperm whale, cachalot, Physeter catodon. adabımuaşeret, -ti (— —..—..) obs. the rules of good manners, etiquette. adabiumumiye (---------..----.) obs., law public morals, adacık islet. adacyo (./.) mus. adagio, adaçayı, -nı (./..) 1. bot. garden sage, sage, Salvia officinalis. 2. sage tea. 3. sage leaves, adadiyoz slang tough, swaggering, adak 1. vow. 2. votive offering. — adamak to vow to make an offering. — taşı altar, adaklanmak to become engaged (to be married). adaklı 1. fiance; fiancee; betrothed. 2\ (s.o.) adaklık 11 who has taken a vow to do something, adaklık 1. (animal) to be sacrificed. 2. place of sacrifice, adale muscle. adaleli muscular, brawny, muscled, adalesiz muscleless. adalet, -ti (.—.) 1. justice. 2. the courts. 3. equity. A— Bakanı the Minister of Justice. A— Bakanlığı the Ministry of Justice. — dağıtmak to administer justice. A— Divanı the International Court of Justice, World Court. — göstermek to act justly, show justice. —ten kaçmak to be a fugitive from justice. — komisyonu a committee of five judges appointed by the Ministry of Justice. — sarayı courthouse. — e teslim etmek /ı/ to bring (s.o.) to justice. — e teslim olmak to submit o.s. to justice. adaletli (.— ..) just, equitable, adaletsiz (.— ..) unjust, inequitable, adaletsizlik (.— ...) injustice, inequity. Adalı 1. (a) resident of one of the Princes’ Islands (near Istanbul). 2. obs. (a) resident of one of the Aegean islands, Aegean islander, adalı islander, adali (..—) muscular. adam 1. man. 2. human being. 3. person, individual. 4. a good person. 5. employee; servant; retainer; helper. 6. agent, representative. 7. follower, supporter, man. 8. one, a person. 9. prov. husband, man. A—ım! colloq. My friend! — adamı bir kere/defa aldatir/smar. proverb A person can fool somebody once. — adama defans sports, see adam adama savunma. — adama (gene, her zaman) gerek olur, (iki serçeden börek olur), proverb A person needs another person, just as it takes two sparrows to make a pie. — adamdan korkmaz, utanır (hatır sayar), proverb A man isn’t afraid of another man, but in his presence he feels shame. — adamdır, olmasa da pulu; eşek eşektir, olmasa da çulu (atlastan çulu). proverb Just as a donkey is a donkey even if it has no saddlecloth, so a man is a man even if he has no money. — adama savunma sports man-to-man defense. — adamın şeytanı, proverb Man iscman’s tempter. — adama yük olmaz. (Adam adama yük değil, can gövdeye mülk değil.) proverb A caller won’t stay forever, any more than one’s soul will be with one’s body forever, —in adı çıkacağına cam çıksın, proverb A man should lose his life rather than his reputation. — ahbabından bellidir, proverb A man is known by his friends. — m alacası içinde, hayvanın alacası dışında. proverb A man’s temperament is within him, but an animal’s is visible to everyone. — almamak (for streets) to be very crowded with people, be teeming with people. — azmanı enormously large person. — başına apiece, each, for each person. — beğenme- adam mek to be overcritical of people, —a benzemek to look presentable; to look like somebody; to look like something. — boyu the height of a man. — mı bulmak Iml to find the right person to do (a job), —a çevirmek h! to put (s.t.) in good repair/shape, —a dayanma ölür, ağaca dayanma kurur. proverb (Don’t rely on a man: he may die; don’t lean on a tree: it may dry up.) It is bes't to be self-reliant. — değil, cudam! colloq. He’s as worthless as they come. — değilim! colloq. (If I don’t carry out this threat) I’ll be damned, —a dönmek see adama benzemek, —ma düşmek (for a job) to come the way of someone who is really suited to do it. — eti ağırdır, proverb, see İnsan eti ağırdır. — eti yemek to gossip about people. — etmek hi 1. to be the making of (s.o.); to mature, make a man/a woman of. 2. to put (s.t.) in good repair, rejuvenate. 3. to set (a place/an organization) to rights, put (a place/an organization) on its feet; to make (a place/an organization) into something, make (a place/an organization) thrive. — evladı a person of good family and upbringing. — gibi 1. properly, suitably, in the right way. 2. worthy, genuine, real. —ma göre (adapting one’s approach) to suit the individual. — içine çıkmak/karışmak to mix with people. — istemek (for a project/ for s.o.) to require a good man, need a person who’s really worth his salt. — iş başında belli olur, proverb, see Adamın iyisi iş başında belli olur, —m iyisi alışverişte belli olur, proverb The quality of a person comes out when he goes shopping. — m iyisi iş başında belli olur, proverb The true worth of a person comes out when he is working. — kaldırmak to kidnap someone, abduct someone. — kıtlığı shortage of qualified and capable people. — kıymetini adam bilir. proverb It takes a man to know a man. — m kötüsü/fenası olmaz, meğer züğürt ola. proverb, see İnsanın kötüsü/fenası olmaz, meğer ki züğürt ola/parası olmaya. — kullanmak 1. to know how to use someone for one’s own benefit. 2. to know how to get someone to work, know how to get work out of someone, know how to work someone. — olacak çocuk bokundan/bakışından belli olur, proverb (You can tell what kind of man a child will be by the appearance of his feces.) You can always spot the kid who’s going to be somebody. — olana bir söz yeter, proverb Most people don’t need to be told to do something a jillion times. — olmak 1. to grow up and become a responsible member of society. 2. (for s.t. in disrepair) to be given a new lease on life, be put in good repair. — ı olmak Iml 1. to be very good at, be highly skilled in (a job). 2. to be the right person for (a job). 3. to be (s.o.’s) man, be one of (s.o.’s) men, be in adamak 12 addetmek the employ t)f; to be a retainer of. 4. to be someone whom one can rely on, be someone whom one can trust. — oluncaya kadar dokuz fırın ekmek ister, colloq. (It will take nine bakeries of bread to make a man of him.) 1. It takes a long time for a person to mature into a useful member of society. 2. It’ll be a long time before he becomes a useful member of society. — öldürmek to murder someone, commit murder. — sağmak to trick a man out of his money, milk people. — sarrafı a good judge of people, —dan saymak /ı/ to give consideration to (s.o.), not to disregard. — seçmek to show favor, play favorites, not to give a fair chance to everyone. — sen de! colloq. Don’t worry!/ Take it easy!/Never mind! — sırasına geçmek/girmek to win a place of respect and responsibility. — vurmak to commit murder. —m yere bakanından, suyun sessiz/ yavaş akanından kork, proverb Just as you mistrust water that flows weakly , you should beware of a man who won’t look at you. — yerine koymak h! to treat (s.o.) decently, be kind and respectful to (s.o.). — yokluğu see adam kıtlığı. — yükü ağırdır, proverb, see İnsan eti ağırdır, adamak /ı, a/ 1. to devote, vow, make a conditional vow. 2. to dedicate (o.s.) to. Ada bana, adayım sana, proverb Help me and I’ll help you. Adamak kolay, ödemek güçtür. proverb It’s easy to promise but hard to deliver. Adamakla mal tükenmez, proverb (Promising does not reduce the goods-on hand.) It costs nothing to make a promise, adamakıllı (./...) thoroughly, fully, adamca (./.) 1. as a human being should, in the right way, properly. 2. numerically, in numbers: Onlar adamca sizden fazla değil. They aren’t numerically greater than you. 3. as for human beings, as for people: Adamca kayıp çoktu. There was great loss of human life, adamcağız 1. little man. 2. poor fellow, adamcasına (./...) as a human being should, in the right way, properly, adamcık little man, guy. adamcıl 1. tame (animal). 2. very shy, reclusive (person). 3. wild, not tame (animal). 4. man -eating (animal); vicious, savage (animal), adamcilaym as a human being should, in the right way, properly, adamkökü, -nü (./..) bot. mandrake, Man-dr agora officinarum. adamlık 1. humaneness; humanness, humanity. 2. (s.t.) worthy of a human being, befitting a human being. — sende/bende kalsm. colloq. 1. You are going to have to do it anyway, so do it now willingly and it will be to your credit. 2. He has treated you badly, but anyhow treat him well, adamotu, -nu (./..) bot. mandrake, Mandrag-ora officinarum. adamsendeci (../..) 1. person who neglects his/her work/duty because he/she doesn’t give a damn about anything. 2. (s.o.) who neglects his/her work/duty because he/she doesn’t give a damn about anything, adamsendecilik (../...) neglecting one’s work/ responsibility because one doesn’t give a damn about anything. 'adamsi like an island. 2adamsi like a real man. adamsız 1. (s.o.) who is without help, who is without a servant; (s.o.) who is without servants; (s.o.) who is without workers. 2. prov. husbandless. adamsızlık 1. lack of help, lack of servants; lack of workers. 2. lack of qualified people, lack of qualified personnel, adanılmak /a/ see adanmak, adanmak /a/ to be pledged/dedicated (to), adap (— .) 1. regular customs and observances, rules of good manners. 2. accepted ways, —a aykırı contrary to rules of socially acceptable behavior. — erkân customary observances/practices . adaptasyon 1. adaptation. 2. (an) adaptation, composition which is an adaptation, adapte 1. /dan/ (a composition) which is an adaptation of (another). 2. (an) adaptation, composition which is an adaptation. — etmek /ı, a/ 1. to adapt (one composition) for (a particular medium). 2. to adapt (one thing) to fit (another), alter (one thing) to fit (another). 3. to adapt (s.o.) to (s.t.). — olmak /a/ to become adapted to. — yapıt (an) adaptation, adaptör adapter. adasoğanı, -m (./...) bot. squill, sea onion, Ur-ginea maritima. adaş namesake. adatavşanı, -ni (./...) zool. European rabbit, cony, Oryctolagus cuniculus. adatmak /ı, a/ to have (s.o.) make a vow (to), adavet, -ti (.—.) obs. enmity, hostility, aday candidate, nominee. — adayı candidate for nomination. — göstermek 1. to present candidates. 2. /i/ to present (s.o.) as a candidate. — olmak /a/ to become a candidate (for). — yoklaması primary election, adaylık candidacy, being a candidate, —mi koymak to run for office. — süresi probationary period, adbilim (/..) onomastics, onomatology, adcı 1. (a) nominalist. 2. nominalistic. adcılık nominalism, adçekimi, -ni (/...) see adçekme, adçekme (/..) 1. drawing of lots. 2. drawing straws. adçekmek (/..) 1. to draw lots. 2. to draw straws. addedilmek (/..:) to be counted as ..., be deemed. addeğişimi, -ni (/....) figure of speech, trope, addetmek (/..) /i/ to count (s.o./s.t. as be- addolunmak 13 adliye ing ...), deem, esteem, addolunmak (/...) see addedilmek. Âdem (—.) Adam. — evladı humankind, adem obs. 1. nonexistence, nothingness; death. 2. lack, absence. — i iktidar impotence. — i merkeziyet usulü decentralization. — i tecavüz nonaggression. Âdembaba (—/..) slang 1. bedraggled tramp. 2. prisoner who is completely penniless. 3. trampish-looking tourist. 4. drug addict. Âdemcilik (—...) a Russian literary movement in reaction to symbolism, âdemelması, -m (—/...) Adam’s apple, âdemiyet, -ti (—...) obs. 1. humanness, humanity, being human. 2. humanity, humaneness, compassion, âdemoğlu, -nu (—/..) 1. person. 2. mankind, man; men, people, âdemotu, -nu (—/..) bot. mandrake, Mandrag-ora officinarum. Aden (/.) 1. Aden. 2. Eden, the Garden of Eden. adenit, -ti path, adenitis, adenoid med. adenoidal, adenoid. — vejetasyon path, pharyngeal tonsil, tonsil, adenoid, adenom path, adenoma, adese obs. 1. lens. 2. lenticel. adesif phys. I. (an) adhesive. 2. adhesive, âdet, -ti (—.) 1. custom, usage, practice. 2. habit. 3. period, menstrual period. — çıkarmak to innovate something, start a new custom. — edinmek/etmek III to get into the habit (öf). — görmek to have one’s period, menstruate, —ten kesilmek to reach menopause. — olmak to become customary. — üzere according to custom. — yerini bulsun diye for the sake of custom, adet 1. number. 2. unit: on adet kitap ten books. âdeta (—.—) 1. virtually, all but „., as good as; as it were; a veritable ...: Âdeta evet demişti. He had all but assented. Saçları âdeta bir yele idi. Her hair was a veritable mane. 2. (a horse’s going) at a walk. 3. (a horse’s) walk, walking gait. 4. obs. as usual: Çayım âdeta olsun! Make my tea as usual! — ile (a horse’s going) at a walk, adetçe (./.) in number. adezyon phys. adhesion, âdhesif phys., see adesif. adhezyon phys., see adezyon. adıl gram, pronoun. adım 1. step (in walking). 2. pace, length of one stride (measure). 3. step (in carrying out a plan). 4. the clearance between two meshing gears. — lar mı açmak to walk faster. — adım 1. step by step. 2. completely, all over. 3. a little at a time; slowly. — adım gezmek hi to cover thoroughly (in walking). — atmak 1. to take a step. 2. to make progress. — atmamak /a/ not to visit, not to step inside. —mı attırmamak /a/ to keep (one) from going out. — başı/başmda/başıııa frequently; at frequent intervals; at close intervals, —mı denk almak/atmak to act with care, —mı geri almak to withdraw from an enterprise. — larmi seyrekleştirmek to slow down one’s pace (in walking), —larmı sıklaştırmak to quicken one’s steps. — ını tek almak see adımını denk almak. — uydurmak /a/ to fall in with, follow the example (of), adımlamak hi 1. to pace. 2. to pace (a place) off, measure (a place) by pacing it off. adımlık (an area) which is (a specified number) of paces in length: On adımlık boyu var. It’s ten paces long, adımölçer (./..) pedometer, adimsayar (./..) see adımölçer. adi (— —) 1. devoid of nobility of character, common, mean, low-minded, vulgar; ignoble. 2. of inferior quality, inferior. 3. customary, habitual, usual, ordinary, everyday. — adım not in cadence, without keeping step. — alacaklar unsecured accounts due. — çek ordinary check, Brit, uncrossed check. — gün weekday, working day. — iflas nonfraudulent bankruptcy. — kesir math, common fraction, vulgar fraction. — mektup letter sent by first-class mail. — suç ordinary crime (without political overtones). — şirket unincorporated company. adil (—.) just, dealing justly, adilane (—.— .) 1. justly, equitably. 2. equitable (act). adileşmek (--------..) 1. to become common, be- come vulgar. 2. to decline in quality adilik (— —.) commonness, inferior quality, adisyon bill, check, tab (in a restaurant/hotel), adlandırma 1. naming. 2. classification, categorization. 3. nomenclature, adlandırmak hi 1. to name. 2. to call, rate, classify. adlanmak 1. to be named. 2. to get a bad reputation. adlaşmak to be used as a noun, adlı 1. called by, named: Elif adlı bir kız a girl named Elif. 2. famous, celebrated. — adı ile by its right name. — sanlı famed, celebrated. adlik nomenclature. — dizgesi system of nomenclature. adli (.—) judicial, juridical. — amir president of a court-martial. — hata legal error. — karar judicial decision, (a) judgment. — muamele judicial proceeding. — sicil record of previous convictions. — subay provost marshal, prosecuting officer. — takibat prosecution. — tatil period when the courts are closed. — tebligat communication sent by a court. — tip forensic medicine, medical jurisprudence. — yıl court year, adliye 1. courthouse. 2. court system. 3. the activities of the courts. — encümeni a committee of five judges appointed by the Ministry of Justice. A— Vekâleti formerly the adliyeci 14 afiyet Ministry of Justice, adliyeci specialist in judicial affairs, adrenalin adrenaline. adres address. — bırakmak to leave one’s address. — defteri address book, —ini değiştirmek 7m/ slang to bump (s.o.) off, kill. — sahibi addressee. — vermek to give one’s address. Adriya (./.) used in: — Denizi the Adriatic Sea. Adriyatik 1. Adriatic, of the Adriatic. 2. the Adriatic. — Denizi the Adriatic Sea. adsız 1. nameless. 2. unknown, undistinguished. 3. hist, (young warrior) left without a family name because he was separated from his clan, adsizparmak (..'..) ring finger, adsorban chem. 1. (an) adsorbent. 2. adsorbent, adsorbe chem., used in: — etmek hi to adsorb, adsorpsiyon chem. adsorption, aerobik 1. aerobics. 2. aerobic, pertaining to aerobics. aerodinamik 1. aerodynamics. 2. aerodynamic, aerosol, -1Ü aerosol. AET (abbr.for Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu) EEC (the European Economic Community), af, -ffı 1. forgiveness; pardon. 2. exemption. 3. dismissal, discharge. — buyurun! Pardon me!/Excuse me! — dilemek /dan/ to apologize to, beg (s.o.’s) pardon, —mı dilemek /dan, m/ to ask (s.o.) to relieve (one) of (a job); to ask (s.o.) to exempt (one) from (a job); to ask to be relieved of or exempted from (a job): Müdür beyden affını diledi. She has asked the principal to exempt her. —ma iltica etmek /m/ see affına sığınmak, —mı istemek /dan, m/ to ask (s.o.) to relieve (one) of (a job); to ask (s.o.) to exempt (one) from (a job); to ask to be relieved of or exempted from (a job): Veznedarlıktan affını istedi. He asked tc be relieved of the treasurership. — kapsamına girmek to fall within the purview of a pardon, be affected by a pardon. — ma sığınmak Iml to trust that (s.o.) will pardon one (a polite formula), —a uğramak to be pardoned. afacan 1. bright and naughty (child). 2. impish child. afacanlaşmak to get naughty, afacanlık impishness, afak, -ki (— —) obs. horizons, skylines, afakan see hafakan. afaki (— — —) 1. random (conversation). 2. obs., phil. objective. afakileştirmek (-------- — ...) hi obs., phil. to objectivize. afakilik (---------.) 1. randomness (in the topics of a conversation). 2. obs., phil. objectivity. afakiyet, -ti (----..) obs., phil. objectivism. afal afal (./ ..) colloq. with a bewildered expression. — bakmak to stare stupidly, afallamak colloq. to be bewildered, be dumb- founded, be taken aback, afallaşmak see afallamak, afallaştırmak hi see afallatmak, afallatmak hi colloq. to astonish, bewilder, confuse, afaroz see aforoz, afat, -tı (—.) obs. calamities, afatlamak (—...) colloq. to curse a blue streak, afazi aphasia. aferin (—'..) formerly a certificate of commendation (given to a student). A—! colloq. Bravo!/Well done! — almak to be commended for one’s performance at school. — budalası colloq. person who constantly seeks to win the praise of others, aferist, -ti swindler, trickster, afet, -ti (—.) 1. calamity, disaster, catastrophe. 2. colloq. a raving beauty. 3. tissue damage caused by a disease. 4. (s.o.) who will lead one to catastrophe. 5. colloq. ravishingly beautiful (woman), afetzede (—...) victim of a disaster, affedilmek (/...) to be pardoned, be forgiven, affetmek (/..) 1. hi to forgive (an act). 2. hi to excuse (s.o.). 3. hi to pardon (a convict). 4. Ill to excuse, give leave. 5. /i, dan/ to dismiss, discharge (s.o.) from (his/her job or a duty). Affedersiniz. I beg your pardon ./Excuse me ./I’m sorry. Affetmişsin sen onu! colloq. Excuse me but you are wrong! Affetmişsiniz .... colloq. Excuse me but you are wrong.: Affetmişsiniz, öyle bir şey demedim. Excuse me but I didn’t say that, affetmez incurable (disease), affettuoso (...—'.) mus. affettuoso, affeylemek (/...) hi to excuse, pardon, forgive, affiumumi (...— —) obs., law general pardon, affolunmak (/...) to be pardoned, be forgiven, affolunmaz unpardonable, inexcusable. Afgan (/.) 1. (an) Afghan. 2. Afghan, of the Afghans. — tazısı Afghan hound, Afghan. Afganca (./.) 1. Afghan, Afghani, Pashto, Pushtu. 2. (speaking/writing) in Afghan, Afghan. 3. Afghan (speech/writing); spoken in Afghan; written in Afghan. Afganistan 1. Afghanistan. 2. Afghan, Afghanistan, of Afghanistan. Afganli (/..) 1. (an) Afghan. 2. Afghan (person), afi slang pretension, ostentation, swagger. — kesmek/satmak/yapmak slang to give o.s. airs, swagger, show off. afif (.—) obs. chaste, uncorrupted, afili slang swaggering, ostentatious, showy, afiş 1. poster, placard, bill. 2. slang trick, deceit, trickery. — te kalmak (for a play) to have a long run. — yutmak slang to bite, be fooled. afişe used in: — etmek hi to expose, reveal; to advertise. — fiyat price at which a product is advertised for sale, advertised price, afiyet, -ti (—..) health. —le (eating/drinking) with real pleasure: O çardağın altında yemeklerimizi afiyetle yerdik. We really en- afoni 15 ağa joyed the meals we had under that arbor. —te in good health. — bulmak to regain one’s health, get well. — te bulunmak to be in good health. — (şeker) olsun. 1 hope you enjoy(ed) it (said to a person who is eating! drinking). afoni aphonia, aforizm aphorism, aforizma (../.) see aforizm, aforoz 1. excommunication, anathema. 2. slang driving away, banishment. — etmek hi 1. to excommunicate. 2. slang to freeze (s.o.) out of one’s social group, aforozlamak hi 1. to excommunicate. 2. slang to freeze (s.o.) out of one’s social group, aforozlu excommunicated, aforozname (...—.) slang walking papers, afortiori (...—'.) a fortiori, all the more, afra tafra (./ ..) pompously, afralı tafralı (../ ...) pompous. Afrika (./.) 1. Africa. 2. African, of Africa, afrikadomuzu, -nu (./....) zool. wart hog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus. Afrikalı (./..) 1. (an) African. 2. African (person). afrikamenekşesi, -ni (./....) bot. African violet, Saintpaulia. afrodisyak see afrodizyak. afrodizyak 1. (an) aphrodisiac. 2. aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacal. afsun charm, spell, enchantment, afsuncu sorcerer, enchanter, conjurer, afsunculuk sorcery, enchantment, afsunlamak lif to bewitch, enchant, afsunlu bewitched, enchanted. Afşar name of a Turkoman tribe in Anatolia and Iran, aft, -ti path, aphtha, aptha. aftos slang sweetheart, mistress, aftospiyos slang 1. worthless, unimportant. 2. And who are you? — iki tavuk bir horoz! Hocus-pocus! afur tafur (./ ..) colloq. pompously, —a gelmemek to resent pomposity, afyon opium. — u başına vurmak to go into a frenzy of rage, blow one’s top. — çekmek to smoke opium. — unu patlatmak Iml slang 1. to put an end to (s.o.’s) pleasure, spoil (s.o.’s) happy mood. 2. to get rid of (one’s) loginess. — ruhu laudanum. — yutmak to take opium, afyonkeş opium addict, afyonkeşlik opium addiction, afyonlamak hi 1. to narcotize (s.o.) with opium, opiate. 2. to lead astray by subtle suggestions, afyonlanmak 1. to be narcotized with opium, be opiated. 2. to be led astray, afyonlu 1. opiated; (drug) which contains opium, opiate. 2. (s.o.) who has taken opium. 3. (s.o.) who is as lazy and lethargic as a user of opium, agâh (— —) obs., used in: — etmek hi to make (s.o.) aware of, inform. — olmak /a or dan/ to become aware of. aganta (./.) naut. Hold on!/Avast! — burina burinata! Haul out the bowlines! — etmek hi to hold fast, haul taut. — iskota! All sheets aft! — prasya burina braces and bowlines, agaragar agar-agar, agar, agat, -ti geol. agate, agave bot. agave, Agave. agel the wool band that holds a kaffiyeh on the head, agliitinin agglutinin, agnosi agnosia. agnostik 1. (an) agnostic. 2. agnostic, agnos-tical. agnostisizm agnosticism. Agop used in: — ’un kazı gibi bakmak to gaze stupidly. —’un kazı gibi yutmak (for a gullible person) to be deceived, swallow something hook, line, and sinker, agora (./.) agora, agorafobi (./...) agoraphobia, agraf 1. tailor, hook and eye (used as a fastener for clothing). 2. agrafe, agraffe; cramp; clamp, agrafi agraphia. agrandise phot., used in: — etmek hi to enlarge (a photograph), agrandisman phot. 1. enlargement, enlarging (a photograph). 2. (an) enlargement, ea-larged photograph. — mı yapmak Iml to enlarge (a photograph), agrandisör phot, enlarger, agrega aggregate, agregat, -ti see agrega. agreje teacher/professor who has passed a qualifying examination, agreman diplomacy agrement. — istemek to ask that agreation be carried out (for a diplomatic representative), agu (.—) gurgle, gurgling sound (of a baby). — bebek big baby (used jocularly I sarcastically of s.o. who behaves like a baby). agucuk (.—.) 1. a baby that has not yet been weaned from its mother’s milk, suckling. 2. gurgle, gurgling sound, agulamak (.— ..) (for a baby) to gurgle, make gurgling sounds, aguş (— —) obs. embrace, arms, aguti (./.) zool. agouti, agouty, Dasyprocta. ağ 1. net. 2. crotch (of trousers). 3. diffraction grating. 4. network. — atmak/birakmak to cast a net. —ı çekmek to draw the net. —ma düşürmek hi to trap, entrap. — iğnesi netting needle. — örmek to make a net. — yatak hammock, ağa 1. lord, master. 2. local big landowner, aga, agha. 3. Mister (used in addressing an illiterate person). 4. elder brother. 5. hist. person in charge, chief (of an organization), -nm alın terlemezse ırgadm burnu kanamaz, proverb (If the farmer doesn’t sweat the field worker won’t get a nose- ağababa 16 ağalık bleed.) If the boss does not participate his workers will be halfhearted. — borç eder, uşak harç, proverb (The boss borrows money, but his man spends money.) Even if a man is short of money his servant doesn’t care enough to save. — 11m gözü ata tımardır. proverb (If the aga watches his horse it gets good grooming.) If the owner of a business cares about details his workers do a good job. —nm gözü öküzü/ineği semiz eder, pro verb (The aga’s eyes fatten his ox.) If an owner takes good care of his business or a parent takes good care of his child things go well. — nm gözü, yiğidin sözü. proverb It is important for an aga to be alert and for a young man to be faithful to his word, —sı güçlü olanın kulu asi olur. proverb (The slave of a forceful owner is a rebel.) 1. An employee rebels against arbitrary administration. 2. A person with a powerful backer defies the public. — kapısı the office of the aga of the Janissaries. —nm malı çıkar, uşağın cam. proverb (The aga loses money; his servant loses his life.) 1. The owner’s wealth increases, but at the expense of the servant’s work. 2. In time of trouble the owner contributes money and the servant contributes his labor. ağababa (./..) 1. grandfather; oldest man in the family. 2. father (used by a child if his father has the title of aga). 3. man whose word carries a lot of weight. ağabey older brother (also used in addressing a respected man a little older than the speaker). ağabeylik state of being an older brother. — etmek /a/ to act as an older brother (toward). ağaç 1. tree. 2. wood, timber. 3. wooden. 4. post; pole. — balı the sweet resin of certain fruit trees, —a balta vurmuşlar, “Sapı bedenimden,” demiş, proverb (They struck at the tree with an ax; the tree said: “The handle is made from my body.”) A blow is most painful when it is delivered by one’s own child or by someone one has protected, —a çıkan keçinin dala bakan (ağaca çıkan) oğlağı olur, proverb (A goat that climbs a tree has a kid that eyes its branches.) Like father like son. —a çıksa pabucu yerde kalmaz, colloq. (If he/she should climb a tree, his/her shoes wouldn’t stay on the ground.) He/She will have no trouble doing what he/she wants. — çivi treenail, wooden peg. —a dayanma kurur/çürür, adama/ insana dayanma ölür, proverb Don’t lean on a tree: it will dry up; and don’t count on a man: he will die. — ebegümeci bot. tree mallow, Lavatera. — hamuru wood pulp. — işi woodwork. — kabuğu bark. — kaplama wooden wainscoting. — kökünden yıkılır. proverb (A tree is felled at its roots.) When something goes bad it is not because of details but because something fundamental is wrong. — kömürü wood charcoal, charcoal. — kurdu a wood-boring maggot. —m kurdu içinde olur, proverb (The maggots of a tree are inside it.) The influences that destroy a society work from within, —i kurt, insanı dert yer. proverb A person is destroyed by trouble just as a tree is killed by maggots, —tan maşa olmaz, proverb (You can’t make tongs of wood.) It does not work to use an unqualified person for a task. —, meyvesi olunca başım aşağı salar. proverb (When a tree bears fruit it bends over.) People who are really valuable are not haughty. — ne kadar uzasa göğe ermez. proverb (No matter how tall a tree grows it never reaches the sky.) Nobody keeps improving his/her position forever. — olmak slang to stand and wait a long time. — oyma wood carving. — taze iken eğilir, proverb, see Ağaç yaş iken eğilir. — yaprağıyla gürler/güzeldir, proverb (A tree is at its best when it has leaves.) A person thrives best if he/she has his/her family and friends around him/her. — yaş iken eğilir, proverb (Bend the twig while it is green.) Train a child while his/her mind is pliant, ağaçbiti, -ni (./..) zool. jumping plant louse, ağaççık shrub, ağaççılık forestry. ağaççileği, -ni (./...) bot. raspberry, Rubus idaeus. ağaç fulü, -nü (./..) bot. mock orange, Philadelphia. ağaçkakan zool. woodpecker, Picus. ağaçkavunu, -nu (./...) bot. citron, Citrus medica. ağaçkesen zool. sawfly, Hylotoma. ağaçkurbağası, -nı (./....) zool. tree frog, tree toad, Hylus. ağaçlalesi, -ni (./—..) bot. tulip tree, tulip poplar, Liriodendron tulipifera. ağaçlamak /ı/ to afforest, forest; to plant trees in. ağaçlandırma afforestation, ağaçlandırmak hi to afforest, forest; to plant trees in. ağaçlanmak to become forested; to be planted with trees. ağaçlı (place) which contains trees; wooded, ağaçlık 1. grove; coppice, copse; group of trees, clump of trees. 2. wooded (place), ağaçminesi, -ni (./...) bot. lantana, Lantana. ağaçsansarı, -ni (./...) zool. tree marten, pine marten, Martes martes. ağaçsı 1. treelike, shrubby. 2. related to trees, arborous. ağaçsıl 1. related to trees. 2. made up of trees. 3. botanically related to trees, ağalanmak to play the aga, become proud and assuming, lord it over people, ağalık 1. being *in aga. 2. generosity, bigheartedness, munificence. 3. gentlemanliness. — ağan 17 etmek to be generous, be bighearted. — vermekle, yiğitlik vurmakla/vurmakladır. proverb To establish yourself as a gentleman you have to be generous. To prove yourself a hero you have to be violent, ağan astr. a shooting star, meteor, ağanlar ancestors, forefathers, ağarık (s.t.) which is going white, graying: Şakakları ağarık. He’s gone gray at the temples. ağarmak 1. (for hair) to turn white/gray, gray. 2. (for a patch of sky/a horizon) to grow light, pale (at dawn). 3. (for soiled white laundry) to come out white (after being washed). Ağaran baş, ağlayan göz gizlenmez. proverb You can’t hide tears or white hair. ağartı 1. whiteness, paleness (in a patch of sky/ in a horizon/at dawn). 2. prov. dairy products, milk products, ağartmak III 1. to cause (hair) to turn white/ gray. 2. to cause (a patch of sky/a horizon) to grow light (at dawn). 3. to cause (soiled white laundry) to come out white (in the course of a wash), ağbenek (/..) a fungus disease of barley, ağda 1. lemon and sugar syrup or grape molasses after it has been boiled to a taffy-like consistency. 2. epilating wax, epilator. — kıvamı taffy-like state to which lemon and sugar syrup or grape molasses is brought by boiling. — yapıştırmak /a/ to apply epilating wax to. — yapmak 1. to make ağda. 2. to use epilating wax; /a/ to apply epilating wax to. ağdacı 1. maker of ağda. 2. person who for a fee will use ağda to remove unwanted bodily hair. ağdalanmak 1. (for a substance) to. reach a taffy-like consistency. 2. (for s.o ./s.t.) to get soiled/smeared/daubed with ağda, ağdalaşmak (for a substance) to reach a taffy -like consistency, ağdalı 1. (s.t.) which is taffy-like in consistency; very thick. 2. ornate and involuted (style of writing); pompous, bombastic (word). 3. viscous, ağdırmak /ı/ prov. 1. to boil (a liquid) down, thicken (a liquid) by boiling it down. 2. to lift up, raise up, elevate. 3. to cause (s.t.) to hang down. ağı poison, venom. — gibi 1. very bitter. 2. very strong, ağıağacı, -ni (./...) bot. oleander, Nerium oleander. ağıkeser (./..) antivenin. ağıl 1. sheepfold. 2. halo. 3. halation, —da oğlak doğsa ovada otu biter, proverb (If a kid is born in the fold some grass will sprout in the pasture.) God provides for all his creatures, ağılamak /ı/ to poison, ağılanım toxication, poisoning. ağır ağılı poisonous, venomous, ağılıböcek (../..) zool. ground beetle, Carabus. ağıllamak /ı/ to herd (animals) into a fold/an enclosure. ağıllanmak 1. (for animals) to gather into a tight group, press close together in a group, huddle. 2. (for animals) to be herded into a fold/ an enclosure. 3. (for the moon) to become ringed with a halo, be haloed, ağım instep. ağımlı high in the instep, ağınmak (for an animal) to roll on the ground, ağıotu, -nu (./..) bot. hemlock, poison hemlock, Conium maculatum. ağır 1. heavy; mil. heavy. 2. heavy, difficult (work). 3. serious, difficult (problem). 4. serious, grave (illness/wound). 5. stuffy, oppressive; smelly. 6. cutting, hurtful, offensive. 7. slow; ponderous. 8. slowly; ponderously. 9. thick, viscous. 10. valuable, precious. 11. indigestible, rich, heavy (food). — adam 1. man who acts slowly. 2. man who is slow to respond, lazy man. 3. serious-minded man. — ağır 1. slowly. 2. (to weigh) at the very most. — aksak very slowly and irregularly. — almak III to proceed slowly (with), —dan almak hi not to show any interest in, appear uninterested in, appear reluctant to do (s.t.). — basar, yeğni kalkar, proverb (What is heavy presses down, but what is light rises.) 1. People respect a serious person but not someone who is flighty. 2. When a serious person carries out good plans the effects of lightweight people’s actions are cleared away. — basmak 1. to be heavy. 2. to have a strong influence, be influential, have weight. 3. to be important, be given weight, have priority. 4. h! to oppress (as a nightmare). — canlı lazy, inactive, sluggish. — ceza (a) major punishment. — ceza mahkemesi criminal court for major cases. — çekmek to be heavy; to show a heavy weight (on a scale). — davranmak to act slowly, move slowly. — duymak see ağır işitmek. — ezgi/ endam, fıstıki makam colloq. slowly, taking one’s time, ponderously. — gelmek /a/ 1. to offend, hurt, touch (one’s) honor. 2. to seem/be too difficult (for). — git ki yol alasm. proverb (Go slowly so that you can finish your journey.) To make effective progress you need to move on carefully. — ma gitmek /in/ to offend, hurt (one’s) feelings. — lıapis cezası imprisonment for five years or more. — hasta 1. s.o. who is seriously ill. 2. seriously ill, (s.o.) who is seriously ill. — hastalık serious disease. — ihmal law gross negligence. — iş hard work. — işçi slang prostitute, whore. — işitmek to be hard of hearing. — kaçmak (for a joke/remark) to be unkind. — kanlı 1. slow, inactive, sluggish. 2. repulsive, unattractive. — kayıp heavy casualties. — kazan geç kaynar. ağırayak 18 proverb (A heavy cauldron boils late.) 1. A person who is not very bright takes longer to understand something. 2. A lazy person is slow to produce results. 3. A dignified person is slow to get angry. — konuşmak to say some hard things, speak harsh words. — ol! 1. Go slowly! 2. colloq. Take it easy!/ Calm down!/Keep your cool! — otur ki bey/ ağa/molla desinler, proverb Be dignified so that they will recognize you as an important person. — oturmak to behave with dignity. — para cezası law fine. — sanayi heavy industry. — sıklet sports, see ağırsıklet. — söz hard/harsh word; hard/harsh words. — su chem. heavy water. — taş yerinden oynamaz (batman döver), proverb (A heavy stone is not easily moved.) People can’t easily disturb a dignified person. — top colloq. big gun, important person, powerful person. — uyku deep sleep. — yaralı seriously wounded, gravely injured. — yongayı yel kaldırmaz, proverb (The wind will not sweep away a heavy chip.) A serious and dignified person is not easily disturbed. ağırayak (./..) pregnant, nearing childbirth, ağırbaşlı (./..) serious-minded, sedate, sober, ağırbaşlılık (./...) serious-mindedness, sedateness, soberness, ağırca somewhat heavy, ağırküre (./..) geol. barysphere. ağırlama 1. the serving of food and drink to a ----guest. 2. respect shown to a guest. 3. music played to greet a bride/a groom. 4. lines of homage at the end of a poem, ağırlamak 1. /ı/ to entertain, treat (a guest) with respect. 2. to slow down, ağırlanmak to be entertained, be shown hospitality. ağırlaşmak 1. to get heavy. 2. (for an illness) to become grave. 3. to be seriously sick. 4. to slow down. 5. to get to be serious-minded. 6. (for food) to spoil. 7. to get harder, become more difficult, ağırlaştırmak /ı/ 1. to aggravate. 2. to make (s.t.) heavier; to weigh (s.t.) down. 3. to make (s.t.) more difficult, make (s.t.) harder. 4. to slow (s.t.) down, ağırlatmak 1. /ı, a/ to have (one person) entertain (another). 2. hi to slow (s.t.) down, ağırlık 1. weight, heaviness, weightiness. 2. a weight used in weighing. 3. slowness of motion/action. 4. indigestibility. 5. foulness, stench; oppressiveness (of the weather). 6. costliness. 7. sedateness, gravity, serious -mindedness. 8. drowsiness, lethargy. 9. burden, responsibility. 10. severity (of a disease). 11. baggage, luggage. 12. mil. munitions, supplies. 13. prov. money presented to the bride by the bridegroom according to previous agreement. 14. jewelry. 15. nightmare. —mca altın değmek to be worth its weight in gold. — basmak/çökmek /a/ 1. to have a nightmare. 2. to be overcome by ‘ağız sleepiness, —mı (ortaya) koymak to bring one’s power into play; to exert one’s authority. — merkezi 1. center of gravity. 2. the heart of the matter. — olmak /a/ to be a burden on (one). — vermek /a/ to concentrate on, focus one’s attention/energy on. ağırlıklı (s.t.) which has (a certain) emphasis: Bu din ağırlıklı bir kitaptır. This is a book which is largely about religion, ağırsamak III 1. to make (s.o.) unwelcome, treat (s.o.) coldly. 2. to do (a job) slowly, show a lack of interest (in), ağırsıklet, -ty (./..) sports heavyweight, ağırşak 1. spindle whorl. 2. disk, ağırşaklanmak (for a boil) to swell; to protrude, ağıryağ (./.) oil, lubricating oil. ağışız nontoxic. ağısızlaştırma detoxification, detoxication, ağısızlaştırmak hi to detoxify, detoxicate, ağış ascending movement, rise (of water vapor and other atmospheric gases), ağıt 1. dirge, lament, funeral song. 2. wailing, keening, lamentation. — yakmak to wail, lament for the dead, ağıtçı wailer, mourner, wailing woman, ağıtlama elegy, dirge, ağıtsal elegiac, ağıtutar (./..) antitoxin, ağıtutkunluğu, -nu (./....) drug addiction, toxicomania. *ağız, -ğzı 1. mouth. 2. rim, brim (of a cup/an opening). 3. muzzle (of a gun). 4. intersection, corner (of roads). 5. cutting edge, blade (of a knife). 6. dialect; regional accent. 7. persuasive talk, forceful way of speaking. 8. mus. regional form. 9. time: iki ağız twice, üç ağız three times. 10. brink, —dan 1. orally, verbally. 2. by mouth. — mdan 1. as heard directly from. 2. in the name of. — ıy-la (to tell) personally, —mı açacağına gözünü aç. Don’t stand gaping, open your eyes. —mı açıp gözünü yummak to swear a blue streak, rant and rave. — ı açık 1. open, uncovered (receptacle). 2. idiotic, moronic, —i açık ayran delisi half-wit, simpleton, —i açık (bir karış açık) kalmak to gape with astonishment, —mı açmak 1. to open one’s mouth. 2. to speak up. 3. to give vent to one’s feelings. 4. to gape with astonishment..— /—ını açmamak not to open one’s mouth; to be silent, hold one’s tongue. — açtırmamak /a/ to give (s.o.) no opportunity to talk. — ağıza to the brim. — ağıza dolu brimful, brimming. — ağıza vermek to whisper privately to each other, —dan ağıza by word of mouth, by rumor, —dan ağıza yayılmak (for a rumor) to be spread by word of mouth, —a almmaz/almmaya-cak obscene, very vulgar, unmentionable. — alışkanlığı the habit of using a certain expression. —mdan almak /ı, ml see ağzından kapmak, —ma almamak hi not to mention, not to let )pass one’s lips, —/—mı aramak ‘ağız 19 Iml to sound out (a person). — armonikası harmonica, mouth organ. —-ma atmak hi to put (s.t.) in one’s mouth. —ı aya, gözü çaya bakmak to be absentminded, be inclined not to pay attention to one’s work, -ma bakakalmak Iml to be spellbound by (one’s) words^—mdan baklayı çıkarmak to put aside considerations and speak out, let the cat out of the bag. — mda bakla ıslanmamak not to be able to keep a secret, -ma bakmak /m/ 1. to wait for (s.o.’s) words. 2. to obey (s.o.) blindly. — ma (—mm içine) baktırmak to have great charm in talking, —mdan bal akmak to talk sweetly, —mi bıçak açmamak to be too distressed to talk, have one’s mouth sealed with grief. — ı bir in agreement on what to say. — ma bir kemik atmak Iml to throw (s.o.) a bone, give (s.o.) money to keep him/her quiet. — ma bir parmak bal çalmak Iml to try to put (s.o.) off by promises or petty gains. — ma bir şey/çöp koymamak not to eat a thing. —ma bir zeytin verip altma/ardma bir tulum tutmak to do a small favor and expect a big return, —mı bozmak to swear, use bad language. —ı bozuk foulmouthed, scurrilous. — bozukluğu abusiveness. — burun birbirine karışmak 1. (for one’s anger/sadness/ fatigue) to show in one’s face. 2. (for one’s face) to be battered and bruised. — ma burnuna bulaştırmak hi to mess up (a job), —mı burnunu dağıtmak Iml to pound (one’s) face, beat (s.o.) up. — ı burnu yerinde good-looking, attractive, handsome. —i büyük boastful, —mda büyümek (for food) to be hard to swallow. —ı çelikli having a cast-iron throat, —mdan çıkanı (çıkan sözü) kulağı duymamak/işitmemek not to realize what one is saying, to (get angry and) explode, —mdan çıkmak to slip out without being intended, —mdan çıt çıkmamak not to divulge a word, (for s.o.’s mouth) to be sealed. — ı çiriş çanağına dönmek to have one’s mouth get dry and bitter, —da dağılmak (for pastry) to be delicious, be delectable. —ını dağıtmak Iml colloq. to hit (s.o.) in the mouth, sock (s.o.) in the kisser. — dalaşı/dalaşması quarrel, row. — ma değin up to the brim. — değişikliği variety in food. — ı değişmek to change one’s tune, —/—mı değiştirmek to change one’s tune. — ı dili bağlanmak not to open one’s mouth, be silent. — dil vermemek to be too sick to talk. — ı dili yok. colloq. He/She submits meekly./He/She doesn’t protest, —mdan dirhemle laf/söz/ lakırdı çıkmak to be s.o. of few words, be tightlipped: Reha’nın ağzından dirhemle laf çıkar. Reha is a man of few words, —dan dolma muzzle-loading. — dolusu küfür unrestrained swearing, —mdan dökülmek 1. to be said unconvincingly/halfheartedly. 2. to be evident from one’s words. — ı dört xağız köşe olmak slang to be all smiles, —a düşmek to be in everybody’s mouth, be a subject of common gossip, —mdan düşürmemek hi to talk about (s.o./s.t.) constantly. — eğmek to plead, insist, beg. —i eğri, gözü şaşı ensesinden/arkasından belli olur (bellidir), proverb (You can tell by seeing a person from behind that his/her mouth is crooked and he/she is cross-eyed.) A person’s behavior indicates his/her deficiencies. —ma geldiği gibi (to speak) without careful consideration. — ma geleni söylemek 1. to talk without thinking, rattle on. 2. to scold/swear unreservedly. — ma gem vurmak Iml to silence, not to let (another) speak, —mda gevelemek 1. hi to withhold (pertinent information). 2. to hem and haw, avoid giving a clear answer, beat around the bush, —i gevşek garrulous, indiscreet. — m-dan girip burnundan çıkmak Iml to get around (s.o.) with persuasive words. — ı havada 1. stupid, perpetually bewildered and confused. 2. always talking about exalted things, —mı havaya açmak to be left out in the cold, not to get what one hoped for. —mı hayra aç! colloq. Don’t say such a thing!/Don’t say such things! — ını ıslatmak slang to drink, have a drink, —mm içine bakmak Iml to listen eagerly to (s.o.). —mm içine baktırmak to be someone one listens to eagerly, be someone one really wants to listen to. — ı ile kuş tutsa no matter how well he/she does, —mdan kaçırmak hi to let (s.t.) slip out. — ma kadar up to the brim. — kâhyası one who tries to interfere in another’s expression of his/her thoughts. — kalabalığı confused flow of words. — kalabalığı etmek to be verbose, wander off the subject. — kalabalığına getirmek hi to confuse (the issue) by a flow of words, —i kalabalık 1. garrulous, full of chatter. 2. charlatan, quack, humbug, —mm kalayını vermek Iml to scold, tell (s.o.) off. —mm kalıbı olmamak see ağzının kaşığı olmamak, —mı kapamak 1. to close one’s mouth, shut up, be silent. 2. Iml to silence (s.o.) with a bribe, —dan kapmak to learn by ear. —mdan kapmak /i, ml to anticipate what (s.o.) is going to say and say (it) first, —i kara 1. (s.o.) who enjoys giving bad news. 2. (s.o.) whom others want to exclude from their associations. — mm kaşığı olmamak to be too exalted for (one) to be worthy of mentioning (him/her/it). — kavafı s.o. who overinsists/overpersuades with much talking. — kavgası hot argument, quarrel, battle of words. —ınm kaytanını çekmek slang to stop making gloomy predictions, —i kilitli/kenetli 1. secretive, close-lipped. 2. unable to speak. 3. white-lipped (horse). —ma kilit vurmak 1. to say nothing, keep silent. 2. Iml to keep (s.o.) from speaking. —ma kira istemek not to talk without being ‘ağız 20 ağızlamak urged, —mı kiraya vermek to prefer not to talk, —i kokmak to have bad breath. — kokusu 1. bad breath. 2. willful caprices, whims, —mm kokusunu çekmek /m/ to put up with (s.o.’s) caprices, —a koyacak bir şey something to eat. — ma koymamak /ı/ not to eat. —ı köpürmek to foam at the mouth, —i kulaklarında very happy. — ı kulaklarına varmak to grin from ear to ear, be extremely pleased. — kullanmak to suit one’s speech to the situation, —mı kullanmak /in/ to quote the ideas of (another) as one’s own. — ı kurusun, colloq. (May his/ her mouth dry out.) May he/she suffer for predicting evil. — ıyla kuş tutsa .... Even if he/she works miracles .... —ından laf almak Iml to. wangle information out of (s.o.). — i laf/lakırdı yapmak to be able to speak effectively and to the point. — ma/—lara layık delicious, —mdan lokmasını al! colloq. He’s/She’s a real pushover! —mdan lokmasını almak Iml to take from (s.o.) that which is rightfully his/hers, —mm mührü ile 1. while fasting. 2. Iml without being opened. — ı oynamak 1. to nibble, snack. 2. to talk, —mm ölçüsünü almak see ağzının payını almak, —mm ölçüsünü vermek /a/ see ağzının payını vermek, —mı öpeyim! colloq. I should like to kiss your mouth for saying such nice things! — ı paça slang on top of the world. — ı paça olmak slang to be foolishly happy; to be all smiles, —mm payını almak to be reproved for saying something, —mm payını vermek /a/ to scold (s.o.) and make him/her ashamed of what he/she has said. — ı pek secretive, discreet, —mı pek tutmak see ağzını sıkı tutmak, —mm perhizi yok. colloq. He/She says whatever comes to his/her mind. —i pis foulmouthed, —mı poyraza açmak see ağzını havaya açmak, —ma sağlık! colloq. Well said! —da sakız gibi çiğnemek lıl to keep saying (s.t.) over and over. — ma sakız olmak Iml to be the subject of (one’s) gossiping. — satmak to brag, boast, —mı seveyim! see Ağzını öpeyim! —ma sıçayım! vulg. Shit on you!/Fuck you! (usually used by women). — ma sıçmak Iml vulg. 1. to put (s.o.) in the shit, put (s.o.) in a bad situation. 2. to make a balls-up of, mess/ball (s.t.) up. —i sıkı secretive, discreet, —mı sıkı tutmak to keep one’s mouth shut; to be able to keep a secret, be able to keep one’s mouth shut. — ıyla söylemek to say it o.s. — ı sulanmak /a/ to have one’s mouth water (for). —mm suyunu akıtmak Iml to make (one’s) mouth water. — inin suyu akmak to long hungrily for something. — ına sürmemek hi not to touch (a food). — ı süt kokmak to be naive, be innocent. — şakası joke, —mi şapırdatmak to smack one’s lips. — tadı harmony; peace and tranquillity. — tadı ile 1. enjoying the flavor. 2. enjoying the occa- sion. 3. with everything going well, —mm tadını almak /dan/ to have had a bitter experience (with). — mın tadını bilmek 1. to be a gourmet. 2. to be a connoisseur of beautiful things, be a person of taste, be someone who appreciates nice things, —mın tadını bozmak Iml see ağzının tadını kaçırmak, —mm tadı bozulmak see ağzının tadı kaçmak. —mm tadını kaçırmak Iml to throw (s.o.’s) tranquil way of life into disarray, shatter (s.o.’s) tranquillity, —mm tadı kaçmak to have one’s tranquil life thrown into disarray; to have one’s tranquillity shattered. — tamburası çalmak 1. to try to console one. 2. to have one’s teeth chatter from the cold. — ma taş almış, colloq. (He/She has a pebble in his/her mouth.) He/She won’t talk, —a tat, boğaza feryat, colloq. 1. The food was good but there was not enough. 2. What was done was good but it was not enough. —ma tat bulaşmak to get the taste of something and want to do it again. — tatsızlığı unpleasant atmosphere in a group. — ı tene-ke/tenekeyle kaplı (s.o.) who has a cast-iron stomach, who can eat/drink anything with relative ease. — mı tıkamak Iml to stop (s.o.) from talking. —ını topla! colloq. Watch your language! (said to s.o. who is cursing or using foul language). —ı torba değil ki büzesin! Iml colloq. You can’t stop (s.o.) talking! —mı tutmak to hold one’s tongue. — tüfeği blowgun. — ma tükürdüğümün damn, despicable. — tütünü chewing tobacco. —lari uymak to agree in what they say. — ünlüsü phon. oral vowel. — ünsüzü phon. oral consonant. —ı var, dili yok. colloq. He/She is very quiet./He/She is no bother. —i varmamak /a/ not to have the heart to say (s.t). —ma verilmesini beklemek/ istemek to sit back and let others do it for one. —ına vur, lokmasını al! colloq. He’s/ She’s a real pushover! — ma yakışmamak (for s.t. one has said) not to befit one, not to be worthy of one (owing to its abusiveness/ vulgarity). — ı yanmak /dan/ to have a painful experience (with). — yapmak 1. to try to explain away a matter. 2. to make empty boasts, —mda yaş kalmamak to have expressed an opinion to the same person many times. — yaymak to avoid speaking directly and clearly, —mdan yel/yeller alsm! colloq. (May the wind take it from your mouth.) Heaven forbid! — yer, yüz utanır, proverb (One accepts a gift and is ashamed.) One is ashamed not to do something that a benefactor requests, —mı yırtarım! vulg. Hold your tongue!/Stop it or I’ll hit you! —mi yoklamak Iml to sound out (a person). 2ağız colostrum, beestings, beastings. ağızbirliği, -ni (./...) agreement on what is to be said/done. — etmek to speak according to a previously arranged plan. ağızlamak /ı/ 1. to ready (a mortise/hole) for a ağızlaşım tenon or other part. 2. naut. (for a ship) to enter the middle of (a strait/port), ağızlaşım anat., see ağızlaşma, ağızlaşma anat. anastomosis, ağızlaşmak anat. to anastomose, ağızlık 1. cigarette holder. 2. mouthpiece (of a pipe/trumpet/telephone). 3. cover of leaves put over a full fruit basket. 4. stone ring around the mouth of a well. 5. open water pipe with a valve. 6. appliance put into/over the mouth of an animal, muzzle. 7. text. shed. 8. funnel, ağızotu, -nu (./..) formerly priming, primer (of a gun), ağızsal med. oral. ağızsıl phon. oral (as opposed to nasal). — ünlü oral vowel. — ünsüz oral consonant, ağızsız soft-spoken, submissive, ağkatman (/..) anat. retina. — sayrılığı path. retinopathy. — yangısı path, retinitis, ağkepçe (/..) landing net. ağkurdu, -nu (/..) zool. webworm. ağlama weeping, crying, ağlamak 1. to weep, shed tears, cry. 2. /a/ to weep, mourn (for). 3. /dan/ to complain, whine (about). 4. (for a tree) to weep. Ağlarsa anam ağlar, başkası/kalanı yalan ağlar, proverb (It is only my mother who would weep. The tears of all the others would be false.) The deepest love is a mother’s love. Ağlamayan çocuğa meme vermezler, proverb (No one nurses the baby that does not cry.) The wheel that squeaks gets the grease, ağlayası gelmek to feel like crying. Ağlar gözden, sahte sözden kendini sakın, proverb Beware of the deceiver who tries to play on your emotions. Ağlayanın malı gülene hayretmez. proverb No good will come to you from ill-gotten gains. Ağlama ölü için, ağla deli/diri için, proverb Don’t weep for the dead; weep for those who are mad or weep for the living. Ağlamakla yâr ele girmez, proverb (You don’t win your lover by weeping.) You don’t get what you want by crying for it. ağlamaklı ready to cry. — olmak to feel like crying, ağlamalı see ağlamaklı, ağlamsamak 1. to be ready to burst into tears, be on the verge of tears. 2. to pretend to be weepy; to pretend to cry. aglamsi prov. weepy. ağlamsık prov. 1. weepy. 2. (s.o.) who pretends to be weepy, ağlanmak impersonal passive to cry, weep, ağlaşmak 1. to weep together. 2. to lament, ağlatı theat. tragedy. ağlatıcı tending to bring one to tears, tear-jerk-w ing- ağlatısal 1. tragic. 2. pertaining to tragedies, ağlatmak III to make (one) cry. Ağlatan gülmez. proverb One who makes others weep won’t laugh. ağustos ağlaya ağlaya (../ ...) crying, while crying, ağlayık prov. (s.o.) who is always crying/complaining. ağlayış 1. crying, cry. 2. whining, whimpering, complaint, ağlı very baggy (trousers), ağma astr. a shooting star, meteor, ağmak 1. to rise, ascend. 2. to hang downward, droop. ağman prov. imperfection, fault, ağmantarlar (/...) bot. Hyphomycetes. ağnam (.—) 1. obs. sheep (plural); goats. 2. hist, tax on sheep/goats/pigs/camels, ağnamak (for an animal) to roll on the ground, ağnamcı hist, person who collected the tax levied on sheep/goats/pigs/camels, ağrı 1. ache. 2. throes of childbirth, labor. — duymazlığı analgesia. — larda göz ağrısı, her kişinin öz ağrısı, proverb The worst ache is in the eyes, but everybody has some other ache that is as bad. — kesici med., see ağrıkesici. — kesimi med., see ağrıkesi-mi. —sı tutmak 1. to have birth pains start; to begin labor. 2. to have a recurrence of periodic pains. — vermek /a/ to hurt. Ağrıboz (./.) see Eğriboz. Ağrı Dağı, -m Mount Ararat, ağrık prov. 1. pain, ache. 2. illness, ağrıkesen (./..) med., see 'ağrıkesici. ağrıkesici (./...) med. 1. (an) analgesic. 2. analgesic. ağrıkesimi, -ni (./...) med. analgesia, ağrılı aching, painful. — yağlanma path, adiposis dolorosa, Dercum’s disease, ağrıma a parasitic disease of mammals. — asalakları spores parasitic on the red blood cells of vertebrates, ağrımak to ache, hurt, throb with pain, ağrısız 1. painless. 2. painlessly. — başına kaşbastı bağlamak needlessly to make extra work for o.s. — baş mezarda gerek olur. proverb (The only head without headaches is in the grave.) Only death ends all troubles. — baş yastık istemez, proverb (A head without headaches needs no pillow.) A healthy person needs no coddling, ağrıtmak h! to hurt, make ache, ağsı 1. netlike. 2. reticular, reticulate, reticulated, ağtabaka (/...) anat. retina, ağtonoz (/..) arch, ribbed vault, ağu poison, venom. ağustos August. — ta beyni kaynayanın zemheride kazanı kaynar, proverb (The person who fries his/her brain in the August sun has a boiling pot in the winter.) If a person works in the fields in the summer he/she will have enough to eat in the winter. — ta gölge kovan, zemheride karnın ovar, proverb One who hunts shade in August rubs his/her empty stomach in the winter. — ta suya girse balta kesmez buz olur, colloq. (If he/she went into the water in August, the water would freeze so hard that an ax could 21 ağııstosböceği 22 âhir not break it.) He/She is always unfortunate./ He/She has no luck at all. —un yarısı yaz, yarısı kıştır, proverb (Half of August is summer, and the other half winter.) Somewhere in the middle of August the weather breaks, ağııstosböceği, -ni (../...) zool. cicada, ağustosböcekleri, -ni (../....) zool. Cicaclidae. ağuş (------------) obs., see aguş. ağyar (.—) 1. obs. others, other people, strangers. 2. classical Ott. poet, rivals, all who are connected with the beloved apart from the lover himself, ah (—) 1. sigh, groan. 2. lament. 3. curse. A—! colloq. Ah!/Oh!/Alas! — alan onmaz. proverb A person who is cursed by those he/she has oppressed will never prosper. — almak to be cursed for one’s cruelty. — çekmek to sigh, —mı çekmek Iml to be under the curses of (those one has wronged), —i çıkmak Iml to suffer as a result of the curse of (s.o. whom ‘one has wronged). — deme ki düşmanın oh demesin, proverb Don’t cry or your enemies will gloat. — etmek 1. to sigh. 2. /a/ to curse. — ı tutmak (yerde kalmamak) to have one’s curse take effect. — yerde kalmaz, proverb The curse of a sufferer hurts his/her oppressor, aha prov. here, there. ahali (.—.) inhabitants, population, the people, ahar (—.) obs. another, the other (person/thing): âhar bir memlekette in another country, ahar dressing, finish, sizing (for paper/cloth), aharlamak hi to size, dress, finish (paper/cloth), aharlı dressed, sized, finished (paper/cloth). — kâğıt sized paper suitable for calligraphy, ahbap acquaintance; friend. A—! colloq. My friend! (used to attract the attention of a stranger). — çavuşlar colloq. pals, cronies, chums. — kusuruna bakan ahbapsız kalır. proverb Don’t pick at your friends or you’ll find yourself friendless. — olmak /la/ to strike up a friendship (with), ahbapça (./.) like a friend, in a friendly way. — konuşmak to talk like friends, ahbaplık friendship, —a dökmek to strike up a friendship. — etmek /la/ to be on friendly terms (with), ahçı 1. cook. 2. colloq. eating house, eatery, cheap or inferior restaurant. — baltası butcher’s cleaver. — dükkânı colloq. eating house, eatery, cheap or inferior restaurant, ahçıbaşı, -m (./..) head cook, chef, ahçılık cooking, cookery. — yapmak to work as a cook, be a cook, ahdetmek (/..) /a/ 1. to vow, promise (to do s.t.); to promise o.s. (to do s.t.). 2. to swear to God (to do s.t.). 3. to contract, agree (to do s.t.). ahdi (.—) law conventional, contractual, conventional, pertaining to a treaty/an agreement. — tarife tariff based on an international agreement, international tariff. Ahdiatik the Old Testament. Ahdicedit the New Testament, ahenk (—.) 1. mus. harmony. 2. musicality. 3. harmony, integration, accord, agreement, compatibility. 4. lively party at which musicians provide entertainment, —ini bozmak Iml to create disunity between/in, upset the tranquillity that existed between/in. — kaidesi phon. vowel harmony. — kurmak /da/ to establish harmonious relations (between members of a group). — sağlamak /da/ to secure unity and order (in a place). — tahtası soundboard, belly, table (of a violin/ a lute/a similar instrument), ahenkdar (—.—) obs., see ahenktar. ahenkleştirmek (—....) /i/ to harmonize; to reconcile; to coordinate, ahenkli (—..) 1. mus. harmonious. 2. melodious, musical. 3. harmonious, integrated, marked by accord/agreement/compatibility (between its various parts). — hareket phys. harmonic motion, ahenksiz (—..) 1. mus. discordant, inharmonious. 2. unmelodious, immelodious. 3. inharmonious, lacking in integration, marked by a lack of accord/agreement/compatibility (between its various parts), ahenksizlik (—...) lack of harmony, discord, ahenktar (—.—) obs. 1. harmonious; pleasing. 2. melodious. 3. rhythmical, âher (—.) obs., see âhar. aheste (—..) slow; gentle; calm. — aheste slowly; gently; softly. — beste slowly, taking one’s time, ahfad (.—) see ahfat. ahfadiyelik (.— ...) obs. 1. heirloom. 2. (s.t.) which is worthy of being an heirloom, ahfat (.—) 1. law grandchildren. 2. descendants. 3. grandson (especially one from a male line). Ahfeş the name of a Koranic student in a story. — ’in keçisi gibi baş sallamak to nod in agreement without understanding what is said, ahi generous. ahım şahım (—/ —.) colloq. beautiful, bright, excellent. — bir şey değil. It is nothing special. âhır (—.) see âhir. ahır stable, shed, barn, —a çekmek III to put (an animal) in the barn, —a çevirmek /ı/ to mess up, make a shambles of. — gibi in a shambles, messy, cluttered, dirty (place), ahırlamak prov. to become stiff from staying too long in the stable. Ahi (.—) hist. Akhi, a member of a brotherhood in Anatolia. Ahilik (.—.) hist. Akhism, an organized brotherhood in Anatolia related to trade guilds, âhir (—.) 1. the last, the final: âhir nefes last gasp. 2. in the end. 3. end, conclusion, termination. — olmak to come to an end, end. — ömür/vakit old age, (one’s) last years. — zaman the time during which the Last ahir 23 ahududu Judgment can be expected to take place. — zaman peygamberi the Prophet Muhammad, ahir (.—) obs. the last, the final: ahir karar final decision, ahiren (.—'.) obs. recently, ahiret, -ti (—..) see ahret, ahiretlik (—...) see ahretlik, ahit, -hdi 1. vow, promise, resolution, resolve (especially one made to o.s.): Ahdim var, bunu yapacağım. I’ve vowed to myself that I’ll do this. 2. promise (made to God): Ahdim olsun, hazır bulunacağım! I swear to God I’ll be there! 3. treaty, pact, solemn agreement; covenant. 4. period (of time), era, age, epoch; reign. 5. imperial decree. —e vefa law Pacta sunt servanda, ahitleşmek to make a pact with each other, contract with each other, enter into a solemn agreement with each other, ahitname (..— .) treaty, pact, ahize (—..) receiver: telefon ahizesi telephone receiver, radyo ahizesi radio receiver, ahkâm (.—) 1. law judgments, decisions, verdicts. 2. law statutes, regulations, provisions, stipulations. 3. predictions based on astrology/soothsaying. 4. colloq. half-baked ideas, baseless conclusions, flimsy speculations. — çıkarmak colloq. to put forth some half-baked or off-the-cuff ideas (on s.t. one doesn’t know much about). — kesmek colloq. to put forth a half-baked or off-the-cuff idea as if it were the gospel truth. — yürütmek colloq. to give one’s opinion (on s.t. one doesn’t know much about), ahlaf (.—) obs. 1. successors. 2. descendants; future generations, ahlak, -kı 1. morals, moral practices; morality. 2. morals, moral principles, moral teachings, ethic, morality; ethics: meslek ahlakı professional ethics, —a aykırı immoral (act/ word). — bilimi see ahlakbilim. —mı bozmak Iml to corrupt/debase (s.o.’s) morals, corrupt, —i bozuk morally corrupt, morally bankrupt (person). — dışı see ahlakdışı. — duygusu moral sense. — ı umumiyeye tecavüz law offending against public decency, violation of public decency, moral turpitude, ahlakan (.—.) morally; ethically, ahlakbilim (./..) ethics, ahlakça (./.) morally; ethically, ahlakçı 1. moralist, thinker/writer concerned with moral principles. 2. teacher of ethics, ahlakdışçılık (./...) amoralism, ahlakdışı (./..) 1. immoral (word/act). 2. amoral, nonmoral (word/act), ahlaken (.—.) colloq. morally; ethically, ahlakiyat, -ti (.— ..) obs., see ahlakbilim. ahlaki (.— —) ethical, moral, ahlaklı 1. moral, morally upright, upright (person). 2. (s.o.) who is of (a specified) moral fiber: kötü ahlaklı morally bankrupt, ahlaklılık 1. decency, uprightness. 2. morality, ahlaksal ethical, moral. ahlaksız 1. immoral. 2. colloq. rude, lowbred, churlish. 3. colloq. dishonest, shifty, slippery, ahlaksızlık immorality, ahlamak to sigh. ahlat, -ti 1. bot. wild pear, Pyrus pyraster. 2. slang boor. — m iyisini (dağda) ayılar yer. proverb, see Armudun iyisini (dağda) ayılar yer. ahmak 1. stupid, foolish. 2. fool, idiot. — gelin yengeyi halayığı sanır, proverb A stupid bride mistakes her sponsor for a servant. — ıslatan colloq. drizzle. — iti yol kocatır. proverb (If a dog is stupid a journey will age him.) If a project is not well planned and administered, delays and deficiencies crop up later. — misafir ev sahibini ağırlar. proverb A confused visitor welcomes his/her host, —a yüz, abdala söz vermeye gelmez. proverb It doesn’t work to encourage a stupid person or promise anything to a beggar, ahmakça 1. somewhat foolish. 2. (./.) foolishly, stupidly. ahmaklaşmak 1. to turn into a fool. 2. to be momentarily bewildered, ahmaklık stupidity, foolishness, ahret, -ti the hereafter, the next world. — adamı a man who has withdrawn from the world, otherworldly person. — i boylamak colloq. to die. — e göndermek /ı/ to send (s.o.) to the next world, send (s.o.) to his/ her reward, kill. — te iki eli yakasında olmak /ml see ahrette on parmağı yakasında olmak. — kardeşi sister (used by a devout Muslim woman to describe the close bond that exists between herself and another devout Muslim woman, one to whom she is not a blood relative). — korkusu the fear of the Last Judgment. — te on parmağı yakasında olmak Iml to hold a grudge (against s.o.) at the Last Judgment. — suali 1. Islam a very difficult question supposedly asked s.o. by an angel when he/she is about to enter the next world. 2. colloq. tiresome and difficult question, —ini yapmak to acquire merit in God’s sight. — yolculuğu colloq. death, —ini zenginleştirmek see ahretini yapmak. ahretlik 1. adopted girl brought up as a servant. 2. sister (used by a devout Muslim woman to describe the close bond that exists between herself and another devout Muslim woman, one to whom she is not a blood relative). 3. (s.t.) which pertains to the next world. 4. otherworldly (person). ahşa (.—) obs. viscera, guts, ahşap 1. (house/ship/bridge) made of wood, wooden. 2. wood, timber (used for building), ahtapot, -tu 1. zool. octopus. 2. path, polyp or similar tumor. 3. slang sponger, hanger-on. — gibi clinging, persistent, troublesome, ahu (— —) zool. gazelle. — gibi beautiful, graceful. — gözlü having beautiful eyes, ahududu, -nu (—/..) bot. raspberry, Rub us ahuvah 24 akağa idaeus. ahuvah (—) obs.weeping and wailing, ahval, -li (.—) obs. 1. circumstances, situation, state, state of affairs. 2. behavior. 3. events, affairs. —i perişan bad situation; desperate straits. — i pürmelal very sad state. — i sıhhiye state of health. — i şahsiye law status (of a person). — i şahsiye sicili law register of births, marriages, and deaths. — i umumiye general state of affairs, ahzetmek (/..) /i/ to take; to receive, ahziigirift, -ti law apprehension, arrest (of a criminal). — müzekkeresi law warrant of arrest. ahzüita (..— —) law buying and selling, commerce, trade, ahzükabz law collection (of a sum of money); registering (of a debt), aidat, -ti (—..) 1. dues, membership fee, subscription (paid to a society by its members). 2. revenue, income, aidiyet, -ti (—...) obs. state of belonging, relation. AIDS path. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS’li (s.o.) who is suffering from AIDS, aile (—..) 1. family. 2. colloq. wife. — adı family name, surname. — bahçesi tea garden. — cüzdanı savings account. — doktoru family doctor. — dostu family friend. — efradı members of a family. — gazinosu see aile bahçesi. — ismi see aile adı. — kurmak to marry and start a family. — meclisi family council. — ocağı home, the family hearth. — planlaması family planning. — reisi head of the family, law paterfamilias, ailece (—./.) as a family. ailecek (—./.) colloq. as a family, ailevi (—..—) regarding the family, private, domestic. ait (—.) /a/ concerning, relating to; pertaining to, belonging to. — olmak /a/ to concern, relate; to belong to. ajan 1. secret agent, spy. 2. agent, representative. ajanda (./.) diary (in which one notes future engagements), ajanlık 1. being an agent, being a representative. 2. being a secret agent, being a spy. ajans 1. agency; news agency. 2. news bulletin, ajur embroidery openwork, ajurlu open-worked (embroidery), ak, -kı 1. white. 2. clean, unsullied. 3. unblemished, beaming with honest pride (face). 4. white (of an eye/an egg). 5. white speck (in the eye). 6. phot, positive. — m adı (var), karanın tadı (var), proverb, see Beyazın adı (var), esmerin tadı (var). — ı ak, karası kara brunette with fair skin. — akçe kara gün içindir, proverb Money saved can come to one’s rescue in a time of need. — altm platinum. — Arap Arab. — bakla prov. dried beans, —mı bokuna karıştır- mak vulg. to mix up the good and the bad in something. — ım derken bokum demek vulg. 1. to blunder and say something bad by mistake. 2. to try to show off and end up revealing one’s faults. — don/göt/bacak, kara don/göt/bacak geçitte/geçit ba-şmda/hamamda belli olur, proverb (One can tell white clothes from black at the mountain pass.) In a time of trial it becomes clear who is good and who is useless. — düşmek /a/ to begin to turn gray, begin to gray. — gözlü blue-eyed, likely to bring a curse. — gün ağartır, kara gün karartır. proverb Happy times gladden the heart; sorrow makes one gloomy. — itin pamuk pazarına (pamuğa/pamukçuya) zararı vardır. proverb, see Ak köpeğin pamuk pazarına (pamuğa/pamukçuya) zararı vardır. — karaman a large white fat-tailed sheep of Central Anatolia famous for its meat. — ı karası geçitte belli olur, proverb (Black and white become clear at the mountain pass.) It becomes clear at the final test who is good and who is not. —tan karadan haberi yok. colloq. He’s/She’s as ignorant as they come ./He’s/S he’s never ever heard of the three R’s./He/She can’t read or write, —la karayı seçmek to have a very hard time. — kirpani white but dirty. — koyunu gören, içi dolu yağ sanır, proverb (A person who sees a white sheep assumes that it is fat and tasty.) Appearances can be deceiving. — koyunun kara kuzusu da olur. proverb (A white sheep can have a black lamb.) Even a good family has an occasional black sheep. — köpek, kara köpek geçit başında belli olur, proverb You see what a person’s made of when things get rough. — köpeğin pamuk pazarına (pamuğa/pamukçuya) zararı vardır, proverb (A white dog hurts cotton sales.) When a poor imitation is around the real product is undervalued. — mı, kara mı, önüne düşünce görürsün. colloq. (You will find out whether it is white or black when you see it.) Don’t worry about it now; you’ll find out later. — pak 1. very clean. 2. (one) whose hair and beard have gone white. 3. having an attractive fair complexion. — saçlı white-haired. — sakaldan yok sakala gelmek to fail with old age. akabinde /m/ immediately after, subsequently, akaç drain pipe. akaçlama drainage. — havzası drainage basin, akaçlamak /ı/ 1. to drain. 2. to supply with a drainage system, akademi academy, akademici academician, akademicilik academicism, academism, akademik academic, academical, akademisyen academician, akademizm academism, akağa (/..) white eunuch of the sultan’s palace. akağaç akağaç (/..) bot. birch, white birch, Betula alba. akaid (.—.) obs., see akait, akait (.—.) obs. doctrines, dogmas, tenets (of a religious faith). — kitabı book outlining the doctrines of a religious faith, akaju (./.) bot. acajou, mahogany, Swietenia mahogani. akak 1. river bed. 2. brook. 3. running water. 4. channel, conduit, watercourse, akala (./.) a hybrid cotton developed in Turkey from American stocks, akalliyet, -ti obs., see ekalliyet, akamber (/..) 1. ambergris. 2. courbaril copal, courbaril, gum anime, akamet, -ti (.—.) obs. 1. sterility, barrenness. 2. failure. — e uğramak to fail, come to naught. akant, -ti bot. acanthus, Acanthus. akantus bot. acanthus, Acanthus. akanyildiz (./..) astr. a shooting star, meteor. — yağmuru meteoric shower, meteor shower. *akar 1. liquid, flowing. 2. running, oozing, —a kokara bakma, çuvala girene bak. proverb (Don’t worry about what is oozing and smelling; keep your eye on what is going into the sack.) Get possessions, no matter how bad they are. — su çukurunu kendi kazar, proverb (Flowing water cuts its own channel.) An ambitious and capable person creates his/her own opportunities. — suya inanma, el oğluna dayanma, proverb Don’t trust flowing water or a stranger. — su pislik tutmaz, proverb Flowing water does not get contaminated. 2akar (.—) 1. (a) real property which yields one rent, (a) rental property. 2. rent, akaramber (./..) bot. liquidambar, Liquid-ambar. akarca (./.) prov. 1. suppurating sore. 2. fistula. 3. disease characterized by a discharge. 4. rivulet, streamlet. 5. hot spring. akaret, -ti (.—.) obs. (a) real property which yields one rent, (a) rental property, akarlar zool. mites, Acarina. akarsu, -yu (./.) 1. stream, river. 2. diamond/ pearl necklace, akaryakıt, -ti fuel oil. akasma (/..) bot. virgin’s-bower, Clematis vir-giniana. akasya (./.) bot. 1. locust, black locust, Ro-binia pseudoacacia. 2. acacia, Acacia. akbaba (/..) zool. vulture, akbalık (/..) zool. 1. dace, Leucisclis leuciscus. 2. a large bonito. akbalıkçıl (/...) zool. great white heron, akbasma (/..) prov. cataract, akbaş (/.) zool. barnacle goose, bernicle, Bran-ta leucopsis. akbenek (/..) white speck in the eye. akburçak (/..) bot. bitter vetch, Vicia orobus. akciğer (/..) 1. lungs. 2. pulmonary. — göbeği anat. pulmonary hilum. — gözcüğü anat., 25 akhardal see akciğer peteği. — kesecikleri anat. pulmonary vesicles. — peteği anat. pulmonary alveolus. — sönüğü path, atelectasis. — to-zancasi path, pneumoconiosis. — veremi path, pulmonary tuberculosis. — yangısı path, pneumonia. — yelpiği path, bronchial asthma. — zarı anat. pleura. — zarı boşluğu anat. pleural cavity, akciğerliler (/....) zool. Pulmonata. *akça off-white, whitish; pale, faded. — pakça (woman) with a peaches-and-cream complexion. 2akça see akçe. akçaağaç (./..) bot. maple, Acer. akçaağaçgiller (./....) bot. Aceraceae. akçakavak (./..) bot. white poplar, silver poplar, abele, Populus alba. akçayel (./.) southeast wind, akçe 1. money. 2. hist, a small silver coin (one third of a para). — akıl öğretir, don yürüyüş. proverb A person grows wise by handling money; he/she gains confidence by being dressed up. —si ak,olanm bakma yüzü karalığına, proverb (If his/her money is silver don’t pay any attention to his/her disgrace.) Money makes up for small faults, —si ucuz olanın kendisi kıymetli olur. proverb, see Parası ucuz olanın kendisi kıymetli olur, akçeleme financing, akçelemek hi to finance, akçelenmek to be financed, akçeli fiscal. akçıl whitish; faded; gray, grey; having white areas. akçıllaşmak to fade, get gray, akçıllık whiteness; grayishness; fadedness, akçöpleme (/...) bot. white false hellebore, Veratrum album. akdarı (/..) bot. millet, Panicum miliaceum. akdem obs. 1. /dan/ before ...: ondan akdem before him. 2. at first, first; earlier. 3. /dan/ more important than. 4. the most important, of first importance, foremost. 5. more ancient, of greater antiquity, akdemce (./.) obs. not long ago, a bit earlier; a little while ago. akdemir (/*.) wrought iron. Akdeniz (/..) the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean. akdes obs. 1. more holy/sacred. 2. most holy/ sacred. akdetmek (/..) /ı/ 1. to conclude (a treaty/a contract). 2. to convoke (a meeting). 3. to hold (a meeting), akdiken (/..) bot. buckthorn, Rhamnus cathar-tica. akdoğan (/..) zool. a white falcon, Falco. akgünlü (/..) prov. fortunate, lucky, akgünlük (/..) incense made from juniper gum. akgünnük (/..) see akgünlük, akhardal (/..) bot. white mustard, Brassica hirta. 26 akıl *akı generous. 2akı phys. flux, flow. akıbet, -ti (—..) 1. end, outcome. 2. fate, what the future holds in store. 3. in the end. —ine uğramak Iml to end up like (s.o.). akıcı 1. fluid, flowing (substance). 2. smooth, easy, fluid, fluent. — ünsüz phon. liquid consonant. akıcılık 1. fluidity, the condition/quality of being fluid. 2. pleasing flow, pleasingly flowing quality, fluency, fluidity, smoothness (in s.o.’s prose/speech). 3. smoothness, ease. âkil (—.) obs. 1. intelligent; rational; capable of discernment. 2. (s.o.) who has reached the age of discretion. — baliğ person who has reached the age of discretion. akıl, -klı 1. reason, intelligence; wisdom, discernment, discretion. 2. mind, comprehension. 3. memory. 4. idea, opinion, thought. 5. advice, —dan 1. from memory. 2. by the use of one’s imagination. — ımda. I haven’t forgotten it./I have it in mind. — adama sermayedir, proverb, see Akıl kişiye sermayedir. — akıl, gel çengele takıl, colloq. (O wisdom, come and get tangled in our hook.) I don’t see how we can solve this problem. — akıldan üstündür, proverb (One mind can be better than another.) It pays to consult others. — almak /dan/ to ask (s.o.’s) advice, consult (s.o.). —mı almak Iml to charm, bewitch, fascinate. — almamak to be incredible. — ı almamak hi 1. not to understand. 2. not to believe that (it) is possible. 3. to find (it) unacceptable. — almaz unbelievable, inconceivable. — ı başında sensible, (s.o.) who has his/her head screwed on right, —mı başına almak/ toplamak/devşirmek to come to one’s senses, —mı başından almak Iml 1. to deprive (s.o.) of his/her senses, leave (s.o.) unable to think straight. 2. to scare (s.o.) silly, scare the wits out of. — ı başından bir karış yukarı impulsive, rash, impetuous, (s.o.) who does the first thing that comes into his/her head. — ı başına gelmek 1. to come to one’s senses, sober down. 2. to come to. —i başından gitmek 1. to be overwhelmed, be beside o.s. 2. to faint. — ı başında olmamak 1. to be confused, be unable to think straight. 2. to be unconscious, —mi başka yere vermek to let one’s mind wander. —mla bin yaşa! You’re really thinking today! (said sarcastically to the author of an idea one finds absurd). — bir vezirdir, gönül bir padişah, proverb (The mind is a vizier; the heart is a sultan.) The heart may or may not do what common sense suggests. —i bokuna karışmak vulg. 1. to be frightened to death. 2. to be overcome with joy. —mı bozmak /la/ to be obsessed (with). — bu ya! colloq. I/We/He/She/They thought it was a good idea! —mı çalmak /in/ 1. to enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate. 2. to influence, sway, —mı çelmek Iml 1. to dissuade from a good intention, cause (one) to give up a decision. 2. to corrupt, lead astray, —dan çıkarmak hi to forget all about (it), give up the idea (of). — i çıkmak to worry o.s. sick, be near panic, —mdan çıkmak to slip one’s mind, —mdan çıkmamak 1. to stick in one’s mind. 2. to go around and around in one’s head, —mm çivisi eksik not very bright; screwy, cracked. — ı dağılmak to be unable to concentrate. — danışmak /a/ to consult, ask (s.o.) for advice. — defteri colloq. notebook. — doktoru colloq. psychiatrist. — mı durdurmak Iml (for s.t.) to make (s.o.) unable to think straight, —lara durgunluk vermek (for s.t.) to blow one’s mind. — ı durmak to be openmouthed with astonishment. — ına düşmek 1. to come back to one’s mind. 2. to come into one’s mind, strike one. — eksikliği mental deficiency. — erdirememek /a/ to be unable to fathom, —i ermek 1. /a/ to understand, grasp. 2. to be mentally mature. — ı ermemek /a/ 1. not to be able to conceive of; to find (s.t.) inconceivable. 2. to find (s.t.) unacceptable. —ma eseni yapmak to act on impulse, do whatever comes into his/her head. — ma esmek to come into one’s head. — etmek hi to think of (doing s.t.) (at the right time). — ı evvel pretentious about one’s wisdom. — fikir mind: Allah akıl fikir versin! May God cause you to think straight! Akim fikrin neredeydi? Why didn’t you think? Selim’in aklı fikri tiyatroda. All Selim thinks about is the theater. —dan gayri müsellah see kafadan gayri müsellah. —mdan geçirmek hi to happen to think (of), —mdan geçmek to occur to one, pass through one’s mind, —a gelmedik unanticipated. — ma gelmek 1. to occur to one. 2. to come back to one’s memory. — ima gelen başıma geldi, colloq. What 1 was afraid of has happened, ^-ma geleni işleme, her ağacı taşlama, proverb Don’t do everything that you think of, nor throw stones at every tree. — ma geleni söylemek to speak without thinking. — ma geleni yapmak to act on impulse, do whatever comes into his/her head, —a gelmeyen başa gelir, proverb (What doesn’t come to one’s mind falls on one’s head.) You can’t always anticipate everything, —a gelmez inconceivable; not anticipated. — ma getirmek 1. /ı, m/ to remind (s.o.) of. 2. hi to consider, think (of). — ı gitmek 1. to be confused, be perplexed. 2. /a/ to be taken (by), —i gözünde (one) who believes only what he/she sees. — harcı olmamak /ml pej. (for s.t.) to be beyond (s.o.’s) comprehension, be beyond (s.o.). — hastalığı mental illness/disorder. — hastanesi mental hospital. — hastası mental patient, person who is mentally ill. — havsala almamak akıl 27 akıllı hi (for s.t.) to be beyond belief: Bu hikâyeyi akıl havsala alamaz. This story is beyond belief, —a hayale gelmeyen incredible. — hocası advisor, mentor, master (sometimes ironic). — için yol birdir, proverb (There is one road for wisdom.) Those who are wise will all agree in the end. — işi değil. colloq. It is unacceptable. — ını kaçırmak 1. to go mad, go out of one’s mind. 2. to behave irrationally, —mda kalmak 1. to stick in one’s mind. 2. to remember. — kârı olmamak to be unreasonable, be unwise (to do), —i karışmak to be confused and perplexed, —mı kaybetmek to go out of -one’s mind. — ı kesmek hi to decide that (a plan) is feasible. — kethüdası someone who is always giving others advice. — kişiye sermayedir, proverb A person’s wisdom is his/her best resource. — ma koymak 1. /ı/ to make up one’s mind on (s.t.) and be adamant. 2. /i, in/ to convince (s.o.) of (s.t.). — kutusu/kumkumasi colloq. a mine of wisdom (person). — olmayınca başta, ne kuruda biter ne yaşta, proverb (When there is no sense in the head it won’t sprout in dry ground or wet.) If a person has no sense nothing he/she tries will work. — olmayınca ne yapsın sakal? proverb (What can a beard do without wisdom?) Wisdom and age don’t necessarily go together, —mda olsun! colloq. Don’t forget! —mı oynatmak to go out of one’s head. — öğretmek /a/ to give (s.o.) advice. — para ile satılmaz. proverb (Brains are not sold for money.) Rich people aren’t necessarily smart. —Ian pazara çıkarmışlar, herkes yine kendi aklını almış/beğenmiş, proverb (Opinions were put up for sale, and everybody bought back his/her own.) Everybody prefers his/her own ideas, —mı peynir ekmekle yemek to lose one’s senses. — satmak /a/ to offer (s.o.) unsolicited advice, -ma sığdırama-mak hi for one’s reason not to accept (s.t.): Bunu aklıma sığdıramıyorum. My reason won’t accept this. — ma sığmamak Iml to be unable to swallow, be unable to believe (s.t.): Hiç aklıma sığmıyor. I just can’t swallow it. — sır ermemek /a/ (for s.t.) to be a mystery, be beyond comprehension: Oraya nasıl vardığına akıl sır ermiyor. How he got there is a mystery. — ı sıra as he/she sees it. —i sonradan gelmek to reverse a decision after it has been made, —mdan söküp atamamak III to be unable to get (s.t.) off one’s mind. — ma şaşayım/şaşarım, colloq. 1.1 am surprised at you. Don’t you have any brains? 2. I am surprised at him/her. Doesn’t he/she have any brains? —mı şaşırmak to lose one’s senses. — ı takılmak /a/ to be preoccupied, be obsessed (with). —ma takılmak Iml to stick in (one’s) mind and bother (one). — ma takmak hi to get (s.t.) in one’s mind and not let go of it, be obsessed with (s.t.). —mm terazisi bozulmak Iml to start to behave irrationally. — terelelli /da/ freakish, frivolous (person), —ına turp sıkayım! colloq. (Let me squeeze a radish on your brain.) What a fool you are! —da tutmak hi to bear (s.t.) in mind, —mm ucundan geçmemek (for s.t.) never to cross (s.o.’s) mind, never to occur to (s.o.). —a uygun believable, credible. — ma uymak Iml to conform to (s.o. else’s) (wrong/ improper) way of thinking. — var, izan/ mantık/yakm var. colloq. There is a logic to the situation ./It is clear if one thinks about it. — vermek /a/ to give (s.o.) advice, —a yakm reasonable, plausible. — yaşta değil, baştadır, proverb Intelligence doesn’t go by age. —i yatmak /a/ to be convinced (of), accept (s.t.) as right/true. — ma yelken etmek to follow one’s impulses. — ma yer etmek (for an idea) to find a niche in one’s mind; to become a part of one’s store of ideas. — yormak to think hard, rack one’s brains. — yürütmek to reason, use one’s reason to arrive at conclusions, —a zarar perplexing, very confusing. — zayıflığı mental deficiency. — ı zıvanadan çıkmak to go mad. —lara ziyan see akla zarar, —mdan zoru olmak to have something wrong with one’s mind. âkılane (—.— .) obs. 1. wise, prudent (action). 2. wisely, prudently. akılcı 1. rationalistic, rationalist. 2. (a) rationalist. akılcılık phil. rationalism. akıldışı (./..) irrational. akıldişi, -ni (./..) wisdom tooth. akıllandırmak hi to cause (s.o.) to get his/her head screwed on right, cause (s.o.) to start behaving sensibly. akıllanmak to get his/her head screwed on right, start behaving sensibly. akıllı 1. reasonable, wise, intelligent. 2. prudent. 3. clever. 4. colloq. smarty. — davranmak to act wisely. — düşman, akılsız dosttan hayırlıdır, proverb A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. — düşününceye kadar deli çocuğunu/oğlunu everir, proverb (The crazy one gets his/her child married off while the wise one is still thinking about it.) A person who considers all sides before deciding something may lose to a person who makes quick decisions. — geçinmek to pass for a wise person. — köprü araymca-ya dek deli suyu geçer, proverb (While the sensible person looks for the bridge, the crazy one has crossed the water.) There are times when a person should decide and act. — oğlan neyler ata malını, akılsız oğlan neyler ata malını? proverb Why should a bright boy need an inheritance? And what use is an inheritance to a stupid boy? — ol da, deli sansınlar, proverb Act wisely and don’t care if you are called a fool. — uslu akıllıca 28 akimca sober-minded, wise, akıllıca (...'.) 1. intelligently, wisely, cleverly. 2. smart, intelligent, akıllılık 1. intelligence, cleverness. 2. an intelligent act. — etmek to act intelligently, do something smart, akılsız unreasonable, foolish. — başın cezasını/zahmetini ayak çeker, proverb (It is the feet that suffer for a foolish head.) 1. If you don’t use your head your feet do the work. 2. If the leader uses bad judgment his/ her followers suffer. — köpeği yol kocatır. proverb (A journey makes a stupid dog age fast.) Unless things are directed well they are inefficient. . akılsızlık 1. folly, foolishness. 2. a foolish act/ decision. — etmek to do something stupid, akım 1. current. 2. trend, movement. 3. rate of flow, volume. — çevirgeci power switch, —la (genel) uyuşturum med. electronarcosis. —la pıhtılaştırım med. electrocoagulation. akımlı carrying an electric current, akımlık river bed, watercourse, akımtoplar (./..) storage battery, akm 1. rush, torrential flow. 2. raid. 3. run (of fish). 4. sudden rush (of people). — akın rushing and surging in crowds. — etmek /a/ 1. to surge into, rush into. 2. to attack, make a raid on. — yapmak sports to rush, akıncı 1. raider. 2. sports forward. Akıncılar a mounted corps of the Ottoman army used as an advance guard and for raiding, akındırık prov. resin. akıntı 1. current, flow. 2. path, flux, flow. 3. slope (given to s.t. to direct drainage flow). 4. bot. flow (of sap from a pine tree). — çağanozu 1. a crab caught in the current. 2. colloq. a person with a bodily deformity. — demiri naut. kedge anchor. — ya kapılmak 1. to be caught in a current. 2. colloq. to be carried away by a popular fad. — ya kürek çekmek colloq. to waste one’s efforts on an impossible task. — payı naut. leeway. akıntılı 1. having a current. 2. sloped for drainage. akmtısız still (water), akıölçer (./..) phys. flux meter, akış 1. flow, course. 2. flow, succession. — aşağı downstream. — yukarı upstream, akışkan phys. fluid, akışkanlaştırıcı liquefier; solvent, akışkanlaştırmak /ı/ to liquefy, akışkanlık fluidity, akıtaç med. drain, akitim med. drainage. akıtma 1. letting (s.t.) flow. 2. pouring. 3. shedding (blood/tears). 4.prov. blaze (on a horse). 5. prov. a flat sweet fried pastry, akıtmak /ı/ 1. to let (s.t.) flow. 2. to pour. 3. to shed (blood/tears), akız prov. (a) flowing liquid, akibet, -ti (—..) see akıbet. âkid (—.) obs., see âkit. *akide (.—.) religious faith, creed. —yi bozmak to act contrary to the faith and practice of the community, —si bozuk loose in religious convictions. ?akide (.—.) a kind of hard candy. — şekeri a kind of hard candy, akik, -ki geol. agate, âkil (—.) obs., see âkil, akim (.—) obs. 1. sterile, barren, childless. 2. fruitless, unproductive, unsuccessful. — kalmak to fail, come to naught, akis, -ksi 1. reflection. 2. echo. 3. effect, reaction. 4. the opposite, the contrary: Tam aksini söyledi. He said exactly the opposite. Bunun aksini düşünelim. Let’s turn the situation around. 5. chem., math, inversion. 6. log. conversion. — uyandırmak to set off a reaction, arouse opposition (in the press, in public opinion), âkit (—.) obs. 1. (a) party to a contract. 2. con-voker, convocator, convocant (of a meeting), akit, -kdi 1. compact, treaty, agreement, contract. 2. marriage agreement, —in bozulması cancellation/violation of a contract, —ten doğan borçlar contractual obligations, akkan (/.) lymph. — göze biol. lymphocyte, lymph cell. — uru path, lymphoma, akkarınca (/...) zool. termite, white ant. akkarıncalar (/....) zool. Isoptera. akkavak (/..) bot. white poplar, silver poplar, abele, Populus alba. akkefal, -li (/..) zool. bleak, Alburnus. akkelebek (/...) zool. a white-winged bud moth, akkor (/.) incandescent, akkorluk (/..) incandescence, white heat, akkuyruk (/..) a tasty variety of tea with pale green leaves, aklama 1. acquittal. 2. clearance, a declaration freeing retiring officers of an association from further responsibility for their past actions when new officers are elected, aklamak hi 1. to acquit. 2. to clear (s.o.) of responsibility, aklan 1. slope, drainage area. 2. stream, watercourse. aklanma 1. bleaching. 2. acquittal. 3. clearance (from responsibility), aklanmak 1. to be cleaned. 2. to be acquitted. 3. to be cleared of responsibility, aklaşmak 1. to turn white. 2. (for hair) to turn gray; to begin to gray, aklen (/.) by reason; from a rational standpoint. akletmek (/..) /i/ obs. to think of (doing s.t.) (at the right time), aklı spotted with white. — karalı black and white. aklık 1. whiteness. 2. white speck. 3. a white liquid make-up formerly used on one’s face, akimca (./.) He/She thinks he’s/she’s ...; He/ She supposes that he’s/she’s ... (said dispar-agingly): Akimca kurnazlık yapıyor. He aklıselim 29 aksettirmek thinks he’s pulling a fast one. aklıselim (/...) common sense. —'sahibi sensible person, akli (.—) mental, rational. — maluliyet mental illness. — melekeler mental faculties. — muvazene mental balance, akliyat, -ti obs. knowledge reached by reason, akliye obs. 1. mental illnesses. 2. psychiatric ward (of a hospital). 3. phil. rationalism, akma 1. flowing, flow. 2. astr. a shooting star, meteor. 3. prov. resin, akmadde (/..) anat. white matter, akmak 1. to flow. 2. to leak, be leaky. 3. (for a faucet/for water) to run; to run down; to overflow. 4. slang to slip away, escape inconspicuously. 5. to come in great amounts/ crowds. 6. (for cloth) to wear out and fray. Akmasa da damlar, proverb (Even if it doesn’t flow, at least it drips.) It brings in at least a little money. Akacak kan damarda durmaz, proverb (Blood that is going to be shed won’t last forever in one’s veins.) You can’t escape fate, akan sular durmak to be indisputable, be beyond contradiction. Akan su yosun tutmaz, proverb (Flowing water has no moss.) A rolling stone gathers no moss./An active person gets even more effective. akmantar (/..) bot. field mushroom, meadow mushroom, agaric, Agaricus campestris. akne acne. akonit, -ti bot. aconite, Aconitum. akonitin aconitine. akont, -tu installment, partial payment, akordeon 1. accordion. 2. accordion pleats. — kapı accordion door. — olmak slang (for cars) to collide and mash together, akordeoncu accordionist, akordiyon see akordeon, akordiyoncu see akordeoncu, akort 1. tune, condition of being tuned. 2. harmony (to a melody). — anahtarı tuning wrench. — u bozuk out of tune, —u bozuk orkestra gibi (of a social group) without a common purpose or a basis for acting to-. gether. — etmek hi to tune (a musical instrument), akortçu piano tuner, tuner, akortlu 1. in tune. 2. /a/ slang immune (to), akoz used in: — etmek slang to shut up. akozlamak hi slang to tell (s.t.) in secret, akörtü (/..) anat. aponeurosis, akpas (/.) bot. white rust, Albugo. akraba (..—) (a) relative; relatives. —nm akrabaya akrep etmez ettiğini, proverb Relatives hurt each other more than scorpions do. — ile ye iç, alışveriş etme, proverb Eat and drink with a relative, but don’t do business with him/her. akrabalık (..— .) kinship, relationship, akran equal, peer, match, akreditif 1. credit transmitted to another bank for an assignee. 2. letter notifying an as- signee of his/her credit account, letter of • credit. 3. letter of guarantee. Akrep astr ol. Scorpio. akrep 1. zool. scorpion, Scorpio. 2. hour hand (of a timepiece). 3. slang policeman, cop. — gibi habitually unkind in speech, akrepler zool. Scorpionida. akrilik 1. acrylic, pertaining to acrylic acid or its derivations. 2. (an) acrylic; acrylic plastic; acrylic fiber. 3. acrylic paint, akrobasi 1. acrobatics. 2. stunt flying, akrobat, -ti acrobat. akrobatik acrobatic, pertaining to or suggestive of an acrobat or acrobatics.' akrobatlık 1. acrobatics. 2. stunt flying, akromatin achromatin. akromatopsi path, achromatopsia, color blindness. akromegalipath, acromegaly, akropol, -lü acropolis, akrostiş acrostic poem, aks axle. aksak 1. lame, crippled. 2. flawed, faulty, defective. 3. classical Turk. mus. a rhythmic pattern. — eşekle yüksek dağa çıkılmaz. proverb (You can’t climb a high mountain with a broken-down donkey.) You can’t do a job right unless you have good equipment. — semai classical Turk. mus. a rhythmic pattern. aksakal (/..) elder in a community, aksaklık 1. lameness. 2. flaw, fault, defect; problem, difficulty; hitch; something that is not right (in a machine, an operation, etc.). 3. faultiness, defectiveness. aksam (.—) 1. parts. 2. mech. spare parts, aksama 1. disruption, delay. 2. problem, difficulty; hitch. 3. limp, limping, aksamak 1. (for s.t.) to be hampered/hindered/ disrupted/delayed/impeded. 2. to limp; (for a leg) to be lame/crippled, aksayanla aksak, suya gidenle susak colloq. (s.o.) who imitates whomever he/she is with, who goes along with the crowd, aksan accent, stress; style of pronunciation, aksata trade, commerce, buying and selling. — etmek to engage in trade, buy and sell, aksatmak /ı/ 1. to hamper/hinder/disrupt/delay/ impede. 2. to cause (s.o./an animal/a leg) to limp. Aksayışark, -ki (.— ..) obs. the Far East, aksedir (/..) bot. arborvitae, white cedar, tree of life, Thuya occidentalis. akseptans 1. letter of acceptance (into a school outside Turkey). 2. com. acceptance, aksesuar 1. accessory; accessories. 2. theat. stage property, stage prop, prop; stage properties , stage props, props. aksesuarcı theat. property man, propman. aksetmek (/..) 1. to be reflected. 2. to echo. 3. /a/ (for news) to reach (a person). 4. /a/ (for light) to strike on. aksettirmek (/...) 1. hi to reflect. 2. hi to echo. aksırık 30 Akşamyıldızı 3. Iı, al to transmit, convey (news/information) to. aksırık (a) sneeze. — tıksırık continual sneezing and coughing. —lı tıksırıklı colloq. sneezing and coughing, old and in bad health, aksırmak to sneeze, aksırtıcı sneeze-provoking, sternutatory, aksırtmak 111 to make (one) sneeze, aksi 1. opposite: Aksi istikamette yol açıktı. There was no traffic in the opposite lane. 2. peevish, irritable; perverse, contrary. 3. inopportune, untimely. 4. adverse, negative. 5. unfortunate (circumstance/situation). — aksi irritably. — delil counterproof. — gibi colloq. Wouldn’t you know it?/As if to spite me,...: Aksi gibi cebimde beş para kalmamıştı. But it was just my luck that I didn’t have so much as a penny on me. — gitmek (for things) to go wrong. — halde if not; otherwise. — ni iddia etmek to assert the contrary. — ni söylemek to say the opposite. — şeytan! colloq. Damn! — takdirde otherwise. — tesadüf 1. colloq. As bad luck would have it,.... 2. unfortunate coincidence. — tesir undesired reaction, opposite effect, aksilenmek see aksileşmek. aksileşmek to have a fit of temper, aksilik 1. an unfortunate incident, misfortune, hitch. 2. crossness, obstinacy, peevishness. — bu ya! colloq. I would have to ...!/As misfortune would have it, .../As bad luck would have it, ...: Fakat aksilik bu ya, o sırada öğretmen içeri girdi. The teacher would have to come at just that moment. — çıkmak to have a difficulty come up. — etmek to be obstinate, be stubborn; to raise difficulties. —i tutmak suddenly to get obstinate; to have a fit of obstinacy. —i üstünde in a bad mood, cross, peevish, grumpy. aksine 1. on the contrary. 2. Iml contrary to, in opposition to. aksiseda (...—) echo, aksiyom axiom, aksiyomatik axiomatic. aksiyon 1. action. 2. presence of a force, a physical cause, or an idea. 3. presence of the will and acts of people. 4. theat. stage business. 5. lit. action, plot, development, akson biol. axon. aksöğüt (.'..) bot. white willow, Salix alba. aksu (/.) path, cataract, aksungur (/..) zool. a white falcon, Falco. aksülamel (/...) obs. reaction, aksülümen (/...) chem. corrosive sublimate, bichloride of mercury, mercuric chloride, akşam 1. evening. 2. the sunset hour, the time of the first evening prayer. 3. in the evening. 4. last night, yesterday evening. 5. tonight, this evening, —a tonight, this evening. —dan 1. last night. 2. in the evening, —lari in the evening, evenings. — ahıra, sabah çayıra, colloq. He/She doesn’t do anything but eat and sleep. — akşam this time of the night, —dan akşama every evening. —i bulmak 1. to stay until evening. 2. to last until evening, —a doğru toward evening. —i etmek 1. to stay until evening. 2. to last until evening. — ezanında at sunset. — gazetesi evening paper. — Hacı Mehmet, sabah eskici Yahudi colloq. a trickster who sometimes passes himself off as a respectable person. — m hayrından sabahın şerri iyidir/yeğdir, proverb (The worst of the morning is better than the best of the evening.) Things are done better in the morning when one is fresh and rested, —lar hay rolsün. colloq. Good evening. — ise yat, sabah ise git. proverb If it is night go to bed and if it is morning be on your way. —in işini yarma/sabaha birakma/koyma. proverb Don’t put off this evening’s business till tomorrow, —dan kalma/kalmış having a hangover. — karanlığı dusk, nightfall. — kavil, sabah savul, colloq. (Acceptance in the evening and rejection in the morning.) He/She makes promises easily but then breaks them, —dan kavur, sabaha savur. colloq. (Cook it at night and use it up in the morning.) He/She uses up everything he/she gets. — namazı the sunset prayer. — oldu kon, sabah oldu göç. proverb, see Akşam ise yat, sabah ise git. — sabah constantly, any old time, —a sabaha very soon, —dan sonra merhaba, colloq. You’re too late. Why didn’t you say it at the time? — şerifler hayrolsun. Good evening. — üstü/üzeri toward evening. — vakti about sunset time. — yediğini sabaha unutmak to be very absentminded. — yemeği supper, dinner. akşamcı 1. a person who follows a set routine every evening. 2. a person who habitually spends his/her evenings drinking. 3. person on evening duty. 4. night student, akşamgüneşi, -ni (./...) 1. the colors of sunset, pink and yellow. 2. yellow and pink. 3. the sunset years of one’s life, akşamki 1. (this/tomorrow/yesterday/that) evening’s. 2. -ni this/tomorrow/yesterday/that evening’s: Bu akşamki yemekler ne kadar iyiyse, dün akşamkiler o kadar berbattı. This evening’s food is as good as yesterday evening’s was awful, akşamlamak 1. to stay until evening. 2. /da/ to spend the evening (in a place). 3. (for the moon) to rise in the evening, akşamleyin (./..) in the evening, akşamlık 1. evening, for an evening. 2. enough for (one) evening. — sabahlık expecting (death/a birth/a crisis) at any moment, akşamlı sabahlı (../ ...) morning and evening, always. akşamsafası, -ni (./.—.) bot., see akşamsefası, akşamsefası, -nı (./.—.) bot. four-o’clock, Mirabilis jalapa. Akşamyıldızı, -nı (./...) astr. evening star, Venus. akşar akşar see akşın, akşın 1. albinic. 2. albino, aktar seller of herbs and folk remedies and of small wares and notions, aktarıcı 1. one who repairs tile roofs. 2. volleyball passer. aktarılmak 1. (for roof tiles) to be relaid. 2. to be transferred. 3. to be quoted. 4. to be translated. aktarım 1. transfer. 2. mus. transposition. 3. quotation. 4. repair of a tile roof. 5. translation. 6. med. transplantation, aktariye (.—..) herbs; notions, variety goods, aktarlık 1. trade in herbs and notions. 2. which is sold in a variety store, aktarma 1. transfer. 2. transfer, change (of trains/buses/planes). 3. plowing a field for the first/second time, breaking new ground. 4. quotation, the use of excerpts. 5. sports pass. 6. the repair of a tile roof, retiling. — bileti transfer ticket. — etmek III to transfer, transship. — treni connection train. — yapmak 1. to change (trains/buses/planes). 2. to transfer funds from one budget item to another. aktarmacı 1. quoter, one who uses quotations. 2. eclecticist, aktarmacılık eclecticism. aktarmak 1. /i, dan, a/ to transfer (s.t./s.o.) from (one place) to (another); to move (s.t.) from (one container) to (another). 2. /i/ to quote. 3. hi to translate. 4. /i/ to retile (a roof). 5. h! to plow (new ground). 6. hi to empty. 7. hi sports to pass. 8. hi mus. to transpose. 9. Ill med. to transplant, aktarmalı (route/ticket) which requires the passenger to change trains, ships, etc. aktarmasız through ticket; (route/ticket) which does not require the passenger to change trains, ships, etc. aktavşan (/..) zool. jerboa, Jaculus jaculus. aktif 1. active. 2. com. assets. 3. effective. — metot active method, aktinit chem. any member of the actinide series, aktinyum (./.) chem. actinium, aktivizm phil., pol. activism, aktör actor. aktöre (/..) moral principles, ethical values, ethics (of a society), aktörecilik (/....) moralism. aktöredışı (/....) amoral. aktöredışıcılık (/......) amoralism. aktöreli (/...) moral, of good conduct, aktöresel (/...) moral, ethical, aktörlük 1. being an actor. 2. acting (as a profession). 3. acting, feigning, simulation, aktris actress. aktutma (/..) path, albuminuria. aktüalite 1. the news of the day. 2. newsreel. 3. currency, being of current interest, aktüel current, present-day. akunlaşmapath, amyloidosis. akunsal amyloid. — yozlaşım path, amyloid 31 *ala degeneration, akupunktur acupuncture, akustik 1. acoustics. 2. acoustic, acoustical, akut med. acute (illness), akuzatif gram., see aküzatif. akü see akümülatör, aküba bot. aucuba, Aucuba. akümülatör storage battery, car battery, aküzatif gram. 1. accusative, in the accusative case. 2. the accusative, the accusative case, akvam (.—) obs. peoples, nations, akvarel aquarelle, akvaryum (./.) aquarium, akyabalığı, -m (/....) zool. a large bonito. akyazi (/..) 1. luck, good luck. 2. acquittal paper. akyazili (/...) lucky, fortunate, akyel (/.) south wind, akyem (/.) bait, fish used as bait, akyildiz (/..) luck, good luck, akyıldızlı (/...) lucky, fortunate, akyuvar (/..) biol. leukocyte, leucocyte, white blood cell. — azlığı leukopenia, leucopenia. — çokluğu leukocytosis, leucocytosis. akzambak (/..) bot. Madonna lily, Lilium can- didum. *al trick, deception. — ile aslan tutulur, güç ile sıçan/gücüğen tutulmaz. (Al aslan tutar, güç sıçan tutmaz.) proverb (You can capture a lion with guile, but you can’t catch even a mouse by force.) Brains will win over brawn. 2al 1. vermilion, flame scarlet, red. 2. bay (horse). 3. rouge. — al crimson. — ı al, moru mor colloq. flushed, purple in the face. — basmak hi to get puerperal fever. — bayrak the Turkish flag. — elmaya taş atan çok olur, proverb (There are a lot of people who will throw stones at a red apple.) There are always those who will be jealous of a good thing and try to do it harm. — giyen alınır, proverb 1. (One who wears red is taken.) A girl who wears bright clothes has many suitors. 2. (One who wears red takes offense.) It’s the hurt dog that hollers. — giymedim ki almayım, colloq. (I haven’t worn red, so why should I be offended?) Why should I take offense since I have done no such thing? —lar giymek 1. to wear red. 2. colloq. to rejoice. — gömlek gizlenemez, proverb (You can’t hide a red shirt.) Some things can’t be hidden. — kanlara boyanmak 1. to die a bloody death. 2. to be wounded. — kiraz üstüne kar yağmış. colloq. (It has snowed on trees red with cherries.) Even very unlikely things sometimes happen. — sancak the Turkish flag. — yanaklı ruddy-cheeked, âlâ (-----) very good, excellent. *ala 1. pied, variegated; speckled; spotted. 2. light brown. 3. zool. salmon trout, brown trout, Salmo trutta. — keçiyi gören içi dolu yağ sanır, proverb (A person who sees a spotted goat assumes that it is fat and 32 alafranga tasty.) Appearances can be deceiving. — keçi her vakit püsküllü oğlak doğurmaz. proverb (A spotted goat does not necessarily have a tasselled kid.) Even a valued thing does not always perform up to expectations. 2ala Come on! — ala hey! Heeeey! — ala hey 1. hullabaloo, commotion, din. 2. noisy party; carouse, drunken revel. — alaya kalkmak to raise a commotion. alabacak (./..) (horse) with white feet, alabalık (./..) zool. salmon trout, brown trout, Salmo trutta. alabanda (../.) 1. naut. sharp turn (to one side). 2. naut. (a) side of a ship. 3. naut. inner planking, ceiling (lining the inside of a ship). 4. naut. the guns on one side of a man-of-war. 5. naut. broadside, (a) discharge of the guns on one side of a ship. 6. slang severe scolding, bawling out, chewing out. —da naut. in the bulwarks. — ateş naut. broadside, (a) discharge of the guns on one side of a ship. — yı çekmek /a/ slang to give (s.o.) a bawling out, give (s.o.) a chewing out. — etmek naut. 1. to put the helm hard aport or hard astarboard. 2. to fire a broadside, broadside. A— iskele! naut. Hard aport! — iskele etmek to put the helm hard aport. A— sancak! naut. Hard astarboard! — sancak etmek naut. to put the helm hard astarboard. — vermek /a/ slang to bawl (s.o.) out, chew (s.o.) out. — yemek naut. (for a ship) to receive a broadside. — yı yemek slang to get a bawling out, get a chewing out. alabaş (..'.) bot. turnip radish, alabikprov. double-dealing, two-faced, alabildiğine 1. in the greatest possible way, to the utmost, to the limit; extremely; excessively, inordinately: alabildiğine güzel extremely beautiful. 2. endlessly; as far as the eye can see: alabildiğine çöl desert as far as the eye can see. alabildiğine uzaklara uzanan stretching endlessly into the distance. 3. as fast as possible: Arabayı alabildiğine sürmeye başladı. He began to drive as fast as possible, alabilirlik capacity. alabora (../.) 1. naut. capsizal, capsize, upset. 2. naut. hoisting (a sail/flag); crossing (yards). 3. naut. tossing (oars). 4. hauling in, hauling (a fishing net). — etmek /ı/ 1. naut. to capsize, upset, keel (a boat) over, overturn. 2. naut. to hoist (a sail/flag); to cross (yards). 3. naut. to toss (oars). 4. to haul in, haul (a fishing net). — olmak 1. naut. (for a boat) to capsize, keel over. 2. naut. (for a sail/flag) to be hoisted; (for yards) to be crossed. 3. naut. (for oars) to be tossed. 4. (for a fishing net) to be hauled in. alaborina (.../.) naut. (sailing) close to the wind; off the wind. — seyretmek to sail before the wind; to sail off the wind, alabros (hair) cut in a crew cut; (hair) cut in a burr: Saçlarını alabros kestirdi. He got a crew cut. alabura (../.) see alabora, alaburina (.../.) naut., see alaborina. alaca 1. multi-colored, parti-colored; motley. 2. pied; piebald; skewbald; dappled. 3. freckle, fleck (on a fruit). — bulaca motley, parti -colored. — düşmek /a/ (for fruit) to become freckled/flecked: Üzümlere alaca düştü. The grapes have gotten freckled. — karanlık (morning/evening) twilight, dusk; gloaming, alacaağaçkakan (../....) zool. spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major. alacabalıkçıl (../...) zool. squacco heron, Arde-ola ralloides. alacabaykuş (../..) zool. tawny owl, Strix aluco. alacak 1. money owed to one, credit. 2. law claim, —la borç ödenmez, proverb, see Alacakla verecek ödenmez. — davası law personal action. — ı olmak /dan/ to have money owed to one (by). — ı olsun! colloq. I’ll make him/her pay for it!/I’ll show him/ her! — ım olsun da alakargada olsun. proverb (Let me have someone who owes me money, even if it be a jay.) It is satisfying to be a creditor, even if it means a fight. — senedi note, promise to pay. — ma şahin, vereceğine karga, colloq. (He/She is a hawk at collecting but a crow at paying.) He/She is anxious to collect but slow to pay. — verecek the relationship between people doing business with each other, —la verecek ödenmez, proverb A debt you owe can’t be paid by a debt owed to you. alacaklı 1. (one) to whom payment is due. 2. creditor. — bakiye credit balance, —lar heyeti board of creditors. — taraf credit side, alacalamak h/ to speckle, spot, blotch, mark with variegated colors, alacalanmak 1. to become multi-colored. 2. to become speckled/dappled. 3. to turn purple with rage/excitement, alacalı 1. multi-colored, parti-colored; motley. 2. pied; piebald; skewbald; dappled. — bu-lacali motley, parti-colored, alacamenekşe (../...) bot., see hercaimenekşe. alacık hut made of brushwood, aladoğan (./..) zool. peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus. alafranga (../.) 1. European-style, done in the European manner; patterned on a European model. 2. (s.o.) who has adopted European manners; (s.o.) who is European in his/her behavior/outlook. 3. according to the European system of reckoning time, European time: Alafranga saat üçte oradayım. I’ll be there at three o’clock European time. 4. (doing s.t.) after the European manner. 5. s,o. who has adopted European ways (used disparagingly). —nm bebesi slang 1. milksop, mollycoddle. 2. greenhorn, s.o. who is still wet behind the ears. — müzik Euro- alafrangalaşmak 33 alaturkalaşmak pean music. — tuvalet European-style toilet, toilet with a bowl and a seat, alafrangalaşmak (../...) to acquire European manners/ways; to become European in one’s outlook, alafrangalık (../..) European manners/ways; (a) European outlook; Europeanism. alagarson 1. (woman’s hair) that is cut in a short, boyish style; (woman’s hair) cut in a bob, cut in an Eton crop. 2. (woman’s dress) which has a boyish look to it. 3. (a woman’s dressing) in a boyish way. alageyik (./..) zool. fallow deer, Dama vulgaris. alagiin (..'.) prov. cloudiness, cloudy weather, alaimisema (.—...—) obs. rainbow, alaka (.— .) 1. relation, relationship, connection; relevance. 2. romantic inclination (towards s.o.), romantic feeling (for s.o.). 3. interest, concern. 4. law lien, claim. — çekmek to attract attention. — duymak /a/ to be interested (in). — görmek to receive attention, be an object of concern. — göstermek /a/ to show interest in. — yı kesmek /la/ to break off relations (with). — toplamak to attract attention. — uyandırmak to arouse interest, —sı yok. colloq. It has nothing to do with it./It’s not relevant, alakadar (.— ..) 1. connected; concerned, involved. 2. interested. 3. (an) interested party; person directly concerned. — etmek /ı/ 1. to interest. 2. to concern, be the business of; to affect. — olmak /la/ 1. to show interest (in), be interested (in). 2. to be concerned (with). 3. to feel romantically inclined towards, feel a romantic inclination for (s.o.). alakalandırmak (.— ....) /ı/1. to interest, arouse the interest of, draw the attention of. 2. to relate to, concern, pertain to, apply to. alakalanmak (.—...) /la/ 1. to show interest (in), be interested (in). 2. to feel romantically inclined towards, feel a romantic inclination for (s.o.). alakalı (.— ..) 1. /la/ pertaining to, related to, connected with, concerned with, relevant to, apropos of. 2. /la/ interested in. 3. interested, concerned, involved. 4. (s.o.) who has a share in or a concern with a business/ project, interested. 5. (an) interested party; person directly concerned. — makam/merci law (a) relevant authority; (a) competent authority. — şahıs (an) interested party. A— şahsa To whom it concerns (the salutation of a letter). alakarga (./..) zool. European jay, Garrulus glandarius. —da alacağım olsun, alamazsam gözümü oysun, proverb (Let me be owed money by a jay; and if I can’t collect let it peck out my eyes.) It is satisfying to be a creditor even if it means a fight, alakart, -tı â la carte. alakasız (.— ..) 1. uninterested, apathetic, indifferent. 2. irrelevant. alakasızlık (.-—...) 1. uninterestedness, lack of interest, apathy, indifference. 2. irrelevance, alakok soft-boiled (egg), alakomak (./..) see alıkoymak, alakonmak (./..) see alikonmak. alakonulmak (./...) see alıkonulmak, alakoymak (./..) see alıkoymak, alalama camouflage, alalamak /ı/ to camouflage, alaman slang 1. Deutsche mark. 2. obs. ten-lira note. alamana (../.) large fishing boat. — ağı seine, alamet, -ti (.—.) 1. sign, mark, symbol. 2. colloq. monstrous, enormous. — i farika trademark. alaminüt, -tü 1. (dish) prepared in a minute. 2. (prepared) to order, alan 1. open place, open field. 2. glade, forest meadow. 3. field (of knowledge/activity). 4. area. 5. (electric/magnetic/static/gravita-tional/optical) field. 6. arena; parade ground. — araştırması field work, research on the field. — hızı the area per unit time swept by the ray uniting a moving point and a fixed point. — korkusu agoraphobia. — topu tennis ball. — ürküşü see alan korkusu, alan talan (./ ..) in utter confusion. — etmek hi 1. to make a mess (of). 2. to plunder. — olmak 1. to be messed up, be turned upside . down. 2. to be plundered, be sacked, alantopu, -nu (./..) tennis, alarga (./.) 1. open sea. 2. slang at a distance. A—! naut. Keep clear! — durmak slang to keep clear, stand back, —da durmak /dan/ slang to stay away (from), keep clear (of). — etmek 1. naut. to put out to sea. 2. slang to pull back, keep clear, clear out. —dan seyretmek slang to watch from a distance, alarm alarm, alarm signal. — işareti alarm signal. — tertibatı alarm system, alasulu (..'..) prov. half ripe, alaşağı etmek (/...) hi 1. to overthrow, depose. 2. to seize and throw down, alaşım alloy. alatav (./.) prov. moist (earth), alaturka (../.) 1. Turkish-style, done after the Turkish manner; patterned on a Turkish model; typically Turkish. 2. (s.o.) who is very Turkish in his/her manners/behavior/ outlook, typically Turkish. 3. according to the old Turkish system of reckoning time, Turkish time: Alaturka saat onda gel. Come at ten o’clock Turkish time. 4. (doing s.t.) after the Turkish manner. — müzik traditional Turkish music (as opposed to Turkish music composed according to Western musical concepts). — tuvalet Turkish-style toilet, toilet which lacks a bowl and a seat, alaturkacı (../..) 1. composer of traditional Turkish-style music. 2. lover of traditional Turkish music. 3. performer/singer of traditional Turkish music, alaturkalaşmak (../...) to become very Turkish alaturkalık in one’s ways/manners/outlook, become typically Turkish, alaturkalık (../..) Turkish manners/ways, (a) Turkish outlook; Turkishness. alavere (../.) 1. passing something from hand to hand. 2. moving things by passing them down a line of people. 3. gangplank used for passing cargo from hand to hand. 4. uproar and confusion. — dalavere dirty tricks. — dalavere yapmak/çevirmek to play a dirty trick. — tulumbası suction pump. alavereci (../..) stockjobber, speculator. *alay 1. crowd participating in a parade or an outdoor meeting. 2. crowd. 3. all of (a group). 4. mil. regiment. — alay 1. in large crowds. 2. in troops, in companies. — beyi Ott. hist, commander of the gendarmes. — malay colloq. all together, the whole lot. — sancakları parade flags; dress flags, bunting. 2alay mockery, ridicule, teasing, —a almak hi to make fun (of), ridicule, laugh (at). — etmek /la/ to make fun (of), ridicule, mock. — geçmek /la/ slang to make fun (of). — gibi gelmek /a/ to seem incredible (to). — m-da olmak Iml not to take (s.t.) seriously, to take (s.t.) as a joke. alaybozan a kind of flintlock gun. alaycı mocking, derisive, alaycılık habitual sarcasm. alayiş (------.) show, display, pomp. alayişli (----..) very showy, pompous. alayişsiz (-----..) devoid of show, unshowy. Alaylı \ . formerly officer risen from the ranks. 2. person with a skill but without much education. 2alayli mocking. — alaylı mockingly, alaysı half-teasing, alaz flame, blaze, alaza see alaz. alazlama 1. singeing. 2. prov. erythema, alazlamak hi to singe. alazlanmak 1. to be singed. 2. prov. to come down with erythema, get red areas on the skin, alazlaşmak see alazlanmak. Alb. (abbr.for Albay) 1. army, air force Col. (Colonel). 2. navy Capt. (Captain). albastı puerperal fever, childbed fever, albatr alabaster. albatros (./.) zool. albatross (a bird), albay 1. army, airforce colonel. 2. navy captain, albaylık 1. army, air force colonelcy. 2. navy captaincy, albeni charm, attractiveness, allure, albino (./.) 1. albinic. 2. albino, albinos (./.) see albino, albüm album. albümin albumin. — (işeme) hali path, albuminuria. alçacık (/..) very low. — dağları ben yarattım demek to be very conceited, be very full of o.s. — eşeğe herkes biner .proverb (Everybody rides a donkey because it is low.) 1. Everybody takes advantage of a mild person. 34 alçılamak 2. A person without power and prestige is easily exploited, alçak 1. low. 2. mean, low, lowdown. — basınç low pressure. — dağları ben yarattım demek see alçacık dağları ben yarattım demek. — eşek binmeye kolay, öksüz çocuk dövmeye kolay, proverb It is as easy to strike an orphan child as it is to ride a small donkey. — frekans low frequency (of sound waves). — herif colloq. scoundrel, swine. — kabartma bas-relief, low relief. — kavuşum astr. inferior conjunction. — ses 1. low voice. 2. low tone. — uçan yüce konar, yüce uçan alçak konar, proverb (The person who flies low lands high, but the one who flies high lands low.) A modest person earns the respect of others, but a boastful person is ignored. — yerde tepecik kendini dağ sanır. (— yerin tepeciği dağ görünür.) proverb (A small hill on a low plain imagines itself a mountain.) A person who shines in a limited circle tends to overestimate himself/herself. — yerde yatma sel alır, yüksek yerde yatma yel alır, proverb (Don’t sleep in a low spot or you will be swept away by a flood; but don’t sleep on a high spot or the wind will blow you away.) It is best to be inconspicuous in the middle of the crowd. — yer yiğidi hor gösterir. proverb (A low place does not show off a hero well.) An outstanding person of simple background is easily overlooked, alçakça 1. rather low. 2. (./.) viciously, shamefully. alçakgönüllü (./...) humble, unpretentious, modest. alçakgönüllülük (./....) humility, modesty, alçaklık 1. lowness. 2. shamefulness, vileness. — etmek to behave viciously, do despicable things. alçalma 1. decline, descent. 2. ebb tide. 3. degradation. 4. settling (of soil in a fill), alçalmak 1. to decline; to go down. 2. to lose esteem. 3. to descend, lose altitude, alçaltıcı degrading, humiliating, alçaltmak III 1. to lower, reduce. 2. to humiliate, abase, alçarak somewhat low. alçı 1. gypsum plaster, plaster (as a powder or a solidified mass); plaster of Paris (as a powder or a solidified mass). 2. made of gypsum plaster, plaster; made of plaster of Paris, plaster of Paris. — kabartma (an) ornament made of gypsum plaster. — kabartmacılığı making ornamentation from gypsum plaster, decorative plastering. — kalıp plaster mold. —ya koymak hi to put (a limb) in a plaster cast. — sıva (wet) gypsum plaster, alçıcı 1. plasterer; person who makes ornamentation from gypsum plaster. 2. gypsum worker. 3. maker/seller of gypsum plaster, alçılamak hi 1. to smear/coat/fill (s.t.) with gypsum plaster. 2. to add gypsum plaster to. alçılı alçılı 1. (limb) that has been set in a plaster cast. 2. coated/smeared with plaster. 3. gyp-siferous, gypseous, alçıtaşı, -m (./..) geol. native gypsum, plaster stone, aldaç trick, ruse, aldanç gullible, easily fooled, aldangaçprov. gullible, easily fooled, aldangıç 1. prov. pitfall, pit concealed with vegetation/sand (used as a trap). 2. (a) hidden danger, pitfall, trap; (a) deception, trick, aldanma deception, being deceived, aldanmak 1. /a/ to be deceived, be duped, be taken in (by). 2. to be wrong, be mistaken. 3. to bloom too early (because of an unseasonably warm spell in winter), aidatı illusion, deception, trick, aldatıcı deceptive, misleading, illusory, illusive, aldatılmak to be deceived, aldatma deception, deceiving, aldatmaca (a) deception, trick. — yok! colloq. No cheating! aldatmak /ı/ 1. to mislead. 2. to cheat, deceive, dupe. 3. to break a promise given to (another). 4. to mislead (s.o.) by appearance. 5. to satisfy (a need) falsely. 6. to be unfaithful (to), aldehit chem. aldehyde, aldı med. intake. aldırış care, attention (used in negative expressions). — etmemek /a/ not to mind, not to pay any attention (to), aldırışsız indifferent, unheeding, aldırışsızlık indifference, aldırmak 1. /ı, a/ to have (s.o.) get (s.t.). 2. /i, a/ to have (s.o.) come (to). 3. hi to have (s.t.) surgically removed. 4. /a/ to mind, pay attention (to). Aldırma! colloq. Never mind!/ Don’t worry!/Take it easy! aldırmaz indifferent. aldırmazlık indifference, —tan gelmek to pay no attention, not to care, aldırtmak /ı, a/ 1. to have (s.o.) sent out for (s.t.). 2. to arrange to have (s.o.) come (to), aledderecat (./..—) obs. 1. according to their degree of importance; according to their rank. 2. by degrees, by stages, aleddevam (..'..) obs. continually; continuously, alegori allegory, alegorik allegorical, allegoric, aleksi alexia, word blindness, alelacayip (./.—.) very peculiar, queer, odd. alelacele (./...) hastily, in great haste, in a big hurry. alelade (./•—.) 1. ordinary, usual. 2. of mediocre quality, mediocre, aleladelik (./—..) 1. ordinariness, usualness, normality. 2. mediocrity, alelamya (./.—) obs. blindly, without thinking, alelekser (./..) obs. often, frequently; usually; for the most part, alelfevr (./.) obs. suddenly, alelhesap (./..) obs. (paying s.o. money) on 35 alet account. alelhusus (./..) obs. in particular, especially, alelıtlak (./..) obs. absolutely, without exception: Alelıtlak konuşma! Don’t generalize! alelimya (./.—) obs., see alelamya. alelumum (./..) obs. in general, generally; all: Alelumum hurmalar için geçerli değil. It’s not true for all date palms, alelusul (,/..) obs. 1. (doing s.t.) as a matter of form. 2. (doing s.t.) according to the rules, in the prescribed manner, properly, âlem (—.) 1. world; universe. 2. class (of beings), realm. 3. state, condition. 4. field, sphere. 5. a world by itself. 6. people, the public. 7. orgy, drinking party with music, —in ağzı torba değil ki büzesin, colloq. (People’s mouths are not bags that you can draw with a string.) You cannot prevent people from gossiping. — e cellat lazım, benim neme lazım? colloq. (They need an executioner, but what is that to me?) Why should I do the hard task, why not someone else? —de itibar zenginle güzeledir. proverb It is the rich and the beautiful who are honored. (...) —i mi? /m/ colloq. What sense is there (in) ...?/Did (it) have to happen now?: Şimdi gece yarısı; şarkı söylemenin âlemi mi? It is midnight; what a time to start singing! — e talih, bize Kör Salih mi? colloq. (Everybody has luck; is our luck Blind Salih?) Why should I have all the bad luck? (...) —i var mi? /in/ colloq. Is (it) really proper? — yapmak to have a wild party. Ne —deşiniz? How are you getting on? alem 1. flag, banner. 2. metal device (a crescent or sometirties a star or tulip) on top of a minaret/a mosque dome/a flagstaff. 3. proper name, alemdar 1. hist, standard-bearer. 2. leader, âlemşümul, -lü (—..—) obs. worldwide, universal. alenen (./.) publicly, in public, openly, overtly, alengirli slang handsome; showy, aleni (..—) 1. public, not secret or private, overt, open. 2. publicly, openly. — celse obs., law public hearing. — muhakeme obs., law public trial. — müzayede obs. public auction, aleniyet, -ti publicness, publicity, overtness, openness. — e vurmak hi to make (s .t.) public. alerji allergy, alerjik allergic. alessabah (./..) obs. early in the morning, alesseher (./..) obs. at dawn, at daybreak, alesta (./.) ready (to), prepared (to). A—! 1. naut. Stand by!/Ready! 2. colloq. I’m ready! — beklemek to be ready and waiting. — durmak to stand ready. — tiramola! naut. About ship!/Ready about! aleste (..'.) see alesta. alet, -ti (—.) 1. tool, implement, instrument, device. 2. apparatus, machine. 3. instrument, means, agent. 4. anat. organ. — edevat tools, implements. — etmek h! to use (s.o.), alev 36 alın make a tool of. — işler, el övünür, proverb (The tool does the work but the hand is proud of it.) The real work is often done by people who don’t get the credit for it. — olmak /a/ to be an instrument (to), lend o.s. (to), act as a stooge (for), alev 1. flame. 2. pennant (on a lance). — alev with a lot of flames. — almak 1. to catch fire, blaze up. 2. to flare up in a passion. —ler içinde aflame, in flames. — lambası blowtorch. — saçağı sarmak colloq. to have a danger go beyond control. Alevi (..—) 1. Islam Alevi, Alevi te (member of a religious group in Turkey that reveres the Caliph Ali). 2. Islam Alawi, Alawite, Alaouite (member of a religious group in Syria that reveres the Caliph Ali). 3. hist. Alid, partisan of the Caliph Ali. Alevilik (..— .) Alevism, the beliefs and practices of the Alevis. alevlendirmek 111 1. to make (glowing coals) burn with a flame. 2. to exacerbate, incite, inflame. alevlenme flaming up, blazing up. alevlenmek 1. to break out in flames, blaze up. 2. to grow violent, flame up, flare up. 3. to glisten. alevli 1. in flames, flaming. 2. furious, violent, aleyh opposed to, against (used only in the dative and the locative): Aleyhimizde olanlar çok. There are many who are opposed to us. Bu karar Asaf’m aleyhineydi. This decision went against Asaf. Sizden aleyhte değilim. I’m not against you. Bu makale onun için aleyhte olur. This article will hurt him. Aleyhte olanlar kazandı. The nays have it. —inde bulunmak Iml to say things against, speak unfavorably of (s.o.). —ine dönmek Iml 1. (for one person) to turn against (another). 2. (for events/a situation) to go against, —inde konuşmak Iml to say things against, speak unfavorably of (s.o.). —inde oy kullanmak Iml to vote against. —ine oy vermek /m/ to vote against, aleyhtar 1. opponent. 2. opposed, aleyhtarane (...—.) obs. oppositive, oppositious. aleyhtarlık opposition. aleykümselam (./...) Peace be upon you (said in reply to the greeting selamünaleyküm). alfabe 1. alphabet. 2. primer. 3. the basic beginnings of some instruction, alfabetik alphabetic, alphabetical, alfenit a kind of nickel silver, alfons slang pimp, procurer, alg, -gi bot. alga, plant of the group Algae. algarina (../.) naut. 1. floating crane, crane barge. 2. bow crane; stern crane. *algi ladle used for collecting raw opium. 2algi 1. the power of understanding. 2. sensation. 3. perception. 4. impression. 5. purchase, buying, algici perceptionist. algıcılık perceptionism. algılama perception, comprehension, algılamak III to perceive, algilanabilirlik perceptibility, algılanmak to be perceived, algmprov. 1. lean, thin, sickly. 2. lovesick, algisiz lacking in perception, algler bot. 1. algae. 2. Algae. algoritma (../.) math, algorism, algorithm, alıcı 1. customer. 2. receiver, recipient. 3. (radio/telephone) receiver. 4. movie camera. — bulmak (for s.t.) to sell, have a market, be in demand. — gözüyle bakmak to look carefully and with interest. — kılığına girmek to pretend to be a customer, act as if one wants to buy something. — kuş bird of prey. — kuşun ömrü az olur, proverb (A bird of prey has a short life.) A person who lives by violence dies by violence. — melek the Angel of Death. — verici 1. one who takes back a present he/she has given. 2. two-way radio. — yönetmeni/yönetmen cameraman. alıç bot. azarole, Mediterranean medlar, Crataegus azarolus. *alik clumsy, stupid. — alık stupidly. — alık bakmak to stare stupidly. — salık 1. stupid, dim-witted. 2. stupidly, dim-wittedly. 2alıkprov. 1. saddlecloth. 2. old clothes, rags, alıklaşmak to be astounded, alıklık stupidity, imbecility, alikonmak (./..) see alıkonulmak, alıkonulmak (./...) 1. to be seized and sequestered. 2. to be detained. 3. to be set aside as a reserve. alıkoymak (./..) 1. /ı, a/ to hold (s.o.) in (a place) for a while. 2. /i, dan/ to keep/detain/ prevent (s.o.) from (doing s.t.). 3. Ill to set aside, reserve. 4. Ill to arrest, alım 1. a single act of taking. 2. purchase, buying. 3. attractiveness. — ederi cost price, inventory value. — satım business, trade. — satım dönemi marketing season, alımcı collector, one who collects payments, alımlı attractive. — çalımlı colloq. attractive, eye-catching, alımlılık attractiveness, alımsız unattractive, alımsızlık unattractiveness, aim, -İm 1. forehead, brow. 2. mining face, —mda directly facing: güneşin alnında right in the sun, in the direct sun. —ı açık (—i açık, yüzü ak) blameless, having nothing to be ashamed of. —mm akı ile honorably, with no shadow of blame. — daman çatlamak to be altogether shameless. — daman çatlamış brazenfaced. — ı davul derisi unabashed, shameless. — derisi değil, davul derisi altogether shameless (person), —mm karayazısı his/her bad luck. — ini karışlarım. 1. I’ll show you (used as a threat). 2. I dare you. — ını karışlayayım. Iml colloq. He/She is no threat. — kemiği anat. frontal bone, —mdan öpmek hi to alındı 37 alkol kiss (s.o.) on the forehead (in admiration/ gratitude). — teri effort, work. — teri dökmek to work hard, struggle, do one’s utmost. — teriyle kazanmak hi to earn by hard work, —da yazılı olan (alna yazılan) başa gelir, proverb (What is written on one’s forehead will come to pass.) You can’t escape your fate. —mda/—ma yazılmış olmak to be one’s destiny, be one’s fate; to be preordained. — yazısı see almyazisi. alındı receipt, alındılı registered (mail), alıngan touchy, easily offended, alınganlık touchiness. almkarasi, -ni (./...) black mark, shame, disgrace. alınlık 1. arch, pediment. 2. prov. ornamented chain worn around the head. — tablası arch. tympanum. alınmak 1. to be taken; to be received. 2. to be bought. 3. /a or dan/ to take offense (at), be offended (by), be hurt (by), almti quotation, quoted passage. — yapmak /dan/ to quote from, alıntılama the use of quotations. alıntılamak III to quote (a sentence, a passage, etc.); /i, dan/ to take (a quotation) from, almyazisi, -m (./...) one’s fate, destiny. — değişmez. proverb Nobody can avoid his/her fate. alırlık psych, receptivity, alış 1. taking, receiving. 2. purchase, buying. — fiyatı purchase price, alışagelmek (../..) /a/ to be accustomed to. alışık /a/ accustomed (to), used (to), alışıklık 1. habit, force of habit. 2. skill, good training. alışılmak /a/ to lose its novelty, become customary. alışıldığı gibi as usual, alışılmış usual, ordinary, alışım training course. alışkanlık 1. force of habit. 2. habit. 3. familiarity (with a person), alışkı habit, practice, usage, alışkın /a/ used (to), accustomed (to). — düşük habitual abortion, alışma 1. habituation, becoming accustomed. 2. being broken in. alışmak 1. /a/ to get used (to); to become familiar (with). 2. /a/ to come to fit. 3. /a/ to make a habit (of), come to expect, become addicted (to). 4. to catch fire. Alışmış kudurmuştan beterdir, proverb Being addicted to something is worse than going mad. Alışmış kursak, bulamacını ister. proverb (The stomach has formed its habit; it wants its soup.) When a person has gotten used to something he/she is not happy to be deprived of it. alışman trainee, alıştın 1. training. 2. exercise, alıştırma 1. training. 2. breaking something in. 3. exercise. alıştırmak 1. /ı, a/ to train (s.o.) to do/accept (s.t.). 2. /i, a/ to allow (s.o.) to become addicted (to). 3. hi to make (s.t.) work smoothly, break (s.t.) in. 4. /i, a/ to make (a part) work smoothly with (another part). 5. hi to set (s.t.) on fire, alışveriş 1. business, trade, commerce; shopping. 2. dealings, relations. — e çıkmak to go shopping. — etmek 1. to shop. 2. /la/ to do business (with). —i kesmek /la/ to stop having anything to do with (s.o.). — i olmamak /la/ to avoid contact (with), not to have anything to do with. âli (-----) high, exalted, sublime. Ali a man’s name, Ali. —’nin külahını Veli’ye, Veli’nin külahını Ali’ye giydirmek colloq. to do business using the money one owes to others. — Veli colloq. Tom, Dick, and Harry, âlicenap (-------..) obs. noble-hearted, magnani- mous. âlicenaplık (------...) obs. magnanimity. alicengiz oyunu, -nu colloq. a dirty trick, alikıran başkesen colloq. bully, despot, alil obs. 1. permanently disabled. 2. (s.o.) who suffers from a chronic illness; (s.o.) who is an invalid. 3. sickly, puny. 4. blind, âlim (—.) 1. learned, wise. 2. scholar. — unutmuş, kalem unutmamış, proverb (The scholar forgot but the pen did not.) A thing is preserved only if it is written down, alim (.—) obs. all-knowing, omniscient, alimallah (./..) by God! (in affirming a conditional threat). âlimane (—.—.) (often used sarcastically) 1. learnedly, in a manner befitting a learned person. 2. learned (remarks/actions), âlimlik (—..) 1. erudition. 2. the position/rank of a scholar, alinazik (..—.) a dish made with eggplant puree and grilled meatballs. — kebabı see alinazik, aliterasyon lit. alliteration, alivre com. 1. forward (sale/dealing). 2. for future delivery, alizarin alizarin, alize (./.) trade wind, alkali chem. alkali, alkalik chem. alkaline, alkalimetre (.../.) see alkalölçer. alkaloit chem. alkaloid, alkalölçer (..'..) alkalimeter. alkarna (./.) trawl net, trawl, alkım rainbow. alkış applause. — toplamak to be vigorously applauded, be acclaimed. — tufanı a flood of applause. — tutmak /a/ 1. to clap for. 2. to cheer. alkışçı 1. applauder. 2. flatterer, —lar claque, alkışçılık fawning, flattery, alkışlamak hi to acclaim, applaud, clap for. alkil chem. alkyl. alkol, -lü 1. alcohol. 2. alcoholic beverages, alcohol. — muayenesi breath test (for detect- alkolik 38 Allah ing intoxication). alkolik 1. (an) alcoholic, (a) dipsomaniac. 2. alcoholic, dipsomaniacal, addicted to alcohol. 3. alcoholic, caused by or derived from alcohol. — mayalaşma alcoholic fermentation. alkolizm alcoholism. alkollü 1. alcoholic, intoxicating, spirituous. 2. intoxicated, drunk. alkolölçer (./..) alcoholometer. alkolsüz nonalcoholic. Allah Allah, God. Allah! colloq. How wonderful !/Really! —ım! My God! —tan 1. luckily, fortunately. 2. from birth. — acism. May God have pity on him/her ./Only God can help him/ her. — acısını unutturmasın. May God spare you from a greater sorrow (said when one is subjected to a great loss!grief). — adamı man of God. — akıbetini hayır etsin, colloqsee Allah sonunu hayır etsin. — akıllar (akıl fikir) versin, colloq. Where is your good sense?/I am surprised at you/him/her. —ü âlem 1. probably. 2. maybe. 3. God knows. — Allah! 1. colloq. Goodness gracious !/How strange! 2. a Turkish battle cry. — aratmasın. May God spare you from having to get along without what you now have (said when one is discontented). — artırsın. May God grant you prosperity. — aşkına! colloq. 1. For heaven’s sake ./I beg you. 2. How wonderful! — bağışlasın. God bless him/her (a child, a loved one, etc.). — balmumu yakana balmumu, yağmumu yakana yağmumu verir, proverb (God gives beeswax to those who use beeswax candles and tallow to those who burn tallow.) People who spend a lot get a lot. — bana, ben de sana, colloq. (From God to me and then from me to you.) I’ll pay you my debt when I can get some money. — m belası 1. nuisance, pest. 2. pestiferous, pesky. — belanı versin/vermesin! colloq. God damn you! — belasını versin! colloq. Damn him/her! — beterinden esirgesin/saklasm. May God protect you/him/her from worse trouble. — bilir, colloq. Only God knows ./It’s hard to say. — bilir .... It seems to me .... — bilir, ama kul da sezer, proverb Only God knows, but a person can guess. — m bildiğini kuldan ne saklayayım? colloq. What’s the use of making a secret of it?,—m bildiği kuldan saklanamaz, proverb (What God knows cannot be hidden from man.) If a person is guilty of something his/her guilt will be discovered, —a bin şükür. Thank God. — m binasını yıkmak to commit murder/suicide. — bir! By the one God! —a bir can borcu var. colloq. (He/She doesn’t owe anything to God but his/her existence.) He/ She has nothing so he/she has no scruples. — bir dediğinden başka/gayri sözüne inanılmaz. colloq. (Nothing that he/she says can be believed except when he/she witnesses to the unity of God.) He/She is a ha- bitual liar. — bir kapı/kapıyı kaparsa bin kapı/kapıyı açar, proverb Whenever God closes one door, he opens a thousand. — bir, söz bir. colloq. (As God is one my word is one.) I give my word on it. — bir yastıkta kocatsın. (God grant that you pass your years on one pillow.) May you have a happy life together (said to a newly married couple). —tan bulmak to get one’s just deserts from God. —mdan bulsun, colloq. Let God punish him/her. — büyüktür. (God is great.) 1. Some day God will right the wrong that has been done to us. 2. God is sure to punish him/her some day for what he/she has done. — canını alsın/almasın! colloq. (May God take your/his/her life.) God damn you/him/her! — cezanı versin/ vermesin! colloq. (May God give you your punishment.) God damn you! — m cezası colloq. damn, damned. — çam isteyene çam, mum isteyene mum verir, proverb, see Allah balmumu yakana balmumu, yağmumu yakana yağmumu verir. — ı çok, insanı az bir yer a deserted place. — dağına göre kar verir (verir kışı), proverb (God sends snow to suit the mountain.) God sends no more trouble than a person can bear. — derim. colloq. All I can say is “O God.” — doğrunun yardımcısıdır, proverb God helps those who do what is right. — dokuzda verdiğini sekizde almaz, proverb (What God gives till nine he does not take at eight.) A person will surely live until his/ her time to die has come. — dört gözden ayırmasın. /ı/ (May God not separate him/her from four eyes.) May God save (this child) from being an orphan. — düşmanıma vermesin. colloq. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. — ecir sabır versin. May God give you/him/her patience (said in condolence). — eksik etmesin. May we not suffer his/her loss. I am very grateful for what he/she has done. — eksikliğini göstermesin. (May God not withhold it from us.) I am grateful for it anyway, —a emanet. May God protect him/her. —a emanet etmek /ı/ to leave the rest to God (said after sending off s.o. one has nurtured or a work one has prepared), —a emanet olun. (May God keep you safe.) Good-bye (said by the person leaving). — emeklerini eline vermesin. (May God not turn back your labors to you.) May you enjoy the fruit of your labor. — m emri, Peygamberin kavliyle according to the command of God and the word of the Prophet (said in asking a family for their daughter as a bride). — encamını hayır etsin, colloq., see Allah sonunu hayır etsin. — esirgesin! God forbid! — etmesin! God forbid! — evi place of worship. —in evi the heart of man. — gani gani rahmet eylesin. May God have abundant mercy upon him/her (said for a dead Allah 39 person), —m gazabı a scourge of God. — geçinden yersin. May God ordain it to be late (used when mentioning death). — göstermesin! colloq. God forbid! — gümüş kapıyı kaparsa altın kapıyı açar, proverb (If God closes a silver door he opens a gold one.) If one opportunity is lost a better one takes its place. — m günü every single day, every darn day (said in exasperation/impatience). — hakkı için in God’s name, —a havale etmek /i/ to leave (punishment/revenge) to God. — hayırlı etsin. May God turn it to good. — herkesin gönlüne göre versin. May God grant the wishes of everyone. —m hikmeti something incredible, something extraordinary, something miraculous. —m hikmeti! colloq. Incredible!/ Extraordinary!/God be praised!/It’s a miracle! — hoşnut olsun. God bless you (for your kindness to me). — ıslah etsin. May God mend his/her ways, —a ısmarladık. Good-bye (said by the person leaving). — için truly, to be fair. — imdat eylesin, colloq. May God help you. — inandırsın .... Believe me .... — insanın akimı alacağına canını alsın, proverb (It is better for God to take one’s life than for him to destroy one’s mind.) It is better to die than to lose one’s mind. — isterse if possible, if it works out right. — m işine bak! colloq. Now look what’s happened! — m işine karışılmaz. proverb (A person should not interfere in the business of God.) God knows best. — iyiliğini versin! colloq. God damn you! — m izniyle if possible, unless something comes up. — kabul etsin. May God find it acceptable (said of a generous/pious action), —a kalmak to be left to God. — kardeşi kardeş yaratmış, kesesini ayrı yaratmış, proverb (God created brothers/sisters, but each with his/her own purse.) A person should not presume a right to the money of others. — kavuştursun. May God unite you again (said to those remaining behind after another has departed on a journey). — kazadan beladan kor usun/esir gesin/saklasin. May God protect you from all evil. — kerim. (God is gracious.) It is in God’s hands./ There is nothing we can do. —tan kork! colloq. Stop that!/You should be ashamed! —tan korkmaz cruel, ruthless. — korusun! God forbid! — m kulu anybody, a person. — kulundan geçmez, proverb (God does not pass over his servant.) God will help in time of trouble. — kulunu kısmeti ile yaratır. proverb (God creates a person’s luck when he creates the person.) Nobody will be left entirely without means. — kuru iftiradan saklasın, colloq. May God protect a person from false accusations. — layığını versin! colloq., see Allah müstahakım versin! — manda şifalığı versin, colloq. May God give him/her the strength of an ox Allah (since he/she eats so much). — mübarek etsin. God bless you/him/her. — müstaha-kmı versin! colloq. (May God give you/ him/her your/his/her just deserts.) Damn you/ him/her! — ne muradın varsa versin. May God grant your every wish. — ne verdiyse 1. whatever God has given (modest expression in reference to the food one is serving a guest). 2. whatever money we can earn. —m ondurmadığını Peygamber sopa ile kovar, proverb (If God has not decreed that a person should be fortunate even the Prophet will drive him/her away with a stick.) Some people are just born unlucky. — ömürler versin. May God give you a long life (used in greeting/thanking). — övmüş de yaratmış, colloq. (God approved and created her/him.) She/He is exquisitely beautiful. — rahatlık versin. (May God give you rest.) Good night. — rahmet eylesin. May God have mercy on him/her (said for a person who has died). — m rahmetine kavuşmak to die. — razı olsun. (May God be pleased.) Thank you. — rızası için 1. for God’s sake. 2. without expecting any reward. — sabır versin. May God give you patience. — sabırlı kulunu sever, proverb (God loves his patient servant.) Patience is a virtue. — sağ eli sol ele muhtaç etmesin. proverb (May God save one’s right hand from needing his/her left hand.) It is hard when a person has to depend on others for help. — saklasın! God forbid! — selamet versin. (May God give you well-being.) 1. May God protect you (on your journey). 2. May your troubles end (said to a traveler). 3. God bless him/her (said of an absent friend/relative). 4. God bless him/her anyway (said when mentioning a person’s weakness). 5. Do as you like then ./Go if you want to. — seni inandırsın .... see Allah inandırsın .... — senden razı olsun. Thank you ./God bless you for what you have done. — sevdiğine dert verir, proverb God sends troubles to those he loves. — il —mı seversen for the love of God. — ını seven tutmasın, colloq. He/She was so mad! —tan sıska, ne yapsın muska? proverb (He/She was bom feeble; what use will he/she have for a magic charm?) 1. If a person is naturally incapable he/she can’t be made smart. 2. A weak organization can’t easily be made strong. — son gürlüğü versin. (May God bless him/her abundantly at the end.) May God keep him/her healthy and in his/her right mind in his/her old age. — sonunu hayır etsin, colloq. God grant that it works out well in the end. — şaşırtmasın. (May God not bewilder him/ her.) May God protect him/her from sin. — a şükür! Thank God! — taksimi unequal division, distribution without regard to equity. — taksiratımızı affetsin. May Allahlık 40 almak God forgive us. — tamamına erdirsin. colloq. May God bring it to a happy conclusion. — uçamayan kuşa alçacık dal verir. proverb (God gives a low branch to the bird that can’t fly.) God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. — unutturmasın, see Allah acısını unutturmasın. — utandırmasın. colloq. May God protect him/her from failure, —tan ümit/umut kesilmez. proverb (One never ceases to hope in God.) While there is life there is hope. —/—ı var to tell the truth. — vere de .... God grant (that) .../I hope (that) .... — vergisi innate, natural. — verince kimin oğlu, kimin kızı demez, proverb (God, when he gives to someone, does not ask whose son he is, or whose daughter she is.) God in his giving makes no distinction between persons. — verirse el getirir, sel getirir, yel getirir. proverb (If it is the will of God, strangers will bring wealth; the wind and the floods will bring wealth.) If God intends someone to be rich the wealth will come in unexpected ways. — vermesin, colloq. God forbid. — versin, colloq. 1. May God help you (said to a beggar when one does not give him/her anything). 2. I am glad things are going so well with you/him/her. —a yalvar. colloq. (Plead with God.) Don’t tell me. It’s your own fault. — yapısı (s.t.) natural, not manmade. — yarattı dememek to beat s.o. unmercifully. — yardım etsin/eylesin. May God help you/him/her. — yardımcın olsun. 1. May God be your helper. 2. May God be your help. — yardımcısı olsun. God help him/her. He/She is in real trouble. — yazdı ise bozsun, colloq. (If God has written it let him change it.) If this is my fate may it be changedVI will never do what is being demanded of me. — “Yürü ya kulum,” demiş, colloq. (God said, “Go forward, my servant.”) 1. He/She certainly got rich fast. 2. He/She has done very well in his/her work. — ziyade etsin. May God give you abundance (said by the guest after a meal). Allahlık 1. harmless simple man, simpleton. 2. left to God, unpredictable. Allahsız 1. atheist. 2. merciless. Allahsızlık atheism. Allahuekber (.— ...) Islam God is most great./ God is almighty. allak (.—) obs. 1. person who does not keep his/ her word. 2. (s.a.) who does not keep his/her word, who is not a man/a woman of his/her word. allak bullak (./ ..) 1. confused, topsy-turvy. 2. in great confusion. — etmek /ı/ 1. to make a mess (of), upset. 2. to confuse, bewilder. — olmak 1. to turn into a mess, become a shambles. 2. to be confused, be bewildered. allamak pullamak (../ ...) /i/ colloq. to decorate, deck out. allame (.—.) 1. learned man, scholar. 2. learned. allamelik (.—..) leamedness. allasen (.—.) colloq. for the love of God. allegretto (../.) mus. allegretto. allegro (./.) mus. allegro. allem used in: — (etmek) kallem etmek colloq. to try all sorts of wiles (to get one’s own way). allı mixed with red, partly red; wearing red. — pullu colorful and decked out with spangles, showily dressed, allık 1. redness, flame color. 2. rouge, almaç (telephone/radio) receiver, almak, -ır 1. h! to take. 2. /i/ to get. 3. hi to buy. 4. /i/ to receive; to accept. 5. /i/ to steal. 6. hi to marry (a girl). 7. /i/ to take, hold, be able to contain. 8. h! to take along. 9. /i/ to capture; to conquer. 10. /i/ to take (a bath/ medicine/a drink). 11. /i/ to catch (cold); to catch (fire). 12. Ill to take on, hire, employ. 13. /i/ to remove, take away, pluck out. 14. hi to move. 15. hi to sweep, clean, dust. 16. /i/ to sense, smell, hear. 17. /i, a/ to put (s.t.) on, throw (a garment) over (o.s.). 18. /i, a/ to take (s.o./s.t.) into (one’s care/protection). 19. /i, a/ to take (s.t.) as being (s.t.). 20. h! to take (water). 21. /i/ (for wind/flood) to carry away, destroy. 22. h! (for smoke/fear) to overwhelm, cover, sweep through. 23. hi to cover, travel (a distance). 24. /dan/ to take the attitude of. 25. /dan/ to shorten. 26. to begin all at once. Aldı.... (before a name, in folk literature) ... began to recite. Al Allah kulunu, zapteyle delini, colloq. (O God, catch your creature, restrain your madman.) He/She has jumped into this business without thinking where it would take him/her. Aldığı aptes ürküttüğü kurbağaya değmez. colloq. (The blessing of the ablution is not worth the fright of the frogs.) The gain is less than the loss. Al aptesini, ver pabucumu. colloq. (Give me my shoes and go about your own washing.) I don’t want your help any more. It’s enough if I haven’t lost by dealing with you. Al aşağı, vur yukarı.... with a lot of bargaining. Al benden de o kadar, colloq. 1.1 am as bad off as you. 2.1 agree. Al bir kürek, naut. Pull a stroke. Al birini vur ötekine/birine, colloq. (Pick up one and hit the other with him/her.) One is no better than the other. Al cevabını otur aşağı, colloq. (Take your answer and sit down.) Now you are answered. Aldı ele, girdi yola, colloq. (He/She took it in hand and started down the road.) He/She picked up the theme and kept harping on it. Aldı fitili, colloq. He/She flared up./He/She suddenly got mad. Al gülüm, ver gfilüm. colloq. (Take some, my darling. Give some, my darling.) 1. They are fluttering and fussing over each other. 2. You know how to take; now learn how to give. Al haberi, git kaban kaban, colloq. You have heard good news; now you will go away strutting. Almadığın hayvanı kuyruğundan tutma. almamazlık 41 alt proverb (Don’t grab the tail of an animal you haven’t bought.) Don’t raise false hopes. Al kaşağıyı gir ahıra, yarası/yağın olan gocunur/gocunsun, proverb (Take the currycomb and go to the stable; the one with the saddle-gall will flinch.) When there is an investigation a guilty person betrays himself/herself by his/her anxiety. Al külahını, ey vallahi (da) içinde, colloq. (Take your cap back; my thanks are in it.) Thank you,for the help you have given, but I won’t need your help any more. Al malm iyisini, çekme kaygısını, proverb Buy the best and have no regrets. Alma mazlumun ahmı, çıkar aheste aheste, proverb Don’t provoke the curse of the oppressed: it will take effect sooner or later. Alan razı, satan razı, colloq. (The buyer is satisfied and so is the seller.) Since the two have agreed nobody else should interfere. Al sana. Hereî/Take it! Al sana bir (bela) daha. colloq. Here is another (trouble) for you. Almazsın satmazsın, pazarda işin ne? colloq. (You are neither buying nor selling, so what are you doing at the market?) Since you are not taking part in what is going on, why are you here? Almış satmış, çekmeceyi kapatmış. colloq. (He/She has done his/her buying and selling and has closed the cash drawer.) He/She has done all he/she can and now he/ she isn’t doing anything more. Al takke, ver külah .... colloq. 1. struggling, tumbling with one another. 2. with a great struggle. 3. becoming very intimate with each other, alıp vereceği olmamak 1. to be all square on the accounts. 2. /la/ to have no relations (with), alıp verememek /la/ to have a disagreement (with), alıp vermek 1. to have one’s heart beat wildly. 2. to turn over a matter in one’s mind, dwell on a matter. 3. /i/ to exchange, trade. Almadan vermek, Allaha mahsus/yaraşır. proverb Only God can give without having received. Aldı yürüdü, colloq. 1. He/ She has gotten rich quickly. 2. He/She has become famous in a short time. 3. It progressed well ./It prospered and grew, alıp yürümek to make headway. almamazlık (/...) refusal, rejection. — etmek to refuse s.t., reject s.t. Alman 1. (a) German. 2. German, of or from Germany. 3. German, pertaining to the German language. — usulü going Dutch, each person’s paying his/her share: Alman usulü ödeyelim. Let’s go Dutch. almanak almanac. Almanca (./.) 1. German, the German language. 2. (speaking/writing) in German, German. 3. German (speech/writing); spoken in German; written in German. Almancı colloq. Turk who works in Germany. almangümüşü, -nü (./...) German silver, albata. almanpapatyasi, -ni (./....) 1. bot. chamomile, camomile, Anthemis nobilis. 2. anthemis, the dried flower heads of a common chamomile. Almanya (./.) 1. Germany. 2. German, of Germany. Almanyali (./..) 1. (a) native of Germany; (a) German citizen. 2. (s.o.) who is a native of Germany; (s.o.) who is a German citizen, almaş 1. alternation. 2. a pair of mutually contradictory statements, almaşık 1. used by taking turns. 2. alternate. 3. meshed; intertwined. — yapraklar bot. alternate leaves, alnaç 1. front, the side facing the onlooker. 2. façade. alo (/.) Hello! (used only when answering the telephone). alopati allopathy, alotropi allotropy. alp, -pi 1. hero. 2. brave, heroic, alpaka (./.) 1. zool. alpaca, Lama. 2. alpaca cloth. Alp Dağları, -m the Alps. Alpler see Alp Dağları, alplık bravery, heroism. alpyıldızı, -m (.'...) bot. edelweiss, Leontopo-dium alpinum. alşimi alchemy, alşimist, -ti alchemist. alt, -ti 1. bottom. 2. buttocks, rump, bottom. 3. the space beneath. 4. continuation, the rest. 5. the farther. 6. the lower. 7. (with a personal suffix and a case ending) under, beneath, below, —i alay, üstü kalay gaudy, showy, tawdry. — ma almak hi wrestling to throw (one’s opponent) down, —tan almak to be gentle with s.o. who is speaking harshly. — alta one under the other, —tan alta secretively. — alta üst üste rough-and -tumble, —mdan çapanoğlu çıkmak to have a troublesome complication appear, —mı çizmek Iml to underline, emphasize, —tan dağıtım water system relying on city water pressure, without an attic tank. — değirmen güçlü akar, proverb (The downstream mill is powerful.) An organization with a long past is productive. — dudak lower lip. — etmek hi to beat, overwhelm. —ma etmek to soil/wet one’s clothes/bed. —mdan girip üstünden çıkmak /m/ to squander, spend (a fortune) recklessly, —tan güreşmek to look for a way of winning while pretending to lose. — hava-yuvari troposphere, —mı ıslatmak to wet one’s underclothes/bed. — ma kaçırmak to wet/soil one’s clothes a little. — ta kalanın cam çıksın, colloq. (May the bottom one die.) The devil take the hindmost, —mdan kalkamamak Iml 1. to be unable to carry (s.t.) through to completion. 2. not to be able to protect o.s. (from a difficulty). — m-dan kalkmak Iml to carry out (s.t.) successfully. —mda kalmak Iml 1. to have no retort (to another’s statement), be unable to alt- 42 reply. 2. to remain under (an obligation). —ta kalmak to lose, be defeated, —mda kalmamak Iml 1. not to leave (a kindness) unrepaid. 2. to get even (for). — kasa print, lower case. — kat 1. the floor below. 2. first floor, ground floor. —ı kaval, üstü şişhane odd-looking, having an outlandish look, —mdan ne çıkacak bilinmez, colloq. The outcome is uncertain. — olmak to be beaten, be overcome. — tarafı 1. the lower part; the underside. 2. remainder, the rest. 3. the outcome. 4. all that is involved (is only): Niçin bu kadar üzülüyorsun? Alt tarafı iki milyon lira. Why are you making such a fuss? It’s only a matter of two million liras. — mı üstüne getirmek Iml 1. to upset, turn upside down, confuse. 2. to search. — yam see alt tarafı. — yanı çıkmaz sokak, colloq. This business is a blind alley. — yanı kiraz bahçesi, colloq. (The remainder is a cherry garden.) What is left to do is duck soup. — ma yapmak to soil one’s bed/clothes. — ı yaş olmak Iml (for a piece of business) not to be on a sound basis. alt- prefix under-, sub-; lower .... altakinti (/...) undercurrent, altbilinç (/..) the subconscious, altcins (/.) biol. subgenus, altçene (/..) anat. the lower jaw. — kemiği jaw, mandible, altderi (/..) 1. anat. corium, dermis, derma. 2. bot. hypodermis, hypoderma, hypoderm. altdizin (/..) comp, subdirectory, alternatif 1. alternative. 2. alternate. — akım elec. alternating current, alternator generator, alternator, altes his/her highness, altfamilya (/...) biol. subfamily, altgeçit (/..) underpass. altı six. — aylık seyisliği var, kırk yıllık fışkı (at boku) karıştırır/eşeler, colloq. (He has been a groom for six months and has stirred up a forty-year pile of manure.) He is new to the job but he is acting big and upsetting everything. — kapıya almak hi slang to have complete control of (s.o.). — karış beberuhi colloq. shorty. — okka etmek hi to carry (s.o.) by having people lift his/her arms and legs. — olur, yedi olur, hep Allahın dediği olur, proverb (It could be six, it could be seven; it will be whatever God decides.) Everything depends on the will of God. —dan yemek normal hospital diet. altıgen geom. 1. hexagon. 2. hexagonal, altık log. subalternate. Altıkardeş (./..) astr. Cassiopeia, altiklik log. subalternation, altılı 1. (s.t.) which contains or consists of six things/parts; sextuple, sexpartite. 2. playing cards six. 3. sestet, sextet, sextette, altılık 1. (s.t.) designed to hold six things. 2. (s.t.) weighing six grams/kilos. altınbaş altm 1. gold. 2. gold coin. 3. golden. — adını bakır etmek to disgrace o.s. — anahtar her kapıyı açar, proverb (A golden key opens all doors.) Money talks. — ateşte, insan mihnette belli olur, proverb As gold is tested by fire, so man is tested by suffering. — babası moneybags. — beşik chair carry (with clasped hands). — bilezik a skill one can use to support o.s. — çağı golden age. — eli bıçak kesmez, proverb (A knife can’t cut a gold hand.) 1. A person with a skill can earn a living even in hard times. 2. It is hard to make a rich person do what you want. — eşik gümüş eşiğe muhtaç olur, proverb (The gold threshold has need of the silver threshold.) A person who is prosperous now may lose everything and need help from people he/she now looks down on. — m kadrini sarraf bilir, proverby see Altının kıymetini sarraf bilir. — kakma 1. design of inlaid golden wire. 2. inlaid with gold. — kambiyo standardı fin. gold-exchange standard. — kaplama 1. gold-plating. 2. gold-plated. — kaydı see altm şartı. — keseği gold nugget. — kesmek to make a lot of money, —in kıymetini sarraf bilir, proverb (The money changer knows the worth of gold.) It takes an expert to appreciate true worth. — külçe standardı fin. gold bullion standard. — leğene kan kusmak to live in misery in spite of great wealth. — leğenin kan kusana ne faydası var? proverb (What is the use of a gold basin to a person coughing up blood?) Money doesn’t always help. — ödemeli tahvil fin. gold bond. — pas tutmaz, (deli yas tutmaz), proverb (Gold does not rust.) A good character cannot be harmed by slander, —in prim yapması fin. gold premium. — rezervi fin. gold reserve. — sarısı golden blond. — standardı fin. gold standard. — şartı fin. gold clause. — tahvilleri fin. gold bonds. — topu gibi like a golden ball (said for a pretty and chubby baby). — tutsa, toprak olur, colloq. If he/ she touches gold it turns into clay. — varak gold leaf, —a yapışsa elinde bakır kesilir, colloq. If he/she picks up gold it turns into copper. — yaprak gold leaf. — yere düşmekle pul olmaz, proverb (Gold does not become small change when it falls to the ground.) If a person is truly valuable he/she does not lose his/her value when he/she loses his/her place. — yerde paslanmaz, taş yağmurdan ıslanmaz. proverb (Gold does not rust on the ground, and rocks don’t get soaked in the rain.) People and things of high quality do not change with adversity. — yıldönümü golden anniversary, golden wedding. yumurtlayan tavuk 1. person with a generous income. 2. tourist with money to spend. altınbaş (./.) 1. gold-headed. 2. bot. musk- altıncı 43 aman melon, cantaloupe, Cucumis melo. — kefal zool. golden mullet, Mugil auratus. altıncı 1. sixth, (s.o./s.t.) who/which is sixth in a countable series. 2. sixth, in the sixth place. Altın Kıyısı, -m see Altm Sahili, altmkökü, -nü (./..) 1. bot. ipecac, Cephaelis ipecacuanha. 2. ipecac root, altınoluk (./..) 1. embroidered pantaloons for women. 2. a bright striped silk cloth embroidered with gold threads. 3. a band of gold -embroidered cloth wrapped around a turban. 4. golden gutter (on the roof of the Kaaba). Altmordu (./..) hist, the Golden Horde. Altm Sahili, -ni (.. —..) the Gold Coast, altmsuyu, -nu (./..) aqua regia, altıntop, -pu (./.) 1. grapefruit. 2. bot. grapefruit tree, Citrus paradisi. altıparmak (./..) 1. six-fingered; having six toes. 2. zool. a large bonito. 3. cloth with stripes in six colors. Altıpatlar slang shoe with a hole in the sole. 2altipatlar (..'..) six-shooter, revolver, altışar six each, six apiece, altız 1. (a) sextuplet. 2. (s.o.) who is a sextuplet. altkarşıt, -ti (/..) log. subcontrary, altkurul (/..) subcommittee, altkültür (/..) subculture, altlamak hi log. to.subsume, altlı including a bottom piece. — üstlü 1. two -piece. 2. (living) in the same building with one family on the lower floor and another upstairs. altlık 1. support, base. 2. pad, coaster, altmış sixty. altmışaltı sixty-six (a card game). —ya bağlamak hi slang 1. to put (s.o.) off with empty promises. 2. to pretend to have solved (a matter). altmışar sixty each, sixty apiece, altmışdörtlük mus. sixty-fourth note, altmışıncı 1. sixtieth, (s.o./s.t.) who/which is sixtieth in a countable series. 2. sixtieth, in the sixtieth place, altmışlık 1. (s.t.) designed to hold sixty things. 2. (s.o.) who has reached or is past the age of sixty, who is in his/her sixties, sexagenarian. 3. (s.t.) worth sixty liras. 4. (s.t.) weighing sixty grams/kilos. 5. (a) sexagenarian. alto (/.) mus. 1. viola. 2. alto saxophone. 3. alto. altprogram (/..) comp, subprogram, altsınıf (/..) biol. subclass, altşube (/—-.) biol. subbranch, alttakim (/..) biol. suborder, altulaşım (/...) underground transportation, subway system, metro. — taşıtı subway train. altuni (.-----) gold-colored, golden. altutar (/..) biol. eosinophilic, eosinophilous. — göze biol. eosinophile. — (göze) artımı path, eosinophilia. altüst, -tü upside down, topsy-turvy, in utter confusion. — böreği a layered pastry that is turned over while cooking. — etmek hi 1. to upset, turn (s.t.) upside down, mess up. 2. to damage, wreck, ruin. — olmak 1. to be disordered, be in a mess. 2. to be ruined, be wrecked. 3. (for one’s stomach, plans, etc.) to be upset. altyapı (/..) 1. substructure. 2. infrastructure, altyapısal (/...) 1. substructural. 2. infrastructural. altyazı (/..) cin. subtitle. alüfte (—..) obs. 1. promiscuous (woman). 2. prostitute, alümin chem. alumina, alumin. alüminyum 1. chem. aluminum, Brit, aluminium. 2. aluminum, made of aluminum, alüvyon alluvium, alyans wedding ring, alyon slang very rich. alyuvar (/..) biol. erythrocyte, red blood cell. — artımı path, polycythemia. — denksizliği path, anisocytosis. — yapımı biol. erythro-poiesis. am vulg. female genital organ, *cunt. âmâ (-------) blind. ama (/.) 1. but, yet, still. 2. above all; absolutely. 3. really, truly, —sı var. /in/ There are drawbacks (to this) that have not been explained. amaç aim, goal, objective. — edinmek hi to take (s.t.) as a goal. — gütmek to pursue a goal. — ma ulaşmak to achieve one’s goal, amaçlamak hi to aim (at), intend, purpose, amaçlı having a goal; having a (specified) goal, amaçlılık intentionality. amaçsız without a goal, purposeless, amaçsızlık absence of a goal. amade (---------.) /a/ ready, prepared (for). âmâl, -li (-----) obs. hopes, aspirations, expec- tations. amal, -li (.—) obs. acts, actions; operations; deeds. — i rüsül Christ, the Acts of the Apostles (in the Bible). âmâlık (--------.) blindness. aman mercy. A—! 1. (.—) Oof!/God!/Lord!/ Lord help us! (indicating disgust/anger). 2. Please!/For goodness sake! 3. My! (indicating great approbation). — Allah!/— Allahım! 1. God!/God have mercy! (indicating fear/ amazement). 2. Oh Lord!/Oh God!/Lord help us! (indicating disgust/displeasure). — aman (bir şey) olmamak not to be anything special. — bulmak to escape, be saved. — dedirtmek /a/ to make (s.o.) give up, make (s.o.) yield. — demek to ask for mercy; to surrender. — derim! colloq. Don’t you do it!/Beware of doing such a thing! — dilemek /dan/ to ask (s.o.) for mercy. — diyene kılıç kalkmaz, proverb No sword is raised against one who surrenders. — gayret! Keep on!/Hold on! —a gelmek to give up and submit, —a getirmek hi to make (s.o.) give up, make (s.o.) yield. — ı kesilmek 1. to be too weak to plead for mercy. 2. to have no- amanın 44 Amerikan body to turn to for help. — vermek /a/ to grant (s.o.) his/her life, spare (s.o.’s) life. — vermemek /a/ 1. not to give (s.o.) a chance. 2. to kill (s.o.) without compunction. — zaman a plea for mercy. — zaman bilmemek/dinlememek to be implacable, refuse all pleas. — zaman vermemek /a/ to beat (s.o.) without mercy. — i zamanı yok. colloq. There is no trying to get out of it; you must, amanm colloq. Oh my !/What now! amansız 1. merciless. 2. inexorable, cruel. 3. cruel, unsparing, ruthless (disease). — hastalık colloq. cancer. — taraftan yakalamak hi to attack (s.o.) at his/her weak point, amansızca (../.) 1. mercilessly, implacably. 2. merciless, implacable. Amasya (./.) Amasya (in Anatolia). —’nm bardağı, biri olmazsa biri/bir daha, colloq. (It’s just a glass from Amasya; if not this one then another.) He/She is not the only one who can do what we need, amatör amateur. amatörlük being an amateur; amateurism, amazon 1. amazon. 2. equestrienne, ambalaj 1. packing. 2. package. — kâğıdı wrapping paper. — yapmak to make packages, wrap things, ambalajcı packer, ambalajlamak hi to pack, wrap up. ambale used, in: — etmek hi 1. to race (a motor). 2. to cause (s.o.) to be unable to think straight. — olmak 1. (for a motor) to be raced. 2. (for s.o.) to be fit for nothing, be unable to think straight (because of overdoing s.t.). ambar 1. granary; grain bin; grain cellar. 2. warehouse. 3. express company, trucking firm. 4. hold (of a ship). 5. a bottomless wooden box for measuring sand/stones, usually 75 cm. on a side. — ağzı naut. hatchway, —da duran sıçan aç kalmaz. proverb (The rat in the granary does not go hungry.) The one who handles something valuable gets his/her share. — faresi colloq. fat person. — kapağı naut. hatch, hatch cover. — memuru storekeeper, warehouse official. ambarcı 1. storekeeper, warehouse official. 2. trucker, express agent, ambargo (./.) embargo. —yu kaldırmak to lift the embargo. — koymak /a/ to impose an embargo (on), amber 1. ambergris. 2. scent, perfume, fragrance. amberağacı, -m (./...) bot. wood avens, herb bennet, Geum urbanum. amberbalığı, -nı (./...) zool. sperm whale, cachalot, Phys eter catodon. amberbaris bot. barberry, Berberis vulgaris. amberbu (..—) bot. Indian rice, wild rice, Zizania latifolia. amberçiçeği, -ni (./...) the flower of wood avens. amboli path, embolism, ambülans ambulance. amca (/.) 1. (paternal) uncle. 2. sir (a familiar but polite form of address to an older man). — baba yarısı, proverb An uncle is half a father. — m dayım, hepsinden/herkesten aldım payım, proverb (I have gotten my share from my father’s brother and from my mother’s brother and all of them.) 1. I have suffered enough from relatives. 2. One should not be dependent on anybody, even relatives. — kızı daughter of one’s father’s brother, cousin. — oğlu son of one’s father’s brother, cousin, amcalık (/..) 1. unclehood. 2. step uncle. — etmek /a/ to be avuncular (toward), act like an uncle. amcazade (..— .) child of one’s father’s brother, cousin. amel 1. the performance of one’s religious duty. 2. act, action, work, deed. 3. practice, performance. 4. diarrhea. — etmek to act, proceed, conduct o.s.: Bu kaidelere göre amel edeceksiniz. You’ll act according to these rules. — olmak to have diarrhea, amele worker, workman, ameli (..—) practical, applied, amelimanda (.../.) obs. incapable of work, disabled, retired, ameliyat, -ti 1. application, performance, practice. 2. surgical operation. 3. slang third degree. — etmek hi to operate (on). — masası operating table. — olmak to be operated on, have an operation, ameliyathane (....—.) operating room (in a hospital). ameliye process, procedure, operation, amenajman 1. forest management, forestry. 2. management (of natural resources), amenna ( —.—) 1. (in creeds) we believe. 2. admitted, agreed (but...). amenore path, amenorrhea, amentü (—..) (in creeds) I believe, amer bitters, a drink made with bitters. Amerika (../.) 1. America. 2. American, of America. — Birleşik Devletleri the United States of America, amerika (../.) slang rich, rolling in money, amerikaarmudu, -nu (../....) bot. avocado, Per sea americana. amerikabademi, -ni (../.—..) bot. 1. storax tree, Styrax officinalis. 2. liquidambar, Liquidambar orientalis. amerikaelmasi, -ni (../....) bot. cashew, Ana-cardium occidentale. Amerikalı (../..) 1. (an) American. 2. American (person). Amerikan American. — bar bar (where drinks are served). — İngilizcesi 1. American English, the English language as used in the U.S.A. 2. (speaking/writing) in American English, American English. 3. American English (speech/writing); spoken in Ameri- amerikan 45 can English; written in American English. — pazarı a shop selling imported/smuggled goods. amerikan unbleached muslin, amerikanbezi, -ni (.../..) unbleached muslin. Amerikanca (.../.) colloq., see Amerikan İngilizcesi. amerikansığırı, -m (.../...) zool. moose, Alces americana. Amerikanvari (....------) in an American fash- ion. amerikapiresi, -ni (../....) zool. a chigger, Tunga penetrans. amerikatavşanı, -m (../....) zool. chinchilla, Chinchilla laniger. amerikaüzümü, -nü (../....) bot. pokeweed, Phytolacca americana. amerikyum (../.) chem. americium, amet (—.) slang 1. anus. 2. behind, buttocks, ass. ametal, -li (/..) nonmetal. ametçi (—..) slang sodomite, pederast, fairy. ametist, -ti geol. amethyst. amfi (/.) 1. lecture room, amphitheater. 2. natural amphitheater, bowl-shaped hillside, amfibi 1. (an) amphibian, amphibious animal, airplane, or other vehicle. 2. amphibious, amfibol, -lü geol. amphibole. amfiteatr (../.) 1. natural amphitheater, bowl -shaped hillside. 2. lecture room, amphitheater. amfor see amfora, amfora (./.) amphora, amigo (./.) cheerleader, amigoluk (./..) cheerleading. amik, -ki (.—) obs. deep, amil (—.) obs. factor, agent, motive, reason, cause, âmin (—.) amen, amin chem. amine, amin, aminoasit chem. amino acid, amip amoeba, ameba. amipli 1. infested with amoebae. 2. amoebic, amebic. — dizanteri path, amoebic dysentery. amir (—.) 1. superior, chief; chief administrator; commander. 2. commanding, masterful. —i adli obs., mil. president of a court-martial. — hüküm obs., law mandatory provision. —i ita obs., law paymaster. —i mücbir obs., ■ law extortioner, amiral, -li navy admiral, amirallik navy admiralship, admiralty, amirane (—.— .) 1. commandingly, masterfully. 2. commanding, masterful (action/manner). amirlik (—..) 1. chief administratorship; com-mandership. 2. place where a chief administrator has his/her office: emniyet amirliği headquarters of a police chief. 3. colloq. commanding air. amit chem. amide, amitoz biol. amitosis. amiyane (—.—.) 1. colloquial. 2. ordinary, common. 3. in a common way. — tabiriyle in the colloquial, amma 1. (.—) but, yet, still. 2. (/.) how. — da yaptm ha! (— yaptm!) colloq. How can it be!/Not really! amme 1. public, general. 2. the public. — davası law public prosecution. — efkârı public opinion. — hizmeti public service. — hukuku public law. — idaresi local government. — işletmeleri public works. — malları public property. — menfaati public interest, amnezi path, amnesia, amnios (./.) see amniyos. amniyos (./.) anat. amnion. — suyu amniotic fluid. amonyak chem. 1. ammonia. 2. ammonia water, amonyum (./.) chem. ammonium, amoral (/..) amoral. amoralist, -ti (/...) 1. (an) amoralist. 2. amor-alistic. amoralizm (/...) amoralism. amorf used in: — olmak slang 1. to be abashed. 2. to get a beating, amorti 1. redemption of a bond issue. 2. lottery the smallest prize. — çarpmak slang to find o.s. standing next to an old woman. — etmek III to amortize, redeem, pay off (an interest-bearing obligation), amortisman 1. amortization. 2. the redemption of a bond. — akçesi sinking fund, amortisör 1. auto. shock absorber. 2. damper, device that absorbs vibrations, amper phys. ampere, ampermetre (../.) see amperölçer. amperölçer (./..) ammeter, ampersaat, -ti (./..) phys. ampere-hour, ampes slang hashish, dope, ampir Empire (style), ampirik empirical, empiric, ampirizm empiricism, ampiyem path, empyema, amplifikatör elec. amplifier, ampul, -lü 1. electric bulb, light bulb. 2. med. ampule. 3. slang breast (of a woman/a girl), ampütasyon amputation, amuca (./.) prov., see amca, amuden (.—.) obs. perpendicularly. Amuderya (--------.—) the Amu Darya, the Jay- hun, the Oxus (river). amudi (.------) obs. perpendicular, vertical. amudufıkari (.....—) obs., anat. backbone, spi- nal column. amut geom. (a) perpendicular, —a kalkmak to do a hand stand, amyant, -ti asbestos. *an moment, instant, —mda instantly, —mda döküm comp, snapshot dump, —mda erişim comp, immediate access, —mda veri comp, immediate data. 2an mind, perception. 3an boundary (between fields). ana 46 ana ana 1. mother (The form anne is preferred in Istanbul). 2. mother animal, dam. 3. (after a name) appellation of respect for elderly women or female saints. 4. protector, patroness. 5. principal, main, fundamental, basic. 6. fin. capital, stock; principal. A—m! 1. an informal form of address. 2. colloq. Oh my!/Heavens! — sı ağlamak colloq. to go through hardship. — sim ağlatmak Iml vulg. to give (s.o.) great trouble, give (s.o.) a hard time, —mın ak sütü gibi helal olsun. colloq. (May it be as lawful to you as my mother’s milk was to me.) You’re welcome to it. — akçe/m. principal, —mın aşı, tandırımın başı, colloq. There is nothing like my mother’s cooking or my seat by the fire. — atardamar anat. aorta. — atar-damarsal anat. aortal, aortic. — atardamar torbalaşımı path, aortic aneurysm. — avrat asfaltta koşmak slang to swear at everybody present. — avrat dümdüz gitmek slang to swear a blue streak. — m avradım olsun! vulg. (May my mother become my wife.) I swear! — baba parents, father and mother. — m babam! slang Oh dear!/My!/Oh my! — baba bir having the same father and mother. — baba duası almış blessed by his/her parents. — baba eli-ne bakmak to depend on one’s parents for one’s support. — baba günü pandemonium, tumult, a dangerous/frightening commotion. — baba ile iftihar olmaz, proverb It is no use to boast of one’s parents. — baba yavrusu person pampered as a child. —nm bahtı kızma, proverb (The happiness of a mother goes to her daughter.) A daughter’s married life will be like her mother’s. — sma bak kızını al, kenarına/ kıyısma/tarağma bak bezini al. proverb Look at the mother before you marry the daughter, just as you examine the selvage before you buy cloth. — nm bastığı yavru/ civciv incinmez/ölmez, proverb (A mother’s tread does not harm her young.) What a mother does is for the good of her child, —sim bellerim! vulg. I’ll show him/her! — bir, baba ayrı born of the same mother but of different fathers. — cadde main street, Brit, high street. — çizgi geom. generatrix, —sı danası colloq. his/her mother and the rest of the family, the whole bunch. — defter ledger. — direk naut. lower mast, —dan doğma 1. stark naked. 2. from birth, naturally. 3. congenital, —dan doğmuşa dönmek to be restored to happiness, health, freedom from care, and simplicity. — smdan doğduğuna pişman 1. feeling very miserable. 2. lazy, —smdan doğduğuna pişman etmek /ı/ to make (s.o.) sorry he/she has been born. — duvar exterior wall, —sının eğirdiği, babasının dokuduğu in harmony with one’s training and family background. —m ekmeğine kuru, ayranına duru demem, colloq. (I would never call my mother’s bread dry, nor my mother’s buttermilk thin.) I would never be disloyal to my home. — smdan emdiği süt burnundan (fitil fitil) gelmek to go through extreme hardship. — evladı atmış, yâr başında tutmuş, proverb (The mother has driven out her child; his beloved has taken him to her bosom.) True love is even stronger than a mother’s love. — fikir central theme. — gibi yâr olmaz, Bağdat gibi diyar olmaz, proverb No friend is like a mother; no country is like Baghdad, —sının gözü slang sly, tricky, shifty. — güverte naut. main deck. — n güzel idi, hani yeri, baban zengin idi, hani evi. proverb (Your mother was beautiful: where is she now? Your father was rich: where is his house?) Circumstances change. —n güzel mi? colloq. (Is your mother beautiful?) You think you’re smart, don’t you? — hat main line, trunk line. — hatlar the main lines, the outline. — ile kız, helva ile koz. proverb (A mother and her daughter are like candy with a nut in it.) It is as hard to take a girl from her mother as to separate a walnut from a nut-candy. —nm ilki olmaktan dağlarda tilki olmak yeğdir, proverb It is better to be a fox on the mountains than to be a first child. —sının ipini pazara çıkarmış (anasının ipliğini pazarda satmış) colloq. wicked, vicious, —sı (onu) kadir gecesi doğurmuş. (He/She was born on the Night of Power.) He/She is very lucky. — kapı main door/entrance. — sının karnında dokuz ay on gün nasıl durmuş? colloq. (How did he/ she stay in his/her mother’s womb for nine months and ten days?) He/She is very impatient. — kız mother and daughter. — sının kızı a daughter just like her mother. — kızma taht kurar, kız bahtı kocadan arar. proverb A mother sets up a throne for her daughter, but the girl depends for her happiness on her husband. — kızma taht kurmuş, baht kuramamış/kurmamış, proverb (The mother set up a throne for her daughter, but she couldn’t assure her happiness.) Once a girl is married her happiness is not in her parents’ hands. — sının körpe kuzusu mother’s pet, sissy. — kubbe the main dome (of a mosque). — kucağı mother’s bosom. — kuzusu 1. very small baby. 2. mother’s pet, sissy. —sının kuzusu mother’s darling. — motif leitmotif, —lar ne doğururmuş! colloq. (What marvels mothers give birth to!) How wonderful he/she is! —smm nikâhını istemek to charge an outrageous price. — oğul mother and son. —dan olur daya, hamurdan olur maya. proverb The best nursemaid is the mother, just as the best yeast comes from the dough. — ödyolu anat. ductus choledochus, ana 47 anarşi common bile duct. — ödyolu açımı surg. choledochostomy. — ödyolu çıkarımı sur,g. choledochectomy. —mm öleceğini bilseydim kulağı dolu darıya satardım (acı soğana değişirdim), proverb (If I had known that my mother was going to die, I would have sold her for enough millet to fill one of her ears.) If a loss is certain it is better to make a small profit from it. — nm öre-kesi! vulg. Stuff and nonsense! —sı sarımsak, babası soğan, colloq. (His/Her mother is garlic and his/her father an onion.) He/ She is from an ignorant and backward family. —sim satayım! colloq. (I’ll sell its mother!) 1. What the heck! 2. Damn it! —sim sattığım colloq. darn, damned. — n seni bugün için doğurdu, colloq. This is the day for which you were born: show us what you can do. — solunum dalı anat. main bronchus. — sütü breast milk. — tarafından on the mother’s side. — mz taş yesin, yarımşardan (yarım yarım) beş yesin. colloq. (Let your mother eat stones: let each child give her half of his/her share; that makes five shares for her.) Although I pretend to be self-sacrificing, I will get the lion’s share. — toplardamar anat. vena cava, —sı turp, babası şalgam, colloq. (His/Her mother was a radish and his/her father a turnip.) He/She has a very low and doubtful background, —/—sı usta (ekmeği) yufka yapar, çocuk usta çift çift kapar. colloq. (The mother skillfully makes the loaves of bread thin while her child skillfully steals them two by two.) When the supplier skimps, the user takes more to make up. — n yahşi, baban yahşi demek colloq. to butter s.o. up/flatter and cajole him/her. — yapı central structure, main building. — yarısı colloq. maternal aunt, —dan yeni doğmuşa dönmek see anadan doğmuşa dönmek, —sı yerinde (a person) as old as one’s mother. — yiğidin kalkanıdır. proverb The mother is a shield to the hero. — yüreği a mother’s love, ana- prefix main ..., principal ..., basic ...; master .... anabellek (./..) comp, main memory, main storage. anacil bound to his/her mother, anaç 1. matured (female young animal). 2. fruit -bearing, mature (tree). 3. experienced, shrewd. 4. huge, tough. anaçlaşmak to reach maturity, become capable of bearing young, anadamar (./..) anat. aorta. — daralimi path. coarctation, anadil (./.) parent language, anadili, -ni (./..) mother tongue. Anadolu Anatolia. Anadolulu 1. Anatolian. 2. (an) Anatolian, anadut, -tu pitchfork, hayfork, anaerki,-ni (./..) sociol. matriarchy. anaerkil (./..) sociol. matriarchal, anafor 1. countercurrent, eddy. 2. slang extra profit, illicit gain, something got for nothing, windfall, —dan slang improperly; without effort, —dan gelmek slang to fall into one’s lap, come easily, —a konmak slang to get something for nothing, anaforcu slang 1. freeloader, parasite. 2. opportunist, cheater, anaforculuk slang 1. freeloading. 2. cheating, anaforlamak hi slang to steal; to get by cheating. anaforlu having a countercurrent, anahtar 1. key (for a lock/for winding/to a code/ to a problem). 2. wrench, Brit, spanner. 3. electric switch. 4. mus. clef. — deliği keyhole. — dili bit, web (of a key). — dişi notch (on the bit of a key). — kolu shaft of a wrench. — sözcük comp, keyword. — taşı keystone (of an arch). — uydurmak /a/ to match up a key to (a lock). — vermek to play straight man (to a comic), anahtarcı 1. locksmith; keysmith; maker/seller of keys; seller/repairer of locks. 2. slang picklock, lockpick, thief who picks locks, anahtarcılık locksmithing; making/selling keys; being a locksmith/a keysmith. anahtarlık key holder, key ring, anakara (./..) continent, anakart, -ti (./.) comp, master card, analevha (./..) comp, motherboard, analı having a mother. — kuzu, kınalı kuzu. proverb (A lamb with a mother is a lamb with henna.) A child whose mother is living is clean and well cared for. analık 1. maternity, motherhood. 2. stepmother, adoptive mother. 3. woman who acts as a mother to a child. 4. maternal love. 5. motherliness. — etmek /a/ to be a mother to; to mother. — fenalık. (— kara yamalık), proverb A stepmother means trouble. — sigortası maternity insurance, analitik analytical, analiz analysis, analjezi med., see ağrıkesimi. analjezik med., see ağrıkesici. analoji analogy. anamal (./.) econ. capital. — birikimi accumulation of capital, reinvestment of dividends. anamalcı (./..) 1. (a) capitalist. 2. capitalistic, anamalcılık (./...) capitalism, anamalli (./..) capitalist, anamaya (./..) enzyme, ananas bot. pineapple, Ananas comosus. ananasgiller bot. Bromeliaceae. anane tradition, ananevi (...—) traditional, anaokulu, -nu (./...) nursery school; kindergarten. anapara (./..) econ. capital, anaprogram (./..) comp, main program, anarşi anarchy. anarşist 48 anıtkabir anarşist, -ti 1. (an) anarchist. 2. anarchistic, anarşizm anarchism, anartri anarthria. anasaat, -ti (./..) master clock, anasanlı (./..) metronymic, anasır (.—.) obs. elements, components, anason 1. bot. anise, Pimpinella anisum. 2. aniseed. anasoy (./.) race, a division of the human race. anasoycu (./..) racist. anasoycul (./..) racial. anasoyculuk (./...) racism. anatomi anatomy. anatomik anatomical. anavasya (../.) the upstream migration of fish, anavatan (./..) mother country, homeland, motherland, anaveri (./..) comp, master data, anayasa (./..) law constitution, anayasaci (./...) 1. constitutionalist. 2. constitutional expert, anayasal (./..) constitutional, anayol (./.) main road, anayön (./.) cardinal point (of the compass), anayurt (./.) mother country, homeland, motherland. anbean (/..) with every moment, more and more, gradually, anca (/.) that much, so much. — beraber, kanca beraber, colloq. We will stick together through thick and thin, ancak (/.) 1. only, solely, merely. 2. just, hardly, barely. 3. but, on the other hand, however. 4. only, not until, ançizlemek slang to go away, leave, ançüez salted/pickled anchovy, and see ant. andaç 1. souvenir, memento. 2. recollection, reminiscence, andante (./.) mus. andante, andantino (../.) mus. andantino, andavallı slang fool, idiot, imbecile, andezit, -ti geol. andesite. andıç memorandum, andık prov., zool. a kind of hyena, andıran analogous, andın note, memo, memorandum, andırış 1. resemblance. 2. analogy, andırışma 1. resembling. 2. one thing’s being mistaken for another. 3. being analogous, analogy. andırmak 1. Ill to resemble, remind one of. 2. /i, a/ to recall (one) to the memory of (others). andizotu, -nu (./..) bot. elecampane, Inula he-lenium. andiçmek (/..) see ant içmek. Andorra (./.) 1. Andorra. 2. Andorra, Andorran, of Andorra, anekdot, -tu anecdote, anele naut. ring (of an anchor); iron ring, anemi path, anemia, anaemia, anemon bot. anemone. aneroid aneroid barometer, anestezi med. anesthesia. — uzmanı anesthesiologist. — yapmak /a/ to anesthetize, anevrizma med. aneurysm, anfizem path, emphysema, angaje 1. reserved, occupied, in use. 2. employed, hired, engaged. 3. /a/ tied to, bound to (a belief/a system). — etmek /ı/ to employ, angajman com. engagement, undertaking, —a girmek to enter an engagement, bind o.s. — yapmak /la/ to reach a formal agreement (with). angarya (./.) 1. forced labor, corvee. 2. drudgery. 3. angary, angaryacı (..'..) one who uses forced labor, angi memory. — çağrısı recall, recollection. —larm saptanımı the assimilation of memories. angıç prov. slatted side panel for a horse cart, angm famous. Anglikan 1. (an) Anglican, member of the Anglican communion of churches. 2. (an) Anglican, member of the Church of England. 3. Anglican, of the Anglican communion of churches. 4. Anglican, of the Church of England. — kilisesi 1. the Anglican communion of churches. 2. the Church of England. Anglikanizm Anglicanism. Anglikanlık 1. being an Anglican. 2. Anglicanism. Anglonorman 1. (an) Anglo-Norman. 2. Anglo -Norman, the language of the Anglo-Normans. 3. Anglo-Norman, of the Anglo-Normans. — Adaları the Channel Islands. Anglosakson 1. (an) Anglo-Saxon. 2. person of English stock, (an) Anglo-Saxon. 3. Anglo-Saxon, Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxons. 4. Anglo-Saxon, of the Anglo-Saxons. 5. English, of the English, Anglo-Saxon. Angola (./.) 1. Angola. 2. Angola, Angolan, of Angola. angudi (.------) ruddy, brick-colored. angut 1. zool. ruddy sheldrake, Tadorna ferru-ginea. 2. colloq. fool, idiot, am memory, what is remembered, anici memoirist. anık 1. apt, inclined, disposed. 2. ready, anıklamak III 1. to prepare, dispose. 2. psych, to recall, revive (a memory), anıklık 1. aptitude, inclination. 2. readiness, anilik diary. anılmak to be remembered, be mentioned, anımsamak III to remember, recall, anımsatmak /a, i/ to cause/allow (s.o.) to remember/recall; to make (s.o.) remember/ recall, anırmak to bray, anıştırma hinting, implying, anıştırmak hi to hint, imply, anıt, -ti monument. Anıtkabir (./..) tomb of Atatürk in Ankara, anıtkabir, -bri (..'..) mausoleum. anıtlaşmak 49 anlatma anıtlaşmak to acquire a monumental status. anıtlaştırmak hi to cause to acquire a monumental status, anıtmezar (./..) monumental tomb, mausoleum, anıtsal monumental. anız stubble. — bozma harrowing a field to break up stubble, anızlık stubble, field with stubble, ani (— —) 1. instantaneous, sudden. 2. suddenly. anide (-------.) instantly, at once, all of a sudden. aniden (------.) suddenly. anilin chem. aniline. animasyon animation, production of an animated cartoon or animation, animato (../.) mus. animato, animator leader of group activities, group activities leader (at a holiday resort), animizm animism, anjin path, sore throat. ANKA (abbr. for Ankara Haber Ajansı) a Turkish news agency. Anka (.—) phoenix. Ankara (/..) Ankara, formerly Angora, ankarakeçisi, -ni (/.....) zool. Angora goat. ankarakedisi, -ni (/......) zool. Angora cat. anket, -ti poll, public survey. — yapmak to take a poll, anketçi pollster, ankiloz path, ankylosis, anlak psych, intelligence. — geriliği moronism, anlakalir (./..) reasonable, anlaklı intelligent, anlaksal concerning intelligence, anlam 1. meaning, sense. 2. connotation. — aykırılığı internal contradiction. — bayağılaşması pejoration. — daralması semantic restriction. — değişmesi semantic change. — ma gelmek to mean, come to mean, amount to. — genişlemesi semantic extension. — kayması semantic displacement, semantic transference, anlama understanding, comprehending, anlamak 1. hi to understand, comprehend. 2. hi to find out. 3. /dan/ to know (about), have knowledge (qf). 4. hi to deduce; to realize. 5. /dan/ to appreciate, enjoy. 6. hi to understand (a person and his/her motives and feelings). 7. /dan/ to experience some good (from). 8. /dan/ slang to try, sample (a delicacy). Anladımsa Arap olayım, colloq. I don’t understand it at all. Anladık pederin bayraktar olduğunu, colloq., see Anlaşıldı pederin bayraktar olduğu. Anlayana sivrisinek saz, anlamayana davul zurna az. proverb (To a person who has understanding the mosquito sounds like a musical instrument; for him/her who does not understand, drums and pipes are not sufficient.) A word to the wise is enough. Anladık yel değirmeni, (ama) suyu nereden geliyor? colloq. (I understand what a windmill is, but where does it get its water?) Your plan to make a killing is a fine one, but how can we carry it out? (bir şey) anlamamak /dan/ not to enjoy (s.t.), not to be interested (in), anlamamazlik see anlamazlık, anlamazlık a lack of understanding about a matter, —tan gelmek III to pretend not to understand, anlambilim (./..) ling, semantics, anlambilimsel (./...) ling, semantic, related to semantics, anlamdaş 1. synonymous. 2. synonym, anlamdaşlık synonymy, synonymity, anlamlandırma 1. explanation, interpretation. 2. giving meaning (to), anlamlandırmak hi 1. to explain, interpret; to construe. 2. to give meaning (to), anlamlı meaningful, expressive, anlamlılık meaningfulness, anlamsal semantic, related to meaning. — hata comp, semantic error, anlamsız meaningless, anlamsızlık meaninglessness, anlaşık 1. associate. 2. in accord, in agreement, anlaşılmak to be understood. Anlaşılan .... colloq. It appears that .... Anlaşıldı. All right./ O.K. Anlaşıldı Vehbi’nin kerrakesi. colloq. (Now it comes out about Vehbi’s coat.) Now it is clear ./Now I see through it. Anlaşıldı pederin bayraktar olduğu, colloq. (It is clear that your father was a flag-bearer.) It became clear what he/she was driving at. anlaşılmaz incomprehensible, unintelligible, anlaşım 1. understanding, agreement. 2. consensus. anlaşma 1. agreement, understanding. 2. harmony, mutual understanding. 3. pact, treaty. —ya varmak to come to an agreement. — yapmak to make an agreement, anlaşmak 1. to understand each other. 2. to come to an understanding, reach an agreement. anlaşmalı 1. arranged by agreement. 2. working under an agreement, anlaşmazlık 1. disagreement, incompatibility. 2. misunderstanding, anlatı 1. narration, the act of narrating. 2. story, short story. 3. narrative style, anlatibilim (../..) stylistics, anlatım exposition, expression. — titremi ling, intonation, anlatımcı 1. (an) expressionist. 2. expressionist, expressionistic. anlatımcılık expressionism, anlatimlamak hi to express. anlatımlı expressive, anlatimsal concerning expression, anlatış manner of telling, way of describing, —a göre verirler fetvayı, proverb (The fatwa is pronounced according to the way the matter is presented.) The result depends on the presentation of the case, anlatma 1. explaining, explanation. 2. narrat- anlatmak 50 antrkot ing, narration, telling. anlatmak 1. hi to explain. 2. Ill to relate, tell. 3. hi to describe. 4. /a/ to show (s.o.) (said threateningly). 5. /l, a/ to convince (s.o.) of the truth of (what one is saying), anlayış 1. understanding, comprehension. 2. intelligence, perceptiveness. 3. understanding, sympathy. 4. intellect, mind. — göstermek /a/ to be forgiving, be tolerant (toward), anlayışlı 1. intelligent. 2. understanding, anlayışlılık understanding, sympathy, anlayışsız 1. insensitive, inconsiderate. 2. lacking in understanding, anlayışsızlık 1. insensitivity, lack of consideration. 2. incomprehension. 'anlık momentary. — adres comp, immediate address. — faiz fin. instant interest. 2anlık 1. intellect. 2. cognition, anlıkçı phil. 1. (an) intellectualist. 2. intellec-tualistic, intellectualist. anlıkçılık phil. intellectualism. anliksal intellectual, mental, anlı sanlı (..'..) see anlı şanlı, anlı şanlı (./ ..) glorious, magnificent, anma 1. remembrance. 2. commemoration. — töreni commemorative ceremony, anmak hi 1. to call to mind, remember, think (of). 2. to talk (of), mention. 3. to commemorate. 4. to call, name, distinguish (with a nickname). An beni bir kozla, o da çürük çıksın, proverb (Remember me with a walnut, even a rotten one.) It is pleasant to receive friendly gifts, even small ones, anmalık 1. keepsake, souvenir. 2. honorable mention. anne (/.) mother, —çiğim mommy, mom. — olmak to become a mother, anneanne (/...) grandmother (mother’s mother), annelik (/..) 1. maternity, motherhood. 2. maternal love. 3. motherliness. — etmek /a/ to be a mother to; to mother, anofel zool. anopheles, anomali anomaly. anonim 1. anonymous. 2. incorporated. — şirket joint-stock company, anons announcement. — etmek hi to announce, anonse used in: — etmek hi to announce, anorak (padded, waterproof, winter) jacket/ coat. anormal, -li abnormal, anormalleşmek to become abnormal, anormallik abnormality, anoş slang mistress, girl friend, lover, darling, anot anode, ansal psych, mental, ansefalit, -ti path, encephalitis, ansıma remembering, remembrance. — kuramı the theory of innate knowledge, ansımak III to call to mind, remember, ansınmak to be remembered, ansıtmak /ı, a/ to remind (s.o.) of (s.t.). ansız illegitimate child, bastard, ansızın (/..) suddenly, all of a sudden. ansiklopedi encyclopedia, ansiklopedik encyclopedic. — sözlük dictionary with encyclopedic material added, ant 1. oath. 2. a promise to o.s., resolution, —mı bozmak to violate one’s oath. — etmek to take an oath. — içirmek /a/ to administer an oath (to); to make (s.o.) swear. — içmek to take an oath, promise solemnly, make a solemn promise. — kardeşi blood brother, sworn brother. — verdirmek /a/ to make (s.o.) promise. — vermek /a/ to importune (s.o.) with pleading oaths, antant, -ti entente. Antarktik Antarctic. — daire the Antarctic Circle. Antarktika (../.) the Antarctic, Antarctica, anten 1. antenna. 2. slang wit, brains, antepfıstığı, -m (/....) bot. pistachio, Pistacia vera. antepfıstığıgiller (/....) bot. Anacardiaceae. anterit, -ti path, enteritis, anterlin print, lead, space slug, antet, -ti letterhead. — li kâğıt stationery with a letterhead, antibiyotik antibiotic. antidemokratik (/........) antidemocratic. antifriz 1. antifreeze. 2. slang alcoholic drink, antijen antigen. antik 1. archaic. 2. made before 400 A.D. antika (./.) 1. antique. 2. colloq. queer, funny, eccentric. 3. embroidery hemstitch, antikacı (./..) dealer in antiques, antikalık (./..) 1. antiquity, being ancient. 2. colloq. eccentricity, queerness, antikiklon high pressure area, anticyclone, antikor biol. antibody, antilop zool. antelope, antimon chem. antimony, antin slang 1. prostitute. 2. back (door). 3. south wind, antipati antipathy. antipatik antipathetic. — bulmak hi not to find (s.o.) to one’s liking, antisepsi antisepsis, antiseptik antiseptic, antitez (/..) antithesis, antitoksin (/...) antitoxin, antitröst, -tü (/..) com. antitrust. — politikası antitrust policy, antlaşma solemn agreement, pact, antlaşmak to come to a solemn agreement, antlı bound by an oath, under a vow, sworn, antoloji anthology, antrakspath, anthrax. antrakt, -ti theat. intermission, interval, entr’acte, antrasit, -ti anthracite, antre (/.) entrance, doorway, antrenman sports exercise, training, antrenör sports trainer, antrenörlük sports the work of a trainer, antrepo (./.) bonded warehouse; entrepot, antrkot, -tu butchery beef from the top of the antrok 51 aptes ribs, entrecote, antrok, -ku geol. a Triassic fossil, antropolog anthropologist, antropoloji anthropology. antropolojik anthropological, antropomorfizm anthropomorphism, anut 1. obstinate, stubborn. 2 .slang a person who guides tourists to shops for a commission. anüs anat. anus. — yüzgeci zool. anal fin. anzarot, -tu 1. a resin of the sarcocolla tree once used on wounds. 2. bot. sarcocolla tree, Penaea sarcocolla. 3. slang raki. A.O. (abbr. for Anonim Ortaklığı) JSC (Joint-Stock Company), aort, -tu anat. aorta. A. Ort. see A.O. apaçık (/..) 1. open, wide open. 2. clear, evident. apaçıklık (/...) 1. complete clarity. 2. completeopenness, apak (/.)• pure white, all white, apalak plump, fat, chubby (baby), apandis anat. appendix, vermiform appendix, apandisit, -tipath, appendicitis, apansız (/..) very unexpectedly, without warning, all of a sudden, suddenly, apansızın (/...) see apansız, aparmak hi 1. to carry away. 2. slang to make off with. apart used in: — otel apartment hotel, apartman apartment house/building. — dairesi apartment, flat, apar topar (./ ..) headlong, in a panic, stampeding, apaş (a) bully, (a) tough, apati apathy. apaydın (/..) very bright, well lit. apaydınlık.(/...) brightly lit. apayrı (/..) separate, completely different, apaz 1. the hollow of one’s hand; the palm (of one’s hand). 2. (a) handful of, (a) fistful of: bir apaz pirinç a handful of rice. 3. slang tip, gratuity, apazlama naut. 1. (a) quartering wind, (a) wind coming from abaft the beam. 2. (sailing) with the wind on the quarter, with the wind abaft the beam. 3. rolling (of a ship when its sails have first been caught by the wind). apazlamak 1. hi to take a handful of, take a fistful of; to fill one’s palm with. 2. hi slang to seize, collar, grab, nab. 3. naut. (for a ship) to quarter, sail with the wind on the quarter, sail with the wind abaft the beam. 4. naut. (for a sail) to billow out (when it has first been caught by the wind). 5. naut. (for a ship) to roll gently (when its sails have first been caught by the wind), apel fin. call (for payment of call money due by a shareholder), aperitif aperitif, appetizer, apış the inner sides of the thighs. — arası the space between the thighs, perineum, apışak prov. 1. bowlegged (person). 2. (animal) which has legs that are set wide apart. 3. very tired, dog-tired (person), apışık 1. (animal) which is so tired that its tail is drooping between its legs. 2. (person) who is so tired that he/she can’t think straight, apışlık crotch (of pants), apışmak 1. (for a tired animal) to sink down with its legs splayed out; /a/ to splay itself out on (the ground, floor, etc.). 2. to squat down on one’s heels with one’s legs apart, apışıp kalmak to be dumbfounded, be left openmouthed; to be at a loss to know what to do, be bumfuzzled; ’to be completely overawed, apıştırmak hi 1. to exhaust (an animal); to work (an animal) until it’s ready to drop; to ride (an animal) until it’s ready to drop. 2. to cow, overawe; to bring (s.o.) to heel. 3. to dumbfound, leave (s.o.) openmouthed; to bumfuzzle. 4. naut. to hold (a ship) in place by anchoring it from both its bow and its stern. apiko (./.) 1. naut. apeak. 2. slang ready, alert, quick. 3. slang handsome, good-looking. 4. slang handsomeness, good looks, aplik wall light, wall fixture, aplikasyon 1. embroidery applique. 2. staking out (a plot of land) from a map. apolet, -ti epaulet, apopleksipath, apoplexy, aport, -tu Fetch it! (order given to a hunting dog). aposteriori (....'.) a posteriori. apoşi wire trawl net. apotek bot. apothecium, apothece. appassionato (.....'.) mus. appassionato. apraksi apraxia. apre 1. sizing. 2. size, finish. apriori (../.) a priori. apse abscess. apsent, -ti absinthe. apsidiyol, -lü arch, apsidiole, absidiole. apsis geom. abscissa, apsit, -ti arch. apse, apşak prov., see apışak. Apt. (abbr. for Apartman) apartment house, aptal 1. stupid. 2. simpleton, fool. 3. Turk, theat. the character typed as a sycophant, —a malum olur, proverb A fool foresees by intuition. aptalca 1. (./.) stupid (action). 2. rather stupid. 3. (./.) stupidly, aptallaşmak to become stupid, aptallık stupidity, foolishness. — etmek to act like a fool, apteriks zool. apteryx, kiwi, aptes 1. ritual ablution. 2. the state of canonical purity. 3. bowel movement; feces. — almak to perform an ablution. — bozmak to go to the toilet. — i bozulmak to become canoni- aptesbozan 52 ara cally unclean. — i gelmek to want to go to the toilet. — i kaçmak to cease to need to go to the toilet, —inde namazında olmak to be faithful in performing one’s religious duties, —inden şüphesi olmamak to have full confidence in o.s. — tazelemek to renew one’s ablution, —ini vermek /in or a/ slang to scold (s.o.) severely, aptesbozan zool. tapeworm, Taenia. aptesbozanotu, -nu (.../..) bot. thorny burnet, Sarcopoterium spinosum. apteshane (..— .) toilet, Brit, water closet, W.C. aptesli (person) purified by an ablution, apteslik 1. place for performing ablutions. 2. formerly a light robe worn while performing the ablution. 3. suitable for ablutions, aptessiz canonically unclean. — sofuya namaz mı dayanır? proverb (A devout worshiper can perform as many prayers as he wants if he omits the ritual ablutions.) If you drop all standards you can do a lot in a short time. — yere basmamak to be very strict in one’s religious practices, apukurya (../.) the carnival season (preceding Lent). apul apul (./ ..) with waddling steps. *ar 1. shame. 2. bashfulness, shyness; modesty. — belası the trouble one gets into to protect one’s honor. — daman çatlamış utterly shameless. — dünyası değil, kâr dünyası. proverb This is a world of profit, not a world of honor. — etmek to be ashamed. — namus tertemiz utterly shameless (used sarcastically). —ı satmış/yemiş, namusu kiraya/tellala vermiş (arkasına atmış). colloq. (He has sold his sense of shame and rented out his honor.) He is utterly shameless. — yılı değil, kâr yılı, proverb (It is not a year of modesty but of profit.) We are living in a time when people are after money. — yiğidin kamçısıdır, proverb (Shame is the hero’s whip.) A sense of honor drives a man to exert himself. 2ar are (100 m2). ara 1^. distance (between two things). 2. time between two events, interval. 3. relations (between people). 4. break (in a game); interlude; intermission. 5. space, spacing. 6. time, point in time. 7. intermediary, intermediate. —da during the intervening time: Pazartesi ve cumartesi günleri gelir; arada hiç gözükmez. He comes on Mondays and Saturdays; on days other than these he’s not to be seen, —dan in the meantime, meanwhile, during the intervening time: Aradan on gün geçmişti. In the meantime ten days had gone by. —sına 1. between. 2. among. — sinda 1. between. 2. among, —smdan 1. from between. 2. from among. 3. through, —lan açık, colloq. They are not on friendly terms./Their friendship is broken, —lan açılmak to be on strained terms. — larmi açmak Iml to spoil (their) friendship, create a rift (between). —larma almak hi to let (s.o.) join one’s group. — larmda asal sayılar incommensurable numbers, incommensurate numbers. — bilanço fin. interim balance sheet, —da bir from time to time, now and then, —larmi bozmak Iml (— bozmak) to destroy the friendship (between/among), —lan bozulmak to be on strained terms. — bölge buffer zone, —larmi bulmak Iml (— bulmak) to reconcile, settle a dispute (between)^ —da çıkarmak hi to get (s.t.) done when one has a spare minute, get (s.t.) done in a spare minute, squeeze (s.t.) into one’s schedule (said of a task done while one is in the midst of other work), —dan çıkarmak hi to get (s.t.) done, get (s.t.) over with (so that one can get on with other work), —dan çıkmak 1. (for a pestiferous person) to absent himself/herself, leave. 2. (for a task) to be done, be over with, be finished (so that one can get on with other work). — çubuğu comp, spacebar, —larmda dağlar kadar fark var. colloq. (There are mountains of difference between them.) They are as different as black and white ./They are as different as chalk and cheese. — devlet buffer state. — duvar partition, dividing wall, —larmi düzeltmek Iml to reconcile, —si geçmeden without delay, while the situation is still fresh, —larma girmek Iml to work to reconcile (two people/parties). — ya girmek 1. to work to reconcile two people. 2. (for s.t. unexpected) to interfere suddenly with the work in hand. — ya gitmek 1. to go to waste. 2. to be lost in the confusion, —sı hoş olmamak /la/ 1. to be on bad terms with. 2. to dislike (s.t.). —da kalmak to suffer for mixing in a dispute between others; to be caught in the middle in an argument. —da kan bulaşığı olmak to have a relationship between two families through the marriage of their children, —larmda kan olmak to have a blood feud (between). — kapı communicating door. — kâr payı fin. interim dividend. — larmdan kara kedi geçmek (—larma kara kedi girmek) to be cross with each other. — kararı law provisional decision (of a court), —larma karışmak Iml to mix (with), —larmda karlı dağlar olmak to be far apart, be very different. —da kaynamak to pass unnoticed, get lost in the shuffle. — ya koymak hi to ask (a third person) to mediate. — limanı port of call. — mallar com. intermediate goods. — seçim by-election. — sıra (—da sırada) now and then, from time to time, occasionally. — ya soğukluk girmek to have a coolness arise in a friendship. — si soğumak Iml to lose its importance with the passage of time. — sini soğutmak Iml to delay (a thing so that it is forgotten). —yı soğutmak (for a friendship) to cool ara 53 aralı off. — larından su sızmamak to be very close friends. — temettü/m., see ara kâr payı. — vermeden continuously. — vermek/a/ to take a break (from), stop doing (s.t.) for a while. — ya vermek hi to waste. — vermeksizin see ara vermeden. — lan yağ bal olmak colloq. to be intimate friends. — yı yapmak 1. to become friends again, make up. 2. to reconcile friends who have quarreled, ara- prefix inter-. araba 1. carriage, wagon, cart. 2. car, automobile. 3. cartload, wagonload; truckload. — çatalı fork of an ox wagon. — yı çekmek ^colloq. to clear out, scram. — yı devirmek slang to need ritual cleansing of the body (after intercourse). — devrilince yol gösteren çok olur, proverb (After the cart is upset, there are many who offer advice.) People love to tell a person what he/she should have done, -sim düze çıkarmak to overcome difficulties and get things running smoothly. — falakası whiffletree. — ile tavşan avlanmaz, proverb (You can’t hunt rabbits from a wagon.) For each job there is a proper procedure. — kırıldıktan sonra (kırılınca) yol gösteren çok olur, proverb, see Araba devrilince yol gösteren çok olur, —ya koşmak hi to hitch (horses) to a carriage. — kullanmak to drive a car. — oku pole of a carriage. —nm ön tekerleği nereden geçerse art tekerleği de oradan geçer, proverb (The back wheels follow the front wheels.) Children do what their parents do. — yı sallamak slang to borrow another’s taxi and collect fares for a while. — vapuru car ferry. arabacı 1. driver (of a cart/wagon). 2. maker of wheeled vehicles, cartwright. 3. person who sells wagons and carts, arabacılık the work of a maker/seller/driver of wagons/carts, arabalık 1. wagon house, cart shed. 2. garage. 3. carload, wagonload; truckload, araban classical Turk. mus. a makam, arabesk, -ki arabesque. — müzik a kind of contemporary Turkish music containing elements derived from Arabian music, arabeskçi 1. composer/singer/player of arabesk müzik. 2. (s.o.) who composes/sings/plays arabesk müzik, arabeyin, -yni (./..) anat. diencephalon, interbrain. Arabi (..—) 1. Arabic, the Arabic language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Arabic, Arabic. 3. Arabic (speech/writing). 4. Arabic, pertaining to the Arabic language. 5. Arabian, Arabic, of the Arabs. — takvim Islamic calendar, Arabic calendar, arabirim (./..) comp, interface. — kartı interface card. Arabist, -ti Arabist. Arabistan 1. Arabia. 2. Arabian, of Arabia, arabistandefnesi, -ni (.../...) bot. spurge flax, Daphne gnidium. Arabiyat, -ti Arabic studies, arabozan (./..) (one) who breaks up a friendship (by carrying stories between the two parties). arabozanlık (./...) mischief-making. — etmek to break up a friendship between two people, arabozucu (./...) (one) who breaks up a friendship (by carrying stories between the two parties). arabozuculuk (./....) mischief-making, arabulma mediation, mediating, arabulucu (./...) reconciler, conciliator, mediator. arabuluculuk (./....) mediation. — etmek to mediate. aracı 1. mediator, go-between; intermediary. 2. middleman. 3. (marriage) broker. — banka intermediary bank. — koymak hi to appoint (s.o.) to be a/the mediator, make (s.o.) a/the mediator. — kurum com. intermediary institution; brokerage firm/house. — marjı com. spread, aracılık mediation, intervention. — ıyla through, through the agency of; through the mediation of. — akçesi commission, middleman’s fee. — etmek to mediate, araç 1. means. 2. tool. 3. vehicle, araççı phil. 1. (an) instrumentalist. 2. instrumentalist, araççılık phil. instrumentalism, araçlı indirect. araçlık etmek /a/ to be the means (of), araçsız direct. Araf (—.) a place separating heaven from hell. Arafat a plain near Mecca. —’ta soyulmuş hacıya dönmek to lose everything one has and have nowhere to turn, aragezinek (./...) theat. foyer, aragonit, -ti geol. aragonite. ‘arak 1. arrack, arak, arrak. 2. obs. sweat, perspiration. 2arak classical Turk. mus. a makam. araka (./.) bot. a variety of large peas. arakapak (./..) flyleaf.- arakçı slang thief, pilferer. arakçılık slang theft. arakesit, -ti (./..) geom. intersection. arakıye 1. a soft felt cap (worn by a dervish). 2. a small oboe-like instrument, araklamak hi slang to steal, pilfer, walk off with. arakonakçı (./...) zool. secondary host, aral archipelago. aralamak hi 1. to leave (a door) ajar; to open (s.t.) part way. 2. to space, open (s.t.) out. 3. to separate. aralanmak 1. to be opened part way. 2. /dan/ slang to go away (from), leave, aralaşmak to become more widely separated, aralatmak /ı, a/ to have (s.t.) opened slightly, aralevha (./..) comp, clipboard, aralı intermittent. aralık 54 arda aralık 1. space, opening, interval, gap. 2. time, interval, moment. 3. corridor; passageway. 4. toilet, Brit, water closet. 5. ajar, half open. 6. December. 7. mus. interval. —ta in between. — ayı December. — bırakmak 1. to leave a space. 2. hi to leave ajar, leave half open. — etmek /i/ to open (s.t.) part way. —a gitmek 1. to go to waste. 2. to get lost in the confusion. —ta kalmak to suffer for mixing in a dispute between others. — oyunu entr’acte, a small performance given between two acts of a play. — vermek /a/ to take a break (from), stop (doing s.t.) for a while. aralıklı 1. spaced, having intervals. 2. at intervals. 3. intermittent, periodic, aralıksız 1. continuous. 2. continuously, aralti plank separating stalls in a cattle shed, arama 1. search, exploration. 2. law search, searching. — anahtarı comp, search key. — belleği comp, searching storage, associative memory. — emri law search warrant. — süresi comp, search time. — tarama body search; police search. — yapmak to carry out a search. aramak 1. Ill to look (for), hunt (for), seek. 2. Ill to search. 3. Ill to long (for), miss. 4. Ill to ask (for), demand. 5. Ill to inquire (after). 6. Ill to drop in on. 7. colloq. to look for trouble. Arama! colloq. It’s too much to expect. Aramakla bulunmaz (ele geçmez). colloq. It’s a very lucky chance, arayıp da bulamamak 111 to be rare and valuable, be a lucky find. Arayan Mevlasmı da bulur, belasını da. proverb A person finds God if God is his/her goal; if he/she aims at trouble he/she finds trouble, arayıp soranı bulunmamak/olmamak to be without anyone who cares for him/her. arayıp sormak 111 1. to show concern for, ask after. 2. to visit (s.o.) and show an interest in him/her. arayıp taramak (— taramak) 111 to comb, search thoroughly. aranağme (./..) 1. classical Turk. mus. ritor-nello, short instrumental passage between verses of a song. 2. colloq. tiresome refrain, aranılmak 1. to be searched. 2. to be searched for. 3. to be in demand. 4. to be missed, aranjman mus. arrangement, aranmak 1. to be in demand. 2. to be searched for. 3. to be missed. 4. to search one’s own clothes and pockets. 5. colloq. to look for trouble. Arap 1. (an) Arab. 2. Arabian, Arab, of the Arabs. 3. colloq. Black, Black person. — atı Arabian horse. — bacı Black nurse, mammy. — gibi olmak to get a deep tan. '—in gözü açıldı. colloq., see Arap uyandı. (...) — olayım. colloq. I swear that ...: Casus değilse Arap olayım. I swear he’s a spy! — takvimi Arabian calendar, Muslim calendar. — uyandı. colloq. We’ve learned our lesson. Arapça (./.) 1. Arabic, the Arabic language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Arabic, Arabic. 3. Arabic (speech/writing); spoken in Arabic; written in Arabic. Araplaşmak to become like an Arab (in customs, manners, speech, outlook). Araplaştırmak 111 to Arabize, cause (s.o.) to become like the Arabs (in customs, manners, speech, outlook). Araplık being an Arab; those qualities considered to be peculiar to the Arabs, arapsabunu, -nu (./...) soft soap, arapsaçı, -m (./..) 1. fuzzy hair. 2. tangled affair, mess. — gibi mixed up, tangled. —na dönmek to turn into a mess, become thoroughly confused, araptavşanı, -ni (./...) zool. jerboa, Jaculus jaculus. arapzamki, -m (./..) gum arabic. ararot, -tu arrowroot (starch). — kamışı bot. arrowroot, Maranta arundinacea. Arasat Islam the place of the Last Judgment, arasız continuously, arasöz (./.) digression, arasta shops of the same trade built in a row. araşit, -ti bot. peanut plant, Arachis hypogaea. araştırı research, investigation, a study, araştırıcı 1. researcher, investigator. 2. investigative. 3. prying, inquisitive, curious, araştırıcılık research, the work of a researcher, araştırma investigation, research, a study. — filmi research film. — görevlisi researcher (a title which appertains to a particular academic rank within a university faculty). araştırmacı researcher. araştırmak 111 1. to search thoroughly. 2. to investigate, explore, research, study, do research on. araştırman researcher. aratmak 1. /ı, a/ to have (s.t.) sought. 2. hi to fail to fill the shoes of (a predecessor), aratmamak 111 to replace (a predecessor) to the satisfaction of others, aratümce (./..) gram, parenthetical clause, arayıcı 1. customs inspector. 2. searching. 3. astr. finder. — fişeği flare, a Very light, arayığımlık (./...) bonded warehouse, arayış search; way of searching, arayüz (./.) comp., see arabirim. araz (-----) obs. symptoms. arazbar (..—) classical Turk. mus. a makam, arazi (.—.) 1. piece of land; land. 2. open land, fields, or spaces. 3. lands; territory. — açmak to clear land. — arabası jeep. — hukuku land law. — olmak slang to get lost, beat it. — sahibi landowner. — tatbikatı mil. field exercise, —ye uymak slang to lay low. — vergisi land tax. — vitesi gear for four-wheel drive, arbede uproar, riot, tumult, noisy quarrel, arbitraj fin. arbitrage. arbitrajci/m. arbitrager, arbitrageur, arda 1. surveying stake, marking stake. 2. lathe chisel. ardak 55 arıtımyeri ardak prov. a fungal rot (affecting certain trees), ardaklanmak prov. (for a tree) to become infected with fungal rot. ardıç bot. juniper, Juniperus communis. — katranı juniper tar, cade oil. —m közü olmaz, yalancının sözü olmaz, proverb A liar’s word holds good no longer than juniper ashes hold coals. — rakısı gin, Hollands, ardiçkuşu, -nu (./..) zool. fieldfare, Turdus pilaris. ardıl 1. consecutive. 2. successor. — görüntü psych, afterimage, ardılmak /a/ 1. to ride (s.o.) piggyback. 2. to pester, bother, harass. ardın ardm (./ ..) backwards, ardınca (./.) behind, following, ardışık consecutive, successive, sequent. — görüntü psych, afterimage. — sayılar math. consecutive numbers, ardışıklık consecutiveness, successiveness, sequence, sequency. ardışma coming in succession, ardışmak to come in succession, ardiye 1. warehouse. 2. warehousing charge, storage rent, arduvaz geol. slate, arena (./.) arena. areometre (.../.) gravimeter, hydrometer, argaç woof, weft, argaçlamak hi to weave, argali zool. argali, argal, Ovis ammon. argın 1. tired; exhausted, worn-öut, spent. 2. prov. clumsy, bumbling; incapable; ineffectual. argınlık 1. fatigue, tiredness. 2. prov. clumsiness; incapability; ineffectuality, argıt prov. mountain pass, saddle, col. argo (/.) 1. slang, cant. 2. argot, jargon, argon (/.) chem. argon. argonot, -tu zool. argonaut, paper nautilus, Argonauta argos. *ari zool. bee, Apis mellifera. —, bal alacak çiçeği bilir, proverb (A bee knows which flower will have honey.) A smart person knows which side his/her bread is buttered on. — beyi queen bee. —, bey olan kovana üşer, proverb (Bees swarm to the hive that has a queen.) People gather around leaders. — dalağı honeycomb. — nm dikenini görüp balından el çekmek to be scared off by the difficulties involved in getting something good. — gibi 1. busy as a bee. 2. busily, industriously. — gibi eri olanın dağ kadar yeri olur, proverb (A family whose man is like a bee has lands as vast as mountains.) If a family or group has industrious members it will flourish. — gibi sokmak to say biting things. — kızdıranı sokar, proverb (A bee stings the person who teases it.) A person lashes out at his/her tormentor, even if he/she himself/herself will also suffer. — kovanı beehive. — kovanı gibi işlemek to hum with people, be very busy and crowded. — söğüdü, akıllı öğüdü sever. proverb An intelligent person loves advice as the bee loves a willow. — nm yuvasma/inine kazık/çöp dürtmek to ask for trouble. 2an pure. — dil language using no words or constructions borrowed from other languages; purified Turkish. — sili very clean, arıcı beekeeper, apiarist, arıcılık beekeeping, apiculture. *arik 1. thin, scrawny, bony. 2. lean (meat). — ata kuyruğu (da) yüktür, proverb (To the lean horse even its own tail is a burden.) Some people can’t even take care of themselves, let alone helping others. — at yol almaz, arık it av almaz, proverb, see Aç at yol almaz, aç it av almaz. — etten yağlı tirit olmaz, proverb (You can’t make good soup with lean meat.) You can’t expect to get something from nothing. — öküze bıçak ol-maz/çalmmaz. proverb (A skinny ox is safe from the butcher.) It is wrong to harm a helpless and harmless person. 2ank ditch, small canal. — a su gelene kadar kurbağanın gözü patlar, proverb, see Göle su gelinceye kadar kurbağanın gözü patlar. arıkil (./.) kaolin, arıklamak prov., see arıklaşmak, arıklaşmak to get thin, get scrawny, arıklaştırmak hi to cause/allow (s.o./an animal) to get thin/scrawny, arıklatmak /i/ prov., see arıklaştırmak, arıklık thinness, scrawniness, boniness. Arıkovanı, -m (./...) astr. beehive cluster, Praesepe. arıkuşu, -nu (./..) zool. bee-eater, Merops apiaster. arıkuşugiller (./....) zool. Meropidae. arılama absolution, absolving, arılamak III to absolve, arılar zool. Apoidea. arılaşma purification, becoming pure, arılaşmak to become pure, arılaştırma purification, making (s.t.) pure, arılaştırmak h! to purify. 'arılık 1. purity. 2. cleanliness. 3. innocence. 4. purity and simplicity of style. 2arilik apiary, place for beehives, arındırma purification, taking out impurities, arındırmak hi to purify, armik aseptic, sterile. arınma 1. purification, becoming free from impurities. 2. catharsis, armmak to become clean, be purified, arısütü, -nü (./..) royal jelly. 'arış pole (of a wagon). 2arış weaving warp. 3arış cubit (measure equal to the distance from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow), arıtıcı detergent, arıtım 1. refining. 2. antisepsis, antimevi, -ni (../..) refinery, arıtımyeri, -ni (../..) see antimevi. arıtkan 56 arka arıtkan antiseptic. arıtlama affirming (s.o.) to be of good character. antlamak hi to affirm (s.o.) to be of good character. arıtma 1. purification, cleaning. 2. refining, arıtmak hi 1. to clean, cleanse, purify. 2. to refine. arız (—.) happening. — olmak /a/ to happen, occur, befall (to), arıza (—..) 1. defect, failure, breakdown, obstruction. 2. comp, crash; bug; failure. 3. unevenness, roughness (of the country). 4. mus. an accidental. — bulma comp, troubleshoot. — süresi comp, downtime. — yapmak to break down, go out of order, arızalanmak (—....) 1. to break down, go out of order. 2. comp, to crash, arızalı (—...) 1. defective, out of order. 2. uneven, rough, rugged, broken (country), arızasız (—...) 1. smooth. 2. working, in working order. arızi (—) 1. accidental, casual. 2. temporary. Ari (-------) 1. (an) Aryan. 2. Aryan, of the Ar- yans. ari (-------) 1. /dan/ free of. 2. /dan/ lacking. 3. bare, naked, arif (—.) knowing, wise. — isen bir gül yeter kokmaya, cahil isen gir bahçeye yıkmaya. proverb (If you are perceptive one rose is enough for you to smell, but if you are ignorant you climb into the garden to destroy it.) A word to the wise is enough. — olan anlasm/anlar. colloq. He/She who is wise will understand, ârifane (—.— .) obs. 1. sagely. 2. sage (remark/ action). arifane (..— .) 1. meal to which each participant contributes a dish. 2. (doing s.t.) as a cooperative/joint effort. — ile (doing s.t.) as a cooperative/joint effort, arife eve. — günü the day before a religious holiday. — günü yalan söyleyenin (oruç yiyenin) bayram günü yüzü kara çıkar/ olur, proverb (He/She who tells a lie on the day before Bairam will be shamed the next day.) Liars are soon caught. Aristo (./.) Aristotle. Aristocu (./..) 1. (an) Aristotelian. 2. Aristotelian, pertaining to Aristotelianism. Aristoculuk (./...) Aristotelianism. aristokrasi aristocracy, aristokrat, -ti 1. aristocratic. 2. aristocrat, aristokratlık aristocracy. Aristoteles Aristotle. Aristotelesçi 1. (an) Aristotelian. 2. Aristotelian, pertaining to Aristotelianism. Ar istotelesçilik Aristotelianism. aritmetik 1. arithmetic. 2. arithmetic, arithmetical. — dizi arithmetic series, arithmetic progression. — işlem arithmetical operation, aritmetiksel arithmetic, arithmetical, ariya (/..) naut. lowering; dipping. ariyet, -ti (—..) lent, on loan. ariyeten (—...) as a loan, for temporary use. ariz amik (.— .—) thoroughly. Arjantin (./.) 1. Argentina, the Argentine. 2. Argentine, Argentinean, of Argentina. Arjantinli (./..) 1. (an) Argentine, (an) Argentinean. 2. Argentine, Argentinean, (s.o.) who is from Argentina, ark, -ki irrigation trench, canal, arka 1. the back. 2. back part, rear, back side, reverse. 3. hind, back, posterior. 4. rump, buttocks, fanny. 5. the space behind/beyond. 6. powerful friend, backer, supporter; pull, influence. 7. sequel, the remaining part. 8. a back load (of s.t.). — dakiler those left behind (by s.o. who has died/departed), —dan 1. from behind, in the back; behind the back. 2. afterwards. — sma behind. — smda 1. behind. 2. after, —smdan 1. from behind. 2. after. 3. while (s.o.) is not present, —sı alınmak to be ended, be cut off, be stopped. —sim almak Iml to bring (s.t.) to an end. — arka backwards. — arkaya one after the other, —dan arkaya secretively. — arkaya vermek to back each other, join forces, —sma bakmadan gitmek to leave without looking back. — beyin anat. metencephalon, afterbrain, —da bırakmak 111 to leave behind. —ya bırakmak hi to postpone, put off. —sim bırakmak Iml 1. to stop chasing. 2. to stop following up. —sim bırakmamak Iml to follow up, stick to. — bulmak to find a friend in power. — çevirmek /a/ to shun, turn one’s back (on). — sim çevirmek to turn one’s back, refuse to be concerned. — çıkmak /a/ to befriend, back. — sim dayamak /a/ to rely on the help and protection (of), —smda dolaşmak Iml to pester (s.o.) about doing something, at every opportunity to urge (s.o.) to do something, —sma düşmek Iml 1. to follow up (a matter). 2. to follow the example of (another), —sı gelmek to continue. — smı getirememek Iml to be unable to carry through (a matter), —smda gezmek Iml see arkasında dolaşmak, —da kalanlar those left behind (by s.o. who has died/departed), —da kalmak 1. to stay behind; to be left behind. 2. to be overshadowed, lose by comparison. — ya kalmak to be left behind; to lag behind. — kapıdan çıkmak 1. to fail out of a school. 2. to be fired for incompetence, —sı kesilmek to run out, be used up (and not replenished), —smdan koşmak Iml to pursue (s.o.) to get a thing done. — ya koymak 111 see arkaya bırakmak. —sı mihrapta olmak to have strong backing. — müziği background music. —sı olmamak to be without influential friends, have no pull, —sı pek having influence, having connections. — planda 1. in the background. 2. of minor importance. — sayfa print, verso, left page. — sı sıra following, right after, on one’s heels. — smi arka- 57 Arnavut sıvamak/sıvazlamâk Iml to compliment, butter up. — sokak back street, —dan söylemek to talk behind someone’s back, gossip. —smdan sürüklemek hi to influence (s.o.) to follow/accompany, get (s.o.) to come along, —sma takılmak Iml to follow along after (s.o.), follow (s.o.) around, —smdan teneke çalmak Iml 1. to gossip about, run down. 2. to shout insults at (s.o.) as he/she leaves, —/—sı üstü on one’s back, —sı var (for a newspaper serial) to be continued. —sim vermek /a/ 1. to lean one’s back (against). 2. to rely on (s.o.’s) support, —dan vurmak hi to stab (s.o.) in the back, —sı yere gelmemek not to be defeated, —sı yufka. 1. This is all there is ./There’s nothing to follow this (said when serving a one-course meal). 2. He’s/She’s wearing • practically nothing (said of s.o. who is wearing thin clothes in cold weather). 3. He’s/ She’s got no one substantial backing him/ her. —sında yumurta küfesi yok ya! colloq., see Sırtında yumurta küfesi yok ya! arka- prefix back-, hind-, posterior .... arkabölge (./..) hinterland, arkaç prov. 1. sheepfold. 2. sheltered place in the mountains suitable for protecting a flock, arkadaş friend. — canlısı one who values friendship. — değil, arka taşı, colloq. He/ She is a troublesome friend ./His/Her friendship is a burden. — olmak to become friends, —mı söyle, kim olduğunu söyleyeyim. proverb Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are. arkadaşça (../.) like friends, in a friendly manner. arkadaşlık friendship. — etmek 1. /a/ to accompany. 2. /la/ to be a friend (of), arkaik archaic. arkalamak hi 1. to hoist (s.t./s.o.) up onto one’s back. 2. to back, support, protect, arkalı having good connections, having influential friends, arkalık 1. a sleeveless jacket. 2. back (of a chair, seat, etc.). 3. stout, padded frame (used by a porter to support the load on his back). 4. carrier (of a bicycle), arkalıklı (chair, seat, etc.) having a back, backed. arkalıksız (chair, seat, etc.) without a back, backless. arkdüzen (/..) system of ditches for drainage/ irrigation, arkebüz harquebus, arquebus, arkeen geol. Archean formations, arkegon bot. archegonium, archegone. arkeolog archaeologist, archeologist. arkeoloji archaeology, archeology, arkeolojik archaeological, archeological, arkeopteriks -archaeopteryx, arketip, -pi archetype, arkoz geol. arkose, a granite sandstone. Arktik Arctic. — daire the Arctic Circle. — kuşak the Arctic Zone, arlanmak to feel ashamed, be ashamed, arma (/.) 1. coat of arms, armorial bearings. 2. naut. rigging. 3. slang jewelry. 4. slang scolding. — budatmak naut., see arma uçurmak. — doldurmak naut. to fast the rigging, tauten the standing rigging. — donatmak naut. to set the rigging, rig a ship. — soymak naut. to take down the rigging, unrig a ship. — uçurmak naut. to cut the rigging, lose the rigging (in a storm), armada armada, armador naut. rigger. armadura (../.) naut. plate at the edge of the deck with holes for fastening rigging, armağan 1. gift, present. 2. award, prize. — etmek /ı, a/ to present (s.t.) as a gift/an award to (s.o.). armağanlamak hi to present (s.o.) with a gift/ an award; to reward, armalı (/..) 1. decorated with a coat of arms; bearing a symbol. 2. slang purposely ambiguous (statement), slippery (words), armatör shipowner. armatörlük the operation of a shipping line, armatür 1. armature. 2. condenser plate, armoni mus. harmony. armonik 1. harmonic, harmonical. 2. harmonica, mouth organ. 3. accordion, armonika (../.) 1. harmonica, mouth organ. 2. accordion, armonyum (./.) harmonium. armudi (.------) pear-shaped. armudiye (.—..) a pear-shaped gold medallion, armut 1. pear (the fruit). 2. bot. pear tree, Pyrus communis. 3. slang fool, imbecile, blockhead. — ağacı bot. pear tree, Pyrus communis. — dalının dibine düşer, proverb (A pear lands under the tree.) 1. A person is helpful to those nearest him/her. 2. A child shows his/her ancestry. 3. An assistant imitates his/her master. 4. A person settles near those who can protect him/her. —un iyisini (dağda) ayılar yer. proverb (The bears get the best pears.) The undeserving are often lucky. — un önü, kirazın sonu, proverb (The first of the pears and the last of the cherries.) The first pears are the best just as the last cherries of the season are the best. — piş, ağzıjna düş. colloq. (Pear, get ripe and fall right into my mouth.) He/She expects things to fall into his/her lap without doing anything about it himself/herself. — un sapı var, üzümün/ kirazın çöpü var demek to find a fault in everything. —u soy ye, elmayı say ye. proverb Peel pears and eat them; but count apples as you eat them, armutkabağı, -nı (./...) a pear-shaped gourd, armuttop, -pu (./.) punching bag. armuz naut. seam, joint (between planks). Arnavut 1. (an) Albanian. 2. Albanian, pertaining to Albania; of Albania. — bacası arnavutbiberi 58 art dormer window. — derzi pointing of a rough stone wall. — peyniri a ball-shaped goat’s-milk cheese from Albania, —a sormuşlar: “Cehenneme gider misin?” diye, “Aylık kaç?” demiş, proverb (They asked the Albanian, “Will you go to hell?” He/She replied, “What’s the pay?”) If a person’s need is strong enough he/she will take a very unattractive job. — zarı slang loaded die, trick die. arnavutbiberi, -ni (../...) red pepper, arnavutciğeri, -ni (../...) fried liver. Arnavutça (../.) 1. Albanian, the Albanian language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Albanian, Albanian. 3. Albanian (speech/writing); spoken in Albanian; written in Albanian, arnavutkaldinmi, -ni (../....) rough cobblestone pavement. 'Arnavutluk 1. Albania. 2. Albanian, Albania, of Albania. 2Arnavutluk being an Albanian, arnavutluk colloq. stubbornness, obstinacy. —u tutmak colloq. to get stubborn, arnika (./.) bot. arnica, Arnica montana. aroma (./.) aroma. aromali (./..) (s.t.) which has an aroma, aromatic. aromatik aromatic. — bileşikler chem. aromatic compounds. — hidrokarbonlar chem. aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatiklik aromaticity, aromaticness, aromatizasyon aromatization. arozöz watering truck, sprinkler, arp, -pi harp (a musical instrument), arpa 1. bot. barley, Hordeum vulgare. 2. slang money, (bir) — boyu kadar gitmek to show little progress. — eken buğday biçmez. proverb (You can’t sow barley and get wheat.) If you act badly you will get a bad response. — ektim, darı çıktı, colloq. (I sowed barley and got millet.) I did not get what I expected ./It was a disappointment. — samanıyla, kömür dumanıyla, proverb (Barley comes with its straw, and coal burns with smoke.) Nothing is without drawbacks. — şehriye grain-shaped macaroni. — unundan kadayıf olmaz, proverb (You can not make rolled pastry out of barley flour.) One has to use the right materials or the result will be a failure. — verilmeyen at, kamçı zoruyla yürümez, proverb (Feed the horse barley or it won’t respond to the whip.) If you don’t pay properly, you can’t expect good work. arpacı 1. seller of barley. 2. slang thief. — ya borç eden, ahırını tez satar, proverb (A person who goes into debt to the barley salesman will soon sell his/her barn.) A person goes out of business fast if he/she operates on borrowed money. — kumrusu gibi düşünmek to brood over a hopeless situation, arpacık. 1. sty (on the eyelid). 2. front sight (of a-gun). arpacıksoğanı, -ni (../...) bot. shallot, Allium ascalonicum. arpağ a charm/prayer once used by Turkish shamans, arpağan prov. wild barley, arpalama founder, laminitis. arpalamak slang to have one’s business go bad, lose one’s job, go broke, arpalık 1. barley field. 2. barley bin; granary for barley. 3. mark on the nippers of a young horse which wears away with old age. 4. hist, a regular grant given to various officials and personages. 5. a person from whom a sponger benefits; a place/situation that supports a sponger. — yapmak /ı/ to exploit (a place) as an easy source of income/comfort, arpasuyu, -nu (./..) slang beer, arpçı harpist, harp player, arpej mus. arpeggio. arsa (/.) plot of vacant land, vacant lot, building site, arsenik chem. arsenic, arsıulusal international. arsız 1. shameless; impudent, insolent; saucy, sassy, troublesome, spoiled (child); bold, pushing, importunate. 2. vigorous (plant), encroaching. — neden arlanır, çul da giyer sallanır, proverb A shameless person is never abashed; he/she swaggers even when in rags. — m yüzüne tükürmüşler, ‘ ‘ Yağmur yağıyor,” demiş, proverb They spat in the face of the shameless person, and he/she said, “It is raining.” arsızca (./.) 1. unabashedly, impertinently. 2. impertinent (action), arsızlanmak to act shamelessly; to be impudent/ importunate, arsızlaşmak to become shameless/impudent, arsızlık shamelessness; impudence, insolence; boldness, importunity. — etmek to behave shamelessly, arslan zool. lion, Panther a leo, Felis leo. 'arş mil. March. 2arş Islam the highest heaven. 3arş trolley pole, arşe violin bow. arşın ell, yard, cubit (a unit of length ranging between 60 and 70 cm.) — malı kantar ile satılmaz, proverb (Yard goods are not sold by weight.) Different subjects demand different standards of judgment, arşınlamak hi 1. to measure by the yard. 2. to stride through, arşidük, -kü archduke, arşidüşes archduchess, arşiv archives. art 1. back, behind, rear; hinder part, hind. 2. the space behind. 3. sequel, —mdan 1. following. 2. in pursuit of. 3. immediately after. —ını almak /in/ to complete. — ı arası kesilmemek see ardı arkası kesilmemek. — arda one after another, continually. —i art- 59 arzulamak arkası gelmemek not to come to an end. —i arkası kesilmemek to continue without a break, go on incessantly, —mdan atlı/ tatar koyarcasına (running) as if chased by the devil. — ayağı ile kulağını kaşımak to indulge in unmannerly behavior, —mı bırakmamak Iml to follow up, stick to. — ma düşmek Iml 1. to follow in the steps of. 2. to pursue, follow up. — düşünce hidden intent. — elden underhandedly, slyly. — eteğinde namaz kıl. colloq. (You might perform the ritual prayer on the back of her skirt.) She is completely virtuous. — ma kadar açık wide open (door/window). — kafa anat. occiput. — ı kesilmek to run out, cease to be available, —mı kesmek Iml to stop, prevent, end. — niyet hidden intent, —mdan sapan taşı yetişmez, colloq. (A stone from a sling could not catch up with him/her.) He/She goes (is going) very fast. — ı sıra 1. behind, (trailing) along behind. 2. immediately after. — ı sıra gitmek Iml to follow, trail after. — teker back wheel, —mda yüz köpek havlamayan kurt, kurt sayılmaz. proverb (A wolf is not a real wolf unless there are a hundred dogs barking at his back.) No important man is without his critics, art- prefix back-, rear ..., posterior .... artağan exceptionally fruitful, very productive, artağanlık fruitfulness, productivity, artakalan (./..) 1. what is left over. 2. still existing even though outdated, artakalmak (./..} /dan/ to be left over, remain over (from), artam excellence, merit, artamh excellent, virtuous, artan 1. increasing. 2. remaining, left over. — oranlı math, progressive. — oranlı tarife fin. progressive tariff. — oranlı vergi fin. progressive tax. artar com. interest. artavurt (/..) back part of a cheek pouch. — ünsüzü phon. lateral consonant, artçı 1. rear guard. 2. archaist, archaizer. artçılık guarding the rear, artdamak (/..) hard palate. — ünsüzü phon. velar consonant, arter 1. anat. artery. 2. artery, arterial road, arterioskleroz path, arteriosclerosis, arterit, -ti path, arteritis, artezyen artesian well. — kuyusu artesian well, artı 1. math. plus. 2. positive. — sayı positive number. — uç 1. positive pole (on a storage battery). 2. anode. — yük positive charge. — yüklü positively charged. 'artık 1. left, left over. 2. remnant, residue. 3. superfluous, redundant, extra. 4.fin. surplus. — kasım path, extrasystole. — mal göz çıkarmaz, proverb, see Fazla mal göz çıkarmaz. 2artık (/.) 1. now, well then. 2. finally; from now on. 3. any more (used with a negative verb). artıkdeğer (./..) fin. residual value; profit, artıkgün (./.) leap-year day, leap day, February 29th. artiklama redundancy, padding, artikyil (./.) leap year, artım increase. artimlama repetition for effect, reiteration, artımlı 1. increasing, multiplying. 2. swelling, that swells when cooked, artirgan med. adjuvant. artırılmak 1. to be increased. 2. to be saved, be accumulated. 3. (for a bid) to be raised, artırım 1. economy, saving. 2. raise, increase in income. 3. mus. augmentation, artırma 1. saving, economizing. 2. auction, artırmak 1. hi to increase, expand, add to. 2. hi to leave some (of s.t.) over purposely, save. 3. hi to offer more (for), raise the bid for (at an auction). 4. to go too far. artırmalı by auction. — satış auction, artış increase, augmentation, artist, -ti 1. actor; actress. 2. performer. — gibi tall and handsome, shapely and beautiful, artistik artistic. — patinaj figure skating, artistlik 1. being an actor/an actress. 2. acting (as a profession), artmak 1. to increase. 2. to remain, be left over, artoda (/..) anat. posterior chamber, artrit, -ti path, arthritis, artrozpath, arthrosis, artzamanli (/...) ling, diachronic, artzamanlilik (/....) ling, diachrony, arusek (.—.) brilliantly iridescent greenish and rose-colored mother-of-pearl used for inlaid ornamentation, aruz prosody written according to the rules of classical Ottoman poetry, arya (.'.) mus. aria. Aryanizm Arianism. aryetta (./.) mus. arietta, aryoso (./.) mus. arioso. 'arz the earth. 2arz 1. width. 2. latitude. — dairesi parallel of latitude. 3arz 1. presentation, demonstration, showing. 2. com. supply. — etmek see arzetmek. — ve talep com. supply and demand, arzetmek (/..) 1. /i, a/ to present (a gift/a petition/one’s compliments) to. 2. hi to show, give the appearance of. 3. /i, a/ to offer (s.t.) for (sale), arziyat, -ti obs. geology, arzu wish, desire, longing. — etmek hi to wish (for), want; to long (for), desire, —sunda olmak to have a wish (to do s.t.). — üzerine on request, arzuhal, -li petition, written application. — gibi/kadar very long (letter), arzuhalci writer of petitions, street letter -writer. arzuhalcilik the job of a street letter-writer, arzulamak hi to wish (for), want; to long (for), desire. arzulu 60 asileşmek arzulu desirous, wishing, longing. As. (abbr. for Askeri) mil. (military). 'as 1. playing cards ace. 2. ace, champion. 2as zool. ermine, stoat, Mustela ermine a. as- prefix, see ast-. asa (.—) scepter, staff, stick, baton, asabi (..—-) 1. nervous, irritable, on edge. 2. neural. asabileşmek (..— ..) to get nervous, be irritated. asabilik (..— .) nervousness, irritability, asabiye 1. nervous diseases. 2. neurology, neuropathology. 3. colloq. department of neurology (in a hospital), asabiyeci colloq. nerve specialist, neurologist, neuropathologist, asabiyet, -ti nervousness, irritability, asal 1. basic, fundamental. 2. med. basal. — eksen major axis. — renkler primary colors. — sayı math, prime number. — ya-pım-yıkım biol. basal metabolism, asalak 1. parasite. 2. colloq. hanger-on, sponger, asalakbilim (../..) parasitology, asalaklık 1. parasitism. 2. colloq. sponging, freeloading. asalet, -ti (.—.) 1. nobility, nobleness. 2. definitive appointment. 3. lit. elevated style of expression. asaleten (.—'..) law (functioning) as the principal person and not as a representative, asamble assembly, council, asansör elevator, Brit. lift, asap (—.) nerves. — bozukluğu a nervous upset. —i bozulmak to get nervous, be upset. —ma dokunmak Iml to get on (one’s) nerves, irritate. asar (------) obs. monuments, works. asanatika (--------..—.) obs. antiquities, ancient monuments. asayiş (------.) public order, public security. — berkemal. All’s well, asbaşkan (/..) deputy chief, vice-president, asbest, -ti geol. asbestos. — yünü asbestos yarn, asbestos, aselbent 1. storax, gum benzoin. 2. bot. storax, Sty rax officinalis. asenkron (/..) asynchronous, asepsi med. asepsis, aseptik med. aseptic. asetat, -ti 1. chem. acetate, a salt, ester, or acylal of acetic acid. 2. print, acetate, asetilen chem. acetylene, aseton 1. nail-polish remover. 2. chem. acetone. — işeme path, acetonuria, ketonuria. asfalt, -ti 1. asphalt 2. paved with asphalt. 3. paved road. — biti slang VW bug. asfaltlamak hi to asphalt, pave with asphalt, asfaltlanmak to be asphalted, be paved with asphalt. asfalyaları gevşemek slang to go weak, become too limp to stand, asgari (..—) minimum, least. — ücret minimum wage. 'ası profit, benefit. 2ası 1. being suspended. 2. suspense, —da ol-mak/kalmak to be in suspense. 3asi poster, placard, bill, asicil selfish. asık 1. sulky. 2. hanging. — surat sullen face. — suratlı/yüzlü sulky, sullen, asıl, -sli 1. original, the original. 2. origin, original form. 3. truth, reality; basis. 4. actual, true; real, essential. 5. (/.) the most important, main. 6. (/.) actually, essentially. — m-da actually, essentially; originally. — ı astarı essence, true form. — ı astarı olmamak to be unfounded, not to be true. — azmaz, bal kokmaz, proverb (Just as honey does not spoil, the inner nature of something is constant.) Appearances may change, but character is unchanging. — ına bakılırsa the truth of the matter (is). — ı çıkmak to be confirmed, —i esası yok. colloq. There is no truth in it. —i faslı olmamak see aslı astarı olmamak. —ı faslı yok. colloq., see Aslı esası yok. —mı inkâr eden haramzadedir, proverb, see Aslını saklayan haramzadedir. — ı nesli origin, background, —mı saklayan haramzadedir. proverb He/She who rejects his/her origin is a bastard. — sayılar math, cardinal numbers. — ı var. colloq. It is substantially true./It is founded on fact. — vurgu phon. primary accent. — ı yok. colloq. It is not true, asilak parasite. aşılanma profiting, benefiting, aşılanmak /dan/ to profit (from), benefit (from), asılı 1. hanging, suspended. 2. in suspense, asılmak 1. to hang, be hung. 2. to be hanged. 3. to insist. 4. /a/ slang to pester, bother. 5. /a/ to pull hard. Asılma, depoya gider. slang Don’t bother her, she is an honest woman. asılmışadam (../..) bot. male orchis, early purple orchid, Orchis mascula. asılsız unfounded; insubstantial, trifling, asıltı phys. suspension, asilzade (..— .) see asilzade, asım hanging, suspension. — takım jewelry, ornaments. asıntı 1. delay. 2. pestering, bothering. — ya bırakmak 111 to delay, postpone, asır, -sn 1. century. 2. age, time, period, era. Asrı Saadet the era of the Prophet, asırlık a century old. asi (------) 1. rebellious, refractory. 2. rebel. aside (.—.) dish made of okra with ground meat and flour, asidimetre (.../.) acidimeter. asil 1. noble, aristocratic. 2. honorable, praiseworthy, noble (action). 3. definitively appointed, permanent (official). 4. performing the duties of an office by right and not as a substitute. 5. law principal (as distinguished from an agent). asileşmek (--------..) to rebel, become rebellious, be unruly. asilik 61 asilik (------.) 1. rebelliousness. 2. rebellion. — etmek to rebel, asillik'nobility, high birth, blue blood, asilzade 1. nobleman, aristocrat, peer. 2. feudal lord. 3. slang pimp, procurer, pander, asilzadelik nobility, nobleness, asimetri asymmetry, asimetrik asymmetric, asimilasyon assimilation, asimile used in: — etmek 111 to assimilate. — olmak to be assimilated, asimptot, -tu geom. asymptote, asistan 1. assistant (professor). 2. assistant doctor. asistanlık assistantship. asit chem. acid, asitborik chem. boric acid, asitli acidic, containing acid, asitölçer (./..) acidimeter. As. İz. (abbr. for Askeri İnzibat) MP (Military Police), ask, -ki bot. ascus. askarit zool. ascarid. askat, -ti (/.) submultiple, aliquot part; division, asker 1. soldier; soldiers. 2. military service. 3. respectful toward social conventions. 4. militant, valiant. 5. slang money. —e alınmak to be drafted. — e almak /ı/ to draft, enlist, recruit. — e çağırmak hi to draft. —e çağrılmak to be drafted. — çantası soldier’s knapsack. — e gitmek to go to do one’s military service, go into the army. — kaçağı deserter. — ocağı place of military service. — olmak to join the army. — tayını soldier’s ration. — yazmak hi to enroll/ enlist (s.o.) in the army, askerce (./.) 1. soldierly, befitting a soldier, military (act). 2. as a soldier should, askeri (..—) military, pertaining to the army. — akademi military academy. — bando military band. — ceza hukuku military penal law. — heyet military mission. — inzibat military police, military policeman. — karakol military guard post. — mahkeme military court, court-martial. — mıntıka military zone. — suç military offense. — temyiz mahkemesi military court of appeals. • askerileşmek (..—-..) to become militarized, askerileştirmek (..— ...) hi to militarize, askeriye the armed forces, the military, askerlik 1. the military profession. 2. compulsory military service. — çağı draft age. — dairesi regional draft office. — etmek to do one’s military service. — hizmeti/görevi compulsory military service. — öğrenimi military training. — şubesi local draft office. — yapmak to do one’s military service. — yoklaması roll call of those awaiting the draft. askı 1. hanger, hook, anything by which another thing is suspended. 2. suspenders,Brit, braces. 3. clothes hanger. 4. coat rack. 5. med. sling. 6. the posting (of an announcement). 7. fruit threaded and hung for drying. 8. necklace or aslankuyruğu gold chain worn by women. 9. twigs placed so that silkworms will spin their cocoons on them. 10. something hung on the wall of a coffee house as a reward for the winner of a minstrelsy contest. 11. a piece of cloth hung at the top of a newly completed house by the owner as a reward for the builder. 12. a piece of cloth tied to the wedding vehicle as a present for the driver. 13. decorations hung above the bride’s throne at a wedding. — ya almak hi 1. to prop up (a building) temporarily (for repairs). 2. to lift (a sunken/disabled ship) by lines from other ships, -—da bırakmak hi to leave in doubt, shelve (a matter). —ya çıkarmak hi to post (the banns). — ya çıkmak (for a silkworm) to start spinning its cocoon, —da kalmak to be unresolved, remain in suspense, askıcı 1. dealer in suspenders or coat hangers. 2. slang slow to pay debts, askılı having a suspender/hanger. — etek a skirt with shoulder straps, a kind of jumper. — yatak hammock, askılık coat rack, askiyeri, -ni (./..) coat closet, askli bot. ascomycetous. askospor bot. ascospore. asla (/—) never, by no means. Aslan as trol. Leo. aslan 1. zool. lion, Panther a!Felis leo. 2. brave man, plucky person. A—ım! colloq. My good friend! (a complimentary address that sometimes introduces a request). — ağzında olmak to be very hard to get. — gibi 1. like a lion, strongly built (person). 2. healthy. — kesilmek to become as bold and strong as a lion. — kocaymca sıçan deliği gözetir. proverb (When a lion gets old he waits at a mousehole.) When a person gets past his prime he has to be content with less. — kükrerse, atm ayağı kösteklenir, proverb (When a lion roars he makes a horse stumble.) A threat of a powerful man paralyzes a helpless person. — ölüsünden tilkinin dirisi yeğdir, proverb It is better to be a living fox than a dead lion. — payı the lion’s share. — postunda, gönül dostunda, proverb (The lion in its skin and one’s heart with one’s beloved.) It is best when relations between things are appropriate. — sütü colloq. raki. — sütü emmiş brave, heroic. — yatağından (yattığı yerden) bellidir (belli olur), pro verb (You can tell what kind of a lion he is by his lair.) You learn a lot about a person if you see how well his home is kept. — yürekli lionhearted. aslanağzı, -ni (./..) 1. bot. snapdragon, Antirrhinum. 2. fountain spout in the shape of a lion’s head, aslanca (./.) heroically, aslangiller zool. Felidae. aslankuyruğu, -nu (./...) bot. motherwort, Leonurus car diaca. aslanpençesi 62 aslanpençesi, -ni (./...) 1. bot. lady’s-mantle, Alchemilla. 2. path, carbuncle, anthrax carbuncle. aslen (/.) originally, fundamentally, essentially, basically, aslık prov. sterile (woman, because of an organic defect). asli (.—) fundamental, essential, principal, original. — ceza law the basic punishment given to one found guilty of a crime. — dava law principal claim; principal action. — haklar law fundamental rights. — maaş basic salary (of which the actually paid salary is a multiple). — nüsha original text. — üye founding member, asliye mahkemesi, -ni court of first instance. 'asma 1. vine. 2. grapevine. — bıyığı tendril. — çubuğu vine stem, shoot of a grapevine. — dikmek slang to refuse to pay back a loan. — kütüğü vine stock. — yaprağı grape leaf. 2asma 1. suspension. 2. suspended, hanging. — kat mezzanine. — kilit padlock. — köprü suspension bridge. — sakal, takma bıyık slang swagger, boasting, empty talk, lying, asmabahçe (./..) hanging garden, asmabiti, -ni (./..) zool. grape phylloxera, grape louse, Phylloxera vitifoliae. asmagiller bot. Vitaceae. asmak 1. /ı, a/ to hang (s.t.) up (on), suspend (s.t.) (from). 2. /i/ to hang (a person). 3. /i/ slang to skip (school), play hooky (from), play truant (from). 4. hi slang to refuse to pay back (a debt). 5. hi slang to escape from the companionship of (another) (on the road). 6. hi slang to neglect. 7. hi slang to skip out on (a job/an obligation). Astığı astık, kestiği kestik, colloq. (The one whom he/she hangs is hanged; the one whom he/she slays is slain.) What he/she says goes, asıp kesmek colloq. 1. to act despotically; to play the tyrant. 2. to use threats, asmakabağı, -m (./...) a long edible squash. Asor see Azor. aspidistra (../.) bot. aspidistra, Aspidistra. aspiratör 1. small fan fixed in a windowpane; exhaust fan, suction fan. 2. med. aspirator, aspirin aspirin. aspur bot. safflower, Carthamus tine tor ius. asri (.—) modern, up-to-date, asrileşmek (.—..) to be modernized, asrileştirmek (.— ...) hi to modernize, make (s.t.) modern, asrilik (.—.) modernity. Ass. (abbr. for Asistan) Ass., Asst. (Assistant), ast, -ti a subordinate. ast- prefix 1. under-, sub-. 2. second ...; vice-; deputy ...; mil. junior .... astar 1. tailor, lining. 2. priming coat, undercoat. 3. primer, priming, undercoater, undercoating, undercoat. 4. caulking. — bol olmayınca yüze gelmez, proverb (If the lining is skimpy it will not fit the garment.) One has to make allowances for contingencies. — aş boyası undercoat, priming. — kaplama the layer next to the outer layer in plywood. — kaplamak/koymak /a/ to line (a garment). — vurmak /a/ to prime. — ı yüzünden pahalı olmak 1. to be expensive because money was wasted on extraneous matters. 2. (for a project) to cost more than it is worth. astarlamak hi 1. tailor, to line (a garment). 2. to prime, undercoat, astarlı 1. tailor, lined. 2. primed, undercoated, astarlık 1. tailor, (material) for lining. 2. suitable for use as a primer, astasım (/..) log. episyllogism. astat, -ti chem., see astatin. astatin chem. astatine. asteğmen (/..) mil. lowest ranking army officer (below a second lieutenant), asteğmenlik (/...) mil. lowest rank of army officer, asteni asthenia, astım path, asthma, astımlı path, asthmatic. astırmak /ı, a/ 1. to have (s.t.) hung. 2. to have (s.o.) hanged, astigmat, -ti astigmatic, astigmatizm astigmatism, astik slang pimp, procurer, pander, astragan astrakhan, astrofizik (/...) astrophysics, astrolog astrologer, astroloji astrology, astronom astronomer, astronomi astronomy. astronomik astronomical, astronomic. — fiyat surprisingly high price, astronomic price. — rakam incomprehensibly high figure, astronomical number, astronot, -tu astronaut, astronotluk status of an astronaut, astropika (/...) subtropics, astropikal (/...) subtropical. Astsb. (abbr. for Astsubay) NCO (Noncommissioned Officer), astsubay (/..) mil. noncommissioned officer. — başçavuş noncommissioned officer of the second rank. — çavuş noncommissioned officer of the fourth rank. — kıdemli başçavuş noncommissioned officer of the highest rank. — üstçavuş noncommissioned officer of the third rank, astsubaylık (/...) mil. the rank/duties of a noncommissioned officer. asude (------.) obs. quiet, tranquil, at rest. Asur (—.) 1. Assyria. 2. Assyrian, of Assyria. Asurca (—/.) 1. Assyrian, the Assyrian language. 2. (speaking/writing) in Assyrian, Assyrian. 3. Assyrian (speech/writing); spoken in Assyrian; written in Assyrian. Asya (/.) 1. Asia. 2. Asian, of Asia. Asyali (/..) 1. (an) Asian. 2. Asian (person), asyön (/.) a direction on the compass intermediate between two cardinal directions, aş cooked food. — damı prov. kitchen. — de- A.Ş. 63 liye kalmak to have rival claimants drop out and thus get a hold on something, —mi, eşini, işini bil. proverb Know your food, your friend, and your work. — ocağı soup kitchen. — ı pişiren yağ olur, gelinin yüzü ağ olur, proverb (It is the oil that cooks the food, but the bride gets the credit.) A person who uses the right materials and equipment will be praised for doing a good job. — pişti, bayram geçti, colloq. (The food has all been cooked and the holiday is over.) It is too late. The opportunity has passed. — taşınca kepçeye paha olmaz. proverb (When the food is boiling over, the ladle is invaluable.) When something insignificant fits a need it gains importance. —ta tuzu bulunmak see çorbada tuzu bulunmak. — tuz ile, tuz oran ile. proverb (The food needs salt, but the salt needs moderation.) All things in moderation. — yermek (for a pregnant woman) 1. /a/ to crave (a food). 2. to crave certain foods. A.Ş., Aş. (abbr. for Anonim Şirketi) JSC (Joint-Stock Company), aşağı 1. the lower part, bottom. 2. the one below. 3. lower. 4. poor in quality, inferior; low in value. 5. commonplace, common. 6. down, downstairs, —da 1. below. 2. downstairs. —ya 1. down, downwards. 2. downstairs. — almak hi to pull down, bring down, —dan almak to ingratiate o.s., adopt a humble attitude. — bitkiler bot. lower plants. — düşmek 1. to fall. 2. to decline. — görmek /ı/ to look down (on), despise. — kalır yeri/yanı olmamak /dan/ to be at least as good (as). — kalmak /dan/ to fall short (of). — kalmamak /dan/ not to be inferior (to). — koysam/korsam pas olur, yukarı koysam/korsam is olur, demek to be so fussy that none of the possible choices is acceptable. — kurtarmaz, colloq. 1. I can’t sell it any cheaper. 2. Nothing less will do. — mahalle sen misin, yukarı mahalle şen misin (diye gezmek) (to wander around) without stopping anywhere. — tabaka mob, lower class. — tükürsem sakal/s akalım, yukarı tükürsem bıyık/bıyığım, colloq. (If I spit downwards there is my beard, if I spit upwards there is my mustache.) I am faced with an impossible choice. — yukarı approximately, more or less. ... aşağı ... yukarı used in expressions such as: Şaban aşağı Şaban yukarı. It’s “Şaban” all the time, nothing but “Şaban.” —lı yukarılı 1. having an upper and a lower part; having two floors. 2. upstairs and downstairs. aşağılama belittling, denigration, aşağılamak /i/ to run down, denigrate, aşağılaşmak to become inferior, degenerate, aşağılatmak /ı, a/ to have (s.o.) run down, aşağılık 1. vulgarity. 2. coarse, vulgar. — duygusu/kompleksi psych, inferiority complex, aşağısama contempt. âşıksazı aşağısamak hi to despise, hold in contempt, aşağsama see aşağısama, aşağsamak hi see aşağısamak, aşama 1. rank, degree, level, grade, position. 2. stage, phase. 3. mus. modulation. — aşama gradually, by degrees. — düzeni/sırası hierarchy, aşamalı gradual. aşar (—.) hist, tithe, a tax on crops, aşçı see ahçı. aşçıbaşı, -m (./..) see ahçıbaşı. aşçılık see ahçılık. aşermek (/..) (for a pregnant woman) 1. /a/ to crave (a food). 2. to crave certain foods, aşevi, -ni (/..) 1. eating house, eatery, cheap/ inferior restaurant. 2. soup kitchen. 3. temporary kitchen. 4. kitchen in a dervish lodge, aşhane (.—.) soup kitchen, aşı 1. vaccine. 2. vaccination, inoculation. 3. hort. grafting, budding. 4. hort. scion, graft, bud (put into the stock). 5. artificial insemination. — iğnesi hypodermic needle. — kâğıdı certificate of vaccination. — kalemi hort. cutting used for grafting. — olmak to be vaccinated, be inoculated. — tutmak for a vaccination/a graft to take. — yapmak /a/ 1. to vaccinate, inoculate. 2. hort. to graft, bud. aşıboyalı (./...) painted the color of red ocher, aşıboyası, -ni (./...) 1. red ocher. 2. brick red. aşıcı 1. vaccinator. 2. hort. grafter (of trees), âşık (—.) 1. in love. 2. lover. 3. wandering minstrel, Jbard, troubadour. 4. absentminded person. Aşık! Dear! (a familiar form of address). — lısı lover (of), devotee »(of). — âlemi kör, dört yanını duvar sanır, proverb The lover imagines all people blind and himself surrounded by walls, —a Bağdat sorulmaz, (—a Bağdat uzak [ırak] değil.) proverb (For one who is in love even Baghdad is not too far to go.) A person will make sacrifices for something he wants very much, —in gözü kördür, (—m gözü kör olur.) proverb Love is blind, —lar kahvesi coffee house frequented by wandering minstrels. — olmak /a/ to fall in love (with). — yolunu şaşırmış embroidery meander. !aşık anat. astragalus, talus, anklebone, huckle-bone. — atmak 1. to play knucklebones. 2. colloq. /la/ to vie, compete with (a superior), —i bey/cuk/çuk oturmak colloq. to have everything going smoothly. — çıkıntısı anat. malleolus. — daima bey oturmaz, proverb (The knucklebone does not fall in the winning position every time.) Good luck does not continue indefinitely. — kemiği anat. anklebone, astragalus, talus. — oynamak to play knucklebones. — oyunu knucklebones. 2aşık arch, purlin, purline, binding rafter. — takozu purlin cleat, âşıkane ( — .—.) 1. amorously. 2. amorous (action/behavior). âşıklık (—..) love, devotion, attachment, âşıksazı, -m (—/..) the largest of the plucked âşıktaş 64 string instruments used in Turkish folk music, âşıktaş (—..) sweetheart, âşıktaşlık (—...) flirtation, love affair. — etmek to flirt, aşılama 1. vaccination, inoculation. 2. hort. grafting, budding. 3. hort. newly grafted (tree). 4. infection, spreading of an infection. 5. inculcation. 6. breeding; impregnation. 7. cooling/warming (a beverage) by adding a liquid to it. 8. cooling (a beverage). 9. mixing (one thing) with (another). 10. beverage that has been cooled/warmed by a liquid’s having been added to it. 11. cool beverage. 12. drink made by blending two beverages. 13. hort. grafted (plant). 14. (beverage) that has been cooled/warmed by a liquid’s having been added to it. 15. cool (beverage). 16. (beverage) that has had another beverage added to it. aşılamak 1. /ı/ to vaccinate, inoculate. 2. /i, a/ hort. to graft, bud (a graft) on to (a stock). 3. /i, a/ to infect (s.o.) (with). 4. /i, a/ to inculcate, instill (ideas) (in). 5. /i/ to breed (animals); to impregnate (a female animal). 6. I\l to cool/warm (a beverage) by adding a liquid to it. 7. /i/ to cool (a beverage). 8. /i, a/ to mix (one thing) with (another), aşılanmak 1. to be vaccinated, be inoculated. 2. hort. to be grafted, be budded. 3. (for animals) to be bred; (for a female animal) to be impregnated, aşılatmak 1. h! to have (s.o.) vaccinated; to allow (s.o.) to be vaccinated; /a, 1/ to have (one person) vaccinate (another). 2. hi hort. to have (a plant) grafted; /a, i/ to have (s.o.) graft (a plant). 3. hi to have (animals) bred; /a, i/ to have (s.o.) breed (animals); hi to have (a female animal) impregnated; /a, ı/ to cause (a male animal) to impregnate (a female animal), aşılayım inculcation. aşılı 1. vaccinated, inoculated. 2. hort. grafted/ budded (plant). 3. (animals) which have been bred; (female animal) which has been impregnated, aşım 1. insemination, breeding (of animals); impregnation (of a female animal). 2. mus. crossing of parts. 3. passage, lapse (of time). — istasyonu animal breeding station, aşındırıcı abrasive, abradant, aşındırma abrasion. aşındırmak hi 1. to abrade, wear away. 2. to eat away, aşınım 1. erosion. 2. corrosion, aşınma 1. corrosion. 2. wear and tear. 3. erosion. — payı amortization, aşınmak 1. to wear away, be abraded, be corroded, be eroded. 2. to lose its value, depreciate, aşıntı worn spot. aşır, -şrı a selection of ten verses from the Koran recited after the ritual prayer. aşırtıcı aşıramento (.../.) slang theft. — etmek hi to walk off with, swipe, aşırı 1. excessive, extreme. 2. excessively, extremely. 3. over, beyond. 4. every other: gün aşırı every other day. — derecede excessively. — gitmek to go beyond bounds, overshoot the mark, exceed the limit, go to excess, go to extremes. — istek passionate desire. — istihdam overemployment. — ya kaçmak see aşırı gitmek. — oluşum path. hyperplasia. — uç either of the extreme ends of the political spectrum. — uzay hyperspace. — yükleme comp, overloading, aşırıbellem (../..) hypermnesia. aşırıbesi overfeeding, overeating, aşırıcı 1. extremist. 2. plagiarist, aşırıcılık 1. excessiveness, extravagance. 2. extremism. 3. plagiarism, aşırıdoyma (../..) supersaturation, aşırıduyu (../..) hyperesthesia, aşırıergime (../...) phys. supercooling, aşırılık excessiveness, —a kaçmak to go to excess, go to extremes, aşırılmak 1. /dan, a/ to be conveyed/passed over (one place) to (another); /dan/ to be gotten over, be passed over (a high place); /dan, a/ (for goods) to be transported through (one place) to (another place); /dan/ to be propelled over (the heads of others). 2. (for a danger) to be avoided. 3. colloq. to be swiped, be stolen. 4. to be plagiarized. 5. /a/ to be grabbed and taken to (a place). 6. (for a limit) to be exceeded. 7. (for an unwanted visitor) to be gotten rid of, be put off. aşırma 1. /ı, dan/ getting (s.t.) over (a high place); /i, dan/ propelling (s.t.) over (the heads of others); /i, dan, a/ transporting (goods) through (one place) to (another). 2. Ill colloq. stealing, theft. 3. plagiarizing, plagiarism. 4. arch, purlin, purline. 5. girth (for a saddle, pack, etc.). 6. prov. small cauldron; bucket. 7. (s.t.) which has been stolen, stolen (article). 8. plagiarized. — ateşi mil. overhead fire. — kayış belt (used to drive a machine). — yelken naut. lugsail. aşırmacı plagiarist. aşırmacılık 1. taking things without the owner’s permission. 2. plagiarism, aşırmak 1. /ı, dan/ to get (s.t.) over (a high place); /i, dan/ to propel (s.t.) over (the heads of others); /i, dan, a/ to transport/ convey (goods) through (one place) to (another place). 2. h! to steer clear of, manage to avoid (a danger). 3. Ill colloq. to make off with, swipe, steal. 4. hi to plagiarize. 5. /i, a/ to grab (s.o./s.t.) and take him/her/it to (a place). 6. hi to exceed (a limit). 7. hi to get rid of (an unwanted visitor) without offending him/her. aşırmasyon slang theft, stealing, aşırtı embezzlement, aşırtıcı embezzler. aşırtma aşırtma 1. /a, ı, dan/ causing/allowing (s.o.) to get (s.t.) over (a high place); causing/allowing (s.o.) to propel (s.t.) over (the heads of others). 2. /i, dan/ getting (s.t.) over (a high place); propelling (s.t.) over (the heads of others). 3. soccer a kick that sends the ball over the heads of the players, aşırtmak 1. /a, ı, dan/ to cause/allow (s.o.) to get (s.t.) over (a high place); /a, ı, dan/ to cause/allow (s.o.) to propel (s.t.) over (the heads of others); /a, 1/ to cause/allow (s.o.) to cross (a high place). 2. /a, 1/ to cause (s.o.) to avoid (a danger). 3. /a, ı/ colloq. to make (s.o.) steal (s.t.); to allow (s.o.) to steal (s.t.). 4. /a, 1/ to have (s.o.) plagiarize (s.t.). 5. /a, ı/ to have (s.o.) get rid of (an unwanted visitor) without offending him/her. 6. /i, dan/ to get (s.t.) over (a high place); to propel (s.t.) over (the heads of others), aşısız 1. unvaccinated. 2. hort. ungrafted, aşıt, -ti prov. 1. mountain pass. 2. viaduct. 3. a place/difficulty to be surmounted, aşıtaşı, -m (./..) geol. ocher, aşifte (—..) lascivious woman, Brit. tart, aşikâr (—..) manifest, evident, clear, open, aşina (—) 1. familiar, well-known. 2. acquaintance. 3. /a/ knowing, acquainted (with). — (aşina), çıktı ocak başına, colloq. (As he/she got to be well received he/she moved to the seat beside the hearth.) He/She has taken advantage of the friendly behavior of others, aşinalık (—-.— .) 1. acquaintance, intimacy. 2. gesture of salutation. — göstermek /a/ to show an interest in (s.o.), be concerned (for), aşiret, -ti (.—.) tribe, nomadic tribe, aşiyan (—..) obs. 1. nest. 2. house, aşk, -ki love, passion. (...) — ma for the sake of: Allah aşkına for the love of God, for Heaven’s sake. — ağlatır, dert söyletir. proverb Love makes one cry; trouble makes one talk. — çekmek colloq. to suffer the pangs of love. — etmek /ı, a/ see aşketmek. —a gelmek to go into a rapture, be enraptured. — ile with great zeal. — olmayınca meşk olmaz, pro ver b Without devotion there is no genius, aşketmek (/..) /ı, a/ to land (a blow) on (s.o.’s face). aşkın 1. excessive. 2. hi more than, over, beyond. 3. transcendent, transcendental. — sigorta overinsurance, aşkmcı see deney üs tücü. aşkıncılık see deneyüstücülük. aşkmlık transcendence. Aşkolsun! (/..) 1. colloq. Well done!/Bravo! 2. colloq. Shame on you! 3. a greeting used among dervishes. aşlama see aşılama, aşlamak hi see aşılamak, aşlık 1. provisions, supplies of food for cooking. 2. wheat (dry grain), aşma 1. passing, crossing, passage. 2. surpass- 65 at ing, exceeding, aşmak 1. hi to cross, traverse (a mountain/a river/a sea); to go through (a forest); to traverse (a road). 2. Ill to overcome, surmount (an obstacle). 3. hi to exceed, go beyond (a limit). 4. hi to exceed (a specified period of time). 5. hi to overtake, pass. 6. /a/ (for a male animal) to cover, serve, service, copulate with (a female animal). 7. slang to slip away, disappear, aşna fişne (./ ..) slang 1. secret mistress; secret lover. 2. secret love affair, aşm archaic, ancient, aşmlama theat. aging (of a set), aşnılık 1. being outdated; being antiquated. 2. archaism. aşoz naut. a slot in the keel to hold the ends of planking. aştırmak /a, ı/ 1. to cause/allow (s.o.) to cross/ traverse (a mountain/a river/a sea/a forest); to cause/allow (s.o.) to traverse (a road). 2. to have (a male animal) serve (a female animal); to allow (a male animal) to serve (a female animal), aşure (.—.) pudding made with cereals, sugar, and raisins. — ayı the month of Muharram. — yemeye giden kaşığını taşır, proverb (One who goes to eat a festive pudding carries his/her own spoon.) If you want to get your share of a good thing, you must know the right way to go about.getting it. aşurelik (.— ..) suitable for making aşure, aşüfte (—..) lascivious woman, Brit. tart. AT (abbr. for Avrupa Topluluğu) EC (the European Community), at, -ti zool. horse, Equus caballus. —, adımına göre değil, adamına göre yürür, proverb (A horse walks not according to his gait but according to his rider.) The way a job is done depends on the person in charge. — ağasına göre eşer/kişner, proverb, see At sahibine göre eşer/kişner, —il— alan Üsküdar’ı geçti, colloq. (The one who stole the horse has already passed Üsküdar.) It is far too late now (to rectify it), —/—lar anası mannish woman with large features. — arıklıkla, yiğit gariplikle, proverb A horse’s noble qualities come out when he is underfed, a man’s when he is away from home, —la arpayı dövüştürmek/dalaştırmak to sow discord among close friends, —a arpa, yiğide pilav, proverb (The horse wants his barley, the man his pilaf.) To each his own. — at oluncaya kadar sahibi mat olur, proverb By the time a horse is broken in, the owner is worn out. — ı atasıyla, katırı anasıyla, proverb (A horse is like his ancestor, a mule like his mother.) Nobility of character is inherited. — ta, avratta uğur vardır, proverb One is fortunate if he has a horse and a wife. — m bahtsızı arabaya düşer, proverb (It is an unlucky horse that has to pull a wagon.) Some people do not at 66 at get work suitable to their talents. — ına bakan ardına bakmaz, proverb (One who takes good care of his/her horse does not look behind him/her.) A person who does his/her work well does not have to worry about the results. —- başı beraber/bir both in the same condition, on the same level. — beslenirken, kız istenirken, proverb The horse should be sold while in high condition; the girl should be married off while she has suitors, —a binmeden ayaklarını sallamak to count one’s chickens before they are hatched. — binenin, kılıç kuşananın. proverb (The horse belongs to the one who mounts it, the sword to the one who girds himself with it.) Possession is nine points of the law. —a binen nalını, mıhını arar, proverb It is the rider who checks the horse’s shoes and how they are nailed, —a binersen Allahı, attan inersen atını unutma. proverb (Don’t forget God when you are on horseback, and don’t forget the horse when you dismount.) Don’t become proud or cruel when you are riding, and afterwards don’t forget to feed the horse and care for it. — biniciye göre eşer/kişner, proverb, see At sahibine göre eşer/kişner. — binicisini tanır/bilir, proverb (The horse knows its rider.) A person works to the standards of his/her supervisor, —a binmek to mount a horse; to ride a horse. — bulunur meydan bulunmaz, meydan bulunur at bulunmaz, proverb (When there is a horse, there i no polo field; when there is a polo field, there is no horse.) There’s always something missing. — cambazı 1. equestrian performer, show rider. 2. horse dealer, horse trader. — çalındıktan sonra ahırın kapısını kapamak to lock the barn door after the horse is stolen, —a da soy gerek, ite de. proverb (Horses and dogs should come from a good line.) Breeding and heritage are important for all creatures. —m dorusu, yiğidin delisi, proverb The best horse is a chestnut, and the best young man is one who is brave, —a dost gibi bakmalı, düşman gibi binmeli. proverb One should take care of a horse like a friend, but ride it like an enemy. — ta duran var, duramayan var. proverb (Some people can ride a horse and some fall off.) Not everybody can do everything. —tan düşene yorgan döşek, eşekten düşene kazma kürek. proverb He/She who falls from a horse is put to bed; he/she who falls from a donkey is buried. — elin, it elin, bize ne? colloq. The horse and the dog belong to someone else, so what business is it of ours? —ma eşek mi dedik? colloq. (Have I called your horse a donkey?) I haven’t said anything that you should take offense at. — ı eşkin, kılıcı keskin, colloq. (His horse is swift and his sword is keen.) He is powerful, —a et, ite ot vermek to distribute work or goods without considering the needs and skills of those involved, —a eyer gerek, eyere er gerek, proverb (A horse needs a saddle, and a saddle needs a man.) A working place needs equipment and a good manager. — gibi huge (woman). — görür aksar, su görür susar, colloq. (If he/she sees a horse he/she limps; if he/she sees water he/she gets thirsty.) He/she wants whatever he/she sees. — hırsızı gibi shifty-looking big (man). — ile avrat yiğidin bahtına. proverb (A horse and a wife depend on a young man’s luck.) A man cannot know whether he is getting a good horse or a good wife until he has them, —tan inip eşeğe binmek to come down in the world. — izi it izine karışmak to be such a confused society that one can’t tell the good people from the worthless. — ta karın, yiğitte burun, proverb A big belly is a good feature in a horse, a big nose in a man. — kılı horsehair. — koşmak /a/ to hitch a horse to (a carriage). — koşturmak 1. to gallop, gallop a horse, ride at a gallop. 2. colloq. to fool around, chase rainbows. — koşturacak kadar büyük/geniş colloq. huge (room, house, etc.). — meydanı hippodrome. — nalı horseshoe, —a nal çakıldığını görmüş, kurbağa ayaklarını uzatmış. colloq. (A frog saw them shoeing a horse and he stuck out his feet.) He/She wants things he/she has no right to expect. — nalı kadar colloq. immense (medal/medallion/ ornament), —lar nallanırken kurbağalar ayak uzatmaz .proverb (While the horses are being shod the frogs don’t hold out their feet.) Inferiors should not expect favors from their superiors. — olur meydan olmaz, meydan olur at olmaz, proverb, see At bulunur meydan bulunmaz, meydan bulunur at bulunmaz. — oynatmak 1. to show off one’s skill as a horseman. 2. /la/ to compete (with). 3. /da/ to rule, establish one’s overlordship (over). 4. to act as one wishes. 5. /da/ to be knowledgeable in (a subject). — m ölümü arpadan olsun, proverb (Let the death of the horse be from barley.) It is not worth depriving oneself of something one likes for fear of bad consequences. — Ölür, itlere bayram olur. proverb (When the horse dies the dogs feast.) When a great man falls the rabble seize their chance. — ölür meydan/nalı kalır, yiğit ölür şan/namı kalır, proverb (The horse dies; the polo field remains; the hero dies; his fame remains.) Only fame is lasting. — pazarı horse market. — pazarında eşek osurtmuyoruz, vulg. Shut up and listen to what I’m saying, —mı sağlam kazığa bağlamak to take precautions in one’s business. — sahibine göre eşer/kişner. proverb (The horse’s speed depends on its Ata 67 ateş rider.) A person works to the standards of his/her supervisor, —lar tepişir, arada eşekler ezilir, proverb (When the horses start fighting it’s the donkeys between that get hurt.) When the great ones clash it’s the underlings who suffer, —in tepmezi, itin kapmazı olmaz. (—ım tepmez, itim kapmaz deme.) proverb (There is no horse without a kick; there is no dog without a bite.) Anybody can occasionally be tempted to cruelty. — m ürkeği, yiğidin korkağı, proverb A horse should be skittish and a hero should be wary. — var, meydan yok. colloq. (We have a horse but no field.) We are ready and equipped to go to work but there is nothing to do. —m varken yol tanı, ağan varken el tanı, proverb While you have a horse learn the roads; while you have someone to protect you get to know others. — yarışı horse race. — yedi günde, it yediği günde (belli olur, semirir), proverb (A horse gets sleek in seven days, and a dog on the day that it eats.) It takes time for a valuable person to develop. — yerine eşek bağlamak to replace a valuable worker with a worthless one. — yiğidin yoldaşıdır. proverb The horse is the brave man’s companion. — in yüğrükse bin de kaç. colloq. (If your horse is fast ride it and escape.) Save yourself if you can. Ata the short form of Atatürk, ata 1. father. 2. ancestor, —lar çıkarayım der tahta, döner dolaşır gelir bahta, proverb The parents try to put the child on a throne but his future unfolds as it will. — dostu oğla mirastır, proverb A father’s friend is a son’s best inheritance. — malı mal olmaz, kendin kazanmak gerek, proverb (A father’s wealth is not wealth; one must earn it for oneself.) An inheritance is soon used up. — nın sanatı oğula mirastır, proverb, see Babanın sanatı oğula mirastır, —lar sözünü tutmayanı yabana atarlar, proverb A person who ignores good tradition gets driven into the wilderness. — sim tanımayan Allahını tanımaz, proverb A person who does not respect his/her father will not respect God. atabek (./.) see atabey, atabey (./.) 1. tutor to a (Seljuk) prince. 2. ata-beg. atacılık atavism, reversion, ataç ancestral. ataerki, -ni (./..) sociol. patriarchy, ataerkil (./..) sociol. patriarchal, atak rash, audacious, reckless, ataklık rashness, audacity, recklessness, ataksi path, ataxia. atalet, -ti (.—.) 1. laziness, lassitude. 2. being unemployed, unemployment. 3. inertia, atalık fatherliness. atama appointment, appointing, assignment, assigning. atamak /i, a/ to appoint (s.o.) to, assign (s.o.) to. ataman ataman, hetman, atanma appointment, being appointed, assignment, being assigned, atanmak /a/ to be appointed (to), be assigned (to). ataraksiya (../..) ataraxia, ataraxy. atardamar (./..) anat. artery. — ışmçekimi med. arteriography. — onanmi surg. arterio-plasty. — sayrılığı path, arteriopathy. — yangısı path, arteritis, atar damar yolu, -nu (./....) anat. ductus arteriosus. atarkanal (./..) anat. ejaculatory duct, atar-toplardamar (./....) med. arteriovenous. — ağızlaşımı arteriovenous anastomosis. — torbalaşımı path, arteriovenous aneurysm, atasözü, -nü (./..) proverb, ataş paper clip, ataşe attache. Atatürk (./.) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder and first president of the Turkish Republic. Atatürkçü (./..) one who adheres to Atatürk’s doctrine, Kemalist. Atatürkçülük (./...) 1. Atatürk’s political doctrine, Kemalism; the system of reforms and development introduced by Atatürk. 2. the conviction that it is necessary to continue these reforms, atavik atavistic, atavizm see atacılık, atbaklası, -m (/...) bot. horsebean. atbalığı, -nı (/...) zool. sheatfish, Silurus glanis. atçı horse breeder, atçılık horse breeding. ateh obs. dotage, senility. — getirmek to become senile, ateist, -ti 1. (an) atheist. 2. atheistic, atheist, ateizm atheism. atelye (./.) 1. workshop. 2. studio, atelier, aterina (../.) zool. silversides, sand smelt, ath-erina, Atherina presbyter. ateş 1. fire. 2. fever, temperature. 3. vivacity, exuberance. 4. zeal, ardor, fervor, vehemence. 5. gunfire; artillery fire. 6. danger; catastrophe. 7. a light (for a cigarette). A—! mil. Fire! — açmak /a/ to open fire (on). — almak 1. to catch fire, take fire. 2. to be alarmed. 3; (for a gun) to be fired. — almamak (for a gun) to misfire. — almaya mi geldin? colloq. (Have you come to get fire?) Why are you rushing off? — e atılmak to throw o.s. into the fire, risk one’s life blindly. — e atmak 1. N to put (s.o.) in a dangerous position. 2. /kendini/ to throw o.s. into the fire, risk one’s life blindly. — bacayı sardı, colloq. (The chimney has caught fire.) Things have gotten out of control. —le barut bir arada/yerde olmaz/ durmaz, proverb (Fire and powder make an unstable combination.) It is dangerous to leave a young couple alone together. — basmak /a/ to flush and feel hot from tedium/ ateşbahğı 68 atış discomfort/boredom, —i başına vurmak to explode with anger, blow one’s top. — boyu mil., see ateş hattı. — çıkmak to have a fire break out. —i çıkmak to have one’s fever go up. — demekle ağız yanmaz. proverb (It doesn’t burn your mouth to pronounce the word “fire.”) There is no harm in mentioning dangerous things, —i düşmek to have one’s fever go down. — düştüğü yeri yakar, proverb (The fire burns the place where it falls.) A calamity only really affects its immediate victim. — düşürücü med. antipyretic. — etmek /a/ to fire (on), shoot (at). — gecesi Saint John’s Eve. — gemisi hist, fire ship. — gibi 1. very hot. 2. very quick, active, agile, intelligent. — gibi yanmak to have a fever, —ten gömlek ordeal. — e göstermek /ı/ to heat (s.t.) slightly by holding it to the fire. — hattı mil. firing line. — ler içinde feverish, suffering from fever. — kesilmek 1. to get very angry. 2. to become industrious and active. 3. for gunfire to stop. — kesmek to cease fire. — kırmızısı fiery red. — olmayan yerden duman çıkmaz, proverb Where there is smoke there is fire. — olsa cirmi/cürmü kadar yer yakar, colloq. (If he/she were fire, he/she could not burn more than the space he/she occupied.) He/She cannot do much harm. — le oynamak to play with fire. — pahasi/pahasma very expensive. — parçası colloq. 1. very active, industrious. 2. mischievous, naughty (child). — püskür-mek /a/ to spit fire (at), be very angry (with). — saçağı sardı, colloq., see Ateş bacayı sardı. — saçmak /a/ see ateş püskürmek. — tuğlası firebrick, —e tutmak /ı/ 1. to heat (s.t.) slightly by holding it to the fire. 2. to subject to gunfire. — i uyandırmak to poke up a fire. — vermek /a/ to set on fire, burn. — e vermek /ı/ 1. to set fire to. 2. to panic, upset, frighten. 3. to lay waste, ravage, devastate (a country). — e vurmak /ı/ to put (food) on to cook. — e vursan duman vermez, colloq. (If he/she were laid on a fire he/she wouldn’t even give smoke.) He/She is remarkably stingy. — yağdırmak 1. to shoot repeatedly and continuously. 2. to rant and rave at everybody. — yakmak to light a fire. — ine yanmak Iml to be mistreated because of (s.o. else). — i yükselmek to have one’s fever go up. ateşbalığı, -ni (./...) zool. sardine, pilchard, Sardina pilchardus. ateşbaz (—.—) formerly master of firework displays. ateşböceği, -ni (./...) zool. firefly. ateşböcekleri, -ni (./....) zool. Lampyridae. ateşçi fireman, stoker. ateşin (—.—) obs. ardent, fervent, fiery, zealous, on fire. ateşkayığı, -ni (./...) a fishing boat with a place for a fire (used as a lure for sardines). ateşkes cease-fire, armistice, truce, ateşleme ignition. ateşlemek III 1. to set fire (to), ignite. 2. to provoke. ateşlendirmek hi 1. to enliven. 2. to aggravate, stir up (trouble). 3. to make (s.o.) feverish. ateşlenmek 1. to be lit, be ignited. 2. (for a gun) to be fired. 3. to get a fever. 4. to get angry. ateşletmek /ı, a/ 1. to have (s.t.) put on fire. 2. to have (s.o.) shoot (a gun), ateşli 1. fiery. 2. vivacious, fervent. 3. feverish, having a fever. — silah firearm, ateşlik 1. firepan, small brazier. 2. place fit for lighting a fire. 3. fit for burning, ateşperest, -ti fire-worshiper, atfen (/.) /a/1. ascribed to. 2. based on. atfetmek (/..) /ı, a/ 1. to attribute, ascribe, impute (s.t.) to (s.o.). 2. to direct, turn (one’s glance) (to), atgiller zool. Equidae. Atğm. (abbr. for Asteğmen) mil. lowest ranking army officer (below a second lieutenant), atıcı 1. marksman, good shot. 2. habitually lying (person); atıcılık 1. marksmanship. 2. lying, mendacity, atıf, -tfı attribution, showing one thing as the cause/origin of another. 'atık waste, refuse, garbage. — su waste water, sewage. 2atik prov. small churn. atıl (—.) 1. idle, inactive. 2. lazy. 3. phys. inert, atılgan 1. dashing, bold, reckless, plucky. 2. enterprising. atılganlık 1. audacity, boldness. 2. enterprise, initiative. atılım 1. advance, progress, a step forward. 2. sports attack, atılış 1. throw. 2. attack. atılmak 1. to be thrown. 2. to be fired, be shot off. 3. to be discarded. 4. (for cotton) to be fluffed. 5. /a/ to attack. 6. to break into a conversation, speak up. 7. /a/ to begin, go into. Atılan ok geri dönmez, proverb (An arrow once shot never comes back.) What’s done can’t be undone, atım 1. discharge, shooting, shot (of a firearm). 2. range (of a firearm/a missile); shot; flight (of an arrow). 3. charge (of gunpowder); round (of ammunition): Yalnız bir atım barutum kaldı. I’ve only got one charge of powder left. 4. med. (a) beat, throb (of the heart/the pulse). 5. med. ejaculation (of semen). — düzensizliği arrhythmia, atımcı cotton/wool fluffer who works with a bow and mallet, atımlık (a specified number) of (powder) charges: Beş atımlık barutu kaldı. He’s got five charges of powder left, atimyolu, -nu (./..) anat. ejaculatory duct, atış 1. throwing, throw, shooting, shot; way of throwing. 2. shooting, firing, discharging atışbilim 69 (of a firearm): sekme atışı ricochet fire. 3. beating, beat, throbbing, throb (of the heart/ the pulse). — cetveli firing table. — mahalli see atış yeri. — mangası mil. firing squad. — meydanı see atış yeri. — müfrezesi mil. firing party. — müsabakası shooting match. — rampası firing ramp (for a rocket). — vaziyeti mil. firing position. — yeri firing range, rifle range. atışbilim (./..) ballistics, atışmak 1. to quarrel. 2. /a/ to try to make up with. 3. to engage in a contest of poetic repartee. atıştırmak 1. /ı/ colloq. to bolt (food), gobble (food). 2. h! to gulp down (a drink). 3. to begin to rain/snow slowly, ati (— —) obs. the future. 'atik agile, alert. — tetik quick, alert, agile. 2atik, -ki (.—) obs. ancient. Atina (./.) Athens. Atinali (./..) 1. (an) Athenian. 2. Athenian, (s.o.) from Athens, atkestanesi, -ni (/.—..) bot. horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum. aikestanesigiller (/.— ....) bot. Hippocastana-ceae. atkı 1. shawl, stole. 2. weaving woof, weft. 3. pitchfork. 4. shoe strap. 5. lintel. atkılamak to weave the woof in. atkuyruğu, -nu (/...) 1. bot. mare’s-tail, Hip-puris vulgaris. 2. ponytail, atlama jumping; (a) jump. — beygiri sports vaulting horse, horse. — tahtası diving board; springboard. ■— taşı stepping-stone. — taşı yapmak III to use (a situation/a person) to get a promotion or advancement. atlamak 1. to jump. 2. /dan/ to jump down (from), leap (from). 3. /a/ to jump into (a taxi/a car); to catch (a plane/a train). 4. journalism to miss a scoop. 5. hi to omit, skip, miss, leave out. 6. /da/ to be misled, be mistaken (in). 7. hi slang to give, hand over. 8. /a/ slang to have intercourse with. Atladı gitti/geçti Genç Osman! colloq. It’s over now ./The work is finished./The danger has passed, atlambaç leapfrog (a children’s game), atlandırmak hi 1. to provide (s.o.) with a mount. 2. to put (s.o.) on horseback, atlangıç prov. stepping-stone, atlanılmak /dan/1. impersonal passive to jump (from). 2. to be jumped. 'atlanmak 1. to mount a horse. 2. to acquire a horse. 2atlanmak 1. to be jumped. 2. to be skipped. Atlantik Atlantic, of the Atlantic. 'atlas satin. 2atlas 1. atlas, map book. 2. illustrations and charts at the end of a book. 3. anat. atlas, atlasağacı, -m (./...) bot. satinwood, Chloroxy-lon swietenia. atlasçiçeği, -ni (..'...) bot. cactus, atlasçiçeğigiller (./...) bot. Cactaceae. atmak Atlas Okyanusu, -nu the Atlantic Ocean, atlassediri, -ni (./...) bot. Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica. atlatılmak 1. (for a danger) to be avoided. 2. (for s.o.) to be put off. 3. /dan/ (for s.o ./an animal) to be made to jump over (a gap/a barrier). atlatmak /i/ 1. to make (s.o./an animal) jump; to get (s.o./an animal) to jump; to let (s.o./ an animal) jump; to cause (s.o./an animal) to jump, jump. 2. to overcome, kick (an illness); to handle (s.t. difficult) successfully, deal with (s.t. difficult) successfully, manage (s.t. difficult) successfully. 3. to put (s.o.) off, get rid of (s.o.). 4. (for one news reporter) to scoop, get the jump on, report a piece of news before (another), atlayış 1. jump, leap, bound, spring. 2. way of jumping. atlet, -ti 1. athlete trained for and competing in track-and-field events. 2. athlete, person who is good at physical exercises and sports. 3. (man’s, sleeveless) undershirt, Brit, vest, singlet.,— fanilası (man’s, sleeveless) undershirt, Brit, vest, singlet. — yapılı athletically built, (s.o.) who has an athletic build, atletik 1. track-and-field (event). 2. athletic, per-, taining to athletics. 3. athletically built, (s.o.) who has an athletic build. 4. athletic, befitting an athlete. atletizm 1. track-and-field events. 2. athletics, sports activities, atlı 1. horseman, rider; cavalryman. 2. mounted: atlı polis mounted policeman. 3. horse-drawn; drawn by (a specified number of) horses: iki atlı bir araba a two-horse carriage. — araba horse cart, wagon. — yı atından indirmek to put someone’s affairs in disarray by main force. — heykel equestrian statue. — hücum cavalry charge. — kovalamak to hurry needlessly. —ya saat olmaz, proverb (A person riding a horse is not bound by time.) A person who has the means of doing something quickly need not be overly concerned about time, because he knows that he can always get the task done quickly, if need be. — tramvay horse-drawn tram, atlikaraca (./...) 1. rocking horse. 2. merry-go -round, carrousel, carousel, atlıkarınca (./...) 1. merry-go-round, carrousel, carousel. 2. zool. a large ant, Poner a grandis. atma 1. throwing, throw. 2. dropping. 3. sending (s.o.) away. 4. rail, crosstie, tie, Brit, sleeper. 5. arch, crosspiece, atmaca 1. zool. sparrow hawk, Accipiter nisus. 2. slingshot. atmak 1. Ill to throw. 2. hi to drop. 3. Ill to send away. 4. /i, a/ to add (s.t.) to (s.t.), put (s.t.) into (s.t.). 5. hi to write (one’s signature/the date). 6. hi to put out, extend. 7. Ill to carry, take (things from one place to another). 8. hi to fire (a shot/a gun). 9. hi atmasyon 70 avamfîrip to postpone. 10. /ı, a/ to throw on, put on (a garment). 11. /i, a/ to impute, throw (the blame) on. 12. /i, dan/ to expel (s.o.) from. 13. Ill to discard, throw away. 14. hi to stop using, stop wearing. 15. hi to reject, expel. 16. hi to blow up, demolish. 17. colloq. to lie, make up stories. 18. to present a guess as if it were a certainty. 19. hi colloq. to drink. 20. hi to fluff (cotton) with a bow and mallet. 21. to split, crack, come loose. 22. (for a seam in cloth) to come loose from fraying. 23. (for the heart/an artery) to pulsate, beat. 24. hi to send. 25. hi to let out (a cry/scream/roar of laughter). 26. hi to abandon, give up, be freed from. 27. slang to perform (a dance). 28. slang to sing (a song). 29. Ill to land (a blow). 30. /i, a/ to make (an inappropriate remark) to. Atsan atılmaz, satsan satılmaz, colloq. - (You can’t throw it out and neither can you sell it.) 1. You just can’t get rid of him/her. 2. It is too good to throw out and not good enough to use. Attığı attık, tuttuğu tuttuk, colloq. He/She gets his/her own way. Atma Recep, din kardeşiyiz. (At martini Debre’li Hasan!) colloq. (Don’t make up stories, Recep; we are fellow believers.) Don’t try to pull my leg. Attığı tırnağa benzemez, /m/ colloq. He/She is nothing compared to (the other one), atıp tutmak 1. hi to run (s.o./s.t.) down. 2. to talk big, boast, attığını vurmak to be consistently successful, come out on top every time. atmasyon slang 1. (a) lie; pack of lies, bull; guff. 2. false, trumped-up, spurious, atmasyoncu slang 1. bull-shooter, person prone to fabricate/exaggerate. 2. (s.o.) who is a bull-shooter. atmasyonculuk slang bull-shooting, being a bull-shooter. atmık prov. *come, semen, atmosfer atmosphere, atmosferik atmospheric, atol, -lü atoll. atom atom. — ağırlığı atomic weight. — bombası atomic bomb, A-bomb. — çağı atomic age. — çekirdeği atomic nucleus. — enerjisi atomic energy. — numarası see atom sayısı. — reaktörü nuclear reactor, atomic pile. — santralı nuclear power station. — sayısı atomic number, atomal atomic. — ağırlık atomic weight, atomcu 1. phil. atomist, an adherent of atomism. 2. phil. (s.o.) who is an adherent of atomism. 3. atomic, atomculuk phil. atomism, atomik atomic. atomlamak slang to stay back, fail the class, atonal mus. atonal. atölye (./.) 1. workshop. 2. studio, atelier, atraksiyon 1. (a) number, variety act, (an) attraction; variety acts. 2. variety shows. 3. attraction, magnetic pull, atraktif attractive, atrofi path, atrophy, atropin atropine, atsız horseless. atsineği, -ni (/...) zool. forest fly, horsefly, Hippobosca equina. attırmak /ı, a/ to make (s.o.) throw/expel/throw out/rej ect/send/fluff. aut, -tu sports 1. (an) out, ball hit out of bounds. 2. out, out of bounds. A—! sports Out! (said of a ball that falls out of bounds). av 1. hunt, hunting, chase. 2. game, prey; catch (of fish). 3. victim, prey. — avlanmış, tav tavlanmış, colloq. It is finished and done./ What has happened has happened. — avlayanın, kemer bağlayanın, proverb (The prey belongs to the person who shoots it, and a belt to the person who wears it.) Possession is nine points of the law. — çantası game bag. —a çıkmak to go out hunting. — eti game, meat from game, —a gelmez kuş olmaz, başa gelmez iş olmaz, proverb No bird is safe from being hunted, and nobody is safe from unexpected misfortune, —a giden avlanır, proverb (The hunter becomes the prey.) A person can fall into his/her own trap. —- havası good hunting weather. — hayvanı game animal. — köpeği hunting dog, hound. — köpeği avdan kalmaz, proverb (A hound can’t be kept from hunting.) A confirmed sponger cannot be broken from his/her habit. — kuşu game bird. — tüfeği shotgun. — vuranın değil, alanm. proverb (The prey belongs not to the one who shoots it but to the one who recovers it.) Possession is nine points of the law. avadan set of tools. avadancı hist, servant on the cleaning staff in the sultan’s palace, avadanlık 1. set of tools. 2. slang penis and testicles, avaid (.—.) obs., see avait. avaik, -ki (.—.) obs. hindrances, obstacles, impediments. avait (.—.) obs. 1. revenues, fees. 2. favors; gifts; kindnesses, avakib (.—.) obs., see avakip. avakip (.•—.) obs. consequences, outcomes, ends, avakib (.—•) obs., see avakip.. avakip (.—.) obs., see avakip. 'aval slang stupid. — aval slang stupidly. — aval bakmak slang to stare stupidly. 2aval, -li com. 1. endorsement of a bill of exchange by a third party. 2. endorser, avalim (.—.) obs. worlds, avallik slang stupidity. avam the common people, the lower classes. A— Kamarası the House of Commons. — takımı the rabble, avamfirib (...—) obs., see avamfirip. avamfîrip (...—) obs. demagogue. avamfiriplik avamfiriplik obs. demagoguery, dema- gogy. avamil obs. (motivating) factors, avanak slang 1. gullible. 2. fool, avanaklık slang gullibility. — etmek to let o.s. be cheated. avangar avant-garde; of the avant-garde; produced by a member of the avant-garde; (s.t.) which is avant-garde in nature, avangart see avangar. avanproje arch, rough draft, preliminary draft, avans com. advance (of money). — almak 1. to get an advance. 2. hi to get (money) in advance. — çekmek to get an advance. — vermek 1. to advance money. 2. /a/ slang to act coquettishly (toward), give the glad eye (to), avansen stage box (in a theater), avanta (./.) slang 1. something gotten illicitly for nothing. 2. tip given to a person to keep him quiet when he catches one cheating at cards. 3. cheating with marked cards, —dan slang free, without payment. — etmek slang to get something for nothing, avantacı (./..) slang freeloader, sponger, avantacılık (./...) slang freeloading. avantaj advantage. avantajlı 1. advantageous. 2. person who has . the advantage. 3. (s.o.) who has the advantage. avantajsız 1. unadvantageous, not advantageous. 2. person who does not have the advantage. 3. (s.o.) who does not have the advantage, avantür adventure. avantüriye 1. adventurer. 2. adventurous, 'avara (./.) naut. 1. (a boat’s) shoving off, pushing off. 2. (one boat’s) getting clear of (another) (when two boats have been moored side by side). A—! naut. Shove off!/Push off! — etmek 1. (for a boat) to shove off, push off. 2. /dan/ (for one boat) to get clear of (another) (when two boats have been moored side by side). 2avara (./.) 1 .prov. idle; good-for-nothing, no -count, shiftless, incompetent (person). 2. prov. good-for-nothing, no-count (thing). 3. mech. (s.t.) which will idle a machine: avara tekerlek idler wheel. — ya almak 111 to idle, disengage (a part of a machine). — çark idler wheel, idle wheel. — durmak prov. (for s.o.) to stand around idly. — kasnak idler pulley. — kasnak işlemek to spin one’s wheels, work without accomplishing anything. — mili countershaft. — ya vermek hi to fire, dismiss, avare (— —.) 1. (s.o.) who does little but knock about idly, who just wanders about idly, who just wanders about doing nothing, who is an idle rover; footloose, errant; vagabond. 2. out-of-work, unemployed. 3. distracted, confused. 4. lonely, lonesome. 5. (s.o.) who has been separated from his/her homeland, who has been separated from 71 avlama home and family; exiled (person). 6. wild (eyes); wild-eyed (look). — dolaşmak to wander around idly, rove idly. — etmek 111 1. to keep (s.o.) from doing his/her work, distract (s.o.) from his/her work. 2. to put (s.o.) out of work; to dismiss. 3. to turn (s.o.) into an idle rover or vagabond. — olmak 1. to become an idle rover or vagabond. 2. to be distracted from one’s work. 3. to be put out of work. avareleşmek (--------...) to become an idle rover or vagabond, avarelik (------..) being an idle rover or vaga- bond; idling; vagabondage, avarız (.—.) 1. obs. obstacles, obstructions. 2. obs., med. infirmities, irregularities. 3. obs., phil. accidents. 4. obs., geol. irregularities, obstacles (in a terrain). 5. Ott. hist, extraordinary tax. avarya (./.) mar. com. average, damages sustained by a ship or its cargo, avaryali (./..) mar. com. damaged (cargo/ship), avayik, -ki (.—.) obs., see avaik. avaz cry, shout. — avaz bağırmak to shout loudly, yell. — ı çıktığı kadar at the top of his/her voice, avcı 1. hunter, huntsman. 2. predatory, (animal) that is good at hunting. 3. mil. skirmisher. 4. mil. fighter plane, fighter. 5. naut. submarine chaser. — botu naut. submarine chaser. — çukuru mil. foxhole. — eri mil. skirmisher. — hattı mil. line of skirmish, skirmish line. — kedi a good mouser. — kediye kurnaz fare, colloq. (For a good mouser, a shrewd mouse.) It’s possible to outfox a fox. — ne kadar hile/ al bilse, ayı o kadar yol bilir, proverb (The hunter may know many tricks, but the bear knows as many paths.) When one is in danger of being tricked he/she counters with stratagems of his/her own. — uçağı fighter plane, fighter. — ya yayılmak (for soldiers) to form a line of skirmish. — zinciri mil. line of skirmish, skirmish line, avcılık 1. being a hunter; hunting, huntsman-ship. 2. mil. being a skirmisher; skirmishing, avciotu, -nu (./..) bot. yellow adonis, Adonis vernalis. avdet, -ti obs. return. — etmek to return. Avdeti (..—) see Dönme, avene helpers, accomplices, gang, aver obs. one-eyed. averaj 1. average. 2. sports average, ratio which shows the average performance of an athlete or an athletic team, avgm prov. drainhole in a stone wall, avisto (./.) com. at sight, avize (.—.) chandelier, avizeağacı, -ni (.— /...) bot. yucca, Yucca. avizo (./.) dispatch boat, avlak hunting ground; game country, avlama 1. hunting. 2. volleyball dropping the return gently over the net to an unprotected avlamak 72 spot. avlamak hi 1. to hunt, shoot. 2. to deceive, dupe. avlanmak 1. to be hunted. 2. to be caught. 3. to go hunting. avlu court, courtyard. avniye formerly a raincoat with a hood. avokad'o (../.) bot. avocado, Per sea americana. Avrasya (./.) Eurasia. avrat prov. 1. woman. 2. wife. — almak to take a wife. — boşamak to divorce, repudiate a wife, —i eri saklar, peyniri deri. proverb (It is the husband who keeps the wife safe, just as cheese is protected by the sheepskin that contains it.) Everything has a way of being protected. — malı başa tokmaktır. proverb (A wife’s dowry is a blow on the head.) A woman makes her dowry an excuse for constantly reproaching her husband. — pazarı 1. hist, female slave market. 2. marketplace where women sell things. — var, arpa unundan aş yapar; avrat var, buğday unundan keş yapar, proverb Some women can make a tasty meal with barley flour while others use wheat flour and make hardtack. — var ev yapar, avrat var ev yıkar. proverb Some women make a home and some wreck a home. avret, -ti 1. private parts, genitals. 2. a part of the body that, by religious law, must be covered. — yeri private parts, genitals. Avrupa (./.) 1. Europe. 2. European. — Birliği the European Union/Community. — Ekonomik Topluluğu the European Economic Community. — İktisadi işbirliği Teşkilatı Organization for European Economic Cooperation. — Konseyi the Council of Europe, the European Council. — Parlamentosu the Parliament of Europe, the European Parliament. — Topluluğu the European Community. Avrupai (..------) European, European style. Avrupali (./..) 1. (a) European. 2. European (person). Avrupalılaşmak (./....) to become Europeanized. Avşar see Afşar. avt, -ti sports, see aut. avuç, -vcu 1. the hollow of one’s hand; the palm (of one’s hand). 2. (a) handful of, (a) fistful of: bir avuç gümüş a handful of silver. — açmak 1. /a/ to have to ask (s.o.) for money. 2. to beg, go begging. — avuç 1. a handful to each. 2. by the handful, lavishly. — dolusu 1. handful. 2. plenty of, a lot of. — içi the palm (of one’s hand), —unun içine almak hi to take (s.o.) into one’s possession, take complete command of. —unun içi gibi/ bilmek hi to know (a place) like the palm of one’s hand, know thoroughly. — içi kadar 1. very small, skimpy. 2. narrow (place), —unun içinde tutmak hi to have (s.o.) in the palm of one’s hand. —u kaşınmak to anticipate getting money. — una saymak hi to pay (cash) in hand. — unu yalamak to be left empty-handed, avuçlamak hi 1. to grasp. 2. to take by handfuls. avukat, -ti lawyer, Brit, solicitor, advocate, barrister. avukatlık 1. the profession of law. 2. the practice of law, the work of a lawyer. 3. unnecessary defense. — stajı law apprenticeship. avunç consolation, comfort, avundurmak hi to console, comfort, avunma 1. preoccupation, distraction. 2. consolation, comfort, avunmak 1. to be consoled, be cheered up. 2. /la/ to be distracted, be preoccupied (with). 3. prov. (for an animal) to be bred, become pregnant, avuntu consolation, that which brings consolation. avurt pouch of the cheek. — u avurduna geçmek to grow lean and gaunt. — u avurduna göçmüş/geçmiş having sunken cheeks, —lari çökmek to have sunken cheeks, be gaunt. — satmak/şişirmek colloq. to brag, talk big. — ünsüzü phon. lateral consonant. — zavurt etmek colloq. 1. to brag. 2. to threaten others, browbeat people, avurtlamak 1. hi prov. to gobble up (food). 2. slang to brag, boast, avurtlu slang puffed up, conceited, bombastic. Avustralya (../.) 1. Australia. 2. Australian, of Australia. avustralyakaratavuğu, -nu (../......) zool. lyre- bird, Menura. AvustralyalI (../..) 1. (an) Australian. 2. Australian (person). Avusturya (../.) 1. Austria. 2. Austrian, of Austria. AvusturyalI (../..) 1. (an) Austrian. 2. Austrian (person), avut, -tu sports, see aut. avutmak hi 1. to soothe, distract. 2. to comfort, console. 3. to attract and amuse, avutturmak /i, a/ to have (s.o.) soothed and distracted. avutulmak to be soothed and distracted (by s.o.). 'ay 1. moon. 2. month. — ağılı halo of the moon, —da âlemde bir see ayda yılda bir. —dan arı, günden/sudan duru 1. beautiful. 2. perfectly clear, —dan aya monthly, once a month. — ayakta çoban yatakta, ay yatakta çoban ayakta, proverb (When the moon is up the shepherd can sleep; when it is down he must be on his feet.) 1. Shepherds should go to bed at dark and get up at dawn. 2. Sheep stealers work in the dark of the moon. — ay dm, hesabı belli, colloq. (The moon is bright; the account is clear.) The situation is clear./ 2ay 73 Nothing is hidden or mixed up. — bacayı aştı, colloq. (The moon has risen above the chimney.) It is too late to do it now. — balta crescent-shaped battle-ax. — başı the first of the month. — çöreği croissant. — de-He child's language the moon. — dedeye misafir olmak colloq. to sleep out at night. — doğuşundan, insan yürüyüşünden bellidir, proverb The month can be predicted by the way the new moon rises, just as you can tell a person by his/her walk. —i gördüm/buldum, yıldıza itibarım/minnetim yok. colloq. (Now that I’ve seen the moon the stars don’t count.) Once I have experienced the best nothing less will satisfy. —i görmeden bayram etme. (— gördünse bayram et.) proverb (Don’t celebrate the festival until you see the moon.) 1. Don’t celebrate the Bairam at the end of Ramazan until you have seen the new moon. 2. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. — gün takvimi standard calendar. — gün yılı lunar year with intercalary months. — hali menstruation. —■ harmanlanmak (for the moon) to be surrounded by a halo. — ışığı moonlight. — ışığında ceviz silkilmez. proverb (One should not shake down walnuts on a moonlit night.) You should establish proper conditions before starting a job. — m kaçı? What is the date? — karanlığı 1. the dark of the moon. 2. moonlight partly obscured by clouds, —da kazandığını günde yemek to spend more than one has. — modülü moon module. — m on dördü full moon. —m on dördü gibi like the full moon, very beautiful (girl/woman). — parçası a beauty, —a, “Sen doğma, ben doğuyorum,” der. colloq. (She says to the moon, “Don’t you rise, I will.”) She is very beautiful. — tabya mil. lunette (a breastwork). — takvimi lunar calendar. — tutulmak (for the moon) to be eclipsed. — tutulması astr. lunar eclipse. — var yılı besler, yıl var ayı beslemez, proverb Some months furnish enough for the whole year; some years don’t even give a month’s supply, —da yılda bir very rarely, —da yılda bir namaz, onu da şeytan komaz. colloq. (He/ She prays once a month or once a year, and the devil doesn’t let even that happen.) He/She is not very observant in his/her pious duties. — yıldız the star and crescent (the emblem of the Republic of Turkey). — yılı lunar year. 2ay 1. Oh! (