С. V&czy LEXICON BOTANICUM POLYGLOTTUM LATINO — DACOROMANICO — ANGLICO — GERMANICO — GALLICO — HUNGARICO — — ROSSICUM Ф Editura Stiinjifica §i Enciclopedica Bucure§ti, 1980 С. Vaczy DICTION AR BOTANIC POLIGLOT LATINA romanA ENGLEZA GERMANA FRANCEZA MAGHIARA RUSA Editura §tiintifica fi Enciclopedica Bucure§ti, 1980 Revizia §Ша(ШсА: romftnft: Б. OHIQA 91 N. BOQCAIU englezft §i francezfi: P.'KUPAS germanft: F. TAUBER rus&: С. Б. ZSIGO Coordonarea redacfionaUL §i lexico(pafic&: DOINA ELENA CIOACA Coperta §i supracoperta: GHEORGHE MOTORA Tehnoredactor: CONSTANTIN IORDACHE INTRODUCTIO Scientia noastra amabilis nullum tale dictionarium polyglottum hactenus habet, quod desideria quotidiana primo usu indagatorum satiare possit. Hoc opus istam inopiam complere studet. Plus quam viginti per annos duravit terminorum technicorum congestions,. eorumque quam accurate explanationis labor. Termini e variis lexiconibus, multis dictionariis plurimisque operibus desumpti fuere. Selectis terminis frequentissime usitatis, praecipue illis descriptivis (i.e. ad organographiam, morphologiam, systematicam plantarum superiorum inferiorumque spectantibus), sat nimio modo etiam vocabulis quibus ad botanicam specialem (i.e. ad cyto-logiam, histologiam, physiologiam, geneticam, oecologiam, phytocoenologiam etc.) pertinent, gravi labore eos pertractavimus et demum in hoc volumine ad lucem pervenire potuerunt. Ideo nostrum opus non modo botanicis bota-nistisque in phanerogamia et cryptoga^J^bcentibus (i.e. indagatores scien-tifici, biologi, collegiorum ac institu^^^^^scholasticarum tarn superiorum quam mediorum sodales) commendaMs, sed vero etiam illis qui huic scientiae ad usum vitae opera navarunt (i.e. praefecti saltuariorum, horti-cultorum et agrimensorum, indagatores officinarum medicamentorum etc.). Hoc opus plus quam 12 000 terminos latinos continet, variationes gra^ phicas atque terminos at binis vocabulis compositos hos itidem adjectos, sed illi posteriores haud adnumerati sunt. Inveniuntur vocabula quoque adjectivalia, quae cum aliis vocabulis adjectivalibus conjuncta, novos terminos conficere patiuntur itemque il^^mposita sejuncta, in hoc opere non tractatos permultos terminos ad cognoscendum adjuvant. Hoc modo re vera plus quam 25 000 vocabula latina explanabilia sunt, quam ob rem indagatores qui solum quamcunque unam linguam intelligunt, huius operis auxilio quoslibet alios terminos extraneos hie tractatos perfacile vertere possunt. Opus in duas partes digestum est: — pars generalis, enumerationem alphabeticam terminorum latinorum fundamentalium, numeris indicatoribus praecessis, nen non elaborationem atque traductionem propriam terminorum continens, — pars specialis indicum alphabeticorum in sex linguis sejunctim dige-storum. I. Pars generalis Vocabula fundamentalia et incipientia sunt termini latini. Substantiva casu nominativi singularis indicantur, eaque littera minuta generis grammaticalis semper secuta sunt (m masculinum, f femininum et n neutrum), at vero termini collectivi casu nominativi pluralis (pi) notati sunt. Genitiva solum INTRODUCTIO 6 extra ordinem confusionum evitationis causa indicata sunt, e. gr. fructw (*us) m IV. decl. ut a substantivis masculinis II decl. (ramus, -i m) vel a neutris III decl. (corpus, -oris n) discernere possent. Ad justam constituendam genitivorum substantivorum eorumque (I—V) declinationum, in Tabula I introductionis latinae enumerationem alphabeticam desinentiarum substantivorum inserere, nec non declinationum exempla sat multa in Tabula II fin-gere curavimus. Adjectiva nominativi singularis in masculina forma tractavimus, absque ulla indicatione generica (m,f,n) vel sine alia abbreviatione (v, adv, praep, pron, num, conj). Tabula III latinae introductionis desinentias adjectivorum tri-, bini- vel uniterminantium continet. Golorum adjectiva eorumque tran-situs varii copiose modo tractavimus et juxta colores fundamentals Шов in indicibus congregavimus. Verba (v) solum pauca notavimus, saepe sub forma sicut in descriptionibus obveniunt (e. gr. dele, fide, confer, emendavit etc.). Pronomina (pron), numeralia (num), praepositiones (praep), adverbia (adv) conjunctionesque (conj) perpauca adjuncta sunt quia sensu communi eorum in dictionaribus generalibus ubique reperiuntur. Etymologia Graeca (gr.), litteris Graecis exarata et solum dacoroma-nice explanata, inter parenthesin sequitur, repetitiones earum in vocabulis sequentibus signo — substituimus. Termini dacoromanici etymologiae Graecae sequuntur, ampliore tractati, breviter explanati (haud definitionis modo), inter parentheses exempla vel auctorum terminorum nomina exposita sunt ; terminorum significations varias sejunctim adnumeratae sunt. Terminos e binis vocabulis compositos etiam saepe adjunximus et pertractavimus, sine numeratione separati. Sequuntur postea inter parentheses termini reliquarum linguarum: [an-glica; germanica; gallica; hungarica; rossica] virgulis punctatis separati, non-nunquam eorum synonyma virgulis disjunctas, termini rossici postremo enu-merati solum ratione typographica. Nonnunquam post parenthesin sub signo sagittae] synonyma latinorum terminorum sequuntur. II. Indicum pars Vocabula omnium linguarum tractatarum sejunctim in indicibus alphabetize digesta sunt, quarum termini una vel pluris litteris majusculis secuti; istae litterae etiam uno vel pluribus numeris praeditae. Littera majuscula litte-rarum initialium terminorum latinorum, numeri illarum cum adnumeratione latinorum terminorum congruunt. Litterae majusculae supra memoratae etiam in indice rossico latinae (non rossicae) sunt, ita С haud consideratur s rossica, H non est n rossica etc. Lectorum benevolentium qui per observationes emendationesve ad melio-rationem huius operis contendunt, auctor gratias suas agit. Napocae, 1 sept. 1977 Auctor 7 1NTR0DUCTI0 Tab. 1 CLAYIS DESINENTIAEUM SUBSTANTIVOBIJM SINGULARIA Nominat. Genet. Genera Decl. Exempla -a -ae m-f I naturalista -a -ae f I planta -ans -andis f III glans -anx -angis f III phalanx -ar -ari m II agar -ar -aris n III calcar -as -adis f III achras •ax -acis m III pinax -e -es f I stele -e -is n III vegetabile -el -ellis n III mel -ems -emis f III hiems -en -enis m III lichen -en -inis m III pecten -en -inis n III stamen -ens -entis Ш III dens -ens -entis f III mens -er -ri m II ager -er -eris m III character -er -eris n III tuber -er -ineris й III iter -es -ei f species -es -etis Ш III paries -es -etis f III seges -es -itis m III caespes -es -is f III pubes -ex -egis m III grex •ex -icis m III caudex -ex -icis f III imbrex -is -idis f III epidermis -is -is m III caulis -is -is f III genesis •is -eris m III cinis -IX -icis m III spadix -ix -icis f III radix -ix -ivis f III nix -та -ae f I gluma -та -matis n III stigma -о -inis m III margo -о -inis f III origo -о -onis m III mucro -о -onis f III associatio •ап -onis m III cion -on -onis f III icon -on -i n II hydrophyton -ons -ndis f III Irons -ons -ntis m III mons •or -oris m III auctor •or -oris f III arbor -os -oris m III flos -os -i n II microbenthos -ox -etis I III nox -pes -pedis m III pes •ps -pis f III stirps -rbs -bis f III urbs -rs -tis I III pars -tas -tatis f III varietas -ter -teris m III aster INTR0DUCT10 Jfominat. -и -ugo -um -us •us -us -us -ut -их -Vs -y« -yx yx Genet. •inis -i -oris -udis -itis -ucis -yos -yos -ychis -ycis SINGULARIA Genera Decl. a IV t III n II m II n III n III f III m IV f IV n III f III m III f III m III m III PLURALIA -a -orum n II -a -urn n III -ae -arum f I -es -ium m,f III -i -orum m II Exempla cornu lanugo folium ramus genus corpus pal us fructus acus caput nux stachye botrys bostryx calyx acrophyta lipoida ballistae aedificatores orthostichi Tab. II A Sing. planta -ae SUBSTANTIYOBUM DECUNATI0NE8 Decl. I Feminina Plur. plantae -arum N G D Ac -am -as Ab -a -is Exempla: anthera, bacca, corolla, lamina, spica, spora, Achillea, Adoxa, Aira, Beta, Brassica, Rosa, Veronica. Sed masc. -feminina: adonista, agricola, incola, naturalista, botanista Sing. Plur. (Graeca origins) stele stelae -es -arum -ae -is -en -as N G D Ac Ab Exempla: akinete, botanice, epitome, Agave, Aloe, Alsine, Androsace, Anemone, Cakile, Leontice, Silene etc. Decl. II Masculina Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. N ramue rami N ager agri G -i -orum G -ri -orum D -0 -is D -ro -is Ac -um -os Ac -rum -os Ab -0 -is Ab ro -is Exempla: aculeus, discus, hortus, lobus, pedunculus, scapus, stylus, typus, Acorus, Bromus, Carduus etc. Sed feminina (nomina •arborum): Ain us, Cerasus, Cornus, Fagus, Sorbus Exempla: agar, culter, liber, magister, Cotoneaster, Oleaster etc. 9 INTRODUCTIO Neutra (Graeca origine) Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. N folium folia N sporophyton sporophyta G -i -orum G -i i-orum D -o -is D -0 -is Ac -um -a Ac -on -a Ab -0 -is Ab -o -is Exempla: amentum, androphorum, invo- Exempla: aleuron, androgamon, anthero- lucrum, sepalum, tomentum, Aconitum, zoon, antholithon, plancton, seston, Agropy- Allium, Arum, Eriophorum ron, Ghamaenerion, Helictotrichon, Ono- pordon, Sison, Pteridophyta (pi), Thal-lophyta (pi) Decl III Parisyllabica Feminina Masculina Sing. Plur. N caulis caules G -is -ium D -i -ibus Ac -em -es Ab -e -ibus Exempla: axis, canalis, collis, finis, unguis etc. Sing. Plur. N cla vis claves G -is -ium D -i -ibus Ac -em -es Ab -e -ibus Exempla: classis, vallis, Digitalis, Pedi* cularis, Trientalis, Vitis etc. Feminina (Graeca orig.) Sing. Plur. N anthesis an theses G -is(-eos) -ium D -i -ibus Ac -in (-im) -es Ab -i -ibus Exempla (gen. gr. -eos): anabiosis, analysis, basis, coenosis, cystis, diagnosis, genesis, kinesis, synthesis, Cannabis, Crypsis, Lycop-sis, Sinapis, Orchis etc. Tab. II В Feminina Sing. Plur. N proles proles G -is -ium D -i -ibus Ac -em -es Ab -e -ibus Exempla: pubes, saedes, sepes, rupes, Aphanes, Adenostyles, Nymphoides, Om-phalodes, Menyanthes etc. Sing. Plur. N vegetabile vegetabilia G -is -ium D -i -ibus Ac -e -ia Ab -i -ibus Exempla: ancile, confine, collare, mare, Secale JNTBODUCTIO Masculina Imparisyllabica Feminina Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. N flos flores N radix radices G -ris -um G -cis -um D -i -ibus D -i -ibus Ac -em -es Ac -em -es Ab -e -ibus Ab -e -ibus Exempla: auctor (-oris), character (-eris), Aster (-eris), caespes (-itis), calyx (-cis), caudex (-icis), cinis (-eris), cion (-nis), dens (-tis), grex (-gis), lichen (-nis), margo (-inis), mons (-tis), mucro (-onis), Senecio (•nis), paries (-tis), mucor (-oris), pecten (-inis), pes (-dis), -pus (-podis), Coronopus (-podis), pinax (-cis), spadix (-cis) Exempla: achras (-die), Dryas (-die), arbor (-oris), associatio (-onis), botrys (-yos), Stachys (-yos), climax (-cis), Smi-lax (-cis), cicatrix (-cis), Salix (-cis) epidermis (-idis), Adonis (-idis), faux (-cis), Glaux (-cis), glans (-dis), Juglans (-die), icon (-nis), Potamogeton (-nis), Tragopogon (-nis), imbrex (-icis), Carex (-icis), niems (-mis), nix (-ivis), nox (-etis), phalanx (-gis), origo (-inis), Plantago (-inis) pars (-tis), palus (-dis), seges (-etis), Abies (-etis) stirps (-pis), Aegylops (-pis), urbs (-bis), varietas (-tis) Neutra Neutra N G D Ac Ab Sing. genus -eris genera -um -ibus -a -ibus N G D Ac Ab Sing. epider та -та -mate Plur. epider mata -um -ibus -ta -ibus Exempla: acumen (-inis), Cyclamen (-inis), calcar (-ris), caput (-itis), corpus (-oris), iter (-ineris), latus (-eris), mel (-lis), chromosoma (-matis), stamen (-inis), stigma (-matis), Alisma (-matis), tuber (-eris), Acer (-eris), Laser (-eris) Tab. II С Decl. IV Masculina Neutra Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. N fructus fructus N corn и cornua G -us -uum G -us -um D -ui -ibus D -ui -ibus Ac -um -us Ac -u -a Ab -u -ibus Ab -u -ibus Exempla: abortus (-us), ambitus (-us) aspectus (-us), contextus (-us), ductus (-us), habitus (-us), sexus (-us) etc. Feminina: acus (-us), Quercus (-us), tri-bus (-us), Pinus (-us) Ded. V Feminina N G D Ac Ab species -erum -ebus Feminina composita (decl. V+I) Sing. N respublica G reipublicae D reipublicae Ac rempublicam Ab republica (masc^j1; ac*es» crassities, durities, facies, glabrities, birsuties, planities, series, res, etc. Dies И INTRODUCTIO Tab. Ill AD JECTIVORUM DECLINATIONES Singularia Pluralia Masculina Feminina Neutra Masculina Feminina Neutra I. Ternis desinentiis N longus (II) longa (I) longum (II) N longi Ion gae long a G -ae -i G -orum -arum -orum D -0 -ae -0 D -is -is -is Ac -um -am -um Ac -os -as -a Ab -0 -a -o Ab -is -is -is N glaber (II) glabra (I) glabrum (II) N glabri glabrae glabra G -ri -ae -i G -orum -arum -orum D -0 -ae -0 D -is -is -is Ac -um -am -um Ac -os -as -a Ab -0 -a -o Ab -is -is -is Exempla: ater (-ra, -rum), conifer (-ra,-rum), floripar (-ra, -rum), integer (-ra, -rum), menan* der (-ra, -rum), pulcher (-ra, -rum), taeter (-ra, -rum) etc. N Silvester (III) silvestris (III) silvestre (III) N silvestres silvestres silvestrifl G -ris -ris -ris G -ium -ium -ium D -i -i -i D -ibus -ibus -ibus Ac -em -em -e Ac -es -es -ia Ab -i -i -i Ab -ibus -ibus -ibus Exempla: acer (-ris, -re), alpester (-ris, -re), campester (-ris, -re), lacuster (-ris, -re), paluster (-ris, -re), rupester (-ris, -re), terrester (-ris, -re) etc. II. Binis desinentiis N brevis (III) brevis (III) breve (III) N breves breves brevia G -is -is -is G -ium -ium -ium D -i -i -i D -ibus -ibus -ibus Ac -em -em -e Ac -es -es -ia Ab -i -i -i Ab -ibus -ibus -ibus Exempla: acris (-e), alpestris (-e), biglumis (-e), campestris (-e), ensiformis (-e), lacustris (-e), multinodis (-e), palustris (-e), paucinervis (-e), similis (-e), terrestris (-e), umbilicalis (-e), zonalis (-e) etc. Gradus compar. N bre vior (III) brevier (Til) brevius (III) N breviores breviores breviora G -oris -oris -oris G -um -um -um D -ori -ori -ori D -ibus -ibus -ibus Ac -orem -orem -orius Ac -es -es -a Ab -ore -ore -ore Ab -ibus -ibus -ibus Exempla irregularia: melior (-ius), peior(-ius), maior(-ius), minor (-us), plus etc. Sine comparative: bellus, diversus, falsus, novus. INTRODVCTIO 12 III. Singulis desinentiis Singularia Pluralia Masculina Feminina Neutra Masculina Feminina Neutra К simplex (III) simplex simplex N simplices simplices eimplicia G -ICIS -icis -icis G -ium -ium -ium D -ici -ici -ici D -ibus -ibus -ibus Ac -icem -icem -ex Ac -es -es -ia Ab -ici -ici -ici Ab -ibus -ibus -ibus N dehiscens(III) dehiscens dehiscens N dehiscentes dehiscentes dehiscentia G -tis -t is -tis G -ium -ium -ium D -t i -ti -ti D -ibus -ibus -ibus Ac Лет Лет -ens Ac -es -es -ia Ab -ti -ti -ti Ab -ibus -ibus -ibus Exempla: aberrans (-tis), anceps (-itis), asterocalyx (-ycis), asterotrix (-icis), bicolor (-oris),, bidens (-tis), brachypus (-podis), brevipes (-pedis), clinolepis (-idis), diplostemon (-onis), fugax (-acis), galactites (-itis), hemiteres (-tis),impar (-ris), impubes (-is), lasiochlamys (-ydisj^ longicuspis (-idis), praecox (-cis), platyodon (-tis), vetus (-eris) etc. ABBREVIATIONS adv adverbium (angl.) anglice conj conjunctio f substantivum femeninum m substantivum masculinum n substantivum neutrum num numeralis Pi pluralis praep praepositio pron pronomen V verbum 1, 2 3., numerotatio variorum sensuum {lat... etymologia ex vocabulo latino ... (P*..... etymologia ex vocabulo graeco ... (gr.-, etymologia ex vocabulo graeco ut supra (.....) casus genitivi, --- nomina auctorum, --- exempla termini [anglici; germanici; gallici; hungarici; rossici] ---► vide etiam synonyma latina .....“) etymologiae traductio dacoromanica ~ ,,tilda“, repetitio adjectivi praecedentis, in concordatione * vide in appendice ADDENDA ad numerum congruentem 1NTR0DUCERE CercetSrile §tiin^ifice, indeosebi cele din timpurile noastre, reclama о ampla §i temeinicS documentare prealabilS pentru a se putea cunoa§te rezultatele rea-lizSrilor de pina atunci. Aceasta munca de documentare jse referS mai ales la lucr&rile publicate in diferite limbi europene, dar indeosebi la cele cu mare circulatie internationals. Cercet&torii intimpinS dificultSti mai ales in traducerea cit mai precisa a termenilor tehnici proprii fiecSrei limbi. Deoarece in lucrSrile mai recente problemele sint abordate multilateral, cercet&torii mai trebuie s& cunoasca si terminologia tehnicS folositS in disciplinele auxiliare. Dict-ionarele de tip general trateazS insa numai un numSr redus de termeni tehnici folosiji in diferitele discipline. Ca urmare devin necesare si constituie un real ajutor in munca de cercetare dicj-ionarele explicative multilingve, elaborate in diferite domenii de specialitate. In ultimele secole au fost publicate, in diferite limbi, mai multe enciclopedii si numeroase dictionare botanice, mai ales unilingve sau cel mult bilingve. Majoritatea acestor dictionare insa, ast&zi, nu mai pot fi procurate, deoarece sint de mult epuizate sau sint inaccesibile cercet&torilor no§tri. Continutul lor este de multe ori chiar depSsit, deoarece mul^i termeni §i-au schimbat accep-liunea lor initiala, iar unii au devenit chiar echivoci §i au fost inlocuiti cu termeni noi, care reflects un con^inut nou. Pe de altS parte, explozia informational, care caracterizeazS secolul nostru, creeazS aproape zilnic notiuni noi, intro-ducind termeni noi in toate domeniile de specialitate. Toate aceste imprejurSri dovedesc importance, necesitatea si utilitatea unor dictionare de specialitate multilingve. Un dictionar poliglot, care sS cuprindS un volum mai mare de termeni pentru a putea satisface necesit&tile de prim ordin ale cercetStorilor, lipseste in literatura botanicS. Prezenta lucrare incearcS sS completeze aceastS lacunS. La intocmirea acestei lucrSri munca de documentare, de peste douS decenii (1952—1973), are la bazS datele mai multor enciclopedii §i numeroase dictionare botanice, precum §i un mare numSr de articole §i lucrSri de specialitate care au fost publicate in literatura botanicS incepind de la Linne. DupS adunarea unui vast material documentar, extras pe fi§e, s-a trecut la selectionarea §i pre<-lucrarea, in 7 limbi europene, a termenilor mai frecvent folositi in acest dome-niu. Accentul s-a pus pe terminologia descriptivS (organografie, morfologie, sistematica plantelor superioare §i inferioare, ca §i termenii folositi in nomenclature lor), dar au mai fost retinuti numero§i termeni utilizati in celelalte domenii speciale ale botanicii (citologie, histologie, fiziologie, geneticS, ecolo-gie, fitocenologie, fitogeografie etc.). Astfel, lucrarea de fatS se adreseazS bota-ni§tilor fanerogami§ti §i criptogami§ti (cercetStori §tiinCifici, cadre didactice din inv&C&mintul superior §i mediu, biologi), speciali§tilor care lucreazS in dome- 15 INTRODUCEKE niile aplicative ale acestei §tiinj.e (ingineri silvici §i agronomi, horticultori, cer-cetStori din industria farmaceuticS etc.) §i studen^ilor de la diferite facultSti in care se predS botanica. Lucrarea cuprinde peste 12 000 de termeni latinefti, inclusiv variantele lor grafice (de ex. gibba f, gibber m, gibbositas f, gibbus m sau fructifer, fructificans, fructuarius, fructigenus, fructiger, fructiparus), precum §i termenii formati din douS cuvinte (de ex. laciniae calycis, corolla ligulata etc.), aceftia din urmS fSrS numerotare specials. Intre termenii tratati figureazS un mare numar de radicale adjectivale (de ex. brachy-), care prin compunere cu alte adjective pot forma numerofi termeni adjectivali (de ex. brachyanthus, brachy acanthus, brachycarpus, brachyglossus, brachyurus etc.) sau compufi fiind (de ex. brachy-cladus), prin descompunere in brachy- §i in clad-, dado-, -cladus (ambele radicale fiind tratate separat la literele respective) ajuta la traducerea in toate limbile tratate a unui numar mare de cuvinte care nu sint prelucrate propriu-zis in prezenta lucrare. In acest fel, numarul termenilor tehnici latinesti care pot fi descifrati cu ajutorul dictionarului se ridica la peste 25 000 de cuvinte. Termenii latinefti (de baza) sint enumerati alfabetic si sint precedati de cite о cifrS. Numerotarea se face separat pentru fiecare grup de litere pentru a se evita in acest fel folosirea unor cifre prea lungi si greu de retinut. Corespondents termenilor latinefti sint apoi enumerati in celelalte 6 limbi in ordinea urmStoare: romSnS (cu explicatii si exemplificari sumare), engleza, germana, franceza, maghiara si rusa, impreuna cu eventualele lor sinonime. Termenii rusesti sint tratati la urma numai din consideratiuni de ordin tipografic. Lucrarea are doua parti: — partea generala, care cuprinde enumerarea alfabetica a termenilor lati-ne§ti, precum §i prelucrarea propriu-zisa a acestora in celelalte 6 limbi, — partea indexurilor alfabetice, intocmit separat pentru fiecare limba, unde fiecare termen trimite la litera majuscula §i la numarul sub care poate fi gasit termenul cSutat in oricare din limbile tratate la partea generala. In acest fel, specialists care cunosc una din aceste limbi, se vor putea folosi de prezentul dictionar in ce priveste toate celelalte limbi tratate aici. I. Partea general^ Termenii latinesti constituie termenii de baza, cuvintele de titlu §i sint tipariti cu verzale cursive. Intr-adevar, limba latina a fost prima limba internatio-nala folosita in §tiinta botanica, generind majoritatea termenilor tehnici utilizati in §tiinta. In botanica ea se mai foloseste si astazi ca limba stiintifica fundamentals si internationala, iar conform prevederilor Codului international de botanicS, toate unitStile sistematice nou descoperite trebuie descrise in mod obligator in limba latinS, prezumindu-se cS in acest fel toatS lumea poate lua cuno§tintS de ele. Substantivele latine figureazS la nominativ singular §i pentru a putea fi recu-noscute ca substantive, ele sint urmate intotdeauna de cite о literS care indicS abreviat genul lor gramatical: m pentru masculin, /“pentru femenin fi n pentru neutru (de ex. flos m, planta f, folium n). Substantivele care redau notiuni colec-tive, grupuri sau formatiuni de plante, aglomerSri de corpusculi etc. (de ex. anemophilae f pi, ballochores f pi, ergasiophyta n pi, crystalloides m pi.) figureazS la nominativ plural §i sint urmate de litera care precizeazS genul lor gramatical, precum §i de indicarea abreviatS a pluralului lor (pi). INTRODUCERE 16 Genetivele substantivale nu s!nt indicate decit numai in oazurile motivate prin necesitatea evitirii unor confuzii posibile. Astfel, se indic& in paranteze genetivele in cazul substantivelor imparisilabice, de declinarea III, terminate in -is (de ex. cassis (-idis) f), pentru a putea fi deosebite de substantivele pari-silabice, de declinarea III, terminate in -is, dar avind genetivul in -is (de ex. genesis f, genetiv genesis); la cele terminate in -us, masculine sau feminine, de decl. IV, de ex. fructus (-us) m, pentru a nu fi confundate cu substantivele masculine sau feminine, de declinarea II, terminate la nominativ in -us, avlnd genetivul in -i, de ex. ramus m, sau cu cele de decl. Ill neutre, corpus (-oris) n. Substantivele terminate in -a, masculine sau feminine (de ex. planta f) sint de declinarea I, dar toate cele terminate in -та neutre (prevSzute cu eti-mologie greac&) au genetivul in -matis §i sint de declinarea III (de ex. so та n, stigma n etc.). Pentru stabilirea corecta a genetivelor substantivele §i a categoriei de declinare (I—V), in cadrul introducerii latine am cuprins in Tabelul I toate desi-nentele substantivale din prezenta lucrare, cu incUcarea genetivelor lor §i a categoriei de declinare in care se incadreaz&, iar in Tabelul II am dat exemple de declinare pentru cele 5 categorii, precum §i pentru citeva cazuri exceptionale. Unele substantive au dou& versiuni de desinen^S, adesea cu genuri gra-maticale deosebite, ambele variante fiind valabile, de ex. stigmatophorus m §i stigmatophorum n. In prezenta lucrare noi am optat pentru versiunea stigma-tophorum n pentru a putea fi deosebit de adjectivul stigmatophorus, indicat la nominativ singular forma masculina. Adjectivele sint redate la nominativ singular genul masculin. Ele pot fi recunoscute ca adjective prin aceea cS nu sint urmate nici de litere singuratice (de ex. m,f,n,sau v), dar nici de abreviatii (de ex. num., conj., adv). In Tabelul III din introducerea latina sint date exemple de declinare a adjectivelor cu 3 terminatiuni de genuri gramaticale, cu doua, sau cu о singura formS invariabila pentru toate cele trei genuri; pe baza desinen^ei lor din partea generald a lucrSrii, aceste adjective pot fi incadrate cu u§urinta in categoria lor de declinare. Am indicat numeroase verbe la participiu, cu rol adjectival, terminate in -ans sau -ens (de ex. nigricans, dehiscens), acestea avind о singura forma pentru cele trei genuri, precum §i citeva verbe la gerundiv, tot cu rol adjectival (de ex. conservandus), care dispun de cele trei forme de gen gramatical (-us, -a, -um). In ambele cazuri am indicat dupS ele in paranteza forma lor de indicativ prezent singular persoana intiia pentru a u§ura g&sirea lor in dic^ionarele latine de tip general (de ex. nigrico, dehisco, conservo). О aten^ie deosebita s-a acordat adjectivelor care redau culorile precum §i nuantele acestora, dat fiind frecventa lor folosire in descrierile botanice si mai ales in floricultura, adesea insa gre§it folosite. In indexurile alfabetice ale limbilor tratate am indicat §i cumulativ aceste nuance in cadrul culorilor de baza pentru a oferi cititorilor о cit mai bunS orientare de ansamblu. Verbe (urmate de abrevia^ia v) am inclus purine in lucrare, mentionin-du-le la indicativ prezent singular persoana intiia, a§a cum figureazS in dic^io-narele latine de tip general (de ex. disto v). Uneori am inclus verbele in forma in care sint folosite in mod curent in descrieri (de ex. dele, fide, confer, emendavit etc.) pentru a u§ura identificarea lor de cStre cititor. Pronume (pron.), numerale (num), prepozi^ii (praep), adverbe (adv) §i con-junc^ii (conj) am indicat doar cit'eva, in mod exceptional, deoarece acestea pot fi usor gSsite in toate dic^ionarele latine §i sint folosite in in^elesul lor comun. 17 INTRODUCERE Etimologia greaca urmeaza Intre paranteze dupii termenii latine§ti de origin^ greac& §i este introdusS prin abreviatia gr (,,deriv& din grecescul‘f). Termenii grece§ti au fost trecuji cu caractere eline pentru a se evita greu-td^ile fonetice §i grafice in redarea lor exacta prin caractere latine. Ace§ti termeni figureaza la nominativ singular, uneori este indicat §i genetivul lor, atunci cind genetivul a fost utilizat la crearea termenului tehnic latin, de ex. trichobacteria n pi (gr 0pi^, xpi/oq „par, set£“), urmat in ghilimele de cores-pondentul rom&nesc. Cind termenul grecesc se repeta §i la cuvintele urmatoare, la acestea din urma dupa indicatia gr —, se folosesc liniu^e urmate de vir-gulS („vezi mai sus‘f) fara a se mai repeta termenul grecesc. Speram ca indicarea etimologiilor grecesti va contribui la о mai buna intelegere si la retinerea mai ufoara a termenilor tehnici latinesti. Termenii rom^nesti sint prelucrati mai detaliat, in acord gramatical cu termenii de baza latine§ti §i urmeaza dupa paranteza etimologiei. Substantivele sint indicate la nominativ singular, iar in cazul notiunilor colective la nominativ plural. In cazuri motivate li se indica in paranteza si forma de plural, de ex. bractee (pi. bractei), sept (pi. septe) etc. Urmeaza apoi sinonimele lor, despartite prin virgule, dupa care se indica rezumativ §i cit mai concis semnificatia lor. Adesea se mai indica in paranteza: — exemple de folosire a termenului in diagnozele latine, precum §i tradu-cerea lor in limba rom&nS, — exemple de unit&ti sistematice cu nomenclature latina la care se refer& termenul, — numele autorului care a creat notiunea si termenul, sau acceptiunea speciala a unui autor, — exemple de termeni substantivali romanesti la care se refera mai adesea termenul adjectival. Termenii cu mai multe accep^-iuni semantice sint numerotati. In cadrul unor termeni substantivali se mai indica uneori termenii tehnici folositi prin combinare cu alti termeni substantivali sau adjectivali (de ex. lobii frunzei, radacina contractila), acestia neavind insa numerotare separate. Tinem sa accentuam aici ca partea explicativa a termenilor nu are caracter de definite, ea este cit mai rezumativa si nu cuprinde cazurile de exceptie. Adjectivele sint redate, si in limba romana, la masculin singular nominativ, dindu-li-se cite о explicatie sumara si adesea intre paranteze se mai indica termenii substantivali la care se refera mai frecvent, de ex. acrescent (caliciul la Physalis, stilul la Clematis), acetabuliform (gitul perigonului la Narcissus poeticus, fructificatii la Acetabularia). Grafia corecta a unor termeni romanesti a constituit adesea о problema pentru autor, intrucit in literatura de specialitate unii termeni sint folositi cu grafie variata, de ex. conidie (conidiu), anteridie (anteridiu), aerobionte (aero-bion^i), gametangiu (gametangie), sporange (sporangiu), bazidie (bazidiu), androcor (androchor), corologie (chorologie), salaza (chalaza) etc. In aceste cazuri s-a optat pentru grafia mai generalizata sau pentru cea folosita in volu-mele de Flora R.S.R. In alte cazuri nu s-a gSsit corespondentul romanesc al termenului tehnic latin, acesta trebuind sa fie adaptat limbii romane prin analogie cu alte cuvinte similare, cu respectarea spiritului limbii romane, evitindu-se astfel circum-scrierea (abient, acascofite, acaul, acramfibrie, acrofix, adnascent etc.), iar in putine cazuri a fost inevitabila men^inerea termenului latin neschimbat (aererrantia, apostrophe, androfilum, amfiaster etc.). Tot a§a, in cazul citorva INTRODUCERE 18 termeni nelatine§ti, dar care circulft in aceasti form& (de ex. crossing-over), ace§tia au fost men^inu^i ffir& schimbare in toate limbile. Intre paranteze drepte sint reda}i termenii tehnici in celelalte limbi, des-pSr^i intre ei prin virgulfi. punctatfi (;), precum §i eventualele sinonime des-par^ite prin virgule, dupS. secven^a urm&toare: [engleza; germana; franceza; maghiara; rusa] uneori mai aplicindu-se semnul —* care trimite la sinonimele latine§ti. П. Partea indexurilor Pentru fiecare din limbile moderne tratate s-a intocmit cite un index alfa-betic separat, care cuprinde to^i termenii care figureaza in lucrare in limba respectiva, cei latine§ti de bazS fiind inca de la inceput aranja^i in ordine alfa-betica. Fiecare termen din index este urmat de una sau mai multe litere majuscule §i de una sau mai multe cifre, care corespund cu litera initials §i cu cifra de numerotare de la termenii de baza latinesti. Aceste indicatii de referin^a fac posibil gasirea u§oara a termenului c&utat in oricare din limbile tratate. Pentru semnalarea eventualelor observatii de precizare sau de indreptare din partea cititorilor, autorul isi exprima deplina gratitudine. La incheierea acestei lucrari amintirea autorului se indreaptS inainte de toate catre cei care au fost acad. E. I. Ny&r&dy, Prof. I. Grintescu ?i Prof. M. Gu§uleac pentru indemnurile §i incurajarile date autorului inc& de la inceput; multumiri §i recunostinta acad. V. Preda, directorul Centrului de Cercet&ri Biologice din Cluj-Napoca, care cu toata bun&vointa si intelegerea i-а asigurat autorului conditiiie de munca cele mai bune pentru terminarea acestei lucrari. Adresez sincere multumiri bunilor mei colegi §i prieteni, Prof. Dr. E. Ghi§a, Dr. N. Boscaiu, Dr. F. Tauber, Dr. C. Zslgd §i Dr. P. Kup6s, care prin sfaturi, observatii critice si pe calea lectorizarii lingvistice au contribuit mult la imbunatatirea lucrarii, apoi colegelor §i colegilor din cadrul institutului, care m-au ajutat in munca sub diferite forme. Imi revine datoria sa-mi exprim cu aceasta ocazie gratitudinea §i cele mai sincere multumiri conducerii Editurii Enciclopedice §i §tiintifice pentru intelegerea, ajutorul neprecupejit §i permanent pe care mi 1-au acordat in tot cursul editarii, precum §i responsabilei de carte, Cioaca D. Elena, pentru sfa-turile, valoroasa §i competenta contributie sub aspect redacjional §i editorial, dar si tipografilor — harnici muncitori rama§i intotdeauna in anonimat — care prin munca lor grea §i con^tiincioasa au realizat aparitia lucrarii in cele mai bune condtyii tehnice. Cluj-Napoca, 1 sept. 1977 Autorul FOREWORD A multilingual botanical dictionary comprising a fairly great number of terms in order to satisfy the first rate necessities of researchers is missing from the botanical literature. The present work is an attempt to fill in the gap. During the documentation work, which required an effort of more than 20 years, the data were studied intensively of several encyclopaedias and a wide range of botanical dictionaries as well as of numerous other reference works in the field, beginning with Linne's writings. The attention was focused on the descriptive terminology (organography, morphology, the systematics of superior and inferior plants as well as the terms of the nomenclature) and, in the same time, on the terms used in other special fields of botany (cytology, histology, physiology, genetics, ecology, phytocoenology etc.). Thus, the present work is meant for the use of botanists interested in phanerogams and cryptogams (researchers, biologists, members of the teaching staff of universities or high schools) and of specialists from the applied fields of this scientific discipline (forestry engineers, agricultural engineers, researchers in the domain of horticulture or the pharmaceutical industry etc.). The work comprises more than 12.000 Latin terms, including graphic variants as well as terms made up of two words, the latter not being preceded by a reference number. Among the terms included there are a great number of adjectival roots which, when linked to other adjectives, may give birth to numerous new terms or compound adjectives or decomposed, these would help to translate a great number of words actually not included in the present work, into all the languages of the Dictionary. In this way the number of Latin terms which can be translated with the help of the Dictionary surpasses the amount of 25.000 words. Specialists having the command of one of the languages of the Dictionary can use it for all the other languages. The work is made up of two parts: — the General Part, which comprises the alphabetic listing of the basic Latin terms, preceded by a reference number and followed by the specification of the term in the other 6 languages, — the Alphabetical Indexes elaborated for each of the languages included in the work. I. The General Part The Latin terms are used as main entries. The nouns are presented in the nominative singular form and are always followed by a letter indicating their gender: m stands for masculine, f for feminine and n for neuter gender. Terms denoting collective notions take the plural FORE WORD 20 (pi.) form. Their genitive form is given in round brackets () only in the case when possible confusions are to be avoided, i.e. fructus (-us) m, (declin. IV), lest they should be taken for masculine or feminine nouns having the same ending, i.e. ramus (-i) m, (declin. II) or corpus (-oris) n, (declin. III). In order that the correct genitive form and declension category (I—V) of nouns might be established, the Latin introduction gives a listing, in Tab. I, of all the endings of the nouns included in the present work, indicating the proper genitive form and declension, moreover, Tab. II offers examples ©f declension. Adjectives are represented in masculine nominative singular form and are not followed by abbreviations of any kind (no m, f, n, v, adv., pron., num., conj.) however Tab. Ill of the Latin introduction gives examples of declension for adjectives with 3, 2 or only one ending denoting gender. Adjectives with the meaning of colours were treated in a detailed manner along with their variants and nuances and in the Alphabetical Indexes the nuances are also indicated together with the basic colours. Verbs (v) are less numerous and are given sometimes directly under the form used in botanical descriptions (i.e. dele, fide, confer, emendavit etc.). Pronouns (pron), numerals (num), prepositions (praep), adverbs (adv) and conjunctions (conj) are but rarely listed, they are used in the customary sense of the Latin dictionaries. Greek etymology ( gr) is given in brackets in Greek types and with the corresponding word in Roumanian. When the Greek term is repeated in the next combined word, a little line (—) is used instead of it. The Roumanian terms are placed after the brackets of the Greek etymology and are treated at large, followed by a short explanation (not a definition). In brackets illustrative examples of Latin scientific plant names are added either the name of the author by whom the term was created or used in a particular sense. The various semantic meanings are numbered. Often a particular item is followed by compound terms made up of two words. These compunds are treated completely, however they are not numbered. The Roumanian text is followed by the specialized terms in the other languages in square brackets, in the following order: /English; German; French; Hungarian; Russian/, with a semicolon (;) between them, the synonyms are separated by comma. The Russian terms are at the end of the listing because of typographical reasons. After closing the square brackets an arrow] indicates the possible latin synonyms. II. The Alphabetical Indexes For each of the modern languages included an Alphabetical index was compiled. Each term is followed by one or more capital letters completed with one or more reference numbers. The letters indicate the initials of the Latin terms treated in the General Part, the figures correspond to the numbering of the Latin terms. The reference letters of the Russian Index are Latin letters and not Russian, thus С is not a Russian s, H is not a Russian n, etc. The users’ occasional observations, suggestions or corrections would be accepted with the sincerest gratitude. Cluj-Napoca, September 1st, 1977. The Author EINLEITUNG Ein vielsprachiges botanisches Worterbuch, welches ein groBeres Volumen von Fachausdrucken enthalt, um vor allem die Notwendigkeit der Forscher zu erfiillen, fehlt in der Botanikliteratur. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht diese Liicke auszufullen. Die Dokumentierungsarbeit, die uber 20 Jahre dauerte, hatte die Daten mehrerer Enzyklopadien, zahlreiche botanische Worterbucher, wie auch eine Vielzahl von Spezialitatsbuchem, die begonnen mit Linne veroffentlicht wurden, als Basis. Aus diesem umfangreichen Material wurden die haufiger verwendeten Ausdrucke ausgewahlt. Das Hauptgewicht wurde auf die beschreibende Ter-minologie gelegt (Organographie, Morphologie, Systematik der hoheren und niederen Pflanzen, gleichfalls auch die Ausdrucke der Nomenklatur), wobei aber auch zahlreiche Fachausdrucke, die in den Spezialfachern der Botanik benutzt werden, aufgemerkt wurden (Zytologie, Histologie, Physiologie, Genetik, Okologie, Phytozonologie uew.). Somit wendet sich dieses Werk an die phane-rogamen und kryptogamen Pflanzen erforschenden Botaniker (wissenschaftliche Forscher, Biologen, Lehrkader aus dem mittleren und oberen Lehramt), eben-falls auch an die Spezialisten welche in den Anwendungsgebieten dieser Wis-senschaft tatig sind (Forstingineure und Agronomen, Forscher im Garten bau und in der pharmazeutischen Industrie, u.a.). Die Arbeit umfasst uber 12 000 lateinische Begriffe, einschlieBlich ihre verschiedenen Schreibweisen, wie auch die zusammengesetzten Ausdrucke, wobei die letzteren nicht numeriert sind. Unter den behandelten Ausdriicken befindet sich auch eine GroBzahl von adjektivalen Stammen, die durch eine Zusammensetzung mit anderen Adjektiven zahlreiche neue Ausdrucke bilden konnen, oder die aus zwei Wortern zusammengesetzten Adjektive verhelfen durch ihre Aufgliederung zur Ubersetzung in die behandelten Sprachen einer Vielzahl von Wortern die in der vorliegenden Arbeit eigentlich nicht verdeut-licht sind. Auf diese Art erhebt sich die Anzahl der lateinischen Fachausdrucke^ die mittels des Worterbuchs aufgeklart werden, bis uber 25.000 Worter. Die Spezialisten, welche bios eine Sprache des Worterbuchs beherrschen^ konnen sich aller tibrigen Sprachen des Worterbuchs bedienen. Das Werk besteht aus zwei Teilen: — der allgemeine Teil, welcher die alphabetische Aufzahlung der lateinischen Grundbegriffe enthalt, von einer Hinweisungsziffer vorangegangen und ihre eigentliche Verarbeitung in die tibrigen 6 Sprachen, — das alphabetische Verzeichnis, das getrennt fur jede einzelne Sprache deB Worterbuchs aufgestellt ist. EINLEITUNG *- I. Allgemeiner Teil Die lateinsprachigen Ausdriicke bilden die Titelworte. Die Substantive stehen im Nominativ Singular, stets gefolgt von einem Buchstaben der ihr grammatisches Geschlecht anfuhrt: m Maskulinum, f Fe-mininum und n Neutrum. Die Ausdrucke der Sammelbegriffe sind im Plural (pi) aufgezeichnet. Ihre Genitive sind nur in berechtigten Sonderfallen in Klam-mern angefuhrt, z. B.: fructus (-us) m (IV. Deklin.), um nicht mit den masku-linen oder femininen Substantiven, mit derselben Endung, z.B.: ramus, (-i) m (II. Deklin.) oder corpus (-oris) n (III. Deklin.) verwechselt zu werden. Zur richtigen Festlegung der substantivalen Genitive und der Deklina-tionsklassen (I—V) wurden bei der lateinischen Einleitung in die Tabelle I, die im Worterbuch vorkommenden Endungen eingetragen, mit der Angabe ihrer Genitive und ihrer Deklinationsklasse, wogegen die Tabelle II, Deklina-tionsbeispiele wiedergibt. Die Adjektive sind in maskuliner Form aufgeschrieben, im Nominativ Singular und werden von keiner Abktirzungsanweisung (m, f, n, v, adv, pron, num, conj) gefolgt, wahrend die Tabelle III in der lateinischen Einleitung, Deklinationsbeispiele fur die Adjektive mit 3, 2 oder einer einzigen Genusen-dung bringt. Adjektive die verschiedene Farben andeuten sind ausfuhrlicher mit ihren Varianten und Farbtonen behandelt, wobei die alphabetischen Ver-zeichnisse diese Farbtone im Rahmen der Grundfarben zusammengefasst auf-zahlen. Verben (mit v notiert) sind wenige angefuhrt, manchmal gerade in der Gebrauchsform von Beschreibungen (z.B.: dele, fide, confer, emendavit u.a.). Pronomen (pron), Numeralien (num), Prapositionen (praep), Adverbien (adv) und Konjunktionen (conj) sind nur wenige, ausnahmsweise gegeben, weil sie im Hauptsinn der lateinischen Worterbucher gebraucht sind. Die griechische Etvmologie ( gr.) folgt in der Klammer mit griechischen Buchstaben und mit ihrer entsprechenden rumanischen Bedeutungstermino-logie. Wenn sich der griechische Ausdruck auch fur die nachfolgenden Worter wiederholt, wird ein Srichlein (—) aufgezeichnet. Nach den Klammern der griechischen Etymologie folgen die rumanischen Ausdrucke, die ausfuhrlicher, mit kurzen Erklarungen (keine Definitionen), behandelt sind, wogegen andere Klammern, Beispiele von systematischen Einheiten einschlieBen, auf die sich der Text bezieht oder aber die Autoren-namen die den Ausdruck geschaffen haben oder diese Verdeutlichung annehmen. Die verschiedenen semantischen Gebrauchsformen wurden numeriert. Nach der Auslegung des Fachausdrucks sind haufig auch die aus 2 Wortern zusammengesetzten Begriffe verarbeitet dargeboten, ohne eine spezielle Nume-rierung. Dem rumanischen Text folgen zunachst zwischen geraden Klammern die den tibrigen Sprachen entsprechenden Fachausdriicke, in folgender Ord-nung: [englisch; deutsch; franzosi9ch; ungarisch; russisch], durch Punkt-Bei-strich (;) getrennt und ihre Synonymen durch Beistriche. Die russischen Ausdrucke sind zuletzt angereiht wegen typographischen Grunden. Nach der SchlieBung der geraden Klammern verleitet manchmal ein Pfeil (]-»>) zu den eventuellen lateinischen Synonymen. 23 EINLEITUNG П. Yerzeichnis-Teil Fur jede behandelte moderne Sprache ist je ein separates Worterverzeich-nis aufgestellt. Jeder Ausdruck ist von einem oder 2 groBgeschriebenen Buch-dtaben und von einer oder mehreren Hinweisungsziffern begleitet. Die Buchstaben entsprechen den Anfangsbuchstaben der Lateinausdrucke die im ersten Teil behandelt sind, wahrend die Ziffern zur Numerierung der Lateinausdrucke verweisen. Die Hinweisungsbuchstaben des russischen Verzeichnisses sind lateinische Buchstaben und keine russische, so daB G kein russisches s,. H kein n, usw. darstellen. Ftir die Anweisung eventueller Bemerkungen, von Verdeutlichungen oder Berichtigungen spricht der Verfasser seinen vollen Dank aus. Cluj-Napoca 1. September 1977 Der Verfasser INTRODUCTION Un dictionnaire polyglotte, comprennant un volume appreciable de termes techniques pour satisfaire les besoins de premier ordre des chercheurs scienti-fiques, manque en ce moment dans la litterature botanique. Le present travail tente de completer cette lacune. Le travail de documentation, qui a dure plus de 20 annees, repose sur les donnees de plusieurs encyclopedies et de nombreux dictionnaires de botanique, ainsi que sur un grand nombre de travaux de cette specialite publies a partir de Linne. Les termes le plus souvent utilises dans ce domaine ont ete selection-nes. L’accent a ete mis sur la terminologie descriptive (organographie, mor-phologie, systematique des plantes superieures et inferieures, aussi que les termes de la nomenclature), cependant nous avons retenu beaucoup de termes utilises dans les autres domaines speciaux de la botanique (cytologie, histologie, physiologie, genetique, ecologie, phytocenologie etc.). C’est ainsi que ce dictionnaire s’adresse aux botanistes phanerogamistes et cryptogamistes (chercheurs scientifiques, biologistes, cadres didactiques des enseignements superieurs et moyen), ainsi qu’aux specialistes qui travaillent dans les domaines appliques de cette science (ingenieurs forestiers et agricoles, chercheurs de jardinage, de l’industrie pharmaceutique etc.). Notre travail comprend plus de 12 000 termes techniques latins, у compris leur variantes graphiques, de me me les termes formes par deux mots, ces der-niers n’etant pas numerotes. Parmi les termes ci-traites il у a un grand nombre d’adjectifs qui, par composition avec d’autres adjectifs, peuvent former beaucoup de termes neufs. D’autre part, par disjonction des adjectifs composes, on-peut facilement traduire une multitude de mots non compris dans ce dictionnaire. C’est ainsi que les termes techniques latins dechiffrables a l’aide de ce dictionnaire s’elevent a plus de 25.000 mots. Les specialistes qui connaissent l’une quelconque des langues ci-traitees, peuvent facilement utiliser le dictionnaire pour toutes les autres. Le travail se divise en deux parties: — la partie generale, contenant Г enumeration alphabetique des termes techniques latins, precedes par un chiffre de reference, constitue Г elaboration proprement dite de ces termes dans les 6 autres langues, — la partie finale contient les repertoires alphabetiques, separement redi-ges pour chaque langue. I. La partie genlrale Lee termes latins forment les mots de titre. Les substantifs sont au nomi-natif singulier, suivis toujours d’une lettre minuscule indiquant le genre grammatical : to masculin, f feminin et n neutre. Les substantifs des notions collectives figurent au pluriel (pi). Les gen£tifs sont indiqu£s entre parentheses seu-lement dans les cas motives par la necessite d’eviter les confusions possibles, 25 INTRODUCTION pap ex. fructus (-us) m (IV decl.) pour eviter la confusion avec les substantifs masculins ou feminins termines par -us (II decl.), par ex. ramus, -i m, ou bien les neutres (III decl.) corpus (-oris) n. Pour cette raison nous avons ajoute au cadre de l’introduction latine le Tableau I contenant les desinences au nominatif de tous les substantifs traites dans ce dictionnaire, en indiquant aussi les formes genetives et les categories de leur declinaison (I—V) et puis, dans le Tableau II nous avons indique des exemples de declinaison. Les adjectifs sont figures sous la forme masculine au nominatif singulier, n’etant suivis par aucun abregement (m, f, n, etc.). Dans le Tableau III de l’introduction latine on trouve des exemples de declinaison pour les adjectifs a 3, 2 ou une seule terminaison generique. Lee adjectifs designant les couleurs et leurs nuances ont ete traites en detail et sont cumules dans les repertoire a cote de couleurs fondamentales. Seulement quelques verbes (notes par v) ont ete indique et souvent sous la forme de l’occurence dans les descriptions (par ex. dele, fide, confer, emen-davit etc.). Des pronoms (pron), numeraux (num), prepositions (praep), adverbes (adv) et conjonctions (conj) sont figures tout a fait exceptionnellement, vu que dans les descriptions botaniques ils sont utilises dans leur acception indi-qu4e par les dictionnaires latines. L’etymologie grecque ( gr.), avec des caracteres grecs et la signification roumaine, suit entre parentheses, mais les repetitions sont signalees par des tirets (—). Les termes roumains suivent apres les donnees etymologiques. Ils sont traites avec des explications et des details brefs (qui ne sont pas des definitions!), ils sont souvent accompagnes entre parentheses par des exemples, ou bien par le nom de l’auteur qui а сгёё le terme ou l’acception de celui-ci. Par ailleurs, les acceptions вётап^иеэ diffёгentes sont питё^ёев. Parfois, nous avons ехр^иё aussi les termes сотровёв de deux mots, mais sans nunmrotage. Le texte roumain est suivi par les termes techniques des autres langues, mis entre parentheses, dans l’ordre suivant: [anglais; allemande; fran^ais; hongrois; russe] вёрагёв entre eux par des points-virgules (;), les synonymes par des virgules simples. Les termes techniques russes ont ёtё р1асёв les der-niers pour des raisons d’ordre typographique. Apres cette parenthese, a l’aide d’une fleche (] —►) nous renvoyons aux synonymes des termes latins. II. Les repertoires alphabetiques Pour chaque langue moderne ci-trait6e nous avons гёdigё Бёрагёте^ les repertoires а1рЬаЬё^ие8 dee termes. Chaque terme est suivi par une ou plu-sieurs lettres majuscules, suivies par un ou plusieurs chiffres de гёГёгепсе. Les lettres correspondent aux initiales des termes latins tra^s dans la partie gёnё-rale de notre travail, tandis que les chiffres correspondent au nunmrotage des termes latins. II est a mentionner que les lettres majuscules de гё!ёгепсе, comprises dans le repertoire russe, sont des lettres latines et non russes, en сопвё-quence, С n’est pas la russe s, H n’est pas Ia russe n, etc. D6s le dёbut, l’auteur exprime toute sa gratitude aux lecteurs qui par leurs remarques ou par des dommes de precision viendront contribuer а 1’атё-lioration de son travail. Cluj-Napoca, le 1 sept. 1977 L’auteur BEVEZETtiS Oly tobbnyelvu botanikai szakszdt&r, mely a t&rgyalt muszavak tekinte-teben kielegithetne a szakemberek elso rendu igenyeit, eziddszerint hidnyzik a szakirodalomban. Jelen munka e hidnyt kiv&nja pdtolni. E munka elkeszitdsehez, tobb mint 20 evi adatgyujtes utan, a botanikai irodalomban Linnetol kezdve napjainkig megjelent szdmos szaklexikont, szak-szdtdrt, igen nagy szdmu szakmunkdt, a szakkifejezesek koziil a leggyakrabban haszndltakat, kiilonosen a leird muszavakat (szervtan, alaktan, felso- es alsd-rendu novenyek rendszertana es nevezektana), es nem kis mertekben a kiilon-leges novenytan muszavait (sejttan, szovettan, fizioldgia, oroklestan, kornye-zettan, novenyfoldrajz, novenytarsuldstan stb.) haszndltuk fel. Ebbol kovet-kezik, hogy jelen munka a felsd- es alsorendu novenyekkel foglalkozd tudomdnyos kutatok, biologusok, egyetemi es kozepiskolai szaktandrok, valamint az alkal-mazott novenytan valamely teriileten dolgozok (erdomernokok, agronomusok, a kerteszetben es gyogyszergyarakban tevekenykedo kutatdk stb.) munk&j&t igyekszik segiteni. A szotdr tobb mint 12 000 latin szakkifejezest, ezek irdsmddjainak vdlto-zatait, valamint a ketszavas muszavakat tartalmazza, utobbiakat azonban nem sorszdmoztuk. Ezek kozott sok a szoosszetetelek elo-, illetoleg utotagjakent szereplo melleknev es igy szdmos ujabb muszot alkothatunk, vagy az osszetett szavak kiilonvalasztasaval oly muszavak megerteset teszik lehetove, melyeket ezekben az osszetetelekben a szdtdr kiilon nem tdrgyal. A fentiekre val6 tekin-tettel e szdtdr segitsegevel tulajdonkeppen tobb mint 25.000 szakkifejezes for-dithatd le a szotdr het nyelvenek bdrmelyikere. A munka ket reszre tagolodik: — az dltaldnos reszre, mely a latin muszavak beturendes felsoroldsdt, valamint azoknak tovdbbi hat nyelven val6 tulajdonkeppeni feldolgozdsdt foglalja magdba, — a kuldn-kiildn hat nyelven megszerkesztett beturendes tdrgymutatokat tartalmazd reszre. I. Altalanos rdsz A latin szakkifejezesek kepezik a szdtdr cimszavait, melyeket dbce sor-rendben, utalo szdmokkal megjelolve, kozliink. A foneveket egyes szdm nominativuszdban vettuk fel s minden esetben a szd nemet is megjeloltiik (m himnem, f no nem, n semleges nem). A gyujtd jellegu foneveket tobbes szdm nominativuszdban adtuk, a szd nemenek ds tob-bes szdmdnak feltuntetdsdvel. 27 BEVEZETES A fonevek genetivusz&t z&rojelben csak akkor jeloltiik, amikor tevedesbe ejtheti az olvasot, pld. cass».(-idis) f, megkiilomboztetesul a genesw, -is f vegzodesuektol corpus (-oris) n, „ „ ramus, -i m „ fructus (-us) m, „ ramus, -i m es corpus, -oris n „ A latin bevezetoben talalhato I tabl&zat tartalmazza a szotdrba felvett osszes fonevek beturendbe szedett vegzodeseit, genetivuszait es romai sz&mmal jeloltiik deklinacidik hov&tartoz&s&t. Ugyanitt vannak a II t&bl&zatba foglalt I—V deklin&cio peldai. A mellekneveket himnemu alakban, egyes szam nominativuszban, min-den kiilon megjeloles nelkiil (m, f, n, v, adv, pron, num, conj. stb) tiintettiik fel, de a III t&bl&zatban a harom, ketto, illetve egy vegzodesu melleknevek deklinacios peldai mindharom nemben megtal&lhatok. Kiilonosebb reszletesseggel targyaltuk a szineket, valtozataikat es ktildn-bozo arnyalataikat s a beturendes mutatoban az alapszinek alatt kiilon is cso-portositottuk. Munkankban csak keves ige van (v betuvel jeloltiik) s ezeket neha a botanikai leirasokban hasznalt formaban is adjuk (pld. confer, dele, fide, emendavit stb). Szamneveket (num), hatarozokat (adv), nevmasokat (pron), viszony-szavakat (praep) es kotoszavakat (conj) csak kiveteles esetekben hasznaltunk, hiszen ezeket a botanikai leirasokban is az altalanos jellegu latin szotarokban feltiintetett kozonseges ertelemben hasznaljak. A gorog eredetu latin fonevek es melleknevek utan zarojelben gorog betuk-kel adtuk a szoszarmaztat&si (etimologiai) reszeket (gr), idezojelben pedig azok roman nyelvu forditasat. Az ismetlodo szavaknal vonalkat (—) hasznaltunk. A rom&n cimszavak a gorog szoszarmaztatasi resz zarojelei ut&nkovetkez-nek. Ezeket kovetik a roman hasonnevek, tovabba a fogalmak minel rovidebb (nem definicio jellegu) meghat&rozasa, majd zarojelben peldakent novenyne-veket, vagy annak a szerzonek a nevet adtuk, ki a fogalmat megalkotta vagy akinek a meghat&roz&sat &tvettiik. A fogalmak kiilonbozo ertelmezeset sza-mokkal is jeloltiik. A foneveket es mellekneveket a latin cimszavakkal egyeztetve kozoljiik. A cimszavak targyalasa utan gyakran szerepelnek kiilon szamoz&s nelkiil a latin cimsz6b61 es m&s fonevbol vagy melleknevbol alakult ketszavas muszavak is, teljes feldolgozasban. A rom&n nyelvu szoveg utan szogletes zarojelbe foglaltuk a tobbi nyelvu muszavakat az al&bbi sorrendben: [angol; nemet; francia; magyar; orosz], ezeket egymastol pontosvesszovel (;), esetleges tarsszavaikat pedig vesszovel v&lasztottuk el. Az orosz muszavakat nyomdatehnikai meggondolasbol sze-repeltettiik utolj&ra. A bezaro szogletes zarojel utan nyillal (]-> ) utalunk a latin cimszo esetleges t&rsszavaira. II. Targymutatok A beturendes latin cimszavakon kiviil a tobbi hat nyelven kiilon-kiilon t&rgymutatot keszitettiink. A szavak ut&n egy vagy tobb nagybetu, ezek ut&n pedig egy vagy tobb sz&mjegy kovetkezik. A nagybetuk a latin cimszd kezdo-betujet, a sz&mjegyek pedig a latin cimszavak sz&m&t jelolik. A nagybetuk es BEVEZETtS 28 szAmok alapjAn az olvas6 konnyuezerrel megtalAlja a megfelelfi latin cimszavakat, illetdleg a mAs nyelvu mfiszavakat. Az orosz tArgymutatdban szerepld nagybetuk latin, As nem вШля betuk (tehAt a С nem az orosz s, a H nem az orosz n, a В nem az orosz T, stb). A magyar muszavak helyesirAsa (dsszeirAs — kuldnirAs, stb) tekintetAben, de kuldndsen a latin vagy gorog eredetu muszavak magyarra val6 AtirAsa neha nehёzБёgeket okozott tekintettel arra, hogy a magyar szakirodalomban is e vonatkozAsban elterAsek mutatkoznak. Nagy segitsegiinkre volt az Akadёmiai kiado gondozAsAban megjelent Bioldgiai lexikon. Vegiil pedig hAlAs koszonetiinket tolmAcsoljuk mindazoknak, kik a szdtAr tokAletesitAsAhez ёszrevёteleikkel hozzAjArulnak. KolozsvAr-Napoca, 1977 szeptember 1 A szerzA ВВЕДЕНИЕ Ботанический полиглотный словарь, содержащий относительно большой объем технических терминов для удовлетворения минимальных требований ботаников, отсутствует в ботанической литературе. Настоящая работа старается заполнить этот недостаток. Работа документации свыше 20-ти лет, имела на основании даты многочисленных энциклопедий и ботанических словарей, как и большое число специальных работ, начиная с линейскими. Из этого материала были выбраны термины чаще употребительны. Акцент был поставлен на описательную терминологию (органографию, морфологию, систематику высших и низших растений, как и на термины номенклатуры), но были включены и много терминов употребленные в других ботанических дисциплинах (цитология, гистология, физиология, генетика, экология, фитоценология и.т.д.). Таким образом настоящая работа обращается ботаникам фанерогамистам и криптогамистам (научные исследователи, биологи, преподаватели высшего и среднего образования), как и специалистам, работавших в прикладных отраслях этой науки (лесные и сельскохозяйственные инженеры, исследователи в садоводстве и аптечной промышленности И.Т.Д.) Словарь содержит свыше 12.000 латынских терминов, включая графические варианты, как и термины составленных из двух слов; эти последние являются ненумерованными. Между данными терминами фигурируют многочисленные прилагательные, которые путём комбинации с другими прилагательными могут образовать многочисленные новые формы или сложные прилагательные составлены из двух слов и путём разложения помогают переводу во все языки, большинство слов которые не были обработаны в этой книге. Таким образом число латынских технических терминов, которые могут быть переведены настоящем словарем свыше 25 000 слов. Специалисты владеющими только одним языком словаря могут пользоваться им и для всех остальных. Работа содержит две части: — общая часть, которая содержит алфавитное перечисление основных латынских терминов, предшествующих реферативной цифрой, как и их обработка на остальных 6-ти языках. — часть альфавитных индексов, составленных отдельно для кажцого языка работы. 1. Общая часть Латынские термины составляют основные слова. Существительные поставлены в именительном падеже единственного числа и всегда следованы буквой указывающей их грамматический род: т для муж- ВВЕДЕНИЕ 30 ского рода, / для женского рода и п для среднего. Термины которые обозначают коллективные понятия записаны во множественном числе (pi.). Их родительные падежи даны в скобках только в случаях обоснованных надобностей для избегания возможных конфузий, напр, fructus (-us) m. (IV-oe склонение), для того чтобы не были перепутаны с мужскими или женскими существительными имея такое-же окончание: напр, ramus, (-i) m. (II-ое склонение) или corpus (-oris) n (III-ье склонение). Для уточнения родительного падежа существительных и склонения (I—V) в латынском введении даны в I-ой таблице окончания существительных находящихся в настоящей работе с указаниями родительных падежей и склонений, а во Н-ой таблице даны примеры склонения. Прилагательные даны в мужском роде в именительном падеже единственного числа без укороченных указаний (m,f. n, v, adv, pron, num, conj) а в таблице П1-ей из латынского введения даны примеры склонений прилагательных с 3, 2 и одним окончанием рода. Прилагательные обозначающие различные цвета были более тщательно разработаны вместе с их вариянтами и оттенками а в альфавитных индексах указаны кумулятивно эти оттенки в рамке основных цветов. Глаголы (обозначены с v) малочислены, иногда поставлены непосредственно в форме употребительной в описаниях (на пример: dele, fide, confer, emendavit и.т.д.) Местоимения (pron), числительные (num), предлоги (praep), наречия (adv) и союзы (coni) приведены исключительно, в виду того что они употреблены в их обычном смысле находящихся в латынских словарях. Греческая этимология (gr.) следует в скобках с греческими буквами и с ею соответсвующим значением на румынском языке. Когда греческий термин повторяется и у следующих слов, употребляется тиръ (—). Румынские термины следуют после скобках греческой этимологии и трактованы более подробно, с краткими объяснениями (не дефиниции) а в скобках даны примеры систематических единиц к которым касается или фамилия автора, который создал термин или новое значение дано автором. Разные семантические значения нумерованы. После обработки технического термина часто даны и термины составленные из двух слов, целостно обработаны, но без специального нумеровании. После румынского текста, между прямыми скобками перечислены технические термины на других языках в следующем порядке: [английском, немецком, французском, венгерском и русском языках] разделены точкой с запятой (;) а их синонимы, запятой. Русские технические термины были поставлены на конце по типографическим обоснованиям. После закрытия прямой скобки, с помощью стрелки (]-> ссылается к возможным синонимам латынских терминов. II. Часть индексов Для каждого из современных языков есть составлен отдельный альфавитный указатель. Каждому термину следуют одна или несколько больших букв и этому следуют одна или несколько реферативных цифр. Буквы соответствуют с латын-скими инициалами разработаны в общей части работы, а цифры с нумерацией латынских терминов. Реферативные буквы из русского индекса являются латынс-кими и не русскими, т.е. С не является русским с, Н не русское н и. т. д. Для указания возможных примечаний, уточнений или исправлений со стороны читателей автор выражает заранее свою признательность. Клуж-Напока, I-ое сентября 1977 г. Автор BIBLIOGRAFIE SELECTIVl Dintre cele circa 60 de dictionare §i enciclopedii botanice, mai multe sute de lucrSri §i articole de botanicS specials §i tratate de botanicS generals pe care le-am utilizat la ela-borarea prezentei lucrSri, cele mai importante au fost urmStoarele: In limba latina: LinnS C., Fundamenta botanica. Amstelodami 1736 — — Philosophia botanica. Stockholmiae, 1751 — — Species plantarum, Holmiae, 1753 — — Termini botanici. Hamburgi, 1781 In limba romana: Borza A., Bo§caiu N., Introducere in studiul covorului vegetal. Bucure§ti, 1965 Ghisa Б., BotanicS sistematicS. Plante inferioare. Bucure?ti, 1964 Grintescu I., Curs de botanicS generals, Cluj, 1928 Gu§uleac М., Curs de botanicS. Thallophyta, ed. Ill Bucure§ti, 1947 Pop E., SSlSgeanu N.. PSterfi I., Manual de fiziologia plantelor. Bucure§ti, 1958 Zernov S. A., Hidrobiologie generals. Moscova, 1949 (traducere) * * * Codul international de nomenclaturS botanicS §i Codul international de nomenclatura plantelor cultivate. Bucure§ti, 1974 (traducere) * * * Flora Republicii (Populare) Socialiste Romane. vol. I —XIII, Bucure§ti, 1952—1976 In limba engleza: Gilman J., A manual of Soil Fungi, ed. II, London, 1957, Henderson I. F. §i W. D., Kenneth I. H., A dictionary of scientific terms, ed. V, New York, 1953 Jackson B. D., A glossary of botanic terms, ed. IV, London, repr. 1960 Lindley J., Illustrated dictionary of botanical terms, 1848, repr. Graham J., Stanford, California, 1964 Rehder A., Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs, ed. II, New York, 1958 Stearn W., Botanical Latin, London, 1966 Trease G. E., A text-book of pharmacognosy, ed. VI, London, 1949 * * * Flora Europaea, vol. I—III, Cambridge, 1964—1972 BIBLIOGRAFIE SELECTIVA 82 In limba germana: Bischoff G. W., Handbuch der botanischen Terminologie, I—II. Niirnberg, 1830 Wdrterbuch der beschreibenden Botanik, ed. II, Stuttgart, 1857 Boros G., Lexikon der Botanik, Stuttgart, 1958 Braun-Blanquet J., Pflanzensoziologie, ed. II, Wien, 1951 Brouwer W et Stahl in A., Handbuch der Samenkunde, Frankfurt am Main, 1955 Glaser L., Taschenwdrterbuch fur Botaniker, Leipzig, 1890 Hegi C., Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa, I—VII, Miinchen, 1909—1931 Kuster E., Die Pflanzenzelle, ed. Ill, Jena, 1956 Metzner A., Botanisches Taschenwdrterbuch, ed. II, Berlin, 1907 Penzig O., Pflanzenteratologie, I—II, 1921, III, 1922, Berlin Rieger R, Michaelis A., Genetisches und cytogenetisches Worterbuch, ed. II, Berlin, 1958 Rothmaler W., Allgemeine Taxonomie und Chorologie der Pflanzen, Jena, 1955 Rtibel E., Pflanzengesellschaften der Erde, Bern-Berlin, 1930 Schneider С. K., Illustriertes HandwOrterbuch der Botanik, ed. II, Leipzig, 1917 Strasburger E., Lehrbuch der Botanik, ed.- 30, Jena, 1971 Troll W., Vergleichende Morphologie der hOhere Pflanzen, I 1937, II 1938, Berlin Werner Cl. F., Wortelemente lateinisch-griechischer Fachausdrucke in der biologischen Wis-senschaften. Leipzig, 1961 Voss A., Botanisches Worterbuch, ed. VIII, Berlin, 1929 Wittstein G. C., Etymologisch-botanisches HandwOrterbuch, Ansbach, 1852 * * * Brockhaus ABC der Landwirtschaft, I —II, Leipzig, 1962 * * * Kosmos-Lexikon der Naturwissenschaften, I—II, Stuttgart, 1953,1955 In limba franceza: Baillon М., Dictionnaire de botanique, I—IV, Paris, 1876—1892 Bonilinne R., Phytobiologie, Paris-Li^ge, 1946 Bonnier G et al., Cours de botanique, Paris, 1901 Braun-Blanquet J., et Pavillard G., Vocabulaire de sociologie vOgOtale, ed. Ill, Montpellier, 1928 Chadefaud M. et Emberger L., TraitO de botanique, I —II, Paris, 1960 Cuenot L., Ь’ё volution biologique, Paris, 1951 Dangeard P., Cytologie vёgёtale et cytologie gёnёrale, Paris, 1947 Gatin L., Dictionnaire aide тётойге de botanique, Paris, 1924 Germain de St. Pierre, Nouveau dictionnaire botanique, Paris, 1870 Guillermond A et Mangenot G., РгёЫв de biologie vёgёtale. Paris, 1946 Heim R., Les champignons d’Europe. Paris, 1957 Jourdan A. J., Dictionnaire des termes utilises dans les sciences naturelles. Bruxelles, 1827 Nicholson G., Dictionnaire pratique d’horticulture et de jardinage, I—IV. Paris, 1892—1893 Olgrt I et al., Biologie cellulaire. Paris, 1954 , Pavillard J., Btements de sociologie vёgёtaJe. Paris, 1935 Pizetta I., Dictionnaire Шиви-ё d’histoire naturelle. I—II, ed. Ill, Paris, 1930 In limba maghiatd: Andrednszky G., OsnOvtaytan. Budapest, 1954 BAnhegyi J., Bohus G., Ubrizsi G., Magyarorsz4 nagygomb&i. Budapest, 1953 Boros A. MagyarorszAg moh&i, Budapest, 1953 88 BIBLIOGRAFIE SELECTIVA FilArszky N., N6v6nymorfol6gia, Budapest, 1911 Istv4nffy Gy., A magyar ehetd 6s m4rgesgomb4k kdnyve. Budapest, 1899 JAvorka S., Magyar fldra. Budapest, 1925 Nyiridy E. Gy., Kolozsvdr 6s кбтуёкёпек fl6r£ja. Cluj, 1941 — 1944 Priszter Sz., Mez6gazdas4gi пбуёпу1ап. Idegennyelvu szakkifejez4sek rdvid magyar4zata. Debrecen 1953 — — A ndvdnyrendszertan terminol6gi4ja. Budapest, 1963 S4rk4ny S., Szalai I, Nбvёnyгendszertani gyakorlatok. Budapest, 1957 So6 R., Fejl6d6st6rt6neti n6v6nyrendszertan, Budapest, 1953 — — A magyar fl6ra 6s veget4ci6 rendszertani-nбvёnyfбldrajzi кёг1кбпууе, Budapest, I—V, 1964-1975 Szabo Z., А пбуёпуек szervezete, ed. Ill, Рёсв, 1933 * * * Bioldgiai lexikon, szerk. Wolsky S. Budapest, 1938 (?) * * * Bioldgiai lexikon, Budapest, I 1975, II 1975, III 1977 * * * Mez6gazdas4gi lexikon, I—II, Budapest, 1958 * * * N6v6nyhat4roz6, szerk. Javorka S. et al., Eger, 1952 In limba rusa: Bogorad V. B., Nehliodova A. C., Kratkii slovari biologiceskih terminov. Moskva, 1963, Davidov N. N., Botaniceskii slovari. Moskva, 1960 Grebencikov O. S., Geobotaniceskii slovari russco-anglo-nemetko-franjuzkii. Moskva, 1965 Rokitsky P. F., English-russian biological dictionary. Moskva, 1963 Theodorow A. et al. Organographia illustrata plantarum vascularium. Folium. Moskva 1956, Flos 1975, Caulis et radix, 1962 Viktorov D. P., Kratkii slovari botaniceskih terminov. Moskva, 1964 Zabinkova N. N. et Kirpicnikov М. E., Lexicon latino-rossicum pro botanicis, I—II. Moskva, 1957 А 1 А-, AN- (gr. d-, dv-, prefixe privative sau de negare), fdrd, lipsit de, nu (acephalus, ananthus) [-less, without, no, not; -los, ohne, nicht; sans, dd-pourvu de, non; -talan, -ndlkuli, nem; без, бес-, не-] 2 ABAXIALIS, abaxial, aflat pe partea laterals externd §i opusd axei (floare ~) [abaxial; auswdrts der Achse; abaxial; abaxialis, tengelytol elalld; абаксиальный] 3 ABBBEVIATIO f, abreviajie, pres-curtare (nume de autori: L. -Linnd, cuvinte de text: ed. -edtye, semne conventionale: ч -peren) [abbreviation ; Abkurzung; abreviation, abrd-gement; rdviditds; сокращение] 4 ABBREVJATUS, abreviat, pres-curtat, oprit in cre§tere (internodiu, tulpind) [abbreviated, shortened; verkurzt, abgekiirzt; abregd, dcourte, raccourci; megrovidiilt, rdvidltett; укороченный] -► curtatus, decurtatus 5 ABERRANS (aberro), aberant, care diferd sau se abate de la tip [aberrant, departing, differing; abweichend, ab-kommend; aberrant, s’dloignant, s’d-cartant; eltdrd, eltdvolodd; отклоняющийся] 6 ABERRATIO f aberajie 1. Abalere imporlanld fa(S de tip. 2. Formd re-zultald pe cale de mulajie [aberration; Aberration, Abweichung, Abirrung; abdrration, dcart, dloignement; eltdids, eltdvolddds; аберрация] —► deviatio 7 AIHORRENS (abhorreo) -*■ aberrans 8 ABIENS (abeo), abient 1. Care face tranzitie spre. 2. Care trece in (lamina folii in acumen abiens = lamina frunzei trece intr-un virf ascu(it) [abient; ausgehend, iibergehend, durchgehend; devenant, s’en allant en..; dtmend; отходящий, переходящий] 9 AB1ET1NUS, abietin 1. Asemdndtor cu bradul. 2. Care create pe/'sau intre brazi [abietinous; tannenartig; abidtin; fenydszerfl, fenydn did; щитовидный] 10 ABIOGENESIS f (gr. -, plog „viatd", ydveme ,,na§tere“), abiogenezd. 1. Ar-higenezd. 2. Generate spontanee. 3. Conceptie perimatd a formdrii spontanee a organismelor vii din materii anorganice [abiogenesis, spontaneous generation; Abiogenese, Urzeugung, Urbildung, Selbsterzeugung; abioge-ndse, archigendse, archigonie, gdnd-ration spontande; dsfejlddds, sziildk ndlkuli szdrmazas; абиогенез, возникновение жизни] —► generatio spontanea, archigenesis, archigonia || 11 ABIOSESTON n (gr. - onai6<;„ciur“), abioseston, ansamblu al sestonului fdrd de via[d din ape [abioseston; Abioseston; abioseston; abioszeszton; абиосестон] 12 ABIOTICUS (gr. -), abiotic, fdrd de via[d (factor ~) [abiotic, without life; abiotisch, leblos, unbelebt; abio-tique; dlettelen; абиотический] 13 ABLASTIA f (gr. -, рХяотdg„ ger-men“), ablastie, nedezvoltare sau dis-рагфе completd a unui organ [ablast; Ablast, Unterentwicklung, Fehlschla-gen; ablastie; abldszt, kifejlddds el-maraddsa; абласт] 14 ABLEPHARUS (gr. -, pteq>apov„cir), neciliat [eciliate; unbewimpert; sans cils; csillangd ndlkuli; безресничный] 15 ABLUDENS (abludo) —► aberrans 16 ABNORMALIS, anormal 2. Nere-gulat.2. Deformat [abnormal, irregular; abnorm, unregelmdflig, regelwidrig, miOgebildet, ungewdhnlich; anormal, irregulier; rendellenes; ненормальный] 17 A BORIGEN U S, ABGRIGINALIS, aborigen 2. Autohton. 2. BS§tina?. 3. Endemic (plants) [aboriginal, indigenous, endemic; einheimisch, ein-geboren; aboriginal, enddmique; ds-lakd, dshonos, bennszuldtt; аборигенный, туземный, коренной] -» indigenus ABORT! V US 18 ABORT! VUS, abortiv, avortat 1. Format inainte de vreme. 2. Oprit In dezvoltare sau lipsind complet (sta-mini floare ~) [abortive; abortiv, fehlgeschlagen, friihgeburtig, unzeitig, verkummert; abortif, avortd; elvetdlt, csdkevdnyes, iddeldtti; абортивный, недоразвитый]* 19 ABRUPTE-, ABRUPT!-, ABRUP-TUS, abrupt, terminat brusc (abrupte-angustatus, abruptipinnatus) [abruptly-, abrupt, suddenly-; abgebrochen; abrupt, brusquement; hirtelen vdg-zddo; крутой, оборванный, резко-] 20 ABSCONDiTUS, ascuns 1. Invizibil. 2. Acoperit (nervurd s') [hidden, unseen, covered; verborgen, versteckt, unsichtbar, bedeckt; couvert, cachd, invisible; rejtett, fedett; скрытый] 21 A В SENS (absum), absent, care lip-se§te (aculei, peri) [absent, wanting, missing; fenlend, abwesend; absent, manquant; hidnyzd; отсуст-вующий] —► carens, deficiens 22 ABSORBENS (absorbeo), absorbant, care absoarbe [absorbent; absorbie-rend, einsaugend; absorbant; felszivo; абсорбирующий]* 23 ABSORPTIO f, absorb(ie (absorbirea gazelor §i a lichidelor nutritive pe calea osmozei) [absorption; Absorption, Aufsaugung, Einsaugung; absorb-tion; abszorbcid, felszivddas; абсорбция] succio * 24 ABUNDANTIA f, abundenfd, numdr al indivizilor unei specii dintr-un rele-veu [abundance; Abundanz; abon-dance; abundancia, bosdg; обилие] 25 ABUNDIFLORUS -+ multiflorus, polyanthus 26 ABYSSALIS (gr. &0оооо? „adinci-me“), abisal, aflat In zona de mare adincime §i fdrd de lumind a mdrilor §i oceanelor [abyssal; abyssal, abgrun-dig; abyssal; nagymdlysdgi; абиссальный]—* profundalis, hypobenthicus 27 ACALYCALIS, ACALYCATUS, A-CALYCINUS (gr. d ,,fdrd“, k4Xo£ ,,caliciu“), acalical 1. Lipsit de cali-ciu. 2. Neaderent la caliciu [without calyx; kelchlos, unbekelcht; acalycal, sans calice; csdsze nelkuli; без чашечки] 28 ACALYCULATUS (gr.-), acalicu-lat, lipsit de calicul Clematis) [acalyculate; ohne Kelchlein; acali-culd; kiilsdcsesze ndlkuli; без под-чашия] 36 29 ACANTHA f, ACANTHIUM n (gr. fixavOa ,,spin“), spin, ghimpe [spine, {>rickle; Stachel, Dorn; dpine, aiguil-on; tiiske, tdvis; колючка, игла] 80 ACANTHACEUS, ACANTH-, A-CANTHI-, ACANTHO-, -ACANTHUS (gr. •), spinos, ghimpos, {epos acanthifolius, acanthocladus, polyacanthus) [acanthaceous, spiny, prickly, -thorned; stachelig, dornig, dom-, stachel-; dpineux; tiiskds, -tus-kdjfi, tdvises; колючий, колюче-, иглистый, игло-, -колючковый] 31 ACANTHOSPHAERAE t pi (gr. -, офаТро ,,sferd“), acantosfere, corpus-culi sferoidali cilia(i din celulele unor alge Nitella) [acanthospheres; Stac-helkugeln; acanthosphdres; akan-toszfdrdk; акантосферы] 32 ACARIFER (gr. fiicapi ,,molie“, lat. fero „a purta“), acarifer, care poartd acarieni [acariferous; milbentragend; acarifdre; atkat hordozd; клещеносный] 33 ACARIOSIS f (gr. -), acariozd, um-flare patologicd a mugurilor cauzatd de Infepdturile unor acarieni Phyto-ptus) [acariosis; Akariose; aca-riose ; akaridzis; акариоз] 34 ACAROCECIDIUM n (gr.-, lopcis ,,gald“), acariocecidie, gale pe frunze Quercus) cauzate de acarieni [acarocecidium; Milbengalle; acarocd-cidie; atkagubacs; акароцецидий] 35 A С A RODOMA TIA n pi (gr. -, ScopdTiov „cdsu[du), acarodomacii, smocuri de peri In axila nervurilor unor frunze Alnus, Tilia) populate de acarieni [acarodomatia; Milbenbarte, Milbenhduschen; acaro-domaties; atkalakok; акародомаций] 36 ACAROPHILUS, ACAROPHYTI-CUS (gr. -, ф!Ш> „a iubi“, фитоу ,,plantd“), acarofil, acarofitic; care cre§te In simbiozd cu acarieni (plan-ta si) [acarophilous; milbenliebend; acarophile; atkakedveld; акарофиль-ный] 37 ACARP1CUS (gr. 4 ,,fdrd“, кариб? ,,fruct“), acarp, lipsit de fruct [acarpous, fruitless; fruchtlos; acarpe; termdstelen; бесплодный] 38 ACARPOTROPICUS (gr. ~, троиц ,,rdsucire“), acarpotrop, fdrd mi^cdri tropistice pentru diseminarea semin-telor [acarpotropic; akarpotropisch; acarpotropique; akarpotrdpikus; акар-потропный] 87 39 ACARYOTA t (gr. -, icdpuov „nucd"), acariot, celuld nenucleatd; nucleu ne-constituit Incd In plasmd celulard [akaryote; Akaryote; akaryote; aka-ridta; акариота] 39a ACARYOTUS (gr. acariotic, ne-nucleat (celuld) [non nucleated; kern-los; anucled, sans noyau; sejtmag ndlkuli; безъядерный] 40 ACAULESCENTIA f, AC AU LOS I A f (gr. -, кшАб? ,,tulpind“), acaules-cenfd, lipsa tulpinii sau neaparenfa acesteia [acaulescence; Akauleszenz, Stengelzwerghaftigkeit; acaulescence; szdrtalansdg, szdrtOrpesdg; акаулес-ценция] 41 ACAUL1S (gr.-), acaul J. Fdrd tulpind. 2. Cu tulpina foarte scurtd sau neaparentd (Carlina acaulis) [a-caulous, stemless; stengellos, stamm-los; acaule; szdrtalan, alig szdras; бесстебельный] —*• acormosus 42 ACCEDENS (accedo), asemdndtor, apropiat ca lnfd[i§are (ad speciem praecedentem accedens asemdndtor cu specia precedentd) [similar, near; dhn-lich, anndhernd, gleichartig; sem-blable, proche; hasonld, megk6zelit5; похожий, близкий] * 43 ACCESSORIUS, accesoriu, secundar [accessorial, accessory; akzessorisch, hinzutretend; accessoire, secondaire; jdruldkos, mdsodlagos; добавочный, придаточный] 44 ACCIDENT AUS, accidental, care se dezvoltd Intlmpldtor (muguri, ramuri, rdddcini) [accidental; zufdllig, unwe-sentlich; accidentel; esetleges, vd-letleniil eloforduld; случайный] -*• fortuitus 45 A CCLIMA TIS A TIO f, ACCLIMA-TATIO f, aclimatizare, naturalizare; obi?nuirea plantei cu noile condtyii de climat, deosebite de ale Jdrii sale de origine, fdrd schimbarea structurii sale genetice (Oryza, Zea) [acclimatization; Akklimatisierung; acclima-tation, acclimatement; aklimatizacid, meghonositds; акклиматизация] 46 ACCLIVIS, ACCLIVUS, inclinat (in collibus valde accliois pe coline brusc InclinateJ [inclined; geneigt, anstei-gend; inclind, montant, penchant; lejtds, fokozatosan emelkedd; восходящий] 47 ACCOMMODATIO t — adaptatio 48 ACCOMMODATUS, acomodat, adap-tat, potrivit [accommodated; angepasst, ACER gefugig, fugsam; accommodd, adaptd; alkalmazkodott; приспособленный] 49 ACCREMENTITIALIS, acremen-tifial, de cre?tere dupd separare [accre-mentitial; akkrementizial; accrdmen-titiel; ndvekeddsi, levdldsi; аккремен-тициальный] 50 ACCREMENTUM n, ACCRETIO f, cre§tere, dezvoltare [growth, increase; Wachstum, VergrOOerung, Entwick-lung; croissance, ddveloppement; пб-vekedds, fejlddds; рост, развитие] 51 ACCRESCENS (accresco), acrescent, care continud sd creased §i dupd !n-florire (caliciul la Physalis, stilul la Clematis) [accrescent; akkreszent, fort-wachsend; accrescent; utdndvekeddsi, utdnovekedo, tovdbbfejl6d6; разрастающийся, растущий] 52 ACCRETUS 1. Crescut, complet dez-voltat. 2. Concrescut [accrete, grown together, naturally grafted; entwik-kelt, verwachsen, angewachsen; accru, ddveloppd, soudd; kifejloddtt, megn6ttr dsszendtt, Osszeforrt; приросший] 53 ACCUMBENS (aecumbo), acumbent, situat de-a lungul sau aldturi de un alt organ; a§ezat perpendicular pe planul de simetrie al cotiledoanelor (tulpini{a la Cheiranthus cheiri) [ac-cumbent; anlicgend, aneinanderlie-gend; accombant; lefekv6, lecsepiilt, oldalfekvdsd; прилегающий, прижатый] 54 ACCUMULATUS, acumulat, ingrd-mddit, adunat la un loc [accumulated,, heaped; gehduft, angehduft, akkumu-liert; accumule, tassd; felhalmozott,. csoportos; скученный] 55 ACELLULARIS, acelular, necelular (structura ~) [acellular; nicht zellen-artig; acellulaire; sejt ndlkuli, nem sejtekbol dlld; бесклеточный] 56 ACELYPHUS (a. ,,fara“, к^Хифоо? ,,scoar[d“) —*■ ecorticatus 57 ACENTRICUS (gr. a ,,fdrd“, xdvrpov ,,centru“) acentric. 1. Nedispus in centru. 2. Lipsit de centromere [acentric; azenlrisch, acentrique; acentri-kus; ацентрический] 58 ACEPHALUS (gr. -, Ke „a iubi“) -* achromaticus 78 ACHROMIA f (gr. -), acromie, de-colorarea unor organe datoritd insu-ficienfei sau lipsei pigmen^ilor [discolouring ; Farblosigkeit; ddcoloration; szintelensdg, elszintelenedds; обесцвечивание] 79 ACHR OMOCENTRUM n (gr. ~, k£v-tpov ,,centru“), acromocentru, figuri asteriale sau fusoriale de naturd cen-trozomicd lipsite de cromatind (Chat-ton) [achromocentre; Achromozen-trum; achromocentre; akromocen-trum; ахромоцентр] 89 80 ACHROOCYSTIS f (gr. fixpoo? ,,ne-colorat“, кСкга? „cavitate"), acro-ocist, celuld din meristemul terminal (Arbaumont) [achroocyst; Achroozyst; achroocyste; akroociszta; ахрооцист] 81 ACHYROPHYTA n pi (gr. dxupov „pleavd", фитбу „plantd"), achirofite, plante cu flori glumacee (Gramineae) [achyrophytes; Achyrophyten; achy-rophytes; akirofitdk, virdgpelyvas пб-venyek; ахирофиты] 82 ACI- (gr. aid? ,,virf) (acianthus) -*• acr-, acro- SS ACI- (lat. acus ,,ac“) (acifer, acifo-lius) —*■ acicularis, aciculatus 84 ACICOLUS (-COLA I), acicol, care create pe frunze aciculare (Desmasie-rella acicola) [acicolous; nadelblattbe-wohnend; acicole; tulevelen ё1б; обитающий на хвое] 85 ACICULARIS, ACICULATUS, A-CICU LIFER, ACICULIFORMIS, acicular, aciculiform, prevazut cu pre-lungiri spiniforme sau cu ace (cris-tale, frunzele de Pinus) [acicular, needle-shaped, aciculate, sharp-pointed; nadeiig, nadelformig, nadelspi-tzig, nadeltragend, spitzlaufend; aci-culaire, aciculd, aciculifdre; tualaku, tuszeru, tuhegyu, sziiros; игловидный, игольчатый, иглоносный] 86 ACIDOPHILUS (lat. acidum „acid", gr. фгШ) „a iubi") acidofil. 1. Care preferd sau este virulent in solurile acide (agent patogeni tericoli, planta). 2. Care se coloreazd cu acizi (celule, tesuturi) [acidophilous; azidophil, sau-erliebend; acidophile; acidofil, sava-nyii kdzegben ё1б, savban szinezodd; ацидофильный] 87 ACIDOTUS (gr. dKiSend? „ascu^it") —* acutus 88 ACIDULUS, acri§or, cu gust slab acid [acidulous, sourish; sauerlich; acidule, aigrelet; savanykds; кисловатый] —*■ subacidus 89 ACIDUS, acid, acru [acid, sour; sauer; acide, aigre; savanyii; кислый] 90 ACIES f, muchie, coty, margine as-cutitd (la frunzd) [edge, angle; Kante, Scharfe, Schneidigkeit; c6te, arete, tranchant; 61, 8гё1; остриё] 91 ACIETATUS, ascu^it, muchiat [sharply-edged ; scharfkantig; d cdte aigue; dies ёШ; обострённый] ACIN- —*■ dkin- ACOTYLELONES 92 ACINACI- (gr. &KivdKT)? ,,sabie“) (acinacifolius) —*• ensi- 93 ACINARIUS, ACINATUS, ACI-NOSUS, baciform, veziculos [acina-rious, berry-shaped; beerenf6rmig, blasenfOrmig; acinaire; bogydszeru, sz6l6szemszeru, hdlyagos; ягодообраз-ный] 94 ACINUS m, bacd, boabd (Vitis) [acine, berry; Beere, Traube, Stein-beerchen, Steinfruchtchen; acine, baie; bogy6 ; костяночка] 95 ACLADIUM n !(gr. a ,,fara“, kXuSo? „ramurd"), acladiu, axa principald neramificatd, impreuna cu antodiul terminal (Hieracium) [acladium; Akladium; aclade; akladium; акладиум] 96 ACLADODES, ACLADOIDEUS (gr. --, -d)8fi?, -d)i5fi?, eI5o? „asemdndtor"), neramificat [unbranched; un-verzweigt; sans branches; agatlan; неветвистый] 97 ACLYTHROPHYTA n pi (gr. a „fdra", KXetOpov „incuietoare", фитду „plantd"), aclitrofite, plante cu se-minte lipsite de pericarp [aclythro-phytes; Aklythrophyten; aclythro-phytes; aklitrofitak; аклитрофиты] 98 ACM-, ACMENO-, ACMO- (gr. йк-pnvo? „ascutit, viguros"), ascutit, vi-guros (acmenotrichus, acmophyllus) [sharp-, harp-; spitz-, steif-; aigue, raide; hegyes-, eros-; остро-, жёстко-] 99 ACME f (gr. йкрц „virf"), acme, apogeu; cea mai evoluata faza de adaptare in filogenie §i ontogenie [acme; Акте; астё; акте; акме] 100 ACOLPATUS (gr.-, коХло? „striu"), nestriat, necanaliculat [not striated; streifenlos; sans stries; barazdatlan, nem rovdtkolt; без бороздок] 101 ACONDYLOSUS, ACONDYLUS (gr. -, k6v8uX.o? „articulate"), near-ticulat, fdrd noduri [acondylose, acon-dylous; ungegliedert; inarticule; ize-siiletlen; лишённый узлов] 102 ACORMOSUS (gr. -, коррб? ,,tul-pind") —* acaulis 103 ACOTYLEDONES f pi (gr. -, kotu-X.T|8d)v „cavitate") acotiledonate, ne-cotiledonate; plante cu semin^e fdrd cotiledoane [acotyledones; Akotyle-donen, keimblattlose Pflanzen; aco-tylddondes; sziklevdl ndlkuliek; бес-семядольное растение] ACOTYLEDONEUS 104 ACOTYLEDONEUS, ACOTYLEUS (gr.acotiledonat, necotiledonat [a-cotyledonous; akotyledonisch, keim-blattlos, samenlappenlos; acotylddond; sziktelen, szlklev61 ndlkuli; бессе-мядольный] 105 ACQU1SITUS (acquiro), cl§tigat, do-bindit (caracter ~) [acquired; er-worben; acquis; szerzett; приобретённый] 106 ACR-, ACRO- (gr. &кро; ,,vlrf“)t apical, terminal, cu virful, la virf (acr acanthus, acrocarpicus, acropeta-lis) [aero-, terminal, at the apex; spitz-, end-, gipfel-, scheitel-, akro-; acr-, terminal, au sommet; -hegyu, csdcsi, csiics-; верхо-, верхущечно-, остро-, осново-] 107 ACRAMPHIBRYA t (gr.-, dp acer 111 ACROBLASTEMA n (gr. dicpo? ,,virf“, ЭЯлстттща, ,,mugure“) —*• micro gonid. ium 112 ACROBLASTESIS f (gr. -, pXaoTqoig ,,germinare“), acroblastezS, ie§irea tu-bului germinativ prin virful sporului (Lichenes) [acroblastesis; Akroblas-tese; acroblastdse; akroblasztdzis; a-кробластез] 113 ACROBLASTICUS (gr.-, pXdatiKO? ,,dezvoltat“), acroblastic, dezvoltat In vlrful organului (floarea din mugu-rele terminal) [acroblastic; endspros-send; aero bias te; csucsi keletkezdsQ; акробластически й] 114 ACROBRYA f (gr. -, ppoco „a se produce") —*■ aero genes is 115 ACROCARPIA f (gr. -, карл6^ „fruct"), acrocarpie, fructificare la virful ramurilor [acrocarpy; Akrokarpie, Oipfelfruchtigkeit; acrocarpie; csucsi termdshozSs; акрокарпия] 40 116 ACROCECIDIUM n (gr.wikCk; ,,galS“), acrocecidie, galS formats la vlrful tulpinii oprind cregterea aces-teia [acrocecidium; Akrozezidie; acro-cdcidie; akrocecidium, cedcsi gubacs; акроцецидий] 117 ACROCENTRICUS (gr.-, lcSvtpov „centru"), acrocentric, cu centromerul localizat la una din capetele cromozo-mului (White) [acrocentric; akrozen-trisch; acrocentrique; akrocentrikus; акро центрически й] 118 ACROCONIDIUM n (gr. -, KdviSiov „praf"), acroconidie, conidie formats ia virful hifelor [acroconidium; Akro-konidie; acroconidie; akrokonidium; акроконидия] —*■ acrogonidium, stylo-conidium 119 ACROCYSTIS f (gr. -, къотк; „cavitate"), acrocist, cist format pe coni-diofori la maturafia celulelor generative [acrocyst; Akrozyst; acrocyste; akrociszta; акроциста] 120 ACRODROMUS (gr. -, Spdpo? „fugS"), acrodrom, convergent la virf (ner-vajia frunzei la Plantago) [acrodro-mous; spitzlSufig; aerodrome; csiics-hoz futd; остробежный] —*■ acrope-talis, basifugalis 121 ACROFIXUS (gr. -, lat. fixus „fix"), acrofix, fixat la virf (anterS) [acro-fixed; spitzlich befestigt; acrofixd; csdcsdval odaer6sitett; остроэакре-пленный] 122 ACROFUGALIS, ACROFUGUS (gr.-, lat. fuga „fugS"), acrofugal, care se dezvoltS progresiv de la virf spre bazS (frunze, flori) [acrofugal; akrofu-gal, herablaufend; acrofuge; csdcstdl lefutd; основоростный] —* basipetalis 123 ACROGAM1A f (gr. -, yajiog „cSsS-torie"), acrogamie, §alazogamie; fecundate la care tubul polinic pS-trunde in sacul embrionar prin virful nucelei (Pirotta e Longo) [acrogamy; Akrogamie; acrogamie; akrogSmia; акрогамия] 124 ACROGENESIS f (gr. -, ySveoi? ,,na§tere“), acrogenezS 1. Formate apicalS. 2. Cre?tere in lungime 'la virful organelor (archegoane, spori) [acrogenesis; Akrogenese; acrogendse; akrogenezis; акрогенез] —*■ acrobrya 125 ACROGENUS (gr. -, ydvo? „originS"), acrogen 1. Format la virful unui organ. 2. Care create prin virful sSu [acrogenous; akrogen, spitzstSndig, endsproOend; acrogdne; csdcson ke- 41 letkezo, csiicson ndvekedd; акроген-ный] 126 ACROGONIDIUM n (gr. -, yovoq ,,ge-nerare") —*■ acroconidium 127 ACROGYNUS, ACROGYNICUS (gr. yuvii ,,femeie“), acrogin, cu or-ganele de reproducere femele situate la vlrful axelor (archegoanele unor Hepaticae) [acrogynous; akrogyn; a-crogyne; akroginikus; акрогиничный] 128 ACRONUS m (gr. -), acronus, ovar fSrS disc bazal ISrgit (Necker) [acronus; Akronus; acrone; akronusz; ахронус] 129 ACROPETALIS (gr. -, lat. peto „a se indrepta"), acropetal 1. Care se in-dreaptS spre virf (nerva{ie). 2. Cu dezvoltarea progresivS a primelor frunze sau flori de la bazS spre virf (florile la Aconitum) [acropetal, ascending; akropetalisch, aufsteigend, spitzwarts fortschreitend; acropdte; akropet&lis, csiicskOvetd, csucsfeld ha-ladd; верхоростный] —*• acrodromus, basifugalis 130 ACROPETALUS (gr. -, hctcAov „petals"), cu petala ascuJitS [acropeta-lous; spitzkronblattrig; S pdtales ai-gues; hegyes sziromlevelu; верхоле-пестный] 131 ACROPHILUS (gr. -, „a iubi"), acrofil, care cre§te in regiuni inalte [acrophilous; alpenliebend; acrophile; havason nov6; альпийский] 132 ACROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, cputdv „plants"), acrofite, plante alpine [alpine plants; Akrophyten, Alpenge-wachse; plantes alpines; akrofitak, havasi nOvdnyek; акрофиты] 133 ACROPLASTUS (gr. -, яХаотд? „format"), acroplastic, cu cre§tere de la bazS spre virf (limbul frunzi§oarelor la Lycopodium) [acroplastous; akro-plastisch, gipfelwachsend; acroplaste, S croissance apicale; akroplasztikus, csiicsfeld fejlddo; акропластный] 134 A CROPLEU ROGENICUS, ACRO-PLEUROGENUS (gr.-, JiXeupG ,,la-ture", yevvdo) „a se na§te“), acro-pleurogen, care se dezvoltS la virful §i pe laturile organelor [acropleuroge-nous; akropleurogen; acropleurogdne; akropleurogdn, csiicson ds oldalon ke-letkezd; акроплеврогенный] 135 ACROSARCUM n (gr. -, oap£, oap-кбд „сагпе"), acrosarc, bacS sfericS ?i cSnioasS, concrescutS cu caliciul persistent (Ribes) [acrosarcum, Akrosar- ACTINAUXISMUS kum; acrosarque; hiisos bogydtermds; акросарк] 136 ACROSCOPICUS (gr.-, акопш „а observa"), acroscopic, privit de la bazS spre virf [acroscopic; akroskop, scheitelsichtig; acroscope; csucsfele ndz6; акроскопический] 137 ACROSPIRA f (gr. -, ояеТра „spirals"), acrospirS, tulpini[a rS^ucitS de la virful semin(ei in germinare (Hor-deurn) [acrospire; Blattfederchen; a-crospire; csavarodott szaracska; зачаток первого листа] 138 ACROSPORA f (gr. -, опора ,,sS-min[S“), acrospor, spor format la virful sporoforului (Basidiomycetes) [acrospore; Gipfelspore; acrospore; csdcsspdra; акроспора] —*■ sporoconi-diurn 139 ACROSYNCARPIA f (gr. -, ouv ,,im-preunS", карпбд „fruct"), acrosincar-pie, concre§terea fructelor sau a fruc-tifica(.iilor prin virfurile lor (capsulele unor Bryophyta) [acrosyncarpy; Akro-synkarpie; acrosyncarpie; akroszin-kSrpia; акросинкарпия] 140 ACROSYNDESIS f (gr.-, oOvSeoig „unire"), acrosindezS, incompleta im- perechere a doi cromozomi legat numai la un capSt, in meiozS (Percival) [acrosyndesis; Akrosyndese; acrosyn-ddse; akroszinddzis; акросиндез] 141 ACROTONUS (gr. -, t6vo? „vigoare"), acroton 2. Cu porjiunea terminals mai dezvoltatS (foliola frunzei com-puse). 2. Concrescut prin virf (ante-rele cu rostellum la Orchidaceae) [acro-tonous; akroton; acrotone; akrotoni-kus; акротонический] 142 ACROTROPIA f (gr. -, tponq „rasu-cire") —>• acrogamia 143 ACTA n pi, acte, buletin (titlu de revistS, Acta botanica) [actes, bulletin; Akten, Berichte, Tagesbericht; actes, bulletin; iratok, kozlOny; труды] 144 ACTIN-, ACTINO-, -ACTINUS (gr. акт1?, oktIvoq „razS"), radiar, dispus in formS de raze sau de stea (actin-acanthus, actinocarpus, actinotrichus, hexactinus) [star-, radiately, stella-tely, radially; strahl-, strahlen-, strah-lig gebildet, stern-; rayonnd, radiaire, dtoild; sugaras, sugarasan-, csillago-san-; луче-, звёздо-, звёздчато-] -»■ radiaii-, radiatus, stellati-, stellar is 145 ACT1NAUX1SMUS m (gr. -, fiu&o-,,(a create"), actinauxism, efectul ra-diatiei solare asupra cre§terii plan- ACTINENCHYMA telor [actinauxism; Aktinauxismus; actinauxisme; aktinauxizmus; актин-ауксиэм] 146 ACTINENCHYMA n (gr. Еухида „umpluturA"), actinenchim, jesut ce-lular dispus In formA de stea [acti-nenchyma; Aktinenchym; actinen-chyme; aktinenchima; актиненхнма] 147 ACTINISMUS m (gr. -), actinism, acfiunea chimicA a radia^iilor [actinism; Aktinismus; actinisme; sugAr-hatAs; актинизм] 148 ACTINOBIOLCGJA f (gr. piog ,,via[A“, Xoyog ,,vorbire“), actinobio-iogie, studiul efectelor biologice ale radiatiilor [actinobiology; Aktinobio-logie; actinobiologie; aktinobioldgia; актинобиология] 149 ACTINODROMUS (gr. Spdpog ,,fugA“), actinodrom, dintr-un punct comun divergent In formA de raze (nervate) [actinodromous, radiating; strahlenlAufig; actinodrome; sugara-san szAtfutd; лучебежный, актинодромный] 150 ACTINOMETRUM n (gr. -, pexpov ,,mAsurA“), actinometru, instrument pentru mAsurarea intensitA^ii cAldurii razelor solare [actinometer; Strah-lungsmesser; actinomAtre; aktinomA-ter, napsugarmArd; актинометр] 151 A СTINOMORPHUS (gr.-, pop iso-brius, isodynamicus 252 AEQUIVALENS —*■ aequipotentialis 253 AEQUIVALENTOGENESIS f, echi-valentogenezA, concep^ie dupA care flagelii §i pseudopodele se pot sub-stitui reciproc (Elenchin) [equivalen-togenesis; Aquivalentogenese; Aqui-valentogenAse; ekvivalentogenAzis; эквивалентогенез] 254 AEQUIVOCUS, echivoc, cu douA sau mai multe ln$elesuri [equivocal; zwei-deutig, mehrdeutig; Aquivoque; kAtAr-telmu, lobbertelmu; двусмысленный]* 255 AEQUOREUS —*• maritimus, thalla-sius 256 AEQUUS, egal [equal; gleich; Agal; egyenlo; равный] 257 AERENCHYMA n (gr. dqp „aer", Eyxupa „umpluturA"), aerenchim, Je-sut aerenchimatic sau aerifer; jesut parenchimatic cu spa(ii intercelulare aerifere mari (Hydrophyta) [aAren-chyma, aArating tissue, floating tissue; Aerenchym, Luftgewebe, Durchliif-tungsgewebe, Schwimmgewebe; aA-renchyme, tissu aArifAre; aerenchim-szovet, lAgtarto-szOvet, levegotartA-szAvet, lAveg6s szAvet; аэренхима, воздухоносная ткань] 258 AERERRANTIA n pi, aereranjia, biocenozA a organismelor inferioare care plutesc in aer [aArerrantia; AAr-errantia; aArerrantia; aererrantia; аэрерранция] -*■ phytoaeron 259 AEREUS, aerian 1. Aflat in aer sau care con[ine aep. 2. Supraterestru AEROMORPHOSIS [aArial; luftig, lufthaltig; aArien; le-vegos, fAldfeletti; воздушный] —*• ae-rophilus, epiterraneus, supraterrestris * 260 AERICOLUS (-COLA t), aericol, care create in aerul liber (plantA) [aAri-colous; luftbewohnend; aAricole; lAg-lakA: обитающий на воздухе] 261 AERIFER, aerifer, care confine sau conduce aerul (tesut) [aAriferous; luft-tragend; aArifAre; levegAt szallitA; воздухоносный] —► aerophorus 262 AEROBIONTA n pi (gr. af|p „аег“, JJtog ,,viatA“), aerobionte, oxibionte, organisme cu viaja condi^ionatA de folosirea oxigenului liber din atmo-sferA (alge, bacterii, ciuperci etc.) [aArobionta; AArobionten, AArobien; aArobiontes; aArobiontak; аэробионты] —*■ oxybionta 263 AEROBIOSIS f, AEROBIA f (gr. -), aerobiozA, via^A condi^ionatA de prezenta oxigenului liber din atmosferA [aArobiosis; AArobiose; aArobiose; aerobiozis; аэробиоз] —*■ oxybiosis 264 AEROBIUS, AEROBIOTICUS (gr.--), aerobiotic, care poate trAi numai in aerul liber (organism) [aA-robiotic; aArob, luftbediirftig; aAro-biotique; aerob, levegore utalt; аэробный] —*• oxybioticus 265 AEROCARPIA f (gr. -, карябд „fruct"), aerocarpie, maturizarea fruc-telor in aerul liber, deasupra solului [aArocarpy; AArokarpie, Luftfruchtig-keit; aArocarpie; aerokarpia; аэро-карпия] 266 AEROCARPOTROPICUS (gr. ~, троят) „rAsucire"), aerocarpotropic, cu mi§cAri carpotropice pentru maturizarea fructelor in aerul liber [aArocarpotropic; aArokarpotropisch; aArocarpotropique; aerokarpotrdpikus; аэрокарпотропически й] 267 AEROCYSTIS f (gr. -, кисти? „cavitate"), aerocist, veziculA aeriand pe organe vegetale u§urind plutirea unor plante (ramurile talului la Fucus vesi-culosus) [aArocyst; AArozyst, Schwimm-blase; aArocyste, flotteur; lAg-hdlyag, liszdhdlyag; аэроцист, воздушная клетка] 268 AEROGAMAE f pi (gr. -, ydpog „cAsAtorie") —*■ phanerogamae 269 AEROMORPHOSIS f (gr, -, рбрфшстк; „formare"), aeromorfozA, ac^iunea morfogeneticA a aerului asupra dez-voltArii organelor (ex. plantele amfi-bii) [aAromorphose; AAromorphose; aAromorphose; aeromorfdzis; аэро-морфоз] aErophilus 270 AEROPHILUS (gr. -, фгХАю „а iubi“) -* aireus 271 AEROPHORUS (gr. -, форбд „purtA-tor“) -*> airifer 272 AEROPHYTA n pi (gr. фитбу „plants"), aerofite, epifite; plante care trAiesc complet !n aer, prinse de un suport (Orchideae epifite) [aAro-phytes, air-plants; AArophyten, Luft-pflanzen, (jberpflanzen, Epiphyten; aArophytes; aerofitAk, fAnlakA nOvA-nyek ; аэрофиты, эпифиты] 273 AEROPHYTOBIONTA n pi (gr.-, fKog „via[A"), aerofitobionte, organis-me vegetale cu via]a condi(ionatA de folosirea oxigenului din aerul liber [aArophytobionta; AArophytobionten; aArophytobiontes; aerofitobiont Ak; аэрофитобионты] 274 AEROPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХаукхбд „rAtAcitor"), aeroplancton, ansamblul organismelor microscopice vii care plutesc in aer [aAroplankton; Luft-plankton; aAroplancton; aeroplank-ton; аэропланктон —» anemoplancton 275 AEROPLANCTOPHYTA n pi (gr. —, фитбу „plantA"), aeroplanctofite, plante microscopice vii care plutesc in aer [aAroplanktophy tes; Luft-schweber; aAroplanctophytes; aero-planktofitAk; аэропланктофиты] 276 AEROTACTISMUS m, АЁПОTAXIS f, AERIDOTAXIS f (gr. -, xa^ig „orinduire"), aerotactism, mi§-carea orientativA a plantei sub influenza reparti(iei inegale a oxigenului, respectiv a gazelor [aArotactism; AArotaktismus; aArotactisme; aero-taktizmus; аэротактизм] —*■ oxygeno-taxis 277 AEROTROPISMUS m, AEROIDO-TROPISMUS m (gr, -, хрояп „rAsu-cire"), aerotropism, tropism sub influenza concentraZiei de oxigen din aer (ia cre§terea rSdScinii, a tubului polinic) [aArotropism; Sauerstoffreiz-bewegung ;. aArolropisme; aerotropiz-mus; аэротропизм] 278 AERUGINEUS, АЁЕиатвиВ 1. Ruginiu arSmiu. 2. Verde-albSstrui In-chis [aeruginous, aeruginose; griin-spanfarbig, kupferspangriin, blaugrun; Arugineux, bleu vert; rAzrozsdaszinu, kAkeszold; медно-зелёный, сине-зелёный] 279 AESTAS I, vara (ineunte aestate la inceputul verii) [summer; Sommer; AtA; nyAr; лето] 48 280 AESTHESIS t (gr. aloOflmc ,,per-ceptibilitate"), estezie, sensibilita-tea 9i reac(ia organului fa|A de excitaZiile externe 91 interne [aesthe-sia; Aesthesie, Empfindlichkeit; esthA-sie; esztAzia, ArzAkenysAg; эстеэис, восприятие] 281 AESTIVALIS, AESTIVUS, estival, de varS (forma sau aspectul de varS), care inflore§te vara [aestival, summery; sommerlich, friihbliihend; Asti-val, d’AtA; nyari, nyArelozd, nyAron virAgzA; летний] 282 AESTIVARIUM n, estivar, serA de varS [aestivarium; Sommerglashaus; serre d’AtA; nyAri ndvAnyhAz; летняя оранжерея] 283 AESTIVATIO f, estivatie, perioada de via[A latent A datoritA condiZiilor excesive de temperaturS sau de uscAciune din timpul verii (Cercidium torreyanum) [aestivation; Sommer-schlaf; Astivation; nyAri „alvAsi" Alla-pot; эстивация] —► praefloratio * 284 AETAS f, virstS, etate (aetas arbo-rum virsta arborilor) [age; Lebenszeit, Lebensalter; Age; Aletkor; возраст] 285 AETHALIUM n (gr. alOaXog „scrum"), etaliu, masS de sporangi agrega[i sau reuniZi printr-o mem-branS comunA (Myxomycetes) [aet-halium; Aelhalium; aethalie; etAlium; эталий] 286 AETHEOGAMUS, AETHEOGAMI-CUS (gr. df|0rig „neobi§nuit“, yapog „cAsAtorie") —*■ cryptogamicus 287 AETHEREUS, AETHERICUS (gr. aiOfip „aer"), eteric, volatil (ulei) [etherial, volatil; alherisch, volatil; AthArique, volatil; eterikus, ill6; эфирный] 288 AETIOLOGIA f (gr. aixia „cauzA", Хбуод „vorbire"), etiologie, §tiinZa care studiazA cauzele bolilor [etiology; Aetiologie, Krankheitsursachen-lehre; Atiologie; etioldgia, kdroktan; этиология] —»pathogonia 289 AFFINIS, inrudit, generic apropiat (planta speciei praecedenti affi&is plants inruditS cu specia precedents) [related, allied, neighbouring; ver-wandt, benachbart; apparentA, avoi-sinA; rokoni, szomszAdos: сходный, родственный, близкий] —*• agnatus, cog-natus, consobrinus 290 AFFINITAS f, afinitate, inrudire apropiere genericA (afinitate sexualS) [affinity, relationship; AffinitAt, Hinneigung, Verwandschaft; affinitA, 49 parentd; rokonsSg, kdzelSHSs; родство, сродство] 291 AFFJXUS (affingo), fixat, inserat, ata§at (anther ae basi affixae ante-rele fixate prin baza lor de filament) [affixed; befestigt, angehaftet; atta-chd, fixd, insdrd, affichd; rdgzitett, rSerdsitett; прикреплённый] • 292 AGAMANDROECIA f (gr. a „fSrS", yapog „cSsStorie", avqp, dv5po<; ,,bSr-bat", oTko? „casS"), agamandroecie, flori mascule §i sterile pe acela§i individ (Uexktill) [agamandroecy; Agamandrozie; agamandrodcie; aga-mandrodcia; агамандроеция] 293 AGAMEON n (gr. -), agameon, specie care cuprinde numai indivizi apo-mictici (Camp §i Gilly) [agameon; Agameon; agamdon; agameon; ara-меон] 294 AGAMETA f (gr. уац£тт|д „sot"), agamet, element de reproducere ase-xuat (zoospor) [agamete; Agamet; agamdte; agameta, ivartalan szapo-ritdtest; агамета] 295 AGAMETANGIUM n (gr. ayyeiov ,,vas“), agametangiu, corp de fructi-fica[ie in care se dezvoItS agame(i [agametange; Agametangium; agame-tange; agametangium; агаметангий] 296 AGAMETOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. kuti? ,,cutie“), agametocit, celulS mama dind na§tere agamocijilor [agametocyt; Agametozyt; agametocyte; agameto-cita; агаметоцут] 297 AGAMIA f (gr. уоцое „cSsStorie"), agamie, sterilitate, nefertilitate [agamy, sterility, barreness; Agamie, Unfruchtbarkeit; agamie, stdrilitd, infertilitd; agamia, medddsdg, termd-ketlensdg; агамия, стерильность] 298 AGAMICUS (gr. -) agamic 1. Rezul-tat farS proces de fecundate. 2. Reprodus pe cale asexuatS; parteno-genetic [agamic, agamous, sexless; agamisch, ehelos, geschlechtlos, un-g;eschlechtlich; agame, asexuel, sterile ; meddd, ivartalan; агамный, тайнобрачный] 299 AGAMOBIUM n (gr. Pux; ,,via-[5"), agamobiu, stadiul sporofitic in metagenezS, ex. la Pteridophyta (H. Gibson) [agamobium; Agamobium; agamobie; agamdbium; ara-мобиум] -*• sporobionta, sporophyton 300 AGAMOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. ~, kutk; ,,cutie“), agamocit, celulS reproductive! asexuatS [agamocyte; Agamozyt; agamocyte; agamocita; агамоцут] AGAMOSPECIES 301 AGAMOGENESIS f (gr. ~, ydveau; ,,na§tere“), agamogenezS, reproducere fSrS proces sexual (apomixie parte-nogenezS) [agamogenese, asexual reproduction; Agamogenese, geschlecht-lose Vermehrung; agamogenese, reproduction asexudc; agamogendzis, ivartalan szaporodas; агамогенез» бесполое размножение] —► agamogonia 302 AGAMOGENETICUS (gr. —), aga-mogenetic, rezultat pe cale asexuata [agamogenetic; agamogenetisch; aga-mogdndtique; agamogenetikus; агамогенетический] 303 AGAMOGONIA f (gr, ~, yovf| ,,re-producere“ ) (Hartmann) -*■ agamoge-nesis 304 AGAMOGYNOECIA f (gr. -, yuvq ,,femeie“, oikoi; „casS"), agamogi-noecie, flori femele §i sterile pe acela§i individ (Uexkiill) [agamogynoecy; Agamogynozie; agamogynodcie; aga-moginodcia; агамогиноеция] 305 AGAMOGYNOMONOECIA f (gr. —, pdvog ,,singur“,), agamoginomonoe-cie, flori femele, hermafrodite §i avortate pe acela§i individ (Uexkiill) [agamogynomonoecy; Agamogynomo-nozie; agamogynomonodcie; agamo-ginomonodcia; агамогиномоноеция] 306 AGA MOHERMA PHRODITISMUS m (gr. —, dppa sempervirens 364 ARENA f, AREN IUM n — achaena 365 ARENOCARPUS m — achaena 366 ARINESIS f (gr. a „fSrS", Ktvnai? ,,mi§care“), acinezS, dezvoltare in absen^a cariocinezei [akinesis; Aki-nese; akindsc; akinezis; акинез] 367 ARINETE f (gr.-), ARINETO-SPORA f (gr. —, опора „sSmintS"), achinet, spor facultativ, imobil §i de rezisten[S, format pe cale asexuatS mai ales prin fragmentare (Chloro-phyceae, Cyanophyceae) [akinete; Aki-nete, Ruheakinete, Ruhezelle, Dauer-spore; akinete; akinetesz; акинета] 368 ARINETOSPORANGIUM n (gr. —, dyyelov ,,vas“), achinetosporange, sporange cu zoospori ciliati (Archi-mycetes) [akinetosporangium; Aki-netosporangium; akinetosporange; akinetosporSngium; акинетоспорангий] 62 369 ALA f, aripS 2. Expansiune foliacee planS, de forma unei aripi, pe tulpinS (Lathyrus megalanthus), pe frunzS (Onopordon), pe fruct (Acer) sau pe sSmin(S (Catalpa). 2. Cele douS petale laterale mai inguste de sub vexil la corolS (Papilionaceae). 3. Sepalele laterale acrescente (Polygala) [wing; Fliigel; aile; szSrny; крыло] —*• pterigium 370 ALABASTRUM n, alabastru, boboc sau mugure floral [flower-bud; Blti-tenknospe, Bliitenknopf; alabastre, bourgeon floral, bouton; bimbd, virSgbimbd, virSgriigy; бутон, цветочная почка] 371 ALAEFORMIS, ALA RIS, aripiform, de forma unei aripi [wing-like; flii-gelfdrmig, fliigelartig; en forme d’aile; szSrny alakd, szSrnyszeru; крыловидный, крылатый] 372 ALATO-, ALATUS, aripat, cu expan-siuni foliacee laterale (fruct, sSmin^S, tulpinS) (alatocaulis) [alate, winged; geflugelt, fliigelig; aild; szSrnyalt, -szarnyd, szSrnyas, gatyas; крылатый, крылато-] -*pter-,ptero-, -pterus, pterophorus 373 ALB-, ALBI-, ALBIDI-, ALBO-(albellus, albicaulis, albococcineus, al-bidiflorus) —*• albus 374 ALBEDO f, ALBEFACTIO f, AL-BICATIO f, ALBINISMUS m, ALBINO m, inSlbire, albinism, depig-mentare, etiolare (de ex. albirea sau pana§area patologicS a unor organe din cauza lipsei, a insuficien[ei sau a alterSrii clorofilei) [albication, albinism ; WeiflfSrbung, Panaschierung, WeiBfleckigkeit, BuntblSttrigkeit; albication, albinisme, ddpigmentation, dtiolement; albinizmus, elfehdredds, elszintelenedds, fehdrlevelOsdg; альбинизм, беление, альбедо, альбинос] 375 ALBELLUS, ALBENS, ALBESCENS, ALBICANS, ALB I DUS, ALBINEUS, ALBINUS, ALBU-LUS, alburiu, aproape alb [whitish; weiBlich; blanchStre; fehdres; беловатый, белеющий] 376 ALBIGO f, ALBUGO f, fSinare, boalS a frunzelor §i a ramurilor tinere, acestea obtinind un aspect prSfuit [mildew; Mehltau; albigo; lisztese-dds; бельмо] 377 ALBIGRANA n pi, albigrane, inclu-ziuni cloroplastice din leucoplaste, de forma unor picSturi, ex. la Pel-lionia (A. Meyer) [albigrana; Albi- БЗ grana; albigrane; albigrana; алъ-биграна] 378 ALBUMEN n, albumen, tesutul de rezerva al semin^elor furnizind embri-onului in cursul germina(iei substan-Jele nutritive [albumen, white of egg; Albumen, EiweiB, SameneiweiO, EiweiBtoff, Kernmasse; albumen; albumen, magfeh6rje, magtaplaldszovet, dajkaszovet; белок] 379 ALBUMINOIDES m pi, albumino-ide, substance proteice din citoplasma [albuminoids; Albuminoiden, Prote-oiden; albuminoides; albuminoid anyagok, feherj6k; альбуминоиды]—► proteides 380 ALBUMINOSUS, albuminos, care confine albumina (semin^e) [albuminous; eiweiBhaltig; albumineux; mag-ГеЬё^ёв; белковый] 381 ALBURNUM n, alburn, totalitatea inelelor anuale externe, de culoare mai deschisS, ale lemnului secundar al arborilorcu lemnul tare [sap-wood, splint-wood; Splint, Jungholz.Neuholz, Saftholz; aubier; szijdcs; заболонь] 382 ALBUS, alb, mat alb [white, dead white; weiB, mattweiB; blanc; fel^r, fanytelen ГеЬёг; белый] -+ ermineus 383 ALCALINUS, alcalin, bazic (sol) [alkaline, basic; alkalisch, basisch, laugenhaft; alcalin, basique; alkali-kus, bazikus, lugos; щелочной] -► lixiviosus 384 ALCA LIO TROPISM U S m (arab alcvili ,,soda“, gr. троял ,,rSsucire“), alcaliotropism, chemotropism cauzat de substance bazice (Massart) [alka-liotropism; Alkaliotropismus; alca-liotropisme; alkaliotropizmus; алка-лиотропизм] 385 ALCICORNIS, ALCICORNUS, ase-m&n&tor coarnelor de elan [elkhornlike; elchhornig, elchgeweihahnlich; alcicome; Mnszarvasagancsszerii; лосинорогатый] 386 ALECTOROLOPHUS (gr. йХекторо-Xotpog „creasta coco§ului“), asem&nd-tor cu creasta coco§ului (ca nume generic) [cockscomb-like; hahnenkamm-ahnlich; en crete de coq; kakastaraj-szerti; петуший гребенъ-образный] 387 ALE PI DOT US (gr. a „fdrd", Xerctg, XenlSos ,,solz“), nesolzos [alepidote, scaleless; schuppenlos, ungeschuppt; sans ёсаШез; pikkelytelen; бесче-шуйный] ALGIDUS ALETOPHYTA n pi (gr. dXf|tiK ,,rdtdcitor“, фитоу „plantd"), aleto-fite, plante ruderale mezofile (Pound et Clements) [aletophytes; Aletophy-ten; aletophytes; aletofitdk; але-тофиты] ALEURON n (gr. dXeupov ,,fdind“), aleurond, substan^a de rezervd gra-unjoasd, azotatd, din seminjele mature [aleurone; Aleuronkorn, Proteinkorn, Klebermehl; aleurone; aleuronszem-cse; алейрон] ALEUROSPORA f (gr. -, оябра „sdminjd)", aleurospor, spor format pe cale vegetativa, lateral sau terminal, pe filamentul micelian (ciuperci) [aleurospore; Aleurospore; aleurospo-re; aleurospora; алевроспора] ALEXIPHARMACON n (gr. dXe£o> „а apara“, фйрракоу „medicament"), antidot, contraotrava [alexipharmic, contre-poison; Gagengift; alexiphar-maque, contrepoison; ellenn^reg; противоядие] —*■ antidotum ALEXIPYRETICUS (gr. -, ттретбс ,,febra“), alexipiretic, febrifug [febrifuge; fieberheilend; febrifuge; lazcsil-lapito; противолихорадочный] —► fe-brifugus ALEXITERION n (gr. dXe^qxnpux; ,,aparator“), mijloc de vindecare [ale-xitere; Rettungsmittel; alexitdre \ gyogyszer; спасительное средство] ALEXITERIUS (gr, -), alexiteric, care apara sanatatea [protecting;. schiitzend; dёfensif; уёйб, elhdritd; защитительный] ALGACEUS, ALGINUS, ALGOL DEUS, algaceu, algal, algoid; asemd-nator cu alga [algaceous, algoid; algenartig, algoid; algaca, algoide; algaszeru, moszatszeru; водорослевый ] —► phyco- ALGAE f pi, alge, mare grupa siste-matica de plante inferioare (Thal-lophyta) uni- sau pluricelulare, care traiesc in ape sau locuri umede [algae, sea-weeds; Algen; algues; algdk, moszatok; водоросли] AlGICOLUS (-COLA t), algicol, care cre§te pe alge [algicolous; algen-bewohnend, auf Algen wachsend; algicole; moszatlakd; живущий на водорослях] ALGIDUS, friguros, care cre§te In locuri reci [algid; kdlteliebend; algide; hidegkedveld; альгидный, холодный] 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 ALGOLOGIA 399 ALGOLOGIA f (lat. alga ,,algd“, Xdyog ,,vorbire“), algologie, studiul algelor [algology; Algen lehre; algologie; mo-szattan; альгология] -> phycologia 400 ALGOTROPHISMUS m (lat. gr. Tpoqrfi ,,hrand“), algotrofism, sim-biozd intre plante superioare §i alge (Azolla cu alga Anabaena) [algotrophism; Algotrophismus; algotrophis-me; algotrofizmus; альготрофизм] 401 ALIBI LIS (alo) —* nutritious 402 AL1ENUS, slrdin, neinrudit [strange, unrelated; fremd, nicht verwandt; etranger, non apparentd; idegen, nem rokon; чуждый, чужой] 403 ALIFER, aripat, purtdtor de aripi [aliferous, winged; gefliigelt, flugel-tragend; аПГёге, aite; szarnyalt; крылоносный[ —*■ alatus 404 ALIFORMIS, aripiform, de forma unei aripi [wing-shaped; flugelfdrmig; en forme d’aile ; szarny alakii; крыловидный] —► pterigoideus, pterinus 405 ALIMONIA f -*■ humor 406 ALLAGOPHYLLUS (gr. аХкауц ,,al-ternare", фиХХду ,,frunzd“) —*■ alter-nifolius 407 ALLAGOSTEMONEUS (gr. -, axfj-pcov ,,fir“), alagostaminal, cu stami-nele alternind cu petalele [allagoste-monous; wechselfadig; а dtamines alternantes ; valtakoz6 porz6ju; попеременно-тычиночный] 408 ALLANTOIDEUS (gr. dUfig, dXXav-xog ,,cirnat“, ei66g „asemdnare") -► botuliformis 409 A LLA SSO TONIC U S (gr. dXXdaato „а schimba", xov6g ,,tensiune“), ala-sotonic, cauzat de schimbarea sau scaderea turgescen^ei (mi§care) [al-lassotonic; allassotonisch; allassote-nique; turgorcsбkkenёsi; аллассото-нический] 410 ALLAUTOGAMIA f (gr. fiUog ,,al-tul“, aftxdg „singur", ydjiog „cdsdto-rie“), alautogamie, polenizare in doud moduri neobi§nuite (Clements) [allautogamy; Allautogamie; allautogamie; allautogamia; аллаутогамия] 411 ALLELOGAMIA f (gr. dUf|Xo>v „reciproc") —► allogamia 412 ALLELOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveoig ,,na§tere“) —*■ alternatio generationum 413 ALLELOGENUS (gr. -, ydvog ,,ur-ma§“), alelogenic, cu indivizi femeli avind descenden(i fie exclusiv mas-culi, fie exclusiv femeli (Vandel) [al- 64 lelogenous; allelogen; allelogdne; al-lelogdn; аллелогенный] 414 ALLELOMORPH I A f (gr. -, >>рф* ,,formd“), alelomorfie, formarea de perechi de caractere Ia descendentii monohibrizilor atunci cind pdrin^ii se deosebesc intre ei numai prin cite un singur caracter ereditar (Bateson §i Saunders) [allelomorphy; Allelo-morphie; allelomorphie; allelomorfia; аллеломорфия] 415 ALLELOMORPHIS MUS m (gr. --) —*■ allelomorphia 416 ALLELOPATHIA f (gr. -, яйвод ,,urd“), alelopatie, influenza reciprocd asupra dezvoltdrii plantelor care cresc aldturi [allelopathy; Allelopathie; allelopathie; allelopatia; аллелопа тия] 417 ALLELOSITISMUS m (gr. -, olxog „nutri^ie"), alelositism, viata parazi-tard a unor licheni pe atyi licheni (Norman) [allelositism; Allelositismus; allelositisme; alleloszitizmus; аллело-ситизм] 418 ALLELOTRICHUS (gr.-, 0pi^, xpi-хбд ,,pdr“), alelotrih, pdros pe ambele fe(e op use (tulpina la Thymus dacicus) [allelotrichous; beiderseitig behaart; allelotrique; mindkdt olda-lan szoros; аллелотрихный] 419 ALLERGIA f (gr. dUog ,,altul“, Epyov „actiune"), alergie, sensibili-tate excesivd fa[d de unele substante [allergy; Allergie, Cberempfindlich-keit; allergie; allergia, tuldrzdkeny-sdg; аллергия] 420 ALLESIA f (gr. dXXnv ,,de ambele pdrti"), alezie, capacitatea organis-mului de a manifesta о interferentd (Massart) [allesy; Allesie; alldsie; а11ё-zia; алпесия] 421 ALLIACEUS, ALLIARIUS, alia-ceu, de ceapd (miros) [alliaceous; zwie-belartig; аШасё; hagymaszerfi; чесночный] 422 ALLIGA TOR m —*■ fulcrum 423 ALLIODORUS, cu miros de usturoi sau de ceapd [alliodorous; knoblaufch-duftend; a odeur d’oignon; fokhagy-maszagd, hagymaszagu; чеснока-пахный] 424 ALLOBIOGENESIS f (gr. dUog ,,altul“, ptog ,,viatd“, ydveoig ,,na§-tere“), alobiogenezd, alternanta gene-ratiei sexuate §i asexuate [allobioge-nesis; Allobiogenese; allobiogendse; allobiogendzis; аллобиогенеэ] 65 425 ALLOBIOSIS f (gr. alobiozd, schimbare a modului de reacjie a organismului la schimbarea mediu-lui (Henderson) [allobiose; Allobiose; allobiose; allobidzis; аллобиоз] 426 ALLOCARPIA f (gr. карядд ,,fruct“), alocarpie, formare a fruc-tului in urma alogamiei (cf. Rieger et Michaelis) [allocarpy; Allokarpie; allocarpie; allokarpia; аллокарпия] 427 ALLOCHLOROPHYLLUM n (gr. хХюрбд,, verde“, (puXXov „frunza"), aloclorofila, unul dintre constituent verzi ai clorofilei [allochlorophyll; Al-lochlorophyll; allochlorophylle; allo-klorofill; аллохлорофилл] 428 ALWCHORIA f (gr. -, хшрёю „а se rdspindi"), aloc(h)orie, rdspindirea fructelor §i a seminjelor prin mijloace strdine (apd, vint) [allochory; Allochorie; allochorie; allokoria; алло-хория] 429 ALLOCHORUS (gr. ~) aloc(h)oric 1. Care se raspinde§te prin mijloace strdine. 2. Care populeaza doua sau mai multe forma^ii inrudite din aceea§i regiune (Drude) [allochorie; allochorisch, fremdverbreitet; allo-chore; allochor; аллохорный] 430 ALLOCHROICUS (gr. -, xpd>g ,,cu-loare") -*■ discolor 431 ALLOCH RON IС US (gr. -, xp6vog „tirnp"), alocronic, nesimultan; care se petrece in timpuri diferite (matu-rizarea anterelor) [allochronous, not contemporary; verschiedenzeitig; al-lochronique; nem egyideju; аллохро-нический, неодновременный] 432 ALLOCHTONUS (gr. -, x6d>v, x0ov6g „pdmint"), alohton 1. Originar din alte regiuni. 2. Exotic (specie ~) [al-lochtonous, not aboriginal; nicht ein-heimisch, nicht bodenbeslandig; al-lochtone; nem bennsziil6tt; аллох-тонный] 433 ALLOCYCLIA f (gr. -, кикХод „cerc"), alociclie, comportare anormald a unui cromozom sau a unui fragment de cromozom (Darlington) [allocycly; Allozyklie; allocyclie; allociklia; алло-циклня] 434 AL1DGAM1A i (gr. -, yapog „cdsd-torie"), alogamie, polenizare (fertili-zare) incruci§atd cu polenul altei flori ale aceleia§i plante sau ale altei plante apartinind aceleia§i specii [allogamy, cross-pollination, cross-fertilization ; Allogamie, Fremdbest&u-bung, Fremdfertilisation; allogamie, ALLOP ATRICUS pollinisation croiss6e, fertilisation croiss6e; allogdmia, kolcsonos meg-porzas, idegenmegporzas, kolcsonos megtermekenyiilds; аллогамия, перекрёстное оплодотворение] —► alleloga-mia, allomixis 435 ALLOGAMICUS (gr. -), alogamie, cu polenizare tncruci§atd [allogamous; allogamisch; allogame; k6lcs6nos megporzasii; аллогамный] —*• hetero-clinus 436 ALLOGENE TIC US, ALLOGENUS (gr. -, yeveaig ,,na§tere“), alogenetic, cu schimbdri genotipice datorite influen^ei mediului (Jensen) [alloge-netic; allogenetisch; allog6netique; allogenetikus; аллогенетический] 437 ALLOGONIA f (gr. -, yovq „gene-rare"), alogonie, modificdri de formd datorite mutafiei (Reinke) [allogony; Allogonie; allogonie; allogdnia; алло-гония] 438 ALLOIOBIOGENESIS f (gr. dXXotog „diferit", piog „viatd", yeveoig ,,na§-tere") -*• alloiogenesis 439 ALLOIOGENESIS f (gr. -), aloio-genezd, alternare de generafii intre generala sexuata §i cea partenoge-netica [alloiogenesis; Alloiogenesis; alloiogenfese; alloiogenezis; аллойо-генез] 440 ALLOIOMETRON n (gr. -, pexpov „masurd"), aloiometron, schimbari cantitative §i de intensitate in dezvol-tarea speciei sau a soiului (Osborn) [alloiometron; Alloiometron; alloio-metron; alloiometron; аллоиометрон) 441 ALLOMETRICUS (gr. dXXog ,,al-tul", -), alometric, in masurd diferitd, (cre§tere) [allometric; allometrisch, ungleichmaOig; allomdtrique; allo-metrikus, eltero агапуй; аллометрИ' чески й] 442 ALLOMIXIS f (gr. -, pl£ig „ame-stec") —> allogamia 443 ALLOPARALECTOTYPUS m (gr.. -, пара „lingd", Хекхбд „ales", хияод; „model"), aloparalectotip, exemplar-din colectia originald, dar de sex. opus holotipului, ales §i descris ulterior [alloparalectotype; Alloparalek-totypus; alloparalectotype; allopa-ralektotipus; аллопаралектотип] 444 ALLOPATRICUS (gr. -, ndxpoc „patrie"), alopatric, cu areal deosebit (specie) [allopatric; allopatrisch; al-lopatrique; allopatrikus; аллопатри-чески й ALLO PELAGIC U S 445 ALLOPELAGICUS (gr. яёХауод „mare"), alopelagic, care trdiegte in mare la о adincime remarcabild [al-lopelagic; allopelagisch; allopdlagique; melytengeri; разноглубинный] 446 ALLOPHYLLIA f (gr. фиХХоу „frunzd") —*■ heterophyllia 447 ALIOPLASMA n (gr. яХастра „modelare"), aloplasmd, parte dife-ren(iatd a citoplasmei, avind anu-mite funct-ii, ex. membrand, cili (Meyer) [alloplasm; Alloplasma; al-loplasme; alloplazma; аллонлазма] 448 ALLOPLECTICUS, ALLOPLEC-TUS (gr. яХекпкод ,,imbrdti§dtor“) —*■ amplectens 449 ALLOPLOIDIA f (gr. йяХбод „simplu", ei86g „formd"), aloploi- die, combinare a garniturilor cromo-zomice structural deosebite (Clausen, Keck) [alloploidy; Alloploidie; allo-ploidie; alloploidia; аллоплоидия] 450 ALIO POLY PLOIDIA f (gr. яоХид ,,mult“, -), alopoliploidie, poliploidie rezultatd din dublarea sau multi-plicarea unor garnituri de cromozomi structural deosebtyi (Kihara) [allopolyploidy ; Allopolyploidie; allo-polyploidie; allopoliploidia; • аллополиплоидия] 451 ALLORHYTHMIA f (gr. Mpog ,,ritm“), aloritmie, ritm inegal in diviziunea celulelor sau in dezvoltarea organismelor unicelulare, ex. la Eugle-na (Ternetz) [allorhy thmia; Allorhy th-mie; allorhythmie; alloritmia; ал-лоритмия] 452 ALLOSOMA n (gr. -, о&ца ,,corp“), alozom 1. Cromozom deosebit de ceilalji prin unele caractere speciale (Montgomery). 2. Cromozom sexuat [allosome; Allosoma, Geschlechts-chromosom; allosome; alloszdma; аллосома] —► hetechrochromosoma 453 ALLOSPERMA n (gr. -, ояёрра „sdminjd"), alosperm, embrion rezul-tat pe calea alogamiei (MacMillan) [allosperm; Allosperma; allosperme; allosperma; аллосперма] 454 ALIOSPORA f (gr. -, ало pi „sdmin-td“), alospor, spor generind in mod fundamental gametofitul (Radlko-fer) [allospore; Allospore; allospore; allospdra; аллоспора] 455 ALIDSYNAPSIS f (gr. -, ouvavig ,,reunire“) (Sharp) —*■ allosyndesis 456 ALLOSYNDESIS t (gr.-, ovv8foig ,,jonctiune“), alosindezd, impereche- 66 rea filamentelor cromozomice ale unor gameti parental diferiji (ex. hibrizi), in cazul meiozei (Ljungdahl) [allosyndesis; Allosyndese; allosynddse; allo-szinddzis; аллосиндез] -* allosynapsis 457 ALIO ТЕ TRA PIOIDIA f (gr.-, тетрад ,,patru“, йяХбод ,,simplu“, ei66g „formd"), alotetraploidie 1. Diploidie dubld. 2. Tetraploidie f ormatd prin asocierea a doud garnituri cro-mozomale strdine, cu n elemente (cf. Dangeard) [allotetraploidy; Al-lotetraploidie; allotetraploidie; al-lotetraploidia; аллотетраплоидия] —► amphidiploidia 458 ALLOTRIPLOIDIA f (gr.-, xpta ,,trei“, -), alotriploidie, organism cu trei garnituri cromozomice in celu-lele somatice, dintre care una structural deosebitd [allotriploidy; Allo-triploidie; allotriploidie; allotriploi-dia; аллотриплоидия] 459 ALLOTROPHICUS (gr. -, троф* „nutrtyie"), alotrof, heterotrof, sa-profit. 1. Cu nutrijie organicd ob^i-nutd din mediul exterior, la plan-tele lipsite de clorofild. 2. Cu adaptare redusd pentru primirea insectelor vizitatoare, ex. flori (Loew) [alio-trophic; allotrophisch; allotrophi-que; allotrdfikus; аллотрофный] 460 ALLOTROPICUS (gr. -, Tpotrfi ,,rd-sucire“), alotropic, cu largd adaptare pentru primirea insectelor vizitatoare (MacLeod) [allotropous; allo-tropisch; allotrope; allotrbpikus; аллотропический] 461 ALIOTYPICUS (gr. -, ximog „model") —*• atypicus, heterotypicus 462 ALLOTYPUS m (gr. -), alotip, pa-ratip al holotipului, dar avind sexul opus acestuia [allotype; Allotypus; allotype; allotipus; аллотип] 463 ALLOZYGOTA f (gr. -, Сиубд „jug"), alozigot, homozigot numai cu caractere recesive (Pearson) [allozygote; Allozygote; allozygote; allozigdta; аллозигота] 464 ALLUVIALIS, aluvial, care create pe ndmolul locurilor inundate [alluvial; angeschwemmt, angespiilt; alluvial ; drteruleti, iszapos; аллювиальный] 465 ALNETUM n, arini?, arboret de arini [alder-wood; Erlenwald; aunaie, forlt d’aune; dgeres, dgerfaerdd; ольховая роща] 466 ALNICOLUS (-COLA f), alnicol, care create pe arini [alnicolous; erlen- 57 bewohnend, auf Erlen wachsend; alnicole; egerfan dlo; обитающий на ольхе] 467 ALPESTER ( RIS, -RE), ALPE-STRIS ( RIS, -RE), ALPICOLUS, ALPINUS, alpin, care create in regiunea mun(ilor inalji [alpine, alpi-colous; alpin, alpenbewohnend; al-pestre, alpin , alpicole; havasi, hava-son ё15; альпийский, высокогорный] —*■ alticolus 468 ALPHABETICUS (gr. dJwpa, pflta „literele a §i b“), alfabetic (index) [alphabetic; alphabetisch; alphabd-tique; beturendes, betusoros; алфавитный] 469 ALPIGENUS, alpigen, originar din mun^ii inal(i [alpigene; alpigen; alpi-gdne; havasrdl szarmaz6; альпиген-ный] 470 ALSO PH YTA n pi (gr. Skaoq ,,cring“, allelo genesis, generatio antithetica, digenesis, metagenesis 474 ALTERNATIVES, alternativ [alternative; alternativ, abwechselnd; al-tematif; alternativ, vdltakoz6; альтернативный] * AM AB I LIS 475 ALTERN1FOL1US, cu frunze alterne [alternately-leaved; wechselbldttrig; a feuilles alternes; vdltakoz6 levdlal-lasd; попеременно-листный] —► allago-phyllus 476 ALTICOLUS — alpestris 477 ALTIMETRUM n, altimetru, aparat f pentru mdsurarea altitudinii [altimeter; HOhenmesser; altimdtre; magas-sdgmdrd; альтиметр] 478 ALTITUDO I, altitudine, indltime [height; H6he, Hohenlage; hauteur; magassdg; высота] 479 ALTIUSCULUS, altiuscul, destul de inalt [rather high; ziemlich hoch; assez haute; eldg magas; достаточно высокий] 480 ALTUS, inalt [high; hoch; haut; magas; высокий] —*• elatus 481 ALULA f, aripioard (pe tulpind, fruct, sdmin^d) [winglet; Fliigelchen; ailette, aileron; szarnyacska; крылышко] 482 ALUTACEUS, alutaceu, de culoarea pielii tdbdcite, ro§cat brun [alutaceous, tan-coloured, leather-coloured, pale-brown; lederbraun, rOtlichbraun; chagrind, jaune-rougeatre de cuir, brun pale; bdrszinbarna, irhaszinu, halvdnybarna, sargasv5r5s; жёлтокоричневый, сероватожёлтый, кожано-жёлтый] 483 ALVEOLA f, alveold, gropijd, cavi-td(i mici pe suprafa(a unor organe (la nectarind, semin^e) [alveola; Alveole, Grubchen; alvdole, fosette; god6r-ke, iireg; альвеола, ячейка] 484 ALVEOLA RIS, alveolar, de forma alveolei sau referitor la alveold (struc-turd, teorie) [alveolar; alveolar, griib-chenartig; alvdolaire; alveoldris, go-ddrkeszeru; альвеолярный, ячеистый] 485 ALVEOLATIO f, alveolate, feno-men de scobire alveolard a cromozo-milor in telofazd (cf. Dangeard) [al-veolation; Alveolation; alvdolation; alveoldcid; альвеолация] 486 ALVEOLATES, alveolat, prevdzut cu gropife (receptacul) [alveolate, honeycombed; grubig, kleingrubig; alvdold; gddrds, gdddrkds, gddrdcskds; альвео-лированный] 487 ALVEUS m, albie (in alveis flumi-num in albiile fluviilor) [river bed; Flussbett; lit de rivifere; meder; русло] 488 AMABILIS, amabil, pldcut (scientia amabilis botanica) [lovely; lieblich; aimable; kedves; приятный] AMARELLUS 489 AMARELLUS, AMARULENTUS, amdrui, pu(in amar [bitterish; bitter-lich; ldgdrement amer; kesernyds; горьковатый] 490 AMARICAULIS, cu tulpina amard [amaricaulous; bitterstengelig; d tige ашёге; keseru szdrd; горькостебельчатый] 491 AMARUS, amar (sapore amaro cu gustul amarj [bitter; bitter; amer; keseru; горький] -*• picreus 492 AMATHOCOLUS, AMATHOPHI-LUS (gr. арабод „sol nisipos“, obtusus 502 AMBRINUS, ambrin, de culoarea galbena a ambrei [ambra-coloured; ambragelb; jaune d’ambra; ambra-sdrga; амбражёлтый] • 503 AMBROSIACUS, ambroziac, cu miros suav de ambrozie [ambrosiac; amberduftend; ambrosiaque; ambrdzia illatu; благоухающий] 504 AMBULACRUM n, ambulacru, alee eu arbori [alley; Allee; ambulacre; fasoros sdtany; аллея] 505 AMEIOSIS f (gr. a ,,nu“, рейвов ,,reducere“), ameiozd, diviziune nu-cleard nereducjionald, cu absenja me-iozei (ameiosis; Ameiose; ameiose; ameidzis; амеиоз] 506 AMELIORANS (amelioro), amelio-rant, care imbun&t&(e§te (solul prin fixarea azotului atmosferic, ex. Pa-pilionaceae) [ameliorative, ameliorating; verbessernd; amdlioratif; felja-vitd; улучшающий] 507 AMELIORATUS, ameliorat, imbu-ndtdtit (diagnozd) [ameliorated; ver-bessert; amdliord; javltott; улучшенный] 508 AMENTACEUS, AMENTIFOR-MIS, amentaceu, de forma amentului [amentaceous, catkin-like; katzchen-artig, katzchenformig; amentacd, a-mentiforme; barkaszeru; серёжчатый, серёжковидный] —*• julaceus 509 AMENTIFER, amentifer, iulifer, pur-tdtor de amen^i [amentiferous, catkin-bearing; kdtzchentragend; amen-tifdre; barkas, barkdt. hordozd; серёжконосный] -► julifer 510 AMENTULA f, ament mic [little-catkin; kleines Kdtzchen; petit cha-ton ; aprd barka; амеятула] t 511 AMENTUM n, ament 1. Мф§ог-2. lnflorescen(d racemoasd cu flori mici, unisexuate, sesile sau scurt pe-dicelate, inserate in spirals, pe axa comund, de obicei caduce (Betula, Ju-glans, Salix) [ament, catkin; Kdtz.-chen, Blutenkdtzchen; ament, chaton -r . barka, barkavirdgzat, cicafark; серёжка] —*■ catulus, julus £9 512 AMERISTICUS (gr. a ,,nu“, pe-ploToq ,,divizibil“), ameristic I. Ne-segmentat. 2. Lipsit de tesut me* ristematic (protalele unor Pteridophy-ta) [ameristic; ameristisch; amdris-tique; amerisztikus; несегментиро-ванный] 513 AMEROCONIDIUM n (gr. apepng „nedivizat**, k6vi5iov ,,praf“), amero-conidie, conidie unicelularS (Ascomy-cetes, Fungi imperfecti) [ameroconi-dium; Amerokonidie; ameroconidie; amerokonidium; амероконидия] 514 AMEROSPORA f (gr. опора ,,sS-т!пЦ“), amerospor, spor unicelular (Ascomycetes) [amerospore; Amero-spore; amdrospore; amerospora; аме-pocnopa] 515 AMETHYSTEUS, AMETHYSTI-NUS, ametistin, albastru ametistin, albastru violaceu (inflorescen^a la Muscari comosum) [amethystblue; a-methystblau, amethystfarbig, lilablau, veilchenblau; amethystin; ametiszt-кёк, lilSskdk; аметистовый, светлолиловый] 516 AMETOECICUS (gr. a ,,nu“, peta ,,dupS“, oIko? ,,casS“) -*■ monoicus 517 AMIANTINUS, amiantin, de culoarea verzui alb§. a amiantei (az-bestului) [greenish-white; grunlich-weiss, amiantgrtin; amiantine, ver-datre-blanc; azbesztszinu, zoldesfehdr; асбестовый] 518 A MICRONIC U S (gr. a ,,fSrS“, pi-крбд ,,mic“), amicronic, inframicro-scopic; cu dimensiunea submicrosco-picS (sub 5 milimicroni) [amicronic; a-mikronisch; amicronique; amikrdni-kus; подмикронный] 519 AMICTUS —*■ obtectus, tectus 520 AMITOSIS f (gr. pixog ,,fir“), amitozS, diviziune celularS directs, prin gituire nucleul ImpSr^indu-se in doua jumStSJi (nuclei fii), fSrS sS mai aparS filamentul nuclear (Flemming) [amitosis; Amitose, direkte Zell-teilung; amitose; amitdzis, kdzvetlen . sejtosztddSs; амитоз] 521 AMMOCHTHOPHYTA n pi (gr. appog ,,nisip“, 6x0q »ripS“, фохбу „plants*), amohtofite, plante care cresc pe bancurile de nisip (Clements) [sandbankplants; Sandbankpflanzen; lantes des bancs de sable; homok-uckSn did ndvdnyek; аммохтофиты] 522 AMMOPH1LUS (gr. -, q>iU(o „a iubi“) —*■ arenarius, psammophilus, sa-bulinus AMPELOLOGIA 523 AMNENSIS, AMNICOLUS, rive-ran, care create lingd riuri [amni-colous, riverside-loving; uferbewoh-nend; riverain; folydmenti, patak-menti; береговой] 524 AMNION n (gr. dpvlov „membrana fetusului**), amnion, viscozitatea ce inconjoarS sSminJa tinSrS din sacul embrionar [amnion; Amnion, Keim-flussigkeit; amnion; amnion; амнион] 525 AMOEBIFORMIS, AMOEBOI DE-US, AMOEBOIDALIS, amibiform, de forma amibei; amiboidal (cu mi§-cSri contractile caracteristice amibe-lor) [amoebiform, amoeboid; amoe-benformig, gestaltwechselnd; amibi-forme, amiboidal; amoba alakd, amo-baszeru, kuszd mozgasii; амебовидный, амебоидный] 526 AMOENITAS f, plScere, farmec, des-fStare (Amoenitates academicae „plS-ceri academice**, titlul publicajiei cu-prinzind dizertafiile Minute sub con-ducerea lui Linnd) [pleasure; Belusti-gung, Annehmlichkeit; agrdment, charme; kedvtelds, gyonydrkodtetds; прелесть] 527 AMOENUS, plScut, incintStor [pleasant, handsome; anmutig, angenehm, lieblich; agrdable, charmant; kellemes, kedves; прелестный, приятный] 528 AMOMUS, aromatic, odorant [aromatic; aromatisch, wohlriechend; a-romatique; aromSs, illatos; ароматный] 529 AMORPHOPHYLLUS (gr. fipopу ,,frunzS“), cu frunze diforme [amorphophyllous; un-gestaltblattrig; a feuilles difformes; alaktalan levelu; аморфолистный] 533 AMORPHOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, g ,,pd-ros“), pdros de jur Tmprejur [around hairy; ringsumbehaart, ringsumrauh; velu tout autour; k6riilsz6r6s; округлошерстистый] 557 AMPHI DERMIS, IDIS f (gr. -, 5dppa ,,piele“), amfidermd 1. Membrana ex-ternd a cortexului. 2. Cuticula epi-dermicd [amphidermis; Hullhaut; am-phidermis; borkorrdteg, burokhdj, vd-dordteg, amfidermisz; амфидермис] 558 AMPHIDIPLOIDEUS (gr. -, 6ucX6og ,,dublu“, ei66g „formd") -*• didi-ploideus 559 AMPHIDIPLOIDIA f (gr. —) -allotetraplo id ia 560 AMPHIGAEUS (gr. -, y1\ „pamint"), amfigeu, care create atit in Lumea Veche cit §i in Lumea Noud (plante cosmopolite) [amphigaeal, amphigaean; weltburgerlich, kosmopolit; cos-mopolitain; koszmopolita; космополитический] 561 AMPHIGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpog „cdsdtorie"), amfigamie, copulare a douS celule sexuate rezultind perechi de nuclei conjugal (Renner) [amphi-gamy; Amphigamie; amphigamie; amfigdmia; амфигамия] 562 AMPHIGAMUS (gr. -), amfigamie J. Cu fecundate uneori endogamies, alteori exogamies. 2. Cu sexualitate dubioasS (amphigamous; amphigam; amphigame; amfigamikus; амфигам-ный] 563 AMPHIGASTRIA n pi (gr. -, yaatfip ,,stomac“), amfigastre, organe stipelare pe fata ventralS la Hepaticeae frunzoase [amphigastria; BeiblStter; amphi-gastrie; allevelek (majmohdknal); амфигастрий] 564 AMPHIGENESIS f (gr. ydveoig ,,origine“) -» amphigonia 565 AMPHIGENUS (gr.-), amfigen 1. Cu origine dublS. 2. Cu cre^tere la ambele extremitSti sau in toate direc-tiile (Algae, Fungi) [amphigenous; AMPHIPETALIS amphigen, ringsumwachscnd; am-phigdne; amfigdn, kettos eredetu; амфигенный] 566 AMPHIGONIA f (gr. -, yovog „des-cendent“), amfigonia, reproducere sexuatS la cele mai multe Thallophyta (Haeckel) [amphigony; Amphigonie, zweigeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung; amphigonie; amfigonia, ivaros sza-porodds; амфигония, половое размножение] —*• amphigenesis 567 AMPHIGONIUM n (gr. ~) (Kerner) —*• archegonium 568 AMPHILEPSIS f (gr. -, Xflyig ,,ci§-tigare“), amfilepsis 1. Rezultatul normal al fecundatiei. 2. Manifestarea influentei ambelor specii parentale, la hibrizi (Bateson §i Saunders) [amphilepsis; Amphilepsis; amphilep-sis; amphilepszis; амфилепсис] 569 AMPHIMIXIS f (gr. -, pt^ig ,,ame-stecare“), amfimixie, reproducere celulard prin contopirea citoplasmei §i a nucleilor celulelor materne §i paterne, dublindu-se numdrul cromo-zomilor din nucleul celulei rezultate (Renner) [amphimixis, sexual reproduction ; Amphimixis, Kemverschmel-zung, geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung; amphimixie; amfimixis, ivaros sza-porodds; амфимиксис] 570 AMPHIMORPHUS (gr. -, pop epi-spermium, spermoderma 583 AMPHISPORA f (gr. -, стядра ,,sa-minta“) —*• mesosporium 584 AMPHISPORANGIATUS {gr. ayyelov ,,vas“), amfisporangiat 1. Cu macrospori §i microspori (strobil). 2. Cu stamine §i pistil [amphisporan-giate; amphisporangiat; amphisporan-gid; amfisporangiumos; амфиспоран-гиатный] —» ambisporangiatus 585 AMPHISTEMONEUS (gr. -, axnptav ,,fir“), AMPHISTEMUS, cu stamine duble [two-stamened; doppeltstaub-fadig; a deux dtamines; kdtporzds; двутычинковый] 586 AMPHISTOMATICUS (gr. -, axopo ,,gurS“), amfistomatic, cu stomate pe ambele fe^e (frunzS ~) [amphistoma-tic; amphistomatisch; amphistomati-que; amfisztomatikus; амфистома-тический] es 587 AMPHISY N COTYLEDON EU St AMPHISYNCOTYLUS (gr. -, oi»v ,,impreunS“, tcoxuXitfcbv ,,scobiturS“), amfisincotil, cu cotiledoanele con-crescute [amphisyncotyledonous; amphisynkotyl; amphisyncotyle; am-fiszinkotil; амфисинкотиледонный] 588 AM PH IS YNCO T YLIA f (gr. —), amfisincotilie, concre?tere a cotile-doanelor (DeVries) [amphisyncotyly; Amphisynkotylie; amphisyncotylie; sziklevdl-dsszendvds; амфисинкотшшя] —*■ amphicotylia 589 AMPHITACTISMUS m (gr. -, xaicxucdg ,,orinduit“), amfitactism, atractie reciprocS a unor hife de sex diferit pentru conjugare (Mucor) [amphitactism; Amphitaktismus; amphitactisme; amfitaktizmus; ам-фитактизм] —> zygotactismus 590 AMPHITHECIUM n (gr.-, 0f|icn ,,cutie“), amfiteciu, Zesuturi marginale concentrice §i periferice ale endoteciilor capsulei mu§chilor sau ale talului, inconjurind apoteciul lichenilor [am-phithecium; Amphithecium, Thallus-gehSuse; amphithdce; amfitdcium; амфитеций] 591 AMPHITENA f (gr. -, xaivia „ben-tiZ&“) (Jenssens) -*■ zygotena 592 AMPHITOKIA f (gr. -, хбкод „па§-tere“), amfitokia, formS de partenoge-nezS cind din ovulul nefecundat pot rezulta indivizi masculi §i femeli (Leuckart) [amphitoky; Amphitokie; amphitokie; amfitdkia; амфитокия] -*■ deuterotokia 593 AMPHITRICHUS (gr. 0pi$, xpixdg ,,pSr“), amfitrih 1. PSros pe ambele pSrZi. 2. Cu flagel la fiecare pol [amphitrichous; amphitrich; amphi-trique; amfitrich; амфитрих] 594 A M PH ITROPHIA f (gr.-, xpo• excerpta 653 ANALEPTICUS (gr. dvaX.iwu; „in-tdrire“), analeptic, intdritor, invio-rdtor (planta ~ ) [fortifying; krdf-tigend, erfrischend; fortifiant, refrai-chissant; er6slt6, frissito; укрепляющий] 654 ANALOGIA f (gr. dvaXoyia „potri-vire“), analogie, asemdnare a unor organe ca formd §i func[iuni, dar avi id origind diferitd (spinii la Berberis de origind foliard §i ramuri modificate la Prunus pinosa) [analogy; Ana- ANALYSIS logie, Ahnlichkeit; analogic; anald-gia, hasonszerdsdg; аналогия] 655 ANALYSIS f (gr. dvdXuouc „analizd"), analizd, cercetare detaliatd [analysis, examination; Analyse, Zerlegung, Zergliederung; analyse; analizis, elem-zds; анализ] 656 ANALYTICUS (gr. -), analitic, bazat pe analizd (metodd) [analytical; analy-tisch, zergliedernd; analytique; ana-litikus, elemzo; аналитический] * 657 ANAMETADROMUS (gr. dvd ,,di-ferit“, цеха ,,cu“, брдцо? ,,fugd“), anametadrom, in parte anadrom ?i in parte catadrom (nervafia frunzclor la Filices) [anametadromous; anametadrom; anamdtadrome; anametadrom; анаметадромный] 658 ANAMORPHISM US m, ANAMORPHOSIS f (gr. dvd „in sus“, рбр-dKDCTig ,,formare“), anamorfism, ana-morfozd I. Evolujie morfologica pro-gresivd la grupele de plante din tim-purile geologice (Goebel). 2. Meta-morfozd ca urmare a condi(iilor schim-bate de cre§tere (Crozier) [anamor-phose; Anamorphose; anamorphose anamorfdzis; анаморфоз] 659 ANANDRARIUS, ANANDRICUS, ANANDRIUS, ANANDRUS (gr. dv ,,fdrd“, dvfip, av66? ,,bdrbal“), anandric, fdrd stamine (floare ~ ) [anandrous, stamenless; staubfaden-los, staubblattlos; anandre, sans dtamines; porzo ndlkuli; бестычи-ночный] —*• instaminatus 660 ANANTHERATUS, ANANTHE-RUS (gr. dvOqpd^ ,,inflorit“), ananterat, lipsit de antere (flores staminibus anantheratis flori cu stamine lipsite de antere) [anantherous; staubbeulellos; sans anthdrcs; portok ndlkuli; беспыльниковый] 661 ANAPHASIS f (gr. dvd „in sus“, Фdoi? ,,apari[ie“), anafazd, faza pen-ultimd a diviziunii milotice, juma-tdtile de cromozomi indepdrtindu-se de la ecvatorul celulei spre poli (Strasburgcr) [anaphasis; Anaphase: anaphase; anafdzis; анафаза] 662 ANAPHORESIS f (gr. -, форесо „а purta“), anaforczd, migra[ia solutiilor coloidale din celula vie la anod sub influenza curentului electric [ana-phoresis; Anaphorese; anaphordse; anafordzis; анафорез] 6C3 ANAPHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, ФЙС, фсохбд ,,lumind“, xporrfi „rdsu-cire“), anafototropism 1. Fototrepism 66 pozitiv. 2. Orientare cdtre izvorul de lumind [anaphototropism; Anaphoto-tropismus; anaphototropisme; anafo-totropizmus; анафототропизм] 664 ANAPHYLAXIS f (gr. -, Ф6Хя$ ,,prevedere“), anafilaxie 1. Neimuni-tate. 2 Sensibilitate excesivd la infec-[iuni, substance sau toxine (Conn) [anaphylaxis; Anaphylaxie, Schutz-losigkeit; anaphylaxie; anafilaxis, vddtelensdg; анафилаксия] 665 ANAPHYSIS f (gr. -, фиш? „formate"), anafizd, filamente ostiolare din apoteciile pirenocarpe, u§urind eliminarea sporilor [anaphysis; Ana-physe; anaphyse; anafizis; анафиза] 666 ANAPHYTOSIS f (gr. dvd „din nou“, фохоу ,,plantd“)> anafitoza, intinerirea plantelor (prin tdierea unor ramuri etc.) [anaphytosis; Pflanzen-verjungung; anaphytose; ndveny-fiatalitds; анафитоз] 667 AN APLASIA t (gr. -, яХасггбд ,,modelare“), anaplazie, transformare regresivd (celule, organe, (esuturi) [anaplasy; Anaplasie, Umgestaltung; anaplasie; anaplazia; анаплазия] 668 ANAPLASTUM n (gr. -) (Meyer) -leucoplastum 669 ANASARCA f (gr. -, oapl; ,,carne“), anasarc, boald a plantelor datorila cxcesului de apd din {esuturi, respec-tiv din fructe [anasarca; Wassersucht; anasarque; vizenydssdg, viztultenges; анасарка] 670 ANASTATICUS (gr. dvdaxax mas, rnas-culus, staminatus 691 ANDROCHORUS (gr. -, xa>pfo> se rdspindi“), androc(h)or, rdspindit prin oameni (plantd ~) [androchorous; androchor; androchore; emberek Altai terjedo; андрохорный, распространяемый человеком] ANDROCLINIUM 692 ANDROCLINIUM n (gr.kXiW| ,,pat“), androcliniu, clinandriu, gro-pi{a anterelor (Orchidaceae) [anther-bed; Antherengrube; androcline; por-tokodii, portokgAddrke; андроклиний, дыльниковая ямка] —► clinandrium 693 ANDROCONIDIUM f (gr. kovi-Siov ,,praf“), androconidie, spermatie cu func(iuni mascule (Cohn) [andro-conidium; Androkonidium; androconidie; androkonidium; андроконидия] 694 AND ROC Y T IS, -IDIS f (gr. -, Kim? ,,cutie“), androcit, spermatocit, celuld vegetativd formatd in androconidie, dind na?tere unui anterozoid (Allen) [androcyte; Androzy t; androcyte; androcita; андроцит]—кшяосуп'з, sper-matocytis 695 ANDRODIOECIA f (gr. -, Si? ,,du-blu“, oIko? ,,casd“), androdioecie, poli-ecie avind indivizi numai cu flori mascule §i al(ii numai cu flori hermafrodite, la aceea§i specie, dar la indivizi deosebiji (Darwin) (Dianthus plumarius) [androdioecy; Androdio-zie; androdioAcie; androdidcia; андро-диэция]* 696 ANDRODYNAMIA f (gr. -, Suvapi? ,,putere“), androdinamie, flori hermafrodite cu-staminele bine dezvol-tate, dar cu stigmatul redus [andro-dynamy; Androdynamie; andrody-namie; androdinAmia; андродинамия] 697 ANDRODYNAMICUS, ANDRO-DYNAMUS (gr. --), androdinam, cu androdinamie (floare) [androdyna-mous; androdynam; androdyname; androdinam; гидродинамический] 698 ANDROECIA f (gr. -, oIkoq ,,casA“), androecie, prezenta numai de flori mascule pe acela§i individ de plantA (Uexkull) [androecy; Androzie; an-droAcie; androcia; андроэция] 699 ANDROECIUM n, ANDROECEUM n (gr. -), androceu, ansamblul sta-minelor din floare (Roeper) [androe-cium; Androzeum, Staubblattforma-tion, mannlicher Apparat; androcAe; porzdkor, porzotAj, himtaj; андроцей] 700 ANDROGAMETA f (gr.-, ya\iirr\q ,,sot“), androgamet, garnet mascul; androzoospor (Algae) [androga-mete; Androgamet; androgamAte; androgamdta, himgamdta, himivar-sejt; андрогамета] —*• microgameta 701 ANDROGAMETANGIUM n (gr. ~, dyyelov ,,vas“), androgametangiu, gametangiu cu celule sexuale mascule [androgametangium; Androgametan- 68 gium; androgamAtange; himivarsejt-tartd; андрогаметангий] -* microga-metangium 702 ANDROGAMETOPHORUM n (gr. форд? ,,purtAtor“), androgameto-for, exemplarul de plantA care poartA organelede reproducere mascule (Equi-setum) [androgametophore; Andro-gametophorum; androgamAtophore; androgametofdrum; андрогаметофор] 7C3 ANDROGAMIA t (gr. -, ydpo? ,,c5sAtorie“), androgamie, procesul de fecundare al gametului mascul cu cel femel (Dangeard) [androgamy; Androgamie; androgamie; androga-mia; андрогамия 704 ANDROGAMON n (gr. --), androga-mon, subs tan (S. chimicA din celula sexualA masculA care stimuleazA acti-vitatea acesteia [androgamon; Andro-gamon; androgamone; androgamon; андрогамон] 705 ANDROGENESIS f (gr. -, yAveai? ,,na§tere“), androgenezA, partenoge-nezA masculA; dupA fecundarea gametului femel §i eliminarea nucleului matern rezultlnd un individ haploid care constA numai din cromozomi paterni (Verworn) [androgenesis; An-drogenese, mannliche Parthenogene-se; androgenAse; androgendzis, him szdznemzAs; андрогенез] —*■ patroge-nesis 706 ANDROGENETICUS, ANDROGE-NUS (gr. --), androgenetic 1 Rezultat prin androgenezA. 2. Care produce numai descenden(i masculi. 3. Cu cromozomi numai de originA paterna [androgenous, male-bearing; androgen, androgenetisch; androgAnique, andro-gdnAtique; androgenikus; андрогенный, андрогенетический] 707 ANDROGENUM n (gr. -, y£vo? ,,urma?“), androgen, organ care produce celule sexuale mascule geno-tipice (Burgeff) [androgenum; Androgen ; androgAne; androgAnum; андроген] 708 ANDRDGONIDIUM n (gr.-, yovo? ,,urma?“) —*• androspora 709 ANDROGONIUM n (gr.--), atidro-goniu, stadiul initial in formarea celu-lelor spermatice la plante (Henderson) [androgonium; Androgonium; andro-gonium; androgAnium; андрогоний] 710 ANDROGYNALIS, ANDROGYNI-CUS, ANDROGYNUS (gr. -, yuvfj ,,femeie“), androgin, bisexuat, her-mafrodit 1. Cu flori avind elemente 69 mascule §i femele dispuse separat, dar pe acela§i peduncul sau in aceea§i inflorescent&, in cazul plantelor monoice. 2. Cu anteridii §i oogoane pe aceea§i hifS [androgynous, androgy-nal, hermaphrodite; androgynisch, zweigeschlechtig, zwittrig, mannwei-big, weibermannig, hermaphroditisch; androgyne, bisexuel; androginikus, kdtivaru, ketnemu; обоепольй, двуполый, гермафродитный] —*bisexualis, hermaphrod it ic us 711 ANDROGYNIA f (gr. -), androgi-nie, bisexualitate 1. Prezenta atit a florilor mascule, cit §i a celor femele la toti indivizii unei specii, in cazul plantelor monoice (Zea mays). 2. Oogoane §i anteridii pe aceea§i hifa [androgyny; Androgyuie, Zwitterbil-dung, Mannweibigkeit; androgynie; androginia, kdtnemuseg; обоеполость] —♦ androgynismus, hermaphroditismus * 712 ANDROGYNISMUS m (gr. -) -androgynia, hermaphroditismus 713 ANDROGYNODIOECIA f (gr. ~, 6i<; ,,de douS ori“, oikos „casS"), androgino-dioecie, poligamie cu indivizi avind flori hermafrodite §i indivizi cu flori unise-xuate (mascule §i femele) (Schroter) [androgynodioecy; Androgynodidzie; androgynodiodcie; androginodiocia; андрогинодиэция] 714 ANDROGYNOPHORUM n (gr. -, „a apare“), androfen, organism care produce celule sexuale mascule feno-tipice (Burgeff) [androphaen; Andro-phaen; androphaen; androfdn; андро-фен] 721 ANDROPHILUS (gr. -, ф1Ш> „а iubi“) —*■ anthropophilus 722 ANDROPHORUM n (gr.-, форо? ,,purtator“), androfor I. Suportui staminelor. 2. Suportui anteridiel (West). 3. Portiunea alungita a axei florale dintre periant §i stamine la florile mascule (Passiflora). 4. Tubul format din filamentele staminale sudate, purtind anterele (Malvaceae) [androphorum; Androphor, Staubge-fafltrager; androphore; androfdrum, himtartd, porzdtartd; андрофор] 723 ANDROPHYLLUM n (gr. -, q>v\\ov ,,frunza“), androfilum 1. FrunzS cu microspori. 2. Microsporofil. 3. Sta-minS [androphyll, microsporophyll; Androphyllum; androphylle, micro-sporophylle; androfillum; андрофилл) —*■ microsporophyllum 724 ANDROPHYTON n (gr.-, фитду „plants"), androfit, plants masculS din generala sexuatS (cf. Jackson) [androphyte; Androphyte ; androphy-te; androfita; андрофит] 725 ANDROPLASMA n (gr. -, пХйстра modelare"), androplasmS, protoplasma activS la gametul mascul (Jones) [androplasm; Androplasma; andro-plasme; androplazma; андроплазма], 726 ANDROPLASMICUS (gr. -), andro-plasmic, care produce celule reproductive mascule [androplasmic; an-droplasmisch; androplasmique; andro-plazmikus; андроплазмический] ANDROPLEOGAMIA 727 ANDROPLEOGAMJA I (gr. -, nkeov „mai mult“, yapo<; „casStorie"), an-dropleogamie, poligamie la indivizi cu flori mascule §i andromonoice (Robinson) [andropleogamy; Andro-pleogamie; andropldogamie; andro-pleogSmia; андроплеогамия] 728 ANDROSAEMUS (gr.-, оТца „singe") —► sanguineus 729 ANDROSOMA n (gr. -, стйра „corp"), androzom, cromozom prezent numai la gametii masculi [androsoma; An-drosoma; androsome; androszoma; андросома] 730 ANDROSPORA f (gr. -, cmopa ,,sS-mintS"), androspor 1. Spor mascul. 2. GDSuncior de polea [androspore, male spore; Androspore, mSnnliche Spore, Befruchtungsspore, Pollenkorn; androspore, grain de pollen; andro-sp6ra, himspdra, viragpor; андро-cnopa] —*■ androgonidium, androzoogo-nidium, microspora 731 ANDROSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, dyyetov ,,vas“), androsporange, spo-range cu androspori [androsporangi-um; Androsporangium, Befruchtungs-sporenbehSlter; androsporange; an-drosporSngium, himspdratartd; андро-спорангий] —» androzoogonidangium, microsporangium 732 ANDROSPOROGENESIS i (gr. yfeveois ,,na§tere“) (Battaglia) —► mic-rosporogenesis 733 ANDROSTYLUM n, ANDROSTY-LUS m (gr. -, oxOtog „columns"), androstil, organ columnar rezultat din reunirea staminelor ?i a stilului (Asclepiadaceae, Orchidaceae) [an-drostyle; Griffelsaule, Pistillsaule, BefruchlungssSule, Narbenstiitze; an-drostyle; androsztilium, ivaroszlop, bibeoszlop; андростиль] —► gynoste-mium 734 ANDROTYPUS m (gr.-, хило? „model"), androtip, exemplarul tipic mascul al speciei [androtype; Andro-typus; androtype; androtipus, hlm-tipus; андротип] 735 ANDROZOOGONIDANGIUM n (gr. -, Cfflov „animal", ydvog ,,urma§“, dyyetov „vas") —► androsporangium 736 ANDROZOOGONIDIUM n (gr. —) -and rospora j 737 ANDROZYGOTA f (gr. -, ^uyondg „injugat"), androzigot, gametul mas cul mobil la partenogenezS (Spirogyra 79 pellucida) [androzygote; Androzygote; androzygote; androzigdta, himzigota; андрозигота] 738 ANEMO- (gr. „avepog „vinl"), de vint (anemochorus, anemophilus, anemoga-mus) [anemo-, wind-; wind-; andmo-; szdl-, szelet-; анемо-, ветро-] 739 ANEMOCHORIA f (gr. -, %<орш „a se rSspindi"), anemoc(h)orie, rSspin-direa plantelor (sporilor, serainjelor, fructelor) prin mijlocirea vintului (Sernander) [anemochory; Anemocho-rie, Windverbreitung, VVindfriichtig-keit, Windwanderung; anSmochorie; anemochoria; анемохория, распространение ветром] 740 ANEMOCHORUS (gr. -), anemo-c(h)cor, rSspindit prin vint [anemo-chorous; windverbreitet; anSmochore; szSl dtjSn lerjedo; анемохорный] 741 ANEMOENTOMOPHILIA f (gr. -, Svxopog „insects", g „acru", 0tog „viatS") —*■ anaerobiosis 812 ANSERINUS, anserin, consumat de gi§te [anserinous; gSnselieb; anserine; libSk Sltal kedvelt; гусиный] 813 ANTAGONISMUS m (gr. dvtaytb-vuxpa „contradictie"), antagonism 1. Stare de rivalitate. 2. SimbiozS avan-tajoasS numai unuia dintre simbion|i. 3. Concurenfa intre caracterele domi-nante §i cele recesive [antagonism; Antagonismus, Wettstreit, Wetteifer, Wettbewerb; antagonisme; antago-nizmus, ellentdt; антагонизм] 814 ANTARCTICUS, antarctic, aBat la polul sudic (regiune floristicS) [antarctic ; antarktisch, siidpolar; antarc-tique; ddlsarki, antarktikus; антарктический] 815 ANTE- (lat. ante „inainte" -in timp sau in spa(iu), inainte (antepositus, antecedens, antelucanus) [before; vor, friiher; avant, devant; eldtt, eldl; перед, до] 815a ANTECELLULARIS, antecelular cu structura anterioarS stadiului de celulS diferenJiatS [antecellular; ante-zellularisch, vorzellig; antecellulaire; sejteldtti; антецеллюлярный] 816 ANTENNA f, antenS, setele de la orificiul veziculelor (Utricularia) [antenna; Antenne, Fuhler, Segel-stange; antenne; antenna, csSp; антенна] 817 ANTESPOROPHYLLUM n (lat. ante „inainte", gr. onopd „sSmlnfS", фбХХоу „frunzS"), antesporofilS, partea frun-zoasS, cu funcfii de reproducere 74 (Thallophyta) [antesporophyll; An-tesporophyll, Urblatt, Ursporophyll; antesporophylle; antesporofillum; ан-теспорофилл] 818 ANTETROPHOPHYLLUM n (lat.-, gr. трофл „nutritie", -), antetrofofilS, partea frunzoasS cu functii de nutritie (Thallophyta) [antetropho-phyll; Urtrophophyll; anletrophophyl-le; antetrofofilium; антетрофофилл] 819 ANTETROPHOSPOROPHYLLUM n (lat. -, gr. —), antetrofosporofil, organ foliaceu cu functii de nutritie §i de reproducere (Thallophyta) [antetrophosporophyll; Urlrophosporo-phyll; antetrophosporophylle; antetro-fosporofillum; антетрофоспорофилл] 820 ANTHELA f (gr. dvOfi^iov „floare micS"), antelS, tip de inflorescentS monopodialS compusS, cu ramurile secundare dep3§ind pe cele principale, precum §i axa inflorescentei, toate cu flori terminale (Filipendula, Juncus) [anthela; Spirre; anthdle; ecset, ecset-virSgzat; антела, сложная метёлка] 821 ANTHERA f (gr. dvGqpdg „inflorit"), anterS, extremitale superioarS a fi-lamenlului stamina! continind de obi-cei patru saci polinici [anther; An-there, Staubbeutel, Staubkdlbchen; anthdre; portok; пыльник] —► tes-ticulus, testis 822 ANTHERANGIUM n (gr. -, dyyetov ,,vas“), anterangiu, sporocarp cu macro- §i microspori [antherangium; An-therangium; anthdrange; anterangium; антерангий] 823 ANTHERIDANGIUM n (gr. --), an-teridangiu, sporocarp cu anteridii (Sal-vinia) [antheridangium; Antheridien-behSlter; anthdridange; anteridSn-gium; антеридангий] 824 A N THERIDIOPHOR UM n (gr.-, форбд „purtStor"), anleridiofor, pedi-celul anteridiilor [antheridiophor; An-theridientrSger; anthdridiophore; an-teridiumtartd; антеридиеносец] 825 ANTHERID1UM n (gr. -), anteridie, organul reproductiv mascul la Cryp-togamae (Bischoff) [antherid; Anthe-ridie, Befruchtungskolben; antheridie; anteridium; антеридий] —*■ spermarium, spermatangium 826 ANTHEROIDEA f (gr. -, riSog ,,ase-mSnare"), anteroidee, transformarea teratologies a stigmatelor in antere [antheroidea; Antheroidee; anthdroi-dde; anteroidea; антероидеа] 7ft 827 ANTHEROMANIA t (gr.-, ц<ма „nebunie"), anteromanie, dezvoltarea nenormald a anterelor [antheromania; Antheromanie; anthdromanie; ante-romdnia; антероманяя] 828 ANTHEROPHORUM n (gr. „a se avinta", XCxnq „eliberare"), antesmoliza, continuarea cre§terii apicale a axei inflorescenfei dupa producerea florilor, rezultind flori noi, In teratologie (Lindley) [anthesmolysis; Anthesmolyse; anthes-molyse; virdgdtndvds, dtndtt virdgzat; антесмолизис] 835 ANTHESMOTAXIS f (gr.-, topog ,,a§ezare“, „orlnduire"), antes- motaxie, modal de dispoztyie a pie-selor florale (F. Williams) [anthesmo-taxis; Anthesmotaxis; anthesmotaxie; anteszmotaxis; антесмотаксис] ANTHOPHAEIN UM 836 ANTHOBIOLOGIA f (gr.-, pio; „viaЦ", Xdyoc „vorbire"), antobiolo-gie, biologia floraia (Hansgirg) [antho-biology; Bltitenbiologie; biologic florale; virdgbioldgia; антобнологня] 837 ANTHOCARPUM n (gr.-, каряд? „fruct"), antocarp, fruct Inconjurat de caliciul acrescent (Pkysalis alke-kengi) [anthocarp; Anthokarp; antho-carpe; antokdrpium; алтокарпий] 838 ANTHOCHLORUM n (gr. - хклрб-„verde"), antoclor, pigmentul galben din sucul celular al unor flori (Digitalis, Primula) [anthochlor; Antho-chlor; anthochlore; antokldrum; ан-тохлор] —*• xantheinum 839 ANTHOCUNIUM n (gr. -, kXiv* „pat"), antocliniu, receptaculul coman al florilor (Compositae] [anthoclinium; Bltitenlager; anthocline; antoklinium; автоклиний] 840 ANTHOCYANUM n (gr.-, kuuvo? „albastru tnchis"), antocian, pigmentul care coloreazd florile, fructele etc. In ro?u, albastru, liliachiu sau verde [anthocyan; Anthozyan; antho-cyane; antocidn; антоцнан] 841 ANTHODIUM n (gr. -, ettog ,,ase-mdnare"), antodiu, tip de inflorescentd botriticd, cu flori agregate sesile, dispose In vlrful axei de obicei disci-forme, bracteile formlnd un Inveli? comun (Compositae) [anthodinm; Blfitenkorb; antkode; fdszekvirdgzat; антодий, корзинка] —*■ ealathidium, cephalanthium, capitulum, (lores com-positi 842 ANTHOLITHON n (gr.-, XiBoq „piatrd"), antolit 1. Floare fosild. 2. Plantd fosild In formd de floare [antholithe; Blutenversteinerung; an-tholithe; virdgkdvulet; антолит] 843 ANTHOLOGIA f (gr. -, Хбуод „vorbire"), antologie, studiul florilor [anthology; Blutenkunde; antholo-gie; virdgtan; антология, учение цветка] 844 ANTHOLYSIS f (gr. -, Mkn? ,,des-compunere"), antolizd 1. Metamorfoza regresivd a organelor florale. 2. Vires-cenja, multiplicarea sau separarea pieselor florale [antholyse; Blutenauf-Idsung; antholyse; antolizis; анто-лиз] 845 ANTHOPHAEINUM n (gr. -, qmd? „brun"), antofeina, pigmentul brun tnchis din sucul celular al corolei sau perigonului unor plante (Vicia fuba, Codogyne) [anthophaein; Anth> ANTHOPHAGUS phaein; anthophaeine; antofein; антофёин] 846 ANTHOPHAGUS (gr. -, qmyopai „а minca“), antofag, care m&nincS florile (insects) [anthophagous; bltiten-fressend ; anthophage; virSgevd; цве- ТОЯДНЫЙ] 847 ANTHOPHILUS (gr. -, „a iubi"), antropofil, care create lingS a§ezSrile omene?ti (Thellung) [anthro-pophilous; menschenliebend; anthro-pophile; antropofil, emberi kdrnyezetet kedvelo; антропофильный] —*■ synan-thropus 862 ANTHROPOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фихоу „plants"), antropofite, plante cultivate ?i buruieni din culturi [an-thropophytes; Anthropophyten; an-thropophytes; antropofitak; антропофиты] —*• hemerophyla 863 ANTHURUS m (gr. fivGog „floare", oupa „coadS"), anturus, inflorescentS spiciformS sau paniculiformS, cu glo-merule dese, pe peduncul alungit (Ama-ranthus, Chenopodium) [anthurus; Blutenschweif; anthure; anturusz; султан] 864 ANTI- (gr. dvxi „contra, in fatS"), contra, opus, aflat in fa(S (antidia-reticus, antipetalus) [against; gegen-, -widrig; contre, opposd; ellen-, szemben; противо-] 865 ANTIDOTVM n (gr. dvxiSoxog „antidot"), antidot, contraotravS [antidote ; Gegengift; contrepoison; ellen- 77 тёгед; противоядие] —*■ alexiphar-тасоп 866 ANTICL1NALIS, anticlinal, a§ezat oblic sau perpendicular pe suprafafa organului (perefii celulari despdrfi-tori) [anticlinal; antiklinal; anticlinal; antiklindlis; антиклинальный] 867 ANTIDROMUS (gr. dvxi „contra", брбцод „fugd"), antidrom, orientat in direcfii opuse (nervate, ramificafie, frunze la Calla) [anti-dromous; gegenlaufig; antidrome; ellentates fordulasu; антидромный] 868 ANTIENZYMA n (gr. tv ,,in“, Сицп »drojdie“), antienzimd, parali-zatorii specifici ai efectului enzimelor [antienzyme; Antienzyme, Ferment-gifte, Hemmungskorper; entienzyme, antiferment; antienzim, antifermen-tum; антиэнзим] —► antifermentum 869 ANTIFERMENTUM n - antien-zyma 870 ANTIHELMIN THICUS (gr. -, eXpivq, eXjiivOog ,,vierme“] —*• san-tonicus, vermifugus 871 ANTIPODES m pi (gr. -, яоО?, яоббд ,,picior“), antipode, cele trei celule aflate la baza sacului embrionar (Angiospermae) [antipodal-cells; An-tipoden, GegenfiiGlerzellen, Gegen-fiiBlerinnen; antipodes; ellenlabas sejtek; антиподы] 872 ANTISTROPHE f (gr. -, отрофп ,,intoarcere“), antistrofd, pozifia cro-matoforilor la marginea celulei ante-rioare indreptate spre izvorul de lumind (Senn) [antistrophe; Vorder-lage; antistrophe; eliilfekvas; антистрофе] 873 ANTITHETICUS (gr. dvxiOeou; „opozifie"), antitetic, opus, alternant [antithetic; entgegengesetzt, wech-selnd; antithatique; ellentates, val-takozd, cseгёIбdб; антитетический] GENERATIO ANTI THE TIC A — alternatio generationum 874 ANTITROPICUS, ANTITROPUS (gr. dvrl „contrar", xpojtfi „rSsuci-re“), antitrop, inversat, indreptat in sens contrar (embrion) [antitropous; gegenlaufig, gegenwendig, gegenuber-laufig, verkehrtliegend; antitrope; el-lenfutd, egymdstdl elforduld; анти-тропный, обратный] 875 ANTIZYMICUS, ANTIZYMOTI-CUS (gr.-, Сиршикбс „fermentabil"), antizimotic, care opre§te fermen tafia APERTUS [antizymotic; gdrungshemmend; anti-zymotique; erjed6sgatl6; антизимо-тический] 876 ANTRUM n 1. Pe§terd. 2. Scobiturd. 3. Cavitate a seminfelor (Poma-ceae) [cave, hollow, core; Hohle, Aushdhlung, Fruchthdhle, Kernhaus ; antre, cavitd; barlang, ureg, mag-haziireg; пещера, семенное гнездо] 877 ANUCLEOBIONTA n pi (gr. a ,,fSra“, lat. nucleus „sdminfd", gr. Pio<; „viafd), anucleobionfi, organis-me simple cu celule fara nuclei ade-vdrafi [anucleobiontes; Anukleobion-ten; anucleobiontes; anukleobiontdk; ануклеобионты] 878 AORACANTHUS (gr. пор ,,sabie“, fiicavOa „spin"), cu spini ensiformi [ensiform-spined; schwertstachelig; a dpines ensiformes; kardalakdan ttiskds; мечевидно-колючковый] 879 AP- (gr. dno „fara, nu"), fara, lipsit de, negativ (apaerotropicus, apan-dricus [without, -less; ohne, -los; sans, ddpourvu de; naikuli, -talan; без, бес-] 880 APAEROTROPISMUS m (gr. -, df|p „aer", xponfi „rdsucire"), apae-rotropism, aerotropism negativ [apae-rotropism; Apaerotropismus; араё-rotropisme ; apaerotropizmus; апазро-тропизм] 881 APAGYNUS (gr. йяс£ „odata", yuvfj „femeie") —► monocarpicus 882 APANDRIA f (gr. dreo „fara", dvf|p, ,,av8p6<; „barbat"), apandrie, organe mascule lipsite de funcfiuni sexuale [apandry; Apandrie; apandrie ; apandria; апандрия] 883 APANTHISMUS m (gr.-, dvOo? „floare"), apantism, absenfa florilor [flowerlessness; Blutenlosigkeit; apan-thisme; viragtalansag; безцветков-ность] 884 APERIANTHEUS (gr. a „fara", яер! „imprejur",-), fara periant; lipsit de inveli§ floral (de caliciu §i coroia) [without perianth; bliitendeckenlos, bliitenhiillenlos; apdrianthd; virdg-takard naikiili; без перианций) 885 APERTIO f-*anthesis 886 APERTURA f, apertura, orificiu, deschizdturd [aperture, orifice; Off-nung, Miindung; aperture, orifice; nyilds; апертура, отверстие] -*• foramen 887 APERTUS, deschis, neacoperit (floare, formafie, mugure, preflorafie) APETALUS [opened, naked; offen, geOffnet, unbedeckt; ouvert, ddcouvert; nyilt, nyitott, fedetlen; открытый] -♦ pate-factus 888 APETALUS, apetal, fdrd petale; fdrd с or old, avtnd numai caliciu (floarea la Ulmus) [apetalous, petal-less ; blumenblattlos, kronenlos; арё-tale; sziromtalan, pdrta ndlkuli; безлепестный] 889 APEX m, vlrf, extremitate superioard a unui organ (apex folii, virful frun-zei) [apex, tip, summit; Spitze, Gip-fel, Scheitel; sommet, pointe; csiics, hegy; апекс, верхушка] —*■ summitas, summum, vertex 890 APHAPTOTROPISMUS m (gr. duo ,,fdrd“, акт© „a atinge“, xpoicfi „rdsucire"), aphaptotropism, tropism neinfluen(at prin atingerea tulpinii sau al unui alt organ (Henslow) [aphaptotropism; Aphaptotropismus; aphaptotropisme; aphaptotropizmus; апгаптотропизм] 891 A PH ELIO TROPIS MU S m (gr. -, fjXtoq ,,soareu, -) -» aphototropismus 892 APHERCOTROPISMUS m (gr. ёрко£ ,,barierd“, -), aphercotropism, mi§care de curbare pentru evitarea unui obstacol (Helnslow) [aphercotropism ; Apherkotropismus; apher-cotropisme; apherkotropizmus; anre-ркотропизм] 893 APHLEBIA f (gr. a „fdrd", фХеРб? ,,nervurd“), aflebie, pinule adventive an or male ndscute la baza pinulelor de ordinul I, la unele Filices sau laplantele fosile [aphlebia; Zusatz-fieder; aphtebie; afldbia; афлебия] 894 APHOTICUS (gr. (pfflg, <р©тод ,,lumind“), afotic, lipsit de lumind (regiunea adfncurilor mdrii) [aphotic, aphotistic; aphotisch, lichtlos; apho-tique, obscure; fdnytelen, vilagossag пё1киН; афотический] 895 A PHOTOMETRIA f (gr.-, pcxpov „mdsurd"), afotomelrie, indiferen^d fa[d de direc(ia luminii (frunzele aci-culare) [aphotometry; Aphotometrie; aphotomdtrie; afotometria; афотоме-трия] 896 APHOTOTAXIS f (gr. -, xa^ig ,,ordine“) —► aphotometria 897 APHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. xpowfl „curbare"), afototropism, folo-tropism negativ; curbare in direc(ia opusd luminii [aphototropism; Aphototropismus ; aphototropisme; afo- 78 totropizmus; афототропизм] -*• aphe-liotropiemus, scototropismus 898 APHRAGMIUM n (gr. -, фр&у|ш „fmprejmuire"), afragmiu, tip de zoo-sporange neseptat, la reproducerea asexuatd (Peronosporaceae) [aphrag-mium; Aphragmium; aphragmium; afragmium; афрагмиум] 899 APHRODISIACUS (gr. ’Афро5(хп „Afrodite, zei^a iubirii"), afrodiziac, care stimuleazd impulsul sexual [aphrodisiac; liebereizend; aphrodisi-aque; gerjedelmet fokozd; возбуждающий] 900 APHYDROTAXIS t (gr. йпо „fdrd", Сбшр ,,apd“, xatjis „orinduire"), aphid-rotaxie, hidrotaxie negativd [aphy-drotaxis; Aphydrotaxie; aphydrota-xie; aphidrotaxis; апгидротаксис] 901 APHYLLIA I (gr. a „fdrd", qvUxxv „frunzd"), afilie, lipsa totald a frun-zelor (Cactaceae) [aphylly; Aphyl-lie; aphyllie; levdllelensdg; афиллия] 902 APHYLLOPODUS (gr. -, now;, noSdg „picior"), afilopod, fdrd frunze bazale dispuse in pseudorozeta (Hieracium) [aphyllopodous; aphyl-lopod; aphyllopode; tdlevdl пё1-kiili; афиллоподный] 9C3 APICALIS, apical, terminal; situat in virful organului (celuld ~, cre§tere ~, dehiscenta ~, inflorescenfa~ ) [apical, terminal; apikal, gipfelstandig, spi-tzenstdndig, scheitelstdndig; apical, terminal, apicillaire; csucsi, csiicsdl-Idsii, csiicson levo, vdgalld, agtetozo, szartetdzo; апикальный, верхушечный] —► cacuminalis, terminalis 904 A PICI-, terminal, de virf (apicicur-vus, apiciflorus, apicifolius, apici-formis, apicifixus) [tip-, apici-; -spitz-ig* gipfel-; apici-, au sommet; csucs-, csucsi; верхушечно-] 905 APICULATUS, apiculat, prevdzut cu virf mic §i scurt [apiculate; klein-spitzig, feinspitzig; apicule; apro-hegyti; верхушечный] 906 A PI LARI A f (gr. a „fdrd", ritypg „pdldrie"), apilarie, lipsa teratologies a labiului superior la florile normal bilabiate [apilary; Apilarie; apilarie; apilaria; апилария] 907 APLANOGAMETA t (gr. -, nXavog „rdldcitor", уацётл? „so^ie"), apla-nogamet, garnet neciliat, fdrd mobili-tate, la Conjugatae (De Bary) [apla-nogamete; Aplanogamet; aplanoga- 79 mdte; apian ogamdta; апланогамета] -*-zygogameta 908 APLANOGAMETANGIUM n (gr. —, dyyelov ,,vas“), aplanogametangiu, gametangiu in care se formeazd aplanogameji [aplanogametangium; Aplanogametenbehdlter; aplanogamd-tange; aplanogametangium; аплано-гаметангий] 909 A PLANOGONIDIU M n (gr. yovoq ,,urma§“) —*• aplanospora 910 APLANOSPORA f (gr. cntopa „sdmintd"), aplanospor, spor ase-xuat, uninucleat si imobil (Algae, Fungi) [aplanospore; Aplanospore; aplanospore; aplanospora; аплано-cnopa] 911 APLANOSPORANGIUM n (gr. —, dyyetov ,,vas“), aplanosporange, sporangiu cu aplanospori [aplanospo-rangium; Aplanosporangium; aplanosporange ; aplanosporangium; апла-носпорангий] 912 APLASIA f (gr. -, n’kacxdq „format"), aplazie, oprire a dezvoltdrii [aplasia; Aplasie; aplasie; aplazia; аплазия] 913 APO- (gr. dn6 „fdrd"), fdrd, depar-te, negativ (apoembryonicus, apochla-mydeus, apopetalus, apophyllus, apo-sepalus) [without, far, distantly, negatively; weg-, -los, nicht; sans, loin, ndgalivement; nelkuli, tavoli; без, далеко, не-] 914 APOBIOTICUS (gr. 0io<; „viata"), apobiotic, care cauzeazd sldbirea vita-litdtii [apobiotic; apobiotisch; apo-biotique; apobidtikus; апобиотический] 915 APOCARPIUM n (gr. -, корлд? „fruct"), apocarp, fruct compus, format dintr-un ovar cu mai multe carpele libere (Rubus) [apocarpium; Sam-melfrucht; apocarpe; termdscsoport, csoportos termds, tarsas termes; апокарпий] —► fructus compositus 916 APOCARPICUS, APOCARPUS (gr. -), apocarp ic 1. Cu carpelele libere sau numai partial unite. 2. Cu fructe agregate (gineceu format din carpele libere la Prunus) [apocarpous ; apokarpisch, getrenntfriich-tig; apocarpiquc; csoportos ter-mdsu, tdrsas termdsfi; апокарпный] 917 APOCHEMOTAXIS f (gr.-, arab al-kimiya, gr. tdfcig „orlnduire"), apochemotaxism, chemotactism negativ [apochemotaxis; Apochemota- APOMEIOSIS xie; apochimotaxie; apokemotaxis; апохемотаксис] 918 APOCHLOROSIS f (gr. -, xXcopo; • „verde viu“), apocloroza, lipsa cloro- filei (In teratologie) [apochlorosis; Blattgriinmangel; apochlorose; level-zold-hiany; апохлороз] 919 APOCYTIUM n (gr. kuto? „cavitate"), apocit, masd protoplas-. matica multinucleatd, la unele Fungi [apocyte; Apozyt; apocyte; apocita; апоцит] 920 APOGALVANOTAXIS f (gr. -, Gal-vani, xd^i? „orinduire"), apogalva-notaxie, galvanotaxie negativa [apo-galvanotaxis; Apogalvanotaxie; apo-galvanotaxie; apogalvanotaxis; ano-гальванотаксис] 921 APOGAMETIA f (gr. -, усщеттк „sot"), apogametie, pierderea game[i-lor diferentia(i §i formarea sporofi-tului, fard proces de fecundare, din celula vegetativd a gametofitului [apogametia; Apogametie; apogame-tie; apogamecia; апогаметия] 922 AROGAMIA f (gr. -. ydpog „cdsd-torie"), apogamie 1. Reproducere fdrd fecundate. 2. Dezvoltarea asexuatd a embrionului din antipode sau din sinergide (Renner) [apogamy; Apogamie; apogamie; apogamia; апогамия] 923 APOGENIA f (gr. -, ydvog „urma§"), apogenie, sterilitate in urma pierderii capacitd[ii funcjionale a organelor sexuale ale plantei [apogeny; Apogenie; apogenie; apogenia; апогения] 924 APOGEOTROPISMUS m (gr.-, y1\ „pdmint", троят| „rdsucire"), apo-geotropism, geotropism negativ (la tulpind) [apogeotropism; Apogeotro-pismus; apogeotropisme; apogeotro-pizmus; апогеотропизм] 925 APOGYNIA f (gr. yuvh „sotie"), apoginie 1. incapacitate reproductiva a organului femel. 2. Apogamie la care pe acela§i protal se dezvolta numai anteridii [apogyny; Apogynie; apogynie; apoginia; апогиния] 926 APOLARIS apolar, lipsit de polari-tate; organ fdrd о parte apicald §i alta bazald [apolar; apolar; apolaire; sarkossdg ndlkuli; беэполярный] 927 APOMEIOSIS f (gr. -, рекоак; „reducere"), apomeiozd, sporogenezd fdrd diviziune reductionald (Renner) [apomeiosis; Apomeiose; apomdiose; apomeidzis; апомеиоз] APOMIXIS 928 APOMIXIS f (gr. „ames-tecare“), apomixie, absenja mixiei (apogamie, partenogenezd, pseudoga-mie etc.) [apomixis; Apomixis, Zeugungsverlust; apomixie; apomixis; апомиксис] 929 APOPHYSIS f (gr. фбт? ,,for-mare“), apofizd 1. Proeminenjd. 2. Umfldturd. 3. Mica, umfiatura la baza capsulei (Musci frondosi). 4. Mica umfiatura la virful solzilor ovulari ai conului (Pinus) [apophysis ; Apophyse, Fortsatz, Anschwellung; apophyse, renflement; apofizisfiigge-Idk; апофиза] 930 APOPHYTA n pi (gr. am то-ph Hus, psammophilus, sabulinus PLANTAE ARENARIAE, plante de nisipuri [sand-plants; Sandpflan-zen; plantes sablonneuses; homoki nбvёnyek; песковые растения] —*• plantae sabulosae, psammophyta 10C3 ARENARIA f, ARENARIUM n, nisip&rie, cariera de nisip [sandy place; Sandplatz, Sandgrube; сагиёге de sable; homokos teriilet, homokb&nya; песчаное место, пески] 1004 ARENS (areo), uscStiv, care se usuca [arescent, drying; vertrocknend; dess6chant; kiszarado; высыхающий] —» arescens 1005 AREOGRAPHIA f (lat. area „areal"-, gr. урафш „a. scrie"), areografie, studiul §i descrierea rdspindirii plantelor in spatiu [areography; Areal-kunde; arёographie; areogrSfia; ареография] 1006 AREOLA f, areola, adincitura, gro-ptyS 1. Pat5 circulars pe suprafa^a unui organ. 2. Cerc colorat in fundul corolei [areole, small cavity, pit; G.’iibchen, Hdfchen, Feldchen; агёо1е, fossette, tache circulairc; g6drocske, korfolt; ареола, ямочка, площадочка] 1007 AREOLARIS, AREOLATUS, ARE-OLIFORMIS, areolar, areolat, cu gropite, reticulat [areolar, areolate, meshy; grubig, grubenartig, klein-fteckig, gefeldert, maschig, felderig; areo lair e, агёо1ё, fosse^, Mticuli; g6d6^s, k6rfoltos, haldzatos, гесёз; ареолированный, ячеистый, площадочный] AREOLATIO 1008 AREOLATIO f, areolajie, formarea areolelor [areolation; Felderung, Feld-chenbildung, Maschenbildung; агёо-lation; g5d6rke-alakulSs; ареоляция] 1009 ARESCEJVS (aresco) -* arens 1010 ARGENTATUS, ARGENTEUS, ARGENTEI-, ARGENTEO-, AR-GENTI-, argintiu 1. Alb argintiu lucios. 2. Cu peri mStSso$i albi (argen-teicinctus, argenteoguttatus, argentei-maculatus, argentifolius) [silvery, silver-coloured, silverwhite; silberig, silberfarbig, silberweiB, silberhaarig; argents, blanc d’argent; ezustszmO, eziistfeher, eziistszoru; серебристый, серебристо-белый] —♦ argyraceus 1011 ARGILLACEUS, argilaceu, galben ca lutul; bruniu galben deschis [argillaceous, clay-coloured; lehmartig, tongelb, lehmgelb, licht-gelbbraun; argillacS, brunatre jaune-clair; agyag-szeru, agyagsSrga, vilagos sargas-barna; глинисто- жёлтый, светло-бурый] 1012 ARGILWSUS, argilos, lutos, cu multS argils (solo argilloso pe sol argilos) [clayey; tonig, tonreich, leh-mig, tonhaftig; argileux, glaiseux; agyagos; глинистый] 1013 ARGOTAXIS f (gr. dpyog ,,pasiv“, га^ц „orinduire"), argotaxie, orin-duirea pasivS a cloroplastelor ca ur-mare a for[ei de gravitate, in neo-forma[iile plasmatice (Pfeffer) [argo-taxis; Argotaxis; argotaxie; argo-taxis; арготаксис] 1014 ARGUTE-, ARGUTUS, ascu(it, fin (argute-dentatus) [sharp, fine; spitz-ig, scharf, fein; aigu, fin; hegyes, finom; острый] 1015 ARGYRACEUS, ARGYRAEUS, ARGYRATUS, ARGY RITES, ARGYRO- (gr. fipyopo€ ,,argint“) (argyrocarpus, argyrolepis ) —*■ argen-tatus, argenteus 1016 ARIDUS 1. Arid (cimp). 2. Uscat (tulpinS) [arid, dry, parched, shrivelled ; diirr, trocken, vertrocknet; aride, sec, dessScl^, ПёЫ, maigre; szaraz, szikar, kiszaradt, aszalyos; аридный, сухой] 1017 ARIETINUS, arietin, asemSnStor cu coarnele berbecilor [ram-horned ; wid-derhdrnig; a cornes de ЬёНег; kos-szarvd; рогатый] 1018 ARILLATUS, arilat, prevSzut cu aril (sSminta) [arillate; bemantelt; arillS; magtakards; с ариллусом] 1019 ARILLODIUM n, arilodiu, aril fals, format prin ISrgirea margin» micro-pilului semin(ei (Euonymus euro-paea) [arillode; Arillodium; arillode; arillddium, SImagkOpeny; ариллодий, ложный ариллус] —* pseudoarillus 1020 ARILLUS m, aril, inveli$ul cSrnos accesoriu, uneori viu colorat, care acoperS partial unele seminte (Gos-sypium, Salix) [aril; Samenmantef, Samendecke, Samenhulle; arille; magkdpeny, maglepel, magtakaro; ариллус, кровелька] 1021 ARISTA f, aristS, prelungirea fili-formS de obicei rigidS, cu care se continuS nervura medians a unor frunze sau piese florale (paleile infe-rioare ale unor Gramineae, foliolele involucrale la Dianthus) [awn; Granne, Ahrenspitze; arete; szalka; ариста, ость] 1022 ARISTATUS, ARISTI-, aristat, prevSzut cu aristS (aristifolius) [aw-ned, aristate; granijig, begrannt; aristS; szalkas; аристоносный, остистый] 102» ARISTEROSTYLUS (gr. йрютерб? „la stinga", атОХо? ,,coloanS“), ariste-rostil, cu stilul situat in partea stingS a axei florale (Knuth) [aristerostylous; linksgriffelig; aristerostyle; baloldali bibSju; аристеростильный] 1024 ARISTIFOLIUS, cu frunze aristate [aristate-leaved; grannenblsttrig; a feuilles aristSes; szSlkSs levelii; остролистный] 1025 ARISTIFORMIS, aristiform, de forma aristei [awn-shaped; grannen-fdrmig; aristiforme; szSlkaszeru; острообразный] 1026 ARISTULA f, aristulS, aristS micS [small awn; kleine Granne; aristule; aprd szSlka; маленькая ость] 1027 ARM A n pi, ARMATURA f, arme de apSrare; proeminente punginte sau urticante care apSrS plantele contra dSunStorilor (spini, peri urticanti) [arms; Waffen; armure; fegyverzet; вооружение] 1028 ARMATUS, ARMIFER, ARMI-GER, inarmat 1. Spinos. 2. PrevSzut cu organe de apSrare (caulibus ar-matis cu tulpinile spinoase) [armed, spined; bewaffnet, bewehrt, dornig; агтё, Spineux; felfegyverzett, ttis-kSs; вооружённый, колючконосный] —*■ armipotens 1029 ARMENIACUS, armeniac 1. Galben ca fructul de Prunus armeniaca. 2. Ori-ginar din Armenia [apricot-coloured, 85 armeniaceous; aprikosengelb; jaune d’abricot; kajszinbaracksdrga; абрикосово-жёлтый] 1030 ARMILLA f, armild. 1. Man§etd. 2. Inelul superior de pe piciorul unor ciuperci (Amanita muscaria) [armilla, frill; Armille, Manschette, Armband; armille; armilla, perec, galldrka; оторочка, бахромка] 1031 ARMILLATUS, armilat, prevazut cu armila [armillate; armbandig; ar-milld; armillds, galldrkas, gyuriizott; кольчатый] 1032 ARMIPOTENS —*■ armatus, spinosus 1033 AROMATICUS, aromatic, cu gust §i miros pldcut (fruct) [aromatic, spicy; aromatisch, wiirzig; aromati-que; aromatikus, zamatos; ароматный, благовонный] 1034 AROMORPHOSIS f (gr. atpco „а ridica“, p6pv „impreunS", pXaatd? „germen"), asim-blastie, germinarea la timpuri diferite a semintelor aceleia§i plante (Haberlandt) [asymblasty; Asym-blastie; asymblastie; aszimblasztia; асимбластия] 1102 ASYMMETRICUS, ASYMMETR-. ASYM METRO- (gr. -, обррстрод „simetric"), asimetric, lipsit de sime-trie (asymmetranthus, asymmetrocar-pus) [asymmetric, asymmetrical; asymmetrisch; asymetrique; aszimmet-rikus, rSszaranytalan; асимметричный] 1103 ASYNAPSIS f (gr. -, oOvayig „uni-re") —► asyndesis 1104 ASYNCHRON1CUS (gr. -, auv „impreunS", xpdvoq „timp"), asincro-nic, petrecut in timpuri diferite (en-domitozd ~) [asynchronic; nicht gleichzeitig; asynchronique; kiilonbdzd idobeli; асинхронный] 1105 ASYNCHRONOGONISMUS m (gr. —, ydvri ,,urma§“) (Delphino) —*■ dicho-gamia 88 1106 ASYNDESIS t (gr. ortvSeoic „uni-re"), asindezS, neimperecherea cro-mozomilor omologi in timpul meiozei (Karpetschenko) [asyndese; Asynde-se; asyndSse; aszindSzis: асиндеэис] —» asynapsis 1107 ASYNGAMIA f (gr. -, otv „impreunS", ydpot; „cSsStorie"), asingamie 1. Maturitate sexualS la timpuri diferite a staminelor ?i stigmatelor acele-ia§i flori. 2. Inflorire a indivizilor aceleia§i specii la timpuri diferite (Kerner) [asyngamy; Asyngamie; asyngamie; aszingSmia; асингамия] 1108 AT ACT A n pi, culegeri, colecjie de articole (Alacta botanica) [collections; Sammlungen; collections; cikkgyiij-temSnyek; сборник] 1109 ATACTOSTELE t (gr. йтакто? „neorinduit", oTf|Xq „coloanS"), atac-t os tel, stel cu fascicule libero-lemnoase dispuse neregulat in tulpinS (Mono-cotyledoneae) [atactostele; Ataktostele; atactostSle; ataktosztSle; атактостела] 1110 ATAVISMUS m, atavism, apari}ia caracterelor ancestrale latente la cul-tivaruri, hibrizi etc. (De Vries) [atavism ; Ruckfall, Riickschlag, Entwick-lungsriickschlag; atavisme; ataviz-mus, visszaiitSs az'6s6kre; атавизм] —*• reversio 1111 ATAVISTICUS, atavic, care pre-zintS semnele atavismului (caracter) [atavistic; atavistisch; atavistique; atavisztikus; атавистический] 1112 ATAVUS, strSmo§esc[ancient; uralt; ancestral; osi; стародавный] —> ances-tralis 1113 ATAXINOM1CUS (gr. a ,,nu“, xd^ig „ordine", vdpog „regulS"), ataxinomic, cu structura neregulatS, nenormalS (fasciatie) [ataxinomic; ataxinomisch; ataxinomique; ataxinomikus; атакси-номический] 1114 ATEGMINUS, neacoperit (ovul) [uncovered ; unbedeckt; non couvert; fedetlen; непокрытый] 1115 ATELOMITICUS (gr. a ,,nu“, xiXoq „capSt"), atelomitic, cu centromeru! neinserat terminal pe fus (cromozom) (Carothers) [atelomitic; atelomitisch; at£lomitique; atelomitikus; ателоми-тический] 1116 ATER, negru, negru mat inchis [black, coal-coloured; schwarz, samtschwarz; noir, noir foncd; fekete, szSnfekete; тёмный, чёрный] -> phaeus 1117 -ATHERUS (gr. dOfip „spic, virf"), cu spic (brachyatherus, diatherus) 89 ("-spiked, -eared; -Shrig, -grannig; S dpi; -fuzdres; -колосистый] -*■ spici-, spicatus, stachy-, -stockys 1118 ATHR- (gr. &6p6o<; ,,adunat“), adu-nat, strins (athranthus) [assembled, gathered; gedrSngt-; rassembld; szo-ros- ; загущенно-, густо-] 1119 ATHROCYTOSIS f (gr. китод „cavitate"), atrocitoza, ingrSmSdirea unor coloranji §i particule in elemen-tele histologice (Dangeard) [athrocy-tosis; Athrozytose; athrocytose; atro-citdzis; атроцитоз] 1120 ATOMATUS, ATOMISTICUS, ATOMUS (gr. йтород „indivizibil"), foarte mic, indivizibil [minuscule, indivisible; winzig klein, sehr klein, unteilbar; minuscule, indivisible; aprd, nagyon kicsi, oszthatatlan; маленький, неделимый, крошечный] 1121 ATONIA f (gr. a „fSrS", xovog „tensiune"), atonie, starea de tensiune scSzutS a (esuturilor [atony; Atonie, Erschlaffung; atonie; atdnia; атония] 1122 ATOP!A f (gr. йтояод ,,neobi§nuit“)> atopie, sensibilitate genetics fa[S de antigene, proteine, polen etc. [atopy; Atopis; atopie; atdpia; атопия] 1123 ATRACTOPLASMA n (gr. йтрактод ,,fus“, яХаара „formare"), atractoplas-mS, subs tan (a fundamentals formats din cariolimfa in stadiul profazei diviziunii nucleare mitotice, dind na§tere fusului acromatic (Fujii) [atrac-toplasm ; Atraktoplasma; atractoplas-me; atraktoplazma; атрактоплазма] 1124 ATRACTOSOMA n (gr. -, afflpa ,,corp“) (Wada) -*■ atractoplasma 1125 ATRAMENTARIUS, negru ca cer neala (sucul ciupercii Coprinus atra-mentarius) [inky; tintenschwarz; noir d’encre; tintafekete; чёрный как чернила] 1126 ATRANS (atro), negricios, devenind negru [becoming black; schwarzwer-dend; noircissant; feketedo, feketelo; чернеющий, черноватый] —*■ nigricans 1127 ATRATUS, ATRI-, ATRO-, inne-grit, de culoare inchisS; negru bruniu (atricoccus, atrofuscus) [blackened, dark; geschwartzt, schwSrzlichbraun, dunkel; noirci, foncd; feketds, sdtdt; почерневший, черно-, темно-] -*■ mela-no-, niger 1128 ATROPHIATUS {gr. dtporpta „fSra nutritie“), atrofiat, cu organele reduse, atrofiate sau degenerate [atrophiate; ruckgebildet, verkiimmert; atrophid; ATTENUATUS atrofiSlt, elsatnyult, visszafejlodOtt; атрофированны й J 1129 ATROPHY ТА n pi (gr. -, ■ orthotropus 1132 ATROROSEUS, trandafiriu, rozeu inchis [dark-rosy; dunkelrosenrot; rose foncd; sdtdtrdzsaszind; тё?йно-розовый] 1133 ATRDRUBENS, ro§cat inchis [dark bluish-red; dunkelrOllich; rouge sombre, rougeStre foncd; sotdtpirosas, so-tetvordslo; тёмнокраснеюгций] 1134 ATRORUBER ro§u inchis [dark-red; dunkelrot; rouge foncd; sotdtpiros; тёмно-красный] 1135 ATROSANGUINEUS, atrosangui-neu, ro§u inchis ca singele [dark blood-red; dunkelblutrot; rouge san-guin; s6tdtvdrvor6s; тёмно-кровавый] 1136 AT ROST RI AT US negru striat [black-striped; dunkelgeslreift; a stries noiratres; sotdtcsikos; тёмно-полосатый] 1137 AT RJVIOLACEUS, atroviolaceu, violet inchis, liliachiu inchis [darkviolet; dunkelviolett, schwarzviolett; violet foncd; sotdt-ibolyaszinu, sotdtlila; тёт-HO-лиловый] 1138 ATROV IRENS, A TRD VIRIDIS, verde inchis, verde negricios [dark-green, blakish-green; dunkelgriin, schwarzgrun; noiratre vert; sdtdtzold; тёмно-зелены й] —► dioriticus 1139 ATRYGIA f (gr. dxpuyexog „steril") -+ autosterilitas 1140 ATTENUATUS, atenuat 1. Lent ingustat. 2. Mic§orat treptat spre bazS sau spre virf (folium in petiolo attenuatum, frunza ingustatS in pe[iol) [attenuate, tapered, narrowed, thinned; verdiinnt, verschmalert; rdtrdci, diminud, aminci, effild; elkeskenyedo, elvdkonyodd; оттянутый, утонченный] ATTIAGENS 1141 ATTINGENS (attingo), tangent, care se atinge cu organul invecinat [attin-gent, touching; beriihrend, erreichend, angranzend; touchant; hozza£ro, osz-szeer6; касающийся] 1142 ATYPICUS (gr. a ,,nu“, vi>no<; ,,mo-del“), atipic, netipic, deosebit de forma obi§nuita (diviziune celulara ) [atypic; atypisch; atypique; tipustdl еНёгб, nem tipikus; нетипичный] —» allotypicus, heterotypicus 1143 AUCTIO f —*• accrementum, incre-mentum 1144 AUCTOR m, autor, autorul taxonului sau al lucrarii (auctorum veterorum seu antiquorum, al autorilor vechi) [author, maker; Verfasser, Entdecker, Schriftsteller; auteur; szerzd, n£vado, iro; автор] 1145 AUCTUARIUM n, augmentare, com-pletare (emendaliones et auctuaria co-rectSri §i completSri) [augmentation, completion; Hinzufugung, Vervollstan-digung; augmentation; kiegdszit6s, hozzdadds; дополнение] 1146 AUCTUS (augeo), augmentat, mdrit, complelat [editio aucta edi(ie com-pletata) [enlarged, increased, augmented ; vergrdBert, vermehrt, zuneh-mend; augmenta, grossi; b6vitett, na-gyobbitott, kieg6szltett, gyarapitott; дополненный, расширенный, умноженный] 1147 AUFUGUS —► efferatus, subspontaneus 1148 AUL-, AULACO- (gr. oOXol; „brSz-dat“) (aulacanthus, aulacocarpus, aula-cogonus, aulacophyllus) —*■ sulcatus 1149 AULACOSPERMUS (gr.-, ояёрцо „sSmlnta**), cu seminte brSzdate [fur-row-seeded; furchensamig; & graines cannetees; bardzdas magvii; бороз-дчатосемянный] 1150 AULOPHYTA n pi (gr. o6M> ,,lo-cuire“, ut6v ,,planti“), aulofite, plante care tr&iesc in cavitd(ile unor organe ale altor plante, fdr& ей le paraziteze [aulophytes; Aulophyten; aulophytes; aulofit4k ; аулофиты] 1151 AUR4NTIACUS, AURANTIUS, portocaliu, ro?u portocaliu; galben auriu de culoarea portocalei [orange-red ; orangenrot, pomeranzengelb, gold-gelb, rotgelb; orangg, rouge dtre jaune, jaune d’or; narancssztnfl, pirosasearga, aranysarga, narancsvdrOs; оранжевый, померанцевый] 1152 AURANT1UM n, portocald, fructul speciei Citrus aurantium [orange; Po- 90 meranzenfrucht; orange; narancs; a-пельсин] AUREUS, AUREO-, AURI-, galben auriu (areomaculatus, aureostriatus, au-ricomus) [golden-coloured, golden-yellow, gold-shining; goldig, goldfarbig, goldgelb; dor£, jaune dore; arany-szinu, aranysarga; золотистый, золотисто-жёлтый] —*■ chrys-, chryso-, chry-seus AURICULA f, auricula, urechiu§e; apendice foliaceu scurt §i rotunjit la baza limbului foliar (Sonchus ole-raceus) sau a petiolului (В rossica napus) [auricle; Ohrchen, Ohrlapp-che.n; auricule, oreillette; fulecske; ушко] AURICULATUS, AURITUS, auri-culat, prevazut cu urechiu§e (frunza) [auriculate, auricled, eared; geOhrt, geOhrelt, geohrlappt; auricula; fiilecs-кёв, fiilezett; уппсоватый] —*■ -otis, oto- AURICULIFORMIS, AURIFOR-MIS, auriculiform, de forma ure-chiu?ei [ear-shaped; OhrchenfOrmig; auriculiforme; fiilecskeszerd; ушковид-ный] AURIGO f, aurigo, patarea gal ben a aurie a frunzelor (in teratologie) [aurigo ; Gelbsprenkelung; aurigo; aurigd; ауриго] AUSTRAL-, AUSTRALIS, AUS-TRO-, austral, sudic, meridional (aus-tral-asiaticus, austro-occidentalis) [southern ; siidlich; austral, mdridional; daii, d^lvidaki; южный] meri-dionalis A U TOAESTHESIA f (gr. out6? ,,in-su§i“, atoOricng „perceptibilitate"), au-toestezie, sensibilitatea plantelor la excftatiile interne [autoesthesia; Aut-aesthesie; aut6sth6sie; autoeszt6zia; автоэстеэия] AUTOALLOGAMIA f (gr. -, fittot ,,altul“, ydpog „cdsatorie"), autoalo-gamie, indivizi in parte autogami qi in parte alogami in cadrul aceleiagi specii [autallogamy; Autoallogamie; autoallogamie; autoallogimia; авто-аллогамия] AUTOATRYGIA f (gr. - Атрбувтос „eteril") —» autoeterilitas, adynaman-dria AUTOBASIDIUM n (gr.-, p&otfiov ,,picioru§“) -* holobasidium A U TOBIOLOGIA f (gr.-, pU* ,,via-Ц“, MrfOi „vorbire") —*• idiobiologia 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 91 1164 AUTOCARPI A f (gr. каряод ,,fruct“), autocarpie, autogamie ur-matS de formarea fructului [auto-carpy; Selbstfruchtigkeit; autocarpie; autokarpia; автокарпия] 1165 AUTOCHORIA f (gr.хеорш „a se r&spindi"), autoc(h)orie, rSspindijea se-mintelor, fructelor §i a sporilor prin mijloacete proprii ale planlei (Kirch-ner) [autochory; Selbstverbreitung; autochorie; onelterjedds; автохория] 1166 AUTOCHORISMUS m (gr. -), auto-c(h)orism, deta§area normals a unui organ (frunzS, fruct) tn urma unor cauze interne (Fitting) [autoohorism; Autochorismus; autochorisme; auto-cnorizmus; автохоризм] 1167 AUTOCHORUS {gr.~),auloc[h)or, cave se raspinde§te prin mijloace proprii [autochorie; selbstverbreitet; autochore; dnelterjedSsu; автохорный] 1168 AUTOCHROMOSOMA n (gr. хрй-pa ,,culoare“, ойцо. ,,corp“), autocro-mozom, cromozom obi§nuit de care se prind cromozomii sateliji In timpul rveiozei [autochromosome; Autochro-mosom; autochromosome; autokro-moszdma; автохромосома] 1169 AUTOCHTHONUS (gr. cbidxfcov nbS§tina§“) —*■ endemicus, aborigenus 1170 A U TODIFFEREN TIA T10 f (gr. aordc ,,lnsu§i“, lat. differo „a se de-osebi“), autodiferen^iere, proces de dezvoltare la care unele celule ale em-brionului se diferen(iaz& morfologic ?i biologic intr-o anumitS direc[ie, pentru a Jndeplini anumite func(ii speciale, fir& a fi influentate de con-di[iile de mediu §i de vecinStalo (Roux) [autodifferentiation; Selbstdif-ferenzierung; autodifferentiation; 6nel-kiiloniilSs; автодифференциация] 1171 AUTOECICUS (gr. -, oIko? ,,casS“). autoecic, autoic 1. Care f§i parcurge intreg ciclul vital pe aceea§i planta gazdS (parazit). 2. Cu fructificatii mascule §i femele pe aceea§i planta (Bryophyta) [autoecious; autozisch; autScique; autdcikus; однохозяист-венный] -+ autoxenicus 1172 AUTOFECUNDATIO f (gr.lat. fecundo „a fertiliza“), autofecundatie 1. Autofertilizare. 2. Polenizare directs urmatS de fecundare [autofecundation, self-fertilization; Selbstbe-fruchtung; autofdeondation; Onmeg-termdkenyiilds; самооплодотворение] -* autofertilitas, mychogamia AUTOMIXIS li:3 AUTOFERTILITAS f (gr. -, lat. fer-tilitas ,,rodnicie“) —* aulofecundatio 1174 AUTOGAMIA f (gr.-, ydpog „cSsS-torie“), autogamie, autopolenizare cu polenul acoleiasi flori [autogamy; Au-togamie, Sclbstbcstaubung; autogamie : onmegporzSs, magamegporzas; автогамия] 1175 AU TOGAMICUS, AUTOGAM US (gr.-), aulogam, autofertil; care sc pclenizeazS cu polenul propria (floare ~) [autogamie, autogamous; selbst-beslaubend, selbstbefruchtend; autogame, autofertile; onbeporzo, maga-megporzddd, dnmegtermSkenyiilo, autogam; автогамный, самофертнльный] —*• homoclinus 1176 AUTOGENESIS f (gr. -, ycveaiq ,,nastere“), autogeneza 1. Reproducer prin polenul propriu. 2. Dczvol-tare autonomS, independents de lumea exterioarS (Plate). 3. Gmeratie spon-tanee[autogenesis; Autogenese, Selbst-entwicklung; autogenSse; autoger.e-zis; автогенез] 1177 A U TOGENETICUS, AUTOGEN 1-CUSt AUTOGENUS (gr. -), aulogen, autogeneidc 1. Rezmtat pi in autoge-nezS. 2. Cauzat de faclori interni (mi§cSrile autonome ale unor frunze) [autogenic, autogenous, self-derived; autogen, autogenetisch; autogfcne, au-togdndlique; autogSn, autogenetikus; автогенный, автогенетический] 1178 AUTOGENOTYPICUS (gr. tujkx; ,,model“) —*■ isogenotypicus 1179 AUTOGONIA f (gr. -, ydvog ,,urma§“) —> autogenesis 1180 AUTOHOMOGAMIA f (gr.-, 6p6? ,,acela§i“, ydpog „cSsStorie"), auto-homogamie, autopolenizare exceptional (la plantele ch&smogame) [auto-homogamy; Autohomogamie; autoho-mogamie; autohomogSmia; автогомогамия] 1181 AUTOINFECTIO f (gr.-, lat. in-ficio „a corupe“), autoinfectie, rein-fectarea plantei gazde prin parazitii sSi proprii [autoinfection; Selbstan-steckung; autoinfection; 6nfert6z5des; автоинфекция] 1182 AUTOLYSIS f (gr. -, kvoiq ,,des-compunere"), autolizS, desintegrarea celulelor sau a tesutului sub acfrunea enzimelor autogene [autolysis; Auto-lyse; autolyse; autolizis; автолиз] 1183 AUTOMIXIS t (gr. -, plfo „ames-tecare"), automixie. 1. Proces de au- AUTOMORPHOSIS tofecundare la care copuleazS doi game(i sau doi nuclei sexua(i de acela§i sex sau Indeaproape tnrudi(i. 2. Autofertilizare obligatS [automixis; Automixis; automixis; automixis; ав-томиксис] 1184 AUTOMORPHOSIS I (gr рбрфш-oig ,,formare“), automorfozS, morfozS conditional de factori interni (Pfeifer) [automorphosis; Automorphose, Eigengestaltung; automorphose; au-tomorfdzis; автоморфоз] 1185 AU TON AST IA f (gr. -, vactdg „presat"), autonastie, nastie autonoma; curburS datorita cre§terii inegale a or-ganelor datoritS unor cauze interne (De Yries) [autonasty; Autonastie; autonastie; autonSsztia; автонастия] 1186 AUTONYCTINASTICUS (gr. -, vlfc, vnctdg ,,noapte“, -), autonictinastic, care in mod spontan i§i ia pozitia obi§nuitS din timpul noptii (ex. de ,,somn“ al frunzelor) indiferent de in-fluenta gravitStii §i de planul vertical sau inclinat al plantei (Fischer) [autonyctinastic; autonyktinastisch; autonyctinastique; autoniktin&sztikus; автониктинастический] 1187 AUTONYCTITROPICUS (gr. --, тротп1! „r&sucire") -*• autonyctinasticus 1188 AU TONY MIA f (gr. -, 6vupo ,,nu-me“), autonimie, publicarea unui ta-xon nou care nu include tipul numelui corect al taxonului de rang imediat superior impune crearea automats a numelui unui alt taxon de acela§i rang, care include acest tip [autonomy; Autonymie; autonymie; autoni-mia; автонимия] 1189 A U TOOE CO IDG IA I (gr. -, olicog „casd", XdyoQ „vorbire"), autecologie 1. Studiul relatiei indivizilor unei singure plante sau specii cu mediul ambiant (Schroter). 2. Ecologia or-ganismului individual (Turesson) [au-tecology; Autokologie; autdcologie; autdkoldgia; аутэкология] -*• idio-oecologia 1190 A UTOORTHOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, dpOog ,,drept“, тротил „rfisucire"), auto-ortotropism, tending a organelor de a create in linie dreaptS (Czapek) [autoorthotropism; Autorthotropis-mus; autoorthotropisme; autoortotro-pizmus; автортотропизм] 1191 AUTOPARASITISMUS m (gr.-, Tcap&arcog „parazit"), autoparazitism, parazitare pe un alt parazit [autoparasitism ; Autoparasitismus; autopara- 92 sitisme; autoparazitismus; автопара-зитисм] 1192 AUTOPARASITUS m (gr. ~) auto-parazit, parazit dezvoltat pe un alt parazit [autoparasite; Autoparasit; autoparasite ; autoparazita; автопаразит] 11*3 AUTOPARTHENOGENESISt (gr. napOdvog „virgin", ydveaig ,,na§lere“), autopartenogenezS, partenogenezS sub ac(iunea unui stimulent fizic sau chi-mic [autoparthenogenesis; Autoparthe-nogenese; autoparlhenogendse; auto-partenogendzis; автопартеногенез] 1194 AUTOPELAGICUS (gr.-, яеЯлуод „mare"), autopelagic, care trSie^te permanent in stratul superior al apelor mSrii (plancton ~) [autopelagic; au-topelagisch; autopdlagique; autopelS-gikus; автопелагический] 1195 AUTOPHYLLOGENIA f (gr.-, cpuX-Xov „frunzd", yevog ,,urma§“), auto-filogenie, dezvoltare a unor frunze din lamina altor frunze [autophyllo-geny; Autophyllogenie; autophyllo-gdnie; autofillogdnia; автофиллогения] 1196 AUTOPHYTON n (gr. -, tputdv „plants"), autofit, plants autotrofS care se nutre§te pe calea fotosintezei direct din materie organicS [autophyte; Autophyte; autophyte; auto-fiton; автофит] 1197 AUTOPLASIA f (gr. -, яАдеттбд ,,mo-delat") —*• autodifferentiatio 1198 AUTOPLASTUM n (gr. --), auto-plast, granulS de clorofilS [autoplast; Autoplast; autoplaste; autoplasztum; автопласт] —> chloroplastum, 1199 A UTOPOLLINA TIO t (gr. lat. pollen „praf fin"), autopolenizare, pole-nizare directs cu polenul propriu, la florile hermafrodite [autopollination, self-pollination; Selbstbestaubung; au-topollinisation; onbeporzSs, magameg-porzds; самоопыление] 1200 AUTOPOLYPLOIDIA t (gr. -, itoXbq „mult", ДтсХбод „singur"), autopoli-ploidie, multiplicare a garniturilor cro-mozomice omoloage prin incruci§area indivizilor aceleia§i specii (Kihara) [autopolyploidy; Autopolyploidie; au-topolyploidie; autopoliploidia; автополиплоидия] 1201 AUTOPOT AMICUS (gr.-, яотардд ,,riu“), autopotamic, care prospers in ape curgStoare (plancton ~) [autopotamic ; autopotamisch; autopota-mique; autopotamikus; автопотами-ческий] 93 1202 AUTOREGULATIO t (gr.lat. re-gulo „a reglementa“) -*■ regulatio 1203 AUTOSCOLIOTROPICUS (gr. -око-Xidg ,,curbat“, xpoTtfi „rdsucire"), auto-scoliotropic, cu autotropism la care organele cresc in directie de linie curbatd (Czapek) [autoscoliotropic; au-toskoliotropisch; autoscoliotropique; autoszkoliotrdpikus; автосколиотро- 1ШЫЙ] 1204 AUTOSOMA n (gr.offipa ,,corp“), autozom, cromozom tipic §i normal (Montgomery) [autosome; Autosom; autosome; autoszdma; автосома] 1205 AUTOSPORA f (gr.опора ,,sd-mintd"), autospor, aplanospor format in celula parentaia, asemanatoare aces-teia (Chlorococcales) [autospore; Autospore; autospore; autospdra; автоспора] 1206 A UTOSTERILITAS f (gr. lat. ste-rilitas ,,sterilitate“), autosterilitate, au-topolenizare neurmata de fecundare [autosterility; Selbsterilitat; autoste-rilitd; onmedddsdg, dntermdkiiletlen-seg; автостерильность] —► adynaman-dria, autotrygia 1207 AUTOSYNAPSIS f (gr.ouvavi? „unire") -*■ autosyndesis 1208 AUTOSYNDESIS f (gr. auvSecm; ,,unire“), autosindeza, imperechierea filamentelor cromozomale de aceea§i origine paternald in meioza unui hi-brta (Ljungdahl) [autosyndesis; Au-tosyndese; autosynddse; autoszinde-zis; автосиндез] —► autosynapsis 1209 AUTOTETRAPLOIDIA f (gr.те-трапХбод „de patru ori“), autotetra-ploidie, tetraploidie formata din de-d.ublarea aceluia§i stoc diploid de cromozomi (Dangeard) [autotetraploidy; Autoletraploidie; autotetraploidie; au-totetraploidia; автотетраплоидия] 1210 AUTOTOMIA f (gr. -, idpq ,,taiere“), autotomie, desprindere spontana §i naturaia a unor organe [self-amputation ; Selbstverstiimmelung; autotomie; onmegcsonkitas; автотомия] 1211 AUTOTOXINUM n (gr.-, xoSucdv ,,otrava“), autotoxina, substan^a toxica secretata de organismul propriu [autotoxin; Autotoxin ; autotoxine; autotoxin; автотоксин] 1212 AUTOTROPHIA f (gr. -, xpo ста, гранат] 21 BALLISTAE f pi, BALLOCHORES f pi (gr. PaXXco „а агипса“, усорёш „a se rdspindi"), baliste, balocore, plante sau fructe la care diseminarea are loc printr-un mecanism propriu de expulsare (Ecballium) [catapult-plants; sling-fruits; Ballisten, Bal-lochoren, Schleuderfriichte; ballistes, ballochores; parittydzd ndvdnyek, parittydzd termdsu ndvdnyek; баллохорные растения] 22 BALLISTICUS (gr. -), balistic, dise-minat prin aruncare (fructele de Im-patiens, Tropaeolum) [ballistic; ballis-tisch, schleudernd; ballistique; parity-tydzd; выбрасывающий] 23 BALIDSPORA f (gr. -, опора ,,sd-min|d“), balospor, ascospor aruncat din ascd prin mecanism propriu [bal-lospore; Ballospore; ballcspore; pa-rittyazospdra; баллистоспора] 24 BALSAMEUS, BALSAMICUS, BALSAMINEUS (gr. PdXoapov „balsam") balsamic, odorant [balsamic; balsamisch, balsamduftend; balsami-que; balzsamos, balzsam-illatii; бальзамический] 25 BALSAMIFER, BALSAMIFLUUS (gr. -, lat. fero „a duce“, fluo „a curge"), balsamifer, care secretd bal-samuri (vase conducdtoare la Coni-ferae, Myrtaceae) [balsamiferous, producing balsam; balsamliefernd; balsa-mifdre, sdcrdtant de baume; balzsamot term6; бальзамоносный] —► toluifer 26 BALSAMUM n (gr. -), balsam, ex-cre[ie vegetald cu miros specific (Abies balsamea, Myroxyon balsamum, etc.) [balm, balsam; Balsam, Balsamharze, Weichharze; baume; balzsam; бальзам] 27 -BAPHUS (gr. Paqrf| ,,culoare“) (he-terobaphus) —*■ coloratus, tinctus, chro-mato-, -chromus, -chrous 28 BARBATUS, В ARBI-, barbat, pre-vdzut cu smoc de peri lungi (Melam-pyrum barbatum) (barbifer, barbiner-vius) [barbate, bearded; bdrtig, bart-haarig; barbd, barbu; szakallas, sza-kdllszdrOs; бородчатый] —*■ -pogius, pogono-, pogonophorus, mystaceus 29 BARBELLATUS, BARBELLULA-TUS, BARBU LAT US, barbelat, cu smoc mic de peri sau cu smoc de peri scurti [barbellate; kleinbdrtig; barbel-ld; kisszakdllu; мелкобородчатый] 30 BAROCHORIA f (gr. papog „greu-tate“, xo>pda» „a se rdsplndi"), baro-c(h)orie, autoc(h)orie pe arealul propriu datoritd greutdjii fructelor §i a se-mintelor (Quercus) [barochory; Baro-chorie, Selbstverbreitung durch Fruch-tengewicht; barochorie; barochdria, onelterjedds a termdsek siilya dltal; барохория] 31 BAROMETRICUS (gr. -, per pde> „a mdsura"), barometric, sensibil la conditiile atmosferice (plante) [barometric; barometrisch; baromdtrique; barometrikus, iddjdrdst jelz6; барометрический] 32 BAROTAXIS f (gr.-, ,,ordine“), barotaxie, reacfia locomotorie a or-ganismului in func}ie de presiune [barotaxis; Barotaxis; barotaxie; baro-taxis; баротаксис] 33 BARO TROPISMUS m (gr. -, тропп „rdsucire"), barotropism, mi?cdri de curbare sub influenza for(ei de gravi-ta(ie [barotropism; Barotropismus; barotropisme; barotropizmus; баротропизм] 34 BARYMORPHOSIS f (gr. papug ,,greu“, рбрфокяд ,,formare“), bari-morfozd, influenza morfogeneticd a for(ei de gravitate asupra organelor (Sachs) [barymorphosis; Barymor-phose; barymorphose; barimorfdzis; бариморфоз] —» geomorphosis 35 BASALIS, BASI-, bazal, aflat in partea inferioard a organului (nervuri, stile, placenta(ie) (basianthus, basila-tus) [basal, basilar; grundstdndig; basal, basilaire; alsd, alapi, tddlld; основной, базальный, низовой] —*• basilar is * 97 36 BASIDIALIS (gr. PdcriSiov ,,pi-cioru§“), bazidial, care aparfine ba-zidiei (strat) [basidial; basidial; basi-dial; bazidiSlis; базидиальный] 37 BASIDIOCARPUS m (gr. каряб? ,,fruct“), bazidiocarp, organ de fruc-t ifica|ie care produce bazidiospori (Basidiomycetes) [basidiocarp; Basi-diokarp; basidiocarpe; bazidiokSr-pium; базидиокарп] 38 BASIDIOPHOR UM n (gr.-, форш „a purta“), bazidiofor, suportui bazi-diilor [basidiophore; Basidiumtrager; basidiophore; bazidiumtarto; бази-диеносец] 39 BASIDIOSPORA f (gr. ояора „s&mintS"), bazidiospor, spor format pe bazidie [basidiospore; Basidiospore; basidiospore; bazidiospdra; базидио-cnopa] —*■ ectospora 40 BASIDIUM n (gr. -), bazidie, celulS specials producStoare de spori (Basidiomycetes) [basid, basidium; Basi-die; baside; bazidium; базидия] 41 BASIFIXUS, bazifix, fixat la bazS (anterS) [basifixed; am Grunde be-festigt; basifixe; alapi rogzitdsu; прикреплённый основанием] 42 BASJFUGALIS, BASIFUGUS, bazi-fugal, care se dezvoltS de la bazS spre virf (flori, frunze, ramuri) [basi-fugal; hinauflaufend; basifugc; bazi-fugSlis, csiics feld halado, alapbol kiinduld; верхобежный] —» acropeta-lis, acrodromus 43 BASIGAMIA f (gr. ftaoig ,,baz5“, уйцод „cSsStorie"), bazigamie, fecundate la care tubul polinic pStrunde In sacul embrionar prin regiunea §a-lazei (Alchemilla) [basigamy; Basi-gamie; basigamie; bazigamia; бази-гамия] 44 BASJGYNIUM n (gr. -, yuvfi ,,fe-meie“), ba^iginiu, suportui pistilului ridicat deasupra nivelului de inser-te a unor verticile florale (Lychnis) [basigynium; Stempeltrager; basigyne; termdalap; базигиняй] 45 BASILARIS — basalis 46 В AS I LA TERALIS, bazilateral, a§e-zat lateral la bazS [basilateral; ba-sisseitenstandig; basilatdral; alapi ol-dalfekvdsfi; основнобоковой] 47 BASILATUS, cu baza lS^itS (perii la Urtica dioica) [basilatus, with broad base; breitgriindig; S base large; szdles alapd; широкоосновный] BASTARDOCARPIA 48 BASINERVATUS, bazinervat, cu nervuri divergente de la bazS [basi-nerved; grundnervig; basinervid; alap-jStdl |erezett; основножильковатый] 49 BASINYMUM n, BASIONYMUM n (gr. -, ovopa ,,nume“), bazionim, nume de bazS; primul sinonim al cSrui epitet a fost mentinut In com-bina(ia valabilS In prezent al taxo-nului (Deschampsia flexuosa (L. 1753) Trin. 1836, cu bazionimul Aira flexuosa L. 1753) [basionym, epithet-bringing synonym; Basionym, Epi-theton liefernde Synonym; basionyme, synonyme porteur de l’dpithdle; bazionim ;базоним] 50 BASIPETALIS (gr.-, lat. peto „a se Indrepla spre“), bazipetal, care se dezvoltS sau este orientat de la virf spre bazS (ordinca de deschidere a florilor din unele inflorescence) [basipetal; basipetal, herablaufend; basipetal, basipdte; bazipetSlis, alap feld iranyulo; базипетальный] —♦ acro-fugalis 51 BASIPHILUS (gr. -, ф1Хесо ,,a iubi“), bazifil 1. Care prefers solurile bazice. 2. Cu afinitate pentru colo-ran|ii bazici (basiphilous; basiphil; basiphile; bazifil; базифильный] 52 BASIS f (gr. -), bazS, partea infe-rioarS a organului (a frunzei, a lami-nei) (basin versus spre baza) [base; Grund, Grundflache; base; alap, vail, als6 rdsz; основа] * 53 BASISCOPICUS (gr.-, окояtco „a privi“), baziscopic, privit de la virf spre bazS [basiscopic, looking towards the base; grundsichtig; basiscopique; alap feld ndzo; базископический] 54 BASISOLUTUS, cu baza liberS, nea-derentS [basisolutus; freigrundig, am Grunde frei; basisolutd; szabad alapu; основносвободный] 55 BASITONUS (gr. -, t6vog ,,vigoare“), baziton, cu dezvoltare mai pronuntatS in partea bazalS [basitonous; basito-nisch; basitone; bazildnikus; бази-тонический] 56 BASONYMUM n (gr. -, Svopo ,,nu-me“) —» basionymum 57 BASOPHILUS (gr. -, „a iubi“) —» basiphilus 58 BASTARDOCARPI At (it. bastardo ,,corciturS“, gr. карябс ,,fruct“), bas-tardocarpie, formarea fructului la hibrizi [bastardocarpy; Bastardokar-pie; bastardocarpie; bastardokSrpia; бастардокарпия] BASTARDOGAMIA 59 BASTARDOGAMIA f (it. -, gr. убцих; „cSsStorie") —*• hybridogamia 60 BATHYALIS, BATHYBICUS (gr. 0a0(><; „adincime"), batial, aflat in regiunea de mare adincime a mSrilor (200—2000 m) [bathybic; bathial; bathyal; batiSlis; батиальный]] 61 BATOGRAPHIA f, BATOLOGIA f (gr. Ратод „mure", урафш „a scrie", Xoyo? „vorbire, studiu"), batografie, batologie, studiul ?i descrierea specii-lor de Rubus [batology, batography; Brombeerbeschreibung; batologie, batographie; szedertan; батография, батология] 62 BATRACHOSPERMUS (gr. Рйтра-%og „broascS", аяёрца „sSminCS"), batracosperm, asemSnStor cu ouSle de broa?te [batrachospermous; frosch-laichahnlich; batrachosperme; bdka-tojSsszeru; лягушкосемянный] C3 BECHICUS (gr. PnxiK6g „bun contra tusei"), folosit impotriva tusei [cough-stilling ; hustenstillend; bdchique; kohogds elleni; противокашельный] 64 BELLUS frumos [beautiful; sch6n; joli; szep; красивый] —► pulcher 65 BELOPHYLLUS (gr. P&oq „sSgeatS, lance", фиХХоу „frunzS") -*■ sagittifo-lius, lancifolius 66 BENTHALIS, BENTHICUS (gr. PevOog „adincime, fund"), bental, care trSie?te pe fundul lacurilor sau al mSrilor [benthal, benthic; ben-thisch; benthale, benthique; bentSlis, tdfendki, tengerfendki; бентический] 67 BENTHOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитоу „plants") —► phytobenthos 68 BENTHOS n, BENTHUS n (gr.-) bentos, biocenoza de pe fundul mSrilor sau a lacurilor [benthos; Benthos; benthos; bentosz; бентос] 69 BI-, BIS-, cu doi (douS), de douS ori, dublu, cu cite doi (douS) (bipol-licaris, biaculeatus, bithecicus, bisan-nuus) [two-, twice-; zwei-, zwei-mal, zweifach-, doppelt-; a deux, deux fois; kdt-, kdtszer-, kettdzdtten duplSn; два-, дво-, дву-, двух-, двойной] —►di-, disso- 70 BIACHAENA f, BIACHAENIUM n (lat. -, gr. a ,,nu“, xaivco „а se deschide") —► diachaenium, diachaena 71 BIACUMINATUS, biacuminat, cu douS virfuri brusc ascujite [biacumi-nate; zweimalzugespitzt, doppelt-langspitzig; biacumind; kdtzzer kihegy-zett; двузаострённый] , 98 72 BIAIOME ТА MORPHOSIS t (gr. ptaiog „format", рстарбрфамтк; „trans-formare"), biaiometamorfoZsS, trans-formSri an or male sub influenza unor factori neobi§>nui(i (Lotsy) [biaiome-tamorphosis; Biaiometamorphose; biaiomdtamorphose; biaiometamorfd-zis; биаиометаморфоз] 73 BIAIOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -), biaio-morfozS, morfozS normala sub influenza unor factori obi§nuiti (Lotsy) [biaiomorphosis; Biaiomorphose; bi-aiomorphose; biaiomorfdzis; биаио-морфоэ] 74 BIALATUS, bialat, de douS ori aripat [bialate, two-winged; zweiflii-gelig, doppeltfliigelig; biaild; kdt-szerszSrnyalt; двукрылый] —► [dipte-rus, diplopterus 75 BIANGULATUS, biangulat, bimu-chiat[biangulate, two-cornered; zwei-eckig, zweikantig, zweiwinkelig; bian-guld; kdtszegletS, kdtsarkii, kdtdlu; двухугловатый] 76 BIANTHERIFER, BIANTHERUS (lat. -, &v0og „floare", lat. fero „a purta"), bianterifer, care poartS douS antere [biantheriferous; zweistaubbeu-telig; bianthdrifdre; kdtportokii; двупыльниковый] 77 BIAPICULA TUS, biapiculat, cu douS virfuri, despicat la virf (peri) [biapiculate; zweispitzig, zweigipfe-lig; biapiculd, fendu au sommet; kdtcsucsd, vill&shegyti; двуостроконечный] 78 BIARISTATUS, biaristat, prevSzut cu douS ariste [biaristate; zweigran-nig, doppeltgrannig; biaristd; kdt szalkahegyfi; двухостистый] 79 BIARTICULATUS, biarticulat, cu doua articulatii [biarticulate; zwei-gliederig; biarticuld; kdtszer izelt; двучленистый] 80 BIASTREPSIS f (gr. ptaio; „format", atpdytg „torsiune"), biastrepsis, torsiunea specials, teratologies, a tulpinii, cu modificarea filotaxiei obi§nuite (frunzele decusate devenind spiralate) (Schimper, De Vries) [biastrepsis; Zwangdrehung; biastrepsis; biasztrepszis; биастрепсис] 81 BIAURICULATUS, BIAURITUS, biauriculat, prevSzut cu douS auri-cule (frunzS) [biauriculate; zweioh-rig; biauriculd; kdtfiilecskds; дву-ухий] —► diotus 82 BIAXIALIS, BIAXIFER, biaxial, cu douS axe [biaxial; zweiachsig; biaxifdre; kdttengelyfi; двуосевой] м 83 ВIВАССА f, bibacd, bacd dubld (Lonicera) [bibacca; Doppelbeere, verwachsene Beere; baie double; ikerbogyd, kettds bogyd; двойная ягода] 84 BIBRACTEATUS, bibracteat, pre-vdzut cu doi bractei [bibracteate; doppeltdeckbldttrig; bibracted; ket-murvds; двуприцветнгасовый] 85 BIBRACTEOLATUS, bibracleolat, cu doud bracteole [bibracteolate; mit zwei Deckblattchen; bibracteold; kdt-murvdcskds; двуприцветничковый] 86 BICALCARATUS, bipintenat, cu doi pinteni (floarea la Corydalis solida f. bicalcara) fbicalcarate, two-spur-red; zweispornig; bidperonnd; kdt-sarkantyiis; двушпорцевый] 87 BICALLOSUS, bicalos, cu doua calo-zitdfi [bicallose; zweiwulstig, zwei-schwielig; bicalleux; kdtsebpards; двумозолистый] 88 BICALYCULATUS, bicaliculat, cu doi caliculi; cu doud calicii [bicaly-culate; zweikelchig; bicaliculd; ket-kelyhu; двучашечный] 89 BICAMERATUS, bicamerat, bicom-partimentat, cu doud loji (anterd) [two-chambered; zweiwdlbig; a deux loges; kdtkamras; двукамеральный] —► bilocularis 90 BICAPITATUS, bicapitat (stigma-tulla Anchusa italica) [bicapitale, two-headed; zweikdpfig; bicipitd; kdtfeju; двуглавый] —*• bicephalus 91 BICAPSULARIS, bicapsular, cu doud capsule (fruct) [bicapsular; zwei-kapselig; bicapsulaire; kdttokos; двукоробочный] 92 BICARINATUS, bicarenat, cu doud carene [bicarinate; zweikielig; bica-rdnd; kdtcsdnaku; двукилевой] 93 BICA RPELLA RIS, BICARPEL-LATUS, bicarpelar 1. Cu doua car-pele. 2. Provenit din doua carpele [bicarpellary, bicarpellate; zweifrucht-bldttrig; bicarpellaire, bicarpelld; kdt termdleveld; двуплодолистиковый] —► digynus 94 BICELLULARIS, bicelular, cu doud celule [bicellular, two-celled; zwei-zellig; bicellulaire; kdtsejtfi; двуклеточный] 95 B1CENTRICUS, bicentric, cu doud centre [bicentric; bizentral; bicen-triqu e; kdtkOzpontu; двуцёнтричный] BICORONATUS 96 BICEPHALUS, BICEPS -> bica-pitatus 97 BICERUS (lat. bi- „doud“, gr. кёрад „corn") —► bicornis 98 BICILIATUS, biciliat, cu doi cili (spori) [biciliate, two-fringed; zwei-wimperig; bicilid; kdtcsillangos; двуреснитчатый] 99 BICINCTUS, В ICING U LA T US, cu doud dungi circulare [two-girdled; zweimalumgtirtet, zweimalgesaumt; biceinturd; kdtszer korulovezett; двоиноокру жённы й ] 100 BICLAVATUS, biclavat, de doud ori mdciucat [biclavate; zweikeulig; biclave; kdtszer bunkos; двоино-бу-лавовидный] 101 BICOCCUS, cu doud bace [bicoccous; zweibeerig; a deux ccques; ketbo-gyoju; двуорешковый] 102 BICOLLA TERALIS, bicolaleral, dispus pe ambele laturi (de ex. floem dispus de о parte §i alta a xilemului) [bicollaleral; bikollateral, zweiseitig; bicollatdral; bikollateralis, kdtoldali; биколлатеральный] * 103 BICOLOR, BICOLORUS, bicolor, cu doud culori [bicolour, two-coloured; zweifarbig; bicolore; kdtszinu; двуцветный] —* dichromatus, dichrous 104 BICOMPOSITUS, de doud ori com-pus [twice-compound; doppeltzusam-mengesetzt; bicompose; kdtszer osz-szetett; дваждысложный] 105 BICONJUGATUS, biconjugat, de doud ori cite doi [twice-conjugate; zweipaarig, doppeltgepaart, zweimal-doppelt; biconjugu6; kdtszer paros, kdtikres, двупарный] —*• bigeminatus, bijugus 106 BICONTORTUS, bicontort, de doua ori rdsucit [twice-contorted; doppelt-gedreht; bicontournd; ketszer csava-rodott; двойнозакрученный] -»■ ditro-pus 107 BICONVEXUS, biconvex, convex pc ambele laturi [biconvex; doppeltgc-wolbt, zweiseitiggewOlbt; biconvexe; mindkdt oldaldn domboru; двояковыпуклый] 108 BICORNIS, BICORNUTUS, bicorn, cu doud coarne [two-horned; zweihbr-nig; bicorne; kdtszarvii; двурогий] —*■ bicerus 109 BICORONA TUS, bicoronat, cu coroa-nd dubld (de peri) [two-crowned; zweimalgekr6nt; bicouronnd; ketszer koszords; двойноувенчанный] BICORTICATUS 110 BICOR TIC A T US, bicorticat, cu doud straturi de scoar(d [twice-barky; zweirindig; a deux dcorces; dupla kdrgu; двоинокоровой] 111 BICOSTATUS, bicostat, cu doud coaslc longitudinale [two-ribbed; zweirippig; bicostd; kdtbordds; двуребристый] 112 BICRENATUS, bicrenat, dublu crenat [bicrcnate, doubly-crenate; doppeltgekerbt; bicrdnd; dupldn csip-kdzett; двоякозаэубренный, удвен-нозазубренный] 113 BICRISTATUS, bicrestat, cu doud creste [two-crested, twice-combed; zweikammig, doppelkdmmig; bicris-te, a deux cretes; dupla tardjii, kettardjii; двугребенчатый] 114 BICUBITALIS, bicubital, lung de doi coji [bicubital; zweimalvorderarm-lang; bicubitale; kdtrofOs; двулоктевой] 115 BICUSPIDATUS, bicuspidat, cu doud virfuri; despicat la virf [bicus-pidatc, bicuspid; zweispitzig; bicus-pide; kelszalkahegyu; дву остроконечный] 116 BICYCLICUS, biciclic, dispus in doud verticile sau cercuri [bicyclic, bicyclical; zweiwirtelig; bicyclique; kdtkdrds; бициклический] 117 BIDENS, BIDENTATUS, bidentat, dublu dinfat [bidentate, twice-toothed, doubly-toothed; zweizahnig, dop-peltgezdhnt; bidente; kdtszer foga-zott, duplan fogazott; двузубчатый] 118 BIDENT ICULATUS, bidenticulat, cu doi din[i§ori [bidenticulate; dop-peltkleingezahnt; bidenticule; kdt-fogacskas; двойномелкозубчатый] 119 BIDIGITATUS, bidigitat, cu doua foliole sau doi lobi de forma unor degele [twice-digitate; zweifingerig; bidigite; kdtszer ujjas; дваждыпаль-чатый] 120 BIDUCTULOSUS -> binervatus 121 В ID U US, de doud zile, care dureaza sau inflorc§te doud zile [biduous; zweitdgig; a deux jours; ketnapi; двухдневный] 122 BIENNIS, bisanual, de doi ani; care are о duratd de via(d de doi ani (plantd, care in primul an i§i dezvolta organele vegetative, iar in anul al doilea organele reproductive) [biennial; zweijahrig; biannuel; kdtdves, kdtnydri; двулетнй] —► dicyclicus 109 123 BIFACIALIS, bifacial, cu doud let® opuse [bifacial; zweiseitig; bifacial; kdtoldalu; двусторонний] -*■ bilatera-lis, dorsiventralis 124 BIFACTORIALIS, bifactorial, dihib-ridic; in component cu doi factori genetici [bifactorial; bifaktorial; bifac-toriel; kdttdnyezds, bifaktoridlis; бифакториальный] 125 BIFARIUS —*■ biserialis, distichus 126 BIFER, bifer, care inflore§te §i fructified de doud ori pe an (plantd) [biferous, double bearing; zweimal-bliihend, zweimalfruchtend; bifdre; kdtszer viragzd, kdtszertermd; дважды цветущий] 127 В IF I DUS, BIFISSUS, bifidat, despicat in doud (anterd, frunzd, stil) [bifid, bifidate, twice-cleft; zwei-spaltig, zweiteilig; bifidd, bifendu; ha-sadt, kettdhasadt; двунадрезный, раздвоенный] —> fissiparus 128 BIFLAGELLATUS, biflagelat, cu doi flageli [biflagellate; zweigeiGelig; biflagelld, a deux fouets; kdtostoros; двужгутиковый] 129 BIFLORUS, biflor, cu doua flori [biflorous; zweibliitig; biflore; kdt-virdgii; двуцветковый] 13) BIFOLIATUS, BIFOLIUS, bifo-liat, cu doud frunze [bifoliate, twoleaved ; zweiblattrig; bifolid; kdtle-veld; двулистный] —» diphyllus 131 BIFOLLICULUS m, bifoliculd, fruct uscat, format din doud folicule, cu dehiscentd longitudinald ventrald (As-clepias, Cynanchum) [double follicle; Doppelbalg; bifollicule; ikertiiszo, kettos tiiszdtermds; двоелистовка] 132 BIFORATUS, BIFORUS -* biperfo-ratus 133 BIFORM IS —*■ dimorphus 134 BIFRONS —*• bifacialis, bilateralis 135 BIFURCATIO, BIFURCATURA f, bifurcate, dihotomie, divizarea orga-nului axial in doud ramuri [bifurcation, crotch, dichotomy; Gabelung, Gabel-teilung, Gabelspaltung, Dichotomie, Zweiteilung; bifurcation, fourchure, dichotomie; kettddgazds, villds eld-gazds, dichotdmia; раздвоение, развилина] 136 BIFURCATUS, BIFURCUS, bifur-cat, dublu furcat ramificat (pdr) [bifurcate, twice-forked, two-pronged; zweigabelig, doppeltgabelig, zweizin-kig-gegabelt; bifurqud; villds, kdtdgb, 101 kdt villaSgii; двувильчатый, раздвоенный] -* dichotomus 137 BIGEM1NA TUS, B1GEMINUS -*• biconjugatus ч 138 BIGEMMA TUS, bigemat, cu doi muguri [bigemmate; zweiknospig, dop-peltknospig; bigemmd, к deux bourgeons; kdtriigyes; двупочечный] 139 BIGENERICUS, BIGEN ERIS, bigeneric, provenit din douS genuri deosebite (hibrid) [bigeneric; bigenerisch; bigdndrique; bigenerikus; меж дородовой] 140 BIGLVMATUS, BIGLUMIS, cu douS glume [biglumous; zweispelzig; biglumd; kdlpelyvas; двуплёнчатый] 141 BIJUGATUS, BIJUGUS - biconjugatus, bigeminatus 142 BILABIATUS, BILABRIATUS, bi-labiat, cu douS labii sau buze (corola gamopetalS la Euphrasia, Lamium) [bilabiate, two-lipped; zweilippig; bi-labid; kdtajkii; двугубый] 143 BILATERALIS, bilateral, cu doua laturi (organe, simetrie) [bilateral; zweiseitig, beiderseitig; bilatdral; ketol-dali, kdtoldalii; двусторонний] 144 BILIGULATUS, BILIGULOSUS, biligulat, cu douS ligule (limbul coro-lei la unele Gramineae) [biligulate; zweizungelig, zweiblattziingig; bili-guld, a deux languettes; ketligulas, kdtnyelvecskds; двуязычковый] 145 BILOBATUS, BILOBUS, bilobat, cu doi lobi [bilobate, bilobed, two-lobed; zweilappig; bilobd, к deux lobes; kdtkardju; двулопастной] 146 BILOCELLATUS, BILOCULARIS, BILOCULATUS, bilocular, bicom-partimentat; cu douS cavitS(i sau loji (anterS) [bilocellate, bilocular, biloculate, two-celled; zweihdhlig, zweifacherig; bilocelld, biloculaire, a deux loges; kdtiiregfi, kdtrekeszes, kdt-kamrSs; двугнездный] 147 BILOMENTUM n, biloment, fruct uscat format din douS carpele con-crescute care la maturitate se dezarti-culeazS transversal !n douS pSr^i uniseminale (Raphanus, Crambe) [double lomentum; Gliederschote; gousse lomentacd; cikkes Ьесб членистый стручок] 148 BIMEN ST RUALIS, BIMENSUA-LIS, BIMESTRIS, bimensual, bi-lunar, care dureazS sau tnflore§te douS luni [bimensal, bimonthly; zwei- BIOCLIMA TOLCGIA monatig; bimensuel; kdthavi, kdt hdnapig virSgzo; двухмесячный] 149 BIMUS-> biennis 150 BINALIS, BINARI US, BIN A TUS, binat, Jmperechiat, dispus cite doi [binate, paired, binary; doppelt, zwei-zahlig, gezweit, binar; bind, binaire, double, par deux; kettds, paros, kettenkdnt, dupla; двойчатый, двойной, двусложный] •151 BINERVATUS, BINERVOSUS, BINERVUS, binervat, cu douS ner-vuri [two-nerved, binervate; zweiner-vig; binervd, a deux nervures; keteru; двужилочный] 152 BINI, cite doi [twin, two together; zu zweien; a deux; kettesdvel; двой-чатые] par 153 BINOMINALIS, binominal, prevSzut cu douS nume (de ex. nomenclature binominalS) [binomial, binary; binominal, zweinamig; binominal, binaire; binominalis, kdtnevu, kettos elnevezdsS; биномиальный, бинарный] 154 BINOMINALISMUS m, binominalism, sistemul nomenclaturii binare [binominalism; Binominalismus; bino-minalisme; kdtnevusdg; биноминализм] * 155 BIOBLASTUM n (gr. ptog „ viatS", рХаотд? ,,germen“), bioblast, sub-stan(S ipoteticS vie, components fundamentals a citoplasmei (Altmann) [bioblast; Bioblast; bioblaste; bio-blaszt; биобласт] —*■ spkaeroplasta 156 BIOCHOR m (gr. -, x biociclu 1. Ciclu de viajd. 2. Unitd-tile mari ale biosferei cu organismele pe care le cuprind [biocycle, lifecycle; Biozyklus, Lebenszyklus; biocycle; biociklus, dletciklus, dletfolya-mat; биоцикл] 162 BIODERMIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, бёрца ,,piele“), biodermd, stratul de micro-flord de pe fundul apelor de munte (in algologie) [biodermis; Biodermis; bioderme; bioderma; биодерма]] 163 BIODYNAMICA f (gr. -, Suvajug ,,putere“), biodinamica, studiul feno-menelor dinamice vitale ale organis-melor [biodynamics; Biodynamik; bio-dynamique; biodinamika; биодинамика] 164 BIOENERGETICA f (gr. - ivepynti-кбд ,,activ“), bioenergetica, economia energeticd a organismelor [bioenergetics ; Bioenergetik; biodnergdtique; bio-energetika; биоэнергетика] 165 BIOENERGIA f (gr. -, dvdpyem ,,fortd“), bioenergie, for[a vitald a organismelor [bioenergy; Lebenskraft; biodnergie; eletero; биоэнергия] 166 BIOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveoig ,,na§-tere“), biogenezd, conceptie azi de-pd§itd, dupd care toate vie(uitoarele s-au ndscut din alte vietuitoare pre-existente [biogenesis; Biogenese; bio-gendse; biogendzis; биогенез] 167 BIOGENETICA i, BIOGENIA t (gr. - -), biogenie, biogeneticd, studiul aparijiei §i a evolujiei viejii (onto-genie + filogenie) [biogeny, biogenetics; Biogenie, Biogenetik, Entwick-lungsgeschichte; biogdnie, biogdndti-que; biogdnia, biogenetika; биогения, биогенетика] 168 BIOGEOCOENOSIS f (gr. -, yfl ,,pd-m!nt“, xoivdg ,,comun“), biogeoce-nozd, ansamblul biocenozei §i a bio-topului formind un complex conditional reciproc (Sucaciov) [biogeo-coenose; Biogeozdnose; biogdocdnose; biogeocdndzis; биогеоценоз] -♦ oe-cosystema 10» 169 BIOGEOGRAPH I A t (gr. - -, ypcupfi ,,scriere“), biogeografie, studiul rds-pindirii geografice a plantelor §i a animalelor de pe glob [biogeography; Biogeographie; biogdographie; biogeo-grdfia, dletfbldrajz; биогеография] 170 BIOLITHUS m (gr. -, XiGog ,,pia-trd“), biolit, rocd sedimentard de ori-gine organicd [biolith; Biolith; bio-lithe; biolit; биолит] 171 BIOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xdyog ,,vorbire“), biologie, studiul na§terii, dezvoltdrii §i a evolujiei vietuitoarelor [biology; Biologie, Lebenskunde, Lebenslehre; biologie; bioldgia, dlettan, dlettudo-mdny; биология] 172 BIOLOGICUS (gr. - ), biologic, refe-ritor la biologie (formd, spectru, specie) [biological; biologisch, lebenskund-lich; biologique; biol6giai, dlettani; биологический] 173 BIOLUMINESCENTIA i (gr. -, lat. lumen ,,lumind“), bioluminiscenjd, pro-ducerea de lumind rece (bacterii, ciu-perci) [bioluminescence; Biolumines-zenz; bioluminescence; hidegfdny-ter-melSkdpessdg; биолюминесценция] -> biophotogenesis 174 BIOLYSIS f (gr. -, Xboig „descora-punere“), biolizd, descompunerea ma-teriei vii sub acfiunea fermentilor [biolysis; Biolyse; biolyse; biolizis; биолизис] 175 BIOMETRIA f (gr. -, pdxpov ,,md-surd“), biometrie, studiul variabili-tdfii organismelor prin mdsurdtori §i calcule statistice [biometry; Biometrie; biomdtrie; biometria; биометрия] 176 BIOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, popcpojcrig ,,formare“), biomorfozd, афипеа mor-fogeneticd a organismelor asupra altor organisme [biomorphosis; Biomorpho-se; biomorphose; biomorfozis; био-морфоз] 177 В ION, BIONTON n (gr. ptog ,,viatd“), biont, organism viu, independent [biont; Biont; bionte; bionta; бионт] 178 BIONOMIA f (gr. -, v6pog ,,lege“)» bionomie, §tiinta desfd§urdrii legilor vietii organismelor [bionomy; Bionomie, Lebensweise; bionomie; biond-mia; биономия] 179 BIOPHAGUS (gr. -, фауёоэ „a minca“), biofag, care se nutre§te cu organisme vii [biophagous; biophag; biophage; biofdg; биофагный] —» parasiticus 180 BIOPHILUS (gr. -, фЛё© „a iubi“), biofil, care se dezvoltd pe organisme 108 vii [biophilous; biophil; biophile; bio-fil; биофильный] 181 BIOPHOTOGENESIS f « gr. фйд, фштбд „luminS", y^veoig ,,na§tere“) -*• bioluminescentia 182 BIOPLASMA n (gr. -, пЫаца „for-mare“) —► protoplasma 183 BIOPLASTUM n (gr. - -), bioplast, particulS citoplasmaticS vie capabilS de a se reproduce singurS [bioplast; Bioplast; bioplaste; bioplSszt; биопласт] 184 BIOPSIS f (gr. 6yig „aspect"), biopsie, examenul histologic al unui fragment luat din (esutul viu [biopsy; Biopsis; biopsie; biopszis; биопсия] 185 BIOSESTON n (gr. -, стцотдд ,,tre-cut prin ciur"), bioseston, planctonul §i nectonul viu [bioseston; Bioseston; bioseston; bioszeszton; биосестон] 186 BIOSIS f (gr. -), biozS, activitate vital& [biosis, life, vital activity; Le-ben, LebenstStigkeit; biose, activitd vitale; bidzis, diet, dletmukddds; био-зис, жизнь] 187 BIOSOMA n (gr. -, afflpa ,,corp“)» biozom, unitate organicS §i functionals din citoplasmS (de ex. granula, plastida, condriozom) (Lehmann) [bio-some; Biosom; biosome; bioszdma; биосома] 188 BIOSOPHIA f (gr. -, ooqrfa „^tiintS") —*■ biologia 189 BIOSPHAERA f (gr. -, офаТра „sferS"), biosferS, totalitatea plantelor ?i a animalelor de pe glob [biosphere; BiosphSre; biosphdre; bio-szfdra; биосфера] 190 BIOSYNTHESIS f (gr. -, advOeaig „compunere"), biosintezS, sintezS biologies [biosynthesis; Biosynthese; bio-synthdse; bioszintdzis; биосинтез] 191 BIOSYSTEMA TIC A f (gr. -, odo-тт|ра „compunere") -* biotaxonomia 192 BIOTAXONOMIA f (gr. -, tdljig „ordine", vdpog „lege"), biotaxonomie, biosistematicS; §tiin$a clasificSrii plantelor §i a animalelor [biotaxonomy; Biotaxonomie; biotaxonomie; biotaxo-ndmia; биотаксономия] 193 BIOTICUS (gr. -), biotic, vital, re-feritor la activitatea vitaJS (factor) [biotic; biotisch; biotique; bidtikus; биотический] 194 BIOTONUS m (gr. -, xdvog „tensiune"), biotonus, raportul de asimila(ie ?i dezasimilatie din organism [biotonus; BIPOLARITAS Biotonus; biotonus; biotdnus; биотонус] 195 BIOTOPUS m (gr. -, хдяод „spatiu"), biotop, teritoriu de viatS limitat, cu conditii ecologice relativ similare, po-pulat de о biocenozS caracteristica (Dahl) [biotope; Biotop, Lebensstatte; biotope; biotop, dlettdr, dlethely; биотоп] 196 BIOTYPUS m (gr. -, голод „tip"), biotip, fenotipul aceluia?i genotip (Johannsen) [biotype ; Biotypus; bio-type; biotipus; биотип] 197 BIOVULATUS, biovulat, cu douS ovule (ovarul la Vitis vinifera) [biovu-late; zweieiig, doppeleiig; biovule; ketmagkezdemdnyes ; двуяйцевой] 198 BIPALMARIS, BIPALMATUS, BIPALMIS, bipalmat, de douS ori palmat compus (frunzS) [bipalmate; doppelt-handformig; bipalmd; kdtszer tenyeres; двухпальчатый] 199 BIPARTITIO f, bipartite, mod de diviziune celularS directs, rezultind doi indivizi (Schizomycetes) [bipartition ; Bipartition, Zweiteilung, Zwei-spaltung; bipartition; kettdosztddas; разделение] 200 BIPARTITUS, bipartit, despicat in douS pSr[i [bipartite; zweiteilig; biparti; kettdosztott, kdtosztatii; двураздельный] —► dimerus 201 BIPERFORATUSy biperforat, prevSzut cu douS gSuri sau orificii [biperforated; zweimaldurchbohrt, zwei-locherig; biperford, biford; kdtlukd; двупродырявленный] —► biforatus 202 BIPINNATUS, BIPINNATI-, bipen at, de douS ori penat comjxus (bipinnatifidus, bipinnatilobatus, bipin-natisectus) [bipinnate, twice pinnate; doppeltgefiedert; bipennd; kdtszer szSrnyalt; двоякоперистый] 203 BIPINNATIPARTITUS, bipenat-partit, penat partit cu lobi din nou penat partiji [bipinnatipartite, bipin-natiparted, twice pinnately parted; zweifiederiggeteilt, doppelfiederteilig; bipennipartite; kdtszer szSrnyasan osztott; двоякоперистораздельный] 204 BIPOLARIS, bipolar, cu doi poli sau cu douS extremity opuse [bi- olar; bipolar; bipolaire; kdtsarkd, ipolSris; биполярный, двухполюсный] 205 BIPOLARITAS f, bipolaritate, insu-§irea de a avea doi poli opu§i [bipola- BIRADIATUS rity; Bipolaritdt; bipolaritd; kdtsar-kiisag; биполярность] 206 BIRADIATUS, biradiat, cu doud radii [biradiate; zweistrahlig; birayd; kdtsugarii; двулучевой] 207 BIRAMOSUS, cu doud ramuri [two-branched; zweidstig; birameux; kdt-dgii; двуветвистый] 208 BIROSTRATUS, BIROSTRIS, biros-trat, cu doud ciocuri [birostrate; zweischnabelig; birostrd, d deux bees; kdtcsdru; двукпювый] 209 BISANNUUS -*• biennis 210 BISBIFIDUS, bifidat de doud ori [bisbifidate; zweimalzweispaltig; dou-blement bifidd; ketszer-kettdhasadt; двукратнораздвоенный] 211 BISECTUS, bisectat, de doud ori sectat [bisectatc; zweischnittig; bisd-qud; kdtszer szcldelt; двурассечённый] 212 BISEPTATUS, biseptat, cu doi pe-re(i despdr[itori (fruct) [biseptate; zweiquerfdeherig; bicloisonnd; kdtvd-laszfalii; двураздельный] 213 BISERIALIS, BI SERI AT US, bi-seriat, dispus in doud serii sau rinduri [biserial, two-rowed; zweireihig, dop-pelreihig; bisdrie; kdtsoros; двурядный] —*■ bifarius, distichus, diplbsti-chus 214 BISERRATUS, biserat, dublu serat [biserrate, doubly-serrate, twice serrate ; doppeltgesagt; bidentd en scie; dupldn furdszes; двупильчатый] 215 BISETOSUS, BISETUS, bisetos, cu doud sete [bisetose, bisetous; zwei-borstig; bisdte; kdtsertdjfi; двуше-тйнковый] 216 ВI SEX UALIS, BISEXUS, bisexual, cu ambele sexe (mascul §i femel); cu stamine §i pistil [bisexual; zweigesch-lechtig, doppelgeschlechtig, zwitte-rig, mannweibig; bisexuel, bisexud; kdtnemd, kdtivaru, himnds; бисексуальный, двуполый, обоеполый, гермафродитный] -> digamus, digeneticus, hermaphroditicus, ambigenus 217 BISTORTUS, rdsucit de doud ori (rdddcina la Polygonum bistorta) [twice twisted; doppeltgedreht, zweimalge-kriimmt; biscontournd, doublement tordu; kdtszer csavarodott; двукратно закрученный] 218 BISULCATUS, BISULCUS, bisul-cat, cu doua brazde longitudinale (semin[ele la Veronica officinalis) [bi-sulcate, two-groowed; zweifurchig; 104 bisillonnd, bicannelld; kdtbardzdds; двубороздчатый] 219 BISYMMETRICUS, bisimetric, bilateral simetric [bisymmetric; bisym-metrisch; bisymdtrique; kdtoldaluan rdszardnyos; бисимметричный] 220 BITERNATUS, biternat, de doud ori tcrnat compus (frunzd) [biternate, compound ternate; doppeltgedreit, doppeltdreiteilig, doppeltdreizdhlig; biternd, deux fois ternd; kdtszerhdr-mas; двоякотройчатый] 221 BITRIFLORUS, bitriflor, de doud ori cite trei flori [bitriflorous; zwei-maldreibliitig; bitriflore; kdtszer hdr-masvirdgii; дважды трехцветковый] 222 BIUNCINATUS, biuncinat, de doud ori incirligat[biuncinate, twice-hooked; doppelthakenformig, zweihakigge-kriimmt; biuncind; kdtszer horgas; двукрючковатый] 223 BIUNGUICU LARIS, BIUNGUI-CULATUS, biunguicular, cu doud unguicule (petale) [biunguiculate; zwei-nagelig, doppeltgenagelt, krallenartig; bionguiculd; kdtkormu; двуноготковый] 224 BIVALENS m, bivalent, organism diploid, cu 2 cromozomi homologi (in meiozd) [bivalent; Bivalent; bivalent; bivalens; бивалент] 225 BIVALVATUS, BIVALVIS, bival-vat, cu doud valve [bivalved; zwei-klappig; bivalve; kdtkopacsu; двустворчатый] 226 BIVITTATUS, cu doud dungi, cu doud striuri [bivittate, two-striped; zweibandstreifig, zweistreifig, zwei-striemig, zweibanderig; a deux ban-deletles; kdtcsikos, dupldn sdves; двуполосатый] 227 BIZONALIS, bizonal, cu doud zone [bizonal; zweigiirtelig; bizonal; kettds tivezetu; двузональный] 228 BLASTEMA n (gr. рХботтцш ,,ger-men“), blastemd 1. Primordiul unui organ. 2. fesut embrionar. 3. Ramurd tindrd. 4. Talul lichenilor [blastema, sprout; Blastem, Keimpflanze, Keim-gewebe, Flechtenthallus; blastdme; szerv-kezdemeny, csiraszdvet, hajtds; бластема, росток, слоевище лишайника] 229 BLASTEMATICUS (gr. -) — thalli-formis 230 BLASTESIS t (gr. (Шютцои; ,,cre-§tere“), blastezd, formarea sau repro-ducerea talului (Lichenes) [blastesis, 105 thallus-reproduction; Flechtenlagerbil-dung; blastdse; blasztdzis, zuzmdtelep-alakuISs; бластезис] 231 -BLASTICUS, -BLASTUS, BLA-STO- (gr. piaoxdg, „ISstar"), ger-minat, inmugurit, ISstSrit, cu pri-mordiu (acroblasticus, gymnoblastus, blasiogenicus) [budding, germinating; keimend, sprossend, knospcnd; ger-minant, poussant; csirSzd, sarjado, rugyezo; прорастающий] 232 BLASTOCARPUS (gr. -, корядд „fruct"), blastocarpic, cu fruct germi-nat in interiorul pericarpului [blasto-carpous; blastokarpisch; blastocarpe; blasztokSrpikus; плодопрорастающий] 233 BLASTOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveoig ,,na§tere“), blastogenezS, reproducere pe cale asexuatS, nu prin sporoge-nezS (M. Nab) [blastogenesis, asexual reproduction; Blastogenese; blastoge-nese; blasztogenezis, ivartalan sza-porodSs; бластогенез] 234 BLASTOGRAPHIA f (gr. piaoxdg „mugure", урафю „а descrie"), blasto-grafie, studiul §i descrierea mugurilor (Petit Thouars) [blastography, study of buds; Blastographie, Knospenlehre; blastographie; blasztogrSfia, riigy tan; бластография] 235 BLASTOMANIA t (gr. -, gavid ,,ne-bunie“) —► cladomania 236 BLASTOPHORUS m (gr. „a arunca“, dvepog „vint", х<Ьре<в „a se rSspindi"), boleoanemocorie, rSspindirea semintelor §i a sporilor prin aruncare la exterior §i prin vint [bolcoanemochory; Boleoanemochorie, Windslreuung; boleoandmochorie; bo-leoanemochdria; болеоанемохория] 246 BOLEOAUTOCHORIA f (gr. -, auxdg „singur", -), boleoautocorie, autodi-seminare prin mecanism propriu [bolee-autochory; Boleoautochorie, Schleude-rung; boleoautochorie; parittyazo mag-szdras; болеоавтохория] 247 BOLISMUS m (gr. -),. holism, eli-minarca prin aruncare a trichocis-tclor [bolismus; Bolismus; bolisme; bolizmus; болизм] 248 BOMBYCIFERUS, BOMBYCINUS (gr. p6gPo£ „mStase") -► sericeus 249 BOM BY LIFER (gr. РодриАлод ,,bon-dar“), bombilifer, care poarta bondari [bombyliferous; hummeltragend; bom-byliffere, portant des bourdons; don-gokat hordoz6; шмеленосный] 250 BONUS (comp. MELIOR, sup. OP-TIMUS), bun [good; gut; bon; jd; хороший] 251 BOREALIS, BOREUS, boreal, nordic [boreal, northern; ndrdlich; bordal, de nord; borcSlis, dszaki ; бореальный, северный] —*■ septentrionalis * 252 BOSTRYCHO-, BOSTR YCIFOR-MIS (gr. Рботроход „buclS"), bostri-ciform, de formS helicoidalS (bostry-chostigmus) [ringlet-shaped; schrau-bel*, schraubelfdrmig; bostryciforme; kunkor-, kunkor alaku; кудрявый] 253 BOSTRYX m (gr. pdaxpi^ „buclS"), bostrix, cimS helicoidalS; ramificatia simpodialS a tulpinii sau a inflores-ceniei, ramurile dezvoltindu-se con-secutiv in linie helicoidalS pe aceea?i laturS (Hypericum) [bostryx, helicoid cyme; Schraubel; bostryx; kunkor; улитка, извилина] BOTANICA 254 BOTANICA f, BOTANICE (-ES) f (gr. potdvn ,,iarbd“), botanica, §tiin[a plantelor [botany; Botanik, Pflanzenkunde, Pflanzenlehre, Krdu-terkunde, Gewdchslehre; botanique; botanika, nOvdnytan, ffivdszet; ботаника] —*• phylologia, res herbaria, botanologia, botanosophia* 255 BOTANICUS, botanic, de botanicd (colectie, grddind) [botanic; botanisch; botanique; botanikus, fuvdszeti; ботанический] 256 BOTANICUS m, botanist, specialist !n botanicd [botanist; Botaniker, Krdu-terkundiger, Pflanzenforscher, Pflan-zenerkenner; botaniste; botanikus, пб-vdnykutat6, fuvdsz; ботаник] 257 BOTANISTA f, botanists, specialists in botanicS [botanist; Botanike-rin, Botanikin; botaniste; botani-kusnd, fuveszn6; ботаник] 258 BOTANOGRAPHIA f (gr. -, Ypa brevi- 271 BRACHYBLASTUS (gr.-, рХоотбд ,,lSstar“), cu ISstari (ramuri) scurji [short-branched; kurztriebig; a pouSse courte; torpehajtdsd, rdvid dgd; коротковетвистый] 272 BRACHYBLASTUM n (gr. -), bra-hiblast, lujer anual scurt, cu cre§tere limitatd (Coniferae) [brachyblast, short branch; Kurztrieb, Jahrestrieb, Stauchspross, Stauchling; brachy-blaste, pousse courte; t6rpehajtds, t6r-pedg, rovidhajtds; брахибласт, укороченный побег] —► microblastum 273 BRACHYCA ULIS (gr. -, каиХбд ,,tul-pind“), cu tulpina scurtS [short-stalked, kurzstengelig; a tige courte; r6vid szdrd; короткостебельчатый] -*■ brevicaulis 274 BRACHYCLADUS (gr. -, кШод ,,ra-murS“), cu ramuri scurte [brachy-cladous, short-branched; kurzzweigig, kurzdstig; a rameaux courts; rovid agu; коротковетвистый] 275 BRACHYDODROMUS, BRACHY-DROMUS (gr. -, брбцод ,,fugd“), bra-hidodrom, indreptat spre marginea or-ganului, apoi curbat §i reticulat im-pletit (nerva(ia frunzei la Periploca) [brachydodromous, loop-veiped; schlinglaufig; brachydodrome; horga-san futd; брахидодромный] 276 BRACHYODONTUS (gr. -, 65oug, 656vxog ,,dinte“), scurt din(at [shorttoothed; kurzz&hnig, kurzgezahnt; d dents courtes; rovid fogu; коротко-зубчатый] 277 BRACHYPODUS, BRACHYPUS (gr. -, noCg, ж>56д ,,picior“), cu su- 107 portul scurt [short-footed; kurzfiiBig, kurzstielig; brachypode; rdvid labu, rdvid tdnkfi; коротконожковый] —*■ brevipes 278 BRACHYSCLEREIDAE f pi (gr. -, окХлрбд ,,dur“), brahisclereide, celule pietroase izodiametrice din ritidom (Juglans), pulpa fructelor (Pyrus) etc. [stone-cells; Steinzellen; brachy-scldrdides; kdsejtek; брахисклереидий] —*■ bracheidae 279 BRACHYSTYLIA f (gr. -, сттОЛод „coloanS"), brahistilie, heterostilie cu stile mai scurte decit staminele (Li-num, Primula) [brachystyly; Kurz-griffligkeit; brachystylie; rovid-bibesza-ariisag; короткопестичность] 280 BRACTEA f, bractee (pi. bractei), hipsofilS la sub^ioara cSreia se for-meazS о floare sau о inflorescenja [bract, floral leaf; Deckblatt, Trag-blatt; bractde, feuille florale; murva, murvalevdl, fedolevdl, virSgtSmasztd-levdl; брактея, прицветник] 281 BRACTEATUS, BRACTEIFER, bracteat, prevSzut cu bractei (flori) [bracteate; deckblattragend, deck-blSttrig; bracted; murvSs; прицветниконосный] 282 BRACTEOLA f, bracteolS, bractee micS aflatS la baza pedicelilor, Intre bractei §i floare [bractlet, bracteole; DeckblSttchen; bractdole; murvScska, eldlevelke; прицветничек] 283 BRACTEOMANIA f, bracteomanie, dezvoltarea excesivS §i proliferarea teratologies a bracteilor (adesea la Poly gala vulgaris) [bracteomania; Brakteomanie; bractdomanie; brakte-omSnia; брактеомания] 284 BRADYAUXESIS f (gr. ppoSdg ,,ln-cet“, aO^rjoig ,,cre§tere"), bradiauxezS, cre§terea intirziatS a unui organ fa(S de altul [slow-growth; Wachstumlang-samkeit; bradyauxdse, croissance re-tardataire; ndvekeddsi lassusSg; бра-диауксезис] 285 BRADYGENESIS i (gr. -, ydveoi? ,,na§tere“), bradigenezS, evolu^ie in-cetinitS (in filogenie) [bradygenesis; EntwicklungsverspStung; bradyge-ndse; bradigenezis, lelassult fejlodds; брадигенез, замедленное развитие] Щ 286 BRADYSPORIA f (gr. -, опора ,,sS-mintS"), bradisporie, diseminarea se-mintelor intr-o perioadS mai lungS de timp, pinS toamna tirziu (Teu-crium, Thymus, Origanum) [brady-spory; Bradysporie; bradysporie; bra-dispdria; брадиспория] BRYOPHILUS 287 В RE VI-, BREVIS, scurt (brevialatus, brevicollis, brevipedunculatus, brevisty-lus) [short; kurz; court; rdvid; короткий, коротко-] -* brachy-, curti- 288 BREVICAULIS — brachycaulis 289 BREVIDIURNUS, brevidiurn 1. De zile scurte. 2. Care pentru dezvoltarea §i inflorirea normals necesitS zile cu luminS de scurtS duratS si cu nopfile mai lungi (plants) [brevidiurn; kurztagig; brevidiurne; rdvid nappalos; короткодневной] 290 BREVIPES, BREVIPUS — brachy-podus 291 BREVITAS f, scur(ime [shortness; Kurze; brievetd; rdvidsdg; краткость] 292 BREVITUBUS, cu tubul scurt [short-tubed ; kurzrohrig; S tube court; rdvid csovu; короткотрубчатый] 293 В ROM A TOLOGIA f (gr. Ppfflpa „nutritie", A,6yog „vorbire"), bromatologie, descrierea mijloacelor §i a metodelor de nutri[ie [bromatology; Nahrungs-mittellehre; bromatologie; tSplSlko-zSstan; броматология] 294 BRONZINUS, galben ca bronzul [bronze-coloured; gelbbronzfarbig; jaune de bronze; bronzszinsSrga; бронзоцветный] 295 BRUMALIS, de iarnS, care create sau inflore§te iarna (plants) [wintry; winterlich; hivernal; tdli; зимний] —>hiemalis 296 BRUNNACEUS, BRUNNEOLUS, BRUNNESCENS, bruniu [brownish; braunlich; brunatre; barnSs; буроватый, буреющий] —► subfuscus 297 BRUNNEUS, brun, brun inchis sau ro§ietic [brown, rich-brown; braun, tiefbraun, dunkelbraun, sattbraun; brun, brun foncd; barna, rotbarna, sotdtbarna; коричневый, темнобурый] 298 BRYOIDEUS (gr. Ppbov ,,mu§chi“, stSog „asemSnare"), brioid, muscoid, asemSnStor cu mu§chii [muscoid, mosslike; moosartig, moosahnlich; musco-ide; mohaszeru; моховидный] 299 BRYOWGIA f (gr. -, Xdyog „vorbire"), briologie, studiul briofitelor (mu§chilor) [bryology, science of Mosses ; Bryologie, Mooslehre, Mooskunde; bryologie; mohatan; бриология] 300 BRYOPHILUS (gr. -, qnkia „a iubi"), briofil, care trSie§te pe sau intre mu§chi [moss-loving; moosliebend; bryophile, aimant les mousses; mohSt kedveld; мохолюбивый] BRYOSPORA 8Э1 BRYOSPORA f (gr. crrropd ,,s5-mlnt&“), bricspor, sporii briofitelor [bryospore; Moosspore; bryospore; mo-hasp6ra; бриоспора] 302 BVCETUM n, pfl§une, z&v^i [pasture; Weide, Auengebfisch; paturage; Ic-gel6, csei^s, bcrek; пастбище, выгон] 303 BULBACEUS, BULBIFORMIS, bulbiform, de forma sau de nature bulbului [bulbaceous, birth-shaped; zwiebelfOrmig, zwicbelartig; bulbace, bulbiforme; gumbszerG, gum6 alakb; луковицевидный, луковицеобразный] 304 BULBIFER, BULBIGERr BULBO-SUSt bulbos, care poart& bulbi [bul-biferous, bulb-bearing, bulbose; zwie-beltragend, zwiebelig; bulbiffere, bul-beux; hagym&t term6, gum6s; луковиценосный, луковичный] 305 BULBILLUS m, BULBOGEMMA f, bulbil, bulb mic rezultat din muguri transformaji, situa(i in axila frun-zelor tulpinale (Dentaria bulbifera) sau in inflorescenJS (Allium proli-ferum), care deta§indu-se reproduce о plantt noui [bulbil, bulblet; Knos-penzwiebel, Brutzwiebel, Brutknospe; bulbille, bulbe axillaire; sarjhagyma, hagymariigy, h6naljhagyma; луковичка, луковичка-детка, почколуковица] —► sautellus 306 BULBODIUM n (LECUS BULBI), bulbodiu, discul bulbului [bulbo-dium; Zwiebelkuchen, Zwiebelscheibe, 108 Zwiehclstock; bulbode; hagymatbnybr, hagymatOnk; донце луковицы] ЗЭ7 BULBOTUBER n, bulbotuber, par-tea subteranfl IngrofalG a tulpinii, acoperiU cu frunze membrano^se, con(inlnd substanfe nutritive (Col-chicum, Crocus) [bulbotuber; Zwiebel-knolle, Knollenzwiebel; bulbotuber; - hagymagumb; клубнелуковица] 3)8 BULBULUS m, bulbi?or, ci\el [bul-bule; Brutzwiebel; bulbulle, caieu; fibkhagyraa; луковка] 3)9 BULBUS m, bulb 1. CeapS. 2. Organ caulinar metamorfozat, ovoidal sau disciform, de obicei subfcran, aco-perit de frunze protectoare, avind la baz& discul cu ridftcini fibroase (Allium) [bulb; Zwiebel; bulbe; hagyma; луковица] 310 BULLATUS, b5§icos, veziculos, um-flat [bullate, blistered, puckered; bla-sig, bauschig; bullb, boursouflb; hblya-gos; пузырчатый] 311 BURSICULA f, bursiculS 1. Pun-guli(i. 2. Gropi[5 pe stigmat con(i-nind retinaculul maselor polinice (Or-chidaceae) [bursicule; Beutelchen; bur-sicule; burszikula; сумочка] 312 BURSICULATUS, BURSIFOR-MIS —*• scrotiformis, crumenatus, sac-catus 313 BYSSACEUS, BYSSJNUS, BYS-SO IDE US —► sericeus с 1 CACAINUS, brun inchis, brun de ciocolatS [dark-brown, chocolate-brown, theobrominous; dunkelbraun, schokoladebraun; brun foncS, brun de chocolat; s6t6tbarna, csokolade-barna; тёмно-бурый, шоколадно-бурый] —*■ theobrominus 2 CACAO-FUSCUS —* cacainus 3 CACOGENESIS f (gr. какбд „nepu-tincios“, yeveoig ,,na§tere“), cacoge-nezS, incapacitate de hibridizare [ca-cogenesis; Kakogenese; cacogenfese; kakogenezis; какогенез] 4 CACONYMUM n (gr. -, dvopo ,,nu-me“), caconim, nume inutilizabil din motive Iingvistice [caconym; Kako-nym; caconyme; kakonim; каконим] 5 CACUMINALIS — apicalis 6 CADUCUS, caduc, cSzStor; care se dezarticuleazS (frunzd floare ~) [caducous, falling; abfallend; caduc, tombant; lefeslo, hullatag; опадающий. осыпающийся] —*■ deciduus 7 CAE LES TIN US, CAELESTIS, ce-lestin, de albastrul cerului [heavenly blue; himmelblau; bleu de ciel; Sgszin-кёк; небесно-голубой] 8 С A ENOGE NESIS t (gr. icaivdg „recent", yeveoig ,,na§tere“), cenogeneza, otyinerea unor caractere recente in urma schimbSrii condifiilor de mediu [ caenogenesis; Stdrungsentwicklung, FSIschungsentwicklung; caenogenfese; cenogenёzis; ценогенез] 9 CAEOMA n (gr. как» „а arde“), ceomS, ecidie fSrS peridiu, cu sporii dispu§i In lan$ (Uredinales) [cae-oma; Kaeoma; caeome; ceoma; цеома] 10 CAERULANS, CAEURULESCENS, albSstrui [bluish; blSulich; bleuStre, bleuissant; кёкев, кёкеНб; голубеющий, синеющий] —*• subcaeruleus 11 CAERULEUS, albastru, ceruleu, de albastrul cerului [blue, sky-blue, heav-enlyblue; blau, himmelblau; bleu, сёги1ё, bleu de ciel; кёк, ёgsz^nkёk; синий, голубой] 12 CAESIUS, albastru-cenu§iu, albastru-verzui [blue, blue-grey, light grey; blau, blaugrau, blaulichgrau, blaulich-griin, lavendelblau ; bleu, bleu cend^, bleu grisatre, bleu verdatre; кёк, вгигкёзкёк, zoldesk6k; синий, голу-бовато-серый, сероватьгблубой] 13 CAESPITITIUS, CAESPITOSUS, cespitos. 1. Cu aspect de paji§te. 2. Си tulpini strinse unele lingS altele, formind о masS compacts [caespitose, tuftforming; rasig, rasenformig, ra-senbilcend; cespiteux, gazonnant, ga-zonneux, touffu; gyepes, gyepkёpzб, pSzsitos; дернистый, дернообразный] 14 CAL-, С AID-, С ALU-, CALLO- (gr. каХод ,,frumos“, KaXkoq ,,frumuse{e“), frumos (calacanthus, calomelanus, cal-licarpus, callophyllus) [beautiful-, beautifully-; schdn-; a beau, a belle; sz6p-; красиво-] 15 CALAMUS m, calamus, tip de tulpina ncramificatS, asemSnStoare pa-iului, uneori tubuloasS (Cyperus, Juncus) [calamus; Halm, Binsen-halm, Rohrhalm; calame, chalumeau; palkaszar; тростник] 16 С ALA T HIDIPHOR U M n (gr. ка-taOog ,,cc§ulet“, срорёш „a purta“), calatidofor, pedunculul calatidiului (Asteraceae) [calathidiphorum; Korb-bchentrager; calathidiphore; kalati-dium-tart6; калатидиофор] 17 CALATHIDIUM n (gr.-) — anlho-dium 18 CALCAR n, pinten, prelungire in formS de sac sau cornet a bazei cali-ciului sau corolei, uneori con^inind nectar (Aconitum, Tropaeolum) [spur; Sporn; ёрегоп; sarkantyu; шпорец] 19 CALCARATUS, CALCARIFER, pintenat, prevSzut cu pinten (cali-ciu) [calcarate, spurred; spornig, gespornt; ёрегоппё; sarkantyds; со шпорцами] 20 CALCAREUS, calcaros, care create pe soluri calcaroase [chalky, limy, CALCARIFORMIS calcareous; kalkig, kalkhaltig, kalk-reich; calcareux; meszes; известняковый, известковый] 21 CALCARIFORMIS, calcariform, de forma unui pinten [spur-shaped; sporn-fOrmig; calcariforme; sarkantyii alakb; шпорцевидный] 22 CALCEIFORMIS, CALCEOLARIS, CALCEOLARIUS, calceiform, de forma unui pantof mic (labelul la Cy-pripedium calceolus) [calceiform, shoe-shaped ; pantoffelfbrmig, schuhfOrraig; calcdiforme; papucs alakb; башман-ковидный] —* sandaliformis 28 CALCICOLUS (-COLA t), calcicol, calcifil, care cre§te pe soluri calca-roase (planta [calcicolous; kalk-liebend; calcicole; mbszlakd, mbsz-kedvelo; обитающий на известняках] —► calciphilus 24 CALCIFUGUS, calcifug, care evitS solurile calcaroase (Lupinus, Rumex, Vaccinium) [calcifugal, shunning chalk, chalk-hating; kalkmeidend, kalkflie-hend; calcifuge; mbszkerul6; кальце-фобный] -*■ silicicolus, calciphobus 25 CALCIPHILUS (lat. calx ,,calcar“, gr. ф&ёю „a iubi“), calcifil, care pre-fer& solurile calcaroase (Aster amellus, Leontopodium alpinum) [calciphilous, chalk-loving; kalziphil, kalkliebend, kalkstet, kalkbest&ndig; calciphile; mbszkedveld; кальцефильный] —» cal-cicolus 26 CALCIPHOBUS (lat.-, gr. <роРод ,,fugb“) —► calcifugus 27 CALCULUS m, calcul, tesut de ce-lule sclerenchimatice dure („pietroa-se“) (Pyrus) [calculary; Steinzelle; calcul; kosejt; камень] —► sclereidae 28 CALDARIUM, С A LIDA RIUM n, sera calda [warm-greenhouse, hothouse ; Warmhaus; chaudifere, serre chau-de; meleghdz; теплица, оранжерея] 29 CALENDARIUM (n) FLORAE, calendar floral, grupare a unor plante dup& perioada lor de Jnflorire [flower-calendar; Blutenkalender; calendrier de flore; viragnaptar; цветочный календарь] 30 CALIDSUS, calos, prevSzut cu calo-zita^i (frunza, tesut) [callose; schwie-lig, wulstig; calleux; sebpards, hege-dises, sumolcsos; мозолистый] —*• tyl-, tylo- 31 CALLUM n, CALLUS m, calus, calo-zitate; tesut de cicatrizare pe organele vatamate [callosity; Schwiele, 110 Kallusbildung, Wulst, Wundgewebe; cal, callositd, bourrelet cicatriciel; seb-para, sebszdvet, heg, hegszdvet 6vo-szOvet; каллус, наплыв, мозоль] —*■ tyloma 32 CALLUSHETEROPLASIA f (lat. callus „piele !ntarita“, gr. ётеро<; ,,altul“, яХастош „a modela“), calus-heteroplazie, calozitate cu tesut deo-sebit de cel din care a rezultat (Kus-ter) [callusheteroplasy; Kallushetero-plasie; callushbtbroplasie; kalluszhe-teropldzia; каллусгетероплазия] 33 CALLUSHOMOEOPLASIA t (lat.-, gr. бцою? ,,asemanator“, -), calusho-moioplazie, calozitate cu tesut ase-manator cu cel din care s-a format (Kiister) [callushomoeoplasy; Kallus-homoeoplasie; callushomoeoplasie; kalluszhomoeoplazia; каллусгомоео-плазия] 34 CALLUSHYPERTROPHIA f (lat. gr. fmdp ,,deasupra“, троф^ ,,nutritie“), calushipertrofie, calozitate cu concre§-teri celulare (Kiister) [callushyper-trophy; Kallushypertrophie; callushy-pertrophie; kalluszhipertrofia; каллус-гипертрофия] 35 СALLUSMETAPLASIA f (lat. -, gr. pexa ,,linga“, -), calusmetaplazie, calozitate cu modificari metaplasmatice in apropierea locului de ran ire (Kiister) [callusmetaplasy; Kallusmetaplasie; callusmetaplasie; kalluszmetaplazia; каллусметаплазия]* 36 CALOPODIUM n (gr. коХод ,,fru-mos“, яоОд, яо86<; ,,picior“) -*■ spatha 37 CALORITROPISMUS m (lat. calor „caidurd", gr. xporefi „rdsucire"), ca-loritropism, mi§c5ri de curbare sub influenta caidurii [caloritropism; Ka-loritropismus; caloritropisme; kalori-tropizmus; калоритропиэм] -*■ ther-motropismus 38 CALVESCENS (calvesco) -*■ glabres-cens 39 CALVUS - glaber 40 CALYC- ,CALYCI-, CALYCO-, -CALYX, -CALYCUS (gr. к<ВД ,,cupa“), cu caliciu (calycanthus, calyciflorus, calycopterus, adenocalyx, amblycalycus) [cup-, calyci-, calyco-; kelch-, -kel-chig; a calice; csisze-, csdszds; -csd-sz6ju; чашечко-] 41 CALYCANTHEMIA t (gr. -, fivOepov ,,floare“), calicantemie, anomalie a ca-liciului constind din transformarea se- Ill palelor in petale (Mimulus* Primula) [calycanthemy; Kalykanthemie; ca-lycanth6mie; kalikant6mia; каликан-темия] 42 CALYCATUS (gr. -), prevSzut cu ca" liciu [calycate; bekelcht; calice; cse' sz6s, kelyhes; снабженный чашечкой] 43 CALYCULATUS (gr.-), caliculat prevSzut cu calicul [calyculate; aus-senkelchig, nebenkelchig, kleinkelchig; caliculS; SlcsSszSs; с подчашием] 44 CALYCULUS m (gr. -), calicul. i. Caliciu extern, format din bractei (Halva). 2. Caliciu secundar [calycle, external calyx; Kelchlein, AuBenkelch, Nebenkelch, Hiillkelchlein; calicule, calice externe; Slcsesze, kuls6 csesze; подчашие, наружная чашечка] —* e-picalyx, pseudocalyx 44a CALYHMA n (gr. каХирра „cuver-turS“) —*■ matrix 45 CALYPHYOMIA f (gr.-, caryolympka 134 CARYOCLASTICUS (gr. -, кХлсттод ,,spart“), carioclastic, cu efect nociv* asupra nucleului [caryoclastic; karyo-klastisch; caryoclastique; kario-kldsztikus; кариокластический] 135 CARYOGAMIA f (gr. -, усщод „cSsStorie"), cariogamie, fuzionare a nucleilor de sex diferit [caryogamy; Karyogamie, Kernverschmelzung; ca-ryogamie; kariogamia, sejtmag-egyesiilds; кариогамия] 136 CARYOGRAMMA n (gr. -, ypappa ,,literS“), cariogramS, reprezentare graficS a cromozomilor dintr-o celulS, respectiv dintr-un nucleu, dupS nu-mSrul §i caracterele morfologice ale acestora [karyogram; Karyogramm; caryogramme; kariogram; карио-грамма] 137 CARYOKINESIS f (gr. Kivnmg ,,mi§care“), cariocinezS, mitozS; divi-ziune nuclearS §i celularS indirecta CARYOLOGIA [karyokinesis; Karyokinese, indirekte Kornteilung; caryokinfcse, mitose; kariokindzis, mitdzis, kdzvetett sejt-magosztodds, szamtartd sejtmag-osztddds; кариокинез, митоз]—►mUosis, teleomitosis, divisio somatica 138 CARYOWGJA f (gr. Xoyog ,,vor-bire"), cariologie, citologie nucleara, studiul nucleului celular [caryology, nuclear cytology; Karyologie, Kern-zytologie; caryologie, cytologie nucleate ; karioldgia, sejtmagtan; кариология] 139 CARYOLYMPHA f (gr. lat. lym-pha „apd de izvor“), cariolimfd, sue nuclear [karyolymph, nuclear-sap; Karyolymphe, Kernsaft; caryolymphe, sue nucldaire; kariolimfa, sejt-magnedv; кариолимфа, ядерный сок] —*• nucleohyaloplasma, nucleochylema, caryenchyma 140 CARYOLYSIS I (gr. -, Xumg „dizol-vare“), cariolizd, dezintegrare a sub-stan[ei nucleare [karyolysis, degeneration of the nucleus; Karyolyse, Kerndegeneration; caryolyse, degeneration du noyau; kariolizis, sejt-mag-degeneralodas; кариолизис, растворение ядра] 141 CARYOMITOSIS f (gr. -, pitog ,,filament“) -*■ mitosis 142 CAR YOMIXIS f (gr. -, pl£ig „ames-tecare“) —*• amphimixis 143 CARYON n (gr. -), nucleu celular [cell-nucleus; Zellkern; noyau cel-lulaire; sejtmag; ядро клетки] 144 CARYOPHASIS f (gr. -, Фdoig ,,aparitie“), cariofazd, alternant a haplofazei §i diplofazei prin care poate trece nucleul celular (Renner) [karyophasis; Karyophase, Kernpha-senwechsel; caryophase; kariofdzis, sejtmag-fazisvaltakozds; кариофаза] 145 CARYOPLASMA n (gr. -, wUopa ,,modelare“), carioplasmd, masd pro-toplasmaticd vie din interiorul mem-branei nucleare, cuprinztnd cariolimfa §i cromatina [karyoplasm, nucleoplasm; Karyoplasma, Zellkernplasma; cary-oplasme, nucleoplasme; sejtmagplaz-гаа; кариоплазма] 146 CARYOPLASMOGAMIA t (gr. ~, Y&pog ,,cdsdtorie“), carioplasmoga-mie, contopirea alor doi game}i rezul-t!nd о celuld noud (Haecker) [karyo-plasmogamy; Karyoplasmogamie; caryoplasmogamie ; karioplazmoga-mia; кариоплазмогамия] 116 147 CARYOPLASTUM n (gr. - яЯдотод ,,modelat“), carioplast, totalitate a corpusculilor din nucleul celulei (Strasburger) [karyoplast; Karyo-plast; caryoplaste; karioplaszt; ка-риопласт] 148 CARYOPSIS f (gr. -, 6vig „aspect"), cariopsd, fruct uscat monosperm, cu pericarpul membranos §i concrescut cu sdmlnfa (Gramineae) [caryopsis; Karyopse, Grasfrucht, Kornfrucht; caryopse; szemtermds; зерновка] 149 CARYORRHEXIS i (gr. - dfe „rupturd"), cariorexie, degenerare a nucleului celular prin descompunerea cromatinelor (Maire) [karyorhexis; Karyorrhexis, Zellkerndegeneration; caryorrhexis; kariorexis; кариорексис] 150 CARYOSOMA n (gr. - offipa „corp"), cariozom, nucleol de cromatind (Ogata) [karyosoma; Karyosom, Chromatin-nukleolus; caryosome, nucldole de chromatine; karioszoma, kromatin-magocska; кариосома] 151 CARYOSYMPHYSIS f (gr. -, oup-фоегц ,,concre§tere“), cariosimfizd, contopirea nucleilor [karyosymphysis; Kernverschmelzung; caryosymphyse, fusion nucldaire; sejtmagegyesiiles; кариосимфиз] 152 CARYOTHECA f (gr. -, Отрсл ,,cutie“), cariotecd, membrana nucleului [karyotheca, nuclear membrane; Kernmembran; caryothdque, membrane nucldaire; sejtmaghartya, sejt-magfal, sejtmagburok; кариотека, оболочка ядра] 153 CARYOTINUM n (gr. -), cariotina, substanfa filamentoasd din retinaculul nucleului (Lundegardh) [karyotin; Karyotin; caryotine; kariotin, sejt-mag-gerendazat; кариотин] 154 CARYOTYPUS m (gr. -, тилод „model"), cariotip, totalitate a cro-mozomilor unci specii sau a unor soiuri, impreunS cu particularitdfile lor caractcristice (Battaglia) [karyotype; Karyotyp; caryotype; karioti-pus; кариотип] 155 CASEOLARIS, CASEOSUS, cazeo-lar, de consistent cazeinei, mdldie( ca fructul rdscopt la Pyrus [caseous, cheesy; kasi^, kaseartig; cas6olaire, casdeux; kdsas, tdrdszeru, pdpszeru; творожистый, сырный] 156 CASSIDEUS, casideu, tn formd de cased sau de coif. (corold) [cassideous, helmet-shaped; behelmt, behaubt; 117 casqud; sisakos, csuklyds; шлемо- ВИДНЫЙ] 157 CASSIS, -IDIS f, cased, coif 1. Piese exterioare, conivente, ale peri-antului (Orchidaceae). 2. Sepala su-perioard concavd (Aconitum) [helmet; Helm; casque; sisak; шлем] 158 CASSUS, gol, gdunos, vid [empty, devoid; leer, hohl; creux, vide; tires, tireges; пустой] 159 CASTANEUS, castaniu, castaniu-brun, de culoarea brun ro?catd a fruc-tului de Aesculus [chestnut-brown, chestnut-coloured; kastanienbraun, rdtlichbraun; chdtain, brun marron; gesztenyebarna, vtirtisesbarna; каштановый] 160 CAST RATIO f, castrare, indepartare a organelor sexuale mascule sau femele dintr-o floare [castration; Kastra-tion, Entmannung, Verschneidung; castration; kasztracid, nemtelenitds; кастрация] 161 CATABLASTUM n (gr. ката „in jos“, ЗАлотдс ,,mugure“), catablast, tulpind subterand modificatd servind la inmutyirea §i rdspindirea plantei (bulb, rizom) [katablast; Niederspross; catablaste; katablaszt; катабласт] 162 CATABOLISM US m (gr. 0oXf) „aruncare, cddere“), catabolism, deza-simila^ie, metabolism destructiv; totalitate a proceselor de dezasimi-la[ie din organism [catabolism, destructive metabolism, dissimilation; Katabolismus, Abbaustoffwechsel, zerlegender Stoffwechsel; catabolisme, dissimilation; katabolizmus, lebom-14s, disszimilatorikus folyamat; катаболизм, диссимиляция] —*■ dissimilatio 163 CATACHROMASIS f (gr. -, хрйда ,,culoare“), catacromazd, decromati-zare, pierdere a cromaticitdtii cromo-zomilor in telofazd [dechromatisation, catachromasie; Katachromasie, Dechromatisation ; catachromase, dechromatisation ; katakromdzis, szi-nez6d6kdpessdg elvesztdse; катахро-мазия] 164 CA ТАCLINO TBOPISMUS m. (gr. -kXIvgo „a se inclina“, xporcfi „rdsu-cire“), cataclinotropism, clinotropism negativ [cataclinotropism; Kataklino-tropismus; cataclinotropisme; kata-klinotropizmus; катаклинотропизм] 165 CATACOROLLA f (gr. -, lat. corolla ,,coroand“), catacorold, corold secun-dard externd (Azalea, Gloxinia) [cata- CA ТА PHO TO TROPISM US corolla; Katakorolle; catacorolle; ktilsO pdrta; наружный венчик] 166 CATADROMUS (gr. -, 5p6po; ,,fug4“), catadrom, orientat in jos §i spre exterior (nervafie [catadro-mous, tending downwards; herab-steigend; catadrome, descendant; le-feld haladd; катадромный] 167 CATAGENESIS f (gr. -, yeveaig ,,origine“), catagenczd, evolu^ie regre-sivd prin simplificarca sau disparitia unor organe sau func}iuni [catagenesis, retrogressive evolution; Kata-genese; catagenese; katagendzis, visz-szafejlddes; катагенез] 168 CATAGEOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, yf] ,,p4mint“, троят) ,,r4sucire“), ca-tageotropism, geotropism pozitiv [ca-tageotr • pism; Katageotropismus; ca-tagdotropisme; katageotropizmus, pozitiv geotropizmus; катагеотропизм] 169 CATALECTA n pi (gr., катаХекта ,,colectie“), colec(ie, culegeri de arti-cole [collection; Auswahl, Bruchstticke; recueil; gyujtemdny, cikkgyujtemdny; избранные сочинения] 170 CATALOGUS m (gr. катаХ6уо<; ,,listd“), catalog, lista, enumerare [catalogue, list; Katalog, Verzeich-nis; catalogue; kataldgus, ndvjegyzek; каталог, список] —► pinax 171 CATALYSIS f (gr. ката „in jos‘\ Xuoi? ,,dizolvare“), catalizd, acce-lerarea sau intirzierea vitezei proceselor de reactiuni chimice sub influenza unor catalizatori [catalysis; Katalyse; catalyse; katalizis; катализ] 172 CATAPETALISMUS m (gr. -, яt-xaXov ,,petal4“), catapetalism, ade-ren[a petalelor la baza androforului (Malvaceae) [catapetalism; Katape-talismus; catapdtalisme; katapetaliz-mus; катапетализм] 173 CATAPHORESIS f (gr. -, фбрцок; ,,ducere“), cataforeza, electroforeza, migrate a particulelor coloidale aflate in suspensie in celula vie la catod, sub influenza curentului electric [ca-taphoresis, electrophoresis; Katapho-rese, Elektrophorese; cataphorfese, electrophordse; katafordzis, elektrofo-rdzis; катафорез, электрофорез] -*■ electrophoresis 174 CAT APHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, Ффе, фштбд ,,lumin4“, xpo7tf| „rdsu-cire“), catafototropism, fototropism negativ [cataphototropism, negative phototropism; Kataphototropismus, negativer Lichtreiz; cataphototro- CATAPHRACTUS pisme, phototropisme ndgatif; ka-tafototropizmus, negativ fototropiz-mus; катафототролизм, отрицательный фототропизм] 175 CATAPHRACTUS (gr. катйфрактод ,,cuirasat“) —*■ loricatus 176 CATAPHYLLUM n (gr. ката „in jos“, £ „cupS"), caulocali-ciu, inveli§ul protector al sporogonu-lui, asemSnindu-se cu un periant (Jun-germanniaceae) [caulocalyx; Kaulo-kalyx; caulocalice; kaulokSlix; кау-локаликс] 197 CAULOCOLLESIA f (gr. каиХбд ,,tulpin5“, кбШклд ,,concre§tere“), caulocolezie, concre§tere anormalS a tulpinii de la douS plante deosebite [caulocollesia; Stengelzusammen-wachsung; caulocollesie; szSrossze-novds; каулоколлезия] 198 CAUIOMA n (gr.-), caulom, formate tulpinalS (termen general) [caulome; Kaulom, Stengelgebilde; caulome; kaulom, szSrkdplet; кау-лома] 199 CAULOTAXIS f (gr. tc£ig ,,orinduire“), caulotaxie, modul de a§ezare a ramurilor pe tulpinS [caulo-taxis; Kaulotaxis; caulotaxis; kaulo-tSxisz; каулотаксис] 200 CAVATUS, scobit [holloved; ausge-hdhlt; excave; kivajt; выдолбленный] 201 CAVERNOSUS, cavernos, gSunos, cu cavitSti [cavernous, hollow; laku-nar, hohl; creux; iireges, odvas; кавернозный, пещеристый] -> cunicu-latus, coelo- 202 CECIDIOWGIA f (gr. кцид ,,galS“, ЯАуод „vorbire"), cecidiologie, studiul galelor [cecidiology; Zezidiolo-gie, Gallenlehre; cdcidiologie; ceci-diologia, gubacstan; цецидиология] 203 CECIDIOPHOR VS (gr. -, cpopdg „purtStor"), cecidiofor, care poartS gale [cecidiophorous, gall-bearing; gallentragend, Gallapfel-tragend; сё-cidiophore; gubacsos, gubacshordozd; несущий галлы] 204 CECIDIOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, cputov ,,plantS“), cecidiofite, fitocecidii, plante inferioare (bacterii, alge, ciuperci) care cauzeazS dezvoltarea galelor [cecidiophytes; Zezidiophyten, gal-lenerzeugende Pflanzen; cdcidiophy-tes; cecidiofitSk; цецидиофиты] CENTR- 205 CECIDIOZOA n pi (gr. -, t/bov „animal"), zoocecidii, animale mici (acarieni, insecte, viermi) care cauzeazS formarea galelor [cecidiozoa; ZezidiozoSn, gallenerzeugende Tier-chen; cecidiozoa; cecidiozoa, gubacs-kelto allatkSk; цецидиозоа] 206 CECIDIUM n (gr. -), cecidie, galS, deforma[iuni sau excrescence pato-logice pe organele vegetale (muguri, frunze, tulpini) cauzate de parazi[k vegetali sau animali [cecidium, gall; Zezidie, Galle; cёcidie, galle; gubacs; цецидий, галл] 207 CELANS, CELATUS, CELATI-„ ascuns, acoperit [hidden, hiding, covered; verborgen, versteckt, bedeckt; cachd, couvert; rejtett, fedett; скрывающий, скрытый, прикрытый] 208 CELLULA f, celulS, unitatea morfo-logicS, fiziologicS §i biologicS fundamentals a organismelor [cell; Zelle; cellule; sejt; клетка]* 209 CELLULARIS, celular, format din celule sau apartinind celulei [cellular; zellig, zellular; cellulaire; sejtes, sejthez tartozd; клеточный]* 210 CELLUWSA f, celuloza, polizaharid care este principalul component al membranei celulare [cellulose; Zel-lulose, Zellstoff; cellulose; celluloz; целлюлоза, клетчатка] 211 CELSUS, inalt, ridicat [high, lofty* tall; hoch; haut, dlevd; magas; высокий] 212 CENANTHIA f (gr. xevdg „gol", dvOog „floare"), cenantie 1. Sterili-tate florals. 2. Avortare a organelor sexuale din floare, in patologie [ce-nanthy; Zenanthie, Leerbliitigkeit; cenanthie; cenSntia, viragmedddsdg; ценантиа] 213 CENTI- (lat. centum ,,o sutS"), cu о sutS de..., cu numeroase ... (centi-folius, centiflorus) [hundred-, many-;, hundert-, viel-; S cent, a beaucoup; szSz-, sok; сто-, много-] —*■ hecato- 214 CENTR-, CENTRO-, -CENTRUS (gr. Kfcvtpov „pinten", „virf ascuCit"), pintenat, cu virful ascu[it (centran-thus, centroideus, centropetalus, hybo-centrus) [spur-, spurred, sharp; sporn-, spitzig, gespornt; ёрегоппё, aigu; sar-kantyds, hegyes; шпорце-, остро-, острый] 215 CENTR-, -CENTRALIS, CENTRI-CUS, CENTRO- (lat. centrum „centru"), central, a§ezat in centra CENTRIFUGALIS (oentricirrhus, centroapermus) (de ex. cilindru ~) [central; zentral, mittel-st&ndig; central; kOzponti; центральный] * 216 CENTRIFUGALIS, CENT RIF U-GUS, centrifugal, care se dezvoltS de la centru spre exterior (inflorcs-centA) [centrifugal, tending outwards; zentrifugal, mittelpunktfliehend; centrifugal, centrifuge; centrifugAlis, kO-zdphagyd, kflzpontldl tSvolodd; центробежный] 217 CENTRIOLUM n —► centrosoma 218 CENTRIPETALIS, CENT RIPE-TUS (iat. centrum „centru", peto „a se indrepta"), centripetal, care se dezvoltS de la exterior spre centru (inflorcscentS) [centripetal; zentripetal, mittelpunktsuchend; centripSte; cen-tripetalis, kOzdpretartd, kdzpont felS halado; центростемительный] 219 CENTROMERUM n (gr. Kevrpov „centra", рёрод „parte"), centromcr, segment scurt al cromozomului pe care se insereazS filamentele fusului nuclear in faza mitozei §i a meiozei (Darlington) [centromere; Zentromer, Spindcrfaseransatz, Leitkdrperchen; centromere; centromdrum; центромер] —*• cinetochorum 220 CENTRO PLASM A n (gr. -, лХйора „modelare"), centroplasmS, zona plasmatics centrals care inconjoarS cen-triolul (Cyanophyceae) [centroplasm; Zentroplasma; ccntroplasme; centro-plazma; центроплазма] 221 CENTROPLASTUM n (gr. -, тгХаст-тбд „modelat"), centroplast, corpuscul sferic extranuclear in timpul mitozei [centroplast; Zentroplast; caatroplaste; centroplaszt; центропласт] 222 CENTROSOMA n (gr. -, айда „corp"), centrozom, corpuscul in central figurii asteriene in timpul mitozei (Boveri) [cenlrosome; Zentrosom, Zentralkor-perchen; cenlrcsome; centroszdma; центросома] —► astrocentrum, eentrio-lum, microcentrum, cytocentrum 223 CENTROSPHAERA f (gr. -, oqxxlpa „sferS"), centrosferS I. SferS atracti-vS. 2. MasS citoplazmaticS in jurul centrozomului (Strasburger) [centro-sphere; ZentrosphSre, Attrakzions-sphSre; centrosphSre; centroszfera; центросфера] 224 CEPHAL-, CEPHALI-, CEPHALO-, -CEPHALUS, -CEPS (gr. кесраХт] „cap") (cephalanthus, cephaliflorus, ce- 120 phalophorus, dolickocephalus, grandi-ceps) —» capitatus 225 CEPHALANTHIUM n (gr. -, 4v0og „floare") —*■ anthodium, capitulum 226 CEPHALODIUM n (gr. -, eI5og „asemSnare"), cefalodiu 1. Antodiu, capitul (Compositae). 2. Excrescen^S J'onidialS a talului (Lichenes) [cepha-odium; Cephalodium Brutkdrper-chen; cAphalode; cefalodium: цефа-додий] 227 CEPHALOPHORUM n (gr. - chasm-, chasmo-, chas-mato- 247 CHAENOCHLORANTHIA f (gr. -, xXmpdg ,,verde“, fivOog „floare"), che-noclorantie, арагфа teratolo^icd a frunzelor verzi In verticilele florale [chaenochloranthy; Chenochloranthie; chaenochloranthie; chenoklordnthia; хенохлорантия] 248 CHAERO- (gr. %aipm „а place") (chaerophyllus), plScut, frumos [pleasant, beautiful-; angenehm, schdn-; rdjouissant, beau; kellemes, szdp-; CHALYBEUS приятно-, прекрасно-] -*■ pulchellus, pule her 249 CHAET-, CHAETO-, CHAETOSUS, -CHAETUS (gr. xuitTi „setS"), setos, setulos (chaelantherus, chaetocarpus, chromatochaetus) [bristly-, setulose; borsten-; setuleux; sertds-; щетинисто-] —► setaceus, setosus 25Э CHAETOPLANCTON n (gr.-, яХоук-xdg „rStScitor"), chetoplancton, plancton in care predominS organismele setiforme sau prevazule cu sete [chae-toplankton; Chaetoplankton; chaeto-plankton; chetoplankton; хетопланк-тон] 251 CHALAR- (gr. ха^арбд „lax"), lax, neinghesuit (chalaranthus) [loose-; lok-ker-; lache; laza-; рассеянно-] —*■ laxus, laxi- 252 CHALAZA f (gr. x“Xa£a „granulS"), chalazS, ?alazS, calazS, partea bazalS a ovulului, respectiv a nucelei, pe unde pStrunde funiculul [chalaza; Chalaza, Nabelfleck; chalaze; chalaza, magkezdemdnyalap, magriigybdl-alap; халаза, основание семяпочки] —» macula germinativa, macula hilaris 253 CHALAZOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpog „cSsStorie"), §alazogamie, fecundare a ovulului prin regiunea §alazei [cha-lazogamy; Chalazogamie; chalazoga-mie; chalazogdmia; хал азогамия] 254 CHALCOPHAEUS (gr. хаЛкбд ,,cu-pru", фагбд ,,brun“), brun-ro§cat, de culoarea cuprului [coppery, brownish-red; kupferrot, rdtlichbraun; rouge de cuivre, brundtre-rouge; rdzbarna, barnasvords; медно-бурый] 255 CHALICODOPHYTA n pi, CHALI-COPHYTA n pi (gr. xdXi ,,pietri§“, ,,a iubi"), cheimonofil, iubitor de iarnS, cu frunze persistente in timpu) iernii [winter-loving; winterliebend; aimant l’hiver; telet kedveld; хеимо-нофильный] 278 CHEIMONOPHOBUS (gr. -, фород „fugS"), cheimonofob, care evitS iarna; cu frunze cSzStoare in timpul iernii [winter-shunning; wintermeidend; cheimonophobe; telet nem kedveld; хеимонофобный] 279 CHEIR-, CHEIRO- (gr. xetp, Х«рбд „mtnS") (cheiranthus, cheirophyllus, cheirostemoneus) —» palmati- 280 CHEIROPTEROPHILUS (gr. xet-poirrepov „liliac", v „zSpadS"), alb ca z&pada, de zipadi (chionanthus, chionocalyx, ckionophilus, chionophyllus) [snow-white, snow-; schneeweiB,' schnee-; blanc de neige, de neige; h6fehdr, havat-; снежно-, белоснежный, снего-] —* niveus 309 CHIONOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фотбу „plants"), chionofite, plante care se dezvolti sub covorul de zSpadS, in-florind §i fructificind dupS topirea ei (Soldanella) [chionophyta, snow- 124 plants; Chionophyten, Schneeschutz-lingc; chionophytes; chionofitak; хионофиты] 310 CHIRONYMUM n (gr. xslp „minS", 6vopa „nume"), chironim, numele plantei dat in manuscris [chironym, manuscript name; Chironym, Manu-skriptname; chironyme, ddnomination dans le manuscrit; chironimum, kdzi-ratban adott ndv; хироним] 311 CHIROTYPUS m (gr. -, тияод „model"), chirotip, exemplar de plants pe baza cSruia s-a dat denumirea din manuscris [chirotype; Chiroty-pus; chirotype; chirotipus; хиротип) 312 -CHITON (gr. xi”fd>v „tunicS") (bra-chychiton) -*chlamydo- 313 CHLAENO-, -CHLAENUS (gr. xXat-va „manta") (chlaenopterus, leuco-chlaenus) —» chlamydo- . 314 CHLAMYDO-, -CHLAMYDEUS, -CHLAMYS (gr. хХарид, хХарибод ,,manta‘V, invelit, acoperit, cu periant (chlamydocarpus, homochlamydeus, la-siochlamys) [wearing, clothed, covered; deck-, hull-, bedeckt-, mantel-, bekleidet; vetu, couvert; takart, fedett; покрытый, прикрытый] —*■ indutus, stego-, tectus, vestitus, chlaeno-, -chiton 315 CHLAMYDIA f (gr.-) —► perianthium, involucrum 316 CHLAMYDOCONIDIUM n (gr. -, k6viSiov „praf mSrunl") —> cklamy-dospora 317 CHLAMYDOCYSTIS, -ID1S f (gr. -, кОстд „cavitate"), clamidochist, chist inchis (Algae) [chlamydocyst; Chlamy-dozyst; chlamydocyste; chlamido-ciszta; хламидоциста] 318 CHLAMYDOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, yovfi ,,urma§“), clamidogonidie, goni-die unicelularS, de rezistenbS, cu mem-brana groasS (Myxomycetes) [chlamy-dogonidium; Chlamydogonidie; chlamydogonidie; chlamidogonidium; хламидогонидия] 319 CHLAMYDOSPORA f (gr. -, штора „sSminbS"), clamidospor, spor asexuat, de rezisten[S, cu membrana groasS (Ustilaginales); tSciunele cerealelor [chlamydospore, blight;. Chlamydos-pore, Getreidebrand; chlamydospore, nielle; chlamidospdra, tiszdk; хлами-доспора]-> paulospora 320 CHLEDOCOLUS (-COLA f) (gr. xXtjSog „dSrimSturS", lat. colo „a locui") —► ruderalis 126 321 CHLEDOPHILUS (gr. Aa> „a iubi“) —► ruderalis 322 CHLEDOPHYTA n pi (gr. viridis 341 CHLOROPHYLLIGERUS, CHLO-ROPHYLLOSUS (gr. -, tpuUov „frunza", lat. gero „a purta"), cloro-filos, clorofiliger, care confine clorofilS [chlorophylligerous, containing chlorophyll; Blattgriin enthaltend; chlorophylligdre, contenant de chlo-rophylle; klorofillt tartalmazo; хлорофиллоносный] 342 CHLORO PH YLLOLYSIS f (gr.-, Xuaig „dizolvare), clorofilolizS, liza-rea clorofilei sub influenza unor agenti chimici (Liebaldt) [chlorophyllolyse; Chlorophyllolyse; chlorophyllolyse; klorofillolizis; хлорофиллолиз] 343 CHLOROPHYLLUM n (gr.-), clorofilS, substanfS granularS din plas-tide, dind plantei culoarea verde, cu rol important In fotosintezS [chlorophyll; Chlorophyll, Blattgriin; chlo-rophylle; klorofill, ndvdnyzdld, level-z6ld; хлорофилл]—*' phyllocklorum, phy-tochlorina 344 CHLOROPHYLLUS (gr. --), cu frunze verzi [green-leaved; grunblSttrig; S feuilles vertes; zdld levelfi; зеленолистный] 345 CHLOROPLASTIDIUM n (gr. ~, яХасттисбд „plastic", - i8iov „dimi-nutiv") -* chloroplastum CHLOROPLASTUM 346 CHLOROPLASTUM n (gr. nlaazoq ,,modelat“), cloroplast, granule verzi din citoplasmS, compuse din stroma §i din clorofilS [chloroplast, chloro-plastid; Chloroplast, Chlorophyllkdr-per; chloroplaste; kloroplasztisz, no-vSnyzOldszemcse; хлоропласт] —» auto-plastum 347 CHLOROSIS f (gr. -), clorozS, clo-rescentS; ingSlbenire patologicS a frunzelor din cauza lipsei clorofilei sau al fierului [chlorosis; Chlorose, Bleichsucht, Gelbsucht, Chloreszenz; chlorose, chlorescence; klordzis, level-zold-hiany, sSpadtsag, sSpkorsag; хлороз] —*■ icterus, chlorescentia, etiole-ment 348 CHLOROSUDATIO f (gr.lat. su-datio ,,transpirajie“) -*• chlorovapori-satio 349 CHLORO TRANSPIRA TIO f (gr. lat. transpiratio ,,transpiratie“) -* chlorovaporisatio 350 CHLOROVAPORISATIO f (gr. lat. vaporisatio ,,evaporare“), clorovapori-zafie, clorosuda(ie; transpira(ia plantelor cu clorofilS sub influenza luminii (Van Tieghem) [chlorovaporization; Chlorovaporisation; chlorovaporisa-tion; klorovaporizScio; хлоровапори-зация] 351 CHLOROXANTHUS (gr. £av0d<; ,,galben“), verzui-galben [greenish-yellow ; griinlichgelb; verdStre-jaune; zoldessSrga; зеленовато-желтый] 352 CHLORUS, CHLOROTICUS (gr.-), galbui-verde [yellowish-green; gelblich-grtin; jaunatre-vert; sSrgSszold; желто-зеленый] 353 CHOMAPOPHYTA n pi (gr. %&]ia ,,terasament“, йпд ,,de pe“, фбтоу ,,plantS“), chomapofite, comapofite, plante ruderale [ruderal plants; Rude-ralpflanzen, Schuttpflanzen; plantes des dScombres; romndvSnyek; руде-ральные растения] 354 CHOMOPHYTA n pi (gr. -), chomo-fite, comofite, plante ce cresc pe stinci cu detritus sau in crSpSturile stincilor (Ottli) [chomophytes; Cho-mophyten, Detrituspflanzen, Erd-wurzler; chomophytes; chomofitak; хомофиты] 355 CHONDRIOCONTES m pi (gr. x6v8po? „grSunte**, kovt6? ,,baston“), condrio-con|i, condriozomi din citoplasma celularS, in forms de bastona§se sau sferice [chondriokonts; Chondriokon-ten; chondriocontes; kondriokontak; 126- хондриоконты] —* chondriosoma, mito-chondrium 356 CHONDRIOCINESIS t (gr. idvn-oig ,,mi§care“), condriocinezS, divi-ziunea condriozomilor in cursul cito-genezei (Nicoloci-Roncati) [chondrio-kinesis; Chondriokinese; chondrioci-nfese; kondriokinSzis; хондриокинез]' 357 CHONDRIOMA f (gr. -, 6pd? „tota-litate**), condriom, totalitate a condriozomilor din citoplasma celu’e» (Meves) [chondriom; Chondriom; chon-driome; kondrioma; хондриома] —► cytoma 358 CHONDRIOMITES m pi (gr. -, pit о;. ,,fir“), condriomite, condriozomi in-ISn^uiti filiform din citoplasmS (Meves) [chondriomites; Chondriomiten; chon-driomites; kondriomilak; хондрио-миты] 359 CHONDRIOSOMA n (gr. - afflpct ,,corp“), condriozom, organite ca centre ale respirajiei §i reparti(iei ener-giei metabolice din citoplasmS, fiind §i numele colectiv al condriocon^ilor^ condriomitelor §i condriosferelor (Benda) [chondriosome; Chondriosom; chondriosome; kondrioszoma; хондри-осома] —*■ chondriocontes, mitochondriunt plastochondrium, plastosoma 360 CHONDRIOSPHAERA f (gr. -, ocpalpa ,,sferS“), condriosferS, condriozomi aglomerati in formS globuloas5„ din citoplasmS [chondriosphere; Chon-driosphSre; chondriosphSre; kondri-oszfdra; хондриосфера] 361 CHONDROIDEUS (gr. %6v8poq ,,gr5-unte“, „cartilagiu**, eI8og „aspect**) —► granosus, cartilagineus 362 CHORDA f (gr. xop8fj ,,coard5“, ,,mat“), cordon; organ filiform de-fixare (cordon pistilar, cordon umbilical) [cord, chorda; Strang, Trager; cordon; zsinor, fuggesztd; хорда) CHORDA UMBILICAL! S — funiculus 363 CHORDATUS, CHORDO- (chordophyl-lus, chordorrhizus) —» filiformis 364 CHORI-, CHORISO-, CHORLSTO-r (gr. x®ptC® „a se separa**), separat, izolat, liber, neconcrescut (choripeta-lus, chorisolepidus, choristophyllus) [separated, isolated, free; getrennt, frei; вёрагё, isolS, libre; elkvilOnvilt, szStvSlt, szabad; раздельно-, разде-лённый]—disjunctus, discrelus, eleuthero- 365 CHORISIS t (gr. xe>p&o „а se inde-pSrta“), corizS, deslipirea teratolo- 427 gicS a unor organe normal concrescute sau dublarea anormalS a acestora (corola gamopetala devenind dialipe-talS) [chorisis, deduplication; Chorise, Spaltung, Verdoppelung; chorise, dedoublement; korizis, elkul6niiles, szdtvalas, megkett6z6dds; хориз, разделение, удвоение] —► dilaminatio 366 CHORISMUS m (gr. -) —*■ chorisis 367 CHOROWGIA f (gr. -, X6yoq ,,vor-bire“), corologie, biogeografie; studiul distribufiei organismelor in spa-fiu si stabilirea arealului lor geo-grafic [chorology, biogeography; Cho-rologie, Arealkunde; chorologie, areo-graphi?; koroldgia, biogeogrSfia, elter-jeddstan; хорология, биогеография] 368 CHOROTYPUS m (gr. -, timog „model"), corotip, tip local [chorotype, local type; Chorotypus; chorotype; korotipus; хоротип] 369 CHORTONOMIA f (gr. хбртод „iarbS", v6pog „lege"), cortonomie, procedeele de preparare §i de conser-vare a plantelor colectate, precum §i de intocmirea herbarelor [chortonomy; Chortonomie; chortonomie; korto-nomia; хортономия] 370 -CHORUS {gr. xcopdoo „aserSspindi"), rSspindit prin (anemochorus, hydrochorus) [distributed by; -verbreitet; repandu par; terjed6; -хорный, распространяемый] 371 CHROMATO-, CHROMO-, -CHRO-MATICUS, -CHROMUS, -CHROUS {gr. хрОДа „culoare"), colorat, de culoare (chromatophilus, chromolepis, hyperchromaticus, heterochromus, gal-lochrous) [coloured; -farbig, farben-; colord; szinu, szines; окрашенно-, -окрашенный] —*• -baphus, coloratus 372 CH ROMA TIC US (gr.-), cromatic, colorabil adaptare ~) [chromatic, colourable; chromatisch, fSrbend, farbbar; chromatique, colorable; kro-matikus, festod6, szinezddo; хроматический, окрашенный] 373 CHROMATIDIUM n (gr. -), cro-matidie, unui din constituent» cromo-zomului despicat longitudinal in cursul mitozei sau a meiozei (McClung) [chromatid; Chromatide; chromatide; kro-matidium ; хроматида] 374 CHROMATINUM n (gr. -), croma-tina, granulafie colorabilS, de naturS proteicS din nucleu care participS la formarea cromozomului (Flemming) [chromatin; Chromatin; chro-matine; kromatin; хроматин] CHROMOCENTRUM 375 CHROMA TOLOGIA t (gr. -, Xoyoq „vorbire"), cromatologie, studiul ma-teriilor colorante de origins vegetala (Sorby) [chromatology; Chromatolo-gie; chromatologie; kromatologia; хроматология] 376 CHROMATOLYSIS f (gr. -, Xvaiq „descompunere"), cromatolizS, des-compunerea cromatinei, ca stadiu final al degenerarii nucleului [chromatolysis; Chromatolyse; chromatolyse; kromatolizis; хроматолиз] 377 CHROMATOPHORUM n (gr. -, Форш „a purta"), cromatofor, ter-men colectiv pentru plastidele (cloro-, cromo- §i leucoplastide) din citoplasma [chromatophore; Chromatophor, Farb-stofftrager; chromatophore; kroma: tofor, szintestecske; хроматофор] —*• phaeophorum 378 CHROMATOPLASMA n (gr. -, яХйаца „modelare"), cromatoplasmS, structura perifericS nediferenfiatS a citoplasmei unor celule, impregnatS cu pigmenfi (Cyanophyceae) [chromatoplasm; Chromatoplasma; chro-matoplasme; kromatoplazma; хрома-топлазма] —*• chromoplasma 379 CHROMIDIOCENTRUM n (gr. -, Kdvrpov „centru"), cromidiocentru, cro-midii grupate in masS definitS din celulS (Wager) [chromidiocentrum; Chromidiozentrum; chromidiocentre; kromidiocentrum; хромидиоцентр] —► chromidiosphaera 380 CHROMIDIOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpog „cSsStorie"), cromidiogamie, fuziona-rea cromidiilor (Wager) [chromidio-gamy; Chromidiogamie; chromidio-gamie; kromidiogSmia; хромидиога-мия] 381 CHROMIDIOSOMA n (gr. -, айда „согр") —*> chromidium 382 CHROMIDIOSPHAERA f (gr. -, офа1ра „sferS") —*■ chromidiocentrum 383 CHROMIDIUM n (gr. -), cromidie, granule bazofile do cromatinS prove-nite din nucleu (Hertwig) [chromidium; Chromidie; chromidie; kromidium; хромидиа] —> chromidiosoma 384 CHROMISMUS m (gr. -), cromism, colorafia excesivS a unor organe (flori, fructe, frunze, seminfe) [chro-mism; Chromismus; chromisme; kro-mizmus; хромизм] 385 CHROMOCENTRUM n (gr. -, xdv-tpov „centru"), cromocentru, gra-nulafiuni de cromatinS din nucleul CHROMOCHON DRI UM aflat in starea de repaus sau in stadiul interfazei, care absorb §i fixeazS cu u$urinfS diferite substanfe col or ante (Baccarini) [chromocentre; Chromo-zentrum; chromocentre; kromocen-trum; хромоцентр] 386 CHROMOCHON DRI UM n (gr. %ov8p(ov „granulS"), cromocondrie, mitocondrie granularS care in in-teriorul ei dS na§tere unui pigment (Prenant) [chromochondrium; Chro-mochondrium; chromochondrie; kro-mokondrium; хромохондрия] 387 CHROMOC YTIS, -IDIS f(gr. китод ,,inveli§“), cromocit, celulS cu pigmenti [chromocyte; Chromozyt; chromocyte; kromocita; хромоцит] 388 CHROMOGEN ICUS, CHROMOGENUS (gr. yeviK6g „de na§tere"), cromogcn, care produce pigmenfi co-loranfi [chromogenic, chromogenous; chromogen, farbstoffbildend; chro-mogSne; kromogdn, szinanyagtermelo; хромогенный, пигментообразующий] —» chromoparus 389 CHROMOLEUCYTES f pi (gr. teuxdg „alb“, китод ,,inveli§“), cro, moleucite, granule colorale din cito-plasmS (Van Tieghem) [chromoleucy-tes; Chromoleuzyten; chromoleucyles; kromoleucitSk; хромолейциты] 390 CHROMOLIPOIDES f pi (gr. -, ХшсЬбпд „gras"), cromolipoide, picS-turi de ulei cu pigmenfi de carotins din celulele unor alge §i ciuperci [chro-molipoides; Chromolipoiden; chromo-lipoides; kromolipoidok; хромоли-поиды] 391 CHROMOMERA n pi (gr. -, дерод „parte"), cromomere, granule de cromatinS dispuse in lungul filamentu-lui cromozomal sau al cromonemei (Wilson) [chromomeres; Chromome-ren; chromomdres; kromomerak; хромомеры] 392 CHROMONEMA n (gr. -, vfjpa „fir"), cromonemS, fascicul d,e fila-mente cromozomale cu segmente de cromomere (Vejdovsky) [chromonema; Chromonema; chromonema; kromo-пёша; хромонема] 393 CHROMOPARUS (gr. -, lat. paro „a pregSti") —*• chromogenus 8 34 CHROMOPHILUS, CHROMATOPHILUS (gr. -, (piXioo „a iubi"), cromofil, cu afinitSfi pentru coloranfii histologici [chromophilous, readily staining; chromophil, leicht fSrbend; chromophile, facilement colorable; 12» kromofil, kdnnyen szinez6d6; хромо-фильный, окрашивающийся] 335 CHRDMOPHOBUS (gr. -, connatus, concretus, symphiogenicus 541 COAETANEUS, contemporan, apS-rut in acela§i timp (flori §i frunze) [coaetaneous, simultaneous; gleich-zeitig; simultanb; egyidejfli, egykoru; одновременный] —► simultaneus 542 COAGULATIO f, coagulare, inche-gare; precipitarea particulelor din solu-tia coloidala sub influenza unor acizi sau sSruri [coagulation, curdling, clotting; Koagulation, Gerinnung, Gerin-nen; coagulation; koagulScib, alva-das, kicsapbdas; коагуляция, свёртывание] 543 COALESCENS, COALITUS, coales-cent, concrescut, unit prin concre§tere [coalescent, connate, united by growth; zusammenwachsend, verwachsen, zu-sammengewachsen; coalescent, conne, soudb; osszenovo, osszenott, ossze-alltt; срастающийся, сливающийся, сросшийся] —*■ adnatus, connatus 544 COALESCENTIA f, COALITIO f, coalescenJS, concre§tere, reunire in masS [coalescence, growing together; Koaleszen#,jtferwachsung, Zusammen-ballung; coSescence, soudure; dssze-noves, bsszeallSs; слияние, срастание, сращение] —* symphysis, concrescentia 545 COARCTATUS, comprimat, turtit, contractat, scurtat [coarctate, pressed together, crowded together, shortened, narrowed; zusammengepreflt, zusammengedrangt, verkiirzt; coarctb, comprimb, resserrb, bcourtb; osszenyo- COCHLEAR1- mott, megrovidult;, сжимающийся; сужающийся, сжатый* укороченный) 546 COARCTURA t -> collum 547 COBALTINUS, cobaltin, de culoarea deschis-albastrS a cobaltului [cobalt-coloured, light blue; kobaltfar-big, hellblau; cobaltine, bleu claire; kobaltszinkbk, vilSgoskbk; кобальтовый, светло-синий] 548 COCCI-, COCCO-, -COCCUS (gr. -k6kko£ „bacS"), cu bace, de bacS (cocciger, coccocarpus, atricoccus) [ber-rie-; beeren-, -beerig; S baies; bogyb-, -bogybjii; ягодо-, -орешковый] 549 COCCIFER, COCCIGER - baccifer 550 COCCINELLUS, ro§u-carmin deschis [light scarlet-coloured; hellkarminrot; rouge cramoisi clair; vilagos karmin-piros; бледно-яркокрасный] 551 COCCINEUS, coccineu, ro§u-staco-jiu, ro§u-carmin, scarlat-ro§u [scarlet, deep-red, scarlet-coloured; karminrot, scharlachrot; coccinb, bcarlate, rouge cramoisi, rouge carmin; skSrlStpiros, karminpiros; шарлаховый, ярко-красный, багряный] —► cinnabarinus, mi-niatus, scarlatinus 552 COCCOGONIUM n (gr. - yovfj ,,ur-ma?“), coccogoniu, celula de inmul-[ire de natura sporangelor de Cyano-phyceae (Jackson) [coccogone; Kokko-gonium; coccogone; kokkogbnium, szaporltbsejt; коккогоний] 553 COCCOIDEUS (gr. -, eI8o<; „asemS-nare‘‘) —► globoideus 554 COCCOLITHUS m (gr. -, Шо<; „piatrS"), coccolit, constituentul cal-caros al coccosferei (Coccosphaera lep-topora) [coccolith; Kokkolith ; cocco-lithe; kokkolit; кокколит] 555 COCCOSPHAERA f (gr. -, aqxupcr „glob"), coccosferS, masS sfericS de origine citoplasmaticS, la exterior cu coccoli)i [coccosphere; KoklcosphSre; coccosphbre; kokkoszfbra; коккосфера) 556 COCCUM n, COCCUS m (gr. -), coccus J. Fruct capsulS uscatS, baci-formS (Euphorbia). 2. CelulS glo-buloasS (Schyzomycetes). 3. Bacterie globuloasS [coccus; Kokkus; coccus, coque; kokkusz; кокк, орешек] 557 COCHLEARI-, COCHLEARIS (gr. Kox^idpiov „lingurS"), cochlear, in formS de lingurS cu concavitate la un capSt (pre flora fie ~) (cochlearifo-lius, cochlear iformis, cochlearispathus) [cochlear, spoon-shaped; COCHLEATUS lfiffel-, ldffelfdrmig; cochleaire, en forme de cuiller; lean alas-, kanSlszerti; ложковидный, ложковидно-]* 558 COCHLEATUS, COCHLEI-, COCH-LI-, COCHLIO- (gr. кохМад ,,co-chilia melcului"), cochleat, spiralat; de fornla unei scoici de melc (pSstaia 1 la Medicago) (cochliacanthus, cochlei-formis, cochliocarpus) [cochleate, shellshaped, snail’s shell-shaped; schneck-kenformig gedreht, muschelformig-gewunden; сосЫсё, contournS en co-quille; csigavonalas, csigahazszeruen csavarodott, kagyl6h6jszeru; раковинообразный, улитковидный] —► strom-buliformis, conchi-, conchiformis [559 CODEX m cod [code; Code; code; kodex; кодекс] CODEX IN TERN A TIONALIS N0-MENCLATURAE BOTANICAE, cod international de nomenclaturS botanicS [International code of botanical nomenclature; International Code der botanischen Nomsnklatur; Code international de la nomenclature botanique; Nemzetkozi botanikai no-menklaturalis kodex; международный кодекс ботанической номенклатуры] 560 CODIOPHYLLUS (gr. kJ)8iov „linS", <; „germen"), ceno-protal, asocierea mai multor mega-spori dlnd un singur cenoprotal (An- COFFEATUS giospermae, Chlamydospermae, cf. Cha-defaud) [coenoprothallium; Zonopro-thallium; cbnoprothalle; conoprotal-lium; ценопроталллй] 586 COENOSIS f (gr. -), cenozS, asociere, asociatie, conviejuirea unor plante sau animale In acela§i biotop [coenosis; Zonose, Gesellschaft, Gemeinschaft; cbnose, association; conozis, tSrsulSs; ценоз, сообщество] 587 COENOSPECIES f (gr. lat. species „specie"), cenospecie. 1. Specie co-lectiva. 2. Macrospecie cuprinzfnd mi-crospecii (Chadefaud) [coenospecies; Zonospecies, GroBart, Sammelart; ce-nospecies; conospeciesz, kollektivfaj; коллективный вид] —*• supraspecies 588 COENOSPHAERA f (gr.-, офаТра „glob"), cenosferS, sferule din bazi-diile tinere, cu rol asemSnStor plasti-delor (Basidiomycetes) [coenosphere; Zonosphare; cenosphbre; conoszfera; ценосфера] 589 COENOSPORA f (gr.-, ояора ,,sS-mln[S“), cenospor, oospor compus (Pe-ronosporales) [coenospore; Zbnospore; cenospore; conospdra; ценоспора] 590 COE NOT AXON n (gr. -, xafo „orln-duire") —*■ syntaxon 591 COENOZOOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, C&ov „animal", ydviSiov ,,urma§“), cenozoo-gonidie, zoogonidii mici dispuse In re)ea, formind un cenobiu (Hydro-dictyon) [coenozoogonidium; Zonozoo-gonidium; cbnozoogonide; conozoogo-nidium; ценозоогонидий] 592 COENOZYGOTA f (gr. -, Сиуштбд „ге-unit"), cenozigot, zigot format din contopirea cenogamejilor (Mucor mu-cedo) [coenozygote; Zonozygote; сё-nozygote; cbnozigota; ценозигота] 593 COENZYMA n (lat. con-, cum ,,tm-preunS", gr. kv ,,in“, £upn „drojdie"), coenzima, coferment, grupa activS a enzimelor compuse [coenzyme, coferment ; Koenzym, Koferment; coenzyme; koenzim ; ко энзим] -► cofer-mentum COERUL-, -*• CAERUL- (coeruleus, coerulescens ) 594 COETONIUM n (gr. koit6v „dor-mitor") -► gluma inferior 595 COFERMENTUM n -* coenzyma 596 COFFEA TUS, COFFEICOLOR, brun-Inchis, de culoarea brun-lnchisS a boabelor prSjite de Coffea arabica [dark-brown, coffee-brown; kaffee- COGNATUS braun; brun fonce de саГё; kave-barna, s6l6tbarna; кофейный, цвета кофе] 597 COGNATUS, inrudit, [related; ver-wandt; apparent£; rokoni; сродный, родственный] —*• affinis, agnatus, con-sobrinus 598 COGNITUS, cunoscut, cercetat [known, investigated; bekannt; connu; ismert ; изученный, известный] 599 COHABITANS, cohabitant, care create impreunS [cohabitant, growing together; zusammenwachsend; cohabitant ; egyuttAlo; сожительствующий] 600 COHAEBENS (cohaereo) -*■ adkae-rens 601 COHAERE N TIA f, COHAESIO f, coeren(S, coeziune, legStura strinsS prin alipire sau concre§tere a pieselor obi§nuit separate ale aceluia§i organ (foliole, petale) [coherence, cohesion; KohSsion, Zusammenhang, Zusam-menhalt, Verwachsung; coherence, co-l^sion; бszszefuggёs, osszetapadas, osz-szenSvSs; соединение, сцепление, соответствие] 602 COHORS t — ordo 603 COILOCARPIA f (gr. KoiXog ,,g5u-nos“, карябд ,,fruct“), coilocarpie, fructificare fSrS seminje sau cu se-min[e negerminabile (cultivaruri de Musa, Vitis) [coilocarpy; Koilokarpie, Leerfruchtigkeit; coilocarpie; koilo-karpia, maghSzmedddsSg;KOHHOKapnHfl] 604 -COLA m f (lat. colo „a locui“, incola „locuitor"), -COLUS, -COLA, -CO-LUM *, care cre§te pe (arenicola, acicolus, graminicolus) [dweller on, growing on; wachsend, bewohnend; vivant sur; -ё1б, -lakd; обитающий на] 605 COLEO-, -COLEUS, COLEODES (gr. коХебд ,,teacS“, еТбод „asemSnare‘), teciform, in formS de teacS (coleo-phyllus, amhlycoleus) [sheath-, -sheathed, sheath-shaped; scheiden-, schei-dig, scheidenShnlich; th6ciforme, en forme de gaine; huvelyes, htively-szerO; ножно-, тековидный] —*• theci-formis 606 COLEOGENUM n (gr. -, yewdfl) ,,a na§te“), coleogen, [esut meristematic dind na§tere endodermului (Haber-landt) [coleogen; Koleogenum; coleo-gfene; koleogenum; колеоген] * Forma adjectivalS (-colus, -a, -um) este incorectS sub aspect gramatical. 188 607 COLEOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, qMXov „frunzS") —*■ coleoptilis 608 COLEOPTEROCECIDIUM n (gr. ko-Хебятерод „coleopter", ktikISiov „galS micS“), coleopterocecidie, galS pro-dusS de coleoptere [coleopteroceci-dium; KSfergalle; co!6opterocScidie; bogSrgubacs; колеоптероцецидий] 609 COLEOPTERONOMIUM n (gr. -, vopdg ,,pS§une“), coleopteronom, cavi-tS^i roase de larvele unor coleoptere in pSrJile parenchimatice ale plantelor [coleopteronomium; Koleopteronom; coleopteronome; koleopteronomium; колеоптерономиум] 610 COLEOPTILIS i (gr. -, jctiXov „frun-zS“), coleoptil, prima frunzulita teci-formS invelind mugura§ul (Gramineae) [coleoptile; Koleoptile, Keimscheide, Keimblattscheide; colSoptile; koleop-til, riigyhuvely, csirahuvely; колеоп-тиль] —»■ coleophyllum 611 COLEORRHIZA f (gr.-, № ,,ra-dScinS"), coleorizS, tesut protector in formS de teacS de la virful radiculei (Gramineae) [coleorhiza; Koleorhiza, Wurzelscheide, Wurzelhaube; coleor-hize; gyok6cskehuvely, gyбкёгЬlively; колеориза, корневое влагалище] 612 COLESULA f, colesulS, involucru fals invelind sporangele (Hepaticae) [colesule; Kolesula; colesule; kole-szula ; колесула] 613 COLLABENS, COLLABESCENS (collabor), cSzStor, care cad impreunS [falling together; zusammenfallend; tombant; egytitt lehullb; спадающийся] 614 COLLABORATOR m, colaborator, co-autor [collaborator; Mitarbeiter; col-laborateur; munkatSrs; сотрудник] 615 COLLAPLANCTON n (gr. koUu ,,clei“, яХоуктбд „rStScitor"), cola-plancton, plancton format din orga-nisme avind corpul acoperit cu un strat gelatinos (Forel) [collaplankton; Kollaplankton; collaplankton; kol-laplankton; коллапланктон] 616 COLLARE n —> ligula 617 COLLARIATUS ligulatus 618 COLLARIS —*■ liguliformis, ligulaceus 619 COLLATERALIS, colateral, situat alSturi pe aceea§i laturS (fasci-cul muguri ~) [collateral, side by side; kollateral, nebenstSndig, ne-beneinanderliegend, nebeneinanderste-hend; collatSral; kollaterSlis, egyol- 189 dales, egyoldalon lev6, egymSsmel-letti; коллатеральный, боковой] * 620 COLLECTANEUS, COLLECTUS, cules, adunat, string [assembled; an-gesammelt; rassemblb; OsszegyQjtOtt; собранный] 621 COLLECTIVUS, colectiv, reunit tn grup [collective; kollektiv, gesamt; collectif; kollektiv, egyutles; коллективный, сборный] SPECIES COLLECTIVA, specie co-lectivS, macrospecie [collective species; Kollektivart, Sammelart; espbce collective; kollektiv faj; коллективный вид, сборный вид] —* macrospecies 622 COLLECTORES, PILI COLLECTO-RES m pi, colectori, peri sau papile de pe virful stilului care colecteazS polenul anterelor (Campanulaceae, Compositae) [collectors, collecting hairs; Kollektoren, Kollektorhaaren; collecteurs, poils collecteurs; kollek-tor-szdrOk, virSgporgyfijtd szdrOk; собирающие волоски] 623 COLLENCHYMA n (gr. кбМл ,,clei“, Syxipa „umpluturS"), colenchim, tesut mecanic viu, de sus[inere, a organelor In curs de ere?tere ale plantelor ier-boase, asigurlndu-le flexibilitatea [col-lenchyma; Kollenchym, Festigungsge-webe; collenchyme; kollenchima ; колленхима] —*■ contextus mechanicus 624 COLLETERAE f pi, coletere, peri glandulo?i secretlnd о substan(S cle-ioasS care acoperS ?i protejeazS mu-gurii (Aesculus) [colleterae, mucilaginous hairs; Kolleteren, Drusenzotten, Leimzotten; colleterae, poils mucilagi-neux; kolleterSk, enyves mirigysz6-rOk; клеевые ворсинки] 625 COLLICOLA m (COLLICOLUS), co-linar, care create pe coline [collico-lous, hill-growing; hugelbewohnend; collinaire, collicole; domblakb; обитающий на холмах] -*■ collinus 626 COLLINITUS, mlnjit, murdSrit [dirty, soiled; beschmiert; sale; bemSzolt, bepiszkolt; испятнанный] 627 COLLINUS — coUicola 628 COLLIQUESCENS (colliquesco), co-licvescent, care se lichefiazS [colli-quescent, becoming fluid; flussigwer-dend; colliquescent; folybkonnyb vS16; разжижающийся] 629 COLLIS m, colinS, deal, coasts (in collibus apricis pe coline Insorite) [hill; Hiigel; colline, coteau, monti-cole; domb, hegyoldal, halom; холм] COLPATUS 630 -COLLIS, cu gttul, cu gttul rSdScinii (brevicoUis) [-necked; -nalsig; к gorge, a collet; -nyakd, -gyOkbrnyalrti; с шейкой] 631 COLLOCA TUS, afezat, dispus, inserat pe [placed, disposed; angeordnet, auf-gestellt; dispceb, placS; rShelyezett; помещенный, расположенный] 632 COLLOlDOMORPHOSIS t (gr. кбХХв ,,clei“, рбрфакпд „formare"), coloido-morfozS, morfozS condi(ionatS de sta-rea coIoidalS [colloidomorphosis; Kol-loidomorphose; colloidomorphose; kol-loidomorfbzis; коллоидоморфоз] 633 COLLUM n, git, prelungirea unui organ In formS de git 1. Colet, gltul rSdScinii, zona de despSrfire a rSdS-cinii de baza tulpinii. 2. Locul de unire a setei cu capsula (Musci) [neck, collar; Hals, Wurzelhals; col, collet, coarcture; nyak, gydkSrnyak; шейка, корневая шейка] —► napulum, coarctura 634 COLO v, a cultiva, a lucra pSmintul (colitur in agris se cultivS pe cimpurij [to cultivate; anbauen; cultiver; ter-meszteni, fdldet mivelni; культивировать, разводить, обрабатывать] 635 COLOBO- (gr. коХо06<; „trunchiat") (colobodontus) -* truncato- 636 COLON IA f, colon ie, agregare de celule cuprinse Intr-o membranS sau masS mucilaginoasS comunS (Pandorina, Gloeocapsa) [colony; Kolonie, Zellfa-milie; colonie; sejtkolbnia, sejtcsalSd; колония] 637 COLONISTAE i pi, coloniste, epoico-fite; plante naturalizate ce cresc pe terenurile cultivate [colonists; Kolo-nisten, Ansiedler; colonistes; kolo-nista-ndvSnyek, meghonosodott bete-lepiilt ndvenyek; эпоикофиты, no-селенецы] —» epoikophyta 638 COLOR m, culoare [colour; Farbe; couleur; szin; цвет, окраска] 639 -COLOR, COLORA TUS, colorat, avind altS culoare decit cea verde (fragari-color; calyx viridis vel coloratus cali-ciul verde sau de altS culoare J [coloured ; -farbig, gefSrbt; colorS; szines, szinezett, nem zold szfnfi; цветно-, -цветный, окрашенный] —*■ -baphus chromato- 640 COLORAT 10 f, colora[ie [colouring; FSrbung; coloration; szinez6dSs; окрашивание] 641 COLPATUS (gr. KbXnoq „sinuozi-tate“), sinuos; sulcat, brSzdat (In COLPENCHYMA palinologie) [sinuose, furrowed; buch-tig, gefurcht; sinueux, sillonnA; oblos, barAzdAs; выемчатый, бороздчатый] —*■ colpoideus 642 COLPENCHYMA n (gr. -, Eyxupa „umpluturS"), colpenchim, [esut cu membranele celulare sinuoase [colpen-chyma; Kolpenchym; colpenchyme; kolpenchima; колпенхима] 643 COLPOIDEUS, COLPORATUS -+ colpatus 644 COLPUS m (gr. -), brazdS, §3п(и1е{ (in palinologie) [colpus, furrow; Fur-che; sillon; barAzda; бороздка] 645 COLUBRINUS -*• serpentinus 646 COLUMBINUS, COLUMBARIUS, columbin, de culoarea surie a porum-belului [dove-coloured; taubenfarbig, taubengrau; colombin, gris de co-lombe; galambsziirke; голубесерый] —*• palumbinus, peristereus 647 COLUMELLA f, columelA 1. Axa florals columnarS prelungitS in cavi-tatea ovarului (Capsicum). 2. Te-sutul columnar steril al sporogonului (Hepaticae) sau al sporangelui (My-xomycetes) [columella, columel; Saul-chen, Columella, Samensaulchen, Mit-telsaulchen, Pfeiler; columelle; koz-ponti oszlop, kozponti tAplAldszovet; колонка, столбик] 648 COLUMELLARIS, COLUMELLI-FORMIS, columelar, apar(inind co-lumelei sau avind forma unei columne [columellar, columel-shaped; sSulchen-artig, saulchenformig; columellaire, columelliforme; kozponti-oszlopszerfi, kozponti-oszlop alakii; относящийся к колонке] 649 COLUMN A f, columns, ginostemiu; forma[iune columnarS rezultatS din sudarea staminelor §i a stilelor (Or-chidaceae) [column; Saule, Griffel-saule, BefruchtungssSule; colonne, gy-nostAme; bibeoszlop, kozponti ivar-oszlop; колонка, столбочек, гиносте-мий] gynostemium 650 COLUMNACEUS, COLUMNARIS, COLUMNARIUS, columnar, care a-par^ine sau are forma columnei [co-lumnaceous, columnar; saulenformig; со!итпасё, colonnaire; oszlopszeru, oszlop alakii; колончатый, колонковидный] 651 COM-, COM I-, -COM US, COMA TUS, COMIFER, comat-pSros, cu un smoc de peri in formS de coamS (comanthus, comiformis, gymnocomus) [tuft-, co- 140 mate, tufted, bushy; schopf-, -schop-fig, beschopft; touffu, houppA, chc-velu; szortincses, iistOkds, -iistoku; хохлато-, хохло-, хохлатый, снабженный хохлом] 652 COM BIN A TIO I, combina{ie, mu-tare a unui taxon de la un gen la altul, sau de la un rang sistematic la altul [combination; Kombination, Zusammenstellung; combination; kom-binAcid, osszedllitAs; комбинация]* 653 COMBINATO-VENOSUS, combinal-venos, cu nervurile secundare anas-tomozate inaintc de a fi ajuns la marginea frunzei [combinate-venose; verbundenaderig; combinA-veineux; osszekapcsolt mellAkerezetu; сцепножилковатый] 654 COMBINATUS, combinat, impreu-nat, cu organe analoage reunite [combined, united, joined; kombiniert, ver-einigt, verbunden, zusammengesetzt; combinA, conjoint; osszekapcsolt; комбинированный] 655 COMEDENS — COMMENSALIS 656 COMES TIB1L1S — edulis 657 COMITANS (comitor), inso{itor, in-tovarS§ind [accompanying; begleitcnd; accompagnant; kisArd, koveto, csat-lakozd; сопровождающий] -» conco-mitans 658 COMITATUS inso[it [accompanied; begleitet; accompagnA; kisAro; сопровождаемый] —► concomitatus 659 COMITATUS (-US) m, comitat, jude{ [country; Bezirk; district; me-gye; графство] 660 COMITES m pi, celule inso^itoare caracteristice pentru frunzele unor muscinee (Mnium, Polytrichum) care constituie indicii ale leptomului (Lo-rencz) [comites; Begleiter, Begleiter-zellen; comites; kisArosejtek; сопровождающие клетки] 661 COMMEMORATUS, comemorat, a-mintit, men[ionat [mentioned; er-wahnt; commemorA, mentionnA; em-Htett; упомянутый] , 662 COM MEN DAT 10 f, recomanda^ie, normS facultativa din Codul de no-menclaturS botanicS [recommendation; Empfehlung; recommandation; ajAn-las; рекомендация] 663 COMMENSALIS, comensal, come-sean, care se intovSrS§e§te la nutri(ia comunS [eating together, feeding to- 141 gether; kommensal; commensal; e-gytitt 6tkez6, egyutt taplalkoz6; kom-менсапьный] -* comedens 664 COMMENSALISMUS m, comensa-lism, ,,tov5r5§ie la mas£“, organisme care triiesc in acela§i ecosistem §i se hrSnesc impreunS in condi[ii reciproc avantajoase [commensalism; Kommen-salismus, ,,Tischgenosse“; commensa-lisme; kommenszalizmus, „asztalko-zosseg(<; комменсализм] 665 COMMISCUUM n ,comiscuum, grupa de microspecii care se incruci§eaza u§or intre ele [commiscuum; Ver-mischungsgenossenschaft; coramiscu-um; kommiszkuum; коммискуум] 666 COMMISSURA f, comisura, linia de aderen(& sau de unire a doua organe sau pfirji de organe analoage (mar-ginea carpelelor la diachenele de Umbelliferous) [commissure; Kommissur; commissure; varrat, dsszeforradasi vo-nal, 6rintkez6si hely; коммиссура, спайка] 667 COMMIXTUS, amestecat [mixed, mergling, intermingling; gemischt, ver-mischt; m61ang6; osszekevert ossze-vegyitett; смешанный] 668 COMMUNIS, comun, rispindit peste tot; care apartine la mai multe organe omoloage (pe^iol, receptacul) [common, vulgar; gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, allgemein verbrei-tet; commun, vulgaire; kбzбnsёges, kozos; общий, повсеместный, обыкновенный] -*■ pervagatus 669 COMMUN IT AS f, comunitate, agre-gare de organisme mai mult sau mai putin interdependenle [community; Gemeinschaft, Gemeinsamkeit; com-munaut6; kozoss6g; сообщество] 670 COMMUTATUS, schimbat [changed; verwechselt; chang6; felcserllt; переменчивый] 671 COMOSUS, -COMUS — com-, co-matus 672 COMPACTUS, compact, dens, indesuit, comprimat, cu partea interna plinS [compact, pressed together; kom-pakt, fest, dichtgedrangt, zusammen-gedruckt, zusammengedrangt; compact, сотритё, resserr6; tomor, to-m6tt; плотный, скученный] —► solidus, densus, spissus 673 COMPAGINATUS, compaginat, su-prapus ca paginile unei cSr^i (talul unor licheni) [compaginate, packed closely; kompaginiert, zusammenge- COMP LURES fl&cht; compagin6; kony vlapszerden egymasrahelyezett; с поверхностями] 674 COMPARATIO f, compara[ie [comparison; Yergleichung; comparaison; osszehasonlitas; сравнение] 675 „СОМPASS-PLANTS" (engl.), plan-te-compas, ale caror frunze se dispun cu muchiile lor in direc^ia N—S penlru a evita razele solare verticale din timpul amiezii [compass-plants; Kom-passpflanzen, Meridialpflanzen; plan-tes m6ridiennes; kompassz-n6v6nyek; компассные растения] 676 COMPENSATIO f, compensare, co-rela^ia cantitativa in dezvoltarea or-ganelor analoage ale plantei (intre о frunza redusa la circel §i stipela mai amplu dezvoltati la Lathyrus apkaca) [compensation; Wachstumausgleich, kompensatorisches Wachstum; compensation ; noveked6si kiegyenlitod6s; компенсация] 677 COMPETITIO f, competi(ie, lupta pentru existent dintre organisme [competition, struggle for life; Wett-bewerb, Konkurrenzkampf, Mitbewer-bung, Kampf urns Dasein; comp6ti-tion, lutte pour la vie; verseng6s, 16t6rt foly6 kiizdelem; соревнование, борьба за жизнь] 678 COMPLANATUS, turtit, ЩИ (pe-(iol, rSdScina, tulpina) [complanate, compressed, flattened out; zusammen-gedriickt, verflacht, abgeplattet; apla-ti; 6sszenyomott, lapos; сплющенный, сплюснутый] 679 COMPLECTENS, COMPLEXIVUS -*■ amplectens 680 COMPLEMENT AT 10 f, complemen-tatie, divizarea filomului la care par-tile rezultate constituie filomuri complete §i independente (Penzig) [complementation ; Komplementation; com-ptementation; komplementaci6; комплементация] 681 COMPLETUS, complet, intreg, pre-vSzut cu toate p6r{ile componente (floare ~, diagnoza ~, frunza ~) [complete, perfect, thorough; vollstan-dig, vollzihlig; complet, entier; teljes, hi&nytalan; завершенный, полный]* 682 COMPLEXES, complex, compus din mai multe pSr^i [complex; zusammen-gesetzt; complexe; 6sszetett; комплексный, охватывающий] 683 COMPLICATUS -*■ plicatus 684 COMPLURES, mai mul[i (radices secundariae complures rSdicini secun- COMPOSITUS dare mai multe) [more, several; meh-rere; plusieurs; tdbb, sok; многие] 685 COMPOSITUS, compus, alcStuit din mai multe pfirji similare (frunzd spic floare inflorescenfd fruct )l [compound, united, made up; zusammengesetzt, vereinigt; com-posA; dsszetett; сложный] FLORES COMPOSITI -*• anthodium FRUCTUS COMPOSITUS -* apocarpium 686 COMPRESSI-, COMPRESSUS, comprimat, turtit lateral (bulbi, frunze, muguri, tulpini) (compressicaulis) [flattened, laterally pressed; zusam-mengepreOt, zusammengedrtickt; com-primA; osszenyomott; сжатый] 687 CONCATENATUS, concatenat, in-ISnfuit, !n§iruit, dispus In formS de lanj (spori) [concatenate, connected, linked together; zusammengekettet, kettenformig-gereiht; enchainA; egy-mAsbalAncolt; сцепленный, в цепочках] 688 CON С A ULESCENTIA f, concaule-ecen{S, concre§terea parJialS a ramurilor laterale cu tulpina (Schimper) [concaulescence; Konkauleszenz; con-caulescence; konkauleszcencia; koh-каулесценция] 689 CONCAVI-, CONCAVUS, concav, scobit (frunze, bractei, petale) (con-cavifolius) [concave, hollowed out; ausgehdhlt, hohl-, gewolbt-; concave, creux; homorii, kivAjt; вогнутый] 690 CONCENT RICUS, concentric, dispus circular in jurul unei pSr(i cen-trale comune (fascicul, strat, zonS) [concentric; konzentrisch; concentri-que; koncentrikus, кбгкбгбэ, k6zpont-koruli; концентрический] —*■ pericen-tricus 691 CONCEPTACULUM n, concepta-cul, organ invaginat in care se for-meazS elementele de inmul(ire (Algae, Musci) [conceptacle; Konzeptakel, Brutbecherchen; conceptacle; kon-ceptAkulum, ivarszervtart6; вместилище] 692 CONCH I-, CONCHIFORMIS, CONCH AT US, CONCHOIDEUS (gr. кбухл ,,scoicS“) (conchiflorus, con-chifolius) -* cochleatus 693 CONCHID1UM n (gr.-), conchidie, heterofilie la unele ferigi epifite, unde pe lingS frunzele asimilatoare se g&sesc §i frunze late, lipite de substrat, care dupS scurta lor viaJS se humified, nutrind cormul altor ferigi (Platycerium) [conchidium; 142 Nischenblatt; conchidium; kagylAs levAl; конхидиум] 694 CONCOIOR, concolor, unicolor, de aceea$i culoare [concolorous, one-coloured, monochrous; gleichfarbig, ein-farbig; concolore, unicolore, monochrome; egyszinti, hasonszinti; одноцветный] —*■ monochromaticus, unicolor, isobaphus, homochromus, homochrous 695 CONCOMITANS (concomitor) —► co-mitans 696 CONCOMI TAT US -» comitatus 697 CONCRESCENS (concresco), con-crescent, care se une§te prin concre§-tere [concrescent; verwachsend; con-crescent; 6sszenovd; срастающийся] 698 CONCRESCENTIA I, CONCRETIO f, concrescentS, concre?terea congeni-talA a douS organe [concrescence; Verwachsung; concrescence; ossze-n6vAs; срастание] —* coalescentia, symphysis 699 CONCRETUS, concrescut [concrete, grown together; verwachsen, zusam-mengewachsen; adnA; 6sszen6tt; сросшийся] —*■ coalitus, symphysus, con-natus, symphiogenicus 700 CONCULTA I —*• convarietas 701 CONDENSATUS, CON DEN SUS, condensat, indesuit, strins (inflores-cen[S) [condensed, closely crowded; kondensiert, verdichtet, gedrangt; condensA; sfirfi, t6m6tt; сжатый, плотный, густой] 702 CONDIMENTARIUS, condimentar, de aromatizare [spicy, aromatic; ge-wiirzig, gewurzartig; condiment aire; fuszerezo; приправный] 703 CONDITIO f, condi[ie, imprejurare [condition; Bedingung; condition; fel-tAtel; условие] 704 CONDUCTORIUS, conducStor, care conduce ({esut, vas) [conducting; lei-tend; conducteur; szAllitd, vezeto; проводящий] 705 CON DU PLICATIV US, CON DU-PLICATUS, conduplicat, pliat Iqn-gitudinal in douS jum&t&ti suprapuse [foliole ~) [conduplicate, folded together lengthwise; iAngsgefaltet, doppelt-liegend, zusammengelegt; condupli-catif, doublement pliA en longueur; dsszehajtogatott, hosszAban felAben 6sszehajtogatott; вдоль сложенный]* 706 CONDYLO-, -CONDYLUS, CONDY-LODES (gr. K6v6uXog ,,umflAturS“), umflat, noduros (condylocarpus, aeon- 148 dylus) [swelling up, knotted, gnarled; geschwulstartig, knorrig, beulig; gon-fl6, raboteux; biitykOs, duzzadt; бугорчато-, узловатый] 707 CONDYLUS m (gr. -), condilus 1. Anteridie (Chara). 2. Gorpuscul colo-rabil lingS nucleu, in contact cu ble-faroplastul (Flagellatae) [condyle; Kondylus; condyle; kondilusz; мыщелок, антеридий] 708 CONFER, cf. (confero), compara cu (cf., conf.) [compare (cf., cfr.); ver-gleiche (vgl.); comparez (cf.); vesd ossze (v.6.); сравни с кем-то (ср.)] 709 CONFERRUMINATUS, sudat, im-preunat [conferruminate, fused together, joined; zusammengelotet, ver-wachsen; soude; osszeforrt; спаянный] 710 CONFERTI-, CONFERTUS, strins ingrSm&dit, aglomerat, indesuit (frunze, ramuri) (confertiflorus, confertifo-lius) [congested, pressed together, crowded; gedr&ngt, gehauft, zusam-mengedrangt, dichtstehend; serre, ramass6, agglomere; szoros, tomott, halmozott, Osszenyomott, sfiriin alio; скученный, собранный, частый] —*■ con-jectus, cumulatus, glomeratus 711 CONFERVACEUS, CONFERVOI-DEUS, confervoid, compus din fila-mente laxe (polen) [confervoid, composed of filaments; konfervoid; con-fervolde; konfervoid, fonalas; koh-фервоидный] 712 CONFIGURATIO f, configurate, in-fSti?are, formS [configuration, shape ; Konfiguration, Gestalt; configuration, forme; alak, alkat; конфигурация, очертание] 713 CONFINIS, invecinat, inrudit [neighbouring, bordering, confined, related; angrenzend, verwandt; voisin, appa-геп1ё; szomsz£dos, hatarolt, kozel-4116, rokoni; сопредельный, смежный, соседний] —*• conterminus 714 CONF LAT US —► inflatus 715 CONFLUENS (confluo), confluent, organe identice care se impreuna intr-unul singur (nervuri) [confluent, running together; zusammenfliessend, ineinanderflieOend; confluent, se r6unissant; egybefolyo, Osszefolyo, egymdsba kapcsol6d6; сливающийся] 716 CONFORMIS, conform, de aceea§i formS, uniform, egal [conformed, similar in form, agreeing closely; gleich-fdrmig, gleichgestaltet, gleich; con-forme, а тёте forme; hasonl6 alakii, azonos, egyenld; однообразный] CONGRUENS 717 CONFUSUS, confuz, incurcat [confused; verwirrt; confus; zavaros; смешанный, путаный] * 718 CONGENER, CONGENERICUS, CONGENERUS, congeneric, care apar(ine aceluia§i gen; inrudit [congeneric; kongenerisch, verwandt; con-g6n6rique; azonos nemzets6gu, rokoni; однородный] 719 CONGENITALIS, congenital, inna-scut, apSrut odata cu na§terea (carac-ter, concre§tere, stipelS) [congenital; kongenital, angeboren, ursprunglich; cong6nital, inn6; velesziiletett; врожденный] —*■ ingenitus 720 CONGESTI-, CONGESTUS, ingra-mSdit, adunat strins (flori, glomerule) (congestiflorus, congestifolius) [congested, crowded, pressed together; dicht-gedrangt, aneinandergedrangt, zu-sammengestellt; tr6s serr6, agglomere; sfirdn alio, tdmotten alio, halmozott; скученный, плотный] 721 CONGIDBATUS, conglobat, ghemuit, globulos indesuit, grupat in masS sfericS (sporii la Riccia, tuberculii la Helianthus tuberosus) [conglobate, congested into a ball; zusammenge-ballt; conglobe, ramasse en boule; gombosen osszeallo; шаровидно скученный] 722 CONGLOMERATUS, conglomerat, strins adunat in ghem (capitule) [con- lomerate, clustered; zusammenge-nauelt, zusammengehauft, knauel-bildend; conglomer6, agglomere en peloton; gombolyagszeruen halmozott, gomolyos; собранный в клубок] 723 CONGLUTINATUS, conglutinat, strins alipit laolaltS (antere) [conglu-tinate, glued together; zusammenge-klebt, zusammengeleimt; conglutine, со11ё; szorosan osszetapadt; склеенный, слипшийся] 724 CONGREGATUS, congregat, reunit in masa, grupat la un loc [congregate, assembled into mass; zusam-mengehSuft, zusammengestellt; con-gregi, r6uni en masse; halmozott, csoportos; скученный, собранный] 725 CONGRUENS, CONGRUUS (con-gruo), corespunzStor, care se potri-ve§te ca dimensiune sau formS cu un alt organ analog [corresponding to, agreeing with, congruent; tiberein-stimmend, passend, gleichartig; con-gru, correspondant; megegyezo; koh-груентный, согласованный, совпадающий] CONI- 726 CONI-, CO NO-, -CONUS, CONIFOR-MIS, CON01 DALIS, conic, conoidal, lent sub(iat de la bazS spre virf; de forma unui con sau strobil (coni-florus, conigenus, conocarpus, longi-conus) [conical, conoidal, cone-shaped, cone-; konisch, kegelig, kegelfOrmig, zapfenfOrmig; conique, conoidal, coni-forme; kdnikus, kiipos, klip alaku, toboz alakii; конический, конусовидный, шишкообразный] 727 CONJDANGIOPHORUM n (gr. k6vk; ,,praf“, diYYetov ,,vas“, vog „con" яоОд, ко86<; „picior"), conopodiuS receptacul floral de formS conic,-[conical receptacle; konischer Blus tenboden; rdceptacle conique; kupo, vacok; коническое цветоложе] 751 CONSACRATUS — dedicatus 752 CON SANGUINEUS, consanguin, Inrudit* indeaproape [consanguineous, related; verwandt, verschwistert; consanguin, apparentd; rokoni; родст -венный, единокровный] 752a CONSCRIPTIO f, conscriere, nota-re a datelor In scop de studiu [conscription ; Konskription, Aufnotierung; conscription; osszeiras; записывание] CONSCRIPTIO PLANTARUM -annotatio plantarum (1). CONSCRIPTIO PHYTOCOENOLO-GICA —*■ annotatio plantarum (2, 8). 753 CONSERVANDUS (conseroo), de conservat, de menfinut [conserved, preserved; geschiitzt, bewahrt, bei-behaltend; conserve; meg5rzendo, megtartandd; подлежащий сохранению] 754 CONSERVO v, a conserva, a pastra (typus in herbario ... conservatur tipul CONSTRICTUS este pSstrat in herbarul...) [to conserve, to keep; beibehalten, erhalten, conserver; meg6rizni, megtartani; сохранять] 755 CONSIMILIS — similaris 756 CONSOBRINUS — affinis 757 CONSOLIDUS —*• solidus, compactus 758 CONSORTIUM n, consorjiu, comu-nitate, asociere simbioticS intre doua organisme (Lichenes) [consortium, company, community; Konsortium, symbiotische Vereinigung; consortium, communaut6; konszorcium, szimbid-tikus tarsulas; консорций] 759 CONSPECTUS (-US) m, conspect, privire generala (titlu de lucrare) [survey; (Jbersicht, Oberblick; conspect, vue gdnerale; atndzet, atte-kintes; конспект, обозрение] —*■ pinax 760 CONSPERSUS, presSrat, stropit [consperse, scattered; bestreut, iiber-streut; parsemd; teleszdrt, beszort, behintett; осыпанный, усеянный] 761 CONSPICUUS, vSdit, bine vizibil, aparent, evident, de observat cu u§urin[a [conspicuous, remarkable, striking, marked; augenfallig, ansehn-lich, auffallend, bemerklich, deutlich; remarquable, apparent, marquant, evident, clair; feltuno, szembeotlo, j61 ISthatd, nyilvanvald; наглядный, заметный, явный, явственный] -*evi-dens, perspicuus, phaeno-, phanero-, manifestus 762 CONSPURCATUS, minjit, murda-rit, pStat [filthy, spotted; verunrei-nigt, betupft, befleckt; sale, tache; mocskos, foltos, pettyes; загрязненный, зараженный, пятнистый] 763 CONSTANS (consio) I. Constant, statornic, neschimbStor, care se men-|ine (caractere, specii, asocia(ie). 2. Constitutor, format din component [constant, unchanging, steadfast, consisting of; bestandig, standhaft, gleich-bleibend, zusammengesetzt; constant, immuable, stable, composd; allandd, allandosult, viltozatlan, osz-szetett; константный, постоянный, состоящий] —*■ eustaticuos 764 CONSTIPATUS, strins adunat, strins ingrimidit [constipate, crowded together; dichtzusammengestellt; con-stipd, 8еггё; osszeszoritott, tomortilt; сосредоточенный, скученный] 765 CONSTRICTUS, strins, comprimat circular, ingustat [constricted, compressed, contracted; zusammengefes-selt, zusammengepreBt, verengt; CONSTRUCTIVUS comprimS, contracts, rStrSci; 6ssze-szoritott, Osszeszukitett; перетянутый, перешнурованный, сученньй] 766 CONSTRUCTIVUS, constructiv (metabolism) [constructive; aufbauend; constructif; Spito; строительный] 767 CONTABESCENS (contabesco), con-tabescent, care se atrofiazS (staminS, polen) [contabescent; aufzehrend, schwindend; contabescent, abortif; elsorvadS, elsatnyulo, csokevSnyesedo; а трофированн ьй ] 768 CONTAGIOSUS, contagios, molipsi-tor, infec^ios [contagious, infectious; ansteckend; contagieux; fertOzo; контагиозный, заразный] 769 CONTEMATOSUS, aspru-setos, se-tos-spinos [hard-bristled; hartbor-stig, stachclborstig; & soies raides; durvan sertes; жестко-щетинистый] 770 CONTERMINUS — confinis 771 CONTEXTUS, Intretesut, impletit (hife, parozitate, fibre) [wowcn together ; zusammengewebt, verwebt, inei-nanderverflochten; entrelacS, enlace; osszeszdtt, egym&sbafonSdott; сотканный, тесно сплетенный] -» intertextus, pled-, plexi- 772 CONTEXTUS (-US) m, (esut, an-samblul celulelor alcStuind о unitate fiziologicS cu func(iuni determinate [tissue; Gewebe; tissu; szdvet, rost; ткань] —* tela * CONTEXTUS PARENCHYMATI-CUS —► parenchyma 773 CONTIGUUS, aflat !n contact, care se ating fSra sS fie aderente (cotile-doane, petale, sepale) [contiguous, touching, adjoining, neighbouring; an-stoOend, beruhrend, benachbart; con-tigu, se touchant, avoisinc; erintkezo, hozzSSro; прилегающий, смежный, соседний] 774 CONTINENS (contineo), confinind, care cuprinde [containing, including, comprised; enthaltend; contenanl; mag&bafoglalS, tartalmazS; соприкасающийся, содержащий] 775 CONTINUUS, continuu, neinlrerupt, nefragmentat (areal spic~) [con- tinuous, uninterrupted; fortlaufend, ununterbrochen, kontinuierlich; con-tinu, non interrompu; fdylatolagos, nem megszakitott; сплошной, непрерывный] 776 CONTORTOPLANCTON n (lat. contortus „rSsucit", gr. яЛауктбд „rSt&citor"), contortoplanclon, plane- 146 ton din subzona neriticS a mSrilor, caracterizat prin diatomeea Chaeto-ceras contortum [contortoplankton; Kontortoplankton; contortoplancton; kontortoplankton; контортопланктон] 777 CON TOR T U PLICA TUS, contortu-plicat, rSsucit spre interior (fructul la Astragalus contortuplicatus) [contortu-plicate, twisted upon itself; ineinan-dergewunden, zuriickgebogen, inei-nandergefaltet; contortupliquS, enrou-1S sur soi-meme; visszacsavarodott, befelS hengeredett; переплетенно-скру-ченный] 778 CONTORTUS, contort, rSsucit, in-fS§urat (preflora}ie~, tulpinape-fiol~, rizom~) [contorted, twisted, coiled; gedreht, zusammengedreht, zusammengewunden; contorts, tordu, contournS; csavart, csavarodott, so-dort, egymSsracsavarodott; скрученный, закрученный, искривленный] * 779 CON TRA С TI LIS, contractil, care se contracteazS sau se strlnge (radaci-n& ~) [contractile, shrinking; kon-traktil, zusammenziehbar; contractile; 6sszehuz6d6; контрактильный, втягивающийся] * VACUOLA CONTRACTILIS, va-cuolS contractilS, care prin mi$cSri de pulsate determinS schimburile de materii intre celulS §i mediu (Flagel-latae) [contractile vacuole; kontrak-tile Vakuole; vacuole contractile; liiktet6 vakuola; контрактильная вакуоль] -*■ vacuola pulsatilis 780 CONTRACTUS, contractat, contras, strimtat, scurtat, Ingustat (frunze, fruct, panicul, nectarinS) [contracted, narrowed, shortened, drawn together; verkurzt, verengt, zusammengezogen; contracts, rSsserrS, ScourtS; dssze-hiizSdott, elvSkonyodott; стянутый, сжатый, перетянутый] 781 CONTRAPOSITUS -> oppositus 782 CONTRO VERSUS - dubius 783 CONULUS m, conul, con mic din primul an [conelet; ZSpfchen; conelet-te; tobozka ; шишечка] 784 CONUS m, con, inflorescenfa („floarea femelS") formats din car-pelele imbricate, dispuse in spirals pe о axS, la maturitate devenind lemnoase, avind la bazS seminfe nude (Coniferae) [cone; Zapfen; cdne; toboz, tobozvirSgzat; конус, шишка] —* strobilus CONUS VEGETA TIVUS, con de cre$tere, virf vegetativ; parte apicalS a mugurelui terminal format 147 din celule initiate §i meristemul {irimordial, care asigurS cre?terea In ungime a tulpinii sau ramurilor [vegetative cone, growing point; Ve-getationskegel, Vegetationsspitze, Ve-getationsscheitel, Vegetationspunkt; cdne vdgdtatif, point vdgdtatif; tenyd-sz6kdp, teny6sz6csiics; конус нарастания, точка роста] —♦ conus terminalis 785 CONVALLATUS, inconjurat cu §Sn-tulete [circumvallated, surrounded; umwallt, umgeben; circonvalte, entou-гё; kdriilsancolt, koriilvOlgyelt; окружённый] 786 CONVALLIS f, vale [valley; Tal; valtee; v6lgy; котловина] 787 CONVARIANTES f pi, convariante, aceea§i generatie de indivizi ai unei specii, variind Intre ei (Ploetz) [con-variantes; Konvarianten; conva-riantes; konviriinsok; конварианты] 788 CONVARIETAS f, convarietate, grup de variety cultivate [convariety; Varietatengruppe, Sortengruppe; con-varietS; vSltozat-csoport; группа разновидностей] —► conculta 789 CONVENIENS (convenio), care co-respunde, care se potrive§te cu [corresponding, agreeing; zusammentref-fend, entsprechend; correspondent, ё!ап1 pareil; megegyezd, egymSsnak megfeleld; соответствоваться, согласованный] 790 CONVERGENS, CON VERGEN TI-(convergo), convergent, curbat orien-tat spre acela§i punct (nervuri) (con-vergenti-nervosus) [convergent, converging ; konvergierend, zusammennei-gend, zusammenlaufend, annihernd; convergent; konvergdld, dsszehajld, egymSshoz kdzeledd; конвергентный, сходящийся] 791 CONVERGENTIA f, convergent, aseminare a organelor analoage ate unor plante de genuri sau familii diferite datoritS adaptSrii la acelea§i condi[ii de via{& (poliniile la Ascle-piadaeeae §i Orchidaceae) [convergence; Konvergenz, Annaherung; convergence, adaptation paraltele; konver-gencia, pSrhuzamos alkalmazkodSs; конвергенция] 792 CONVERSUS, indreptat spre, Intors spre, schimbat (adapt are) [turned towards, reversed, changed round; zugekehrt, zugewandt; tounte vers, changё; hozzSfordult, megviltozott; превращенный] 793 CONVEXI-, CONVEXO-, CONVE-XUS, convex, boltit, bombat spre CORACINUS exterior (convexiusculus, convexo-con-cavus) [convex; konvex, gewdlbt; convexe, Уои1ё; domboru, kidombo-rod6, boltozatos; выпуклый] 794 CONVOLUTIVUS, CONVOLUTUS, CONVOLVENS, CONVOLVULA-CEUS, CONVOLVULUS, convolut, convolutiv; cu marginile r&sucite longitudinal In formS de cornet (frunze, petale) [convolute, convolutive, rolled up; zusam-mengcrollt, zusammengewunden, tii-tenfdrmig gerollt, ubergerollt; con-volutё, convolutif, enroute, route sur soi-meme; begOngydlt, begdngySld-ddtt, Osszehengeredett, betekeredett, sodrottsz61fl; завернутый, свернутый, свёртывающийся] * 795 COOPERTUS —*• opertus, tectus 796 COPALINUS, copalin, de culoarea galbenS-brunie a copalului [copali-nous; kopalfarbig; copaline; kopal-szinu, barnissarga; копалоцветной] 797 COPIOSUS, copios, abundent, nu-meros, bogat [copious, abundant, plentiful; zahlreich, hSufig; copieux, nombreux; bдsёges, szSmos; обильный, многочисленный] —► locupletus 798 COPRIVORUS, COPROBIUS, CO-PROPHAGUS, COPROPHILUS (gr. коярос „fecalS", pto? ,,viat“. фйуо-poi „a m!nca“, фгШ) „a place", lat. voro „a Inghiti"), coprofag, co-profil, care create pe dejec(,iuni sau pe bilegar [coprophilous, living on dung; mistwachsend, kotwachsend, kotliebend; coprivore, coprophile, aimant le fumier; trSgydn ё!б, tiru-teken ё1б; копрофильный, навозный, обитающий на навозе] —► scatophilus, scatophagus, scybalarius 799 COPROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитоу „planti"), coprofite, plante saprofite ce trSiesc pe excremente [coprophytes; Koprophyten; coprophytes; kopro-fit4k; копрофиты] 800 COPULAE f pi, copule, zone inlerca-lare Intre valve §i pleure (Diatomeae) [copulae, intercalary bands; Zwischen-bander; copules, bandes interntediai-res; koputek, kozbenso ovek; копулы] 801 COPULATIO f —► conjugatio 802 CORACINUS, coracin, de culoarea neagrS a corbului; negru lucios [raven-black, glossy-black; raben-schwarz, glanzendschwarz; noirdecor-beau, noir luisant; holtefekete, f6nyes fekele; вороно чёрный, иссиня-чёрный] —» corvinus CORALLIFORMIS 803 CORALLIFORMIS, CORALLOIDE-US, CORALLO-, coraliform, de forma sau culoarea ro§ie a coralului (coral-locarpus, corallorrhizus) [coral -like; korallenffirmig, korallen-; coralliforme; korSllszerfi; коралловидный, коралло-] 804 CORALLINUS, coralin, ro§u ca mSrgeanul [coral-red; korallenrot; rouge corail, corallin; korallszum, korallpiros; коралловый, коралловокрасный] 805 CORCULUM n -* gemmula, plumula 806 CORDATUS, CORDATO-, CORDI-, CORDIO-, cordat, de forma inimii; ovat §i cu doi lobi rotunjtyi la baza ('frunza la Symphytum cordatum, Viola odorata) (cordato-hastatus, cor-difolius, cordiochilus) [cordate, cor-diform, heart-shaped, heart-; herzfor-mig, herz-; cordiforme, cordS, en coeur; sziv alakii, szivszeru, szives-; сердцевидный, сердце-] 807 COREMIUM n (gr. кбрцца „mSturS"), coremie, asocierea conidioforilor in fascicule compacte (Fungi imperfecti) [coremium; Koremium; coremium; korSmium; коремий] 808 CORIACEUS, CORI-, coriaceu, pie-los, de consistent pielii (frunza (corifolius) [coriaceous, leathery, lea-ther-like; lederartig, lederig, leder-; coriacS, comme le cuir; bdrszeru, bornemu, b6ros-; кожистый, кожисто-j —*• scytoideus, chroo- 809 CORI-, CORIO- (gr. Kopig ,,plo§-ni[a“), ca plo§ni(a (coriodes, corio-phorus, coriophyllus) [bug-; wan-zen-; comme la punaisc; poloska-; КЛОПО-] 810 CORIUM n, piele, coajS, scoar[a [leather, rind, skin, bark; Haut, Rinde; peau, ёсогсе; Ьбг, hSj; кожа, шкура] 811 CORMAUTOCHORES m pi (gr. кор-рбд ,,trunchi“, „tulpinS", аитбд ,,sin-gur“, »a sc rSspindi"), cor- mautocore, plante care se rSspin-desc pe cale vegetativa (Fragaria) [cormautochores; vegetative Selbst-verbrciter; cormautochores; kormau-tochor-novenyek; кормаутохорные] 812 CORMOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, фбтоу „plants"), cormofite, plante cu cor-pul diferen(iat in rSdScinS, tulpinS §i frunze (Endlichcr) [cormophytes; Kormophyten, SproQpflanzen, Stock-pflanzen, Slammpflanzen; cormo-phyles; kormofitSk, szSras nSvSnyek, 148 hajtasos novenyek; кормофиты, стеблевые растения] 813 CORMUS m (gr. -), corm 1. Trunchi. 2. Stolon. 3. TulpinS frunzoasS. 4. TulpinS bulbiform cSrnoasS la bazS (Fritillaria) [corm; Kormus; corm; kormusz; корм] 814 CORNEUS, CORNI-, CORNICULI-, -CORNIS, -CORNUS, CORNICULA-TUS, CORNUTUS, cornut, prevSzut cu apendice in formS de corni[S (anterS, capsulS, fruct* petals, pinten) (cornifer, corniculifer, brevico-rnis, alcicornus, bicornutus) [horny, corneous, horn-; hornig, geh6rnt, horn-; corne, corni-; szarvacskas, szarv-; рогатый, рого-, роговидный, -рогий] —► -ceras, cerato-, -cerus, -ceratus 815 CORN U COPIOIDES, CORNUCO-PIOIDEUS, asemSnStor cu cornul abundentei [resembling to the horn of plenty; fullhornShnlich; semblable S une corne d’abondance, cornucopioi'de; bdsSgszaruszeru; похожий на рог изобилия] 816 COROLLA f, corolS, inveli§ floral intern al florilor heteroclamidee, de obicei colorat, format din petale [corol, corolla, flower-crown; Korolle, Krone, Blutenkrone, Blumenkrone; corolle; parta, virSgpSrta; венчик]* LACINIAE COROLLAE, laciniile corolei, pSrtile exserte §i libere ale limbului corolei [lobes of the corolla; Kronzipfeln; lobes de la corollc; partacimpak; доли венчика] —► lobi co-rollae LOBI COROLLAE —*■ laciniae corol-lae 817 COROLLACEUS, COROLLINUS, COROLLOIDEUS, corolaceu, peta-loid; asemSnStor cu corola dupS formS, culoare sau consistent (caliciu) [corolla-like, corollinous, peta-loid; korollenartig, korollenShnlich, blumenkronenartig, blumenblatt art ig, korollinisch; corollacS, corollin; par-taszerfi, sziromszeru, sziromneiqu; венчиковидный, лепестковидный] 818 ~ COROLLARIUM n —*• supplementum 819 COROLLATUS, COROLLIFER, CO-ROLLI-, corolat, corolifer, prevSzut cu corolS (floare) (corolliflorus, corolliformie) [corollate; korollen-tragend; corollS, corollifSre; pSrtSs; венчиконосный] 149 820 COROLLULA f, corolula, corola an-todialS micS (Compositae) [corollule; Korollchen, BlumenkrOnchen; corollule; korollula, kicsiny pSrta; венчик небольшого цветка] 821 CORONA f, coroana 1. Organe analoage dispuse In cere (coroana de bractei). 2. Apendici petaloizi dispusi in cerc In gitul corolei (Lychnis, Narcissus). 3. Paracorola. 4. Tota-litate a ramurilor §i a frunzelor la arbori §i arbu§ti [corona, crown, coronet, paracorolla; Kranz, Nebenkrone, Laubkrone; couronne, paracorolle, houppier; koszoru, korona, mellek-parta, lombkorona; венец, коронка, привенчик] 822 CORONACEUS, CORONARIUS, CO-RONIFORMIS, coronaceu, dispus in verticil in forma de cOroana (papus ~ ) [coronaceous, coronary; kranzartig, kranzformig, kronenformig; coronace, coronaire; koronaszeru; короновидный, венцеобразный] 823 CORONANS, CORONATUS, CORO-NIFER, coronant, coronat, dispus in verticil coroniform la virful unui organ (bractei, sete, peri, papus, frunze) [crowning, crowned, coronate; krdnend, gekrdnt, bekranzt, kronen-tragend; couronnant, соигоппё; ko-ronazd, koronat vise 16; венчающий, корончатый, увенчанный, коронку] —*■ stephano- 824 CORONULA f, coronula. 1. Coroana micS de elemente apendiculare. 2. Celulele apicale ale oogonului (Cha-raceae) [coronule; Kr6nchen; coro-nule; koronula, koronacska; коро-ночка] 825 CORPUS n, corp, masa de obicei compacts a unui organ [body; Kor-per; corps; korpusz, test; тело] * CORPUS FR U С T IF 1C A TION IS, corp de fructifica[ie, organul produ-cStor de spori (Cryptogamae) [fruiting body; Fruchtkorper; corps de fructification; szaporitdtest; оплодотворенное тело] —*■ soma 826 CORPUSCULUM n, corpuscul !• Arhegon (Gymnospermae). 2. Discul viscos al poliniilor, translatorul (As-clepiadaceae) [corpuscle; Korpuskel; corpuscule; korpuszkulum; тельце, корпускула] 827 CORRELATIO t, corela[ic, interdependent celulelor, [esuturil°r sau a organelor in privint activitS[ii §i a dezvoltSrii lor [correlation; Kor- CORTINATUS relation, Wechselbeziehung, Wechsel-wirkung; correlation; korrelacid, kolcsonos osszefiiggSs, viszonossSg, kolcsonhatas; корреляция] 828 CORREXIT, CORR. (corrigo), a fost corectat de (in citatele de nomen-claturS) [corrected by; verbessert von; rectifiS par; javitotta, kiigazitotta; исправлен от] 829 CORRIGENDA n pi (corrigo), de corectat, eratS, lista erorilor tipogra-fice [corrigenda, to correct, errata; Druckfehler, Fehlerverzeichnis, zur • Verbesserung; corrigenda, errata; javitandok, sajtohibak; исправления] 830 CORRUGATIVUS, CORRUGATUS, CORRUGUS, corugaliv, pliat neregu-lat, mototolit, §ifonat [corrugated, crumpled irregularly, wrinkled; zerknittert, korrugativ, zusammen-gerunzelt; corrugatif, chiffonnS, plisse irregulierement; gyurt, rancos, szabalytalanul osszehajtogatott; сморщенный, смятый]* 831 CORTEX m, scoarJS, coajS; [esut de protec^ie dintre epidermS §i cilindrul central al tulpinii sau rSdScinii (Phanerogamae) [rind, bark, cortex; Rinde; cortex ёсогсе; k6reg, hej; кора] 832 CORTICALIS, cortical, care aparjine scoar[ei (sistem, strat, por, parazit) [cortical; kortikal, rindegehorig; cortical; кё^1, kSregre vonatkozo; коровой] 833 CORTICATUS, CORTICIFER, cor-ticat I. PrevSzut cu scoart- Con-crescut cu paleea (cariopsS) [corticate, coated, barky; berindet, rindig, be-schalt, rindetragend; соНлса1ё, corti-cifSre; kdrges; с корой, покрытый корой] —*• phloeo-, -phloeus 834 CORTICOLA f (-COLUS), corticol, care create pe sau in scoar[S (lichen, ciupercS) [corticole, corticolous, living on bark; rindebewohnend; corticole; kdreglakd; обитающий на коре] — phloeoecus 835 CORTINA f, cortinS, vSlul membra-nos sau filamentos de pe marginea palSriei ciupercii, desprins din apro-pierea piciorului acesteia (Psalliota) [cortina, curtain; Schleier, Hutrand-schleier; cortine; fatyol, fiiggony, burokhirtya-foszlany; кортина, оторочка] 836 CORTINATUS, cortinat, prevSzut cu cortinS [cortinate; verschleiert; CORTINIFORMIS cortinS; fatyolos, fStylas; бахромчатый] 837 CORTINIFORMIS, cortiniform, de forma cortinei [cortina-shaped; schlei-erfdrmig; cortiniforme; fStyolszerfi; бахромообразный] 838 CORUSCANS, CORUSCUS, lucios, lucitor [shining, twinkled, flashing; schimmernd, glSnzend; luisant, bril-lant; fSnyes, fSnyl6, csillogd; блестящий] 839 CORVINUS —► coracinus 840 CORYMBATUS, CORYMBIFER, CORYMBOSUS (gr. кбрирРод „cior-chine"), corimbos, dispus !n corimb, prevSzut cu corimb (inflorescent) [corymbated, corymbose, corymbife-rous; doldentraubig, doldentrauben-tragend; corymbs, corymbeux, corym-bifSre; satorozd, sStorvirSgzatd; щит-коватый, щитконосный] 841 CORYMBOTHYRSUS m (gr. -, Gupoog „toiagul lui Bachus"), corim-botirs; panicul umbeliform, cu extre-mitS^ile axelor secundare aproape la nivelul florii lerminale a axei principal [umbel-like panicle; Schirmris-pe, Doldenrispe; panicule ombellde; ernydsbuga; щитковидная метёлка] 842 CORYMBUS m (gr. -), corimb, tip de inflorescent racemoasS planS sau convexS, cu ramuri inegal de lungi, a§ezate spiralat la niveluri diferite pe axa principals, care poartS flori cen-tripetale aproape la acela§i nivel (Sambucus) [corymb; Doldentraube; corymbe; sStor, sStorvirSgzat, sato-rozo viragzat ; щиток] 843 CORYN-, CORYNE-, CORNY NO-, (gr. Kopovn ,,mSciucS“) (corynacan-thus, corynephorus, corynostylus) —» clavatus 844 CORYPHOPHYLLIA, CORYPHYL-LIA f (gr. Kopuq>f| ,,vlrf“, pbXXov „frunzS"), corifilie, apari(ia an or mai S in virful axei a unei frunze adesea colorate [coryphylly; Koryphyllie; coryphyllie; korifillia; корифиплия] 845 CORYPHOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, carpadelium 872 CRENA f, CRENATURA f, crena, crenafie, inciziune micS pe marginea unor organe, cu din[i rotunji^i spre exterior §i cu incizii ascu[ite spre interior (pe frunze, petale, fructe) [crena, crenature, crenelling; Ker-bung, KerbzShne; crenelure; csip-kezet, csipkefogak; городчатость] 873 CRENATI-, С RE NATO-, CRENI-, CRENATUS, crenat, dantelat, cu din^i arcui[i spre exterior §i cu incizii ascutite spre interior (crenatiflo-rus, crenaio-serratus, crenifolius, cre-natidentatus) [crenate, scalloped; ge-kerbt, kerbig, kerbzahnig; crene; csip kes, csipkezett; городчатый, округлозубчатый] 874 CRENOBIONTA n pi (gr. Kpf|vn „izvor", piog ,,via[S“). crenobion^i, organisme care trSiesc in apele izvoa-relor [crenobionta; Krenobionten, Quellenbewohner; crSnobiontes; kre-nobiontak, forrSslakdk; кренобионты] 875 CRENOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, Vux6v „plants), crenofite, vegeta[ia apelor de izvoare [spring-plants; Quellen-pflanzen; crSnophytes; forraslak6 no-vcnyck; кренофиты] С BE NO PLAN С TON 876 CRENOPLANCTON n (gr. яХоу-кхб? ,,rStScitor“), crenoplancton, planc-tonul apelor de izvoare [crenoplank-ton; Krenoplankton, Quellenplank-ton; crenoplancton; forrSsplankton; кренопланкто н] 877 С REN ULARIS, CRENULATUS, crenulat, fin crenat (marginea frun-zei la Veronica crassifolia) [crenu-late, crenelled, finely crenate; fein-gekerbt; сгёпе1ё, finement сгепё; fin oman csipkSzett; мелкогородчатый] 878 CREOPHAGUS (gr. крёа? ,,carne“, „a minca“) —*■ carnivorus 879 CREOPHILUS (gr. q> dice „a iubi“), creofil, care trSie$te pe carne [flesh-loving; fleischliebend; aimant la chaire; husked vel б; мясолюбивый] 880 CREPIDATUS, CREPIDULATUS, crepidat, asemSnStor cu о sandalS [crepidate, sandal-shaped; pantof-felartig; crepidulS; papucsos, papucs-szeru; туфлевидный] 881 CREPITACULUM n, crepitacul, fruct ce se deschide cu elasticitate §i zgomot [crepitaculum; Krepitakel; crSpitacle; lcrepitakulum; крепита-кулы] 882 CREPITANS (crepito), crepitant, plrlitor, pocnitor, trosnitor, zgomo-tos (fruct) [rattling, crackling, noisy; knallend, rasselnd, rauschend, klap-pernd; crSpitant, craquant, bruyant; pattogo, csattogd, csattano; скрипучий, потрескивающий] 883 CRESCENS, CRESCENTI- (cresco), crescent, care este in cre§tere (folia crescenti-pinnatisecta frunze penat sectate, cu lobii tot mai mari spre virf, Ia Potentilla anserina) (crescenti-pinnatus, crescenti-lobatus) [growing, enlarging; wachsend, vergrSQcrnd; croissant, grandissant; nOvekedo, nagyobbod6; растущий, возраста-южий] 884 CRETACEUS, cretaceu I. De culoarea alba a cretei sau al varului 2. De natura cretei. 3. Care cre§te pe sol cretaceu. 4. Provenit din for-matia geologicS a cretacicului [cretaceous, chalk-white, dead-white, chalky, growing on chalk; kreideweiB, mattweiO, kreidig, kreideliebend, kreidezeitig; crStacS, blanc de craie, blanc de chaux, crayeux; krStafehSr, krStaszeru, meszes talajt kedvelo, krStakori; меловой, мелово-белый, похожий на мел] -* gypsaceus, gypseus, gypsicolus, gypsophilus 162 885 CRIRRALIS, CRIB RAT US, CRI-BROSUS, cribral, ciuruit, gSurit in formS de ciur (tuburi ~) [cribrate, sieve-like, pierced with holes; sieb-f6rmig, siebartig, siebartig-durchlo-chert; criblS, cribleux, cribriforme; rostas, rosta alakii, rostaszeruen Stjukasztott; решетчатый] 886 CRIBROVASALIS, cribrovazal, care apar(ine vaselor ciuruite [cribrovasal; kribrovasal; cribrovasale; kribrova-zSlis, гostaedёnyekhez tartozd; кри-бровазалный] 887 CRINI-, CRINITUS, CRINULO-SUS, comat-pSros, prevSzut cu peri lungi §i rigizi (crinicaulis, criniflorus, crinifolius, crinipes) [crinite, bearded, mane-like, long-haired; bemShnt, lang-haarig, rosthaarig, langbehaart; a oils longs, en criniSre; sOrSnyes, osszuszoru; косматый, длинноволосатый, гривистый] 888 CRINULAE f pi -► elateres 889 CRISPATIO f, CRISPATURA f, crispare, incre^ire, zbirciturS, cuts (la frunze, fructe) [crispature, wave, wrinkle; KrSuselung, Runzel, Falte; crepage, froncemen t; fodrosodas, bodro-sodSs, redo, rSncosodSs, ranc; морщина, сжатие, сокращение] 890 CRIS PAT US, CRISPI-, CRIS PUS, crispat, incretit, zbircit (peri, frunze, fructe) (crispifolios, crispiflorus) [crispate, crisped, curled, curly-; krausig, gekrauselt, kraus-; crispS, сгёри, ridS; fodros, bodros; курчавый, кудряво-] —» ulo- 891 CRISTA f, creastS, apendice cSrnos in formS de creastS de pe virful unui organ (fructe, semin(e, flori) [crest, comb; Kamm; crete; taraj; гребень, гребешок] 892 CRISTATUS, cristat, prevSzut cu creastS [cristate, crested; kammig, kammartig; cretS, muni d’une crSte; tarajos; гребенчатый]* 893 CROCATUS, CROCE I-, CROCEUS, §ofraniu-galben, de culoarea ro?iatic gSlbui inch is a stigmatului de Ero-cus sativus [croceous, saffron-coloured, saffron deep-yellow ;safrangelb, safran-dunkelgelb; jaun esafran, rouge jaunSt-re-foncS; sSfrSnyszin, sSfrSny-sOtSt-sSrga; шафранный, шафранно-желтый] 894 CROSSING-OVER (engl.), crossing-over, schimbul de gene dintre cro-matidele cromozomilor cuplafi homo- 158 logi In timpul profazei primei divi-ziuni meiotice (Morgan) [crossing-over; Crossing-over, Genaustausch, Fakto-renaustausch; crossing-over, Schange des gSnes; crcssing-over, gdnkicse-r616d6s, g6n-atkeresztez6d6s; кроссинг-овер] 895 С ROSSO- (gr. кроообд,, franj") (cros-sopetalus) —► fimbriatus 896 CRUCIATI-, CRUCI-, CRUCIA-TUS, CRUCIFORMIS, cruciat, in-cruci§at, decusat, dispus in formS de cruce (frunze, flori, ramuri) (cruciati-alternus, cruciflorus) [cruciate, cruciform, cross-shaped, crosswise-; kreuz-formig, gekreuzt, kreuzweise-; croise, dispose en croix; keresztben 4116, keresztalakh; крестовидный, перекрёстно] —► staurodes, decussatus 897 CRUDUS, crud, necopt (fruct) [raw, uncooked, unripe; roh, unreif; cru, non тйг; nyers, eretlen; незрелый] 898 CRUENTATUS, CRUENTUS — sanguineus, kaematinus 899 CRUMENATUS, bursiform, de forma unei pungi [pouch-shaped; beutel-formig, taschenformig; bursaire, en forme de bourse; zacsk6 alaku; сумкообразный, мешкообразный] —*■ bursi-formis, saccatus, sacciformis 900 CRUS n -*• pes* 901 CRUSTA f, crustS, inveli§ dur, coajS. 1. Crusta solidS a talului unor licheni cu care se fixeazS de substrat. 2. !nveli§ul pSISriei ciupercilor (Agari-cus) [crust; Kruste; croOte; k6reg, h6j, h4m; корка] 902 CRUSTACEUS, CRUSTIFORMIS, crustaceu, asemSnStor cu о crustS; care formeazS о crustS mai groasS ?i durS [crustaceous; krustenartig, krustenformig; crustac6; k6regszeru; корковидный, накипной] -*■ escharodes 903 CRUSTATUS, CRUSTOSUS, crus-tos, scores; acoperit cu о coaje tare [crustate; rindig, schorfig; crouteux; kerges; инкрустированный] 904 CRUSTULINUS, palid-brun, de culoarea franzelei [toast-colour; semmel-farbig; lerne-brun; zsemlyeszln, fa-kdbarna; булкоцветный] 905 CRUX f, cruce (crux botanicorum) crucea („nodul gordian") al bota-ni§tilor [cross; Kreuz; croix; kereszt; крест] 906 CRYMOPHYTA n pi (gr. кроцбд ,,frig“, „a iubi"), criofil, care rezistS la temperaturile scSzute [cryophilous; kalteliebend; cry-ophile; hidegkedvelo; холодолюбивый] 910 CRYOPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХауктбд „rStScitor"), crioplancton, planctonul ghe[arilor §i al zSpezilor perene de pe mun^i [cryoplankton; Kryoplankton; cryoplancton; krioplankton; крио-планктон] 911 CRYOPLANCTOPHYTA n pi (gr. - -, фотбу „plants"), crioplanctofite, planctonul vegetal al ghetarilor §i al zSpezilor perene de pe mun^i [cryo-planktophy ta; Kryoplanktophyten; cryoplanctophytes; krioplanktofitSk; криопланктофиты] 912 CRYOSCOPICUS (gr. -, околею „а privi"), crioscopic, cercetat la tempe-raturS scSzutS [cryoscopic; kryosko-pisch; cryoscopique; lbioszk6pikus; криоскопически й ] 913 CRYOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, троял „rSsucire"), criotropism, mi§cSri tro-pistice sub influenza frigului [cryo-tropism; Kaltereizkrummung; cryo-tropisme; kriotropizmus; криотропизм] 914 CRYPT-, CRYPTO- (gr. криятбд „acoperit", „ascuns"), acoperit, ascuns (cryptanthus, cryptatherus, cryptocarpus, cryptoneurus) [covered, hidden, concealed; verborgen-, versteckt-; cou-vert, cachS; fedett, rejtett, takart; скрыто-, покрыто-] 915 CRYPTANTHERIA f (gr. - 6v0np6g „inflorit") —*• cleistantheria 916 CRYPT A THER US (gr. -, d0fip „spic"), cu spice acoperite [hidden-spiked; verdecktShrig; 4 6pi couvert; fedett kalaszu; скрытоколосистый] CRYPTOBLASTUS 917 CRYPTOBLASTUS m (gr.-, рХасттбд ,,mugure“) —♦ (gemma) dormiens 918 CRYPT0CEC1D1UM n (gr. клк1-6iov „galS micS"), criptocecidie, galS ascunsS In interiorul organului gazdei [cryptocecidium; Kryptozezidie; cryp-toc6cidie; rejtett gubacs; криптоце-цидий] 919 CRYPTOGAMAE f pi (gr. уйцод „cSsStorie"), criptogame, plante infe-rioare fSrS flori; plante cu spori [cryptogamous plants; Kryptogamen, bliitenlose Pflanzen, Sporenpflanzen; Cryptogames, plantes a spores; kripto-gani-n6venyek, virSgtalan n6vSnyek, alsorendu пбгёпуек, spdrSs пбУёпуек; криптогамное растение, споровое растение, тайнобрачные, споровые] CRYPTOGAMAE VASCULARES, criptogame vasculare [vascular cryptogams; GefSflkryptogamen; cryptogames vasculaires; eddnyes virSgtala-nok; васкулярные криптогамы] —*• pte-ridophyta 920 CRYPTOGAMIA t (gr. - -), cripto-gamie, reproducere cu elemente reproductive ascunse sau necunoscute [cryp-togamy; Kryptogamie, Verborgenge-schlechtigkeit ; cryptogamie; kriptogS-mia, rejtettivarusSg; криптогамия, тайнобрачие] 921 С RYPTOGAMICUS, CRYPTOGA-MUS (gr. - -), criptogam 1. Cu organe reproducStoare ascunse sau necunoscute. 2. Care se reproduce prin spori [cryptogamie, cryptogamous, cryptogamian; verborgenehig, bliiten-los; cryptogamique; rejtett ivaru, viragtalan; тайнобрачный] —► ae-theogamus, agamus, asexualis 922 CRYPTOGENETICUS (gr. -, y£veoig „origins"), criptogenetic, cu origine filogeneticS necunoscutS [cryptogene-tic; kryptogenetisch; cryptogdnStique; kriptogenetikus, ismeretlen eredetu; криптогенетически й] 923 CRYPTOHAPLOMITOSIS I (gr. -, iinXdoQ „simplu", ptxog „fir"), cripto-haplomitozS, tip de diviziune celularS la care cromatiile divizate in douS mase tree la polii opu§i fSrS a lua forma de spirem (Flagellatae) [crypto-haplomitosis; Kryptohaplomitose; cryptohaplomitose; kriptohaplomitd-zis; криптогапломитоз] 924 CRYPTOHYBRIDA f (lat. hy-brida „hibrid"), criptohibrid, hibrid la care particularitS(iIe morfologice ale unuia dintre 154 pSrinti rSmin neaparenle (Tschermak) [cryptohybrid; Kryptohybride jcrypto-hybride; kriptohibrid; криптогибрид] 925 CRYPTOMERIA f (gr. -, рёрод „parte"), criptomerie, prezenja unor caractere ereditare latente, care nu pot fi recunoscute sub aspect feno-tipic (Tschermak) [cryptomery; Kryp-tomerie; сгур1отёпе; kriptomeria; криптомерия] 926 CRYPTOMITOSIS I (gr. -, ptxog „fir"), criptomitozS, tip de mitozS la organismele unicelulare la care forma(ia cromozomilor nu se eviden-(iazS in masa cromaticS din regiunea ecvatorialS (Belar) [cryptomitosis; Kryptomitose; cryptomitose; kripto-mitdzis; криптомитоз] 927 CRYPTONERVIUS, CRYPTONER-VUS, CRYPTONEURUS (gr. -, veOpov „nerv"), criptonervat, cu ner-vurile neaparente sau ascunse (Coni-ferae, Ericaceae) [hidden-nerved; ver-borgennervig; a nervures cach£es; rejtett erezetu; скрытонервный] 928 CRYPTOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, pa „scurge-re“), citochim, sucul vacuolei celu-lare (Strasburger) [cytochyme; Zyto-chym; cytochyme; citochima; цито-хима] 1040 CYTOCLASTICUS (gr. кХаст65 „spart in bucSti") -► cytolyticus 1041 CYTODERMIS (-idis) I (gr.бёрра ,,piele“), citodermS, membranS celu-larS [cell-wall; Zellwand; membrane cellulaire, cytoderme; citoderma, sejt-fal; цитодерма, клеточная оболочка] 1042 CYTODA f (gr. -), citodS. 1. Celula. 2. Celula incS nedifercnJialS in citoplasma, plastide §i nucleu [cytode; Zytode; cytode; citoda; цитода] 1043 CYTODIERESIS f (gr. SmipeaiQ ,,diviziune“) —► cytokinesis 1044 CYTODYNAMICA I (gr. -, Suvapt? ,,putere“), citodinamica, dinamica celulei (diviziune, mi§cSri citoplasma-tice) [cytodynamics; Zytodynamik; cytodynamique; citodinamika; цитодинамика] 1045 CYTOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpo? „casS-torie“), citogamie, conjugarea celulelor [cytogamy, cell-conjugation; Zy-togamie, Zellkonjugation; cytogamie, conjugaison cellulaire; citogSmia, ivar-sejtekpdrosodSsa; цитогамия, конъюгация клеток] —► conjugatio 1046 CYTOGENESIS f (gr. -, yeveoig ,,na§tere“), citogenezS, geneza §i dez-voltarea celulelor [cy togenesis; Zytoge-nese; cytogenfcse; citogendzis, sejtke-letkezds; цитогенез, развитие клетки] 1047 CYTOGENETICA f (gr. -), citoge-netica, ramurS a citologiei care stu-diazS problemele de genetics [cytogenetics; Zytogenetik; cytogSnStique; citogenetika; цитогенетика] 1048 CYTOGENIA f (gr. —) —* cytogenesis 1049 CYTOGONIA f (gr. - ybvoc, ,,urma§“), citogonie, inmutyire prin celule sin- uratice (garneti, agameti) pe calea iviziunii simple (Hartmann) [cyto-gony; Zytogonie; cytogonie; citogd-nia; цитогония] 1050 CYTOGEOGRAPHIA f (gr. -, yf\ ,,p5-m!nt“, ypcupfj ,,scriere“), citogeogra-fie, studiul legSturilor dintre con-stitutia cromozomalS a organismelor 160 $i rSspindirea lor geograficS (Baldwin) [cylogeography; Zytogeographie; cy-togdographie; citogeogrSfia; цитогеография] 1051 CYTOGRANULA i (gr.lat. gra-num ,,grSunt&“), citogranulS, granu-latia microscopies a citoplasmei (Dan-geard) [cytogranule; Zytogranule, Zell-kornchen; cytogranule; citogranula; цитогранула] 1052 CYTOGRAPHIA f (gr. - урафл „scri-ere“), citografie, descrierea celulei [cy-tography; Zytographie; cytographie; citografia, sejtleirds; цитография] 1053 CYTOHYALOPLASMA n (gr. -, Ga-Xog ,,cristal“, nXdopa ,,formare“) -*• hyaloplasma 1054 CYTOHYDROLYSIS f (gr. -, OSoop ,,apS“, Xuaig ,,dizolvare“), citohidro-lizS, degenerare celularS prin distru-gerea membranei sub influenta enzi-melor [cy tohydrolyse; Zytohydrolyse, Zelldegeneration; cy tohydrolyse; ci-tohidrolizis, sejtnekrozis; цитогидролиз] 1055 CYTOKINESIS f (gr. -, Kivqoic ,,mi§care“), citocinezS, diviziune celularS [cytokinesis; Zellteilung; cyto-kindse; sejtosztodas; цитокинез, деление клеток] —► cytodieresis 1056 CYTOKLESIS f (gr. -, icXflau; ,,con-vocare“), citoclezS, influenta unei grupe de celule asupra dezvoltSrii altei grupe invecinate [cytoclesis; Zy-toklese; cytoklSse; citoklSzis; цито-клезис] 1057 CYTOLOGIA f (gr. -, X6yoq ,,vor-bire“), citologie, studiul celulei [cytology; Zytologie, Zellenlehre; cyto-logie; citoldgia, sejttan; цитология] 1058 CYTOLYMPHA f (gr. -, lat. lympha ,,apS de izvor“), citolimfS, sue celular; partea de obicei fluids a celulei [cytolymph, cell-sap; Zytolymphe, Zellsaft; cytolymphe, sue cellulaire; citolimfa, sejtnedv; цитолимфа, клеточный сок] —*■ enchylema 1059 CYTOLYSINA f (gr. -, Хбшд „dizol-vare“), citolizina, enzimS care produce citoliza [cytolysin; Zytofysin; cytolysine; citolizin; цитолизин] 1060 CYTOLYTICUS (gr. -), citolitic, ci-toclastic, care cauzeazS lizarea celulei [cytolytic; zytolytisch, zellen-zerstdrend; cytolytique; citolitikus, sejtbontd, sejtrombold; цитолитичес-кий] —» cytoclasticus 1061 CYTOMA n (gr. -, 6pd<; „totalitate")— chondrioma 161 1062 CYTOMECHANICA f (gr. nnxavf* 1070 ,,ma?inS“), citomecanica, studiul pro- priet Sailor fizice ale celulei [cytome-chanics; Zytomechanik; cytomdcani-que; citomekSnika; цитомеханика] 1063 CYTOMICROSOMA n (gr. pucpd? 1071 ,,mic“, crfipa „corp") —► microsoma 1064 CYTOMITOMA f (gr. pitog ,,fir“, dpag „totalitate"), citomitom, refeaua filamenlelor citoplasmatice [cytomi-tome; Zytomitom; cytomitome; ci- 1072 tomitom; цитомитома] -*■ miloma 1065 CYTOMIXIS f (gr. pl£ig „ames-tecare"), citomixie, amestecul croma-tinelor din douS celule ale unui tesut (Gates) [cytomixis; Zytomixie; cyto- 1073 mixie; citomixis; цитомиксис] 1066 CYTOMORPHOLCGIA f (gr. pop^ „forma", Xdyog „vorbire"), citomorfo-logie, studiul morfologic al celulei [cytomorphology; Zylomorphologie; cytomorphologie; sejlmorfoldgia; цитоморфология] 1067 CYTOMORPHOSIS f (gr. pdpcfxoan; „formare"), citomorfozS, ansamblul modificSrilor slructurale ale celulei [cytomorphosis; Zylomorphose, Zell- a differenzierung; cytomorphose; cito-morfdzis; цитоморфоз] 1076 1068 CYTOPHYSIOLOGIA f (gr. -, q>uoig „constitute, naturS", Xoyog „vorbire"), citofiziologie, studiul fiziologiei celulei [cylophysiology; Zytophysiologie; cytophysiologie; citofizioldgia; цитофизиология] 1069 CYTOPLASMA n, CYTOPLASTUM ,0_8 n (gr. -, яХбора „modelare"), cito-plasmS, substanja fundamentals vie, fluids sau viscoasS, a celulei (fSrS nucleu, membranS §i plaslide) (Kiitz- ing 1841) [cytoplasma; Zytoplasma; cytoplasme; citoplazma, sejtnySlka; цитоплазма] —► protoplasma 1079 СYTULA CYTORRHYSIS f (gr. -, duodg ,,cu-tat"), citorizS, forma mototolitS a membranei celulare In cursul plasmo-lizei [cytorrhysis; Zytorrhyse; cytor-rhyse; citorrizis; циторризис] CYTOSARCA f (gr. -, oap£, ааркбд „carne"), citosarc, corpul celulei fSrS nucleu (Schneider) [cytosarc; Zytosarka; cytosarque; citoszarka; цитосарка] CYTOSKELETUM n (gr. -, акеке-ieia „uscare"), citoschelet, scheletul celular submicroscopic al mezoplas-mei [cytoskeleton ; Zytoskelett; cyto-squelette; sejtvaz; цитоскелет] CYTOSOMA n (gr. -, offipa „corp"), citozom, component granulari extra-nucleari cuprin§i in membrana nuclearS (Haeckel) [cytosome; Zytosom; cyto-some; citoszdma; цитосома] CYTOSTATIC A f (gr. -, atatiKdg „саге opre§te“), citostatica, intirzierea, oprirea cre§terii sau a inmultrii celulelor sub influenza unor substance chimice [cytostatics; Zytostatik; cyto-statique; citostatika; цитостатика] CYTOTAXIS f (gr. -, xd£ig „ordine") —*■ cytotropismus CYTOTHESIS f (gr. -, Odmg ,,sta-bilire"), citotezis, tending de regene-rare a celulei [cytothesis; Zytothesis; cytothesis; citotdzis; цитотезис] CYTOTOXINUM n (gr. -, то^исод „otrSvitir"), citotoxinS, toxinS care lizeazS celula [cytotoxin; Zytotoxin; cytotoxine; citotoxin; цитотоксин] CYTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, xpojrfi „rSsucire"), citotropism, tending de atrac^ie reciprocS a celulelor [cyto-tropism; Zytotropismus; cytotropis-me; citotropizmus; цитотропизм] —* cytotaxis CYTULA f (gr. -) - cistella D 1 DACRY01DEUS (gr. Sdtcpuov „lacrimal el8og ,,asemanare“), dacri-oid, in forma de lacrima, cu baza rotunda ?i slab ascutita spre virf [dacryoid, tear-shaped; tr§nen&hn-lich, tranenfdrmig; dacryo'ide; кбппу-cseppszeru; слезовидный] —► pyri-for mis 2 DACTYLINUS, DACTYLO-, DAC-LYTOIDEUS, -DACTYLUS (gr. ЗактоХод ,,deget“, -) (dactylocarpus, tridactylus) —*• digitato-, digitatus, digi-tiformis 3 DACTYLORRHIZA f (gr. -, piCa ,,r5dScina“), dactiloriza, ramificarea гй-dScinilor [root-forking; Wurzelgabe-lung; dactylorrhize; gyokdrelagazas; корнеразветвление] 4 DAEDALEUS (gr. 5ai8aXeog „scul-ptat“) —> labyrinthiformis 5 DASY-, -DASYUS (gr. бсюид „indesuit, pSros“) (dasyanthus, dasyphyl-lus, dasy carp us, amphidasyus) —► 1. confertus, densus, 2. pilosus, trich- € DA UCIFORMIS, DA UCOIDES, dau-ciform, de forma rSdScinii de Daucus carota [carrot-shaped; riibenfdrmig; dauciforme; murokszerfi; морково-видный] -*■ palaris 7 DEBILIS, DEBILI-, debil, slab, delicat (debilispinus) [weak, feeble, slender; schwach, schwachlich; ddbile, faible, grele; gyenge, csenevdsz; слабый, хилый] 8 DEC-, DEC A- (gr. 8ёка ,,zece“), cu zece (decandrus, decagonus, decapetalus ) [ten-; zehn-; к dix; tiz-; десяти-]-»-decent- 9 DECAGYNIA f (gr. -, yuvfj „feme-ie“), decaginie, grupS de plante cu zece pistile, dup& clasifica(ia lui Linnd [decagyny; Dekagynie, Zehn-weibige; decagynie; tizterm6s6k; декагиния] 10 DECALVATUS —» denudatus 11 DECAMERUS (gr. -, pepog ,,parte“), decamer, compus din zece parti [de-camerous; zehnzahlig, zehngliedrig; decamdre; tiztagd, tizosztatti; дека-мерыый] 12 DECANDRIA f (gr. -, dvf|p, dvopog ,,bdrbat“), decandrie, grupa de plante cu zece stamine libere, dup& clasifi-cajia lui Linnd [decandria; Dekan-drie; decandrie; tizporzdsok; де-кандрия] 13 DECANDRUS (gr. -), cu zece stamine [decandrous; zehnmannig; ddcan-dre; tizhimes, tizporzds; десятитычинковый] 14 DECEM-, cu zece, de zece ori (decent-fidus, decemfoliatus, decempunctatus) [ten-; zehn-; к dix; tiz-; десяти-] dec-, deca- 15 DECIDUUS, deciduu, caduc, c5zS-tor, nepersistent, care se deta§eaz3. de pe un organ (caliciu, frunze, sti-pele) [deciduous, falling; abfallend, abfallig; caduc, tombant; lehulld, lefesld, leesd; опадающий, временный, осыпающийся] —» caducus 16 DECIPIENS (decipio), indoelnic, in-§eiator, nesigur [doubtful, misleading; zweifelhaft, tauschend, trugerisch; douteux, trompeur; kdtsdges, csaldka, bizonytalan; обманчивый] -» fallacinus, fallax, mentiens, simulans 17 DECLJNATUS, declinat, cu directie piezi§a §i apoi curbat in jos (tulpind) [declinate, bent downward; niederge-bogen, abwkrtsgeneigt, geneigt, ge-beugt; ddclind, ddfldchi; lehajld, fer-ddn lehajld; склоненный, наклоненный] • 18 DECOLOR, DECOLORATUS, DE-COIDRUS, decolorat, f£r& culoare; care §i-a pierdut culoarea naturali [decoloured, discoloured, colourless; blafl, entfarbt, farblos; ddcolord, incolore; szintelen, szinehagyott, szi-ndtvesztett; обесцвеченный, бесцветный] 163 19 DECOMPOSITUS, dublu compus; repetat compus sau divizat (frunzS, inflorescen(S) [decompound; dop-peltzusammengesetzt, vielmalszusam-mengesetzt; ddcomposd; kdtszer 6sz-szetett, tObbszSr Osszetett; повторносложный, многораздельный] 20 DECONJUGATIO f, deconjugajie, separarea prematurS a cromozomilor imperechiat inainte de sfir§itul pro-fazei meiotice [deconjugation; Dekon-jugation; ddconjugation; dekonju-gScid; деконьюгация] 21 DECORATIVUS, decorativ, ornamental (plante ~ ) [decorative; zier-lich, zierend; ddcoratif; diszito; декоративный] * 22 DECORTICATUS, decorticat, des-cojit [decorticated, barkless; entrin-det, rindenlos, hautlos; ddcortiqud; lehSntott; бескорый] 23 DECORUS, impodobitor, frumos [adorned, adorning; zierend, schmtickend; embellissant; diszes; изящный] 24 DECRESCENS, DECRESCENTI-(decresco), descrescent, care se mic-§oreazS de la bazS spre virf (frunze, lobi, ramuri) (decrescenti-lobatus) [decreasing, decreasingly; kleinerwer-dend, abnehmend; dScrescent; kiseb-bedd, kissebbedden-; уменьшающийся, убывающий] 25 DECUMBENS (decumbo), decumbent, la inceput ascendent, apoi cul-cat la pSmint §i cu virful ridicat (ramurS, tulpinS) [decumbent; nie-derliegend, niedergestreckt; dScom-bant; lefekvd; лежачий, стелющийся] 26 DECURRENS, DECURSIVUS (decurro), decurent, cu baza prelun-gitS pe organul pe care este inserat (frunza pe pe^iol sau pe tulpinS) [decurrent, running down; herablau-fend, hinablaufend, herunterlSufig; dScurrent, dScursif; lefutd, nySlrefutd, szSrrafuto; низбегающий] 27 DECURTATUS -*■ abbreviatus 28 DECURVATUS, DECURVUS, curbat in jos [curved down; herabge-kriimmt; courbS en bas; legorbul6 ; искривленный] 29 DECUSSATIVUS, DECUSSATI-, DECUSSATUS, decusat, dispus in-cruci§at in serii la niveluri diferite (frunze, ramuri, flori) (decussati-alter-nus, decussati-oppositus) [decussate, crossed; kreuzstSndig, dekussiert, gekreutzt, kreuzweise-; dScussS, croi-sS; keresztben SU6, keresztben-; DEFOLIATUS перекрестный, перекрестно-] —► cruci-formis 30 DEDICATUS, dedicat, inchinat in onoarea cuiva (species Linnaeo dedi-cata specie dedicatS in onoarea lui LinnS) [dedicate; gewidmet; dSdiS, dSvouS; ajanlott; посвящённый] 31 DEDIFFEREN TIA TIO f, dedife-rentere, pierderea unor insu§iri carac-teristice de cStre unele celule specia-lizate §i regresarea lor intr-un stadiu mai simplu, in citologie [dedifferentiation; Dedifferenzierung; dSdif-ferentiation; dedifferenciSlddSs; де-дифференцировка] 32 DEDUPLICA TIO f, dedublare, du-blarea unor organe normal singuratice (in teratologie) [deduplication; Ver-doppelung; dSduplication, dSdoub-lement; megkettozddSs; удвоение]-► interpositio 33 DEFECTIVUS, DEFECTUS, defec-tiv, incomplet, cu lipsuri (organ) [defective; mangelhaft; dSfectif; hiSnyos; дефектный, несовершенный] 34 DEFENSIVUS, defensiv, de apSrare; care apSrS planta de dSunStori (anti-toxine, spini) [defensive; verteidigend; dSfensif; vSd6, vSdelmezo; оборонительный, защитный] 35 DEFICIENS (deficio) -*• absens 36 DEFINITUS, definit, cu cre§tere limitatS (ramificatia sau axa inflores-cen|ei terminate printr-o floare, in-cetind astfel cre§terea in lungime) [definite; begrSnzt, vollig entwickelt; dSfini, limitS; korlStolt nOvekedSsu; определенный, ограниченный] 37 DEFLEXUS, DEFLEXI-, deflect, reclinat; abrupt curbat in afarS sau in jos (ramurS) (deflexicalyx) [deflexed, deflected, abruptly turned downwards; abgebogen, zuruckge-schlagen, herabgebogen, niedergebogen; dSflSchi, rSclinS; legorbult, kifelSgSr-btilt, lehaj 16; погнутый, отогнутый, нагнутый] 38 DEFIDRATUS, deflorat 1. Cu perioa-da de inflorire terminatS- 2. Cu pole-nul deja imprS§tiat (anterS) [deflorate; ausgeblviht, verbluht, abge-bliiht ; dSfleuri, elvirSgzott; отцветший] 39 DEFOLIATUS, defoliat 1. Cu frun-zele cSzute. 2. Despuiat de frunze [defoliate; entblSttert; dSfeuillS; levSl-telenitett; обезлиственный] DEFORM AT US 40 DEFORMAT US, DEFORM IS, deformat, fara forma obi?nuit& [deformed, distorted; verungeslaltet, entstellt, hSOlich; ddformd; torz, eltorzult; деформированный, искаженный] 41 DEFRONDA TIO f, desfrunzire, cSde-rea frunzelor [defrondation; Laub-fall; ddfrondation; lombhullis; де-фрондация, листопад] -*• phyllobolia 42 DEGENE RAT 10 f, degenerare, dege-nerescenja; evolujie regresiva; modi-ficari structural defavorabile in celula sau in [esutul plantelor [degeneration; Degeneration, Entartung, Ausartung, Riickbildung; ddgdndra-tion; degenerdlddds, leroml&s, visz-szafejlodds; дегенерация, упрощение] —*■ rudimentatio 43 DEGENERA TUS, degenerat [degenerate; entartet, ausgeartet; ddge-пёгё; elfajzott; дегенерованный, вы-родйвшийся] 44 DEHISCENS, DEHISCENTUS (dehisco), dehiscent, care se deschide spontan (antera, fruct, sporogon) [dehiscent, dehiscing, splitting, opening; aufspringend, offnend; ddhis-cent; felnyild, felrepedo; раскрывающийся, вскрывающийся] 45 DEHISCENT1A f, dehiscent, modul de deschidere la maturitate a anterelor, fructelor §i a sporangilor pentru eli-minarea polenului, seminfelor §i a sporilor [dehiscence; Dehiszenz, Auf-springen; dahiscence; felnyilds, fel-pattanas, felrepedes, kovad&s; раскрывание, растрескивание] 46 DEJECTUS, DELAPSUS, cSzut, lepadat (frunze, ramuri) [dejected; abgefallen; chu, tomba; lehullott; опавший] 47 DELECTUS (-US) m 1. Selecjio-nare. 2. Catalog. 3. Lista [selection, list; Auswahl, Liste; saiection, catalogue; kivaiogatas, kataldgus; отбор, перечень]* 48 DELE, DELETE, DELEATUR (deleo), de §-щийся] —*• crypto-, occultatus 54 DELTEUS, DELTOIDEUS, DELTA-, DELTO- (gr. SeX/roeiS&g ,,tri-unghiular“), deltoidal, triunghiular (deltafoliatus, deltodontus, deltoglossus ) [deltoid, triangular; deltaformig, dreieckig; delto'ide, triangulaire; deltoid, h&romszdgfi; дельтовидный, дельтовидно-, треугольный] —» triangularis 55 DEMERSALIS, DEMERSUS, sub-mers, scufundat in apa (frunza) [demersed, submersed; untergetaucht, versenkt; plonga, submersd; aldme-rtilt, vizalatti; погруженный, подводный] —► submersus 56 DEMINUTUS, mic§orat, imputinat [diminished; verkleinert, vermindert; diminua, amoindra; kisebbitett, cs6kkentett; уменьшенный] —*■ redu-catus 57 DEMISSUS, coborit, aflat jos, aple-cat in jos (caulibus demissis cu tul-pinile aplecate; in locis demissis in locuri joase) [lowered, drooping; herab-hangend, niedrig; baissa, репсЬё; lehajld, alacsony; опущенный вниз, низменный] 58 DEMONSTRATIVES, demonstrate [demonstrative; beweisend; da-monstratif; bemutat6; демонстративный, наглядный] 59 DENDRI-, DENDRO-, DENDROI-DEUS, DENDROMORPHUS (gr. SdvSpov ,,arbore“, cISog ,,asemanare“, popqrfi ,,forma“), dendroid, de forma unui arbore (perii ramifica(i §i eta-ja(i de la Verbascum thapsiforme) (dendricolus, dendriformis, dendropha-gus) [dendroid, tree-like; baumartig, Iff baumffrmig, baumShnlich; dendrolde, arborescent; fa alakd, fShoz hasonld; древо-, древовидный] -*> arboreue, arbor if ormia 60 DENDROBION n (gr. -, (Hog „via-ybu), dendrobiont, organism care trSiefte pe sau tn trunchiul arborilor [dendrobion; Dendrobion; dendrobion te; dendrobion; деидробиоит] 61 DENDROCHRONOLOGIA f (gr. jrpOvog ,,timp“, Хбуод „vorbire"), dendrocronologie, determinarea vlr-stei arborilor [dendrochronology; Den-drochronologie; dendrochronologie; dendrokronoldgia; дендрохронология] 62 DENDROLOGIA f (gr. ~), dendrolo-gie, studiul arborilor fi a arbuftilor [dendrology; Baumkunde; dendrolo-gie; denaroldgia, faismerettan; дендрология] 63 DENIGRANS (denigro) —*• nigres-een8, eubniger 64 DENITRIFICANS (denitrifico), de-nitrificant, care produce denitrificare (bacterie) [denitrificant; salpeterzer-stOrend; dSnitrifiant; denitrifik&ld; денитрифицирующий] 65 DENOMINATIO f, denumire (deno-minatio plantarum numirea plantelor) [naming; Benennung; dSnomination; elnevezSs; наименование] 66 DENS m, dintc, inciziuni triunghiu-lare mici pe marginea unor organe (caliciu, frunze, petale) [tooth; Zahn; dent; fog; зуб, зубец] 67 -DENS, DENTATO-, DENTATUS, DENTI-, din]at, dentat, pe marginea unor organe cu mici inciziuni triun-ghiulare concave fi ascu]ite la virf (frunzS, petalS) (bidens, fissidens, dentato-crenatus, multidentatus, den-tifer, dentiformis) [dentate, toothed; gezShnt; dcntS: fogas, fogazott, fogasan-; зубчатый, зубчато-] -*odon-to-, -odontus 68 DENSUS, DEN SI-, indesuit, des (densiflorus) [dense, thick, densely-; dicht, dicht-, dichtslehend; dense, serrS; siirfi, sfirfin-, tdmdtten-; густой, густо-, плотный] —► compactus, spissus, русле- 69 DENTICIDUS, denticid, care se deschide prin din(i (rapsulis denti-cidis instructa prevSzulS cu capsule dehiscente prin dm]i, la Cerastium, Primula) [denticidous; zahnartig aufspringend; denticide; fogazottan felnyild; зубчато - вскрывающийся] DEPRESSUS 70 DENTICULUS, denticul, dinte mic ?i fin pe marginea unui organ [denticle ; ZShnchen; denticule; fogacska; зубчик] 71 DENUDATUS, denudat, despuiat (de frunzif, scoar|S), degradat (sol) [denudate, denuded, stripped, naked, bare; entblOOt, nackt, bloB, kahl; dSnudS, dSnuS; csupasz, kopasz, meztelen; обнаженный, оголенный] —> decaloatua 72 DEOPERCULATUS, deoperculat, lipsit sau neaeoperit' de un opercul (Musei) [deoperculate; deckellos, unbedeckelt; dSoperculS; kupaktalan, fedetlen; без крышечки] 73 DEPASTUS, pSscut, ros de rite [depastous; abgeweidet, abgefressen; broutS; lelegelt, lerSgott; потравленный, объеденный] 74 DEPAUPERATUS, sSrScScios, slab dezvoltat; cu numSr redus de piese componente (ex. inflorescen]S cu pu]ine flori) [depauperate, starved, scant; verarmt, arm; dSpauperS, appauvri; szegSnyes; обедненный, скудный, недоразвитый] 75 DEPELLENS (depello), tndepSr-tind, risipind, alungtnd afarS (sporii din asce) [driving away; herauswer-fend, hinausstreuend, heraustreibend; chassant; kisz6r6; выталкивающий] 76 DEPENDENS (dependeo), pendent, atirnStor [hanging down, drooping; herabhSngend, abnSngend; pendant; Iccsiing6, lefiiggd; повислый, повисающий] 77 DEPERULATIO f, deperula(ie, faza deschiderii mugurilor fi a lepSdSrii scvamelor [deperulation; Deperula-tion; dSperuIation ; deperulScio; де-перулация] 78 DEPIGMENTAT 10 f, depigment are, dislrugerea sau laten[a pigment ilor (din frunze, flori etc.) [depigmentation ; Depigmentation; dSpigmen-talion; depigmcntScio; депигментация] 79 DEPILATUS, dcpilat, cu pSrozitatea cSzutS la maturitatea unor organe [depilate; enthaart; dSpilS; elszorte-lenedett ; оголенный] 89 DEPRESSUS, DEPRESSO-, turtit, ccmprimat de sus (celulS) (depresso-globosus J [depressed, deprcsse-; nie-cergedruckl, eingedruckt, plaltge-druckt; dSprimS, aplati; Osszenyomott, . lapcs; придавленный, сплющенный] DERASUS 81 DERASUS, §ters, ras (pSrozitate) [rubbed; abrasiert; ras6, гас1ё, ratiss6; Ied6rzs6l6d6tt; сглаженный] 82 DERMATOCALYPTROGENUM n (gr. 5ёрца, ббрратод ,,piele“, каЯЛятра „сарас“, yewdcD „а na§te“), derma-tocaliptrogen, (esutul meristematic formlnd caliptra §i stratul pilifer al rSdScinii [dermatocalyptrogen; Der-matokalyptrogen; dermatocalyptrogfe-ne; dermatokaliptrog6n, dermatoka-liptrogta; дерматокалиптроген] 83 DERMA TOCYSTIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, K6ong„sac“), dermatocist, peri umflati pe sporofor (Agaricus) [dermatocyst; Dermatozyste; dermatocyste; derma-tociszt; дерматоцист] 84 DERMATOGENUM n (gr.yew6ua „a na?te“), dermatogen, tesut meris-tematic dind na§tere epidermei pri-mare [dermatogen; Hautbildungsge-webe, Oberhautstoff; dermatogfene; b6rszovetk6pzo; дерматоген] 85 DERMA TOPLASMA n (gr. - ntaapa ,,modelare“), dermatoplasmS, protoplasma vie f&cind parte din membrana celular& (Wiesner) [dermatoplasm; Dermatoplasma; dermatoplasme; sejt-falplazma: дерматоплазма] 86 DERMATOPLASTUM n (gr. яЯлотдд ,,modelat“), dermatoplast, citoplasmS §i nucleu, Inconjurate de о membranS solidS, formind un aparat vegetativ (Saccharomyces) (Wiesner) [dermatoplast; Dermatoplast; der-matoplaste ;dermatoplSsztisz; дерматопласт] 87 DERMATOSOMA n (gr. -, affipa ,,corp“), dermatozom, particulS constituents a membranei celulare [der-matosome; Dermatosom; dermatoso-me; dermatoszdma; дерматозома] 88 DESCENDENS (descendo), descended, care coboarS (ramuri, sevS) [descending; absteigend, hinabstei-gend; descendant; leszSlld, lemend; нисходящий, происходящий] 89 DESCENDENTIA f, descenden^S, filiate; coborlre prin genera^ii succe-sive dintr-un strSmo§ comun [des-cendence ; Abstammung, Descendenz; descendance; leszSrmazSs; происхождение] 90 DESCRIPT 10 f, descriere, circum-scrierea detaliatS a unui organ sau a unui taxon [description; Beschreibung; description; leirSs; описание] 168 91 DESCRIPTIVUS, descriptiv (botanicd. ~) [descriptive; beschreibend; ddscriptif; leird; описательный]* 92 DESERTICOLUS (-COLA t) — tes-quicolus 93 DESICCATIO I, uscare [desiccation, drying; Austrocknung; desiccation, ddssdchement; kiszaritds, kiszSradSs; сушка, высушивание] 94 DESIGNATUSy desemnat, indicat (holotipul indicat de autor) [designate; bezeichnet; indiqud; kijelolt; обозначенный] 95 DESILIENS (desilio), desilient, care sare afarS (seminjele din capsulS) [springing out; aufspringend, herab-springend; sautant en dihors; kiug-r6, kipattano; отс:: .хавающийся] 96 DESINENS (desino), terminat, care se sfir§e§te (nervis prope laminae marginem desinentibus cu nervuri care se terminS aproape de marginea laminei) [ending, ceasing; endend; se terminant; vdgzddd; прекращающийся] 97 DESINENTIA f, desinentS 1. Terminate (a frunzelor, nervurilor). 2. Sufix adSugat la rSdScina unui nume de taxon indicind genul grama-tical al acestuia (Fagus silvatic-a), sau gradul categoriei sistematice (Fag-aceae, Lycopodi-ales) [ending; Endung; desinence; v6gz6d&; окончание] 98 DESM-, - DESMICUS, DESMO-, -DESMUS, DESMATUS, DES-MODUS (gr.Secpfi „legSturS, fasci-cul“), fasciculat (desmantkus, desmo-cephalus, atactodesmicus, cyclodesmus) [fascicled, tufty-; biindelig, buschel-; fasciculd, houppd; nyaldbos; пучковатый, пучковато-, хохлатый] 99 DESMOCHONDRIA n pi (gr. -, XdvSpog „corp mic“) -*■ microsoma 100 DESMOCHORES m pi (gr. -, „a se rSsplndiu), desmoc(h)ore, plante zooc(h)ore care se propagS cu ajutorul semin(elor spinoase sau a unor apen-dici ascutt [desmochores; Desmo-choren; desmochores; dezmochorcdvdny-ek; дезмохорые] 101 DESMOGEN.UM n (gr. -, yewdo „a se na§te“) —*■ procambium 102 DESMOLYSIS f (gr. -, XOoig „dizol-vare“), desmolizS, ruptura legSturii dintre diferitele elemente ale unei molecule simple, mai ales pe calea oxida(iei (in citologie) [desmolysis; 167 Desmolyse; desmolyse; dezmolizis; десмолиз] 103 DESMOPLANCTON n (gr.nXay-ктбд „rdtdcitor"), desmoplancton, plancton reunit in formd de benzi sau panglici (Forel) [desmoplankton; Des-moplankton; desmoplancton; dezmo-plankton; десмопланктон] 104 DESQUAMATUS, descvamat, lipsit de scvame [scaleless; schuppenlos; sans dcailles; pikkelylelen; лишенный чешуи] 105 DESTITUTUS, lipsit, despuiat de (corold, scvame) [destituted, deprived, wanting; beraubt, entblOQt, entbehrend; ddprivd, manquant; hidny-z6, megfosztott; лишенный] —► or-batus 106 DESTRUCTJVUS, DESTRUENS, destructiv (metabolism, parazit) [destructive, destroying; zerstdrend, ab-bauend, verderblich; destructif, detruant ; bomlaszto, rombolo; деструктивный, разрушающий] 107 DESUM v., a lipsi (pili desunt perii lipsesc) [to fail; fehlen; manquer; hidnyozni; недоставать] 108 DESYNAPSIS f (gr. 5t- ,,nu“, aovaq>f| ,,unire“), desinapsis, separarea prematurd a cromozomilor omologi dupd imperechiere (In meioza) [desynapsis ; Desynapsis; desynapsis; de-szinapszis; десинапсис] 109 DESYNDESIS f (gr.-, ouvSeaig ,,unire“) —*■ desynapsis 110 DETECTUS -*■ nudus 111 DETERMINA TIO f, determinare, identificarea §tiin(ifica a plantelor pentru a fi clasate in sistem [determination; Bestimmen, Bestimmung; ddtermination; meghatarozds; определение] —yidentificatio 112 DETERMINAVIT v (determino), a fost determinat de (urmat de nu-mele botanistului care a determinat planta) [determinated by; beslimmt durch; ddtermind par; meghatdrozta; определил] 113 DETONSUS tuns [shorn; geschoren ; tondu; Ienyirt; обстриженный] 114 DETRITUS [-US), m, detrit, material rezultat din sfdrimarea rocilor, con[inind §i particule organice [detritus; Detritus; ddtritus; detritusz; детрит] 118 DEUSTUS, are, plrlit, de culoarea areurii [burned, scorched; angebrannt, DIACHENA brandfarbig; Ьгй1ё, roussi; perzselt szfnu; обугленный] 116 DEUTEROGAMIA f (gr. беитерод ,,secundar“, ydpog „cdsdtorie"), deu-terogamie, fuziune nucleard speciald posterioard actului sexual, la Cryp-togamae (Groom) [deuterogamy; Deu-terogamie; deutdrogamie; deutero-gdmia ; деутерогамия] 117 DEUTEROPLASMA n, DEUTO-PLASMA n (gr. -, яХйощх „mode-lare“), deutoplasmd, incluziuni cito-plasmatice inerte (pigmen^i, substance grase etc.) (Van Beneden) [deuteroplasma; Deutoplasma; deuto-plasme; deutopldzma; деутоплазма] —*■ paraplasma 118 DEUTEROTOKIA f (gr.-, тдкод ,,na§tere“) -*■ amphitokia 119 DEUTOGENOTYPICUS (gr. -, ydvog ,,urma§“, тияод ,,model“) —*• isogene-ticus 120 DEUTOSPOROPHYTON n (gr.-, аяорй „saminjd", qwxdv „plantd") -*■ tetrasporophyto n 121 DEUTOXYLEMA n (gr.-, $Miov ,,lemn“) —► metaxylema 122 DEV I AT 10 f —*• aherratio 123 DEXIOSTYLUS (gr. 6e£iog „spre dreapta", атОХод „coloand"), dexio-stil, cu stilele curbate spre dreapta [dexiostylous; rechtsgriffelig; ddxio-style; jobbrahajld bibeszalu; дек- СИОСТИЛЬНЫЙ] 124 DEXIOTROPICUS, DEXIOTRO-PUS (gr. -, TpOTtfi „rdsucire") -*• dex-trogyrus 125 DEXTROGYRUS (Iat. dexter „spre dreapta", gr. уирб© „a se curba"), DEXTROROTATORIUS, DEX-TRORS U M- VOL U ВI LIS, curbat de la stinga spre dreapta (circei, tulpind) [dextrogyrous; rechtswindend, rechsts-gedreht; courbd a droit; jobbra-csavarod6, jobbfeld g6rbul6; право-изогнутый] 126 DI- (gr. 5lg ,,a doua ori") (diacanthus, dianthus, dicarpus, dicoccus, diphyl-lus) -*■ bi-, bis-, disso- 127 DIA- (gr. Sid „prin, de-a lungul"), prin (diacentrus, diacyticus) [through; durch; par; dt-; через] 128 DIACHAENA f, DIACHAENIUM n (gr. 5(g ,,de doud ori", a „nu", xalvffl „а se deschide"), diachend, fruct compus din doud achene (Um- DIACHRONUS belliferae) [diachenium; Doppelachene, Zwillingachene; diakSne; ikerkaszat, kettOskaszat; двусемянка] 129 DIACHRONUS (gr. 8id ,,prin“, xpd-vog ,,timp“), diacron, care se petrece • !n timpuri diferile [diachronous; verschiedenzeitig; diachrone; kiildm-bdz6 idejfi; разновременный] 130 DIACHYMA n (gr. хора ,,acu- mn\a.veu)^-mesopkyllum 131 DIADELPHICUS, DIADELPHUS (gr. 8tg ,,de douS ori“, d8eXq>dg ,,frate“), diadelf, reunit in douS fascicule (staminele la Fumaria, Phaseo-lus) [diadelphian, diadelphous; zwei-briiderig; diadelphe ; kSlfalkds; двуб-ратст венный] 132 DIADROMUS (gr. 5td . ,,prin“, 8p6-pog ,,fugS“), diadrom, in formS de evantai (nerva^ia frunzelor de Ginkgo) [diadromous, fan-shaped; fScherlSu-fig; diadrome, en dvantail; legyez6-szeruen sz6tfut6; диадромный, веерообразный] 133 DIAGEOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, yf| ,,pSmint“, xponf| „rasucire"), diageo-tropism, geotropism cu tending unor pSrt de organe de a lua poztyia de unghi drept de direc^ia gravitStii [diageotropism; Diageotropismus; dia-gSotropisme; diageotropizmus; диагеотропизм] —» geodiatropismus 134 DIAGNOSIS f (gr. -, yvffloig ,,cunoa§-tere“), diagnozS, descrierea §tiintificS concisS numai a principalelor carac-lere ale taxonului [diagnosis; Diagnose, Beurtcilung; diagnose; diagnd-zis, jellegezds; диагноз] 135 DIAGONALIS (gr. 8ia „in curmezi§“, ytDvia ,,unghi“), diagonal (plan ~) [diagonal; diagonal; diagonal; diago-nilis, itlds, ferde; диагональный] * 136 DIAGRAMMA n (gr. 8uaypappa ,,schemS“), diagrams, reprezentarea schematics in proiecfie orizontalS a pieselor unui organ (de ex. la floare, inflorescentS) [diagram; Diagramm, Schaubild, GrundriO; diagramme; ve-tuleti kdplet, diagram, alaprajz; диаграмма]* 137 DIAHELIOTROPISMUS m (gr. Sid „in curmezi§“, flXiog ,,soare“, xpoirfi ,,rSsucire“), diaheliotropism, tendinta unor organe de a lua pozi(ia de unghi drept fatS de razele de luminS [diaheliotropism; Diaheliotropismus; dia-hSliolropisme; diahdlio tropizmus; диагелиотропизм] —> paraphototropismus 168 138 DIAKINESIS i (gr. Sul „prin“, kCvti-aig ,,mi§care“), diacinezS, stadiul urmStor profazei meiotice, cu for-marca definitivS a cromozomilor in-gemSnati (Haecker) [diakinesis; Dia-kinese; diakindse; diakinSzis; диа-кинез] 139 DIALY- (gr. SiaXu© „а se separa“), separat, neconcrescut (dialycarpella-rist dialypetalus, dialysepalus, dialy-stemoneus) [separately-, distinctly-; ge-trennt-, frei-; эёрагё, libre entre eux; szabad-; раздельно-] -*• chori-, choris-to-, eleuthero-, discretus, disjunctus 140 DIAL YDESMIA f (gr. -, Seopdg ,,le-gStura"), dialidesmie, separarea ste-lului in fascicule independente, in tulpina unor Monocotyledonatae [dia-lydesmy; Dialydesmie; dialydesmie; dialidezmia; диалидезмия] 141 DIALYSIS f (gr.-), dializS, separarea organelor normal concrescute [dialysis; Dialyse, Trennung; dialyse; dializis ; диализ] —► adesmia 142 DIAL YSTELIA t (gr. -, ot#|Xti ,,co-loanS“) —► dialydesmia 143 DIAMESOGAMIA I (gr. 6uz ,,prin“, рёоод ,,mijloc“, ydpog ,,cSsStorie“), diamezogamie, fertilizare prin inter-mediul unui agent extern (apS, vint, animale) [diamesogamy; Diamesoga-mie; diam£sogamie; diamezogdmia; диамеэогамия] 144 DIANDRUS (gr. 8(- ,,doi“, dvf|p, dvSpdg ,,bSrbat“), diandric, cu douS stamine (floare) [diandrous, diandrian; zweimSnnig, doppelmannig; diandre; kSthimes, k£tporz6s; двутычиночный] 145 DIAPHANUS (gr. 8id ,,prin“, (patvoo „a vedea“) -* iranslucidus 146 DIAPHERIA f (gr. -, <рёра> „a duce“), diaferie, concre?terea totals a douS organe (ex. calicii) obi?nuit separate (Morren) [diaphery; Diapherie; dia-phSrie; diafSria; диаферия] 147 DIAPHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, q>fflg, фЛход „luminS", xporefi ,,curbare“) —*• diaheliotropismus 148 DIAPHRAGMA n (gr. -, «ppdypa /,ln-grSdire“), diafragmS, peretele transversal care separS о cavitate in douS pSrti (la nodurile de Gramineae, Equi-setum) [diaphragm; Querwand, Quer-haut, Zwerchfell; diaphragme; ha-rdntfal, rekesztdhSrtya, bSlrekesztSk; диафрагма, перегородка] 149 DIAPHYSIS f (gr.-, срботд „formate"), diafizS, proliferarea centrals 109 a florilor, frunzelor sau a inflores-centei, in teratologie [diaphysis; Durch-wachsung; diaphyse; dtndvds; диа-физ] —*■ prolificatio 150 DIARCHICUS (gr. 61- ,,doi“, dpxf| „inceput"), diarh, prevdzut cu doud fascicule de xilem §i doud de floem (stelul rdddcinii unor Cruciferae) [diarch; diarch, zweistrahlig; diarche; diarch, kdtsugaru; диархный, двулучистый] 151 DIARIUM n, diariu, insemndri zil-nice [diary, day-book; Tagebuch; journal; iitinapl6; дневник] 152 DIASCHISTICUS (gr. Sia „transversal", охкгтбд „despicat"), diaschis-tic, divizat transversal (cromozom) [diaschistic; diaschistisch, quergeteilt; diaschistique; hardntosztdddsu; диа-схистический] 153 DIASPASIS f (gr. Sidwrnaoig „rup-turd"), diaspazd, separarea prin ru-pere sau gituire a nucleilor in ami-tozd (Wasielewski) [diaspase; Dia-spase; diaspase; diaspdzis; диаспаз] 154 DIASPORA f (gr. Sid „prin", ояора „procreare"), diaspor, organ de pro-pagare in general (buta§i, seminje, spori) [diaspore; Diaspore, Verbrei-tungseinheit; diaspore; diaspdra, sza-poritdszerv; диаспора] 155 DIASTASIS f (gr. Sidoxamg „ru-pere"), diastazd, ferment amilolitic [diastase; Diastase; diastase; diasztdz; диастаз] 156 DIASTER m (gr. Si- „doi", daxfip „stea"), diaster, fazd a diviziunii ca-riocinetice cind cromozomii se apropie de polii fusului, dispunindu-se radiar [diaster; Diaster; diaster; didszter, kett6s-csillagstddium; диастер] 157 DIASTOLE f (gr. 5iaoxol.fi „inde-pdrtare"), diastola, faza de dilatare in mi§carea vacuolei pulsatile [diastole; Diastole, Ausdehnung; diastole; diasztole-dllapot; диастола] 158 DIASTROPHE f (gr. Зшохрофт) ,,dis-locare"), diastrofd, dispozi(ia cromato-forilor in doud grupe separate, orientate in direc£ia sau in partea opusd izvorului de lumind [diastrophe; Dia-strophe, Vor-Riicklage; diastrophe; diasztrdf-helyzet, eliil-hdtulfekv6s; диастрофе] 159 DIATMESIS f (gr. Sid „prin", xpfloig „tdiere"), diatmezd, simpla divi-zare in doud a nucleilor fiice, in meiozd (Wasielewski) [diatmesis; Diat-mese; diatmesis; diatmdzis; диатмез] DICHASIUM 160 DIATRETUS (gr. Sidxpqoig „gdu-rire") —» perforatus 161 DIA TROPISMUS m (gr. Sid „transversal", троял „rdsucire"), diatropism, tropism de a§ezare transversald pe izvorul de excitatie [diatropism; Dia-tropismus; diatropisme; diatropizmus; диатропизм] 162 DIATRYPUS (gr. Sidxpuxdco „a gduri") —*■ perforatus 163 DI BIOSIS f (gr. Si- „doi", Piog „viaCa"), dibioza, convieCuirea epibio-tului §i a hipobiotului (ex. a altoiului §i portaltoiului) [dibiose; Dibiose; di-biose; dibidzis; дибиоз] 164 DIBOTRYS f (gr. -, Poipug „cior-china"), dibotris, inflorescentd botri-tica cu axele laterale din nou rami-ficate botritic [dibotrys; Dibotrys; dibotrys; dibotrisz; диботрис] 165 DICARYOBION n (gr. -, Kapuov „nucd", -), dicariobiont, organism cu aparalul vegetativ format din celule binucleate (Basidiomycetes) [dicaryo-bion; Dikaryobiont; dicaryobionte; di-kariobion; дикариобионт] 166 DICARYOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. ~, kuxi? „cutie"), dicariocit, celuld binucleatd (Moreau) [dicaryocyte; Dikaryozyt; dicaryocyte; dikariocita; дикариоцит] 167 DICARYON n (gr. --), dicarion, celula cu cite doi nuclei haploizi, la reproducerea unor Ascomycetes (Maire) [dicaryon; Dikaryon; dicaryon; di-karion, magpdros dllapot; дикарион] 168 DICARYOPHASIS f (gr. -, фйстк; „fazd"), dicariofazd, conjugarea pere-chilor de nuclei fdrd fuzionarea lor, la reproducerea unor ciuperci [dica-ryophase; Dikaryophase; dicaryopha-se; dikariofdzis; дикариофаза] -> di-haplophasis 169 DICENTRICUS (gr. -, xdvxpov „centru"), dicentric, cu doud centromere (cromozom) [dicentric; dizentrisch; di-centrique; dicentrikus; дицентричес-кий] —*■ dikineticus 170 DICHASIUM n (gr. -, xdenco) „a cdsca"), dicaziu, cimd dicaziala, cimd bipara; tip de inflorescen(d cimoasd cu dihotomie falsd, la care de sub floarea terminald a axului principal pornesc doud ramuri secundare opuse, acestea ramificindu-se din nou (Ca-ryophyllaceae) [dichasium, dichasial cyme; Dichasium, zweigabelige Trug-dolde; dichasium, cyme bipare; di-chdzium, bogerny6, kettds bogvirdg-zat, dlernyd; дихазий] DICHLAMYDEUS 171 DICHLAMYDEUS (gr. хЯлцбд „manta"), diclamideu, diferentiat in douS inveli§uri florale (caliciu §i co-rolS) [dichlamydeous; dichlamydeisch, zweibliitenhullig, zweihiillig, doppelt-hullig; dichlamydd, dipdrianthd; kdt-vir>akards; двуоколоцветниковый] -► diplochlamydeus 172 DICHA-, DICHO- (gr. Sixa, 8ixo-,,in doi"), in doi, cu doi (dichoblasticus, dichopetalus, dichotrophus) [two-; zwei-; bi-; kdt-; дву-] 173 DICHOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpog „cSsS-torie"), dicogamie, maturizare in timpuri diferite a anterelor §i a sligma-telor unei flori (Geranium, Luzula) (Sprengel) [dichogamy; Dichogamie, Wechselbefruchtung; dichogamie; di-chogSmia, ivari kiil6ndrettsdg; дихогамия] —*■ asynchronogonismus 174 DICHО POD IU M n (gr. -, ji68iov ,,pi-cioru§“), dicopodiu, sistem de ramifi-cafie dihotomicSa axei inflorescentei in cite douS pSrt [dichopodium; Di-chopodium; dichopodium; dichopd-dium; дихоподий] 175 DICHOTOMIA f (gr. -, xopf| „tSiere"), dicotomie, mod de ramificare a unui organ axial (rSdScinS, tulpinS, ramuri, peduncul) prin bifurcare sau prin di-vizare repetatS in cite douS pSrti [dichotomy; Dichotomie, gabelige Ver-zweigung, wiederholte Gabelteilung, Zweiteilung; dichotomie; dichotdmia, villds elSgazddds; дихотомия, дихото. мическое ветвление] 176 DICHOTOMUS (gr. -), dicotomie, bi-furcat sau repetat divizat in cite douS pSr[i [dichotomous, forked; dicho-tom, gabelig, gegabelt, zweigabelig, wiederholt-gabelig; dichotome, four-chu; dichotdmikus, villds, kdtdgu, kd-tosztatd; дихотомический, вильчатый] —► dicrano-, bifurcatus 177 DICHOTYPIA f (gr.-, xfarog „model"), dicotipie, apari(ia unor organe omoloage de tip diferit la aceea§i plants (ex. hibrizi cu flori deosebite) [dichotypy; Dichotypie; dichotypie; dichotipia; дихотипиа] 171 DICHRO-, DICH ROUS, DICHRO-MATUS (gr. 8i- „doi", XP&S »cu-loare", хрйца „culoare"), cu douS culori (dichroanthus) [bicolour; zwei-farb-, zweifarbig; bicolore; kdtszinti; двухцветный] -+ bicolor 179 DICLIN ICUS, DICLINUS (gr.-, icXivri „pat"), diclinic, unisexuat; cu flori mascule §i femele pe indivizi deosebiji (la unele Gymnospermae) 170 [diclinous, unisexual; diklin, eingesch-lechtlich, zweibettig, getrenntgesch- echtlich; dicline, unisexud; egyi-vard; раздельнополый, разнополый] 180 DICOTYLEDONEUS, DICOTYLE-US (gr. -, KOTuXTi8d>v „cavitate"), di-cotiledonat, prevSzut cu douS coti-Iedoane [dicotyledonous; dikotyledo-nisch, zweisamenlappig, zweikeimblStt-rig; dicotyledond; kdtszikfi; двудольный, двусеменодольный] —» isobriatus 181 DICRANO- (gr. Stxpovog „furcat") (dicranotrichus, dicranophorus) —*■ di-chotomus, furcatus 182 DICTYO-, -DICTYUS (gr. 6ikxuov „re^ea, plasS") (dictyocarpus, calli-diclyus) —* reticulato- 183 DICTYODROMUS (gr.-, 8p6pog „fugS"), dictiodrom, care se intinde in formS de retea (nervura la Salix reticulata) [dictyodromous; netzlSu-fig; dictyodrome; hS16s, h£16szeruen lefut6; сетчатый, сетчато бежный] —► reticulatus 184 DICTYOPHORUS (gr.-, форё© „а purta") —► reticulatus 185 DICTYOSPORA f (gr. -, опора ,,sS-mintS"), dictiospor, spor cu suprafata aparent reticulatS (Fungi, Lichenes) [dictyospore; Diktyospore; dictyo-spore ; diktiospdra; диктиоспора] 186 DICTYOSTELE f (gr. -, oxf|Xn ,,co-loanS"), dictiostel, stel reticulat sau sifonostel intrerupt in directii radiare [dictyostele; Diktyostele; dictyostfele; diktiosztdle; диктиостела] 187 DICYCLICUS, DICYCLUS (gr. 8t-,,doi“, кикХод „cerc"), diciclic 1. Dispus in douS verticile (floare). 2. Bis-anual (plants) [dicyclic, twowhorled, biennial; dizyklisch, zweiwirtelig, zwei-jahrig; dicyclique, bisannuel; kdtdrvd, kdtkords, kdtdves, kdtnySri; двуцикличный, двулетний] 188 DICYMA n (gr.-, кОца ,,val“), di-cimS, cimS compusa; inflorescentS ci-moasS cu axele Iaterale de ordinul I din nou cimos ramificate (Sambucus nigra) [dicyme; zusammengesetzte Trugdolde; dicyme; Osszetett boger-пуб; двуполузонтик] 189 DIDIPLOIDEUS (gr. -, 5шХ6од „dublu", etSog „asemSnare"), didiploid, cu numSr dublu de cromozomi diploizi in celulele somatice ale ambi-lor pirinti (organism ~) (Litardidre) fdidiploid; didiploid; didiplolde; didiploid ; дждиплоидный] —* ampkidi-pUHeus 171 190 DIDROMUS (gr, -, 5p6pog ,,fugd), didrom, rdsucit de doud ori [doubly-twisted ; zweimalgedreht; bicontournd; kdtszer csavarodott; двубежный] 191 DIDYM-, DIDYMO-, DIDYMUS (gr. SiSupog ,,dublu“), ingemdnat 1. Dublu. 2. Reunite cite doud sau divizate in doud pdrti (antere, fructe, flori) (didymerus, didymosporus, didy-mostachyus) [didymous, geminate, in pairs, two-twice-; verdoppelt, gezweit, zwillingsartig, doppel-; gdmind, dd-doubld; iker-, kettos, pdros, kdt-; двойчатьй, дву-] —> geminatus 192 DIDYMANTHIA f (gr. -, „fivOog „floare"), didimantie, aparijia a doud flori separate pe un peduncul obi§nuit uniflor [didymanthy; Didymanthie; didymanthie; didimdntia; дидимантия] 193 DIDYMOCARPUS (gr. -, карядд „fruct"), didimocarpic, cu fructe duble §i sudate (Galium) [didymocarpous; doppelfriichtig; didymocarpe; ikerter-mesu; двуплодный] 194 DIDYMOSPORA f (gr. -, аяора „sdminjd"), didimospor, spor bicelu-lar [didymospore; Didymospore, zwei-zellige Spore; didymospore, spore bicel-lulaire; didimospdra, kdtsejtu sp6ra; дидимоспора] -*■ dimerospora 195 DIDYNAM1A f (gr. 5i- „doi", 8u-vapig „putere"), didinamie. 1. Hetero-stilie cu doud stamine mai lungi §i doud mai scurte (numeroase Labiatae). 2. Clasd in sistemul lui Linnd [didy-namia; Didynamie; didynamie; didi-ndmia, kdtfdporzdsok; дидинамия] 196 DIDYNAMICUS, DIDYNAMUS (gr. - -), didinam 1. Bivalent. 2. Cu doua stamine mai lungi §i doud mai scurte (floare) [didynamous;. didyna-misch, zweimachtig, doppelmdchtig; didyname; didindm, kdtfSporzds; двусильный] 197 DIENTOMOPHILIA f (gr. -, evxo-pog „insectd", (piAico „a iubi"), dien-tomofilie, insu§irea unor plante la care unele flori sint polenizate prin anumite insecte, iar altele prin alte insecte (Iris pseudacorus) [diento-mophily; Dientomophilie; dientomo-pfilie; dientomofllia; диэнтомофилия] 198 DIERESILIS f (gr. Sioipd© „a divide") -*■ carcerulus 199 DIFFERENTIALS, diferen^ial, dis-tinctiv 1. Care serve§te pentru se-pararea unitdjilor taxonomice (caractere). 2. Care se intilne?te numai in anumite asocia(ii, fdrd sd le fie carac-teristice (specii) [differential; diffe- DIGITATO- renzial, unterscheidend; diffdrentiel; differencidlis, megkiilOmbdztetd; дифференциальный, различный] 200 DIFFERENTIA TIO f, diferentiere, separare 1. Specializarea celulelor embrionare sau ale (esuturilor pentru anumite functii, in cursul dezvoltdrii. 2. Scindarea unor unitd^i sistematice in cursul filogeniei [differentiation; Differenzierung, Sonderung; diffdren-ciation; elkiilOniilds, szdtvdlasztddds, tagolddds; дифференциация] 201 DIFFERT v (differo), diferd, se deo-sebe^te de (a typo differt diferd de tip prin) [differs; unterscheidet sich; diffdre de; kiilOmbdzik; отклоняется от] 202 DIFFORMIS, diform, fdrd о formd determinatd sau avind о formd neo-bi§nuitd [deformed, shapeless; unge-staltig, gestaltlos; difforme; alakta-lan, formatlan; неоднородный, раз* нородный] —* vagiformis 203 DIFFUSUS, difuz, imprd§tiat, nere-gulat etalat in toate directiile (ramuri, tulpini) [diffuse, widely spreading; ausgebreitet, weitschweifig, zer-streut; diffuse, dtald; diffuz, szdtszdrt, szdtomld, szdtdlld; диффузный, раскидистый] £204 DIFISSUS -► bifidus 205 DIFLORIGERUS -*• biflorus 206 DIGAME TICUS (gr. Si- „doi", ya-pdxng „sot"), digametic, care posedd ambele tipuri de gameti, masculi §i femeli [digametic; digametisch; diga-mdtique; digametikus; дигаметичес-кий] 207 DIGAMUS (gr. -, yapog „cdsdtorie") —*■ bisexualis 208 DIGENESIS f ( gr. -, ydveaig ,,na§tere“) —► alternatio generationum 209 DIGENETICUS, DIGENUS (gr. - -) —*• bisexualis 210 DIGENIA f (gr. --)-*• amphigonia 211 DIGESTIVUS, digestiv, care dige-reazd (calotd la virful radicelei, glanda~ la plantele carnivore) [digestive; verdauend; digestif; emdsz-t6; пищеварительный] 212 DIGITALIS, digital, de lungimea unui deget (cca 7—8 cm) [finger lenght; fingerlang; d longueur d’un doigt; ujjhosszd; длиной в палец] 213 DIGITATO-, DIGITATUS, digitat, cu organe omoloage dispose in evan-tai, ca degetele miinii (foliolele frun-zei de Aesculus, Lupinus) [digitate, DIGITATO - COMPOSITUS fingered, digitately-; fingerig, gefin-gert, finger-; digits, ujjas, ujjasan-; пальчатый, пальчато-, дланевидно-] 214 DIGI ТА TO- COMPOS I TUS, digitat-compus, cu foliolele dispuse radiar in virful pe^iolului [digitate-compound; fingerig-zusammengesetzt; digitS-com-ровё; ujjasan 6sszetett; пальчатосложный] 215 DIGITATO-LOBATUS, digitat-lobat [digitately-lobed; fingeriggelappt; di-git6-lob6; ujjasan karejos; пальчатолопастный] 216 DIGI TATO- PALM AT US palmat digitat [digitate-palmate; handspaltig-gefingert; digit6-palm6; ujjasan tenye-res; дланевиднопальчатый] 217 DIGITATO-PINNATUS, digitat-penat, la frunza dublu compusS, cu rahisuri secundare §i cu foliole pcnale sau digitate [digitate-pinnate; fin-geriggefiedert; digitS-penne; ujjasan sz&rnyalt; пальчатоперистый] 218 DIGIT I-, DIGITIFORMIS —*■ digi-tatus, dactylinus, dactyloideus 219 DIGI TIF ID US, digitat-fidat [digiti-fidate; fingerspaltig; digitifidS; ujjasan hasadt; пальчатонадрезный] 220 DIGI TINER VIS, DIGITINER-VIUS, digitat-nervat, cu nervuri di-vergente de la baza limbului [digi-tately-nerved; fingernervig, fingerigge-adert; digitinerv<5; ujjasan erezelt; пальчатонервный] 221 DIGI TI PARTI TUS, digitat partit [digitipartite; fingeriggeteilt; digiti-partite; ujjasan osztott; пальчатораздельный] 222 DIGYNUS (gr. 6i„doi“, -yuvfi ,,fe-meie“), digin, cu douS pistile [digy-nous; zweiweibig, zweigriffelig, zwei-rarbig; digyne; k£tterm6s, kStanyds; двупестичный] —► bicarpellaris 223 DIHA P ID IDE U S (gr. -, йяХбод ,,simplu“, et6og „aseman&tor"), di-haploid, cu dou& perechi de nuclei haploizi [dihaploid; dihaploid; diha-ploide; dihaploid; днгаплондный] 224 DIHAPLOPHASIS f (gr. - -, g, Фсотдд „luminS"), difotic, cu douS fe(e inegal luminate [diphotic; diphotisch; dipho-tique; difdtikus; дифотический] 259 DIPHTHERO- (gr. бирвера „piele") (diphtherolobus, diphtheroscyphus) -*■ coriaceus 260 DIPHYLETICUS (gr.-, фОЛоу „trib"), difiletic, provenit din douS linii de descenders [diphyletic; diphyletisch, zweistSmmig; diphyldtique; difileti-kus; дифилетический] 261 DIPHYLLUS (gr. -, ФuUov „frunzS") —*■ bifoliatus 262 DIPHYTICUS (gr. -, фбтоу „plants"), difitic, care trSie§te pe douS plante gazde (parazit) [diphytic; diphytisch; diph/lique; difitikus; дифитический] DIPLANETICUS 263 DIPLANETICUS (gr. пЗКпщтнсбс „rStScitor"), diplanetic, cu douS sta-dii de mobilitate (zoosporii la Saproleg-nia) [diplanetic, double-swarming; diplanetisch, zweimalschwSrmend; di-planStique; diplanStikus, kdtszer raj-z6; дипланетический] 264 DIPLASIA f (gr. 6urXaa(og ,,dublu“), diplazie, despicarea in doud a unui organ axial [diplasy; Diplasie; dipla-sie; diplSzia; диплаэия] 265 DIPLASIO- (gr. -) (diplasiocarpus) —* bi-, geminato- 266 DIPLECO- (gr. 8urXa£ ,,dublu“) (di-plecolobus) —► bi-, geminato- 267 DIPID- (gr. -) (diplobionticus, diplo-caulis) —► bi-, di-, dis-, dipleco- 268 DIPIDBION TON n( gr.-, piog ,,viat&“), diplobiont 1. Plants care Inflore§te §i fructificS de douS ori pe an. 2. Organism cu celule somatice avind nuclei cu garniturS cromozomicS di- loidS [diplobiont; Diplobiont; diplo-ionte; diplobionta; диплобионт] 269 DIPLOCHLAMYDEUS (gr. %Xo-рйд ,,manta“) —*• dichlamydeus 270 DIPLOCHROMOSOMA n (gr. хрй-pa ,,culoare“, ofijpa ,,corp“), diplo-cromozom, cromozom anormal avind patru cromatide (White) [diplochro-mosome; Diplochromosom; diplo-chromosome; diplokromoszdma; дшшо-хромосома] 271 DIPLOCYTIS,-IDIS f (gr. кип? ,,cutie“), diplocit, celulS somaticS cu mai mul^i nuclei (Benson) [diplocyte; Diplozy t; diplocyte; diplocita; дшшоцит] 272 DIPLOE f (gr. бшХбл ,,duplicitate“) —» diachyma, mesophyllum 273 DIPLOGAMETA f (gr. уарёщд ,,sot“), diplogamet, game[i dubli in aceea§i celula (Ascomycetes) (Dan-geard) [diplogamete; Diplogamet; di-plogamdto; diplogamdta; диплогамета] 274 DIPLOGENESIS f (gr. -, yevecti? ,,na§tere“), diplogenezS 1. Dublarea organelor obi§nuit singuratice. 2. Pro-ducerea de forme noi pe cale de hibri-dizare intre plante apartinind unor genuri din familii deosebite (Delphino) [diplogenesis; Diplogenese; diploge-nSse ; diplogendzis; диплогенез] 275 DIPLOGON1DIUM n (gr. -, y6vog ,,urma§“), diplogonidie, gonidie rezul-tatS din diplofazS [diplogonidium; Diplogonidie; diplogonidie; diplogonidium ; диплогонидия] 174 276 DIPLOHAPLOBIONTON n (gr. йпХбод „singur“, ptog „viaJS11), di-plohaplobiont, organism la care faza de dezvoltare haploidS alterneazS cu cea diploids [diplohaplobiont; Diplo-haplobiont; diplohaplobionte; diplo-haplobionta; диплогаплобионт] 277 DIPLOIDEUS (gr. -, e!6og ,,ase-mSnare“), diploid, cu numSr dublu de cromozomi (2n) [diploid; diploid; diploide; diploid; диплоидный] 278 DIPLOIDISATIO t (gr. - -), diploi-dizare, dublarea numSrului de cromozomi din celule [diploidisation; Diploi-disierung; diploidisation; diploidizS-cio; диплоидизация] 279 DIPLONASTIA f (gr. -, vaoidg ,,comprimat“), diplonastie, cre§terea mai viguroasS a organelor pe fa[a superioarS §i inferioarS decft pe pSr-tile laterale (Schimper) [diplonasty; Diplonastie; diplonastie; diplonSsztia; диплонастия] 280 D1P1DNEMA n (gr.-, vflpa ,,fir“), diplonemS, stadiu In profaza primei diviziuni meiotice cu арагфа dublS a filamentelor cromatice [diplonema; Diplonema; diplonSma; диплонема] 281 DIPLONEURUS (gr. veupov ,,ner-vurS“) —*• binervatus 282 DIPIOPERISTOMA TUS, DIPLO-PERISTOMUS (gr., nepi „Imprejur", охбра „gurS"), diploperistomatic, cu !)eristom avind douS serii de dinti§ori capsula unor Bryophyta) [diploperi-stomous; doppelt-besatzmiindig; di-plop6ristomi6; dupla-peremfogacskas; диплоперистомный] 283 DIPLOPHASIS f (gr. -, qxiaig ,,apa-ritie"), diplofazS, faza diploidS (spo-rofiticS) In ciclul de evolu[ie a orga-nismului (Renner) [diplophase; Diplop-hase; diplophase; diplofSzis; диплофаза] 284 DIPLOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, bialalus 286 DIPLOSIS f (gr. -), diplozS, dedu-blarea numSrului de cromozomi al gametilor [diplosis; Diplose; diplose; diplozis; диллозис] 287 DIPLOSOMA n (gr. -, offipa „corp"), diplozom 2. Centrozom cu doi cen-trioli (Montgomery). 2. Heterocromo-zom dublat [diplosome; Diplosom; diplosome; diploszdma; диплосома] 175 288 DIP IDS PORA f (gr. отсбра ,,sS-min(&“), diplospor, spor rezultat din diviziune reductionalS, nucleul avind numai jumState din numSrul de cromozomi caracteristici speciei (Dan-geard) [diplospore; Diplospore; diplo-spore; diplospdra; диплоспора] 289 DIPLOSPORANGIUM n (gr. -dyyetov “vas“), diplosporange, spo-range format din generala cu 2n cromozomi [diplosporangium; Diplo-sporangium; diplosporange; diplosporangium; диплоспорангий] 290 DIPLOSTEMONEUS (gr. -, oxfipov ,,staminS“), diplostemon 1. Cu stamine biverticilate, ciclul extern fiind episepal, iar cel intern epipetal (an-droceul la Primulaceae). 2. Cu stamine In numSr dublu fa(.a de numarul petalelor [diplostemoneous; diplostemon ; diplostemone: diplosztSmon, kSt-porzdkoros; диплостемонный] 291 DIP IDS TICH U S (gr. -, otixo? ,,rlnd“) —» biseriatus, distiehus 292 DIPIDTENA f (gr. -, xalvia „рап-glicS“), diploten, stadiu din profaza cariocineticS, avind filamentele duble, intrejesute §i longitudinal segmentate (Winiwarter) [diplotene; Diplotan; diplotdne; diplotdn; диплотена] 293 DIPLOXYLICUS (gr. -, £iAov ,,Iemn“), diploxilic, cu xilem dublu (Cycas) [diploxylic; diploxyl; diplo-ху1ё; diploxil; диплоксилический] 294 DIPTERO-, DIPTERUS (gr. 8i-,,doi“, Titepdv ,,arip&“) (dipterocarpus) —*■ bialatus 295 DIPTEROCECIDIUM n (gr. KT|Kig ,,galS“), dipterocecidie, gala cauzatS de diptere [dipterocecidium; Dipterozezidie; dipteгocёcide; dip- terocecidium ; диптероцецидий] 296 D1PTERONOMIUM n (gr. vopdg ,,pS§une“), dipteronom, cavitate roasS de larvele unor diptere in pSrJile parenchimatice ale plantei [diptero-nome; Dipteronom; dipteronome; dip-terondmium; диптерономиум] 297 DIPYRENUS (gr.-, iropfjv „simbu-re“), dipiren, cu douS seminje osoase [dipyrenus; zweisteinkernig, zweiker-nig; dipyrdne; kStcsontSrO, kdt-csontmagvu; двукосточковый] 298 DIREMPTIO f, dirempjie. 1. Mul-tiplicare a organelor apendiculare, in teratologie. 2. Alterare teratologies In filotaxie [diremption, displacement; Diremption; diremption; dirempcid; диремция] —*■ ectopia DISCON TIN UUS 299 DIREMPTUS, DIRUMPENS, des-pSr^it, rupt In bucS^i (periteciu) [separated, breaked, breaking; abgeson-dert, zerreifiend, zerriflen, getrennt; sdpard, rompu; szakadozott, szdtvSlt; разрывающий] 300 DIRUPTIO f, diruptie, despicare sau divizare teratologies a unor organe (frunze, axS, fascia^ie) (Germain de Saint-Pierre) [diruption; Diruption; diruption; dirupcid; раскалывание] 301 DISAMARA f, disamarS, fruct uscat indehiscent, biaripat, format din douS samare reunite (Acer) [disamara; Doppelflugelfrucht; disamare, double samare; ikerlependdk, ikerszSrnyas lependdk; двукрылатка] 302 DI SCENT RATIO f, discentra^ie, fas-cia£ia organelor axiale sau despicarea multiplS a filomului [discentration; Diszentration; discentration; diszcen-trScid; дисцентрация] 303 DISCI-, DISCIFORMIS, DISCO-, DISCOIDEUS, disciform, discoidal, rotat; rotund §i plan In formS de disc (corola la Verbascum) (disciflo-rus, discigynus, discocarpus, disco-phorus) [disciform, discoid; diskoid, scheibenformig, scheiben-; disciforme, discoide; korong alaku, korongszeru; дисковидный, диско-] 304 DISCLIMAX f (gr. Si? „sufix de descompunere", ,,scarS“), dis- climax, stadiu de climax perturbat prin ac^iuni antropozoogene, unele specii fiind Inlocuite prin altele (in fitocenologie) [disclimax; Disklimax; disclimax; diszklimax; дисклимакс] 305 DISCOCARPIUM n (gr. Sioko? ,,disc“, карядд ,,fruct“), disco carp, apoteciu disciform pe care se gSse§te stratul himenial (Ascomycetes) [dis-cocarp; Diskokarpium; discocarpe; diszkokarpium; дискокарпий] 306 DISCOLOR, discolor 1. De mai multe culori. 2. Deosebit colorat pe cele douS fe^e (frunzele la Rubus discolor ) [discolour; verschiedenfarbig, un-gleichfarbig; discolore; kiilombozd szinu, еИёгб szinu; разноцветный, многоцветный] —► allochroicus, multicolor, polychromus, heterobapkicus, heterochromus 307 DISCONTINUUS, discontinuu, frag-mentat, cu intreruperi in continui-tatfc (arealul geografic al unor plante) [discontinuous; diskontinuierlich, un-terbrochen, unverbunden; discontinu, DJSCOPLANCTON fractions; szakadozolt foly tonos-sigu, megszakitott; прерывистый] -► interruptus 308 DISCOPLANCTON n (gr. 81сткод ,,disc“, яХауктб? „rSticitor"), disco-plancton, plancton compus din Dia-tomeae de forma discoidalS [disco-plankton; Diskoplankton; discoplanc-ton; diszkoplankton; дископланктон] 309 DISCOPODIUM n (gr. jc68iov ,,picioru§“), discopodiu, receptacul floral disciform [discopodium; Disko-podium; discopodium ; diszkopddium; дископодиум] 310 DISC RE PANS (discrepo) —► aber-rans, dissimilis 311 DISCRETUS, despar[it, separat, ne-sudat [discrete, separated; getrennt; вёрагё, ёёвит; elkiiloniilt, kiilOnvalt; раздельный] —*■ chori-, eleuthero-sejunc-tus, separatus 312 DISCUS m, disc, baza dilatata §i orbicular& a unor organe [disc; Scheibe, Polster, Platte; disque; korong;flHCK]* DISCUS FOLII —»lamina folii, lim-bus folii 313 DISJUNCTUS, DISJUNCT!-, des-pir[it, deslipit, intrerupt (areal), dis-tan(at (disjunctiflorus) [separated, discontinuous ; getrennt, geschieden, abgesondert, unterbrochen; вёрагё, disjoint, interrompu; elkiiloniilt, kii-lonvilt, megszakadt; разделеенный, отделенный, разобщенный] —*• discre-tus, separatus, segregatus 314 DISOMIA f (gr. 8i- ,,doi“, обща ,,corp“), dizomie 1. Prezenja In celuld a doua garniluri cromozomice structural identicc. 2. Prczenta In celulele somalice haploide a doi cromozomi omologi [disomy; Disomie; disomie; diszomia; дисомия] 315 DISOMICUS (gr. —), dizomie, cu cite doi cromozomi omologi (celula) [disomie; disom; disomique; diszo-mikus; дисомический] 316 DISPAR, diferit, inegal, nepereche [different, unequal, unlike, odd; verschieden, ungleich, unahnlich, un-gleichpaarig; diff8rent, inёgal, impair; kiildmbdzd, egyenlotlen, parat-lan; неодинаковый, непарный] 317 DISPERSIO f, dispersiune, raspln-direa seminfelor sau a plantelor [dis- ersion; Dispersion, Streuung, Ver-reitung; dispersion; szdtszdrddds, elterjedis ; дисперсия, рассеяние] 176 318 DISPERSUS, dispers, Imprd§tiat, rSsfirat (areal, peri) [dispersed; zer-streut; dispersd; 8гё18г6гЬ; рассеянный] —*• sparsus 319 DIS PI REM A n (gr. 81- ,,doi“, ояеСртща ,,rdsucire“), dispirem, sta-diu in telofaza cariocinezei in care se formeazS cele douS grupuri croma-tice, urmat apoi de stadiul diaster (Rosen) [dispirem-stage; Dispirem- hase; dispirfcme; disph^ma-stidium, ett6s-gomoly£lIapot; диспирема] 320 DISPOSITIO f, dispozi[ie, orinduirea pe о axS a unor organe (a frunzelor, fructelor etc.) [disposition, arrangement; Stand, Stellung, Anordnung, Verteilung; disposition, arrangement, rёpartition; elhelyez6s, alias, elosz-tas; расположение] 321 DISPOSITUS, dispus, a§ezat, inse-rat [placed, inserted, situated; geord-net, gestellt ; disposё, тэёгё; elhelye-zett; расположенный] 322 DISSECTUS, tiiat, despicat, incizat [dissected, divided, cut; zerschnitten, geschlitzt; dissequ£, dёcoupё, incise, divis4; bevagott, bemetszett; расечён- НЫЙ]* 323 DISSEMINANS (dissemino), dise-minant, care l§i impr&§tie semin(ele [disseminant; ausstreuend; diss6mi-nant; maghullato, kiszdrd; рассеивающий]* 324 DISSEMINATIO f, diseminare, im-pr3§tierea sau scuturarea naturala a seminfelor mature [dissemination; Samenausstreuung; diss4mination; magkipe^s, magsz6r6das, maghul-latis; диссеминация, рассеивание] 325 DISSEPIMENTUM n disepiment, perete despSr[itor (din lojile ovarului] [dissepiment, dividing wall; Scheide-wand; Querwand; dissёpiment, cloison; v&laszfal; перегородка] —► phragma, sepimentum, septum DISSEPIMENTUM SPURIUM, disepiment fals [spurious dissepiment; falschc Scheidewand; fausse cloison; alv&Iaszfal; ложная перегородка] -> pseudoseptum, septum spurium t 326 DISSILIENS (dissilio), disilient, care se deschide cu elasticitate (fructul de Impatiens) [dissilient, bursting asunder; elastisch-aufspringend; dёhiscent avec ё^ИсНё; rugalmasan szёtrepedб; лопающийся, растрескивающийся] 327 DI SSI MI LA RIS, DISSIMILIS, nea-semSndtor, diferit [dissimilar, unlike; 177 unahnlich, verschieden; dissemblable, diffSrent; kuldmb6z6, еИёгб, nem hasonld; непохожий] —*■ discrepans 328 DISSIMILA TIO f, dezasimilatie [disassimilatio; Dissimilation, Ab-bauprozeO; (tesassimilation; disszi-milScio, lebontas; диссимиляция] —► catabolismus 329 DISSITUS, DISSITI-, lmpra?tiat, dispers, distant (dissitidentatus, dis-sitiflorus) [scattered, sparse, distant; zerstreut, entfernt; parseme, disperse, epars; sz6tszort, rijkas; рассеянный, расставленный] ft 330 DISSO- (gr. 8ита6<Д,dublu"), dublu-, cu douS (dissomorphus, dissospermus) [two-, double-; doppel-; double; кё1-, dupla-; дву-] —► bi-t bis-, dicha-, di-cho- 331 DISSOCIATIO f, disociere 1. Sepa-rarea unor pSr£i de organe obi§nuit reunite (sistemul fibrovascular la Lentibulariaceae). 2. Divizarea com-ponen[ilor nucleului unui heterocariont (Pontecorvo) [dissociation; Disso-ziation, Zerlegung; dissociation, s6pa-ration; sz6tval£s, sz6tboml£s; диссоциация, расщепление] 332 DISSOLUTIO f, disolujie, dizolvare, lichefiere, descompunere [dissolution; Auflosung; dissolution; feloldddas, fel-bomlSs; растворение] 333 DISTANS (disto), distant, dislanjat, Indepartat (aequidistans) [distanced, distant, far; entfernt, abstehend, ausei-nanderstehend; distant, ёloignё, ёсаг-te; kiildnalld, tavolalld, ritkas; расставленный, отстоящий] —*• remotus, se-motus .334 DISTENTUS, intins, ISrgit, dilatal, umflat [distended, bulging, widened; ausgedehnt, geschwollen, gedunsen; distendu, dilate, гепПё; kiterjedt, kisz61esedelt, duzzadt; распростёртый, растянутый, вздутый] 335 DISTICH-, DISTICHO-, DISTI-CHUS (gr. Siaxixoq ,,biseriat“), dis-tih, biseriat, dispus in douS rin-duri (distichanthus, distichophyllus) [distichous, two-ranked, two-rowed; zweireihig, doppelreihig, zweizeilig; distique, Ывёпё; ketsoros; двурядный] —> biseriatus 336 DISTINCTIVVS, distinctiv, de deo-sebire [distinctive; unterschiedlich, abgesondert; distinctif; megkiilom-bdztetd; отличительный] —*■ differen-tialis DIVE RSI- 331 DISTO v, a se deosebi, a se IndepSrta (a typo distat se deosebe§te de tip) [to distinguish, to differ; abweichen; diffёreг, s’61oigner; kiilombOzni, еИёг-ni; отстоять] 338 DISTORTUS (distorqueo), rSsucit [twisted, coiled; gedreht, gewunden; tordu, <1ё1о^иё, entorti№; csavaro-dott; закрученный] —► contortus 339 DISTRIBUTIO f, distribute, repar-tizarea biogeograficS a plantelor (altitudinalS, geograficS) [distribution; Verteilung, Verbreitung; distribution; eloszlSs, eloszt6d£s, elter-jedёs; распределение] —* repart itio 340 DISTRIBUTUS, distribuit, repar-tizat [distributed; verteilt; distril^; sz6tosztott; распространенный] 341 DI STYLUS (gr. 8i- ,,doi“, otOAoq „coloanS"), distil, prevSzut cu douS stile (floare) [distylous, two-styled; zweigriffelig; a deux styles; kltter-mos; двупестичный] 342 DISYMMETRICUS (gr. 8i- „doi", cnjppexpoi; ,,simetric“) —*• bisymmetri-cus 343 DITIO f, regiune [region, country; Gebiet; ^gion; vidёk; область] 344 DITROPUS (gr. 8i- ,,doi“, xponfi ,,rSsucire“) —*• bicontortus 345 D1URNUS, diurn 1. Care dureazS sau inflore^le о singurS zi. 2. Care se deschide In timpul zilei [diurnal; eintagig, tagsbluhend; diurne; nap-pali, egynapig ё1б, egynapig virSgzd; дневной, однодневный] 346 DIVARICATUS, divaricat, cu rami-ficate sau segmentare pronunjat di-vergentS (sub 90°) (frunze, nervuri, ramuri, spini, tulpini) [divaricate, widely divergent, straggling; ausge-spreitzt; divariq^; lerpedt, вгёШТб; растопыренный, распростёртый] 347 DIVERGENS, DIVERGI-, DIVER GENT1- (devergo), divergent, din punctul comun de insortie larg ramificat (cotiledcar.e, ramuri, lobi) (diverginervatus, divergentiflorus ) [divergent, diverging; divergierend; divergent; divergS16, szetSgazd; дивергентный, расходящийся] 348 DIVERGENTIA f, divergentS [divergence; Divergenz; d^rgence; divergencia, elhajlSs; дивергенция, расхождение]* 349 DIVERSI-, D1VERSUS, deosebit, diferit, variat (diversidens, diversiformis, diversispinus) [different, variable; ver- DIVERSICOLOR schieden; different, variable; kiil6n-f£le, kul6mb6z6; различный, разно-] —► variabilis, varius, versi- 350 DIVERSICOLOR -*• discolor 351 DIVISIO f 1. Diviziune, sciziune. 2. IncrengSturS, categorie sistematicS subimpSrtitS in clase (Pteridophyta, Myxomycota) [division, cleavage; Teilung, Zerteilung, Abteilung; division, clivage, embranchement; osz-tddas, tSrzs; деление, разделение, раздел, отдел] DIVISIO CELLULARIS, diviziune celularS [cell-division; Zellteilung; division cellulaire; sejtosztddds; деление клеткй] —» cytokinesis DIVISIO NUCLEARIS, diviziune nucleara [nuclear-division; Kerntei-lung; division nuclSaire; sejtmagosz-t6das; ядерное деление] —*• caryoki-nesis, mitosis 352 DIVISURA f —*• segmentum 353 DIVISUS, divizat, impSrtit (lamina unor frunze) [divided; geteilt; divise, partagg; osztott, tagolt; разделенный] 354 DIX- (gr. 5i£6<; ,,dublu“) (dixant-hus) —*• disso- 355 DODECA- (gr. SrfbSeica *doisprezece“), cu douSsprezece (dodecagonus, dode-camerus, dodecapartitus) [twelve-; zwOlf-; a douze; tizenkSt-; двенадцати] —► duodec-, duodecem- 356 DODECAGYNIA f (gr. -, yuvf| ,,fe-meie“), dodecaginie, grup al plantelor cu douasprezece pistile, in cla-sifica[ia lui Linne [dodecagynia; Zw6lf-weibige; dodecagynie; tizenkSta-nyasak; додекагиния] 357 DODECANDRIA f (gr. -, &vf|p, dv86<; ,,bSrbat“), dodecandrie, grup al plantelor cu douSsprezece (uneori nouS-sprezece) stamine, in clasificatia lui Linn6 [dodecandria; ZwOlfmannige; dod6candrie; tizenkSthimesek; до-декандрия] 358 DODRANTALIS, DODRANTARI-US, dodrantal, lung de о palma (cca 25 cm) [span long; spannenlang; long d’un empan; araszhosszu; величиной пяденью] *359 DOLABRATUS, DO LA BRIFOR-MIS, DOLABRI-, dolabriform, de forma unui topora§ cu partea apicalS subrotunda, cu lamina convcxS, cu о margine acutS §i lent ingustatS spre bazS (frunza la Mesembryan- 178 themum dolabriforme) (dolabrifolius, dolabripetalus) [hatchet-shaped, axeshaped; beilfdrmig, hobelformig, axt-fOrmig; dolabriforme, en hache; fej-sze alaku, b&rdszerd; топорообразный, долотовидный] 360 DOLEIFORMIS, DOLEARIS, DOLI-OLIFORMIS, doleiform, in formS de butoia? (tulpinS) [barrel-shaped; fafl-fdrmig; doleiforme, en baricaut; hor-ddszerfi; бочкообразный] 361 DOLICH-, DOLICHO- (gr. 8oXix6q ,,lung“) (dolichacanthus, dolichocar-pus, dolichostachyus) —» longi-, longus 362 DOLICHONEMA n (gr. -, vflpa „fir), doliconemS, stadiu din profaza mitoticS, cu filamentele cromatice alungite (Rosen) [dolichonema; Doli-chonema; dolichonfcme; dolichondma; долихонема] —*■ spire та 363 DOLICHOSIS i (gr. -), dolicoza, in-tirziere a cre§terii in lungime a unui organ (Czapek) [dolichosis; Dolicho-sis; dolichosis; dolih6zis; долихозис] 364 DOLICHOSTYLUS (gr. -, oxOXo? ,,coloanS“), dolicostil, cu stilul lung §i cu stigmatul scurt [dolichostylous, long-styled; langnarbig; dolichostyld, S style long; hosszu bibeszSlS; длиннопестичный] —*■ macrostylus 365 DOMINANS (dominor), dominant 1. Care predominS prin abunden(S (o specie in asocia(ie). 2. Preponderant prin unui din caracterele paren-tale (la hibrizi) [dominant, prevailing; vorherrschend; dominant, pr6valent; uralkodd, tulsulyban levo; доминантный, господствующий] —► epistaticus 366 DO MIN A N TIA f, dominants 1. Functia de participare a unei specii la edificarea unei asociatii (biomasS, numSr de indivizi, acoperire pro-ectivS etc.) (Bikov). 2. Oradul de acoperire realizat de о specie in cadrul unei asociatii [dominance; Dominanz, Deckungsgrad; dominance ; dominancia, boritSs; доминантность, доминирование] 367 DORMIENS (dormio), adormit, a-flat in stare de viatS latentS [dormant; resting; schlafend; dormant; alv6; спящий] GEMMA DORMIENS, mugure adormit [dormant bud, resting bud; schlafende Knospe, Ruheknospe, Winterknospe; bourgeon dormant; alvdriigy; спящая почка] -*cryptoblas-tus 179 368 DORSALIS, dorsal, aflat in partea dorsals (aristS, dehiscen^S, rafeu) [dorsal; riickenstSndig, rtickenseitig; dorsal; hSti, hStoldali; дорсальный, тыльный, спинной] —*■ tergalis* 369 DORSIFIXUS, dorsifix, fixat pe partea dorsals a unui alt organ (antera ~) [dorsifixed; dorsifix; dor-sifixe; hStoIdalon izesiil6; прикрепленный спинкой]* 370 DO RSI VEN TRALIS, dorsi ventral, prevSzut cu о fa[S ventralS §i una dorsals (frunzS) [dorsiventral; dorsiven-tral, riickenbauchig; dorsiventral; dor-ziventrSlis, hathasi, hasi Ss hSti ol-dalu; дорсивентральный, спиннобрю-пшой] 371 DORYO- (gr. 86pi„lance“) (doryopho-rus, doryophyllus) —*■ lanceolatus 372 DREPAN-, DREPANI-, DREPA-N0- (gr. SpSnavov ,,secerS“) (drepani-formis, drepanocladus, drepanophyl-lus) —► falcatus 373 DREPANIUM n (gr. -), drepaniu, cimS-secerS; inflorescentS cimoasS helicoidalS, cu ramurile dezvoltate in acela§i plan, dar numai spre exterior (Juncus) [drepanium, sickleshaped cyme; Sichel; drepanium, faucille; sarld, sarldvirSgzat; серп] 374 DREPANOCARPUS (gr. -, каряб? ,,fruct“), cu fructe falcate [drepano-carpous; sichelfriichtig; S fruits en faucille; sar!6s termSsu; серпоплодный] —► selenocarpus 375 DRIMYPHILUS (gr. брщи? ,,acru“, |ia „corp44), elaiozom, apendici pe fructe sau pe seminje, cu con^inut oleaginos, care sint ciutate §i consumate de furnici, contribuind astfel la r&spindirea plantelor (Chelidonium, Knautia) [elaio-som; Elaiosom, Olkdrper; ёЫовоте; elaiosz6ma; элайосома] 71 EL A10 S PH AER A f (gr. -, aq>alpa „sferi44), elaiosferS, corpuscul sferic gras din celulele parenchimului pali-sadic §i spongios (Lidforss) [elaiosphere; ElaiosphSre; ёЫоэрЬёге; elaio-szf6ra; элаиосфера] 72 ELAPHINUS (gr. ёХскрод ,,cerb“) -cervinus, cervicolor 73 ELASTICITAS f, elasticitate (tul-pini, ramuri, capsule) [elasticity; Elas-tizitat, Spannkraft; ё^ЕсНё; ru-ganyossag, rugalmassdg; эластичность, упругость] 74 ELASTICUSy elastic [elastic; elas-tisch; ёlaslique; rugalmas; упругий] 75 ELATERES m pi (gr. &axf)p ,,im-pra§tietor“), elatere, celule sterile dis-puse in filamente spiralate elastice, diseminind sporii (de ex. in capsula la Hepaticae, pe spori la Equisetum) [elateres; Schleuderer, Schleuderzel-len, Sporenschleuder; ё^ёгев; sz6-rdsejtek, spdraszord fonalak; элате-ры] —*• crinulae 76 ELATERIUM n (gr.-), elateriu, fruct policarpelar care la maturitate se separS cu elasticitate de axa comund, impra?tiindu-§i semin(ele (Euphor-biaceae) [elaterium; Elaterium, Spring-frucht, Springkapsel; ёЫепит; ela-1ёгшт; элатериум] 77 ELATERIUS (gr.-), expulsiv, care aruncS afarS [driving out; vertrei- 184 bend, schnellend; expulsif; kidobd, kihajitd; пружинистый] 78 ELATEROPHORUM n (gr. -, форёш „a purta44), elaterofor, organ filiform purtind elaterele (Hepaticae) [ela-terophore; ElaterentrSger; elatero-phore; sporasz6r6sejt-tart6; элатеро-фор] 79 ELATUS, inalt, ridicat (tulpina ~) [high, elevated, tall, lofty; hoch, erhaben; haut, ё!егё; magas, kima-gasld; возвышенный, высокий] —► altus 80 ELECTRINUS, ELECTRUS (gr. flXexxpov „chihlimbar44), electrin, de culoarea g&lbuie-brunie a chihlim-barului [yellowish amber coloured; bernsteinharzgelblich; jaunatre am-Ьгё; borostyinkdsarga; янтарный, янтарножелтоватый] —*■ succineus 81 ELECTROLYSIS f (gr. -, X6ot£ „descompunere44), electrolizS, descom-punerea chimici a unor substance in stare de solu(ie cu ajutorul curen-tului electric [electrolysis; Elektrolyse; dlectrolyse; elektrolizis; электролиз] 82 ELECTRONASTIA f (gr. -, vaoxdg „presat44), electronastie, mi§cdri nasti-ce provocate de curentul electric [electronastie; Elektronastie; dlectro-nastie; elektronasztia; электронастия] 83 ELECTROPHORESIS f (gr.-, q>6-pncig „ducere44) —*• cataphoresis 84 ELECTROTACTISMUS m, ELECTROTAXIS f (gr. -, xdfo „orin-duire44), electrotaclism, electrotaxie, mi§c&ri de orientare provocate de curentul electric [electrotaxis; EJek-trotaxis; dlectrotaxis; elektrotaxis; электротаксис] —*■ galvanotactismus, galvanolaxis 85 ELECTROTONUS m (gr. -, xdvog „tensiune44), electrotonus 1. Tonici-tate electrica. 2. Stare de tensiune produsd prin excita^ii electrice [electrotonus; Elektrotonus; dlectrotonus; elektrotdnusz; электротон] 86 ELECTROTROPISMUS m (gr. -, троил „curbare44), electrotropism, mi§-cdri de curbare cauzate de un cdrent electric [electrotropism; Eleklrotro-pismus, Elektrizitatsreizbewegung; dlectrolropisme; elektrotropizmus; электротропизм] 87 ELENCHUS m (gr. ё^еуход ,,do-vad544), cercetare, explorare (ca titlu de cSr^i, Fries: Elenchus fungorum, 1828) [research, proof ; Priifung; recherche ; kutatas; исследование] 18Б 88 ELEUTHER-, ELEUTHERO- (gr. SXeOOepo? ,,liber“), liber, neconcrescut (eleutherantherus, eleutherogynus) [free-; frei-, getrennt-; libre, non soudd; szabad-; свободно-] -*■ chori-, dialy-, discretus, disjunctus 89 ELEVATUS, Inalt, ridicat, preeminent [elevated, raised; erhaben, er-hdht, emporgehoben; ElevE; magas, kiemelkedd; выдающийся, приподнимающийся] 90 ELI MI NAT 10 f, eliminare, InlStu-rare [elimination; Beseitigung, Aus-schaltung; Elimination; eltSvolitSs, kikuszdbolEs; элиминация] 91 ELLIPSOI DALIS, ELLIPSOIDE-VS, ELLIPSO- (gr. ЗДАеигакод „elip-lic“, et5o? ,,asemSnare“), elipsoidal, de forma unei elipse, cu volum (fruct ~, samtn(a~ ) (ellipsospermus) [ellipsoidal; ellipsoidal, ellipsoidisch; ellip-soidale; ellipszoidSlis; еллипсоидаль-ный] 92 ELLIPTICUS (gr. -), eliptic, de forma elipsei plane (frunzd ~, pe-tala ~); de cca douS ori mai lung decit lat, mai lat la mijloc, cu extre-mitStile obtuze sau acute (Bischof, Henderson, Gatin, Grintescu, JSvor-ka), rotunjite (Jackson, Jourdan, St. Germain) sau de formd lanceolatS §i de la(imea frunzei ovate (LinnE) [elliptic, elliptical; elliptisch, langlich-rund; elliptique; elliptikus, kerii-lEkes; эллиптический] 93 -ELLUS (sufix diminutiv — diminutive suffix — Verkleinerungsnach-sil-bc — suffixe diminutif — kicsinyito kEpzo — уменьшительный суффикс) ex. albellus, elongellus, glabellus, pul-chellus, labellum, spinella 94 ELONG-. ELONGATO-, ELONGA-TUS, alungit, elongat, lungSret, cel pu^in de 2,5 ori mai lung decft lat (celuld ~, frunzd ~) (elonganthus, elongato-ovatus) [elongated, lengthened ; verlangert, langlich, langgestreckt; allongE, prolongs; megnydlt, hoszszdkSs, nyuISnk; вытянутый, удлинённый, удлиненно-] ->oblongi, ob-longus 95 EMARCIDUS, emarcid, marcescent, uscat pe fruct, pe tulpinS sau pe ramurS fSrS sS cadS (caliciu corola ~, fruct ~, frunzd ~) [emarcid, withered, flaccid; welk, verwelkt; Emarcide, marcescent; elszSradtan visszamaradd; вялый, увяший] —> mar-cescens EMBRYOTEGA 96 EM A RGINA TIO f, EMARGINA-TURA f, emarginajie, ?tirbiturS sau crestSturS la virful unui organ (frunzS, petals) [emargination, notch; Ausrandung; Emargination, echan-crure; kicsipettsEg, csorbitottsSg; выемка] 97 EMARGINATUS, emarginat, cu virful §tirbit [e margin ate, notched; ausge-randet, ausgezwickt, eingekerbt; Smar-ginE, EchancrE; kicsipett, kiharapott, csorba; выемчатый] 98 EMBRYO m, EMBRYON n (gr. Spppuov ,,fetus“), embrion, rudimen-tul plantei din samin^a [embryo ; Keim, Keimling; embryon, germe; embriE, csira; эмбрион, зародыш] 99 EMBRYGGENIA f (gr. -, yevvd© „a se na§te“), embriogenie, dezvoltare embrionara [embryogeny; Embryonal-entwicklung, Keimesentw; cklung; embryogSnie; embriogEnia, csirakSp-zddSs, ciirafejlodEs; эмбриогенез] 100 EMBRYOLOGIA f (gr. -, Tldyo q ,,vorbire“), embriologie, studiu al sta-diilor de dezvoltarc embrionarS [embryology ; Embryologie, Entw.'cklungs-geschichte des Einzelwesens; embryologie; embrioldgia; эмбриология] 101 EMBRYONALIS (gr. -), embrionar 1. Aflat in stare de embrion. 2. Refe-ritor la embrion (celulS, generate) [embryonal, embryonary; embryonal ; embryonnaire; embrionalis, csiraSlla-polu, fejletlen; эмбриональный, зародышевый]* SACCULUS EMBRYONALIS, sac embrionar [embryo-sac ; Embryosack, Keimsack; sac embryonnaire; em-bridzsSk; эмбриональный мешочек] —*■ oonangium 102 EMBRYONATUS (gr. -), embrionat, prevSzut cu embrion [embryonate; keimhaltig; embryonnE; embrids, csi-rSs; с зародышем] 103 EMBRYOPHORUM n (gr. -, форад „a purta"), embriofor, strat de celule saciform dilatat care poartS embrionii din arhegoane (Lycopodiaceae) [embryophore; EmbryotrSger; embryo-phore; embriofdrum; эмбриофор] 104 EMBRYOPHYTA n pi (gr, Vuxdv ,,plantS“ . embriofite, plante care for-meazS embrioni [embryophyta; Em-bryophytea; embryophytes; embrio-fitSk; эмбриофиты] 105 EMBRYOTEGA f, EMBRYOTE-GIUM n (gr. -, Teyii ,,acoper5mint“) embriotegS, calozitate pe tegumentul EMEND AT US seminal (lingd hil), care la inceputul germina(iei se deta§eazd permitind ie§irea radiculei (Canna, Lemna) [embryotega; Embryotega; embryo-t6ge; embridtdga; эмбриотега] 106 EMENDATUS (emendo), emendat, substantial imbunatatit sau completat (diagnoza unui taxon) [corrected, completed, improved; verbessert, abge-andert, erganzt, vervollstandigt; ётеп-dd, атёНогё; javitott, kiegёszitett, t^keletesltett; исправленный] E MEN DAVIT (emend., em.J, a fost imbunStStitS diagnoza de- • (Phyllan-thus L. em. Mull.) [improved by; verbessert durch; ёmandё par; javit-va.. aital; исправил] 107 EMERGENS (emergo) —*■ emersus 108 EMERGENTIA f, emergent, for-ma[iune celulara superficiaia §i proe-minenta pe tulpini, ramuri, frunze etc. rovenite din dermatogen §i peri-lem (ghimpi la Rosa, Aesculus, veru-cozita[i) [emergence; Emergenz; ётег-gence; emergencia, feliileti kdplet; эмергенция] 109 EMERSUS, emers 1. Ridicat la suprafa(a apei (planta). 2. Bine relie-fat pe suprafata unui organ (mugure, nervura) [emersed, emergent, raised above; emers, aufgetaucht, emporra-gend; dmergd; kiemelkedd, vizbol kiemelkedd; всплывщий, выступивший наружу] 110 EMERUS —*■ cultus, sativus 111 EMETICUS —*• vomicosus, vomitorius 112 EMINENS (emineo), ridicat, ie§it in afara [raised; hervorragend; sail-lant ; kiemelkedo; выступающий] 113 EMITTENS (emitto), emitind (cau-lem sterilem emittens, emitind о tul-pina sterila) [emitting, giving forth; ausgebend, austreibend; dmettant; kibocsato; выпускающий] 114 EMORTUUS, fara viata, uscat (in foliis emortuis, pe frunzele uscate) [lifeless; abgestorben; sans vie, dessa-сЬё; elhalt, elszdradt; мертвый, отмерший] 115 EM PH YSEMA TOSUS (gr. ёщрёсщ-pa „umfiatura") —*• inflatus 116 ENA N TIOBIOSIS f (gr. Svavro ,,opus“, ptog ,,viata“), enantiobioza, simbioza antagonista [enantiobiosis, antagonistic symbiosis; Enantiobiose; enantiobiose; enantiobidzis; энантжо-биоз] 186 117 ENANTIOBLASTICUS,ENANTIO-BLASTUS (gr. -, pXaordg ,,ger-men“), enantioblast, cu radicula opusa hilului (embrion ~) [enantioblastic; enantioblast, enantioblastisch; enan-tioblastique; enantioblasztikus; энан-тиобластический] 118 ENANTIOMORPHUS (gr. -, pop endogonidium 144 ENDOCORTEX m (gr. -, lat. cortex „scoar^S"), endocortex, strat intern al regiunii corticale [endocortex; En-dokortex; endocortex; endocortex; эндокортекс] 145 ENDOCYANOSIS f (gr. -, icuav6? „albastru"), endocianozS, simbioza unor plante superioare cu specii de Cyanophyceae (Azolla cu alga Ana-baena) [endocyanose; Endozyanose; endocyanose; endociandzis; эндоцианоз] 146 ENDOCYCLOGENUS (gr. -, kukXo? „cerc", yevvd© „a se na§te“), endo-ciclogen, format in endodermul unor rSdScini adventive (Pteridophyta) [endocyclogenous; endozyklogen; en-docyclogSne, endociklogdn; эндоцик-логенный] —*■ endoder mo genus 147 ENDOCYCLUS m (gr. - -) — en-dodermis 148 ENDOCYSTIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, k6oxi?„ cavitate"), endocist 1. CelulS de re-zisten(S (Phycoflagellatae). 2. CelulS sexualS din frustulele unor Diatomeae (Cleve) [endocyst; Endozyst; endo-cyste; endociszta; эндоциста] ENDODENDRO В ION TON 149 ENDODENDROBIONTON n (gr.-f SivSpov „arbore", (Hot; „viatS"), en-dodendrobiont, organism av!nd bio-topul In interiorul lemnului [endoden-drobiont; Endodendrobiont; endo-dendrobionte; endodendrobionta; эн-додендробионт] 150 ENDODERMIS,-IDIS t (gr.-,6Eppa „piele"), endodermS, strat intern al scoartei protejlnd stelul [endodermis; Endodermis, Korkinnenhaut, Schutz-scheide; endoderme; endodermisz, кё-reghatSr; эндодерма] —► endocyclus, phloeoterma 151 ENDODERMOGENUS (gr. ~, yev-vocd „а se na?te“) -*■ endocyclogenus 152 ENDOGAION n (gr. -, yfl „pSmint"), endogaion, biotopul organismelor din sol [endogaion; Endogaion; endogaion; endogaion; эндогайон] 153 ENDGGAMIA f (gr. -, yapog „cSsa-lorie"), endogamie 1. Fecundare la care parlenerii copulan[i stnt indea-proape inrudi[i (McLennan). 2. Po-lenizare autogamS cu polenul a douS flori ale aceluia§i individ (Pearson) [endogamy; Endogamie, autogame-tische BestSubung; endogamie; endo-gamia, autogametikus megporzas; эндогамия] 154 ENDOGENUS (gr. -, yewdco „a se na§te“), endogen, de provcnienjs interns (spori rezultafi in interiorul sporangelui) [endogenous; endogen, in-nenerzeugt; endogSne; endogёn, belso eredet£i; эндогенный] 155 ENDOGON1DIUM n (gr. -, yovi8iov ,,urma§“), endogonidie, gonidie formats in interiorul gonidangiului [endogonidium; Endogonidium; endogonidie; endogonidium; эндогонидия] —» endoconidium 156 ENDOGONIUM n (gr. -, yovf| ,,sS-min(.S“), endogoniu, sacul sporifer acoperit de epigoniu, impreunS alcStuind arhegonul (Bryophyta) [endogo- nium; Endogonium; endogonium; en-dogdnium; эндогоний] 157 ENDOHAUSTORIUM n (gr.-, lat. haustus „inghijire"), endohaustoriu, organ asemSnStor unui haustoriu ti-nSr, aflat in interiorul celulei plantei infectate de Uredinales (Eriksson) [en-dohaustorium; Endohaustorium; en-dohaustorium; endohausztdrium; эндогаустория] 158 ENDOLITHICUS (gr.-, Woq „pia-trS“), endolitic, incrustat in piatrS (hifele unor licheni calcicoli) [endo- 188 lithic; endolithisch; endolithique; en-dolitikus; эндолитический] 159 ENDO LI THOPH Y ТА n pi (gr.-, -рёш „a se rSspindi"), endozoocore, plante ale cSror seminte sau spori, consumate de animale, tree prin inte-stinele acestora §i apoi sint disemi-nate prin dejectare [endozoochores; VerdauungssSmlinge; endozoochores; endozook6r-n6vSnyek; эндозоохоры] 199 ENDOZOOCHORI A f (gr. —) — dis-persio endozoica 200 ENDOZOOPHYTA n pi (gr.«, фитбу „plants"), endozoofite, organisme ve-getale care trSiesc in corpul animalelor (Raunkiaer) [endozoophytes; En-dozoophyten; endozoophytes; endo-zoofitSk; эндозоофиты] 201 ENEILEMA n (gr. SveiXqpa ,,in-veli§“) -*■ tegmen (2) 202 ENERGESIS f (gr. Svepydg „activ"), energezS, proces catabolic prin care se elibereazS energie (Barnes) [ener-gesis; Energese, Betriebstoffwechsel; energSse; energ£sis, energiaprodukcid; энергезис] 203 ENERGIDA f (gr. SvepSia „fortS"), energidS, nucleul §i masa citoplas-maticS concepute ca un centru energetic §i totodatS ca cea mai micS unitate biologies (Sachs) [energid; Energide; energide; energida; энер-гида] 204 ENERVIS, ENERVIUS, fSrS ner-vuri [nerveless, veinless; nervenlos, aderlos, ungeadert; ёпетё, inveind; erezetlen; безжилковый] 205 ENHALIDAE t pi (gr. Ev- „in", fiXg „таге"), enalide, fanerogame submerse sau alge fixate pe solul moale al apelor sSrate (Halophila, 191 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Caulerpa, Potamogeton, Zostera) (Warming) [enalids; Enaliden; enalides; enaliddk; эналиды] ENHARMONIA f (gr. Svdpp6viog ,,armonios“), enarmonie, organizarea armonioasa in tern & a organismelor (Wiesner) [enharmony; Enharmonie; enharmonie; enharmdnia; энгармо-ния] ENNE-, ENNEA- (gr. Sweet „noud"), cu noud (enneacanthus, enneaphyllus) [nine-; neun-; a neuf; kilenc-; девяти-] —> novem- ENNEAGYNUS (gr. -, yovfi „feme-ie“), cu noua pistiluri [enneagynous, enneagynian; neunweibig, neungrif-felig; enndagynique, a neuf pistils; kilencanyas, kilenc termdju ; девятипестичный] ENNEANDRUS (gr. -, dvf|p, dvSpo? „bdrbat"), cu noud stamine [ennean-drous; neunmannig, enneandrisch; en-ndandre, a neuf etamines; kilenchimes, kilencporzds; девятитычинковый] ENSATUS, ENSI-, ENSIFORMIS, ensiform, de forma sabiei (ensifolius, ensiger) [sword-shaped, sword-; schwertformig, schwert-; ensiforme, en forme d’dpSe; kard alakii, kard-; мечевидный, мече-] —► gladii-, xipho- ENTO- (gr. Svxdg „intern") (entocyc-licus, entodiscalis, entogonidium, ento-parasitus, entospora) —*■ end-, endo- ENTOMO- (gr. evropov „insectd") (prin, In, de, pe) insecte (entomogenus, entomopkagus) [(by, on) insects; insek-ten-; (par, sur, dans) insectes; rovar-; насекомо-] ENTOMOCECIDIUM n (gr. -, кцкХс, „gald"), entomocecidie, gald cauzata de In^epdturile unor insecte [entomo-cecidium; Insektengalle; entomocdci-die; rovargubacs; энтомоцецидий] ENTOMOGAMUS (gr.-, уадод „cd-sdtorie"), entomogam, polenizat prin insecte (flori) [entomogamous; insektenbliitig; entomogame; entomo-gdm, rovarporozta; энтомогамный]-» entomophilus ENTOMOLOGIA f (gr. -, Лбуод „vorbire"), entomologie, §tiinta despre insecte [entomology; Insektenkunde; entomologie; rovartan; энтомология] ENTOMOPHILUS (gr.-, tpite© „a iubi") -> entomogamus ENUMERATIO f, enumerare, ln§i-rare (titlul unor lucrdri botanice, ex. Baumgarten: Enumeratio stirpium EPHEMEROPHYTA Magno Transsilvaniae principatui, 1816) [enumeration; Verzeichnis, Auf-zdhlung; dnumdration; felsorolds; перечисление, исчисление] 218 ENZYMA n (gr. Sv „In", С^РЛ „drojdie"), enzimd, subs tan te orga-nice catalitice secretate de bacteriile zimogene (catalaza, celulaza, diastaza) [enzyme; Enzym; enzyme; enzim, biokatalizator; энзим] -*• fermentum 219 ENZYMOLYSIS f (gr. ~, M>oig „dizolvare"), enzimoliza, lizarea sub-stanjelor sub афипеа enzimelor [enzymolyse; Enzymolyse; enzymoly-se; enzimoltzis; энзимолиз] -*• zymo-lysis 220 EOPLASMA n (gr. qdbg „aurord", TtXdopa „modelare"), eoplasmd, sub-stanza ipoteticd, primitiva, anterioara protoplasmei (Troland) [eoplasm; Eoplasma; eoplasme; eoplazma; эо-плазма] 221 EPACME f (gr. ёяакдод „de virf"), epacme, fazd de apogeu In dezvoltarea tipogeneticd, cu modificdri radicale de formd, In filogenie (Haeckel) [epacme; Epakme, Virulenzperiode, Aufbluhzeit; epacme; epakme; эпакме] 222 EPANODIUM n (gr. gmivoSog „Intoar-cere"), epanodiu, dezvoltarea regre-sivd a organului spre о formd mai simpla, ex. peloria (In patologie) [epa-nody; Epanodie; dpanodie; ерапб-dium; эпанодия] 223 EPAPPOSUS, lipsit de papus [without thistledown; federkronenlos; sans aigrettes; bdbita ndlkuli; без хохолка] 224 EPENCHYMA n (gr. ini „peste", Eyxopa „umplutura"), epenchim, Zesut fibrovascular (Nageli) [epenchyma; Epenchym; epenchyme; epenchima; эпенхима] 225 EPHARMONIA f, EPHARMOSIS f (gr. -, dppovia „armonie"), eparmo-nie I. Ansamblul adaptdrilor armonice func^ionale la condi^iile de mediu. 2. Formd adaptativd [epharmony; Epharmonie; epharmonie; epharmo-nia; эфармония] 226 EPHEBOGENESIS f (gr. ёфлРод „adult", ydveatg ,,na§tere“), efebo-genezd, dezvoltarea gametului mascul fdrd fecundare prealabild [epheboge-nese; Ephebogenese; dphebogendse; efebogenezis, him-szdznemzds; эфе-богенез] 227 EPHEMEROPHYTA n pi (gr. ёфлдбрюд „cu via(& scurtd", фи-cov EPHEMERUS ,,plant&“), efemerofite 1. Plante cu perioada de vegetate scurta, unele fructificind de mai multe ori in ace-la§i an. 2. Plante trecatoare, plante pasante, adventive neaclimatizaJbile [ephemerophytes; Ephemerophyten, Passanten; ephemerophytes, passan-tes; efemerofitak; эфемерофиты] 228 EPHEMERUS (gr. -) cfemer, tre-cator, cu viaja scurta (flori care inflo-resc numai о singurS zi) [ephemerous, short-lived; ephemer, kurzlebig, ein-tagblutig, voriibergehend; ёрЬётёге, temporaire; тй1ёкопу, rovid ёЫй, egyszervirito, idoleges; эфемерный, однодневный] 229 EPI-, EP- (gr. ёш ,,deasupra“), peste, care create pe, deasupra (ephyd-rogamicus, epibioticus, epicalycinus, epicotyledonaris ) [upon, growing on ; uber-, ober-, obenauf-, wachsend auf; sur, situ£ au-dessus; rajta-, felszini, -feletti; на, над-] —»■ super-, supra- 230 EPHYDROGAMIA f (gr. Обсор ,,apa“, yapog ,,casatorie“), ephidro-gamie, mod de polenizare a plantelor acvatice submerse, florile ie$ind la suprafafa apei, iar dupa polenizare scufundindu-se din nou in apa (Rup-pia; Vallisneria, Victoria) [ephy-drogamy; Ephydrogamie; ephydro-gamie; ephidrogamia; эпгидрогамия] 231 EPIBASALIS (gr. -, Paoig ,,baza“), epibazal, situat deasupra regiunii bazale (celula) [epibasal; epibasal; epibasale; epibazalis, alap feletti; эпибаэальный] 232 EPIBASIDIUM n (gr. -, paoiSiov ,,picioru§“), epibazidie, partea superi-oara dilatata a bazidiei dimere (Basi-diomycetes) [epibasid; Epibasidium ; cpibaside; epibazidium; эпибазидия] 233 EPIBENTHUS n (gr. -, pevOog ,,adincime“), epibentos, bentosul din zona superioarS a apelor mSrii sau a lacurilor [epibenthos; Epibenthos; dpibenthos; epibentosz; эпибентос] 234 E PI В ION TON n (gr. -, ptog „via^"), epibiont, organism fixat pe corpul altui organism (epifite, parazite, sim-bionti) [epibiont; Epibiont; ёрШннПе; epibionta; эпибионт] 235 EPIBIOSIS I (gr. --), epibiozS, via[& sedenlari pe suprafata ' diferitelor corpuri, in hidrobiologie (Zernov) [epibiosis; Epibiosis; dpibiose; epi-bidzis; эпибиоз] 236 EPIBIOTA f (gr. -), epibiot, altoi [epibiot, graft; Epibiot, Pfropfreis; 192 ёрШЫе, greffon; epibi6ta, oltvany, oltd£g; эпибиота, черенок] 237 EPIBIOTICUS (gr.-), epibiotic, care tr£ie§te pe un substrat viu (miceliu, parazit) [epibiotic; epibio-tisch; ёрШюИчие; epibidtikus; эпи-биотический] 238 EPIBLASTEMA n (gr. -, pbtornipa ,,germen“), epiblastem, excrescent superficial^ sau emergent© paroase ori glandules viscoase pe frunze [epi-blasteme; Epiblastem; dpiblastdme; epiblasztdma; эпибластема] 239 EPIBLASTESIS f (gr.-, рАлощогд ,,cre§tere“), epiblastezS, cre§tere a lichenilor prin dezvoltarea gonidiilor pe individul parental (Wallroth) [epiblastesis; Epiblastesis; dpiblastese; epiblasztdzis; эпибластез] 240 EPIBLASTUS m (gr. рХасттод „germen"), epiblast, lob membranos in partea opusd cotiledonului, aparent un al doilea cotiledon rudimentar (Avena, Hordeum) [epiblast; Epiblast; ёрШ^е; epiblaszt; эпи-бласт] 241 EPIBLEMA n (gr. ётРХлра ,,ca-pac“) —*■ rhizodermis 242 EPICALYX m (gr. ini ,,peste“, k6Xu£ ,,cup5“) —*■ calyculus, pseudocalyx 243 EPICARPIUM n (gr. -, карябд ,,fruct“), epicarp, perete extern al pericarpului fructelor (Juglans, Malus, Prunus) [epicarp; Epikarp, Frucht auQenhaut, Fruchthiille, Frucht-oberhaut; ёргсагре, pelure; epi-k&rpium, kiils6 termdsfal, kulso ter-mdshdj, maghej, magburok; эпикар-пий, внеплодник, надплодник] —► exocarpiurn 244 EPICHILIUM n (gr. -, xeOlog ,,buzS“), epichil, parte apicala, adesea foliacee, a labelului unor flori (Orchidaceae ) [epichil; Epichilium; dpichile; epichilium; эпихил] 245 EPICHROA f (gr. -, XP£, уоктбд ,,noapte“), epinictic, care se deschide dupS Inserare (Mi-rabilis, Cactaceae) [epinyctous; epinyk-tisch, dSmmerOffnend; Spinycte; este nyilo; эпиникгичный] 271 E PION TOIDGIA f (gr. бута „existentS", A.6yog „vorbire"), epion-tologie 1. Fitogeografie geneticS. 2. AnalizS a rSspindirii geografice a unor factori genetici pe arealul speciei, precum §i a conditiilor istorice ale acestora [epiontology; Epiontologie, genetische Pflanzengeographie; dpion-tologie; epiontoldgia, genetikai no-v6nyf6ldrajz; эпионтология] —» geno-geographia 272 EPIPARASITUS m (gr. napdoi-тод „parazit") —*■ ectoparasitus 273 EPIPEWN n (gr. япЯ.6д „nSmol"), epipelon, biotopul organismelor din n&mol [epipelon; Epipelon; Spipelon; epipelon; эпипелон] 274 EPIPELTATUS (gr.lat. pelta ,,scut“), epipeltat, cu frunza peltatS, avind baza limbului pe fafa superioarS a petiolului (De Candolle) [epipeltate; oberhalb-schildformig; dpipeltd; feliil pajzsos ; сверху житовидный] 275 EPIPERIDIUM n (gr. jtnpiSiov „sdculet*) —* exoperidium 276 EPIPETALUS (gr. яётаХоу „petals"), epipetal, inserat pe petals sau in fata acesteia (stamine la Circaea) [epipetalous; blumenblattstandig, kron-blattstandig; dpipdtale; szirmon iilo; эпипетальный] 277 EPIPETREUS (gr. -, яётра „stincS") —*• saxicolus 278 ЕР1РНЮЁМА n (gr. фХоюд „scoartS"), epifloem, scoarta externS [epiphloem, outer bark, corky bark; EpiphloSm, Sufleres Leitbundel; SpiphloSme; epifloSm, kiilsd kSreg; эпифлоэма] 279 EPIPHRAGMA n (gr. фрйуца ,,imprejmuire“), epifragma, mem-brana care inchide capsula dupS cSderea operculului (Hepaticae) sau care acoperS sporoforul unor ciuperci 194 (Nidularia) [epiphragma; Epi- phragma, Querhaut; dpiphragme; epifragma ; эпифрагма] -*■ tympanum 280 EPIPHYLLUS (gr. -, фиААоу „frun-zS“), epifil, care create pe frunze (parazit) sau se aflS pe partea supe-rioarS a frunzei (stomate) [epiphyllous; blattst&ndig, oberblattstSndig, blatt-biirtig; Spiphylle; levelen lev6; над-листный] 281 EPIPHYSIS f (gr. ётпфиоц „excres-сеп[У“) —» caruncula, strophiolum 282 EPIPHYTICUS (gr. - фитбу „plants"), epifitic, care cre§te pe altS planta [epiphytic; epiphytisch; epiphytiquc; epifitikus, ndvenyen Slo, fennlako; эпифитный] 283 EPIPHYTA n pi (gr.-), epifite, aerofite; plante neparazitare care folosesc numai ca suport organele altor plante f'orchidee tropicale, ferigi, licheni, mu§chi)J [epiphytes, air-plants; Epiphyten, Ober-pflanzen, Luftpflanzen; Epiphytes; epifitSk, fennlakd n6v6nyek; эпифиты] —► aerophyta, pseudoparasitus 284 EPIPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХауктдд „rStScitor"), epiplancton, plancton din zona superioarS (0—80 m) a ape-lor (Chun) [epiplankton; Epiplankton; Spiplancton; epiplankton; эпипланктон] 285 EPIPLASMA n (gr. -, яХаора ,,mo-delare"), epiplasmS, masa citoplasma-ticS gelificatS, bogatS in glicogen, rSmasS in asce dupS formarea aseo-sporilor (Ascomycetes) [epiplasm; Epiplasma; dpiplasme; epiplazma; эпиплазма] 286 EPIPLASTA n pi (gr. -, яАлсгтод „format"), epiplaste, corpuri sferice din lamelele citoplasmatice de la Cyanophyceae (Fritch) [epiplasts; Epi-plasten; Spiplastes; epiplasztiszok; эпипласты] 287 EPIPLEURA f (gr.-, яЛеирй „coasts"), epipleurS, pleura mai mare a epiteciului (Baccillariaceae) [epipleura; Epipleura, groOeres Giirtelband; epiplSvre; epipleura; эпиплевра] 288 EPIPODIUM n (gr. -, яббюу' ,,pi-cioru§“), epipodiu 1. Partea apicalS a primordiului frunzei. 2. Glande disciforme pe suportul ovarului [epi-podium; Epipodium; epipode; epi-pddium; эпиподий] 289 EPIPSAMMION n (gr.-, vdppog „nisip"), epipsamion, biotop al organismelor din terenurile nisipoase ш [epipsammion; Epipsammion; Ipi-psammion; epipszammion; эпипсам-мион] 290 EPIRRHEOLCGIA t (gr. taippto „а curge peste“, Хбуод ,,vorbire“), epi-reologie, studiu al influenfei factori-lor externi asupra plantelor (Pic-coni) [epirrheology; Epirrheologie; ёpirrёologie; epireolcgia; эпиреоло-гия] 291 EPIRRHIZUS (gr. &il ,,peste“, ДОСа „rSdScinS"), care create pe rdddcini (Lathraea, Orobanche) [epirr-hizous; oberwurzelstSndig, auf Wurzel-wachsend; ёрп'Ыге; gy-бкёгеп elo; растущий на корнях] 292 EPISEPALUS (gr. lat. sepalum „sepalS"), episepal, a§ezat pe sau in dreptul sepalelor (glande, stamine la Epilobium) [episepalous; episepal; ёр1зёра1е; episzep&I, cs6szelevelen levo; находящиеся на чашелистиках] 293 EPISPERMIUM n (gr. cmeppa „sSmintS"), episperm, invelif extern al semin(ei [episperm; Samenhiille, Samenmantel, Samenoberhaut; epi-sperme; epispermium, kiilsd mag-Ьё], magtakar6; эписпермий] —*■ am-phispermium, exopleura, spermoder-ma, testa 294 E PI SPORANGIUM n (gr. -, скора ,,s5min$S“, dyyetov ,,vas“), epispo-rangc, induziul sporangelui (Pte-ridophyta) [episporangium; Epispo-rangium; ёpisporange; episporangium; эписпорангий] 295 EPISPORIUM n (gr. -), epispor, invelif extern al sporilor, uneori avind §i un dispozitiv apical de plutire (Azolla) [epispore; Episporium, auQere Sporenhaut; dpispore; epis-pora, kiilsd spdrafal; эписпорий] —► pe-rinium 296 EPISTAMINALIS (gr. cxiipcov „filament"), epistaminal, care crefte pe stamine (nectarii, glande la Dic-tantnus) [epistaminal; epistaminal; epistaminal; porz6n fejlddd, porzo feletti; растущий на пестике] 297 EPISTAMINIA f (gr.-), epista-minie, plante cu stamine epigine (Xuphar) (Desveaux) [epistaminy; Epistaminie; ёpistaminie; episztami-nia, termdfeletti porzok; эпистами-ния] 298 EPISTASJS t (gr. inioтаец ,,su-praveghere"), epistazS, inhibare a efectelor unei gene nealele de cStre 0 E PI THEM A gen5 dominantd sau recesivS (Bateson} [epistasis; Epistasis; dpistasie; epi-sztdzis; эпистаз] 299 EPISTOMA TICUS (gr. Ы „peste", отбца ,,gurS“), epistomatic, cu stomate afezate numai pe partea superioard a organului (la frunzele de Nymphaea) [epistomatic; episto-matisch; dpistomatique; episztomati-kus; эпистоматический] 300 EPISTRDPHE f (gr. -, crpoqrfi ,,in-toarcere"), epistrofS, dispozi(ia cro-matoforilor in lumina difuzd in pdr^ile parietale libere ale celulei, invecinate cu mediul extern (Senn) [epistrophe; Freiwandlage; ёpistrophe; szabadfalfekvds; эпистрофе] 301 EPITERRANEUS (gr.Iat. terra „ pdmint"), supraterestru, aerian [epilerranean, above-ground; oberir-disch; ёpigё, adrien; fdldfeletti; надземный] —* epigaeus, aereus 302 EPITHALLINUS (gr. -, Oottdc „ISstar"), epitalin, care crefte pe tal [epithallin; epithallin; dpithalline; le-lepen novd; растущий на талломе] 303 EP1THALLUS m (gr. --), epital, formajii ale stratului cortical al hife-lor de pe virful sau marginea talului la Lichenes, servind la protejarea conidiilor (Zukal) [epithallus; Epithallus; dpithalle; epitallusz; эпиталлий] 304 EPITHECA f (gr. -, Огрсц „toe"), epi-tecd, partea superioara, mai mare, a carapacelor (Bacillariophyceae) [epitheca; Epitheka, oberes Deckel-schale; dpithdque; epitdka, kovahdj tetordsze; эпитека ] —► epipleura, epi-valva 305 EPITHECIUM n (gr. -), epiteciu, invelif format din extremitStile para-fizelor, acoperind partea himenialS a apoteciilor (Discomycetales, Lichenes [epithecium; Epilhecium; dpithecie; epit6cie; эпитеций] 306 EPITHELIUM n (gr. -, 0f|>.n „mamelon"), epiteliu 1. Strat de celule alungite care cSptufesc interiorul organelor de secrete (Coniferae). 2. Strat de celule alungite la periferia sacului embrionar (la unele Angiospermae) [epithelium; Epithel, Driisenepithel, Samenepithel; epithdlium; epitelium, epitёlsejtrёteg; эпителий] 307 EPITHEMA n (gr. ётвтща „invelif"), epitem, Jesut parenchimatic ac-vifer aflat sub stomatele acvifere ale frunzei [epithem; Epithem, Epithem-hydathode; dpithdme; cpitdma; эпи-тема] EPITHETON 308 EPITHETON n (gr. ёяЮетод „adSu-gat"), epitet, cel de al doilea nume al unui taxon specific sau numele complimentar al taxonilor infraspe-cifici [epithet; Epitheton, unterschei-dender Beiname; dpithdte; epiteton, megkiilonbdztetd masodndv; эпитет] 309 EPITOME f (gr. finitopfi „rezu-mat"), rezumat (ca titlu de lucrSri, ex. Asclepi: Epitome vegetationis plantarum, 1749 ) [summary; Hauptinhalt, Auszug; sommaire, extrait; kivonat; извлечение] 310 EPITONIA f (gr. tatrovog ,,!ntins“), epitonie, dorsiventralitate cu latura superioarS mai dezvoltatS declt cea inferioarS [epitony; Epitonie; dpito-nie; epitonia; энитония] 311 EPITROPHIA f (gr. Ш ,,peste“, xpoq>f| „nutritie"), epitrofie, dezvoltare mai viguroasS a tesuturilor pe partea morfologic superioarS a unui organ (Wiesner) [epitrophy; Epitro-phie; dpitrophie; epitrdfia; эпитро-фия] 312 EPITROPUS (gr. -, трбяод „orien-tare"), epitrop, orientat in sus (ovul cu micropilul orientat in sus, la Tri-bulus) [epitropous; epitrop, griffel-wSrts gerichtet; dpitrope; felfele irSnyulo, hozzSfordult; эпитропный] 313 EPIVALVA t -*■epipleura, epitheca 314 EPIXYLONEUS, EPIXYLUS (gr. -, tfiXov „lernn"), epixil, care create pe arbori [epixylous; epixyl; dpixyle; fSn ndvd; растущий на древесине] 315 EPIZOICUS (gr. -, Cfflov „animal"), epizoic 1. Care create pe corpul animalelor (parazit). 2. Care se rSspin-de§te fixlndu-se de corpul animalelor (fructe, seminte, spori) [epizoic, epizous; epizoisch; dpizoique; epi-zoikus; живущий на животных] 316 EPIZOOCHORIA t (gr. ~, %©pd© „a se rSspindi"), epizooc(h)orie, rSspin-dire a fructelor, semintelor sau a spo-rilor care sint prinse de pielea, perii sau penele unor animale (Xanthium spinosum) [epizoochory; Epizoochorie; dpizoochorie; epizoochdria; эпиэоо-хория] 317 EPOIKOPHYTA n pi (gr. ёяопсе© „a coloniza", фитоу „plants"), epoi-cofite, plante antropocore, mai ales buruieni, crescind numai in statiuni artificial (porturi, semSnSturi), in-cetStenite la noi de pe alte continente (Galinsoga) [epoikophytes; Epoikophy-ten, Ansiedler; epoicophytes; epoi- 196 kofitSk, meghonosodott behurcolt ndvdnyek; эпоикофиты] —*■ colonistae 318 EQUITANS, EQUITATIVUS, ec-vitant. 1. Care se incalecS (frunze, peta-le). 2. Pliat longitudinal ?i acoperin-du-se reciproc (prefoliatie) [equitant, folded over, overlapping saddlewise; reitend, iiberlagernd, einwickelnd; dquitant, chevauchant; lovagld, egy-mdsbagongydlddott, egymasbahajtoga-tott; вкладной, объемлющий] 319 ERANTHEMUS (gr. fjp, Eap „dimi-neafa, primSvara", SvOepov „floare"), erantemic, care inflore?te de timpuriu [early blooming; fruhbluhend; dran-thdme; koran viragzd; весенний] 320 ERECT-, ERECTI-, ERECTO-, ERECTUS, erect, orientat drept in sus, vertical dela bazS pinS la virf fanterS, tulpinS) (erectacanthus, erectiusculus, erecto-patens) [erect, upright; aufrecht, senkrecht, gerade; dressd, drigd; egyenesen felSIld; прямой, прямостоящий, прямо-] 321 EREMI-, EREMO-, EREMITICUS (gr. ёрлцод „solitar", ,,de§ertos“) 1. Solitar. 2. De de§ert [solitary-, desert-; einzel-, allein-, wiisten-; solitaire, ddserticole; magSnos, pusztai; едно-, пустын-, пустынный] 322 EREMICOLUS (-COLA f) - ere-mophilus 323 EREMOCARPUS (gr. -, карлод „fruct"), cu fruct solitar [single-fruited; einzelfriichtig; a un seul fruit; egytermdsu, maganos termdsu; еди-ночноплодный] 324 EREMOPHILUS (gr. -, фЛе© „a iubi"), eremofil, care prefers de§ertu-rile [desert loving; wiistenliebend; drdmophile; pusztSkat kedveld; пустынелюбивый] —у deserticolus 325 EREMOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитоу „plants"), eremofite, formatie vege-talS xerofilS din de§erturi [desert plants; Wustenpflanzen; drdmophy-tes; pusztai ndvdnyek; эремофиты] 326 EREMUS f (gr. -), eremus, fruct poli-carpic, format de obicei din patru nucule (Boraginaceae, Labiatae) [eremus; Klause; drdme; eremusz; эрем] 327 ERGASIOAPOPHYTA n pi (gr. dpyaota „muncS", йпо „de departe", фитоу „plants"), ergasioapofite, plante colonizatoare de terenuri cultivate (Simmons) [ergasioapophytes; Erga-sioapophyten; ergasioapophytes; er-gaszioapofitSk; эргасиоапофиты] 197 328 ERGASIOLIPOPHYTA n pi (gr. Алларёш „a se mentine", -), ergasio-lipofite, relicte ale plantelor de culture ce se men^in drept component» unei flore (Acorus calamus) (NS-geli §i Thellung) [ergasiolipophytes; Kulturrelikte; ergasiolipophytes; ergasziolipofitSk; эргасиолипофиты] 329 ERGASIOPHYGOPHYТА n pi (gr. фиул „fugS", -), ergasiofigofite, plante evadate din culturS, astSzi subspontane (Aster, Robinia) [ergasiophygophytes; Kulturflucht-linge; ergasiophygophytes; kulturszd-kevenyek; эргасиофигофиты] 330 ERGASIOPHYTA n pi (gr. -), er-gasiofite, plante straine care au fost luate §i mentinute in culturS in regiu-nile noastre (la Solanum tuberosum, Zea) (Woodhead) [ergasiophy tes; Kulturpflanzen; ergasiophytes; erga-sziofitak, nem honos kulturnSvdnyek; эргасиофиты] 331 ERGASIOS YN TROPHOPH Y ТА n pi (gr. ouv „impreunS", трофл „nutritie"), ergasiosintropofite, bu-ruieni ale terenurilor agricole [erga-siosyntrophophytes; Kulturlandun-krauter; ergasiosyntrophophytes; erga-szioszintrofofitSk, miivelt terule-tek gyomnovSnyei; эргасиосинтрофо-фиты] 332 ERGESIS f (gr. epyov „lucrare"), ergezS, facultate a organismului de a indica о reactie (Massart) [ergesis; Ergesie; ergesie; ergSzis; эргезис] 333 ERGOGENESIS f (gr. yeveoi? „producere"), ergogenezS, manifestare a energiei de cre§lere (Ryder) [ergo-genesis; Ergogenese; ergogenSse; er-gogenezis; эргогенез] 334 ERI-, ERIO- (gr. gpiov „linS"), la-nuginos, pSros (eriandrus, erianthus, eriocarpus, eriopetalus) [woolly-; woll-; lanugineux; gyapjas-; пушисто-] -► lack-, lach.no-, lanuginosus 335 ERICETUM n, ericetum. 1. Forma-tiuni de Erica. 2. BSlSrie [ericetum, heath; Ericetum, Heide; ericetum, bruyfere; ericStum, hangds hely; ери-цетум, пустошь] 336 ERIGENS (erigo), erigent, la inceput culcat, apoi ridicat in sus framura, tulpinS,) [erecting, raising; aufrich-tend; se redressant; felegyenesedo; выпямляющийся] 337 ERINACEUS, erinaceu. 1. Cu ghimpi zbirliti. 2. AsemSnStor cu un ariciu [prickly, hedgehog-like; igelig, igelsta- ERYTHROCARPUS chelig, pfriemstachelig; ёгтасё, hS-rissS de piquants; tiiskSs, siindisznd-szerti; иглистый, ежовый, ежевидный] —*• echinaceus, hystri- ERIOPHORUS (gr. epiov „linS", форёш „a purta") —*■ lanuginosus ERMINEUS, hermineu, de culoarea albS a herminei [ermine-coloured; her-melinfarbig, hermelinweifl; blanc d’hermine; hermelinfel^r; горностаевый] EROPHILUS (gr. epo „primSvara", фгА&о „a iubi") —*• eranthemus, ver-nalis EROSTRATUS, EROSTRIS, neros-trat [erostrate, beakless; schnabellos, ungeschnabelt, Srostr6, dGpourvu de bee; csdrtelen; безклювый] EROSUS, erodat, ce pare a fi ros; cu virful sau cu marginea neregulat denticulatS, cu sinusuri mici sau obtu-ziuscule (virful frunzei la Alnus glu-tinosa) [eroded, erose, gnawed; aus-genagt, ausgebissen, ausgefressen; irod£, rongS; kirSgott; эродированный, выгрызенный] ERRATA n pi, eratS, lists a gre-§elilor tipografice [misprints; Druck-fehlerverzeichnis; fautes d’impression; sajtdhibak jegyzёke; список опечаток] ERRATICUS 1. RStScitor, fSrS sta-bilitate pe substrat. 2. SSlbatic [wandering, spontaneous; umherwandernd, wildwachsend; erratique, spontanS; vSndorld, vadontermd; блуждающий» валунный, дикорастущий] ERUBESCENS (erubesco), erubescent, ro§cat [blushing, bfush-red, reddish; rotwerdend, rotlich; drubescent, rougeStre; pirosld, pirosodd, vorhe-nyes szfnfi; краснеющий, красноватый] ERUMPENS (erumpo), erumpent, \ care se deschide brusc prin rupere ' (fruct) [erumpent; hervorbrechend, he-rauswerfend; se dёchirant, ruptile; szdtrepedo, felrepedd; внезапно прорывающийся] ERYTHRAEUS, ERYTHR-, ERY-THRO- (gr. ёриврб? ,,ro§u“) (ery-thranthus, erythromelas, erythrocladus, erythrococcus, erythrotrichus) —*■ ruber, rubri-, rubro- ERYTHROCARPUS (gr.-, карядс „fruct"), cu fructe ro§ii [red-fruited; rotfriichtig; a fruits rouges; piros tern^su; красноплодный] 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ERYTHROLEUCUS 349 ERYTHROLEUCUS (gr.-, кеокбд „alb"), ro§u alburiu [whitish-red; weifl-lichrot; drythroleuque; fehdrespiros; краснобелый] 350 ERYTHROPHILUS (gr. -, фitao „a iubi"), crilrofil, cu afinitate pentru coloran(ii ro§ii (in citologie) [erythro-philous; erythrophil; drithrophile; eri-trofil; эритрофильный] 351 ERYTHROPHYLLUM n (gr. -, Фи?1-Xov „frunzS"), eritrofilS, pigmentul ro§u din frunze [erythrophyll; Ery-throphyll, Blattrot; erythrophylle; eri-trofillum; эритрофилл] 352 ERYTHROXANTHUS (gr.-, ^avOdg „galben"), ga!ben-ro§cat [reddish-yellow; rotlichgelb; rougeStre jaune; pi-rosassarga ; красножелтый] 353 ESCHARODES, ESCHAROIDEUS (gr. doxapibSqg „crustS") -*• crusta-ceus 354 ESCHAROSTROPHE f (gr. dcmdpiov „focar", атрофл „deturnare"), escaro-strofS, orinduire a cromoplastelor in focarul de luminS (in citologie) (Senn) (escharoslrophe; Brennpunktlage; escharostrophe; fdkuszfekvds; эсха-рострофе] 355 ESCULENTUS, ESCULUS - edu-lis, vescus 356 ESEPTATUS, neseptat [eseptate; scheidewandlos; non septd; rekesz ndl-kiili, osztatlan; бесперегородочный] 357 ESQUAMATUS, fSrS scvame [es-quamate, no scaled; schuppenlos, un-beschuppt; non dcailleux; pikkely-telen; лишённый чешуй] 358 ESTRIATUS, nestriat [unstriped; ungestreift; sans stries; csikozatlan, rovStka ndlkuli; бесполосый] 359 ETHNOBOTANICA f (gr. EOvog „ророг", poxSvn „iarbS"), etnobota-nica, studiu al plantelor cunoscute §i utilizate de popor [ethnobotany, folkbotany; Ethnobotanik; ethnobo-tanique; etnobotanika; этноботаника] 360 EU- (gr. еб „bun"), adevirat, veri-tabil, tipic, bun (euanemochorus, eu-chromus, eucarpicus, eumorphus) [true, well, typical; echt, wonl, typisch; vrai, typique; igazi, valddi, tipikus, j6; хорошо, истинный, типичный] 361 EU ANTHIUM f (gr. -, SvOog „floare"), euantie, concep(ia originii stro-bilare a florii (Bessey) [euanthy; Euan-thie; euanthie; euanthium-elmdlet; эвантовая теория] 198 362 EUAPOGAMIA f (gr. -, йпо „farS", уйрод „cds&torie"), euapogamie, dezvoltare nemijlocitS, fSrS fecundare, a sporofitului din gametofit (Farmer et Digby) [euapogamy; Euapogamie; euapogamie; euapogSmia; эвапогамия] 363 EUAPOPHYTA n pi (gr. ~, V6tov „planta"), euapofite, buruieni bS§ti-na§e cu apofitism pronun[at (Preuss) [euapophytes; Euapophyten; euapo-phytes; euapofitak; эвапофиты] 364 EUAPOSPORIA f (gr. -, ояора ,,sS-mintS"), euaposporie, fertilizare fara proces sexuat [euapospory; Euaposporie; euaposporie; euaposporia; эва-поспория] 365 EUARCHAEOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, dpxatog „vechi", фйтоу „plants"), euarheofite, plante ruderale sau nitro-file din neolitic [euarcheophytes; Euar-chaeophyten; euarcheophytes; euar-cheofitSk; эвархеофиты] 366 EUCECIDIUM n (gr. -, кпк1д „galS"), eucecidie, cecidie folositoare plantei care о produce (nodozitS^ile la Legu-minosae) [eucecidium; Euzezidie; eucd-cidie; eucecidium; эвцецидий] 367 EUCHROMOCENTRUM n (gr.-, ХРбца „culoare", Kdvrpov „centru") (Gregoire) —*■ prochromocentrum 368 EUCHROMOSOMA n (gr.-, ofijpa „corp") (McClung) -y autosoma 369 EUCLEISTOCARPICUS (gr. -, icXei-atdg „inchis", карябд „fruct"), euclei-stocarpic, care rSmine inchis pinS la maturitatea carposomului (Pyreno-mycetes) [eucleistocarpic; eukleisto-carp; eucleistocarpique; eukleiszto-karpikus ; эвклеистокарпный] 370 EUCOENICUS (gr. -, xoivdg „in co-mun"), eucenic, caracteristic §i cu fi-delitate intr-o biocenozS (specie, asocialie) [eucoenic; euzSn; eucd-nique; euconikus; эвценотический] 371 EUCYCLICUS (gr. -, кбкХод „cerc"), euciclic, cu numSr egal de piese in fiecare verticil (floare,) [eucyclic; euzyklisch; eucyclique; euciklikus; эвциклический] —*■ isocyclicus 372 EUDICHOTOMIA f (gr. -, 6ixa „in doi", тброд „tSiat"), eudicotomie, dicotomie adevSratS, cind ramurile sint dezvoltate §i ramificate uniform (Ly-copodium alpinum) [eudichotomy; Eu-dichotomic; eudichotomie; eudichoto-mia, tipikus villds-elSgazSs; эвдихо-томия] 199 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 EUEPHEMERUS (gr. ёфлрёрше ,,cu via[S scurt S“), euefemer, care se deschide §i se inchide definitiv in curs de 24 de ore (flori) [euephemerous; euephemer, eintagblutig; еиёрйётёге; euefemer, egynap virdgzd; эвэфе-мерный] EUGENETICA f (gr. yeveai? ,,na§-tere“), eugenie, studiu al ameliorSrii caracterelor ereditare specifice [euge-netics ; Eugenetik; eugdndtique; euge-netika, alkalmazott orokldstudomSny; эвгенетика] EUGEOGENUS (gr.yf| „pSmint", yewa© „а se na§te“), eugeogen, u§or dezagregabil (rocd ~) [eugeogenous; eugeogen, leicht verwitternd; eugeo-gene; eugeogёn, konnyen szdtmdlld; эвгеогенный] EUGEOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, e „lat"), lat, larg (euryandrus, euryanthus, eurycladus, eurypterus) [broad-; breit-; large; szd-les-; широко-] —► iatus, lati- platy- EURYBATHYCUS (gr.-, pa6i>? »a-dincime"), euribatic, cu largS adapta-bilitate la variatele adincimi ale mSrilor [eurybathyc; eurybathisch; eury-bathique; euribatikus; эврибатный) EURY CHORUS (gr. -, х©рё© „a se rSspindi"), euric(h)or, cu largS raspin-dire geograficS (specii ~) [eurycho-ric, widely distributed; weitverbrei-tet; S large distribution; szdles elter-jeddsu; эврихорный] EURYCOENOTICUS (gr. -, icoivdc „In comun"), euricenotic, care parti-cipS in diferite cenoze (specii [eurycoenotic; euryzonotisch; еигусё-notique; euricondtikus; эвриценоти-ческий] EURYHALINUS (gr. -, BXq „sare“)r eurihalin, care suportS diferite con-dijii de salinitate (plancton ~, specii ~) [euryhaline; euryhalin; eury-haline; eurihalin ; эвригалинный] EURYHYGRUS (gr. -, бурде „limed"), eurihigric, care suportS о mare variabilitate a condifiilor de umiditate (specii ~) [euryhygrous; euryhygrisch; euryhygrique; eurihig-rikus; эвригигрический] EURYOECICUS (gr. -, oIko? „casS"), euriecic, cu mare adaptabilitate la va-riale condijii de via^S (specii ~) [euryoecic; eurydzisch, standortsvag; eurydcique; euridcikus; эвриэцичес- КИЙ] EURYOXYBIONTON n (gr. -, o&q „acid", pioe „via^S"), eurioxibiont,. organism care suportS о mare variabilitate in privinta cantitStii de oxigen din mediul ambiant [euryoxybiont; Euryoxybiont; euryoxybionte; eurio-xibionta; эвриоксибионт] EURY PHOT 1CUS (gr. -, qxbe, <р©т6<; „luminS"), eurifotic, cu mare adaptabilitate la variate condi[ii de luminS [euryphotic; euryphotisch; eurypho-tique; eurofdtikus; эврифотический} EURYPLASTICITAS f (gr. -, nkaa-xucd? „de modelat"), euriplasticitate, capacitate largS de a suport a dife-renjele cantitative ale factorilor eco-logici (Zernov) [euryplasticity; Eury-plastizit&t; euryplasticitd; euriplaszti-citSs; эврипластичность] EURYSYNUSICUS (gr. -, ouvoucia „societale"), eurisinuzic, cu largS dis- 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 EURYTHERMUS tribute in diferite fitocenoze (Gams) [eurysynusic; eurysynusisch, gesell-schaftsvag; eurysynusique; euriszinu-zikus; эврисинусический] 395 EURYTHERMUS (gr. -, вёрдп ,,cSl-durS"), euritermic, adaptabil la mari variatii de temperature (euiy thermic; eurytnerm; eurytherme; euritermikus; эвритермный] —* thermoindifferens 3% EURYTOPICUS (gr. хдяод ,,loc“), euritopic, cu large amplitudine ecologies (specii ~) [eurytopic; euryto-pisch; eurytope; euritopikus; эври-топный] 397 EUSPORANGIATUS (gr. eO „bun", оноpd ,,s5min[S“, Syyetov „vas"), eu-sporangiat, cu sporangele nSscut din-tr-un grup do celule (Pteridophyta) [eusporangiate; cusporangientragend; eusporangid; eusporangiumos; эвепо-рангиатный] 398 EUSPORIA t (gr. --), eusporie, dez-voltarea normals a sporilor in urma unei meioze obi§nuite (Battaglia) [eus-pory; Eusporie; eusporie; euspdria; эвепория] 399 EUSTATICUS (gr. -, отатисбд ,,stS-tStor") —*■ constans (1) 400 EUSTELE f (gr. -, axf|tai „coloanS"), eustel, cilindru central cu fascicule colaterale concentrice (Gymnospermae) (Brebner) [eustele; Eustele; eustdle; eusztdle; эветела] 401 EUSYNCARPICUS (gr. -, oi>v ,,!m-preunS", карябд „fruct"), eusincarpic, cu fructe provenite dintr-un gineceu pluricarpelar sincarpic [eusyncarpic; eusynkarpisch; eusyncarpique; eu-szinkarpikus; эвеинкарпный] 402 EUTHEROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, Odpog „varS", conspicuus 412 EVOLUTIO f, evolu[ie, transformare lenla §i gradatS, precum §i diversifi-care succesiva a organismelor in cursul filogeniei [evolution; Evolution, Ent-wicklung; dvolution; evolucid, fejld-dds; эволюция, развитие] 413 EVOLUTUS, evoluat, dezvoltat [evo-lute, developed; entwickelt, ausge-wickelt; dvolud, ddveloppd; kifejlett, kifejldddtt; развернувшийся, развившийся, развитой] 414 EVOLVENS (evolvo), care se desfS-§oar5, care se deschide prin rSsucire [unrolling, unfolding; entfaltend, ent-wickelnd; se ddroulant; kisodrddd, kibontakozd; развивающий, развёртывающийся] 415 EX- (prefix privativ), ne-, fSrS, lipsit de [-less, un-, without; un-, -los, ohne; sans, ddpourvu de; -talan, ndlkuli; без, бес-, не-] 416 EXALBESCENS, EXALBIDUS — albescens, albidus 417 EXALBUMINATUS, EX ALBUMI-NOSUS, exalbuminat, fSrS albumen, lipsit de endosperm (sSmin(&) [exal-buminous; eiweiOlos; exalbumind; magfehdrje ndlkuli; беэбелковый] 418 EXALTATUS —y elatus, excelsus 419 EXARATUS,pronunjatbrSzdat[deeply furrowed, deeply grooved; ausge-furcht, herausgerissen; exard, S sillons profonds; kivSjt, Srkos, mdlyen barSz-dSlt; изборожденный] 420 EXARILLATUS, nearilat, f5rS aril [exarillate; unbemSntelt, samenman- 201 tellos; exarilld; magtakard ndlkuli; без кровельковый] 421 EXARISTATUS, nearistat, lipsit de aritS [exaristate, destitute of awns; unbegrannt, grannenlos; exaristd, sans aretes; szdlkatlan; безостый] -*• anatherus 422 EXARTICULATUS, nearticulat [exarticulated; ungegliedert; exarti-culd; izesiiles ndlkuli; несочленённый] 423 EXAURICULATUS, neauriculat, fSrS auricule [exauriculate, no eared; ungeohrlt; exauriculd, sans oreillet-tes; fiilecske ndlkuli; нгушковатый] 424 EXCAVATUS, excavat, profund sco-bit [excavate; ausgehohlt; excavd, profondement creusd; mdlyen kivajt; вогнутый] 425 EXCEDENS (excedo), excedent, care depa§e§te in lungime un alt organ [exceeding; iiberragend; ddpassant; tulmeno, feliilmilld; выступающий, поднимающийся] ^26 ^EXCELS US -* altus, elatus, procerus 427 EXCENTRICUS, excentric, dispus in afara centrului (embrion) [excentric; exzentrisch; excentrique; excen-trikus, kdzponton kivuli; эксцентричный] 428 EXCERPT A n pi-» analecta 429 EXCIPULUM n, excipul, excrescen^S pe talul unor licheni sau in jurul bazei apoteciului mu§chilor [exciple; Exzipulum; excipule; excipulum; эксципул] 430 EXCISURA f, excisurS, crestSturS, inciziune [excision, cutting out;Aus-schnitt; excisure; kiv&g&s, bemetszds; вырез, вырезание] 431 EXCISUS, excizat, decupat [excised; ausgeschnitten; excisd, ddcoupd, en-taille; kivagott, kimetszett; вырезной, островырезной] 432 EXCITABILITAS f, excitabilitate, capacitatea de a rSspunde la о exci-tafie [excitability; Reizbarkeit; exci-tabilitd; ingerldkenysdg, ingerelhetd-sdg; возбуждаемость] —> irritabilitas 433 EXCITATIO f, excita^ie, irita^ie [excitation; Reiz, Erregung; excitation; inger; возбуждение] 434 EXCLUSUS, exclus, inlSturat (ex-clusis synonymis excluzindu-se sino-nimele) [excluded; ausschlieOend; exclu; kizdrva; иэключенный] 435 EXCORTICATUS -» decorticatus EXIN VOL UCRA T US 436 EXCRESCENS (excresco), excrescent, care depS§e§te prin cre§tere un organ invecinat [excrescent, growing out; auswachsend, herauswachsend; excrescent, ddpassant; tdlnovd, kinovd; разрастающийся] 437 EXCRETIO f, excrete, eliminare a materiilor inutile din organism (gume, rS§ini, uleiuri) [excretion; Exkretion, Ausscheidung; excrdtion; exkrdcid, vSladdkanyag-eltdvolitas, kivSlasztSs; выделение] 438 EXCRETORIUS, excretor, care for-meazS sau eliminSexcretiile (glande~, peri fesut ~) [excretory; aus-scheidend, ausfiihrend; excrdteur; exkretorikus, eltavolito; экскреторный, выделительный] 439 EXCURRENS (excurro), excurent, care se continuS dincolo de virf (nervura medians a unor frunze) [excurrent, running out; auslaufend, durchlaufend; excurrent, prolongd en dehors; tiilfutd, tovdbbfutd; сбегающий, переходящий] 440 EXENDOSPERMUS -» e x album i no-sus 441 EXE SUS (exedo) -*■ cariosus, erosut 442 EXFOLIATUS, exfoliat, care se des-prinde in lame sub[iri (scoar[a la Platanus) [exfoliate; exfoliiert; exfo-lid; lemezesen levdlt; шелушиться, отслаиваться] 443 EXHIBENS (exhibeo), care prezintS, care dS dovadS de [exhibiting, showing; darstellend; exposant, mon-trant; kimutatd, utald; представляющий, выдающийся] 444 EXIGUUS, scund, mic [exiguous, minute, small, slender; winzig, gering, klein; exigu, petit, nain; alacsony, kicsi; скудный, ничтожный] —*minu-tus, parvulus, pus illus y pumilus 445 EXILIS, zvelt, subtire §i drept [thin, meagre, weak, slender; dtinn, mager, niedlich, zart; grele, svelte; vdkony, karcsii, nydlSnk; тонкй, тощий] -*■ debilis 446 EXINA f, EXINIUM n, exinS, membrana externS a grSunciorului de polen §i a sporilor [exine; Exine; exine; exine; эксина] —*■ exosporium 447 EXINTINIUM n, exintinS, membrana medians a grSunciorului de polen [exintine; Exintine; exintine; exintine; эксинтииа] 448 EXINVOLUCRATUS, exinvolucrat, lipsit de involucru [exinvolucrate; EXO- hiillenlos, ungehiillt; exinvolucre, prive d’involucre; viragtakard ndlkuli; без обвертки] 449 EXO- (gr. ££ ascendens 502 EXTENSUS, extins, intins, etalat [expanded, extended, spreaded; aus-gedehnt, ausgebreitet; Stendu, etaie, elargi; kinyult, kiteriild; распростёртый] 503 EXTERIOR, EXTERNUS, EXTE-RUS, extern, exterior, situat in partea opusS centrului [external, outer, outward; auBerer, auBenbefindlich, aus-wendig; externe, extSrieur; kiilsd, kiviil 4116; наружный, внешний] 504 EXTIN A I -> exina 505 EXTRA- (extrafscicularis, extranu-clearis) —* exo- 506 EXTRAAXILLARIS, EXTRAAXIL- LIS, extraaxilar, situat in afara axilei frunzei (flori muguri ramuri ~) [extraaxillary; ausserwin-kelst&ndig, auBerblattwinkelig; extra-axillaire; lev61h6naljon kiviili; внепа-зушный] 204 507 EXTRACELLULARIS, extracelular, aflat in afara celulei (enzim plas-md~) [extracellular; auBerzellstSn-dig; extracellulaire; sejten kiviili, extracellul4ris; внеклеточный, экстра-целлюлярный] 508 EXTRACHROMOSOMA n (lat. extra ,,peste“, gr. хрйца „culoare", ofipa „corp"), extracromozom, cromozom supranumerar [extrachromosome; Ex-trachromosom; extrachromosome; ex-trakromosz6ma; экстрахромоэома] 509 EXTRAFLORALIS, extrafloral, aflat in afara florii (glande nectarifere la Vicia) [extrafloral; extrafloral, auBer-bliitenstSndig; extrafloral; extraflora-lis, vir4gon kiviili; экстрафлораль-ный, внецветковый] 510 EXTRAFOLIACEUS, extrafoliaceu, aflat in afara frunzelor (stipele [extrafoliaceous; auBerblattstandig, blattunterstSndig; extrafoliacS; leve-leken kiviilalld; внелистный] 511 EXTRANUCLEARIS, extranuclear, situat in afaranucleului[extranuclear; auBerkernstSndig; extranucleaire; sejtmagon kiviili; внеядерный] 512 EX TRANU P TIALIS — extrafloralis 513 EXTRASTAMINALIS, extrastami-nal, aflat in afara staminelor (discul la Aceraceae) [extrastaminal; extrasta-minal; extrastaminale; porzdtajon kiviili; внетычиночный] 514 EXTRAVAGINALIS, extravaginal, situat in afara vaginei frunzei (14s-tar) [extravaginal; extravaginal; ex-travaginale; extravaginSlis, levelhii-velyen kiviili; экстравагинальный] 515 EXTRA VASA TIO f, extravazare, excreta nenormalS a lichidelor din plants [extravasation; Extravasation; extravasation; extravazScio; истечение сока] 516 EXTRORSUS, extrors 1. Orientat spre exterior. 2. In tors in afarS. 3. Care se deschide spre exterior (antera~, ovul [extrorse, directed outward ; extrors, auBenwendig, auswSrtsgerich-tet, auswSrtsgekehrt, auswarts-aufspringend; extrors, dirigS en dehors; kifelS пёгб, kifelSfordult, kifeld felnyild; экстрорэный] 517 EXULCERATIO f, exulceratie, tu-moare rezultatS pe pSr(ile rSnite ale plantei [exulceration; Geschwiir; exul-cSration; Гекё1уезе6ёб; изъязвление] 518 EXUVIATUS, despuiat,desgolit[exuviate; abgehSutet, ausgehSutet; dё-pouillS; lecsupaszitott; ободранный] F 1 f. (In citatele nomenclaturale preceding un epitet, ex. Betula pendula Roth f. ovata Ny4r.) -*• forma (2) 2 f. (filius), In citatele de nomenclature, a§ezatS dupe numele autorului ex. Lavandula spica L. (1753) var. latifolia L. f. (1780) fiul lui (Linne) (the son of, the young; der Sohn, der jtingere; le fils, le jeune; fia, ifjabb; сын, младший] 3 f% (f2 etc.) -GENERATIO, generala filiale prime( a doua etc.) ca urmare a unor hibrideri succesive (Bateson §i Saunders [the first (second etc.) filial generation; erste (zweite usw.) filial Generation; la premiere (se-conde etc.) generation filiale; elso (misodik stb.) filidlis nemzedek; первая (второя и.т.д.) филиальная генерация] 4 FABACEUS, FABIFOBMIS, faba-ceu, de forma bobului de fasole (sporii unor Lichenes) [fabaceous, beanshaped ; bohnenartig; fabace; bab-szerQ; бобовидный] 5 -FACIALIS, cu fa[a, cu latura (su-perioari sau inferioarS) (aequifacialis, bifacialis) [-facial, -sided; -seitig; -facial; -oldalu; -лицевой, -сторонный] 6 FACIES f 1. !nf&(i§are, aspectul general al plantei. 2. Facies, cea mai mic& subdiviziune a asociajiei vege-tale caracterizati prin dominanfa unei specii [aspect, appearance, facies; Ansehen, Gestalt, Fazies; aspect, facies; kinezes, facies; облик, повер-хость, фация] 7 FACILIS, u§or [easy; leicht; facile; kdnnyu; легкий] 8 FACTITIUS —*■ artificialis 9 FACTOR m, factor, condi[ia sau cauza care determine desfS§urarea unui proces (biologic, ecologic) [factor ; Faktor; facteur; tenyezo; фактор] 10 FACULTAS f, capacitate, putin[S, facultate (de adaptare, de germinare) [faculty, capability; FShigkeit; faculty, capacite; kepesseg; способность] 11 FACULTATIVUS, facultativ (pa-razit) [facultative; fakultativ, belie-big; facultatif; fakultativ; факультативный] 12 FALCARIUS, FALCATUS, FALCI-, falcat, semilunar curbat de forma se-cerii (p&st&ile la Medicago falcata) (falcifolius, falcirostris) [falcate, sickleshaped, scythe-shaped, sickle-; si-chelig, sichelfOrmig, sichel-; falciforme, en faucille, falci-; sarlds, sarld alaku, sarldszeru; серно-, серновидный] —*■ drepan-, meniscatus, semilunaris 13 FALLACINUS, FALLACIOSUS, FALL AX —> decipiens, mentiens, si-mulans 14 FALSUS, FALSI-, fals, aparent (fal-sinervius) [false, spurious; falsch, unecht; faux; 41, hamis; ложный]-» pseudo-, spurius 15 FAMILIA f, familie, categorie siste-maticS superioarS genului, cu desi-nen[a In -ACEAE (Fagaceae) [family; Familie; familie; csalid; семейство] 16 FARCTUS, plin, umplut, compact [stuffed, filled up; ausgefiillt, vollge-stopft; plein, rempli; tele, kitelt; выполненный] 17 FARINACEUS, farinaceu, f&inos, de natura fSinei [farinaceous, flour-like; mehlartig, mehlstaubartig; farinacS; lisztszeru; мучновидный] 18 FARINOSUS, fainos, acoperit cu praf f&inos alburiu [frunzele la Atri-plex, tulpina la Chenopodium) [farinose, mealy; mehlig, mehlstaubig; farineux; lisztes; мучнистый] 19 -FARIUS, -seriat, a§ezat in rinduri (ambifarius, bifarius) [-seriate, -ranked, in rows; -reihig; -s£ri£; -soros; -рядный] —» serial is, seriatus, -stichus 20 FASCI AT10 f, fasciatie, concre§terea teratologies a organelor axiale cilin- FASCIATUS drice §i normal separate, acestea ob[i-nind о formS turtitS sau devenind pangliciforme (ramuri §i tulpini, ade-sea la Meliloius officinalis) [fasciation, flattening; Fasziation, VerbSnderung, Breitwerden, Verbreiterung; fasciation; elszalagosodas; фасциация] 21 FASCIATUS, fasciat, concrescut anormal §i la(it in formS de panglicS [fasciated, cocks-combed; gebSndert, bandformig verbreilet; fasciS, гиЬапё, aplati en bandelette; szalagos, elsza-lagosodott; фасинйрованный] 22 FASCICULARIS, FASCICULA-TUS, FASCICULIGER, FA SCI I -FORM1S, fascicular, fasciculat, reunit in mSnunchi (frunze peri~, rdddcini tulpini ~) [fascicled, fas- ciculate, close clustered, bundle-shaped; btischelig, biindelig, btindel-ftirmig, gebtischelt; fasciculS, en fais-ceau; nyalabos, csomdkban alio; пучковатый]* 22a FASCICULUS m, fascicul 1. MSnunchi (de vase conducStoare, de ace la Pins, rSdScini la Senecio palus-tris, de peri, frunze etc.). 2. Inflo-rescenfS cimoasS cu ramurile laterale dispuse neregulat §i variat de lungi, cu florile in glomerul (Sycios angu-lats) [fascicle, bundle, close cluster; Faszikel, Biischel; fascicule, fais-ceau ; nyalab, csomovirSgzat; пучок, пучка] .23 FASTIGIATUS, fastigiat, cu ramuri erecte, fasciculate, aproape egal de lungi §i paralele cu axa principals (Populs fastigiata) [fastigiate; ge-gipfelt, gleichhochSstig, ebenstSuflig; fastigiS; tornyos, egyenld csticsti; равновысокий, равновершинный, прямопараллельный] 24 FATUUS, gol, golit (de seminte, polen, spori) [empty; leer, tauJb; vide; tires; пустой] —» vidus, vacus 25 FAUCI ALIS, FAUCI-, gituit, stran-gulat (faucidentats, fauciflors) [throated; schlundartig, rachenartig, schlund-; Strangte; torkos, elszti-ktilt nyilasu, -torkti; удушенный] 26 FAUX f, git (al caliciului, corolei) [throat, gorge; Schlund; gorge; torok; шея, горло, зев] -*■ ricts 27 FAVEOLATUS, FAVOSUS, FAVU-LOSUS, faveolat, alveolat, cu gropi(e multiangulare (receptaculul unor compositae) [faveolate, honey-combed; wabig, wabenartig, bienenzellig; fovSolS; £Мбгкё5; мелкоячеистый] 206 28 FEBRIFUGUS -у alexipyreticus 29 FECUNDANS (fecundo), fecundant, care fecundeazS prin polenizare [fecundating; befruchtend; fScondant; megtermlkenyit6; отплодотвояю-щий] 30 FECUNDATIO f, fecundare, ferti-lizare, reunirea alor doi gameti rezul-tind zigotul [fecundation, fertilization, impregnation; Fekundation, Befruch-tung; fScondation, fertilisation; meg-term^kenytites; оплодотворение] —*■ fer-tilisatio, sponsalia, nuptiae plantarum 31 FECUNDATUS, fecundat, fertilizat (ovul~ ) [fecundated, fertilized; be-fruchtet; fёcondё, fertilisS; megter-тёкепуё(еи; оплодотворенный] 32 FECUNDUS, fecund, fertil [fruitful, fertile; fruchtbar, ergiebig; fertile, fecond; termSkeny; плодородный] 33 FEMINEUS, FEMINI-, femel, prevSzut cu pistil, lipsind staminele (floare ~) (feminiflors) [female, feminine; weiblich, pistill-; feminin; noi, termos; женский, пестичный, женско-] —у gyn-, thely- 34 FENES TRALIS, FENESTRATUS (lat. fenestralis ,,cu fereastrS"), fene-strat, cu lamina frunzei prevSzutS cu gSuri sau deschizSturi intermitente (Aponogeton fenestralis, Monstera de-liciosa) [fenestrate, windowed, pierced; fensterartig, gefenstert, durch-brochen; fenestrS, trouS; ablakos, likacsos; продырявленный] 35 -FER, FERENS (fero), care poartS, care produce (acarifer, bifer, conidii-fer, drupifer) [bearing, carrying; tragend; portant; visel6, hordozo, -termo; несущий, -носный] —» -phorus 36 FERAX, productiv, roditor [fruitful; fruchttragend; productif, fertile; termSkeny, termSst hoz6; плодородный] —» fertilis 37 FERMENT AT 10 f, fermentatie [fermentation; Fermentation, GSrung; fermentation; erjedSs; ферментация, брожение] —*• zymosis 38 FERMENTUM n, ferment, enzirpS [ferment, yeast; Ferment, Garungser-reger; ferment; ferment, enzim, erjcsz-t6; фермент] —*■ enzyma 39 FERREUS, FERRUGINEUS, FER-RUGINOSUS, FERRUMINA T US, ruginiu brun, de culoarea fierului ruginit [rustbrown, rusty, rust-coloured, iron-coloured; rostbraun, eisen-rostfarbig; rouilleux, brun de rouille; 807 rozsdabarna; ржавый, Ьвета ржавчины] 40 FERTILIS, fertil, roditor, product tor (plants, sol) [fertile, productive» fruitful; tragbar, fruchtbar, frucht-tragend; fertile, fruitier; termSkeny; фертильный, плодущий] —*• ferax, uber 41 FERTILISA TIO t — feeundatio 42 FERUS, sSIbatic, care create spon-tan [wild, savage; wild, wildwachsen; sauvage; vad, vadontermd; дикий, дикорастущий ] —► spontaneus 43 FERVIDARIUM n, serS caldS, cu temperaturS de +13—17° [hothouse, stove; Warmhaus; serre chaude; meleg-hSz; оранжерея] 44 FI BRA f, fibrS [fibre; Fiber, Faser; fibre; fonal; волокно]* 45 FIBRIFORMIS, fibriform [fibre-shaped; faserartig; fibriforme; fonal-szerfi; волокновидный] —*■ fibrillaris 46 F1BRILLA f, fibrilfi. (micelianS, nu-clearS) [fibril; FSserchen; fibrille; fonalka; волоконце] 47 FIBRILLARIS -» fibriformis 48 FIBRILLATUS, FIBRILLIFER, FIBRILLOSUS, FIBROSULUS, fi-brilat, prevSzut cu fibrile [fibrillate, fibrillose, fibrillous; kleinfaserig; fi-brillS, fibrilleux; fonalkSs; мелковолокнистый] 49 FIBROSUS, fibros, prevSzut cu fibre sau cu filamente subtiri (rSdScinS, rizom, fesut) [fibrose, fibrous; faserig; fibreux; fonalas, szSlas, rostos; волокнистый] 50 FIBULATUS, fibulat, prevSzut cu podefiu cilindric (apoteciu) [buckled, clamp-bearing; geschnallt; boucle; fibulSs, csatos; с пряжкой] 51 FICUS f, smochmS, fructul de Ficus carica [fig; Feige; figue; fuge; фига] 52 FIDE (fideo),—* teste 53 FIDELITAS f, fidelitate, grad de statornicie a unei specii intr-o aso-cia]ie vegetalS [fidelity; Gesellschafts-treue; fid61it6; hfisSg (nOvSnytarsu-ISsban); верность] 54 -FIDUS, -FI DAT US, -FISSUS, fi-dat, divizat ptnS la jumStatea semi-laminei (frunzS) (acutifidus, bifidus, multifidus, septemfidatus) [divided, cleft; -spaltig, zerteilt; -ficte, fendu; hast tot t; иадреэный, расщеплённый] —» fissi- FISSI- 55 FIGURA f, figurS [figure, shape; Fignr, Abbildung; figure; Sbra; фигура] 56 FILAMENTACEUS, FI LAMES -TARIS, FI LA MEN TIFORMIS, FI-LAMENTOSUS, filamentaceu, fila-mentos, de forma unui fir sau filament [filamentous, thread-like; faden-artig, fSdig, fadenfSrmig; filamen-tacS, filamenteux; fonalas, szSlas, fonSl alaku; ниточный, нитчатый, нитевилный] —* fibriformis, fibrosus, nematoideus 57 FILAMENTUM n, filament 1. Organ filiform, in general. 2. Filamentul staminal sus(in!nd anterele [filament, thread; Faden, Staubfaden; filament, filet; szSl, porzdszSl; нить, тычиночная нить] —*■ filum, пета 58 FILI-, FILIFORMIS (filicaulis, fi-lifer, filipendulus) —*■ filamentaceus 59 FIUC1FORMIS, F1LICINUS, FI-LICOIDES, FILICI-, filiciform, de forma ferigilor (filicifolius) [fern-like; farnfOrmig, farn-; filiciforme, S forme d’une fougSre; pSfrany alaku, pSfrSny-; папоротниковидный, папо-ротнико-] —*• pterido- 60 FILICOLOGIA f (lat. filix ,,ferigS“, gr. X6yo<; ,,vorbire“) —*• pteridologia, pteridographia 61 FILUM n —*• filamentum 62 FIMBRIA f, fimbrie, scvamS sau lacinie finS [fimbria, fringe; Franse; frange; sallang, cafrang, rojt; бахрома] 63 FIMBRIATUS, fimbriat, fin §i lung despicat in fi§ii (foliolS involucrala, ohree, lodiculS, cortinS, induziu) [fimbriate, fringed ; fransig, gefranst; fimbriS, frangS; sallangos, cafrangos, rojtos; бахромчатый] -* crosso-, thy-sano- 64 FIMETARIUS, FIMICOLUS (-COLA f), fimicol, care create pe gunoi§te sau pe bSlegar [fimicolous, growing on dung; mistbewohnend, dungerbewohnend; fimStaire; tra-gyan termd; навозный] 65 FIRMUS, FIRMI-, virtos, Jeapan, rigid (firmifolius) [firm, stiff, tough; steif, fest, hart, derb; ferme, raide, rigide; кетёпу, merev, er6s; прочный, крепкий] 66 FISCELLARIUS —*■ contextus, inter-textus 67 FISSI-, -FISSUS (findo) (fissiden-talus, bifissus) —*■ -fidus FISSILIS 68 FISSILIS, despicabil [fissile; spalt-bar; fissile; hasad6; раскалывающийся] 69 FISSIO f, fisiune, despicare, sciziune, divizare (crcmozomicS, nuclearS, teratologies) [fission, splitting, cleavage; Fission, Spaltung; fission, clivage, scission; hasadSs; деление, расщепление] 70 FISSIPARUS ^y bifids 71 FISSURATUS, fisurat, cu despicS-turi sau crSpSturi [fissurate, fissured; vielspaltig; fendillS; hasogatott, be-vagdalt; растрескавшийся] -*■ rhagadi-oss 72 FISTULARIS, FISTULATUS, FI-STULOSUS, FISTULI-, fistulos, tubulos, cilindric §i gSunos (frunza la Allium сера, tulpina la Gramineae) (fistuliflors, fistulifolis) [fistular, fistulous, fistulose; r6hrig, rohren-fdrmig, rohren-; fistulaire, fistuleux; csoves, csdszeru; дудчатый, дудчато-] —* sip hones, tubularis, tubuloss 73 FI XUS, -FI XUS, fixat, inserat pe un alt organ (acrofixs, dorsifixus, bsifixs) [fixed; befestigt, fest, angeheftet; fixS; rogzitett; закреплённый, укреплённый] 74 FLABELLATUS, FLABELLIFER, FLABELLIFORMIS, FLABELLI-, flabelat, flabeliform, rSsfirat in formS de raze; dispus in evantai (labelul la Orchis papilionacea, foliole involu-crale la Centaurea orientalis, vexilul la Ononis, nervuri, frunze etc.) (fla-bellifolis) [flabellate, fan-shaped, fan-; fScherfdrmig, fScherig, fScher-; flabellS, en Sventail; legyez6s, legye-zoszerti, ernyo alaku; веерообразный] 75 FLACCIDUS, FLACCUS, flaccid, slSbSnog (tulpina la Cymbalaria mura-lis, Galium palstre) [flaccid, flabby; schlaff, schlapp; flasque; ernyedt, lankadt, konyult, petyhudt; отвислый, повислый] 76 FLAGELLACEUS, FLAGELLARIS, FLAGELLIFORMIS, flageliform, in formS de bici [flagelliform, lash-like, whip-like; peitschenfdrmig, geiflel-fOrmig, auslSuferfOrmig; flagellaire, flagelliforme, en flSau, en fouet; ostorszerti, ostorinda alaku; бичевидный, плетевидный, жгутиковидный] 77 FLAGELLATUS, FLAGELLIFER, flagelat, prevSzut cu flagel (Algae) [flagellate; peitschentragend; flagellS; ostoros, csillangds; жгутиконосный] 208 78 FLAGELLUM n, flagel, cil 1. Filament mobil in virful unor celule sau game[i, u§urind deplasarea acestora (Algae). 2 TulpinS secundarS uneori . floriferS (Hieracium caespitosum). 3. RamurS filiformS (Bryophyta). 4. Sarment [flagellum, runner, whip; GeiQel, Flagellum, Peitsche, Peit-chentrieb, Peitchensprosse, Schoss-ling; flagellum, fouet, coulant, sarment ; ostor, csillangd, ostorinda; жгутик, плеть, ус, ресничка] 79 FLAMMEUS, FLAMMIFER, ro§u aprins, de culoarea flScSrii sau a focu-lui [fiery-red, flame-coloured, bright-red; feuerrot, flammrot, brennendrot, gliihendrot; rouge feu, couleur de feu, ПатЬё, rouge ardent; 6g6piros, Sg6vdr6s, lang szinu, langvoros; огненно-красный] —» ignes, ignicolor, pklogi-, pyr-, pyrochros 80 FLAVENS, FLAVEOLUS, FLA-VESCENS, FLAVICANS, FLA VIDUS, flavescent, gSlbui, palid-gal-ben (florile la Allium flavescens) [flavescent, yellowish, somewhat yellow, becoming yellow; gelblich, gelb-werdend, blafigelb; jaunStre, jau-nissant, jaune clair; sSrgulo, fakuld, halvSnysSrga; желтоватый, желтеющий] 81 FLA VI-, FLA VO-, FLAVUS, gal-ben, galben-deschis (flaoiceps, fla-virostris, flavofscs, flavo virens) [yellow, bright yellow, pure yellow; gelb, reingelb, hellgelb; jaune, jaune pure; sSrga, tisztasarga, vilagossar-ga; жёлтый, светло- жёлтый] 82 FLEXUOSUS, FLEXI-, -PLEXUS, flexuos, §erpuitor (flexicaulis, fie-xipes, flexispins, genuflexs) [fle-xuose, bent in zigzag; geschlangelt; flexueux; kigy6z6, hajlongd; извилистый, извилисто-] —*■ anguiformis, mesenteriiformis, ophio-, serpens 83 FLOCCIGER, FLOCCOSUS, pufos pSros; cu peri de§i, lungi §i moi (Tragopogon floccoss) [floccose; flockigbehaart, wollflockig; flocon-neux; bolyhos; клочковатый, клочковато- опушенный] 84 FLOCCULOSUS, floculos, cu sm6-curi mici de peri [flocculose; klein-flockig; floculeux; bolyhocskas; мелкоклочковатый] 85 FIDRA f, florS 1. Totalitate a plantelor dintr-o anumitS regiune. 2. ListS de plante §i titlul unor lucrSri floristice (Velenovsky: Flora bulga-rica, 1891) [flore; Flora, Pflanzenliste, 209 Pflanzenbestand, flore; fl6ra, nbveny-zet; флора, растителный мир] 86 FLORALIS, FLORI-, -FLORUS, floral, -flor, relativ la floare (axS, calendar, inveli§) (floribundus, abundiftorus) [floral; bliiten-, -bliitig, blu-men-; florale; virSg-, virSgu; цвето-, -цветковый, прицветный, цветочный] 87 FLO RATIO f, FLORESCENTIA f, inflorire, perioada Infloririi [florescence, flowering, blossoming; Flo-reszenz, Blutezeit, Bliihen; fleuraison, floraison; virSgzas, viritas, viragzasi id6; цветение, время цветения] -*• ап-thesis, efflorescentia 88 FLORIBUNDUS, FLORIDUS, in-florit abundent, bogat inflorit [flori-bund, abundantly flowering; reich-bluhend, blumenreich; floribond; gaz-dagon virSgzd; обильноцветущий] 89 FLORICOLUS ( COLA {), floricol, care trSie§te pe flori [floricolous; blutenbewohnend; floricole; virSgon ё1б; живущий на цветках] 90 FLCRICULTURA f, floricultura [floriculture, flower-gardening; Bltiten-zucht; floriculture; У1гё^1епуё8г1ё5; цветоводство] 91 FLORIFER, FLORIGER, florifer, purtStor de flori (tulpina mugu-re~) [floriferous, bearing flowers; blutentragend; floriffcre; virSgos, vi-rSgot hordoz6; цветоносный] -* antho-phorus 92 FLORIGRA PH I A f (lat. flos ,,floare“, gr. Ypdcp© „a descrie"), florigrafie, descrierea florilor [florigraphy; Blii-tenbeschreibung; florigraphie; virSg-leirSs; описание цветков] 93 FLORILEGIUM n, florilegiu (,,bu-chet de flori") 1. Tratat floristic. 2. Colec(ie de flori, uneori numai picturi de flori. 3. Titlul unor lucrSri floristice [florilege; Bliitensammlung; floritege; virSgcsokor; собрание цветков] 94 FLDRIPAR, floripar, care produce flori (mugure ~) [floriparous; blii-tenerzeugend; floripare; virSgot ter-тб; рождающий цветок]* 95 FLDRULA f, florulS, florS micS (ca titlu de lucrSri floristice) [florula, small flora; kleine Flora; florule; kis fldramu; местная флора] 96 FIDS m, floare, organul principal al plantelor superioare, adesea prevSzut cu un inveli§ extern de obicei FOLIA RIS verde (caliciul) §i unui intern de obicei colorat (corola), ambele protejfnd organele de reproducere (staminele §i pistilul) [flower, blossom; Bltite, Blume; fleur; virag; цветок]* 97 FLOSCULUS m, floscul, floricica; fiecare din florile antodiului (Compositae J [floscule, floret, floweret, little flower; Bliitchen, Bliimchen; fleuron, fleurette; virSgocska, Гёвгек-virag; цветочек] 98 FLUCTUANS,FLUCTUOSUS (fluc-tuo), fluctuant 1. Nestabil. 2. Plu-titor [fluctuating, floating; schwan-kend, schwingend, wogend, schwe-bend; changeable, flottant; valtozo, iisz6; флюктуирующий, изменчивый, плавающий] 99 FLUITANS (fluito), fluitant, plu-litor (Ranunculus fluilans) [fluitant, floating, swimming; flutend, schwim-mend; flottant; uszo; пловучий, плывущий] 100 FLUMINALIS, FLUVIALIS, FLU-VIATICUS, FLUVIATILIS, fluvial, care create pe lingS fluvii sau riuri [fluvial, fluviatic, fluviatile; fluO-bewohnend, fluflliebend; fluvial, fluviatile; folyokban ё1б, foly6kban tenySsz6; речной] 101 FODINA f, minS [mine; Bergwerk; mine; bSnya; рудник] 102 FOENUM n, fin [hay; Heu; foin; вгёпа: сено] 103 FOETENS, FOETIDUS, FOETU-LENTUS (foeteo), fetid, puturos, urit mirositor [fetid, stinking, malodorous; stinkend; puant; biidOs; вонючий, зловонный] -*• maleolus, nido-rosus, olidus, putidus, vulvarius 104 FOLIACEUS, foliaceu. 1. Care se aseamSnS cu frunza (tulpina la Opun-tia, talul la Peltigera, caliciul cu sepa-lele uneori verzi la Cobaea, Rosa, filodiile la Acacia). 2. In care se dezvoltS frunze (muguri) [foliaceous, leaf-like; blattartig; foliacS; 1еуё1-szeru; листовидный, листоватый] —► phylloideus 105 FOLIANEUS, folianeu, de origina foliarS (spinii la Paliurus, circeii Ia Lathyrus aphaca) [folianeous; blatt-vertretend; ГоНапё; 1еуё1 eredetfi; возникающий из листа] 106 FOLIARIS, foliar, care apar(inc frunzei (laminS, nervurS) [foliar; blatt-slandig, blatt-; foliaire; levSlhez-tartoz6; листовой] FOLIATIO 107 FOLIATIO f, foliage, infrunzire [foliation, leafing; Belaubung; foliation; levelesed£s, levSlnyilSs; облиствение] (foliatio-vernatio -*■ praefoliatio) 108 FOUATURA f, foliaturS, frunzi?, totalitatea frunzelor unei plante [foliage; Laub, Laubwerk; feuillage; levSlzet; облиственность, листва] 109 FOLIATUS, -FOLIATUS, FOLII-, -FOLIUS, foliat, frunzos; prevSzut cu frunze (effoliats, ensifolius, foliico-lus) [foliate, -leaved; belaubt, beblSt-tert, blattfuhrend, -bl&ttrig, -laubig; feuille; leveles, -levelfl; лиственный, облиственный, листо-, -листный] —*■ -phyllus 110 FOLUFER, FOLIIGER — foliatus, phyllophorus* 111 FOLIOLATUS, foliolat, prevSzut cu foliole (frunza penatS) [foliolate, leafletted; blattchentragend; folio-1ё; levelkes ;листочковый] 112 FOLIOLUM n, foliolS 1. Segmentul independent al unei frunze compuse (Leguminosae). 2. Component al in-volucrului unui antodiu (Compositae) [foliole, leaflet; BlSttchen, Teilblatt; foliole, feuillet; levelke; листочек] 113 FOLIOSUS, bogat frunzos [foliose; blattreich, reichblsttrig, vielblatt-rig; abondamment feuillS; gazdagon leveles; обильно облиственный] 114 FOLIUM n, frunzS, organ fundamental, de obicei plan §i verde, format pe tulpinS sau pe ramuri, care in principal realizeazS fotosinteza [leaf; Blatt, Laubblatt; feuille; level; лист] —* phyllum 115 FOLLICULARIS, FOLLICU LIFO R-M1S, folicular, de natura sau dc forma foliculei [follicular, cod-likc; balgarlig, balgShnlich; follicu-laire; tiiszotern^sszerd; фолликулярный, листовковидный, мешочковидный] 116 FOLLICU LARI UM n, FOLLICU-IDDIUM n, foliculariu, foliculS com-pusS (Aquilegia, Caltha, Illicium, Sedum) [compound follicle, polyfol-liclc; zusammcngesetzte Balgfrucht, Balgkapselkranz; folliculode, poly-follicule; tiiszocsokor; сложный фолликул] —► polyfolliculus 117 FOLLIC ULUS m, folicula, fruct uscat unicarpelar, de obicei poli-sperm, cu dohiscenja longitudinals (Helleborus, Consolida) [follicle; Balgfrucht, Balgkapsel; follicule; tuszo-tern^s, tacskotermSs; фолликул, листовка] 2Ю 118 FOMES m, iascft [tinder; Zunder; amadou; tapl6; трут] 119 FONS m, izvor [spring; Quelle; source ; forrSs; исток] -*■ scaturigo 120 FONTANEUS, FONT ANUS, FON-TICOLUS, FONTINALIS, fontinal, care create in izvoare sau in fintini (plants) [spring-growing; quellenbe-wohnend, quellenliebend; fonticole; forrSslako, forrSskedvel6; источнико-вый, ключевой ] —» seaturiginus 121 FORAMEN n —► apertura 122 FORAMINATUS, FORAMINOSUS, gSurit, cu gSuri [perforated; lochrig, durchlochert; foraminS; lyukas; дырчатый] —» porosus 123 FORATUS, -FORATUS, -FORUS, perforat, gSurit (capsula ~) (bifo-ratus, biforus) [pierced, perforated; geldchert; perce, perforS; atlyukasz-tott; просверленный] 124 FORFICATUS, forfecat, de forma unei foarfeci [scissor-shaped; sche-renfdrmig; en ciseau ; ollds, olldszeru; ножницевидный] 125 FORMA f, formS 1. lnfS[i§are. 2. Unitatea sistematicS cea mai infe-rioarS, subordonatS varietStii [shape, form; Gestalt, Form; forme; forma, alak; форма]* 126 FORMANS (formo), formind, care formeazS [forming; bildend; formant; alkoto; формирующий] 127 FORMATUS, format, alcStuit [formed; geformt; formS; alakult; образованный, сформированный] 128 -FORMIS, de forma, cu infa^i^area (ensiformis) [-shaped, like; -formig, -geslaltig; -forme; alaku; образный] —*■ -morphs 129 FORMULA f, formulS, reprezenlare, simbol (floral) [formula; Formel; for-mule; kSplet; формула] 130 FORNICATUS, arcuit, boltit (petala superioarS la Aconitum) [fornicate, arched, vaulted; gewOlbt, wolbig; vodtS, arquS; ivelt, boltozatos; сводчатый, выгнутый] —► arcuats 131 FORNIX m, boltiturS, fornice; scvame boltile in gitul unor corole tubuloase (Myosotis) [vault, arched scale; W6lbung, Hohlschuppe, Schiippchen; vodle, ёсаШе vodtSe; boltozat, ivelt torokpikkely; свод, арка] 132 FORT IS —► robsts, viguross 133 FORTUITUS —*• accidentalis 211 134 FOSSA f, groapa, $ant, canal [pit, fosse, trench, ditch; Graben; fosse, canal; Srok, gdddr, csatorna; канава, яма, ров] 135 FOSSILIS, fosil, pietrificat [fossile, petrified; fossil, versteinert; fossilisS, рёЫПё; megkovesedett, kbvuleti, asatag, osvilSgi; ископаемый] —*■ pe-trefactus 136 FOSSILIA n pi, fosile, petrefacle [fossils; Fossilien, Versteinerungen, Petrefakten; fossiles; kOvuletek, os-maradvAnyok; ископаемые] 137 FOSSULARIS, FOSSULATUS, cu gropi^e mici [fossulate; kleingrubig; fossettS; kisgOdo^s; желобчатый, канавчатый] 138 FOVEA f, fovee 1. GroptyS pe supra-fa[a unor semin(e (Ckenopodium serotinum). 2. Gropi[a la baza sporo-filei adSpostind sporangele (Isoetes). 3. Cavitate pe lobul lateral al stig-matului, fixind polenul (Orchidaeeae). 4. Gropi^S nectariferS pe unguicula petalelor sau a tepalelor (Ranuncu-laceae) [fovea, pit; Grube, Grubchen; fossette, fovSole; godrocske, godftrke; ямка, ямочка] 139 FOVEATUS, FOVEOLATUS, FO-VEOSUS, foveolat, cu gropije [fovea-te, foveolate, pitted; grubig, kleingrubig, grubigvertieft; fovSolS, fos-settS; gбdбrkёs; ямчатый, мелкоям-чатый] 140 FOVILLA f, fovilS, continutul semi-granulos §i semilichid din grSunciorul de polen [fovilla; BefruchtungsmaBe, Befruchtungsstoff; foville; himpor-tartalom; фовилла] 141 FRACTUS, FRACTI-, F RAC TO-, rupt, Intrerupt (fractiserialis, fracto-flexus, septifragus) [breaked, breaky-; abgebrochen, unterbrochen; Ьпвё, rompu, interrompu; tdrt, megszaki-tott, megszakitottan-; сломанный, прерывисто-] 142 FRAGARI-, FRAGI-, de fragi (fra-garicolor, fragifer, fragiformis) [strawberry- ; erdbeeren-; fragi-; eper-; землянико-] 143 FRAGI LIS, FRAGILI-, fragil, rup-til (fragilifolius) [fragile, broken-; briichig, zerbrechlich, brech-; fragile, ruptile; Югёкепу, szakadd-; хрупкий, хрупко-] —► frangulus 144 FRAGMENTATIO f, fragmentare 1. Mod de diviziune directs a celulei FRONDOSUS prin simpla impSr^ire in douS frag-mente. 2. Despicare (a nucleului, a cromozomului) [fragmentation; Fragmentation, Zerfallen; fragmentation; fragmentScid, szStdarabolddSs; фрагментация] 145 FRAGMENTUM n, fragment [fragment; Bruchstiick; fragment; tore-dёk; фрагмент, обломок, кусок] 146 FRAGRANS (fragro), odorant, cu miros plScut §i pStrunzStor (Jasmi-num) [fragrant; wohlriechend, stark-riechend, angenehm duftend; odorant; jdszagu, b6dito illatu; благоухающий, пахучий, душистый] 147 FRAG UM n, fragS, fructul de Fra-garia [strawberry; Erdbeerfrucht; frai-se; eper, szamoca; землянка] 148 -FRAGUS -► fractus 149 FRANGULUS — fragilis 150 FREQUENS, frecvent, intilnit adesea [frequent; hSufig; fi^quent; gya-kori; частый] 151 FREQUENTIA f, frecven(a, procen-tajul ocuren(ei speciei in ansamblul suprafetelor de probS (in fitocenolo-gie) [frequency; Frequenz, Haufig-keit; frequence; sйrйsёg, helyi al-landdsSg; встречаемость, частота] 152 FRIGIDARIUM n, frigidariu, sera rece [cool greenhouse; Kallhaus; fri-gidarium; hideghSz; холодная оранжерея] 153 FRIGIDUS, frig, rece, care create in regiuni rScoroase [cold; kalt, kalteliebend; froid; hideg, hiivos, hidegkedvelo; холодный] —*• psichro- 154 FRONDESCENS (frondesco), fron-descent, in curs de infrunzire [fron-descent; belaubend; frondescent; lombosodd; листвеющнй] 155 FRONDESCENTIA f, frondescen(a 1. Infrunzire; dezvoltarea frunzi§ului arborilor. 2. VirescentS [frondescence, leafing virescence; Frondeszenz, Ver-laubung, Belaubung, Vireszenz; frondescence, virescence; lomboscdas, vi-ragzoldiites; облиствение, позеленение] —► foliatio, virescentia 156 FRONDI-, dc frunzi§ (frondicolus, frondiformis, frondiparus) [frond-; laub-; frondi-; lomb-; листо-] 157 FRONDOSUS, bogat frunzos [fron-dose, frondous; laubig, laubblattrig, belaubt; frondeux; lombos, lomble-veles; лиственный] FRONS 158 FRONS f-ndis) f 1. Frunzi§ (la arbori). 2. FrondS (la Pteridophyta). 3. Tal foliaceu (Hepaticae). 4. TulpinS taloidS, foliacee (Azolla, Lemnaceae) [frond, foliage; Laub, Laubblatt; fronde, feuillage; lombozat, lomble-vdl, levdlszeru telep, telepszeru szar; листва, листоватое слоевище, вайя] 159 FRONS (-ntis) f 1. Frunte. 2. Partea din fa[S a unui organ [forehead; Stirne, Vorderseite; front, face fron-tale; homlok, eltilso rdsz; перёд, передняя сторона] 160 FRUCTESCENTIA f -» fructifica-tio 161 FRUCTICOLUS (-COLA I), frucli-col, care tr3ie§te pe fructe (parazit) [fructicolous; fruchtbewohnend; fruc-ticole; lermdsen ё1б; обитающий на плодах] 162 FRUCTIFER, FRUCTIFICANS, FRUCTUARIUS, FRUCTIGENUS, FRUCTIGER, FRUCTIPARUS, fructifer, care poartS sau produce fructe (peduncul plantd ~) [fructiferous, fruiting, fruit-bearing; frucht-bar, fruchttragend, fruchtifizierend; fructifdre, fructifiant; termdshozo, termdst tarto, gyum61cs6zo, gytimOlcs-termd; плодоносный, плодущий, плодовый, плодоносящий] —» ferax, fer-tilis, fructescens, uber, frugifer 163 FRUСTIFICA TIO f 1. Fructificare, matura(ia fructelor sau a seminfelor (Phanerogamae). 2. Fructificare, organe de reproducere (Cryptogamae) [fructification, fruiting, fruit-body; Fruchtreife, Fruchttragen, Fruchtbil-dungsperiode, Fruchtkorper; fructification, infrutescence, corps de fructification ; gyiimolcsdrds, magdres, szaporitoszerv; фруктификация, плодоношение, плодовое тело] 164 FRUCTIVORUS, fructivor, carpofag; care se nutre§te cu fructe [fructivorous; fruchtfressend; fructivore; termdst ev6, gyumolcsrago; фруктоядный, плодоядный] —» carpophagus 165 FRUCTUS (-us) m, fruct, organ format din ovarul fecundat (Angio-spermae), protejind seminjele [fruit; Frucht; fruit; gyumolcs, lermes; фрукт, плод] FRUCTUS SPURIUS -> pseudocar-pium 166 FRUGIFER, FRUGIFERENS — fructifer* 212 167 FRUMENTUM n, cereale, grine [cereals; Getreide; cdrdales; gabona; хлеб] 168 FRUTECTUM, FRUTETUM n — fruiicetum 169 FRUTESCENS (frutesco), frutescent, asemSnStor unci tufe mici, lignificat numai in por(iunile tulpinale infe-rioare [Filipendula ulmaria, Obione verrucifera) [frutescent, becoming shrubby; strauchartig, staudenartig; frutescent; bokrosodd, cserjdsedd; кустистый, кустарниковый] —► sublignosus 170 FRUTEX m, tufS, arbust scund; plants lemnoasS scundS, ramificatS de la bazS (Rosa, Rubs) [shrub, bush; Strauch, Staude, Busch; ar-brisseau, petite arbuste; bokor, cserje; кустарник] —» arbscula, arbustum 171 FRUTICANS, FRUTICOSUS (fru-tico), fruticant, arbustiv, tufos [fru-ticant, bushy; strauchig, buschig; buissonnant; bokros, cserjds, aljafas; кустарниковый] 172 FRUTICETUM n, fruticet, tufi§, tuferi?; loc cu numeroase tufe [shrub-let, shrubbery, scrub; Gebiisch, Ge-strSuch; broussaille, brousse, buisson, hallier; cserjds, csalit, bokros hely; заросли кустарника] 173 FRUTICULUS m, subarbust, tufa micS [small shrub; Kleinstrauch.Zwerg-strauch; arbrisseau nain; tdrpecserje; низкий кустарник] —ysubarbstum, suf-frutex 174 FUCACEUS, FUCOIDES, fucaceu, asemSnStor cu Fucs [fucaceous, fucoi-dal; tangahnlich; fucace, fucoide; fu-kuszszeru; водорослевидный] 175 FUCA TUS, FUCA TO-, colorat (fuca-tophylls) [coloured, stained, painted; geschminkt, schmink-; colord; szines-, szinezelt; окрашенный, цветно-] 176 -FUGALIS, -FUGUS, -fugal, care se indepSrteazS (,,fuge“) intr-o direc^ie contrarS (aero fugal is, bsifugalis, an-guifugs) [-fugal; -laufend; -fuge; -futd; -бежный] —*• -dromus 177 FUGAX, efemer, temporar, trecator; care dispare repede (petale) [fugacious, fleeting, transitory, early falling; fliichtig, verganglich; fugace, tempo-raire; hamar eltund, kordn lehullo; преходящий, недолговечный] 178 FULCIENS, FULCRACEUS, FUL-CRANS (fulgeo), proptitor, sprijini-tor [supporting; stutzend, unterstii- 218 tzend; sou tenant, appuyant; tdmasztd, panyvdzd; подпирающий] 179 FULCRATUS, FULTUS, proptit, rdzimat, susjinut [supported; gestiitzt; арриуё; alatdmasztott; подпертый] -*• suffultus 180 FULCRUM n, suport, organ de sus-tinere sau de fixare (circei, rddacind fixdtoare) sau organ numai aparent de sus^inere (bracteile de sub floare sau inflorescenja la Dianthus capita-tus) [prop, support; Sliitze, Gestell; fulcre, soutien, appui; tdmasztdk, ta-masztd szerv; опора, подпорка] 181 FULGENS, FULGIDUS (fulgeo), lu-cios, lucitor [shining, gleaming, glittering; gldnzend, leuchtend; brillant, dclatant; fenyes, ragyogd; блистающий, сверкающий] —*• lucens, micans, splendens, -phanus 182 FULIGINEUS, FULIGINOSUS, fu-liginos, negru ca funinginea [sooty, soot-coloured, blacklike soot; rufiig, ruBfarbig, ruBchwarz; fuligineux, cou-leur de suie; koromszinfi, koromfekete; сажистый] —► ustalis 183 FULMINEUS, FULVELLUS, FUL-VESCENS, FULVIDUS, bruniu, brun gdlbui [sommewhat tawny, yellowish-brown ; braungelblich, hell-braun; brunatre, jaundtre-brun; bar-nds, barnuld, sargasbarna; буро-желтоватый] 184 FULVUS, FULV1-, brun ro§cat, galben ro§cat (fulvipilus, fulvispinus) [fulvous, reddish-brown, tawny;braun-rotgelb, rdtlichgelbbraun, fahlgelbrot; fauve, rougeatre-jaune, brundtre-jau-ne; vorhenyessdrga, sargasbarna, rot-szinfi; буро- жёлтый] 185 FUMAGINEUS, FUMAGINOSUS, FUMANUS, FUME US, FUMIDUS, FUMIGATUS, FUMOSUS, fumuriu, de culoarea cenu§iu negricioasd a fumului [smoky, smoke-coloured, smoke-grey, thoung-smoked; rauchig, rauchgrau; enfumd, gris de fume, noirdtre-gris; fustos, fiistszinu, fiist-sztirke, feketdsszurke; дымчатый, пепельно-черноватый] —*• capnoideus 186 FUNALIFORMIS, FUNALIS, funii-form, In formd de funie (rdddcini) [funiform, rope-like; strickformig, strangf6rmig; funiforme; kdtdlszerfi; веревковидный, веревчатый] 187 FUNGACEUS, FUNGIFORMIS, FUNGOIDEUS, fungoid, asemdndtor cu о ciupercd [fungaceous, fungus- FURFURACEUS like, mushroom-shaped; pilzartig, pilz-formig; fongacd, fongiforme; gom-baszeru; грибовидный]—* mycet-, my-co-, mycetoideus 188 FUNGICIDUS, fungicid, care com-bate ciupercile [fungicid; fungizid, ilzenvernichtend; fongicide; gom-airtd; фунгицидный] 189 FUNGICOLUS [-COLA f), fungicol, care cre§te pe ciuperci [fungicolous; pilzbewohnend; fongicole; gombdn elo; обитающий на грибах] 190 FUNGIVORUS, fungivor, care se nutre§te cu ciuperci [fungivorous; pilzfressend; fongivore; gombaevo; грибоядный] 191 FUNGUS m, ciupercd, burete [fungus, mushroom; Pilz, Schwamm; champignon; gomba; гриб] 192 FUNICULARIS, funicular 1. De forma unei corzi. 2. Care aparjine funiculului [rope-like; strangfflrmig, nabelstrangformig; funiculaire; zsi-norszerd, magzsindrszerii; веревкообразный, семяножковидный] 193 FUNICULATUS, funiculat, prevd-zut cu funicul [funicled; nabelstran-gig; funiculd; csirafuggesztds, mag-zsindros; семяножконосный] 194 FUNICULUS m, funicul, cordonul umbilical al ovulului (Scleranthus) [funicle, seed-stalk, ovule-stalk; Nabel-strang, Nabelschnur, Samenstiel, Sa-menstrang; funicule, cordon ombilical; csirafiiggeszto, magriigy-kdlddkzsindr, magzsinor; фуникулюс, семяножка] —*■ chorda umbilicalis, blastophorus, podospermium 195 FUNIFORMIS —► funaliformis 196 FUNILIFORMIS —► funaliformis 197 FURCATIO f, bifurcare, ramificarea unui organ axial [furcation; Gabe-lung, Gabelteilung; bifurcation; villas elagazas, elagazas; разветвление, развилина] 198 FURCATUS, FURCIFER, -FUR-CUS, furcat, bifurcat ramificat (pdr, tulpind, ramurd) (bifurcatus) [furcate, forked; gabelig, gegabelt, gabel-formig, gabelteilig; fourchu; villds, villds eldgazdsu; вильчатый, раздвоенный, -вильчатый] —► dicrano-, dicho-tomus 199 FURFURACEUS, FURFUROSUS, furfuraceu, acoperit cu un praf ase- FURVUS m&nfttor tSri{ei (tulpina la Orobanche purpurea) [scurfy, bran-like; kleienar-tig; furfuracd; korpaszerfl; отрубовидный] 200 FURVUS, Inchis (la culoare), negru bruniu [dark, dusky; dunkel; foncd; sOtdtszinfi; тёмный, чёрный] —*• ater, atri- 201 FU SCAT US, FUSCELLUS, FUS-CESCENS, FUSCIDUS, bruniu [darkened, darkening; braunwerdend, brS-unlich; bruniesant, brunfitre; barnds, barnuld, sOtdtlO; буроватый, буреющий] 202 FUSCUS, FUSCI-, FUSCO-, brun Inchis (fuscipes, fusco-atcr, fuaco-ru- 214 her) [dark brown, fuscous, dark; dunkelbraun, braun; brun sombre, brun; sOtdtbarna, barna; темно - бурый, бурый] 203 FUSIFORMIS, FUSOIDEUS, fuzi-form, tngust, alungit, cilindric, de forma unui fus (r&d&cinft) [spindle-shaped, fusiform; spindelig, spindelfdrmig; f u-siforme, en fuseau; orsd alakti; веретеновидный] -*• sphondyloideua 204 FUSIO f, fuziune, unire, contopire (celularS) [fusion, union; Fusion, Ve-reinigung, Verschmelzung; fusion; egyestilds, egybeolvadds; слияние] 205 FUSUS m, fus (nuclear) [spindle; Spindel; fuseau; ors6; веретено] G 1 GAEO-, -GAEUS, GEO; -GEUS (gr. yala sau yfl „pSmint, sol“) (geocarpi-cus, geographicus, epigaeus) —» terri-, terrestris 2 GAEOECICUS (gr. оТко? ,,locuinta“) —*■ terricolus 3 GAGATOSPERMUS (gr. yayaxo? „piatrS neagrS", ояёрра ,,saminfS“), gagatosperm, cu seminfe negre [black-seeded ; schwarzsamig; S semences noires; fekete magvu; черносемянный] 4 GAL-, GALA-, GALACTO-, GALO-, -GALUS, GALACT1NUS, GALAC-TITES (gr. ydXa, уйХакход ,,lapte“), galactin 1. Alb ca laptele. 2. Care confine latex (galachrous, galactophyl-lus, galochromus, myogaius) [milky, milk-white; milch-, milchweiB; lactS, blanc de lait; tejfehSr; молочно-, молочнобелый] —*• lacteus 5 GALACTOPHORUS (gr. -, форёоо „a duce“) —* laticifer 6 GALAN THUS (gr. -, dvOog ,,floare“), cu flori albe ca laptele [milkywhite-flowered; milchweiflbliitig; к fleurs blanches; tejfehSr virdgii; молочноцветковый] 7 GALBANIFER, galbanifer, care produce rSgina galbanum [galbaniferous, bearing galbanum; mutterharzgebend; galbanifSre; gyantSt szolgSltatd; гал-баноносный, смолоносный] 8 GALBULUS m, galbulS, con modi-ficat, format din solzi carpelari, cSr-no§i §i concrescufi (Cupressaceae) [galbulus, cypress cone; Beerenzap-fen, Kugelzapfen; galbule; tobozbo-gyd, hiisos toboz; шишкоягода] 9 GALEA f, cascS, coif; labiul superior In formd de casca a florilor cu corola larg deschisS (Aconitum) [galea, helmet; Helm, Haube; casque; sisak, csSkd; шлем] 10 GALEATUS, galeat, prevSzut cu un organ In formS de cascS (florile la Labiatae) [galeate; behelmt, gehelmt; casquS; sisakos; имеющий шлем] 11 GALEIFORMIS, galeiform, in formS de cascS [helmet-shaped; helmfOrmig; gal6iforme; sisakszeru; шлемовидный] 12 GALERICULATUS, GALERIFOR-MIS, galericulat, prevSzut cu un coif mic [galericulate; kleinbehelmt; gal6-ricute; kissisakii; колпаковидный] 13 GALLA f, galS, gogoa§3, excrescenfS pe organe produsS de InfepStura unor insecte (Cynips) [gall, oak-apple; Galle, Gallapfel, Hexenbesen; galle; gubacs; галл] -*• cecidium 14 GALLIFORMIS, cecidiiform, de forma galelor sau a cecidiilor [gallshaped; gallenformig; galliforme; gu-bacsszerfi; галлообразный] 15 GALVANOTACTISMUS m, GAL-VANOTAXIS f « Galvani, gr. xd^ig ,,ordine“) —*• electrotaxis 16 GALVANOTROPISMUS m (-, gr. xpojtfi ,,rSsucire“) —*■ electrotropismus 17 GAMETA f (gr. уарётп? ,,sotie“), garnet, celulS sexualS masculS sau femelS cu garniturS cromozomicS ha-ploidS, care prin copulare cu un alt garnet de sex opus dS na§tere zigo-tului, din care apoi se formeazS un organism nou (Bateson) [gamete; Garnet, Geschlechtszelle, Keimzelle, Ei-zelle, geschlechtliche Fortpflanzungs-zelle; gamSte; gamSta, ivarsejt, csi-rasejt, nemisejt; гамета, половая клетка] 18 GAME ТА NGIOGAMIA f (gr. -, dy-yelov ,,vas“, ydpoq ,,cSsStorie“), game-tangiogamie, reproducere sexuatS prin copularea gametangiilor de sex opus (Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes) (Kniep) [garnetangiogamy; Gametangiogamie, Gametangienkopulation; gamStangio-gamie; gametSngiogSmia; гаметангно-гамия] 19 GAMETANGIOPHORUM n (gr. Форш „a purta“), garnetangiofor, GAMETANG1 UM suportui gametangiului [gametangio-phore; Gametangiumtrdger; gamdtan-giophore; gametdngiofdrum; гаметан-гиофор] 20 GAMETANGIUM n (gr. -), game-tangiu, organ In care se formeazd game^ii [gametange; Gametangium; gamdtange; gametdngium, ivarsejt-tartd; гаметангий] 21 GAMETICUS (gr. -), gametic, care se referd la game(i [gametic; gametisch; gamdtique; gametikus, szaporltd; гаметический, гаметный] 22 GAME TIS A T10 f (gr. -), gametizare, formarea gametului [gametisation; Gametisation; gamdtisation; ivarsejt-alakulds; гаметизация] 23 GAMETOBIONTON n (gr. -, Pfoq „via^S") -* gameiophyton 24 GAMETOBLASTUS m (gr. -, рХасттбд ,,germen“), gametoblast 1. Substan^a primard incd nediferen[iatd a gametului. 2. Tesutul incd nediferen[iat al archesporului [gametoblast; Gametoblast ; gamdtoblaste; gametoblaszt; гаметобласт] 25 GAMETOCYSTIS,IDISi (gr.-, кисттц ,,pungd“), gametocist, membrana care cuprinde gameji (Vuillemin) [gameto-cyst; Gametozyste; gamdtocyste; ga-metociszta; гаметоцисг] 26 GAMETOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, кип? ,,cutie“), gametocit, celula mamd a gamefilor (Minchin) [gametocyte; Ga-metozyt; gametocyte; gametocita; гаметоцит] —*■ gametangium, gameto-gonium, oocytis 27 GAMETOGAMIA f (gr. -, yapoq ,,cdsdtorie“), gametogamie, fecundate prin contopirea a doi game(i uninuclear §i de sex diferit (Kniep) [game-togamy; Gametogamie; gamdtoga-mie; gametogamia; гаметогамия] —*■ gameiangiogamia, gametogonia 28 GAMETOGENESIS f (gr. -, ybveaiQ ,,na§tere“), gametogenezd, procesul de formare a gametilor [gametogenesis; Gametogenese, Gametenbildungspro-zeB; gamdtogendse; gametogenezis, ivarsejtkeletkczds; гаметогенез] —► go-nogenesis 29 GAMETOGONIA f (gr. -, ydvo? ,,generare“) -* gametogamia 30 GAMETOGONIUM n (gr. - -) -gametangium, gametocytis 31 GAMETOPHORUM n (gr. -, „a purta"), gametofor 1. Partea 216 gametofitului care poartd gametangii. 2. Purtdtoarea organelor de reproducere (Archegoniatae). 3. Protal (Pteri-dophyta). 4. Plantula mu§chilor 1m-preund cu organele de reproducere (Bryophyta) [gametophore; Gameto-phor; gamdtophore; gametoforum, ivarszerves mohandvdnyke, haraszt-eldtelep; гаметофор] 32 GAMETOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, gloeospora 175 GLOEOSPORA f (gr -, опора ,,sa-min$S“), gloiospor, spor cuprins intr-un inveli§ mucilaginos (Peridiniaceae) [gloeospore; GlSospore; gloeospore; gl6osp6ra; глеоспора] 176 GLOMERA TUS, GLOMERULA TUS, GLOMERI-, GLOMERO-, glome-rat, glomerulat. 1. Aglomerat, in-grSmSdit. 2. Adunat in glomerule capituliforme (flori, fructe) (glome- GLUM1FORMIS riflorus, glomerocarpus, glomerulifer) [glomerate, gathering, club-shaped; knSuelig, geknSuelt, knSuelbildend, knSuel-; glomSrS, agglomere, entasse; csoportos, halmozott, falkSs; гломерулярный, клубочковый, клубковидный, клубочкообразующий, клубочко-] —* confertus 177 GLOMERULUS m, glomerulS 1. In-grSmSdirea globuloasS a unor organe similare ((flori, fructe, peri). 2. Inflo-rescenJS cu flori grupate capituliform (Beta, Statiee) [glomerule; KnSuel, BliitenlcnSucl; glomerule; gomoly, go-molyviragzat, csembdk; клубок, клубочек] 178 GLOSSO-, GLOSSOIDEUS, -GLOS-SUS, -GLOTTIS (gr yXffiooa „limba", elSoe „asemSnare"), giosoideu, in forms de limbS (frunzS) (glossoceras, glos-sophyllus, brachyglossus, schismatoglot-tis) [tongue-shaped, tongue-; zungen-Shnlich, zungen-; limbiforme; nyelv-szeru, nyelves- ; языковидный, язьпсо-] 179 GLOSSOLOGIA f (gr -, X6yoq „vor-bire") —*■ terminologia 180 GLOSSOPODIUM n (gr -, лоб<;, noSog „picior"), glosopodiu, partea bazalS a ligulei frunzei (Isoetes) [glossopode; ZungenfuB; glossopode; glosszopddium; ГЛОССОПОДИЙ] 181 GLUMA f, gluma, hipsofilS membra-noasS scvamiformS de la baza spicu-lejelor invelind paleile florilor (Gra-mineae) [glume; Hullspelze, Balg, Kelchspelze; glume; pelyva, meddo-pelyva, kalSszkapelyva, tirespelyva, takardpelyva; пленка, колосковая чешуя] —> peristachyum* 182 GLUMACEUS, glumaceu, asemanator cu gluma (floare, perigon) [gluma-ceous; htillspelzartig; glumac£; pely-vaszeru; пленчатый] 183 GLUMELLA f -*• palea, lemma, $pa-thella, stragulum 184 GLUMELLULA f -*• lodicula, pa-leola, spathcllula 185 GLUMI-, GLUMIFER, -GLUMIS, glumifer, prevSzut cu glume (glumi-florus, uniglumisj [glumale, glumife-rous, chaffy, husked; spelzig, balgig, bespelzt, spelzenhullig, spelz-; glume, pailletS, glumifSre; pelyvSs; плёнчатый, плёнконосный, плёнко-, плён-чато-] 186 GLUMIFORMIS, GLUMOIDEUS, glumiform, de forma glumei [glumelike, chaff-like; spreuformig, spelzfor- GLUTEN mig; glumiforme; pelyvaszerfi ; пленковидный] 187 GLUTEN n, gluten, substanJS pro-leicS din endospermul unor semin^e (Gramineae) [gluten; Gluten, Kleber, Klebermehl, Klebstoff; gluten; gluten, sikSr; клей, клейковина] 188 GLUT1NARIUS, GLUTINOSUS, glutinos, viscos, cleios, lipicios (tulpina la V iscaria, ramuri §i muguri la Aesculus, Alnus glutinosa, frunze la Salvia glutinosa) [glutinous, viscous, sticky ; klebrig, leimig, schmierig; glu-tineux, gluant, poisseux, visqueux; mdzgds, ragadds; клейкий, липкий] -» viscidus 189 GLYCO-, GLYCY- (gr. y\wbq ,,dul-ce“), dulce (glycogenus, glycosmus, gly-cyphyllus, glycyrrhizus) [sweet-; siiss-; doux; Sdes-; сладко-] -*■ hedy- 190 -GLYPHUS (gr. yMp „a grava“ (cheiloglyphus) -*■ glypto- 191 GLYPTO- (gr. уХиятдд ,,gravat“), brSzdat, sulcat (glyptocarpus, glypto-spermus) [groove-, furrow-, cut into; furchen-, kerb-; canneld; barazdas; бороздчато-] -* sulcatus 192 GNEISACEUS (germ. G.ieis ,,gnais“), gnaisaceu, care create pe gnais [gnei-saceous; gneisliebend; gneisacd; gnei-szon dlo; обитающий на гнейсе] 193 GNESIOGAMIA f (gr. yvfioiog ,,le- gitim“, yapog „cSsStorie"), gnesio-gamie, fertilizare cu polenul unor flori apar^inlnd la doud plante deosebite ale aceleia§i specii; polenizare !ncruci§ata [gnesiogamy, crossfertilization; Gaesiogamie, Kreuzbestau-bung; gnesiogamie, xdnogamie; gne-sziogamia, idegenmegporzSs; гнесио-гамия, внутривидовое оплодотворение] 194 GOMPHO- (gr. убщрод ,,cui“), in formS de cui (gomphocarpus, gomphocepha-lus, gomphospermus) [nail-; nagel-; en clou; szeg alaku; гвозде-] 195 GOMPHOSTYLUS (gr. -, стхОЛод ,,co-loanS"), gomfostil, cu stilul in formd de cui (Potentilla) [gomphostylous, nail-styled; nagelgriffelig; gompho-style, S style en clou; szeg alakii bibesz&lii; гроздестолбиковый] 196 GON-, -GONUS (gr. y6vu ,,genunchi“) (gonacanthus, trigonus) —*• geniculatus 197 GONANGIUM n (gr. ydvog ,,urma§“, dyyetov ,,vas“), gonangiu, colonie sfe-ricS acoperitS de hife (Palmella) [gonangium; Gonangium; gonangium; gonangium; гонангий] 224 198 GONATODES, GONATOIDEUS (gr. yovaxftSqg ,,noduros“) —*■ nodosus 199 GONEOCLINUS (gr. yovf| ,,urma§“, KTitvoo „a se inclina“), goneoclin, cu caractere mai apropiate de ale unuia din p&rinti, matrocline sau patrocline (hibrid) [goneoclinous; goneoklin; go-neocline; goneoklin; гонеоклиный] 200 GONGYLO- (gr. yoyyuXog „rotund"), rotund, rotunjit (gongylocarpus) [round-; rund-; arrondi; kerek-, kerekded; кругло-] -» rotundi- 201 GONGYLODES {gr. -, etSog „asemSnare") —» globoidalis, globulosus 202 GONI-, GONIO-, -GONUS (gr. yrfmog „muchiat, angular"), muchiat, cu col-juri, angular (goniacanthus, goniosper-mus, decagonus, anisogonus) [angu-late-, angled; kanten-, -kantig, win-kel-; anguleux, a cdtes; szegletes; угловато-, угольный] 203 GONIDANGIUM n (gr. ydvog ,,ur-ma§“, dyyetov ,,vas"), gonidangiu, celulS generatoare de gonidii (Algae) [gonidangium; Gonidangium, Gonidi-enmutterzelle; gonidange; gonidangium, szaporitdsejt; гонидангий] -» goniocytium 204 GONIDIALIS (gr. -), gonidial, refe-ritor la gonidii (strat) [gonidial; gonidial; gonidial; gonidi&lis; гони-диальный] 205 GON1DIMLUM n (gr.-), gonidimiu, celulS algalS micS din himeniu (Py-renolichenes) [gonidimium; Gonidi-mium; gonidimium; gonidimium; гонидимия] 206 GONIDIOPHORUM n (gr.-, форёсо „a purta"), gonidiofor, suportui goni-diei [gonidiophore; Gonidientrager; gonidiophore; gonidiumtarto; гони-диофор] 207 GONIDIUM n (yovog „urma$, sS-minJS", - iSiov ,,mic“), gonidie, celulS reproductivS rezultatS pe cale asexuatS (Algae) (Renner) [gonidium, broodcell; Gonidie; gonidie; gonidium; гонидия] —» conidium, coni-diospora 208 GONIDIONEMA n, GONIDEMA n (gr. —, vflpo „fir"), gonidionemS, stratul gonidial cu ansamblul gonidiilor din tal (Lichenes) (Minks) [gonidema, gonidionema, gonidial-layer; Gonidionema, Gonidienschicht ; gonidion^me; gonidionSma, gonidium-rSteg; гони-дионема] 209 GONIMICUS (gr.-) — gonidialis 210 GON1MOBLASTUS m (gr. ублпцо? „productive рХаотод ,,germen“), go-nimoblast, filamente sporogene la baza carpogonului feoundat (Rhodophyceae) [gonimoblast; Gonimoblast, sporogene F&den; gonimoblaste; gonimoblaszt, sp6raterm6 fonilgomolyag; гонимо-бласт] 211 GONIMOLOBUS m (gr. -, XoP6? „lob"), gonimolob, smoc de filamente gonimoblaste [gonimolobe; Gonimolob; gonimolobe; gonimolob; гонимолоб] 212 GONIOCARPUS (gr. yrimog „mu-chiat, angular", карибе »,fruct"), cu fructele muchiate [goniocarpous; kan-tenfriichtig; a fruits anguleux; szegletes termdsu; угловатоплодный] 213 GONIOCA ULIS (gr. каиХб? „tulpina"), cu tulpina muchiata [angulate-stemmed; kantenstengelig; a tige an-guleuse; ё1е1 szaru; угловатостебельчатый] 214 GONIOCYSTIS,-IDIS f (gr. ydvo? ,,ur-ma§“, KooTi? „punga") —*■ sporangium 215 GONIOCYTIUM n (gr. -, кбп? ,,cu-tie") —*■ gonidangium 216 GONIO TRICH US (gr. yd>vio? ,,mu-chiat", Opl^, xpixd e „par"), gonio-trih, cu muchiile paroase (tulpina la Thymus) [goniotrichous; rauhkantig; goniotrique; szorOsen aielt; угловатоволосистый] 217 GONOCHCRISMUS m (gr. y6vo? ,,urma§“, фсорё© „a se raspindi") -► dioecia 218 GONOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, кбтц,, cu-tie") —tgamocytis 219 GONCGENESIS f (gr. y£veoig ,,na§tere“) —► gametogenesis- 220 GONOHYPHEMA n (gr. -, i»■ magnus 243 GRANDIDENTATUS, cu din \ii mar [large-toothed; groBgezahnt, grofli zahnig; grandident4; nagyfogii; крупнозубчатый! -•> megaloiontus | 244 GRANDIFOLIUS, cu frunze mari [large-leaved; groBblattrig; gran di-foli6; nagylevelfi; крупнолистный] -*• macrophyllus 286 245 GRANIFER, granifer, care poartS sau produce semin^e [graniferous; korntragend; granifbre; magvakat ter-md; зерноносный] 246 GRANITICOLUS (-COLA t), GRA-NITICUS, graniticol, care create pe granit (hinc illinc in rupibus grani-ticis pe ici pe colo pe stinci granitice> [graniticolous, granitic; granitbeweh-nend; graniticole, granitique; gr4ni-ton term6, granitikus; гранитный, обитающий на граните] 247 GRANIVORUS, granivor, care roade semintele [granivorous, grain-eating; kornfressend; granivore; magokkal t4p-141koz6; питающийся зернами] 248 GRANOSUS.GRANULATUS, GRANULOSUS, GRANULI-, granulos, gr&un(os (laciniile la Rumex obtusi-folius) (granulicaulis) [granulose, granulate; kdrnig, gekdrnt, korn-; gra-nuleux, granulb; szemcs4s; зернистый, гранулированный, зернышко-] 249 GRANULARIS, GRANULIFOR-MIS, granular, granuliform [granular, granule-like; kornchenfdrmig; granulaire, granuliforme; szemcsbs, szem-cseszeru; зерновой, зернышкообраз-ный] 250 GRANULOPLASMA n (lat. granu-lum „granuli", яХоода „modelare") -*• endoplasma 251 GRANULUM n, granule, gr&uncior mic [granule; Kornchen; granule; apr6 szemcse; зернъппко] 252 GRANUM n 1. GrSun^S, grSuncior, sSmin(5 de Gramineae. 2. Pigment din cloroplaste [kernel, grain; Korn, Kern; grain, pepin; mag. szemcse; зерно, зерновка] GR IN UM POLLINIS, grSuncior de polen [pollen grain; Pollen korn, Keim-korn, Pollenzelle; grain de pollen; pollenszemcse, viragporszemcse; пыльцевое зерныщко] 253 GRAVEOLENS, graveolent, cu miros puternic §i neplScut [strongly scented, strong-smelling, stinking; stark-riecbend, starkduftend; puant, a mauvaise odeur; erds szagu, '4that6 6zagii, kellemetlen szagu; пахучий, сильнопахнущий] 254 GRAVIS, grav, tare, puternic, p5-trunz£tor (miros) [heavy, strong, weigh-ghty; stark, schwer; grave, fort; er6s, 4that6; тяжёлый] 255 GREGALIS, GREGARIUS, GREGI-, gregar, grupat, care create !n grupe 287 (gregiformis) [gregarious, grouped; ge-sellig, herdenweise auftretend; gr6-gaire, groupd; csoportos; сгрушшро-ванный] —*■ aggregatus 256 GREX (-EGIS) m 1. Grup. 2. Grup de specii sau de hibrizi (ca unitate sistematica facultativa) [grex, flock, herd, group; Gruppe, Herde, Grex; groupe, troupe, grex; csoport, grex, falka; группа, греке] 257 GRISELLUS, GRISEOLUS, GRI-SESCENS, suriu, cenu§iu deschis [greyish; graulich; grisatre; sztirkds; сероватый] —*• cinerascens 258 GRISEUS, GRISEI-, sur, cenu§iu (griseispinus, griseophyllus) [grey, pure grey; grau, perlgrau; gris, gris cendre; sziirke; серый] —► cinereus, spodius, tephreus 259 GROSSE-, grosolan, dur-, grosier-, mai mare decit cel obi§nuit (grosse-crenatus, grosse-dentatus, grosse-serra-tus) [coarsely-; groB-, grob-; grossie-rement, durement; durvdn-; крупно-] 260 GRUMOSUS, GRUMULOSUS, gru-mulos. 1. Cu gramajoare. 2. Tuberi-form [grumose, grumous, clotted, knobby, crummy; grurnig, klumpig, hii-gelig, kleinknollig, kriimelig; grumu-leux, grumeld; halmocskis, gumocs-kas; крупичатый, бугристый] 261 GUMMIFER, GUMMOSUS, gumi-fer, care secreta gume-ra$ini vegetale (Ficus elastica, Hevea guianensis, Siph-ocampylus caoutchouc) [gummiferous, gummy; gummitragend; gommifere; gumigyantat ado; камеденосный] 262 GUMMOSIS f, gumoza, secrete ex-cesiva de mucilagii (in patologia ce-lulara) [gumming; GummifluB; gom-mose; gummozis; гуммоз] 263 GUTTA I, GUTTULA f, picatura (de ulei sau ra§ina) [drop, droplet; Tropfen, Trdpfchen; goutte; csepp; капля, капелька] 264 GUTTATIO f, gutajie, eliminare de apa prin stomatele acvifere [gutta-tion; Guttation, Wasserausscheidung; guttation; guttacid, cseppkivdlasztas, kicsepegds, „kOnnyezds"; гуттация] 265 GUTTATUS, GUTTIFER, GUTTU-IDSUS, GUTTI-, gutulat, prevazut cu pete asemdnatoare unor picaturi de apa sau de ulei (guttiflorus) [gut-tate, spotted; getropft, tropfen-; gut-tulaire, tachd en goutte; cseppszeru, pettyes; с каплей] GYN- 266 GYMN-fiYMNO- (gr. yupvdq ,,nud, neacoperit"), nud, gola?, neacoperit, lipsit de inveli§ (gymnandrus, gym-nocladus, gymnostomus, gymnostylus) [naked-, bare-, without covering; of-fen-, nackt, unbedeckt; nu, ddcou-vert; csupasz, fedetlen, nyitott; голо-] 267 GYMNANTHUS (gr. -, &v0o<; „floare"), cu flori nude, fara. inveli? floral [naked flowered; nacktbltitig; a fleurs nues, achlamydd; csupasz vir4gd; голоцветковый] 268 GYMNOBLASTUS (gr. -, pXaoxd? „germen"), gimnoblastic, cu embrionul necuprins in sacul embrionar [gym-noblastous; nacktkeimig; gymnobla-ste; csupasz csirdjd; голоростковый] 269 GYMNOCARPIUM n (gr. -, карndq „fruct") (Ascomycetes) —*• apothecium 270 GYMNOCARPUS (gr. --), gimnocar-pic. 1. Cu fructe nude. 2. Cu fructifi-ca{iile neacoperite[gymnocarpic, gym-nocarpous, naked fruited; nackt-friichtig; gymnocarpe, a fruits nus; szabadtermdsu, fedetlen termotestfi; голоплодный, гимнокарпный] 271 GYMNOCYTIS,-IDIS f (gr. -, koti? „cutie"), gimnocit, celula fara mem-brana [gymnocyte; Gymnozyt; gym-nocyte; gimnocitia; гимноцит] 272 GYMNOPLASTUM n (gr. -, яХаотб? „modelat"), gimnoplast, celula (citoplasma) lipsita de membrana (Pirot-ta) [gymnoplast; Gymnoplast; gym-noplaste; gimnoplasztisz, csupasz sejt; гимнопласт] 273 GYMNOSPERMUS (gr. -, ояерца „saminta"), gimnosperm. 1. Cu ovulele necuprinse in ovar. 2. Cu semin(ele nude [gymnospermous, naked-seeded; nacktsamig; gymnosperme, a ovules nus, a graines nues; nyitvatermo, csupasz magvu; голосеменный] 274 GYMNOSPORA f (gr. -, стядра „saminta"), gimnospor, spor liber necuprins intr-un sporange [gymno-spore; Gymnospore; gymnospore, spore nue; csupaszspdra; гимноспора] 275 GYN-, GYNECO-, GY NO-, -GYNI-CUS, -GYNUS (gr. yuvfi „femeie"), femel, referitor la organele de repro-ducere femeie (celula, gineceu, ovar, pistil) (gynecogenicus, gynochlamydeus, acrogynicus, eleutherogynus) [gyno-, relating to female reproductive organs; weiblich-, weiber-, -weibig, die wei-blichen Fortpflanzungsorgane betref-fend; gyno-, femelle, relatif aux organes reproductifs femelles; n6i, GYNAECEUM ndi ivarszervekre vonatkdzd; женский, с женским органам размножения]-» femineus 276 GYNAECEUM n, GYNAECIUM n —* gynoecium 277 GYNANDRIA f (gr. dvf|p, dvSpdg „bSrbat"), ginandrie, clasa, IX in sislemul lui LinnS, cu flori ginandrice, avind stamincle concrescute cu stilul (Orchidaceae) [gynandria; Gynan-drie; gynandrie; ginandria; гинанд-рия] —*• synarmophyta 278 GYNANDRICUS, GYNANDRUS (gr. ginandrie, avind staminele concrecule cu stilul [gynandrous, gy-nandrian; gynandrisch; gynandrique, gynandre; ginandrikus, anyahimes; гинандрический] —» synarmophytus 279 GYNANDROMONOECIA f (gr.--, povog „singur", оТкод „casS4*), gi-nandromonoecie, poligamie monoicS cu flori mascule, femele §i hermafrodite pe acela§i individ [gynandro-monoecy; Qynandromon6zie; gynan-dromonoScie; ginandromondcia; ги-нандромоноэция] 280 GYNANDRISMUS m (gr. -) -> hermaphroditismus 281 GYNANDROPHORUM n (gr.-, <рор&в „a purta"), ginandrofor, inter-nodiu distinct pe axa florals intre corolS §i androceu (Passiflora) [gy-nandrophore; Gynandrophor; gynan-drophore; anyahimtartd, ivartartd; гинандрофор] 282 GYNANTHERUS (gr. -, dvtoipdg ,,in-florit“), ginanteric, cu staminele transformate in pistile [gynantherous; gynantherisch; gynanthSre; ginantd-rikus; гинантерический] 283 GYNECOGENICUS (gr. yevucdg „nascut") —*■ parthenogeneticus 284 GY NI XUS m, GYNIZUS m (gr. -, i£6g „vise"), ginixus, siprafafa vis-coasS a stigmatului (Orchidaceae) [gynixus; Gynixus; gynixus; ginixus, mezgas bibefeliilet; гиниксус] 285 GY NOBASIS f (gr. -, pdmg „pi-cior"), ginobazS, partea umflatS de la baza stilului (Boraginaceae) [gyno-base; Stempelboden, Stempelpolster, Stempelfufl; gynobase; ginobSzis, termdalap, bibealap; гинобаэис] 286 GYNOCHLAMYDEUS (gr.%Ы-цид, %Хац66од „manta"), ginoclami-deu, cu ovarul acoperit [gynochlamy- m deous;. bedecktfruchtknotig; gyno-chlamydS; fedett termdjS; покры-тонестичный] 287 G YNODI MORPHISM US m (gr. 5Ц „dublu", pop „а se teme"), halofob, care eviti terenu-rile s&r&turoase [halophobous, salt-shunning; salzmeidend; halophobe; sdkeriild; галофобный] 16 HALOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qwrdv „plants"), halofite, plante halofile, adaptate mediului sSrSturos [halophy-tes, salt plants; Halophyten, Salz-pflanzen, Salzbodenpflanzen, Salinen- 881 Eflanzen; halophytes; solfirfi nfiv6nyek, alofitSk; галофиты] » drimyphyta, plantae salinae 17 HALOPLANCTON n (gr. пХаук-tdg ,,rStScitor“), haloplancton, planctonul apelor sSrfituroase [haloplank-ton; Haloplankton; haloplancton; haloplankton, sfisvizek planktonja; гапопланктон] 18 HAMA T-, HAMA TO-, HAMI-, HA-MATUS, HAMOSUS, hamat, hamos, fnclrligat fpSr spin fructe la Astragalus hamosus) (hamatacan-thus, hamato-setosus, hamiger) [hamate, hooked, hook-shaped; hakig, haken-ffirmig; hameconnfi, crochu, en crochet; horgas, horogszerfi, kampos, horgasan-; крючковатый, крючковидный]* 19 HAMULA TUS, HAMULIGER, HA-MULOSUS, hamulat, hamulos, prevSzut cu cirlige mici (bractei la Cal-litriche hamulata, spini§ori pe foliolele involucrale la Carduus hamulosus) [hamulate, hamulose; kleinhakig, hak-chentragend; hamuleux, a petits crochets ; horgocskSs; мелкокрючковатый] 20 HAMULUS m, cfrlig mic, sets incir-ligatS [hooklet, small hook; HSkchen; petit crochet; horgocska; крючочек] 21 HAMUS m, cirlig, virf ascu[it §i recurbat [hook; Haken; crochet; horog; крючок] 22 HAPAL-, HAPALO- (gr. dwraXdg ,,delicat“), moale, delicat, fin (hapal-anthus, hapalophyllus, hapaloslylus) [soft-, tender-; weich-, zart-; mou, dfilicat; lSgy-, zsenge-; мягко-, нежно-] 23 HAPAXANTHICUS, HAPAXAN-THUS (gr. final; ,,cdata“, fivOog „flca-re“), hapaxant, саго inflore§te nu-mai о singurS datS [hapaxanlhic, hapaxanthous; hapaxanthisch, ein-malbliihend; hapaxanthe; egyszervi-rSgzfi; гапаксантый] 24 HAPLO- (gr. (tnXocq „simplu, singur“), simplu, cu un singur, uni- (haplobio-ticus, haplolobus, haplostachys) [simple-, single-; einfach-, ein-; simple, seul; egyszerfi, egyellen, egyszeres; просто-, одно-] —► simplici-, mono-, uni- 25 HAPLOBIONTON n (gr. -, piog ,,via[S“), haplobiont, haplont. 1. Plants haploidS cu numSr simplu de cromozomi (n sau x). 2. Plants care fructificS о singurS datS [haplobiont, haplont; Haplobiont, Haplont; ha-plobionte, haplonte; haplobionta, ha- HAPLOMITOSIS • plonta; гаплобионт, гаплонт] —♦ hap-lonta 26 HAPLOCA ULIS (gr. -, каоЛдд ,,tul-pinS“), haplocaul, cu tulpina nera-mificatS, avind numai axS principals terminatS prin floare (Papaver som-niferum) [haplocaulous, uniaxial, single-stemmed; haplokaulisch, ein-achsig, einstengelig; haplocaule, uni-caule; egytengelyu, elSgazatlan szarii; одностебельчатый, простостебельчатый] —► monocaulis, uniaxialis 27 HAPLOCHLAMYDEUS (gr. -, xka-pug ,,manta“), haploclamideu, cu un singur inveli§ floral, cu periant simplu [haplochlamydeous; haplochlamy-deisch; haplochlamydfi; egyetlen vi-ragtakarfis, egykoros lepellevelu; ran-лохламидный, однопокровный] —► mo-nochlamydeus] 28 HAPLOCYTIS,-IDIS f (gr. -, мтд ,,cutie“), haplocit, celulS avind nuclei cu numSr redus de cromozomi (Benson) [haplocyte; Haplozyt; haplocyte; haplocita; гаплоцит] 29 HAPLODIPLONTA f, HAPLODI-PLOBION TON n (gr. -, SuiXdog ,,du-blu“, Piog ,,viatS“), haplodiplont, haplodiplobiont; organism cu ciclu evolutiv in douS faze, cea sexuatS (haploidS) §i cea asexuatS (diploidS) [haplodiplobiont; Haplodiplobiont; haplodiplobionte; haplodiplobionta; гаплодиппобионт] 30 HAPLOGENESIS f (gr. -, ySveoig ,,na§tere“), haplogenezS, na§terea unor forme noi de plante pe calea evolu-[iei ?i a ontogeniei caracterelor neo-morfe (Delphino) [haplogenesis; Нарт logenese; haplogenfise; haplogen6zis; гаплогенез] 31 HAPLOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, yfiviSiov ,,urma§“), haplogonidie. 1. Gonidie nSscutS in haplofazS. 2. Gonidie so-litarS (Lichenes) [haplogonidium; Haplogonidie ; haplogonidium; haplogonidium; гаплогонидия] 32 HAPLOIDEUS (gr. -, tSiog ,,obi§-nuit“), haploid, cu numSr simplu (n sau x) de cromozomi (celulS, fazS, generate) [haploid; haploid; haploi'de; haploid; гаплоидный] —* monoploideus GENERA TIO HAPLOIDEA -> gene ratio sexualis 33 HAPLOMITOSIS f (gr. -, phog ,,fir“), haplomitozS, tip de diviziune nuclearS primitivS, granulele formind cromospire dispuse in douS grupe (Euglena) (Dan- HAPLONTA geard) [haplomitoais; Haplomitose; haplomitosis; haplomit6zis ;галломитоз] 34 HAPLONTA f (gr. -) -► haplobionton 35 HA PLOPERISTOMA TUS, НАРЮ-PERISTOMUS (gr. -, nepl ,,tmprejur“, ordpa ,,gurft“), haploperistomat, cu peristomul simplu, cu un singur rtnd de din(i§ori (Bryophyta) [haplo-peristomous; haploperistomatisch; ha-ploperistome; haploperisztomatikus, egyszerfl szdjpdrkdnyii; галлоперисто-матный] 36 HAPLOPETALUS (gr. ntxaXov „petald"), haplopetal, cu un singur verticil de petale [haplopetalous; ein-kronbldttrig; haplopdtale; egydrvd-sen szirmos; простолепестный] 37 HAPLOPHASJS f (gr. qxiau; „арагфе"), haplofazd, faza haploidd (gametofilicd) a ciclului evolutiv al plantei, avind n cromozomi [haplophase; Haplophase; haplophase; ha-plofazis, haploid szakasz; гаплофаза] 38 HAPLOPOLYPLOIDEUS (ст. лоХСх; ,,mult“, iinkodq „singur , (Sioq .,obi§nuit“), haplopoliploid, rezultat partenogenetic dintr-o forma, poli-ploida cu jumatate din numarul cro-mozomilor ini^iali (Katayama) [ha-plopolyploid; haplopolyploid; haplo-polyploide; haplopoliploid; гаплополи- ПЛОИДНЫЙ] 39 HAPLOSIS f (gr.-), haploza, redu-cerea la jumatate a numarului de cromozomi somatici in meioza [haplosis; Haplose; haplosis; hapldzis; гаплозис] 40 1IAPLDSOMIA f (gr. -, авцха ,,corp“), haplozomie, apari(ia in celulele diplo-ide a unor cromozomi simpli (mono-zomi) [haplosomy; Haplosomie; ha-plosomie; haploszdmia; гаплозомия] 41 HAPLOSPOBA f (gr. -, anopd „sd-minta“), haplospor. 1. Spor simplu rezultat fara diviziune reduc(ionaia, nucleul avind numarul complet de cromozomi caracteristici. 2. Dezvoltarea apomictica a gametofitului femel dintr-o celula mama formata in cursul unei meioze normale (Battaglia) [haplospore; Haplospore; ha-plospore; haplospdra; гаплоспора] 42 HAPLOSPORANGIUM n (gr. dyyetov ,,vas“), haplosporange, spo-range rezultat din generala haploida [haplosporangium; Haplosporangium; haplosporange; haplosporangium; ra-плоспорангий] 43 HAPLOSTELE f (gr. <гтт|Хл ,,co-loand"), haplostel, stel simplu cu xilemul central inconjurat de floem (Brebner) (Bryophyta) [haplostele; Haplostele; haplostdle; haplosztdle; гаплостеле] 44 HAPLOSTEMONIA t (gr.ortyiev - „stamina), haplostemonie, dispozifia staminelor intr-un singur verticil (Elatine triandra) [haplostemony; Haplostemonie; haplostdraonie; ha-plosztemdnia, egykdrds porzdt&j; гаплостемония] 45 HAPLOSTEMONOPETALUS (gr. —, яётаХоу ,,petald“), haplostemonope-tal, cu staminele egale in numar cu petalele [haplostemonopetalous; ha-plostemonopetal; haplostdmonopdtale; naplosztemonopetalis; гаплостемоно-петальный] 46 HAPTERA n pi (gr. „a se agdta"), haptere. 1. Fi?ii spirale hi-groscopice pe membrana externa a sporilor, servind la raspindirea aces-tora (Equisetum). 2. Organe de fixare (Algae, Bryophyta, Lichenes). 3. Ramuri radicale ramificat uncinate, de naturd exogend, fdrd calip-trd, servind la fixare (Podostomaceae) [haptera, holdfasts; Hapteren, Haftor- ane; haptdres, organes fixateurs; apterdk, rdgzitd szervek, spdraszdrd fonalak; прицепка, элатеры] —► (1) ela-teres, (2) tenacula 47 HAPTOMORPHOSIS I (gr. -, рбр-(poxjig ,,formare“), haptomorfozd, mor-fozd provocatd prin excitatii de contact (la plantele cd^drdtoare) [hap-tomorphosis; Haptomorphose; hap-tomorphose; haptomorfdzis; гаптомор-фоз] —*■ thigmomorphosls 48 HAPTOTAXIS f (gr. -, to£i? „orin-duire") -*■ tkigmotaxis 49 HAPTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, tpoicfi „rdsucire") -* thigmotropismus 50 HARMONIA f (gr. dppovla „armo-nie"), armonie, stare de echilibru fdrd factori excesivi sau deficient, in geobotanicd [harmony; Harmonie, Ubereinstimmung; harmonie; har-mdnia, dsszhang; гармония] 51 HARPEODES, HARPO- (gr. йрял „cirlig", etSog „asemdnare"), incir-ligat, in formd de cirlig (harpophyllus) [hook-shaped, hook-; widerhakendhn-lich, harpunenartig, haken-; crochu, en harpon, en crochet; horogszerfi, horgos-; гарпунообразный, гарпуно-, крючхо-] 52 HARPOCARPUS (gr. коря6« 288 ,,fruct“), cu fructe incirligate [hook-fruited; hakenfriichtig; S fruits cro-chus; horgos termdsfl; гарпуноплодный] 53 HASTATUS, HASTIFER, HASTI-LIS, HASTIFORM1S, HASTULA-TUS, HAST!-, hastat, In forms de lance sau de suliJS (Atriplex hastata, Scutellaria hastifolia) (hastifolius, hastilabius), triunghiular lung ascu-Jit §i la bazS cu doi lobi patent divergent [hastate, hastulate, halbert-shaped, spear-shaped, spear-; spies-sig, spieflfdrmig, spiefl-; haste, has-teld, hasti-; dSrdas, dSrda alakd, dardas-; копьевидный, копье-, дро- ТИКО-] 54 HAURIENS (haurio) —* absorbens 55 HAUSTORIUM n, haustor, sugStor 1. Organ de fixare pe planta gazdS, folosit §i pentru absorbjia umiditS(ii sau a sucurilor nutritive (Cuscuta). 2. Pedicelul absorbtiv al sporogonu-lui (Bryophyta). 3. Partea inferioara a sacului embrionar care absoarbe substanjele nutritive din nucelS, la unele Phanerogamae [haustorium, sucker; Saugorgan, Saugwurzel, Saug-warze; sucoir; hausztdrium, szivdka, szivdszerv, szivdhifa; гаусторий, присоска] 56 HEBE- (gr. flPn „p&rozitate"), pubescent (hebeanthus, hebecalyx, hebe-lepis, hebegynus) [downy-; flaum-; duvetd; pelyhes-; пушисто-] -*■ ptilo-, -ptilus 57 HEBECLADUS (gr. -, кШод ,,ra-murS"), cu ramuri pubescente [downy-branched; flaumzweigig, flaumastig; hebeclade; pelyhes Sgii; пушистоветвистый] 58 HEBESCENS (hebesco) —*■ pubescens 59 HEBETATUS, obtuzat, cu virful tocit [hebetate, blunted; abgestumpft, stumpfspitzig; dmoussd; tompabegyu; приступленный] —*■ obtusatus 60 НЕС AT-, НЕС ATO- (gr. екатбу ,,o sutS"), cu о sutS de, cu numeroase (hecatophyllus) [hundred-, many-; hundert-, reich-; a cent, к nombreux; szSz-, sok-; сто-, много-] —*■ centi- 61 HECATANTHUS (gr. -, flvOog „floare"), cu о sutS de flori, cu numeroase flori [hundred-flowered, many-flowered ; hundertbltitig, reichblu-mig; к cent fleurs, a fleurs nombreu-ses; szdzvirdgu, sokvirdgu; стоцветковый, многоцветковый] HELIC- 62 HEDERACEUS, HE DERI-, iedera-ceu, asemSnStor cu planta Hedera (hederifolius ) [resembling ivy, ivy-; efeuartig, efeu-; hdddracd, hdddri-; repkdnyszerfi, repkdny-; плющевидный, плюще-] 63 HEDR-, HEDRANO- (gr. ISpavov „scaun ) (hedranthus, hedranosper-mus) —» sessili- 64 HEDRANOPHYLLUS (gr. -, i)Mov „frunzS"), cu §apte frunze sau foliole (Potentilla heptaphylla) [heptaphyl-lous, seve n-leaved; siebenblSttrig; heplaphylle, a sept feuilles; hdtle-velu; семилистный] 155 HEPTARINUS (gr. -, fipp^v ,,mas-cul“) —*• heptandrus 156 HERB A f, iarbS, plants ierbacee cu tulpinS anualS nelemnoasa [herb, grass; Kraut, Gras; herbe; ffi, dudva, ISgyszSrS ndvdny; трава] HERB A INUTILIS, buruianS [weed; Unkraut; mauvaise herbe; burjSn, gyomndvdny; бурьян, сорняк, сорная трава] HERBARUM INQUISITIO -» her-barisatio 157 HERBACEUS, ierbaceu, ierbos, de natura §i consistent ierburilor (Gos-sypium herbaceum, Salix herbacea, Vinca herbacea) [herbaceous, grassy, herb-like; krautartig, krautig, gras-artig; herbacd; fuszeru, funemu, lagyszSru, dudvas; травянистый] 158 HERB A RISA TIO f, herborizare, botanizare, colectarea plantelor pentru studiu [herborization, herborising; Botanisieren, Pflanzensammeln; her-borisation; ndvenygyujtds, bolani-zSlas; гербаризация] 159 HERBARIUM n, ierbar, colecjie de plante uscate [herbarium, herbal; Herbarium, Pflanzensammlung, KrSutersammlung; herbier; herbarium, ndvdnygyfijtemdny; гербарий, травник] —*horlus siccus 160 HERBARIUS m, HERB A RIS ТА f, botanist (-S), cercetStor In doraeniul botanicii [herbalist, herbarist, botanist ; Botaniker, Botanikeri, KrSu- 238 terkundiger, Pflanzenforecher, Pflan-zenforscherin; botaniste, herboriste; botanikus, botanikusn6, fHvdsz, fuvdsz-пб, n6vdnykutat6; ботаник] 161 HERBEUS, HERBICOLOR, verde ca iarba [herb-green, grass-green, yellow-green ; grasgriin; couleur de 1’her-be; fuzOld szinfi; травяно-зелёный] 162 HERBICIDAE I pi, ierbicide, substance chimice folosite la combaterea buruienilor [herbicids; Herbiziden; herbicides; gyomirtd szerek; гербициды] 163 HE RBI DUS, HER BIFER, HER-BOSUS, ierbos, Jnierbat; acoperit cu ierburi [herbous, herbose, grassy, grass-covered; grasig, lcrSuterreich; herbu, herbeux; fuves, dudvas, gyo-mos; травянистый] 164 HERBIVORUS, ierbivor, care se hr&ne§te cu ierburi [herbivorous; krau-terfressend, pflanzenfressend; herbivore; fuevo ; травоядный] 165 HERBULA f, HERBUSCULA f, iarbS mica [herblet, herbelet; Grdschen Krautchen; herbette; fiivecske; травка] 166 HERCOGAMIA f (gr. ёркод ,.gard“, yupog „casatorie"), hercogarnie. 1. imposibilitatea autofertilizarii din cauza modului de dispozi(ie a anterelor §i a stigmatelor, la florile herma-frodite (Axell). 2. Polenizare prin insecte [hercogamy; Herkogamie; hercogarr.ii; herkogfimia; геркогамия] 167 HEREDITARIUS, ereditar, trans-mis sau transmisibil prin mo?tenire (caracter) [hex edit ary; hereditar, erb-lich, erbschaftlich, geerbt; her£di-taire; 4tdrokl6dd, drokleles, 6rokl6tt; наследственны й] 168 HEREDITAS f, ereditate, transmite-rea caracterelor parent ale asupra ur-ma?ilor (Spencer) [heredity; Hereditat, Yererbung, Erbschaft; h6r6dite; 416-rdkias, 4tdr6kldd£s, atdrftkltls; наследственность] 169 HERMAPHRODITA f (gr. ’Eppffc „zeul Hermes", ‘А<рро8(тл „zei[a Afro-dite"), hermafrodit, planta posedtnd organe de reproducers atit mascule eft §i femeie [hermaphrodite; Herm-aphrodit, Zwitter; hermaphrodite; her-mafrodita; гермафродит] 170 HERMAPHRODITISMUSm (gr. - -), hermafrcditism, reuniiea pe aceea§i floare a ambelor sexe[hermaphroditism; Hermaphroditismus, Zwittertum, Zwei-geschlechtigkeit; №rmaphroditisme; 289 hermafroditizmus, hfmnSssdg, kdti-vards&g, kdtnemfisdg; гермафродитизм, двуполость] —» androgynismus, androgynia, monoclinia 171 HERMA PHRODITICUS, HERMA-PHRODITUS (gr. - -), hermafrodit, cu stamine §i pistile in aceea§i floare [hermaphrodite; hermaphroditisch, zwittrig, zwitterbliitig, zwcigeschlech-tig; hdrmaphrodite; himnos, kdti-varii, kdtnemu; гермафродитный, обоеполый] -*• bisexualis, androgynalis, monoclinus, stylostemus 172 HERP1SMUS m (gr. еря© „a se tiri“), herpism, reac^iune motrica de tirire cu ajutorul pseudopodelor (Amoeba ) [herpism; Herpismus; herpisme; herpizmus; героизм] 173 HERTZOTROP1SMUS m (fizicianul Hertz, gr. Tporcfi ,,curbare“), hertzo-tropism, tropism cauzat de acjiunea undelor hertziene (Massart) [hertzo-tropism; Hertzotropismus; hertzotro-pisme; hertzotropizmus; герцотро-пизм] 174 HESPERIDIUM n, hesperidS, fruct Ьасй cu epicarpul pielos, cu mezo-carpul spongios §i suculent (Citrus) [hesperidium; Hesperidenfrucht, Oran-genfrucht; hespёridie; narancstermes; гесперидий, померанец] —*■ aurantium 175 HETER, HETERO- (gr. ётерод ,,di-ferit“), diferit, variat, inegal (heter-anthus, heterocephalus, heterocladus) [diversely-, variously-, unequally-; verschieden-, ungleich-; varie, ine-galement, diversement; vegyes, kii-lonfdle, egyenlotlenul; разно-, неравно-] —*■ dissimilis, varius 176 HETERACANTHUS (gr. -, dicav0a ,,spin“), cu spini variati ca forma §i dimensiuni (Lappula heteracantha) [heteracanthous; verschiedenstachelig, ungleichdornig; hdtdracanthe; vegyes tovisu, kiilonfdle tovisu; разноколюч- КОВЫЙ] 177 HETERADELPHIA f (gr. -, dSeXS. xtapuSog ,,manta“), heterocla-mideu, cu caliciu §i corolS deosebite ca formS §i culoare; cu inveli§ floral dublu (flori) [heterochlamydeous; he-terochlamydeisch, ungleichgehiillt; hdtdrochlamydd; kettdstakardjd, kii-lSnnemfi virSgtakardjd; гетерохла-мидный, разнороднопокровный] 193 HETEROCHORICUS (gr. хшрё© „a se rSspindi"), hetercoric, care face parte din douS sau mai multe format vegetale diferite (specii) [hete-rochoric; heterochorisch; hdtdrochori-que; heterokdrikus; разноценотичес-кий] 194 HETEROCHROMA TIA f, HETERO-CHROMATISMUS m, HETEROCHROMIA f (gr. xpffipa „culoare"), heterocromie, colorajie diferilS la organe (frunze, petale) obi§nuit unicolore [heterochromatism, heterochro-maty; Helerochromatismus, Verschie-denfarbigkeit; hdtdrochromatisme, hd-tdrochromie; heterokromatizmus, he-terokrdmia; гетерохроматизм, гетеро-хромия] —► ampkichromia, heterobaphia, polychromia 195 HETEROCHROMATICUS, HETE-ROCHROMUS (gr. - -), heterocroma-tic, cu colorajie diferitS (florile cen-trale fa(S de cele marginale din an-todiu) [heterochromous; verschieden-farbig; hdtdrochrome; kiildnfdle szinu; разноцветный] —*• heterobaphicus, discolor, polychromus 196 HETEROCHROMOSOMA n (gr. - -, ofipa ,,corp“), heterocromozom, cromozom sexuat deosebit ca formS, dimensiuni §i con(inut de autozom sau eucromozom (Montgomery) [heterochromosome, sex-chromosome; Heterochromosom, Geschlechtschro-mosom; heldrochromosome; hetero-kromoszdma; гетерохромосома] -» allosoma, idiochromosoma 840 197 HETEROCHRONUS (gr. xpdvog ,,timp“), heterocron, care se formeazS sau se petrece in timpuri diferite [heterochronous; verschiedenzeitig; hdtdrochrone; nem egyidejfi; разновременный] 198 HETEROCLINUS (gr. KXCvn „pat") —► allogamicus 199 HETEROCOTYLUS (gr. KOTuXitfc&v „cavitate"), heterocotiledonar, cu co-tiledoanele inegale [heterocotylous; ▼erschiedenkeimblSttrig; hdtdrocoty-le; egyenldtlen szlklevelfi; неравносеменодольный] 200 HE TEROCYCLICUS,HETEROCYC-LUS (gr. -, KincXog „cerc"), hetero-ciclic, cu verticile neuniforme sau cu piese inegale (floare) [heterocyclic; heterozyklisch, verschiedenquirlig, ver-schiedenkreisig; hdtdrocyclique; hete-rocicklikus, drvdnkdnt vSltozd; гетероциклический, неравнокруговой] 201 HETEROCYST A f, HETEROCYS-TIS,-IDIS f (gr. -, kuoti? „cavitate"), heterocist, celulS marginals; celulS de altS formS §i structurS decit restul celulelor dintr-o colonie filamen-toasS, formats la extremitatea talului sau HngS celulele vegetative (Cyano-phyceae) [heterocyst; Heterozyst, Grenzzelle; hdtdrocyste, cellule de bordure; heterociszta, hat&rsejt; гетероциста] —► metrogonidium 202 HETERODICHCGAMIA 1 (gr. -, 8txo „separat", ydpog „cSsStorie"), heterodicogamie, prezenta la aceea§i specie de flori proterandrice §i pro-teroginice (Engler et Prantl) [heterodichogamy; Heterodichogamie; hete-rodichogamie; heterodihogSmia; гетеродихогамия] 203 HETERODIODIA f (gr. -, бюбод ,,na§tere“) -♦ heteroprothallia 204 HE TERODIS T YLIA f (gr., Slg „doi", атОХод „coloanS"), heterodistilie. dimorfism floral cu stile lungi §i stamine scurte sau invers (Primula) [heterodistyly; Heterodistylie; hdtdro-distylie; heterodisztilia; гетеродис-тилия] 205 HETERODONTUS (gr. -, 65dug, dSdvtog „dinte"), heterodont, neuni-form dintat (frunzS) [unequally-toothed ; ungleichgezahnt, verscniedenzah-nig; S dentelure varUe; egyenlotle-niil fogazott; разнозубчатый] 206 HETERODROMUS (gr. -, брород „fugS"), heterodrom, orientat in direct variate (circei, nervurS) [hete- 841 rodromous; richtungswechselnd; Ьё-tdrodrome; helerodrom, vdltozd irdny-ba futd; гетерохромный] 207 HETERODYNAMUS (gr. -, Suvapig „pulere“), helerodinam 1. Cu predominant unuia dintre organele de reproducere in cazul florilor herma-frodite. 2. Cu predominant unuia dintre caracterele p§rinte§ti, la hibrizi (Correns) [heterodynamous; hetero-dynam; hёtёrodyname; heterodindm; гетеродин амный> 208 HETEROECICUS (gr. оТкод ,,casd“), heteroecic 1. Cu ciclul vital succesiv pe diferite plante gazde (Uredinales). 2. Cu anteridii §i oogoane pe filamente deosebite (Oedogoniaceae). 3. Diclinic (floare) [heteroecious; helerdzisch, verschiedenhdusig, wirtwechselnd, ge-trenntgeschlechtlich; h6t6roecique; heterocikus, gazdanдvёnyt vdltoztato; разнохозяйственный] —► heteroxenus, metaxenicus 209 HETEROGAMETA f (gr. уарётлд ,>so[“), heterogamet, garnet morfolo-gic deosebit fa[d de partenerii sdi sau de sex diferit [heterogamete; Heterogamet; hёtёrogamёte; heterogamet a ; гетерогамета] —* anisogameta 210 HETEROGAMETANGIOGAMIA f (gr. - , dyyelov ,,vas“, ydpog „cdsd-torie") —►'anisogametangiogamia 211 HETEROGAMETANGIUM n (gr. -- -), heterogametangiu, gametangiu femel (oogon) §i mascul (anteridie) pe acela§i tal (Fungi) [heterogame-tange; Heterogametangium; l^tdro-gamёtange; heterogametangium; re-терогаметангий] —*• anisogamelangium 212 HETERCGAMET1CUS (gr. - -), heterogametic, cu gameji deosebi^i ca formd §i sex [heterogametic; hetero-gametisch; hdtdrogamdtique; hetero-gametikus; гетерогаметный] 213 HETEROGAMIA f (gr. - -), hetero-gamie, copularea a doi game|i deosebiji ca formd, dimensiuni §i sex [hetero-gamy; Heterogamie; l^tdrogamie; he-terogdmia; гетерогамия] —► anisogamia, oogamia 214 HETEROGAMOGONIA t (gr. -ydvog ,,procreare“), heterogamogonie, copularea heterogamejilor [heteroga-mogony; Heterogamogonie; hdtdro-gamogonie; heterogdmog6nia; гетеро-гамогония] 215 HETEROGAMVS (gr. - -), heterogam 1. Care prezintd heterogamie. 2. Cu flori discale §i marginale de HETEROMERICUS diferite sexe in acela§i antodiu (Compositae) [heterogamous; heterogam, verschiedenehig; hdtdrogame; heterogam, кй1б^ё1е ivaru; гетерогамный] 216 HETEROGENESIS f, HETEROGE-NIA f (gr. -, ydveatg ,,na§tere“), heterogenezd 1. Geneza unor urma$i neasemdndtori in cadrul aceleia§i specii. 2. Alternant de genera[ii [heterogenesis; Heterogenesis; Ьё1ё^епё8е; heterogendzis; гетерогенез] —► xeno-genesis 217 HETEROGENETICUS (gr. - -), he-terogenetic, derivat din strdmo§i dife-ri^i [heterogenetic; heterogenetisch, verschiedenurspriinglich; hdtdrog6ne-tique; heterogenetikus; гетерогенети-ческий] —*• xenogeneticus, xenogenusy multigenus 218 HETEROGENEUS, HETEROGENUS (gr. - -), heterogen, neunitar [heterogenous; heterogen, verschieden-artig; l^tdrogdne; heterog6n, ku-lonfele, kiildnnemu; гетерогенный, разнородный] 219 HETEROIDEUS (gr. -, eI8og ,,ase-mdnare“) —*■ heteromorphus 220 HETEROKINESIS f (gr. -, «dvneig ,,mi§care“), heterocinezd, meiozd he-terotipicd [heterokinesis; Heterokinesis ; Ьё1ёгоктё8е; heterok^zis; гете-рокинез] 221 HETEROMALLUS (gr. -, цаШд ,,bucld“), heteromal, indreptat in toate directiile (frunze) [heteromallous; ver-schiedenwendig, allseitswendig; l^td-romale; tdbbirdnyti; разнонаправленный] —*■ vagus 222 HETEROMERIA f (gr. -, рёрод ,,parte“), heteromerie 1. Influenza reciprocd diferitd a factorilor eredi-tari multipli. 2. Inegalitatea numericd sau neuniformitatea pdr[ilor sau a segmentelor unor organe ale aceleia§i specii [heteromery; Heteromerie; Ьё-1ёготепе; Ье1еготёпа; гетеромерия] 223 НЕТEROMERICARPIA f (gr. - -, карябд ,,fruct“), heteromericarpie, heterocarpie intre mericarpiile acelu-ia§i fruct (Delphino) [heteromericar-py; Heteromerikarpie; Ьё1ёготеп-carpie; heteromerikdrpia; гетероме-рикарпия] 224 HETEROMERICUS, HETEROME-RUS (gr. - -), heteromer. 1. Cu divi-ziuni inegale sau neuniforme. 2. Cu numdr diferit de elemente in verlicilul floral (oligomerie, pleiomerie). 3. Dispus In straturi (gonidiile unor Lichenes) [heteromerous, stratified; hete- HETEROMESOGAMIA romer, verschiedenteilig, verschieden-gliederig, ungleichzdhlig, ungleich-schichtig; hdtdromdre, stratifi6; hetero-mer, kul6nbdz6 tagii, Orvdnkdnt vdltozd tagd, rdtegezett; гетеромерный, неравномерный, слоистый] 225 HETEROMESOGAMIA t (gr. -, ц&аоg „mijlociu", ydpog „cdsdtorie"), hete-romezogamie, mai multe moduri de polenizare la aceea§i specie (anemo-filie §i zoofilie) [heteromesogamy; He-teromesogamie; hdtdromdsogamie; he-leromezogdmia; гетеромезогамия] 226 HETEROMIXIS f (gr. -, ut£ig ,,amestecare“), heteromixie, reprodu-cere sexuatS prin fuziunea nucleilor genotipic diferifi, la ciuperci (Burnett) [heteromixis; Heteromixis; hdtdromi-xie; heteromixis; гетеромиксис] 227 HETEROMORPHIA f, HETERO- MORPHISMUS m (gr. -, рорфп „formd"), heteromorfie, conforma[ia diferild a unor organe (heterofilie, heterostilie etc.) [heteromorphy; He-teromorphie, Verschiedengestaltigkeit; hdteromorphie; heteromorfia, kulQn-bCzo alakusdg; гетероморфия] 228 HETERDMORPHICUS, HETERO-MORPHUS (gr. - -), heteromorf, cu forme diferite (antere, frunze, fructe, specii) [heteromorphic, hetero-morphous; heteromorph, verschieden-gestaltig, andersgestaltet, ungleichfdr-mig; hdtdromorphe; kuldnb6z6 alaku; гетероморфный, разнообразный] —*■ he-teroideus, polymorphus 229 HETEROMORPHOSIS t (gr. -, цбр-фохлд „modelare"), heteromorfozd 1. Diversitate morfonegeticd. 2. Rege-nerarea organului sub alld formd [heteromorphose; Heteromorphose; het6romorphose; heteromorfozis; гетероморфоз] —> xenomorphosis 230 HETEROPHAENIA f (gr. -, cpmvoj „a apare"), heterofenie, apari(ia nea?-teptald a unei anomalii structurale la membrii unei familii (Siemens) [heterophaeny; Heterophanie; hetero-phenie; heterofSnia; гетерофения] 231 HETEROPHAENOGAMIA f (gr. - . yapog „cdsdtorie"), heterofenogamie, reproducere prin indivizi fenotipic diferi^i (Strandskov) [heterophaeno-gamy; Heterophanogamie; hetdro-phdnogamie; heterofenogamia; гетеро-феногамия] 232 HETEROPHAGUS (gr. -, фйусо „a mtnca"), heterofag 1. Cu nutritie variatd. 2. Care paraziteazd plante 242 deosebite [heterophagous; heterophag; hdtdrophage; heterofdg; гетерофаг-ный] 238 HETEROPHASICUS (gr. -, theobotanologia- 298 HILARIS, hilar, care apar[ine sau se referd la hil (maculd) [hilar; hilar ; hilaire; magkdlddki; рубчиковый] HILATUS 299 HILATUS, HILIFER, HILO-, hilat, prevdzut cu hil sau cicatrice (hilo-carpus) [hilate, hiliferous; nabeltra-gend, nabel-; hilifdre; magkOlddkGs; рубчиконосный, рубчико-] 300 HILUM n, hil 1. Cicatrice formats pe locul de insertie a funiculului pe sd-mintd. 2. Cicatricea sporului pe sterig-md [hilum, hile; Nabel, Nabelfleck, Samennabel, Darm; hile; kOlddkfolt, magkdldOk; рубчик]-*spilus, umbilicus 301 HIMANTOIDEUS, HIMANTO- (gr. Ipag, ipdvrog ,,curea“, slSog „ase-mdnare“), de forma curelei (hi-mantoglossus, himantophyllus) [strapshaped, strap-; riemenformig, riemen-; en courroie; szij alaku; szij-; ремневидный, ремне-] —* loratus, lori-, struppi- 302 H1NNULEUS -* camelinus, cervinus 303 HINOIDEUS (gr. IvoeiSpg „filiform") —► filiformis, nervulosus 304 HIPPOCREPICUS, HIPPO CREPE FORMIS (gr. Iroiog ,,cal“, крряТд „potcoavd"), hipocrepiform, de forma potcoavei de cal (articulele fructului la Hippocrepis comosa) [horseshoeshaped; hufeisenfdrmig; hippocrdpi-forme; ldpatkdszerfi; потковообраз-ный] 305 HIRCINUS, HIRCOSUS, hircin, cu miros urit de ]ap (flori la Himanto-glossum hircinum) [goat-like smelling; bockstinkend; hircine, puant d bouc; bakbOzG, bakszagu; козлиный] -» tra-ganus 306 HIRSUTUS, HIRSUTE, hirsut, zbirlit lung setos pdros (Cytisus hirsu-tus, Lathyrus hirsutus, Arabis hirsuta) (hirsuticaulis, hirsutiusculus) [hirsute; langsteifhaarig; hirsutd, hirsuteux, hdrissd; borzas, borzasszorfi; жестковолосый, жестковолосистый] 307 HIRTUS, HIRTI-, hirt, cu peri scurji §i rigizi (Carex hirta) (hirtiflorus, hirtifolius) [hirtous, shortly-haired; kurzhaarig, rauhhaarig, kurzsteifha-arig; hirte; rdvid borzasszoru; корот- - ко-жестковолосистый] 308 HISPIDUS, HISPID-, hispid, acoperit cu peri lungi, rigizi, de§i §i [epo§i (Leontodon hispidus, Franke-nia hispida) (hispidiusculus, hispi-dulus) [hispid, stiff-haired; steifhaarig, steifborstig; hispide; merevsz6rti, dr-dessz6ru, durvasz6r0, borostds; щетинистоволосистый] 309 HISTODIALYSIS f (gr. 1стт6д „tesut", St& „separat", X6oig „liberare"), 246 histodializd, scpararea tesutur*l°r (Crozier) [histodialysis; Histodialyse, Gewebetrennung, Gewebeaufldsung; histodialyse; hisztodializis, szdvetel-kuldniiles; гистодиализ] 310 HISTOGENESIS f, HISTOGENIA f (gr. -, ydveotg ,,na§tere“), histogenezd, form area §i dezvoltarea tesuturiloi* [histogeny; Histogenese; histogendse; hisztogendzis, szOvetkeletkezds; гистогенез] 311 HISTOGENETICUS, HISTOGE-NUS (gr. --), histogen, care formeaza fesuturi (plasmd) [histogenic, tissue-producing ; histogenisch, gewebebil-dend; histogdne; hisztogdn, szovet-kepzd; гистогенный] 312 HISTOGENUM n (gr.-), histogen, totalitatea celulelor meristematice generatoare de [esuturi [histogenum; Gewebebildner; histogenum; hiszto-genum; гистоген] 313 HISTOLOGIA f (gr.-, Xoyog „vor-bire"), histologie, studiul tesuturilor [histology; Histologie, Gewebelehre; histologie; hisztologia, szdvettan; гистология] 314 HISTOLYSIS f (gr. -, Xwnq „dizol-vare"), histolizd, lizarea tesuturilor organ ice [histolysis; Gewebeaufldsung; histolyse; hisztolizis, szdvetfeloldddds; гистолиз] 315 HISTOLYT1CUS (gr. --), histolitic, care produce histoliza (enzim) [histoly-tic; histolytisch; histolytique; hiszto-litikus; гистолитический] 316 HISTOPHYTON n (gr. -, exepog „diferit", охОАюд „celoana"), homoheterostilie, flori cu stile egal de lungi §i cu stile inegale in cadrui aceleia§i specii (Warming) [homohete-rostyly; Homoheteroslylie; homohe-tdrostylie; homohelerosztilia; гомоге-теростилия] 392 HOMOIOCARYOSIS f (gr.-, xdpuov „nucS"), homoiocariozS, coexistenja in cadrui aceleia§i celule a unor nuclei genetic identici (homocariont) (Ponte-corvo) [homoiokaryosis; Homoioka-ryose; homoiocaryose; homoiokaridzis; гомойокариоз] 393 HOMOIODIPERIANTIIEUS ,(gr. -, 8lg „doi“, лер! „imprejur", dvOog „floare"), homoiodiperiantic, cu peri-ant dublu (caliciu §i corolS) avind acela?i numSr de diviziuni sau piese [homoiodiperianthous; homoiodiperi-anth; homoiodipdrianthe; homoiodi-periantikus; гомойодипериантный] 394 HOMOIOGAMIA I (gr. -, yapog ,,cS-sStorie“) —*■ isogamia ш 395 НОМОЮН YDRA TURA I (gr. ббшр ,,арй“), homoiohidratur&, aco-modare la factorii de umiditate a mediului prin modificarea concentra- Sei sucului celular [homoiohydratur; [omoiohydratur; homoiohydrature; homoiohidratura, azonos viztelitett-s6g; гомойогидратура] 396 HOMOIDGUS (gr. Хбуод „vorbire"), omolog, care corespunde ca origine, structural §i naturi cu un alt organ, de care diferS prin forma §i funcjia indeplinita (frunze-st amine, frunze-circei) [homologous; homolog, ent-sprechend, ubereinstimmend; homo-logue; hasonszerfi, hasonnemu, ho-moldg; гомологичный] 397 HOMOMALLUS (gr. -, роШ? ,,bu-cia"), homomal, indreptate In aceea§i direc[ie (frunze) [homomallous; gleich-wendig, einseitswendig; homomale; egyirdnyd, egyoldalra hajlo; пряиона-правленный] 398 HOMOMERIA f (gr. -, рёро? „parte"), homomerie 2. Polimerie la care influenza reciproca a factorilor eredi-tari este identica. 2. Egalitatea nu-merica sau uniformitate a p5r(ilor, respectiv a segmen[ilor unor organe ale aceleia§i specii [homomery; Homomerie ; homomerie; Ьототёиа; гомомерия] 399 HOMOMIXIS f (gr. -, pita „ames-tecare"), homomixie, reproducere se-xuata la ciuperci prin fuzionarea nucleilor genotipic asemanatori (Burnett) [homomixis; Homomixis; homomixie; homomixis; гомомиксис] 400 HOMOMORPHICUS, HOMOMOR-PHUS (gr. рорфТ) „forma") -*■ homoeomorphus 401 HOMOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, popcpoxri^ „medelare"), homomorf oza 2. Uniformitate morfogenetica. 2. Regene-rarea organului In forma ini(iala [homomorphose; Homomorphose; homomorphose ; homomorfdzis; гомо-морфоз] 402 HOMONYMON n, HOMONYMUM n (gr. -, 6vopa „nume"), homonim, nume identic dat In timpuri diferite unor unit&ti sistematice deosebite [homonym ; Homonym, gleichlautender Name; homonyme; homonim; гомоним] 403 HOMOPHAGUS (gr. -, „a mln-ca“), homofag 2. Cu nutrifie de un singur fel. 2. Cu nutrijia legata de aceea§i planta gazda (Uredinales) HO MOST YLIA [homophag; homophag; homophage; homofag; гомофагный] 404 HOMPHASICUS (gr. -, plants [horiodimorphism, saesonal dimorphism; Saisondimorphismus; dimorphisms saisonnier; szezondimorfiz-mus; гориодинорфизм] 425 HORIZONTALIS, orizontal, orientat in directe paralelS cu suprafata apei (rSdScinile la Dictamnus, Vitis, ramuri la Abies) [horizontal, level; horizontal, waagerecht; horizontal; vizszintes; горизонтальный] RADIX HORIZON ТА LIS -> radix: superficialis 426 HORMOCYSTIS. -IDIS t (gr. oppog ,,9irag“, Kuoxtg „cavitate"), hormocist, hormogon scurt §i septat (Cyanopky-ceae) [hormocyst; Hormozyst; hormo-cyste; hormociszta; гормоинста] 427 HORMOGON I MI U M n (gr. -, yo-vipog „producStor"), hormogonimiu, gonimiu dispus in §irag (Lichenes} [hormogonimium; Hormogonimium ; hormogonimium; hormogonimium; гормогоннмий] 428 HORMOGON I UM n (gr. -, ydvog ,,urma§“), hormogon, fragmentul ta-lului filamentos desprins dintre hetc-roci§ti, servind la inmultre (Cyano-phyceae) [hormogon; Hormogonium; hormogonium; hormogdnium; гормо-гоний] 429 HORMONUM n (gr. -), hormon, substan[S stimulatoare a cre§terii, a proceselor metabolice §i fiziologice [hormone; Wirkstoff, Hormon; hormone ; hormon; гормон] —*■ auxinum 43 hydroponica 478 H YD ROC Y TIS,-I DIS f (gr. -, kutI? „cutie"), hidrocit, celulS de acumulare Si conducere de apS (Tradescantia) [hydrocyt; Hydrozyt; hydrocyte; hidrocitisz, vizsejt; гидроцит] 479 H YDROGAMIA f (gr. -, yapo? „cSsS-torie“), hidrogamie, fertilizare pe sau sub apS [hydrogamy; Hydrogamie, Wasserbliitigkeit; hydrogamie; hidro-gSmia, vizmegporzas; гидрогамия] 480 HYDROGAMUS (gr. -), hidrogam, fertilizat sub sau deasupra apei [hydrogamous; wasserbliitig, wasser-befruchtend; hydrogame; hidrogSm, vizi megporzSsu; гидрогамный] 481 HYDROHARMOSIS I (gr. -A dppoC© „a lega“), hidroharmozS, гёафе la excitaZiile produse de apS (Clements) [hydroharmose; Hydroharmose; hy-droharmose; hidroharmdzis; гидро-гармоз] 482 HYDROIDEUS (gr. -, eT8o? ,,ase-m Snare") —► aquosus 483 HYDROLYSIS f (gr. -, Xdoi? „dizol-vare“), hidrolizS, descompunerea chimicS a substanZelor sub acZiunea apei [hydrolysis; Hydrolyse; hydrolyse; hidrollzis; гидролиз] 484 HYDROMA n (gr. -), hidrom, an-samblul elementelor sistemului con-ducStor de apS (trachei §i trachcide) [hydrome; Hydrom; hydrome; hi-drdma; гидрома] 485 HYDROMEGATHERMUS (gr. -, рёуа „таге", Вёррп „cSldurS"), hidro-megaterm, care reclamS multS cSl-durS si aP& [hydromegathermous; hydromegatherm; hydromdgatherme; hidromegaterm; гидромегатермный] 486 HYDROMETEORICUS (gr.-, ретё-(opog „ridicat in sus"), hidrometeoric, influenZat de schimbarea conZinutu-lui de apS din celule (miscare) [hydro-meteoric ; hydrometeorisch; hydro-mdtSorique; hidrometeorikus; гидро-метеорический] 487 HYDROMORPHIA f, HYDROMOR-PHOSIS f (gr. -, рбрфсиак; ,,for-mare"), hidromorfie, hidromorfozS, modificSri structurale la plantele acva-tice (Herbst) [hydromorphy; Hydro- HYDROPLASTUBI morphie, Hydromorphose; hydromor-phose; hidromorfOzis; гидроморфоз] 488 HYDRONASTIA f (gr. -, vaaxbq „presat"), hidronastie, mi?cSri de curba-re cauzate de modificarea umidi-tSZii atmosferice, a solului sau a schimbSrii raporturilor de umiditate din Zesut [hydronasty; Hydronastie; hydronastie; hidronasztia; гидронас-тия] 489 HYDROPHILUS (gr. -, ф1Ш> „а iubi"), hidrofil 1. Care prospereaza bine in apS. 2. Polenizat prin inter-mediul apei [hydrophilous, water-loving, water-pollinaled; wasserlie-bend, wasserbliitig; hydrophile; hidrofil, vizet kedvelo, vizi beporzSsd; гидрофильный, водолюбивый] 490 HYDROPHOBUS (gr. -, форёш „а se teme"), hidrofob, care evitS excesul de apa (plants) [hydrophobous; was-sermeidend; hydrophobe; hidrofob, vizet kertilo; гидрофобный] -» aquifu-gus 491 HYDROPHORUS (gr, -, форш „а purta") -* aquifer 492 HYDROPHYLLUM n (gr. -, ■ amphanthium 536. HYPER- (gr. бяёр „deasupra"), deasupra, peste, mai mare (hyperstylicus, hyperxanthus) [over, above, beyond; iiber-, iibermSBig; au-dessus, excessif; -feltili, -feletti, fokozott-, nagyobb; сверх-] 537 HYPERANISOGAMIA I (gr. -, fivi-ao? „inegal", ydpo? „cSsStorie"), hi-peranisogamic, anisogamie la care ga-metul femel este mai activ gi mai dezvoltat decit cel mascul (Hartog) [hy-peranisogamy; Hyperanisogamie; hy- И У PERBOREALIS peranisogamie; hiperanizogdmia; гиперанизогамия] 1 538 HY PERBOREALIS, HYPERBO-REUS (gr. ftapdac „vlntul de nord“), hiperboreal, nordic; care create in re* giunile arctice [hyperborean, northern; ndrdlich, nordisch; hyperbordal, nor-dique; hiperbore&lis, dszaki; северный] 539 HYPERCHIMAERA f (gr. xipai-pa „monstru"), hiperhimerd, hibrid de grefd cu elemente genetic deosebite, mozaicate, intermediare intre pd-rin^i (Strasbuiger) [hyperchimaera; Hyperchimdre; hyperchimdre; hiper- . kimera; гиперхимера] 540 HYPERCI1ROMATICITAS f, HYPERCHROMA TJNOS1S f, HY PERCH ROM ATOSIS f (gr.-, XP&№ „culoare"), hipercromaticitate, crc§terea exageratd a con[inutului de cromatind din celulele degenerate [hyperchroma- ' ticity; Hyperchromatizitat; hyper-chromaticitd; hiperkromatdzis; гипер-хроматимность] 541 H Y PERCH ROMA TICUS (gr. -), hi-percromatic I. U§or colorabil. 2. Cu colora^ie excesivd [hyperchromatic; hyperchromatisch; hyperchromatique; hiperkromatikus, kdnnyen szinezddd, erdsen szinezett; гиперхроматный] 542 HYPERDIPLOIDEUS (gr. - binXboq ,,de doud ori“), hiperdiploideu, cu celule diploide avind cromozomi su-pranumerari [hyperdiploid; hyperdiploid ; hyperdiploide; hiperdiploid; гипердиплоидны й] 543 HYPERDROMIA f (gr. -, Spdpo? „fugd"), hiperdromie, nervuri ana-drome §i catadrome pe aceea$i frondd (Pteridophyta) [hyperdromy; Hyper-dromie; hyperdromie; hiperdrdmia; гипердромия] 544 HYPERHAPLOIDEUS (gr. -, dn-Xdoq „simplu", elSo? „asemdnare"), hiperhaploideu, celuld haploidd cu garnituri cromozomicd supranumerard [hyperhaploid; hyperhaploid; hyper-haploide; hiperhaploid; гипергапло-идный] 545 HYPERHYDRICUS (gr. C5o>p „apd"), hlperhidric, cu exces de apd (in fesuturile hipertrofiate) [hyperbaric ; hyperhydrisch; hyperhydrique; hiperhidrikus; гипергидрический]. 546 HYPEROSMOTICUS (gr. -, (bopd; „impulsie") —» hypertonicus 547 HYPERPARASITUS m (gr. -, irapd-ovroc „parazit"), hiperparazit, para-zitul altui parazit [hyperparasite; Hy- perparasit; hyperparasite; hiperpara-zita; гиперпаразит] 548 HYPERPLASIA t (gr. nXdm? „modelare"), hiperplazie, cregterea ex-cesivd a unui (eeut in urma unor di-viziuni celulare nenormale (Kuster) [hyperplasy, overgrowth; Hyperpla-sie; hyperplasie; hiperpldzia; гиперплазия] 549 HYPERPOLYPIOIDEUS (gr. -, ito-Xt$ „numeros", (rnXdoq „simplu", еХбос „asemdnare"), hiperpoliploideu, cu po-liploidie la care, pe lingd garnitura cromozomicd completd, mai sint §i cromozomi supranumerari (Winkler) [hyperpolyploid; hyperpolyploid; hy-perpolyploide; hiperpoliploid; гипер-полиплоидыый] 550 HYPERSTOMA TICUS (gr. -, ord-pa „gurd"), hiperstomatic, cu stornate dispuse pe fa|a superioard a frunzelor (Victoria regia) [hyperstomatic; hy-perstomatisch, iibermundig; hypersto-matique; hipersztomatikus; гиперсто-матический] 551 HYPERTELICUS (gr. Стертое „excedentar"), hipertelic, de prisos (nume) [superfluous; fiberfltissig; superflu; felesleges; излишний] -*• su-perfluus NOMEN HYPERTELICUM -> me-taeonymum 552 HYPERTONICUS (gr. foiep „peste", xdvog „tensiune"), hiper tonic, cu pre-siune osmoticd mai ridicatd decit a so-lujiei cu care se compard [hypertonic; hypertonisch; hypertonique; hipertd-nikus, hiperoszmdtikus; гипертонический] —* hyperosmoticus 553 HYPERTROPHIA 1 (gr. -, xpoepf) „nutritie"), hipertrofie, dezvoltarea ex-cesivd a organelor sub acfiunea unor agenfi patogeni, care prin toxinele eliminate provoacd cre§terea anormald a celulelor (cecidii, tumori, excrescence, gale) (Hershberger) [hypertrophy; Hypertrophie, Uberentwicklung; hypertrophie; hipertrdfia, tult&pldlt-sdg; гипертрофия] 554 HYPERTROPHYTA n pi (gr.-, qnrcdv „plantd"), hipertrofite, parazifi vegetali cauzind hipertrofia unor organe ale plantelor atacate (Wakker) [hypertrophytes; Hypertrophyten; hy-pertrophytes; hipertrofitdk; гапертро-фиты] 555 HYPERTYPIA t (gr. -, tdiroc „model"), hipertipie, regenerarea orga-nului in dimensiuni mai knari decit до ale org&nului pierdut [hypertypy; Hy-pertypie; hypertypie; hipertipia; ги-пертшша] 556 HYPERXANTHVS (gr. ^av06? „galben"), galben viu, galben intens [intensely yellow; hochgelb, sattgelb; jaune vii; dldnksdrga; темножелтый] 557 HYPHA f (gr. fxpfi ,,pinzS“), hifS, filament cu cre§tere apicalS, adeseori ramificat, ansamblul lor formind apa-ratul vegetativ (miceliul) al ciupercilor §i lichenilor [hypha; Hyphe, Pilz-faden; hyphe; hifa, gombafonal, sejtfo-nal; гифа, грибная нить] 558 HYPHALMYROPLANCTON n (gr. бфаХцоро? „slab sSrSturos", яХлуктбу „rStScitor"), hifalmiroplancton, planctonul apelor slab sSr&turoase (Zim-mermann) [hyphalinyroplankton; Hy-phalmyroplankton; hyphalmyroplanc-ton; hifalmiroplankton; гифалмиро-планктон] 559 HYPHASMA n (gr. Otpaapa ,,[esut“), hifasmS, miceliu etalat, pislos §i steril f^garicMsXhyphasma-.Hyphasma, Ge-flecht; hyphasme; hiphasma; гифазма, бесплодный мицелий] 56 Э HYPHEMA n (gr. 6p ,,apS“, уарод „cSsStorie"), hiphidrogamie, polenizare sub apS (Naias) (Knuth)[hyphydrogamy ;Hyp-hydrogamie, Wasserbliitigkeit, Be-stSubung unter dem Wasser; hyphy-drogamie; hiphidrogdmia, viz alatti megporzds; гнпгидрогамия] 565 HYPNO-, HYPNOTICUS (gr. (tovoc „eomn"), hipnotic, aflat In stare de lung repaus biologic (hypnoakinete, hypnocystie, hypnosperma, hypnozygoto.) [resting, dormant; ruhend, rune-; HYPOCARPUS dormant, de conservation; nyugvd aivd-; покоящийся] 566 HYPNOSPORA f (gr.-, ояора ,,sS-min[a“), hipnospor, spor in stare de repaus (Cyanophyceae) [hypnospore, resting spore; Hypnospore, ruhende Spore; hypnospore, spore de conservation ; hipnospdra, nyugvdspdra; гипноспора, покоящаяся спора] —► hyp-nocyslis, chronispora, teleutospora 567 HYPNOSPORANGIUM n (gr. ~, dy-yetov ,,vas“), hipnosporange, sporange cu spori de conservare [hypnospo-range; Hypnosporangie; hypnosporan-ge; hipnosporangium; гитноспорангий] 568 HYPO- (gr. бяд „dedesubt") -*■ hyp- 569 H YPOBASALIS (gr. -, pdat? „baza"), hipobazal, aflat in partea bazald sau dedesubtul bazei [hypobasal; hypo-basal; hypobasale; alap alatti; гипо-базальный] 570 HYPOBASIDIUM n (gr. -, PaoiSiov „picioru§“, hipobazidie, por[iunea infe-rioard a bazidiilor dimere (Basidiomy-cetes) [hypobasidium; Hypobasidium; hypobaside; hipobazidium; гипобази-дия] . 571 HYPOBENTHICUS (gr. pdvOo? „adincime, fund") —► abyssalis 572 HYPOBJOTA f (gr. -, Ploxog „vie-[uitoare"), hipobiot, portaltoi [mother-plant; Mutterpflanze; porte-greffe; oltdsi alany; гипобиота] 573 HYPOBLASTEMA n (gr. -, рМктхтща „ISstar") —» hypothallus 574 HYPOBLASTUS m (gr.-, рХастто? „germen"), hipoblast, expansiunea ba-zald a embrionului dintre radiculd §i cotiledon (Gramineae) [hypoblast; Hypoblast; hypoblaste; hipoblaszt; гипобласт] 575 HYPOCARPIUM n (gr. -, каряо? „fruct"), hipocarpiu, pedunculul di-latat al fructului (Anacardium) [hy- ocarpium; Hypokarp; hypocarpe; ipokdrpium; гипокарпий] 576 HYPOCARPOGAEUS (gr. -, yfl „pd-mint"), hipocarpogeu, care i§i matu-rizeazd fructele sub pdmint (Arachis) [hypocarpogean; unterirdisch-reifend; hypocarpogd; fold alatt ёгб termdsu; гипокарпогеальный] ' 577 HYPOCARPOGENUS (gr. yevvcuo „a se na§te“) —» hypocarpogaeus 578 HYPOCARPUS, HYPOCARPICUS (gr. --), bipocarpic, situat sub ovar sau sub fruct [hypocarpic; hypokar- HYPOCH ILIUM pisch, unterfriichtig; hypocarpe; ter- 587 mSs alatti, magh&z alatti; пшокарп-ный, подплодный] 579 HYPOCHILIUM n (gr. -, %eOo? „buzS"), hipochil, baza c&rnoas& a la-belului (Orchidaceae) [hypochil; Lip-penfufl; hypochile; ajaklSb, ajaknydl; 588 ГИПОХИЛИЙ] 580 HYPOCH IONAEUS (gr. -, xubv „zSpadS"), hipochioneu, care cre§te sub zSpadS sau sub zona zSpezilor [hy-pochioneous, under snow living; hypo-chionaeisch, unterhalb der Schnee- 589 grenze; hypochiond; h6 alatti, hbsSv alatti; подснежный] 581 HYPOCHOKDRIACUS (gr. imoxov-Spiaicdi; ,,bolnav“) (Arparanthus hy-pochondriacus) —*■ morbosus 582 HYPOCOPULA f (gr. бяб ,,sub“, lat. copula ,,bandd“), hipocupulS, fi§ia inferioarS sau mijlocie a hipovalvei (Diatoma) [hypocopula; Hypokopula; 590 hypocopule; hipokopula; гипокопула] 583 HYPOCOTYLUS m (gr. -, кбтиЛц „adinciturS"), hipocotil, axa hipoco-tilS; partea tulpinifei dintre colet §i cotiledoane [hypocotyl; Hypokotyl, Keimstengel; hypocotyle; hipokotil- szdr, csiratengely, szik alatti szar; 591 гНпокотиль, подсемядольное колено] 584 HY РОС R A TERIFORMIS, HYPO-CRATERIMORPHUS (g-.-, кротпр „cupS", pophypoblastema, prototkallus 620 HYPOTHEC A f (gr. -, 0^кл ,,cu-tie“) -*■ hypovalva 621 HYPOTHEC1UM n (gr.-), hipote-ciu, stratul dens de hife de sub hime-niul apoteciului (Lichenes) [hypo-thece; Hypothecium, Subhymenial-schicht; hypothecium; hipot£cium; пшотеций] —*■ sporotamium, subhyme-nium 622 HYPOTONICUS (gr. -, xdvog „len-siune"), hipotonic, cu putere osmotici §i cu concentrate mai slabi (solute) [hypotonic; hypotonisch; hypotoni-que; hipotdnikus; гипотонический] —*■ hypoosmoticus 623 HYPOTROPHIA f (gr. -, xpoq>f| „aliment"), hipotrofie, dezvoltarea mai pronun(atS a (esutului sau al organului In partea morfologic supe- rioari a acestuia (Wiesner) [hypotrophy; Hypotrophie; hypotrophie; hi-potrdfia; гипотрофия] 624 HYPOTYPIA I (gr. timo? „model"), hipotipie, regenerarea unui organ In dimensiuni mai mici [hypotypy; Hypotypie; hypotypie; hipotipia; пшотшшя] 625 HYPOVALVA f (gr.lat. valva ,,u§&“), hipovalvi, valva inferioari mai mici a hipotecei ( Bacillariophy-ceae) [hypovalva; Hypovalva; hypo-valve; hipovalva, alsd р4псё1, do-bozf61 als6r6sz; гиповальва] -♦ hypo-theca 626 HYPSOPHYLLUM n (gr. 6yi „sus", XXo „frunzS"), hipsofilS, denumi-rea comunS a frunzelor aflate imediat sub floare sau sub inflorescenfi (bractei, glume, scvame involucrale etc.), care sint deosebite de frunzele obi§-nuite [hypsophyll; Hochblatt; hyp-sophylle; hipszofillum, fellev61; гип-софилл] 627 HYSTERANTHEUS, HYSTERAN-THUS (gr. Ooxepoc „urmStor", fiv0o<; „floare"), histerantic, cu flori care apar inainte de infrunzire (Forsy-thia. Magnolia) [hysteranthous; hys-teranthisch; hysteranth6; hiszteran-tikus, leveleteldzd virigz&sS; гисте-рантный] 628 HYSTEROGENICUS, HYSTERO-GENUS (gr. -, yewao) „а se na?te“), histerogen, dezvoltat mai tlrziu (frunzele dupS Inflorire, spa(ii intercelulare) [hysterogenous, late-produced; hyste-rogen; hysterogSne; hiszlerog6n, k6-sobb keletkezett; гистерогенный] 629 HYSTRI-, HYSTRICHO-, HYS-TRICI-, HYSTRICOSUS, HYS-TRIX (gr. Carpi!;, Oaxpixog „(еар5“) (hystrianthus, hystrichocentrus, hystri-ciflorus) —*■ erinaceus I 1 IANTHINUS, IANTHO- (gr. Idv-0ivog „violet"), violet, liliachiu, albds-trui purpuriu (ianthothelis) [violet, bluish purple; violett, veilchenblau; violet; violaszinfi, ibolyakik; фиолетовый] —► iodinus, violaceus 2 IATRICUS (gr. laxpucdg „medicinal"), medicinal, curativ, terapeutic [medicinal, sanative; medizinal, arz-neilich, heilend; medicinal, curatif; orvosi, gyogyitd; врачебный] -+medi-cinalis, officinalis 3 ICHORATUS (gr. l%tf>p ,,singe“), galben ro§cat [reddish-yellow; rotlich-gelb; rouge&tre-jaune; vorosessdrga; красновато-жёлтый] 4 ICMADOPHILUS (gr. 1кщ4д, 1крй8од „umiditate") -*• hygrophilus 5 ICON f (gr. eimbv „figurd"), planed, figurd [figure, plate; Figur, Abbil-dung; figure, dessin, image; dbra, кёр, rajz; рисунок, изображение] 6 ICONOGRAPHIA f (gr. -, ypdqxo „a desena"), iconografie, ilustrafia unei cdr{i [iconography, illustration; Bilderwerk, Bilderverzeichnis; icono-graphie; ikonogrdfia, kdny v-illusz-trdcid; иконография] 7 ICONOTYPUS m (gr. -, тСисод „model"), iconotip, reprezentarea tipului unui taxon prin fotografie sau desen [iconotype; Ikonotypus; iconotype; ikonotipus; иконотип] 8 ICOS-, ICOSI- (gr. eIkocti „doud-zeci"), cu doudzeci de (icosimerus) [with twenty; zwanzig-; d vingt; hdsz; двадчати-] 9 ICOSAEDRUS (gr. -, d5po „laturd), icosaedru, cu doudzeci de laturi (polenul la Tragopogon) [icosahedral; zwanzigfldchig; icosaddre; hdszoldald; двадчатигранный] 10 ICOSANDER, ICOSANDRICUS, ICOSANDRUS (gr.-, dvf|p, dv8pdg „bdrbat"), icosandru, cu doudzeci de stamine (Rosaceae ^[icosandrous; zwan- zigmannig, zwanzigfadig; icosan-dre, d vingt dtamines; hdszhimes, hdszporzds; двадчатитычиночный], 11 ICOSANDRIA f (gr. -), icosandrie, grup de plante cu flori hermafrodite avind peste 20 de stamine, formind clasa XII din sistemul lui Linnd [icosandria; Zwanzigmdnnigen; icosandrie; hiiszhimesek; икосандрия] 12 ICOTYPUS m (gr. eticd>v „figurd", тихо? „model"), icotip, exemplarul tipic care a servit pentru identifi-carea taxonului [icotype; Ikotypus; icotype; ikolipus; икотип] 13 ICTERICUS, ICTERINUS (gr. Ьстерисбд „icteric"), verzui galben [greenish-yellow, jaundice-yellow; grunlichgelb, gelbsiichtig; verdatre-jaune; zoldessdrga; желтушный, зеленовато-жёлтый] 14 ICTERUS m (gr. uciepog „gdlbina-re“), icter, gdlbinare; boald a plantelor manifestatd prin culoarea verzuie sau gdlbuie a organelor sale datorita lipsei fierului din nutritie [vegetable jaundice, yellowness; Ikterus, Blei-sucht, Gelbsucht; ictfere, jaunisse; sdrgasdg; желтуха] —► chlorosis 15 IDENTICUS, identic, acela§i [identical, the same; identisch, gleich; identique, pareil; azonos, ugyanaz; идентичный, одинаковый] 16 I DEN TIFICA TIO f, identificare, de-terminare [identification, determination; Identifizierung, Bestimmung; identification, ddtermination; azono-sitds, meghatdrozas; идентификация, определение, отождествление] —► deter-minatio 17 -IDES, -IDE US (phyllitides, hyp-hoideus) —*■ -odes, -oides, -oideus 18 IDIOBIOLOGIA f (gr. ISiog „individual", Ptog ,,viatd“, X6yog „vor-bire"), idiobiologie, biologia organismelor individuate (Turesson) [idio-biology; Idiobiologie; idiobiologie; 1DI0BLASTUM idiobioldgia; идиобиология] -» auto-biologia 19 1DIOBLASTUM n (gr. pXaoxdg „germen"), idioblast 1. Celule cu forme, con}inut §i func(ii deosebite de ale celulelor invecinate (celulele excretorii). 2. Biofor, unitate a sub-stan(ei ereditare [idioblast; Idioblast; idioblaste; idioblaszt; иди- област] 20 I DIO BO TANICA f (gr. -, Poiavq „iarbS"), idiobotanicS, studiul plantelor considerate individual §i nu fito-cenologic [idiobotany; Idiobotanik; Einzelpflanzenlehre; idiobotanique; idiobolanika, novdnyegyedek tana; идиоботаника] 21 IDIOCHOROLOGIA f (gr. -, ,,a se rSspindi", Xoyog „vorbire"), idiocorologie, studiul arealelor taxo-nilor considerat ca entitSfi separate [idiochorology; Idiochorologie; idio-chorologie; idiokoroldgia; идиохоро-логия] —*• autochorologia 22 IDIOCHROMA TINUM n, idiocro-matinS 1. Parte din cromatina nu-clearS cu functii generative (Lubosch). 2. Cromatina Tn stare de repaus temporar (Minchin) [idiochromatin; Idiochromatin; idiochromatine; idio-kromatin; идиохроматин] 23 IDIOCHROMOSOMA n (gr. -, ypfflga „culoare", oftga „corp") —*• allosoma (2), gonosoma 24 ID 100 E CO LOG IA f (gr. -, oikoc, „casS", Хбуод „vorbire"), idioecologie, ecologia organismelor individuate (Schroeter) [idioecology; Idiookologie; idiodcologie; idiookologia; идиоэко-логия] —► autooecologia 25 IDIOGAMIA I (gr.-, yapog „cSsStorie"), idiogamie, termen colectiv pentru autogamie §i geitonogamie [idiogamy; I diogamie, Eigenbestaubung; idiogamie; idiogamia, egyedmegporzas; идио-гамия] 26 IDIOGENE TIC A f (gr.-, yewdco „a se na§te“), idiogeneticS, studiul natu-rii §i a localizSrii idioplasmei, precum §i analiza geneticS a organismelor in cadrul inmultirii prin incruci§5ri [idiogenetics; Idiogenetik; idiogdnd-tique; idiogenetika; идиогенетика] 27 IDIOGRAMMA n (gr. -, ypdppa „grafie"), idiogramS, reprezentarea graficS a cromozomilor individuali din garnitura cromozomicS a unei specii sub aspect numeric §i structural (Nava§in) [idiogram; Idiogramm; idio-gramme; idiogram; идиограмма] 264 28 I DIO ME TRIG U S (gr. -, ретрисбд „metric"), idiometric, cu dimensiuni caracteristice taxonului (dezvoltare) [idiometric; idiometrisch; idiomStri-que; idiometrikus; идиометрический] 29 IDIOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, цбрфокл? „formare"), idiomorfozS, termen colectiv pentru morfozele speciale, ca sepalele petaloide la Poly gala (Delphi-no) [idiomorphosis; Idiomorphose; idiomorphose; idiomorfozis; идиомор-фоз] 30 IDIOMUТА TIO f (gr. -, lat. mutatio „schimbare"), idiomutatie, mutatie specials, cu modificarea unei gene (Plate) [idiomutation; Idiomutation; idiomutation; idiomutScid; идиому-тация] 31 IDIONYMUM n (gr. -, 6vopa „nume"), idionim, homonim rezultat din identificarea gre?it5 a unui alt taxon (Solidago serotina Ait. 1789, non Retz 1781) [idionym; Idionym; idio-nyme; idionim; идионим] 32 IDIOPLASMA n (gr. -, rtX&apa „modelare"), idioplasmS, unitatea activS §i formativS a citoplasmei, consideratS cu functiuni genetice (Nageli) [idioplasm-; Idioplasma, Keim-plasma, Erbplasma, Anlagenplasma; idioplasme; idioplazma, csiraplazma; идиоплазма] —► chromatinum 33 IDIOSOMA n (gr. -, offiga „corp"), idiozom. 1. Ultima unitate ipoteticS a celulei (Meves). 2. Cromozom. 3. Biofor [idiosome; Idiosom; idiosome; idioszdma; идиосома] 34 IDIOTERIA f (gr. -, xepag ,,mon-stru"), idioterie, monstruozitate esen-tial deosebitS de tip §i de speciile Inrudite (Gubler) [idiotery; Idioterie; idiotdrie; idioteria; идиотерия] 35 IDIOTOPUS m (gr. -, холод ,,loc“), idiotop, biocorul individului [idiotope; Idiotop; idiotope; idiotop; пдиотоп] 36 IDIOTYPUS m (gr. -, xiwtog „model"), idiotip 1. Ansamblul factorilor ereditari localiza[i in nucleu, citoplas-mS sau in plastide, precum $i structura lor specials. 2. Exemplar tipic stabilit de autor din materialul care nu a fost colectat de pe locus classicus (Radl-kofer) [idiotype; Idiotypus, Erbbild, Anlagebild, Erbgutgesamtheit; idiotype; idiotipus; идиотип] 37 IDIO VARIA TIO f (gr. -, lat. variatio „varia^ie") —► mutatio 38 IDONEUS, potrivit, convenabil [pro-' per, suitable, convenient; geeignet, 266 tauglich; ргорге, convenable; meg-feleld, alkalmas; удобный, нодходя-щий] 39 IGNESCENS, IGNEUS, IGNICO-IX)R, IGNITUS, ro§u-aprins, de culoarea focului (petale la Adonis flam-mea) [igneous, flamingred, flame-coloured, bright-red, burning, glowing; feuerrot, feuerfarbig, flammendrot, gluhendrot; ignd, rouge ardent, cou-leur de feu; tuzpiros, tuzszinu, dgo-piros; пламенно-красный, огненно- • красный] —*■ flammeus, phlogi-, pyr- 40 IGNORATUS, IGNOTUS, necuno-scut (origo nominis ignota originea numelui necunoscutS; fructus ignotus fructul necunoscut ) [unknown; unbe-kannt, unkundig; inconnu; ismeret-len; неведомый, неизвестный] —*• incognitas 41 ILLECERROSUS, atrSgStor, ade-menitor [alluring; anlockend, anzie-hend; attrayant, attirant; vonzo, csalogato; заманчивый, привлекательный] 42 ILLEGITIMUS, ilegitim, nere^lemen-tar, contrar regulilor [illegitimate, unlawful; fflegitim, ungesetzfich, un-rechtmaOig, regelwidrig; iltegitime; szabdlytalan, szabalyellenes; незаконный] * 43 ILLUSTRATIO I —► iconographia 44 ILLUSTRATOR m, ilustrator, desenator [draftsman; Zeichner; illustra-teur, dessinateur; Sbrakdszitd, raj-zol6; иллюстратор, рисовальщик] 45 IM- (folosit ca negate) nu, fara (imberbis, immaculatus, immutatus, imperfectus) [no, not, un-, -less; nicht, un-, -los, ohne; non, sans, ddpourvu; nem, пё1кйН, -talan; не-, без-] -»• a-, e-, ex- 46 IMBER (-bris) m, ploaie [rain; Regen ; pluie; es6; дождь] 47 IMBIBlTIO f, imbibtyie, absorbi-rea apei; umflarea tesuturilor cu apS [imbibition, imbibiting; Imbibition, Einsaugung, Quellung; imbibition; imbibicid, vizfelvdtel; впитывание, всасывание] 48 IMBREX (-ICIS) f, tiglS Ы imbrices pe Jigle) [tile; Ziegel; tuile; Сбегёр; черепица] 49 IMBRICARIUS, IMBRICATIVUS, IMBRICATUS, imbricat, IncSlecat; care se acoperS ca [iglele de pe acoperi§ (de ex. scvamele antodiale la Compositae, laciniile spatulate la IMPAR Gladiolus imbricatus) [imbricate, imbricated, overlapping; dachig, dach-ziegelig, ziegeldachfdrmig, schinde-lig, geschindelt, holzziegelig; imbri-qud, disposё en toit; fedeldkes, zsin-delyes, egymast гёвгЬеп takard; черепитчатый, набегающий]* 50 IMMACULATUS, imaculat, nepS-tat [immaculate, spotless, unstained; ungeflecht; immacule; folt ndlkiili; незапятнанный] 51 IMMATURATUS, IMMATURUS, nematur, necopt, crud [immature, unripe; unreif; non mOr, сги;ёгеИеп, nyers; незрелый] 52 IMMERSUS, scufundat, ascuns (mugure ~) [immersed, plunged, submersed, imbedded, hidden, sunken ; eingetaucht, eingesenkt, versenkt, versteckt, untergetaucht ; plongd, submergd, cachd, enfonce; besOllyesz-tett, rejtett; погруженный, подводный, покрытый, скрытый] * 53 IMMIGRANTES f pi, imigrante, plante care imigreazS din alte regiuni (Galinsoga) [immigrantes; Immig-ranten, Einwanderer; immigrantes; bevandorlok; иммигранты] 54 IMMIGRA TIO f, imigrare, imigrarea organismelor intr-un alt biotop [immigration ; Immigration, Einwande-rung; immigration; bevdndorlas; иммиграция] 55 IMMIGRATES, imigrat, pStruns intr-un biotop nou (plants) [immigrate ; eingewandert; immig^; bevan-dorolt; иммигрированный] 56 IMMIXTUS, amestecat [intermixed, mingled; eingemischt; immiscd; ke-vert, elegyitett; примешанный] 57 IMMUNITAS f, imunitate, starea de rezistentS a organismului fa[S de infecjii [immunity; ImmunitSt, Unan-tastbarkeit, Unempfindlichkeit; im-munitd; immunitds, vёdettsёg, ellen-Slldkdpessdg; иммунитет] 58 IMMUTATUS, neschimbat, inva-riabil [unchanged; unverSndert; invariable, non changd; vSltozatlan; неизменный] 59 IMPAR, IMPARI-, impar, fSrS pereche, inegal, neasemSnStor (im-parinervatus) [odd, unequal, dissimilar, uneven; unpaarig, ungepaart, ungleich; impair, indgal, dissembla-ble; pSratlan, egyenldtlen; непарный, непарно-] IMPART - PIN NAT US 60 IMPARI-PINNATUS, imparipenat, inegal penat, terminat cu о foliolS fSrS pereche (frunza compue penatti de la Robinia) [imparipinnate, une-qually-pinnate, oddly-pinnate; ung-leich paarig-gefiedert, unpaarig- gefiedert; imparipennd; pdratlantil szSrnyalt, egyenl6tlentil szSrnyalt; непарноперистый]] 61 IMPELLUCIDUS — opacus 62 1MPERPECTUS, imperfect, necom-plet; cu ptirfi componente lipsS sau oprile in dezvoltare (flcare) [imperfect; unvollkommen; imparfait; tti-kdletlen; несовершенный] —► inchoa-tus, incompletus 63 1MPERMEAB-LIS, impermeabil [impermeable; undurchdringlich, was-serdicht; [impermdable; vizhatlan, St nem ereszt6; непромокаемый] 64 IMPERMEAB1 LITAS f, impermea-bilitate (тепшгапа citoplasmaticS) impermeableness; Undurchdringlich-keit, Wasserdi. htigkeit; impermdabi-litd; impermeabilitSs, StjSrhatatlan-sSg; непромокаем ость] 65 IM PLEXUS, IM PLICA TIVUS, IMPLICATES, IMP LI Cl TUS, im-pletit, incolScit, incurcat (peri, tul-pini) [implexed, interlaced, entangled, implicate, interwowen; verwickelt, verworren, geflochten, verflochten, verschlungen; entrelacd, enchevetrd; 6sszefon6dott, OsszekuszSlt; перепутанный, переплетенный] —»intricatus, perplexus 66 IMPOLITUS, nelucios, mat [lustreless, impolished, matt; ungeglSttet; non poli; fenytelen; тусклый, матовый] 67 IMPOSITUS, a§ezat (pe un organ) [insident, placed upon, laid upon; aufgesetzt; placd sur, assis sur; rShe-lyezett; наложенный] —*• insidens, situs 68 IMPRAEGNATIO f — fecundatio, fertilisatio 69 IMPUBES, IMPUBIS 1. Nematur. 2. NepSros [immature, hairless; un-reif, unbehaart; immature, impubdre; dretlen, sz6rtelen; незрелый, безволосый] 70 IMPUDICUS, impudic, neru?inat (ca epitet Phallus in idicus) [shameless; schamlos; impudique; szdgyentelen; неприличный, бесстыдный] 71 IMUS (superl. de la inferior), cel mai de jos (imo calyce in fundul caliciului) 266 [lowest, lowermost; unterster, tie! unten; le plus has; legalsd, mdlyen alul; самый нижний] 72 IN- (folosit ca negate) (inactivus, inangulatus, inapertus) im- 73 INACTIVES, inactiv, aflat In stare de repavs biologic, latent (mugure, spor) [inactive; inaktiv, unwirksam, unt&tig; inactif; inaktiv, nyugvd, dletmfikOddsdben sztineteld; бездея-телыный] 74 INADHAERENS, neaderent, nelipit, liber (caliciu fafS de ovar) [inadhoring, not clinging; unanhSngend, frei, un-verwachsen ; inadhdrent; szabad, nem dsszetapadd; неприлегающий] 75 INAEQUALIS, INAEQUALITER-, INAEQUALI-, 1NAEQUI-, inegal ca m&rime, grosime, lungime, numSr de piese etc. (inaequaliter-serratus, inaequaliflorus, inaequilobatus, inaequi-longus) [unequal, uneven, unequally-; ungleich; indgal, indgalement; egyen-lfltlen, egyenldtlentil; неодинаковый, неравный, неравно-] 76 INAEQU1DENTATUS, inegal din-fat, prevSzut cu dinfi cu forme, mSrimi §i la distance deosebite [unequally-toothed ; ungleichgezShnt, ungleich-zShnig; indgalement dentd; egyenldtlentil fogazott; неравнозубчатый] 77 INAEQUILATERAL1S, INAEQUI-LATERUS, cu laturile inegale; cu cele douS jumStSfi longitudinale ne-simetrice (frunzele la Ulmus) [inequilateral, unequal-sided; ungleichseitig; indquilatdral; egyenl6tlen oldald; неравнобокий] —► scalenus 78 IN ALBUMINATES, INALBUMI-NOSUS —*■ exalbuminatus 79 INANIS, gol, gSunos, steril (antere, lojele fructului cu ovulele avortate) [inane, hollow, empty, void; leer taub, lockermarkig; vide, creux; tires, tireges, meddd; пустой, стерильный] 80 INANITIO f, inanifie, lipsS sail nepu-tinfS de nutrire [inanition; ErnSh-rungsohnmacht, Inanition; inanition; kidhezettsdg; истошение] 81 IN A PERT US, nedeschis (floare), care nu se deschide decit la germinarea seminfelor (fructe cSrnoase) [unopened, closed; ungeOffnet; fermd; csu-kott, zSrt, fel nein nyil&; неоткрытый, закрытый] 82 IN ARTICULATES, nearticulat [inarticulate, not jointed; ungegliedert; £67 inarticule; tagolatlan, izeletlen; несочлененный] 83 INCANESCENS — canescens 84 INCANUS —*• canus, griseus 85 INCARNATUS, carneu, ro§u-inchis§ de culoarea cSrnii [incarnate, flesh-coloured ; fleischfarbig, fleischrot, blaBfleischrot; сагпё, couleur de chair; hiisszinfl, sdtdtvdrds; телесный, мясо-красный] 86 INCERTUS, nesigur, dubios [uncertain, doubtful; unsicher, ungewiB, unbestimmt, unbestSndig; incertain, douteux; bizonytalan, kdtes; недостоверный, сомнительный] —*■ dubius 87 INCHOATUS —► imperfectus, incom-pletus 88 INC IS 10 f, I NCI SURA f, inciziune, crestSturS mai adincS pe marginea unui organ (frunzS) [incision, notch; Einschnitt, Bucht; incision, ddcou-pure; bemetszds, bevagSs; надрез, вьрезка] 89 I NCI SUS, I NCI SO-, incizat, crestat (marginea frunzei) (incisifolius, in-ciso-crenatus) [incised, cut into, notched, slashed; eingeschnitten, schnitt-; incisd, ddcoupd; bevagdalt, be-vSgott, bemetszett, szeldelt, bemet-szetten-; надрезанный, вырезной, на-дрезно-] —*• tomio-, -tomus 90 INCLINATUS, inclinat (frunze/e in prefoliajie la Malus) [inclined, bent down; geneigt, gebiickt; inclind; haj-lott; наклоненный] —► clino- 91 INCLUDENS, INCLUSUS (inclu-do), cuprinzind, inchizind, care confine (spori, seminfe) [including, included, enclosed, comprised, imbedded; ein-schlieBend, einhullend, eingeschlos-sen; renfermant, contenant, inclus; magdbafoglald, magSbazSrd, bezSrt; заключающий, заключенный, включенный] —► clausus, cleisto- 92 INCLUSIO f, incluziune, produse ale metabolismului inglobate in citoplasmS (grSunte de amidon, proteine, oxalat de calciu) [inclusion; Inklu-sion, EinschluB, Einbettung, Ein-schlieBung; inclusion; zdrvSny, sejt-zSrvSny; включение] 93 INCOGNITUS —*■ ignoratus, ignotus 94 INCOLA m f, locuitor, organism din-tr-un biotop oarecare [inhabitant, dweller; Bewohnor; habitant; lakds; обитатель] 95 INCOLENS, INCOLUS (incolo), lo-cuind, care Iocuie^te sau populeazS un INCULTUS biotop oarecare [inhabiting; bewoh-nend; habitant; lakd, tenySszd; обитающий, живущий] 96 INCOLOR, INCOLORATUS, IN' COLORUS, incolor, fSrS culoare defi’ nitS [colourless; farblos; incolore; szintelen; неокрашенный] 97 IN COMP AT I BILIT AS f (Stout) — parasterilitas 98 INCOMPLETUS, necomplet (des-criere, floare) [incomplete; unvoll* stSndig; incompipt; hiSnyos,. tdkd-letlen; несовершенный, неполный] -* imperfectus, inchoatus 99 INCONSPICUUS, neaparent, neevi-dent, pu[in vizibil [inconspicuous; unansehnlich, unmerklich, nicht auf-fallend; peu apparent; jelentdktelen, alig ISthatd, nem szembetund; незаметный, неприметный] 100 INCONSTANS —► mutabilis 101 INCRASSATIO f, ingro?are [thickening ; Verdickung, Entstarkung; dpai-sissement; megvastagodas; утолщение] —> crassatio 102 INCRASSATUS, ingro§at, gros (pe-duncul, tulpinS) [incrassate, thickened ; verdickt; incrassd, dpaissi; meg-vastagodott, vastag; утолщённый] -*■ crassatus 103 INCREMENTUM n, cre§tere [increase, growth; Wachstum, Zunahme; croissance; ndvekedds; прирост, возрастание, приращение] 104 INCRUSTATIO f, incrustare, depu-nerea ulterioarS in membrana celularS a unor substance (calcar la Chara, siliciu la Equisetum etc.) [incrustation; Inkrustation, Einkrustung; incrustation; inkrusztdcid; инкрустация] 105 INCRUSTATUS, incrustat, acoperit cu un strat crustos (tulpina la Chara) [incrusted, encased; inkrustiert, krus-tig, verkrustet; encroutd; inkrusz-ISlt, rSrakodSssal bevont; инкрустированный, облепленный] 106 IN CUB ATIO f, incubafie, perioada dintre contaminare §i manifestarea bolii [incubation; Inkubation, Aus-briitung, Bebrutung, Briiten; incubation; inkubScid, lappangSsi idd; инкубация] 107 INCULTUS, necultivat (in locis in-cultis pe terenuri necultivate) [uncultivated, untilled; unbebaut, un-gepflegt; non cultivd; miiveletlen, parlagi; необитаемый, невозделанный INC UM BENS 108 INCUMBENS (incumbo), incumbent, culcat pe un alt organ fSrS sS concreascS cu acesta (cotiledoane ~) [incumbent, overlapping, lying upon; aufliegend, iiberjinandergestellt; in-combant, couchd sur; rSfekvS, rS-simuld, egymSsrahelyezett; налегающий, лежащий сверху] * 109 INCURVATUS, INCURVES, IN-CURVI-, incurbal, curbat spre interior (spini, stamine) (incurvifolius, incurvispinus ) [incurvate, incurved, bending inwards; eingeknimmt, ein-gebogen, einw&rtsgekriimmt; incurvd, courbd en dedans; befeld gOrbiilt; искривленный] 110 INDAGA TOR m f, cercetStor [explorer, inquirer; Forscher, Forscherin; chercheur; kulatd; исследователь, изыскатель] —► scrutator 111 IN DAGO f, cercetare [research; For-schung; recherche; kutatSs; исследование] -*■ inquisitio, exploratio 112 INDECIDUUS —*• persistens 113 INDEFINITUS, indefinit, nedeter* minat (cre§tere, inflorescenJS) [indefinite, indeterminate; unbestimmt, ungewiB; inddfini, inddtermind; korldt-lan, hatdrozatlan; неопределённый] 114 INDEH IS CENS (indehisco), inde-hiscent, care nu se deschide la raaturitate (fructele la Rosaceac) [indehiscent, not opening, not splitting; nichtaufsprin-gend, geschloBenbleibend, schlieB-: in-ddhiscent; nem felnyild, nem felhasadd, nem felpattand; нерастрескивающий-ся]* —► synclistus 115 INDENTATUS - edentatus 116 INDICATORES m pi, plante indi-catoare care, prin prezen[a sau abun-den[a lor intr-un ecosistem, indicS caracterul sau intensitatea unui element al acestuia (aciditate, salini-tate etc.) [indicator plants; Indika-toren, Bodenzeiger,Zeigepflanzen ;plan-tes indicatrices; jelzdndvdnyek, talaj-jelzd nfivdnyek; растения индикаторы] 117 INDIFFERENS, indiferent, fSrS pre-ferin^S pentru о anumitS asocia[ie (unele specii, in geobotanicS) [indifferent ; indifferent, gesellschaftsvag, gleichgiiltig; indiffdrent; kdzdmbOs; индифферентный, безразличный] 118 INDIGENUS —* aborigenus, autoch-thonus 119 IN DIGOTICUS, indigotic, albastru inchis de indigo [indigo-blue; indi- 268 goblau; indigo-bleu; indigdkdk; ин-дигоцветвый] —» atrocyaneus 120 INDIRECTUS, indirect (adaptare, diviziune celularS) [indirect; indirekt; indirect; indirekt, kOzvetett; косвенный] 121 INDISCRETUS, neseparat [not separated ; ungetrennt; non вёрагё; nem elv&lasztott; нераздельный] 122 INDISTINCTUS, indistinct, care nu poate fi deosebit [indistinct, not distinct; undeutlich, unmerklich; indistinct; nem megkulSmbOztethetd; неясный] 123 INDIVISUS, indiviz, nedivizat, fn-treg (frunzd ~) [undivided, entire; ungeteilt; indivis, entier; osztatlan, tagolatlan, ёр; неразделённый, цельный] 124 INDUMENTUM n, indument; Inveli? de peri sau totalitatea glandelor [indument, hair-covering, hairiness; Bekleidung, Behaarung, Uberzug; indument, duvet; mez, szdrdzet, szdr-takard; волосистость, опушение] —* pubes cent ia, vestimentum 125 1NDU PLICA TIVUS, INDU PLICATES, induplicativ, cu marginile brusc indoite spre interior, iar pSrfile exterioare se ating fSrS a se acoperi (preflora(ie) [induplicate, induplica-tive; eingefaltet, einwSrtsgefaltet; in-dupliqud; begSrbiilt szdlfi; внутрь сложенный] 126 INDURATUS, fntSrit, invirto§at, lig-nescent (caule inf erne indurato cu tulpina lignescentS in partea de jos) [indurated, hardened; verhartet, ab-gehSrtet, erh&rtet; indurd, durci; meg-kemdnyedett, megszilSrdult, elfasodott; затвердевший] —» obduratus 127 INDUSIATUS, induziat, prevSzut cu induzie (Pteridophyta) [indusiate; geschleiert, verschleiert; indusid; fa-tyolos; имеющий покрывальце] 128 INDUSIUM n, induzie, Inveli§ul so-rilor; formate epidermalS constitu-ind membrana protectoare a sprilor (Pteridophyta) [indusium; Schleier-chen; indusie; fStyolka, spdrahSrtya; инузий, покрыв альце] -*■ perisporan-gium 129 INDUTUS, fnvelit, acoperit [covered, clothed; bekleidet, bedeckt; vetu, recouvert; betakart, fedett; покрытый, одетый] —» chlamydo-, stego-, tec tus, ves-titus 909 130 INDUVIA f, induvie, pSrti florale protectoare care persists plnS la ma-turitatea fructului (caliciul la Cheno-podium, cupula la Quercus) [indu-via; Fruchtdecke; induvie; termds-takard; плодовый покров] 131 INERMIS, neinarmat, fSrS spini sau fSrS virf Infep&tor (paleea nearistatS la Bromus inermis) [inermous, unarmed ; wehrlos, unbewaffnet, waffenlos, stachellos; inerme, sans aiguillons; fegyvertelen, tiiskdtlen; неколючий, невооружённый] 132 INFECTIO f, infectie, contaminare; pStrunderea agentului patogen In plants §i tnmul^irea lui [infection; Infektion, Ansteckung; infection; fer-tdzds; инфекция, зараза] 133 INF EC TORI US -> tinctorialis 134 INFERNE adv, dedesubt, In partea de jos (caulis inf erne glandulosus, superne glaber tulpina In partea in-ferioarS glandulos pSroasS, In cea superioarS glabrS) [below, under, bottom; unten, unterwarts, nach unten; au dessous, en dessous; aldl, alant, also rdszen; внизу] 135 INFERTILIS — sterilis 136 INFERTILITAS i -> sterilitas 137 INFERUS (comp, inferior, -ms, su-perl. infimus), inferior, aflat dedesubt sau In partea de jos (ovar, frunzS) (folii pagina inferior dosul frunzei) [beneath, below, lower; unterer, nie-driger, unterstSndig, unterbefindlich; infdre, inferieur; alsd, alul lev6; нижний] —*■ hypo- 138 INFIMUS - inferus 139 INFLATUS, umflat, cu lnveli§ subtire §i aparent dilatat de aerul pe care 11 cuprinde (caliciul la Silene inflata) [inflated, swollen, bladdery, puffed up; aufgeblasen, aufgeblSht; gonfld, enfld, гепПё; felfiivddott, duz-zadt, gordds; вздутый, распухший] —*■ со nflat us, eufflatus, tumefactus, tur-gidus, physematosus 140 INFLEX IV US, INFLEXUS, curbat spre interior (lobii corolei la Cuscuta) [inflexed, incurved, inflected; einge-bogen, einwSrtsgebogen, einwartsge-beugt; infldchi, fldchi en dedans; behajlitott, begOrbiilt; загнутый внутрь] 141 INFLORESCENTIA t, inflorescenJS, modul de dispozi^ie §i de grupare a florilor pe tulpinS sau pe ramurile plantei [inflorescence; Inflorescenz, INF UNDIB ULA RIS Bltitenstand; inflorescence; virdgzat; соцветие, цветорасположение] 142 INFORMIS - difformis 143 INFOSSUS, fngropat, adlncit (ner-vuri) [sunken, buried; eingegraben, vergraben, einbettet; enfoui; bea-sott, beagyazott, bemdlyedt; зарытый, погруженный] 144 INFRA-, sub-, situat In partea in-ferioarS a unui organ (infrafoliaceus, inframarginatus, infrastipularis, infra-nodalis) [below, down; unter-, unten-; au dessous; alsd-, -alatti, -aluli; под-, ниже-] —► sub-, hypo- 145 INFRAALPINUS —► subalpinus 146 INFRAAPICALIS, infraapical, inserat imediat sub virf (arista paleii la Bromus) [infraapical, below the apex; untergipfelig, spitzenunterstan-dig; infraapical; csdcs alatti; под-верхушечный] -*■ subapicalis 147 INFRAAXILLARIS, infraaxilar, aflat sub axila frunzei [infraaxillary, below the axil; unterwinkelstSndig; infraaxillaire; hdnalj alatti; подпа-зушный] —> subaxillaris 148 INFRACTUS, brusc Indoit spre interior [infracted, broken, sharply bent; geknickt, eingeknickt, knieformigge-bogen; brusquement coude; befeld-tort, kdnydkbehajlott; надломленный] 149 INF RAMICROBA f, inframicrob, microb sub limita vizibilitS^ii micro-scopului obi§nuit [inframicrobe; In-framikrobe; inframicrobe; inframik-rdba; инфрамикроб] 150 INFRAMICROBIOLOGIA f, infra-microbiologie, biologia inframicrobi-lor §i a ultravirusurilor [inframicrobiology; Inframikrobiologie; inframi-crobiologie; inframikrobioldgia; инфрамикробиология] 151 INFRASPECIFICUS, infraspecific, de rang inferior speciei (subspecie, varietate sau formS) [infraspecific; infraspezifisch; infraspdcifique; infra-specifikus, faj alatti; подвидовой] -* subspecificus 152 INFRA TERMINALIS — infraapi-calis, subterminalis 153 INFRUCTESCENTIA f, infructes-сеп^й 1. InflorescentS fructiferS. 2. Fructe agregate (Morus) [infructes-cence; Infruktescenz; infructescence; infrukteszcencia; соплодие] 154 INFUNDIBULARIS, INFUNDI-BULIFER, INFUNDIBULIFOR-MIS, infundibular, infundibuliform; INFUSCATVS de forma unei pllnii larg deschise la capitul de sus (corola la Calystegia, Primula) [infundibular, infundibuli-form, funnel-shaped; trichterig, trich-terfOrmig; infundibuld, infundibu-liforme, en entonnoir; tOlcsdr alaku, tOlcsdrszerfi; воронковидный] 155 INFUSCATUS, devenit bruniu [in-fuscate, brownish; gebrSunt; devenu brunStre; megbarnult; побуревший] 156 INFUSUM n, infuzie, dedoct [infusion; AufguB; infusion; infuzid, fdzet, forrSzat; настой, водный настой] 15" INGENITUS, innSscut, mo§tenit (caracter) [innate, native, inherited; angeboren, geerbt, erblich; innd, congenital, hdreditaire; veleszuletett, drdk-Idtt; врождённый, унаследованный] —* congenilalis 158 INGENS —*• gigantcus 159 INHABITANS (inhabilo), inhabitant, care populeazS un biotop [inhabiting; bewohnend; habitant; lako, tenydszd; обитающий] 160 INHIBITOBES m pi, inhibitori, substance care intfrzie sau paralizeazS desfS§urarea unor procese biochimice (activitatea enzimelor) [inhibitors; In-hibitoren,Hemmungsstoffe; inhibiteurs; inhibitorok, gatldk; ингибиторы] 161 INITIALIS, initial (celula ~) [initial; initial, anfSnglich; initial; kez-deti, kezdd; инициальный, начальный] —» primus, primarius* 162 INnASCENS (innascor), innascent. 1. Care se mo§tene§le. 2. Care ia na§tere in sau pe [innascent, hereditary; eingeborend, erblich; innascent, hertditaire; velesziileld, benne kelet-kezd, drdklddo; вырастающий, прирожденный] 163 INNATUS —* ingenitvs 164 IN NO VANS (innoco), inovant, de reinnoire, de ISstSrire (mugure) [renewing, sprouting; erneuernd, inno-vierend, verjungend, sprcssend; re-nouvelant; megujuld, iljltd, kihajtd, sarjadd; обновляющийся, возобновляющийся] 165 IN NOV AT 10 f, incva[ie, ramurS tinSiS formats din ncdurile bazale ale plantei adulte, situatS inlrava-ginal sau extravaginal (Gramineae) [innovation; Innovation, Verjiingung, Erneuerung; innovation; megdjulds, megfialalodds, sarjadds, sarjhajtSs; возобновление, обновление] 276 166 INNOXI uS, INNOGUUS, nevStS-m&tor, inofensiv, lipsit de spmi §i fSrS proprietSti vStSmitoare [harmless; unsch&dlich; inoffensif, non nnisible; Srtalmatlan; безвредный] 167 INOCARPUS (gr. К Ivd? ,,fibrS“, карябд „fruct”), cu fructe fibroase [inocarpous; faserfrtlchtig; inocarpe; rostos termtsfl; волокнистоплодный] 168 1NOCULATIO f — oculatio 169 INODORUS, nemirositor (Artemisia inodora, Matricaria inodora) [inodorous, scentless, without smell; ge-ruchlos, duftlos; inodore; szagtalan, illatlalan ; непахучий, непахнущий] 170 INOPHYLLUS (gr. I?, Ivd? ,,fibrS“, carnivorus, en-tomophagus, sarcophagus, zoophagus, zoolrophicus* 181 INSEPARABILIS, inseparabil [inseparable ; untrennbar; insdparable; elvSlaszthatatlan, szdtvalaszth^tatlan; нераздельный, неотделимый] 182 INSERAT 10 f, inserare (a materia-lului de herbar) [inseration; Binschal-tung; insdration; besorolSs, beoszt&s; инсерация] 183 INSERICATUS -» sericeus 184 INSERTIO f, inserjie 1. Punctul de fixare pe axS (a frunzei, fructului). 2. Altoire [insertion, grafting; Insertion, Anheftungsstelle, Pfropfung, Imp-fung; insertion, greffage; izesiildsi hely, illeszkeddsi hely, oltds; прикрепление, место приклепления, прививка] 185 INSERTUS, inserat 1. Fixat pe un organ (frunza pe tulpinS). 2. In-trodus (in ierbar) [attached, placed on, inserted; eingefiigt, angeheftet; insdrd, attachd; rSerdsitett, izesiilt, besorolt; прикреплённый,, включённый]-» (I) affixus 186 INSIDENS (insido), insident, sesil, a§ezat pe organ (pilis insidentibus cu peri sesili) [sitting upon, placed upon; aufsitzend; assis, placd sur; rajtaiild, rShelyezett; сидящий] —*■ impositus, sessilis 187 INSIPIDUS, fSrS gust, lipsit de savoare [insipid, tasteless; geschmack-los; insipide; iztelen; безвкусный] 188 INSITIO t, altoire [grafting; Pfropfung, Impfung; greffage; oltSs; прививка] 189 INSITITIUS, INSITUS, altoit, de altoire [grafted; gepfropft, aufge-pfropft; greffd; beoltott, rSoltott; привитый] 190 INSITUM n altoi, ramurS de altoi [graft; Pfropfreis; greffon; oltvSny, oltdSg ; черенок, отводок] INTEGUMENTUM 191 INSOLATIO f, insolafie, stare pato-logicS a plantelor datoritS excesului de luminS fi de cSldurS solarS [insolation, sunstroke; Insolation, Sonnen-stich, Yerdorren; insolation; napszd-rSs; инсоляция 1 —> heliosis 192 INSOLITUS, neobifnuit [unaccustomed, unused; ungewohnlich; insolite, inhabituel; szokatlan; необычный, непривычный] —► insuetus 193 INSPERSUS —*■ conspersus 194 INSPICATIO f, inspicare, formarea spicelor [inspication; Ahrenbildung; dpiage; kalSszkdpzodds, kalaszbaszd-kds; колосование1 195 INSPISSATUS —*■ condensatus 196 INSTABILIS —* i neons tans, mula-bilis 197 INSTALATIO f, instalare, ocuparea terenului de cStre pionierii coloni-zSrii (in geobotanicS) [installation; Einsetzung, Ansiedlung; installation; betelepulds; установление] 198 INSTAMINATUS -» anandrarius 199 INSTRUCTUS, prevSzut cu, care dispune de (pctiolus aculeis debilibus instructus pefiol prevSzut cu aculei sub(iri) [provided with; versehen; , ourvu, muni;' ellStott; снабженный] -*• praeditus 200 INSUETUS -*• insolitus 201 INTEGER, INTEGRI-, intreg, ne-divizat, nelobat sau nedinjat (frun-zele la Clematis integrifolia) (inte-grifolius) [entire, whole, undivided, not lobed; ganz, ungeteilt, unverletzt, ganzrandig; entier, non divisd, non lobd; egdsz, osztatlan, dp dlS, dp szdlfi; цельный, неразделенный] 202 INTEGERRIMUS (superl. de la integer), complet intreg, cu marginile nedintate §i fSrS nici о incizie (frun-zele de Gramineae) [completely entire; ganz ungeteilt, volkommen ganz, ganz unverletzt; compldtement entier; teljesen dp szdld; целънокрайный] 203 INTEGRELLUS, INTEGRIUSCU-LUS, aproape intreg [almost entire; fast ganz; presque entier; majdnem dp szdhi; почти цельный] 204 INTEGUMENTUM n, integument, inveliful care acoperS §i protejeazS diferite organe [integument, covering; Decke, Hillle; tdgument, enveloppe; tabard, burok, vdddburok; ннтегумент, покров] -» legmen, tegumentum* INTER- 205 INTER-, aflat Intre (intercarpellaris, intercotyledonaris, intervenius) [between, placed between; zwischen-, zwi-schenstftndig; dispose entre; kflzbeeso, •kOzOtti, -kOzti; меж-, между] 206 INTERACTIO f, interac[iune, influenza reciproca a factorilor biologici [interaction; Wechselwirkung; interaction; kOlcsftnOs egymdsrahat&s; взаимодействие 207 INTERANEUS -* interior, internus 208 INTERCALARIS, intercalar, care se intercaleaza ca formaZiune noua (cre^terea In lungime a tulpinii la nodurile gramineelor prin intercalarea noilor straturi de celule meristematice) [intercalated, interposed, intercalary; interkalar, eingeschaltet; intercalate; kdzbeiktatott, kOzbeiktatddd, kdzbe-eso; интеркалярный, вставочный] 209 INTERCEDENS (intercede) —*• in-termediaris 210 IN TERCELL ULA RIS, intercelular, situat Intre celule (spatii vacuole~) [intercellular; zwischenzellig, interzel-lular; intercellulaire; sejtkOzdtti; межклеточный] * 211 INTERCINESIS f (lat. inter ,,lntre“, gr. Ktvriai? ,,mi§care“), intercinezS, faza de scurt repaus Intre diviziunea reducZionalS §i cea ecvaZionalS a nu-cleului (Gregoire) [interkinesis; Inter-kinese; interkinfcse; interkinSzis; ин-теркинез] 212 INTERCUTIS f, intercutis, hipo-derma r&d&cinii formats, mai ales din celule endodermice (Kroemer) [intercutis; Interkutis, Endodermhy-podermis; intercutis; interkutisz; интеркутис] 213 INTERFASC1CULARIS, interfascicular, aflat Intre fasciculele de vase (cambiu ~) [interfascicular; interfas-zikular; interfasciculaire; nyalSbkozi; межпучковый] * 214 INTERGENERICUS, intergeneric, intermediar intre douS sau mai multe genuri (hibrid) [intergeneric; inter-generisch ; intergSnSrique; intergeneri-kus; межродовой] 215 IN TERGERIN U S, INTERGERI-V US —*■ interpositus 216 INTERJACENS, INTERJECTUS —*■ interpositus 217 IN TERMEDIA RIS, INTERME-DIUS, intermediar, de tranziZie (ca-ractere, nervuri, specii, zone) [inter- 272 mediate, between, half-way; mittlerer, mittelstfindip, zwischenstftndig, da-zwischen; intermediate; kOzbensd, kOzbendlld, Stmeneti; промежуточный] *21** INTERMITOSIS I (lat., gr. pitog ,,fir“) —*■ interphasis 219 INTERMIXTUS, amestecat, dispue de-a valma (pilis grandulisque inter-mixtis, cu peri §i glande In amestec) [intermixed; untermischt, eingemischt, daruntergemischt; intermeie, melange; Osszevegyitett, Osszekevert; перемешанный, смешанный] 220 INTERNODIUM n, internodiu, por-Ziunea dintre dou& noduri tulpinale [internode; Zwischenknoten, Zwischen-knotenstiick, Mittelstiick, Knotenwei-te, Stengelglied, Stammglied; entre-noeud; szdrkdz, sz&rtag, sz&riz, csomd-kdz, izkdz, butydkkOz; междоузлие]—► merithallus 221 INTERNUS, intern, aflat In partea interioarS (caliciu, floare) [inner, internal, inward; innerlich, innerer, innerhalbliegend; interne, interieur; bels6; внутренний, внутрилежащий] 222 IN TER PE TIOLA RIS, interpeZiolar, situat intre peZioli (muguri, stipele) [interpetiolar; zwischenblattstielst&n-dig; interpStiolaire; levSlnySl kdzOtti; межчерешковый] 223 INTERPHASIS I (lat. -, gr. qtiou; ,,apariZie“), interfazS, faza de repaus dintre douS diviziuni nucleare (Lun-degardh) [interphase; Interphase; interphase ; interfSzis, koztesszakasz; интерфаза] —*• intercinesis, intermitosis 224 INTERPOSITIO f, interpoziZie, intercalarea ulterioarS, supranumerarS, a unor piese noi Intre cele obi§nuit dezvoltate (In verticilul floral) [interposition ; Interposition, Eindrin- en, Dazwischenstellen; interposition; eSkelddSs, kozbeSkelodSs; включение, дублирование] -*■ deduplicatio 225 INTERPOSITUS, interpus, interca-lat, dispus Intre alte organe sau piese de organe (in verticil) [interposed, placed between; zwischengestellt/ zwi-schenliegend, dazwischengestellt; interpose ; kOzbetett, k6zbefekv6, k6z-beiktatott, beSkelddOtt; промежуточный] -> interjacens, interjectus, interge-rinus 226 INTERPRETATIO f, interpretare, comentare §i explicare [interpretation; ErlSuterung, Erkldrung; interpretation; ertelmezSs; истолкование] 878 227 IN ТЕ BRED U PLICA TIO f, interre-duplicafie, poliploidizarea in cursul interfazei (Hsu §i Moorhead) [interreduplication ; Interreduplikation; inter-rdduplication; interreduplikdcid; интерредупликация] —»teloreduplicatio 228 INTERRUPTI - PINNATISEC-TUS, intrerupt penat sectat, cu foliole penat sectate alternativ, mai mari §i mai mici (frunzele la Solanum tuberosum) [interruptedly-pinnatisect; un-terbrochen-fiederschnittig; interrupti-pennisequd; fdlbeszdrnyalt, szaggatot-tan szdrnyalt; прерывисто - перисто-рассеченный] 229 INTERRUPTUS, intrerupt, despdr-tit [interrupted, separated; unter-brochen, entfernt; interrompu; meg-szakitott, elvalasztott; прерванный, прерывистый] —» discontinuus . 230 INTERSECTUS, intretdiat, despicat in doud [intersecting, intersected; inzweigeschnitten, durchgeschnitten; entrecoupd; kettdvdgott, kettdszelt; пересеченный, пересекающийся] 231 INTERSPATIUM n —» interstitium 232 INTERSPECIFICUS, interspecific, care are loc intre specii diferite (lupta pentru existent, selec(ie) [interspecific ; interspezifisch, zwischenartig; interspdcifique; interspecifikus, fajok kozotti; межвидовой] 233 INTERSPERSUS, imprd§tiat, pre-sdrat pe ici pe colo [interspersed, strewn, spreaded; dazwischengestreut; parsemd, dissipё; kozbeszdrt; пересыпанный] 234 INTERSTERILIТАS f, intersteri-litate, incapacitate reciprocal de hi-bridizare intre grupe de indivizi apar-tinind aceleia§i specii [intersterility; Intersterilitat, Gruppensterilitdt, Kreuzsterilitat; interstdrilitd; inter-sterilitds, kdztes meddдsёg, kereszte-zбdёsi kdptelensdg; перекрестная стерильность] 235 INTERSTITIUM n, intersti^iu 1. Spatiul care separd doud pdrji sau doud organe apropiate, 2. Lacund [interstice; Entfernung, Zwischenraum; interstice; tdrkoz, tdvkoz, kdztes iireg; промежуток] —*• interspatium INTERSTITIUM INTERCELLU-LA RE —*■ meatus intercellularis 236 INTERTEXTUS, intrefesut, cu fi-lamente sau cu peri intre(esu(i §i incurca^i [interwoven, entangled; verwebt, verstrickt, verwirt, verfloch- IN TRAS ТА MINALIS ten, eingewoben, zwischengewoben; entrelacd, embrouilld, tissd рё1е-тё1е; dsszekuszdlt, egymdsbafonddott, be-leszdvdddtt; переплетённый] —» contextus, implexus, intricatus, plect- 1NTERVALLUM n -*■ interstitium INTEXINA f, INTEXTINIUM n, INTEXINIUM n, intexina, membrana internd a exinei grduntelui de polen [intexine, intexline; Intexine; intexine; intexin; интексина] INTINA f, INTINIUM n, intina, membrana cea mai internd a grdun-ciorului de polen §i a sporului [intine; Intine; intine; intine; интина] INTORTUS, rasucit spre interior (arista la Avena) [turned inwards, contorted, twisted; einwdrtsgedreht, abgedreht; entortilld, tordu en dedans; betekeredett, befeld csavaro-dott; кручёный, свернутый] INTRA-, aflat in interior (intracam-bialis, intracarpellaris, intramedulla-ris, intranuclearis, intraovularis) [within; innerhalb, inwendig, innenbe-findlich; en dedans; beluli; внутри-} INTRAAXILLARIS, intraaxilar, aflat in axild (muguri) [intraaxillary; intraaxillar; intraaxillaire; levdlhd-nalji; внутрипазушный] INTRACELLULARIS, intracelular, aflat in interiorul celulei [intracellular, within a cell; intrazellular, innerhalb der Zelle; intracellulaire; intracelluldris, sejten beluli; внутриклеточный] INTRAFLORALIS, intrafloral, aflat in interiorul florii (nectarind) [intrafloral; intrafloral; intraflorale; vird-gon beluli; внутрицветковый] INTRAPETIOLARIS, intrapetio-lar, aflat intre petiol §i tulpind (mu-gurii la Robinia) [intrapetiolar; intra-petiolar; intrapdtiolaire; levdlnydlen beluli; внутричерешковый] INTRASPECIFICUS, intraspecific, aflat in cadrul unei specii (selecjie, variabilitate) [intraspecific; intra-spezifisch; intraspdcifique; intra-specifikus, fajon beluli; внутривидовой] INTRASTAMINALIS, intrastami-nal, situat in interiorul staminelor (discul la Anacardiaceae) [intrasta-minal; intrastaminal; intrastaminale; intrasztamindlis, porzdn beluli; меж-тычиночный] 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 INTRAVAGINALIS 248 INTRAVAGINALIS,. intravaginal, aflat In interiorul vaginei frunzei (ISstari, scvame) [intravaginal; intravaginal; intravaginale; intrava-ginklis, levSlhuvelyen beluli; внутри-влалшдный] 249 INTRICATUS, incllcit, Incurcat ?i impletit (peri la Primula intricata) [intricate, entangled; verworren, inei-nandergewirbt; emmeie, enchevctre; kiiszSlt, sz5vev6nycs; запутанный, перепутанный] —► implexus, per plexus 25Э INTROCURVUS, curbat spre interior [inlrocurved, incurved; einge-kriimmt; incurve, соигЬё en dedans; begdrbiilt; внутрь-нскрнвлённый] 251 INTROFLEXUS, indoit InSuntru, rasfrint spre interior [introflexed, bent inwards; einwarlsgebogen, eingebo-gen, eingescldagen; infiechi, intro-flechi, flechi en dedans; befeietOrt; загнутый внутрь] —*■ inflexus 252 IN TROGRESSIV U S, introgresiv, care patrunde inSuntru (hibridare) [introgressive; durchdringend; intro-gressif; introgrcssziv, behatold; проникающий] 253 INTRORSUS, intrors. 1. Orientat spre interior (lobii staminei orienta[i spre centrul florii). 2. Care se deschide in partea dinspre axS (lojele anterelor la Mentha) [introrse, turned inwards; inncnwendig, einwarts-gedreht, einwartsgekehrt, einwSrts-aufspringend; introrse, dirige en dedans; befeie fordult, befeie nyilo; интрорзный, обращённый внутрь] 254 INTUITUS (-US) m, privire (primo intuitu la prima vedere) [view, sight, look; Blick; vue, regard; lktks, n6z6s; взгляд] 255 INTUMESCENS (intumesco), intu-mescent, care se umflS [intumescent, swelling up; anschwellend, aufblasend; se gonflant; felfiivodo; вздувающийся] 256 INTUMESCENTIA f, intumescenZS, umflarea anormalS a unor organe sau apariZia unor vezicule pe organe (flori, frunze, ramuri) [intumescence; Intu-meszenz; intumescence; felfiivodSs, h61yagosod&s; вздутие, надувание] 257 INTUSSUSCEPTIO f, intususcep-Zie, mod de cregtere a membranei celulare prin intercalarea de particule noi [intussusception; Intussuszep-tionswachstum; intussusception; kOz-beekelddeses nOvekedes; интуссус-цепция] m 258 INUMBRATUS, umbrit (in lociя inumbratis pe locuri umbrite) [shady; • beschattet, schattig; ombragd, om- breux; кгпуёкоз, krny6kolt; затененный] 259 INUNCTUS, uns, prevSzut cu un luciu de ulei (stigmatul unor specii de Orchis) [anointed, glossy as if oiled; Olgl&nzend; k lustre huileux; olajos fenyQ; масляно-блестящий] 260 INUTILIS, inutil, nefolositor [useless; nutzlos; inutile; haszontalan; бесполезный, ненужный]* 261 INVADANS (invado), invadant, nkpkditor (buruiank) [invading; ein-dringend, uberfallend; envahissant; be6z0nl6; нападающий] <262 IN VAGINA TIO f, invaginare, for-, marea unei vagini protectoare sau a unei depresiuni concave [invagination ; Einstulpung; invagination; bedb-lOsddes; инвагинация, впячивание] 263 INVAGINATUS, invaginat, inchis in vagina frunzei [invaginated; ein-gestiilpt; invagine; hiivelybe zkrt; влагалищный] 264 INVARIABILIS, invariabil, constant, neschimbktor [invariable, unchangeable ; unveranderlich; invariable; valtozatlan; неизменный] 265 INVENTOR m f, descoperitor (al plantei) [discoverer; Entdecker; de-couvreur; felfedezo; открыватель]' 266 INVENTUS, descoperit, gksit [dis- ■** covered, found; entdeckt; decouvert; felfedezett, megtalalt; найденный] 267 INVERSUS, inversat, rksturnat (em-brion, ovul) [inverted, turned about; umgekehrt, verkehrt, umgewandt, abwkrtsgerichtet; renversk, resupine ; megfordult; инвертированный, обратный, перевернутый] —► obversus, re-supinatus 268 INVESTIGATIO f, investigaZie, cer* cetare [investigation, research, inquiry, enquiring; Forschung, Prtifung; recherche ; kutatas; исследование] 269 INVESTIGATOR m f, cercetktor [research worker, scientific explorer; Forscher; chercheur scientifique; tu-domknyos kutatk; исследователь] —*■ indagator, scrutator 270 INVIABILITAS f, inviabilitate, ab-senZa capacit&Zii vitale [inviability; Lebensunfkhigkeit; inviabilite; eiet-keptelenseg; нежизнеспособность] 27? 271 INVISIBILIS, invizibil [invisible; unsichtbar; invisible; Idthatatlan; невидимый] 272 INVISUS, nevdzut, necercetat [unseen, uninquired; ungesehen; non vu; nem ldtott, nem vizsgdlt; невидный, неизучаемый] 273 INVOLUCELLUM n, involucel, to-talitatea hipsofilelor de la baza ra-diilor umbelulelor (Umbelliferae, Euphorbiaceae) [involucel, involuc-ret; Hullchen, Hiillbldttchen; in-volucelle; galldrka, galldrkalevelek; обверточка] 274 INVOLUCRALIS, involucral, care formeazd un involucru sau care apar-tine involucrului (foliole, scvame) [involucral; involukral, hullebildend; involucral; involukrdlis, gallerozd; обверточный] FOLIOLA IN VOL UСRALIA, foliole involucrale 1. Hipsofile de la baza florii sau a inflorescentei (Carlina, Pulsatilla). 2. Totalitatea hipsofilelor dispuse imbricat pe parlea externd inferioard a receptaculului dilatat (antodii la Compositae) [involucral scales, involucral bracts; Involuk-ralblatter, Hiillblatter; folioles in-volucrales; galldrozd levelek, fdszek-pikkelyek, pikkelylevelek; обверты-вающие листья] —* phyllarium, squamae anthodii g 275 INVOLUCRANS, involucrant, care fnvele§te un organ (floare) [involucrant, enwrapping, enveloping, infolding; einhiillend, umhiillend, ein-wickelnd; involucrant, enveloppant, involvant; betakard, beboritd; обвер-тывающий, охватывающий, завертывающий] —* involutans, involvens 276 INVOLUCRATUS, involucrat, pre-vdzut cu un involucru [involucrate; eingehiillt; involucrd; galldrleveles; с покрьшалом] 277 INVOLUCRUM n, involucru, gule-ra§ 1. Verticil de bractei de la baza radiilor umbelei (Umbelliferae). 2. Ansamblul foliolelor involucrale ale antodiului (Compositae). S. Hipsofile care protejeazd floarea sau inflo-rescenja in stadiul tindr (Allium, Arum, Galanthus) [involucre; Hiille, Hiillbldtter; involucre; galldrlevelek, galldr, buroklevelek, murvakGr, fe-szekGrv; обвёртка] 278 INVOLUTANS, INVOLVENS — involucrans 279 INVOLUTIO t, involute 1. Rdsucire spre .interior. 2. Format» regresive ISCHNO- datorite imbdlrinirii ^csuturilor [involution, rolling inward, cataplasy; Einrollung, Involution, Riickbildung; involution; involucid, befeld csava-rodds, visszafejlSdds; инволюция]-* (2) cataplasia 280 INVOLUTIVUS, INVOLUTUS, INVOLUTI-, involuliv, rdsucit spre interior (prefoliajie) (involutifolius) [involute, rolled inwards; einwartsge-rollt, eingerolll; involutif, enroule, roul6 en dedans; befeld csavarodott, begGngyoloddtt, befete hengeredett, belekeredett; завернутый внутрь] 281 IODINUS, IODO-, ION-, 10N0-(iodoneurus, iodoslachys, ionanthus, ionopterus, ionosmus) —*■ violaceus 282 IRICOLOR, IRIDESCENS, IRIO-DES, iridescent, de culoarea curcu-beului [iridescent, rainbow-coloured; irisierend, regenbogenfarbig; iridescent, irisd, d couleur de l’arc-en-ciel; szivdrvdny szinu; радужный] 283 IRREVERSIBILIS, IRREVERTI-BILIS, ireversibil, care nu mai poate reveni la starea ini^iald (caracter) [irreversible; irreversibel, unumkehr-bar; irreversible; irreverszibilis, visz-szafordithatatlan, dllanddsult jel-legfi; необратимый] 284 IRR1TABILIS —*■ sensibilis, sensiti-vus 285 IRRITABILITAS f -* excitabilitas 286 IRRORATUS, acoperit cu roud, ume-zit [irrorate; betaut ; couvert de rosde, humectd; harmatos; орошенный, увлажнённый] 287 ISA BELLI N U S, ISABELLUS, iza-belin, galben bruniu [isabelline, lawny-yellow, yellowish-brown, greyish-drab coloured; isabellfarbig, isabell-gelb, braunlichgelb, fahlgelb; isabelline, brun dire-jaune; barndssdrga, fa-kdsdrga; изабелловый, серо-жёлтый] 288 ISAGOGE f (gr. etaayoYfl „intro-ducere“), introducere (ca titlui unor lucrdri botanice) [introduction; Ein-fuhrung, Einleitung; introduction; bevezetds; введение] 289 ISCHAEMUS (gr. toxaipo? ,,he-moslatic“), hemostatic, care opre§te singer area (Andropogon ischaemum, Digitaria ischaemum) [haemostatic; blutstillend; hdmostatique;. vdrzdstdl-Ht6, vdrzdscsillapitd; гемостатический] —► haemostaticus 290 ISCHNO- (gr. ioxv6? „sub]ire“), subtire (ischnocarpus, ischnostylus) [thin-. JSIDIUM slender-; dunn-; mince; vdkony-; узко-] 291 ISIDIUM n, izidie, excrescence col-Zuroase scvamiforme sau coraliforme pe tal (Lichenes) [isidium; Isidium; isidium; izidium; изидия] 292 ISO- (gr. loog „egal, asemknktor"), egal, similar (ca numkr, dimensiuni sau cu culoare asemknktoare) [equal-, like; gleich-, khnlich; egal, sembla-ble; egyenld, hasonlk; равно-] -*■ aequi- 293 ISOBAPHUS (gr. -, 0a „а арате", уйцо? „cdsdtorie"), izofeno-gamie, fecundare intre indivizi feno-tipic asemandtori (Strandskov) [iso-phenogamy; isophanogamie; isophdno-gamie; izofenogamia; изофеногамия] 329 ISOPHAENUS (gr. --), izofen 1. De-rivat din acela§i fenotip. 2. Cu aceea§i periodicitate biologicd in fenologie (le-garea prin linii a punctelor de pe harta care indica perioada de inflorire, de inmugurire etc. a unor specii) [iso-phenous; isophan; isophdne; izofdn; изофенный] 330 ISOPHAGUS (gr. -, фйую „a minca“) —*■ monopkagus, univorus 331 ISOPHOTICUS (gr. -, <рютд<; „lumind"), izofotic, uniform expus la lumind (frunze) [isophotic; isopho-tisch; isophotique; izofdtikus, egyenld megvilagitdsu; равносветлый, изофо-тический] 332 I SO PH YLLIA f (gr. -, [Jupiter, sky; Jupiter, Himmel; Jupiter; ciel; Jupiter, dg; юпитер, небо] JUVENALIS 22 JUVENALIS, JUVENEUS, Jt/F£- JUVENIS, juvenil, ttnkr (plantk, ramurk) [juvenile, young, youthful; jung, jugendlich; juvdnile, jeune; fiatal, fiatalkori; молодой, юношеский] —*■ nepionicus 23 JUVENESCENTIA f, intinerire [ju-venescence; Verjiingung; rejeunisse-ment; megfiatalodks; помолодение, омоложение] 280 24 JUVENTUS (-TUTIS) f, tinere[e (juventute planta flavo-viridis In ti-nereje planta este gklbui verde) [youth; Jugend; jeunesse; fiatalkor; молодость] 25 JUXTAPOSITIO f, juxtapunere, alk-turare [juxtaposition; Danebenstel-lung; juxtaposition; melldhelyezds; расположение рядом] L . 1 LABELLATUS, labelat, prevkzut cu label (floare) [labellate; kleinlippig; labelld; labellumos; имеющий лабелпу] 2 LABELLISA TIO f, labelizare, trans-formarea filomului floral (tepalei) intr-un organ labeliform (Orchidaceae) [labellisation; Labellisierung; labelli-sation; labellisation; labellizacid; лабеллизация] 3 LABELLUM n, label, tepala supe-rioark mediank din verticilul intern al periantului, cu aspect gi culoare. adesea deosebita de celelalte, prin resupina(ie devenitk inferioark-ante-rioark, de obicei la bazk cu un pinten nectarifer (Orchidaceae) [labellum; Lippchen, Honiglippe; labelle, tablier; mdzajak; маленькая губа] -*• meso-petalum 4 LABIATUS, LAB I AT I, -LABII-, LAB 10-, -LABIUS, -LABRUS, la-biat, prevkzut cu labii (corola la La-biatae) (labiatiflorus, labiiformis, la-bioscopicus, hastilabius, brevilabrus) [labiate, lipped, labiated; lippig, lip-penbliitig, gelippt; labid; ajakos; губастый, -губый] —► cheil-, cheilo-, -cheilus 5 LABIOLUM n —» labium inferius 6 LABIUM n, labiu, conformable in formk de buzk a corolei, formatk din sutura a douk sau mai multe petale (Labiatae) [labium, lip; Lippe; ldvre; ajak; губа] -*■ labrum * LABIUM INFERIUS, labiu inferior, partea inferioark a corolei labiate, de obicei emarginatk gi plank [lower lip; Unterlippe; ldvre infdri-eure; als6 ajak; нижняя губа] —*■ la-biolum 1 LABRUM n —► labium 8 LABYRINTHICUS, LABYRIN-THINUS, LABYRINTHIFORMIS, labirintiform, intortochiat; cu brazde sinuoase neregulate gi incilcite [laby-rinthic, labyrinthine; labyrinthisch; labyrinthique, tortueux; labirintusos, szovevdnyes; лабиринтообразный, извилистый] —*• daedaleus, meandriformis 9 LAC (-TIS) n -► latex 10 LACCA f, lac, secre(ia rkginoask a unor plante tropicale [lac; Gummi-lack, Gummiharz; laque; gumilakk; лак] 11 LACCATUS —*• vernicosus 12 LACER, LACERATUS, LACERUS, lacerat, ciopir[it, sfirtecat; despicat in segmente subtiri, inegale gi neuni-forme (petale la Dianthus suberbus, foliole antodiale la Senecio subalpinus) [lacerate, lacerated, torn, irregularly cleft; zerrissen, zerfetzt, zerschlitzt, struppig; lacdrd, ddcoupd irrdgulidre-ment; szakadozott, foszladozott; рваный, разорванный, изорванный] —»• divulsus J3 LACHN-, LACHNO- (gr. Xd/vq „link") (lachnanthus, lachnocarpus, lach-nophyllus) —*■ eri-, erio- 14 LACINIA f, lacinie, segment ingust (de frunza, petalk, sepala) [lacinia; Zipfel, Fetzen, Franse; laciniure, la-nidre; sallang, cimpa, cafat, csiicsdk; ладиния, доля] * 15 LACJNIA TUS, LACINII-, laciniat, despicat in figii inguste gi inegale (laciniiflorus, laciniifolius, laciniifor-mis) [laciniate, slashed, fringed; zip-felig, zerfetzt, gefranst, geschlitzt, ausgefranst; lacinid, ddchiquetd, ddcoupd en lanidres; sallangos, cimpks, rojtos, csiicskOs; дольчатый, надрезанный] 16 LACINULA t, lacinulk, lacinie mick [lacinule; Zipfelchen, Fetzchen; laci-nule; sallangocska; долька] 17 LACINULATUS, lacinulat, prevkzut cu lacinule [lacinulate; feinschlitzig, feingeschlitzt; lacinuld; sallangocskks; мелкодольчатый] LACRIMANS 18 LACRIMANS (lacrimo), lacrimant, care se elimineazjL sub forma de transpirate sau prin picurare (apd; ra§ini) [exuding; trdnend, ausschwi-tzend; lacrimant, exudant; kdnnyezd, kiizzadd, csepegd; вьшотевающий, стекающий каплям й] —► exsudans 19 LACRIMATIO f, lacrimate, elimi-narea apei sau a ra§inilor prin picurare din partie vatamate ale plantelor lemnoase (ramuri, trunchi) [la-crimation; Tranen, Bluten; lacrima-tion; kdnnyezds; лакримация, слезотечение] 20 LA CRIMIFORMIS, lacrimiform, obo-voidal §i lent Ingustat spre virf [tearshaped; tranenfdrmig; lacrimiforme; kdnnycseppszeru; слезообразный] —*■ pyriformis 21 LACTARIUS, LACTESCENS, LAC-TIFER, lactescent, laptos, care con-tne sue laptos sau latex (Euphorbia, Lactuca) [lactescent, lactiferous, lati-ciferous, excreting milk; milchsaftig, milchend, milchgebend, milchsaftfuh-rend; laiteux, lactescent, lactifdre, laticifdre; tejeld, tejnedvet eresztd; млеконосный] 22 LACTEUS, LACTICOLOR, LACTI-NEUS, LACTI-, lacteu, alb ca lap-tele (florile la Galanthus nivalis) (lac-tiflorus) [milky, milk-coloured, milk-white; milchfarbig, milchweiss; lacte, blanc de lait; tejszinu, tejfehdr; млечный, молочнобелый] —*• galactinus 23 LACUNA f, lacuna, depresiune, cavitate 1. Meat aerifer intercelular (la organele imerse sau subterane). 2. Canal valecular (Equisetum). 3. Mica depresiune in tal (Lichenes). 4. Bdl-toaca [lacuna, air-space, vallecular canal, cavity, hole, puddle; Lucke, Luftliicke, Lache; lacune, cavitd, mdat inlercellulaire, flaque; ldgureg, sejtko-zotti tireg, tdcsa, pocsolya; лакуна, впадина, межклеточное пространство, лужа] 24 LACUNOSUS, lacunos, prevdzut cu goluri sau mici depresiuni (tulpina) [lacunose, grooved; grubig, grubigver-tieft; lacuneux; iireges, jaratos; ямчатый] 25 LACUS (-US) m, lac (in lacubus salsis in lacuri sdrate) [lake, pond; Teich, Landsee; lac, dtang; td; озеро] 26 LACUSTER ( RIS, -RE), LACUS-TRIS (-RIS, -RE), LACUSTRAUS, LACUSTRINUS, Iacustru, care 888 7 create in lacuri (Isoites lacustre) pa-custral, lacustrine, inhabiting lakes; lakustrisch, teichbewohnend, landsee-bewohnend; lacustre; tavi, tavilakd, tdban did; озерный] 27 LAETICOLOR, LAETUS, LAE ТЕ-, deschis la culoare, de culoare vie (laeteviviridis, laetevirens) [cheerful, bright-coloured, lively-coloured, light-, bright^; lebhaft, hell, lebendfarbig, hell-; vif, couleur vive; dldnk szintl, vildgos-; яркий, ярко-] 28 LAEVIGATUS, netezit, lucios (tulpina, frunza) [laevigate, smoothed, polished; gegiattet, poliert; lissd, poli; sima, simitott, fdnyes; сглаженный, полированный, вылощенный] -*■ politus 29 LAEVIS, LAEVI-, j eted 1. Fdrd asperita^i, lucios. 2. Nepdros (laevi-caulis, laevipes, laevirostris) [smooth, not rough; glatt, eben, kahl; poli, lisse; sima feliiletfi, fdi yes, szdrtelen; гладкий, гладко-] • 30 LAEVUS, LAE VO-. sting, aflat In partea stingd (laevus rivuli pe malul sting al rduletului) (laevogyrus, laevo-tropus) [left; link, links-;. gauche, a gauche; baloldali, balfeld-; левый, лево-] 31 LAGENARIUS, LAGENIFORMIS, lageniform, de forma unei butelii; cilindric §i slab ingustat spre virf [lageniform, flask-shaped, gourd-shaped, bottle-shaped; flaschenfdrmig; lageniforme, en bouteille; palackszerfl; бутылкообразный, бутыльчатый, фляжковидный] —» sicyoideus 32 LAMARCKISMUS m, lamarckism, concepfie asupda evolupei filogenetice a orgianismelor sub influent condi-[iilor de mediu, a varbabilitdtii aces-tora §i a transmisibilitStii caracterelor dobindite (Lamarck) [lamarckism; Lamarckism us ; lamarckisme; lamarckiz-mus; ламаркизм] 33 LAMELLA f, lameld, membrana subtire §i pland (pe himeniul unor ciuperci, Agaricus, la baza labelului la Anacamptis, pe suprafata frondelor la Bryophyta) [lamel, gill; Lamelle, Piattchen; lamelle; lemezke; пластинка] 34 LAMELLAR1S, LAMELLIFOR-MIS, lamelar, de forma upor lamele (mdduvd) [Iamel-shaped, plate-like, lamellar; plattchenfdrmig; Iamellaire, lamelliforme; lemezszerO, lemez alakd; пластинкообразный] BBS 35 LAMELLATUS, LAMELLIFER, LAMELLIGER, LAMELLOSUS, la-melat, prevkzut cu lamele sau dispus !n straturi sub[iri [lamellate; plktt-chentragend; lamelld, lamellifdre; le-mezes; пластинчатый, пластинконосный] 36 LAMINA f, lamink, limb; foaia de obicei plank, cu simetrie dorsiven-tralk a organelor foliare (frunze, petale) [lamina, limb, blade; Spreite, Blattspreite, Blattflache, Platte; lim-be; lemez, levdllemez, lap; пластинка, пластинка листа] 37 LAMPRO-, -LAMPRUS (gr. Хадярб? „lucitor"), lucitor, lucios (lamprochae-tus, lamprophyllus, lamprospermus, hy-polamprus) [glossy-, shining, bright; glanz-, glknzend-; luisant; fenyes, csillogd; блестяще-] 38 LAMPROCARPUS (gr. -, карябд ,,fruct“), cu fructe lucioase [glossy-fruited; glanzfriichtig; k fruits lui-sants; fdnyes termdsu; блестящеплодный] —*• stilbocarpus 39 LANA f, link, pkrozitate lanuginoask [wool; Wolle; laine, duvet; gyapjas szdr; шерсть] 40 LANATUS, LANI-, linos-pkros, acoperit cu peri linogi lungi, crefi gi moi (Holcus lanatus, Digitalis lanata, Ver-bascum lanatum) (laniceps, lanifer, laniflorus, lanipes) [lanate, woolly, wool-; wollig, wollhaarig, woll-; lai-neux; gyapjas, gyapjasszfirfi; шерстистый, шерстеносный, шерстисто-] —*■ eriophorus, lanuginosus, vellereus 41 LANCEATUS, LANCEOLATUS, LANCIFORMIS, LANCEOLA TO-, LANCI-, lanceolat, de forma unui virf de lance; aproximativ de 3—6 ori mai lung decit lat, cu lk[imea maximk sub mijloc gi ascujit la ambele capete (frunzele la Plantago lan-ceolata) (lanceolato-ovatus, lancifo-lius) [lanceolate,lance-shaped, lance-; lanzettlich, lanzettfdrmig, lanzlich, lanzett-; lancdold; lkndzsks, lkndzsa-szeru, Ikndzsksan-; ланцетный, ланцетовидный, ланцето-] —*• doryo- 42 LANCEOLATO-HASTATUS, lanceolat hastat, cu baza hastatk gi cu lobul median lanceolat (frunze la Atriplex hastata, Rumex acetosella) [lanceolate-hastate; spieflfkrmig-lan-zettlich; lancdold-hastd; dkrdksan lkndzsks ;] копъевйдно-ланцетный] 43 LANCEOLA TO-LINEA RIS, liniar lanceolat; ingust alungit lanceolat gi cu marginile aproape paralele (frun- LASIOCARPUS zele la Salix oiminalis) [linear-lanceolate; lineal-lanzettlich, strichlanzett-lich; lindaire lancdold; szklas-lknd-zsks; линейно-ланцетный] 44 LANGUIDUS, vestejit, ofilit [welted, withered, flaccid; welk, verwelkt; fldtri, fand; fonnyadt, elszkradd; вялый, увядший] —+ marcidus 45 LANIFER, LANIGER — lanatus 46 LANOSUS -> lanuginosus 47 LANUGINEUS, LANUGINOSUS, lanuginos, bogat-linos; pufos-pkros [la-nuginous, lanuginose, cottony, abundantly lanate; reichwollig, wollflau-mig; lanugineux, duvetd, abondam-ment laineux; gazdagon gyapjas; обильно-шерстистый] lanosus* 48 LANUGO f, lanuginozitate, pkrozitate lanuginoask [woolliness; Wolle, Wollbehaarung, Wollenflaum; pilo-sitd lanugineuse; gyapjas sz6rzet; лануго, шерсть] 49 LAPIDICOLUS (-COLA i), lapidi-col, care cregte pe sau intre pietre [lapidicolous; steinbewohnend, felsen-bewohnend; lapidicole; lcOvon did; живущий на камнях] 50 LAPIDOSUS 1. Pietros (in lapidosis calcareis pe stinci calcaroase). 2. Dur ca pialra (skminbk). 3. Care cregte pe terenuri pietroase (planta) [lapidose, stony, stone-hard, lapidicolous; stei-nig, steinhart, steinbewohnend; pier-reux, dur, lapidicole; k6ves, k6ke-mdny, kOvdn dl6; каменистый, твердый, обитающий на камнях] 51 LAPPACEUS, lapaceu, incirligat spinos (foliolele involucrale ale ache-nelor de Arctium lappa) [hamate, hooked; hakenborstig, klettenborstig, hakig; crochu, hamegonnd; horgas, kampks; колючий] —> hamatus 52 LAPSUS (-US) m 1. Ckdere. 2. Gregealk, eroare [fall, shedding, mistake; Fall, Abfall, Irrtum, Fehler; chute, faute, erreur; lehullks, hiba, tdvedds; падение, ошибка]* 53 LARVATUS —*• personatus 54 LASI-, LASIO-, -LASIUS (gr. Xdoio? „lung pkros"), vilos pkros, zbirlit pkros (lasianthus, lasiocladus, aero-lasius) [shaggy-, hairy-, woolly; zot-tig, zottel-, wolligbehaart; velu; bozontos; космато-, волосисто-, шершаво-, косматый] 55 LASIOCARPUS (gr. -, карябд ,,fruct“), cu fructe zbirlit pkroase; cu fructe rigid pkroase (Draba lasio- LATE- carpa) [shaggy-fruited; rauhfriichtig; lasiocarpe, a bruits velus; bozontos termdsfi, durva termdsu; космато-плодный, шершавоплодный] —► trachy-carpus 56 LATE- (latebracteatus) -*• latus 57 LATEBRICOLUS, LATEBROSUS, ascuns, care create in locuri dosite sau intunecoase [hidden; verborgen, versteckt; cachd; rejtett; скрытый]* 58 LATENS (lateo), latent, ascuns, aflat in repaus biologic [latent, hidden; latent, verborgen, ruhig; latent, cachd, ralenti; rejtett, lappango, nyugvd ; латентный, скрытый] 59 LATENTIA f, late^S J. Stare biologies cu funcpunile vitale foarte reduse. 2. Durata de timp intre trans-miterea unui impuls §i inceputul reac[iunii. 3. Perioada dintre infecjie §i apari(ia primelor semne ale imbol-nSvirii. 4. Factor ereditar recesiv care nu se manifests in fenotip, dar poate sa aparS in anumite imprejurSri [latency, latent period, latent factor; Latenz, latenter Zustand, latenter Erbfaktor, Latenzzeit; latence, рё-riode de latence, facteur latent, рё-riode d’incubation; latencia, lappan-gas, lappangasi idd, lappangSsi 41-lapot, latens jelleg; латентность, латентный период, скрытое состояние] 60 LATERALIS, LATERI-, LATERALIS, lateral, a§ezat pe laturi sau care are loc pe laturile unui organ (nervuri, rSdScini, dehiscenJS) (laterifolius, later inervatus, aequilate-ralis) [lateral, at the side, side-; seitlich, seitenstandig, seiten-; la-tdral, a cotd; oldali, oldalt dlI6, oldalfekvesu, oldali-; латеральный, боковой, боко-] -*■ pleur-, pleuro- 61 LA TERICIUS, LA TERITIUS, cSrS-miziu, ro§u cSrSmiziu [brick-red; ziegelrot; briquetd, rouge de brique; tdglav6r6s; кирпичный, кирпично-красный] 62 LATEX (-ICIS) m, latex, sue ISptos alb, gSlbui sau ro§cat din canalele laticifere ale unor plante (Chelidonium, Euphorbia) [latex, milky juice; Latex, Milchsaft; latex, jus laiteux; latex, tejnedv; латекс, млечный сок] 63 LAT I- (latialatus)—* latus 64 LATICIFER, laticifer, care secrets sau conduce latex (celule vase canale ~) [laticiferous, latex-bearing; milchsafttragend; laticiffere; tejned-vet szdllitd; содержащий латекс]* '884 65 LATITUDO t 1. L&time (folia Uui-tudine longiora frunzd mai lungi decit late). 2. Latitudine (grad, zonS) [breadth, latitude; Breite, Breiten-grad; largeur, latitude; szdlessdg, szdlessdgi fok: ширина, широта] 66 LATIUSCULUS, pu$in lat [somewhat broad; ziemlichbreit, etwas breit; peu larg ; kissd szdles; широковатый] 67 LATO- (lato-ellipticus) —*■ latus 68 LATUS, LATE-, LATI-, LATO-, -LATUS, lat, larg, intins (latebracteatus, latidens, lato-ovatus) (sensu lato, s.I. conceput intr-un sens larg) [broad, wide, broad-, broadly; breit, breit-; large, lati-; szdles, szelesen-; широкий, широко-] —*■ platy- 69 LA TIFOLIUS, lat-foliat, cu frunze late [latifoliate, broad-leaved; breit-blSttrig; latifolid; szdleslevelu; широколистный] -у platyphyllus 70 LATO-ELLIPTICUS, lat-eliptic [broadly-elliptical; breitelliptisch; lato-elliptique; szdles elliptikus; широкоэллиптический] 71 LATUS (-ERIS) n, laturS 1. Partea laterals (a latere compressus lateral comprimat). 2. FaJS (utrinque latere folii pe ambele fe[e ale frunzei) [side, flank; Seite, Flache; cotd, face; szdl, oldal; бок, сторона] 72 LA VAND ULA CEUS, LA VAND U-LINUS, LAVANDULUS, albastru de lavandS [lavender-blue; lavendelblau; bleu de lavande; levendulakёk; лавандовый, лавандоцветный] 73 LAX US, LAXI-, lax, spa(iat, nein-desuit, pu{in strins (panicul la Fes-tuca vaginata) (laxiflorus, laxifolius) [loose, distant, flabby, loosely-; locker, weitlaufiggestellt, schlaff; lache, еврасё, peu serrS; laza, tSg; рыхло-, рыхлый] —► chalar- 74 LAZULI N US —► azureus, ultramari-nus 75 LEBETINUS —* crateriformis 76 LECANORINUS, lecanorin, cu ti-vitura deschis coloratS de tipul liche-nului Lecanora (apoteciu) [lecanorine; lecanorin; lecanorine; lecanoraszerO; леканориновый] 77 LECIDEINUS, lecidein, cu о tiviturS inchis coloratS de tipul lichenului Lecidea (apoteciu) [lecideine; lecidea-artig; tecideine; lecideaszerfi; леци-деиновый] 78 LECTOALLOTYPUS m (gr. Хектд? ,,ales“, GlKKoq ,,altul“, -cwtog „model"), 286 lectoalotip, exemplar de plantk de alt sex declt acel al lectotipului, ales ulterior din materialul original [lectoallotype; Lektoallotypus; lec-toallotype; lektoallotipus; лектоал-лотип] 79 LECTOTYPUS m (gr.-), lectotip, exemplar ales in lipsa holotipului din materialul original pentru a servi ca tip nomenclatural [lectotype; Lektotypus; lectotype; lektotipus; лектотип] 80 LECTUS (lego), colectat, cules, adunat, ales [collected, selected; gesam-melt; collectd; begyiijt6tt, beszedett, kivalogatott, kivklasztott; собранный] 81 LECUS m (BULB I) -*• discus bulbi 82 LEGITIMUS, legitim (nume~, polenizare ~) [legitimate; legitim, ge-setzlich, rechtmaflig; ldgitime; legitim, tdrvenyszeru; законный] * 83 LEGIT (lego), colectat de (men[iu-nea colectorului plantei pe eticheta de herbar) [collected by; gesammelt von; collectd par; begyujtOtte; собирал] 84 LEGUMEN (-INIS) n, legurak.pks-taie, fruct uscat polisperm, dehiscent prin douk valve (Cytisus) sau indehiscent, rkminind intreagk (Ono-brychis) sau fragmentlndu-se la gituiri (Coronilla) [legume, pod; Hiilse, Hiilsenfrucht; gousse; hiively, huvely-termds; боб] 85 LEGUMINACEUS, LEGUMINI-FORMIS, ieguminaceu, de forma pkstkii [legume-like, pod-like; hiilsen-fdrmig, hulsenartig; leguminacd; hiively termesszerfi ; бобовидный] 86 LEGUMINOSUS, leguminos, cu nu-meroase pkstki [leguminous; hiilsen-reich, hiilsentragend; ldgumineux; hii-velytermdsfl; бобовый, бобоносный] 87 LEI-, LEIO-, -LEIUS (gr. Xelog „neted"), neted, glabru, nepkros(7eian-therus, leiocephalus, epileius) [smooth-; glatt-, kahl-; lisse; sima, csupasz; гладко-, голо-, -гладкий] —*■ lio-, lisso-, glabri-, xesto- 88 LEIOCARPUS (gr. -, карпбд „fruct"), cu fructe netede, nepkroase [smooth -fruited; glattfriichtig; k fruits lis-ses; simatermdsd; гладкоплодный] 89 LEIOPHYLLUS (gr. -, v, XkcvTo? „leu", xpfflpa „culoare"), brun-rogcat, de culoarea leului [tawny; rdtlichbraun, LEONTOGLOSSUS lOwenfarbig; rougeStre-brun; r6tbar-na, oroszISnbarna; львино-желтый] 101 LEONTOGLOSSUS (gr. yMloaa-„limba"), ca limba leului (epi-tet) [liontongue-shaped; lOwenaungig; comme la langue du lion; oroszlan-nyelvszeru; львиноязычковый] 102 LEOPARDINUS -*■ maculatus 103 LEP-, LEPI-, LEPIDO-, -LEPIS, -LEPIDUS, LEPIDOSUS, LEPI-DOTUS (gr. Xem<;, XentSog „scva-mS“), scvamos, acoperit cu scvame; solzos (lepanthus, lepidanthus, lepi-docaulis, heterolepis, kexalepidus, ho-lolepidoius) [lepidote, scaled, scale-, scaly-; schuppig, schuppen-, -schup-pig, schiilferig; ёсаШеих; pikkelyes; чешуе-, чешуйчатый] -*■ squam-, squa-matus PILI LE PI DOT I — lepides 104 LEPICENA f (gr. -, Kevd? ,,gol“), lepicenS, perechea de glume inferioare (Gramineae) (Richard) [lepicena; Lepizena; lepicfcne; lepicena; лепи-цена] 105 LEPIDES f pi (gr. -), peri scvami-formi in forma de stea sau de scutulet (frunze la Hipophae rhamnoides, tul-pini $i ramuri la Elaeagnus, Olea) [lepides, lepidote hairs; Schuppenha-aren, Schildhaaren, Schiilfern; poils ёсаШеих; pikkelyszorOk, pajzsos pik-kelyek; чешуйкй, чешуйчатые волоски] —► pili lepidoti 106 LEPIDOCARPUS (gr. -, кпряд; .,fruct“), cu fructe scvamoase [scale-fruited; schuppenfruchtig; 16pidocar-pe; pikkelyes ter,m£su; чешуеплодный] 107 LEPIDOPTEROCECIDIUM n (gr. -, ятербд ,,aripS“, кгрЛд „galS"), iepi-dopterocecidie, gala cauzatS de lepi-doptere (fluturi) [lepidopterocecidium; Schmetterlingsgalle; lёpidoptёrocёci-die; lepkegubacs; лепидоптероцеци-дий] 108 LEPIDOPTERONOMIUM n (gr. vopdg ,,p5§une“), lepidopteronomiu, cavitsti roase de larvele lepidoptere-lor in pSrtile parenchimatice ale plantelor [lepidopteronomium; Schmet-terlingsmine; l^pidopteronome; lepidopteronomium ; лепцдоптерономиум] 109 LEPIDOPTEROPHILAE f pi (gr. --, (piX&o „a iubi“), lepidopterofile, plante adaptate la polenizare prin lepidoptere [lepidopterophilae; Fal-tcrblumen, Schmetterlingsblumen; 1ё-pidopterophiles; lepkeporozta virSgok; лепидоптерофилые] 110 LEPIDOSUS, LEPIDOTUS — lep- 111 LEPIS (-idis) t -* squama 112 LEPISMA n (gr. Хёяюра „scoartS"), lepismS, staminS avortatS, cu aspect scvamiform, situatS la baza ovarului (Aquilegia) [lepisma; Lepisma; 16-pisme; lepizma; лепизма] 113 LEPOC YTIS,-IDIS f (gr. tenfc, „scva-mS“, Kurig ,,cutie“), lepocit, celulS cuprinsS intr-o membranS [lepocyte; Lepozyt; lepocyte; lepocitisz; лепо-дит] 114 LEPORINUS, leporin, de culoarea brunie a iepurelui [hare-brown; hasen-braun; brun de liSvre; nyulbarna; заяцобурый] 115 LEPROSUS (gr. Яёяра ,,leprS“), leprcs, cu suprafa[a crustoasS, crS-pSturoasS sau solzoasS (talul unor Lichenes) [leprous, leprose, scurfy; aussStzig, schorfig, rissig; lepreux, croOteux; leprSs, cserepes, kSrges; лепрозный, струповатый, корковидный] 116 LEPT-, LEPTO- (gr. Хептбд „subtire"), subtire, delicat, fin [leptacan-thus, leptocarpus, leptoneurus, leptorhyn-chus) [slender, thin-, narrow; dunn-, zart-, schmal-; mince, grSle; vekony, finom, keskeny; тонко-, тонкий, мелко-] —*■ termini LEPTOCAULIS (gr.-, kovMx; ,,tul- pinS“), cu tulpina subtire [slender stemmed; diinnstengelig; S tige grSle; уёкопу szSru; тонкостебельчатый] 118 LEPTOCENTRICUS (gr. -, tc£vrpov „centru") —» amphivasalis 119 LEPTOCLADUS (gr. -, kXo56? „ramurS"), cu ramurile subtiri [slender branched; diinnzweigig; S ra-meaux minces; vSkony Sgd; тонковетвистый] 120 LEPTODERMUS (gr. -, бёрца „piele"), cu membrana subtire [thin-coated, thin-skinned; dtinnwandig; S membrane mince; v6kony falO; тонкозаострённый] 121 LEPTODONTUS (gr. -, SSobq, 656vto€ „dinte"), cu dintii mici [thin-toothed; kleinzShnig; S' petit es dents; аргб fogu; мелкозубчатый] 122 LEP TOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, y6voc wurma§“) —► microgonidium 123 LEPTOMA n, LE P TOMES- TOMA n (gr. -, цеахдд „plin"), leptom, ansamblul vaselor liboriene care conduc seva elaboratS, constind din tuburi cribrale, celulele anexe 287 gi parenchimul liberian [leptome, lep-tomestome; Leptom, Siebteil, Kri-bralteil; leptome; hkncs, hkncsrdsz; лептома] 124 LEPTONEMA n (gr. vflpa ,,fir“), leptoneink, filamente cromozomale inck neimperechiate gi nespiralate din sta-diul leptoten al mciozei (Gregoire) [leptonema; Leptonema; leptonkme; leptondma; лептонема] 125 LEPTOPETALUS (gr. -, nkxoXov „petalk"), cu petale mici [slender-petaled; feinkronblattrig; к pdtales minces; aprdszirmu; токнолепестный] 126 LEPTOPHLOEMA n (gr. фХогбд „scoartk"), leptoflcem, floem rudi-mentar (Vaisey) [Ieptophloem; Lep-tophloem; leptophloeme; leptoflodm; лептофлоэма] 127 LEPTOPHYLLUS (gr. (puUov „frunzk"), cu frunze mici [slenderleaved; dtinnblattrig; k feuilles minces; vdkonylevelu; тонколистный] 128 LEPTOPLASMA n (gr. -, nMopa „modelare") —*■ cinoplasma 129 LEPTOSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, опора „skminbk", dyyelov ,,vas“), lepto-sporange, eporange cu peretele format dintr-un singur strat de celule epider-male (Lycopodiaceae) [leptosporan-gium; Leptosporangium; leptosporan-ge; leptosporangium; лептоспорантий] 130 LEPTOSTYLUS (gr. -, oxOXog ,,co-loank"), leptostil, cu stilul filiform (Potentilla anserina) [filiform-styled, slender-styled; fadengriffelig; k styles filiformes: fonalas bibeszalii; нитевидно-столбиковый] 131 LEPTOTENA f (gr. xaivia „рап-glick"), leptoten, stadiul leptoten; orinduirea cromozomilor in filamente lungi gi fine in cursul profazei cario-cinetice (Winiwarter) [leptotene; Lep-totkn; ieptotkne; leptotdn-szakasz; лептотена, лептотенная стадия] 182 LEPTOXYLEMA n (gr. fttflov ,,lemn“), leptoxilem, tesutul acvifer al sporofitului (Bryophyta) [lepto-xylem; Leptoxylem; leptoxylkme; leptoxildm; лептоксилема] 183 LEPTOZYGOTENA t (gr. Cuydg „jug", Taivia „panglick"), leptozi-goten, stadiul de tranzijie dintre leptoten (cu filamentele cromozomale solitare) gi zigoten (cu filamentele imperechiate) [leptozygotene; Lepto-zygotkn; leptozygotkne; leptozigotdn-szakasz; лептозиготена] LEUCDSOMA 134 LEPYROPHYLLIA f (gr. X&iupov „scvamk", фШюу ,,frunzk“), lepiro-filie, transformarea integumentelor ovulare in scvame sau foliole (Morren) [lepyrophylly; Lepyrophyllie; 1ёру-rophyllie; lepirofillia; лепирофиллия] 135 LETALIS, letal, mortal (coeficient, factor) [lethal, deadly; letal, tod-lich; Ша1, mortel; lelalis, elhalkst okozd; летальный, смертельный] -*• necatrix 136 LEUC-, LEUCO-, -LEUCUS (gr. Хеикб? ,,alb“), alb (leucanthus leu-cobotryus, hololeucus) [white-; weiB-; blanc; feher-; бело-, -белый] -*• alb us 137 LEUCOCARPUS (gr.-Kaprcoi; „fruct"), cu fructe albe [while-fruited; weiB-fruchtig; k fruits blanches; feh6r term6sii; белоплодный] 138 LEUCOCHROUS (gr. - xp<&? „culoare") —*■ albus 139 LEUCOCYANUM n (gr. - Kudvo? „albastru"), leucocian, pigment albks-trui alb (Algae) [leucocyan; Leu-kozyan; leucocyane; leukocikn; лей-коциан] 140 LEUCOCYSTIS ,-IDIS f (gr. -, кист? „cavitate"), leucocist, celula fkrk. clo-rofilk, adesea goala, cu membrana sub[ire, cu perfora[ii (Algae, Fungi) [loucocyst; Leukozyst; leucocyste; leakociszta; лейкоцист] 141 LEUCOMELUS, LEUCOMELAS (gr. -, peXa? „negru"), alburiu negru, negru deschis [whitish-black; weifllich-schwarz, hellschwarz; blanchatre noir; feh6resfekete, vilagosfekete; беловато-черный] 142 LEUCOPHAEUS (gr. -, laevis 151 LIANA f, liana, plante lemnoase c5[5r5toare mai ales din pddurile tropicale §i subtropicale (la noi Vitis) [liane; Liane, Schlingpflanze, Kletter-pflanze, Windpflanze; liane; lidn, kuszdcserje; лиана] —*■ clinopkyton 152 LIBER (LIBERA, LIBERUM), liber, neconcrescut, neaderent (ovar, stamina, stipeia, vagina) [free; frei, nicht verwachsen ; libre; szabad, nem osszeforrt; свободный] —*• chori-, dia-ly-, eleuthero- 153 LIBER (-BRI) m, liber, zona gene-ratoare subero-felodermica formata la exteriorul cambiului din elemente de obicei nelignificate [liber; Bast; liber; hancstest, h&ncsnyal&b; луб] 154 LIBRIFORMUM n, libriform, [esut mecanic fibros, cu celule avind membrana groas5 care se lignifica [libriform ; Libriform, Bastfaserstoff, Li-briformzellen, Holzfasern; libriforme; farost, libriform sejtek; либриформ] 155 LICHEN (-ENIS) m (gr. Xeixuv „lichen"), lichen, grupa de plante inferioare formate din hife de ciuperci §i din alge, traind In simbioza [lichen; Flechte; lichen; zuzmd; питяйнтг] 156 LICHEN ISM U S m (gr. -), liche-nism, simbioza caracteristica dintre alge §i ciuperci (Lichenes) [lichenism; Lichenismus, Flechtensymbiose; li-chdnisme; lichenizmus; лихенизм] 157 LICHENOGRAPHIA f (gr. ypdqxo „a scrie“), lichenografie, descrierea «88 lichenilor [lichenography; Flechten-beschreibung ; lichdnographie; licheno-gr4fia, zuzmdk leirdsa; лихеяография] 158 LICHENOLOGIA t (gr. Xdyoc „vorbire"), lichenologie, studiul lichenilor [lichenology; Flechtenkunde; lichdnologie; zuzmdismeret; лихенология] 159 LIGAMEN n, LIGAMENTUM n -» raphe 160 LIGNATILIS —► lignicolus 161 LIGNESCENS, lignescent, care se lignifica [lignescent, becoming woody; verholzend; lignescent, devenant bois; f4sodd, magfdsodd; древеснеющий, древенеющий] 162 LIGNEUS, lemnos, de forma, consistent sau de culoarea lemnului (radacina, tulpina) [ligneous, lignose, woody; holzig, holzartig; ligneux; fds, faszeru; деревянистый, древесинный] —♦ lignosus ANNULUS LIGNEUS — annulus annotinus 163 LIGNICOLOR, lignicolor; brun ro§-cat, de culoarea inimii lemnului [lignicolor, tawny, reddish-brown; holz-farbig, rdtlichbraun; rougeatre-brun, couleur du bois; faszmfl, vdrdses-barna; древесинноцветный, красновато-коричневый] 164 LIGNICOLUS (-COLA t), lignicol, care create pe sau In lemn (lichen, parazit) [lignicolous; holzbewohnend; lignicole; fdnlakd, fdban did; обитающий на древесине] 165 LIGNIFICA Т10 f, lignificare, proces chimic de impregnare a membra-nelor celulare cu lignina [lignification; Verholzung; lignification ; lignifikdcid, fdsodds, elfasodds; лигнификация, одревеснение] 166 LIGNINUM n, lignina, substan[a impregnanta a membranei celulare cauzlnd lignificarea [lignine; Lignin, Holzstoff; lignine; lignin, faanyag; лигнин] 167 LIGN1 PERDU S, LIGNIl(ODUS, LIGNIVORUS, lignivor, care distru-ge sau roade lemnul (insecta) [gnawing wood, lignivorous, destroying wood; holzzerstdrend,holznagend, holz-fressend, holzverderbend; ligniperde, lignirode, lignivore; farontd, faragd, faevd; питающийся древесиной] 168 LIGNOSUS — ligneus 289 169 LIGNUM n lemn (inclusiv alburnul gi duramenul) [wood; Holz; bois; fa; древесина] 170 LIGULA f, ligulk 1. Formabiune membranoask, scarioask, aflatk la li-mita dintre vagink gi limbul frunzei (Gramineae), redusk uneori la un smoc de peri (Echinochloa crus-galli). 2. Apendicele dilatat al unor petale (Caryophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae), a limbului florilor radiare (Compositae) sau de la baza sporofilelor (Iso-etaceae) [Iigule; Blatthautchen, Blatt-ziingelchen, Lkppchen; ligule, lan-guette; nyelvecske, levdlnyelvecske; лигула, язычок] —* collare 171 LIGULACEUS, LIGULIFORMIS, li-gulaceu, de forma ligulei sau a unui gulerag [ligulaceous, strap-shaped; zun-gelchenfdrmig; ligulacd, liguliforme; nyelvecskeszeru; язычковидный] -*■ collar 172 LIGULARIS, ligular, care aparbine ligulei (bractee, petalk, pebiol) [ligular; ligular; ligulaire; nyelvecskd-hez tartozd; относящийся к язычку] 173 LIGULATUS, LIGULATI-, LIGU-LI-, ligulat, prevkzut cu ligulk (li-gulatiflorus, ligulifolius) [ligulate, li-guli-; geschweift, mit Blatthautchen versehen, zungen-; liguld; nyelves, nyelvecskds, fdlszeres; язычковый, язычко-] —*■ collariatus* FLOS LIGULATUS, floare ligulatk, cu tubul corolei prelungit unilateral intr-o lamink lungk (Ligulatiflorae) [ligulate floret; Zungenbliite, Rand-bliite; fleur ligulde; nyelves virag, fdlszeres virag; язьчковый цветок] -»> semiflosculus 174 LILACEUS, LILACINUS, liliachiu, palid violet; de culoarea liliachie a florilor de Syringa vulgaris [lilac, lilacinous, dull violet-blue; lilafarbig, blaBviolett; lilacin; lilaszlnd; лиловый] —► syringeus 175 LILIACEUS, LILII-, liliaceu, ase-mknktor cu floarea de Lilium (lilii-formis, liliiflorus) [liliaceous, lily-like; lilienfdrmig, lilien-; liliacd; liliom-szerfi; лилейный] 176 LIMA CIFORMIS, LI MACINUS, limaciform, de forma melcilor (spori la unele specii de Lichenes) [slugshaped; schneckenartig; limaciforme; csigaszerd; слизняковый] 177 LIMBATUS, LI MB I-, LIMBO-, -LIMBUS, tivit, prevkzut cu un limb (limbiferus, limbospermus, aequi- LIMOSUS limbus) [limbate, bordered; geskumt, umgeskumt, gerandet, gerkndert; bor-dd; ereszes, pkrkanyos, nyelves, ka-rimks, szegdlyes; отороченный, с отгибом] 178 LIMBUS m 1. Limb, partea dilatatk a frunzei, petalei, sepalei. 2. Marginea plank a unui organ [limb, blade; Flkche, Scheibe, Saum, Rand; limbe, lame, marge; lemez, nyelv, pkrkkny, perem, karima, szegdly, sz61; пластинка, отгиб, кайма] -*■ lamina* 179 LIMES (-ITIS) m, limitk, hotar, linie de demarcate [limit, boundary; Grenze; limite, borne; hatkr; предел, граница] 180 LIMICOLUS (-COLA f), limicol, care trkiegte In nkmolul apelor (organism) [limicolous, growingin mud; schlamm-bcwohnend; limicole; iszaplakd; обитающий на почвах] 181 LIMNETICUS, LIMNICOLUS (-COLA i) (gr. Xtpvri ,,lac“, lat. incola ,,locuitor“), limnetic, limnicol, care cregte In lacuri sau in mlagtini (Pedicularis limnogena) [limnicolous, lake-dwelling, pond-loving; limne-tisch, sumpfbewohnend, seebewohnend; limndtique; tavi, tdban dlo, mocskr-lak6; прудовой, болотный, живущий в озёрах] —► limnobius 182 LIMNOBIOLOGIA f (gr. -, piog ,,viatk“, Хбуод „vorbire"), limnobio-logie, biologia organismelor din lacu-rile gi apele stktktoare dulci [limno-biology; Limnobiologie; limnobiolo-gie; limnobioldgia; лимнобиология] 183 LIMNOBIUS, LIMNODOPHILUS, LIMNOGENUS, LIMNOPHILUS (gr. --, • actophilus 228 LITTUS (ORIS) n, mai, malul mkrii sau al lacurilor [sea-shore, beach, bank; Strand, Ufer, Ktiste; cdte, rivage de la mer; tengerpart, part; побережье, берег] 229 LITURATUS — obliteratus 230 LIVENS, LIVESCENS, LIVIDUS 1. Plumburiu, de culoarea surie a plumbului. 2. Albkstrui-suriu [lead-coloured; bleifarbig, blau-grau; cou-leur de plomb, blauatre-gris; 61om-szinu, kdkesszurke; свинцово-серый, свинцовый] -*• plumbeus 231 LIXIVIOSUS -> alcalinus 232 LOBATIO f, lobare, modul de diviziune a organelor foliare in lobi [lobation; Lobation, Lappengliederung; lobation, decoupure; karkjosodks; лопастность] 233 LOBATUS, LOBIFER, LOBI-, LOBO-, -LOBUS, lobat, divizat in lobi (lobocarpus, angustilobus) [lo-bate, lobed, gashed; lappig, gelappt; 1оЬё; karkjos; лопастный] 234 LOBIOLUS m -*• lobulus 235 LOBULATUS, lobulat, prevkzut cu lobi secundari mici [lobulate; klein-lappig; lobule; к1зкагё]08; мелколопастный] 236 LOBULUS m, lobul; lob mic, ca subdiviziune a unui lob [lobule, lo-belet; Lappchen; lobule; кагёрсвка; лопастинка] 237 LOBUS m, lob 1. Unui din segmentele rotunjite gi nu prea adinci ale frunzei lobate. 2. Loja anterei sau locul anterei, conbinind polenul. 3. Lobul stigmatului de care se fixeazk pole- . nul- [lobe; Lappen; lobe; кагё]; лопасть] 238 LOCELLATUS, locelat, divizat in loji secundare mici (antere) [locellate; kleinfkherig; 1осе11ё; гекевгесзкёз, uregecskёs; камеральный] 239 LOCELLUS m, lojk mick, comparti-mentul secundar al unei Ioje (anterk, fruct, ovar) [locellus, small compartment ; Lozellus, kleines Fach; locelle; rekeszecske; камера] 240 LOCOMOTORICUS, locomotor, cu migckri libere [locomotor; lokomo-torisch, freibeweglich; locomoteur; szabadmozgksu; локомоторный] LOCULAMENTUM 241 LOCULAMENTUM ri-^ loculus 242 LOCULATUS, LOCULOSUS, -LO-CULARIS, loculat, cu cavitk[i sau cu loji (bilocularis, multiloculatus) [loculate, locular, -celled; gefkchert, -fkcherig; loculk, loculaire; rekeszes, iireges; гнездчатый, -гнездный] 243 LOCULICIDALIS, LOCULICIDUS, loculicid, care se deschide prin rupere Intr-un loc anumit (capsuld ~) [loculicidal, loculicide; lokulizid, fach-spaltig, fachteilig, riickenspaltig; loculicide ; felhasadd; гнездоразрывной]* 244 lOCULUS m, locul, cavitate mick a unui organ (ovar, anterk) [loculus, cavity; Fach; locule, loge, logette; iireg, rekesz, kamrkcska; гнездо] LOCULUS SPURIUS — spurius* 245 LOCUPLETUS -► copiosus 246 LOCUS m, loc, localitate [place, locality; Ort, Stelle; lieu, place; hely, helys£g; место, местонахождение] LOCO CITATO -*• citatus* 247 LOCUST A f — spicula 248 LODICULA f, lodiculk, scvama re-dusk a inveligului floral al spicule[e-lor, situatk sub stamine (Gramineae) [lodicule; Lodikula, Grasschuppchen, Grasblutenschuppchen; lodicule; lodikula, lepelserte, lepelcsdkevkny, lepelpikkely, pelyvapikkely, toklksz-ka; лодикула, плёночка злаков] —*• glumellula, periphyllum 249 LOGONYMUM n (gr. X6yo? ,,vor-bire“, ovopo ,,nume“), logonim, nu-mele speciei care a devenit tipul genului (Rosa canina pentru genul Rosa) [logonym; Logonym; logonymc; logonim ; догоним] 250 LOGOTYPUS m (gr. -, тияо? „model"), logolip, tipul determinat istoric dintre doua sau mai multe specii originale aflate in colec[ia inijialk (Cook) [logotype; Logotypus; logotype ; logotipus; логотип] 251 LOMATO-, -LOMUS (gr. Ыра, Хйрато? „margine"), marginat (lo-matocarpus, lomatophyllus, stenolo-mus) [marginate-, -bordered; saum-, -saumig; margink; szegklyes; окайм-ленно-, -окаймленный] —*■crasped-, mar-ginatus 252 LOMENTACEUS, LOMENTIFOR-MIS, lomentaceu 1. Asemknktor cu lomenta. 2. Prevkzut cu lomente [lomentaceous; gliedhulsig, glieder-hiilsig, gliedhulsenartig; lomentack; 882 cikkeshiivelyszerti, cikkeshiivelyes; членистый] 253 LOMENTUM n, lomentk, fruct pkstaie care la maturitate se dezarti-culeazk la gttuiri, fragmentele rezul-tate con[inind cite о skminfk (Rap-hanus raphanistrum) [loment; Glied-hiilse, Gliederhulse; gousse lomen-tack; cikkeshuvely, cikkelyes htively; коленчатка, членистый плод] 254 LONCHI-, LONCHO- (gr. Хбухп „lancie") (lonchitis, lonchitiformis, lonchodes, lonchophyllus) —*■ land-, lancealus 255 LONG-, LONGI-, -LONGUS, LON-GUS, lung (longiaristatus, longicau-lis, longicuspis, aequilongus) [long, long-; lang, lang-; long; hosszk; длинно-, длинный] -*■ dolicho- 256 LONGAEVUS, cu via[k lungk, de lungk duratk (skmin[k, germinabili-tate,) [longlived; langlebig, langjkh-rig, langdauernd; vivant longtemps; hosszueletfl; долговечный] 256a LONGIDENS, IONGIDENТА TUS cu din[ii lungi [long-toothed; lang-zahnig; longidentk; hosszkfogu; длиннозубчатый] 257 LONGIDIURNUS, longidiurn, de zi lungk; care in perioada de inflorire necesitk zile luminoase lungi, de 12—14 ore (plante) [of long day; langtkgig; longidiurne; hosszuoappalos; длинно-дневной] 258 LONGIFLORUS, cu flori lungi [long-flowered ; langbliitig; longiflore; hosz-szkvirkgk; длинноцветковый] 259 IONG1FOLIUS, cu frunze lungi [longleaved ; langblkttrig; longifolik; hosz-szulevelii; длиннолистный] 260 LONGIROSTRATUS, LONGIROS-TRIS, lung rostrat [long-beaked; lang-schnabelig; longirostrk; hosszkcsdrfi; длинноклювый] 261 LONGISTYLUS, cu stile lungi de-pkgind staminele [long-styled; lang-griffelig; longistyle; hosszk bibeszalk; длиннопестичный] 262 LONGITUDO f, lungime [lenght j Lange; longueur; hosszkskg; длина] 263 LONGUS -+ long- 264 LOPH-, IOPHO-, -LOPHUS (gr. X6-фос „coamk, smoc de peri") (lophan-thus, lophopterus, polylophus) —*■ co-matus, comosus 265 LQRATUS, LOREUS, LORICEUS. LORIFORMIS, LORI-, loriceu, de 2эа forma unei curele sau panglici cu marginile paralele (lorifolius) [lorate, strap-shaped, strap-, ribbon-; rieme-nartig, riemenfSrmig, riemen-; en la-niSre, rubanS; szijszeru, szalagszerfl, szijas-; ремневидный, ремне-] -*■ hi-manto-, struppi- 266 IQRICA f, loricS, carapacele silicios al celulei (Diatomeae) [lorica; Pan-zerchen, Kieselpanzer; lorique; ldrika; панцирь] 267 LORICATUS loricat, cuirasat; acoperit de un lnveli§ tare [loricate; be-panzert; loriqu£; pancSlos; панцирный] —► cataphractus 268 LOX-, LOXO- (gr. Xo£6<; „oblic, in-clinat“) (loxantherus, loxocarpus) —* oblique-, obliquus 269 LUBRICUS, lunecos (suprafa[a unor Algae) [slippery; schliipfrig; glissant; sikaml6s, sikos; скользкий] 270 LUCENS, LUCIDUS, lucitor, lucios [shining, glistening, polished; leuch-tend, glanzend, schimmernd; luisant, brillant, lustre; f6nyes, f6nyl6; светлый, блестящий, сияющий] —► ful-gens, micans, nitens, -phanus, splen-dens 271 LUCIFUGUS -*■ photophobicus, scia-dophilus 272 LUCUS m 1. PSdurice, cring, dum-brava. 2. Lumini? de pSdure [wood, thicket, glade; Geholz, Hain, Wald-lichtung; foret, bocage, clairiSre; erdd, berek, tisztas; роща, лесок, прогалина] 273 LUMBRICALIS, LUMBRICIFOR-MIS, LUMBRICODES, lumbriciform, de forma rimei (Algae) [lumbricous, worm-shaped; wurmahnlich, regen-wurmformig; lumbriciforme; giliszta-szeru; червеобразный] 274 LUMEN (-INIS) n 1. LuminS. 2. Lumen, cavitate sau vacuolS celularS [lumen, cell-cavity; Zellraum, Hohl-raum, ZellhOhlung; lumen, cavitS cellulaire; lumen, sejtiireg; полость клетки, ячейка] 275 LUMINESCENS, luminescent, care produce luminS rece (Bacteria) [luminescent ; leuchtend; luminescent; vilAgitd; светящийся] —» phospkorescens 276 LUNARIS, LUNATUS, LUNIFOR-MIS, LUNULARIS, LUNULATUS, lunular, semilunar; de forma semiorbi-cularS a discului lunei la Inceputul cre§terii sale [lunated, crescent-shaped, moon-shaped; halbmondfOrmig, mondfOrmig; 1ипё, lunulS, demi-orbi- LYMPHA culaire, en croissant; fSlhold alakii; полулунный, луновидный] —*■ semilunaris, falcatus 277 LURIDUS, lurid, palid galben, des-chis brun [lurid, dingy brown, dingy ellow, dirty brown, drab-brown, smo-y yellow; blaflgelb, fahlgelb, schmu-tziggelb, schmutzigbraun, leichengelb; luride, bleme, jaune-pSle, brun-pSle; barnSssSrga, halvSnysarga, szennyes-barna; грязно-жёлтый, грязно-бурый 278 LUSUS (-US) m, luzus, subunitate sistematicS facultativS a unei forme bazatS mai ales pe varia(ia de culoare, la indivizi izolati, uneori consideratS ca variants patologicS [lusus; Lusus, Spielart; lusus; liizus; лузус] 279 LUTEOLUS, LUTESCENS, LU-TENS, gSlbui, galben deschis (petale la Reseda luteola) [yellowish, pale yellow; gelblich, lehmgelblich, gold-gelblich ; jaunStre, jaune clair ; sSrgSs, vilSgossSrga; желтоватый] 280 LUTEUS, LUTEO-, galben, galben curat, galben auriu, de culoarea gSlbe-nu?ului de ou (florile la Reseda lutea, Gentiana lutea) (luteo-albus, luteofus-cus, luteocarpus) [yellow, deep-yellow, golden-yellow, buttercup-yellow; gelb, reingelb, sattgelb, goldgelb; jaune, jauned’oeuf; sSrga; tisztasarga, aranysarga, ragyogdsSrga, tojSsszinsSrga; жёлтый, золотистожелтый] 281 LUTOSUS, lutos [muddy, miry;leh-mig; luteux; agyagos; иловый, иловатый] 282 LUX (-CIS) f, luminS [light; Licht; lumiSre; f6ny; свет] 283 LUXURIA f, luxurie, cre§tere exu-berantS (luxuria speluncarum luxuria pe§lerilor, la gura carora create adesea о vegeta[ie luxuriantS) [rankness, exuberant growth; Uppigkeit, Uberftil-lung; luxuriance; luxuria, buja nov£s; пьшность] 284 LUXURIANS, LUXURIOSUS, luxuriant, cu cre§tere imbel?ugatS §i viguroasS [luxuriant, luxurious, exuberant ; luxurierend, iippig, wuchemd, schwelgend; luxuriant, luxurieux; lu-xuriSns, bujSn ndvd; пышный, роскошный] 285 LYCOCTONUS (gr. Xukokt6vo? ,,uci-gStor de lupi“), ucigStor de lupi, folosit ca otravS impotriva lupilor (Aconi-tum lycoctonum) [wolf-killing; wolftO-tend, wolfvergiftend; tuent les loups; farkasirtd; убивающий волков] 286 LYMPH A f -*■ succus LYMPHATICU S 287 L YMPHA TICUS — pellucidus, trans-lucens 288 LYRATUS, LYRATI-, LYRI-, (gr. Xupa ,,lirS“), lirat, in formS de lirS; cu lobii rotunjiti, cei inferiori mici §i distan^ati, iar lobul terminal mare (frunzele inferioare la Barbarea vulgaris., Lapsana grandiflora) (lyrati-folius, lyratilobatus, lyriformis, lyri-folius) [lyrate, lyre-shaped; leierfSr-mig, leier-; lyr6, lyriforme; lantos, lantszerO, lant alakii; лирообразный] 289 LYSENCHYMA n (gr. Moic „dizol-vare“, Syxupa „umpIuturS"), lizen-chim, tesut patologic format In urma lizSrii unor celule (In cecidologie) [lysenchyma; Lysenchym; lysenchy-me; lizenchima; лизеюсима] 290 LYSICARPUS (gr. -, карлбд „carpels"), lizicarpic, cu carpelele necon-crescute cu columna centrals a ova-rului, care rSmine unilocular §i cu placentafie axilarS-centralS (gineceu) 224 [lysicarpous; lysikarpisch; lysicarpe; lizikSrp; лиэикарпный] 291 LYSIGENUS (gr. -, yewd» „a se na^te"), lizigen, rezultat in urma li-zSrii sau a lichefierii unor celule (la-cunS) [lysigenous; lysigen; lysigSne; lizigSn,cfelold6dSsb61 szSrmazd; лизигенный] 292 LYSINUM n (gr. -), lizinS, substanfS care cauzeazS lizarea celulelor [lysin; Lysine; lysine; lizin; лизин] 293 LYSIS f (gr. -), lizare, lichefierea sau dizolvarea unor celule sub ac(iunea lizinelor [loosing, lysis; Aufldsung; dissolution ; lizis, feloldddSs; лизис, распад] 294 -LYTICUS (gr.-), -litic, de lizare (amylolyticus, hystolyticus) [-lytic, decomposing; -lytisch, auflosend; -ly tique, dgcomposant; -litikus, feloldd; -литический]—► -clasticus м 1 М, MIHI (dativul pron. ego „ей"), al meu, (descris) de mine 1. Imi apar[ine mie, autorului prezentei pu-blicatii. 2. Li ter a sau cuvint a§ezat dupd numele taxonului nou creat semnaleaza ей acel taxon a fost descris de catre insu§i autorul lucrfirii [by me (described); durch mich (be-schrieben); la mienne, (d6crite) par moi-meme; епуёт, dltalam (leirva); мой, (описанный) мною] 2 MACE RATIO f, maceratie, operajia de dizolvare chimicd a substanjelor intercelulare solubile din {esuturile plantelor [maceration, steeping; Ma-zeration, Murbmachen, Weichma-chung; тасёгаЫоп ; macerdcid, porha-nyitas, puharaaztatas; мацерация, разрушение] 3 MACR-, MACRO- (gr. paicpdg ,,lung“, ,,mare“), lung, mare (macracanthus, macradenius, macrodiscus, macroporus) [long-, large; lang-, grofl-; long, large, grand; hosszii-, nagy-; крупно-, длинно-] 4 MACRANDRICUS, MACRAN-DRUS (gr. -, dvqp, avSpdg „bfirbat"), macrandric, cu stamine lungi [long-stamened; langfadig; a dtamines longues; hosszii porzdjii; крупнотычин- КОВЫЙ] 5 MACRANTHUS (gr. -, fivOog „floare"), cu flori mari [large-flowered; groflbliitig; d fleurs grandes; nagy-virdgii; длинноцветковый] 6 MACROCARPUS (gr. -, карябд „fruct"), cu fructe mari [large-fruited; groflfruchtig; a fruits grands; nagy-termdsu; длинноплодный] 7 MACROAEROPHILUS (gr. -, dqp „aer", tpiXi© „a iubi"), macroaerofii, care necesitfi mult oxigen (bacterie) [macroaerophilous; makroaerophil; macroadrophile; sok oxigdnt kedveld; макроаэрофильный] 8 MACROANDROSPORA f (gr. -, dvfip, dv5pdg „bdrbat", arcopd ,,sdm!nt&“), macroandrospor, macrospor cu func[ii mascule (Selaginella) [macroandro-spore; Makroandrospore; macroandro-spore; makroandrospdra; макроандро-cnopa] 9 MACROAPLANOGAMETA f (gr. -, a ,,nu“, nXavog „rfitdcitor", уарётцд ,,so[ie“), macroaplanogamet, aplano-gamet femel (Conjugatae) [macroapla-nogamete; Makroaplanogamet; macro-aplanogamdte; makroaplanogamdta; макроапланогамета] 10 MA CROA PL A NO SPOR A NGIU M n (gr. —, опора ,,sfim!n[d“, dyyefov ,,vas“), macroaplanosporange, spo-range cu macroaplanospori (Thaxter) [macroaplanosporangium; Makroa-planosporangium; macroaplanosporange; makroaplanospordngium; мак-роапланоспорангий] 11 MACROAPLANOSPORA f (gr. —), macroaplanospor, aplanospor de dimensiuni mari (Compsopogon) (Thaxter) [macroaplanospore; Makroapla-nospore; macroaplanospore; makro-aplanospdra; макроапланоспора] 12 MACRORIOCARPIA f (gr.-, piog „via^d", карядд „fruct"), macrobio-carpie, persisten^a fructelor pe plantd timp de mai mul(i ani dupa maturi-tatea semin[elor (Myrtaceae) (Del-phino) [macrobiocarpy; Makrobiokar-pie; macrobiocarpie; makrobiokdrpia; макробиокарпия] 13 MACRORIOTICUS (gr.-), macrobiotic, cu duratd lungd de viafd (stig-mat) [long-lived; langlebend, langle-big; macrobiotique; hosszii dletfi; долговечный] 14 MACROBLASTUS m (gr. -, pXaoxdg „lfistar"), macroblast, lujer cu inter-nodii lungi §i cu cre§tere normalfi, la plantele lemnoase (Hartig) [macroblast; Langtrieb, Dehnsprofl; macro-blaste; hossziihajtds, nyiiltszdrtagii hajtds; макробласт] MACROCARP VS P 15 MACROCARPUS (gr. -, каряб£ ,,fruct“), cu fructe lungi sau mari [large-fruited; langfriichtig, groflfruch-tig; macrocarpe; hosszii termdsQ, nagy termdsfi; крупноплодный] 16 MACROCLIMA n (gr. к\1ра ,,cli-md“), macroclimd, climatul general al unei regiuni [macroclimate; Makro-klima, GroQklima; macroclimat; ma-kroklima; макроклимат] 17 MACROCON1DIUM n (gr. KdviSiov ,,praf“), macroconidie, conidie mare, izolatd, purtatd de un conidiofor ( Peronosporaceae ) [macroconidium; Makrokonidium; macroconidie; raa-krokonidium; макроконидия] 18 MACROCYSTA f, MACROCYST IS f (gr. wCkjtic ,,pungd“), macrocist, por(iunea rotunjitd a plasmodiului tfndr, cu nuclei cuprin§i In membrand dubld, aflatd in stare de spor de re-zislen[d (Botrydium) [macrocyst; Mak-rozyst; macrocyste; makrociszta, ki-tartdsejt; макроциста] 19 MACRODIODA t (gr. 8lo8o<; ,,tre-cere“) —» macrospora 20 MACRODIODANGIUM n (gr. ~, dy-yelov ,,vas“) —*■ macrosporangium 21 MACROEVOLUTIO f (gr. -, lat. evo-lutio „evolujie"), macroevolujie, filo-genia unitd(ilor sistematice superioare speciei (Goldschmidt) [macroevolution ; Makroevolution; macrodvolu-tion; makroevolucid; макроэволюция] 22 MACROGAMETA f (gr. -, уар£тт|€ ,^so[ie“), macrogamet, garnet feme! [macrogamete; Makrogamet; macro-gamdte; makrogameta, n6i ivarsejt, petesejt; макрогамета] —» gynoga-meta, megalogameta 23 MACROGAMETANGIUM n (gr.-, dyyetov ,,vas“), macrogametangiu, or-ganul in care se forraeazd gametii femeli [macrogametange; Makroga-metangium; macrogamdtange; makro-gametangium; макрогаметангий] —► gy no gametangium 24 MACROGAMETOCYTIS, -IDISi{gr.-- kutu; ,,cutie“), macrogametocit, celula mamd amacrogametului [macrogameto-cyte; Makrogametozyt; macrogametc-cyte; makrogametocita; макрогаметоцит] 25 MA С ROGA ME TO PH Y TON n (gr.-, q>6rov „plantd"), macrogametofit 1. Gametofit femel. 2. Sac embrionar (Antkophyta) [macrogametophyte; Makrogametophyt; macrogamdtophy-te; makrogametofita; макрогамето-фит] —*■ megagametophyton V . " '26 MACROGAM1A f (gr. -, ydpoc „СЙ-e&torie"), macrogamie, hologamie; izo-gamie prin copularea a doud celule neciliate pe calea formdrii uncr canale copulative sau a resorbfiei membra-nelor celulare [macrogamy, hologamy; Makrogamie, Hologamie; macrogamie, hologamie; makrogdmia, holo-gdmia; макрогамия, гологамия] —*■ hologamia 27 MACROCONIDIUM n (gr.-, y6vo? ,,urma§“), macrogonidie, gonidie mare (Algae) ; macrogonidium; Makro-gonidium; macrogonidie; makrogo-nidium; макрогонидия] -* megalogo-nidium 28 MACROG YNOSPORA t (gr.-, yuvp-,,femeie“, опора „sfimlnjd"), macro-ginospor, spor femel mare (Selaginella) (Janet) [macrogynospore; Makrogy-nospore; macrogynospore; makrogi-nospdra; макрогиноспора] 29 MACROMUTATIO t [gr.-, lat. mutatio ,,schimbare“), macromuta[ie, mutatie cu efectul modificdrii unui mare' numdr de caractere [macromutation ; Makromutation; macromutation; makromutdci6; макромутация] 30 MACROMYIOPHILUS [gr.-, pula „mused", „а iubi"), macre-miofil, polenizat prin diptere mari [macromyiophilous; makromyiophil; macromyiophile; makromiofil; макромиофильный] 31 MACRONUCLEUS m (gr. -, lat. nucleus ,,sdmin(d“), macronucleu, nucleu vegetativ mare (Ciliatae) [macronucleus; GroOkern; macronucleus; makronukleusz, nagy sej'tmag; макронуклеус] —*■ meganucleus 32 MACROPHYLLOGENESIS t (gr. macroevolutio 33 MACROPHYLLUM n (gr. -), macro-iilum, frunzd mare (Pteridophytae) [macrophyllum; GroOblatt; macrop-phyllum; makrofillum; макрофилл] 34 MACROPHYLLUS (gr. -), cu frunze mari [large-leaved; groBbldttrig; a feuilles grandes; nagyleveld; крупнолистный] 35 MACROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, so[ie“), macroplanogamet, planogamet femel de dimensiuni mai mari [macroplano-gamete; Makroplanogamet; macro-planogamdte; makroplanogamdta; макропланогамета] 39 MACROPLASTA n pi (gr. -, nXaazbq ,,modelat“), macroplaste, plastide dis-ciforme mari (Bacterium rubescens) [macroplastes; Makroplasten; macropl-astes; makroplasztiszok; макроппасты] 40 MACROPLEUSTON n (gr. -, nkeoa-тгкдд ,,navigabil“), macropleuston, ansamblul plantelor superioare care plutesc liber in ape (Lemna, Utricu-laria) [macropleuston; Makropleus-ton; macropleuston; makropleuszton; макроплеустон] 41 MACROPROTHALLIUM n (gr. -, ярд „pentru", 0<Шю<; „germen"), macroprotal, gametofitul femel (Se-laginella) [macroprothallium; Makro-prothallium; macroprothalle; makro-protdllium, ndeldtelep; макропро-таллиум] 42 MA CROP Y CNIDIUM n (gr.-, яик-vd$ ,,dens“), macropicnidie, picnidie mare [macropycnid; Makropyknidie; macropycnidie; makropiknidium; ма-кропикнида] —*■ stjlospora 43 MA CROP Y CNOCON1DIV M n (gr. --, k6vi5iov ,,praf“), macropicnoco-nidie, conidie cu macropicnidii (Deu-teromycetes) [macropycnoconidium; Makropyknokonidium; macropycno-conide; makropiknokonidium; макропикноконидия] 44 MACROPYCNOSPORA f (gr.--, cnopd „s&mint&“), macropicnospor, picnospor mare (Fungi) [macropyc-nospore; Makropyknospore; macropyc-nosporie; makropiknospdra; макропикноспора] 45 MACRORRHIZVS (gr.-, № ,,r&-dScinS"), cu rSdScini mari [large- MACROSPOROGENESIS rooted; groflwurzelig; a racines gran-des; nagygydkerti; крупнокорневой] 46 MACROSCLEREIDAE f pi (gr.-окХт|рдд ,,dur“), macrosclereide, scle-reide mari, cilindrice §i alungite din scoarfa arborilor, pericarpul unor fructe etc. (Tschirch) [macrosclereids; Makrosklereiden, Stabzellen; macro-scldrdidcs; makroszklereiddk; макро-склереиды] 47 MACROSCOPICUS (gr. -, окопе© „a vedea“), macroscopic, vSzut cu ochiul liber [macroscopic; makrosko-pisch; macroscopique; makroszkdpi-kus, szabad szemmel vizsgdlt; макроскопический] 48 MACROSESTON n (gr. -, от|отд<; „cernut"), macroseston, seston cu dimensiuni mai mari [macroseston; Makroseston; macroseston; makro-szeszton; макросестон] 49 MACROSOMA n (gr. -, ofiga ,,corp“), macrozom, granule mare din citoplasmS [macrosome; Makro-som; macrosome; makroszdma; макросома] —*■ megasoma 50 MACROSPECIES f (gr. -, lat. species „specie"), macrospecie, specie colectivS politipicS, cuprinzind micro-specii [macrospecies; Groflart; macrospecies ; makrospeciesz, nagyfaj; макроспециес, сборный вид] —► species collectiva 51 MACROSPORA f (gr. -, опора ,,sS-min[S“), macrospor 2. Spor femel, formind la germinare un protal (Pteridophytae). 2. Sac embrionar (Anthophytae) [macrospore, embryo-sac; Makrospore, GroBspore, Lang-spore, Embryosack; macrospore, sac embryonnaire; makrospdra, embrio-zsdk; макроспора, зародьппевый мешочек] —*■ megaspora, macrodioda, gy-nospora 52 MACROSPORANGIUM n (gr. --, dyyetov ,,vas“), macrosporange 2. Sporange cu macrospori. 2. Nucela ( Phanerogamae) [macrosporangium; Makrosporangium, GroBsporenbehSl-ter; macrosporange; makrospordngi-um, makrospdratartd, anyaspdratartd; макроспорангий] —► megasporangium, macrodiodangium, oophoridium 53 MACROSPOROCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr. --, кип? „cutie") -► megasporocytis 54 MACROSPOROGENESIS f (gr.--, ykveoiq „origine"), !macrosporogenezd, formarea macrosporilor [macrosporo-genese; Makrosporogenese, Makro- MA CROSPOROGONA RJ UM sporenbildung; macrosporogendse; makrospdra-keletkezds; макроспоро-генеэ] —» gynosporogenesis, megasporo-genesis 55 MA CROSPOROGONA RIUM n (gr. ydvog ,,urma§“), macrosporogona-riu, organ in care se formeazd gono-tocontii [macrosporogonarium; Ma-krosporogonarium; macrosporogonarium ; makrosporogondrium; макро-спорогоыариум] 56 MACROSPOROPHORUM n (gr. Форёш „a purta"), macrosporofor, suportui macrosporilor [macrosporo-phore; Makrosporentrdger; macrospo-rophore; makrosporofdrum; макро-спорофор] 57 MACROSPOROPHYLLUM n (gr. —, puXXov „frunzd"), macrosporofUd. 1. Sporofild cu macrosporangii (Cryp-togamae). 2. Carpeld (Phaneroga-mae) [macrosporophyll, carpel; Ma-krosporophyll, Fruchtblatt, Samen-blatt; macrosporophylle, carpelle; makrosporofillum, termolevdl; макроспорофилл, плодолистик] -»mega-sporophyllum 58 MAC ROST YLOS PORA t (gr.-, oxO-Xog „coloand", -), macrostilospor, sti-lospor mare [macrostylospore; Ma-krostylospore; macrostylospore; ma-krostilospdra; макростилоспора] 59 MACROSTYLUS (gr.-), macro-stil, cu stile lungi (specii polimorfe) [macrostylous, long-styled; langgrif-felig, grossgriffelig; macrostyle; hosz-szii bibeszdld; длинностолбиковый]-» dolichostylus 60 MACROSYMRIONTON n (gr. -, copfhdfi) „a trdi impreund"), ma-crosimbiont, partenerul mai mare dintre simbionji [macrosymbiont; Makrosymbiont; macrosymbionte; makroszimbionta; макросимбионт] 61 MACROTHERMOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, 0ёрцг| „cdldurd", фитбу „plantd"), macrotermofite, plante tropi-cale [tropical plants; Tropenpflanzen; plantes tropicales; forrddgovi nove-nyek; макротермофиты, тропические растения] 62 MACROZOOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, Cffiov „animal", ydvog ,,urma§"), macrozoogonidie, zoogonidie mare, format mai ales la germinarea unui oocist (Oedogonium, Ulothrix) [ma-crozoogonidium, macrozoospore; Ma-krozoogonidium, Makrozoospore; macrozoogonidie, macrozoospore; ma-krozoogonidium, makrozoospdra; ма- 898 крозоогонидий, макрозооспора] -»ma- crozoospora, megazoospora 63 MACROZOOS PORA I (gr. ~, апорй ,,sdmint&“) -*■ maerozoogonidium 64 MACULA f, maculd, patd [fleck, patch, spot, bloth; Fleck, Makel; macule, tache; folt, petty; макула, пятно, пятнышко] MACULA GERM IN A TIVA -> chalaza MACULA HI LA RIS -» chalaza 65 MACULATIO f, maculate, pdtare foliard (In patologie) [maculation; Befleckung; maculation; foltossdg, pettyezettsdg; пятнистость] 66 MACULATUS, MACUL-, MACU-LATI-, MACULI-, -MACULATUS, maculat, pdtat (maculanthus, macu-latifolius, maculicolus, argenteima-culatus) [spotted, blotched, mottled, maculate, spot-; fleckig, befleckt, gefleckt-; maculd, tachd, tachetd; foltos, pettyes; пятнистый] —*■ spi-lotus, pantherinus, naevius 67 MADEFACTUS, umezit, umectat [wetted, moistened, soaked; befeuch-tet; humectd, mouilld; nedvesitett; увлажнённый] 68 MADIDUS, umed, apdtos, jilav [damp, wet, moist; feucht, naB, wasserreich; humide; nedves, nyir-kos; влажный] 69 MADOR m, umezeald, umiditate [moisture, wetness, moistness; Nasse, Feuchtigkeit; humeur, humiditd; nedvessdg; влага] 70 MAEANDRIFORMIS, meandri-form, labirintiform, sinuos, §erpuitor [meander-shaped, sinuous, winding; labyrinthisch, geschlangelt; mdan-driforme, labyrinthiforme, sinueux; kanyargds, labirintusszeru; излучины, лабиринто - образный] —► labyrinthi-formis 71 MAGNETOTROPISMUS m (gr. twtyvng „magnet", Tponf| „curbare"), magnetotropism, tropism indus de forfe magnetice [magnetotropism; Magnetotropismus; magndtotropisme; magnetotropizmus; магнетотропизм] 72 MAGNI-, MAGNUS, mare (magni-florus, magnispathus, aequimagnus) [large, great, big; groB; grand; nagy; крупный, большой] —► grandi-, mega- 73 MAGNITUDOI, mdrime [size; GrdBe; grandeur; nagysdg; величина] 299 74 MAL-, MALACO- (gr. цаЯакбд „moaIe“), moale (malacanthus, mala-cophyllus) [soft-; weich-; mou; №{fy-» puha-; мягко-, мягкий] 75 MALACOGAMUS (gr. poXdiciov ,,moluscS“, ydpoc ,,cSsStorie“), mala-cogam, polenizat prin infermediul melcilor (Lemnaceae) [malacogaraous, fertilized by snails; schneckenbliitig; malacogame, pollinisd par les escargots; csigak utjan porzddd; малако-гамный, опыляемый улитками] —> та-lacophilus 76 MALACOPHILAE f pi (gr. -, mala-cogamus 78 MALEOLENS, puturos, cu miros neplScut (Chenopodium vulvaria) [stinking; iibel, iibelriechend, schlecht-riechend; puant; biidds, kelle-metlen szagu; вонючий, зловонный] 79 MALI- (lat-malus ,,mSr“), referitor la mSr (malifer, malifolius) [apple-; apfel-; de pomme; alma-; яблоко-] 80 MALIFORMIS, maliform, de forma comprimat globuloasS a mSrului [apple-shaped; apfelfdrmig; malifor-me; alma alaku; яблоковидный] 81 MALLEATUS, MALLEIFER, MALLEOLATUS, de forma ciocanu-lui [hammer-shaped; hammerfdrmig; ressemblant a un maillet; kalapScs-szeril; молотковидный] 82 MALLEOLUS m, buta? [layer, cutting, slip; Absenker, Ableger; mal-1ёо1е, bouture; bdjtds, biijtdag, dug-vSny; отводок] 83 -MALLUS (gr. paXAos ,,buclS“) 1. Cu directia spre, orientat spre. 2. Cu smoc (homomallus, heteromallus, chrysomallus) [spreading, directed to, floccose; gerichtet nach, zottig; di-rigd vers, floconneux; irdnyuld, boly-hos; направленный, клочковатый] 84 MALUM n, mSr (fructul) [apple; Apfel; pomme; alma; яблоко] 85 MALUS, rSu, gre§it, eronat (figura mala figurS gre?itS) [bad, erroneous; schlecht, irrtiimlich; mauvais, еггопё; rossz, tSves; плохой] 86 MAM ILL A f, MAMMILA f, MAM-MULA f, mamelS, proeminentS micS §i mameliformS (pe peretii celulelor MANUSCRIPTUM unor Bryophyta, pe filocladiile unor Cactaceae) [nipple, prominence, teat; Mamille, Brustwarze, kleine Erhd-hung; mamelle, petite ргоёттепсе; kidudorodas, dudor; сосочек, выступ] 87 MAMILLA RIS, MAMILLIFOR-MIS, MA MMIFORMIS, mamelar, in formS de mamelon [nipple-shaped; brustwarzenformig; mamillaire; csecs alakii, csecsbimboszeru; сосочкообразный] —*tkelodes 88 MAMILLATUS, MA MILLIFER, MAMMOSUS, -MAMMUS, mame-lat, cu mici excrescente rotunjite (latimammus) [mamillate; brustwar-zig; татШё; csecsbimbos; с сосочками] —*■ thele-, -thelis, thelephorus 89 MANCUS, incomplet, cu lipsuri (descriptio manca descriere incompletS) [deficient, defective, imperfect, wanting; mangelhaft, unvollstSndig; incomplet, insuffisant; hiSnyos, cson-ka; недостаточный] 90 MANESCENS (maneo ) —*■ persis-tens, remanens 91 MANIFESTUS, manifest, evident, vSdit, frapant, bine vizibil [manifest, evident, apparent, clearly visible; deutlich, augenfallig; manifeste, Evident; nyilvanvald, szembetnnd, szembedtld; явственный, явный] 92 MANIPULARIS —» fascicularis 93 MANNA f, manS, exudate solidi-ficatS (Fraxinus ornus) [manna; Manna; manne; manna; манна] 94 MANTISSA f, mantisS, comple-tare, supliment (ca titlu de carte, J. G. Baumgarten: Mantissa prima et indices, 1846) [makeweight, supplement; ErgSnzung, Nachtrag; supp-tement; pdtlek, kiegSszitSs; дополнение] 95 MANUALE (-IS) n, manual, carte de minS [handbook; Handbuch; manuel; kёzikдnyv; руководство] 96 MANUBRIATUS, manubriat, prevSzut cu un organ in formS de miner (retinaculul la Orchidaceae) [manu-briate; behandhabt; manubriS; nye-les, markolatos; с рукояткой] 97 MANUBRIUM n, manubriu, celulS cilindric alungitS din peretele ante-ridiei, indreptatS spre centrul ace-steia (Characeae) [manubrium; Manubrium, Handgriff; manubrium; manubrium; манубриум, рукоятка] 98 MANUSCRIPTUM n, manuscris [manuscript; Handschrift; manu-scrit; kSzirat; рукопись] MARASMUS 99 MARASMUS m -» mareor 100 MARCESCENS (marcesco), marcescent, care se usucd pe tulpind fdrd sd cadd (fructe, frunze) [marcescent, withering, witting, fading; verwel-kend, welkend, hlnwelkend; marcescent ; elsz&radd, rajtasz&radd, dtte-lelden elszdradd; увядающий, завядающий] 101 MARCIDUS, marcid, vestejit, ofi-lit [withered, wilted, shrunk; welk, verwelkt; fldtri, fand; hervadt; вялый, увядший] —» languidus 102 MARCOR m, ofilire, vestejire [welting, fading; Verwelken; fldtrissure, fldtrissement; hervadtsdg, fonnyadt-sdg; увядание] 103 MARE (-RIS) n, marea (supra mare deasupra nivelului mdrii; Mare Infe-rum Marea Tireniand; Mare Nostrum Marea Mediteraneand; Mare Superum Marea Adriaticd) [sea; Meer; mer; tenger; море] 104 MARGARITACEUS, MARGARI-TATUS, MARGARITIFER, mar-garitaceu, de forma perlei [pearly, pearl-like; margaritenartig, perlenar-tig; margaritacd, perld; gydngy-szerfi; жемчужный] —► perlarius 105 MARGINALIS, marginal, aflat la marginea unui organ (coastd, cortind, nervurd, placenta[ie) [marginal; rand-stdndig; marginal; szdlsd, szegdlyi, oldalfekvdsG; маргинальный, краевой] 106 MARGINANS (margino), marginant, de margine; care mdrgine§te un organ [margining, bordering; randend, um-randend; bordant; szegdlyezd; обрамляющий] 107 MARGINATUS, MARGI-, MARGIN I-, -MARGINATUS, marginat, cu marginile mai ingro§ate sau de culoare deosebitd (frunzd) (margi-nervius, marginicidalis, aureo-margi-natus) [marginate, margined, bordered, broad-brimmed, -edged; beran-det, gerandet, gerandert, gesaumt, rand-, -randig; margind, bordd; sze-gdlyes, szegdlyezett, karimds, szdle-zett, -szegёlyй; окаймлённый, отороченный] —» crasped-, lomato- 108 MARGO f, margine (ad margines rioulorum, viarum et silvarum la marginea riurilor, drumurilor §i a pddu-rilor) [margin, edge, brim; Rand, Saum; bord, marge, rebord; sze-gdly, dl, ez61, karima; опушка, край, кайма]* 800 109 MARINUS, marin, care crefte tn mare (Algae) [marine; meerbewoh-nend; marin; tengeri, tengerben 616; морской] 110 MARITIMUS, maritim, care create pe marginea mdrii (plantd) [maritime; strandbewohnend; maritime; ten-gerparti, tengermelldki; приморский] —* tkalassicus, aequoreus 111 MARMORATUS, MARMOREUS, MARMORO-, marmorat, cu pana-furd asemdndtoare vinelor marmorei (frunzd, fruct) (marmorophyllus) [marbled, variegated; marmoriert, marmorartig; marbrd; mdrvdnyeres, tarka; мраморный] 112 MARSUPIUM n, marsupiu, organ saciform la extremitatea ramurilor, care poartd arhegoanele (Hepaticae) [marsupium, fruiting receptacle; Fruchtbeutel, Fruchtsack; marsupium ; marszGpium, archegdnium-zacskd; защитная сумка] 113 MAS, MASCULINUS, MASCU-LUS, MASCULI-, mascul, bdrbd-tesc, prevdzut cu stamine (floare) (masculiflorus) [male, staminate; mdnnlich, staubgefdOtragend ; mdle masculin, stamind; him, porzds; мужской, тычиночный] 114 MASS A f, masd, aglomerarea unor corpusculi omologi !ntr-un corp compact [mass, lump; Майе; masse; massza, tdmeg; масса, комочек] MASS A POLLINICA — massula, pollinarium, pollinium* 115 MASSULA f, masuld, grdmdjoard de microspori cuprinfi intr-o masd mucilaginoasd (Hydropteridales, Azol-la, Orchidaceae); masd polinicd sau de spori [massula, microspore-mass; Massula, Klumpchen, Mikrosporen-maBe; massule, masse de microspores; masszula, mikrospdra-tdmeg; массула, микроспорная масса] -» pollinarium, pollinium ИГб MA S TIC A TIO f, mestecare, roadere [chewing, gnaw; Kauen; mdchement, rongement; rdgds; жевание] 117 MASTIGO- (gr. uaoTi£, jubmyog ,,bici“), cu flagel (mastigophyllus, mas-tigosporus) [whip-, flagellate; gei-flel-; flagellifdre, en fouet; ostoros-ostor-; биче-, плете-] 118 MASTIGODESMOSIS f (gr. -, 8eopd? „legdturd"), mastigodesmozd, legdtura find dintre mastigozomii aparatului cinetic (Flagellatae) [mastigodesmose; 801 Mastigodesmose; mastigodesmose; masztigodeszmdzis; мастигодесмоз] 119 MASTIGONEMATA n pi (gr. vf||ia ,,fir“), mastigoneme, prelungiri apicale sau laterale fine ale flageli-lor (Phytoflagellatae) [mastigonemes; Mastigonemen; mastigondmes; masz-tigonemSk; мастигонемы] 120 MASTIGOSOMA n (gr. cffipa ,,corp“), mastigozom, corpuscul la baza flagelului (Flagellatae) [masti-gosome; Mastigosom; mastigosome; masztigoszdma; мастигозома] —*■ ble-pharoplastum 121 MATAEONYMUM n (gr. цйтою? ,,inutil“, ovopa ,,nume“), mateonim, nume superfluu in nomenclature [mataeonym; Mateonym, iiberfliis-siger Name; matdonyme; mateonim, felesleges ndv; матеоним] —► nomen superfluum, nomen hypertelicum 122 MATRICALIS, matrical, maternal [motherly; mtitterlich; maternel; anyai; материнский] CELLULA MATRICALIS, celula mamS, care prin diviziune formeazS celule fice [mother-cell; Mutterzelle; cellule mdre; anyasejt; материнская клетка] 123 MATRIX f, matrice 1. Substrat (Fungi, Lichenes). 2. Strat germinativ. 3. Substanja care acoperS cro-monema In timpul diviziunii nucleare (Sharp). 4. CalimS (Heitz). 5. Hia-lonemS (Fujii) [matrix, substrate, germ-layer, calymma, hyalonema; Matrix, Mutterboden, MuttermaBe, Keimschicht, Chromonemahulle; matrice, couche germinative, calymme, hyalonema; aljzat, csirdzd rdteg, kalimma, hiSlondma; матрица, субстрат, заподышевый ярус, гиалонема] —у calymma, hyalonema 124 MATROCLINIA f (lat. mater „mamS", gr. kXiv© „a se inclina"), matroclinie, predominant carac-terelor maternale, la hibrizi [matro-cliny; Matroklinie; matroclinie; ma-troklinia; матроклиния] —*• metroclinia 125 MATURATIO f, maturate 1. Pe-rioada de coacere a fructelor. 2. Stadiul capacit&tii reproductive a staminelor, a semintelor [maturation, ripening; Reifen, Reifezeit, Reif-werden, Reifezeichen; maturation, aodtement; magdrds, termdsdrds, drdsi iddpont; созреванйе] 126 MATURESCENS (maturesco), ma-turescent, In curs de maturate [ripe- MEDIAS TIN UM ning; reifend; mdrissant; drlelddd; созревающий] 127 MATU RITAS f, maturitate, starea de completS dezvoltare (a plantelor, fructelor, semin[elor) [maturity, ripeness; Reife; maturitd; drettsdg; зрелость, спелость] 128 MATURUS, matur, copt, complet dezvoltat [mature, ripe; reif; mdr, aodtd; drett; созревший, зрелый] 129 MATUTINALIS, MATUTINUS, matinal, care se deschide diminea(a (floare) [matutinal; morgendlich, mor-genbliihend; matinal; korareggeli; утренний] 130 MAXILLARIS, MAXILLIFOR -MIS, maxiliform, de forma maxilei [maxillar-shaped; kinnbackenformig; maxilliforme; Sllkapocsszerfi; челюстевидный] 131 MAZAEDIUM n (gr. pdCa „pastS"), mazediu, capili[iu la sporulajia liche-nilor, in care se prind ascosporii eliberaji din asce (Caliciaceae) [ma-zaedium; Mazaedium; mazaedium; mazedium; мазедий] 132 MEATUS (-US) m, meat, mici spatii goale [meatus; Raum; meat; uregecske, k6z; проход] 133 MECHANICUS, mecanic, de soli-ditate [mechanical; mechanisch; md-canique; mechanikai, szilSrditd; механический] CONTEXTUS MECHANICUS — collenchyma 134 MECHANOMORPHOSIS f (gr. pqxavf) „mecanism", p6p macrosporocytis MEGASPOROGENESIS f (gr. ~, ye-veai? „origine") —*■ macrosporogenesis MEGASPOROPHYLLUM n (gr. rs5- mintS“), merispor, uredospor independent, putind da na§tere unui pro-miceliu [merispore; Merispore; тёп-spore; merispdra; мериспора] 199 MERISTEMA n (gr. рерюхб^ „divi- zibil"), meristem, |esut initial, for- mativ, embrionar sau meristematic, cu mare capacitate de multiplicare, for mind tesuturi definitive [meristem, nascent tissue; Meristem, Teilungs-gewebe, Bildungsgewebe, Embryonal-gewebe; mSristfeme, tissu тёпв1ёта-tique; oszt6d6sz6vet, kSpz6sz6vet; меристема, образовательная ткань] —*■ desmogenum* 200 MERISTEMA TICUS (gr. -), meristematic, multiplicativ (celulS, tesut) i care apartine meristemului [meristematic; meristematisch, teilungsfShig; mSristSmatique; merisztematikus, osz-t6dd; мернстематический] 201 ME RIS TOGENE TICUS {gr.-, yeve-тле ,,nSscut“), meristogenetic, rezultat din inmultirea unei singure celule sau portiune de hifS (picnidia la Pjioma) [meristogenetic; meristogene-tisch; mSristogSne; merisztogenetikus; меристогенетический] 908 202 MERISTROPHE f (gr. pepiCffi „a se diviza", «rrpoqrfi ,,rotire“), meristrofe, orientarea cromatoforilor cdtre latura superioard §i inferioard a celulei (Just) [meristrophe; Meristrophe; mdristro-phe; merisztrofe; меристрофе] 203 MER1THALLUS m (gr.Oattdg „ldstar") —+ internodium 204 MEROBLASTICUS (gr. pXootdg „germen"), meroblastic, care numai partial ia parte la formarea celulelor (embriogenezd) [meroblastic; mero-blastisch; meroblastique; meroblaszti-kus; меробластический] 205 MEROCONIDIUM n (gr. k6vi5iov „praf"), meroconidie, conidie rezultat d din septarea succesivd a unei hife (Zygomycetes) [meroconidium; Mero-konidium; mdroconidie; merokoni-dium; мероконндия] 206 MEROGAMIA f (gr. рёрод „parte", yajiog „cdsdtorie") —*■ microgamia 207 MEROGENESIS I (gr. yeveotg ,,na§tere“) -*■ segmentatio 208 MEROGONIA f (gr. yovn ,,urma§“), merogonie, fecundarea unui fragment nucleat din oosferd (Delage) [mero-gony; Merogonie; merogonie; mero-gdnia; мерогония] 209 MEROMORPHOSIS f (gr. popcpo-oig ,,formare“), meromorfozd, rege-nerarea numai par^iald a organului pierdut [meromorphosis; Meromorpho-se; mdromorphose; meromorfozis, resz-leges regeneralodas; мероморфоз] 210 MEROPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХоуктод „rdtdcitor"), meroplancton, plancton sezonier (Forel) [meroplankton, sea-sonal-plankton; Meroplankton; meroplancton; meroplankton, szezonalis plankton; меропланггон] 211 MEROTOMIA t (gr. -, тбрр „tdiere"), merotomie, fragmentarea celulei sau a organismului, rezultlnd §i pdr[i nenucleate [merotomy; Merotomie; mdrotomie; merotdmia; меротомия] 212 MEROTYPUS m (gr. -, ximog „model") , merotip, exemplar obfinut pe cale de lnmul[ire vegetativd din tipul original de culturd (Swingle) [mero- . type; Merotypus; mdrotype; mero-tipus; меротип] 213 MES-, ME SO- (gr. pdoog „de mijloc"), median, aflat la mijloc (mesochlorus, mesodiscalis) [medial, placed in the middle; mittel-, mittler; de milieu, mddian; kdzdp-, kdzdpi, kOzdpen; средне-, средний] MESOCOLLA 214 MESARCHICUS (gr.-, dpx^ „ln-ceput"), mezarhic 1. Aflat Intre fas-cicolele de vase. 2. Partial centripetal ?i partial centrifugal [mesarch; mes-arch; mdsarche; mezarchikus; мезар-хический] 215 MESENCHYMA n (gr. -, dyyupa „umpluturd"), mezenchim, [esutul саге separd xilemul de floem (Clements) [mesenchym; Mesenchym, Fullgewebe; mdsenchyme; mezenchima; мезенхима] 216 MESENDOBIOTICUS (gr. -, SvSov „Induntru", piog „viatd"), mezen-dobiotic, partial endobiotic [mesen-dobiotic; mesendobiotisch; mesendo-biotique; mezendobidtikus, rdszben en-dobiotikus; мезэндобнотняеский] 217 MESEN TERIIFORMIS, MESEN-TERIMORPH US, MESEN ТЕ RI-NUS (gr. -, evrdpov „intestin", pop proterogynia 278a METANDRICUS (gr.-) — pro- terogynicus 279 METANEMA n (gr.-, vflpa ,,fir44), metanemd, formarea protonemei in a doua fazd la germinarea sporilor (Musci) [metanema; Metanema; md-tandme; metandma; метанема] 280 METANTHESIS f (gr. -, dv0naig „inflorire44), metantezd, inflorirea anor-mald, pentru a doua oard in cursul aceluia?i an [metanthesis; Metanthese; mdtanthdse; mdsodvirdgzds; метан-тез] 281 METAPHASIS f (gr. -, dpa> „а se deplasa44), metaferie, dislocarea unor organe ca urmare a concre§terii lor, cele alterne devenind opuse [raeta-phery; Metapherie, Organenverschie-bung; mdtaphdrie; metaferia, szerv-eltolddds; метаферия, смещение органов] 80» 283 METAPHLOEMA n (gr. pexd „dupd", ФХ0165 „scoarjd"), metafloem, elemen-te de floem formate dupd protofloem [metaphloem; Metaphloem; mdtaphlo-dme; metaflodm; метафлоэма] 284 METAPHYLLUM n (gr.-, androphyllum 359 MICROSTYLIA I (gr. -, охОХод ,,co-lumnd"), microstilie, brachistilie; he-terostilie la care unele flori au stile scurte §i filamente staminale lungi [microstyly, brachystyly; Kurzgriffe-ligkeit, Mikrostylie; microstylie, bra-chystylie; mikrosztilia, bibeszdlrdvid-sdg; микростилия] 360 MICROSTYLOS PORA t (gr. ~, опора „samlnta"), microstilospor, stilospor de dimensiuni mici [microstylospore; Mikrostylospore; microstylospore; mi-krostilospdra; микростилоспора] 361 MICROTAXONOMIA f (gr. -, xdfcig „ordine", vdpog „lege"), microtaxo-nomie, taxonomia unita^ilor infraspe-cifice [microtaxonomy; Mikrotaxono-mie; microtaxinomie; mikrotaxono-mia; микротаксономия] 362 MICROTHERMOPHILUS (gr. - 0d-ppq „cdldurd", „a iubi"), mi-crotermofil, care create in zona cu climd temperata rece (1—15°) din re-giunea boreald [microthermophilous; mikrothermophil; microthermophile; mikrotermofil; микротермофильный] 363 MICROTHERMOPHYTA n pi (gr. - monocar-picus 402 MONOCELLULARIS -> unicellular is 403 MONOCHASIUM n (gr. -, xteig ,,se-parare"), monocaziu; cimd unipard; inflorescenfd cimoasd cu axa simpo-diald terminatd in floare, sub care se afld un singur peduncul tot cu floare terminald, care la rindul sdu se continud cu ramificafie similard, rezultind un bostrix, cincin, drepaniu sau ripidiu [monochasium; Monocha-sium, eingabelige Trugdolde; monochasium, cyme unipare; monochasium, egyes bog; монохазий] 404 MONOCHLAMYDEUS (gr. -, xXapug, xXapOSog „manta"), monoclamideu, cu un singur fel de inveli§ (floare); cu periant simplu [monochlamydeous; monochlamydeisch, haplochlamyde-isch, einhullig, eindeckig, einmantelig; monochlamyd6; egytakardjd, egykd-r6s lepellevelfi; однопокровный] -» haplochlamydeus #16 405 MONOCHROMA TICUS, MONO-CHROMICUS, MONOCHROMUS, MONOCHROUS (gr.-, xptym „culoare"), monocromatic, unicolor, de aceea§i culoare [monochromic, unico-lorous, concolorous, one-coloured; ein-farbig, gleichfarbig; monochrome, unicolore, concolore; egyszinu, hason-szinu; одноцветный] —*• concolor, unicolor, isobaphus, homochroust homo-chromus 406 MONOCHRONICUS, MONOCHRO-NUS (gr. -, xpdvoq „timp"), mono-cronic, simultan; ce se petrece in acela§i timp [monochronic; glcichzei-tig; monochrone, concomitant; egy-ideju; одновременный] 407 MONOCLINICU S, MONOCLINUS (gr. -, kXivti „pat"), monoclin, herma-frodit; cu androceu §i gineceu in aceea§i floare (specie) [monoclinian, monoclinous, hermaphrodite; mono-klinisch, hermaphroditisch, einbet-tig, mannweibig, gemischtgeschlecht-lich; monocline, hermaphrodite; mo-noklin, himnds, ketivaru; монокли-нический, обоеполый, гермафродитный, нераздельнополый] 408 MONOCLONAL1S (gr.-, kXcov „ramurS"), monoclonal, cu descenden-tS pe cale asexuatS din acela§i strS-mo§ comun [monoclonal; monoklonal; monoclonale; monoklonSlis; моноклональный] 409 MONOCOTYLEDONEUS, MONO-COTYLEUS (gr.-, KoxuXTi5d)v „cavitate"), monocotiledonat, mono- cotiledonar, prevSzut cu un singur cotiledon (embrion) [monocotyledo- nous; monokotyl, einkeimblattrig, einsamenlappig; monocotyledons; egyszikd; однодольный, односеменодольный] 410 MONOCULTURA f (gr.-, lat. cul-tura „culturS"), monoculturS, culti-varea pe un teren numai a unui singur soi de plante [monoculture; Monokultur; monoculture; monokul-tura; монокультура] 411 MONOCYCLIC US, MONOCYCLUS (gr. -, kokXos „cerc"), monociclic 1. Dispus intr-un singur cerc sau verticil (floare). 2. Cu perioadS de vegetate de un singur an (plants) [monocyclic; monozyklisch, einwir-telig, einwendelig, einjShrig; mono-cyclique; monociklikus, egykoru, egydr-vOs, egynySri; моноциклический] 412 MONOCYTICUS (gr. -, кбход ,,cu-tie") —* unicellularis MONOGYNICUS 413 MONODESMICUS (gr. -, 5eopd<; „legSturS"), monodesmic, cu un singur fascicol de vase (pe(iol) [monodesmic ; monodesmisch; monodesmi-que; monodezmikus; монодесми-ческнй] 414 MONODYNAMUS (gr. -, Suvapiq „putere"), monodinam, cu о staminS mai lungS decit celelalte [monody-namous; monodynam, einmachtig; monodyname; monodinSm; моноди-намный] 415 MONGECI US, MONOECUS, MONO-ICUS (gr. -, oIkoq „locuintS"), mo-noic 1. Cu stamine §i pistile pe aceea§i plants, dar in flori separate (plants). 2. Care create pe о singurS plants gazdS (parazit) [monoecious, monoi-cous; einhausig, monozisch; monoi-que; egylaki; однодомный] -*• syn-oecius 416 MONOFACIALIS —*■ unifacialis 417 MONOGAMICUS, MONOGAM US (gr.-, Ydpoq „cSsStorie"), monogam, unisexuat; diclinic; cu flori mascule §i femele pe indivizi diferi[i [monogamous, diclinous, unisexual; monogam, eingeschlechtig, einehig, getrennt-geschlechtig; monogame, unisexuS, dicline; monogSm, egyivaru; моногамный, однобрачный, раздельнополый] 418 MONOGENESIS f (gr. -, ySveoi? ,,na§tere“), monogenezS, inmultire pe cale asexuatS [monogenesis,' non-sexual reproduction; Monogenese, ase-xuelle Reproduktion, ungeschlechtli-che Fortpflanzung; monogenSse, reproduction asexuSe; mogenezis, ivartalan szaporodSs; моногенез, бесполое размножение] —*• monogonia 419 MONOGEN ET ICUS, MONOGENI-CUS, MONOGENUS (gr.-), monogenic, monogenetic 1. Cu descen-den[i unisesuati. 2. Reprodus pe cale asexuatS. 3. Conditional de un singur factor genetic [monogenic, mono-genous; monogen; monog6n6tique, monogSne; monogSn, топодёткиБ; моногенный, моногенетический] -» uni-factorialis 420 MONOGONIA f (gr. -, ybvog ,,urma§") —*■ monogenesis 421 MONOGONIDIUM n (gr. -) - mo-nospora 422 MONOGYNICUS, MONOGYNUS (gr. -, yuvfi „femeie"), monogin, cu un singur pistil (floare) [monogy-nous, monogynian; einweibig, ein-griffelig; monogyne; egyterm6jfi, egyanySs, egybibSjfi; однопестичный] MONQHYBRIDA 423 MONOH Y В RIDA Mgr.-, lat. hybrid^ „hibrid"), monohibrid, hibrid rezultat din pdrinfi care diferd intre ei numai printr-un singur caracter (De Vries) [monohybrid; Monohybride; monohybride; monohibrid; моногибрид] 424 MONOICODIMORPHIA f (gr. -, oftcog „locuinfd", 6lg „de doud ori", liop „a se izola"), monozis, izolarea organului de restul tesuturilor obi§nuit aderente (tn te- 917 ratologie) [monosy; Monosie, Tren-nung; monoee; monozisz, elkiildnti-Ids; монозис] 446 MONOSOMA n (gr. pdvog „singur", offipa „corp"), monozom, hetero-cromozom fSrS pereche !n determi-nismul heterogametic al sexului [mo-nosome; Monosom; monosome; mo-noszoma; моносома] 447 MONOSPERMUS (gr. -, andppa „sSmlntS"), monosperm, cu о singurS sSmintS (fruct) [monospermous, one-seeded; einsamig; monosperme; egy-magvii; моноспермический, односемянный] 448 MONOSPORA f (gr. -, аяора ,,sa-mlnta"), monospor, spor singuratic provenit, fSra diviziune reductionalS, in monosporange (la Inmultirea asexuatS a algelor) [monospore; Monospore; moncspore; monospdra; моноспора ] —► monogonidium 449 MONOSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, dy-yetov ,,vas“), monosporange, sporange continind un monospor (Rhodophy-ceae) [monosporangium; Monosporangium ; monosporange; monospo-rSngium; моноспорангий] 450 MONOSTELE f (gr. -, „coloa-nS"), monostel, cilindru central unic [monostele; Monostele; mono-stdle; monosztdle; моностела] 451 MONOSTEMONEUS (gr.-, aTfltov ,,fir“), monostemon, cu un singur verticil de stamine (floare) [mo-nostemonous; monostemon; mono-stdmone; egyporzdkdros; моносте- МОННЫЙ] 452 MONOSTICHUS (gr. -, ouxo? ,,se-rie") —*• uniseriatus 453 MONOSYMMETRICUS (gr. -, аир-ретро*; „proportional"), monosimetric, zigomorf, cu un singur plan de si-metrie bilateralS; care poate fi im-pSrfit In douS jumStSti simetrice opuse (floare, frunzS, tulpinS) [mono-symmetrical, zygomorphic; monosym-metrisch, zygomorph; monosymet-riquo, zygomorphe; monoszime-trikus, zigomorf, egyszimmetriSs; моносимметрически й, зигоморфный] —*■ zygomorphus 454 MONOTHALAMICUS, MONO-THALAMUS (gr. -, GdXapog „earners") —*• unilocularis 455 MONO THECALIS, MONOTHECI-US [gr. -, 0fiKTi „cutie"), monotecic, cu о singurS tecS (anterele la Alnus); unilocular [monothecal, single-cham- MONSTROSITAS bered; monothezisch, einfScherig; monothdque, uniloculaire; egytokos, monotdkas, egyiiregd; одногнездный] 456 MONOTOCUS (gr. -, тбко? ,,urma§“) —*■ monocarp icus 457 MONOTOPICUS, MONOTOPUS (gr. -, тбяод ,,loc“), monotopic, ori-ginar dintr-un singur loc sau regiune (specie) [monotopic; monotop; mono-topique; monotopikus; монотонный] 458 MONOTRICHUS (gr.-, 0p^, xpixd? ,,pSr“), monotrih, cu un singur pSr, cil sau flagel (bacterie) [monotrichous; monotrich, eingeiflelig; monotrique; monotrich, egycsillangos; одноволосистый, одножгутиковый] 459 MONOTROPHICUS (gr. -, трофл „nutritie"), monotrof 1. Cu un singur fel de nutritie. 2. Cu nutritie pe о singurS specie gazdS [monotrophic; monotroph; monotrophique; mono-trdf; монотрофный] 460 MONOTROPICUS (gr. -, xporefi ,,di-rectie"). monotropic 1. Care vizi-teazS florile unei singure specii (albinS). 2. Cu adaptabilitate redusS [monotropic; monotrop; monotrope; monotrdp; монотропный] 461 MONOTYPICUS (gr. -, тияод „model"), monotipic, fSrS variabilitate (specie); cu о singurS specie (gen) [monotypic; monotypisch; monoty-pique; monotipikus; монотипный, однотипный] 462 MONOXENICUS, MONOXENUS (gr. -, ££vos „gazdS"), monoxenic, autoecic; care create numai pe о singurS plants gazda (parazit) [mo-noxenous; monoxen; monox≠ monoxdn, egygazdaju; однохозяйственный] 463 MONOZYGOTICUS (gr. -, £uy6 g „jug"), monozigotic 1. Dezvoltat dintr-un singur ovul fecundat. 2. Cu un singur zigot [monozygous, monozygotic ; monozygotisch, monozy-got, eineiig; monozygotique; monozi-gdtikus; монозиготный] 464 MONS m, munte [mountain; Berg. Gebirge; montagne; hegy; гора] 465 MON ST RAN S (monstro), indicator, care aratS, care demonstreazS [indicatory, indicating; zeigend; indi-cateur; mutatd, jelzd; показывающий] 466 MONSTROSITAS f, monstruozitate, anomalia morfologicS a unor organe (flori, frunze, ramuri, tulpinS) [mon- MONSTROSUS stroeity; Monstrositftt, Miflbildung; monstruositS; monstrozitSs, torzkdp-zGdmdny; уродливость] 467 MONSTROSUS, MONSTRUOSUS, monstruos, deformat; cu formS teratologies deosebitS de cea normaia [monstrous, abnormal, teratological; monstrOs, mifigestaltet; monstrueux, dSformd; monstrdzus, rendellenes, torzkdpzdddsfl; уродливый] 468 MON TAN US, montan, care cre§te Ee mun(i (specie) [montane; berg-ewohnend, bergliebend, bergwach-send; montagnard, de montagne; hegyi, hegylako; горный, обитающий на горах] —» oreo-* 469 MONT I COLUS —*• montanus 470 MORBILLOSUS, MORBOSUS, morbid, bolnavicios [sickly, diseased, morbid; krankhaft, krSnklich, krSn-kelnd; maladif, morbide; beteges, kdros; болезненный] 471 MORBUS m, boaia [malady, disease; Krankheit; maladie; betegsdg; болезнь] MORBUS PLANTARUM, boala plantelor [malady of plants; Pflan-zenkrankheit; maladie des plantes; ndvenybetegseg; болезнь растений] 472 MORINUS, MORO- (lat. morus ,,dud“), morin, de culoarea inchis purpurie a fructelor coapte de Morus nigra (morocarpus) [mulberry-black, deep-purple; dunkel-purpurrot; rouge-purpurin fonce; sotdt-biborpiros; тёмно-багряный ] 473 MORPHO-, -MORPHUS (gr. pop mucilago 506 MULT-, MULTI-, MULTUS, mult, numeros, cu numeroase (multangulus, multiaristatus, multicostatus, multi-florus) [many-, many; viel, viel-, reich-; multi-, a beaucoup, a plusieurs; sok, sok-, t6bb-; многий, много-] -* pluri-, poly-, chili-, mille-, myri- 507 MULTANGULARIS, MULTANGULUS, multiangulat, cu mai multe muchii sau colturi (tulpind, fruct) [multangular, many-angled; vielkan-tig, vieleckig; multanguld, multan-gulaire; sokdlfi, sokszegletfi; многоугольный] -»■ polygonalis 508 MULTENNIS -* pluriannuus, peren-nis 509 MULTIALA TUSpolypterus 510 MULTIARISTATUS, multiaristat, cu numeroase ariste [many-awned; MULTI ARTICULATUS vielgrannig; & plusieurs ardtes; sok-szdlkdjii; многоостистый] 511 MULTI ARTICULATUS, multiar-ticulat, cu numeroase articulatii [multiarticulate, many-jointed; viel-malgegliedert; multiarticuld; soki-zesuldsd; многочленистый] 512 MULTI AXIALIS, MULTIAXI-FER, multiaxial, cu mai multe axe [multiaxiferous; vielachsig; multi-axitere; soktengelyfi; многоосевой] 513 MULTIBRACTEATUS, multibrac-teat, prevdzut cu mai multi bractei [multibracteate; vieldeckldttrig; d plusieurs bractdes; sokmurvds; mho-гоприцветниковый] 514 MULTICAPITATUS, MULTICE-PHALUS, MULTICEPS, MUL-T1CIP1TALIS, multicapitat 1. Cu mai multe ingro§dri terminale glo-buloase (rdddcind). 2. Cu mai multe capitule florale (inflorescentd) [mul-ticeps, many-headed, many-flowerheaded; vielk6pfig, vielbliitenkOpfig; multicapild, multicdphale; sokfejfi, sokfejecskds; многоголовчатый] —*• po-lycephalus 515 MULTICAPSULARIS, multicap-sular, cu mai multe capsule [multi-capsular ; vielkapselig; mullicapsu-laire; sok toktermdsu; многокапсу-лированный] 516 MULTICARINA TUS, multicarenat, cu mai multe carene sau jghiaburi [multicarinate; vielkielig; multica-гепё; sokvajatu; многокилевой] 517 MULTICARPELLARIS -*■ pluri-carpellaris 518 MULTICA UDATUS — polyurus 519 MULTICAULIS, multicaul, cu numeroase tulpini [many-stemmed; vielstengelig; a plusieurs tiges; sok-szdril; многостебельный] —► polyplo-caulis 520 MULTICELLULARIS -► pluricellu-laris 521 MULT ICE PH ALUS, MULTICEPS —*• multicapitatus 522 MULTICILIA TUS, multiciliat, cu mai multi cili [multiciliate; vielwim- {>erig; тиШсШё; sokpillajii, sokcsil-angds; многоресничатый] 523 MULTICI PIT ALIS — multicapitatus 524 MULTICOCCUS - polycoccus 525 MULTICOLOR, multicolor, cu mai multe culori [many-coloured; vielfar- 800 big; polychrome; sokszinO; многоцветный] —*discolor, polychromus 526 MULTICORNUS —* polyceratus 527 MULTICOSTATUS -* pluricostatus 528 MULT1DENTATUS - pluridens, pluridentatus, polyodontus 529 MULTIDIGIT AT US -+ polydacty-lus 530 MUL TIFA С TORI ALIS, multifactorial, conditional de mai multi fac-tori genetici (caracter) [multifactorial; multifaktoriell; multifactoriel; mul-tifaktoridlis; полнфакториалъный] —» poly factor idlis 531 MULTIFARIUS -> multiserialis 532 MULTIFER, multifer. 1. Fertil. 2. Care inflore§te §i fructified de mai multe ori [multiferous, often bearing, fruitful; tragbar, oftbluhend, mehr-malsfruchtend; multifdre, fertile; jdlterm6, tdbbszOrtermd; плодущий, плодовитый] —*■ sychnocarpus (2) 533 MULTIFIDUS, multifidat, de mai multe ori fidat in segmente pind la jumdtatea semilaminei (frunza) [multifid, many-cleft; vielspallig, viel-teilig; multifidd; sokosztatii, tObb-szor hasftott; многонадрезный, многораздельный] 534 MULTIFLAGELLATUS, multi-flagelat, cu mai multi flageli [multi-flagellate; vielpeitschentragend; mul-tiflagelld; sokostoru; многожгутиковый] 535 MULTIFLORUS, mulliflor, cu numeroase flori [multiflorous, many-flowered ; vielblutig, reichbliitig; mul-tiflore, polyanthe; sokvirdgu, gazda-gon virdgz6; многоцветковый] -*■ poly-anthemus, polyanthus, pluriflorus, abun-diflorus, milleflorus, myrianthus 536 MULTIFOLIATUS, MULTIFO-LIUS —*■ polyphyllus 537 MULTIFOLLICULUS m -> poly-folliculus 538 MULTIFORMIS polymorphus 539 MULTIFURCATIO f polytomia 540 MULTIGENUS —► heterogeneticus 541 MULTIGLANDULOSUS -U polya-denus 542 MULTIGONUS —*■ multangular is, polygonalis, multiqueter 543 MULTIGYRATUS — polygyrus, polycyclicus, tortuosus 821 544 MULTIJUGATUS, MULTI JU-GUS, de mai multe ori Imperechia (foliole) [multijugate, multijugous; vieljochig; multijugud; tObbfczOr pS-ros; многопарный] 545 MULTILA TERALIS, multilateral, cu mai multe laturi (simetrie) [multilateral, many-sided; vielseitig; multi-latdral; sokoldalu, tSbboldahi; многосторонний] 546 MULTILINE ATUS, multiliniat, cu mai multe linii [multilineate; viel-strichelig, vielstreifig, reichgestrichelt; multilined; gazdagon vonalazott; многолинейчатый] 547 MULTILOBA TUS, MULTILO-BUS, multilobat, cu mai mul[i lobi (antere, frunze) [multilobate, many-lobed; viellappig, vielfScherig; multi-lobd; sokkardjii, sokrekeszes; mho-голопастный] 548 MULTILOCELLATUS, multilocelat, cu mai multe loji mici (antere) [mul-tilocellate; vielkleinfScherig; multi-locelld; tdbbrekeszecskds; многокамеральный] —*■ plurilocellatus 549 MU LTILOCULARIS, MULTILO-CULATUS, multilocular, cu mai multe loji sau loculi (ovar) [multilocular, many-celled; vielfScherig, mehrfScherig; multiloculaire; sokrekeszes, sokiiregu; многогнездный] —*• plurilocularis 550 MULTINER VA TUS, MULT I NERVIS -* plurinervatus, polynervius, polyphlebius 551 MULTINOMINALIS -> polynomi-nalis 552 MULTINUCLEARIS, MULTINU-CLEATUS -* plurinucleatus, poly-nuclear is 553 MULTIOVULATUS -* pluriovu-latus, polyovulatus 554 MULTI PARTITUS — pluriparti-tus 555 MULTIPETALUS - polypetalus 556 MULTIPLEX, multiplu, de mai multe ori compus (fruct, ovar, tulpinS) [manyfold, many-folded; viel-fach; multiple; sokszoros, tdbbszo-rds; множественный, многократный] 557 MULTIPLICATIO f, multiplicare 1. Inmuljire pe cale asexuatS. 2. Despicarea teratologies a organului in pSrJi omoloage [multiplication; Multiplikation, Vermehrung, Verfiel-fSltigung; multiplication; multipli- MULTIVALENS kScid, szaporodSs, teratoldgikus hasa-dSs; размножение] 558 M ULTIPLICA TIVUS, multiplica-tiv, de inmul^ire (organ) [multiplicative, multiplying; vervielfaltigend; multiplicatif; szaporltd, sokszorositd; размноженный] 559 MULTI PLICATUS, multiplicat, inmuljit, cu numSr mSrit (petale) [multiplicate, multiplied; vermehrl, verfielfSltigt; multiplid; sokszoroso-dott, novekedett szSmii; умноженный] 560 MULTI POLARIS, multipolar, cu mai mutyi poli (fusul acromatic in cario-cinezS) [multipolar; multipolar; mul-tipolaire; multipolSris, tobbsarku, tobbpdlusu; мультиполярный1 —> plu-ripolaris 561 MULTIPUNCTATUS - polystic-tus 562 MULTIQUETER — multigonus 563 MULT I RADI ATUS -> polyarchicus 564 MULTIRAMOSUS, multiramificat, cu multe ramuri [multiramose, many-branched; vielzweigig, vielastig; mul-tirameux; sokSgu; многоветвистый] 565 MULTISECTUS, multisectat, cu numeroase inciziuni pinS la nervura medians (frunzS) [multisectate; viel-schnittig, vielzerschnitten; multi-sdqud; tdbbszor hasogatott, sokszor szeldelt; многонадрезный] 566 MULTISEPT ATUS, MULTISEP-TUS —*■ pluriseptalus, polypkragmati-cus 567 MULT1SERIALIS, MULTISERI-ATUS —*■ multifarius, pluriserialis, polystichus 568 MULTISERRATUS, multiserat, cu numero§i dinji sera[i (frunzS) [multi-serrate ; vielmalsgesSgt, vielsSgezSh-nig; multidentd en scie; sokszor ffirdszelt dlu; многозубчатый] 569 MULTISETUS -> polysetus 570 MULTISILIQUOSUS, cu numeroase silicve [multisiliquous; viel-schotig, vielschotenfriichtig; a plu-sieurs siliques; sokbecdju; много-сторучковый] 571 MULTISPERMUS —► polyspermus 572 MULTISPORUS — polysporus 573 MULTISTELICUS -> polystclicus 574 MULTIVALENS, multivalent, poli-valent 1. Cu mai multe valence. 2. MULTIVALVIS Cu mai mul(i cromozomi reuni^i (In meiozd) [multivalent; multivalent; multivalent; multivalens; поливалентный] —*• polyvalens 575 MULTIVALVIS, multivalvat, cu mai multe valve (capsuld) [many-valved; vielklappig; multivalvd; sokkopdcsd; многостворчатый] 576 MULTIZONATUS, multizonat, cu mai multe zone sau ftyii (vegeta(ie) [multizonate; vielgtirtelig; multizo-пё; sok Ovezetfl; многопоясковый] —*■ polyzonatus 577 MULTUS, mult, numeros [many, much; viel, mehrere; plusieurs, beau, coup; sok, szdmos; многочисленный] 578 MUMMIFICA TIO f, mumificare, mumifiere; zblrcirea fructelor pe ramuri din cauza atacului ciupercii Monilia [mummification; Mumienbil-dung; mommification; mumifikdcid; мумификация] 579 MUNITUS, prevdzut cu, intdrit, apdrat [provided with, protected; versehen, befestigt, geschutzt; pour-vu, muni, protdgd; elldtott, rderdsi-tett, vddett; защищённый, снабженный] 580 MURALIS, MURARIUS, mural, care create pe ziduri [mural, growing on walls; mauerbewohnend; mural; k6fali; стенной, муральный] PLANTAE' MU RALES, plante de pe ziduri [mural-plants; Mauerpflan-zen; plantes des murailles; kdfali novenyek; муральные растения] 581 MURICATUS, muricat, cu excrescence spiniforme scurte §i tari (tulpina la Asperugo procumbens) [muricate; rauhstachelig; muriqud; durvdn аргб-tiiskds; мелкоколючий] 582 MURIFORMIS, muriform, de forma unui zid (tesut medular) [muriform, wall-shaped; mauerfOrmig; murifor-me; fal alaku; стенковидный] 583 MURINACEUS, MURINUS, murin, de culoarea cenu§iu brunie a §oare-cilor [mouse-coloured, mouse-grey; mausfarbig, mausgrau; gris de souris; egdrsziirke; sdtdtsziirke; мыпшно-се-рый] —► myochrous 584 MUSCOSUS, acoperit cu mu§chi [mossy; moosig, bemoost; moussu; mohos; мшистый] 585 MUSCUS m, mu§chi [moss; Moose; mousse; moha; мох] 586 MUTABILIS, schimbdtor, variabil [mutable, changeable, inconstant; 888 verdnderlich, wechselnd, unbestdndig; changeable, variable; vdltozdkony, vdltozd; переменчивый, меняющийся] 587 MUTABILITAS f, mutabilitate, ca-pacitatea plantei de a produce mu-tatii [mutability; Mutabilitdt; muta-bilitd; mutabilitds; мутабильность] 588 MUTAGENES f pi, mutagene, con-ditii de temperaturd sau substance care provoacd mutatii [mutagenes; Mutagenen; mutagdnes; mutagdn-anyagok; мутагены] 589 MU TANTES f pi, mutante, forme de plante care s-au modificat sub efectul mutatiei [mutantes; Mutanten; mutants; mutdnsok; мутанты] 590 MU ТАТЮ f, mutatie, modificdri cromozomiale discontinue, cu efecte genetice datorite unor cauze spon-tane sau influen(ei unor agenti mu-tageni (De Vries) [mutation; Mutation, Erbabweichung; mutation; mu-tdci6; мутация] —► idiovariatio 591 MUTATUS, mutat.schimbat, transformat (mutatis characteribus cu schimbarea caracterelor; mutatis nominibus cu schimbarea denumirilor) [changed; verandert; changd; meg-vdltozott; измененный] 592 MUTICATUS, MUTICUS, mutic, fdrd virf; nearistat, nemucronat [mu-ticous, pointless, awnless, blunt; un-bespitzt, unbewehrt, stumpf, grannen-los; mutique, dmoussd, sans ardte; szdlkdtlan, nem hegyben vdgzodS; тупоконечный, тупой] 593 MUTILATUS, MUTILUS, mutilat, lipsit de un organ sau de pdrti care existau In mod normal [multilated, maimed; verstiimmelt; mutild; csonka, csonkitott; увечный] 594 MU TUALISMUS m, mutualism, sim-biozd cu beneficiul ambilor parteneri [mutualism; Mutualismus; mutualis-me; dletk6z6ssdg, mutudlizmus; мутуализм] 595 MUTUALISTICUS, MUTUUS, mutual, reciproc, cu avantaje reci-proce (simbiozd) (pro mutua co/nmu-tatione, pentru schimb reciproc; men-tiune In cataloagele de.seminte) [mutual, reciprocal; wechseiseitig; mutuel, rdciproque; k6lcs6nos, k6lcson6ssdgen alapuld; взаимный, обоюдный] —*• re-ciprocus 596 MYC-, MYCET- MYCETO-, MY CO-, -MYCES (gr. рбкпд, рикптод ,,ciu-percd“) referitor la ciupercd (mycetoi-deus, mycetogenus, mycologicus, actino- 128 myces) [fungal; pilz-, -pilzig; fongal, de -champignon; gomba-, gombdra vonatkozd; грибо-, грибной] —*■ fungi- 597 MYCELARIS, MYCELIALIS, MY-CELICUS (gr. -), micelar, care apar-[ine miceliului [mycelial; myzelial; mycdlaire; miceldris; мицелиевый] 598 MYCELIUM n (gr. f\Xo<; „excrescent") • miceliu, totalitatea hifelor unei ciuperci, purtind sau nu organe de fructificare [mycele, mycelium, spawon; Myzel, Pilzlager, Pilzfaden-geflecht; mycdlium; пйсёПит, gom-bafonalkdteg, gombafonalnyaldb, gom-bafonalszdveddk; мицелий, грибница] —*■ phlebomorpha 599 MYCELOIDEUS (gr. -, elSoq „asemanare"), miceloid, asemdndtor cu miceliul [myceloid; pilzfaserahnlich; mycёloide; gombafonalszeru; мицелиевидный] 600 MYCETES f pi (gr. -), ciuperci [fungi, mushrooms; Pilze; champignons; gombdk; грибы] 601 MYCETOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveaiQ „origine"), micetogenezd, geneza ciu-percilor [mycetogenesis; Myzetogene-se; mycdtogendse; micetogenezis; мицетогенез] 602 MYCETOIDEUS (gr. -, et5o? „asemanare") —*■ fungaceus, fungiformis 603 MYCETOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xoyog ,,vorbire“) —*• mycologia 604 MYCETOPHAGUS (gr. -, qxiyopai „а mlnca“), micetofag, fungivor, care se nutre§te cu ciuperci [mycetopha-gous, fungivorous; pilzfressend; my-cёtophage, fungivore; gombdval tap-ldlkozd; грибоядный] 605 MYCHOGAMIA f (gr. pux^s ,,pro-funzime“, yapoq „cdsdtorie") -* auto-fertilitas, autofecundatio 606 MYCOCECIDIUMn (gr. рбкц? „ciu-percd", кцк1е, кцкТЗо?. „gald"), mi-cocecidie, cecidie produsd de ciuperci [mycocecidium; Pilzgalle; myco-cёcidie; gombagubacs; микоцецидий] 607 MYCODOMATIUM n (gr. -, 8oo-pdxiov) „cdsut"), micodomaciu, excrescent pe rdddcina unor plante, populatd de ciuperci [mycodomatium; Mykodamatium, Wurzelbiischel; my-codomatie; mikodomdcium, gy6kdr-daganat, „gombalakds"; микодома-циум] 608 MY COFLORA f (gr. -, lat. flora „florS"), micoflord, flora micologicd MYO- [mycoflora; Mykoflora; mycoflore; gombafldra; микофлора] 609 MYCOLOGIA t (gr. -, X6yo? „vorbire"), micologie, studiul ciupercilor [mycology; Mykologie, Pilzkunde; mycolo-gie; mikoldgia, gombatan; микология] —► mycetologia 610 MYCOLYTICUS (gr. -, Xvcic, ,,des-compunere"), micolitic, care lizeazd ciupercile [mycolytic; mykolytisch; mycolytique; mikolitikus; миколити-ческий] 611 MYCOPALAEONTOLOGIA f (gr. -, nakaibq „vechi", ouovxoq ,,fiint.“ Хбуо? „vorbire"), micopaleontologie, studiul ciupercilor din timpurile geologic© [mycopalaeontolpgy; Mykopa-ldontologie; mycopaldontologie; miko-paleontol6gia; микопалеонтология] 612 MYCORRHIZA f (gr. -, № „rddd-cind"), micorizd, legatura simbioticd dintre miceliile unor ciuperci §i rddd-cinile unor plante superioare [myco-rrhiza; Mykorrhiza, Pilzwurzel, Wur-zelsymbiose; mycorrhize; mikorrhiza, gombagydkdr; микориза] * 613 MYCORRHIZOMA n (gr. -, K collum 15 NARCOTICUS (gr. уарксткбд „nar-cotic“), narcotic, stupefiant, care produce narcozS (morfinS, opiu) [narcotic; narkotisch, betaubend; narcoti-que, sM^fiant; narkdtikus, bddito; NA RCOT ROPISMUS наркотический] -> somnifer 16 NARCOTROPISMUS m (gr. tporefi „rSsucire"), narcotropism, tropism cauzat de influence narcotice [narcotropism; Narkotropismus, narkotische Reizekriimmung; narcotropisme; nar-kotropizmus; наркотропизм] 17 NASCENS (nascor), nascent, care incepe sS se formeze ([esut) [nascent; entstehend, heranwachsend; naissant; keletkezd, kindvd, kialakuld; возникающий, рождающийся] —» exoriens 18 N ASTI A f, NASTISMUS m (gr. vacrdg ,,presat“), nastie, mi§c5ri auto-nome active ale organelor dorsiven-trale, provocate de excitaCii difuze (mi§cSrile de deschidere §i inchidere la flori) [nastie; Nastie, nastische Bewegung; nastie; nasztia, nasztikus mozgSs, helyzetvSltoztatd ingermoz-gas; настия] 19 NASTICUS (gr. -), nastie, cu mi§cSri nastice [nastie; nastisch; nastique; nasztikus, ingermozgSsii; настический] 20 NASUTUS, nSsos, cu organ in formS de nas [big-nosed; groQnasig; nasi-que; nagyorni; носатый] 21 NATALIS, natal, de provenien(S din (absque loco natali fSrS sS fie indicat locul natal) [natal; gebiirtig, herkom-mend; natal, provenant; sziiletdsi, szSrmazSsi, elofordulSsi, keletkezdsi; родной, натальный] * 22 NATANS, (nato), natant, inotStor, plutitor pe apS (plants, frunzS, tulpinS) [natant, floating, swimming; schwimmend ; nageant, flottant; liszd, vizszindn liszo, vizen lebego; пловучий, плавающий]* 23 NATATORIUS, natator, care u§u-reaza plutirea (organ) [natatory, natatorial; schwimmen-erleichternd; na-tatoire; lisz&st el6segito; плаватель-, ный] 24 NATIVUS, nativ, innSscut (caracter) [native; nativisch, nativistisch, ur-sprunglich; natif; velesziiletett, nativ; туземный, коренной] 25 NATURA f, naturS [nature; Natur; nature; termdszet; природа]* NATURAE INDAGATOR, cercetS-tor al naturii [explorer of the nature; Naturforscher; explorateur de la nature; termdszetkutatd; исследователь природы] -> naturalista 828 26 NATURALIS, natural [natural; na-ttirlich; naturel; termdszetes; естественный, натуральный]* 27 NA TURALISA TIO f, naturalizare, starea biologies a unei plante ne-indigene care, fSrS interven(ia omului, i?i poate desfS§ura intreg ciclul ei de viafs in noua regiune cu climat asemSnStor unde a ajuns [naturalization; Naturalisierung; naturalisation; natu-rSlizScid; натурализация] 28 NATURALIST A m f -► naturae indagator 29 NATUS, nSscut, provenit, rezultat [born, sprung, issued; geboren, ent-stehen; ndissu; sziiletett, keletkezett; рождённый] 30 NAUCUM n, naucum 1. Coaja verde de la nucS (Juglans). 2. Partea cSrnoasS a unei drupe (Lindley) [naucum; Naukum, Leiffel, grime NuB-schale; naucum, brou de la noix; naukum, a did zold hdja; наукум] 31 NAUSEOSUS, dezgustStor, neplScut, vomitiv (odore nauseoso cu miros dezgustStor) [repulsive, vomitory; wi-drig, widerlich, brechenerregend; dd-goutant, vomitif; undorito, bflzds szagii, hSnytatd; противный, отра-тительный, рвотный] 32 NAUTIFORMIS —► navicellatus, navicular is 33 NAUTOHYDROCHORES f pi (gr. vaorriQ „navigator", CScop „apS", XCbpe© „a se rSspindi"), nautohidro-core, plante hidrocore plutitoare [nautohydrochores ; Nautohydrochoren; nautohydrochores; nautohidrochor-novdnyek; наутогидрохоры] 34 NA VICELLATUS, NA V ICU LARIS, NA V ICU LATUS, NA VICULIFOR-MIS, naviculat, naviculiform; de forma unei luntrije; scobit in interior §i carenat pe dos (bracteile la Ceras-tiurn transsilvanicum, valvele silicu-lelor la Thlaspi, Iberis, Lepidium) [navicular, boat-shaped; kahnfdrmig, nachenformig, schiffchenfOrmig; na-viculaire, en nacelle; csdnakos, csd-nak alakii; ладьевидный] ■«**■ cym-barius, cymbiformis nautiformis 35 NAVICULAE f pi, navicule, frustule libere de tipul Navicula (Diatomeae) [naviculae; Navikulen, Schiffchen; navicules; nayikulak; навикулы] 36 NEBULARIS, NEBULOSUS 1. Ne-bulos, noros. 2. Cu pete neregulate pe fond deschis. 3. De culoarea fumului [foggy, cloudy, spotted,smoke-coloured; •27 nebelig, wolkig, fleckig, nebelgrau; nuageux, ndbuleux, tachetd, enfumd; felhds, pettyes, fiiStsziirke; туманный, пятнистый, дымчатый] 37 NECATRIX -> letalis 38 NECESSARIZJS, necesar [necessary; notwendig; ndcessaire; szuksdges; необходимый] RADIX NECESSARIA — secundaria ( radix ) 39 NECRIDES f pi (gr. vexpdg ,,mort“, etSog „asemdnare"), necride 1. Celule moarte, lipsite de citoplasmd (Algae). 2. Celule care devin gelatinoase si apoi se distrug (Brand) [necrides; Nekriden; ndcrides; nekriddk; не-криды] 40 NECROBIOSIS f (gr. -, piog „viata"), necrobioza, procese biologice care se mai continud la scurt timp §i dupd moartea celulei sau a organismului [necrobiosis; Nekrobiose; ndcrobiose; nekrobidzis; некробиоз] 41 NECROCOENOSIS i (gr. -, xoivdg „in comun"), necrocenozd, ansamblul organismelor moarte (pe milul mdrii, lacurilor) [necrocoenosis; Nekrozono-se; ndcrocdnose; nekrocondzis, hulla-kdzdssdg; некроценоз] —> thanatocoe-nosis 42 NECROCYSTA I (gr. -, киотгд „cavitate"), necrocist, celuld moartd [necrocyst; Nekrozyste; ndcrocyste; nekrociszta; некроцист] 43 NECROGENUS (gr. -, yewd© „a se na§te“), necrogen, care „se na§te“ pe о plantd moartd sau pe cale de a se nimici (ciupercd parazitd) [ne-crogenous; nekrogen ; ndcrogdne; ne-krogdn; некрогенный] 44 NECROHORMONUM n (gr. -, 6ppd© „a stimula"), necrohormon, hormon stimulator al meiozei, extras din celu-lele mortificate [necrohormone; Nek-rohormone, Wundhormone; ndcro-hormone; nekrohormon; некрогормон] 45 NECRON n (gr. -), necron, plante moarte, incd nehumificate [necron; Nekron; ndcron; nekron; некрон] 46 NECROPHAGUS (gr. -, -„a iubi“), NE MORA LIS, NE-MORENSIS, NEMOREUS, NEMO-ROSUS, de pSdure, care create in pSduri sau in livezi [nemorose, sylvan; waldbewohnend, hainbewohnend; de bois, de foret; erdei, erddben ё!б, erd61ak6; дубравный] —» napaeus, sil-vaticus, silvicolus 76 NEMUS n, pSdure, codru [wood, forest; Wald, Laubwald, Hain; bois, forSt, futaie; erdd; дубрава, роща] 829 77 NEOCOMBINATIO f, neocombina-Jie, combina(ie поий; ajjezarea epite-tului unui taxon !ntr-o alta poztyie sau !n alt rang sistematic [new combination ; Neukombination; nouvelle combinaison; kombin4ci6; hobo-комбинация, новая комбинация] 78 NEOENDEMISM US m (gr. vioq ,,nou“, fev „tn“, 5flpo? „regiune"), neoendemism, endemism progresiv; endemism de data mai recenta, cu areal !n curs de extindere (Hiera-cium) [neoendemism; Neoendemismus; ndoenddmisme; neoendemizmus; неоэндемизм]* 79 NEOFORMAT 10 f, neoformatie, for-majia regenerativS a ^esutului in apro-pierea organului vStSmat; calus [neoformation; Neubildung; naoforma-tion; neoform&cid; новообразование] 80 NEOGAEUS (gr. v£oq „nou ", yfj ,,pSmint“), neogeic, originar din Lumea Noua [neogaean; neuweltlich; пё-ogёen: lijvildgi; обитающий в новом свете] 81 NEOGENESIS f (gr.-, ydveoic ,,na§te-re“), neogenezS, neoforma tie de (esu-turi; regenerare [neogenesis, regenera-Нэп; Neogenesis, Regeneration; пёо-genfcse, rdgdndration; neogenezis, rege-псгйШйв; неогенез, регенерация]-» regeneratio 82 NEOMORPHIA f (gr. -, pop „a iubi“), nesofil, care create pe insule, care ,,preferS“ insulele [ island-loving; inselliebend; prdfdrant les ties; szigetkedveld, szigetlakd; острово - любивый] 108 NEUR-, NEURO-, -NEURUS (gr. veupov ,,nerv“) (neuramphipetalus, neurocalyx, neurocarpus, neurotrichus, chloroneurus) —*■ nervato-, -nervis 830 109 NEUSTON n (gr. veixrtdg ,,ino-tStor“), neuston, totalitatea micro-organismelor plutitoare din pelicula de tensiune superficial a apelor dulci §i stStStoare, uneori cauzind „tnflo-rirea apei“ (alge, bacterii) [neuston; Neuston; neuston; neuszton; нейстон] 110 NEUTER, NEUTRI-, NEUTRO-, neutru 1. Asexuat. 2. Avortat. 3. Steril (floare) [neuter, sexless, sterile; geschlechtlos, steril; neutre, ase-хиё, stdrile; semleges, ivartalan, med-dd; нейтральный, бесполый, стерильный]* 111 NEUTRALIS, neutral, indiferent [neutral ; neutral; neutre, indiffdrent; kdzombds; нейтральный, индифферентный]* 112 NEUTROPHILUS (lat. neuter ,,ne-utru“, gr. ф1Хёсо „a iubi“), neutrofil, care create in soluri cu reactie neutrS (pH 6,7 —7,0) [neutrophilous; neutrophil; neutrophile; neutrofil; ней-трофильный] 113 NEXUS (-US) m, nex, legStura, relate [connection; Verbindung; connexion, rdlation; kapcsolat; связь] 114 NICOTIANEUS -► tabacinus 115 NIDI-, NIDIFORMIS, NIDULARIS, NIDULANS, NIDULATUS, NIDULIFORMIS, nidiform, in formS de cuib de pasSre; cu ramificatii tncilcite de forma unui cuib de pasSre (rSdScina la Neottia nidus-avis) [nestling, nest-shaped, encased, embedded, nested, nidulated; nestformig, nistend, eingebettet, nest-; nidiforme, nidu-lant, nichant; fdszekszerfi, bemdlyedt, fdszek-; гнездовидный, гнездовой, гнездо-] 116 NIDOROSUS, NIDOSUS, puturos, cu miros neplScut [stinking, fetid; stinkig, iibelriechend; puant, fdtide; biidos, buzds; вонючий] —*■ foetidus, maleolens, olidus, putidus, vulvarius 117 NIGELLUS, NIGRANS, NIGRES-CENS, NIGRICANS, NIGRI TELUS, negricios, nigrescent, cenugiu negru [nigrescent, blackish, turning black; schwarzlich, schwarzwerdend, verschwftrzend; noircissant, noir&tre; feketds, feketdlld, sziirkdsfekete; чернеющий, черноватый] 118 NIGER, NIGRI-, NIGRO-, negru, de culoare tnchisd (nigripilus, nigri-spinus, nigromaculatus, nigropuncta-tus) [black, black-, dark-; schwarz, schwarz-, dunkel-; noir, nigro-, foncd; 831 fekete, s6tet-; черный, черно-, темно-, -тёмный] -*• mel-, mela.no-, -melanus, atro- 119 NIGRATUS, NIGRIFACTUS, N1-GRIFICATUS, NIGRITUS, Innegrit [blackened; geschwarzt; noirci; meg-feketedett; почерневший] 120 NIGREDO f, negrea(S, culoarea nea-grS [blackness; SchwSrze; noirceur, noircissure; feketesdg; чернота] 120a NIGRESCENS (nigresco), NIGRICANS (nigrico), nigrescent, negricios, negru cenu§iu [nigrescent, blackish, turning black; schwarzlich, schwarz-werdend, verschwSrzend, verdunkelnd; noircissant, noiratre; feketdllo, feke-tds; чернеющий, черноватый] —*■ subni-ger, denigrans 121 NITELINUS, nitelin, de culoarea brunS a hirciogului [hamster-coloured ; hamsterfarbig, hamsterbraun; brun de hamster; horcsdgbarna; cy-роко-коричневый] 122 NITENS, NITIDI-, NITIDUS, lucios, lucitor (nitidiflorus, nitidifolius) [nitid, nitidous, shining, polished, glittering, lustrous, bright, glossy, smooth; lanzend, schimmernd, leuchtend, linkend, glatt ; luisant, brillant, poli, lisse; fdnylo; csillogd, sima; слестящий, лоснящийся, глянцевитый] —*• lucens, lucidus, fulgens, micans, splendens, -pkanus 123 NITRIFICANS (nitrifico), nitrificant (bacterii ~) [nitrifying; nitrifizierend; nitrifiant; nitrifikSld; нитрифицирующий] * 124 N IT RIFICAT 10 f, nitrificare, trans-formarea amoniacului §i a compu§i-lor de amoniac din sol in azota^i sub influenza unor bacterii [nitrification; Nitrifikation, Salpeterbildung; nitrification; nitrifikacid; нитрификация] 125 NITROPHILUS (gr. vvcpov „nitrat, azotat“, qnX&o „a iubi“), nitrofil, care create pe soluri bogate in azota^i (planta) [nitrophilous; nitrophil, ni-tratliebend; nitrophile; nitrofil, ni-trStkedveld; нитрофильный] -* an-drophilus, anthropophilus 126 NITROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, cputdv „plants"), nitrofite; plante nitrofile; plante ruderale care prefers solurile bogate in azotaji (Chenopodium, Urti-ca) [nitrophytes; Nitrophyten, Dun-gerzeiger, Nitratpflanzen, Salpeter-pflanzen; nitrophytes; nitrofitSk, nit-rStkedveld ndvdnyek; нитрофиты] NODU LIFORMIS 127 NIVALIS, NIVICOLUS (-COLA), NIVOSUS, nival, tnzSpezit, care cre§te in apropierea zSpezilor permanente (flora, limits, zonS, plante) [nival, snowy; schneeig, Schnee-; niveal; nivalis, havasi, hdviddki; снежный, снеговой, занесённый снегом] 128 NIVEUS, alb ca zSpada, alb curat §i lucitor [snow-white; schneeweiB, reinweifl; blanc de neige; hdfehdr, fdnylo fehdr; белоснежный, снежнобелый] —*■ chion-, chioneus 129 NIX (-VIS) f, zSpadS (ca factor ecologic) [snow; Schnee; neige; ho; снег] 130 NIXANTHUS (lat. nix „zSpada", gr. dv0o<; „floare"), cu flori albe ca zSpada [snow-white flowered; schnee-weiB-bliitig; S fleurs blanches; hdfeher viragii; белоснежно-цветковый] 131 NOBIS pron. pi. dat. -*• m, mihi 132 NOC TIF LOR U S, noctiflor, care se deschide sau inflore§te noaptea [night-flowering ; nachtbluhend; nictiflore; ejszaka virSgzo; цветущий ночью] —*■ nyctanthus 133 NOCTURNALIS, NOCTURNUS, nocturn, care se deschide numai in timpul nopjii (floare, plants) [nocturnal, nightly; nachtlich, nachtblii-hend; nocturne; Sjszakai, Sjszaka nyild; ночной]* 134 NODALIS, nodal, care aparfine sau se referS la noduri [nodal; nodal; nodal; csomora vonatkozd; узловой] 135 NODI-, -NODIS, -NODUS, NODO-SUS, noduros, cu nodozitS^i (nodi-fer, nodiflorus, multinodis, crassino-dus) [nodose, -noded, knotted, knotty, knobby, gnarled; knotig, knotenreich, knoten-; noueux; csomds, bogos, biity-kos; узловатый, узло-] 136 NODOSITAS f, nodozitate, umflS-turi normale sau accidentale pe orga-nele plantelor (rSdScina unor Legu-minosae, frunzele la Juncus articu-latus, trunchiul unor arbori) [nodosity, knottiness; Knollchen; nodositd; csomd, gumdcska; узловатость] 137 NODULIFER, NODULOSUS, noduros, cu noduri mici [nodulose, nodule-bearing ; kleinknotig, kndtchen-reich, kn6tchentragend; noduleux, nodulifdre; csomdcskSs, gazdagoa bogas; многоузелковый] 138 NODU LIFORMIS, noduliform, de forma unor noduri mici [nodule- NODULUS like; kndtchenfdrmig; noduliforme; bogocskaszerO; узелковидный] 139 NODULUS m, nodul, nod mic [nodule; Kndtchen; nodule; csomdcs-ka; узелок] 140 NODUS m, nod 1. Excrescent pe ramuri, tulpini. 2. Umfiatura pe tulpina unor Gramineae din care por-nesc ramuri sau frunze [node, knot; Knoten, Nodien; noeud; csomd, szSr-csomd, biitydk, bog, gdcs; узел] 141 NOLI- TANGE RE, nu mS atinge (epit.) [touch me not; rtihr mich nicht an; ne me touchez pas; ne nyulj hozzSm; недотрога] 142 NOMEN n 1. Numele (plantei). 2. Cind cuvintul ,,nom.“ sau ,,nomen“ este a§ezat dupa citatul unui taxon, autorul semnaleaza ей In publica[ia respectivS a dat pentru prima data numele taxonului, descrierea acestuia fiind publicatS in prealabil sau deo-camdatS neavind diagnoza [name; Name, Benennung; nom; ndv* el-nevezds; название]* NOMEN SOLUM -*■ (nomen) nudum 143 NOMENCLATOR m, nomenclator, lista alfabeticd cu numiri (titlu de carte: Nomenclator botanicus) [nomenclator ; Nolknenklator; nomencla-teur; ndvjegyzdk; перечень] 144 NOMENCLATURA f, nomenclatura, totalitatea denumirilor folosite in cadrui unei discipline [nomenclature; Nomenklatur; nomenclature; ndvjegyzdk, elnevezdsek jegyzdke; номенклатура] *■ 145 NOMIUM n (gr. vopo<; ,,pS§une44), nomiu, ca\itati roase de larvele unor insecte in par[ile parenchimatice ale plantelor [nomium; Mine; nomium, mine; ndmium; номиум] 146 NOMOCOLUS (-COLA f) (gr. -, lat. incola ,,locuitor“) -♦ nomophilus 147 NOMOPHILUS (gr. -, qute© „a iubi44), nomofil, care cre§te pe pS§uni [dwelling in pastures; weideliebend; aimant les paturages; legelot ked-vel6, legeldn dl6; обитающий на пастбищах] 148 NOMOPHYLLUM n (gr. vdpo? ,,obi-cei“, (poXXov „frunzS44), nomofilS, frunza normals, propriu zisS, ca organ de asimilatie (exclusiv catafilele, hi-pofilele, cotiledoanele) [nomophyll; Laubblatt; nomophylle; lomblevdl; номофилл ] 882 149 NOMOPHYTA n pi (gr. vojid? ,,pS-§une“, adventivus, advenus* 162 NOTHUS (gr. -), fals, aparent, hi-bridogen (defoliate, rSdScinS) [false, unreal; falsch, unecht; faux, batard; hamis, IStszdlagos; ложный] 163 NOTORRHIZUS (gr. vffiros ,,dos“, pi£a „rSdScinS"), notoriz, cu radi-cula aflatS pe partea dorsals a cotile-doanelor (Cruciferae) [notorrhizal; ruckenwurzelig; notorrhize; notoriz, hStgydkdcskds; спиннокорешковый] 164 NOTOTRIBUS (gr. -, tpipo? ,,cale‘!), nototrib, transportat pe spatele insec-tei (polenizare) [nototribe, nototribal; nototrib, ruckenfiihrend, rucken-staubend; nototribe; hSttal beporzo, hStioldalhoz tapadd; нототрибный] 165 NOTULA f 1. NotitS, scurtS obser-vatie; uneori titlu de carte (Notulae systematical). 2. Semn mic [small note, little mark; kurze Anzeige, kleines zei-chen; notice, petite marque; rovid jegyzet, jelecske; заметка] 166 NOVEM num., NOVEM-, nouS, cu nouS (novemfoliatus, novemnervatus) [nine, nine-; neun, neun-; neuf, S neuf; kilenc, kilenc-; девять, девяти-] —*• ennea- 167 NOVIFORMA f -*■ cultiforma, sati-forma 168 NOVITAS f, NOV IT I A f, noutate, uneori ca titlu de carte (Novitiae florae Sueciae) [newness; Neuigkeit; nouveaute; ujdonsSg; новинка] 169 NOVUS, nou, tlnSr (frunza ra-mura ~) [new, young; neu, jung; nouveau, jeune; iij, fiatal; новый, молодой]* 170 NOX (-CTIS) f, noapte (§i ca epitet bona-nox noapte bunS) [night; Nacht; nuit; djszaka; ночь] 171 NOXA f, NOXIA f, noxS, prejudiciu, efect dSunStor [hurt, harm, injury; Schaden, SchSdigung; prdjudice, dom-mage, blessure; k&rosodSs, Srtalom; повреждение] 172 NOXIUS, vStSmStor, dSunStor [injurious, harmful; schSdlich; nuisible, NUCLEOBIONTA prdjudiciable; karos, Srtalmas; вредный, пагубный] —*• perniciosus 173 NUBECULATUS, NUBILOSUS, NUBILUS 1. Innorat. 2. Intunecat. 3. Genu§iu-albastru [nubeculate, clouded, cloudy, dark, greyish blue; wolkig, dunkelfarbig, graulichblau; nuagd, fonce, grisatre bleu; felh6s, sdtdt szinu, sztirkSskdk; облачный, тёмный, синевато-зелёный] 174 NUCACEUS, nucaceu, nuciform, asemSnStor cu nuca, dur ca nuca [nuca-ceous; nuBartig; писасё; didszerii, didkemdny; ореховидный J 175 NUCAMENTUM n 2. Nucament, siliculS unispermS indehiscenta (Cram-be, Neslia). 2. Ament [nucamentum, catkin; NuBschdtchen, nuBartiges Schotchen, KStzchen; nucamentum, silicule uniloculaire, chaton; egymag-vii becoke, zSrt becoke, barka; ореховидный плод, односемянный стручочек, сережка] 176 NUCELLUS m, nucelS, tesutul paren-chimatic de sub integumentul ovulu-lui, ocupind spa[iul dintre funicul §i micropil [nucellus, ovule-Kernel ;Nuzel-lus, Knospenkern; nucelle; nucellusz, magriigybdl, magkezdemdny-bdl; ну-целлус, ядро семяпочкй] -*■ meta-blastum 177 NUCIFER, nucifer, care produce nuci [nuciferous, nut-bearing; nuB-tragend; nucifdre; diotermd ; орехоносный] 178 NUCIFORMIS, nuciform, de forma unei nuci [nut-shaped; nuflformg; nuciforme; did alaku; ореховидный] 179 NUCLEARIS, nuclear, care apartine sau se refers la un nucleu (diviziune, fuziune, sue, endosperm) [nuclear; nukleSr, kern-; nucldaire; nuklearis, sejtmag-; нуклеарный, ядерный] 180 NUCLEATIO f, nucleate, formarea nucleului [nucleation, nucleus-for-mation; Kernbildung; nucldation; sejtmagkepzodds; нуклеация, образование ядра] 181 NUCLEATUS, NUCLEIFER, nu-cleat, prevSzut cu nucleu [nucleated, nucleiferous; kernig, kerntragend; пис1ёё; sejtmagvas; ядроносный] 182 NUCLEINUM n -» achromatinum 183 NUCLEOBIONTA n pi, nucleobionti, organisme cu celule nucleate [nucleo-bionta; Nukleobionten; nucleo-biontes; nukleobiontSk; нуклеобионты] N UCLEOCEN TROSOMA 184 N UCLEOCEN TROSOMA n (lat. nucleus ,,slmbure“, gr., Kdvtpov ,,cen-tru“, offipa „corp*1), nucleocentrozom, centrul divizionar intranuclear (Kar-sten) [nucleocentrosome; Nukleozen-trosom; nucldocentrosome; nukleo-centroszdma; нуклеоцентросома] 185 NUCLEOCHYLEMA n (lat.-, gr. XuXiopa ,,suc“) —» caryolympha 186 NUCLEODESMA n (lat. -, gr. 8eap6g „legSturS"), nucleodesmS, formate fi-brilarS fScind legStura intre pSrJile interioare ale nucleului §i intre citoplasmS (Scott) [nucleodesma; Nukleo-desma; nucldodesme; nukleodezma; нуклеодесма] 187 NUCLEOHYALOPLASMA n (lat-, -, gr. baXog ,,sticlS“, TtXdapa „mode-lare“) —*■ caryolympha 188 NUCLEOIDES f pi (lat. -, gr. eI5oq „asemSnare"), nucleoide, corpusculi nucleiformi din citoplasma bacteriilor (Bringmann) [nucleoides; Nukleoi-den; nucldoides; nukleoidSk; нуклеои-дий] 189 NUCLEOLATUS, nucleolat, prevSzut cu nucleoli [nucleolate, nucleolated; kleinkernig; nucleoid; nukleolSs; с ядрышком] 190 NUCLEOLUS m, nucleol, corpuscul sferic, membranos, aflat in nucleu, care se resoarbe in timpul mitozei [nucleole; Nukleolus, Kernkdrperchen; nucldole; nukleolusz, sejtmagocska; ядрышко] -*■ plasmatosoma 191 NUCLEOMA n (lat.-, fr. opaSog „multime"), nucleom 1. Termen co-lectiv pentru substanja nuclearS (Rie-ger). 2. Totalitatea nucleilor dintr-un organism sau dintr-o celulS poliener-gidS (Dangeard) [nucleom; Nukleom; nucldome; nukleoma; нуклеома] 192 NUCLEOPLASMA n (lat. -, gr. яХйора „modelare"),'nucleoplasmS; ca-riolimfS; sucul nuclear; substanta intranuclearS fluids §i vie [nucleoplasm; Nukleoplasma, Karyolymphe, Kernsaft, Kernplasma; nucldoplasme, caryolymphe; nukleoplazma, sejt-magplazma; нуклеоплазма, кариоплазма, ядерное вещество] 193 NUCLEOPROTEIDES f pi (lat. -, gr. ярйто? „primul", elSog „asemSnare"), nucleoproteide, proteide din nucleul celular [nucleoproteides; Nuk-leoproteiden; nucldoproteides; nuk-leoproteidek; нуклеопротеиды-] —*• phosphoroproteid.es 884 194 NUCLEOSOMA n (lat. -, gr. стйца „corp"), nucleozom, sateli[i afla(i pe suprafata nucleolilor (Nawashin) [nu-cleosoma; Nukleosom; nucldosome; nukleoszdma; нуклеосома] 195 NUCLEUS m, nucleu 1. Corpuscul de obicei globulos din citoplasmS, constituentul principal al celulei, cu rol in reproducere §i in transmiterea caracterelor (Brown, 1835). 2. Sim-bure osos [nucleus, cell-nucleus, seed-kernel; Kern, Zellkern, Samen-kern; noyau; sejtmag, csonthdjas mag; ядро, клеточное ядро, косточка] —► mesoblastus 196 NUCULA f, nuculS*, fruct uscat monosperm, indehiscent, cu pericarpul osos sau coriaceu (Corylus, Tilia, Borago) [nucule, nutlet; Niisschen; nucule, noisette; makkocska, aszmag; орешек] 197 NUCULANA f, NUCULANIUM n, nuculaniu, fruct compus, drupaceu sau baciform cu simburi sclero§i liberi sau alipi^i, cuprin§i in mezo-carp (Mespilus, Cornus) [nuculane; Sammelsteinfrucht; nuculaine; nu-kulSnium; многогнездная костянка] 198 NUDUS, NUDI-, nud, neacoperit (floare mugure ~) (nudicaulis, nudiflorus, nudifolius) [nude, bare, naked; nackt; nu; csupasz, fedetlen; голый] —*■ detectus* NOMEN NUDUM, nume nud, ne-insotit de diagnozS [nude name; nackter Name; nom nu; csupasz nev; название без описания] —* nomen solum 199 NULLI-, NULLUS, nul, care lip-se§te complet (stylus brevis vel nul-lus stilul scurt sau lipsS) (nulliner-vis, nullisomicus) [none, wanting, lacking; kein, fehlend; nul, man-quant; semmi, hiSnyzd; никакой, без, недостающий] 200 NUMEROSUS, numeros, aflat in numSr mare [numerous, very many; zahlreich; nombreux; sok, szamos, szdmtalan; многочисленный] —*• multus, pluri-, poly-, mille-, myrio- 201 NUMEROTYPUS m (lat. numerus „numSr", typus „model"), numerotip, tip care poate fi recunoscut numai prin metode statistice [numerotype; Numerotypus; numerotype; nume-rotipus; нумеротип] * Termen neclar, folosit in literaturS in diferite acceptiuni 886 202 NUMMIFORMIS, NUMMULA-RIUS, numular, de forma rotunds a monedei [coin-shaped; miinzen&hn-lich; nummulaire; ёгсрёпг alakd; монетообразный] 203 NUPTIAE f pi, nuntS, fecundare (nuptiae plantarum fecundarea plantelor) [wedding, fertilization; Hoch-zeit, Befruchtung; noce, fdconda-tion; ndsz, megtermdkenyiilds; свадьба, оплодотворение] —*■ sponsalia 204 NUPTIALIS, nuptial, intrafloral (nectarinS), situat in zona interns a florii [nuptial, intrafloral; nuptial, intrafloral; nuptial, intraflorale; nup-ciSlis, virSgon beluli; нулциальный] 205 NUTANS, NUT ANTI- (nuto), nutant, cu partea terminals aplecatS in jos §i in afarS (floare, tulpinS) (nutantiflorus) [nutant, nodding, drooping; nickend, iiberhSngend, hSnge-, nick-; penchd, inclinant; bdkold; поникший, поникающий] —*■ cernuus, pendulus 206 NUTATIO f, nutatie, mi§cSri auto-nome revolutive, rotatoare sau un-dulatoare, datorite cre§terii unor pSrti de organe [nutation; Nutation, Nutationsbewegung, Wachstumsbe-wegung, Neigungsbewegung; nutation ; nutScid, novekeddsi mozgSs, csdcskeringo mozgSs; нутация, вращение] 207 NUTRICISMUS m, nutricism, nu-tritia plantelor simbiotrofe pe calea micorizei [nutricism; Nutrizismus; nutricisme; nutricizmus; нутрицизм] 208 NUTRIENS, NUTRITIUS, NU-TRITIVUS, nutritiv, nutritor (tesut, plants) [nutrient, nourishing; ernSh-rend; nutritif; taplald; питающий, питательный] —► alibilis* 209 NUTRITIO f, nutritie [nutrition; ErnShrung; nutrition; tSplSlkozSs; питание] 210 NUX f 1. „NucS“*. 2. GhindS. 3. Fruct uscat indehiscent, monosperm, cu pericarpul tare (Quercus, Fagus) [,,nut“, gland; ,,NuB“, Eichel; „noix“, gland; ,,did“, makk; „opex“, желудь] -NYMUS 211 NYCT-, NYCTAGINI-, NYCTI-, -NYCTUS (gr. vd£, vokt6? „noapte"), nocturn, de noapte (nyctanthus, nyctaginiflorus, nyctiflorus, epinyctus) [nocturnal, nightly; nSchtlich; nocturne; djszakai; ночной] 212 NYCTANTHUS, NYCTAGINIFLORUS, NYCTIFLORUS - nocti-florus 213 NYCTANTHIA f (gr. -, SvOo? „floare"), nictantie, inflorire in timpul noptii [nyctanthy; Nachtbluhen; nyctanthie; djszakai virSgzSs; никтан-тия] 214 NYCTIGAMUS (gr.-, yapo? „cSsStorie"), nictigam, cu flori care se deschid numai seara pentru a atrage prin miros §i culoare agentii poleni-zatori [nyctigamous; nyktigam; nyc-tigame; djszaka porzodd; никгигам-ный] 215 NYCTINASTIA i (gr. -, vaaxd? „presat"), NYCTINAST ISMUS m, NYCTI TROPIA f, NYCTITRO-PISMUS m (gr. -, троят) „rSsucire"), nictinastie, nictitropism, mi§cSri pa-ratonice periodice ale organelor florale sau foliare cauzate de alternanta luminozitStii §i a intunericului, rezul-tind pozitia diurnS §i cea de somn (Oxalis) [nyctinasty, nyctitropism; Nyktinastie, nyktinastische Bewe-gung, Schlafbewegung, Pflanzen-schlaf; nyctinastie, nyctitropisme; nik-tinasztia, niktinSsztikus mozgas; ншстинастия, никтитропизм] 215a NYCTINASTICUS (gr. -), NYC-TITROPICUS (gr. -, троят) „rSsucire") —*■ pholeolicus 216 NYCTIPELAGICUS (gr.-, neXayoq „marea"), nictipelagic, referitor la organismele plutitoare care in timpul noptii se ridicS deasupra apelor mSrii [nyctipelagic; nyktipelagisch; nycti-pdlagique; niktipelSgikus; никтипела-гический] 217 -NYMUS (gr. dvopa „nume"), cu nume (heteronymus, homonymus) [named; benannt, -namig; nomme, a noms; nevu; с именем, с название] * Termenul ,,nucS“ adesea folosit impropriu in literaturS pentru fructul de Juglans. о 1 0ANG1VM n (gr. denti-, dentato-, -dens 62 ODONTOLOMUS (gr. -, JU&pa, Ш" patog „margine"), cu marginea din-tatk [marginidentate; gezkhntrandig, zkhniggeskumt; к bordure dentde; fogazott szdlfi; зубоотороченный, зуб-чатоокаймлённый] 63 ODONTOPHYLLUS (gr. -, pauci-, span- 109 OLIGANDRUS (gr. -, dvf|p, dv8p6g „barbat"), cu pu$ine stamine [oligan-drous, few-stamened; wenigmannig; oligostamone; kevas porzdjii; мало-тычинковый] —► paucistamineus, oli-gostemoneus 110 OLIGANTHUS (gr. -, dvOog ,,floare“) —* pauciflorus 111 OLIGARCH ICU S (gr. -, dpxft ,,ori-gine“) -► pauciradiatus 112 OLIGOCARPUS (gr. -, карябс ,,fruct“), cu putine fructe [few-frui-ted; wenigfriichtig; oligocarpe; kevas termasu; малоплодный] OLIGOSA PRO ВIU S 113 OLIGODONTUS (gr. -, 68oix;, 686vto£ ,,dinte“) -*■ paucidentatus 114 OLIGOD YNAMICUS, OLIGOD YNA-MUS (gr. -, 8uva|iiQ ,,putere“), oli-godinamic, cu putere slaba; eficaco in cantitate mica [oligodynamic; oli-godynamisch; oligodyname; oligo-dinamikus; о лигодинамический] 115 OLIGOELEMENТА n pi (gr.-, lat. elementum „element”) -► microele-menta 116 OLIGOMERUS (gr. -, дерод „parte”),, oligomer, cu numar redus de par(i sau piese (verticil floral) [oligomerous; minderzahlig; oligomfere; kevas tagu; олигомерный] 117 OLIGONITROPHILUS (gr.-, vitpov ,,nitrat“, cpiX£co „a iubi”), oligonit-rofil, care traie§te in mediu cu pu^iit azot (bacterii) [oligonitrophilous; oli— gonitrophil; oligonitrophile; oligonit-rofil; олигонитрофильный] 118 OLIGOPELIC US (gr.-, m\Xix; ,,ar-giia“), oligopelic, care create pe solurile^ detritice slab argiloase [oligopelic; oli-gopelisch; oligopaiique; oligopaiikus; олигопелически й] 119 OLIGO PH AG U S (gr.-, (pdyopai „а, minca”), oligofag, cu nutritie limi-tata la purine specii sau genuri de-plante [oligophagous; oligophag; oli-gophage; oligofag; олигофагный] stenophagus 120 OLIGOPHOT1CUS (gr. -, «prfx;, pluviometrum 140 OMBROMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, рбрфю- oiq ,,formare“), ombromorfoza, mor-foza cauzata de ploile abundente [ombromorphose; Ombromorphose; ombromorphose; ombromorf6zis; om-броморфоз] 141 OMBROPHILUS (gr. -, фЛе© „а iubi“), ombrofil, adaptat pentru ploi abundente [ombrophilous, rain-loving; regenliebend, regenfreundlich; ombro-phile; ombrofil, es6kedvel6; ’дожделюбивый] 142 OMBROPHOBUS (gr. -,фО0о<;„fried"). ombrofob, neadaptat pentru ploi abundente (planta) [ombrophobe, hating rain; regenmeidend, regenscheuend, regenfeindlich; ombrophobe, es6ke- iilo; омброфобный] 143 OMBROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитбу ,,planta“), ombrofite, plante adaptate ploilor abundente [ombrophytes; Om-brophyten; ombrophytes; ombrofitdk; омброфиты] 144 OMNI-, OMNIS, tot, orice, oriunde (omnicolus, omnivorus) [all, whole, every; alle, ganz; tout, entitfi*, complet, partout; minden, valamennyi, teljes, mindeniitt; всякий, все] 145 OMNICOLOR multicolor, poly-chromus 146 OMNICOLUS (-COLA I), omnicol, care create pretutindeni (planta) [omni-colous; iiberall-wachsend; omnicole; bdrhol 616; вездесущий] ш 147 ОМ N IPO TEN TIA f, omnipotent, capacitatea ovulului fecundat de a reproduce toate organele plantei [omnipotency; Omnipotenz; omnipotence; omnipotencia; омнипотенция] -*■ totipo-tentia 148 OMNIVORUS, omnivor, pantofag, pleiofag, care se nutre$te atit cu substance vetetale, cit§i cu animale [omnivorous; omnivor, allesfressend; omnivore; mindenevd; всеядный] -> pantojohagus, pleiophagus, polyphagus, plurworus 149 OMOPLEPHYTA n pi (gr. оцояХект|<; ,,!mpletit“, ardesiacus, tylicolor 154 ONTOGENIA f, ONTOGENESIS t (gr. 6vxa „existent", y6veoi? ,,na§-tere"), oniogenezd, dezvoltarea in-dividuaia a organismului incepind de la celula ou §i pind la incheierea ciclului vital [ontogenesis, ontogeny; Ontogenese, Ontogenie, Entwicklungs-geschichte; ontogenfcse, ontogdnie; ontogenezis, egyedfejl6d6s, egydni fej-16d6s folyamata; онтогенез, онтогения] 155 OOAPOGAMIA f (gr. dbdv ,,ou", йяд „fard", yapog „cdsdtorie"), ooapoga-mie, euapogamie; apogamie diploidd; dezvoltarea sporofitului din game-tofit in lipsa procesului de fecundare [ooapogamy, euapogamy; Ooapoga-mie; ooapogamie, ooapogdmia; ooa-погамия] —*• parthenoapogamia 156 OOBLASTEMA n (gr. -, рХйоттща „germen"), ooblastemd, oosfera fe-cundata [ooblastema; Ooblastem, be-fruchtetes Ei; ooblastdme; ooblaszte-ma, megtermdkenyitett petesejt; oo-бластема] OONUCLEUS 157 OOCARPUS m (gr.-, карябд „fruct")-—* oospora, gynogonidium, oospermium 158 OOCENTRUM n (gr. -, xdvrpov-„centru"), OVOCENTRUM n, oo-centru, centrul divizionar al oosferer (Fol) [oocentre; Oozentrum; oocen-tre; oocentrum; ооцентр] 159 OOCYSTA f (gr. -, ldkmg „pungd"),. oocist; oogon; cist rezultat din oo-gamie dind na§tere talurilor noi [oocyst ; Oozyste; oocyste; oociszta, oogonium; oo циста] 160 OOCYTIS, -7D/5f(gr.-,KUTl? ,,cutie“> —*gametocytis 161 OODES, OODEUS (gr. -, eISoq ,,ase— mdnare") —*• oviformis, ovoideus 162 OOGAMETA f (gr. -, yap&niQ „sotie"),, oogamet, gametul femel [oogamete-;. Oogamet; oogamdte; oogamdta; oo-гамета] 163 OOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpo? „cdsdtorie"),. oogamie, mod de reproducere sexuatS intre anisogameti, rezultind oosporuF (Oomycetes) [oogamy; Oogamie; oogamie; oogdmia; оогамия] —► aniso-gamia, heterogamia 164 OOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveoi? ,,na§-tere"), oogenezd. 1. Dezvoltarea celulei sexuale femeie din oogon. 2". Formarea oosferei [oogenesis; Ooge-nese, Eireifung; oogentee; oogenezis-;. оогенез, овогенез] 165 OOGONIUM n (gr. - yovf| ,,urma§‘% oogon, gametangiul femel dezvolta* pe ramificatiile laterals ale talului* (Thallophyta) [oogone; Oogonium„ Eibildungszelle; oogone; oogonium,, termogomb; оогоний1 166 OOKINESIS f (gr.-, xtvnoi? ,,mi§-care"), oocinezd, procesul de mito-zd din celula ou in timpul maturatiei* §i a fertilizdrii acestuia (Whitman)* [ookinesis; Ookinese; oocinfese; ooki-ndzis; оокинез] 167 OOLYSIS f (gr. -, Хоаг? „descom-punere"), oolizd, inverzirea carpelei-sau a ovulului (Penzig) [oolysis; Oolyse; oolyse; oolizis; оолизис] 168 OONANGIUM n (gr. -, dyyelov ,,vas“) (Radlkofer) -* (saeculus) em-bryonalis 169 OONEION (gr. -, vr\\Q „nimfd") (Radlkofer) -*• archegonium 170 OONUCLEUS m (gr. -, lat. nucleus-„simbure"), oonucleu, nucleul oosferei [oonucleus; Oonukleus; oonucleus.;. oonukleusz; оонуклеус] OOPHORIDIUM 171 OOPHORIDIUM n (gr. форбд „purtStor”, -iSiov ,,mic“) -* macrosporangium 172 OOPHYTON n (gr.-, gynogonidium, oocarpus, oospermium 179 OOSPORANGIUM n (gr. --, ayyelov ,,vas“), oosporange, sporange cu oo-spori [oosporange; Oosporangium; oosporange ; oospordngium; ооспоран- ГИЙ] 180 OOTHECA f (gr. -, 0f|Kn ,,cutie“), ooteca, sporangele ferigilor [ootheca; Ootheka; oothfeque; ootaka; оотека] 181 OPACUS, opac, n^pelucid, netran-sparent, mat [opaque, dull, not transparent, not shining; matt, undurch-sichtig, glanzlos; opaque; fdnytelen, matt, atlatszatlan; матовый, тусклый] —*• impellucidus 182 OPALINUS, opalin, opalescent, al-bistrui ca opalul [opalin, opal-coloured; opalfarbig, opalblau; opaline; opdlkdk; опаловый] 183 OPERCULARIS, OPERCULIFOR-MIS, opercular, de forma operculului; care apartine operculului [opercular, operculiform; deckelartig; opercu-laire; feddszeru; kupakszerO; крьппеч- КОВИДНЫЙ] 184 OPERCULATUS, operculat, prevSzut cu opercul sau cu capac (pixidS) 844 [operculate; deckeltragend, bedeckt; opercuia; kupakos, csalmSs, befedett, fedds; с крышечкой] 185 OPERCULUM n, opercul. 1. CSpS-cel care la maturitatea fructifica(iei se desprinde §i cade (la capsula sau urna Briofitelor, la pixida unor Fane-rogame). 2. Partea tegumentului se-min(ei din fa[a radiculei, care se deta§eaz& la tnceputul germinSrii [oper-cule; Deckel, Kapseldeckel, Samen-deckel; opercule; kupak, fedd, csal-ma: оперкулум, крышечка] 186 OPERIENS (operio), acoperitor, care acoperS [covering; verdeckend; couv-rant; befedd, betakard; прикрывающий] 187 OPERTUS, acoperit [covered; ver-deckt; couvert; fedett; прикрытый] —» coopertus, tectus 188 OPHIO- (gr. 6ф1? ,,§arpe“), §erpuitor; in formS de §arpe; flexuos (ophio-carpus, ophiophyllus, ophiospermus) [snake-, flexuose; schlangen-, gesch-lSngelt-; serpentiforme, flexueux; ki-gyozd-, hajlongd; змее-] —*■ flexuosus, serpentiformis 189 OPHIONOMIUM n (gr. -, vopdg ,,pS§unat“), ofionomiu, cavitS(i serpentiforme roase de larve in pSr(ile parenchimatice ale plantelor [ophio-nomium; Minengang, Gangmine; ophionomium; ofionomium; офионо-миум] 190 OPIMUS, OPIPARUS ->■ opulens 191 О PIS THlA LIS f OPISTHOIDALIS (gr. dTtiaOiog „posterior”), opistial, aflat in partea posterioarS (interioarS) [posterior, opisthial; opisthial, hinter, hinterseitig; opisthiale, postarieur, situё au dessous; opiszti&lis, hStulso, alul levo; опистиалъиый, задний] * 192 OPISTHODROMUS (gr. -, Бродод „fugS”), opistodrom, cind linia spira-lei genetice trece de la bractee la primul segment floral pe partea posterioarS (adaxialS) a florii [opistho-dromous; opisthodrom; opisthodrome; opisztodrdm, hStulfutd; опистодром- НЫЙ] . , 193 OPIUM n, opiu, latexul uscat, ob-tinut din capsulele nemature de Pa-paver somniferum [opium; Opium; opium; dpium; опиум] 194 OPLARIUM n —*• scyphus 195 OPOPHILUS (gr. 6juov „sucul de mac”, ф|Хёо9 „a iubi”), care create ш in sucuri [sap-loving; saftliebend; opophile; nedvben ё1б; любящий сок] 496 OPPIDUM n, ora? (prope oppidum linga ora?) [city, town; Stadt; ville; viros; город] 497 OPPOSITI-, OPPOSITUS, opus, a?ezat fa(& in Га(й la acela?i nivel (frunze, ramuri, muguri, stamine) (oppositiflorus, oppositifolius, opposi-tipinnatus) [opposite; gegen-, gegen-st&ndig; oppos6; dtellenes, szemben-6116; супротивпо-, супротивный]] —► con-trapositus 498 OPPRIMANS (opprimo), oprimant. care asupre?te sau cople§e§te (caractere de sexualitate) [oppressing; oppri-mierend; opprimant; elnyom6: угнетённый] 499 -OPS, -OPSIS (gr. 6v|fig „aspect"), cu aspect, cu infati?are de (ckrysops, argyropsis, ampelopsis) [seeming, with appearance of; aussehend, -gesicht; semblable 6, к apparence; kin6z6su, -szeru; видимый, по виду] 200 OPSEOSPERMATA n pi (gr. -, antp-pa ,,s6min^6), opseospermate, veru-cozitSti superficiale continind spori (Algae) [opseospermata; Opseosper-mata; opseospermata; opseospermata; опсеоспермата] 201 OPSIANTHUS (gr. бчнод ,,tardiv“, flvOog „floare") —* tardiflorus 202 OPSIGONIA f (gr. -, y6vog ,,urma§“), opsigonie, dezvoltarea tardiva §i anor-maia a mugurilor adormiti (Wittrock) [opsigony; Opsigonie ; opsigonie ; k6soi rugyfakadas, opszig6nia; опсигония] 203 OPT1MALIS, optimal, cu gradul cel mai favorabil al unui factor biologic (luminozitate, precipitate, tem-peratura) [optimal, the most favourable; optimal, der geeignetste; optimal; optim£lis, legkedvezdbb; оптимальный] 204 OPTIMUM n, optim, condijia cea mai favorabila (climatic, ecologic) [optimum; Optimum; optimum; optimum ; оптимум] 205 OPULENS, OPULENTUS, opulent, copios, imbel§ugat, viguros [plentiful, fruitful, abundant; reich, voll, frucht-bar; opulent, riche, abondant, co-pieux; Ьб, d6s, gazdagon termd, erdteljes; изобилующий, обильный, плодородный] —► opimus, opiparus 206 OPUS (-ERIS) n, operft, carte, lucrare [work; Werk; ouvrage, oeuvre; mfi, dolgozat; труд, сочинение] ORDINA TUS OPERE CITATO, (OP. CIT.), in opera citata; in the work cited; in dem zitierten Werk; dans l’ouvrage cit6; id6zett muben; вцитированном труд] —► loco citato (I.e.) 207 ORAIODIMORPHISMUS* m (gr. (bpatoq ,,de sezon", 6tg ,,de doua ori", popqrfi „forma"), dimorfism sezonier, doua infati?ari deosebite dupa ano-timp, ca urmare a adaptSrii la con-ditiile ecologice [seasondimorphism; Saisondimorphismus; dimorphisme; saisonnier; 6vszakbeli k6talakus4g, 6v-szakbeli ketoldalusag; сезонный диморфизм] 208 ORAIOPOLYMORPHISMUS* m (gr. -, лоХОд „mai mult", poptpn „forma"), polimorfism sezonier [season-polymorphism,seasonal polymorphism; Saisonpolymorphismus; polymorphis-me saisonnier; 6vszakbeli tobbala-kusag, 6vszakbeli tobboldalus4g; сезонный полиморфизм] 209 ORBATUS, lipsit de (stylo orbato lipsit de stil) [deprived, destitute; beraubt; prive; megfosztott; лишенный]] —*• destitulus 210 ORBICULARI-, ORBICULARIS, ORBICULATUS, orbicular, orbicu-lat, circular, rotund §i plan (frunza) (orbicularifolius) [orbicular, orbicu-late, circular, rounded; kreisformig, kreisrund, abgerundet, scheibenrund; orbiculaire, orbicule, arrondi, circu-laire; kerek, koralaku, kdrszeru, kerek-ded, kerekitett; круглый, кругообразный, округлый, закруглённый] —► circularis, disciformis, rotundus, stron-gylo- 211 ORBICULUS m, orbicul 1. Corp lenticular aflat in fundul peridiei, con^inind spori (Nidularia). 2. Co-ronuia carnoasa plana (Stapelia) [or-biculus; Orbikulus, Teller; orbicule; orbikulusz; орбикулус] 212 ORCHIDOLOGIA f (gr. opxiq „testi-cul", Xoyog „vorbire"), orhidologie, studiul familiei Orchidaceae [orchi-dology; Orchidologie; orchidologie; orchidoldgia; орхидология] 213 ORCULAEFORMIS, orculiform, in forma de butoia? (spori la Lichenes) [cask-shaped; tonnchenformig; ressem-blant 6 un tonnelet; hord6cskaszeru; бочонковидный] 214 ORDINATUS, aranjat, a?czat in or-dine [ordinate, arranged; geordnet; rang6; rendezett; правильный] * Nomen in hoc loco. 215 ORDO m 1. Ordine. 2. Ordin (categoric sistematicS superioarS familiei) (Lycopodiales, Pyrenomycetales) [order; Ordnung; ordre; rend; порядок, ряд] 216 OREO-, О RE A DES, OREALIS, ORE-OCHARIS, OREODOXUS, OREO-PH1LVS (gr. брею? ,,montan“, x^pi? „frumusete", бо&исб? ,,de podoab5“, ф|Ш) „a iubi“) —» montanus, mon-ticolus 217 OREOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qrcrdv ,,plantS(‘), oreofite, plante alpine [alpine plants; Alpenpflanzen; plantes alpines; havasi n6v6nyek; альпийское растение, горное растение] 218 ORGADOPHYTA n pi (gr. бруйд „sol fertil", -), orgadofite, plante din locurile pSduroase deschise (Clements) [orgadophyta, open woodland plants; Orgadophyten; orgadophytes; orga-dofitSk; оргадофиты] 219 ORGANELLAE f pi, organele, or-ganite, elementele functionate ale celulei (nucleu, centrozom, vacuolS pulsa-tilS etc.) [organellae; Organellen; organelles, organites; organellSk; opra-неллы] 220 ORGANICUS, organic 1. De origine animals sau vegetalS. 2. Care se referS la organe [organic; organisch; organique; organikus, szerves; органический] 221 ORGAN IS MU S m, organism, corp organizat viu, caracterizat prin metabolism §i reproducere [organism; Organismus, Lebewesen; organisme; organizmus, szervezet; организм] 222 ORGANOGENIA f, ORGANOGENESIS f (gr. Qpyavov „organ", ySveou; ,,na§tere“), organogenezS, studiul origin» §i a fazelor de dezvoltare a organelor [organogeny, organogenesis; Organogenese, Organogenie; organo-gen£se; organogenezis; органогенез] 223 ORGANOGENUS (gr. - -), organogen, care produce organe [organogenetic; organogen, organerzeugend, organ-bildend ;organog£ne; organogen, szerv-kdpzd; органогенный] 224 ORGANOGRAPHIA f (gr. -, ypd0Xov ,,trib“), organofilie, filogenia organelor [organophyly; Organa phylie; organophylie; organofilia; органофилия] 229 ORGANOPHYLOGENESIS f (gr. - -„ yfcveai? ,,na§tere“), organofilogenezS, studiul dezvoltSrii organelor din punct de vedere filogenetic [organophylo-genese; Organophylogenese; organo-phylogenfese; organ ofilogendzis; органофилогенез] 230 ORGANOPLASTICVS (gr. -, nXao-■пкб? „plastic"), organoplastic, ca-pabil de a forma organe [organoplastic ; organoplastisch; organoplasti-que; organoplasztikus; органопластический] 231 ORGANOTROPHICUS (gr. -, TPo [orthotropal, orthotropous; ortho-trop, geradlSufig, geradwendig; orthotrope; ortotrop, egyenesen futd; ортотропный, прямой] —► atropus 269 ORTHOTYPUS m (gr. -, xwio? „model"), ortotip, genotipul cu denu-mirea lui initials [orthotype; Ortho-typus; orthotype; ortotipus; ортотип} 270 ORTUS, provenit, nSscut [born, issued, arisen out of; entstanden, her-vorgegangen, entsprungen; issu, пё; keletkezett, szSrmazott, ered6; возникший] 271 ORYGMA n, ORYGOMA n (gr. 6puy-pa „groapS"), origomS, conceptacul cupuliform cu propagule pe unele frunze (Marchantia) [orygoma; Ory-goma; orygome; origoma; оригома) 272 OS (ORIS) n, gurS, orificiu, deschi-zSturS [mouth, orifice, opening; Mund, Mundung, Offnung; bouche, orifice; szij, nyilSs; устье] 273 OS С ILL A NS, OS С ILL A NUS,OSCIL~ LATORIUS, oscilant, versatil, mo-, bil (anterS) [oscillating, wavering, swinging; oszillierend, schwingend, schwankend, taumelnd, beweglich; oscillant, chancellant, versatile; ingd, lengd, mozgd; колеблющийся, качающийся, шатающийся] —► titubans, va-cillans, versatilis 274 OSM-, OSMO-, -OSMUS (gr. dopn „miros, parfum"), cu miros de, miro-sitor (osmanthus, anosmus, glycyos-mus, osmosporus) [-scented; -duftend, -duftig; a odeur de; -szagd, illatos; -пахнущий] 275 OSMOMETRUM n (gr. dxrpd? ,,im-pulsie", p^Tpov „mSsurS"), osmome-tru, aparat pentru mSsurarea presiu-nii osmotice [osmometer; Osmometer; osmomfetre; 0Бгт6тё1ег; осмометр] 276 OSMOMORPHOSIS i (gr. -, рбрфохтк; „formare"), osmomorfozS, reac(ia mor-fogeneticS in urma schimbSrii presiunii osmotice [osmomorphosis; Osmomor-phose; osmomorphose; oszmdmorfd-zis; осмоморфоз] 277 OSMOREGULATIO t (gr. -, lat. regulo „a regia"), osmoreglare, auto-reglarea presiunii osmotice in functie* de schimbarea cauzelor exterioare [osmoregulation; Osmoregulation; os- *49 mordglage; oszmdregul&cid; осморегуляция] 278 OSMOSIS f (gr. -), osmozS, difuzarea printr-o membranS semipermeabilS intre douS solujii cu concentra}» diferite [osmose; Osmose; osmose; oszmdzis; осмоз] 279 OSMOTAXIS f (gr. xo^i? ,,ordine“), . osmotaxie, mi§care celularS autonomS pentru restabilirea echilibrului osmotic [osmotaxis; Osmotaxis; osmotaxie; oszmotaxis; осмотаксис] 280 OSMOTICUS (gr. -), osmotic, refe-ritor la osmozS (capacitate, presiune) [osmotic; osmotisch; osmotique; osz-mdtikus; осмотический] * 281 OSMOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, xponq „rSsucire"), osmotropism, tropism da-torit variajiei de presiune osmoticS [osmotropism; Osmotropismus; osmo-tropisme; oszmotropizmus; осмотропизм] —*■ tonotropismus 282 OSSEUS, dur ca osul [bony, hard like bone; knochenhart; osseux; csontkemeny; костный] 283 OSSICULUM n -*• pyrena 284 OSTARIPHYTA n pi (gr. doxdpiov „os mic", qwxdv „plants"), ostarifite, plante cu fructe drupe sau drupacee [ostariphytes; Ostariphyten; ostariphy-tes; osztarifitak; остарифиты] 285 OSTEOSCLEREIDAE f pi (gr. 6o-xeov „os", сткЯ,лрд? „dur", el5o? „asemSnare"), osteosclereide, celule sclerenchimatice de forma tibiei [oste-osclereids; Osteosklereiden, Knochen-zellen; osteosclereides; oszteoszklerei-d&k, ISbszarcsont alaku szilSrdito sejtek; остеосклереидий] 286 OSTEOSPERMUS (gr. -, ояёрра „sSmintS"), cu semin}e osoase [osteo-spermous; knochensamig; osteosper-me; csontos magvu; костесемянный] 287 OSTIOLATUS, ostiolat, prevSzut cu ostiolS; cu mici deschizSturi [ostio-late; bemundet; ostiote; osztiolSs, nyilSsos; с отверстием] 288 OSTIOLUM n, ostiolS, deschizS-turS micS ce comunicS cu exteriorul (la conceptaculul algelor, lichenilor, la periteciul ciupercilor, la stomate) [ostiole; Mundung, Eingang; ostiole; osztidlum, nyilSs; устьице, отверстие] 289 OSTRINUS -*■ purpureus 290 -OTIS, ОТО-, -OTUS (gr. об?, сЬхб? „ureche") (chrysotis, otolepis, bra- OXA LIFER chyotus, otites, otophorus) —* auricu-lato-, auriculatus 291 OVALI-, OVALIS *, oval, alungit eliptic, cu capetele rotunjite (Linn£, Bischof, Jackson, Rehder etc.) sau acut la capStul de sus (Lindley etc.), adesea sinonimizat cu ovatus (Rokit-sky); mai recent se evitS folosirea acestui termen (FI. Eur.) [ovalifolius) [oval; oval; ovale; ovalis; овальный] 292 OVARIUM n, ovar, cavitatea bazalS a gineceului con(inind ovulele; pri-mordiul fructului [ovary; Frucht-knoten; ovaire; maghaz; завязь] 293 OVATI-, OVATUS, ovat, de forma unui ou; plan, mai lung decit lat, mai lat in treimea inferioara, avind capetele rotunjite sau, mai adesea, capStul de sus acut (frunza la Stellaria aquatica) (ovatifolius, ovato-oblongus) [ovate, egg-shaped; eifor-mig, eirund; ov6; tojas alaku; яйцевидный, яйцевидно-] 294 OVIFORM IS —* ovatus, oodes, ovoi-deus 295 OVIPARUS, ovipar, care se inmul-te§te pe calea semin[elsr (reprodu-cere~) [oviparous; durch Samen ver-mehrend; ovipare; magok utjan sza-porodd; яйцекладущий, семено-воспро-изведённый] 296 OVOCENTRUM n, OOCENTRUM n, ovocentru, centrul divizionar al celulei ou [ovocentre; Oozentrum, Ovozentrum; ovocentre; ovocentrum; obo центр] 297 OVOID ALIS, OVOIDEUS, ovoidal, ovoideu, corp de forma oului (fruct, sSmintS) [ovoid; ovoidal, eiahnlich; ovoi'de; ovoidSlis, tojasszeru; овойд-ный] 298 OVULATUS, OVULIFER, ovulat, prevSzut cu ovule (ovar) [ovulate; eiig; ovuld; magdudoros; несущий семяпочки] 299 OVULUM n, ovul 1. Celula sexualS femelS din ovar (Spermatophyta). 2. Megasporange (Pkanerogamae) [ovule, egg; Samenanlage, Eizelle; ovule; magkezdemdny, magriigy, magdudor; семяпочка, семезачаток] —*■ syncaryocytis 300 OVUM n -> oosphaera, zygota 301 OXALIFER, oxalifer, care confine cristale de oxalat de calciu (celulS) * In literaturS termenul este folosit in acceptiuni diferite. OXALILEUCYTES [oxaliferous; kalziumoxalat-tragend; oxaliffere; oxSlsavas kristSlyt кёргб; оксалатоносный] 302 OXALILEUCYTES t pi, oxalileu- * cite, vacuole celulare cu acid oxalic [oxalileucytes; Oxalileuzyten; oxali-leucy tes; oxalileucit&k; оксалилев-циты] 303 OXY- (gr. d£ug „ascutit, acru, acidic"), ascutit (oxyacanthus, oxycar-pus, oxygonus, oxyodontus, oxyphyl-lus, oxysepalus) [sharp-; spitz-; aigu; hegyes-; остро-] 304 OXYADENUS (gr. -, dSfiv „glan-d5“), cu glande ascu}ite [oxyadenous; spitzdrtisig; к glandes aigues; hegyes mirigyu; острожелезистый] 305 OXYBIONTA n pi (gr. -, Piog „via^a") -» aerobionta 306 OXY BIOSIS f (gr. --) — aerobiosis 307 OXYBIOTICUS (gr. ~) - aerobioti-cus 308 OXYGENOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, yewcuo „a produce", рбрфохпд ,,for-mare"), oxigenomorfozS, morfozS datoritS influen^ei oxigenului [oxy-genomorphosis; Oxygenomorphose; oxygenomorphose; oxigёnomoгf6zis; оксигеноморфоз] 309 OX YGENO TAXIS f (gr. ~, xd^ig „ordine") -*• aerotaxis 310 OXYGENOTROPISMUS m (gr.--, хротгп „curbare"), oxigenotropism, tropism provocat de prezenta oxigenului [oxygenotropism; Oxygeno- 850 tropismus; oxygdnotropisme; oxigS-notropizmus; оксигенотропизм] 311 OXYGENUM n (gr. -), oxigen [oxygen ; Sauerstoff; oxygfcne; oxigSn; кислород] 312 OXYGEOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, yft „pSmint", фохбу „plants"), oxigeo-fite, plante bumicole [oxygeophytes; Humuspflanzen; oxygSophytes; oxi-geofitSk; оксигеофиты] 313 OXYLOPHYTA n pi, OXYPHYTA n pi (gr. --), oxilofite, plante de soluri §i mla?tini turboase, bogate in acizi humici [oxylophytes; Oxylophyten; oxylophytes; oxilofitik; оксилофиты) 314 OXYPHILUS (gr. -, фгХёш „а pre-fera"), oxifil 1. Care prefers solurile acide (plants). 2. Cu afinitate pentru colorantii acizi (celulS) [oxyphilous; sSureliebend; oxyphile; oxifil; окси-фильный] 315 OXYPHOBUS (gr. -, фброд „fugS"), oxifob. I. Care evitS solurile acide (plants). 2. FSrS afinitate pentru colorantii acizi (celulS) [oxyphobous; sSurescheuend; oxyphobe; oxigSn-keriil6; оксифобный] 316 OXYSPERMUS (gr. -, аяёрра ,,s5-mintS"), cu seminte ascutite [sharp-seeded; spitzsamig; S graies aigues; hegyes magvii; остросемянный] 317 OXY TROPISMUS m (gr.-, троя* „curbare"), oxitropism, tropism cauzat de aciditatea mediului [oxytro-pism; Oxytropismus; oxytropisme ; oxitropizmus; окситропизм] р 1 PABULARIS, furajer, folosit ca nutrej [pabular, fit for fodder; fut-tergebend; fourragdre; takarmdnyo-zdsi; кормовой] 2 PACHY- (gr. naxw; „gros, Indesuit"), gros, indesuit, tare (pachyandrus, pachyanthus, pachy carpus, pachyr-rhizus) [thick-, stout-, densely-; dick-, dicht-; gros, dpais; vastag-, t6m6tt-; толсто-, густо-] —*■ crass i- 3 PACHYACANTHUS (gr. -, flmv0a „spin"), cu spini grosi [thick-spined; dichtstachelig; d dpines dpaisses; vastag tiiskdju; толстоколючковый] 4 PACHYNEMA n (gr. -, vflpa „fir"), pachinemd, spiralizarea §i ingro§area filamentelor cromatice din stadiul pachiten (Gregoire) [pachynema; Pachynema; pachynfeme; pachind-ma; пахинема] 5 PACHYNOSIS f(gr.-), pachinozd, cre§-terea in grosime a organelor [pachy-nosis, thickening; Pachynose, Di-ckenwachstum; pachynose, croissance en dpaisseur; pachindzis, vastago-dasi novekedds; пахиноз] 6 PACHYTENA f (gr. -, xoivia ,,ben-tijd"), pachiten, stadiul profazei meio-tice caracterizat prin terminarea im-perecherii cromozomilor omologi (Winiwarter) [pachytene; Pachytdn; pachy tane ; pachitdn-fazis; пахитена] V РАЕ DOGA MIA f (gr. nab;, wn&bq „copil", убцо^ „cdsdtorie"), pedoga-mie 1. Amfimixie prin copularea game^ilor haploizi §i formarea zigo-tului (Guilliermond). 2. Fuzionarea •celulei adulte cu una tindrd (Sac-ckaromyces) [paedogamy; Pddoga-mie; pёdogamie; pedogdmia; педогамия] 8 PAEDOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveou; ,,na?tere“), pedogenezd, precocitatea infloririi unor plante lemnoase In stadiul juvenil (Gosterus) [paedoge-nesis; Pddogenese; pddogendse; pe- dogenezis; педогенез] —*■ neotenia, progenesis 9 PAGAN US —*■ rusticus, rusticanus 10 PAGIN A f 1. Pagind (de carte). 2. Latura sau fata inferioard, respectiv superioard a organelor plane (frunze, petale) [page, side, face; Seite, Fiache; page, face; lap, oldal, szine v. fondkja (levdlnek); страница, сторона] 11 PAGON n (gr. яйуо? „ghiatd"), pagon, ansamblul organismelor vii cu biotopul in ghiatd sau in solul inghe-tat (Sernov) [pagon; Pagon; pagon; pagon; пагон] 12 PAGOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, q>ux6v „plantd"), pagofite, plante din regiu-nile pedemontane [pagophyta, foothill plants; Pagophy ten; pagophytes; pagofitak, havasalji ndvdnyek; naro-фиты] 13 PAGUS n, comuna (prope pagum lingd comund) [commune; Dorf; commune; kozseg; село] 14 PALACEUS, palaceu, cu organe ade-rente de suport prin marginile lor (frunze) [palaceous, margin-attached; randstielig; palacd; szdldvel odaforrt; краечерешковы й] 15 PALAEO- (gr. 7iaXai6g „vechi"), vechi, de altddatd (palaeofloristicus, palaeophyticus) [old, ancient, formerly; uralt, ehemalig; ancien, d’autrefois; 6srdgi, valamikori; сревный] 16 PALAEOARCHAEOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, dpxfl „Inceput", cputdv „plantd"), paleoarheofite, plante antropo-file din paleolitic [palaeoarchaeophy ta; Paldoarcheophyten; paldoarchdophy-tes; paleoarcheofitdk; палеоархео-фиты] 17 PALAEOARCTICUS (gr. -, йрктисб? „arctic"), paleoarctic, rdspindit In regiunea holarcticd din Lumea veche (element floristic) [palaeoarctic; pald-oarktisch; paldoarctique; paleodrkti-kus; палеоарктически й] PALAEOBIOLCGIA 18 PALAEOBIOLOGIA t (gr. -, Pto; ,,viatS‘\ „vorbire"), paleobiolo-gia, biologia organismelor fosile din epocile geologice [palaeobiology; Pa-laobiologie; pa№obiologie; paleobio-Idgia, 6sl6nytan; палеобиология] 19 PALAEO BOTANIC A f (gr. poxdvn „plants"), paleobotanica, botanica Iantelor fosile [palaeobotany; PalSo-otanik; pateobotanique; paleobota-nika, 6sn6vdnytan; палеоботаника] —»palaeophytologia, phytolitkologia 20 PALAEOECOLOGIA f (gr. oWoq „casS", X6yo<; „vorbire"), paleoecolo-gie, studiul rela(iilor dintre organisme §i mediu In epocile geologice [palaeoe-cology ; PalSoOkologie; pal6o6cologie; paldoOkoldgia; палеоэкология] 21 PALAEOENDEMISMUS m (gr. 4v „in", Sfjpo^ ,,regiune“), paileoen-demism, specii strSvechi, cu areal mare In trecut, care din cauza schim-LSrii condi(iilor de via(S astSzi au un areal redus, fiind izolate doar in citeva regiuni restrinse de pe glob (Ginkgo biloba) [palaeoendemism; Pa-iSoendemismus, Relikt-Endemismus, konservativer Endemismus; ра1ёоеп-demisme; paldoendemizmus; палео-эндемизм] 22 PALAEOFLORISTICUS (gr.lat. flora „florS"), paleofloristic, referitor la flora fosilS [palaeofloristic; palSo-floristisch; pateofloristique; ра1ёо-florisztikus; палеофлористический] 23 PALAEOHYBRIDA f (gr. lat. hybrida „hibrid"), paleohibrid, hibrid cu vechime mare, intrat in stadiu de stabilitate (Thymus dacicus) [pa-laeohybrid; PalSohybrid; paldohybri-de; paleohibrid; палеогибрид] 24 PALAEOONTOLOGIA t (gr. -, dvra „lucruri existente", Xdyoi; „vorbire") —»palaeobiologia 25 PALAEOPHYTICUM n (gr. -, glumella, lemma, stragulum * 31 PALEACEUS, PALEATUS, palea-ceu 1. De consistent paleii. 2. AsemSnStor cu paleea. 3. PrevSzut cu palei (peri, receptacul) [paleaceous, chaffy; spelzig, spreuig, spreuartig, spreublattrig; paleacd; toklSszcs, tok-lSszszerS; плёнчатый] 32 PALEIFORMIS, paleiform, de forma paleii (peri la Filices) [paleiform, chaff-like; spelzenfdrmig, spreufdr-mig, spreublattfdrmig; paleiforme; toklSsz alaku; плёнковидный] 33 PALEOLA f, paleolS, palee de ordin secundar; lodiculS[paleola; SpreublStt-chen, Spelzchen; paldole; lepelcsd-kevdny, lepelpikkely; плёночка] —► lo-dicula, glumellula 34 PALEOLATUS, paleolat, prevSzut cu paleole [paleolate; spelzchentra-gend; ра1ёо1ё; toklSszkSs; плёнконосный] 35 PALEOLIFERUS —» paleolatus > 36 PALINGENESIS f, PALINGENIA f (gr. miXiv ,,de revenire", ySveotg ,,na§tere“), palingenezS, revenirea unor stadii filogenetice in ontogenie prin aparitia unor caractere ancestrale in cursul embriogenezei (Haeckel) [pa-lingeny; Palingenese, Auszugsentwick-lung; palingenese; palingendzis; палингенез] ш 37 PALIS A DIC U S, palieadic, columnar; alungit ?i perpendicular pe su-prafa(a unui organ (celula) [palisadic; palieadisch; palisadique; paliszadi-kus, oszlopos; палисадный, колончатый] 38 PALISADODERMIS, -IDIS f, palisadoderm, Jesut de protectie format din elemente dispuse palisadic {>e suprafaja organelor (Lepiota) [pa-isadodermis; Palisadodermis; pali-sadoderme; paliszadodermisz; пали-садодермис] 39 PALLENS, PALLESCENS (pal-lesco), palescent, care devine palid la culoare [pallescent, becoming pale; verbleichend, bleichwerdend, erblas-send; pSlissant; halvSnyul6; бледнеющий, бледноватый] 40 PALLIDI-, PALLIDO-, PALLI-DUS, palid, de culoare §tearsS, spa-lScitS (pallidiflorus, pallidopurpureus) [pale, pallid; bleich, blafi; pale, Ыёте; halvany, sapadt; бледный] —*■ dilucidus, dilutus 41 PALLIDULUS -> pallens 42 PALLIUM n, paliu, inveli? muci-laginos (Diatomeae) [pallium, envelope; Pallium, Decke; pallium, en-veloppe; pSllium, takar6; покров] 43 PALMARIS, palmar, de lungimea sau l&timea unei palme (cca 7,5 cm) [palmar; handbreit; palmaire; tenyer-szSles; ладонный] 44 PALM ATI-, PALM I-, PALMA-TUS, palmat, cu organe omoloage dispuse digitat pe о bazS comuna (palmatiflorus, palmat ifolius, palmi-nervis) [palmately-, palmate; gefin-gert, handf6rmig; palmi-, palme: tenyeresen-, tenyerszeru, ujjasan el-helyezett; пальчатый, пальчато-, длане-j —► digitate-, digiti-, digitatus 45 PALMA TICOMPOSITUS, palmat-compus, cu foliolele divergenle din virful pejiolului frunzei compuse (Aesculus) [palmately-compound; handfdrmigzusammengesetzt; palmi-composS; ienyeresen osszetett; дла-невидно-сложный]] 46 PALMA TIFIDUS, palmal-fidat, di-vizat pinS la jumStatea semilaminei frunzei (Ranunculus acris) [palma-lely-fidafe; fingerspaltig, handfor-miggesFallen; palmifidS; tenyeresen hasadt; папьчатонадреэный] 47 PALMA TIFORMIS - palmatus, di-gitiformis PALUSTER 48 PALMA TILQBA TVS, palmat-lobat, digitat lobat (frunzele la Hedera, Ribes) [palmatilobate; handlappig, handfdrmiggelappt; palmilobS; te-uyeresen кагё]ов, ujjasan кагёjos; пальчатолопастной, дланолопастной] 49 PALMATINERVIS, palmat-nervat, digitat nervat (frunzele la Malva ro-tundifolia) [paimafely-nerved, digi-tately-nerved; fingeraderig, hand-nervig; palminervS; tenyeresen ere-zett, ujjasan erezett; дланевидножил-коватый, пальчатожилковатый] 50 PALMA TIP A RT1T US, p almat-par-tit, digitat divizat pinS dincolo de jumStatea semilaminei frunzei [Geranium pratense) [palmately-partite; handteilig; palmipartite; tenyeresen osztott, ujjasan csztott; дпаневидно-раздельный, папьчаторазделный] 51 PALMATISECTUS, palmat-sectat, digitat sectat; cu lamina divizatS digitiform pinS la nervura medians a frunzei (Helleborus purpurascens) [palmately-cut, palmatisect; hand-schnittig, handf6rmiggeschnitlen; pal-misSquS; tenyeresen szeldelt, ujjasan szeldelt; дланевиднорассечённый) 52 PALMELLA f, palmelS, stadiul zo-ogleic al celulelor unor alge inglobate intr-o substanJS gelatinoasS (Schi-zomycetes) [palmella-stage; Palmel-lastadium; stade palmella; palmella-stSdium; палмелла состояние] 53 PALMELLOIDEUS, palmeloid, asemSnStor cu stadiul de palmelS [pal-melloid; palmellaartig; palmellolde; palmellaszerti; палмеллевидный] 54 PALUDAL1 S' -* paluster 55 PALUDICOLA f (-US), paludicol, care create in mla§tini [paludicolous, dwelling in marshes; sumpfbewoh-nend; paludicole; mocsSrlako; обитающий на болоте] 56 PALUDOSUS, mlS§tinos, mocirlos; care cre§te in mla?tini [marshy, boggy, swampy; sumpfig, moorig; тагёса-geux; mocsaras, mocsSri, mocsSrban ё1б; болотный, болотистый] 57 PALUMBINUS - columbinus 58 PALUS, -UDIS f, mla§tinS, baltS [marsh, swamp; Sumpf, Moor; ma-rais, marScage; mocsSr; болото] 59 PALUSTER, PALUSTRIS, palu-stru, de balta, de mla§tin& [paludal, boggy, marshy, swampy; sumpfig, moorig, sumpfbewohnend; palustre, раШёеп, marScageux; mocsSri, mo- csarakban ё1б; болотный, болотистый] —» helobius, helodeus, helophilus, tena-geios* 60 PALYNOLOGIA t (gr. naXv ,,praf“, Хбуос „vorbire"), palinologie, studiul polenului §i a sporilor [palynology; Palynologie, Pollenkunde; palynolo-gie; palinoldgia, virSgportan; палинология] 61 PAMPINODIUM n, pampinodiu, transformarea organelor foliare In circei (Worsdell) [pampinody; Pam-pinodium; pampinodie; kacsosodSs; пампинодиум] 62 PAMPINUS m, circei de viJS de vie [grape-vine tendril; Rebenstiel-rankc; vrille de la vigne; sz616kacs; усик винограда] 63 PAN-, PANTO- (gr. nav- „com-plet“), complet, peste tot, pretutindeni (panchrysus, pantotrichus) [all, completely, throughout; all, uberall, gSnzlich; tout, tout & fait, сотр1ё-tement, partout; teljesen, mindeniitt; полностью, всюду] 64 PANDEMICUS (gr. -, Bl\\ioq ,,tarS“) —*■ cosmo politics 65 PAN DURA TUS, PANDURI-, PAN-DURIFORMIS, panduriform, in forms de vioarS; obovat §i sinuat in-gustat mai jos de mijloc, cu seg-mentul terminal dilatat (frunzele la Doronicum austriacum) (panduri-folius) [pandurate, panduriform, fiddle-shaped; geigenfdrmig; pandurS, anduriforme, en forme de violon; egedfi alaku, lantos; скрипкообразный, гитарообразный] 66 PANGAMIA f (gr. -, yduo? „cSsa-torie“) -*• panmixia 67 PANGENESIS f (gr. -, ySveoig ,,na§tere“), pangenezS, concepjie azi depS§itS, conform cSreia toate carac-terele ereditare sint localizate in organism sub formS de corpusculi („gemule" dupS Darwin §i „pangene" dupS De Vries) care se transmit pe calea celulelor reproductive [pangenesis; Pangenese; pangenfese; pSn-gendzis; пангенезис] 68 PANGENOSOMA n (gr. ocbpa ,,corp“) -* chromosoma 69 PANICULA f, panicul (pi. panicu-le), inflorescen(S compusS, homotac-ticS, piramidalS, cu ramurile rSsfirate descrescinde, cu numeroase flori (Gramineae) [panicle; Rispe; pani-cule; buga; метёлка] —»thyrsus 864 70 PANICULATUS, PANICUU-, pa-niculat, dispus In panicul (paniculifer, paniculiflorus, paniculiformis, pani-culiger) [paniculate; rispig, rispen-tragend; paniculd; bugSs; метельчатый] 71 PANMIXIA f (gr. nav, icavrdg „complet*4, ,,amestec“), pan-mixie 1. Fuziune (in general). 2. Reproducere sexuatS numai accidentals in cadrui unei populafii, partenerii avind posibilitSti identice de combi-nare a genelor (Weismann) [panmixia, random mating; Panmixie; panmi-xie; panmixia; панмиксия] -►pan-gamia 72 PANNIFORMIS, PANNOSUS, pis-los [felted, felt-like; faserwollig, dicht-filzig; floconneux; nemezes; лохматый] 73 PAN PHOTOMET RICUS (gr. qxbg, фсотбд „luminS**, p£rpov ,,mSsurS“), panfotometric, cu mi§cSri de orien-tare in funcfie de directia §i intensi-tatea razelor de luminS (frunzele la Robinia) [panphotometric; panpho-tometrisch; panphotom6trique; pan-fotometrikus; панфотометрический] 74 PANPHYTON n (gr.-, qrorov „plan-tS“), panfiton, florS; descrierea plantelor dintr-o regiune oarecare [pan-phyton; Panphyton; panphyton; panphyton ; панфитон] -► flora 75 PANTHERINUS —*• maculatus, spi-lotus 76 PANTOGENUS (gr. -, ySvo? ,,ur-ma§“), pantogen, care poate cre?te oriunde, pe diferite gazde (ciuperci parazite) [pantogenous; pantogen; pantogfcne; pantogSn, bSrhol ё1б; пантогенный] 77 PAN ТОРНAGUS (gr. -, revSzut cu papile [papillate, papil-ose, papilliferous; papillentragend; papilleux; papillSs, dudoros; сосочконосный] 82 PAPILLULA f, papilulS, papilS micS [papillule; Papillule; papillule; аргб papilla; маленкий сосочек] 83 PAPPIFER, PAPPOPHORUS, PAPPOSUS, egretat, prevSzut cu papus [pappous, pappiferous; feder-kronig, federkronentragend, frucht-kronig; aigrettd, pappifdre; bobi-tas; хохлатый, хохолконосный] 84 PAPPUS m, papus, egretS; smoc de peri sau de scvame deasupra unor fructe, u§urind diseminarea lor (Taraxacum ) [pappus, thistledown; Pappus, Federkrone, Fruchtkrone, Flug-haare, Haarkrone; pappe, aigrette, parachute; bdbita, sz6rpamat, szor-koszoru; хохолок, летучка] 85 PAPULA f — papilla, 86 PAPYRACEUS, PAPYRINUS, papiraceu, asemSnStor cu hirtia [papery; papierartig; раругасё; papir-szeru; бумажистый, бумагообразный] —► chartaceus 87 PAR, -PAR, egal, asemSnStor, pe-reche (unipar, bipar) [equal, like, pair; gleich, Shnlich, gepaart; dgal, semblable, pair; egyenlo, hasonlo, paros; равный, подобный, парный] 88 PARA- (gr. пара ,,de l!ngS“), de alS-turi, de lingS, aproape de (paracen-tricus situat lingS centru J [beside, near; neben, daneben, bei; pr£s de, proche; melletti, kozeli; возле, при] 89 PARABIOSIS I (gr. -, pto? „via^S"), parabiozS, convieiuirea strinsS, accidentals, a douS organisme, fSrS avan-taje sau dezavantaje reciproce [parabiosis; parabiose; parabicse; para-bidzis; парабиоз] 90 PARABIOTAEt pi (gr. - -),parabiote, plante concrescute, dar cu rSdScini proprii, separate [parabiotae; Para-bioten; parabiotes; parabidtak; парабиоты] 91 PARACAMBIUM n (gr. -, lat. cambio „a schimba“) -»• phellogenum 92 PARACARPELLUM n (gr.-, кар-ndg „fruct"), paracarpelS, staminodii interne dispuse In douS serii, la florile de Victoria regia (Caspary) [para- PARACYTICUS carpel; Parakarpell, SchlieBzapfen; paracarpelle; parakarpellum; napa-карпеллум] 93 PARACARPIDIUM n (gr.-), pa-racarpidie, flori femele avortate (A-rum) [paracarpidium; Parakarpidium; paracarpide; parakarpidium; паракар-пидий] 94 PARACARPIUM n (gr.-), para-carpiu. 1. Fruct format din gineceu paracarpic. 2. Carpels abortivS sau pistil abortiv [paracarpium; Parakar-pium; paracarpe; parakarpium; napa-карпий]] 95 PARACARPUS, paracarpic, cu car-pelele concrescute numai prin margi-nile lor (gineceu) [paracarpic, para-carpous; parakarpisch; paracarpique; parakarpikus; паракарпный] 96 PARACHROMATINUM n (gr. -, хрйра „culoare"), paracromatina, sub-stanfa nuclearS acromaticS din care se formeazS filamentele fusului (Pfitz-ner) [parachromatin; Parachromatin; parachromatine; parakromatin; парахроматин] 97 PARACHROMOPHORUS (gr. ara-corolS, corolS secundarS din interiorul periantului, formats din apendici de naturS petaloidS (Narcissus, Borago, Passiflora) [paracorolla; Nebenkrone; paracorolle; melldkpSrta; привенчик] —> parastad.es 101 PARACYTICUS (gr. -, кбп? ,,cu-tie“), paracitic, cu celule paralele (tip de stomate la Rubiaccae) [para- PARADIPHYLLUM cy tic; parallelzellig; paracytique; pSr-huzamos sejtfi; парацитичсский] 102 PARADIPHYLLUM n (gr. Si; „de douS ori“, d6, Slosdi; паразитический] —► paratro-phicus, biophagus PLANTA PARASITICA, plants pa-razitS [parasitic plant; Schmarotzer-pflanze; plante parasite; 616sdi no-уёпу; паразитическое растение] 128 PARASITISMUS m (gr.-), parazi-tism, conviejuire dintre douS organisme la care unui din parteneri i§i procurS total sau partial substanfele nutritive de la celSlalt partener [parasitism; Parasitismus, Schmarotzer-tum; parasitisme; parazitismus, 616s-kddSs; паразитизм] 129 PARASITOLOGIA f (gr. -, Хбуод „vorbire"), parazitologie, studiul pa-razitilor vegetali sau animali [parasitology ; Parasitologie; parasitologie; parazitoldgia; паразитология] 130 PARASITUS m (gr.-), parazit, organism ce tr5ie§te in dauna unui alt organism gazdS [parasite; Parasit, Schmarotzer; parasite; parazife, 616s-kdd6; паразит] —► phytopolitus, his-tophyton* PA RA THECI UM PARASITUS SPURIUS — pseudo-par asitus, epipkyton 131 PARASPORA f (gr. пара „lingS"* аяора „sSmintS") —► seirospora 132 PARASTADES f pi (gr. яараатад „pilastru"), parastade, filamente pe-taloide a§ezate intre petale §i stamine (Passiflora) [parastades; Pa-rastaden; parastades; parasztadesz; привенчик] -*• paracorolla 133 PARASTAMEN n, PA В AS ТЕ MON n (gr. -, аттцдюу „filament") -*■ stami-nodium 134 PARASTERILITAS f, parasterili-tate, sterilitate in cazul polenului propriu sau al unei alte plante din cadrul aceleia§i specii [parasterility; ParasterilitSt; parast6rilit6; paraste-rilitSs; парастерильность] —» incom-patibilitas 135 PARASTICHI m pi (gr. -, axixog „serie"), parastihuri, filotaxie cu spi-rale secundare dispuse in cicluri oblice §i indesuite pe spirala generatoare (solzii conului la Pinus cembra) [paras tichy; Parastichen, SchrSgzeilen; parastiques; parasztichonok, ferde-soru levSlfordulat; парастиха] 136 PARASTROPHE f (gr. -, отроф* „viraj"), parastrofS, orinduirea clo-roplastelor pe laturile dcsite ale ce- ' lulei (Senn) [parastrophe; Flanken-lage; parastrophe; oldalhclyezked6s; парастрофе] 137 PARASTYLUS m (gr. -, отОХо? ,,co-loanS"), parastil, stil avortat [para-style; Griffelrudiment; paraslyle; bi-beszSl-csokev^ny; неплодуший столбик] 138 PARASYMBIOSIS f (gr. -, oup-Picckjk; „viatS in comun") -* parasaprophytismus 139 PARASYNAPSIS f (gr. -, crivayn; „legSturS") —*• parasyndesis 140 PARASYNDESIS f (gr. -, cuvSean; „unire"), parasindezS, conjugarea laterals (paralelS) a filamentelor de cromozomi omologi in stadiul de zi-goten al meiozei (Haeckel) [parasyndesis ; Parasyndese, Parallelkonjuga-tion; parasyndfese; paraszind£zis; парасиндез] 141 PARATHECIUM n (gr. -, OfiKq ,,cu-tie"), parateciu, peretele lateral care inconjoarS apoteciul (Lichenes) [pa-rathecium; Parathecium; parathe-cium; parat6cium; паратеций] PARATONICUS 142 PARATONICUS (gr. x6vo? ,,ten-siune“), paratonic, conditional de fac-tori externi (proces, migcare, trofi-citate) [paratonic; paratonisch; para-tonique; paratdnikus; паратонический] 443 PARATRACHEALIS (gr. -, xp*xeta „trahee"), paratraheal, dispus In jurul raselor traheale (parenchimul lemnos) [paratracheal; paratracheal; paratra-cheale; paratracheSlis; паратрахеаль-ный] 144 PARATROPHICUS (gr. -, хрофл „nutritie**) -* parasiticus 145 PARATROPISMUS m (gr. хроят) „rSsucire") -» parallelotropismus 146 PARATYPUS m (gr. -, хбяод „model"), paratip, exemplar din colectia originals a autorului taxonului, care insS nu este holotipul, nici izotipul, nici sintipul [paratype; Paratypus; paratype; paratipus; паратип] —* pa-rallelotypus 147 PARAVARIANTES f pi, parava-riante, variante paralele desfS?urate tn aceeaji directie tn ce prive?te mo-dificarea unor caractere neereditare, generate de factorii ecologici (intre xerofite §i higrofite) [paravariantes; Paravarianten; paravariantes; pSrhuzamos variSnsok; параллелные варианты] 148 PARCUS, sSrScScios, putin, slab [sparing, scanty, moderate; spSrlich, durf-tig; pauvre, modique; szegdnyes, ke-v£s; скудный, нгважный] 149 PARENCHYMA n (gr. яарёухора „parenchim"), parenchim, tesut fundamental format din celule izodia-metrice, cu spatii intercelulare, inde-plinind anumite functii fiziologice (ab-sorbjie, asimilatie, depozitare etc.) [parenchyma; Parenchym, Grundge-webe; parenchyme; parenchima, alap-szdvet; паренхима, паренхиматозная ткань] —► coniexlus parenchymaticus 150 PARENCHYMATICUS, PAREN-CHYMATOSUS (gr.-), parenchima-tic, care apartine parenchimului (celulS, tesut) [parenchymatous; paren-chymatisch; parenchymatique; paren-chimatikus; паренхимный, паренхиматозный] 151 PARENS m f pSrinte, planta de la care provine generatia urmStoare [parent ; Eltern; parent; sziild; родитель]* 152 PARIES (-ETIS) m, perete, pere-tele despSrtitor al unui organ (celulS, capsulS) [wall; Wand; paroi; fal; стена] 859 153 PARIETALIS, parietal, dispus pe peretele unui organ (ovulele in cazul placentatiei parietale); concrescut prin marginile sale (carpelele In cazul su-turii parietale) [parietal; wandstSn-dig; parietale; fali, falmenti, fali fek-vdsfi; париетальный, постенный] 154 PARINERVATUS, parinervat, cu nervuri egale [equal-nerved; gleich-nervig; parinerviS; egyenld erezetu; парножильковый] 155 PARIPINNATUS, paripenat, cu fo-liolele perechi §i fSrS foliolS terminals (frunza la Lathyrus) [paripin-nate; paariggefiedert; paripennS; pa-rosan szSrnyalt; парноперистый] 156 PAROECICUS (gr. яарй „lingS"), о1код ,,casS“), paroecic, cu anteridii §i arhegoane pe aceea$i ramurS [pa-roecious; parOzisch; parScique; pa-rdcikus; пароэднческнй] 157 PARONYMUM n (gr. mzpovopaoia „schimbarea numelui"), paronim, nume corespunzStor etimologic unui alt nume, avind doar о altS ortogragie ( Bougainvillea- BouginviUaea ) [paronym; Paronym; paronyme; paronim; пароним] 158 PARS (-TIS) f, parte, portiunea unui organ [part; Teil; partie; rSsz; часть] • 159 PARTHENOAPOGAMIA f (gr. яар-OSveg „virginS", аяб ,,de la", ySpog „cSsStorie"), partenoapogamie, parte-nogenezS diploids sau somaticS [par-thenapogamy; Parthenapogamie; par-thSnoapogamie; partenapogSmia; партеноапогамия] —*• ooapogamia 160 PARTHENOCARPIA f (gr. -, кар-ябд „fruct"), partenocarpie, formarea fructelor numai pe cale vegetativS, fSrS fecundatie, nerezultind seminje (la unele plante cultivate) [partheno-carpy; Parthenokarpie, Jungfernfrtich-tigkeit; parthSnocarpie; partenokar-pia, sziiztermSs; партенокарпия] 161 PARTHENOCARPIUM n (gr.-'i partenocarp, fruct fSrS seminte, format pe cale de partenocarpie [parhe-nocarp; Parthenokarp; parthSnooarpe; partenokSrpium; партенокарпий] 162 PARTHENOGAMETA t {gr.-, ya-рёхл? „sofie"), partenogamet, garnet format fSrS conjugare (Hartog) [par-thenogamete; Parthenogamet; parthS-nogamSte; partenogamSta; парте-ногамета] 163 PA R THE NOG AMI A t (gr.-, ydpog „cSsStorie"), partenogamie, formS de 869 autofecundare prin copularea unor game$i femeli, embrionul dezvoltin-du-se fSrS participarea nucleului mascul (Guilliermond) [parthenogamy; Parthenogamie; parthdnogamie; par-tenogSmia; партеногамия] -*• parthe-nomixis 164 PARTHENOGENESIS f (gr. -, yt-vecm; „origine"), partenogenezS, formarea apomicticS a embrionului din oosfera nefecundatS, numai din celulele sexuale femele [parthenogenesis; Parthenogenese, Jungfernzeugung; parthdnogendse; partenogenezis, sziiz-nemzds; партеногенез, девственное размножение] —> geneagenesis 164a PARTHENOGENETICUS (gr. ~) — thelycaryoticus, thelytonicus 165 PARTHENOGONIDIUM n (gr.-. yovot; ,,urma§“), partenogonidie, gonidie capabilS sS formeze colonii pe cale asexuatS (Volvocaceae) [parthe-nogonidium; Parthenogonidium; par-thdnogonidie; partenogonidium; nap-теногонидий] 166 PARTHENOMIXIS f (gr. -, „amestec") -*■ parthenogamia 167 PARTHENOSPORA f (gr.-, anopct „sSminJS"), partenospor, spor rezultat prin partenogenezS, asemSnStor zigo-sporului [parthenospore; Partheno-spore; parthdnospore; partenospdra; партеноспора] 168 PARTIALIS, partial (inflorescentS, involucru, umbelS) [partial; teilweise-; partiel; rdszleges; частный] 169 PARTICULARIS —* specialis 170 PARTITUS, partit, cu inciziuni ce depS?esc jumStatea semilaminei (caliciu, frunzS) [partite, parted; geteilt, -teilig; partite; osztott; разделенный, -раздельный] 171 -PAR, -PARUS (lat. paro „a produce"), care produce (floripar, folii-par, gemmipar) [producing; erzeu-gend; produissant; -add, szSrmaztatd; образующий, рождающий] 172 PARVI-, PARVUS, mic, cu mici (parviflorus, parvilobus, parvirostris) [small, little; klein-, Idein; petit, mince; kicsi, aprd; мелко-,мелкий, малый, маленький] —» micro- 173 PASCUUM n, pSgune, ima? (in pascuis pe pSguni) [pasture; Weide, Trift, Weideplatz; pSturage; legeld; пастбище, выгон] 174 PASCUUS, de pSgune, care create pe pSguni [pastural, pascual; weide- PA THOLOGICUS bewohnend, triftbewohnend; de pSturage ; legeldn tenydszd; пастбищный) 17J PASSALUS m (gr. irikrodXод ,,tSru§“), caliciu gamosepal [gamosepalous calyx ; verwachsener Kelch ; calyce ga-mosdpale; forrt csdsze, dsszendtt csd-sze; гамосепальная чашечка] —*■ calyx gamosepalus 176 PASSIVUS, pasiv, inactiv [passive; passiv; passif; passziv.nem mfikddd; пассивный] * 177 PATEFACTUS - apertus 178 PATELLA f, patelS, apoteciu circular §i sesil, avind о margine evident deosebitS de tal (Lichenes) [patella ; Patella; patelle; patella; пателла] 179 PA TELLARIS, PA TELLIFORMIS, pateliform, de forma unui potir sau a unei farfurii cu bordurS (apoteciu) [patelliform, dish-shaped, saucer-shaped; tellerfdrmig, tassenfdrmig; pa-telliforme, en dcuelle; tSlacskaszeru, csdsze alakii; блюдцевидный] -*• co~ tyliformis, pelviformis 180 PATENS (pateo), patent, larg des-chis, formind un unghi mai mare de 45° cu organul pe care este a§ezat (frunze, peri, ramuri) [patent, outspread, widely spreading; weitabste-hend; largement dtald; szdlesen nyi-tott, szdlesen elSlld; отклонённый, оттопыренный, раскидистый] 181 PATERIFORMIS patelliformis 182 PA THOGENIA f, PA THOGENITAS f (gr. KdOog „suferin^S", ydvoq ,,ur-ma§“), patogenitate, capacitatea de a cauza boli [pathogeneity; Patho-genitSt; pathogdnie; patogenitSs; iia-тогеность] 183 PATHOGEN US (gr. -, ytvoc, „urma?"), patogen, care cauzeazS boli (bacterii) [pathogenic; krankheitser-regend; pathogdne; kdrokozd, beteg-sdget eldiddzd; патогенный, болезнетворный] 184 PATHOGONIA f (gr.-, yovf| „gene-rare") —► aetiologia 185 PATHOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xbyoq „vorbire"), patologie, studiul bolilor [pathology ; Pathologie, Krankheitslehre; pathologic; patoldgia, kdrtan; патология] 186 PATHOLOGICUS (gr.-), patologie, morbid, bolnSvicios [pathologic; pa-thologisch, krankhaft, erkrankt; pa-thologique; patoldgikus, kdros, bete-ges; патологический] PA THOMORPHOGEN US 487 PATHOMORPHOGENUS (gr. цор- lymphatic us, translucens 225 PELOCHTHOPHYTA n pi (gr. пц-X6q „argilS", oxOn „coasts", фотбу „plants"), pelohtofite, pelochtofite, plante de coaste argiloase [mud-bank plants; Pelochthophyten; pelochtho-phytes; agyagos tengerpartok novdny-zete; пелохтофиты] 226 PELOPHYTA n pi (gr. -), pelofite, plante de pe locuri argiloase [clay-loving plants; Lehmbodenpflanzen; pelophytes; pelofitSk, agyagos talajok ndvdnyzete; пелофиты] —*■ spiladophyta 227 PELOPSAMMOGENUS (gr.-, \|/ац-poe „nisip", ydveoi? ,,na§tere“), pe-lopsamogen, care cre?te pe nisipuri argiloase [pelopsammogenous; pelo-psammogen; pelopsammogdne; agyagos porondon ё1б; пелопсаммоген- НЫЙ] 228 PE LORI A f (gr. яеХбрюд „mon-struos"), pelorie, modificarea teratologies a zigomorfiei florale in acti-nomorfie (Linaria) [peloria; Pelorie; pdlorie; peldria; пелория] 229 PELTA f, scutulef, apoteciu scutu-liform in lichenologie (Peltigera) [pel-ta; Schildchen; pelte; pajzsocska; щиток] 230 PELT ATI-, PELT ATUS, PELTI-FORMIS, PELTIGER, PELTOI-DEUS, PELTOPHORUS, peltat, in formS de scutulef; cind organul disciform este fixat de suport prin mij-locul sSu (frunzele la Tropaeolum, apoteciul la Peltigera) (peltatilobus, peltatipartitus, peltifolius, peltinervis) [peltate, shield-shaped, peltately-; schildformig, schildtragend, schild-; peltd, dcussonnd; pajzsos, pajzs alaku, pajzsocskaszeru; щитовидный, щитообразный, щито-] -*■thyroideus 231 PELVIFORMlS -*• patelliformis PENDENS 232 PENDENS, PENDULUS, PM- PENDULINUS, pendent, atlrnStor (flori frunze tuZ-pi'nd j (penduliflorus, pendulifo-lius) [pendulous, hanging; h&ngend, herabh&ngend; pendant, penchant; csiingd, lecsungd, fiiggd; висячий, свисающий, зависящий] —*eernuu8, nutans appendens, cremo- 233 PENETRANS (penetro), penetrant, care pStrunde [penetrating; aurchdrin-gend; pSnStrant; behatoid, Sthatd; проникающий] 234 PEN 1C ILL A RIS, PENICILLATUS, PENICILLIFORMIS, penici-lat, in formS de pensulS (stigmat) [penicillate, penicil-like, brush-shaped; pinselig, pinselfdrmig, pinselhaarig; рёшсШё, en pinceau; ecsetszerS; кисточковидный] 235 PENICILLIUM n, PENICILLUS m, penicil, smoc de peri [tuft of hairs; Haarbiischel; touffe de poils; szorcsomd; кисточка] 236 -PENNA, PENN ATI-, PENN I- — -pinna, pinnati-, pinni- 237 PENTA-, PENTACHO- (gr. ntont, KevxaxoO ,,cinci“), cinci, cu cinci (pentaglottis, pentacoceus, pentachoto-mus) [five-; fiinf-; S cinq; 6t-; пяти-] —» quinque- 238 PENTACAMARUS (gr. -, xajidpa „camcrS boltitS"), cincilocular, cu cinci loji [five-chambered; fiinffSche-rig; quinqueloculaire; SluregS; dtre-keszu; шпигнездный] -*■ quinquelo-cularis 239 PENTACARPUS (gr. -, корябд „fruct"), cu cinci fructe [five-fruited; fiinffrtichtig; pentacarpe; SttermSsu; пятиплодный] 240 PENTACENTRUS (gr. -, xSvrpov „pinten"), cu cinci pinteni [five-spurred; funfspornig; S cinq dperons; Olsarkantyus; пятишиповатый] 241 PENTACHAETUS (gr. -, xatal ,,set&“), cu cinci sete [five-bristled; fiinfborstig; S cinq soies; StserlSju; пятищетинистый] 242 PENTACYCLICUS (gr. -, кикХод „cerc"), pentaciclic, cu cinci verticile (floare) [five-twisted; fiinfkreisig, fiinf-wirtelig; pentacyclique; dtkdrds, dldr-vds; пятикруговой] 243 PENTAGONUS (gr. - y©vta „unghi"), pentagonal, cu cinci un-ghiuri, col(uri sau muchii (fruct, tulpinS) [five-angled, five-cornered; ftinf- 862 eckig, fOnfkantig; pentagonal; dt-szOgletfl, dtdlfi; шпяугольный] -» quin-quangularis 244 PENTAGYNUS (gr. yuvft „femeie"), penlaginic, cu cinci pistile [pentagynous; funfgriffelig; pentagy-ne; dttermdjfi; пятипестичный] 245 PENTAMERUS (gr.-, рёрод „parte"), pentamer, cu cinci diviziuni (co-rolS) [pentamerous; funfteilig, funf-gliederig; pentamSre; dtosztatd, dt-tagii; пентамерный, пятичленный] 246 PENTANDRUS (gr. -, dvf)p, dvSpdg „bSrbat"), pentandric, cu cinci stamine (floare) [five-stamened; fiinf-mSnnig; pentandre; dtporzds; пяти-тычинковы Й] 247 PENTAPHYLETICUS (gr. -, «puXf» „trib"), pentafiletic, provenit din cinci linii parent ale (hibrid) [pentaphyle-tic; pentaphyletisch; pentaphylStique; pentafilStikus, dtdsu; пентафилетичес-кий] 248 PENTAPHYLLUS (gr. -, —»pentaploideus 251 PENTASPERMUS (gr. -, ояёрца „sSmintS"), cu cinci semin (e [five-seeded; fiinfsamig; a cinq semences; dtmagvd; пятисемянный] , 252 PEPO m, PE PON IDA f, PEPO- NIUM n, pepene, dovleac, melo-nidS; fruct cSrnos, cu epicarpul gros, cu mczocarpul cSrnos, cu endocarpul suculent §i cu semin \e numeroase (Cucurbitaceae) [pepo, gourd-fruit; Kiirbisfrucht; рёроп, pdponide, тё-lonide; kabaktern^s, tdktern^; тыква, тыквина] —*• melonida, meloni-dium 253 PER- (prefix pt. superlat.), foarte (peralbus, peraeutus, per dur us, per-grandis) [very; sehr; trds; nagyon; очень] 254 PERANOSIS f (gr. nepatvoa „а pS-trimde"), peranozS, schimbarea per-meabilitSJii citoplasmei [peranosis; Per-anosis; peranosis; perandzis; nepa-нозис] 868 255 PERCEPTЮ f, percepfie, capaci-tatea de a prelua о excitafie extern! §i de a reacfiona sub influenta ei [perception; Perzeption, Empfindung, Erregung, Wahrnehmung; perception; percepcio, drzdkelds; перцепция, восприятие] 256 PERCURRENS, PERCURSUS, strSb&tut, prelungit pe (semina latere externo linea longitudinali per-cursa seminfele pe latura lor extern! strSbStute ae о linie longitudinal!J [percurrent; durchlaufend; parcour-rant; vdgigfutd; пронизывающий, пронизанный] 257 PERDU RAN S (perduro) —► persis-tens, perennis 258 -PERDUS (perdo) (ligniperdus) —*■ destruens 259 PEREGRINUS —► adoenus, exoticus 260 PERENCHYMA n (gr. япра „sac", Syxupa „umpluturS"), perenchim, fesut celular confinind substanfe amido-noase (Stormonth) [perenchyma; Pe-renchym; perenchyme; perenchima; перенхима] 261 PERENNANS, PERENNIS, peren, vivace; care tr!ie?te mai mulfi ani [perennial, perennating, perennate: ausdauernd, perennierend, mehr-jShrig; perenne, vivace; dvel5, tObb-eves; многолетный] —*■ vivax, res-tibilis• 262 PERFECTUS, perfect 1. Complet in ce prive?te piesele componente obi?nuite. 2. Cu stamine ?i pistil (floare). 3. FSrS anomalii [perfect, complete; vollkommen, vollzShlig; parfait, complet; teljes, tOkdletes, tel-jes szarnd; совершенный, полный, обоеполый] 263 PERFOLIATUS, perfoliat, cu frunze sesile opuse §i aparent strSpunse la mijloc de tulpinS (Bupleurum rotun-difolium) [perfoliate; durchwachsend-blSttrig; perfolid; Stndtt levelfi; прон-зеннолистный] 264 PERFORANS, PERFORATUS, per-forat, gSurit (frunzele la Hypericum perforatum) [perforated, pierced; durch-lOchert, durchbohrt; percd, perford; likacsos, Stlyukasztott; прободающий, продырявленный, пронзённый] —* tere-bratus, pertusus Q 265 PERFOSSUS -*■ perforatus 266 PERGAMACEUS, PERGAMEN-TACE US, PERGAMENEUS, perga- mentos, cu aspectul sau de consistent a pergamentului (frunzS) [pergamenta-ceous, parchment-like jpergamentartig; parchemind; pergamentszerfl; пергаментный] 267 PERI- (gr. itepl „traprejur"), care inconjoarS, dispus de jur imprejur (periaxialis, peridiscalis, perimedulla-ris, perinectarialis) [about, around; um-, herum-, ringsum; autour de; -kOruli, kdrOs-kOrul; около-, кругом] —*■ circum- 268 PERIACANTHUS (gr. -, &Kav9a „spin"), inconjurat de spini [peria-canthous; ringsumstachelig; entoure d’dpines; kOriiltiiskdzett; околоиглис-тый] 269 PERIANDRICUS (gr. -, dvfip, dv-5p6g „bSrbat"), periandric, care inconjoarS staminele (nectarie) [perian-drous; periandrisch; pdriandrique; periandrikus, porzdkSriili; околотычи-ночный] 270 PERIANTHIUM n (gr. -, dv0o<; „floare"), periant 1. Totalitatea in-veli?urilor florale (caliciu, corolS,peri-gon). 2. lnveli?ul archegoanelor (He-paticae) [perianth; Perianth, Bliiten-decke, Blutenhulle; pdrianthe ; virag-takard, virSgtakardtSj; околоцветник, перианций, покровы цветка] —*■ peri-stemium 271 PERIANTHOMANIA t (gr. ~, pavta „nebunie"), periantomanie, mul-tiplicarea nenormalS a pieselor pe-riantului [perianthomania; Periantho-manie; pdrianthomanie; periSntoma-nia; периантомания] 272 PERIAXIALIS (gr. -, lat. axis ,,axS“), periaxial, dispus in jutul axei (xilem) [periaxial; periaxial; pdriaxiel; periaxiSlis; периаксиальный] 273 PERIBLEMA n (gr. nepipXi^a „imbrScSminte"), periblem, stratul concentric mijlociu de celule din meristemul primordial, care d! na§-tere scoartei primare [periblem; Periblem, Hullgewebe; peribldme; peri-bldma; периблема] 274 PERICAMBIUM n (gr. -, lat. cambium „schimb") -*■ pericyclus 275 PERICARPIUM n (gr. каряй<; „fruct"), pericarp 1. Totalitatea in-veli§urilor fructului (epicarp, mezo-carp ?i endocarpj care protejeaza seminfele. 2. Peretele capsulei (Musci) [pericarp ;Perikarp; Fruchtwand, Fruc-hthaut, Fruchtscnale, FruchtgehSuse; pdricarpe; termdsfal, termdshdj, ter- PERICENTRICUS mdsburok; перикарпий, околоплодник] —* spermotheca 276 PERICENTRICUS (gr. Kdvxpoo „ccntru") -+ concentricus 277 PER1CHAET1UM n (gr. -, %о(тл ,,frunzi§“), perichefiu, inveli§ul protector de frunze „perichetiale" din jurul archegoanelor (Marchantia) [perichaetium; Perichaetium, Moos-kelch; pdrichet, pdrichdse; perichd-cium; перихеций] —*■ peripodium, pe-rocidium 278 PERICLADIUM n (gr. -, кХйбод „ramurS"), pericladiu. 1. Baza teci-formS a unor frunze prin care se arliculcazS pe ramurS. 2. Baza in-gustatS In forma de pedicel a peri-gonului prin care se articuleazS pe pedicel (Asparagus) [pericladium; Perikladium; pdriclade; periklddium; перикладий] 279 PERICLINANTHIUM n, PERI-CLINIUM n (gr. icXtvr) ,,pat“, fivOog „floare"), pericliniu, totalitatea foliolelor involucrale ale antodiu-lui (Compositae) [periclinium; Hull-kelch; pdricline; periklinium, fdszek-drv; общая обвертка] —*■ periphoran-thium 280 PERICYCLUS m (gr. -, кикХод „cerc"), periciclu, pericambiu 1. Stratul de celule de sub endodermul cilindrului central al rSdScinii. 2. Com-plexul de (esuturi aflat Intre vasele conducStoare §i endodermul tulpinii [pericycle; Perizykel, Rhizogenschicht; pdricycle; periciklus; перицикл] —» pericambium, periphloima, periphrag-ma 281 PERIDERM A n, PERI DERMIS, -IDIS f (gr. -, Sdppa „piele"), periderms, scoarja secundarS sube-roasS care inlocuie§te epiderma rSdScinii ?i a tulpinii [periderm, outer bark; Periderm, Lederkork; pdriderme; periderma, paraszdvet, parabdr, parakdreg; перидерма] 282 PERIDESMA n (gr. -, бёстцл ,,fas-cicul"), peridesmS, [esut care Incon-joarS fasciculele libero-lemnoase ale tulpinii astelice [peridcsm; Peridesma; peridesme; peridezma; перидесма] 283 PERIDIOL UM n (gr. rnipidiov „pungulitS"), peridiolS 1. Corp de fructificajie secundar, lenticular, cu-prins in peridie, conjinind spori (Gas-teromycetes). 2. MembranS care aco-perS sporii (Algae) [peridiole; Peri-diole; pdridiole; peridiola; перндиола] 864 284 PERIDIUM n (gr. -), peridie, Inve-)i?ul gros, In formfl de pungS micS, a corpului de fruclificajie, in fundul cSruia se gSsegte himeniul confinind sporii (Myxomycetes) [peridium; Peridie, Sporangiumhiille, Sporenhiille; pdridium; peridium, termdtest-burok; перидий] . 285 PERIGAMIUM n (gr. nepl „imprejur", y&pog „cSsStorie"), perigamiu, ramurS secundarS fertilS con^inind archegoanele (Musci) [perigamium; Perigamium; pdrigamium; perigSmi-um; перигамиум] 286 PERIGONIUM n (gr. -, yovf) ,,ur-ma§“), perigon 1. Totalitatea tepale-lor; inveli§ul floral simplu, homo-clamideu, alcStuit dintr-un singur verticil, nediferen[iat in caliciu §i corolS. 2. Periche(iu (Bryophyta) [perigon; Perigon, Bliitenhulle; pdri-gone ; lepel; перигоний] 287 PERIGYNIUM n (gr. -, yuvf| „femeie"), periginiu, inveli§ul organelor de reproducere femeie (Bryophyta) [perigynium; Perigynium; pdrigynium; periginium; перигиний] 288 PERIGYNUS (gr. - -), perigin, in-serat in jurul ovarului (staminele la Rosa arvensis) [perigynous; peri-gyn, umwcibig; pdrigyne; maghSz-kdriili, termdkdruli; околопестичный] 289 PERIHADROMA TICUS (gr.-, dSpdg „gros"), perihadromatic, careincon-joarS hadromul [perihadromatic; perihadromatisch; perihadromatique; perihadromStikus; перигадроматичес-кий] 290 PE RIMED ULLA RIS (gr.-, lat. medulla „mSduvS"), perimedular, aflat in regiunea periferialS a mSduvei (liber) [perimedullary; perimedullar; pdrimddullaire; perimedullSris; пери-меду ллярный] 291 PERINIUM n (gr.-), perinie, mem-brana externS a sporii or (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta) [perine; Perine; perine; perinium; [периний] —*■ episporium 292 PERIOD1CITAS f, periodicitate, re-petarea periodicS a unor fenojnene sau aspecte biologice (cenoticS, sezo-nierS, a cre§terii) [periodicity; Perio-dizitSt; pdriodicitd; iddszakossSg; периодичность] 293 PERIODUS f, perioadS (de latenfS, de vegetate) [period; Zeitraum; pd-riode; iddszak; период] 294 PERIPETALUS (gr. nepl „imprejur", ndraXov „petals"), peripetal, 866 dispus in jurul petalelor (nectarie) [peripetalous; umkronblSttrig; pdri-pdtale; sziromkdriili; окололепестный] 295 PERIPHERALS, PE RI PHE RICUS (gr. nepupdpeia „circonferintS"), periferic, aflat la circonferinfa organului (embrion, inserfie, fesut) [peripheral, peripheric, surrounding; peri-pherisch, umkreisstandig; pdriphdri-que; peremi, keriileti fekvdsu; периферический] 296 PERIPHLOEMA n (gr. яер! ,,im- prejur", фХогб? ,,scoart!“) -*• peri-cyclus 297 PERIPHORA N THIU M n (gr. -, фор&о „a purta", fivOog „floare") -* periclinium 298 PERIPHRAGMA n (gr. -, фраура „imprejmuire") -»■ pericyclus 299 PERI PH YLLOGENIA f (gr. -, фОХ-Xov „frunzS", yevog ,,urma$“), peri-filogenie, prezenfa teratologic! a unor lamine foliare mici in jurul laminei frunzei (Weismann) [periphyllogeny; Periphyllogenie; pdriphyllogdnie; pe-rifillogdnia; перифиллогения] 300 PERIPHYLLUM n (gr. -, фОХХоу „frunzS") —► lodicula 301 PERIPHYSIS f (gr. -, фишд „create re"), perifizS, filamente sterile ce c5ptu?esc peretele interior al perite-ciului (Ascomycetes) [periphysis; Peri-physe; pdriphyse; perifizis; перифиза] 302 PERIPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фихоу „plants"), perifite, biocenoza organismelor ce se depoziteazS pe obiec-tele solide introduse de om in ape (pe perefii vapcarelor, bSrcilor) [peri-phyta; Periphyten; pdriphytes; peri-filSk; перифиты] 303 PERIPLASMA n (gr. -, яХбора „modelare"), periplasmS, zona peri-fericS a ciloplasmei oogoniilor (Ascomycetes ) [periplasm; Periplasma; periplasme; periplazma; периплазма] 304 PERI PL A SMODIU M n (gr. ~, eiSog „asemSnare"), periplasmodiu, masS protoplasmatic! format! din celulele gelificate ale stratului tapet [periplasmodium; Periplasmodium; pdriplasmode; periplazmddium; периплазмодий] 305 PERIPLASTUM n (gr. -, яХаохо<; „format"), periplast, stratul plasmatic periferic, hialin, ce acoperS nucleul celulei [periplast; Periplast, Kern-wandung; pdriplaste; periplasztisz, ha-tSrold plazmardteg; перипласг] PERISTOMA TUS 306 PERIPIDCUS (gr. яерСяХоко? ,,in-colScit") —» cingulatus, cingens 307 PERI PODIUM n (gr. nspin6Siov „bordurS la baza robei") -*■ peri-chaetium 308 PERI PTE RATUS, PERI PTE REUS (gr. яер1 „imprejur", ятербу „aripS"), peripterat, aripat de jur-imprejur (fructul la Ulmus campestris) [peripterous, winged about; ringsum-geflugelt; pdripterd; kdriilszSrnyalt; окружённый крыльптсом] 309 PERISPERMIUM n (gr. -, аяёрра „sSmintS"), perisperm, fesut nutritiv de origine nucelar! (la seminfele de Nymphaeaceae, Gramineae, Liliaceae etc.) [perisperm; Perisperm; pdris-perme; perispermium, kiilsd magfe-hdrje, kiilso magtaplSldszdvet; перисперм] —► prosembryum 310 PERISPORANGIUM n (gr. -, ояора „sSminJS", dyyelov ,,vas“) -*■ indu-sium 311 PE RIS PORI U M n (gr. - -), perispor 1. Celula mam! a sporilor (Algae). 2. Membrana extern! a sporilor (Fili-ces) [perispore; Perispore; pdrispore; perispdrium; периспорий] 312 PERISTACHYUM n (gr. -, oxdxu? „spic") -*■ gluma 313 PERISTAMINEUS (gr. -, axnpcov „filament"), peristamineu, cu staminele perigine in cazul florilor ape-tale [peristamineous; peristaminal; peristamind; perisztaminSlis; около- ТЫЧИНОЧНЫЙ] 314 PERIS ТЕ MI U M n (gr. - -) - peri-anthium 315 PERISTEREUS (gr. яерюхера ,,po-rumbel") —* columbarius 316 PERISTERODES (gr. -, elSoq „asemSnare") -*• columbarius 317 PERISTOMA n, PERISTOMIUM n (gr. -, ахбра ,,gur!“), peristom, marginea superioar! a deschizSturii capsulei sau a urnei, adesea prevSzut! cu dinti?ori higroscopici, servind la rSspindirea sporilor (Bryophyta) [peristome; Peristom, Mundbesatz; pdri-stome; perisztdmium, urnaperem, szaj-pSrkSnyzat, szSjfogazat; перистом, окраина, околоустье] 318 PERISTOMATUS, PERISTOM US (gr- - •)» peristomat, prevSzut cu peristom (capsulS) [peristomate; besetz mtindig; pdristomd; perisztomSs, szSj-pSrkSnyos; перистомный] PERI ST ROPHE 319 PERISTROPHE f (gr., f| ,,tntoarcere“), peristrofS, dispunerea uromatoforilor uniform repartiza(i In c&ptu$eala peretelui celulei (Schimper) [peristrophe; Allseitlage; pdristrophe; perisztrof-helyzet; псрвстрофия] 320 PER1STYLICUS, PERI STYLUS (gr. -, «ттОХод „coloanS"), peristilic, situat In jurul stilului (staminS) [peristylic, peristyloue; peristyl; pdri-stylique; bibeszAlkOriili; перистили-чесхий] 321 PER1THALLIUM n (gr. -, ЗаШх; „rSmurea"), perital. 1. Bordura in-eolorS ce ineonjoar S lalul (Lichenes). 2. Stratul superior de celule la algele calcaroase (Rothpletz) [perithallium; Perithallium; pdrithalle peritallium; периталлиум] 322 PERI THEC1IGER, PER1THECIO-PHORUS (gr. -, OfjicTi ,,cutie“, форбд „purt&tor"), periteciofor, care poartS peritecii [peritheciophorous, bearing perithecia; peritheciumtragend; pdri-thdeiophore; peritdciumos; перитециеносный] 323 PERITHECIOPHORUM n, PER1- THECIOPHORUS m (gr. - - -■, periteciofor, suportul periteciului [pe-ritheciophore; PeritheciumtrSger: pd-rithdeiophore; peritdcioforum; пери-тециефор, перитециеносец] 324 PERITHECIUM n (gr. - -), peri-teciu, corp de fructificare globulos sau piriform, cuprinztnd asce §i para-fize sau spori (Lichenes, Ascomycetes) [perithece, perithecium; Perithecium, Ascusfrucht; pdrithdeie; peritdcium; перитеций] -»- pyrenium 325 PERITRICHUS (gr. -, Gpi'S, tPi%oq ,,pSr“), peritrih, cu peri, flageli sau cili dispu§i In jurul unui organ (tulpinS) [peritrichous; ringsumhaarig; pdritrique; kOroskdriil szdrds, koros-koriil csillangos; околоволосистый] 326 PERITROPUS (gr. -, tponfl „rSsucire"), peritrop, curbat In jurul unui organ (radiculS, micorizS) [peritro-pous, peritropal; umkreiswendig; pdri-trope: kdrbeforduld koriilvevo; пери-тропный] -*■ circular is 327 PE RIVAS ALIS (gr. -, lat. vas ,,vas“), perivazal, dispus In jurul vaselor conducStoare (parenchim) [perivasal, vasicentric; perivasal; pdrivasale; peri-vazSlis; перивазальный] -+vasicentricus 328 PERIXYLICUS (gr. -, £6Ju>v „lemn"), perixilic, care InconjoarS fascicolele lemnoase (fascicolele liberiene din tul- 366 pinS la Pteridophyta) [perixylic; peri-xyl; pdrixylique; perixilikus; перихеи-лияесхий] 329 PERIZONIUM n (gr. -, W»vn „cordon"), perizoniu, membrane nouS sau peretele silicios ce acoperS auxosporii (Diatomeae) [perizonium; Kieselschei-dewand; pdrizone; kovahuvely, kova-hdrtya; перизоний] 330 PERLARIUS, PERL AT US -*• mar-garitaceus, margaritatus 331 PERLATUS, foarte lat [very broad; sehr breit; trds large; nagyon szdles; очень широкий] 332 PERLONGUS, foarte lung [very long; sehr lang; trds long; nagyon hosszd; очень длинный] 333 PERM AGNUS, foarte mare [very larg; sehr grofl; trds grand; igen nagy; очень крупный] 334 PERMANENS (permanco), permanent, persistent (tesut, asocia(ie) [permanent, remaining, persistent, lasting; bleibend, dauernd; permanent; Sllando maradandd, остающийся] -*■ perdu-rans, persistsns, remanens 335 PERMEABILITAS f, permeabili-tate, Insu§irea unei membrane de a permite sS treacS prin ea lichide sau gaze [permeability; Permeabilitat, Durchlassigkeit; permdabilitd; Steresz-tdkdpessdg, SthatolhatdsSg; проницаемость] 336 PERMEA ВI LIS, permeabil [permeable ; permeabel, durchlassig; peimdab-le; Stereszto; проницаемый] 337 PERMULTUS, foarte mult, nume-ros [very many; sehr viel; trds nom-breux; nagyon sok; очень многий] 338 PERMUTATIO f, permuta[ie, dezvoltarea excesivS a inveli^ului floral, cu avortarea concomitentS a organelor sexuale (Penzig) [permutation; Permutation; permutation; permulS-cid; пермутация] 339 PERNICIOSUS, periculos, nociv, vS-tSmStor [pernicious, injurious, destructive; gefahrlich, schadlich, vertJerb-lich; pernicieux, dangereux, nuisible; veszdlyes, Sr talmas; губительный, вредный]-»- noxius 340 PERNIO f. degerSturS, crSparea ne-cicatrizabilS a trunchiului arborilor din cauza gerului [pernio, chilblain; Frostbeule, Frostklult; engelure; fagy-daganat, fatdrzshasadSs fagy miatt; обморожение] 967 341 PEROCIDIUM n (gr. nepl „tmpre-jur", 6yKi5iov „toe mic“) -♦ peri-ckaetium 342 PERPAUCUS, foarte pufin [very few; sehr wenig; trds peu; nagyon kevds; очень немногий] 343 PERPENDICULARIS, perpendicular, pivotant (rSdScinS) [perpendicular, upright; senkrecht, lotrecht; per-pendiculaire; meroleges, fflggdleges; перпендикулярный, отвесный] 344 PERPLEXUS —* implexus, intri-catus 345 PERPUSILLUS, foarte mic [very small; sehr klein, winzigklein; le moindre; nagyon kicsi, aprd, parSnyi; очень маленький] 346 PE RSI CINUS, PERSICOLOR, per-siciu, ro?u ca floarea de piersic [peach-red; pfirsichblutrot; rouge de pd-cher; barackvir&gpiros; персикового цвета] 347 PERSIMILIS, foarte asemSnStor [very like; sehr ahnlich; trds sem-blable; nagyon hasonld; очень похожий] 348 PERSISTENS (persisto), persistent I. Care se men^ine fSrS sS cadS ?i dupS ce §i-a indeplinit funcfia sa esenfialS (caliciu, corolS, stipelS). 2. Care se menfin verzi timp de mai multe perioade de vegetafie (frunzele la Taxaeeae) [persistent, remaining; blei-bend, stehenbleibend, nicht abfallend; persistant; visszamaradd, kitartd; остающийся] —*> perdurans, perma-nens, remanens, restarts 349 PERSONATES, personat, In formS de mascS sau a unei guri de animal (coraid ~) [personate; maskiert, verlarvt; personnd; Slarcos, alcSs, csukott ajku; масковидный] -*larvalue* 350 PERSPICUUS —* conspicuus, evi- dens 351 PERSPIRATIO f transpiratio 352 PERTHOPHYTA n pi (ст. яёрбш „a devasta“, фотду „plants"), perto- fite, parazi^i vegetali care atacS plante vii, dar se nutresc numai din tesutu-rile moarte [perthophytes; Pertnophy-ten; perthophytes; pertofitSk; nep- тофиты] 353 PERTINENS (pertineo), apartintnd, care apar^ine de, care se refers la [belonging; betreffend, hingehdrig; appartenant, concern ant; hozzStar- PETALIFORMIS tozd; принадлежающий, относителен ный] 354 PERTUSUS —► perforatus 355 PERULA f, perulS, scvamele pro-tectoare, de obicei brune, curlnd caduce, uneori persistente, ale mugu-relui [perule; Knospenschuppe; pdru-le; rugypikkely; почечный покров] 356 PERULATUS, perulat, prevSzut cu perule (mugure ~) [perulate; knos-penschuppig; pdruld; rugypikkelyes; с почечным покровом] 357 PERVAGATUS —*• communis 358 PERVENUSTUS, foarte frumos [very beautiful; sehr schdn; trds beau; nagyon szdp; очень красивый] 359 PERVERSUS, rSsturnat, intors [perverted, turned aside; abgekehrt; ren-versd, ddtournd; elfordult; перевернутый] 360 PERVIRIDIS, verde tnchis [dark-green; dunkelgriin; vert foncd; sotet-zold; темно-зеленый] 361 PERVIUS, deschis, strSpuns (fauce pervia cu gltul corolei deschis) [pervious, open; offen, durchbohrt; ou-vert, passant; nyitott, keresztulmeno; открытый] 362 PES {-DIS) m (’) 1. Picior, suport. 2. MSsurS de lungime (1* = 30—32 cm) [7. foot, stalk, 2. foot lang; 1. Fufl, Stiel, 2. FuBlSnge; 1. pied, support, 2. longueur d’un pied; 1. ISb, tarto, 2. ISbhossz; /.нога, подпорка, 2. фут] 363 -PES, cu piciorul, cu suportui (brevipes, crassipes, flexipes, fuscipes) [-footed, -stalked; -ftissig, -stielig; -pode, -pdde, a pied; -labu, -tonkii, -szaru; -ногий, -ножковый] —*• -podus, -pus 364 PETAL-, PE TAW-, -PETALUS, (gr. яётаХоу ,,petalS“), cu petale (petalanthus, petalostemoneus, curvipe-talus, isopetalus, gamopetalus, chori-pelalus, acropetalus) [petal-, -petaled, -petalous; kronblatt-, blumenblatt-, -kronblSttrig; a pdtales, -petale; szirom-, -szirmu; лепеегко-, -лепестный] 365 PETALATUS, PETALIFER, peta-lifer, prevSzut cu petale [petaled, petaliferous; kronblSttrig, kronblattra-gend; pdtald, pdtalifdre; szirmos; с лепестками, несущий лепестки] 366 PETALIFICATIO f -*■ petalodium 367 PETALIFORMIS, PETALINUS, PETAWIDEUS, petaliform, peta- PET ALODIUM loid, asemSnStor cu petalele (an-terS, caliciu, flori, perigon) [petalshaped, petaloid; kronblattfflrmig, blumenblattartig, korollinisch; pdta-liforme, pdtalolde; szirom alaku, szi-romszerfi; лепестковидный, лепестковый] 368 PETALODIUM n, petalodiu, modi-ficarea teratologies a filomului (car-pele, stamine etc.) in privinja formei, culorii sau a consistentei in organe petaloide [petalody; Petalodie; pela-lodie; petalodium; петалодия] 369 PETALOMANIA f (gr. -, povia „nebunie"), petalomanie, multiplica-rea teratologies a numSrului pelalelor [petalomania; Petalomanie; pdtalo-manie; petSlomSnia; петаломания] 370 PETALUM n (gr. -), petals, una din frunzele modificate ale verticilu-lui intern din inveli§ul floral, totalitatea lor constituind corola [petal; Kronblatt, Blumenblatt; pdtale; szirom, sziromlevdl; лепесток] 371 PETIOLACEUS, PETIOLANEUS, petiolaceu, de forma sau cu func(ia peiiolului (mugure, perulS) [petiola-ceous; blattstielartig; pdtiolacd; le-vdlnydlszerii; черешковидный] 372 PETIOLARIS, petiolar, care apar-Jine petiolului (circei) [petiolary; blatt-stielstandig; petiolaire; levdlnyelhez tartozd; черешковый] 373 PETJOLATUS, pe}iolat, prevSzut cu pe^iol (frunzS) [petiolate; gestielt; pdtiold; nyeles, nydlelt; черешчатый] 374 PETIOLICOLUS ( COLA I), pe-(iolicol, care create pe pe^iol (parazit) [petiolicolous; blattstielbewohnend; petiolicole; levdlnydlen dlo; поражающий черешки] 375 PETIOLULATUS, petiolulat, prevSzut cu pe(iolul [petiolulate; blatt-stielchentragend; pdtioluld; levdlkenye-eles; с черешочком] 376 PETIOLULUS m, pe(iolul, pe]iolul foliolelor frunzei compus penate [pe-tiolule; Blattstielchen, Stielchen; pd-tiolule; levdlnyelecske, levdlke-nydl; черешочек] —*• petiolus partialis 377 PETIOLUS m, pe[iol, codi(a de obicei semicilindricS a frunzei, situ-atS intre suport §i laminS [petiole, leaf-stalk; Blattsliel; pdtiole; levdlnydl; черешок] —» mesopodium, ramas-trum* PETIOLUS COMMUNIS, pe]iol co-mun in cazul frunzelor penat sau palmat compuse [comon petiole; 869 gemeinsamer Blattstiel ; pdtiole commun; kOzOs levdlnydl; общий черешок] -* rhachis PETIOLUS PARTIALIS — petio-lulus 378 PETRAEUS, PETROSUS, pietros, care create pe locuri pietroase [stony, rocky; steinig, felsig; pierreux; ko-ves; каменный, каменистый, скалистый] 379 PETREFACTUS -> fossilis 380 PETRICOLUS ( COLA t), PETRO-GENUS, PETROPHILUS, petricol, petrofil, care create sau prefers locu-rile pietroase (plants) [petricolous, petrophilous, rock-dwelling; steinwach-send, steinliebend, felsenliebend; pe-tricole, pdtrophile; kdvon elo, szik-ISt kedveld; обитающий на скалах, камнелюбивый] 381 PETROPHYTA n pi (gr. яётрод „piatrS", фитбу „plants"), petrofite, plante care cresc pe locuri pietroase §i stincoase [petrophytes, rock plants; Petrophyten, Gesteinpflanzen, Felsen-bewohner; pdtrophytes; sziklalakdk, sziklai ndvdnyek; петрофиты] —*• li-thophyta 382 pH (pondus hydrogenii), indicele de concentrate a ionilor de hidrogen, semnalind gradul de aciditale sau de bazicitate a solujiilor [hydrogen-ion concentration; Wasserstoffionen-Kon-zen tration, Wasserstoffionenexponen t, pH-Wert, Wasserstoffionenzahl; concentration en ions-hydrogdne; hidro-gdn-ion koncentrScio; концентрация водородных ионов] 383 PHAEN-, PHAENO-, -PHAENUS (gr. фщусо ,,a apare"), aparent, evident, bine vizibil (phaenanthus, phae-nantherus, phaenacanthus, phaenocar-pus, chrysophaenus) [manifest, evident, visible; augenscheinlich, sicht-bar; apparent, visible, evident; szem-bedtld, jdl lathatd; явный, заметный] —► phanero-, conspicuus 384 PHAENOCOPIA f (gr. -, lat. copia „mutyime"), fenocopie, muta]ie neere-ditarS in fenogeneza unui genotip sub influenza factorilor externi (Goldschmidt) [phenocopy; Phanokopie; phdnocopie; fenokdpia; фенокопия] 385 PHAENOCYTOLOGIA I (gr. -, китод ,,vas“, Xdyog „vorbire"), fenocitologie, studiul citologie al rela^iilor dintre modificSrile nucleului celular §i histo-genezS (Subramanian §i Royan) [phe-nocytology; PhSnozytologie; phdno- т cytologie; fenocitolbgia; феноцитоло-гия] 386 PHAENOGAMUS (gr. ydpog „cSsStorie") —*• phanerogamus 387 PHAENOGENESIS f (gr. -, yevEoig „origine"), fenogenezS, jormarea onto-geneticS a caracterelor ereditare sub influenza tuturor factorilor genetici ai organismului In cadrul condifiilor de mediu (Fischer) [phenogenesis; PhSnogenese; phenogcnese; fenogene-zis; феногенез] 388 PHAENOGENETICA i (gr. - -), fenogeneticS, studiul genezei caracterelor eredilare in cursul dezvoltarii ontogenetice a organismului (Haecker) [phenogenetics, developmental genetics; PhSnogenetik; phenogenelique; fenogenetika; феногенетика] 389 PHAENOHYBRIDA f (gr.-, lat. hybrida „hibrid"), fenohibrid, hibrid cu caractere evidente [phenohybrid; PhSnobastard; phdnohybride; Гёпо-hibrid; феногибрид] 390 PHAENOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xoyos „vorbire"), fenologie, studiul comparativ al fazelor periodice de dezvoltare sub influenza factorilor climatici (data in-frunzirii, infloririi, fructificSrii etc.) [phenology; Phanologie; phbnologie; fenologia; фенология] 391 PHAENOLOGICUS (gr. -), fenologie, referitor la fenologie (observafie, izo-lare) [phenological; phanologisch; phe-nologique; fenologiai; фенологический] 392 PHAENOPHASIS f (gr.-, cpcxoig „aparifie"), fenofaza, efapS din peri-odicitatea dezvoltSrii In via[a plantelor (germinare, inflorire etc.) [phe-nophase; Phanophase; phenophase; fenofSzis; фенофаза] 393 PHAENOSPERMIA f (gr. -, стлёрца „sSminfS"), fenospermie, starea unei semin\e abortive (Goodspeed) [phe-nospermy; Phanospermie; рЬёпоэрег-mie; fenospermia; феноспермия] 394 PHAENOTHERMICUS (gr. -, Оёррп „cSldurS"), fenotermic, cu conside-rarea factorilor termici in raport cu fenologia [phenothermic; phSnother-misch; phdnothermique; fenotermi-kus ; фенотермический] 395 PHAENOTYPICUS (gr. -, тияо? „model"), fenotipic, referitor la feno-tip (caracter) [phenotypical; phano-typisch; phdnotypique; fenotipikus; фенотипический] 396 PHAENOTYPUS m (gr. -), fenotip, tipul morfologic evident al unei specii, PHAGOCYTOSIS cu totalitatea caracterelor sale vizi-bile, mSsurabile §i descriptibile, dependent de interacfiunile dintre ge-notip §i mediul ambiant [phenotype; Phanotyp; phenotype; fenotipus; фенотип] 397 PHAEO-, PHAE-, -PHAEUS, PHA-EUS, PHAEOCHROUS (gr. -vorus 410 PHALACRO- (gr. фоХакрбд ,,chel“), glabru, nud (phalacrocarpus) [glabrous; kahl-, unbehaart-; glabre, nu; kopasz, szbrtelen; безволосый, голо-] —► calvus, glabri-, psilo- 411 PHALANX f (gr. qxUurrt „falangS"), falangS, fascicul de stamine la florile diadelfe sau poliadelfe (Hypericum, Ononis) [phalanx, stamen-bundle; Staubfadenbundel, Staubgef&Bbun-del; phalange; porzbnyalab, porzb-falka; фаланга, пучок тычинок] 412 PHALARSIPHYTUS (gr.-, fipSqv „mascul", tputbv „plants") -♦ polya-delpkus 413 PHANER-, PHANERO- (gr. phel-lidophyta, (plantes) ruderales 432 PHELLOSPERM U S (gr. щ)Хо с, „plutS", слёрра „sSmintS"), cu se-min[e suberoase [cork-seeded; kork-samig; pbellosperme; parafSs magvu; пробкосемянный] 433 PHENGO- (gr. фёууораг ,,a straluci") —*■ helio-, lampro-, nitidi- 434 PHENGOPH1LUS (gr.-, (piXeco „a iubi") —* heliophilus 435 PHENGOPHOBUS (gr. -, <ро0ш „a fugSri") —* keliophobus 436 PHENGOTRICHUS (gr. -, 0pl^, xpi-Хбс ,,p5r“), cu peri luciogi [shininghaired; glanzhaarig; & poils luisants; csillogd szdrti; слестящеволосистый] 437 PHIL-, PHILO; -PHILUS (gr. phobismus 460 PHOENI-, PHOENICO-, PHOENI-CEUS (gr. фопчкюе ,,ro?u purpu-riu"), ro?u purpuriu, ro?u de chinovar (phoenicanthus, phoenicolasius, phoe-nicopyrus) [phoeniceous, purple-red, bright-red, scarlet; purpurrot, gra-natrot, hochrot; pourpre, rouge vermilion ; biborvoros, grSnStalmavirag szinu; пунцовый, ярко-красный, гранатово-красный] 878 461 PHOLADOPHYTA n pi (gr. фСоЛйд, ФшХЛбод „groapS", фбтоу „plants"), foladofite, plante care cresc in gropi, evitind lumina putcrnicS [pholado-phytes; Pholadophyten; pholadophy-tes; foladofitSk; фоладофиты] 462 PHOLEOBIONTA n pi (от. ф©Ле6<; „cavitate", pto? „viaJS"), foleobionfi, organisme care trSiesc in cavitSfi, crSpSturi sau in pe?teri [pholeobion-tes; Pholeobionten; pholeobiontes; rbslakbk; фолеобионты] 463 PHONOTAXIS f (gr. фшур „sunet", т<Ы;ц „dispunere"), fonotaxie, mi?care de rcacfie a organului sub influenza sunetului [phonotaxis; Phonotaxis; phonotaxie; fonotaxis; фонотаксис] 464 -PHOB, -PHORUS (gr. форё© „а purta"), purtStor, care poartS, care este suportui (acanthophor, acino-phorus, eckinophorus, hydrophorus) [-bearing, -carrying, -phorous; -tra-gend; -phore, -fere; -visel6, hordozb; -носный, несущий] -+ -fer 465 PHORANTHIUM n (gr. -, fiv0o? „floare") —> clinanthium 466 PHORESIA f (gr. форцоц „transpor-tare"), foreza, propagare prin aga-(area de un ait organism [phoresia; Phoresie; phoresie; forezia; форезия] 467 PHOSPHOPROTEIDES f pi (gr. фсоафбро? „luminescent", np&xoQ „pri-mul", el6o<; „asemSnare") -*• nucleo-proteides 468 PHOSPHORESCENS (gr. фшстфорё© „a lumina") -*• luminescens 469 PHOSPLANCTON n (gr. фйд, фотдд „luminS", пЛауктдд „rStScitor"), fos-plancton, plancton ce cre?te in zona cu luminS abundcntS de la suprafafa apelor mSrii [phosplankton; Licht-plankton; phosplancton, plancton de lumibre; fenyplankton; фоспланктон] 470 PHOTEOLICUS (gr. -, aloXo? ,,mi§-cStor"), foteolic, cu mi?care de „ador-mire" sub influenza luminii reduse (frunze) [photeolic; photeolisch; pho-tdolique; foledlikus; фотеолический] —*• nyctinasticus, nyctitropicus t 471 PHOTICUS, -PHOTICUS, PHOTO-(gr. -,), folic, influenfat de lumina (aphoticus, amphiphoticus, isophoticus, stenophoticus, photophilus) [photic, light-; photisch, licht-; photique; fdtikus, Гёпу-; световой, -фотический] —» helio- 472 PHOTISMUS m (gr. -), fotism, emi-tcre de luminS sub influenfa unei 878 ехсНа[и (Massart) [photism; Photis-mus; photisme; fotizmus; фотизм] 473 PHOTOAESTHESIA f (gr. aiaQrj-01? ,,percepere“), fotoestezie, sensi-bilitate sub influen(a luminii (Csapek) [photcaesthesia; Lichtempfindlich-keit; photoesthesie; Гёпуёггёкепузёд; фотоэстезия] 474 PHOTOAUXISMUS m (gr. аи£л ,,cre§tere“), fotoauxism, influenza ra-diajiilor de luminS asupra vitezei de cre§tere a organelor [photoauxism; Photoauxismus; photoauxisme; foto-auxizmus; фотоавксизм] 475 PHOTOBLASTUM n (gr. pXaoxdg ,,mugure“), fotoblast, ISstar dezvoltat subleran, adaptat mai tirziu pentru via(a aerianS din mediul luminos (Kirchncr) [photoblast; Photoblast; photoblaste; fotoblSszt; |фотобласт] 476 PHOTOCHIMICUS (gr. ar. al-kimiye ,,alchimie“), fotochimic, cu procesul chimic desfS§urat in func[ie de intensitalea luminii (reacjie) [photochemical ; photochemisch; photo-chimique; fotckemikus; фотохимический] 477 PHOTOCHROMATICUS (gr. -, xpfii-pa ,,culoare“), fotocromatic, cu| cro-maticitale in funcjie de luminozitale [photochromatic; photochromatisch; photochromatique; fotokroma tikus; фотохроматический] 478 PHOTOCLEISTOGAMIA f (gr. -, xXeiaxo? „inchis", yapog „cSsSto-rie“), fotocleistogamie, cleistogamie datoritS i.isuficien(ei luminii (Hans-girg) [photocleistogamy; Photokleisto-gamie; photocleistogamie; fotokleisz-togamia; фотоклеистогамия] 479 PHO TOCLINIA t (gr. icXivto „a se curba"), fotoclinie, curbarea in jos a frunzelor sau a ISstarilor sub influenza gradului de luminozitate sau a direcjiei razelor de luminS [photocliny; Photoklinie; photoclinie; fotoklinia; фотокпиния] 480 PHO TOCOLOR1METRICVS (gr. -, lat. color „culoare", metricus „mSsu-rStor“), fotocolorimetric, folosit ca mijloc de mSsurare a concentra^iei unei solu^ii colorate cu ajutorul luminii [photocolorimetrical; photokolo-rimetrisch; photocolorimStrique; fo-tokolorimetrikus; фотоколориметри-ческий] 481 PHOTODINESIS f (gr. Slvnou; „rotire"), fotodinezS, declan§area cu-renfilor de rotate din citoplasmS sub influenza luminii [photodinesis; Pho- PHOTOLYSIS todinese; photudinfese; fotodinёzis; фотодинез] 482 PHOTODYNAMIA f (gr. -, SuvapiQ ,,putere“), fotodinamie, efectul stimulator al luminii asupra plantelor [photodynamics; Photodynamie; pho-todynamie; fotodinamia; фотодина-мия] 483 PH О TOD Y NA MIC U S (gr. -), foto-dinamic, cu efcct asupra celulelor vii numai in prezen^a luminii (fenomen, substan(S) [photodynamic; photo-dynamisch; photodynamique; foto-dinamikus; фотодинамический] 484 PHOTOEPINASTIA f (gr. -, ini ,,peste“, vaaxog ,,comprimat“), fotoe-pinastie, epinastie condi[ionatS de ac[iunea luminii [photoepinasty; Pho-toepinastie; phoU^pinastie; fotoepi-nasztia; фотоэпинастия] 485 PHO TOGENIC U S, PHOTOGENUS (gr. -, yewd© „a na§te“), fotogenic, care produce luminS (bacterii) [photogenic ; photogen, lichterzeugend; photogSne; fotogSnikus, ГёпукеИб, Гёпуtermelo; фотогенный, фотогени-ческий] 486 PHOTOGRAPHOTYPUS m (gr. -, урйф© „а scrie“, тихо? „model"), fotografotip, fototip 1. Fotografia exemplarului tipic. 2. Tipul taxonului stabilit pe baza unei ilustra^ii foto-grafice [photographotype, phototype; Photographotypus, Phototypus; photographotype, phototype; fotogrSfo-tipus, fototipus; фотографотип, фототип] —► phototypus 487 PHOTOHYPONASTIA f (gr.-, 6x6 „dedesubt", vaaxdq „comprimat"), fotohiponastie, hiponastie cauzatS de efectul luminii (Vines) [photohypo-nasty; Photohyponastie; photohypo-nastie; fotohiponSsztia; фотогипонас-тия] 488 PHOTOKINESIS f (gr. Ktvnaic ,,mi§care“), fotocinezS, provocarea mi§c5rii unui organ sau organism pe calea schimbSrii bru§te a intensi-tSJii luminii [photokinesis; Photokinesis; photokinSse; fotokinSzis; фотокинез] 489 PHOTOLEPSIS f (gr. -, Mtyi? „prin-dere"), fotolepsis, cantitatea de luminS de care poate dispune о plants in condijiile statiunii sale [photolepsy, catching the light; LichtgenuO; pho-tolepsie; fotolepszis: захват света] 490 PHOTOLYSIS f (gr. -, Maig „dizol-vare"), fotolizS. 1. Lizare sub acjiunea luminii. 2. Orlnduirea granulelor de PHOTOMET RIA clorofilS sub acfiunea luminii [photolysis; Photolyse; photolyse; foto-lizis; фотолиз] 491 PHO TOME TRIA f (gr. -, pexpica ,,a mSsura"), fotomelrie, mSsurarea intensitSfii luminii [photometry; Pho-tometrie; photomdtrie; fotometria; фотометрия] 492 PHO TOME T RICU S (gr.-), foto-metric. 2. Orientare spre direc(ia raze-lor de luminS. 2. Care ia о pozijie pentru a obfine maximum de lumina (frunze) [photometric; photometrisch; photomdtrique; fotometrikus; фотометрический] 493 PHOTOMETRUM n (gr. -), foto-metru, instrument pentru mSsurarea gradului de luminozitate [photometer; Photometer, Lichtmesser; pho-tomfelre; fotomdter, fenym^ro; фотометр] 494 PHOTOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, pop-фоэот? „formare"), fotomorfozS, efectul morfogenetic al luminii [photo-morphosis; Photoraorphose; pho-tomorphose; fotomorfdzis; фотомор-фоз] 495 PHOTONASTIA f (gr. -, vaoxog „comprimat"), fotonastie, nastie cau-zatS de influenza luminii difuze [photonasty; Photonastie; photonastie: fotonSsztia; фотонастия] —*• helionastia 496 PHOTONASTICUS (gr. -), fotona-stic, cu mi$cSri nastice datorite schim-bSrii luminozitSfii [photonastie; pho-tonastisch; photonastique; fotonSsz-tikus; фотонастический] 497 PHOTOPATHIA f (gr. -, довод „suportare") -*■ phototaxis 498 PHO TO PERIODIC U S (gr. -, xepio-8uc6g „periodic"), fotoperiodic, cu period icitatea luminozitSfii relative ca duratS de lungime din timpul zilelor [photoperiodic; photoperiodisch; photop6riodique; fdnyszakaszos; фото-периодический] 499 PHOTOPERIODISMUS m (gr. -), fotoperiodism, corelafia dintre lungi-mea perioadei de luminozitate din timpul zilei fa(S de durata noptii [photoperiodism; Photoperiodismus; photopёriodisme; fotoperiodizmus; фотопериодизм] 500 PHOTOPERIODUS m (gr. -), foto-perioadS, perioadS in care planta nece-sitS durata maximS de luminozitate pentru dezvoltarea ei optimS [photoperiod ; Lichtperiode; photopdriode; fdnyszakasz; фотопериод] 874 501 PHOTOPHASIS f (gr. f| „nutritie"), fototrofie. 1. Sintetizarea substantelor organice cu ajutorul ener-giei de luminS. 2. Dezvoltarea mai viguroasa a unei pSrti a organului din cauza luminozitStii mai pronun-tate [phototrophy; Phototrophie; pho-totrophie; fototrdfia; фототрофия] 513 PHOTOTROPHICUS (gr.-), foto-trof, care sintetizeaza subslante organice cu ajutorul energiei do lumina a soarelui (plante) [phototrophous; phototroph; phototrophe; fototr6f; фототрофный] 514 PHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, xpo-jrf| „rSsucire"), fototropism, helio-tropism; capacitatea unor plante sau organe de a se orienta in direcjia razclor de luminS sau de a le evita [phototropism, heliotropism; Photo-tropismus, Heliotropismus; phototro-pisme, l^liotropisme; fototropizmus, h61iotropizmus; фототропизм, гелиотропизм] —*• heliotropismus 515 PHOTOTROPICUS (gr. ~) -»• helio-tropicus 516 PHOTOTYPUS m (gr. -, хияо? „model") -* pkotographotypus 517 PHRAGMA n (gr. фраура „imprej-muire") -» dissepimentum, septum 518 PHRAGMATOSPORA f (gr. -, аяора „sSmintS"), fragmatospor, spor mul-ticelular septat [phragmatospore; Phragmatospore, querwandige Spore; phragmatospore; fragmatospdra, kdz-falas spdra; фрагматоспора] -*• phrag-moconidium, phragmospora 519 PHRAGMIFER (gr. Iat. fero „a purta") -*■ septifer 520 PHRAGMIGER (gr.-, lat. gero „a purta") -*• septifer 521 PHRAGMOBAS1DIUM n (gr. :, PdoiStov ,,picioru§“) —*• protobasidi-um, septobasidium 522 PHRAGMOCONIDIUM n (gr. -, ko-vt5iov „praf") —■ pkragmatospora PHTHIRIASIS 523 PHRAGMOPLASTUM n (gr.-, яХ«-axbc, „modelat"), fragmoplast, fusul bombat care se formeazS dupS mitozS intre polii celor doi nuclei ai celulei divizate (Errera) [phragmoplast; Phragmoplast, Chromosomenspindel, Verbindungsfadcnkomplex, Kern tonne ; phragmoplaste; fragmoplasztisz; фрагмопласт] 524 PHRAGMOSOMA N (gr. -, ofljpa „corp"), fragmozom, lamela plasma-ticS din stadiul profazei, formind mai tirziu placa ecvatorialS (Sinnot) [phragmosome; Phragmosom; phrag-mosome; fragmoszdma; фрагмосома) 525 PHRAGMOSPHAERA f (gr.-, стФа-tpa „glob"), fragmosferS, fibrele fusu-lui, impreuna cu citoplasma asociatS» in curs de transformare intr-o sferS goals [phragmosphere; Phragmospha-re; phragmosphere; fragmoszfdra; фрагмосфера] 52G PHRAGMOSPORA f (gr.-, аяора „sSmintS") —* phragmatospora 527 PHRAGMOST1CHOBAS1D1UM n (gr. -, oxlxog „linie", PdaiSiov ,,picioru§“), fragmostihobazidie, sti-hobazidie septatS de tip Auricularia (Basidiomycetes) [phragmostichoba-sid; Phragmostichobasidie; phragmo-stichobaside; fragmosztihobazidium; фрагмостихобазидня] 528 PHREATOPHYTA n pi (gr. фреатСа „rezervor de apS"), freatofite, plan to cu rSdacini foarte lungi, ajungind pinS la straturile de ape freatico [phreatophytes; Phreatophyten; phre-atophy tes; freatofitSk; фреатофи-ты] 529 PHRETOPHILUS (gr. фрлхюу „rezervor de apS"), fretofil, care cre§te in bazine (plante) [dwelling in tanks; beckenliebend; phrdtophile; meden-сёкЬеп 616; фретофильный] 530 PHRYGANA n pi (gr. фрбуауоу ,,mS-rScini§) -♦ suffruticetum 531 PHRYGANOPHILUS (gr. -, Фiht folium (s.l.) 582 -PHYLLUS (gr.-) - phyll- 583 PHYLOCOENOGENESIS f (gr. tpOtov „trib", Koivd? „in comun", ydveot? ,,na§tere“), filocenogenezS, dezvoltarea tipurilor de vegetatie (Soceava) [phylocoenogenesis; PhylozOnogenese; phylocdnogenese; filoconogenezis; фи-лоценогенеэ] —► phylocoenogenesis 584 PHYLOEMBR YOGENES1S I (gr. -, fepPpuov „embrion",-), filoembrioge-nezS, evolu(ie prin modificarea cursu-lui dezvoltSrii embrionare (Severjov) [phyloembryogenese; Phyloembryoge-nese; phyloembryogendse; filoembrio-genezis; филоэмбриогенез] 585 PHYLOGENESIS f (gr. -), filoge-neza; originea, descendenja §i pro-cesul de evolutie istoricS a organismelor, respectiv al taxonilor, avindu-se in vedere raporturile lor de afinitate (Lamarck) [phylogeny, phylogenesis; Phylogenese, Phylogenie, Stammesge-schichte der Organismen; phyloge-ndse, phylogdnie; filogdnia, filogene-zis, tdrzsfejlodes folyamata; филогенез, филогения] —*• phylogenia, genea-logia 586 PHYLOGENETICA f (gr. -), filo-genetica, ramurS a genelicii care studiazS filogeneza organismelor [phylogenetics; Phylogenetik, Abstammu-ngslehre, Stammesentwicklungslehre; phylogdndtique; filogenetika, tdrzs-fejloddstan, sz&rmaz&stan; филогенетика] 587 PHYLOGENETICUS (gr. -), filo-genetic, care urmSre§te aplicarea pro-cesului de filogenie (sistem de clasi-ficare) [phylogenetic; phylogenetisch, stammesgeschichtlich; phylogdndti-que; filogenetikus, torzsfejldddsi; филогенетический] 588 PHYLOGENIA t (gr. ~) -► phylogenesis 589 PH YLOGERONTICUS (gr. -, yepov-tik6? „de bStrinete"), filogerontic, 878 aflat in faza de ImbStrinire a evolu[iei sale [phylogerontic; phylogerontisch; phylogdrontique; filogerontikus, dre-geddsi folyamatban levd; филоге-ронтический] 590 PHYLUM n (gr. -), filum, ramurS sau unitate filogeneticS supremS [phylum; Phylum, phylogenetischer Stamm; phylum; filogenetikai tdrzs; фила, филогенетическая ветвь] 591 PHYMA-, PHY MATO- (gr. фица, фбрато? „tumoare"), umflat, tumid (pkymatochilus, phymatoglossus, phymatophorus) [swollen-; wulst-, geschwollen-; renfld, gonfld; duz-zadt-, dagadt; вздуто-] —► inflatus, lumidus, lurgidus, lumefactus 592 PHYS-, PHYSEMA-, PHYSEMA-TOSUS (gr. фбалра, фбогщато? „umflSturS"), umflat, tumid, cu bS§ici (physanthus) [swollen, inflated; wul-stig, wulst-, gedunsen, geblSht; renfld, gonfld; duzzadt, dagadt; вздуто-, вздутый] —» phyma-, inflatus, tumi-dus, turgidus 593 PHYSI-, PHY SO-, -PHYSCIUS (gr. фОоа „veziculS"), cu vezicule, cu bS§ici (physiphorus, physocarpus, physopetalus, aphyscius) [bladdery, bladder-; blasen-, -blasig; vdsiculeux; holyagos; пузыре-, вздуто-, -пузырчатый] —*■ vesiculosus 594 PHYSIOGENESIS f, PHYSIOGE-NIA f (gr. фистсй? „natural", ye-veai? ,,na§lere“), fiziogenezS, dezvoltarea activitS[ilor vitale [physioge-ny; Physiogenie; physiogendse; fizio-genia; физиогенез] 595 PH YSIOGNOMIA f (gr. qnxrtoyv©-povla „fizionomie"), fiziognomie, fizi-oncmie. 1. lnfS[i§area externS a organismelor. 2. Aspectul general al plantelor dintr-o sta(iune [physiognomy; Physiognomie; physionomie; fizio-gndmia, fiziondmia; физиономия] 596 PH Y SIOGRA PH I A f (gr. фиапсй? „natural", ypcupf) „scriere"), fizio-grafie, descrierea naturii [physiography; Naturbeschreibung; physiographic ; termdszetleirds; описание природы] 597 PHYSIOLOGIA f (gr. фотоХоу1а „cercetarea naturii"), fiziologie, studiul comparativ al activitStii §i func-Jiunilor vitale ale organelor sau organismelor [physiology; Physiologie; physiologic; fizioldgia, dlettan; физиология] 598 PHYSODES mf pi (gr. фиоФблС „umflat"), fisode, corpusculi tanoi- *79 dici din citoplasmS (Phaeophyceae) [physodes; Physoden; physodes; fi-zodak; физоды] 599 PHYSONOMIUM n (gr. фОста ,,ve-ziculS", vopd?. ,,pS§une"), fizonomiu, cavitSti veziculiforme roase de lar-vele unor insecte in pSrtile paren-chimatice ale plantelor [physonomium; Blasenminen; physonomium; fizono-mium; физономиум] €00 PHYSOPHORUS (gr. форд? ,,pur-Шог“) —► vesiculosus €01 PHYT-, -PHYTICUS, PHY TO-, -PHYTUS (gr. фотоу „plants"), de plants, relativ la plants, vegetal (phytogenus, acaropkyticus, endophy-ticus, entopkytus) [plant-, phyto-, -phytic; pflanzen-, -phytisch; plante, phyto-, phytique; n6v6ny-, ndvenyi; растительный, фито-, фитный, -фити-ческий] €02 PHYTOAERON m (gr. -, df|p, йёро? ,,aer“) —*■ aererrantia, aeroplancton €03 PHYTOBASANOS f (gr.-, pdaavo? „probS"), cercetare botanicS [botanical research; Pflanzenuntersuchung; recherche botanique; novSnytani ku-tatSs; опыт о растениях] €04 PHYTOBENTHOS n (gr. -, pevOo? ,,adincime“), fitobentos, plante fixate la fundul mSrilor sau a apelor dulci (Algae) [phytobenthos; Phytobenthos; phytobenthos; fitobentosz, viz-fendki ndvenyzet; фитобентос] —* ben-thophyta €05 PHYTOBIOLOGIA f (gr. -, pio? „via{S“, X6yo? „vorbire"), fitobiolo-gie, biologia plantelor [phytobiology, plant biology; Phytobiologie, Pflan-zenbiologie; phytobiologie; пбуёпу-bioldgia; фитобиология] 606 PHYTOBIOLOGICUS (gr. -), fito-biologic, referitor la biologia plantelor (factori, mediu) [phytobiological; phy-tobiologisch; phytobiologique; пдуёпу-bioldgiai; фитобиологический] 607 PHYTOBIOTICUS (gr. -, рютко? „de viatS"), fitobiotic 1. Care trS-ie?te in plante. 2. Care se refers la viaja plantelor [phy tobiotic; phyto-biotisch; phytobiotique; fitobidtikus; фитобиотически й] 608 PHYTOBLASTVM n (gr. -, Р^астто? „germen, mugure"), fitoblast, celula vegetalS aflatS in faza initials a dez-vdltSrii sale (Baillon) [phytoblast; Phytoblast; phytoblaste; fitoblSszt; фитобласт] PHYTOCOENOTYPUS 609 PHYTOCECIDIUM n (gr. -, ktikI? ,,galS“), fitocecidie, galS cauzatS de parazit vegetal [phytocecidium; Phy-tozezidie; phytocёcidie; fitocecidium; фитоцецидий] 610 PHYTOCHEMIA f (gr. arab. al-kimi-ya „alchimie"), fitochimic, chimie vegetalS [phytochemistry; Pflanzenchemie; phy tochimie; nбvёnykёmia; фитохимия] 611 PHYTOCHLORINA f (gr. -, xXcopd? „verde") -♦ chlorophyllum 612 PHYTOCHOROLOGIA f (gr. -, хшрад „a se rSspindi", A.oyo? „vorbire"), fitocorologie, studiul distributiei plantelor §i stabilirea arealului lor geogra-fic [phytochorology; Phytochorologie; phy tochorologie; fitokoreldgia, n6v6ny-elteгjedёstan; фитохорология] -» phy-togeographia 613 PHYTOCLIMAX f (gr. -, „scarS") -*• climax 614 PHYTOCOENOGENESIS i (gr. -, Koivd? „in comun", yfcveai? ,,na§-tere"), fitocenogenezS, studiul schim-bSrilor lente in compozitia §i struc-tura fitocenozelor (Sukaciev) [phy-tocoenogenesis; Phytozonogenese; phytocSnogenfcse; fitoconogenezis; фитоценогенез] —► phylocoenogenesis 615 PHYTOCOENOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xoyo? „vorbire"), fitocenologie, fitosociolo-gie; studiul fitosociologic al asociatii-lor vegetale [phytocoenology, phytosociology; Phytoz6nologie, Pflanzen-soziologie, Pflanzengesellschaftslehre; phytoc6nologie, phytosociologie; fito-conoldgia, ndvSnyszocioldgia, n6v6ny-tarsulSstan; фитоценология, фитосоциология] —► phytosociologia, synbota-nica 616 PHYTOCOENOSIS f (gr. -), fito- cenozS, asociatie vegetalS; totalitatea speciilor care trSiesc asociate, avind о structurS §i components determi-natS (Paczoski) [phytocoenosis, plant community; Phytozonose, Pflanzen-gesellschaft, Pflanzengemeinschaf t; phytocSnose, association vSgStale; fitoconozis, n6vSnysz6vetkezet, пб-v6nyi ёIetkбzбssёg, n6vSnytSrsulSs; фитоценоз, растительное сообщество] 617 PHYTOCOENOTYPUS m (gr.-, тбяо? „model"), fitocenotip, grup de plante care in ierarhia structuralS a fitocenozei participS in roluri ase-mSnStoare [phytocoenotype; Phyto-zdnotyp; phytocSnotype; fitoc6no-tipus; фитоценотип] PHYTOCY TOWGIA 618 PHYTOCYTOWGIA f (gr. кбтод ,,inveli§“, Хбуод „vorbire"), fitocito-logie, citologia plantelor [phytocytology ; Phytozytologie; phytocy tologie; fitocitol6gia, ndvdnysejtlan; фитоцитология] 619 PHYTODOMATIUM n (gr. -, Soo-pdxiov „cSsutS"), fitodomaciu, smoc de peri sau cavitate pe un organ in care se ad&postesc organisme vegetale [phytodomatium; Phytodomatium; phytodomatium; fitodomScium; фи-тодомация] 620 PHYTODYNAMICA f (gr. -, Suvapig „putere"), fitodinamica, dinamica mobilitatii plantelor (Sachs) [phytodynamics; Phytodynamik; phytody-namique; novinydinamika; фитодинамика] 621 PHYTOEDAPHON n (gr. -, £Sa phytomorphicus 635 PHYTOLITHOIOGIA f (gr. -, Шод „piatrS", Хбуод „vorbire") —► palaeobo-tanica, palaeopkytologia 636 PHYTOLITHUS m (gr.-), fitolit, plants fosilS [fossil plant; vSrstei-nerte Pflanze; plante fossile; megkS-vesiilt ndvdny; ископаемое растение] —»■ botanolithus 637 PHY TOWGIA f (gr. -) -► botanica 638 PHYTOMA n (gr.-), fitom. 1. Cor-pul vegetativ al plantei (A. Braun). 2. Planta ca unitate ecologies (cf. Henderson) [phy tome; Phy tom; phy-tome; fitoma; фитома] 881 639 PHYTOMERUM n (gr. цёрод ,,parte“), fitomer 1. Internodiu impre-unS cu frunzele sale (cf. Jackson). 2. Unitatea structural^ a plantei (cf. Henderson) [phytomer; Phytomerum; phytomerum; fitomerum; фитомера] 640 PHYTOMORPHJCUS (gr. poptpf) „formS") —*■ phytoideus 641 PHYTOMORPHOLOGIA f (gr. X&yog „vorbire"), fitomorfologie, mor-fologia plantelor [phytomorphology; Phytomorphologie; phytomorpholo-gie; n6v6nyalaktan; фитоморфология] 642 PHYTOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -), fi-tomorfozS, modificSri morfologice §i de structurS cauzate de paraziti [phyto-morphosis; Phytomorphose; phytomorphose; fitomorfdzis; фитоморфоз] 643 PHYTONCIDAE f pi (gr. -, lat-caedo „a omorl"), fitoncide, antibio-tice extrase din plante, cu ac(iune bactericida §i bacteriostatics (Waks-man) [phytoncids; Phytonziden; phytoncides; fitoncidok; фитонциды] 644 PHYTONOMATOTECHNIA f (gr. ovopa, ovopato? „nume", t£xvt| ,,art&), fitonomatotehnie, studiul alcStuirii nomenclaturii plantelor (Bergeret) [phytonomatotechnics; Pflanzenbe-nennungslehre; phy tomatotechnie; nOvSnyelnevezestan; фитономатотех-ния] 645 PH Y ТОУОМ1А f (gr- -, vopo? „lege"), fitonomie 1. Fiziologia plantelor. 2. Studiul legitS(ilor constitu-tiei interne §i a biologiei plantelor (Cassini) [phytonomy; Phytonomie; phytonomie; fitonomia; фитономия] 646 PH Y TO NY MI A f (gr. -, ovopa „nume"), fitonimie, nomenclatura plantelor [plant nomenclature; Pflanzen-benennung; nomenclature botanique; novSnyelnevezestan; номенклатура растений] 647 PH YTOOECOLOGIA f (gr. -, о1код „casS", \byog „vorbire"), fitoecologie, studiul relatiilor plantei cu mediul ambiant [phytoecology; Phytookolo-gie; phytoecologie; fitoSkologia, пб-vSnykornyezettan; фитоэкология] 648 PHYTCONTOGENESIS f (gr. -, ovra „existent", ySveai? ,,na§tere“), fitoontogenezS, ontogeneza sau dezvoltarea individuals a plantelor [phytoontogeny; Phytoontogenie; phyto-ontogendse; пб\'ёпу! egyedfejlod6s; фитоонтогенез] 649 PHYTOORGANOGRAPHIA f (gr. -, dpyavov „organ", урафр „scriere"), PHYTOPLEUSTON fitoorganografie, descrierea organelor vegetaJelor [phytoorganography; Pflanzenorganographie; phytoorgano-graphie; ndvSnyszervek leirasa; фитоорганография] 650 PHYTOORGANOLOGIA f (gr. Хбуо? „vorbire"), fitoorganologie, studiul organelor vegetale [phytoorganology ; Pflanzenorganologie; phy-toorganologie; n6v6nyszervtan; фитоорганология] 651 PH Y TOP AL AEON TOLOGIA f (gr. -, яаАлюд „vechi", ovta „existent", Хбуод „vorbire") —*■ palaeobotanica, palaeophytologia, phytolithologia 652 PHYTOPARASITUS m (gr.-, яа-pdaito? „parazit"), fitoparazit, parazit vegetal [phytoparasit; Pflanzen-schmarotzer; phytoparasite; nбvёnyi 616sk6d6; фитопаразит] 653 PH Y ТОРА THOGRA PHI A f (gr. -, ябОод „suferin(S", ypcupq „scriere") -*■ phytopathologia 654 PHYTOPATHOLOGIA f (gr. -, X6-yog „vorbire"), fitopatologie, pato-logia vegetalS; studiul bolilor la plante [phytopathology; Pflanzenpa-thologie, Pflanzenkrankheitslehre; ph-yto-pathologie; n6vdnykortan, fitopa-toldgia; фитопатология]-* pkytoterosia 655 PHYTOPHAENOLOGIA f (gr. -, (paivco „а араге", l&yog „vorbire"), fitofenologia, studiul fenologiei plantelor [phytophenology; Phy tophano-logie; phytophSnologie; nбvёnyfeno-logia; фитофенология] 656 PHYTOPHAGUS (gr. -, фауё© „а minca"), fitofag, ierbivor; care se hrSne§te cu plante [herbivorous; flanzenfrcssend, krauterfressend; her-ivore; fuevo; растениеядный] -* plan-tivorus 657 PHYTOPHYSIOLOGIA f (gr. -, фиаюХоуСа „cercetarea naturii"), fitofiziologia, fiziologia vegetalS [phytophysiology ; Pflanzenphysiologie; phy tophysiologie; novSnyfiziologia; фитофизиология] 658 PHYTOPLANCTON n (gr. -, nXay-ктдд „rStScitor"), fitoplancton, plancton vegetal care plute§te in parole superficial ale apelor (Raunkiaer) [phytoplankton; Phytoplankton; phy-toplancton; fitoplankton; фитопланктон] -*• planctophyta 659 PHYTOPLEUSTON f (gr. -, nteuo-тгкдд „ravigabil"), fitopleuston, plancton vegetal plutind pe suprafata ape- PHY TOPOLJTU S lor [phytopleuston; Phylopleuston; phytopleuston; fitopleuszton; фитоплейстон] 660 PHYTOPOLITUS m (gr. яоЫтп? „cetacean") -> parasitus 661 PH Y TOPTOCECIDIUM n (gr.-. бятбс „vSzut“, ктрсц „gala"), fitopto-cecidie, cecidie sau gala cauzat a de ciuperci (Loew) [phytoptocecidium; Phytoptozezidie; phytopUH^cidie; fi-toptocecidium; фитоптоцецидий] 662 PHYTOPTOSIS f (gr. фьтбятод ,,acarian“), fitoptoza, boaia vegetaia cauzata de acarieni [phytoptosis; Phy-toptose; phytoptose; fitopt6zis; фитоптоз] 663 PHYTOSIS f (gr. phytotaxonomia 666 PHYTOTAXONOMIA f (gr. -, ta^n; „ordine", v6po<; ,,lege“), fitotaxono-mie, studiul clasificarii plantelor [phytotaxonomy; Phytotaxonomie; phy-totaxonomie; ndvenyrendszertan; фитотаксономия] 667 PHYTOTECHNIA f (gr. -, zi%vn ,,arta“), fitotehnie, studiul plantelor agricole §i tehnica culturii lor [phytotechnics ; Phytotechnik, Pflanzenzucht; phy totechnie; nбvёnytermesztёs-tan, nOvenyapolastan; фитотехника] 668 PHYTOTELMA n (gr. -, ziXpa „apa statatoare"), fitotelma, cantita[i mici de apa ce se aduna in cavita(ile plantelor (Dipsacus, Nepenthes) populate de microbiocenoze speciale [phytotelma; Phytotelma; phytotel-ma; fitotelma; фитотелма] 669 PHY TOTE RA TOWGIA f (gr. -, z&pajQ, тёратод „minune", Хбуод „vorbire"), fitoteratologie, studiul mal-formajiilor §i al monstruozitatilor vege-tale [phytoteratology; Pflanzenterato-logie; phytotaratologie; n6v6nytera-tol6gia, n6v6nyi rendelleness^gek tana; фитотератология] 88» 670 PHYTOTEROSIA t (gr. ~) - phyto-pathologia 671 PHYTOTHERAPIA t (gr. -, 0epa-neta „ingrijire"), fitoterapie, terapie cu ajutorul plantelor medicinale [phy-totherapeutics; Pflanzenheilkunde; phytoth6rapeutique; n6v6nygy6gy-tan, gy6gyn6v6nytan; фитотерапия) 672 PHYTOTHERMOGENESIS f (gr. 0БРЦП „caidura", yeveoig ,,na§tere“), fitotermogeneza, transformarea encr-giei potentiate in energie calorica, la plante [phytothermogenesis; Phyto-thermogenese; phy tothermogendse; fitotermdge^zis; фитотермогенез] 673 PHYTOTOMIA f (gr. -, xopf| ,,ta-iere"), fitotomie, anatomia plantelor [phytotomy, plant anatomy; Phyto-tomie, Pflanzenanatomie, Pflanzen-zergliederung; phytotomie; anatomie vёgёtale; пбтёпуЬопс1ап; анатомия растений] 674 PHYTOTOXINUM n (gr. -, to$uc6v „otrava"), fitotoxina, otrava vegetaia [phytotoxin; Phytotoxin, Pflan-zengift; phytotoxine; fitotoxin, no-vёnymёreg; фитотоксин] 675 PHYTOTROPHIA i (gr. -, трофп „aliment"), fitolrofie, nutri^ia plantelor [phytotrophia; Phytotrophie, Pflan-zenernahrung; phytotrophie; filo-trofia, nOvenytaplalkozas; фитотро-фия] 676 PHYTOZOIDIUM n, PHYTOZOON n (gr. -, Cffiov „animal", elSoq „asemanare") —*• antherozoidium 677 PICEUS, PICINUS, negru bruniu, de culoarea neagra a smoalei [pitchy-black, black as pitch, tar-coloured; braunlichschwarz, pechschwarz, teer-farbig; noir de poix; barnasfekete, szurokszin; смоляно-чёрный] 678 PICREUS, PICRO- (gr. ткрбе „ascutit, amar") (picrocarpus, picro-coccus) —* amarus 679 PICTI-, PICTURATUS, PICT VS, pictat, colorat; cu pete (pictifolius, albop ictus, с up гор ictus) [painted, coloured, spotted; bemalt, gezeichnet, gefleckt, -fleckig; peint, со!огё, ta-chet6; festett, pettyes; расписной, раскрашенный] 680 PIEZO TROPISMUS m (gr. nieCio „a comprima", троял „rasucire"), pie-zotropism, mi§care de tropism pro-vocata de о ac[iune de comprimare (Massart) [piezotropism; Piezotro-pismus; piezotropisme; piezotropiz-mus; пяезотропизм] 88В 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 PIGMENTAT10 f, pigmentafie, Colorado [pigmentation, colouring; Pigmentation, Farbung; pigmentation, coloration; pigmentScid, szinez6dSs; пигментация, окраска] PIGMENTUM n, pigment, substantS colorants din celule [pigment; Farb-stoff; pigment; szintestecske, festSk-anyag; пигмент] PIL-, PILI-, PILO-, -PILIS, -PI-LOSUS, -PILUS, PILIFER, PILI-GER, PIL0SUS, pSros, prevSzut CU peri (pilanthus, piliformis, pilocarpus, flexipilis, appressipilosus, brevipilus, horripilus) [hairy, downy, -haired; haar-, -haarig, behaart-; poilu, pileux; sz6r6s-,-szoru, -hajii; волосисто-, волоско-, волосистый] —*■ trick-, -trichus, -trix, trichifer, tri-chophorus PILEATUS, pileat, cu un organ In formS de pSISrie (ciuperci) [pileate, cap-shaped; huttragend, hutahnlich; chaperonnS; kalapos, kalapszerii; шляпочный] PILEIFORMIS, pileiform, asemSnStor unei pSISrii sau bonete [cap-like; hutfOrmig; pilSiforme; kalap alaku; шляпкообразный] PILEOCYSTIDIUM n (gr. mteoQ ,,bonetS“, киотк;, кистбод ,,sScule(“), pileocistidS, cistidS pe suprafata pSlSriei ciupercii [pileocystidium; Pi-leozystide; pileocystide; pileociszti-dium; пилеоцистида] PILEORRHIZA f (gr. -, Ш „rSdS-cinS“), pilorizS, scufia sau caliptra virfului rSdScinii; tesutul protector al virfului rSdScinii [pileorhiza, root-cap; Wurzelhaube; pilSorhize; gyo-kSrsiiveg, piloriza; корневой чехлик] PILEUS m, pileus, pSISria ciupercii; partea superioarS dilatatS a ciuperci-lor cu pSISrie, purtind dedesubt organele de fructificatie [pileus; Pilzhut; chapeau; gombakalap; шляпка] PI LI DI UM n (gr. niMSiov ,,scu-fie“), pilidiu, periteciul emisferic al lichenilor, la exterior cu un strat pulverulent (Calycium) [pilidium; Pili-dium; pilidium; pilidium; пилидий] P110 SELL US, fin pSros [finely-haired; feinhaarig; finement poilu; finom sz6rfi; несколько волосистый] PILOSITAS f, perozitate, totalitatea perilor de pe un organ sau organism [pUosity, hairiness; Behaarung; pilo-sit6; szdr0ss£g; волосистость] PINNA TI NERVIS PII0SIUSCULUS, piloziuscul, u?or pSros (Plantago lanceolata) [slightly-haired; schwach-behaart; lSgSrement poilu; gyengSn szdrSs; скудно-волосистый] —*■ subpilosus PILULARIS, PIL ULIFORMIS, piluliform, de forma unor pilule glo-buloase [piluliform, pill-shaped; pil-lenfdrmig; piluliforme; labdacsszeru; шарикообразный] PILUS m, pSr, productie epidermicS filiformS, uni- sau pluricelularS, cu forme §i functii variate [hair; Haar; poil; sz6r; волосок]* PIN AX m —*■ catalogue, conspectus PINGUI-, PINGUIS, gras, unsuros (pinguifolius) [fat, fatty, greasy; fett, fettig; gras, huilleux; kdvSr, zsiros; тучный, жирный] PINNA f, aripS, fiecare din segmentele de ordinul Intli ale frunzei penate [pinna, feather; Feder, Fiederblatt; penne, plume; cimpa, levSlcimpa, levSlszSrny; перо] PIN N ATI-, PIN NATO-, -PIN NATOS, PINNATUS, penat, cu folio-lele dispuse pe ambele laturi ale rahi-sului (Robinia pseudacatia) (pinna-tifolius, pinnatodentatus, abruptipinna-tus) [pinnate, pinnately-; gefiedert, fiederig-, fieder-; реппё, pinnati-; szarnyas, szarnyalt, szarnyasan; перистый, перисто-] PINNA TICOMPOSI TUS, penat-compus, cu foliole a§ezate cite douS pe ambele pSrti ale rahisului frunzei compuse (Fraxinus) [pinnately-com-pound; gefiedert-zusammengesetzt; compost penne; szSrnyasan Osszetett; перистосложный] PINNATIFIDUS, penat-fidat, cu frunze penat divizate pinS la mij-locul semilaminei (Sorbus torminalis) [pinnately-cleft; fiederspaltig; pen-natifide; szarnyasan hasadt; перис-тонадрезный] PINNA TIFOLIUS, penat-foliat, cu frunze penate [pinnately-leaved; fie-derblSttrig; pennifoliS; szSrnyas le-velii; перистолистный] PINNA TILOBA TUS, PIN NATI- LOBUS, penat-lobat, cu frunze penate, avind lobii rotunjiti ?i sinuo§i (Quercus pedunculata) [pinnately-lo-bed ; fiederlappig; pennatilobS; szSrnyasan kar6jos; перистолопастный] PINNA TINER V IS, PINNA TINE R-VIUS, penat-nervat, cu nervurile 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 PINNA TIP ART ITUS penate [pinnately-nerved; fiederner-vig; penninerve; szarnyasan erezett; перистонервный, перистожилковатый] 704 PINNA TIPARTITUS, penat-partit, cu frunze penate §i cu lobii diviza[i dincolo de jumStatea semilaminei (Brassica napus) [pinnately-parted; fiederteilig; pennatipartite; szarnyasan osztolt; перистораэделенный] 705 PINNATISCISSUS, penat-incizat, penat divizat [pinnately-cut; fieder-schlitzig; pinnatiscisse; szSrnyasan bevagott; перисторасщепленный] 706 PINNA TI SECT U S, penat-seclat, cu frunze penate §i cu lobii atingind nervura medians (Solanum tuberosum ) [pinnately-sected; fiederschnil-tig; pennatisSquc; szSrnyasan szeldelt ; перисторассечённый] 707 PINNATISINUATUS -> pinnati-lobatus 708 PINNA TOCONJ VGA TUS, conju-gat-penat, cu frunze bipenate, avind rahisul comun terminat prin doua rahisuri secundare [pinnately-conju-galed; fiederiggepaart; pennaticonju-gue; pSrcsan szarnyalt; перистосдвоенный] 709 PINNATODENTATUS, penat-din-tat [pinnatodentate; fiederiggezahnt; pennatidente; szarnyasan fogazott; перистозубчаты й] 710 PINNATUS —*■ pinnati- 711 PINNI—у pinnati- 712 PINNULA f, pinulS, aripioarS; folio-lele ramificatiilor secundare sau ter-tiare ale frunzei de mai multe ori compuse [pinnule; Fiederchen, Fie-derblattchen; pinnule; levSlszarnyacs-ka, cimpScska; перышко, пин-нула] 713 PIPTO- (gr. тпятсэ „a cSdea"), cSzSlor, care cade la pSmint (pipto-carpus, piptosporus) [falling-; fallend, fall-; tombant, secSdente; lehulld, levald; опадающий, распадающийся] —*• caducus 714 PIRI- — pyri- 715 PISIFORMIS, pisiform, de forma bobului de mazSre [pea-shaped; erb-senformig; pisiforme; borsd alakO; гороховидный] 716 PISTILLARIS, pistilar, care apar-tine pistilului sau este a$ezat pe pistil (cordon, nectarinS) [pistillary; pistill-, stempelartig; pistillaire; ter-moh6z tartozd; пестиковый] ДО 717 PISTILLA TUS, PIS TILLIFER, PISTILLIGER, pistilat, prevSzut cu pistil [pistillate; stempeltragend; pis-tilld, pistillifdre; termds, termdt hor-dozd; пестичный, пестиконосный] 718 FIS TILLID1UM n —> archegonium 719 PISTILLOD1UM n, pistilodiu, car-pelodiu, transformarea organelor florale in carpele [pistillody; Pistillodie; pistillodie; pisztillddium; шстилло-дий] —у carpellodium 720 PISTILLUM n, pistil, organul floral care contine elementele de reproducere femele (ovar + stil + stigmat) al florii [pistil; Pistill, Stempel; pistil; termd; пестик] 721 PITUITUS —y mucilaginosus 722 PIX f, smoalS, gudron [pitch, tar; Pech, Teer; poix, goudron; szurok-katrany; смола, гудрон] 723 PLAC-, PLACO- (gr. яШ„ яХакод „suprafaJS planS"), plan, neted (pla-cantherus, placochromaticus) [flat-; flach-; plat, aplatie; lapos; плоско-] -» plani-, plano- 724 PLACENTA f, placcntS 1. Partea ovarului pe care sint inserate ovu-lele. 2. Xesutul care dS na?tere sporan-giilor (Cryptogamae) [placenta; Pla-zenta, Samentrager, Samenleiste, Mutterkuchen, Samenkuchen; placenta; placenta, maglec, magtanya; плацента] —► placentarium, trophosper-mium, spermaphorium 725 PLACENTARIUM n — placenta 726 PLACENTATIO f, placentajie, mo-dul de dispozi(ie a [esuturilor placen-tare in ovar [placentation; Plazenta-tion; placentation; placentScio; пла-центация] 727 PLACENTATUS, PLACENT1-FER, placentat, placentifer, prevSzut cu placentS [placentate, placentife-rous; samenleistetragend; placentS, placentifSre; magleces, placentas; плацентоносный] 728 PLACOCHROMATICUS (gr. яЩ, яХакод „suprafa[a planS", хршра--пкбд ,,de culoare"), placocromatic, cu dispozi^ia planS a cromatoforilor (Diatomeae) [placochromatic; plako-chromatisch; placochromatique; pla-kokromatikus; плакохроматический] 729 PLACOPLASTA n pi (gr. -, яХпатбд „modelat"), placoplaste, elaioplaste pe marginea interns a cromatoforilor (Diatomeae) [placoplasts; Plakoplas- ten; placoplastes; plakoplasztSk; плакопласты] 730 PLAGIO- (gr. nXdyio? „oblic"), oblic, piezi§ (plagiophyllus, plagiopodus) [oblique; schief-; obliquement; ferde-; косо-] —*■ oblique- 731 PLAGIODROMUS (gr. брбцо? „fugS"), plagiodrom, cu nervurile ter-tiare perpendiculare pe cele secundare (nervate) [plagiodromous; querlau-fig; plagiodrome; harSntfut6; пла-гиодромный] 732 PLAGIOGEOTROPISMUS m (gr. ■yfl „pSmint", xporcfi „rSsucire") -*■ geoplagiotropismus 733 PLAGIOHELIOTROPISMUS m (gr. f)XiO€ „soare", -) -► plagiopho-totropismus 734 PLAGIOPHO TO TAXIS f (gr. (pfix;, <ро>т6<; „luminS", „ordine"), plagiofototaxie, dispoztyia oblicS pe razele de luminS a granulelor de clorofilS (Oltmanns) [plagiophototaxy; Plagiophototaxis; . plagiophototaxie; plagiofototaxis; плагиофототаксис] 735 PLAGIOPHO TO TROPISMUS m (gr. —), plagiofototropism, tropism cu dispunere oblicS fa(S de razele de luminS (foliolele de Robinia) [plagio-phototropism; Plagiophototropismus; plagiophototropisme; plagiofototro-pizmus; плагиофототропизм] —» plagio-heliotropismus 736 PLAGIOPHYLLUS (gr. .6yoq „vorbire"), plancto-logie, studiul organismelor planctonice [planktology; Planktologie; plancto-logie; planktoldgia; планктология] 739 PLANCTON n (gr. -), plancton, totalitatea microorganismelor care plu-tesc sau sint in suspensie in pSrtile superficiale ale apelor [plankton; Plankton; plancton; plankton; планктон] 740 PLANCTONOLOGIA i (gr. ~)-> planctologia 741 PLANCTOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, omnivorus, polyphagus, plurivorus 806 PLEIOPHYLLUS (gr. -, Uov „frunzS") -* polyphyllus 807 PLEIOSEPALUS (gr. -, lat. sepalum „sepalS") —► polysepcdus 808 PLEIOSPERMUS (gr. -, ттёрра ,,sSmin[S") —► polyspermus 809 PLEIOTAXIA f, PLEIOTAXJS f (gr. ia£ig „ordine"), pleiotaxie, mul-tiplicarea anormalS a verticilelor fo-liare sau florale [pleiotaxy; Pleiotaxie; pleiotaxie; pleiotaxis; плейо-таксия] 810 PLEJOTOMUS (gr. тброд „tSiere") -»polytomus 811 PLEIOTROP1A f (gr.-, тротгг) „rSsucire"), pleiotropie, cind aceeafi genS se manifests concomitent prin mai multe caractere (Plate) [pleiotropy; Pleiotropie; pleiotropie; pleiotropia; плейотропия] —> polyphaenia 812 PLEIOTYP1CUS (gr. two? „model") —*• polytypicus 813 PLEIOXENUS (gr. -, фгад „gazdS). pleioxen, care poate trSi pe mai multe plante gazde (parazit) [pleio-xenic; pleioxen, wirtsvag; pleioxSne; pleioxSn^ плейоксенный] ->polyxenus 814 PLEISTO- (gr. лХеТотод „foarte nu-meros"), foarte numeros (pleistome- rus) [most, very much; sehr viel; trfca nombreux; nagyon sok; многочисленный] 815 PLENUS, plin, compact, nefistulos (tulpinS) [full; gefiillt, voll; plein, compact; telt; полный, махровый]* 816 PLEOCHROICUS (gr.-, %pобд „culoare") -* discolor, multicolor 817 PLEOGAMIA f (gr. -, уйцо? „cSsStorie") -*• polygamia 818 PLEOMORPHUS (gr. -, popcpn „formS") -* polymorphus 819 PLEROMA n (gr. яХлршда „umple-re“), plerom, Jesutul meristematic intern din care se forroeazS cilindrul central al rSdScinii fitulpinii [plero-me; Plerom, Fiillgewebe; plSrome; pleroma, szallitdszdvetkSpzd; плерома] 820 PLE SI A S MIA f (gr. яХлспаород „apropiere"), plesiasmie, scurtarea anormalS a internodiilor tulpinale, frunzele devenind indesuite [plesias-my; Plesiasmie; pUsiasmie; pleziaz-mia; плезиазмия] 821 PLESIOBIO TICUS (gr. яХлслод „apropiat", 3iog ,,via[5“), plesiobio-tic, care crefte in vecinState [plesio-biotic; plesiobiotisch; plSsiobiotique; plesziobiotikus; плезиобиотический] 822 PLESIOMORPHUS (gr. -, рортрл „formS") —*■ isomorphus 823 PLESIOTYPUS m (gr. -, тияод model"), plesiotip, specia inrqditS cu un genotip colectat in altS regiune (cf. Henderson) [plesiotype; Plesiotyp; pfcsiotype; plesziotipus; плезиотип] 824 PLEUR-, PLEURO-, -PLEURUS (gr. яХеирй „laturS, coasts"), lateral, aflat pe partea laterals, cu laturile [pleuranthus, pleurogenus, pleuroner-vatus, cyrtopleurus, hybopleurus) [lateral, side-; seiten-, -seitig; latSral, IatSralement; oldal-, -oldali; боко-] —*■ lateralis, lateri- 825 PLEURA f, pleurS, partea laterals de obicei inelarS a carapacelui (Diatomeae) [pleura; Giirtelband; р1ё-vre; pleura; плевра] ^ 826 PLEURANTHUS (gr. SvOog „floare"), cu flori formate pe axele laterale (inflorescen^S) [siae-flowe-red; seitenblumig; latiriflore; oldal-virSgii; бокоцветковый] 827 PLEURENCHYMA n (gr.-, ёухоца „umpluturS"), pleurencbim, Jesut lem-nos [pleurenchyma, woody tissue; 889 Pleurenchym, Holzparenchym; pleu-renchyme, tissu ligneux; pleurenchi-ma, faparenchima; плевренхима] 828 PLEURIDIUM n (gr. tSiov „mic"), pleuridiu, expansiunea laterals a labelului franjurat (Stanho-pea oculata) [pleuridium; Pleuridien-bildung; plSuridie; oldal-ajaknyulvSny; плевридий] 829 PLEUROBLASTICUS (gr. -, pjla-axd<; „mugure"), pleuroblastic, cu emergence laterale avind rol de haustorii (Fungi) [pleuroblastic; pleuroblas-tisch; pleuroblastique; pleuroblaszti-kus; плевробластический] 830 PLEUROCARPUS (gr. -, каряб<; „fruct"), pleurocarpic 1. Cu fructe laterale. 2. Cu fructifica[ii pe ramurile laterale (Hepaticae) [pleurocarpic; seitenfrtichtig; pleurocarpe; oldalter-m6su; бокоалодный] 831 PLEUROCY STIDIU M n (gr. -, кист? „cavitate"), pleurocistidS, cistidS laterals [pleurocystidium; Pleurozys-tide; pleurocystide; pleurocisztidium; плевро цистида] 832 PLEURODISCALIS (gr. Siotcoq „disc"), pleurodiscal, aflat pe partea laterals a discului [pleurodiscal; pleuro-diskal; pleurodiscal; korongszSli; плевродискальный] 833 PLEUROGENUS (gr. -, y£vo ? „urma$"), pleurogen, rezultat pe la-tura organului (bazidie) [pleuroge-nous; seitlichentspringend; pleuro-gSne; pleurogen, oldalkeletkez£su; плеврогенный] 834 PLEUROGYNICUS, PLEUROGY-NUS (gr. -, yuvfi „sotie"), pleuroginic, aflat pe latura gineceului [pleurogy-nous; pleurogynisch; pleurogyne; maghSzoldali; бокопестичный] 835 PLEUROMITICUS (gr. -, plto? ,,fir“), pleuromitic, cu centromere difuze [cromozom) [pleuromitic; pleu-romitisch; pleuromitique; pleuromi-tikus; плевромитический] 836 PLEUROPLASTICUS (gr. -, яХа-ото? „format"), pleuropiastic, care th partea centrals se definitiveazS fn cre§tere, continuindu-§i dezvoltarea In pSr|ile laterale (frunzele la Corylus, Sorbus) [pleuropiastic; pleu-roplastisch; pleuroplastique; pleuro-plasztikus; плевропластнческий] •87 PLEURORRHIZUS (gr. № „rSdScinS"), pleuroriz, cu radicula eituatS lateral la marginea cotile-doanelor (embrionul la Cruciferae) PLICATIO [pleurorrhizous; seitenwurzelig; pleu-rorrhize; oldalgyOkdcskSjd; краекорешковый] 838 PLEUROSPERMUS (gr. -, ояёрца „sSmintS"), cu semintele dispuse lateral sau parietal (ovar) [pleurospermic; seitensamig; pleurosperme; oldal-magvS; бокосемянный] 839 PLEUROSPORA f (gr. -, аяорб „sSmintS"), pleurospor, spor format pe pSrfile laterale ale bazidiei [pleuro-spore; Pleurospore; pleurospore; pleu-rospora; плевроспора] 840 PLEUROSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, dyysiov ,,vas“), pleurosporange, spo-range cu pleurospori [pleurosporange; Pleurosporangium; pleurosporange; pleurosporSngium; плевроспорангий] 841 PLEU ROT RIBALIS (gr. -, xpifkx; „cale"), pleurotribal, cu staminele adaptate pentru depunerea polenului pe pSrtile dorsale ale insectei vizi-tatoare (floare) [pleurotribal; pleuro-trib; pleurotribal; pleurotribSlis; плевротрибальный] 842 PLEU ROT RICH US (gr. -, 0pl5, тргхб<; ,,pSr, cil"), cu cili laterali (zoospor) [side-ciliated; seitenwimpe-rig; pleurotrique; oldalt csillangds; боковолосый] 843 PLEUROTROPUS (gr. -, троял „rSsucire"), pleurotrop, cu micropilul fndreptat lateral spre peretele ovaru-lui (ovul la Boraginaceae) [pleuro-tropous; pleurotrop, seitenlSufig; р1ё-urotrope; pleurotrdp, oldalirSnyii; плевротропный] 844 PLEUSTON n (gr. яХеоатгкбд „care poate naviga"), pleuston, totalitatea organismelor care trSiesc la suprafafa lacurilor de apS dulce (Lenina) [pleuston; Pleuston; pleuston; pleuszton; плейстон] 845 PLEXI; PLEXUS, impletit (ple-xipes) [woven together; geflochten; entrelacS; dsszefonddott; сплете-, сплетённый] —► contextus, intertextusplect- 846 PLICA f, pliu, cuts (cuts nectari-ferS) [plait, folding, fold; Falte; pli; rSnc, red6; складка] 847 PLICA TILIS, plicatil, care se pliseazS [plicatil; faltbar; plicatile; Osszehaj-togathatd; способный] 848 PLICATIO f, pliere, cutare (a frun-zelor) [plaiting, folding; Falte; plissage, plissement; ttsszehajtogatotts&g, rSn-cossSg; образование складок] PLICATTVUS 849 PLICATJVUS, PLICATUS, pliat, cutat, prevSzut cu pliuri (frunzS) [plaited, pleated, plicate, folded; fal-tig, gefaltet, faltenfOrmig, zusammen-gefaltet; рПё, plissS, сЫГГоппё; 6sz-szehajtogatott, redds, rSncos; складчатый] —*■ complicates, ptycho-* 850 PIOCOCA RPIUM n (gr. яЬбко? ,,cununS“, карлдс ,,fruct“), ploco-carp, fruct format din folicule dispuse in jurul axei [plococarpium; Ploko-karpium; plococarpe; plokok&rpium; плококарпий] 851 PLOTOPHYTA n pi (gr. nkanix; „plutitor", (puxdv „plants"), plotofite, plante plutitoare ale cSror stomate sint dispuse pe fa[a superioarS a frunzelor lor (Clements) [plotophytes; Plotophyten; plotophytes; plotofitSk; плотофиты] 852 PLUM A f, pani, puf [feather, down; Flaumfeder, Fiederblatt; plume, duvet; toll, pehely, levSlcimpa; перо] 853 PLUMARIUS, pufos [feathery, downy; flaumig, federig; duvetS; tollas; перовидный] 854 PLUMBEUS, plumburiu, de culoarea suriu albSstruie a plumbului [lead-coloured, leaden-grey, dull-grey; bleifarbig, bleigrau; р1отЬё, couleur de plomb; dlomszinu, dlomszurke; свинцовосерый] -> molybdeus 855 PLUMIFER, PLUMOSUS, pufos, cu peri dispu§i ca firele unei pene (papus) [feathery, downy; flaumig, federig; plumeux, duvetS; tollas; оперенный, перовидный] 856 PLUMULA f, plumulS, mugura§ul embrionului; mugurele terminal al plantulei tinere, aflat intre cotile-doane, din care se dezvoltS tulpinifa [plumule; Stammknospe, Keimfeder-chen, Samenkeimsfederchen, KnOsp-chen, Blattfederchen; plumule; ru-gyecske, szSracska, lombocska;nepbnn-ko, почечка] -*■ gemmula, corculum 857 PLURI- (lat. plus, pluris „mai mult“), cu mai multe, multi- (pluricostatus, pluriflorus, plurifolius, pluriovulatus) [several-, many-; mehr-, viel-; plu-sieurs, nombreux; sok-, tdbb-; много-] multi-, pleio-, poly-, chili-, mille- 858 PLURIANNUUS, plurienal 1. Cu duratS de viaJ5 de mai mul|i ani. 2. Care inflore§te numai dupS mai mul[ji . ani (Cirsium, Verbascum, Agave ). [plurannual; pluriennal, mehrjlh-rig; pluriannuel; tObbSves, tSbbnySri; многолетники] —*• multennis, perennis 890 859 PLVR1CARPELLAR1S, pluricarpe-lar, format din mai multe carpele [pluricarpellary; mehrfruchtbl&ttrig; pluricarpellaire; tdbb termOlevelO; многоплодолистиковый] -* multicar-pellaris, polycarpellaris 860 PLURICELLULARIS, pluricelular, format din mai multe celule (Thallophyta) many-celled; mehrzellig; plu-ricellulaire; tObbsejtti; многоклеточный] —► multicellularis 861 PLURICEPS, PLURICEPHALUS —► multicapitatus 862 PLURICHROMOSOMAL1S - poly-chromosomicus 863 PLURICOSTATUS, multicostat, cu mai multe coaste (fructele de Umbelliferae ) [multicostate, many-ribbed; vielrippig; multicostS; sokbordSs; многоребристый] —► multicostatus 864 PLURI DENS, PLURIDENTATUS, multidentat, cu numero§i dinti [mul-tidentate, many-toothed; vielzShnig, reichgezShnt; multidentS; sokfogd; многозубчатый] —» polyodontus, mul-tidentatus 865 PLURIFLORUS -> multiflorus, polyanthus 866 PLURIFOLIUS -> polyphyllus, mul- tifolius 867 PLURILOCELLA TUS, PLURILO-CULARIS —► multilocellatus, multi-locularis 868 PLURINERVATUS, PLURINER-VIS, multinervat, cu mai multe ner-vuri (frunzS) [multinervate, many-nerved; vielnervig, vieladerig; multi-nervi ё ; sokeru, gazdagon erezett; многожилковатый] —*■ polyneurus, mul-tinervis 869 PLURINUCLEATUS, multinucleat, cu mai mul(i nuclei [multinucleate; vielkernig; тиШписШ; tobbsejtmag-veas; многоядерный] —» poly nucleates, multinuclearis 870 PLURIOVULATUS, multiovulat, cu numeroase ovule (ovar) [multiovulate; mehreiig; multiovulS; t6bb magdu-doros; многояйцевой] —*• polyovu-latus, multiovulatus 871 PLURIPART1TUS, multipartit, cu mai multe inciziuni aproape pinS la nervura medians (frunzS) [multipartite, pluripartite; vielteilig; multipartit; sokosztatu; многораздельный] —*• multipartitus 872 PLURIPETALUS —*■ polypetalus, multipetalus 891 873 PLURIPHAGUS —» polyphagus 874 PLU RIP ID IDE U S —► polyploideus 875 PLURIPOLARIS —» multipolaris 876 PLU RISE PTATUS, PLU RISE P-TUS, pluriseptat, multiseptat; cu mai multi loculi sau loje; multi-compartimentat [pluriseptate, multi-septate; vielquerfScherig, vielkamme-rig; multiseptS, S plusieurs cloisons; tdbbkamr&s, t6bb vSlaszfalas; многоперегородчатый] -*• multiseptatus, polyphragmaticus 877 PLURISERIALIS, pluriserial, multi-seriat, dispus in mai multe serii (scvame, stamine) [pluriserial, many-rowed, many-ranked ; vielreihig, viel-zeilig; multis6ri6; soksoros, tdbbso-ros; многорядный] -» multifarius, multiserialis 878 PL URISPORA NGIA T US — poly-sporangiatus 879 PLURIVALENS -*■ multivalens, poly-valens 880 PLURIVORUS -*• polyphagus, pleio-phagus, omnivorus 881 PLUS-MINUSVE (±), mai mult sau mai putin [more or less; mehr oder minder; plus ou moins; tdbbS-kevSsbbS; более или менее] 882 PLUVIALIS, pluvial 1. Referitor la ploaie. 2. Care anunt& ploaia [relating to rain, announcing rain; regenanzeigend; pluvial; es6re vo-natkozo, es6t jelzo; дождливый] 883 PLUVIOMETRUM n -> ombro-metrum 884 PNEUMATOCYSTIS t (gr. jcveupa, jcvefyiaxo? ,,aier“, k6oti? „pungS"), pneumatocist, veziculS plinS cu aer care u§ureazS plutirea plantei (Fucus vesiculosus) [pneumatocyst; Pneuma-tozyste; pnSumatocyste; pneumato-ciszta; пнеуматоцист] 885 PNEUMATODIA n pi (gr. -), pneu-matode, termenul comun al orificiilor tesuturilor aeriene prin care comunica cu aerul liber, asemSnStoare lentice-lelor §i stomatelor [pneumatodia; Pneumatoden; pneumatodes; pneuma-toddk, szelldztetd nyilSsok; пневма-тоды] 886 PNEUMATOPHORUM n (gr. фо-рб? „purtStor"), pneumatofor 1. Organ purtind pneumatode. 2. RSdScinS respiratorie cu cre?tere negativ geo-tropicS (Taxodium, Jussieua) [pneu-matophore, aerating root; Pneuma- PODOSYNCARPIA tophor, Atemwurzel; pneumatophore; pneumatoforum, 161egz6gy6k6r, szel-ldzteto gy6k6r; пневматофор, дыхательный корень] 887 POCILLUS m —» oplarium, scypha 888 POCULIFIDRUS, cu flori poculi-forme [cup-flowered; becherblutig; poculiflore; poharvirSgii, serlegvirSgd; бокалоцветковый] 889 РОС U LIFO RMIS, poculiform, de forma unei cupe [poculiform, cuplike, becherformig; poculiforme; ke-hely alaku; бокалообразный] —*• cya-ihiformis, cupuliformis, phyaliformis 890 POD-, PODO-, -PODIUS, -PODUS, -PUS (gr. яоО?, яо5б? „picior"), cu piciorul, cu suportul (podanthus, po-docephalus, scleropodius, echinopodus, cladopus, crassipes) [-footed, stipi-tate; fuB-, stiel-, -fiiBig, -stielig; a pied, S stipe; -ISbii, -t6nku, -talpu; ножко-, -ножковый] -» ped-, pedi-, pedo-, -pes 891 PODETIUM n, podetiu, pedicelul organelor de fructificatie a unor li-cheni §i mu§chi [podetium; Podetium, FuBgestell; podetium; pod6cium; подеций] -» stelidium 892 PODICELLUS m, PODICILLIUM n, podicel, suportul scurt al fructifi-catiei lichenilor [podicellus; Flechten-fruchtstiel; podicelle; podicellus; маленький подеций] 893 PODOCARPIUM n ( gr. -, каряб? „fruct"), podocarp, suportul ovarului [podocarp; FruchtfuB; podocarpe; maghaztarto; подокарпий] 894 PODOCARPUS (gr. -), podocarpic 1. Cu fructe stipitate. 2. Cu ovar pedicelat [podocarpous; podokarpisch, stielfriichtig; podocarpique; talpas ter-тёвй; ножкоплодный] 895 PODOGYNIUM n (gr. -, ynvfi „sotie") -» gynophorum 896 PODOPTERUS (gr.-, mepdv ,,ari-pa“), cu suportul aripat; cu pedun-culul aripat [podopterous; gefliigelt-fiiBig, geflugeltstielig; podoptSre; szdr-nyalt kocsinyti, szSrnyalt tonku; нож-кокрылыи] 897 PODOSPERMIUM n (gr. -, аяерда „sSmintS") -*■ funiculus 898 PODOSYNCARPIA I (gr. -, o6v ,,!m-preunS", каряб? „fruct"), podosin-carpie, capsula dublS prin concre§tere, dintre care una este dezvoltatS, iar cealaltS abortivS (Worsdell) [podosyn- POECJL- carpy; Podosynkarpie; podosyncar-pie; podoszinkSrpia; подосинкарпий] 899 POECIL-, POECILO- (gr. koikIXoq ,,variat“), variat, pestrij, (poecilanthus, poecilophyllus) [various, variegated; verschieden, bunt; vari6, panachS; vSltozd, tarka; разно-, пестро-, пестрый] 900 POECILOD Y NAM IС US (gr. 56-vapic „putere"), poicilodinamic, cu absen(a caracterului unuia dintre pS-rinti (hibrid) [poikilodynamic; poiki-lodynamisch; poikilodyname; poi-kilodinamikus; пойкилодинамический] 901 POEC1LOGEOTROPISMUS* m (gr. -, Yfl „pSmint", xpoitfi „rSsucire"), poi-cilogeotropism, geotropism schimbS-tor, la inceput negativ §i apoi pozitiv (Arachis) [poikilogeotropism; Poikilo-geotropismus; poikilogSotropisme; poi-kilogeotropizmus; пойкилогеотропизм] 902 POECILO PLOI DI A f (gr. - inkobq „simplu", I5iog ,,obi§nuit“) -*■ mixoploidia 903 РОЕ СI LOS Y NDESIS f (gr. -, a6v-5eaig ,,reunire“), poicilosindezS, im-perecherea neregulatS a cromozomilor, cu valence variabile, in cazul . meiozei unui hibrid (Karpetschenko) [poiki-losyndesis; Poikilosyndese; poikilo-syndSse; poikiloszindSzis; пойкило-синдезис] 904 POECILOTHERMICUS (gr. -, 0ep-РП „cSldurS"), pcicilotermic, care este in func(ie de variable temperaturii [poikilothermic; poikilothermisch; poi-kilotherme; poikilotermikus; пой-килотермный] 905 POECILOXEROPHYТА n pi (gr.-, £npog ,,uscat“, фитоу „plants"), *poi-ciloxerofite, xerofite care in perioada de uscSciune indelungatS ajung in stare de anabiozS (Lichenes, Selagi-nella) [poikiloxerophytes; Poikiloxe-rophyten; poikiloxerophytes; poikilo-xerofitSk; пойкилоксерофиты] 906 -POGIUS, -POGON-, POGONO- (gr. jufryav ,,barbS“), barbat pSros '(epipo-gius, pogonanthus, epipogon, pogono-ptilus, pogonostigmus) [beard-, bearded; bart-, -bartig; barbells; szakSl-las, -szakSllu; бородо-, бородчатый] —► barbatus, barbi- 907 POGONOPHORUS (gr. -, форд? ,,pur-tStor“) —*• barbatus 908 POLARIS, -POLARIS, polar, dispus la poli (nuclei, plante) (aequipolaris) [polar; polarisch; polaire; sarki; полярный] * Nomen in hoc loco 893 909 POLARITAS t, polar it ate, prezen[a a doi poli deosebi(i §i opu§i (bazS ?i virf) la cele douS capete ale or- f'anului axial [polarity; PolaritSt; po-aritS; polaritds, sarkitSs, sarkitottsSg, kStsarkusSg; полярность] 910 POLEXOSTYLUS m (gr. noXvq ,,mult“, &£co ,,afarS“, axvXoq „columns") —» carcerulus 911 POLIO-, POLI US (gr. noXiA? ,,ce-nujiu"), cenugiu (poliocephalus, polio-phyllus, poliotrichus) [grey; grau; gris; sziirke; серо-, седой] —*• griseus 912 POLIOPLASMA n (gr. -, яХ’аара ,,mo-delare"), polioplasmS, stratul cito- lasmatic netransparent, aflat sub ialoplasmS §i ectoplasms (NSgeli) [polioplasm; Polioplasma, Kdrnerplas-ma; polioplasme; polioplazma; no-лиоплазма] 913 POLI TUS, POLI- (polifolius) — laevigatas 914 POLLACHANTHUS (gr. noUaxfj „adesea", dvOog „floare"), polacantic, care in cursul anilor inflore§te de mai multe ori [pollac(h)anthic; wieder-holtbluhend; pollachanthe; tdbbszor virSgzd; повторноцветущий] 915 POLLACHIGENUS (gr. -, yewooj „a se naste") —» polycarpicus 916 POLL APLASIA f (gr. -, nlamq Jor-mare"), polaplazie, divizarea orga-nului simplu in mai multe organe asemSnStoare (Fermond) [polUplasy; Pollaplasie; pollaplasie; pollaplazia; поллаплазия] 917 POLLAPLOSTEMONOPETALUS (gr. noXXarcXdoQ „multiplu", axf|pov „fir", itcxaXoo „petals"), polaploste-monopetal, cu staminele in numSr multiplu fa(S de petale [pollaploste-monopetalous; pollaplostemonopetal; pollaplostSmonopStale; pollaploszte-monopetalis; поллаплостемонопетапь-ный] 918 POLLEN n (lat. pollen „praf fin"), polen, totalitatea celulelor reproductive mascule din anterele faneroga-melor, care fecondeazS ovarul [pollen; Pollen, BHitenstaub; pollen; .pollen, virSgpor, himpor; пыльца, цветень]* 919 POLLENINA f, polenina, substan[a fundamentals a exinei grSunciorului de polen [pollenine; PoUenin; polle- ■ nine; pollenin; полленин] 920 POLLEX m (”), polex, uncie; lSfimea degetului gros, 1” = cca 2,5 cm [inch, thumb; Daumbreite, Zoll; pou-ce; hiivelykszSles; дйэйм] -* uncia 898 921 POLLICARIS, policar, uncial, de 14-timea degetului gros, 1” = cca 2,5 cm [inch long; daumbreit, zollang; polli-caire; huvelykszgles;. дюймовй] —► uncialis 922 POLLINARIUM n, polinarie, polinie; masS poIinicS claviformS din anter4 con(inind grSuncioarele de polen cu-prinse intr-o substan^S viscoasS (Ascle-piadaceae, Orchidaceae) [pollinarium, pollinium, pollen-mass; Pollinarium, Pollinium, PollenmaBe, Pollenklump-chen; poltinie, masse pollinique; polli-nSrium, pollentdmeg, himpormassza; поллинарии, поллиний, пыльцевая масса] —*■ massula, massa pollinica, pollinium 923 POLLINATIO f, polenizare, transports polerrului de pe anterS pe stigm?t [pollination; Bestaubung, Pol-leniibertragung; pollinisation; bepor-z4s, megporzas, himporbehintfe; опыление]* 924 POLLINATUS, polenizat, cu stig-matul acoperit de polen [pollinate, pollinized; bestaubt; pollinisd; bepor-zott; опылённый, опылять] 925 POLLINICUS, polinie, referitor la polen (camer&, mas4, sac) [pollinic; pollinisch; pollinique; virdgporra vo-natkozd; пыльцевой]* 926 POLLINIFER, poliiiifer, care poartS sau confine polen [polliniferous, pollen-bearing ; pollentragend, bliiten-staubtragend; pollinifdre; virdgport hordozo; пыльценосный] 927 POLLINISATIO f -*• pollinatio 928 POLLINIUM n —► pollinarium 929 POLLINODIUM n, polinodiu, ga-metul mascul imobil care fecondeazS ascogonul (Ascomycetes) [pollinodium; Pollinodium; pollinode; pollinduium; поллинодий] 930 POLLINOSIS f, polinozS, alergie poIinicS; boalS a mucoasei nazale §i a ochilor, cauzatS de polen [pollinosis; Pollinose, Pollenallergie, Heuschnup-fen; pollinose; ezdnalSz; поллиноэ] "931 POLOICUS (gr. яоХбд ,,mult“, оТкод „casS"), poloic, cu flori fertile §i sterile pe aceea§i plants sau pe plante diferite (Lindberg) [poloicous; poloisch; poloique; poloikus; полоический] 932 POLUS m pol [pole; Pol; p61e; polus; полюс] 1133 POLK- (gr. яоХид „mult“), mult, nu- meros, bogat (polyaxialis, polycar-pellatus, polychromaticus, polyembryo- POLY ARINUS nalis) [many, numerous; viel-, reich-; plusieurs, beaucoup ■, sok-, szSmos, gaz-dagon-; много-] —> multi-, pleio-, pluri-, chili- 934 POLYACANTHUS (gr. -, fiicav0a ,,spin“), cu numero§i spini [many-thorned; vieldornig, vielstachelig; S lusieurs aiguillons; soktovisfl, sokttis-6jfi; многоиглистый] 935 POLYACHAENIUM n (gr. -, a ,,nu“, xaivco „а cSsca"), poliachenS, achenS formats din mai multe carpele libere (Malva rotundifolia, Ranunculus acer) [polyachene; Polyachanium; polya-kdne; tobbeskaszat; многосемянка] 936 POLY ACT INUS (gr. -, йктц „raza") —*• polyarchicus 937 POLYADELPHICUS, POLYADEL-PHUS (gr. -, dSefapdg „frate"), polia-delf, cu staminele reunite In fascicule prin filamentele lor (staminele la Citisus Hypericum) [polyadelphous, po-lyadelphian; vielbruderig, mehrbrii-derig, polyadelphisch; polyadelphe; tdbbfalkSs, sokfalkSs; многобратст-венный] —► phalarsiphytus 938 POLY ADEN US (gr. -, dSqv ,,glandS“), cu glande numeroase [polyadenous; vieldriisig, drusenreich; polyaddne; sokmirfgyfi; многожелезистый ]-»mul-tiglandulosus 939 POLYANCISTRUS (gr. -, йукютроу „cirlig"), cu numeroase cirlige [many-hooked; vielhakig; a plusieurs crochets ; sokhorgii, tdbbkampdjd; много-крючковатый] —*• polycamptus 940 POLYANDRUS (gr.-, dvfjp, dvSpdg „bSrbat"), poliandric, cu stamine numeroase (floare) [polyandrous, poly-andrian; vielmannig; polyandre; sok-porzdjii, tobbhimes; многотычинковый] —> polystemoneus, polyarinus 941 POLYANTHEMUS, POLYANTHUS (gr. -, dvGepig; dvGog „floare")-► multiflorus, pluriflorus, myrianthus 942 POLYANTHER US (gr. -, dvQnpdg „In-florit"), cu numeroase antere [poly-antherous; vielstaubblSttrig; polyan-thdrd; tdbbportoku; многопыльнико-вый] 943 POLYARCHICUS (gr. -, dpxfl „origine"), poliarhic, multiradiat; cu numeroase radii sau fascicole (rSdScinS, stel) [polyarch; mehrstrahlig; multi-rayonnd; soksugard; многолучистый] —► poly act inus, multiradiatus 944 POLYARINUS (gr.-, dppqv ,,bSr-bet") -*> polyandrus POLYASTER 945 POLY ASTER m (gr. dorf|p „stea"), poliaster, cu mai multe centre !n celula, unite intre ele prin fusuri nucleare (Hartog) [poljaster; Polyaster; polyaster; poliSszter; полиастер] 946 POLYBLASTUM n (gr.-, рХасттбд „mugure"), poliblast, spor multisep-tat (Lichenes) [polyblast; Polyblast; polyblaste; poliblSszt; полибласт] 947 POLYCAMARUS (gr. -, корйра „bol-tS“) —*■ polycarpicus 948 POLYCAMPTUS (gr. -, карптб? „recurbat") —*■ polyancistrus 949 POL Y С A RPELLA RIS (gr. -, карлбд „fruct") —*• pluricarpellaris 950 POLYCARPICUS (gr. -), policarpic 1. Cu numeroase fructe. 2. Format din mai multe carpele. 3. Care inflo-re§te §i fructified de mai multe ori in cursul vietii sale [polycarpic, poly-carpous, many-fruited; polykarpisch, vielfriichtig, mehrfruchtig, vielmal-friichtig; polycarpique; polikSrpikus, tdbbszdrtermd, tobbszorvirftd, sokszor termo, soktermdsu; поликарпический, многоплодный, многоплодолистико-вый] -*• pollachigenus, sychnocarpus(3) 951 POLYCARPIUM n (gr. --), policarp, fruct compus, indehiscent, format din mai multe carpele (Fragaria, Rosa) [polycarpium; Polykarpium; polycar-pe; polikSrpium, termdscsoport; поли-карпий, многоплодник] 952 POL Y С A RPOPHORIA f (gr. v „ramurS"), policlonal, care constS din mai mul^i cloni (cultivar) [polyclonal; polyklonal; polyclonal; poliklonSlis; поликлоновый] 972 POLYCOCCUS (gr. -, кдккод „bacS"), cu bace numeroase [polycoccous, many -berried; vielbeerig; S plusieurs baies; sokbogyds; многоорешковый] -> multicoccus 973 POLY COT YLEDONEUS (gr. -, ko-TuX.t|Sd)v „cavitate"), policotiledoneu, cu mai multe cotiledoane (plants) [polycotyledonous; vielsammenlap-pig, vielkeimblSttrig; S plusieurs cotyledons ; tObbszikleveld; многосемядольный] 974 POLYCOTYLEDON I A I, POLYCO-TYLIA f (gr. -), policotiledonie, pre-zenta a mai mult de douS cotiledoane [polycotyledony; Polykotyledonie; po-lycotyledonie; tObbsziklevelfisSg; no-ликотилия, многосемядольность] 975 POLYCULTURA f (gr.-, lat. cul-tura „culturS"), policulturS, cultivarea In aceeagi gospodSrie a mai multor soiuri de plante [polyculture; Misch-kultur; polyculture; vegyes mivelds; полякультура] 976 POLYCYCLICUS (gr, -. юйкХод „cerc"), policiclic, cu mai multe verti-cile (floare) [polycyclic; polyzyklisch; polycyclique; tObbOrvfi; полицикли-ческий, многокруговой] —*■ pleiocycli-cus, poly gyrus, multigyratus 977 POLYCYSTICUS (gr. -, kvktti? „pungS") —*■ pluricellularis 978 POLYDACTYLIA t (gr. -, SdKxuXog „deget"), polidactilie, prezenja unor organe supranumerare datoritS fac-torilor genetici [polydactyly; Poly-daktylie; polydactylie; polidaktilia; полидактилия] 979 POLYDACTYLUS (gr.-), multidi- gitat, cu mai multe diviziuni sau fascicule digitiforme (frunze, spice) POLYGAMUS [multidigitate; vielfingerig; multi-digitd; tdbbszor ujjas; многопальчатый] —» multidigitatus 980 POL YDEMI С U S (gr.-, Sflpog „district"), polidemic, care create In mai multe formatii sau districte naturale [polydemic; polydemisch; polyddmi-que; polidemikus; полидемический] 981 POLYDERMIS f (gr. -, Sdppa „piele"), poliderm, tesut protector al cilindrului central format din straturi alternative de celule endodermice §i parenchima-tice (Mylius) [polyderm; Polydermis; polyderme; polidermisz; полидерма] 982 POLYDRUPAI (gr. -, бритсяа „bacS"), polidrupS, fruct multiplu format din mai multe drupe (Rubus) [polydrupe; zusammengesetzte Steinfrucht; polydrupe; tobbes csontSr; сложная костянка] 983 POLYEMBRYONIA f (gr. -, Epflpuov „embrion"), poliembrionie, producerea mai multor embrioni In acelagi ovul [polyembryony; Polyembryonie; po-lyembryonie; poliembridnia, tObbcsi-rSjusSg; многоэмбриония] 984 POLYENERGIDA f (gr. -, Svtpyeux „fortS acthS"), polienergidS, celulS multinucleatS, care se poate desface In atltea pSrti monoergide clti nuclei erau (Sachs) [polyenergid; Polyener-gide; polySnergide; polienergida; no-лиэнергида] 985 POLYENERGIDICUS (gr. -), poli-energidic, care contine mai multe energide (celulS) [polyenergidic; polyenergid; polySnergide; polienergidSs, tObbenergidSs; полиэнергидический] 986 POLYFACTORIALIS - multifac-torialis 987 POLYFOLLICULUS m, polifoliculS, foliculariu; fruct multiplu, format dintr-un agregat de folicule derivate dintr-o singurS floare (Sedum, Caltha) [polyfollicle; zusammengesetzte Balg-frucht; polyfollicule; tviszdcsokor, tii-szd-termSscsoport; полифолликул,сложный фолликул] —» follicularium, folii-culodium, multifolliculus 988 POLYGAM I A f (gr.-, ydpog „cSsStorie"), poligamie, flori hermafrodite gi unisexuate pe acelagi individ sau pe indivizii diferiti ai aceleiagi specii (Atriplex) [polygamy; Polygamie, Vielehigkeit; polygamie; poligSmia, felemSsvirSgiisSg; полигамия, много-домность] -*■ anomaloecia, pleogamia 989 POLYGAMUS (gr. -), poligam, cu flori hermafrodite gi unisexuate pe POLYGENESIS aceea§i plants sau specie [polygamous, polygamian; polygam, vielehig, ge-mischtgeschlechtig; polygame; poli-gSra, felemSsvirSgO; полигамный, многодомный] 990 POLYGENESIS f (gr. -, ytveai? ,,na§tere“), poligenezS, descenders din mai multe linii parentale; ori-ginea multiplS a unor taxoni [polygenesis; Polygenese; polygenise; poli-gen6zis; полигенез] —*• polyphylesis, polygenia, polyphylia 991 POLYGENETICUS (gr.-), polige-netic, polifiletic; derivat din mai multe linii de descenders [polygene-tic; polygenetisch; polygen£tique; po-ligenetikus; полигенетический] —» po-lyphyleticus 992 POLYGENIA f (gr. -, yfevo? ,,ur-ma;“) —» polygenesis, polyphylesis 993 POLYGON ALIS, POLYGONIV S, POLYGONUS (gr. -, ycovio ,,unghi“), poligonal, multiangular; cu mai multe muchii, unghiuri sau col^uri (tulpinS) [polygonal, many-angled, multangular; polygonal, vielkantig, vieleckig, polygonal, multigone, multangul6, mul-tangulaire; poligon&lis, вокёШ, sok-szOgu, sokszOgletfi; многоугольный, многостороиный] —*■ multangular is, mul tang ulus, multigonus 994 POLYGYNIA f (gr. -, yuvft „sotfe"), poliginie, prezenfca mai multor pistile in fiecare floare (Ranunculus, Rosa) [polygyny; Vielweibigkeit; polygynie; tobbanyassSg; полигиния] 995 POLYGYNUS (gr.-), poligin, cu mai multe pistile (floare) [poiygy-nous; vielweibig, vielgriffelig; poly-gyne; tdbbany&s, tdbbtermdjO; no-лигинный, многопестичный] 996 POLYGYRUS (gr. -, yOpos ,,cerc“) — polyoyclicus 997 POLYHA PLOI DE US (gr. ЛяХо? ,,singur“, t6io? ,,obi§nuit“), poliha-ploia, cu numSr de cromozomi redus la jumState fa(S de numSrul initial, In cazul tipului derivat partenogenetic dintr-o formS poliploidS (Katayama) [poly haploid; poly haploid; polynaplo-ide; polihaploid; полигаплоидный] 998 POL YHY В RIDA f (gr. -, lat. hybrida ,,corciturS“), polihibrid, hibrid al cSrui pSrin|i se deosebesc Intre ei prin mai multe caractere [polyhybrid ; Polyhybride; polyhybride; pou-hibrid; полнгибрид] 999 POLYLEPIS (gr. -, XcnV? „scramS"), cu numeroase scvarae [many- 896 scaled; vielschuppig; S plusieurs Scail-les; sokpikkelyfi; многочешуйчатый] 1000 POLY MASTIGOTUS (gr. -, рйот ifc, pootiyog ,,bici“), polimastigot, cu fla-geli In smoc [polymastigote; polymas-tigot; polymastigote; tObbcsillangds; полимастиготический] 1001 POLYMERIA f (gr. -, pfepo? ,,parte“), polimerie, condtyionarea unui caracter de mai mul(i factori genetic! echi-valenti (Lang) [polymery; Polymerie; polymGrie; polim6ria; полимерия] 1002 POLYMERICUS, POLYMERUS (gr- --)» polimer, cu mai multe pSrti sau diviziuni (gineceu, ovar, verticil) [polymeric, polymerous; polymer, viel-leilig, vielgliederig, vielzShlig, mehr-fScherig; polymdre; polimer, tObbtagd, tobbosztatu; полимерный, многочленный] —» pleiomerus 1003 POLYMICTICUS (gr.-, рнстб? ,,a-mestecat"), polimictic, cu mai multe specii dominante (plancton) [polymic-tic; polymiktisch; polymictique; poli miktikus; полимгостический] 1004 POLYMITOSIS f (gr. - ptto? ,,fir“), polimitozS, mitozS supranumerarS la grSunciorul de polen, ce are loc dupa terminarea meiozei, fSrS divizarea cromozomilor (Beadle) [polymitosis; Polymitose; polymitose; poUmitozis; полимитоз] |. 1005 POLYMORPH ISM US m (gr -, рорфп ,,formS“), polimorfism, heteromorfism, pleomorfie; aspecte morfologiee diferite ale unor organe (frunze fructe, flori) la aceeagi plants [polymorphism; Polymorphisms, Verschiedengestal-tigkeit; polymorphisme; polimorfiz-mus, sokalakusag, kiilonbOzo-alakii-sSg; полиморфизм] —*• eutymorphosis 1006 POLYMORPHUS (gr --), pdlimorf, multiform. J. Cu numeroase forme sau aspecte (plants). 2. Cu variabi-litate mare (gen, specie) [polymorphous polymorphic, many-shaped, multiform; vielfdrmig, vielgestaltig, polymorph; polymorphe, multiforme; polimorf, t6bbalaku, vSltozatos alaku; полиморфный, многообразный] -» multiformis, pleiomorphus 1007 POLY NEURUS (gr. -, vsOpov ,,nerv“), multinervat, cu mai multe nervuri (frunzS) [multinervate, many-nerved; vielnervig, vieladerig, reichnervig; multinervS; sokerfi, gazdagon erezett; многожилковатый] -» multinervatus 1008 POL YNITROPHIL US (gr- vitpov „potasiu“, ?, o86v-. to? ,,dinte“) —*pluridens, pluridentatus 1013 POLYOECIA f (gr. oIko? „casS”), poliecie, prezenta concomitentS In cadrul aceleiagi specii a unor indivizi . de sexualitate diferitS [polyoecy; Po-lyOzie; polyecie; poliOcia; полиэцня] 1014 POLYOP LAS MA n (gr.tcXdopa „niodelare”), polioplasmS, partea interns, granularS, netransparentS, a citoplasmei (NSgeli) [polyoplasm; Po-lyoplasma, KOrnerplasma; polyoplas-me; polioplazma; полиоплазма] —*• endoplasma 1015 POLYOVULATUS (gr. , lat. ovu-latus „ovulat”), poliovulat. multio-vulat; cu mai multe ovule (ovar) [multiovulate; vielsamenknospig, mehr-eiig; polyovulS, multiovulS; tdbb-magdudoros; многояйцевой] 1016 POLY PET ALIA f (gr. -, icStoXov „petals”), polipetalie, petale supranu-merare la flori [polypetaly; Polype-talie; poljp6talie; polipetSlia; поли-петалия] 1017 POLYPET ALUS vgr. --), polipetal. cu mai nrulte petale (corolS) [polype-talous, many-petallea; vielkronblSt-trig; polypStale; sokszirmii; много-лепестный] -*• pleiopetalus, pluripe-talus, multipetalus 1018 POLYPHAENIA f (gr. -, valve# „арате”) -► pleiotropia 1019 POLYPHAEUS (gr. -, «paid? „brun”), brun roscat Inchis [dark reddish- . brown; tief braunrot; rouge Stre brun POLYPHYUOGENIA food; sAtSt vdrOsesbarna; темнобуро-црасный] 1020 POLYPHAGUS (gr. «роу&в „a mln-ca“), polifag. 7. Cu nutritie variat&. 2. Care atacS mai multe plante gazde [polvphagous; wirtsvag; polyphage; polifSg; многоядный] —* pleiophagus, plurioarus, omnivorus 1021 POLYPHASIA (gr. -, шт6? „luminS”) -*• eupholicus 1024 POLYPHRAGMA TICUS (gr. -, «ррбу-pa, «рр&урато? „tngrSdire”), multi-septat, multicompartimentat; cu mai multi loculi sau loji [multiseptate; vielkammerig, vielquerfScherig; mul-tiseptS, S plusieurs cloisons; tdbb-kamrSs, sokrekeszes; многоперегородчатый] —» multiseptatus 1025 POLYPHYLESIS f, POLYPHYLIA f (gr. -, «pOXov „trib”), polifilezS, origins din mai multe tipuri ancestrale [polyphyly; Polyphylie, VielstSmmig-keit; polyphylie; polifilia; полифилия] —*■ polygenesis 1026 POLY PHYLET ICU S (gr.-), polifi-letic, care coboarS din mai multe linii parentale (descendants) [poly-phyletic; polyphyletisch, vielstammig; polyphylStique; polifiletikus, tObbtOr-Z!>fl; полифил етический] -» polygene-ticus 1027 POLYPHYLLIA ;f (gr. -, «puXXov „frunzS”), polifilic, augmentarea anormalS a numSrului de frunze dintr-un verticil [polyphylly; Polyphyllie, Viel-blSttrigkeit; polyphyllie; soklevelu-flSg; поляфиллня] -» phyUomania 1028 POLYPHYLLUS (gr. -), polifil, mul-tifoliat, cu frunze numeroese [manyleaved; vielblSttrig, reichblSttrig; polyphylie, S plusieurs feuilles; sokle-velfi; многолистный] -»■ multifoliatus, multifolius, pleiophyllus, plurifolius 1029 POLYPHYLOGENIA f (gr.-, «pOXov „trib”, yfcvo? „neam”), polifilogenie, filogenie din mai multe linii de des- POLYPLASTICUS cendentfl [polyphylogeny; Polyphylo-genie; polyphylogSnie; polifilogSnia; полифилогення] 1030 POLYPLASTICUS (gr. яХоот6g ,,modelat“), poliplastic, care coniine mai multe plastide (lesut eporogen) [polyplastic; polyplastisch; polyplas-tique; poliplasztikus; полипластичес-кий] 1031 POLYPLECTICUS (gr. яХектбд „impletit"), poliplectic, care poate produce mai multe combinalii de gene [polyplectic; polyplektiscb; polyplec-tique; poliplektikus; полиплектичес-кий] 1032 POLYPLOCA ULIS (gr. яоХояХцО^д ,,numeros“, каиХбд „tulpinS"), multicaul, cu numeroase tulpini [manystemmed ; vielstengelig; multicaule, S plusieurs tiges; sokszSrd; много-стебельный] —» multicaulis 1033 POLYPLOID A f (gr. яоХОд „mult", йяХодд „singur", tSiog ,,obi§nuit“), poliploidS, organism cu peste doud garnituri cromozomice in fiecare nucleu [polyploide; Polyploide; poly-ploide; poliploida; полиплоида] 1034 POLYPIDIDATIO f (gr.—), poli-ploidare, provocarea artificials a poli-ploidiei [polyploidation; Polyploidi-sierung; polyploidation; poliploidScid; полиплоидация] 1035 POLYPIDIDEUS (gr. —), poliploid. 1. Care manifests poliploidie. 2. Cu numSr mai mare decit dublul cromo-zomilor din generalia haploidS [polyploid ; polyploid; polyploide; poliploid; полиплоидный] 1036 POL Y PLOI DI A f (gr. —), poliploidie, prezenla in celulele organismului a unui numSr de cromozomi de peste douS ori mai mare (4n,6n etc.) decit la generalia haploidS (Winkler) [polyploidy ; Polyploidie; polyploidie; poli-ploidia; полиплоидия] 1037 POLYPLOSTEMONIA f (gr. -, отпишу „fir"), poliplostemonie, prezenta in floare a numeroase verticile de stamine [polyplostemony; Polyploste-monie; polyplostemonie; poliploszte-monia; полиплостемоння] 1038 POLYPTERUS (gr. -, ятербу ,,ari-pS“), multialat, cu numeroase ari-pioare [multialate, many-winged; viel-fliigelig; a plusieurs ailes; sokszSr-nyacskas; мыогокрылый] —*■ multialatus 1039 POLY PY REN US (gr. -, яор^у ,,sim-bure"). 1. Cu simburi numero§i. 2. Cu nuclei numero§i [polypyrenous; 808 vielsteinkernig, vielkernig; S plusieurs noyaux; sok csontSrmagvii, sok sejt-magvd; многокосточковый, многоядерный] POLYRRHIZUS (gr. -, № „rSdS-cinS"), cu numeroase rSdScini [poly-rhizous, polyrhizal, many-rooted; viel-wurzelig, reichbewurzelt; polyrhize, S plusieurs racines; sokgyOkerfi; многокорешковый] POLYSACCHARIDAE f pi (gr.-, odK%ap „zahSr"), polizaharide, hidrali de carbon prezenti in sucul celular [polysaccharides; Polysachariden; polysaccharides ; poliszaccharidok; полисахариды] POLYSAPROBIUS (gr. -, стаярбд „putred", piog „vialS"), polisaprobic, capabil sS vieluiascS intr-un mediu cu multe impuritSli (organism) [poly-saprobic; polysaprob; polysaprobe; poliszaprdb; полисапробный] POLYSARCA f (gr. -, oap£ „carne"), polisarcS, dezvoltarea anormalS a plantei (excrescent, malformalii etc.) da-toritS excesului de sue nutritiv [po-lysarca; Vollsaftigkeit; polysarcie; po-liszarka; полисарция] POLYSEPALUS (gr. -, lat. sepalum „sepalS"), polisepal, cu mai multe se-pale libere [many-sepaled; vielkelch-blSttrig, mehrkelchblSttrig; polyse-pale; sok сэёзге^еШ; многочашелис-тиковый] -* pleiosepalus POLYSETUS (gr.-, lat. seta ,,pSr aspru"), cu multe sete [multisetose, many-bristled; vielborstig; multisfete; soksert£ju; многощетинковый] —► mul-tisetus POLYSIPHONICUS (gr. -, oikpov „tub"), polisifonic, cu о serie centrals de celule inconjurate de celule periferice (axa la Rhodomelaceae) [po-lysiphonic; polysiphon; polysiphoni-que; poliszifdnikus; многотрубчатый] POLY SOMA TIA i (gr. -, ofipa „corp"), polisomatie, prezenla colectivS a celulelor diploide §i poliploide in tesut sau la un individ (Langlet) [polyso-maty; Polysomatie; polysomatie; po-liszomScia; полисомация] POLYSOMIA f (gr. -), polizomie, prezenla cromozomilor supranumerar (Blakeslee) [polysomy; Polysomie; polysomie; poliszdmia; полисомия] POLYSOMICUS (gr. -), polizomie, cu numSr de cromozomi in plus sau in minus cu 1—2 unitSli fatS de numSrul normal diploid (nucleu) [polysomie; 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 № polysomisch; polysomique; poliszdmi-kus; полисомически й] 1050 POL YSPERMALIS, POLYSPER-MATUS, POLYSPERMUS (gr. ояёрра ns&mint&“), polisperm, cu numeroase semin^e (fruct) [polysper-mous, many-seedcd; vit-lsamig; poly-sperme; sokmagvii; многое, мянный]-* pleiospermus, multispermus 1051 POLYSPERMIA f (gr. -), polisper-mie, fecundarea ovulului prin mai mul(i game[i masculi [polysperm'*; Polyspermie; polyspermie; polisper-mia; полиспермия] 1052 POLYSPORA I (gr.сяорй ,,sd-min(5“), polispor, celula reproductive care se divide in mai mult de patru spori (Renner) [polyspore; Polyspore; polyspore; polispdra; полиспора] 1053 POLYSPORANGIA TUS (gr. dy-yetov ,,vas“), polisporangiat, cu mai mul^i sporangi [polysporangiate; po-lysporangiat; polysporangid; polispo-rangiumos; по лиспорангиатный] —► plu-risporangiatus 1054 POLYSPORUS (gr. --), polisporic, cu mai multi spori [many-spored; viel-sporig; i beaucoup de spores; sokspd-rds; многоспоровый] —>• multisporus 1055 POLYSTACHYS, POLYSTACHY-US (gr. axdxu? ,,spic“), cu mai multe spice [many-spiked; vieldhrig, dhren-reich; polystachyd; sokkaldszd; много-колосый] 1056 POLYSTELE f (gr.-, атлЬл ,,co-loand“), polistel, cu mai multe stele sau cilindri centrali (rdddcina la Le-guminosae) [polystele; Polystele; polystile; polisztdle; полистела] 1057 POLYSTELIA f (gr.-), polistelie, prezenta mai multor cilindri centrali (Selaginella) [polystely; Polystelie; polystilie; polisztilia; полистелия] 1058 POLYSTELICUS (gr.-), polistelie, multistelic, cu mai multi cilindri centrali (tulpina la Filices) [polystelie; polystel; polystilique; polisztdlikus, soksztilijfi; полистелический] —► mul-tistelicus 1059 POLY STEMONEUS, POLYSTE-MONUS (gr. -, oxfipov ,,fir“), poliste-mon I. Cu stamine de doud ori mai multe decit petalele (androceu, floare). 2. Cu numeroase stamine. 3. Cu mai multe serii de stamine (Lauraceae) [j>olystemonous; polystemon; vielmdn-nig; polystimone; polisztimon, tobb-porzds; многотычиночный] -*■ polyandrus POLYTHALAUMS POLYSTICHUS (gr. -, axlxoq ,,se-rie“), multiseriat, dispus In mai multe serii, rtnduri sau verticile (scvame, stamine) [multiseriate, polystichous, many-rowed, many-ranked; vielreihig, vielzeilig; multisdrid, polystique, i plusieur rangs; tdbbsoros, soksoros; многорядный] —► multiserialis, multi-seriatus, pluriserialis POLYSTICTUS (gr. -, стистб? „punc-tat, pestrit"), multipunctat, cu numeroase puncte sau pete [multipunc-tate; vielpunktiert, reichpunktig; mul-tiponctud; sokpontozdsd; многоточечный] —► multipunclatus POLYSTIGMATICUS, POLYSTIG-MUS (gr. -, cxiypa ,,semn“), cu numeroase stigmate [polystigmus; viel-narbig; polystigmd; sokbibdjfi; много-рыльцевый] —► stigmatosus POLY STOMATUS (gr. -, охбца ,,gurd“), polistomatic, cu stomate numeroase [polystomatous; polystoma-tisch; polystomatique; sok zdrdsejtd; полистоматический] POLYSTOMUS (gr. -), polistom, cu multe deschizdturi sau haustorii [polys tomous, many-mouthed; vielmiin-dig; polystome; tObbnyildsd; многозевный] POLYSTROMATICUS (gr. -, oxpfipa ,,saltea“), polistromatic, cu mai multe strome [polystromatic; polystroma-tisch; polystromatique; tObbstrdmds; полистроматический] POLY STY LARIS, POLYSTYLUS (gr. -, oxOXog ,,coloand“), polistilic, cu mai multe stile [polystylous, many-styled; vielgriffelig; d plusieurs styles; tdbb bibeszdld; многостолбиковый] POLYSYMMETRIA f (gr. -, oup-pexpla „simetrie"), polisimetrie, si-metrie multilaterald; cu mai multe planuri de simetrie [polysymmetry; Polysymmetrie; polysymdtrie; poliszim-metria, tObboldald rdszardnyossdg; полисимметрия] POLYSYMMETRICUS (gr. -), po-lisimetric; cu simetrie multilaterald; actinomorf (floare, frunzd) [poly symmetrical, actinomorphic; polysymme-trisch; polysymdtrique; poliszim-metrids, tdbbszimmetrids, tdbboldaluan rdszardnyos; полисимметричный] —► ас-tinomorphus POLYTHALAMUS (gr. -, OdXapo? ,,dormitor“), politalamic 1. Provenit din mai multe flori (fruct agregat). 2. Cu mai mult de о floare In invo- 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 POLYTHELEVS lucru [polythalamic; polythalamisch; poly thalami que; politalamikus; многокамерный, сборный] 1070 POLYTHELEUS, POLYTHELIS (gr, -, 0r|Xf| ,,mamelon“, 0£Xeia „feme-ie“), politelic 1. Cu mai multe veruco-zitSti. 2. Cu mai multe ovare deosebite (floare) [polytheleus, many-warted; vielwarzig; ро1у1Ьё1ё, & plusieursverru-es; sokszemOlcsO; многобородавчаты Г ] 1071 POLYTOMIA f (gr.-, тбрл „divi-zare“), politoroie, ramificarea virfului axei pnncipale a tulpinii sau inflorescence i in mai mult de douS ramuri secundare divaricate [polytomy; Po-lytomie; polytomie; pohtdmia; политомия] —*■ multifurcatio 1072 POLYTOMUS (gr. -), multipartit, divizat in mai multe p&rt [multipartite, polytomous; poly tom, vielteilig, vielmalgeteilt; polytome, divis6 en plusieurs parties; sokosztatd, tdbb-szdr bemetszett; многораздельный, многонадрезный] —♦ pleiotomus, multi partitus, heterotomus 1073 POLYTOPI A f (gr. -, тблод ,,loc“), politopie, posibilitatea form&rii unor soiuri, biotipuri sau ecotipuri poli-filetice cu purine caractere diferen-liale, pe areale disjuncte [polytopy; Polytopie, poly tope Entstehung; po-lytopie; politdpia, politop keletkez6s; политопия] 1074 POLYTOPUS, POLYTOPICUS (gr. -), politopie, format pe areale diferite [polytopic; polytop; polytope; politdpikus; политопный] 1075 POLYTRICHUS (gr. -, 0p£, tpiхбд ,,pSr“) politrib, cu mai mult РегЬ cili sau flageli [polytrichous; viel-haarig, vielgeiselig, vielwimperig; po-lytrique; sokszdrti, sokpilldjd, sokcsil-langds; многоволосистый, многоресни-чатый] 1076 POLYTROPHIA f (gr. -, xpoqrfi „aliment"), politrofie, nutrilie pe mai multe plante gazde [polytrophy; Po-lytrophie; polytrophie; politrdfia; no-литрофия] 1077 POLYTROPHICUS, POLYTRO-PHUS (gr. —), politrof, cu capacitate de adaptare la nutri(ie diferen(iatS, pe substraturi variate [polyxrophic; pelytroph; polytrophe; politrof; no-литрофный] 1078 POLYTYPICUS (gr. -, тияод „model"), politipic, care cuprinde mai multe categorii sistematice inferioare (gen, specie) [polytypic; polytypisch; 400 polytypique; politipikus; политипи-ческий] -» plewtypicu* 1079 POLYURUS (gr.-, obpd „coadS"), multicaudat [multicaudate; viel-schwanzig; multicaudd; sokfarkd; многохвостый] -*• muliicaudatUs 1080 POL Y VALENS (gr. -, lat. valeo „a va-lora“) —► multivalens, plurioalens 1081 POLYVORUS (gr.-, lat. voro „a mlncg") —*■ polyphagus, pleiophagus, pluriphagus, plurivorus 1082 POLYXENUS (gr. -, $evog „gazdS") -* pleioxenus 1083 POLYZDNATUS, POLYZONUS(gr.~, lat. zona „zonS") -*• multizoriatus 1084 POLYZYGOSIS t (gr. -, Cwydg „jug"), polizigozS, conjugarea mai multor garnet (Crozier) [polyzygosis; Polyzygosis; polyzygosis; polizigdzis; поли-зигозис] 1085 POMACEUS, POMACEU 1. Refe-. ritor la mere. 2. De culoarea verde a merelor [pomaceous, apple-green; apfelartig, apfelgrun; ротасё, vert-pomme; almaszerfi, almazdld; яблочный, яблочнозелёный] 1086 POMARIUM n, pomet, gr&dinS sau livada cu pomi fructiferi [orchard, fruit-garden; Obstgarten; verger, jar-din fruitier; gyiimdlcsdskert; плодовый сад] —*• pometum 1087 POMERIDIANUS -*■ poslmeridianus 1088 POMETUM n -»• pomarium 1089 POMIFER, pomifer, care produce fructe pomacee [pomiferous, pome-bearing; apfeltragend; pomifdre; al-matermo; яблоконосный] 1090 POMIFORMIS, pomiform, de forma merelor [pomiform, apple-shaped; ap-fel-formig; pomiforme; alma alakd; яблокообразный] 1091 POMOLOGIA f (lat. pomum „fruct", gr. Хбуод „vorbire"), pomologie, studiul morfologic §i agrobiologic al spe-ciilor §i soiurilor de pomi [pomology; Obstbaukunde; pomologie; gyumdlcs-ismerettan, gyumolcsdszet; помология] 1092 POMUM n, fruct. 1. PoamS. 2. Fruc-tul pomoideelor [pome; Apfelfrucht; pomme; almatermes; фрукт, яблочный плод] 1093 PONDEROSUS, greu [heavy, weight; schwer, gewichlig; pondereux, lourd; nehdz, siilyos; тяжёлый, увесистый] 1094 PONDUS HYDROGENII pH 401 1095 PONTICUS, pontic, care create in regiunile din jurul Mdrii Negre (element floristic) [pontic; pontisch; pon-tiquc; pontikus; типичный] 1096 PONTOPHILUS (gr. ябуто? „mare", 6Uov ,,frunza“) -*■ serratifolius 1220 PRIONOTES (gr. ярюжотбс „din-turat") —*■ serriformis 1221 PRIORITAS f, prioritate, tnttietate; regula nomenclaturaia a valabilitdtii taxonilor publica^i mai devreme cu descrieri §i nominalizari In sensul pre-vederilor Codului de nomenclatura botanica [priority; Prioritat; priorit6; prioritds, elsdbbsdg, kor&bbisdg; приоритет, первенство] 1222 PRISMATICUS, prismatic, de forma unei prisme (tulpina unor Labiatae, fructul la Tulipa) [prismatic; pris-matisch, saulenformig; prismatique; hasabos, hasdb alakd; призматический] 1223 PRISMA T T FORM IS —► prismaticus 1224 PRISMA TOCARPUS (lat. -, gr. кор-ядд ,,fruct“), cu fructe prismatice [pris-matocarpous; saulenfriichtig; prisma-tocarpe; hasabos termdsd; призма-токарпный] 1225 PRO (praep. abl.), pentru, considerat ca (pro parte — p.p. — considerat In parte, pro specie — pro sp. — In ac-ceptiune de specie ) [for, as; ftir, als; pour, comme; mint, gyandnt; в качестве] 1226 PROANTHESIS f (gr. ярд' „Inainte", fivOnou; „Inflorire"), proantezd, Inflorire anormald toamna [proanthesis, flowering in advance; Proanthesis, vorzeitige Entfaltung, herbstliche Auf-bluhen; proanthdse; proantdzis, ido-eldtti virdgzds, mdsodvirdgzds; npo-антез] 1227 PROANTHROPICUS (gr. -, dvOpa)-noc, ,,om“), proantropic, existent Inainte de арагфа omului pe pdmlnt (specie) [proanthropic; proanthrop; pro-anthropique; proantrdpikus; проан-тропический] 1228 PROBASIDIUM n (gr. -, paoiSiov ,,picioru§“), probazidie, celuld binu-cleatd intermediard Intre bazidie §i sporofor, dlnd na§tere unui teleutospor (Basidiomycetes) [probasid; Probasi-dium ; probaside; probazidium ; npo-базидия] 1229 PROBOSCIDEUS (gr. яророокС? „trompd"), proboscideu, In formd de trompd (fructul la Martynia) [snout-shaped ; rflsselartig, riisselfdrmig; pro-boscidd; ormdnyszerfl; хоботковидный] 1230 PROCAMBIUM, n, procambiu, tesut meristematic primar, cu celule alun- 407 ite, care dS na§tere fesutului con-ucStor [procambium; Prokambium; procambium; prokSmbium; прокамбий] —*■ desmogenum 1231 PROCARPIUM n (gr. ярб „inainte", карябд „fruct"), procarp, organul sexual femel format din carpogon, celule auxiliare §i trichogin, care dupS fecundare dS na§tere cistocarpului (Rhodophyceae) [procarp; Prokar-pium; procarpe; prokdrpium; npo-карпий] 1232 PROCERUS, inalt, zvelt (arbore) [high, very tall; hoch, hochragend; SlevS, haut, ё1апсё; magas, sudSr; высокорослый, высокий] —*■ excelsus 1233 PROCESSUS (-US) m 1. Proces, desf£§urarea unui fenomen (fecundate). 2. Apendice proeminent (anterele unor stamine) [process, projecting appendage ;ProzeB, For tsatz; ргосёэ, appen-dice allongS; folyamat, nyiilvSny; процесс, выступ, отросток] 1234 PROCHROMATIN UM n (gr. -, xpffl-pa „culoare"), procromatina, substanja cromaticS a nucleolului (Pfitzer) [prochromatin ; Prochromatin; prochro-matine; prokromatin; прохроматин] 1235 PROCHROMOSOMA n (gr.-, ofipa „corp"), procromozom, cromocentrul nucleului in stare de repaus (Rosenberg) [prochromosome; Prochromo-som; prochromosome; prokromoszo-ma; прохромосома] —*■ euchromocen-trum 1236 PROCLIMAX f (gr. -, кХТра£ „scarS"), proclimax, stadiu al asocia-tiilor relictare care au supravie[uit din climatele mai reci §i uscate din timpurile geologice [proclimax; Pro-klimax; proclimax; proklimSx; проклимакс] 1237 PROCLIVIS -► declivis 1238 PROCUMRENS (procumbo), procumbent, culcat pe pSmint; etalat pe sol fSrS sS emits rSdScini (tul-pint ~) [procumbent, prostrate; nie-derliegend, gestreckt, hingestreckt; procombant, couchS sur la terre; heverd, fSldreteriil6, lefekvd; лежачий] —*■ humifusus, prostratus 1239 PROCURRENS (procurro) -*■ pro-minens 1240 PRODIENS (prodeo). 1. Care se produce. 2. Care apare 3. Care rSspe. 4. Proeminent [produced, appearing, risen, comming forth; entstehend, er-zeugend, erschienen, hervorspringend; produissant, apparaissant, poussant; PROG A MET A keletkezd, eldtiin6, kihajtd, kinyiild; образующий, выступающий] 1241 PRODROMUS m (gr. яр68роро<; „care precede"), prodrom, studiu preliminar (ca titlu de cSr[i, Prodromus florae Romanian) [preliminary work; vor-lSufiges Werk; prodrome, ytude ргё-liminaire; el6Ijdr6, bevezeto tanul-mdny; прелиминарное изучение] 1242 PRODUCTIV IT AS f, productivitate [productivity; ProduktivitSt, Frucht-barkeit; productivity; termeiykenys^g; продуктивность] 1243 PRODUCTIVUS, productiv, fructi-fer [productive, fruit-bearing; frucht-bar, fruchttragend; productif, fructi-ffcre; termykeny, term6, term£sthoz6; продуктивный, плоизводительный, плодущий] —> fructifer 1244 PRODUCTUS, prelungit, alungit inainte (nervurS) [lengthened, elongated, strechted; verlSngert, vorgezo-gen; allongё; megnyiilt; протяженный, удлинённый, растянутый] —*■ e-longatus, prolongatus 1245 PROEMBRYO m (gr. ярб „inainte", epppuov „fetus"), proembrion 1. Pri-mordiul embrionului dupS fecundarea ovulului. 2. ProtonemS (Musci). 3' Protal (Filices). 4. Tal in faza ti-nSrS (Lichenes) [proembryo; Vor-keim; proembryon; eldcsira; проэмбрион, предзародыш] —► pseudocotyledon 1246 PROFERENS (profего) —» prodiens 1247 PROFERMENTUM n, proferment, zimogen; substan[S care se transforms cu u§urin[S intr-un ferment activ [proferment, zymogen; Proferment; proferment, zymogdne; prdfermen-tum; профермент] —*■ zymogenum 1248 PROFUNDALIS, profundal, de mare adincime (regio profundalis zona de mare adincime a lacurilor §i mSrilor) [profundal; profundal, tief-; profon-dal; profundSlis, mёlysёgi; глубоководный] —*■ abyssalis 1249 PROFUNDITAS f, profunzime, adincime [profundity, great depth; Tiefe; profondeur; mёlysёg; глубина] 1250 PROFUNDUS, PROF UNDE-, profund, adinc [deep; tief; profond; тё1у; глубокий]* 1251 PROFUSUS —* humifusus, procum-bens 1252 PROGAMETA f (gr. ярб „inainte", уарё-щд „sojie"), progamet, celulS in curs de diviziune pentru a deveni un PROGAMETATIO garnet (Fungi) [progamete; Proga-met; progamdte; progamdta; прогамета] 1253 PROGAMETA TIO f, PROGAMETI-SATIO f, progametizare, transfor-marea sincarionului pe cale de mixie $i reducere cromalicd in progamet [proga-metation; Progametisation; proga-mdtisation; progametizdcid; npora-метизация] 1254 PROGAMETOPHYTON n (gr. фи-t6v „plantd"), progametofit, plantd producind progamet (Maire) [proga-metophyte; Progametophy t; pro-gamdtophyte; progametofita; npora-метофит] 1255 PROGAMICUS, PROGAMUS (gr. уацод „cdsdtorie"), progamic, aflat inainte de fertilizare [progamous; progam; progame; progdmikus, megter-mdkenyiilds elotti; прогамный] 1256 PROGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveai? „па§-tere“), progenezd, ajungerea unui organism la maturitate sexuald in stadiul tindr, inainte de dezvoltare com-pletd [progenesis; Progenese; proge-ndse; progenezis; прогенез] —» neotenia, paedogenesis 1257 PROGENIES f, progeniturd, generate, urma§ [progeny; Nachkommen-schaft; progdniture, descendant; le-szdrmazds, ivaddk; поколение, потомство, произведение] 1258 PROGEOTROPISMUS (gr. yf\ ,,pdmint“, xpoirn „curbare"), progeo-tropism, geotropism pozitiv [progeo-tropism ; Progeotropismus; progdotro-pisme; progeotropizmus; прогеотропизм] 1259 PROGRESSIO f, progres, tending de evolu[ie prin apari^ia de caractere noi [progres; Entwicklungstendenz; progrds; fejlodds; прогресс, развитие] 1260 PROGRESSIVUS, progresiv, aflat in curs de dezvoltare sau de rdspindire (areal, caracter, endemism) [progressive, advancing; progressiv, fort-schrittlich; progressif; eldrehaladd; прогрессивный] 1261 PROH YDRO TROPISMUS m (gr.-, OScop ,,apd“, TpoirPi „curbare"), prohid-rotropism, hidrotropism pozitiv [pro-hydrotropism ; Prohydrotropismus; prohydrotropisme; pohidrotropiz-mus; прогидротропизм] 1262 PROJECTURA f, proeminentd lon-itudinald, pe unele ramuri, emanind e la baza frunzei [projectura, longitudinal projection; Vorsprung, Fort- 44* satz; projecture, saillie longitudinale; hosszanti borda; выступ, вырост] 1263 PROJECTUS —*• prominens 1264 PROCARYOGAMETA f (gr. ярб „inainte", icApiov „nucd", yapdrnt „sote"), nucleul progametului format mai tntii (Maire) [prokaryogamete; Prokaryogamet; procaryogamdte; pro-kariogameta; прокариогамета] 1265' PROCA R YOGA ME TISA TIO f (gr. —), procariogametizare, reducjie cantitativd in cariogamie (Maire) [pro-karyogametisation; Prokaryogameti-eation; procaryogamdtisation; proka-riogametizdcid; прокариогаметизация] 1266 PROKINESIS f (gr. -, Kivrjoiq „тпц-care"), procinezd, stadiul primar al diviziunii nucleare [prokinesis; Prokinesis; prokindse; prokindzis; npo-кинез] 1267 PROLAMINES f pi, prolamine, grup de proteine din seminjele unor Gro-mineae [prolamines; Prolaminen; prolamines; prolaminok; проламины] 1268 PROLEGOMENA n pi (gr. яроХеуш „a selec^iona") (ca titlu de lucrdri) —» analecta 1269 PROLEPSIS f (gr. ярбХлфЦ „anti-cipare"), prolepsis, dezvoltarea pre-maturd a mugurilor pe ramurile din primul an (Crozier) [prolepsis, peach- ellows; Wassertrieb, Wasserreiser, Jo-annestrieb; prolepsis; vizhajtds, szentjdnos-hajtds, iddeldtti riigyfaka-dds; предотвращение возражений] 1270 PROLEPTICUS (gr. -), proleptic, prematur; dezvoltat cu anticipate (ramuri) [proleptic, anticipatory; pro-leptisch, vorzeitig; proleptique, prd-maturd; proleptikus, iddeldtti; npo-лептический] 1271 PROLES (-IS) f 1. Descendent. 2. Ldstar. 3. Soi. 4. Rasd geograficd [progeny, offspring, race, young shoot; Nachkommenschaft, SprdOling, Sorte, Rafle; progdniture, rejeton, sorte, race; leszdrmazott, sarj, fajta, rassz; произведение, отпрыск, раса] 1272 PROLIFER, PROLIGER, prolifer, care poartd sau emite ldstari (tulpind) [proliferous; sprossend, sprdfllingtra-gend, brutbildend; prolifdre; sarjadzd, sarjtermd; пролиферирующий, взрастающий, несущий отпрыски] -+ pullulans 1273 PROLIFERATIO f, proliferare, pro-lificare 1. Multiplicarea anormald a unor organe (ISstari, celule, ramuri). 2. Apartyia anormalS a unor muguri floriferi sau ramiferi in floare sau inflorescent&; diafizS [proliferation, prolification; Prolifikation, t)berspros-sung, abnormale Vermehrung, Wu-cherung, Durchwachsung; prolifSra-tion* prolification; proliferScid, proli-fikScid, rendellenes sarjadzSs, bur-jSnzSs; пролиферация, пролификация] —» diaphysis 1274 PROUFICANS, PROUFICUS, prolific 1. Care se multiplies repede §i abundent. 2. Productiv, fertil [prolific, fruitful; vermehrungsfahig, frucht-bar, tragbar; prolifique, fScond, fertile; szaporodo, termSkeny; пролифициру-ющий, выводковый, плодущий] 1275 PROLIFIC A T10 f — proliferate 1276 PROLIXUS —► copiosus 1277 PROLONGATIO f, prelungire, alun-gire [prolongation; VerlSngerung; prolongation; meghosszabbodas; протяженность] 1278 PROLONGATUS, prelungit, alungit [lengthened; verlSngert; prolongs, a-longS; meghosszabbodott, megnyiilt; продолженный] —*■ productus, pro-tractus 1279 PROLUVIALIS, proluvial, de inun-da^ie [proluvial, alluvial; angesch-wemmt; proluviale, alluvial; aradSsi; прблювиальный] 1280 PROLUVIUM n, inundate, revSr-sarea apelor [inundation, flood; Uber-schwemmung; inondation; SradSs, arviz; пролювий] 1281 PROMERISТЕМА n (gr. яро „inain-te“, рерютдс; ,,divizibil“), promeristem; meristem primordial, cu primele celule divizionare ale oului, apoi la planta adults localizat in virful rSdScinilor ?i in virful vegetativ al tulpinilor [promeristem; Urmeristem; promSri-stSme; 6smerisztSma; промеристема] 1282 PROMERISTEM A TICUS (gr. -j, promeristematic, care aparjine meristemului primordial [promeristematic; Dromeristematisch; promSristematique; promerisztematikus; промеристемати-ческий] 1283 PROMETAPHASIS f (gr. -, цета ,,impreunS“, фйок; ,,faz&“), prome-tafazS, faza intermediarS dintre pro-fazS §i metafazS din mitozS, cind se formeazS fusul nuclear (Lawrence) [prometaphase; Prometaphase; pro-mStaphase; prometafSzis; прометафаза] PROP AG AT 10 PROMINENS (promineo), proeminent, ie?it inainte sau in afarS (muchie, nervurS) [prominent, standing out; hervortretend, hervorstehend, heraus-stehend, vorragend, hervorragend, hervorspringend, auftauchend; ргоё-minent, saillant; kiemelkedd, kiSlld, kinyiild, kimagasld; выдающийся, выступающий, всплывающий] —♦ por-rectus, projectus PROMINENTIA f, proeminentS, ri-dicSturS, ie§iturS [prominence; Her-vorragung, Vorsprung; proSminence, saillie; kiemelkedSs; выступ, вьгаук-клость] PROMINULUS, slab proeminent, pu(in ie§it [sligthly prominent; we-nig hervorragend; lSgSrement ргоё-minent ; kissS kiSllo, gyengSn kiemel-kedd; слегка выступающий, слегка выдающийся] PROMITOSIS f (gr. ярб „inainte", 1UTOG „fir"), promitozS, tip de mitozS primitivS intranuclearS la Sckizophy-ceae, Cyanophyceae (Nagler) [promitosis; Promitose; promitose; promi-t6zis; промитоз] PROMONTORIUM n, promontoriu, regiunea mai joasS, de tranztyie a mun^ilor [promontory, headland; Vor-gebirge; promontoire; elohegy; отгор, предгорье] PROMYCELIUM n, promiceliu, filament micelial primar, format lateral din germinarea teleutosporului (Uredinales) [promycele; Promyzel, pri-mSres Myzelium, Keimschlauch bei Pilzen; promycSlium; promicSlium, elsodleges gombafonal, csiratomlo a gombSknSl; промицелий] PRONUCLEOLUS m, pronucleol, ele-mente ale substan^ei nucleolului care contribuie la formarea acestuia (cf. Dangeard) [pronucleolus; Pronukleo-lus; pronuclSole ; pronukledlusz; npo-нуклеолус] PRONUCLEUS m, pronucleu, nucleul ovulului intre fecundate ?i formarea sincarionilor (van Beneden) [pronucleus; Pronukleus, Vorkern; pronucleus ; pronukleusz, eldmag; пронуклеус] PRON US, PRONI-, aplecat inainte, Inclinat (proniflorus) [bent forward, leaning forward; vorwSrtsgeneigt; SenchS en avant; el6rehajlott, el6re-Olt; склонённый, наклонный, покатый] PROPAGATIO f, propagare, inmul-{ire, reproducere (asexuatS sau se- 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 PROPAGATIVUS xuatS), rSspindire (prin spori, stoloni etc.) [propagation; Propagation, Ver-breitung, Reproduktion, Fortpflan-zung; propagation, reproduction; el-terjedds, szaporodis; размножение, распространение]* 1294 PROPAGATIVUS, propagativ, de rSspindire, de reproducere (organ) [propagative; fortpflanzend; propa-gatif ; elterjeddsi, szaporitd; размножающийся] 1295 PROPAGO f, PROPAGULUM n, propagul, corp de reproducere de obicei asexuat (buta§, bulbil, diaspor, stolon etc.) [propagule, offset; Pro-pagulum, FortpflanzungskOrper; propagule ; propSgulum, szaporitdtest; пропагула] 1296 PROPENDENS (propendeo), care atirnS inainte [propendent, ranging down; herabhangend, herabvornan-gend, herabgeneigt; pendant en avant; elorecsung6; свисающий] 1297 PROPHASIS f (gr. ярб „inainte", фаоц „fazS"), profazS, prima fazS a diviziunii nucleare meiotice sau mito-tice, care incepe cu арагфа cromo-zomilor §i se terminS odatS cu ince-putul metafazei (Strasburger) [prophase; Propbase; prophase; profSzis, sejtmagosztddSsi eloszakasz; профаза] 1298 PROPHLOEMA n (gr. -, фАюхб? „scoartS") -> protophloema 1299 PROPHOTOTACTISMUS m (gr. -фй?, фоогбд „luminS", гактцсб? „orin-duit) —» prophototaxis 1300 PROPHOTOTAXIS f (gr. - -, xd^i? „orinduire"), profototaxie, dispozi^ie de orientare spre directia luminii (Macdougal) [prophototaxis; Prophototaxis; prophototaxie; profototaxis, profototaktizmus; профототаксис] —*• prophototactismus 1301 PROPHOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. - -, тролп „curbare"), profototropism, curbare spre directia luminii; foto-tropism pozitiv [prophototropism; Pro-phototropismus; prophototropisme; profototropizmus; профототропизм] 1302 PROPHYLACTICUS (gr. ярофиХак^ „precaujie"), profilactic, preventiv, care apSrS organismul de boli (mS-surS) [prophylactic; vorbeugend; pro-phylactique; dvd, betegsdget megelo-zd; профилактический] 1303 PROPHYLAXIS f (gr. -), profilaxie, preintimpinarea bolilor [prophylaxis; Prophylaxie, Vorbeugung; prophyla-xie; profilSkszia, betegsdg-megel6zds; профилактика] m PROPHYLLUM n (gr. ярб „inainte", фШ/Jv „frunzS"), profilS, prefrunzS 1. HipsofilS modificatS de pe pedun-culul floral (Viola, Pulsatilla). 2. BracteolS [prophyll; Vorblatt; prd-feuille; eldlevdl; профиля, предлист, прицветничек] —♦ praeftlium PROPINQUUS 1. Apropiat. 2. Inrudit [near, neighbouring, related; nahe, naheverwandt; proche, appa-rentd; kozeli, rokoni; близкий, родственный] PROPLASTIDIUM n (gr. -, nXaa-тб? „modelat"), proplastidS, granule de cloroplaste somatice in stadiul lor primar de dezvoltare (Strugger) [proplastid; Proplastid; , proplastide; proplasztida; пропластида] PRO PON TIC U S, propontic, din re-giunea MSrii Marmare (element flo-ristic) [propontic; propontisch; pro-pontique; propontikus, mSrvSnyten-geri; пропонтический] PROPORTION ALIS, proportional [proportional; verhSltnismSOig; pro-portionnel; arSnyos; пропорциональный] PROPOSITUS, propus (nume) [proposed; vorgeschlagen; proposd; java-solt; предложенный] PROPRIETAS f 1. Proprietate. 2. Caracter, insu§ire [property, character; Besitz, Merkmal, Eigentumlich-keit; propridtd, caractdre; tulajdon, jelleg; собственность, свойство, признак] PROPRIUS, propriu, special, care apar(ine numai unui organ (involucru, petiol) [proper, peculiar, special; ei-gentumlich; propre, spdcial; sajSt, sajStsSgos; собственный, специальный] —► peculiar is, specialis PROREDUPLICATIO f — interre- duplicatio PROSAEROTAXIS f (gr. ярб? „сй-tre", dqp „aer", xd^i? „orinduire"), prosaerotaxie, aerotaxie pozitivS la zoospori §i alte organisme motile [prosaerotaxis; Prosaerotaxis; prosaerotaxie ; proszadrotaxis; прораэро-таксис] PROSCHEMOTAXIS f (gr. -, arab. kimiya,-), proschemotactism, chemo-tactism pozitiv, unele organisme (an-terozoizi, bacterii) fiind atrase spre anumite substance chimice [prosche-motaxis; Proschemotaxis; proschdmo-taxie; proszkdmotaxis; просхемо-таксис] 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 411 1315 PROSCOLLA f (gr. кбМа ,,clei“) -> retinaculum 1316 PROSEMBRYUM n (gr. EpPpuov „embrion") —*■ perispermium 1317 PROSENCHYMA n (gr. gyxupa „umpluturS"), prosenchim, Jesut format din celule alungite, ascu^ite la capete, alcStuind tesuturile conducStoare §i mecanice ale plantelor [prosenchyma; Prosenchym, Fasergewebe, Streckzel-lengewebe; prosenchyme; prozenchi-ma; прозенхима] 1318 PROSENCHYMA TICUS (gr. - -), prosenchimatic, care apar^ine prosenchi-mului (areolaiie, celulS, Jesut) [pro-senchymatous; prosenchymatisch; prosenchymatique; prozenchimStikus; прозенхимный] 1319 PROSGALVANOTAXIS f (gr. -, Galvani-) —*■ electrotaxis 1320 PROSGEOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, yfl „pSmint", Tpoirfi „curbare"), prosgeo-tropism, geotropism pozitiv [prosgeo-tropism; Prosgeotropismus; prosgSo-tropisme; proszgeotropizmus; npoc-геотропиэм] 1321 PROSHELIOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, „soare", -), prosheliotropism, heliotropism pozitiv [prosheliotropism; Prosheliotropismus; proshSliotropisme; proszheliotropizmus; просгелиотро-пизм] 1322 PROSILIENS (prosilio), care rSsare, care Ji§ne§te, care create repede [springing out; vorspringend, heraus-springend, aufschiefiend; poussant; kihajt, kind, kiszokken; выскакивающий, отскакивающий] 1323 PROSOPLASIA f (gr. -, яХостстсо. „a modela"), prosoplazie, hiperplazie cu caractere histologice §i activitS[i func(ionale noi (Kiister) [prosoplasy; Prosoplasie; prosoplasie; prozoplazia; просопл азия] 1324 PROSOPLASMA n (gr. - -), proso-plasmS, tesut patologie cauzat de paraziji (Kiister) [prosoplasm; Pro-soplasma; prosoplasme; proszoplaz-ma; просоплазма] 1325 PROSOPLASMA TICUS, PROSO-PLASTICUS (gr. - -), prosoplasma-tic, cu celule anormale datoritS hi-perplaziei [prosoplasmatic; prosoplas-matisch; prosoplasmatique; proszo-plazmatikus; просоплазматический] 1326 PROSOPLECTENCHYMA n (gr. -, яХектбс „tmpletit", Byxopa „umplu-turS“), prosoplectenChim, pseudoplec- PROSTHERMOTAXIS tenchim format din hife miceliene lax impletite, spafiate (Lindau) [proso-plectenchyma; Prosoplektenchym; prosoplectenchyme; proszoplekten-chima; просоплектенхима] 1327 PROSOSMOTAXIS f (gr. -, сЬорб? „impulsie", „orinduire"), pro-sosmotaxie, mi§carea unui organ sau organism sub influenza unui lichid [prososmotaxis; Prososmotaxis; pros-osmotaxie; proszoszmotaxis; npococ-мотаксис] 1328 PROSPECIES f, prospecie, unitate sistematicS nefixatS incS filogenetic, intermediarS intre specie §i subspecie, neprevSzutS incS in Codul de nomen-claturS (Schiller) [prospecies; Prospecies ; prospecies; prospeciesz; npoc-пециес] 1329 PROSPERITAS f, prosperitate, atin-gerea ciclului de completS dezvoltare a speciilor din cadrul unei popula[ii (cf. Jackson) [prosperity; Prosperitat, Wohlstand; prospSritS; prosperitas; процветание] 1330 PROS PH Y TIA SIS f (gr. яростфбо» „a concrete"), prosfitiazS, concre§-terea unor organe invecinate (cor-puri de fructifica^ie la ciuperci) [pros-phytiasis; Prosphytiasis; prosphytia-sis; proszfitiSzis; просфитиазис] 1331 PROSPORANGIUM n (gr. ярб „pentru", ояора „sSmintS", dyyelov ,,vas“), prosporange, formarea sporangelui inainte de terminarea ciclului vegeta-tiv normal al dezvoltSrii sale (Kuckuck) [prosporangium; Prosporangium; prosporange; prosporSngium; проспорангий] 13?2 PROSPORIA f (gr. - -), prosporie, dezvoltarea precoce a sporilor (Phaeo-phyceae) [prospory; Prosporie; prosporie; prosporia; проспорил] 1333 PROSTADIUM n (gr. -, отабю? „stadiu"), prostadiu, fazS precoce §i anormalS la maturizare, de ex. prosporia (Kuckuck) [prostady; Prostadium ; prostadie; prost&dium; про-стадия] 1334 PROSTELICUS (gr. -, rothalloide; protSlliumszerfl, el6te-epszerfl; проталловидный] -* prothal-liformis 1373 PROTISTA n pi (gr. npdmoxog-„cel dintii"), protiste, organisme strS-vechi reprezentind formele cele mai primitive ale vie^ii [protista; Protis-ten, Urwesen; protistes; v6gl6nyek; протисты] —► protobionta PRO TISTOLOGIA 1374 PROTISTOLOGJA f (gr. Myo? „vorbire"), protistologie, studiul for-melor primitive ale vie^ii [protistology ; Protistologie, Urwesenlenre; protistologie; protisztoldgia, vdgldnytan; протистология] 1375 PROTO- (gr. яратод ,,primul“), primul; format mai intii; aflat In stadiul initial §i primitiv [first, earliest formed; erst-, zuerst gebildet, ein Vorstadium darstellend; premier, preincrement formd; els6, elsddleges, kezdeti; первый] 1376 PROTOBASID1UM n (gr. -, Pdai-6iov ,,picioru§“) —► septobasvdium, phrag-mobasidium 1377 PROTOBIONTA n pi (gr. -, Pio? „viajd") -*■ protista 1378 PROTOBLASTUS m (gr. -, рХаатб? ,,germen“), protoblast. 1. Celuld necu-prinsd in membrand. 2. Celula pri-mordiald a embrionului [protoblast; Protoblast; protoblaste; protobldszt; протобласт] 1379 PROTOBLEMA n (gr. -, pXflpa „acoperdmint") -* velum universale 1380 PROTOCARYON n (gr. -, K&poov ,,nucd“), protocariont, nucleu primitiv format dintr-o masd de cromatind in suspensie in sucul nuclear (Amoeba, Flagellatae, Protistae) [protokary-on; Protokaryon; protocaryonte; protokarion; протокарион] 1381 PROTOCARYOKINESIS f (gr. Klvncng ,,mi§care“), protocariocinezd, formd intermediard de cariocinezd intre amitozd §i mitozd (Strasbur- er) [protokaryokinesis; Protokaryo-inese; protocaryocindse; protoka-riokindzis; протокариокинез] 1382 PROTOCHLOROPHYLLUM n (gr. -, ,,verde“, qriflAov ,,frunzd“), protoclorofild, pigment continind caro-tind §i xantofild, aflat in frunzele etiolate (Monteverde) [protochlorophyll; Protochlorophyll ; protochloro-phylle; protoklorofill; протохлорофилл] 1383 PROTOCHROMOSOMA n (gr. -, ХРсЬца „culoare", а&ра „corp"), pro-tocromozom, granula[iuni cromato-file formate in mitozd la Basidiomy-cetes, care la sfir§itul profazei se reu-nesc in doi cromozomi (Maire) [protochromosome ; Protochromosom; protochromosome ; protokromoszdma; протохромосома] 1384 PROTOCOLLENCHYMA f (gr. -, кбХАл „clei", Eyxopa „umpluturd"), 414 protocolenchim, primele elements ale colenchimului [protocollenchyma; Protokollenchym; protocollenchyme; protokollenchima; протоколленхима] 1385 PROTOCORMUS m (gr. корцб? „tulpind"), protocorm 1. Partea tuberiformd a embrionului care prin diferen[iere dd na§tere radiculei, tul-pinijei §i primelor frunze, ex. Lyco-podiaceae (Treub). 2. Axa hipoco-tild (GObel) [protocorm; Protokorm; protocorme; protokormusz; протокорм] 1386 PROTOCRATUS (gr. -, Kpdxo? „fortd"), protocrat, care §i-a putut re-cuceri arealul pierdut in perioadele glaciare odatd cu ameliorarea cli-matului (Lenard) [protocrate; pro-tokrat; protocrate; protokrdt; npo-тократный] 1387 PROTODERMA n (gr. -, Sdppa „pie-le“), protodermd, stratul extern de celule al meristemului primar din regiunea apicald a organelor radicu-lare, constituind primele lor inveli-§uri, care apoi dd na§tere epidermei [protoderm; Protoderm; protoderme; protoderma; протодерма] 1388 PRO TOE PI PH Y ТА n pi (gr. Ы „peste", archimeristema 1402 PROTOMITOSIS f (gr. -, pixo? „fir") —► promitosis 1403 PROTOMORPHICUS (gr. -, рорфл „formS") —»primordialis 1404 PROTOMYCELIUM n (gr. -, рбкt\q „ciupercS", flXog „excrescen^S"), pro-tomiceliu, primordiu de miceliu format din microplasma celulelor ciupercilor parazite (Erikson) [protomycelium; Protomyzel; protomycelium; protomicelium; протомицелий] 1405 PROTONEMA n (gr. -, vflpa „fir"), protonemS, talul filamentos pluri- PROTOPLASMA TOLOGIA celular, ramificat §i verde, cu rizoizi, provenit din germinarea sporului, mugurii de pe protonemS dlnd na§-tere frunzuli{elor §i tulpinii in virful cSreia se formeazS anteridia §i arhe-gonul (Bryophyta) [protonema; Pro-tonema, Moosvorkeim, Fadengeflecht; protonema; protonSma, mohaeldte-lep; протонема, предросток мхов] 1406 PROTONTA n pi (gr. бйта ,,fiin(5“), protonti, organisme ultramicroscopice, altele decit bacteriile (Gates) [protonta; Protonten; protontes; protontSk; протонты] 1407 PROTOPARENCHYMA n (gr. -, яарёухоца „parenchim"), protoparen-chim, parenchim primar [protoparenchyma ; Protoparenchym; protoparen-chyme; protoparenchima; протопаренхима] 1408 PROTOPHLOEMA n (gr.-, фХоиЬ? „scoartS"), protofloem, primele ele-mente ale floemului din fasciculele vasculare [protophloSm; Protophloem, Cribralprimanen, Erstlinge des Sieb-teiles; protophloSme; protofloSm, elsddleges hSncsresz; протофлоэма] -*■ ргорЫоёта 1409 PROTOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, фиМоу „frunzS"), protofilS 1. Cotiledon. 2. Forma juvenilS, adesea scvamiformS (Quercus) a frunzei. 3. Frunza pro-tocormului [protophjll; Protophyll, Jugendblatt; protophylle; protofil-lum; протофилл] 1410 PROTOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фихоу „plants"), protofite 1. Plante uni-celulare. 2. Plante strSvechi [pro-tophytes, palaeophy tes; Protophy-ten, einzellige Pflanzen, Urpflanzen; protophytes, palSophytes, plantes uni-cellulaires; protofitSk, egysejtu no-vSnyek, 6snov6nyek; протофиты, заростка, одноклеточная растения, палеофиты] —*■ agamophyta 1411 PROTO PHY TOLOGIA f (gr. -, "kfrfoq „vorbire") -*■ palaeobotanica 1412 PROTOPLASMA n (gr. -, яХйора „modelare"), protoplasma, substan^a fundamentals viscoasS vie a celulei, cu toate componentele sale, cu excep-Jia membranei celulare (Mohl) [protoplasm, protoplasma; Protoplasma, Zellplasma, Zellengrundstoff, Sticks-toffschleim, Ursprungstoff; protoplas-me; protoplSzma, sejtanyag, el6fe-hSrje; протоплазма] -*■ cytoplasma, bioplasma 1413 PROTOPLASMA TOWGIA f (gr. X6yo? „vorbire"), protoplasmato- PROTOPLASTUM logie, studiul protoplasmei [proto-plasmatology; Protoplasmatologie; protoplasmatologie; protoplazmato-ldgia; протоплазматология] 1414 PROTOPLASTUM n (gr. яХпстбд „modelat"), protoplast, totalitatea cor-purilor plasmatice ale celulei, cu incluziunile sale, cu excepjia mem-branei (Hanstein) [protoplast; Protoplast ; protoplaste; protopldsztisz; протопласт] 1415 PROTOSCLERENCHYMA n (gr. -отсХлрбд „dur", Eyxopo „umpluturd), protosclerenchim, colenchim asemdnd-tor fibrelor liberiene [protoscleren-chyma; Protosklerenchym; proto-scldrenchyme; protoszklerenchima; протосклеренхима] 1416 PROTOSPORA f (gr. -, onopd ,,sd-min[d“), protospor 1. Spor dind na§-tere promiceliului. 2. Uredospor [protospore, uredospore; Protospore, Ure-dospore, Sommerspore; protospore, urddospore; protospdra, eldspdra, nyari sp6ra; протоспора, уредоспора] —* uredospora 1417 PROTOSPOROPHYTON n (gr. ~, qut6v „plantd"), protosporofit, prima fazd a stadiului diploidic al unei Florideae, formind о tetradd, care se termind prin formarea carposporu-lui (Janet) [protosporophyte; Proto-sporophyt; protosporophyte; proto-sporofita; протоспорофит] 1418 PROTOSTELE f (gr. -, атт|Хл ,,co-loand"), protostel, cilindrul central primitiv la unele Psilophyta din paleozoic, format dintr-o coloand cen-trald de xilem, Inconjurat de elemente liberiene §i de periciclu (Brebner) [protostele; Protostele, Urstele; pro-tostdle; protosztdle, ossztdle; протостела] 1419 PROTOSTROPHES f pi (gr. -, отрофт) „tntoarcere"), protostrofe, spiralele secundare tn filotaxie (Lindley) [protostrophes ; Protostrophen; protostrophes ; protostrofe; протостро-фес] 1420 PROTOTHALLUS m (gr. ~, 0jU6g „ldstar") —► hypothallus 1421 PROTOTROPHIA f, PROTOTRO-PHISMUS m (gr. -, трофТ| „nutritie"), prototrofie, nutritie luatd fdrd schimbare din naturd, neavizatd la compu§i organici (Jones) [prototrophy, prototrophism; Prototrophie; pro-totrophie; prototrdfia; прототрофия] —*■ protrophia 416 1422 PROTOTROPHUS (gr. -), proto-trof, care trdie§te pe substraturi nutritive minimale, lipsite de compu§i organici (bacterii sintetizante) [prototrophic ; prototroph; prototrophe; prototrdf; прототрофный] —*■ protro-phus 1423 PROTOTYPUS m (gr. -, тияо? „model"), prototip 1. Tipul ancestral presupus al taxonului. 2. Tipul original al taxonului [prototype; Pro-totypus, Urtypus, Urbildungsform; prototype, type ancestrale, type du taxon; prototipus, dsalak; прототип] 1424 PROTOXYLEMA n (gr. -, £6Xov „lemn"), protoxilem, primele elemente ale vaselor lemnoase de lingd periciclu, formate din procambiu [protoxylem; Protoxylem, Erstlinge des Gefdflteiles; protoxyleme; pro-toxildm, elsodleges fardsz; протоксилема] —*■ protohadroma 1425 PROTOZOOPHILUS (gr. -, C<&ov „animal", фЛ&р „a iubi"), proto-zoofil, fertilizat prin protozoare (flori [protozoophilous; protozoophil; protozoophile; protozoofil; прото-зоофильный] 1426 PROTOZYGOTA t (gr. -, Cuy6<; »jug“), protozigot, organism homo-zigotic cu un caracter dominant (Pearson) [protozygote; Protozygote; protozygote; protozigdta; протозигота] 1427 PROTRACTUS, prelungit, intins in afard [prolonged, lengthened, drawn out; verlangert, hervorgezogen; pro-longd, allongd; kihdzott, megnyult; вытянутый, удлинённый] —*• prolongatus, productus 1428 PROTROPHIA f (gr. ярб ,,pentru", троф?| „nutritie") -*• prototrophia 1429 PROTROPHUS (gr. ~) -*■ prototro-phus 1430 PROTROPICUS (gr. ярб „cdtre", троят) „curbare"), protropic, cu mi$-cdri de curbare in directia izvorului de excitatie [protropic; protropisch; protropique; protrdpikus; протропи-ческий] 1431 PROTROPISMUS m (gr. ~) - ana-tropismus 1432 PROTRUSUS -* exsertus 1433 PROTUBERANS (protubero), bom-bat in fa$& [bulging out; hervor-schwellend; protubdrant, bombd en face; kidomborodd, kiduzzado; выпячивающийся] 417 1434 PROTUBERANTIA f, PROTUBE RATIO f, protuberant, bombare, umfldturd [protuberance, bulge, swelling; Protuberanz, Hdcker; protubd-rance, bombement, gonflement; duz-zadds, kidiidorodds; вздутие, бугорок] 1435 PROVARIETAS f -> cultivar 1436 PROVENIENS (provenio), prove-nit, ndscut, apdrut, ie§it [arising, born, issued; herkommend, entsprin-gend; provenant issu; keletkezo, eredd; возникающий, растущий] 1437 PROVENTITIUS (provenio), de inlocuire, de rezervd, care apare ulterior [replacing; hervorkommend, erse-tzend, vorrdtig; rempla9ant, derem-placement; eldjdvd, helyettesito; запасной] * 1438 PROVINCIA f, provincie, areal geo-grafic mai mic decit regiunea (in fitogeografie) [province; Provinz; province ; tartomdny; провинция] 1439 PROVISORIUS, pro vizor, temporar (nume) [provisory, provisional, temporary; provisorisch, vorlaufig; pro-visoire; ideiglenes; предварительный] 1440 PROXIMAUS, PROXIMUS 1. Proxim, cel mai apropiat. 2. Inrudit [nearest, proximal, related; ndch-ster, gendhert, naheverwandt; trfcs approchd, avoisind, apparentd; leg-kdzelebbi, rokoni; проксимальный, ближайший, родственный] 1441 PRUINA f, pruina 1. Excrete ceroasd glauca, asemanatoare prafului, care acopera unele frunze sau fructe^ (Prunus). 2. Bruma, roua [pruina, dew, hoar-frost; Reif, Tau; pruine, poussidre glauque, rosde; hamv, har-mat; налет, роса, иней] -*■ pulvis glaucus 1442 PRUINA TUS, PRUINIFER, PRU-INOSUS, pruinos, acoperit cu un praf ceros §i glauc; brumat [pruinate, pruinose, pruinous, bloomy; bereift, feinbestaubt, betaut; pruina, prui-neux, poudrd; hamvas, viaszos, deres, harmatos; с налетом, покрытый налетом] 1443 PRU N ICO LOR, PRUNINUS, pru-nicolor, de culoarea albastru cenu§iu verzuie a fructelor de Prunus domes-tica [plum-coloured; pflaumenfarbig; couleur de prune; szilvakak, szilva szind; сливяно-чёрный, сливовый] 1444 PRUNIFER, prunifer, care produce prune [pruniferous; pflaumentragend; prunifdre; szilvatermd; сливоносный] PSEUD- PRUNIFORMIS, pruniform, de forma alungit globuloasd a prunelor [plum-shaped; pflaumfdrmig; pruni-forme; szilva alakii; сливообразный} PRUNUM n, prund, fructul de Prunus [plum; Pflaume; prune; szilva; слива] PRURIENS, PRU RIG 1 NOSUb (prurio), pruriginos, care produce mincdrime (plantd, peri) [pruriginous, itching; juckend, juckenerregend; prurigineux, ddmangeant; viszket-tetd; вызывающий зуд] PSALLIOTICUS, psaliotic, cu hi-menoforul §i trunchiul acoperit pind la mijlocul acestora de un velum partial (tip de ciupercd la Psalliota, Lepiota etc.) [psalliotic; psalliotisch; psalliotique; pszallidtikus; псаплио-тический] PSAMATOPHILUS (gr. vdpaxoi; „litoral nisipos“), psamatofil, care cre§-te in statiunile nisipoase ale litoralului [strand-loving; strandliebend; psa-matophile, aimant les cdtes; tenger-parton aio; побережьелюбивый] PSAMATOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qwxdv „plantd"), psamatofite, plante de litoral [strand-plants; Slrandpflan-zen; plantes littorales; tengerparti ndvdnyek; псаматофиты, побережное растения] PSAMMO- (gr. vdppoc „nisip"), nisipos, de nisip [sand-; sand-; sablon-neux; homok-, homoki; песко-, песочный] —*■ arenarius, sabulosus, ammo-philus PSAMMICUS (gr. -) —* arenarius PSAMMOGENUS (gr. -, yewdco „a produce"), psamogen, care produce nisip pe cale de dezagregare (rocd) [psammogenous; psammogen; psam-mogdne; homokkdpzo; псаммогенный] PSAMMOPHILUS (gr. -, „a iubi"), psamofil, care create pe soluri nisipoase (plantd) [sand-loving; sandliebend; psammophile; homokla-kd, homokon aid; псаммофильный, песколюбивый] —> ammopkilus PSAMMGPHYTA n pi (gr. -, „а create", штора „sdmintd"), pseudoauxospor, masd plasmodicd cu nucleu uria§, ce se inconjoard cu un perizoniu, la unele Diatomeae (Richter) [pseudoauxospore; Pseudoau-xospore; pseudoauxospore; pszeudo-auxospdra; псевдоауксоспора] PSE UDOAXILLA RIS, pseudoaxi-lar, numai aparent axilar (unele rami-ficatii laterale) (in algologie) [pseudo-axillary ; pseudoaxillar; pseudoaxil-laire; latszdlagosan hdnalji; псевдо-аксиллярный] PSEUDOAXIS m (gr. -, lat. axis ,,axd“) —► sympodium PSEUDOBACCA f (gr.-, lat. bacca „bacd"), pseudobacd, bacd falsd rezul-tatd din ovar, precum §i din parti-ciparea altor piese florale, ex. caliciu, perigon, receptacul (Ribes, Rosa, Vaccinium) [false berry; Scheinbeere; baie fausse; dlbogyd; ложная ягода] —*■ bacca spuria PSEUDOBOTRYTICUS (gr. -, рбт-pug „ciorchind"), pseudobotritic, aparent botritic, dar axa principald §i cele secundare de ordinul intli nu au 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 41» flori terminale (inflorescen[a la Dicentra) [pseudobotrytic; pseudobotry-tisch; pseudobotrytique; dlfurtds; ложнокистевой] 1474 PSEUDOBULBILLUS m (gr. lat. bulbillus „bulb mic"), pseudobulbil, formatiuni bulbiliforme la Lycopo-dium §i Selaginella, in realitate ele fiind galele unor diptere (Strasburger) [pseudobulbil; Pseudobulbill; pseu-dobulbille; dlhagymdcska; ложная луковичка] 1475 PSEUDOBULBUS m (gr. -, lat. bulbus ,,bulb“), pseudobulb, tubercul aerian; ingro§dri bulbiforme pe tul-pinile aeriene, servind ca organe de rezervd sau de inmul[ire (Orchidaceae) [pseudobulb; Pseudobulb, Luft-knolle, Scheinzwiebel; pseudobulbe; alhagyma; ложная луковица] -*• tu-beridium 1476 PSEUDOCALYX m (gr. -, кйХи£ ,,cupd“) —► calyculus, calyx spurius 1477 PSEUDOCAMBIUM n (gr.-, lat. cambio „a schimba"), pseudocambiu, tesut meristematic asemdndtor cu cel al cambiului (Williamson) [pseudocambium ; Pseudokambium; pseudocambium; alkdmbium; псевдокам-бий] 1478 PSEUDOCARPIA f (gr. -, карядд „fruct"), pseudocarpie, formarea fructului in urma unei polenizdri de excitatie, fdrd a se forma seminje (cf. Boros) [pseudocarpy; Pseudokar-pie; pseudocarpie; pszeudokdrpia; псевдокарпия] 1479 PSEUDOCARPIUM n, PSEUDOCARPUS m (gr. -), pseudocarp, fruct fals la formarea cdruia in afard de ovar mai participd §i alte pdr[i florale (Fragaria, Morus) [pseudocarp, false fruit; Scheinfrucht; pseu-docarpe, faux fruit; alterm6s; ложный плод, шишкоягода] —* fructus spurius 1480 PSEUDOCECIDIUM n (gr. -, кцкЦ „gald"), pseudocecidie, gald falsa; deforma[ii la plante, cauzate de organisme strdine, rezultind oprirea sau incetinirea procesului de cre§tere sau de diferen[iere [pseudocecidium; Pseu-dozezidie, Scheingalle; pseudocdci-die; dlgubacs; ложный галл] 1481 P SE UDOCE PH ALODIUM n (gr. -, iceXtl6 proembryo 1488 PSEUDCCYSTIS f (gr. -, Kfcmg „cavitate"), pseudocist, formate pro-toplasmaticd verde, fdrd membrand celulard delimitatd (Protococcoideae) [pseudocyst; Pseudozyst; pseudocy-ste; pszeudociszta; псевдоциста] 1489 PSE U DODICH О T О MI A I (gr. -, 8(xa „in doi", тбро? „tdiere"), pseu-dodicotomie, dicotomie falsd; mod de ramificare la care, distrugindu-se mugurele terminal, mugurii laterali mai apropiati produc ramuri lungi §i la rindul lor acestea pot produce ramuri secundare [pseudodichotomy; Pseudodichotomie, Scheindichotomie; pseudodichotomie; dlvillds eldga- ' PSEUDODICHOTOMICUS zSs; псевдодихотомия] —► paeudopoly-tomia 1490 PSEUDODlCHО TO MIC US (gr.-), pseudodicotomic, care prezintS pseudo-dicotomie (ramifieafie umbeli [pseudodichotomous; pseudodichotom; pseudodichotomique; SlviliSs el&gaza-sii; псев до дихотомически й] 1491 PSEUDODISSEPIMENTUM n (gr. lat. dissepimentum „perete desp&r-itor"), pseudodisepiment; disepiment als rezultat !n urma prolifer&rii pSr-interioare a carpelelor care formeazS pere^i despSrtitori in interiorul ova-rului, cu mai multe loji [spurious dissepiment; falsche Scheidewand ; fausse cloison; SlvSlaszfal, Slrekeszfa 1; ложная перегородка] 1492 PSEUDODYSTROPHIA f (gr. 6oo- ,,rSu“, троф^ „nutri^e"), pseu-dodistrofie, p&trunderea insectelor vi-zitatoare eutrope in floare prin roade-rea pere^ilor acesteia, jefuind nectarul fSrS s& efectueze polenizarea [pseudodystrophy ; Pseudodystrophie; pseu-dodystrophie; Sldisztrdfia; псевдодистрофия] 1493 PSEUDOENDOMITOSIS f (gr. -, Ev8ov „inSuntru", pho? „fir"), pseu-doendomitozS, tip de endomitozS la care cromozomii nu se divid §i astfel nucleul !§i menjine numSrul initial de cromozomi (Lipp) [pseudoendo-mitosis; Pseudoendomitose; pseudo-endomitose; alendomitdzis; псевдоэн-домитоэ] 1494 PSEU DOE РНЕ ME RUS (gr. -, 4фл-рёрю<; ,,de scurta duratS"), pseudoe-femer, care se deschide numai odatS, dar nu se inchide in cursul aceleia§i zi (floare) [pseudoephemer; pseudoe-phemer; pseudoSphSmSre; pszeu-doefemer, Sl-rOvidSletO; псевдоэфе-мерный] 1495 PSE UDOE PIN A S TIA f (gr. -, Ш „deasupra", voot6q „comprimat") -► geotropism.ua 1496 PSEUDOEPIPHYTA n pi (gr. —, фитоу „plants"), pseudoepifite, plante ale cSror axe bazale mor, iar pSrtile superioare se nutresc cu ajutorul rSdScinilor lor aeriene, ex. unele Araceae (Went) [pseudoepiphytes; Pseudoepiphyten; pseudoSpiphytes; SlepifitSk псевдоэпифиты] 1497 PSEUDOFASCICULATUS (gr.-, ; lat. fasciculatus „fasciculat"), pseu-dofasciculat, aparent fasciculat (rS-dScini, tulpini, frunze) [pseudofasci-cled; scheinbar-bundelfdrmig; pseu- 429 dofasciculS; Slnyalibos; ложнопучко ватый] 1498 PSEUDOFECUNDATIO f (gr. -, lat. fecundatio „fecundare"), pseudofecun-dare, fecundare la care dintre cei patru nuclei doi dau na§tere oului, iar cei-lalfi doi formeazS albumenul (Guig-nard) [pseudofecundation; Pseudofe-kundation; pseudofScondation; Slmeg-termSkenyitSs; ложное одлодотворение] 1499 PSEUDOFER TI LIT AS f (gr. -, lat. fertilitate „fertilitate"), pseudoferti-litate; pseudocompatibilitate; ferti-lizare principial exclusS prin mecanis-mele de incompatibilitate, totu§i in anumite condifii fertilizarea poate avea loc (East §i Park) [pseudofertility; Pseudofertilitat, Pseudokompa-tibilitat; pseudofertilitS; altermSkeny-sSg; ложный плодовитость] 1500 PSEUDOFOLIACEUS (gr. -, lat. foliaceus „foliaceu"), pseudofoliaceu, cu expansiuni asemSnStoare frunze-lor [pseudofoliaceous; scheinblattartig; pseudofoliacS; lStszdlag levSlszeru; ложнолистовидный] 1501 PSEUDOGAMETANGIUM n (gr. -, уар&пк ,,so]fie“, dyyelov ,,vas“), pseudogametangiu, umflSturi care produc gametofori, la Ascomycetes (Dangeard) [pseudogametange; Pseu-dogametangium; pseudogametange; SlgametSngium; псевдогаметангий] 1502 PSEUDOGAMIA f (gr. yapog „cSsStorie"), pseudogamie 1. Dezvoltarea embrionului din ovulul nefe-cundat, ca urmare a excita^iei pro-duse de polenizarea stigmatului (Battaglia). 2. Fuzionarea a doi nuclei vegetativi (Chambers §i Fraser) [pseudogamy; Pseudogamie; pseudogamie ; pszeudogdmia; псевдогамия] —» pseudomixis (2) 1503 PSEUDOGEOCARPI A f (gr. -, у „pSmint", карлбд „fruct"), pseudo-geocarpie, geocarpie la care fructele ajung in pSmint prin scurtarea pedun-culului floral sau a inflorescen^ei fructifere (Cyclamen) [pseudogeo-carpy; Pseudogeokarpie, falsche Erd-friichtigkeit; pseudogSocarpie * Slgeo-kSrpia; псевдогеокарпия] 1504 PSEUDOGYRATUS (gr. -, уирб? „circular"), aparent circular, aparent rSsucit inelar [pseudogyrate, falsely ringed; falschberingt; fausement tordu, fausement annelS; lStszdla-gosan csavarodott, IStszdlagosan gyfi-riis; ложнокольчатый, ложнокрученый] 421 1505 PSEUDOHA US TORI UM n (gr. lat. faaurio „a inghiti"), pseudohaustor, haustor rudimentar, incomplet dezvoltat, ex. la Cuscuta (Kinzel) [pseu-dohaustorium; Pseudohaustorium; pseudohaustorium; Slszlvdka; псевдогаусторий] 1506 PSEUDOHERCCGA MIA f (gr. ёрко<; ,,gard“, ydpo<; „cSsatorie"), pseu-dohercogamie, fecundarea intimplS-toare a stigmatului cu polen propriu, in cazul florilor chasmogame [pseudo-hercogamy; Pseudoherkogamie; pseu-dohercogamie; pszeudonerkogamia; псевдогеркогамия ] 1507 PSEUDOHEREDI ТАS f (gr.lat. hereditas ,,mo§tenire“), pseudoeredi-tate, asem&nSri in privin^a unor caractere transmise de pSrinJi la urma§i, datorite insS numai unor influence externe (Spencer) [pseudoheredity; PseudohereditSt; pseudoh6-rSditg; IStszdlagos atOrOkl^s; ложная наследственность] 1508 PSEUDOHERMA PHRODITISM U S m (gr. Eppflq „zeul Hermes“, Афро5{тг| „zeija Afrodite"), pseudo-hermafroditism, hermafroditism fals din cauza degenerSrii unuia dintre organele sexuale la florile hermafrodite (Kerner) [pseudohermaphroditism ; Pseudohermaphroditismus; pseudohermaphroditisme; Slherma-froditizmus; псевдогермафродитизм] 1509 PSEUDOHETEROCARPI A f (gr.-, ётеро? ,,diferit“, каряб? ,,fruct“), pseu-doheterocarpie, formarea de fructe supraterestre variate la indivizii dife-ri^i ai aceleia§i specii (Paglia) [pseudo-heterocarpy; Pseudoheterokarpie; pseudohStSrocarpie; alheterokarpia; псевдогетерокарпия] 1510 PSEUDOHOMONYMUM n (gr. opdg ,,acela§i“, fivopa ,,nume“), pseudohomonim, homonimie par^ialS (Gastrolychnis — Gastrosilene) [pseudohomonym; Pseudohomonym; pseu-dohomonyme; Slhomonim, rSszleges n6vazonossSg, псевдогомоним] 1511 PSEUDOHYBRIDA f (gr.-, lat. hybrida „hibrid"), pseudohibrid 1. Hibrid fals, care are numai carac-terele unuia din pSrinti §i nu manifests rezultatele unei incruci§Sri. 2. HimerS, hibrid de grefS [pseudohybrid, chimaera; Pseudohybride, un-echter Hybrid, Pfropfbastard; pseudohybride, hybride de greffe; alhi-brid, kimera; псевдогибрид, химера] PSEUEOMARG1NATUS 1512 PSE UDOH Y В RIDA TIO i (gr. -), pseudohibridizare, hibridizare la care descendentul este identic cu unui din p&rinti, fSrS sS indice semnele unei incruci§Sri (Millardet) [pseudohybridation ; Pseudohybridation; pseudohybridation ; SlhibridSci6; псевдогибридизация] 1513 PSEUDOHYMENIUM n (gr. -, Miv „membranS"), pseudohimemu, membranS acoperind sporidiile, asemSnS-toare cu himeniul ciupercilor [pseudo-hymenium; Pseudohymenium; pseu-dohymenium; Slhimenium; псевдо-гимений] 1514 PSEUDOIMPRAEGNA TIO f (gr. -lat. impraegno „a insSrcina"), pseu-doimpregnare, pseudofertilizare; fu-zionarea a doi nuclei la celulele de teleutospori (Dangeard) [pseudoimpregnation ; Pseudoimpregnation; pseudoimpr6gnation; SlmegtermSke-nyiites; ложное оплодотворение] 1515 PSEUDOIND USI UM n (gr.-, lat. indusium „tunicS"), pseudoinduzie, grup de sori acoperit de marginea frunzei, fSrS a avea induziu propriu-zis (Adiantum) [pseudoindusium; unechtes Schleierchen; pseudoindu-sie; Slinduzium, alfatyolka; псевдо-индузий] 1516 PSEUDOLAMINA f (gr. -, lat. lamina „foaie"), pseudolaminS 1. Por(iunea aplicalS dilatatS a filodiului. 2. Lamina frunzei la Monocotyledonatae consideratS ca filom petiolar (Arber) [pseudolamina, false blade; falsche Spreite; pseudolimbe, faux ,limbe; SUemez; ложная пластинка] 1517 PSEUDOLATERALIS (gr. -, lat. lateralis „lateral"), pseudolateral, apa-rent lateral, in realitate terminal sub aspect morfologic (inflorescenja la Juncus effusus) [pseudolateral; trug-seitlich, trugseitenstandig; pseudo-lateral ; al-oldalallSsu; ложнодоковой] 1518 PSEUDOLATEX m (gr. -, lat. latex „sue"), pseudolatex, sue viscos, alb sau incolor, la unele plante, ex. Vanilla (Heckel) [pseudolatex; Pseudolatex ; pseudolatex; Sltejnedv; псевдолатекс] 1519 PSEUDOLICHEN m (gr. -, Xetx^iv „lichen"), pseudolichen, lichen fSrS strat algal propriu, parazitind pe un alt lichen [pseudolichen; Pseudolichen, unechte Flechte; pseudolichen; Slzuzmd; ложный лишайник] 1520 PSEUDOMARGINATUS (gr. -, lat. marginatus „mSrginit"), pseudomar- PSEU DOM BIOS IS ginat, ctnd cele douft nervuri laterale ale frunzei se impreunS la capetele lor formtnd un arc paralel cu extre-mitatea frunzei (Thymus сотовые) [pseudomarginate; scheinbargerSn-aert; pseudomarginS; SlszegSlyes; ложноокаймлённы й] 1521 PSEUDOMEIOSIS f (gr. petoau; ,,reduc(ie“) -* pseudoreduetio 1522 PSEUDOMETAPHASIS f (gr. Iterd ,,cu“, i£a „rSdScinS"), pseudomicorizS, micorizS falsS la care 429 ciuperca este un parazit (Melin) [pseu-domycorrhiza; Pseudomykorhiza; pse-udomycorhize; Slmikoriza; ложная микориза] 1529 PSEUDONECTARIUM n (gr. -„ vfrctap „bSutura zeilor"), pseudonec-tarinS, nectarinS falsS (Parnassia palustris) [pseudonectary; Scheinnek-tarium; pseudonSctaire; SlmSzfejtd; ложный нектарник] 1530 PSEUDONEMATHECIUM n (gr. vflpa ,,fir“, Ofpai „cutie"), pseudone-mateciu, excrescentS filamentoasS la alge, cauzatS de alga parazitS Acti-nococcus subcutaneus (Darbishire) [pseudonemathecium Pseudonema-thecium; pseudonSmathSque; Slne-matScium; псевдонематеций] 1531 PSEUDONUCLEOLUS m (gr. -, lat. nucleus „simbure"), pseudonucleol, element cromatic al nucleului, asemSnStor cu nucleolul, de care diferS Jirin afinitatea sa pentru coloranti Rosen) [pseudonucleole; Pseudonuk-leolus; pseudonuclSole; Slnukleolusz; псевдонуклеолус] 1532 PSEUDONUCLEUS m (gr. --), pseudonucleu. 1. MasS de cromatinS inconjuratS de о membranS in timpul citomixiei unor alge (Gates). 2. Nucleu cu corpusculi alba§tri (Auerbach) [pseudonucleus ; Pseudonukleus; pseudonucleus; Slsejtmag; ложное ядро] 1533 PSEUDOPARAPHYSIS f (gr. -, napatpuoig „parafizS"), pseudoparafizS, organ apendicular care insote§te para-fiza, dar mai dezvoltat decit aceasta (Traverso) [pseudoparaphyse; Pseudoparaphyse ; pseudoparaphyse; Slpa-rafizis; псевдопарафиза] 1534 PSEUDOPARASITICUS (gr. -, na-pteiTog.. „parazit"), pseudoparazitic, care manifests pseudoparazitism [pseudoparasitic; pseudoparasitisch; pseudoparasitique; Slparazitikus; псев-допаразитический] 1535 PSEUDOPARASITISMUSm[gr. -), pseudoparazitism, parazitism fals [pseudoparasitism; Pseudoparasitis-mus; pseudoparasitisme; Slparazitiz-mus; псевдопаразитизм] 1536 PSEUDOPARASITUS m (gr. - -), pseudoparazit, parazit fals; organism care trSie?te pe un alt organism fSrS a se nutri in dauna acestuia [pseudoparasite, false parasite; Schein-schmarotzer; pseudoparasite, faux parasite ; alSldskodd; псевдопаразит, ложный паразит] —*• parasitus spurius, epiphyton 423 1537' PSEUDOPAREACHYMA n (gr. яарёурца ,,parenchim“), pseudopa-renchim, complex de celule asemi-nitoare cu [esutul parenchimatic, format din filamente celulare intrefesute (Fungi) [pseudoparenchyma; Pseudo-parenchym; pseudoparenchyme; al-parenchima, ilszivet; псевдопаренхима] —* plectenchyma 1538 PSEUDOPELORIA i (gr. -, яеХб-pioq „monstruos"), pseudopelorie, cazul unor flori normal zigomorfe §i monosimetrice, care prin avortare, concre§tere sau metamorfoza unor filomuri florale devin nu actinomorfe adevirate, ci mai mult disimetrice (cf. Hegi) [pseudopeloria; Pseudopelorie; рзеи(1орё1опе; ilpeldria; псев-допелория] 1539 PSEUDOPERIANTHIUM n (gr. -, яер1 „imprejur", HvQoq ,,floare“), pseu-doperiant, inveli§ul protector in for-mi de cupi sau de periant de la baza archegonului, dezvoltat dupi fecundare (Hepaticae) [pseudoperianth; Pseudoperianthium; pseudopёri-anthe; ilperiantium, il-vir£gtakar6; псевдоперианций, ложный околоцветник] 1540 PSEUDOPERIDIUM n (gr. -, яц-pi6iov ,,siculet“), pseudoperidie, peri-die falsi; inveli?ul protector plecten-chimatic al ecidiosporilor (Uredinales ) [pseudoperidium; Trugperidie, Trugsporidienbehalter; pseudopёгidie; alperidium; псевдоперидий] —*■ pseu-dosporodochium 1541 PSEUDOPERIGONIUM n (gr. -, яер1 ,,imprejur“, yovfj ,,urma§“), pseu-doperigon, perigonul fals al florilor homoclamidee biverticilate (Atriplex) [pseudoperigone; Pseudoperigon, fal-sche Blutenhiille; pseudopёrigone; allepel; псевопернгоний] 1542 PSEUDOPERISTOMIUM n (gr. отбца ,,guri“), pseudoperistom, peri-stomul extern efemer al unor briofite (Buxbaumia) [pseudoperistom ; Pseudoperistom; pseudopiristome; £l-sz£j-perem, al-szajpirkanyzat; псевдоперистом] 1543 PSEU DOPE RITHECI UM n (gr. - -, 0т|кл ,,cutie“), pseudoperiteciu, inveli-§ul periteciiform al unor sporidii [pseu-doperithecium; Pseudoperithecium; pseudopirithecium; alperiWcium; псевдоперитеций, ложный перитеций] 1544 PSEUDOPET ALIA f (gr. -, яётаХоу ,,petali“), pseudopetalie, substituirea unor petale din floare prin stamine [pseudopetaly; Pseudopetalie; pseudo- PSEUDOPLA SMODIUM pitalie; pszeudopet&lia; псевдопе-талия] 1545 PSEUDOPETIOLUS m (gr. -, lat. petiolus ,,petiol“), pseudopefiol, pejiol aparent, baza ingustati a laminei foliare simulind un pejiol (Aldro-vanda) [pseudopetiole; Scheinblatt-stiel; psёudopёtiole; А1-1еуё1пуё1; ложный черемок] 1546 PSEUDOPHELLOID UM n (gr. -, фШ.05 ,,pluti“, elSoq ,,aseminare“), pseudofeloid, Jesut suberiform deor sebit de periderma tipici prin reparti-tia nereglementari a celulelor ini-fiale, ex. Marattiaceae (Hannig) [pseu-dophelloid; Pseudophelloid; pseudo-phelloide; ilfelloid-^teg; псевдофел-лонд] 1547 PSEUDOPHOTOMET RICUS (gr. -, фйд, фштдс ,,lumini“, ретрёю „a mi-sura“), pseudofotcmetric, cu toate ci are о poztyie favorabili fafi de direc^ia luminii, totu§i orient area or- anului (frunzei) nu este influen^ati e lumini (Wiesner) [pseudophotometric; pseudophotometrisch; psiudo-photomitrique; alfotometrikus; псев-дофотометрический] 1548 PSEUDOPHYLLCPODUS (gr. фиХХоу ,,frunzi“, noOq, яо56д ,,picior“), pseudofilopod, cu frunzele inferioare, obispuit afilopode, alipite la bazi (Hieracium) [pseudophyllopodous; pseudophyllopod; pseudophyllopode; allevilrdzsas; псевдофиллоподный] 1549 PSEUDOPHYLLUM n (gr. - -), frunzi falsi, apendice foliaceu efemer, caduc la dezvoltarea frunzelor nor-male (Bambusa) [pseudophyll; Schein-blatt; pseudophylle; illevil; ложный лист] 1550 PSEUDOPHYSIS f (gr. -, фиск; ,,formare“), pseudofizi, himeniu oprit in dezvoltare, in loc de bazidie for-mindu-se ni§te umflituri bulbiliforme (Hdhnel §i Lichtschauer) [pseudo-physis; Pseudophyse; pseudophyse; pszeudofizis; псевдофиза] 1551 PSEUDOPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХау-ктб? ,,riticitor“), pseudoplancton, plancton fals care plute§te numai ocazional (Forel) [pseudoplankton; Pseudoplankton; pseudoplancton; £1-plankton; псевдопланктон] 1552 PSEUDO PLASMODIUM n (gr. -, яХйора „modelare", cISo „asemi-nare“), pseudoplasmodiu, plasmodiu fals, format din organisme unicelu-lare agregate, men|inindu-§i indivi-dualitatea lor, nefuzionind corpurile PSEUDOPLASTUM lor ameboidale §i nici nucleii fla Acrasieaeqi Myxobacteria) [Olive) [pse-udoplasmodium; Pseudoplasmodium; pseudoplasmode; Slplazmodium; псев-доплазмодий] 1553 PSEUDOPLASTUM n (gr. -t яХлотбс „modelat"), pseudoplast, partea ele-mentarS a cromatoforului reticulat, la Syphonocladiales fChadefaud) [pseudoplast ; Pseudoplast; pseudoplaste; pszoudoplasztisz; псевдопласт] 1554 PSEUDOPODIUM n (gp. -, яоО?, яо56<; „picior"), pseudopodiu 2. Prelun-gire protoplasmaticS contraotilS ser-vind ca organ de locomo(ie §i pentru prinderea unor prolozoare (Myxo-gastres). 2. Prelungirea setiformS a gametofitului lipsit de frunze sau cu frunze rudimentare, purtind sporo-gonul (Andreaea, Sphagnum) [pseudopodium, pseudopode; Trugstiel, Scheinfiisschen; pseudopode; 4114b; псевдоподий] —*• plasmopodium 1555 PSEUDOPOLYEMBRYONIA t (gr. -, nokix; „mult", EpPpuov „fetus"), pseudopoliembrionie, formarea mai multor embrioni in sSmintS prin contopirea mai multor ovule, prin divizarea nucelei sau prin formarea mai multor saci cmbrionari din ar-chesporul multicelular (Lebegue §i Doguet) [pseudopolyembryony; Pseu-dopolyembryonie; pseudopolyembryo-nie; alpoliembridnia; псевдополиэм-бриоыия] 1556 PSEUDOPOLY MORPH ISMUS m (gr. - -, |iop(pf) „forma"), pseudopoli-morfism, polimorfism fals in cazul speciilor cu infSti§Sri estivale sau autumnale, care nu pot constitui unitSti sistematice independente [pseudopolymorphism ; Pseudopolymorphis-mus; pseudopolymorphisme; Slpoli-morfizmus; псевдополиморфизм] 1557 PSEUDOPOLY PLOI DI A f (gr. -• noKix; „mult", йтЛобд „singur"), pseudopoliploidie, dublarea sau mul-tiplicarea numSrului de bazS al cromozomilor, neimpreunatS insS cu cre§-terea cantitativS a materialelor gene-tice (Battaglia) [pseudopolyploidy; Pseudopolyploidie; pseudopolyploidie; Slpoliploidia; псевдополиплоидия] 1558 PSE U DO POL Y TOM IA f (gr. «, тбцо? „tSiere") —*■ pseudodichotomia 1559 PSEUDOPORUS m (gr. -, nbpoq „trecere"), pseudopor 2. Depresiune sau patS circulars, ca urmS a stig-matului (cf. Gatin). 2. PatS circulars ingro§atS, neperforatS, pe frunzele de 424 Sphagnum (Russow) [pseudopore; Pseudopore, Scheinloch; pseudopore; 41p6rus; псевдопора] 1560 PSEU DOPY CN1D1UM n (gr. -, icuk-v6c „compact", 15iov dimin.), pseu-dopicnidie, hifS plectenchimaticS la Fungi (Potebnia) [pseudopycnide; Pseudopyknidium; pseudopycnide; 41piknidium; псевдошпснида] 1561 PSEUDORAMOSUS (gr. -, lat. ra-mosus „ramificat"), cu ramificatie aparcntS [pseudoramose; scheinbar-verzweigt; pseudorameux; 41el4gaz4-sd; ложноветвистый] 1562 PSEUDORAMULUS m (gr. -, lat. ramulus „rSmuricS"), ramurS apa-rentS, la unele specii de Algae [false branchlet; Scheinzweiglein; pseudora-mule; 414gacska; ложная ветвь] 1563 PSEUDORAPHE (-es) f (gr. -, fcnpil „cusSturS"), pseudorafeu, suturS falsS, pe carapacele unor Diatomeae [pseudoraphe; Pseudoraphe; pseudoraphS; Slvarrat; ложный шов] 1564 PSEUDOREDUCT 10 f (gr. -, lat. reductio „reducere"), pseudoreductie 2. Reducjia aparentS a numSrului cromozomilor somatici la jumState, impreunatS cu imperecherea cromozomilor meiotici fRuckert^). 2. Aso-cierea cite doi a cromozomilor somatici in cursul profazei (Gregoire) [pseudoreduction; Pseudoreduktion; pseudorSduction; Slredukcid; псевдоредукция] —*■ pseudomeiosis 1565 PSEUDOREPENS (gr. -, lat. repens „tiritor"), pseudorepent, aparent tiritor pinS la inflorescen[S (Thymus callieri) [pseudorepent; scheinbar-kriechend; pseudorampant; IStszolagosan kiiszb; ложноползущий] 1566 PSEUDORHIZA f (gr. -, № „rSdS-cinS"), pseudorizS 2. Forma(iuni radi-ciforme la bulbul unor Monocotyle-doneae (Royer). 2. Formafiuni miceli-ene radiciforme dezvoltate la baza carpoforului (Fayod) [pseudorhize; Scheinwurzel; pseudorhize; 41gydk4r; ложный корень] 1567 PSEUDOROSULA I (gr. -, lat. rosula „trandafir"), pseudorozetS, a&lome-rare de frunze tulpinale inferioare, cu aparent a unei rozete [pseudorosette; Scheinrosette; pseudorosette; 41-tdle-vSlrdzsa; ложная розетка] 1568 PSEUDOSEPT AT US (gr. -, lat. septum „ingrSditurS"), pseudoseptat, cu peretele despSrtitor incomplet inchis [pseudoseptate; scheinbarsep- 425 tiert; faussement cloisonnd; dlvdlaszfa-las, dlhar&ntfalas; ложноперегородчатый] 1569 PSEUDOSEPTUM n (- -) -^septum spur ium, dissepimentum spurium 1570 PSEUDOSESSILIS (gr. lat. sessi-lis ,,§ezdtor"), pseudosesil, aparent sesil, in realitate avind un mic pedicel [pseudosessile; scheinbarsitzend; pseu-dosessile; Idtszdlagosan uld; ложносидячебрюхий] 1571 PSEUDOSPERMICUS, PSEUDO-SPERMUS (gr. скёрра „sdminjd"), pseudospermic, cu semin^e numai aparente [pseudospermous; scheinsa-mig; pseudosperme; dlmagvd; лож-носемянный] 1572 PSEUDOSPICA f, pseudospic, spic fals; panicul sau racem cu ramuri foarte scurte, cu flori indesuite, asemdndtor spicului (Phleum, Chenopo-dium) [pseudospike; Scheinahre, Wi-ckeldhre, Blutenschweif; faux 6pi; alfiizdr; ложный колос] —»spica spuria 1573 PSEUDOSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, скора „sdminjd", dyyetov ,,vas“), pseudosporange, organ asemdndtor sporangelui, care produce muguri sau propagule (Davis) [pseudosporangium; Pseudosporangium; pseudosporange; alsporangium; псевдоспорангий] 1574 PSEUDOSPORODOCHIUM n (gr. -, скора „spor", Soxetov „recipient") -*• pseudoperidium 1575 PSEUDOSTELE f (gr. -, cxnXq „coloand"), pseudostel 1. Structurd stelard aparentd (la nervura mediand a unor frunze). 2. Dispozijie ase-mdndtoare a Jesuturilor pe^iolului cu cele ale tulpinii (Tansley) [pseudostele; Pseudostele; pseudostdle; dlsztdle; псевдостела] 1576 PSEUDOSTIPULA f (gr. -, lat. stipula ,,pai“), pseudostipeld, forma-(iuni foliacee de la baza frunzelor, uneori lingd stipelele rudimentare, care sint asemdndtoare stipelelor (Knautia, Scabiosa) [pseudostipule; Pseudostipelle; pseudostipelle; dl-pdl-halevdl; ложный прилистник] 1577 PSEUDOSTROMA n (gr. -, cxpfflpa ,,saltea“), pseudostromd 1. Himeno-for la Sclerotiaceae (Wallroth). 2. Peri-teciul unor Fungi [pseudostroma; Trug-polster; pseudostroma; dlstrdma; псевдострома] 1578 PSEUDOSTROPHIOLA t (gr. -, lat. strophium „panglicd micd“), pseudo-strofiold, partea axei florale ce rdmine PSEUDOVACUOLA atagatd de nuculd, la Labiatae (Ser-nander) [pseudostrophiole; Pseudo-strophiole; pseudostrophiole; dlstro-fiola; псевдострофиола] 1579 PSEUDOSUBER n (gr. lat. su-ber ,,plutd“), pseudosuber, suber aparent (Quercus pseudosuber) [pseudosuber; Scheinkork; pseudosuber, faux lifege; dipara; ложная пробка] 1580 PSEUDOSYMBIOSIS f (gr. -, oup-Picoctg „viatd in comun"), pseudo-simbiozd, participarea concomitentd sau subsecventd a mai multor agen^i specifici de fermentare (Behrens) [pseudosymbiose; Pseudosymbiose; pseudosymbiose; alszimbidzis; псевдосимбиоз] 1581 PSEUDOSYNCARPICUS (gr. -, oi>v „impreund", каркбд „fruct"), pseudo-sincarpie, cu carpelele aparent con-crescule (gineceul la Phytolacca) [pseu-dosyncarpous; pseudosynkarpisch; pseudosyncarpique; alszinkdrpikus; псевдосинкарпический] 1582 PSEUDOTERMINALIS (gr. -, lat. terminalis „terminal"), pseudoterminal, numai aparent terminal, cind inflorescen[a intercalard se opre§te in cre§tere §i apare о floare fals terminald (Parkin) [pseudoterminal; scheinbar-gipfelstandig; pseudotdrmi-nale; dltermindlis, dlszdrtet6z6; ложноверхушечный] 1583 PSEUDOTHALLUS m (gr. -, 0oX- „lastar"), pseudotal, tal aparent [pseudothallus; Scheinlager; pseudo-thalle; altelep ; псевдоталлом, ложное слоевище] 1584 PSEU DOT RICHOPHORUM n (gr. 0pl£, tpixd? ,,pdr", форёсо „a purta"), pseudotri(c)hofor, filament vegetativ asemdndtor trichoforului (Algae) [pseudo trichophorum; Pseudotricho-phorum; pseudotrichophore; dltricho-fdrum; псевдотрихофор] 1585 PSEUDOTYPUS m (gr. -, tuko? „model"), pseudotip, tipul gre§it indicat in publicate [pseudotype; Pseu-dotypus; pseudotype ; dltipus; псевдотип] 1586 PSEUDOVACUOLA f (gr. -, lat. vacuus ,,gol“), pseudovacuold, corpus-culi citoplasmatici inchis ro§ii, afla^i in suspensie, servind ca organe de apdrare impotriva luminii puternice (Cyanophyceae) [pseudovacuole, suspensory bodies ; Pseudovakuole, Schwe-bekOrper; pseudovacuole; dlvaku-ola; псевдовакуоль] PSEUDOVALVA 1587 PSEUDOVALVA f (gr. lat. valva ,,u§S cu canaturi"), pseudovalvS, carpels semisolidS care se despicS la maturitate Intre cele douS fascicole de vase ale nervurii mediane (Saunders cf. Jackson) [pseudovalve; Schein-klappe; pseudovalve ; Slkopacs; ложная створка] 1588 PSEU DOV ASCI LARIS (gr. -, lat. vascularis „vascular"), pseudovascu-lar, numai la aparen^S vascular [pseu-dovascular; scheinbar-gefaflig; pseudo-vasculaire; SledSnyes; ложнососудистый] 1589 PSEUDOVERTICILLUS m (gr. -, lat. verticillus „rotirea fusului"), pseudoverticil 1. Verticil fals compus din perechi de cime opuse (Labiatae). 2. Totalitatea frunzelor aparent verti-cilate (Lonicera) [pseudoverticil, false whorl; Scheinquirl, Scheinwirtel, Trug-wirtel; pseudoverticille, faux verti-cille; SlOrv; полумутовка, ложная мутовка] —*■ verticillaster, verticillus spurius 1590 PSEUDOVICARIISMUS m (gr. -, lat. vicarius „loctiitor"), pseudovi-cariism, comportamentul ecologic §i morfologic asemSnStor al unor specii de origins diferitS [pseudovicariism; Pseudovikariismus; pseudovicariisme; SlvikSriizmus; псевдовикарииэм] 1591 PSEU DOV IVIP ARIA I (gr. -, lat. vivus ,,viu“, par о „a produce"), pseu-doviviparie, producerea In regiunea florals a unor lSstari frunzo§i care se pot InrSdScina, dar care nu se deta-§eazS de planta mamS (Juncus bufo-nius) (PotoniS) fpseudovivipary; Pseu-doviviparie; pseudoviviparitS; Sl-ele-vensziil6s; псевдовивипария] 1592 PSEUDOXEROPHYTA n pi (gr. - „uscat", glaber 1595 PSIL1COLUS (-COLA f), PSILO-PHILUS (gr. -, lat. colo „a locui", gr. (piAico „a iubi") -» pratensis 1596 PSILOCARPUS (gr.-, каря6<; „fruct"), cu fructe glabre [naked-fruited; kahl-friichtig; S fruits glabres; csupasz termSsd; голоплодный] 1597 PSILOLEPIS (gr. -, Xenlg „ecvamS"), cu scvame glabre [naked-scaled; kahl-schuppig; a Scailles glabres; csupasz-pikkelyii; голочешуйчатый] 1598 PSITTACINUS (gr. фтакбд „pa-pagal"), de culoarea papagalului; de un verde gSlbui deschis [parrot-coloured; papageifarbig; couleur de perroquet; papagaly szinu; nony-гайоцветный] 1599 PSYCHOPHILAE f pi (gr. „Psyche", ф1Х4ш „a iubi"), psi(c)hofile, plante fertilizate prin lepidoptere diurne [psychophilae; Tagfalterblu-men; psychophiles; nappali lepkevi-ragok; психофилы] 1600 PSYCHRO- (gr. yixp6<; „frig"), de frig, de temperaturi joase (psych-rometricus, psychrophilus) [cold-; kalt-, kalte-; froid; hideg-; холодо-] -»• frigidus 1601 PS Y CHROCLEIS TOGA MIA f (gr. -, KtaiCTd? „inchis", yapog „cSsStorie"), psi(c)hrocleistogamie, cleistogamie cauzatS de temperatura scSzutS (Hans-girg) [psychrocleistogamy; Psychro-kleistogamie; psychrocleistogamie; pszihrokleisztogamia; психроклеисто-гамия] 1602 PSYCHROCLINIA f (gr. -, kJuvco „a se inclina"), psi(c)hroclinie, curbarea spre pSmint a frunzelor §i tulpinii sub influenza temperaturii scSzute (WOchting) [psychrocliny; Psychrokli-nie; psychroclinie; pszihroklinia; псих-роклиния] 1603 PSYCHROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитбу „plants"), psi(c)hrofite, plante alpine ce cresc pe substrat rece (Warming) [psychrophytes; Kaltbodenpflanzen; psychrophytes; pszihrofitSk; пеяхро-фиты] 1604 PTARMICUS (gr. ятарщкбд „strS-nutStor"), ptarmic, care cauzeazS strSnutare (Achillea ptarmica) [causing sneeze; niesenerregend; ptarmi-que, Sternuant; tusszentSst okozd; чихательный] —* sternutatorius 1605 PTENOPHYLLOPHYTA n pi (gr TtTT|v6<; „zburStor", ipbXkov „frunzS". 4*7 fovfrv „planti**), ptenofilofite, plante din pftdnrile cu frunze c&z&toare [ptenophyllophyta, deciduous forest plants; Ptenophyllophy ten, Fallaub-waldpflanzen; p tenophyllophytes; lombhullatb erdfik n0v6nyzete; отеио фиалофиты] 1606 PTER-, PTBRI-, PTERO-, PTERY-GO, -PTERUS, -PTBRYGIUS, PTE-RAT US, PTEROPHORUS (gr. mt-pdv ,,arip&**, xtepbyiov „aripft mic&“, форбш „a purta**), aripat, prev&zut cu excrescence aripiforme (pteranthiu, p ter ico ecus, pteroneurus, pterygoideuв, adenopterus, epipterygius ) [wing-, winged ; fliigel-, geflttgelt, -fliigelig; аШ; ez&rnyas, sz&rnyalt; крыло, крылато; -крылый, крылатый] —* alato-, alatus 1607 PTERANTHUS (gr. -, dv0o«; „floare**), cu flori aripate [wing-flowered; flflgelblOtig; к fleurs аИёее; sz&rnyas vir&gd; крылатоцветковый] 1608 P TERIDOGRA PH IA t [gr. ятерЦ. nxeplSoc „ferigi“), pteridografie, studiul si descnerea ferigilor (Filices) [pteriaography, science of Ferns; Farn-kunde; ptgridographie; pdfrdnytan; цтерндографкя] —» filicologia, pterido-logta 1609 P TERJDOLOGIA f (gr. -, Хбуос „vorbire**) —*■ pteridographia 1610 PTBRIDOPHYТА n pi (gr. -, poxdv „planti"), pteridofite, Increng&tura plantelor cu spori, cuprinzlnd ordi-nele: Lycopodiales, Filicales, Equise-tales etc. [pteridophytes; Pteridophy-ten, Farnpflanzen; pteridophytes; pteridofitik, harasztok; птеридофиты] —» cryptogamae vasculares 1611 PTERIDOSPORA f (gr. -, onopd ,,sAmint&“), pteridospor, spor obliga-toriu, caracterislic pentru Pterido-pAy*a[pteridospore; Pteridospore; pt6-ridospore; pteridospdra; птеридоспора] 1612 PTERINUS, PTEROIDEUS (gr. -) —» aliformis 1618 PTEROCARPUS (gr. -, карядд ,,fruct“), cu fructe aripate [wing-fruited; fIQgelfrOchtig; к fruits ail6s; ssdrnyas term&a; крылоплодный] 1614 PTE ROC AU LIS (gr. -, каиМх; ,,tul-pinft**), cu tulpina aripati [wing-stemmed ; geflflgeltstengelig; & tiges ai-16es; szArnyalt szirii; крылостебельчатый] 1615 PTEROCHORES t pi (gr. -, x©pto „a se risplndi**), pteroc(h)ore, plante ale сйгог fructe se rfisptndesc prin PTYOSOMA nigte apendici aripiformi scariofi (Dan-serau) [pterochores; Pterochoren; pterochores; pterochor-n6v6nyek; nre-рояоры] PTEROCLADUS (gr. -, кХббод „га-murA**), cu ramun aripate [wing-twigged; fldgelzweigig; к branches aQOes; szdrnyalt kgk; крыловетвнс- ТЫЙ] PTBRODIUM n (gr. -) -» samara PTEROGONUS (gr. -, yovia „unghi, muchie**), cu muchii aripate [wing-edged; flflgelkantig; pttrogone, 6 angles ail£s; szdrnyasan Olelt; крылоугольный] PTBROPODUS, PTEROPUS (gr. -. яоОд, яоббд „picior**), cu suportui aripat [wing-footed; flOgelfiieig; pt6-ropode; szamyas tOnkfi; крылоногпй! PTEROSPERMUS, PTERYGOS- PERMUS (gr. -, олёрда „s&mtnt&M), cu semin(e aripate [wing-seeded; fldgel-samig; к semences ail£es; szdrnyas magfd; крылосеиянный] PTERYGIUM n (gr. -) — ala PTILO-, -PTILUS (gr. xriXov „puf“), piros, pufos (ptilodontus, pogonopti-lus) [downy-; flaum-; duvetA; pely-hes-; пушисто, опушенно] —» heoe- PTILOPH YLLUS (gr. -, ttov ,,frunz&u), cu frunze pufoe p&roase [downy-leaved; flaumbUttrig; к feuilles duvetles; pelyhee levelfi; пушистолистный] PTIWSTYLUS (gr. -, trrfHUx; „со loan&“), cu stilul pufos p&ros [downy-styled; flaumgriffelig; к style duveti; pelyhes bib£ju; пупшстостолбнковый] PTYCHO- (gr. ntufc, ятохбд „pliu, cut&“), pliat, cutat (ptychoearpus, ptychorrhiius ) [folded, wrinkle-; fallen-, runzel-; pli6, ridd; Osszehajto gabott, rancos-; складчато] —♦ plicar-tus, eomplicatus PTYCHONOMIUM n (gr. -, vop6c ,,pa?une“), pti(c)honomiu, cavit5(i de forma unor cute, produse prin roadere de larvele unor insecte tn рЗгШе parenchimatice ale plantelor [ptycno-nomium; Faltenmine; ptychonomi-um; ptihonomium; птнхономиум] PTYCHOPHYLLUS (gr. -, pdXXov „frunzi**), cu frunze pliate [fold-leaved; faltenbl&ttrig; к feuilles pliOes; hajtogatott levelfi; складчатолястный] PTYOSOMA n (gr. KTbaXov ^saUv&u, ofipa »corpM), ptmzom, mas& proto 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 PTYXIS plasmaticS afectalS de necrozS locals (Burgeff) [ptyosoma; Ptyosom; ptyo-some; ptioszdma; птиосома] 1629 PTYXIS I (gr. яти!; ,,pliu“) -♦ prae-foliatio 1630 PUBENS -» pubescens 1631 PUBERULENS, PUBERULUS, puberulent, puberul, slab pubescent [puberulent, minutely pubescent; schwachweichhaarig, schwachflaumig; pubSrulent; pelyhes, kissd szdrOs; пушковатый, коротко опушенный] 1632 PUBES f —*• pubescentia 1633 PUBESCENS, PUBI-, pubescent, acoperit cu peri fini, moi, scur^i §i mai rari (pubiceps, pubiflorus, pu-biger) [pubescent, downy, sligthly hairy; flaumhaarig, weichhaarig; pubescent, duvetS; pelyhesedo, szoro-sOdd, lagyszdru; пушистый, опушённый] —*■ pubens, hebescens 1634 PUBESCENTIA f, pubescenJS, pSro-zitate finS care acoperS unele organe vegetale [pubescence, downiness, hairiness; Pubeszenz, Behaarung; pubescence, duvet; szdrdzet, szorzet, pelyhessSg; mez; опушение] —» indumentum, pubes 1635 PUBLICATIO f, publicatie [publication; Publikation, Herausgabe; publication ; publikScid, kdzlemSny, kiad-vSny; публикация, издание] 1636 PUDIBUNDUS, PUDICUS, PU-DORINUS, pudic, ru§inos, sensibil la atingere (Mimosa pudica) [chaste, sensitive; keusch, schamhaft, emp-findlich; pudique, sensitif; szemSrmes, SrzSkeny; стыдливый, чувствительный] 1637 PUGILLUS m ( ,,un pumn de“, ca titlu de carte) —*• spicilegium 1638 PUGIONIFORMIS, pugioniform, de forma unui pumnal [dagger-shaped; dolchfdrmig; pugioniforme; tOr alakii; кинжаловидный] —*• siciformis 1639 PULCHELLUS, PULCHER, frumos [beautiful, handsome; schOn, niedlich; joli, beau; szSp; красивый] -*■ bellus, speciosus, venustus, chaero- 1640 PULLATUS, PULLUS, Inchis la culoare, brun inchis [dark, dark-brown; dunkel, dunkelbraun; foncd, brun foncd; sOtdt, sdtdtbarna; тёмный, темнобурый] 1641 PULLULANS - prolifer 1642 PULLULATIO f - gemmalio 428 1643 PULP A f, pulpS, partea cSrnoasS, suculentS a fructelor (Malus, Pyrus, Vitis) [fruit pulp; Fruchtbrei, Brei, Fruchtfleisch; pulpe; gyiimOlcshds, termdshus, gyiimdlcskSsa; мякоть, плодовая мякоть] 1644 PULPOSUS, pulpos, cu multS pulpS [pulpy, fleshy; breiig, breiartig, flei-schig; pulpeux; hdsosbelfi; мякотный] 1645 PULSAT1LIS, pulsatil, contractil; cu mi§cSri de extensiune §i de contract [pulsating, pulsatory; pulsie-rend; pulsatil; Ixiktet6; пульсирующий] VACUOLA PULSATIL1S -> (vacuo-la) contractilis 1646 PULVERACEUS, PULVEREUS, PULVERIFORMIS, pulveraceu, asemSnStor cu praful [pulveraceous, powdery; staubig, pulverig, staubartig; pulvdracd, poudreux; porszerfi; порошкообразный] 1647 PULVERATUS, PULVERULA-TUS, PULVERULENTUS, PUL-VIGER, prSfuit, pulverulent, acoperit cu о substan(S asemSnStoare prafului (frunzS, tulpinS) [powdered, pulverulent, dusted; bestSubt, gepu-dert; pulvdrulent, poudreux; bepor-zott, poros feluletS; пыльный, припудренный] 1648 PULVILLUM n, rSsadnitS, instate in care se cultivS rSsadul [hotbed ; Mistbeet; couche; melegSgy; парник] 1649 PUL VINA RIS, PULVINIFORMIS, PUL VINIFE R, PULVINATUS, pulvinat, prevSzut cu pulvinS; de forma unei pernite [pulvinary, cushion-shaped ; polsterig, gepolstert, kissenfbrmig; pulvinaire, pulvind, pulviniforme; pSrnSs, pSrnaszeru; подушковидный] -> culcitiformis 1650 PULVINUS m, pulvinS, pernija frunzei; dilatarea §i umflarea bazei pejiolului frunzei la locul de insert pe ramurS sau pe tulpinS (Mimosa, Robinia) [pulvinus, cushion; Polster, Blattpolster, Blattkissen, Blattwulst; coussinet; levdlpSrna, levdlcsukld; подушечка, листовая подушечка]' 1651 PULVIS m, praf [powder, dust; Pulver, Staub; poussidre; рог; пыль, порошок] PULVIS GLAUCUS - pruina 1652 PUMILUS, pitic, scund, mic, chircit (plants) [dwarf, low, small; zwergig, niedrig, klein; petit, nain, bas; tdrpe, 439 alacsony, kicsi; малорослый, карликовый] —► nanus, pygmaeus 1653 PUNCTATUS, PUNCTIFER, ■ PUNCTUA TUS, punctat, prevSzut cu puncte, pete sau gropife punctiforme (frunzS, tulpinS, vase) [punctate, dotted ; punktiert, getiipft; ^ ponctue, pointillS; pontozott; точечный] -*■ sticto-, -stictus 1654 PUNCTICULATUS, PUNCTICU-LOSUS, PUNCTULATUS, puncti-culat, fin punctat [puncticulate, minutely dotted; feinpunktiert; poncticulS; pontocskSs, finoman pontozott; мелкоточечный] 1655 PUNCTIFORMIS, punctiform, de forma punctelor [punctiform, dot-like; punktformig, tupfelformig; poncti-forme; pontszeru; точкообразный] 1656 PUNCTUM n, punct, patS mica punctiformS pe organele vegetale (pun-ctele lui Caspary) [point, dot; Tupfel; point; pont; пункт, точка] PUNCTUM VEGETATION IS -> со nus vegetativus 1657 PUNGENS (pungo), pungent, ln{e-pStor; prevSzut cu un virf ascujit §i tare (frunzS) [pungent, stinging; ste-chend; piquant; sziiroshegyu; колющий, колючий] 1658 PUNICANS, rogiatic [reddish; rot-lich; rougeatre; pirosld; рыжеватый] 1659 PUNICEUS, puniceu, ro§u granatin; ro§u ca florile de Punica granatum [puniceous, crimson; granatrot; rouge de grenade, rouge ponceau; granSt-piros, grSnatalmaszin; гранатовый, пунцовый] 1660 PURGANS, PURGATIVUS (purgo), purgativ [purging, purgative; reini-gend, abfuhrend; purgatif; hashajto; слабительный, очищающий] 1661 PURPURASCENS, PURPUREL-LUS, PURPURINUS (purpurasco), purpurascent, aproape purpuriu [purplish, becoming purple; purpurrStlich; devenant pourpre; pirosl6, blborpiros-ba Stmeno; багрянистый, слегка пурпурный] 1662 PURPURATUS, PURPUREUS, purpuriu, ro§u purpuriu [purple, purple-red, empurpled; purpurrot; pour- ErS, rouge pourpre; biborvOrOs, bi-orpiros; алый, пурпурный, багряный] —» porphyreus, ostrinus 1663 PURUS, pur, curat (culturS, formate, linie) [pure; rein; pur; tiszta; чистый] PUTRESCENS -PUS (gr. лоб?, яо56; „picior") (cladopus, gymnopus, eriopus)-* -pes, pod-i -podus PUSILLUS, PUSILLI-, foarte mic (pusilliflorus) [very small; winzig, winzigklein; trSs petit; nagyon kicsi; крохотный] —*• minutus, parvulus, exi-guus, pumilus PUSTULA f, pustulS 1. MicS ridicS-turS veziculiformS sau veruciformS pe organe. 2. Fructifica^ii ale unor ciuperci fitopatogene pe organele plantelor [pustule, blister, pimple; Pustel, Blase, Blaschen; pustule; holyagocska, dudor; пустула, бугорок, пупырышек, подушечка] PUSTULATUS, PUSTULOSUS, pustulat, cu pustule (pustulate, blistered; bepustelt, pustelartig; pustule; hSlyagocskSs; пупырчатый] PUSULAE f pi, pusule, forma(iuni plasmatice con(inlnd mult lichid, analoage vacuolelor contractile, la Peri-diniaceae (Schutt) [pusules; Pusulen; pusules; puszulSk; пусулы] PUTAMEN n, putamen 1. Simbure pietros; endocarpul lignificat §i osos al unor fructe, ImpreunS cu sSmln^a (Amygdalus, Persica, Prunus).2. Coa-ja de nucS (Juglans) [stone, nut-shell; Stein, Steinschale, Stein kern, Nufl-schale ; putamen, Scale de noix; ko-mag, csontmag, csonthSj, diShSj; косточка, скорлупа ореха, отвердевший эндокарпий] —*• ругеп, ругепа, ругепит PUTAMINATUS, PUTAMINEUS, PUTAMINOSUS, putaminat, cu simbure osos [putaminate; steinscha-lig; putaminS; komagos, csonthSjas; со сколупой] PUT ATUS, putat, tSiat, ciuntit (formS, plants) [cut, mutilated; ab-geschnitten, verstiimmelt; coupS, mu-tilS; levSgott, csonkltott; изувеченный] PUTER, PUTRIDUS, PUTRIS, putrezit, rSu mirositor [putrid, rotten; angefault, morsch, faulig; pourri; rothadt, korhadt, biidSs; гнилой, зловонный] PUTREFACTIO f, putrefactfe, pu-trezire; descompunerea chimicS a tesuturilor plantei [putrefaction, rottenness; FSulnis; putrefaction, pourri-ture; rothadas, korhadSs; гниение] PUTRESCENS (putresco), putrescent, pe cale de putrezire [rotting, becoming putrid; faulehd, fauligwer- 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 PYCN- dend; devenant pourri; rothadd, korhadd; гниющий] 1675 PYCN-, PYCNO- (gr. noicvd?,,dens“)j dens, Indesuit (pycnacantkus, pycno-cephalus, pycnopterus, pycnostylus) [densely-, closely-; dicht-, gedrdngt-; dense, serrd; tdmdtt-; густо-] -» dens us, densi- 1676 PYCNANTHUS (gr. -, fiv0og„floare“)* cu flori Indesuite [closely-flowered; dichtblutig; к fleurs serrdes; tdmdttvirdgd; густоцветковый] 1677 PYCNIDIOPHORUS m (gr. -, flammeus, phtogi-, phlogo- 1693 PYRAMIDALIS,PYRAMIDATUS, piramidal, de forma piramidei [pyramidal, pyramid-shaped; pyramidal; pyramidal ; piramis alaku; пирамидальный] -* metuliformis 1694 PYREN (-ENIS) m, PYRENA f (gr. Tiupfiv „simbure ) —► putamen, ossiculum 1695 PYRENARIUM n (gr. -), pirenariu, fruct drupaceu, uni- sau multicarpe-lar, cu pericarpul subtire, cu mezo-carpul cdrnos §i cu endocarpul con-tinind 1—2 semin[e osoase (Prunus, Cornus) [pyrenarium; Steinfrucht; pyrenarium; csontdr, csonthdjas ter-mds; косточковый плод] 1696 PYREN ATUS, -PYRENUS (gr. -), pirenat, prevdzut cu simbure osos (dipyrenus, hexapyrenus) [pyrenate; steinkernig; d noyau pierreux; csont-magvas; косточковый] 1697 PYREN IUM n (gr. -) -*■ perithecium 1698 PYRENOCARPIUM n (gr. -, карпд? „fruct"), pirenocarp, fructificatie cu ascele inchise in fundul periteciului in formd de butelie (Ascomycetes) [pyrenocarp; Pyrenokarpium; pyreno-carpe; pirenokdrpium; пиренокарпий] 481 1699 PYREN01DES f pi (gr. elSoe „asemSnare"), pirenoide, plastide gra-nulare globuloase, incolore, aflate in cromatofori, ca centre amilogene (Algae) [pyrenoides; Pyrenoiden, Star-kekOrner; pyrenoides; pirenoidok; пиреноиды] 1700 PYRENOPHORUM n (gr. форёсо „a purta“), pirenofor 1. Partea cito-plasmei care confine nucleul. 2. Filament siderofil terminat intr-un cen-triol, la pirenoidele de Caulerpa (Cha-defaud) [pyrenophore; Pyrenophor; pyrenophore; pirenoforum; пирено-фор] 1701 PYRENOSOMA n (gr. -, ocbpa ,,corp“), pirenozom, corpuscul plastidic din pirenoide (Caulerpa) [pyrenosome; Pyrenosom; pyrenosome; pirenoszoma; пиреносома] 1702 PYRENUM n (gr. -) — putamen 1703 PYR1CARPUS (lat. pyrus ,,pSr“, gr. карлй^ ,,fruct“), cu fructe piriforme [pear-fruited ; birnfriichtig; pyricarpe; kortetermesu; грушевидноплодный] 1704 PYRIFER, pirifer, care produce pere [bearing pears; birnentragend; pyri-f6re; kortetermo; грушеносный] 1705 PYRIFORMIS, piriform, de forma alungit conicS a perei [pear-shaped; birnenfdrmig; pyriforme; korte alaku; грушевидный] —► lacrimiformis 1706 PYRO-, PYRRHO-, -PYRHUS (gr. itOp, 7mp6<;, -7n)ppo<; ,,foc“) (pyrocephalus, pyrrhotrichus, leuco-pyrhus) -► pyr - 1707 PYROCHROUS (gr. -, %poo „culoa-re“) —► flammeus 1708 PYROPHILUS (gr. -, фЛёю „a iubi“), pirofil, care prefers terenurile arse [pyrophilous; pyrophil; pyrophile; pirofil ; пирофильный] «709 1712 1713 1714 PYXIDIUM PYROPHOBUS (gr. -, форё© „a evita“), pirofob, care evitS terenurile arse sau pirjolite [pyrophobous; pyro-phob; pyrophobe; pirofob; пирофоб- НЫЙ] PYROPHYLLUS (gr. -, фйХ^оу ,,frunzS“), cu frunze ro§ii ca focul [firered-leaved; feuerrotblattrig; a feuilles rouges; tuzpiros levelfi; огнен- НОЛИСТНЫЙ] PYROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фОтоу ,,planta“), pirofite, arbori cu scoar^a groasS, care rezistS incendiilor dm pSduri (Gates) [pyrophytes; Pyro-phyten; pyrophytes; pirofitSk; пн-рофиты] PYTHMEN (-MENIS) m (gr. nuO-|xf)v ,,rSdScina“), pitmen, filament de fixare pe tal (Lichenes) [pythmen; Hafter, Haftfaser; pythmen; pitmen, rogzito fonal; питмен] PYXIDARIUS, PYXIDATUS, PY-XIDIIFER (gr. itu^iSoi; ,,cu- tie“), pixidat, prevSzut cu pixidS [pyxidate; becherig, kapselig; pyxide; kupakos tokterm§su; несущий кры-ночку] PYXIDIIFORMIS, pixidiform, de forma unei cutiu^e sau pixidii [boxlike, pyxidium-shaped; biichsenfor-mig; pyxidiforme; kupakos toktermes alaku, szelence alaku; крыночковид-ный] PYXIDIUM n, PYXIDULA f, PYXIS (-IDIS) f (gr. -), pixida, fruct capsulS cu dehiscen^S circulars sau transversals pe calea unui cSpS-cel (Amaranthus, Hyoscyamus) [py-xidium; Deckkapsel, Buchsenfrucht, quer-aufspringende Kapsel; pyxide; kupakos tok, fedovel nyilo tokterm6s; пиксидий, крьшочка, коробочка мхов] Q 1 QUADR-, QUADRI-, cu patru... (quadrangularis, quadrialatus) [four-; vier-;k quatre...; n6gy-; четырёх-] -> tetra- 2 QUADRANGULARIS, QUADRAN-GULA TUS, QUADRANGULI-, QUA-DRANGULUS, patrunghiular, cu patru muchii sau coaste (quadran-gulispinus) [four-cornered, four-angled; viereckig, vierkantig; qua-drangulaire, к quatre angles; n^gyszeg-letfl, n^gysarkii, n6gy61u; четырёхугольный, четырёхсторонний, четырёхгранный] -*• tetragonalis, tetragonus, tetraqueter 3 QUADRIARISTATUS, patruaristat [quadriaristate; viergrannig; к quatre ar§tes; ^gyszklk&s; четырёхостистый] 4 QUADRICALCARATUS — tetra-centrus 5 QU AD RI CAP SULARIS, cu patru capsule [quadricapsular; vierkapselig; quadricapsulaire; nёgytokos; четырёх-коробочный] 6 QUAD RICA RPELLARIS, cu patru carpele [quadricarpellary; vierfrucht-blattrig; quadricarpellaire; n6gy ter-molevelfi; четырёхплодолистиковый] —*■ tetracarpellaris 1 QUADRICOCCUS, cu patru bace [tet-racoccous; vierbeerig; quadricoque; n6gy bogydju; четырёхорешковый] —*■ tetracoccus 8 QUADR1DENTATUS, patrudintat, cu patru din^i [four-toothed, quadri-dentate; vierzahnig; quadrident£; n6gy fogu; четырёхзубчатый] —*• tetradontus 9 Q UADR1DIGI ТА TUS, patrudigi-tat, cu patru piese dispuse digitat (foliole) [quadridigitate, four-fingered; vierfingerig; quadridigit£; n^gyszer ujjas; четырёхпальчатый] 10 QUADRIFARIUS —*• quadriserialis 11 QUADRIFIDUS,pair\itiddit, de patru ori fidat [quadrihd, four-cleft; vier- spaltig; quadrifide; nkgyszer hasitott; четырёхнадреэный] 12 QUADRIFLORUS, patruflor, cu patru flori [four-flowered; vierblutig; quadriflore; n6gy viragu; четырёхцветковый] 13 QUADRIFOLIUS, patrufoliat, cu patru frunze [four-leaved; vierbl&ttrig; к quatre feuilles; nkgylevelfi; четырёхлистный] —» tetraphyllus 14 QUADRIFURCA TUS, patrufurcat, divizat in patru ramifica^ii [quadri-furcate; viergabelig; quadrifurque; nkgyvillas; четырёхвильчатый] 15 QUADR1LA TERALIS, QUADRI-LATERUS, patrulateral, cu patru laturi sau fe[e [quadrilateral, foursided; vierseitig; quadrilatkral; nkgy-oldalii; четырёхсторонный] 16 QUADRILOBA TUS, QUADRILO-BUS, patrulobat, cu patru lobi [four-lobed; vierlappig; quadrilobё; nkgy-ka^jos; четырёхлопастный] 17 QUADRILGCULARIS, QUADRI-LOCULATUS, patrulocular, cu patru loji sau loculi (anterS, ovar) [four-chambered; vierfacherig; quadrilocu-laire; nёgyйгegй, пё§угеке&гй; четы-рёхгнеэдный] —*■ tetracamarus, tetra-cameratus, tetralocularis 18 QUADRIPARTITUS, cvadripartit, de patru ori partit divizat (frunzk) [quadripartite; vierteilig; quadripartite ; nёgyosztatй; четырёхраздельный] —*■ tetraschisticus 19 QUADRISECTUS, patrusectat, de patru ori sectat divizat (frunzk) [qua-drisectate; vierschnittig; quadrisёquё; nkgyszer szeldelt; четырёх-рассечен- НЫЙ] 20 QUADRISEPTATUS, patruseptat, cu patru pere[i despkr[itori (fruct) [quadriseptate; vierquerwandig; qua- drisepte; nkgy vAlaszfalas; четырёхперегородчатый] 21 OUADRISERIAUS, QUADRI SERI ATUS, patruseriat, dispus in patru serii sau rinduri [four-rowed, four-ranked; vierreihig, vierzeilig; quadri-вёпё, tetrastique; ^gysoros; четырёхрядный] —*■ tetrastichus 22 QUADRIVALENS, cvadrivalent, prevSzut cu patru cromozomi [quadrivalent ; quadrivalent; quadrivalent; пёдукготозгбтёв, n6gy6rt6kfi; ква-дривалентный] —*■ tetravalens 23 QUADRUPLEX, QUADRUPLE, QUADRUPLICATO-, QUADRU-PW-, cvadruplu, de patru ori (qua-druplinervatus, quadruplicato-pinna-tus, quadruplocaulis) [quadruple, fourfold ; viermal, vierfach; quadruple, quatre fois; ^gyszer, ^gyszeresen; четверной, четверно-, четыре раз] 24 QUARTUS num.,alpatrulea [fourth; vierte; quatrifeme; negyedik; четвёртый] 25 QUATERNALIS, QUATERNA-RIUS, QUA TERN ATUS, QUA TER-NI-, cite patru (quaternifolius) [four each, by fours; je vier; par quatre; nёgyenkёnt; no четыре] 26 QUATTUOR num., patru [four; vier; quatre; ^gy; четыре] 27 QUERCICOLUS ( COLA I) — dry-ophilus 28 -QUETER, -QUETRUS, cu muchii (tetraqueter) [-angled; -kantig, -eckig; -qufetre; -ё1й; -гранный] -*• -angu-laris 29 QUIESCENS (quiesco), cviescent, aflat in stare de repaus (muguri, spori) [resting, dormant; ruhend; quiescent, dormant; nyugvd, alv6; покоящийся] 30 QUINARIUS, QUIN ATUS, QUI-NATI-, cite cinci, de cinci ori (quina-tisectus) [quinary, five each, by fives; je fiinf, fiinffach, funfzahlig, gefiinft; quinaire, par cinq, cinq fois; 6tdn-кёп1, 6tsz6r6sen; пятерной, пять раз] 31 QUINCUNCIALIS, cvincuncial, cu cinci straturi suprapuse (preflorafie) [quincuncial; fiinfschichtig; quincon-cial; 0tr6tu; квинкунциальный] 32 QUINQU-, QUINQUE-, QUINQUE, cinci-, cu cinci (quinquearistatus, quin-quecuspidatus, quinquefoliolatus, quin-quevalvis) [five-; fiinf-; cinq, к cinq; QUINQUIES 6t-, 6t; пяти-, пять] —» penta-, pen-tacho- 33 QUINQUANGULARIS, QUINQUE-ANGULATUS, QUINQUANGULUS -* pentagonus 34 QUINQUECOSTATUS, cinci-costat [quinquecostate; funfrippig; к cinq cdtes; OtbordSju; пятиребристый] 35 QUINQUEDENTATUS, cu cinci dinji [five-toothed; fiinfz&hnig; quin-quedent6; Otfogii; пятизубчатый] 36 QUINQUEFARIUS, cinci-seriat, dispus in cinci serii sau rinduri [five-ranked, five-rowed; fiinfreihig, fiinf-zeilig; quinquefarie; dtsoros; пятирядный] —» quinqueserialis 37 QUINQUEFIDUS, cinci-fidat [five-cleft ; funfspaltig; quinquefide; Otszor hasitott; пятин ад резный] 38 QUINQUEFLORUS, cu cinci flori [quinqueflorous; funfblutig; a cinq fleurs; 6tvirSgii; пятицветковый] 39 QUINQUEFOLIUS -► pentaphyllus 40 QUINQUEGEMINATUS, QUIN-QUEGEMINUS —► quinquejugus 41 QUINQUEJUGUS, cu cinci perechi, de cinci ori cite doi [quin que jugate; funfpaarig; quinquejugus; otszdrpd-ros; пятипарный] 42 Q UINQ UELA TER A LIS, cu cinci laturi [quinquelateral; fiinfseitig; quin-quelat6ral ; dtoldald; пятисторонный] 43 QUINQUELOBATUS, cu cinci lobi [five-lobed; fiinflappig; cinqlob6, a cinq lobes; otka^ju; пятилопастный] 44 QUINQUELOCULARIS -*• pentaca-marus 45 QUINQUEPARTITUS, cincipartit [quinquepartite; funfteilig; quinque-partite; Otosztatii; пятираздельный] 46 QUINQUEPETALUS, cu cinci petale [quinquepetalous; fiinfkronblStt-rig; quinquepёtale; <5t sziromlevelfi; пятилепестный] 47 QUINQUESERIALIS, QUINQUE-SERIATUS -* quinquefarius 48 QUINQUESULCA TUS, cu cinci braz-de [quinquesulcate; fiinffurehig; к cinq sillons; otbarSzdSs; пятиобороздча-тый] 49 QUINQUIES num. -»• quintuplex QUINTUPLEX 50 QUINTUPLEX, de cinci ori [fivefold; fiinfmal, fiinffach; quintuple, cinq fois; Otszor, OtszdrOsen; пять раз] 51 QUINTUS num., al cincilea [fifth; fiinfte; cinquikme; otodik; пятый] 52 QUISQUILIARlS, care cre§te pe gu-noaie [quisquiliar; schuttbewohnend ; quisquiliaire; szemeten teny6szo; растущий на отбросы] m 53 QUOAD adv., relativ la, privind pe, limitat la, considerat ca (quoad planta transsilvanica, cu referire la planta din Transilvania) [relatively to the; be-ziiglich; rklativement k; vonatkoz-tatva, vonatkoz61ag; насколько, относительно] 54 QUOTIDIANUS, cotidian, de fiecare zi [daily; tkglich; quotidien; napon-kknti; ежедневный] R 1 RACEMIFER, RACEMIGER, race-mifer, care poartd raceme [racemi-ferous, bearing racemes; trauben-tragend; racdmifdre; fiirtds, fiirtot hordozd; кистеносный] 2 RACEMIFLORUS, racemiflor, cu flori dispuse in raceme [cluster-flowered ; traubenblutig; racdmiflore; fiir-tos virdgli; кистецветковый] 3 RACEMIFORMIS, racdmiform, de forma unui racem [racdmiform; trau-benftrmig; racdmiforme; flirt alaku; кистеобразный] 4 RACEMOSUS, racemos 1. Dispus In racem. 2. Botritic (inflorescenfd ramificafie ~) [racemose, racemous, clustered; razemOs, traubig, trauben-fdrmig, botrytisch; racdmeux, en grap-pe, en botte; ftirtds, fiirtszerfl; кистевидный, несущий кисти] —*■ botry-, botryci-, botryticus * 5 RACEMULOSUS, racemulos, cu raceme mici [racemulose; kleintraubig; racdmuleux; kisftirtd; мелкокистевидный] 6 RACEM ULUS m, racemul, racem mic [racemule; Trdubchen; racdmule; furtOcske; маленькая кисть] 7 RACEMUS m, racem, inflorescenfd racemoasd, cu axa principald purtind pediceli scurfi, aproape egal de lungi, terminal cu flori solitare §i cu des-chidere acropetald [raceme; Traube, Bliitentraube; grappe; fiirt, furtvi-rdgzat; кисть] —► botry8 * 8 RACH-, RACHI-, -RACHIS, RHACH- (gr. £6хц „coloand ver-tebrald“), in formd de axd, coastd sau fus (rachiformis, adenorachis, chry-sorachis) [ridge-, axi-, -ribbed; rip-pen-, -rippig, spindel-; en fuseau, cdteld, axiforme; bordds, -tengelyfi; ребристо-, -ребристый, веретеновидно-, осевидный] -*■ rhach- 9 RACHEOLA f, RACHILLA f (gr. -), raheold, axa secundard scurtd a inflo-rescenfei (Gramineae); axa spicule- fului [rachilla; Spindelchen; rachdole; fdzdrketengely, kalaszkatengely, ka-Idszkaorsd; ось колоска, членик колосового стержня] 10 RACHIPTERUS (gr. -, xxepdv ,,aripd“), cu foliole costate [costately foliolate; fliigelrippig; d folioles costi-fdres; bordds szdrnyd, bordds levdl-kdju; крылоребристый] 11 RACHIPTERIGIUS (gr. ~) - rack ipter us 12 RACHIS (-EOS), f pi. nom. RACHES sau RACHIDES (gr. -), rahis 1. Petiolul comun al frunzelor penat sau palmat compuse (Senecio silvaticus, Clematis recta). 2. Axa principald a spicului compus (Gramineae) [rachis; Spindel, Blattspindel, Ahrenspindel, Ahrenachse; rachis, rdfle; gerinc, le-vdlgerinc, fiizdrtengely, kaldszorsd; общий черешок, ось сложного колоса, ось соцветия] —*• petiolus communis 13 RACHITIS f (gr. -), rahitis, boald a unor plante cauzind cdderea timpurie a florilor sau a seminfelor (Triticum) [rachitis; Gichtkorn; rachitis; rahi-tisz; рахитис] 14 RACHITISMUS m (gr. -), rahitism, hipertrofia inveli§urilor florale (Touchy) [rachitism; Rachitismus; rachi-tisme; rahitizmus; рахитизм] 15 RACHITRICHUS (gr. -, 0pl$, tpixd? ,,pdr“), cu coastele pdroase [hairy-costate ; behaartspindelig, behaartrip-pig; d cdtes velues; szdrds borddju; волосисторебристый] 16 RADI ALIS, radial, radiar, actino-morf; dispus in formd de raze in jurul unei axe (fascicule de vase) [radial, radiar; radial, radidr, strahlig, strah-lenfdrmig; radial, radiaire; sugaras, sugdr irdnyu; радиальный, лучевой ]-*■ actinomorphus * 17 RADIANS (radio), radiant, dispus ca razele unei stele (umbeld) [radiant, radiating; strahlend, strahlen-artig; radiant, rayonnant; sugdrzd; RADI A TIO T образующий лучи, лучеобразно расход ? дящийся] » 18 RADIATIO f, radiafie, emanate ra-dioactivd asupra plantelor [radiation, radiance; Radiation, Strahlung; radiation, rayonnement; sugdrzds; радиация, излучение] 19 RADI ATUS, -RADIATUS, RADI-ATI-, radiat, rdsplndit dintr-un centru comun in formd de raze (flori) (pau-ciradiatus, radiatiflorus, radiatiformis) [radiate; strahlig, gestrahlt, strahlen-; radid, dtoild; sugaras, -sugarii, suga-rasan; лучистый, -лучевой, лучисто-] -*■ actin-, actino- 20 RADICALIS, radical, dispus pe sau lingd rddacind (frunze peri spini ~) [radical, basal; wurzelstan-dig; radical; gydkdri, gydkdr-; корневой, прикорневой]* 20 a RADICANS (radicor), radicant 1. Care se inrdddcineazd. 2. Care emite rdddcini adventive (frunze, trunchiul ciupercii, tulpinile repente) [radicant, radicating, rooting; radikant, wur-zelnd; radicant; gydkerez6; укореняющийся] 21 RADICATIO f, inrdddcinare, modul de dispozifie §i de ramificare a rdda-cinilor [radication, rooting; Wurze-lung, Einwurzelung, Wurzelanord-nung; radication, enracinement; gyo-kerezddds, gydkeresedds; укоренение, расположение корней] 22 RADICATUS, inrdddcinat [radicated, rooted; bewurzelt, eingewurzelt; ra-dicd, enracind; begydkerezett, gyo-keres; укоренившийся, с корнями] 23 RADICELLA f, radiceld 1. Rdda-cina secundard ca ramificafie a rddd-cinii principale. 2. Rizoizi (Archego-niatae) [radicel, rootlet; Radizelle, Nebenwurzel, Beiwurzel ; radicelle, ra-cine laterale; melldkgyokdr, gyokdrag; корешок, первичный корешок]-*!'radixJ necessaria 24 RADI Cl COLA f (-COLUS), radi-cicol, care create pe rdddcini [radici-colous; wurzelbewohnend; radicicole; gyokeren dlo; обитающий на корне] 25 RADICIFER, radicifer, care poartd rdddcini [radiciferous, root-bearing; wurzelig, wurzeltragend; radicifdre; gydkeres; несущий корни] —* rhizo-phorus 26 RADICIFLORUS, radiciflor, cu flori ndscute in vecindtatea rdddcinii [radi-ciflorous; wurzelblumig; radiciflore; 486 gydkdrmelletti virdgu; корнецветковый] —► rhizanthus 27 RADICIFORMIS, RADICINUS, ra-diciform, de forma sau de natura rdddcinii (rizom) [radiciform, rootshaped ; wurzelfdrmig, wurzelartig; ra-diciforme; gydkdrszerd, gydkdr alakd; корнеобразный, корневидный] —» rhi-zomorphus 27 RADICIVOR US, radicivor, careroade rdddcinile [radicivorous, root-eating; wurzelfressend; radicivore; gydkeret rdgd; корнеядный] 29 RADICOSUS, rdddcinos, cu rdddcini numeroase sau mari [radicose, many-rooted, thick-rooted; reichwurzelig, wurzelreich, groBwurzelig; d beaucoup de racines; gazdagon gydkeres, erds gydkeru; имеющий много корней] 30 RADICULA f, radiculd, primordiul rdddcinii in faza embrionard, situatd sub baza cotiledoanelor [radicle, rootlet; Wtirzelchen, Keimwiirzelchen; ra-dicule; gydkdcske, gydkerecske, csi-ragydkdcske, gydkdrkezdemdny; зародышевый корень, первичный корешок] 31 RAD1CULARIS, radicular, referitor la rdddcind (sistem) [radicular; radi-kular; radiculaire; gydkdrre vonat-kozd; корешковый] 32 RADICULA TUS, radiculat, prevdzut cu radicule [radiculate; keimwurzelig; radiculd; gyokdcskds; с корешком] 33 RADICUIDDA f, RADICUIDDIUM n, radiculodiu, extremitatea apicald a radiculei (Gramineae) [radiculoda; Wurzelknotchen; radiculode; gyOkocs-kecsdcs; радикулодий] 34 RADIIFLORUS, cu flori radiate [radiate-flowered; strahlblutig, um-kreisbliitig; a fleurs radides; sugaras virdgd; лучистоцветковый] 35 RADIOBIOLOGIA f, radiobiologie, studiul biologic al interacfiunilor dintre energia radiantd §i materia vie [radiobiology ; Radiobiologie; radiobiologie ; rddiobiologia; радиобиологиа] 36 RADIOGENETICA f, radiogenetica, studiul biologic al efectelor radiafiilor ionizante asupra factorilor ereditdfii [radiogenetics; Radiogenetik; radio-gdndtique; rddiogenetika; радиогенетика] 37 RADIOSUS, radios, radiar, dispus tn formd de raze [radiating; strahlig; radieux, radiaire; sugaras; лучевой, многолучистый] Л7’ 38 RADIOSYMMETRICUS, cn simetrie radiarS [radiosymmetrical; radiSr-symmetrisch; A symStrie radiaire; su-garaaan rSszarSnyos; радиальносимметричный] —► actinomorphus 39 RADIOTROPISMUS m (lat. radius ,,razSu, gr. xponf) ,,rSsucire“), radio-tropism, tropism rezultat sub influenza elementelor radioactive [radiotropism; Radiotropismus; radiotropisme; rS-diotropizmus; радиотропизм] 40 RADIUS m, razS, radii; organe dispuse radiar In jurul unui centru (flori pedunculi ~) [ray; Strahl; rayon; sugSr; луч, радиус]* 41 RADIX f, rSdScinS 1. Ansamblul sistemului radicular al plantei, cu functii de fixare, absorbtie §i adeseori acumulator de materii de rezervS. 2. BazS (sub radicibus montis sub poalele muntelui) [root; Wurzel; ratine; gyOkSr; корень]* 42 RADULANS, RADULUS1. In formS de pilS. 2. Care zgirie [rasp-like; raspelartig, kratzend; en forme de rSpe; reszeldszerd, rSspolyszerfi; раш-пиловидный] 43 RAEBO- (gr. paifk>£ ,,sucit“) (raebo-carpus, raeborrhizus) -*■ torii-, tor-tuosus 44 RAMARIUS -* ramealis 45 RAM AST RUM n —► petiolulus 46 RAMEALIS, RAMEUS, rameal, care apartine ramurilor (frunzS, mugure) [ramal, rameous; aststSndig; ramSal, ramaire; Sgon S116; веточный] 47 RAMEANEUS, rameaneu 1. Care provine din ramurS. 2. Care tine locul unei ramuri (circei) [rameaneous; ast-vertretend; гатёеп; Sg eredetu, agat helyettesitd; замещающая ветвь] 48 RAMELLUS m —» ramulus 49 RAMENTACEUS, ramentaceu, acoperit cu scvame uscate (tulpinS) [ra-mentaceous; trockenschuppig; ramen-tacS; szSrazpikkelyes; шелушистый] 50 RAMENTUM n, rament, scvamele uscate brunii ale petiolului unor frunze (Filices) [ramentum, chaffy-scale; Knospenschuppe, Spreuschuppe, Aus-schlagschuppe; ёсаШе sSche; szaraz-pikkely; шелушинка, чешуйка] 51 RAMEUS -*■ ramealis 52 RAMICOLA t (RAMICOLUS), ra-micol, care traie§te pe ramuri [rami-colous; zweigbewohnend; ramicole; agon ё1б; обитающий на ветвях] RAPHE 53 RAM1FER, RAMIGER, ramificat, care poartS ramuri [ramiferous, branched; Sstig, verSstelt, zweigetragend; ramifiS, ramifere; Sgas, Sgakat hor-doz6; ветвеносный] 54 RAMIFICANS, ramificant, care se ramificS [branching; verzweigend; ra-mifiant; elagazd; ветвящийся] 55 RA MIF IС A TIO f, ramificatie, ra-mificare [branching, ramification; Verzweigung, VerSstelung, Gabelung; ramification; elSgazSs, szAtSgazSs; ветвление, разветвление] 56 RAMIFICA TUS, ramificat [branched; verzweigt; ramifiS; elSgazott, szStSgazott; разветвлённый] 57 RAMIFLORUS, cu flori rameale [ra-miflorous; zweigblutig, astblutig; ra-miflore; Sgon viragzd; ветвецветущий, веткоцветный] 58 RAMIFORMIS, ramiform, de forma unor ramuri [ramiform, branch-like; zweigfOrmig; ramiforme; Sgszeru, Sg alakii; ветвеобразный] 59 RAMOSITAS f, ramozitate [branchi-ness; Astigkeit; ramositS; SgassSg, elSgazottsSg; ветвйстость] 60 RAMOSUS, rSmuros, cu numeroase ramificatii (peri, tulpinS) [ramose, ra-mous, many branched; verzweigt, verSstelt, vielzweigig; rameux, trSs ramifiS; Sgas, sokSgu; ветвистый, многоветвистый] 61 RAMUIDSUS, cu ramuri mici [ra-mulose; kleinzweigig, kleinSstig; ra-muleux; SgacskSs; мелковетвистый] 62 RAMULUS m, RAMUNCULUS m, RAMUSCULUS m, rSmuricS, ramurS micS, secundarS[branchlet, twig, sprig; Zweiglein, Astchen; ramule, ramille, brindille; Sgacska, galy; веточка] —» ramellus 63 RAMUS m, ramurS, ramificatie (a frunzei, rSdScinii, tulpinii, inflores-centei) [branch, bough; Zweig, Ast; rameau, branche; Sg; ветка, ветвь] 64 RANUNCULACEUS, ranunculaceu 1. AsemSnStor cu Ranunculus. 2. Galben lucios [ranunculaceous, buttercup-shaped, shining yellow; hah-nenfuss-artig, glanzend gelb; renon-culacS, jaune luisant; boglSrkaszeru, fSnyl6sSrga; лютиковидный, блестящежёлтый] 65 RAPACEUS —*• napiformis 66 RAPHE (-ES) f (gr. ^aqrfi „cusS-turS“), rafeu. 1. Sutura longitudinals a seminfei intre hil §i §alazd (Gera-niaceae). 2. Linia de unire a carpelelor (Umbelliferae). 3. Linia longitudinals a valvei (Diatomeae) [raphe, suture; Naht, Vereinigungsnaht, Ver-wachsungslinie, Samennaht, Fugen-naht, Raphe, Nabelstreifen, Nabel-binde, Nabellinie, Samenrippe; raphd, suture; forradds, magvarrat, magfor-radds, kOlddkvarrat; шов, семенной шов] —» ligamen, vasiductus, prostypus 67 RAP HID-, RAPHIDO-, RAPHIO-, -RAPHIS (gr. £a(6oc ,,ac“) (raphidacanthus, raphidoideus, raphi-dophorus, polyraphis, raphiodontus) —*■ acicularis, aciculatus 68 RAPHIDES f pi (gr.-), rafide, in-cluziuni citoplasmatice in formd de cristate aciculiforme (Agave, Phytolacca) [raphides; Raphiden, Kristall-nadeln, Nadelkristalle; raphides; ra-fidok, tdkristdlyok, kristdlykdvdk; pa-фиды] 69 RAPHIDIOPLANCTON n (gr. -, яЯлуктбд „rdtdcitor"), rafidioplancton, organisme plancton ice aciculiforme sau fusiforme (Forel) [raphidioplankton; Raphidioplankton; raphidioplancton; rafidioplankton; рафидиопланктон] 70 RAPIFORMIS —* rapaceus, napi-formis 71 RARI-, RARUS, rar, rdrit, distan-fat, spafiat (raricostatus, rariflorus, rarisulcatus) [rari-, sparsely-, rare, sparse, scattered; selten-, vereinzelt, diinnstehend, locker; rari-, rare, dpars; ritkds, ritka, gyer; редко-, редкий] 72 RAVIDUS -* cinerascens 73 RA VUS, suriu galben [greyish-yellow; graulichgelb; grisatre-jaune; sziirkds-sarga; серо- желтый] 74 REACTIO f, reacfie, acfiunea de rdspuns la о excitafie fizicd sau chi-micd [reaction; Reaktion, Riickwir-kung, Gegenwirkung, Reizbeantwor-tung; rdaction; visszahatds, ellenha-tds; реакция] 75 RECAPITULATIO f, recapitulate, repetarea stadiului filogenetic ancestral in ontogeneza (Kielmeyer) [recapitulation ; Rekapitulation; rdcapitulation; rekapituldcid; рекапитуляция] 76 RECAULESCENTIA t, recaules-cenfd, concre§terea cu tulpina a frunzelor §i a pefiolului sau a bracteii cu organele axiale (Solanum, Tilia) [recaulescence; Rekauleszenz; rdcau-lescence; rekauleszcencia; рекаулес-ценция] 438 77 RECENS, recent, nou, proaspdt (autor, plantft) [recent, thriving, fresh; rezent, neu, frisch; rdcent, frais; mostani, djabbkori, fries; свежий, современный] 78 RECEPTACULARIS, receptacular, care aparfine receptaculului sau este inserat pe acesta (nectarinS, stil) [receptacular; fruchtbodenstdndig; rd-ceptaculaire; virdgvacokhoz tartozd; относящийся к ложу] 79 RECEPTACULUM n, receptacul 1. Partea dilatatS a extremitdfii supe-rioare a axei florale pe care sint inserate organele florale (Compositae). 2. Partea proeminentS a dosului frunzelor purtind soridiile (Filices). 3. Suportul dilatat al organelor de reproducere (Hepaticae). 4. Partea ta-lului care poartS apoteciul (Lichenes). 5. Pdldria ciupercilor sau coloana lor centrals (Ithyphallus) [receptacle; Re-zeptakel, Blutenboden, Fruchtboden; rdceptacle; vacok, virdgvacok, fdszek-vacok; ложе, цветоложе, ложе соцветия. цветоножка] -* thalamus, torus 80 RECEPTIVITAS f, receptivitate, predispozifia sau lipsa rezistenfei plantei fafd de atacul unui agent fitopa-togen [receptivity; Rezeptivitat; rd-ceptivitd; fogdkonysdg, drzdkenysdg betegsdgre; восприимчивость] 81 RECEPTIVUS, receptiv [receptive; rezeptiv, empfindlich; rdceptif; fogd-kony; воспринимающий] 82 RECEPTORES m pi, receptori, organe de percepfie a excitafiilor [receptors; Rezeptoren, Rezeptionsor-gane; organes de rdception; recep-torok, felfogd szervek; рецепторы] 83 RECESSIVUS, recesiv, aflat in stare latentd; care nu se manifests in stadiul heterozigot (caractere la hibrizi) [recessive; rezessiv, zuriicktretend; rd-cessif; recessziv; рецессивный] 84 RECIPROCUS, reciproc (hibridare) [reciprocal; wechselseitig, riickbeziig-lich, wiederkehrend; rdciproque; kdl-csdnds; реципрокный] -* mutualis-ticus 85 RECLINA TIVUS, RE С LIN A T U St reclinat, inclinat in afard §i cu virful in jos (frunzS, prefoliafie) [reclinate, reclined, bent down; zuriickgebogen, riickwartsgeneigt, zuruckgeneigt, he-rabwdrtsgebogen; rdclind.rabattu; hdt-rahajlott, kifeldhajlott; отклонённый назад] т 86 RECCGN1TUS, recunoscut, verificat [recognized; anerkannt; reconnu ; fe-lismert; признанный] 87 ЛЕСОМ BINAT10 f, recombinare, combinajii noi de caractere In cursul mitozei sau a meiozei, In cazul hibri-zilor [recombination; Rekombination; recombination; rekombinaci6; рекомбинация] £8 BECONDITUS, ascuns, latent [hidden; verborgen, versteckt; cachd; rejtett; скрытый] 89 RECRUDESCE NTIA f, recrudes-cen[A, proliferarea axei inflorescenjei dupA maturizarea fructelor, rezultind о nouA generate de frunze sau de flori (in teratologie) [recrudescence; Rekrudeszenz; recrudescence; rekru-deszcencia; рекрудесценция] 90 RECT-, RECTI-, RECTUS, drept, in linie dreapta (rectasceus, rectem-bryonatus, rectiflorus, rectispinus) [right-, straight; gerad-, aufrecht; recti-, droit; egyenes; прямо-, прямой] —*■ directus, ortho- 21 RECTANGULARIS, rectangular, dreptunghiular, de forma unui unghi drept [rectangular; rechtwinkelig, rechteckig, geradwinkelig; rectangu-laire; derdkszogu; прямоугольный] -*• rectangulatus, rectangulus, orthogonus 92 RECTANGULATUS, RECTANGULUS —*■ rectangularis 93 RECTICAULIS, recticaul, cu tulpina dreaptA [straight-stemmed; gerad-stengelig; a lige droite; egyenes szarii; прямостебельный] 94 RECTIGRADA TIO f, rectigradatie, geneza unor caractere noi ca urmare a tendinjei de evolu^ie adaptativa (E. Osborn) [rectigradation; Rekti-gradation; rectigradation; rektigra-dScid; ректиградация] У5 ВЕСTINER VIS, RECTINER VIUS, rectinervat, cu nervurile drepte sau paralele (frunzele de Iris, Gramineae) [rectinerved; geradnervig, parallelner-vig; rectinerve; egyenes erezetu; пряможилковатый] 96 RECTI PE TALI TAS I, rectipetali-tate, tending organelor de a create in linie dreaptA sau de a se redresa in linie dreaptA (Voechting) [recti-petality; Rektipetalitat; rectipAtalitA; rektipetalitSs, egyenesirAnyusAg; пря-мостремительный рост] 97 RECTISERIALIS, RECTISERIA-TUS, rectiserial, dispus in serii drepte REDUNCUS (frunze) [rectiserial; geradreihig; rec-tisAriA; egyenes sorozatu; пряморядный] 98 RECTIUSCULUS, rectiuscul, a-proape drept [rather straight; fast gerade, ziemlich gerade; rectiuscule, presque droit; majdnem egyenes; прямоватый] 99 RECURRENS (recurro), recurent, care se recurbeazA revenind la punctul de pornire (nervuri) [recurrent; zu-riicklaufend; recurrent; visszafutd, visszaforduld; рекуррентный] 100 RECURRENTIA f, recuren[A, rea-pari(ia unor forme regresive sau ances-trale, de ex. la frunze [recurrence; Rekurrenz; recurrence; rekurrencia; повторяемость, рекурренция] 101 RECURVATUS, RECURVI-, RE-CURVUS, recurbat, curbat in afara sau spre interior (frunze, spini) (re-curvifolius) [recurvate, recurved, bent backward, bent downward; zuriick-gekrummt, zurtickgebogen, abwarts-gekrumrat, auswartsgekriimmt, herab-wArtsgekrummt; recourbA, соигЬё en dehors; visszagorbult, kifelAgOrbiilt; отогнутый назад] 102 REDIVIVUS, renascent, care reinvie-(prin bulbi, tuberculi) [reviving; wie-derlebend, wiederauflebend; гёdivive, renaissant; iijraAled6, felelevened6; оживающий] —► anastaticus, renascens 103 REDOLENS (redoleo) -*• odoratus 104 REDUCATUS, REDUCTUS, redus, pipernicit (frunze reduse la scvame) [reduced; reduziert, vermindert, ver-kiimmert, zuriickgebildet; reduit, ra-bougri; redukalt, csokevAnyes, elsat-nyult, visszafejlodott; редуцированный] —> deminutus 105 REDUCTIO f, reduc^ie, mic?orare, diminuare (cromaticA, piese florale) [reduction, diminution; Reduktion, Verminderung; reduction, diminution; csdkkenes; редукция, уменьшение] 106 REDUCTIONALIS, REDUCTUS, reducjional, de mic§orare (diviziune celularA) [reductional, reducing, diminishing ; vermindernd; rAductionnel; kisebbedd, szAmcsokkentd, szAmfelezo; редукциональный] 107 REDUNCUS, incirligat, cu virful recurbat in cirlig (spin) [hooked; hakigzuriickgebogen; crochu en ar-riAre; kampdsan visszagOrbtilt; загнутый крючком] REDUPLICA TIO 108 REDU PLICATIO f, reduplicate 1. Cre§terea nenormalS a numSrului unor piese florale (stamine, verticile). 2. Dedublarea segmentelor cromozomale din garnitura cromozomalS haploidS. 3. Formarea game^ilor tn numSr mai • mare dectt cel obi?nuit [reduplication; Reduplikation; ^duplication; rSdu-plikScid; редупликация] 109 REDU PLICATIV US, REDUPU-С ATUS, reduplicat 1. Dublat. 2. Ctnd marginile pieselor florale din mugure stnt abrupt curbate tn afarS, iar fetele lor interne se ating fSrS a se acoperi (prefloratie) [reduplicate, reduplicative; verdoppelt, zuruckge-schlagen; r6dupliqu6, rSduplicatif; megkettdzdtt, kifeldgdrbult szdlii; удвоенный, завёрнутый назад] 110 REFLEXIO f, reflexiune, schimbarea pozitiei normale a organului (in te-ratologie) [reflexion, Reflexion; гё-flexion; reflexid; рефлексия] 111 REFLEXUS, reflect, brusc curbat in afarS (frunzS, petals, ramurS) [reflexed, bent backwards; zuriickgebogen, zuriickgebeugt, herabgebogen, rtick-wSrtsgebogen; гёсоигЬё en dehors, Пёс№ en dehors; hatrahajl6, hitra-gdrbult, visszahajlo; отвернутый, завёрнутый, отогнутый назад] 112 REFLORENS, REFLORESCENS (refloresco), remontant, care inf lore? te de mai multe ori [reflorent; wieder-bluhend; refleurissant, remontant; lij-b61 virSgzo, tobbszor virSgzd; ремонтантный] 113 REFLORESCENTIA f, reflorescentS, a doua tnflorire [reflorescence; second blossoming; Refloreszenz, Wiederauf-bliihen; reflorescence, refleurissement; mSsodvirSgzSs; повторное цветение] 114 REFRACTIVUS, refractiv, care t?i schimbS brusc directia [refractive; brechend; rSfractif; megtoro; преломляющий] 115 REFRACTUS, rSsfrint, avind directia brusc frintS inapoi in unghi ascutit (pedicel) [refracted, abruptly broken; zuriickgebrochen, herabge-knickt, zuruckgeknickt; rSfractS, brisS en dehors; hStraldrt, hStracsap6d6; преломлённый] 116 REFRIGE RAN S (refrigero ), rScoritor (gust) [refrigerant, freezing; erkSltend; refraichissant; felfrissitd; освежающий] 117 REFRINGENS (refringo) -> refrac-tivus 440 118 REFUGIUM n, refugiu, adSpost; loc ocrotit unde ?i-au gSsit adSpost unele plante rSmase din epocile geologice [refuge; Zuflucht; refuge; menedSk; рефугиум, убежище] 119 REFULGENS (refulgeo), lucitor, care reflects lumina [shining; wiederschei-nend, zurtickstrahlend; brillant, гё-ftechissant; csillogd, visszaragyogd; отражающий] 120 REGENERABILITAS f, regenerabi-litate, capacitatea de regenerare a organelor distruse [regenerabilitv; Rege-nerabilitSt, ErneuerungsfShigkeit; гё-gёnёrabilitё; regenerSlddSsi kёpessёg; регенеративность] 121 REGENE RATIO f, regenerare 1. Re-facerea organelor distruse prin dezvoltarea altor organe similare noi. 2. Inlocuirea artificials a generatiei imbStrinite prin alta tinSrS (in sil-viculturS) [regeneration; Regeneration, Wiedererzeugung, Erneuerung; rёgёnёrescence; regenerSlddSs, regene-rScid, й)гакёргбёёБ; регенерация, вос-тановление] —*■ neogenesis 122 REGENERATUM n, regeneratum, organul nou format pe calea regene-rSrii [regeneratum; Regeneratum; regeneratum ; regenerStum; регенератум] 123 REGENERATUS, regenerat, reinnoit, de formatie nouS [regenerate ;neuge-bildet; ^ёпёгё; йjrakёpzбdбtt, me-gujhodSsi; регенерированный] 124 REGERMINATIO f, regerminare, re-luarea germinatiei dupS о perioadS de intrerupere {regermination; Regermination, Wiederauskeimen; ^ёпш-nation; ujracsirSzSs; регерминация] 125 REGIO f, regiune, areal mai mare decit provincia (in geobotanicS) [region; Region, Gebiet; rёgion; vidёk; область, страна] 126 REGIONALIS, regional, referitor la о regiune (florS, succesiune) [regional; regional; rёgional; regionSJis; региональный] 127 REGMA n (gr. ,,sfi§iere“), regmS, fruct policapsular schizocarpic (Euphorbiaceae) [regma; Regma, Springkapsel; regma; regma; &гё№а-sad6 tok; регма, трескучка, дробная коробочка] —* rhegma 128 REGMACARPIUM n (gr. -, каряб* „fruct"), regmacarpiu, termen colectiv pentru fructele uscate dehiscente [reg-macarp; Regmakarpium; regmacarpe; regmakSrpium; сухой, растрескивающийся плод] 441 129 REGNUM n, regn, lume; categorie sistematicS supreme [kingdom; Reich; rdgne; vilSg; царство]* 130 REGRESSIO f, regresie, tending unor urma§i de a redobindi caracterele atavice mai pu^in evoluate [regression; Regression, Riickschlag, Rtick-gang, Ruckzug; r6gression; visszaesds, nanyatl&s; регрессия] -*■ retrogressio 131 REGRESSIVUS, regresiv 1. Aflat in dezvoltare retrogresivS (caracter). 2. Aflat in curs de restringere (areal) [regressive; riickschreitend, zurvickbil-dend; rdgressif; visszafejlddo; регрессивный] —*■ retrogradus 132 REGULA f, regulS, normS de regle-mentare (de nomenclature botanice) [rule; Regel; regie; szabSly; правило] 133 REGULARIFORMIS, regulariform, dezvoltat in forma obi§nuitS (flori, frunze) [regulariform; regelmSfiig ge-staltet; rdgulariforme; szabeiyos alakii; правильнообразный] 134 REGULARIS, regulat 1. Uniform §i simetrie. 2. Actinomorf (floare) [regular; regular, regelmafiig; rdgu-lier ; szabeiyos, rendes; правильный, регулярный] 135 REGULATIO f, regulate, autoreglare; capacitates organismelor de a-§i autoregla func^iunile pentru evitarea influen^elor externe nefavorabile sau de a-§i regenera p5r(ile vStSmate sau pierdute [regulation; Regulation, Selbststeuerung; rdgulation; onszabS-lyozes; регулирование] -♦ autoregulatio 136 REITERATUS, reiterat, repetat [reiterated ; wiederholt; rditdrd; megis-mdtelt; повторный] —> repetitus 137 REJICJENDUS (rejicio), de eli-minat, de aruncat [rejected; verwer-fend; a rejeter; elvetendo, mello-zendd; отвергаемый]* 138 REJUVENESCENTIA f, rejuvenescent, reintinerire; formarea de celule tinere alSturi de cele vechi [rejuvenescence ; Ver jiingung; rejeunissement; megfiatalodSs, megiijhodds; омодо-жение.помолодение] 139 RELATIVUS, relativ (sexualitate, transpirajie) [relative; relativ, ver-hSltnismSBig; rdlatif; viszonylagos; относительный] 140 RELICTUM n, relict, plants care a supraviejuit din epocile geologice (Nymphaea lotus oar. thermalis) [relict ; Relikt, Uberbleibsel; relique; reliktum, maradvSny; реликт, остаток] REPERTORIUM 141 RELIQUEFACTIO f, relichefiere lichefierea din nou a citoplasmei dupS о temporarS solidificare (Szucs) [reliquefaction ; Reliquefaktion; reliquefaction ; reliquefakcid; реликвефакция] 142 REMANENS (remaneo), remanent, care rSmine nedeta§at de suport (fruct, frunzS) [remaining; zuruck-bleibend; rdmanent; visszamaradd; остающийся] —»perdurans, persistens, permanens 143 REMOTUS, REMOTE-, REMOTI-, indepSrtat, distantt, spajiat (dint, ramuri) (remote-crenatus, remotifolius) [remote, distant, espaced, distantly-; entfernt, weitstehend, entferntstehend, auseinanderstehend; dloignd, espacd, distant, dcartd; ritkas, tavoli, tSvol-Slld, egymSstdl tavolesd; расставленный, отдалённый] —► semotus, distans 144 RENASCENS -+ redioious 145 RENI-, RENIFORMIS, reniform, In formS de rinichi (renifolius, reniflo-rus); cu virful rotunjit, baza lat cordatS ?i mai latS decit lungS (frunza la Asarum) [reniform, kidney-shaped; nierenformig; rdniforme, en rein; vese alakii, vesds; почковидный] —*• nephro-ideus 146 REORIENT AT 10 f, reorientare, schimbarea pozijiei relative a unui organ [reorientation; Reorientierung; rdorientation; reorientScid; реориентация] 147 REPANDO-, REPANDUS, repand, cu marginea planS §i mSrunt ondu-latS (frunzele la Ajuga reptans) (re-pando-dentatus) [repand, repandous; ausgeschweift, randschweifig; rdpand, festonnd; aprdn hullSmos dlu; широко-выемчатый] 148 REPARATIO f, reparatie, reinteg-rarea prin cre§tere a unui organ partial distrus sau vStSmat [reparation; Reparation; rdparation; reparScid; репарация] 149 RE PARTI TIO f —» distributio 150 REPENS (repeo), repent, reptant, ttritor §i inrSdScinat la noduri (tulpina la Lysimackia nummularia) [repent, reptant, creeping, prostrate and rooting; kriechend (und zugleich wurzelnd); rampant, tragant; kiiszd ds legyokerezd; ползущий] —► reptans, chamaerepens 151 REPERTORIUM n, repertoriu, catalog, indice alfabetic (uneori titlu de carte, Repertorium specierum nooar um) [repertory; Register, Liste; REPETITUS rSpertoire; repertorium, kataldgus; каталог, свод] 152 RE PE TITUS — reiteratus 153 REPLETUM n, repletum, fruct capsulS pSroasS, persistentS ?i dupS denisccntS (Arislolochia) [repletum; Repletum; repletum; repletum; pe-плетум] 154 RE PLE TUS, umplut, plin [full, filled; angeftillt, ausgefullt; rempli; telt; наполненный] 155 REPLICA TIVUS, REPLICATUS, replicativ, repliat; pliat spre interior de la virf spre bazS (frunzS, prefolia^ie) [replicative, folded backward; zuriick-gefaltet, umgeschlagen, zuriickgesch-lagen; rdplicatif, гёрНё, visszafordult, visszahajlott; отогнутый назад] 156 REPLUM n, replu, membranS care desparte silicvele, formtnd un perete despSrtitor fals (Cruciferae) [replum; Rahmen; replum; SlvSlaszfal-perem; перегородка] 157 REPRODUCTIO f, reproducere, in-mutyire, autoretnnoire [reproduction; Reproduktion, Fortpflanzung, Ver-mehrung, Wiedererzeugung; гёрго-duction; szaporodds; воспроизведение, репродукция] 158 REPRODUCTIVUS, reproductiv, reproducStor, de inmultire (organ) [reproductive; reprodukliv, fortpflan-zend; rtproductif; szaporitd; репродуктивный, воспроизводительный] 159 REPROGRESSIO f, reprogresiune, deschiderea florilor din inflorescen(S Inceplnd de la virf spre bazS (Guil-lard) [reprogression; Reprogression; reprogression; reprogresszid; penpo-грессня] 160 REPTANS (repto) —► repens 161 RES f, lucru [thing; Ding; chose; dolog; дело] RES HERBARIA -* botanicd 162 RESERVATUM f, rezervatie, teren delimitat pentru ocrotirea florei §? faunei rare [reservation; Schutzge-biet, Naturschutzpark ; rdserve natu-relle; rezervdcid, vёdett terulet; заповедник] 163 RESEX m, ISstar de vi£S, altoi de viJS de vie [vine-graft; Weinpropf ; greffe de vigne; szolooltvany, szdlo-hajtas; черенок] 164 RESIDUUM n, reziduu, rSmS?ifS (in residuis foliorum emortuorum pe resturile frunzelor moarte) [residue; 442 Residuum, Uberrest ; residu; marad-viny; остаток] 165 RESIDUUS, rezidual [residual; zu-riickbleibend; rdsiduel; maradvSnyos; остающийся] 166 RESILIENS (resilio), rezilient, care se deschide brusc (fruct) [resilient» springing back; aufspringend; resilient, souvrent brusquement; fel-pattand; отскакивающий] 167 RESIMUS, curbat in sus [curved up; aufwartsgebogen; гёсоигЬё en haut; felhajld, felfeld gdrbiild; вверх изогнутый] 168 RESINA f, rS?inS, excretie vegetalS cu utilizare industrials ?i farmaceuticS (Coniferae, Terebinthacea ) [resin, pitch; Harz; rdsine, poix; szurok, gyanta, ndvdnyi gyanta; смола, камедь] 169 RESINACEUS, rezinaceu, asemSnStor cu rS?ina [resin-like; harzar-tig; rdsinacd; szurokszerfi, gyanta-szeru; смоловидный] —*• resiniformis 170 RESINIFER, rezinifer, care produce sau conduce rS?ini (canal) [resini-ferous; harztragend, harzliefernd, harz-saftfuhrend; rdsinifdre; gyantat ter-melo, gyantSt vezetd; смолоносный] 171 RESINIFORMIS —► resinaceus 172 RESINOCYSTIS, -iDIS i (lat. resina ,,rS?inS“, gr. KdoTig , pungS“), rezino-cist, formatiuni asemSnStoare cisto-litilor, din membrana celularS a peri-lor de pe frunzele ?i tulpina de Begonia (Schoennett) [resinocyst; Resino-zyst; resinocyste; rezinociszta; реси-ноцнста] 173 RESINOGENUS, rezinogen, care excretS rS?ini (strat) [resinogenous; resinogen; r£sinogene; gyantat ter-melo; ресиногенный] 174 RESINOSIS f, rezinozS, boalS care constS din producerea nenormala de rS?ini (Coniferae) [resin-flux; Harz-fluB; ^sinose; gyantafolySs; ресиноз! 175 RESINOSUS, rS?inos, care secrets multS rS?inS [resinous; harzig, harz-reich; rSsineux; gyantds, szurkos; смолистый] 176 RESISTENS (resisto), rezistent [resisting, withstanding; widerste-hend, widerstandig, widerstandsfa-hig; rdsistant; ellenSlld; резистентный, устойчивый] 177 RE SIS TEN TIA f, rezistenJS, mij-loacele native de apSrare ale plantei 443 fmpotriva agentilor patogeni [resistibleness ; Resistenz, Widerstands-fShigkeit; resistibility; ellendlldkdpes-sdg; сопротивление] 178 RESOLUTIVUS —> adstringens 179 RESORPTIO f, resorb^ie, capacitatea de absorb (ie a materiilor nutritive din partea organismului [resorption; Resorption, Aufsaugung; rdsorption; felszlvdd&s, tSplSldanyag-felvdtel; резорбция] 180 RESPIRATIO f, respira^ie, schimbul de gaze al organismelor prin absorb-tia oxigenului §i eliminarea bioxidu-lui de carbon [respiration; Respiration, Atmung; respiration; ldgzds; дыхание] 181 RESPIROMETRUM n, respirome-tru, aparat pentru mSsurarea canti-t&tii absorbite de oxigen [respirometer ; Atmungsmesser; respiromdtre; ldgzdsmdro; респирометр] 182 RESTANS (resto) —► persistens 183 RESTIBILIS -*• perennis 184 RESTITUTIO f, restitute 1. Com-pletarea sau regenerarea organelor sau a pSr^ilor de organe distruse sau vStSmate (Harsberger). 2. Reunirea frinturilor de cromozomi sau croma-tide In forma initials [restitution; Restitution; restitution; restitucid; реституция] 185 RESUPINATIO f, resupinare, in-versarea completS, de 180°, a unui organ foliar sau floral dorsiventral fat& de pozitia initials (prin torsiunea pedicelului lobii posteriori ai corolei devenind anteriori, la Lobeliaceae, Orchidaceae) [resupination, inversion; Resupination, vollstandige Um-kehrung; rdsupination; reszupinacio, teljes csavarodSs; перевёртывание] 186 RESUPINATUS, resupinat, intors pe dos; r&sturnat (floare, frunzS) [resupinate, reversed, turned upside down; umgekehrt, verkehrt, zuruck-gedreht, umgewendet, umgestiilpt; rdsupind, renversd, retournd; meg-fordult, forditott Sllasu; перевернутый] —*■ reversus 187 RESURRECT 10 f, resurectie, relua-rea pozitiei §i a functiunilor obi§-nuite din partea plantei a§ezate in apS inainte de a fi fost complet uscatS (Anastatica) [resurrection; Resurrektion; rdsurrection; lijradledds; возрождение, воскрешение] 188 RETARDATIO f, retardate, prezenta tardivS in cursul ontogenezei a RETINACULUM unor caractere, in comparatie cu stadiul filogenetic anterior [retardation; Retardation; retardation; retard&cid; запаздывание] 189 RETE (-IS) n, retea (de celule) [net; Netz; rdseau; hSldzat; сетка] 190 RETI-, RETICOSUS, RETICULARIS, RETICULATO-, RETICULA-TUS, reticulat, impinzit in formS de retea (vase, nervatie) (reticulato - ner-vatus) [reticulate, reticulated, netted, net-worked; netzig, benetzt, netzar-tig, netzformig; rdticuld, en rdseau; hSlds, hSldzatos, haldszerfi, hSld-zott, hSldsan-; сетчатый сетчато-] —> dictyo-, dictyophorus, retifer, reti-formis 191 RETICULATIO f, reticulate, im-pinzire in formS de retea [reticulation, network, netting; Netzwerk; rdticu-lation; haldzat; сетчатость, сетчатое расположение] 192 RETICULA TO- VENOSUS, reticulat venos, cu vini§oare reticulate fner-vurile frunzei) [netted-veined, rete-veined; netziggeadert, netzaderig; rdticuld-veind; haldsan erecskds; сетчатожилковаты й] 193 RETICULOPLASMA n (-, gr. яХоора ,,modelare“) —» trophoplasma 194 RETICULOSUS, abundent reticulat [reticulose, abundantly-netted; reich-genetzt; trds rdticuld; surun hSlds; обильносетчатый] 195 RETICULUM n, reticul 1. Reticulata cromaticS a filamentelor nucleare. 2. Membrana fibroasS de la baza pe-tiolului (Palmae) [reticulum, reticle; Retikulum, Netzchen, Kemgeriist; rdticule; retikulum, sejtmagfonalzat; сеточка] 196 RETIFER, RETIFORMIS — reti-culatus 197 RETINACULATUS, retinaculat, revSzut cu retinacul [retinaculate; ehaltert; rdtinaculd; korongocskSs; с прилипальцем, с семяножкой, с транслятором] 198 RETINACULUM n, retinacul 1. GlandulS viscoasS disciformS de care se ata§eazS poliniile (Orchidaceae). 2. Translatorul de care se fixeaza masele polinice (Asclepiadaceae). 3. Funicul curbat (Acanthaceae) [retinaculum ; Pollenhalter, Klebkdrper, Klebdriise, Translator, Nabelstrang; rdtinacle; korongocska, csipdkdsziildk, pollinSrium-mirigy; kolddkzsinor; при- RET1RUG0SUS липапьце, транслятор, семяножка] —* proseolla 199 RETIRUGOSUS, RETIRVGUS, re-ticulat. zbircit (fruct) [reticulate-rugose ; netzrunzelig, netziggerunzelt; rdticuld-ridd; h&losan r&ncos; сетчато-моришннстый] 200 RETORRIDUS, uscat, zbircit de uscare [dry, wrinkled; trocken, run-zelig; sechd, ratatind; dsszesz&radt, dsszeaszott; сухой, сморщенный] 201 RETORSIVUS —» retrogressivus 202 RETORTUS, rSsucit, sucit in afard [twisted backward, turned backward; zuriickgedreht, zuruckgekehrt, aus-wdrtsgedreht, riickwdrtsgedreht; re-tordu, tordu en dehors, гёсоигЬё en arridre; kifeld csavarodott, hdtracsa-varodott; отвернутый] 203 RETRACTUS, retractat, tras ina-oi §i scurtat (corold, radiculd) [drawn ack; zuriickgezogen; retractd; visz- szahilzodott; втянутый, оттянутый назад] 204 RETROACTIVUS, retroactiv, cu eficientd §i pentru trecut fdispozi-tiile Codului de nomenclature) [retroactive ; ruckwirkend; rdtroactif; visszahatd erejfi; ретроактивный] 205 RETROCURVUS, curbat inapoi [retrocurved, bent backwards; zuruck-gekrummt, herabgekriimmt; соигЬё en arridre; h&tragdrbiilt; загнутый назад] 206 RETROFLEXUS, curbat brusc in afard sau inapoi [retroflexed, bent backwards; zuriickgebogen, zurtick-geschlagen; rёtroflёchi, гёсоигЬё en arridre, fldchi en атёге; visszagor-btilt, kifelegdrbiilt; завернутый назад] 207 RETROFRACTUS, rdsfrint brusc inapoi sau in afard [retrofracted, abruptly broken; herabgeknickt, ab-wdrtsgeknickt, zuruckgeknickt, ruck-war tsgebrochen, herabgeschlagen; retrofractd; hatratort, visszatort; заломленный назад] 208 RETROGRADATIO f, retrograda-[ie, diminuarea densitdjii unei popu-lajii [retrogradation; Retrogradation; rdtrogradation; retrograddcid; ретроградация] 209 RETROGRADUS, RETROGRESSIVUS, retrogresiv, regresiv, pe cale de decadence sau cu tending de sim-plificare in organizare (caracter, me-tamorfozd, mutate, succesiune) [retrogressive ; riicklaufig, riickschrei- Ш tend, zuriickbildend, regreesiv; гё-trogressif, rdgressif; visszahanyatld, visszafejl6d6; ретрогрессивный] -*■ regressive, relorsivus 210 RETROGRESSIO ( -*• regreseio 211 RETROMORPHOSIS f, retromor-fozd, morfozd degenerative [retromor-phosis; Retromorphose; rdtromorpho-se; retromorfdzis; ретроморфоз] 212 RETRORSO-, RETRORSUS, RETRO-, RETROVERSUS, intors inapoi, invers, retrors (retrorso-aculea-tus, retrorso-serratus, retrospinus) [re-trorse, directed backward, retrorsely-; riickwdrts-, riickwartsgekehrt, abwdrts-gerichtet, zuriickgewendet, zuriick-gerichtet; retournd, tournd en arridre, rebroussd; visszafeld ir&nyuld, visz-szagdrbult, visszdsan-; обращенный назад] 213 RETUSUS, retuz, ciuntit, te§it la virf sau labaze (frunzd) [retuse, blunted; abgestumpft, eingedruckt; rdtus, dmoussd; tompitott, levAgott hegyti, levdgott vdlld; вдавленный, притупленный] —► truncatus 214 REVERSIBILIS, reversibil, care poate reveni la starea inifiald (caractere, procese chi mice) [reversible; reversibel, umkehrbar; rdversible; visszafordithatd, reverszibilis; обратимый] 215 REVERSIO f —> atavismus 216 REVERSUS —► resupinatus 217 REVIRESCENS (reviresco), revires-cent, care inverze§te din nou [revi-rescent; wiederergriinend; revires-cent: ujbdl kizdlduld; снова зеленеющий] 218 REVISIO f, revizuire (uneori ca titlu de carte: Revisio generum) [revision; Revision, Durchsicht, Uberblick; гё-vision; revizid, dtndzds, dtvizsgalds; ревизия, обзор] 219 REVIVESCENTIA f, revivescentd, reluarea activitdjilor vitale dupd о stare de laten^d (alge, licheni) [revivification ; Wiederaufleben; revivification; feldledds; ревивификация] 220 RE VOLUBILIS, revolubU, oapabil de a se reinfd§ura in pozi[ia initials (circei, frunzd) [revolubile; zuruckroll-bar; rdvoluble; visszasodrddd; отворачивающийся] 221 REVOLUTIVUS, REVOLUTUS, re-volutiv, revolut, rdsucit in afard [revolutive, revolute, rolled backward; zuriickgerollt, zuriickgedreht; rdvo- 446 lutif, rdvolutd, rould en dehors; hatra-g6ngy6l6d6, kifeldhengeredett; отвернутый, закрученный назад]* 222 RHABARBARINUS, rabarbarin, galben inchis [rhabarb-coloured, orange brown; dunkelgelb; jaune fonce; sOtdtsSrga; тёмно-желты ft] 223 RHABDOCARPUS (gr. раРбо? ,,nuia“, карябд ,,fruct“), cu fructe alungite in formS de nuia (Catalpa) [long-fruited; langfruchtig; a fruits longs; hosszdtermdsfi, vesszotermdsfl; длин- НОПЛОДНЫЙ] 224 RHABDOIDES f pi (gr. -, eiSog „asemSnare"), rabdoide, corpusculi filiformi sau aciculari din celulele epidermice (Dionaea, Drosera) [rhab-doides; Rhabdoiden; rhabdoides; rab-doidok; рабдоидий] 225 RHACH-, RHAPH-, RHE- (rhache-ola, rhachis, rhaphe, rhegma) -*■ rack-, raph-f re- (racheola, rachis, raphe, regma) 226 RHAGADIO-, RHAG AD 10 SUS (gr. paydg, payd5o<; „crSpSturS"), crS-pat, fisurat (rhagadiolepis) [fissured, cracked; ritzen-, schrund-, ritzig, schrundig; fissurd, fendu; hasadt, hasaddsos; трещиновато-, трещиноватый] —» fissuratus 227 RHAPTOCARPUS (gr. Раятб? ,,cu-sut“, картсдд „fruct"), cu fructe suturate [suturate-fruited; nahtfruch-tig; к fruits suturds; varratos ter-mdsfi; шовноплодный] 228 RHEGMA n —► regma 229 RHEOBIONTA n pi (gr. frdos „curs deapS", pioq „via^S"), reobiont, organisme care trdiesc in curen^i de apS [rheobionta; Rheobionten; rhdobion-tes; reobiontak; реобионты] 230 RHEOCRENICUS (gr. -, Kpf|vn „izvor"), reocrenic, aflat in ape cu scurgere rapidS [rheokrenous; rheo-kren; rhdocrdne; reokrdn; реокрени-ческий] 231 RHEOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, pop-qxDOTC „formare"), reomorfozS, mor-fozS rezultatS sub influenza apelor rapid curgStoare [rheomorphose; Rheo-morphose; rhdomorphose; reomor-fdzis; реоморфоз] 232 RHEOPHILUS (gr. -, „a scrie“), rodografie, descrierea tran-dafirilor [rhodography; Rhodogra-phie, Rosenbeschreibung; rhodogra-phie; rodogrdfia, rdzsdk leirdsa; родография] 296 RHODOLEUCUS (gr. -, Хеикбд ,,alb“), ro§cat alb [reddish-white; rdtlichweifl; rhodoleuque; pirosasfehdr; розовобелый] 297 RHODOLOGIA t (gr. -, Хоубд „vorbire*), rodologie, tratat despre spe-ciile de Rosa [rhodology; Rhodologie; rhodologie; rodologia, rdzsatan; po-дология] 298 RHODOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, cpuUov „frunzS"), rodofilS, pigment ro§u (Rhodophyceae) [rhodophyll; Rho-dophyll; rhodophylle; rodofillum; родофилл] 299 RHODO PH YLLUS (gr.--),cu frunze rozacee [pink-leaved; rosenrot-blStt-rig; a feuilles roses; rdzsaszin levelu; розоволистный] 300 RHODOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, rotatus 360 ROT AT 10 f, rotatie, mifcarea rota-torie a protoplasmei celulare [rotation; Rotation, Randbewegung, Dre-hung; rotation; kering6 mozgSs; ротация, вращение] 361 ROTATIVUS, rotativ, cu mifcare de rotate [rotatory; rotierend; ro-tatif, rotatoire; keringd mozgSsu; вращательный] 362 ROTATUS, ROTIFORMIS, rotat, rotund fi plan in formS de roatS sau de disc (corola la Galium) [rotate, wheel-shaped; radfOrmig; rotacS, Staid en rond; kerdkszeru; колесовидный] —*■ rotaceus 363 ROTUNDATUS, rotundat, rotunjit la virf sau la bazS (frunzS, fruct) [rounded; abgerundet, rundlich; ar-rondie; lekerekitett; закруглённый, округлённый] 364 ROTUNDI-, ROTUNDUS (rotun-difolius, rolundiformis, rotundilobus) —*• circularis, orbicularis, strongylo-, disciformis 365 RUBEDO f-> rubor 366 RUBELLUS, RUBEOLUS, rofcat, pu[in rofu [reddish, ruddy; rOtlich, gerdtet; rougeStre; vdrOses; красноватый] RUBROCALYCUS 367 RUBENS, RUBESCENS (rubeo), rubescent, rofiatic [rubescent, reddening, turning red, blush-red; rot-werdend, errOtend; rubescent; vOrOs-16, v6r0s6d6; краснеющий] 368 RUBER, RUBRI-, RUBRO-, rofu (in diferite nuance) (rubricaudatus, rubripes, rubrobracteatus, rubrosepalus) [red; rot, gemeinrot; rouge; v6r6s, piros; красный, красно-] 369 RUBI- RUBIGUNDUS, RUBI-DEUS, RUBIDULUS, RUBI DUS, rofu inchis, rofu pronun^at (rubi-carpus) [dark-red; dunkelrot, krSf-tigrot, hochrot; rubicond, rouge foncd; sotdtvords, ragyogdvorOs, haragosvO-rds, paprikavdrOs; румяный, темнокрасный, багровый 370 RUBIGINOSUS, rubiginos, ruginiu; brun rofcat [rubiginose, rubiginous, rust-coloured, brownish-red; rostig, rostfarbig, rostbraun, braunrot; ru-bigineux, rouilld, couleur de rouille; rozsdavOrds, rozsdabarna, rdtbarna; ржавокрасный, красно - бурый] 371 RUBIGO f, ruginS, boalS a plantelor cauzatS de ciupercile Uredinales [blight; Rost; rouille, rozsdabeteg-sdg; ржавчина] 372 RUBIN US, rofu ca rubinul [ruby-red; rubinrot; rouge de rubis; rubin-piros; рубинокрасный] 373 RUBOR m, rofeaJS [redness; ROte; rougeur; pirossSg; краснота]-» rubedo 374 RUBRICA ULIS, cu tulpini rofii [red-stalked; rotstengelig; S tiges rouges; piros szSrd, vdros szSru; красностебельчатый] 375 RUBRIFLORUS, cu flori rofii [red-flowered ; rotbliitig, rotbluhend; S fleurs rouges; piros virSgii; красноцветковый] 376 RUBRO-ALBUS, rofcat alb [reddish-white; rOtlichweifl; rougeStre-blanc; pirosas-fehdr; красноватобелый] 377 RUBRO-AURANTIACUS, rofcat galben auriu, rofcat portocaliu [orange-red ; rdtlich-orangengelb; orangd rouge; pirosas-narancssSrga; красновато-оранжевый] 378 RUBRO-CAERULEUS, RUBRO-CAELESTINUS, rofu albSstrui [reddish sky-blue; r6tlichblau; bleuStre-rouge; vdrdseskSk; красновато-го-лубый] 379 RUBROCALYCUS, RUBRO CALYX, cu caliciul rofu [with red calyx; RUBROCINCTUS rotkelchig; к calice rouge; piros kelyhA; красночашечковый] 380 RUBROCINCTUS, incins cu rofu [red-girdled; rotumsSumt, rotumgiir-tet; entourd de rouge ; pirossal kdrtil-Ovezett; красноокружбнный] 381 RUBRO-FLAVUS, rofcat gSlbui [reddish-yellow; rOtlichgelb; rouge-4tre-jaune; v6r6ses sSrga; красновато-желтый] 382 RUBRO-FUSCUS, roseat bruniu [reddish-brown; rOtlichbraun; rou-geatre-brun; vdrdses barna; красновато-буроватый] 383 RUBROMACULATUS, rofu macu-lat [reddisch-spotted; rotfleckig, rot-gefleckt; к macules rouges; vdrds pettyezetu; краснопятнистый] 384 RUBROMARGINATUS, cu mar-ginile rofii, cu bordurS rofie [rubro-marginate; rotgerSndert; к bordure rouge; piros szegdlyu, piros szdlu; красноотороченный] 385 R U BRO- VIOLA CE U S, rofcat vio-laceu [red-violet; rOtlichviolett; rouge-violacd; Iil£sv6r6s; красновато-фиолетовый] 386 RUBRO-VIRENS, rofcat verzui [reddish-green ; rdtlichgriin; rouge Stre-vert; v6r6sesz6ld; красновато-зелене-ющий] 387 RUBROVITTATUS, cu striuri rofii [rubrovittate; rotgestreift; к bande-lettes rouges; vords csiku; красноленточный] 388 RUBRO-VIVIDUS, rofu viu [vivid-red; lebhaftrot; rouge ardent ; ё1ёпк-piros; яркокрасный] 389 RUDERA n pi 1. Gramezi de moloz fi gunoi in jurul afez&rilor ome-nefti. 2. Ruine, d&r£maturi [rubbish heaps, waste places; Schutthaufen, Schuttplatze, Ruderalschutthaufcn; ddcombres, terres ruineuses; szeme-tes talajok, szemdtdombok, romos teriiletek; пустырь, щебень] -*rudera-tum 390 RUDERALIA n pi-» plantae rude-rales 391 RUDERALIS, ruderal, care crefte pe molozuri, gr&mezi de gunoi fi pe ruini [ruderal, growing among rubbish; schuttliebend, schuttbe-wohnend; ruddral, croissant sur les fumiers et ddcombres; ruder&lis, sze-metes helyen term6, romon n6v6; рудеральный, сорный] -*■ chledocolus m PLANTAE RUDE RALES, plante ruderale, buruienifuri antropofile de pe terenurile necultivate [ruderals, ruderal - plants; Ruderalpflanzen, Schuttpflanzen; plantes de ddcom-bres, plantes ruddrales; romnOvdnyek, szemetes teriiletek gyomnflvdnyei; рудеральные растения, сорные растения, мусорники] -*•phellidophyta, pkel-lophyta, ruderalia 392 RUDER AT UM n -» rudera 393 RUDERATUS, gunoios, cu moloz [ruderate; schuttig; ddcombrd; szemetes; рудеральный] 394 RUDIMENTALIS, RUDIMENTA-RIS, RUDIMENTARIUS, rudi-mentar 1. Aflat tn stadiul initial al dezvoltSrii. 2. Redus in dezvoltare fi func[iuni (stamina) [rudimentary, rudimental, undeveloped; rudiments, reduziert, unausgebildet, ver-kiimmert; rudimentaire, гёduit; kez-detleges, redukklt, csбkevёnyes, visz-szafejl6d6tt, elsatnyult; рудиментарный, зачаточный] 395 RUDIMENT A TIO f -» degeneratio 396 RUDIMENTUM n, rudiment 1. Organ in faza incipient!! a dezvoltarii sale. 2. Organ ramas nedezvoltat [rudiment; Rudiment, Anfang, rudiment ares Organ, unentwickeltes Organ; rudiment; rudimentum, kezdeti szerv, cs6kevenyes szerv; рудимент, остаток, зачаток] 397 RUDIS, aspru, dur [rough, coarse; rauh, roh, grob; rude, raide; durva, 6rdes; грубый] 398 RUFESCENS (rufescoj, rufescent, rofcat bruniu [rufescent, brownish-red; fuchsrotwerdend, braunrOtlich, r6tlichwerdend; roussatre, brunitre rouge; v6rhenyesbarna, barndsvords, rdkaszin; рыжеющий, рыжеватый] —*■ rufidulus, rufulus 399 RUFI-, RUFO- (rufibarbus, ruficeps, rufipes, rufocroceus) —» rufus 400 RUFIDULUS —» rufescens 401 RUFIDUS, rofcat deschis [сЦаг-red; hellhochrot; rouge claire; vilagosvo-r6s; бледнорыжеватый] 402 RUFUS, rofcat, rofcat bruniu [reddish, rufous, fox-red, brownishired; fuchsrot, braunrotlich; rouge Stre brun; rokavdros, v6rhenyes, barnds-v6r6s; рыжий, рыжеватый] 403 RUGA f, cut5, zbirciturd, incre[itur5, pliu [wrinkle, fold; Runzel, Falte; 468 ride, pli; rdnc, redd; морщинка, складка] 404 RUGATUS, RUGI-, RUGOSUS, zbircit, cutat, pliat, incre^it (rugifolius, rugilobus) [rugate, rugose, wrinkled, folded; runzelig, gerunzelt, faltig; ridd, rugueux, рИё; rdncos, red6s; морщинистый, складчатый] -* rhyti- 405 RUGULA f, RUGELLA f, increti-turd micd, cu£d micd [little wrinkle; Runzelechen; petite ride; rdncocska, reddcske; небольшая морщинка] 406 RUGULOSUS, rugulos, slab zbircit; cu cute mici [rugulose, rugellose, finely wrinkled; feingerunzelt, klein-runzelig; ruguleux, a petites rides; rdncocskds, kiss6 rancos; мелкоморщинистый] 407 RUMINATIO f, ruminate, zbircire cu sinuozitS^i (endosperm) [rumination ; Rumination; rumination; oblos rancosodds; руминация] 408 RUMINATUS, ruminat, sinuat zbircit, scobit prin brezde neregulate (s5min[d) [ruminate, chewed; rumi-niert, zernagt, zerkluftet, kliiftigbe-nagt, verflochtenrunzelig; rumine; 6blosen rancolt, rancosan hajtoga-tott; руминированный, морщинистый] 409 RUM PENS (rumpo), rumpent, care se rupe sau se sfigie neregulat [cap-sula la Chenopodium) [rupturing, bursting; zerreiflend, ausreiBend, auf-platzend, zerplatzend; se rompant, se ddchirant; felrepedd, felszakadd, szdtrepedd, szabdlytalanul felnyild; разрывающий] —*■ ruptilis 410 RUNCATIO f, plivirea buruienilor [weeding; Gdten; sarclage; gyom-Idlds; прополка] 411 RUNCI NATO- PINNATIFIDUS, runcinat penat fidat; penat fidat gi cu dinfii oriental inapoi [runcinate-pinnatifid; schrotsdgefdrmig-fieder-spaltig; roncind pennatifide; kacuro-san szdrnyasan hasogatott; струговидно- перистонадрезный] 412 RUNCINATUS, runcinat, penat fidat, cu din^ii sau lobii inegali, ascutHi, dispugi asimetric gi indrep-taji spre baza limbului (frunzele la Sonchus, Taraxacum) [runcinate; schrotsdgefdrmig; roncind; kacuros, csipdelkds, agyaros; струговидный] 413 RUPES (-IS) f, stincd [rock; Fels* Felsen; rocher; szikla; скала] —♦ saxum 414 RUPESTER (-TRIS, -TRE), RU• PEST RIS (-IS, -E), stlncos, care cregte pe stinci [rupestral, rupestrine, RYTI- rocky, rock-dwelling; felsig, felsen-liebend; rupestre, desrochers; szik-lds, szikldn ё1б; скалистый, наскальный] -* lithoecius, lithophilus, saxosus PLANTAE RUPESTRES — lit-hopkyta* 415 RUPICOLUS ( COLA i), rupicol, care cregte pe stinci [rupicolous; fel-senbewohnend; rupicole; szikldn ndvd; обитающий на скалах] —► saxicolus 416 RUPIFRAGUS, rupifrag, care face sa crape stincile (epit. Helianthemum rupifragum ) [rock-breaking ;rock- splitting; felsenbrechend, felsenspaltend; fendant les rochers; szikldt tdrd, sziklat hasit6; скалоломный] —*■ saxi-fragus, lithopkagus 417 RUPTILIS, ruptil, care se rupe sau crapa cu ugurintd (fructul la Vicia sativa) [ruptile; zerbrechlich, berstend; ruptile; felhesadd, szdt-reped6; разрывной] —► rumpens 418 RUP TINER VIS, RUPTINER-VIUS, cu nervurile intrerupte [rup-tinerved; gebrochennervig, schwind-nervig; ruptinerve; szakadozott erezetu ; прерывисто-жилковый] 419 RURALIS, RURICOLUS ( COLA i), rural, de cimp, care cregte pe cimpuri [rural, ruricolous; landlich, feldlich, dorflich, feldwachsend; rural, cham-petre, ruricole; mezei, szdntofoldi, falusi, mezon novd; деревенский] 420 RUS (RURIS) n, cimp [land, field; Land, Feld, Acker; champ; mez6; поле, равнина] 421 RUSSUS, rogcat bruniu [russet, reddish-brown; rotlichbraun; rou-geatre-brun; barnavdros; рыжеватобурый] 422 RUSTICANUS, RUSTICUS, rustic, sdtesc, de la (ard [rustical; landlich; rustique, champetre; falusi, viddki; сельский] —> paganus 423 RUTILANS (rutilesco), rutilant, rogcat gdlbui [reddish-yellow; rdtlichgelb, rotglanzend ; jaune-rougedtre; piros-ldsdrga, dldnkpiros, vdrhenyesedd; краснеющий, желтоватокрасный] 424 RUTILUS, rogu portocaliu [reddish-orange; rotorange ; orangd-rouge; na-rancspiros; оранжево-красный] 425 RYNCH-, RYNCHO-, -RYNCHUS-* rhynch-, rhyncho-, rhynchus 426 RYTI-t RYTIDO- -> rhyti-, rhytido- s 1 SABULETUM n, SABULOSUM n, nisip&rie, loc nisipos [sandy-place; Sandplatz; sabli6re; homokos hely; песчаное место] 2 SABULICOLUS (-COLA t), sabu* licol, care create pe nisip [sabulico* lous, growing on sandy-places; sand' bewohnend; sabulicole; homoklakd; обитающий на песке] 3 SABULINUS, SABULOSUS, nisipos, care create pe terenuri nisipoase [sabulose, sandy; sandig, sandliebend; sableux, sablonneux; homoki, homo-kon ё1б; песчаный] —*• arenarius, ammophilus, psammophilus PLANTAE SABULOSAE - psdm-mophyta, (plantae) arenariae 4 SABULUM n, nisip, prund [sand, grit; Sand; sable; homok, porond; песок, гравий] 5 SACC ATUS, sacat, saciform, prevSzut cu un organ in formS de s&culet (pinten) [saccate, sacciform, bag-shaped, pouched; sackig, sackfdrmig, sackartig; sacciforme, en forme de bourse; zsSkos, zsSkszerfi; мешотчатый, мешковианый] —* bursiformis, crumenatus 6 SACCHARATUS, SACCHARINUS, zaharisit, dulce ca zah&rul, care contine zahSr [sugary, sugared, sweet like sugar ; zuckerig, zuckerhaltig, zucker-siifl; sucr6, saccharin, contenant de sucre; cukros, cukor6des, cukor tar-talmii; сахаристый] 1 SACCHARIFER, SACCHAROPHO-RUS, zaharifer, care produce zahSr [sacchariferous, sugar-bearing; zucker-tragend; sacchariffere; cukorterm6; сахароносный] 8 SACCHAROSUM n, zaharozS, di-zaharid compus din fructozS ?i glu-cozS, aflat in tulpina, r&dScina ?i fructele unor plante (Saccharum officinale, Beta vulgaris) [saccharose, cane-sugar ; Sacharose, Rubenzucker, Rohr-zucker; saccharose; szacchardz, r6- pacukor, n4dcukor; сахароза, тростниковый сахар] 9 SACCIFER, SACCJFORMIS — saccatus 10 SACCULUS m, SACCUS m, sac, s&culet, organ saciform - [sac, bag, pouch; Sack; sac; zs&k, zacsk6; мешок, мешочек]* 11 SACELLIFORMIS, saceliform, in forms de s&culet [sacelliform; sackchen-fdrmig; sacelliforme; zsSkocskaszerfi; мешочкообразный] 12 SACELLUS m, sacelus, capsulS mo-nospermi, cu dehiscent neregulatS, prin rupere (Chenopodium) [sacellus; Sazellus, Schlauchkapsel; sacelle. capsule rompante; szacellusz, sz6tre-pedd tok, szab&lytalanul felnyild tok; сацеллус, разрывающаясъ коробочка] 13 SAEPES f, gard, imprejmuire (ad saepes vel in saepibus lingS sau pe garduri) [hedge; Zaun; haie; s5v6ny; забор, ограда] * 14 SAEPIARIUS, SAEPJCOLUS (-COLA I), sepicol, care create pe garduri [sepicolous, growing in hedges; zaun-bewohnend; sepicole, sepiaire; s6v6ny-lak6, sdvSnyen 616; заборный] 15 SAGITTALIS, SAGITTARIUS, SA-GITTIFORMIS, SAGITTI-, sagitat, in formS de s&geatS; la baz& cu doi lobi egali, ascu^i^i, indrepta^i in jos, iar la virf ascutit ca vlrful unei sSgeti, ('frunzele la Sagittaria sagittifolia) [sagittate, arrow-shaped; pfeilf6rmig; pfeil-; sagitt6, en fer de fl6che; nyllas, nyil alakii, nyilas-; сагиттальный, стреловидный, стрело-] 16 SAGITTIFOLIUS, cu frunze sagitate [sagittifolious, arrow-leaved; pfeilbl&tt-rig; sagittifoli6; nyilas levelfi; стрелолистный] —► toxophyllus, belophyllus 17 SALEBROSUS, zgrunturos, cu gro-pite [uneven, bumpy, dimpled; nol-perig; grumeleux, bossu6; g6d6rk6s. ш egyenetlen feluletfi; бугорковый, ям-чатый] 18 SAUCARIUS, SALICINUS, SALIC I-, salicin 1. AsemSnStor cu salcia. 2. Care cregte sub sSlcii. 3. De .galcie (salicifolius, salicivorus) [willowy, wil-low-like, willow-; weidenShnlich, unter Weiden wachsend, weiden-; salicine, de saule; fdzszerfi, ffizesben termd, fuz-; ивовидный, иво-] —*• salignus 19 SAUCETUM n, sSlciig, loc cu sSlcii [willow-plot; Weidengebusch; saulaie, saussaie; fuzes; ивняк] 20 SALIENS (salio), care Jtgnegte, care este aruncat afarS (sSmin|S) [salient, projecting forward; ausspringend; projetd en ddhors, jaillissant; kiugrd, kiszdrodo; отскакивающий] 21 SALIFODINA f, ocnS de sare (ad salifodinas pe lingS ocne de sare) [salina, salt-pit; Salzbergwerk; saline; sobSnya; солевая копь] 22 SALIGNUS — salicinus 23 SALINUS, salin, sSrSturos. care cregte pe sol sSrSturos [saline, salty, Rowing in salty soils; salzig, salzliebend, salzbodenliebend; salin, croissant sur terres salines; s6s, sdtxird, s6s talajt kedveld; солевой, засоленный] -* ha-lopkilus PLANTAE SALINAE — halophyta 24 SALMONEUS, SALMON I COLOR, SALMONICUS, palid rogcat, gSlbui rozeu [salmon-coloured, yellowish-pink; lachsfarbig, gelblichrosenrot; couleur saumonde, jaunStre-rose; lazac szinu, halvSnyvdrds, sSrgSs-rdzsaszin; лососевый, желтовато-розовый] 25 SALPINGANTHIA t (gr. odAiciyS ,,trompetS“, dvOo? „floare“), salpin-gantie, transformarea florilor ligulate din antodii tn flori tubuloase (Morren) [salpinganthy; Salpinganthie; salping-anthie; szalpingSntia; салъпингантия] 26 SALPINGANTHUS (gr. -), tubiflor, cu flori tn formS de trompetS [trumpet-flowered ; trompetenblutig; S fleurs en trompette; trombita virSgfi; хоботоцветковый] 27 SALSUGINEUS, SALSUGINOSUS, sSrSturos [brackish; etwas salzig; sal-sugineux; kissd s6s, szikes; солонце- ВЫЙ]* 28 SALTEM adv, cel pu^in, mScar (saltern pro parte cel pu^in tn parted [at least; mindestens; au moins; lega-lSbb; во всяком случае] SAN TON ICUS 29 SALTUAR1US, forestier, silvic [forestry; forstlich; forestier; erddszeti; лесной]* 30 SALTUENSIS, SALTUOSUS, pSdu-ros [wooded, woody; waldig; boisd; erdds; лесистый, лесообразующий]-» silvaticus PLANTAE SALTUENSES (plan-tae) silvaticae 31 SALTUS (-US) m -> silva 32 SALUBER, SALVUS, sSnStos [healthy; gesund; sain; egdszsdges; здоровый] 33 SALUTARIS, vindecStor, curativ, care redS sSnStatea [sanative, healing, curative, healthful, saviour; heilsam, heilkraftig; salutaire, curatif; meg-ment6, gydgyitd, gydgyhatSsii; спасительный, целебный] —*■ sanatorium 34 SAMARA f, samarS, fruct uscat inde-hiscent, turtit, cu pericarpul dilatat tn aripi membranoase (Ulmus, Fraxinus) [samara, winged fruit; Fliigelfrucht, geflugelte Schliessfrucht; samare; le-penddk, szSrnyas makk; крылатка] —*■ pterodium 35 SAMARIFER, samarifer, care poartS sau produce samare [samariferous; fliigelfruchttragend; samarifdre; lepen-ddkes, lependdket termd; крылатконосный] 36 SAMARIFORMIS, SAMAROIDE-US, samariform, asemSnStor cu samara [samaroid, samara-like; flugel-fruchtartig; samarotde; lependdkszerfi; крылатковидны й] 37 SANATORIUS —» salutaris 38 SANDALIFORMIS, SANDALI-NUS, sandaliform, tn formS de san-dalS sau de pantof ('florile la Cypri-pedium calceolus) [slipper-shaped; pan-toffelfdrmig; sandaliforme; szandSl-szerfl, papucs alakd; туфлеобразный] —» calceiformis, calceolaris 39 SA NG UIN A LIS, SANGUINARIUS, SANGUINEUS, SANGUINOLEN-TUS, sanguineu, rogu ca slngele (frunzele la Rumex sanguineus, Ama-ranthus cruentus) [sanguine, blood-red, blood-coloured, crimson ; blutrot, blut-farbig, dunkelrot; sanguin, rouge sang; vdrpiros, vdrvdrds; кровавокрасный] -*• cruentus, haematinus, androsaemus 40 SAN TONIC U S, vermifug, care alungS viermii intestinali [vermifuge; wurm-abtreibend; vermifuge; gilisztahajtd; глистогонный] —* antihelminthicus, vermifugus SANTONINA 41 SANTONINA f, santonina, principiu activ extras din florile de Artemisia cina, folosit ca vermifug [santonin; Santonin; santonine; szantonin; сантонин] 42 SAPIDUS, gustos, savuros [sapid, savoury, tasteful, well-flavoured; schmackhaft, wohlschmeckend; sapide, savoureux; izletes, jdizfi; вкусный] 43 SAPINEUS, SAPINUS, ca bradul, cu miros de brad [fir-like; tannenartig, tannenduftend; sapino'id; fenyoszerfi, fenyo iliatu; шитовидный] 44 SAPONACEUS, SAPONARIUS, sa-ponaceu, asemSnStor cu sSpunul [saponaceous, soapy; seifenartig; sapo-nacd, savonneux; szappanszeru; мыльный] 45 SAPONIN A f, saponinS, glicozid pro-ducStor de spumS aflat in Saponaria officinalis [saponin; Saponin; sapo-nine; szaponin; сапонина] 46 SAPOR m, gust [taste, flavour; Gesch-mack; saveur ; iz; вкус] 47 SAPPHIRATUS, SAPPHIRINUS, safirin, de culoarea albastrS a safi-rului [sapphire-coloured; saphirblau; saphirine, bleu-saphir ; zafirkdk; цвета сапфира] 48 SAPROBIA n pi, SAPROBIONTA n pi (gr. ааярдд ,,putred“, (Иод ,,via$S“), saprobion(i, organisme care trSiesc !n apele cu reziduuri organice [saprobionta, saprobia; Saprobien, Sa-probienten; saprobiontes; szaprobion-tak; сапробионты] 49 SAPROBIOSIS t (gr. -), saprobiozS, viaja organismelor in apele poluate cu reziduuri organice [saprobiosis; Sa-probiose; saprobiose; szaprdbidzis; ca-пробиоз] 50 SAPROBIOTICUS, SAPROBIUS (gr. -), saprobiotic, care trSie§te in apele poluate sau pe resturi organice in stare de putrefacjie (miceliu) [saprobiotic ; saprobiotisch; saprobio-tique; szaprobidtikus; сапробный] 51 SAPROGENICUS, SAPROGENUS (gr. -, yewd© „a se na§te“), saprogen 1. Care cauzeazS putrezirea substan-telor organice (bacterii). 2. Care create pe substance aflate in stare de putre-zire [saprogenic, causing decay, living on decay; saprogen, faulniserregend, fSulnisbewohnend; saprogfene; rothasz-t6, szaprogSn, rothadSst okozd; сапрогенный, вызьшающий гниение, вызванный гниением] 466 52 SAPRQGEOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, yf] ,,pSmint“, фитду „plants ), saprogeo-fite, antofite saprobiotice (Epipogium) [saprogeophytes; Saprogeophyten; sa-progdophytes; szaprogeofitSk; canpo- * геофиты] 53 SA PROM YIOPHILAE i pi (gr.-, pula ,,muscS“, ф1Хёш „а iubi“), sa-promiiofile, plante polenizate prin diptere de hoituri §i dejec(iuni, cu flori neplScut mirositoare (Hyoscyamus) [sapromyiophilae; Aasfliegenblumen; sapromyiophilae; szapromiiofil ndve-nyek; сапромийофилы] 54 SAPROMYIOPHILUS (gr. —), sa-promiiofil, polenizat prin diptere de hoit §i dejec[iuni (plante) [sapromyio-philous; aasfliegenblumig; sapromy-iophile ; doglegyekkel porzodd; canpo-мийофильный] 55 SAPROPELICUS (gr.-, тщХбд ,,no-roi“), sapropelic, care se dezvoltS pe substanfele in curs de putrezire din fundul apelor cu mil (Algae) [sapropelic ; sapropelisch; sapropdle; sza-propelikus; сапропелевый] 56 SAPROPHAGUS (gr.-, фауёо „a minca“), saprofag, care se nutre§te cu organisme in curs de descompunere [saprophagous; saprophag; sapropha-ge; szaprofSg, dogevd; сапрофагный] 57 SAPROPHILUS (gr. -, Ф1Ш> „а iubi“), saprofil, care prefers resturile organice; care create pe humus [sa-prophilous; faulnisliebend, humuslie-bend; saprophile; televdnykedvelo, korhaddkon term б; сапрофильный] -» sathrophilus 58 SAPROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитду „plants"), saprofite, plante care se nutresc cu resturi organice in curs de putrezire (Neottia) [saprophytes; Sa-prophyten, Faulnispflanzen, Humus-pflanzen, Moderpflanzen, Verwesungs- flanzen; saprophytes; televdnylakdk, orhaddk-novdnyek, szaprofitSk, hu-muszlakd ndvdnyek; сапрофиты] -* sathrophyta 59 SAPROPHYTICUS (gr. -), ,sapro-fitic, care create pe resturi organice putrezite [saprophytic; saprophytisch; saprophyte; szaprofita, szaprofitikus; сапрофитный] 60 SAPROPHYTISMUS m (gr. --), sa-profitism, mod de nutritie heterotro-ficS din substance organice fSrS de viaJS [saprophytism; Saprophytismus; saprophytisme; szaprofitizmus; ca-профитизм] 467 61 SAPROPLANCTON n (gr. likay-kt6<; „rStScitor"), saproplancton, mi-croplanctonul apelor bogate in sub-stante organice in descompunere [sa-proplankton; Saproplankton; saproplancton ; szaproplankton; сапропланк-тон] 62 SARC-,SARCO-,-SARCUS(gr.taap^ саркбд ,,carne“), cSrnos (sarcanthus, sarcocephalus, sarcolobus, sarcochilus, chlorosarcus) [flesh-, fleshy; fleisch-, fleischig; charnu; hiisos, -hiisu; мясисто-, мясистый] —► carnosus 63 SARCOBASIS f (gr. -, Расти; ,,baza“), sarcobazS, ginobaza disciformS gi cSr-noasS [sarcobasis; Fleischboden, Fleischwulst, fleischiger Stempel-boden; sarcobase; husos bibealap; саркобаза, мясистое сёдлышко] 64 SARCOCARPIUM n, sarcocarp 1. Mezocarpul cSrnos sau suculent al unor fructe (Prunus, Malus, Vitis). 2. Fruct cSrnos (in general) [sarcocarp, fleshy fruit; Sarkokarp, Frucht-fleisch, Fruchthiille, fleischige Frucht; sarcocarpe, pulpe, fruit charnu; ter-mdshiis, gyiimdlcshus, husos termds; саркокарпий, мясистый, межплодник, мясистый плод] 65 SARCOCARPUS (gr. --), sarcocarpic, cu fructele cSrnoase sau pulpoase [sarcocarpous; sarkokarpisch, fleisch-friichtig; sarcocarpique; hiisos ter-mdsu; мясистоплодный] 66 SARCOCAULIS m (gr. -, кauXdg ,,tulpinS“), tulpinS cSrnoasS (Cacta-ceae, unele Euphorbiaceae) [sarcocaul, fleshy-stem; fleischiger Stengel; tige charnue; hiisos szSr; мясистый стебель] 67 SARCOCHORES f pi (gr. -, xcopdoo „a se rSspindi"), sarco(c)hore, plante care se rSsplndesc cu ajutorul fructelor lor cSrnoase (Dansereau) [sarcochores; Sarkochoren; sarcochores; sarkochor-ndvdnyek; саркохорные] 68 SARCOCLADUS (gr. -, кШод „ramurS"), cu ramuri cSrnoase [flesh-twigged; fleischzweigig; a rameaux charnus; husos Sgii; мясистоветвистый] 69 SARCODERMA n, SARCODERMIS (-IDIS) f (gr. -, 8dppa „piele") -» meso-spermium 70 SARCOIDEUS (gr. -, elfiog „asemSnare"), sarcoid, asemSnStor cu carnea [sarcoides; fleischShnlich; earcolde; hdsezerfi; мякотный] SARMENTUM 71 SARCOLEPIS (gr. -, Xextg „scvamS"), cu scvame cSrnoase [flesh-scaled; fleischschuppig; S dcailles charnues; hiisos pikkelyu; мясисточешуйчатый] 72 SARCOMA n (gr. -), sarcomS, disc cSrnos (la unele nectarii) [sarcoma; Fleischring; sarcome; hiisos korong; саркома] 73 SARCOPHAGUS (gr. -, фауесо „а minca") —*■ carnivorus, insectivorus, zoophagus 74 SARCOPHYLLUS■ (gr. -, Фи Uov „frunzS"), cu frunze cSrnoase [fleshleaved; fleischblSttrig; a feuilles charnues; hiisos levelu; мясистолистный] 75 SARCOPUS, SARCOPODUS (gr. -, тсоОд, noSdi; „picior"), cu suportul cSrnos [flesh-stalked; fleischfiiBig; sar-copdde; hiisos tonku; мясистонож-ковый] 76 SARCORRHIZUS (gr. -, № „rS-dScinS"), cu rSdScini cSrnoase [flesh-rooted; fleischwurzelig; a racines charnues; hiisos gyokeru; мясистокорешковый] 77 SARCOSPERMUS (gr. -, ojrdppa ,,sSmin(S“), cu semin^e cSrnoase [flesh-seeded; fleischsamig; S graines charnues ; hiisos magvii; мясястосемян-ныи] 78 SARCOTESTA f (gr. -, lat. testa „carapace"), sarcotestS, inveligul extern cSrnos al unor semin^e (Cycas) [sarcotesta; fleischige Samenschale; sarcotesta; hiisos maghdj; сарко-теста] 79 SARMENTACEUS, sarmentaceu, asemSnStor cu sarmentul (tulpina la Lysimachia nummularia) [sarmenta-ceous; schdBlingartig; sarmentacd; indaszeru; лозовидный] 80 SARMENTIFER,SARMENTOSUS, sarmentos, prevSzut cu sarmen^i (tulpinS) [sarmentiferous, sarmentose, sarmentous, with shooting runners; schdBlingtreibend, wurzelrankig, kriech rankig; sarmenteux; legydkerezo indSs; лозоносный] 81 SARMENTIFORMIS —*■ sarmenta-ceus 82 SARMENTUM n, sarment, ISstar aerian lung, subtire, tiritor, radicant, cu frunze la virf, indeplinind func(ii de reproducere (Fragaria vesca, Saxi- f'raga sarmentosa) [sarment; SchdB-ing; sarment, coulant; inda, szapo-rit6 hajtSs, hevero hajtSs; лоза] SATELLES 83 SATELLES (-ITIS) m, satelit, segment cromozomal ata§at de corpul principal al cromozomului printr-un filament sublire (Nava§in) [satellite, trabant, sat-chromosome; Satellit, Trabant Satellitenchromosom, Sat-Chromosom; satellite; szatellit, trabant, szat-kromoszdma, kisdrd kro-moszdmadarabka; спутник хромосомы, хромосома со спутником] 84 SA THROPHIL VS (er. oaOpdg ,,pu-trezit", viXico „a iubi") -► sapro-philus 85 SATHROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитбу „plants") -» saprophyta 86 SAT1FORMA f -» cultiforma 87 SATIO f, semSnat, tnsSmtntare [sowing; SSen; ensemencement; vetds; посев, сев] 88 SATIVUS, cultivat, plantat, sSdit [cultivated, planted, sown; angebaut, bebaut, gesSt, gebaut, gezuchtet, kui-tiviert; cultivd, plantd, semd; tenydsz-tett, iiltetett, vetett, kultivSlt; культивируемый, сеянный, посевной]-» cul-tus, cicur PLANTAE SATIVAE — (plantae) cultae 89 SATURATE-VIRENS (vireo), Inchis verzui [saturate-virent; tiefgru-nend; verdStre foncd; sdtdten z6l-delo; насыщенно-зелёнеющий] 90 SATURATE-VIRIDIS, inchis verde [deep-green; sattgrun; vert foncd; sdtdtzdld, haragoszdld; насыщенно-зелёный] 91 SATURATUS, inchis la culoare, in-tunecat [deep; satt, gesSttigt; sa-turd, foncd; sdtdt; насыщенный] 92 SATUS (-US) m, semSnSturS, plan-tare [sowing; Saat; semailles, ensemencement, plantation; iiltetds, ve-tds; посев] 93 SATUS, semSnat, sSdit [sowed; gesSt, angesSt; ensemencd; vetett; посеянный] 94 SAURO- (gr. aavpa ,,§opirlS“), asemSnStor §opirlei; prin intermediul §opirlelor (saurocephalus) [lizard-; eidechsen-; de ldzard, par des ldzards; gyik-, gyikok Sltal; ящерицо-] 95 SAUROCHORIA f (gr. -, %<Ьрш „а se rSspindi"), sauroc(h)orie,r5splndirea semin jelor sau a sporilor prin intermediul §opirlelor [saurochory; Sauro-chorie; saurochorie; szaurochdria; саврохория] 468 96 SAUROCHORUS (gr.--),sauroc(h)or, r&sptndit prin intermediul gopirlelor [saurochorous, disseminated by lizards; saurochor, durch Eidechsen verbrei-tet; saurochore, dissemind par les ldzards; gyikok Sltal terjedd; распространяемый ящерицами] 97 SAUROPHILUS (gr. -, фА&в „а iubi") -» saurochorue 98 SAUROPHILIA f (gr. - -) — sauro-choria 99 SAUTELLUS m — bulbiUus 100 SAX AT I LIS, SAXICOLUS (-COLA f), saxatil, saxicol, care create pe sau printre stinci (licheni, plante) [saxatile, saxicolous, rock-loving; fel-senliebend, felsenbewohnend, gerdll-bewohnend; saxatile, saxicole; szik-lai, sziklSn termd, sziklSn did; наскальный, живущий на скалах] —» li-thoecius, lithophilus, rupester, epipet-reus, saxigenus 101 SAXIFRAGUS, care sfarmS piatra (Tunica saxifraga) [saxifragous, rock-breaking; felsenbrechend, steinbre-chend; saxifrage, fendant les rochers; sziklatdrd, kdrontd, sziklSt hasitd; скаполомный] —► lithophagus, rupi-fragus 102 SAXIGENUS — saxicolus 103 SAXOSUS, stincos, care cre§te pe locurile stincoase [rocky, stony; fel-sig, steinig; rocheux; sziklSs; скалистый] —» rupester, scopulosus PLANTAE SAXOS AE -» (plantae) rupestres 104 SAXUM n, stincS, piatrS (in saxis pe stinci) [rock, stone; Fels, Stein; roche, rocher, pierre; szikla, kd; скала, камень] —» rapes 105 SC A BE R, SCABRATUS, SCABRI-, scabru, aspru la pipSit din cauza excrescen[elor, punctulejelor sau a perilor scur^i, rigizi §i a§pri (tulpina la Celtis, frunzele la Ulmus scabra) (scabriflorus, scabrifolius, scabriglumis, scabripes, scabrisetus) [rough, scurvy, scabrous, scabrate, rugged; rauh, scharf; scabre, scabreux, rude, ra-boteux; drdes, durva; шероховатый, шершавый]—» asper 106 SCABERULUS, SCABRELLUS, SCABRIDIUSCULUS, SCABRI-DULUS, SCABRI DUS, SCABRI-USCULUS, scabriuscul, scaberul, pu-tin aspru [scabridous, roughish, minutely scabrous, slightly rough; rauhlich, schSrflich, etwas rauh; scabriuscule ш 107 108 109 НО 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 scabride, ISgdrement scabre; SrdeskSs, kissd drdes; слегка шероховатый] SCABRITAS f, SCABRITIA t, SCABRITIES f, scabritate, asprime la pipSit [roughness; Rauheit; sca-brositd; SrdessSg; шероховатость] SCABROSUS, scabros, pronunfat scabru [very rough; sehr rauh; trds scabre; erosen drdes; сильно шероховатый] SC ALA RIFORMJS, SCALARIS, SCAUFORMIS, scalariform, de forma unei scSri sau trepte (vase, fo-veolele semintelor la Najas minor) [scalariform, ladder-like; leiterfOrmig, treppenfOrmig; scalariforme, ressem-blant & une Schelle; ldtraforma, Eposes, !Spcs6 alaku; лестничный, лестницеобразный, ступенчатый] SCALENUS, inechilateral, cu laturile inegale (frunzS) [inequilateral, unequal-sided ; ungleichseitig; i^quila-1ёга1; egyenldtlen oldald; неравнобокий] —► inaequilateralis, inaequilaterus SCALPELLATUS, SCALPELLI-FORMIS, SCALPRATUS, SCAL-PRIFORMIS, scalpeliform, de forma briceagului sau a bisturiului [penknifelike, sharply edged; messerfOrmig; scalpelliforme; bicska alakii; скальпелевидный, резцевндный] SCAN DENS (scando), scandent, ur-cStor, care se urcS pe diferite supor-turi ortotrope cu ajutorul perilor (Galium aparine), ctrceilor (Vitis vi-nifera) sau a rSdScinilor fixatoare (Hedera helix) [scandent, climbing, clingy; kletternd, klimmernd, auf-steigend; grimpant; kapaszkodd, akasz-kodd, felkuszd, felfutd; лазящий, цеплящийся, лазающий, вьющийся] * SCAP-, SC API-, -SCAPUS, cu scap (ecapaceus, scapiger, breviscapwB) [scape-, -scapous; schaft-, -schaitig; S scape, S hampe; tdkocsSny-, td-kocsSnyos; стрелко-] SCAPELLUS m -»■ cauliculus SC A PHI DI IFER (gr. сткшр1<; ,,lun-tri[S“, lat. fero „a purta"), scafidiifer, care poartS scafidii [scaphidiiferous; skaphidientragend; scaphidiifdre; skafidiumos; несущий скафидии] SCAPHIDIUM n (gr. -), scafidie, sporange (Fucaeeae) [scaphidium; Skaphidie; scaphidium; skafidium, spdratartd; скафидий] SCAPHIUM n (gr. -) — carina SCAPHOIDEUS (gr. -, etSog „ase-mSnSre“) —* cymbiformis, navicular is SCELETON 119 SCAPHOPHORUS (gr. -, форд? ,,purtStor“) —*■ cymbulatus, navicu-latus 120 SCAPIFER, SCAPIGER, SCAPO-SUS, scapifer, prevSzut cu scap [sca-piferous, scapose; schafttragend; sca-pifdre; tdkocsanyos; стрелконосный] 121 SCAPIFLORUS, scapiflor, cu floarea purtatS de un scap [scapiflorous; schaftblumig; scapiflore; tdkocsdnyos virigii; стрелкоцветковый] 122 SC A PIFORMIS, SCAPOIDEUS, scapiform, cu tulpina ierbacee nefoliatS [scapiform, scape-like; schaftfdrmig; scapiforme; tdkocsSnyszerfi; стрелкообразный] 123 SCAPUS m, scap (pi. scapuri), axS sau peduncul floral radical, fSrS ramuri §i fSrS frunze (Convallaria, Primula, Taraxacum) [scape, shaft; Schaft, Bliitenschaft; scape, hampe; tdkocsany; стрелка] 124 SCARIFOLIUS, cu frunze membra-noase [membrane-leaved; hautblsttrig; S feuilles membraneuses; hSrtySs le-velfi; глёнчатолистный] —► hymeno-phyllus 125 SCARIOSUS, scarios, cu consisten[S uscatS §i membranoasS, subtire, semitransparent, nu are culoarea verde (apendicii foliolelor involucrale interne la Centaurea jacea, foliolele involucrale la Xerantkemum) [scariose, scarious; trockenhSutig, rasseldiirr; scarieux; szSrazhSrtySs; пленчатый, тонкоперепончатый] 126 SCARLATINUS, scarlatin, ro§u viu [scarlet, vivid-red, bright-red; schar-lachrot; dcarlate, rouge vif; skSrlSt-piros, karminpiros; яркокрасный] -* cinnabarinus, coccineus, miniatus 127 SCATOPHILUS, SC ATO PNAG US (gr. скатб? „excrement", „a iubi", фауё© „a mlnca") -*• copropha-gus, coprophilus 128 SCATURIGINUS — fontaneus 129 SCATURIGO f, izvor (plantae sca-turiginum plantele de HngS izvoare) [spring; Quelle; source; forrSs; родник, ключ] —> fons 130 SCELERATUS, ucigStor (Ranunculus sceleratus) [murderous; mdrderisch; meurtrier; gyilkold; убийственный] —► toxicus 131 SCELETON n, SCELETUS m (gr. акеХетбу „mumie"), schelet, cadrui persistent ?i dupS distrugerea unui organ (din membrana celularS, din SCEPTR1F0RMIS grSunciorul de amidon etc.) [skeleton; Skelett; squelette; vSz; скелет] 132 SCEPTRIFORMIS, sceptriform, de forma alungitS a unui sceptru sau toiag [sceptriform; zepterfOrmig; scep-triforme; kormSnypdlcaszerfi; скипетровидный] 133 SCHEDA f, schedS, etichetS de ier-bar; fi§& pe foaia de ierbar care cuprinde numele plantei, stajiunea, data colectSrii, numele colectorului etc., care In cazul exsicatelor adesea sint publicate sub forma unor bro§uri anexe [scheda, herbarium-label; Sche-da, Herbariumzettel; schdde, etiquette d’herbier; szkdda, herbSrium-cddula; этикетка, гербарный ярлык^ 134 SCHEDULA f, schedulS, etichetS micS de ierbar [schedule; Zettelchen; schddule; szkedula, kis cddula; коротенькая заметка] 135 SCHISM A TO-, SCHISTO-, -SCHIS-TUS (gr. oxiopa, oxiopatog „despi-саге“, охютбд „despicat"), despicat (schismatoglottis, schistoglossus, poly-schistus) [ cleft-, split-; spalt-, -spal-tig; fendu, profonddment divisd; ha-sadt-; расколото-, расколотый]-» schi-zo- 136 SCHISTACEUS (gr. -), §istos 1. Care create pe terenuri §istoase (in rupibus schistaceis pe stinci §istoase). 2. Cenu§iu inchis [schistaceous, slate-grey; schieferliebend, schieferfarbig, schiefergrau, blaugrau; schistace, ar-doisd; palds talajt kedvel6, palasztirke; обитающий на сланцах, синесерый, цвета сланца] 137 SCHISTOCALYX (gr. -, кйЩ „cupS"), си caliciul despicat [schisto-calyx; spaltkelchig; a calice fendu; hasadt kelyhu; расколоточашечковый] 138 SCHISTOCARPUS (gr. -, карябд ,,fruct“), cu fructe despicate [cleft-fruited ; spaltfruchtig; S fruits fendus; hasadt termdsu; расколотоплодный] 139 SCHISTOPHYLLUS (gr. -, cincin-nU8 211 SCOTOPHILUS (gr. окбтос „obscu-ritate**, ф1Хёш „a iubi**) -► sciado-philua 212 SCOTOPHOBISMUS m (gr. -, фбро? „fugS“), scotofobism, reac(iunea organ is-mului fa^S de tntuneric [skotophobism; Skotophobismus; scotophobisme; sko-tofobizmus; скотофобизм] 213 SCOTOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фбтоу „plants**), scotofite, plante de locuri Intunecoase [darkness-plants; Sko-tophyten, Dunkelpflanzen; scotophy-tes; szkotofitSk, Srnydkban did пб-vdnyek; скотофнты] 214 SCOTOPLANCTON n (gr. -, яХлу-ктб? „rStScitor**), sco toplanc ton, planctonul apelor de mari adtncimi, lip- SCOTOTAXIS sitede luminS [skotoplankton; Skoto-plankton, Dunkelplankton; scoto-plancton; szkotoplankton; скотопланк-тон, глубинный планктон] 215 SCOTOTAXIS f (gr. tdfo ,,or-dine“), scototaxie, orientare pozitivS spre tntuneric [skototaxis; Skotota-xie; scototaxie; szkototaxis; ското-таксис] 216 SCOTOTROPISMUS m (gr. TpoTtfj „curbare"), scototropism, tropism cauzat de obscuritate, cu orientare spre intuneric [skototropism; Skototro-pismus; scototropisme; szkototropiz-mus; скототропизм] 217 SCRIPTUS, scris, pStat (epit. Endy-mion non-scriptus) [written, spotted; beschrieben, gezeichnet, gefleckt; dcrit, maculd; irdsos, fdltos; написанный] 218 SCROBICULARIS, SCROBICULATUS, SCROBICULOSUS, scrobicu-lat, cu gropi mici sau cu scobituri alungite (slmburele la Prunus persica, receptaculul la Tragopogon) [scrobi-culate, minutely pitted; kleingrubig, ausgestochen; scrobiculd, creusd de petites fossettes; g6dr6cskds, vSjatos; ямчатый] 219 SCROBICULUS m, gropi^S, scobi-turS; depresiune micS pe suprafata unui organ [pit, small pot; Grubchen, Falz; fossette; gOdrOcske, vajat; ямка] 220 SCROFULOSUS -» inflatus 221 SCROTIFORMIS, scrotiform, in formS de sSculet sau de pungS [scrotiform, pouch-shaped; beutelfdrmig, hodensackformig; scrotiforme; zsa-kocska alaku; мошонкообраэный] —» bursiformis, tubercularis 222 SCRUPEUS, SCRUPOSUS, dur 1. Cu gropi[e dure. 2. Acoperit cu pie-tri§ colturos [rough, pebbly; rauh, rauhgrubig, steinig; dur, raboteux; durva, kovecses; неровный] 223 SCRUTATOR m, cercetStor (recen-tius ab ullo scrutatori planta non inven-ta mai recent planta n-a fost regSsitS de nici un cercetStor) [scientific explorer; Forscher; scrutateur, chercheur scientifique; tudomSnyos kutatd; исследователь] —» indagator 224 SCULPTURATUS, impodobit, orna-mentat [ornate, adornate; verziert, geschmuckt; ornd, decord; dlszes, diszitett; украшенный] ДО 225 SCUTATUS, SCUTIFORMIS, SCUTI-, scutat, de forma unui scut (scutifolius) [scutate, shield-shaped, buckler-shaped; schildartig, schild-fOrmig; dcussonnd; pajzsos, pajzssze-rfl; щитовидный]-» clypeatus * 226 SCUTELLARIS, SCUTELLATUS, SCU TELL1FORM1S, SCUTULA-TUS, scutelar, in formS de scutulej (embrionul la Holcus) [scutellate, scutelliform; schildchenfSrmig; scutelli-forme; pajzsocska alakd; щитковидный] 227 SCUTELLUM n, scutule(, scutelS 1. Cotiledonul scutiform convex al cariopsei, cu rol d absorb[ie a sub-stan(elor nutritiv (Gramineae). 2. Apoteciu disciform §i sesil (Parme-lia). 3. Apendicele labiului superior al caliciului (Scutellaria) [scutel, scutellum; Schildchen; scutelle; pajzsocska ; скутеллум, щиток] —>ancile 228 SCUTUM n, scut 1. Celulele inveli-§ului extern, scutiform, al anteridiei (Characeae). 2. Virful dilatat al stilului (Asclepias). 3. Disc circular care InconjoarS capi§onul (Apocy-naceae) [shield; Schild; dcusson; pajzs; щит, скутум] 229 SCYBALARIUS (gr. окироХжбд ,,de rSmS§i]e“) —» coprophilus 230 SCYPHA f, SCYPHUS m (gr. окбфо? „cupS"), cupS, expansiunea cupulifor-mS a apoteciilor, purtind organele de fructifica(ie (Lichenes) [scyphus, cupe; Becher ; scyphus, cupe; serleg; сцифа, бокалец] —» oplarium 231 SCYTINUM n (gr. акОтод „piele"), scitinS, pSstaie cu epicarpul coriaceu sau lemnos §i cu pulpa 'cSrnoasa (Cassia, Tamarindus ) [scy tinum; Scytinum; scytine; [szcitinum; сци-тинум] 232 SCYTOIDEUS (gr. -, elSog „asemSnare") —» coriaceus 233 SCYTOPHYLLUS (gr. -, puUov „frunzS"), cu frunze coriacee [leatheryleaved ; lederblattrig; S feuilles coria-cdes; boros levelu; кожистолистный] —» corifolius 234 SEBACEUS, sebaceu, asemSnStor cu seul [sebaceous, tallow-like; talgar-tig; sdbacd; faggyuszerfi; сальный] 235 SECEDENS (secedo), deta§abil, care se separS de suport [separating, splitting apart; abldsend, abfallend; sd-cddente, detachable, tombant; levald, lehull6 распадающийся] —» secernens* 236 SECERNENS, SECERNISCENS (secerno ) —► secedens 46& 237 SECESSIO f, separare, desprindere (a fructelor, a frunzelor) [separation, detachment; Absonderung; sdpara-tion, dёtachement; elkiildnulds, levS-14s; отделение] 238 SECESSUS, separat, izolat [separated, removed; abgesondert, abgetrennt; sdpard, ddtachd; elkuldnult, lev41t; отделившийся] 239 SECRETIO f, secrete, producerea unor substance biochimice de orga-nele secretorii (glande, tesuturi) [secretion; Sekretion, Absonderung; sdcrdtion; szekrdcid, kivalasztSs; секреция, выделение] 240 SECRETORIUS, secretor, care secrets produse vegetale (glande peri~) [secretory; absondernd; sdcrdtoire; kivSlasztd; секреторный, выделительный]* 241 SECT 10 f 1. Secjiune [cutting; Durch-schnitt; coupe; metszet; сечение]. 2. Sec^ie, ca subdiviziune a genului, In taxonomie [section; Sektion; section; szekcid; секция] * SECTIO TRANSVERSALIS -» trans-versalis 242 SECTOR m, sector, unitate topogra-ficS In fitocenologie, inferioarS dome-niului §i superioarS districtului (Braun-Blanquet) [sector; Sektor; secteur; szektor; сектор] 243 SECTORIALIS (lat. seco „a t4ia“), sectorial, de grefaj (chimera) [sectorial ; sektorial; sectoriel; szektoriSlis; секториальный] 244 SECTUS, -SECTUS, sectat, incizat pinS la bazS (frunza ~ ptnd la nervura medians) (angustisectus, dissectus, cordisectus) [cut; -schnittig, geschnit-ten; sdqud; szeldelt, hasogatott; разрезанный, рассечённый] 245 SECUNDARIUS, secundar, de ordi-nul al doilea [secondary; sekundSr; secondaire; masodlagos; вторичный]* 246 SECUNDIFLORUS, secundiflor, cu toate florile intoarse in aceea§i parte (Herbert) [secundiflorous; einseitigblu-hend; secondiflore; egyoldalon virSg-z6; одностороннецветковый] 247 SECUNDIFOLIUS, secundifoliat, cu toate frunzele indreptate in aceea§i parte (Herbert) [secundifolious; ein-seitigblattrig; secondifolid; egyoldalon leveles; одностороннелистный] 248 SECUNDINA n, secundina, inveli§ul intern al ovulului sau al semin^ei [secondine; Sekundine, innere Samen- SEG REG ATUS schale; secondine; szekundina, belsd maghdjszdvet, magdudor-beltakard; секундина] —» legmen 249 SECUNDUS, al doilea, urmStorul (frunzd, lob) [second, next; zweiter, folgender; second, suivant; mdsodik, kdvetkezd; второй, следующий] 250 SEC U RIFORMIS, securiform, in formS de secure (frunzS) [hatchet-shaped; beilfdrmig; en forme de hache; fejsze alaku; секирообразный] 251 SEDANS (sedo), alinStor, calmant, care potole§te durerea [soothing; lin-dernd; calmant, lenifiant; csillapito, enyhito; успокаивающий] 252 SEDES f, loc, pozi}ie [seat, place; Stelle, Platz; lieu, place; hely; место] SEDES FLO RIS —► torus 253 SEGES (-ETIS) f, semSnSturS, cimp insSmin^at cu cereale (inter segetes intre semSnaturi) [cornfield; Saatfeld, Getreidefeld; champ ensemencd; ve-tds, gabonafdld; посев, пашня, засеянное поле] 254 SEGETALIA n pi, buruieni din semSnSturi [field-weeds; SaatunkrSu-ter; mauvaises herbes des semies; szantofoldi gyomnovdnyek, vetdsi g/omnovdnyek ;сорног.олевыг растения] 255 SEGETALIS, segetal, care cre§te printre semSnSturi [growing in cornfields ; saatfeldbewohnend; sdgdtal; vetdsi, vetds kozt termo; пашенный] * 256 SEGMENTATIO f, segmentare 1. Divizarea in segmente sau in pSr|i asemSnStoare. 2. Divizarea celulei apicale [segmentation, splitting into segments; Segmentierung, Gliederung; segmentation; szegmentScid, baraz-dSlddas; сегментация, деление на сегменты] —*■ merogenesis 257 SEGMENT ATUS, segmentat, divi-zat in segmente (frunzS, ovul) [segmented; segmenliert; segmentd; szeg-mentSlt, feldarabolt; сегментированный] 258 SEGMENTUM n, segment, una din diviziunile organului sectat [segment; Segment, Abschnitt; segment; szelet, hasSb; сегмент]* 259 SEGREGATIO f, segregare, separare [segregation, dissociation; Segregation, Absonderung; sdgrdgation, sd-paration; szegregacid, elkiildnulds; сегрегация, расщепление] 260 SEGREGATUS—> separatus, disjunc-tus, sejunctus SEIROGONJDIU M 261 SEIROGONIDIUM n (gr. oeipd ,,funie“, yovlSiov „sSmlnji") —» sci-rospora 262 SEIROLYTICUS (gr. Хипкбд „care se desprinde"), seirolitic, cu caractere ereditare separate (hibrizi ~) [seiroly tic; seirolytisch; seiro-lytique; szeirolitikus; сеиролнтичес-кий] 263 SEIROSPORA f (gr.ояорй „sSmintS"), seirospor, paraspor; spori dispu$i in serii furcat ramificate sau in grupe neregulate (Ceramiaceae) [seirospore; Seirospore; seirospore; szeirospdra; сеироспора] -*• paraspora, seirogonidium, synaptospora 264 SEISMOCHORISMUS m (gr. oe-lapix; ,,zguduire“, %сор£ш „а se rSspin-di“), seismochorism, rdspindire prin deta$area fructului, semintei sau a sporilor datoritS unei zguduiri (Fitting) [seismochorism; Seismochoris-mus; seismochorisme; szeiszmocho-rizmus; сейсмохоризм] 265 SEISMONASTIA f (gr. -, vaazbq ,,comprimat“), seismonastie, mi§care de reac(ie la atingere sau zguduire (la Mimosa, Dionaea) [seismonasty; Seismonastie, StoBreizbewegung; sdis-monastie; szeiszmonasztia, rSzkddasi ingermozgas ; сейсмонастия] 266 SEISMOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, троят) „curbare"), seismotropism, mi§-care de curbare cauzatS de atingere sau de zguduire (Pfeffer) [seismotropism ; Seismotropismus; sdismotro-pisme; szeiszmotropizmus; сейсмотропизм] —*• siotropismus 267 SEJUNCTUS —*• discretus, disjunctus, segregatus, separatus 268 SELECT 10 f, selec[ie, trierea naturals sau artificials a indivizilor cu calitSti superioare, avind ca urmare ameliora-rea descenden^ilor [selection; Selek-tion, Auslese; selection; szelekcid, kivSlasztddSs; селекция, отбор]* 269 SELECTIVUS, selectiv 2. Cu frec-ventS mai mare intr-o asociatie (spe-cie~). 2. Cu rSspindire §i sociabilitate sub influenza concurenjei (corolo-gie ~) [selective; selektiv, auswSh-lend; sdlectif; szelektiv, kivSlogato; селективный, избирательный] 270 SELECTUS, selec^ionat, ales [selected, chosen; auserwShlt, auserlesen; sdlectionnd, choisi; kivSlasztott; o-тобранный] 271 SELENOCARPUS (gr. semiorbicularis 294 SEMICLATRATUS —► semicancel-latus 295 SEMICLAUSUS, scmiinchis [semiclosed ; halbgeschlossen; demi-clos; f^lig csukott; полузакрытый] 296 SEMICONN ATUS, semiconat, con-crescut pe jum&tate [semi-connate; halbverwachsen; demi-soud6; f61ig Osszendtt; полуприросший] -* semiad-naius 297 SEMICONVOLUTUS, semiconvolut, rSsucit pe jum&tate [semi-convolute; halbgerollt; demi-enroul6; f61ig csa-varodott; полу завернутый] 298 SEMICORDATUS, SEMICO RDI-FORMIS, semicordat, partial cordat [semi-cordate; halbherzformig; semi-cordiforme; f£lig sziv alaku; полу-сердцевидный] 299 SEMICOSTATUS, semicostat, partial costat [semi-costate; halbgerippt; 8епй-со81ё; fSlig bordazott; полуреб-ристый] 300 SEMI С YLINDRACE U S, SEMI-CYLINDRICUS, semicilindric (frunza la Triglochin maritimum, pe\iolul la Clematis flammula) [semi-cylindrical ; halbwalzig, halbwalzenformig; demi-cylindrique; fёlhengeгes; полу-цилиндрический] —> semiteres 301 SEMIDECANDRUS (lat. -, gr. 5ёка ,,zece“, dvf|p, dv8p6? ,,b&rbat“), semi-decandru, cu cinci stamine [five-sta-mened; ftinfmSnnig, halbzehnm&nnig; a cinq ё1атшеБ ; otporzds; пятиты-чинковый] 302 SEMIDECURRENS, semidecurent, decurent numai pe jum&tate parte; partial decurent (frunza la Verbas-cum phlomoides) [semi-decurrent; halbherablaufend; semi-d6current; fёlig lefutd; полунизбегающий] 303 SEMIDECUSSATUS, semidecusat, dispus in parte cruci§ [semi-decussate; halbkreuzstSndig; demi-crois&; fSlig keresztben &116; полуперекрестный] 304 SEMIDEHISCENS, semidehiscent, dehiscent numai pe jum&tate [halfopening ; halbaufspringend; semi-dёhiscent; ГёН^ felnyild; полувскры-вающийся] SEMIDIGYNUS 305 SEMIDIGYNUS (lat. gr. 81? „douS", „femeie"), semidigin, cu douS carpele concrescute la bazS (ovar) [semi-digynous; halbzweinar-big; semi-digyne; kdt fdligGsszen6tt termolevelu; полу двупестичный] 306 SEMIDUPLEX, semidublu (cu sta-minele interne perfecte, cele externe petaloide §i pe jumState transformate in floare dublS) [semidouble; halb-verdoppelt; semi-double; fdlig du-plSzott; полудвойной] 307 SEMIEQUITANS, semiecvitant, care se incalecS numai pe jumState (frunze ~) [semiequitant; halbrei-tend; semi-dquitant; fdlig egymasra-g6ngyol6do; полуобъемлющий] —*• se-miobvolutus 308 SEMIERECTUS, semierect [half-upright; halbaufrecht; demidresse; fdlig felalld; полупрямостоячий] 309 SEMIFLOSCULOSUS, semifloscu-los, cu flori ligulate [semiflosculous; zungenbliitig; semi-flosculeux, demi-fleuronnd; nyelvecskds virSgG: полу цветкочковый, язычкоцветковый] —*• liguliflorus 310 SEMIFLOSCULUS m —flos ligu-latus 311 SEMIFRUTEX m -» suffrutex 312 SEMIGALE ATUS, semigaleat, cu jumState de cascS [semi-galeate; halb-behelmt; demi-casqud; fdlig sisa-kos; полушлемовидный] 313 SEM1GAMO PET ALUS (lat. -, gr. yapo? „unire", яетаХоу „petals"), semi-gamopetal, cu petalele concrescute numai in partea lor inferioarS [semi-gamopetalous; halbverwachsenkron-blSttrig; semi-gamopdtale; fdlig forrt-szirmii; полуспайнолепестный] 314 SEMIGLOBOSUS, SEMIGLOBU-LARIS, SEMIGLOBULOSUS, semi-globulos, emisferic [half-globose, hemispherical ; halbkugelig, halbkugel-rund; semi-globuleux, hdmisphdri-que; fdlgOmbszerfi; полушаровидный] —» hemisphaericus, cupoliformis 315 SEMIHASTATUS, semihastat, has-tat numai pe о parte [semi-hastate; halbspieBformig; demi-hastd; fdlig dSrdSs; полукопьевидный] 316 SEMIHERCOGAMIA f (lat. -, gr. брко? „IngrSditurS", yupo? „cSsStorie"), semihercogamie, polenizare prin intermediul insectelor, uneori insS §i autopolenizare (Delphino) [semihercogamy; Halbherkogamie; 466 semihercogamie; fdlherkogSmia; no-лугеркогамия] 317 SEMIHUMIDUS, semiumed (climax sol ~) [semi-humid; halb-feucht; semi-humide; fdlig nedves, fdlig nyirkos; полувлажный] 318 SEMIIMMERSUS, semiimers, pe jumState scufundat !n apS (frunz&~) [semiimmersed; halbuntergetaucht; demi-submergd, demi-plongd; fdlig alSmeriilt; полупогруженный] 319 SEMIINFERUS, semiinferior, ade-rent numai fn jumStatea inferioarS (ovar ~) [semi-inferior; halbunter-stSndig; demi-infdre; fdlig alsdSlla-sd; полунижный] 320 SEMIINTEGRIFOLIUS, semiinte-grifoliat, cu frunze aproape nedivizate [semi-integrifolious; fastganzblattrig; semi-integrifolid; majdnem osztatlan levelS; полуцельнокраииий] 321 SEMILAMELLA f, semilamelS, la-melS himenialS ce nu se intinde complet de la centra ptnS la circonferintS (la Agaricus) [half-la-mel; Halblamelle; demi-feuillet; fdl-lemezke; полупластинка] 322 SEMILAMINA f, semilaminS, jumStatea pinS la nervura medians a laminei frunzei [half-blade; Halb-spreite; demi-limbe; fdllemez; полупластинка] 323 SEMILATENS (lateo), semilatent, cu unele caractere la care anomalia accidentals este о manifestare a unei fnsu§iri latente §i inactivabile (De Vries) [semilatent; semilatent, halb-verborgen; semi-latent; fdlig lappan-gd; полулатентный] 324 SEMILENTICULARIS, semilenti-cular [semilenticular; halblinsenfdr-mig; demi-lenticulaire; fdlig lencse-szerG; получечевичковидный] 325 SEMILIANA t, semilianS, plants partial adaptatS pentru cS^Srare, care create la liziera pSdurilor sau formeazS garduri vii (ex. Clematis vitalba) (Warming) [semiliane; Halbliane; de-mi-liane; fdligkGszd cserje; полулиа-на] 326 SEMILIBER, semiliber, semiaderent [half-free; halbfrei; demi-libre; fdlig szabad; полусвободный] -*■ semiad-haerens 327 SEMILICHEN m, semilichen, ciu-percS ce se poate combina cu diferite alge pentru a forma un lichen sau poate trSi saprofitic, separat de 469 alge (Zukal) [semilichen; Semilichen; semilichen; fdligzuzmd; полулишай-ник] 328 SEMILOBATUS, semilobat [half-lobed; halbgelappt; semi-lobd; fdlig kard jos; полулопастный] 329 SEMILOCULABIS, SEMILOCU-LATUS, semilocular, cu lojele incom-plet inchise sau incomplet separate prin septe (ovar~) [semilocular; halbf&cherig; demiloculaire; fdlig rekeszes; полугнездный] 330 SEMILOCULUS m, semilocul, loje incomplet inchisS prin pere^ii des-pSrtitori, comunicind cu lojele vecine [semilocule; Halbfach; demiloge; fdlrekesz, fdlkamr&cska; полугнездо] 331 SEMILUNARIS, SEMILUNATUSi semilunar, in formS de semilunS sau de secerS fstipelele la Passiflora, semintele la Vaccinium) [crescentshaped, half-moon-shaped, semilu-nate, sickle-shaped; halbmondformig, sichelformig; semi-lunaire, falciforme; fdlholdszerti, sarld alaku; полулунный, серновидный] —*• falcatus, lunaris, fal-ciformis, meniscatus, drepan- 332 SEMIMARGINATUS, semimargi-nat, prevSzut cu margine sau dungS numai pe jumStatea organului [halfbordered ; halbgerSndert; demi-mar-gind; fdlig szegdlyes; полуокаймлён-ный] 333 SEMIMESOPHYTICUS (lat. -, pdoog ,,mijloc“, ) [semiseptate, halfpartitioned ; halbquerwSndig, halb-querfScherig; semi-septd; fdlig kam-rSs, fdlvdlaszfalas; полуперегород-чатый] 363 SEMISEPTUM n, semisept, sept partial concrescut, din ovul [semiseptum ; Halbscheidewand; demi-cloison; fdlvSlaszfal; полуперегород-ка] 364 SEMISERRATUS, semiserat, partial serat [semiserrate; halbgesSgt; semidente en scie; fdlig furdszfogas; полу пильчатый] 365 SEMISPECIES f, semispecie, specie in curs de diferentiere dintr-o altS specie pe bazS de izolare geogra-ficS [semispecies; Semispezies; semispecies, demi-espdce; zemispeciesz, fdlspeciesz; полувид] 366 SEMISPICATUS, semispicat, dispus partial in spice [half-spiked; halb-Shrig; demidpid; fdlig kalSszos; no-луколосистый] 367 SEMI SICCA TIVUS, semisicativ, care se usucS numai in parte (uleiuri ~) [semisiccative; halbtrocknend; semisiccatif; fdlig szSradd; полувы-супшвающий] 368 SEMISTAMINARIUS, SEMI STA-M1NATUS, semistaminat, cu о parte din stamine transformate in petale ('flori duble) [semistarainate; halbstaubgefaBartig; semi-staminaire; fdlig porzds; полутычиночный] 369 SEMISTERILITAS f, semisterili-tate, capacitatea functionals partialS a gametilor masculi §i femeli in cazul hibrizilor structurali (Belling) [semisterility ; SemisterilitSt; semistdri-litd; fdlmedddsdg; полустерильность] 370 SEMISTRIA TUS, semistriat, partial striat [semistriate; halbgestreift; semi-strid; fdlig csikolt; полуполоса-тый] 371 SEMI SU BUL ATUS, semisubulat ('stipelele la Zygophyllum) [semi-subulate ; halbpfriemenfdrmig; semi-subuld; fdlig aralaku; полушиловид- НЫЙ] 372 SEMISULCATUS, semisulcaf, brSz-dat partial [semisulcate, half-furrowed ; halbgefurcht; demi-sillonnd; fdlig barSzdds; полубороздчатый] 373 SEMISUPERUS, semisuperior, ade-rent la jumStatea inferioarS a caliciu-lui (ovar~) [semi-superior; halbo-berstSndig; demi-supdre; fdlig felsd SllSsG; полуверхий]* 471 374 SEMIS Y MPH YOS TEMONEUS (lat.-, gr. оирфОш „a concre§te“, axfipmv ,,fir“), semisimfiostemon, cu unele stamine libere §i altele sudate (flori ~) [semisymphyostemoneous; se-misymphyostemon; semi-symphyo-stdmone; fdlig dsszendtt porzds; re-миснмфиостемонный] 375 SEM1TA f, cdrare, potecd (ad semi-tas pe marginea cdrdrilor) [footpath; Pfad; sentier; osvdny; тропа] 376 SEMITERES, semicilindric (frunza pefiol tulpind ~) [semite-rete, half-terete; halbzylindrisch, halb-stielrund; semi-cylindrique, demi-cylindrique; fdlhengeres; полуцилин-дрический] —► semicylindricus 377 SEMITOMENTOSUS, semitomen-tos, partial tomentos [semitomento-se; halbfilzig; demi-cotonneux; fdlig molyhos; полувойл очный] 378 SEMITRANSPARENS -* semipel-lucidus 379 SEMITRIGYNUS (lat. -, gr. xplg ,,trei“, yuvf| ,,femeie“), semitrigin, cu doud pistile concrescute pind la jumdtate, iar al treilea liber (Meissner) [semi-trigynous; halbdreiweibig; se-mi-trigyne; rdszben hdromanyds; no-лутрёхпестичный] 380 SEMITURBA NIFORMIS, SEMI-TURBANUS, semiturbaniform [halfturban-shaped ; halbturbanfdrmig; semi-turbaniforme; fdlturbdn-alakti; полу тюрбановидный] 381 SEMIVAGINANS, semivaginant, care formeazd numai о jumdtate de vagind (frunzd~) [half-sheating; halb-umscheidend; demi-engainant; fdlig hiivelyezd; полувлагалнщный] 382 SEMIVALVATUS, SEMIVALVIS, semivalvat, cu valve dehiscente numai la virf (fruct ~) [semivalvate; halb-klappig; semi-valvd; fdlig kopdcsos; полустворочны й] 383 SEMI VER TIC ILL A TUS, semiver-ticilat, dispus in semiverticile [half-whorled; halbquirlig, halbwirtelig; demi-verticilld; fdlig orvds; полуму-товчатый] —*• hemycyclicus 384 SEMI VES TITUS, semiimbrdcat, partial acoperit (fruct ~ cu peri) [half-covered; halbbekleidet; demi-vdtu, demi-couvert; fdlig takart; полуприкрытый] 385 SEMOTUS —* re mo tus, distans 386 SEMPERFLORENS, semperflorent, care inflore§te toatd vara sau in tot SEP ALIN US timpul anului (Begonia semperflo-rens, Iberis semperflorens) [everflo-wering; immerbluhend; remontant, toujours fleurissant; ordkvirdgzd, foly-ton virdgzd; постоянно цветущий] 387 SEMPERVIRENS, SEMPERVI-RESCENS, sempervirescent, mereu verde; persistent §i in timpul iernii (■frunzele la Buxus sempervirens) [evergreen; immergr unend, immergriin; toujours vert; drdkzdld; вечнозелёный] -*■ aizoon, cheimonochlorus 388 SEMPERVIVUS, care trdie$te mereu, pururea verde [everliving; im-merlebend; vivant toujours; Orokkd dlo; вечноживущий] -* sempervirens 389 SENARIUS (num), cite §ase (frunze — ~ fn verticil) [senary, containing six; je sechs, sechs haltend; & six, con-tenant six; hatonkdnt, hatbdl Slid; шестерной] —> seni 390 SENESCENS (senesco), senescent 1. Mai virstnic. 2. Cdrunt [aging, becoming aged, becoming grey; al-ternd, grauwerdend; vieillissant, de-venant gris; dregedd, szurkdlo; стареющий, дряхлеющий] 391 SENESCENTIA f, senescent, im-bdtrinire a organismului sau a unor organe manifestatd prin turburdri function ale sau prin degenerare [senescence: Seneszenz, Altern; vieillisse-ment; dregedds; старость, старение] 392 SENI num. —*■ senarius 393 SENILITAS f —* senescentia 394 SENSIBILIS —► sensitivus 395 SEN SI BILITAS i, sensibilitate [sensitiveness; Empfindlichkeit; sen-sibilitd; drzdkenysdg; чувствительность] 396 SENSITIVUS, SENSORICUS, sen-sitiv, sensibil (frunze peri pa-pile~) [sensitive; empfindsam, emp-findlich; sensible, sensitif; drzdkeny, drzd; чувствительный] 397 SENSUS (-US) m, sens, inteles, opinie, conceptie (sensu: lato, stric-to, ampliore, angustiore, latiore etc., sensu Engleri in sens lat, strict, mai amplu, mai ingust, mai lat etc., dupd opinia lui Engler) [sense, meaning, opinion; Sinn, Meinung; sense, opinion; drtelem, ndzet; смыса л, значение] 398 . SENTICOSUS, SENTUS — spinosus 399 SEPALINUS, SEPALOIDEUS, se-paloid, asemdndtor cu sepalele ('со- SEP ALODIUM rold cu petalele verzi) [sepal-like, se-paloid; kelchblattartig; sdpalof de; csdszelevdlszerfi; чашелистиковидный] 400 SEPALODIUM n, sepalodie, trans-formare a petalelor In sepale sau !n organe sepaloide [sepalody; Sepalodie; sdpalodie; szepalddium; cena-лодий] 401 SEPALULUM n, sepaluld, sepald micd (Necker) [sepalulum; Kelchbldtt-chen; sdpalule; csdszelevdlke; маленький чашелистик] 402 SEPALUM n, sepald, element folia-ceu, de obicei verde, component al caliciului [sepal; Kelchblatt; sdpale ; csdszelevel ; чашелистик] 403 -SEPALUS, cu sepala (acutisepalus, chorisepalus, gamosepalus, eleuthero-sepalus) [-sepalled; -kelchbldttrig; d sdpale; -csdszelevelfl; -чашелистико- ВЫЙ] 404 SEPARATUM n, separat, tiraj special dupi о lucrare publicatd [separate ; Separatdruck, Sonderdruck; tird a part; kul6nlenyomat; оттиск] 405 SEPARATUS, separat, despdr^it, de-ta§at, deosebit, izolat [separate, separated; getrennt, abgesondert, geschie-den; sdpard, ddtachd; elkiilonitett, szdtvdlt, levalt; отделённый] —» discretus, disjunctus, segregatus, se-junctus 406 SEPES f —*• saepes 407 SEPIACEUS, SEPICOLOR, sepia-ceu, de culoarea cafenie bruna a se-piei [sepia-coloured, coffee-brown; sepiafarbig, kaffeebraun; sdpiacd, brun de cafd; szdpia szinu, kdvdbarna; цвета сепия, кофейный] —► coffeatus 408 SEPIMENTUM m —► dissepimentum 409 SEPT-, SEPTEM-, SEPTENARI-US, SEPTENATUS (num), cu §ap-te (septangularis, septemdentatus, sep-temfoliolatus, septempartitus) [seven-; sieben-, siebenzdhlig; a sept, par sept; hdt-, hetesdvel; семи-, семерной] —*■ hept-, hepta- 410 SEPT ALIS, septal, care aparjine septelor (glandd ~) [septal; septal, querwand-; septale; rekeszfali, vdlasz-fali; септальный -» septilis* 411 SEPTATUS, septat, compartimen-tat; prevdzut cu membrane despdr-titoare (fruct ovar~) [septate; septiert, scheidewandig; septd, clo-isonnd; vdlaszfalas, hardntfalas, kam- 472 rdkra osztott, rekeszes; перегородчатый] 412 SEPTEMFIDUS, de §apte ori fidat (frunzd. ~) [septemfid; siebenspaltig; fendu en sept; hdtszer hasitott; ce-минадрезиый] 413 SEPTEMLOBATUS, SEPTEMLO-BUS, cu §apte lobi (frunzd ~) [septemlobate; siebenlappig; septem-lobd; hdtkardlyii; семилопастный] 414 SEPTEMNERVATUS, SEPTEM-NERVIS, cu §apte nervuri [septem-nervate; siebennervig; septemnervie; hdterfi; семижилковый] —*■ septupliner-vius 415 SEPTENTRIONALIS, septentrional, nordic [northern; ndrdlich; septentrional, nordique; dszaki; северный] 416 SEP T1С ID A LIS, SEPTICIDUS, septicid, care se deschide de-a lungul liniilor de concre§tere a carpelelor sau in linia septelor (dekiscenfa capsulei la Colchicum, Digitalis, Veratrum) [septicidal, septicide; septizid, wand-spaltig, scheidewandspaltig; septicide; vdlaszfali, vdlaszfal mentdn fel-nyild; растрескивающийся по перегородкам] 417 SEPTICUS, septic 1. Infectat de microbi. 2. Care produce putrefac-tie [septic; angesteckt, fdulniserre-gend; septique; szeptikus, fertozott, rothaddst okoz6; септический] 418 SEPTIFER, SEPTIGER, septifer, care poartd septe sau pere^i despdr-titori [septiferous, bearing septa; scheidewandtragend; septifdre; vdlaszfalas ; имеющий перегородки] —*■ sep-tatus, phragmifer 419 SEPTIFORMIS, septiform, in formd de perete despdrjitor [septiform; schei-dewandfdrmig; septiforme; vdlasz-falszerG; перегородкообразный] 420 SEPTIFRAGUS, septifrag, care se deschide prin ruperea liniei de suturd a carpelelor, valvele separindu-se de septe Cdehiscen[a capsulei la Datura, Calluna, Rhododendron) [septjfragal; wandbruchig, scheidewandabreiBend; septifrage; vdlaszfaltdl felnyild; разламывающий перегородку] 421 SEPTILIS -> septalis 422 SEPTOBASIDIUM n (lat. septum ,,gard“, gr. pdaiSiov ,,picioru§“), septobazidie, bazidie segmentatd prin septe transversale sau longitudinale (Ustilaginales) [septobasid; Septo- 478 basidie; septobaside; szeptobazidium; септобазидия] -*• phragmobasidium,pro-tobasidium 423 SEPTULATUS, SEPTULIFER, septulat, prevdzut cu septe mici [sep-tulate; kleinwandig; septuld; kis vdlaszfalu; мелкоперегородчатый] 424 SEPTUM n, sept (pi. septuri), perete membranos care divide ovarul sau fructul in loje (Cruciferae) [septum, partition, cross-wall; Sept, Scheidewand, Querwand, Querfach; cloison; vdlaszfal, rekeszfal, harant-fal; перегородка] —*• dissepimentum, phragma SEPTUM SPURIUM, perete fals, incomplet inchis sau perforat (Jug-lans) [false-wall, spurious septum; falsche Scheidewand; fausse cloison; dlvalaszfal; ложная перегородка] -> pseudoseptum, dissepimentum spurium 425 SEPTU PLINERVIUS - septem-nervatus 426 -SEPTUS (angustiseptus, latiseptus]—» septatus 427 SEPULCHRALIS, sepulcral, folosit pentru ornamentarea mormintelor [sepulchral; grabzierend; sdpulcral; sirokat diszitd; гробовой] 428 SEPULTUS, ingropat, adincit, scu-fundat in pdmint [buried; begraben; enfoui; behantolt, bedsott; погребенный] 429 SEQUENS (sequor), urmdtorul, care urmeazd (anno sequente, in anul ur-mdtor; et sequentes, §i urmdtoarele) [following, next; folgend; suivant; kftvetkezd, koveto; последующий, следующий] 430 SERIALIS, serial, dispus in serii longitudinale sau transversale (frunze stamine ~) [serial, arranged in rows; serial, gereiht, reihig; disposd en sdrie; sorban 4116; сериальный] —► -farius, -stichus* 431 SERI ATUS, -SERIATUS, seriat, a?ezat in serii (multiseriatus) [seriate, seriated, rowed, ranked; gereiht, an-gereiht, reihenformig gestellt; sdrid; sorozatban dll6; расположенный рядами, -рядный] —*■ -farius, -stichus 432 SERIC-, SE RICAN US, SERI-CATUS, SERICEUS, SERICI-, SERICO-, sericeu, mdtdsos, cu peri matdso§i fini §i culca^i ('dosul frunzei la Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) (sericanthus, sericifolius, sericoneurus) [sericeous, silky; seidig, seiden- sei-, SERRA ТО-CILIA TUS denartig, seidenhaarig, seidengldnzend; soyeux; selymes, selyemszeru, sely-mes szdru ; шелковистый, шелковый, шелково-] —*■ bombyciferus, byssaceus 433 SERIES f, serie, §ir 1. Subunitate taxonomicd a genului. 2. Grup de comunitdti de plante ocupind succesiv acelagi loc de la stadiul de pionier pind la cel de subclimax (Dansereau) [row, series; Serie, Reihe; sdrie; sor, sorozat; серия, ряд] 434 SEROTINUS, serotin, care inflore-§te sau fructified toamna tirziu (Dian-thus serotinus) [late-coming; spat-zeitig; sdrotin, tardif; kdsoi, kdson virdgzo, keson termo; поздный] -» lardivus, serus 435 SERPENS (serpo), §erpuitor (tulpina [trailing, winding; schlan-gelnd; serpentant; kigy6z6; ползущий, ползучий] -*• flexuosus, meandri-nus, tortuosus 436 SERPENTARIUS, SERPENTI-FORMIS, serpentiform, de forma flexuoasa a §arpelui [snake-like; schlangenformig; serpentiforme; kigyo alakd; змееобразный] —» flexuosus, ophio-, anguiformis, anguineus, colu-brinus, serpentinus (1) 437 SERPENTINUS, scrpentin 1. §er-puitor, flexuos. 2. Care prefera sub-stratul serpentin [snake-like, flexuose, serpentinous; schlangenartig, schlan-genahnlich, geschlangelt, serpentinlie-bend; serpentant, flexueux, serpentine ; kigyoz6, szerpentin-kedvelo; змеевидный, серпентинный] 438 SERRAEFOLIU S —*■ serratifolius 439 SERRATIDENTATUS, serat-dinjat [serrate-dentate ; sagezahnig; dentd en scie; fGrdszfogu, fGrdszesen fogas; пильчатозубчаты й] 440 SERRATIFLORUS, cu flori serat dinjate [serrate-flowered; sagebliitig, gesagtbliitig; a fleurs dent6es en scie; fur6szfogas virdgii; зубчатоцветковый] -» prionanthus 441 SERRATIFOLIUS, cu frunze serat-din^ate [serrate-leaved; sageblattrig; serratifoli6, a feuilles dentees en scie; fur6szes levelu; пильчатолистный] —*■ prionophyllus, serraefolius 442 SERRAT1FORMIS —* serratus, prio-notis 443 SERRA TO-CILIA TUS, serat-ciliat, cu cili pe din(ii seratiformi [serrate-ciliate; gesagtwimperig; cilid dentd en scie; pilldsan fur6szes; ресничато-пильчатый] SERRA TO-DEN ТА TUS 444 SERRATO-DENTATUS -*■ serratus 445 SERRATULUS, fin serat-dintat [finely serrate; feingesdgt; finement denteld en scie; finomen ffirdszfogfi; мелкопильчатый] —» serrulatus 446 SERRATURA f, seraturd, totalitatea dintilor sera^i de pe un organ [serration, serrature; Sdgezdhnung; serrature; ffirdszfogazat; пильча-тость] 447 SERRATUS, SERRATI-, SERRA-TO-, -SERRATUS, serat, cu dintii ascutiti, aplecati spre vlrful organului, avind inciziunile ascu[ite, asemdnd-toare cu dintii de ferdstrdu ('frunzele la Urtica dioica) (acutiserratus) [serrate, sawed, saw-edged, saw-toothed; gesdgt, sdgezdhnig; den Id en scie; ffirdszes, ffirdszfogfi; пильчатый] -*• prion-, priono-, serrato-dentatus 448 SERRIFORM1S, in formd de ferdstrdu [saw-shaped; sdgefdrmig; serri-forme, en forme de scie; fflrdsz alaku; пиловидный] —» prionotes 449 SERRULATUS -> serratulus 450 SERRULIFL&RUS, cu flori serulat dinjate [serruliflorous; feingesdgtblii-tig; d fleurs serruldes; finoman ffird-szes virdgfi; мелкопильчатоцветковый] 451 SERRULIFOLIUS, cu frunze seru-late Cfrunza de Prunus padus) [serru-lifoliate; feingesagtblattrig; d feuilles serruldes; finoman ffirdszes levelfi; мелкопильчато-листный] 452 SE R TIFORMIS, SERTULATUS, SERTULIFORMIS, SERTULOSUS, sertiform, in formd de ghirlandd, cunund sau buchet [garland-shaped; girlandenformig, blutengewindeffirmig; sertiforme, en guirlande; koszorfi alaku, csokorszerfi; венковидный] 453 SERTULUM n, SERTUM n 1. Buchet, mdnunchi de flori. 2. Umbeld simpld. 3. Radiile terminate prin cite о floare. 4. Colec[ie de plante descrise sau ilustrate (J. C. Baumgarten, Ser-tum Lipsicum, 1790) [cluster, garland of flowers, simple umbel; StrduB-chen, Girlande, einfache Dolde; bouquet, sertule; csokor, bokrdta, egy-szerfi ernyfisvirdgzat; букетец, веночек, гирлянда] 454 SERUS, tirziu, care inflore§te tirziu [late, late flowering; spat, spdtblu-hend; tardif, fleurissant tardivement; kdsdi, kdsdn virdgzd; поздний, позд-ноцветущий] —*■ serotinus 455 SESQUI- (num.), de unu §i jumdtate (sesquipedalis, sesquipollicaris) [one 474 and a half; anderthalb; un et demi; egy ds fdl; полутора-] 456 SESSILIFLDRUS, cu flori sesile, cu flori nepedicelate (Quercus sessiliflora) [sitting-flowered; sitzendblfitig, sitz-blutig, ungestieltblfitig; d fleurs ses-siles; ulfi virdgfi, kocsdnytalan virdgfi; сидячноцветковый] 457 SESSILIFOLIUS, cu frunze sesile, nepejiolate [sitting-leaved; sitzblatt-rig; d feuilles sessiles; ulfi levelfi, nydltelen levelfi; сидячнолистный] 458 SESSILIS, sesil, a§ezat nemijlocit pe suport; lipsit de pe]iol sau pedicel (frunza floare papus ~) [sessile, sitting, stalkless ; sitzend, stiel-los, ungestielt, festsitzend; sessile; ulfi, nydltelen, kocsdnytalan; сидячий, бесчерешковый] —*• hedr —, hedrano- 459 SESTON n (gr. .,ciur“), ses-ton, totalitatea organismelor vii §i moarte din ape care pot fi colectate cu ajutorul unor plase fine [seston; Seston; seston; szeszton; сестон] 460 SESTONOLOGIA f (gr. -, XdyoQ „vorbire"), sestonologie, studiul sesto-nului [sestonology; Sestonologie; sestonologie; szesztonoldgia; сестоноло-гия] 461 SETA f, setd 1. Pdr aspru, rigid §i lung. 2. Pedicelul capsulei (Bryophyta) [bristle, sporopnore; Borste, Borstenhaar, Sporenkapselstiel; soie, sporophore; serte, serteszdr, mohatok-nydl; щетинка, щетина, спорофор] 462 SETACEO-DENTATUS, setaceu-din[at [setaceo-dentate; borstigge-zdhnt; setacd-dentd; sertdsen fogazott dlfi; щетинистозубчатый] —► setoso-den-tatus 463 SETACEO-MUCRONA TUS, seta-ceu-mucronat [setaceo-mucronate; bor-stigweichspitzig; d soies mucrondes; sertdsen szdlkahegyfi; щетинистоостроконечный] 464 SETACEUS, SETIFER, SE TIFORMIS, SETIGER, setaceu, setiform. 1. Cu peri lungi, rigizi, gro§i §i mai rari (caliciul la Silene dubia, tulpina la Picris sonchoides). 2. Cu consistenta §i forma pdrului de pore Cfrunzele la Schoenoplectus setaceus) [setaceous, bristly, bristle-like; borstig, borstig-behaart, borstenartig, borstenfdrmig; setacd, sdtiforme; szerteszerfi, serte-szfirds, serte alakfi; щетинистый, щетинковидный]-*chaet-, chaeto-, -chae-tus 475 465 SETIFLORUS, cu flori setos-pSroase [setiflorous; borstenbliitig; setiflore; serteszdrds viragii; щетинкоцветковый] 466 SETIFOLIUS, cu frunze setos-pS-roase sau de forma setei de pore [bristly-leaved; borstenbiattrig; seti-folid; sertds levelfi, serteszeru levelO; щетинколистный] 467 SETOSO-DENTATUS - setaceo-dentatus 468 SETOSUS, setos, abundent acoperit cu peri setacei [setose, bristly; sehr borstig, borstigbehaart; sdteux; gaz-dagon serteszords; щетинистый, o-бильнощетинистый] —» chaet-, chaeto-, -chaetus 469 SETULA f, setulS, seta mica [minute bristle; Borstchen; petite soie; apro serte; щетиночка] 470 SETULIFER, SETULIGER, SETU-LOSUS, setulos, care poarta sete mici [setulose, minutely setose; kleinbor-stig, bOrstchentragend; setulifdre, a petites soies; аргб sertdjfi; мелко-щетинистный, щетиночконосный] 471 SEX- (num.), §ase, cu §ase [sexcostatus, sexflorus, sexforus, sexmaculatus, sexradiatus) [six-; sechs-; a six; hat-; шести-] —» hexa- 472 SEXANDRUS (lat. gr. dvnp, dvSpdg ,,barbat“) —► hexandricus 473 SEXANGU LARIS, SEXANGULA-TUS, SEXANGULUS — hexagona-lis, hexagonus 474 SEXDENTATUS, §ase-din[at [sex-dentate; sechszahnig; a six dents; hatfogu; шестизубчатый] 475 SEXFARIUS, cu §ase rinduri, cu §ase serii [sexfarious, six-rowed; sechsreihig; sexfarid; hatsoros; шестирядный] 476 SEXJUGATUS, SEXJUGUS, cu §ase perechi (foliole) [sex jugate; sechspaarig; sexjugud; hatszopraros; шестипарный] 477 SEXIDCULARIS,, SEXLOCULA-TUS, cu §ase loculi sau loje [sexlo-cular, sexcelled; sechsfacherig; sex-loculaire; hatrekeszes; шестигнезд-ный] 478 SEXOCARPIA f (lat. sexus ,,sex“, gr. кариб? ,,fruct“), sexocarpie, formarea fructului ca urmare a fecundatiei [sexokarpy; Sexokarpie; sexocarpie; szekszokdrpia; сексокарпия] SIGILLATUS 479 SEXTUPLEX (num.), de §ase ori [sixfold, six-times; sechsfach; sextuple; hatszor; шестерной] 480 SEXUALIS, sexual, referitor la se-xualitate (generate, organ, propagare, sistem, spori) [sexual; sexual, ge-schlechtlich; sexuel; szekszudlis, nemi; сексуальный, половой] 481 SEXUALITAS f, sexualitate [sexuality ; Sexualitdt, Geschlechtlichkeit; sexualitd; nemisdg; сексуальность] 482 SEXUS (-US) m, sex (al plantelor) [sex; Geschlecht; sexe; nem; пол] 483 SICCANS, SICCESCENS (sicco), us-c&tor, care se usucS [becoming dry; vertrocknend; se dessdehant; meg-szaradd; осушающий] 484 SICCATUS, uscat [dried out; ausge-trocknet; dessdehd; kiszdradt; высушенный, высохший] 485 SICCESCENTIA f, uscSciune, secetS, ariditate [dryness, aridity; Trocken-heit, Diirre; sdcheresse, ariditd; szd-razsdg; сухость, засуха] 486 SICCIFOL1US, cu frunze uscate [dryleaved ; trockenblattrig; siccifolid; szdraz levelu; сухолистный] 487 SICCITAS f, uscSciune, stare uscatS [dryness, dry state, siccity; Trocken-heit, trockene Zustand; siccitd; szdraz-sdg, szaritott allapot; сухость, засуха] 488 SICCUS, uscat (fruct ~) [dry; tro-cken; sec; szdraz; сухой]* 489 SICERARIUS, ametitor, imbStStor [stunning; berauschend; enivrant; mdmoritd; опьяняющий, упоительный] 490 SICIFORMIS -*■ pugioniformis 491 SICYOIDEUS (gr. oucut&Sns ,,ase-mSnStor castravetelui“) —*• lagenarius 492 SIDEROPHILUS (gr. oiSqpog ,,fier“, (piXd© „a iubi“), siderofil, care prefers substraturile feroase (bacterii ~) [siderophilous, iron-loving; eisenlie-bend; siddrophile; vasat kedvelS; железолюбивый] 493 SIDEROPHOBUS (gr. -, „a fugi“), siderofob, care evitd substraturile feroase (bacterii ~) [iron-hating; eisenmeidend; siddrophobe; vasat ke-riil5; железоотталкивающий, сидеро-фобный] 494 SIGILLATUS, sigilat, cu cicatrice in formS de sigil (rizomul la Poly- SIGMOIDEUS gonatum verticillatum) [sigillate; sie-gelartig; sigilld; pecsdtes; печаточный] 495 SIGMOIDEUS (gr. oiypoetSfi^ ,,ca litera sigma“), sigmoid, curbat in direct» opuse, asemdndtor literei gre-ce§ti ,,S“ (sigma) (nectarine la Aconi-tum maximum) [sigmoid, doubly curved; sigmafdrmig; sigmoi'de; szigma alakii, ellentdtesen kdtszer gOrbiilt; сигмовидный] 496 SIGN ATUS, SIGNIFER, semnat, scris, marcat [marked; gezeichnet; signd, marqud; megjeldlt, jeggyel elld-tott; обозначенный] 497 SIGN A n pi, semne (conventionale de abreviajii: ч peren , О anual,! vdzut etc.) [marks, signs; Zeichen; signes; jelck; условные знаки] 498 SILICEUS, SILICIFER, SILICIO-SUS, silicios, care contine siliciu [siliceous, flinty; kieselartig, kieselhart; siliceux; kovds, kovaszerfi; кремнистый] 499 SILICICOLUS, SILICOLUS (-COLA f), silicicol, care create pe soluri silicioase, nesuportind calcarul (Pteri-dium aquilinum, Calluna vulgaris) [silicicolous; silikol, silikatbodenbewo-hnend; silicicole; kovds talajban termo; обитающий на силиций] —*• calcifugus 500 SILICIFICATIO f, silicificare, depo-zitareasiliciuluiin [esuturi (Equisetum) [silicification; Yerkieseln; silicifica-tion; kovasodas, kovalerakodds; силицификация] 501 SILICULA f, siliculd, fruct uscat, mai scurt decit de trei ori Idumea lui (Capsella, Bunias) [silicule, silicle, short siliqua; Schdtchen, kleine Scho-te; silicule; becoke, becoketermds, taska; стручочек] 502 SIL1CULIFORMIS, siliculiform, de forma siliculei [silicle-shaped; schot-chenformig; siliculiforme; becoke alaku; стручочкообразный] 503 SILICULOSUS, SILICULIFER, si-liculos, cu numeroase silicule [sili-culose; schotchenlragend; siliculeux; becokds; несущий стручочкй] 504 SILIQUA f, silicvd, fruct capsuld, format din doud carpele concrescute, cu mai multe seminfe, dehiscent, cel putin de trei ori mai lung decit lat (Sinapis, Raphanus) [silique; Schote; silique; Ьесб, bec6termds; стручок] 505 SILIQUARIS, SILIQUIFORMIS, silicviform, de forma silicvei [sili- 476 quiform; schotenffirmig; siliquiforme; Ьесб alakii; стручкообразный] 506 SILIQUOSUS, -SILIQUUS, silicvos, cu numeroase silicve (angustisiliquus, longisiliquosus) [siliquose; schoten-friichtig, schotentragend; siliqueux; Ьесбв; несущий стручки] 507 SILVA f, pddure (in silvis caeduis in pdduri cu frunze cdzdtoare) [forest, wood, woodland; Wald, Forst; fordt, bois; erdd; лес] —► saltus 508 SILVATICUS, silvatic, care create in pdduri (plante ~) [sylvestrian, forest-, pertaining to woods; waldig, waldwachsend, waldliebend; sylvestre, forestier; erdei; лесной] —*• nemoro-sus, hylaeus, silvestris* 509 SIL VEST RIS (- TRIS, - TRE), SILVESTER (-TRIS, -TRE) -> silvaticus 510 SILVICOLUS (-COLA I), silvicol, care cre§te in padure [sylvicolous, forest-dwelling; waldbewohnend; syl-vicole; erddben lak6; обитающий в лесу] —*• silvaticus 511 SILVICULTURA f, silviculturd, cul-tivarea speciilor forestiere [sylviculture, forestry; Waldkultur, Forstwirt-schaft, Forstfach; sylviculture; er-ddszet, erdomuvelds, erddgazdasdg; лесоводство] 512 SILVOSTEPPA f, silvostepd, zona de tranzitie de la stepd la pddure; antestepd cu pdduri [forest-steppe; Waldsteppe; sylvosteppe; erdostyepp; лесостепь] 513 SILVOSUS, pdduros [woody; waldig; boisd; erd6s; листный] 514 SILVULA f, pddurice, cring, pile [grove; Waldchen; bocage; erdocske, liget; лесок] 515 SIMILARIS, SIMILIS, SIMILI-, similar, asemdndtor (similiflorus) [similar, resembling, like; gleich, gleich-artig, ahnlich; similaire, semblable; hasonld; однородный] —*• homo-, homoio-, consimilis, -odes, -oideus 516 SIMILISYMMETRI.A f (lat. similis „asemdndtor", gr. сшрдетро? '„sime-tric"), similisimetrie (simetria celor doud, jumdtdfi de valve la Diatomeae) (Schuett) [similisymmetry; Similisym-metrie, Ahnlichkeitssymmetrie; si-milisymdtrie; szimiliszimetria; сими-лисимметрия] 517 SIMILITUDO f, asemdnare, simi-litudine [similarity, resemblance, likeness; Ahnlichkeit; similitude, res- 477 semblance; hasonlatossdg, hasonld-sdg; подобие, сходство] 518 SIMPLEX, SIMPLICI-, simplu, necompus, neramificat (pdr ra-cem ~) (simplicicaulis, simplicifolius) [simple, undivided, unbranched; ein-fach, unverzweigt, astlos; simple, non ramifid; egyszeru, nem osszetett, el nem dgazd; простой, неразветвлённый] —*• haplo- * 519 SIMULANS (simulo), aparent, in-§eldtor, care simuleazd [apparent, deceitful, imitating, resembling; tau-schend, scheinend, annahernd, ahnlich; • apparent, trompeur, semblant; ldtszo-lagos, csaloka, megtdveszto, hasonlo; похожий, обманчивый] —*• decipiens, fallax, mentiens 520 SIMULTANEUS, simultan, conco-mitent, din acela§i timp [simultaneous; gleichzeitig; simultand; egyideju, ugyanakkori, egyszerre tortdno; одновременный] —*■ isochronus, synchroni-cus, komochronus 521 SINENSIS, SINICUS, chinez, originar din China [Chinese; chinesisch; chinois; kinai; китайский] 522 SINGULARIS, SINGULI-, singular, singuratic, solitar (singuliflorus) [solitary, single, alone; einzeln, einzig; singulier, solitaire, unique; magdnos, egyetlen, egyeduli; особый, единичный] —*■ solitarius, unions, mono- 523 SINISTER, sting, din partea stingd [left, on the left; links, linksseitig; gauche; bal, baloldali; левый] 524 SINISTROGYRUS (lat. -, gr. yupo? „rdsucit"), rasucit de la dreapta spre stinga (tulpina la Humulus lupulus) [sinistrogyrous; linkswindend; sini-strogyTe, tordu d gauche; balra csa-varodo; левоскрученный] 525 SINISTRORSUS, intors de la dreapta spre stinga (tulpina la Calystegia, Phaseolus) [sinistrorse; linksgedreht; tournd a gauche, sinistrorse; balrafor-dul6; левовращающий] 526 SINISTROSTYLIA f, sinistrostilie, stile inclinate spre stinga (la florile enantiostilej (Knuth) [sinistrostyly; Sinistrostylie; sinistrostylie; szinisz-trosztilia; синистростилия] 527 SIHUATO-, SINUATUS, sinuat, cu scobituri sau sinuozitd[i rotunjite (sinuato-dentatus, sinuato-lobatus, sinu-ato-serratus) [sinuated, sinuate-; buch-tig, ausgebuchtet, buchtig-; sinud; OblOs, Ives bemdlyeddsfi, dblOsen-; выемчатый, выемчато-] SIPHONOSTELE 528 SINUOLATUS, sinuolat, cu sinuo-zitd[i mici §i fine [sinuolate, finely sinuate; kleinbuchtig; sinuold; dbldcs-kds; мелковыемчатый] 529 SINUOSUS, sinuos, cu sinuozitd]i numeroase §i mari [sinuose, sinuous-very sinuate; groBbuchtig, reichbuch-tig, vollbuchtig; sinueux; gazdagon oblos; глубоковыемчатый] -*■ flexuo-sus, mesentheriformis 530 SINUS (-US) m, sinus (pi. sinusuri) 1. Sinuozitate. 2. Cavitatea curbatd dintre doi lobi [sinus, recess; Bucht; sinus, dchancrure; szinusz, obol, ives bemdlyedds; выемка, залив, бухта] 531 SIOTROPISMUS m (gr. oeun „a zgudui", xpoTcfj „rdsucire") -»■ seis-motropismus 532 SIPHON-, SIPHONO-, SIPHONA-CEUS, SIPHONEUS, SIPHONI-CUS, -SIPHONIUS (gr. aitpcov „tub"), tubular, tubulos (sipkonanthus, sipho-nogamus, cladosiphonicus, monosipho-nius) [siphoneous, tubular; rohrig, rohren-; siphone, tubuleux; csoves; трубчатый, трубчато-] —*• fistulosus, tubularis 533 SIPHONANTHIA f (gr. -, fivOog „floare"), sifonantie, conforma^ia tu-buloasa a florilor radiare ligulate din antodii (Compositae) [siphonanthy; Siphonanthie; siphonanthie; csoves-viragiisdg; сифонантия] 534 SIPHONOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qwxdv „plantd"), sifonofite, plante numai cu flori tubuloase in antodiu (Compositae) [siphonophytes; Siphonophy-ten; siphonophytes; szifonofitak; си-фонофиты] 535 SIPHONOGAMIA f (gr. -, yapo? „cdsdtorie"), sifonogamie, fecundarea ovulului cu polenul transmis printr-un tub polinie [siphonogamy; Siphono-gamie; siphonogamie; szifonogamia; сифоногамия] 536 SIPHONOPLASTUM n (gr. -, nXa-ахбе „modelat"), sifonoplast, miceliu unicelular ramificat, neseptat, con-^inind citoplasma §i mai mul]i nuclei (Algae, Fungi) [siphonoplast; Sipho-noplast; siphonoplaste; szifonoplasz-tisz; сифонопласт] 537 SIPHONOSTELE t (gr. -, схцХц „coloand"), sifonostel, cilindru central cu parenchim medular inconjurat de vasele lemnoase §i liberiene sub formd de inele (Pteridophyta) [siphonostele; Siphonostele; siphonostdle; szifono-sztdle; сифоностела] SIRAPLANCTON 538 SIRAPLANCTON n (gr. Cvpo? ,,groapa“, пХауктбс ,,ratScitor“), siraplancton, fitoplancton format In-deosebi din specii de Thalassosira [siraplankton; Siraplankton; siraplancton ; sziraplankton; сирапланктон] 539 SITOTROPISMUS m (gr. olxoc „aliment*1, xponfi „curbare**), sito-tropism, curbare sub influenza unui excitant de nutritie [sitotropism; Si-totropismus; sitotropisme; szitotro-pizmus; ситотропизм) 540 SITUS (-US) m, situate, a§ezare, pozi(ie, stare [site, position, situation, state; Stellung, Lage, Zustand, Stelle; situation, position, dtat; helyzet, el-helyezds, allapot; положение, расположение] 541 SITUS, situat, a§ezat [situated, placed, set down ; gelegen, gestellt; situd, placd; elhelyezett; расположенный] —* impositus 542 SMARAGDINUS, smaragdin, tnchis albastrui verde, de culoarea verde al smaragdului [smaragdine, emerald-green, dark bluish-green; smaragd-griin; dmeraudine, vert d’dmeraude; szmaragdzdld; смарагдовый, изумрудный] 543 SOBOLES f, sobol 1. Baza stoloni-formd a tulpinii. 2. Sobol subteran. 3. Ramificatie a rizomului servind la tnmultirea §i rSspindirea plantei (Agro-pyrum repens) [sobol, shoot, sprout, sucker, root-sucker; Wurzelspross, Stockspross, Wurzelausldufer, Wur-zelschOOling, Wurzeltrieb, Wurzelaus-schlag; sobole, rejeton, jet, brout, coulant, pousse; gyOkdrsarj, tosarj, fdldalatti sarj, gydkdrhajtds; отпрыск, поросль, побег, корневой отпрыск] 544 SOBOLIFER, sobolifer, care poartS soboli [soboliferous, sobol-bearing; wurzelsprossend, wurzelsprossentra-gend; sobolifdre; gyOkdrsarjas, gyd-kdrhajtdsos; дающий отпрыски] 545 SOCIABILITAS f, sociabilitate, ca-pacitatea, gradul §i modul de grupare al indivizilor unei specii !n cadrui asocia^iei [sociability, gregariousness; Soziabilitat, Geselligkeit, Geselligkeits-grad, Haufungsweise; sociabilitd; tdr-suldskdpessdg; общественность, стайность, скученность] 546 SOCIALIS, social, care create in numSr foarte mare de indivizi, consti-tuind fondul asocia[iei (Drude) [social; gesellig; social; tdrsas, seregesen did; социальный, общественный] 479 547 SOCIATIO f, socia[ie.l. Microasocia[ie 2. Unitatea cenoticfl, corespunzfitoare climaxului In eietemul de clasificare (Weaver, Clements). 3. Unitatea elementary a covorului vegetal (Du Rietz) [sociation; Soziation; sociation; szo-cidcid; социация] 548 SOCIATUS, asociat [associated; ver-gesellschaftet; associd; tdrsult; сгруппированный] 549 SOCIETAS f, societate, asocia[ie (botanicorum societas asocia(ia beta-ni§tilor) [society; Verein, Gesellschaft; socidtd; tdrsasdg, tarsulat; общество, сообщество] 550 SOCIOLOGIA t, sociologia, studiul asocierii organismelor [sociology; So-ziologie; sociologie; szocioldgia, tdr-suldstan; социология] 551 SOCIOMORPHOLOGIA f (lat. -, gr. цорфл „formd**, XoyoQ „vorbire**), sociomorfologie, sociologie descrip tivd [sociomorphology; Soziomorphologie; sociomorphologie; szociomorfoldgia; социоморфология] 552 SOL m, soare [sun; Sonne; soleil; nap; солнце] 553 SOLARIS, solar, de soare [solar, sunny; sonnig, sonnenliebend; solaire; napos, napot kedveld; солнечный]* 554 SOLARISAT 10 f, solarizare, tntir-zierea procesului de fotesintez& prin expunerea indelungatd a plantei la lumind intensive [solarisation; Sola-risation; solarisation; szolarizdcid; соляризация] 555 SOLARIUM n, solariu, locul de ex-punere la insolatie puternicd a unor plante din gr&dinile botanice [solarium ; Sonnenbett; solarium; szo-Idrium; солярий] 556 SOLENACANTHUS (gr. oort.f|v ,,tub“* fixavOa ,,spin“), cu spini tubulo§i [tubulispinous; rdhrenstachelig; a dpi-nes tu buleuses; csdves tovisu; труб- КОКОЛЮЧКОВЫ Й] 557 SOLENANTHUS (gr. -, &v0o? „floa-re“) —► tubuliflorus 558 SOLENAIDIA f (gr. -, 'aiSoTov „genital**), solenidie, transformare a staminelor In forma^iuni tubuloase (Morren) [solenaidy; Solenaidie; so-lenaidie; szolenaidia ; соленаидия] 559 SO LEN I A PLA NC TON n (gr. -, nXay-ктбс „rdtdcitor**), soleniaplancton, fitoplancton neritic plutitor, cu preponderant unor alge tubuloase (Rhi-zoselenia) [soleniaplankton; Soleni- 479 aplankton; soleniaplancton; szoleni-aplankton; сол ени апл анкт он] 560 SOLENOSTELE f (gr. -, caryoki-nesis, mitosis 573 SOMATOBLASTUM n (gr. -, 0JLa-отб? ,,germen“), somatoblast, celuld care pe cale de diviziune dd nastere unor celule somatice [somatoblast; Somatoblast; somatoblaste; szoma-tobldszt; соматобласт] 574 SOMATOGAMIA f (gr. -, ydpog „cdsdtorie") (Renner) -► pseudoapo-gamia, pseudogamia, pseudomixis 575 SOMATOGENUS (gr. -, yswdoi „a se na§te“), somatogenic 1. Dezvoltat din celule somatice. 2. Cu caractere dobindite [somatogenic; somatoge-nisch; somatogdnc; szomatoggn; соматогенный] 576 SOMATOMIXIS f (gr. -, pt^ig „amestec") —► pseudomixis 577 SOMATOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, peupo ,,grdmadd“), soremd, grdmadd de carpele apar(i-nind unei flori [sorema; Sorema; sorema; szordma; сорема] 590 SOREUMA n (gr. -) —*■ soredium 591 SORIFER, sorifer, care poartd sori [soriferous, sorus-bearing; sorustra-gend; sorifdre; szdrusos, szdrust hor-dozd; сорусы, несущий кучки] 592 SOROCARPIUM n (gr. -, карябд ,,fruct“) —*• sorosis 593 SOROPHORUM n (gr. оорбд ,,grd-mada“, форё© „a purta“) —> sporophyl-lum 594 SOROSIS i (gr. -), sorozd, fruct com-pus format din bace agregate, pe jumatate sudate intre ele, cu inve-li§urile florale (sau §i cu axa) cdrnoasd (Ananas, Morus) [sorose; Schein-beere, Haufenfrucht, Beerenhaufen; sorose; szordzis, dlbogyd, bogyds ter-mdsagazat; сорозис] —*■ sorocarpium 595 SOROSUS m (gr. -) -*■ sorosis 596 SORUS m (gr. -), sor, grupd de spo-rangi acoperiti de induziu (pe sporofilele de Filices) [sorus, cluster of sporangia; Sorus, Sporangiengruppe; sore, groupe de sporanges; szdrus, sporangium-csoport; сорус, кучка] 597 -SORUS (gr. -), cu sori (atactosorus, angiosorus, cystosorus, leucosorus) [-so-rous; mitSporenhdufchen; d sores; szdrusos; -кучевой] 480 598 SPADICATUS, SPADICIGER {gr. ond6t^ „ramurd de palmier1*), spadi-cifer, cu spadice [spadicate; blviten-kolbentragend; spadicd; torzsavirdg-zatot hordozd; с початком] 599 SPADICEO-GRISEUS, brun-cenu§iu [brownish-grey; braunlichgrau; bru-natre-gris; barnasszurke; коричневосерый] 600 SPADICEUS, SPADICIFORMIS, spadiceu 1. Care se aseamdnd cu un spadice. 2. Brun lucios, de culoarea curmalei [date-brown, deep reddish-brown; dattelbraun, gldnzendbraun, kolbenartig; spadicd, bai; datolya-barna, fdnyldbarna, torzsaszerfi; каштановый, початковый] 601 SPADICIFLORUS, spadiciflor, cu flori dispuse in spadice (Arum) [spadiciflorous; kolbenbliitig; spadi-ciflore; tdrzsavirdgu; початкоцветковый] 602 SPADIX m (gr. -), spadice, inflores-cen[d spiciformd, cu axa cilindric ingro^atd, cu flori sesile protejate de spat (Arum) [spadix; Blutenkolben, Kolben; spadice; torzsavirdgzat, tor-zsa; початок] 603 SPAN-, SPANIO- (gr. ondviog ,,pu-tin“), cu purine... (spananthus, spanio-carpus) [few-; wenig-; a peu; kevds-; мало-] oligo-, pauci- 604 SPANANDRIA f (gr. -, dvf|p, dvSpdg ,,mascul“), spanandrie, impu[inarea sau raritatea numericd a descenden-[ilor masculi [spanandry; Spanandrie; spanandrie; spanandria, himritkasdg; спанандрия] 605 SPANANTHUS (gr. -, dv66? „floa-re“) —*• oliganthus, pauciflorus 606 SPANIOCARPUS (gr. -, карлбд ,,frucl“) —*■ oligocarpus 607 SPANOGYNIA f (gr. -, yuvfi ,,femeie“)’ spanoginie, imputinarea sau raritatea numericd a descenden(ilor femeli [spanogyny; Spanogynie; spanogynie; spanoginia, noritkasdg; спаногиния) 608 SPANOPHYLLUS (gr. -, фОХХоу ,,frunzd“) —*• paucifolius, oligophyllus 609 SPANOSPERMUS {gr. -, 'oTidppa ,,sdmintd“) —»■ oligospermus 610 SPARSIFIDRUS, sparsiflor, cu flori imprdftiate $i spajiate [sparsiflorous; zerstreutblutig; sparsiflore; szdrtvi-ragd, kuszavirdgu; рассеянноцветко вый] 611 SPARSIFOL1US, sparsifoliat, cu frunze imprdftiate §i distan[ate [sparsi- 481 folious; zerstreutbldttrig, lockerblatt-rig; sparsifolid; d feuilles dparses; szdrtlevelu, kuszalevelfl; рассеяннолистный] 612 SPARSIOPLASTA n pi (lat. sparsus „rdsfirat", gr. яХаатбд „modelat"), sparsioplaste, elaioplaste la Diatomeae, variabile ca numdr §i poztyie (Mere-schkowsky) [sparsioplasts; Sparsio-plasten; sparsioplastes; sparzioplaszti-szok; спарсиопласты] 613 SPARSUS, spar§, imprd§tiat, risipit, rdsfirat 1. Dispus fdrd ordine (frunze peri plante ~). 2. Cu numdr redus de indivizi In asociatie [sparse, dispersed, scattered; zerstreut, spar-lich, vereinzelt, unregelmdssig verteilt; dpars, dispersd, dparpilld; szort, szet-szdrt, szdrvdnyos, ritkds, kusza; рассеянный, редкий] —*• dispersus 614 SPATHA I (gr. ояббп „spata"), spat (pi. spaturi), bractee mare care !nvele$te unele inflorescente, mai ales spadicele (Calla, Zea, Arum) [spathe; Bliitenscheide, Spatha; spathe; bu-roklevdl, virdgzati burok, torzsaburok-levdl, viraghuvelylevel; покрывало, обвёртка, крыло] —*■ calopodium 615 SPATHACEUS, SPATHIFORMIS, spataceu, asemdndtor cu un spat [spathaceous, spathe-like; blutenschei-deartig; spathacd, spathiforme; burok-levdlszeru; покрываловидный] 616 S PATH ATUS, S PATH I-, -SPA-THUS, spatat, prevdzut cu spat (spathiflorus, albispathus, eriospathus, crassispathus) [spathate, spathed; blutenscheidig, bliitenscheide-tragend; spathd, d spathe; burokleveles; имеющий покрывало] 617 S PATH ELLA f —► glumella 618 SPATHELLULA f - glumellula 619 SPATHILLA f, spalild, spatul se-cundar la inflorescen[a palmierilor [spathilla; Spathilla; spathille; szpa-tilla; спатилла] 620 SPATHULATUS, SPAT HULL, spatulat, In formd de lopd^icd (spa-thulifolius); rotund dilatat la virf §i lung atenuat la bazd (frunze la Beilis, Leontodon hispidus, Hieracium alpinum) [spathulate; spatelig, spa-telfdrmig; spathuld; lapdt alaku; лопатчатый, лопаткообразный] 621 SPATOLA f, spatold, partea infe-rioard disciformd, lipicioasd, a trans-latorului, care se fixeazd pe capul insectei polenizatoare (Cynanckum) SPECTRUM [spatola; Klebscheibe; spatole; szpatola, ragadds korong; спатола] 622 SPECIALIS, special, propriu, deo-sebit (botanica formd ~) [special, peculiar, proper; speziell, besonderer, eigentiimlich; spdcial, propre, particu-lier; specidlis, sajdtsdgos, kiildn-leges, fajlagos; специальный, особый, собственный] —*• peculiaris, pro-prius, particularis 623 SPECIALISATIO f, specializare, adaptarea speciald a unor paraztyi pentru anumite plante gazde (Albugo Candida numai pentru speciile de Cruciferae) [specialization; Speziali-sierung; specialisation; specidlizacid; специализация] 624 SPECIES f, specie, unitatea taxo-nomicd fundamentald In clasificarea plantelor [species; Spezies, Art; es-рёсе; faj; вид] 625 SPECIFICUS, specific, caracteristic, care apar[ine unei specii (caracter ~) [specific; spezifisch, artlich; sp6ci-fique; faji, fajlagos, fajra jellemz6; видовой]* 626 SPECIMEN n, exemplar, e§antion; plantd intreagd sau numai fragment destinat pentru studiu [specimen, exemplar; Exemplar, Probestiick; sp6-cimen, exemplaire; p61ddny; образец, экземпляр] 627 SPECIOLAE f pi, speciole, specii ini[iale neformate incd definitiv, care pe cale de hibridare pot da na§tere la specii noi (Plate) [speciolae; Spe-ziolen; spdcioles; speci61dk, kezdo fajok; специолы] 628 SPECIOLOGIA f, speciologie, tratat despre specii (Turesson) [speciology; Speziologie; sp6ciologie; specioldgia; специология] 629 SPECIOSUS pulcher, venustus 630 SPECTABILIS —► speciosus 631 SPECTANS (specto), orientat spre, care prive§te spre, referitor la (deor-sum spectans, tndreptat in jos; radi-cula hilum spectans, radicula orien-tatdspre hil) [turned towards, directed, looking towards, situated towards; gerichtet, schauend, betreffend, hin-weisend; tourn6, dirig6 vers; irdnyul6, о(1апёгб; повернутый, обращённый] 632 SPECTRUM n, spectru, imagine, reprezentare [spectrum, representation; Spektrum, Darstellung; spectre; spektrum, szink6p, dbrdzolds; спектр, изображение]* SPECULUM 633 SPECULUM n, SPECUS (-US) m — spelunca 634 SPEIRANTHIA f (gr. cnrelpa „гй-sucire“, dvOo? ,,floare“), spirantie, anomalie floraia constind din tor-siunea axei sale [speiranthy; Spei-ranthie; speiranthie; szpirdntia, virdg-tengely-csavarodds; спейрантия] 635 SPEIREMA n (gr. отгеТрпра ,,in-f&?urare“), speirema, gonidiul liche-nilor [speirema, gonidium of Lichens; Speirema; speirfcme; szpeirdma; ro-нидяя лишайников] 636 SPEIREMA TOP HO RUM n — goni-diophorum 637 SPELAEOLOGIA f (gr. omf|Juuov ,,pe§ter&“, Xdyo? „vorbire"), speolo- e, studiul pe§terilor [spelaeology; dhlenkunde; spdldologie; barlangtan; спеология] 638 SPELUNCA f, pe§ter5, grota [cave; HOhle; grotte; barlang; пещера] —*■ speculum 639 SPERM-, SPERMA-, SPERM A TO-, -SPERMATUS, SPERMIO-, SPER-MO-, -SPERMUS (gr. ояёрра „sdmln-ta“), cu semin(e sau cu spori; referitor laseminte sau la spori (spermagenus, spermophorus, endospermicus, asperma-tus, gymnospermus) [-seed, -seeded; sa-men-, -samig; a graines, sdminal; magvas-, -magvu; -семянный, спер-мато-, спермо-] —► seminalis 640 SPERMAGENUS (gr. yewa© „а se na§te“) —*• spermatogenus 641 SPERMAGONIUM n (gr. yovo? ,,urma§“) —> spermogonium 642 SPERMAMOEBA f (gr. -, dpoipaio? „alternant"), spermamibS 1. Sperma-tozoid uniciliat, cu mi^cfiri amiboi-dale (Monoblepharidaceae). 2. Parte specializatd a protoplasmei anteridiale, fertilizind oosfera (Saprolegniae) [sper-mamoeba; Spermamoeba; spermami-be; spermamOba; спермамеба] 643 SPERMANGIUM n (gr. -, dyyelov „vas"), spermangiu, sporangele algelor [spermangium; Spermangium; sper-mangium; spermangium; спермангий] 644 SPERMAPHORIUM n (gr. -, форе© „a purta") —► funiculus, placenta 645 SPERMAPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитбу „planta") —*• spermatophyta 646 SPERMAPODIUM n (gr. -, xoO?, яоббс „picior"), spermapodiu, suportui ramificat al pistilului (Umbelli-ferae) [spermapodium; Spermapodium; 482 spermapode; spermapddium; сперма, подпй] 647 SPERMAPODOPHORUM n (gr. - -фора© „a purta") -*• spermapodium 648 SPERMARIUM n (gr. -) - anthe-ridium 649 SPERM ATANGIUM n (gr. -, dy-yelov „vas") —*■ antheridium, spermogonium 650 SPERMATICUS (gr. -) 1. Spermatic, seminal 2. De sex mascul (celuld. ~) [spermatic; spermatisch; spermatique; spermatikus, ivarsejti; семенной] 651 SPERMATIDIUM n (gr. -, elSog „asemanare"), spermatidie. 1. Celula mama a anterozoizilor. 2. Spor (Algae) [spermatid; Spermatide, Spermatozo-idmutterzelle; spermatide; spermati-dium; сперматида] 652 SPERM A TIIFER, SPERM ATII-GER (gr. -, lat. fero, gero „a purta"), spermatifer, care poarta spermatii [spermatiferous; spermatientragend; spermatiifare; spermatium-hordozo; несущий спермацни] —► spermatiopho-rus 653 SPERMATIOIDEUS (gr. -, e!5o? „asemanare"), spermatioid, asem5n&-tor cu spermatiile [spermatioid; sper-matienahnlich; spermatiolde; sperma-tiumszerfi; сперматиовидный] 654 SPERMATIOPHORUS (gr. -, форе© „a purta") -*• spermatiifer 655 SPERM AT IUM n (gr. -), spermatie, celula sexuaia mascula neciliata (Rho-dophyceae) [spermatium; Spermatium; spermatium; spermatium, himivarsejt; спермадий] —»■ spermatoconidium 656 SPERMATOCARPIA f (gr. -, кариб? „fruct"), spermatocarpie, fructe fara carpele, fiind Insa complet in-chise de bractei (semin^ele unor Coni-ferae) [spermatocarpy; Spermatokar-pie; spermatocarpie; spermatokdrpia; сперматокарпия] 657 SPERMATOCONIDIUM n (gr. -, k6vi5iov ,,praf“) —*■ spermatium 658 SPERM A TOCYSTIDIUM n ,'SPER-MATOCYSTIS f (gr. -, kooti? ,,sac“), spermatocistidie, spermatocist, celula mama a anteridiei (Musci) [spermato-cyst; Spermatozyste; spermatocyste; spermatociszta; сперматодист] . 659 SPERMATOCYTIS, -IDIS f (gr.-, кбто? „cavitate") —► androcytis 660 SPERMATOCYTIUM, -IDIS n (gr.-), spermatocitiu, sporange cu spermato ш zoizi (A. Braun) [spermatocytium; Spermatozytium; spermatocytium; spermatocitium; сперматоцитиум] 661 SPERM A TOGAME ТА f (gr. -, ya-рётпс »sotie“), spermatogamet, garnet mascul (Hartog) [spermatogamete; Spermatogamet; spermatogam ete; spermatogamdta; сперматогамета] 662 SPERMATOGENESIS f (gr. ye-veoig ,,na§tere“), spermatogenezS, dezvoltarea celulelor sexuale mascule din spermatogonii fdeex. anterozoizi, grSunciori de polen etc J [spermatogenesis ;Spermatogenese; spermatoge-nSse; spermatogenSzis; сперматогенез] —► spermogenesis 663 SPERMATOGENUS, SPERM A TO-GENICUS (gr. -, yewaoo „а naste"), spermatogen 1. Care produce elemente mascule. 2. Care produce semin|e [spermatogenous, spermatogenetic; spermatogen; spermatogone; sperma-togOn; сперматогенный, образующий семенка] —»■ spermogenus 664 SPERM A TOGONI DI U M n (gr. -, ybvoq ,,na§tere“) —► spermatozoon 665 SPERMATOGONIUM n (gr. -spermatogoniu, celula sexualS pri-mordialS masculS (La Valetta) [spermatogonium; Spermatogonium; spermatogonium; spermatog6nium, him osivarsejt; сперматогоний] 666 SPERMATOGRAPHIA t (gr. -, ypa-Ф® „а scrie“), spermatografie, descrie-rea semintelor [spermatography; Sa-menbeschreibung; spermatographie; magleiras; сперматография] 667 SPERM A TOKINE TICUS (gr. -, kiv-iyuKd<; ,,mi§cStor“), spermatocinetic, care tinde si producS elemente mascule [spermatokinetic; spermatokine-tisch ; spermatocinOtique; spermatoki-netikus; сперматокинетический] 668 SPERMATOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qroxdv „plants"), spermatofite, grupS taxonomies superioarS, cuprinzind plante vasculare cu flori §i semin^e [spermatophy tes, secd-plants; Sper-matophyten, Samenpflanzen; spermatophy tes, plantes a semences; sper-matofitak, magvas ndvdnyek; cnep-матофиты, растения семенные] —► an-thophyta, phanerogamae, spermophyta 669 SPERM ATO PLASM A n (gr.-, пиастра „modelare"), spermatoplasma, citoplasma celulei mascule [spermato-plasm; Spermatoplasma; spermato-plasme; spermatoplazma; спермато-плазма] SPERMOGONIIFER 670 SPERMATOPLASTUM n (gr. -, likaazdq ,,modelat“), spermatoplast, celulS sexualS masculS [spermatoplast; Spermatoplast ; spermatoplaste; himi-varsejt; сперматопласт] 6 71 SPERM A TOSPHAERA f (I tzigsohn) —*■ spermatoplastum 672 SPERMATOSOMA n (gr. -, afcpo ,,corp“) —*• spermatozoon 673 SPERMATOZOON n (gr. -, Сфоу „animal"), spermatozoid, celulS masculS mobilS rezultatS in anteridie [spermatozoid; Spermatozoid; sperma-tozoide; spermatozoid, mozgd himi-varsejt; сперматозоид] —► micro-gameta, spermatogonidium, spermium 674 SPERMIOGENESIS f (gr. -, ytveaiq ,,na§tere“) -* spermatogenesis 675 SPERM 10TELEOSIS f (gr. -, zt-tato? ,,terminat“) —*• spermatogenesis 676 SPERMIUM n (gr. -) -> micro-gameta, spermatozoon 677 SPERMOCARPIUM n (gr. -, карябс ,,fruct“), spermocarp. 1. Oogon dupS fecundare. 2. Fructul la Ckaraceae (Bennett §i Murray) [spermocarp; Spermokarp; spermocarpe; spermo-karpium; спермокарпий] 678 SPERMOCARPUS (gr. - ) -* pha-nerogamus 679 SPERMOCENTRUM n (gr. -, lat. centrum ,,centru“), spermocentru, cen-trozomul mascul in timpul fecundSrii [spermocentre; Spermozentrum; sper-mocentre; spermocentrum; спермо-центр] 680 SPERMODERMA n, S PER MO DERMIS, -IDIS f, SPERMODERMIUM n (gr. -, 86ppa ,,piele“), spermodermS, inveli§ul seminal [spermoderm, seed-coat; Samenhulle, Samendecke, Sa-menmantel; spermoderme; maghdj, magtakard; спермодерма] -* episper-mium 681 SPERMODOPHORUM n (gr. , 686? „drum", фор&ш „a purta") -*■ gyno-phorum 682 SPERMOGEMMA f (gr. -, lat. gemma „mugure") —» archegonium 683 SPERMOGENESIS f (gr. -, ytveaiq „na^tere") -► spermatogenesis 684 SPERMOGENUS (gr. -, yewdo „a se na§te“) —► spermatogenus 685 SPERMOGONIIFER (gr. -, ydvos ,,urma§“, lat. fero „a purta"), sper-mogonifer, care poartS spermogonii SPERMOGONIUM [spermogoniiferous; spermogonientra-gend; spermogoniifdre; spermogonium-tartd; спермогононосный] 686 SPERMOGONIUM n (gr. - -), sper-mogoniu, organ de fructificatie la Fungi §i Lichenes, constituind о cavitate in forma de butelie, in care iau na§tere spermatiile, avind dimensiuni mai reduse decit cele din picnidii [spermogone; Spermogon; spermogo-nie; spermogdnium; спермогоний] 687 SPERMOLOGIA f (gr. -, Xbyoq „vorbire"), spermologie, studiul semin^e-lor sau a sporilor [spermology; Samen-kunde, Sporenkunde; spermologie; magtan, spdratan; спермология] 688 SPERMOPHORIUM n (gr. -, (pope© „a purta"), spermofor, suportui sporu-lui (Fungi) [spermophorium; Sporen-trager; spermophorium; spdratartd; споронос] 689 SPERMOPHORUM n (gr. - -), spermofor 1. Ginofor (Umbelliferae). 2. Placenta [spermophore, gynophore, placenta; Samentrager, Samenleiste, StempeltrSger; spermophore, gynophore, placenta; spermofdrum, mag-tartd, termdpikkely, magtanya; спермофор, гинофор, плацента] 690 SPERMOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, (putov „planta") -* spermatophyta 691 SPERMOSPORA f (gr. -, оиорй „sSmintS"), spermospor, spor format in spermogoniu [spermospore; Spermo-spore; spermospore; spermospdra; спермоспора] 692 SPERMOSPHAERA f (gr. -, o gangrena 1. Boaia a trunchiului sau a ramurilor arborilor care produce uscarea sau necrozarea acestora. 2. Deta?area in piaci a scoar(ei trunchiurilor sau a ramurilor din cauza gerului [gangrene, bark-necrose; Rindenbrand; sphacd-le, ndcrose de l’dcorce; kdregiiszko-sddds, kdregnekrdzis; гангрена, некроз кора] 98 SPHAENO- (gr. atpfiv, a sphaeno- 725 SPH1NGOPHILUS (gr. оф1у£ „sfinx, monstru", фгХё© „a iubi"), sfingofil, polenizat de fluturi de noapte [sphin-gophilous; nachtfalterblumig; sphin-gophile; Sjjeli lepkSkkel porzddd; сфингофильный] 726 SPHONDYLOIDEUS (gr. офбубиХод „vertebrS", еТбод ’„asemSnare") -► fusiformis 111 SPHYGMISMUS m (gr. офоурбд „pulsate"), sfigmism, formarea va-cuolelor contractile sub influenza unor excitajii (Massart) [sphygmism; Sphyg-mismus; sphygmisme; szfigmizmus; сфигмизм] 728 SPICA f, spic, tip de inflorescen[S cu numeroase flori sesile sau scurt pedicelate, dispuse pe о axS comunS (Plantago major, Triticum, Hordeum) [spike; Ahre; Spi; fuzSr, fuzSrvirSg-zat; колос] -*■ stockys* SPICA SPURIA —► pseudospica, spicastrum 729 SPICASTRUM —► spica spuria 730 SPIC ATUS, SPICIFER, SPICI-GER, SPICI-, spicat, dispus in spice, care poartS spice (spiciflorus) [spi-cate, spiciferous; Shrig, ahrentragend; ёр1ё, spiciffere; Шгёгев, kalSszos; колосистый, колосоносный] —► stachy- 731 SPICIFORMIS, spiciform, in formS de spic (panieul ~) [spike-like; SPI Cl LEG IU M ShrenfSrmig; spiciforme; fuz6rszeru, kal&sz alakii; колосовидный] 732 SPJCILEGIUM n, spicuire, culegere de articole (ca titlu de carte) [gleaning, collection; Ahrenlese, Samm-lung; glanure, collection; tarlozas, gyfijtemSny; сборник, коллекция] -*• pugillus 733 SPICULA f, spiculet, inflorescenta par^ialS a spicului general, format din flori, axS, glume §i glumelule (Gramineae ) [spikelet, secondary spike; Ahrchen, GrasShrchen; spicule, Spiet, apillet; fviz6rke, kalSszka; колосок, спикула] —*■ achnanthium, locusta 734 SPIC ULATUS, SPICULIFER, spi-culat, care poartS spiculefe [spicu-late, spiky; Shrchentragend; spicule; fiiz6rk6s; имеющий спикулы, заостренный] —*■ spiculosus 735 SPIC ULIFORMIS, spiculiform, de forma unor spicule£e [spikelet-like; ShrchenfOrmig; spiculiforme; fiizSr-keszeru, kaiaszka alakii; спикуло-образный] 736 SPICULOSUS — spiculatus 737 SPILADOPHILUS (gr. cmiXa?, „a iubi"), argilofil, care prefers solurile argiloase [spiladophilous, clay-loving; lehm-liebend, tonliebend; argilophile; agyagos talajt kedveld; глинолюбивый] 738 SPILADOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, qjircov ,,planta“) —► pelophyta 739 SPILOTUS, SPIL-, SPILO- (gr. cntikoQ ,,patS“), (spilanthus, spilopte-rus) —*■ maculatus, pantherinus 740 SPIL US m, SPILA f (gr. -) — hi-lum 741 SPIN-, SPIN ATUS, SPINE US, SPINI-, SPINIFER, SPINIGER, SPINOSUS, -SPINUS, cu spini, spi-nos, ghimpos (spinalbus, spinaureus, spininervius, badispinus) [spine-, spini-, -spined, -thorned, spinose, spiny, thorny; dorn-, -dornig, bedornt; spini-, Spineux, а Spines; tOvises, tdvisfl; колюче-, иглисто-, колючий, иглистый, несущий иглы] 742 SPIN A f, spin, ghimpe; excrescent dur5, punginte, nedeta§abilS, factnd corp cu lemnul [spine, thorn; Dorn; Spine; tSvis; колючка, игла] • 743 SPINELLA f, spini§or, organ ascutit, mai rigid ca pSrul, dar fara consistent lemnoasa a spinului [spi-nule; DOrnchen; spinelle, spinule; tOvi-ske; маленькая колючка] —*■ sp inula 486 744 SPINELLA TUS, SPINELLOSUS, cu spini§ori [spinulose; kleindornig; spinellS, spinuleux; tdviskSs; мелко-колючий] —*■ spinulosus 745 SPINESCENS (spinesco), spinescent, slab spinos sub aspectul consisten-tei (foliole involucrale la Scolymus hispanicus, fructele la Spinacia, ra-murile la Ononis pseudohircina) [spinescent; dornigwerdend; spinescent ; gyengetiiskSs, tuskSsed6; слегка колючий, заостряющийся] 746 SPINICARPUS (lat. spina „spin", gr. каряд<; „fruct"), cu fructe spi-noase [spinicarpous; bedorntfruchtig; spinicarpe; tOvises termSsu; колючеплодный] 747 SPINIFOLIUS, cu frunze spinoase [spiny-leaved, spinifolious; bedornt-blattrig; spinifoliS; tOvises levelu; колючелистный] 748 SPINIFORMIS, spiniform [spiniform, spine-like; dornfdrmig; spiniforme; t6vis alakii; колючковидный] 749 SPINOSUS, spinos, ghimpos (frunzele la Carduus, Cirsium) [spinose, thorny; dornig, bedornt; Spineux; 16vises; колючий] -* senticosus 750 SPINULA f —*• spinella 751 SPINULIFER, SPINULI-, SPINU-WSUS, spinulos, cu spini§ori (spinu-liflorus, spinulifolius, spinuliformis) [spinulose; kleindornig, feindornig, dOrnchen-; spinuleux; tOviskSs; мелкоколючий] —* spinellosus 752 SPINUIDSO-DENTATUS, spinulos-dintat (frunza la Ilex) [spinulose-dentate; bedornt zShnig; spinuleux-dentS; tOviskSsen fogazott; колюче-эуб-чатый] 753 SPIRA f (gr. aneipa „spirals"), spirals, rSsucirea in spirals a unui organ [spire, coil; Spirale, Windung, Schraube; spire, tour; csavarodas; спираль, завиток] 754 SPIRALIS, SPIRO-, -SPIRUS, spi-ralat, dispus in spirals (flori fructe pefiol ~] (spirostylus, monospirus) [spiral, coiled; spiralig, spiralfSrmig, schraubenfOrmig, schraubiggewunden; spirals, tordu; spirSlis, csavaros, csa-varodott, csigavonalas; спиральный, завитой]* 755 SPIRALISATIO f, spiralizare, infS-§urarea in spirals a cromonemelor de cromozomi din stadiul mitotic sau meiotic (Darlington) [spiralisation; Spiralisation; spiralisation; spiraliza-cid; спиралиэация] 487 756 SPIRALISMUS m, spiralism, mon-strozitate florals sau foliarS datoritS unei torsiuni nenormale [spiralism; Spiralismus, Spiraldrehung, Zwang-drehung; spiralisme; rendellenes csa-varodSs; спирализм] 757 SPIRANTIIUS (gr. ояе(ра „spirals", AvOog „floare"), cu flori spira-late [spiranthous; schraubenbliitig; S fleurs spiratees; csavart virSgu; спиральноцветковый] 758 SPIREMA n (gr. oreipppa „rSsucire"), spirem, forma unui ghemotoc al fila-mentelor nucleare din profaza mitozei (Flemming) [spireme; Spirem; spi-гёте; spir6ma; спирема] —► dolichonema 759 SPIRILLUM n, spirit, bacterie fila-mentoasS spiralatS [spirillum; Spi-rille; spirille; spirillum; спирилла] 760 SPIROCARPUS (gr. craelpo „spirals", карябд „fruct"), spirocarpic, cu fructe spiralate [spirocarpous; schraubenfriichtig; spirocarpe; csavart term6sS; спиральноплодный] 761 SPIROCENTRUS (gr. -, K^vtpov „pinten"), cu pinteni spirala[i [spirally-spurred ; schraubenspornig; S Sperons spiralis; csavart sarkantyiisii; спироцентрический] 762 S PI ROC Y С LI С US, SPIROCYCLUS (gr. -, кбкХод „cerc"), spirociclic, agezat pe axS in linie de spirals ['florile la Ranunculus) [spirocyclic; spirozyklisch; spirocyclique; spirocik-likus; спироциклический] 763 SPIROISMUS m, spiroism, rSsucirea organului in cursul dezvoltSrii sale (Morren) [spiroism; Spiroismus; spi-roisme; spiroizmus; спироизм] 764 SPIROLOBUS, spirolobat, cu lobul cotiledonar infSgurat in spirals (em-brionul la Bunias) [spirolobous; spi-raliggelappt; spirolob6; spirSlisan bekunkorodott; спиральнодольный] 765 SPIROTROPUS (gr. -, троя^ „rSsucire"), spirotropic, rSsucit in spirals [spirotropous; spirotrop; spirotrope; spirSlisan csavarodd; спиротропный] 766 SPISSUS, S PI SSI- (spissifolius) — comp actus, densus, solidus 767 SPIT HAM ALIS, SPITHAMEUS (gr. offi0apf| „gchioapS"), spitamal, de lungimea unei gchioape scurte (cca 17,5 cm) [span-long; kleinspan-nenlang; S longueur d’un petit empan; rdvid arasznyi; в малую пядень величиной] SPONGOPHYLLUM 768 SPLENDENS, SPLENDIDUS (splendeo), lucios, lucitor [shining, glittering, gleaming; glSnzend, schim-mernd; brillant, luisant; fSnyes, fSnyl6; блестящий] —► fulgens, nicans, nitens, -phanus 769 SPODIUS, SPODO-, SPODOCHRO-US (gr. anoSdQ „cenugS", хрба „culoare"), cenugiu, sur, culoare interme-diarS intre alb gi negru (spodocepha-lus, spodophyllus, spodotrichus) [ash-grey, grey-coloured; aschgrau, asch-farbig; gris cendrё; hamusziirke; пепельно-серый, пепельный] —* cinereus, griseus, tephreus 770 S PODOGRA MM A n (gr. -, урбрцос „literS gravatS"), spodogramS, ima-ginea microscopies a membranei celu-lare mineralizate, dupS arderea sub-stanjelor organice [spodogram; Spo-dogramm; spodogramme; spodogram; сподограмма] 771 SPODOLEUCUS (gr. -, Хеокбд „alb"), cenugiu alb [greyish-white; graulich-weiB; grisatre-blanche; szurkSsfehSr; пепельно-белый] 772 SPONGIIFORMIS (gr. ояоуугй ,,bu-rete", lat. forma „forma"), spongii-form, de forma buretelui (miceliu [sponge-shaped; schwammartig; spon-giforme; szivacsszeru, spongya alakii; губкообразный] 7 73 SPONGILLA f, SPONGIOLA t (gr. -), spongiola, extremitatea rSdScinilor gi a radicelelor la locul perilor absorban[i [spongelet, spongiole; SchwSmmchen; spongiole; spongiola, szivacsocska; спонгиола] 774 SPONGIOPLASMA n (gr. -, яХйора „modelare"), spongioplasmS, structu-ra reticularS, spongioasS a citoplas-mei, cuprinsS intr-o materie fluids hialinS, dupS teoria reticularS, azi depSgitS [spongioplasm; Spongioplas-ma; spongioplasme; spongioplazma; спонгиоплазма] 775 SPONGIOSUS (gr. -), spongios, cu tesut poros, compresibil gi elastic fperigonul fructului de Salicornia, si-licva la Raphanus sativus) [spongiose, spongy, porous; schwammig; spon-gieux; szivacsos; губчатый] 776 SPONGOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, generatio- asexualis 824 SPOROPHYTON n (gr. - -), sporofit, generala asexuatS in metagenezS, cu 2n cromozomi, in care se produc sporii (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta) [sporophyte; Sporophyt; sporophyte; sporofita, ivartalan ivadSk; спорофит, бесполое поколение] —*■ agamobium, sporobionta, syncaryophyton 825 SPOROSOMA n (gr. -, crffipa „corp"), sporozom, corp de reproducere (Po-tonie) [sporosome, reproductive body; Sporosom, Fortpflanzungskorper; sporosome, corpuscule reproductif; spo-roszdma, szaporitdtest; споросома] 826 SPOROSTEGIUM n (gr. -, отёуш „a acoperi"), sporostegiu, inveli§ul celular a fructifica}iei (Ckara) [spo-rostegium; HiillschlSuche; sporostdge; termSstakard, termSsburok; споросте-гиум] 827 SPOROTAMIUM n (gr. -, xapielov „depozit") —*■ hypothecium 828 SPOROTHECIUM n (gr. -, Ofpcii „cutie"), sporotecS, capsuld sporiferS (Cryptogamae) [sporothecium; Spo-rotheka; sporothSque; sporotSka, spd-ratok; споротека] 829 SPOROTROPHOPHYLLUM n {gr. -, троф^ „nutritie", qtbXXov „frunzS"), sporotrofofilS, frunzS asimilatoare §i sporiferS (Pteridophyta) [sporotropho- 490 phyll; Sporotrophophyll; sporotropho-phylle; sporotrofofillum; споротро-фофилл] 830 SPOROZOIDIUM n (gr. -, CcrtSiov „animalcul") —*■ zoospora 831 SPORULA t (gr. -), sporulS, spor mic [sporule; Sporchen, Sporule; sporule; sporula; спорула, маленькая спора] —*■ sporidium 832 SPORULA TIO f (gr. -) -> sporoge-nesis, sporificatio 833 SPORULIFER, SPORULIGER, SPORULIGENUS (gr. -, lat. fero, gero „a purta", gr. yewaa> „а se na§te“), sporulifer, care produce sau poartS sporule [sporuliferous; spor-chentragend; sporulifSre; sporulSs; спорулоносный] 834 -SPORUS (gr. - ) —► -sporicus 835 SPUMARIUS, SPUMESCENS, SPUMOSUS, spumescent, spumos, asemSnStor cu spuma [spumescens, froth-like, frothy; schaumartig, schSu-mig; spumescent, dcumeux; habszerfi, habos; пенящийся, пенистый] 836 SPURIUS, fals, aparent, cu aspect in§elStor (disepiment, spic, ramurS) [spurious, false; falsch, unecht, schein-bar; faux; SI, hamis, lStszolagos; ложный] -+ falsus, pseudo-BACCA SPURIA -> pseudobacca CALYX SPURIUS — calyculus, pseudocalyx FRUCTUS SPURIUS — pseudocar pium PARASITUS SPURIUS -» pseu-doparasitus VERTICILLUS SPURIUS -> pseu-doverticillus, verticillaster* 837 SQUALENS, SQUALIDUS, mur-dar galben [squalid, dirty, filthy; schmutzig, schmutzigfarbig, schmu-tziggelb; squalide, sale, jaune sale; piszkos szinfi, szennyes szinfi, szeny-nyessSrga; грязный, грязно-желтый] 838 SQUAM-, SQUAMI-, -SQUAMUS, SQUAMIFER, SQUAMATUS, SQUAAMOSUS, solzos, scvamos,' acoperit cu scvame (squamiflorus, squa-mifolius, integrisquamus) [scale-, -scaled, squamate, scaly, squamose, squa-miferous, bearing scales; schuppen-, schuppig, beschuppt, schuppentra-gend; squami-, squameux, Scailleux, squamifdre; pikkely-, pikkelyes; чешуе-, чешуйчатый, чешуеносный] —► le-pidotus, lepido-, •lepidus* 491 839 SQUAMA t 1. ScvamS, solz. 2. FrunzS rudimentarS, nepejiolatS, in-colorS, de un verde deschis sau brunie, protejind diferite pSr(i aeriene sau subterane ale plantelor (antodiile la Compositae, tulpina la Neottia, mu-gurii la Orobanche, conurile la Abies, Pinus, pefiolul la Ceterach, rizomii la Athyrium, Polypodium, bulbii la Lilium etc.) [squama, scale; Schuppe, Blattschuppe; squame, dcaille; pik-kely, pikkelylevdl; чешуя, чешуйка —► lepis* SQUAMAE NEC ТА RI FERAE -nectarifer 840 SQUAMACEUS, SQUAMARIUS, SQUAMIFORMIS, SQUAMOIDE-US, scvamiform, solziform (perigonul la Juglans, frunzele la Lycopodium annotinum) [scale-like, squamiform; schuppenformig, schuppenartig; squa-miforme; pikkelyszeru, pikkely alaku; чешуевидный] 841 SQUAMELLA f, scvamelS 1. ScvamS micS de ordin secundar. 2. Lob al talului (Lichenes). 3. Lodicula (Gramineae) [squamella, lodicule; Schiippchen, Lodikula; squamelle, lodicule ; pikkelylevdlke, lepelpikkely; пленочка, чешуйка] -*■ s*uamula 842 SQUAMELLIFER, SOU AMULA-TUS, SQUAMULOSUS, scvamelifer, scvamulos, prevSzut cu scvamele [squa-melliferous, squamulate, squamulose; schuppchentragend, kleinschuppig; squamellifdre, squamuleux; pikkely-levdlkds; пленочконосный, мелкочешуйчатый] 843 SQUAMELLIFORMIS, SQUAMULI-FORMIS, scvamuliform, cu scvame mici [squamuliform, squamella-like; schuppchenformig; squamelliforme, squamuliforme; pikkelylevdlke alaku; пленочковидный, чешуйкообразный] 844 SQUAMODIUM n, scvamodiu, trans-formarea organelor foliare in frunze solzoase (Worsdell) [squamody; Squa-modium; squamodie; szkvSmodiSm; сквамоднй] 845 SQUAMULA t -* squamella 846 SQUARROSUS, scvaros, rigid gi larg etalat in toate directiile (tulpina la Cichorium intybus, inflorescen[a la Crambe maritima) [squarrose, squar-rous; sparrig; squarreux; terpedten elSgazd; оттопыренный] 847 SQUARRULOSUS, scvarulos, pujin scvaros [squarrulose; etwas sparrig; squarruleux; kissd terpedten Slid; несколько оттопыренный] ST AMIN ALIS 848 STABILIS, stabil, fixat, neschim-bStor (solum arenarium stabile, pa-mint nisipos fixat) [stable, steadfast; feststehend, dauerhaft, bestSndig; stable, fixd; Sllanddsult; стабильный, неподвижный] 849 STABILOPLASTA n pi (lat. -, gr. ntaoxdg „modelat"), stabiloplasle, elaioplaste colorate, cu pozi^ie gi numSr constant (Mereskowsky) [sta-biloplasts; Stabiloplasten; stabiloplas-tes; stabiloplasztiszok; стабилопласты] 850 STACHY, STACHYDI-, STA-CHYO-, -STACHYS, -STACHYUS (gr. oxdxog „spic"), cu spice, referitor la spice (stackydifolius, stachyo-phorus, acrostachys, chrysostachys, chlo-rostachyus, microstaehys) [spicate, spike-; -Shrig, ahren-; dpie, a Spies; -fiizerii, fuzdres-, kalaszos; колосо-, -колосый] —*• spicatus, spici- 851 STACHYS (-YOS) m (gr. -) — spica 852 STADIUM n — phasis 853 STAGNALIS, STAGNATILIS, STAGNICOLUS, STAGNINUS, STAGNARIUS, stagnal, care cregte in apele stStStoare, in bSl^i, elegteie, mocirle (Callitriche stagnalis) [stagnal, growing in marshes; teichwach-send, sumpfwachsend; des etangs, croissant dans les marais; Sllovizi, mocsari; прудовый, прудовой] 854 STAGNANS (stagno), stagnant, sta-tStor (in aquis stagnantibus, in apele stStStoare) [stagnant, standing; ste-hend; bleibend; stagnant; Slid, meg-marado; стоячий] —► stans 855 STAGNOPLANCTON n (lat. stag-num „mlagtinS", gr. я>лукхдд „rStScitor"), stagnoplancton, planctonul apelor stStStoare (Ivanoff) [stagno-plankton; Stagnoplankton; stagnoplancton; Slldvizek planktonja; cra-гнопланктон] 856 STAGNUM n 1. ApS stStStoare. 2. MlagtinS. 3. Lac. 4. MocirlS [marsh, swamp, pond, pool; Sumpf, Teich; dtang, marais; Slldviz, td, mocsSr; пруд] 857 STAMEN (-INIS) n (gr. axfijaov „fir"), staminS, organ al florii, format din filament, anterS gi conectiv, totalitatea lor constituind androceul (Phanerogamae) [stamen; Staubblatt, StaubgefaB; dtamine; porzd, por-zdlevdl; тычинка] 858 STAMINALIS, STAMINEALIS, STAMINEUS, staminal, care apar- STAMINATUS jine staminelor (epistaminalis, pau-cistamineus) [etaminal, stamineal; sta-minal; staminaire; porzdra vonat-kozd; относящейся к тычинкам] —*• -stemon 859 STAMINATUS, STAMIN1FER, STAMINIGER, staminat, prevSzut cu stamine; care poartS stamine, staminifer [staminate, staminiferous, stamen-bearing; staubgefSBtragend; StaminS, staminifSre; porzds, porzdt hordozd; тычиночный, тычинконосный] —у and.ro-, mas 860 STAMINIFORMIS, staminiform, de forma staminelor [stamen-like; staub-blattfdrmig, staubgefSBfdrmig; sta-miniforme; porzd alakii; тычинкообразный] 861 S ТА Ml NODI UM n (gr. -, etfiog „asemSnare"), staminodie 1. Trans-formarea organelor florale in stamine. 2. StaminS sterilS, rudiment de staminS sau staminS modificatS pentru alte func[ii fiziologice [staminode, staminody; Staminodie, StaubgefSB-rudiment, NebenstaubgefaB, Nebenfa-den; staminode; Slporzd, meddoporzd, satnya porzd, Slhim, porzScsokevSny; стаминодий, недоразвившаяся тычинка] —*■ parastamen, stamen sterile 862 STAMINOSUS, cu numeroase stamine [staminose; staubblattreich; sla-mineux; sokporzdjd; многотычиночный] 863 STAMINULA f —► staminodium 864 STANS (sto) —y stagnans 865 STASIGENESIS f (gr. axdmg „sta-tionare", yeveCTig „nagtere"), stasige-neza, stabilizarea gi persisten(a ti-purilor, precum gi modul lor de orga-nizare in cursul procesului evolutiv incepind de la specie gi pinS la filum (Huxley) [stasigenesis; Stasigenese; stasigenSse; stasigenezis; стасигенез) 866 STASIMORPHIA t {gr. -, popia> „а iubi"), stercofil, care create pe excremente [stercophilous, growing on dung; kotwachsend, dungliebend, mistwachsend; stercophile; tragyan ё1д; навозный] 943 STERCORATUS, gunoit (in locis stereoratis, pe locuri gunoite) [dunged; gedttngt, mistig; fumat engraiss£; tr&gyazott; унавоженный] STEREIDAE 944 STEREIDAE f pi (gr. oteped? ,,tare“), stereide, celule cu peretii ingro§a(i, constituind stereomul [stereids; Ste-reiden; stdrdides; sztereid&k, szilSrdi-tdsejtek; стереиды] 945 STEREOCYTJS, «-IDIS f (gr.кот* „cutie") -* stereidae 946 STEREOKINESIS t (gr. Kivnaig ,,mi§care“) -*• ihigmotaxis 947 STEREOMA n (gr. охерёшца „sche-let“), stereom, jesut de sus[inere; tesut mecanic format din stereide (Schwendener) [stereome, strengthening tissue; Stereome, Skelettgewe-be, mechanische Gewebe, Festigungs-gewebe; stdrdome, tissu de soutien; sztereoma, szilSrditd szOvet; стереом, механическая ткань] 948 STEREOPHYLLUS (gr. cxepedg „tare“, (pokXov „frunzS"), cu frunze tari [stereophyllous; steifblattrig, hartblSttrig; stdrdophylle; кетёпу levelu; жестколистный] —*■ rigidifolius, sclerophyllus 949 STEREOPLASMA n (gr. л?.аора „modelare"), stereoplasmS, partea so-lidS a citoplasmei (Naegeli) [stereo-plasm; Stereoplasma; stdrdoplasme; stereoplazma; стереоплазма] 950 STEREOPUS (gr. лоОд, лоббд ,,picior“), cu suportul tare [hard-stalked; steifstengelig; stereope; кетёпу tdnkii; жёстконожковый] 951 STEREOSPERMUS (gr.-, стлёрра „sSmintS"), cu seminfe tari [hard-seeded; nartsamig; S graines dures; kemeny magvu; жёсткосемянный] 952 STEREOTACTISMUS m (gr. -, хак-хпсбд ,,de orinduire") -»thigmotaxis 953 STEREOTAXIS f (gr. id^ig ,,ordine“) —► ihigmotaxis 954 STEREOTROPISMUS m (gr. xpoTtfi „rSsucire") —► thigmotropismus 955 STERIGMA n, S ТЕ RIG MUM n (gr. otfipiypa „suport"), sterigmS, suportul condiniosporilor sau a basidios-porilor [sterigma; Sterigma; stdrigme, stdrigmate; szterigma, spdranydl; стеригма, споронос] —*■ trichidium 956 STERILIS, steril 1. Nefertil, nepro-ducStor de fructe. 2. NeproducStor de spori (miceliu ~) [sterile, infertile, barren, fruitless; steril, unfrucht-bar, fruchtlos, keimfrei; stdrile, infertile ; meddd, termdketlen, nem sporatermd; стерильный, бесплодный] STAMEN STERILE—* staminodium* 496 957 STERILISA TIO f, sterilizare, dis-trugerea microorganismelor dintr-un substrat [sterilization; Sterilisierung, Entkeimung; sterilisation; sterili-zS14s, csirStlanit&s; стерилизация] 958 STERILITAS f, sterilitate 1■ In-capacitatea de a produce spori sau seminte germinabile. 2. Lipsa microorganismelor dintr-un mediu sterilizat [sterility; SterilitSt, Unfruchtbar-keit; stdrilitd; medd6sdg, magtalan-sSg, csirStlansSg; стерильность, бесплодие] 959 STERNOT RIB ALIS, STERNOTRI-BUS (gr. oxdpvov „piept", xplfko „a freca"), sternotrib, cu antera dispusS astfel, incit transmiterea polenului are loc prin intermediul p3r[ii ven-trale a insectei polenizatoare (Del-phino) [sternotribal, sternotribe; sternotrib; sternotribe; szternotrib, hasi oldalhoz tapadd; стернотрибный] 960 STERNUTATORIUS, strSnutStor, care provoacS strSnutare [sneeze-causing ; niessenerregend; sternuta-toire; tiisszentdst okozd; чиховызыва-ющий] —*■ ptarmicus 961 STERROPHILUS (gr. атеррбд ,,as-pru, solid", quXra) „a iubi"), sterofil, care create in mla§tin5 [moor-loving; sumpfliebend, sumpfbewohnend; ster-rophile, croissant dans les mardcages; mocs&rban ё1б; стеррофильный] .52 STERROPHYTA n pi (gr.-, (puxdv „plants"), sterofite, plante de mla§-tini (Clements) [moor plants; Sumpf-pflanzen; plantes des mardcages; mo-csSri ndvdnyek; болотные растения, стеррофиты] 963 STESOMIA f, STESOMORPHIA f (gr. fottiiii ,,a opri", рорфц „formS") -»• stasimorphia 964 STICHIDIUM n (gr. oxixiSiov ,,§ir mic"), stihidie, ramifica^ie specials a talului purtind tetrasporangi (Rho-dophyceae) [stichidium; Stichidie; stichidium; sztichidium; стихидий] . —» carpoclonium 965 STICHO-, -STICHUS (gr. oxtxoe ,,§ir, rind") (distichus, anisostichus, poly stichus) -* -farius, -seriatus 966 STICHOBASIDIUM n (gr. -, pa-aiSiov ,,picioru§“), stichobazidie, bazi-die cu fusurile nucleare paralele cu axa longitudinals a bazidiei (Gaste-romycetes) [stichobasidium; Sticho-basidie; stichobaside; sztichobazi-dium; стихобазидия] 967 STICHOCARPICUS, STICHOCAR-PUS (gr. -, карлдд „fruct"), stiho- т carpic, cu fructe dispuse in spirals [stichocarpous; stichokarpisch; sti-chocarpe; szticbokarpikus; стихока-рпный] 968 STICTO-, -STICTUS (gr. апктдд „punctat"), punctat, puncticulat, pStat (stictocarpus, stictopetalus, chry-sostictus, polystictus) [punctate, punctured, spotted, dotted; punktiert, gefleckt, gezeichnet; ponctua, tacheta; pontozott, pettyes; изпещренно-, точечный] —*■ punctatus, maculatus 969 STICTOPHYLLUS (gr. -, Uov „frunzS"), cu frunze punctate [punctate-leaved ; punktiertblattrig; a feuilles ponctuaes; pontozott lcvelu; изпещреннолистыый] 970 STIGMA n (gr. otiypa, atiypatog „punct, inJepSturS"), stigmat 1. Partea superioarS a ovarului (Tulipa) sau a stilului, adesea lipicioasS, sim-plS sau ramificatS (Arnica), foliacee (Iris), papiloasS (Festuca), asper-giliforma (Panicum) etc., receptio-nind polenul. 2. PatS color at a pe organe (zoosporii la Ectocarpus, ante-ridiile la Fucus) [stigma, coloured spot; Narbe; stigmate, tache oculaire; bibe, szemfoltocska; стигма, рыльце, глазок] 971 STIGMATICUS, sligmatic, care apar[ine stigmatului (secrefie ~) [stigmatic; stigmatisch; stigmatique; bibare vonatkoz6; рыльцевый] 972 STIGMATIFER, stigmatifer, care poartS stigmate [stigmatiferous, stigma-bearing; benarbt, narbentragend; stigmatifSre; bibas, bibet hordozo; рыльценосный] —*■ stigmatophorus 973 STIGMATIFORMIS, STIGMATOI-DEUS (gr. -, etSog „asemSnare"), stigmatiform [stigma-shaped; narben-fCrmig; stigmatiforme; bibeszerii, bibe alaku; рыльцевидный] 974 STIGMATOMYCOSIS f (gr. -, цикл „ciupercS"), stigma tomicoza, boaia unor fructe cauzatS de in[epSturile unor dSunStori animali [stigmatomy-cosis; Stigmatomykose; stigmatomy-cose; sztigmatomikdzis; стигматоми-коз] 975 STIGMA TONOMIUM n (gr.-, vopdg ,,pS§unat“), stigmatonomiu, cavita[i in formS de pete cauzate prin roadere de larvele unor insecte in pSr^ile parenchimatice ale plantelor [stigma-tonomium; Platzmine; stigmatono-mium; sztigmatondmium; стигмато-иомиум] STIPIFER 976 STIGMATOPHORUM n (gr. -, форёо „a purta"), stigmatofor, partea terminals a stilului care poartS stigma-tele (Compositae) [stigmatophorum; NarbentrSger; stigmatophore; bibe-tartd; стигматофор] 977 STIGMATOPHORUS (gr. ~) — stigmatifer 978 STIGMA TOSTEGIUM n (gr. -r otSye) „a acoperi"), stigmatostegiu, tegumentul stigmatului [stigmatoste-gium, stigma-covering; Narbendecke; stigmatostfege; bibetakar6; стигма-тостегиум] 979 STIGMATOSUS, STIGMOSUS, stig-matos, cu stigmate numeroase sau mari [stigmatose; reichnarbig, gross-narbig; stigmateux; sokbibajd; mho-горыльцевый] -* polystigmaticus 980 -STIGMUS (argyrostigmus, micro-stigmus) —► -maculatus, -stigmaticus 981 STILBOCARPUS (gr. отЛрод „lucitor", карябд „fruct") —>■ lamprocarpus 982 STIMULANS, STIMULOSUS, ar-zStor, iritant (perii la Urtica) [burning, stinging; brennend, nesselnd; ardent, irritant; 6get6; жгущий] —*• urens 983 STIMULUS m —*■ pilus urticans 984 STIPATUS, strins, indesuit [sti-pate, crowded, surrounded; gedrangt; serra, touffu; szoros; скученный, выполненный] 985 ST I PELLA f, STIPELLUM n, STIPELLUS m, stipelS, formajiune scvamiformS la baza frunzelor penate, de obicei cite douS, avind culoare, formS §i func(ii deosebite de acestea (Thalictrum, Phaseolus) [stipel; Sti-pelle, Nebenblattchen; stipelle; pal-hScska; прилистничек] 986 STIPELLATUS, stipelat, prevSzutl cu stipele [stipellate; nebenblStt-chentragend; stipelle; pSlhScskas: с прилистнинками] 987 STIPES m, -ITIS, stip I. Picioru ciupercii (Agaricus). 2. Suportu) unui organ al plantei, in general. 3. TulpinS neramificatS avind la virf о coroanS de frunze (Palmae). 4. Suportui frunzei (Pteridophyta) [stipe, stalk, stock, support, trunk; Stamm, Stock, Strunk; stipe, pied, tronc de Palmiers, pied de champignon; tdnk, gombatOnk, pSlmaszSr, nySl (Slta-lSban); ножка, пенек гриба] 988 STIPIFER, STIPITATUS, stipi-tat, purtat de un suport sau de un STIP1TIF0RMIS piciorug (ovar, papus) [stipitate, stalked; gestielt; stipitd; nydlelt; снабженный, ножкой] 989 S TIPI TIFORMIS, stipitiform, de forma unui stip [stipe-shaped; stiel-fOrmig; stipitiforme; nydl alaku, t6nk-szerO; ножковидный] 990 STIPULA f, stipul, apendice folia-ceu, uneori vagin if or m, aflat mai ales la locul de inser{ie a frunzei pe tulpinS (Rosa, Vicia) [stipule; Blatt-ansatz, Nebenblatt, Afterblatt; stipule; pSlhalevdl, melldklevdl; прилистник] 991 STIPULACEUS —► stipuliformis 992 STIPULANEUS, stipulaneu, rezultat din transformarea unui stipul [stipulaneous; nebenblattvertretend; stipuland; pSlha eredetu; замещающий прилистник] SPINA STIPULANEA -► spina* 993 STIPULATUS, STIPULIFER, -STIPULUS, stipulat, prevSzut cu stipuli (frunzS) (crassislipulus) [stipulate, stipule-bearing; nebenblStt-rig; stipuld, stipulifdre; pSlhSs, pal-haleveles; прилистиковый, имеющий прилистики] 994 STIPULIFORMIS, stipuliform, de forma unui stipul [stipuliform, stipule-shaped; nebenblattfOrmig; stipu-liforme; pSlhaszerfi; прилистниковидный] —» stipulaceus 995 STIPUWSUS, stipulos, cu stipuli mari [stipulose, with large stipules; breitnebenblattrig; stipuleux; nagy-palhaju; многоприлистниковый] 996 STIRPALIS, stirpal, caulinar, dispus pe tulpinS (muguri) [caulinary ; stammstSndig; caulinaire: szaron all6; расположенный на стволе] 997 STIRPS f 1. Plants. 2. Specie. 3. Trunchi. 4. TulpinS [plant, species, race, trunk, stock, shoot; Pflanze, Art, Stamm, Staude, Stengel; plante, espSce, race, tronc, tige; nOvdny, faj, fajta, torzs, szSr; растение, вид, ствол, стебель] 998 STOW * m, stolon; ISstar subteran lung tiritor, ramificat, provenit mai ales din rSdScinS sau rizora gi servind la propagarea plantei (Agropyron repens) [stole, stolon, sucker, runner ; Stolon, AuslSufer Wurzelaus-lSufer; stolon, rejet, rejeton; tarack, gy6kdrtarack, fold alatti sarj; столон, побер] * vezi earmentum m 999 STOWNIFER, stolonifer, care poartS stoloni (plantd ~ ) [stoloniferous; aus-lSufertragend, auslSufertreibend; sto-lonifSre; tarackos, tarackot hordozd; столононосный] 1000 STOWNIFORMIS, stoloniform, de forma stolonilor [stoloniform; aus-lSuferfOrmig; stoloniforme; tarack-szertl; столоновидный] 1001 STOMA n (gr. отбра, атбратод ,,gurS“), stomate, celule epidermice specia-lizate, existente in frunze §i alte organe aeriene, cu orificiu intercelular (ostiolS) prin care are loc schimbul de gaze gi eliminarea vaporilor de apS [stoma, stomate; Stoma, Spaltoffnungsappa-rat, Spaltoffnung, Mundung, Atmung-sliicke; stomate; sztdma, leveg6nyi-las, gSzcserenyilSs, ldgzdnyilSs; стома, устьице ] —*• stomatium 1002 STOMATARIUS (gr.-), stomatal, care are loc prin stomate (transpira-tie~) [stomatal, stomatary; stoma-tSr; stomataire; sztomatSlis; устьич-ный, Стоматальный] 1003 STOMATICUS (gr. -), stomatic, care aparjine stomatei [stomatic; stomatisch; stomatique; sztomatikus; стоматический] * 1004 STOMATIFER (gr.-, lat. fero „a purta"), stomatifer, care poartS stomate [stomatiferous; spaltdffnungen-tragend; stomatifdre; levegonyilasos; устьиценосный] 1005 STOMATIUM n (gr. -) — stoma 1006 STOMATOCARPIUM n (gr. -, корлбд „fruct"), stomatocarp, fruct monocarpic ce se deschide printr-o crSpSturS oblicS [stomatocarp; Ra-chenbalg; stoma tocarpe; sztomato-kSrpium; стоматокарпий] 1007 *STOMIUM n (gr. -), stomiu, orificiu produs prin ruperea peretelui sporan-gilor, prin care sporii sint pugi in libertate (Pteridophyta) [stomium; Stomium; stomium; sp6ratok-nyi-las; стомиум] 1008 -STOMUS (gr. -, (aclinostomus, ani-sostomus, chrysostomus] —* porosus, -porus, stomatifer 1009 STRAGULUM, n -»palea, glumella 1010 STRAMEN n, STRAMENTUM n, paie [straw; Spreu, Stroh; paille; szalma; солома] 1011 STRAMINELLUS, galben deschis [light-yellow; hellgelb; jaune clair; sSpadtsSrga; бледно-жёлтый] 499 1012 STRAMINEUS, slramineu, de culoarea galbenS ca paiul [stramineous, straw-yellow; strohgelb; jaune paille; szalmas&rga; соломенножёлтый] 1013 STRANGULATUS, STRANGULO-SUS, strangulat, gltuit (cupa deasupra fructului de Corylus maxima, rSdS-cina la Danaa cornubiensis) [strangulated, choked, throttled; eingesch-nurt; StranglS; osszeszukult; перетянутый, перешнурованный, удушенный] 1014 STRATIFICATIO f, stratificare, dis-pozijia in straturi sau zone suprapuse (de ex. structura membranei celulare; ierarhizarea speciilor dupS in<ime, in fitosociologie) [stratification; Schich-tung; stratification; rStegezodes; стратификация, ярусность] 1015 STRATIFICATUS, stratificat, care formeazS straturi suprapuse [stratified ; schichtig, schichtenbildend; stratifiS; r6teges; стратифицированный] —*• slratosus 1016 S TRA TIO ВО ТА NIC A f (gr. oxpa-Tio q „rSzboinic", ftoxdvq „iarbS"), straliobotanica, modific&ri in flora unei regiuni datorite razboiului sau manevrelor militare (Hegi) [stratio-botanic; Stratiobotanik, Manover-pflanze; stratiobotanique; sztratio-botanika; стратиоботаника] 1017 ST RATOS US —► stratificatus 1018 STRATUM n, strat [layer, sheet; Schicht; couche, assise; rSteg; слой] STRATUM SPOR1FERUM, stratul sporifer, stratul fertil [sporiferous layer; Sporenlager; couche sporifere; sporatermo rSteg, term6 rSteg; спороносный слой] —► hymenium, membrana gongylifera* 1019 ST RE PENS (strepo), ST RE PI-TAN S (strepito), zgomolos, fi§ietor, fognitor (de ex. dehiscenja unor fructe,) [rustling; rauschend; bruissant; zi-zegd, susogd; шелестящий] 1020 STREPSINEMA n (gr. отрёфш „а se rSsuci", vflpa „fir"), strepsinemS, filamentele cromozomice paralele sau rSsucite din stadiul strepsiten al cariocinezei (Gregoire) [strepsinema; strepsinema; strepsinema; strepszi-пёта; стрепсинема] 1021 STREPSITENA f (gr. xaivia „panglicS"), strepsiten, faza finals a diplotenului, caracterizatS prin ince-tarea mi§c5rilor de rotate din cursul cariocinezei (Dixon) [strepsitene; Stre-psit&n; strepeitSne; strepszitdn; стреп-ситСна] STRIGA STREPT-, STREPTO- (gr. crxpenxd^ „rSsucit"), rSsucit (streptacanthus, streptocarpus, slreptopus, streptopkyl-lus) [twisted-; geareht-; tortillS, tor-du; sodort-, csavart-; скрученно-, закрученно-] —► torquatus, torsivus, torti- STREPTOCAULIS (gr. -, коиХбд „tulpinS"), cu tulpina rSsucitS [twis-ted-stalkcd; gedrehtstengclig; a tige tordue; sodort szSrii; скрученносте-бельный] STREPTOPETALUS (gr. -, nexaJiov „petals"), cu petalele rSsucite [twis-ted-petaled; gedrehtkronblattrig; a petales tordus; sodort szirmu; скруен-нолепестный] STRIA f, striu, striate, dunga, pro-eminen(5 sau adinciturS longitudinals finS pe un organ (frunzS, fruct, val-vele la Diatomeae) [stria, fine streak; Streifen, Strieme, Streifchen; strie; csik, rovatka, finom sane; полоска, штрих] STRIA TELLUS, ST RI AT ULUS, cu stria^ii fine [finely-striated; feinge-streift; finement striS; finoman csi-kos; тонкополосчатый] STRIATIFOLIUS, cu frunzele striate [striate-leaved; gestreiftblSttrig; a feuilles stri6es; csikolt levelu; полосчатолистный] ST RI AT 10 f, STRIATURA f, striatic, totalitatea §i modul de stria[ie a unui organ [striation; Streifung; striation; rovatkossag, hornyolSs; полосчатость] ST RI ATUS, striat, prevazut cu dungi, mici brazde sau cu preeminence longitudinale (tulpinS, frunze, seminte) [striate; streifig, gestreift, rillig, gerillt; strie; csikolt, savolt, finoman rovatkolt; полосатый, желобчатый] STRICTI-, STRICTUS, [eapan, rigid, pujin flexibil (stricticaulis, stric-tiflorus, strictifolius) [strict, straight, stift, very upright; steif, straff, steif-aufrecht; raide, rigide; merev; прямой, торчащий] STRIDULANS, STRIDULUS, stridulant, vijtitor, tiriitor [stridula-ting, rattling, crackling; klappemd, knarrend; stridulant, gringant; szi-szego, suhogd, zdgd; скрипучий] STRIGA f, sets sau scvamS setiformS scurtS, rigidS, strins alipitS de celelalte, cu baza dilatatS (Onosma, Li-thospermum) [striga; Striegelhaar; 1022 1023 1024 1025 1020 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 ST RIG ATUS striga; bibircssz6r; стрита, волосовидная чешуйка] 1033 STRIGATUS, STRIGILLOSUS. STRIGULOSUS, STRIGOSUS, STRIGI-, strigos, cu sete sau scvame setiforme rigide, dispuse pe о bazS convexS (strigipes) [strigose; strie-gelig, gestriegelt, striegelhaarig; stri-gueux; borostds, bibircses szorfi; тонкощетюшстый] 1034 STRIIFORMIS, striiform, in formS de dungi sau de strii [striiform, streaklike; streifenfdrmig; striiforme; sSv-szerd, csikszerfi; полоскообразный] 1035 STRIOLATUS, striolat, cu dungi fine [striolate; kleinstreifig; striold; аргб csiku; мелкоштрихованный] 1036 STROBILACEUS (gr. crcp6piXo<; ,,conu), strobilaceu, asemSnStor cu conul de Pinaceae ('fructul la Humu-lus lupulus, Halocnemum strobilaceum) [strobilaceous, cone-shaped; zapfen-fdrmig, zapfenartig; strobilace; to-bozszeru, toboz alakii; конусообразный, шишковидный] —► strobiliformis 1037 STROBILATUS, STROBILIFEB, strobilat, prevSzut cu strobili; stro-bilifer [strobilate, cone-bearing; zap-fentragend; strobile, strobilifdre, coni-fdre; tobozos, toboztermd; шишковатый, шишконосный] 1038 STROBILIFORMIS, STROBILI-NUS, STROBILOIDES (gr. -, ei6og „asemSnare") —*■ strobilaceus 1039 STROB1LUS m (gr.-), strobil, con femel; totalitatea carpelelor imbricate, dispuse in spirals pe о axS, la maturitate devenind lemnoase, avind la bazS semin^e nude (Coniferae, Cycadeae) [cone, strobile; Zapfen; сбпе, strobile; toboz, tobozviragzat; стробил, шишка] —► conus 1040 STROMA n (gr. отр&ца, атрйцатод „covor"), stroma 1. MasS de filamente miceliene impletite, in care se gSsesc corpuri de fructificajie (Pyrenomy-cetales). 2. Substanfa plasmaticS fundamentals, incolorS, spongioasS, a cloroplastelor [stroma; Stroma, Fruchtlager, Fruchtpolster der Pilze, GrundmaJQe der Chloroplasten; stroma; strdma; строма] 1041 STROMATIFER (gr.-, lat. fero „a purta"), stromatifer, prevSzut cu stromS [stromatiferous, stromatous; stromatragend; stromatifёге; strd-mSs; несущий строму] 600 1042 STROMA TOIDE U S (gr. -, el6o« „asemSnare"), stromatoid, asemSnStor cu stroma [stromatoid; stromatoid, lagerartig, polsterShnlich; stroma-toide; strdmaszerfi; стромовидный] 1043 STROMBIFER, STROMBIFOR-MIS, STROMBULIFER, STROM-BULIFORMIS (gr. OTp6jifk>g ,,co-chilie, sfirleazS"), rSsucit in spirals (fruct, frunzS) [spirallytwisted; schne-ckenfdrmiggewunden; contournd en spirale; csigavonalas, spirSlisan csa-varodott; свёрнутый спиралью] —*■ coch-leatus 1044 STROMBUS m (gr. -), strombus, ESstaie spiralatS (Medicago) [strom-us; Strombus; strombus; strom-bu; стромбус] 1045 STRONGYLO- (gr. отоууиХод „rotund") (strongylocalx, strongylocarpus, strongylophyllus) —» rotundi-, orbicular i-, circular is 1046 STROPHANTINA f (gr. отроф&в „a se rSsuci", GlvQck; „floare"), stro-fantinS, glicozid cardiotonic extras din semin^ele de Strophantkus hispidus [strophanthine; Strophantin; strophanthine; strofantin; строфантин] 1047 STROPHIOLA f, STROPHIOLUS m, STROPHIOLUM n, STROPHI-UM n (gr. -) —> caruncula, spermoly-lium, epiphysis 1048 STROPHISMUS m (gr. -), strofism, rSsucirea sau torsiunea unui organ ca reactie la excita^ii externe (Cza-pek) [strophism; Strophismuss; stro-phisme; strofizmus; строфизм] -* tor-tismus, tropismus 1049 STROPHOGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveoiq ,,na§tere“), strofogenezS, diferen[ierea unei singure genera^ii in mai multe faze, consideratS ca alternants de generatii (Strasburger) [strophogene-sis; Strophogenese; strophogendse; strofogenezis; строфогенез] 1050 STROPHOMANIA f (gr. -, pdvm „nebunie"), strofomanie, torsiunea teratologies a tulpinii, filotaxia devenind neregulatS [strophomania; Zwangs-drehung; strophomanie, strofomS-nia, rendellenes csavarodSs; строфо-мания] 1051 STROPHOTAXIS I (gr. -, xhfyQ „ordine"), strofotaxie, orinduirea organelor in urma mi^cSrii de rSsucire [strophotaxis; Strophotaxis; stropho-taxie; strofotaxis; строфотаксис] SOI 1052 STRUCTURA f, structurS, dispozi-Cia elementelor sau a Cesuturilor plan-tei §i rapoftul pozi^ional dintre ele (citoplasmaticS, histologies, pe|io-larS) [structure, organization; Auf-bau, Struktur, Gefiige; structure, organisation; struktura, feldpitds, alkat, Osszetdtel, szerkezet; структура, строение, устройство]* 1053 STRUMA f, umflSturS, tumefiere; protuberanjS in formS de gu§5 [struma, tumour, swelling; Kropf, Ge-schwulst; goitre, tumeur, excroissan-ce; kinovds, daganat, golyva; желвак, нарост] 1054 STRUMARIUS, tumefiat, cu um-flSturi, cu protuberance in forma de gu§S [strumiform; kropfartig, ange-schwollen; goitreux, tumdfil; goly-vaszerfi; наростовидный] 1055 STRUMIFER, STRUMIGER, STRUMOSUS, STRUMULOSUS, strumifer, cu protuberance [strumi-ferous, strumose; kropfig, kropftra-gend; strumifere, strumeux; daga-natos, golyvSs; желваконосный] 1056 STRUMIFORMIS, strumiform, in formS de gu§S sau de tumoare [strumiform, cushion-like, wen-like; kropf-formig, wulstfOrmig; strumiforme; go-lyva alakii, daganat alakii; желвакообразный] 1057 STRUPPI- (lat. struppus „curele impletite") (struppifolius) —> lori-, himanto-, loratus 1058 STRYCHNINA f, stricnina, alcaloid indolic foarte toxic, extras din se-minCele de Strychnos nux-vomica, folosit in terapie [strychnin; Strychnin ; strychnine; sztrichnin; стрихнин] 1059 STUPA f, STUPPA f, cilCi, masS filamentoasS sau pSroasS [tuft, tow; Werg; Stoupe; szosz, csepfi; пакля] 1060 STUPACEUS, STUPEUS, stupa-ceu, de forma cilCului [tow-like; wergartig; stupacd; csepdszerfi; паклевидный] 1061 STUPATUS, STUPOSUS, floconos, acoperit de о masS filamentoasS sau cu peri lungi, de§i §i impletiCi [stupose; wergig; Stoupeux; szOszds, csepds; покрытый паклем] —*• floccosus 1062 STYGOBIONTA n pi (gr. стбуод „repulsie", (hog „viafS), stigobionCi, organisme care trSiesc in ape mur-dare, respingStoare [stygobionts; Sty-gobionten; stygobiontes; sztigobion-tSk; стигобионты] ST Y LOGON I DI UM 1063 STYL-, STYLO-, -STYLUS (gr. oxOtog ,,coloanS“), cu stilul, cu stilele (stylophorus, aniso stylus, aristerosty-lus, brachyslylus, gamostylus, microstylus, gracilistylus) [style-, -styled, -stylous; griffel-, -griffelig; stylo-, -style, S style; bibeszSl-, -bibeszSlii; столбико-, столбиковый] 1064 STYLARIS (gr. -), stilar, care apar-Cine stilului sau se referS la acesta (de ex. cicatricea rSmasS dupS cSderea stigmatului pe fructul de Comus, Cucurbita) [stylar; griffel-, stylSr; stylaire; bibeszalra vonatkozd; столбиковый] 1065 STY LATUS, STY LIFER, STYLOPHORUS (gr. форш „a purta"), stilifer, prevazut cu stil [style-bearing; griffelig, griffeltragend; styliffcre; bi-beszSlas, bibdt tartd; столбиносный] 1066 STYLIDIUM n (gr.-), stilidiu 1. Partea canaliculatS din gitul arche-gonului (Bryophyta). 2. Coloana de-licatS, alungitS, din interiorul unor peridii (Fungi) [stylidium; Styli-dium, Fadensaulchen; stylidium; szti-lidium; стипидий] 1067 STYLIDUCTUS (-US) m (gr. -, lat. ductus „canal"), stiliduct, tubul ingust al stilului [styliduct, stylar canal; Griffelkanal; styliduc; bibe-szSlcsd; канал столбика] -*■ styliscus 1068 STYLIFORMIS, STYLOIDEUS (gr. -, etSog „asemSnare"), stiliform, in formS de stil [styliform, style-like; griffelformig; styliforme; bibeszal alaku; столбиковидный] 1069 STYLISCUS m (gr. -) -»• slyliductus 1070 STYLIPLANCTON n (gr. -, яЬоук-xdg „rStScitor"), stiliplancton, fito-plancton neritic format din Rhizo-solenia styliformis [styliplankton; Styliplankton; styliplancton; sztili-plankton; стилипланктон] 1071 STYLOCONIDIUM n (gr. -, k6vi5iov „praf") —*■ acroconidium 1072 STYLODIUM n (gr.-), stilodiu 1. Stigmat stiliform, foarte ingust, decurent pe stil (Compositae, Gramineae, Liliaceae). 2. Pseudostil con-stituind un apendice al anterelor (Cynomorium) [stylodium; Stylodi-um, griffelShnliche Narbe; stylode; sztilddium, bibeszSlszeru bibe; cra-лодий] . 1073 STYLOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, ydvi-Siov „sSminCS micS"), stilogonidie, gonidie formats la virful unor hife STY WIDAE speciale (Basidiomyceies) [stylogoni-dium; Stylogonide; stylogonidie; szti-logonidium; стнлогонидия] 1074 STYLOIDAE f pi (gr. -, e!6o<; „asemSnare"), stiloide, cristale pris-matice de oxalat de calciu din celule (Agave, Allium, Iris) [styloids; Sty-loiden, SSulenkristalle; styloides; osz-lopkristSlyok; стилоиды] 1075 STYLOPODIUM n (gr. -, now;, no-86? „picior"), stilopodiu, expansiune disciforma la baza stilului (Umbel-liferae) [stylopod, style-foot; Grif-felpolsler, GriffelfuB, Griffelposta-ment; stylopode; bibepdrna, bibe-vSnkos; стилоподий, подстолбие] 1076 STYLOSPORA f (gr. опора „sSmintS"), stilospor, spor alungit, format la virful filamentului micelian sau in picnidii (Lichenes, Fungi) [stylospore; Stylospore; stylospore; stilospdra; стилоспора] -* clinospora, pycnidiospora, pycnoconidium, pycno-spora, macropycnidium 1077 STYLOSTEGIUM n. (gr. -, отеул „acoperi?") stilostegiu, scufia specials a stilului (Asclepiadaceae) [styloste-gium; Griffeldeckel; stylostdge; szti-losztdgium, bibekorona; стилостегий] —*■ stylotegium 1078 STYLOSTEMUS (gr.-, oxflpa ,,bo-boc") -*• hermaphroditus 1079 STYLOSUS (gr.-), cu stile lungi §i numeroase [stylose, long-styled; lang-griffelig; styleux; hosszii bibeszSlii; длинностолбиковый] 1080 STYLOTEGIUM n (gr. -, xeyo? „acoperi?") -* stylostegium 1081 STYLUS m (gr. -), stil, partea fili-formS aflatS deasupra ovarului, care se terminS prin stigmat [style; Grif-fel; style; bibeszSl; столбик ] 1082 STYPTICUS, STYPTO- (gr. oxwtxt-кб? „acru"), acru, astringent (fructul la Prunus spinosa) (styptocarpus) [astringent, tart-; adstringierend, zu-sammenziehend, herb-; acerbe, astringent; fanyar, osszehiizd; вяжущий, терпко-] —*■ adstringens 1083 SUAVEOLENS, cu miros plScut [suaveolent, fragrant, sweet-smelling, scented pleasantly; wohlriechend; a odeur agrdable; kellemes illatii, jo-szagii; душистый, благоуханный] 1084 SUAVIS, suav, plScut [pleasant, sweet; angenehm, lieblich; suave, agrdable; kellemes, kedves; сладкий, приятный] № 1085 SUB- (prefix de diminuare §i atenuare al cuvintului de care se leagS), abia, slab, putin, aproape, dedesubt (sub-alternus, subamarus, subarticulatus, subcalloeus, subcanescens, subtropicus) [almost, somewhat, slightly, nearly, below, under; fast, ziemlich, etwas, schwach-, -lich, unter-; k peu pres, ldgdrement, faiblement, peu, au-des-sous; alig, majdnem, ndmileg gyengen, kissd, -ded, alatti; почтя, слегка, под] 1086 SUBACAULIS, subacaul, aproape f&r& tulpinS [almost without stem; fast stengellos; presque acaule; majdnem szSrtalan; почтя бесстебельный] —*■ subcaulescens 1087 SUBACIDUS -*• acidulus 1088 SUBACULEATUS, slab aculeat [somewhat aculeate; etwas stachelig; faiblement aculed, presque aiguillonnl; gyengdn tovises; редкоколючковый] 1089 SUBACUTUS, subacut, slab acut [subacute, somewhat acute; fast spi-tzig; subaigu; alig hegyes; едва заостренный, островатый] -* acutius-culus 1090 SUBAEQUALIS, subegal, aproape cu acelea§i dimensiuni [subequal; fast-gleich, ziemlich gleich; subdgale; majdnem egyenld; почтя равный] 1091 SU BAEQU I LATERALIS, subechi-lateral, cu laturile aproape egale [su-bequilateral; fast gleichseitig; sube-quilat6ral; majdnem egyenld oldalii; почти равнобокий] 1092 SUBALATUS, slab aripat [somewhat winged; fastgefliigelt; presque аПё; kissd szSrnyaJt; почти крылатый] 1093 SUBALPINUS, subalpin, care create In etajul subalpin (etaj de vegetate, regiune, plants) [subalpine, below the alpine region; subalpin, voral-penbewohnend; subalpin; havasalji, alhavasi; субальпийский] infraal-pinus 1094 SUBANGULARIS, SUBANGULA-TUS, subangulat, slab muchiat [su-bangular; etwas kantig; subanguleux; kiss6 szegletes; слабоугловатый] 1095 SUBAPHYLLUS (lat. -, gr. a „fSrS", Aov „frunzS"), aproape fSrS frunze [almost without leaves; fast blattlos; presque sans feuilles; majdnem levSl-telen; почтя безлистный] 1096 SUBAPICALIS —*■ infraapicalis 1097 SUBAQUILUS, aproape brun tnchis [almost dark-brown; fast dunkel- 6д8 braun; presque brun foncd; majdnem sdtdtbarna; слегка темнокоричневый] 1098 SUBARBORESCENS,subarborescent, aproape arborescent [subarborescent; fast baumartig;subarborescent; majdnem fa а1акй; неполно древовидный] 1099 SUBARBUSTUM n, subarbust, ar-bust de obicei mai scund de 1 m, cu tulpina lemnoasd numai spre bazd, in rest ierbacee, ca §i extremitdtile ramurilor care se distrug nimicindu-se in timpul iernii (Cytisus) [subarbus-cle, undershrub; Zwergstrauch, Zwerg-b&umchen; sousarbrisseau; fdlcserje, torpefdcska; кустарничек, полукустарник] —*■ suffrutex, semifrutex 1100 SUBARCTICUS, subarctic, situat in zona subarcticd [subarctic; subark-tisch; subarctique; sarkviddk alatti; субарктический] 1101 SUB ARCUATUS, subarcuit, slab boltit [subarcuate; etwas wdlbig; sub-arqud; kissd ivelt; почти дугообразный] 1102 SUBASCENDENS, subascendent, slab ascendent [subascemling; etwas aufsteigend; presque ascendent; alig felemelkedo; почти восходящий] 1103 SUBASPER, putin aspru [somewhat rough; rauhlich; presque rude; erdeskds; слабошероховатый] 1104 SUBASSOCIATIO f, subasocia[ie, categorie cenotaxonomicd inferioard asocia[iei, de care se deosebe§te prin prezenta unor specii diferen^iale (Fa-getum luzuletosum), lipsindu-i specii caracteristice proprii [subassociation; Subassoziation; sous-association; szub-asszdcidcid; субассоциация] 1105 SUB AT LAN TICUS, subatlantic, cu areal atlantic, dar care pdtrunde adinc in regiunile central europene [specie) [subatlantic; subatlantisch; subatlantique; szubatlantikus; суб-атлангически й] 1106 SUBAURICULATUS, SUBAURI-TUS, subauriculat, cu apendici de forma unor auricule mici [subauri-culate; schwachgedhrt; subauriculd; kissd ftilecskds; слабоушковатый] 1107 SUB AXILLARIS -» infraaxillaris 1108 SUBBARB ATUS, subbarbat, cu pu-tini peri dispu§i in smoc [subbarbate; etwas bdrtig; subbarbu; kissd sza-killszdrOs; слабобородчатый] 1109 SUBBIFLORUS, subbiflor, cu pe-dunculi partial biflori [subbiflorous, SUBCLASSIS almost biflorous; teilweise zweiblutig; subbiflore; rdszben kdtvirdgu; частично-двуцветковый] 1110 SUBBILOBATUS, subbilobat, aproape bilobat [subbilobate; fast zwei-lappig; subbilobd; majdnem ketka-rdjos; почти двулопастный] 1111 SU ВС AER U LE U S, subceruleu, aproape albastru ceruleu [almost sky-blue; fast himmelblau; presque cdruld; kissd dgszinkdk; голубеющий] —► caerulans 1112 SUBCAESPITOSUS, subcespitos, slab cespitos, aproape ca paji§tea [subcespitose; fast rasenformig; presque gazonnant; kissd pdzsitos; почти дернистый] 1113 SUBCAMPANULATUS, subcam-panulat, aproape campanulat [sub-campanulate; fast glockenformig ; sub-campanuld; majdnem harangszerfi слегка колоковидный] 1114 SUBCANALICULATUS, subcana-liculat, slab canaliculat [subcanali-culate; etwas rinnig; subcanaliculd; kisse csatornas; слабожелобчатый] 1115 SUBCAPILLARIS, subcapilar, aproape de grosimea pdrului [subcapillary; fast haarfein; subcapillaire; majdnem hajszdlvdkony; почти волосатый] 1116 SUBCARINATUS, subcarenat, cu carena neevidentd [subcarinate; schwachgekielt; subcarend; kissd csd-nakos; слегка килевидный] 1117 SUBCARNOSUS, subcarnos, cu consistent aproape cdrnoasa [somewhat fleshy; halbfleischig; presque charnu; kissd husos; несколько-мясистый] 1118 SUBCARTILAGINEUS, subcarti-laginos, partial cartilaginos [subcarti-laginous; halbknorpelig; subcartila-gineux; rdszben porcos; неполностью хрящевой] 1119 SUBCAULESCENS —► subacaulis 1120 SUBCENTRALIS, subcentral, situat lingd centru [subcentral; fast mittel-standig; subcentral; kdzpont melletti; почти центральный] 1121 SUBCILIATUS, subciliat, slab ciliat [somewhat ciliated; etwas gewimpert; subcilid; kissd pillds; слабореснича-тый] 1122 SUBCINEREUS —» cinerascens 1123 SUBCLASSIS f, subclasd, categorie sistematicd imediat inferioard clasei (Ginkgidae, Euehlorophycidae, Ascomy- SUBCLAUSUS cetidae) [subclass, under-class; Unter-klasse; sous-classe; alosztSly; подкласс] 1124 SUBCLAUSUS, aproape inchis sau compact (formate vegetalS) [somewhat closed; fast geschlossen; presque fermS; majdnem zSrt; почти замкнутый] 1125 SUBCLAVIFORMIS, subclaviform, aproape in formS de mSciucS [somewhat club-shaped; fast keulenfdrmig; subclaviforme; majdnem bunkd ala-kii; почти булавовидный] 1126 SUBCLIMAX f (lat. -, gr. кХ1ца$ ,,scarS“), subclimax, stadiu in evolu-ta succesiunii unei formatiuni vegetale care premerge stadiului final al climaxului [subclimax; Subklimax; subclimax; szubklimax; субклимакс] 1127 SUBCOLORATUS, subcolorat, slab colorat [slightly coloured; etwas ge-fSrbt; faiblement со1огё; alig szines; слабоокрашенный] 1128 SUBCOMPRESSUS, slab compri-mat [somewhat flattened; etwas zusim-mengedriickt; faiblement comprimS; kiss6 dsszenyomott; слегка сжатый] —» compressiusculus 1129 SUBCONCENTRICUS, subconcen-tric, aproape concentric [slightly concentric; fast konzentrisch; subcon-centrique; Ыввё koncentrikus; почти концентрический] 1130 SUBCONCOLORUS, subconcolor, aproape de aceea§i culoare [slightly concolorous; fast gleichfarbig; presque concolore; majdnem egyszinu; почти одноцветный] 1131 SUBCONICUS, SUBCONOIDALIS, subconic, aproape conic [subconical; fast kegelfOrmig; subconique; majdnem kiip os; почти конический] 1132 SUBCONVOLUTUS, subconvolut, aproape infS§urat in spirals [sub-convolute ; fast zusammengerollt; sub-convolutS; majdnem begdngydlt; почти завернутый] 1133 SUBCOPIOSUS, subcopios, destul de abundent [subcopious; fast zahlreich; subcopieux; e№g bos6ges; почти обильный] 1134 SUBCORD ATUS, subcordat, aproape cordat [subcordate, almost heart-shaped; fast herzformig; presque cor-diforme; majdnem sziv alaku; почти сердцевидный] 1135 SUBCORDIFORMIS — subcordatus 604 1136 SU BCORIACEUS, subcoriaceu, a-proape pielos [subcoriaceous; fast Iederartig; subcoriacd; majdnem bdr-szerfi; слегка кожистый] 1137 SUBCORTICALIS, subcortical, aflat sub scoartS (parazit, strat) [subcortical; unterrindig; subcortical; kdreg alatti; подкоровой] 1138 SUBCORYMBOSUS, subcorimbos, partial corimbos [subcorymbose; fast doldentraubig; subcorymbeux; r6sz-ben sStorozd; почти щитковатый] 1139 SUBCRENATUS, subcrenat, slab crenat [subcrenate; schwachgekerbt; subcrenS; gyengdn csipkSzett; сла-богородчатый] 1140 SUBCRISPUS, subcrispat, slab in-credit [subcrispate; etwas krausig; subcrispS; kissd fodros; слабокудрявый] 1141 SUBCROCEUS, subcroceu, §ofraniu gSlbui [subcroceous; safrangelblich; jaunatre-safran; safrSnysSrgSs; почти шафранный] 1142 SUBCURVATUS, slab curbat [somewhat bent; schwachgekriimmt; 1ё-gkrement соигЬё; kissS gdrbiilt; слабо-изогнутый] 1143 SUBCUTANEUS — hypophloeodalis 1144 SUBCUTICULA f, subcuticula, strat infracuticular (Fungi) [subcuticle ; Subkutikula; subcuticule; szub-kutikula, felbdr alatti rSteg; субкутикула] 1145 SUBCYLINDRACEUS, SUBCY-LINDRICUS, subcilindric, aproape cilindric [subcylindraceous; fast wal-zenfdrmig; subcylindracS; majdnem hengeres; почти цилиндрический] 1146 SUBDECANDRUS, subdecandru, de obicei cu zece stamine [subdecandrous; gewohnlich zehnmSnnig; subdScan-dre; rendszerint tizporzds; обычно десятитычинковый] 1147 SUBDECURRENS, subdecurent, aproape sau pu^in decurent (frunzS) [subdecurrent; fast herablaufend; subddcurrent; kissd lefutd; почти низ-бегающий] 1148 SUBDENTATUS, subdent£t, slab §i neregulat dinfat [subdentate, imperfectly dentate; schwachgezahnt; subdentd; alig fogazott; слегка зубчатый] 1149 SUBDEPRESSUS, slab turtit [subdepressed ; etwas niedergedriickt; sub-deprimd; gyengdn Osszenyomott; слабо прижатый] 606 1150 SUBDIAPHANUS, subdiafan, aproape strdveziu [subdiaphanous; fast durchsichtig; presque transparent; majdnem dtlatszo; почти прозрачный] 1151 SUBDICHOTOMUS, subdicotomic, aproape bifurcat [subdichotomous; fast gabelig; subdichotome; majdnem villas; субдихотомический] 1152 SUBDIFFORMIS, subdiform, cu forma aproape neregulatd [subdifform; fast formenlos; subdifforme; majdnem alaktalan; почти неоднородный] 1153 SUBDIGIT ATUS, subdigitat, aproape digitat [subdigitate; fast fingerig; subdigitd; majdnem ujjas; почти пальчатый] 1154 SUBDIMIDI A TUS, subdimidiat, cu doud jumdtdji inegale (frunza la Begonia) [unequally dimidiate; un-gleichhalbiert; indgalement dimidid; egyenlo tleniil felezett; неравнополовинчатый] 1155 SUBDIOECIA f (lat. -, gr. 8lg „dublu", oiKog „case"), subdioecie, cazul plantelor cu flori unisexuate, organele de reproducere ale celuilalt sex fiind avortat in mdsurd diferitd (Ribes alpinum) (Darwin) [subdio-ecia; SubdiOzie; subdiodcie; szubdio-cia; субдиоэция] 1156 SUBDIOECIUS, SUBDIOICUS (--), subdioic, cu flori unisexuate pe fiecare individ al aceleia§i specii, celdlalt organ sexual fiind avortat [subdioecious; subdiOzisch; subdioi-que; szubdioikus; субдиоический] 1157 SUBDISTICHUS (lat.-, gr.-, oxi-%oq „rind"), subdistih, aproape bise-riat [subdistichous; fast doppelrei-hig; subdistique; majdnem kdtsoros; почти двурядный] 1158 SUBDISTORTUS, slab rdsucit [somewhat twisted; fast gedreht; presque tordu; kissd csavarodott; почти закрученный] —» subtortus 1159 SUBDIVISIO f, subincrengdtura, categorie sistematicd inferioard incren-gdturii (Gymnospermopkytina, My хоту cotina) [subdivision; Unterabtei-lung; subdivision; altfirzs; подраздел] 1160 SUBDOLUS —* ambiguus 1161 SUBDOMINANS (dominor), subdominant, aproape dominant (specii) [subdominant; fast vorherrschend; subdominant; majdnem domindns; субдоминантный] SUBEROGENUS 1162 SUBDURUS, duriuscul, pu^in dur [rather hard; hartlich; duret; kissd kemdny; твердоватый, жестковатый] 1163 SUBEDENTATUS, aproape nedin-tat [subedentate; fast zahnlos; presque ddpourvu de dents; majdnem-fogazatlan; почти беззубчатый] 1164 SUBENDEMICUS, subendemic, endemism ce cre§te sporadic §i pe teri-toriile invecinate (specie) [subendemic ; subendemisch; subenddmique; szubendemikus; субэндемичный] 1165 SUBEPIDERMALIS, SUBEPI-DERMICUS (lat. sub „dedesubt", gr. dmSeppig „epidermd"), subepidermal, aflat sub stratul epidermei (fesut~) [subepidermal; subepidermal; subd-pidermale; szubepidermdlis; субэпи-дермальный] 1166 SUBEPISTATICUS (lat. -, gr. ётпст-тапкод „dominant"), subepistatic, care oprimd caracterul opus (Cor-rens) [subepistatic; subepistatisch; subepistatique; szubepistatikus; субэ-пистатический] 1167 SUBER, -ERIS, n, suber, pluti; stratul exterior de celule moarte, avind membrana impregnate cu sube-rinS, ale unor plante lemnoase (Quer-cus suber) sau de pe rizomii §i tuber-culii unor plante ierboase (Solanum tuberosum) [suber, cork; Kork; lidge; para; пробка] —► contextus su-berosus 1168 SUBERECTUS, suberect, aproape erect [nearly erect; fast aufrechtste-hend; subdrige; majdnem egyenesen felalld; приподнятый] 1169 SUBERIFICATIO f, suberificare, formarea Jesutului suberos [suberifi-cation; Verkorkung; suberification; elpardsodds; опробковение] -+ suberi-satio 1170 SUBERIFOLIUS, cu frunze sube-roase [cork-leaved; korkblattrig; к feuilles lidgeuses; pards levelfi; пробколистный] 1171 SUBERIFORMIS - phelloideus 1172 SUBERINUM n, suberinS, substance elastice, impermeabila, care impreg-neaze celulele Jesutului suberos [suberin; Suberin, Korkstoff, Kork-substanz; subdrine; paraanyag; суберин] 1173 SUBERISATIO f —► suberificatio 1174 SUBEROGENUS, SUBEROGENI-CUS, suberogen, care produce suber SUBEROSUS [suberogenic; suberogen; sub6rogSne; рагакёргб; суберогенный] CONTEXTUS SUBEROGENUS — phellogenum 1175 SUBEROSUS, suberos, de natura §i consistent spongioasS a plutei (tulpina la Fagus) [suberose, corky; korkig, korkartig, verkorkt; sube-reux, liegeux; parSs; пробковый] CONTEXTUS SUBEROSUS — suber 1176 SUBEX m, subex, partea axei care produce frunze catafilare (Kerner) [subex; N iederblattstamm; subex; szubex; субекс] 1177 SUBFALCATUS, subfalcat, aproape falciform [subfalcate; fast sichel-formig; presque falquS; kissS sarlds; почтя серповидный] 1178 SUBFAMILIA f, subfamilie, cate-gorie sistematicS imediat inferioarS familiei (Panicoideae) [subfamily; Unterfamilie; sous-famille; alcsalad; подсемейство] 1179 SUBFASCICULATUS, subfascicu-lat, incomplet fasciculat [subfascicu-late; fast biischelig; subfascicul6; kiss6 nyalSbos; почти пучковатый] 1180 SUBFLORALIS, subfloral, aflat sub floare (ramurS) [subfloral; subfloral, unterbliitig; subflorale; virSg alatti; подцветковый] 1181 SUBFORMA f, subformS, unitate sistematicS inferioarS formei [subform; Unterform; sous-forme; ala-lak; подформа] 1182 SUBFORMAT 10 f, subformatie, comunitate vegetalS mai micS decit formatia [subforma?ion; Unterforma-tion ; subformation ; alformScio, szub-formSci6; субформация] 1183 SUBFOSSILIS, subfosil, incomplet fosilizat [subfossil; subfossil, teil-weise versteinert; subfossile; szubfosz-szilis; почти ископаемый] 1184 J SUBFUSCUS -> brunnaceus 1185 SUBGENUS (-eris) n, subgen, ca-tegorie sistematicS imediat inferioarS genului (subgenus; Untergattung; sous-genre; szubgenusz, alnemzedSk; подрод] 1186 SUBGLABER, subglabru, aproape nepSros [almost hairless; fast kahl; subglabre, presque glabre; majdnem kopasz; почти голый] бое 1187 SUBGLOBOSUS, SUBGLOBULO-SUS, subglobulos, aproape globulos (fruct, mugure) [subglobose, nearly-globular, almost spherical, roundish; fast kugelrund; subglobulaire, presque sphSrique; gOmbOlyded; почти шаровидный] 1188 SUBGREGARIUS, subgregar, care create In grupuri laxe [subgregarious; locker gruppiert; presque agrSgS; lazSn csoportos; рыхло группированный] 1189 SUBGYNOECIUS (lat. gr. yuvft ,,femeie“, oIko? ,,casS“), subginoecic, clnd plantele, genetic cu flori femeie, mai manifests §i prezenla unor organe hermafrodite sau mascule [subgynoe-cious; subgynozisch; subgyno6cique; szubginocikus; субгинозцический] 1190 SUBHIRSUTUS, subhirsut, aproape hirsut [subhirsute; schwachrauhhaa-rig; subhirsut6; kissS borzasszoru; слабожестковолосистый] 1191 SUBHYMEN I ALIS (lat. -, gr. bpfiv „membranS"), subhimenial, aflat sub himeniu (strat) [subhymenial; subhy-menial; subhym6niale; szubhimeniS-lis; субгимениальный] 1192 SUBHYMENIUM n (lat. gr. -), subhimeniu, stratul de celule dintre tramS §i himeniu (Agaricus) [subhymenium; Subhymenium; subhyme-nium; szubhimenium; субгимений] -*■ hypothecium 1193 SUBHYPOSTATICUS (lat. -, gr. йяоотанкбд „care suportS"), subhi-postatic, care este oprimat de sexul opus (caracter) [subhypostatic; subhy-postatisch; subhypostatique; szubhi-postatikus; субгипостатический] 1194 SUBICULUM n, subicul, tesut de hife filamentoase impletite §i laxe, purtStoare de peritecii (Allescher) [subicule; Subikulum; subiculum; szubikulum; подслойка] 1195 SUBIMBRICA TUS, subimbricat, partial acoperit prin IncSlecare (scva-mele antodxului) [subimbricate, somewhat overlapping; etwas dachziegelig; subimbriquS; kissS fedelSkes; почти черепитчатый] ' 1196 SUBIMMERSUS, subimers, partial acoperit (mugurele intrapetiolar la Robinia) [somewhat submersed; halbversteckt; presque submerge, partiellement recouvert; f61ig rejtett, rSszben takart; почти погруженный] 1197 SUBINCISUS, slab incizat [subincised ; fast eingeschnitten; faible* 607 ment incisd; kissd bemetszett; слабо надрезанный] 1198 SUBINERMIS, aproape nespinos [somewhat unarmed; fast unbewehrt; presque inerme; majdnem tdviste-len; почти невооруженный] 1199 SUBINSIPIDUS, aproape fdrd gust [somewhat tastless; etwas fad; presque insipide; majdnem iztelen; почти безвкусный] 1200 S U BIN TEGRIFOLIU S, subinte-grifoliat, cu frunzele aproape Intregi [subin tegrifolious; fast ungeteiltblatt. rig; subintegrifolid; majdnem osz. tatlan levelu; почти цельнолистныйj 1201 SUBJECTUS, SUBJACENS, aflat dedesubt [placed below; darunterste-hend; situd au-dessous; alul levo; расположенный под] 1202 SUBLANATUS, slab linos [subla-nate; etwas wollig; presque lanugi-neux; kissd gyapjasszoru; слабо шерстистый] 1203 SUBLETHALIS, subletal, aproape mortal (factor) [sublethal; fast tod-lich; presque mortel; majdnem halalt okozd; сублетальный ] 1204 SUBLIGNOSUS, sublemnos, aproape lemnos [sublignose; fast holzartig; sous-ligneux; majdnem elfasodott; почти древесинный] 1205 SUBLITTORALIS, sublitoral, aflat aproape de litoral (zond) [sublittoral; sublitoral, fast strandig; sublittoral; partkdzeli; сублиторальный ] 1206 SUBMARINUS, submarin, aflat sub apele mdrii (alge~) [submariti-me; unterseeisch; submarin; tenger alatti; подводный] 1207 SUBMERSUS, submers, scufundat, aflat sub suprafaja apei tulpina §i frunzele la Ceratophyllum submersum) [submersed, plunged; untergetaucht; submergd, plongd; viz alatti, ala-meriilt; погруженный] —*• demersus 1208 SUBMICRONICUS (lat. -, щкрод ,,mic“), submicronic, vizibil numai cu ajutorul ultramicroscopului [submicronic ; submikronisch; submicro-nique; szubmikrdnikus; субмикрони-ческий] 1209 SUBMICROSCOPICUS (lat. -, gr. -, oKoit&D „ aobserva“), submicroscopic, ce nu poate fi observat cu microscopul obLjnuit [submicroscopic; submikro-skopisch; submicroscopique; szubmi-kroszkdpikus; субмикроскогшческий] SUBROSEUS 1210 SUBMICROSOMA n (tat.-, gr.-, oftpa „corp"), submicrozom, granula submicroscopicd din citoplasmd (Frey-Wyssling) [submicrosome; Submikro-som; submicrosome; szubmikroszdma; субмикросома] —*■ biosoma 1211 SUBNIGER, negricios, negru cenu-§iu [blakish, nigrescent, turning black; schw&rzlich, schwarzwerdend, ver-schwdrzend; noircissant, noiratre; feketdllo, feketes; черноватый, чернеющий]-» nigrescens, nigricans, denigrans 1212 SUBNIVALIS, subnival, care apar-tine zonei inferioare a zdpezilor perene [subnival; subnival; subnivdal; szub-nivalis; подснежный] 1213 SUBOBTUSUS, subobtuz, aproape obtuz [slightly obtuse; etwas abge-stumpft; presque obtuse; majdnem tompa; почти тупой] 1214 SUBORBICULARIS, suborbicular, aproape circular (frunzele la Malva) [suborbicular; fast kreisfdrmig, rund-lich; suborbiculaire; kerekded, majdnem kdr alaku; почти округлый] —*• subrotundatus, subrotundus 1215 SUBORDINATIO f, subordonare, gruparea ierarhizatd, pornindu-se de la caracterele generate spre cele mai speciale, ca principiu adoptat la cla-sificarea actuald a organismelor [subordination; Untereinordnung; subordination; alarendelds; субординация, подчинение] 1216 SUBORDO m, subordin, categorie sistematicd inferioard ordinului (Bro-meliineae, Saxifragineae) [suborder; Unterordnung; sous-ordre; alrend; подпорядок] 1217 SU BOV ATUS, subovat, aproape ovat [almost egg-shaped; fast eifdrmig; subovd; majdnem tojasdad; почти яйцевидный] 1218 SU В PI LOS US -»pilosiusculus 1219 SUBRAMOSUS, SU BRAMIFICA-TUS, slab ramificat [subramose; wenig verzweigt; subrameux; alig [dgas; слабоветвистый, маловетвистый] 1220 SUBREGNUM n, subregn, categoria sistematicd inferioard regnului (Cryp-togamae, Phanerogamae) [subkingdom; Unterreich; sous-rdgne; alreg-num, alorszdg; подчарство] 1221 SUBRENIFORMIS, subreniform, aproape reniform [subreniform; fast nierenfdrmig; subrdniforme; majdnem vese alaku; слегка почковидный] 1222 SUBROSEUS roseolus SUBROSTRATUS 1223 SUBROSTRATUS, subrostrat, cu roetru mic [subrostrate; kleinschnSbe-lig; subrostrd; kiscs6rfi; мелконосатый] 1224 SUB ROTUND ATUS, SUBROTUN-DUS -*• suborbicularis 1225 SUBSALSUS, subsSrat, semisSrStu-ros [subsaline; halbsalzliebend; de-misalin; kissd sdtflrfi, kissd szlkes; солонцеватый] 1226 SUBSECTIO f, subsecjie, categoric sistematicS inferioarS sec(iei [subsection ; Untersektion; sous-section; subszekcid; подсекция] 1227 SUBSERICEUS, subsericeu, slab mStSsos pSros [somewhat silky; fast seidenhaarig; presque soyeux; gyen-gdn selyemes sz6rfi; почти шелковистый] 1228 SUBSERJES f, subserie, categorie sistematicS inferioarS seriei [subseries ; Unterserie; sous-sdrie; alsorozat; подсерия, подряд] 1229 SUBSERRATUS, subserat, slab; serat [subserrate, slightly serrate; schwachgesSgt; faiblement dentd en scie; kisse furdszes; слегка пильчатый] 1230 S U BSE SSI LI S, subsesil, aproape se-sil, cu pe^iol foarte scurt [subsessile; fast sitzend; subsessile; majdnem iild; почти сидячий] 1231 SUBSPECIES f, subspecie, categorie sistematicS inferioarS speciei, avtnd areal propriu [subspecies; Un-terart; sous-espdce; alfaj; подвид] 1232 SU BSPECIFICU S —*• infraspecificus 1233 SUBSPONTANEUS, subspontan, sSlbSticit, scSpat din culturS (plants) [subspontaneous ; verwildert, subspontan, wiederverwildert, kulturfluchtig; subspontand; elvadult, visszavadult, kulturszOkevdny; одичавший] —*■ aufu-gus, efferatus 1234 SUBSQUAMOSUS, subscvamos, pu-tin scvamos [subsquamose; schwach-beschuppt; subsquameux; kissd pikkelyes; слабо чешуйчатый] 1235 SUBSTANTIA f, substanJS, materie (incrustantS, intercelularS) [substance, matter; Stoff; substance; anyag; субстанция, вещество] 1236 SUBSTOMATICUS, substomatic, aflat sub celulele stomatice (camerS) [substomatic; substomatisch; sub-stomatique; IdgzonyilSs alatti; суб-стоматический] 1237 SUBSTRATUM n, substrat, strat nutritiv [substratum; Substrat, Un-terlage, Grundlage, Boden, NShrbo- 508 den; substratum, couche nutritive; aljzat, tSptalaj; субстрат] 1238 SUB TERMINALIS, subterminal, aflat sau rezultat aproape de extre-mitatea unui organ (frunzd cre8tere~), [subterminal; subterminal, untergipfelstSndig; subterminal; cedes alatti; субтерминальный] —*• in-fraterminalis, subapicalis 1239 SUBTERRANEUS, SUBTERRE-NUS, subteran, aflat sub sol (tul-pind ~ ) [subterraneous, subterranean, underground; unterirdisch; souter-rain, hypogd; fold alatti; подземный] -*■ hypogaeus 1240 SUBTETRAGONUS (lat. -, gr. тетрауаткб? „patrumuchiat"), subte-tragonal, slab patrumuchiat [sub-tetragonal; fast vierkantig; subtdt-ragone; gyengdn ndgydlu; субтегра-гональный] 1241 SUBTILIS, subtil, fin §i delicat [fine, thin, delicate; fein, zart; subtil, fin; finom, vdkony; тонкий] 1242 SUBTOME NTOSUS, subtomentos, slab tomentos [subtomentose; etwas filzig; subtomenteux; kissd molyhos; слабопушистый] 1243 SUBTORTUS -* subdistortus 1244 SUBTRIBUS (-US) f, subtrib, categorie sistematicS inferioarS tribu-lui (Nardinae) [subtribe; Untertri-bus; sous-tribu; altribusz, alraj; подтриба, подколено] 1245 SUBTRIOECIA f iiat. -, gr. xpi ,,trei“, oIko? ,,casS“), subtrioecie, trio-ecie la care aparent to^i indivizii au flori hermafrodite, totu§i unele sint flori mascule sau femeie reduse [sub-trioecy; Subtriozie; subtriodcie; szub-tridcia; субтриоэция] 1246 SUBTROPICUS, subtropical, aflat in zona subtropicalS [subtropic; sub-tropisch; subtropical; szubtropikSlis, forrodgOv alatti; субтропический] 1247 SUBULARIS, SUBULATUS, SU-BULIFER, SUBU LIFO RMIS, SU-BULI-, subulat, in formS de sulS; ingust cilindric §i lent atenuat la virf (subidifolius) (frunzele la Sagina su-bulata) [subulate, awl-shaped; pfrie-menformig, pfriemlich; subuld, en forme d’aldne; £r alaku, lass an kihe-gyesedd; шиловидный, шило-] 1248 SUBUMBELLATUS, subumbelat, aproape umbelat [subumbellate; fast doldig; subombelld; kissd ernyds; слегка зоитиковцдный, слабо зонтичный] 1249 SUBVARIETAS f, subvarietate, categorie sistematicd inferioard varie-tdjii [subvariety; Untervarietdt, Un-terabart; sous-varidtd; alvdltozat; подразновидность] 1250 SUBVELUTINUS, subvelutin, slab catifelat pdros [subvelutinous; etwas samtartig; subveloutd; kissd bdr-sonysz6rds; слегка бархатный] 1251 SUBVERTICILLATUS, subverti-cilat, dispus in verticile imperfecte sau neregulate [subverticillate; fast quir-lig; subverticilld; majdnem 6rv5s; почти мутовчатый] 1252 SUBVELUBILIS, subvolubil, partial volubil [half-winding; halbwin-dend; demi-volubile; fdlig csavarodott; почти завивающийся] 1253 SUCCEDANEUS, SUCCEDANUS, succedaneu, inlocuitor; care preia locul sau func^iile unui alt organ [substituted; vertretend, stellvertre-tend; succddand; helyettesito; замещающий] 1254 SUCCESSIBILITAS f, succesibilita-te, capacitatea de a transmite carac-terele de urma§i [successibility; Erb-fahigkeit; successibilitd; OrOklekeny-seg; последовательность] 1255 SUCCESSIO f, succesiune, schim-bdrile naturale succesive ale asocia-t-iilor vegetale dintr-o sta^iune datorite modificdrilor pedoclimatice §i avind ca urmare inlocuirea acestora prin altele [succession; Sukzession; succession; szukcesszio, egymdsra-kovetkezds; сукцессия] 1256 SUCCESSIVUS, succesiv, care se continud (generate, verticil) [successive, following; allmahlich, nachfol-gend, aufeinanderfolgend; successif, succddand; folytatdlagos, egymas utdn kdvetkezd; последовательный] 1257 SUCCIFER, succifer, care produce sau conduce sue [succiferous; saft-tragend; succifdre; nedvkdpzd, ned-vet vezet6; несущий сок] —» chymiferus 1258 SUCCINCTUS -» cinctus 1259 SUCCINEUS -» electrinus 1260 SUCCIO f —» absorbtio 1261 SUCCIRUBER, cu sucul ro§u [red-juiced; rotsaftig; к jus rouge; piros nedvfi; красносочный] 1262 SUCCISUS, tdiat de jos [succise, cut off underneath; abgeschnitten; tranchd, coupd; levdgott; подрезанный] SUFFULCIENS 1263 SUCCOSUS, suculent, zemos, cdrnos (tulpina la Sedum, frunza la Agave) [succose, sappy, juicy, fleshy; saftig, saftreich, fleischig; succulent, juteux, charnu; nedvdus, lddus, pozsgds, hfisos; суккулентный, сочный, мясистый] —»succulentus 1264 SUCCULENTA n pi, plante sucu-lente [succulenta, succulent plants; Sukkulenten, Saftpflanzen, Fett-blattpflanzen; succulentes, plantes succulentes; pozsgds novdnyek; суккуленты) —» chylophyta 1265 SUCCULENTUS -» succosus 1266 SUCCUS m, sue, zeamd; partea lichida din organele vegetale [sap, juice; Saft; sue, jus; nedv; сок]-» lympha* 1267 SUDATIO f —» exsudatio 1268 SUDORIFICUS, sudorific, care pro-voacd asudarea [sudorific; schweifl-treibend; sudorifique; izzasztd; потогонный] 1269 SUFFLA TUS -» inflatus 1270 SUFFOCANS (suffoco), sufocant, innabu§itor [suffocating, stifling; er-stickend; suffocant, dtouffant; elfojtd, fojtd; заглушающий, удушающий] 1271 SUFFRUTESCENS, SUFFRUTI-CANS, sufrutescent 1. U§or ligni* ficat. 2. Care seamdna cu un subar-bus,t (plantd ~) [suffrutescent, slightly ’ woody ; halbstrauchig, halb-strauchahnlich; sousfrutescent; cser-jesedS, bokrosodd, elfdsodd; полукустарниковый] 1272 SUFFRUTEX m, subarbust, plantd cu tulpina lemnoasa numai la bazd, extremitd^ile sale ierboase nu rezistd inghe^ului (Salvia officinalis) [undershrub, half-shrub; Halbstrauch, Staude; sous-arbrisseau; fdlcserje; кустарничек, полукустарник] —» fru-ticulus, semifrutex, subarbustum 1273 SUFFRUTICETUM n, sufruticet, formate de tufe scunde §i semiar-bu§ti [half-shrub formation; Halb-strauch-Formation; formation de sous-arbrisseaux; fdlcserjds-formdcid; форматы полукустарников] -»phrygana 1274 SUFFRUTICOSUS, sufruticos, subar-bustiv [suffruticose; halbstrauchig, staudig; sous-arbustif ; fdlcserjds; полукустарниковый] 1275 SUFFULCIENS, SUFFULTORIUS, proptitor, sprijinitor, sustindtor [supporting, sustaining; sttitzend, unter- SUFFULTUS sttitzend; soutenant, appuyant; tA-masztd, al&t&masztd; подпирающий] 1276 SUFFULTUS, proptit, rSzimat, eus-tinut (inflorescenft peri i) [propped, supported, subtended; gestiitzt, unterstiitzt; soutenu, appuyd; meg-t&masztott, al&t&masztott; подпертый] 1277 SUFFUSUS, imbibat, umezit, umec-tat [soaked, tinged, wetted; benetzt, befeuchtel; humecld, trempd; ned-vcsitett; смоченный] 1278 SULCATUS, SULCI-, SULCO-, -SULCUS, sulcat, brSzdat; prevSzut cu brazde longitudinale mai profunde (tulpina la Equisetum) (sulcinervis, sulcolanatus, bisulcus, crebrisulcus) [grooved, furrowed, sulcate-, furrow-; gefurcht, ausgefurcht, gekehlt, ge-furcht-, -furchig; sillonnd, cannelld; barSzdas, sSncolt, durvan rovatkolt; бороздчатый, бороздчато-] 1279 SULCICAULIS, cu tulpina braz-datS [sulcate-stemmed; gefurchtsten-gelig; a tige sillonnee; barazdas szarii; бороздчато-стебельчатый] 1280 SULCUS m, brazdS, scobiturS mai profundS in formS de ,,V“ in lungul unui organ (tulpina la Rumex alpi-nus, valvele unor Diatomeae, lamelele unor Fungi) [groove, furrow; Fur-che; sillon; barSzda; бороздка]* 1281 SULPHURELLUS, SULPHURES-CENS, sulfuriu galben-deschis [slightly sulphur-coloured; hellschwefelgelb; jaune soufre-clair; vildgos kdnsSrga; бледносерно- жёлтый] 1282 SULPHUREUS, SULPHURIXUS, sulfuriu, de culoarea palid galbena a sulfului [sulphur-yellow; schwefel-gelb; jaune soufre; kdnsSrga; серножёлтый] —► thei-, theio- 1283 SUMMITAS f, SUM MUM n-» apex 1284 SUPERANS (supero), depSgind, care depSgegle in lungime organul inve-cinat (stamina stylum superantia, sta-minele dep&gind in lungime stilul; bracteae flores conspicue super antes, bracteile depSgind evident in lungime florile) [exceeding, overtopping, longer than; iiberragend, uberschreitend, lSnger als; dSpassant; feliilmulo, tiilhaladd, hosszabb; превышающий, превосходящий] 1285 SUPERAX1LLAR1S -» supraaxil-laris 1286 SUPERBUS, superb, impozant [superb, splendid; prSchtig; superbe, 61# magnifique; pompSs, remek; пышный» великолепный] 1287 SU РЕЙСОМ POSITUS -» suprade-composiius 1288 SUPERCRESCENS (supercresco)r supercrescent, care cregte peste un alt organ [supercrescent; iiberwach-send; supercrescent; r&nOvd; растущий сверху] 1289 SU PERFICIALIS, superficial 1. Aflat pe fa(a superioarS. 2. Aflat aproape de suprafatS [superficial; oberflSchlich; superficiel; feluleti» felszlni; поверхностный]* 1290 SUPERFICIES f, suprafatS, partea superioarS a unui organ (de ex. a frunzei) [surface, face, upper surface; OberflSche; surface; feliilet; поверхность] 1291 SUPERFLUUS, superfluu, inutil, de prisos [superfluous, overflowing; iiber-flussig; superflu; felesleges; излишний] —* hypertelicus NOMEN SUPERFLUUM -> maetaeo-enymum, nomen hypertelicum 1292 SUPERFOETATIO f, superfeta[ie, fertilizarea ovulului prin mai multe feluri de polen [superfoetation; Su-perf6tation; supertetation; szupcrfd-tacio; суперфетация] 1293 SU PE RIM POSIT US — superpositus 1294 SUPERIOR (comp, de la superus)t superior, aflat mai sus (labiu ovar>-->, palee ~) (folia caulina su-periora frunzele tulpinale superioare) [superior, upper, higher; ober; supe-rieur; felsdbb; верхний] 1295 SUPERNATANS (supernato), supernatant, care inoatS pe suprafata apei (Wolffia) [supernatant; uber-schwimmend; surnageant; felszinen iisz6; плавающий сверху] 1296 SUPERPARASITUS m, superpa-razit, parazitul parazitului [superparasite ; Superparasit; superparasite; szuperparazita; сверхпаразит] 1297 SUPERPOSITUS, suprapus, agezat deasupra altui organ (muguri /■— , ramuri —, verticil ~) [superposed, placed above; obenstehend, ubereinanderges-tellt; superposS; szuperponSlt, fOleh-elyezett, egymSs felett elhelyezkedo; положенный сверху, вышележащий]-» superimpositus, suprapositus 1298 SUPERSPECIES f, euperspecie, grup monofiletic de specii alopatrice, care nu pot fi considerate ca aparfi- 611 nind aceleia§i specii din cauza unor deosebiri morfologice evidente (Mayr) [superspecies; Superspezies; superes-рёсе; szuperspeciesz; надвид] 1299 SUPERUS, superior, aflat mai sus decit organul cu care este comparat (floare, labiu, ovar, (inel, himeniu) [upper, higher; oberer, iiberstSndig; supSrieur; felsd; верхний] 1300 SUPERVOLUTIVUS, SUPERVO-LUTUS, supervolutiv, rSsucit in spirals in sus sau pe un organ (frunza [supervolute, coiled over; tibergerollt, iibereinandergerollt; supervolutif, contorts; racsavarodott, felfelS csava-rodott; скрученный] 1301 SV PIN ATUS, SUPINUS 1. Culcat, etalat pe sol (tulpina la Potentilla supina). 2. Inclinat inapoi [supine, bent backwards; niederliegend, rtick-lingsgelegt, ruckwartsliegend; cou-chS, StalS sur le sol, courbe en arriere; lefekvd, heverd, hStrahajlott; лежачий, простертый, загнутый назад] 1302 SUPPLEMENTUM п, supliment, adaos (ca titlu de carte, Boissier: Flora Orientalis, Supplementum) [supplement, addition; Nachtrag, Bei-lage; supplement; pbtlSk, toldalek; дополнение] —*■ corollarium 1303 SUPPRESSIO f, supresiune, avor-tarea completS a organului [suppression ; Suppression; supression; szu-presszid; подавление] 1304 SUPRA AXILLARIS, supraaxilar, care cre§te mai sus de axila frunzei sau a ramurii (stipele~) [supraaxil-lary; oberwinkelstSndig, oberachsel-standig; supraaxillaire; hdnaljfeletti; надпазушыый] —*■ superaxillaris 1305 SUPRABASALIS, subprabazal, aflat deasupra bazei [suprabasal; iibergrund-stSndig; suprabasal; alapon feluli; супрабазальный] 1306 SUPRACOMPOSITUS — suprade-compositus 1307 SUPRADECOMPOSITUS, repetat compus, de mai multe ori penat compus) frunzele la Thalictrum foeti-dum) [supradecompound; vielfach zusammengesetzt; supradScompose; tbbbszdrOsen dsszetett; многократно сложный] —*• supercompositus, supra-compoeitus 1308 SUPRAFASTIGIATUS, suprafasti-giat, cind ramurile laterale erecte depSgesc in lungime axa principals (inflorescenfa la Stenactis ramosa, Senecio barbaraeifoliue) [suprafastigia- S US PEN SO R te; ubergipfelt; suprafastigiS; tengely csucsat tdlnOvd; надравновысокий] SUPRAFOLIACEUS, suprafoliaceu, situat deasupra frunzei [suprafolia-qeous; iiberblattstandig; surfoliacS; levSl feletti; надлистный] SU PRAMATU RATIO f, suprama-tura^ie, rSscoacere; faza postmaturi-zSrii fiziologice a fructelor, cind devin moi §i incepe putrezirea [supra-maturation, overripening; Uberreife; surmaturation, blettissement; tulS-rettsSg; переспелость] SUPRANUMERARIUS, supranu-merar, aflat in num&r mai mare decit cel obi§nuit (cromozomi nuclei seminte ~) [supranumerary; uberzahlig; surnumSraire; szamfe-letti; сверхкомплектный] SUPRAPETIOLARIS, suprape[io-lar, aflat deasupra petiolului (stipe-lele la Melianthus major) [suprape-tiolar; uberblattstielstandig; supra-petiolaire; levelnySl feletti; надче-решковый] SUPRAPOSITUS -*■ superpositus SUPRASPECIES f, supraspecie, grup de specii inrudite [supraspecies; Sammelart; supraspecies; kollektiv faj; коллективный вид] -*■ coenospecies SUPRATERRANEUS, suprateran, aflat deasupra pSmintului [supra-terraneous, above-ground; uberir-disch, oberirdisch; supraterrestre; fold feletti; надземный] —► epigaeus SUPREMUS (superl. de la superus), suprem, cel mai de sus (frunzd floare~) [highest, topmost; der oberste; le plus haut; legfels6; самый верхний] SURCU LIFER, SURCULIGER, SURCULOSUS, cu ISstari, care poartS ISstari [surculigerous, surcu-lose; sprossentragend, sprossenreich; surculiffcre, surculeux; sarjas; с побегами, несущий побеги] SURCULUS m 1. LSstar tinSr, mlS-di[S. 2. LSstar produs de un mugure radical. 3. TulpinS foliacee (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta) [sucker; Zwei-glein, WurzelsproO, Moosstengel; surcule, surgeon, rejeton, rejet, sou-che; sarj, riigy tengely, mohaszSr; побег, корневой побег, облиственный стебель, присоска] SURGENS (surgo) -> adsurgens SUSPENSOR m, suspensor, suportui embrionului (Phanerogamae) [sus- 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 SUSPENSUS pensor; Suepensor, EmbryotrSger, KeimtrSger; suspenseur; csirafug-geszto; сустензор, подвесок] -* embryo-phorum 1321 SUSPENSUS, suspendat, atirnat (ovul~) [suspended, hanging; hSn-gend, abhSngend; suspendu; fiiggo, csiingo; подвешенный, висячий] 1322 SUSTENTANS, SUSTINENS (sus-tento, sustineo), sustin&tor [supporting, upholding; unterstutzend; soutenant; fenntarto, alatSmasztd; поддерживающий] 1323 SUTURA f, suturS, linia de concre?-tere a douS frunze carpelare prin marginile lor sau linia de dehiscent a fructelor uscate [suture; Sutur, Naht, Verbindungsnaht, Verwachsungs-naht, Fruchtnaht; suture; varrat, forradSs; шов] 1324 SUTURALIS, sutural, care aparjine unei suturi (dehiscenfa ~ , linie ~) [sutural; sutural; suturale; varrati, osszenOvesi; относящийся к шву] 1325 SUTURATUS, SUTURIFER, SU-TUROSUS, suturat, prevSzut cu suturS [suturate, suturose; ben&htet, nahtig, nahttragend; suturS, suturi-fSre, sutureux; forradSsos, varratos; шовный] 1326 SYCHNOCARPUS (gr. ouxvdg Jrec-vent“, картгод ,,fruct“) —*• multifer (2), polycarpicus (3) 1327 SYCON (-/) n, SYCONE (-ES) f, SYCONIUM n, SYCONUS m (gr. oCkov „smochinS"), siconS, fruct com-pus, cu numeroase fructe inchise intr-un receptacul cSrnos (Ficus ca-rica) [sycon, fig-fruit; Feigenfrucht; sycone, fruit de figue; fugetermes; СИХОН, СИКОНИЙ] 1328 SYCOSIS I (gr. оикшоп; ,,tumoare“), sicozS, boalS epidermalS cauzatS de Microsporon [sycosis; Sykoze; sycose; szikdzis; сикоз] 1329 SYGOLLIPHYTA n pi — syncolli-phyta 1330 SYLLABUS m (gr. ouXXaftfi „asam-blare“), conspect, sintezS (titlu de carte, Engler: Syllabus der Pflan-zenfamilien) [survey, list; Zusammen-fassung, Ubersicht; assemblage, syn-thfese; Ssszefoglal&s, StnSzet; обзор] 1331 SYLLOGE (-ES) t (gr. ouUoyh „asamblare"), colecfie, culegere (titlu de carte, Dumortier: Sylloge Junger-mannidearum) [collection, gathering; 612 Sammlung; collection; gyiijtemSny; коллекция, собрание, сборник] 1332 SYLV- -> silv- 1333 SYM- (gr. oOv ,,cu, impreunS“) -+ syn- 1334 SYMBASIS f (gr. -, Pdau; ,,picior“), simbazis I. Posedare a mai multor tipuri independente. 2. lncruci§area liberS dintre mai multe linii de des-cendenti (Cook) [symbasis; Symbasis; symbasis; szimbSzis; симбаэис] 1335 SYMBIONTA n pi (gr. -, Piog ,,viatS“), simbionji, partenerii care trSiesc in simbiozS [symbionts; Sym-bionten; symbiotes; szimbiontak; симбионты] 1336 SYMBIOSIS f (gr. oupPioaig ,,via[S in comun“), simbiozS, conviejuirea dintre douS organisme, cu foloase reciproce pentru ambii parteneri [symbiosis; Symbiose, Zusammenleben, Le-bensgemeinschaft; symbiose; szimbi-ozis, harmonikus egyiittSlSs; симбиоз, сожительство] 1337 SYMBIOTICUS (gr. -), simbiotic, care trSie§te in simbiozS (bacterii ~) [symbiotic; symbiotisch, zusammen-lebend; symbiotique; szimbiotikus, egyuttSlo; симбиотический] 1338 SYMBIOTISMUS m (gr. -) - symbiosis 1339 SYM BIO TROPHISM U S m (gr. -, трофц „nutri(ie“), simbiotrofism, nutritie vegetalS obtinutS pe calea sim-biozei (Kirchner) [symbiotrophism; Symbiotrophismus; symbiotrophisme; szimbiotrofizmus; симбиотрофизм] 1340 SYMBIOTROPHUS (gr. - sim-biotrof, care se nulre§te pe calea simbiozei (plants) [symbiotrophic; sym-biotroph; symbiotrophe; szimbio-trofikus; симбиотрофический] 1341 SYMBOLA f (gr. oupPoXf| „contribute"), contribute (ca titlu de carte, Cohn: Symbola ad seminis phisio-logia) [contribution; Beitrag; contribution; adalSk; взнос, вклад] 1342 SYMMETRANTHUS (gr. abppetpoQ „de aceea$i m5surS“, dvOog „floare"), cu flori simetrice [symmetranthous; symmetrischbliitig; symStranthe; rSsz-aranyos virSgu; симметрично-цветковый] 1343 SYMMETRIA t (gr. -), simetrie, raportul de corespondents §i egalitate a pSr^ilor asemSnStoare ale unor organe [symmetry; Symmetric, Gleich- 618 mSBigkeit; symStrie; szimetria, rSszarSnyoss&g; симметрия] 1344 SYMMETRICUS (gr. -), simetrie [symmetrical; symmetrisch; symStri-que; szimetrikus, rSszarSnyos; симметричный] 1345 SYMMET ROCARPUS (gr. -, каряб? ,,fruct“), cu fructe simetrice [symmet-rocarpous; symmetrisch-fruchtig; sy-mStrocarpe; rdszar&nyos termSsfi; симметрично-плодный] 1346 SYMPA TRICUS (gr. oi)v „ImpreunS", яатрисб^ „paternal"), simpatric, cu areal de distribute care se suprapune sau se intretaie (specii ~) (Mayr) [sympatric; sympatrisch; sympatri-que; szimpatrikus; симпатрический] 1347 SYMPEDA f (gr. ice5л ,,piedicS“), simpedS, raport de simetrie printr-un plan de intersectie [sympeda; Sym-peda; sympeda; szimpeda; симпеда] 1348 SYMPERIANTHEUS (gr. irepi ,,!mprejur“, dv9o? „floare"), simpe-riantic, cu periantul reunit in tub [symperianthous; symperianth; sym-perianthd; szimperiantikus; симпе-риантный] 1349 SYMPETAUCUS, SYMPETALUS (gr. -, яётаХоу „petals"), simpetalic, gamopetal; cu petalele concrescute (corola la Nicotiana, Centaurea) [sympetalous, gamopetalous; verwachsen-kronblattrig; synpdtale, gamopStale; forrtszirmu; спайнолепестный] -*• gamo-petalus, metachlamydeus 1350 SYMPHI-, SYMPHYO- (gr. оид<рию „a concrete"), concrescut (symphi-anther us, symphyogenus ) [united; ver-wachsen-; соппё; osszenott-; спрост-Ho-, спаино-] 1351 SYMPHICARPUS (gr. -, каряб? „fruct"), cu fructele concrescute sau reunite [symphicarpous; verwachsen-friichtig, gehauftfruchtig; symphicar-pe; Osszenott termSsfi, csoportos ter-тёвй; спростноплодный] 1352 SYMPHYLLODIUM n (gr. ouv „impreunS", symphysus, conna-tus, concretus 1356 SYMPHYONEURUS (gr. -, veupov „nerv"), cu nervurile reunite [united-nerved; verwachsennervig, vereintner-vig; S nervures soudSes; OsszenOtt erezetfi; спаиножильный] 1357 SYMPHYOSTEMONEUS (gr. -, otfipcov „fir"), cu staminele sudate [symphyostemonous; verwachsenfS-dig; a etamines soud^es; forrt porzdju; спаинотычинковы й] 1358 SYMPHYSIA f, SYMPHYSIS t (gr. обцфооц ,,concre§tere"), coales-cen[S, concre§terea congenitalS sau ulterioarS a unor pSrJi sau organe obipuit separate (Bessey) [coalescence, fusion of parts; Verwachsung; coalescence, union; OsszenfivSs; симфиз, сращение] —*• coalescentia, concrescentia 1359 SYMPHYSUS, SYMPHYTICUS (gr.-), simfitic, format prin concre§-terea pSrJilor separate (picnidii, nuclei) [symphytic, coalescent; symphy-tisch, werwachsen; symphytique, гё-uni, soudS; Osszendtt; сросшийся] -*• concretus, connatus, sympkyogenicus, coalitus 1360 SYMPHYTOGYNUS (gr. -, yuvf| „so[ie"), simfitogin, avind pistilul ade-rent la caliciu [symphytogynic; sym-phytogyn; symphytogyne; szimfito-gin; симфитогинный] -*■ symphyto-thelicus 1361 SYMPHYTOTHELICUS (gr. -, Ofi-Xu? „femenin") -► symphytogynus 1362 SYMPLASTUM n (gr. oov „impreunS", яХаотб? „format"), simplest, corp plasmatic multinucleat, care poate deveni un plasmodiu sau un sincitiu (Hanstein) [symplast; Sym-plast; symplaste; szimplasztum; сим-пласт] 1363 SYMPLOCIUM n (gr. -, яХекш „а cuta") —» sporangium (Pteridophyta) 1364 SYMPODIALIS (gr. -, яоОд, яоббд „picior"), simpodial, pseudomonopo-dial, prevSzut cu pseudoaxS (rami-ficajie ~) [sympodial; sympodial; sympodiale; szimpodiSlis, Sltengelyes, SlmonopodiSlis; симподизльный] 1365 SYMPODIUM n (gr. - -), simpodiu, pseudoaxS; ramificatie la care axa principals are cre§tere definitS, rS- 5 YMPOL Y MORPH YSM US minind scurtS, iar ramurile de ordinul I §i urmStoarele devin verticale, mai lungi, aparent continulnd cre§tcrea axei principale (Malus, Juglans) [sympcde; Scheinachse, SproQverket-tung; sympode; szimpddium, Slten-gely; симподий] —» pseudoaxis 1366 SYM POLY MOP PHY SMUS m (gr. -» TtoXCg „numcrcs", popva\|»ig „legS-turS"), sinapsis, ingrSmSdirea cromozomilor in profaza meiozei §i orin-duirea lor concomilentS in ghem (Farmer §i Moor) [synapsis; Synap- 615 sis; synapsis; szinapszis; синапсис] —► syndesis, eynizesis 1385 SYNAPTENE (-ES) f (gr. olv „impreunS", taivia „panglicS") —*■ zygotene 1386 SYNAPTOSPERMIA f (gr. ouvmr-xd® „a se lega ImpreunS , стяёрда „sSmintS"), sinaptosperraie 1. Reu-nirea la cSdere a seminJelor sau a fructelor uniseminale pentru a fi diseminate prin vint (laplantelc de de§euri §i stepe.). 2. Diseminarea impreunS a semintelor pe un loc penlru a forma pilcuri dese (la plan-tele de defer turi fi stepe) (Murbeck) [synaplospermy; Synaptospermie, Keimkoppelung; synaptospermie ; szi-naptospermia; синаптоспермия] 1387 SYNAPTOSPORA f (gr. onopd „sSmintS") -*■ seirospora 1388 SYNARMOPHYTA n pi (gr. ouvap-дод „reunit", -yog „vorbire"), sincronologie, studiul sub aspect istoric al dezvoltarii §i a secvenfei asociatiilor vegetale (Rubel) [synchronology, history of vegetation; Synchronologie, Vegetationsgeschichte; synchronologie; szinkronoldgia; син-хронология, история растительности] —» syngenetica 1405 SYNCLISTUS (gr. -, kXioiov „loc inchis") —*■ indehiscens SYNCOLLIPHYTA 1406 SYNCOLLIPHYTA n pi (gr. ouy-коХХод „alipit"), sincolifite, plante cu periantul alipit de pericarp [syncolli-phyta; Synkolliphyten; syncolliphy-tes; szinkollifit&k; синколлифиты] 1407 SYNCOTYLEDONEUS (gr. ko-TuXqitov „cavitate"), sincotiledonar, cu cotiledoanele concrescute [syncotyle-donous; verwachsenkeimblSttrig; syn-cotyledond; dsszendtt szikleveld; спаи-носемеяодольный] 1408 SYNCOTYLIA f (gr. - -), sincotilie, concre§terea cotiledoanelor prin una din marginile lor [syncotyly; Syn-kotylie ; syncotylie; sziklevdl-dsszend-vds, szinkotilia; синкотилия, срастание семядолей] 1409 SYNCYANOSIS t (gr. Koavdg „albastru"), sincianozS, simbioza intre Cyanophyceae §i alte microorga-nisme (Pascher) [syncyanosis; Synzya-nose; syncyanose; szinciandzis; син-цианоз] 1410 SYNCYTIUM n (gr.-, кит1д „cutie"), sincitiu 1. CelulS multinucleatS mare formats in cursul mitosei premeiotice sau la inceputul stadiului de meiozS (Levan). 2. Reunirea mai multor celule uninucleate, cu nucleii necon-toptyi flaticiferele la unele Compositae) [syncyte; Synzytium; syncyte; szin-citium; синцитий] 1411 SYNDESIS f (gr. ouvSeoig „unire"), sindezS, imperecherea cromozomilor omologi in meiozS (Haecker) [syndesis ; Syndese; synddse; szinddzis; синдезис] —> synapsis 1412 SYNDETOCHEILUS (gr. trfvSetog „unit", xelXog „buzS"), cu stomate complex, rezultat din diviziunea succe-sivS a celulei mame initiate (Cha-defaud) [syndetocheilous; syndetochell; syndetocheile; osszetett ldgzdnyilSsu; сицдетохеильный] 1413 SYNDIMORPHISMUS m (gr. ouv „impreunS", SipoptpoQ „biform"), sin-dimorfism, dimorfismul unor organe ale aceluia§i individ de plants (Lind-man) [syndimorphism; Syndimorphis-mus; syndimorphisme; szindiformiz-mus; синдиморфизм] 1414 SYNDIPLOIDIA f (gr. -, SmXdog „dublu", iSiog ,,obi§nuit“), sindi-ploidie, fuzionarea unor nuclei di-ploizi, dublindu-se numSrul cromozomilor (Strasburger) [syndiploidy; Syndiploidie; syndiploidie; szindiploi-dia; синдиплоидия] 616 1415 SYNDI PLOI DICUS (gr. - - -), sin-diploid, cu nuclei diploizi fuziona(i (celule ~) [syndiploid; syndiploid; syndiploide; szindiploid; синдиплоид-ный] 1416 SYNDYNAM1CA f (gr. -, Suvopi? „putere"), sindinamica, evolu(ia §i dinamica asocia^iilor vegetale [syn-dynamics; Syndynamik, Sukzessions-lehre, Gesellschaftswechsel; syndyna-mique; szindinSmika; синдинамюса] 1417 SYNEMA (-MATIS) n (gr. -, vfUia „fir"), sinemS 1. Partea columnarS a staminelor monadelfe (Malvaceae). 2. Columna constituitS prin filamentele staminelor (Orchidaceae) [synema; Sta-ubgefSBsSule; syndme; porzdoszlop; синема, колонка тычинок] 1418 SYNENCHYMA (-matis) n (gr. -, Syxupa „umpluturS"), sinenchim, tesut rezultat din fuzionarea filamente-lor celulare [synenchyma; Synenchym; synenchyme; szinenchima; синенхима] 1419 SYNERGIA f, SYNERGISMUS m (gr. ouvepyia „соорегаге"), siner-gism, dezvoltarea mai avanCajoasS a douS organisme care trSiesc impreunS [synergism; Synergismus, Syner-gie; synergisme; szinergizmus; синергизм] 1420 SYNERGIDAE f pi (gr. -), sinergide, cei doi nuclei (energide) afla^i deasupra oosferei in partea superioarS a sacului embrionar (Angiospermae) [synergids, help-cells; Synergiden, Hilfs-zellen, Gehilfinnen; synergides; szi-nergidSk, segddsejtek, segit6sejtek; синергиды] 1421 SYNGAMEON (-1) n (gr. ouv „impreunS", ydpog „cSsStorie"), singa-meon, fitocenozS in care pe cale de incruci§are iau na§tere specii hibride noi §i constante (Lotsy) [syngameon, pairing community; Syngameon, Kreu-zungsgemeinschaft; syngamdon; szin-gameon; сингамеон] 1422 SYNGAMETA I (gr. -, уац£тт|д „sotie") (MacMillan) -*■ zygota 1423 SYNGAMETIA t (gr. - -), singametie, deosebire numai fiziologicS intre douS sexe morfologic identice (Blackman) [syngamety; Syngametie; syngamdtie; szingametia; сингамеция] 1424 SYNGAMIA t (gr. -, y&pog „cSsStorie"), singamie, fuziunea game[ilor dind nagtere zigotului [syngamy; Syn-gamie, Gametenfusion; syngamie; szingSmia, ivarsejtek egyesiildse; син-гамия] 517 1425 SYNGENESIS f (gr. ySveoig „origine"), singenezS, reproducere se-xuatS [syngenesis, sexual reproduction; sexuelle Fortpflanzung; reproduction sexuelle; ivaros szaporodSs; половое размножение] —♦ gamogenesis 1426 SYNGENESIUS (gr. - -) — synan-thericus 1427 SYNGENETICA f (gr. -), singenetica, studiul istoricului dezvolt&rii §i a secventei asociatiilor vegetale [syn-genetics ; Syngenetik, Gesellschaftent-wicklungslehre; syngSnStique; szin-genetika, novSnytarsulasok torzsfej-lodestana; сингенетикйк] —*• synchro-nologia 1428 SYNGRAMMATA n pi (gr. -, урарца ,,schit&“), singrame, simetrie liniarS In raport cu axa (Diatomeae) (Mueller) [syngrammata; Syngrammen; syngrammes; szingramnSk синграммы] 1429 SYNGYNUS (gr. -, yuvf| „femeie") -* epigynus 1430 SYNHAPLOIDEUS (gr. -, йяХбод „singur", ISiog ,,obi§nuit“), sinha-ploid, cu nuclei haploizi reuni ti (NS-mec) [synhaploid; synhaploid; synhap-loide; szinhaploid; еннгаплоидный] 1431 SYNIZESIS f (gr. ouviC© „a a§eza alSturi") (McClung) -► synapsis 1432 SYNMORPHOLOGIA f (gr. ouv „ImpreunS", popv „ImpreunS", ftta „rSdScinS"), cu rSdScinile concrescute (embrionul la unele Coni-ferae) [synorrhizous; verwachsenwur-zelig; synorrhize; osszenott gyokeru ; сростнокореппсовый] 1444 SYNPETALUS (gr. -, ntxakov „petals"), sinpetal, cu petalele unite [synpetalous; verwachsenkronblStt-rig; synpStale; forrtszirmii; спайнолепестный] —*■ gamopetalus 1445 SYNSEPALUS (gr.-, lat. sepalum „sepalS"), sinsepal, cu sepalele unite ("caliciul la Solanaceae) [synsepalous; verwachsenkelchblSttrig; synsSpale; forrt csSszelevelfi; спаиночашелисти-козый] -*• gamosepalus 1446 SYNSPERMUS (gr. -, оябрра „sSmintS"), cu semintele concrescute [synspermous; verwachsensamig; syn-sperme; Osszendtt magvfi; спаиносе-мянный] SYNSPORANGIUM 1447 SYNSPORANGIUM n (gr. сяорй „sSmintS", dyYetov ,,vas“), sinspo-range, grupare de sporangi sau de sori la Pteridophyta fosile [synspo-range; Synsporangium; synsporange; szinsporangium; сииспорангий] 1448 SYNSPORUS (gr. sinsponc, cu sporii reunit; care se rSsptnde?te prin conjugarea celulelor (Algae) [synsporous; synspor; synspore; dsszendtt spdrSs; спаиноспоровый] 1449 SYNTAGMA n (gr. -, хйуца „pre-zentare"), sintagmS, lucrare, operd (ca titlu de carte, Colius: Syntagma herbarum) [work; Werk; ouvrage; dolgozat; книга, сочинение] 1450 SY NT AXON n (gr. -, xd£ig „ordi-ne"), sintaxon (pi. sintaxoni), unitate sistematicS de orice rang tn cenotaxo-Homie [syntaxon; Syntaxon; synta-xon; szin taxon; синтаксон] -*• coeno-taxon 1451 SYNTAXONOMIA f (gr.-, Svopa ,,nume“), sintaxonomie, cenotaxono-mie, sistematica comunitStlor bio-logice [syntaxonomy, coenotaxonomy; Syntaxonomie, Zdnotaxonomie; syn-taxonomie, cdnotaxonomie; szinta-xondmia, cdnotaxondmia; синтаксо-номия, ценотаксономия] 1452 SYNTELOMITICUS (gr. xdXog ,,capSt“, pixog ,,fir“), syntelomitic, cu centromere care nu sint terminate (cromozom ~) (Oguma) [syntelomitic ; syntelomitisch; syntdlomiti-que; szintelomitikus; синтеломитичес-кий] 1453 SYNTEPALUS (gr.-, lat, tepalum „tepalS"), sintepal, cu tepalele concrescute (perigon) [syntepalous; syn-tepal; syntdpale; forrtlepellevelu; синтепальный] —*■ gamotepalus 1454 SYNTRJPLOIDIA f (gr. -, тршХбод „triplu", еТбод „asemSnare"), sintrip-loidie, fuzionarea nucleilor triploizi, formind nucleul hexaploid (Ndmec) [syntriploidy; Syntriploidie; syntri-ploldie; szintriploidia; сшггридлоидия] 1455 SYNTROPHIA f (gr.-, xpoqrf] „aliment"), sintrofie, simbiozS antago-nisticS Intre licheni [syntrophy; Syn-trophie; syntrophie; szintrdfia; син-трофия] 1456 SYNTROPHICUS (gr. -) — epiphy-ticus 1457 SYNTROPHISMUS m (gr. -) -syntrophia 1458 SYNTROPICUS (gr. -, xporcfl „rSsucire"), sintropic, rSsucit sau orien- 618 tat !n aceea?i direc(ie [syntropic; syntropisch; syntropique; szintrdpi-kus; синтропический] 1459 SYNTYPUS m (gr. -, голод „model"), sintip, una dintre mai multe specii originale care a fost descrisS fSrS a se fi specificat holotipul [syn-type; Syntypus; syntype; szintipus; сингал] -*■ cotypus 1460 SYNUSIA f, SYNUSIUM n (gr. oovouotn „reunire"), sinuzie 1. Populate formats din una sau mai multe specii apar|inind unei singure sau mai multor bioforme (Gams). 2. Populate cu specii apartntnd acelea^i bioforme sau unor bioforme asemSnStoare (Petrovski) [synusia, synusium; Synusie, Pflanzenverein; synusie; szinuzium; сицгзия] 1461 SYNZOICUS (gr. -, Cfflov „animal"), sinzoic, cu seminfele diseminate prin intermediul unor animale (planter, propagare ~) (Sernander) [synzoic; synzoisch; synzoique; szinzoikus, SJlatok utjan terjedd; синзоический] —*■ zoochorus 1462 S YNZOOCHORI A f (gr. », хюре© „a se rSspindi") —»■ zoochoria 1463 SYNZOOGONIDIUM n (gr. -, ydvi-Siov „sSmintS"), sinzoogonidie, zoogo-nidie pluricelularS, avind cite un nucleu sub fiecare pereche de cili ( Vaucheria) [syn zoogonidium; Syn-zoogonidium; synzoogonidu; szinzoo-gonidium; синзоогонидия] 1464 SYNZOOSPORA f (gr. --, ояора „sSmtnti"), sinzoospor, zoospor bicili-at, asociat in masS cu alt zoospori (Vaucheria) [synzoosporie; Synzoo-spore; synzoospore; szinzoospdra; синэооспора] 1465 SYNZYGIA f (gr. -, Coydg „jug"), sinzigie, punctul de jonctune a bazei cotiledoanelor opuse [synzygia; Syn-zygie, Verbindungsstelle; synzygie; szinzigia; синэигия] 1466 SYPHOGENIA f (gr. cri tabularis S TACHY- (gr. тахб? ,,repede“), repede, de timpuriu (tachysporus, tachyte-licus) [quickly-; schnell-; rapide; gyors, korai; скоро-] 9 TACHYAUXESIS f (gr. -, abtnmq „dezvoltare*1), tahiauxezS, dezvoltarea mai rapidS a unui organ fa# de altu similar [tachyauxesis, quick-growth; Wachstumschnelligkeit; tachyauxdse; gyorsabb-nOvekedds; тахиауксез] 10 TACHYGENESIS f (gr. -, ydveai? ,,na§tere“), tahigenezS, dezvoltare acceleratS (in filogenie) [tachygene-sis, accelerated development; Tachy-genese, Entwicklungsverkurzung; tachygendse; tachigendzis, gyors ki-fejlddds; тахигенез] 11 TACHYSPORIA f (gr. -, oropd ,,sSminJ5“), tahisporie, diseminare timpurie [tachyspory; Tachysporie; tachysporie; korai magsz6r4s; тахи-спория] 12 TACTICUS, TACT ICO-, -TACTI-CUS (gr. тактисос ,,de orinduire'*), tactic, care reac(ioneazS la о excita^ie printr-un mod de orinduire (tactico-pterus, heterotacticus) [tactic; taktisch; tactique; taktikus; тактический] 13 TACTILIS, tactil, sensibil la atingere (papila~, pdr ~ ) [tactile; fiihl-bar; tactile; tapinto, Srintesre ёггё-keny; осязательный] 14 TACTISMUS m tactism, mi?cSri libere ca reac(iune la excitan^ii externi (de ex. la cSldura, lumina, chimism) [tactism; Taktismus; tac-tisme; taktizmus; тактнзм] —*■ taxis, taxismus 15 TACTUS (-US) m, atingere, in- fluen# [touch, touching, influence; Beriihrung, EinfluO; attouchement, influence; 6rintds, behatis; прико- сновение, влияние] 16 TAENIANUS, TAENIATUS, TAE-NIIFORMIS, TAENIO-, ТАЕЩО-SUS (gr. Taivia „panglicS"), tenii-form, in formS de panglicS (taeniophyl-lus) [taeniate, band-like, strap-shaped, ribbon-like, taperworm-shaped; band-formig, schleifenformig, bandwurm-fOrmig; гиЬапё, banderol#; pintlika-szerd; лентообразный, тесьмовид-ный] 621 17 TAETER, ТЕ TER, dezgustAtor, res-pingAtor, fetid (miros ~) [disgusting; ekelhaft, hABlich; dAgoutant; undo-rit6, undortkeltd; противный] 18 TAGMATA n pi (gr. т&ура „orln-duire“), tagme, agregAri de molecule (Pfeffer) [molecule-aggregations; Mole-kiilverbindungen; aggrAgations molA-culaires; molekula-csoportosulAsok; молекуляные собрания] 19 TAIGA f, taiga, zona pAduroasA nordicA populatA de Coniferae (Siberia) [taiga; Taiga; taiga; tajga; тайга] 20 TALE A f, buta§, marcotA; ramurA sau fragment de plantA folosit la inmul-Jirea vegetativA [cutting, slip; Steck-reis, Steckling, Senker; bouture, marcotte ; bujtAs, dugvAny; саженец] 21 TANGENTALIS, tangential (sec- fiune ~) [tangential; tangential; tan-gentiel; Arintoleges, Arintd irAnyu; тангентальный] 22 TANNINUM n, tanin, grup de substance astringente, tanante, extrase din gale sau din scoar^a unor arbori (Alnus, Castanea, Quercus) [tannin; Tannin, Gerbstoff; tannine; tannin, cserzAanyag; таннин] 23 TAPESIUM n (gr. тйтпк ,,covor“), tapesiu, miceliu superficial dens intretesut, cuprinzlnd ascofori [tape-sium; Tapesium; tapesium; tapezium; тапезиум] 24 TAPETALIS, tapetal, care aparjine tapetului (celule strat ~) [tapetal; tapetal; tapetale; tapetAlis; та-петальный] 25 TAPETUM (gr.-), tapet, strat tapetal 1. Tesutul nutritiv intern al sporangelui (Pteridophyta). 2. Strat de celule care cAptu§esc sacii poli-nici (Pkanerogamae) [tapete, tapetal-cells; Tapete, Tapetenzellen; tapAteum; tapetum, tapetum-rAteg; тапетум, выстилающий слой] 2 6 TAPHRENCHYMA n (gr. xdcppoq ,,§ant“, Ayxupa ,,umpluturA“), tafren-chim, Jesut format din celule sau canale poroase; botrenchim [taphren-chyma, bothrenchyma; Taphrenchym; taphrenchyme; tafrenchima; тафрен-хима] —*■ bothrenchyma 27 TAPHROPHILUS !gr. -, фОАоо „а iubi“), tafrofil, care create prin canale ?i §an$uri [ditch-dwelling; graben-liebend; aimant les canaux; sAnc-kedvelA; тафрофильный] 28 TAPHROPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фотбу ,,plantA“), tafrofite, plante de canale TAXONOMICUS ?i §an(uri [ditch-dwelling plants; Grabenpflanzen; plantes des canaux; AroknOvAnyek, tafrofitAk; тафрофи-ты] 29 TARDIFLORUS, tardiflor, care In-flore§te tirziu [late-flowering; spAt-bliihend; tardiflore; kAsAn virAgzA; поздно цветущий] —> opsianthus 30 TARDIVUS, TARDUS, tardiv, care se produce cu Intlrziere (fruc-tificatie lnflorire~) [late, slow, tardy; spAt, verspatet; tardif; kAsoi, kAsedelmes; поздний, медленный] —► serotinus 31 TARTAREUS, tartareu, asemAnA-tor cu tartrul; cu suprafa^a asprA §i fArimicioasA (in lichenologie) [tar-tareous; weinsteinartig; tartareux; borkoszerii; виннокаменный, шероховатый] 32 TAU TONY MUM n (gr. таитб ,,acela§i“, dvopa ,,nume“), tautonim, epitet specific care repetA numele generic (Calaminthacalamintha) [tau-tonym; Tautonym; tautonyme; tautonim; тавтоним] 33 TAXINOMIA f —► taxonomia 34 TAXIS f, TAXIS MU S m (gr. то$ц ,,ordine“) —*■ tactismus 35 TAXITERIA f (gr. -, тАра? ,,mon-stru“), taxiterie, anomalie cu purine abateri de la forma normalA [taxi-tery; Taxiterie; taxitArie; taxitAria; такситерия] 36 TAXOIOGIA f (gr. -, X.6yo? „vorbi-re“) —» taxonomia 37 TAXON n (pi. TAX A) (gr. -), taxon (pi. taxoni), unitate sau categorie sistematicA [taxon, taxonomic group; Taxon, taxonomische Einheit; taxon, groupe taxonomique; taxon, taxono-miai egysAg; таксон, систематическая категория] 38 TAXONOMIA f (gr. -, vdpoi; ,,lege“), taxonomie; sistematicA; clasificare; gruparea naturalA a plantelor pe bazA de caractere de asemAnare §i de In-rudire [taxonomy; Taxonomie, Sys-tematik, Ordnungslehre; taxonomie; taxonAmia, rendszertan, rendszerezAs, osztAlyozAs; таксономия] -*■ systematica, taxinomia 39 TAXONOMICUS (gr. --), taxonomic, de clasificare, de sistematizare (grupd categorie ~) [taxonomic; taxonomisch; taxonomique; taxo-nAmikus, rendszerezAsi; таксономический] -» systematicus TECNOSPORA 40 TECNOSPORA f (gr. xeicvov ,,co-pil“, опора „sdmtntd"), tecnospor, spor rezultat nemijlocit din organele de reproducere mascule sau femeie (Fi-lices, Equisetum) (Radlkofer) [tek-nospore; Teknospore; lecnospore; teknospdra; текноспора] 41 TECTOPARATYPUS m (gr. xtKxw ,,muncitor“, пара „aldturi", xbnoq ,,model“), tectoparatip, exemplar ales pentru analiza structurii microscopice a tipului initial al speciei sau al genului (Chapman) [tectoparatype; Tek-toparatypus; tectoparatype; tekto-paratipus; тектопаратип] 42 TECTOPLESIOTYPUS m (gr. лХт|ст1о? „aproape", xiwiog „model"), tectopleziolip; tectoparatip, dar cu exemplarele descrise mai tirziu [tec-toplesiotype; Tektoplesiotypus; tec-loplesiotype; tektopleziotipus; тек-топлезиотип] 43 TECTOTYPUS m (gr.-), tectotip, fragment al exemplarului tipic folosit pentru analize microscopice [tecto-type; Tektotypus; tectotype; tekto-tipus; тектотип] 44 TECTORIUS - tegens 45 TECTUM n, acoperi? de casd [roof; Dach; toit; h&ztetd; крыша, кровля] —> tegula PLANTAE TECTORUM, plantele acoperi§urilor de case [roof-plants; Dachpfianzen; plantes des toils; hazletdkon tenydszd novdnyek; кровельные растения] 46 TECTURATUS, TECTUS, acoperit [covered, clothed; bedeckt, be-kleidet, verdeckt; couvert, veto, garni; fedett, takart, beburkolt; покрытый, прикрытый, одетый] —* coopertus,oper-tus, vestitus, amictus, indutus, obtectus, chlamydo-, stego-* 47 TEGENS (tego), care acoperd, care invelefte (foliis non se tegentibus, cu frunze care nu se асорегйJ [covering, clothing, concealing; deckend, ver-hullend, schiitzend; couvrant; befedd, beboritd, betakard; покрывающий, прикрывающий] —► operiens, vestiens, tectorius 48 TEGMEN n, tegmen, inveli? 1. Inveli§ul intern al ovulului. 2. Stratul protector intern de celule care invele§te sdmlnta. 3. Glumd [tegmen, covering, inner seed-coat, glume; Hiille, innere Samenhaut, innere Samenschale, Hiillspelze; tdgument, enveloppe, secondine, glume; takard, belsd maghdj, pelyva; тегмен, пок- 522 ров, внутренняя оболочка семеии, колосковая чешуя] —*■ secundina 49 TEGMENTACEUS, tegmentaceu, asemdndtor cu scvamele mugurilor [tegmentaceous; knospenschuppenar-tig; tdgmentacd; rugypikkelyszerfi; покрововидный] 50 TEGMENTOSUS, TEGMINATUS, -TEGMINUS, tegmentos, tegminat, prevSzut cu !nveli§ (ategminus, biteg-minus) [tegmentose; behiillt, bedeckt, knospendeckig; tdgmind, enveloppd; betakart, takardrdteges; прикрытый, с покровом] 51 TEGMENTUM n -* tegmen, integu-mentum 52 TEGULA f -»tectum 53 TEGULICOLUS (-COLA I), teguli-col, care create pe acoperi§uri sau e tiglele caselor [tegulicolous; dach-ewohnend, ziegelbewohnend; td-gulicole; hdzteton dlo, hdzcserepeken dlo; живущий на крышах] 54 TEICHOSOMA n (gr. xtl%o<; ,,pe-rete“, offipa „corp"), teicozom, p.icdturi sau sferule din membrana celulard (Gardiner) [teichosome; Teichosom; teichosome; teichoszoma; теихосома] 55 TELA f, tesut [tissue; Gewebe; tissu; szdvet; ткань] —*■ contextus* 56 TELEIANTHUS (gr. -reXelex; ,,com-plet“, fivOog „floare") —*■ [hermaphrodi-tus 57 TELEOBLEMA n (gr. -, P^npa ,,inveli§“) —* velum partiale 58 ТЕ LEO MI TOSIS I (gr. -, щто? „filament") —» caryokinesis 59 TELEPLASTIDIA n pi (gr. теХо? „capdt", nkaaxbq „modelat"), tele-plastide, celule reproducdtoare [te-leplastids, reproductive cells; Tele-plastiden, Reproduktivzellen; cellules rdproductives; szaporitdsejtek; телепластиды, размноженцые клетки) 60 TELEUTOCONIDIUM n (gr. те-Xcu-rii „final", koviSiov „praf") —*• teleutospora 61 TELE U TOGONI DI U M n (gr. -, yoviSiov „sdmintd micd") , teleutospora 62 TELEUTOSORUS m (gr.-, стшрб? „grdmadd"), teleutosor, agregare de teleutospori (Arthur §i Holway) [teleutosorus; Teleulosorus; tdleuto-sore; teleutoszorusz; телейтосорус) 63 TELEUTOSPORA f (gr.-, опора „sdmintd"), teleutospor 1. Spor de 628 rezistenJA §i de propagare (Uredinales). 2. Spor de iarnA [teleutospore, resting spore; Teleutospore, Winter-spore, Dauerspore; tAleutospore; teleu-tospAra, tAlispAra, Atteleld nyugvAspA-ra, kitartAspAra; телейтоспора, зимняя спора] —► teleutoconidium, teleu-togonidium, chronispora, hypnospora 64 TELIOSORUS m, TEL1UM n (gr. xtKoq ,,capAt“, acopd? ,,grAmadA“] -*• leleulosorus 65 TELIOSPORA f (gr. -, anopd ,,sA- mintA“) —*• teleulospora 66 TELLURICUS, pAmintesc, referitor la pAmint sau la globul pAmintesc (ap&~, planter) [telluric, earthly; irdisch, weltlich; terrestre; fAldi, foldgombi; земной] -* terraneus, ter-restris 67 TELMATE1US (gr. xAXpa, xAXpaxog ,,mla;tinA“), de mla§tinA, care create In mla§tini [growing in marshes, meadown or pools; sumpfig, sumpfbe-wohnend; croissant dans les marais; mocsAri, macsarakban AI6; болотистый] —► telmicolus G8 TELMATOPHILUS (gr. -, .,a iubi“), telmatofil, care preferA iocurlle mlA§tinoase [dwelling in wet meadows; sumpfliebend; aimant les marais; mocsarkedveld; (болотнолюбивый] 09 TELMATOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, 6XXov „frunzA") —*■ quadrifolius; 188 TETRAPW- (gr. тетрапХоод „de patru ori"), cvadruplu, de patru ori mai mult sau mai mare (tetraplocaulis) [four-fold; viermal, vierfach; quadruple; nAgyszeresen; четверно-] -♦ quadrupli-, quadruplo- 189 TETRAPLOIDEUS (gr. -, iSiog ,,obi§nuit“), tetraploid, care contine de patru ori numArul haploid de cromozomi din nucleu [tetraploid; tetraploid; tAtraploide; tetrAploid, nAgy-szeres szAmA; тетраплоидный] 190 TETRAPLOSTEMONEUS (gr. -, oxfituev „fir"), tetraplostemon, cu de patru ori mai multe stamine decit petalele (floare ~) [tetraplostemo-nous; tetraplostemon; tAtraplostAmo-ne; tetraplosztAmon; тетраплостемон-ный] 191 TETRAPTERUS (gr. тетрад „patru", nxepdv „aripa"), cu patru 628 aripi sau foliole [four-winged; vierflii-gelig; tAtraptAre, A quatre ailes; nAgy-szArnyacskas; четырёххрылый] 192 TETRAPYRENUS (gr. -, iropfiv „simbure"), cu patru slmburi oso§i (fruct) [four-stoned; viersteinkernig; a quatre noyaux; nAgy csontmagvd; четырёхкочковый] 193 TETRAQUETER (gr.-, lat. queter „unghi") -* quadrangularis 194 TETRARCHICUS (gr.-, dpxh „origine"), tetrarhic, cu patru fascicule de vase conducAtoare (rddfcini ~) [tetrarch; tetrarch, vierstrahlig; tA-trarche; nAgysugard; тетрархный] 195 TETRARINUS -*■ tetrandrus 196 TETRAS (-ADIS) f (gr. -), tetradA 1. Tetraspor. 2. Glomerul cu patru grA-uncioare de polen (Ericaceae). 3. Di-vizare a cromozomului In patru pSrti [tetrad; Tetrade, Pollentetrade; tA-trade; tetrAd, nAgyes csoport; тетрада] —» staurosoma 197 TETRASCHISTICUS (gr. -, оуютбд „despicat") —» quadripartitus 198 TETRASEPALUS (gr.-, lat. sepa-lum „sepalA"), cu patru sepale [tc-trasepalous, four-sepalled; vierkelch-blattrig; tAtrasApale; nAgy-csAszeleve-1й; четырёхчашелистиковый] 199 TETRASOMICUS (gr. -, afflpa „corp"), tetrazomic, cu doi cromozomi omologi supranumerari [tetra-somic; tetrasomisch; tAtrasomique; tetraszomikus; тетрасомичс ский] -*• tetraploideus I 200£ TETRASPERMUS (gr. -, аяерра ,,sAmin[A“), tetrasperm, cu patru se-min[e [four-seeded; viersamig; A quatre semences; negymagvu; четырёхсемен-ный] 201 TETRASPORA f (gr.-, ouopd ,,sa-min(A“), tetraspor, patru spori obligator» formati in sporange (Phaeo-phyceae, Rodophyceae) [tetraspore; Te-traspore, Vierteilungsspore; tetraspore; tetraspbra; тетраспора] —*■ spkaero-spora * 202 TETRASPORANGIUM n (gr. dyyetov „vas"), tetrasporange, sporange cu tetraspori (Rhodophyceae) [tetrasporangium; Tetrasporangium; tAtrasporange; tetrasporAngium; тетраспорангий] 203 ТЕTRASPORIFER (gr.-, lat. fero „a produce"), tetrasporifer, care produce tetraspori [telrasporiferous; te- 629 trasporentragend; tStrasporiffere; te-trasporSt кбргб; тетраспороносный] 204 TETRASPOROPHYTON n (gr.--, thecaphorus 236 THECIDIUM n (gr. -) —► achaena, achaenium 237 THECIFORMIS (gr.-, lat. forma „formA"), taciform, de forma unei teci [theca-like; biichsenformig; thA-ciforme; tok alaku; тековидный] —» coleo-, coleodes 238 THECIUM n (gr. -), teciu, stratul himenial de sub epiteciu (Fungi, Lichenes) [thecium; Thecium; the-cium; tAcium; теций] 239 THEI-, THE 10-, THEION-, THIO-(gr. 0elov „suit"), sulfuriu galben (iheiantkus, tkeiogalus, tkeionacanthus) [sulphur-yellow; schwefelgelb-; jaune 580 soufre; kAnsArga-; серно-желтый] -» eulpkureus 240 THELE-, THELO-, -THELIS (gr. 0qXf| „mamelon") (thelegonus, thele-carpus, thelocamptus, aulacothelis, pa-chythelis) —► mam Hiatus, verrucosus 241 THELEPHORUS (gr. -, форбд ,,pur-lAtor"), —*• mamillatus, verrucosus 242 THELODES (gr. -, eI5og „asema- nare") —* mamillaris 243 THELOSUS (gr. -) -* thelephorus 244 THELY- (gr. 0f|Xug „femeie") (the- ligenicus) —» femineus 245 THELYBLASTUM n (gr. -, рХаотбд „lAstar"), teliblasl, gametul femel matur [thelyblasl; Thelyblast; the-lyblaste; teliblAszt; телибласт] 246 THELYCARYON n (gr. -, Kdpuov „nuca"), telicarion, nucleul macro-gametului (Boveri) [thelykaryon, egg-nucleus; Thelykaryon, Eikern; thAly-caryonte, noyau de la macrogamAte; pe lesej tmag; теликарион] 247 THELYCARYOTICUS (gr. - -), teli-cariolic, rezultat din partenogenezA [thelykaryotic; thelykaryotisch, par-thenogenetisch entstandcn; thAlycaryo-lique; telikariotikus, szuznemzAsbol keletkezett; телнкариотический] ->par-thenogeneticus 248 THELYGENIA f (gr. -, ysveaig ,,na§tere“), teligenie, producerea de urmafi In majoritate sau cu exclusi-vitatc femeli [thelygeny; Thelygenie; thAlygAnie; teligAnia; телигения] 249 THELY ТОК IA f (gr. 0qXoxoKia „ргосгеаге de urma§i femeli"), telito-chie, partenogenezA numai cu urmafi de sex femel (Siebold) [thelytoky; Thelytokie; thelytokie; telitdkia; телитокия] 250 THELYTONICUS (gr. -, xovog ,,vi-goare") —» parthenogeneticus 251 THEOBOTANOLOGIA f (gr. 0sog ,,zeu“, Pordvq „iarbA", Xoyog „vorbire") —♦ hierobotanicon 252 THEOBROMIN US (gr. -, pptbpa „mincare") —» cacainus 253 THEORETICUS (gr. 0есорлт1код „speculativ"), teoretic, speculativ (dia-gama floral A) [theoretic; theoretisch; theorAtique; tcorctikus, elmAleli; теоретический] 254 THERAPEUTICUS (gr. Oepaneoxt-кбд „vindecAtor"), (erapeutic, vinde-cAtor [therapeutic, curative; thera- 681 peutisch, hoilend; thbrapeutique; gyd-gyit6, gybgySszati; терапевтический] 255 THE RI AC A t (gr. вприхкбе ,,de animale sSlbalice"), tcriaca, medica-mente folosite contra mu§cSturilor de animale [theriac; Theriak; thbriaque; SllatmarSs elleni-szerek; лекарство противукуса животное] 256 THERMALIS (gr. Оёрцп „cSldurS"), termal, care create in apele calde [thermal; warmquellig, thermal; thermal ; termalis, melegvizi; теплый, термальный] 257 THERMAUXISMUS m (gr. -, af>-£л<п<; ,,cre§tere“), termauxism, acjiu-nea cSldurii asupra cre§terii plantelor [thermauxism; Thermauxismus; therm-auxisme; termauxizmus; термаук-сизм] 258 THERMICUS, -THERMUS (gr. -), termic, de cSldura (endothermicus, homoeothermus) [thermic, warm; ther-misch; thermique; lermikus, h6-; термический] 259 THERMO A ES THESIS I (gr. . -, at-авлсп? „percepere"), termoeslezic.sen-sibilitate la cSldurS [thermoaeslhesy; ThermoSsthesie; thermoesthbsie; hb-brzbkenysbg; термоэстезис] 260 THERMOCHORISMUS m (gr. -, xcopeto „a se raspindi"), termochorism, deta§area organului din cauze termice (Fitting) [thermochorism; Thermocho-rismus; thermochorisme; termokoriz-mus; термохоризм] 261 THERMOCLEISTOGA MI A f (gr. -, кХеютдд „inchis", ybpoq „cSsaforie"), termocleistogamie, autofecundarea florilor rSmase nedeschise din cauza temperaturii nefavorabilc (Knuth) [thermocleistogamy; Thermokleisto-gamie; I hermocleistogamie; (ermokleisz-togamia; термоклейстогамия] 262 THERMODIFFUSIO f (gr. -, lat. diffusio „lmprS$liere"), termodifuziu-ne, difuziunea apei in directia curen-lului de cSldurS [thermodiffusio., Thermodiffusion; thermodiffusion; termodiffuzib; термодиффузия] 263 THERMOGENUS (gr. -, yew bo> „a se na§te“), termogen, care produce cSldurS (bacterii) [thermogenic; thermogen; thcrmogbne; hbtermb, h6-fejlesztd; термогенный, производящий теплоту] 264 THERMOINDIFFERENS (gr. -, lat. indifferens „indiferent"), termoindi- THERMOPH Y LACTIC US ferent, adaptat la schimbSri mari de temperaturS (plante ~) [thermoindi-fferent; thermisch-indifferent; ther-moindiffbrent; termoindifferens, hb-kbzbmbbs; термоиндифферент] —► eu~ rythermus 265 THERMOLA ВI LIS (gr. -, lat. la-bilis „trecStor"), termolabil 1. Adaptat la temperatura mediului incon-jurStor. 2. Care se inactiveaza la temperaturi mai mari (bacterii [thermolabile; thermolabil; thermola-bile; termolabilis; термолабильный, неустойчивый на теплоте] 266 THERMOLYSIS f (gr. -, Мкгк; „dizol-vare"), termolizS, lizare datorita ac-tiunii cSldurii [thermolysis; Thermo-lyse; thermolyse; termolizis; термолиз] 267 THERMOMETRUM n (gr. -, petpov „mSsurS"), termometru [thermometer ; Warmemesser; thermombtre; termometer; термометр] 268 THERMOMORPHOSIS f (gr.-, pop-срсоок; „formare"), termomorfozS, morfozS atribuitS temperaturii [ther-momorphosis; Thermomorphose; ther-momorphose; termomorfozis; термо-морфоз] 269 THERMONASTIA f (gr. -, vaoxoQ „comprimat"), termonastie, miscSri nastice datorite schimbSrii de teinpe-raturS [thermonasty; Thermonastie; thermonastie; termonasztia; термо-настия] 270 THERMOPERIODICITAS f (gr. -, lat. periodicitas „periodicitate"), ter-moperiodicitate, efectul variatiilor de temperaturS dintre perioadele de luminS ?i intuneric asupra dezvollari» plantelor [thermoperiodicity ; Thermo-periodizitat; thermopbriodicitb; ler-moperiodicitSs; термопериодичность] 271 THERMOPHASIS f (gr. -, hap to taxis, stereotaxis, stereokinesis 293 THIGMOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, xpojcfj „curbare**), tigmotropism, mi§-carea de curbare datoritS excita^iei de contact (circei ~) [thigmotro- ism; Thigmotropismus, Kontaktrciz-arkeit, Kontaktbewegung; thigmo-tropisme; tigmotropizmus, ёгййёз! 688 ingermozgbs; тигмотропизм] —► hapto-tropismus, stereotropismus 294 THINICOLUS (-COLA I), THINO-PHILUS (gr. 01?, 0ivd? „dunS de nisip", lat. colo „a locui“, gr. фгХёш „a iubi"), tinicol, tinofil, care cre§te pe dunele de nisip [dune-loving, dwelling on dunes; diinenbewohnend, dii-nenliebend; thinicole, vivant sur les dunes; homokbuckSn bid; тинофиль-ный, дюнолюбивый] 295 THINOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитоу „plants"), tinofite, plante de pe dunele de nisip [dune-plants; Dunenpflan-zen; plantes des dunes; homokbuc-kdk novbnyei; тинофиты, растения дюн] 296 ТНЮВА С TERIA n pi (gr. 0elov „sulf", fkucxfipiov ,,bastona§“), tio-bacterii, sulfobacterii; bacterii care oxideazS compu§ii sulfului [thiobac-teria; Thiobakterien, Schwefelbakte-rien; thiobactbries; tiobakteriumok, kbnbaktbriumok; тиобактерий] 297 TH10 PHIL U S (gr. -, ф„a iubi"), tiofil, care prospers in pre-zenfa compu§ilor de sulf (bacterii ~) [thiophilic; schwefelliebend; thiophi-le; tiofil, kbnkedveld; тяофнльный, серолюбивый] 298 THIXOTROPIA f (gr. 0i£i? „atingere", xponfi „curbare"), tixotropie, insu§irea sistemului coloidal de a trece pe cale de agitate mecanicS de la starea de gel la cea de sol [thixotropy; Thixotropie; thixotropie; tixotropia; тиксотропия] 299 THREMMA TO LOG IA f (gr. брецда, Орёррато? „nutritie"), trematologie, §tiin(a cultivSrii plantelor in conditii de aclimatizare [tremmatology; Trem-matologie; tremmatologie; tremma-tologia; тремматология] 300 THRIXO-, -THRIX (gr. 0pl£, tpi-Хб? ,,pSr“) -* tricho- 301 THURIFER, care produce tSmiie [bearing incense; weihrauchtragend; produissant de l’encens; tdmjbnt. termd; производительный ладан] 302 THYLLAE f pi (gr. ОбХако? „sac"), tile, formatiuni veziculoase care astu-pS vasele lemnoase (Robinia) [thylls; Thyllen, TupfelblSschen; thylles; td-mdsejtek; галлы] 303 THYLLISA TIO t (gr. -), tilizatie, formarea tilelor [thyllisation; Thyl-lenbildung; thyllisation; tdmdsejt-kbpzddbs; тиллиэация] TIPHOPHYTA 304 THYLLOIDEUS (gr. -, eI6o? „asemSnare"), tiloideu, asemSnStor tilelor (thyll-like; thyllen&hnlich; thyl-loide; tdmosejtszeru; тилл обидный] 305 THYROIDEUS (gr. 0ope6? „scut", et6o? „asemSnare") -*■ peltatus 306 THYRS-, THYRSI-, -THYRSUS (gr. 0upoo? „tirs"), cu tirs, panicu-liform (thyrsanthus, thyrsifer, chry-sothyrsus) [thyrsi-, panicle-shaped; strauB-; thyrsi-; bugas-; метелко-] 307 THYRSIFORMIS, THYRSOIDEUS (gr. -, evSo? „asemSnare"), tirsiform, in formS de tirs, piramidS sau panicul [thyrsiform, thyrsoid; strauBfOrmig; thyrsiforme; tirzus-alakii, bugaszerii; тирсовидный] 308 THYRSUS m (gr. -) — panicula 309 THYSANO- (gr. Ouoavo? „franj"), franjurat (thysanocarpus, thysanochi-lus, thysanolepis) [fringe-; fransen-; en frange; rojtos- ; бахромчато-] 310 TIBICINUS, in formS de fluier sau de flaut [pipe-like; flotenartig, pfei-fenahnlich; en forme de flute; furulya-szerii; трубочковидный] 311 TIGELLA f, TIGELLULA f, 77-GELLUM n —*■ cauliculus, hypocotylus 312 TIGILLARIS, in formS de grinds [beam-like; lattenformig; en soliveau; gerendas, gerendaszeru; балкообразный] 313 TIGRINUS, tigrin, pStat sau vSrgat ca tlgrul [tiger-like spotted, speckled; tigerfleckig; tigrb, tachetb; tigrispety-tyes; тигровый] 314 TINCTORIALIS, TINCTORIUS, TINGENS (tingo), tinctorial, colorant, folosit pentru vopsire [tinctorial, tinctorious, dyeing, colouring, tingeing, staining; farbend, tinctorial, teignant, colorant; festo, szinezo; красильный, красящий] —>■ infecto-rius* 315 TINCTUS, colorat [coloured; gefarbt; colorb; szines; окращенный] 316 TIPHICOLUS (-COLA t) (gr. tI-фо? ,,lac“, lat. colo „a locui"), tificol, care create prin lacuri §i ele§teie [tiphicolous, pond-dwelling; weiherbe-wohnend, fischteichbewohnend; tiphi-cole, vivant dans les btangs; halas-tdban bid; растущий в прудах] 317 TIPHOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, фитбу „plants"), tifofite, plante de lacuri ?i ele§teie [pond-plants: Fischteich-pflanzen; plantes des btangs; halas-tavi ndvbnyek; прудовые растения] TI TV BANS 318 TITU BANS (titubo) -* 03cillans, vacillans, versatilis 319 TOCOCYSTIS ,-IDIS f (gr. тбко? „urma?", к(кт; ,,cavilate“) -*■ tocos-pora, gonotoconta 320 TOCONOTHUS (gr. v60o? „alte- rat“), cu sterilitate relativS (hibrid cz) [lokonothous, relatively sterile; teil-weise unfruchtbar; relativement sterile ; reszlegesen medd6; частично стерильный] 320a TOCOSPORA f (gr. cntopd ,,sS- min(i) —» gonotoconta 321 TOCOZYGOTA t (gr. Cuyeoxds ,,injugat“), tocozigot, zigot care produce nemijlocit noi game^i haplozi (Renner) [tokozygote; Tokozygote; tocozygote; tokozigota; токозигота] 322 TOFACEUS, cenu§iu-brun, cafeniu deschis [greyish-brown, buffy-drab; graulichbraun; gris&tre brun; bar-nSssziirke, drapszinfl; сероватобурый] 323 TOGATUS —» vestitus, obtectus 324 TOLUIFER —» balsamifer 325 TOMENTELLUS, TOMENTOSIUS-CULUS, TOMENTOSULUS, TO-MENTULOSUS, slab tomentos, fin tomentos [tomentulose, slightly to-mentose; schwachfilzig, feinulzig; fai-bleraent tomenteux, finement tomen-teux; gyengdn raolyhos, finoman sz6-szds; слабовойлочный, тонковойлочный] 326 TOMENTOSUS, tomentos, acoperit cu toment bracteile la Cerastium tomentosum) [tomentose, tomentous; filzig, filzartig; tomenteux; molyhos, szoszos; войлочный] 327 TOMENTUM n, toment, totalitatea perilor scur^i, de§i, pislos-!mpleti(i, care acoperS unele organe ('do ex. semintele la Gossypium) [tomentum; Filz; tomentum; moholy, szdsz; войлок] 328 TOMIANGIUM n (gr. хбцп „tSiere", dyyetov ,,vas“), tomiangiu, sacul sporifer la Bryophyta (Van Tieghem) [tomiange; Tomiangium; tomiange; tomiangium; томиангий] 329 TOMIO-, -TOMUS (gr.-), despicat, incizat, divizat In рйф (tomiophyl-lus, anisotomus, polytomus) [cut, incised, notched; -schnittig, -teilig; ddcoupd, divisd, fendu; bev&gott, hasitott, szeldelt; надрезный, резанный] 684 330 TOMIPARUS (gr. -, lat. paro „a se !nmulti“). tomipar, care se multiplied prin sciziune (Bory) [tomi-parous; tomipar; tomipare; hasaddssal-szaporodd; относящийся к расщеплению} —*■ ecissiparus, schizogeneticus 331 TOMUS m (gr. xdpog ,,parte“), tom, volum sau parte a unui volum [tome; Band, Bandteil; tome, kdtet, kdtet-rdsz; tom] 332 TONESIS f (gr. xdvo? „lensiune“), tonezie, capacitatea organismului de a prezenta о tensiune (Massart) [to-nesis; Tonesie; tondsie; tondzis; to-неэис] 333 TONICITAS f (gr. -), tonicitate, starea de tensiune (a protoplasmei) [tonicity; Spannkraft; tonicite; toni-citas, fesziiltsegi allapot; тоничность] 334 -TONICUS, -TONUS (gr. -), tonic, cu stare de tensiune plasmatied (alla-sotonicus, auxolonicus, hypertonicus, electrotonus) [-tonic, -tonous; -tonisch; -tonique; -tdnikus, -feszultsdgu; -тонический] 335 TONOPLASTUM n (gr. -, яХоотб? ,,modelat“), tonoplast, membrana care desparte citoplasma de vacuola celu-lard (De Vries) [tonoplast; Tonoplast, Tonoplastenhaut, Tonoplastenmem-bran, Vakuolenwand; tonoplaste; to-noplasztum, vakuolahartya, vakuolabu-rok; тонопласт] 336 TONOSIS f (gr. -), tonozd, schim-barea turgescen(ei datoritd putcrii osmotice intercelulare [tonosis; Tono-sis; tonose; tondzis; тонозис] 337 TONOTAXIS f (gr. xdfe „orln-duire“), tonotaxie, sensibilitate la variajiunile osmotice, ca reac(ic la schimbarea mediului Inconjurdtor (Beyerinck) [tonotaxis; Tonotaxis; tonotaxie; tonotaxis; тонотаксис] 338 TONOTROPISMUS m (gr. -, xpoicfi „curbare") —*■ osmotropismus 339 TONSILIS, care suportS tunderea (arbust) [tonsile; beschneidbar; ton-sile; nyirhatd, nyeshetd; стриженый, стрижовый] 340 TOPIARIA f, grddindrie ornamentals [ornamental gardening; Kunst-gartnerei; jardinage ornamental; mu-kertdszet; декоративное садоводство] 341 TOPICALIS, -TOPICUS, -TOPUS, TOPO- (gr. xditot; ,,loc“), topic, local, referitor la un loc sau areal limitat (ectopicus, heterotopus, topotacticus) [topical, local; topisch, drtlich, lokal; до topique, local; tdpikus, helyi; топический, локальный] 342 TOPOBIONTA n pi (gr. piog ,,via^S“), topobionti, organisme carac-terislice §i dominante Intr-un biotop . [topobionta; Topobionten; topobion-tes; topobiont&k; топобионты] 343 TOPOCHE МОТАХ IS f (gr. arab. al-kimiya „alchimie", gr. T „a purta"), trihofor 1. Suportul trihoginului. 2. Trunchi filamentos (Fungi) [trihcophore; Trichophorum; trichophore; tricho-fdrum; трихофор] TRICHOPHORUS 457 TRICHOPHORUS (gr. -) - pil-, pilifer 458 TRICHOPHYLLUS (gr. -, qriUov „frunzk"), cu frunze pkroase [hairy-leaved; behaartblkttng; к feuilles Velues; szdrds levelfi; волосистолистный] 459 TRICHOPLANCTON n (gr. -, Xnay-icxlg „rktkcitor"), trihoplancton,plancton vegetal format tndeosebi din specii de Thallasiothrix [tricho-plankton; Trichoplankton; tricho-plancton; trichoplankton; трихопланк-тон] 460 TRICHOPODUS (gr. -, яоОд, поббд „picior"), cu suportul pkros [tricho-podous; behaartfuflig; trichopode; szdrds tdnkd ; волосистоножковый] 461 TRICHOSANTHUS (gr. -, fivOdg „floare") -* trichanthus 462 TRICHOSEPALUS (gr.-, lat. se-palum „sepalk"), cu sepalele pkroase [hairy -sepaled; behaartkelchblkttrig; a skpales velus; szdrds cskszelevelG; волосисто- ч амелистиковы й] 463 TRICHOSPERMUS (gr. -, onkppa „skmin^k"), cu semin tele pkroase [hairy-seeded; behaartsamig; a grai-nes velues; szdrds magvG; волосисто-семянный] 464 TRICHOSPORANGIUM n (gr. -, опора „skmlntk", dyyetov ,,vas“), trihosporange, sporange multilocular (Phaeosporaceae) [trichosporange; Trichosporangium; trichosporange; trichosporangium; трихоспорангий] 465 TRICHOSPORA I (gr. ~) — zoos-pora 466 TRICHOTHALLICUS (gr. -, OaXXdg „germen"), cu talul filamentos [tri-cnothallic; fadenlagerig; trichothal-lique ; fonalas telepfl; имеющий нитевидный таллом] 467 TRICHOTOMUS (gr.-, тори ,,tk-iere"), trichotomic, trifurcat ; divizat In trei ramuri sau pkrti (tulpini ~) [trichotomous, three-forked; dreitei-lig, dreigabelig, dreigabeligverzweigt; trichotome; harom osztatu, harom agG; трихотомический] —*■ trifurcatus 468 TRICHROMUS, TRICOLOR [lat. tres, gr. хрФра „culoare"), tricolor, cu trei culori deosebite [tricolour; drei-farbig; tricolore; hkrom szlnG; трёхцветный] 469 TRICORNIS, tricorn, cu trei proemi-nen[e In formk de coarne [three-hor- 640 ned; dreihdrnig; tricorne; h&rom-szarvG; трёхрогий] 470 TRICOST ALIS, TRICOSTATUS, tricostat, cu trei coaste (fruct, frunzk, tulpink) [tricostate, three-ribbed; dreirippig; trie os tk; hkrombordks; трёхреберный] -*■ triplicostatus 471 TRICO TYLEDONA RIS, TRICO-TYLEDONEUS, TRICOTYLUS (lat. -, gr. KoxoXnSdbv „cavitate"), tricoliledonar, cu trei cotiledoane, respectiv cu douk (din care unui adlnc divizat) [tricotyledonous; drci-keimblkttrig; tricot у ledond; hkrom szlklevelG; трёхсемядольный] 472 TRICUSPIDATUS, tricuspidat, cu trei cuspide [tricuspidate, three-pointed ; dreispitzig, dreilangspitzig; tricuspidk; hkrom szklkahegyG; трёхостроконечный] 473 TRICYCLICUS (gr. xpelg „trei", кокХод „cerc"), triciclic, cu trei ci-cluri sau verticile ('florile la Acer) [tricyclic, three-whorled; trizyklisch, dreikreisig, dreiquirlig; tricyclique; hkromkdrds, hkromdrvds; трёхцикличный, трёхкруговой] 474 TRIDACTY LINUS, TRIDACTY-LIS, TRIDACTYLITES (gr. -, 86k-xuXog „deget"), tridigitat, cu trei diviziuni digitiforme [three-fingered; drei-fingerig; tridactyle, tridigitk; harom-ujjas; трёхпальчатый] —► tridigi-tatus 475 TRIDENTATUS, tridin(at, cu trei dinji (frunza ~) [tridentate, three-toothed ;, dreizahnig; trident*; hkrom fogu; трёхзубчатый] —*■ tridentifer 476 TRIDENTIFER, TRIDEN TIGER —► tridentatus 477 TRIDIGITATO-PINNATUS, tri-digitat-penat, cu pe£iolul comun ra-mificat In trei petioli secundari (frunza ~) [tridigitale-pinnate; dreifinge-riggefiedert; tridigitk-pennk; harom-szor ujjasan szarnyalt; трёхпальчатоперистый] 478 TRI DIG IT AT US -> tridactylinus 479 TRIDUUS, de trei zile (cu duratk de viajk sau de inflorire) [triduus; dreitagig; de trois jours; hkromna-pos; трёхдневный] 480 TRIDYMUS (gr. xpiSupog ,,lri-plu") —*■ ternatus, triplex 481 TRIDYNAMUS (gr. xpetg „trei", Suvapig „putere"), tridinam, cu trei stamine mai lungi decit celelalte trei Ml (Narcissus) [tridynamous; tridynam; tridyname; tridindm; трёхсильный] 482 TRIENNALIS, TRIENNIS, trie-nal, care dureazd trei ani [triennal; dreijdhrig; triennal; hdrom evi; трёхлетний] —*■ trim ulus, trimus 483 TR1FARIUS —*■ triseriatus 484 TRIFIDUS, trifidat, de trei ori fidat (frunzd) [trifid, three-cleft; dreispaltig, dreiteilig; trifide; harom osztatd, harom hasitasd; трёхнад-резный] 485 TRIFLORUS -* trianthus 486 TRIPOLI AT US, trifoliat, cu trei frunze [three-leaved; dreiblattrig; trifolid; hdromlevelfi, hdrmaslevelii; трёхлистный] —*• triphyllus 487 TRIFOLIOLA TUS, trifoliolat, cu trei foliole (frunz&~) [trifoliolate dreikleinbldttrig; trifoliole; hdrom levdlkdju; трёхлнсточковый] 488 TRIFOLIUS -> trifoliatus 489 TRIFORMIS —*• trimorphus 490 TRIFURCATUS, TRIFURCUS, trifurcat, cu trei ramificajii [trifur-cate, three-forked; dreigabelig, drei-zinkiggegabelt; trifurqud; hdromdgd, hdromvillajd; трёхвильчатый] —» tri-chotomus 491 TRIGAMUS (gr. -, уацо? „cdsdtorie"), trigam, cu trei feluri de flori (mascule, femele gi hermafrodite in antodiile unor Compositae) [trigamous; dreie-hig; trigame; hdromnemu; тригам-ный] 492 TRIGEMINATUS, TRIGEMINUS —»tergeminalis, tergeminatus 493 TRIGENERICUS, trigeneric, rezultat din trei genuri diferite (hibrid) [trigeneric; dreigattig, trigenerisch; trigdndrique; trigenerikus; трёхрод-НЫЙ] 494 T RIGLOCHIDIA TUS, TRIGLO-CHINUS, TRIGLOCHIS (gr. -, yXmxi? „virf ascutit"), triglochidiat, cu trei glochidii [triglochidiate; drei-fachwiederhakig ; triglochidid; harom-szor kampds; трёхкрючковатый] 495 TRIGLUMIS, cu trei glume [tri-glumal; dreispelzig; triglume; hdrom pelyvdju; трёхплёнчатый] 496 TRICONALIS, TRIGONIUS, TRI-GONO-, TRIGONUS (gr. tpiyeavo? „triun^hiular"), trigon, triunghiular, cu trei unghiuri, muchii, colturi sau laturi (trigonocalyx, trigonospermus) TRIMERUS [trigonous, three-angled; dreieckig, dreikantig, dreiseitig, dreiwinkelig, dreikant-; trigone, triangulaire; ha-romszdgfi, hdrom oldald, hdromszdg-; трёхугольный, трёхугольно-, трёхсторонний] —► triangularis, triqueter 497 TRIGONOCARPUS (gr. -, каряд? „fruct"), cu fructe triunghiulare [trigonocarpous; dreikantfruchtig; tri-gonocarpe; hdromszog-termdsd; трёх-гольноплодный] 498 TRIGYNUS (gr. xpet? „trei", yuvq „femeie"), trigin, cu trei pistile (Beta trigyna ) [trigynous, three-pistilled; dreiweibig, dreigriffelig; trigyne; ha-romanyas, hdromtermos; трёхпестичный] 499 TRIHILATUS, trihilat, cu trei hiluri sau pori (polen ~) [trihilate ; dreinabelfleckig; trihilifdre; harom magkoldokds; с тремя отверстиями] 500 TRIHYBRIDA I, trihibrid, hibrid cu trei factori parentali [trihybrid; Trihybride; trihybride; hdrmas hibrid; тригибрид] 501 TRIJUGUS, TRI JUG ATUS — tergeminalis, tergeminatus 502 TRILATERAL1S, trilateral, cu trei laturi [trilateral, three-sided; dreiseitig; trilatdral; haromoldalu; трёхсторонний] 503 TRILETUS, trilet, cu о cicatrice triradiard (sporii unor Filices) [tri-lete; trilet, dreistrahlnarbig; trildte, a cicatrice triradiee; hdromsugaru sebhelyes; трёхрубцовый] 504 TRILOBATUS, TRILOBUS, trilo-bat, cu trei lobi [trilobate, trilobed, three-lobed; dreilappig; trilobd; ha-romkardjii; трёхлопастный] 505 TRILOCULARIS, TRILOCU LATUS, trilocular, prevdzut cu trei loculi sau loji (anterd, ovar) [trilocular, three-celled, three-chambered; dreifacherig; triloculaire, a trois loges; hdromrekeszes, haromiiregu; трёхгнездный] -♦ tricamarus 506 TRIMACULATUS, trimaculat, cu trei pete colorate [trimaculate; drei-fldckig; trimacule; hdrompettyes; трёхпятнистый] 507 TRIMERUS (gr. треТ? ,,trei“, pdpo? „parte"), trimer, cu trei diviziuni sau piese (ciclu floral ) [trimerous ; dreizdhlig, dreiteilig, dreigliederig; trimdre; hdromosztatii, hdromtagu; тримерный, трёхчленный] TRIMERISTELE 508 TRIMERISTELE f (gr. ~, avr\\i\ „coloank"), trimeristel, stel format din trei component (Brebner) [trimeri-stele; Trimeristele; trimkristkle; tri-merisztkle; тримеристеле] 509 TRIMESTRIS, trimeslrial, cu dura Ik de inflorire sau de via^k do trei luni (quarterly; dreimonatlich; trimestriel; negyedkves, harom h6napig tartk; трёхмесячный] 510 TRIMONOECIA f (gr. p6vog „singur", olicog „cask"), trimonoecie, flori mascule, femeie ?i hermafrodite pe aceea§i plantk [trimonoecia; Tri-monOzie; trimonokcie; trimondcia; тримоноэция] 511 TRIMONOECISMUS m (gr. —) — trimonoecia 512 TRIMORPHUS (gr.-, pop ter-nati-, ternatus 515 TRINERVATUS, TRI NERVIS, TRINERVIUS, trinervat, cu trei nervuri [three-nerved ; dreinervig; tri-nervk; hkromerfi; трёхжилковый] -*■ triplicato nervatus, triplinervis 516 TRINOMINALIS, trinominal, prevkzut cu trei nume (nomenclaturk) [trinomial; trinominell, dreinamig; trinominal; haromnevu, harom elne-vezksu; триномиальный] 517 TRINUCLEARIS, TRINUCLEA-TUS, trinucleat, cu trei nuclei [tri-nucleate; dreizellkernig; trinuclek, a trois noyaux; harom sejtmagvu; трёхядерный] 518 TRINUS —* trinarius, trinatus 519 TRIOECIA f, TRIOECISMUS m (gr. xpelg „trei", olxog „cask"), trioecie, poligamie trioecick; prezenla florilor mascule, femeie §i hermafrodite pe trei exemplare diferite ale aceleia§i specii (Fraxinus) [trioecia; Tri6zie, Dreihausigkeit; triokcie; tri-ocia, haromlakiskg; триэция, трёхдом-ность] 520 TRIOECICUS (gr. -), trioecic, trioic, care prezintk trioecie (poligamie) [trioecious, trioicous; triozisch; trio-ecique; trioikus, haromlaki ; трёхдом- НЫЙ] 521 TRIOVULATUS, triovulat, cu trei ovule (ovar ~) [triovulate; dreieiig; 542 triovulk; hkrom magdudoru; трёх-семяпочковый] 522 TRI PARTI BILIS, tripartibil, care poate fi impkr(it in trei pkr(i [tripar-tible; dreiteilbar; tripartible; hkrom rkszre oszthatk; делящийся натрое] 523 TRIPARTITUS, tripartit, divizat pink aproape de bazk in trei pkr^i (frunzd ~) [tripartite, three-parted; dreiteilig; triparti; hkromosztatk; трёхраздельный] 524 TRIPETALUS, tripetal, cu trei petale (floare ~) [three-petalled; dreikronblkttrig; tripktale; hkrom-szirmu; трёхлепестный] 525 TRIPHYLETICUS (gr. -, фиЛехисбд „tribal"), trifiletic, provenit din trei linii de descendenfk (hibrid [triphyletic; triphyletisch, dreistkm-mig; triphylktique; trifilktik-us, har-mas leszkrmazksG; трифилетический] 526 TRIPHYLLUS (gr. -, фШ-ov „frunzk") —► trifoliatus 527 TRI PINNA TUS, tripenat, de trei ori penat compus (frunzd ~) [tripin-nate; dreifachgefiedert; tripennk; hkromszor szkrnyalt; трижды перистый, утроенно перистый] -*■ triplicato-pinnatus 528 TRIPINNATIFIDUS, tripenat fidat, de trei ori penat fidat (frunzd ~) [tripinnatifid; dreifachfiederspaltig; tripinnatifide; hkromszor szarnyasan hasadt; трижды перистонадрезный] 529 TRIPINNA TIP A RTITU S, tripenat partit, de trei ori penat partit (frunzd ~) [tripinnatiparted; drei-fiederiggeteilt; tripinnatipartite; hkromszor szarnyasan osztott; трёхпе-ристораздельный] 530 T RIPINNA TI SEC TUS, tripenat sectat, de trei ori penat sectat [tripin-natisect, thrice pinnatisect; drei-fachfiederschnittig; tripinnatisequk; hkromszor szkrnyasan szeldelt; трёх-перисторассеченный] 531 TRIPLASIA f (gr. xpinXomog „ternat"), triplazie, despicarea unui organ in trei forma(ii analoage 4Fer-mond) [triplasy; Triplasie, Dreigabe-lung; triplasie; triplkzia; трйплазия] 532 TRIPLEX, triplu, de trei ori, tri-plicat [triple, treble, triplicate, threefold; dreifach, dreifkltig; triple; har-mas, haromszoros; тройной, утроенный] —*■ triplicatus, tridymus, triplus ternatus 648 533 TRI PLICA TO-GEMINA TUS -> tergeminatus 534 T RI PLICA TO-NER VATUS — tri-nervatus 535 TRI PLICA TO- PINNA TUS - tripinna tus 536 TRIPLICATO-TERNATUS - tri-ternatus 537 T RI PLICA TO- TRISECTU S — tri-ternatisectus 538 TRIPLICATUS -> triplex 539 TRIPLICOSTATUS —» tricostatus 540 T RIPLINER VIS — trinervatus 541 T RIP LOC A ULIS, triplocaul 1. Cu trei tulpini sau axe. 2. Cu axele de ordinul al treilea rezultate din mugurii laterali ai axei de ordinul al doilea (Plantago) [triplocaulous; triplokau-lisch, dreiachsig; triplocaule; hdrom-tengelyu; трёхстебельный] 542 TRIPLOIDEUS (gr. TputXdo? „tri-plu“, e!8o? „asemanare"), triploid, care confine de trei ori numdrul haploid de cromozomi (celula ~) [triploid; triploid; triploi'de; triploid; триплойдный] —*• trisomicus 543 TRIPLOSTEMONIA f (gr. oxfiucov ,,fir“), triplostemonie, dispozi[ia staminelor !n trei cicluri (Lauraceae) [triplostemony; Triplostemonie; tri-plostdmonie; triplosztemdnia, harom-koros porzotaj; триплостемония] 544 TRIPLOSTICHUS (gr. axi%oq „rind"), triplostih, dispus in trei rinduri sau serii ('celulele corlicale la Chara) [triplostichous; dreireihig, drei-zeilig; triplostique; hdromsoros, harom-OrvOs; трёхрядный] —*• triserialis, trifarius, tristickus 545 TRI PLUS -> triplex 546 TRI POLARIS, tripolar, prevazut cu trei poli fin diviziunea cromatinelor din mitoza) [tripolar; tripolar; tri-polaire; tripoldris, hdromsarkii; трёхполярный] 547 TRIPOSPLANCTON n (gr. яХаукт6q „rdtdcitor"), triposplancton, plancton marin compus mai ales din Ceratium tripos [triposplankton; Triposplank-ton; triposplancton; triposzplankton; трипоспланктон] 548 TRIPTERYGIUS, TRIPTERUS (gr. tpi- „trei", nxepbv „aripd", xtepdyiov „aripioard") -♦ trialatus 549 TRIPTON n (gr. xpxmbq „fdrlmi-tare"), tripton, seston abiotic; tota- TRISPORICUS litatea suspensiilor fdrd de viajd plutind in ape [tripton; Tripton; tripton; tripton; триптон] 550 TRIPYRENUS (gr. xpi „trei", яирлу „piatra, simbure"), tripiren, cu trei seminfe osoase [tripyrenous; dreiker-nig, dreisteinkernig; tripyrdne, a trois noyaux; hdrom magvu, hdrom csont-magvii; трёхкосточковый] 551 TR1QUETER, TRIQUETRUS — trigonalis, triangularis 552 TRI RADI ATUS, triradiat, cu trei radii sau raze [triradiate; dreistrah-lig; triradid; haromsugaru; трёхлучевой] 553 TRISECTATUS, TRISECTUS, tri-sectat, cu trei inciziuni adinci pind la nervura mediand (frunza ~) [trisected, trisect; dreischnittig; trisd-qud; hdromszor szeldelt; трёхрассе-ченный] 554 TRISEPALUS, trisepal, cu trei se-pale (floare ~) [trisepalous, three-sepaled; dreikelchblattrig; trisdpale; harom csdszelevelu; трёхчашелисти-ковый] 555 TRISEPTATUS, triseptat, cu trei pere^i despar[itori (fruct ~) [trisep-tate; dreiquerfacherig; triseptd; ha] rom vdlaszfalas; трёхперггородчатый- 556 TRISERIALIS, TRISERIA T U S, triseriat, dispus in trei serii sau rinduri [triserial, triseriate, three-ranked; dreireihig; trisdrid, trifarid; harom-soros; трёхрядный] —*• trifarius, tri-plostichus, tristickus 557 TRISERRATUS, Iriserat, de trei ori serat din^at [triserrate; dreisa-gig; trois fois dente en scie; harom furdszfogii; трёхпильчатый] 558 TRISETUS, trisetos, cu trei sete [trisetose; dreiborstig; triseteux; harom sertdju; трёхщетинковый] 559 TRISOMICUS (gr. tpi- „trei", otbpa „corp"), trizomic, cu doud garnituri cromozomice normale (diploide = 2n) §i cu unu sau mai mul[i cromozomi supranumerari (celuld ~) [trisomic; trisomisch, trisomatisch; trisomique; triszdmikus; трисомический] -*■ triploi-deus 560 TRISPERMUS (gr. -, аяерра ,,sa-mintd"), trisperm, cu trei semin^e [trispermous, three-seeded; dreisamig; trisperme; harommagvu; трёхсемян-ный] 561 TRISPORICUS (gr. -, ояора ,,sa-minjd"), trispor, cu trei spori [trispo- TRI ST ACHY US rous; dreisporig; trispore; hkromspk-rks; трёхспоровый] 562 TRISTACHYUS (gr. -,ordxus ,,spic“), cu trei spice [three-spiked; drei-khrig; tristachyk; hkromkalkszos; трёхколосый, трёхпшповый] 563 TRISTICHUS (gr. -, orixog ,,rlnd“) —*• triplostichus 564 TRISTIGMATICUS (gr. -, orlypa ,,pata“), tristigmatic, cu trei stig-mate [tristigmatic; dreinarbig; tristig-matk; hkromtermds; трёхрыльце-вый] 565 TRISTIS, trist, mat-negricios [sad, dull-coloured; traurig, triibfarbig; triste, sombre, noiratre; szomord, fknytelen fekete; мрачный, черноватый] 566 TRISTRIATUS, tristriat, cu trei stria[ii [tristriate; dreistreifig; tristrik; hkromcsikd, hkromrovktkks; трёхполосатый] 567 TRISTYLIA i (gr. -, oxOXog ,,co-loank), tristilie, prezenla unor stile scurte, mijlocii §i lungi la aceea§i specie [tristyly; Tristylie; tristylie; trisztilia; тристилия] 568 TRISTYLUS (gr. - -), cu trei stile [tristylous; dreigriffelig; tristyle; ha-rombibeszklu; трёхстолбиковый] 569 TRISULCATUS, TRISULCUS, tri-sulcat, cu trei brazde [trisulcate, three-furrowed; dreifurchig; trisillonnk; ha-rombarazdas; трёхбороздчатый] 570 TRI TERN A TISEC TUS, triternat sectat, de trei ori ternat sectat [tri-tern atisectate; dreifachdreischnittig; triternatiskquk; hkromszor hkromha-sitksii ; трёхтроичаторазрезанный] —*■ triplicato-trisectus 571 TRITERNATUS, triternat, de trei ori ternat (frunzk <■—) [triternate, thrice tern ate; dreifachdreiz&hlig; triterne; hkromszor hkrmas; утроеннотройча-тый] —*■ triplicato-ternatus 572 TRITUBERCULATUS, tritubercu-lat, cu trei tuberculi [trituberculate; dreiknotig; trituberculk; hkromgumks; трёхбугорчатый] 573 T RIU NCI N ALIS, TRIUNCINA-TUS, cu trei spini incirliga^i [triun-cinate, three-hooked; dreihakig; tri-oncink; haromkampds; трёхкрючковатый] 574 TRIVALENS, trivalent, cu trei cromozomi homologi (de ex. celula In cursul primei diviziuni meiotice) [tri- 644 valent; trivalent; trivalent; trivalens; тривалентный] 575 TRIVALVIS, TRIVALVULARIS, trivalvular, cu trei valve [trivalvate, three-valved; dreiklappig; trivalve; hkromkopkcsG; трёхстворчатый] 576 TRI VASCULARIS, trivascular, format din trei vase conducktoare [trivascular ; dreigefkssig; trivasculaire; hkrom edknyfi; трёхсосудиетый] 577 TRIVIALIS, trivial, comun, obi§nuit (nomen triviale nume comun, epitet specific la Linnk) [trivial, common, ordinary; gemein, gewkhnlich; trivial, commun; kdzdnskges, kltalknos; тривиальный, обыкновенный] 578 -TRIX (gr. 0pl£, tpixdg ,,pkr“) -* trich- 579 TRIXENIA f (gr. tpi- - „trei", £kvog „gazdk"), trixenie, parazitare succesivk pe trei plante gazde deosebite (De Bary) [trixeny; Trixenie; trixknie; trixknia; триксения] 580 TRIZONAHS, TRIZONATUS, tri-zonat, cu trei zone, straturi sau dungi [trizonate, three-girdled; dreigiirte-lig; trizonk; hkromszor Ovezett; три-зональный] 581 T ROCHLEA RIFORMIS, TROCH-LEARIS (gr. tpixiXia „roatk de scripete"), trohleariform, rksucit in formk de §urub (embrion ~) [trochlear, pulley-wheel shaped; schrau-benfOrmig, rollenformig; trochlkaire; csavaros, csavar alaku; катушечный] 582 TROCHOCARPUS (gr. троход „roatk", карябд „fruct"), cu fructe rotate [rotate-fruited; radfriichtig; a fruits rotks; kerkkszeru termesu; колесоплодный] 583 TROCTO- (gr. тражтод „mincat"), ros, erodat (troctolepis, troctophyllus) [gnaved-; ausgenagt-; krode; kiragott-; выгрыэенно-] 584 TROGWBION TON n (gr. трбуХц „cavernk", piog „via[k"), troglobiont, organism care trkie§te In caverne sau pe§teri[troglobiont; Troglobiont; tro-globionte; barlanglako szervezet; троглобионт] 585 TROGLOCOLUS (-COLA f), TRO-GLODYTUS (gr. -, lat. incola ,,lo-cuitor", gr. трсоуХобиптд „locuitor de caverne"), troglodit, care trkie§te In caverne sau pe§teri [troglocolous, troglodytous; hOhlenbewohnend; troglodyte; odklakk, barlanglakk; обитающий в пещерах] 646 586 TROGLOXENUS (gr. $dvog „oas-pete“), trogloxen, care trSie?te numai intimplStor „ca oaspe“ In pegteri [trogloxenous; trogloxen; trogloxdne; esetlegesen barlanglak6; троглоксен-ный] 587 TROPAXIS i (gr. хротсг) ,,rotire“, atgcov „axS"), tropaxis, planul teore-tic dintre epicotil §i hipocotil, de unde are loc cre§terea In direc^ii opuse (White) [tropaxis; Tropaxis; tropaxis; tropaxis; тропаксис] 588 TROPHIA f (gr. трофт) „nutritie"), trofie, dezvoltarea inegalS a tesu-turilor sau a organelor datoritS pozi-tiei lor (Wiesner) [trophy; Trophie; trophie; trdfia; трофия] 589 TROPHICUS, TROPHO-, -TRO-PHUS (gr. -), trofic 1. De nutritie (adaptare, tesut) (anorganotrophicus, endotrophicus, trophophyllus, chemo-trophus). 2. De cre§tere in grosime [trophic, increasing in thickness; tro-phisch, nShr-, verdicken-; trophique, nourricier; trdfikus, taplalkozSsi; трофический] 590 TROPHOBIOSIS I (gr. -, piog „viatS"), trofobiozS, simbiozS pe aceea§i plants intre furnici §i alte insecte, primele dind apSrarea, iar insectele asigurind hrana partialS a furnicilor [trophobiosis; Tropnobiose; tropho-biose; trofobidzis; трофобиоз] 591 TROPHOCHROMATINUM n (gr.- -xpffipa „culoare"), trofocromatinS, cromatinS cu rol in nutritia celularS (Dangeard) [Irophochromalin; Tro-phochromatin; trophochromatine; tro-fokromatin; трофохроматин] 592 TROPHOCHROM1DIUM n (gr. - -), trofocromidie, cromidie vegetalS [tro-phochromidium; Trophochromidie; trophochromidie; trofokromidium; трофохромидий] 593 TROPHOCOTOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, Komkog „seducStor", фиХЯюу „frunzS"), trofocotofilS, frondele unor Thallophyta servind atit la nutritie, cit la reproducere (Potonid) [trophocoto-phyll; Trophokotophyll; trophocoto-phylle; trofokotofillum; трофокото-филл] 594 TROPHOCOTOSOMA n (gr. -, od>-pa „corp"), trofocotozom, corpusculi (organe) care servesc la unele Thallophyta atit la nutritie, cit §i la reproducere (Potonid) [trophocotoso-me; Trophokotosom; trophocotosome; trofokotoszoma; трофокотосома] TRO PHOSFOROPH YLL UM 595 TROPHOCYTIS(-IDIS) I (gr. tcurtg „cutie"), trofocit, celulS nutritivS [trophocyte; Trophozyt; trophocyte; trofocita, taplSldsejt; трофоцит, питающая клетка] 596 TROPHOGENUS (gr. -, yewaxo „a se na§te“), trofogen, care produce substante nutritive (de ex. stratul epilimnion pentru fitoplancton) [tro-phogenous; trophogen; trophogdne; trofogdn, elelmet ado; трофогенный] 597 TROPHOMIXIS f (gr. -, „amestec"), trofomixie, fuzionarea nucleilor vegetativi (Schiirhoff) [tropho-mixie; Trophomixis; trophomixie; tro-fomixis; трофомиксис] 598 TROPHOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, pdp-фокпд „formare"), trofomorfozS, mor-fozS datoritS conditiilor de nutritie [trophomorphosis; Trophomorphose; trophomorphose; trofomorfozis; тро-фоморфоз] 599 TROPHONEMA n (gr. -, vi)pa „fir") -> plasmonema 600 TROPHONUCLEUS (gr. -, lat. nucleus „simbure"), trofonucleu, nucleu in curs de cre§tere dupS autogamie (Flagellatae) (Prowazek) [trophonu-cleus; Trophonukleus; trophonucleus; trofonukleusz; трофонуклеус] 601 TROPHOPHYLLUM n (gr. -, фОа.-?vOV „frunzS"), trofofilS, frunzS asi-milatoare, care nu produce spori (Filices) [trophophyll; Trophophyll, Ernahrungsblatt; trophophylle; tro-fofillum, tenydszolevdl, tSplalolevel; трофофилл] 602 TROPHOPLASMA n (gr. -, rcXaapa „modelare"), trofoplasmS, partea al-veolarS a citoplasmei, cu functii de nutritie (Naegeli) [trophoplasm; Tro-phoplasma, NShrplasma, ErnSriings-plasma, Wabenplasma; trophoplasme; trofoplazma, tSplSldplazma; трофо-плазма] —*• reticuloplasma 603 TROPHOPLASTUM n (gr. -, nl.aa-тбд „modelat") -» plaslidium 604 TROPHOSOMA n (gr. -,айра „corp"), trofozom, corpuscul sau organ numai cu functii de nutritie, la Thallophyta (Potonid) [trophosome; Trophosom; trophosome; trofoszdma, taplSlotes-tecske; трофосома] 605 TROPHOSPERMIUM n, TROPHO-SPERMUM n (gr: -, cndppa „sSmintS") —» placenta 606 TROPHOSPOROPHYLLUM n (gr. -cmopa „sSmintS", фШюу „frunzS"), trofosporofilS, frunzS asimilatoare §i TROPHOSPOROSOMA concomitent sporiferS (Pteridophyta) [trophosporophyll; Trophosporophyll; trophosporophylle; trofosporofillum; трофоспорофилл] 607 TROPHOSPOROSOMA n (gr. -o®pa ,,corp“), trofosporozom, corpuscul sau organ la Thallophyta, servind atit la nutritie, c!t §i la repro-duccro (Potoni6) [trophosporosome; Trophosporosom; trophosporosome; trofosporoszdma; трофоспоросома] 608 TROPHOTAXIS t (gr. rdfo „orinduire") —> trophotropismus 609 TROPHOTROPISMUS m (gr. -.tpojcf) „curbare"), trofotropism, tropism In directia mediului mai bogat In substance nutritive, provocat de exci-tanti chimici [trophotropism; Trophotropismus; trophotropisme; trofo-tropizmus; трофотропнзм] —*■ tro-photaxis 610 TROPICUS (gr. троя1к6(; „tropical") , tropical, care create In zona tropicelor (plantd ~) [tropical; tro-pisch; tropical; trdpusi, forrd 6g6vi; тропяческий] 611 -TROPICUS, -TROPALIS, -TRO-PUS, TRO PIS TIC U S (gr. трояё© „a lua directia"), -tropic, cu directia spre, orientat spre, cu mi$ciri de curbare spre (anisotropicus, carpotro•• picus, heliotropicus, homotropalis, geo-tropus, heterotropus) [-tropous, directing towards, turning towards; -tro-pisch, richtend zu, wendend nach; -trope, dirijS vers; -trop, ir&nyuld, forduld; -тронный, -тропический, направленный, согнутый] 612 TROPISMUS m (gr. xpoicfi „curbare, mod de comportare"), tropism, facul-tatea plantei de a lua о directie, determinate prin curbSri de cre§tere, sub influenta unei excitatii externe, fie spre izvorul de excitatie (pozitiv), fie In directia opusS acestuia (negativ) [tropism; Tropismus, Reizkrummung; tropisme; tropizmus, ingermozg&s, gfirbiiteses ingermozgas; тропизм] 613 TROPOMORPHISMUS m (gr. -, pop- pseudobulbus 632 TUBERIFER —* tuberosus 633 TUBERIFORMIS, TUBEROIDE-US, tuberiform, in formS de tuber (rizom ~) [tuber-like; knollenfdrmig; tubkriforme; gum6 alakii; клубневидный] 634 TUBEROGEMMA t, tuberul, tuber gemiform, ca organ de propagare (Bryophyta, Ficaria verna) [budlike tuber; knospenartige Knolle; tuber gemmiforme; riigyszerfi gum6, sarj-gumd; почкообразный клубень] 635 TUBEROSITAS f, tuberozitate, ghe-bozitate, protuberant*, umfl&turS [tuberosity; Hdcker, Knorren; tube-rositk; daganat, megvastagodks, cso-mdsodks; бугристость] 636 TUBEROSUS, tuberos, care poartS tuberi [tuberose, tuberous; knollig, knolig; tubereux; gumds, koloncos; клубневой, шишковатый]* 637 TUBERULA t -* tubtrogemma 638 TUBICINUS, TUBIFORMIS, TU-BI-, tubiform, de forma unui tub sau a unei trompete (tubiflorus, TUNDRA tubispathus) [tubiform, trumpet-like; rOhrenfdrmig, trompetlenfOrmig, rO-hren-; tubiforme; csd alakG, trombita alaku, csdves-; трубкообразный] —» tubaceus, solen- 639 TUBILLUS m, tubilus, prelungirea intr-un tub micropilar al inveli§ului intern al ovulului, care conduce grSun-ciorul de polen in camera polinicS (Ephedra) [tubillus; Tubillus, R6hr-chen; tubille; tubillusz ; трубка] 640 TUBULARIS, TUBULIFORMIS, TUBULI-, tubular, tubuliform, in formS de tub (tubuliflorus) [tubular, tubuliform; rdhrchenartig, rdhrchen-f6rmig, rdhrchen-; tubulaire, tubu-liforme; csovecskeszeru, csdvecske alakii; трубочкообразный] —*■ solen- 641 TUBULATUS,TUBULOSUS, -TUBUS, tubulat, tubulos, gSunos in formS de tub (breoitubus) [tubulate, tubulose; kleinrOhrig; tubuleux; cso-vecskks; трубчатый, с трубочкой] —*■ cuniculatus, cavernosus * 642 TUBULUS m, tub mic 1. Tubul himenial (Polyporus). 2. Canalul ce leagS periteciul cu ostiola (Pyreno-mycetes) [tubule, small tube; Rohr-chen, Rdhrlein; tubule; tubulusz, csdvecske; трубочка] 643 TUBUS m, tub [tube; ROhre; tube; cs6; трубка]* 644 TUITANS (tueor), protector, care apSrS (frunzd ~) [protecting; schtit-zend; dkfendant, protecteur; vkdo; защищающий, охраняющий] 645 TUMEFACIENS, TUMENS, TU-MESCENS (tumesco), tumescent, care se umflS [tumescent, being swollen, swelling up; schwellend; tumescent, se gonflent; duzzadd, dagadd; вздувающийся] 646 TUMEFACTUS, TUMIDUS, umflat, tumid [tumid, inflated, swollen; angeschwollen, aufgeschwollen; tumi-de, renflk, gonflk, enflk; duzzadt, dagadt; вздутый, распухший] —*■ infla-tus,phyma-,phymato-, phys-,physemalo-8us, turgidus 647 TUMOR m, tumoare, umfl&tura [tumour ; swelling; Aufschwemmung, Ge-6chwulst; tumeur, renflement; dudor, daganat, рйр; вздутие, припухлость] 648 TUNDRA f, tundrS, veffeta(ie din zona arcticS, dominatS de mu§chi, licheni §i tuferifuri scunde, lipsit* de arbori [tundra; Tundra; toundra; tundra; тундра] TUNICA 649 TUNICA f, tunici 1. Membrana sau tesutul protector al unui organ (al bulbului, semin(ei, ovulului). 2. Stratul exterior de celule al meristemului apical (Schmiedt) [tunic, coat, skin, envelope; Schale, Mantel, Haut-schale; tuniquc, tSgument; tunika, hSj, кбрепу takar6, burkolat; туника, оболочка] 650 TUNIC ATUS, tunicat, acoperit cu un inveli? protector subtire [tunicate, coated; beschalt, uberkleidet, behSu-tct, schalig; tuniquS; kOpenyes, hSjas, beburkolt; имеющий тунику, покрытый оболочкой] * 651 TURBANIFORMIS, turbaniform, de forma unui turban (fructul la Cucur-bita turbaniformis) [turban-shaped; turbanformig; turbaniforme; turbSn alakd; тюрбановидный] —>cidariformis 652 TURBINARIUS, TURBIN ATUS, TURBINELLUS, TURBINEUS, TURBINI-, turbinat, obconic, de forma unei sfirleze (rSdScina la Bras-sica тара, caliciul la Agrimonia, Phi-ladelphus) (turbinicarpus, turbini- florus, turbinifolius) [turbinate, topshaped ; kreiselformig, verkehrtkegelig, kreisel-; turbinS, en toupie; p6rgety-tyiiszerfl, forditott kupos, porgettyii-; кеглевидный, кубарчатый] —*■ obconicus 653 TURF A f, turbS, materie vegetala partial carbonizatS sub apS [peat; Torf; tourbe; turfa, tdzeg; торф] 654 TURFAvEUS, TURFOSUS, turbos, care cre§te pe sol turbos [turfa-ceous peaty, growing in bogs; torf-artig, torfbewohnend, torfliebend; torfacS, tourbeux; tozegszeru, toze-ges, turfas, tozegen ё1б; торфяной]* 655 TURFOSAE f pi, locuri turboase [peat-bogs; Torfmoore; tourbiferes; tozeglapok; торфяники] 656 TURGESCENS (turgesco), turges-cent, umflat din cauza apei pe care о contine [turgescent; anschwellend; turgescent; duzzado, folyadSkfeszes; вздувающийся] 657 TURGESCENT1A f, TURGIDI-TAS f, TURGOR m, turgescenJS, sta-rea de intindere a membranei celulare cauzatS de presiunea osmotica a sucului celular [turgescence, tur-gidity; Turgeszenz, Turgor, Saug-spannung, Zellenspannung, Anschwel-lung, Schwellung; turgescence, tur-giditS; turgeszcencia, turgor, feszes-sSg, sejtfesziiltsSg, duzzadds; тургор, тургесценция] 648 658 TURGIDUS, turgid, umflat [turgid, swollen; geschwollen, angeschwol-len, gedunsen; turgide, гепИё, епПё, bouffi; duzzadt, dagadt; вздутый, раздутый] —* inflatus, phyma-,phys-t physema-, tumidus 659 TURGONASTIA f (lat. turgor ,,um-flare“, gr. vcutt6<; „comprimat"), tur-gonastie, mi§cSri nastice sub influenta turgescentei [turgonasty; Turgona-stie; turgonastie; turgonasztia; тур-гонастия] 660 TURIO f, turion 1. Muguri de hiber-nare la plan tele acvatice (Hydro-charis, Stratiotes). 2. RamurS frun- zoasS nefloriferS, din primul an (Rubus) [turion, scaly sucker; Stock-knospe, Oberwinterungsknospe, Hibernakel, Stocksprosse, Wurzel-trieb; kitart6riig>, attelelo riigy, hajtds; турион] —► hibernaculum 661 TURRIFORMIS, TURRITUS, In formS de turn [tower-shaped; turnfor-mig; turriforme; toronyszeru; башневидный] 662 TUTUS, ocrotit, protejat, apSrat (plante ) [protected; geschutzt; pro-tSgS; vSdett, vSdelmezett; покровительствуемый]* 663 TYCHOCOENICUS, TYCHOCOE-NOTICUS (gr. тохп „Intimplare", Koivdx; „In comun"), tihocenotic, ne-caracteristic §i aflat IntiraplStor In biocenozS (specie ~) [tychocoenotic; tychozOnotisch; tychocSnotique; ti-chocdnikus, SlettSrben esetleges elo-fordulasu; тихоценотический] 664 TYCHOLIMNETICUS (gr. -, Xipvn ,,lac“), tiholimnetic, aflat IntimplStor in apele limnetice [tycholimnetic; tycholimnetisch; tycholimnetique; ticholimnStikus, tavakban idolegesen elofordulo; тихолимнетический] 665 TYCHOPELAGICUS (gr. -, яёХауод „mare"), tihopelagic, aflat numai temporar la suprafata apelor pelagice, obignuit fiind In fundul acestora (plancton ~) [tychopelagic; tycho-pelagisch; tychopSlagique; tichopela-gikus; тихопелагический] 666 TYCHOPLANCTON n (gr. -,*Xay-ктд? „rStScitor"), tihoplancton.planc-tonul intilnit numai ocazional In apele libere [tychoplankton; Tycho-plankton; tychoplancton; tichoplank-ton; тихопланкгон] 667 TYCHOPOTAMICUS (gr. -, лотоЦб? ,,rlu“), tihopotamic, care create numai ocazional in apele riurilor [tychopo-tamic; tychopotamisch; tychopota- Б49 mique; tichopotamikus; тихопотамн-ческий] 668 TYCHOTHELYTOKIA f (gr. -, „femeie“, тбкод „copil“), tihotelito-chie, partenogenezi la care din ovulul nefecundat rezulta numai intimpl&tor indivizi femeli [tychothelytokia; Ту-chothelytokie; tychothelytokie; ti-ehothelitdkia; тихотелитокия] 669 TYL-, TYLO- (gr. тиХод „protube-гап^й“) (tylacanthus, tylophyllus, ty-locarpus) —► callosus 670 TYLICOLOR —► ardesiacus, oniscus 671 TYLOMA n (gr. -) -> callus 672 TYMPANUM n (gr. tvpjiavov ,,tob«L“) -*■ epiphragma 673 TYPICUS (gr. титсод „modcl“), ti-pic, caracteristic; care prezinta carac-terele tipului (specie varietate ~) [typical; typisch; typique; tipikus, jellegzetes, saj&ts&gos; типичный]* 674 TYPOGENESIS I (gr. yevsaig ,,na§tere“), tipogenezS, faza de evo-lu(ie cantitativl sau exp!oziv& in formarea tipului nou, tn filogenie (Schindewolf) [typogenesis; Typoge-nese; typogen^se; tipogenezis; ти-погенез] TYTTH- 675 TYPOLOGIA f (gr.Хбуод „v.-r-bire“), tipologie, studiul tipurilor [typology; Typologie; typologie; ti-poldgia; типология] 676 TYPOLYSIS f (gr.-, Xoaig „dizol-vare“), tipolizS, stadiul fitogerontic; faza care preceda extincjia tipului (Schindewolf) [typolysis; Typolyse; typolyse; tipolizis; типолиз] 677 TYPONYMUM n (gr. -, 6vopa ,,nume“), tiponim, nume nevalabil din cauza unei denumiri mai vechi bazate pe acela§i tip (O. F. Cook) [typonym; Typonym; typonyme; tiponim; ти-поним] 678 TYPOSTASIS f (gr. -, стоотд ,,sta-bilitate“), tipostaza, faza staticS, ca-racterizata prin absenfca relative a formSrii tipurilor noi, in filogenie (Schwindewolf) [typostasis; Typosta-se; typostase; tiposztdzis; гипостаза] 679 TYPUS m (gr. -), tip 1. Reprezen-tantul cel mai caracteristic al unei unit&ti sistematice (tipul taxonomic). 2. Exemplarul original folosit la des-crierea initials a taxonului (tip no-menclatural) [type; Typus, Grund-form; type; tipus; тип] 680 TYTTH-, TYTTHO- (gr. титОбд ,,mic“) (tytthanthus, tytthocephalus ) -* micr-t micro-, parvi- и 1 UBER, rodnic, fertil, productiv [fruitful, productive; fruchtbar; fertile, fScond, productif; term6keny, bo-term&u; плодородный, обильный] —* fertilis 2 TJBERTAS f, rodnicie, productivi-tate, abundenjs [fruitfulness, fertility, fecundity, abundance; Fruchtbarkeit, FQlle; fertility f£condit6, abondance; term6kenys6g, bdsSg; плодородие, плодоносность, изобилие] 3 UBIQUITARIUS, ubicvist 1. Cu areal geografic extins. 2. Care create tn condi^ii de mediu foarte diferite sau in asociatii vegetale foarte variate [ubiquist; ubiquist; ubiquiste; bSrhol teny6szo; убиквистный] * 4 UDUS, ud, umed, apStos, jilav [damp, moist, wet, soaked; naO, feucht; humide; nedves, nyirkos; сырой, влажный] —*• madidus 5 ULIGINARIUS, ULIGINOSUS, mlS?tinos, care create tn locuri mlS§-tinoase (Equiselum uliginosum) [uliginose, uliginous, marshy, swampy; sumpfig, sumpfliebend, marschig, mo-orig, bruchbewohnend; uligineux, margcageux; mocsari, ingovSnyos; топяной] * 6 ULNA RIS -> brachialis 1 ULO- (gr. ofiXog ,,tncretit“), crispat, tncretit (ulophyllus, ulopterus, ulo~ spermus, ulothrix) [shaggy, curly-, crisp-; kraus-; сгёри; foaros-; курчаво-] —*■ crispatus 8 ULTRAMARINUS, albastru luci-tor, albastru ultramarin [shining-blue, ultramarine blue; glAnzendblau, ul-tramarinblau; bleu brillant; ragyo-gok£k, ultramarink^k; ультрамариновый] —*■ lazulinus 9 ULTRAMICRON n (lat. ultra ,,pe- ste“, gr. щкрбд ,,mic“), ultramicron, particule cu mSrime tntre 5—200 milimicroni, vizibile cu ultramicro- scopul [ultramicron; Ultramikron; ultramicron ; ultramikron; ультрамикрон] 10 ULTRAMICROSCOPIUM n (lat. -, gr. -, okok&d „a observa"), ultra-microscop, microscop pentru obser-varea particulelor inframicroscopice (milimicronice) [ultramicroscope; Ul-tramikroskop; ultramicroscope; ultra-mikroszkop; ультрамикроскоп] 11 ULTRAPLANCTON n (lat.-, gr. яХатктдд „rStScitor11), ultraplancton, plancton cu dimensiuni sub cinci milimicroni [ultraplankton; Ultraplankton; ultraplancton; ultraplankton; ультрапланктон] 12 ULTRASESTON n (lat. -, gr. опотбд „trecut prin ciur“), ultraseston, ses-ton de dimensiuni ultramicroscopice [ultraseston; Ultraseston; ultraseston; ultraszeszton; ультрасестон] 13 UMBELLA f, umbelS, inflorescen^S monopodialS, cu flori dispuse pepe-dunculi (radii) porni(i din acelagi punct ?i desfScu^i pe un acelagi plan (Umbelliferae) [umbel; Dolde, Schirm; ombelle; erny6virSgzat; зонтик]* 14 UMBELLARIS, UMBELLATUS, UMBELLIFER, UMBELLI-, um-belat, care poartS umbels (umbel-liflorus) [umbellate, umbelliferous; dol-dig, doldentragend, schirm tragend, dol-den-; ombellS, ombellif&re; егпубз; зонтичный, зонтнконосный] —* umbra* culifer 15 UMBELLULA f, umbelulS, umbela secundarS din virful radiilor primare ale unei umbele oompuse [umbel-lule; DSldchen, Schirmchen; ombel-lule; ernyScske; зонтичек] 16 UMBELLULATUS, UMBELLU-LIFER, umbelulat, prevSzut cu um-belule [umbellulate; dOldchentragend, kleindoldig; ombellulS, ombellulifSre; ernydcskSs; зонтичковый, зонтичконос-ный] 17 UMBILICATUS, ombilicat 1. PrevSzut cu ombilic. 2. Cu о micS depresi- ВД une in formS de ombilic ('caliciul la •SUene vulgaris) [umbilicate, navel -like; nabelig, genabelt, nabelf6r-mig; ombiliquS; k5ld6k6s, kdldftk-foltos; с рубчиком] —* omphalodes 18 UMBILICUS m, ombilic 1. Hil, locul de inserfie a funiculului pe sSmintS. 2. AdinciturS in partea bazalS §i apicalS la unele fructe (Cydonia). 3. Rizoid ramificat (Umbilicaria). 4. OstiolS (Fungi). 5. Protuberanfs pe vave (Diatomeae) [umbilicus, navel; Nabel, Keimgrube; ombilic; k6ld6k, magkdldOk; рубчик, пупок] 19 UMBO m, gibozitate, mamelon, protuberant (ex. in centrul apofizei solzilor conului de Pinus pinaster) [umbo, boss; Buckel; bosse, mamelon; kidiidorodSs, pajzs-kdlddk; горбина, выпуклина, выпуклость] 20 UMBONATUS, UMBONULATUS, umbonat, cu mici proeminenfe ma-meliforme (pe tulpini la Cactus) [umbonate, bossed, embossed; bu-ckelig, gebuckelt; bossettS, bossele; piipos, piipozott; шишковатый] 21 UMBRA f, umbrS [shade, shadow; Schatten; ombre; SrnySk; тень] 22 UMBRACULIFER -> umbellatus 23 UMBRACULUM n, umbracul 1. Loc umbros. 2. Arhegoniofor stipi-tat (Marchantia) [umbraculum, sha-dy-place; Umbrakulum, schattiger Platz; ombracule, endroit ombrage; umbrSkulum, Srnyas hely; подставка, тенистое место] 24 UMBRATICOLUS (-COLA f), UMBRATICUS, umbraticol, care create pe locuri umbrite [umbratico-lous; schattenbewohnend, schatten-liebend; ombraticole; SrnySkban ndvd; тенелюбивый, теневыносливый] 25 UMBRINUS, umbrin, brun inchis [umbrine, umber-brown, turbid-brown; umbrabraun, dunkelbraun, tief-braun; brun foncS; sOtStbarna; цвета умбры] 26 UMBROSUS, umbros, care cre§te in umbrS sau produce umbrS [shady; schattig, beschattet; ombragS, om-breux; SrnySkos, Srnyas; тенистый] PLANTAE UMBROSAE -> sciar dophyta 27 UNCIA I —*■ pollex 28 UNCIALIS — pollicaris 29 UNCI-, UNCI NATO; UNCINA-TUSt uncinat, cu vlrful incirligat UNI- (laciniile caliciului la Scleranthus uncinat us, foliolele involucrale la Arctium vulgare, peri pe seminfe §i fructe la Bidens, Galium) (uncifolius, unci-nato-setosus) [uncinate, hooked, bent; hakig, hakiggekrummt, haken-; on-cinS, crochu, recourbS en crochet; kampos, horgos, horgas-; крючковатый, крючковато-] 30 UNCTUOSUS, onctuos, uleios la pipSit (’frunza la Pinguicula) [unctuous, greassy; olig, fettig; onctueux; olajos; жирный] 31 UNCUS m, cirlig, formafie spinifor-mS cu virful incirligat (de ex. pe frunze, seminte) [hook; Haken; crochet; horog, kampd; крючок] 32 UNDI-, UNDULATI; UN DU LI; UNDOSUS, UNDULATUS, UNDU-IOSUS, ondulat, cu suprafafa vSlu-ritS (’frunzele la Polygonum undula-tum) (undipes, undulatifolius, undu-liflorus) [undate, undated, undulate, waved, wavy, wave-; wellig, gewellt, wellenfdrmig, wogig, stumpffaltig, wellen-; ondS, ondulS, onduleux; hul-lSmos, hullSmszerfi; волнистый, вол- НИСТО-] 33 UNGUICU LARIS, UNGUIFOR-MIS, UNGULIFORMIS, unguicu-lar 1. Care aparfine sau se refers la unguiculS. 2. De forma unguiculei. 3. Lung sau lat deounghie (circa 1, 3 cm) [unguicular, nail-shaped, clawshaped, half-inch long; fingernagelar-tig, fingernagellang; onguiculaire; kdromszerfi, kdrdmhosszS, k6romsz6-les; ноготковидный, полудюймовый] 34 U NGU ICU LATUS, U NGU LATUS, unguiculat 1. PrevSzut cu unguiculS. 2. Ingustat la bazS in unguiculS (peiald <—>) [unguiculate, nailed, clawed, hoof-shaped; nagelig, genagelt, benagelt, klauen-; onguicute, onglettS; kOrmOs, sziromkdrmOs; с ноготками) 35 UNGUICULUS m, UNGUIS m, unguiculS 1. Partea inferioarS ingus-tatS a petalei, cu care se prinde de receptacul (Dianthus). 2. Unitate dimensionalS de cca 1, 3 cm [ungui-culus, little nail, claw; Fingernagel, NagellSnge; onglet; sziromkttrdm, kOrdmhossz; ноготок, ноготь] 36 UNI; UNICUS, unic, solitar, cu un singur (unialatus, uniovulatus) [single, solitary, one-; einzig, ein-, ein-sam; unique, solitaire, S un seul; egy-. egyediili, magSnos; одно-, один, уникальный, единственный] UNIBRACTEATUS 37 UNIBRACTEATUS, unibracteat, cu о bractee solitarS (floare ~) [uni-bracteate; eindeckbl&ttrig; unibrac-tetd; egymurvSs; одноприцветнико-вый] 38 UNICALCARATUS, unipintenat (coroli~) [one-spurred; einspornig; unidperonnd; egysarkantyiis; одношпорцевый] 39 UNICAMERATUS —► unilocularis 40 UNICAPSULARIS, unicapsular, cu о singura capsulS [unicapsular; ein-kapselig; unicapsulaire; egy tokos; однокоробочный] 41 UNICAULIS, unicaul, cu о singurS tulpinS [one-stalked; einstengelig; unicaul, monoclade; egyszArii; од-ностебельчаты й] 42 UNICELLULARIS, unicelular, format dintr-o singurS celulS [unicellular, one-celled; einzellig; unicellulaire; egysejtu; одноклеточный] —* monocellular is, monocyticus * 43 UNICILIA TUS, uniciliat, cu un singur cil [uniciliate; einwimperig; unicilid; egycsillangos, egypillSs; од-норесничатый] 44 UNICOLOR, UNICOLORUS -» concolor, monochrous 45 UNICOSTATUS, unicostat, cu о singurS coasts [unicostate, one-ribbed; einrippig; unicostd; egybordAs; одноребристый] 46 UNIDENTATUS, unidentat, cu un singur dinte [unidentate; einzahnig; unidente; egyfogii; однозубчатый] 47 UNIEMBRYONATUS, uniembrio-nat, cu un singur embrion [uniem-bryonate; einkeimig; uniembryonnd; egycsirSs, egyembrids; однозародышевый] 48 UNIFACIALIS, unifacial, cu fata superioarS §i dorsalS asemSnStoare ('frunzele la Viscum) [unifacial; uni-fazial; unifacial; mindkdt oldalSn hasonlo; унифациальный, односторон-ный] —♦ monofacialis 49 UNIFACTORIALIS -*• monogenus 50 UNIFARIUS —* uniserialis 51 UNIFER, unifer, care !nflore?te §i fructifies о datS pe an [uniferous; einmaltragend; unifdre: egyszerter-mo; одноплодущий] 52 UNIFLAGELLATUS, uniflagelat, cu un singur flagel [uniflagellate; eingei-selig; uniflagelld; egyostoros; одножгутиковый] 553 53 UNIFLORIGERUS, UNIFLORUS, uniflor, cu о singurS floare (inflores-cenfd ~) [uniflorous, one-flowered; einblutig; uniflore; egyviragii; одноцветковый] 54 UNIFOLIATUS, UNIFOLIUS, uni-foliat, cu о singurS frunzS [unifoliate; einblAttrig; unifolid; egyleveW; однолистный] 55 UNIFOLLICULUS m, unifoliculS, fruct apocarpic format dintr-un singur folicul (Actaea, Delphinium) [uni-folliculus; Einzelbalg; unifollicule; magSnos tiiszdtermds; однолистовка] 56 UNIFORMIS, uniform, de aceea§i formS [uniform; einfdrmig, gleichfdr-mig; uniforme; egyforma, azonos alakii; однообразный, одинаковый] —► monomorphus, isomorphus, plesiomor-phus 57 UNIGEMINA TUS -> unijugatus 58 UNIJUGATUS, UNIJUGUS, uni-geminat, cu о singurS pereche (de foliole, frunze, fructe) [unijugate; ein-paarig, einjochig; unijugud, unigd-mind; egyszer paros; однопарный] —► unigeminatus, unipar 59 UNILABIATUS, unilabiat, cu un singiir labiu [unilabiate, one-lipped; einlippig; unilabid; egyajkii; одногубый] 60 UNILA TER ALIS, unilateral 1. Cu о singurS laturS. 2. Dispus pe о singurS parte [unilateral, one-sided; ein-seitig; unilatdral; egyoldalii; однобокий, односторонный] 61 UNILOB ATUS, UNILOBUS, uni-lobat, cu un singur lob (antera~, frunza ~) [unilobate; einlappig; uni-obd; egykardjos, egyrekeszes; однолопастный] 62 UNILOCULARIS, UNILOCULA-TUS, unilocular, cu о singurS lojS (antera ovar ~) [unilocular, one-celled, one-chambered; einfacherig, unilokular; uniloculaire; egyiiregfi, egyrekeszes; одногнездный] —* unica-meratus, monothalamicus 63 UNINERVATUS, UNINERVIS, uninervat, cu о singurS nervurS ('frunzele la Coniferae) [uninervate, one-nerved; einnervig; uninervd; egyeru; одножилковатый] 64 UNINOMINALIS, uninominal, prevSzut cu un singur nume (In nomen-claturS) [uninominal; uninominal, ein-namig; uninominal; egynevfi, egysza-vas elnevezdsfi; униномиальный] до 65 UNINUCLEARIS, UNINUCLEA-TUS, uninucleat, avtnd un singur nucleu (celuld ~) [uninucleate; ein-kernig; uninucled; egy.se jtmag vu; одноядерный] —*■ mononuclearis 66 VNIOVULARIS, UN10VULATUS, uniovulat, cu un singur ovul (ovar ~) [uniovulate; eineiig; uniovuld; egy-magdudoros, egymagriigyes; однояйцевой] 67 UNI PAR —> unijugatus 68 UNIPOLARIS, unipolar, prevazut numai cu un singur pol; cu cre§tere numai intr-o singurS direcfie (Thallophyta) [unipolar; unipolar; unipo-laire; egysarkusSgu, unipolaris; y-нилолярный] 69 UNISEMINALIS -* monospermus 70 UNISEPTATUS, uniseptat, cu un singur perete despSrfitor [uniseptate; einquerfacherig, einwandig; unicloi-sonnd; egyvalaszfalu; одноперегородчатый] 71 UNISERIALIS, UNISERIATUS, uniseriat, dispus intr-o singurS serie, рз un singur rind [uniseriate, one-rowed, one-ranked; einreihig, einzei-lig; unisdrid; egysoros; однорядный] —*■ monostichus, unifarius 72 UNISERRA TUS, uniserat, simplu serat; cu marginea seratS, avind dinfi§ori simpli (frunza ~) [uniser-rate; einmalgesagt, einfachgesSgt; simplement dente en scie; egyszer-fiirdszes; однопильчатый] 73 UNISEX UAHS, UNISEXUATUS, unisexuat, numai cu un singur sex (flori numai cu stamine sau numai cu pistile) [unisexual; eingeschlechtig; unisexuel: egyivaru, egynemu; однополый] —*■ monogamus, monostxualis 74 U NI SPIRALIS, unispiralat, cu о singurS spirals [unispiral; einschrau-big; unispirale; egycsavarodSsii; односпиральный] 75 UNISTRATOSUS, unistratificat, cu un singur strat (tesut~) [unistra-tose; einschichtig; unistratifid; egy-rdtegfl; однослойный] 76 UN1TEGMINA TUS, UNITEGMI-NUS, unitegminat, cu un singur integument (ovul ~) [unitegminous; ein-deckig; unitegmind; egytakards; однопокрытый] 77 UNITUS -*■ concretus, connatus 78 UNIVALVATUS, UNIVALVIS, univalvat, cu о singurS valvS [uni- URENS valved, univalvular; einklappig; univalve, univalvulaire; egykopScsu; одностворчатый] 79 UNIVERSALIS, universal (involucru ~, umbela velum ) [universal, general; allgemein; univer-sel; Sltalanos; универсальный, общий] 80 UNIVORUS —► isophagus, monop-hagus 81 UNUS (num.), unu [one; eins; un; egy; один] -► uni-, mono- 82 URCEIFORMIS, URCEOLARIS, URCEOLATUS, URCEOLATO-, ur-ceolat, de forma unui urcior; ventri-cos la mijloc, ingustat la git §i cu limbul erect (corola la Convallaria, Erica, Vaccinium) [urceolar, urceo-late, pitcher like, urn-shaped; krugig, krugformig, becherartig, krugig-; игсёо1ё, urniforme, en cruche; bogre alaku, korsdszeru; кувшинчатый, кув-шинчато-] -*■ cerami- 23 URCEOLUS m, urceola, organ in formS de urcior mic (ascidie, utri-cula la Carex) [urceolus, smal pitcher; Urceolus, kleiner Krug; игсёо1е; korsdcska; кувшинчик] 84 UREDO f, ruginS, boalS cauzatS de uredospori (Gramineae) [rust; Brand, G3treidebrand, Kornbrand, Schmier-brand; brOlure; rozsdabetegsdg; ржавчинник] 85 UREDOCONIDIUM n, UREDO-GONIDIUM n (lat. uro „a arde", gr. k6vi5iov ,,praf“, ydvog ,,urma§“) -► uredospora 86 UREDOSORUS m (lat. -, gr. ооэро? ,,grSmadS“), uredosor, sor cu uredospori [uredosorus; Uredosorus; uredoso-re; urcdoszorus; уредосорус, уредо-кучка] 87 UREDOSPORA f (lat. -, gr. скора „sSminfa"), uredospor, spor binucleat, de varS (Uredinales) [uredospore; Uredospore, Sommerspore, Brand-spore; uredospore; uredospdra, nyari spdra; уредоспора] —► protospora, ure-doconidium 88 URENS, URTICANS (uro, urlico), urticant, urzicStor, arzStor, iritant fperii frunzelor de Urtica dioica) [urticant, burning, stinging; bren-nend, nesselnd; urticant, brdlant, irritant; dgeto, csalSnozd; жгучий] PILUS URTICANS, pSr urticant, al cSrui virf ruptil elibereazS un acid urticant (Urtica urens) [stin- VENA ging-hair, urticant-hair; Brennhaar, Nesselhaar; poil urticant; fullAnk-sz6r, csal&nsz6r; жгучий волосок] —» stimulus 89 URN A f, urnS, capsulS sporiferS (Bryophyta) [urn; Urne, Moosbiich-sel; urne; urna, mohatokocska; урна] 90 URO-, -URUS (gr. ofipd ,,coadS“) (uroearpus, macrurus) —► caudatus, caudi- 91 URSINAE I pi, ursini, cr is tale in-gemSnate de oxalat de calciu (Begonia) [ursines; Ursinen: ursines; urszin&k; урсины] 92 URTICANS — wens 93 USTALIS, USTULATUS, USTU-LOSUS —» fuligineus 94 USTILAGO f, mSlurS, tSciune; boalS a unor Gramineae cauzatS de ciuperci (Ustilaginales) [loose-smut, flag-smut; Flugbrand, Streifenbrand; char-bon; гершб usz6g; головнёвый гриб, стеблёвая головня] 95 UTERUS m, uter, termen general pentru integumentul corpurilor de fructiflca|ie ale ciupercilor (peridii, peritecii, volve) [uterus; Mutterbalg; uterus; uterusz; матка, материнская сумка] 664 96 UTILIS, util, folositor [useful; niitz-lich, nutzbar, gebrSuchlich; utile; h&sznos; полезный] 97 UTRICULARIS, UTRICULIFOR-MIS, utricular, de forma utriculei [utricular, utriculiform, bag-shaped; schlauchartig, schlauchfOrmig; utri-culaire, utriculiforme; t0ml6szerfi, t6ml6 alakii; мешочковидный, сумочковидный] 98 UTRICULATUS, UTRICU LOSUS, utriculat, prevSzut cu utricul [utricu-late, bladdery, inflated; schlauchig, bauchig; utriculd; tdmlos; утрикуля- НЫЙ] 99 UTRICULUS m, utriculS 1. Organ apendicuJar saciform (la frunzele submerse de Utricularia, bractei aco-perind ovarul la Carex, Chenopodium, partea umflatS a anteridiei la Bryophyta). 2. Fruct rezultat din ovar superior monomer, cu dehiscentS ne-regulatS (Lemna) [utricle; Utricu-lus, Schlauch, Fruchtschlauch, Schlauchbalg; utricule; tdmld, tdmld-termds, sziityd; мешочек, пузырёк, сумочка] 100 U VA f, bacS cu epicarpul sub[ire (Vitis) [berry; Beerenfrucht; baie; bogyd; ягода] —» bacca 101 UVARIUS, UVIFORMIS — bacca-ceus 102 UVIFER —*■ baccatus, baccifer V 1 VACCINUS, ro§cat murdar, de culoarea fructelor mature de Vaccinium vitis-idaea [bay, dun in colour; schmu-tzigrOtlich; fauve sordide; szeny-nyesv6r6s; рыжевато-красный] 2 VACILLANS (vacillo) —*■ oscillans, titubans, persatilis 3 VACUOLA f, vacuola, cavitate vezi-culoasi din citoplasma confinlnd sue celular sau gaze [vacuole; Vakuole, Saftraum; vacuole; vakuola, sejtiireg, nedviireg, viztar; вакуоль, пузырёк]* 4 VACUOLA RIS, vacuolar, care apar-\ine vacuolei (membrana sue ~) [vacuolar; vakuolar; vacuolaire; va-kuol4ris; вакуолярный] 5 VACUOLATUS, vacuolat, prevazut cu vacuole [vacuolate;, saftraumig; vacuola; vakuolAs, vizteres; вакуо-лизированный] € VACUOLISA TIO f, vacuolizare 1. Formare a vacuolelor. 2. Degenerare vacuolara a nucleului prin formarea de vacuole apoase [vacuolization; Vakuolisation, vakuolige Degeneration; vacuolisation; vakuoliz&ci6, va-kuoias degeneracib; вакуолизация] 7 VACUOMA n, vacuom, sistemul vacuolar al plantelor unicelulare (Dan-geard) [vacuome; Vakuom; vacuome; vaku6ma; вакуом] 8 VACUUS, gol, golit de con(inutuI propriu [empty, hollow; leer, taub; vide, creux; iires; пустой] —► fatuus, viduus 9 VADEMECUM n (indecl.) vademe-cum („vino cu mine“), manual por-tativ [pocket-book; Taschenbuch; vade-mecum, livre portatif; zsebkOnyv; путеводитель, справочное пособие] 10 VAGABUNDUS, VAGANS (vafor), vagabond, migrator; care l?i scbimbi poztyia initials, (amidon [wandering ; wandernd, umherschweifend; migrateur; vandorlo; блуждающий, раскидистый] 41 VAGIFORMIS - difformis 12 VAGI LIS, vagil, cu mi§c5ri libere (organe ~) [freely-moving; freibe-weglich; vagile; szabadmozg&su; подвижной] —*• mobilis 13 VAGINA f, vagini, teaca 1. Forma-tiune membranoasci teciforma care invele§te organul de suport. 2. Baza dilatata a sporofilei (Isoetaceae) [sheath ; Scheide; gaine, 6tui; hiively, tok; влагалище]* 14 VAGINALIS, vaginal, care apar[ine vaginei [vaginal; vaginal; vaginale; vagindlis, huvelyhez tartozd; влагалищный] 15 VAGIN ANS, vaginant, care formeaza о teaca in jurul organului axial (bractee frunzd pefiol ~) [vaginant, sheathing; umscheidend, schei-debildend; engainant; hiivelyez6; образующий влагалище] 16 VAGIN ATUS, VAGINIFER, va-ginat, prevazut cu о vagina sau teaca (frunza [vaginate, sheathed; be-scheidet, blattscheidig; engain6; hti-velyes; с влагалищем] 17 VAGI NELL A f, VAGI NU LA f, va-inuia, vagina mica J. Teaca de la aza setei sporogonului (Bryophyta). 2. Floare tubuloasa (Compositae) [vaginule, small vagina; Scheidchen; vaginule, gainule; huvelyke; маленькое влагалище] 18 VAGUS, VAGI-, vag, difuz, impra§-tiat, dispus neregulat (vaginerois, vagiramosus) [vague, uncertain, scattered; zerstreut, allseitswendig; vague, ёраге; bizonytalan, sz6tsz6rt; раскидистый] 19 VALENS, VALIDUS. VALIDI-(valeo) 1. Sanatos. 2. Puternic, cu valoare sau putere (aequivalens, bi-valens) [healthy, strong; gesund, kraf-tig; valide, sain, fort; eg6szs6ges, VALENTIA er6teljes; валентный, сильный] —» ro-busti- 20 VALENTIA f, valent&, putere I. Amplitudinea ecologies a speciilor (in geobotanicS). 2. Indicarea numSrului de cromozomi din celulS. 3. Pre-pondeienfS cantitativS (in geneticS) [valence; Valenz, Wertigkeit, Wir-kungsstSrke; valence; Valencia, erdssdg; валентность] 21 VALLECULA f, valeculS, §Sntulet; depresiunea alungitS dintre coaste ('pe tulpina de Equisetum, la fructele de Umbelliferae) [vallecula; Rille, Rinne, TSlchen; valldcule; barazda; бороздка, ложбинка, желоб] 22 VALLECULATUS, VALLECULO-SUS, valeculat, prevSzut cu §Sntu-lete [valleculate, grooved, furrowed; rillig, gerillt; valleculd; barSzdSlt, barSzdas; ложбинчатый, желобчатый] 23 VALLICOLUS {-COLA I), care cre§-te prin vSi [valley-growing; talbe-wohnend; poussant dans les valldes; vdlgylakd; обитающий в долине] 24 VALLIS f, vale [valley; Tal; vallee; volgy; долина, дощина] 25 VALVA f, valvS 1. Una din jumS-tStile pericarpului fructelor uscate dehiscente (pSstaia la Robinia). 2. Diviziune din peretele capsulei (Bryophyta). 3. MembranS silicioasa (Diatomeae). 4. FrunzS protectoare la spatul inflorescentei (Allium) [valve; Klappe, Schale, Tiirfliigel; valve; kopacs; вальва, створка] 26 VALVACEUS, VALVIFORMIS,xa\-vaceu, valviform, asemSnStor cu valva [valvaceous, valviform; klap-penartig; valvacd; kopAcsszeru; ство-рочный] 27 VALVATUS, -VALVIS, valvat 1. PrevSzut cu valvS. 2. Care se deschide prin valve (bivalvis) [valvate, val-ved; klappig; valvd; kopdesos; створчатый] * 28 VALVICIDUS -> valvatus (2) 29 VALVULA f, valvulS 1. Valva micS. 2. GlumS florals (Gramineae). [valvule, valvelet; Klappchen; valvule ; valvula, apro kopAcs; створочка] 30 VARIABILIS, variabil, schimbStor [variable, varying, changeable; ve-randerlich, wechselnd, variabel; variable, changeable; vAltozatos, vAl-tozdkony; изменчивый, непостоянный] 556 31 VARIABILITAS f, variabilitate, capacitatea plantelor de a-§i modifica caracterele morfologice §i fiziologice in cursul evolu^iei, ca rezultat al adaptSrii la mediu [variability; Va-riabilitSt, VerSnderlichkeit, Verschie-denartigkeit, AbSnderungsfShigkeit, Mannigfaltigkeit; variabilitd; vAlto-zdkonysAg; вариабильность, изменчивость] 32 VARIANS (vario), variind, care se schimbS sau se abate prin una sau mai multe caractere de tip [varying, changing; abSndernd, variirend, wechselnd; changeant; vAltozd; варьирующий изменяющийся] 33 VARIA TIO f, variatie, deosebire mor-fologicS sau genotipicS intre indi-vizii speciei [variation; Variation, AbSnderung; variation; variAcio, vAl-tozat; вариация, видоизменение, изменение] 34 VAR1EGATIO f, variegate, mozai-care 1. Pana^area frunzelor in parte diferit colorate. 2. PStare somaticS mozaicatS (in geneticS) [variegation; Panaschierung; varidgation; tarka-sAg; csikoltsAg; мозаичность] 35 VARIEGATUS, variegat, vSrgat, pa-na§at, pestrit ('florile la Aeonitum va-riegatum) [variegated, blotched; bunt, buntgefleckt, buntscheckig, buntstrei-fig; panachd, bigarrd; tarka; пестрый] 36 VARIETAS f, varietate, diversitate; categorie sistematicS inferioarS sub-speciei, cu caractere diferentiale secundare, dar cu areal propriu [variety, diversity; VarietSt, Abart, Ver-schiedenheit; varidtd, diversitd; vAlto-zat, kiilonfdlesdg; вариетет, разновидность] 37 VARIICOLOR —*■ diversicolor, discolor 38 VARIUS, VARII-, VARIO-, va-riat, diferit (variifolius, variospermus) [various; verschieden, verschiedenar-tig, mannigfaltig; varid, divers; vAltozatos, kiil6nb6z6; различный, разнообразный] —► diver sus, diversi- 39 VAS (-IS, pi. VASA) n 1. Vas, tub. 2. Organe tubuliforme servind la con-ducerea sevei [vessel, duct; Gefass; vaisseau; eddny: сосуд]* 40 VAS ALIS, VASCULARIS, VASCU-LDSUS, vascular, comp us din vase (hifd r->, tub fesut ~) [vascular; gefSBig; vasculaire; eddnyes; сосудистый, васкулярный] М7 PLANTAE VASCULARES, plante vasculare (Filices, Phanerogamae) [ vase ular-p lan ts; Gefasspflanzen; plantes vasculaires; edanyes nOvanyek; сосудистые растения] —► diodophyta 41 VASICENT RICUS — perivasalis 42 VASIDUCTUS (-US) m - raphe 43 VEGETABILE (-IS) n - planta 44 VEGETABILIS, vegetal, care se refera la plante [vegetable; vegetabi-lisch, pflanzlich; vegetable; novenyi; растительный]* 45 VEGETATIO f, vegetate 1. Covor vegetal, totalitate a plantelor si a fitocenozelor care populeaza un anumit teritoriu geografic. 2. Cre§terea plantelor [vegetation, plants-growth; Vegetation, Pflanzendecke, Pflanzenwuchs; vegatation, croissance de plantes ; novenyzet, novenytakaro, no-v6nyi novekedes; вегетация, растительность] 46 VEGETATIVUS, vegetativ 1. De cre§tere. 2. Asexuat [vegetative; vegetativ, pflanzlich; v6getatif; vegetativ, teny^szo, tenyaszeti, novekedasi, ivartalan; вегетативный]* 47 VEGETUS, viguros, vioi, viu, de culoare vie [vigurous, fresh, lively; lebend, lebendig, lebhaft, riistig; vi-goureux, vif; eroteljes, aiankszinu; крепкий, свежий] 48 VELAMEN n, velamen, inveli§, strat acoperitor [cover, covering; Htille; velamen, voile; velamen, burok; ве-ламен]* 49 VELATUS, -VELUS, acoperit, in-velit (bivelus) [velate,covered, veiled; bedeckt, verschleiert, verhiillt; voiia, couvert; beburkolt, fatyolos; покрытый, с покрывалом] 50 VELLEREUS, VELLEUS - lana-tus 51 VELUM n, velum, vSJ, voal 1. Mem-brani acoperind lamelele corpurilor de fructificatie ale unor ciuperci (Agaricus). 2. Induzie membranoasa (Isodtes) [velum, veil; Schleier, Vor-hang, Segel; voile; f&tyol; велюм, покрывало] VELUM PARTIALE, vii partial [marginal veil; partielles Velum; voile partiel; raszleges fktyol; частное покрывало] —* teleoblema VELUM UNIVERSALE, vSl universal [universal veil; allgemeines Velum; voile ganaral; teljes f&tyol; общее покрывало] -*■ protoblema VENUSTUS 52 VELUMEN n, velumen, peri cati-felati indesuiti §i fini (Salix holoseri-cea) [velumen; Samthaar; poil velou-ta; birsonyszor; шерсть, цушок] 53 VELUTINOSUS, VELUTINUS, VELUTI-, VELUTINI-, velutinos, catifelat pfiros; cu peri moi, scurti §i de§i (pedunculii §i racemul la Aconitum velutinum) (velutipes, velu-tiniflorus) [velutinous, velvet-like, velvety- ; samthaarig, samt-; velouta; b&rsonyszdrds, b&rsonyos; бархатный, бархатистый] 54 VENA f, vini, nervura secundara [vein; Ader; veine; oldaiar; жилка] 55 VENATIO f, vena[ie, modul de dis-pozi[ie a nervurilor secundare [veining; Aderung; venation; meliakerezet; жилкование] 56 VENENATUS, VENENIFER, VE-NENOSUS, veninos, otrSivitor [poisonous, venemous; giftig, vergiftend; vananeux, toxique; margezo; ядовитый] —*• toxicus 57 VENETUS, albastru ca marea [ve-nice-blue, sea-blue; seeblau; bleu-marin; tengerkak; темносиний, синеватый, лазоревый] —► azureus 58 VENOSUS, cu vini§oare [venose, veined; aderig, geadert; veina; erecs-kas; жилковатый, венозный] —*■ phle-bophorus 59 VENTER m, ventru, partea ventral anterioarS, dilataU, a arhego-nului [venter; Venter, Bauch; ventre; venter; брюшко] 60 VENTRALIS, ventral, aflat in partea anterioarS interns, adaxialS, a organului [ventral, bauchseitig, bauch-st&ndig; ventral; hasioldali; вентральный, брюшной]* 61 VENTRICOSUS, ventricos, umflat ca un balona§ (corola unor Labiatae) [ventricose, ventricous, inflated, swollen, swelled; bauchig, aufgeblasen; ventru, ventriforme, renfia, gonfia; hasas, duzzadt; вздутый] —*■ cysti- 62 VENULA f, vini§oar& [veinlet; Ader-chen; veinule; erecske; жилочка] 63 VENULOSUS, cu vini§oare fine [ve-nulose; feingeadert, kleinaderig; veinu-leux; finom erecskas; мелкожилковатый] 64 VENUSTUS, frumos, gratios, plicut [beautiful, graceful; schOn, lieblich; joli, gracieux; szap, kellemes; красивый] -* pulchellus, pulcher, sped- 08U8 VEPRETUM 65 VEPRETUM n, m&rScinig [bramble; DorngebOsch; ronceraie; tOvisbozdt; терновник, колючий кустарник] 66 VER (-RIS) n, primS vara (ineunte vert la Inceputul primSverii) [spring; FrQhling; printemps; tavasz; весна] 67 VERGENS (vergo ), apropiindu-se, ase-mAnlndu-se (ad speciem typicam ver-gens asemAnindu-se cu specia tipicS) [inclining; ann&hernd; sapprochant; kOzeledo, hasonlitd; обращённый, направленный] 68 VERMICULARIS, VERMICULA-TUS, VERMICULOSUS, VERMI-FORMIS, vermicular, In formS de vierme sau a literei ,,S“ (rizomul la Polygonum bistorta) [vermicular, ver-miculate, worm-shaped; wurmf6rmig; vermiforme; hernydszeru; червеобразный] 69 VERMIFUGUS, vermifug, antihel-mintic; folosit contra viermilor intes-tinali [vermifuge, antihelminthic; wurmtreibend, wurmwidrig; vermifuge; fdreguzd, gilisztahajtd; противоглистный] —» antihelminthicus, santo-nicus 70 VERMINATIO f, vermina^ie, boalS a plantelor cauzatS de insecte prin roaderea organelor vegetative ale plantei [worm-hole, vermination; Wurm-krankheit, Wurmfrafl; vermoulure; hernydr AgAs; заражение червями] 71 VERM I TOXIC US -» vermifugus 72 VERNACULARIS, VERNACULUS, vernacular, popular, indigen [vernacular, popular; volkstumlich, inlan-disch; vernaculaire, populaire; ndpi ; местный, туземный]* 73 VERNALIS, vernal 1. De primS-varS. 2. Care inflore§te primAvara (Adonis vernalis) [vernal, flowering in spring; fruhlingszeitig, fruhlingsblu-hend, fruhjahrbliihend; vernal, prin-tanier; tavaszi, tavasszal virAgzo; весенний]—» erophilus, vernus* 74 VERNALIS A TIO f, vernalizare, iaro-vizare; procedeu de reducere a perioa-dei vegetative a unor plante (Triti-cum)f supunind semin(ele unor condi-tii speciale de temperaturS §i de umiditate (Hudson, Lisenko, Whyte) [vernalization; Vernalisation, Jaro-wisation, Versommerung, Keimstim-mung; vernalisation; vernalizAcid, jarovizAcid, tavasziasilAs; яровизация] 668 75 VERNA TIO* I -» praefoliatio 76 VERNICATUS, VERNICOSUS, veraisat, lucios (frunzele la Ilex aqui-folium) [vernicose, varnished, shiny, lustrous; firnisglAnzend; vernissd, bnl-lant; fdnyes, fdnyld, lakkfdnyu; лаковидный, лакированный, глянцевитый] —» laccatus 77 VERNUS (ca epitete; Draba verna, Minuartia verna) —» vernalis 78 VERRUCA f, verucozitate 1. Bu-buruzS. 2. Protuberance dure pe ramuri $i tulpini (Euonymus verrucosa) [wart; Warze; verrue; szemdlcs, bi-bircs; бородавка] 79 VERRUCATUS, VERRUCIFER, VERRUCOSUS, verucos, zgrAbun(os, prevSzut cu protuberan[e dure [verru-cose, verrucous, warted, warty; war-zig; verruqueux; szemdlcsds, bibir-cses, babugos; бородавчатый] —» thelephorus 80 VERRUCULA f, veruculS, verucozitate micS [small wart; kleine Warze; verrucule; aprd szemdlcs; бородавочка] 81 VERRUCULATUS, VERRUCULI-FER, VERRUCULOSUS, veruculat, veruculos; cu verucozitSCi mici [verru-culate, verruculiferous, verruculose; kleinwarzig, wSrzchen tragend, vielwar-zig; verruculd, verruculifSre, verru- * Cuvint derivat din latinescul ver t,primSvara“, iar oernatio In aGcepCi-unea comunS InseamnS „nSptrlire4*. Acest termen a fost introdus in botanies de J. Elmgreen In dizertatia sa Termini botanici (sub praesidio C. Lin-naei), susCinutS la Upsala (1762) §i pu-blicatS In Amoen. Acad. (1789) 245, dindu-i accepCiunea urmStoare: „Dis-poziCia in mugure a frunzelor viitoare". Mai tirziu Wydler (Flora 1851) i-a schimbat accepCiunea, InCelegind prin acesta modul de inf3§urare §i pliere individual atlt a frunzelor florale, cit §i foliare din mugure. In literatura de specialitate se mai IntrebuinCeazS ter-menul de foliatio („foliage") atit pentru modul de infS§urare a pieselor din mugurele floral, cit §i din mugurele foliar, urmlnd definiCia datS de LinnA (Phil. bot. 1751, 105, 306), de§i in accepCiunea clasicS latinS, folosita =>i in botanicS, prin foliatio se inCelege infrun-zirea plantelor in general. Din cauza confuziilor, L. C. Richard (1808) a introdus termenul sugestiv §i neechivoc de „praefoliatiou. ш culeux; kisszem6lcs6s; мелнобородав-чатый] •2 VER8ATIL1S, тепа til, mobil; os-cilant pe suport (antere la Bulboeo-dium, Lilium) [versatile, swinging, swaying; beweglich, wankend,schwan-kend; versatile, oscillant; lengd, ing6; качающийся, колеблющийся] -* oscillans, titubans, vacillans 63 VERS I- (versicolor, versicostatus, ver-siflorus) —» diversi- 64 VERSURAE (f pi) AGRORUM, mej-die, hat, r&zor [balk, boundary path; Ackerrand; guAret, sentier de borne; mesgye; межи] 85 VERSUS, orientat spre [directed; gerichtet, gewendet, gekehrt; dirigA, orienta; ir&nyuld, fordudd; повернутый, обращенный] 66 VERTEX m, virf, culme [vertex, top, summit; Scheitel; sommet; csucs; верхушка] -* apex 87 VERTICALIS, vertical, perpendicular pe orizontalA [vertical; senkrecht, lotrecht, scheitelrecht, vertikal; vertical; fiiggdleges; вертикальный, отвесный] 86 VERTICILLARIS, VERT1CILLA-TUS, VERTICILL-, VERTICILLI-, verticilat, ciclic; ajezat In jurul unei axe la acela?i nivel (flori ~, frunze ramuri ~, peri ~) (vertieiUaeanthus, verticilliflorus) [verticillate, whorled; quirlig, quirlstftndig, wirtelig, wirtel-lormig, quirl-; verticilia; OrvOe, OrvO-sen 4116; мутовчатый, циклический] 69 VBR TICILLASTER (ERIS) m, VERTICILLASTRUM n, verticilas-tru, verticil fals [verticillaster, false-whorl; Scheinquirl, Trugwirtel ; pseu-doverticille; 6IOrv; подумутоика, ложная мутовка] —► peeudovertieiiha 90 VERTICILLUS m, verticil, organe similare dispuse tn cerc tn jurul unei axe comune (de ex. foliar, floral, de peri, de stamine) [verticil, whorl, ring; Quirl, Wirtel, Kranx; verticille; 6rv; мутовка] VERTICILLUS SPURIUS - pseu-dooerticiilus 94 VBRUS, adevflrat, real, veritabil (pursuit ~) [real, true; echt, wahr; writable; igaxi, vakkii; истинный] 92 VBSCUS -* odulis, esculetUus 96 VESICA f, VESICULA f I. Vexi-eul&, ЬДрсиЦ. 2. Cavitate cu aer [vesicle, blister, small bladder, air- VIABIUTAS cavity; Blase, Blischen; vAsicule; hdlyag; пузырёк] 94 VESICANS, VESICATORIUS, ve-zicaat, care produce vexici pe piele [blistering; blasenziehend; vAsicant, vAsicatoire; h6lyagkApz6; нарывной] 95 VESICULATUS, VESICULIFER, VESICUIOSUS, veziculos, acoperit de btyicufe; umflat (pengonul la Suaeda splendent, epiderma la Cen-taurea stricta, labelul la Cypripedium ealeeolus) [vesiculous, blisterea; bla-sig, blasentragend, aufgeblasen; vA-siculeux, vAsiculif&re; hdlvagos, hdlyag-szerfi; пуэырчатый]-»рЛук1-, phyto-, phytophorus 96 VESPERTINUS, vespertin, care tn-flore?te seara [vespertine; abendlich, abends-aufbliihend; vespAral; esti, este nyild; вечерний] 97 VESTIBULUM n, vestibul, anticamera stoma ticA; camera presto-maticA [vestibule; Vorhof; vestibule; eldpitvar; преддверие] 98 VEST I ENS (vestio) -+ tegens 99 VESTIGIUM n, vestigiu, urmele sau rAmA$itele unor organe cAzute (de ex. a frunzelor din anii trecu(i) [vestige, trace, remnant; Spur; vestige, trace; nyom, maradAk; след, остаток] 100 VESTIMENTUM n -* indumentum 101 VESTITUS -*• teetus, obtectus, to-gatus, indulus 102 VETULUS, VETUS, VETUSTUS, vtrstnic, vechi, bAtrfn (frunzd ~) [aged, elderly ; Altlich; AgA, vieux; rAgi, dreg; старый, устарелый] 103 VEXILLATUS, VEX1LLIFER, ve-xilat, prevAzut cu vexil [vexillate; fahnentragend; vexillA; vitorlAs, z4sz-16s; флагоносный, парусоносный] 104 VBXILLUM n, vexil 1. Stindard, drapel. 2. Petals medianA posterioarA, de obicei dilatatA a florilor de Papi-lionaeeae [vexil, standard; Fahne, Wimpel; Atendard, drapeau, pavilion; vitona, z4sxl6; флаг, парус] 105 VIABIUS, viabil, capabil de a creole sau de a germina [viable; le-bensf&hig, keimfAhig; viable, ger-minable; AletkApes, cafririkipes; жиз- 100 VIABIUTAS f, viabHitate, capaci-tatea de cregtere ?i germiaare [viability; ViabilitAt, LebensfAhigkeit; VIA LIS viabilitA; AletkApessAg; жизнеспособность] 107 VI ALIS, VIARIUS, VIATICUS, de drum, care cregte de-a lungul drumurilor [roadside growing; weg-wachsend, wegeliebend; poussant sur les routes; utakon tenyAszd; придорожный] 108 VIBRATILIS, VIBRATORIUS, vi-bratil, care se migcS vibrlnd (cil ~) [vibratile; schwSrmend, schwingend, zitterig; vibratile, vibratoire; rajzo, mozgSkony, rezgA; вибрирующий] 109 VICARIUS, vicariant, care inlocuieg-te un alt organ sau functiile acestuia (Crozier) [vicarious, vicarial; vikari-ierend, stellvertreterid; vicariante; vi-kariAns, egymAst helyettesitS; ви-карирующнй, замещающий] * 110 VICINISMUS m, vicinism 1. Variable de cregtere la plantele cultivate datoritS vecindt&Cii imediate cu о altA plants (De Vries). 2. Polenizare strSinS accidentals [vicinism; Vicinovariieren; vicinisme; viciniz-mus; вицинизм] 111 VICINUS, vecin, Invecinat [neighbouring, adjacent; nachbar; voisin, avoisinant; szomszAdos; соседний] 112 VICUS m, sat (prope vicum linga sat,) [village; Dorf; village; falu; деревня] 113 VIDEO v, a vedea (vide vezi; vide supra vezi mai sus; vide retro vezi mai in urmS; vidi (!) am vazut (originalul); vidi ipse eu insugi am vSzut-o; vidi plantam vivam et sic-cam am vSzut planta vie gi uscata; vidi in herbario am vSzut planta in ierbar; mihi videtur mie mi se pare) [to see; sehen; voir; lAtni; видеть] 114 VI DU US —► fatuus, vacuus 115 VIGENS (vigeo), viu, care trSiegte [living, thriving; lebend; vivant; Alo; живой, здоровый] TEMPUS VIGENDI -> duralio 116 VIGILIAE t pi, veghea plantelor, durata zilnicS de timp dintre deschi-derea gi inchiderea florii (Linne) [watch of plants; Wachen der Pflan-zen; veille des plantes; ndvAnyek AbrenlAte; бдение растения] 117 VIGOR m —» vitalitas 118 VILLDSITAS f, vilozitate, pSrozi-t ate viloasS [villosity, shaggyness; Zottigkeit; villositA; bolyhossAg, bo-zontossAg; ворсинчатость] 6Ф0 119 VILLOSIUSCULUS, VILLOSULUS, viloziuscul, cu peri vilogi fini [finely-villose; feinzottig; finement velu; finoman bolyhos; коротковорсистый] 120 VILLOSUS, VILLIFER, VILLI-, vilos, cu peri lungi, linogi, moi gi degi ('tulpina la Vicia villosa) (villi-carpus, villicaulis) [villose, villous, shaggy; zottig, zottel-; velu, villeux; bolyhos, szdszds, bozontos; ворсистый, мохнатый, ворсо-] 121 VIMINALIS, VIMINEUS 1. Care produce nuiele (Salix viminalis). 2. In formS de nuia [viminal, rod-shaped, twig-shaped, bearing twigs, switchlike; rutenfOrmig, gertenartig; sem-blable a un osier; vessz6szeru; прутовидный] 122 VINACEUS, vinaceu, de culoarea rogie purpurie a vinului rogu [vinace-ous, wine-colour, purplish red ; wein-rot; rouge pourprA; T'orOsbor szinu; винно-красный] 123 VINE ALIS, din vii, de podgorii, care cregte prin vii [growing in vineyards ; weingartenbewohnend; des vig-nobles; szdldskerti; виноградниковый]* 124 VINEUS, VINICOLOR -> vinaceus 125 VIOLACEUS, VIOLACINUS, VIO-LEUS, violaceu, violet, de culoarea violets a unor specii de ViUa [violet, violaceous; violett, violettfarbig, veil-chenfarbig, veilchenblau; violet, vio-lacA; ibolyasziau, ibolyakAk; фиолетовый] —* ianthinus, iodinus 126 VIOLASCENS, violascent, aproape violet [violascent, becoming violet; violettwerdend, veilchenblaulich ; violascent ; kAkeslila; почти фиолетовый] 127 VIRELLUS, VIRENS, VIRES-CENS, virescent 1. Verzui. 2. Care inverzegte [virent, virescent, greenish, turning green, becoming green; griin-lich, grunend, vergriinend, grunwer-dend; verdAtre, verdissant, verdoyant; zoldes szinu, zAldiild; зеленоватый, зеленеющий] —*• chlorescens, viridans, viridescens 128 VIRESCENTIA f, virescen^S, inver-zirea anormalS a organelor obignuit de altS culoare (de ex. a petalelor) [virescence, chloranthy; Vireszenz, Vergrtinung, Griinbliitigkeit, Griinblii-hen; virescence, Yerdissement, verdis-sage, chloranthie; vireszcencia, elzol-dulAs, virAgzdldulAs; позеленение, зе-леноцветковность] —*• chloranthia 129 VIRGATUS 1. Virgat, prevSzut cu ramuri sterile de forma unor nuiele 561 (Euphorbia virgata). 2. VArgat [vir-gate, twiggy, rod-shaped, wand-sha-ped, striped; rutenf5rmig, zweigfOr-mig, gestreift; vergA, effilA, strie; vesszos, vessz6szeru, csikolt; прутьевидный, стержнеобразный, полосатый] 130 VIRGIN ALIS, VIRGINEUS, virginal 1. IncA neinflorit. 2. Curat alb [maidenly, not flowered, pure-white; jungfraulich, nicht bliihend, matt-weiss; virginal, blanche pure; szu-zies, viragzas el6tti, fenytelen feher; девственный, чистобглый, нерасцветший] 131 VIRGULTOSUS, VIRGULTUS 1. Cu tufariguri, cu mSrSciniguri. 2. Care cregte prin tufSriguri [shrubby, dwelling in shrubs; buschig, buschreich, buschbewohnend; buissonneux, vivant dans les buissons; bokros, cserjeses, bokrokban 616; кустарниковый, заросший кустарником] 132 VIRGULTUM n 1. MArScinig, tu-fArig. 2. Ramura viguroasA Tshrub, vigurous twig; Gebiisch, Zweig; buisson, rameau, branche de rejeton; bokros hely, cserjes, cserjebokor; заросль, кустарника] 133 VIRIDANS (virido ) —» vires с ms 134 VIRIDARIUM n, boschet, pare, loc cu multA verdeabA [bower, park; Lustgarten, Park; bosquet, place verdoyante, pare; park, zAldes hely, diszkert ; сад, парк, древесные насаждения] 135 VIRIDESCENS (yiridesco) -> chlo-rescens, chlorinus, virescens 136 VIRIDIS, VIRIDI-, verde (oiridiflavus, viridiflorus) [green, green-; griin, grim-; vert; zold, z6ld-; зелёный, зелено-] chloro-, -chlorus 137 VIRIDULUS, verzui, verde deschis [greenish; grunlich; verdatre; halvany-zold; зеленоватый, светло-зелёный] 138 VIRULENTIA f, virulenbA, capaci-tatea gi gradul de intensitate cu care agenbii fitopatogeni pot ataca besu_ turile plantelor gazde [virulency; Virulenz; virulence; fert6z6kApessAg; вирулентность] —» aggressivitas, patho-genia 139 VIRULENTUS, virulent, patogen [virulent; ansteckend; virulent; fer-tozokApes; вирулентный, ядовитый]—» pathogenus 140 VIRUS m, virus, formS de viaba ultramicroscopicS patogenS [virus; Virus; virus; virus; вирус] 141 VIS f, forbS, putere [force; Kraft; force; егб; сила] VIS V IT ALIS -» vigor, vitalismus V ITTATUS 142 VISCIDUS, VISCOSUS, viscos, li-picios, de naturS cleioasS (Melan-drium viscosum) [viscous, viscid, glutinous, clammy, sticky; viskos, klebrig, schmierig, zahfliissig visqueux, gluant; mezgas, ragados, enyves; клейкий, липкий] —» glutinosus 143 VISCUM n, vise, excrebiune vis-coasS [pe fructele de Viscum album, Loranthus europaeus) [glue, lime; Leim, Schmiere; glu; mAzga, lep; клей] 144 VITA f, viaba [life; Leben; vie; elet; жизнь] 145 VITALIS, vital, de viabS (ciclu ~t putere~) [vital; lebhaft, lebenskraf-tig; vital; elet-, eletkepes; жизненный, прижизненны й] 146 VITALISMUS m, vitalism, con-cepbie perimata, dupS care procesele vitale ale organismelor se datoresc unor forbe speciale ('„forbS vitala“), altele decit cele bazate pe condibiile fizico-chimice [vitalism, vital-force; Vitalismus, Lebenskraft, Kraftfulle; vitalisme, force vitale; vitalizmus, eletero; витализм] 147 VITALITAS f, vitalitate 1. Gradul de vigoare gi prosperitate a organismelor. 2. Germinabilitate [vitality, germinability; Vitalilat, Lebensfahig-keit, Gedeihen, Wiichsigkeit, Vermeh-rungsfahigkeit, Lebenstiichtigkeit, KeimfAhigkeit; Vitalite, germinabi-lit6; vitalitas, eletk6pess6g, eletre-val6sag, csirazokepesseg; жизненость, прорастаность] -» vigor 148 VITELLARIUS, VITELLINUS, galben inchis, de culoarea gSlbenugu-lui de ou [vitellin, dull-yellow, egg->olk yellow; dottergelb eigelb; jaune d’oeuf; sotAtsarga, tojassdrga; желточно-жёлтый] 149 VITICULA f -» sarmentum, surcu-lus 159 VITICULOSUS -» sarmentosus 151 VITREUS, VITRICUS, vitros, transparent ca sticla [glassy, vilreous; glasartig, durchsichtig; vitreux; uveg-szeru, AtlAtszo; стеклянный, стекловидный, прозрачный] —» transparens 152 VITTA f 1. Canal, duct. 2. Dung5, striu [tube, band, stripe; Kan&Ichen, Streifen, Strieme; canal, bandelette, strie; jArat, csik, sAv; проток, лента, полоска] 153 VITT ATUS, VITTIFER, VITTA-TO-, striat, prevSzut cu dungi longi-tudinale (ramuri fructe ~) (bi- VI VAX vittatus, vittato-ramosus) [vittate, striped, band-shaped; gebAndert, ge-streift, striemig, bandstreifig; striA, rubanA; csikos, sAvos, szalagos; ленточный, полосатый, ленточно-] —*■ striatus 154 VIVAX -*■ perennis 155 VIVENS, VIVIDUS, VIVUS, viu, viguros [alive, living, fresh; lebendig, krAftig; vivant, vif; A16, erdteljes; живой] 156 VIVIPARUS, vivipar, care se reproduce pe cale vegetativA, prin bul-bilii care germineazA !n inflorescen(a (Allium, Polygonum viviparum) sau prin muguri foliari (Poa bulbosa) [viviparous; lebendgebArend; vivi-pare; elevensziilo; живородящий] 157 VOLANS (volo), zburAtor (papus, polen) [flying; fliegend; volant; re-рШб; летающий] 158 VOLATILIS, volatil, eteric. care se evaporeazA u$or (uleiuri) [volatil; flOchtig; volatil; ill6, eterikus; летучий] —► aethereus 159 VOLUBILIS, volubil, rAsucitor, care se urcA pe suport rAsucindu-se in jurul acestuia (tulpina la Convolvulus) (dextrorsum volubilis, rAsucin-du-se de la dreapta spre stinga; sinistrorsum volubilis, rAsucindu-se de la stinga spre dreapta) [voluble, twining, twisting, coiling; windend, kreisend; voluble, entortulant; racsa-varodA, tekerodzd, kering6; завивающийся, вьющийся] 160 VOLUTIOl, rAsucire [volution, wreath; Drehen; volution, torsion; racsa-varodas; спаральяое закручивание] 662 161 VOLUTUS, VOLUTI-, rAsucit In spiralA (volutiflorus) [volute, rolled up; gewunden, gerollt, gedreht; vo-lutA, entortillA, enroulA; rAcsava-rodott; завитой] 162 VOLVA f, volvA, resturile teciforme ale vAlului de la baza piciorului unor ciuperci (Agaricus) [volva; Wulst; volve; volva, bocskor, gombatonk-hiively; вольва] 163 VOMICOSUS, VOMICUS, VOMITORIES, vomitiv, emetic, care pro-voacA vArsAturi [vomitive, emetic; brechenerregend; vomitif, AmAtique; hAnytatd; рвотный] —*• emeticus 164 -VORUS (lat. voro, devoro „a minca, a sfi§ia“), care mAnincA (carnioorus, fruclivorus, herbivorus, insectivorus) [feeding, eating, consuming; -fres-send; mangeant, -vore; -ev6; -ядный] —► -phagus 165 VULGARIS, VULGATUS, vulgar, comun (Aquilegia vulgaris, Bidens vulgata) [vulgar, common; gemein, allgemein, allbekannt; vulgaire; ko-zdnsAges, kOzismert; вульгарный, повсеместный] —*■ communis 166 VULNERARIUS, vulnerar, vinde-cAtor de rAni (Anthyllis vulnerar ia) [wound-healing; wundheilend; vul-nAraire; sebet gydgyitd; исцеляющий раны] 167 VULPARIUS, VULPINUS, ro§-cat-brun, de culoarea vulpii [fox-coloured; fuchsbraun, fuchsfarbig; couleur du renard; rokavdrds, roka-szinu; лисоцэетный] 168 VULVARIUS (ca epitet, Chenopo-dium vulvaria) -* olidus X 1 x-GENERATIO —*■ n-generatio, general 10 haploidea, gametophyton 2 2x-GENERATIO —» 2n-generatio, general io diploidea, sporophyton 3 XANTH-, XANTHO-, -ХЛЛГГЯЯ.?, XANTHINUS (gr. £av0ds ,,galben“), galben, galben-auriu, galben-lucitor ^xanthacanthus, xanlhocalycus, poly-xantkus) [yellow, shining yellow; gelb, gl&nzendgelb, gelb-; jaune, jaune luisant; sarga, ragyogb sirga, sarga-; жёлтый, жёлто-] —*■ zantho- 4 XANTHEINUM n (gr. -) - antho-chlorum 5 XANTHELLUS, XANTH1CUS (gr. -), g&lbui [yellowish; gelblich, blass-gelb; jaunatre; s4rg4U6, s4rg4s; жёлто ютый] 6 XANTHINUM n (gr. -), xantina, pigmentul galben curat din floare (Kraus) [xanthin; Xanthin; xanthine ; xanthin; ксантин] 1 XANTHOCHLORUS (gr.-, *)мрд<; „verde“), g&lbui-verde [yellowish-green ; gelblichgriin; jaun&tre-vert; sargSszold; жёлтозелёный] 8 XANTHOLEUCUS (gr. -, Хеокод ,,alb“), g&lbui-alb [yellowish-white; gelblichweifi; jaun&tre-blanc; s4r-gSsfeher; желтобелый] 9 XANTHOLEUCITES t pi (gr. -), xantoleucite, leucite cu xantofilA din citoplasma plantelor etiolate (Van Tieghem) [xantholeucites; Xantho-leuziten; xantholeucites; xantholeu-cif4k; ксантолеуциты] 10 XANTHOLEUCOPHORUM n (gr. -, форд; ,,purUtor“) —» xanthophorum 11 XANTHOPHOENICEUS (gr.-, a cAsca"), xerochazie, rAspindirea semin-telor prin uscarea §i ruperea peri-carpului fructelor (Ascherson^ [xero-chasy; Xerochasie; xArochasie; xero-chAzia ; ксерохазия] 34 XEROCLEISTOGAMIA f (gr. -, кХеютбд „inchis", уацод „cAsAtorie"), xerocleistogamie, cleistogamie in con-dtyii de uscAciuni extreme (Hans-girg) [xerocleistogamy; Xerokleisto-gamie; xArocleistogamie; xerokleisz-togAmia; ксероклеистогамия] 35 XEROGEOPHYTA n pi (gr.-, yi\ „pAmint", „a iubi"), xilofil, care create pe lemn (ciupercd ~) [xylophilous, wood-loving, destroying wood; holzliebend; xylophile; fin n6v6, fAn Aid; обитающий надревесине] 62 XYLOPHYTA n pi (gr. -, „a iubi") -*• zoidiogamia 17 ZOIDIOPHILUS (gr. ~) - zoidiogamus 18 ZOIDIOSPORA t (gr.-, штора ,,s5-mfnt&"), zoidiospor, spor diseminat prin animale [zoidiospore; Zoidiospore; zoidiospore; zoidiospdra; зоидиоспора] 19 ZODIO- (gr. Ctbdiov „figure de animal") —► zoidio- 20 ZONA f, zone, fi§ie naturale geogra-fice altitudinale, longitudinale sau climatice (de vegetafie) [zone, belt, band; Zone, Gurtel, Hdhenstufe; zone, dtage, bande; zdna, dv, dvezet; зона, пояс] 21 ZONALIS, ZONATUS, ZONO-, -ZONUS, zonal, zonat, etajat, strati-ficat; prevezut cu о dunge circulare (frunzele la Pelargonium zonale) (leu-cozonatus, latizonus, zonosulcatus) zonal, zonate, zoned, barred, girded, belted; giirtelig, gegurtelt, um-giirtelt; zend, dtagd; dvezett, Ovezeti; зональный, опоясанный] 22 ZONATIO f, zonatie, zonare 1. Dis-pozitia !n zone. 2. Diferen^ierea vege-tatiei In fl§ii altitudinale sau dupe gradient [zonation, zoning; Zona ZONULA tion, Giirtelung; zonation; zonAcio, Avszerii elhelyezkedAs; зональность] 23 ZONULA f, zonulA 1. ZonA micA. 2. SubzonA [zonule; Giirtelchen; zonule ; sAvocska; поясок, подзона] 24 ZOOBIOTICUS (gr. Cfflov „animal", Plog ,,via(A“), zoobiotic 1. Aflat sub influenta factorilor animali (de ex. polenizare, rdspindirej 2. Care create pe animale (parazit vegetal> [zoobiotic; zoobiotisch; zoobiotique; zo6-biAtikus; зообиотический] 25 ZOOCARPUM n (gr. -, карябд „fruct") -*■ zoospora 26 ZOOCECIDIUM n (gr. -, khk18iov „gal A micA"), zoocecidie, cecidie cauzatA de parazi^i animali (Tubeuf) [zoocecidie, plant-gall; Zoozezidie, Tiergalle; zoocAcidie; zoocecidium, Allati gubacs; эооцзцидий] 27 ZOOCHORJA f (gr. -, xtop&o se rAspindi"), zooc(h)orie, rAspindirea prin intermediul animalelor (plante seminfe fructe spori (Clements) [zoochory; Tierverbreitung, Tierfruchtigkeit; zoochorie; zoochAria, Allatok Altai valA elterjedAs; зоохория] —*synzoochoria 28 ZOOCHORUS(gr.--), zooc(h)or,raspin-dit prin animale [zoochorie; tierver-breitet; zoochore; zoochAr, Allatok Altai terjedo; зоохорный] —* synzoicus 29 ZOOCOENOCYTIS ,-IDIS, f (gr. -, xoivAg „in comun", кипд „cutie"), zoocenocit, cenocit ciliat cu mifcAri libere (Algae) [zoocoenocyte; Zoozo-nozyt; zoocenccyte; zoocAnocita; зооценоцит] 30 ZOOCYSTIS f (gr. -, Kuotig „sAculet"), zoocist, zoosporange rezultat din fragmentarea unui cenocist [zoocyst ; Zoozyst ; zoocyste; zoAciszta; зоэцисг] —► sporocystis 31 ZOODIODA f (gr. -, SioSog ,,na§-tere") —► zoospora 32 ZOODIODANGIUM n (gr. - -, dyyetov „vas"), zoodiodangiu, sporange cu zoospori [zoodiodangium; Zoodiodangium ; zoodiodange; zoodiodangium; зоодиодангий] 33 ZOODOMATIUM n (gr. -, Soopauov ,,cAsu[A“), zoodomaciu, domaciu popu-lat de animale mici (furnici, insecte, viermi) [zoodomatium; Zoodomatie; zoodomatium; zoodomAcium; зоодо-маций] 34 ZOOGAMETA f (gr. -, уарАтед „sot") —*• planogameta 668 35 ZOOGAMIA t (gr. -, yapog „cAsa-torie"), zoogamie 2. Fertilizare cu transportul polenului prin animale. 2. Fecundare prin anterozoizi [zooga-my; Zoogamie; zoogamie; zoogAmia; зоогамия] 36 ZOOGAMUS (gr. -), zoogam 2. Fertilizat prin animale. 2. Fecundat prin anterozoizi [zoogamous; zoogam; zoogame; zoogAm; зоогамный] 37 ZOOGENEUS, ZOOGENUS (gr. -, yewdco „a se nafte"), zoogen, rezultat sub influenta unor animale (de ex. succesiunile in geobotanicA ^[zoogenous zoogen; zoogAne; zoogAn; зоогенный] 38 ZOOGLOEA f (gr.-, yXoiAg „clei"), zooglee, grupare de bacterii cuprinse intr-o masA mucilaginoasA secretata pe partea externA a membranei lor [zoogloea; ZooglAa; zoogloAe; zoo-glAa; зооглея] 39 ZOOGONANGIUM n (gr. -, yovog ,,urma§“, dyyetov „vas"), zoogonangiu, celuld reproductivA dind naftere planogametilor (Borzi) [zoogonangium; Zoogonangium; zoogonange; zoogonangium; зоогонангий] 40 ZOOGONIDANGIUM n (gr. - -, et5og „asemdnare", -), zoogonidangiu, organ in care se dezvoltA zoosporii algelor (West) [zoogonidangium; Zoogonidan-gium; zoogonidange; zoogonidAngium; зоогонидангий] 41 ZOOGONIDIUM n (gr. -) -*• zoospora 42 ZOOIDA f (gr. -, etSog „asemdnare") (Hazen) —► zoospora 43 ZOOMORPHOSIS f (gr. -, рбрфшоц „form'are"), zoomorfozd, morfogenezA sub influenta agentilor animali (g&]&) (Appel) [zoomorphosis; Zoo-morphose; zoomorphose; zoomor-fAzis; зооморфоз] 44 ZOOPARASITUS m (gr. -, uapaarrog „parazit"), zooparazit, parazit animal [zooparasite; Zooparasit; zooparasite; Allati AlAskAdo; зоопаразит] 45 ZOOPHAGUS (gr. -, (pdyopcu „а minca") —► carnivorus, insectivorus 46 ZOOPHILUS (gr. -, (pikeco „a iubi"), zoofil, polenizat prin animale [zoo-philous; zoophil, tierbliitig; zoophile; Allatporozta; зоофильный] 47 ZOOPHOBUS (gr.-, фоРА© „a se teme"), zoofob, cu adaptdri meca-nice sau chimice contra voracitdtii ierbivoarelor (de ex. cu spini, secret») [zoophobous; zoophob; zoophobe; zoofAb; зоофобный] 669 48 ZOOPHYTICUS (gr. ALL- CAULES ADLIGATI, tulpini cA(.A-rAtoare (Galium) [clasping-stems; Klammerstengel; tiges cramponnan-tes; kapaszkodA szArak; объемлющий стебли] RADICES ADLIGANTES, rAdAcini cS^ArStoare (Hedera) [climbing-roots, clasping-roots; Klammerwurzeln, Haft-wurzeln; racines crampons; kapaszkodA lAggyAkerek; цепляющиеся корни] ADN- -> ANN- ADP- -► APP-ADS- -+ ASS-ADSC- ASC- GEMMAE ADVENTITIAE, muguri adventivi [adventitious buds; PLANTAE ADVENTIVAE Adventivknospen, Nebenknospen, Beiknospen, zufallige Knospen; bourgeons adventifs; jSruldkos riigyek, melldkrtigyek; придаточные почки] RADICES ADVENTITIAE, rSdS-cini adventive [adventitious roots; Adventivwurzeln, Ersatzwurzeln, Bei-wurzeln, sproCbiirtige Wurzeln; raci-nes adventives; pdtgydkerek, jSruldkos gydkerek; придаточные корни] RAMI ADVENTITII, ramuri adventive [adventitious branches; Adven-tivsprosse; rameaux adventifs; jaru-ldkos agak; придаточные ветки] 225 PLANTAE ADVENTIVAE, PLANTAE ADVENAE, plante adventive, antropochore, originare din alte regiuni (Galinsoga) [adventive plants; Adventivpflanzen, Fremdlin-ge, Ankommlinge; plantes adventices; behurcolt ndvdnyek, jovevdny ndvdnyek ; адвентивные растения] 246 DIVISIO AEQUA TION ALIS, divi-ziunea ecva[ionalS a nucleului in douS pSrCi egale, numSrul cromozomilor celulelor fiice rSmlnind acelagi cu al celulei mame [equational division; Aquationsteilung; division dquation-nelle; szSmtartd osztddas; эквацион-ное деление] 247 DISCUS AEQ UA TORI ALIS, disc ecvatorial; placS ecvatorialS, cu dispo-ztyia jumStS[ilor de cromozomi in 328 planul median al fusului (in metafazS) [equatorial plate; Aquatorialplatte; plaque dquatoriale; felezy6korong; экваториальная пластинка] 254 GENERA TIO AEQ UIVOCA-+ abioge- nesis 259 CAULIS AEREUS, CAULIS EPI- GAEUS, tulpinS aerianS, tulpinS su- 332 praterestrS [aerial-stem; Luftspross; tige adrienne; foldfeletti szSr; воздушный стебель] FOLIA AEREA, frunze aeriene, care nu sint submerse [aerial leaves; Luft-blatter; feuilles adriennes; ldglevelek; воздушные листья] PLANTAE AEREAE -*■ epiphyta RADIX AEREA, rSdScinS aerianS (Orchideae epifitej [aerial-root; Luft-wurzel; racine adrienne; ldggyokdr; воздушный корень] 283 * Termenul aestivatio (lat. aestivus ,,de varS“) in accepCiunea lui clasicS inseamnS starea de viatS latentS a organismelor in condole cSldurilor §i a uscSciunilor extreme din timpul veriL 672 J.M. Reftelius (1762) a folosit acesi termen pentru a indica modurile in care sint pliate in mugure „fruqzele" florale (petalele) in timpul iernii sau la inceputul primSverii. Ulterior, Wyd-ler (1851) i-а schimbat sensul, folo-sindu-1 pentru a indica raportul reciproc de pliere in mugure atit a „frunzelor" florale, cit si a celor foliare (nomo-Ше). Pentru a indica modul de pliere in mugure atit a frunzelor foliare, cit §i a celor florale, Linnd (1751) a folosit termenul foliatio, pe care insS it mai folosea ?i in accepCiunea lui co-munS, de infrunzire in general. L.C. Richard (1808), pentru modurile de pliere in mugure a „frunzelor" florale, in loc de aestivatio a introdus termenul sugestiv §i neechivoc de praefloratio, iar in loc de vernatio pe acel de praefoliatio. In literatura mai recentS se manifests tendinCa de abolire a termenilor aestivatio, vernatio §i foliatio, termeni inapCi §i confuzi, utilizindu-se in locul acestora termenii praefloratio, respec-tiv praefoliatio. 291 PLANTAE AFFIXAE, plante fixate de sol prin rSdScinile lor [affixed plants; befestigte Pflanzen; plantes attachdes; rogzitett ndvdnyek; при-клеплённые растения] FLORES AGGREGATI, flori agre-gate, pe un receptacul comun /Scabi-osa) [aggregate flowers; angehaufte Bliiten; fleurs agrdgdes; csoportos virSgok; собранные цветки] FRUCTUS AGGREGATI, fructe agregate (Rubus) [aggregate fruits; Aggregatfriichte; fruits agrdgds; csoportos termdsek; сложные плоды] PLANTAE AGRARIAE, PLANTAE AGRESTES, plante de cimp [field-plants; Ackerpflanzen; plantes champetres; szantofoldi novdnyek; полевые растения] 474 NOMEN ALTERNATIVUM, nume alternativ, clnd taxonul are doua nume deosebite §i ambele valabile (Gra-mineae-Poaceae) [alternative name; alternative Benennung; nom hlterna-tif; vagylagos ndv; альтернативное название] PRAEFLORATIO ALTE RNA TIVA, prefloraCie altemativS, cind acoperi-rea frunzelor florale din mugure este alternants, fiind dispuse pe douS rinduri [alternative prefloration; alter-nierende Blutenknospenlage; prdflo-raison alternative; vSltakozd viragboru- ьп las; альтернативное цветочное-почко-слоаюиие] 497 1SOMEN AMBIGUUM, nume am- biguu, deveiiit echivoc §i nevalabil [ambiguous name; mehrdeutiger Name; nom ambigu; kat6rtelmfi n6v; сомнительное название] €00 PRAEFLORATIO AMPLEXA, pre- flora[ie amplexa, cu frunzele florale din mugure imbrati§indu-se reciproc [embracing prefloration; umschlies-sende Bltitenknospenlage; pr6floraison embrassante; oleld vir^igborulas; объемлющее почкосложение цветка] €56 С LAV IS ANALYTIC A, cheie ana-liticd de determinare a taxonilor [analytical-key; analytischer Bestim-mungsschliissel; clef analytique; ana-litikus hat&rozokulcs; определённый клюя] €82 OVULUM ANATROPUM, ovul anatrop, cu micropilul a?ezat llnga hil, iar §alaza la extremitatea opusa (Li-lium) [anatropous ovule; umgewendete Samenanlage; ovule anatrope; visz-szafordult magkezdem£ny; анатропная семяпочка] €95 ANDRODIOECIA TRIOICA, an- drodioecie trioica, poliecie cu indivizi masculi, hermafrodi(i §i masculi cu hermafroditi pe indivizii diferiti ai aceleia?i specii (Geurn urbanum) [trio-ecious androdioecy; triozische Andro-didzie; androdio£cie trio6cique; trioi-kus androdidcia; трехдомнаия андро-диэция] 711 ANDROGYNIA TRIOICA (gr.-, xpl „trei“, otKO? ,,casa“), androginie trioica, poligamie cu indivizi masculi, femeli §i monoici (masculi §i femeli) (Viscum album) [trioecious androgyny; tridzische Androgynie; andro-gynte trio6cique; trioikus androginia; трёхдомная андрогиния] 717 ANDROMONOECIA TRIOICA (gr. —, tpi „trei"), andromonoecie trioica, cu indivizi masculi, femeli §i andro-monoici (masculi $i hermafroditi) (Cannabis sativa) [trioecious andro-monoecy; triOzische Andromonozie; andromonoecie trioique; trioikus an-dromonocia; трёхдомная андромоне-ция] 7 66 ANGULUS DI VERGENTIAE, unghi de divergent, format de pozi[ia unui organ lateral fata de organul pe care este inserat (In filotaxie) [angle of divergence; Divergenzwinkel, Nei-gungswinkel, Ablaufwinkel; angle de divergence; elhajl&si szOg; угол расхождения] FASCICULUS BICOLLA TERALIS 791 ANN- - ADN- 800 ANN UL US ANNO TIN US, inel anual In trunchiul arborilor [annual-ring; Jahresring, Holzring; anneau annuel; 6vgyurfi fagyuru; годичное кольцо] ANNULUS CAMBIALIS, inel cambial [cambium-ring; kambiumring; anneau cambial; kambiumgyuru; камбиальное кольцо] ANNULUS GLANDULOSUS, inel glandular [glandular-ring; driisiger Ring; anneau glandulaire; mirigy-gyurfi; железистое кольцо] ANNULUS PILORUM, inel de peri [hair-ring; Haarring, Haarleiste; anneau de poils; szorgyuru; кольцо из волос] 944 APP- ADP- 1222 CELLULAE AUXILIARES, celule auxiliare (Rhodophyceae) [auxiliary cells; Auxiliarzellen, Hilfszellen; cellules auxiliaires; segitdsejtek; вспомогательные клетки] 1240 GEMMA AXILLARIS, mugure axi-lar [axillary bud; Axelknospe; bourgeon axillaire; h6nalj riigy; пазушная почка] В 35 FOLIA BASALIA, frunze bazale, pornind de la baza tulpinii [basal leaves; Basalblatter, grundstandige Blatter; feuilles basales; tolevelek; низовые листья] 52 BASIS FOLII, baza frunzei, partea inferioarS a petiolului sau a frunzei sesile unde se articuleaza pe tulpinii [leaf base; Blattgrund; base de la feuille; lev61alap; основа листа] BASIS LAMINAE, baza laminei sau a limbului, opusa virfului, unde incepe petiolul [base of blade; Blattschei-begrund, Blattspreitegrund; base de la limbe; lev61vdll, lev^llemez alap; основа пластинки листа] 102 FASCICULUS BICOLLATERALIS, fascicul bicolateral, cind pe ambele parti opuse ale xilemului este dispus cite un floem, in partea adaxiaia, respectiv abaxiaia (tulpina la Cucur-bitaceae, Solanaceae) [bicollateral vascular bundle; bikollaterale Leitbun-del; faisceau bicollat6ral; bikollate-rilis ed6nynyal4b; биколлатеральный пучок] NOMENCLATURA BINOMINALIS 153 NOMENCLATURA BINOMINA- LIS, nomenclatura binominalS, nomenclatura binarS; nume de specie format dintr-un nume generic §1 un epitet specific (Taraxacum officinale) [binary nomenclature; binare Nomen-klatur; nomenclature binaire; k£t-nevfl elnevezds; бинарная номенклатура] 251 BOREALI-OCCIDEN TALIS, nord- vestic [north-western; nordwestlich; boreal-occidental; eszaknyugati; северо-западный] BOREALI-ORIENTALIS, nord-estic [north-eastern; nordostlich; boreal-oriental ; dszakkeleti; северо-восточный] BOREO-ALPINUS, boreal-alpin, arctic alpin [boreal-alpine; n6rdlich-al-in, arktisch-alpin; boreal-alpin; esza-i-alpin; северо-алышиский] 254 BOTANICA HORTENSIS, botanica horticolS [garden-botany; Gartenbo-tanik; botanique de jardinage; ker-teszeti ndvenytan; садовая ботаника] С 85 CALO- —*■ cal-, kalli-, hallo- 51 ANN ULUS CAM BI ALIS, inel cam- bial din scoar[a secundarS, format din celule meristematice alungite, unite cu celulele din periciclu, in sec[iune transversals avind forma unui inel [cambium-ring; Kambiumring, Ver-dickungsring; anneau cambial; kam-biumgyurii; камбиальное кольцо] PI PILUS CAPITATUS — pilus glan- dulosus 208 CELLULA FI LI ALIS, celulS fiicS [daughter-cell; Tochterzelle; cellule-fille; leSnysejt; дочерняя клетка] CELLULA MATRICALIS, celulS mamS [mother-cell ; Mutterzelle; cel-lule-тёге; anyasejt; материнская клетка] 209 PLANTAE CELLULARES, plante celulare, criptogame nevasculare [cellular plants; Zellenpflanzen; plantes cellulaires; sajtes nOvSnyek; клеточные растения] 215 CYLINDRUS CENTRALIS, cilindru central, stel; partea centrals concentricS a rSdScinii $i tulpinii de sub endodermul scoar[ei primare, cuprinzind fascicolele 674 libero-lemnoase §i mSduva [central cylinder, stele; Zentralzylinder, Stele; cylindre central, stele; kOzponti henger, sztele; центральный цилиндр, стела] PLACENTATIO CENTRALIS, pla-centa{.ie centrals, cu ovulele a?ezate in central cavitS^ii ovariene (Primula) [central placentation; Zentralplazen-tation; placentation centrale; kOzponti placentacid; центральная плацентация] 372 ADAPTATIO CHROMATICA, a- daptare cromaticS, capacitates pig-men[ilor unor alge sau bacterii de a-?i schimba culoarea in func^ie de intensitatea luminii [chromatic adaptation; chromatische Adaptation; adaptation chromatique; szinez6d6si alkalmazkodSs; хроматическая адаптация] 449 PRAEFOLIATIO CIRCINATA, prefolia[ie circinatS, cu frunza infiju-ratS in mugure in lungul ei, de la virf spre bazS (Rosaceae) [circinate Eretaliation; schneckenfdrmige Blatt-nospenlage; prefoliation circinnSe; bekunkorodott tiiremies; закрученное листовое почкосложение] 557 PRAEFLORATIO COCHLEA RIS, preflora^ie cochlearS, mod de preflo-ra|ie imbricatS, petala externS aco-perind pe cele interne (Aconitum) [coh-lear preflora tion; kochleare Blu-tenknoependeckung; prSfloraison coch-leaire; kohleSris borulas; кохлеарное цветочное почкосложение] 619 FASCICULI COLLATE RALES, fas- cicule colaterale din cilindrul central, fiecare cu un fascicul liberian exterior §i altul lemnos interior [collateral bundles ; kollaterale Leitbiindel; faisceaux collaterals; kollaterSlis edSnynyalSbok; коллатеральные пучки] 652 COM BIN A TIO NOVA, combina[ie nouS, efectuatS pentru prima datS intr-o publicatie, schimbindu-se ran-gul sau pozi^ia sistematicS a unui taxon [new combination; neue (Combination; combinaison nouvelle; uj kombinScid; новая комбинация] 681 FLOS COMPLETES, floare com- pletS, avind toate piesele compdnente (caliciu, corolS, stamine $i pistil) [complete flower; vollstandige Bliite; fleur complete; hiSnytalan virSg, tel-jes virSg; полный цветок] 685 FOLIUM COMPOSITUM, frunzS compusS, avind mai multe foliole insera te pe un pe[iol comun (Aesculus, Robinia) [compound leaf; zu*,ammen- i7f 705 717 752a 753 gesetztes Bla-t; feuille comp fleszetett levdl; сложный л INFLORESCENTIA COM POSIT A, inflorescent& compusd, axa princi-palft purttnd ramuri cu inflorescente secundare (panicul, epic compus, ra-cem compus) [compound inflorescence; zusammengesetzter BWtenstand; inflorescence composde; Osszetett virdg-zat; сложное соцветие] PRAEFLORA TIO COND U PLICA-ТА, preflora(ie conduplicatd, cind ele-mentele florale din mugure sint pliate in doud jumdt&ti In directia lun-gimii lor (Ulmus) [conduplicate prefloration; ldngsgefaltete Blutenknos-penlage; prdfloraison conduplicative; feldbehajtogatott virdgborulds; вдольо почкосложение] NOMEN CONFUSUM, nume confuz, care trebuie lnlocuit pentru a nu con-stitui izvor de erori [confused name; verwirrter Name; nom confus; zava-ros ndv; путающее название] CON SC RIP TIO PLANTARUM, conscrierea plantelor, notarea plantelor In scop de inventariere [conscription of plants; Pflanzenaufname; conscription des plantes; nOvdnytisz-szeirds, n6vdnyfelv6telez6s; опись растений] CON SC RIP TIO PHYTOCOENOLO-GICA, conscriere fitocenologicd, rele-veu, ridicare fitocenologicd cu conscrierea speciilor fi a altor date sociologies de pe о suprafatd de probd [relevee, phytosociological record; phy-tosoziologische Aufnahme; rdldvd, гё-16v6 phytosociologique; fitocdnoldgiai felvdtelezds; фитоценологчеасая опись] NOMINA GENE RICA CONSER-VANDA, nume generice de conservat, mentinute chiar lmpotriva regulii prio-ritdtii mai ales pe motivul uzului prea generalizat al botaniftilor [conserved! generic names; beibehaltende Gattungsnamen, bewahrte Gattungs-namen; noms gdndriques conserves; megtozendd nemzetsdgnevek; родовые >] 772 CONTEXTUS CELLULARIS, tesut celular [cellular tissue; Zellgewebe; tissu cellulaire; sejtszdvet; снеточная ЯЙНШ FIBROSUS, tesutul fibros [fibrous tissue; Fasergewebe; tissu fibreux; roataadvet; волокнистая TxyN^EXTUS PAUSADICUS, \e-• sutul palisadic [palisade tissue; Pali- CORDLLA CHORIPE TALA sadeagewebe; Ussn palissadique; pa* liszdd-ezAvet: ткань] CONTEXTUS PRIMARIUS, tesutul primar [primary tissue; primare Gewebe; tissu pnmaire; elsddleges szOvet; главная ткань, первичная ткань] CONTEXTUS SECUN DARIUS, tesutul secundar [secondary tissue; se-kunddre Gewebe; tissu sdcondaire; mdsodlagos szdvet; вторичная ткань] CONTEXTUS FUNDAMENTALIS, tesutul fundamental [ground tissue; Grundgewebe; tissu fondamental; alapszdvet; фундаментальная ткань] 778 PRAEFLORATIO CONTORTA, pre-floratie contortd, cind elementele florale din mugure acoperd pe jumdtate frunza tnvecinatd, celelalte fiind de asemenea acoperite pe jumdtate de altele, mugurele apdrlnd rdsucit (Gen-tiana, Oxalis) [contorted prefloration; gedrehte Blfitenknospendeckung; ргё-floraisoncontournde; sodort virdgboru-lds;3 779 RADIX CONTRACTILIS, rdddcind contractild, care dupd terminarea crefterii sale se scurteazd, trdgtnd Slanta mai adlnc tn pdmtnt (Iris, "araxacum) [contractile root; Zug-wurzel; racine contractile, recine trac-trice; deszehdzddd gyftkdr; конграк-тильный корень] 794 PRAEFOUATIO CONVOLUTIVA, prefoliatie convolutd, cind frunzele din mugure sint rdsucite asupra lor tn lung f i acoperite de alte frunze la fel rdsucite (ConvaUaria, Prunus) [convolute prefoliation ; ubergerollte Knospenlage, zusammengerollte Blattknospenlage; prdfoliation convolute; betekeredett (dsszehengeredett) levdltdremlds; свернутое листовое почкосложение] 816 COROLLA С HO RIPE TALA — corol- 1л dialypetala COROLLA DIALYPETALA, corold dialipetald, cu petalele libere, necon-crescute (Cheiranthus ckeiri) [dialype-talous corolla; freiblattrige Krone; corolle dialypdtale; szabadszirmd pdr-ta, vdltszirmd pdrta; раздельный венчан] —*■ corolla choripetala COROLLA GAMOPETALA, corold gamopetald, cu petalele concrescute [Campanula, Gentiana) [gamopetalous corolla; verwachsenbldttrige Krone; corolle gamopdtale; focrtszirmd pdrta; naiuirii венчик] —» щrefill sumpetala COROLLA SYMPETALA -» corolla CORPUS LIGNEUM DEN TES COROLLAE, din}ii corolei de pe marginea superioarS a petalelor [teeth of the corolla; Kronzahne; dents de la corolle; pirtafogak; зубы венчика] FAUX COROLLAE, gltul corolei, partea superioarS deschisS a tubului corolei [throat of the corolla; Kron-schlund; gorge de la corolle; pSrtato- LLMВиГсОЯОЫАЕ, limbul corolei, partea superioarS liberS §i etalatS a corolei gamopetale [limb of the corolla ; Kronsaum; limbe de la corolle; pSrtakarima, partaperem; отгиб венчика] TUBUS COROLLAE, tubul corolei, rezultat din concre§terea petalelor in 21 partea lor inferioarS (Syringa) [tube of the corolla ; KronrShre; tube de la corolle; pdrtacso; грубка венчика] 825 CORPUS LIGNEUM, corp lemnos, partea dintre scoar^S ?i mSduvS a tulpiniilemnoase [ligneous body; Holz-кбгрег; corps lignet; fa test; дре- CORPUS VEGETATIVUS, corp ve- 91 getativ, partea plantei care serve^te la dezvoltarea §i sus[inerea ei, iar nu pentru reproducere [vegetative body ; Vegetationskorper; corps v£ge-tatif; tenyfez6test; вегетативное тело] 830 PRAEFLORA TIO CORR UGA T1VA, preflora[ie corugativS, cu petalele neregulat pliate in mugure (Palaver) [corrugated prefloration; zerknitterte Bliitenknospenlage; pr6floraison cor-rugative; gyiirt virSgborulSs; сморщенное чветочное почкосложение] 851 COSTA MEDIA, nervura medians proeminentS a frunzei [midrib; Mit-telnerv, Mittelrippe; c6te m^diane, nervure m6diane; кбгёрёг; главная жилка] 854 CORPUS COTYLEDONARE, corpul cotiledonar, format din cotiledoanele sudate prin fa[a lor internS [cotyle-donar body; Keimblattkorper, Samen-lappenkorper; corps cotyledonaire; csiratest; семядольное тело] 885 TUBULI CRIBRALES, tuburi ciu- ruite, vase liberiene cu membranele de separate situate transversal s?i perforate, prin care circulS seva elaboratS [sieve tubes; Siebrdhren; tubes cribtes; rostacs6vek; решетчатые трубки] 891 CRISTA-GALL1, creasta coco$ului 312 (Rhinanthus crista-gaUi, ca epitet) [cock’s comb; Hahnenkamm; cr6te de coq; kakastartj; петуший гребень] 676 900 CRUS-GALLI, piciorul coco$ului (ca epitet Crataegus crus-gaUi) [cock's foot; Hahnenfufl; pied de coq; kakaslab; нога петуха] 1000 CYCLUS VITALIS, ciclu vital, an-samblul fazelor biologice din via[a unui organism [life cycle; Lebenszyk-lus; cycle vitale; Sletfolyamat, ё1еи ciklus; жизненный цикл] D PLANTAE DECORATIVAE, plante ornamentale [ornamental plants; Zier-pflanzen; plantes dёcoratives; disz-n6v6nyek; декоративные растения] DELECTUS SEMIN UM, catalog de seminje [seed-list; Samenliste; catalogue de semences; magkatalogus; перечень семян] BOTANICA DESCRIPTIVA, botanica descriptivS [descriptive botany; beschreibende Botanik; botanique d6s-criptive; leird nov6nytan; описательная ботаника] 135 PLANUM DI AGON ALE, plan diagonal (la floare) [diagonal plane; Diagonalplan, Diagonalebene; plan diagonal; ferde sik, StldirSnyu sik; диагональный план] 136 DIAGRAMMA FLORALE, diagrams florals [floral diagram; Blutendia-gramm, Bltitengrundriss; diagramme florale; virSgalaprajz, viragkdplet; диаграмма цветка] 211 GLANS DIGESTIVA, glands diges-tivS (la plantele carnivore) [digestive gland; Digestionsdriise, Verdauungs-druse; glande digestive; em6szt6mi-rigy; пищеварительная железа] THECA DIGESTIV A, calotS diges-tivS de la virful radicelei (Solanaceae) [digestive pocket; Verdauungsbiiohse; calotte digestive; emdsztotok; пищеварительная тека] 239 DIMIDIATO-CORDATUS, dimidiat cordat, clnd numai jumStatea laminei este cordatS (frunza la Ulmus glabra) [dimidiato-cordate; halbiert-herzfor-mig; dimidi6-cord6; f61ig szives; половинчато-сердцевидный] DISCUS BULBI, discul bulbului [bulb-plate; Zwiebelscheibe, Zwiebel-kuchen, Zwiebelstock; plateau de bulbe; hagymat6nk; диск луковицы] 677 DISCUS NECTARIFER, disc nec-tarifer [nectariferous disk; Honig-scheibe, Nektarienpolster; disque nectarifere; m£zfejt6korong; нектароносный диск] DISCUS RECEPTACULARIS, disc receptacular [receptacular disk; Blii-tenscheibe; disque r6c6ptaculaire; vacokkorong, vacokpSrna; цветоложа-ный диск] 323 FRUCTUS DISSEMINANTES, fructe diseminante [disseminant fruits; Streufrtichte; fruits disseminantes; maghullato termesek; рассеивающиеся плоды] 336 CHARACTERES DISTINCTIVI, caractere de deosebire [distinguishing characters; Abanderungsmerkmale; caracteres distinctifs; megkiilomboz-tet5 jellegek; отличительные признаки] 348 ANGULUS DIVERGENTIAE, unghi de divergent [angle of divergence; Winkeldivergenz; angle de divergence; elhajlSsi szog; угол расхождения] 368 COSTA DORSALIS, coasts dorsalS, nervura medians dorsalS [dorsal midrib ; Nebenrippe, ruckenstandige Hauptrippe; cote dorsale; hStoldali ko-z6p6r; спинное ребро] PAGIN A DORSALIS, fata inferioarS (a frunzei) [lower surface; Riickseite; face infSrieure; h£ti oldal; спинная сторона] SUTURA DORSALIS, sutura dorsals (a carpelelor) [dorsal suture; Riickennaht; suture dorsale; hSti forradas; спинной шов] 369 ANTHERA DORSIFIXA, anterS dorsifixS, inseratS pe partea dorsals a conectivului (numeroase Gramineae, Lilium) [dorsifixed anther; dorsifixe An there; anthfere dorsifixe; hStolda-lon Izesiild porz6; пыльник прикрепленный спинкои] 388 PLANTAE AQUARUM DULCI UM, plante de ape dulci [sweet-water plants; Stisswasserpflanzen; plantes d’eau douce; Sdesvizi ndvdnyek; пресноводные растения] £ 41 FACTORES EDAPHICI, factori eda-fici, referitori la conditiile fizico-chimice ale solului [edaphic factors; Bodenfaktoren; facteurs ddaphiques; talajtdnyezdk; эдафические условия] FLOS DISCALIS 51 PLANTAE EFFERATAE, plante sSlbSticite, scSpate din culturS [esca-ped-plants; verwilderte Pflanzen; lantes dchappdes; elvadult ndvdnyek, ulturszdkevdnyek; отличающие растения] 59 APERTURA EISODIALIS, deschi-zStura eisodialS, aflatS tn partea an-terioarS a ostiolei stomatei [eisodial opening; Eisodialoffnung, Eingangs-dffnung; aperture disodiale; eiszo-diSlis nyflSs, el6pitvar; эисодиальное отверстие] 101 DISCUS EMBRYONALIS, disc em-briona] [embryional disc; Embryonal-schild; disque embryonnaire; cslra-korong; эмбриональный диск] 192 MYCORRHIZA ENDOTROPHICA, micorizS endotroficS, filamentele mi-celiene ale ciupercii pStrunzind tn rSdScinS §i provocind acolo о reactie de tuberizare a tesuturilor (Solanum dulcamara, Orchidaceae, Ericaceae, Lycopodium) [endotrophic mycorrhi-za; endotrophe Mykorrhiza; mycor-rhize endotrophe; endotrdf mikorrhi-za; эндотрофная микориза] 257 GERMINATIO EPIGAEA, germi- nate epigee, ctnd cotiledoanele ajung la suprafata solului (Phaseolus) [epi-geal germination; oberirdische Keim-ung; gdrmination epigee; foldfeletti csirSzcis; надземная прорастание] CAULIS EPIGAEUS -*■ caulis aereus F 22 CAMBIUM FASCICULARE, cam-biu fascicular, tesut meristematic situat tn partea liberianS §i lemnoasS din tulpinS [fascicular cambium; Faszikularkambium; cambium fasci-culaire; nyalabkambium; пучковатый камбий] 44 FIBRAE RADICALES, fibre radi-cale; ramificatiile subtiri ale rSdScinii sau rSdScinile adventive de pe tulpinile subterane sau rizomi [root-fibres; Wurzelfasern; fibres radicales; gydkerfonalak; корневые волоски] 91 GEMMA FLO RIFE RA, mugure floral [flower-bud; Bliitenknospe; bouton, bourgeon S fleur; virSgriigy; цветочная почка] 94 GEMMA FLORI PARA - gemma florifera 96 FLOS DISCALIS, floare discalS si-tuatS pe discul receptacular (Com- GEMMA FOLIIFERA positae) [disc-floret; Scheibenbliite; fleuron discal, fleur en tube; k6gvir4g; цветок диска] FLOS EPIGYNUS*, floare epigini, cu unele part florale aparent Buperioare ovarului scufundat in receptacul [epi-gynous flower; iiberstanaige Blute; fleur supfcre, fleur apigyne; maghaz feletti vir4g; эпигиничный цветок] FLOS FEMINE US, floare femeia, unisexuata, purtind numai pistil §i lipsind staminele [pistillate flower; Stempelbliite, weibliche Blute; fleur femelle, fleur pistill£e; n6virig, termos vir£g; женский цветок, пестичный цветок] FLOS HERMAPHRODITUS, floare hermafroditS, bisexuata, purtind atit stamine, cit §i pistil [hermaphrodite flower, bisexual flower; Zwitterblute, zweigeschlechtige Blute; fleur hermaphrodite, fleur bisexu£e; himnds virag, k6tivarii virig; обоеполый цветок, гермафродитный цветок] FLOS* HYPOGYNUS, floare hipoginS, la care pa^ile florale sint a§ezate sub ovarul situat la virful receptaculului [hypogynous flower; hypogyne Bliite, unterstkndige Bliite; fleur hypogyne, fleur inffere; hipogin virag, maghaz alatti vir4g; подпестичныи цветок] FLOS LIGULATUS, floare ligulata, cu tubul corolei unilateral prelungit intr-o lamina lunga, dispus pe marginea discului receptacular (Compositae) ; floare marginals sau radiarS [ligulate flower, ray flower, marginal flower; Zungenblute, Randblute Strahl-bliite; fleur ligul6e, fleur marginale; nyelves vir4g, sz61so virag, sugdr-virag; язычковый цветок, краевой цветок, радиальный цветок] FLOS MARGINALIS — flos ligulatus FLOS MASCULUS, floare masculi (birbiteasci), unisexuata, purtind numai stamine §i lipsind pistilul [male flower, staminate flower; mannliche Bliite, Staubbliite; fleur staminde, fleur mile; himvirig, porz6s vir4g; мужкой цветок, тычиночный цветок] FLOS* PERIGYNUS, floare perigina, la care partie florale sint a?ezate in jurul ovarului aflat in concavitatea din centrul receptaculului disciform, neconcrescute insa cu acesta [perigy-nous flower; perigyne Bliite, mit-telstandige Bliite; fleur pdrigyne; perigin virag, magh4zk5ruli virag; околопестичный цветок] FLOS RADI ALIS —*• flos ligulatus 110 GEMMA FOLIIFERA, mugure foliar [leaf-bud; Blattknospe, Trieb- ♦rectius: petula et stamina epigina, hy-pogyna vel perigyna floris 678 knospe; bourgeon foliaire, bourgeon a feuilles; lev61rugy; листовая почка] GEMMA FOLIIPARA - gemma fo-liifera 125 FORMA NOVA (t'nj, forma поий, descrisi ?i valabil publicata pentru prima data, constituind un taxon nou [new form; neue Form; forme nouvelle; lij forma; новая форма] 166 GEMMA FRUGIFERA, mugure fructifer [fruit-bud; Fruchtknospe, Tragknospe; bourgeon a fruits, 1am-bourde; term6riigy; плодоносная почка] -> gemma florifera О 85 GENE RATIO ASEXUALIS, gene- rate asexuata (diploida, sporofitica), faza de dezvoltare a organismului in care in urma reducerii cromatice se produc celule germinative asexuate (spori) cu nuclei diploizi (2n cromozomi) (Cormophytae) [asexual generation; ungeschlechtliche Generation; gyration asexude; ivartalan nemze-d6k ; бесполовое поколение] GENE RATIO DIPLOIDEA -> gene-ratio asexualis GENE RATIO FILIALIS -+ h, U-gene ratio GENERATIO GAMETOPHYTICA —*■ generatio sexualis GENERATIO HAP WIDE A — generatio sexualis GENERATIO SEXUALIS, generate sexuata (haploida, gametofitica), faza de dezvoltare a organismului in care se produc garnet haploizi (cu n cromozomi) (Cormophytae) [sexual generation; geschlechtliche Generation; g6n6ration sexu6e; ivaros nem-zed6k; половое поколение] GENERATIO SPOROPHYTICA -* generatio asexualis 130 GEOTROPISMUS POSITIVUS, geo-tropism pozitiv, geotropismul propriu zis, cu tropism in directa centrului pamintului (radacini, radicele) [positive geotropismus; positiver Geotro-pismus; g6otropisme positif; pozitiv geotropizmus; положительный геотропизм] GEOTROPISMUS NEGATIVUS, geotropism negativ, cu tropism in sus, opus directei actunii die gravitate (majoritatea tulpinilor) [negative 979 geotropismus; negativer Geotropismus; gSotropisme negatif; negativ geotropiz-mus; отрицательный геотропизм] GEOTROPISMUS LATERALIS, geotropism lateral, cu tropism in directe orizontalS (tulpini tiritoare) (Macdougal) [lateral geotropism; la-teraler Geotropismus; g6otropisme la-tSral; oldalirSnyii geotropizmus; боковой геотропизм] 161 GLANS DIGESTIV A, glands diges-tivS (la plantele carnivore) [digestive gland; Digestionsdriise, Verdauungs-driise; glande digestive; em6szt6mi-rfgy; пищеварительная железа] 169 PILUS GLOCHID1ATUS, pSr glo-chidiat (Picris hieracioid.es) [glochi-diate hair; widerhakiges Haar, Klet-terhaar, Klimmhaar; poil glochidi£; szigonyos szor; крючоватый волосок] 181 GLUMA EXTERNA —* gluma inferior, coetonium GLUMA INFERIOR, gluma inferioarS, externS, abaxialS, de la baza spi-culetului (Cynodon) [external glume; aussere Hullspelze; glume extSrieure; kiilsd medddpelyva; наружная колосковая чешуя] —* gluma externa GLUMA INTERNA-*gluma superior GLUMA SUPERIOR, gluma superioarS, interns, adaxialS, de la baza spiculetului (Cynodon) [internal glume; innere Hullspelze; glume intSrieure; belso (felsd) medddpelyva; внутренняя колосковая чешуя] —*• gluma interior H 18 PILUS HAM AT US, pSr indrligat (pe fructul de Galium aparine) [hooked hair; hakiges Haar; poil hamegonnS; horgasszdr, kampdsszdr; крючковатый волосок] 431 HOROLOGIUM FLORAE, orologiu floral, gruparea plantelor dupS ora de deschidere a florilor din strat [floral-clock; Blutenuhr, Blumenuhr; horloge de flore; viragdra; цветочные часы] 438 HORTORUM (HORT.), al grSdinilor, crescut sau produs in grSdini (indicate folositS dupS epitetul unui cultivar) [of gardens; der Garten, in Garten geziichtet; des jardins, cultiv6e dans les jardins; kertekS, kertekben kite- PRAEFLORATIO IMBRICATA nySsztett; садов, формирующий в садах] HORTUS BOTANICUS, grSdinS botanies [botanic-garden; botanischer Garten; jardin botanique; botanikus-kert; ботанический сад] HORTUS FLORALIS, grSdinS de flori [flower-garden; Blumengarten; jardin S fleurs; virSgoskert; цветник] HORTUS OLE RUM, grSdinS de legume [kitchen-garden; Gemusegarten; jardin potager; vetemSnyeskert; огород] HORTUS OLITOR1US -* hortus o-lerum HORTUS POMARIUS, pomet, grSdinS cu pomi fructiferi [orchard; Obstgarten; verger, jardin fruitier; gyiimolcskert, gyumolcsos; фруктовый сад] —*• pomarium HORTUS VIVUS hortus botanicus 456 HYBRIDATIO SEXUALIS, hibri-dare sexuatS, rezultatS din fecundarea incruci§atS, cu polenul unei alte va-rietSt, specii sau gen [sexual hybridization ; geschlechtliche Bastardierung; croisement sexuS; ivaros keresztez6d6s; половая гибридизация] HY В RID ATIO VEGETATIVA, hi-bridare vegetativS, rezultatS pe cale asexuatS (altoire) [vegetative hybridization ; vegetative Hybridisation; croisement asexuS; vegetativ keresz-tez6d6s; неполовая гибридизация] 458 SPECIES HYBRIDA, specie hibridS [species-hybrid; Artbastard; espfece hybridique; hibridfaj, keverSkfaj; межвидовой гибрид] I 42 NOMEN ILLEGITIMUM, nume ne- legitim, contrar cu dispoztyiile Codu-lui de nomenclaturS [illegitimate name; ungtiltiger Name; nom illSgitime; szabSlyellenes nSv; незаконное название] 49 PRAEFLORATIO IMBRICATA, preflorate imbricatS, ctnd frunzele din mugure se acoperS imbricat (Prunus, Syringa) [imbricate pre-floration; dachziegelige Knospendeck-ung; prSfloraison imbriquSe; fede-16kes virSgborulSs; черепитчатое почкосложение] GEMMA IMMERSA 52 GEMMA IMMERSA, mugure ascuns, mugure acoperit (Platanus, Robinia) [hidden-bud; versteckte Knospe; bourgeon cachd; fedett riigy, rejtett riigy; скрытная почка] 108 COTYLEDONES INCUMBENTES, cotiledoane incumbente, cu radicula culcata pe una din laturile acestora (Brassica) [incumbent cotyledons; aufliegende Samenlappen; cotyledons incombantes; rdslmuld szfklevelek; налегающие котиледоны] 114 FRUCTUS IN DEHISCENS, fruct indehiscent [indehiscent fruit; Schliefl-frucht, geschlossene Frucht; fruit in-ddhiscent; zarttermds, fel nem nyilo termds; нерастрескивающийся плод] 161 CELLULAE INI TI ALES, celule ini- tiate, generatoare ale primelor tesu-turi [initial-cells; Initialzellen, Scheitel-zellen; cellules initiales; kezddsejtek; инициальные клетки] 180 PLANTAE INSECTIVORAE, plante insectivore, plante carnivore (Drose-ra, Utricularia) [insectivorous plants, carnivorous plants; insektenfressende Pflanzen, fleischfressende Pflanzen, Insektivoren; plantes insectivores, lantes carnivores; rovarevo novdnyek, usevo novdnyek; насекомоядные растения, плотоядные растения] —*■ carni-vorophyta 204 INTEGUMENTUM BULBI, inte-gumentul bulbului (Allium) [envelope of an bulb ; Zwiebelschale; enve-loppe du bulbe; hagymahdj, hagyma-boruldk; луковицный покров] INTEGUMENTUM FLORALE, in-veli§ul floral (caliciul §i corola) care protejeazS staminele §i pistilul [floral envelope; Bliitendecke, Bliitenhiille; enveloppe florale; virdgtakard; цветочный покров] —>• perianthium INTEGUMENTUM OVULI, Inve-li§ul ovulului [ovular envelope; Eihidle, Samenknopfchendecke, Samen-knospendecke; tdgument ovulaire; magriigyburok, magkezdemdnyburok; семяпочный покров] INTEGUMENTUM SEMINIS, in-veli§ul semintei [seed-coat; Samen-hiille, Samenhaut, Samemchale; tegument seminal; maghej, magburok, magtakard; покров семени] —► epispermium, perisperrhium 210 DUCTUS INTERCELLULARES, canale intercelulare [intercellular passages ; Interzellulargange, Zwischen-zellraume; canaux intercellulaires; sejtkdzdtti j drat ok; меяослетникй] 680 213 CAMBIUM INTERFASCICULA-RE, cambiu interfascicular [interfascicular cambium; interfaszikulares Kambium; cambium interfasciculaire; nyaldbkdzti kambium; межпучковый камбий] 260 HERB AINUTILIS, buruiani [weed; Unkraut; mauvaise herbe; gyom; бурьян, сорняк] L 6 LABIUM SUPERIUS, labiu supe- rior, partea superioar& a corolei labiate, adesea convexa sau in forma de casca [upper-lip; Oberlippe; ldvre supdrieure j i'elsd ajak; верхняя губа] 14 LACINIAE CALYCIS (CALYCINA- LES), laciniile caliciului [calycine laciniae; Kelchzipfeln; laciniures ca-licinales; csdszecimp&k, kehelysallan-gok; лацинии чашечки] LACINIAE COROLLAE, laciniile corolei [corolline laciniae; Kronzipfeln; lacinures corollaires; p&rtacimpak; лациний венчика] LACINIAE PERIGONII (PERIGO-NIALES), lacinii perigoniale [perigo-nial laciniae; Perigonzipfeln; laciniures pdrigoniales; lepelcimp&k; лациний околоцветника] 47 PILUS LANUGINOSUS, par lanu-ginos, par pufos (Ranunculus lanuginosus Xwoolly-hair, cottony-hair ;Woll-haar, Wollflaumhaar; poil lanugineux-gyapjas sz6r; шерстистый волосок] 52 LAPSUS CALAMI, gre?eaia de scris [slip of the pen; Schreibfehler; faute d’dcriture; irashiba, tollhiba; описка] 58 GEMMAE LATE N TES -*• gemmae adventitiae STATUS LATENS, stare de via^a latenta, de repaus biologic (spori, semin^e) [resting stage; Ruhestand, Ruheperiode, latenter Zustand; vie ralentie; nyugvd dllapot; стадия покоя] 64 DUCTUS LATICIFER (bACTI- FER), canal laticifer [la ticiferous duct; Milchrohre, Milchsaftr6hre; canal lati-cifdre; tejjdrat, tejcs6; молочный проток] 82 NOMEN LEGITIMUM, nume le- gitim, care este conform cu dispoztyiile codului de nomenclatura botanica [legitimate name; legitimer Name; Ml nom legitime; legitim n6v; законное название] POLLINATIO LEGITIM A, polenizare legitims, cu polenul unei flori дев cu staminele scurte ajuns pe stigma-tul scurt al unei alte flori, In cazul plantelor dimorfe sau trimorfe (Darwin) [legitimate pollination; legitime Bestaubung; pollinisation legitime; legitim megporz&s; легитимное опы-ление] 473 COROLLA LIGULATA, corolS ligu-latS, tubuloasS la baza §i cu limbul dilatat (Liguliflorae) ligulate[ corolla; 132 geschweifte Blumenkrone; corolle li-gulSe; nyelves pdrta, f61szeres pSrta; язычковый венчик] 178 LIMBUS COROLLAE, limbul corolei, partea superioarS dilatata a corolei gamopetale [limb of a corolla; Blumenkronensaum, Perigonsaum; limbe de la corolle; partaperem, par-takarima; пластинка венчика] LIMBUS FOLIARJS, limb foliar, lamina frunzei [leaf-blade; Blattflache, Blattscheibe; limbe foliaire; levSllemez; пластинка листа] 187 PLANTAE LIMOSAE, plante de locuri namoloase [pond-plants; Schlammpflanzen; plantes limeuses, plantes bourbeuses; iszapn6vSnyek; илистные растения] 243 DEHISCE N TIA LOCULICIDA, dehiscent loculicidS, deschiderea cap-sulelor avind loc de-a lungul nervurii mediane a carpelelor (Iris germanica, Tulipa gesnenana) [loculicidal dehiscence; fachteiliges Aufspringen; dShi-scence loculicide; rekeszes kovadas; растрескивание no створкам] 244 LOCULI ANTHERARUM, lojile anterelor, lobii anterelor [anther-lobes; Antherenfacher; lobes de l’anthSre; portokrekeszek; гнезды пыльников] LOCULUS OVARII, loculul ovarului, cavitate formats prin concre§terea unei sau a mai multor carpele, con[i-nlnd ovulele [chamber of ovary; Fruchtknotenfach; loge ovarienne; magh&ziireg; гнездо завязи] 246 LOCUS CLASSICUS, locul clasic, statiunea de unde a fost colectatS pentru prima datS planta descrisS [type-locality; Originalfundort; lieu classique, endroit classique; klasszikus leldhely, eredeti lel6hely; классическое местонахождение] MEMBRANA CELLULARIS M MARGO FOLII, marginea frunzei, marginea laminei [leaf-edge, leaf-margin; Blattrand; bord foliaire; le-vSllemez szSle, lev611emez ё1е; край листа] MASSA CERACEA, masS ceroasS, acoperind unele organe (frunze, fructe) [vax-mass; Wachsmasse; masse cireu-se, masse сёгасёе; viasztdmeg, viasz-r6teg; воская масса] MEATUS INTERCELLULARIS, meat intercelular, mici spa^ii dintre celule [intercellular space; Interzel-lularraum; mSat intercellulaire; sejt-kdzdtti iireg, sejtkoz; межклетник, межклеточный ход] 136 NER V US MEDIAN US, nervura medians, care imparte frunza in douS jumSt&ti egale [midrib; Mittelnerv, Mediannerv, Hauptnerv; nervure тё-diane; кбгёрёг; срединная жилка, главная жилка] PLANUM MEDIAN UM, plan median [median plane; Medianebene; plan n^dian; mediSnsik, кбгёрз1к, felezd sik; срединная плоскость] 138 PLANTAE MEDICIN ALES, plante medicinale [medicinal plants; Heil-pflanzen; plantes mёdicinales; gyogy-nбvёnyek; лекарственные растения] 143 CAN ALLIS MED ULLA RIS, canal medular [medullary channel; Mark-rohre ; canal m6dullaire; b61csatorna; сердцевинный канал] —► tubus medul-laris DIAPHRAGMA MEDULLARE, dia-fragmS medularS [medullary diaphrag-ma; Markquerhaut; diaphragme тё-dullaire; b61szoveti diafragma; медул-ляная диафрагма] RADII MEDULLARES, radii me-dulare, raze medulare [medullary rays; Markstrahlen; rayons mёdullaires; Ьё1-sugarak; сердцевинные лучи] 177 PLANTAE MELLIFERAE, plante melifere [honey-plants; Bienenfutter-pflanzen; plantes mellifSres; тёге1о пбУёпуек; медоносные растения] 181 MEMBRANA CELLU LARIS, mem- branS celularS [cell-membrane; Zell-haut, Zellmembran, Zellwand; membrane cellulaire; sejtfal; клеточная оболочка] MEMBRANA NUCLEARIS, membranS nuclearS [nuclear-membrane; Zellkernmembran; membrane nuclS- MERISTEMA PRIMARIUM aire; sejtmagfal, sejtmaghdrtya; ядерная оболочка] MEMBRANA PROTOPLASMA TI-CA, membrand protoplasmaticd [protoplasmic membrane; auOere Plasma-haut; membrane protoplasmique; pro-toplazma-hdrtya; протоплазматичес-кая оболочка] 199 MERISTEMA PRIMARIUM meristem; primar [primary meristem; primare Meristem; mdristdme primaire; els6dleges osztdddszdvet; главная меристема] MERISTEMA SECUNDARIUM, meristem secundar [secondary meristem ; sekundare Meristem, Folge-meristem ; mdristdme secondaire; md-sodlagos osztdddszovet; вторичная меристема] 385 GEMMAE MIXTAE, muguri ames-tecaji (foliari §i florali) [mixed buds; gemischte Knospen; bourgeons mixtes; vegyes riigyek; смешанные почки] SILVAE MIXTAE, pdduri mixte (de amestec) [mixed forests; Misch-walder; forets mixtes; vegyes erd6k; смешанный лес] 386 PLANTAE ARENAE MOBILIS, plante de nisipuri zburdtoare [moving sandplants; Flugsandpflanzen; plantes de sable mouvant; mozgdhomoki novdnyek; растения подвижных песках] 468 PLANTAE MONTANAE, plante de munte [mountain plants; Gebiergs-pflanzen; plantes montagnardes; hegyi novdnyek; горная растения] 612 MYCORRHIZA ECTOTROPHICA, micoriza ectotrofd sau externa, cind miceliile acoperd numai partea externa a rddacinii §i nu pdtrund intre celulele acesteia [ectotrophic mycor-rhiza; ektotrophe Mykorrhize; mycor-rhize ectotrophe; ektotrdf mikorrhiza; эктотрофная микориза] MYCORRHIZA ENDOTROPHICA, micoriza endotrofd sau interna, cind miceliile pdtrund in interiorul celulelor rddacinii [endotrophic mycorrhiza; endotrophe Mykorrhize; mycorrhize endotrophe; endotrdf mikorrhiza; эндотрофная микориза] N 5 FORMA NANA, forma pitied [dwarf form; Zwergform; forme naine; tdrpe alak; карликовая форма] 682 12 RADIX NAPIFORMIS, rdddcind napiformd (Brassica napus) [turnip-root; Rtibenwurzel, kegelige Wurzel; racine napiforme; rdpa alakd gydkdr, kdp alakii gydkdr; корень реповвд-ный] 21 LOCUS NATALIS, loc natal, locul natural de cre§tere a plantei [native country; Geburtsort, Wohnort, Stand-ort; lieu natal; eldfordul&si hely, leldhely; родной край] 22 PLANTAE NAT AN TES, plante ino-tdtoare [swimming plants; Schwimm-pflanzen; plantes natantes; uszd ndvdnyek; плавающие растения] 25 NATURAE PROTECTIO, protec^ia naturii [nature preservation, protection of the nature; Naturschutz; protdction de la nature; termdszetvd-delem; охрана природы] 26 DISTRIBUTIO NATURALIS, distribute naturald [natural distribution; natiirliche Verteilung; distribution naturelle; termdszetes eloszlas; натуральное распространение] HYBRID.ATIO NATURALIS, hi-bridare naturald [natural hybridization; natiirliche Bastardierung, natiirliche Kreuzung; hybridation naturelle; termdszetes keresztezodds; натуральная гибридизация] SELECTIO NATURALIS, selecjie naturald [natural selection; natiirliche Auslese, natiirliche Zuchtwahl; sdlection naturelle; termdszetes kivi-logatddds ; естественная селекция] SYSTEM A N AT U RALE, sistem natural (de clasificare a plantelor) [natural system; natiirliches System; systdme naturel; termdszetes rend-szer; естественная система] 54 CALCAR NECTARIFERUM, pinten nectarifer (Aconitum, Tropaeolum) [nectariferous spur; Nektarsporn; dpe-ron nectarifdre; sarkantyds mdzeddny, sarkantyds nektareddny; нектароносный шпорец] FOVEA (FOVEOLA) NECTARI-FERA, fovee (foveold, alveold) nec-tariferd (Allium, Ranunculus) [nectariferous fovea; Nektargrube, Honig-grube; alvdole nectarifdre; nektdr-gddorke, mdzgodorke; медовая ямка] SQUAMA NECTARIFERA, scvamd nectariferd [nectariferous scale; Nek-tarschuppe, Honigschuppe; dcaille nectarifdre ; nekt&rkivdlasztd pikkely, mdzpikkely; нектароносная чешуя, медоносная чешуя] 110 FLORES NEUTRI, flori neutre, cu organele de reproducere avortate [neu- 688 111 123 133 142 144 150 161 169 ter flowers; geschlechtlose Bluten; fleurs neutres; ivartalan vir&gok; бесполые цветка] PLANTAE NEUTRALES, plante indiferente, Inflorirea lor nefiind con-dtyionata de schimbarea luminozitatii zilelor [day-neutral plants; Neutral-tagpflanzen; plantes indiff6rentes; fanyindifferens nov6nyek; нейтральные растения] BACTERIA NITRIFICANTIA, bacterii nitrificante [nitrifying bacteria; nitrifizierende Bakterien; bact6-ries nitrifiantes; nitrifik416 bakt6ri-umok; нитрифицирующие бактерий] PLANTAE NOCTURNAE, plante nocturne, care se deschid §i infloresc seara, respectiv noaptea, ziua rfimi-nind inchise (Mirabilis, Nicotiana) [nocturnal plants; Nachtbliiher, Nacht-falterbluten; plantes nocturnes; 6jszaka nyflo nov6nyek; ночные растения] NOMEN DUBIUM, nume dubios’ echivoc, deci nevalabil, mai adesea din cauza diagnozei incomplete a taxonului [dubious name; zweifel-hafter Name; nom douteux; k6tes n6v; сомнительное название] NOMENCLATURA BIN A RIS (BI-NOMINALIS), nomenclatura binara a speciilor, constind dintr-un nume generic §i un epitet specific [binary nomenclature; binare Artnomenkla-tur; nomenclature binaire; katneves elnevezgs; бинарная номенклатура] NON NOVI, n-am cunoscut-o; n-am 73 examinat-o; men^iunea facuta intr-o descriere, autorul semnalind prin acea-sta ей el nu cunoa§te planta sau vreun organ (fructul) al acesteia [unknown to me; mir unbekannt; inconnu pour moi; nekem ismeretlen; не известна] NON VIDI, n-am vSzut-о; men^iune intilnita In descrieri, autorul semna-lind ей el n-a vfizut planta sau vreun organ al acesteia [not seen by me; ich habe sie nicht gesehen; non vu par moi; nem l&ttam; не увидела] HYBRIDA NOTHOXENA, hibrid adventiv, imigrat ca hibrid [nothoxe-nous hybrid; Adventivbastard; hybride nothoxane; jovev6ny-hibrid; адвентивный гибрид] NOMEN NOVUM, nume nou, care lnlocuie§te un nume vechi §i nevalabil al taxonului [new name; neuer Name; nom nouveau; d j n6v; новое название] GENUS NOVUM, gen nou, descris §i publicat pentru prima data In lucra- ORGANA FR UCTIFICA TION IS rea respectiva [new genus; neue Gat-tung; genre nouvel; dj g6nusz, dj nemzets6g; новый род] SPECIES NOVA (sp. n.), specie поий, descried §i publicatd pentru prima date in lucrarea respectiva [new species; neue Art; еврёсе nouvelle; dj faj; новый вид] 198 FLOS NUDUS, floare nudd, lipsitd de inveli§ floral [naked flower; nackte Blute; fleur nue; csupasz vir4g; голый цветок] GEMMA NUDA, mugure nud, ne-acoperit de scvame solzoase [naked bud; nackte Knospe; bourgeon nu; csupasz rtigy; гельная почка] 208 PLANTA NUTRIENS, planta gaz-da, furnizind nutritie parazitului [nutrient plant; Nahrpflanze; plante nourissante; tdpldld nov6ny, gazda-n6v4ny; питающее растение] О 38 PRAEFOLIATIO OBVOLUTIVA, prefolia^ie obvolutivS, cind acoperi-rea frunzelor este semiechitantd, mar-ginile frunzelor opuse fiind acoperite alternativ (Salvia officinalis) [obvo-lute prefoliation; halbreitende Knos-pendeckung; pr6foliation obvolutae; faiigovezo borulas; окутанное почкосложение] OPTIMUM OECOLOGICUM, optim ecologic, totalitatea condtyiilor optime din mediul de via^d [ecological optimum; okologisches Optimum; optimum dcologique; okologiai optimum; экологический оптимум] 75 BOTANICA OECONOMICA, botanica economica [economical botany; okonomische Botanik; botanique dco-nomique; gazdasdgi novdnytan; экономическая ботаника] 191 POR US OPISTHIALIS, por opistial, deschizatura camerei substomatice [opisthial pore; Opisthial6ffnung, Hin-terhofsdffnung; pore opisthiale; opisz-tidlis pdrus, utdpitvari gdzcserenyilds; опистиальная пора] 232 ORGANA FRUCTIFICATIONIS, organe de fructifica^ie, corpuri de fructifica^ie (sporangi) [organs of fruc- • tification; Befruchtungsorgane, Be- fruchtungsk6rper; organes de fructification; term6testek; органы оплодотворения] PLANTES ORNAMENTALES ORGANA GENERATIONS, organe generative (stamine, pistil) [generative organs; Geschlechtsorgane; orga-nes gdndratives; generdtiv szervek; органы размножения] ORGANA REPRODUCTION IS, organe de reproducere (archegoane, anteridii, flori) [organs of reproduction; V ermehrungsorgane, For tpf lanzungs-organe; organes rdproducteurs; szapo* ritdszervek; репродуктивные органы] ORGANA VEGETATIV A, organe vegetative, cu rol de cre§tere §i de sustinere a plantei (radScina, tulpinS, frunze), uneori §i de propagare (sto-loni) [organs of vegetation; Vegetati-onsorgane, Wachstumsorgane; organes v6g6tatifs; vegetativ szervek, teny6sz6 szervek; вегетативные органы] 241 PLANTES ORNAMENTALES, plante ornamentale [decorative plants; Zierpflanzen; plantes ornementales; dlszn6v6nyek; декоративная растения] 280 PRESSIO OSMOTICA, presiune os-moticS [osmotic pressure; osmotischer Druck; pression osmotique; oszmd-tikus nyomds; осмотическое давление] 292 OVARIUM INFERUM, ovar inferior, scufundattn receptacul, celelalte pSr(i florale fiind aparent superioare (Compositae) [inferior ovary; unter-standiger Fruchtknoten; ovaire in-Гёге; alsddlldsu maghdz; завязь нижняя] OVARIUM SUPERUM, ovar superior, situat la vlrful receptaculului §i concrescut cu acesta, celelalte pSr|i 130 florale fiind a§ezate sub ovar (Cru-ciferae) [superior ovary; oberstandi-ger Fruchtknoten; ovaire supfere; fels6dlldsd maghdz; завязь верхняя] OVARIUM SEMIINFERUM, ovar semiinferior, pe jumatate scufundat In receptacul la Inceputul antezei, apoi concrescut cu acesta (Sambucus) [semiinferior ovary; halbunterstandiger Fruchtknoten; ovaire semiinffere; f61ig alsddlldsd maghdz; завязь полунижняя] P 28 RADIX PALA RIS, r&dScinS pivo-tantd (Daucus) [tap-root, palar-root; Pfahlwurzel; racine pivotante; kard-gydkdr; корень стержневой] —» radix dauciformis 30 PALEA INFERIOR (EXTERIOR), paleea inferioara, paleea externa; hip- 684 sofiia ее асорегй partea inferioara (externa) a florilor de Gramineae, adesea aristata [exterior pale; auBere Deckspelze; pailette externe; kiilsd tokldsz, alsd tokldsz; наружная цветковая чешуя] PALEA SUPERIOR (INTERIOR), paleea superioara, paleea interna; hipsofiia ce acoperS partea interna (superioara) a florilor de Gramineae [interior pale; Vorspelze, innere (obere) Deckspelze; pailette interne; belsd tokiasz, felso tokldsz; внутренняя цветковая чешуя] 59 PLANTAE PALUSTRES, plante de mla§tini [marsh-plants; Sumpf-pflanzen; plantes mar6cageuses; mo-csdri ndv6nyek; болотные растения] 79 COROLLA PAPILIONACEA, corolS papilionacee, zigomorfS, formats din 5 petale libere: una superioara mai mare (vexil, drapel), aouS laterale (aripi) §i douS mijlocii, concrescute In formS de luntritS (carene) (Papi-lionaceae) [butterfly-shaped corolla; schmetterlingsartige Krone; corolle рарШопасёе; pillangds pdrta; мотыльковый венчик] 126 CASTRATIO PA RASI ТА RIS, cas- trate parazitarS, sterilitate ca urmare a vatamSrilor cauzate de parazi(i [parasitic castration; parasitare Kas-tration; castration parasitaire; dlds-kdddi ivartalan it as; паразитарная кастрация] PARASITUS FACULTATIVUS, parazit facultativ, care tn mod obi§nu-lt se nutre?te saprofitic, dar poate duce §i via^S parazitarS (Penicillium, Mu-cor) [facultative parasite, potential parasite; fakultativer Schmarotzer; parasite facultatif; fakultativ para-zita, alkalmi dldskodd; факультативный паразит] PARASITUS OBLIGATUS, parazit obligat, cu via(,a exclusiv parazi-tarS (Peronosporaceae) [obligate parasite ; Ganzschmarotzer; holopara-site; obligdt parazita, kizdrdlagos pa-razita; облигатный паразит] —*• no-loparasitus PARASITUS MONOPHAGUS, parazit monofag, parazittnd о singura specie gazdS (Puccinia tritici) [mo-nophagous parasite; wirtsbestdndiger Schmarotzer; parasite monophage; monofdg parzita; одноядный паразит] PARASITUS POLYPHAGUS, parazit polifag, parazittnd mai multe specii din genuri sau chiar din familii diferite (Sclerotinia libertiana) [poly- 686 phagous parasite; wirtsvage Schma-rotzer; parasite polyphage; polifSg 416skdd6; многоядны ft паразит] 151 PLANTA PARENS, planta maml [mother plant; Mutterpflanze; plante mSre; anyanSvSny; материнское растение] 158 PRO PARTE (p.p.), numai in parte (corespunde con^inutul unui taxon nou cu caracterele diagnostice ale unei alte plante, in nomenclature) [partially; zum Teil; partiellement; csak rSszben; частично] 176 ADAPTATIO PASSIVA, adaptare pasivS, prin degenerarea unui organ datoritS nefolosirii sale [passive adaptation; passive Anpassung; adaptation passive; passziv alkalmazkodSs; пассивное приспособление] 261 PLANTA PERENNIS, plants pe-renS, cu durata. de via^S de mai mul^i ani [perennial plant; Staude, ausdau-ernde Pflanze, mehrjahrige Pflanze, Dauerpflanze; plante vivace, plante perenne; Svel6 novSny; многолетнее растение] 349 COROLLA PERSON AT A, corolS per- sonate, coroia gamopetaie cu baza superioarS bifidatS, cea inferioarS de obicei trilobate, cu о umflSturS proemi-nentS (palat) ce inchide intrarea gitu-lui corolei (Antirrhinum, Linaria, Scrophularia) [personate corolla; mas-kierte Krone; corolle personnSe; Slar-cos pSrta; масковидный венчик] 377 PETIOLUS ALATUS, pe^iol aripat* avind lateral in lungul sSu cite о aripioarS decurentS (Citrus aurantium) [winged petiole; gefliigelter Blattstiel; {)6tiole ail6; szSrnyalt levSlnySl, gatySs evSlnySl; крылатый черешок] PETIOLUS INFLATUS, petfol umflat, cu ],esut aerifer, intilnit la plantele acvatice (Eichhornia crassipes) [inflated petiole; aufgeblasener Blattstiel; p6tiole renflS; felfiijt levSlnySl, duzzadt levSlnySl; вздутый черешок] 694 PILI FASCICULATI, peri fascicu-laji, reuntyi in mSnunchiuri (Helian-themum rupifragum) [fasciculate hairs; Buschelhaare; poils fasciculSs; nyalS-bos szdrdk; пучковатые волоски] PILI FURCATI, peri ramificati (bi-furcati: Comusmas, trifurca|i: Erysimum diffusum, apicifurcati*. Leontodon hispidus) [furcate hairs; Gabelhaare, verzweigte Haare; poils forchus; vil-lSs sz6r6k, Sgas вгбгбк; вильчатые волоски, ветвистые волоски] POLLINATIO ARTIFICIALS PILI VERTICILLATI, peri verti-cilati, etajaji §i ramificati (Melam-pyrum saxosum, Verbascum phlomoi-des) [whorled hairs; Quirlhaare; poils verticill6s; orvos sz5rok; мутовчатые волоски] 749 PLANTAE EXOTICAE, plante exo-tice [exotic plants; exotische Pflanzen; plantes exotiques; exdtikus n6v6nyek; экзотические растения] PLANTAE HORTENSES, plante de grSdinS [garden-plants; Gartenpflan-zen; plantes de jardin; kerti novSnyek; садовые растения] 754 PLANUM COMMISSURALE, plan comisural la mericarpii [commissural plane; Beriihrungsflache; plan com-missurel; varrati sik; коммиссуралная плоскость] 815 FLOS PLEN US, floare plinS, floare involtS, ale cSrei stamine §i pistiluri sint transformate in petale (Rosa) [double flower; gefiillte Bltite; fleur pleine; teltvirag; махровый цветок] 849 PRAEFLORATIO, P LI С ATI VA, prefloratie plicativS, cind frunzele din mugurele floral sint longitudinal pliate in felul unui evantai inchis (Fagus, Vitis) [plicate prefloration; gefaltete Blvitenknospenlage; pr6floraison plis-sSe; osszehajtogatott virSgborulas; складчатое почкосложение] 918 GRAN UM POLLINIS, grSuncior de polen, microsporul spermatofitelor[pol-len-grain; Pollenkorn; grain de pollen ; viragporszemcse, pollenszemcse; пыдьцевое зерно, пыльцевое зернышко] 923 POLLINATIO ARTIFICIALIS, polenizare artificials, care are loc prin mijlocirea omului [artificial pollination ; kunstliche Bestaubung; pollini-sation artificielle; mesters6ges bepor-zSs; искусственное опыление] POLLINATIO DECUSSATA, polenizare incruci§at5, cind polenul este transportat din antera unei flori pe stigmatul unei alte flori [cross-pollination ; Kreuzbestaubung, Fremdbes-taubung; pollinisation croissSe; keresz-tezett beporzSs, idegen megporzSs; перекрёстное опыление] POLLINATIO ILLEGITIMA, polenizare ilegitimS, in cazul heterostiliei, cind anterele sint mai lungi sau mai scurte decit stigmatul polenizat [illegitimate pollination; illegitime Bestaubung; pollinisation ill6gitime; ille-gitim megporzSs; иллегитимное опыление] POLLINATIO NATURALIS, polenizare naturals, care are loc prin ANALYSIS POLLINICA mijloace naturale (apfl, vint, insecte) [natural pollination; natiirliche Bes-tSubung; pollinisation naturelle; termdszetes megporzds; естественное опыление] 925 ANALYSIS POLLINICA, analizd polinicd, cercetarea microscopies a polenului [pollen analysis; Pollenana-lyse; analyse pollinique; polldnana-lizis, virdgpor-elemzds; пыльцевой ™UBUS POLLINICUS, tub polinie, rezultat in urma germindrii grSunciorului de polen [pollen tube; Pol-lenschlauch; tube pollinique; pollen-tdmld; пыльцевая трубочка] 1191 NOMEN PRAEOCCUPATUM, nume preocupat, publicat valabil mai devreme pentru un alt taxon (In no-menclaturS) [preoccupated name; be-setzter Name; nom prdoccupd; lefog-lalt ndv; ранее использованное название] 1204 PLANTAE PRATENSES, plante de paji?ti [meadow-plants; Wiesen-pflanzen; plantes de prairie; rdti пбуёпуек ; луговые растения] 120Я AXIS PRIMARIUS, axa principals [primary axis; Hauptachse, Grund-achse; axe principal; f6tengely; главная ось, первичная ось] CAULIS PRIMARIUS, tulpina principals [primary stem; Hauptstengel; tige principale; f6szdr; главный сте бель, первичный стебель] CORTEX PRIMARIUS, scoarta pri-marS [primary cortex; primare Rinde; ёсогсе primaire; elsodleges kdreg; первичная кора] RADIX PRIMARIA, rSdScina principals [primary root; Hauptwurzel; racine principale; f6gyokdr; главный корень] TELA PRIM A RIA —► contextus pri-marius 1212 CELLULA PRI MO RDIALIS, celulS primordialS, cu protoplastul viu, ne-cuprins In membranS [primordial cell; Primordialzelle; cellule primordiale; primordidlis sejt; примордиальная клетка] CONTEXTUS PRI MO RDI ALIS -> contextus fundamentalis FOLIUM PRIMORDIALE, frunzS primordialS, aflatS in faza de trecere de la stadiul cotiledonar la cel al frunzei adulte, nedivizatS IncS In pSr^i [primordial leaf; Primordialblatt; feuille primordiale; primordidlis levdl; примордиальный лист] 686 1250 PROFUN DE-DENT ATUS, adlnc dintat (frunzele la Lactuca) [deeply-toothed ; tiefgezdhnt; profonddment dentd; mdlyen fogazott; глубокозубчатый] 1293 ORGANA PROPAGATION IS, organe de propagare (fructe, semin(e) [organs of propagation; Fortpflan-zungsorgane; organes de propagation; szaporitdszervek, elterjesztdei szervek; органы размножения] 1437 GEMMAE PRO VENTITIAE, muguri latenji, muguri de rezervd, muguri adormiti [resting buds, latent buds; Proventivknospen, schlafende Knospen, Ruheknospen; bourgeons proventifs, bourgeons dormants; al-vdriigyek, nyugvd riigyek; покоящиеся почкй, спящие почкй, запасные почкй] 1527 GYNOECEUM PSEUDOMONOME-RUM, gineceu pseudomonomer, aparent format dintr-o singurS carpels, cea de a doua rSmlnind nedezvoltatS [pseudomonomerous gynoeceum; pseu-aomonomeres Gyndzeum; gyndcde pseudomonomdre; dlegytagii term6tdj; псевдомономерный гинецей] R 4 INFLORESCENTIA RACEMOSA, inflorescentS racemoasS, avind axa principals mai dezvoltatS, cu cre?tere mdefinitS, iar florile se dezvoltS centripetal (capitul, corimb, racem, spic etc.) [racemose inflorescence; razemoser Blutenstand; inflorescence racdmeuse; ftirtos virdgzat; кистевидное соцветие] RAMIFICA TIO RACEMOSA, ramificatie racemoasS, monopodialS, cu axa principals mai dezvoltatS §i cu cre§tere indefinitS, iar cele laterale mai slab dezvoltate §i variat ramifi-cate (Anagallis, Capsella, Coniferae) [racemose branching; razemose Ver-zweigung; ramification racdmeuse; fiir-tos eldgazds; кистевидное ветвление] 7 RACEMUS COMPOSITUS, racem compus, ramificat (Vitis vinifera) [compound raceme; zusammengesetz-te Traube; grappe composde; 6sszetett furt; сложная кисть] RACEMUS SIMPLEX, racem simplu, neramificat (Ribes) [simple ra- 687 ceme; einfache Traube; grappe simple; egyszerii flirt; простая кисть] 16 FLORES RADI ALES, flori radiare, ligulate, dispuse marginal (Composi-sitae) [radial flowers; Strahlbluten, aktinomorphe Bliiten; fleurs radiaires; sug&rvir&gok; цветки луча] SYMMETRIA RADI ALIS, simetrie radiarS, care poate fi divizat! prin mai multe planuri de simetrie In cite douS pSrti enantiomorfe [radial symmetry; radiare Symmetric; symS-trie radiaire; sugaras rSszarSnyossSg; радиальная симметрия] 20 FIRRILLAE RADICALES, fibrile radicale, ramificatiile cele mai sub-tiri ale rSdScinii [root-fibrils; Wur-zelfaserchen; fibrilles radicales; gyo-kSrfonalkSk; корневые мочки] FOLIUM RADICALE, frunzS radicals, inseratS la nivelul coletului lingS rSdScinS [radical-leaf, root-leaf; Wurzelblatt; feuille radicale; tfilevSl; прикорневой лист] GEMMAE RADICALES, muguri radicali (Rosa, Salix) [radical-buds; Wurzelknospen; bourgeons radicals; 129 gyOkSrriigyek; корневые почки] PILI RADICALES, perii radicalT, unicelulari, cu func(ii de absorb^ie [radical-hairs; Wurzelhaare; poils ra-dicaux; gyokSrhajszSlak, gy6k6rsz5r-szSlak, hajszSlgyokerek; корневые волоски] SPINAE RADICALES, spini radicali, rezultati din metamorfoza unor rSdScini adventive sau a unor rami-fica^ii radicale, aflate la baza unor tulpini (Palmae) [radical-spines; Wur-zeldornen; Spines radicales; gydkSr- 221 tdvisek; корневые колючки] 40 RADII MEDULLA RES, radii me-dulare, expansiuni medulare lameli-forme, dispuse radiar cStre circonfe-rinta tulpinii (Dicotyledoneae) [me-dullary-rays; Markstrahlen; rayons mSdullaires; bSlsugarak; сердцевинные лучи] -J RADII UMBELLAE, radiile umbelei, edunculii umbelei terminate In um-elule ( Umbelliferae ) [umbel-rays; Doldenstrahlen, Doldenstiele; rayons de l’ombelle; sugarak, ernydsugarak; лучи зонтика] 41 RADIX DAUCIFORMIS -> (radix) palaris RADIX EXEMBRYONALIS — ra-dicula RADIX FIBROSA, rSdScinS fibroasS; rSdScinS fasciculat!, formats dintr-un RHYTIDOMA ANNULARE mSnunchi de radicele, lipsind rSdScina principals (Gramineae) [fibrous-root; Faserwurzel; racine fibreuse; bojtos gyokSr, rostos gyOkSr; мочковатый корень] RADIX FULCRANS, rSdScinS prop-titoare (Pandanus) [brace-root, prop-root; Stutzwurzel, Stelzwurzel; racine d’appui; tSmaszt61SggyokSr; дополнительный воздушный корень, поддерживающий корень] RADIX FUSIFORMIS, rSdScinS fusiform!, alungit cilindricS, subtire, .meori mai umflatS la mijloc, asemS-nStoare fusului (Cannabis sativa) [spindle-root; Spindelwurzel; racine fusiforme; orsdgyokSr; веретеновидный корень] RADIX LATERALIS, rSdScinS laterals [lateral-root, branch-root; Sei-tenwurzel; racine latSrale; oldalgyo-кёг; боковой корень] RADIX LIGNOSA, rSdScinS lemnoa-sS [woody-root; holzige Wurzel; racine ligneuse; fSs gyokSr; деревянистый корень] REGNUM VEGETABILE, regnul vegetal, lumea plantelor [plant-king-dom; Pflanzenwelt, Florenreich; rfegne vSgStale; n6v6ny vilSg, novSnyor- szSg; царство растений] 137 NOMEN REJICIENDUM, nume de eliminat, care de?i prioritar, dar din motive justificate a fost declarat neutilizabil in Codul de nomenclaturS botanic! [rejected name; verwerfen-der Name; nom S rejeter; elvetendd nSv; отвергаемое название] PRAEFOLIATIO REVOLUТА (RE-VOLUTIVA), prefoliatie revolutS, cind marginile frunzelor din mugure sint rSsucite spre exterior in directia pSrtii inferioare a nervurii mediane (Rumex) [revolute prefoliation zurtick-gerollte Blattknospenlage; prSfolia-tion rSvolut6e; kifelS-hengeredett le-vSlborulSs; отвернутое почкосложение] 315 RHYTIDOMA ANNULARE, riti- dom inelar (Betula) [ring-bark, annular rhytidoma; Ringborke; rhyti-dome annulaire; gySrSs kSreg; кольцевидная кора] RHYTIDOMA LAMELLOSUM, ri-tidom lamelar (Platanus) [lamellate rhytidoma; lamellose Borke; rhyti-dome lamellaire; lemezes kSreg; пластинчатая кора] RHYTIDOMA SQUAMOSUM, riti-dom scvamos (Picea excelsa) [scaly -rhytidoma, scaly-bark; Schuppenbor- PLANTAE RIPARIAE ke; rhytidome dcailleuse; pikkelyes kdreg; чешуйчатая кора] 330 PLANTAE RIPARIAE, plante de pe malul rlurilor [riparian plants; Uferpflanzen; plantes ae rivages; parti пбуёпуек; береговая растения] 414 PLANTAE RU PEST RES, plante de sttnc&rii [rock-plants, wall-plants, rupicolous plants; Felsenpflanzen, Ge-steinpflanzen; plantes des rochers, plantes rupicoles; sziklai пбуёпуек, szikldn пбуб пбуёпуек; наскальные растения] -* lithophyta S 10 SAC С ULI ANTHERARUM -> sac- cos pollinicus SACCUS EMBRYONALIS, sac embrionar, aflat !n nucela ovulului, tn acest sac formtndu-se embrionul [em-bryo-sac; Keimsack, Embryosack; sac embryonnaire; embriozsdk, csirazacskd; зародышевый мешок] SACCUS POLLINICUS, sac polinie 1. Cavitate aflata in interiorul tecii (lojei) anterei, con^inind grduncioare de polen; 2. microsporangele plantelor fanerogame [pollen-sac; Pollen-sack, Antherensack, Pollenfach; sac pollinique; pollenzsdk, pollenzacskd; пылъниковый мешок] SACCUS SPORIFER, sacul sporifer al sporogonului, con}inind tetraspo-rangi (Bryophyta) [sporiferous sac; Sporensack; sac sporifdre; spdrazsdk; спороносный мешок] SACCUS AERIFER, sac aerifer, aflat Intre exina §i intina grauncioru-lui de polen (Pinus) [air-sac; Luft-sack, Luftblase; sac aerifdre; ldghd-lyag, repit6h61yag, ldgzacskd; воздушный мешочек] 13 SAEPES VIVA, gard viu [living hedge; lebendiger Zaun; haie vive; dl6sovdny; живая изгородь] 27 SOLUM SALSUGINOSUM, sol si- rdturos [salt-soil; Salzboden; sol sal-sugineux; szikes talaj; солончак] 29 BOTANICA SALTUARIA, botanica forestiera [forest-botany; Forstbota-nik; botanique forestidre; erddszeti novdnytan; лесоведение] 112 CAULIS SCAN DENS, tulpina aga- tatoare [climbing-stem, vine; klet-ternder Stengel; tige grimpante; fel- 688 futd szdr, kapaszkodd szir; вьющийся стебель] 204 SCOPA MAGO RUM, matura vraji-toarelor, patul vlntului; proliferarea teratologicd, scopiforma sau globuli-forma, din acela^i punct, al brachibla-stelor la Abies alba, cauzata de ciu- Eerca parazita Melampsorella [witches-room; Hexenbesen, Donnerbesen, Donnerbusch; balai de sorcidre; bo-szorkdnyseprfi; метёлка колдунья] 225 FOLIUM SCUTATUM, frunza scu-tata, cordiform hastata, cu pe[iolul la baza laminei (Rumex scutatus ) [scutiform leaf; schildfdrmiges Blatt; feu-ille dcussonnde; pajzsos levdl; щитовидный лист] PILUS SCUTATUS, par scutiform, asemdnator unei scvame [Pteridophyta) [scutate-hair, scale-hair; Schildhaare; poil dcussonnd; pajzsos szdr; щитовидный волосок] 235 FRUCTUS SECEDENTES, fructe se-cedente, care, la maturitate, ctnd cad, ramin inchise tn pericarp [separating fruits; Fallfriichte; fruits sdcddantes; z dr tan lehulld termdsek; распадаю-щися плоды] 240 CONTEXTUS SECRETORIUS, \e-sut secretor [secretory-tissue; Sekre-tionsgewebe; tissu sdcrdtoire; kivdla-sztd szovet; секреторная ткань] 241 SECTIO LONGITUDIN ALIS, sec-Jiune longitudinala [longitudinal section; Langschnitt, Langsdurchschnitt; coupe longitudinale; hosszmetszet; продольное сечение] 245 CAULIS SECUNDARIUS, tulpina secundara, provenita din aceea§i rd-dacina sau rizom §i a§ezatd lingd cea principald [secondary stem; Neben-stengel; tige sdcondaire; melldkszdr; вторичный стебель] CORTEX SECUNDARIUS, scoar[a secundard, formata din tesutul cambial extern [secondary-cortex, bark; sekundare’Rinde, Bast; dcorce sdcondaire ; mdsodlagos kdreg; вторичная кора] JUGA SECUNDARIA, coaste secundare, dispuse linga cele principale (pe mericarpii la Umbelliferae) [secon-aary-ridges; Nebenriefen; cdtes sd-condaires; melldkborddk; вторичные ребра] MERISTEMA SECUN DARIUM, meristem secundar, tesut meristematic de origine, format din celule paren-chimatice definitive [secondary-meri-stem; sekundares Meristem, Folgmerie- 689 tem; m6rist§me sScondaire; mSsod-lagos oszt6d6sz6vet; вторичная меристема] MYCELIUM SECUNDARIUM, mi-celiu secundar, ca anexS rizoidalS la baza sporoforului [secondary mycelium ; sekundares Myzel; mycelium s£condaire; mSsodlagos gombafonal-nyal&b; вторичный мицелий] NERVUS SECUNDARIUS, nervu-ra secundarS, nervura lateral!; una din ramificatiile nervurii principals [secondary-nerve; Nebennerv, Seiten-nerv, Seitenader, Seitenrippe; ner-vure sScondaire, nervure latSrale; ma-sodlagos 6r, oldalSr; вторичная жилка] PHY LIOTAXIS SECUNDARIA, filotaxie secundarS, cind dispozitia initial! a frunzelor face trecere intr-un alt mod de a§ezare [secondary-phyl-lotaxy; sekundare Blattstellung; phyl-lotaxie s6condaire; mSsodlagos lev61-allSlSs; вторичный филлотаксис, втори, чное расположение] RADICES SECUNDARIAE, rSdScini secundare, rezultate in diferitele parti ale tulpinii (bazS, noduri) sau constituind ramificatiile de primul ordin ale rSdScinii principale [secondary roots; Nebenwurzeln, Beiwurzeln; racines sScondaires; mellSkgyokerek, oldalgyokerek; побочные корни, боковые корни] XYLEMA SECUNDARIUM, lemn secundar, rezultat spre interior din tesutul cambial [secondary-wood; sekundares Holz; xylfeme sScondaire; mSsodlagos fa; вторичная древесина] 255 PLANTAE SEGETALES, plante din semSnSturi [cornfield-plants; Acker-pflanzen, Saatpflanzen; plantes s6g6-tales, plantes arvicoles; vetSsi nov6-nyek; пашенные растения] 258 SEGMENTUM FOLII, segmentul frunzei, lobul frunzei sectate [leaf-seg-ment; Blattsegment, Blattabschnitt; segment foliaire; levSlhasSb; сегмент листа] 268 SELECTIO ARTIFICIALIS, selec- tie artificial!, fScut! de oameni pentru a obtine descendenti cu calitSti supe-rioare sau linii pure [artificial selection; kiinstliche Auslese, Zuchtwahl; sSlection artificielle; mestersSges kivS-logatSs; искусственный отбор] SELECTIO NATURALIS, selectie natural!, care are loc numai sub influenta conditiilor naturale, rezul-tlnd descendenti cu calitSti superioare (Darwin) [natural selection; natiirli-che Auslese; selection naturelle; ter- CAULIS SIMPLEX mSszetes kivSlasztddSs; естественный отбор] SELECTIO PLANTARUM, selectia plantelor [plant-breeding; Pflanzen-zuchtung, Pflanzenauslese; sSlection des plantes; novSnykivSlasztddSs (ki-vSlogatSs); селекция растений] 340 NOMEN SEMINUDUM, nume se-minud, considerat nevalabil, deoarece are о diagnoz! incomplet!, format! numai din citeva cuvinte [seminude name ;halbnackter Name; nom seminude; fSligcsupasz nSv; полуголье название] 373 OVARIUM SEMISUPERUM, ovar semisuperior, ovar semiaderent [semi-superior-ovary; halboberstandiger Fruchtknotcn; ovaire demisupSre; f61ig-fels6allasu maghaz; завязь полу-верхняя] 410 GLANDULAE SEP TALES, glan- dule septale, nectarine septale, aflate In septele pistilelor (Liliaceae) [septal-glands; Septaldrusen, Septal-nektarien; glandules s6ptales; szeptalis mirigyek, rekeszfali m6zfejt6k; септальные железки] 430 GEMMAE SERI ALES, muguri se- riali accesorii, dispu§i In linie vertical! deasupra mugurilor axilari (Gle-ditsia, Lonicera) [serialbuds; seriale Beiknospen; bourgeons en s6rie; sze-riSlis rugyek, sorban alio mellSkriigyek; сериальные почки] 488 FRUCTUS SICCUS, fruct uscat, cu pericarpul tare §i uscat (Papaver, Phaseolus) [dry-fruit; Trockenfrucht; fruit sec; szSraz termSs; сухой плод] 508 PLANTAE SILVATICAE (SIL- VESTRES;, plante de pSdure [forest-plants; Waldpflanzen; plantes de forSts; erdei novSnyek; лесные растения] 518 CAULIS SIMPLEX, tulpinS simpl! » neramificat! [simple-stalk; einfacher Stengel, astloser Stengel; tige simple; egyszerii szSr; неразвегвлённый стебель] CIRRUS SIMPLEX, circei simplu neramificat (Convolvulus) [simple tendril; einfache Ranke; vrille simple; egyszerii касз; нзразвзгвлённый усик] FOLIUM SIMPLEX, frunzS simpl! , cu о singurS lamin! §i nedivizatS In foliole [simple-leaf; einfaches Blatt; feuille simple; egyszerii lev61; простой лист] GEMMA SIMPLEX, mugure simplu, cu axa neramificat! [simple-bud; einfache Knospe; bourgeon simple; egy-szerd riigy; нзраэвзгвлённая пэчка] FIORES SOLA RES INFLORESCENTIA SIMPLEX, inflorescentft simplfi, cu florile inserate pe axa neramificatfi (racem simplu, spic simplu) [simple-inflorescence; ein* facher Bltitenstand; inflorescence simple ; egyszerfi virfigzat; простое соцветие] RADIX SIMPLEX, rfidficina simplfi, neramificatfl (Daucus, Raphanus) [simple-root; einfache Wurzel; racine simple; egyszerfi gyfikgr; неразвлён-ный корень] 553 FLORES SOLA RES, flori solare, care se deschid pe timp Insorit [sun-flo-wers; Sonnenbluten; fleurs solaires; napot kedvelfi virigok; солнечные цветки] 572 CELLULA SOMATICA, celulS so- ma ticS, spre deosebire de cea sexuatfi [somatic-cell; somatische Zelle, KOr-perzelle; cellule somatique; szomatikus sejt, testi-sejt; соматическая клетка] 582 SOMNUS PLANTARUM, somnul plantelor [sleep of plants; Pflanzen-schlaf; sommeil des plantes; пбуёпуек alv&sa; сон растений] 625 NOMEN SPECIFICUM, nume specific binar al unei plante (Taraxacum officinale J, format din numele generic §i epitetul specific [specific name; Artname; nom sp6cifique; fajn6v; видовое название] 632 SPECTRUM BIOIOGICUM, spec-tru biologic; reprezentarea distnbu-t-iei procentuale a speciilor din flora unei regiuni sau a unei asocia^ii, avtndu-se In vedere formele lor bio. logice (Raunkiaer) [biological spec, trum; Biospektrum, Lebensformen. spektrum; spectre biologique; biolfi. giai spektrum; биологический спектр] 728 SPICA COMPOSITA, spic cumpus, format din mai multe spice (Hordeum, Triticum) [compound-spike; zusam-mengesetzte Ahre; 6pi compost; osz-szetett ftiz6r, kal&sz; сложный колос] SPICA DISTICH A, spic distih, bi-seriat (Hordeum distichon) [two-rowed spike; zweizeilige Ahre; 6pi к deux rangs; k6tsoros kalfisz; двухрядный колос] SPICA RAMOSA, spic ramificat [branched-spike; astige Ahre; £pi ra-mifi6; 4gas ffiz6r; ветвистый колос] SPICA SIMPLEX, spic simplu, ne-ramificat [simple-spike; einfache Ahre; 6pi simple; egyszerfi ffizgr; простой колос] 742 SPINA CAULINA, SPINA RAME-ANEA, spin caulinar, spin rameal, 680 provenit din modificarea tulpinii sau a ramurei (Crataegus oxyacantha, Gleditsia triacanthos, Prunus spinosa) [caulinary-spine; SproOdorn; ёрше caulinaire; sz&rtdvis, figtdvis; стеблевая игла] SPINA FOLIACEA, spin foliaceu, provenit din frunze modificate (Astragalus, Berberis, Cactaceae) [leaf-spine; Blattdorn; ёрше foliac6e; Iev61t6vis; лиственная игла] SPINA STIPULANEA, spin stipu-laneu, provenit din stipele transformate (Paliurus, Robinia) [stipulane-ous spine; Nebenblattdorn; ёрше sti-ри1апёе;; pfilhatdvis; прилисгниховая игла] 754 VASA SPIRALIA, vase spiralate [spiral-vessels; SpiralgefaOe; vais- seaux spiral6s; csavarvonalas edёnyek; спиральные сосуды] 778 PLANTAE SPONTANEAE, plante spontane, care cresc In naturfi, necul-tivate (Capsella, NigeUa) [spontaneous plants; wildwachsende Pflanzen; plantes spontan6es; vadontermd пбуёпуек; дикорастущие растения] 836 LOCULUS SPURIUS, lojfi falsfi, cavitate ovarianfi despfir^itfi prin pe-reji fal§i (Papaoer) [false-loculus; Scheinfach; fausse loge; ilrekesz, filureg; ложное гнездо] 838 PILUS SQUAMATUS, pfir solzos, scvamiform dilatat (Hyppophae rham-noides) [scaly-hair; Schuppenhaar; poil ёсаШеих; pikkelyszdr; чешуйчатый волосок] 839 SQUAMAE ANTHODII, scvame an-todiale, care acoperfi imbricat anto-diul [anthodial-scales; Hullschuppen, Hullblatter; ёсаШеэ anthodiales; Гё-szekpikkelyek; чешуи корзики] SQUAMAE BULBI, solzii bulbului, scvamele c&rnoase interne ale bulbului (Allium) [bulb-scales; Zwiebenschup- en, Zwiebelhaute; 6cailles du bulbe; agymapikkelyek; чешуи лчковицы] 895 PILI STELLATI, peri stela^i, radiar ramifica^i dintr-o bazfi comunfi ( Tilia tomentosa ) [stellate-hairs; Stern-haare; poils 6toil6s; csillagszorok; звездчатые волоски] 956 FLOS STERILIS, floare sterilfi, lip- sind organele de reproducere sau acestea sint avortate (cele din inflores-cenjele marginale la Viburnum opulus) [sterile-flower; unfruchtbare Blfite; fleur st6rile; medd6 virfig; стерильный цветок] 691 992 CIRRHUS STIPULANEUS, circei stipulaneu, rezultat din transformarea stipelei (Smilax aspera) [stipulaneous tendril; Nebenblattranke; vrille stipulate ; pdlhakacs; прилистниховый усик] 1003 CELLULAE STOMATJCAE, celule stomatice, dispuse In epiderma cite douft §i fata in fa^d, lasind intre ele о deschizatura (ostiola) [stomatic-cells, guard-cells; SchlieBzellen; cellules stoma tiques; zdrdsejtek; замыкающие клетям] 1018 STRATUM CORTICALE, strat cortical [bast-layer; Rindenschicht; cou-che corticale; kdregrdteg; корковый слой] STRATUM GONIDIALE, strat go-nidial [gonidial-layer; Gonidialschicht; couche gonidiale; gonidium-rdteg; ro-нидиальный слой] STRATUM HERBACEUM, strat ierbaceu, din paduri [herbaceous-layer; Krautschicht; couche herbacde; alj-novdnyzet; травянистый слой] STRATUM HYMEN I ALE — stratum sporiferum STRATUM MEDULLARE, strat medulare [pith-layer; Markschicht; couche mddullaire; bdlrdteg; сердцевин* ный слой] 1052 STRUCTURA FLORI STIC A, struc-tura floristica, complexul speciilor ce intra in compozi^ia fitocenozei [floris-tic-structure; floristiches Aufbau; structure floristique; florisztikai fel-dpitds; флористическая структура] 1266 SUCCUS CELLULARIS, sue celular [cell-sap; Zellsaft; sue cellulaire; sejt-nedv; клеточный сок] SUCCUS VACUOLARIS, sue vacuolar [vacuole-sap; Vakuolensaft; sue vacuolaire; vakuoldris nedv; вакуоляр-ный сок] 1280 SULCUS NECTARIFER, brazda nectarifera pe foliolele perigoniale pliate (Fritillaria, Lilium) [nectariferous furrow; Honigfurche, Honigfur-che, Honigfalte; sillon nectarifdre, pli nectarifdre; mdzbardzda; нектароносная бороздка, нектароносная складка] 1289 RADIX SUPERFICIALIS, radaci-na superficiaia, cu ramuri subterane orizontale, uneori ie§ite la suprafata (Abie», Vitis) [shallow-root, tracing-root ; Tauwurzel, Streichwurzel; racine superficielle, racine tragante; harmat-gyokdr, kdtdlgydkdr; поверхностный корень, стелющийся корень] ТЕМ PUS FLORENDI 1476 SYSTEM A NATURALE, sistem natural de clasificare pe baza raportu-rilor filogenetice [natural-system; na-ttirliches System; systdme naturel; termdszetes rendszer; естественная система] SYSTEMA PLANTARUM, siste-mul plantelor dupa care sint clasifi-cate [plants-system; Pflanzensystem; systdme des plantes; novdnyrendszer; система растении] SYSTEMA RADICUM, sistem radicular [root-system; Wurzelsystem; systdme radiculaire; gyokdrrendszer; корневая система] T 46 GEMMAE TECTAE, muguriacopertyi cu scvame sau perule [covered-buds; bedeckte Knospen; bourgeons cou-verts; fedett riigyek; покрытые почки] GEMMAE PERU LATAE gemmae tectae 55 TELA CONNECTIVA, tesut conec-tiv [connective-tissue; Bindegewebe; tissu connectif; kdtdszovet; соединительная ткань] TELA CON DUCT RIX, tesut condu-cator [conducting-tissue; Leitgewebe; tissu conducteur; szdllitdszovet; проводящая ткань] TELA CONTEXT A, tesut pislos [felted-tissue; Filzgewebe; tissu entre-lacd; egymasbafonddott szovet; переплетенная ткань] TELA PROTECTIVA, tesut de pro-tectie [protective-tissue; Schutzgewe-be; tissu protdcteur; vdddszovet; защитная ткань] TELA VASCULARIS, tesut vascular [vascular-tissue; GefaBgewebe; tissu vasculaire; eddnyes szovet; сосудистая ткань] 87 TEMPUS FLORENDI, perioada de inflorire [flowering-time; Bliitezeit; pdriode de la fleuraison; virdgzdsi idd-szak; период цветения] —*■ anthesis TEMPUS PRAESEN ТА TIONIS, timpul de reactie, durata minima de timp necesara unei excitatii pentru a produce reactia organismului (Mac-Dougal) [presentation-time; Prasen-tationszeit, Reaktionszeit; durde de prdsentation; prezentdcids iddtartam; время предъявления] CONUS TERM IN ALIS TEMPUS VEGETATION IS, durata de vegetate [vegetation-time; Vegeta-tionsperiode, Vegetationsdauer; аигёе de la v6g6tation; vegetScids id6; вегетативный период] TEMPUS VIGEN DI -► duratio 127 CONUS ТЕRMINALIS - (conus) vegetativus CRESCENTIA ТЕ RMIN ALIS, cre§-tere terminals [terminal-growth; Schei-telwachstum; croissance tdrminale; csdcsn6veked6s; верхушечный рост] FLOS ТЕ RMIN ALIS, floare terminals [terminal-flower; Terminalbliite, Endblute, gipfelstandige Bliite; fleur tdrminale; csticsvirSg, csiicsSlld virSg; верхушечный цветок] GEMMA ТЕ RMIN ALIS, mugure terminal [terminal-bud; Terminal-knospe, Endknospe, Gipfelknospe; bourgeon terminal; vSgriigy, csiicsriigy; верхушечная почка] INFLORESCENTIA ТЕ RMINA- LIS, inflorescentS terminals [terminal inflorescence; endslandiger Blti-tenstand; inflorescence terminate; csdcsvirSgzat, szSrtet6z6 virSgzat; верхушечное соцветие] 131 TERMINUS TECHNICUS (lat.-, gr. xexvucdg „artificial"), termen tehnic [technical-term, technical-word; Fachausdruck, Kunstausdruck; terme technique; muszd, mOkifejezds; технический термин] 314 PLANTAE TINCTORIAE, plante tinctoriale, folosite la vopsire (Anthe-mis tinctoria, Genista tinctoria) [tinc-torial-plants; Farbpflanzen; plantes tinctoriales; fest6nov6nyek; красильные растения] 402 DISSEPIMENTUM TRANSVER- SALE, disepiment transversal, perete transversal care imparte cavitatea ovarianS In loji [transversal dissepiment ; Querscheidewand; cloisson transversale; harSntfekvS vSlaszfal; поперечная перегородка] NERVI TRANSVERSALES, ner-vuri transversale, nervuri laterale orientate spre marginea frunzei [trans-versal-nerves; Queradem, Seitenner-ven; nervures transversales; harSnte-rek, oldalerek; поперечные жилки] PLANUM TRANSVERSALE, plan transversal, orientat perpendicular pe axa medians [transversal-plane; Quer-ebene; plan transversal; harSntsik; поперечная плоскость] 692 SECTIO TRAN SVERS ALIS, sec-tiune transversals [transversal-secti-on; Querschnitt; coupe transversale, section transversale; keresztmetszet; поперечное сечение] 623 TUBERA GEMINATA, tuberi ge- minati (Aconitum, Orchis) [paired-tubera; Zwillingsknollen; tubercules geminSes; ikergumdk; двойные клубни] TUBER* * Majoritatea autorilor (Jackson 1960, Henderson 1953, Steam 1966, Bischoff 1857, Boros 1954, Zabinkova-Kirpicnikov 1957, Priszter 1963 etc.) fac deosebire nets Intre tuber §i tuber-culum, folosind terminologia proprie pentru fiecare. Autorii francezi (Fournier 1946, Guillermond 1946, Gatin 1924, Bonnier etc.) §i romSni (inclusiv Flora RSR) pentru ambele notiuni folosesc termenul de tubercul. C. Stras-burger 1971, pentru prima notiune fo-lose§te termenul „SproBknolle", iar Sentru a doua „Wurzelknolle". Cha-efaud §i Emberger I960, pentru prima folose^te termenul „bulbe d’axe“, iar pentru a doua „bulbe radiculaire ou tubercule". 636 RADIX TUBE ROSA, rSdScinS tube- rizatS, contintnd substance nutritive de rezervS (Lathyrus tuberosus, Dahlia) [tuberous-root; knollige Wurzel, Wurzelknolle; racine tubereuse, ra-cine renflSe ; gumds gyokdr; клубневидный корень] 641 FLOS TUBULOSUS, floare tubu- loasS, cu lamina petalelor tubuli-formS (Compositae) [tubular-flower; Rdhrenblute; fleur tubulSe; csoves virSg; трубчатый цветок] 643 TUBUS CALYCIS, tubul caliciului, rezultat din concre^terea pSr^ii infe-rioare a sepalelor (Dianthus) [calyx-tube; Kelchrohre; tube calicinal; cs6-szecso; трубка чашечки] TUBUS MEDULLARIS (canal-lis) medullaris TUBUS PERIGONII, tubul perigo-nului, format din tepalele concrescute ( Convallaria ) [perigonial-tube; Pe-rigonrdhre; tube pdrigoniare; lepelcsd; околоцветная трубка] TUBUS POLLINICUS, tubul poli-nic, rezultat din germinarea grSunciorului de polen [pollen-tube; Pollen-schlauch, Befruchtungschlauch; tube pollinique; pollentomlO; пыльцевая трубка] TUBUS CRIBROSUS, tub cribral, tub ciuruit ; vas liberian prin care од circul* seva elaborate [sieve-tube; Siebrohr; vaisseau спЫё, tube cribl6; rostacsS; решетчатая трубка] 650 BULBUS TUNIC ATUS, bulb tu- 3 nicat (Tulipa) [tunicated-bulb, coated bulb; schalige Zwiebel; bulbe tuni-* qu6; kopenyes hagyma, burkolt hagy-ma; плёнчатая луковица] 654 PLANTAE TUBFOSAE, plante de turbSrii [bog-plants; Torfpflanzen; plantes des tourbiferes, plantes tur- 13 beuses; tozeglapos поуёпуек; торфя-няя растения] 662 PLANTAE TUTAE, plante ocrotite prin lege [protected-plants; geschutz-te Pflanzen; plantes protegёes; v6-dett поуёпуек; охранительные растения] 673 LOCUS TYPICUS -*• locus classicus u 3 PLANTAE UBiqUlTABIAE, plante ubicviste [ubiquist-plants; Ubi- quisten; plantes ubiquistes; ubikvista поуёпуек; убшсвистные растения] 5 PLANTAE ULIGINOSAE, plante de locuri ml*§tinoase [marsh-plants; Moorpflanzen; plantes de marais; mocsari поуёпуек; топяная растения] 13 UMBELLA COMPOSITA, umbel* compusS, la care radiile sint inc* odat* radiar ramificate in umbele de ordinul al doilea (umbelule), brac-teile de la baza lor constituind invo-lucele, iar radiile secundare sint terminate prin cite о floare (Daucus) [compound-umbel; zusammengesetzte Dolde; ombelle сотрозёе; osszetett erny6viragzat; сложный зонтик] UMBELLA SIMPLEX, umbel* simpl*, la care pedunculii (radiile) se ter-min* prin cite о floare solitar*, iar bracteile de la baza pedunculilor constituie involucrul (Butomus, Cor-nus) [simjjle-umbel; einfache Dolde; ombelle simple; egyszerfi erny6vi-r*gzat; простой зонтик] 42 PLANTAE UNICELLULABES, plante unicelulare [unicellular-plants; Einzeller, einzellige Pflanzen; plantes unicellulaires, unicelles; egysejtflek, egysejtu поуёпуек; одноклеточная растения] VASA С RIB ROSA V VACUOLA DIGESTIV A, vacuol* digestiv*, format* in jurul particu-lelor nutritive din celul*, cu rol de digerare [digestive-vacuole; Verdau-ungsvakuole; vacuole digestive; em*sz-t6 vakuola; пищеварительная вакуоль ] VAGINA FOLIA RIS, vagina frunzei, baza dilatat* a frunzei, care in-vele^te tulpina (Gramineae) [leaf-sheath; Blattscheide; gaine foliaire; 1еуёШйуе1у; листовое влагалище] VAGINA MEDULLARIS, vagina medular* [medullary-sheath; Mark-scheide; gaine medullaire; ЬёШиуе1у; сердцевидное влагалище] DEHISCENTIA VALVATA, dehiscent* valvat* sau valvicid*, ce are loc de-a lungul suturii carpelelor, desf*cindu-se in valve (Robinia) [val-vate-dehiscence; klappiges Aufsprin-gen; d*hiscence valvaire; kop*csos kovadas; растрескивание по створкам] PRAEFLORATIO VALVATA, pre-floratie valvat*, cind frunzele florale din mugure se acoper* numai prin marginile lor (Malvaceae) [valvate-prefloration; klappige Knospendeck-ung; pr*floraison valv*e; *rintkez6 vir*gborul*s; створчатое почкосложение] VASA С RIB ROSA, vase ciuruite [sieve-vessels; Siebgefafle; vaisseau cribl*s; rostaed*nyek; решетчатые сосуды] VASA LACTICIFERA, vase lati-cifere [latex-vessels; Milchsaftge faBe; vaisseaux laticifferes; tejedёnyek; млечные сосуды] VASA LIGNEA, vase lemnoase [woody-vessels ; HolzgefaBe; vaisseaux ligneux; faed*nyek; древесные волокна] VASA RETICULATA, vase reticulate [netted-vessels; NetzgefaOe; vaisseaux гёиси1ёэ; гесёэ еЗёпуек; сетчатые сосуды] VASA SCALARIFORMIA, vase sca-lariforme [scalariform-vessels, ladder-shaped vessels; LeitergefaBe, Trep-pengefaBe; vaisseaux scalariformes; l*tr*s sz*llit6ed*nyek; лестничные сосуды] VASA SPIRALIA, vase spiralate [spiral-vessels; Spiralgefafle, Schraub-gefafle; vaisseaux spiral*s; spir*lis ed*nyek; спиральные сосуды] REGNUM VEGETABILE 44 REGNUM VEGETABILE, regnul vegetal, lumea plantelor [plant-king-dom; Pflanzenreich, Pflanzenwelt; rdgne vdgdtal; nSvdnyvilSg, ndvdnyor- gQ szSg; чарство растений] 46 CELLULA VEGETATIVA, celula vegetativS, din grSunciorul de polen, care dS na§tere tubului polinie [vege-tative-cell; vegetative Zelle; cellule vdgdtative; vegetativ sejt; вегетативная клетка] CONUS VEGETATIVUS, con vegetativ; virf vegetativ; conul de cre§tere din virful tulpinii sau al 73 rSdScinii [vegetative-cone; Vegetati-onsscheitel, Vegetationspunkt, Vegeta tionskegel; cdne vdgdtatif; tenyd-szScsdcs; нарастающий конус] HYBRIDA VEGETATIVA, hibrid vegetativ, rezultat pe cale asexuatS (altoire) [vegetative-hybrid; vegeta-tiver Bastard; hybride vdgdtatif; vege-tativ-korcs; вегетативный гибрид] PROPAGATIO VEGETATIVA - 109 reproductio vegetativa REPRODUCTIO VEGETATIVA, reproducere vegetativS, inmutyire asexuatS prin stoloni, muguri, p&rtf de tulpinS, de frunze etc. [vegetative reproduction; vegetative Vermehrung, vegetative Fortpflanzung; propagation vdgdtative; vegetativ szaporodds, ivartalan szaporodds; вегетативное размножение] ^23 48 VELAMEN RADI CUM, velamenul rSdScinii, stratul extern de celule aerifere spiralate ale rSdScinilor unor Araceae §i Orchidaceae epifite [root- 594 covering; Wurzelhiille; voile radicu-laire; gydkdrburok; покров воздушных корней] SUTURA VENTRALIS, sutura ven-tralS a carpelelor [ventral-suture; Bauchnaht; suture ventrale; hasbfor-radds; брюшной шов] NOMINA VERNACULARIA, nume veraaculare, denumiri populare [ver-nacular-names; Volksnamen; noms vernaculaires; ndpi elnevezdsek; туземные названия] FORMA VERNALIS, formS de pri-mSvarS (forma fertilS de primSvarS la Equisetum telmateja) [spring-form; Fruhlingsform; forme de printemps; tavaszi alak; весенная форма] PLANTAE VERNALES, plante de primSvarS (Corydalis, Leucojum) [spring-plants; " Fruhlingspflanzen; plantes de printemps; tavaszi novdnyek; весенная растения ] SPECIES VICARIAE, specii vica-riante, microspecii indeaproape inru-dite, dar ecologic deosebite, care se substituie reciproc, avind areale deosebite fie in sens orizontal, fie vertical, sau constituind ecotipuri deosebite [vicarial-species; Vikarianten, vi-kariierende Arten; espdees vicarian-tes; vikariSns fajok; викарирующий видии] PLANTAE VINEALES, plante de podgorii [vineyard-plants; Weinberg-pflanzen; plantes aes vignobles; szd-ldskerti novdnyek; виноградниковные растения] INDEX BOMiNESC abate (care se-) A 5 abatere A 6 ab axial A 2 aberant A 5, 7, 15 aberatie A 6 abia S 1085 abient A 8 abietin A 9 abiogenez* A 10, 254, P 1390 abioseston A 11 abiotic A 12 abisal A 26 ablast A 13 aborigen A 17 abortiv A 18 abreviat A 4 abreviatie A 3 abrupt A 19, P 1194 absent A 21, С 87 absenta florilor A 883 mixiei A 928 semintelor A 1075 absorbant A 22 absortyie A 23 abundent С 797 -reticulat R 194 destul de- S 1133 abundent* A 24, U 2 ac A 168 acalical A 27 acaliculat A 28 acantosfere A 31 acarifer A 32 acariot A 39 acariotic A 39 a acarioz* A 33 acarocecidie A 34 acarodomacii A 35 acarofll A 36 acarofitic A 36 acarp A 37 acarpotrop A 38 acascofite A 69 acaul A 41 acaulescent* A 40 accesoriu A 43, 1222 accidental A 44, 224 acefal A 58 acdafi I 15 acelular A 55 acentric A 57 acervul A 63 acetabuliform A 64 agatin A 70, 317 acheilarie A 71 achen* A 67, 365 achenodiu A 68 achinet A 367 achinetosporange A 368 achirofite A 81 acidic A 172, 349 acicol A 84 acicular A 61, 85 aciculiform A 85 acid A 66, 89 acidofil A 86 acinez* A 366 adadiu A 95 adamideu A 72 aclimatizare A 45 adimatizat I 172 aclitrofite A 97 acme A 99 acomodare A 175 acomodat A 48 acoper* (care-) О 186, T 47, V 26 acoperi§ de cas* T 45 creste pe- T 53 acoperit A 20, 519, 759, G 207, 314, 496, 914, I 129, О 187, S 889, T 46, V 8, 27, 49 complet- H 326 -cu cear* С 237 -cu membran* papiracee С 262 -cu pietri§ colturos S 222 partial- S 384, 1196 acoperitor О 26, 186 acotiledonat A 104 acotiledonate A 103 acramfibrie A 107 acrandrie A 108 acrementitial A 49 acrescent A 51 acrigor A 65, 88 acriu A 60 acroblastez* A 112 acroblastic A 113 acrocarpie A 115 acrocecidie A 116 acrocentric A 117 acrocist A 80, 119 acroconidie A 118 acrodrom A 120, 129 acrofil A 131 acrofite A 132 acrofix A 121 acrofugal A 122 acrogamie A 123 acrogen A 125 acrogenez* A 124 acrogin A 127 acromatic A 75, 77 acromatin* A 76 acromie A 78 acromocentru A 79 acronus A 128 acropetal A 129 acroplastic A 133 acropleurogen A 134 acrosarc A 135 acroscopic A 136 acrosincarpie A 139 acrosindez* A 140 acrospir* A 137 acrospor A 138 acroton A 141 acru A 59, 66, 89, S 1082 acte A 143 actinauxism A 145 actinenchim A 146 actinism A 147 actinobiologie A 148 actinodrom A 149 actinometru A 150 actinomicoz* A 152 actinomorf A 151, P 1068, R 16, 134 actinoetel A 153 actinotactism A 154 actinotropism A 155 activ A 157, 330 activator A 156 activitate vital* В 186 dezvoltare- P 594 actofil A 158 actofite A 159 INDEX ROMANE SC aculeat A 160 slab- A 1088 aculeiform A 161 aculeol A 163 aculeolat A 162 aculescent A 161 aculeu A 164 acumbent A 53 acuminat A 166 acuminulat A 167 acumulat A 54, С 539 acut A 87, 170 slab- S 1089 acutiuscul A 171 acvatic A 959 acvifer A 961 acvozitate A 964 adaos A 948, 178 adaptabil A 173 adaptabilitate A 174 cu- redusS M 460, S 904 adaptare A 47, 175 -activS A 157 -adversS A 226 capacitate de- A 174 -cromaticS G 372 -pasivS P 176 adaptat A 48 -pentru ploi abundente О 141 adaxial A 177 adSpost R 118 adSugat A 176 adelfic A 181 adelfie A 182 adelfocarpie A 183 adelfofagie A 186 adelfogamie A 184 adelfoparazitism A 185 adelfotaxie A 187 ademenitor I 41 adendS A 178 adenocist A 189 adenocit A 190 adenofor A 192 adenopetalie A 191 aderent A 194 aderen^a A 195 -anterelor A 830 -petalelor С 172 adesmie A 193 adevSrat E 360, G 99, V 91 adeziune A 196 adeziv A 197 adiacent A 203 adic(h)ogamie A 200 adinamandrie A 228 adinamoginie A 229 adiscal A 202 adtyional A 179 adinc P 1250 -dintat P 1250 adincime P 1249 de mare- P 1248 adlncit 1 143, 177, S 428 adinciturS A 1006 adminicul A 207 admotiv A 209 adnascent A 210 adnatie A 211 adonist A 213 adormit D 367 mugure- D 367 adosat A 215 adpres A 953 adsorb^ie A 216 adult A 219 adulterin A 218 adunat A 328, 1118, G 620, L 80 -in grSmadS A 323 -la un loc A 54 -strins С 720 adventiv A 224, 225, N 161 aerenchim A 257 aererrantia A 258 aerian A 259, 270, E 257, 301 frunzS- S A 259 rSdScinS- S A 259 tulpinS -S A 259 aericol A 260 aerifer A 261, 271 tesut- A 257 aerobionti A 262 aerobiotic A 264 aerobiozS A 263 aerocarpie A 265 aerocarpotropic A 266 aerocist A 267 aerofil A 270 partial- M 220 aerofite A 272, E 283 aerofitobionti A 273 aeromorfozS A 269 aeroplanctofite A 275 aeroplancton A 274, 750 aerotactism A 276 aerotaxie pozitivS P 1313 aerotropism A 277 -negativ A 880 afarS alungind- D 75 aplecat in- N 205 afilie A 901 afilopod A 902 afinitate A 290 -sexualS A 290 aflat -in axilS I 242 -intre I 205 -in partea de jos D 57 aflebie A 893 afotic A 894 afotometrie A 895, 896 afototropic A 350 afototropism A 891, 897 696 afragmiu A 898 afrodisiac A 899 agamandroecie A 292 agameon A 293 agamet A 294 agametangiu A 295 agametocit A 296 agamic A 298, 315 agamie A 297 agamobiu A 299 agamocit A 300 agamogenetic A 302 agamogenezS A 301, 303 agamoginoecie A 304 agamoginomonoecie A 305 agamohipnospor A 307 agamomonoecie A 306, 308 agamont A 309 agamospecie A 311 agamospermie A 312 agamospor A 313 agamotrop A 314 agar-agar A 316 agenezS A 319 agent patogen vegetal P 188 ageotrop A 320 agil A 330 aginic A 348 aglomerat A 322, 323, G 710, G 176 aglutinat A 324, 326 aglutinare A 325 agrar A 332 agregare A 327 -de celule A 327, G 636 agregat A 328 agresivitate A 329 agrobiocenozS A 335 agrobiologie A 336 agrobotanicS A 337 agrofil A 340 agrofite A 342 agrofitocenozS A 343 agrologie A 338 agronomic A 339 agronomie (de-) A 339 agrostografie A 344, 345 agrotip A 333, 346 agrozoocenozS A 347 aheliotrop A 350 aifilofite A 355 ailostatic A 353 airozom A 356 t aitalofite A 357 ajutStor A 1222 alabastru A 370 alagostaminal A 407 alasotonic A 409 alautogamie A 410 alSturare J 25 alSturat A 209 alSturi (de-) P 88 alb A 373, 382, L 136 697 alb alb&strui- С 987 aproape- A 375 argintiu lucios- A 1010 •ca creta С 884 - -gipsul G 311 - -hermina E 339 --laptele G 4, L 22 --lebftda О 136 - -varul С 884 - -zfipada С 308, N 128 •cenugiu G 64, 66, L 142, S 771, T 113 -eurat lucitor С 63 -curat H 344, N 128, О 136, У 130 -dedesubt H 595 -gfilbui G 408, X 8 •gftlbui ca filde?ul E 6 -lucitor G 62, N 128 -mat A 382 •mflt&sos p*ros A 1010 -opac ca portelanul P 1103 -plumburiu С 243 -suriu ca plumbul С 243 -verzui A 517, 1053, С 335 albastru G 7, 11 -ametistin A 515 -azuriu A 1248 -ea cerul A 1248, С 7, 11 - -marea V 57 - -safirul S 47 - cenugiu G 12 - -verzui P 1443 -ceruleu deschis S 1111 -de cobalt G 547 - -lavand* L 72 -inchis С 984, I 119 -lucitor U 8 -purpuriu inchis H 447 -ultramarin U 8 -verzui С 12, P 204 -violaceu A 515 alb&strui С 10 -alb С 987 -ca opalul О 182 -cenugiu G 163 -negru С 988 -purpuriu I 1 -roz R 294 -suriu L 230 -§ofraniu galben С 985 -verde G 331, G 163, T 219 albica^ie 374 albicios С 62 albie A 487 albigrane A 377 albine (polenizat prin-) M180 albinism A 374 albumen A 378 albuminoid P 1344 albuminoide A 379, P 1345 albuminos A 380 alburiu A 375, С 62 -galben L 148, О 53 -negru L 141 -ro$u E 349 alburn A 381 alcalin A 383 alcaliotropism A 384 alc*tuit F 127 alee cu arbori A 504 alelogenic A 413 alelomorfie A 414, 415 alelopatie A 416 alelotrih A 418 alelozitism A 417 alergie A 419 -polinic* P 930 ales L 80, 270 aletofite A 388 aleuron* A 389 aleurospor A 390 alexipiretic A 392 alexiteric A 394 alezie A 420 alfabetic A 468 algaceu A 395 algal A 395 alge A 396 create pe- A 397 de- P 534 relativ la- P 534 ro§ii R 300 algicol A 397 algoid A 395 algologie A 399 algotrofism A 400 aliaceu A 421 alin&tor S 251 alipire A 325 alipit A 194, 326, 953 alnicol A 466 alobiogenez* A 424 alobioz* A 425 alocarpie A 426 aloclorofil* A 427 alociclie A 433 aloc(h)oric A 429 alocjhjorie A 428 alocronic A 431 alogamic A 435 alogamie A 411, 434, 442 alogenetic A 436 alogonie A 437 alohton A 432 aloiogenez* A 438, 439 aloiometron A 440 alometric A 441 aloparalectotip A 443 alopatric A 444 alopelagic A 445 aloplasm* A 447 aloploidie A 449 alopoliploidie A 450 aloritmie A 451 aloslndez* A 455, 456 alosperm A 453 INDEX ROMANESC alospor A 454 alotetraploidie A 457, 559 alotip A 462 alotnploidie A 458 alotrofic A 459 alotropic A 460 alozigot A 463 alozom A 452 alpicol A 467 alpigen A 469 alpin A 467 plante -e О 217 alsofite A 470 altidat* (de-) P 15 alternant A 472, 873 alternant* A 473 -de generatii A 412, A 424, 439, 473, 873, H 216 alternare A 473 alternativ A 474 alterne (cu frunze-) A 475 alternind (-cu staminele) A 407 altimetru A 477 altitudine A 478 altiuscul A 479 altoi E 236, I 190 -de vit* R 163 altoire С 746, I 184, 188, T 399 de- I 189 -in ochi О 58 altoit I 189 alungare E 60 alungire P 1277 alungit E 94, О 17, P 1278 -eliptic О 291 -inainte P 1244 alutaceu A 482 alveolar A 484 alveolat A 486, F 27 alveolate A 485 alveol* A 483 aluvial A 464 amabil A 488 §tiint* -* A 488, В 254 amar A 491 cu tulpina -* A 490 amatocol A 492 amatofil A 492 amatofite A 493 am*rui A 489 ambient A 495 ambiguu A 497, 540 ambleocarpic A 500 ambrin A 502 ambroziac A 503 ambrozie (cu miros de-) A 503 ambulacru A 504 ameioz* A 505 ameliorant A 506 amelisrat A 507 INDEX ROMANESC ament A 511, J 17, N 175 care poartS- A 509 in formS de- A 508 -mic A 510 amentaceu A 508 amentifer A 509 ameristic A 512 ameroconidie A 513 amerospor A 514 amestecat С 667, I 56, 219, M 374, 385 ametistin A 515 albastru- A 515 ametitor S 489, T 88 amfantiu A 534 amfiapomicte A 535 amfiaster A 536 amfiatlantic A 537 amfibiont A 538, 571, 578 amfibiu A 539 amfibrie A 541 amficarion A 546 amficarpie A 543 amficarpie A 542 amficarpiu A 544 amficarpogen A 545 amficlin A 549 amficotiledon A 551 amficotilie A 588 amficribral A 554 amficriptofite A 555 amfidermS A 557 amfifloic A 576 amfifotic A 577 amfigamie A 562 amfigamie A 561 amfigastrie A 563 amfigen A 565 amfigeu A 560 amfigonie A 566 amfilepsis A 568 amfimixie A 569 amfinucleol A 572 amfinucleu A 573 amfipacific A 574 amfipetal A 575 amfiplasmS A 579 amfiplastie A 580 amfisarc A 581 amfisincotil A 587 amfisincotiledoneu A 552, 587 amfisincotilie A 553, 588 amfisperm A 582 amfisporangiat A 498, 584 amfistomatic A 586 amfitactism A 589 amfiteciu A 590 amfiten A 591 amfitokie A 592 amfitrih A 593 amfitrofie A 594 amfitrop A 595 amfivazal A 596 amfogenic A 597 amfoheterogonie A 598 amforiform A 599 amiantin A 517 amiboidal A 525 amibiform A 525 amicelic A 610 amicronic A 518 amidon vegetal A 626 formarea- A 626 amigdalifer A 612 amigdaliform A 613 amilaceu A 614 amilazS A 615 amiloeritrinS A 617 amilogen A 619, 622 amilogenezS A 618, 625 amilolitic A 616, 621 amiloplast A 620, 623 amiloplastic A 619 amilosfere A 624 amintit С 476, 661 amitozS A 520, P 1461 amnion A 524 amohtofite A 521 amorfofite A 530 amortitor T 353 ampelografie A 532 ampelologie A 533 amplectent A 448, 600 amplex prefloratie-S A 600 amplexicaul A 601 amplexiflor A 602 amplexifoliat A 603 amplificare A 605 amplitudine ecologies V 20 amplu A 606 ampulaceu A 608 ampulS A 607 in formS de- A 609 amputate A 609 amuzamente D 49 an (din acest-) H 430 anabionti A 630 anabiotic A 632 anabiozS A 631 anablast A 633 anabolism A 634 anaclinotropism A 640 anac(h)oretic A 638 anac(h)orezS A 637 anacrogin A 641 anacromazS A 639 anadrom A 642 anaeretic A 643 anaerob A 646 plants -S A 647 anaerobionti A 645 anaerobiozS A 644, 811 anaerofitS A 647 anafazS A 661 -aparentS P 1467 m anafilaxie A 664 anafitozS A 666 anafizS A 665 anaforezS A 662 anafototropism A 663 anagenezS A 649 anageotropism A 650 anagrams A 651 anale A 792 analecte A 652 analeptic A 653 analitic A 656 analizS A 655 -polinicS P 925 analogie A 654 anamorfozS A 658 anametadrom A 657 anamorfism A 658 anandric A 659 ananterat A 660 anaplazie A 667 anasarc A 669 anastatic A 670 anastomozant A 672 anastomozS A 671 anastral A 673 anastrofS A 674 anataximorfozS A 675 anatomie A 677 -a celulei С 1029 -a plantelor P 673 anatonic A 678 anatonozS A 679 anatraumatotropism A 680 anatrop A 682 anatropism A 681 ancestral A 685 ancoriform A 686 androceu A 699 androcit A 694 androcliniu A 692, С 520 androconidie A 693 androc(h)or A 691 androdinam A 697 androdinamie A 696 androdioecie A 695 -troicS A 695 androecie A 698 androfen A 720 androfilum A 723 androfitS A 724 androfor A 722 androgamet A 700, M 324 androgametofor A 702 androgametangiu A 701 androgamie A 703 androgamon A 704 androgen A 707 androgenetic A 706 androgenezS A 705 rezultat prin- A 706 androgin A 710 androginie A 712 -trioicS A 711 т androginodioecie А 713 androginofor А 714 androgoniu А 709 androhermafrodite А 715 andromerogonie А 716 andromonoecie А 717 -trioic* А 717 andromorfoz* А 718 andropetalie А 719 androplasm* А 725 androplasmic А 726 andropleogamie А 727 androepor А 730, 708, 736, Z 13 androsporange A 731 androstil A 733 androtip A 734 androzigot A 737 androzom A 729 androzoospor A 700 anemoentomofilie A 741 anemofil A 743, 749 anemogam A 241, 743, 749 anemogame A 742, 748 anemoc(h)or A 740 anemoc(h)orie A 739 anemohidroc(h)or A 744 anemometru A 745 anemomirmecoc(h)or A 747 anemomorfie A 746 anemoplancton A 750 anemospor A 751 anemotaxie A 752 anemotropism A 753 anemozooc(h)or A 754 anestezie A 648 aneuploidie A 755 aneusomatie A 756 aneusporie A 757 anexat A 793 angiosperm A 760 anguicid A 761 angular A 763, G 202 angulat A 764 angulos A 765 anheliotrop A 770 anhidrobioz* A 771 ani (care dureaz* trei-) T 482 animal parazit- Z 44 plancton- Z 49 animale create pe- Z 24 fertilizat prin- Z 36 polenizat prin- Z 15, 46 polenizare prin- Z 14 prin- Z 10 r&sptndit prin- Z 28 anizoaplanogamet A 775 anizocotilie A 777 anizodinam A 776, 778 anizofilie A 788 anizogamet A 779 anizogametangiogamie A 780 anizogamie A 782 anizogenie A 783 anizoginic A 785 anizogon A 784 anizohologamie A 786 anizomerogamie A 787 anizoploid A 789 anizostilie A 790 anizotropie A 791 anomalii (f*r*-) P 262 anomodromie A 805 anomomerie A 806 anorganic A 807 anorganotrofic A 808 anormal A 16 anortogenez* A 809 anortoploid A 810 anotin A 796 anserin A 812 antagonism A 813 antarctic A 814 antecelular A 815 antel* A 820 anten* A 816 anterangiu A 822 anter* A 821 -dorsifix* D 369 antere cu- concrescute S 1376 cu numeroase- P 942 cu - poricide P 1101 cu patru- T 183 cu trei- T 419 lipsit de- A 660 anterelor aderenta- A 830 lobii- L 237 lojile- G 737, L 237, 244 transformarea In petale a- A 829 anteridangiu A 823 anteridie A 701, 825, С 707 -sferic* G 168 pedicelul -i A 824 anteridiofor A 824 anterior P 1163 anterofilie A 829 anterofor A 828 anteroidee A 826 anteromanie A 827 anterosimfizie A 830 anterozoid A 831 anterozoizi (fecundat prin-) Z 14, 15, 36 antesmoliz* A 834 antesmotaxie A 835 antesporofil* A 817 antestep* cu piduri S 512 antetrofofil* A 818 antetrofosporofil* A 819 antez* A 885 antibiotice din plante P 643 anticamer* stomatic* V 97 INDEX ROMAN ESC anticlinal A 866 antidot A 865, 391 antidrom A 867 antienzim* A 868, 869 antiferment A 868, 869 antihelmintic V 69, A 870 antipode A 871 antiscorbutic A 1063 antistrof* A 872 antitetic A 873 antitrop A 874 antizimotic A 875 antobiologie A 836 antocarp A 837 antocian A 840 antocliniu A 839 antoclor A 838 antodiilor (concre§terea-) S 1381 antodiu A 841, G 226 antofag A 846 antofeina A 845 antofil A 847 antofite A 850 -anuale E 402 -saprobiotice S 52 antofitoz* A 851 antofor A 848 antolit A 842 antoliz* A 844 antologie A 843 antoplancton A 852 antotaxie A 854 antotropism A 855 antoxantin* A 856 antracin A 837 antracnoz* A 858 antropoc(h)ore A 225 antropoc(h)orie A 860 antropofil A 721, 861 antropofite A 862 anturus A 863 anual A 797 anuare A 792 anucleobionti A 877 anul trecut (din-) A 796 apaerotropism A 880 apandrie A 882 apantism A 881 aparat A 945 apare (care-) P 1240 -ulterior P 1437 aparent A 946, С 761, F 14, N 162, P 383, 413, 1456, S 519, 836 -axilar P 1470 -lateral P 1517 putin- О 24 apartine de P 353 apar(inind P 353 ap* aflat sub- S 1207 cu- H 463 curat ca -a A 960 INDEX ROMANESC cu exces de- H 545 fSrS- A 772 -stStStoare S 856 trSie?te in- A 959 umflat cu- T 656 apSrare (de-) D 34, P 1343 apSrat M 579, T 662 apSrS (care-) A 394, T 644 apSrStor P 1343 apSrut P 1436 -in acela?i timp С 541 apStos A 965, M 68, U 4 ape create in- curgStoare P 1146, 1148 cu- lin curgStoare L 93 cu- lini?tite L 93 apei (absorbirea-) I 47 apele intimplStor in -limnetice T 664 ocazional in • riurilor T 667 temporar in - pelagice T 665 apendice A 948 -proeminent P 1233 aperturS A 886 apetal A 888 aphaptotropism A 890 aphercotropism A 892 aphidrotaxie A 900 apical A 106, 903, С 5 apiculat A 905 apilarie A 906 aplanogamet A 907 -femel M 9 -mascul M 312 aplanogametangiu A 908 aplanospor A 909, 910 -mic M 313 aplanosporange A 911 aplazie A 912 aplecat С 240 -inainte P 1292 -in jos D 57 -strins A 953 aplicativ A 949 apobiotic A 914 apocarp A 915 apocarpic A 916 apochemotaxie A 917 apocit A 919 apoclorozS A 918 apofite A 930 apofizS A 929 apogalvanotaxie A 920 apogametie A 921 apogamie A 922 -diploids О 155 apogenie A 923 apogeotropism A 924 apogeu A 99 apoginie A 925 apolar A 926 apomeiozS A 927 apomixie A 928 apoplastidie A 931 apoplexie A 932 aporogamie A 933 apospermie A 934 aposporie A 935 aposporogonie A 936 apostazS A 937 apostrofS A 938 apotaximorfozS A 939 apoteciu A 940 apotermotaxie A 941 apotigmotaxie A 942 apotrop A 944 apotropism A 943 apozifie A 950 apresor A 952 aproape S 1085 -de P 88 apropiat A 209, 954, P 1305 cel mai- P 1440 apropiindu-se V 67 apucStor P 1207 apusean О 39 arac A 207 arahnoideu A 966 aranjat О 214 aratS (care-) M 465 arSmiu A 243 arStor A 1052 arSturS A 321 arbore A 968 in formS de- D 59 arborescent A 969 aproape- S 1098 arboret A 970 -de arini A 465 arbori alee cu- A 504 create pe- E 314 teren plantat cu - A 970 arboricol A 971 arboriculturS A 972 arborilor (cultura-) A 972 arbuscul A 974 arbust scund F 170, S 1099 arbustiv F 171 arc (curbat in-) A 996 arctic A 992, H 538 arctofil A 993 arctotertiar A 994 arcuit A 996, С 461, F 130, T 371 -la capSt С 57 ardeziac A 998 areal A 1000 cu - deosebit A 444 cu - restrins S 908 -geografic A 1000 - -natural P 190 areografie A 1005 areolar A 1007 areolat A 1007 areolatfe A 1008 606 areolS A 1006 argilaceu A 1011 argilofil S 737 argilos A 1012 argintiu A 1010 argotaxie A 1013 arhaic A 976 arhalaxis A 977 arhebiozS A 978 arhegon A 567, 980, С 826 arhegoniofor A 979 -stipitat U 23 arhenocariotic A 1037 arhenogenezS A 1038 arhenotochie A 1039 arheofite A 975 arhespor A 981 arhiantemum A 982 arhibental A 983 arhicarp A 984 arhicleistogamie A 985 arhigenezS A 10 arhimeristem A 988 arhiplasmS A 989 arhitip A 990 arhizoblastic A 1040 arid A 1016 ariditate S 485 arietin A 1017 aril A 1020 -fals A 1019, P 1465 fSrS- E 420 arilat A 1018 arilodiu A 1019 arini (create pe-) A 466 arini? A 465 aripat A 372, 403, P 1606 -ae jur imprejur P 308 aripS A 369, P 697 aripi P 79 cu -inguste S 926 cu - rigide S 191 cu patru -A 191 aripiform A 371, 404 aripile morii de vint (ca-) M 389 aripioarS A 481, P 712 aripioare cu - despicate S 140 cu -rozee R 301 cu numeroase- P 1038 aristat A 1022 aristS A 1021 fSrS- E 421 -micS A 1026 ariste cu douS- В 78 cu numeroase- M 510 cu trei- T 423 aristerostil A 1023 aristiform A 1025 aristulS A 1026 arme de apSrare A 1027 armeniac A 1029 од armflat А 1031 armflft А 1030 armonie Н 50 aromatic А 528, 1033 aromatizant С 702 aromorfoz* А 1034 ars А 222, D 115 articul A 1048 articulat A 1047 articulate A 1046, J 19 articulatii cu dou*- В 79 cu numeroase- M 511 cu trei- T 424 artificial A 1049 artrospor A 1044 artrosterigm* A 1045 aruncare E 60 aruncat (afar*) S 20 de - R 137 arundinaceu A 1050 arzitor A 997, S 982, T 356, U 88 asbestin A 1053 asca A 1066 poarta- A 1057 produce- A 1059 ascendent A 1054 slab- S 1102 ascidiat A 1055 ascidie A 1056 ascifer A 1057 ascocarp A 1058 -inchis С 509 ascofor A 1062 ascofruct disciform A 1061 ascogen A 1059 ascogon A 1060 ascom* A 1061 ascospor A 1064, S 796 ascostroma A 1065 ascuns A 20, С 207, 489, С 914, D 53, I 52, L 56, 58, О 42, R 88 ascutit A 59, 98, 1014, О 303 -muchiat A 91 slab- A 171 asem*nare S 517 asem*nator A 42, 208, 242, D 60, H 355, 358, M 473, P 87, S 515, V 67 foarte- P 347 aseptic A 1068 asexuat A 315, 1069, N 110, U 46 asimblastie A 1101 asimetric A 1102 asimQabil A 1083 asimilatie A 1084 asincronic A 1104 asindez* A 1106 asingamie A 1107 asociat A 328, 1086, С 567, S 548 asociatie A1085, С 586, S 549 -vegetal* P 616 asociatiilor (dinamica-) S 1416 asociere A 327, С 586 -simbiotic* С 758 asomatofite A1070 aspect A 1071, F 6 -general H 4, P 595 cu - О 199 cu - in§el*tor S 836 aspergiliform A 1073 asperitati cu - veruciforme T 626 far*-A 248, L 29 aspermie A 1075 asporogen A 1080 asprime S 107 aspru A 1072, R 397, T 378 putin- S 106, 1103 astatic A 1088 astelie A 1089 aster A 1090 asteronom A 1092 astringent S 1082 astrobotanic* A 1095 astrosclereide A 1097 astrosfere A 1098 astupat О 25 asuaare (provoac*-) S 1268 asupre$te О 198 a§ezare P 1126, S 540 a?ezat G 631, D 321, I 67, 186, P 1128, S 541 -adaxial A 215 -aiaturi A 203, 1082 -in ordine О 214 -pe sau ling* A 951 atactostel A 1109 ata?at A 291 atavic A 1111 atavism A 1110 ataxinomic A 1113 atelomitic A 1115 atenuat A 1140 atesta T 147 atingator A 1141 atinge (se-J G 773 nu m*- N 141 atingere T 15 atipic A 461, 1142 atirnat С 870, S 1321 -inainte P 1296 atimator D 76, P 232 atonie A 1121 atopie A 1122 atractoplasma A 1123 atr*gator I 41 atrocitoza A 1119 atrofiat A1128, T 3 atrofiaz* (se-) G 767 atrofiere T 2 INDEX ROMANESC atrofite A 1129 atrop A 1131 atropurpuriu A 1130 atrosanguineu A 1135 atroviolaceu A 1137 augmentare A 1145 augmentat A 1146 aulofite A 1150 auriculat A 1155 auricula A 1154 auricule cu dou*- В 81 far*- E 423 auriculiform A 1156 aurigo A 1157 auriu verde G 406 austral A 1158 autoalogamie A 1160 autocarpie A 1164 autoc(h)or A 1167 autoc(h)orie A 1165 autoc(h)orism A1166 autocromozom A 1168 autodiferentiere A 1170 autoecic A 1171, M 462 autoecologie A 1189 autoestezie A 1159 autofecundatie A 1172 autofertil A 1175 autofertilizare A 1172 -obligata A 1183 autofilogenie A 1195 autofita A 1196 autogam A 1175 autogamie A 1174 autogen A 1177 autogenetic A 1177 autogenez* A 1176 autohomogamie A 1180 autohton A 17, E 127 autoic A 1171 autoinfectie A 1181 autoliz* A 1182 automixie A 1183 automorfoz* A 1184 autonastie A 1185 autonictinastic A 1186 autonimie A 1188 autoortotropism A 1190 autoparazit A 1192 autoparazitism A 1191 autopartenogenez* A 1193 autopelagic A 1194 autoplast A 1198 autopolenizare A 1199 -exceptional* A 1180 autopoliploidie A 1200 autopotamic A 1201 autor A 1144 autoreglare R 135 -a temperaturii T 275 autoreinnoire R 157 autoscoliotropic A 1203 autosindez* A 1208 INDEX ROMANESC autospor A 1205 autosterilitate A 1206 autotetraploidie A 1209 autotip A 1214 autotomie A 1210 autotoxinS A 1211 autotrofie A 1212 autotropism A 1213 autozom A 1204 autumnal A 1216 autumnatie A 1217 autumnixantinS A 1218 auxanograf A 1219 auxanometru A 1220 auxiliar A 1222 celule -e A 1222 auxinS A 1223 auxoblast A 1224 auxospor A 1227 auxotonic A 1228 auxozS A 1226 avelaneu A 1231 avind H 1 avortare complete S 1303 avortat A 18, N 110 cu fructe -e A 500 flori femele -e P 93 axS A 1242 fixare pe- I 184 -hipocotilS P 1385 in forms de- R 8 orientat spre- A 177, 215 -principals С 189, 195, P 1208 -purtStoare a anterelor A 828 -spiculej,ului R 9 cu douS- В 82 cu mai multe- M 512 cu trei- T 541 dispus in jurul -ei P 272 axial A 1237 axilar A 1240 axilS A 1239 aflat in- I 242 axiodrom A 1241 axogamie A 1243 axosperm A 1244 azigot A 1251 azonal A 1245 azot A 1246 azotobacter A 1247 azuriu A 1248 bacaceu В 2 bacS A 94, В 1, U 100 de- С 548 -dublS В 83 -falsS P 1472 bace cu- С 548 cu douS- В 101 cu numeroase- P 972 cu patru- Q 7 cu -pSroase T 448 poartS- В 3 produce- В 3 bacifer В 3 baciform A 93 bacil (in formS de-) В 4 baciliform В 4 bactericid В 5 bacterie globuloasS С 556 bacteriform В 6 bacterii -ciliate T 440 -nitrificante N123 bacteriocecidii В 7 bacteriofag В 10 bacteriolizS В 9 bacteriologie В 8, M 339 bacteriorizS В 11 bacteriostatic В 12 bacteriotoxinS В 13 baculiform В 15 balanografie В 18 balaustS В 20 baliste В 21 balistic В 22 baloc(h)ore В 21 balospor В 23 balsam В 26 balsamic В 24 balsamifer В 25 baltS P 58 de- P 59 plante de- H 98 bancuri de nisip create pe- S 1472 plante de- A 521, S 1473 barbat В 28 barbelat В 29 bariere О 10 barimorfozS В 34 barometric В 31 barotaxie В 32 barotropism В 33 bastard H 455 bastardocarpie В 58 bastardogamie В 59 bastona? (in forms de-) В 4, 15 batial В 60 batografie В 61 batologie В 61 batracosperm В 62 ЬсТ- IStitS В 47 cu-liberS В 54 -frunzei В 52 •laminei В 52 -petiolului P 575 -rSdScinii R 242 -vaginantS a frunzei P 575 bazS В 52 fixat la- В 41 608 bazei aflat deasupra- S 1305 aflat dedesubt -H 569 bazic A 383 bazidial В 36 bazidie В 40 •neseptatS H 323 bazidiocarp В 37 bazidiofor В 38 bazidiospor В 39, S 794 -haploid S 796 bazifil В 51 bazifix В 41 bazifugal В 42 bazigamie В 43 baziginiu В 44 bazilateral В 46 bazinervat В 48 bazionim В 49 bazipetal В 50 baziscopie В 53 baziton. В 55 bSlSrie E 335 bSlegar (create pe-) G 798, F 64 bSltoacS L 23 bSrbStesc M 113 bS?icS (in formS de-) A 608 bS?ici (cu-) В 310, P 592, 593 bS?icut& V 93 acoperit cu-e V 95 bS?tina? A 17, E 127 bStrtn A 794, V 102 bental В 66 bentos В 68 biacuminat В 71 biaiometamorfozS В 72 biaiomorfozS В 73 bialat В 74 biangulat В 75 bianterifer В 76 biapiculat В 77 biaripat В 74, D 301 biaristat В 78 biarticulat В 79 biastrepsis В 80 biauriculat В 81 biaxial В 82 bibacS В 83 bibracteat В 84 bibracteolat В 85 bicaliculat В 88 bicalos В 87 bicamerat В 89 bicapitat A 684, В 90 bicapsular В 91 bicarenat В 92 bicarpelar В 93 bicelular В 94 bicentric В 95 biciliat В 98 bicidic В 116 bici (In formS de-) F 76 biclavat В 100 bicolateral В 102 bicolor В 103, D 178 bicompartimentat В 89, 146 biconjugat В 105, 137 bicontort В 106 biconvex В 107 -?i disciform L 97 bicorn В 108 bicoronat В 109 bicorticat В 110 bicostat В 111 bicrenat В 112 bicrestat В 113 bicubital В 114 bicuspidat В 115 bidentat В 117 bifacial A 684, В 123 bifactorial В 124 bifer В 126 bifidat В 127 de douS ori- В 210 biflagelat В 128 biflor В 129 bifoliat В 130 bifoliculS В 131 bifurcare F 197 bifurcat В 136, D 176 aproape- S 1151 bifurcate В 135 bigemat В 138 bigeminat В 137 bigeneric В 139 bilabiat В 142 bilateral A 684, В 143 biligulat В 144 bilobat В 145 aproape- S 1110 bilocular В 146 semi- S 288 biloment В 147 bQunar В 148 bimensual В 148 bimuchiat В 75 ascu}it- A 684 binat В 150 binemirositor О 65 binervat В 151 binominal В 153 binominalism В 154 bioblast В 155 biocenologie В 159 biocenozS В 160 -de culturS A 335 -faunei agricole A 347 IntimplStor In- T 663 bioc(h)or В 156 -ul individului 1 35 biociclu В 161 bioclimatologie В 158 biocrom В 157 biodermS В 162 biodinamicS В 163 bioenergeticS В 164 bioenergie В 165 biofag В 179 biofil В 180 biofor I 19, 33 biogeneticS В 167 biogenezS В 168 biogenie В 167 biogeocenozS В 168 biogeografie G 367, В 169 biolit В 170 biolizS В 174 biologic В 172 biologie В 171 -florals A 836 -a frunzei P 554 -a plantelor P 605 bioluminescentS В 173 biometrie В 175 biomorfozS В 176 bionomie В 178 biont В 177 bioplasms В 182 bioplast В 183 biopsie В 184 bioseston В 185 biosferS В 189 biosintezS В 190 biosistematicS В 192 biotaxonomie В 192 biotic В 193 biotip В 196 -al ecospeciei О 83 biotonus В 194 biotop В 195 cu - restrins S 910 identitate de- H 418 biovulat В 197 biozS В 186 biozofie В 188 biozom В 187 bipalmat В 198 bipartit В 200 bipartite В 199 bipenat В 202 -partit В 203 biperforat В 201 bipintenat В 86 bipolar В 204 bipolaritate В 205 biradiat В 206 birostrat В 208 bisanual В 122, D 187 bisectat В 211 biseptat В 212 biserat В 214 biseriat В 213, D 335 aproape- S 1157 bisetos В 215 bisexual A 496, В 216 bisexualitate A 711 bisexuat A 710 bisimetric В 219 bisturiu (tn formS de-) S 111 bisulcat В 218 INDEX ROMAN ESC biternat В 220 bitriflor В 221 bituberculat T 148 biuncinat В 222 biunguicular В 223 bivalent В 224, D 196 bivalvat В 225 bizonal В 227 blastemS В 228 blastezS В 230 blastocarpic В 232 blastofilS В 237 blastofor В 236 blastogenezS В 233 blastografie В 234 blastomanie В 235, С 484 blastospor В 238 blefaroplast В 243, M 120 boabS A 94, В 1 boalS M 471 cauzeazS- P 183 -plantelor M 471 bob de fasole (in formS de-) F 4, P 715 boboc floral A 370 bogat G 797, P 933 boleoanemochorie В 245 boleuautochorie В 245 bolism В 247 bolnSvicios A 240, I 176, M 470, P 186 boltit A 996, G 793, F 130 slab- S 1101 boltiturS С 971, F 131 bombare P 1434 bombat -in fatS P 1433 -spre exterior G 793 bombilifer В 249 bondari (purtind-) В 249 bonetS (in formS de-) P 685 bont О 34 bordurS cu - ro?ie R 384 boreal В 251 -alpin В 251 boschet V 134 bostriciform В 252 bostrix В 253 botanic В 255 botanicS В 254, H 317 -agricolS A 337 -apelor curgStoare P 1147 cercetare- P 603 de-В 255 -descriptivS В 258, D 91, P 630 -economics О 75 -forestierS S 29 -horticolS В 254 -plantelor fosile P 19 botanist В 256, H 160 botanists В 257 botanizare H 158 INDEX ROMANESC botanografie В 258 botanolit В 259 botanologie В 260 botrenchim T 26 botriocim* В 264 botritic R 4 aparent- P 1473 botuliform A 408, В 266 brachial В 268 bracteat В 281 bractee В 280 -mici В 282 bractei cu doi- В 84 cu mai multe- M 513 cu trei- T 425 bracteoia В 282, P 1304 bracteole (cu dou*-) В 85 bracteomanie В 283 brad (ca un-) S 43, A 9 cu miros de- S 43 bradiauxez* В 284 bradigenez* В 285 bradisporie В 286 brahiblast В 272 brahidodrom В 275 brahisclereide В 278 brahistilie В 279, M 359 brazda С 644, S 1280 -nectarifera S 1280 brazde (cu cinci-) Q 48 cu dou*- В 218 cu - mici S 1029 cu trei- T 569 brazdat G 641, G 191, S 1278 partial- S 372 pronuntat- E 419 brevidiurn В 289 briceag (in form* de-) S 111 briofil В 300 brioid В 298 briologie В 299 briospor В 301 briu С 442 bromatologie В 293 bronzat A 243 brum* P 1441 brumariu G 164 brun В 297 -ca hirciogul N121 cafeniu- S 407, T 322 - - deschis T 322 - - inchis A 222, С 596 castaniu- С 159 eenu?iu- S 599 - - ca §oarecele M 583 -de ciocolata С 1, T 252 deschis- L 277 devenit- I 155 gaibui- F 183 - - ca pamtntul T 137 tnchis- A 963, В 16, 297, brun G1,596, F 202, P 1640, U 25 aproape- - S 1097 lucios- S 600 palid- С 904, T 1, N 414 roscat- В 16, С 53, 159, G 244, 254, 445, F 184, L 100, 163, R 370, P 397 - - inchis P 1019, R 401, 420 -rof?ietic В 297, H 149 ruginiu- F 39 bruniu В 296, F 183, 201 -alb P 399 -ca iepurele L 114 -de alune A 1231 -galben deschis A 1011 - - de ocru О 49 -palid A 482 -verde С 74 buburuza V 78 bucatarie (de-) G 948 buc*ti -alese A 652 rupt in- D 299 buchet S 453 in form* de- S 452 bud* (in form* de-) В 252, С 428 bulb В 309 cu -ingust S 905 -tunicat T 650 bulbi (poarta-) В 304 bulbiform В 303 bulbil В 305 bulbi?or В 308 bulbodiu В 306 bulbos В 304 bulbotuber В 307 bulbului (discul-) В 306 buletin A 143 bun В 250, H 360 -de mincat E 50 burete F 191 in form* de- S 772 bursicuia В 311 bursiform С 899 buruian* H 156, I 260 buruieni X 45 -ba§tina?e E 363 -din semanaturi S 254 -din terenurile agricole E 331 plivirea -lor R 409 buruieni$uri antropofile R 391 butas M 82, T 20 butelie (in form* de-) A 608, L 31 butoia? (in form* de-) D 360, О 213 butuc de roata (in form* de.-) M 387 buze (cu dou*-) В 142 604 cacogenez* С 3 caconim С 4 cade -impreun* С 613 nu- P 348 caduc D 15 cafeniu -brun S 407, T 322 -deschis T 322 calamus С 15 calatidifor С 16 calatidiu С 17 pedunculul -ului С 16 c(h)alaz* С 252 calcar if or m С 21 calcaros С 20 calceiform G 22 calcicol G 23 calcifil С 23, 25 calcifug G 24, 26 calcul С 27 calendar floral С 29 calibeiform С 256 calicantemie С 41 caliciu G 50 cu-C 40, 42 cu — despicat S 137 cu — p*ros T 442 cu — ro§u R 291, 379 cu — rozaceu R 291 cu — semiaderent H 141 -extern С 44 -gamosepal P 175 lipsit de- A 27 neaderentla-A 27 numai cu- A 888 -secundar С 44 calicii (cu dou*-) В 88 caliciului (laciniile-) L 14 calicodofite С 255 calicul С 44 far*- A 28 caliculat С 43 caliculi (cu doi-) В 88 califiomie С 45 calim* M 123 caliptrat С 47 caliptr* G 46 -radadnii P 687 caliptriform G 48 caliptrogen С 49 calmant S 251 caloritropism С 37 ,, calos С 30 calota digestiv* D 211 calozitate С 31 calozit*ti (cu dou*-) В 87 calus С 31 calusheteroplazie С 32 calushipertrofie С 34 calushomoioplazie С 33 calusmetaplazie С 35 calvescent С 38 606 cambial С 51 cambiu С 52 •fascicular F 22 camefite С 258 camelin С 53 camerS preetomaticS V 97 camerS substomaticS deechizSturS — О 191 campaniform С 54 campanulat С 54 aproape- S 1113 campestru A 1051, С 55 campilotrop G 58 camptodrom С 57 canal F 134, D 387, V 152 -intercelular I 210 -laticifer L 64 -medular M 143 -rezinifer D 387 -valecular L 23 canaliculat G 59 sinuat- R 333 slab - S 114 cancelat С 60 cancerul arborilor G 83 candelabriform G 61 candid G 63 canelurS H 598 canescent С 64 cangrenS G 59 cangrenos S 696 canin G 65 cap С 80 capabil P 1151 capac (cu-) О 184 capacitate F 10, P 1152 -de absorbtie R 179 -de adaptare A 174 -de regenerare R 120 capilaceu G 67 capilar С 67 capilaritate С 68 capili(,iu С 69 -fistulos G 566 capi?on С 944 in forms de- С 943 capitat G 71 capitul G 72, 226 fSrS- A 58 capitule cu- concrescute S 1398 cu mai multe- M 514 cu- pSroase T 446 cu trei- T 431 capreolat С 75 caprificatie С 77 capsulS С 78, S 782, T 231 -BaciformS С 556 -dublS prin concrestere P 898 -monospermS S 12 -neoperculatS G 509 -sporiferS S 828, U 89 capsule cu douS - В 91 cu mai multe- M 515 cu patru- Q 5 cu trei- T 428 capsulei pedicelul-S 461 peretele- P 275 capsulifer G 79 caracter G 260, P 1310 caractere -de deosebire D 336 cu-dobindite S 575 cu-ereditare separate S 262 cu- ale tipului T 673 caracteristic T 673 carapace silicios L 266, T 231 carbonaceu С 81 carcerulS G 82 carcinom С 83 cardinal С 85 carenat С 91 carenS G 90 cu -neevidentS S 1116 carene P 79 cu douS- В 92 cu multe- M 516 cu trei- T 429 caren^S (cu-) G 87 caricografie G 88 carie С 89 carienchim G 133 carierS de nisip A 1003 cariocinezS G 137 carioclastic G 134 cariofazS G 144 cariogamie С 135 cariogramS G 136 cariolimfS G 139, N 192 cariolizS С 140 cariologie G 138 carioplasmS С 145 carioplasmogamie G 146 carioplast С 147 cariopsS G 148 cariorexie С 149 carios G 92 cariosimfizS С 151 cariotecS G 152 cariotinS G 153 cariotip G 154 cariozom С 150 carmezin С 300 carne G 97 carnea asemSnStor cu- S 70 -fructului M 222, P 1643 cSrnii (de culoarea-) 1 85 carnet de insemnSri A 227 carneu С 94, 1 85 camivor С 95,1180 carnivore (plante-) I 180 INDEX ROMANESC carnivorofite I 180 carotins С 98 carpadeliu G 100, 871 carpels С 103, 117, M 57 -abortivS G 107, P 94 -sterilS G 107 carpele cu - concrescute G 573 G 39, S 1392 cu douS- В 93 — concrescute S 305 cu -neconcrescute L 290 cu patru- Q 6, T 176 cu trei- T 430 format din mai multe-P 859 transformarea organelor florale in- P 719 carpelei inverzirea- О 167 pedicelul- H 610 carpelelor (concresterea-) С 572, S 1391 carpelodiu С 101, P 719 carpelomanie С 102 carpocefal С 105 carpocloniu G 106 carpodiu С 107 carpofag F 164 carpofor G 116 carpogamie G 108 carpogenezS G 109 carpogon С 110 carpolit С 111 carpolizS G 113 carpologie С 112 carpomanie С 114 carponomiu G 115 carpopodiu С 118 carpoptozS G 119 carposferS С 122 carposperm С 121 carpospor С 123 carposporange G 124 carpostegiu G 125 carpostomiu G 126 carpotecS G 127 carpotropism С 128 carpozigot С 129 carpozom G 120 carte О 206 cartilagineu G 130 cartilaginos С 130 partial- S 1118 carunculS С 131 cascS G 157, G 9 cu-G 10 cu jumState de- S 312 in forms de- G 11 casideu С 156 casmandroecie С 264 casmanterie С 265 casmodeistogamie G 267 casmofite С 271 INDEX ROMANESC casmogamie С 269 casmopetalie С 270 castaniu С 159 -brun С 159 castrare С 160 castrate parazitar* P 126 castravete (in form* de-) С 945 catablast С 161 catabolism С 162 cataclinotropism С 164 catacorol* G 165 catacromaz* С 163 catadrom С 166 catafil* С 176 cataforez* С 173 catafototropism С 174 catagenez* С 167 catageotropism G 168 cataliz* С 171 catalog С 170, D 47, R 151 -de seminte D 47 catapetalism С 172 cataplasm* С 178 cataplazie С 177 catarobionti С 183 catartic С 184 catatonoz* С 179 catatraumatotropism С 180 categorie sistematic* T 37 catifelat p*ros V 53 dab-S 1250 catodic С 185 catotrop С 186 caudat G 188 caudex С 189 caudicul С 190 caulicul С 191 caulidiu С 192 cauliflorie С 193 caulinar С 194, S 996 caulocaliciu С 196 caulocolezie С 197 caulom С 198 caulotaxie С 199 cavernos С 201 cavitate С 1016, L 23 -celular* L 274 -cu aer V 93 •ovarian* L 244 cavita^i cu-C 201 cu dou*- В 146 -roase de larve N 145 cazeolar С 155 c*dere L 52 c*derea ■florilor A 853 ■frunzelor D 41 -timpurie a frunzelor P 576 -ramurilor С 488 caiatorie I 347 c*l*uz* H 319 c*ldur* de- T 258 iubitor de- T 272 produce- T 263 c*p*cel О 185 c*rare S 375 c*r*miziu L 61 c*rbunelui (de culoarea-) A 857 c*rbunos С 81 cirnos С 96, S 62, 863, 1263 fruct- S 64 cSxunt S 390 cSscat H 287, 318, R 327 c*su(,a semintelor A 876 C*t*r*tor A 206, С 472 c*tel В 308 c*z*tor С 6, 613, D 15, E 63, P 713 c*zut D 46 ceap* В 309 cu miros de- A 421, 423 cear* С 228 acoperit cu- С 237 asem*n*tor cu- G 229 cecidie G 206 -cauzat* de ciuperci P 661 •cauzat* de alge P 535 cecidiiform G 14 cecidiofite G 204 cecidiofor G 203 cecidiologie С 202 cefalodiu С 226 cefalofor С 227 celalalt G 245 celestin С 7 celoblast G 565 celonem* С 566 celular С 209, 1028 degenerare -* D 42 diviziune-* С 1036, 1055, D 351 membran* -* С1041, M181 nucleu- С 143, 1032, N 195 plante -e С 209 sue- С 1058, E 122, S 1266 tesut- С 772 vacuol* -* L 274 celula С 208, 1042 -binucleat* D 166 -cu clorofil* С 332 -cu pigmenti С 387 -far* clorofil* L 140 -far* membran* G 271, 272 -fiic* G 208 -globuloas* С 556 -mam* С 208, M 122 -a anteridiei S 658 -a anterozoizilor S 651 -a macrogametului M 24 -a sporului P 311, S 807 -marginal* H 201 -moart* N 42 -multinucleat* P 984 ОД -nenucleat* A 39 -nutritiv* T 595 •primordial* P 1212 •reproductiv* asexuat* A 300, S 779 -de rezistent* E 148 •sexual* G 17 -mascul* S 670 -sexuat* G 41 -somatic* S 572 -vegetativ* V 46 celule -absorbante A 22 agregare de- A 327, G 636 -agregate in colonii G 571 -auxiliare A 1222 dezvoltat din - somatice S 575 cu- diploide S 1397 cu dou*-В 94 cu-paralele P 101 format din mai multe- P 860 -initiale I 161 -insotitoare G 660 •moarte N 39 -pietroase В 278, S 176 -reproduc*toare T 59 -specializate T 441 -spieulare A 1097 -stomatice S 1003 celulei anatomia- С 1029 descrierea- G 1052 dinamica- С 1044 fiziologia- С 1068 puterea formativ* a- P 782 mortificarea- N 49 celuloz* С 210 cenantie С 212 cenantiu С 568 cenobionti С 569 cenobiospor С 570 cenobiu С 571 cenocarp С 574 cenocarpic С 573 cenocarpie С 572 cenocentru G 575 cenocist С 577 -ciliat Z 29 cenocladie С 576 cenofil G 584 cenogamet С 578 cenogenez* С 8, 579 cenoglee G 580 cenogonidie С 581 cenologie С 582 cenomonoecie G 583 cenoprotal С 585 cenosfer* С 588 cenospecie G 587 cenospor С 589 cenotaxonomie S 1451 cenoxenic X 19 «07 cenoz* С 586 -plantelor cultivate A 343 cenozigot С 592 cenozoogonidie С 591 central С 215 placentatie -a С 215 centre (cu dou*-) В 95 centrifugal С 216 centripetal С 218 centromere С 219 cu-difuze P 835 cu mai multe- P 956 cu-neterminale S 1452 cu-terminale О 267, T 72 far*- A 57 centroplasm* С 220 centroplast С 221 centrosfer* С 223 centroxilic E 125 centrozom С 222, M 427 centra -divizionar intranuclear N184 nedispus in- A 57 situat ling*- P 88, S 1120 cenu?* С 443 cenugiu С 66, G 258, P 911, S 769, T 111 -alb С 64, 66, L 142, S 771, T 113 albastru- С 12, N 173 albastrui- G 163 -ca otelul E 257 -ardeziac A 998 -bruniu ca soarecele M 583, 619 -columbin С 646, P 57 curat- С 433 -deschis С 434, G 257 fumuriu- F 185, N 36 tnchis- S 136 palid- С 434, L 142 -plumburiu L 230, M 391, ceom* С 9 cer J 21 ceraceu С 229 cerat С 237 ceratiu С 235 ceratomanie С 236 cerc С 1000 a$ezat In- G 996 curbat In- G 314 In form* de- С 451 nea^ezat In- A 349 cercetare E 87, I, 111, 268 -detaliat* A 655 cercetat С 598 de- I 174 cercetator I 110, 269, S 223 -al naturii N 25 cereale С 238, F 167 recoltarea -lor M 258 cerulescent С 10 ceruleu С 11 cervicolor G 244 cespitos С 13 slab- S 112 chalaz* С 252 chamefite G 258 chasmandroecie G 264 chasmanterie G 265 chasmocleistogamie С 267 chasmofite G 271 chasmogamie С 269 chasmopetalie С 270 cheie analitic* A 656, С 500 cheie de determinare A 656, G 500 cheilomanie С 275 cheimonofil С 277 cheimonofob С 278 chemoauxism G 283 chemocinez* G 287 chemoc(h)orism G 284 chemo dinez* С 285 chemo dolic(h)oz* G 286 chemoestezie G 282 chemofobotactism С 293 chemoliz* С 289 chemoluminescent* С 288 chemometrie G 290 chemomorfoz* С 291 chemonastie С 292 chemosintez* G 294 chemotactism G 295 -negativ С 293, A 917 -pozitiv P 1314 chemoterapie С 296 chemotrof G 297 chemotropism С 298 chemozoofob С 299 chemoclorantie С 247 chersofite G 301 chetoplancton G 250 chiasm* С 302 chiastobazidie С 303 chilofite С 413 chimie vegetal* P 610 chimifer G 414 chinez S 521 chionofite G 309 chircit P 1652 chironim С 310 chiropterofil С 280 chirotip G 311 chist inchis С 317 chomapofite С 353 chomofite С 354 cianeu С 984 cianocist С 986 cianoficin* С 990 cianofil* G 989, 991 cianoplast G 992 INDEX ROMANESC ciatiu С 994 cicatrice С 418 -al hilului О 151 cu-G 417 cu - triradiar* T 503 -seminal* H 300 cicatricos С 84, 417 cicatricul* G 418 cicatrizare С 419 cicatrizat G 417 ciclic G 996, V 88 ciclocoriz* G 997 ciclonastie G 998 cicloz* G 999 ciclu С 1000 -de viat* В 161 -vital G 1000 cicluri cu patru- T 162 cu trei- T 473 -cid С 422 bacteri- В 5 fungi- F 188 cil С 426, F 78 cili cu doi- В 98 cu-laterali P 842 cu mai mul^i- P 1075 cu - mici G 425 cu mul(,i - M 522 ciliat В 241, С 423 slab- S 1121 cilindrenchim С 1002 cilindric G 1001 aproape- S 1145 cilindru С 1003 -central С 215, 1003, S 893 cu mai mul(i -i -i P 1058 f*r*- A 1089 --primitiv P 1418 -unic M 450 ciliograd С 424 ciliolat G 425 cim* С 1004 -bipara D 170 -compus* D 188 -dic(h)azial* D 170 -evantai R 239 -helicoidal* В 253 -scorpioid* С 429 -secer* D 373 -unipara M 403 cimobotris С 1007 cimos G 1008 cinabarin G 444 cinci Q 32 cite- Q 30 cu- P 236, Q 32 de- ori Q 30, 50 cincicostat Q 34 cincilocular P 238 cincipartit Q 45 cincilea (al-) Q 51 INDEX ROMANESC cincin С 429 cincinat С 428 cinenchim С 432 cinerascent С 434 cinereu С 433 cinetonemS С 437 cinetoplaste С 438 cinetozom С 439 cinoplasmS С 446 cioc R 355 cu-R 308 cu-mic R 350 in formS de- R 354 ciocan (in formS de-) M 81 ciocuri (cu douS-) В 208 cioptrtit L 12 ciphelS С 1012 circonferintS A 499 circular G 451, 690, 996, G 314, О 210 aparent- P 1504 aproape- S 1214 circulate С 452 circumboreal С 456 circumcis С 468 circumferintS С 460 circumflex G 461 circumfloral G 462 circumlateralism С 463 circumnutatie С 465 circumpolar G 467 circumvolutie G 471 cire? (de-) G 233 cisalpin С 474 cist inchis С 317 cisteia С 475 cistidS С 1018 -laterals P 831 cistocarp G 1019 cistocarpului (oficifiul-) С 126 cistofor С 1021 cistolit С 1020 cistosferS С 1023 cistosor С 1022 cistospor M 320 cistotil С 1025 citat С 476 locul- С 476 citazS С 1027 -citic С 1028 para- P 101 citoanatomie С 1029 citoaster С 1030 citoblast С 1032 citoblastem С 1031 citochilem С 1038 citochim С 1039 citochimie С 1035 citocinezS С 1055 citoclastic С 1060 citoclezS G 1056 citoc (h) orism С 1036 citocrom С 1037 citodS С 1042 citodermS С 1041 citodinamicS С 1044 citofiziologie G 1068 citogamie С 1045 citogeneticS G 1047 citogenezS С 1046 citogeografie С 1050 citogonie С 1049 citografie G 1052 citogranulS С 1051 citohidrolizS С 1054 citohimerS G 1034 citolimfS С 1058 citolitic С 1060 citolizinS G 1059 citologie С 1057 -nuclearS G 138 -plantelor P 618 citomecanicS G 1062 citomitom С 1064 citomixie G 1065 citomorfologie С 1066 citomorfozS С 1067 citoplasmS С 1069 -fSrS membranS G 272 -gametilor G 35 citoplasmei geneza- P 764 lizarea- P 766 partea solids a - S 949 pelicula- P 756 citorizS С 1070 citosarc G 1071 citoschelet С 1072 citostaticS С 1074 citotezis С 1076 citotoxinS G 1077 citotropism С 1078 citozom С 1073 ciuntit С 885, P 1671, R 213, T 617 ciupercS F 191 referitor la- M 596 ciuperci M 600 ciupercii (piciorul-) С 227, S 987, T 620 ciupercilor (geneza-) M 601 ciuruit de jur imprejur A 554 clinesc С 1009 cilti S 1059 in forms de- S 1060 cimp A 321, R 419 cre?te pe cimp A1051, R 418 -cu cereale S 253 de-A 332, С 55, R 418 -lucrat A 1052 ctmpie P 742 circei С 76, 473 -neramificat S 518 «08 -simplu S 518 -stipulaneu S 992 -de vtyS de vie P 62 circei (cu-) С 75, 472 cirlig H 21, U 31 -mic H 20 recurbat in- R 107 cirlige (cu numeroase-) P 939 cirnat (in formS de-) В 266 ci?tigat A 105 cladenchim G 479 dadodistrofie С 481 cladodiu G 480 cladofor G 485 cladogen G 483 cladogenezS С 482 cladomanie С 484 cladopodiu С 487 cladoptozS С 488 clamidocist G 317 cladogonidie С 318 clamidospor С 319 clandestin С 489 clar D 233 clasS С 492 clasic С 490 locul- L 246 clasificare С 491, T 38 de- T 39 clastotip С 493 clavat С 497 claviform intors О 3 cleios G 188, V 142 cleistandroecie С 504 cleistanterie С 505 cleistocarp С 509 cleistocarpic G 508 cleistocarpie С 507 cleistogam С 511 cleistogamie С 510 cleistopetalie С 512 climacorize С 515 climat tropical (de-) M 159 climateric С 516 climatic С 517 climatip С 518 climax С 519 climS locals M 318 clinandriu A 692, G 520 clinantiu С 521 clinidiu G 522 cliniu С 523 clinogeotropism С «525 clinotropism С 529 -negativ С 164 -pozitiv A 640 clitoc (h) ore С 530 cion G 533 clonotip С 534 clopotel (in formS de-) С 54 clorenchim С 326 т clorescent С 327 clorescentS С 347 clorocist С 332 clorofilS С 343 coniine- С 341 lipsS de- A 918 lizare- С 342 parazit cu- H 114, 133 clorofiliger С 341 clorofilolizS С 342 clorofilos С 341 cloroglobinS С 333 cloroleucite С 334 cloronemS С 336 cloroplast С 346 clorosudatie С 350 clorovaporizatie С 350 clorozS С 347 clostru С 535 cluziu С 536 cnefoplancton С 538 coacere (perioadS de-) M 125 coada ?oricelului asemSnStor cu- M 631 coada veveritei asemSnStor cu- S 172 coagulare С 542 coajS С 810, 831, 901 -de nucS P 1669 coalescent С 543 coalescentS С 544, S 1358 coamS J 9 coardS (In formS de-) F 192 coarne cu douS- В 108 cu multe- P 959 cu patru-T 157 coarnele de elan asemSnStor cu- A 385 coarnele berbecilor asemSnStor cu- A 1017 coasts (de deal) С 532, 629 coasts (a mSrii) de- N 96 coasts (pe organe) С 851, J 14 -dorsals D 368 In formS de- R 8 coaste cu- С 852 cu douS- В 111 cu mai multe- P 863 cu patru- Q 2 cu -pSroase R 15 cu trei- T 470 -secundare S 245 coautor С 614 cobaltin С 547 coborlt D 57 coccineu С 551 coccogoniu С 552 coccolit С 554 coccosferS С 555 coccus С 556 cochlear С 557 prefloratie -S С 557 cochleat С 558 coco?at H 454 Cod international de nomen-claturS botanicS С 559 coditS P 211 codominant С 561 codru N 76 coenzimS С 593 coerentS С 601 coeziune С 601 schimbarea coeziunii plas-matice S 1383 coferment С 593 cohabitant С 599 coif С 46, 157, G 9 coilocarpie С 603 colaborator С 614 colaplancton С 615 colateral С 619 colectat L 80 -de L 83 colectiv С 621 colectori С 622 colectie С 169, S 1331 -de articole publicate A 1108 -de plante uscate H 159 -anualS de lucrSri A 792 colenchim С 623 coleogen С 606 coleopterocecidie С 608 coleopteronom С 609 coleoptil С 610 coleorizS С 611 colesulS С 612 colet С 633 coletere С 624 colicS (alinS-) T 351 colicvescent С 628 colinar С 531, 625 colinS С 532, 629 coloidomorfozS С 632 colonie С 636 -de organisme С 571 coloniste С 637 colorabil С 372 u§or- H 541 colorant T 314 colorarea excesivS a organelor С 384 colorat С 371, 639, F 175, P 679, T 315 viu- L 27 coloratie С 640, P 681 colpenchim С 642 colt A 90, 766 colturi cu- A 765, G 202 cu cinci- P 243 cu mai multe- P 993 INDEX ROMANESC cu multe- M 507 cu §ase- H 275 cu trei- T 418 colturos A 764 columbin С 646 columelar С 648 columelS С 647, S 782 columna -filamentelor staminale S 1417 -staminelor monadelfe S 1417 columnar С 650, P 37 columns С 649 comapofite С 353 comat J 10 -pSros С 651, 887 combinat С 654 -venos С 653 combinatie С 652 -nouS С 652, N 77 comemorat С 661, M 615 comensal С 663 comensalism С 664 comesean С 663 comestibil E 50 comiscuum С 665 comisurS С 666 comitat С 659 comoarS T 286 comofite С 354 compact С 672, F 16, P 815, S 563 aproape- S 1124 compaginat С 673 comparatie С 674 comparS cu С 708 compartimentat S 411 compensare С 676 competitie С 677 complementatie С 680 complet С 681, H 320, P 63, 262 completare A 1145, M 94 completat A 176, 1146 -substantial E 106 complex С 682 comprimat С 545, 672, 686 -circular С 765 -de sus D 80 dorsal- О 4 compus С 685 de douS ori- В 104 palmat- P 45 penat- P 699 comun С 65, 668, T 575, V 165 comunS P 13 comunitate С 669, 758 aflat in- С 567 con С 784 -de cre?lere С 784, V 46 -femel S 1039 -mic С 783 INDEX ROMANESO -vegetativ V 46 In form* de- S 1036 concatenat С 687 concaulescent* С 688 concav С 689 •pe ambele p*rt A 550 concentric С 690 aproape- S 1129 conceptacul С 691 -nefertil С 931 conceptie S 397 conchidie G 693 concolor С 694, I 298 concomitent H 364, S 520 concrescent С 697 concrescent* С 698 concrescut A 52, 181, 212, A 793, G 543, 699, 741, G 37, S 1350 -cu paleea G 833 -Imprejur С 464 -pe jumState S 296 -prin virf A 141 concrescute (cu carpele-) S 1392 concrete (care-) A 210 concre§tere G 544, S 1358 format- S 1359 linie de- S 1323 unit prin- A 197, G 543 concre§terea -anermal* a tulpinilor С 197 -antodiilor S 1381 -carpelelor С 572, S1391 -cotiledoanelor A 588, S 1408 -florilor S 1380 -fructelor S 1391 -frunzelor G 49 -mugurilor G 43 -organelor invecinate P 1330 -ramurilor С 576 -stelelor G 53 condensat С 701 condil С 707 condimentar С 702 condi^ie G 703 condriocinez* С 356 condriocont С 35 5 condriom С 357 condriomite G 358 condriosfer* С 360 condriozom С 359 conductor С 704 conduplicat С 705 conectiv С 743 conex С 744 confervoid С 711 configurate G 712 confluent A 672, G 715 confluent* reciproc* A 671 conform С 716 confuz G 717 nume- G 717 congeneric С 718 congenital С 719 conglobat С 721 conglomerat С 722 conglutinat С 723 congregat С 724 conic С 726 aproape- S 1131 invers- О 33 risturnat- О 5 conidangiofor С 727 conidangiu G 728 conidie С 734 -cruciform* S 882 -cu macropicnidii M 43 mic*- M 319 suportul -i С 730 -unicelular* A 513 -vermiform* S 200 conidiifer С 729 conidiofor G 523, 730 conidiofori -agregat S 810 -asociat A 63, С 807 conidiostrom* С 733 conifer С 735 conifere (p*duri de-) A 61 coniotec* С 737 conivent G 745 conjugare С 739 -a celulelor С 1045 conjugat penat P 708 conocarp С 747 conocist С 736 conoforofite G 749 conoidal С 726 conopodiu С 750 consanguin С 752 conscriere G 752a -fitocenologic* G 752a -a plantelor A 795, G 752a conserva (a-) С 754 conservat (de-) G 753 considerat ca P 1225, Q 53 consistent* intSrire In- S 179 IntSrit in- S 193 consortu С 758 conspect С 759, S 1330 constant С 763, 1 264 const*t*tor С 763 constructiv С 766 consumat de p*s*ri A 1234 contabescent G 767 contact (aflat in-) С 773 de- T 288 contagios G 768 contaminare I 132 contemporan С 541 tlO continu* (care se-) S 1256 continuu С 775 contopire F 204 contopirea -nucleilor С 151 -citoplasmatic* a gametl-lor P 763 contort G 778 contortoplancton С 776 contortuplicat С 777 contra A 864 contractare S 1481 contractat С 545, 780 contractu С 779, P 1645 contraotrav* A 391, 865 contrar N 64 contras С 780 contribute S 1341 contur A 499 confine (care-) G 774, I 91 conubiu G 746 conul С 783 convariante С 787 convarietate G 788 convenabU I 38 convergent С 790 convergent* С 791 convex G 793 convolut С 794 convolutiv V 794 copalin С 796 copios G 797, О 205 cople§e§te (care-) О 199 coprofag G 798 соргоШ С 798, M 191 coprofite С 799 copt M 128 copulare С 739 copularea -celulelor fiice A 184 -gametangiUor Z 62 -heterogametUor H 214 copule G 800 coracin С 802 coraliform С 803 coralin С 804 corb (negru de-) С 802 cordat G 806 aproape- S 1134 invers- О 6 partial- S 298 cordiform С 86 cordon С 362, 442, -umbUical F 194 cordoane cutransversale T 373 •sterUe la sporange T 372 -transversale la peristom T 372 corectat (-de) С 828 de- G 829 еп corela^ie С 827 coremiu С 807 corespunz*tor С 725 corespunzind С 789 coriaceu С 808 corifilie С 844 corifofite С 845 corimb С 842 cu- С 840 dispus in- С 840 corimbos С 840 partial- S 1138 corimbotirs С 841 corisimfilie С 846 coriz* С 365 cormautoc(h)ore С 811 cormofite С 812 cornet (in form* de-) С 943 cornul abundentei (asem*-n*tor cu-) С 815 cornul secarei С 502 cornut С 814 coroan* С 821 cu- dubl* В 109 -de frunze С 821 -de ramuri С 821 corolaceu С 817 corolat С 819 corol* С 816 cu- С 819 -antodial* mic* С 820 -dialipetal* С 816 f*r*- A 888 •gamopetal* С 816 -Iigulat* L 173 -papilionacee P 79 -personat* P 349 -secundar* P 100 --extern* С 165 •simpetal* С 816 corolei laciniile- L 14 lobii- С 816 tubul- С 816 corolifer С 819 corologie С 367 corolul* С 820 coronaceu С 822 coronant С 823 coronat С 823, S 938 coronula С 824 corotip С 368 corp С 825 -cotiledonar С 854 -de fructificatie С 120, 825, О 232, T 216 —pedicelat S 819 —sferic S 717 -Jemnos С 825 -de reproducere S 825 —asexuat P 1295 -reproductiv D 245 -vegetativ С 825, P 638 corporal S 572 corpuscul С 826 cortical С 832 strat- S 1018 corticat С 833 corticol С 834 cortinat С 836 cortin* С 835 cu- С 836 in form* de- С 837 cortiniform G 837 cortonomie С 369 corugativ С 830 cosmestezie G 847 cosmobiologie С 848 cosmopolit С 849 cosmopolite (plante-) A 560, С 850 costat G 852, J 13 partial- S 299 cotidian Q 54 cotiledon С 853, P 1409 rudiment de- В 237 cotiledoane cu- concrescute S 1407 cu mai multe- P 973 cu trei- T 471 -incumbente I 108 plante f*r*- A 103 cotiledoanelor (concre§terea-) A 588, S 1408 cotiledonar С 854 corp- С 854 cotiledoneu G 855 covor vegetal V 45 craspediu С 858 craspedodrom С 860 crateriform С 865 crSpat R 226, S 171 сгйрагеа trunchiului arborilor P 340 cr*p*tur* R 324 -mic* R 326 cr*p*turos F 71, L 115, R 325 crease* (incepe s*-) О 235 creast* С 90, 891 cu- G 892 creasta coco§ului С 891 asem*n*tor cu — A 386 creat de om A 1049 cremastoplancton С 867 cremicolor С 868 cremnofite С 869 cremocarp С 871 crenat G 873 fin- G 877 slab- P 196, S 1139 crenatie G 872 cren* G 872 crenobionti G 874 crenofite С 875 crenoplancton С 876 crenulat С 877 INDEX ROMANESC creofil С 879 crepidat С 880 crepitacul G 881 crepitant G 882 crescent С 883 crescut A 52 complet- A 219 -impreun* С 599 crestat I 89, J 13 crestaturS E 96, 430 creste (cu dou*-) В 113 create in О 66 -bazine P 529 -canale T 27 -sucuri О 195 -vecinitate P 821 -oriunde P 76 cre§te pe С 604, E 229, H 2, P 437 -animale E 315 -arbori E 314 -bancuri de nisip S 1472 -coline С 625 -excremente S 942 -garduri S 14 -malul riurilor R 332 -marginea lacurilor P 105 -nisip S 2 -petiol P 374 -stinci R 413, 414 -terenuri nisipoase S 3 create (-peste) S 1288 -pretutindeni О 146 -printre sem*n*turi S 255 -repede P 1322 -s*lbatic S 778 -sub saicii S 18 cre§tere A 50 de- A 49, V 46 -exuberant* L 283 -in grosime P 5 loc de- H 3, S 873 oprit in- A 4 reintegrare prin- R 148 -terminal* T 127 cre?terea -plantelor V 45 -tensiunii osmotice A 679 cretaceu С 884 cribral G 885 cribrovazal G 886 crimofite С 906 criobionti С 907 criofil С 909 crioflor* С 908 crioplanctofite С 911 crioplancton G 910 crioscopic G 912 criotropism G 913 criptocecidie G 918 criptofite G 928 criptogam G 921 criptogame A 103, С 919 INDEX ROMANESC -vasculare С 919 -nevasculare С 209 criptogamic A 286, 315 criptogamie С 920 criptogenetic С 922 criptohaplomitozS С 923 criptohibrid С 924 criptomerie С 925 criptomitozS С 926 criptonervat С 927 criptoplasmS С 929 criptopor С 930 criptostomate С 931 crisogonidie С 407 crispare С 889 crispat С 890, U 7 cristale С 936 •aciculiforme T 438 -de oxalat de calciu S 1074 cristalin С 932 cristaloc(h)ore С 933 cristalogen С 934 cristaloizi С 935 cristat С 892 crizofilS С 410 crizotanin С 411 crtng D 390, L 272, S 514 crlnguri (plante de-) A 470 cromatic С 372 cromatidie С 373 cromatinS С 374 cromatinei (descompunerea-) С 376 cromatofor С 377 -galben X 12 cromatolizS С 376 cromatologie С 375 cromatoplasmS С 378 cromidie С 383 -vegetalS T 592 cromidiilor (fuzionarea-) С 380 cromidiocentru С 379 cromidiogamie С 380 cromism С 384 cromocentru С 385 cromocit С 387 cromocondrie С 386 cromofil С 394 cromofob С 395 cromogen С 388 cromoleucite С 389 cromolipoide С 390 cromomere С 391 -terminale T 73 cromonemS С 392 cromoplast С 397 cromotropism С 399 cromezom С 398, I 33 -bivalent G 68 -sexuat A 452 -supranumerar E 508, T 199 -tipic A 1204 cromozomi cu mai multi- P 966 cu- supranumerari P 1048 figura stelatS la- A 1090 cronic С 400 cronispor С 401 cronisporange С 402 cronizoospor С 403 „crossing-over" С 894 cruce С 905 dispus In- С 896 cruciat С 896 cruci? T 402 partial- S 303 crud С 897, I 51 crustaceu С 902 crusts С 901 crustos С 903, L 115 cteinofite С 937 ctetologie С 939 ctetozom С 9,40 ctonofite С '412 cu S 1369 cubic С 941 cubital С 942 cuculat С 943 cucumeriform С 945 . cucurbitaceu С 946 cui (In formS de-) G 194 cuib de pasSre (In forms de -) N 115 cuirasat L 267 culcat S 1301 •la pSmint P 1336 culegere S 1331 culegeri A 1108 -de articole С 169, S 732 cules С 620, L 80 culinar С 948 culm С 950 culme С 949, V 86 culoare С 638 de- С 371 -cuprului С 254 -?tearsS P 40 deschis la- D 234, L 27 fSrS- D 18 Inchis la- A 1127, F 200, M 488, N 118, О 22, P 397, P 1640, S 91 culori cu douS- В 103 cu mai multe- M 525 cultiformS С 951 cultigen С 952 cultigrex С 953 cultiplex С 954 cultiva (a-) С 634 cultivar G 955 618 cultivat С 957, S 88 greu de- H 108 u?or de- H 107 cultura -arborilor A 972 -speciilor forestiere S 511 culturS forms de- С 951 scSpat din- E 51, S 1233 variazS in- H 106 cuneat С 959, S 698 cuneiform С 959, S 698 cunoscut С 598 nu am cunoscut-o N 150 cununS (in forms de-) S 452 cupS S 230, С 995 In formS de- G 964, P 889 cupreu С 962 cuprinde G 774, I 91 cupular С 964 cupulS С 963 cupulifer С 965 curat P 1663 -alb lucitor С 63 -ca apa A 960 curativ D 88, I 2, M 138, S 33 curStitor С 184 curbare G 971 -la zguduire S 266 curbat A 635, ■ 689, С 58, 56, 973, H 454 brusc- in jos D 37 -in afarS R 111 -inapoi R 206 -in afarS R 101 -in arc A 996, G 314 -in jurul organului P 326 -in jos Б 28 -in semicerc С 461 -tn sus R 167 -inapoi R 205 -inclinat in jos С 240 -nervat G 974 -repetat T 360 -spre dreapta D 125 -spre interior A 221, I 109, 140, 250 -spre pSmint С 186 -slab С 972, S 1142, H 585 tufos- S 172 curburS G 317 curcubeului (de culoarea-) I 282 curea (in formS de-) H 301, L 265 curgStor С 967 curge С 967 curgere С 968 curs С 968 curvipetalitate G 975 in curviseriat С 976 cuspidat С 977 cuspida С 978 cuspide (cu trei-) T 472 cutarea frunzelor P 848 cutat P 849, 1625, R 403 cut* С 889, P 846, R 402 -mica R 404 cute (cu- mici) R 405 cuticuia С 979 -epidermica A 557 cutma С 981 cutinizare С 982 cutis С 983 cujit (in forma de-) С 956 cuvint T 131 cvadripartit Q 18 cvadrivalent Q 22 cvadruplu Q 23, T 188 cviescent Q 29 cvincuncial Q 31 dacrioid D 1 dactiloriza D 3 dantelat С 873 dauciform D 6 daramaturi R 389 daunator N 172 deal С 629 deasupra Б 229, H 536 asezat- S 1297 debil D 7 decadenta (in-) R 209 decaginie D 9 decamer D 11 decandrie D 12 deciduu D 15 declinat D 17 decoct 1 156 decojit E 14 decolorat D 18 deconjugatie D 20 decorativ D 21, О 241 plante -e .D 21, О 241 decorticat D 22, E 14 decromatizare С 163 decumbent D 25 decupat E 431 decurent D 26 aproape- S 1147 decusat С 896, D 29 dedesubt H 533, I 134, S 1085 aflat- S 1201 dedicat D 30 dediferentiere D 31 dedublare D 32, 394 defectiv D 33 defensiv D 34 definit D 36 deflect D 37 deflorat D 38 defoliat D 39 deformat A 16, D 40, M 467 degenerare D 42 -celulara С 1054 degenerat A 1128, D 43 degenerescenta D 42 degerat G 64 degeratura P 340 dehiscent D 44 pe jumatate- S 304 dehiscenja D 45 -la umiditate H 509 -loculicida L 243 -valvata V 27 -valvicida V 27 delicat D 7, G 230, H 22, L 116, T 95, 97 -§i fin S 1241 delicii D 49 delicvescent D 52 deltoidal D 54 deluros С 531 demonstrativ D 58 demonstreaza (care-) M 465 dendrobiont I) 60 dendrocronologie D 61 dendroid D 59 dendrologie D 62 denitrificant D 64 dens С 672, P 1675, S 563 dentat D 67 denticid D 69 denticul D 70 denticulat О 61 denudat D 71 denumire D 65 -a plantelor D 65 -populara V 72 deoperculat D 72 deosebe§te (se-) D 201 deosebi (a se-) D 337 deosebire (de-) D 336 deosebit D 349, P 1166, S 405, 622 departe A 913 depa§ind S 1284 -in lungime E 425 -prin cre§tere E 436 deperulatie D 77 depigmentare A 374, D 78 depilat D 79 depresiune L 23 -alungita V 21 dermatocaliptrogen D 82 dermatocist D 83 dermatogen D 84 dermatoplasma D 85 dermatoplast D 86 dermatozom D 87 des D 68 dependent D 88, P 1271 •dintr-o ramura a filumu-lui P 548 descendenta D 89 INDEX ROMANESC deschide brusc (care se-) R 166 deschide noaptea (care se-) N 133 deschide prin rasucire (care se-) E 414 deschidere О 237 -a mugurilor D 77, G 71 deschis A 887, С 246, 263, P 361 -la culoare D 234, L 27 larg- H 287, 318, P 180 deschizatura A 886, О 272 -camerei substomatice О 191 -opistiaia E 59 -mica О 288, P 1125 descojit A 56, D 22 descompunere G 89, D 332 descoperit I 266 descoperitor I 265 descrescent D 24 descriere D 90 descrierea -celulei С 1052 -configuratiei muntilor 0 248 -florior F 92 -mugurilor В 234 -naturii P 596 -radacinilor R 260 -semin^elor S 666 descriptiv D 91 descvamat D 104 desemnat D 94 desen de contur S 162 desenare D 50 desenat D 51 desenator I 44 desfa§oara (care se-) E 414 desfa§urarea unui fenomen P 1233 desfatare A 526 desfatari D 49 desfrunzire D 41 desgolit E 518 desgustator N 31, T 17 deshidratat A 772 desilient D 95 desinapsis D 108 desinenta D 97 deslipit D 313 desmoc(h)ore D 100 desmoliza D 102 desmoplancton D 103 despar^it D 299, 311, 313 1 229, S 405 despicabil F 68, S 168 despicare F 69, 144 -a filomului D 302 despicat D 322, H 318, S 135, 171, T 329 -in doua В 127, 200, I 230 INDEX ROMANESC -circular С 468 •pe jum&tate S 287 -uniform I 341 despic&turi (cu-) R 325 desprindere S 237 despuiat D 71, 105, E 518 de?ert (de-) E 321 de?erticol T 142 de?erturi care create prin- T 142 care prefers- E 324 destructiv D 106 deta?abil S 235, 566 deta?at S 405, 570 determinare D 111, I 16 determinat de D 112 detritus D 114 deuterogamie D 116 deutoplasms D 117 dexiostil D 123 dezasimila(ie D 328 dezintegrarea substan}ei nucleare С 140 dezvoltare A 50, 605 -acceleratS T 10 -autonomS A 1176 -completS M 127 -embrionarS E 99 •IntirziatS N 90 -nenormalS la antere A 827 oprirea In- A 912 oprit in- A 18 redus in- R 394 dezvoltat E 413, G 94 bine- A 219 -cu anticipate P 1270 complet- A 52 -din celule somatice S 575 -intimplStor A 224 -mai devreme P 1169 -mai tirziu H 628 slab- D 74 diachenS G 871, D 128 diacinezS D 138 diacron D 129 diadelf D 131 diadrom D 132 diaferie D 146 diafizS D 149 diafragmS D 148 diageotropism D 133 diagnozS D 134 diagonal D 135 diagrams D 136 -florals D 136 diaheliotropism D 137 dialidesmie D 140 dializS A 193, D 141 diamezogamie D 143 diandric D 144 diariu D 151 diaschistic D 152 diaspazS D 153 diaspor D 154 diastazS D 155 diaster D 156 diastolS D 157 diastrofS D 158 diatmezS D 159 diatropism D 161 dibiozS D 163 -relativS H 124 dibotris D 164 dicafiobiont D 165 dicariocit D 166 dicariofazS D 168 dicarion D 167 dicaziu D 170 dicentric D 169 diciclic D 187 dicimS D 188 diclamideu D 171 diclinic D 179, H 208, M 417 dicogamie D 173 dicopodiu D 174 dicotiledonat D 180 dicotipie D 177 dicotomic D 176 dicotomie В 135, D 175 -falsS P 1489 dictiodrom D 183 dictiospor D 185 dictiostel D 186 didimantie D 192 didimocarpic D 193 didimospor D 194 didinam D 196 didinamie D 195 didiploid D 189 didiploideu A 558 didrom D 190 dientomofilie D 197 diferS D 201, A 5 diferential D 199 diferentiere D 200 diferit A 629, D 316, D 327, «*49, H 175, V 38 difiletic D 260 difitic D 262 diform A 531, D 202 diforme (cu frunze-) A 529 difotic D 258 difuz D 203, V 18 digametic D 206 digestiv D 211 digin D 222 j digital D 212 digitat D 213, P 44 aproape- S 1153 -compus D 214 -fidat D 219 -lobat D 215, P 48 -nervat D 220, Г 49 -palmat О 216 -partit D 221 614 -penat D 217 -sectat P 51 dihaploid D 223 dihibrid D 227 dihibridic В 124 dilacerat О 229 dilatat A 604, D 231, 334 diluat D 234 dimegalie D 235 dimensiunea de (cu-) M 301 dimer D 238 dimidiat D 239 -cordat D 239 diminea^a (se deschide-) M 129 diminuare R 105 -a presiunii osmotice С 179 diminuat D 240 diminutiv (sufix-) E 93 dimonoecie D 241 dimorf A 570, D 243 dimorfism D 242 -al stilelor H 255 -sezonal H 424 -sezonier О 207 dimorfitate morfogeneticS H 229 dinamic D 407 dinamica -celulei G 1044 -mi?cSrii plantelor P 620 dinamoc(h)orie D 408 dinamogenezS D 409 dincoace de munt G 474 dinezS С 999, D 244 dinte D 66 cu- О 61 dintii (cel-) P 1214 din(at D 61, 67 adlnc- P 1250 inegal- I 76 neuniform- H 205 scurt- В 276 slab- S 1148 ?ase- S 474 dint cu cinci- Q 35 cu- de pieptSne P 205 cu- lungi L 256 cu- mari G 243 cu - mici L 121 cu numero?i- P 864 cu- pSro?i T 450 cu putni- P 197, Q 8 cu -rigizi S 185 cu trei- T 475 fSrS- E 47 dinti corolei С 816 dioaS D 245 diodogoniu D 248 dioecie D 250 dioic D 252 -poligam D 251 diosmozS D 254 ш diperiantic D 256 dipetal D 257 dipiren D 297 diplanetic D 263 diplazie D 264 diplobiont D 268 diplocit D 271 diplocromozom D 270 diplofazS D 283 diplofilum D 284 diplogamet D 273 diplogenezS D 274 diplogonidie D 275 diplohaplobiont D 276 diploidie dublS A 457 diploidizare D 278 diplonastie D 279 diplonemS D 280 diploperistomatic D 282 diplospor D 288 diplosporange D 289 diplostemon D 290 -invers О 7 diploten D 292 diploxilic D 293 diplozS D 286 diplozom D 287 diptere mari (polenizat prin-) M 30 dipterocecidie D 295 dipteronom D 296 directia spre (cu-) M 83 diremptie D 298 diruptie D 300 disamarS D 301 disc D 212 -adeziv A 197, 952 -с&гпos S 72 -ecvatorial A 247 -embrional E 101 lipsit de- A 202 -nectarifer D 312 -receptacular D 312, T 363 discentratie D 302 discentric D 410 disciform D 303 -?i biconvex L 97 discoidal D 303 disclimax D 304 discocarp D 305 discolor A 430, D 306 discontinuu D 307 discoplancton D 308 discopodiu D 309 discul -bulbului В 306, D 312, L 81 -poliniilor С 826 discului (aflat pe latura-) P 832 diseminant D 323 diseminare D 324, S 336 -timpurie T 11 diseminat prin aruncare В 22 disepiment D 325 -fals D 325, P 1491 -transversal T 402 disfotic D 412 disgenic D 411 disilient D 326 disociere D 331 disolutie D 332 disparent E 408, О 16 dispers D 329, 318 dispersat S 780 dispersiune D 317 dispirem D 319 dispozitie D 320 -in zone Z 22 dispune de (care-) I 199 dispus С 631, D 321 -ae-a curmezi?ul T 402 -de jur imprejur P 267 -fSr& ordine S 613 -in doua rinduri D 335 -in perechi G 740 -neregulat V 18 distant О 329, 333 distantat D 333, R 71, 143 distih D 335 distil D 341 distinctiv D 199, 336 distribuit D 340 distribute D 339 -naturals N 26 distrofie D 413 distruge (care-) С 422 diurn D 345 divaricat D 346 divergent D 347 -ramificat D 347 divergentS D 348 unghi de- О 348 diversitate V 36 divizare F 69 -in segmente S 256 divizat D 353 -de ?apte ori H 152 -in douS D 238 -in mai multe pSrt P 1072 -in pSrt M 192, T 329 -in perechi Z 66 -in segmente S 257 -transversal D 152 divizibil S 168 divizionar M 197 diviziune D 351 -celuIarS G 1036, 1055, D 351 -directs A 520 —indirectS С 137 -ecvationalS A 246 -nuclearS D 351 —indirectS С 137 INDEX ROMANESC —nereductinalS A 505 -reductionalS M 165 diviziuni cu cinci- P 245 cu mai multe- P 801, 1002 cu patru- T 180 cu §ase H 277 cu trei- T 507 cu- uniforme H 417 dizolvare D 332, S 569 dizolvat S 570 dizomic D 315 dizomie D 314 dobindit A 105 dodecaginie D 356 dodecandrie D 357 dodrantal D 358 dogorit de soare A 956 doi D 391 cite- В 150, 152 cu - В 69, D 172 de douS ori cite- В 105 in - D 172 doilea (al-) S 249 dolabriform D 359 doleiform D 360 doliconemS D 362 dolicostil D 364 dolicozS D 363 dominant D 365 aproape- S 1161 dominants D 366 cu- covir?itoare P 1175 dorsal D 368, T 124 dorsifix D 369 anterS -S D 369 dorsiventral D 370 dos T 126 dosul frunzei P 10 douS cu- D 330 de- ori В 69 douSsprezece (cu-) D 355 douSzeci de (cu-) I 8 dovadS de (care d&-) E 443 dovede?te T 147 dovedind P 1161 dovleac P 252 ca un- С 946 drapel P 79, V 104 drepaniu D 373 drept A 1131, О 251, R 90 aproape- R 98 dreptunghiular R 91 driofil D 384 dromotropism D 378 drosometru D 379 drum I 347 care create pe- V 107 de- V 107 drupS D 380 -cu pericarpul inchis С 509 -micS D 381 _ INDEX ROMANESC drupeolS D 381 druzS D 382 dubios A 497, D 385, I 86 nume- N. 142 dublat G 67, R 109 dublu В 69, D 191, 330, 393 -compus D 19 -crenat В 112 -din{at В 117 duces D 386 duct V 152 dulce D 388, G 189 dumbravS L 272 dumetos D 389 dune (care create pe-) T 294 dunga S 1025, V 152 cu- circulars Z 21 dungi cu- S 1029 cu doua- В 226 - - - circulare В 99 cu- fine S 1035 cu trei- T 580 cu- variat colorate Z 4 dupa masS de-- P 1142 inflore§te- - P 1142 duplicativ D 395 duplicatie D 394 dur D 406, G 259, R 397, S 173, 222 -ca osul О 282 -ca otelul С 257 -ca piatra L 50 putin- D 405, S 1162 duramen D 402 durata T 87 de lungS- С 400 cu- de via^S de mai mulfci ani P 858 de lungS- L 256 -de trei luni T 509 durajie D 403 durerea care alinS- T 85 care potole§te- S 251 duritate D 404, R 338 duriuscul D 405, S 1162 ecada О 67 ecblasteza E 7 ecesis О 68 echilateral I 318 echilibru -fiziologic H 379 -genetic H 379 echinat E 9 echinocfial A 249 echipotential A 251, 252 echivalentogeneza A 253 echivoc A 254 echma E 13 ecidie A 235 ecidiiform A 230 ecidioia A 232 ecidiosor A 233 ecidiospor A 231, 234 ecobiotic О 69 ecoclimatic О 70 ecogeografie О 71 ecologic О 73 amplitudine -a V 20 ecologie О 72 -a organismului individual A 1189 ecomorfoza О 74 economic О 75 ecoparazit О 76 ecoproterandrie О 77 ecoproteroginie О 78 ecospecie О 79 ecotip О 83 •climatic С 518 -geografic stabilizat G 116 ecotonus О 81 ecotop О 82 ecovarianta О 83 ectauxezS E 17 ectexina E 18 ectobazidie E 19 ectobiont E 20 ectocianoza E 23 ectociclic E 24 ectoendoparazit E 25 ectoendotrofic E 26 ectofite E 31 ectogeneza E 27 ectogonidie E 28 ectoparazit E 29 ectoperidie E 30 ectopie E 32 ectoplasms E 33 ectoplaste E 34 ectosporic E 37 ectosporiu E 36 ectotrof E 38 ectotrofS micorizS- M 612 ectotropic E 39 ecvatorial A 247 placS -a A 247 ecva(.ional A 246 diviziune- A 246 ecvipolar A 250 ecvitant E 318 edafic E 41 factor- E 41 edafofite E 45 edafogen E 42 edafologie E 43 edafon E 44 edafotop E 46 edificatoare (plante-) A 236 editat E 49 edtyie E 48 61* edoiografie A 237 edoiologie A 238 edoiotomie A 239 efebogenezS E 226 efect dSunStor N 171 efemer E 228, F 177 efemerofite E 227 eficace P 1151 egal A 244, 245, 256, С 716, H 355, I 292, P 87 -divizat H 374 egalare (de-) A 246 egretat P 83 egreta P 84 eisodial E 59 deschizSturS -S E 59 elaborare E 64 elaioplancton E 68 elaioplaste E 69 elaiosferS E 71 elaiozom E 70 elasticitate E 73 elatere E 75 elateriu E 76 elaterofor E 78 electricitatea plantelor producere P 621 electrin E 80 electroforezS С 173 electrolizS E 81 electronastie E 82 electrotactism E 84 electrotaxie E 84 electrotonus E 85 electrotropism E 86 ele§teie cre§te prin- T 316 plante de- T 317 eliminare E 90 eliminat (de-) R 137 clipsoidal E 91 eliptic E 92 alungit- О 291 elongat E 94 emarcid E 95 emarginat E 97 emargina^ie E 96 embriofite E 104 embriofor E 103 embriogenie E 99 embriologie E 100 embrion E 98 embrional E 101 embrionat E 102 embrionului mugura?ul- P 856 tulpinita- С 191 embriotegS E 105 emendat E 106 emergent E 108 cu- laterals P 829 emers E 109 emetic V 163 emisferic S 314 617 emitere de luminS P 472 emitlnd E 113 enalide E 205 enantiobiozS E 116 enantioblast E 117 enantiomorf E 118 enantiostil E 119 enarmonie E 206 ena{ie E 120 endarhic E 125 endemic A 17, E 127 endemism E 128 -progresiv N 78 endemit E 129 endobazidie E 130 endobiofitie E 132 endobiont E 131 endobiotic E 133 partial- M 216 endoblem E 134 endocarp E 135 endocatadrom E 137 endochil E 141 endochit E 138 endocianozS E 145 endociclogen E 146 endocinetic E 142 endocist E 148 endocortex E 144 endoc(h)roS E 139 endocromS E 140 endodendrobiont E 149 endodermS E 150 endofite E 172 endofitic E 169 partial- H 128 endofitism E 170 cndofitobiont E 171 endofloem E 168 endogaion E 152 endogamie E 153 endogen E 154 endogonidie E 155 endogoniu E 156 endohaustoriu E 157 endolitic E 158 endolitofite E 159 endomeiozS E 160 endomeristem E 161 endomitozS E 162 endomixie E 163 endoparazit E 164 endopelon E 165 endoperidie E 166 endopetrion E 167 endoplasmS E 173 endoplast E 174 endoplastidS E 175 endopleurS E 176 endopsamion E 177 endoptil E 178 endoriz E 179 endosaprofitism E 180, P 125 endosclerot E 181 endoscopic E 182 endosimbiozS E 188 endosmozS E 183 endosperm E 184 fSrS- E 417 endospor E 185 endosporiu E 186 endostomS E 187 endotecS E 189 endotermic E 190 endotoxins E 191 endotrof E 192 micorizS -S E 192, M 612 endotropism E 193 endoxil E 195 endoxilofite E 194 endozoic E 196 endozoobiont E 197 endozooc(h)ore E 198 endozoofitc E 200 energezS E 202 energidS E 203 enhilemS E 122 ensi- A 92 ensiform E 210 ensiformi (cu spini-) A 878 entomocecidie E 213 entomogam E 214 entomologie E 215 enumerare G 170, E 217 enzimS E 218 -complexS H 334 -fermentativS Z 83 -proteoliticS P 1342 enzimolizS E 219 enzimologie Z 86 eoplasmS E 220 epacme E 221 epanodiu E 222 epenchim E 224 epharmonie E 225 ephidrogamie E 230 epibazal E 231 epibazidie E 232 epibentos E 233 epibiont E 234 epibiot E 236 epibiotic E 237 epibiozS E 235 epiblast E 240 epiblastem E 238 epiblastezS E 239 epichil E 244 epiclin E 246 epicopulS E 247 epicormic E 248 epicotil E 251 epicorolat E 249 epicotiledonar E 250 epictezie E 252 epicutis E 253 epidendrobiont E 254 INDEX ROMAN ESC epidermS E 255 aflat sub- S 1165 —scoartei H 601 epidiscal E 256 epifil E 280 epifite A 259, 272, E 283 epifitic E 282 epifloem E 278 epifragmS E 279 epigaion E 258 epigenetic E 259 epigeotropism E 260 epigeu E 257 epigin E 262 epigoniu E 261 epilimnion E 263 epilitic E 264 epimatiu E 266 epinastie E 267 epinatant E 268 epinemS E 269 epinictic E 270 epiontologie E 271 epiparazit E 29, 272 epipelon E 273 epipeltat E 274 epipetal E 276 epiplancton E 284 epiplasmS E 285 epiplaste E 286 epipleurS E 287 epipodiu E 288 epipsamnion E 289 epireologie E 290 episepal E 292 episperm A 582, E 293, I 204 epispor E 295 episporange E 294 epistaminal E 296 epistaminie E 297 epistazS E 298 epistomatic E 299 epistrofS E 300 epital E 303 epitalin E 302 epitecS E 304 epiteciu E 305 epiteliu E 306 epitem E 307 epitet E 308 -specific T 577 epitonie E 310 epitrofie E 311 epitrop E 312 epixil E 314 epizoic E 315 epizooc(h)orie E 316 epoicofite С 637, E 317 erantemic E 319 eratS С 829, E 343 erect E 320 aproape- S 1168 ereditar G 91, H 167 INDEX ROMANESC ereditate H 168 -cromozomaia Z 9 eremofil E 324 eremofite E 325 eremus E 326 ergasioapofite E 327 ergasiofigofite E 329 ergasiofite E 330 ergasiolipofite E 328 ergasiosintrofofite E 331 ergezS E 332 ergogeneza E 333 ericetum E 335 erigent E 336 erinaceu E 337 eritrofil E 350, 351 eroare L 52, S 723 erori tipografice S 723 lista cu- С 829 erodat E 342, T 583 eronat M 85 erubescent E 345 erumpent E 346 escarostrofa E 354 eseu T 102 estezie A 280 -morfogeneticS M 474 estic О 236 estival A 281 estivar A 282 estivate A 283 e§antion S 626 etajat T 6, Z 21 etalat E 56, 502 etaliu A 285 etate A 284 eteric A 287, V 158 eticheta de ierbar S 133 -mica- S 134 etiogenic A 358, 361 etiolare A 374 etiologie A 288 etiomorfoza A 359 etionastie A 360 etiotropism A 362 etnobotanic E 359 euantie E 361 euapofite E 363 euapogamie E 362, О 155 euaposporie E 364 euarheofite E 365 eucecidie E 366 eucenic E 370 euciclic E 371 eucleistocarpic E 369 eudicotomie E 372 euefemer E 373 eufotic E 380 eufotometric E 381 eugenie E 374 eugeofite E 376 eugeogen E 375 euhalin E 377 eumitoza E 378 euplancton E 383 euribatic E 385 euricenotic E 387 euric(h)or E 386 euriecic E 390 eurifotic E 392 eurihalin E 388 eurihigric E 389 eurioxibiont E 391 euriplasticitate E 393 eurisinuzic E 394 euritermic E 395 euritopic E 396 eusincarpic E 401 eusporangiat E 397 eusporie E 398 eustel E 400 euterofite E 402 eutrofic E 404 eutropie E 405 euxerofitic E 406 evaginat E 407 evanescent E 408 evantai (in forma de-) D 132, F 74 evaporate E 410 evident С 761, M 91, P 383 evita (care-) P 454 evoluat E 413 evolutie E 412 -incetinita В 285 -in zig-zag A 809 -progresiva A 649 -regresiva С 167, D 42 exalbuminat E 417 examinare О 23 excavat E 424 excedent E 425 excentric E 427 excipul E 429 excisurS E 430 excitabilitate E 432 excita^ie E 433 excizat E 431 exclus E 434 excremente (create pe-) M 191, S 942 excrescent E 436 excrescen}a -gonidiaia С 226 cu -spiniforma M 581 excretor E 438 excrete E 437 -viscoasS V 143 excurent E 439 exemplar S 626 exfoliat E 442 exina E 446 exintina E 447 exinvolucrat E 448 existent P 1195 existent& lupta pentru- С 677 exocarp E 243 exocatadrom E 453 exochiton E 454 exocomofite E 455 exoconidie E 456 exocortex E 457 exoderma E 458 exofftem E 468 exogamie E 459 exogen E 460 exoginic E 461 exolitic E 462 exolitofite E 468 exomeristem E 464 exoneuroza E 465 exoperculat E 468 exoperidie E 467 exoriz E 472 exosderot E 473 exoscopic E 474 exosmozS E 475 exospor E 476 exosporiniu E 477 exostom E 478 exostoza E 479 exotecS E 481 exotermic E 482 exotesta E 480 exotic A 432 exotoxinS E 483 exotrofic E 484 exotropism E 485 explicare 1 226 explorare E 87 expoztyie E 492 expresivitate E 493 expulsiv E 77 exsert E 494 exsicatS E 495 exsudant E 500 extensibilitate T 98 exterior E 503 extern E 16, 449, 503 extins E 56, 502 extirpare E 499 extraaxilar E 506 extracelular E 507 extracromozom E 508 extrafloral E 509 extrafoliaceu E 510 extranuclear E 511 extras taminal E 513 extravaginal E 514 extravazare E 515 extrors E 516 exulceratie E 517 f Qn citate de nomenclatura) fabaceu F 4 •19 facies F 6 factor F 9 factori conditional de- externi P 142 -edafici Б 41 cu doi- genetici В 124 -ereditari recesivi L 59 facultate F 10 facultativ F 11 parazit- P 130 fag P 409 bacterio- В 10 fagocitozi P 407 fagoplancton P 408 falanga P 411 falcat F 12 falciform M 188 aproape- S 1177 fals A 218, F 14, N 162, P 1456, S 836 fruct- P 1479 perete- S 424 familie F 15 fanerofite P 417 fanerogam P 415 fanerogame A 268, 850, P 414 faoplancton P 419 farfurie cu bordura (in forma de-) P 179 farinaceu F 17 farmacodinamie P 420 farmacognozie P 421 farmacologie P 422 farmec A 526 fasciat F 21 fasciatie F 20 fascicul F 22 a -bicolateral В 102 de stamine P 411 -lemnos H 6 reunire In- A 182 reunit in- A 181, M 393 fascicular F 22, M 92 fasciculat D 98, F 22 aparent- P 1497 incomplet- S 1179 fascicule care inconjoara- lemnoase P 328 -colaterale G 619 cu ti$i- lemnoase T 421 cu patru- de vase T 194 fastigiat F 23 fata cu- F 5 -frunzei P 10 -inferioara D 368 pe -superioara S 1289 fata L 71 -In fata A 226 In- A 864 faveolat F 27 faza P 423 -diploida D 283 -haploida H 37 -de vernalizare T 271 fainare A 376 fainos A 614, F 17, 18 fara A 1, 628, 879, 913, E 1, 415, I 45 febrifug A 392 fecuia A 626 fecund F 32 fecundant F 29 fecundare F 30, N 203 -prin anterozoizi Z 14 rezultat din- Z 64 fecundat F 31 -prin anterozoizi Z 15, 36 -prin porogamie P 1108 felem P 424 feloderm P 427 felogen P 428 feloid P 429, 430 felurit M 385 femel F 33, G 275 floare -a F 96 spor- M 51 fenestrat F 34 fenocitologie P 385 fenocopie P 384 fenofaza P 392 fenogenetica P 388 fenogeneza P 387 fenohibrid P 39 fenologic P 391 fenologie P 390 fenomen (desfa§urarea unui-) P 1233 fenospermie P 393 fenotermic P 394 fenotip P 396 -al genotipului В 196 fenotipic P 395 feofiia P 401 feoplast P 403 feozom P 405 ferastrau (in forma de-) S 448 feriga (in forma dc-) F 59 descriere- P 1608 ferment F 38 fermentativ Z 84 fermentatie F 37 fertil F 32, 40, M 532, P 1274, U 1 fertilizare F 30 -prin polenizare incruci-§ata P 623 fertilizat F 31, G 37 -prin animale Z 36 fetid F 103, T 17 fete (cu doua -opuse) В 123 fibra F 14 -radicaia F 44 fibriform F 45 INDEX RO MANE SO fibrilat F 48 fibriia F 46 -radicaia R 20 fibros F 49 fibulat F 50 ficatului (de culoarea-) H 149 ficocecidii P 535 ficocian P 537 ficocianina С 990 ficocrom P 536 ficodomacii P 538 ficoeritrina P ficofeina P 541 ficopirina P 543 ficoporfirina P 542 ficoriza P 544 ficoxantina P 545 fidat F 54 bi- В 127 cinci- Q 37 palmat- P 46 penat- P 700 fidelitate F 53 fierului ruginit (de culoarea-) F 39 figura F 55, I 5 -stelata a cromozomilor A 1090 filament F 57, N 67 -protoplasmatic P 768 -staminal F 57 -vibratil С 426 filamentaceu F 56 filamente -acromatice A 75 -miceliene impletite S 1040 -rizoidale R 244 -sterile P 114 filamentos F 56, N 68 filetic P 548 fileza P 547 filiatie D 89 filiciform F 59 filidie P 553 filobiologie P 554 filoblast P 555 filocarpic P 557 filocenogeneza P 583 filocianina P 561 filocladiu P 559 filocolie P 560 filodie P 569 filodiu P 563 filoembriogeneza P 584 filofag P 573 filogen P 564 filogenetic P 587 filogenetica P 586 filogeneza P 585 filogenia organelor О 228 INDEX ROMANESC filogerontic P 589 filogonie P 565 filom P 567 filomanie P 568 filomatic P 438 filomorfie P 569 filomorfozS P 570 filomului (despicarea-) D 302 filonecrozS P 571 filonomiu P 572 filopodiu P 575 filoptozS P 576 filotaxie P 577 -secundarS S 245 filotip P 578 filozofie P 440 filum P 590 fimbriat F 63 fimbrie F 62 fimicol F 64 fin A 1014, H 22, L 116, T 95, 97, 105 -?i delicat S 1241 fir N 67 ca un- С 67 -de pSr С 70 fire (cu-) N 68 fisiune F 69 fisode P 598 fistulos F 72 fisurat F 71, R 226 fitobentos P 604 fitobiologic P 606 fitobiologie P 605 fitobiotic P 607 fitoblast P 608 fitocecidie G 204, P 609 fitocenogenezS P 614 fitocenologie P 615 fitocenotip P 617 litocenozS P 616 litochimie P 610 fitocitologie P 618 fitocorologie P 612 iitodinamicS P 620 fitodomaciu P 619 fitoecologie P 647 fitoedafon P 621 JitoelectrogenezS P 622 fitofag P 656 fitofenologie P 655 fitofiziologie P 657 iitogamie P 623 fitogen P 626 fitogeneticS P 625 fitogenezS P 624 fitogeogenezS P 627 fitogeografie P 628 fitogerontic stadiu- T 676 fitografie P 630 fitohistologie P 631 fitohormoni P 632 fitoid P 634 fitoigienS P 633 fitolit P 636 fitom P 638 fitomer P 639 fitomorfologie P 641 fitomorfozS P 642 fitoncide P 643 fitonimie P 646 l'itonomatotehnie P 644 fitonomie P 645 fitoontogenezS P 648 fitoorganografie P 649 fitoorganologie P 650 fitoparazit P 652 fitopatologie P 654 fitoplancton P 658 fitopleuston P 659 fitoptocecidie P 661 fitoptozS P 662 fitosociologie P 615, 664 fitotaxonomie P 666 fitotehnie P 667 fitotelmS P 668 fitoterapie P 671 fitoteratologie P 669 fitotermogenezS P 672 fitotomie P 673 fitotoxinS P 674 fitotrofie P 675 fitozS P 663 fiul lui F 2 fixat A 291, F 73, I 185, S 848 -la mijloc M 139, 140 fixate de sol (plante-) A 291 fixStor A 206 fiziogenezS P 594 fiziognomie P 595 fiziografie P 596 fiziologie P 597 -a celulei G 1068 -plantelor P 645 -vegetalS P 657 fizionomie P 595 fizonomiu P 599 fin F 102 fisie naturals geograficS Z 20 fi?iitor S 1019 flabelat F 74 flabeliform F 74 flaccid F 75 flagel F 78 cu- M 117 flagelat F 77 flageli cu doi- В 128 cu -in smoc P 1000 cu mai multi- P 1075 cu multi- M 534 flageliform F 76 flagelul anterior al zoo-sporilor T 381 620 flaut (in formS de-) T 310 flavescent F 80 flScSrii (de culoarea) F 79 flexibil (putin-) S 1030 flexuos F 82, M 217, О 188, S 437 flictioplancton P 453 floare F 96 aflat sub- S 1180 cu- A 832 -cu scap S 121 —falsS P 1460 -bSrbSteascS F 96 -bisexuatS F 96 -completS G 681 -discalS F 96 -epiginS F 96 -femelS F 96 -fosilS A 842 -hermafroditS F 96 -hipoginS F 96 -involtS P 815a -ligulatS F 96, L 173 -marginals F 96 -mascula F 96 -nudS N 198 -periginS F 96 -radialS F 96 -sterilS S 956 -terminals T 127 -tubuloasS T 641, V 17 flobafen P 447 floconos S 1061 floculos F 84 floem P 448 -rudimentar L 126 flor F 86 bi- В 129 multi- M 535 flora С 329, F 85, P 74 -alpinS scundS M 323 -micS F 95 -micologicS M 608 -microscopies M 323 --a solului P 621 -scundS N 8 floral F 86 inveli?- I 204 flori -agregate A 328 cu- albe ca laptele G 6 cu -ca zSpada N 130 cu- aripate P 1607 cu- ca trompeta S 26 cu- cSscate R 328 ' cu cinci- Q 38 cu- concrescute S 1379 cu- despicate S 143 cu- de liliac S 1468 cu douS- В 129 cu- dupS Infrunzire H 627 cu -glumacee (plante-) «21 flori cu -In raceme R 2 cu -Indesuite P 1676 cu -Inguste S 902 cu -ligulate S 309 cu -lungi L 258 cu -mari M 5 cu -nasiforme R 238 cu -nepedicelate S 456 cu -nude G 267 cu -numeroase H 61, M 535, M 621 cu patru- Q 12 cu -piroase T 434 cu -pe axele laterale P 826 cu -poculiforme P 888 cu -purpurii P 1116 cu -purine P 198 cu -radiate R 34 cu -rameale R 57 cu -rigide S 175 cu -rostrate R 353 cu -ro?ii R 375 cu -serat din^ate S 440 cu -serulat dilate S 450 cu -sesile S 456 cu -setos piroase S 465 cu -simetrice S 1342 cu -spiralate S 757 cu о suta de- H 61 cu §ase- H 279 cu trei- T 420 cu -uscate S 175, X 29 -femeie avortate P 93 •neutre N 110 -radiare R 16 -sorale S 553 floricica F 97 floricol F 89 floricultura F 90 florifer A 849, F 91 florigrafie F 92 florilegia F 93 florilor absenja- A 883 aflat in interiorul- I 244 concre^terea- S 1380 descrierea- F 92 floripar F 94 floruia F 95 floscul F 97 fluctuant F 98 fluier (in forma de-) T 310 fluitant F 99 fluture (ca un-) P 79 fluturi de noapte polenizat prin- S 725 fluvial F 100 foaia frunzei L 36 foarte P 253, 1156 fob P 454 hidro- H 490 fobism P 455 fobofototropism P 458 foe (de-) P 1692 focului (de culoarea-) F 79, I 39 foladofite P 461 foleobionti P 462 foliaceu F 104 folianeu F 105 foliar F 106 monomorfism- I 332 foliat F 109 dens- P 1685 foliatura F 108 foliage F 107 folicular F 115 foliculariu F 116, P 987 folicuia F 117 -compusa F 116 foliivor P 573 foliolat F 111 folioia F 112 foliole cu -costate R 10 cu patru- T 191 cu trei- T 416, 487 -involucrale I 274, P 279 perechi de- J 14 folosit impotriva tusei В 63 folositor U 96 fonotaxie P 463 fontinal F 120 forestier S 29 foreza P 466 forfecat F 124 forma (de-) F 128 -tipului original P 786 formare G 89 formarea -fructului С 109 -gametului G 22 -mugurilor G 74 -nucleului N 180 -radacinilor R 257 -tetradelor T 166 format F 127 -din E 121 -mai Inainte P 1183 -mai Intii P 1208, 1375 formativ M 477, P 774 formate -apicaia A 124 -foliara P 567 -radiciforma R 287 -tulpinaia G 198 formatii -de mangrove H 12 -fibrilare din plastide P 781 -regresive I 279 formatiuni astrale (fara-) A 673 INDEX ROMANESC forma G 712, F 125 de aceea?i- G 716, I 327 -de cultura С 951 -fosiia N 50 -hibrida N 160 In -de M 473, О 60 in -de fluier T 310 In -de gratii G 60, 447 -noua F 125 -stinsa N 50 forme cu -diferite H 228 cu numeroase- P 1006 cu patru- T 181 cu trei- T 512 formind F 126 formula F 129 fornice F 131 forta V 141 -vitaia В 165 fosiia F 135 fosile F 136 fosilizat (incomplet-) S 1183 fosplancton P 469 fo§nitor S 1019 foteolic P 470 fotic P 471 fotism P 472 fotoauxism P 474 fotoblast P 475 fotochemotactism P 456 fotochimic P 476 fotocineza P 488 fotocleistogamie P 478 fotoclinie P 479 fotocolorimetric P 480 fotocromatic P 477 fotodinamic P 483 fotodinamie P 482 fotodineza P 481 fotoepinastie P 484 fotoestezie P 473 fotofaza P 501 fotofil P 502 fotofob P 503 fotogenic P 485 fotografia exemplarului tipic P 486 fotografotip P 486 fotohiponastie P 487 fotolepsis P 489 fotoliza P 490 fotometric P 492 fotometrie P 491 fotometru P 493 fotomorfoza P 494 fotonastic P 496 fotonastie P 495 fotoperioada P 500 fotoperiodic P 498 fotoperiodism P 499 fotoplagiotrop P 505 INDEX ROMAN ESC fotoreductie P 506 fotosintezS P 507 fototactism P 508 fototip P 486 fototonus P 510 fototrof P 513 fototrofie P 512 fototropism P 514 -negativ A 897, С 174 -pozitiv A 663, P 1301 fovee F 138 -nectariferS N 54 foveolat F 139 -nectariferS N 54 fovilS F 140 fragft F 147 fragi (de-) F 142 fragil F 143 fragmatospor P 518 fragment F 145 fragmentare F 144 fragmentat D 307 fragmentul tipului С 494 fragmoplast P 523 fragmosferS P 525 fragmozom P 524 fragmostihobazidie P 527 franjurat T 309 franzelei (de culoarea-) С 904 frapant M 91 freatofil P 529 freatofite P 528 frecvent F 150 frecvenJS F 151 -relativS A 24 frig F 153 de- P 1600 friganofil P 531 frigidariu F 152 friguros A 398, 471 fronda ferigilor F 158 frondescent F 154 frondescentS F 155 fruct F 165, P 1092 -cSrnos S 64 -cu patru achene T 158 cu-solitar E 323 -fals P 1479 -fosilizat С 111 -indehiscent I 114 lipsit de- A 37 -schizocarpic С 571 -uscat S 488 --indehiscent D 301 fructe -agregate A 328, I 153 cu-C 99 --agregate A 916 --albe L 137 --aripate P 1613 --aspre T 379 --cSrnoase S 65 cu cinci-P 239 fructe cu-concrescute S 1351, S 1392 --despicate S 138 -cu drapel S 275 --falcate D 375, S 271 --fibroase I 167 -glabre P 1596 --indehiscente (plante-)A 69 --In coroanS S 939 --Inclrligate H 52 --indesuite P 1681 --inguste S 906 --late P 788 --laterale P 829 —lucioase L 38 --lungi M 15 --mari M 6, 15 --muchiate G 212 -nepSroase L 88 --netede L 88 --nude G 270 --ca nuiaua R 223 --numeroase P 950 cu-operculate S 890 -oviforme О 90 cu patru- T 155 cu-pSroase T 443 --pmtenate P 797 --piriforme P 1703 --pomacee P 1089 --prismatice P 1224 --purine О 112 --reticulate С 430 --rigid pSroase L 55 --rostrate R 309 --ro?ii E 348, R 212 --rotate T 582 --rozacee R 292 -- scvamoase L 106 --semilunare S 271 --sferice S 704 --simetrice S 1345 --spinoase E 10, S 746 --spiralate S 760, 967 --stipitate P 894 --suturate R 227 --tari S 183 --tetragonale T 174 --triunghiulare T 497 --uscate X 32 --zbircite R 314 --zbirlit pSroase L 55 -diseminante D 323 -secedente S 235 fructelor concre?terea- S 1391 formarea- G 109 reunirea- S 1386 zbircirea- M 578 fructicol F 161 fructifer F 162, P 1243 fructificare F 163 fructificatie F 163 022 corp de- С 120, 825, О 232, T 216 fructifica^iei primordiul- A 984 fructificatii cu-laterale P 830 cu-neacoperite G 270 fructifies •de douS ori pe an В 126 -de mai multe ori M 532 fructul -de baobab A 581 -pomoideelor P 1092 fructului pedicelul- H 610 primordiul- О 292 fructule( partial M 195 frumos С 14, 248, D 23, P 1639, V 64 foarte- P 358 frunte F 159 frunza -hidrofitelor H 492 -protocormului P 1409 frunzS F 114 -acicularS A 61 -adults M 284 -asimilatoare T 601 --§i sporiferS S 829, T 606 -compusS С 685 -cu microspori A 723 -de luminS H 81 -de umbrS S 776 -dublS P 102 -falsS P 1549 -fertilS S 822 -fosUS L 221 -mare M 33 -normals N 148 -primordialS P 1212 -propriu zisS N 148 -radicals R 20 -scutatS S 225 -scvamiformS abortivS H 603 -simplS S 518 -spongioasS S 776 -sporiferS S 822 frunze -aeriene A 259 aproape fSrS- S 1095 -bazale В 35 cre?te pe- P 564 cu-P 549 --albe L 143 --alterne A 406, 475 --amforiforme P 550 --aristate A 1024 --asemSnStoare 1 333 --brune P 402 --c&rnoase S 74 --cSzStoare T 284 cu cinci- P 248 cu-concrescute S 1353 628 frunze -coriacee S 233 -despicate S 139 --diferite H 236 -dintate О 63 cu doua- В 130 cu-fibroase I 170 --filamentoase N 73 -frumoase A 318 -graminacee A 341 -Inguste S 924 -lanuginos paroase С 560 -late L 69, P 792 -lungi L 259 -mari G 244, M 34 —membranoase S 124 cu-mici L 127 --neparoase L 89 -nepejlolate S 457 —nervate P 444 -netede L 89 —numeroase P 1028 --oblice P 736 cu patru- Q 13 cu-paroase T 458 -penate P 701 -pliate P 1627 -pufos paroase P 1623 -punctate S 969 —purpurii P 1121 -putine P 199 -radacini R 278 —rigid erecte I 349 -rigide S 188 -rostrate R 311 -ro§ii ca focul P 1710 -rozacee R 299 -sagitate S 16 -separat dintate S 441 -serulate S 451 -sesile S 457 -setos paroase S 466 -spinoase S 747 -striate S 1027 —suberoase P 426, S 1170 -sutyiri T 107 cu §apte- H 154 cu §ase- H 283 cu-tari S 948 cu trei-T 486 cu-ca umbrela S 160 -uscate S 486, X 41 -ca la usturoi S 209 -verzi G 344 -periferice Insorite H 81 produce- P 564 referitor la- P 549 situat sub- H 604 frunzei biologia- P 554 deasupra- S 1309 dosul- P 10 faja- P 10 foaia- L 36 lobul- L 237 marginea- M 108 pernita- P 1650 segmentul- S 258 teaca- О 50 tipul- P 578 vagina- О 50 frunzele -heliofitelor H 81 roade- P 573 frunzelor caderea- D 41 caderea timpurie a- P 576 concre§terea- G 49 dispozitia- P 577 necroza- P 571 patarea galbena a- A 1157 teoria formarii- P 565 totalitatea- P 567 frunzi? F 158 de- F 156 frunzos F 109 bogat- F 113 frunzulite cu rizoizi R 245 frutescent F 169 fruticant F 171 fruticet F 172 ftiriaza P 532 fucaceu F 174 -fugal F 176 aero- A 122 bazi- В 42 fuliginos A 222 fumagineu G 73 fumului (de culoarea-) N 36 fumuriu F 185 fungicid F 188 fungicol F 189 fungivor F 190, M 604 fungoid F 187 funicul F 194 -curbat E 13, R 198 funicular F 192 funiculat F 193 funie (In forma de-) F 186 funiiform F 186 funinginei (de culoarea-) A 857 funinginos F 182 furajer P 1 furcat F 198 dublu- В 136 furfuraceu F 199 furnici (referitor la-) M 622 fus F 205 -acromatic A 75 In forma de- R 8 fuziform F 203 fuzionarea nucleilor -diploizi S 1414 -triploizi S 1454 -vegetativi T 597 fuziune F 204, P 71 -nucleara G 135 INDEX ROMAN ESC gagatosperm G 3 galactin G 4 galbanifer G 7 gala G 206, G 13 -falsa P 1480 galben A 1029, F 81, L 280, X 3 -albastrui §ofraniu G 985 -alburiu L 148, О 53 -ambrin A 502 -auriu A 1153, С 405, L 280, M 176, X 3 -complet H 327 -de portocaia A 1151 -Inchis С 409 -bruniu С 796, I 287 -ca bronzul В 294 -ceara С 239 -franzela С 904 -lamlia G 477 -lutul A 1011 -mierea H 102 -paiul S 1012 -sulful S 1282 -curat L 280 -deschis F 81, G 146, L 148, 279, S 1011 -intens H 556 -Inchis R 222, V 148 -lucios R 64 -lucitor X 3 —viu J 6 -murdar S 837 -palid F 80, G 146, H 102, L 277, О 53 -suriu G 868 -ro§cat E 352, F 184, I 3 -verzui С 327, 351, I 13 -viu H 556 galbuia G 8 gale -cauzate de viermi H 91 poarta- G 203 galeat G 10 galeiform G 11 galericulat G 12 galvanotaxie E 84 -negativa A 920 garnet G 17 -femel G 292, M 22, О 162, О 177 -matur T 245 -mascul A 700, S 661 -mobil ciliat P 745 -neciliat A 907, Z 61 gametangiofor G 19 gametangiogamie G 18 gametangiu G 20 -femel G 110 gametic G 21 gametizare G 22 gametoblast G 24 gametocist G 25 gametocit G 26 INDEX ROMANESC gametofit G 34 -femel M 25, 41 -haploid P 1371 •mascul M 326, 344 gametofitic G 33 gametofor G 31 -femel G 294 gametogamie G 27 gametogenezS G 28 gametoplasma G 35 gametospor G 36 gametului (formarea-) G 22 gametilor conjugarea- P 1084, Z 72 contopirea citoplasmaticS a-P 763 fuzionarea- S 1424 -gamic G 37 gamobiu G 38 gamocarpelar G 39 gamocarpic G 40 gamocit G 41 gamodesmie G 42 gamofilie G 49 gamogemie G 43 gamogenezS G 44 gamomerie G 46 gamomorfozS G 47 gamopetal S 1349 gamostelie G 53 gamostil G 54 gamotropism G 56 ganglion G 58 gangrenS S 697 gangrenos S 696 gard S 13 cre?te pe- S 14 -viu S 13 gazde cu trei- T 579 plante- H 440 gazoplancton G 60 gSlbenu?ul oului (de culoarea--) L 280, V 148 gSlbinare I 14 g&lbui F 80, L 279, X 5 -alb С 408, X 8 -brun ca pSmfntul T 137 -bruniu E 80 -citrin С 477 -purpuriu X 11 -rozeu S 24 -verde С 352, X 7 gSsit I 266 g&unos С 92, 158, 201, 564, I 79 gSuri (cu douS-) В 201 gSurit F 34, 122, 123, P 264, 1113 -ca ciurul С 885 geitonocarpie G 62 geitonogamie G 61 gelatinos G 63 gelificare G 65 gemaceu G 70 gemificare G 74 gemini G 68 gemipar G 77 gemiparitate G 76 gen G 100 -nou N 169 -gen G 94 endo- E 154 exo- E 460 genS G 80 generant G 84 generativ G 86 generate G 85, P 1257 -acrementrials A 49 -asexuatS G 85 -diploidS G 85, N 2 -filialS F 3 -gametofiticS G 85, N 1 -haploidS G 85, N 1 -sexuatS G 34, 85 -somaticS N 2 -spontanee A 10,1176, G 85 -sporofiticS G 85 -zigoticS N 2 genera(,ii alternants de- A 412, 424, A 873, H 216 alternare de- A 439, 473, genereazS (care-) G 84 generic G 87 -apropiat A 289 apropiere -S A 290 nume- G 97 generitip G 88 genetic G 91 genetics G 90 geneza G 89 -celulelor С 1046 -citoplasmei P 764 -ciupercilor M 601 -morfozelor teratologice T 116 -plantelor P 627 -genic G 94 genicul G 93 geniculat G 92 genonim G 97 genotip G 98 -cu denumirea initials О 269 genuri de plante G 83 geobiont G 104 geoblast G 106 geobotanicS G 107 geocarpie G 108 geocarpotropic G 109 geoecotip G 116 geoestezie G 103 geofil G 119 geofite G 120 geonastie G 114 geonictinastie G 115 geonictitropie G 115 624 geoparalelotropism G 118 geoplagiotropism G 121 geosferS G 123 geospecie G 122 geotaxie G 125 geotonus G 126 geotorsiune G 127 geotortism G 127 geotrofie G 128 geotrofism G 128 geotropism G 130 -lateral G 130 -negativ A 924, G 130, Z 7 cu--A 320 -pozitiv С 168, G 130, P 1258, 1320 -schimbStor P 901 germen G 132 germinabil G 133 germinabilitate G 134, V 147 germinant G 135 germinare (capacitate de-) G 134 germinat В 231, G 138 germinativ G 137 germinatie G 136 -epigee E 257 gerontomorfozS G 139 ghebozitate T 635 ghemuit С 721 ghid H 319 ghimpe A 29, S 742 ghimpi cu-viguro?i H 432 cu-zbirliti E 337 ghimpos A 30, 160, S 741, 749 ghindS В 19, G 161, N 210 de- В 17 In formS de- G 153 ghirlandS (tn forms de-) S 452 giberulat G 142 gibos G 142 gibozitate G 141, U 19 gigantic G 143 gigartin G 144 gimnoblastic G 268 gimnocarpic G 270 gimnocit G 271 gimnoplast G 272 gimnosperm G 273 gimnospor G 274 ginandrie G 278 ginandrie G 277 ginandrofor G 281 ginandromonoecie G 279 ginanteric G 282 gineceu G 290 -monomer P 1527 ginga? T 97 ginixus G 284 ginobaza G 285 -c&rnoas& S 63 ginoclamideu G 286 ginodimorfism G 287 ginodinamic G 289 ginodioecie G 288 ginoecie G 291 ginofen G 300 ginofilie G 302 ginofite G 303 ginofor G 301 ginogamet G 292 ginogametangiu G 293, M 23 ginogametofor G 294 ginogen G 296 ginogeneza G 295 ginohermafrodit G 298 ginomonoecie G 299 ginosporange G 306 ginostegiu G 308 ginostemiu A 733, С 649, G 309 gipsaceu G 310 gipsofil G 312 giroma G 315 gl§te (consumat de-) A 812 git G 633, F 26 gltuit F 25, S 1013 gitul (cu-) С 630 -corolei С 816 -r&d&cinii С 633 cu - - G 630 glabrescent G 148 glabrescent& G 150 glabritate G 150 glabriuscul G 148 glabru G 39, G 149, L 87, P 410, 1594 glaciar G 151 glandaceu G 153 glanda G 161 -digestiva D 211, G 161 -mica G 154 -nectarifera N 53 glande cu-ascu^ite О 304 cu-numeroase P 938 cu patru- T 164 glandular G 155 glandula G 154 -nectarifera N 54 -septaia S 410 glandulos A 188, G 156 -ciliat G 157 -crenat G 158 -dintat G 159 -setos G 160 glauc G 163 aproape- G 164 glaucescent G 164 gleba G 165 globoidal G 166 globoide G 167 globul G 168 globulos G 166, S 699 aproape- S 1187 -Indesuit С 721 -latit О 13 glohidiat G 169 par- G 170, 171 glohidie G 170, 171 gloiocistida G 173 gloiospor G 175 glomerat G 176 glomeruia G 177 -de flori A 63 -de fructe A 63 glomerulat G 176 glosoideu G 178 glosologie T 130 glosopodiu G 180 glugat С 943 gluga С 944 glumaceu G 182 gluma G 181, T 48 -floraia V 29 -inferioara G 181, L 104 -superioara G 181 glume cu doua- В 140 cu trei- T 495 glumeia G 181 glumeluia G 184 glumifer G 185 glumiform G 186 gluten G 187 glutinos G 172,188 gnaisaceu G 192 gnesiogamie G 193 gogoa§a G 13 gol С 158, E 53, F 24, I 79, V 8 golas G 266 golit E 53, F 24, V 8 goluri (cu-) L 24 gomfostil G 195 gonangiu G 197 goneoclin G 199 gonidangiu G 203 gonidial G 204 gonidie G 207 -cupuliforma G 1012 -externa E 28 -mare M 27 -mica M 328 -solitara H 31 gonidimiu G 205 gonidiofor G 206 gonidionema G 208 gonimiu in §irag H 427 gonimoblast G 210 gonimolob G 211 goniotrih G 216 gonofor G 221 gonohifema G 220 gonoplasma G 222 gonospor G 224 INDEX ROM AN ESC gonotaxie G 225 gonotoconte G 226 gonotropism G 228 gonozoma G 223 gracil G 230 graliform G 231 gramic G 238 gramineu G 233 graminicol G 235 granatin G 240 granifer G 245 graniticol G 246 granivor G 247 granular G 249 granula(.ia citoplasmei С 1051 granuia G 251 -de clorofiia A 1198 -mare In protoplasma M 49 granuliform G 249 granulos G 239, 248 gras A 201 gratii (cu-) G 448, 495 In forma de- С 60, 447 gratios V 64 grav G 254 gravat I 177 graveolent G 253 gradinar H 437 gradinarilor (crea^ia-) H 437 gradina H 438 -botanica H 438 -cu pomi H 438, P 1086 -de flori H 438 -de legume H 438, О 102 -de trandafiri R 343 -de zarzavaturi О 102 gradinarie H 435 -ornamentaia T 340 gradini cultivat in- H 433 de- H 433 evadat din- H 436 gradinilor (apar^inlnd-) H 438 gramada mica A 63 gramajoare (cu-) G 260 gramezi -de gunoi R 389 -de moloz R 389 grauncioare •mobile de amidon S 877, 878 patru- de polen T 196 grauncior G 252 -de polen A 730, G 252, M 353, P 918 -mic G 251 graunte S 276 graunta G 252 grefaj С 746 de- S 243 gregar G 255 INDEX ROMANESC «re?ealft L 52, S 723 -de scris L 52 -tipograficS S 723 gre?it M 85 greu P 1093 gri С 433 grija lui (cu-) G 966 grinds (in formS de-) T 312 grine F 167 groapS F 134 gropi mici (cu-) S 218 gropitS A 483, 1006, F 138, S 219 -anterelor A 692 groptye cu- A 486, 1007, F 27, 139, S 17, 27 --dure S 222 - -mici F 137 gros G 863, I 102, P 2, 696 grosier G 259 grosime С 864 grosolan G 259 grotS S 638 grumulos G 260 grup G 256 -de cultivaruri С 953 -de specii inrudite S 1314 reunit in- С 621 -sistematic G 256 grupare A 327 grupat G 255 -la un loc С 724 -in masS sfericS С 721 gudron P 722 gulera? I 277 gumifer G 261 gumozS G 262 gunoi (create pe-) Q 52 gunoios R 393 gunoi?te (cre?te pe-) F 64 gunoit S 943 gurS О 272 cu- larg deschisS R 327 gust S 46 aproape fSrS- S 1199 fSrS- I 187 gustos S 42 gu?S (in formS de-) S 1056 gutatie G 264 gutulat G 265 hadrocentric A 554, H 5 hadrom H 6 halobentos H 10 halobiont H 11 halodrimiu H 12 halofil H 14 halofite H 16 halofob H 15 halonereide H 13 haloplancton H 17 hamat H 18 hamos H 18 hamulat H 19 hamulos H 19 hapaxant H 23 haplobiont H 25 haplocaul H 26 haplocit H 28 haploclamideu H 27 haplodiplobiont H 29 haplodiplont H 29 haplofazS H 37 haplogenezS H 30 haplogonidie H 31 haploid H 32 de patru ori numSrul-T 189 nucleu- H 116 haplomitozS H 33 haplont H 25 haploperistomat H 35 haplopetal H 36 haplopoliploid H 38 haplospor H 41 haplosporange H 42 haplostel H 43 haplostemonie H 44 haplostemonopetal H 45 haplozS H 39 haplozomie H 40 haptere H 46 haptomorfozS H 47 hartS T 4 hastat H 53 •pe о parte S 315 hat V 84 haustor H 55 -rudimentar P 1505 haustorii (cu multe-) P 1064 hekistotermic H 67 heleofite H 71 heleoplancton H 72 helicism H 74 helicoidal H 73 heliconomiu H 75 heliofil H 79 heliofite H 82 heliofob H 80 heliosciofite H 83 helioscopic H 84 heliotortism H 87 heliotropic H 88 heliotropism P 514 -pozitiv P 1321 helioturgotropism H 90 heliozS H 85 helmintocecidii H 91 helmintoideu H 92 helofite H 98 helohilofil H 95 helolohmofil H 96 heloplancton H 99 helorgadofil H 100 helotism H 101 hematocrom H 8 626 hemerantic H 105 hemerodiafor H 106 hemerofil H 107 hemerofite H 109 hemerofob H 108 hemibazidie H 115 hemicariont H 116 hemicelulozS H 117 hemiciclic H 122 hemicriptofite H 121 hemidibiozS H 124 hemifanerofite H 135 hemipentacotil H 134 hemisincotil H 140 hemiterie H 143 hemiterofite H 144 hemitrop H 145 hemixerofite H 146 hemostatic I 289 hepatic H 149 hepaticologie H 148 heptaginic H 151 hep tamer H 152 heptandric H 153 heptarin H 153 herborizare H 158 hercogamie H 166 hermafrodit A 710, В 216, H 169, 171, M 407 hermafroditism A 712, H 170 -fals P 1508 hermineu E 339 herpism H 172 hertzotropism H 173 hesperidS H 174 heteradelfie H 177 heterandric H 178 heterantagonism H 179 heteranterie H 180 heterantie H 181 heterauxezS H 182 heteroauxinS H 183 heterobazidie H 186 heteroblastic H 187 heterocariont H 190 heterocariozS H 191 heterocarp H 189 heterocarpie H 188 heterociclic H 200 heterocinezS H 220 heterocist H 201 heteroclamideu H 192 heteroc(h)oric H 193 heterocotiledonar H 199 heterocromatic H 195 heterocromie A 548, H 194 heterocromozom H 196 heterocron H 197 heterodicogamie H 202 heterodinam H 207 heterodistilic H 204 heterodont H 205 heterodrom H 206 •27 heteroecic H 208 heterofag H 232 heterofazic H 233 heterofenie H 230 heterofenogamie H 231 heterofiadic H 234 heterofil H 236 heterofilie A 446, H 235 heterofite H 237 heterofilie H 238 heterogam H 215 heterogamet A 779, H 209 heterogametangiogamie A 780 heterogametangiu A 781, H 211 heterogametic H 212 heterogametilor (copularea-) H 214 heterogamie A 782, H£213 heterogamogonie H 214 heterogen H 218 heterogenetic H 217 heterogeneza H 216 heteromal H 221 heteromer H 224 heteromericarpie H 223 heteromerie H 222 heteromezogamic H 225 heteromixie H 226 heteromorf H 228 heteromorfie H 227 heteromorf ism P 1005 heteromorfoza H 229 heteropicnoza H 245 heteroplasie H 239 heteroplasma H 240 heteroplastic X 26 heteroplastomatic H 241 heteroploid H 242 heteroprosfitiaza H 243 heteroprotalic H 244 heterorizie H 246 heteroschiza H 247 heterosimbiontic H 257 heterosinapsis H 258 heterosindeza H 259 heterospermie H 250 heterospor H 252 heterosporangic H 251 heterosporic H 253 heterostemonie H 254 heterostil H 256 heterostilie H 255 heterostatic H 260 heterotalism H 263 heterotaxie H 261 heterotetraploid H 262 heterotipic A 461, H 269 heterotom H 264 heterotop H 265 heterotristilie H 266 heterotrofic A 459, H 267 heteroza H 248 heterozigot H 271 hexaciclic H 273 hexaedric H 274 hexafiletic H 282 hexagonal H 275 hexaginic H 276 hexamer H 277 hexandric H 278 hexapedal H 280 hexaploid H 284 hiacintin H 447 hialin H 448 hialocist H 449 hialonema H 450, M 123 hialoplasma H 451 hialozom H 452 hibernacul H 288 hibernal H 289 hibernant H 290 hibernare H 291 hibrid H 455 -adventiv N 161 -de grefa С 306, P 1511 -fals P 1511 -tetrafiletic T 177 -vegetativ V 46 hibridare H 456 •naturaia N 26 -sexuata H 456 -vegetativa H 456 hibridic H 458 hibridizare (incapacitate de-) G 3 hibridogamie H 457 hibridogen N 162 hidatoda H 460 hidratura H 464 hidrobiologie H 467 hidroblast H 468 hidrobotanica H 469 hidrocarpie H 470 hidrocarpotropic H 471 hidrocit H 478 hidrocleistogamie H 473 hidroclinie H 474 hidroc(h)or H 472 hidroc(h)ore plutitoare N 33 hidrocorm H 475 hidrocriptofite H 476 hidrocultura H 477 hidroestezie H 466 hidrofil H 489 hidrofiia H 492 hidrofite H 493 hidrofitologie H 494 hidrofob H 490 hidrogam H 480 hidrogamie H 479 hidroharmoza H 481 INDEX ROMANESC hidrolizarea proteidelor P 1354 hidroliza H 483 hidrom H 484 hidromegaterm H 485 hidrometeoric H 486 hidromorfie H 487 hidromorfoza H 487 hidronastie H 488 hidroplanctofite H 496 hidroplancton H 495 hidroplast H 497 hidroplastide H 498 hidrospor H 501 hidrostereide H 502 hidrotaxie H 503 -negativa A 900 hidrotrihom H 504 hidrotrofie H 505 hidrotropism H 506 -pozitiv P 1261 hidroza H 500 hierobotanica H 297 hifalmiroplancton H 558 hifasma H 559 hifa H 557 -plectenchimatica P 1560 strat de hife H 560 hifema H 560 hifenchim H 561 hifopodiu H 562 higrofil H 514 higrofilie H 513 higrofite H 516 higrofob H 515 higrohazie H 509 higrometric H 510 higromorfie H 511 higromorfism H 512 higroplasma H 517 higroscopic H 519 higroscopicitate H 518 higroscotofil H 520 hil D 151, H 300, U 18 hilar H 298 hilat H 299 hilodofite H 523 hilofite H 523 hilogamie H 524 hilului (cicatricele-) О 151 hiluri (cu trei-) T 499 himenial H 527 himeniu H 529, M 181 aflat sub- S 1191 -nud A 63 himenofor H 531, P 1577 himenopterid H 532 himera С 306, P 1511 hipantiu H 534 hipantodiu H 535 hiperanisogamie H 537 hiperboreal H 538 hipercromatic H 541 hipercromaticitate H 540 INDEX ROMAN ESC hiperdiploideu H 542 hiperdromie H 543 hiperhaploideu H 544 hiperhidric H 545 hiperhimerS H 539 hiperparazit H 547 hiperplazie H 548 hiperpoliploideu H 549 hiperstoraatic H 550 hipertelic H 551 hipertipie H 555 hipertonic H 552 hipertrofie H 553 -lnveli?urilor florale R 14 hiperlrofite H 554 hiphidrogamie H 564 hipnospor H 566 hipnosporange H 567 hipnotic H 565 hipobazal H 569 bipobazidie H 570 hipobiot H 572 bipoblast H 574 hipocarpic H 578 bipocarpiu H 575 hipocarpogeu H 576 bipochil H 579 hipochioneu H 580 hipocopulS H 582 bipocotil H 583 bipocotil (S) (axa-) H 583 bipocrateriform H 584 bipocrepiform H 304 hipodermS H 586 •rSdScinii I 212 bipodiploideu H 587 bipodrom H 588 hipofilS H 603 bipofilopod H 602 bipofizS H 605 bipofloidal H 601 hipegeocarpie H 590 hipogeu H 589 hipogin H 591 hipohaploideu H 592 hipolitie H 596 hiponastie H 597 hiponim H 599 hiponomiu H 598 hipoplancton H 605 hipoplazie H 607 hipopleurS H 608 hipoploid H 609 hipopodiu H 610 hipopoliploid H 611 hiposporange H 613 hipostatic H 615 hipostazS H 614 hipostomatic H 616 bipostromS H 617 hipotal H 618, 619 hipoteciu H 621 hipotipie H 624 bipotonic H 622 hipotrofie H 623 hipovalvS H 625 hipsofilS H 626 hircin H 305 hirsut H 306 aproape- S 1190 hirt H 307 hispid H 308 histerantic H 627 histerogen H 628 histodializS H 309 histogen H 311, 312 histogenezS H 310 histolitic H 315 histolizS H 314 histologie H 313 histologia plantelor P 631 hirtia (ca-) P 86 holarctic H 321 holism H 322 holobazidie H 323 holobentic H 324 holoblastic H 325 holocenozS H 328 holociclic H 329 holoclamideu II 326 holodibiozS H 330 holoendobiotic H 331 holoendofite H 332 holoendozoare H 333 holoenzimS H 334 holoepifite H 335 holofitic H 348 holofitism H 349 hologamet H 337 hologamie H 338, M 26 hologenezS H 340 hologenie H 340 hologenotip H 341 hologimnocarpic H 342 holeginic H 343 hololeuc H 344 holomorfozS H 345 holoparazit H 346 holopetal H 347 holoplancton H 350 holosaprofite H 351 holosericeu H 352 holotip H 354 dublet de- I 344 homaloc(h)oric H 356 homalotrop H 357 homeoplazxe H 376 homeorezS H 377 homeostazie H 379 homoandrie H 372 homoblastic H 359 homocariont H 361 homocarpic H 360 homocen H 367 homociclic H 368 homocinezS H 365 homoclamideu H 362 homocron H 364 688 homodicogamie H 369 horaodinamic H 371 homodrom H 370 homoecic H 373 homofag H 403 homofazic H 404 homofiadic H 405 homofiletic H 406 homofilic H 406 homofilie H 407 homofitic H 408 homogam H 384 homogamet H 382 homogamie H 383 homogen H 388 homogenetic H 387 homogenezS H 386 homogonie H 389 homoheterostilie H 391 homoiocariozS H 392 homoiodiperiantic H 393 homoiohidraturS H 395 homoiosinapsis H 380 homoiotermic H 381 homoiozS H 378 homomal H 397 homomer H 374 homomerie H 398 homomixie H 399 homomorf H 375 homomorfozS H 401 homonim H 402 homonimie par(ialS P 1510 homoploid H 409 homospor I 337 homosporie H 410 homostemonie H 412 homostilie H 413 homotactic H 415 homotalism H 416 homotipic H 420 homotom H 417 homotopie H 418 homotrop H 419 homozigot H 422 homozigotic H 423 homozigozS H 421 horiodimorfism H 424 hormocist H 426 hormogon H 428 • -septat H 426 hormogonimiu H 427 hormon H 429 -de cre?tere A 1223 -vegetal P 632 horticulturS H 435 hortifug H 436 hotar L 179, T 131 iarbS G 232, H 156 -micS H 165 iarnS H 296 de- В 295, H 289, 295 iarovizare V 74 iaacA F 118 ic (In forma de-) С 959 iconografie I 6 iconotip I 7 icoeaedru I 9 icoeandrie I 11 icosandru I 10 icotip I 12 а* f identic H 858, I 15 identificare I 16 identitate morfologica H 385 idiobiologie I 18 idioblast I 19, T 441 idiobotanica I 20 idiocerologie I 21 idiocromatina I 22 idioecologie I 24 idiogamie I 25 idiogenetica I 26 idiograma I 27 idiometric I 28 idiomorfoza I 29 idiomutatie I 30 idionim I 31 idioplasma I 32 idioterie I 34 idiotip I 36 idiotop I 35 idiozom I 33 iederaceu H 62 ierbaceu G 233, H 157 ierbar H 159 ierbicide H 162 ierbivor H 164, P 656 ierbos G 237, H 157, 163 iemat H 292 ie$it P 1436 -In afara E 112, P 1284 -Inainte P 1284 putin- P 1286 ie§itura P 1285 ilegitim I 42 nume- 1 42 ilustrator I 44 ilustratie plan?a cu- T 4 -unei carti I 6 imaculat I 50 imagine S 632 imas p 173 imbibitie I 47 imbricat I 49 invers- О 11 imigrante (plante-) I 53 imigrare I 54 imigrat A 225, I 55 -ca hibrid N 161 imitator A 242 impar I 59 imparipenat I 60 imperfect I 62 impermeabil I 63 impermeabilitate I 64 important С 490 mai- P 1215 impozant S 1286 impregnat О 8 imprimat E 40 impudic I 70 imunitate I 57 inactiv I 73, P 176 inani}ie I 80 -partiaia H 125 incapacitate de hibridizare С 3 incizat D 322, I 89, T 329 -plna la baza S 244 slab- S 1197 inciziune I 88, E 430 inciziuni cu-neregulate H 264 cu-regulate H 417 incluziune I 92 incolor H 448, I 96 incomplet M 89, О 33 incrustare I 104 incubate I 106 incumbent I 108 incurbat 1 109 incvilinism I 171 indefinit I 113 indehiscent I 114 fruct- I 114 indicat О 94 indicatoare (plante-) 1 116 indicator M 465 indice alfabetic R 151 indictnd P 1161 indiferent I 117, N 111 indigen V 72 indigotic I 119 indirect I 120 indistinct I 122 indiviz I 123 indivizibil A 1120 indument I 124 induplicativ I 125 induvie I 130 induzia -ferigilor M 184 -sporangelui E 294, H 613 induziat I 127 induzie I 128, M 184, S 802 -membranoasa V 51 inechilateral S 110 inegal A 774, D 316, H 175, I 59, 75 inel A 800 -anual A 800 -cambial A 800, С 51 -de peri A 800 •glandular A 800 INDEX ROMANESC In forma de- A 798 inelar A 798 inelat A 799 -pe jumatate S 283 inelul sporangelui G 315-inelu§ G 317 -aparent P 1457 infectie I 132 perioada de- L 59 infecjios С 768 inferior H 533, 615, I 137 inflorescen(a I 141 -cincinata G 429 -compusa G 685 -fructifera I 153 -racemoasa R 4 -simpia S 518 -terminaia T 127 influenta T 15 -reciproca I 206 infraapical I 146 infraaxilar I 147 inframicrob I 149 inframicrobiologie I 150 inframicroscopic A 518 infraspecific I 151 infructescenta I 153 infundibular I 154 infundibuliform I 154 infuzie I 156 inhabitant I 159 inhibitor P 111 inhibitori I 160 inima lemnului D 402 inima (In forma de-) С 86, С 806 initial I 161, О 238 celule -e I 161 innascent I 162 inofensiv I 166 inovant I 164 inovatie I 165 insecte (de, pe, prin) E 212 polenizare prin- H 166 insecticide I 178 insectifer I 179 insectivor I 180 insectivore (plante-) I 180 inseparabil I 181 inserare I 182 inserat A 291, С 631, D 321, F 73, I 185 -In jurul ovarului P 288 insertie I 184 loc de- A 1046 insident I 186 insolatie H 85, I 191 instalare I 197 insule (create pe-) N 107 integral H 320 integument I 204 -bulbului I 204 -ovular extern P 1210 interactiune I 206 INDEX ROMANBSC intercalar I 208 intercalate ulterioarS I 224 intercalat I 225 intercelular I 210 intercinezS I 211 intercutis I 212 interfascicular I 213 interfazS I 223 intergeneric I 214 interior E 124 intermediar I 217, M 139, T 388 intermitozS I 223 intern E 124, I 221 internodiu A 1048, I 220, M 203 -cu frunze P 639 interpetiolar I 222 interpozitie I 224 interpretare I 226 interpus I 225 interreduplicatie I 227 interspecific 1 232 intersterilitate I 234 interstitiu 1 235 intexinS I 238 intinS I 239 -polenului E 186 intraaxilar I 242 intracelular I 243 intrafloral I 244, N 204 intrapetiolar I 245 intraspecific I 246 intrastaminal I 247 intravaginal I 248 introducere (la о lucrare) I 288, P 1176 introdus I 172, 185 introgresiv I 252 intumescent I 255 intumescen^S I 256 intususceptie I 257 inundatie P 1280 -de- P 1279 inutil I 260, S 1291 invadant 1 261 invaginare I 262 invaginat I 263 invariabil I 58, 264 invers О 2, R 212 -imbricat О 11 inversare complete R 185 inversat A 629, 874, I 267 investigate I 268 inviabilitate I 270 invizibil A 20, G 489, I 271 involucel I 273 involucral I 274 foliole -e I 274 involucrant I 275 involucrat I 276 involucru I 277 fSrS- E 448 involutiv I 280 involutie I 279 ioni de hidrogen (concentrate de- -) P 382 ireversibil I 283 iridescent I 282 irigate R 323 iritant S 982, U 88 iritate E 433 istorie H 317 iteologie I 346 iubitor de P 437 -iarnS G 277 iugament J 12 iulifer A 509, J 16 izabelin I 287 izidie I 291 izobilateral I 294 izocarpie I 297 izocenic I 302 izocenozS I 303 izoclin I 301 izocromocentric I 299 izodiametric I 305 izofen 1 329 izofenogamie I 328 izofilie I 332 izofotic I 331 izogametangiogamie I 308 izogamet 1 307 copulare-1 324 izogamie I 309 izogamogonie I 310 izogen I 311 izogenetic I 311 izogenomatic 1 312 izoginic I 316 izogonic I 315 izohologamie I 317 izolare geograficS I 319 izolat A 638, С 364, I 320, S 238, 405 izolateral 1 318 izolate I 319 izomer H 374, I 323 izomerie I 322 izomerogamie I 324 izomorf H 375, I 327 izomorfie I 325 izomorf ozS I 326 izoplanogamet I 334 izoploid I 335 izoprosfitiazS I 335 izoprotalie I 336 izosintip I 340 izospor I 337 izosporie H 410 izoetih I 338 izoetil I 339 izotip I 344 izotonic I 343 izozigotic I 345 izvor F 119, S 129 680 tmbSt&tor S 489 imbStrinire S 391 aflat In faza de- P 589 lmbel?ugat О 205 Imbibat S 1277 tmbobocire G 71 imbrSt?ind -floarea A 602 -tulpina A 601 tmbun&tett A 507 -substantial E 106 tmpSrtit D 353 -tn douS D 239 tmperecheat В 150, С 740, G 67, J 13, Z 58 -de mai multe ori M 544 tmpletit С 771, I 65, 249, P 794, 845 impletiturS T 213 tmpodobit A 214, E 471, О 242, S 224 tmpodobitor D 23, О 241 imprS?tiat A 1076, D 203, D 318, 329, E 56, I 233, S 613, 780, V 18 imprejmuire S 13 tmprejmuit О 36 imprejurare G 703 tmprejurimi A 204 tmpreunare A 671 -prin alipire A 325 tmpreunat A 205, С 654, 709, 740, J 20 impreunS S 1369 imputinat D 56 tnainte P 1156 mai- P 1360 Inalt С 211, E 79, 89, P 1232 A 480 destul de- A 479 foarte- P 1159 neobi?nuit de- G 143 tnarmat A 1028 tnSlbire A 374 tnSltime A 478 tnSuntru (aflat-) I 241 IncSlecat E 318, I 49 -pe jumState S 307 lncercare T 102 tncet L 99 IncetStenit I 172 tnchegare С 542 IncheieturS A 1046 Inchis A 759, С 496,503, О 25, О 41 aproape- S 1124 -la culoare A 1127, F 200, N 118, M 488, О 22, P 397, P 1640, S 91 tnchizind I 91 tncinge (care-) С 440 tnctlcit I 249 InctntStor A 527 «81 lnclrligat A 198, 221, 635, H 18, 51, О 152, R 107 cu virful- U 29 de dou& ori- В 222 spinos- L 51 fnclinat A 46, С 524, I 90, P 1292 -fata de axa О 15 -In afara R 85 -Inapoi S 1301 Incollcit I 65 Incoltire G 136 fncoltit G 138 Inconjoara (care-) С 440, P 267 -de jur Imprejur A 495 -organul A 600 Inconjurat С 431, 441 -cu §antulet G 470, 785 Incovoiat A 689 incretire С 889 Incretit С 890, R 403, U 7 slab- S 1140 Incretitura R 402 -mica R 404 Incruci§at С 896, D 29, H 458 Incrustat I 105 -In piatra E 158 lncurcat С 717, I 65, 249 tndeparta (a se-) D 337 Indepdrtat A 1236, D 333, R 143 Indepartlnd D 75 Indesuit С 539, 672, 701, С 710, 866, D 68, P 2, 1675, S 984 Indoielnic A 497, D 16 Indoit -brusc spre interior I 148 -In arc С 973 -Inauntru I 251 indreptat -In aceea§i directie H 397 -spre С 792 tnfa§oara (care-) G 440 Infa§urat С 778 -pe jumatate О 38 tnfati?are A 1071, G 712, F 6, 125, H 4 apropiat ca- A 42 -asemanatoare I 325 cu- F 128, О 199 - -asemanatoare H 375 - -parentaia P 193 •exterioara a organismelor P 595 lnflore§te (care-) -de timpuriu E 319 -mereu A 351 -noaptea N 132 -peste zi H 105 -repetat R 112 -веага V 96 -tlrziu S 454, T 29 Inflorire A 833, E 52, F 87 a doua- R 113 -anormaia M 280 - -toamna P 1226 -noaptea N 213 perioada de- T 87, A 833 -precoce P 8 Inflorit (bogat-) F 88 Infrunzire F 107, 155 cu flori dupa- H 627 Ingemlnat С 740, D 191, G 67 de patru ori- T 165 de trei ori- T 125 Inghetat G 64 Ingramadit A 54, 323, С 539, 720, 866, G 176 Ingropat I 143, 177, S 428 Ingro§are G 861, 1 101 Ingro§at С 862, I 102 Ingust A 767, 769, 995, S 901 -cilindric T 123 Ingustare S 928 Ingustat A 768, С 765, 780 Inierbat H 163 injumatatit D 239 iniantuit С 182, 687 Iniaturare E 90 iniaturat E 434 inlocuire (de-) P 1437 Inlocuitor S 1253 Inmugurire G 71 Inmugurit В 231, G 72 Inmultire A 605, P 1293, R 157 -asexuata M 418, 557 de- M 558, R 158 -fara sporogeneza A 936 inmultit M 559 lnabu$itor S 1270 Innascut С 719, I 157, N 24 Innegrit A 1127, N 119 Innorat N 173 Inotator N 22 Inradacinare R 21 Inradacinat R 22 inradacineaza (care se-) R 20 Inrudire A 290 Inrudit A 289, 331, С 597, С 713, 718, P 1305, 1470 -Indeaproape G 752 Insamlntare S 87 Insemnare A 795 Insemnari zilnice D 151 Insorit A 956, H 76 Insorite plante de statiuni- H 82 insotit G 658 Inso|itor G 657 Inspicare I 194 Insu§ire P 1310 tn$eiator D 16, M 190, S 519 INDEX ROMANESC !n$irare E 217 ln§iruit G 687 Intarire In consistenta S 17» Intarit I 126, M 579 -In consistenta S 193 Intaritor A 653 Intindere A 1000 intinerire J 23 a plantelor A 666 Intins D 334, E 56, 502„ L 68 -In afara P 1427 -pe pamint H 443 intli (de ordinul-) P 121b Sntlietate P 1221 intilnit О 44 Intlmpiator (dezvoltat-) A 44 intors A 682, 1233, О 2, P 359 -de la dreapta spre stlnga S 525 -in afara E 516 -Inapoi R 212 -pe dos R 186 -spre С 792 Intortocheat L 8 !ntovara§ind С 657 intovara§it A 1086 intreg G 681, I 123, 201L T 365 aproape- I 203 intrerupt D 313, F 141,. I 229 Intretaiat I 230 Intretesut G 771, I 236* T 212 -de jur Imprejur G 46» Intunecat M 488, N 173,. О 22, P 397, S 91 cu scvame -e A 494 intunecos T 94 inteles S 397 intelesuri (cu doua-) A 49? intepator A 59, P 165? Invecinat A 203, 1082, С 713* G 140, V 111 Invele§te (care-) T 47 inveli? I 204, T 48, V 4» cu -T 50 - -protector T 650 -de peri I 124 -dur G 901 cu - floral simplu H 368 -floral I 204 fara-- A 72, 884, G 26? hipertrofia Inveli§urilor florale R 14 lipsit de- G 266 -mucilaginos P 42 Inveli§ul -archegoanelor P 270--fructificatiei S 826 -intern al ovulului T 48 INDEX ROMANESC -ovulului I 204 -seminal S 680 - -extern T 145 -semintei I 204 -sorilor I 128 -sporului S 809 fnveli?uri cu douS - florale D 171 cu trei- T 439 inveli?urile fructului P 275 inveli?urilor totalitatea- florale P 270 fnvelit С 314, I 129, V 49 invelitor I 275 inverze?te (care-) V 127 Inverzirea -anormalS V 128 -organelor florale P 568 -ovulului О 167 inviorStor A 653 tnvirto?at I 126 inzSpezit N 127 inzestrat cu P 1173 jaculator J 1 jaspideu J 3 jghiab (in-) С 91 jghiaburi (cu multe-) M 516 jilav M 68, U 4 jonctiune A 671, J 19 jordanism J 7 jordanon M 352 jos (cel mai de-) I 71 judej. С 659 jumState (pe-) H 110, S 277 juncoid J 18 Jupiter J 21 jur-imprejur (de-) С 453 juvenil J 22 juxtapunere J 25 label L 3, M 239 labelat L 1 labelizare L 2 -petalelor H 378 -sepalelor H 378 labelului degenerarea- A 71 expansiunea laterals a-P 828 lipsa- A 71 labiat С 272, L 4 labii (cu douS-) В 142 labirintiform L 8, M 70 labiu L 6 -inferior L 5, 6 -superior L 6 lac L 10, 25, S 856 lacerat L 12 laciniat L 15 fin- F 63 lacinie L 14 -micS L 16 laciniile -caliciului L 14 -corolei С 816, L 14 -perigoniale L 14 lacinulat L 17 lacinulS L 16 lacrimant L 18 lacrimatie L 19 lacrimS (in formS de-) D 1 lacrimiform L 20 lactescent L 21 lacteu L 22 lacunS 1 235, L 23 lacunos L 24 lacuri cre§te pe margine de- P 105 create prin- T 316 din- L 181 plante de- T 317 lacustru L 26 lageniform L 31 lamarckism L 32 lamelar L 34 lamelat L 35 lamelS L 33 laminS L 36 -frunzei L 178 lance (in formS de-) H 53, L 41 lanceolat L 41, 254 -hastat L 42 invers- О 12 liniar- L 43 lant (dispus in-) С 687 lanuginos L 47 pSr- L 47 -pSros E 334 lanuginozitate L 48 lapaceu L 51 lapidicol L 49 larg A 606, E 384, L 68, P 787 lat E 384, L 68, P 787 -eliptic L 70 foarte- P 331 -foliat L 69 pujin- L 66 latent I 73, L 58, R 88 latentS L 59 lateral L 60, P 824 latex L 62 cu- G 4 laticifer L 64 latitudine L 65 laturS L 71 laturi a?ezat pe- L 60 cu cinci- Q 42 cu douS- В 143 cu douSzeci de- I 9 cu mai multe- M 545 683 cu §ase- H 274 cu trei- T 502 laturile cu - P 824 --inegale I 77, S 110 lax С 251, L 73 panicul- J 9 lSptos L 21 lSrgit A 604, D 231, 334 lSstar P 1271 -acvatic H 468 -comprimat dilatat P 790 -de cre?tere A 1224 -de mugure radical S 1318 -de viJS R 163 -tinSr S 1318 ISstari cu- S 1317 - -scur^i В 271 poartS- P 1272, S 1317 lSstSrire (de-) I 164 lSstSrit В 231 lS(ime L 65 -degetului gros P 920, 921 lStit A 604, С 678, D 231 leac (de-) M 138 lecanorin L 76 lecidein L 77 lectoalotip L 78 lectotip L 79 legat С 744, J 20 legSturS J 19, N 113 lege (dupS-) R 331 legitim L 82 nume- L 82 polenizare -S L 82 legumS L 84, О 137 legume О 101 de- О 133 leguminaceu L 85 leguminos L 86 lemn L 169 cu - dur S 196 -fosil L 225 -fosilizat X 58 -petrificat L 225 -secundar S 245 lemniscat L 92 lemnos L 162, X 52 aproape- S 1204 corp- С 825 lemnului descrierea- X 56 studiul- X 59 lenitic L 93 lent L 99 -ingustat A 1140 lenticelat L 96 lenticele L 95 cu - L 96 lenticular L 97 -pStat L 98 lcntiform L 97 688 lentiginos L 98 lentiia L 94 lep&dat D 46 lepicen& L 104 lepidopterocecidie L 107 lepidopterofile L 109 lepidopteronomiu L 108 lepirofilie L 134 lepismJ L 112 lepocit L 113 leporin L 114 lepros L 115 leptocentric A 596 leptofloem L 126 leptom L 123 dispus in jurul- A 596 leptonema L 124 leptosporange L 129 leptostil L 130 leptoten L 131 leptoxilem L 32 leptozigoten L 133 letal L 135 leucocian L 139 leucocist L 140 leucoplast A 668 leucospermie L 146 leucozom L 145 liana L 151 liber С 364, E 88, I 74, L 152, S 570 liber (felogenul) L 153 libriform L 154 lichefiaza (care se-) G 628 lichefiere D 332, L 293 lichen L 155 lichenilor descrierea- L 157 studiul- L 158 lichenism L 156 lichenografie L 157 lichenologie L 158 lichid H 446, L 208 lignescent I 126, L 161 lignicol L 164 lignicolor L 163 lignificare L 165, S 179 lignificat (u?or-) S 1271 lignina L 166 confine- S 193 secreta- S 186 lignivor L 167 ligulaceu L 171 ligular L 172 ligulat L 173 liguia L 170 ligule (cu doua-) В 144 liliaceu L 175 liliachiu I 1, L 174 -tnchis A 1137 lilieci (polenizat prin-) С 280 limaciform L 176 limb L 36, 178 cu- L 177 limba leului (ca-) L 101 limba (in forma de-) G 178 limbul -corolei G 816, L 178 -foliar L 178 limnicol L 180 limitat la Q 53 limita L 179, T 131 limnetic L 181 limnobiologie L 182 limnofite L 184 limnoplancton L 185 limpede D 233 lingulat L 194 lingura (in forma de-) G 557 liniar L 191 liniat L 193 linie L 190 -de concre?tere S 1323 -de demarcate L 179 in -dreapta R 90 linii cu mai multe- M 546 cu patru -filetice T 186 in forma de - G 238 lini§tit T 384 lipaza L 197 lipeste (care se-) A 324 lipicios G 188, I 350, L 99, V 142 lipit A 197 lipocianina L 201 lipoclastic L 203 lipocondrii L 198 lipocrom L 199 lipofaneroza L 204 lipofil L 205 lipoide L 202 lipolitic L 203 lipoplast L 206 lipoxenie L 207 lipseste (care-) A 21, G 87 -complet N 199 lipsi(a-) D 107 lipsit de A 628, 879, D 10o, E 1, 415, О 209 lipsuri (cu-) M 89 lirat L 288 lira (in forma de-) L 288 lireia L 210 lista G 170, D 47 -de erori tipografice G 829 -de plante F 85 litere (in forma de-) G 238 litiaza L 214 -litic L 294 amilo- A 616, 621 litocist L 217 litofite L 222 litoral L 227 aproape de- S 120 о creste pe- A 158 plante tie- A 352, P 1450 INDEX ROMANESO litosperm L 223 litotelma L 224 livada P 1206 -cu pomi P 1086 de- P 1204 lizare L 293 de- L 294 sub афипеа luminii P 490 -citoplasmei P 766 -clorofilei G 342 lizenchim L 289 lizicarpic L 290 lizigen L 291 lizina L 292 lina L 39 linga (de-) P 88 linos bogat- L 47 -paros L 40 slab- S 1202 lob L 237 -mic L 236 -palatin P 29 lobare L 232 lobat L 233 palmat- P 48 penat- P 702 lobi cu cinci- Q 43 cu doi- В 145 cu - egali 1 321 cu mulfi* M 547 cu patru- Q 16 cu §apte- S 413 cu trei- T 504 cu - uniformi I 321 divizat in- L 233 lobii corolei G 816 lobul L 236 lobul L 237 -anterei L 237 -frunzei L 237 - -sectate S 258 -stigmatului L 237 -talului S 841 lobulat L 235 loc L 246, S 252 -clasic L 246 -cu saicii S 19 -cu verdeataV 134 -de cre$tere S 873 -de insertie A 1046 -natal N 21 -nisipos S 1 -plantat P 751 -umbros U 23 local T 341 localitate L 246 localizat pe О 55 locelat L 238 locomotor L 240 locuie§te (care-) H 2 locuind I 95 locuitor I 94 INDEX ROMANESC locul L 244 loculat L 242 loculi cu mai multi- M 549, P 876, P 1024 cu patru- Q 17 cu §ase- S 477 cu trei- T 505 loculicid L 243 loculul ovarului L 244 locuri create pe - reci A 398 create pe - umbroase S 158 de - insorite H 80 de- nSmoloase (plante-) L 187 prefers. - mlS§tinoase T 68 -turboase T 655 lodiculS L 248, P 33, S 841 logonim L 249 logotip L 250 lojS L 244 -a anterei С 737, L 237, L 244 cu o- U 62 •falsS S 836 -micS L 239 -secundarS L 239 cu cinci- P 238 cu douS- В 89, 146 cu mai multe- M 549, P 876, 1024 cu multe- mici M 548 cu patru- Q 17 cu - secundare L 238 cu §ase- S 477 cu trei- T 505 lomentaceu L 252 lomentS L 253 longidiurn L 257 lopSticS (in formS de-) S 620 loricat L 267 loricS L 266 loriceu L 265 lucios С 838, F 181, L 28, L 29, 37, 270, N 122, S 768, V 76 lucitor С 838, F 181, L 37, L 270, N 122, R 119, S 164, S 768, P 418 -dedesubt H 593 luciu de ulei (cu- -) I 259 lucrare О 206, S 1449 -floristicS С 329 lucru R 161 lujer -anual scurt В 272 -lung M 14 lumbriciform L 273 lume R 129 lumea plantelor R 129, V 44 lumen L 274 luminS L 274, 282 cu multS- H 76, 79 emitere de- P 472 influen(at de- P 471 iubitor de- P 502 lipsit de- A 894 produce- P 485 reflects- R 119 luminescent L 275 luminii (lizare sub actiunea-) P 490 mSsurarea intenzit&tii-P 491 lumini? de pSdure L 272 luminos D 233 lunar M 189 lunS (cu duratS de o-) M 189 lunecos L 269 lung L 255, M 3 -de о palmS D 358 foarte- P 332 lungSret E 94, О 17 lungime L 262 depS?e§te in- S 1284 -bratelor intinse О 233, 234 -unei palme P 43 bratului (de lungimea-) В 268 luni (cu duratS de trei-) T 509 luntritS С 90 in formS de- N 34 lunular L 276 lupS de mSrire L 94 lupta pentru existentS С 677 lurid L 277 lutos A 1012, L 281 luxuriant L 284 luxurie L 283 luzus L 278 maceratie М2 В macrandric M 4 [ macroaerofil M 7 macroandrospor M 8 macroaplanogamet M 9 macroaplanospor M 11 macroaplanosporange M 10 macrobiocarpie M 12 macrobiotic M 13 macroblast M 14 macrocist M 18 macroclimS M 16 macroconidie M 17, 148 macroevolutie M 21, 32 macrofilum M 33 macrofite M 35 macrofitoplancton M 36 684 macrogamet M 22, 149 -inainte de fecundare О 177 macrogametangiu M 23 macrogametocit M 24 macrogametofit M 25, 147 macrogametilor (formarea-) M 150 macrogamie M 26 macroginospor M 28 macrogonidie M 27 macromiofil M 30 macromutatie M 29 macronucleu M 31, 152 macropicnidie M 42 macropicnoconidie M 43 macropicnospor M 44 macroplancton M 37, 151 macroplanogamet M 38 macroplaste M 39 macropleuston M 40 macroprotal M 41 macrosclereide M 46 macroscopic M 47 macroseston M 48 macrosimbiont M 60 macrospecie С 587, 621, M 50 macrospor M 19, 51, 154 -cu functii mascule M 8 formare- M 54 macrosporange M 52, 2O', 155 macrosporocit M 156 macrosporofil M 57, 158 macrosporofor M 56 macrosporogenezS M 54, 157 macrosporogonariu M 55 macrostil M 59 macrostilospor M 58 macrotermic M 159 macrotermofite M 61 macrozom M 49, 153 macrozoogonidie M 62, 63» M 160 macrozoospor M 62 maculat L 102, M 66 maculatie M 65 maculS M 64 cu - oculiformS О 47 -germinativS С 252 -hilarS С 252 magnetotropism M 71 mai mult sau mai putin P 881 mai L 228 malacofile (plante-) M 76 malacogam M 75, 77 maliform M 80 malul riurilor (create pe- -) R 332 mamelar M 87 mamelat M 88 mamelS M 86 mamelon U 19 tn forma de- M 87 mans M 93 mangrove (format» de-) H 12 manifest M 91 manifesttnd P 1161 man?eta A 1030 mantisa M 94 manual E 123, M 95 -portativ V 9 manubriat M 96 manubriu M 97 manuscris M 98 nume dat tn- С 310 marcat N 157, S 496 marcescent E 95, M 100 marcid M 101 marcota T 20 mare A 606, G 242, M 3, 72, 145 foarte- M 161, P 333 mai- H 536 mare M 103 situat linga- P 88 margaritaceu M104 marginal M 105 marginant M 106 marginat L 251, M 107 margine M 108 •ascutita A 90 cu — despicata S 150 cu — din^ata О 62 cu — tngusta S 919 cu — ro?ie R 384 de — M 106 marginea frunzei M 108 marin M 109 maritim A 255, M 110 marmora (pana?at ca-) M 111 marmorat M 111 marsupiu M 112 masa M 114 -ceroasa M 114 -filamentoasa S 1059 -paroasa S 1059 -polinica P 922 -protoplasmatica mul-tmucleata A 919 reunire tn — С 544 reunit !n С 724 masca (in forma de-) P 349 mascul A 690, M 113 floare -a F 96 mastigodesmoza M 118 mastigoneme M 119 mastigozom M 120 masuia M 115 mat 1 66, О 181 mateonim M 121 materie S 1235 bogat tn- nutritiva E 404 maternal M 122 matinal M 129 matrical M 122 matrice M 123 matroclinie M 124 matur M 128 maturate M 125 cu - timpurie P 1169 -fructelor F 163 maturescent M 126 maturitate M 127 ajuns la- A 219 -timpurie P 1168 maturizare simultana S 1378 maturizat inainte de vreme P 1188 maxiliform M 130 mazediu M 131 macar S 28 macea?a С 1010 maciucat С 497 de doua ori- В 100 maduva M 142 maduvei apar(.ine- M 143 de natura- M 144 maiaiet G 155 maiura U 94 maninca (care-) V 164 manunchi F 22a -de flori S 453 reunit in- F 22 manunchiuri reunit in trei- T 415 mar M 84 referitor la- M 79 maracini (cre§te printre-) P 531 maracini? V 65, 132 cu - V 131 maracinos D 389 mari cre?te in - T 220 cre?te in - adinci P 1096 marime M 73 marire A 605 marit A 1146 lupa de- L 94 manmt M 309, 373 masliniu verde bruniu О 134 masurarea intensitat» luminii P 491 masura in - diferita A 441 masurind M 301 matasos S 432 complet- H 352 slab - paros S 1227 matura S 204 tn forma de- S 205, 206 -vrajitoarelor G 484, S 204 maturi (folosit pentru-) S 205 raeandriform M 70 meat M 132 -aerifer L 23 -ntercelular M 132 INDEX ROMANESO mecanic M 133 tesut- S 947 mecanomorfoza M 134 mecanotropism M 135 median м 136, 213 plan- M 136 mediastin M 137 medicinal I 2, M 138, О 88 mediofix M 140 mediteranean M 141 medular M 143 medulos M 144 megalogametogeneza M 150 megaspor M 51 megasporange О 299, M 52 megasporocit M 53, 156 megatermic M 159 meiofilie M 164 meioginic M 163 meiospor M 167 meiosporange M 168 meiotermic M 170 meiotic M 169 meioza M 165 -heterotipica H 220 -homotipica H 365 me j die V 84 melanism M 173 melanoza M 175 melci in forma de- L 176 polenizat prin- M 75 melifag M 179 melifer M 177 meligo M 178 melitofil M 180 melivor M 179 melonida P 252 membrana externa -a cortexului A 557 -a sporilor P 311 membranaceu M 182 membrana M 181 cu - M 183 - -groasa T 146 - -subtire L 120 -celulara С 1041, M 181 -mica M 184 -nucleara С 152, M 181 -protectoare T 649 -protoplasmatica M 181 membranifer M 183 membranos H 527, M182 membranuia M 184 mendelism M 186 mentinut (de-) С 753 mentionat G 661 merdicol M 191 mere in forma de- P 1090 referitor la- P 1085 merenchim M 193 mericarp M 195 mericarpiu M 195 INDEX ROMANESC meridional A 1158, M 196 merismatic M 197 merispor M 198 meristem M 199 -primar M 199 -primordial P 1281 -secundar M 199, S 245 meristomatic M 200 meristogenetic M 201 meristrofe M 202 meroblastic M 204 meroconidie M 205 merogamie M 327 merogonie M 208 meromorfozi M 209 meroplancton M 210 merotip M 212 merotomie M 211 rnestecare M 116 mestom M 259 metabiozS M 260 metabolism M 262, 288 -constructiv A 634, 1084 -destructiv С 162 metacecidie M 263 metacinezS M 269 metacromatic M 265 metadrom M 266 metafazS M 281 metaferie M 282 metafilum M 284 metafloem M 283 metaginie M 268 metalescent M 271 metalimnion M 270 metamer M 273 metamerizare M 272 metamitozS M 274 metamorfozat M 276 metamorfozS M 275 -organelor florale in frunze P 569 -retrogradS A 637 metanafitozS M 277 metandrie M 278 metanemS M 279 metantezS M 280 metaplasma M 286 metaplazie M 285 metasindezS M 290 metastaminodie M 287 metastazS M 288 metatip M 296 metatipie M 295 metatonic M 291 metatopie M 292 metatraheal M 293 metatrofie M 294 metaxenie M 297 metaxilem M 299 meteoric M 300 metonim M 302 metuia M 305 meu (al-) M 1 mezarhic M 214 mezenchim M 215 mezendobiotic M 216 mezexiniu M 218, 232 mezidiu M 219, 223 mezoaerofil M 220 mezocarp M 222 -cSrnos S 64 mezochiton M 224 mezociclu M 228 mezocist M 229 mezocolS M 225 mezocortex M 226 mezocotil M 227 mezodendrobiont M 230 mezoderm M 231 raezofanerofite M 240 mezofil M 211, 244 mczofite M 245 mezofloem M 242 mezofotic M 243 mezogamie M 233 mezogonidie M 234 mezogonimic M 235 mezohigrofitic M 236 mezologie M 237 mezomitozS M 238 mezoplancton M 246 mezosaprob M 248 mezosaprofite M 249 mezoseston M 250 mezosperm M 251 mezospor A 583, M 252 mezosporinie M 253 mezostilie M 254 mezoteciu M 255 mezotermofil M 256 mezoxerofitic M 257 mic E 444, M 300, P 172, P 1652 cel mai- M 371 -de tot M 373 foarte mic A 1120, N 4, P 1665, 345 mai- M 162, 372 micelar M 597 miceia M 308 miceliu M 598 lipsit de- A 610 primordiu de- P 1404 -secundar S 245 -steril H 559 miceloid M 599 micetofag M 604 micetogenezS M 601 micime N 7 micocecidie M 606 micodomaciu M 607 micoflorS M 608 micolitic M 610 micologie M 609 micopaleontologie M 611 686 micoriza M 612 -ectotrofa M 612 -endotrofa M 612 -externa M 612 -falsa P 1528 -interna M 612 micorizom M 613 micotrof M 615 micoza M 614 microaerofil M 310 microanaliza M 311 microaplanogamet M 312 microaplanospor M 313 microasociatie S 547 microbentos M 314 microbi fara- A 1068 infectat de- S 417 microbiologie M 315 microcist M 320 microclima M 318 microconidie M 319 microelemente M 321 microevolujie M 322 microfanerofite M 336 microfite M 338 microfitocenoze din sol P 621 microfitologie M 339 microfitoplancton M 340 microflora M 323 microgamet A 700, M 324 microgametangiu A 701 microgametofit M 326 microgamie M 327 microgonidie M 328 micromer M 329 micromutatie M 330 micron M 331 micronucleol M 332 micronucleu M 333 microorganism M 334 microparazit M 335 micropil M 346 cu - lateral P 843 microplancton M 341 -vegetal M 340 microplanogamet M 342: micropleuston M 343 microprotal M 344 microsclerot M 347 microscopic M 348 microseston M 349 microsor M 351 microspecie M 352 * microspor A 730, M 353 microsporange A 731, M 354 microsporocit M 355 microsporofilS A 723, M 350 microsporofor M 357 microsporogenezS A 732, M 356 microsporul spermatofitelor P 918 687 microstilie M 359 microstilospor M 360 microtaxonomie M 361 cnicrotermofil M 362 microtermofite M 363 microzom M 166, 350 microzoospor M 364 «nic?orare R 105 de- R 106 mic?orat D 56, 240 treptat- A 1140 miere M 171 care produce- M 177 mierea (ca-) M 176 cnigdaia A 611 migrant M 365 migrator M 365, V 10 miiofil M 617 mijloc (aflat la-) M 213 mijlociu M 139 milimicron M 368 mina F 101, H 598 mineralizare M 369 miniat M 370 minim M 371 mirha M 628 mirmeco(h)or M 623 mirmecodomaciu M 624 mirmecofil M 625 mirmecofile (plante-) M 626 mirmecosimbioza M 627 miros О 64 cu - de О 274 - --mosc M 490 - -nepiacut M 78, N 116, ' О 107 - -piacut S 1083 - -de plo?nita G 427 --de tap H 305 mirositor О 94, 274 nepiacut- G 253 urit- F 103 mirtilin M 629 miscoraanie M 375 mistrie (In forma de-) T 615 mi?care M 493 capabil de- M 491 mi?cari cu - de curbare T 611 cu - libere L 240, V 12 mi?cator M 386 mitoclastic M 377 mitoza G 137 -tipica E 378 mixie M 381 absen^a mixiei A 928 mixobacterii M 632 mixocromozom M 382 mixoploidie M 383 mixospor M 633 mixosporange M 634 mixotrof M 384 mixt M 385 mincarime (produce-) P 1447 miner (In forma de-) M 96 mlnjit С 626, 762 mlti?or A 511 mla?tina P 58, S 856 de- P 59, T 67 create In -P 55, T 67 din- L 181 iubitor de- H 69 mla?tini plancton de- T 70 plante de- H 98, S 962 miadita S 1318 mia?tinos H 68, P 56, U 5 moale H 22, M 74, 390 mobil A 330, M 386, О 273, V 82 mociria S 856 mocirlos P 56 moderat T 86 modioliform M 387 molecular M 388 molecule (agregari de-) T 18 molendinaceu M 389 molipsitor С 768 moloz (cu-) R 393 monadelf M 393 monandric M 394 monandru M 394 monangic M 395 monaster M 396 moniliform M 397 monoblast M 398 monocariont M 427 monocarp M 400 monocarpic A 881, M 399 monocaziu M 403 monociclic M 411 moneclamideu M 404 monoclin M 407 monoclonal M 408 monocotiledonar M 409 monocotiledonat M 409 monocromatic M 405 monocronic M 406 monocultura M 410 monodesmic M 413 monodinam M 414 monofag M 432 monofil M 434 monofiletic M 433 monofitic M 435 monogam M 417 monogenetic M 419 monogeneza M 418 monogenie M 419 monogin M 422 monohibrid M 423 monoic A 516, M 415 monolepsis M 428 monomer M 429 monomorf H 375, M 430 monomorfism foliar H 407, I 332 INDEX ROMANESQ monopiren M 441 monoplanetic M 436 monopleuric M 437 monopodial M 439 monopodiu M 440 monosamara M 442 monosifonic M 444 monosimetric M 453, Z 68 monosperm M 447 monospor M 448 monosporange M 449 monostel M 450 monostemon M 451 monotecic M 455 monotipic M 461 monotopic M 457 monotnh M 458 monotrof M 459 monotropic M 460 monoxenic M 462 monozigotic M 463 monozis M 445 monozom M 446 monozomi (agregat de-) S 1474 monstruos M 467 monstruozitate M 466 montan M 468 morbid M 470, P 186 morfestezie M 474 morfofilogeneza M 483 morfogen M 477 morfogenie M 476 morfogeneza M 475 morfografie M 478 morfologia -celulei С 1066 -plantelor P 641 morfologic M 480 morfologie M 479 morfonim M 482 morfonemie M 481 morfoplancton M 484 morfoplazie M 485 morfotip M 487 morfoza M 486 - degenera tiva It 211 morin M 472 mortal L 134 aproape- S 1203 mortificarea celulelor N 49 moscat M 490 mo?ie P 1174 mo?tene?te (care se-) I 162 mo?tenire (de-) G 91 mo?tenit I 157 motil M 491 motilitate M 492 mototolit С 830 mozaic foliar M 489 mozaicare V 34 mozaicat T 143 mucegai M 500 mucegait M 494 INDEX ROMANESC muchiat A 763, 764, G 202 inegal- A 784 muchie A 90, 766, С 851 cu - Ingusta S 915 muchii cu - A 765, Q 28 - -aripate P 1618 cu cinci - P 243 cu - identice I 315 cu mai multe- P 993 cu multe- M 507 cu patru- Q 2 cu - paroase G 216 cu §ase- H 275 cu trei- T 418 cu - uniforme H 390 mucifer M 495 mucilagigen M 496 mucilaginos M 494, 497, 498 mucilagiu M 499 mucron M 502 -mic M 504 mucronat M 503 mucronul M 504 mugura? G 78 -al embrionului P 856 mugure G 69, 132 -accesoriu A 43 -acoperit I 52, T 46 -adormit D 367, P 1437 -adventiv A 224 -ascuns I 52 -axilar A 1240 -colateral С 619 -de rezerva P 1437 -floral A 370, F 91 -foliar F 110 -fructifer F 162 -hibernant H 288, T 660 -latent P 1437 -nud N 198 -radical R 20 -simplu S 518 -terminal T 127 muguri -amesteca^i M 385 cu-G 72 cu doi- В 138 produce- G 77 reproducere prin- G 76 -seriali S 430 mugurilor (concre§terea-) G 43 descrierea- В 234 formarea- G 74 mult M 577, 506, P 933 foarte- P 337 mai - P 798 multe cu foarte- M 620 cu mai - P 857 multi- P 857 -alat P 1038 -angular P 993 -angulat M 507 -anual P 1462 -aristat M 510 -articulat M 511 -axial M 512 -bracteat M 513 -capitat M 514 -capsular M 515 -carenat M 516 -caudat P 1079 -caul M 519, P 1032 -ciliat M 522 -color M 525 -compartimentat P 876, P 1024 -corn P 959 -costat P 863 -dentat P 864 -digitat P 979 -factorial M 530 -fer M 532 -fidat M 533 -flagelat M 534 -flor A 25, M 535 -foliat P 1028 -form P 1006 -lateral M 545 -liniat M 546 -lobat M 547 -locelat M 548 -locular M 549 -nervat N 103, P 868, P 1007, 1022 -nominal P 1009 -nucleat P 869, 1010 -ovulat P 870, 1015 -partit P 871, 1072 -polar M 560 -punctat P 1061 -radiat P 943 -ramificat M 564, P 970 -sectat M 565 -septat P 876, 1024 -serat M 568 -seriat P 877, 1160 -stelic P 1058 -valent M 574 -valvat M 575 -zonat M 576 multiplicare M 557 -teratologies, a petalelor P 369 multiplicat M 559 -prin sciziune T 330 multiplicativ M 200, 558 multiplu M 556 mul^i (mai-) С 684 mumificare M 578 mumifiere M 578 munte M 464 688 munti (dincoace de-) С 474 mural M 580 murdSrit С 626, 762, I 173 muricat M 581 muriform M 582 murin M 583 muscS (tn forms de-) M 616 muscoid В 298 mu§chi M 585 acoperit de- M 584 mu§chilor (plantula-) G 31 mutabilitate M 587 mutagene M 588 mutante M 589 mutat M 591 mutate M 590 mutic M 592 mutilat M 593 mutual M 595 mutualism M 594 nanandru N 6 nanism N 7 nanofanerofite N 9 nanoflorS N 8 nanoplancton N 10 nanoseston N 11 napiform N 12 narcotic N 15 narcotropism N 16 nascent N 17 nasiforme (cu flori-) R 238 nastie N 19 nastie N 18 -autonomS A 1185 -de contact T 290 na?te (care se-) I 162, О 235 natal N 21 loc- N 21 natant N 22 natator N 23 nativ N 24 natural G 99, N 26 naturalizare A 45, N 27 naturalizat I 172 naturS N 25 naturii descrierea- P 596 protectia- N 25 naucum N 30 nautohidroc(h)ore N 33 naviculat N 34 navicule N 35 naviculiform N 34 nSmol L 189 din- L 180 nSmolos L 187 nSpSditor I 261 689 nSscut N 29, О 270, P 1436 -din E 121 -In G 94 -pe ramurS С 483 nSsos N 20 не- E 1, 415 neacoperit A 887, 1114, G 266, N 198 partial- S 340 neadaptat la ploi abun-dente О 142 neaderent I 74, L 152, S 570 neadevSrat A 218 neaparent I 99 neaperturat N 151 nearilat E 420 nearipat A 957 nearistat A 676, E 421, M 592 nearticulat A 101, E 422, I 82 neasemSnStor D 327, I 59 neauriculat E 423 nebracteat E 4 nebulos N 36 necanaliculat A 100 necelular A 55 necercetat I 272 necesar N 38, О 14 neciliat A 14 necircular A 349 neclar A 180 necolorabil A 75, С 395 necomplet I 62, 98 necompus S 518 neconcrescut С 364, D 139, E 88, L 152 necopt С 897, I 51 necostat E 15 necotiledonat A 104 necotiledonate A 103 necride N 39 necrobiozS N 40 necrocenozS N 41 necrocist N 42 necrofag N 46 necrogen N 43 necrohormon N 44 necron N 45 necroplasmS N 47 necroplast N 48 necrotip N 50 necrozS N 49 -frunzelor P 571 nectar N 51 consumS- N 57 nectarifer N 54 pinten- N 54 nectarilimS N 55 nectarie N 52 nectarinS N 56 -falsS P 1529 -septalS S 410 nectarivor N 57 nectarostegiu N 59 nectarostigmS N 60 nectarotecS N 61 nectism N 62 necton N 63 necultivat A 334, I 107, S 778 necunoscut I 40 nedeschis I 81 rSmas- С 503 nedeterminat I 113 nedintat I 201, E 47 aproape- S 1163 nedispus in serii A 1094 nedivizat I 123, 201 neevident I 99, О 22 nefertil S 956 nefertilitate A 297 nefistulos P 815 neflagelat E 57 neflexibil R 319 nefolositor G 65, I 260 nefragmentat С 775 negativ A 879, 913, N 64 negSurit N 152 neglandulos E 58 negreatS N 120 negricios A 1126, M 172, 174, N 117, 120a, S 1211 mat- T 565 negru A 1116, E 2, M 172, 174, N 118, 120 albSstrui- G 988 alburiu- L 141 -antracin A 857 bruniu- A1127,F 200,M 185, P 677 ca cerneala A 1125 -funinginea A 857, F 182 -smoala P 677 -cenu?iu N 117, 120a, S Л211 -de cSrbune A 857, G 81 -corb G 802, 839 -deschis L 141 devenind- A 1126 inchis- A 857 -lucios С 802 -mat inchis A 1116 negru striat A 1136 neidioplancton N 65 neimunitate A 664 neism N 66 neinarmat I 131 netndesuit L 73 nelndoios G 241 neinflorit V 130 neinghesuit С 251 neinrudit A 402 neintrerupt G 775 nelipit I 74 nelobat I 201 INDEX ROMANESO nelucios I 66 nemateciu N 69 nematofite N 4 nematoplast N 70 nematosporange N 74 nematur I 51, 69 nemirositor I 169 nemucronat M 592 nenatural A 1049 nenormal A 802, 804 nenucleat A 39 nenumSrate (cu-) M 620 neobi§nuit A 804, I 192 neobservat P 1199 neocombinatie N 77 neoendemism N 78 neofite N 88 neoformatie N 79 neogeic N 80 neogenezS N 81 neomorf N 85 neomorfie N 82 neomorfogen N 83 neomorfozS N 84 neonim N 86 neoontologie N 87 neoplasms N 89 neotenie N 90 neotip N 92 neotropic N 91 nepSros G 149, I 69, L 29, 87 aproape- G 148, S 1186 nepStat 1 50 nepelucid О 181 nepereche D 316 neperforat N 152 nepersistent D 15 nepintenat E 5 neplScut N 31 nepliabil R 318 neproducStor (-de fructe) S 956 -de spori S 956 neputintS de nutrire I 80 neramificat A 96, S 518 nerSsucit A 1079, 1131 nereglementar I 42 neregulat A 16, 804 care se rupe- R 408 care se sfi§ie- R 408 nereide N 94 neritic N 96 neroditor I 135, S 956 neroplancton N 97 nerostrat E 341 neru§inat I 70 nerval N 98 nervat N 100, 103, P 441 palmat- P 49 paralel- P 107 penat- P 703 pronuntat- N 103 nervatie N 99 nervil N 101 INDEX ROMANESC nervisecvent N 102 nervulos N 104 nervura N 106 -lateral S 245, T 402 -mediana С 851, M 136, P 1208 —dorsala D 368 -principaia P 1208 -secundara S 245, V 54 -transversaia T 402 nervuri cu- P 441 -aparente P 416 cu doua- В 151 cu -drepte R 95 cu -egale P 154 cu -intrerupte R 417 cu mai multe- P 868, 1007, 1022 cu -paralele P 107, R 95 cu -paroase P 445, T 454 cu -penate P 703 cu -purpurii P 1119 cu -reunite S 1356 cu ?apte- S 414 cu trei- T 515 fara- A 1232, E 204 nesanatos I 176 neschimbat I 58 neschimbator G 765, I 264, S 848 nesegmentat A 512 neseparat 1 121 neseptat A 1067, E 356 neseriat A 1094 nesigur A 497, D 385, I 86 nesimetric О 15 nesimultan A 431 nesofil N 107 nesolzos A 387 nespinos A 636 aproape- S 1198 nespiralat A 1079 nestabil F 98 nestriat A 100, E 358 nesudat D 311 nesulcat A1100 neted A 248, L 29, 87, P 723, 742 netezit L 28 netipic A 1142 netransparent A 199, О 181 neuniformitatea frunzelor A 788 neunitar H 218 neuston N 109 neutral N 111 neutrofil N 112 neutru N 110 nevatamator I 166 nevazut I 272 neverticilat A 172 nex N 113 nezonat A 1245 nictantie N 213 nictigam N 214 nictinastie N 215 nictipelagic N 216 nictitropism N 215 nidiform N 115 nigrescent N 117, 120a nisip A 1001, S 4 create pe- A 492, 1002, S 2 de- A 522, P 1451 nisiparie A 1003, S 1 nisipos A 1002, P 1451, S 3 loc- S 1 nisipuri create pe- argiloase P 227 plante de- A 1002, P 1455 nitelin N 121 nitrificant N 123 nitrificare N 124 nitrofil A 721, N 125 nitrofite N 126 nival N 127 noapte N 170 de- N 211 nociv P 339 noctiflor N 132 noctum N 133, 211 nod A 1046, G 58, N 140 -mic N 139 -tulpinal G 93 nodal N 134 nodozitate N 136 -pe radacini T 630 nodozitati (cu-) N 135 nodul N 139 noduliform N 138 noduri cu -mici N 137 fara - A 101 noduros G 706, G 92, N 135, 137 nomenclator N 143 nomenclatura N 144 -organelor О 227 -plantelor P 646 nomenclatura N 144 -binara В 153, N 144 -binominaia В 153 nomiu N 145 nomofil N 147 nomofila N 148 nomofite N 149 nord estic В 251 nord vestic В 251 nordic В 251, H 538, S 415 normal N 153 norma de reglementare R 132 noroios L 187 noros N 36 nosofite N 155 nosologie N 154 notarea datelor С 752a 640 notat N 157 nota A 795, N 156 notita N 165 notogamie N 159 notomorfa N 160 notoriz N 163 nototrib N 164 notoxen N 161 nou N 169, R 77 gen- N 169 nume- N 86, 167 noua N 166 cu- E 207, N 166 noutate N 168 noxa N 171 nu A 1, 628, I 45, N 150 nucaceu N 174 nucament N 175 nuca С 132, N 210 ca о- N 174 nuceia M 52, N 176 nucifer N 177 nuciform N 174, 178 nuclear N 179 nucleat N 181 nucleate N 180 nuclei cu -diploizi fuziona^i S 1415 cu -haploizi reuntyi S 1430 cu mai multi- P 869, 955, P 1010 cu numero?i- P 1039 cu patru- T 184 cu trei- T 517 nudeilor contopirea- С 151 fuzionarea- diploizi S 1414 fuzionarea- triploizi S 1454 fuzionarea- vegetativi T 597 nucleobionti N 183 nucleocentrozom N 184 nucleodesma N 186 nucleoide N 188 nucleol N 190 -de cromatina G 150 nucleolat N 189 nucleom N 191 nucleoplasma N 192 nucleoproteide N 193 nucleozom N 194 nucleu С 132, M 221, N 195 -celular С 143, 1032 •haploid H 116 -primitiv P 1380 -supranumerar M 333 -vegetativ mare M 31 nucleul -macrogametului T 246 641 -oosferei О 170 -progametului P 1264 nucleului formarea- N 180 membrana- С 152 nuculaniu N 197 nucuia N 196 nud G 149, 266, N 198, P 410, 1594 floare -a N 198 mugure- N 198 nume- N 198 nuia (in forma de-) V 121 produce- V 121 nul N 199 numar (cu- marit) M 559 nume N 142 -abortiv A 18 -alternativ A 474 -ambiguu A 497 -de baza В 49 -comun T 577 -confuz С 717 -de eliminat R 137 •dubios N 142 -echivoc N 142 -generic G 97 -de conservat С 753 -identic H 402 -legitim L 82 -nascut mort A 18 -nelegitim 1 42 -nevalabil H 599 -nou N 86, 169 -nud N 198 -preocupat P 1191 -seminud S 340 -specific S 625 -superfluu M 121 -vernacular V 72 cu- N 217 cu doua- В 153 cu mai multe- P 1009 cu trei- T 516 numerotip N 201 numeros G 797, 866, M 506, M 577, N 200, P 337, 933 foarte- P 814 numero?i (cu-) С 213, H 60, M 367, 506, 620 numular N 202 nunta (fecundare) N 203 nuptial N 204 nutant N 205 nutatie N 206 nutre?te (care se-) P 409 nutret (folo6it ca-) P 1 nutricism N 207 nutritiv A 401, N 208 nutritor N 208 nutritie N 209 -plantelor P 675 cu -mixta M 384 cu -de un singur fel H 403 cu -variata H 232, 267, P 1020, 1077 de- T 589 oangiu О 1 oare? A 627 oaspe (ca-) X 14 oaspete H 439 obclavat О 3 obconic О 5, T 65 obcordat О 6 obdiplostemon О 7 obimbricat О 11 obi§nuit N 153, T 577 oblanceolat О 12 oblic G 524, L 268, О 15, P 730 -trunchiat О 3 obligat О 14 parazit- P 130 obliterat О 16 oblong О 17 oboval О 18 obovat О 19 obovoidal О 20 obscur О 22 observatie A 795, N 156, О 23 -scurta N 165 observatii A 773 obsolet О 24 obstacole О 10 obturator О 32 obtuz A 501, О 34 aproape- S 1213 obtuzat H 59 obvolut О 38 occidental О 39 oceanofite О 45 ocel О 48 ocelat О 47 ochi О 59 -de altoi О 59 o(c)hreaceu О 51, o/cjhreat О 52, o(c)hree О 50 ocluzie О 40 оспа de sare S 21 эсгасеи О 49 ocroleuc О 53 ocrotit T 662 octandru О 56 octoginic О 57 oculatie О 58 ocupat mai devreme P 1191 nume- P 1191 ocupa (care-) О 43 ocuplnd О 43 odorant A 528, В 24, D 65, F 146 INDEX ROMANESC oenologie О 87 oferind P 1161 oficinal О 88 ofilire M 99, 102 ofilit L 44, M 101 ofionomiu О 189 ogor A 321 oicofite О 86 oidie О 89 oidiospor О 89 oleaginos О 91 oleifer О 93 oleo лгр О 95 oleoplasma О 96 oleoplast О 97 oleorezine О 98 oleozom О 99 oleraceu О 103 olfactoric О 105 oliban О 106 oligodinamic О 114 oligoelemente M 321 oligofag О 119 oligofiletic О 122 oligofotic О 120 oligofotometric О 121 oligomer О 116 oligonitrofil О 117 oligopelic О 118 oligosaprobiotic О 124 oligosperm О 125 oligotaxie О 128 oligotrof О 130 oligotrofofil О 131 oligotropic О 132 olivaceu О 134 oloiotrofic О 135 om (de-) A 859 ombilic U 18 ombilicat U 17 ombrocleistogamie О 138 ombrofil О 141 ombrofite О 143 ombrofob О 142 ombrometru О 139 ombromorfoza О 140 omenesc A 859 omfalodiu О 151 omis P 1199 omnicol О 146 omnipotenta О 147 omnivor О 148 omogenitate H 385 omolog H 396 omoplefite О 149 onctuos U 30 ondulat A 758, U 32 ontogeneza О 154 -la plante P 648 ooapogamie О 155 ooblastema О 156 oocarp О 178 oocentru О 158 oocineza О 166 INDEX ROMAN ESC oocist О 159 oogamet О 162 oogamie О 163 oogenezS О 164 oogon О 159, 165, S 677, S 821 •dupS fecundare S 677 oolizS О 167 oonucleu О 170 ooplasmS О 173 oosfera О 177 -fecundata G 121, О 156, Z 78 -nefecundata С 122 oosferei formarea- О 164 nucleul- D 170 oospor О 178 -compus С 589 oosporange О 179 ootecS О 180 oozom О 175 opac A 199, О 181 opalescent О 182 opalin О 182 opera О 206, S 1449 in -citata О 206 opercul О 185 in forma de- О 183 opercular О 183 operculat О 184 opinie S 397 opistial О 191 opistodrom О 192 opiu О 193 oprimant О 198 opseospermate О 200 opsigonie О 202 opt О 55 cu- О 55 optim О 204 optimal О 203 opulent О 205 opus A 226, 864, 873, 1233, N 64, О 2, 197 ora$ О 196 orbicul О 211 orbicular О 210 orbiculat О 210 orculiform О 213 ordin О 215 ordine О 215 ordinul (de- al doilea) S 245 de- intii P 1208 oreofite О 217 orgadofite О 218 organ О 232 -cu pneumatode P 886 culcat pe- I 108 -de propagare D 154 -de reproducere P 1294 -nedezvoltat R 396 -saciform S 10 -secretor G 154, 161 organe -accesorii A 43 -de fixare H 46 •de fructificatie О 232 -generative О 232 -de propagare P 1293 -reproducStoare G 95 -de reproducere F 163, О 232 —femele G 275 reunire de- A 671 -vegetative О 232 organele О 219 organelor concre§terea- invecinate P 1330 decolorarea- A 78 descrierea- vegetale P 649 fasciatia- axiale D 302 filogenia- О 228 innegrirea- M 175 fnverzirea- florale P 568 metamorfoza- florale in frunze P 569 nomenclature- О 227 refacerea- distruse R 121 urmele- cSzute V 99 organic О 220 organism О 221 -diploid В 224 -microscopic M 334 -din pe$teri T 584 -viu В 177 organisme -din apele murdare S 1062 -din cavitati P 462 -din crSpSturi P 462 organismelor ansamblul- moarte N 41 studiul asocierii- S 550 organite О 219 organogen О 223 organogeneza О 222 organografie О 224 organofilie О 228 organofilogenezS О 229 organoleptic О 225 organonimie О 227 organoplastic О 230 organotrofic О 231 organul -regenerat R 122 organului despicarea- M 557 disparitia- A 13 nedezvoltarea- A 13 primordiul- В 228 rSsucirea- S 1048, T 357 torsiunea- H 74 orgial О 234 641 orgie О 233 orhidologie О 212 orice О 144 oriental О 236 orientat -drept in sus E 320 -spre luminS О 256 -in directii variate H 206 -in linie dreapta О 268 -in sus E 312 -spre M 83, S 207, 631, T 611, V 85 -exterior E 516 -interior I 253 -intuneric S 215 -soare H 84 -virf A 642 orificiu A 886, О 237, 272 -al cistocarpului С 126 fSrS- N 151 original О 238, 239 originar -din China S 521 -Lumea Noud N 80 origine G 89, О 240 cu- dubia A 565 de- hibrida H 458 —vegetalS P 626 originea -§i evolutia plantelor P 624 -vietii pe pSmint A 978 origomS О 271 oriunde О 144 orizontal H 425 -intins T 5 ornamental D 21, О 241 ornamentat A 214, S 224 ornitoc(h)or О 244 ornitofil О 245 ornitogam О 245 omitosfingofil О 247 orofite О 249 orografie О 248 orologic H 431 orologiu floral H 431 ortofototactism О 258 ortofototropism О 259 ortogenezS О 253 ortogeotropism О 254 ortoheliotropic О 256 ortonastie О 257 ortoploc О 260 ortoploidie О 261 ortoselectie О 262 ortosperm О 263 ortospiralS О 264 ortoeporange О 265 ortostihuri О 266 ortotelomitic О 267 ortotip О 269 ortotrop О 268 oscilant О 273, V 82 MS osmometru О 275 osmomorfozA О 276 oemoreglare О 277 osmotaxie О 279 osmotic О 280 osmotropism О 281 osmozS О 278 ostarifite О 284 osteosclereide О 285 ostiolat О 287 ostiolS 0 288, U 18 otravA coniine- T 367 -vegetalS P 674 otrftvitor T 366, V 56 o(elul (dur ca-) С 257 otelului (do culoarea-) С 257 ou (In forma de-) О 293 oval О 291 invers- 0 18 ovar G 132, О 292 cu -acoperit G 286 cu -pedicelat P 894 •inferior О 292 •semiaderent S 373 •semiinferior О 292 •semisuperior S 373 situat sub- H 578 •superior О 292 ovare (cu mai multe-) P 1070 ovarului aflat pe latura- P 834 inserat In jurul- P 288 inserat la baza- H 591 loculul- L 244 ovat О 293 aproape- S 1217 invers- О 19 ovipar О 295 ovocentru О 296 ovoidal О 297 invers- О 20 ovoideu О 297 ovul G 78, О 299 -anatrqp A 682 ovulat О 298 ovule cu- О 298 cu douA- В 197 cu mai multe- P 1015 cu numeroase- P 870 cu trei- T 521 ovulifer О 298 ovulului lnveli?ul- I 204 Inverzirea- О 167 oxalat de caldu cristate de - S 1074 oxalifer О 301 oxaloleucite О 302 oxibionti A 262 oxifil О 314 oxifob О 315 oxigen О 311 oxigenomorfozA О 308 oxigenotropism О 310 oxigeofite О 312 oxilofite О 313 oxitropism О 317 pachinemA P 4 pachinozS P 5 pachiten P 6 paginA P 10 pagofite P 12 pagon P 11 pai С 950 paie S 1010 paji?te P 1206 cu aspect de- С 13 de- P 1204 paji?ti (plante de-) P 1204 palaceu P 14 palat P 29 paleaceu P 31 palee P 30 -externA P 30 -inferioarS P 30 -interns P 30 -superioarS P 30 palei (cu-) P 31 paleiform P 32 paleoarctic P 17 paleoarheofite P 16 paleobiologie P 18 paleobotanies P 19 paleoecologie P 20 paleoendemism P 21 paleofitic P 25 paleofloristic P 22 paleohibrid P 23 paleolat P 34 paleolS P 33 ?aleolitic (antofite din-) • 16 paleotropic P 27 palescent P 39 palid D 234, P 40 •brun С 904 -galben F 80, G 146, L 277 palingenezA P 36 palinologie P 60 palisadic P 37 palisadoderm P 38 paliu P 42 palmar P 43 palmat P 44 -compus P 45 -digitat D 216 -fidat P 46 -lobat P 48 -nervat P 49 INDEX ROMANESC -partit P 50 -sectat P 51 palmA (lung de о-) P 43 palmelS P 52 palmeloid P 53 paludicol P 55 palustru P 59 pampinodiu P 61 pana?are V 34 pana?at V 35 -ca marmora M 111 panA P 852 panduriform P 65 panfiton P 74 panfotometric P 73 pangenezS P 67 panglicS (In formS de-) F 21, T 16 pangliciform L 92, 265 panicul P 69 -lax J 9 paniculat P 70 paniculiform T 306, 307 panmixie P 71 panspermia A 10 pants С 532 cu -Incline tA С 531 trSie?te pe- P 607 pantof (In forms de-) S 38 -mic (In forms de--) С 22 pantofag О 148, P 77 pantogen P 76 pantropic P 78 papagalului (de culoarea-1 P 1598 papilA P 80 -micA P 82 papilionaceu P 79 papilos P 81 papilulA P 82 papiraceu P 86 cu membranS -e С 262 papus P 84 cu- P 83 fArS- E 223 par A 207 In formS de- P 28 parabiote P 90 parabiozA P 89 paracarpelS P 92 paracarpic P 95 paracarpidie P 93 paracarpiu P 94 paracitic P 101 paraclimax P 98 paracme P 99 paracorolA С 821, P 100 paracromatinS P 96 paracromoforic P 97 paradifilum P 102 parafilium P 120 parafizA P 121 paragramA P 103 INDEX ROMANESC paraheliotropism P 104 paralel P 106 -nervat P 107 paralelotropism P 109 paralimnic P 105 paralizant T 353 paralizator P 111 paramastigot P 112 paranastie P 113 paranemS P 114 paraperigon P 116 parapetalS P 118 in forma de- P 117 parapetaloid P 117 paraplancton P 122 paraplasma P 123 paraplectenchim P 124 parasaprofitism P 125 parasindezS P 140 paraspor S 263, P 131 parastade P 132 parasterilitate P 134 parastihuri P 135 parastil P 137 parastrofS P 136 parateciu P 141 paratip P 146 para tonic P 142 paratraheal P 143 paravariante P 147 parazit P 130 -animal Z 44 -cu clorofilS H 114, 133 -facultativ H 137, P 130 -fals P 1536 -microscopic M 335 -monofag P 130 -obligat H 346, P 130 -polifag P 130 -vegetal P 652 parazitar P 126 paraziteazS (care-) P 127 parazitic P 127 parazitism P 128 -fals P 1535 parazitologie P 129 parazitul altui parazit H 547, S 1296 para in forma de- P 1705 -sSlbaticS A 74 pare V 134 parenchim P 149 -primar P 1407 -ramificat С 479 parenchimatic P 150 parfumat О 65 parietal P 153 parinervat P 154 paripenat P 155 paroecic P 156 paronim P 157 parte P 158 numai in- P 158 partea -din fata F 159 -dorsaia T 126 in -de jos H 533, 1 134 in -posterioara P 1139 -laterals L 71 -rizoidalS a talului R 243 -solida a citoplasmei S 949 parteneri in simbioza S 1335 partenoapogamie P 159 partenocarp P 161 partenocarpie P 160 partenogamet P 162 partenogamie P 163 partenogenetic A 298 partenogenezS P 164 -diploida P 159 -mascula A 705 rezultat din- T 247 -somaticS P 159 partenogonidie P 165 partenospor P 167 partit P 170 palmat- P 50 penat- P 704 partial P 168 -endobiotic M 216 pasante (plante-) E 227 pasSre (de-, prin-) О 243 pasiv P 176 adaptare -S P 176 patS M 64 -circulars A 1006 -coloratS S 970 -micS P 1656 -rotunds О 48 patelS P 178 pateliform P 179 patent P 180 patofitS P 188 patogen P 183, V 139 patogenitate P 182 patologie P 186 patologie P 185 -vegetalS P 654 patomorfogen P 187 patotip P 189 patrie P 190 patroclin P 191 patromorf P 193 patru Q 26 cite- Q 25 cu- Q 1, T 151 de- ori Q 23 ---mai mult T 188 patru--aristat Q 3 -digitat Q 9 -dintat Q 8 -fidat Q 11 -flor Q 12 -foliat Q 13 -furcat Q 14 Ш patru- -lateral Q 15 -lobat Q 16 -locular Q 17 -muchiat (slab-) S 1240 -sectat Q 19 -septat Q 20 -seriat Q 21 -unghiular Q 2 patrulea (al-) Q 24 patul P 194 patul vintului S 204 paucidentat P197 pauciflor P 198 pavonin P 204 pSdure N 76, S 507 create in- N 75, S 508, S 510 de- N 75 lumini? de- L 272 plante de- S 508 pSduri -de conifere A 61 -mixte M 385 -sempervirescente A 355 pSduricc L 272, S 514 pSduros S 30, 513 pSienjeniu A 966 pSlSrie -a ciupercii P 688 in forms de- P 684, 685 pSmStuf (in forms de-) A1073 pSmint S 567, T 135 cre§te pe- T 136, 138 culcat pe- P 1238, 1336 intins pe- H 443 -nisipos A 1001 scufundat in- S 428 pSmintesc T 66 pSmintiu T 137 pSmintul (a lucra-) С 634 pSmintului (aflat deasupra-) S 1315 pSr P 694 -aspru S 461 cu- dur S 195 fir de- С 70 -glandulos G 156 -glohidiat G 169, 171 in forma de- T 449 -incirligat H 18 -lanuginos L 47 -pufos L 47 -rigid §i lung S 461 , -scutiform S 225 -setos S 461 -solzos S 838 -urticant U 88 pSrinte P 151 paros P 683, 1622, T 432 alb mStSsos- A 1010 barbat- P 906 comat- С 887 в to complet- H 353 de jur Imprejur- A 556 fin- P 690 matSsos- S 432 pe ambele fe^e- A 418, 593 pufos- F 83, G 229 sericeu- S 432 scurt rigid- H 307 slab- О 129 slab catifelat- S 1250 slab mStSsos- S 1227 u§or- P 692 vilos- L 54, V 420 zblrlit- L 54 pSrozitate I 124, P 690 -finS P 1634 -lanuginoasS L 39, 48 -viloasa V 118 parti cu mai multe- P 1002 cu patru- T 180 cu ?apte- H 152 cu §ase- H 277 cu trei- T 132 divizat in- T 329 pSsSresc A 1234 pSscut D 73 pSstaie L 84 in forma de- L 85 -spiralata S 1044 pSstai cu numeroase- L 86 pSstra (a-) G 754 pS§une В 302, P 173 create pe- P 174 de- P 174 patare foliarS M 65 pStarea galbenS a frunzelor A 1157 pStat G 762, G 265, I 173, M 66, S 217, 968 -ca tigrul T 313 patrunde (care-) P 233 patrunzator G 254 pSunului (de culoarea-) P 204 pectinaceu P 205 pectinat P 205 pedal P 208 pedat P 209 pedemontane (plante-) P 12 pedicel P 211 fara- S 458 pedicelat P 210 pedicelul -anteridiilor A 824 -capsulei S 461 -carpelei H 610 -fructului G 118 -sporocarpului С 116 pediform P 212 pedofite P 213 pedogamie P 7 pedogenezS P 8 pedogenic P 214 pedologie P 215 peduncul P 217 cu -aripat P 896 -dilatat H 575 pedunculat P 216 pedunculul calatidiului С 16 pelagic P 218 pelagofite P 219 pelicular P 222 peliculat P 223 peliculS M 181, P 221 -citoplasmei P 756 pelita P 221 pelo(c)htofite P 225 pelofite P 226 pelopsamogen P 237 pelorie P 228 peltat P 230 pelucid P 224 penat P 698 -compus P 699 de trei ori-- T 527 -dintat P 709 -divizat P 705 -fidat P 700 -foliat P 701 -incizat P 705 inegal- I 60 -lobat P 702 -nervat P 703 -partit P 704 -sectat P 706 intrerupt-- I 228 pendent D 76, G 870, P 232 penetrant P 233 penicil P 235 penicilat P 234 pensuia (in forma de-) P 234 pentaciclic P 242 pentafiletic P 247 pentaginic P 244 pentagonal P 243 pentamer P 245 pentandric P 246 pentaploid P 249 pentru P 1225 pepene P 252 pepinierS A 970, P 750, S 335 peranozS P 254 perceptie P 255 pereche P 87 fSrS- I 59 perechi cu cinci- Q 41 cu patru- T 165 divizat in- Z 66 perelor (sclerificarea-) L 214 INDEX ROMANESC peren P 261, 800 plants -S P 261 perenchim P 260 perete P 152 -capsular P 275 -despartitor D 325 -fals S 424 -transversal T 402 perfect P 262 perfoliat P 263 perforat F 123, P 264 pergamentos P 266 peri -absorban(.i A 22 -ancoriformi A 686 -colectori G 622 cu- T 432 - -albi L 147 - -lucio?i P 436 --mataso§i S 432 cu mai multi- P 1075 cu- sesili I 186 -setacei numero?i S 468 -stela^i A 1093 -epidermali T 453 -fasciculaji P 694 a -radicali R 20, 244 -ramificaji P 694 b -scvamiformi L 105 -stela^i S 895 -verticila(,i P 694 с perilor (totalitatea-) P 691, T 327 periandric P 269 periant I 204, P 270 cu- С 314 - -dublu H 393 --reunit in tub S 1348 --simplu H 362, M 404 fSrS- A 884 periantomanie P 271 periaxial P 272 periblem P 273 pericarp P 275 periche^iu P 277, 286 periciclu P 280 pericladiu P 278 pericliniu P 279 periculos P 339 peridermS P 281 peridesma P 282 peridie P 284 -falsS P 1540 -globuloasS S 718 peridiolS P 283 periferic P 295 perifilogenie P 299 perifite P 302 perifizS P 301 perigamiu P 285 perigin P 288 periginiu P 287 INDEX ROMANESC perigon P 286 -fals P 1541 perigoniale (lacimi-) L 14 perihadromatic P 289 perimedular P 290 perinie P 291 perioada P 293 -de infeclie L 59 -de Inflorire T 87 -de timp T 87 periodicitate P 292 peripetal P 294 periplasmA P 303 periplasmodiu P 304 periplast P 305 peripterat P 308 perisperm I 204, P 309 perispor P 311 peristamineu P 313 peristilic P 320 peristom P 317 cordoane transversale la- T 372 peristomat P 318 peristrofS P 319 perital P 321 periteciofor P 322, 323 periteciu P 324, 1577 cu- P 322 peritrih P 325 peritrop P 326 perivazal P 327 perixilic P 328 perizoniu P 329 perlS (In formS de-) M 104 permanent P 334 permeabil P 336 permeabilitate P 335 permutalie P 338 pernila -frunzei P 1650 In formS de- P 1649 perpendicular P 28, 343 persicin P 346 persistent M 90, P 334, 348 cu flori -e A 351 cu frunze -e A 354 personat P 349 corolS -S P 349 pertofite P 352 perulat P 356 peruia P 355 cu- P 356 peste E 229, H 536 -tot P 63 pestrit J 3, P 899, V 35 pe?terS A 876, S 638 pesteri InttmplStor In- T 586 traie?te In- T 585 pe§terilor luxuria- L 283 studiul- 8 637 petals P 370 cu- P 364, 365 fSrS- A 888 In formS de- P 367 petale cu- ascu^ite A 130 cu cinci- Q 46 cu -concrescute 3 1349 cu -despicate 3 153 cu douS- D 257 cu- Inguste S 921 cu mai multe P 1017 cu -mici L 125 cu patru- T 185 cu -paroase T 455 cu -rSsucite S 1024 cu ?ase- H 281 cu trei- T 524 cu -unite 3 1444 -supranumerare P 1016 petalelor aderenta- С 172 labelizarea- H 378 multiplicarea teratologies a- P 369 petalifer P 365 petaliform P 367 petalodiu P 368 petaloid G 817, P 367 petalomanie P 369 pete cu- P 679 -neregulate N 36 -numeroase P 1061 cu trei- colorate T 506 petrefacte F 136 petricol P 380 petrificat F 135 petrofil P 380 petrofite P 381 petiol P 377, M 247 -aparent P 1545 -aripat P 377 -comun P 377, R 12 create pe- P 374 cu- P 373 --foarte scurt S 1230 -dilatat P 563 fSrS- S 458 In forma de- P 371 -partial P 377 -umflat P 377 petiolaceu P 371 pe£iolar P 372 petiolat P 373 pe£iolicol P 374 pe£iolul P 376 prevSzut cu- P 375 petiolulat P 375 pH P 382 -indiferent A 1088 piatrS 3 104 dur ca o- L 50 Incrustat In- E 158 pe- L 213 sfarmS- 3 101 picSturS Q 263 picior P 362 In formS de- P 212 lung de un- P 208 lungime de un- P 362 picioare (lung de ?ase-) H 280 picioroange (In formS de-) G 231 piciorul -ciupercii G 227, 3 987, T 620 -coco?uIui G 900 cu- P 363, 890 picnidie P 1679 -mare M 42 picnidiofor P 1677 picnidiospor P 1678 picnie P 1680 picnospor mare M 44 picnozS P 1686 pictat P 679 pinten С 18 -nectarifer N 54 pintenat G 19, 214 pinteni cu cinci- P 240 cu doi- В 86 cu multi- P 957 cu patru- T 156 cu spiralati S 761 pinulS P 712 piele С 810 pielitS subtire M 181 pielos С 808 aproape- S 1136 piese cu multe- P 801 cu trei- T 507 pietre (aflat sub-) H 596 pietri? (cu-) G 162 pietros G 162, L 50, P 378 piezi? P 730 piezotropism P 680 pigment G 252, P 682 -albSstrui alb L 139 -ro?u R 298 pigmentatie P 681 pilS (in formS de-) R 42 pileat P 684 pileiform P 685 pileocistidS P 686 pileus P 688 pilidiu P 689 piliturS (In forma de-) 3 197 pilorizS P 687 piloziuscul P 692 piluliform P 693 piogen P 1691 pipemicit R 104 piramidal P 1693 647 invers- О 21 pirenariu P 1695, 1698 pirenat P 1696 pirenocarp P 1698 pirenofor P 1700 pirenoide P 1699 pirenozom P 1701 pirifer P 1704 piriform P 1705 pirofil P 1708 pirofite P 1711 pirofob P 1709 pisiform P 715 pistil G 290, P 720 -abortiv P 94 cu- F 33, P 717 --mai mic M 163 cu un singur- M 422 fSr&- A 348 pistilar P 716 pistilat P 717 pistilodiu P 719 pistilului (suportui ramificat al-) S 646 pistiluri cu -asemSnStoare I 316 cu cinci- P 244 cu mai multe- P 995 cu nouS- E 208 cu opt- О 57 cu patru- T 176 cu $apte- H 151 cu §ase- H 276 cu trei- T 498 pistruiat L 98 pitic N 5, P 1652 pitmen P 1712 pivotant P 28, 343 rSdacinS- -a P 28 pixidat P 1713 pixida P 1715 cu- P 1713 pixidiform P 1714 pile S 514 pilnie (in forma de-) I 154 piriitor С 882 plrlit A 222, D 115 pislos P 72 placS ecvatorialS A 247 placentat P 727 placentatie P 726 cu -axilarS A 1244 -centrals С 215 placenta P 724, 8 689 cu- P 727 placentifer P 727 placocromatic P 728 placoplaste P 729 plagiodrom P 731 plagiofototaxie P 734 plagiofototropism P 735 plagiotrop P 737 plaje nisipoase (plante de- -) A 352 plan H 355, P 723, 742 754 aproape- P 744 -comisural P 754 -diagonal D 135 -median M 136 -transversal T 402 planctologie P 738 plancton P 739 -animal Z 49 -de suprafa(a P 419 -fals P 1551 -ocazional T 666 -oceanic О 46 -sezonal M 210 -vegetal P 658 planctonul -apelor H 495 --curgStoare P 1150 --statatoare S 855 -atmosferic A 750 -baitilor H 99 -lacustru H 72 -microscopic M 341 -mla§tinilor H 99, T 70 -oceanelor T 222 -zonelor adinci din mari H 606 planogamet P 745 •mascul M 342 planospor P 747 planozigot P 748 plants I 5 -cu ilustra(.ie T 4 plantare P 751, S 92 plantat S 88 loc de- P 751 plantajie P 751 -de arbori P 750 plants P 638, 749, S 997 de- P 601 -fosiia В 259, P 636 -gazdS N 208 -ierboasS G 232 -mama P 151 -parazitS P 127 -perenS P 261 relativ la- P 601 -tinSra P 753 plante -adaptate ploilor abun-dente О 143 -adventive A 223, 225 -alpine A 132, С 845, О 217 asemSnStor unei- P 634 atacS mai multe- P 1020 -boreale M 363 -carnivore I 180 -celulare С 209 -colonizatoare E 327 -compas С 675 INDEX ROMANESC plante -concrescute P 90 -cosmopolite A 560 -cu flori glumacee A 81 - - -ginandrice S 1388 - - -monadelfe О 149 —§i seminte S 668 - -fructe indehiscente A 69 -cultivate С 957 -cu spori С 919 -de apS H 493 --ape dulci D 388 --baiti H 98 --buruienarii X 45 - -canaluri T 28 - -cimp A 332 - -coaste argiloase P 225 - -cringuri A 470 - -culturS A 842 - -ele§teie T 317 - -grSdinS P 749b --lacuri T 317 --litoral P 1450, A 352: ---stlncos A 159 - -locuri argiloase P 226 —intunecoase S 213 —mlS§tinoase U 5 - - -nSmoloase L 187 —umbroase S 161 --mla^tini H 98, P 59 r S 962, T 69, X 36 --mocirle H 70 - -munte M 468 --nisipuri A 1002, P 1455-—zburStoare M 386 - -paji?ti P 1204 - -padure S 508, N 76. - -pS$uni N 149 —§i paji?ti P 1098 - -pietri§uri G 255 - -plaje nisipoase A 352: - -podgorii V 123 --primSvarS V 73 - -stadium insorite H 82. - -stincSrii R 413 --§anturi T 28 - -turbarii T 654 -decorative D 21, О 241 -de pe malul riurilor R ЗЗй —ziduri M 580 din apele stagnante S 869 —torenfciale R 307 --gropi P 461 --marile adinci P 1097 --oceane О 45 - -piraie N 4 --regiuni pedemontane: P 12 - -semSnSturi S 255 -edificatoare A 236 -evadate din culturi E 329 INDEX ROMANESC plante -exotice P 749a -gazde H 440 genuri de- G 83 halofile H 16 -humicole О 312 -i3rbacee H 156 -indicatoare I 116 -indiferente N 111 •InotStoare N 22 -insectivore I 180 -introduse in culturS E 330 •iubitoare de cSldurS T 274 •lemnoase X 62 -marine T 221 -medicinale M 138 •melifere M 177 -mirmecofile M 626 -nitrofile N 126 -nocturne N 133 -ocrotite T 662 -ornamentale D 21, О 241 -pasante E 227 -praticole P 1204 -rSdScinoase R 279 -ruderale С 353, R 391 - -mezofile A 388 •sSlbSticite E 51 -spontane S 778 -strSvechi P 1410 -subalpine О 250 -submerse H 71 -suculente С 413, S 1264 -terestre T 139 -tinctoriale T 315 -trecStoare E 227 -tropicale M 61 -ubicviste U 3 -unicelulare P 1410, U 42 -vasculare V 40 plantei dezvoltarea anormalS a-P 1043 numele- N 142 plantele -acoperi?urilor de case T 45 -bancurilor de nisip S 1473 -dunelor de nisip T 295 plantelor aspectul general al- P 595 autogeneza- P 648 cenoza- cultivate A 343 citologia- P 618 conscrierea- A 795 cre?terea- V 45 denumirea- D 65 dinamica mi?cSrii-P 620 fiziologia- P 645 geneza- P 627 morfologia- P 641 nomenclatura- P 646 nu trivia- P 675 putregaiul- N 49 plantulS G 132, P 753 de mu?chi G 31 plasmalemS P 756 plasmatic P 757 plasmatice (schimbarea coeziunii-) S 1383 plasmodesmS P 760 plasmodiocarp P 761 plasmodiu r 762 -fals P 1552 plasmodiului (divizarea-) P 773 plasmofag P 769 plasmogamie P 763 plasmogenezS P 764 plasmolitic P 767 plasmolizS P 766 rezultat din- P 767 plasmonemS P 768 plasmoptizS P 771 plasmotomie P 773 plastic P 774 plastidS P 775 -disciformS mare M 39 -filiformS N 70 -incolorS L 144 plastidelor (totalitatea -celulei) P 776 plastidom P 776 plastidulS P 777 plastin P 778 plastocron P 780 plastodesmS P 781 plastodinamie P 782 plastogen P 784 plastotip P 786 platicladiu P 790 plScere A 526 plScut A 488, 527, G 248, J 11, S 1084, V 64 plectenchim P 795 plectenchimatic P 796 pleiocaziu P 799 pleiociclic P 800 pleiofag О 148 pleiomer P 801 pleiontism P 803 pleiotaxie P 809 pleiotropie P 811 pleioxen P 813 pleomorfie P 1005 plerom P 819 plesiasmie P 820 plesiobiotic P 821 plesiotip P 823 plesnitor E 489 pleurS P 825 pleurenchim P 827 pleuridiu P 828 pleuroblastic P 829 pleurocarpic P 830 pleurocistidS P 831 648 pleurodiscal P 832 pleurogen P 833 pleuroginic P 834 pleuromitic P 835 pleuropiastic P 836 pleuroriz P 837 pleurospor P 839 pleurosporange P 840 pleurotribal P 841 pleurotrop P 843 pleuston P 844 pliat P 849, 1625, R 403 -longitudinal G 705, D 395 -neregulat G 830 -partial S 356 -spre interior R 155 plicatil P 847 pliere P 848 plin F 16, P 815, R 154, R 402, S 563 floare -S P 815 a -in interior G 672 pliseazS (care se-) P 847 pliu P 846 plivirea buruienilor R 409 ploaie I 46, P 1165 care anun^S- P 882 referitor la- P 882 plococarp P 850 ploi abundente adaptat la --0 141 neadaptat la-- О 142 plo?nitS (In formS de-) G 809 plotofite P 851 plumburiu L 230, P 854 -alb G 243 -palid P 220 plumulS G 78, P 856 pluricarpelar P 859 pluricelular P 860 plurienal P 858 pluriseptat P 876 pluriserial P 877 plutS S 1167 plutitor F 98, 99 -pe apS N 22 pluvial P 882 pluviometru О 139 pneumatocist P 884 pneumatode P 885 pneumatofor P 886 poamS P 1092 poartS (care-) F 35, Pi 464 poate (care-) P 1151 pocal (In formS de-) A 64 pocnitor G 882, E 489 poculiform P 889 cu flori -e P 888 pode^iu P 895 podgorii (plante de-) V 123 podicel P 892 podi?uri (plante de-) P 213 649 podocarp P 893 podocarpic P 894 podosincarpie P 898 poicilodinamic P 900 poicilogeotropism P 901 poicilosindezS P 903 poicilotermic P 904 poiciloxerofite P 905 pol P 932 polacantic P 914 polaplazie P 916 polaplostemonopetal P 917 polar P 908 polaritate P 903 lipsit de- A 926 polen P 918 referitor la- P 925 poleninS P 919 polenizare P 923 -artificials P 923a -directs cu fecundare A 1172 -ilegitimS P 923 fertilizare prin- P 623 -indirectS A 21 -incruci§atS A 434, G 193, P 923, S 884, X 21 cu— A 435 -legitims L 82 -naturals P 923 -prin insecte H 166 -strSinS X 21 -sub apS H 564 polenizat P 924 prin albini M 180 —animale Z 14, 15, 46 -apS H 489 —diptere M 617 —mari M 30 —fluturi de noapte S 725 —lilieci С 280 —pSsSri О 245 —§i fluturi de noapte О 247 -vint A 743 polex P 920 poli cu doi- В 204 cu mai mul^i- M 560 cu trei- T 546 dispus la- P 908 poliachenS P 935 poliadelf P 937 poliandric P 940 poliarhic P 943 poliaster P 944 poliblast P 946 policar P 921 policarion P 954 policariotic P 955 policarp P 951 policarpic P 950 policarpoforie P 952 policentric P 956 polichorie P 962 policiclic P 976 policladie P 969 policlonal P 971 policotiledoneu P 973 policotiledonie P 974 policromatism P 964 policromatofil P 965 policromie A 548, P 964 policromozomic P 966 policronic P 968 policulturS P 975 polidactilie P 978 polidemic P 980 poliderm P 981 polidrupS P 982 poliecie P 1013 poliembrionie P 983 polienergidS P 984 polienergidic P 985 polifag P 1020 polifazie P 1021 polifil P 1028 polifiletic P 991, 1026 polifilezS P 1025 polifilie P 1027 polifilogenie P 1029 polifolicuia P 987 poligam P 989 poligamie A 803, P 988 -trioecicS T 519 poligenetic P 991 poligenezS P 990 poligin P 995 poliginie P 994 poligonal P 993 polihaploid P 997 polihibrid P 998 polimastigot P 1000 polimer P 1002 polimerie P 1001 polimictic P 1003 polimitozS P 1004 polimorf P 1006 polimorfism P 1005 -fals P 1556 -foliar H 235 -sezonier О 208 polinarie M 115, P 922 polinie P 925 polinie P 922 polinifer P 926 poliniilor (discul-) С 826 polinitrofil P 1008 polinodiu P 929 polinominal P 1009 polinozS P 930 polinucleat P 1010 polionim P 1011 polioplasmS P 912, 1014 poliovulat P 1015 polipetal P 1017 polipetalie P 1016 INDEX ROMANESC poliplastic P 1030 poliplectic P 1031 poliploid P 1035 poliploidare P 1034 poliploidS P 1033 poliploidie P 1036 polistemonie P 1037 polisaprobic P 1042 polisarcS P 1043 polisepal P 1044 polisifonic P 1046 polisimetric A 151, P 1068 polisimetrie P 1067 polisomatie P 1047 polisperm P 1050 polispermie P 1051 polispor P 1052 polisporangiat P 1053 polisporic P 1054 polistel P 1056 polistelie P 1058 polistelie P 1057 polistemon P 1059 polistilic P 1066 polistom P 1064 polistomatic P 1063 polistromatic P 1065 politalamic P 1069 politelic P 1070 politipic P 1078 politomie P 1071 politopic P 1074 politopie P 1073 politrih P 1075 politrof P 1077 politrofie P 1076 polivalent M 574 polizaharide P 1041 polizigozS P 1084 polizomic P 1049 polizomie P 1048 poloic P 931 polul sudic (aflat la-) A 814 pomaceu P 1085 pomet H 438, P 1086 pomi (llvadS cu-) P 1086 pomifer P 1089 pomiform P 1090 pomologie P 1091 pontic P 1095 pontofil P 1096 pontofite P 1097 poofite P 1098 popular V 72 populate P 1100 popmleazS (care-) I 159 рог P 1125 -opistial О 191 -subepidermal С 930 poraceu P 1122 porandric P 1101 porcelaneu P 1103 INDEX ROMANESC porenchim P 1104 pori care se deschide prin* P 1105 cu- P 1113 - -mSrunti P 1124 poricid P 1105 porofil P 1111 porogam P 1108 porogamie P 1107 fecundat prin- P 1108 poroide P 1109 porometru P 1110 poros P 1113 porozitate P 1112 port H 4 portaltoi H 572 portocalS A 1152 portocaliu A 1151 porfelanul (opac alb ca-) P 1103 portiune micelianS R 281 porulos P 1024 porumbel (suriu de-) С 646 postadaptare P 1129 postcarpotropism P 1131 postclimax P 1132 postdiluvial P 1133 posterior P 1134, 1139 situat- P 1139 postestival P 1130 postfertilizare P 1135 postfloral P 1136 postfloratie P 1136 postglacial P 1138 postic P 1139 postmaturatie P 1140 postmaturizarea fructelor S 1310 postmeiotic P 1141 postmeridian P 1142 postreductie P1143 postvernal P 1144 postzigotic P 1145 potamicol P 1146 potamobotanicS P 1147 -potamofil-P 1148 potamofite P 1149 potamoplancton P 1150 potcoavS curbat in - A 595 In formS de- H 304 potecS S 375 potential P 1151 poten£iometru P 1153 potetometru P 1154 potir (In formS de-) H 584, P 179 potometru P 1155 potrive?te (care se-) С 725 potrivindu-se С 789 potrivit A 48, I 38 povlmit P 1194 pozitiv P 1127 pozitie P 1126, S 252, 540 praf P 1651 In formS de-P 1646 praticol P 1204 prSfuit P 1647 prSpSstios P 1194 preadaptare P 1157 prealpin P 1158 preantczS P 1160 precedende P 1162 precedent P 1163 precipitatului (formarea-) P 1165 precipitate P 1165 preclimax P 1167 precoce P 1169 precocitate P 1168 precursor P 1170 predeterminare P 1171 predispozitie P 1172 -geneticS P 1157 predominant P 1175 prefatS P 1176 prefers (care-) P 437 preferential P 1177 prefloratie P 1178 — -alternativS A 474 -cochlearS С 557 -conduplicatS С 705 -contorts G 778 -corugativS G 830 -imbricatS I 49 -plicativS P 849a -valvatS V 27 prefoliatie P 1180 -circinatS С 449 -convolutS С 794 -obvolutivS О 38 -revolutS R 221 preformat P 1183 preformatie P 1182 preformism P 1182 prefrunzS P 1304 prefusorial P 1184 preglacial P 1185 prehaustorii P 1186 prehensil P 1207 preintimpinarea bolilor P 1303 prejudiciu N 171 prelucrare E 64, T 380 prelungire P 1277 prelungit P 256, 1244, P 1278, 1427 -Inainte P 1123 prematur P 1188, 1270, 1360 premergStor P 1170 premontan P 1189 premors P 1190 preocupat P 1191 preparare P 1192 preponderent D 365, P 1175 preponderentS cantitativS V 20 660 prereductie P 1193 pres&rat A 1076, С 760 -pe ici-colo I 233 prescurtare A 3 prescurtat A 4 presiune osmoticS О 280 diminuarea- С 179 pretutindeni P 63 prevalentS P 1201 prevSzut cu H 1, I 199, M 579, P 1173 --peri P 683 preventiv P 1302 prevernal P 1202 prezent A 217 , P 1195 prezentS P 1196 prezintS (care-) E 443 prezumtie P 1197 primar О 238, P 1208 primSvarS V 66 de- V 73 formS de- V 73 de la sflr?it de- P 1144 de- timpurie P 1202 priminS P 1210 primitiv (nucleu-) P 1380 primordial P 1212 primordiu P 1213 cu - В 231 primordiul -embrionului P 1245 -fructificatiei A 984 -fructului О 292 -miceliului P 1404 •organului В 228 -rSdScinii E 30 primul P 1214, 1360, 1375 prin D 127 principal С 85, P 1208, P 1215 principiu P 1216 prioritate P 1221 prismatic P 1222 prismS (In formS de-) P 1222 prisos (de-) H 551, S 1291 private spre (care-) S 631 privind pe Q 53 privire I 254 -generals С 759, S 1442 privit dinspre S 207 proantezS P 1226 proantropic P 1227 proaspSt R 77 probazidie P 1228 proboscideu P 1229 procambiu P 1230 procariogamet P 1264 procariogametizare P 1265 procarp P 1231 proces P 1233 procinezS P 1266 proclimax P 1236 procromatinS P 1234 procromozom P 1235 651 procumbent P 1238 prodrom P 1241 producAtor F 40 produce (care-) F 35, H 84, P 171 -mincSrime P 1447 -puroi P 1691 produce (care se-) О 235, P 1240 productiv F 36, P 1243, 1274, U 1 productivitate P 1242, U 2 proembrion P 1245 proeminent E 89, P 1240, 1284 slab- P 1286 proeminent& A 929, P 1285 -longitudinals P 1262 profazS P 1297 proferment P 1247 profilactic P 1302 profilaxie P 1303 profilS P 1304 profototaxie P 1300 profototropism P 1301 pro fund P 1250 profundal P 1248 profunzime P 1249 progamet P 1252 progametului (nucleul-) P 1264 progametizare P 1253 progametofit P 1254 progamic P 1255 progenezS P 1256 progeniturA P 1257 progeotropism P 1258 progres P 1259 progresiv P 1260 prohidrotropism P 1261 prolamine P 1267 prolepsis P 1269 proleptic P 1270 prolifer P 1272 proliferare P 1273 -inflorescentei E 7 -ramurilor С 484 -radScinilor R 267 prolific P 1274 prolificare P 1273 proluvial P 1279 promeristem P 1281 promeristematic P 1282 prometafazS P 1283 promiceliu P 1289* -cu bazidii H 115 promitozS P 1287 promontoriu P 1288 pronucleol P 1290 pronucleu P 1291 propagare P 1293 -prin agStare P 466 propagativ P 1294 propagul P 1295 proplastidS P 1306 propontic P 1307 proportional P 1308 proprietate P 1310 -funciarS P 1174 propriu P 1311, S 622 proptit F 179, S 1276 proptitor F 178, S 1275 propus P 1309 prosaerotaxie P 1313 proschemotaxie P 1314 prosenchim P 1317 prosenchimatic P 1318 prosfitiazS P 1330 prosgeotropism P 1320 prosheliotropism P 1321 prosoplasmatic P 1325 prosoplasmS P 1324 prosoplazie P 1323 prosoplectenchim P 1326 prososmotaxie P 1327 prospecie P 1328 prosperitate P 1329 prosporange P 1331 prosporie P 1332 prostadiu P 1333 prostelic P 1334 prostermotaxie P 1335 prostrat P 1336 protal G 31, G 1245, 1371 in forma de- P 1372 -mascul M 344 protaloid P 1372 protandric-homogam P 1339 protandrie P 1361 protantezS P 1341 proteaze P 1342 protector P 1343, T 644 protec^ia naturii N 25 proteic P 1344 proteide P 1345 hidrolizare - P 1354 proteificare P 1353 proteinS P 1347 referitor la- P 1344 proteinoplaste P 1346 proteism P 1348 protejat T 662 protenchim P 1349 proteochemotropism P 1351 proteohidrolizS P 1354 proteoide A 379 proteolitic P 1356 proteolizS P 1355 proteoplast P 1357 proteosintezS P 1359 proteozom P 1358 proterandrie P 1362 proterandrie P 1361 proteranteu P 1363 proterantic P 1363 proterogenezS P 1364 proteroginie P 1366 proteroginie P1365 INDEX ROMANBSC proteropetalie P 1367 proterosepalie P 1368 proterotip P 1369 protiste P 1373 protistologie P 1374 protoblast P 1378 protocariocinezS P 1381 protocarion P 1380 protoclorofilS P 1382 protocolenchim P 1384 protocorm P 1385 protocrat P 1386 protocromozom P 1383 protoderma P 1387 protoepifite P 1388 protofilS P 1409 protofite A 310, P 1410 protofloem P 1408 protogamie P 1389 protogen P 1392 protogeneticS P 1391 protogenezS P 1390 protogonidie P 1393 protohemicriptofite P 1397 protolizS P 1400 protelog P 1399 protomiceliu P 1404 protonema P 1245, 1405, R 287 proton^i P 1406 protoparenchim P 1407 protoplasms P 1412, С 1069 protoplasmatic filament- P 768 protoplasmatologie P 1413 protoplast P 1414 protosclerenchim P 1415 protospor P 1416 protosporofit P 1417 protostel P 1418 protostrofe P 1419 prototip P 1423 prototrof P 1422 prototrofic P 1421 protoxilem P 1424 protozigot P 1426 protozoofil P 1425 protropic P 1430 protuberant A P 1434, T 635, U 18, 19, V 78 cu - S 1055, V 79 -in formS de gu§S S 1053 provenit E 470, N 29, О 270, P 1436 -din mai multe flori P 1069 provincie P 1438 provizor P 1439 provocarea insensibilitatii A 648 proxim P 1440 pruinA P 1441 pruinos G 163, P 1442 prunS P 1446 prund S 4 INDEX ROMANESC prundi? (cu-) G 162 prunicolor P 1443 prunifer P 1444 pruniform P 1441 pruriginos P 1447 psaliotic P 1448 psamatofil P 1449 psamatofite P 1450 psamofil P 1454 psamofite A 493, P 1455 psamogen P 1453 pseudantie P 1458 pseudantiu P 1459 pseudoanafazS P 1467 pseudoanual P 1462 pseudoanulus P 1457 pseudoapogamie P 1463 pseudoaposporie P 1464 pseudoaril P 1465 pseudoautoecic P 1468 pseudoautosindezS P 1466 pseudoauxospor P 1469 pseudoaxS S 1365 cu-S 1364 pseudoaxilar P 1470 pseudobacS P 1472 pseudobotritic P 1473 pseudobulb P 1475 pseudobulbil P 1474 pseudocaliciu С 44 pseudocambiu P 1477 pseudocarp P 1479 pseudocarpie P 1478 pseudocecidie P 1480 pseudocefalodiu P 1481 pseudocil P 1483 pseudocist P 1488 pseudocleistogamie P 1484 pseudocleistogenie P 1485 pseudocompatibilitate P 1499 pseudocortex P 1486 pseudocromozom P 1482 pseudodicotomic P 1490 pseudodicotomie P 1489 pseudodisepiment P 1491 pseudodistrofie P 1492 pseudoefemer P 1494 pseudoendomitozS P 1493 pseudoepifite P 1496 pseudofasciculat P 1497 pseudofecundare P 1498 pseudofeloid P 1546 pseudofertilitate P 1499 pseudofertilizare P 1514 pseudofilopod P 1548 pseudofizS P 1550 pseudofoliaceu P 1500 pseudofotometric P 1547 pseudofrunzele talofitelor P 553 pseudogaroetangiu P 1501 pseudogamie P 1502 pseudocarpie P 1503 pseudohaustor P 1505 pseudohercogamie P 1506 pseudohereditate P 1507 pseudohermafroditism P 1508 pseudoheterocarpie P 1509 pseudohibrid P 1511 pseudohibridizare P 1512 pseudohimeniu P 1513 pseudohomonim P 1510 pseudoimpregnare P 1514 pseudoinduzie P 1515 pseudolaminS P 1516 pseudolateral P 1517 pseudolatex P 1518 pseudolichen P 1519 pseudomarginat P 1520 pseudometafazS P 1522 pseudomicorizS P 1528 pseudomitozS P 1523 pseudomixie P 1524 pseudomonocarpie P 1525 pseudomonocotiledoneu P 1526 pseudomonomer P 1527 pseudomonopodial S 1364 pseudonectarinS P 1529 pseudonemateciu P 1530 pseudonucleol P 1531 pseudonucleu P 1532 pseudoparafizS P 1533 pseudoparazit P 1536 pseudoparazitic P 1534 pseudoparazitism P 1535 pseudoparenehim P 1537 pseudopelorie P 1538 pseudoperiant P 1539 pseudoperidie P 1540 pseudoperigon P 1541 pseudoperistom P 1542 pseudoperiteciu P 1543 pseudopetalie P 1544 pseudopetiol P 1545 pseudopicnidie P 1560 pseudoplancton P 1551 pseudoplasmodiu P 1552 pseudoplast P 1553 pseudopodiu P 1554 pseudopoliembrionie P 1555 pseudopolimorfism P 1556 pseudopoliploidie P 1557 pseudopor P 1559 pseudorafeu P 1563 pseudoreductie P 1564 pseudorepent P 1565 pseudorizS P 1566 pseudorozetS P 1567 pseudoseptat P 1568 pseudosesil P 1570 pseudosimbiozS P 1580 pseudosincarpic P 1581 pseudospermic P 1571 pseudospic P 1572 pseudosporange P 1573 pseudostel P 1575 652 pseudostil S 1072 pseudostipelS P 1576 pseudostrofiolS P 1578 pseudostromS P 1577 pseudosuber P 1579 pseudotal P 1583 pseudoterminal P 1582 pseudotip P 1585 pseudotric(h)ofor P 1584 pseudotulpinS С 192 pseudovacuolS P 1586 pseud oval vS P 1587 pseudovascular P 1588 pseudoverticil P 1589 pseudovicariism P 1590 pseudoviviparie P 1591 pseudoxerofite P 1592 pseudozigospor P 1593 psichrocleistogamie P 1601 psichroclinie P 1602 psichrofite P 1603 psihofile P 1599 ptarmic P 1604 ptenofilofite P 1605 pteridofite P 1610 pteridografie P 1608 pteridospor P 1611 pterochore P 1615 ptichonomiu P 1626 ptiozom P 1628 puberul P 1631 puberulent P 1631 pubescent H 56, P 1633 slab- P 1631 pubescent^ P 1634 publicatie P 1635 pudic P 1636 puf P 852 pufos P 853, 855, 1622 pSr- L 47 -pSros F 83, G 229, L 47 pugioniform P 1638 — puiet P 753 pulpS С 97, P 1643 cu multS- P 1644 -fructului M 222 pulpos С 96, P 1644 pulsatil P 1645 vacuolS -S С 779 pulveraceu P 1646 pulverulent P 1647 pulvinat P 1649 pulvinS P 1650 pumnal (in formS de-) P 1638* , punct P 1656 punctat P 1653, S 968 fin- P 1654 numeros- P 1061 puncticulat P 1654, S 968 punctiform P 1655 pungS (in forms de-) С 899, S 221 pungent P 1657 658 pungulita В 311 puniceu P 1659 pur P 1663 purgativ С 184, P 1660 puroi (care produce-) P1691 purpurascent P 1661 purpuriu P 1114, 1662 -albastru inchis H 447 aproape- P 1661 -deschis P 1118 -inchis А ИЗО, M 472 ro§cat- P 1114 --inchis H 149 purtitor P 464 pus P 1128 pustulat P 1667 pustuia P 1666 cu- P 1667 pusule P 1668 putamen P 1669 putaminat P 1670 putat P 1671 putere P 1152, V 20, 141 cu — V 19 --slaba О 114 puternic G 254, P 1151, V 19 putintS F 10 putrefactie P 1673 produce- S 417 putregaiul plantelor N 49 putrescent P 1674 putreziciune С 89 putrezire P 1673 cauzeazS- S 51 putrezit P 1672, S 696 puturos F 103, M 78, N 116, О 107 putin P 148, 195, S 1085 cel- S 28 cu - О 108, S 603 foarte - P 342 rabarbarin R 222 rabdoide R 224 racem В 265, R 7 -compus R 7 dispus in- R 4 in forma de- R 3 -mic R 6 -simplu R 7 raceme cu-B 262 - -inguste S 904 --mici R 5 poartS -R 1 racemi- В 262 racemifer R 1 racemiflor R 2 racemiform R 3 racemos В 263, R 4 ramificatie -oasS R 4 racemul R 6 racemulos R 5 radial R 16 radiant R 17 radiar A 144, R 16, 37 radiat R 19 radiate R 18 radical R 20 radicant R 20a radiceia R 23 radicicol R 24 radicifer R 25 radiciflor R 26 radiciform R 27, 273 radicivor R 28 radicular R 31 dimorfism- H 246 sistem- S 1476 radiculat R 32 radicuia R 30 cu - R 32 - -laterals P 837 radiculodiu R 33 radii R 40 cu douS- В 206 cu numeroase- P 943 cu putine- P 200 cu trei- T 552 -medulare M 143, R 40 radiile umbelei R 40 radiobiologie R 35 radiogeneticS R 36 radios R 37 radiotropism R 39 rafeu R 66 rafide R 68 rafidioplancton R 69 raheolS R 9 rahis R 12 rahitism R 13, 14 rameal R 46 rameaneu R 47 rament R 50 ramentaceu R 49 ramicol R 52 ramificant R 54 ramificare F 197, R 55 -radScinilor D 3 ramificat В 269, С 478, R 53, 56 bifurcat- F 198 slab- S 1218 uniform- I 341 ramificatie R 55, 63 cu - aparentS P 1561 -cimoasS С 1008 •racemoasS R 4 ramifies (care se-) R 54 ramificatii (cu trei-) T 490 ramiform R 58 ramozitate R 59 ramurS R 63 -adventivS A 224 -aparentS P 1562 -de altoi I 190 INTEX ROMANESC ramurS -filiformS F 78 -filogeneticS P 590 -foliacee P 559 -frunzoasS nefloriferS T 660 -mica R 62 -secundarS R 62 -sporiferS S 804 -tinara В 228 -viguroasS V 132 ramuri cu-G 478, 514, R 53 --aripate P 1616 --cSrnoase S 68 cu douS- В 207 cu - drepte О 252 --indesuite P 1682 --inguste S 909 --late P 791 --mici R 61 --numeroase M 564, P 970 --pSroase T 447 --pubescente H 57 - -scurte В 274 --sterile V 129 --subtiri L 119 ramurilor cSderea- G 488 concre§terea- G 576 proliferarea- G 484 ranunculaceu R 64 rar R 71 ras D 81 rasS geograficS P 1271 razS R 40 raze cu trei- T 552 dispus in- A 144 in forma de-A 151, R 16, 37 rScoritor R 116 rScoros A 471 rSdScinS R 41 -adventivS A 224 -aerianS A 259 -cStSrStoare A 206 -contractiia G 779 cu - R 230 --capitatS R 251 -fasciculatS R 41 fSrS-А 1041 -fibroasS R 41 -fosilizatS R 264 -fusiformS R 41 In forms de- R 262, 273 -laterals R 41 -lemnoasS R 41 lingS-R 240 •napiformS N 12 -neramificatS S 518 -pivotantS P 28 -principals P 1208 -proptitoare R 41 -secundarS R 23, S 245 -simplS S 518 INDEX ROMANESC -superficialS S 1289 •tuberizatS T 630, 636 rSdScini care create pe- E 291, R 274 care emite- R 20 care poartS- R 25, 276 care roade- R 28 cu - atirnStoare E 8 cu - cSrnoase S 76 cu - concrescute S 1443 cu - lignificate X 63 cu - mari M 45 cu - numeroase P 1040, R 29 tSietor de-R 286 rSdScinii baza- R 242 hipoderma- I 212 pnmordiul- R 30 rSdScinilor descrierea- R 260 formarea- R 257 proliferarea- R 267 ramificarea- D 3 rSdScinoarS R 287 rSdScinos R 29 rSmS?itS R 164 rSmuricS R 62 rSmuros В 269, R 60 rSniri cu-T 404 cauzat de- T 404 rSrit R 71 rSsad P 753 rSsadnitS P 1648, S 335 rSsare (саге-) P 1240, 1322 rSsSritean О 236 rSscoacere S 1310 rSscopt (cu fructul-) С 155 rSsfirat D 318, S 613 rSsfrint A 635, R 115 brusc- G 92 --inapoi R 207 -spre interior I 251 rSspindire P 1293 -prin animale Z 27 de-P 1294 -endozoicS E 196 -geograficS limitatS S 907 teritoriu de- A 1000 rSspindit -ici -colo S 780 -peste tot G 668 -pretutindeni С 849 -prin С 370 --animale E 315, Z 28 - -oameni A 691 -•pSsSri О 244 rSsturnat A 682, I 267, О 2, P 359, R 186 -pe jumState H 111 rSsuce§te (care se-) T 355,358 rSsucire G 317, V 160 -spre interior I 279 rSsucit С 778, D 338, R 202, S 1022, T 354 aparent- P 1504 -de douS ori В 106, 217, D 190 -de la dreapta spre stlnga S 524 -inelar G 314 •In afarS R 221 -In clrjS С 449 -In spirals С 449, 471, S 1043, V 161 —In sus S 1300 -Inapoi О 21 -pe jumState S 297 slab- S 1158 -spre interior С 777, I 240, 280 rSsucitor V 159 rS?inS R 168 secretind- G 261 rS?inos R 175 rStScitor E 344 rSu M 85 -mirositor P 1672 rSzimat F 179, S 1276 rSzor V 84 reacjie R 74 real V 91 reamintitor A 208 recapitulate R 75 recaulescentS R 76 rece F 153 -ca gheata G 64 recent R 77 receptacul С 227, R 79 -comun С 521 -conic С 750 -floral С 523 - -disciform D 309 receptacular R 78 receptiv R 81 receptivitate R 80 -ereditarS P 1172 receptori R 82 recesiv H 615, R 83 recipient al nectarului N 61 reciproc M 595, R 84 reclinat D 37, R 85 recoltarea cerealelor M 258 recomandate С 662 recombinare R 87 recrudescentS R 89 rectangular R 91 recticaul P 93 rectigradate P 94 rectinervat P 95 rectipetalitate P 96 rectiserial P 97 rectiuscul P 98 recu noscut R 86 recurbat A 689, R 101 664 recurbeazS (care se-) R 99 recurent P 99 recurentS R 100 reducte R 105 reductonal M 169, R 106 reduplicat R 109 reduplicate R 108 redus R 104 -In dezvoltare R 394 referitor la P 353, S 631 reflect R 111 reflexiune R 110 reflorescentS R 113 refractiv R 114 refugiu R 118 regenerabilitate R 120 regenerare N 81, R 121 -parfialS a organului M 209 regenerat R 123 regeneratum R 122 regerminare R 124 regional R 126 regiune D 343, R 125 din altS- A 432 reglementar R 331 regmacarpiu R 128 regmS R 127 regn R 129 -vegetal R 129, V 44 regresie R 130 regresiv R 131, 209 regulariform R 133 regulat R 134 regulate R 135 regulS R 132 regulilor (contrar-) I 42 reintegrare prin ere?tere R 148 reiterat R 136 retnnoire (de-) I 164 reinnoit R 123 reintinerire R 138 reinverze?te (care-) R 217 reinvie (care-) R 102 rejuvenescent R 138 relate N 113 relativ R 139 -la Q 53 releveu A 795, С 752a relict R 140 relictele plantelor de culturS E 328 relicveiiere R 141 remanent R 142 , remontant R 112 renascent R 102 reniform R 145 aproape- S 1221 renumit С 490 reobiont R 229 reocrenic R 230 reofil R 232 reofite R 234 reofob R 233 ш reomorfoza R 231 reorientare R 146 reotropism R 235 repand R 147 reparatie R 148 re^artizare biogeografici repartizat D 340 uniform- H 374 repaus aflat In stare de- H 565, S 872 -biologic L 58, I 73 repede T 8 repent R 150 repertoriu R 151 repetat I 348, R 136 -compus D 19, S 1307 -divizat D 19 -penat compus S 1307 repletum R 153 repliat R 155 replicativ R 155 replu R 156 reprezentare F 129, S 632 reproducator R 158 reproducere G 85, P 1293, R 157 -asexuata A 301 de- G 86 corp de- S 825, D 245 -fara fecundate A 922, A 934 organ de- P 1294 -prin inmugurire P 1390 -prin muguri G 76 -sexuata A 566, G 44, S 1425 -vegetativa A 934, V 46 reproductiv R 158 corp- D 245, S 825 reprodus pe cale sexuata G 37 reprogresiune R159 reptant R 150 repulsiv fa^a de P 454 resorbtie R 179 respingator T 17 respiratie R 180 respirometru R 181 restitutio R 184 restrins S 901 restul G 245 resupinare R 185 resupinat R 186 resurectie R 187 retardate R 188 retezat T 617 reticul R 195 reticulat A 1007, R 190 abundent-R 194 partial -S 360 -venoe R 192 -zblrcit R 199 reticulatie R 191 -cromatica R 195 retinacul G 154, R 198 retinaculat R 197 retractat R 203 retroactiv R 204 retrogradatie R 208 retrogresiv R 209 retromorfoza R 211 retrors R 212 retuz R 213 retea R 189 cu-C 448, 495 dispus In- С 60, D 183, R 190 reunire (In masa) С 544 -a fructelor S 1386 -In fascicule A 182 reunit A 205, 328, С 567, P 794 -cite doua Z 58 -In grup С 621 -In masa G 724 revarsarea apelor P 1280 reversibil R 214 revirescent R 217 revirescenta R 219 revizuire R 218 revolubil R 220 revolut R 221 revolutiv R 221 rexigen R 236 rexocarp R 237 rezervat R 162 rezerva (de-) P 1437 rezidual R 165 reziduu R 164 rezilient R 166 rezinaceu R 169 rezinifer R 170 rezinocist R 172 rezinogen R 173 rezinoza R 174 rezistent R 176 rezistenta R 177 rezultat N 29 -din E 470 -pe latura organului P 833 -pe latura ovarului P 834 rezumat E 309 riacofil R 306 riacofite R 307 ridicare fitocenologica A 795, G 752a ridicat С 211, E 79, 89, 112 -la suprafata apei E 109 ridicatura P 1285 rigid A 1072, F 65, R 318, 319, S 173, 1030 -erect A 1035 putin- R 322 rigiditate R 321 rigidiuscul R 322 ringent R 327 INDEX ROMANESC rinichi (In forma de-) R 145 ripidiu R 239 risipind D 75 risipit S 613 ritidom R 315 -inelar R 315 -lamelar R 315 -scvamos R 315 riveran A 523 rivular R 334 rizautoic R 241 rizeia R 242 rizidiu R 243 rizine R 244 rizinofile R 245 riziofizis R 246 rizobii R 247 rizoblast R 248 rizocarp R 250 rizocarpic R 249 rizocist R 255 rizocolesie R 252 rizocorm R 253 rizoctonii R 254 rizoderma R 256 rizofil R 274 rizofiia R 277 rizofilic R 278 rizofor R 275 rizogen R 258 rizogeneza R 257 rizogenum R 259 rizografie R 260 rizoid ramificat U 18 rizoidal R 263 rizoideu R 262 rizoizi R 23, 261 rizolit R 264 rizolitofite R 265 rizom R 266 -carnos R 253 in forma de- R 269 rizomanie R 267 rizomatic R 268 rizomatoid R 269 rizomatos R 270 rizomitra R 271 rizomorfa R 272 rizoplast R 280 rizopodiu R 281 rizosfera R 283 rizospermic R 282 rizotamnion R 285 rizotaxie R 284 rizotom R 286 rizuia R 287 rima (In forma de-) L 273 rinduri a^ezat In- F 19 cu-egale I 338 cu §ase- S 475 dispus tn trei- T 544, 556 ripa R 329 rip os R 330 INDEX ROMANESC riu R 336 de- R 332 rtulet R 335 rluri create in- P 1146 de lingS- A 523 riu?or R 335 roade (-frunzele) P 573 roadere M 116 robust R 339 rocS organicSB170 rodie В 20, G 241 roditor F 36, 40 rodnic U 1 rodnicie U 2 rodofilS R 298 rodofite R 300 rodografie R 295 rodologie R 297 rombic R 303 romboidal R 303 roptometru R 305 ros E 342, T 583 -de viermi С 92 -de vite D 73 rostel R 351 rostelat R 350 rostrat R 308, 352 lung- L 260 rostriform R 354 rostru R 355 -mic R 351 cu -- S 1223 ro?cat E 345, R 366, 401 -alb R 296, 376 -brun V 167 •bruniu R 397, 382, 401, 420 --inchis X 28 -deschis R 400 -galben azuriu R 377 -gSlbui R 381, 422 -inchis A 1133, G 240 -maculat R 383 -murdar V 1 palid- S 24 portocaliu- R 377 verzui- R 386 violaceu- R 385 ro?ea(S R 373 ro?iatic P 1658, R 367 •gSlbui С 893 ro?u E 347, R 368 -agatin A 70, 317 -albSstrui R 378 -alburiu E 349 -aprins F 79, I 39 -arSmiu A 243 -bruniu de cupru С 962 -ca flacSra F 79 -ca floarea de piersicS P 346 -ca focul A 997, F 79, 1 39, P 1692 -ca lutul В 244 -ca mSrgeanul С 804 •ca miniul M 370 -ca rubinul R 372 •ca singele С 898, H 7, S 39 -ca trandafirul R 288, R 293, 342 •carmin С 93, 300, 551 - -deschis С 550 -cSrSmiziu L 61, T 146 -cSrniu С 94, I 85 -de chinovar P 460 •de cinabru С 444 -de cire?e С 234 -de coral С 803, M 370 -de miniu M 370 -de oleandru О 92 -deschis R 288, 293, 342 -gSlbui A 243 -granatin P 1659 -inchis A 1130, 1134, С 93, В 244, G 147, I 85, R 369 - -ca singele A 1135 incins cu- R 380 palid- H 103 -portocaliu A 1151, R 423 pronuntat- R 369 -purpuriu H 7, P 460, P 1114, 1662, V 122 pu(.in- R 366 -scarlatin С 85, 551, S 126 -stacojiu С 551 -violet A 70 -viu R 388, S 126 rotat D 303, R 362 rotativ R 361 rotate R 360 rotund G 200 -ca moneda N 202 -§i plan О 210 rotundat R 363 rotunjit G 200, R 363 rouS P 1441, R 341 acoperit cu- I 286, R 340 roz R 288, 342 palid- R 347 rozaceu R 288, 293, 342 rozariu R 343 rozetS R 356 adunat in- R 358 rozeu inchis A 1132 rozulaceu R 357 rozulat R 358 rubescent R 367 rubiginos R 370 ruderal R 391 plante -e R 391 --mezofile A 388 rudiment R 396 rudimentar R 394 floem- L 126 rudimentul cotiledonului В 237 66« rufescent R 397 ruginS R 371, U 84 ruginit (de culoarea fieru-lui-) F 39 ruginiu R 370 -arSmiu A 278 -brun F 39 rugulos R 405 ruine R 389 ruminat R 407 ruminate R 406 rumpent R 408 runcinat R 411 -penat fidat R 410 rupe (care se-) С 422 —greu T 92 —neregulat R 408 —u?or R 416 rupere (provenit prin-) R 236 rupicol R 414 rupifrag R 415 rupt F 141 ruptil F 143, R 416 rural R 418 rustic R 421 ru?inos P 1636 rutilant R 422 sabulicol S 2 sac S 10 -aerifer S 10 -embrionar E 101, M 25, 51, О 248, S 10 -polinic D 248, M 354, S 10 -sporifer S 10, T 328 sacat S 5 saceliform S 11 sacelus S 12 saciform S 5 safirin S 47- safirul (albastru ca-) S 47 sagitat S 15, T 371 salcie ca о - S 18 cre§te sub- S 47 de - S 18 salicin S 18 salin S 23 salpingantie S 25 ------ samarS S 34 in formS de- S 36 samarifer S 35 samariform S 36 sandalS » in formS de- С 880, S 38 sandaliform S 38 sanguineu A 728, H 7, S 39 santonins S 41 saponaceu S 44 saponinS S 45 saprobiont S 48 saprobiotic S 50 saprobiozS S 49 «67 eaprofag S 56 saprofil S 57 saprofite S 58 -cu clorofiia H 137 -obligate H 351 saprofitic A 459, S 59 saprofitism S 60 saprogen S 51 saprogeofite S 52 sapromiiofil S 54 sapromiiofile S 53 sapropelic S 55 saproplancton S 61 sarcobaza S 63 sarcocarp S 64 sarcocarpic S 65 sarcochore S 67 sarcoderma M 251 sarcoid S 70 sarcoma S 72 sarcotesta S 78 sarment F 78, S 82 sarmentaceu S 79 sarmentos S 80 sat V 112 satelit S 83 saurochor S 96 saurochorie S 95 savuros S 42 ne- 1 187 eaxatil S 100 saxicol S 100 saculet S 10 in forma de- S 11, 221 sadit S 88, 93 sageata (In forma de-) S 15 saibatic E 344, F 42 create- S 778 saibaticit E 51, S 1233 saicii? S 19 samtnta S 276 sanatatea (reda-) S 33 sanatos S 32, V 19 sdpun (ca un-) S 44 saracacios D 74, P 148 saraturos S 23, 27 satesc R 421 scaberul S 106 scabritate S 107 scabriuscul S 106 scabros S 108 scabru S 105 pronuntat- S 108 scafidie S 116 ' prevazut cu- S 115 scafidiifer S 115 scalariform S 109 scalpeliform S 111 scandent S 112 scap S 123 cu-S 113, 120 scapifer S 120 scapiflor S 121 scapiform S 122 scara (in forma de-) S 109 scarios S 125 scarlat ro§u С 85, 551 scarlatin S 126 scatofil M 191 scapat din culturi E 51, S 1233 sceptriform S 132 scheda S 133 scheduia S 134 schelet S 131 schimbarea coeziunii plas-matice S 1383 schimbat С 670, 792, Ы 591 schimbator M 586, V 30 schtyare A 220, D 50 schijat D 51 schita A 220, S 162 schizocarp S 144 schizocarpic S 145 fruct- G 571 schizoconidie S 146 schizocotilie S 147 schizofite S 151 schizogen S 149 schizogeneza S 148 schizogenie S 148 schizolisigen S 151 schizomer S 152 schizorexigen S 155 schizostel S 156 schizostelie S 157 sciadofil S 158 sciadofite S 161 sciafite S 161 sciofil S 158 scizipar S 170 scitina S 231 sciziune D 351, F 69 multiplicat prin- T 330 scinteietor S 164 sclerantiu S 174 sclereide S 176 -cilindrice mari M 46 sclerenchim S 177 sclerenchimatic S 178 sclerificare S 179 -a perelor L 214 sclerobazidie S 180 sclerocarpiu S 182 sclerocaulie S 184 sclerofite S 189 sclerogen S 'ТВ 6 sclerogonidie S 187 sclerot S 194 -extern E 473 sclerotic S 193 scoarta С 810, 831 aflat sub- S 1137 cu-C 833, P 446 -externa E 278 fara- E 14 -interna E 168 -mediana M 226, 242 INDEX ROMANESC -moarta R 315 -primara P 1208 •secundara S 245 scobicular S 197 scobiform S 197 scobinat S 199 scobina S 198 scobit A 758, С 200, 689 -prin brazde R 407 profund- E 424 scobitura A 876, S 219 cu - alungita S 218 scoica (in forma de-) С 558-scolecoconidie S 200 scolecospor S 201 scolopendra (in forma de-> S 203 scolopendrin S 203 scopiform S 206 scorpioid S 210 scorfeoara culoare de- G 445 cu miros de- G 445 scortos G 903 scotofite S 213 scotofobism S 212 scotoplancton S 214 scototaxie S 215 scototropism S 216 scris S 217, 496 scrobiculat S 218 scrotiform S 221 scufie С 46 -a stilului S 1077 -a virfului radacinii R 271T 687 scufundat I 52, S 1207 -in apa D 55 -in pamint S 428 -partial S 318 scund E 444, H 444, P 1652 scurt В 270, 287 scurtatC 545, 780 scurtime В 291 scut S 228 in forma de- S 225 scutat S 225 scuteia S 227 scutelar S 226 scutulet A 1078, P 229r S 227 in forma de- P 230, S 226 scvama S 839 -antodiaia S 839 -nectarifera N 54 -ovulifera E 266, S 1352 -secundara S 841 -setiforma S 1032 -uscata R 50 scvame acoperit cu- S 838 cu- carnoase S 71 cu doua- D 232 cu- glabre P 1597 INDEX BOMANESC scvame cu-lndesuite P 1684 cu-mici S 843 cu numeroase- P 999 cu-p&roase T 452 cu-uscate R 49 fSrS-D 104, E 357 •protectoare ale mugurelui P 355 scvamel& S 841 cu-S 842 scvainelifer S 842 scvamiform S 840 scvamodiu S 844 scvamos L 103, S 838 pu^in- S 1234 scvamuliform S 843 scvamulos S 842 scvaros S 846 pu^in- S 847 scvarulos S 847 sebaceu S 234 secedent (fruct-) S 235 secer& (in forma de-) F 12, S 331 seceri§ M 258 seceta S 485 secretor S 240 secrete S 239 sectat S 244 fin- T 108 palmat- P 51 penat- P 706 sector S 242 sectorial S 243 sec^ie S 241 sec(iune S 241 -longitudinaia S 241 -transversaia T 402 secundar A 43, S 245 secundiflor S 246 secundifoliat S 247 secundina S 248 secure (in forma de-) S 250 securiform S 250 segetal S 255 segment S 258 -ingust L 14 segmentare M 207, S 256 segmentat S 257 segmente divizare in- S 256 divizat in- S 257 segmentul frunzei S 258 segregare S 259 seirolitic S 262 seirospor S 263 seismochorism S 264 seismonastie S 265 seismotropism S 266 selectiv S 269 selectie S 268 -artificiaia S 268 -naturaia N 26, S 268 -plantelor S 268 selectionare D 47 selec(ionat S 270 selenotropism S 272 semdnat S 87, 93 semanatura S 92, 253 semanaturi create printre- S 255 plante de- S 255 semi- H 110, S 277 -acoperit H 118 -aderent S 278, 326 -amplectent S 280 -amplexicaul S 281 -amplexiflor S 282 -anatrop H 111 -angiocarpic H 112 -arid S 286 -bifidat S 287 -bilocular S 288 -caliciform S 289 -cancelat S 290 -capsular S 291 -ciclic S 344 -cilindric S 300, 376 -circular H 122, S 293 --crenat S 292 -clamideu H 118 -cleistocarp H 119 -cleistogam H 120 -conat S 296 -convolut S 297 -cordat S 298 -costat S 299 -cutat S 356 -decandru S 301 -decurent S 302 -decusat S 303 -dehiscent S 304 -deschis S 284, 349 -digin S 305 -dublu S 306 -ecvitant О 38, 307 -endobiotic H 126 -endofitic H 128 -epigin H 129 -erect S 308 -flosculos S 309 -galeat S 312 -gamopetal S 313 -gamotrop H 131 -globulos S 314 -haploid H 132 -hastat S 315 -imers S 318 -inelar S 283 -inferior S 319 -integrifoliat S 320 -tmbracat S 384 -tnchis S 295 -latent S 323 •lenticular S 324 6&8 semi--liber S 326 -lobat S 328 -locular S 329 -lunar L 276, M 188, S 331 --curbat F 12 -marginat S 332 •mezofitic S 333 -nud S 340 -orbicular L 276, S 344 -oval S 345 -ovat S 346 -palmat S 347 -patent S 349 -pectinat S 350 -pectiniform S 350 -pelucid S 351 -penat S 354 -periantic S 1348 -permeabil S 352 -petalic S 1349 -petaloid S 353 -pliat S 356 -plin S 355 -ploid H 136 -radiat S 357 -reflect S 358 -reniform S 359 -reticulat S 360 -rotund S 293, 344 -sagitat S 361 -s&r&turos S 1225 -septat S 362 -serat S 364 -sicativ S 367 -simfiostemon S 374 -sincarpic H 139 -singinic H 141 -spicat S 364 -staminat S 368 -striat S 370 -subulat S 371 -sulcat S 372 -superior S 373 -tomentos S 377 -transparent P 224, S 351, T 394 -trigin S 379 -turbaniform S 380 -umed S 317 -vaginant S 381 -valvat S 382 -verticilat H 122, S 383 semiaerofite H 130 semianteri T 231 ' semiantofite H 114 semiapofite H 113 semiapogamie S 285 semiautofite H 113 semidistrofie H 125 semiepifite H 130 semihercogamie S 316 semilameia S 321 semilaminA S 322 *39 semilianA S 325 eemilichen S 327 semilocul S 330 semilunA (tn formA de-) 8 331 seminal S 334, 650 cicatrice- H 300 seminicol S 337 seminifer S 338 seminiform S 339 seminte си-8 639 • -aparente P 1571 - -aripate P 1620 --aecutite О 316 --brAzdate A 1149 --cArnoase S 77 --concrescute S 1446 - -drepte О 263 --dure L 223 --globuloase S 713 --Inchise A 760 • -Inguste S 930 --late P 793 --laterale P 838 - -negre G 3 - -netede L 92 --nude G 273 ..numeroase P 1050 - -oleaginoase О 100 - -oeoase О 286 - -pSroase T 463 --purine О 125 --rostrate R 312 --suberoase P 432 • -tari S 951 - -transparent^ H 453 --zblrcite R 316 seminte cu cinci- P 251 cu patru- T 200 cu trei- T 560 —osoase T 550 fSrS-А 1074 --osoase A 958 ! semintelor absenta- A 1075 descrierea- S 666 tnveli?ul- I 204 reunirea- S 1386 semiparazit H 133 semisaprofite H 137 semisept S 363 semispecie S 365 semisterilitate S 369 semn N 156 •mic N 165 semnat S 496 semne 8 497 cu-N 157 semperflorent S 386 sempervirent A 363, S 387 sempervirescent pAduri -e A 355 senescent S 390 senescentA S 391 sens 8 397 sensibil 8 396 -la atingere P 1636, T 13 sensibilitate 8 395 -excesivA A 419, 664 -geneticA A 1122 -la cAldurA T 259 -la excitatii externe С 847 -la lumina P 473, 510 sensitiv 8 396 sepalA S 402 -micA S 401 sepale cu-S 403 cu-inguste S 927 cu mai multe- P 1044 cu-pAroase T 462 cu patru- T 198 cu trei- T 554 cu-unite S 1445 sepalelor (labelizarea-) H 378 sepaloid S 399 sepaloidie 8 400 sepalulA S 401 separabil 8168, 566 separare О 200, S 237, S 259, 569 separat A1236, С 364, D 139, D 311, I 320, S 238, 405, 570 sepiaceu S 407 sepicol S 14 sept S 424 septal S 410 septat S 411 septe (cu-mici) 8 423 septentrional S 415 septic S 417 septicid S 416 septifer S 418 septiform S 419 septifrag S 420 septobazidie S 422 septulat S 423 sepulcral S 427 serat S 447 ciliat- S 443 -dintat S 439 dublu- В 214 fin-dintat S 445 partial- S 364 simplu- U 72 slab- S 1229 seraturA S 446 serA T 115 -caldA С 28, T 43 -de iarnA H 288 -de varA A 282 -rece F 152 serial S 430 INDEX ROMANESC seriat F 19, 8 431 cinci- Q 36 sericeu В 248, S 432 serie S 433 serii cu-egale I 338 cu §ase- S 475 cu mai multe- P 877 cu trei- T 544, 556 dispus tn- 8 431 —drepte R 97 serotin S 434 serpentiform S 436 serpentin S 437 sertiform S 452 sesil 1 186, S 458 aparent- P 1570 aproape- S 1230 seston S 459 •abiotic T 459 sestonologie 8 460 setaceu S 464 -dintat S 462 -mucronat S 463 setA 8 461 -glohidiatA G 171 -InclrligatA H 20 -micA S 469 -scurtA S 1032 sete cu cinci- P 241 cu douA- В 215 cu-mici S 470 cu multe- P 1045 cu-rigide E 9, H 432 cu trei- T 558 setiform S 464 setos С 249, S 468 aspru- С 769 -spinos С 769 setulA S 469 setulos С 249, S 470 seu (asemAnAtor cu-) S 234 sevA -brutA A 405, H 446 conduce- С 414, S 1257 sex (al plantelor) S 482 de-mascul S 650 sexe cu ambele- В 216 lipsit de- A 1069 sexocarpie S 478 sexual S 480 sexualitate S 481 cu-dubioasA A 562 sexuat G 33 sfagnofite S 721 sfagnologie S 720 sfalerocarp S 722 sferA •atractivA A 1098, С 223 -micA S 718 sferenchim S 702 sferite S 700 INDEX ROMANESC sferochoriza S 705 sferocristale S 700 sferofite S 709 sferoidal S 699 sferom S 707 sferoplancton S 701 sferorafide S 700 sferosporange S 715 sferotecS S 717 sferuia S 718 sfigmism S 727 sfignofil S 725 sfirleazi (In forma de-) T 652 sfirtecat L 12 sfi§iat neregulat R 408 sicona S 1327 sicoza S 1328 siderofil S 492 siderofob S 493 sifogenie S 1466 sifonantie S 533 sifonofite S 534 sifonogamie S 535 sifonoplast S 536 sifonostel S 537 sigil (in forma de-) S 494 sigilat S 494 sigmoid S 495 silicicol S 499 .silicificare S 500 silicios S 498 silicuia S 501 in forma de- S 502 .silicule (cu numeroase-) S 503 siliculiform S 502 -siliculos S 503 silicva S 504 in forma de- S 505 silicve (cu numeroase-) M 570, S 506 silicviform S 505 silicvos S 506 silvatic S 508 silvic S 29 .silvicol S 510 silvicultura S 511 •silvostepa S 512 simbazis S 1334 simbionti S 1335 simbiotic S 1337 simbiotrof S 1340 simbiotrofism S 1339 simbioza S 1336 -antagonista E 116, S 1455 parteneri in- S 1335 traie§te in- S 1337 simbol F 129 simetrie S 1344 multilateral- A 151 radial- A 151 simetrie S 1343 -bilateraia В 219, Z 67 cu- - Z 68 lipsit de- A 1102 -multilateraia P 1067 cu--P 1068 -radiara R 16 cu--R 38 simfilodiu S 1352 simfiogeneza S 1354 simfitic S 1359 simfitogin S 1360 similar A 208, I 292, S 515 similisimetrie S 516 similitudine S 517 simpatric S 1346 simpeda S 1347 simplast S 1362 simplu H 24, S 518 simpodial S 1364 simpodiu S 1365 simpolimorfism S 1366 simptom S 1367 simptomatologie S 1368 simuleaza (care-) S 519 simultan H 364, M 406, S 520, 1402 sinachinet S 1371 sinandric S 1372 sinandriu S 1373 sinandrodiu S 1374 sinangiu S 1375 sinanteric S 1376 sinanterie S 1377 sinanteza S 1378 sinantic S 1379 sinantie S 1380 sinantodiu S 1381 sinaphoza S 1383 sinapsis S 1384 sinaptospermie S 1386 sinarmofite S 1388 sincariont S 1395 sincariotic S 1397 sincarpic S 1392 sincarpie S 1391 sincarpiu S 1393 sincianoza S 1409 sincitiu S 1410 sincolifite S 1406 sincorologic S 1401 sincorologie S 1400 sincotilie S 1408 sincotiledonar S 1407 sincronic S 1402 sincronogamie S 1403 sincronologie S 1404 sindeza S 1411 sindimorfism S 1413 sindinamica S 1416 sindiploid S 1415 sindiploidie S 1414 sinecic S 1436 sinecie S 1435 sinecologic S 1438 sinecologie S 1437 660 sinema S 1417, 1433 sinenchim S 1418 sinergide S 1420 sinergism S 1419 singameon S 1421 singametie S 1423 singamie S 1424 singenetica S 1427 singeneza S 1425 singrame S 1428 singular S 522 singur С 241 cu un- H 24, M 392, U 36 de un- an A 797 singuratic I 320, S 522, 565 sinhaploid S 1430 sinistrostilie S 526 sinmorfologie S 1432 sinonim S 1440 sinonimie S 1439 sinopsis S 1441 sinoptic S 1442 sinpetal S 1444 sinsepal S 1445 sinsporange S 1447 sinsporic S 1448 sintagma S 1449 sintaxon S 1450 sintaxonomie S 1451 sintelomitic S 1452 sintepal S 1453 sinteza S 1330 -biologica В 190 -proteidelor P 1359 sintip S 1459 sintriploidie S 1454 sintrofie A 417, S 1455 sintropic S 1458 sinuat S 527 sinuolat S 528 sinuos A 758, С 641, M 70, M 217, S 529 sinus S 530 sinuozitate S 530 sinuozitati cu-rotunjite S 527 sinuzie S 1460 sinzigie S 1465 sinzoic S 1461 sinzoogonidie S 1463 sinzoospor S 1464 siraplancton S 538 siringodendron S 1469 siro^ii S 1470 J sirtidie S 1471 sirtidofil S 1472 sirtidofite S 1473 sisomate S 1474 sistelofite S 1475 sistem S 1476 -natural N 26, S 1476 -radicular S1476 sistematic S 1478 sistematica S 1477, T 38 •il sistematizare S 1479 de-T 39 eistemul plantelor S 1476 sistolA S 1480 sistolic S 1481 sistrofA S 1482 sitotropism S 539 situat S 541 situate P 1126, S 540 slmbure cu-osos P 1670, 1696 cu un singur- scleros M 441 fArA-A 958 -osos N 195 -pietros P 1669 stmburi cu-numero§i P 1039 cu patru-oso§i T 192 slngelui (de culoarea-) H 7 slrmA de otel (in formA de-) С 256 slab D 7, P 148, 195, S 1085 -aripat S 1092 -colorat S 1127 -comprimat S 1128 -muchiat S 1094 slAbAnog F 75 smaragdin S 542 smoalA P 722 smoc cu- M 83 --de peri С 651 cu flageli in- P 1000 -de peri P 235 smochinA F 51 smuls A 1236 snop M 194 soare S 552 cu-H 76 de-S 553 orientat spre- H 84 sobol S 543 -subteran S 543 cu-S 544 sobolifer S 544 sociabilitate S 545 social S 546 sociatie S 547 societate S 549 sociologie S 550 -descriptivA S 551 sociomorfologie S 551 soi С 955, P 1270 sol S 567 aflat sub- S 1239 create pe-sArAturos S 23 etalat pe- H 443, P 1238, S 1301 -sArAturoe S 27 solar S 553 solariu S 555 solarizare S 554 soleniaplancton S 559 aolenidie S 558 solenostel S 560 solid S 563 soliditate (de-) M 133, S 562 solitar A 638, E 321, I 320, S 522, 565, U 36 solubil S 566 solurile create pe- nisipoase A 492 evitA-feroase S 493 preferA - argiloase S 737 preferA-feroase S 492 solute S 569 solz S 839 solziform S 840 solzii bulbului S 839 solzos L 103, 115, S 838 somatic S 572 somatoblast S 573 somatofite S 577 somatogenic S 575 somatoplasmA S 578 somatotropism S 579 somn S 582 care aduce- S 581 somnifer S 581 somnul plantelor S 582 sor S 596, 802 -cu sporangii S 787 -cu uredospori U 86 soralA S 584 sordago S 585 sordid S 586 sorediat S 587 sorediu M 187, P 546, S 588 cu-S 587 soremA S 589 sori (cu-) S 591, 597 sorifer S 591 sorozA S 594 spadice S 602 cu-S 598 spadiceu S 600 spadicifer S 598 spadiciflor S 601 spanandrie S 604 spanoginie S 607 spars S 613 sparsifler S 610 sparsifoliat S 611 sparsioplaste S 612 spat С 36, S 614 cu-S 616 in formA de- S 615 -secundar S 619 spataceu S 615 spatat S 616 spatilA S 619 spatolA S 621 spatulat S 620 spatiat L 73, R 71, 143 spaj,ii (mici - goale) M 132 spatiu A 1000 spAlAcit О 24 special P 1166, 1311, S 622 INDEX ROMANESC specializare S 623 specie S 624, 997 -colectivA С 587, 621 - -politipicA M 50 cu о singurA- M 461 -ecologicA О 79 -hibridA H 458 -micA M 352 -nouA N 169 specific S 625 specii cu-dominante P 1003 derivat din patru- T 18fr -initiate S 627 speciole S 627 speciologie S 628 spectru S 632 -biologic S 632 -de absorbtie A 23 speculativ T 253 speiremA S 635 speologie S 637 spermamibA S 642 spermangiu S 643 spermapodiu S 646 spermatic S 650 spermatidie S 651 spermatie S 655 -cu func(.ii mascule A 693: spermatifer S 652 spermatioid S 653 spermatocarpie S 656 spermatocinetic S 667 sperraatocist S 658 spermatocistidie S 658 spermatocit A 694 spermatocitiu S 660 spermatofite A 850, S 668: spermatofitelor (microspo-rul-) P 918 spermatogamet S 661 spermatogen S 663 spermatogenezA S 662 spermatogoniu S 665 spermatografie S 666 spermatoplasmA S 669-spermatoplast S 670 spermatozoid S 673 spermocarp S 677 spermocentru S 679 spermodermA S 680 spermofor S 688, 689» spermogonifer S 685 spermogoniu S 686 cu-S 686 spermologie S 687 spermosferA S 692 spermospor S 691 spermotip S 695 spic S 728 -biseriat S 728--compus S 728-cu-A 1117 -distih S 728- INDEX ROMANESC -fals P 1572 tn forma de- S 731 •neramificat S 728 -ramificat S 728 -simplu S 728 spicat S 730 spice cu-S 730, 850 --acoperite С 916 - -globuloase S 716 - -tndesuite P 1688 --Inguste S 931 cu mai multe- P 1055 cu patru- T 206 cu purine- О 126 cu trei- T 562 dispus tn-S 730 dispus partial in- S 366 referitor la- S 850 spicelor (formarea-) I 194 spiciform S 731 spicuire S 732 spiculat S 734 spicuia A 73 spiculet S 733 spiculete (cu-) S 734 spiculiform S 735 spin A 29, S 742 -caulinar S 742 -foliaceu S 742 -glohidiat G 171 -rameal S 742 -stipulaneu S 742 spini cu-E 9, S 741 - -gro§i P 3 - -incruci?ati S 881 --numero§i P 934 cu patru- T 153 cu-p4ro?i T 445 - -rigizi R 320 --ro§ii R 289 --rozacei R 289 --surii T 112 cu trei-lncirligati T 573 cu-tubulo?i S 556 --variati H 176 «гй-1 166 tnconjurat de- P 268 -radicali R 20 spinescent S 745 spiniform S 748 spini$or S 743 spini§ori (cu-) S 744, 751 spinos A 30, 432, 1028, S 741, 749 tncirligat- L 51 spinulos S 751 -dintat S 752 spiralat A 172, С 558, H 73, S 754 spiraia S 753 dispus tn- S 754 rdsucit In- 3 765, 1300, V 161 spiralism S 756 spiralizare S 755 spirantie S 634 spirem S 758 spiril S 759 spirocarpic S 760 spirociclic S 762 spiroism S 763 spirolobat S 764 spirotropic S 765 spitamal 3 767 spodograma 3 770 spongiiform 3 772 spongiola 3 773 spongioplasma 3 774 spongios 3 775 spontan A 334, F 42, S 778 spor S 651, 779, 790 -alungit S 201, 1076 -articulat de rezistenta A 1044 -asexuat A 910 -bicelular D 194 -binucleat U 87 -ciliat Z 53 --mobil P 747 -de cre§tere A 1277 -de iarna T 63 -de tnmugurire В 238 -de propagare T 63 -de rezistenta С 401, 1016, S 879, T 63 -de vara U 87 -femel M 51, 28 -mascul A 730, M 353 -mic S 794, 831 -multicelular septat P 518 -multiseptat P 946 -partenogenetic P 1593 -secundar mic 3 796 -vermiform S 201 -unicelular A 514, M 398 sporadic S 780 sporange S 116, 782, 789, 821, T 231 cordoane sterile la- T 372 -cu androspori A 731 -cu aplanospori A 911 -cu cronispori С 402 -cu macroaplanospori M 10 -cu macrospori M 52, G 306 -cu microspori M 354 -cu monospori M 449 -cu oospori О 179 -cu spermatozoizi 3 660 -cu tetraspori T 202 -cu zoospori Z 32, 55, 77 -multilocular T 464 poarta-S 783 -secundar mic 3 785 -simplu 3 808 sporangele j-algelor) 3 643 -ferigilor 0 180 sporangi cu-S 781 grupare de- S 1447 sporangiat S 781 sporangidie 3 782 sporangifer S 783 sporangi (cu mai multi-) P 1053 sporangilor (concre§terea-) S 1375 sporangiofor 3 786 sporangioia S 785 sporangiosor 3 787 sporangiospor S 788 spori cu-S 639, 790 --bruni P 406 cu mai multi- P 1054 cu patru- T 205 cu spori spino§i E 12 cu trei-T 561 fara- A 1081 patru- T 201 poarta- S 797 produce- S 813 referitor la- 3 639 sporidie S 796 sporidiifer S 791 sporidiiform S 792 sporidioia S 794 sporifer S 797 sporii asemanator cu- S 817 -briofitelor В 301 sporilor (formarea-) 3 812 sporiparitate S 799 sporocarp S 802 -cu anteridii A 823 -cu macrospori §i microspori A 822 sporocarpului (pedicelul-) С 116 sporochore S 803 sporocist S 806 sporocit S 807 sporocitiu S 808 sporocladiu S 804 sporoderma S 809 sporodochiu S 810 sporofiada S 821 sporofiia 3 822 -cu macrosporangi M 57 sporofit A 299, 3 824 sporofitic 3 823 sporofor S 819 sporogamie 3 811 sporogen S 813 sporogeneza S 812 sporogon 3 816 sporogonului (teaca-) О 50, V 17 sporoideu 3 817 sporostegiu S 826 sp ого tec A S 828 sporotrofofilA S 829 sporozom S 825 sporul promiceliului S 796 sporulifer S 833 sporulA S 831 sprijinitor F 178, S 1275 spuma (asemAnAtor cu-) S 835 spumescent S 835 spumos S 835 stabil S 848, 872 stabiloplaste S 849 stacojiu С 85 stadiu S 880 -filogerontic T 676 -de leptoten L 131 stagnal S 853 stagnant S 854 stagnoplancton S 855 staminal S 858 filament- F 57 staminat S 859 staminA A 723, M 358, S 857 -avortatA L 112 cu о singurA- M 394 -modificatA S 861 -sterilA S 861 stamine cu-A 690, M 113, S 859 cu cinci- P 246, S 301 cu-concrescute S 1372 cu de patru ori mai multe-T 190 cu douA- D 144 cu douAzeci de- I 10 cu-duble A 585 cu-lungi M 4 cu-membranoase H 528 cu nouA- E 209 cu-numeroase P 940, 1059, S 862 cu opt-0 56 cu patru-T 182, 207 cu-perigine P 313 cu-purpurii P 1115 cu putine- О 109 cu-sudate S 1357 cu §ase- H 278 cu $apte-libere H 153 cu-$i pistil В 216 cu trei-T 417 cu trei-mai lungi T 481 cu zece-D 13 fArA-A 659 staminele (tnconjoarA-) P 269 staminelor (concresterea-) 8 1377 de forma- S 860 uniformitatea- H 412 etaminifer S 859 etaminiform 8 860 staminodie S 880 staminodiilor (concresterea-) S 1374 ' stare S 540, 880 -de repaus complet A 631 in-de repaus Q 29 -de rivalitate A 813 -de tensiune T 333 -uscatA S 487 stasimorfie S 866 stasigenezA S 865 stasofil S 868 stasofite S 869 statenchim S 870 static S 872 statistic S 874 statmocinezA S 871 statoci§ti S 876 statocrat S 875 statoliti S 877 statoplaste S 878 statornic С 763 statospor S 879 sta^iune H 3, S 873 de-umbroasA H 80 stauroconidie S 882 staurofilA S 885 staurogamie S 884 stauros S 886 stazA S 867 stAtAtor S 854 stea dispus In-A 144, S 895 stefanodofite S 940 stegmate S 888 stegocarpic S 890 steironotic S 891 stel С 215, 1003, S 893 -separat fn fascicule S 156 -simplu H 43 stelar S 892 stelat S 895 stelelor (concresterea-) G 53 stelolemA S 899 stelulat S 898 stelutA S 897 stenobatic S 903 stenocenic S 910 stenocenozA S 911 stenochor S 908 stenochorie S 907 stenocist S 912 stenoecic S 914 stenofotic S 923 stenohalin S 916 stenohidric S 917 stenohigric S 918 stenomorf S 920 stenoplasticitate S 925 stenosinuzic S 932 stenospermocarpie S 929 stenotermic S 933 stenotopie S 935 stenotopie S 934 INDEX ROMANESC stenotropie S 936 stenoxibionte S 937 stenozA S 928 stepA S 941 stercofil S 942 stereide S 944 stereom S 947 stereoplasmA S 949 sterigmA S 955 -articulatA A 1045 steril I 79, N 110, S 956 sterilitate A 297, S 958 -absolutA S 891 cu -relativA T 320 -floralA С 212 sterilizare S 957 sternotrib S 959 sterofil S 961 steropfite S 962 stichobazidie S 966 sticla (transparent ca-) V 151 stigmat S 970 cu -sesil A 1099 -stiliform S 1072 stigmate cu numeroase -P 1062 cu patru- T 209 cu trei- T 564 stigmatelor transformarea- in antere A 826 stigmatic S 971 stigmatifer S 972 stigmatiform S 973 stigmatofor S 976 stigmatomicozA S 974 stigmatonomiu S 975 stigmatos S 979 stigmatostegiu S 978 stigmatului lobul- L 237 tegumentul- S 978 stigobionji S 1062 Stihidie S 964 stihocarpic S 967 stil S 1081 -avortat P 137 cu- S 1063, 1065 - -filiform L 130 --pufos pAros P 1624 fArA- A 1099 in formA de- S 1068 stilar S 1064 stile cu- S 1063 cu -concrescute G 54 cu douA- D 341 cu -lungi L 261, M 59, S 1079 cu mai multe- P 1066 cu -numeroase S 1079 cu patru- T 210 INDEX ROMANESC cu trei- T 568 cu -uniforms I 339 diformism de- H 255 uniformitate de- H 413 stilidiu S 1066 stiliduct S 1067 stilifer S 1065 stiliform S 1068 stiliplancton S 1070 stilodiu S 1072 stilogonidie S 1073 stiloide S 1074 stilopodiu S 1075 stilospor M 42, S 1076 -mare M 55 stilostegiu S 1077 stilului situat in jurul- P 320 tubul- S 1067 stindard V 104 stip S 987 stipelat S 986 stipeli P 120, S 985 fara- E 498 stipitat S 988 stipitiform S 989 stipul S 990 in forma de- S 994 cu -mare S 995 stipulaneu S 992 stipulat S 993 stipuliform S 994 stipulos S 995 stirpal S 996 stinca R 412, S 104 care crapa- R 415 create pe- R 413, 414, S 100 pe- L 213 stincos R 413, S 103 sting L 30, S 523 din partea stinga S 523 stolon С 813, S 998 -subteran G 106 stolonifer S 999 stoloniform S 1000 stomatal S 1002 stomate S 1001 cu -complex S 1412 cu -numeroase P 1063 -neaparent С 931 stomatic S 1003 celule -e S 1003 stomatifer S 1004 stomatocarp S 1006 storaiu S 1007 stramineu S 1012 strangulat F 25, S 1013 strat S 1018 -acoperitor V 48 -citoplasmatic netranspa-rent P 912 -cortical S 1018 -de hife G 220 -fertil S 1018 -germinativ M 123 -gonidial G 208, S 1018 •ierbaceu S 1018 -infracuticular S 1144 -medular S 1018 -nutritiv S 1237 -sporifer S 1018 -rizoidal H 618 stratificare S 1014 stratificat S 1015, T 6, Z 21 stratiobotanica S 1016 straturi cu doua -de scoartS В 110 cu trei- T 580 —protectoare T 439 straveziu H 448, P 224, T 395 aproape- S 1150 strepsinema S 1020 strepsiten S 1021 striat S 1029, V 153 partial- S 370 striatie S 1025, 1028, V 152 striatii cu -fine S 1026 cu trei- T 566 stricnina S 1058 stridulant S 1031 strigos S 1033 striiform S 1034 striolat S 1035 striu S 1025, V 152 striuri cu doua- В 226 cu -ro§ii R 387 strimt A 769, 995 strimtat С 780 strins A 995, 1118, С 620, С 701, 765, S 984 -adunat G 764 --in ghem С 722 -alipit laolalta С 723 -ingramadit С 710, 764 putin- L 73 strobil S 1039 strobilaceu S 1036 strobilat S 1037 strobilifer S 1037 strofantina S 1046 strofism S 1048 strofogeneza S 1049 strofomanie S 1050 strofotaxie S 1051 stromatifer S 1041 stromatoid S 1042 stroma S 1040 strombus S 1044 strome cu mai multe- P 1065 stropire R 323 stropit A 1076, С 760 664 structura S 1052 cu -nenormaia A 1113 •floristica S 1052 strumifer S 1055 strumiform S 1056 studii A 773 studiu preliminar P 1241 studiul -alcatuirii nomenclaturii plantelor P 644 -biocenozelor В 159 -bolilor N 154, P 185 --de plante P 654 -celulei С 1057 -ciupercilor M 609 -clasificarii plantelor P 666 -comunitatilor de plante P 664 -fenologiei plantelor P 655 -florilor A 843 -fructelor С 112 -galelor С 202 -genezei plantelor P 625 -genului Salix I 346 -lemnului X 59 -monstrozitatilor vegetale P 669 -nucleului celular С 138 -organelor vegetale P 650 -organismelor planctonice P 738 -otravurilor T 369 -parazitilor P 129 -polenului P 60 -protoplasmei P 1413 -semintelor S 687 -sestonului S 460 -sporilor P 60, S 687 -tesuturilor H 313 -vinificatiei О 87 -viticulturii О 87 stupaceu S 1060 stupefiant N 15, T 88 suav S 1084 sub- I 144 -acaul S 1086 -acut S 1089 -alpin S 1093 -angulat S 1094 -apical I 146 -arborescent S 1098 -arctic S 1100 -arbustiv S 1274 -arcuit S 1101 -ascendent S 1102 -atlantic S 1105 -auriculat S 1106 -axilar I 147 -barbat S 1108 •biflor S 1109 -bilobat S 1110 -campanulat S 1113 Мб sub- •canaliculat S 1114 -capilar S 1115 -carenat S 1116 -cartilaginos S 1118 -cArnos S 1117 •central S 1120 -ceruleu S 1111 -cespitos S 1112 -ciliat S 1121 -cilindric S 1145 -claviform S 1125 •colorat S 1127 -concentric S 1129 -concolor S 1130 -conic S 1131 -convolut S 1132 -copios S 1133 -cordat S 1134 -coriaceu S 1136 -corimbos S 1138 -cortical S 1137 -crenat S 1139 -crispat S 1140 -croceu S 1141 -decandru S 1146 -dentat S 1148 -decurent S 1147 -diafan S 1150 -diform S 1152 -digitat S 1153 -dicotomic S 1151 -dimidiat S 1154 -dioic S 1156 -distih S 1157 -dominant S 1161 -ecbilateral S 1091 -egal S 1090 -endemic S 1164 -epidermal S 1165 -epistatic S 1166 -erect S 1168 -falcat S 1177 -fasciculat S 1179 -floral S 1180 -fosil S 1183 -glabru S 1186 -ginoecic S 1189 -globulos S 1187 -gregar S 1188 -himenial S 1191 -hipostatic S 1193 -hirsut S 1190 -imbricat S 1195 -imers S 1196 -integrifoliat S 1200 -lemnos S 1204 -letal S 1203 -litoral S 1205 -marin S 1206 -microscopic A 518, 6 1209 -nival S 1212 -obtuz S 1213 -orbicular S 1214 sub- -ovat S 1217 -reniform S 1221 •rostrat S 1223 -sArat S 1225 -scvamos S 1234 -serat S 1229 -sericeu S 1227 -sesil S 1230 -spontan S 1233 -stomatic S 1236 -teran H 589, S 1239 -terminal S 1238 •tetragonal S 1240 -tomentos S 1242 -tropical S 1246 -umbelat S 1248 -velutin S 1250 -verticilat S 1251 -volubil S 1252 subarbust S 1272, F 173, S 1099 in formA de- S 1271 subasocia}ie S 1104 subclasA S 1123 subclimax S 1126 subcuticulA S 1144 subdioecie S 1155 suber S 1167 -aparent P 1579 in formA de- P 429 suberificare S 1169 suberinA S 1172 suberogen S 1174 suberos S 1175 subex S 1176 subfamilie S 1178 subforma^ie S 1182 subformA S 1181 subgen S 1185 subhimeniu S 1192 subicul S 1194 subincrengAturA S 1159 submers D 55, S 1207 submicronic S 1208 submicrozom S 1210 subordin S 1216 subordonare S 1215 subordonat H 615 subregn S 1220 subsec^ie S 1226 subserie S 1228 subspecie M 352, S 1231 subspontan S 1233 substan}A S 1235 -colorantA din celule P 682 -ereditarA G 80 -plasmaticA fundamentalA cun cloroplaste S 1046 substance nutritive (sArac in--) О 130 substrat M 123, S 1237 subtil S 1241 INDEX ROMANESC subtrib S 1244 subtrioecie S 1245 sutyiat A 768, T 104 sutyioarA A 1239 sub^ire I 240, L 116, T 95, 97, 105 -§i drept E 445 subulat S 1247 subvarietate S 1249 subzonA Z 23 sue L 208, S 1266 -celular С 1058, E 122, S 1266 conduce- S 1257 cu -ro§u S 1261 -lAptos L 62 -nuclear G 139, N 192 produce- S 1257 -vacuolar G 1039, S 1266 succedaneu S 1253 succesibilitate S 1254 succesiune S 1255 succesiv S 1256 succifer S 1257 sucit in afarA R 202 suculent S 1263 sudat A 194, 212, С 709, С 741, G 37 sudic A 1158, M 196 sudorific S 1268 sufix diminutiv E 93 sufocant S 1270 sufrutescent S 1271 sufruticet S 1273 sufruticos S 1274 sugAtor H 55 sulA (in formA de-) S 1247 sulcat G 641, G 191, S1278 sulfobacterii T 296 sulfuriu S 1282 galben- T 239 - -deschis S 1281 suli^A (in formA de-) H 53 superb S 1286 supercrescent S 1288 superficial S 1289 superfetatie S 1292 superfluu S 1291 superior S 1294, 1299 supernatant S 1295 superparazit S 1296 superspecie S 1298 supervolutiv S 1300 supliment M 94, S 1302 suplimentar A 179 suplimentAri A 178 suport A 422, F 180, P 362 a?ezat pe- S 458 se separA de- S 235 •ramificat G 487 suportui -anteridiei A 722 -arhegoanelor A 979 -bazidioeporilor S 955 INDEX ROMAN ESC -ciupercii T 4 •conidiosporilor S 955 -conidangiului С 727 -conidiilor С 730 cu- P 363, 890 --aripat P 896, 1619 - -brun P 404 --cftrnos S 75 - -p&ros T 460 - -rigid S 190 --scurt В 277 --tare S 950 - -umflat О 85 -embrionului S 1320 -florii P 217 -fructificatiei lichenilor P 982 -fructului P 217 -frunzei ferigilor S 987 -frunzelor P 575 -gametangiului G 19 -gonidiilor G 206 -himeniului H 531 -macrosporilor M 56 -microsporilor M 357 -organului S 987 -ovarului P 893 -periteciului P 323 -picnidiei P 1677 -polinariei С 190 -ramificat al pistilului S 646 -sporangelui S 786 -sporului S 688 -staminelor A 722 -stilosporului С 522 -tecii T 232 -zoosporangelui Z 54 supresiune S 1303 supra--axilar S 1304 -bazal S 1305 •fastigiat S 1308 -foliaceu S 1309 -petiolar S 1312 -teran S 1315 -terestru A 259, E 301 suprafat& S 1290 aflat apreape de- S 1289 -netedft P 743 rudicat la -apei E 109 supramaturatie S 1310 supranumerar A 179 cromozom- E 508, T 199 nucleu- M 333 suprapus S 1297 supraspecie S 1314 suprem S 1316 sur С 433, G 258, S 769, T 111 suriu G 257 -alb murdar S 586 -albastrui С 257, P 854 •ca ardezia A 998 -ca plumbul L 230 -ca porumbelul С 646 -galben R 73 -negru T 114 survenit О 44 sus (In-) A 629 aflat mai- S 1294, 1299 cel mai- S 1316 suspendat S 1321 suspensor S 1320 -al embrionului H 614 sustinator A 207, S 1275, 1322 sustine ( care-) T 96 sustinut P 179, S 1276 suta (cu o- de) С 213, H 60 sutural S 1324 suturat S 1325 sutura S 1323 -carpelelor R 66 cu- S 1325 -dorsaia D 368 -semintei R 66 §a S 273 in forma ae- S 274 §alaza M 64, С 252 §alazogamie A 123, С 253 §ant F 134 cre§te in- T 27 sapte cu- H 150, S 409 de -ori fidat S 412 §arpe (in forma de-) О 188 §ase S 471 cite- S 389 cu- H 272, S 471 --perechi S 476 de -ori S 479 §antulet С 644, V 21 §antulete (cu-) V 22 fara- a lioo §erpuitor A 758, 762, F 82, M 70, О 188, S 435, 437, T 360 §es P 743 §ifonat С 830 §ir S 433 §irag de margele (ca un--) M 397 §istos S 136, 141 foarece (ca un-) M 618 ?ofraniu galben С 893 £ofraniu gaibui S 1141 §opiria (asemanator cu o-) S 94 §terge D 48 §ters D 81, О 16 de- D 48 ем §tiinta H 317, S 163 -cultivarii plantelor T 299 -plantelor В 254, H 317 -solului E 43, P 215 §tiintele naturii H 317, S 163 §tirbit E 97 §tirbitura E 96 §urub (rdsucit ca un-) T 581 tabacin T 1 tabescenta T 2 tabia de §ah (in forma de--) T 143 tabular T 5 tabula T 4 tactic T 12 tactil T 13 tactism T 14 tafrenchim T 26 tafrofil T 27 tafrofite T 28 tagme T 18 tahiauxeza T 9 tahigeneza T 10 tahisporie T 11 taiga T 19 tal T 227 -aparent P 1583 -filamentos T 453 cu-- T 466 -foliaceu F 158 -fruticos T 228 in forma de- T 224 -in faza tinara P 1245 talamiflor T 215 ~ talamiu T 216 talasofil T 220 talasofite T 221 talasoplancton T 222 talidiu T 223 taloclor T 225 talofite T 226 taloid T 224 talul lichenilor В 228 talului formarea- В 230 partea rizoidaia a- R 243 tamniu T 228 tanatocenoza T 229 spatiul tanatocenozei T 230 tanatotop T 230 tangent A 1141 tangential T 21 tanin T 22 tapesiu T 23 tapet T 25 tapetal T 24 strat- T 25 tardiflor T 29 tardiv T 30 «87 tare D 406, G 254, P 2, R 339 tartareu T 31 tautonim T 32 taxiterie T 35 taxon T 37 taxonomic T 39 taxonomie T 38 tAciune U 94 tAciunele cerealelor С 319 tftiat de jos S 1262 tAiere A 609 tAietor de rAdAcini R 286 tAios A 59 tAmlie (produce-) T 301 tArie D 404, R 338 teaca T 231, V 13 tn formA de- С 605 teaca -frunzei О 50 -sporilor G 127 -sporogonului О 50, V 17 tecafor T 232, 233 tecA T 231 In formA de- T 237 teci (care poartA-) T 233 teciform С 605, T 237 teciu T 238 tecnospor T 40 tectoparatip T 41 tectopleziotip T 42 tectotip T 43 tegmen T 48 tegmentaceu T 49 tegmentos T 50 tegminat T 53 tegulicol T 53 tegumentul seminfcei A 582 tegumentul stigmatului S 978 teichozom T 54 teleplastide T 59 teleutosor T 62 teleutospor T 63 -unicelular M 252 teleutospori (agregare de-) T 62 teliblast T 245 telicarion T 246 telicariotic T 247 teligenie T 248 telitochie T 249 telmatofil T 68 telmatofite T 69 telmatoplancton T 70 telocentric T 72 telocrat T 75 telocromomere T 73 telocromozom T 74 telofazA T 81 telogonidie T 76 telom T 78 telomere T 79 telosinapsis T 83 temperant T 85 temperat T 86 temperaturi cu -foarte scAzute H 67 cu -rAcoroase M 170 de -joase P 1600 rezistent la- mari T 273 temperaturii (autoreglarea-) T 275 temporar P 1439, T 177, T 389 tenace T 92 pu^in- T 89 tenebricol T 93 tenebros T 94 teniiform T 16 tensiune T 98 cre?terea tensiunii osmotice A 679 -scAzutA A 1121 stare de- T 333 tentacul T 101 tn formA de- T 99 tentacular T 99 tentaculat T 100 tentacule (cu-) T 100 teoretic T 253 tepalA T 109 tepale (cu-) T 110 cu -concrescute S 1453 tepalelor (totalitatea-) P 286 tepidariu T 115 terapeutic I 2, О 88, T 254 teratogenie T 116 teratologic T 118 geneza morfozelor -e T 116 multiplicarea -A a peta-lelor P 369 torsiune tulpinalA -A S 1050 teratologie T 117 -organelor petaloide P 368 teratom T 119 tercinA T 120 teren P 1174, S 567 -plantat cu arbori A 970 terenuri nisipoase (plante de--) A 493 terestre (plante-) T 139 terestru G 102, T 136 tergeminat T 125 teriacA T 255 tericol T 138 terifite T 139 teritoriu A 1000, T 140 -de rAsplndire A 1000 termal T 256 termauxism T 257 termen T 131 -tehnic T 131 termic T 258 INDEX ROMANESC terminal A 106, 904, 908. T 127 aparent- P 1582 terminalizatie T 128 terminant T 129 terminat D 96 -brusc A 19 terminate D 97 terminA (care se-) T 129 terminologie T 130 termochorism T 260 termocleistogamie T 261 termodifuziune T 262 termoestezie T 259 termofazA T 271 termofil T 272 termofilactic T 273 termofite T 274 termogen T 263 termoindiferent T 264 termolabil T 265 termolizA T 266 termometru T 267 termomorfozA T 268 termonastie T 269 termoperiodicitate T 270 termoregulatie T 275 termostabil T 276 termotactism T 277 -pozitiv P 1335 termotolerant T 279 termotropism С 37, T 280 ternar T 132 terofil T 284 terofite T 285 teromegatermA T 281 teromezotermA T 282 teromicrotermA T 283 teselat T 143 testaceu T 146 testa T 145 testicular T 148 te§it О 34, R 213 tetrachenA T 158 tetraciclic T 162 tetractyi T 163 tetracotiledon T 161 tetracotomie T 159 tetradA T 196 formarea tetradelor T 166 tetradinam T 168 tetradogenezA T 166 tetraedric T 169 tetrafiletic T 186 tetragin T 176 tetragonal lobat T 175 tetragonidangiu T 172 tetragonidie T 173 tetrahibrid T 177 tetramer T 180 tetrameristelic T 179 tetramorf T 181 tetrandric T 182 tetranucleat T 184 INDEX ROMANESC tetraploid T 189 tetraplostemon T 190 tetrarhic T 194 tetrasperm T 200 tetraspor T 196, 201 tetrasporange T 202 tetraspori (produce-) T 203 tetrasporic T 205 tetrasporifer T 203 tetrasporofit T 204 tetrastigmatic T 209 tetrastil T 210 tetrazomic T 199 tezaur T 286 tez& T 287 tificol T 316 tifofite T 317 tigmic T 288 tigmonastie T 290 tigmotaxie T 292 tigmotropism T 293 tigrin T 313 tihocenotic T 663 tiholimnetic T 664 tihopelagic T 665 tihoplancton T 666 tihopotamic T 667 tihotelitochie T 668 tile T 302 tilelor (formarea-) T 303 tilizatie T 303 tiloideu T 304 timp T 87 aparut In acelagi- С 541 de- С 400 -de геафе T 87 din acelagi- S 520 timpuri diferite (petrecut In-) P 968 timpuriu (de-) T 8 tinctorial T 314 plante -e T 315 tinerete J 24 tinicol T 294 tinofil T 294 tinofite T 295 tiobacterii T 296 tiofil T 297 tip T 679 -ancestral P 1423 -local С 368 -nomenclatural T 679 -original P 1369, 1423 -taxonomic T 679 tipic E 360, T 673 tipogeneza T 674 tipoliza T 676 tipologie T 675 tiponim T 677 tipostaza T 678 tipul frunzei P 578 tipului (formarea-) T 674 tipurilor dezvoltarea- de vegetatie P 583 studiul- T 675 tiraj special S 404 tirs (cu-) T 306 tirsiform T 307 tivit L 177 tixotropie T 298 tlnar J 22 tiritor R 150 aparent- P 1565 tirziu S 454 toamna (forma de-) A 1216 tocozigot T 321 tom T 331 toment T 327 acoperit cu- T 326 tomentos T 326 fin- T 325 partial- S 377 slab- T 325 tomiangiu T 328 tomipar T 330 tonezie T 332 -tonic T 334 hiper- H 552 tonicitate T 333 -electrica E 85 tonoplast T 335 tonotaxie T 337 tonoza T 336 tope§te (care se-) T 3 topic T 341 topobionti T 342 topochemotaxie T 343 topoclima T 344 topofototaxie T 347 topogalvanotaxie T 345 topografie T 346 topora§ (in forma de-) D 359 topotaxie T 348 topotip T 350 topotropism T 349 torid T 356 torminal T 351 torsiune T 357 -teratologica В 80 --tulpinaia S 1050 torsiv T 358 tortuos T 360 torulos T 362 torus T 363 tot О 144, T 365 total H 320 totalitatea frunzelor P 567 tovara§ie de masa С 664 toxic T 366 toxicitate T 368 toxicologie T 369 toxifer T 367 toxine T 370 trabeculat T 373 trabecule T 372 trahei T 374 traheide T 375 trahenchim T 376 tractelum T 381 trama T 383 trandafir (de-) R 288 trandafirilor (descrierea-) R 295 trandafiriu A 1132, R 342 transformare (-regresiva) A 667 -a staminelor in antere A 826 —in petale A 719 transformat M 276, 591 transformism T 387 translator С 826, R 198, T 392 translocate T 393 translucid P 224, T 394 transparent A 960, С 932, H 448, T 395 -ca sticla V 151 transparent T 396 transpiratie T 397 transpirometru T 398 transplantare T 399 transport T 391 transversal T 402 -septat T 401 -taiat T 617 tranzient T 388 tranzitie T 390 de- I 217 trapeziform T 403 trapezoidal T 403 tratat T 380 -floristic F 93 traumatic T 404 traumatochorism T 405 traumatodineza T 406 traumatonastie T 407 traumatotaxie T 408 traumatotropism T 409 -negativ С 180 -pozitiv A 680 traie§te (care-) V 115 --mereu S 388 trecator E 228, F 177, T 389 trece in (care--) A 8 trecere T 390 de- T 388 trecut P 1198 -cu vederea P 1199 trei T 412 cite- T 133 cu- T 413 --culori deosebite T 468 --glochidii T 494 --poli T 546 - -stile T 568 --tulpini T 541 de- ori T 532 ---fidat T 484 divizat in- T 467 treilea (de ordinul al-) T 141 trematologie T 299 tremurAtor T 411 trestie (In formA de-) A 1050 tri- -adelf T 415 -andric T 417 -arch T 421 -aripat T 416 -aristat T 423 -articulat T 424 -bracteat T 425 -capsular T 428 -carenat T 329 -carpelar T 430 -cefal T 431 -ciclic T 473 -clamideu T 439 -color T 468 -corn T 469 -costat T 470 -cotiledonar T 471 -cuspidat T 472 -digitat T 474 --penat T 477 -dinam T 481 -dintat T 475 -enal T 482 -fidat T 484 -filetic T 525 -foliat T 486 -foliolat T 487 -furcat T 467, 490 -gam T 491 -generic T 493 -gon T 496 -hilat T 499 -lateral T 502 -lobat T 504 -locular T 505 -maculat T 506 -mer T 507 -morf T 512 -nervat T 515 -nominal T 516 -nucleat T 517 -ovulat T 521 -partibil T 522 -partit T 523 -penat T 527 -fidat T 528 --partit T 529 --sectat T 530 -petal T 524 -piren T 550 -polar T 546 -radiat T 552 tri- -sectat T 553 -sepal T 554 -septat T 555 -serat T 557 -seriat T 556 -setos T 558 -sperm T 560 -spor T 561 -stigmatic T 564 -striat T 566 -sulcat T 569 -temat T 571 - -sectat T 570 -tuberculat T 572 -unghiular D 54, T 418, T 496 - -invers О 30 -valvular T 575 -vascular T 576 -zonat T 580 triachenA T 414 trib T 426 trichiliu T 437 trichite T 438 trihobacterii T 440 trihoblast T 441 trihofor T 456 trihogin T 451 suportui tri(h)oginului T 456 trihoid T 449 trihom T 453 trihoplancton T 459 trihosporange T 464 trihotomic T 467 trigin T 498 triglochidiat T 494 trihibrid T 500 trilet T 503 trimA T 621 trimeristel T 508 trimestrial T 509 trimonoecie T 510 trioecic T 520 trioecie T 519 trioic T 520 triplazie T 531 triplicat T 532 triplocaul T 541 triploid T 542 triplostemonie T 543 triplostih T 544 triplu T 532 triposplancton T 547 tripton T 549 trist T 565 tristilie T 567 trivalent T 574 trivial T 577 trixenie T 579 trizomie T 559 trofic T 589 trofie T 588 INDEX ROMANESC trofobiozA T 590 trofocit T 595 trofocotofilA T 593 trofocotozom T 594 trofocromatinA T 591 trofocromidie T 592 trofofilA T 601 trofofite T 614 trofogen T 596 trofomixie T 597 trofomorfism T 613 trofomorfozA T 598 trofonucleu T 600 trofoplasmA T 602 trofosporofilA T 606 trofosporozom T 607 trofotropism T 609 trofozom T 604 troglobiont T 584 troglodit T 585 trogloxen T 586 trohleariform T 581 trompA (in formA de-) P 1229 trompetA cu flori in formA de- S 26 in formA de- H 584, T 638 tropaxis T 587 -tropic T 611 helio- H 88 tropical T 356, 610 de climat- M 159 tropicelor (rAspindit in jurul-) P 78 tropism T 612 -negativ A 943 -pozitiv A 681 trosnitor С 882 truliform T 615 trunchiat T 617 slab- T 616 trunchi G 189, 813, S 997, T 620 -filamentos T 456 -ramificat G 487 trunchiul arborilor crAparea- P 340 truncicol T 618 truncigen T 619 tub T 643, V 39 -ciuruit T 643 -cribral T 643 cu -scurt В 292 in formA de- T 638, 640 -mic T 642 -polinie P 925 -staminal S 1373 tuber T 623 cu- T 636 -gemiform T 634 in formA de- T 633 -mic T 630 tuberascent T 624 tubercul T 630 -aerian P 1475 INDEX ROMAN ESC tuberculat T 626 tuberculi cu- T 626 cu numero§i- T 629 cu trei- T 572 in forma de- T 627 tuberculiform T 627 tuberculilor (formarea-) T 628 tuberculizare T 628 tuberculos T 629 tuberi geminati T 623 tuberiform G 260, T 633 tuberizare (in curs de-) T 624 tuberos T 636 tuberozitate T 635 tuberul T 634 tubiflor S 26 tubiform T 638 tubilus T 639 tubul -caliciului T 643 -corolei С 816 -himenial T 642 -perigonului T 643 -polinic T 643 -stilului S 1067 tubular S 532, T 640 tubulat T 641 tubuliform T 640 tubul os F 72, S 532, T 641 tuburi ciuruite С 885 tufa F 170 -micS A 974, F 173 tuferi? D 390, F 172, V 132 tuferi?uri (cu-) V 131 tuferi§uri sempervirescente plante din-- A 357 tufi§ D 390, F 172 tufos F 171 rcurbat S 172 tulpina -arborilor T 620 imbrati§ind- A 601 tulpinal С 194 formate -a С 198 tulpina С 195, S 997 -aeriana A 259 -agatatoare S 112 -carnoasa S 66 -cajaratoare A 206 cu -aripata P 1614 --brazdata S 1279 - -dreapta R 93 --filamentoasa N 71 - -muchiata G 213 --neaparenta A 41 cu -paroasa T 444 --rasucita 8 1023 --scurta В 273 - -subtire L 117 tulpina dispus pe- S 996 fara- A 41 aproape-- S 1086 •foliacee S 1318 •frunzoasa С 813 -neramificata S 518 -principaia P 1208 -secunaara F 78, S 245 -simpia S 518 -submersa H 475 -subterana modificata T 623 -supraterestra A 259 -taloida F 158 tulpini cu -late P 789 --numeroase M 519, P 1032 - -ro$ii R 374 --subtiri T 106 baza stolonifera a- S 543 tulpinita embrionului С 191 tumefiat S 1054 tumefiere S 1053 tumescent T 645 tumid P 591, 592, T 646 tumoare T 647 in forma de- S 1056 tumori cu- С 84 -pe organe T 630 tunderea (suporta-) T 339 tundra T 648 tunicat T 650 tunica T 649 tuns D 113 turbaniform T 651 turba T 653 turbarii (plante de-) T 654 turbinat T 652 turbos T 654 turgescent T 656 turgescenta T 657 schimbare de- T 336 turgid T 658 turgonastie T 659 turion T 660 turn (in forma de-) T 661 turtit С 545, 678, D 80 lateral- С 686 slab- S 1149 tusei (folosit contra-) В 63 tutunului (de culoarea-) T 1 |ara -de origine P 190 de la- R 421 taru? (in forma de-) P 28 teapan F 65, R 318, 319, S 1030 tepos A 30, 160 •79 tesatura (in forma de-) T 212 tesut С 772, T 55, 213 -aerenchimatic A 257 -aerifer A 257 -anormal С 178 -celular С 772 -conducator T 55 -conectiv T 55 -de absorbtie A 23 --hife ptsloase H 561 - -protectie T 55 - -sustinere S 947 --tracheide T 376 --vase laticifere С 432 -embrionar В 228, M 199 -fibros С 772 -formativ M 199 -fundamental С 772, P 149, P 1349 -initial M 199 -lemnos P 827 •medular M 142 -meristematic M 199 -nutritiv al semintei P 309 -palisadic G 772 arenchimatic asimilator 326 -pislos T 55 -poros P 1104 -primar С 772 -protector al virfului rada-cinii P 687 -secretor S 240 -secundar С 772 -vascular T 55 tesuturi formeaza- H 311 neoformatie de- N 81 tesuturilor lizarea- H 314 separarea- H 309 studiul- H 313 tigia I 48 incaiecat ca tiglele de pe acoperi? I 49 tine (care-) T 96 tintar (tn forma de-) С 748 tirtitor S 1031 t^nefte (саге-) P 1322, ubicvist U 3 plante -e U 3 ucigator S 130 •de lupi L 285 -de serpi A 761 udU4 udare R 323 uleios О 91 -la pipfiit U 30 •71 ultramicron U 9 ultramicroscop U 10 ultraplancton U 11 ultraseston U 12 umbelat U 14 aproape- S 1248 umbels U 13 -compusS U 13 -secundarS U 15 -simplS S 453, U 13 umbelulat U 16 umbelulS U 15 umbonat U 20 umbracul U 23 umbraticol U 24 umbr& U 21 umbre§te (care-) О 35 umbrin U 25 umbrit I 258 umbros U 26 loc- U 23 umectat H 441, M 67, S 1277 umed D 234, H 442, 508, M 68, U 4 umezealS M 69 umezit H 441, I 286, M 67, S 1277 umflare anormalS I 258 umflat В 310, С 706, D 334, I 139, О 152, P 591, 592, T 658, 706, V 61, 95 umflS (care se-) I 255, T 645 umflSturS A 929, P 1434, S 1053, T 635, 647 umflSturi (cu-) S 1054 umiditate M 69 dehiscent la- H 509 sensibil la- H 519 umoare H 446 umplut F 16, R 154, T 646 uncial P 921 uncie P 920 uncinat U 29 unghi A 766 -de divergent A 766, D 348 unghie (lung de o-) U 33 unghiular A 763 unghiuri (cu-) A 765 cu cinci- P 243 cu mai multe- P 993 cu trei- T 418 unguicular U 33 unguiculat U 33, 34 unguiculS U 35 unguicule (cu douS-) В 223 uni- H 24 -bracteat U 37 -capsular U 40 -caul U 41 -celular U 42 -ciliat U 43 uni- -color С 694, M 405 -costat U 45 -dentat U 46 -embrionat U 47 -facial U 48 -fer U 51 -flagelat U 52 -flor U 53 -foliat M 434, U 54 -geminat U 58 -labiat U 59 -lateral U 60 -lobat U 61 -locular M 455, U 62 -nervat U 63 -nominal U 64 -nucleat U 65 -ovulat U 66 -pintenat U 38 -polar U 68 -septat U 70 -serat U 72 -seriat U 71 -sexuat D 179, M 417, U 73 -spiralat U 74 -stratificat U 75 -tegminat U 76 -valvat U 78 -verticilat M 411 unic M 392, S 565, U 36 unifoliculS U 55 uniform С 716, I 327, U 56, 355 uniformitate -morfogeneticS H 401, I 326 -a staminelor H 372 unire F 204 unit A 194, 212, С 741, G 37, J 20 -prin concre§tere A 197, 0 543 unitar H 388 unitate -sistematicS T 37 -structuralS P 639 universal U 79 vSl- V 51 uns I 259 unsprezece (cu-) Б 126 unsuros P 696 untului (de culoarea-) С 868 unu U 81 de -?i jumState S 455 urcStor A 801, 1054, S 112 urceolat U 82 urceolS U 83 urechiu?e A 1154 cu- A 1155 uredosor U 86 uredospor P 1416, U 87 uria? G 143 INDEX ROMANESC urma? P 1257, G 85 urmS (care este In-) P 1134 urmStorul P 1134, S 249, S 429 urmeazS (care-) S 429 urnS U 89 cu- G 415 ursini U 91 urticant A 997, U 88 urzicStor U 88 uscare D 93, E 496 uscat A 1016, E 114, 497, R 200, S 173, 484, 488, T 356, X 27 -pe fruct E 95 pe jumState- S 286 uscSciune S 485, 487 uscStor S 483 uscSt-iv A 1004 usturoi (cu miros de-) A 423 usucS (care se-) A 1004, S 483 —pe tulpinS M 100 u?or F 7 -de observat G 761 uter U 95 util U 96 utricular U 97 utriculat U 98 utriculS U 99 utriculiform U 97 vacuolar V 4 degenerare -S V 6 sistem- V 7 vacuolat V 5 vacuolS V 3 -celularS L 274 -contractilS G 779 -digestivS V 3 vacuolelor (formarea-) V 6 vacuolizare V 6 vacuom V 7 vademecum V 9 vag V 18 vagabond V 10 vagil V 12 vaginal V 14 vaginant V 15 vaginat V 16 vaginS V 13 fSrS- E 407 -foliarS V 13 -medularS V 13 -micS V 17 vaginulS V 17 val (Inconjurat de-) О 36 vale С 786, V 24 valeculat V 22 valeculS V 21 valentS V 20 INDEX BOMANESC valoare (cu-) V 19 valvaceu V 26 valvat V 27 valvft V 25 \ -inferioara H 625 i -mica V 29 valve cu doua- В 225 cu mai multe- M 575 cu trei- T 575 valviform V 26 valvula V 29 vara A 279 de- A 281 variabil M 586, V 30 variabilitate V 31 cu mare- P 1006 fara- M 461 variante paralele P 147 variat D 349, H 175, M 374 P 899, V 38 variatie V 33 variegat V 35 variegate V 34 varietate V 36 -cultivata G 955 variind V 32 vas V 39 vascular V 40 vase -ciuruite V 39 cu trei- conducatoare T 576 -deschise T 374 format din- V 40 -fnchise T 375 -imperfecte T 375 -inelare A 798 -laticifere V 39 -lemnoase V 39 --perfecte T 374 -liberiene T 643 -reticulate V 39 -scalariforme V 39 -spiralate S 754, V 39 vaselor (dispus in jurul-) P 327 vadit С 761, M 91 vai (creste prin-) V 23 vai V 51 -partial V 51 -universal V 51 vaiurit U 32 vargat V 35, 129 vdrsaturi (provoaca-) V 163 vatamator N 172, p 339 vazut cu ochiul liber M 47 nevazut de mine N 150 vechi A 794, ,P 15, V 102 foarte- A 976 vecin V 110, 111 vedea (a-) V 113 vegetal P 601, 749, V 44 complet- H 348 vegetativ V 46 corp- С 825, P 638 nucleu- mare M 31 propagare -a V 46 virf- V 46 vegetatie V 45 durata de- T 87 -marina T 221 veghea plantelor V 116 velamen V 48 -al radacinii V 48 velum V 51 fara- A 109, 1230 velumen V 52 velutinos V 53 venatie V 55 veninos V 56 ventral V 60 sutura -a V 60 ventricos V 61 ▼entru V 59 verde С 324, V 136, 629 albastrui- С 331, G 163, T 219 -amiantin A 517 -aramiu A 278 -auriu gaibui С 330 -ca iarba С 324, G 234. H 161 -ca frunza de ceapa P 1203 -ca merele P 1085 -ca paji?tea G 234 -ca papagalul P 1598 -ca prazul P 1122 •ca smaragdul S 542 complet- A 547 de jur inprejur- A 547 deschis- V 1203, V 137 gdlbui- С 338, 352, X 7 --deschis P 1598 inchis- A 1138, С 337, P 360, 961, S 90 -marin T 219 masliniu- О 134 negricios- A 1138 olivaceu- О 134 pururea- A 363, P 348, S 387, 388 viu- С 324 verdeata (loc cu-) V 134 verificat R 86 de- I 174 verii (de la sfir^itul-) P 1130 veritabil E 360, V 91 vermicular V 68 vermifug S 39, V 69 folosit ca- S 41 verminafie V 70 vernacular V 72 vernal V 73 672 vernalizare V 74 faza de- T 271 vernatie V 75 vernisat V 76 versant С 532 versatil M 386, О 273, V 82 vertical E 320, О 268, V 87 -turtit О 4 verticil С 1000, V 90 -fals P 1589, V 89 in- concentric С 996 verticilastru V 89 verticilat V 88 neregulat- S 1251 verticile cu cinci- P 242 cu doua- В 116, D 187 cu mai multe- P 800, 976 cu -neuniforme H 200 cu patru- T 162 cu §ase- H 273 cu trei- T 473 cu -uniforme H 368 verucos V 79 verucozitate V 78 -mica V 80 verucozitati cu mai multe- P 1070 cu -mici V 81 veruculat V 81 verucuia V 80 veruculos V 81 verzui V 127, 137, С 338 suriu- G 163 -inchis S 89 vespertin V 96 vestejire M 99, 102 vestejit L 44, M 101 vestibul V 97 vestic О 39 vestigiu V 99 vexil P 79, V 104 vexilat V 103 vezicant V 94 vezicuia V 93 -aeriana A 267, 607 vezicule (cu-) P 593 veziculos A 98, В 310, P 593, V 95 viabil V 105 viabilitate V 106 viata V 144 cu -lunga L 256 de- V 145 -endofitica E 170 fara de- A 12, E 114 -latenta A 631, L 58 In stare de-- D 367 referitor la -plantelor P 607 revine la- activa A 670 vibratil V 108 filament- С 426 •78 vicariant V 109 specii -e V 109 viciniem V 110 vid С 158 vierme (In formS de-) H 92, V 68 viermii intestinali (care alungS--) S 39 viespi (poartS-) T 103 vigoare P 1152 cu aceea?i- H 371 viguros A 98, О 205, P 1151, R 339, V 47, 155 vii (create prin-) V 123 din- V 123 vii os V 120 fin- V 119 -pSros L 54 --dedesubt H 594 vilozitate V 118 viloziuscul V 119 vinaceu V 122 vindecare (mijloc de-) A 393 vindecStor M 138, О 88, S 33, T 254 -de rSni V 166 vini?oare V 62 cu- P 441, V 58 --fine V 63 - -pSroase P 445 --reticulate R 192 fSrS- A 1232 vioarS (in formS de-) P 65 vioi V 47 violaceu V 125 violascent V 126 violet I 1, V 125 aproape- V 126 -Inchis A 1137 palid- L 174 virescent V 127 virescenJS F 155, V 128 virgat V 129 virginal V 130 virulent V 139 virulen^S V 138 virus V 140 vital В 193, V 145 activitate -S В 186 vitalism V 146 vitalitate V 147 vitros V 151 vi(S (altoi de-) R 163 viu (in stare -e) 115, 155 viu colorat L 27, V 47 vivace P 261 vivipar V 156 vizibil abia- I 99, О 16, 24 bine- A 946, С 761, M 91, P 383, 413 vizitat de viespi T 103 vizitator H 439 vtjtitor S 1031 vlnS V 54 vint de - A 738 rSspindire prin- A 739 rSspindit prm- A 740 —§i animale A 754 —?i ape A 744 —§i furnici A 747 virf A 165, 889, С 949, v 86 convergent la- A 120 de-A 904 dezvoltat in-A 113 fSrS-М 592 fixat la- A 121 -scurt M 502 situat in- A 903 -vegetativ G 784 virful (cu-, la-) A 106 cu- ascutit С 214 cu- tocit H 59 cu douS virfuri В 77 virstS A 284 virstnic V 102 mai- S 390 virtos A 1072, F 65, R 319 vfcp V viscos G 172, 188, I 350, L 99, M 498, V 142 viscozitatea sacului embrionar A 524 voal V 51 volatil A 287, V 158 volubil V 159 partial- S 1252 volum T 331 volvS V 162 vomitiv N 31, V 163 vopsire (folosit pentru-) T 314 vulgar V 165 vulnerar V 166 vulpe (culoare de-) V 167 xantinS X 6 xantofilS X 13 xantofor X 12 xantoleucite X 9 xenie X 15 xenoautogamie X 17 xenobiozS X 16 xenocarpie X 18 xenoecic X 20 xenogamie X 21 xenoplastic X 26 xenotonic X 25 xerampelin X 28 xerobole X 31 xerocarpic X 32 xerochazie X 33 xerocleistogamie X 34 xerofil X 39 INDEX ROMANESO xerofite X 42 xerofitic X 43 xerofob X 40 xerogeofite X 35 xerohelofite X 36 xeromorfie X 37 xeropoiofil X 44 xeropoiofite X 45 xerotermic X 46 xerotermofite X 47 xerotropism X 49 xilem X 53 cu - dublu D 293 xUocrom X 55 xilofag X 60 xilofil X 61 xilofite X 62 xilografie X 56 xilolit X 58 xilologie X 59 xilostromS X 64 xilotomie X 65 zaharifer S 7 zaharisit S 6 zaharozS S 8 zahSr (contine-) S 6 produce- S 7 zahSrul (dulce ca-) S 6 zarzavat О 137 zarzavaturi О 101 de- О 103 zSpadS N 129 alb(S) ca- G 308 create sub- H 580 . de-G 308 zSvoi В 302 zbircire R 406 -fructelor M 578 zbircit G 890, R 313, 403 -la uscare R 200 sinuat- R 407 slab- R 405 zbirciturS G 889, R 402 zbirlit pSros L 54 -lung- H 306 zburStor A 1235, V 157 zeamS L 208, S 1266 zeaxantinS Z 2 zebrin Z 4 zece cu - D 8, 14 de - ori D 14 zeinS Z 5 zemos S 1263 zenotropism Z 7 zeugit Z 8 zeuxis Z 9 zgomotos G 882, S 1019 zgrSbuntos V 79 zgront-uros S 17 zguduire curbat la- 3 266 ммх шомАжшаа cid фа (е-* <М J} Лай «***■/•£ 11 *» $ЕТЬ Skd г 7в ЗИта Z 71 tieoftn**. I М .«маашм 2 61 33®** Z 64 “-^—ет* Z 61 Z 65 тщоиш' Z 66 dgomorf M 453, Z 68 шиднгГм Z 67 dgomcrTam Z 67 lifoneol Z 69 4SSz\? tigoaporange Z 77 3* Z 78 TEbil P 748 sigotactiun A 589, Z 79 ДО** A 591, Z 80 sKuc Z 81 - Z 71 Z 82 В 121 -acarta В 289 da-loagl L 257 H 10* йшая! Z 82 _ Tin—* P 1247, Z 84 535e Z 86 ^*Tz 84 юг Z 12 i Z 15 te Z 14 „-----■ Z 18 3335. г « umI Z 21 МММ z 22 *o**tZ 21 uaatto Z IS «*1*442.Z20^ j—aralaart peidermici РШ •mid Z 21 *ca* deal- В 217 2F2VS»lM ifini* Z 21 MoUeUc Z 24 loaceefcUe С 205, Z 26 aooo-adiZlf uocM Z 19 «eo«Badangw Z 12 Mg4iBicit Z 22 sotfl Z 46 saalitic Z 48 «orfab Z 47 Т1**Я*И Z 16 iMm Z 87 “5-Ztt*aa 1 Z 19 в Z40 — —* 41 aoachar Z 18 aoocharia Z 27 aaaeaKoai Z 41 ■oaparaakt Z 44 ■MiiiutthB Z 49 ISSrt Z 5* iMtfaaonnto t » laaapor Z 51 -btiUat Z 52 jTSawnyo C «0* да"... SSTHs. p mi ENGLISH INDEX abaxial A 2 abbreviated A 4 abbreviation A 3 aberrant A 5 aberration A 6 abient A 8 abietineous A 9 abiogenesis A 10 abioseston A 11 abiotic A 12 ablast A 13 abnormal A 16, M 467 aboriginal A 17 not - A 432 aborticarpous A 500 abortive A 18 about P 267 above A 629, H 536 • ground E 257, 301 abrupt A 19, P 1194 abruptly- A 19 absent A 21 absorbent A 22 absorption A 23 - spectrum A 23 abundance A 24, U 2 abundant С 797, О 205 abyssal A 26 acalyculate A 28 acantbaceous A 30 acanthospheres A 31 acariferous A 32 acariosis A 33 acarocecidium A 34 acarodomatia A 35 acarophilous A 36 acarpotropic A 38 acarpous A 37 acaulescence A 40 acaulous A 41 accessorial A 43 accessory A 43 - organs A 43 accidental A 44, 224 acclimatization A 45 acclimatized I 172 accomodated A 47 accompanied С 658 accompanying G 657 according to T 147 accrementitial A 49 accrescent A 51 accrete A 52 accumbent A 53 accumulated A 54 acellular A 55 acentric A 57 acephalous A 58 acerb A 60 acerose A 61 acervate A 62 acervulus A 63 acetabuliform A 64 acetose A 66 achascophyta A 69 achene A 67 cluster of - A 68 acheilary A 71 achenodium A 68 achlamydeous A 72 achromatic A 75 achromatin A 76 achromocentre A 79 achroocyst A 80 achroophytes A 81 achrous A 75 acicolous A 84 acicular A 85 aciculate A 85 acid A 89 acidophilous A 86 acidulous A 88 acinarious A 93 acine A 94 acladium A 95 aclythrophytes A 97 acme A 99 acondylose A 101 acondylous A 101 acorn В 19, G 161 acorn- В 17 acotyledones A 103 acotyledonous A 104 acquired A 105 acramphibrya A 107 acrandry A 108 acraspedote A 109 acrid A 59 aero- A 106 acroblastesis A 112 acroblastic A 113 acrocarpy A 115 acrocecidium A 116 acrocentric A 117 acroconidium A 118 acrocyst A 119 acrodromous A 120 acrofixed A 121 acrofugal A 122 acrogamy A 123 acrogenesis A 124 acrogenous A 125 acrogynous A 127 acronus A 128 acropetal A 129 acropetalous A 130 acrophilous A 131 acroplastous A 133 acropleurogenous A 134 acrosarcum A 135 acroscopic A 136 acrospire A 137 acrospore A 138 acrosyncarpy A 139 acrosyndesis A 140 acrotonous A 141 actes A 142 actinauxism A 145 actinenchyma A 146 actinism A 147 actinobiology A 148 actinodromous A 149 actinometer A 150 actinomorphic A 151, P 1068 actinomorphous A 151 actinomycosis A 152 actinostele A 153 actinotactism A 154 actinotropism A 155 activator A 156 active A 157 actophilous A 158 actophytes A 159 aculeate A 160 somewhat - S 1088 aculeolate A 162 aculescent A 161 acuminate A 166 acuminulate A 167 acutate A 170 acute A 170 somewhat - A 171, S 1089 acyclic A 172, 849 ENGLISH INDEX adaptable A 173 adaptation A 175 active - A 157 chromatic - С 372 passive - P 176 adaptiveness A 174 adaxial A 177 addition S 1302 additional A 179 additions A 178 - adelphie A 181 adelphocarpy A 183 adelphogamy A 184 adelphoparasitism A 185 adelphophagy A 186 adelphotaxy A 187 - adelphous A 181 adelphy A 182 adeno-A 188 adenocyst A 189 adenocyte A 190 adenopetaly A 191 adenophore A 192 adesmy A 193 adherence A 195 adherent A 194 half - S 278 adhesion A 196 adhesive A 197 - disc A 952 adiaphanous A 199 adichogamy A 200 adipose A 201 adiscal A 202 adjacent A 203, V 111 adjoining С 773 adligant A 206 adnascent A 210 adnate A 212, 793 adnation A 211 adonist A 213 adornate S 224 adorned A 214, D 23, E 471, О 242 adorning D 23 adossed A 215 adsorption A 216 adult A 219 advancing P 1260 adventitious A 224 adventive A 225, N 161 adverse A 226 adynamandry A 228 adynamogyny A 229 aecidiolum A 232 aecidiosorus A 233 aecidiospore A 234 aecidium A 235 - like A 230 aedoiography A 237 aedoiology A 238 aedoiotomy A 239 aerenchyma A 257 aererrantia A 258 aerial A 259 aericolous A 260 aeriferous A 261 aerobionta A 262 aerobiosis A 263 aerobiotic A 264 aerocarpotropic A 266 aerocarpy A 265 aerocyst A 267 aeromorphose A 269 aerophytes A 272 aerophytobionta A 273 aeroplankton A 274 aeroplanktophytes A 275 aerotactism A 276 aerotropism A 277 aeruginose A 278 aeruginous A 278 aesthesia A 280 aestival A 281 aestivarium A 282 aestivation A 283 aethalium A 285 affinity A 290 affixed A 291 after P 1134 afternoon (in the) P 1142 against A 864 agamandroecy A 292 agameon A 293 agametange A 295 agamete A 294 agametocyt A 296 agamic A 298 agamobium A 299 agamocyte A 300 agamogenese A 301 agamogenetic A 302 agamogynoecy A 304 agamogynomonoecy A 305 agamohypnospore A 307 agamomonoecy A 308 agamont A 309 agamospecies A 311 agamospermy A 312 agamospore A 313 agamotropic A 314 agamous A 298 agamy A 297 agar A 316 agate-coloured A 70 age A 284 aged V 102 becoming - S 390 agenesy A 319 ageotropic A 320 agglomerated A 323 agglutinate A 326 agglutinating A 324 agglutination A 325 aggregate A 328 aggregated G 567 aggregation A 327 676 aggressiveness A 329 aging S 390 agrarian A 332 agreeing С 789 - closely С 716 - with С 725 agrestial A 332 agriotype A 333 agrobiocoenose A 335 agrobiology A 336 agrobotany A 337 agrology A 338 agronomical A 339 agrophilous A 340 agrophytocoenose A 343 agrostography A 344 agrotype A 346 agrozoocoenose A 347 agynic A 348 agynous A 348 aheliotropic A 350 aianthous A 351 aiophyllophytes A 355 aiophyllus A 354 air-cavity V 93 air-plants A 272, 283 air-space L 23 airosoma A 356 aithalophytes A 357 akaryote A 39 akinesis A 366 akinete A 367 akinetosporangium A 368 alate A 372 albication A 374 albigrana A 377 albinism A 374 albumen A 378 albuminoids A 379 albuminous A 380 alder-wood A 465 alepidote A 387 aletophytes A 388 aleurona A 389 aleurospore A 390 alexipharmic A 391 alexitere A 393 algaceous A 395 algae A 396 algal P 534 algicolous A 397 algid A 398 algoid A 395 algology A 399 algotrophism A 400' aliferous A 403 alive V 155 alkaline A 383 alkaliotropism A 384 all О 144, P 63, T 365 allagostemonous A 407 allasotonic A 409 allautogamy A 410 allelogenous A 413 •77 allelomorphy A 414 allelopathy A 416 allelositism A 417 allelotrichous A 418 allergy A 419 allesy A 420 alley A 504 alliaceous A 421 allied A 289 alliodorous A 423 allobiogenesis A 424 allobiose A 425 allocarpy A 426 allochlorophyll A 427 allochorie A 429 allochory A 428 allochronous A 431 allochtonous A 432 allocycly A 433 allogamous A 435 allogamy A 434 allogenetic A 436 allogony A 437 alloiogenesis A 439 allometric A 441 alloiometron A 440 alloparalectotype A 443 allopatric A 444 allopelagic A 445 alloplasm A 447 alloploidy A 449 allopolyploidy A 450 allorhythmia A 451 allosome A 452 allosperm A 453 allospore A 454 allosyndesis A 456 allotetraploidy A 457 allotriploidy A 458 allotrophic A 459 allotropous A 460 allotype A 462 allozygote A 463 alluring I 41 alluvial A 464, P 1279 almond A 611 • bearing A 612 - shaped A 613 almost S 1085 alnicolous A 466 alone S 522, 565 alphabetic A 468 alpicolous A 467 alpigene A 469 alpine A 467 - plants С 845, О 217 alternate A 472 alternating A 472 alternation A 473 - of generations A 473 alternative A 474 altimeter A 477 alutaceous A 482 alveola A 483 alveolar A 484 alveolate A 486 alveolation A 485 amaricaulous A 490 amber (yellowish) coloured A 502, E 80 ambient A 495 ambiguous A 497 ambrosiac A 503 ameiosis A 505 ameliorated A 507 ameliorating A 506 ameliorative A 506 ament A 511 amentaceous A 508 amentiferous A 509 ameristic A 512 ameroconidium A 513 amerospore A 514 amethyst-blue A 515 amicronic A 518 amitosis A 520 amnicolous A 523 amnion A 524 amoebiform A 525 amoeboid A 525 amorphophyllous A 529 amorphophytes A 530 ampelography A 532 ampelology A 533 amphanthium A 534 amphiapomicts A 535 amphiaster A 536 amphiatlantic A 537 amphibion A 538 amphibious A 539 amphibrya A 541 amphicarpium A 544 amphicarpogenous A 545 amphicarpous A 543 amphicarpy A 542 amphiclinous A 549 amphicoelous A 550 amphicotyledon A 551 amphicribral A 554 amphicryptophytes A 555 amphidermis A 557 amphigaeal A 560 amphigaean A 560 amphigamous A 562 amphigamy A 561 amphigastria A 563 amphigenous A 565 amphigony A 566 amphikaryon A 546 amphilepsis A 568 amphimixis A 569 amphinucleolus A 572 amphinucleus A 573 amphipacific A 574 amphipetal A 575 amphiphloic A 576 amphiphotic A 577 amphiplasm A 579 ENGLISH INDEX amphiplasty A 580 amphisarca A 581 amphisperm A 582 amphisporangiate A 584 ' -amphistomatic A 586 . amphisyncotyledonous A 587 amphisyncotyly A 588-amphitactism A 589 amphithecium A 590 amphitoky A 592 amphitrichous A 593 amphitrophy A 594 amphitropous A 595 amphivasal A 596 amphogenic A 597 amphoheterogony A 598 amphoriform A 599 ample A 606 amplectant A 600 amplexicaul A 601 amplexifoltete A 603 ampliate A 604 amplification A 605 ampulla A 607 ampullaceous A 608 ampullary A 608 amputation A 609 self - A 1210 amycelic A 610 amylaceous A 614 amylase A 615 amyloerythrin A 617 amylogenesis A 618 amylogenic A 619 amylolytic A 621 amyloplast A 623 amylosphaeres A 624 anabionta A 630 anabiosis A 631 anabiotic A 632 anablast A 633 anabolism A 634 anachoresis A 637 anachromasis A 639 anaclinotropism A 640 anacrogynous A 641 anadromous A 642 anagretic A 643 anaerobic A 646 anagrobionta A 645 anagrobiosis A 644 anagrophyte A 647 anaestnesy A 648 anagenesis A 648 anageotropism A 650 anagram A 651 analects A 652 analogy A 654 analysis A 655 pollen- P 925 analytical A 656 -key A 656 anametadromous A 657 ENGLISH INDEX anamorphose A 658 anandrous A 659 anantherous A 660 anaphasis A 661 anaphoras is A 662 anaphototropism A 663 anaphylaxis A 664 an&physis A 665 anaphytosis A 666 anaplasy A 667 anasarca A 669 anastatic A 670 anastomosing A 672 anastomosis A 671 anastral A 673 anastrophe A 674 anataximorphosis A 675 anatomy A 677 plant- P 673 anatonic A 678 anatonosis A 679 anatraumatotropism A 680 anatropal A 682 anatropism A 681 anatropous A 682 ancestral A 685 anchoriform A 686 anchor-hairs A 686 anchor-shaped A 686 ancient A 1112, P 15 ancipital A 684 ancipitous A 684 andro- A 690 androchorous A 691 androconidium A 693 androcyte A 694 androdioecy A 695 trioecious - A 695 androdynamous A 697 androdynamy A 696 androecium A 699 androecy A 698 androgametangium A 701 androgamete A 700 androgametophore A 702 androgamon A 704 androgamy A 703 androgenesis A 705 androgenous A 706 androgenum A 707 androgonium A 709 androgynal A 710 androgynodioecy A 713 androgynophore A 714 androgynous A 710 androgyny A 711 trioecious - A 711 androhermaphrodites A 715 andromerogony A 716 andromonoecy A 717 trioecious - A 717 andromorphosis A 718 andropetaly A 719 androphaen A 720 androphorum A 722 androphyll A 723 androphyte A 724 androplasm A 725 androplasmic A 726 andropleogamy A 727 androsoma A 729 androsporangium A 731 androspore A 730 androstyleA 733 androtype A 734 androzygote A 737 anemo- A 738 anemochorous A 740 anemochory A 739 anemoentomophily A 741 anemogamous A 743 anemo-hydrochorous A 744 anemometre A 745 anemomorphy A 746 anemo-myrmecochorous A 747 anemophilous A 743 anemoplankton A 750 anemospora A 751 anemotaxis A 752 anemotropism A 753 anemozoochorous A 754 aneuploidy A 755 aneusomaty A 756 aneuspory A 757 anfractuose A 758 anfractuous A 758 angio - A 759 angiospermous A 760 angle A 90, 766 - of divergence A 766, D 348 angled G 202 -angled Q 28 equal -1 315 five- P 243 four- Q 2 many- M 507, P 993 narrow- S 915 six- H 275 three- T 418, 496 angular A 763, 764 angulate A 764, G 202 anguli- A 763 angulose A 765 angusti- A 767 anneliotropous A 770 anhydrobiose A 771 animals (by) Z 10 an iso- A 774 anisoaplanogamete A 775 anisocotyly A 777 anisodynamous A 778 anisogamete A 779 anisogametangiogamy A 780 anisogamy A 782 anisogeny A 783 anisogonous A 784 •78 anisogynous A 785 anisonologamy A 786 anisomerogamy A 787 anisophylly A 788 anisoploid A 789 anisostyly A 790 anisotropy A 791 annales A 792 annexed A 793 annotation A 795 -of plants A 795 annotinous A 796 annual A 797 annular A 798 annulate A 799 annul us G 317 -ef ferns G 315 anodal A 801 anointed I 259 anomalous A 804 anomodromy A 605 anomomery A 806 anorganic A 807 anorganotrophic A 808 anorthogenesis A 809 anorthoploid A 810 anserinous A 812 ant- M 622 -loving M 625 -plants M 626 pertaining to- M 622 antagonism A 813 antarctic A 814 antecellular A 815 antenna A 816 anterior E 59 antesporophyil A 817 antetrophophyll A 818 antetrophosporophyll A 819 anthela A 820 anther A 821 -bed A 692, G 520 dorsifixed - D 369 -lobes L 244, T 231 antherangium A 822 antherid A 825 antheridangium A 823 antheridiopnor A 824 antheroidea A 826 antheromania A 827 antherophore A 828 antherophylly A 829 antherosymphysy A 830 antherozoide A 831 anthesmolysis A 834 anthesmotaxis A 835 anthobiology A 836 anthocarp A 837 anthochlor A 838 anthoclinium A 839 anthocyan A 840 anthodium A 841 antholithe A 842 anthology A 843 679 antholyse A 844 anthophaein A 845 anthophagous A 846 anthophilous A 847 anthophore A 848 anthophytes A 850 anthophytosis A 851 anthoplankton A 852 anthotaxy A 854 anthotropism A 855 anthoxanthin A 856 anthracnosis A 858 anthropochoria A 860 anthropophilous A 861 anthropophytes A 862 anthurus A 863 anticipatory P 1270 anticlinal A 866 antidote A 865 antidromous A 867 antienzyme A 868 antihelminthic V 69 antipodal-cells A 871 antiscorbutic A 1063 antistrophe A 872 antithetic A 873 antitropous A 874 antizymotic A 875 anucleobiontes A 877 apaerotropism A 880 apandry A 882 aperture A 886, О 237 apetalous A 888 apex A 889 at the- A 106 below the- I 146 apical A 903, T 127 apici- A 904 apiculate A 905 apilary A 906 aphaptotropism A 890 aphercotropism A 892 aphlebia A 893 a photic A 894 aphoristic A 894 aphotometry A 895 aphototropism A 897 aphragmium A 898 aphrodisiac A 899 aphydrotaxis A 900 aphyllopodous A 902 aphylly A 901 aplanogametangium A 908 apian ogamete A 907 aplanosporangium A 911 aplanospore A 910 aplasia A 912 apobiotic A 914 apocarpium A 915 apocarpous A 916 apochemotaxis A 917 apochlorosis A 918 apocyte A 919 apogalvanotaxis A 920 apogametia A 921 apogamy A 922 apogeny A 923 apogeotropism A 924 apogyny A 925 apolar A 926 apomeiosis A 927 apomixis A 928 apophysis A 929 apophytes A 930 apoplastidium A 931 apoplexy A 932 aporogamy A 933 apospermy A 934 apospory A 935 aposporogony A 936 apostasis A 937 apostrophe A 938 apotaximorphosis A 939 apothecium A 940 apothermotaxis A 941 apothigmotaxis A 942 apotropism A 943 apotropous A 944 apparatus A 945 apparent A 946, S 519 apparently P 1456 appearance A 1071, F 6 with- of M 473, О 199 appearing P 1240 appendage A 948 projecting- A 1233 apple- M 79, 84 -green P 1085 -shaped M 80, P 1090 applied A 949 apposite A 951 apposition A 950 appressed A 953 appressor A 952 appropinquate A 954 apricot-coloured A 1029 apterous A 957 aquatic A 959 aqueous A 960 aqueousness A 964 aquiferous A 961 arachnoid A 966 araneose A 966 araneous A 966 arborescent A 969 arboretum A 970 arboricolous A 971 arboriculture A 972 arbuscle A 974 archaeophytes A 975 archaic A 976 archallaxis A 977 archebiosis A 978 arched A 996, F 130 archegone A 980 archegoniophore A 979 archespore A 981 archianthemum A 982 ENGLISH INDEX archibenthal A 983 archicarp A 984 archicleistogamy A 985 archimeristem A 988 archiplasm A 989 architype A 990 arctic A 992 arctophilous A 993 arctotertiar A 994 arcuate A 996 area A 1000 arenaceous A 1002 areography A 1005 areolar A 1007 areolate A 1007 areolation A 1008 areole A 1006 arescent A 1004 argillaceous A 1011 argotaxis A 1013 arid A 1016 aridity S 485 aril A 1020 arillate A 1018 arillode A 1019 arisen out of О 270 arising E 470, О 235, P 1436 -from E 121 aristate A 1022 aristerostylous A 1023 armed A 1028 armeniaceous A 1029 armilla A 1030 armillate A 1031 arms A 1027 aromatic A 528, 1033, С 702 aromorphosis A 1034 around P 267 arranged О 214 arrangement D 320 arrhenocaryotic A 1037 arrhenogeny A 1038 arrhenotoky A 1039 arrhizoblastous A 1040 arrhizous A 1041 arrow- T 371 -shaped S 15 arthrospore A 1044 arthrosterigma A 1045 article A 1048 articulate A 1047 articulation A 1046, J 10 artificial A 1049 arundinaceous A 1050 as P 1225 asbestinous A 1053 ascendent A 1054 ascending A 129, 1054 ascidiate A 1055 aecidium A 1056 asciferous A 1057 ascocarp A 1058 ascogenous A 1050 ENGLISH INDEX ascogone A 1060 ascoma A 1061 ascophore A 1062 ascospore A 1064 ascostroma A 1065 ascus A 1066 aseptate A 1067 aseptic A 1068 asexual A 1069 ash С 443 -coloured L 142, T 111 -grey G 433, S 769 ashy T 111 somewhat- С 434 asomatophytes A 1070 aspect A 1071, F 6, H 4 aspergilliform A 1073 aspermous A 1074 aspermy A 1075 asperous A 1072 aspersed A 1076 asporogenous A 1080 asporous A 1081 assembled A 323, 328, 118, С 620 -into mass С 724 assimilable A 1083 assimilation A 1084 associated A 1086, С 567, S 548 association A 1085 astely A 1089 aster A 1090 asteronomum A 1092 astringent S 1082 astrobotany A 1095 astrosclereids A 1097 astrospheres A 1098 astylous A 1099 asymblasty A 1101 asymmetric A 1102 asymmetrical A 1102 asynchronic A 1104 asyndese A 1106 asyngamy A 1107 atactostele A 1109 atavism A 1110 atavistic A 1111 ataxinomic A 1113 atelomitic A 1115 athrocytosis A 1119 atony A 1121 atopy A 1122 atractoplasm A 1123 atropal A 1131 atrophiate A 1128 atrophy tes A 1129 atropous A 1131 attached I 185 margin- P 14 attempt T 102 attenuate A 1140 attingent A 1141 atypic A 1142 augmentation A 1145 augmented A 1146 aulophytes A 1150 auricle A 1154 auricled A 1155 auriculate A 1155 aurigo A 1157 autaesthesia A 1159 autallogamy A 1160 autecology A 1189 author A 1144 autocarpy A 1164 autochory A 1167 autochorism A 1166 autochromosome A 1168 autodifferentiation A 1170 autoecious A 1171 autofecundation A 1172 autogamic A 1175 autogamous A 1175 autogamy A 1174 autogenesis A 1176 autogenic A 1177 autogenous A 1177 autohomogamy A 1180 autoinfection A 1181 autolysis A 1182 automixis A 1183 automorphosis A 1184 autonasty A 1185 autonyctinastic A 1186 autonymy A 1188 autoorthotropism A 1190 autoparasite A 1192 autoparasitism A 1191 autoparthenogenesis A 1193 autopelagic A 1194 autophyllogeny A 1195 autophyte A 1196 autoplast A 1198 autopollination A 1199 autopolyploidy A 1200 autopotamic A 1201 autoscoliotropic A 1203 autosome A 1204 autospore A 1205 autosterility A 1206 autosyndesis A 1208 autotetraploidy A 1209 autotoxin A 1211 auto trophy A 1212 autotropism A 1213 autotypus A 1214 autumnal A 1216 autumnation A 1217 autumnixanthin A 1218 auxanograph A 1219 auxanometer A 1220 auxiliary A 1222 -cells A 1222 auxin A 1223 auxoblast A 1224 auxosis A 1226 auxospore A 1227 680 auxotonic A 1228 axe-shaped D 359 axi- R 8 axial A 1237 axil A 1239 below the- I. 147 axilla A 1239 axillary A 1240 -bud A 1240 axiodromous A 1241 axis A 1242 primary- P 1208 axogamy A 1243 axospermous A 1244 avelate A 1230 averse A 1233 avicular A 1234 awl-shaped S 1247 awn A 1021 -shaped A 1025 small- A 1026 destitute of-E 421 awned A 1022 many- M 510 awnless M 592 azonal A 1245 azote A 1246 azotobacter A 1247 azure A 1248 azygote A 1251 baccaceous В 2 baccate В 3 bacciform В 2 baccilar В 4 bacilliform В 4 back T 126 turned- A 1233 bacteria (nitrifying) N 123 bactericidal В 5 bacteriocecidia В 7 bacteriology В 8 bacteriolysis В 9 bacteriophagus В 10 bacteriorrhiza В 11 bacteriostatic В 12 bacteriotoxin В 13 bacterium-shaped В 6 bad M 85 bag S 10 -shaped S 5, U 97 ball-like G 166 balanography В 18 balausta В 20 , baldness G 150 balk V 84 ball- S 699 ballistic В 22 ballospore В 23 balm В 26 balsam В 26 producing- В 25 balsamic В 24 681 balsamiferous В 25 band V 152, Z 20 intercalary- С 800 -like L 92, T 16 -shaped V 153 bank L 228 barbate В 28 barbellate В 29 bare D 71, N 198 bare- G 266 bark- P 446 bark С 810, 831, S 245 corky- E 278 green- M 242 living on- С 834 middle- M 225, 242 -necrose S 697 outer- E 278, P 281 ring- R 315 scaly- R 315 barkless D 22, E 14 barky С 833 twice- В 110 barochory В 30 barometric В 21 barotaxis В 32 barotropism В 33 barred Z 21 cross- T 373 barrel-shaped D 360 barren S 956 barreness A 297 barymorphosis В 34 basal В 35, R 20 base В 52 looking towards the-B 53 with broad- В 47 basic A 383 basid В 40 basidial В 36 basidiocarp В 37 basidiophore В 38 basidiospore В 39 basidium В 40 basifixed В 41 basifugal В 42 basigamy В 43 basigynium В 44 basilar В 35 basilateral В 46 basilatus В 47 basinerved В 48 basipetal В 50 basiphilous В 51 basiscopic В 53 basisolutus В 54 basitonous В 55 bast S 245 -elements P 448 -layer S 1018 bastardocarpy В 58 bathybic В 60 batography В 61 batology В 61 batracnospermous В 62 bats (fertilized by) С 280 bay V 1 light- H 103 bazionym В 49 beach L 228 -plants A 352 beak- R 308, 352 beak R 355 -shaped R 354 small- R 351 beaked R 308, 352 long- L 260 somewhat- R 350 beakless E 341 beam-like T 312 bean-shaped F 4 beard- P 906 bearded В 28, С 887, P 906 bearing F 35, P 464, T 96 double- В 126 beautiful В 64, С 14, 248, P 1639, V 64 very- P 358 beatifully G 14 bedewed R 340 before P 1156, 1360 beginning P 1213 bell-shaped С 54 belonging P 353 below H 533, I 134, 137, 144, S 1085 belt Z 20 belted Z 21 bending С 971 -inwards I 109 -round С 461 spiral- T 357 beneath H 533, I 137 bent A 635, С 56, 524, 973, H 454, U 29 -backward R 101, 111, R 205, 206, S 1301 -down I 90, R 85 -downward D 17, R 101 -forward P 1292 -inwards I 251 -in zigzag F 82 sharply- I 148 somewhat- S 1142 benthal В 66 benthic В 66 benthos В 68 berrie- С 548 berried В 3 many- P 972 berry A 94, В 1, U 100 -bearing В 3 false- P 1472 -shaped A 93, В 2 beside P 88 between I 205, 217 beyond H 536 ENGLISH INDEX biacuminate В 71 biaiometamorphosis В 72 biaiomorphosis В 73 bialate В 72 biangulate В 75 biantheriferous В 76 biapiculate В 77 biaristate В 78 biarticulate В 79 biastrepsis В 80 biauriculate В 81 biaxial В 82 bibacca В 83 bibracteate В 84 bibracteolate В 85 bicalcarate В 86 bicallose В 87 bicalyculate В 88 bicapitate В 90 bicapsular В 91 bicarinate В 92 bicarpellary В 93 bicarpellate В 93 bicellular В 94 bicentric В 95 biciliatc В 98 biclavate В 100 bicoccous В 101 bicollateral В 102 bicolour В 103, D 178 biconvex В 107 bicrenate В 112 bicubital В 114 bicuspid В 115 bicuspidate В 115 bicyclic В 116 bicyclical В 116 bidentate В 117 bidenticulate В 118 biduous В 121 biennial В 122, D 187 bifacial В 123 bifactorial В 124 biferous В 126 bifid В 127 bifidate В 127 biflagellate В 128 biflorous В 129 almost- S 1109 bifoliate В 130 bifurcate В 136 bifurcation В 135 big G 242, M 72 bigemmate В 138 bigeneric В 139 biglumous В 140 bilabiate В 142 bilateral В 143 biligulate В 144 bilobate В 145 bilobed В 146 bilocellate В 146 bilocular В 146 biloculate В 146 ENGLISH INDEX bimensal В 148 bimonthly В 148 binary В 150, 153 -nomenclature В 153 binate В 150, G 67 binervate В 151 binomial В 153 binominalism В 154 bioblast В 155 biochore В 156 biochromous В 157 bioclimatology В 158 biocoenology В 159 biocoenosis В 160 biocycle В 161 biodermis В 162 biodynamics В 163 bioenergetics В 164 bioenergy В 165 biogenesis В 166 biogenetics В 167 biogeny В 167 biogeocoenose В 168 biogeography В 169, С 367 biolith В 170 biological В 172 biology В 171 plant- P 605 bioluminescence В 173 biolysis В 174 biometry В 175 biomorphosis В 176 bionomy В 178 biont В 177 biophagus В 179 biophilous В 180 bioplast В 183 biopsy В 184 bioseston В 185 biosis В 186 biosome В 187 biosphere В 189 biosynthesis В 190 biotaxonomy В 192 biotic В 193 biotonus В 194 biotope В 195 biotype В 196 biovulate В 197 bipalmate В 198 bipartite В 200 bipartition В 199 biperforated В 201 bipinnate В 202 bipinnatiparted В 203 bipinnatipartite В 203 bipolar В 204 bipolarity В 205 biradiate В 206 birostrate В 208 bird- О 243 birds (for) A 1234 birth G 89 bisbifidate В 210 bisectate В 211 biseptate В 212 biserial В 213 biserrate В 214 bisetose В 215 bisetous В 215 bisexual В 216 bisulcate В 218 bisymmetrie В 219 biternate В 220 bitriflorous В 221 bitten off P 1190 bitter A 491 bitterish A 489 biuncinate В 222 biunguiculate В 223 bivalent В 224 bivalved В 225 bivittate В 226 bizonal В 227 black A 1116, M 172, N 118 -as ebony E 2 ashy- T 114 becoming- A 1126 bluish- С 988 brownish- M 185 coal- A 857, 1118 glossy- С 802, 839 inky- A 1125 mulberry- M 472 pitchy- P 677 •purple A 1130 raven- С 800, 802, 839 soot- F 182 turning- N117,120a, S1211 whitish- L 141 blackened A 1127, N 119 blackish N 117,120a, S 1211 blackness N 120 bladder- P 593 bladder (small) V 93 bladdery A 608, I 139, P 593, U 98 blade L 36, 178 leaf- L 178 base of- В 52 false- P 1516 half- S 322 blastema В 228 blastesis В 230 blastocarpous В 232 blastogenesis В 233 blastography В 234 blastomania С 484 blastophyll В 237 blastospore В 238 bleak A 471 blepharoplast В 243, M 120 blight С 319, R 371 blister A 607, P 1666, V 93 blistered В 310, P 1667, V 95 blistering V 94 blocked up О 25 682 blood-coloured S 39 blooming (early) E 319 bloomy P 1442 blossom F 96 blossoming A 833, F 87 second- R 113 blotch M 64 blotched M 66, V 35 blue A 1248, G 11, 12, 547, 984 amethyst- A 515 cornflower- G 984 dark- G 984 dark purplish- H 447 -grey С 12 greyish- G 163, N 173 heavenly- С 7, 11 hyacinth- H 447 indigo- I 119 lavender- L 72 light- G 547, 12 sea- V 57 shining- U 8 sky- A 1248, С 11 ultramarine- U 8 Venice- V 57 bluish С 10 blunt M 592, О 34 blunted H 59, R 213 blushing E 345 blushred E 345 boat-shaped N 34 body G 825 cotyledonar- С 854 fruit- F 163, T 216 fruiting- С 825 ligneous- С 825 reproductive- S 825 suspensory- P 1586 vegetative- С 825 boggy P 56, 59 bog (growing in) T 654 -plants T 654 boleoanemochory В 245 boleoautochory В 246 bolismus В 247 bombyliferous В 249 bony О 282 bordered L 177, 251, M 107 cleft- S 150 half- S 332 bordering С 713, M 106 boreal В 251 -alpine В 251 -plants M 363 born G 94, N 29, О 270, P 1436 boss U 19 bossed U 20 bostryx В 253 botanic В 255 botanist В 256, 257, H 160 botanography В 258 686 botanolith В 259 botany В 254, P 637 agricultural- A 337 descriptive- В 258, D 91, P 630 economical- О 75 forest- S 29 garden- В 254 bothrenchyma T 26 bottle-shaped L 31 botryocyme В 264 bottom 1 134 bough R 63 boundary L 179 plant-climate- В 156 bower V 134 bowl-shaped С 865 box-like P 1714 brachial В 268 brachiate В 268 brachyblast В 272 brachycladous В 274 brachydodromous В 275 brachystyly В 279, M 359 brackish S 27 bract В 280 bracteate В 281 -bracted (three-) T 425 bracteole В 282 bracteomania В 283 bractlet В 282 bracts (involucral) I 274 without- E 4 bradygenesis В 285 bradyspory В 286 bramble V 65 bran-like F 199 branch R 63 -like R 58 short- В 272 branched С 478, R 53, 56 densely- P 1682 downy- H 57 many- M 564, P 970, R 60 Short- В 271, 274 slender- L 119 straight- О 252 two- В 207 branches (adventitious) A 224 branchiness R 59 branching R 54, 55 cymous- С 1008 racemose- R 4 branchlet R 62 false- P 1562 with- 0 514 branchy- С 478 brass-coloured A 243 breadth L 65 breaked D 299, F 141 breaking D 299 breaky- F 141 breading (plant-) S 268 brevidiurn В 289 brick-coloured В 244 bright L 27, 37, N 122 •coloured L 27 -red F 79 brim M 108 bristle S 461 minute- S 469 -like S 464 bristled five- P 241 hard- G 769 many- P 1045 bristly С 249, H 432, S 464, 468 broad E 384, L 68, P 787 -brimmed M 107 somewhat- L 66 very- P 331 broadly- L 68, P 787 brod-side (growing in-) broken I 148, F 143 abruptly- R 115, 207 bromatology В 293 bronze-coloured В 294 brood-cell G 207 brook R 336 -plants N 4 brooklet R 335 growing in- R 334 broom -like S 205 -shaped S 206 brown В 297, P 397 almost dark-S 1097 camel- G 53 chesnut- В 16, G 159 chocolate- С 1, T 252 coffee-A 222, С 596, S 407 dark-A 963, G 1, 596, F 202, P 1640, T 252 dark reddish-B 16, H 149 date- S 600 deep reddish- 3 600 dingy- L 277 dirty- L 277 drab- A 1231, L 277 fox- V 167 greyish- T 322 hare- L 114 iron- F 39 leather- A 482 orange- R 222 pale- A 482, N 114, R 1, T 1 reddish- С 445, F 184, L 163, R 382, 420 rich- В 297 rust- F 39 tabacco- N 114, T 1 tan- A 482 tawny- L 100 ENGLISH INDEX brown turbid- U 25 umber- U 25 yellowish- F 183, I 287, T 137 brownish В 296, I 155 brush--like S 205 -shaped A1073, P 234, S 206 bryology В 299 bryospore В 301 buckled F 50 buckler-shaped S 225 bud- G 72 -like G 70 bud G 69, 132 accessory- A 43 adventitious- A 224 collateral- G 619 covered- T 46 dormant- D 867 flower- A 370, F 91 fruit- F 162 hidden- I 52 latent- P 1437 leaf- F 110 mixed- M 385 naked- N 198 producing G 77 radical- R 20 resting- D 367, P 1437 serial- S 430 simple- 3 518 study of buds В 234 terminal- T 127 budded G 72 budding В 231, G 71 buddy G 72 buff О 53 bug- G 809 -stinking С 427 bulb В 309 -bearing В 304 coated- T 650 -plate D 312 -shaped В 303 tunicated- T 650 bulbaceous В 303 bulbiferous В 304 bulbil В 305 bulblet В 305 bulbodium В 306 bulbose В 304 bulbule В 308 bulge P 1434 bulging D 334, P 1433 bullate В 310 bulletin A 143 b impy S 17 bundle F 22a collateral- G 619 fibrovascular- M 259 -shaped F 22 ENGLISH INDEX buried I 143, S 428 burned D 115 burning A 997, I 39, S 982, U 88 burnt A 222 bursicule В 311 bursting E 489, R 408 -asunder D 326 bush D 390, F 170 bushy G 651, D 389, F 171 buttercup-shaped R 64 butterfly-shaped P 79 by me (described-) M 1 cacogenesis С 3 caconym С 4 caducous С 6 caenogenesis С 8 caeoma G 9 caespitose С 13 calamus С 15 calathidiphorum G 16 calcarate G 19 calcareous С 20 calceiform С 22 calcicolous G 23 calcifugal С 24 calciphilous G 25 calculary G 27 callose G 30 callosity G 31 callusheteroplasy С 32 callushomoeoplasy G 33 callushypertrophy С 34 callusmetaplasy С 35 caloritropism С 37 calycanthemy С 41 calycate С 42 -calyced (pink-) R 291 calyci- С 40 calycle С 44 calyco- С 40 calyculate С 43 calymma M 123 calyphomy С 45 calypter С 46 calyptra С 46 calyptrate С 47 calyptriform G 48 calyptrogenum G 49 calyx С 50 external- С 44 gamosepalous- P 175 -tube T 643 with hairy- T 442 with red- R 379 without- A 27 cambial С 51 cambium С 52 fascicular- F 22 intrafascicular- I 213 -ring G 51 camel-coloured G 53 campanulate С 54 campestral G 55 camptodromous С 57 campylotropous С 58 canal (stylar-) S 1067 vallecular- L 23 canaliculate G 59 cancellated С 60 candelabriform G 61 candicant С 62 cane-sugar S 8 canine С 65 canker С 83, N 49 cap-like P 685 cap-shaped P 684 capability F 10 cape-house T 115 capillarity С 68 capillary G 67 capillitium G 69 capitate С 71 capreolate С 75 caprification G 77 capsulate (half-) S 291 capsulated G 79 capsule С 78 moos- T 231 capsuliferous G 79 carbonaceous G 81 carcerule G 82 carcinoma С 83 cardinal G 85 -red С 85 cardio- С 86 carene С 90 cartography G 88 carinate С 91 cariose G 92 carious G 92 carmine G 93 carneous G 94 carnivorous I 180 -plants I 180 carnose G 96 carnous С 96 carotin С 98 carpel С 103, M 57 carpellody G 101 carpellomany G 102 carpocephalum С 105 carpoclonium С 106 carpode G 107 carpogamy С 108 carpogenesis С 109 carpogone С 110 carpolith С 111 carpology С 112 carpolysis С 113 carpomany С 114 carponome С 115 carpophore С 116 carpoptosis G 119 carposoma G 120 carposperm С 121 684 carposphere С 122 carposporangium G 124 carpospore С 123 carpostegium С 125 carpostome С 126 carpotheca С 127 carpotropism С 128 carrot-shaped D 6 carrying F 35 -carrying P 464 cartilaginous С 130 caruncle С 131 caryoclastic С 134 caryogamy С 135 caryology С 138 caryopsis С 148 caseous С 155 cask-shaped С 964, О 213 cassideous G 156 cast between I 225 castration С 160 parasitic- P 126 catabolism G 162 catachromasie G 163 cataclinotropism С 164 catacorolla G 165 catadromous С 166 catagenesis С 167 catageotropism G 168 catalogue С 170 catalysis С 171 catapetalism С 172 cataphoresis С 173 cataphototropism С 174 cataphyll С 176 cataplasy С 177 cataplasm С 178 catapult-plants В 21 catatonosis G 179 catatraumatotropism С 180 catenate С 182 cathartic С 184 cathodal С 185 cathodic G 185 catkin A 511, N 175, J 17 -bearing A 509 -like A 508 little- A 510 catotropous С 186 caudate G 188 caudex С 189 caudicle С 190, 191 caulicule С 191 caulidium С 192 cauliflory С 193 caulinar С 194 caulinary S 996 cauline С 194 caulocalyx С 196 caulocollesia С 197 caulome С 198 caulotaxis С 199 cave A 876 cavernous С 201 685 cavity L 23, 244 air- V 93 small- A 1006 ceasing D 96 cecidology G 202 cecidiophorous G 203 cecidiophytes G 204 cecidiozoa G 205 cecidium G 206 cell G 208 •aggregation A 327 -cavity L 274 -conjugation С 1045 -division G 1036, D 351 -membrane M 181 -nucleus G 143, 1032, N 195 primordial- P 1212 -sap С 1058, E 122, S 1266 somatic- S 572 vegetative- Y 46 -wall G 1041 within a- I 243 -celled L 242 many- M 549, P 860 one- U 42, 62 three- T 505 two- В 94, 146 cells absorbent- A 22 deuter- D 386 help- S 1420 guard- S 1003 reproductive- T 59 stomatic- S 1003 tapetal- T 25 cellular С 209, 1028 -plants G 209 cellulose С 210 cenanthy G 212 central С 215 -cylinder С 215 centrifugal G 216 centripetal С 218 centromere С 219 centroplasm С 220 centroplast С 221 centrosome С 222 centrosphere G 223 cephalodium G 226 cephalophorum С 227 ceratium С 235 ceratomania G 236 ceraceous G 229 cereals С 238, F 167 cernuous G 240 cervine С 244 chaenochloranthy С 247 chaetoplankton С 250 chaff P 30 -like G 186, P 32 chaffy G 183, P 31 chained С 182 chalaza С 252 chalazogamy С 253 chalicodophyta С 255 chalk (growing on) G 884 -hating G 24 -loving G 25 -shunning G 24 -white G 884 chalky С 20, 884 chamaephytes G 258 chamber (of ovary) L 244 chambered (five-) P 238 four- Q 17 one- U 62 single- M 455 three- T 505 two- В 89 changeable M 586, V 30 changed G 670, M 276, 591 -round G 792 changing V 32 -into T 388 channel D 387 medullary- M 143 channelled С 59 sinuate- R 333 character G 260, P 1310 distinguishing- D 336 chartostegious С 262 chasmandroecy G 264 chasmanthery С 265 chasmocleistogamy С 267 chasmogamy С 269 chasmopetaly G 270 chasmophytes G 271 chaste P 1636 checkered T 143 cheerful L 27 cheesy G 155 cheilomania С 275 chemauxism С 283 chemoaesthesia С 282 chemochorism G 284 chemodinese G 285 chemodolichosis G 286 chemokinesis С 287 chemoluminescence G 288 chemolysis G 289 chemometry G 290 chemomorphosis С 291 chemonasty G 292 chemophobotactism С 293 chemosynthesis С 294 chemotactism G 295 chemoterapy G 296 chemotrophic G 297 chemotropism G 298 chemozoophobous С 299 cherry- G 233 -red С 234 chersophytes G 301 chesnut--brown С 159 -coloured G 159 chewed R 407 chewing M 116 ENGLISH INDEX chiasma G 302 chiastobasidium G 303 chilblain P 340 chimaera P 1511, G 306 Chinese S 521 chink R 324 small- R 326 chinky R 325 chionophyta G 309 chironyra G 310 chiropterophilous G 280 chirotype G 311 chlamydocyst С 317 chlamydogonidium G 318 chlamydospore G 319 chloranthy V 128 chlorenchyma G 326 chlorocyst G 332 chloroglobin G 333 chloroleucytes С 334 chloronema С 336 chlorophylligerous G 341 chlorophyll G 343 containing- G 341 chlorophyllolyse G 342 chloroplast G 346 chloroplastid G 346 chlorosis С 347 chlorovaporization G 350 choked S 1013 chomophyles С 354 chondriokunts С 355 chondriokinesis С 356 chondriom G 357 chondriomites G 358 chondriosome С 359 chondriosphere G 360 chorda С 362 chorisis С 365 chorology G 367 chorotype G 368 chortonomy G 369 chosen S 270 chromatic С 372 chromatid G 373 chromatin G 374 chromatology С 375 chromatolysis G 376 chromatophore G 377 chromatoplasm G 378 chromidiocentrum G 379 chromidiogamy G 380 chromidium G 383 chromism С 384 chromochondrium С 386 chromocyte С 387 chromogenic G 388 chromogenous С 388 chromoleucytes G 389 chromolipoides G 390 chromomeres С 391 chromonema G 392 chromophilous С 394 chromophobous С 395 ENGLISH INDEX chromoplast G 397 chromosome С 898 chromotropiem G 899 chronic G 400 chronisporangium G 402 chronispore С 401 chronizoospore С 403 chrysogonidium С 407 chrysophyll G 410 chrysotannin С 411 chtnonophyta С 412 cicatrice С 418 cicatricose С 417 cicatrization С 419 -cidal G 422 ciliate- G 423 glandulose- G 157 minutely- С 425 serrate- S 443 ciliated С 423 side- P 842 somewhat- S 1121 ciliograde С 424 ciliolate С 425 cilium С 426 cincinnate С 428 cincinnus С 429 cinenchyma С 432 cinnamon-coloured С 445 circinate G 314 circle G 1000, G 317 circular С 451, 996, О 210 circulation С 452 circumboreal С 456 circumference A 499, С 460 circumflex С 461 circumfloral С 462 circumlateralism G 463 circumnutation С 465 circumpolar С 467 circumscissile G 468 circumtextous С 469 circumvallated С 785 circumvolution С 471 cirrate- G 472 cisalpin С 474 cistella G 475 cited С 476 at the place- G 476 citrous G 477 city О 196 cladenchyma С 479 cladode С 480 cladodystrophy G 481 cladogenesis С 482 cladogenous G 483 cladomania С 484 cladophore С 485 cladopodium С 487 cladoptose С 488 clammy С 142 clamp-bearing F 50 clasping A 206, 600 class С 492 classic С 490 classification С 491 clastotype С 494 clavate С 497 inversely- О 3 claw U 35 -shaped U 33 clawed U 34 clay (-coloured) A 1011 -loving S 737 -loving plants P 226 clayey A 1012 clear D 233 cleavage D 351, F 69 cleft F 54, R 324, 8 171 cleft- 8 135 five- Q 37 four- Q 11 irregularly- L 12 many- M 533 pinnately- P 700 three- T 484 twice- В 127 cleistandroecia С 504 cleistanthery С 505 cleistocarp С 509 cleistocarpous С 508 cleistocarpy С 507 cleistog: mous С 511 cleistogamy С 510 cleistopetaly С 512 cliff plants С 869 climacorhizae С 515 climateric С 516 climatic G 517 climatype G 518 climax С 519 climbing A 206, S 112 clinandrium С 520 clinanthium G 521 clinging(not) I 74 clingy S 112 clinidium G 522 clinogeotropism С 525 clinotropism G 529 clitochores С 530 cion С 533 clonotype G 534 close- G 503 closed A 759, G 496, I 81, О 25, 41 somewhat- 8 1124 closely- P 1675 closter С 535 clothed С 314, I 129, T 46 clothing T 47 clotted G 260 clotting С 542 clouded N 173 cloudy N 36, 173 club-shaped С 497, G 176 somewhat- 8 1125 «86 clubbed С 497 clusium С 536 cluster- В 262 cluster 8 453 -of sporangia 8 596 close- F 22a small- A 63 clustered С 539, 722, R 4 close- F 22 cnephoplankton G 538 coacervate G 539 coaetaneous С 541 coagulation С 542 coal-(black) A 857 -coloured A 1116 coalesced P 794 coalescence С 544, 8 1358 coalescent С 543, 8 1359 coarctate G 545 coarse R 397 coarsely- G 259 coastal N 96 coat T 649 coated С 833, T 650 thin- L 120 cobalt-coloured G 547 cobweb-like A 966 cobwebby A 966 coccogone С 552 coccolith G 554 coccosphere G 555 coccus С 556 cochlear G 557 cochleate G 558 cockscomb G 891 -like A 386 cocks’combed F 21 cod-like F 115 code С 559 codominant С 561 coeloblast G 565 coelonema G 566 coenanthium С 568 coenobionta С 569 coenobe G 571 coenobiospore С 570 coenocarpium С 574 coenocarpous С 573 coenocarpy G 572 coenocentrum G 575 coenocladia С 576 coenocyte G 577 coenogamete С 578 coenogenesis С 579 J coenogloea С 580 coenogonidium С 581 coenology С 582 coenomonoecia С 583 coenomonoecism G 583 coenophilous С 584 coenoprothallium С 585 coenosis С 586 coenospecies G 587 coenosphere С 588 687 coenospore С 589 coenotaxonomy S 1451 coenozoogonidium G 591 coenozygote С 592 coenzyme С 593 coferment С 593 coffee-brown G 596, S 407 cohabitant G 599 coherence G 601 cohesion G 601 coil S 753 coiled G 778, D 338, S 754, T 354 -inwards G 449 -over S 1300 coilocarpy G 603 coin-shaped N 202 coining V 159 cold A 471, F 153 cold- P 1600 -loving A 993 coleogen G 606 coleopterocecidium G 608 coleopteronomium С 609 coleoptile С 610 coleorhiza С 611 colesule G 612 colic-healing T 351 collaborator G 614 collaplankton С 615 collar G 442, 633 collateral G 619 -bundles G 619 collected L 80 -by L 83 collecting hairs С 622 collection С 169, S 732, S 1331 collections A 1108 collective G 621 collectors С 622 collenchyma G 623 colleterae С 624 collicolous G 625 colliquescent С 628 colloidomorphosis G 632 colonists G 637 colony G 636 colour G 638 colourable С 372 coloured С 639, 371, F 175, P 679 many- M 525 one- G 694 slightly- S 1127 two- В 103 colouring G 640, P 681, T 314 colourless D 18, H 448, I 96 collumella С 647 colpenchyma G 642 colpus G 644 columel С 647 -shaped С 648 columellar С 648 column С 649, G 309 columnaceous G 650 columnar G 650 comate G 651 comb G 891 -shaped P 205 combed (twice) С 113 combinate-venose С 653 combination G 652 new- G 652, N 77 combined G 654 comites С 660 commensalism С 664 comming forth P 1240 commiscuum С 665 commissure G 666 common G 65, 668, T 577, V 165 commune P 13 community С 669, 758 pairing- S 1421 plant- P 616 compact С 672, S 563 compaginate С 673 company G 758 compare С 708 comparison G 674 compartment (small) L 239 compass-plants С 675 compensation G 676 competition G 677 complanate С 678 complementation G 680 complete G 681, P 262 completed E 106 completely- H 320, P 63 completion A 1145 complex G 682 compound С 685 palmately- P 45 pinnately- P 699 twice- В 104 compressed С 678, 765 comprised С 774, I 91 concatenate G 687 concaulescence С 688 concave G 689 concealed G 914 concealing T 47 concentric G 690 slightly- S 1129 conceptacle С 691 conchidium С 693 concolorous G 694, M 405 slightly- S 1130 concrescence С 698 concrescent G 697 concrete G 699 condensed G 701 condition G 703 conducting С 704 conduplicate С 705 condyle С 707 ENGLISH INDEX cone С 726, 784, S 1039 -bearing G 735, S 1037 -shaped С 726, S 1036 vegetative- С 784, V 46 conelet G 783 conferruminate С 709 confervoid G 711 configuration С 712 confined С 713 confluent С 715 conformed G 716 confused С 717 congeneric G 718 congenital G 719 congested A 323, С 710, 720 -into a ball С 721 conglobate G 721 conglomerate С 722 conglutinate G 723 congregate С 724 congruent С 725 conical G 726 inversely- О 5 conidange G 728 conidangiophore С 727 conidia (bearing) С 729 conidiiferous С 729 conidiophore С 523, 730 conidiostroma G 733 conidium С 734 coniferous С 735 coniocyst G 736 coniotheca G 737 conjugate G 740 twice- В 105 conjugated (pinnately-) P 708 conjugation С 739 connate С 543, 741 connected A 672, G 687, С 740, 744 connecting A 672 connection A 671, N 113 connective С 743 connivent С 745 connubium С 746 conocarpium С 747 conoidal G 726 conophorophyta G 749 consanguineous G 752 conscription G 752a -of plants G 752a conserve (to) С 754 conserved С 753 -generic names G 753 consisting of G 763 consortium G 758 consperse G 760 conspicuous С 761, P 413 constant G 763 constipate G 764 constricted С 765 constructive С 766 consuming V 164 contabescent G 767 INDEX ENGLISH contact (due to) T 288 contagious С 768 containing С 774 contemporary (not) A 431 contiguous С 773 continuous С 775 contorted С 778, I 240 twice- В 106 contortoplankton G 776 contortuplicate G 777 contour A 499, S 162 contracted С 765, 780 contractile С 779 contre-poison A 391 contribution S 1341 convariantes С 787 convariety G 788 convenient I 38 convergence С 791 convergent G 790 converging С 745, 790 convex G 793 doubly- L 97 convolute G 794 convolutive G 794 cook’s foot С 900 copalinous С 796 copious С 797 copper-coloured A 243, G 962 coppery С 254, 962 coprophilous G 798, M 191 coprophytes С 799 copulae С 800 copulation С 739 coral-like G 803 -red С 804 cord С 362 cordate С 806 cordiform С 806 core A 876 coremium G 807 coriaceous С 808 cork S 1167 -like P 429 corky S 1175 corm G 813 cormautochores G 811 cormophytes С 812 corneous G 814 cornered A 763, 764 five- P 243 four- Q 2 three- T 418 two- В 75 cornfield S 253 growing in- S 255 -plants S 255 cornflower-blue G 984 corol G 816 corolla G 816 butterfly-shaped-P 79 dialypetalous- G 816 gamopetalous- С 816 ligulate- L 173 -like С 817 limb of the- С 816, L 178 lobes of the- С 816 personate- P 349 teeth of the- С 816 throat of the- С 816 tube of the- С 816 corollate С 819 corollinous С 817 corollule С 820 corona G 821 coronaceous G 822 coronary G 822 coronate С 823 coronet С 821 coronule С 824 corpuscle G 826 correct (to) G 829 corrected E 106 -by G 828 correctly R 331 correlation G 827 corresponding G 789 -to С 725 corrigenda С 829 corrugated G 830 cortex С 831 primary- P 1208 secondary- S 245 cortical С 832 -cortical P 446 corticate С 833 corticole С 834 corticolous G 834 cortina С 835 -shaped С 837 cortinate С 836 corymb С 842 corymbated С 840 corymbiferous G 840 corymbose С 840 coryphophyta G 845 coryphylly С 844 corysymphylly С 846 cosmaesthesie С 847 cosmobiology G 848 cosmopolitan G 849 cosmopolites G 850 costate С 852 hairy- R 15 cottony G 229, L 47 -hair L 47 cotyledon С 853 incumbent- I 108 cotyledonar body С 854 cotyledonary С 854 cotyledonous С 855 cough-stilling В 63 coulter-shaped G 956 counterfeiting M 190 countless M 620 country С 659, D 343 native- N 21 coupled С 740 688 cover V 48 covered A 20, С 207, 314, С 914, I 129, О 8, 27, 187, 8 889, T 46, V 49 half- S 384 covering I 204, 0186, T 47,48 root- V 48 without- G 266 cowl G 944 cowled С 943 crack R 324 cracked R 226, 325 crackling С 882, S 1031 crammed A 995 craspedium G 858 craspedodromous G 860 crateriform С 865 cream-coloured С 868 creeping R 150 cremastoplankton С 867 cremocarp С 871 crena С 872 crenate G 873 doubly- В 112 finely- С 877 glandulose- G 158 crenature С 872 crenelled С 877 crenelling G 872 crenobionta G 874 crenoplankton G 876 crenulate С 877 crepidate С 880 crepitaculum G 881 crescent-shaped L 276, S 331 crest С 891 crested С 892 two- В 113 cretaceous С 884 creviced R 325 cribrate С 885 cribrovasal G 886 crimson С 93, 300, P 1659, S 39 crinite С 887 crisp- U 7 crispate G 890 crispature С 889 crisped С 890 cristate С 892 croceous С 893 crooked A 221, С 973 cross G 905, H 455 -bars T 372 -fertilization A 434, G 193, S 884, X 21 -pollination A 434, P 923 -shaped С 896 -wall S 424 crossed D 29 crossing H 456 -over G 894 crosswise- С 896 crotch В 135 «89 crowded С 710, 720, 866, S 984 closely- G 701 -together С 545, 764 crown С 821, S 938 crowned С 823 two- В 109 crowning С 823, S 938 cruciate G 896 cruciform С 896 crummy G 260 crumpled irregularly С 830 crust G 901 crustaceous С 902 crustate С 903 cryobionta С 907 cryoflora С 908 cryophilous С 909 cryoplankton С 910 cryoplanktophyta G 911 cryoscopic G 912 cryotropism G 913 cryptocecidium G 918 cryptogamian С 921 cryptogamic G 921 cryptogams (vascular) G 919 cryptogamous G 921 •plants С 919 cryptogamy С 920 cryptogenetic С 922 cryptohaplomitosis G 923 cryptohybrid G 924 cryptomery С 925 cryptomitosis G 926 cryptophyta G 928 cryptoplasm G 929 cryptopore С 930 cryptostomate G 931 crystal С 936 crystalline С 932 crystallochores С 933 crystallogenous С 934 crystalloides G 935 cteinophytes С 937 ctetology G 939 ctetosome С 940 cubical G 941 cubit long В 268 cubital G 942 cucullate С 943 cucumber-shaped С 945 cucumiform G 945 cucurbitaceous С 946 culinary С 948 culm С 950 cultiform С 951 cultigenum С 952 cultigrex С 953 cultiplex С 954 cultivar С 955 cultivate (to) С 634 cultivated С 957, S 88 -plants С 957 readily- H 107 cultovariety С 955 cultrate С 956 culture-plants A 342 cuneate G 959, S 698 cuneiform G 959 cup- G 40 cup G 963, 995 half- S 289 -like P 889 -shaped С 865, 964 cupe S 230 cupola-shaped С 964 cupular G 964 cupulate G 965 cupule G 963 bearing- С 965 cupuliferous С 965 curative M 138, О 88, S 33, T 254 curdling С 542 curled С 428, 890 curling T 357 curly- G 890, U 7 curtain G 835 curvature G 971 curve С 971 curved A 635, 689, 996, G 58, 973, T 371 bushy- S 172 doubly- S 495 -down D 28 slightly- G 972 somewhat- H 585 -up R 167 curvinerved С 974 curvipetality С 975 curviseriate G 976 curvy- G 56 cushion P 1650 -like S 1056 -shaped P 1649 cusp С 978 cuspidate С 977 cut D 322, P 1671, S 244, T 329 -circularly around С 468 finely- T 108 -into G 191, I 89 -off underneath S 1262 palmately- P 51 pinnately- P 705 cuticle G 979 cutin С 981 cutinization С 982 cutis G 983 cutting M 82, S 241, T 20 -out E 430 cyaneous G 984 pink- R 294 cyanocyst G 986 cyanophilous G 989 cyanophycin G 990 cyanoplast G 992 ENGLISH INDEX cyathium С 994 cyathus С 995 cycle G 1000 life- С 1000 cyclic G 996 cyclical С 996 cyclochorisis С 997 cyclonasty С 998 cyclosis G 999 cylinder G 1003 axial- S 893 central- G 1003 -like G 1001 cylindrenchyma G 1002 cylindric G 1001 cylindrical С 1001 cyme G 1004 dichasial- D 170 fan-shaped- R 239 -like G 1008 cymobotrya G 1007 cymose С 1008 cymous С 1008 cyphelly G 1012 cypress cone G 8 cyst G 1016 cystidium G 1018 cystocarp С 1019 cystolith G 1020 cystophore G 1021 cystosore С 1022 cystosphere G 1023 cystotyle С 1025 cytase G 1027 -cytic G 1028 cytoanatomy С 1029 cytoaster С 1030 cytoblast G 1032 cytoblastema С 1031 cytochemistry G 1035 cytochimaera G 1034 cytochrome С 1037 cytochylema G 1038 cytochyme G 1039 cytoclesis G 1056 cytode G 1042 cytodynamics С 1044 cytogamy G 1045 cytogenesis G 1046 cytogenetics G 1047 cytogeography С 1050 cytogony G 1049 cytogranule G 1051 cytography С 1052 cytohydrolyse С 1054 cytokinesis G 1055 cytology G 1057 nuclear- С 138 cytolymph G 1058 cytolysin С 1059 cytolytic С 1060 cytomechanics С 1062 cytomitome С 1064 cytomixis G 1065 ENGLISH INDEX cytomorphology G 1066 cytomorphosis G 1067 cytophysiology С 1068 cytoplasma G 1069 cytorrhysis С 1070 cytosarc С 1071 cytoskeleton G 1072 cytosome С 1073 cytostatics С 1074 cytothesis G 1076 cytotoxin G 1077 cytotropism С 1078 dacryoid D 1 dagger-shaped P 1638 daily Q 54 damp- H 508 damp H 442, M 68, U 4 dark- N 118, P 397 dark A 1127, F 200, 202, N 173, О 22, P 1640, T 94 -coloured P 397 darkened F 201 darkening F 201 darkncss-plants S 213 daughter-cell С 208 day- H 104 -book D 151 -flowering H 105 -neutral plants N 111 of long- L 257 deadly- L 135 decagyny D 9 decamerous D 11 decandria D 12 decandrous D 13 decay С 89 causing- S 51 living on- S 51 decayed S 696 deceitful S 519 dechromatisation С 163 deciduous С 6, D 15 -forest plants P 1605 declinate D 17 declivity С 532 decoloured D 18 decomposing L 294 decompound D 19 deconjugation D 20 decorate A 214 decorated О 242 decorative D 21, О 241 -plants О 241 decorticated D 22 decreasing D 24 decreasingly D 24 decumbent D 25 decurrent D 26 decussate D 29 dedicate D 30 dedifferentiation D 31 deduplication С 365, D 32 deep P 1250, S 91 defective D 33, M 89 defensive D 34 deficient M 89 definite С 241, D 36 deflected D 37 deflexed D 37 deflorate D 38 defoliate D 39 deformed D 40, 202 defrondation D 41 degenerate D 43 degeneration D 42 -of the nucleus G 140 dehiscence D 45 loculicidal- L 243 -by valves V 27 dehiscent D 44 dehiscing С 422, D 44 dejected D 46 delel D 48 deleatur D 48 delicate S 1241, T 95 delights D 49 delineated D 51 delineation D 50 deliquescent D 52 deltoid D 54 demersed D 55 demonstrative D 58 dendrobion D 60 dendrochronology D 61 dendroid D 59 dendrology D 62 denitrificant D 64 dense D 68 densely- D 68, P 2, 1675 dentate D 67 glandulose- G 159 imperfectly- S 1148 setaceo- S 462 spinulose- S 752 serrate- S 439 denticidous D 69 denticle D 70 denudate D 71 denuded D 71 deoperculatc D 72 departing A 5 depastous D 73 depauperate D 74 deperulation D 77 depigmentation D 78 depilate D 79 depresse-, depressed D 80 deprived D 105, О 209 depth (great) P 1249 dermatocalyptrogen D 82 dermatocyst D 83 dermatogen D 84 dermatoplasm D 85 dermatoplast D 86 dermatosome D 87 desassimilation D 328 690 descendence D 89 descending D 88 description D 90 descriptive D 91 desert- R 321 -loving E 324 -plants E 325 deserticolous T 142 desiccation D 93 designate D 94 desmochores D 100 desmolysis D 102 desmoplankton D 103 destitute О 209 destituted D 105 destroying D 106 destructive D 106, P 739 destructive of С 422 desynapsis D 108 detachment S 237, 569 determinated (by) D 112 determination D 111, I 16 detritus D 114 deuter-cells D 386 deuterogamy D 116 deuteroplasma D 117 developed A 219, E 413 developing early P 1169 development (accelerated) T 10 canalized- H 377 devoid С 158 dew P 1441 dewy R 340 dexiostylous D 123 dextrogyrous D 125 diachenium D 128 diachronous D 129 diadelphian D 131 diadelphous D 131 diadromous D 132 diageotropism D 133 diagnosis D 134 diagonal D 135 -plane D 135 diagram D 136 floral- D 136 diaheliotropism D 137 diakinesis D 138 dialydesmy D 140 dialysis D 141 diamesogamy D 143 diandrian D 144 diandrous D 144 diaphery D 146 ' diaphragm D 148 medullary- M 143 diaphysis D 149 diarch D 150 diary A 227, D 151 diaschistic D 152 diaspase D 153 diaspore D 154 diastase D 155 т diaster D 156 diastole D 157 diastrophe D 158 diatmesis D 159 diatropism D 161 dibiose D 163 dibotrys D 164 dicaryobion D 165 dicaryocyte D 166 dicaryon D 167 dicaryophase D 168 dicentric D 169 dichasium D 170 dichlamydeous D 171 dichogamy D 173 dichopodium D 174 dichotomous D 176 -key С 500 dichotomy В 135, D 175 dichotypy D 177 diclinous D 179, M 407 dicotyledonous D 180 dictyodromous D 183 dictyospore D 185 dictyostele D 186 dicyclic D 187 dicyme D 188 didiploid D 189 didymanthy D 192 didymocarpous D 193 didymospore D 194 didymous D 191 didynamia D 195 didynamous D 196 dientomophily D 197 differ(to) D 337 different D 316, 349 differential D 199 differentiation D 200 differing A 5 differs D 201 diffuse D 203 digametic D 206 digitate D 213 -compound D 214 twice- В 119 digitately- D 213 digitifidate D 219 digitipartite D 221 digynous D 222 dihaploid D 223 dihybrid D 227 dilacerate D 229 dilated D 231 diluted D 234 dimegaly D 235 dimeric D 238 dimerous D 238 dimidiate D 239 -cordate D 239 unequally- S 1154 diminished D 56, 240 diminishing R 106 diminution R 105 diminutive suffix E 93 dimonoecy D 241 dimorphic D 243 dimorphism D 242 saesonal- H 424 dimorphous D 243 dimpled S 17 dingy О 22, S 586 dinesis D 244 diode D 245 diodogonium D 248 dioecia D 250 dioecian D 252 dioecio-polygamous D 251 dioecious D 252 dioic D 252 diosmose D 254 diperiantheous D 256 dipetalous D 257 diphotic D 258 diphyletic D 260 diphytic D 262 diplanetic D 263 diplasy D 264 diplobiont D 268 diplochromosome D 270 diplocyte D 271 diplogamete D 273 diplogenesis D 274 diplogonidium D 275 diplohaplobiont D 276 diploid D 277 diploidisation D 278 diplonasty D 279 diplonema D 280 diploperistomous D 282 diplophase D 283 diplophyll D 284 diplosis D 286 diplosome D 287 diplosporangium D 289 diplospore D 288 diplostemoneous D 2.0 diplotene D 292 diploxylic D 293 dipterocecidium D 295 dipteronome D 296 dipyrenous D 297 directed S 631, V 85 -backward R 212 -outward E 516 -to M 83 -towards S 207 directing towards T 611 diremption D 298 dirty G 626, I 173, S 837 diruption D 300 disamara D 301 disappearing E 408 disc D 312 adhesive- A 197 embryonal- E 101 -floret F 96 ENGLISH INDEX nectariferous- D 312 receptacul ar- D 312 discentration D 302 disciform D 303 disclimax D 304 discocarp D 305 discoid D 303 discolour D 306 discoloured D 18 discolouring A 78 discontinuous D 307, 313 discoplankton D 308 discopodium D 309 discovered I 266 discoverer I 265 discrete D 311 disease M 471 diseased M 470 disgusting T 17 dish-shaped P 179 disomic D 315 disomy D 314 dispersed D 318, S 613, 780 dispersion D 317 endozoic- E 196 dispirem-stage D 319 displacement D 298, E 32 disposed С 631 disposition D 320 dissected D 322 disseminant D 323 dissemination D 324, S 330 dissepiment D 325 spurious- D 325, P 1491 transversal- T 402 dissilient D 326 dissimilar D 327, I 59 dissimilation С 162 dissociation D 331, S 259 dissolute S 570 dissolution D 332 distanced D 333 distant D 329, 333, L 73, R 143 distantly- A 913, R 143 distended D 334 distichous D 335 distinct(not) I 122 distinctive D 336 distinctly- D 139 distinguish (to) D 337 distorted D 40 distributed С 370, D 340 widely- E 386 distribution D 339 geographic- A 1000 natural- N 26 distylous D 341 ditch F 134 -dwelling T 27 - -plants T 28 diurnal D 345 divaricate D 346 ENGLISH INDEX divergence D 348 angle of- A 766, D 348 divergent D 347 widely- D 346 diverging D 347 diversely- H 175 diversifolius H 236 diversity V 36 divided D 322, 353, F 54 dividing M 197 -into parts M 192 divisible S 168 division D 351 cell- G 1036, D 351 equational- A 246 nuclear- D 351 dodecagynia D 356 dodecandria D 357 dog- G 1009 doggy С 1009 dolichonema D 362 dolichosis D 363 dolichostylous D 364, M 59 dominance D 366 dominant D 365 domple- С 415 dormant D 367, H 565, Q 29 -bud D 367 dorsal D 368, T 124 dorsifixed D 369 dorsiventral D 370 dot P 1656 -like P 1655 dotted P 1653, S 968 minutely- L 98, P 1654 double- D 330 doubled G 67 doubling D 394 doubtful A 497, D 16, 385, I 86 dove-coloured G 646 down I 144, P 852 downiness P 1634 downy H 56, P 683, 853, 855, P 1622, 1633 drab A 1231 buffy- T 322 greyish- I 287 draftsman I 44 drawn (back) R 203 -out P 1427 -together С 780 drawing D 50 drepanium D 373 drepanocarpous D 374 dried T 356 -out S 484 driving(away) D 75 -out E 77 dromotropism D 378 drooping D 57, 76, N 205 slightly- С 240 drop G 263 droplet G 263 drosometre D 379 drought (shunning) X 40 drunken T 88 drupe D 380 drupel D 381 drupelet D 381 druse D 382 dry A1016, R 200, S173, 488 becoming- S 483 -fruit S 488 half- S 286 -state S 487 -vaste plants С 301 drying A 1004, D 93, E 496 dryness S 485, 487 dubious D 385 duces D 386 duct D 387, V 39 laticiferous- L 64 resin- D 387 dull О 181 -coloured T 565 dumose D 389 dun(in colour) V 1 dune(-loving) T 294 -plants T 295 dwelling on- T 294 dung (growing on) F 64, S 942 living in- С 798 duplicate D 395 duplication D 394 duramen D 402 duration D 403, T 87 -of life D 403 dusky F 200, О 22 dust P 1651 dusted P 1647 dwarf H 444, N 5, P 1652 dwarfed S 920 dwarfish N 5 dwarfishness N 7 dweller (on) G 604 dwelling H 2 dyeing T 314 dynamic D 407 dynamochory D 408 dynamogcncsis D 409 dyscentric D 410 disgenic D 411 disphotic D 412 dislrophic D 413 ear-shaped A 1156 eared A 1155 -eared A 117 no- E 423 earth S 567, T 135 earth- G 102 -coloured T 137 earthly T 66 eastern О 236 easy F 7 eatable E 50 eating P 409, V 164 -together С 663 ebracteate E 4 eburneous E 6 ecad О 67 ecalcarate E 5 ecblastesis E 7 eccremorrhizous E 8 ecesis О 68 echinate E 9 echinosporous E 12 echma E 13 eciliate A 14 ecobiotic О 69 ecoclimatic О 70 ecogeographical О 71 ecological О 73 ecology О 72 ecomorphose О 74 economical О 75 ecoparasite О 76 ecoproterandry О 77 ecoproterogyny О 78 ecorticate E 14 ecospecies О 79 ecostate E 15 ecotone О 81 ecotope О 82 ecotype О 83 climatic- С 518 ectauxesis E 17 ectexine E 18 ectobasidium E 19 ectobiont E 20 ectocyanosis E 23 ectocyclic E 24 ectoendoparasite E 25 ectoendotrophic E 26 ectogenesis E 27 ectogonidium E 28 ectoparasite E 29 ectoperidium E 30 ectophytes E 31 ectoplasm E 33 ectoplasts E 34 ectopy E 32 ectosporium E 36 ectosporous E 37 ectotrophic E 38 ectotropic E 39 edaphic E 41 edaphogenous E 42 edaphology E 43 « edaphon E 44 edaphophytcs E 45 edaphotope E 46 edentate E 47 edge A 90, M 108 leaf- M 108 edged M 107 saw- S 447 sharply- A 91, S 111 two- A 684 698 wing- P 1618 edible E 50 edificator-plants A 236 edition E 48 effaced О 16 efficacious P 1151 efficient P 1151 efflorescence E 52 effuse E 56 eflagellate E 57 egg О 177, 299 -cell G 292 -nucleus T 246 •shaped О 293 almost egg-shaped S 1217 eglandulose E 58 eight- О 56 eisodial E 59 -opening E 59 ejection E 60 elaboration E 64 elaioplankton E 68 elaiosom E 70 elaiosphere E 71 elaioplasts E 69 elastic E 74 elasticity E 73 elateres E 75 elaterium E 76 elaterophore E 78 elbow-long G 942 elderly V 102 electrolysis E 81 electronastie E 82 electrophoresis G 173 electrotaxis E 84 electrotonous E 85 electrotropism E 86 elevated E 79, 89 eleven E 126 elimination E 90 elkhorn-like A 385 ellipsoidal E 91 elliptic E 92 elliptical E 92 broadly- L 70 ell-long С 942 elongated E 94, P 1244 emarcid E 95 emarginate E 97 emargination E 96 embedded I 177, N 115 embellished О 242 embossed U 20 embracing A 600 half- S 280 embryo E 98 embryogeny E 99 embryology E 100 embryonal E 101 embryonary E 101 embryonate E 102 embryophore E 103 embryophyta E 104 embryo-sac E 101, M 51, S 10 embryotega E 105 emergence E 108 emergent E 109 emersed E 109 emetic V 163 emitting E 113 empty G 158, F 24,1 79, V 8 empurpled P 1662 enalids E 205 enantiobiosis E 116 enantioblastic E 117 enantiomorphous E 118 enantiostylous E 119 enation E 120 encapsuled С 79 encased I 105, N 115 encircled С 431 encircling A 495, G 440 enclosed I 91 endarch E 125 endemic A 17, E 127 endemism E 128 endemit E 129 ending D 96, 97 endobasidium E 130 endobiont E 131 endobiophytia E 132 endobiotic E 133 endoblem E 134 endocarp E 135 endocatadromous E 137 endochite E 138 endochroa E 139 endochrome E 140 endochyle E 141 endocortex E 144 endocyanose E 145 endocyclogenous E 146 endocyst E 148 endodendrobiont E 149 endodermis E 150 endogaion E 152 endogamy E 153 endogenous E 154 endogonidium E 155 endogonium E 156 endohaustorium E 157 endokinetic E 142 endolithic E 158 endolithophytes E 159 endomeiosis E 160 endomeristem E 161 endomitose E 162 endomixis E 163 endoparasite E 164 endopelon E 165 endoperidium E 166 endopetrion E 167 endophloeum E 168 endophytes E 172 endophytic E 169 endophytism E 170 ENGLISH INDEX endophytobiont E 171 endoplasm E 173 endoplast E 174 endoplastid E 175 endopleura E 176 endopsammion E 177 endoptile E 178 endorhizous E 179 endosaprophytism E 180, P 125 endosclerotium E 181 endoscopic E 182 endosmose E 183 endosperm E 184 endospore E 185 endosporium E 186 endostome E 187 endosymbiosis E 188 endothecium E 189 endothermic E 190 endotoxin E 191 endotrophic E 192 endotropism E 193 endozoic E 196 endozoobiont E 197 endozoochores E 198 endozoophytes E 200 endoxylophytes E 194 endoxylous E 195 energesis E 202 energid E 203 engraved I 177 enharmony E 206 enlarged A 176, 604, 1146 enlargement A 605 enlarging G 883 enneagynian E 208 enneagynous E 208 enneandrous E 209 enquiring I 268 entangled I 65, 236, 249 entire I 123, 201, T 365 almost- I 203 completely- I 202 entirely- H 320 entomocecidium E 213 entomogamous E 214 entomology E 215 enumeration E 217 envelope P 42, T 649 -of an bulb 1 204 floral- I 204 ovular- I 204 enveloping I 275 enwrapping I 275 enzyme E 218 fat-splitting- L 197 enzymolyse E 219 eoplasm E 220 epacme E 221 epanody E 222 epenchyma E 224 epharmony E 225 ENGLISH INDEX ephebogenese Б 226 ephemerophytes E 227 ephemerous E 228 ephydrogamy E 230 epibasal E 231 epibasid E 232 epibenthos E 233 epibiont E 234 epibiosis E 235 epibiot E 236 epibiotic E 237 epiblast E 240 epiblasteme E 238 epiblastesis E 239 epicarp E 243 epichil E 244 epiclinal E 246 epicopula E 247 epicormic E 248 epicorolline E 249 epicotyl E 251 epicotyledonary E 250 epictesis E 252 epicutis E 253 epidendrobiont E 254 epiderm E 255 epidiscal E 256 epigaeous E 257 epigaion E 258 epigean E 257 epigenetic E 259 epigenous E 260 epigeotropism E 260 epigone E 261 epigynous E 262 epilimnion E 263 epilithic E 264 epimatium E 266 epinasty E 267 epinatant E 268 epinema E 269 epinyctous E 270 epiontology E 271 epipelon E 273 epipeltate E 274 epipetalous E 276 ер1рЫоёт E 278 epiphragma E 279 epiphyllous E 280, P 564 epiphytes E 283 epiphytic E 282 epiplankton E 284 epiplasm E 285 epiplasts E 286 epipleura E 287 epipodium E 288 epipsamnion E 289 epirrheology E 290 epirrhizous E 291 episepalous E 292 episperm E 293 episporangium E 294 epispore E 295 epistaminal E 296 epistaminy E 297 epistasis E 298 epistomatic E 299 epistrophe E 300 epiterranean E 301 epithallin E 302 epithallus E 303 epitheca E 304 epithecium E 305 epithelium E 306 epithem E 307 epithet E 308 -bringing synonym В 49 epitony E 310 epitrophy E 311 epitropous E 312 epixylous E 314 epizoic E 315 epizoochory E 316 epizous E 315 epoikophytes E 317 equal- I 292 equal A 244, 245, 256, H 355, P 87 equalling A 245 equally- A 244 equational A 246 equatorial A 247 -plate A 247 equinoctial A 249 equipolar A 250 equipotential A 251 equitant E 318 equivalentogenesis A 253 equivocal A 254 erect E 320 nearly- S 1168 stiffly- A 1035 erecting E 336 eremus E 326 ergasioapophytes E 327 ergasiolipophytes E 328 ergasiophygophytes E 329 ergasiophytes E 330 ergasiosyntrophophy tes E 331 ergesis E 332 ergogenesis E 333 ergot С 502 encetum E 335 ermine-coloured E 339 eroded E 342 erose E 342 erostrate E 341 errata С 829 erroneous M 85 error S 723 erumpent E 346 erythrophilous E 350 erythrophyll E 351 escaped E 51 -plants E 51 escharostrophe E 354 eseptate E 356 espaced R 143 Ш especial P 1166 esquamate E 357 essay T 102 ethereal A 287 ethnobotany E 359 etiogenic A 358 etiology A 288 etiomorphose A 359 etionasty A 360 etiotropism A 362 enanthy E 361 euapogamy E 362, О 155 euapophytes E 363 euaposporr E 364 euarcheophytes E 365 eucecidium E 366 eucleistocarpic E 369 eucoenic E 370 eucyclic E 371 eudichotomy E 372 euephemerous E 373 eugenetics E 374 eugeogenous E 375 eugeophytes E 376 euhaline E 377 eumitosis E 378 euphotic E 380 euphotometric E 381 euplankton E 383 eurybathyc E 385 eurychoric E 386 eurycoenotic E 387 euryhaline E 388 euryhygrous E 389 euryoecic E 390 euryoxybiont E 391 euryphotic E 392 euryplasticity E 393 eurysynusic E 394 eurythermic E 395 eurytopic E 396 eusporangiate E 397 euspory E 398 eustele E 400 eusyncarpic E 401 eutherophytes E 402 eutrophic E 404 eutropy E 405 euxerophytic E 406 evacuation E 60 evaginate E 407 evanescent E 408 even A 248, P 742 everflowering S 386 evergreen 8 387 everliving 8 388 every О 144 evident M 91, P 383 not- О 24 evidently P 413 evolute E 413 evolution E 412 retrogressive- С 167 exalbuminous E 417 695 examination A 655 exarillate E 420 exaristate E 421 exarticulated E 422 exauriculate E 423 excavate E 424 exceeding E 425, S 1284 excentric E 427 exciple E 429 excision E 430 excitability E 432 excitation E 433 excluded E 434 excrescent E 436 excretion E 437 excretory E 438 excurrent E 439 exemplar S 626 exfoliate E 442 exhibiting E 443, P 1161 exiguous E 444 exine E 446 exintine E 447 exinvolucrate E 448 existing P 1195 exocatadromous E 453 exochiton E 454 exochomophytes E 455 exoconidium E 456 exocortex E 457 exodermis E 458 exogamy E 459 exogenous E 460 exogynous E 461 exolithic E 463 exolithophytes E 463 exomeristem E 464 exoneurosis E 465 exoperculate E 466 exoperidiura E 467 exophloem E 468 exorhizal E 472 exorhizoue E 472 exosclerotium E 473 exoscopic E 474 exosmose E 475 exospore E 476 exosporium E 477 exostome E 478 exostosis E 479 exotesta E 480 exothecium E 481 exothermic E 482 exotoxin E 483 exotrophic E 484 exotropism E 485 expanded D 231, E 56, 502 exploding E 489 explorer I 110 -of the nature N 25 exposition E 492 exposure E 492 expressivity E 493 exserted E 494 exsiccata E 495 exsiccation E 496 extended D 231, E 502 -outwards P 1123 external E 357, 503 exstipulate E 498 exstirpated A 1236 exstirpation E 499 extraaxillary E 506 extracellular E 507 extrachromosome E 508 extrafloral E 509 extrafoliaceous E 510 extranuclear E 511 extrastaminal E 513 extravaginal E 514 extravasation E 515 extrorse E 516 exuberant L 284 exuding E 500 exulceration E 517 exuviate E 518 eye О 59 fabaceous F 4 face P 10, S 1290 -facial F 5 facies F 6 factor F 9 edaphic E 41 latent- L 59 facultative F 11 faculty F 10 fading M 100, 102 fail (to) D 107 falcate F 12 fall L 52 flower- A 853 fruit- G 119 leaf- D 41 falling С 6, D 15, E 63, P 713 early- F 177 -together G 613 false A 218, F 14, N 162, P 1456, S 836 family F 15 fan- F 74 -shaped D 132, F 74 far A 913, D 333 farinaceous F 17 farinose F 18 fasciated F 21 fasciation F 20 fascicle F 22a fascicled D 98, F 22 fasciculate F 22 fastened together С 744 fastigiate F 23 fat P 696 fatherland P 190 ENGLISH INDEX fathom О 233 -long О 234 fatsplitting L 203 fatty A 201, P 696 faveolate F 27 favourable (the most) О 203 fawn-coloured С 244 feather P 697, 852 feathery P 853, 855 febrifuge A 392 fecundated F 31 fecundating F 29 fecundation F 30 fecundity U 2 feeble D 7 feeding V 164 -together С 663 feeler-shaped T 99 feet (- long) G 942 six- О 233 felt-like P 72 felted P 72 female F 33 feminine F 33 fenestrate F 34 ferment F 38 -producing Z 84 fermentation F 37 fermenting Z 84 fern-like F 59 Ferns (science of) P 1608 fertile F 32, 40 fertility U 2 fertilization F 30, N 203 -cross- A 434, S 884, X 21 self- A 1172 fertilized F 31, G 37 close- G 511 fetid N 116, О 107, F 103 few О 108, P 195, S 603 very- P 342 fibre F 44 -shaped F 45 fibril F 46 root- R 20 fibrillate F 48 fibrillose F 48 fibrillous F 48 fibrose F 49 fibrous F 49 fidate (palmately-) P 46 fiddle-shaped P 65 fidelity F 53 field A 321, 1052, R 419 -growing A 1051 -plants A 332 fiery P 1692 -red A 997, F 79 fig F 51 figure F 55, I 5 fifth Q 51 filament F 57, N 67 filamentous F 56 ENGLISH INDEX filaments (composed of) С 711 filial generation F 3 filled R 154 -up F 16 fillet-like L 92 filthy С 762, S 837 fimbria F 62 fimbriate F 63 fimicolous F 64 fine A 1014, S 1241, T 105 finely- T 105 finger lenght D 212 fingered D 213 four- Q 9 three- T 474 fire- P 1692 -like S 43 firm F 65, S 563 first P 1214, 1360, 1375 fissile F 68 fission F 69 fissurate F 71 fissure R 324 fissured F 71, R 226 fistular F 72 fistulose F 72 fistulous F 72 five- P 237, Q 32 by fives Q 30 -each Q 30 -fold Q 50 fixed F 73 flabby F 75, L 73 flabellate F 74 flaccid E 95, L 44 flag smut U 94 flagellate F 77, M 117 flagelliform F 76 flagellum F 78 flame- P 451 -coloured F 79, I 39 -scarlet M 370 flamingred I 39 flank L 71 flashing С 838 flask-shaped A 608, L 31 flat P 723, 742 lying- P 1336 nearly- P 744 flattened С 686, D 231, T 5 -out С 678 somewhat-S 1128 flattening F 20 flavescent F 80 flavour S 46 flavoured (well-) S 42 fleck M 64 fleeting F 177 flesh G 97, S 62 -coloured С 94, I 85 -eating I 180 -loving С 879 fleshy С 96, 863, P 1644, S 62, 1263 somewhat- S 117 flexuose F 82, О 188, S 437 flinty S 498 floating F 98, 99, N 22 floccose F 83, M 83 flocculent G 229 flocculose F 84 flock G 256 flood P 1280 flora G 329, F 85 small- F 95 floral F 86 -clock H 431 florescence F 87 floret F 97 ligulate- L 173 floribund F 88 floricolous F 89 floriculture F 89 floriferous F 91 florigraphy F 92 florilege F 93 floriparous F 94 florula F 95 floscule F 97 flour-like F 17 flow G 968 flower- A 832 flower F 96 aggregate- A 328 bearing- F 91 bisexual- F 96 -bud A 370, F 91 -calendar G 29 complete- G 681 -crown С 816 double- P 815 -embracing A 602 epigynous- F 96 -fall A 853 -garden H 438 -gardening F 90 -head G 72 hermaphrodite- F 96 hypogynous- F 96 ligulate- F 96 little- F 97 male- F 96 marginal- F 96 naked- N 198 neuter- N 110 perigynous- F 96 pistillate- F 96 radial- R 16 ray- F 96 staminate- F 96 sterile- S 956 terminal- T 127 tubular- T 641 flowered A 832 cleft- S 143 flowered 696 closely- P 1676 cluster- R 2 cup- P 888 dry- S 175, X 29 few- P 198 four- Q 12 hairy- T 434 hundred- H 61 large- M 5 lilac- S 1468 long- L 258 many- H 61, M 535, 621 milky-white- G 6 naked- G 267 narrow- S 902 nose-like- R 238 not- V 130 one- U 53 purple- P 1116 radiate- R 34 red- R 375 rostrate- R 353 serrate- S 440 side- P 826 sitting- S 456 six- H 279 snow-white- N 130 three- T 420 trumpet- S 26 wing- P 1607 flowerembradng (half-) S 282 floweret F 97 flowerheaded (hairy-) T 446 many- M 514 flowering A 833, E 52, F 87 abundantly- F 88 constantly- A 351 first- P 1363 in advance-P 1226 late- S 454, T 29 night- N 132 -plants A 850 flowerlessness A 883 fluctuating F 98 fluid (becoming-) С 628 fluitant F 99 fluvial F 100 fluviatic F 100 fluviatile F 100 fly-like M 616 flying A 1235, V 157 fodder (fit for-) P 1 foggy N 36 fold P 846, R 402 folded P 849, 1625, Ft 403 -backward R 155 many- M 556 lengthwise- D 395 -over E 318 -together С 705 folding P 846, 848 foliaceous F 104 foliage F 108, 158 folianeous F 105 697 foliar F Ю6 foliate F 109 foliation F 107 foliolate F Ш costately- R Ю foliole F 112 foliose F 113 folk-botany E 359 follicle F 117 compound- F lib double- В 131 follicular F 115 following S 429, 1256 foot P 362 -long P 362, 208 -shaped P 209, 212 -footed P 363, 890 short- В 277 wing- P I6*® foothill plants P 12 footpath S 375 for P 1225 force V 141 vital- V 146 forehead F 159 forest- S 508 forest N 76, S 507 -dwelling S 510 mixed- M 385 forest -plants S 508 -steppe S 512 forestry S 29, 511 forked D 176, F 198 three- T 467, 490 twice- В 136 form F 125 dwarf- N 5 new- F 125 formative P 774 formed F 127 earliest- P 1375 first- P 1212 formerly P 15 forming F 126 formula F 129 fornicate F 130 fortifying A 653 fosse F 134 fossil -plant P 636 fossilc F 135 fossils F 136 fossulate F 137 fouled I 173 found I 266 four Q 1, 26, T 151 -anlhered T 183 by fours Q 25 -each Q 25 -fold Q 23, T 188 fourth Q 24 fovea F 138 nectariferous- N 54 foveate F 139 foveolate F 139 fovilla F 140 fox-coloured V 167 fragile F 143 fragment F 145 fragmentation F 144 fragrant F 146, О 65, S 1083 freckled L 98 free С 364, E 88, L 152 half- S 326 freezing R 116 frequency F 151 frequent F 150 fresh R 77, V 47, 155 frill A 1030 fringe F 62, T 309 fringed В 241, F 63, L 15 two- В 98 frond F 156, 158 frondescence F 155 frondescent F 154 frondose F 157 frondous F 157 froth-like S 835 frothy S 835 frozen G 64, 151 fructicolous F 161 fructiferous F 162 fructification F 163 fructivorous F 164 fruit G 99, F 165 aggregate- A 328 -bearing F 162, P 1243 -body F 163, T 216 -body of Fungi G 120 -bud F 162 disseminant- D 323 dry- S 488 false- P 1479 -falling (abnormal) G 119 fig- S 1327 fleshy- S 64 -garden P 1086 indehiscent- I 114 -pulp P 1643 separating- S 235 sling- В 21 -stalk С 118 stone- D 380 winged- S 34 fruited С 99 beak- R 309 broad- P 788 cleft- S 138 close- С 508 cork- P 426 egg- О 90 few- A 500, О 112 five- P 239 glossy- L 38 grilled- G 430 hairy- T 443 halfmoon- С 271 hook- H 52 ENGLISH INDEX fruited large- M 6, 15 lattice- G 430 long- R 223 many- P 950 naked- G 270, P 1596 narrow- S 906 pear- P 1703 pink- R 292 prickly- E 10 red- E 348 root- R 249 rotate- T 582 rough- T 379 scale- L 106 shaggy- L 55 sickle- S 271 single- E 323 smooth- L 88 split- S 145 spur- P 797 standard- S 275 suturate- R 227 thick- P 1681 white- L 137 wing- P 1613 wrinkle- R 314 fruitful F 32, 36, 40, M 532, О 205, P 1274, U 1 fruitfulness U 2 fruiting F 162, 163 -body G 825 fruitless A 37, S 956 frutescent F 169 fruticant F 171 fucaceous F 174 fucoidal F 174 fugacious F 177 -fugal F 176 full P 815, R 154 half- S 355 fulvous F 184 fungaceous F 187 fungal M 596 fungi M 600 fungicid F 188 fungicolous F 189 fungivorous F 190, M 604 fungus F 191 -like F 187 funicle F 194 funicled F 193 funiform F 186 funnel-shaped I 154 furcate F 198 furcation F 197 furrow G 644, G 191, S 1278, 1280 nectariferous- S 1280 furrowed G 641, S 1278, V 22 deeply- E 419 half- S 372 ENGLISH INDEX no- A 1100 three- T 569 fuscous F 202 fused С 741 -together С 709 fusiform F 203 fusion F 204 -of parts S 1358 galbaniferous G 7 galbanum (bearing) G 7 galbulus G 8 galea G 9 galeate G 10 galericulate G 12 gall С 206, G 13 -bearing E 203 -shaped G 14 gametange G 20 gametangiogamy G 18 gametangiophore G 19 gamete G 17 gametic G 21 gametisation G 22 gametoblast G 24 gametocyet G 25 gametocyte G 26 gametogamy G 27 gametogenesis G 28 gametophore G 31 gametophyte G 34 gametophytic G 34 gametoplasm G 35 gametospore G 36 gamobium G 38 gamocarpellary G 39 gamocarpous G 40 gamocyte G 41 gamodesmy G 42 gamogemmy G 43 gamomery G 46 gamomorphose G 47 gamopetalous S 1349 gamophylly G 49 gamostely G 53 gamostylous G 54 gamotropism G 56 -gamous G 37 ganglion G 58 gangrene G 59, S 697 gaping H 287, 318, G 327 garden H 438 -fleeting H 436 fruit- P 1 growing in- H 433 nursery- P 750 of gardens H 438 -plants P 749b rose- R 343 gardeners’ H 437 gardening H 435 ornamental- T 340 garland (of flowers) S 453 -shaped S 452 gashed L 233 gathered A 1118 gathering G 176, S 1331 gazoplankton G 60 geitonocarpy G 62 geitonogamy G 61 gelatinous G 63 gelification G 65 gem G 69 geminate D 191, G 67 gemini G 68 gemmaceous G 70 gemmation G 71 gemmification G 74 gemmiparity G 76 gemmiparous G 77 gemmule G 78 gene G 80 general U 79 generation G 84, 85 generation ,,n“ N 1, -,,2n“ N 2 accrementitial- A 49 asexual- G 85 diploid- N 2 haploid- N 1 sexual- G 85 spontaneous- A 10 generative G 86 generic G 87 generitype G 88 genesis G 89 genetic G 91 genetics G 90 developmental- P 388 geniculate G 92 genotype G 98 -genous G 94 genuflexed G 92 genuine G 99 genus G 100 new- N 169 geoaesthesia G 103 geobiont G 104 geoblast G 106 geobotany G 107 geocarpotropic G 109 geocarpy G 108 geoecotype G 116 geography (plant-) P 628 geonasty G 114 geonyctinasty G 115 geonyctitropy G 115 geoparallelotropism G 118 geophilous G 119 geophytes G 120 geoplagiotropism G 121 geospecies G 122 geosphere G 123 geotaxy G 125 geotonus G 126 geotorsion G 127 Ш geolortism G 127 geotrophism G 128 geotrophy G 128 geotropism G 130 lateral- G 130 negative- G 130, N 64 positive- G 130 germ G 132 -layer M 123 germinability G 134, V 147 germinable G 133 germinated G 138 germinating В 231, G 135 germination G 136 epigeal- E 257 germinative G 137 gerontomorphosis G 139 giant G 143 gibbose G 142 gibbosity G 141 gibbous G 142 gigantic G 143 gigartinous G 144 gill L 33 girdle С 442 girdled G 431, 441, Z 21 red- R 380 three- T 580 two- В 99 girdling С 440 giving forth E 113 glabrate G 148 glabrescent G 148 glabrous G 149, P 4J0, 1594 nearly- G 148 glacial G 151 glade L 272 gland- G 153 gland G 161, N 210 digestive- D 211, G 161 gland (-like) G 155 septal- S 410 glandaceous G 153 glandular A 188, G 155 glandule G 154, 161 glandulose G 156 glareose G 162 glasshouse H 288 glassy V 151 glaucescent G 164 glaucous G 163 becoming- G 164 gleaming F 181, S 768 gleaning S 732 gleba, glebe G 165 glistening L 270 glittering F 181, N 122, S 768 globate G 166 globe (little) G 168 -shaped G 166 globoids G 167 globose G 166, S 699 half- S 314 699 globular G 166 nearly-S 1187 globule G 168 globulose G 166 glochide G 171 glochidiate G 169 glochidium G 170 gloeocystidium G 173 gloeospore G 175 glomerate G 176 glomerule G 177 glossopode G 180 glossy L 37, N 122 -as if oiled I 259 glowing I 39 glue V 143 glue- G 172 glued together A 326, С 723 glumaceous G 182 glumate G 185 glume G 181, T 48 -like G 186 external -G 181 internal- G 181 glumelle P 30 glumiferous G 185 gluten G 187 glutinous G 188, V 142 gnarled G 706, N 135 gnat-shaped G 748 gnawed E 342, T 583 gnawing M 116 gneisaceous G 192 gnesiogamy G 193 gold-shining A 1153 golden- G 405 -coloured A 1153, G 405 -yellow A 1153 completely- H 327 gomphostylous G 195 gonangium G 197 goneoclinous G 199 gonidangium G 203 gonidema G 208 gonidial G 204 -layer G 208, S 1018 gonidimium G 205 gonidionema G 208 gonidiophore G 206 gonidium G 207 -of Lichens S 635 gonimoblast G 210 gonimolobe G 211 goniocarpous G 212 goniotrichous G 216 gonohyphema G 220 gonophore G 221 gonoplasm G 222 gonosome G 223 gonospore G 224 gonotaxis G 225 gonotokonts G 226 gonotropism G 228 good В 250 gorge F 26 gossypine G 229 gourd-like G 946 -shaped L 31 graceful V 64 graft E 236, I 190, T 399 grafted I 189 naturally- A 52 grafting С 746, I 184, 188 grain G 252 -eating G 247 graminaceous G 233 graminicolous G 235, 239 graminous G 237 graniferous G 245 granitic G 246 graniticolous G 246 granivorous G 247 granular G 249 granulate G 248 granule G 251 -like G 249 granulose G 239, 248 grasping P 1207 grass- G 233 grass G 232, H 156 -coloured G 234 -covered H 163 -green G 234 -like G 233 grassy G 233, H 157, 163 gravel- plants G 255 gravelly G 162 greasy P 696, U 30 great G 242, M 72 green - G 324, V 136 apple- P 1085 becoming- V 127 blackish- A 1138 bluish- С 331, G 163, T 219 brownish- С 74, О 134 completely- A 547 dark- A 1138, G 337, P 360, P 961 dark-bluish- S 542 deep- S 90 emerald- S 542 gold- G 330 grass- H 161, G 233, 234 herb- H 161 leek- P 1122, 1203 myrthe- M 629 olive- О 134 parrot- P 1598 reddish- R 386 sea- T 219 turning- V 127 yellow- С 327, H 161 yellowish- G 338, 352, 404, greengrocery О 101 greenhouse (cool-) F 152 warm- С 28 ENGLISH INDEX greenish С 327, 338, V 127, V 137 gregarious G 255 gregariousness S 545 grex G 256 grey G 258, P 911, 3 769 ash- С 433, 3 769, T 111 becoming- 3 390 blue- С 12 brownish- S 599 dull- P 854 leaden- P 854, С 257, L 230, M 391 light- С 12, 434 mouse- M 583, 619 pale- L 142 pure- G 258 slate- A 998 3, 136 smoke- F 185 steel- G 257 greyish С 434, G 257 gristly G 130 grit S 4 -cells 3 176 groove G 415, S 1280 groove- G 191 grooved L 24, 3 1278, T 111, V 22 deeply- E 419 two- В 218 ground S 567 ground- G 102 above- E 257, 301, S 1315 group G 256 taxonomic- T 37 grouped G 255 grove 3 514 growing G 883, H 2 obliquely- A 353 -on С 604, E 229 -out E 436 -point С 784 roadside- V 107 -round about С 464 together A 210, G 544, 599 grown together A 52, G 699 growth A 50, I 103 exuberant- L 283 plant- V 45 terminal- T 127 grumose G 260 grumous G 260 guard-cells 3 1003 -fruit P 252 guest H 439 guide H 319 gummiferous G 261 gumming G 262 gummy G 261 guttate G 265 guttation G 264 gymnoblastous G 268 gymnocarpic G 270 gymnocarpous G 270 ENGLISH INDEX gymnocvte G 271 gymnoplast G 272 gymnospermous G 273 gymnospore G 274 gynandria G 277 gynandrian G 278 gynandromonoecy G 279 gynandrophore G 281 gynandrous G 278 gynantherous G 282 gynixus G 284 gyno- G 275 gynobase G 285 gynochlamydeous G 286 gynodimorphism G 287 gynodioecy G 288 gynodynamic G 289 gynodynamous G 289 gynoecium G 290 pseudomonomerous- P 1527 gynoecy G 291 gynogametangium G 293 gynogamete G 292 gynogametophore G 294 gynogenesis G 295 gynogenum G 296 gynohermaphrodite G 298 gynomonoecy G 299 gynophaen G 300 gynophore G 301, S 689 gynophylly G 302 gynophytes G 303 gynosporangium G 306 gynostegium G 308 gynostemium G 309 gypsaceous G 310 gypsicolous G 312 gypsophilous G 312 gyroma G 315 habit H 4 habitat H 3 -type С 518 hadrocentric H 5 hadrome H 6 haematochrome H 8 haemostatic I 289 hair С 70, P 694 cottony- L 47 -covering I 124 glandular- G 156 glochidiate- G 169 -like G 67, T 449 -net С 69 scaly- S 225, 838 scutate- S 225 sensitive glandular- T 101 stinging- U 88 urticant- U 88 hair’s width С 70 woolly- L 47 haired P 683, T 432 finely- P 690 long- С 887 shining- P 436 shortly- H 307 slightly- P 692 stiff- H 308 white- L 147 hairiness 1124, P 691, P 1634 hairless G 149, I 69 almost- S 1186 hairs collecting- С 622 fasciculate- P 694a furcate- P 694b lepidote- L 105 mucilaginous- С 624 radical- R 20 stellate- В 895 whorled- P 694c hairy L 54, P 683, T 432 around- A 556 hard- S 195 -leaved T 458 slightly- P 1633 star- A 1093 halbert-shaped H 53 half- H 110, S 277 -anatropous H 111 -coated H 118 -comb-shaped S 350 -epigynous H 129 -inverted H 145 -parasite H 133 -way I 217 halobenthos H 10 halobion H 11 halodrymium H 12 halonereids H 13 halophilous H 14 halophobous H 15 halophytes H 16 haloplankton H 17 halved D 239 hamate H 18, L 51 hammer-shaped M 81 hamster-coloured N 121 hamulate H 19 hamulose H 19 handbook E 123, M 95 handsome A 527, P 1639 hanging С 870, P 232, S 1321 -down D 76 hapaxanthic H 23 hapaxanthous H 23 haplobiont H 25 haplocaulos H 26 haplochlamydeous H 27 haplocyte H 28 haplodiplobiont H 29 haplogenesis H 30 haplogonidium H 31 haploid H 32 -generation N 1 haplomitosis H 33 haplomeristomous H 35 700 haplopetalous H 36 haplophase H 37 haplont H 25 haplopolyploid H 38 haplosis H 39 haplosomy H 40 haplosporangium H 42 haplospore H 41 haplostele H 43 haplostemonopetalous H 45 haplostemony H 44 haptera H 46 haplomorphosis H 17 hard A 98, D 406, R 319, S 173 -like bone О 282 rather- D 405, S 1162 stone- L 50 - cultivated H 108 hardened I 126, S 193 hardening S 179 hardness D 404, R 338 harm N 171 harmful N 172 harmless I 166 harmony H 50 harsh A 60 hastate H 53 hastulate H 53 hatchet-shaped D 359, S 250 haustorium H 55 having H 1 head С 80 flower- С 72 -like G 71 headed С 71 -many- M 514 root- R 251 three- T 431 two- A 684, В 90 headland P 1288 headless A 58 healing M 138, S 33 healthful S 33 healthy S 32, V 19 heaped A 54 -together G 539 -up A 62 heaps (rubbish-) R 389 heart С 86, 806 -shaped С 806 almost- S 1134 inversely- О 6 ' -wood D 402 heat -loving X 44 -plants X 45 -resistant T 273 heath E 335 heavy G 254, P 1093 hebetate H 59 701 hedge S 13 growing in- S 14 living- S 13 hedgehog-like E 337 height A 478 unusual- G 143 hekistothermic H 67 heleophytes H 71 heleoplankton H 72 helicism H 74 helicoid H 73 -cyme В 253 heliconomium H 75 heliophilous H 79 heliophobous H 80 heliophyll H 81 heliophytes H 82 heliosciophytes PI 83 helioscopous H 84 heliose H 85 heliotortism H 87 heliotropic H 88 heliotropism P 514 helioturgotropism H 90 helmet G 157, G 9 -shaped С 156, G 11 helminthocecidia H 91 helohylophilous H 95 helolochmophilous H 96 heloplankton H 99 helorgadophilous H 100 helotism H 101 help-cells S 1420 hemerodiaphorous H 106 hemerophilous H 107 hemerophobous H 108 hemerophytes H 109 hemiangiocarpous H 112 hemiapophytes H 113 hemiautopnytes H 114 hemibasidium H 115 hemicaryon H 116 hemicellulose H 117 hemichlamydeous H 118 hemicleistocarpous H 119 hemicleistogamic H 120 hemicryptophytes H 121 hemicyclic H 122 hemidibiose H 124 hemidistrophy H 125 hemiendobiotic H 126 hemiepiphytes H 130 hemiendophytic H 128 hemigamotropous H 131 hemihaploid H 132 hemiparasite H 133 hemipentacotyl H 134 hemiphanerophytes H 135 hemiploid H 136 hemisaprophytes H 137 hemispherical S 314, 344 hemieyncarpous H 139 hemisyncotyl H 140 hemisyngynous H 141 hemiteria H 143 hemitherophytes H 144 hemitropic H 145 hemixerophytes H 146 hepaticology H 148 heptagynian H 151 heptamerous H 152 heptandrous H 153 heptaphyllous H 154 herb H 156 -green H 161 -like H 157 herbaceous H 157 herbal H 159 herbalist H 160 herbarist H 160 herbarium H 159 -label S 133 herbicids H 162 herbivorous H 164, P 656 herblet H 165 herborising H 158 herborization H 158 herbose H 163 herbous H 163 hercogamy H 166 herd G 256 hereditary H 167, I 162 heredity H 168 hermaphrodite A 710, H 169, 171, M 407 hermaphroditism H 170 herpism H 172 hertzotropism H 173 hesperidium H 174 heteracanthous H 176 heteradelphy H 177 heterandrous H 178 heterantagonism H 179 heteranthery H 180 heteranthy H 181 heterauxesis H 182 heteroauxin H 183 heterobasid H 186 heteroblastic H 187 heterocarpous H 189 heterocarpy H 188 heterochlamydeous H 192 heterochoric H 193 heterochromatism H 194 heterochromaty H 194 heterochromosome H 196 heterochromous H 195 heterochronous H 197 heterocotylous H 199 heterocyclic H 200 heterocyst H 201 heterodichogamy H 202 heterodistyly H 204 heterodromous H 206 heterodynamous H 207 heteroecious H 208 heterogametange H 211 heterogamete H 209 ENGLISH INDEX heterogametic H 212 heterogamogony H 214 heterogamous H 215 heterogamy H 213 heterogenesis H 216 heterogenetic H 217 heterogenous H 218 heterokaryon H 190 heterokaryosis H 191 heterokinesis H 220 heteromallous H 221 heteromericarpy H 223 heteromerous H 224 heteromery H 222 heteromesogamy H 225 heteromixis H 226 heteromorphic H 228 heteromorphose H 229 heteromorphous H 228 heteromorphy H 227 heterophaenogamy H 231 heterophaeny H 230 heterophagous H 232 heterophasic H 233 heterophyadic H 234 heterophyllous H 236 heterophylly H 235 heterophytes H 237 heterophytic H 238 heterophytous H 238 heteroplasm H 240 heteroplastomatic H 241 heteroplasy H 239 heteroploid H 242 heteroprosphytiasis H 243 heteroprothally H 244 heteropycnose H 245 heterorhizis H 246, 247 heterosis H 248 heterospermy H 250 heterospora H 252 heterosporangic H 251 heterosporous H 253 heterostemony H 254 heterostyled H 256 heterostylous H 256 heterostyly H 255 heterosymbiotic H 257 heterosynapsis H 258 heterosyndesis H 259 heterotactic H 260 heterotaxy H 261 heterotetraploid H 262 heterothallism H 263 heterotomous H 264 heterotopic H 265 heterotristyly H 266 heterotrophic H 267 heterotypic H 269 heterozygote H 271 hiant H 287 hibernacle H 288 hibernal H 289 hibernate H 292 ENGLISH INDEX hibernating H 290 hibernation H 291 hidden A 20, G 207, 489, С 914, I 52, L 57, 58, О 42, R 88 -bud I 52 hiding С 207, D 53 hiemal H 295 hierobotanicon H 297 high A 480, G 211, E 79, P 1232 rather- A 479 very- P 1159 higher S 1294, 1299 highest S 1316 hilar H 298 hilate H 299 hile H 300 hiliferous H 299 hill С 629 -growing С 625 hilly С 531 hilum H 300 hindrances О 10 hirsute H 306 hirtous H 307 hispid H 308 histodialysis H 309 histogenic H 311 histogenum H 312 histogeny H 310 histology H 313 histolysis H 314 histoly tic H 315 history H 317 -of vegetation S 1404 hoar-frost P 1441 hoard T 286 hoary С 66 rather- G 64 holarctic H 321 holdfasst H 46 holding T 96 -fast T 92 hole L 23 holism H 322 hollow A 876, С 201, E 53, I 79, V 8 hollow- С 564 hollowed С 200, E 53 -out G 689 holobasid H 323 holobenthic H 324 holoblastic H 325 -holocoenose H 328 holochlamydate H 326 holochlamydeous H 326 holocyclic H 329 holodibiose H 330 holoendobiotic H 331 holoendophytes H 332 holoendozoa H 333 holoenzyme H 334 holoepiphytes H 335 hologamete H 337 hologamy H 338, M 26 hologenotypus H 341 hologeny H 340 hologymnocarpous H 342 hologynic H 343 holomorphosis H 345 holoparasite H 346 holopetalous H 347 holophytic H 348 holophytism H 349 holoplankton H 350 holosaprophytes H 351 holosericeous H 352 holotrichous H 353 holotype H 354 homalochoric H 356 homalotropous H 357 homoblastic H 359 homocarpous H 360 homochlamydeous H 362 homochronous H 364 homocoen H 367 homocyclic H 368 homodichogamy H 369 homodromous H 370 homodynamous H 371 homoeandry H 372 homoecious H 373 homoemorph H 375 homocomerous H 374 homoeorhesis H 377 homoeosis H 378 homoeostasis H 379 homogamete H 382 homogamous H 384 homogamy H 383 homogeneity H 385 homogenesis H 386 homogenetic H 387 homogenous H 388 homogenousness H 385 homogeny H 386 homogonous H 390 homogony H 389 homoheterostyly H 391 homokaryon H 361 homokinesis H 365 homoiodiperianthous H 393 homoiohydratur H 395 homoiokaryosis H 392 homologous H 396 homomallous H 397 homomery H 398 homomixis H 399 homomorphose H 401 homonym H 402 homophag H 403 homophasic H 404 homophyadic H 405 homophylic H 406 homophylly H 407 homophytic H 408 702 homoplasy H 376 homoploid H 409 homospory H 410 homostemony H 412 homostyly H 413 homosynapsis H 380 homotactic H 415 homothallism H 416 homothermal H 381 homotomous H 417 homotopy H 418 homotropous H 419 homotypic H 420 homozygosis H 421 homozygote H 422 homozygotic H 423 honey M 171 -coloured H 102, M 176 -combed A 486, F 27 -cup N 56 -dew M 178 -eating M 179 -juice N 51 -like M 176 -plants M 177 producing- M 177 hood G 944 -shaped С 48, 943, H 51 hooded С 943 hoof-shaped U 34 hook H 21, U 31 hook- A 688, H 51, О 152 •shaped H 18 small- H 20 hooked A 198, 221, 688, H 18, L 51, R 107, U 29 -hair H 18 many- P 939 three- T 573 twice- В 222 hooklet H 20 horiodimorphism H 424 horizontal H 425 hormocyst H 426 hormogon H 428 hormogonimium H 427 hormone H 429 horn- С 814 horn of plenty (resembling to the) G 815 horned G 814 four- T 157 many- P 959 three- T 469 * two- В 108 horny С 814 horological H 431 horseshoe-shaped H 304 horticulture H 435 hospitating plants H 440 hospitators H 440 host H 439 as- X 14 hot-bed P 1648 703 hothouse С 28, F 43 humectate H 441 humid H 442, 508 humifuse H 443 hump- G 142 -backed G 142 hundred- С 213, H 60 hurt N 171 husked G 185 hyaline A 959, 960, H 448 hyalocyst H 449 hyalonema H 450, M 123 hyaloplasm H 451 hyalosom H 452 hyalospermous H 453 hybrid H 455 nothoxenous- N 161 vegetative -V 46 hybridization H 456 natural- N 26 sexual- H 456 vegetative- H 456 hybridogamy H 457 hybridous H 458 hydathode H 460 hydratur H 464 hydroaesthesia H 466 hydrobiology H 467 hydroblast H 468 hydrobotany H 469 hydrocarpotropic H 471 hydrocarpy H 470 hydrochorous H 472 hydrocleistogamy H 473 hydrocliny H 474 hydrocorm H 475 hydrocryptophytes H 476 hydroculture H 477 hydrocyst H 478 hydrogamous H 480 hydrogamy H 479 hydrogen-ion concentration P 382 hydroharmose H 481 hydrolysis H 483 hydrome H 484 hydromegathermous H 485 hydrometeoric H 486 hydromorphy H 487 hydronasty H 488 hydrophilous H 489 hydrophobous H 490 hydrophyll H 492 hydrophytes H 493 hydrophytology H 494 hydroplanktophytes H 496 hydroplast H 497 hydroplastids H 498 hydrose H 500 hydrospore H 501 hydrostereids H 502 hydrotaxis H 503 hydrotrichome H 504 hydrotrophy H 505 hydrotropism H 506 hygrochasy H 509 hygrometric H 510 hygromorphism H 512 hygromorphy H 511 hygrophilous H 514 hygrophily H 513 hygrophobous H 515 hygrophytes H 516 hygroplasm H 517 hygroscopic H 519 hygroscopicity H 518 hygroscotophilous H 520 hylodophytes H 523 hylogamy H 524 hymenandrous H 528 hymenium H 529 hymenophore H 531 hymenopterid H 532 hypanthium H 534 hypanthodium H 535 hyperanisogamy H 537 hyperborean H 538 hyperchimaera H 539 hyperchromatic H 541 hyperchromaticity H 540 hyperdiploid H 542 hyperdromy H 543 hyperhaploid H 544 hyperhydric H 545 hyperparasite H 547 hyperplasy H 548 hyperpolyploid H 549 hyperstomatic H 550 hypertonic H 552 hypertrophy H 553 hypertrophytes H 554 hypertypy H 555 hypha H 557 hyphalmyroplankton H 558 hyphasma H 559 hyphema H 560 hyphenchyma H 561 hyphopode H 562 hyphydrogamy H 564 hypnosporange H 567 hypnospore H 566 hypobasal H 569 hypobasidium H 570 hypoblast H 574 hypocarpic H 578 hypocarpium H 575 hypocarpogean H 576 hypochil H 579 hypochioneous H 580 hypocopula H 582 hypocotyl H 583 hypocrateriform H 584 hypoderm H 586 hypodiploid H 587 hypodromous H 588 hypogeal H 589 hypogeocarpy H 590 hypogeous H 589 ENGLISH INDEX hypogynous H 591 hypohaploid H 592 hypolithic H 596 hyponasty H 597 hyponomium H 598 hyponym H 599 hypophloeodic H 601 hypophyll H 603 hypophyllopodous H 602 hypophyllous H 604 hypophyse H 605 hypoplankton H 606 hypoplasy H 607 hypopleura H 608 hypoploid H 609 hypopodium H 610 hypopolyploid H 611 hyposporangium H 613 hypostase H 614 hypostatic H 615 hypostomatous H 616 hypostroma H 617 hypothallium H 618 hypothallus H 619 hypothece H 621 hypotonic H 622 hypotrophy H 623 hypotypy H 624 hypovalva H 625 hypsophyll H 626 hysteranthous H 627 hysterogenous H 628 iconography I 6 iconotype I 7 icosahedral I 9 icosandria I 11 icosandrous I 10 icotype I 12 icy G 151 identification I 16 idiobiology I 18 idioblast I 19 idiobotany I 20 idiochorology I 21 idiochromatin I 22 idioecology I 24 idiogamy I 25 idiogenetics I 26 idiogram I 27 idiometric I 28 idiomorphosis I 29 idiomutation I 30 idionym 1 31 idioplasm I 32 idiosome I 33 idiotery I 34 idiotope I 35 idiotype I 36 igneous I 39 illegitimate I 42 -name I 42 ENGLISH INDEX illustration I 6 imbedded I 52, 91 imbibiting I 47 imbibition I 47 imbricate I 49 imbricated I 49 imitating M 190, S 519 immaculate I 50 immature I 51, 69 immersed I 52 immigrantes I 53 immigrate I 55 immigration I 54 immunity I 57 imparipinnate I 60 imperfect I 62, M 89 impermeable I 63 impermeableness I 64 implexed I 65 imphicate I 65 impolished 1 66 impregnation F 28 improved E 106 inactive I 73 inadhering 1 74 inane I 79 inanition I 80 inarticulate I 82 incarnate I 85 incense (bearing) T 301 inch P 920 -long P 921 half- U 33 incised I 89, T 329 incision I 88 inclined A 46, С 524, I 90 equally- I 301 inclining V 67 included I 91 including С 774, I 91 inclusion 1 92 incomplete I 98 inconspicuous I 99 inconstant M 586 incrassate I 102 increase A 50, I 103 increased A 1146 increasing in thickeness T 589 incrustation I 104 incrusted I 105 incubation I 106 incumbent I 108 incurvate I 109 incurved I 109, 140, 250 indefinite A 180, I 113 indehiscent I 114 indeterminate I 113 indicating M 465, P 1161 indicator - plants I 116 indicatory M 465 indifferent A 1088, I 117 indigenous A 17 indirect I 120 indistinct I 122, О 22 indivisible A 1120 indument I 124 induplicate I 125 induplicative I 125 indurated I 126, S 193 indusiate I 127 indusium I 128, M 184 induvia I 130 inequilateral I 77, S 110 inermous I 131 infection I 132 infectious С 768 infertile S 956 inflated I 139, P 592, T 646, U 98, V 61 inflected I 140 inflexed I 140 inflorescence I 141 compound- С 685 racemose- R 4 simple- S 518 terminal- T 127 influence T 15 infolding I 275 infraapical I 146 infraaxillary I 147 infracted I 148 inframicrobe I 149 inframicrobiolOgy I 150 infraspecific I 151 infrutescence I 153 infundibular I 154 infundibuliform I 154 infuscate I 155 infusion I 156 inhabitant I 94 inhabiting H 2, I 95, 159, О 66 inherited I 157 inhibitor P 111 inhibitors I 160 initial I 161 -cells I 161 injurious N 172, P 339 injury N 171 inky A 1125 innascent I 162 innate I 157 inner I 221 innovation I 165 inquiline I 172 inquilinism I 171 inquirer I 110 inquiry I 268 inocarpous I 167 inoculation О 58 inodorous I 169 inophyllous I 170 insculpt I 177 insecticids I 178 insectiferous I 179 insectivorous I 180 -plants I 180 704 insects (by, on) E 212 inseparable I 181 inseration I 182 inserted D 321, I 185 insertion I 184 insident I 67 insipid I 187 insolation H 85, I 191 inspication I 194 installation I 197 integument I 204 interaction I 206 intercalary I 208 intercalated I 208 intercellular I 210 interchange A 473 intercutis I 212 interfascicular I 213 intergeneric I 214 interkinesis I 211 interlaced I 65 intermediate I 217 intermingling С 667 intermixed 1 56, 219 internal I 221 International code of botanical nomenclature С 559 internode I 220 interpetiolar I 222 interphase I 223 interposed I 208, 225 interposition I 224 interpretation I 226 interreduplication I 227 interrupted I 229 intersected I 230 intersecting I 230 interspecific I 232 interspersed I 233 intersterility I 234 interstice I 235 interwoven I 65, 236 intexine I 238 intextine I 238 intine I 239 intraaxillary I 242 intracellular I 243 intrafloral I 244, N 204 intrapetiolar I 245 intraspecific I 246 intrastaminal 1 247 intravaginal I 248 intricate I 249 introcurved I 250 > introduction I 288 introflexed I 251 introgressive I 252 introrse I 253 intumescence I 256 intumescent I 255 intussusception I 257 inundation P 1280 invading I 261 invaginated I 263 705 invagination I 262 invariable I 264 inversed О 2 inversely О 2 inversion R 185 inverted A 682, I 267 investigated G 598 investigation I 268 in viability I 270 invisible I 271 involucral I 274 involucrant I 275 involucrate I 276 involucre I 277 involucret I 273 involucel I 273 involute С 449, I 280 involution I 279 inward I 221 iridescent I 282 iron-coloured F 39 -hating S 493 -loving S 492 irregular A 16, 804 irreversible I 283 irrigation R 323 irrorate I 286 is it? A 627 isabelline I 287 isidium 1 291 island-loving N 107 isobilateral I 294 isocarpous I 297 isochromocentric I 299 isoclinous I 301 isocoen I 302 isocoenose I 303 isodiametric 1 305 isogametangiogamy I 308 isogametes I 307 isogamy I 309 isogenetic I 311 isogenomatic I 312 isogenous I 311 isogynous I 316 isohologamy I 317 isolated A 638, С 364, I 320 isolateral I 318 isolation I 319 isomerogamy I 324 isomerous I 323 isomery I 322 isomorphose I 326 isomorphous I 327 isomorphy I 325 isophenogamy I 328 isophenous I 329 isophotic I 331 isophyllous 1 333 isophylly I 332 isoplanogametes I 334 isoploid I 335 isoprosphytiasis I 335 isoprothally I 336 isosporous I 337 isospory H 410 isostic I 338 isostylous I 339 isosyntype I 340 isotomous I 341 isotonic I 343 isotype I 344 isozygotic I 345 issued N 29, О 235, 270, P 1436 itching P 1447 iteology I 346 iterative I 348 ivory-yellowish white E 6 ivy- H 62 resembling- H 62 jaculator J 1 jaspideous J 3 jaundice (vegetable) I 14 jelly-like G 63 joined С 654, 709, 740, С 741, 744, J 20, Z 58 -together A 181 joint A 1046, G 93, J 19 jointed A 205, 1047 many- M 511 not- I 82 jordanism J 7 jubate J 10 jugamentum J 12 jugate J 13 juice L 208, S 1266 bearing- С 414 honey- N 51 milky- L 62 juiced (red-) S 1261 juicy S 1263 juncaceous J 18 juncoid J 18 Jupiter J 21 juvenescence J 23 juvenile J 22 juxtaposition J 25 karyogram G 136 karyokinesis G 137 karyolymph G 139 karyolysis С 140 karyophasis С 144 karyoplasm G 145 karyoplasmogamy С 146 karyoplast G 147 karyorhexis G 149 karyosoma G 150 karyosymphysis С 151 karyotheca G 152 karyotin G 153 karyotype G 154 katablaet С 161 katharobia G 183 ENGLISH INDEX keel С 90 keeled С 91 keep (to-) G 754 kernel G 252 key (dichotomous) С 500 kidney-shaped R 145 kinetonema С 437 kinetoplastes С 438 kinetosome G 439 kingdom (plant-) R 129, V 44 kinoplasm G 446 kitchen-garden H 438, О 102 knee- G 92 -jointed G 92 kneed G 92 knife-shaped С 956 knobby G 260, N 135 knot G 58, N 140 knotted С 706, N 135 knottiness N 136 knotty N 135 known С 598 kyanophyll С 991 labellate L 1 labellisation L 2 labellum L 3 labiate С 272, L 4 labiated L 4 labium L 6 labyrinlhic L 8 labyrinthine G 8 lac L 10 lacerate L 12 lacerated L 12 lacinia L 14 laciniae L 14 calycine- L 14 coralline- L 14 perigonial- L 14 laciniate L 15 lacinule L 16 lacinulatc L 17 lacking С 87, N 199 lacrimation L 19 lactescent L 21 lactiferous L 21 lacuna L 23 lacunose L 24 lacustral L 26 lacustrine L 26 ladder-like S 109 lacvigate L 28 lageniform L 31 laid upon I 67 lake L 25 -dwelling L 181 inhabiting- L 26 Lamarckism L 32 lamcl L 33 half- S 321 ENGLISH INDEX lamel-shaped L 34 lamellar L 34 lamellate L 35 lamina L 36 lanate L 40 abundantly- L 47 lance- L 41 -shaped L 41 lanceolate L 41 -hastate L 42 inversely- О 12 linear- L 43 land R 419 lanuginose L 47 lanuginous L 47 lapidicolous L 49, 5Э lapidose L 50 large A 606, О 242, M 3, 72 very- G 143, M 161, P 333 lash-like F 76 last P 1134, 1198 late S 454, T 30 -coming S 434 latency L 59 latent L 58 -period L 59 later P 1134 lateral L 60, P 824 latex L 62 -bearing L 64 -vessels V 39 laticiferous L 64 latifoliate L 69 latitude L 65 lattice (-fruited) G 430 -shaped С 447, 495 latticed G 60, 448, 495 half- S 290 lavender-blue L 72 layer M 82, S 1018 bast- S 1018 onidial- G 208, S 1018 erbaceous- S 1018 pith- S 1018 sporiferous- S 1018 lead-coloured L 230, 257, P 854 pale- P 220 leaf F 114 acerous- A 61 -base В 52 beneath the- H 604 -blade L 178 -bud F 110 compound- С 685 •edge M 108 -fall P 576 floral- В 280 fossil- L 221 -like F 104 -margin M 108 -needle A 168 leaf primordial- P 1212 radical- R 20 root- R 20 scutiform- S 225 -segment S 258 -sheath V 13 simple- S 518 -stalk P 377 leafing F 107, 155 leaflet F 112 pair of leaflets J 14 leafletled F 111 leafmosaic M 489 leaning forward P 1292 least (at-) S 28 leather С 810 •coloured A 482 -like G 808 leathery G 808 leaved F 109, P 549 alternatively- A 475 aristate- A 1024 arrow- S 16 beak- R 311 beautifully- A 318 bristly- S 466 broad- L 69, P 792 brown- P 402 cleft- S 139 cork- S 1170 densely- P 1685 downy- P 1623 dry- S 486 evergreen- A 354 few- P 199 firered- P 1710 five- P 248 flesh- 8 74 fold- P 1627 four- Q 13 garlic- S 209 grassy- A 341 green- С 344 hard- S 188 large- G 244, M 34 leathery- S 233 long- L 259 many- P 1028 membrane- S 124 narrow- S 924 one- M 434 pink- R 299 pinnately- P 701 punctate- S 969 purple- P 1121 root- R 278 serrate- S 441 seven- H 154 sitting- S 457 slender- L 127 smooth- L 89 spiny- S 747 706 leaved stiff- I 349 straight- I 349 striate- S 1027 thin- T 107 thread- N 73 three- T 486 tooth- О 63 two- В 130 umbrella- S 160 vein- P 444 white- L 143 woolly- С 560 leaves (serial) A 259 almost without- S 1095 basal- В 35 lecanorine L 76 lecideine L 77 lectoallotype L 78 lectotype L 79 leek-green P 1203 left L 30, S 523 on the- S 523 legitimate L 82 legume L 84 -like L 85 leguminous L 86 lemon- С 477 -coloured С 477 length L 262 lengthened Б 94, P 1244, P 1278,1427 lenitic L 93 lens L 94 -shaped L 97 lenticellate L 96 lenticele L 95 lenticular L 97 lentiginose L 98 lentil L 94 lepicena L 104 lepides L 105 Iepidoplerocccidium L 107 lepidopteronomium L 108 lepidopterophilae L 109 lepidote L 103 lepisma L 112 lepocyte L 113 leprose L 115 leprous L 115 leptome L 123 leptomestome L 123 < leptonema L 124 leptophloem L 126 leptosporangium L 129 leptotene L 131 leptoxylem L 132 leptozygotene L 133 lepyrophylly L 134 -less A 1, 628, Б 415, I 145, M 162, 372 lethal L 135 lettered G 238 leucocyan L 139 707 leucocyst L 140 leucoplast L 144 leucoplastld L 144 leucosome L 145 leucospermy L 146 level H 355, 425, P 742, P 743 levelled A 248 liane L 151 liber L 153 libriform L 154 lichen L 155 lichenism L 156 lichenography L 157 lichenology L 158 life В 186, V 144 -cycle В 161, G 1000 duration of- D 403 without- A 12 lifeless E 114 light- D 233, 234, H 76, L 27, 282, P 471 light catching the- P 489 -loving H 79 -shunning H 80 ligneous L 162 -body G 825 lignescent L 161 lignicolor L 163 lignicolous L 164 lignification L 165, S 179 lignine L 166 secreting- S 186 lignivorous L 167 lignose L 162 ligulaceous L 171 ligular L 172 ligulate L 173 -flower F 96 ligule L 170 liguli- L 173 like F 128, H 355, 358, I 292, О 60, P 87, S 515 very- P 347 likeness S 517 lilac L 174 liliaceous L 175 lilacinous L 174 lily-like L 175 limb L 36, 178 limbate L 177 lime V 143 limestone (dwelling on) G 312 limicolous L 180 limit L 179, T 131 limnicolous L 181 limnobiology L 182 limnophytes L 184 limnoplankton L 185 limy С 20 line L 190 -like L 191 lined L 193 linear L 191 lineate L 193 Ungulate L 194 linied G 238 linked together С 687 liontongue-shaped L 101 lip- G 272 lip L 6 lower- L 6 upper- L 6 lipase L 197 lipochondria L 198 lipochrome L 199 lipocyanin L 201 lipoids L 202 lipolytic L 203 lipophanerose L 204 lipophilous L 205 lipoplast L 206 lipoxeny L 207 lipped G 272, L 4 one- U 59 two- В 142 lirella L 210 list С 170, D 47, S 1330 lithiasis L 214 lithocyst L 217 lithospermous L 223 lithotelma L 224 little P 172 very- M 371 littoral L 227, N 96 lively V 47 -coloured L 27 liver-coloured H 149 liverworts (study of the) H 148 living V 115, 155 -together G 567 lizard- S 94 lizards (disseminated by-) S 96 lobate L 233 lobation L 232 lobe L 237 anther- T 231 lobed L 233 digitately- D 215 equally- I 321 five- Q 43 four- Q 16 half- S 328 many- M 547 not- I 201 pinnately- P 702 three- T 504 two- В 146 lobelet L 236 lobulate L 235 lobule L 236 local T 341 ENGLISH INDEX locality L 246 type- L 246 locellate L 238 locellus L 239 locomotor L 240 locular L 242 loculate L 242 loculicidal L 243 loculicide L 243 loculus L 244 false- S 836 lodicule L 248, S 841 lofty С 211, E 79 logonym L 249 logotype L 250 loment L 253 double- В 147 lomentaceous L 252 lonely S 565 long L 255, M 3 cubit- В 268 very- P 332 longer than S 1284 longlived L 256, M 13 look I 254 looking dirty- S 586 -towards S 631 loose С 251, L 73 -smut U 94 loosely- L 73 loosing L 293 lorate L 265 lorica L 266 loricate L 267 lovely A 488 loving P 437 low H 444, P 1652 lower H 533, 615, I 137 lowered D 57 lowermost I 71 lowest I 71 lumbricous L 273 lumen L 274 luminescent L 275 lump M 114 lunated L 276 lurid L 277 lustreless I 66 lustrous N 122, V 76 lusus L 278 luxuriant L 284 luxurious L 284 Jying (crosswise) T 402 -flat A 953 -upon I 108 lyrate L 288 lyre-shaped L 288 lysenchyma L 289 lysicarpous L 290 lysigenous L 291 lysin L 292 lysis L 293 -Jytic L 294 ENGLISH INDEX maceration M 2 macroaerophilous M 7 macroandrospore M 8 macroaplanogamete M 9 macroaplanosporangium M10 macroaplanospore M 11 macrobiocarpy M 12 macroblast M 14 macroclimate M 16 macroconidium M 17 macrocyst M 18 macroevolution M 21 macrogametange M 23 macrogamete M 22 macrogametocyte M 24 macrogametophyte M 25 macrogamy M 26 macrogonidium M 27 macrogynospore M 28 macromutation M 29 macromyiophilous M 30 macronucleus M 31 macrophyllum M 33 macrophytes M 35 macrophytoplankton M 36 macroplankton M 37 macroplanogamete M 38 macroplastes M 39 macropleuston M 40 macroprothallium M 41 macropycnid M 42 macropycnoconidium M 43 macropycnospore M 44 macrosclercids M 46 macroscopic M 47 macroseston M 48 macrosome M 49 macrospecies M 50 macrospore M 51 macrosporangium M 52 macrosporogenese M 54 macrosporogonarium M 55 macrosporophore M 56 macrosporophyll M 57 macrostylospore M 58 macrostylous M 59 macrosymbiont M 60 macrozoogonidium M 62 macrozoospore M 62 maculate M 66 maculation M 65 made up С 685 magnetotropism M 71 magnifying glass L 94 maidenly V 130 maimed M 593 maker A 1144 makeweight M 94 malacogamous M 75 malacophilae M 76 malady M 471 -of plants M 471 male- A 690 male M 113 -bearing A 706 malodorous F 103 mamillate M 88 man- A 859 mane J 9 -shaped J 10 -like С 887 maned J 10 mangrove formation H 12 manifest M 91, P 383, P 413 manna M 93 manubriate M 96 manubrium M 97 manuscript M 98 -name G 310 many С 213, H 60, M 367, M 506, 577, P 857, 933 very- M 620, N 200, P 337 manyfold M 556 marbled M 111 marcescent M 100 margin M 108 -leaf- M 108 marginal M 105 -flower F 96 marginate L 251, M 107 margined M 107 narrow- S 919 marginidentate О 62 margining M 106 marine M 109 maritime M 110 mark N 156 little- N 165 marked С 761, N 157, S 496 marks S 497 marrow M 142 marrowy M 144 marsh H 68, P 58, S 856 -loving H 69 -plants H 70, 98, 493, P 59, U 5 marshes (dwelling in-) P 55 growing in- S 853, T 67 marshy P 56, 59, U 5 marsupium M 112 mass III 114 massula M 115 mastigodesmose M 118 mastigonemes M 119 mastigosome M 120 mateonym M 121 matrix M 123 matrocliny M 124 matt I 66 matter S 1235 maturation M 125 mature M 128 maturity M 127 matutinal M 129 maxillar-shaped M 130 mazedium M 131 70S meadow P 1206 dry-meadow loving X 44 growing in- P 1204, R 67 -plants P 1098, 1204 meagre E 445 mealy F 18 meander-shaped M 70 meaning S 397 measuring M 301 meatus M 132 mechanical M 133 mechanomorphosis M 134 mechanotropism M 135 medial M 136, 213 median M 136 mediastinum M 137 medicinal I 2, M 138 -plants M 138 medifixed M 140 mediterranean M 141 medulla M 142 medullary M 143 -rays R 40 medullated M 144 megaevolution M 146 megalogametogenesis M 150 megasporocyte M 156 megathermic M 159 meiogynous M 163 meiophylly M 164 meiosis M 165 meiosporange M 168 meiospore M 167 meiothermic M 170 meiotic M 169 melanism M 173 melanose M 175 melittophilous M 180 melliferous M 177 melliphagous M 179 mellisugent M 179 melted T 3 membranaceous M 182 membrane H 527, M 181 nuclear- С 152 protoplasmic- M 181 membraniferous M 183 membranous M 182 membranule M 184 mendacious M 190 Mendelism M 186 mentioned С 476, 661 merdicolous M 191 merenchyma M 193 mergling G 667 mericarp M 195 meridional M 196 merismatic M 197 merispore M 198 meristem M 199 primary- M 199 secondary- M 199, S 245 meristcmatic M 200 meristogenetic M 201 709 meristrophe M 202 meroblastic M 204 meroconidium 11 205 merogamy M 327 merogony M 208 meromorphosis M 2C9 meroplankton M 210 merotomy M 211 merotype M 212 mesarch M 214 mesenchym M 215 mesendobiotic M 216 mesexinium M 218 meshy A 1007 mesidium M 219 mesoaerophilous M 220 mesocarp M 222 mesochite M 224 mesocolla M 225 mesocortex M 2 26 mesocolyl M 227 mesocycle M 228 mesocyst M 229 mesodendrobiont M 230 mesoderm M 231 mesogamy M 233 mesogonidium M 234 mesogonimic M 235 mesohygrophylic M 236 mesology M 237 mesomitosis M 238 mesophanerophytes M 240 mesophilous M 241 mesophloem M 242 mesophotic M 243 mesophyll M 244 mesophytes M 245 mesoplankton M 246 mesosaprobious M 248 mesosaprophytes M 249 mesoseston M 250 mesosperm M 251 mesospore M 252 mesosporinium M 253 mesostyly M 254 mesothecium M 255 mesothermophilous M 256 mesoxerophytic M 257 mestome M 259 metabiosis M 260 metabolism M 262 destructive- С 162 metacecidium M 263 metacbromatic M 265 metadromous M 266 metagyny M 268 metakinesis M 269 metal-coloured M 271 metalimnion M 270 metameric M 273 metamerization M 272 metamerous M 273 metamitosis M 274 metamorphosed M 276 metamorphosis M 275 metanaphytosis M 277 metandry M 278 metanema M 279 metanthesis M 280 metaphery M 282 metaphloem M 283 metaphyllum M 284 metaphysis M 281 metaplasm M 286 metaplasy M 285 metastaminode M 287 metastasis M 288 metasyndesis M 290 metatonic M 291 metatopic M 292 metatracheal M 293 met atrophy M 294 metatype M 296 metatypy M 295 metaxenia M 297 metaxylem M 299 meteoric M 300 metonym M 302 metula M 305 micella M 308 microaerophilous M 310 microanalyse M 311 microaplanogamete M 312 microaplanospore M 313 microbenthos M 314 microbiology M 315 microclimate M 318 microconidium M 319 microcyst M 320 microelements M 321 microevolution M 322 microflora M 323 soil- P 621 microgamete M 324 microgametophyte M 326 microgamy M 327 microgonidium M 328 micromerous M 329 micromutation M 330 micron M 331 micronucleolus M 332 micronucleus M 333 microorganism С 334 microparasite M 335 microphanerophytes M 336 microphytes M 338 microphytology M 339 microphytoplankton M 340 microplankton M 341 microplanogamete M 342 micropleuston M 343 microprothallus M 344 micropyle M 346 microsclerote M 347 microscopic M 348 microseston M 349 microsome M 350 microsorus M 351 ENGLISH INDEX microspecies M 352 microsporangium M 354 microspore A 730, M 353 -mass M 115 microsporocyte M 355 microsporogenesis M 356 microsporophore M 357 microsporophyll A 723, M 358 microstylospore M 360 microstyly M 359 microtaxonomy M 361 microthermophilous M 362 microthermophyta M 363 microzoospore M 364 middle M 139 attached at the- M 140 belonging to the- M 136 placed in the- M 139, M 213 midrib С 851, M 136, P 1208 dorsal- D 368 migrant M 365 migratory M 365 mildew A 376 milk (-coloured) L 22 excreting- L 21 milky G 4, L 22 -juice L 62 millimicron M 368 milliped-like S 203 millsail-shaped M 389 mine F 101 mineralization M 369 mingled I 56, M 374, 385 miniate M 370 minuscule A 1120 minute E 444, M 373 miry L 281 miscellaneous M 374 mischcmany M 375 misleading D 16 misprints E 343 missing A 21 mistake L 52, S 723 mitoclastic M 377 mixed С 667, M 374, 385 mixie M 381 mixochromosome M 382 mixoploidy M 383 mixotrophic M 384 mobile A 330, M 386 moderate P 148 modioliform M 387 moist- H 508 moist H 442, M 68, U 4 moisted H 441 moistened M 67 moistness M 69 ENGLISH INDEX moisture H 508, M 69 -loving H 514 -plants H 516 -shunning H 515 molecular M 388 molecule-aggregations T 18 molendinaceous M 389 monadelphian M 393 monadelphous M 393 monander M 394 monandreous M 394 monandrian M 394 monandrous M 394 monangial M 395 monangic M 395 monaster M 396 moniliform M 397 monoblastus M 398 monocarpean M 399 monocarpic M 399 monocarpium M 400 monocarpous M 309 monochasium M 403 monochlamydeous M 404 monochromic M 405 monochronic M 406 monochrous С 694 monoclinian M 407 monoclinous M 4o7 monoclonal M 408 monocotyledonous M 409 monoculture M 410 monocyclic M 411 monodesmic M 413 monodynamous M 414 monoecious M 415 monogamous M 417 monogenesis M 418 monogenic M 419 monogenous M 419 monogynian M 422 monogynous M 422 monohybrid M 423 monoicous M 415 monokaryon M 427 monolepsis M 428 monomerous M 429 monomorphous M 430 monophagous Ivl 432 monophyletic M 433 monophylous M 435 monoplanetic M 436 monopleuric M 437 monopodial M 439 monopodium M 440 monopyrenous M 441 monosamara M 442 monosiphonic M 444 monosome M 446 monospermous M 447 monosporangium M 449 monospore M 448 monostele M 450 monostemonous M 451 monosy M 445 monosymmetrical M 453 monothecal M 455 monotopic M 457 monotrichous M 458 monotrophic M 459 monotropic M 460 monotypic M 461 monoxenous M 462 monozygotic M 463 monozygous M 463 monstrosity M 466 monstrous M 467 montane M 468 monthly M 189 moon-shaped L 276 half- - S 331 moor-loving S 961 moor-plants S 962 moos-cap G 46 moos-capsule T 231 morbid M 470 more С 684 -er less P 881 -than P 798 morphoaesthesia M 474 morphogenesis M 475 morphogcnous M 477 morphogeny M 476 morphographical M 480 morphography M 478 morphology M 479 morphonomy M 481 morphonymum M 482 morphophylogenesis M 483 morphoplankton M 484 morphoplasy M 485 morphose M 486 morphotype M 487 mortified 8 696 moschate M 490 moss M 585 -like В 298 -loving В 300 mosses (science of-) В 299 mossy M 584 most P 814 mother-cell G 208, M 122 mother-plant H 572, P 151 motherly M 122 motile M 491 motility M 492 mottled M 66 mould M 500 mouldy M 494 mountain plants M 468 mouse-coloured M 583 mouse-like M 618 mousetail-like M 631 mouth О 272 mouthed (many-) P 1064 open- H 287 movable M 386, 491 movement M 493 710 moving A 330, M 386 freely- V 12 -sandplants M 386 much M 577 very- P 814 muciferous M 495 mucilage M 499 mucilagigenous M 496 mucilagineous M 497 mucilaginous M 498 mucoid M 497 mucro M 502 mucronate M 503 setaceo- S 463 mucronule M 504 mucus (-bearing) M 495 -producing M 496 mud L 189 growing in- L 180 -bank plants P 225 muddy L 187, 281 multangular M 507, P 993 multialate P 1038 raultiarticulate M 511 multiaxiferous M 512 multibracteate M 513 multicapsular M 515 multicarinate M 516 multicaudate P 1079 multiceps M 514 multiciliate M 522 multicostate P 863 multidentate P 864 multidigitate P 979 multifactorial M 530 multiferous M 532 multifid M 533 multiflagellate M 534 multiflorous M 535 multiform P 1006 multi jugate M 544 multijugous M 544 multilateral M 545 multilineale M 546 multilobate M 547 multilocellate M 548 multilocular M 549 multinervale P 868, 1007, P 1022 inultinominal P 1009 multinucleate P 869' multiovulate P 870, 1015 multipartite P 871, 1072 multiplicate M 559 multiplication A 605, M 557 multiplicative M 558 multiplied M 559 multiplying M 558 multipolar M 560 multipunctate P 1061 multiramose M 564, P 970 multisectate M 565 mnltieeptate P 876, 1024 711 multiseriate P 1060 multiserrate M 568 multisctose P 1045 multisiliquous M 570 multivalent M 574 multizonate M 576 mummification M 578 mural M 580 -plants M 580 murderous S 130 muricate M 581 muriform M 582 muscoid В 298 mushroom F 191, M 600 -shaped F 187 muskscented M 490 musky M 490 musty M 494 mutability M 587 mutable M 586 mutagenes M 588 mutantes M 589 mutation M 590 muticous M 592 mutilated M 593, P 1671 mutual M 595 mutualism M 594 mycele M 598 mycelial M 597 mycelium M 598 secondary- S 245 myceloid M 599 mycetogenesis M 601 mycetophagous M 604 mycocecidium M 606 mycodomatium M 607 mycoflora M 608 mycology M 609 mycolytic M 610 mycopalaeontology M 611 mycorhizome M 613 mycorrhiza M 612 ectotrophic- M 612 endotrophic- E 192, M 612 my cose M 614 mycotrophic M 615 myiophilous M 617 myrmecochorous M 623 myermecodcmatium M 624 myrmccophilous M 625 myrmecophytes M 626 myrmecosymbiosis M 627 myrrh M 628 myrtle-green M 629 myxobacteria M 632 myxosporange M 634 myxospore M 633 n-generation N 1 nail О 194 little- U 35 -shaped U 33 nailed U 34 naked A 887, D 71, G 266, P 1594 -flower N 198 name N 142 abortive- A 18 alternative- A 474 ambiguous- A 497 confused- G 717 conserved generic-C 753 dubious- N 142 generic- G 97 legitimate- L 82 new- N 169 nude- N 198 precccupated- P 1191 rejected- R 137 seminude- S 340 specific- S 625 vernacular- V 72 named N 217 naming D 65 nanandrous N 6 nanism N 7 nanoflora N 8 nanophanerophytes N 9 nanoplanklon N 10 nanoseston N 11 nanous H 444 napiform N 12 narcotic N 15 narcotropism N 16 narrow A 767, 769, 995, L 116, S 901 narrowed A 768, 1140, G 545, 780 nascent N 17 nastic N 19 nastie N 18 natal N 21 natant N 22 natatorial N 23 natatory N 23 native I 157, N 24, О 239 natural N 26 -history S 163 naturalization N 27 naturalized I 172 nature N 25 -preservation N 25 naucum N 30 nautohydrochores N 33 nave-shaped M 387 navel U 18 -like U 17 naviculae N 35 navicular N 34 near A 42, 209, P 88, 1305 nearest P 1440 nearly S 1085 necessary N 38, 014 neck С 633 necked G 630 necklace-shaped M 397 necrides N 39 ENGLISH INDEX necrobiosis N 40 necrocoenosis N 41 necrocyst N 42 necrogenous N 43 necrohormone N 44 necron N 45 necrophagous N 46 necroplasm N 47 necroplast N 48 necrosis N 49 necrotype N 50 nectar N 51 -gland N 53, 54, 56 secreting- N 54 nectaria N 52 nectariferous N 54 nectarilyma N 55 nectarivorous N 57 nectarostegium N 59 nectarostigma N 60 nectarotheca N 61 nectary N 56 -spot N 60 nectism N 62 necton N 63 needle-shaped A 61, 85 negative N 64 negatively A 913 neglected P 1199 neidioplankton N 65 neighbour A 1082, G 140 neighbouring A 203, 289, G 713, 773, P 1305, V 111 neism N 66 nemathecc N 69 nematoplast N 70 nematosporange N 74 nemorose N 75 ncoendemism N 78 neoformation N 79 necgaean N 80 neoger.csis N 81 neomorphogenous N 83 neomcrphosis N 84 neomorphous N 85 neomorphy N 82 neonym N 86 neoonlology N 87 neophytes N 88 neoplasma N 89 neotenia N 90 neotropical N 91 neotype N 92 nereides N 94 neritic N 96 neroplankton N 97 nerval N 98 nervate P 100, P 441 conspicuously- P 416 nervation К 99 nerve- N 100 nerve N 106 primary- P 1208 ENGLISH INDEX nerve secondary- S 245 transversal- T 402 nerved N 100, P 441 digitately- D 220, P 49 equal- P 154 hairy- T 454 hidden- С 927 many- P 868, 1007, 1022 one- U 63 palmately- P 49 parallel- P 107 pinnately- P 703 purple- P 1119 three- T 515 two- В 151 united- S 1356 very- N 103 nerveless E 204 nervi- N 100 nervisequent N 102 ncrvose N 103 nervule N 101 nervulose N 104 nested N 115 nest-shaped N 115 nestling N 115 net R 188 -worked R 199 netted R 190 abundantly- R 194 netting R 191 network R 191 neuro- N 100 neuston N 109 neuter N 110 neutral N 111 neutrophilous N 112 new N 169 -form F 125 -combination N 77 next S 249, 429 nidulated N 115 night N 170 nightly N 133, 211 nigrescent N 117, 120a, S 1211 nine- E 207, N 166 nipped G 64 nipple M 86, P 89 -shaped M 87 nitid N 122 nitidous N 122 nitrification N 124 nitrifying N 123 nitrophilous N 125 nitrophytes N 126 nival N 127 no A 1, 628, I 45 nocturnal N 133, 211 -plants N 133 nodal N 134 nodding С 240, 205 node A 1046, G 93, N 140 noded N 135 nodose- N 135 nodosity N 136 nodule N 139 -bearing N 137 -like N 138 nodulose N 137 noisy С 882 nomenclator N 143 nomenclature N 144 binary- В 153, N 144 international code of- С 559 plant- P 646 nomium N 145 nomophyll N 148 none N 199 nonperforated N 152 normal N 153 north-eastern В 251 north-western В 251 northern A 992, В 251, H 538, S 415 nosed (big-) N 20 nosology N 154 nosophytes N 155 not A 1, I 45 notate N 157 notch E 96, I 88 notched E 97, I 89, T 329 note N 156 small- N 165 notes A 773 nothogamy N 159 nothomorpha N 160 nothoxenous N 161 notorrhizal N 163 nototribal N 164 nototribe N 164 nourishing N 208 nubeculate N 173 nucaceous N 174 nucamentum N 175 nucellus N 176 nuciferous N 177 nuclear N 179 -division D 351 -membrane M 181 -sap С 139 nucleated N 181 non- A 39 nucleation N 189 nucleiferous N 181 nucleobionta N 183 nucleocentrosome N 184 nucleodesma N 186 nucleoides N 188 nucleolate N 189 nucleolated N 189 nucleole N 190 nucleom N 191 nucleoplasm С 145, N 192 nucleoproteides N 193 nucleosoma N 194 nucleus С 132, N 195 712 cell- С 143 -formation N 180 nuculane N 197 nucule N 196 nudo N 198 numerotype N 201 numerous С 866, N 200, P 933 nuptial N 204 nursery S 335 -garden P 750 nut- С 132 nut N 210 -bearing N 177 -shaped N 178 -shell P 1669 nutant N 205 nutation N 206 nutlet N 196 nutricism N 207 nutrient N 208 -plant N 208 nutrition N 209 nyctanthy N 213 nyctigamous N 214 nyctinasty N 215 nyctipelagic N 216 nyctitropism N 215 oak-apple G 13 oak-loving D 384 oangium О 1 obcompressed О 4 obconical О 5 obcordate О 6 obdiplostemonous О 7 obimbricate О 11 oblanceolate О 12 oblate О 13 obligate О 14 obligatory О 14 oblique 0 15, P 730 obliquely- О 15 -placed С 524 obliterated О 16 oblong 017 oboval О 18 obovate О 19 obovoid О 20 obpyramidal О 21 obscure О 22 observation О 23 obsolete О 24 obstructed О 25 obtruncate О 31 obturator О 32 obturbinate О 33 obtuse О 34 slightly- S 1213 obtusely- О 34 7J8 obumbrale О 35 obvallate О 36 obvious D 233 obvolute 0 38 occluded О 41 occlusion О 40 occupying 0 43 occuring О 44 ocean plants 045 oceanoplankton О 46 ocellate О 47 ocellated О 47 ocellus О 48 ochraceous 0 49 ochroleucous О 53 ocraceous О 51 ocrea О 50 ocreate О 52 octandrous 0 56 octogynous О 57 odd D 316, I 59 odour 0 64 oenology О 87 officinal 0 88 offset P 1295 offspring P 1271 often bearing M 532 oidium О 89 oil О 104 oily О 91 old A 794, P 15 oleaginousO 91 oleander-red О 92 oleic О 91 oleiferous О 93 oleocorpus О 95 oleoplasm О 96 oleoplast О 97 oleoresines 0 98 oleosome О 99 oleospermous О 100 oleraceous О 103 olfactory О Ю5 oliban О 106 olid О 107 oligandrous 0 109 oligodynamic О 114 oligomerous О 116 oligonitrophilous О 117 oligopelic О 118 oligophagous О 119 oligophotic О i20 ojigopbotometric О 124 ohgophyletic О 122 о igosaprobiotic О 124 oligotaxy 0128 oligotrichous О 129 oligotrophic О 130 SJ^Pbopbaoue О 131 oligotropic О 132 olivaceous О 134 olive-green О 134 oloiotrophic О 135 ombrocleietogamy О 138 ombrometer О 139 ombromorphose О 140 ombrophilous О 141 ombrophobe О 142 ombrophytes О 143 omitted P 1199 omnicolous О 146 omnipotency О 147 omnivorous О 148 omphalode О 151 omoplaphytes О 149 one M 392, U 36, 81 -and a half S 455 -celled U 42, 62 -coloured С 694, M 405 ontogenesis О 154 ontogeny О 154 ooapogamy О 155 ooblastema О 156 oocentre О 158 oocyst О 159 oogamete О 162 oogamy О 163 oogenesis О 164 oogone О 165 ookinesis О 166 oolysis О 167 oonucleus О 170 ooplasm О 173 oosome 0 175 oosphere О 177 oosporange О 179 oospore О 178 ootheca О 180 opal-coloured О 182 opalin О 182 opaque A 199, О 181 open G 246, 263, P 361 half- S 349 -woodland plants О 218 opened A 887 half- S 284 opening D 44, О 237, 272 half- S 304 minute- P 1125 not- I 114 without- N 151 openingless N 151 opercular О 183 operculate О 184 opercule О 185 operculiform О 183 ophionomium О 189 opinion S 397 opisthial О 191 opisthodromous О 192 opium О 193 opposite A 226, О 197 oppositely- О 2 oppressing О 198 opseospermata О 200 opsigony О 202 optimal 0 203 ENGLISH INDEX optimum О 204 ecological- О 73 orange A 1152 -red A 1151 reddish- R 423 orbicular О 210 no- A 349 orbiculate О 210 orbiculus О 211 orchard H 438, P 1086 orchidology О 212 order О 215 ordinary T 577 ordinate О 214 orgadophyta О 218 organ (-s) О 232 -of fructification О 232 generative- О 232 -of propagation P 1293 -of reproduction О 232 reproductive- G 95 -of vegetation О 232 organellae О 219 organic О 220 organism О 221 organization S 1052 organogenesis О 222 organogenetic О 223 organogeny О 222 organography О 224 organoleptic О 225 organonymy О 227 organophylogenese О 229 organophyly О 228 organoplastic О 230 organotrophic О 231 oriental О 236 orifice A 886, О 237, 272 origin G 89, О 240 original О 238 originating О 235, P 548 ornamental О 241 -gardening T 340 -plants D 21 ornate S 224 ornithochorous О 244 ornithogamous О 245 ornitho-sphingophilous О 247 orography О 248 orthogenesis О 253 orthogeotropism О 254 orthoheliotropic О 256 orthonasty О 257 orthophototaxy О 258 orthoploceous О 260 orthoploidy О 261 orthoselection О 262 orthospermous О 263 orthospiral О 264 orthosporange О 265 orthostichies О 266 orthotelomitic О 267 orthotropal О 268 orthotropous О 268 ENGLISH INDEX orthotype О 269 orygoma О 271 oscillating О 273 osmometer О 275 osmomorphosis О 276 osmoregulation О 277 osmose О 278 osmotaxis О 279 osmotic О 280 •pressure О 280 osmotropism О 281 ostariphytes О 284 osteosclereids О 285 osteospermous О 286 ostiolate О 287 ostiole О 288 other С 245 outer E 357, 503 outside E 16, 449 outspread P 180 outward E 16, 357, 449, E 503 oval О 291 reversed- О 18 ovary G 132, О 292 chamber of- L 244 inferior- О 292 semiinferior- О 292 superior- О 292 semisuperior- S 373 ovate О 293 inversely- О 19 over H 536 overcovering О 26 overflowing S 1291 overgrowth H 548 overlapping I 49, 108, О 38 -saddlewise E 318 somewhat- S 1195 overripening S 1310 overshading О 35 overspread О 8 overtopping S 1284 oviparous О 295 ovocentre О 296 ovoid О 297 inversely- О 20 ovulate О 298 ovule G 78, О 299 anatropous- A 682 -kernel N 176 -stalk F 194 ovum О 177 oxaliferous О 301 oxalileucytes О 302 oxyadenous О 304 oxygen О 311 oxygenomorphosis О 308 oxygenotropism О 310 oxygeophytes О 312 oxylophytes О 313 oxyphilous О 314 oxyphobous О 315 oxy tropism О 317 pabular P 1 pachynema P 4 pachynosis P 5 pachytene P 6 packed closely С 673 paedogamy P 6 paedogenesis P 8 page P 10 pagon P 11 pagophyta P 12 painted P 679 pair P 87 in pairs D 191 paired В 150, С 740, G 67, J 13, Z 58 four- T 165 palaceous P 14 palaeoarchaeophyta P 16 palaeoarctic P 17 palaeobiology P 18 palaeobotany P 19 palaeoecology P 20 palaeoendemism P 21 palaeofloristic P 22 palaeohybrid P 23 palaeophytes P 1410 palaeophyticum P 25 palaeotropic P 27 palar P 28 -root P 28 palate P 29 pale D 234, 40 becoming- P 39 pale- P 39 exterior- P 30 interior- P 30 paleaceous P 31 paleiform P 32 paleola P 33 paleolate P 34 palet P 30 palingeny P 36 palisadic P 37 palisadodermis P 38 pallescent P 39 pallid P 40 pallium P 42 palmar P 43 palmate P 44 digitate- D 216 palmately- P 44 palmatilobate P 48 palmatisect P 51 palmella-stage P 52 palmelloid P 53 paludal P 59 paludicolous P 55 palynology P 60 pampas S 941 pampinody P 61 pandurate P 65 panduriform P 65 pangenesis P 67 714 panicle P 69 loose- J 9 -shaped T 305 umbel-like- С 841 paniculate P 70 panmixia P 71 panphotometric P 73 panphyton P 74 pantogenous P 76 pantropic P 78 pantropical P 78 papery P 86 papilionaceous P 79 papilla P 80 papillate P 81 papilliferous P 81 papillose P 81 papillule P 82 pappiferous P 83 pappous P 83 pappus P 84 parabiosis P 89 parabiotae P 90 paracarpel P 92 paracarpic P 95 paracarpidium P 93 paracarpium P 94 paracarpous P 95 parachromatin P 96 parachromophoric P 97 paraclimax P 98 paracme P 99 paracorolla С 821, P 100 paracytic P 101 paradiphyllum P 102 paragram P 103 paraheliotropism P 104 paralimnic P 105 parallel P 106 parallelotropism P 109 paralyser P 111 paralysing T 353 paramastigote P 112 paranasty P 113 paranema P 114 paraperigone P 116 parapetal P 118 parapetaloid P 117 paraphyllium P 120 paraphysis P 121 paraplankton P 122 paraplasma P 123 paraplectenchyma P 124 parasaprophytism P 125 parasite P 130 facultative- P 130 false- P 1536 monophagus- P 130 obligate- P 130 polyphagous- P 130 potential- P 130 parasitic P 126, 127 -plant P 127 parasitism P 128 716 parasitology P 129 parastades P 132 parasterility P 134 parastichy P 135 parastrophe P 136 parastyle P 137 parasyndesis P 140 parathecium P 141 paratonic P 142 paratracheal P 143 paratype P 146 paravariantes P 147 parched A 1016, T 356 parchment-like P 266 parenchyma P 149 branched- G 479 parenchymatous P 150 parietal P 153 paripinnate P 155 park V 134 paroecious P 156 paronym P 157 parrot-coloured P 1598 part P 158 parted P 170 pinnately- P 704 three- T 523 twice pinnately- В 203 parthenapogamy P 159 parthenocarp P 161 parthenocarpy P 160 parthenogamete P 162 parthenogamy P 163 parthenogenesis P 164 parthenogonidium P 165 parthenospore P 167 partial P 168 partially P 158 partite P 170 palmately- P 50 partition S 424 partitioned (half-) S 362 pascual P 174 passage (intercellular-) I 210 passing over T 389 passive P 176 past P 1198 pastural P 174 pasture В 302, P 173 -plants N 149 dwelling in- N 147 patch M 64 patella P 178 patelliform P 179 patent P 180 path (boundary-) V 84 pathogeneity P 182 pathogenic P 183 pathologic P 186 pathology P 185 pathomorphogenous P 187 pathophyt P 188 pathotype P 189 patrocunons P 191 patromorpheus P 193 patulous P 194 paucicrenate P 196 paucidentate P 197 pauciradiate P 200 pea-shaped P 715 peacock-coloured P 204 pear-shaped P 1705 pears (bearing-) P 1704 pearl-like M 104 pearly M 104 peat T 653 -bogs T 655 peaty T 654 pebbly S 222 pectinate P 205 peculiar P 1311, S 622 pedate P 209 pedati- P 209 pedicel P 211 pedicellate P 210 pedicelled P 210 pedogenic P 214 pedology P 215 peduncle P 217 pedunculate P 216 pelagian P 218 pelagic P 218 pelagophytes P 219 pellicle M 181, P 221 pellicular P 222 pelliculate P 223 pellucide P 224 pelopsammogenous P 227 peloria P 228 pelta P 229 peltate P 230 peltately- P 230 pendulous P 232 penetrating P 233 penicil-like P 234 penicillate P 234 pcnknife-like S 111 pentagynous P 244 pentamerous P 245 pentaphyletic P 247 pentaploid P 249 pepo P 252 peranosis P 254 perception P 255 percurrent P 256 perenchyma P 260 perennate P 261 perennating P 261 perennial P 261, 800 -plant P 261 perfect G 681, P 262 perfoliate P 263 perforated F 122, 123, P 264 pergamentaceous P 266 periacanthous P 268 periandrous P 269 perianth P 270 without- A 884 ENGLISH INDEX perianthomania P 271 periaxial P 272 periblem P 273 pericarp P 275 perichaetium i' 277 pericladium P 78 periclinium P 279 pericycle P 280 periderm P 281 peridesm P 282 peridiole P 283 peridium P 284 perigamium P 285 perigon P 286 perigynium P 287 perigynous P 288 perihadromatic P 289 perimedullary P 290 perine P 291 period P 293 latent- L 59 periodicity P 292 peripetalous P 294 peripheral P 295 peripheric P 295 periphyllogeny P 299 periphysis P 301 periphyta P 302 periplasm P 303 periplasmodium P 304 periplast P 305 peripterous P 308 perisperm P 309 perispore P 311 peristamineous P 313 peristome P 317 peristomate P 318 peristrophe P 319 peristylic P 320 peristylous P 320 perithallium P 321 perithece P 324 bearing- P 322 peritheciophore P 323 peritheciophorous P 322 perithecium P 324 peritrichous P 325 peritropal P 326 peritropous P 326 perivasal P 327 perixylic P 328 perizonium P 329 permanent P 334 permeability P 335 permeable P 336 permutation P 338 pernicious P 339 pernio P 340 perpendicular P 343 persistent P 334, 348 personate P 349 perthophytes P 352 perulate P 356 perule P 855 ENGLISH INDEX perverted P 359 pervious P 361 petal P 370 petal- P 364 petal-shaped P 367 petaliferous P 365 -petalled P 364, 365 four- T 185 hairy- T 455 many- P 1017 narrow- S 921 slender- L 125 three- T 524 twisted- S 1024 petalless A 888 petalody P 368 petaloid С 817, P 367 petalomania P 369 -petalous P 364 petiolaceous P 371 petiolary P 372 petiolate P 373 petiole P 377 compound- P 377 inflated- P 377 winged- P 377 petiolicolous P 374 petiolulate P 375 petiolule P 376 petricolous P 380 petrified F 135 petrophilous P 380 petrophytes P 381 pH P 382 phaeophyll P 401 phaeoplast P 403 phaeosome P 405 phaeosporous P 406 phagocytosis P 407 phagoplankton P 408 -phagous P 409 phalanx P 411 phanerogamic P 415 phanerogamous P 415 phanerogams P 414 phanerophytes P 417 phaoplankton P 419 pharmacocognosy P 421 pharmacodynamics P 420 pharmacology P 422 phase P 423 phellem P 424 phelloderm P 427 phellogen P 428 phelloid P 430 phenocopy P 384 phenocytology P 385 phenogenesis P 387 phenogenetics P 388 phenohybrid P 389 phenological P 391 phenology P 390 phenophase P 392 phenospermy P 393 phenothermic P 394 phenotype P 396 phenotypical P 395 philomatic P 438 philosophy P 440 phlobaphene P 447 phloem P 448 phlyktioplankton P 453 phobic P 454 phobism P 455 phobochemotactism P 456 Bhobophototropism P 458 -phobous P 454 phoeniceous P 460 pholadophytes P 461 pholeobiontes P 462 phonotaxis P 463 phoresia P 466 -phorous P 464 phosplankton P 469 photeolic P 470 photic P 471 photism P 472 photoaesthesia P 473 photoauxism P 474 photoblast P 475 photochemical P 476 photochromatic P 477 photocleistogamy P 478 photocliny P 479 photocolorimetrical P 480 photodinesis P 481 photodynamic P 483 photodynamics P 482 photoepinasty P 484 photogenic P 485 photographotype P 486 photohyponasty P 487 photokinesis P 488 photolepsy P 489 photolysis P 490 photometer P 493 photometric P 492 photometry P 491 photomorphosis P 494 photonastic P 496 photonasty P 495 photoperiod P 500 photoperiodic P 498 photoperiodism P 489 photophase P 501 photophilous P 502 photophobic P 503 photoplagiotropic P 505 photoreduction P 506 photosynthesis P 507 phototactism P 508 phototaxis P 508 phototonus P 510 phototrophous P 513 phototrophy P 512 phototropism P 514 negative- G 174 phototype P 486 316 phragmatospore P 518 phragmoplast P 523 phragmosome P 524 phragmosphere P 525 phragmostichobasid P 527 phreatophytes P 528 phryganophilous P 531 phthiriasis P 532 phycocecidia P 535 phycochrome P 536 phycocyan P 537 phycodomatia P 538 phycoerythrine P 539 phycophaeine P 541 phycoporphyrin P 542 phycopyrrine P 543 phycorrhiza P 544 phycoxanthine P 545 phylesis P 547 -phyletic P 548 phyllamphorous P 550 phyllobiology P 554 phylloblast P 555 phyllocarpic P 557 phylloclade P 559 phyllocolly P 560 phyllocyanine P 561 phyllode P 563 phyllody P 569 phyllogenetic P 564 phyllogenous P 564 phyllogony P 565 phyllomania P 568 phyllome P 567 phyllomorphosis P 570 phyllomorphy P 569 phyllonecrose P 571 phyllonomium P 572 phyllophagous P 573 phyllopode P 575 phylloptose P 576 phyllotaxy P 577 secondary- S 245 phyllotype P 578 phyllocoenogenesis P 583 phylloembryogenese P 584 phylogenesis P 585 phylogenetic P 587 phylogenetics P 586 phylogeny P 585 phylogerontic P 589 phylum P 590 physiogeny P 594 physiognomy P 595 physiography P 596 physiology P 597 physodes P 598 physonomium P 599 -phytic P 601 phyto- P 601 phytobenthos P 604 phytobiological P 606 phytobiology P 605 phytobiotic P 607 717 phytoblast P 608 phytocecidium P 609 phytochemistry P 610 phytochorology P 612 phytocoenogenesis P 614 phytocoenology P 615 phytocoenosis P 616 phytocoenotype P 617 phytocytology P 618 phytodomatium P 619 phytodynamics P 620 phytoecology P 647 phytoedaphon P 621 phytoelectrogenesis P 622 phytogamy P 623 phylogenesis P 624 phytogenetics P 625 phytogenous P 626 phytogeogenesis P 627 phytogeography P 628 phytography P 630 phytohistology P 631 phytohormones P 632 phytohygiene P 633 phytome P 638 phytomer P 639 phytomorphology P 641 phytomorphosis P 642 phytoncids P 643 phytonomatotechnics P 644 phytonomy P 645 phytoontogeny P 648 phytoorganography P 649 phytoorganology P 650 phytoparasit P 652 phytopathology P 654 phytophenology P 655 phytophysiology P 657 phytoplankton P 658 phytopleuston P 659 phytoptocecidium P 661 phytoptosis P 662 phytosis P 663 phytosociology P 615, 664 phytotaxonomy P 666 phytotechnics P 667 phytotelma P 668 phytoteratology P 669 phytotherapeutics P 671 phytothermogenesis P 672 phytotomy P 673 phytotoxin P 674 phytotrophia P 675 pierced F 34, 123, P 264 -with holes С 885 piezotropism P 680 pigment P 682 pigmentation P 681 pileate P 684 pileocvstidium P 686 pileorhiza P 687 pileus P 688 pilidium P 689 pill-shaped P 693 pilosity P 691 piluliform P 693 pimple P 1666 pink- E 288, 342 yellowish- S 24 pinkish R 347 pinna P 697 pinnate P 698 digitate- D 217 half- S 354 oddly- I 60 twice- В 202 unequally- I 60 pinnately- P 698 pinnatifid (runcinate-) R 410 pinnatisect (interruptedly- ) I 228 thrice- T 530 pinnatodentate P 709 pinnule P 712 pipe-like T 310 pistil P 720 pistillary P 716 pistillate P 717 -pis tilled eight- О 57 seven- H 151 three- T 498 pistm&dy P 719 pit A 1006, F 134, 138, S 219 pitch R 168, P 722 pitcher A 1056 -like U 82 small- U 83 pith M 142 pitted F 139 minutely- S 218 place L 246, S 252 -of growth H 3 sandy- A 1003, S 1 placed С 631, D 321, P 1128, S 541 -above S 1297 -below S 1201 -between I 205, 225 -•n I 185 -to A 951 •upon I 67, 186 placenta P 725, S 689 placentate P 727 placentation P 726 central- С 215 placentiferous P 727 placochromatic P 728 placoplasts P 729 placular T 5 plagiodromous P 731 plagiophototaxy P 734 plagiophototropism P 735 plagiophyllous P 736 plagiotropic P 737 English index plain P 743 plait P 846 plaited P 849 half- S 356 plaiting P 848 plane H 355, P 742, 754 commissural- P 754 median- M 136 transversal- T 402 plank T 4 planktology p 738 plankton P 739 oceanic- T 222 seasonal- M 210 planogamete P 745 planospore P 747 planozygote P 748 plant P 601, S 997 -anatomy P 673 annotation of plants A 795 -community P 616 -gall Z 26 -geography P 628 -kingdom V 44, R 129 -like P 634 -nomenclature P 646 plants adventive- A 225 affixed- A 291 air- A 272, E 283 alpine- A 132, С 845, О 217 ant- M 626 beach- A 352 bog- T 654 boreal- M 363 brook- N 4 carnivorous- I 180 catapult- В 21 cellular- С 209 clay-loving- P 226 cliff- С 869 cornfield- S 255 cultivated- С 957 culture- A 342 darkness- S 213 day-neutral- N 111 deciduous forest- P 1605 decorative- О 241 desert- E 325 ditch-dwelling- T 28 dry vaste- G 301 dune- T 295 edificator- A 236 escaped- E 51 exotic- P 749a field- A 332 flowering- A 850 foothill- P 12 forest- S 508 fossil- В 259, P 636 garden- P 749b -genera G 83 gravel- С 255 grove- A 470 ENGLISH INDEX plants heat- X 45 honey- M 177 indicator- I 116 insectivorous- I 180 malady of- M 471 marsh- H 70, 98, 413, P 59, U 5 meadow- P 1098, 1204 medicinal- M 138 moisture- H 516 moor- S 962 mother- P 151 mountain- M 468 mud-bank- P 225 mural- M 580 nocturnal- N 133 nutrient- N 208 ocean- О 45 open woodland- О 218 ornamental- D 21 parasitic- P 127 pasture- N 149 perennial- P 261 polar- С 906 pond- L 184, 187, T 317 protected- T 662 riparian- R 330 river- P 1149 rock- L 222, P 381, R 413 roof- T 45 ruderal- G 353, E 391 rupicolous- R 413 salt- H 16 sand- A 1002, P 1455 sandbank- A 521 sandplain- A 493 sea- T 221 seed- S 668 shade- S 161 snow- G 309 spontaneous- S 778 spring- С 875, V 73 stagnant water- S 869 stone- L 222 strand- A 493, P 1450 subalpine- О 250 succulent- G 413, S 1264 sun- H 82 sweet-water- D 388 swimming- N 22 tall aerial- P 417 terrestrial- T 139 thermophilic- T 274 tinctorial- T 315 torrent- R 307 tropical- M 61 ubiquist- U 3 unicellular- U 42 upland- P 213 vascular- V 40 vegetable- О 101 vineyard- V 123 plants wall- R 413 water- H 493 wet-meadow- T 69 wind-fertilized- A 742 woody- X 62 plantation P 751 planted S 88 planting P 751 plantlet P 753 plantling P 753 plantule G 132, P 753 plasmalemma P 756 plasmatic P 757 plasmodesma P 760 plasmodiocarp P 761 plasmodium P 762 plasmogamy P 763 plasmogenesis P 764 plasmolysis P 766 plasmolytic P 767 plasmonema P 768 plasmophagous P 769 plasmoptysis P 771 plasmotomy P 773 plastic P 774 plastid P 775 plastidome P 776 plastidule P 777 plastin P 778 plastochrone P 780 plastodesme P 781 plastodynamy P 782 plastogene P 784 plastotype P 786 plate I 5 covering- S 888 equatorial- A 247 -like L 34, T 5 platycladium P 790 plicatil P 847 pleasant A 527, С 248, J 11, S 1084 pleasure A 526 pleasures D 49 pleated P 849 plectenchyma P 795 plectenchymatous P 796 pleiochasium P 799 pleiocyclic P 800 pleiomerous P 801 pleiontism P 803 pleiotaxy P 809 pleiotropy P 811 pleioxenic P 813 plentiful С 797, О 205 plerome P 819 plesiasmy P 820 plesiobiotic P 821 plesiotype P 823 pleura P 825 pleurenchyma P 827 pleuridium P 828 pleuroblastic P 829 718 pleurocarpic P 830 pleurocystidium P 831 pleurodiscal P 832 pleurogenous P 833 pleurogynous P 834 pleuromitic P 835 pleuroplastic P 836 pleurorrhizous P 837 pleurospermic P 838 pleurosporange P 840 pleurospore P 839 pleurotribal P 841 pleurotropous P 843 pleuston P 844 plicate P 849 pleurocarpium P 850 pleurophytes P 851 plum P 1446 -coloured P 1443 -shaped P 1445 plumule G 78, P 856 plunged I 52, S 1207 plurannual P 858 pluricarpellary P 859 pluripartite P 871 pluriseptate P 876 pluriserial P 877 pluviometer О 139 pneumatocyst P 884 pneumatodia P 885 pneumatophore P 886 pocket-book V 9 pocket (digestive-) S 211 poculiform P 889 pod L 84 -like L 85 podetium P 891 podicellus P 892 podocarp P 893 podocarpous P 894 podopterous P 896 podosyncarpy P 898 poikilodynamic P 900 poikilogeotropism P 901 poikilosyndesis P 903 poikilothermic P 904 poikiloxerophytes P 905 point A 165, P 1656 pointed A 59, 170, T 175 bristly- С 977 sharp- A 85, G 977 taper- A 166 three- T 472 pointless M 592 poisonous T 366, V 56 polar P 908 -plants С 906 polarity P 909 pole P 932 polioplasm P 912 polished L 28, 270, N 122 pollacanthic P 914 pollaplasy P 916 719 pollaplostemonopetalous P 917 pollen P 918 -analysis P 925 -bearing P 926 -grain 5 252, M 353, P 918 -mass P 922 -sac M 354, В 10 -tube P 925, T 643 pollenilerous P 926 pollenine P 919 pollinarium P 922 pollinate P 924 pollination P 923 -artificial P 923a cross- A 434, P 923 illegitimate- P 923 legitimate L 82 -natural P 923 self- A 1199 pollinic P 925 pollinium P 922 pollinized P 924 pollinodium P 929 pollinosis P 930 poloicous P 931 polyachene P 935 polyadelphian P 937 polyadelphous P 937 polyadenous P 938 polyandrian P 940 polyandrous P 940 polyantherous P 942 polyarch P 943 polyaster P 945 polyblast P 946 polycarpic P 950 polycarpium P 951 polycarpophory P 952 polycarpous P 950 polycaryon P 954 polycaryotic P 955 polycentric P 956 polychory P 962 polychromatism P 964 polychromatophil P 965 polychromosomic P 966 polychromy P 964 polychronic P 968 polycladous P 970 polyclady P 969 polyclonal P 971 polycoccous P 972 polycotyledonous P 973 polycotyledony P 974 polyculture P 975 polycyclic P 976 polydactyly P 978 polydemic P 980 polyderm P 981 polydrupe P 982 polyembryony P 983 polyenergid P 984 polyenergidic P 984 polyfollicle P 116, P 987 polygamian P 989 polygamous P 989 polygamy P 988 polygenesis P 990 polygenetic P 991 polygonal P 993 polygynous P 995 polygyny P 994 polynaploid P 997 polyhybrid P 998 polymastigote P 1000 polymeric P 1002 polymerous P 1002 polymery P 1001 polymictic P 1003 polymitosis P 1004 polymorphic P 1006 polymorphism P 1005 polymorphous P 1006 polynitrophilous P 1008 polynominal P 1009 polynucleate P 1010 polyoecy P 1013 polyonym P 1011 polyoplasm P 1014 polypetalous P 1017 polypetaly P 1016 polyphagous P 1020 polyphasy P 1021 polyphyletic P 1026 polyphylly P 1025, 1027 polyphylogeny P 1029 polyplastic P 1030 polyplectic P 1031 polyploid P 1035 polyploidation P 1034 polyploide P 1033 polyploidy P 1036 polyplostemony P 1037 polypyrenous P 1039 polyrhizal P 1040 polyrhizous P 1040 polysaccharides P 1041 polysaprobic P 1042 polysarca P 1043 polysiphonic P 1046 polysomaty P 1047 polysomie P 1049 polysomy P 1048 polyspermous P 1050 polyspermy P 1051 polysporangiate P 1053 polyspore P 1052 polystele P 1056 polystelic P 1058 polystely P 1057 polystemonous P 1059 polystichous P 1060 polystigmus P 1062 polystomatous P 1063 polystomous P 1064 polystromatic P 1065 polystylous P 1066 ENGLISH INDEX polysymmetrical P 1068 polysvmmetry P 1067 polytnalamic P 1069 polytheleus P 1070 polytomous P 1072 polytomy P 1071 polytopic P 1074 polytopy P 1073 polytricnous P 1075 polytrophic P 1077 polytrophy P 1076 polytypic P 1075 polyzygosis P 1084 pomaceous P 1085 pome P 1092 -bearing P 1089 pomegranate G 241 pomiferous P 1089 pomiferm P 1090 pomology P 1091 pond L 25, S 856 -dwelling T 316 -loving L 181 -plants L 184, 187, T 317 pontic P 1095 pontophilous P 1096 pontophyta P 1097 pool S 856 growing in- T 67 popular V 72 population P 1100 porandrous P 1101 porcelainous P 1103 pore P 1125 opisthial- О 191 porencbyma P 1104 poricidal P 1105 porogamous P 1108 porogamy P 1107 poroids P 1109 porometer P 1110 porophyllous P 1111 porose P 1113 porosity P 1112 porous P 1113, S 775 porphyrandrous P 1115 porraceous P 1122 porrect P 1123 porulose P 1124 posessed of P 1173 position P 1126, S 540 positive P 1127 postadaptation P 1129 postcarpotropism P 1131 postclimax P 1132 postdiluvial P 1133 posterior О 191 postfertilization P 1135 postestival P 1130 postfloral P 1136 poetfloration P 1137 postglacial P 1138 ENGLISH INDEX poetical P 1139 posticous P 1139 postmaturation P 1140 postmeiotic P 1141 postreduction P 1143 postvernal P 1144 postzygotic P 1105 pot (small) S 219 potamicolous P 1146 potamobotany P 1147 potamophilous P 1148 potamophyta P 1149 potamoplankton P 1150 potency P 1152 potent P 1151 potentiometer P 1153 potetometer P 1154 potometer P 1155 pouch S 10 -shaped С 899, S 221 pouched S 5 powder P 1651 powdered P 1647 powpery P 1646 powerful P 1151 praecedenda P 1162 pratal P 1204 preadaptation P 1157 prealpine P 1158 preanthesis P 1160 preceding P 1163, 1360 precipitation P 1165 precipitous P 1194 preclimax P 1167 precocious P 1169 precocity P 1168 precursory P 1170 predetermination P 1171 predisposition P 1172 predominant P 1175 preface P 1176 preferential P 1177 prefloration P 1178 alternative- A 474 cochlear- С 557 conduplicate- G 705 contorted- С 778 corrugated- С 830 embracing- A 600 imbricate- I 49 plicate- P 849a valvate- V 27 prefoliation P 1180 circinate- С 449 convolute- С 794 obvolute- О 38 revolute- R 221 preformate P 1183 preformation P 1182 prefusorial P 1184 preglacial P 1185 prehaustoria P 1186 prehensile P 1207 premature P 1188 premontane P 1189 premorse P 1190 preoccupated P 1191 preparation P 1192 prereduction P 1193 presence P 1196 present P 1195 to be- A 217 presenting P 1161 preserved С 753 pressed (together) С 545,672, С 710, 866, 720 laterally- С 686 pressure (osmotic-) О 280 presumption P 1197 prevailing D 365 prevalency P 1201 prevernal P 1202 prickle A 29, 164 -shaped A 161 small- A 163 prickly A 30, 160, E 337, H 432 primary О 238, P 1208 primine P 1210 primordial P 1212 primordium P 1213 principal G 85, P 1215 principle P 1216 print E 40 priority P 1221 prismatic P 1222 prismatocarpous P 1224 proanthesis P 1226 proanthropic P 1227 probasid P 1228 procambium P 1230 procarp P 1231 proceeding О 235 process P 1233 prochromatin P 1234 prochromosome P 1235 proclimax P 1236 procumbent P 1238 produced G 94, P 1240 late- H 628 producing G 84, P 171 productive F 40, P 1243, U 1 productivity P 1242 proembryo P 1245 proferment P 1247 profundal P 1248 profundity P 1249 progametation P 1253 progamete P 1252 progametophyte P 1254 progamous P 1255 progenesis P 1256 progeny P 1257, 1271 progeotropism P 1258 progres P 1259 720 progressive P 1260 prohydrotropism P 1261 projecting (forward) S 20 projection (longitudinal) P 1262 projectura P 1262 prokaryogamete P 1264 prokaryogametization P 1265 prokinesis P 1266 prolamines P 1267 prolepsis P 1269 proleptic P 1270 proliferation P 1273 proliferous P 1272 prolific P 1274 prolification P 1273 prolongation P 1277 prolonged P 1427 -beyond E 494 proluvial P 1279 promeristem P 1281 promeristematic P 1282 prometaphase P 1283 prominence M 86, P 1285 prominent P 1284 sligthly- P 1286 promitosis P 1287 promontory P 1288 promycele P 1289 pronged (two-) В 136 pronucleolus P 1290 pronucleus P 1291 proof E 87 proove T 147 prop A 207, F 180 propagation P 1293 organs of- P1293 propagative P 1294 propagule P 1295 propendent P 1295 proper I 38, P 1311, S 622 property P 1174, 1310 prophase P 1297 prophototaxis P 1300 prophototropism P 1301 prophylactic P 1302 prophylaxis P 1303 prophyll P 1304 proplastid P 1306 propontic P 1307 proportional P 1308 proposed P 1309 propped S 1276 prosaerotaxis P 1313 proschemotaxis P 1314 prosenchyma P 1317 prosenchymatous P 1318 prosgeotropism P 1320 prosheliotropism P 1321 prosoplasm P 1324 prosoplasmatic P 1325 prosoplasy P 1323 prosoplectenchyma P 1326 prososmotaxis P 1327 721 prospecies P 1328 prosperity P 1329 prosphytiasis P 1330 prosporangium P 1331 prospory P 1332 prostady P 1333 prostelic P 1334 prosthermotaxis P 1335 prostrate P 1238, 1336 -and rooting R 150 protandrico-homogamous P 1339 protandry P 1361 protanthesis P 1341 proteases P 1342 protected M 579, О 27, T 662 -plants T 662 protecting A 394, P 1349, T 644 protection of the nature N 25 protective P 1343 proteides P 1345 protein P 1347 proteinic P 1344 proteinoplasta P 1346 proteism P 1348 protenchyma P 1349 proteochemotropism P 1351 proteofication P 1353 proteohydrolysis P 1354 proteolysis P 1355 proteolytic P 1356 proteoplast P 1357 proteosom P 1358 proteosynthesis P 1359 proterandrous P 1362 proterandry P 1361 proteranthous P 1363 proterogenesis P 1364 proterogynous P 1366 proterogyny P 1365 proteropetaly P 1367 proterosepaly P 1368 proterotype P 1369 prothalloid P 1372 prothallus P 1371 protista P 1373 protistology P 1374 protoblast P 1378 protochlorophyll P 1382 protochromosome P 1383 pretocollenchyma P 1384 protocorm P 1385 protocrate P 1386 protoderm P 1387 protoepiphytes P 1388 protogamy P 1389 protogenesis P 1390 protogenetic P 1392 protogenetics P 1391 protogenic P 1392 protogonidium P 1393 protohemicryptophytes P 1397 protokaryokinesis P 1381 protokaryon P 1380 protolog P 1399 protolysis P 1400 protomycelium P 1404 protonema P 1405 protonta P 1406 protoparenchyma P 1407 protophlo6m P 1407 protophyll P 1409 protophytes P 1410 protoplasm P 1412 protoplasma P 1412 protoplasmatology P 1413 protoplast P 1414 protosclerenchyma P 1415 protospore P 1416 protosporophyte P 1417 protostele P 1418 protostrophes P 1419 prototrophic P 1422 prototrophism P 1421 prototrophy P 1421 prototype P 1423 protoxylem P 1424 protozoophilous P 1425 protozygote P 1425 protropic P 1430 protruding E 494 protuberance P 1434 provided with I 199, M 579, P 1173 province P 1438 provisional P 1439 provisory P 1439 proximal P 1440 pruina P 1441 pruinate P 1442 pruinose G 163, P 1442 pruinous P 1442 pruniferous P 1444 pruriginous P 1447 psalliotic P 1448 psammogenous P 1453 psammophytes P 1455 pseudamitosis P 1461 pseudannual P 1462 pseudannulus P 1457 pseudanthium P 1459 pseudanthous P 1460 pseudanthy P 1458 pseudapogamy P 1463 pseudapospory P 1464 pseudoanaphase P 1467 pseudoaril P 1465 pseudoautoicous P 1468 pseudoautosyndesis P 1466 pseudoauxospore P 1469 pseudoaxillary P 1470 pseudobotrytic P 1473 pseudobulb P 1475 pseudobulbil P 1474 pseudocambium P 1477 pseudocarp P 1479 ENGLISH INDEX pseudocarpy P 1478 pseudocecidium P 1480 pseudocephalodium^ P 1481 pseudochromosome P 1482 pseudocilium P 1483 pseudocleistogamy P 1484 pseudocleistogeny P 1485 pseudocortex P 1486 pseudocyst P 1488 pseudodichotomous P 1490 pseudodichotomy P 1489 pseudodistrophy P 1492 pseudoendomitosis P 1493 pseudoephemer P 1494 pseudoepiphytes P 1496 pseudofascicled P 1407 pseudofecundation P 1498 pseudofertility P 1499 pseudofoliaceous P 1500 pseudogametange P 1501 pseudogamy P 1502 pseudogeocarpy P 1503 pseudogyrate P 1504 pseudohaustorium P 1505 pseudohercogamy P 1506 pseudoheredity P 1507 pseudohermaphroditism P 1508 pseudoheterocarpy P 1509 pseudohomonym P 1510 pseudohybrid P 1511 pseudohybridation P 1512 pseudohymenium P 1513 pseudoimpregnation P 1514 pseudoindusium P 1515 pseudolamina P 1516 pseudolateral P 1517 pseudolatex P 1518 pseudolichen P 1519 pseudomarginate P 1520 pseudometaphasis P 1522 pseudomitosis P 1523 pseudomixis P 1524 pseudomonocarpy P 1525 pseudomonocotyledonous P 1526 pseudomonomerous P 1527 pseudomycorrhiza P 1528 pseudonectary P 1529 pseudonemathecium P 1530 pseudonucleole P 1531 pseudonucleus P 1532 pseudoparaphyse P 1533 pseudoparasite P 1536 pseudoparasitic P 1534 pseudoparasitism P 1535 pseudoparenchyma P 1537 pseudopeloria P 1538 pseudoperianth P 1539 pseudoperidium P 1540 pseudoperigone P 1541 pseudoperistom P 1542 pseudoperithecium P 1543 pseudopetaly P 1544 ENGLISH INDEX pseudopetiole P 1545 pseudophelloid P 1546 pseudophotometric P 1547 pseudophyll P 1549 pseudophyllopodous P 1548 pseudophysis P 1550 pseudoplankton P 1551 pseudoplasmodium P 1552 pseudoplast P 1553 pseudopode P 1554 pseudopodium P 1554 pseudopolyembryony P 1555 pseudopoly morphism P 1556 pseudopolyploidy P 1557 pseudopore P 1559 pscudopycnide P 1560 pseudoramose P 1561 pscudoraphe P 1563 pseudoreduction P 1564 pscudorepent P 1565 pseudorhize P 1566 pseudorosette P 1567 pseudoseptate P 1568 pseudosessile P 1570 pseudospermous P 1571 pseudospike P 1572 pseudosporangium P 1573 pseudostele P 1575 pseudostipule P 1576 pseudostroma P 1577 pseudostrophiole P 1578 pseudosuber P 1579 pseudosymbiose P 1580 pseudosyncarpous P 1581 pseudoterminal P 1582 pseudothallus P 1583 pseudotrichophorum P 1584 pseudotype P 1585 pscudovacuole P 1586 pseudo valve P 1587 pseudovascular P 1588 pseudo verticil P 1589 pseudovicariism P 1590 pseudovivipary P 1591 pseudoxerophytes P 1592 pseudozygospore P 1593 psychophilae P 1599 psychrocleistogamy P 1601 psichrocliny P 1602 psychrophytes P 1603 ptenophyllophyta P 1605 pteridography P 1608 pteridophytes P 1610 pteridospore P 1611 pterochores P 1615 ptychonomium P 1626 ptyosoma P 1628 puberulent P 1631 pubescence P 1634 pubescent P 1633 minutely- P 1631 publication P 1635 published E 49 puckered В 310 puddle L 23 puffed up I 139 pulleywheel-shaped T 581 pulp G 97 fruit- P 1643 pulpy С 96, P 1644 pulsating P 1645 pulsatory P 1645 pulveraceous P 1646 pulverulent P 1647 pulvinary P 1649 pulvinus P 1650 punctate P 1653, S 968 puncticulate P 1654 punctiform P 1655 punctured S 968 pungent P 1657 puniceous P 1659 pure P 1663 purgative P 1660 purging G 184, P 1660 purple P 114, 1662 becoming- P 1661 black- A 1130 bluish- I 1 -coloured P 1114 deep- M 472 light- P 1118 yellowish- X 11 purplish P 1661 pus-forming P 1691 pustulate P 1667 pustule P 1666 pusules P 1668 putaminate P 1670 putrefaction P 1673 putrid P 1672 becoming- P 1674 putridity С 89 pycnid, pycnide P 1679 pycnidiophore P 1677 pycnidiospore P 1678 pycnium P 1680 pycnosis P 1686 pyramid-shaped P 1693 pyramidal P 1693 pyrenarium P 1695 pyrenate P 1696 pyrenocarp P 1698 pyrenoides P 1699 pyrenophore P 1700 pyrenosome P 1701 pyrophilous P 1708 pyrophytes P 1711 pythmen P 1712 pyxidate P 1713 pyxidium P 1715 -shaped P 1714 quadriradiate Q 3 quadricapsular Q 5 quadricarpcllary Q 6 quadridentate Q 8 quadridigitate Q 9 722 quadrifid Q 11 quadrifurcate Q 14 quadrilateral Q 15 quadripartite Q 18 quadrisectate Q 19 quadriseptate Q 20 quadrivalent Q 22 quadruple Q 23 quarterly T 509 quick-growth T 9 quickly- T 8 quiet T 384 quinary Q 30 quincuncial Q 31 quinquecostate Q 34 quinqueflorous Q 38 quinquejugate Q 41 quinquelateral Q 42 quinquepartite Q 45 quinquepetalous Q 46 quinquesulcate Q 48 quinquiliar Q 52 race P 1271, S 997 raceme R 7 bearing- R 1 compound- R 7 simple- R 7 racemiferous R 1 racemiform R 3 racemose R 4 racemous R 4 racemule R 6 racemulose R 5 rachilla R 9 rachis R 12 rachitis R 13 rachitism R 14 radial R 16 -flowers R 16 radially A 144 radiance R 18 radiant R 17 radiar R 16 radiate R 19 radiately A 144 radiating A 149, R 17, 37 radiation R 18 radical R 20 radicant R 20 radicated R 22 ' radicating R 20 radication R 21 radicel R 23 radicicolous R 24 radiciferous R 25 radiciflorous R 26 radiciform R 27 radicivorous R 28 radicle R 30 radicose R 29 radicular R 31 radiculate R 32 78# radiculoda R 33 radiobiology R 35 radiogenetics R 36 radiosymmetrical R 38 radiotropism R 39 rain I 46, P 1165 announcing- P 882 hating- О 142 -loving О 141 relating to- P 882 rainbow-coloured I 282 rain-gauge О 319 raised E 89, 112 -above E 109 raising E 336 ram-horned A 1017 ramal R 46 rameaneous R 47 г amentaceous R 49 ramentum R 50 rameous R 46 ramicolous R 52 ramiferous R 53 ramification R 55 ramiflorous R 57 ramiform R 58 ramose R 60 ramous R 60 ramulose R 61 random mating P 71 ranging down P 1296 -ranked F 19, S 431 five- Q 36 four- Q 21 many- P 877, 1060 not- A 1094 one- U 71 three- T 556 two- D 335 rankness L 283 ranunculaceous R 64 raphe R 66 raphides R 68 raphidioplankton R 69 rare- R 71 ran- R 71 rasp-like R 42 rattling С 882, S 1031 raven-black С 800 raw G 897 ray R 40 -flower F 96 medullary- M 143, R 40 umbel- R 40 reaction R 74 real V 91 really? A 627 reaping M 258 recapitulation R 75 recaulescence R 76 recent R 77 receptacle G 227, 523, R 79, T 363 common- G 521 conical- С 750 fruiting- M 112 receptacular R 78 receptive R 81 receptivity R 80 receptors R 82 recess S 530 recessive H 615, R 83 reciprocal M 595, R 84 reclinate R 85 reclined R 85 reclused О 41 recognised R 86 recombination R 87 recommendation G 662 record (phytosociological-) G 752a recrudescence R 89 rectangular R 91 rectigradation R 94 rectinerved R 95 rectipetality R 96 rectiserial R 97 recurrence R 100 recurrent R 99 recurvate R 101 recurved R 101 red R 368 bay- V 1 blood- С 898, H 7, S 39 blush- R 367 brick- L 61, T 146 brass- A 243 bright- F 79, I 39, P 451, P 460, S 126 brownish- С 254, R 370, R 398, 401 burning- I 39 carmine- G 93 cherry- G 234 clear- R 400 copper- A 243, С 962 coral- G 804 crimson- С 93, 300, 898, P 1659, S 39 dark- A 1134, В 244, G 240, dark blood- A 1135 dark bluish- A 1133. dark purplish- A 1130 G 147, H 149 deep- С 93, 300, 551, G 240 dull- X 28 dun- V 1 fiery- A 997, F 79 flame- F 79, I 39, M 370 flaming- I 39 flesh- С 94 fox- R 401 -lead-coloured M 370 light- H 103 oleander- О 92 orange- A 1151, R 377, 423 ENGLISH INDEX red pale- H 103 peach- P 346 purple- P 460, 1114, 1662 purplish- V 122 ruby- R 372 rust- R 370 salmon- S 24 saturn- M 370 scarlet- G 444, 551, P 406, S 126 -pale-red G 240 tile- T 146 turning- R 367 vermilion- С 444 vine- V 122 vivid- R 388, S 126 whitish- E 349 yellowish- P 1692 red-algae R 300 reddening R 367 reddish E 345, P 1658, R 288, 366, 401 -dark brown P 1019 reduced R 104 reducing R 106 reduction R 105 reductional R 106 reduplicate R 109 reduplication R 108 reduplicative R 109 redd-Iike A 1050 reflexed R 111 half- S 358 reflexion R 110 reflorent R 112 reflorescence R 113 refracted R 115 refractive R 114 refrigerant R 116 refuge R 118 regenerability R 120 regenerate R 123 regeneration N 81, R 121 regeneratum R 122 regermination R 124 region D 343, R 125 below the alpine- S 1093 regional R 126 regma R 127 regmacarp R 128 regression R 130 regressive R 131 regular R 134 regulariform R 133 regulation R 135 reiterated R 136 rejected R 137 -name R 137 rejuvenescence R 138 related A 289, G 597, 713 С 752, P 1305, 1440 relationship A 290 relative R 139 ENGLISH INDEX relatively to the Q 53 relevee С 752a relict R 140 reliquefaction R 141 remaining P 334, 348, R 142 remarkable С 761 remnant V 99 remote R 143 removed S 238 renewing I 164 reniform R 145 reorientation R 146 repand R 147 repandous R 147 reparation R 148 repeated I 348 repent R 150 repertory R 151 replacing P 1437 repletum R 153 replicative R 155 replum R 156 representation S 632 reproduced G 37 reproduction R 157 asexual A 201, В 233, M 418 organs of- О 232 sexual- A 569, G 44, S 1425 thallus- В 230 vegetative- V 46 reproductive R 158 -body S 825 -organs (female-) G 275 reprogression R 159 reptant R 15Э repulsive N 31 research E 87, I 111, 268 botanical- P 603 for- I 174 -worker I 269 resemblance S 517 resembling О 60, S 515, 519 reservation R 162 residual R 165 residue R 164 resilient R 166 resin R 168 -duct D 387 -flux R 174 -like R 169 resiniferous R 170 resinocyst R 172 resinogenous R 173 resinous R 175 resistibleness R 177 resisting R 176 resorption R 179 respiration R 180 respirometer R 181 resting H 565, Q 29 -spore С 401, H 566, T 63 -stage L 58 restitution R 184 resupinate R 186 resupination R 185 resurrection R 187 retardation R 188 reticle R 195 reticulate R 190 -rugose R 199 reticulated R 190 reticulation R 191 reticulose R 194 reticulum R 195 relinaculate R 197 retinaculum G 154, R 198 retroactive R 204 retrocurved R 205 retroflexed R 206 retrofracted R 207 retrogradation R 208 retrogressive R 209 retromorphosis R 211 retrorse R 212 retrorsely- R 212 retuse R 213 reversed A 682, С 792, О 2, R 186 reversible R 214 revirescent R 217 revision R 218 revivification R 219 reviving A 670, R 102 revoluble R 220 revolute R 221 revolutive R 221 rhabarb-coloured R 222 rhabdoides R 224 rheobionta R 229 rheokrenous R 230 rheomorphose R 231 rheophilous R 232 rheophobous R 233 rheophytes R 234 rheotropism R 235 rhexigenous R 236 rhexocarp R 237 rhipidium R 239 rhizautoicous R 241 rhizel R 242 rhizidium R 243 rhizines R 244 rhizinophylla R 245 rhiziophysis R 246 rhizobia R 247 rhizoblastus R 248 rhizocarp R 250 rhizocarpic R 249 rhizocarpous R 249 rhizocollesy R 252 rhizocorm R 253 rhizoctonia R 254 rhizocyst R 255 rhizoderinis R 256 rhizogen R 259 rhizogenesis R 257 rhizogenetic R 258 rhizogenic R 258 724 rhizogenum R 259 rhizography R 260 rhizoid R 262 rhizoidal R 263 rhizoides R 261 rhizolithon R 264 rhizolithophytes R 265 rhizomania R 267 rhizomatic R 268 rhizomatose R 270 rhizomatous R 270 rhizome R 266 -like R 269 rhizomitra R 271 rhizomorph R 272 rhizomorphous R 273 rhizophilous R 274 rhizophore R 275 rhizophyll R 277 rhizophytes R 279 rhizoplast R 280 rhizopodium R 281 rhizosphere R 283 rhizotamnion R 285 rhizotaxy R 284 rhizotom R 286 rhizula R 287 rhodography R 295 rhodology R 297 rhodophyll R 298 rhomb- R 303 -shaped R 303 rhombic R 303 rhomboid R 303 rhomboidal R 303 rhoptometer R 305 rhytidoma R 315 annular- R 315 lamellate- R 315 scaly- R 315 rib С 851 without- E 15 ribbed С 852, J 13, R 8 many- P 863 one- U 45 three- T 470 two- В 111 ribbon- L 265 -like T 16 ridge С 90, I 14, R 8 secondary- S 245 right- R 90 rightly R 331 rigid R 318, 319 somewhat- R 322 rigidness R 321 rigidity R 321 rigidulous R 322 rimose R 325 rind С 810, 831 ring A 800, G 317, V 90 -bark R 315 annual- A 800 725 ring glandular- A 800 hair- A 800 -like A 798 ringed A 799, G 314 falsely- P 1504 half- S 283 ringent R 327 ringentiflorous R 328 ringlet-shaped В 252 riparian R 330 -plants R 330 riparious R 330 ripe M 128 ripened (early-) P 1188 ripeness M 127 ripening M 125, 126 early- P 1169 risen P 1240 rivalling A 242 river -bank R 329 -bed A 487 •dwelling P 1146 -loving P 1148 -plants P 1149 riverside-loving A 523 rivicolous R 332 robust R 339 rock- L 213 rock R 412, S 104 -breaking R 415, S 101 -dwelling P 380, R 413 -loving S 100 -splitting R 415 -plants L 222, P 381, R 413 rocky P 378, R 413, S 103 rod-like В 15 rod-shaped В 4, V 121, 129 rolled (backward) R 221 -inwards I 280 -up С 794, V 161 rolling inwards I 279 roof-planls T 45 root R 41, 240 -adventitious- A 224 aerating- P 886 aerial- A 259 -bearing R 25, 276 brace- R 41 branch- R 41 -cap P 687 clasping- A 206 climbing- A 206 contractile- G 779 -covering V 48 -eating R 28 -fibres F 44 -fibrils R 20 fibrous- R 41 •forking D 3 hairs A 22 lateral- R 41 -leaf R 20 -like R 273 palar- P 28 pertaining to- R 240 primary- P 1208 prop- R 41 secondary- S 245 simple- S 518 spindle- R 41 shallow- S 1289 -shaped R 27, 262 -sucker S 543 tap- P 28 tracing- S 1289 tuberous- T 636 woody- R 41 rooted R 22, 240 flesh- S 76 large- M 45 many- P 1040, R 29 thick- R 29 woody- X 63 rooting R 21 rootless A 1041 rootlet R 23, 30 rootstock R 266 rope-like F 186, 192 rosary R 343 -shaped M 397 rose (coloured) R 342 -garden R 343 -like R 342 -pale R 347 roseberry С 1010 rosette R 356 -like R 357 small- S 897 rosetted R 358 rostel R 351 rostellate R 350 rostrate R 352 rostriform R 354 rosulaceous R 357 rosular R 358 rosulate R 358 rosy R 342 dark- A 1132 rotate R 362 rotation R 360 rotatory R 361 rotten P 1672 rottenness G 89, P 1673 rotting P 1674 rough A 1072, R 397, S 105, S 222, T 378 not- L 29 slightly- S 106 somewhat- S 1103 very- S 108 roughish S 106 roughness S 107 round С 453, G 200 half- S 293, 344 rounded О 210, R 363 roundish S 1187 ENGLISH INDEX row S 433 in rows F 19, S 430 rowed S 431 equally- I 338 five- Q 36 four- Q 21 many- P 877, 1060 not- A 1094 one- U 71 six- S 475 two- D 335, В 213 rubbed D 81 rubbish (growing among) R 391 rubescent R 367 rubiginose R 370 rubiginous R 370 rubromarginate R 384 rubrovittate R 387 ruddy R 366 ruderal R 391 -plants G 353, R 391 ruderals R 391 ruderate R 393 rudiment R 396 rudimental R 394 rudimentary R 394 rufescent R 398 rufous R 401 rugate R 403 rugellose R 405 rugged S 105 rugose R 403 rugulose R 405 rule R 132 ruminate R 407 rumination R 406 runcinate R 411 runner F 78, S 998 with shooting- S 80 running G 967 -down D 26 -out E 439 -together С 715 rupestral R 413 rupestrine R 413 rupicolous R 414 ruptile R 416 ruptinerved R 417 rupturing R 408 rural R 418 ruricolous R 418 rush-like J 18 russet R 420 rust U 84 rustbrown F 39 rust-coloured F 39, R 370 rustical R 421 rustling S 1019 rusty F 39 ENGLISH INDEX sabulicolous S 2 sabulose S 3 sac 3 10 air- 3 10 embryo- 3 10 pollen- S 10 sporiferous- 3 10 saccate 3 5 sacchariferous 3 7 saccharose 3 8 sacciform 3 5 sacelliform 3 11 sacellus S 12 sad T 565 saddle S 273 -shaped S 274 saffron (coloured) С 893 -deep-yellow С 893 sagittate S 15, T 371 sagittifolious S 16 salient S 20 salina 3 21 saline S 23 salmon-coloured 3 24 salpinganthy 3 25 salt (-loving) H 14 -pit S 21 -plants H 16 -shunning H 15 -soil S 27 salty S 23 salver-shaped H 584 samara S 34 -like 3 36 samariferous S 35 samaroid S 36 sanative I 2, 3 33 sand A 1001, P 1451, 3 4 -loving A 492, 1002, P 1454 -plain plants A 493 -plants A 1002, P 1455 moving- M 386 sandal-shaped С 880 sandbank-plants A 521 sandbar (formation) 3 1471 -plants (dry) 3 1473 -(dwelling on dry-) 3 1472 sandy A 1002, S 3 -place S 1 -growing on- S 2 sanguine 3 39 santonin S 41 sap H 446, S 1266 cell- S 1266 -loving О 195 nuclear- С 139 vacuole- S 1266 -wood A 381 sapid 3 42 saponaceous S 44 saponin S 45 sapphire-coloured 3 47 sappy 3 1263 saprobia 3 48 saprobionta S 48 saprobiosis S 49. saprobiotic 3 50 saprogenic 3 51 saprogeophytes 3 52 sapromyiophilae 3 53 sapromyiophilous 3 54 sapropelic 3 55 saprophagous 3 56 saprophilous S 57 saprophytes S 58 saprophytic S 59 saprophytism S 60 saproplankton 3 61 sarcichores S 67 sarcobasis S 63 sarcocarp 3 64 sarcocarpous S 65 sarcocaul 3 66 sarcoderm M 252 sarcoides 3 70 sarcoma S 72 sarcotesta S 78 sarment S 82 sarmentaceous 3 79 sarmentiferous 3 80 sarmentose S 80 sarmentous 3 80 sat-chromosome S 83 satellite S 83 saturn-red M 370 saucer-shaped A 64, H 584, P 179 saurochorous 3 96 saurochory S 95 sausage-shaped В 266 savage A 334, F 42 saviour S 33 savoury 3 42 saw-shaped 3 448 sawdust-like S 197 sawed 3 447 saxatile 3 100 saxicolous S 100 saxifragous S 101 scabrate S 105 scabridous S 106 scabrous S 105 minutely- S 106 scalariform S 109 scale L 103, S 838, 839 anthodial- S 839 arched- F 131 bearing- S 838 bulb- S 839 chaffy- R 50 involucral- I 274 -like 3 840 nectariferous- N 54 scaled L 103, S 838 closely- P 1684 darkly- A 494 flesh- 3 71 hairy- T 452 726 scaled many- P 999 naked- P 1597 no- E 357 two- D 232 scaleless A 387, D 104 scalloped С 873 scaly L 103, 3 838, T 660 scandent S 112 scant 3 74 scanty P 148 scape S 113, 123 -like S 122 scaphidiiferous S 115 scaphidium S 116 scapiferous S 120 scapiflorous 3 121 scapiform S 122 scapose S 120 -scapous S 113 scar С 418 scariose S 125 scarious S 125 scarlet С 444, 551, P 460, S 126 flame- M 370 light- С 550 pale- G 240 scarred С 417 scattered С 760, D 329, R 71, S 613, 780, V 18 scent О 64 -scented О 274 -pleasantly 3 1083 strongly- G 253 scentless I 169 sceptriform 3 132 scheda S 133 schedule 3 134 schistaceous S 136 schistocalyx 3 137 schistose 3 141 schizocarp 3 144 schizocarpous S 145 schizoconidium 3 146 schizocotyly S 147 schizogenesis S 148 schizogenetic 3 149 schizogenic 3 149 schizogenous 3 149 schizogony 3 148 schizo-lysigenous 3 154 schizomerous S 152 schizopetalous 3 153 schizophytes 3 154 schizorhexigenous 3 155 schizostele S 156 schizostely 3 157 sciadophilous 3 158 sciadophytes 3 161 science H 317, S 163 scientific explorer 3 223 scintillating 3 164 sciophytes 3 161 727 scissile S 168 scissiparous S 170 scissor-shaped F 124 sciuroid S 172 scleranthium S 174 sclereids S 176 sclerencyma S 177 sclerenchymatous S 178 sclerification S 179 sclerobasid S 180 sclerocarp S 182 sclerocarpous S 183 sclerocauly S 184 sclerogenic S 186 sclerogonid S 187 sclerophytes S 189 sclerosed S 193 sclerotic S 193 sclerotium S 194 scobiform S 197 scobina S 198 scobinate S 199 scolecoconidium S 200 scolecospore S 201 -scopic S 207 scopiform S 206 scorched D 115 scorpioid S 210 -cyme С 429 scrobiculate S 218 scrotiform S 221 scrub D 390, F 172 scurfy F 199, L 115 scurvy S 105 scutate S 225 scutel S 227 scutellate S 226 scutelliform S 226 scutellum S 227 scyphus S 230 scythe-shaped F 12 scytinum S 231 sea M 103 -blue V 57 -loving T 220 -plants T 221 -shore L 228 ~ (growing on the) L 227 -weed A 396 seasonal-plankton M 210 seasonal-polymorphism О 208 seasondimorphism О 207 seasonpolymorphism О 208 seat S 252 seated P 1128 sebaceous S 234 second S 249 secondary S 245 secondine S 248 secretion 8 239 secretory S 240 sected (pinnately-) P 706 section S 241 longitudinal- S 241 transversal- T 402 sector S 242 sectorial S 243 secundiflorous S 246 secundifolious S 247 see (to) V 113 not seen by me N 150 seed S 276, 639 -bearing S 338 -bed S 335 -coat A 582, I 204, S 680 -coat (inner) E 176, T 48 -coat (outer) T 145 -eating G 239 -kernel N 195 -list D 47 -lobe С 853 producing- S 338 -plants S 668 -plot S 335 -shaped S 339 -stalk F 194 seeded S 334 ball- S 713 beak- R 312 black- G 3 broad- P 793 cork- P 432 few- О 125 five- P 251 flesh- S 77 four- T 200 furrow- A 1149 hairy- T 463 hard- S 951 many- P 1050 naked- G 273 narrow- S 930 one- M 447 root- R 282 sharp- О 316 smooth- L 90 stone- L 223 three- T 560 wing- P 1620 seeding S 336 seedless A 1074 seedling P 753 seeming О 199 segment S 258 leaf- S 258 segmentation S 256 segmented S 257 segregation S 259 seirolytic S 262 seirospore S 263 seismochorism S 264 seismonasty S 265 seismotropism S 266 selected L 80, S 270 ENGLISH INDEX selection D 47, S 268 artificial- S 268 natural- N 26, S 268 selective S 269 selenotropism S 272 self-amputation A 1210 self-derived A 1177 self-fertilization A 1172 self-pollination A 1199 semi-amplexicaul S 281 semiapogamy S 285 semi-bifidate S 287 semi-biloculate S 288 semicircular S 293 semicirculari-crenate S 292 semi-closed S 295 semi-connate S 296 semi-convolute S 297 semi-cordate S 298 semi-costate S 299 semi-cylindrical S 300 semi-decurrent S 302 semi-decussate S 303 semi-digynous S 305 semi-double S 306 semi-equitant S 307 semiflosculous S 309 semi-galeate S 312 semi-gamopetalous S 313 semi-hastate S 315 semihercogamy S 316 semi-humid S 317 semi-immersed S 318 semi-inferior S 319 semi-integrifolious S 320 semilatent S 323 semi-lenticular S 324 semiliane S 325 semilichen S 327 semilocular S 329 semilocule S 330 semi-lunate S 331 semi-mesophytic S 333 seminal S 334 seminary S 335 seminicolous S 337 semi-nude S 340 semi-orbicular S 344 semi-oval S 345 semi-ovate S 346 semi-palmate S 347 semi-pellucide S 351 semi-permeable S 352 semi-petaloid S 353 semi-radiate S 357 semi-reniform S 359 semi-reticulate S 360 semi-sagittate S 361 semi-septate S 362 semiseptum S 363 semi-serrate S 364 semi-siccative S 367 semispecies S 365 semi-staminate S 368 ENGLISH INDEX semisterility S 369 semi-striate 3 370 semi-subulate 3 371 semi-sulcate S 372 semi-superior S 373 semi-symphyostemoneous S 374 semi-terete S 376 semi-tomentosc S 377 semi-translucide 3 351 semi-valvate S 382 senary S 389 senescence S 391 sense S 397 sensitive S 396 sensitiveness S 395 sepal S 402 -like S 399 -sepalled S 403 four- T 198 hairy- T 462 many- P 1044 narrow- S 927 three- T 554 sepalody S 400 sepaloid 3 399 sepalulum S 401 separable S 566 separate S 404, 405 separated Л 1236, С 364, D 299, 311, 313, I 229, 320, 3 238, 405, 570 not- I 121 separately D 139 separating 3 235 separation 3 237 sepia-coloured 3 407 sepicolous S 14 septa (bearing) 3 418 septal S 410 -glands 3 410 septate 3 411 transversely- T 401 septemfid 3 412 septemlobate 3 413 septemnervate 3 414 seplic S 417 septicidal S 416 septicide S 416 septiferous S 418 septiform S 419 septifragal 3 420 septobasid S 422 septulate 3 423 septum 3 424 spurious- S 424 sepulchral 3 427 serial 3 430 seriate F 19, 3 431 sericeous S 432 series 3 433 serpentinous 3 437 serrate S 447 doubly- В 214 finely- S 445 slightly- S 1229 twice- В 214 serration S 446 serrature S 446 serruliflorous S 450 serrulifoliate S 451 sessile S 458 seston S 459 sestonology 3 460 set down S 541 setaceous S 464 setiflorous S 465 setose S 468 glandulose- G 160 minutely- S 470 setted С 241 setulose С 249, S 470 seven- H 150, S 409 -stamened H 153 several С 684, P 857 sex S 482 sexcelled S 477 sex-chromosome H 196 sexdentate S 474 sexfarious S 475 sexjugate S 476 sexless A 298, N 110 sexlocular 3 477 sexokarpy S 478 sexual S 480 sexuality S 481 shade U 21 -loving S 158 -plants S 161 shady I 258, U 26 -place U 23 shadow U 21 shaft 3 123 shaggy L 54, U 7, V 120 shaggy ness V 118 shameless I 70 shape С 712, F 55, 125 -shaped F 128, M 473, О 60 many- P 1006 shapeless D 202 sharp A 1014, 59, 61,98,170, G 214, О 303 sharpened A 170 sheath- С 605 sheath V 13 leaf- V 13 medullary- V 13 •shaped С 605 sheated С 605, О 52, V 16 sheathing V 15 half- S 381 shedding L 52 sheet 3 1018 shell-shaped С 558 shield A 1078, 3 228 728 -shaped P 230, S 225 shining С 838, F 181, L 37, L 270, N 122, P 418, R 119, 3 768 -beneath H 593 not- О 181 shiny V 76 shoe-shaped С 22 shoot S 543, 997 young- P 1271 shorn D 113 short В 270, 287 -lived E 228 -stalked В 273 shortened A 4, С 545, 780 shortness В 291 showing E 443, P 1161 shrinking С 779 shrivelled A 1016, R 313 shrivelling T 3 shrub F 170, V 132 dwelling in- V 131 half- S 1272 -formation S 1273 small- F 173 shrubbery D 390, F 172 shrubby V 131 becoming- F 169 shrublet F 172 shrunk M 101 shunning P 454 shut С 496, 503 siccity S 487 sickle- F 12 -shaped F 12, 3 331 -cyme D 373 sickly A 240, M 470 side- L 60, P 824 side L 71, P 10 at the- L 60 -by side С 619 dorsal- T 126 -sided F 5 equal- I 318 four- Q 15 many- M 545 one- U 60 three- T 502 unequal- I 77, О 15, 3 110 siderophilous 3 492 sieve (-like) С 885 -tube С 885, T 643 -vessels V 39 sight 1 254 sigillate 3 494 sign N 156 sigmoid 8 495 signs 3 497 siliceous 3 498 silicicolous 3 499 silicification 3 500 silicle 3 501 -shaped 3 502 silicule 3 501 729 siliculose S 503 siliquc S 504 short- S 501 siliquiform S 505 siliquose S 506 silk (all of-) H 352 silky S 432 somewhat- S 1227 silver-coloured A 1010 silver-white A 1010 silvery A 1010 similar A 42, 208, 242, H 358, S 515 -in form С 716 similarity S 517 similisymmetry S 516 simple H 24, S 518 simultaneous С 541, S 520 single H 24, S 522, 565, U 36 sinistrogyrous S 524 sinistrorse S 525 sinistrostyly S 526 sinuate- S 527 finely- S 528 very- S 529 sinuated S 527 sinuolate S 528 sinuose С 641, S 529 sinuous A 758, M 70, S 529 sinus S 530 siphonanthy S 533 siphoneous S 532 siphonogamy S 535 siphonophytes 3 534 siphonoplast S 536 siphonostele S 537 siraplankton S 538 site P 1126, S 540 sitotropism S 539 sitting S 458 -upon I 186 situated D 321, P 1128, S 541 -towards S 631 situation S 540 six- H 272, S 471 containing- S 389 -fold S 479 -foot long H 283 -leaved H 283 -times S 479 size M 73 skeleton S 131 sketch A 220, S 162 skin С 810, 983, T 649 -skinned (thin-) L 120 skinny H 527 skotophobism S 212 skotoplankton S 214 skototaxis S 215 skototropism S 216 sky J 21 -blue A 1248 almost- S 1111 reddish- R 378 slanting О 15 slashed I 89, L 15 slaty S 141 sleep S 582 inducing- S 581 -of plants S 582 slender D 7, E 444, 445, G 230, I 290, L 116, T 105 slightly S 1085 slit R 324 slime L 189, M 499 slimy M 494, 498 slip M 82, T 20 -of the pen L 52 slipper-shaped S 38 slippery L 269 slope G 532 sloping С 531, P 1194 slow L 99, T 30 -growth В 284 slug-shaped L 176 small E 444, M 309, P 172, P 1652 very- M 373, N 5, P 345, P 1665 smaller M 162, 372 smallest M 371 smaragdine S 542 smell О 64 without- I 169 smelling О 94 goat-like- H 305 strong- G 253 sweet- О 65, S 1083 smoke-coloured P 185, N 36 smoked (thoung-) F 185 smoky F 185 smooth G 149, L 29, 87, N 122 smoothed L 28 smoothness G 150 sna.ls (^hell-shaped) С 558 ferliliz d by- M 75 snake- О 188 -killing A 761 -like S 436, 437 sneeze-causing P 1604, S 960 snout R 355 -shaped P 1229 snow С 308, N 129 living under- H 580 -plants С 309 -white С 308, N 128 snowy N 127 soaked M 67, S 1277, U 4 soapy S 44 sobol S 543 -bearing S 544 soboliferous S 544 sociability S 545 social S 546 ENGLISH INDEX sociation S 547 society S 549 sociology S 550 sociomorphology S 551 soft H 22, M 74, 390 soil S 567 -science P 215 soiled С 626, I 173, S 586 solar S 553 solarisation S 554 solarium S 555 solenaidy S 558 soleniaplankton S 559 solenostele S 560 solid S 563 solidity S 562 solitary A 638, E 321, I 320, S 522, 565, U 36 soluble S 566 solution S 569 somatic S 572 -cell S 572 somatoblast S 573 somatogenic S 575 somatophytes S 577 somatoplasm S 578 somatotropism S 579 somewhat S 1085 somniferous S 581 soot (blacklike) F 182 -coloured A 222, F 182 soothing S 251 sooty F 182 son (of the) F 2 soralium S 584 sordago S 585 sordid S 586 sorede S 588 sorediate S 587 sorema S 589 soriferous S 591 sorose S 594 -sorous S 597 sorus S 596 -bearing S 591 sour A 66, 89 sourish A 65, 88 south- M 196 southern A 1158 sowed S 93 sowing S 87, 92, 336 sown S 88 space A 1000 intercellular- M 132 spadicate S 598 spadiciflorous S 601 spadix S 602 span long D 358, S 767 spanandry S 604 spanogyny S 607 sparing P 148 sparkling S 164 sparse D 329, R 71, S 613 sparsely R 71 ENGLISH INDEX sparsiflorous S 610 sparsifolious S 611 sparsioplasts S 612 spathaceous S 615 spathate S 616 spathe S 614 -like S 615 spathed S 616 spathilla S 619 spalhulate S 620 spathola S 621 spawn M 598 spear- H 53 -shaped H 53 speckled T 313 blackish- S 696 special P 1311, S 622 specialization S 623 species S 624, 997 collective- G 621 new- N 169 -hybrid H 458 vicarial- V 109 specific S 625 specimen S 626 speciolae S 627 speciology S 628 spectrum S 632 biological- S 632 speiranthy S 634 speirema S 635 spelaeology S 637 spermamoeba S 642 spermangium S 643 spermapodium S 646 spermatic S 650 spermatid S 651 spermatiferous S 652 spermatioid S 653 spermatium S 655 spermatocarpy S 656 spermatocyst S 658 spermatocytium S 660 spermatogamete S 661 spermatogenesis S 662 spermatogenetic S 663 spermatogenous S 663 spermatogonium S 665 spermatography S 666 spermatokinetic S 667 spermatophytes S 668 spermatoplasm S 669 spermatoplast S 670 spermatozoid S 673 spermocarp 3 677 spermocentre 3 679 spermoderm S 680 spermogone 3 686 spermogoniiferous 3 685 spermology 3 687 spermophore S 689 spermophorium 3 688 spermosphere S 692 spermospore 3 691 spermolype S 695 sphacelate S 696 sphaeraphides S 700 sphaerenchyma S 702 sphaerocarpous S 704 sphaerochorisis S 705 sphacrocrystals S 700 sphaerome S 707 sphaerophytes 3 709 sphaeroplankton S 701 sphaerosporange S 715 sphaerothecium S 717 sphaerule S 718 sphagnology S 720 sphagnophytes S 721 sphalerocarpum S 722 spherical S 699 almost- S 1187 sphingophilous S 725 sphygmism S 727 spicate S 730, 850 spiciferous 3 730 spiculate S 734 spicy A 1033, G 702 spike S 728, 850 branched- S 728 compound- S 728 -like S 731 secondary- S 733 simple- S 728 two-rowed- S 728 spiked A 1117 ball- S 716 few- О 126 four- T 206 half- S 366 hidden- G 916 many- P 1055 narrow- S 931 thick- P 1688 three- T 562 spikelet S 733 -like S 735 spiky S 734 spiladophilous S 737 spindle F 205 achromatic- A 75 -shaped F 203 spine A 29, S 741, 742 cauline- S 742 leaf- 3 742 -like 3 748 radical- R 20 stipulaneous- 3 742 -spined A 1028, S 741 ensiform- A 878 hairy- T 445 hard- R 320 stiff- R 320 thick- P 3 spineless A 636 spinescent 3 745 780 spini- S 741 spinicarpous S 746 spinifolious S 747 spiniform S 748 spinose S 741, 749 spinule S 743 spinulose S 744, 751 spiny A 30, S 741 spiral S 754 no- A 1079 spiralisation S 755 spiralism S 756 spiranthous S 757 spire S 753 spireme S 758 spirillum S 759 spirocarpous S 760 spirocyclic S 762 spiroism S 763 spirolobous S 764 spirotropous S 765 splendid S 1286 splint-wood A 381 split H 318, S 135, 171 splitting D 44, F 69 -apart S 235 -into stamens S 256 not- I 114 spodogram S 770 sponge-shaped S 772 spongelet S 773 spongiole S 773 spongioplasm S 774 spongiose S 7.75 spongophyll S 776 spongy S 775 spontaneous E 344, S 778 -plants S 778 spoon-shaped С 557 sporadic S 780 sporange S 789 cluster of- S 596 sporangiate S 781 sporangidium S 782 sporangiferous 3 783 sporangiole S 785 sporangiophore S 786 sporangiosorus 3 787 sporangiospore S 788 sporangium bearing 3 783 spore 3 779 -bearing 3 797 -case 3 789, T 231 -formation 8 812 -like 3 817 male- A 730 -mother-cell 3 807 producing- 3 813 resting- С 401, H 566, S 879, T 63 spring- A 234 worm-like- 3 201 781 spored four- T 205 many- P 1054 sporidiiferous S 791 sporidiole S 794 sporidium S 796 -like S 792 sporiferous S 797 sporiparity S 799 sporocarp S 802 sporochores S 803 sporcclade S 804 sporocyst S 806 sporocyte S 837 sporocytium S 808 sporoderm S 809 sporodochium S 810 sporogamy S 811 sporogenesis S 812 sporogenous S 813 sporogonium С 78, S 816 sporophore S 461, 819 sporophyas S 821 sporophydium S 821 sporophyll S 822 sporophyte S 824 sporophytic S 823 sporosome S 825 sporostegium S 826 sporothecium S 828 sporotrophophyll S 829 -sporous S 790 sporule S 831 sporuliferous S 833 spot M 64, 66 coloured- S 970 nectary- N 60 spotless I 50 spotted С 762, G 265, I 173, M 66, N 36, P 769, S 217, 968 reddish- R 383 tiger-like- T 313 spreaded E 502, I 233 spreading M 83, P 194 half- S 349 losely- E 56 -on the ground P 1336 widely- D 203, P 180 sprig R 62 spring P 119, S 129, V 66 flowering in- V 73 -form v 73 -growing F 120 -plants С 875, V 73 -spore A 234 springing back R 166 springing out D 95, P 1322 sprinkled A 1076 sprout В 228, S 543 sprouting G 138, I 164 sprung N 29 spumeecens 8 835 spur- <3 214 spur С 18 nectariferous- N 54 -shaped С 21 spurious F 14, S 836 spurless E 5 spurred С 19, 214 five- P 240 four- T 156 many- P 957 one- U 38 spirally- S 761 two- В 86 squalid S 837 squama S 839 squamate S 838 squamella S 841 -like S 843 squamelliferous S 842 squamiferous S 838 squamiform S 840 squamody S 844 squamose S 838 squamulate S 842 squamuliform S 843 squamulose S 842 squarrose S 846 squarouse S 846 squarrulcse S 847 stabiloplaste S 849 stable S 848 stage P 423 stagnal S 853 stagnant S 854 stagnoplankton S 855 stained F 175, I 173 staining T 314 readily- G 394 stake-like P 28 stalk С 195, P 362, S 987 fruit- С 118 leaf- P 377 simple- S 518 stalked P 363, S 988 broad- P 789 brown- P 404 flesh- S 75 hairy- T 444 hard- S 950 one- U 41 red- R 374 thick- О 85 thin- T 106 twisted- S 1023 stalkless S 458 stamen M 358, S 857 -bearing S 859 -bundle P 411 collections of stamens A 182 -like S 860 -stamened eight- О 56 few- О 109 five- P 246, S 301 four- T 182 ENGLISH INDEX long- M 4 three- T 417 two- A 585 stamenless A 659 staminal S 858 stamineal S 858 staminate M 113, S 859 staminiferous S 859 staminode S 861 staminody S 861 staminose S 862 stand table A 795 standard V 104 standing S 854 -out P 1284 of long- G 400 star- A 144, S 895 star (hairy) A 1093 -shaped S 895 starch A 626 -forming A 619 starchy A 614 starry S 895 starved D 74 stasigenesis S 865 stasimorphy S 866 stasophilous S 868 stasophyta S 869 stasis S 867 state S 540, 880 statenchyma S 870 stathmokinesis S 871 static S 872 station H 3, S 873 statistic S 874 statocratic S 875 statocysts S 876 statolithes S 877 statoplasts S 878 stauroconidium S 882 staurcphyll S 885 stauros S 886 steadfast G 763, S 848 . steel-grey G 257 steelwire-shaped G 256 steeping M 2 slegmata S 888 stegocarpic S 890 steironothy S 891 stelar S 892 stele С 215, S 893 stellate S 895 stellately A 144 stellula S 897 stellulate S 898 stelolemma S 899 stem G 195 aerial- A 259 almost without- S 1086 clamping- A 206 clasping- A 601 climbing- S 112 embracing- A 601 fleshy- S 66 ENGLISH INDEX -node G 93 primary- P 1208 secondary- S 245 half-stemembracing S 281 stemless A 41 -stemmed angulate- G 213 many- M 519, P 1032 single- H 26 slender- L 117 straight- R 93 sulcate- S 1279 thread- N 71 wing- P 1614 stench О 64 stenobathic S 903 stenobolryous S 904 stenobulbous S 905 stenocarpous S 906 stenochoric S 908 stenochory S 9Э7 stenocladous S 909 stenocoenic S 910 slenc'oenosis S 911 stenocyst S 912 stenoecic S 914 stenohaline S 916 stenohydric S 917 stenohygric S 918 stenomorphic S 920 stenophotic S 923 stenoplasticity S 925 stenosis S 928 stenospermocarpy S 929 stenosynusic S 932 stcnothermic S 933 stenotopie S 935 stenotopy S 934 stenotropie S 936 stenoxybionta S 937 stephanocarpous S 939 stephanodophytes S 940 steppe S 941 stercophilous S 942 stereids S 944 stereome S 947 stereophyllous S 948 stereoplasm S 949 sterigma S 955 sterile N 110, S 956 relatively- T 320 sterility A 297, S 958 sterilization S 957 sternotribal S 959 sternotribe S 959 etichidium S 964 stichobasidium S 966 stichocarpous S 967 stick-shaped В 15 sticking out H 432 sticky G 172, 188, I 350, L 99, V 142 stiff F 65, H 432, R 319, S 173 becoming- R 318 rigescent- R 318 stiffness R 321 stifling S 1270 stift S 1030 stigma S 970 -bearing S 972 -covering S 978 -shaped S 973 stigmatic S 971 stigmatift rous S 972 stigmatomycosis S 974 stigmatonomium S 975 stigmatophorum S 976 stigmatose S 979 stigmatostegium S 978 still T 384 still-like G 231 stinged A 997 stinging P 1657, S 982, U 88 stinking F 103, G 253, M 78, N 116, О 107 bug- С 427 stipale S 984 stipe S 987 -of Fungi С 227 -shaped S 989 stipel S 985 stipellate S 986 slipitate P 890, S 988 stipulaneous S 992 stipulate S 993 stipule S 990 -bearing S 993 -shaped S 994 with- large- S 995 without- E 498 stipuliform S 994 stipulose S 995 stock S 987, 997 stole S 998 stolon S 998 stoloniferous S 999 stoloniform S 1000 stoma S 1001 stomatal S 1002 stomatary S 1002 stomate S 1001 stomatic S 1003 stomatiferous S 1004 stomatocarp S 1006 stomium S 1007 stone- L 213 stone N 195, P 1669, S 104 -cells В 278, S 176 -fruit D 380 -plants L 222 stoned (single-) M 441 stoneless A 958 stony L 50, P 378, S 103 stout- P 2 782 stove F 43 straggling D 346, E 56 straight A 1131, О 251, S 1030 rather- R 98 stramineous S 1012 strand-loving A 492, P 1449 strand-plants A 493, P 1450 strange A 402 stranger X 14 strangulated S 1013 strap- H 301, L 265 -shaped H 301, L 171, 265, T 16 stratification S 1014 stratified H 224, S 1015, T 6 stratiobolanic S 1016 straw С 950, S 1010 strawberry F 142, 147 streak (fine-) S 1025 -like S 1034 strechted P 1123, 1244 strength R ?38, P 1152 strepsinema S 1020 strepsitene S 1021 strewn 1 233 stria S 1025 striate S 1029 striated (finely-) S 1026 not- A 100 striation S 1028 strict S 1030 stridulating S 1031 striga S 1032 strigose S 1033 striiform S 1034 striking С 761 striolate S 1035 stripe V 152 striped V 129, 153 black- A 1136 two- В 226 stripped D 71 strobilaceous S 1036 strobilate S 1037 strobile S 1039 stroma S 1040 stromatiferous S 1041 stromatoid S 1042 stromatous S 1041 strombus S 1044 strong G 254, R 339,3 563, V 19 strophantine 8 1046 strophiole С 131 strophism S 1048 strophogenesis S 1049 strophomania S 1050 strophotaxis S 1051 structure S 1052 floristic- S 1052 struggle for life G 677 788 struma S 1053 strumiferous S 1055 strumiform S 1054, 1056 strumose S 1055 strychnin S 1058 studies A 773 stuffed F 16 stunning S 489 stunted (becoming) T 3 stupifying T 88 s’upose S 1061 sfygobionts S 1063 stylar S 1064 -canal S 1067 style- S 1063 style S 1081 -bearing S 1065 -foot S 1075 -like S 1068 -styled S 1063 downy- P 1624 filiform- L 130 large- M 59 long-D 364, L 261, S 1079, M 59 many- P 1066 nail- G 195 slender- L 130 two- D 341 styleless A 1099 stylidium S 1066 styliduct S 1067 styliform S 1068 styliplankton S 1070 stylodium S 1072 stylogonidium S 1073 styloids S 1074 stylopod S 1075 stylose S 1079 stylospore S 1076 stylostegium S 1077 -stylous S 1063 suavcolent S 1083 subacute S 1089 subalpine S 1093 -plants О 250 subangular S 1094 subarbuscle S 109Э subarborescent S 1098 subarctic S 110 subarcuate S 1101 subascending S 1102 subassociation S 1104 subatlantic S 1105 subauriculate S 1106 aubbarbate S 1108 subbiflorous S 1109 subbilobate S 1110 subcampanulate S 1113 subcanaliculate S 1114 subcapillary S 1115 subcarinate S 1116 subcartilaginous S 1118 subcentral S 1120 subcespitose S 1112 subclass S 1123 subcliraax S 1126 subconical S 1131 subcopious S 1133 subcordate S 1134 subcorymbose S 1138 subconvolute S 1132 subcoriaceous S 1136 subcortical S 1137 subcrenate S 1139 subcrispate S 1140 subcroceous S 1141 subcuticle S 1144 subcylindraceous S 1145 subdecandrous S 1146 subdecurrent S 1147 subdentate S 1148 subdepressed S 1149 subdiaphanous S 1150 subdichotomous S 1151 subdifform S 1152 subdigitate S 1153 subdioecia S 1155 subdioecious S 1156 subdistichous S 1157 subdivision S 1159 subdominant S 1161 subedentate S 1163 subendemic S 1164 subepidermal S 1165 subepistatic S 1166 subequal S 1090 subequilateral S 1091 suber S 1167 suberification S 1169 suberin S 1172 suberogenic S 1174 suberose S 1175 subex S 1176 subfalcate S 1177 subfamily S 1178 subfasciculate S 117Э subfloral S 1180 subform S 1181 subformation S 1182 subfossil S 1183 subgenus S 1185 subglobos? S 1187 subgregarious S 1188 subgynoecious S 1189 subhirsute S 119Э subhymenial S 1191 subhymenium S 1192 subhypostatic S 1193 subicule S 1194 subimbricate S 1195 subincised S 1197 subintegrifolious S 1200 subkingdom S 1220 sublanate S 1202 sublethal S 1203 sublignose S 1204 sublittoral S 1205 ENGLISH INDEX submaritime S 1206 submersed D 55, I 52, S 107 somewhat- S 1196 submicronic S 1208 submicroscopic S 1209 submicrosomc S 1210 subnival S 1212 suborbicular S 1214 subordination S 1215 suborder S 1216 subramose S 1219 subreniform S 1221 subrostrate S 1223 subsaline S 1225 subsection S 1226 subseries S 1228 subserratc S 1229 subsessile S 1230 subspecies S 1231 subspontaneous S 1233 subsquamose S 1234 substance S 1235 substituted S 1253 substomatic S 1236 substrate N1 123 substratum S 1237 subtended S 1276 subterminal S 1238 subterranean S 1239 subterraneous S 1239 subtetragonal S 1240 subtomentose S 1242 subtribe S 1244 subtrioecy S 1245 subtropic S 1246 subulate S 1247 subumbeilate S 1248 subvariety S 1249 subvelutinous S 1250 subverticillate S 1251 successib.lity S 1254 succession S 1255 successive S 1256 succiferous S 1257 succise S 1262 succose S 1263 succulent plants С 413, S 1264 succulenta S 1264 sucker H 55, 3 543, 998, S 1318, T 660 root- S 543 suddendly- A 19 sudorific S 1268 suffocating S 1270 suffrutcscent S 1271 suffruticose S 1274 sugar (bearing) S 7 sweet like- S 6 sugared S 6 sugary S 6 suitable I 38 sulcate S 1278 sulphur-coloured S 1281 ENGLISH INDEX summary E 309 summer A 279 summery A 281 summit A 889, С 949, V 86 sun- H 76 sun S 552 -avoiding P 503 -loving A 956, H 79, P 502 -plants H 82 -shunning H 80, P 503 sunflowers S 553 sunken I 52, 143 sunny A 956, S 553 sunstroke I 191 superb S 1286 supercrescent S 1288 superficial S 1289 superfluous H 551, S 1291 superfoetation S 1292 superior S 1294 supernatant S 1295 superparasite S 1296 superposed S 1297 superspecies S 1298 supervolute S 1300 supine S 1301 supplement M 94, S 1302 supplemental A 179 supplements A 178 support A 207, F 180, С 987 supported F 179, S 1276 supporting F 178, S 1275, S 1302 supraaxillary S 1304 suprabasal S 1305 supradecompound S 1307 suprafastigiate S 1308 suprafoliaceous S 1309 supramaturalion S 1310 supranumerary S 1311 suprapetiolar S 1312 supraspecies S 1314 supra terraneous S 1315 suppression S 1303 surculigerous S 1317 surculose S 1317 sure С 241 surface S 1290 lower- S 368 upper- S 1290 eurrounded G 431, 441, 785, S 984 surrounding A 495, С 440, P 295 surroundings A 204 survey G 759, S 1330 suspended S 1321 suspensor S 1320 suspensory bodies P 1586 sustaining S 1275 sutural S 1324 suturate S 1315 suture R 66, S 1323 dorsal- D 368 ventral- V 60 suturose S 1325 swamp P 58, S 856 swampy P 56, 59, U 5 swarming (double^-) D 263 swarthy A 222 swaying V 82 sweating E 500 sweet- G 189 sweet D 388, S 1084 -water plants D 388 swelled V 61 swelling G 141, P 1434, S 1053, T 647 -shaped С 84 -up G 706, I 255, T 645 swimming F 99, N 22 -plants N 22 swinging О 273, V 82 switch-like V 121 swollen- О 152, P 591 swollen I 139, P 592, T 646, 658, V 61 being- T 645 sword- E 210 -shaped E 210 sycon S 1327 sycosis S 1328 sylvan N 75 sylvestrian S 508 sylvicolous S 510 sylviculture S 511 symbasis S 1334 symbionts S 1335 symbiosis S 1336 antagonistic- E 116 symbiotic S 1337 symbiotrophic S 1340 symbiotrophism S 1339 symmetranthous S 1342 symmetrical S 1344 radially- A 151 symmetrocarpous S 1345 symmetry S 1343 radial- R 16 sympatric S 1346 sympeda S 1347 symperianthous S 1348 sympetalous S 1349 symphicarpous S 1351 symphyllode S 1352 symphyllous S 1353 symphyogenesis S 1354 symphyostemonous S 1357 symphytic S 1359 symphytogynic S 1360 symplast S 1362 sympode S 1365 sympodial S 1364 sympolymorphism S 1366 symptom S 1367 symptomatology S 1368 synakinete S 1371 synandric S 1372 synandrodium S 1374 synandry S 1373 synangium S 1375 synantherous S 1376 synanthery S 1377 synanthesis S 1378 synanthic S 1379 synanthody S 1381 synanthous S 1379 synanthy S 1380 synaphosis S 1383 synapsis S 1384 synaptospermy S 1386 synarmophytes S 1388 syncarp S 1393 syncarpous S 1392 syncarpy S 1391 syncaryon S 1395 syncaphalous S 1398 synchorologie S 1401 synchorology S 1400 synchronic S 1402 synchronogamy S 1403 synchronology S 1404 syncolliphyta S 1406 syncotyledonous S 1407 syncotyly S 1408 syncyanosis S 1409 syncyte S 1410 syndesis S 1411 syndetocheilous S 1412 syndimorphism S 1413 syndiploid S 1415 syndiploidy S 1414 syndynamics S 1416 synecologic S 1438 synecology S 1437 synema S 1417 synenchyma S 1418 synergids S 1420 synergism S 1419 syngameon S 1421 syngamety S 1423 syngamy S 1424 syngenesis S 1425 syngenelics S 1427 syngrammae S 1428 synhaploid S 1430 synkaryolic S 1397 synmorphology S 1432 synnema S 1433 synoecious S 1436 synoecy S 1435 synoicous S 1436 synonym S 1440 epithet bearing- В 49 synonymy S 1439 synopsis S 1441 synoptic S 1442 synorrhizous S 1443 synpetalous S 1444 785 synsepalous S 1445 synspermous S 1446 synsporange S 1447 synsporous S 1448 syntaxon S 1450 syntaxonomy S 1451 syntelomilic S 1452 synpctalous S 1453 syntriploidy S 1454 syntrophy S 1455 syntropic S 1458 synlypc S 1459 synusia S 1460 synusium S 1460 synzoic 8 1461 synzocgonidium S 1463 synzocspore S 1464 synzygia S 1465 syphogeny S 1466 syringodendron S 1469 syrrotia S 1470 syrtidium S 1471 syrtidophilous S 1472 syrtidophyla S 1473 syssomata S 1474 systellophytes S 1475 system S 1476 natural- N 26, S 1476 plan's- S 1476 root- S 1476 systematic 8 1478 systeinatics 8 1477 systematization S 1479 systole S 1480 systolic 8 1481 systrophe S 1482 tabes T 2 tabescence T 2 labescent T 3 table (stand-) A 795 tablet T 4 tabula T 4 tabular T 5 tachyauxesis T 9 tachygenesis T 10 tachyspory T 11 tactic T 12 tactile T 13 tactism T 14 taeniatc T 16 taiga T 19 tail-shaped С 188 tall G 211, E 79 -aerial plants P 417 very- P 1232 tallow-like S 234 tan-coloured A 482 tangential T 21 tanks (dwelling in-) P 529 tannin T 22 tap-root P 28 tapered A 768, 1140 tapesium T 23 taperworm-shaped T 16 tapetal T 24 tapete T 25 taphrenchyma T 26 tar P 722 -coloured P 677 lardy T 30 tart- S 1082 tartareous T 31 taste S 46 tasteful S 42 tasteless I 187 somewhat- S 1199 tautonym T 32 tawny G 53, F184, L100,163 dark- G 244 somewhat- F 183 taxitery T 35 taxon T 37 taxonomic T 39 taxonomy T 38 tear-shaped D 1, L 20 teat M 86 tectoparatype T 41 tectoplesiotype T 42 tectotype T 43 tegmen T 48 tegmentaceous T 49 tegmentose T 50 tegulicolous T 53 teichosome T 54 teknospore T 40 teleplastids T 59 teleutosorus T 62 teleutospore T 63 telluric T 66 telmatoplankton T 70 telocentric T 72 telochromomeres T 73 telochromosome T 74 telocrat T 75 telogonidium T 76 teloine T 78 telomeres T 79 telophase T 81 telosynapsis T 83 ternperant T 85 temperate T 86 temporary P 1439 tcmuienlous T 88 ten- D 8, 14 tenacious T 92 somewhat- T 89 tender T 95, 97 tender- H 22 tending downwards С 166 tending outwards G 216 tendril- G 472 tendril G 473 grape-vine- P 62 simple- S 518 stipulaneous- S 992 ENGLISH INDEX tendrilled G 75 tendrilled- G 472 tenebricolous T 93 tenebrous T 94 tension T 98 tentacle T 101 tentaculate T 100 tepal T 109 -tepalous T 110 tepidarium T 115 teratogeny T 116 teratologic T 118 teratological M 467 teratology T 117 teratoma T 119 tercine T 120 terete T 123 hall'- S 376 tergeminate T 125 term T 131 terminal A 903, T 127 terminal- A 106 terminalisation T 128 terminating R 129 terminology T 130 ternary T 132 tcrnate T 133 compound- В 220 thrice- T 571 ternately- T 133 terraneous T 136 terrestrial T 136 terricolous T 138 territory T 140 tertiary T 141 tesselate T 143 tesselated T 143 testa T 145 testaceous T 146 testicular T 148 testiculate T 148 tetracarpous T 155 tetrachaenium T 158 tetrachotomy T 159 tetracoccous Q 7 tetracotyl T 161 tetracyclic T 162 tetracvtes T 163 tetrad' T 196 tetradenous T 164 tetradogenesis T 166 tetradynamous T 168 tetragonalylobate T 175 tetragonidangium T 172 tetragonidium T 173 tetragonocarpous T 174 tetragynous T 176 tetrahedral T 169 tetrahybrid T 177 tetrameristelic T 179 tetramerous T 180 tetramorphic T 181 tetrandroms T 182 telranuclcate T 184 ENGLISH INDEX tetraphyletic T 186 tetraploid T 189 tetraplostemonous T 190 tetrarch T 194 tetrasepalous T 198 tetrasomic T 199 tetrasporangium T 202 tetraspore T 201 tetrasporiferous T 203 tetrasporophyte T 204 tetrasporous T 205 tetrastemonous T 207 tetrastigmatous T 209 tetrastylous T 210 texture T 213 thalamiflorous T 215 thalamium T 216 thalassophilous T 220 thalassoplankton T 222 thallidium T 223 thallochore T 225 thalloid T 224 thallophytes T 226 thallus T 227 -like T 224 -reproduction В 230 thamnium T 228 thanatotope T 230 theca T 231 -like T 237 thecaphore T 232 thecaphorous T 233 thecium T 238 thelyblast T 245 thelygeny T 248 thelykaryon T 246 thelykaryotic T 247 thelytoky T 249 theobromineous С 1 theoretic T 263 therapeutic T 254 theriac T 255 thermal T 256 thcrmauxism T 257 thermic T 258 thermoaesthesy T 259 thermochorism T 260 thermocleistogamy T 261 thermodiffusion T 262 thermogenic T 263 thermoindifferent T 264 thermolabile T 265 thermolysis T 266 thermometer T 267 thermomorphosis T 268 thermonasty T 269 thermoperiodicity T 270 thermophase T 271 thermophil T 272 thermophilic plants T 274 thermophylactic T 273 thermoregulation T 275 thermostable T 276 thermotactism T 277 thermotolerant T 279 thermotropism T 280 theromegatherm T 281 theromesotherm T 282 theromicrotherm T 283 therophyllous T 284 therophytes T 285 thesis T 287 thick G 863, D 68 thick- P 2 thickened С 862, I 102 thickening С 861, I 101, P 5 thicket D 390, L 272 thickness G 864 thigmic T 288 thigmonasty T 290 thigmotaxis T 292 thigmotropism T 293 thin- I 290, L 116 thin E 445, G 230, S 1241, T 105 thing R 161 thinned A 1140, T 104 thiobacteria T 296 thiophilic T 297 thistledown P 84 without- E 223 thixotropy T 298 thorn S 742 -thorned A 30, S 741 ashy- T 112 crosswise- S 881 four- T 153 many- P 934 pink- R 289 thorny S 741, 749 thorough G 681 thread- N 68 thread F 57, N 67 -like F 56 three T 412, 413 -fold T 532 in threes T 133 -angled inversely О 30 thriving R 77, V 115 throat F 26 throated F 25 throttled S 1013 through D 127 throughout F 63 thrust forth E 494 thyllisation T 303 thyll-like T 304 thylls T 302 thyrsi- T 306 thyrsiform T 307 thyrsoid T 307 thumb P 920 tight A 995 tile I 48 -coloured T 146 786 time T 87 flowering- T 87 presentation- T 87 vegetation- T 87 tinctorial T 314 -plants T 315 tinctorious T 314 tinder F 118 tinged S 1277 tingeing T 314 tiny M 373 tip A 889 tip- A 904 tiphicolous T 316 tipped (fine-) G 977 sharply- G 977 tissue G 772, T 213 absorb tive- A 23 aerating- A 257 assimilating- С 326 cellular- С 772 conducting- T 55 connective- T 55 felted- T 55 fibrous- С 772 floating- A 257 ground- С 772, P 1349 nascent- M 199 palisade- С 772 primary- С 772 -producing H 311 protective- T 55 secondary- G 772 secretory- S 240 strengthening- S 947 vascuhr- T 55 woody- P 827 toast-colour G 904 together S 1369 tokonothous T 320 tokozygote T 321 tome T 331 ‘omentosc T 326 slightly- T 325 tomentous T 326 tomentulosc T 325 tomentum T 327 tomiange T 328 tomiparous T 330 tonesis T 332 tongue- G 178, L 194 -shaped G 178, L ^94 -tonic T 334 tonicity T 333 tonoplast T 335 tonosis T 336 tonotaxis T 337 -tonous T 334 consile T 339 took care of (to edit) С 966 tooth D 66, О 61 toothed D 67, О 61 deeply- P 1250 dounly- В 117 787 few- P 197 five- Q 35 four- Q 8 hairy- T 450 hard- S 185 large- G 242 long- L 256 a many- P 864 saw- S 447 short- В 276 thin- L 121 three- T 475 twice- В 117 unequally- J 205, I 76 toothless E 47 top V 86 -shaped T 652 reverse- - О 33 topical T 341 topmost S 1316 topobionta T 342 topochemotaxis T 343 topoclimate T 344 topogalvanotaxis T 345 topography T 346 topophototaxis T 347 topotaxis T 348 topotropism T 349 topotype T 350 torn L 12 -asunder S 229 torpescent T 353 torrent-loving R 306 torrent-plants R 307 torrid T 356 torsion T 357 tortuous T 360 torulose T 362 torus T 363 -of pits T 363 touch T 15 touch me not N 141 touching A 1141, G 773, T 15 tough F 65, T 92 tow S 1059 -like S 1060 tower-shaped T 661 town О 195 toxic T 366 toxical T 366 toxicity T 368 toxicology T 369 toxiferous T 367 toxines T 370 trabant S 83 trabeculate T 373 trabecules T 372 trace V 99 tracheae T 374 tracheids T 375 trachenchyma T 376 tractellum T 381 trailling S 435 trama T 383 transformism T 387 transient T 388 transition T 390 transitory F 177, T 389 translator T 392 translocation T 393 translucent P 244, T 394 transparency T 396 transparent С 932, H 448, T 395 not- О 181 transpiration T 397 transpirometer T 398 transplantation T 399 transport T 391 transversal T 402 transverse T 402 trapeziform T 403 trapezoid T 403 traumatic T 404 traumatochorism T 405 traumatodinesis T 406 traumatonasty T 407 traumatotaxy T 408 traumatotropism T 409 travel I 347 treasure T 286 treatise T 380 treble T 532 tree A 968 tree-like A 969, D 59 tree-nursery S 335 trembling T 411 trematology T 299 trench F 134 tri- T 413 triachaenium T 414 triadelphous T 415 triandrian T 417 triandrous T 417 triangular G 959, D 54, T 418 triantheriferous T 419 triarch T 421 triaristate T 423 triarticulate T 424 tribe T 426 tribracteate T 425 tricapsular T 428 tricarinate T 429 tricarpellary T 430 Iricarpellate T 430 trichilium T 437 trichites T 438 trichlamydeous T 439 trichobacteria T 440 trichoblast T 441 trichocalycinous T 442 trichococcous T 448 trichogyne T 451 trichome T 453 trichophore T 456 ENGLISH INDEX trichoplankton T 459 trichopodous T 460 trichosporange T 464 trichothallic T 466 trichotomous T 467 tricolour T 468 tricostate T 470 tricotyledonous T 471 tricuspidate T 472 tricyclic T 473 tridentate T 475 tridigitate-pinnate T 477 triduus T 479 tridynamous T 481 triennal T 482 trifid T 484 trifoliolate T 487 trigamous T 491 trifurcate T 490 trigeneric T 493 triglochidiate T 494 triglumal T 495 trigonocarpous T 497 trigonous T 496 trigynous T 498 semi- S 379 trihilate T 499 trihybrid T 500 trilateral T 502 trilete T 503 trilobate T 504 trilobed T 504 trilocular T 505 trimaculate T 506 trimeristele T 508 trimerous T 507 trimonoecia T 510 trimorphous T 512 trinomial T 516 trinucleate T 517 trioecia T 519 trioecious T 520 trioicous T 520 triovulate T 521 tripartible T 522 tripartite T 523 triphyletic T 525 tripinnate T 527 tripinnatifid T 528 tripinnatiparted T 529 tripinnatisect T 530 triplasy T 531 triple T 532 triplicate T 532 triplocaulous T 541 triploid T 542 triplostemony T 543 triplostichous T 544 tripolar T 546 triposplankton T 547 tripton T 549 tripyrenous T 550 triradiate T 552 trisect T 553 ENGLISH INDEX trisected T 553 trisepalous T 554 triseptate T 555 triserial T 556 triseriate T 556 triserrate T 557 trisetose T 558 trisomic T 559 trispermous T 560 trisporous T 561 tristigmatic T 564 tristriate T 566 Iristylous T 568 tristyly T 567 trisulcate T 569 triternate T 571 tritematisectate T 570 trituberculate T 572 triuncinate T 573 trivalent T 574 trivalvate T 575 trivascular T 576 trivial T 577 trixeny T 579 trizonate T 580 trochlear T 581 troglobionta T 584 troglocolous T 585 troglodytous T 585 trogloxenous T 586 tropaxis T 587 trophic T 589 trophobiosis T 590 trophochromatin T 591 trophocotophyll T 593 trophocotosome T 594 trophocyte T 595 trophogenous T 596 trophomixie T 597 trophomorphosis T 598 trophonucleus T 600 trophophyll T 601 trophoplasm T 602 trophosome T 604 trophosporophyll T 606 trophosporosome T 607 trophotropism T 609 trophy T 588 tropical T 610 -plants M 61 tropism T 612 tropomorphism T 613 tropophytes T 614 -tropous T 611 trowel- T 615 -like T 615 true E 360, G 99, V 91 trumpet-like T 638 -shaped H 584 truncate T 617 truncatulate T 616 truncicolous T 618 truncigenous T 619 trunk S 987, 997, T 620 tryma T 621 tube T 643, V 152 calyx- T 643 perigonial- T 643 pollen- P 925, T 643 sieve- T 643 small- T 642 short- В 292 tuber T 623 budlike- T 634 -like T 633 paired tubers T 623 tuberascent T 624 tubercle T 630 -shaped T 627 tubercled T 626 tuberculate T 626 tuberculization T 628 tuberculose T 629 tuberose T 636 tuberosity T 635 tuberous T 636 tubiform T 638 tubillus T 639 tubular S 532, T 640 tubulate T 641 tubule T 642 tubuliform T 640 tubulispinous S 556 tubulose T 641 tuft- G 651 tuft S 1059 -forming С 13 -of hairs P 235 tufted A 1073, С 651 tufty- D 98 tumescent T 645 tumid T 646 tumour S 1053, T 647 -shaped С 84 tundra T 648 tunic T 649 tunicate T 650 turban-shaped T 651 half- S 380 turbinate T 652 turfaceous T 654 turgescence T 657 turgescent T 656 turgid T 658 turgidity T 657 turgonasty T 659 turion T 660 turned -about I 267 -aside P 359 -backward R 202 -downwards D 37 •inwards I 240, О 253 -towards G 792, S 631 •upside down R 186 turning towards T 611 turnip-root N 12 788 turnip-shaped N 12 twelve- D 355 twenty (with-) I 8 twice- В 69, D 191, 393 -twisted В 217 twig R 62 bearing- V 121 -shaped V 121 vigurous- V 132 -twigged broad- P 791 flesh- S 68 hairy- T 447 wing- P 1616 twiggy V 129 twin В 152 twining V 159 twinkled С 838 twisted G 778, D 338, H 73, I 240, S 1022, T 354 -backwards О 29, R 202 doubly- D 190 five- P 242 irregularly- T 360 somewhat- S 1158 spirally- S 1043, T 358 upon itself G 777 twisting T 355, 357, 358, V 159 two- В 69, D 172, 191, 330» D 391 -together В 152 tychocoenotic T 663 tycholimnetic T 664 tychopelagic T 665 tychoplankton T 666 tychopotamic T 667 tychothelytokia T 668 e T 679 habitat- G 518, О 83 local- G 368 -locality L 246 typical E 360, T 673 typogenesis T 674 typology T 675 typolysis T 676 typonym T 677 typostasis T 678 ubiquist R 3 -plants U 3 uliginose U 5 uliginous U 5 ultramicron U 9 ultramicroscope U 10 ultraplankton U 11 ultraseston U 12 umbel U 13 compound- U 13 719 simple- S 453, U 13 -rays R 40 umbellate U 14 umbelliferous U 14 umbellulate U 16 umbellule U 15 umbilicate U 17 umbilicus U 18 umbo U 19 umbonate U 20 umbraculum U 23 umbraticolous U 24 umbrine U 25 un- E 415, 1 45 unaccustomed I 192 unarmed I 131 somewhat- S 1198 unbound S 570 unbranched A 96, S 518 uncertain A 497, I 860, V 18 unchangeable I 264 unchanged I 58 unchanging С 763 unciaate U 29 uncooked С 897 uncovered A 1114 unctuous U 30 uncultivated I 107, S 778 undate U 32 undated U 32 under H 533, I 134, S1085 -class S 1123 underground G 119, H 589, S 1239 undershrub S 1099, 1272 undeveloped R 394 undivided I 123, 201, S518 undulate U 32 unequal A 774, О 316, 1 59, -I 75 -angled A 784 unequally H 175, I 75 uneven 1 59, 75, S 17 unfolding E 414 unguicular U 33 unguiculate U 34 unguiculus U 35 unhealthy I 176 uniaxial H 26 unibracteate U 37 unicapsular U 40 unicellular U 42 -plants U 42 uniciliate U 43 unicolorous M 405 unicostate U 45 unidentate U 46 uniembryonate U 47 unif&rial U 48 uniferous U 51 uniflagellate U 52 uniflorous U 53 unifoliate U 54 unifolliculus U 55 uniform U 56 unijuuate U 58 unilabiate U 59 unilateral U 60 unilobate U 61 unilocular U 62 uninervate U 63 uninomial U 64 uninquired I 272 uninterrupted С 775 uninucleate U 65 union A 671, F 204 uniovulate U 66 unipolar U 68 uniseptate U 70 uniseriate U 71 uniserrate U 72 unisexual D 179, M 417, U 73 unispiral U 74 unistratose U 75 united A 194, 205, С 654, 685, С 741, G 37, J 20, S 1350 -by growth С 543 unitegminous U 76 uniting J 19 univalved U 78 univalvular U 78 universal U 79 univorous M 432 unknown I 40 -to me N 15Э unlawful I 42 unlike D 316, 327 unnoticed P 1199 unopened I 81 unreal N 162 unrelated A 402 unripe С 897, I 51 unrolling E 414 unseen A 20, I 272 unstable A 1088 unstained I 50 unslriped E 358 untilled I 107 untrue A 218 unused I 192 unveined A 1232 up A 629 upholding S 1322 upland plants P 213 upon E 229 upper S 1294, 1299 upright E 320,0 251, P 343 half- S 308 -very S 1030 urceolar U 82 urceolate U 82 urceolus U 83 uredosorus U 86 uredospore P 1416, U 87 urn С 415, U 89 -shaped U 82 ENGLISH INDEX urticant U 88 useful U 96 useless I 260 uterus U 95 utricle U 99 utricular U 97 utriculate U 98 utriculiform U 97 vacuolar V 4 vacuolate V 5 vacuole V 3 contractile- С 779 digestive- V 3 -sap S 1266 vacuolization V 6 vacuome V 7 vagina (small-) V 17 vaginal V 14 vaginant V 15 vaginate V 16 vaginule V 17 vague A 180, V 18 valence V 20 vallecula V 21 vallecula te V 22 valley V 24, G 786 -growing V 23 valvaceous V 26 valvate V 27 valve V 25 valved V 27 many- M 575 three- T 575 valvelet V 29 valviform V 26 valvule V 29 vanishing E 408 vaporising E 410 variability V 31 variable D 349, V 30 variated under cultivation H 106 variation V 33 variegated M 111, P 899, V 35 variegation V 34 variety V 36 various P 899, V 38 variously- H 175 varnished V 76 varying V 30, 32 vascular V 40 -bundle (bicollateral-) В tOii -cryptogams С 919 -plants V 40 vasicentric P 327 vault F 131 vaulted F 130 vegetable О 103, 133, 137, V 44 -plants 0 101 vegetation V 45 organs of- О 232 ENGLISH INDEX vegetative V 46 -body G 825 veil V 51 marginal- V 51 universal- V 51 veiled V 49 vein V 54 veined P 441, V 58 hairy- P 445 lopp- В 275 netted- R 192 rete- R 192 veining V 55 veinless A 1232, Б 204 veinlet V 62 velate V 49 velum V 51 without- A 109 velumen V 52 velutinous V 53 velvet-like V 53 velvety- V 53 venenous V 56 venose V 58 venter V 59 ventral V 60 ventricose V 61 ventricous V 61 venulose V 63 verification (for-) I 174 vermicular V 68 vermiculate V 68 vermifuge S 40, V 69 vermilion С 444 vermination V 70 vernacular V 72 vernal V 73 vernalization V 74 vernicose V 76 verrucose V 79 verrucous V 79 verruculate V 81 verruculiferous V 81 verruculose V 81 versatile M 386, V 82 vertex V 86 vertical V 87 verticil V 90 verlicillaster V 89 vcrticillate V 88 very P 253, 1156 vesicle A 607, V 93 vesiculous V 95 vespertine V 96 vessel V 39 annular- A 798 ladder-shaped-V 39 latex- V 39 netted- V 39 scalariform- V 39 sieve- V 39 spiral- S 754, V 39 woody- V 39 vestibule V 97 vestige V 99 vexil V 104 vexillate V 103 viable V 105 viability V 106 vibratile V 108 vicarial V 109 vicarious V 109 vicinism V 110 view I 254 view (general-) S 1441 vigurous P 1151, R 339, V 47 village V 112 villose V 120 finely- V 119 villosity V 118 villous V 120 viminal V 121 vinaceous V 122 vine S 112 vine graft R 163 vineyards (growing in-) V123 vineyard-plants V 123 violaceous V 125 violascent V 126 violet V 125, I 1 becoming- V 126 dark- A 1137 -blue (dull-) L 174 red- R 385 virent V 127 saturate- S 89 virescence V 155, V 128 virescent V 127 virgate V 129 virulency V 138 virulent V 139 virus V 140 viscid G 172, V 142 viscous G 188, L 99, I 350, V 142 visible P 383, 413 clearly- M 91 visitor H 439 vital V 145 -activity В 186 vitalism V 146 vitality V 147 vitellin V 148 vitreous V 151 vittate V 153 viviparous V 156 void I 79 volatil A 287, V 158 voluble V 159 volute V 161 volution V 160 volva V 162 vomitive V 163 vomitory N 31 vulgar G 668, V 165 740 wall P 152 cell- С 1041 cross- S 424 dividing- D 325 false- S 424 growing on- M 580 -plants R 413 -shaped M 582 walled round G 470 wand-shaped V 129 wandering E 344, M 365, V 10 wanting A 21, G 87, D 105, M 89, N 199 warm T 258 warm-greenhouse G 28 wart V 78 small- V 80 warted V 79 many- P 1070 warty V 79 waps (bearing-) T 103 waste-book A 227 waste places R 389 wasted T 3 wasting away T 3 watch of plants V 116 water- H 463 -culture H 477 -gland H 460 -loving H 489 -plankton H 495 -plants H 493 -pollinated H 489 -pore H 460 stagnant- - S 869 watering R 323 waterless A 772 watery A 965 wave G 889 wave- U 32 waved U 32 wavering О 273 wavy A 758, U 32 wax G 228 wax-mass M 114 waxy G 237 way I 347 weak D 7, E 44 wearing С 314 weaving T 212 wedge- S 698 -shaped G 959 weed H 156, I 260 field weeds S 254 weeding N 203, R 409 weight P 1093 weighty G 254 well E 360 welted L 14 welting M 102 wen-like S 1056 western О 39 wet M 68, U 4 741 wet-meadow (plants) T 69 dwelling in- T 68 wetness M 69 wetted M 67, S 1277 wheel-shaped R 362 whip F 78, M 117 -like F 76 white- L 136 white A 382 ashy- T 113 -beneath H 595 bluish- С 987 brownish- P 399 chalk- G 311, С 884 dead- A 382, С 884 greenish- A 517, 1053, С 335 greyish- G 64, 66, S 771 ivory-yellowish- E 6 -lead-coloured G 243 milk- G 4, L 22 -of egg A 378 pure- G 63, H 344, О 136, V 130 reddish- R 296, 376 shining- С 62 silver- A 1010 snow- G 308, N 128 swan- О 136 yellowish- G 408, X 8 whitish A 375, G 62 whole- H 320 whole I 201, О 144 whorl G 1000, V 90 false- P 1589, V 89 whorled С 996, V 88 half- S 383 three- T 473 two- D 187 wide L 68 widened D 231, 334 wild A 334, F 42, S 778 wild-pear A 74 willow- S 18 -like S 18 -plot S 19 willowy S 18 wilted M 101 wind- A 738 -fertilized A 743 winding A 758, M 70, S 435 half- S 1252 windowed F 34 wine-colour V 122 wing- P 1606 wing A 369 -like A 371 -shaped A 404 Winged A 372, 403, P 1606 -about P 308 cleft- S 140 four- T 191 hard- S 191 many- P 1038 narrow- S 926 pink- R 301 somewhat- S 1092 three- T 416 two- В 74 wingless A 957 winglet A 481 winter H 296 -bud H 288 -loving G 277 -shunning G 278 wintering H 290 winterquarters H 288 wintry В 295, H 289, 295 witches-broom S 204 with S 1369 withered E 95, L 44, M 101 withering M 100 within E 124, I 241 without A 1, 628, 913, 879, E 1, 415 withstanding R 176 witting M 100 wolf-killing L 285 wood L 169, 272, N 76, S 507, X 52 acerous- A 61 destroying- L 167, X 61 eating- X 60 fossil- L 225 fossilized- X 58 gnawing- L 167 -loving X 61 pertaining to- S 508 secondary- S 245 wooded S 30 hard- S 196 woodland S 507 woody L 162, S 30, 513, X 52 becoming- L 161 -plants X 62 slightly- S 1271 -wessels V 39 wool L 39 wool- L 40 woolliness L 48 woolly E 334, L 40, 54 -beneath H 594 -hair L 47 word T 131 technical- T 131 work О 206, S 1449 cited (in the-) О 206 floristic- G 329 preliminary- P 1241 world-wide С 849 worm -eaten G 92 -hole V 70 -shaped H 92, L 273, V 68 wound-healing V 166 woven P 794, T 212 -all round С 469 -together G 771, P 845 ENGLISH INDEX wrappen around С 464, О 38 wreath V 160 wrinkle- P 1625, R 313 wrinkle С 889, R 402 little- R 404 -seeded R 316 wrinkled С 830, R 200, R 313, 403 finely- R 405 written S 217 xanthin X 6 xantholeucites X 9 xanthophorum X 12 xanthophyll X 13 xenautogamy X 17 xenia X 15 xenobiosis X 16 xenocarpy X 18 xenocoenic X 19 xenoecic X 20 xenogamy X 21 xenonothous X 25 xenoplastic X 26 xeroboles X 31 xerocarpous X 32 xerochasy X 33 xerocleistogamy X 34 xerogeophytes X 35 xeronelophytes X 36 xeromorphy X 37 xerophilous X 39 xerophobous X 40 xerophyllous X 41 xerophytes X 42 xerophytic X 43 xeroophyta X 45 xerothermic X 46 xerothermophytes X 47 xerotropism X 49 xylem X 53 xylochrome X 55 xylography X 56 xylolith X 58 xylology X 59 xylophilous X 61 xylostroma X 64 xylotomy X 65 year (of this-) H 430 year-books A 792 yearly A 797 yeast F 38 yellow F 81, L 280, X 3 amber- E 80 apricot- A 1029 becoming- F 80 bluish safron- G 985 bright- F 81, J 6 buttercup- L 280 dark- С 409 deep- L 280 ENGLISH INDEX dingy- L 277 dulF С 229. О 146, V 142 egg-yolk- V 142 goWeO- A 1153rC 405, L 220, M 176 greenish- С 251, I 12 -greyidi- R 72 noney- H 102, M 176 intensely- H 556 jaundice- I 12 lemon- С 477 light- 8 1011 ochre- О 49 pale ochreous- H 102 pale- G 146, L 279, О 53 peach- P 1269 pure- F 21 reddish- E 352, I 3. R 381, 422 saffron deep- С 293 shining R 64, X 3 smoky- L 277 somewhat- F 20 straw- 8 1012 sulphur- 81222, T 239 lawny- I 227, T 124 waxy- С 229 whitish- L 142, О 53 yellowish F 20, L 279, X 5 Yellowness I 14 yoked J 13, Z 52 young N 169, I 22 the- F 2 youth J 24 youthful J 22 MS seaxanthin Z 2 zebrinoos Z 4 zein Z 5 zenotropism Z 7 leugite Z 8 zeuxis Z 9 zoandrospore Z 13 zoidiogamie Z 15 zoidiogamy Z 14 zoidiospore Z 13 zonal Z 21 zonate Z 21 conation Z 22 zone С 442, Z 20 zoned Z 21 zoning Z 22 zonule Z 23 zoobiotic Z 24 zooceddie Z 25 zoochoric Z 28 zoocbory Z 27 xoocoenocyte Z 29 zoocyst Z 30 zoodiodangjum Z 32 zoodomatium Z 33 zoogamous Z 36 zoogamy Z 35 zoogenous Z 87 zoogloen Z 38 zoogonangtam Z 39 zoogonidanginm Z M zoomorphosis Z 43 zooparasite Z 44 zoophilons Z 46 zoophobous Z 47 soophytac Z 48 sooplankftoa Z 49 zoeaiphoaogamy Z 50 zoesphero Z 52 soosponmgiophoee Z 54 soosporangium Z 55 toeqwre Z 53 zoozygospore Z 57 zygoanxospore Z 59 zygocyst Z 60 sygogamete Z 61 sygogamy Z 62 sygogenesis Z 63 sygogenic Z 64 sygdjdt Z 65 zygemerous Z 66 sygomorphic M 453, 1 68 sygomorphoue Z 62 sygomorphy Z 67 zygonema Z 69 zygophase Z 70 sygophytas Z 71 zygosis Z 72 sygosporango Z 77 zygotactism Z 79 zygote Z 70 zygotene S 20 zygotic Z 81 SETTS1 “ zymogen P 1247 zymogenic Z 84 zymology Z 20 zymotic Z 84 DEUTSCHER INDEX Aasfliegenblumen S 53 aasfliegenblumig S 54 aasfressend N 46 ab&ndernd V 32 Abanderung V 33 Ab&nderungsfahigkeit V 31 Ab&nderungsmerkmale D 336 Abart V 36 abaxial A 2 abbauend D 106 Abbauprozefl D 328 Abbaustoffwechsel G 162 Abbildung F 55, I 5 Abdruck E 40 abend]amdisch О 39 abendlich V 96 abends-aufbliihend V 96 Aberration A 6 Abfall L 52 Bliiten- A 853 abfallend С 6, D 15, S 235 nicht- P 348 abfailig D 15 abfuhrend G 184, P 1660 abgeandert E 106 abgebissen P 1190 abgebrochen A 19, F 141 abgedreht I 240 abgefallen D 46 abgefressen D 73 abgeh&rtet I 126 abgehautet E 518 abgekehrt A 226, 1233, P 359 abgekiirzt A 4 abgeldst S 570 abgeplattet G 678 abgerissen A 1236 abgerundet О 210, R 363 abgeschnitten S 1262, P 1671, T 617 abgesondert D 299, 313, D 336, I 320, S 238, 405 abgestorben E 114 abgestumpft H 59, О 34, R 213 etwas- S 1213 abgestutzt T 617 . abgetrennt I 320, S 238, S 570 abgewechselt A 472 abgeweidet D 73 abgewendet A 226, 1233 abgezehrt T 3 Abgliederung A 1046 abgrenzend T 129 abgrundig A 26, P 1194 Abhandlung T 380 Abhang С 532 abh&ngend D 76, S 1321 Abioseston A 11 Abirrung A 6 abkommend A 5 Abkurzung A 3 Ablast A 13 Ablaufwinkel A 766 Ableger M 82, T 223 ablOsbar S 566 ablOsend S 235 abnehmend D 24 abnorm A 16 abortiv A 18 abrasiert D 81 Abschneidung A 609 Abschnitt S 258 Abschnurung G 71 Absenker M 82 absondernd S 240 Absonderung I 319, S 237, 239, 259 absorbierend A 22 Absorption A 23 Absorptionsgewebe A 23 Absorptionshaare A 22 Absorptionsspektrum A 23 Absorptionszellen A 22 abstammend P 548 Abstammung D 89 Abstammungslehre P 586 abstehend D 333 ziemlich- P 194 absteigend D 88 Abteilung D 351 Abundanz A 24 abwartsgeknickt R 207 abwdrtsgekriimmt R 101 abwftrtsgeneigt D 17 abwSrtsgerichtet I 267, R 212 abwartskriimmend С 186 abwechselnd A 472, 474 Abwechselung A 473 abweichen D 337 abweichend A 5 Abweichung A 6 abwesend S 21 abyssal A 26 abzehrend T 3 Abzehrung T 2 Ach&ne A 67 Achascophyten A 69 achatfarbig A 70 Acheillarie A 71 achlamydeisch A 72 Achromatin A 76 achromatisch A 75 Achromozentrum A 79 Achroozyst A 80 Achse A 1242 ausw&rts der- A 2 Ahren- T 12 Grund- P 1208, R 266 Haupt- G 195, P 1208 Schein- S 1365 Achsel A 1239 Achselknospe A 1240 Achselversprossung E 7 achselst&ndig A 1237 achselwinkelst&ndig A 1240 acht- О 54 achtgriffelig О 57 achtmannig О 56 achtweibig О 57 Achyrophyten A 81 Acker A 321, R 419 ackerbewohnend A 332,10M, С 55 Ackerfeld A 1052 ackerliebend A 340 Ackerpflanzen A 332, S 255 Ackerrand V 84 Adaptabilitat A 174 Adaptation A 175 chromatische- С 372 adaptiv A 173 adaxial A 177 Adelphie A 182 Adelphogamie A 184 Adelphokarpie A 183 Adelphoparasitismus A 185 Adelphophagie A 186 DEUTSCHER INDEX Adelphotaxie A 187 Adenopetalie A 191 Adenozyst A 189 Adenozyt A 190 Ader V 54 ader- P 441 -biattrig P 444 Aderchen V 62 aderig P 441, V 58 aderlos A 1232, E 204 Aderung V 55 Adcrwinkel A 1239 Adcsmie A 193 Adhasion A 196 adh&siv A 197 Adichogamie A 200 Adnation A 211 Adonist A 213 adossiert A 215 Adsorption A 216 adstringierend S 1082 adventiv A 224, 225, N 161 Adventivbastard N 161 Adventivknospen A 224 Adventivpflanzen A 225 Adventivsprosse A 224 Adventivwurzeln A 224 Adynamandrie A 228 Adynamogynie A 229 Aecidie A 235 Accidiole A 232 Aecidiosorus A 233 Accidiospore A 234 aecidiumfdrmig A 230 Aedifikatorpflanzen A 236 Aedoiographie A 237 Aedoiologie A 238 Aedoiotomie A 239 Aerenchym A 257 Aererrantia A 258 aerob A 264 Aerobien A 262 Aerobionten A 262 Aerobiose A 263 Aerokarpie A 265 aerokarpotropisch A 266 Aeromorphose A 269 Aerophyten A 272 Aerophytobionten A 273 Aerotaktismus A 276 Aerozyst A 267 Aesthesie A 280 Aethalium A 285 Aetiologie A 288 Affinitat A 290 Afterblatt S 990 afterblattlos E 498 AgamandrOzie A 292 Agameon A 293 Agamet A 294 Agametangium A 295 Agametozyt A 296 Agamie A 297 agamisch A 298 Agamobium A 299 Agamogenese A 301 agamogenetisch A 302 AgamogynomonOzie A 305 AgamogynOzie A 304 Agamohypnospore A 307 AgamonOzie A 308 Agamont A 309 Agamospermie A 312 Agamospezies A 311 Agamospore A 313 agamotrop A 314 Agamozyt A 300 Agar A 316 Agenesie A 319 ageotropisch A 320 Agglutinisierung A 325 Aggregatfruchte A 328 Aggregation A 327 Aggressivitit A 329 Agriotypus A 333 Agrobiologie A 336 AgrobiozOnose A 335 Agrobotanik A 337 Agrologie A 338 Agrophytozdnose A 343 AgrozoozOnose A 347 aheliotropisch A 350 ahnelnd A 242 ahnlich A 42, 208, H 358, I 292, M 473, О 60, P 87, S 515, 519 sehr- P 347 Ahnlichkeit A 654, S 517 Ahnlichkeitssymmetrie .8 516 Ahrchen S 733 ahrchenfdrmig S 735 ahrchentragend S 734 Ahre S 728 astige- S 728 einfache- S 728 zusammengesetzte- S 728 zweizeilige- S 728 ahren- S 850 Ahrenachse R 12 Ahrenbildung I 194 ahrenformig S 731 Ahrenlese S 732 ahrenreich P 1055 Ahrenspindel R 12 Ahrenspitze A1021 ahrentragend S 730 -ahrig A 1117, S 730, 850 aiolostatisch A 353 Aiphyllophyten A 355 Airosoma A 356 Aithalophyten A 357 Akariose A 33 akarpotropisch A 38 Akaryote A 39 Akauleszenz A 40 Akinese A 366 Akinete A 367 744 Akinetosporangium A 368 akklimatisiert 1 172 Akklimatisierung A 45 Akkomodation A 175 Akkomodieren A 175 akkrementizial A 49 Akkrementizialgeneration A 49 akkreszent A 51 akkumuliert A 54 Akladium A 95 Aklythrophyten A 97 Акте A 99 Akotyledonen A 103 akotyledonisch A 104 Akrandrie A 108 akro- A 106 Akroblastese A 112 akrofugal A 122 Akrogamie A 123 akrogen A 125 Akrogenese A 124 akrogyn A 127 Akrokarpie A 115 Akrokonidie A 118 Akronus A 128 akropetalisch A 129 Akrophyten A 132 akroplastisch A 133 akropleurogen A 134 Akrosarkum A 135 akroskop A 136 akroton A 141 Akrosyndese A 140 Akrosynkarpie A 139 Akrozezidie A 116 akrozentrisch A 117 Akrozyste A 119 Akten A 143 Aktinauxismus A 145 Aktinenchym A 146 Aktinismus A 147 Aktinobiologie A 148 aktinomorph A 151 Aktinomykose A 152 Aktinostele A 153 Aktinotaktismus A 154 Aktinotropismus A 155 Aktivator A 156 Aktophyten A 159 akzessorisch A 43, 1222 Albigrana A 377 Albumen A 378 Albuminoiden A 379 Aletophyten A 388 Aleuronkorn A 389 Aleurospore A 390 Algen A 396 algen- P 534 algenartig A 395 algenbewohnend A 397 Algenlehre A 399 algoid A 395 Algotrophismus A 400 74 j Alkaliotropismus A 384 alkalisch A 383 all P 63 allassotonisch A 409 Allautogamie A 410 allbekannt V 165 alle О 144 Allee A 504 allein S 565 allein- E 321 alleinstehend S 565 allelogen A 413 Allelomorphie A 414 Allelopathie A 416 Allelositismus A 417 Allergie A 419 Allerweltpflanzen С 850 allesfressend О 148 Allesie A 420 allgemein С 65, U 79, V 165 allmahlich S 1256 Allobiogenese A 424 Allobiose A 425 Allochlorophyll A 427 Allochorie A 428 allochorisch A 429 Allogamie A 434 allogamisch A 435 allogenetisch A 4C6 Allogonie A 437 Alloiogenesis A 439 Alloiometron A 440 Allokarpie A 426 allometrisch A 441 Alloparalektotypus A 443 allopatrisch A 444 allopelagisch A 445 Alloplasma A 447 Alloploidie A 449 Allopoiyploidie A 450 Allorhythmie A 451 Allosoma A 452 Allosperma A 453 Allospore A 454 Allosyndese A 456 Allotetraploidie A 457 Allotriploidie A 458 allotropisch A 459, 460 Allotypus A 462 Allozygote A 463 Allozyklie A 433 Allseitlage P 319 allseitswendig H 221, V 18 alpenbewohnend A 467 AlpengewOchse A 132 alpenliebend A 131 Alpenpflanzen С 845, О 217 alphabetisch A 468 alpigen A 469 alpin A 467 alt A 794 Altbiirger A 975 Altern S 391 alternativ A 474 alternd S 390 alternierend A 472 altlich Y 102 alveolar A 484 Alveolation A 485 Alveole A 483 amberduftend A 503 ambragelb A 502 Ameiose A 505 ameisen- M 622 ameisenfreundlich M 625 ameisengesat M 623 Ameisenhauschen M 624 ameisenliebend M 625 Ameisenpflanzen M 626 ameristisch A 512 Amerokonidie A 513 Amerospore A 514 amethystblau A 515 amethystfarbig A 515 amiantgriin A 517 amikronisch A 518 Amitose A 520 Amnion A 524 amoebenformig A 525 Amorphophyten A 530 Ampelographie A 532 Ampelologie A 533 Amphiapomikten A 535 Amphiaster A 536 amphiatlantisch A 537 Amphibiont A 538 amphibisch A 539 amphigam A 562 Amphigamie A 561 amphigen A 565 Amphigonie A 566 mphikarpie A 542 Amphikarpium A 544 amphikarpogen A 545 Amphikaryon A 546 amphiklin A 549 Amphikotyl A 551 amphikribral A 554 Amphikryptophyten A 555 Amphilepsis A 568 Amphimixis A 569 Amphinukleolus A 572 Amphinukleus A 573 amphipazifisch A 574 amphipetal A 575 amphiphloisch A 576 amphiphotisch A 577 Amphiplasma A 579 Amphiplastie A 580 Amphisarca A 581 amphisporangiat A 584 amphistomatisch A 586 amphisynkotyl A 587 Amphisynkotylie A 588 Amphitaktismus A 589 Amphithecium A 590 Amphitokie A 592 amphitrich A 593 DEUTSCHER INDEX Amphitrophie A 594 amphivasal A 596 amphogen A 597 Amphoheterogonie A 598 amphorbl&ttrig P 550 amphorenformig A 599 Ampulle A 605 Amylase A 615 Amyloerythrin A 617 amylolytisch A 621 Amyloplaste A 623 Amylospharen A 624 amyzelisch A 610 Anabionten A 630 Anabiose A 631 Anablast A 633 Anabolismus A 634 Anachorese A 637 Anachromase A 639 anaeretisch A 643 Anaerobionten A 645 anaerob A 646 Anaerobiose A 644 Anaerophyte A 647 Anagenese A 649 Anageotropismus A 650 Anagramm A 651 Anahnelung A 1084 Anaklinotropismus A 640 anakrogynisch A 641 Analogie A 654 Analyse A 655 analytisch A 656 anametadrom A 657 Anamorphose A 658 Anaphase A 661 Anaphorese A 662 Anaphototropismus A 663 Anaphylaxie A 664 Anaphyse A 665 Anaplasie A 667 anastatisch A 670 Anasthesie A 648 Anastomose A 671 anastomosierend A 672 anastomosiert A 672 anastral A 673 Anastrophe A 674 Anataximorphose A 675 Anatomie A 677 anatonisch A 678 Anatonose A 679 Anatraumatotropismus A 680 Anatropismus A 681 anbauen С 634 andere С 245 andersgestaltet H 228 anderthalb S 455 andro- A 690 androchor A 691 AndrodiOzie A 695 triozische- A 695 androdynam A 697 Androdynamie A 696 DBUTSCHER INDEX Androgamet A 700 Androgametangium A 701 Androgametophorum A 702 Androgamie A 703 Androgamon A 704 androgen A 706 Androgen A 707 Androgenese A 705 androgenetisch A 706 Androgonium A 709 Androgynie A 711 triOzische- A 711 androgynisch A 710 AndrogynodiOzie A 713 Androgynophor A 714 Androhermaphroditen A 715 Androkonidium A 693 Andromerogonie A 716 AndromonOzie A 717 triOzische- A 717 Andromorphose A 718 Andropetalie A 719 Androphaene A 720 Androphor A 722 Androphyllum A 723 Androphyte A 724 Androplasma A 725 androplasmisch A 726 Andropleogamie A 727 Androsoma A 729 Androsporangium A 731 Androspore A 730 Androtypus A 734 Androzeum A 699 AndrOzie A 698 Androzygote A 737 Androzyt A 694 Aneignung A 1084 aneinandergedr&ngt С 720 aneinanderliegend A 53 Anemochorie A 739 Anemoentomophilie A 741 Anemomorphie A 746 anemomyrmecochor A 747 Anemospore A 751 Anemotaxis A 752 Anemotropismus A 753 anemozoochor A 754 anerkannt R 86 Aneuploidie A 755 Aneusomatie A 756 Aneusporie A 757 Anfang R 396 anf&nglich I 161 anfassend P 1207 angebaut С 957, S 88 angebogen С 719, D 37 angeboren I 159 angebrannt A 222, D 115 angedruckt A 953 angefault P 1672 angefeuchtet H 441 angefugt A 949 angefiillt R 154 angeh&uft A 54, 323, 328 angeheftet A 291, 793, F 73, I 185 angeklebt A 326 Angelborste G 171 angelehnt A 215 angeleimt A 326 Angelhaar G 171 Angelstachel G 171 angen&hert A 954 angenehm A 527, С 248, J 11, S 1084 angeordnet G 631 angepaflt A 48 angereiht S 431 angesammelt G 620 anges&t S 93 angeschwemmt A 464, P1279 angeschwollen S 1054, T 640, 658 angesengt A 222 angesetzt A 949, 951 angespult A 464 angesteckt S 417 angewachsen A 52, 212 angrenzend A 1141, С 713 Angriffslust A 329 anhakend A 198 Anhang A 948 Anh&nge A 178 anh&ngend A 194 Anh&ngsel A 948 Anh&ngung A 195 Anh&ufung A 327 anheftend A 206 Anheftungsstelle 1 184 anheliotrop A 770 Anhydrobiose A 771 Anisoaplanogamet A 775 anisodynam A 778 Anisogamet A 779 Anisogametangiogamie A 780 Anisogamie A 782 Anisogenie A 783 anisogon A 784 anisogyn A 785 Anisohologamie A 786 Anisokotylie A 777 Anisomerogamie A 787 anisoploid A 789 Anisostylie A 790 Anisotropie A 791 ankerfOrmig A 686 Ankerhaaren A 686 anklammernd A 206 Ankleben A 325 anklebend A 197, 321 Ankdmmlinge A 225 Anlage P 1213 Anlagebild I 36 Anlagenplasma I 32 Anlagerung A 950 anliegend A 951 746 anlockend I 41 Anmerkung N 156 anmutig A 527 ann&hernd A 42, С 790, S 519, V 67 Ann&herung С 791 Annehmlichkeit A 526 Anomodromie A 805 Anomomerie A 806 Anordnung D 320 Bltiten- A 854 anorganisch A 807 anorganotrophisch A 808 Anorthogenese A 809 anorthoploid A 810 Anpassung A 175 passive- P 176 anpassungsf&hig A 173 Anpassungsfthigkeit A 174 Anpflanzung P 751 AnschluBzelle H 605 anschwellend I 255, T 656 Anschwellung A 929, T 657 Ansehen A 1071, F 6 ansehnlich С 761 Ansiedler С 637, E 317 Ansiedlung I 197 ansteckend G 768, V 139 Ansteckung I 132 ansteigend A 46 anstoBend G 773 Antagonismus A 813 antarktisch A 814 Antenne A 816 Antesporophyll A 817 antezellularisch A 815 Antherangium A 822 Anthere A 821 dorsifixe- D 369 Antherenfach G 737, L 244, T 231 Antherengrube A 692, G 520 Antherenhautschicht (iu-Bere-) E 481 Antherensack S 10 AntherenschloB G 520 Antheridie A 825 Anlheridienbeh<er A 823 AntheridientrSger A 824 Antheroidee A 826 Antheromanie A 827 Antherophyllie A 829 Antherozoid A 831 Anthese A 833 Anthesmolyse A 834 Anthesmotaxis A 835 Anthochlor A 838 Anthokarp A 937 Anthophaein A 845 Anthophyten A 850 Anthophytose A 851 Anthoplankton A 852 Anthotropismus A 855 Anthoxanthin A 856 747 Anthozyan A 840 Anthraknose A 858 Anlhropophyten A 862 Antienzyme A 868 antihlinal A 856 Anlipoden A 871 antiskorbutisch A 1063 Anukleobionten A 877 anwachsend A 210 anwesend P 1195 -sein A 217 Anzekhen A 220 Anzeige (kurze-) N 165 anziehend I 41 Apaerotropismus A 889 Apandrie A 882 Apfel M 84 apfet- M 79 apfelartig P 1G84 apfelformig M 80, P 1090 Apfelfrucht P 1092 apfelgrun P 1084 apfettragend P 1089 Aphaptotropismus A 890 Apherkotropismus A 892 aphotisch A 894 Aphotcmetrie A 895 Aphototropismus A 897 Aphragmium A 898 Aphydrotaxie A 900 Aphyllie A 901 aphyllopod A 902 apika) A 903 Apilarie A 906 Aplanogamet A 907 Aplancgametenbehalter A 908 Aplanosporangium A 911 Aplanospore A 910 Aplasie A 912 apobiotisch A 914 Apochemotaxie A 917 Apogahranotaxis A 920 Apogametie A 921 Apogamie A 922 Apogenie A 923 Apogeotropismus A 924 Apogynie A 925 apokarpisch A 916 apolar A 926 Apomeiose A 927 Apomixis A 928 Apophyse A 929 Apophyten A 930 Apoplastidium A 931 Apoplexie A 932 Aporogamie A 933 Apospermie A 934 Aposporie A 935 Apoeporogonie A 936 Apostasis A 937 Apotaximorphose A 939 Apolhecium A 940 Apothermotaxis A 941 Apothigmotaxis A 942 Apotropismus A 943 Apozvt A 919 AppaVat A 945 mannlicher- A 699 weiblicher- G 290 Apposition A 950 Appositionswachstum A 950 Appressorium A 952 aprikosengelb A 1029 aquational A 246 Aquationsteilung A 246 aquatorial A 247 Aquatorialplatte A 247 aquinoktial A 249 aquipolar A 250 aquipotenliell A 251 Aquivalentogenese A 253 arachnoid A 966 Archallaxis A 977 Archebiose A 978 Archegonientrager A 979 Archegonium A 981 Archegoniumpolster A 979 Archeophyten A 975 Archespore A 981 Archianthemum A 982 archibenthal A 983 Archikarp A 984 Archikleistogamie A 985 Architypus A 990 Arealkunde A 1005, С 367 Argotaxis A 1013 Arillodium A 1019 arktisch A 992 arktisch-alpin В 251 arm D 74, О 1C8, P 195 armahrig О 12G Armband A 1030 armbandig A 1031 armbl&ttrig P 199 armbltitig P 198 Armille A 1030 armlang В 268 armleuchl erfOrmig С 61 aromatisch A 528, 1033 Aromorphose A 1034 Arrhenogenie A 1038 arrhenokaryotisch A 1037 Arrhenotokie A 1039 arrhizoblastisch A 1040 Art S 624, 997 neue- N 169 vikariierende- V 109 Artbastard H 458 Arthrosterigma A 1C45 Arthrospore A 1044 -artig О 60 ArtnarAe S 625 Artnomenklatur (binare-) N 144 DEUTSCHER INDEX A tneikunde P 422 arzneilich I 2, M 138, О 88 Arzneiwarenkunde P 421 asbeslfarbig A 1C53 Asche С 443 aschfarbig S 769 aschgrau С 66, 433, L 142, S 769, T 111 aschgraulich С 434 asc-hgrauschwarz T 114 aschgraustachelig T 112 Ascusfrucht P 324 aseplisch A 1068 askokarp A 1058 Askoma A 1061 Askospore A 1064 Askostroma A 1065 Asomatophyten A 1070 Aspermie A 1075 Assimilation A 1C84 Assimilationsgewebe (grune-) С 326 Assoziation A 1085 Ast R 63 sporentragende- S 804 astblutig R 57 Astchen R 62 Astelie A 1089 Aster A 1090 astig В 269, С 514, R 53 Astigkeit R 59 Astlager T 228 astlos S 518 aststandig R 46 Aststiel С 487 AStrobotanik A 1095 Astrcsklereiden A 1097 Astrospharcn A 1098 astvertretend R 47 Astwinkel A 1239 Astwuchcrung P 969 Asymblastie A 1101 asymmetrisch A 1102 Asyndese A 1106 Asyngamie A 1107 Ataktostele A 1109 atavistisch A 1111 ataxinomisch A 1113 atelomitisch A 1115 Atemwurzel P 886 dtherisch A 287 Athrozytose A 1119 atiogen A 358 Atiomorphose A 359 Aliones!ie A 360 Atiotropismus A 362 Atmung R 180 Atmungsliicke S 1001 Atmungsmesser R 181 Atonie A 1121 Atopie A 1122 Alraktoplasma A 1123 Atrophyten A 1129 DEUTSCHER INDEX AttraktionssphSre A 1098, С 223 atypisch A 1142 Auengebtisch В 302 Aufbau S 1052 floristischer- S 1052 aufbauend G 766 Aufbaustoffwechsel A 634 aufblasend I 255 Aufbluhen A 833, E 52 herbstliche- P 1226 Aufbluhzeit E 221 aufeinanderfolgend S 1256 aufeinanderliegend A 949 auffallend С 761 nicht- I 99 aufgeblaht I 139 aufgeblasen I 139, V 61, 95 aufgepfropft I 189 aufgerollt G 449 aufgeschwollen T 646 aufgesetzt I 67 aufgesperrt H 287 aufgestellt С 631 aufgetaucht E 109 AufguB I 156 aufliegend I 108 auflosend L 294 AuflOsung D 332, L 293, S 569 Bliiten- A 844 Aufnahme (phytosoziologi-sche-) G 752a Aufnotierung С 752a aufplatzend R 408 aufrecht E 320, R 90 aufrechtstehend A 1035 fast- S 1168 aufrichtend E 336 Aufsaugung A 23, R 179 aufschieBend P 1322 Aufschwemmurig T 647 aufsitzend I 186 Aufspringen D 45 fachteiliges- L 243 klappiges- V 27 aufspringend D 44, 95, E 489 zahnartig- D 69 aufsteigend A 129, 1054, S 112 etwas- S 1102 auftauchend P 1284 aufteilend M 197 aufwartsgebogen R 167 aufwartsstrebend A 1054 Aufzahlung E 217 aufzehrend G 767 Aufzeichnung A 795 Auge G 69, О 59 augenfallig С 761, M 91 Augenfleck О 48 augenfleckig О 47 augenscheinlich A 946, P 383 Aulophyten A 1150 Ausarbeitung E 64 Ausartung D 42 Ausbriitung I 106 ausdauernd P 261, 800 Ausdehnung D 157 Ausdruck T 131 auseinanderberstend E 489 Auseinanderhebung A 937 auseinanderstehena D 333, R 143 auserlesen S 270 auserw&hlt S 270 ausfallend E 63 ausfiihrend E 438 Ausgabe E 48 ausgeartet D 43 ausgebend E 113 ausgebissen E 342 ausgebltiht D 38 ausgebreitet D 203, E 502 ausgebuchtet S 527 ausgedehnt D 334, 231, E 502 ausgefranst L 15 ausgefressen E 342 ausgefullt F 16, R 154 ausgefurcht E 419, S 1278 ausgehautet E 518 ausgehend A 8 ausgehdhlt G 200, 689, E 424 ausgelassen P 1199 ausgeleert E 53 ausgenagt E 342, T. 583 ausgerandet E 97 ausgeschnitten E 431 ausgeschweift R 147 ausgespreitzt D 346 ausgestochen S 218 ausgestreckt P 1123 ausgetrocknet E 497, S 484 ausgewickelt E 413 ausgezwickt E 97 AushOhlung A 876 Auskeimen G 136 auslaufend E 439 Auslaufer S 998 auslauferfdrmig F 76, S 1000 ausl&ufertragend S 999 auslaufertreibend S 999 Auslese A 652, S 268 ktinstliche- S 268 naturliche- N 26, S 268 Auspragungsgrad E 493 Ausrandung E 96 Ausrattung E 499 ausreiBend R 408 Aussaat S 336 aussatzig L 115 Ausschaltung E 90 ausscheidend E 438 Ausscheidung E 437 Ausschlagschuppe R 50 748 ausschlieflend E 434 Ausschnitt E 430 ausschwitzend E 500, L 18 Aussehen H 4 aussehend О 199 auBen- E 16, 449 auBenbefindlich E 503 auBenerzeugt E 460 AuBenhaut E 458, 481 AuBenkelch С 44 auBenkelchig С 43 AuBenrinde E 468 AuBenschale E 477 AuBenschmarotzer E 29 AuBenspore E 476 auBenwachsend E 460 auBenwendig A 944, E 39, E 516 aufler- E 16 auBerblattstandig E 510 auBerblattwinkelig E 506 auBerbliitenst&ndig E 509 auBerer E 503 auBerkernstindig E 511 auBernd P 1161 auBerwinkelstandig E 506 auBerzellstandig E 507 auBpringend R 166, S 20 auBtreuend D 323 austreibend E 113 Austrocknung D 93, E 496 auswachsend E 436 Auswahl С 169, D 47 auswahlend S 269 ausw&rtsaufspringend E 516 auswartsgedreht R 202 auswartsgekehrt E 516 ausw&rtsgekriimmt R 101 ausw&rtsgerichtet E 516 auswendig E 503 Auswerfung E 60 Auswuchs E 120 Auszehrung T 2 Auszug E 309 Auszugsentwicklung P 36 Autaesthesie A 1159 Autoallogamie A 1160 Autochorismus A 1166 Autochromosom A 1168 Autogamie A 1174 autogen A 1177 Autogenese A 1176 autogenetisch A 1177 Autohomogamie A 1180 AutOkologie A 1189 Autolyse A 1182 Automixis A 1183 Automorphose A 1184 Autonastie A 1185 autonyktinastisch A 1186 Autonymie A 1188 Autoparasit A 1192 Autoparasitismus A 1191 Autoparthenogenese A 1193 749 aulopelagisch A 1194 Autophyllogenie A 1195 Autophyt A 1196 Autoplast A 1198 Autopolyploidie A 1200 autopotamisch A 1201 Autorthotropismus A 1190 autoskoliotropisch A 1203 Autosom A 1204 Autospore A 1205 Autosyndese A 1208 Autotetraploidie A 1209 Autotoxin A 1211 Autotrophie A 1212 Autotropismus A 1213 Autotypus A 1214 autozisch A 1171 Autumnation A 1217 Autumnixanthin A 1218 Auxanograph A 1219 Auxanometer A 1220 auxiliar A 1222 Auxiliarzellen A 1222 Auxin A 1223 Auxose A 1226 Auxospore A 1227 auxotonisch A 1228 Axogamie A 1243 axosperm A 1244 axtformig D 359 azentrisch A 57 azidophil A 86 azurblau A 1248 Azygote A 1251 azyklisch A 172 Bach R 336 bachbewohnend N 4, R 332 Bachlein R 335 bachleinbewohnend R 334 Bakterien (nitrifizierende) N 123 bakterienfdrmig В 6, 10 bakterienvernichtend В 5 Bakteriologie В 8 Bakteriolyse В 9 bakteriophag В 10 Bakteriorrhize В 11 bakteriostatisch В 12 Bakteriotoxin В 13 Bakteriozezidien В 7 Balg G 181 Doppel- В 131 balgahnlich F 115 balgartig F 115 Balgfrucht F 117 zusammengesetzte- F 116, P 987 balgig G 185 Balgkapsel F 117 Balgkapselkranz F 116 Ballchen G 168 Ballisten В 21 ballistisch В 22 Ballochoren В 21 Ballospore В 23 Balsam В 26 balsamduftend В 24 Balsamharz В 26, M 628 balsamisch В 24 balsamliefernd В 25 Band T 331 bandfdrmig T 16 -verbreitet F 21 bandgeschmiickt L 92 bandstreifig V 153 Bandteil T 331 bandwurmformig T 16 Barochorie В 30 barometrisch В 31 Barotaxis В 32 Barotropismus В 33 bart- P 936 barthaarig В 28 -bartig В 28, P 906 etwas- S 1108 Barymorphose В 34 Basalblatter В 35 basidial В 36 Basidie В 40 Basidiokarp В 37 Basidiospore В 39 Basidiumtrager В 38 Basigamie В 43 Basionym В 49 basipetal В 50 basiphil В 51 basisch A 383 basisseitenstandig В 46 basitonisch В 55 Bast L 153, S 245 Bastard H 455 tetraphyler- T 177 vegetativer- V 46 Bastardbefruchtung H 457 Bastardbestaubung H 457 Bastardierung H 456 geschlechtliche- H 456 natiirliche- N 26 bastardig H 458 Bastardisierung H 456 Bastardokarpie В 58 Bastardwiichsigkeit H 248 Bastfaserstoff L 154 BastrOhre G 535 Bastteil P 448 bathial В 60 Bauch V 59 bauchig U 98, V 61 Bauchnaht V 60 bauchseitig V 60 bauchst&ndig V 60 Baum A 968 baum&hnlich A 969, D 59 baumartig A 969, D 59 fast- S 1098 DEV T SC HER INDEX baumformig D 59 Baumkrebs G 83 Baumkultur A 972 Baumkunde D 62 Baumpflanzung A 970 Baumschule A 970, P 750, S 335 baumwachsend A 971 Baumzucht A 972 bauschig В 310 bazillenformig В 4 bebaut S 88 bebechert С 965 beblattert F 109 Bebriitung I 106 Becher С 995, S 230 becherartig U 82 becherblattrig P 550 becherbliitig P 888 becherformig A 64, С 865, С 964, P 889 becherig P 1713 bechertragend G 965 becherliebend P 529 bedeckt A 20, 759, G 207, С 314, I 129, О 8, 27, 184, S 889, T 46, 50, V 49 bedecktfruchtknotig G 286 bedecktsamig A 760 Bedingung С 703 bedornt S 741, 749 bedorntblattrig S 747 bedorntfriichtig S 746 bedorntzahnig S 752 Beere A 94, В 1 Doppel- В 83 verwachsene- В 83 beeren- G 548 beerenartig В 2 beerenfOrmig A 93, В 2 Beerenfrucht В 1, U 100 Beerenhaufen S 594, 1393 beerentragend В 3 Beerenzapfen G 8 -beerig G 548 Befahigung P 1152 befestigt A 291, F 73, M 579 am Grunde- В 41 spitzlich- A 121 befeuchtet M 67, S 1277 befleckt G 762, I 173, M 66 Befleckung M 65 befruchtend F 29 befruchtet F 31, G 37 Befruchtung F 30, N 203 Bastard- H 457 Fremd- E 459, X 21 Selbst- A 1172 Wechsel- D 173 Befruchtungskolben A 825 BefruchtungskOrper С 232 Befruchtungsmasse F 140 Befruchtungsorgane О 232 DEVTSCHER INDEX Befruchtungssftule A 733, С 649, G 309 Befruchlungsschlauch T 645 Befruchtungsepore A 730 Befruchtungssporenbehaiter A 731 Befruchtungssloff F 140 Befruchtungstriger G 221 Begattung С 739 begleitend С 657 Begleiter С 660 Begleiterzellen С 660 begleitet С 658 begraben S 428 begrannt A 1022 begr&nzt D 36 behaart P 683, T 432 -aderig P 445 -beerig T 448 -blatlrig T 458 -bliitenkdpfig T 446 -bliitig T 434 -friichtig T 443 -fflfiig T 460 -kelchblattrig T 462 •kelchig T 442 •kronbiattrig T 455 -nervig T 454 -rippig R 15 -samig T 463 -echuppig T 452 -spindelig R 15 •slachelig T 445 -stengelig T 444 -zahnig T 450 •zweigig T 447 Behaarung I 124, P 691, P 1634 Behalter T 231 Frucht- A 940 Honig- N 56, 61 Nektar- N 56, 61 Sporen- 8 789, T 231 Trugsporidien- P 1540 behaitert R 197 behandhabt M 96 hehaupt С 47, 156 behiutet T 650 behelmt С 156, G 10 behiillt T 50 bei P 88 beibehalten 0 754 beibehaltend С 753 Beiblatter A 563 beideraeitig В 143 -behaart A 418 beiderseils ausgebOhll A 550 Beigaben A 178 Beiknoepen A 43, 224 kollaterale- С 619 eeriale- 8 430 Beilage 8 1302 beilfOrmig D 859, 8 250 Beinamc (untcrscheidcn-der-) E 308 beisitzend A 1082 beistehend A 1082 Beilrag 8 1341 Beiwurzeln A 224, 8 245 bekannt С 598 bekelcht С 42 bekleidet С 314, I 129, T 46 Bekleidung I 124 beknoept G 72 bekdpft С 71 bekranzt С 823, 8 938 belaubend F 154 belaubt F 109, 157 Belaubung F 107, 155 belebungsfahig A 632 beliebig F 11 Belustigung A 526 bemahnt С 887, J 10 bemalt P 679 bemantelt A 1018 bemerklich С 761 Bemerkung A 773, 795, О 23 bemoost M 584 bemiindet О 287 benachbart A 203, 289, С 773 benagelt U 34 benahtet S 1325 benanot N 217 benarbt S 972 Benennung D 65, N 142 alternative- A 474 henervt N 100 Benervung N 99 benetzt R 190, 8 1277 bcnthisch В 66 Benthos В 68 Beobachtung О 23 Beobachtungen A 773 bepanzert L 267 bepuslelt P 1667 berandet M 107 beraubt D 105, О 209 bcrauschend 8 489, T 88 btreift G 163, P 1442 bergbewohnend M 468 bergliebend M 468 Bergriicken С 532 bergwachsen M 468 rgwirk F 101 Bench te A 143 herindet С 833 beringt A 799, G 314 berlinerblau С 984 bernsteinharzgelblich E 80 berstend R 416 bertthrend A 1141, С 773, T 288 Beriihrung T 15 Beruhrungsflache P 754 beechalt С 833, T 650 beschat'end О 35 bet chattel 1 258, U 26 75» bescheidet V 16 beschlaucht A 1055 beschmiert С 626 beschmutzt I 173 beschneidbar T 339 Beschneidung A 609 beschcr ft С 651 beschreibend D 91 Beschreibung D 90 Eichen- В 18 beschricben S 217 beschuppt S 838 Beseitigung E 90 besenarlig S 205 besendienlich S 205 besenfOrmig S 206 besentragend S 205 beselztmiindig P 318 Besitz P 1174, 1310. besitzend О 43 besonder P 1166 besonderer S 622 bespelzt G 185 besprengclt A 1076 besprenkelt J 3 bespreut A 1076 bespritzt A 1076 bestandig S 848, С 763 bestatigend P 1161 bestatigt T 147 bestaubt P 924, 1647 Bestaubung P 923 autogametische- E 153 Bastard- H 457 Blendlings- N 159 Fremd- A 434, P 923, X 21 0-»echwister- A 184 iiicgitimc- P 923 Kreuz- G 193, 8 884 kunstliche- P 923a legitime- L 82 Nachbar- G 61 nattirliche- P 923 Selbst- A 1174, 1199 -unter dem Waseer H 564 Bestimmen D 111 hcslimmt С 241 -durch D 412 Bestimmung D 111, 1 16 BestimmungMchlfissel С 500 analytischer- A 656 f bestreut С 760 Besucher H 439 bcslAubend N 15, T 38 betaut I 286, P 1442, R 340 Betrachtung T 880 betreffend P 353, 8 631 Betriebstoffwechsel E 802 belupft С 762 bctutet О 52 beulenartig С 84 beulig С 706 761 Beurteilung D 134 Beutelchen В 311 beutelfdrmig С 899, S 221 bewaffnet A 1028 bewahrt G 753 Bewasserung R 323 beweglich A 330, M 386, 491, О 273, V 82 Beweglichkeit M 492 Bewegung M 493 Kontakt- T 293 nastische- N 18 Neigungs- N 206 Nutations- N 206 nyktinastische- N 215 Rand- R 360 Sauerstoffreiz- A 277 Schlaf- N 215 Schreck- P 455 StoBreiz- S 265 Wachstums- N 206 Bewegungsfahigkeit M 492 bewehrt A 1028 beweisend D 58 beweist T 147 bewimpert В 241, С 423 bewohnend С 604, H 2, I 95, I 159 Bewohner I 94 Schnee- С 907 bewurzelt R 22, 240 bezeichnet D 94, N 157 Bezirk С 659 bezuglich Q 53 Biaiometamorphose В 72 Biaiomorphose В 73 bienenbest&ubend M 180 bienenblumig M 180 Bienenfutterpflanzen M 177 bienenzellig F 27 bifaktorial В 124 bigenerisch В 139 bikonvex L 97 bildend F 126 Bilderverzeichnis I 6 BiJderwerk I 6 bildeam P 774 Bildung Doppel- D 394 Feldchen- A 1008 Flechtenlager- В 230 Frucht- С 109 Hemmungs- H 607 Kallus- С 31 Kern- N 180 Knospen- G 74 Makrosporen- M 54 Maschen- A 1008 Mikrosporen- M 356 Monaster- M 396 Nen- N 79 Ruck- I 279 Salpeter- N 124 Starke- A 618 Sporen- S 799 Thyllen- T 303 Ur- A 10 Wurzel- R 257 Zweierlei- D 242 Zwitter- A 711 Bildungsgewebe G 52, M 199 binar В 150 Bindegewebe T 55 Bindenstiick J 12 binominal В 153 Binominalismus В 154 binsenartig J 18 Binsenhalm G 15 Bioblast В 155 Biochor В 156 biochrom В 157 Biodermis В 162 Biodynamik В 163 Bioenergetik В 164 Biogenese В 166 Biogenetik В 167 Biogenie В 167 Biogeographie В 169 BiogeozOnose В 168 Bioklimatologie В 158 Biolith В 170 Biologie В 171 biologisch В 172 BiozOnologie В 159 Biozdnose В 160 Biolumineszenz В 173 Biolyse В 174 Biometrie В 175 Biomorphose В 176 Bionomie В 178 Biont В 177 biophag В 179 biophil В 180 Bioplast В 183 Biopsie В 184 Bioseston В 185 Biosom В 187 Biospektrum S 632 Biosphare В 189 Biosynthese В 190 Biotaxonomie В 192 biotisch В 193 Biotonus В 194 Biotop В 195 Biotypus В 196 Biozyklus В 161 Bipartition В 199 bipolar В 204 Bipolaritat В 205 Birne (wilde-) A 74 birnfruchtig P 1703 birnen- -fOrmig P 1705 -tragend P 1704 Birnensteinbildung L 214 bisymmetrisch В 219 bitter A 60, 491 bitterisch A 489 DEUTSCHER INDEX bitterstengelig A 490 Bivalent В 224 bizentral В 95 Blaschen P 1666, V 93 Blase A 607, С 1016, P 1666, V 93 blasen- P 593 -fOrmig A 93, 608 -tragend V 95 -ziehend Y 95 Blasenminen P 599 blasig A 608, В 310, P 593, V 95 blafl D 18, 234, P 40 -bleifarbig P 220 -fleischrot I 85 -gelb F 80, L 277, О 53, X 5 -goldgelb M 176 -grau С 66 -rosenrot R 347 -violett L 174 Blastem В 228 Blastogenese В 233 Blastographie В 234 blastokarpisch В 232 Blastomanie G 484 Blastophyll В 237 Blastospore В 238 blatt- F 106, P 549 -artig F 104 -burtig E 280 -erzeugend P 564 -fressend P 573 -fiihrend F 109 -los (fast-) S 1095 -reich F 113 -standig F106, E 280 -vertretend F 105 Blatt F 114 Blattstiel- P 563 Blumen- P 370 Deck- В 280 einfaches- S 518 Ernahrungs- T 601 Fieder- P 697, 852 Folge- M 284 Frucht- С 103, M 57 GroB- M 33 grundstandiges- В 35 Hoch- H 626 Hull- S 839 Jugend- P 1409 Keim- В 237, G 853 Kelch- S 402 Kron- P 370 Laub- F 114, N 148 Licht- H 81 Mittel- M 244 Nadel- A 61 Neben- S 990 Nieder- С 176 Nischen- G 693 DEUTSCHER INDEX Blatt Perigon- T 109 Primordial- P 1212 Samen- M 57 Schein- P 1549 schildfOrmiges- S 225 Sonnen- H 81 Sporen- S 822 Staub- M 358, S 857 Teil- F 112 Trag- В 280 Unter- С 176 unter dem- H 604 Ur- A 817 versteinertes- L 221 Vor- P 1304 Wurzel- R 20, 277 zusammengesetztes- С 685 Blattabschnitt S 258 Blattanordnung P 577 Blattansatz P 120, S 990 Blattbildungstheorie P 565 Blattbiologie P 554 Blattchen T 112 Deck- В 282 Blattchenpaar J 14 blattchentragend F 111 Blattdorn S 742 Blatter Basal- В 35 Hull- I 277 Involukral- I 279 Luft- A 259 Blatterabfall (friihzeitiger-) P 576 Blattfederchen A 137, P 856 Blattflache L 36, 178 BlattfuB P 575 Blattgebilde P 567 Blattgelb X 13 Blattgelenke A 1046 Blattgriin С 343 -enthaltend С 341 Blattgrunmangel A 918 Blattgrund В 52 Blatthautchen L 170 versehen mit- L 173 Blattkissen P 1650 Blattknospe F 110 Blattknospenlage P 1180 schneckenfdrmige- С 449 zuriickgerollte- R 221 zusammengerollte- С 794 Blattmine P 572 Blattmittelschicht M 244 Blattmosaik M 489 Blattnadel A 168 Blattnarbe С 418 Blattnekrose P 571 Blattnervatur N 99 Blattparenchym M 244 Blattpolster A 1046, P 1650 Blattpolymorphismus H 235 Blattrand M 108 -biattrig F 109, P 549 Blattrosette R 356 Blattrot E 351 Blattscheibc L 178 Blattscheibegrund В 52 Blattscheide V 13 blattscheidenlos E 407 blattscheidig V 16 Blattschlauch A 1056 blattschlauchtragend A 1055 Blattschuppe S 839 Blattsegment S 258 Blattspindel R 12 Blattspreite L 36 Blattspreitegrund В 52 Blattstachel M 502 Blattstellung P 577 sekundare- S 245 Blattstiefel О 50 Blattstiel P 377 aufgeblasener- P 377 blattartiger- P 563 gefliigelter P 377 gemeinsamer- P 377 blattstiel--artig P 371 -bewohnend P 374 -standig P 372 Blattstielbasis P 575 Blattstielblatt P 563 Blatlstielchen P 376 blattstielchentragend P 375 Blattsucht P 568 Blatttube О 50 blattunterstandig E 510 Blattveranderung P 570 Blattwinkel A1239 Blattwulst P 1650 Blattzahl (verringerte-) M 164 Blattzungelchen L 170 Blattzweig С 480 blau С 11 azur- A 1248, L 74 berliner- С 984 dunkel- С 984 glanzend- U 8 grau- G 12, G 163, L 230, S 136 hell- С 547 himmel- A 1248, С 7, 11, S 1111 hyazynthen- H 447 indigo- I 119 kobalt- С 547 kornblumen- С 984 lavendel- С 12, L 72 opal- О 182 pfau- P 204 rosa- R 294 rein- С 984 rotlich- R 378 saphir- S 47 see- V 57 752 stahl- С 257 blau ultramarin- U 8 veilchen- J 1, V 125 blaugriin A 278, G 163 blaugriinlich G 164 biaulich С 10 -grau С 12 -grim С 12, 331, T 219 -schwarz С 988 -weiB С 987 bleibend P 334, 348, S 854 -biattrig A 354 bleich P 40 -rot H 103 -werdend P 39 Bleiehsucht С 347, I 14 bleifarbig L 230, P 854 bleigrau P 854 bleiweiB G 243 Blendling H 455 Blendlingbestaubung N 159 Blepharoplast В 243, M 120 Blick I 254 blinkend N 122 blcfl D 71 Bliihen F 87 bliihend(nicht-) V 130 Bliiheperiode A 833 Bltimchen F 97 Blume F 96 Blumen Falter- L 109 Schmetterlings- L 109 Wind- A 742 blumen- A 832, F 86 -reich F 88 blumenblatt- P 364 -artig С 817, P 367 -los A 888 -standig E 276 Blumenblatt P 370 Blumengarten H 438 Blumenkronchen С 820 Blumenkrone С 816 geschweifte- L 173 blumenkronenartig С 817 Blumenkronensaum L 178 Blumenuhr H 431 -blumig A 832 blut- -farbig S 39 -rot H 7, S 39 -stillend I 289 BKitchen F 97 Blute F 96 aktinomorphe- R 16 angehaufte -A 328 End- T 127 gefullte- P 815a geschlechtlose- N 110 gipfelstandige- T 127 hypogyne- F 96 mannliche- F 96 768 mittelsUndige- F 96 nackte- N 198 Bliite perigyne F 96 Rand- L 173 Rohren- T 641 Schein- P 1459 Sonnen- S 553 Strahl- R 16 Terminal- T 127 unfruchtbare- S 956 unterstandige- F 96 vollstSndige- С 681 weibliche- F 96 zweigeschlechtige- F 96 bliiten- A 832, F 86 -bewohnend F 89 -erzeugend F 94 -fressend A 846 -gewindeformig S 452 -liebend A 847 -Jos С 921 -tragend F 91 -umfassend A 602 •umgebend A 602 BJuten L 19 Bliitenabfall A 853 Bliitenanordnung A 854 Bliitenaufldsung A 844 Bliitenbecher H 534 Blutenbeschreibung F 92 Bliitenbiologie A 836 Blutenboden R 79, T 363 gemeinschaftlicher- О 521 konischer- О 750 Bliitendecke I 204, P 270 bliitendeckenlos A 884 Blutendeckimgslage P 1178 Bliitendiagramm D 136 Bliitenfeige H 535 Bliitenfrucht A 534 Bliitengrundrisse D 136 Bliitenhonig N 51 Blutenhulle I 204, P 270, P 286 falsche- P 1541 bliitenhiillenlos A 884 Bliitenkalender С 29 Blutenkatzchen A 511 Bliitenkelch С 50 Bliitenknauel A 63, G 177 Blutenknopf A 370 Bliitenknospe A 370, F 91 Bliitenknospendeckung kochleare- С 557 Blutenknospenlage P 1178 alternierende- A 474 gefaltete- P 849a Jangsgefaltete- С 705 umschlieflende- A 600 zerknitterte- С 830 Bltitenkolben S 602 bliitenkolbentragend S 598 Bliitenkopf(ohne-) A 58 Bliitenkopfchen G 72 bliitenkopfchenformig С 71 Blutenkorb A 841 Bliilenkrone С 816 Blutenkuchen С 568 BlUtenkunde A 843 Bliitenlager A 839 Bliitenlosigkeit A 883 Bliitenpflanzen A 850, P 414 einjahrige- E 402 Bliitensammlung F 93 Bltitenschaft S 123 Blutenscheibe D 312 Bliitenscheide S 614 bliitenscheide--artig S 615 -tragend S 616 bliitenscheidig S 616 Blutenschweif A 863, P 1572 Bliitenspelze P 30 Blutenstand I 141 einfacher- S 518 endstandiger- T 127 razemoser- R 4 zusammengesetzter- С 685 Blutenstandstiel P 217 Blutenstaub M 353, P 918 bl ii tenstaub tragend P 9 Bliitenstiel P 217 Bliitenstielchen P 211 Bliitentrager A 848 Bliitentraube R 7 Bliitenuhr H 431 Bliitenvergriinung P 568 Blutenversteinerung A 842 Bliitenverwachsung S 1380 Bltitenzucht F 90 Bliitezeit A 833, E 52, F 87, T 87 -bliitig A 832, F 86 bockstinkend H 305 boden--bedingt E 42 -bltotig T 215 -standig(nicht-) A 432 Boden S 567, 1237 Bodenfaktoren E 41 Bodenkunde E 43, P 215 Bodenlehre P 215 Bodenmikroflora P 621 Bodenzeiger I 116 bogen- С 56, T 371 -formig A 996 -laufig С 57 bogig A 996 bohnenartig F 4 Boleoanemochorie В 245 Boleoautochorie В 246 Bolismus В 247 Borealpflanzen M 363 Borke R 315 lamellose- R 315 Borstchen S 469 bbrstchentragend S 470 DEUTSCHER INDEX Borste S 461 borsten- С 249 -artig S 464 -biattrig S 466 -bliitig S 465 -formig S 464 Borstenhaar S 461 borstig H 432, S 464 sehr- S 468 -behaart S 464, 468 -gezahnt S 462 -weichspitzig S 463 -zugespitzt С 977 Botanik В 254 beschreibende- D 91 okonomische- О 75 Botaniker В 256, H 160 Botanikerin В 257, H 160 botanisch В 255 Botanisieren H 158 botrytisch R 4 Brachfeld A 321 Bradisporie В 286 Brakteomanie В 283 Brand G 59, U 84 schwarze- N 49 brand- -farbig D 115 -fleckig S 696 brandig A 222, S 696 Brandspore U 87 braun В 297, F 202, P 397 -biattrig P 402 -fiiflig P 404 -gelblich F 183 -rot P 397, R 370 tief- - P 1019 -rotgelb F 184 -rotlich R 398, 401 -sporig P 406 -werdend F 201 -braun dattel- S 600 dunkel- В 297, 16, С 1, F 202, H 149, P 1640, T 252, U 25 eisenrost- F 39 fuchs- V 167 gianzend- S 600 graulich- T 322 hamster- N 121 haselnufl- A 1231 hasen- L 114 holz- L 163 hell- F 183 kaffe- С 596 kamelen- С 53 kastanien- В 16, С 159 leber- H 149 leder- A 482 lichtgelb- A 1011 lowen- L 100 rost- F 39, R 370 rotlich- A 482, В 16, С 53, DEUTSCHER INDEX С 159, 244, 254, H 149, L 100, 163, R 382, 420 -braun rOtlichgelb- F 184 rot- P 397, R 370 satt- В 297 schokolade- С 1, T 252 schmutzig- L 277 schwSrzlich- A 1127 tabak- N 114, T 1 tief- В 297, U 25 umbra- U 25 zimt- С 445 braunlich В 296, F 201 -gelb I 287, О 49 -grau S 599 -griin С 74 -rot С 962 -schwarz M 185, P 677 -weiB P 399 brech- F 143 brechend R 114 brechenerregend N 31, Y 163 Brei P 1643 breiartig P 1644 breiig P 1644 breit E 384, L 68, P 787 -biattrig L 69, P 792 -elliptisch L 70 etwas- L 66 -fruchtig P 788 -geflugelt M 389 -griindig В 47 -nebenbiattrig S 995 -rund О 13 -samig P 793 sehr- P 331 -stengelig P 789 -zweigig P 791 Breite L 65 Breitengrad L 65 Breitwerden F 20 brennend A 997, S 982, U 88 brennendrot F 79 Brennhaar U 88 brennhaarig A 997 Brennpunktlage E 354 Brombeerbeschreibung В 61 bronzfarbig A 243 bruchbewohnend U 5 briichig P 143 Bruchstiick С 169, F 145 Bruchstiicksammlung A 652 -briiderig A 181 Brustwarze M 86 brustwarzenfdrmig M 87 brustwarzig M 88 Brutbecherchen С 691, 1012 brutbildend P 1272 Bruten I 106 Bruthaufchen S 588 Brutknospe В 305 Brutkdrperchen С 226, G 69 Brutzwiebel В 305, 308 Bryologie В 299 Biichse T 231 biichsen- -fdrmig P 1714, T 237 -tragend T 233 Biichsenfrucht P 1715 Bucht I 88, S 530 buchtig- С 641, S 527 -gerinnt R 333 Buckel U 19 buckelig G 142, U 20 biindelfdrmig F 22 scheinbar- P 1497 biindelig D 98, F 22 bunt P 899, V 35 -gefleckt V 35 -scheckig V 35 -streifig V 35, Z 4 Buntblattrigkeit A 374 Busch F 170 busch- -bewohnend V 131 -reich V 131 biischel- D 98 Biischel F 22a Buschelhaare P 694a buschelig F 22 fast- S 1179 buschig D 389, F 171 buttergelb С 868 Cephalodium С 226 Chaetoplankton С 250 Chalaza С 252 Chalazogamie С 253 Chalikodophyten С 255 Chamaephyten С 258 Charakter С 260 Charakterzellen D 386 Chasmandrozie С 264 Chasmantherie С 265 Chasmogamie С 269 Chasmokleistogamie С 267 Chasmopetalie С 270 Chasmophyten С 271 Cheilomanie С 275 Chemoaesthesie С 282 Chemoauxism С 283 Chemochorismus С 284 Chemodinese С 285 Chemodolichosis С 286 Chemokinese С 287 Chemolumineszenz С 288 Chemolyse С 289 Chemometrie С 290 Chemomorphose С 291 Chemonastie С 292 Chemophobotaktismus С 293 Chemosynthese С 294 Chemotaktismus С 295 Chemotherapie С 296 chemotropisch С 297 Chemotropismus С 298 chemozoophob С 299 754 Chenochloranthie С 247 Chersophyten С 301 Chiasma С 302 Chiastobasidie С 303 Chimftre С 306 chinesisch S 521 Chionophyten С 309 Chironym С 310 Chirotypus С 311 Chlamydogonidie С 318 Chlamydospore С 319 Chlamydozyst С 317 Chlorenchym С 326 Chloreszenz С 347 Chloroglobin С 333 Chloroleuzyten С 334 Chloronema С 336 Chlorophyll С 343 Chlorophyllkorper С 346 Chlorophyllolyse С 342 Chloroplast С 346 Chlorose С 347 Chlorovaporisation С 350 Chlorozyst С 332 Chomophyten С 354 Chondriokinese С 356 Chondriokonten С 355 Chondriom С 357 Chondriomiten С 358 Chondriosom С 359 Chondriosph&re С 360 Chorise С 365 Chorologie С 367 Chorotypus С 368 Chortonomie С 369 Chromatide С 373 Chromatin С 374 Chromatinnukleolus С 150 chromatisch С 372 Chromatologie С 375 Chromatolyse С 376 Chromatophor С 377 Chromatoplasma С 378 Chromidie С 383 Chromidiogamie С 380 Chromidiozentrum С 379 Chromismus С 384 Chromochondrium С 386 chromogen С 388 Chromoleuzyten С 389 Chromolipoiden С 390 Chromomeren С 391 Chromonema С 392 Chromonemahiille M 123 chromophil С 394 chromophob С 395 Chromoplast С 397 Chromosom С 398 Geschlechts- A 452, H 196 Hetero- H 196 Pseudo- P 1482 Telo- T 74 Chromosomenspindel P 523 766 Chrcmo6omenzahl garnet ische- N 1 somatische- N 2 Chromotropismus С 399 ( hromozyt С 387 (hronisch С 400 Chronisporangium С 402 Chrcnizoospore С 403 Clirysogrnidie С 407 Chrysophyll С 410 Chrysotannin С 411 Cikatrisalion С 419 Code iNcmenklatur-) С 559 Columella С 647 Cremokarpium С 871 Cribralprimanen P 1408 Crossing-over С 894 dnchbewohnend T 53 dechig 1 49 Dachpflanzen T 45 dachziegelig I 49 etwas- S 1195 dammerig D 412 ddmmeroffnend E 270 daneben P 88 Danebenstellung J 25 Parm H 300 darstellend E 443 Darslellung S 632 daruntergemischt I 219 darunteretehend S 1201 dattelbraun S 600 Dauer T 87 dauerblutig A 351 dauerhaft S 848 dauemd P 334 Dauerpflanze P 261 Dauerspore A 367, С 401, S 879, T 63 Dauerzelle С 1016 daumbreit P 921 Daurobreite P 920 dazwischen I 217 dazwischengestellt I 225 dazwiechengestreut I 233 Dazwischenstellen I 224 Pecandrie P 12 Dechrcroa lisa lion С 163 deck- A 759, С 314 Perkblalt P. 280 Peckbldtlolten В 282 niH zwei- И 85 deckblattlos E 4 deckbl&ttrig В 281 deckblatttragend В 281 Decke 1 204, P 42 Bliiten- I 204, P 270 Frucht- I 130 Fruchtknopf- E 261 Honig- N 55 Kapsel- О 185 Narben- S 978 Nektar- N 55 Saft- X 59 .Samen- A 1020, О 185, S 680 Samenknospen- I 204 Stempel- 6 308 Deckel О 185 deckelartig О 183 derkellos P 72, E 466 deckeltragend О 184 deckend T 47 deckfruchtig S 890 -deckig S 889 Deekkapsel P 1715 Peckspetee P 30 auflere- P 30 innere- P 30 obere- P 30 Peckungsgrad P 36C Drckzellen S 888 Dedifferenzierung D 31 Degeneration D 42 fettige- L 204 vakuclige- V 6 degenerierend D 411 Dehiszenz D 45 Pehnsprofl M 14 Dekagynic D 9 Dekonjugation D 20 dekussiert D 29 tieltaformig D 54 Dendrobion D 60 Dendrochrrnologie D 01 Deperulation D 77 Depigmentation D 78 derb F 65 Permatokalyptrogen D 82 Dermatoplasma D 85 Dermatoplast D 86 Dermatosom D 87 Permatczyst D 83 Pescendenz D 89 Desmochoren D 100 Pesmolyse D 102 Pesmoplanktcn D 103 Desynapsis D 108 Detritus D 114 Detrituspflanzen С 354 Peu ter D 386 Peuterogamie D 116 deutlich С 761, M 91, P 413 Deutoplasma D 117 Piageotropismus D 133 Diagnose D 134 diagonal D 135 Piagonalebene D 135 Diagonalplan D 135 Piagramm D 136 Diaheliotropismus D 137 Piakinese D 138 Dialydesmie D 140 Dialyse D 141 Diamesogamie D 143 Piapherie D 146 diarch D 150 DEUTSCHER INDEX diaschistisch D 152 Piaspase D 153 Diaspore D 154 Diastase D 155 Piaster D 156 Diastole D 157 Piastrophe D 158 Piatmese I) 159 Dialropismus D 161 Dibiose D 163 Diobotrys D 164 Dichasium D 170 dichlamydeisch D 171 Dichogamie D 173 Dichopodium D 174 dichotom D 176 Dichotomie В 135, D 175 Pichotvpie D 177 dicht A 995. D 68, P 2, 1675, S 563 dichtanliegend A 949 dichtaufliegend A 953 dicht biattrig P 1685 dicht bliitig P 1676 dichtfilzig P 72 diehtgedrSngt С 672, 720. 866 dichtschuppig P 1684 dichtstehend С 68, 710 dichtzusammengesetzt С 764 dichtzweigig P 1682 dick С 863, P 2 Dicke С 864 Dickenwachstum P 5 dickfiiOig О 85 dickstachelig P 3 didiploid D 189 Didymanthie P 192 Didymospore D 194 Didynamie D 195 Dientomophilie D 197 diesjihrig H 430 diesseits der Alpen С 474 differenzial D 199 Differenzierung P 200 digametisch D 206 Digestionsdriise D 211 G 161 dihaploid D 223 Dihybride D 227 Dikaryiobiont D 165 Dikaryon D 167 Pikaryophase D 168 Dikaryozyt D 166 diklin D 179 dikotyledonisch D 180 Piktyospore D 185 Diktyostele D 186 Pimegalie D 235 Dimondzie D 241 Dinese D 244 Ding R 161 Diode D 245 Diodogonium D 248 Diosmose D 254 DEUTSCHER INDEX Diozie D 250 diozisch D 252 diphotisch D 258 diphyletisch D 260 diphytisch D 262 diplanetisch D 263 Diplasie D 264 Diplobiont D 268 Diplochromosom D 270 Diplogamet D 273 Diplogenese D 274 Diplogonidie D 275 Diplohaplobiont D 276 diploid D 277 Diploidisierung D 278 diplomondzisch H 408 Diplonastie D 279 Diplonema D 280 Diplophase D 283 Diplophyll D 284 Diplose D 286 Diplosom D 287 Diplosporangium D 289 Diplospore D 288 diplostemon D 290 Diplo'tan D 292 diploxyl D 293 Diplozyt D 271 dipterenbltitig M 617 Dipteronom D 296 Dipterozezidie D 295 Diremption D 298 Diruption D 300 Disklimax D 304 diskoid D 303 Diskokarpium D 305 diskontinuierlich D 307 Diskoplankton D 308 Diskopodium D 309 disom D 315 Disomie D 314 Dispersion D 317 Dispiremphase D 319 Dissimilation D 328 Dissociation D 331 distrophisch D 413 Diszentration D 302 Divergenz D 348 Divergenzwinkel A 766 divergierend D 347 dizentrisch D 169 dizyklisch D 187 dolchformig P 1638 Dtilchen U 15 dolchentragend U 16 Dolde U 13 einfache- S 453\ U 13 zusammengesetzte- U 13 dolden- U 14 -tragend U 14 -traubentragend С 840 -traubig С 840 fast-- S 1138 Doldenrispe С 841 Doldenschraube В 264 Doidenstiele R 40 Doldenstrahlen R 40 Doldentraube С 842 doldig U 14 fast- S 1248 Dolichonema D 362 Dolichosis О 363 Dominanz D 366 Donnerbesen S 204 Donnerbusch S 204 doppel- D 191, 330 -eiig В 197 -fiederteilig В 203 -frtichtig A 543, D 193 -gekerbt В 112 -geschlechtig В 216 -gestaltig D 243 -kammig В 113 -kopfig A 684 -laufig A 595 -lebig A 539 -machtig D 196 -mannig D 144 -reihig В 213, D 335 fast-- S 1157 -sinnig A 497 -staubfadig A 585 Doppelachane С 871, D 128 Doppelbalg В 131 Doppelbeere В 83 Doppelbildung D 394 Doppelfltigelfrucht D 301 Doppelfruchtigkeit A 542 doppelt- В 69, 150, G 67 -besatzmtindig D 282 -deckblattrig В 84 -dreiteilig В 220 -dreizahlig В 220 -gabelig В 136 -gedreht В 106, 217 -gedreit В 220 -gefiedert В 202 -genagelt В 223 -gepaart В 105 -ges> В 214 -gewolbt В 107 -grannig В 78 -hakenfdrmig В 222 -handformig В 198 -htillig D 171 -kleingez&hnt В 118 -knospig В 138 -langspitzig В 71 -liegend С 705 -zusammengesetzt В 104, D 19 -wendiggekriimmt A 595 Dorf P 13, V 112 ddrflich R 418 Dorn A 29, S 742 dorn- A 30, S 741 -ftirmig S 748 766 Dornchen S 743 dornchen- S 751 Dorngebtisch V 65 dornig A 30, 1028, S 749 -werdend S 745 -dornig S 741 dorsifix D 369 dorsiventral D 370 dottergelb V 148 drahtrund T 123 Drehen V 160 drehend T 355 Drehung R 360, T 357 Zwangs- В 80 drei T 412 drei- T 413 -achsig T 541 -ahrig T 562 -biattrig T 486 -bltitig T 420 -borstig T 558 -briiderig T 415 -deckblattrig T 425 -eckig D 54, T 418, 496 -ehig T 491 -eiig T 521 -fScherig T 505 -faitig T 532 -farbig T 468 -fiederiggeteilt T 529 -fingerig T 474 -- gefiedert T 477 -fleckig T 506 -fltigelig T 416 -formig T 512 -fruchtbiattrig T 430 -furchig T 569 -gabelig T 467, 490 - -verzweigt T 467 -gattig T 493 -gefassig T 576 -gestaltig T 512 -gliederig T 424, 507 -grannig T 423 -griffelig T 498, 568 -gurtelig T 580 -hakig T 573 -hornig T 469 -jahrig T 482 -kant- T 496 - -frtichtig T 497 -kantig T 418, 496 -kapselig T 428 -keimbiattrig T 471 -kelchbiattrig T 554 -kernig T 550 -kielig T 429 -klappig T 575 -kleinbiattrig T 487 -knotig T 572 -kopfig T 431 -kreisig T 473 757 -kronblattrig T 524 -langspitzig T 472 •lappig T 504 -mdnnig T 417 -mantelig T 439 •monatlich T 509 •nabelfleckig T 499 -namig T 516 -narbig T 564 -nervig T 515 -querf&chig T 555 -quirlig T 473 -reihig T 544, 556 -rippig T 470 -skgig T 557 -samig T 560 -schnittig T 553 -seitig T 496, 502 -spaltig T 484 -spelzig T 495 -spitzig T 472 -sporig T 561 -stammig T 525 -staubbeutelig T 419 -steinkernig T 550 -strahlig T 421, 552 -strahlnarbig T 503 -streifig T 566 -tagig T 479 -teilbar T 522 -teilig T 467, 484, T 507, 523 -weibig Т 498 -winkelig Т 496 -zahlig Т 133, 507 -zahnig Т 475 -zeilig Т 544 -zellkernig Т 517 -zmkiggegabelt Т 490 dreifach- Т 532 -dreischnittig Т 570 -dreizahlig Т 571 -fiederschnittig Т 530 -fiederspaltig Т 528 -gedoppelt Т 125 -gefiedert Т 527 -gepaart Т 125 -wiederhakig Т 494 -zweizahlig Т 125 Dreigabelung Т 531 Dreigriffeligkeit Н 266 Dreihausigkeit Т 519 dreimalgezweft Т 125 Dromotropismus D 378 Druck osmotischer- О 280 Druckfehler С 829 Druckfehlerverzeichnis E 343 Druse D 382 Driise G 154, 161 Digestions- D 211, G 161 Honig- N 53 Kleb- G 154, R 198 Nektar- N 54, 56 Salt- N 53 Septal- S 410 Verdauungs- D 211, G 161 Wasser- H 460 drtisen-A 188, G 155, 156 -artig G 155 -borstig G 160 - -los E 58 -reich P 938 -tragend G 156 Drusenepithel E 306 Drusenhaar G 154, 156 Drusentrager A 192 Driisenzotte С 624 -drusig A 188, G 156 drusig- -gekerbt G 158 -gewimpert G 157 -gezahnt G 159 Duft О 64 duftend О 65, 274 angenehm- F 146 -duftig О 274 duftlos I 169 d iingerbewohnend F 64 Diingerzeiger N 126 dungliebend S 942 dunkel A 1127, F 200, N 118, О 22, P 397, 1640, T 94 -blau С 984 - -safrangelb С 985 -blutrot A 1135 -braun A 963, В 16, 297, G 1, F 202, H 149, P 1640, U 25 fast-- S 1097 -farbig N 173, О 22 -gelb С 239 -gestreift A 1136 -goldgelblich С 409 -griin A 1138, С 337, P 360, 961 ^purpurrot A 1130, H 149, -rosenrot A 1132 -rot A 1134, В 244, G 241, R 369i S 39 -rOtlich A 1133 -schuppig A 494 -schwarz A 857 -violett A 1137 Dunkelpflanzen S 213 Dunkelplankton S 214 diinn E 445, I 290, L 116, T 105 -biattrig L 127, T 107 -hautig M 182 -stehend R 71 -stengelig L 117, T 106 -wandig L 12f0 -zerteilt T 108 -zweigig L 119 DEUTSCHER INDEX dunnenbewohnend T 294 diinnenliebend T 294 Dunnenpflanzen T 295 durch D 127 -mich beschrieben M 1 durch- -bohrt P 264, 361 -brochen F 34 -dringend 1 252, P 233 -gehend A 8 -geschnitten I 230 -lassig P 336 -laufend E 439, P 256 -lochert F 122, P 264, 1113 -scheinend P 224, T 394 -sichtig A 960, С 932, H 448, T 395, V 152 fast-- S 1150 Durchiassigkeit P 335 Durchluftungsgewebe A 257 Durchschnitt S 241 Durchsicht R 218 Durchsichtigkeit T 396 Durchwachsung D 149, P 1273 diirftig P 148 durr A 1016 Diirre S 485 dynamisch D 407 Dynamochorie D 408 Dynamogenese D 409 dysphotisch D 412 dyszentrisch D 210 eben L 29, P 742 eben- H 355 Ebene P 743 ebenholzschwarz E 2 ebenstrauBig F 23 Echma E 13 echt E 360, G 78, 99, V 91 Ecke A 766 ecken- A 763 eckig A 764 -eckig A 763, Q 27 edaphisch E 41 edaphogen E 42 Edaphon E 44 Edaphophyten E 45 Edaphotop E 46 efeu-H 62 -artig H 62 Effloreszenz E 52 ehemalig P 15 ehelos A 298, 1069 Ei(befruchtetes-) О 156 eiahnlich О 297 Eibildungszelle О 165 Eichel В 19, G 161, N 210 eichel- В 17, G 153 -formig G 153 Eichenbeschreibung В 18 eichenliebend D 384 DEUTSCHER INDEX eichhornchenschwanzig S 172 eidechsen- S 94 Eidechsen (verbreitet durch-) S 96 eiformig О 293 fast- S 1217 eifriichtig О 90 eigelb V 148 Eigenbestaubung I 25 Eigengestaltung A 1184 Eigentum P 1174 eigentumlich P 1311, S 622 Eigentumlichkeit P 1310 Eihulle I 204 eiig О 298 Eikern T 246 Eiknospe S 821 Eikugel О 177 Eimund( auBere-) E 478 ein- H 24, M 393, LT 36 -achsig H 26 -bettig M 407 -biattrig M 434, U 54 - bitit ig U 53 -bruderig M 393 -deckig M 404, U 76 -ehig M 417 -eiig M 463, U 66 -farbig С 694, M 405 -fOrmig M 430, U 56 -frtichtig M 399 -fuBachsig M 439 -geiBelig M 458, U 52 -geschlechtig M 417, U 73 -geschlechtlich D 179 -griffelig M 422 -hausig H 373, M 415, S 1436 -htillig M 404 -jahrig A 797, M 411 -jochig U 58 -kapselig U 40 -keimbiattrig M 409 -keimig U 47 -klappig U 78 -kronbiattrig H 36 -lappig U 61 -lippig U 59 -mtichtig M 414 -mantelig M 404 -namig U 64 -nervig U 63 -paarig U 58 -querfacherig U 70 -reihig U 71 -rippig U 45 -rohrig M 444 -samenlappig M 409 -samig M 447 -schichtig U 75 -schraubig U 74 -seitig U 60 --biattrig S 247 - -bltihend S 246 - -waehsend M 437 -spornig U 38 -stammig M 433 -steinkernig M 441 -stengelig H 26, U 41 -tagbltitig E 228, 373 -tagig D 345 -wandig U 70 -weibig M 422 -wendelig M 411 -wimperig U 43 -wirtelig M 411 -wurzelig R 21 -zahlig M 429 -zahnig U 46 -zeilig U 71 -zellig U 42 einbettet I 143 Einbettung I 92 Eindringen I 224 eindringend I 261 einfach H 24, S 518 -gesagt U 72 einfacherig M 455, U 62 EinfluB T 15 Einftihrung I 288 Eingarig О 288 Eingangsoffnung E 59 eingebettet N 115 eingebogen I 109, 140, 251 eingeboren A 17, E 127 eingeborend I 162 eingebtirgert I 172 ringedrtickt D 80, R 213 eingefaltet I 125 eingeftigt I 185 eingegraben I 143, 177 eingehend A 606 eingehtillt I 276 eingekerbt E 97 eingeknickt I 148 eingekrtimmt I 109, 250 eingemischt I 56, 219 eingepragt I 177 eingerollt С 449, I 280 eingeschallet I 206 eingeschlagen I 251 eingeschleppt A 225, I 172 eingeschlossen I 91 eingeschni&en I 89 fast- S 1197 eingeschntirt S 1013 eingesenkt I 52 eingestochen I 177 eingesttilpt I 263 eingetaucht I 52 eingewandert I 55 eingewickelt О 38 einigewoben I 236 eingewurzelt R 22 Einhtiusigkeit S 1435 einheimisch A 17, E 127 nicht- A 432 768 Einheit (laxonomische-j T 37 einhtillend I 91, 275 Einkrustung I 104 Einleitung I 288, P 1176 einmal- - bltihend H 23 -fruchtend M 399 -gesagt U 72 -schwarmend M 436 -tragend U 51 einnehmend О 43 Einordnung С 491 Einrollung 1 279 eins U 81 einsam A 638, U 36 einsaugend A 22 Einsaugung A 23, I 47 Einschaltung I 182 Einschlag T 383 einschlieBend I 91 EinschlieBung I 92 EinschluB I 92 Einschnitt I 88 einseitswendig H 397 Einsetzung I 197 Einsttilpung I 262 Einwanderer I 53 Einwanderung 1 54 einwarts- -aufspringend I 253 -gebeugt I 140 -gebogen I 140s 251 -gedreht I 253, 240 -gefaltet I 125 -gekehrt I 253 -gekrtimmt 1 109 -gerollt I 280 einwickelnd E 3118, I 275 einzel- E 321 -frtichtig E 323, M 399 Einzelbalg U 55 EinzelfuBsttick M 440 Einzeller U 42 einzeln S 522, 565 -stehend S 565 Einzelpflanzenlehre I 20 einzig S 522, U 36 Eltiffnung (auBere-) E 478 Eireifung О 164 eirund О 293 Eisbewohner С 907 eisen--liebend S 492 ' •meidend S 493 -rostfarbig F 39 eisig G 151 eiskalt G 64 Eiskluft R 324 eisliebend G 151 eisodial E 59 EisodialOffnung E 59 Eispflanzen С 908 Eispore О 178 eiszeitlich G 151 769 eitererzeugend P 1691 Eiweifl A 378 eiweBhaltig A 380 EiweiBkristalle С 935 eiweiBlos E 417 EiweBstoff A 378, P 1347 Eizelb G 17, 289, 292, О 299 Ekblastesis E 7 ekelhaft T 17 Ektauxese S 17 Ektexinium E 18 Ektobasidium E 19 Ektobiont E 20 Ektoendoparasit E 25 ektoendotroph E 26 Ektogenese E 27 Ektogonidium E 28 Ektoparasit E 29 Ektoperidium E 30 Ektophyten E 31 Ektopie E 32 Ektoplasma E 33 Ektoplasten E 34 ektospor E 37 Ektoeporium E 36 ektotroph E 38 Ektozyanosis E 23 ektozyklisch E 24 Elaioplankton E 68 Elaioplasten E 69 Elaiosom E 70 Elaiosph&re E 71 elastisch-aufcpringend D 326 Elastizitat E 73 Elaterentrdger E 78 Elaterium E 76 elchgeweihahnlich A 385 elchhOrnig A 385 Elektrizitatsreizbewegung E 86 Elektrolyse E 81 Elektronastie E 82 Elektrophorese С 173 Elektrotaxis E 84 Elektrotonus E 85 Elektrotropismus E 86 elf- E 126 elfenbeinweiB E 6 ellipsoidal E 91 ellipsoidisch E 91 elliptisch E 92 Embryo E 98 Embryologie E 100 embryonal E 101 Embryonalentwicklung E 99 Embryonalgewebe M 199 Embryonalschild E 101 Embryophyten E 104 Embryosack E 101, M 51, S 10 Embryotega E 105 Embryotrager E 103, S 1320 Emergenz E 108 emers E 109 Empfanglichkeit P 1172 Empfdngnisfaden T 451 Empfehhing С 662 empfindlich P 1636, R 81, S 396 Empfindlichkeit A 280, P 1172, S 395 empfindsam S 396 Empfindung P 255 emporgehoben E 89 emporragend E 109 Enaliden E 206 enantioblast E 117 enantioblastisch E 117 Enantiobiose E 116 enantiomorph E 118 enantiostyl E 119 Enation E 120 end- A 106, T 127 endarch E 125 Endblute T 127 endemisch E 127 Endemismus E 128 konservativer- P 21 Endemit E 129 endend D 96 endigend T 129 Endknospe T 127 Endobasidium E 130 Endobiont E 131 Endobiophytie E 132 endobiotisch E 133 Endoblem E 134 Endochiton E 138 Endochroa E 139 Endochrom E 140 Endochyl E 141 Endodendrobiont E 149 Endodermhypodermis I 212 Endodermis E 150 Endogaion E 152 Endogamie E 153 endogen E 154 Endogonidium E 155 Endogonium E 156 Endohaustorium E 157 Endokarp E 135 endokatadrom E 137 endokinetisch E 142 Endokortex E 144 endolithisch E 158 Endolithophyten E 159 Endomeiose E 160 Endomeristem E 161 Endomitose E 162 Endomixis E 163 Endopelon E 165 Endoperidium E 166 Endopetrion R 167 Endophloem E 168 Endophyten E 172 endophytisch E 169 Endophytismus E 170 DEUTSCHER INDEX Endophytobiont E 171 Endoplasma E 173 Endoplast E 174 Endoplastid E 175 Endopleura E 176 Endopsammion E 177 endoptil E 178 Endosaprophytismus E 180. P 125 Endosklerotium E 181 endoskopisch E 182 Endosmose E 183 Endosperm E 184 Endoepore E 185 Endosporium E 186 Endostom E 187 Endosymbiose E 188 Endothecium E 189 endothermisch E 190 Endotoxin E 191 endotroph E 192 Endotropismus E 193 endoxyl E 195 Endoxylophyten E 194 endozoisch E 196 Endozoobiont E 197 Endozoophyten E 200 Endozyanose E 145 endozyklogen E 146 Endozyst E 148 endsprossend A 113, 125 Endstadium T 81 endstandig T 127 Endung D 97 Endungsprossung A 107 Energese E 203 Energide E 203 eng A 767, 769, 995 engverbreitet S 908 Enharmonie E 206 enneandrisch E 209 entartet D 43 Entartung D 42 entbehrend D 105 entbiattert D 39 entbloBt D 71, 105 Entdecker A 1144, I 265 entdeckt I 266 entfaltend E 414 Entfaltung( vorzeitige-) P 1226 entfarbt D 18 entfernt D 329, 333, I 229 R 143 entfemtstehend R 143 Entfernung I 235 entgegengesetzt A 873, A 1233, О 2 enthaart D 79 enthaltend С 774 Entkeimung S 957 entleert E 53 Entmannung С 160 entrindet D 22 DEUTSCHER INDEX entsprechend С 789, H 396 entspringend E 470, О 235, P 1436 entsprungen О 270 entstanden О 270 Entstarkung 1 101 entstehen N 29 entstehend E 470, N 17, 0 235, P 1240 Entstehung G 87, О 240 polytope- P 1073 entstellt D 40 entwickelnd E 414 entwickelt A 52, E 413 vollig- D 36 Entwicklung A 50, E 412, T 387 Auszugs- P 36 Embryonal- E 99 Formen- M 475 kanalisierte- H 377 Keimes- E 99 Stammbaum- С 482 Uber- H 553 Entwicklungsgeschichte В 167, О 154 -des Einzelwesens E 100 Entwicklungsruckschlag A 1110 Entwicklungsstufe P 423 Entwicklungstendenz P 1259 Entwicklungsverkurzung T 10 Entwicklungsverspatung В 285 Entwurf D 50 Enzym E 218 fettspaltendes- L 197 Enzymolyse E 219 Eoplasma E 220 Epakme E 221 Epanodie E 222 Epenchym E 224 Epharmonie E 225 Ephebogenese E 226 ephemer E 228 Ephemerophyten E 227 Ephydrogamie E 230 epibasal E 231 Epibasidium E 232 Epibenthos E 233 Epibiont E 234 Epibiosis E 235 Epibiot E 236 epibiotisch E 237 Epiblast E 240 Epiblastem E 238 Epiblastesis E 239 Epichilium E 244 Epidermis E 255 epidiskal E 256 Epigaion E 258 epigaisch E 257 epigenetisch E 259 Epigeotropismus E 260 Epigone E 261 epigyn E 262 epigynisch E 262 Epikarp E 243 epiklin E 246 Epikopula E 247 epikormisch E 248 epikorollin E 249 Epikotyl E 251 epikotyledonar E 250 Epiktesis E 252 Epikutis E 253 Epilimnion E 263 epilitisch E 264 Epimatium E 266 Epinastie E 267 Epinema E 269 epinyktisch E 270 Epiontologie E 271 Epipelon E 273 Epiphloem E 278 Epiphragma E 279 Epiphyten A 272, E 283 epiphytisch E 282 Epiplankton E 284 Epiplasma E 285 Epiplasten E 286 Epipleura E 287 Epipodium E 288 Epipsammion E 289 Epirrheologie E 290 episepal E 292 Episporangium E 294 Episporium E 295 epistaminal E 296 Epistaminie E 297 Epistase E 298 epistomatisch E 299 epithallin E 302 Epithallus E 303 Epithecium E 305 Epitheka E 304 Epithel E 306 Epithem E 307 Epithemhydathode E 307 Epitheton E 308 Epitonie E 310 epitrop E 312 Epitrophie E 311 epixyl E 314 epizoisch E 315 Epizoochorie E 316 Epoikophyten E 317 Erbabweichung M 590 Erbanlage G 98 Erbbild I 36 Erbeinheit G 80 Erbfahigkeit S 1254 Erbfaktor G 80 latenter- L 59 erbgleich H 423, I 311 760 Erbgutgesamtheit I 36 erblaBend P 39 erblich G 91, H 167, I 157, I 162 Erbplasma I 32 Erbschaft H 168 erbschaftlich H 167 erbsenfdrmig P 715 erd- G 102, T 136 erdbeeren- F 142 Erdbeerfrucht F 147 erdbewohnend T 138 Erde T 135 erdfarbig T 137 Erdfruchtigkeit G 108 falsche- P 1503 erdig T 136 Erdkeimer G 106 Erdkrustenpflanzen H 121 Erdpflanzen С 412, 928, G 120, T 139 Erdschtirfepflanzen H 121 ErdsproB R 266 Erdstock R 266 Erdwurzler С 354 erforschen (zu-) I 174 erfrischend A 653 erfroren G 64 erganzt E 106 Erganzung M 94 Ergasioapophyten E 327 Ergesie E 332 ergiebig F 32 Ergogenese E 333 ergossen E 56 Ergotzlichkeiten D 49 Ergotzungen D 49 erhaben E 79, 89, P 1159 erhalten С 754 erhaitet I 126 erhoht E 89 Erhdhung (kleine-) M 86 Ericetum E 335 erinnernd A 208 erkaitend R 116 Erkiarung I 226 erkrankt P 186 erkundigen(zu-) I 174 Eriauterung I 226 erlenbewohnend A 466 Erlenwald A 465 ernahrend N 208 Ernahrung N 209 * Ernahrungsblatt T 601 Ernahrungsohnmacht I 80 Ernahrungsplasma T 602 erneuernd I 164 Erneuerung I 165, R 121 Erneuerungsfahigkeit R 120 Ernte M 258 Erregung E 433, P 255 erreichend A 1141 err5tend R 367 Ersatzwurzeln A 224 761 Erscheinung H 4 erschienen P 1240 Erschlaffung A 1121 ersetzend P 1437 erst- P 1360, 1375 erstanfanglich P 1212 erstarrend R 318 erstbliihend P 1363 erstc Filial-Generation F 3 erster P 1214 erstgeboren P 1212 erstickend S 1270 Erstlinge (des Gefftflteiles) P 1424 -des Siebteiles P 1408 erstmdnnig P 1362 Erstmannlichkeit P 1361 erstweibig P 1366 Erstweibigkeit P 1365 erwachsen A 219 erwahnt С 661 erweitert A 176, 604, D 231 Erweiterung A 605 erworben A 105 erythrophil E 350 Erythrophyll E 351 erzeugend G 84, P 171, 1240 -erzeugt G 94 Erzeugung G 85 Jungfern- P 164 Selbst- A 10 Wieder- R 121 eBbar E 50 Ethnobotanik E 359 etwas S 1085 Euanthie E 361 Euapogamie E 362 Euapophyten E 363 Euaposporie E 364 Euarchaeophyten E 365 Eudichotomie E 372 euephemer E 373 Eugenetik E 374 eugeogen E 375 Eugeophyten E 376 euhalin E 377 eukleistokarp E 369 Eumitose E 378 euphotisch E 380 euphotometrisch E 381 Euplankton E 383 eurybathisch E 385 euryhalin E 388 euryhygrisch E 389 Euryoxybiont E 391 euryozisch E 390 euryphotisch E 392 Euryplastizitat E 393 eurysynusisch E 394 eurytherm E 395 eurytopisch E 396 euryzdnotisch E 387 eusporangientragend E 397 Eusporie E 398 Eustele E 400 eusynkarpisch E 401 Eutherophyten E 402 eutroph E 404 Eutropie E 405 euxerophytisch E 406 Euzezidie E 366 euzdn E 370 euzyklisch E 371 Evaporation E 410 Evolution E 412 Excipulum E 429 Exemplar S 626 exfoliiert E 442 Exine E 446 Exintine E 447 Exkretion E 437 Exochiton E 454 Exochomophyten E 455 Exodermis E 458 Exogamie E 459 exogen E 460 exogyn E 461 exokatadrom E 453 Exokonidium E 456 Exokortex E 457 exolithisch E 462 Exolithophyten E 463 Exomeristem E 464 Exoneurose E 465 Exoperidie E 467 Exosklerotium E 473 exoskopisch E 474 Exosmose E 475 Exospore E 476 Exostome E 478 Exostose E 479 exothermisch E 482 Exothezium E 481 Exotoxin E 483 exotroph E 484 Exotropismus E 485 explodierend E 489 Exposition E 492 Expressivitat E 493 Exsikkat E 495 Extrachromosom E 508 extrafloral E 509 extrastaminal E 513 extravaginal E 514 Extravasation E 515 extrors E 516 exzentrisch E 427 Fach L 244 kleines- L 239 Fachausdruck T 131 Fkchel R 239 f&cher- F 74 -fccherig F 74, L 242 facherfdrmig F 74 facheriaufig D 132 fachspaltig L 243 DEUTSCHE R INDEX fachteilig L 243 fad I 187 etwas- S 1199 Faden F 57, N 67 sporogene- G 210 faden- N 68 fadenartig F 56 fadenbiattrig N 73 fadenfdrmig F 56 Fadengeflecht P 1405 fadengriffelig L 130 fadenlagerig T 466 Fadensaulchen S 1066 fadenstengelig N 71 fadig F 56 -fadig N 68 fahig P 1151 Fahigkeit F 10, P 1152 fahlgelb G 146, I 287, L 277 fahlgelbrot F 184 Fahne V 104 fahnenfriichtig S 274 fahnentragend V 103 Faktor F 9 Faktorenaustausch С 894 fakultativ F 11 faU- P 713 Fall L 52 fallend P 713 Fallfriichte S 235 Fallaubwaldpflanzen P 1605 falsch A 218, F 14. N 162, P 1456, S 836 falschberingt P 1504 Faischungsentwicklung С 8 faltbar P 847 Falte С 889, P 846, 848, R 402 falten- P 1625 faltenbiattrig P 1627 faltenf6rmig P 849 Faltenmine P 1626 Falterblumen L 109 faltig P 849, R 403 Falz S 219 Familie F 15 Fangarm T 101 Fangfaden T 451 fdrbbar С 372 Farbe С 638 farben- С 371 farbend С 372, T 314 leicht- С 394 nicht- С 395 farbewechselnd M 265 -farbig G 371, 639 farblos A 75, D 18, H 448, I 96 Farblosigkeit A 78 Farbpflanzen T 315 Farbstoff P 682 farbstoffbildend С 388 Farbstofftr&ger С 377 DEUTSCHER INDEX FArbung С 640, P 681 farn- F 59 -fdrmig F 59 Farnkunde P 1608 Farnpflanzen P 1610 Faser F 41 faser- -artig F 45 •biattrig I 170 -wollig P 72 FAserchen F 46 Fasergewebe С 772, P 1317 Fasergrubchen С 931 faserig F 49 Faserwurzel R 41 faBformig D 360 fast S 1085 -ganzbiattrig S 320 -gleich S 1090 Fasziation F 20 Faszikel F 22a Faszikularkambium F 22 faulend P 1674 faulig P 1672 -werdend P 1674 Faulnis С 89, P 1673 faulnis- -bewohnend S 51 -erregend S 51, 417 -liebend S 57 Faulnispflanzen S 58 Fazies F 6 Feder P 697 Federchen G 78 Blatt- A 137 federig P 853, 855 Federkrone P 84 federkronenlos E 223 federkronentragend P 83 federkronig P 83 fehlen D 107 fehlend A 21, С 87, N 199 Fehler L 52 Fehlerverzeichnis С 829 fehlgeschlagen A 18 Fehlschlagen A 13 Feige F 51 Feigenfrucht S 1327 feilspanartig S 197 feilstaubbiattrig S 197 fein A 1014, S 1241, T 97, 105 -bestaubt P 1442 -bewimpert С 425 -dornig S 751 -filzig T 325 -geadert V 63 -gekerbt С 877 -gerunzelt R 405 -gesagt S 445 --biattrig S 451 --bliitig S 450 -geschlitzt L 17 -gespitzt С 977 •gestreift S 1026 -haarig P 690 -hAutig M 182 -kronbiattrig L 125 -punktiert P 1654 -schlitzig L 17 -spitzig A 905 -zottig V 119 -feindlich P 454 Fekundation F 30 Feld A 321, 419 feldbewohnend A 332, С 55 Feldchen A 1006 Feldchenbildung A 1008 felderig A 1007 Felderung A 1008 feldlich R 418 feldliebend A 340 feldwachsend A 1051, R 418 Fellchen P 221 Fels S 104 felsen- L 213 -bewohnend L 49, R 414, S 100 -brechend R 415, S 101 -liebend P 380, R 413, S 100 -spaltend R 415 Felsenbewohner P 381 Felsenpflanzen С 869, L 222, R 413 felsig P 378, R 413, S 103 Felswurzler R 265 fensterartig F 34 Ferment F 38 Fermentation F 37 Fermentgifte A 868 fest С 241, 672, F 65, 73, S 563 -sitzend S 458 -stehend S 848 Festigkeit S 562 Festigungsgewebe С 623, S 947 fett P 696 -reich A 201 -zerstdrend L 203 Fettbildner L 206 Fettblattpflanzen S 1264 Fettfarbstoff L 199 fettig A 201, P 696, U 30 Fetzchen L 16 Fetzen L 14 feucht H 552, 508, M 68, U 4 Feuchtigkeit M 69 feuchtigkeits- H 508 -anzeigend H 510 -liebend H 514 -meidend H 515 -messend H 519 Feuchtigkeitspflanzen H 516 feuer- P 1692 -farbig I 39 -rot A 997, F 79, I 39, P 451, 1692 762 - biattrig P 1710 feurig A 997 Fiber F 44 fieberheilend A 392 fieder- P 698 -biattrig P 701 -lappig P 702 -nervig P 703 -schlitzig P 705 -schnittig P 706 •spaltig P 700 -teilig P 704 Fiederblatt P 697, 852 Fiederbiattchen P 712 Fiederchen P 712 fiederig- P 698 -gepaart P 708 -gdzahnt P 709 Figur F 55, I 5 Figurentafel T 4 Filz T 327 filzartig T 326 Filzgewebe T 55 filzig T 326 etwas- S 1242 finger- D 213 -aderig P 49 . -lang D 212 -nervig D 220 -spaltig D 219, P 46 fingerig D 213 fast- S 1153 -geadert D 220 -gefiedert D 217 -gelappt D 215 -geteilt D 221 -zusammengesetzt D 214 Fingernagel U 35 fingernagelartig U 33 finster T 94 8 -bewohnend T 93 firnisglanzend V 76 fischteichbewohnend T 316 Fischteichpflanzen T 317 Fission P 69 flach H 355, P 723, 742 Flache L 71, 178, P 10, 754 flachlich P 744 FlachsproQ P 559, 790 Flagellum F 78 flammen- P 451 , flammendrot I 39 flammrot F 79 Flankenlage P 136 flaschenfdrmig A 608, L 31 flaum- H 56, P 1622 -astig H 57 -biattrig P 1623 -griffelig P 1624 -haarig P 1633 -zweigig H 57 Flaumfeder P 852 768 flavmig P 853, 855 Flechte L 155 unechte- P 1519 Flechtenbeschreibung L 157 Flechtenfrucht A 940 Flechtenfruchtstiel P 892 Flechtenkunde L 158 Flechtenlagerbildung В 230 Flechtensymbiose L 156 Flechtenthallus В 228 Flechtengewebe P 795 Fleck M 64 fl eckig M 66, N 36, P 679 flederniausblOtig С 280 fleisch- S 62 -ahnlich S 70 -biattrig S 74 -farfcig С 94, I 85 -freflend 1 180 -friiohtig S 65 -fiiflig S 75 -liebend С 879 -rot С 94, I 85 -samig S 77 -schuppig S 71 -wurzelig S 76 -zweigig S 68 Fleischboden S 63 Fleischgehause A 534 fleischig С 96, 97, 863, P 1644, S 62, 1263 Fleischring S 72 Fleischwulst S 63 fliederbhimig S 1468 fliegen- -ahnlidi M 616 -bliitig M 617 fliegend V' 157 fliefiend С 967 flockigbehaart F 83 Flora С 329, F 85 kleine- F 95 Schnee- С 908 Florenreich R 129 Floreszenz F 87 flotenartig T 310 fluchlig F 177, V 158 Ftugbrand U 94 Flugel A 369 flugel- P 1606 -artig A 371 -bliitig P 1607 -fOrmig A 371, 404 -friichtig P 1613 -fiiflig P 1619 -kantig P 1618 -los A 957 -rippig R 10 -samig P 1620 -tragend A 403 -zweigig P 1616 Flugelchen A 481 Fliigelfrucht S 34 fliigelfruchtartig S 36 flugelfruchttragend S 35 flugelig A 372, P 1606 Flughaare P 84 Flugsandpflanzen M 386 Fluflbett A 487 fluflbewohnend F 100, P 1146 Fliissigkeit L 208 Fliissigkeitsreize R 235 fltissigwerdend С 628 fluflliebend F 100, P 1148 Fluflpflanzen P 1149 flu tend F 99 Folgeblatt M 284 Folgemeristem M 199, S 245 folgend P 1134, S 429 folgender S 249 Form F 125 Grund- A 990 Kultur- С 951 neue- F 125 Stamm- A 990 Ur- A 990 Urbildungs- P 1423 Formel F 129 Formenlehre M 479 formcnlos (fast-) S 1152 Formentwicklung M 475 -f6rmig F 128 / Forscher I 110, 269, S 223 Forscherin 1 110 Forschung I 111, 268 Forst S 507 Forstbotanik S 29 Forstfach S 511 forstlich S 29 Forstwirtschaft S 511 fort- -liegend A 1235 •laufend С 775 -pflanzend P 1294, R 157 Fortpflanzung G 85, P 1093, R 157 gcschlechtliche- A 569, G 44 sexuelle- S 1425 ungeschlechtliche- M 418 vegetative- V 46 zweigeschlechtliche- A 566 Fort pflanzungsgemeinschaf t P 1100 Fortpflanzungskdrper P 1295, S 825 Fortpflanzungsorgane О 232, P 1293 weibliche- G 206, 275 Fortpflanzungszelle О 41 Fortsatz A 929, 1233, P 1262 fortschreitend (spitzwarts-) A 129 fortschrittlich P 1259 fortwachsend A 51 DEUTSCHER INDEX fossil F 135 Fossilien F 136 Fragmentation F 144 Franse F 62, L 14 fransen- T 309 fransig F 63 frei С 364, Г) 139, E 88, I 74, L 152 -am Grunde- В 54 -beweglich L 240, V 12 -grundig В 54 -wurzelig E 472 Freiwandlage E 300 Iremd A 225, 402, X 14 Fremdengaben X 15 Fremdfertilisation A 434 Fremdlinge A 225 fremdverbreitet A 429 Fremdverbreitung A 423 Frequenz F 151 -fressend P 409, V 164 frisch R 77 Frondeszenz F 155 froschlaichahnlich В 62 Frostbeule P 340 frostig A 471 Frostkluft P 340 frucht- С 99 Frucht F 165 Ascus- P 324 Apfel- P 1092 Beeren- U 100 Biichsen- P 1715 Fall- S 235 Feigen- S 1327 fleischige- S 64 Flugel- S 34 geschlosscne- I 114 Haufen- S 594 HOlsen- L 84 Keim- S 802 KOrbis- P 252 Moos- S 816 Sammel- S 1393 Sammelstein- N 197 Schein- P 1479 Schleuder- В 21 Spalt- S 144 Sporangium- S 802 Sporen- S 802 8pring- R 237 Stein- P 1695 Teil- M 195 Trocken- S 483 versteinerte- С ill Vierlings- T 158 Fri chtast С 106 Fruchtauflenhaut E 243 fruchtbar F 32, 40, 162, О 205, P 1243, 1274, U 1 Fruchtbarkeit P 1242, U 2 Fruchtbecher С 963 Fruchtbehaiter A 940 Fruchtbeutel M 112 DEUTSCHER INDEX fruchtbewohnend F 161 Fruchtbildung С 109 Fruchtbildungsperiode F 163 Fruchtblatt С 103, M 57 Fruchtblfttterver a achsung С 572 Fruchtboden С 227, 523, R 79 fruchtbodenbltitig T 215 fruchtbodenstandig R 78 Fruchtbrei С 97, P 1643 Fruchtdecke I 130 Fruchtfall (frtihzeiter-) С 119 F rtich t en verwachsu ng S 1391 Fruchtfleisch С 97, M 222, P 1643, S 64 fruchtfressend F 164 FruchtfuB P 893 Fruchtgehause P 275 Fruehthalter С 116 Fruchthaufchen A 63 Fruchthaut H 529, P 275 mittlere- M 222 Fruchthohle A 876 Fruchthtille E 243, S 64 fruchtifizierend F 162 -frtichtig С 99 symmetrisch- S 1345 -frtichtigkeit Doppel- A 542 Gipfel- A 115 Luft- A 265 Selbst- A 1164 Tier- Z 27 Wind- A 739 Zwei- A 542 Fruchtknopfdecke E 261 Fruchtknopfchen С 105 Fruchtknospe F 162 Fruchtknoten G 132, О 292 halboberstandiger- S 373 halbunterstandiger О 292 oberstandiger- О 292 uriterstandiger- О 292 Fruchtknotenfach L 244 Fruchtknotentrtiger G 301 Fruchtkorper С 825, F 163, T 216 Fruchtkrone P 84 fruchtkronig P 83 Fruchtkunde С 112 Fruchtlager S 1040 Fruchtlehre С 112 fruchtlos A 37, S 956 Fruchtmine С 115 Fruchtnaht S 1323 Fruchtoberhaut E 243 Fruchtpolster der Pilze S 1040 Fruchtreife F 163 Fruchtsack M 112 Fruchtschale P 275 761 Fruchtscheibe H 529 Fruchtscheide С 127 Fruchtschicht H 529 Fruchtschichttrager H 531 Fruchtschlauch U 99 Fruchtstiel G 118, P 217 Fruchtstielchen P 211 fruchttragend F 40, 36, F 162, 163, P 1243 Fruchttrager С 116 Fruchtversteinerung С 114 Fruchtwand P 275 frtih P 1169 frtihbltihend A 281, E 319 frtiher- P 1360 -besetzt P 1191 frtihgeburtfrtichtig A 500 frtihgebtirtig A 18 frtihjahrbltihend V 73 Frtihling V 66 frtihlingsbltihend V 73 Frtihlingsform V 73 Frtihlingspflanzen V 73 frtihlingszeitig V 73 frtihreif P 1169, 1188 frtihzeitig P 1169 fuchs- -braun V 167 -farbig V 167 -rot R 401 - -werdend R 398 Fugennaht R 66 Fugenwandlage A 938 ftigsam A 48 ftihlbar T 13 Ftihler A 816 Ftihlfaden T 101 ftihlfadenartig T 99 ftihlfadig T 100 Ftihrer H 319 Ftille U 2 FtiUgewebe M 215, P 819 ftillhornahnlich С 815 Fundort H 3 fiinf- P 237, Q 32 -biattrig P 248 -bltitig Q 38 -borstig P 241 -eckig P 243 -fach Q 30, 50 -facherig P 238 -frtichtig P 239 -furchig Q 48 -gliederig P 245 -griffelig P 244 je- Q 30 -kantig P 243 -kreisig P 242 -kronbiattrig Q 46 -lappig Q 43 -mai Q 50 •mannig P 246, S 301 -paarig Q 41 -reihig Q 36 -rippig Q 34 -samig P 251 -schichtig Q 31 •seitig Q 42 -spaltig Q 37 -spornig P 240 -teilig P 245, Q 45 -wirtelig P 242 -zahlig Q 30 -zahnig Q 35 -zeilig Q 36 ftinfte Q 51 fungizid F 188 funkelnd S 164 ftir P 1225 Furche С 644, S 1280 furchen- G 191 -los A 1100 -samig A 1149 -furchig S 1278 Fusion F 204 FuB P 362 fufl- P 209, 890 -formig P 209, 212 -lang P 208 FuBgestell P 891 -ftiflig P 363, 890 FuBiange P 362 futtergebend P 1 gabel--formig F 198 -rankig С 75 -teilig F 198 Gabelhaare P 694b gabelig D 176, F 198 fast- S 1151 Gabelspaltung В 135 Gabelteilung В 135, F 197 wiederholte- D 175 Gabelung В 135, F 197, R 55 Gallapfel G 13 gallapfeltragend С 203 Galle С 206, G 13 Insekten- E 213 Kafer- G 608 Milben- A 34 Pilz- M 606 Schmetterlings- L 107 Tier- Z 26 gallen- -erzeugende Tierchen С 205 -fOrmig S 14 -tragend С 203 Gallenlehre С 202 gallertartig G 63 Garnet G 17 Gametangienkopulation G 18, Z 62 Gametangiogamie G 18 то» Gametangium G 20 Gameiangiumtrager G 19 Gametenbildungsprozefl G 28 Game infusion S 1424 Gametisation G 22 gametisch G 21 Gametoblast G 24 Gametogamie G 27 Gametogenese G 28 Gametophor G 31 Gametophyt G 34 gametophytisch G 33 Gametoplasma G 35 Gametospore G 36 Gametozyst G 25 Gametozyt G 26 -gamisch G 37 Gamobium G 38 Gamodesmie G 42 Gamogemmie G 43 Gamogenese G 44 Gamomerie G 46 Gamomorphose G 47 Gamophyllie G 49 Gamostelid G 53 Gamotropismus G 56 Gamozyt G 41 Gang D 387 Ganglion G 58 Gangmine О 189 ganselieb A 812 ganz H 320, I 201, О 144, T 365 -bedeckt H 326 -behaart H 353 fast- I 203 -goldgelb H 327 -grun A 547 -kronbiattrig H 347 -randig I 201 -seidenartig H 352 -seidenhaarig H 352 ganzlich P 63 Ganzschmarotzer H 346, P 130 Garbe M 193 Garten botanischer- H 438 der- H 438 gezuchtet in- H 438 Gartenbau H 435 gartenbewohnend H 433 Gartenbotanik В 254 gartenfliichtig H 436 Gartenpflanzen P 749b Gartner (der-) H 437 Gartnerei H 435 Garung F 37 Garungsenzym Z 83 garungs--erregend Z 84 -erzeugend Z 84 -hemmend A 875 Garungserreger F 38 Garungslehre Z 86 Gasoplankton G 60 gast- X 14 Gast H 439 Gastgeschenke X 15 Gaten R 409 Gattung G 100 neue- N 169 Gattungsname G 97 beibehaltende- G 753 bewehrte- G 753 Gattungstypus G 88 Gaumen P 29 geadert P 441, V 58 geaugelt О 47 gebandert F 21, V 153 gebaut S 88 gebeugt D 17 Gebiet A 1000, D 343, E 125, T 140 Gebilde Blatt- P 567 Stempel- G 290 Stengel- G 198 gebildet A 144 Gebirgsbeschreibung О 248 Gebirgspflanzen M 468 geblaht P 592 gebogen A 689, 996, С 973, N 29, T 371 gebrannt A 222 gebrauchlich U 96 gebrdunt I 155 gebrochennervig R 417 gebuckelt U 20 gebiickt I 90 Geburt G 89 geburtig N 21 Geburtsort N 21 Gebusch D 390, F 172, V 132 gebiischartig D 389 gebiischelt F 22 Gebiischpflanzen A 470 Gedeihen V 147 gedorrt T 356 gedrangt A 328, 1118, С 701, С 710, P 1675, S 984 -ahrig P 1688 -friichtig P 1681 gedreht G 778, D 338, G 314, S 1022, T 354, V 161 -ast- S 1158 -kronbiattrig S 1024 -stengelig S 1023 gedreit T 133 gedungt S 943 gedunsen D 334, P 592, T 658 geeignet I 38 geeignetste (der-) О 203 geerbt H 167, I 157 gefachert L 242 gefahrlich P 339 gefaltet P 849 DEUTSCHER INDEX gefalzt С 91 gefarbt G 639 etwas- S 1127 GefaB V 39 GefaBe Holz- V 39 Honig- N 56 Leiter- V 39 Milchsaft- V 39 Netz- V 39 Ring- A 798 Schraub- V 39 Sieb- S 857 Spiral- S 754, V 39 Staub- V 39 Treppen- V 39 GefaObiindel M 259 -Verwachsung G 42 GefaBgewebe T 55 gefaflig V 40 GefaBkryptogamen С 919 GefaBpflanzen V 40 GefaBteil X 53 gefeldert A 1007 gefenstert F 34 gefiedert P 698 -zusammengesetzt P 699 gefingert D 213, P 44 Geflecht H 559, T 213 gefleckt M 66, P 679, S 217, S 968 geflochten I 65, P 845, T 212 geflugelt A 372, 403, P 1606 -fast- S 1092 -fiiflig P 896 -stengelig P 1614 -stielig P 896 geformt F 127 gefranst F 63, L 15 gefroren G 64 gefurcht S 1278 Gefuge S 1052 gefugig A 48 gefullt P 815 gefunft Q 30 gefurcht С 641 -stengelig S 1279 gegabelt D 176, F 198 gegen- A 864, О 2, 197 gegeneinandergebogen С 745 Gegenfiifllerinnen A 871 GegenfiiBlerzellen A 871 Gegengift A 391, 865 gegenlaufig A 682, 867, A 874 gegenstandig A 226, О 2, О 197 gegeniiberlaufig A 874 gegenwendig A 682, 874 Gegenwirkung R 74 gegipfelt F 23 gegittert С 60, 495 DEUTSCHER INDEX gegl&ttet L 28 gegliedert A 1047 gegtirtelt Z 21 gegtirtet С 431 gehAuft A 62, 54, С 710, С 866 •frtichtig S 1351 Gehause Fleisch- A 534 Frucht- P 275 Sporen- S 789 Thallus- A 590 gehelmt G 10 Gehilfinnen S 1420 gehtirnt С 814 Gehorsteinchen S 877 Geholz L 272 geigelt E 9 geigenfdrmig P 65 GeiBel С 426, F 78 geiflel- M 117 -formig F 76 Geitonokarpie G 62 gekehlt S 1278 gekehrt V 85 gekeimt G 138 gekerbt С 873 gekielt С 91 gekornt G 248 geknauelt A 323, G 176 geknickt I 148 gekniet G 92 gekrauselt С 890 gekreuzt С 896, D 29, H 456 gekrdnl С 823 pekrtimmt A 635, С 973 etwas- С 972 Gel&ndebeschreibung T 346 gelappt L 233 gelb F 61, L 280, X 3 ambra- A 502 aprikosen- A 1029 blaO- F 80, L 277, О 53 UaBgold-M 176 braunlich-I 287, О 49 butter- С 868 dot ter- V 148 dunkel- С 239 ei- V 148, G 146, I 287 fahl- G 146, I 287, L 277 gelbwerdend F 80 glanzend- X 3, R 64 gold- A 1151, 1153, С 405 L 280 hell- F 81. G 146 honig- M 176, H 102 isabell- G 146, 1 287 leichen- L 277 ocker- О 49 pomeranzen- A 1151 rein- F 81, L 280 rot- A 1151 safran- С 893 satt- L 280 schmutzig- L 277 stroh- S 1012 wachs- С 239 weifllich- О 53 zitronen- С 477 gelblich F 80, L 279, X 5 -braun T 137 -grim С 338, 352, 406, X 7 -purpurrot X 11 -rosenrot S 24 -weifl С 408, E 6, X 8 gelbbronzfarbig В 294 Gelbsprenkelung A 1157 Gelbsucht С 347, I 14 gelbstichtig I 13 gelegen S 541 Gelenk A 1048, G 93 Blatt- A 1046 gelenkig A 1047, G 92 Gelenkknoten G 93 Gelenkpolster A 1046 Gelenkverbindung A 1046 Gelifikation G 65 gelippt L 4 gelochert F 123 gelockt С 428 gelost S 570 gemABigt T 86 gemein С 668, T 577, V 165 gemeinrot R 368 gemeinsam С 668 Gemeinsamkeit С 669 Gemeinschaft С 586, 669 gemeinschaftlich С 668 Gemini G 68 gemischt С 667, M 374, 385 -geschlechtlich M 407, P 989 Gemmiparitat G 76 gemuse- О 133 -artig О 103 -gebrauchlich О 133 -liefernd О 133 Gemtise О 137 Gemtisegarten H 438, О 102 Gemtisegewtichse О 101 Gemtisekrauter О 101 Gen G 80 genabclt U 17 genagelt U 34 genahert A 954, P 1140 genarbt С 417 Genaustausch С 894-geneigt A 46, С 240, 524, D 17, I 90 vorwarts- P 1292 Generation G 85 n- N 1 2n- N 2 diploide- X 2 geschlechtlichc- G 34, 85 haploide- N 1 76в ungeschlechtliche- G 85 Generationswechsel A 473 generativ G 86 generisch G 87 genervt N 100 Genese G 89 Genetik G 90 genetisch G 91 genieBbar E 50 Genotyp G 98 GeoAsthesie G 103 Geobiont G 104 Geoblast G 106 Geobotanik G 107 getiffnet A 887 getihrt A 1155 geohrelt A 1155 geohrlappt A 1155 Geokarpie G 108 geokarpotropisch G 109 Geonastie G 114 Geonyktinastie G 115 Geonyktitropie G 115 Geodkotypus G 116 Geoparallelotropismus G geophil G 119 Geophyten G 120 Geoplagiolropismus G 121 geordnet D 321, О 214 Geospecies G 122 GeoephAre G 123 Geotaxis G 125 Geotonus G 126 Geotorsion G 127 Geotortismus G 127 Geotrophie G 128 Geotrophismus G 123 Geotropismus G 130 lateraler- G 130 negativer- G 130 positiver- G 130 gepaart G 740, G 67, J 13, P 87 gepflanzt С 957 gepfropft I 189 gepolstert I 1649 gepudert P 1647 gerad- A 1131, E 320, О 251, R 90 geradAstig О 252 gerade fast- R 98 ziemlich- R 98 geradfaltig О 260 geradlaufig О 268 geradnervig R 95 geradreihig R 97 geradstengelig R 93 geradwendig О 268 geradwinkelig R 91 geradzweigig О 252 gerandert L 177, M 107 gerandet L 177, M 107 Gerbstoff T 22 gereiht S 430, 431 gerichtet S 631, V 85 -nach M 83 gerieft С 852, J 13 gerillt S 1029, V 22 gering E 444 geringelt A 799 Gerinnen G 542 gerinnt С 59 Gerinnung G 542 gerippt G 852 Germination G 136 germinativ G 137 gerollbewohnend S 100 gerollt V 161 Gerontomorphose G 139 gerotet R 366 gertenartig V 121 Geruch О 64 geruchlos I 169 gerunzelt R 403 ges> S 447 gesagtbliitig S 440 gesagtwimperig S 443 gesammelt L 80 -von L 83 gesamt С 621 gesat S 88, 93 gesattigt S 91 gesaumt G 431, L 177, M 107 Geschichte H 317 Entwicklungs- В 167 Natur- S 163 geschieden D 313, S 405 geschindelt I 49 geschiangelt A 758, F 82, M 70, О 188, S 437 Geschlecht S 482 geschlechtlich S 480 Geschlechtlichkeit S 481 geschlechtlos A 298, 1069, N 110 Geschlechtschromosom A 452, H 196 Geschlechtsorgane О 232 geschlechtsreif A 219 Geschlechtsteile G 95 Geschlechtszelle G 17 Geschlechtszellenvereuii-gung G 739 geschleiert I 127 geschlitzt D 322, L 15 gesehlossen С 496, 503 fast- S 1124 geschioesenbleibend I 114 Geschmack S 46 geschmacklos I 187 geschminkt F 175 geschmolzen T 3 geschmolzend D 52 geschmuckt A 214, О 242, S 224 geschnabelt R 308, 352 geschnallt F 50 geschnitten S 244 in zwei- I 230 geschoren D 113 geschiitzt С 753, M 579, T 662 geschwanzt С 188 geschwarzt A 1127, N 119 geschweift L 173 G eschwisterbestaubung A 184 geschwollen D 334, P 591, T 658 Geschwulst S 1053, T 647 geschwulstartig С 84, 706 Geschwiir E 517 gesehen(nicht-) N 150 geseUig G 255, S 546 Geselligkeit S 545 Geselligkeitsgrad S 545 Gesellschaft С 586, S 549 Gesellschaftentwicklungs-lehre S 1427 Gesellschaftshaushalt S 1437 Gesellschaftstreue F 53 gesellschaftsvag E 394, I 117 Gesellschaftsverbreitung S 1400 Gesellschaftswechsel S 1416 gesetzlich L 82 gesetzt P 1128 -gesicht О 199 gespalten H 318, S 171 gespitzt A 170 gespomt С 19 Gestalt С 712, F 6, 125, H 4 Gestaltbildung M 475 gestaltet (regelmassig-) R 133 -gestaltig F 128, M 473 Gestaltlehre M 476 gestaltlos D 202 Gestaltungsbeschreibung M 478 Gestaltungslehre M 479 gestaltwechselnd A 525 gestein- L 213 Gesteinpflanzen L 222, P 381, R 413 GesteU F 180 gestellt D 321, P 1128, S 541 reihenfflrmig- S 431 gestielt P 216, 373, S 988 gestrahlt R 19 Gestrauch D 390, F 172 gestreckt P 1238 gestreift L 193, V 129, V 153 DEUTSCHER INDEX -biattrig S 1027 -rillig S 1029 gestrichelt L 193 gestriegelt S 1033 Gestrupp D 390 gestutzt F 179, S 1276, T 617 etwas- T 616 gesund S 32, V 19 geteilt D 353, P 170 Getreide С 238, F 167 Getreidebrand С 319, U 84 Getreidefeld S 253 getrennt G 364, D 139, D 299, 311, 313, E 88, S 405 -bliitig D 252 -geschlechtig D 179, H 208, M 417 getropft G 265 getiipft P 1653 Gewachs Gewachs P 749 Gewachslehre В 254 Gewebe G 772, T 213 Bildungs- G 52, M 199 Binde- T 55 Durchliiftungs- A 257 Embryonal- M 199 Faser- G 772, P 1317 Festigimgs- G 623, S 947 Filz- T 55 Flechten- P 795 Ftill- M 215, P 819 GefaB- T 55 Grand- С 772, P 149 Hautbildungs- D 84 Hull- P 273 Keim- В 228 Leit- T 55 Luft- A 257 Mark- M 142 mechanische- S 947 Palisaden- С 772 primire- С 772 Saug- A 23 Schutz- T 55 Schwimm- A 257 Sekretions- S 240 sekundare- С 772 Skelett S 947 Stein- S 182 Streckzellen- P 1317 Teilungs- С 52, M 199 Wund- С 31 Zell- С 772 GewebeauflOsung H 309 H 314 gewebebildend H 311 Gewebebildner H 312 Gewebelehre H 313 Gewebestrdnge T 372 Gewebetrennung H 309 Gewebstod N 49 DEUTSCHER INDEX gewebt T 212 gewellt U 32 gewendet V 85 gewichtig P 1093 gewidmet D 30 gewimpert С 423 etwas- S 1121 gewohnlich N 153, T 577 gewolbt A 996, С 689, 793, F 130 gewunden A 758, D 338, V 161 gewtirfelt T 143 gewtirzartig С 702 gewiirzig С 702 gezahnt D 67, О 61 -biattrig О 63 -randig О 62 gezeichnet D 51, P 679, S 217, 946, 968 geziert О 242 gezuchtet С 957, S 88 gezweit В 150, С 740, D 191, G 67 Gichtkorn R 13 giftgebend T 367 giftig T 377, V 56 Giftigkeit T 368 Giftkunde T 369 giftliefernd T 367 gigantisch G 143 gipfel- A 106, 904, T 127 -standig A 903, T 127 -bewohnend G 312 -wachsend A 133 Gipfel A 889, С 949 Gipfelfruchtigkeit A 115 Gipfelknospe T 127 Gipfelspore A 138 gipshaltig G 310 gipsliebend G 312 gipsweifl G 311 Girlande S 453 girlandenfdrmig S 452 gitter--artig С 495 -formig С 60, 447 -frtichtig С 430 gitterig С 60, 448, 495 glanz- L 37 -frtichtig L 38 •haarig P 436 -los I 66, О 181 glSnzend С 838, F 181, L 37, L 270, N 122, P 418, S 164, S 768 -blau U 8 -braun S 600 -gelb R 64, X 3 -hellgelb J 6 -schwarz С 802 unterseits- H 593 -weifl С 62 glasartig V 151 Glashaus lauwarmes- T 115 Sommer- A 282 glatt A 248, G 149, L 29, 87, N 122 -biattrig L 89 •frtichtig L 88 -samig L 90 Glattheit G 150 glazial G 151 Gleba G 165 gleich A 244, 245, 256, С 716, H 355, 358, I 15, I 292, P 87, S 515 -artig A 42, С 725, H 388, S 515 -biattrig I 333 -bleibend С 763 -eckig I 315 -ehig H 384 -farbig С 694, M 405 fast-- S 1130 -formig A 245, G 716, I 327, U 56 -fruchtblattrig I 316 -frtichtig H 360, I 297 -gehtillt H 362 -geschlechtig H 384 -geschnitten H 417 -gestaltet С 716, M 430 -gestaltig H 375, I 327 -gliederig I 323 -griffelig I 339 -gtiltig A 1088, I 117 -hochastig F 23 -kantig H 390, I 315 -lappig I 321 -laufend P 106 •laufig H 370, 419 -lautend (-er Name)H 402 -mAflig A 244, 245 - -symmetrisch Z 68 - -verteilt H 374 -neigend I 301 -nervig P 154 -quirlig H 368 -reihig I 338 -schichtig H 374 -seitig I 318 fast- - S 1091 - -symmetrisch Z 68 -sporig I 337 -stempelig I 316 -teilig I 323 -weisezerteilt I 341 -wendig H 397 -wertig A 251, H 371 -zahlig I 323 -zeitig С 541, H 364, M 406, S 520, 1402 nicht- A 1104 -zweiseitig I 294 ziemlich- S 1090 768 Gleichartigkeit H 385 Gleichblattrigkeit H 407, I 332 gleichend A 245 GleichfOrmigkeit I 325 Gleichgestaltigkeit I 325 Gleichgriffeligkeit H 413 GleichmAnnigkeit H 372 Gleichmafligkeit S 1343 Gleichsporigkeit H 410 Gleichstaubbiattrigkeit H 412 Gleichwertigkeit I 322 Gleichzahligkeit I 322 gletscherliebend G 151 Glied A 1048 Gliederhtilse L 253 gliederhtilsig L 252 -gliederig M 192 Gliederspore A 1044 GliedhtiLse L 253 gliedhtilsenartig L 252 gliedhtilsig L 252 Gliederschote В 147 Gliederung A1046, J 19, S 256 Zer- A 655, 677 Globoiden G 167 Glochidie G 170 glockenfdrmig G 54 fast- S 1113 glockig С 54 Gldospore G 175 Glooszystide G 173 gltihendrot F 79, I 39 Gluten G 187 gneisliebend G 192 Gnesiogamie G 193 gold- С 405 -farbig A 1153 -gelb A 1154, 1151, С 405, L 280 •gelblich L 279 goldig A 1153, С 405 •griin С 330 Gonangium G 197 goneoklin G 199 Gonidangium G 203 gonidial G 204 Gonidialschicht S 1018 Gonidie G 207 Gonidienmutterzelle G 203 Gonidienschicht G 208 Gonidientrdger G 206 Gonidionema G 208 Gonidium G 205 Gonimoblast G 210 Gonimolob G 211 Gonohyphema G 220 Gonoplasma G 222 Gonosom G 223 Gonospore G 224 Gonotaxis G 225 Gonotokonten G 226 Gonotrop ismus G 226 769 Graben F 134 grabenliebend T 27 grabzierend S 427 Granatapfel В 20, G 241 granat- -farbig G 240 -rot P 460, 1659 granitbewohnend G 246 Granne A 1021 kleine- A 1026 grannen- -blattrig A 1024 -fOrmig A 1025 -los E 421, M 592 grannig A 1022, 1117 gras- G 233 -ahnlich G 233 -artig G 233, H 157 -bewohnend G 235 -biattrig A 341 -farbig G 234 -grim G 163, 234, H 161 -grtinlich G 164 Gras G 232, H 156 Gras&hrchen S 733 Grasbliitenschiippchen L 248 Graschen H 165 Graserkunde A 344 Grasfrucht С 148 Grashalm С 950 . grasig G 237, H 163 Grasschiippchen L 248 Grasspelze P 30 grau С 66, G 258, P 911 asch- С 66, 433, S 769, T 111 bias- С 66 blau- G 163, L 230, S 136 blei- L 230, M 391, P 854 greis- С 66 -grim G 163 maus- M 583, 619 nebel- N 36 peri- G 258 rauch- T 185 schiefer- A 998, S 136 sordide- S 586 stahl- С 257 tauben- С 646, P 57 wei&- S 771 graulich G 257 -blau N 173 -braun- T 322 -gelb R 73 -weiB S 771 grauwerdend S 390 greisgrau С 66 Grenze T 131 Grenzzelle H 201 Grex G 256 griffel- S 1063, 1064 -fOrmig S 1068 -los A 1099 •tragend S 1065 Griffel S 1081 Griffeldeckel S 1077 GriffelfuB S 1075 griffelig S 1063, 1065 Griffelkanal S 1067 Griffelpolster S 1075 Griffelpostament S 1075 Griffelrudiment P 137 Griffels&ule A 733, С 649, G 309 griffelwarts gerichtet E 312 grob G 259, R 397 grofl A 606, G 242, 259, M 3, 72 -biattrig G 244, M 34 -bliitig M 5 -buchtig S 529 -friichtig M 6, 15 -gezahnt G 243 -griffelig M 59 -narbig S 979 -nasig N 20 sehr- P 333 -wurzelig M 45, R 29 -zdhnig G 243 GroBart С 587, M 50 Groflblatt M 33 Grofle M 73 GroBkern M 31 GroBklima M 16 GroBspore M 51 GroBsporenbehaiter M 52 groBte N 161 Griibchen A 483, 106, F 138, S 219 griibchenartig A 484 Grube F 138 Honig- N 54 Keim- U 18 Nektar- N 54 Sand- A 1003 gruben- С 415 -artig A 1007 grubig A 486, 1007, F 139, L 24 -vertieft F 139, L 24 grumig G 260 grtin С 324, V 136 amiant- A 517 apfel- P 1084 -biattrig С 344 blau- A 278, G 163 biaulich- T 219 С 12. 331 dunkel- A 1138, С 337, P 360, 961 gelblich- С 352 goldig- С 330 gras- G 163, 234, H 161 grau- G 163 hell- P 1203 kupferspan- A 278 lauch- P 1122, 1203 meer- T 219 oliven- О 134 DEUTSCHER INDEX papagei- P 1598 rOtlich- R 386 satt- S 90 schimmel- G 163 smaragd- S 542 span- A 278 Grunbliihen V 128 Gninbliitigkeit V 128 Grund В 52 B?att- В 52 Blattscheibe- В 52 Blattspreite- В 52 Grundachse P 1208, R 266 Grundfiache В 52 Grundform A 990 Grundgewebe С 772, P 149, P 1349 Grundlage S 1237 GrundmaBe der Chloroplas-ten S 1040 grundnervig В 48 GrundriB D 136 Grundsatz P 1216 grundsichtig В 53 grundstandig В 35 griinend V 127 grunlich С 327, V 127, 137 -gelb С 327, 351, I 13 -weifl A 517, 1053, С 335 griinscheinend С 338 griinwerdend V 127 Gruppe G 256 Gruppensterilitat I 234 gruppiert (locker-) S 1188 GummifluB G 262 Gummiharz L 10 Gummilack L 10 gummitragend G 261 gurkenformig С 945 Giirtel С 442, Z 20 Giirtelband P 825 grofleres- E 287 unteres- H 608 Giirtelchen Z 23 giirtelig Z 21 giirtellos A 1245 Giirtelung Z 22 gut В 250 Guttation G 264 Gymnoplast G 272 Gymnospore G 274 Gymnozyt G 271 Gynandrie G 277 gynandrisch G 278 GynandromonOzie G 279 Gynandrophor G 281 gynantherisch G 282 Gynixus G 284 Gynodimorphismus G 287 GynodiOzie G 288 Gynoeceum G 290 Gynogamet G 292 Gynogametangium G 293 Gynogametophorum G 294 DEUTSCHER INDEX Gynogen G 296 Gynogenese G 295 Gynohermaphrodit G 298 GynomonOzie G 299 Gynophane G 300 Gynophyllie G 302 Gynophyten G 303 Gynosporangium G 306 Gynostegium G 308 Gynozeum G 290 pseudomonomeres- P 1527 Gynozie G 291 Gyroma G 315 haar- P 683 Haar С 70, P 694 Angel- G 171 Borsten- S 461 Brenn- U 88 Biischel- P 694a Drtisen- G 154 Flug- P 84 Gabel- P 694 b hakiges- H 18 Kletter- G 169 Klimm- G 169 Kollektor- С 622 Kdpfchen- G 156 Nessel- U 88 Quirl- P 694 Samt- V 52 Saug- A 22 Schild- L 105, S 225 Schuppen- L 105, S 838 Stern- S 895 Striegel- S 1032 verzweigtes- P 694b wiederhakiges- G 169 Wimper- G <426 Woll- L 47 Wurzel- A 22, R 20 haarartig С 67, T 449 Haarbildungen T 453 Haarbreite G 70 Haarbtischel P 235 Haardicke С 70 haarfaserig С 67 haarfein G 67 fast- S 1115 haarfdrmig С 67 Haargeflecht С 69 Haargrube С 931 -haarig P 683, T 432 Haarkrone P 84 Haarleiste A 800 haarlos G 149 Haarnetz С 69 Haarring A 800 Haarrorchenwirkung С 68 habend H 1 Hadrom H 6 hadrozentrisch A 554, H 5 Hafter P 1712 Haftfaser P 1712, R 244 Haftorgane A 952, H 46 Haftscheibe A 197, 952 Haftwurzeln A 206 Hagebutte С 1010 Hahnenfuss С 900 hahnenfuBartig R 64 Hahnenkamm С 891 hahnenkamm&hnlich A 386 Hain L 272, N 76 hainbewohnend N 75 Hakchen H 20 hakchentragend H 19 Haken H 21, U 31 haken- A 688, H 51, О 152, U 29 -borstig L 51 -formig H 18 - -gebogen A 221 - -gekrtimmt A 198 -frtichtig H 52 hakig H 18, L 51, U 29 -gebogen A 221 -gekrtimmt A 221, U 29 -zurtickgebogen R 107 halb- H 110, S 277 -abstehend S 349 -ahrig S 366 -angewachsen S 278 -aufrecht S 308 -aufspringend S 304 -bedeckt H 118 -behelmt S 312 -bekleidet S 384 -beringelt S 283 -blumenblattartig S 353 -bltitenumfassend S 282 -dreiweibig S 379 -durchiassig S 352 -durchscheinend S 351 -durchsichtig S 351 -eifOrmig S 346 -eirund S 346 -endobiotisch H 126 -endophytisch H 128 -facherig S 329 -faltig S 356 -feucht S 317 -fleischig S 1117 -filzig S 377 -frei S 326 -gefiedert S 354 -geftillt S 355 -gefurcht S 372 -gelappt S 328 -genetzt S 360 -gedffnet S 284 -gerandert S 332 -gerippt S 299 -gerollt S 297 -gesagt S 364 -geschlossen S 295 -gestrahlt S 357 -gestreift S 370 -gewendet H 145 -gitterig S 290 -handfdrmig S 347 -herablaufend S 302 -herzformig S 298 -kammformig S 350 -kammig S 350 -kapselig S 291 -kelchformig S 289 -klappig S 382 -knorpelig S 1118 -kreisformig H 122, S 293 -kreisrund S 293, 344 -kreuzstandig S 303 -kugelig S 314 -kugelrund S 314 -linsenfdrmig S 324 •mesophytisch S 333 -mondformig L 276, S 331 -mondfrtichtig S 271 -nackt S 340 -nierenformig S 359 -oberstandig S 373 -oberweibig H 129 -offen S 284, 349 -oval S 345 -pfeilfdrmig S 361 -pfriemenformig S 371 -querfacherig S 362 -querwandig S 362 -quirlig S 383 -reitend S 307 -rund S 293, 344 -rundgekerbt S 292 -salzliebend S 1225 -schlafend H 131 -spieflformig S 315 -staubgefaflartig S 368 -stengelumfassend S 281 -stielrund S 376 •strahlig S 357 -strauchahnlich S 1271 -straucherliebend P 531 -strauchig S 1271, 1274 -trocken S 286 -trocknend S 367 -turbanfdrmig S 380 -umfassend S 280 -umgewendet H 111, 145 -umringelt S 283 * -umscheidend S 381 -untergetaucht S 318 •unterstandig S 319 -verborgen S 323 -verdoppelt S 306 -versteckt S 1196 -verwachsen S 296 - -kronbiattrig S 313 -vollkommen H 145 -walzenfdrmig S 300 -walzig S 300 771 -windend S 1252 -wirtelig H 122, S 383 -zehnmannig S 301 -zuriickgebogen S 358 -zweifacherig S 288 -zweinarbig S 305 -zweispaltig S 287 •zwischengerollt О 38 -zylindrisch S 376 Halbapogamie S 285 Halbfach S 330 Halbfaulnisbewohner H 137 Halbherkogamie S 316 halbiert A 247, D 239 -herzformig D 239 HalblameUe S 321 Halbliane S 325 Halbsaprophyten H 137 Halbscheidewand S 363 Halbschmarotzer H 133 Halbspreite S 322 Halbstrauch S 1272 Halbstaucher H 135 Halbstrauch-Formation S 1273 Halbiiberpflanzen H 130 Halm С 15, 950 Binsen- С 15 Gras- С 950 Rohr- С 15 Schwimm- H 475 Halobenthos H 10 Halobion H 11 Halodrymium H 12 Halonereiden H 13 Halophyten H 16 Haloplankton H 17 Hals С 442, 633 Wurzel- С 633 -halsig С 630 haltend T 96 Haltung H 4 H&matochrom H 8 hammerformig M 81 hamsterbraun N 121 hamsterfarbig N 121 handbreit P 43 Handbuch E 123, M 95 handfdrmig P 44 -gelappt P 48 -geschnitten P 51 -gespalten P 46 -zusammengesetzt P 45 Handgriff M 97 handlappig P 48 handnervig P 49 handschnittig P 51 Handschrift M 98 handspaltig-gefingert D 216 handteilig P 50 hange- С 870, N 205 Hangefrucht С 871 hangend P 232, S 1321 hangewurzelig E 8 Hangrichtung E 492 Juipaxanthisch H 23 Haplobiont H 25 haplochlamydeisch H 27, M 404 Haplodiplobiont H 29 Haplogenese H 30 Haplogonidium H 31 haploid H 32 Haploidgeneration G 34 haplokaulisch H 26 Haplomitose H 33 Haplont H 25 haploperistomatisch H 35 Haplophase H 37 haplopolyploid H 38 Haplose H 39 Haplosomie H 40 Haplosporangium H 42 Haplospore H 41 Haplostele H 43 Haplostemonie H 44 haplostemonopetal H 45 Haplozyt H 28 Hapteren H 46 Haptomorphose H 47 Harmonie H 50 harpunenartig H 51 hart A 1072, D 406, F 65, R 319, S 173, 563 -biattrig S 188, 948 -bliitig S 175 -borstig С 769 -fliigelig S 191 -friichtig S 183 -haarig S 195 -holzig S 196 -samig L 223, S 951 -schalig T 146 -zahnig S 185 Harte D 404, R 338 Hartholz D 402 Hartlaubgewachse S 189 hartlich D 405, S 1162 Harz R 168 Balsam- В 26, M 628 Weich- В 28 harzartig R 169 Harzflufl R 174 Harzgang D 387 harzig R 175 harzliefernd R 170 harzreich R 175 harzsaftfiihrend R 170 harztragend R 170 haselnuB-braunfarbig A 1231 hasenbraun L 114 hafllich D 40, T 17 hat besorgt С 966 Haube С 46, G 9 Moos- С 46 Stempel- G 308 Wurzel- С 46, 611, P 687 haubenartig С 48 DEUTSCHER INDEX haubenformig С 48 Haufchen A 63 Haufenfrucht S 594 haufig С 797, F 150 Haufigkeit F 151 Haufungsweise S 545 haupt- P 1208 Hauptachse С 195, P 1208 echte- M 440 Hauptinhalt E 309 Hauptnerv M 136, P 1208 Hauptrippe (ruckenstandige-) D 368 hauptsachlich С 85, JP 1215 HauptsproQ С 195 Hauptstamm С 189 Hauptstengel P 1208 Hauptwurzel P 1208 -hausig О 66 haut- H 527 -biattrig S 124 -los D 22 -mannig H 528 -staubbeutelig H 528 -tragend M 183 Haut С 810, 983, M 181 Auflen- E 481 Frucht- H 529, P 275 Hiill- A 557 Innen- E 135 Innenfrucht- E 135 Markquer- M 143 Ober- E 255 Quer- E 279 Samen- I 204 Sporen- S 809 Wurzel- R 256 Zell- M 181 Zwiebel- S 839 Hautbildungsgewebe D 84 Hautchen G 979, M 184, P 221 hautchenartig P 222 hautchentragend P 223 hautig M 182 Hautschale T 649 Heide E 335 heilend I 2, T 254 heilkraftig О 88, S 33 Heilpflanzen M 138 heilsam M 138, S 33 Heimat P 190 hekistothermisch H 67 Heleophyten H 71 helfend A 1222 Helicismus H 74 heliophil H 79 heliophob H 80 Heliophyten H 82 Heliosciophyten H 83 Heliose H 85 Heliotortismus H 87 DEUTSCHER INDEX heliotropisch H 88 Heliotropismus P 514 Helioturgotropismus H 90 hell D 233, 234, L 27 -aschgrau С 434 -blau С 547 -braun F 183 -gelb F 81, G 146, L 148, S 1011 -grtin P 1203 -hochrot R 400 -karminrot С 550 -purpurrot P 1118 -schwarz L 141 -schwefelgelb S 1281 Hellsamigkeit L 146 Helm С 157, G 9 helmformig G 11 Helminthozezidien H 91 helophylophil H 95 helolochmophil H 96 Helophyten H 98 Heloplankton H 99 helorgadophil H 100 Helotismus H 101 Hemerophyten H 109 hemi- -angiokarp H 112 gamotrop H 131 -haploid H 132 -kleistogam H 120 -kleistokarp H 119 -pentakotyl H 134 -ploid H 136 -syngynisch H 141 -synkarpisch H. 139 -synkotyl H 140 -zyklisch H 122 Hemibasidium H 115 Hemikaryon H 116 Hemiapophyten H 113 Hemiautophyten H 114 Hemidibiose H 124 Hemidystrophie H 125 Hemiepiphyten H 130 Hemikryptophyten H 121 Hemiphanerophyten H 135 Hemiterie H 143 Hemitherophyten H 144 -Hemixerophyten H 146 Hemizellulose H 117 Hemmungsbildung H 607 Hemmungskorper A 868 Hemmungsstoffe I 160 herab--gebogen D 37, R 111 -geknickt R115, 207 -gekrtimmt D 28, R 205 •geneigt P 1296 -geschlagen R 207 -h&ngend D 57, 76, P 232, P 1296 -laufend A 122, В 50, D 26 fast - S 1147 -springend D 95 -steigend С 166 -vorhtingend P 1296 herabw&rtsgebogen R 85 herabwtirtsgekrtimmt R 101 herangewachsen A 219, E 121 heranwachsend N 17 heraus- -gegeben E 49 -gerissen E 419 -gestreckt E 494 -springend P 1322 -stehend P 1284 •treibend D 75 -wachsend E 436 -werfend D 75, E 346 Herausgabe P 1635 herb A 60, S 1082 Herbarium H 159 Herbariumzettel S 133 Herbiziden H 162 herbstlich A 1216 herbstrebenfarbig X 28 Herde G 256 herdenweise auftretend G 255 hereditar H 167 Hereditat H 168 Herkogamie H 166 herkommend N 21, P 1436 Hermaphrodit H 169 hermaphroditisch A 710, H 171, M 407 Hermaphroditismus H 170 hermelinfarbig E 339 hermelinweie E 339 Herpismus H 172 Hertzotropismus H 173 herum- С 453, P 267 -gebogen A 595 -gehend A 495 herunterl&ufig D 26 hervor- -brechend E 346 -gegangen О 270 -gehend О 235 -gestreckt P 1123 -gezogen P 1427 -kommend P 1437 -ragend E 112, 494, P 1284 wenig- - P 1256 -schwellend P 1433 -springend P 1240, 1284 -stehend E 494, P 1284 -tretend E 494, P 1284 Hervorragung P 1285 herz- C 86, 806 herzformig С 806 fast- S 1134 Herzholz D 402 Hesperidenfrucht H 174 hetero--blastisch H 187 772 -chlamydeisch H 192 •chorisch H 193 -dynam H 207 -gam H 215 -gametisch H 212 -gen H 218 -genetisch H 217 -mer H 224 -morph H 228 -phag H 232 -phasisch H 233 -phyadisch H 234 -phytisch H 238 -plastomatisch H 241 -ploid H 242 -sporangisch H 251 -symbiotisch H 257 -taktisch H 260 -tetraploid H 262 -top H 265 -troph H 267 -typisch H 269 -zyklisch H 200 Heteradelphie H 177 Heterantagonismus H 179 Heterantherie H 180 Heteranthie H 181 Heterauxese H 182 Heteroauxin H 183 Heterobasidie H 186 Heterochromatismus H 194 Heterochromosom H 196 Heterodichogamie H 202 Heterodistylie H 204 Heterogamet H 209 Heterogametangium H 211 Heterogamie H 213 Heterogamogonie H 214 Heterogenesis H 216 Heterokarpie H 188 Heterokaryont H 190 Heterokaryose H 191 Heterokinesis H 220 Heteromerie H 222 Heteromerikarpie H 223 Heteromesogamie H 225 Heteromixis H 226 Heteromorphie H 227 Heteromorphose H 229 Heterophtinogamie H 231 Heterophyllie H 235 Heterophyten H 237 Heteroplasie H 239' Heteroplasma H 240 Heterosphytiasis H 243 Heteroprothallie H 244 Heteropyknose H 245 Heterorhizie H 246 Heteroschisis H 247 Heterosis H 248 Heterospermie H 250 Heterospore H 252 Heterostylie H 255 Heterosynapsis H 258 778 Heterosyndese H 259 Heterotaxie H 261 Heterothallismus H 263 Heterotristylie H 266 heterOzisch H 208 Heterozygote H 271 Heterozyst H 201 Heu F 102 Heuschnupfen P 930 hexapedal H 280 hexaphyletisch H 282 hexaploid H 284 Hexenbesen С 484, G 19, S 204 Hibernakel H 288, T 660 Hibernation H 291 Hierobotanik H 297 hilar H 298 Hilfszellen A 1222, S 1420 Himmel J 21 himmelblau A 1248, С 7, 11 fast- S 1111 hin und her gedreht T 360 hinablaufend D 26 hinabsteigend D 88 hinauf A 629 hinaufsteigend A 642 hinauflaufend В 42 hinausstreuend D 75 Hindemisse О 10 hingehorig A 205, P 353 hingestreckt H 443, P 1238, 1336 Hinneigung A 290 hinter О 191, P 1134 hinterer P 1139 hintergelegt P 1134 Hinterhofsoffnung О 191 hinterseitig О 191, P 1139 hinterweisend S 631 hinwelkend M 100 Hinzufugung A 950, 1145 hinzugefugt A 179 hinzukommend A 224 sp§ter- A 225 hinzutretend A 43 hirschfarbig С 244 Histodialyse H 309 Histogenese H 310 histogenisch H 311 Histologie H 313 histolytisch H 315 hitzebestandig T 276 hobelfdrmig D 359 hoch A 480, С 211, E 79, P 1232 sehr- P 1159 ziemlich- A 479 Hochblatt H 626 hochgelb H 556 Hochlandpflanzen P 213 hochragend P 1232 hochrot С 444, P 460, R 369 Hochzeit N 203 hocker- G 142 Hocker G 141, P 1434, T 635 Hockerchen T 630 hockerig G 142, T 626 hodenformig T 148 hodensackformig S 221 Hofchen A 1006 Hohe A 478 Hohenlage A 478 Hohenmesser A 477 Hohenstufe Z 20 hohl- С 158, 201, 564, 689 H6hle A 876, S 638 hohlenbewohnend T 585 Hdhlenkunde S 637 Hohlraum H 598, L 274 Hohlschuppe F 131 holarktisch H 321 Holismus H 322 holo- -benthisch H 324 -blastisch H 325 -chlamydeisch H 326 -endobiotisch H 331 -gymnokarp H 342 -gyn- H 343 -phytisch H 348 -zyklisch H 329 Holobaside H 323 Holodibiose H 330 Holoendophyten H 332 Holoendozoen H 333 Holoenzym H 334 Holoepiphyten H 335 Hologamet H 337 Hologamie H 338, M 26 Hologenie H 340 Hologenotypus H 341 Holomorphose H 345 Holophytismus H 349 Holoplankton H 350 Holosaprophyten H 351 Holotypus H 354 Holozonose H 328 holperig S 17 holz- X 52 -artig L 162 fast-- S 1204 -bewohnend L 164 -farbig L 163 -fressend L 167, X 60 -liebend X 61 -nagend L 167 -verderbend L 167 -wurzelig X 63 -zerstorend L 167 -ziegelig I 49 Holz L 169 Hart- D 402 Herz-D 402 Jung- A 381 Kern- D 402 N'eu- A 381 DEUTSCHER INDEX Saft- A 381 sekundares- S 245 versteinertes- L 225, X 58 Holzbeschreibung X 56 Holzfasem L 154 Holzgefafle V 39 tracheenahnliche- T 375 holzig L 162, X 52 Holzkdrper С 825 Holzkunde X 59 Holzparenchym P 827 Holzpflanzen X 62 Holzring A 800 Holzstamm T 620 Holzstoff L 166 Holzteil H 6, X 53 homalochorisch H 356 homalotrop H 357 Homeorhesis H 377 homo- -blastisch H 359 -chlamydeisch H 362 -dynam H 371 -gam H 384 -gen H 388 -genetisch H 387 -otherm H 381 -ozisch H 373 -phag H 403 -phasisch H 404 -phyadisch H 405 -phyletisch H 406 -phytisch H 408 -ploid H 409 -taktisch H 415 -typisch H 420 -zyklisch H 368 -zygotisch H 423 Homoandrie H 372 Homodichogamie H 369 Homogamet H 382 Homogamie H 383 Homogenese H 386 Homogonie H 389 Homoheterostylie H 391 homoiodiperianth H 393 Homoiohydratur H 395 Homoiokaryose H 392 homoiomerisch H 374 Homokaryon H 361 Homokinese H 365 homolog H 396 Homomerie H 399 Homomix is H 399 Homomorphose H 401 Homonym H 402 HomOoplasie H 376 Homdosis H 378 Homdostasis H 379 HomOosynapsis H 380 Homosporie H 410 Homostemonie H 412 DEUTSCHER INDEX Homothallismus H 416 Homotopie H 418 homozOn H 367 Homozygosis H 421 Homozygote H 422 Honig M 171 honigartig M 176 Honigbehaiter N 56, 61 Honigdecke N 55 Honigdruse N 53, 54, 56 HoniggefaB N 56 honigenthaltend N 54 Honigfalte S 1280 honigfressend M 179, N 57 Honigfurche S 1280 honiggelb H 102, M 176 Honiggrube N 54 Honiggrubchen N 56 honighaltend M 177 Honiglippe L 3 Honigsaft N 51 honigsaftfiihrend N 54 Honigscheibe D 312 Honigschuppe N 54 Honigtau M 178 honigtragend M 177 horizontal H 425 Hormogonimium H 427 Hormogonium H 428 Hormon H 429 Hormozyst H 426 horn- С 814 hornig С 814 horologisch H 431 hufeisenformig H 304 Hiigel G 629 hugelbewohnend С 625 hugelig G 531, G 260 hull- A 759, С 314 Hullblatter I 274, 277, S 839 HuUchen I 273 Hiillchenbiattchen I 273 Hiille I 204, 277, I 48, V 48 Bliiten- I 204, P 270, 286 Chromonema- M 123 Ei- I 204 Frucht- E 243, S 64 Samen- A 582, 1020, E 293, I 204, S 680 Sporangium- P 284 Sporen- P 284 Wurzel- V 48 hullebildend I 274 hullenlos A 72, E 448 Hullfrucht С 1019 Hullgewebe P 273 Hullhaut A 557 Hullkelch P 279 Htillkelchlein С 44 hullsamig A 760 Hullschiauche S 826 HOllschuppen S 839 hullspelzartig G 182 Hullspelze G 181, T 48 auBere-, innere- G 181 Htilse L 84 Glied- L 253 Glieder- L 253 hiilsenartig L 85 hulsenfOrmig L 85 Hiilsenfrucht L 84 hiilsenreich L 86 hulsentragend L 86 hummeltragend В 249 humusliebend S 57 Humuspflanzen О 312, S 58 hund- G 1009 hundert- G 213, H 60 hundertblutig H 61 hundsgemein С 65 hustenstillend В 63 hutahnlich P 684 hutformig P 685 Hutrandschleier С 835 huttragend P 684 Hyalonema H 450 Hyaloplasma H 451 Hyalosoma H 452 hyalosperm H 453 Hyalozyst H 449 hyazynthenblau H 447 Hybride H 455 unechter- P 1511 Hybridisation H 456 vegetative- H 456 Hydathode H 460 Hydroasthesie H 466 Hydrobiologie H 467 Hydroblast H 468 Hydrobotanik H 469 Hydrogamie H 479 Hydroharmose H 481 Hydrokarpie H 470 hydrokarpotropisch H 471 Hydrokleistogamie H 473 Hydroklinie H 474 Hydrokryptophyten H 476 Hydrolyse H 483 Hydrom H 482 hydromegatherm H 485 hydrometeorisch H 486 Hydromorphie H 487 Hydromorphose H 487 Hydronastie H 488 Hydrophyllum H 492 Hydrophyten H 493 Hydrophytologie H 494 Hydroplanktophyten H 496 Hydroplast H 497 Hydroplastiden H 498 Hydrose H 500 Hydrospore H 501 Hydrostereiden H 502 Hydrotaxis H 503 Hydrotrichom H 504 Hydrotrophie H 505 Hydrotropismus H 506 774 Hydrozyt H 478 Hygrochasie H 509 Hygromorphie H 511 Hygromorphismus H 512 hygrophU H 514 Hygrophilie H 513 hygrophob H 515 Hygrophyten H 516 Hygroplasma H 517 hygroskopisch H 519 Hygroskopizitat H 518 hygroskotophil H 520 Hylodophyten H 523 Hylogamie H 524 Hymenium H 529 Hymenophor H 531 hymenopterid H 532 Hyperanisogamie H 537 Hyperchimare H 539 hyperchromatisch H 541 Hyperchromatizitat H 540 hyperdiploid H 542 Hyperdromie H 543 hyperhaploid H 544 hyperhydrisch H 545 Hyperparasit H 547 Hyperplasie H 548 hyperpolyploid H 549 hyperstomatisch H 550 hypertonisch H 552 Hypertrophie H 553 Hypertrophyten H 554 Hypertypie H 555 Hyphalmyroplankton H 558 Hyphasma H 559 Hyphe H 557 Hyphema H 560 Hyphenchym H 561 Hyphopode H 562 Hyphydrogamie H 564 Hypnosporangie H 567 Hypnospore H 566 hypobasal H 569 Hypobasidium H 570 Hypoblast H 574 Hypoderm H 586 hypochionaeisch H 580 hypodiploid H 587 hypogaisch H 589 Hypogeokarpie H 590 hypogyn H 591 hypohaploid H 592, Hypokarp H 575 hypokarpisch H 578 Hypokopula H 582 Hypokotyl H 583 hypolitisch H 596 Hyponastie H 597 Hyponym H 599 hypophloeodisch H 601 Hypophyll H 603 hypophyllopod H 602 Hypophyse H 605 Hypoplankton H 606 775 Hypoplasie H 607 Hypopleure H 608 hypoploid H 609 Hypopodium H 610 hypopolyploid H 611 Hyposporangium H 613 Hypostasis H 614 hypostatisch H 615 hypostomatisch H 616 Hypostroma H 617 Hypothallium H 618 Hypothecium H 621 hypotonisch H 622 Hypotrophie H 623 Hypotypie H 624 Hypovalva H 625 hysteranthisch H 627 hysterogen H 628 Identifizierung I 16 identisch I 15 Idiobiologie I 18 Idioblast I 19 Idiobotanik I 20 Idiochorologie I 21 Idiochromatin I 22 Idiogamie I 25 Idiogenetik I 26 Idiogramm I 27 idiometrisch I 28 Idiomorphose I 29 Idiomutation I 30 Idionym I 31 Idiookologie I 24 Idioplasma I 32 Idiosom I 33 Idioterie I 34 Idiotop I 35 Idiotypus I 36 igelborstig E 9 igelig E 9, 337 igelstachelig E 9, 337 Ikonotypus I 7 Ikotypus I 12 Ikterus I 14 illegitim 1 42 Imbibition I 47 immerbluhend S 386 immerbliitig A 351 immergrun S 387 -biattrig A 354 immergninend S 387 immerlebend S 388 Immigranten I 53 Immigration I 54 Immunit&t I 57 Impfen T 399 Impfung I 184, 188 inaktiv I 73 Inanition I 80 indifferent A 1088, I 117 indigoblau I 119 Indikatoren I 116 indirekt I 120 ineinander--fliessend G 715 -gefaltet G 777 -gewirbt I 249 -gewunden G 777 -miindend A 672 -verflochten G 771 Infektion I 132 Infloreszenz I 141 Inframikrobe I 149 Inframikrobiologie I 150 infraspezifisch I 151 Infrukteszenz I 153 Inhibitoren I 160 initial I 161 Initialzellen I 161 Inklusion I 92 Inkrustation 1 104 inkrustiert 1 105 Inkubation I 106 inlandisch V 72 innen- E 124 -befindlich I 241 -erzeugt E 154 -wendig I 253 -wurzelig E 179 Inneneiweifi E 184 Innenfruchthaut E 135 Innenhaut E 135 Innenparasit E 164 Innenpflanzen E 172 Innenrinde E 168 Innenschmarotzer E 164 innerer I 221 innerhalb I 241 -liegend 1 221 innerlich I 221 Innovation I 165 innovierend I 164 Inquilinismus I 171 insekten- E 212 -bliitig E 214 -fressend I 180 -tragend I 179 Insektengalle E 213 Insektenkunde E 215 Insektivoren I 180 Insektiziden I 178 inselliebend N 107 Insertion I 184 Insolation I 191 inter- -faszikular I 213 -generisch I 214 -kalar I 208 -spezifisch I 232 -zellular I 210 Interkinese I 211 Interkutis I 212 Internationaler Code С 559 Interphase I 223 Interposition I 224 Interreduplikation I 227 Intersterilit&t I 234 DEUTSCHER INDEX Interzelluiargange I 210 Interzellularraum M 132 Intexine I 238 Intine I 239 intra- -axillar I 242 -floral I 244, N 204 -petiolar 1 245 -spezifisch I 246 -staminal I 247 -vaginal I 248 -zellular I 243 Intumeszenz I 256 Intussuszeptionswachstum I 257 involukral I 274 Involukralblatter I 274 Involution I 279 inwendig I 241 irdisch G 102, T 66, 136-irisierend I 282 irreversibel I 283 Irrtum L 52, S 723 irrtiimlich M 85 isabellfarbig I 287 isabellgelb G 146, I 287 Isidium 1 291 isochromozentrisch I 299 isodiametrisch I 305 Isogametangiogamie I 308 Isogameten I 307 Isogamie I 309 isogen I 311 isogenetisch I 311 isogenomatisch 1 312 isogyn I 316 Isohologamie I 317 Isolation I 319 isoliert I 320 Isomerie I 322 Isomerogamie I 324 Isomorphie I 325 Isomorphose I 326 isoph&n I 329 Isophanogamie I 328 isophotisch 1 331 Isophyllie I 332 Isoplanogameten I 334 isoploid I 335 Isoprosphytiasis I 335 Isoprothallie I 336 Isosporie H 410 Isosyntypus 1 340 isotoniscn I 343 Isotypus I 344 Isozdnose I 303 isoz5notisch I 302 isozygotisch I 345 Iteologie I 346 Jahrbiicher A 792 Jahresring A 800 Jakulator J 1 Jarowisation V 74 DEUTSCHER INDEX joch- Z 56 -gliederig Z 66 •paarig J 13 -teilig Z 66 Jochbildung Z 67 Johannestrieb P 1269 Jordanismus J 7 juckend P 1447 juckenerregend P 1447 Jugend J 24 Jugendblatt P 1409 jugendlich J 22 jung J 22, N 169 jtingere(der-) F 2 Jungfernfrtichtigkeit P 160 Jungfernzeugung P 164 jungfraulich V 130 Jungholz A 361 Jungpflanze P 753 junkoid J 18 Jupiter J 21 Kaeoma С 9 K&fergalle С 608 kaffeebraun A 222, С 596, S 407 kahl D 71, G 149, L 29, 87, P 410, 1594 fast- S 1186 -frtichtig P 1596 -schuppig P 1597 -werdend G 148 ziemlich- G 148 Kahlheit G 150 Kahm M 500 kahnfdrmig С 91, N 34 Kakogenese С 3 Kakonym С 3 kalk- -best&ndig С 25 -fliehend С 24 -haltig G 20 -liebend С 23, 25 -meidend G 24 -reich С 20 -stet G 25 kalkig G 20 Kallusbildung С 31, 419 Kallusheteroplasie С 32 Kallushomoeoplasie С 33 Kallushypertrophie С 34 Kallusmetaplasie С 35 Kaloritrop ismus С 37 kalt A 471, F 153, P 1600 Kaltbodenpflanzen P 1603 kaite- P 1600 -liebend A 398, 993, G 909, F 153 Kaltereizkrtimmung С 913 Kalthaus F 152 Kalykanthemie С 41 Kalyphyomie С 45 Kalyptrogen G 49 kalziphil С 25 kalziumoxalat-tragend О 301 kambial С 51 Kambium С 52 interfaszikul&res- I 213 Kambiumring С 51 kamelfarbig С 53 Kamm С 891 kamm- P 205 -artig С 892 -fdrmig P 205 kammig С 892 Kampf urns Dasein С 677 Kanaichen V 152 Kante A 90, 766 kanten- G 202 -frtichtig G 212 -stengelig G 213 kantig A 763, 764, G 202, Q 27 etwas- S 1094 Kapillaritat G 68 Карре С 944 kappenformig С 943 Kaprifikation G 77 Kapsel С 78 Balg- F 117 Deck- P 1715 Moos- С 78, S 816 Schlauch- S 12 Schliess- С 82 Spalt- С 82 Sporen- T 231 Spring- E 76, R 127 Kapseldeckel О 185 Kapselfrucht С 78 kapselftihrend С 79 kapselig С 79, P 1713 kapseltragend G 79 Kapuze С 944 kapuzenformig С 943 kapuzentragend С 943 kardinalrot G 85 Karikographie С 88 Karinalhtihle С 90 karmesinrot С 93, 300, 551 karminfarbig С 93 karminrot С 300 Karotin С 98 Karpell С 103 Karpellodie С 101, 114 Karpellomanie С 102 Karpelltrtiger G 116 Karpode С 107 Karpogamie С 108 Karpogon С 110 Karpolyse С 113 Karpolith С 111 Karpophor С 116 Karpoptose С 119 Karposom С 120 Karposperm С 121 77в Karposphare С 122 Karposporangium С 124 Karpoepore С 123 Karpostegium С 125 Karpostomium С 126 Karpotropismus С 128 Karte T 4 Karunkel С 131 Karyogamie С 135 Karyogramm С 136 Karyokinese С 137 karyoklastisch С 134 Karyologie G 138 Karyolymphe С 139, N 192 Karyolyse С 140 Karyophase G 144 Karyoplasma С 145 Karyoplasmogamie С 146 Karyoplast С 147 Karyopse С 148 Karyorrhexis G 149 Karyosom С 150 Karyotin С 153 Karyotyp С 154 Karzinom G 83 kaseartig С 155 kastanienbraun В 16, С 159 Kastration G 160 parasit&re- P 126 Katabolismus С 162 Katachromasie С 163 Katagenese С 167 Katageotropismus С 168 Kataklinotropismus G 164 Katakorolle С 165 Katalog С 170 Katalyse С 171 Katapetalismus С 172 Kataphorese С 173 Kataphototropismus G 174 Kataplasie С 177 Kataplasma G 178 Katatonose G 179 Katatraumatotropismus С 180 Katharobionten С 183 kathodisch С 185 Ktitzchen A 511, N 175 kleines- A 510 katzchenartig A 508 katzchenfOrmig A 508 katzchentragend A 509 Kauen M 116 Kaulidium G 192 Kauliflorie С 193 Kaulokalyx С 196 Kaulom С 198 Kaulotaxis С 199 kaumspitzig A 171 kegelfdrmig G 726 fast- S 1131 kegelig С 726 777 keil- С 959, S 698 -fflrmig С 959, S 698 Keim E 98, G 132 Keimblatt С 853, В 237 mittleres- M 231 primares- В 237 Keimblattkdrper С 854 keimblattlos A 104 keimblattrig С 855 Keimblattscheide С 610 Keimen G 136 keimend В 231, G 135 Keimesentwicklung E 99 keimfahig G 133, V 105 Keimfahigkeit G 134, V 147 Keimfederchen G 78, P 856 Keimflussigkeit A 524 keimfrei A 1068, S 956 Keimfrucht A 940, S 802 Keimgewebe В 228 Keimgrube U 18 keimhaltig E 102 Keimkoppelung S 1386 Keimkorn G 252 Keimling E 98, P 753 Keimloch M 346 Keimmund M 346 Keimpflanze В 228, P 753 Keimplasma I 32 Keimsack E 101, S 10 Keimscheide С 610 Keimschicht С 52, M 123 Keimschlauch (bei Pilzen) P 1289 Keimstengel H 583 Keimstimmung V 74 Keimtrager S 1320 Keimung G 136 oberirdische- E 257 Keimwurzelchen R 30 keimwurzelig R 32 Keimzelle G 17, 41 weibliche- G 292 kein N 199 Kelch С 40, 50 AuBen- G 44 ' Bliiten-C 50 НШ1- P 279 Neben- С 44 verwachsener- P 175 Kelchbecher H 534 Kelchblatt S 402 kelchblattartig S 399 Kelchbiattchen S 401 -kelchbiattrig S 403 -kelchig G 40 KelcMein С 44 ohne- A 28 kelchlos A 27 Kelchrdhre T 643 Kelchspelze G 181 Kelchzipfeln L 14 kelle- T 615 -fOnnig T 615 Keratium С 235 kerb- G 191 kerbig С 873 Kerbung С 872 Kerbzahne С 872 kerbzahnig С 873 kern- С 132, N 179 Kern G 252, N 195 Zell- С 143, 1032 Kernbildung N 180 Kerndegeneration G 140 Kernfusion С 135 Kerngeriist R 195 Kernhaus A 876 Kemholz D 402 kernig N 181 Kemkdrperchen N 190 Kernlage S 1482 kemlos A 39, 958 KemmaBe A 378 Kemmembran С 152 Kernphasenwechsel С 144 Kemplasma N 192 Kernsaft С 139, N 192 Kernschleife С 398 Kernsegment G 398 KernteUung D 351 indirekte- С 137 raeiotische- M 165 Kerntonne P 523 kemtragend N 181 Kernverschmelzung A 569, С 135, 151, M 381 Kemwandlung P 305 Kernzytologie С 138 kettenfdrmig С 182 -gereiht С 687 keulenfdrmig С 497 fast- S 1125 keulig G 497 keusch P 1636 Kiel G 90 kielig С 91 Kiesbodenpflanzen С 255 kieselartig S 498 kieselhart S 498 Kieselpanzer L 266 Kieselscheidewand P 329 kiesig G 162 Kinenchym G 432 Kinetonema С 437 Kinetoplasten G 438 Kinetosom С 439 kinnbackenfdrmig M 130 Kinoplasma С 446 kirschen- С 233 kirschrot G 234 kissenformig P 1649 Kladenchym С 479 Kladodium С 480 Kladodystrophie С 481 kladogen С 483 Kladomanie С 484 Kladophorum С 485 DEUTSCHER INDEX Kladopodium С 487 Kladoptose С 488 klaff- С 246 klaffend H 287, 318, R 327 Klafter О 233 klafterlang О 234 Klammerstengel A 206 Klammerwurzeln A 206 KMppchen V 29 Klappe V 25 klappenartig V 26 klappemd G 882, S 1031 klappig V 27 klar D 233 Klasse G 492 Klassifizierung G 491 klassisch С 490 Klastotypus С 494 klauen- U 34 Klause E 326 Klebdriise G 154, R 198 Kleber G 187 Klebermehl A 389, G 187, P 1347 Klebkorper R 198 klebrig G 188, L 99, V 142 Klebscheibe S 621 Klebstoff G 187 kleienartig F 199 klein E 444, M 309, P 172, P 1652 -aderig V 63 -§stig R 61 -bartig В 29 -behelmt G 12 -borstig S 470 -buchtig S 528 -doldig U 16 -domig S 744, 751 -facherig L 238 -faserig F 48 -fleckig A 1007 -flockig F 84 -geschnabelt R 350 -gestaltig S 920 -gliederig M 329 -grubig A 486, F 1S7, 139, S 218 -hakig H 19 -hockerig T 629 -kelchig G 43 -kernig N 189 -knollig G 260 -knotig N 137 -lappig L 235 -lippig L 1 -lOchrig P 1124 -narbig M 163 -nervig N 104 -porig P 1124 -rOhrig T 641 -runzelig R 405 -schnabelig R 350, S 1223 -schuppig S 842 DEUTSCHER INDEX sehr- A 1120, M 371, 373, N 5, P 345 -spannenlang S 767 -spitzig A 167, 905 -stachelig A 162 -sternig S 898 -streifig S 1035 -teilig M 329 -traubig R 5 -wandig S 423 -warzig V 81 -wimperig С 425 -wuchsig H 444 -wulstig T 362 -zahnig L 121 -zungig L 194 -zweigig R 61 Kleinart M 352 kleiner M 162, 372 kleinerwerdend D 24 Kleinkern M 333 Kleinklima M 318 Kleinkorperchen M 350 Kleinmutation M 330 Kleinschmarotzer M 335 Kleinspore M 353 kleinster M 371 Kleinstrauch F 173 KleistandrOzie С 504 Kleistantherie С 505 kleistogam С 511 Kleistogamie С 510 kleistokarp С 508 Kleistokarpie С 507 Kleistopetalie С 512 klettenborstig L 51 kletternd A 206, S 112 Kletterhaar G 169 Kletterpflanze L 151 Klimakorhizen С 515 klimakterisch С 516 klimatisch С 517 Klimatypus С 518 Klimax С 519 klimmernd S 112 Klimmhaar G 169 Klinidium С 522 Klinogeotr op ismus С 525 klinotropismus С 529 Klitochoren С 530 Klon С 533 Klonotypus С 534 Klosterzellen С 571 kluftigbenagt R 407 Klumpchen G 165, M 115 klumpig G 260 Klusium С 536 knallend С 882 knapp A 995 knarrend S 1031 knauel- G 176 -bildend С 722, G 176 Knauel G 177 Bliiten- A 63 knauelig G 176 Knephoplankton С 538 knie- G 92 -beugig G 92 -formig G 92 - - gebogen I 148 -gelenkig G 92 knoblauchbiattrig S 209 knoblauchduftend A 423 knochenfrassig С 92 knochenhart О 282 knochensamig О 286 Knochenzellen О 285 KnoUchen N 136, T 630 Knollchenbildung T 628 knollchenformig T 627 Knolle T 623 knospenartige- T 634 Luft- P 1475 Spross- T 623 Wurzel- T 630 Zwiebel- В 307 Zwillings- T 623 knollenfOrmig T 633 Knollenzwiebel В 307 knollig T 636 knolligwerdend T 624 Knopf Bliiten- A 370 knorpelfriichtig S 183 knorplig С 130 Knorren T 635 knorrig С 706 Knospchen G 78, P 856 Knospe G 69, 132 akzessorische- A 43 bedeckte- T 46 Ei- S 821 einfache- S 518 End- T 127 gemischte- M 385 Gipfel- T 127 nackte- N 198 Proventiv- P 1437 Ruhe- P 1437 Samen- G 78 schlafende- D 367, P 1437 Sporen- S 821 Stamm- P 856 Stock- T 660 Terminal- T 127 Uberwinterungs- H 288, T 660 versteckte- I 52 Winter- H 288 Wurzel- R 20 zufailige- A 224 knospen- G 72 -artig G 70 -bildend G 77 -deckig T 50 778 -schuppenartig T 49 -schuppfg P 356 Knospenbildung G 74 knospend В 231 Knospendeckung dachzielige- I 49 gedrehte- С 778 halbreitende- О 38 klappige- V 27 Knospenkern N 176 Knospenlage (ubergerollte-) С 794 Knospenlehre В 234 Knospenschuppe P 355, R 30 Knospensucht С 484 Knospenverwachsung G 43 Knospenzwiebel В 305 knospig G 72 Knospung G 71 Knotchen N 139, T 630 knotchenformig N 138 knotchentragend N 137 knoten- N 135 -reich N 135 Knoten G 58, N 140 Frucht- G 132 Gelenk- G 93 Zwischen- I 220 Knotenweite I 220 knotig N 135, T 626, 636 Koagulation С 542 Koaleszenz С 544 kobaltfarbig С 547 kodominant С 561 Koenzym С 593 Koferment С 593 Kohasion С 601 kohlschwarz A 857, С 81 Koilokarpie С 603 Kokkogonium С 552 Kokkolith С 554 Kokkosphare С 555 Kokkus С 556 Kolben S 602 kolbenartig S 600 kolbenbliitig S 601 kolbenfdrmig A 608 kolbig С 497 Koleogenum С 606 Koleopteronom G 609 Koleoptile С 610 Koleorhiza С 611 Kolesula С 612 koliklindernd T 351 Kollaplankton С 615 kollateral С 619 koUektiv С 621 KoUektivart С 621 Kollektoren С 622 Kollektorhaaren С 622 Kollenchym С 623 Kolleteren С 624 Kolloidomorphose С 632 77» Kolonie С 636 Kolonisten С 637 Kolpenchym С 642 Kombination С 652 neue- С 652 kombiniert С 654 kommensal С 663 Kommensalismus С 664 Kommisur С 666 kompaginiert С 673 kompakt С 672 Kompasspflanzen С 675 Komplementation С 680 kondensiert С 701 Kondylus С 707 konfervoid С 711 Konfiguration С 712 kongenerisch С 718 kongenital С 719 Konidangium С 728 Konidangiumtrager С 727 Konidie С 734 konidientragend С 729 Konidientrager С 523, 730 Konidiostroma С 733 Koniotheka С 737 Koniozyst С 736 konisch С 726 Konjugation С 739 konjugiert С 740 Konkauleszenz С 688 Konkurrenzkampf С 677 Konnektiv С 743 Konnubium С 746 Konokarpium С 747 Konophorophyten С 749 Konskription С 752 a Konsortium С 758 Kontaktbewegung T 293 Kontaktreizbarkeit T 293 kontinuierlich G 775 Kontortoplankton С 776 kontraktil С 779 Konvarianten G 787 Konvergenz G 791 konvergierend С 790 konvex G 793 konzentrisch С 690 fast- S 1129 Konzeptakel С 691 Konzeptbuch A 227 kopalfarbig С 796 Kopf G 80 ohne Bltiten- A 58 Kdpfchen G 72 Kdpfchenhaar G 156 kopffdrmig С 71 kopfig G 71 kopflos A 58 Koprophyten С 799 Kopulation С 739 Kopulieren С 739 korallen- С 803 -formig С 803 -rot С 804 Korbchentrager С 16 Koremium С 807 Kork S 1167 unechter- P 430 kork- -ahnlich P 429 -artig S 1175 -biattrig S 1170 -fruchtig P 426 Korkhaut P 427 Korkhautchen С 979 korkig S 1175 Korkinnenhaut E 150 Korkkambium P 428 Korkrindenschicht P 427 korksamig P 432 Korkstoff P 428, S 1172 Korksubstanz S 1172 Korkwarzen L 95 korkwarzig L 96 Kormophyten С 812 Kormus С 813 korn- G 248 -bewohnend G 239 -fressend G 239, 247 -tragend G 245 Korn G 252, S 276 kornblumenblau G 984 Kornbrand U 84 Kdrnchen G 251 kOrnchenformig G 249 Kornerplasma P 912, 1014 Kornfrucht С 148 kdrnig G 239, 248 Korollchen G 820 Korolle С 816 korollenahnlich С 817 korollenartig С 817 korollentragend G 819 koroUinisch С 817, P 367 Korper С 825 korperlich S 572 Korperzelle S 572 Korpuskel G 826 Korrelation С 827 korrugativ С 830 kortikal С 832 Koryphophyten С 845 Koryphyllie С 844 Korysymphyllie С 846 Kosmasthesie С 847 Kosmobiologie G 848 kosmopolit A 560 Kosmopoliten С 850 kotbewohnend M 191 kotliebend G 798 kotwachsend С 798; S 942 Kotyledone G 853 kotyledonar С 854 Kraft P 1152, R 338, V 141 Kraftfulje V 146 DEUTSCHER INDEX kraftig R 339, S 563, V 19, V 155 kraftigend A 653 kraftigrot R 369 kraUenartig В 223 krankelnd M 470 krankhaft A 240, M 470, P 186 Krankheit M 471 krankheitserregend P 183 Krankheitserreger (pflanzli-che-) P 188 Krankheitslehre N 154, P 185 Krankheitsursachenlehre A 288 kranklich M 470 Kranz G 821, V 90 kranz- -artig С 822 -formig С 822 -fruchtig S 939 kratzend R 42 kraus- С 890, U 7 Krauselung С 889 krausig С 890 etwas- S 1140 Kraut H 156, P 749 krautartig H 157 Krautchen H 165 krauterfressend H 164, P 656 Krauterkunde В 254 Kr&uterkundiger В 256, H 160 Krauterreich H 163 Kr&utersammlung H 159 krautig H 157 Krautschicht S 1018 kreideliebend G 884 kreideweiB С 884 kreidezeitig С 884 kreidig С 884 kreis- С 996 -formig С 451, 996, О 210 fast-- S 1214 -rund С 451, О 210 Kreis С 1000 kreisel- T 652 -formig T 652 kreisend V 159 Kreislauf G 999 Kreisschusselchen G 315 Kremastoplankton G 867 Kremnophyten С 869 Krenobionten С 874 Krenoplankton С 876 Krepitakel С 881 kreuz--dornig S 881 -Krmig G 896 -stachelig S 881 -st&ndig D 29 Kreuz С 905 Kreuzbest&ubung G 193, P 923, S 884, X 21 DEUTSCHER INDEX Kreuzsterilitat 1 234 Ivreuzung H 456 natiirliche- N 26 Ivreuzungsgemeinschaft S 1421 Kreuzungsprodukt H 455 kreuzweise- С 896, D 29 Kribralteil L 123 kribrovasal G 886 Kribrovasalbiindel M 259 kriechend und wurzelnd R 150 Kris tall G 936 kristallbildend С 934 Kristalldruse D 382 kristallin С 932 Kristallktirperchen С 935 Kristallnadeln R 68 Kristallochoren С 933 Kristalloiden G 935 kronblatt- P 364 •fOrmig P 367 -stAndig E 276 -tragend P 365 Kronblatt P 370 -kronbiattrig P 364, 365 KrOnchen С 824 Krone С 816 freibiattrige- G 816 maskierte- P 349 schmetterlingsartige- P 79 verwachsenbiattrige- С 816 krdnend С 823, S 938 kronenfdrmig С 822 kronenlos A 888 kronentragend С 823 Kronrdhre С 816 Kroneaum С 816 Kronschlund С 816 Kronzahne G 816 Kronzipfeln L 14, С 816 -formig S 1056 -tragend S 1055 Kropf S 1053 kropfig S 1055 Krug (kleiner) U 63 krugfdrmig U 82 krugig U 82 krumm A 689, С 56, 973, H 454 etwas- H 585 -laufig A 595, С 57, 58 -nervig С 974 -wendig С 58 Krummung С 971 Kruste С 901 krustenartig С 902 krustenfdrmig С 902 krustig I 105 Kryoplankton G 910 Kryoplanktophyten С 911 kryoskopisch С 912 Kryptogamen С 919 Kryptogamie С 920 kryptogenetisch G 922 Kryptohaplomitose G 923 Kryptohylbride С 924 Kryptomerie С 925 Kryptomitose G 926 Kryptophyten С 928 Kryptoplasma G 929 Kryptopore С 930 Kryptostoma С 931 Kryptozezidie G 918 Kteinophyten G 937 Ktetologie G 939 Ktetosom G 940 kubisch G 941 kugel- G 166, S 699 -ahnlich S 699 -ahrig S 716 -frtichtig S 704 -rund G 166 fast- - S 1187 -samig S 713 Kugek-hen G 168, S 718 kugelig G 166, S 699 Kugelzapfen G 8 ktihl A 471 kulinarisch С 948 Kultigrex С 953 Kultiplex G 954 Kultivar С 955 kultiviert С 957, S 88 Kulturbiozdnose A 335 kulturdifferent H 106 kulturfahig H 107 kulturfeind H 108 kulturfltichtig S 1233 Kulturfltichtlinge E 329 Kulturform С 951 Kulturfreunde H 109 Kulturlandunkrtiuter E 331 kulturmeidend H 108 Kulturpflanzen A 342, С 957, E 330 Kulturpflanzenart С 952 Kulturpflanzensammelart С 954 Kulturpflanzensorte G 955 Kulturrelikte E 328 Kulturschwarm С 953 Kultursortengruppe С 953 Kummerwuchs IN 7 Kunde S 163 Areal- С 367 Arznei- P 422 Arzneiwaren- P 421 Baum- D 62 Bliiten- A 843 Boden- E 43, P 215 Farn- P 1608 Flechten- L 158 Frucht- С 112 Gift- T 369 780 Grtiser- A 344 HOhlen- S 637 Insekten- E 215 Krauter- В 254 Landwirtschafts- A 338 Moos- В 299 Natur- S 163 Pflanzen- В 254 Pilz- M 609 Samen- S 687 Sporen- S 687 Kunstausdruck T 131 Kunstgdrtnerei T 340 ktinstlich A 1049 kupferbronzig A 243 kupferfarbig A 243, С 962 kupferrot G 254, 962 kupfer-spangriin A 278 Kupula С 963 ktirbisahnlich С 946 Ktirbisfrucht P 252 Kurvipetalitat С 975 kurz- В 270, 287 -astig В 274 -fiiflig В 277 -gestielt P 210 -gezahnt В 276 -haarig H 307 -lebig E 228 -rohrig В 292 -steifhaarig H 307 -stengelig В 273 -stielig В 277 -tagig В 289 -triebig В 271 -zdhnig В 276 -zweigig В 274 Ktirze В 291 Kurzgriffligkeit В 279, M 359 Kurztrieb В 272 Ktiste L 228 ktistenbewohnend L 227 Kutikula G 979 Kutin С 981 Kutinisierung С 982 Kutis С 983 Labellisation L 2 Labellisierung L 2 Labellumsunterdrtickung A 71 labyrinthisch L 8, M 70 Lache L 23 lachsfarbig S 24 Lage P 1126, S 540 Lager T 227 Bliiten- A 839 Frucht- S 1040 Pilz- M 598 Schein- P 1583 Sporen- A 940, S 1016 lagerahnlich T 224 781 lagerartig S 1042, T 224 Lagerpflanzen T 226 I&hmend T 353 lakunar С 201 lakustrisch L 26 Lamarckismus L 32 Lamelle L 33 Land R 419 • Idndlich R 418, 421 Landpflanzen T 139 Landsee L 25 landseebewohnend L 26 landwirtschaftlich A 339 Landwirtschaftskunde A 338 lang L 255, M 3 -behaart С 887 -biattrig L 259 -bliitig L 258 -dauernd L 256 -fadig M 4 -friichtig M 15, R 222 -gespitzt С 977 -gestreckt E 94 -griffelig L 261, M 59, S 1079 -haarig С 887 -jahrig L 256 -lebend M 13 -lebig L 256, M 13 -narbig D 364 sehr- P 332 -steifhaarig H 306 -tagig L 257 -wierig С 400 -zahnig L 256 a -zugespitzt A 166 Langdurchschnitt S 241 Lange L 261 langer als S 1284 Unglich E 94, О 17 •gefaltet D 395 -rund E 92 langsam L 99 langsgefaitet С 705 langsiaufig A 1241 langschnabelig L 260 Langschnitt S 241 Langspitze С 978 Langspore M 51 Langszeilen О 266 Langtrieb M 14 lanzett- L 41 -fdrmig L 41 lanzettlich L 41 lanzlich L 41 Lappchen L 170, 236 Lappen L 237 Lappengliederung L 232 lappig L 233 latent L 58 Latenz L 59 Latenzzeit L 59 Latex L 62 lattenfOrmig T 312 laub- F 156 Laub F 108, 158 Laubblatt F 114, 158, N 148 laubbiattrig F 157 Laubfall D 41 -laubig F 109, 157 Laubkrone С 821 Laubmittelschicht M 244 Laubsucht P 568 Laubwald N 76 Laubwerk F 108 lauchgrun P 1122, 1203 Lauf С 968 -laufend F 176 laugenhaft A 383 Lausesucht P 532 lavendelblau С 12, L 72 Leben В 186, V 144 lebend H 2, V 47, 115 lebendfarbig L 27 lebendgebarend V 156 lebendig V 47, 155 Lebensalter A 284 Lebensbezirk В 156 Lebensdauer D 403 lebensfahig V 105 Lebensfahigkeit V 106, 147 Lebensformenspektrum S 632 Lebensgemeinschaft В 160, S 1336 Lebenskraft В 165, V 146 lebenskraftig V 145 lebenskundlich В 172 Lebensraum В 156 Lebensstatte В 195 Lebenstatigkeit В 186 Lebenstiichtigkeit V 147 Lebensweise В 178 Lebenszeit A 284, D 403 Lebenszyklus В 161, С 1000 Lebensunfahigkeit I 270 leberbraun H 149 leberfarbig H 149 Lebermooskunde H 148 Lebewesen О 221 lebhaft A 330, L 27, V 47, 145 lebhaftrot R 388 leblos A 12 lecanorin L 76 lecideaartig L 77 leder- С 808 lederartig С 808 fast- S 1136 lederbiattrig S 233 ledergelb A 482 lederig С 808 Lederkork P 281 leer С 158, F 24, I 79, V 8 Leerbltttigkeit С 212 Leerfruchtigkeit С 603 legitim L 82 lehmartig A 1011 DEUTSCHER INDEX Lehmbodenpflanzen P 226 lehmgelb A 1011 lehmgelblich L 279 lehmig A 1012, L 281 lehmliebend S 737 leichengelb L 277 leicht F 7 leier- L 288 leierfdrmig L 288 Leiffel N 30 Leim V 143 leimig G 188, I 350 Leimzotten С 624 Leitbiindel aufleres- E 278 bikollaterale- В 102 kollaterale- С 619 leitend С 704 leiterformig S 109 LeitergefaBe V 39 Leitgewebe T 55 Leitkorperchen С 219 Lektoallotypus L 78 Lektotypus L 79 lenitisch L 93 Lentizellen L 95 Lepisma L 112 Lepizena L 104 Lepozyt L 113 Leptom L 123 Leptonema L 124 Leptophloem L 126 Leptosporangium L 129 Leptotan L 131 Leptoxylem L 132 Leptozygotan L 133 Lepyrophyllie L 134 letal L 135 leuchtend F 181, L 270, 275, N 122 Leukoplast L 144 Leukosom L 145 Leukospermie L 146 Leukozyan L 139 Leukozyst L 140 Liane L 151 Libriform L 154 Libriformzellen L 154 -lich S 1085 Lichenismus L 156 licht- D 233, H 76, L 282, P 471 -erzeugend P 485 -gelbbraun A 1011 -liebend H 79, P 502 -los A 894 -meidend P 503 -suchend P 502 Lichtblatt H 81 Lichtempfindlichkeit P 473 LichtgenuB P 489 Lichtmesser P 493 Lichtperiode P 500 DEUTSCHER INDEX Lichtplankton P 469 Lichtreiz P 510 negativer- С 174 •liebend P 437 liebereizend A 899 lieblich A 488, 527, S 1084, V 64 Lignin L 166 ligular L 172 lilafarbig L 174 lilien- L 175 -fOrmig L 175 limnetisch L 181 Limnobiologie L 182 Limnophyten L 184 Limnoplankton L 185 lindernd S 251 linealisch L 191 lineal-lanzettlich L 43 Linie L 190 linienartig G 238 linienfdrmig L 191 liniiert L 193 link L 30 links L 30, S 523 -gedreht S 525 -griffelig A 1023 •seitig S 523 -windend S 524 Linse L 94 linsenfleckig L 98 linsenformig L 97 Lipase L 197 Lipochondrien L 198 Lipochrom L 199 Lipoiden L 202 lipolytisch L 203 Lipophanerose L 204 lipophil L 205 Lipoxenie L 207 Lipozyanin L 201 Lippchen L 3 Lippe L 6 lippen- С 272 -bltitig L 4 LippenfuO H 579 lippig L 4, С 272 Lirella L 210 Liste D 47, R 151 Lithiasis L 214 Lithophyten L 222 Lithothelma L 224 Lithozyst L 217 Litoplast L 206 Lobation L 232 Loch P 1125 ldchrig F 122 -Offnend P 1105 locker С 251, L 73, R 71 -biattrig S 611 -markig I 79 Lodikula L 248, S 841 ldffel- С 557 -formig С 557 Logonym L 249 Logotypus L 250 lokal T 341 lokomotorisch L 240 lokulizid L 243 los A 1, 628, 879, 913 E 1, 415, I 45 lOsbar S 566 lose S 570 losgerissen A 1236 Ldsung S 569 lotrecht P 343, V 87 lowenfarbig L 100 ldwenzungig L 101 Lozellus L 239 Lucke L 23 luft- -bedurftig A 264 -bewohnend A 260 -haltig A 259 -tragend A 261 Luftblase S 10 Luftbiatter A 259 Luftfasem T 374 Luftfriichtigkeit A 265 Luftgewebe A 257 luftig A 259 Luftknolle P 1475 Luftliicke L 23 Luftpflanzen A 272, E 283, P 417 Luftplankton A 274 LuftrOhren T 374 Luftsack S 10 Luftschweber A 275 Luftsprosse A 259 Luftwurzel A 259 Lupe L 94 Lustgarten V 134 Lusus L 278 luxurierend L 284 Lysenchym L 289 lysigen L 291 lysikarpisch L 290 Lysine L 292 -lytisch L 294 mechanisch M 133 Mechanomorphose M 134 Mechanotropismus M 135 machtig P 1151 mager E 445 Magnetotropismus M 71 Mahne J 9 mahnenfOrmig J 10 Makel M 64 makroaerophil M 7 Makroandrospore M 8 Makroaplanogamet M 9 Makroaplanosporangium M 10 Makroaplanospore M 11 Makrobiokarpie M 12 782 Makroevolution M 21 Makrogamet M 22 Makrogametangium M 23 Makrogametophyt M 25 Makrogametozyt M 24 Makrogonidium M 27 Makrogamie M 26 Makrogynospore M 28 Makroklima M 16 Makrokonidium M 17 Makromutation M 29 makromyophil M 30 Makrophyten M 35 Makrophytoplankton M 36 Makroplankton M 37 Makroplanogamet M 38 Makroplasten M 39 Makropleuston M 40 Makroprothal M 41 Makropyknidie M 42 Makropyknokonidium M 43 Makropyknospore M 44 Makroseston M 48 Makrosklereiden M 46 makroskopisch M 47 Makrosom M 49 Makrosporangium M 52 Makrospore M 51 Makrosporenbildung M 54 Makrosporentr&ger M 56 Makrosporogenese M 54 Makrosporogonium M 55 Makrosporophyll M 57 Makrostylospore M 58 Makrosymbiont M 60 Makrozoogonidium M 62 Makrozoospore M 62 Makrozyst M 18 Mamille M 86 Mandel A 611 mandelformig A 613 raandeltragend A 612 mangelhaft A 804, D 33, M 89 Mangrove-Formation H 12 mann- A 690 Manna M 93 mSnnig- A 690 mannigfaltig V 38 Mannigfaltigkeit V 31 mannlich M 113 mannslang О 234 Mannsl&nge О 233 ' mannweibig A 710, В 216, M 407 Mannweibigkeit A 711 Manoverpflanze S 1016 Manschette A 1030 mantel- С 314 Mantel T 649 Samen- A 1020, E 293, S 680 Manubrium M 97 Manuskriptname С 310 788 margaritenartig M 104 Mark M 142 gehorig zum- M 143 markartig M 143 Markgewebe M 142 markiert N 157 markig M 144 Markquerhaut M 143 Markrohre M 143 Markscheide V 13 Markschicht S 1018 Markstrahlen M 143, R 40 marmorartig M 111 marmoriert M 111 Maschenbildung A 1008 marschig U 5 maschig A 1007 Maserbildung E 479 Maserknolle E 479 maskiert P 349 MaOe M 114 mafiigend T 85 Massula M 115 Mastigodesmose M 118 Mastigonemen M 119 Mastigosom M 120 Mateonym M 121 Matrix M 123 Matroklinie M 124 matt I 66, О 181 mattweie A 382, С 884, V 130 mauerbewohnend M 580 mauerformig M 582 Mauerpflanzen M 580 mausahnlich M 618 mausfarbig M 583 mausgrau M 583 mauseschwanzahnlich M 631 Mazaedium M 131 Mazeration M 2 Medianebene M 136 Mediannerv M 136 medizinal I 2, M 138 Meer M 103 meerbewohnend M 109 Meeresvegetation R 221 meergrun T 219 Megaevolution M 146 Megalogametogenesis M 150 Megasporenmutterzelle M156 Megasporozyt M 156 megathermisch M 159 mehlartig F 17 mehlig A 614, F 18 mehlstaubartig F 17 mehlstaubig F 18 Mehltau A 376 mehr- P 798, 857 -briiderig P 937 -deutig A 254 -eiig P 870, 1015 -facherig M 549, P 1002 •fruchtbiattrig P 859 -frtichtig P 950 -gliederig P 801 -jahrig P 261, 858 -kelchblattrig P 1044 -kernig P 955 -quirlig P 800 -strahlig P 943 -wendelig P 800 -wirtelig P 800 -zellig P 860 mehr oder minder P 881 mehrere С 684, M 577 mehrmalsfruchtend M 532 -meidend P 454 Meinung S 397 Meiophyllie M 164 Meiose M 165 Meiosporangium M 168 Meiospore M 167 meiothermisch M 170 meiotisch M 169 Membrane M 181 Mendelismus M 186 mennigfarbig M 370 mennigrot M 370 menschen- A 859 menschenliebend A 861 Menschensamlinge A 860 Menschenverbreitung A 860 Merenchym M 193 Meridialpflanzen С 675 Merikarp M 195 Merispore M 198 Meristem M 199 primare- M 199 sekundare- M 199, S 245 meristematisch M 200 meristogenetisch M 201 Meristrophe M 202 Merkmal С 260, P 1310 meroblastisch M 204 Merogamie M 327 Merogonie M 208 Merokonidium M 205 Meromorphose M 209 Meroplankton M 210 Merotomie M 211 Merotypus M 212 mesarch M 214 Mesenchym M 215 mesendobiotisch M 216 Mesexinium M 218 Mesidium M 219 mesoaerophil M 220 Mesochiton M 224 Mesodendrobiont M 230 Mesoderm M 231 Mesogamie M 233 Mesogonidium M 234 mesogonimisch M 235 mesohygrophytisch M 236 Mesokarp M 222 MesokoUa M 225 Mesokotyl M 227 DEUTSCHER INDEX Mesologie M 237 Mesomitose M 238 Mesophanerophyten M 240 mesophil M 241 Mesophloem M 242 mesophotisch M 243 Mesophyll M 244 Mesophyten M 245 Mesoplankton M 246 mesosaprob M 248 Mesosaprophyten M 249 Mesoseston M 250 Mesosperm M 251 Mesospore M 252 Mesosporinium M 253 Mesostylie M 254 Mesothecium M 255 mesothermophil M 256 mesoxerophytisch M 257 Mesozyklus M 228 Mesozyst M 229 messend M 301 messerformig С 956, S 111 Mestom M 259 Metabiose M 260 Metabolismus M 262 metachromatisch M 265 metadrom M 266 Metagynie M 268 Metakinese M 269 Metalimnion M 270 metallfarbig M 271 metallglanzend M 271 metallschimmernd M 271 metamer M 273 Metamerisation M 272 Metamitose M 274 Metamorphose M 275 metamorphosiert M 276 Metanaphytose M 277 Metandrie M 278 Metanema M 279 Metanthese M 280 Metaphase M 281 Metapherie M 282 Metaphloem M 283 Metaplasie M 285 Metaplasma M 286 Metastaminodium M 287 Metastase M 288 Metasyndese M 290 metatonisch M 291 metatopisch M 292 metatracheal M 293 Metatrophie M 294 Metatypie M 295 Metatypus M 296 Metaxenie M 297 Metaxylem M 299 Metazezidie M 263 meteorisch M 300 Metonym M 301 Metula M 305 DEUTSCHER INDEX mikroaerophil M 310 Mikroanalyse M 311 Mikroaplanogamet M 312 Mikroaplanospore M 313 Mikrobenthos M 314 Mikrobiologie M 315 Mikroelemente M 321 Mikroevolution M 322 Mikroflora M 323 Mikrogamet M 324 Mikrogametophyt M 326 Mikrogamie M 327 Mikrogonidium M 328 Mikroklima M 318 Mikrokonidium M 319 Mikromutation M 330 Mikron M 331 Mikronukleolus M 332 Mikronukleus M 333 Mikroorganismus M 334 Mikroparasit M 335 Mikrophanerophyten M 336 Mikrophyten M 338 Mikrophytologie M 339 Mikrophytoplankton M 340 Mikroplankton M 341 Mikroplanogamet M 342 Mikropleuston M 343 Mikroprothallium M 344 Mikropyle M 346 Mikropylwulst С 131 Mikroseston M 349 Mikrosklerotium M 347 mikroskopisch M 348 Mikrosom M 350 Mikrosorus M 351 Mikrosporangium M 354 Mikrospore A 730, M 353 Mikrosporenbildung M 356 MikrosporenmaOe M 115 Mikrosporentrager M 357 Mikrosporogenese M 356 Mikrosporophyll M 358 Mikrosporozyt С 355 Mikrostylie M 359 Mikrostylospore M 360 Mikrotaxonomie M 361 mikrothermophil M 362 Mikrothermophyten M 363 Mikrozoospore M 364 Mikrozyst M 320 Milbenb&rte A 35 Milbengalle A 34 Milbenh&uschen A 35 milbenliebend A 36 milbentragend A 32 milch- G 4 -farbig L 22 -gebend L 21 -saftig L 21 -saftfiihrend L 21 •safttragend L 64 -weifl G 4, L 22 -weiflbliitig G 6 milchend L 21 Milchrihre L 64 Milchsaft L 62 Milchsaftgef&Be V 39 MilchsaftrOhre L 64 Millimikron M 368 mindenstens S 28 minderzahlig О 116 Mine H 598, N 145 Blasen- P 599 Blatt- P 572 Falten- P 1626 Frucht- С 115 Gang- О 189 Platz- S 975 Schmetterlings- L 108 Spiral- H 75 Strahlen- A 1092 Minengang О 189 Mineralisation M 369 Mineralisierung M 369 Mischkultur P 975 • Mischling H 455 Mischomanie M 375 Mischwalder M 385 Miflbildung M 466 Miflbildungslehre T 117 miflgebildet A 16 miflgestaltet M 467 Mistbeet P 1648 mistbewohnend F 64 mistig S 943 mistwachsend С 798, S 942 mit S 1369 Mitarbeiter С 614 Mitbewerbung С 677 mitoklastisch M 377 mittel- M 139, 213 -ldndlich M 141 •meerisch M 141 -punktfliehend С 216 -punktsuchend С 218 -stftndig С 215, I 217, M 136, 139 fast- - S 1120 Mittelband С 743 Mittelblatt M 244 Mittelklappe M 137 Mittelnerv С 851, M 136, P 1208 Mittelrinde M 226 Mittelrippe С 851 Mittelsaulchen С 647 Mittelstiick A 1048, С 743, I 220 mittendurchbefestigt M 140 mittler M 136, 213 mittlerer I 217, M 139 Mixie M 381 Mixochromosom M 382 Mixoploidie M 383 mixotroph M 384 Mizelle M 308 moderig M 494 784 Moderpflanzen S 58 molekuiar M 388 Molekiilverbindungen T 18 monadelph M 393 monandrisch M 394 monangisch M 395 Monasterbildung M 396 monatlang M 189 mondfOrmig L 276 Monoblast M 398 Monochasium M 403 monochlamydeisch M 404 monodesmisch M 413 monodynam M 414 monogam M 417 monogen M 419 Monogenese M 418 Monohybride M 423 monokarpisch M 399 Monokarpium M 400 Monokaryon M 427 monoklinisch M 407 monoklonal M 408 monokotyl M 409 Monokultur M 410 Monolepsis M 428 monomorph M 430 monophag M 432 monophyletisch M 433 monophytisch M 435 monoplanetisch M 436 monopleurisch M 437 monopodial M 439 Monopodium M 440 Monosie M 445 Monosom M 446 Monosporangium M 449 Monospore M 448 Monostele M 450 monostemon M 451 monosymmetrisch M 453 monothezisch M 455 monotop M 457 monotrich M 458 monotrop M 460 monotroph M 459 monotypisch M 461 monoxen M 462 mondzisch M 415 monozygot M 463 monozygotisch M 463 monozyklisch M 411 ' monstrds M 467 MonstrOsitdt M 466 Moor P 58 moorig P 56, 59, U 5 Moorpflanzen U 5 Moos M 585 moosahnlich В 298 moosartig В 298 Moosbtichse С 78, T 231 Moosbuchsel U 89 Moosfrucht S 816 786 Mooshaube С 46 mooeig M 584 Mooskapsel С 78, S 816 Mooskelch P 277 Mooskunde В 299 Mooelehre В 299 moosliebend В 300 Moosspore В 301 Mooes tengel S 1318 Moosvorkeim P 1405 mOrderisch S 130 morgenbliihend M 129 morgendlich M 129 morgenl&ndisch О 236 Morphdsthesie M 474 morphogen M 477 Morphogenese M 475 Morphogenie M 476 Morphographie M 478 Morphologic M 479 morphologisch M 480 Morphonomie M 481 Morphonym M 482 Morphophylogenese M 483 Morphoplankton M 484 Morphoplasie M 485 Morphose M 486 Morphotypus M 487 morsch С 92, P 1672 Morschwerden G 89 moschusduftend M 490 moschusriechend M 490 Motilit&t M 492 miicken&hnlich С 748 multifaktoriell M 530 Multiplikation M 557 multipolar M 560 multivalent M 574 Mumienbildung M 578 Mund О 272 mundaufsperrend R 327 Mundbesatz P 317 Mundoffnung О 237 Mundung A 886, О 237, 272, О 288, S 1001 miinzenahnlich N 202 Miirbmachen M 2 Murbwerden С 89 muschelfOrmig-gewunden С 558 mustergdltig С 490 Mutabilitat M 587 Mutagenen M 588 Mutanten M 589 Mutation M 590 Mutterbalg U 95 Mutterboden M 123 mutterharzgebend G 7 Mutterkorn С 502 Mutterkuchen P 724 miitterlich M 122 MuttermaOe M 123 Mutterpflanze H 572, P 151 Mutterzelle С 208, M 122 Mutualismus M 594 Mykodomatium M 607 Mykoflora M 608 Mykologie M 609 mykolytisch M 610 Mykopal&ontologie M 611 Mykorrhiza M 612 ektotrophe- M 612 endotrophe- E 192, M 612 Mykorrhizom M 613 Mykose M 614 mykotroph M 615 myrmekochor M 623 Myrmekosymbiose M 627 Myrrhe M 628 myrtengriin M 629 Myxobakterien M 632 Myxosporangium M 634 Myxospore M 633 Myzel M 598 primares- P 1289 sekund&res- S 245 myzelial M 597 Myzetogenese M 601 n-Generation N 1 2n-Generation N 2 nabel- H 299 -formig U 17 -strangformig F 192 -strSngig F 193 -tragend H 299 Nabel H 300, U 18 Nabelbinde R 66 Nabelfleck С 252, H 300 Nabelgrund О 151 nabelig U 17 Nabellinie R 66 Nabelloch О 151 Nabelschnur F 194 Nabelstrang F 194, R 198 Nabelstreifen R 66 Nabelwarze G 131, О 151 Nabelwiilstchen G 131 nachahmend A 242 nachbar V 111 Nachbarbest&ubung G 61 Nachbarschaft A 204 nacheiszeitig P 1138 nachenfdrmig N 34 nachfolgend P 1134, S 1256 Nachkommenschaft G 85, P 1257, 1271 nachmittdgig P 1142 nachsommerlich P 1130 ndchster P 1440 Nacht N 170 Nachtbliihen N 213 nachtbliihend N 132, 133 Nachtbliiher N 133 nachtbliitig A 72 nachtfalterblumig S 725 DEUTSCHER INDEX Nachtfalterbliiten N 133 n&chtlich N 133, 211 Nachtrag M 94, S 1302 NachtrSge A 178 nackt D 71, G 266, N 198 -bliitig G 267 -fruchtig G 270 -keimig G 268 -samig G 273 -wurzelig E 472 nadel- -blattbewohnend A 84 -formig A 85 -spitzig A 61, 85 -tragend A 85 Nadelblatt A 61 Xadelholzer A 61 nadelig A 61, 85 Nadelkristalle R 68 Nadelpolster P 575 Nadelwalder A 61 nagel- G 194 •griffelig G 195 Nagellange U 35 nagelig U 34 nahe P 1305 nahebei G 140 naheliegend A 209 nahestehend A 954 naheverwandt P 1305, P 1440 nahr- T 589 Nahrboden S 1237 Nahrgewebe E 184 Nahrpflanze N 208 Nahrplasma T 602 nahrstoffarm О 130 Nahrungsmittellehre В 293 Naht R 66, S 1323 nahtfruchtig R 227 nahtig S 1325 nahttragend S 1325 Name N 142 Art- S 625 Gattungs- G 97 Manuskript- С 31 abortiver- A 18 besetzter- P 1191 halbnackter- S 340 legitimer- L 82 mehrdeutiger- A 497 nackter- N 198 neuer- N 86, 169 iiberfliissiger- M 121 ungiiltiger- I 42 verwerfender- R 137 verwirrter- С 717 zweifelhafter- N 142 -namig N 217 nanandrisch N 6 Nanophanerophyten N 9 Nanoplankton N 10 Xanoseston N 11 DEUTSCHER INDEX Napfchen С 963 napfchentragend С 965 napffdrmig A 64, С 964 Narbe С 418, S 970 griff elahnliche- S 1072 Narbendecke S 978 narbenfdrmig S 973 Narbennachreife P 1361 Narbenstutze A 733 narbentragend S 972 Narbentrager S 976 Narbenvorreife P 1365 narbig С 417 narkotisch N 15 Narkotropismus N 16 nasenblutig R 238 nafl H 442, M 68, U 4 Nasse M 69 Nastie N 18 Atio- A 360 nastisch N 19 nativisch N 24 nativistisch N 24 Natur N 25 Naturalisierung N 27 Naturbeschreibung P 596 Naturforscher N 25 Naturgeschichte S 163 Naturkunde S 163 natiirlich N 26 Naturschutz N 25 Naturschutzpark R 162 Naukum N 30 Nautohydrochoren N 33 Navikulen N 35 nebelgrau N 36 nebelig В 36 Nebenblatt S 990 Nebenbiattchen S 985 nebenbiattchentragend S 986 Nebenblattdorn S 742 nebenblattformig S 994 nebenblattlos E 498 Nebenblattranke S 992 Nebenblattscheide О 50 nebenbiattrig S 993 nebenblattvertretend S 992 nebeneinanderliegend С 619 nebeneinanderstehend A 951 Nebenfaden P 114, S 861 Nebenkelch С 44 nebenkelchig С 43 Nebenknospen A 43, 224 Nebenkronblatt P 118 Nebenkrone С 821, P 100 Nebenname S 1440 Nebennerv S 245 Nebenorgane A 43 Nebenperigon P 116 Nebenriefen S 245 Nebenrippe D 368 nebenst&ndig С 619 Nebenstaubgefae S 861 nebenstehend A 951 Nebenstengel S 245 Nebenwurzeln R 23, S 245 negativ N 64 Neidioplankton N 65 Neigungsbewegung N 206 Neigungswinkel A 766 Neismus N 66 Nekriden N 39 Nekrobiose N 40 nekrogen N 43 Nekrohormone N 44 Nekron N 45 nekrophag N 46 Nekroplasma N 47 Nekroplast N 48 Nekrose N 49 Nekrotypus N 50 Nekrozonose N 41 Nekrozyst N 42 Nektar N 51 Nektarbehaiter N 56, 61 Necktardecke N 55, 59 Nektardriise N 54, 56 nektarfressend N 57 nektarfiihrend N 54 Nektargefao N 56 Nektargrube N 54 Nektarie N 52, 56 Nektarienpolster D 312 Nektarstigma N 60 Nektarschuppe N 54 Nektarsporn N 54 nektartragend N 54 Nektarzeichen N 60 Nektismus N 62 Nekton N 63 Nemathezium N 69 Nematoplast N 70 Nematosporangium N 74 Neoendemismus N 78 Neogenesis N 81 neomorph N 85 Neomorphie N 82 neomorphogen N 83 Neomorphose N 84 Neonym N 86 Neoontologie N 87 Neophyten N 88 Neoplasma N 89 Neotenie N 90 neotropisch N 91 Neotypus N 92 Nereiden N 94 neritisch N 96 Neroplankton N 97 Nerv N 106 Mittel- С 851 Neben- S 245 Nervation N 99 Nervatur N 99 nerven- N 100 -betreffend N 98 -folgend N 102 -los E 204 786 nervig N 100 Nerville N 101 Nesselhaar U 88 nesselnd S 982, U 88 nest- N 115 Nestepiphyten H 335 nestfdrmig N 115 netz- -aderig R 192 -artig R 190 -formig R 190 -laufig D 183 -runzelig R 199 Netz R 189 Netzchen R 195 NetzgefaOe V 39 netzig R 190 -geadert R 192 -gerunzelt R 199 Netzwerk R 191 neu N 169, R 77 Neubildung N 79 Neubiirger N 88 neugebildet R 123 Neuholz A 381 Neukombination N 77 neun- E 207, N 166 -griffelig E 208 -m&nnig E 209 -weibig E 208 Neuston N 109 neutral N 111 Neutraltagpflanzen N 111 neutrophil N 112 neuweltlich N 80 nicht A 1, 628, 913, I 45 -aufspringend 1 114 -durchldchert N 152 -kreisfdrmig A 349 -schlafend A 314 nick- N 205 nickend С 240, N 205 nieder- -gebogen D 17, 37 -gedruckt D 80 etwas- S 1149 -gestreckt D 25, H 443, P 1336 -liegend D 25, P 1238, 1336, S 1301 Niederblatt С 176 Niederblattstamm в 1176 Niederschlag P 1165 Niederspross С 161 niedlich E 445, P 1639 niedrig D 57, H 414, P 1652 niedriger 1 137 nierenfOrmig R 145 fast- S 1221 niesenerregend P 1604, S 960 Nischenblatt С 693 nistend N 115 nitratliebend N 125 787 Nitratpflanzen N 126 Nitrifikation N 124 Nitrifikazionsbakterium A 1247 nitrifizierend N 123 nitrophil N 125 Nitrophyten N 126 nodal N 134 Nodien N 140 Nomenklator N 143 Nomenklatur N 144 binare- В 153, N 144 nordisch H 538 nordlich В 251, H 538, S 415 nordlichalpin В 251 nordostlich В 251 nordpolar A 992 nordwestlich В 251 normal N 153 Nosologie N 154 Nosophyten N 155 Nothogamie N 159 Nothomorphe N 160 nothoxen N 161 nototrib N 164 notwendig N 38 nuklear N 179 Nukleobionten N 183 Nukleodesma N 186 Nukleoiden N 188 Nukleolus N 190 Nukleom N 191 Nukleoplasma N 192 Nukleoproteiden N 193 Nukleosom N 194 Nukleozentrosom N 184 Numerotypus N 201 nuptial N 204 nuB- -artig N 174 -formig N 178 •tragend N 177 NuB С 132, N 210 NuBchen N 196 NuBschale P 1669 grime- N 30 NuBschotchen N 175 Nutation N 206 rotierende- С 465 Nutationsbewegung N 206 Nutrizismus N 207 nutzbar U 96 niitzlich U 96 nutzlos I 260 Nuzellus N 176 nyktigam N 214 Nyktinastie N 215 nyktipelagisch N 216 Oangium О 1 ob A 627 obdiplostemon О 7 obenauf- E 229 -schwimmend E 268 obenstehend S 1297 ober- E 229, S 1294 -achselstandig S 1304 -blattstandig E 280 -flachlich S 1289 -irdisch E 257, 301, S 1315 -weiblich E 262 -winkelstandig S 1304 -wurzelstandig E 291 oberer S 1299 Oberfiache S 1290 Oberflachenpflanzen С 258, E 455 oberhalb-schildformig E 274 Oberhaut С 979, E 255 Samen- A 582 Oberhautstoff D 84 Oberlippe L 6 oberste (der-) S 1316 obligat О 14 obliteriert О 16 Obstbaukunde P 1091 Obstgarten H 438, P 1086 Obturator О 32 obwohl A 627 Ochrea О 50 ockergelb О 49 offen A 887, G 246, 263, G 266, P 361 offizinell О 88 offnend D 44 Offnung A 886, О 237, 272 kleine- P 1125 offnungslos N 151 oftbliihend M 532 ohne A 1, 628, 879, E 1, 415, 1 45 Ohrchen A 1154 dhrchenformig A 1156 Ohrlappchen A 1154 Oidium О 89 Oidiumkette О 89 Oidiumspore О 89 Okesis 0 68 okobiotisch О 69 dkogeographisch О 71 dkoklimatisch О 70 Okologie О 72 okologisch О 73 Okomorphose О 74 okonomisch О 75 Okoparasit О 76 Okoproterandrie О 77 Okoproterogynie О 78 Okospezies О 79 Okotonus О 81 Okotop О 82 Okotyp О 83 klimatischer- С 518 Okovariante О 83 Okulieren О 58 01 О 104 olartig О 91 DEUTSCHER INDEX Olbildner E 69 oleanderrot О 92 olenthaltend О 91, 93 Oleokorpus О 95 Oleoplast О 97 Oleosom О 99 olerzeugend О 93 olfaktorisch О 105 olglanzend I 259 olhaltend О 93 Olharze О 98 Oliban О 106 61 ig О 91, U 30 oligodynamisch О 114 oligonitrophil О 117 oligopelisch О 118 oligophag О 119 oligophotisch О 120 oligophotometrisch О 121 oligophyletisch О 122 oligosaprob О 124 Oligotaxie О 128 oligotroph О 130 oligotrophophil О 131 oligotropisch О 132 olivengrun О 134 Olkorper E 70 Olkorperchen E 69, О 95 oloiotrophisch О 135 Olplasma О 96 olreich О 91 Olresinen О 98 olsamig О 100 oltragend О 93 Ombrokleistogamie О 138 Ombromorphose О 140 Ombrophyten О 143 Omnipotenz О 147 omnivor О 148 Omoplephyten О 149 Onologie О 87 Ontogenese О 154 Ontogenie О 154 Ooapogamie О 155 Ooblastem О 155 Oogamet О 162 Oogamie О 163 Oogenese О 164 Oogonium О 165 Ookinese О 166 Oolyse О 167 Oonukleus О 170 Ooplasma О 173 Oosom О 175 Oosph&re О 177 Oosporangium О 179 Oospore О 178 Ootheka О 180 Oozentrum О 158, 296 Oozyst О 159 opalblau О 182 opalfarbig О 182 Ophiurenzellen A 1097 opisthial О 191 DEUTSCHER INDEX Opisthialdffnung О 191 opisthodrom О 192 Opium О 193 opprimierend О 198 Opseospermata О 200 Opsigonie О 202 optimal О 203 Optimum О 204 okologische- О 73 Orangenfrucht H 174 orangenrot A 1151 Orbikulus О 211 Orchidologie О 212 Ordnung О 215 Ordnungslehre T 38 Orgadophyten О 218 Organ О 232 rudiment&res- R 396 Organe Befruchtungs- О 232 Fortpflanzungs- О 232 Geschlechts- О 232 Haft- A 952 Neben- A 952 Rezeptions- R 82 Saug- H 55 Vegetations- О 232 Vermehrungs- О 232 VVachstums- О 2Э2 Zeugungs- G 95 organenbildend О 223 Organellen О 219 Organenlehre О 224 organerzeugend О 223 Organenverschiebung M 282 organisch О 220 Organismus О 221 organogen О 223 Organogenese О 222 Organogenie О 222 Organographie О 224 organoleptisch О 225 Organonymie О 227 Organophylie О 228 Organophylogenese О 229 organoplastisch О 230 organotrophisch О 231 orientalisch О 236 Originalfundort L 246 ornithogam О 245 ornithosphingophil О 247 Ort L 246 am angegebenen- С 476 Orthogenese О 253 Orthogeotropismus О 254 orthoheliotropisch О 256 Orthonastie О 257 Orthoploidie О 261 Orthophototaxie О 258 Orthophototropismus О 259 orthoplok О 260 Orthoselektion О 262 orthosperm О 263 Orthospirale О 264 Orthosporangium О 265 Orthostichen О 266 orthotelomitisch О 267 orthotrop О 268 Orthotypus О 269 Ortlich T 341 Ortsbewegung T 348 Orygoma О 271 Osmometer О 275 Osmomorphose О 276 Osmoregulation О 277 Osmose О 278 Osmotaxis О 279 osmotisch О 280 Osmotropismus О 281 Ostariphyten О 284 Osteosldereiden О 285 ostlich О 236 oszillierend О 273 oval О 291 ovoidal О 297 Ovozentrum О 296 Oxalileuzyten О 302 Oxygenomorphose О 308 Oxygenotropismus О 310 Oxylophyten О 313 Oxy tropismus О 317 Ozeanpflanzen О 45 Ozelle О 48 paar: Z 58 paarig G 67 -gefiedert P 155 Pachynema P 4 Pachynose P 5 Pachytan P 6 P&dogamie P 6 Padogenese P 8 Pagon P 11 Pagophyten P 12 Palaoarcheophyten P 16 pal&oarktisch P 17 Palaobiologie P 18 Paltiobotanik P 19 Palaoendemismus P 21 palaofloristisch P 22 Palaohybride P 23 Palaodkologie P 20 Palaophyticum P 25 palaotropisch P 27 Palisadengewebe G 772 palisadisch P 37 Palisadodermis P 38 Pallium P 42 palmellaartig P 53 Palmellastadium P 52 Palyngenese P 36 Palynologie P 60 Pampinodium P 61 Panaschierung A 374, V 34 Pangenese P 67 Panmixie P 71 panphotometrisch P 73 788 Panphyton P 74 pantoffelartig С 880 pantoffelfdrmig С 22, S 38 pantogen P 76 pantropisch P 78 Panzerchen L 266 Panzerplatte (untere-) H 608 papageifarbig P 1598 papierartig P 86 -bedeckt С 262 Papille P 80 papillentragend P 81 Papillule P 82 Pappus P 84 Parabiose P 89 Parabionten P 90 Parachromatin P 96 parachromophorisch P 97 Paradiphyllum P 102 Paragramm P 103 Paraheliotropismus P 104 Parakarpell P 90 Parakarpidium P 93 parakarpisch P 95 Parakarpium P 94 Paraklimax P 98 Parakme P 99 paralimnisch P 105 Parallelkonjugation P 140 parallelnervig P 107, R 95 parallelzellig P 101 Parallelotropismus P 109 Paralysator P 111 Paramastigot P 112 Paranastie P 113 Paranema P 114 parapetaloid P 117 Paraphyll P 120 Paraphyse P 121 Paraplankton P 122 Paraplasma P 123 Paraplektenchym P 124 Parasaprophytismus P 125 Parasit P 130 parasitar P 126 parasitisch P 127 Parasitismus P 128 Parasitologie P 129 Parastaden P 132 Parasterilit&t P 134 Parastichen P 135 Parasyndese P 140 Parathecium P 141 ' paratonisch P 142 paratracheal P 143 Paratypus P 146 Paravarianten P 147 Parenchym P 149 parenchymatisch P 150 Park V 134 Paronym P 157 pardzisch P 156 Parthenapogamie P 159 78# Parthenogamet P 162 Parthenogamie P 163 Parthenogenese P 164 mannliche- A 705 parthenogenetisch enstanden T 247 Parthenogonidium P 165 Parthenokarp P 161 Parthenokarpie P 160 Parthenospore P 167 Passanten Б 227 passend С 725 passiv P 176 Patella P 178 Pathogenit&t P 182 Pathologie P 185 pathologisch P 186 pathomorphogen P 187 Pathotypus P 189 patroklin P 191 patromorph P 193 Pech P 722 pechschwarz P 677 pedogen P 214 Pedologie P 215 Peitsche F 78 peitschenfOrmig F 76 peitschenlos E 57 Peitschensprosse F 78 peitschentragend F 77 Peitschentrieb F 78 pelagisch P 218 Pelagophyten P 219 Pelochtophyten P 225 pelopsammogen P 227 Pelorie P 228 pentaphyletisch P 247 pentaploid P 249 Peranosis P 254 Perenchym P 260 perennierend P 261 pergamentartig P 266 periandrisch P 269 Perianth P 270 Perianthomanie P 271 periaxial P 272 Periblem P 273 Perichaetium P 277 Periderm P 281 Peridesm P 282 Peridie P 284 Peridiole P 283 Perigamium P 285 Perigon P 286 Perigonblatt T 109 Perigonrdhre T 643 Perigonsaum L 178' Perigonzipfeln L 14 perigyn P 288 Perigynium P 287 perihadromatisch P 289 Perikarp P 275 Periklaaium P 278 perimedulldr P 290 Perine P 291 Periodizitat P 292 peripherisch P 295 Periphyllogenie P 299 Periphyse P 301 Periphyten P 302 Periplasma P 303 Periplasmodium P 304 Periplast P 305 Perisperm P 309 Perispore P 311 peristaminal P 313 Peristom P 317 peristyl P 320 Perithallium P 321 Perithecium P 324 peritheciumtragend P 322 Peritheciumtrager P 323 perivasal P 327 perixyl P 328 Perizykel P 280 perlenartig M 104 perlgrau G 258 perlschnurformig M 397 Permeabilitat P 335 Permutation P 338 Perthophyten P 352 Perzeption P 255 Petalodie P 368 Petalomanie P 369 Petrefakten F 136 Petrophyten P 381 Pfad S 375 Pfahl A 207 pfahlartig P 28 Pfahlwurzel P 28 pfaublau P 204 pfeifen&hnlich T 310 pfeil- S 15, T 371 -biattrig s 16 -formig S 15 Pfeiler С 647 pfirsichbliitrot P 346 Pflanzchen P 753 Pflanze P 749, S 997 ausdauernde- P 261 befestigte- A 291 bliitenlose- С 919 einzelligc- P 1410, U 42 exotische- P 749a feuchtigkeitsliebende- H 516 fleischfressende- 1 180 gallenerzeugende- С 204 gebaute- С 957 geschutzte- T 662 halbverborgene- H 121 helophile- H 98 insektenfressende- I 180 keimblattlose- A 103 mehrjahrige P 261 versteinerte- P 636 verwilderte- E 51 wildwachsende- S 778 DEUTSCHER INDEX Pflanzen- P 601 Acker- S 255 Allerwelt- С 850 Alpen- С 845, О 217 Ameisen- M 626 Bienenfutter- M 177 Bliiten- P 414 Boreal- M 363 Dach- T 45 Dauer- P 261 Detritus- С 354 Dtinen- T 295 Dunkel- S 213 Eis- С 908 Erd- С 412, 928, G 120, T 139 Farb- T 315 Farn- P 1610 Felsen- С 869, L 222, R 413 Fallaubwald- P 1605 Faulnis- S 58 Felsen- С 869, L 222, R 413 Fettblatt- S 1264 Fischteich- T 317 FluB- P 1149 Garten- P 749b Gebirgs- M 468 Gebiisch- A 470 GefaB- V 40 Gestein- P 381, L 222, R 413 Heil- M 138 Hochland- P 213 Holz- X 62 Humus- О 312, S 58 Innen- E 172 Keim- В 228 Kiesboden- С 255 Kletter- L 151 KompaB- С 675 Kultur- A 342, G 957, E 330 Lager- T 226 Land- T 139 Lehmboden- P 226 Luft- A 272, P 417 Mauer- M 580 Meridial- С 675 Moder- S 58 Moor- U 5 Mutter- H 572, P 151 Nahr- N 208 Nitrat- N 126 Oberfiachen- С 258 Polar- С 906 Quellen- С 875 Ruderal- С 353, R 391 Saat- S 255 Saft- С 413, S 1264 Salinen- H 16 Salpeter- N 126 Salz- H 16 DEUTSCHER INDEX Pflanzen Salzboden- H 16 Samen- A 850, P 414, S 668 Sand- A 493, 1002, P 1455 Sandbank- A 521, S 1473 Schatten- S 161 Schling- L 151 Schmarotzer- P 127 Schutt- С 353, R 391 Schwimm- N 22 See- T 221 Sonnen- H 82 Spalten- С 271 Sporen- С 919 SproO- С 812 Stamm- С 812 Stein- L 222 Stock- С 812 Strand- A 352, P 1450 Strom- R 307 Sumpf- H 70, 98, L 187, P 59, S 1264, T 69 Susswasser- D 388, L 184 Zier- D 21, О 241 pflanzenahnlich P 634 Pflanzenanatomie P 673 Pflanzenaufnahme A 795, С 752a Pflanzenauslese S 268 Pflanzenbenennung P 646 Pflanzenbenennungslehre P 644 Pflanzenbeschreibungslehre В 258, P 630 Pflanzenbestand F 82 Pflanzenbiologie P 605 Pflanzenchemie P 610 Pflanzendecke V 45 Pflanzenerkenner В 256 Pflanzenernahrung P 675 Pflanzenforscher В 256, H 160 Pflanzenforscherin H 160 pflanzenfressend H 164, P 656 Pflanzengattungen G 83 Pflanzengemeinschaft P 616 Pflanzengeographie P 628 genetische- E 271 Pflanzengesellschaft A 1085, P 616 Pflanzengesellschaftslehre P 615 Pflanzengesellschaftsstruk-tur S 1432 Pflanzengift P 674 Pflanzenheilkunde P 671 Pflanzenhygiene P 633 Pflanzenkrankheit M 471, P 654, 663 Pflanzenkunde В 254 Pflanzenlehre В 254 Pflanzenliste F 85 Pflanzenorganographie P 649 Pflanzenorganologie P 650 Pflanzenpathologie P 654 Pflanzenphysiologie P 657 Pflanzenreich V 44 Pflanzensaft H 446 Pflanzensammeln H 158 Pflanzensammlung H 159 Pflanzenschlaf N 215, S 582 Pflanzenschmarotzer P 652 Pflanzenschule S 335 Pflanzensoziologie P 615, P 664 Pflanzensystem S 1476 Pflanzenteratologie P 669 Pflanzenuntersuchung P 603 Pflanzenverein S 1460 Pflanzenvererbungslehre P 625 Pflanzenverjiingung A 666 Pflanzenversteinerung В 259 Pflanzenwelt R 129, V 44 Pflanzenwuchs V 45 Pflanzenzergliederung P 673 Pflanzenzucht P 667 Pflanzenzuchtung S 268 pflanzlich P 626, V 44, 46 pflauentragend P 1444 Pflaume P 1446 pflaumenfarbig P 1443 pflaumformig P 1445 Pflock A 207 pfriemenformig S 1247 pfriemlich S 1247 pfriemstachelig E 337 Pfropfbastard С 306, P 1511 Pfropfen С 746 Pfropfreis E 236, I 190 Pfropfung I 184, 188 pH-Wert P 382 -phage P 409 Phagoplankton P 408 Phagozytose P 407 phanerogam P 415 Phanerogamen P 414 phanerogamisch P 415 Phanerophyten P 417 Phanobastard P 389 Phanogenese P 387 Phanogenetik P 388 Phanokopie P 384 Phanologie P 390 phanologisch P 391 Phanophase P 392 Phanosphrmie P 393 ?hanothermisch P 394 hanotyp P 396 phanotypisch P 395 Phanozytologie P 385 Phaophyll P 401 Phaoplankton P 419 Phaoplast P 403 Phaosom P 405 Pharmakodynamik P 420 790 Pharmakognosie P 421 Pharmokologie P 422 Phase P 423 Phellem P 424 Phelloderm P 427 Phellogen P 428 Phelloid P 430 Philosophie P 440 Phlobaphene P 447 Phloem P 448 Phlyktioplankton P 453 -phob P 454 Phobochemotaktismus P 456 Phobophototropismus P 458 Pholadophyten P 461 Pholeobionten P 462 Phonotaxis P 463 Phoresie P 466 photeolisch P 470 photisch P 471 Photismus P 472 Photoauxismus P 474 Photoblast P 475 photochemisch P 476 photochromatisch P 477 Photodinese P 481 Photodynamie P 482 photodynamisch P 483 Photoepinastie P 484 photogen P 485 Photographotyp P 486 Photohyponastie P 487 Photokinesis P 488 Photokleistogamie P 478 Photoklinie P 479 photokolorimetrisch P 480 Photolyse P 490 Photometer P 493 Photometrie P 491 photometrisch P 492 Photomorphose P 494 Photonastie P 495 photonastisch P 496 photoperiodisch P 498 Photoperiodismus P 499 Photophase P 501 photophil P 502 ^hotoreduktion P 506 Photosynthese P 507 Phototaktismus P 508 Phototonus P 510 phototroph P 513 Phototrophie P 512 Phototropismus P 514 Phototyp P 486 Phragmatospore P 518 Phragmoplast P 523 Phragmosom P 524 Phragmosphare P 525 Phragmostichobasidie P 527 Phreatophyten P 528 Phykochrom P 536 Phykodomazien P 538 791 Phykoerythrin P 539 Phykophaein P 541 Phykoporphyrin P 542 Phykopyrrin P 543 Phykorrhiza P 544 Phykoxanthin P 545 Phykozezidien P 535 Phykozyan P 537 Phylesis P 547 -phyletisch P 548 Phyllidium P 553 PhyUoblast P 555 Phyllodie P 569 phyllogen P 564 phyllokarpisch P 557 Phyllokladium P 559 Phyllokollie P 560 Phyllom P 567 Phyllomanie P 568 Phyllomorphie P 569 Phyllopodium P 575 Phylloptose P 576 Phyllotypus P 578 Phyllozyanin P 561 Phyloembryogenese P 584 Phylogenese P 585 Phylogenetik P 586 phylogenetisch P 587 Phylogenie P 585 phylogerontisch P 589 Phylozdnogenese P 583 Phylum P 590 Physiogenie P 594 Physiognomie P 595 Physiologie P 597 Physoden P 598 -phytisch P 601 Phytobenthos P 604 Phytobiologie P 605 phytobiologisch P 606 phytobiotisch P 607 Phytoblast P 608 Phytochorologie P 612 Phytodomatium P 619 Phytodynamik P 620 Phytoedaphon P 621 Phytoelektrogenese P 622 Phytogamie P 623 phytogen P 626 Phytogenese P 624 Phytogenetik P 625 Phytogeogenese P 627 Phytogeographie P 628 Phytographie P 630 Phytohistologie P 631 Phytohormone P 632 Phytom P 638 Phytomerum P 639 Phytomorphologie P 641 Phytomorphose P 642 Phytonomie P 645 Phytonziden P 643 Phytodkologie P 647 Phytoontogenie P 648 Phytophanologie P 655 Phytoplankton P 658 Phytopleuston P 659 Phytoptose P 662 Phytoptozezidie P 661 Phytotaxonomie P 666 Phytotechnik P 667 Phytotelma P 668 Phytothermogenese P 672 Phytotomie P 673 Phytotoxin P 674 Phytotrophie P 675 Phytozezidie P 609 Phytozonogenese P 614 Phytozonologie P 615 Phytozonose P 616 Phytozonotyp P 617 Phytozytologie P 618 Piezotropismus P 680 Pigmentation P 681 Pileozystide P 686 Pilidium P 689 pillenformig P 693 pilz- M 596 -artig F 187 -bewohnend F 189 -formig F 187 -fressend F 190, M 604 -vemichtend F 188 Pilz F 191, M 600 Pilzfaden H 557 Pilzfadengeflecht M 598 pilzfaserdhnlich M 599 Pilzgalle M 606 Pilzhut P 688 -pilzig M 596 Pilzkunde M 609 Pilzlager M 598 ohne- A 610 Pilzwurzel M 612 pinselformig P 234 pinselhaarig P 234 pinselig P 234 Pistill P 720 pistill- F 33, P 716 Pistillodie P 719 Pistillstiule A 733, G 309 Plagiophototaxis P 734 Plagiophototropismus P 735 plagiotrop P 737 plakochromatisch P 728 Plakoplasten P 729 Planktologie P 738 Plankton P 739 Desmo- D 103 Dunkel- S 214 Gaso- G 60 Helo- H 99 Holo- H 350 Knepho- С 538 Kolia- С 615 Kontorto- С 776 Kremasto- С 867 Kreno- С 876 DEUTSCHER INDEX Кгуо- С 910 Licht- P 469 Limno- L 185 Luft- A 274 Makro- M 37 Mero- M 210 Meso- M 246 Mikro- M 341 ozeanisches- О 46 Pseudo- P 1151 Quellen- С 876 Rhaphidio- R 69 Sapro- S 61 Sira- S 538 Sphaero- S 701 Stagno- S 855 SuOwasser- L 185 Teich- H 72 Telmato- T 70 Ultra- U 11 Wasser- H 495 Wind- A 750 Planogamet P 745 Planospore P 747 Planozygote P 748 Plantage P 751 Plasmabrucke P 760 Plasmahaut(auBere) M 181 Plasmakdrnchen M 350 Plasmalemma P 756 plasmatisch P 757 Plasmaverbindungen P 760 Plasmodesma P 760 Plasmodiokarpium P 761 Plasmodium P 762 Plasmogamie P 763 Plasmogenesis P 764 Plasmolyse P 766 plasmolytisch P 767 Plasmonema P 768 plasmophag P 769 Plasmoptyse P 771 Plasmotomie P 773 Plastid P 775 Plastidom P 776 Plastidule P 777 Plastin P 778 plastisch P 774 Plastochron P 780 Plastodesma P 781 Plastodynamie P 782 Plastogen P 784 Plastotyp P 786 platt P 742 Pl&ttchen L 33 pl&ttchenftirmig L 34 pl&ttchen tragend L 35 Platte D 312, L 36 aquatorial- A 247 plattgedrtickt D 80 Platz S 252 schattiger- U 23 platzend E 489 Platzmine S 975 DEUTSCHER INDEX Plazenta P 724 Plazentation P 726 Pleiochasium P 799 Pleiontismus P 803 Pleiotaxie P 809 Pleiotropie P 811 pleioxen P 813 Plektenchym P 795 plektenchymatisch P 796 Plerom P 819 Plesiasmie P 820 plesiobiotisch P 821 Plesiotyp P 823 Pleurenchym P 828 Pleuridienbildung P 828 pleuroblastisch P 829 pleurodiskal P 832 pleurogynisch P 834 pleuromitisch P 835 pleuroplastisch P 836 Pleurosporangium P 840 Pleurospore P 839 pleurotrib P 841 pleurotrop P 843 Pleurozystide P 831 Pleuston P 844 Plokokarpium P 850 Plotophyten P 851 pluriennal P 858 Pneumatoden P 885 Pneumatophor P 886 Pneumatozyst P 884 Podetium P 891 podokarpisch P 894 PodosynKarpie P 898 poikilodynamisch P 900 Poikilogeotropismus P 901 Poikilosyndese P 903 poikilothermisch P 904 Poikiloxerophyten P 905 Pol P 932 polarisch P 908 Polaritat P 909 Polarpflanzen С 906 poliert L 28 Polikarpochorie P 952 Polioplasma P 912 Pollapsie P 916 pollaptostemonopetal P 917 Pollen P 918 Pollenallergie P 930 Pollenanalyse P 925 Pollenfach С 737, S 10 Pollenhalter R 198 Pollen in P 919 Pollenkliimpchen P 922 Pollenkorn A 730, G 252, P 918 Pollenkunde P 60 Pollenmasse P 922 Pollennachreife P 1365 Pollensack M 354, S 10 Pollenschlauch P 925, T 643 Pollentetrade T 196 pollentragend P 926 Pollentibertragung P 923 Pollenvorreife P 1361 pollenvorreiflich P 1362 Pollenzelle G 252 Pollinarium P 922 pollinisch P 925 Pollinium P 922 Pollinodium P 929 Pollinose P 930 poloisch P 931 Polster D 312, P 1650 Blatt- A 1046, P 1650 Frucht- S 1040 Gelenk- A 1046 Griffel- S 1075 polsterdhnlich S 1042 polsterig P 1649 Polyachanium P 935 polyadelphisch P 937 Polyaster P 945 Polyblast P 946 Polychorie P 962 Polychromatismus P 964 polychromatophil P 965 polychromosomisch P 966 Polydaktylie P 978 polydemisch P 980 Polydermis P 981 Polyembryonie P 983 polyenergid P 985 Polyenergide P 984 Polyozie P 1013 polygam P 989 Polygamie P 988 Polygenese P 990 polygenetisch P 991 polygonal P 993 polyhaploid P 997 Polyhybride P 998 polykarpisch P 950 Polykarpium P 951 Polykaryon P 954 polykaryotisch P 955 Polykladie P 969 polyklonal P 971 Polykotyledonie P 974 polymastigot P 1000 polymer P 1002 Polymerie P 1001 polymiktisch P 1003 Polymitose P 1004 polymorph P 1006 Polymorphismus P 1005 polynitrophil P 1008 polynomial P 1009 Polyonym P 1011 Polyoplasma P 1014 Polypetalie P 1016 Polyphasie P 1021 polyphyletisch P 1026 Polyphylie P 1025 Polyphyllie P 1027 792 Polyphyllogenie P 1029 polyplastisch P 1030 polyplektisch P 1031 polyploid P 1035 Polyploide P 1033 Polyploidie P 1036 Polyploidisierung P 1034 Polyplostemonie P 1037 Polysachariden P 1041 polysaprob P 1042 polysiphon P 1046 Polysomatie P 1047 Polysomie P 1048 polysomisch P 1049 polysporangiat P 1053 Polyspore P 1052 Polyspermie P 1051 Polystele P 1058, 1056 Polystelie P 1057 polystemon P 1059 polystomatisch P 1063 polystromatisch P 1065 Polysymmetrie P 1067 polysymmetrisch P 1068 polythalamisch P 1069 polytom P 1072 Polytomie P 1071 poly top P 1074 Polytopie P 1073 polytroph P 1077 Polytrophie P 1076 polytypisch P 1078 polyzentrisch P 956 Polyzygosis P 1084 polyzyklisch P 976 Pomeranzenfrucht A 1152 pomeranzengelb A 1151 pontisch P 1095 pontophil P 1096 Pontophyten P 1097 Population P 1100 ?orandrisch P 1101 ore P 1125 porenbiattrig P 1111 Porenchym P 1104 Porenmesser P 1110 porenreich P 1113 porizid P 1105 porogam P 1108 Porogamie P 1107 Poroiden P 1109 poros P 1113 Porositat P 1112 porzellanfarbig P 1103 Position (abnorme) E, 32 positiv P 1127 Postadaptation P 1129 postdiluvial P 1133 Postfertilisation P 1135 postfloral P 1136 Postfloration P 1137 postglazial P 1138 postikalseitig P 1139 7М Poetkarpotropismus Р 1131 Poetklimax Р 1132 Poetmaturation Р 1140 poetmeiotisch Р 1141 Poetreduktion Р 1143 postzygotisch Р 1145 Potamobotanik Р 1147 Potamophyten Р 1149 Potamoplankton Р 1150 Potentiometer Р 1153 Potetometer Р 1154 Potometer Р 1155 Prdadaptation Р 1157 prdalpin Р 1158 Pr&anthese Р 1160 prdchtig S 1286 Predetermination P 1171 Prdformation P 1182 Preformismus P 1183 prefusorial P 1184 preglazial P 1185 Prehaustorien P 1186 Preklimax P 1167 Prekozitet P 1168 Prereduktion P 1193 Presentationszeit T 87 Presenz P 1196 Prevalenz P 1201 prevernal P 1202 Prezedenda P 1162 Prezipitation P 1165 primer P 1208 Primine P 1208 primordial P 1212 Primordialblatt P 1212 Primordialzelle P 1212 Prinzip P 1216 Prioritet P 1221 prismatisch P 1222 Proanthesis P 1226 proanthrop P 1227 Probasidium P 1228 Probestiick S 626 Prochromatin P 1234. Prochromosom P 1235 Produktivitet P 1242 Proferment P 1247 profundal P 1248 progam P 1255 Progamet P 1252 Progametisation P 1253 Progametophyt P 1254 Progenese P 1256 Progeotropismus P 1258 progressiv P 1260 Prohydrotropismus P 1261 Prokambium P 1230 Prokarpium P 1231 Prokaryogamet P 1264 Prokaryogametisation P 1265 Prokinesis P 1266 Proklimax P 1236 Prolaminen P 1267 proleptisch P 1270 Prolifikation P 1273 promeristematisch P 1282 Prometaphase P 1283 Promitose P 1287 Promyzel P 1289 Pronukleolus P 1290 Pronukleus P 1291 Propagation P 1293 Propagulum P 1295 Propfung T 399 Prophase P 1297 Prophototaxis P 1300 Prophototropismus P 1301 Prophylaxie P 1303 Proplastid P 1306 propontisch P 1307 Prosaerotaxis P 1313 Proschemotaxis P 1314 Prosenchym P 1317 prosenchymatisch P1318 Prosgeotropismus P 1320 Prosheliotropismus P 1321 Prosoplasie P 1323 Prosoplasma P 1324 prosoplasmatisch P 1325 Prosoplektenchym P 1326 Prososmotaxis P 1327 Prospecies P 1328 Prosperitat P 1329 Prosphytiasis P 1330 Prosporangium P 1331 Prosporie P 1332 Prostadium P 1333. prostelisch P 1334 Prosthermotaxis P 1335 protandrisch-homogam P 1339 Protanthese P 1341 Proteasen P 1342 Proteiden P 1345 Protein P 1347 proteinisch P 1344 Proteinkorn A 389 Proteinkorner P 1347 Proteinoplasten P 1346 Proteismus P 1348 Protenchym P 1349 Proteochemotropismus P 1351 Proteofikation P 1353 Proteohydrolyse P 1354 Proteoiden A 379 Proteolysis P 1355 proteolytisch P 1356 Proteoplast P 1357 Proteosom P 1358 Proteosynthese P 1359 Proterandrie P 1361 proterandrisch P 1362 ?roterantheisch P 1363 roterogenese P 1364 Proterogynie P 1365 DEUTSCHER INDEX proterogynisch P 1366 Proteropetalie P 1367 Proterosepalie P 1368 Proterotypus P 1369 Prothallium P 1371 prothalloid P 1372 Protisten P 1373 Protoblast P 1378 Protistologie P 1374 Protochlorophyll P 1382 Protochromosom P 1383 Protoderm P 1387 Protoepiphyten P 1388 Protogamie P 1389 protogen P 1392 Protogenesis P 1390 Protogenetik P 1391 Protogonidium P 1393 P 1397 Protokaryokinese P1381 Protokaryon P 1380 Protokollenchym P 1384 Protokorm P 1385 protokrat P 1386 Protolog P 1399 Protolyse P 1400 Protomyzel P 1404 Protonema P 1405 Protonten P 1406 Protoparenchym P 1407 Protophloem P 1408 Protophyll P 1409 Protophyten P 1410 Protoplasma P 1412 Protoplasmatologie P 1413 Protoplast P 1414 Protosklerenchym P 1415 Protospore P 1416 Protosporophyt P 1417 Protostele P 1418 prototroph P 1422 rrotostrophen P 1419 Prototrophie P 1421 Prototypus P 1423 Protoxylem P 1424 protozoophil P 1425 Protozygote P 1426 protropisch P 1430 Protuberanz P 1434 Proventivknospen P 1437 Provinz P 1438 frovisorisch P 1439 rozefl P 1233 Prufung E 87, I 268 psalliotisch P 1448 psammogen P 1453 Psammophyten P 1455 Pseudanthie P 1458 Pseudoamitose P 1461 Pseudoanaphase P 1467 pseudoannuel P 1462 Pseudoapogamie P 1463 Pseudoaposporie P 1464 DEUTSCHER INDEX pseud oaut6zisch P 1468 Pseudoautosyndese P 1466 Pseudoauxospore P 1469 pseudoaxill&r P 1470 pseudobotrytisch P 1473 Pseudobulbus P 1475 Pseudobulbill P 1474 Pseudochromosom P 1482 pseudodichotom P 1490 Pseudodichotomie P 1489 Pseudodistrophie P 1492 Pseudoendomitose P 1493 pseudoephemer P 1494 Pseudoepiphyten P 1496 Pseudofekundation P 1498 Pseudofertilitat P 1499 Pseudogametangium P 1501 Pseudogamie P 1502 Pseudogeokarpie P 1503 Pseudohaustorium P 1505 Pseudohereditat P 1507 Pseudoherkogamie P 1506 Pseudohermaphroditismus P 1508 Pseudoheterokarpie P 1509 Pseudohomonym P 1510 Pseudohybride P 1511 Pseudohybridation P 1512 Pseudohymenium P 1513 Pseudoimpregnation P 1514 Pseudokambium P 1477 Pseudokarpie P 1478 Pseudokleistogamie P 1484 Pseudokleistogenie P 1485 Pseudokompatibilit&t P 1499 Pseudolatex P 1518 Pseudolichen P 1519 Pseudometaphase P 1522 Pseudomitose P 1523 Pseudomixie P 1524 Pseudomonokarpie P 1525 pseudomonokotyl P 1526 Pseudomykorrhiza P 1528 Pseudonemathecium P 1530 Pseudonukleolus P 1531 Pseudonukleus P 1532 Pseudoparaphyse P 1533 pseudoparasitisch P 1534 Pseudoparasitismus P 1535 Pseudoparenchym P 1537 Pseudopelorie P 1538 Pseudoperianthium P 1539 Pseudoperigon P 1541 Pseudoperistom P 1542 Pseudoperithecium P 1543 Pseudopetalie P 1544 Pseudophelloid P 1546 pseudophotometrisch P 1547 pseudophyllopod P 1548 Pseudophyse P 1550 Pseudoplankton P 1551 Pseudoplasmodium P 1552 Pseudoplast P 1553 Pseudopolyembryonie P 1555 Pseudopolymorphismus P 1556 Pseudopolyploidie P 1557 Pseudopore P 1559 Pseudopyknidium P 1560 Pseudoraphe P 1563 Pseudoreauktion P 1564 Pseudosporangium P 1573 Pseudostele P 1575 Pseudostipelle P 1576 Pseudostrophiole P 1578 Pseudosymbiose P 1580 pseudosynkarpisch P 1581 Pseudotrichophorum P 1584 Pseudotypus P 1585 Pseudovakuole P 1586 Pseudovikariismus P 1590 Pseudoviviparie P 1591 Pseudoxerophyten P 1592 Pseudozephalodium P 1481 Pseudozezidie P 1480 Pseudozil P 1483 Pseudozygospore P 1593 Pseudozyst P 1488 Pseudokleistogamie P 1601 Pseudoklinie P 1602 Ptenophyllophyten P 1605 Pteridophyten P 1610 Pteridospore P 1611 Pterochoren P1615 Ptyosome P 1628 Pubeszenz P 1634 Publikation P 1635 pulsierend P 1645 Pulver P 1651 pulverig P 1646 punktfdrmig P 1655 punktiert P 1653, S 968 •biattrig S 969 purgierend С 184 purpur- P 1114 -biattrig P 1121 -bliitig P 1116 -farbig P 114 -nervig P 1119 -rot P 460, 1662 -rotlich P 1661 -staubbiattrig P 1115 Pustel P 1666 pustelartig P 1667 Pusulen P 1668 Pyknidiospore P 1678 Pyknidium P 1679 Pyknidiumtrager P 1677 Pyknium P 1680 Pyknose P 1686 pyramidal P 1693 Pyrenoiden P 1699 Pyrenokarpium P 1698 Pyrenophor P 1700 794 Pyrenosom P 1701 pyrophil P 1708 Pyrophyten P 1711 quadrivalent Q 22 Quelle F 119, S 129 quellenbewohnend F 120 Quellenbewohner С 874 quellenliebend F 120 Quellenpflanzen С 875 Quellenplankton С 876 Quellung I 47 Queradern T 402 Querbaikchen T 372 querbaikig T 373 Querebene T 402 Querfach S 424 querfacherig A 1067, T 401 quergeteilt D 152 querlaufend T 402 queriaufig P 731 Querhaut D 148, E 279 querliegend T 402 Querscheidewand T 402 Querschnitt T 402 Querverbindung A 671 querwand- S 410 Querwand D 148, 325, S 424 quirl- V 88 -standig V 88 Quirl V 90 Quirlhaare P 694c quirlig С 996, V 88 fast- S 1251 rabenschwarz A 857, С 802 rachenartig F 25 Rachenbalg S 1006 rachenbliitig R 328 rachenformig R 327 Rachitismus R 14 radfdrmig R 362 radfrtichtig T 582 radial R 16 radiar R 16 -symmetrisch R 38 Radiation R 18 radikant R 20 radikuiar R 31 Radiobiologie R 35 Radiogenetik R 36 Radiotropismus R 39 Radizelle R 23 radnabenahnlich M 387 Rahmen R 156 Rahmenhiilse С 858 rahmfarbig С 868 rand- M 107 -haarig С 423 •laufig С 860 -schweifig R 147 795 -standig M 105 -stielig P 14 Rand L 178, M 108 Randbewegung R 360 Randbliite F 96, L 173 randend M 106 -randig M 107 Ranke G 473 einfache- S 518 Nebenblatt- S 992 Rebenstiel- P 62 ranken- G 472 rankig С 75, 472 Raphe R 66 Raphiden R 68 Raphidioplankton R 69 rasenbildend С 13 rasenformig G 13 fast- S 1112 rasig G 13 raspelartig R 42, S 199 Rasse P 1271 okologische- О 83 rasseldiirr S 125 rasselnd С 882 rauchgrau F 185 rauchig F 185 rauh A 1072, H 432, R 397, S 105, 222, T 378 etwas- S 106 -frtichtig L 55, T 379 -grubig S 222 -haarig H 307 -kantig G 216 sehr- S 108 -stachelig M 581 Rauheit S 107 rauhlich S 106, 1103 Raum M 132 rauschend С 882, S 1019 rautenfdrmig R 303 razemos R 4 Reaktion R 74 Reaktionszeit T 87 Rebenstielranke P 62 recht- О 251 -eckig R 91 -maflig L 82 -winkelig R 91 rechts- -gedreht D 125 -griffelig D 123 -windend D 125 Reduktion R 105 Reduktionsteilung M 165 Reduplikation R 108 reduziert R 104, 394 Reflexion R 110 Refloreszenz R 113 Regel R 132 regelm&flig N 153, R 134, R 331 regelrecht N 153 regelwidrig A 16, I 42 regen--anzeigend P 882 -feindlich О 142 -freundlich О 141 -liebend О 141 -meidend О 142 -scheuend О 142 Regen I 46, P 1165 regenbogenfarbig I 282 Regenerabilitat R 120 Regeneration N 81, R 121 Regeneratum R 122 Regenfrtichtigkeit H 509 Regenmesser О 139 regenwurmformig L 273 Regermination R 124 Region R 125 regional R 126 Register R 151 Regma R 127 Regmakarpium R 128 Regression R 130 regressiv R 209 regular R 134 Regulation R 135 reich H 60, M 506, 620, О 205, P 933 -bewurzelt P 1040 -biattrig F 113, P 1028 -bltihend F 88 -blumig H 61 -bltitig M 535, 621 -buchtig S 529 -genetzt R 194 -gestrichelt M 546 -gezahnt P 864 -narbig S 979 -nervig P 1007 -punktig P 1061 -wallig L 47 -wurzelig R 29 Reich R 129 reif M 128 Reif P 1441 Reife M 127 Reifen M 125 reifend M 126 Reifezeichen M 125 Reifezeit M 125 Reifungsteilung M 165 Reif werden M 125 Reihe S 433 reihenlos A 1094 -reihig F 19, S 430 rein P 1663 -erbig H 423 -gelb F 81, L 280 -rassig H 423 -weifl С 63, H 344, N 128 reinigend С 184, P 1660 Reise I 347 reitend E 318 DEUTSCHER INDEX Reiz E 433 narkotischer- N 16 Reizbarkeit E 432 Reizbeantwortung R 74 Reizkrtimmung T 612 Rekapitulation R 75 Rekauleszenz R 76 Rekombination R 87 Rekrudeszenz R 89 Rektigradation R 94 Rektipetalitat R 96 Rekurrenz R 100 relativ R 139 Relikt R 140 Relikt-Endemismus P 21 Reliquefaktion R 141 Reorientierung R 146 Reperation R 148 Repletum R 153 Reproduktion P 1293, R 157 asexuelle- M 418 reproduktiv R 158 Reproduktivzellen T 59 Reprogression R 159 Residuum R 164 resinogen R 173 Resinozyst R 172 Resistenz R 177 Resorption R 179 Respiration R 180 Restitution R 184 Resupination R 185 Resurrektion R 187 Retardation R 188 Retikulum R 195 Retrogradation R 208 Retromorphose R 211 Rettungsmittel A 393 reversibel R 214 Revision R 218 Rezeptakel R 79 Rezeptionsorgane R 82 rezeptiv R 81 Rezeptivitat R 80 Rezeptoren R 82 rezessiv R 83 Rhabdoiden R 224 Rheobionten R 229 rheokren R 230 Rheomorphose R 231 rheophil R 232 rheophob R 233 Rheophyten R 234 Rheotropismus R 235 rhexigen R 236 rhizautoisch R 241 Rhizelle R 242 Rhizidium R 243 Rhizinen R 244 Rhizinophyllen R 245 Rhizobien R 247 rhizogen R 258 Rhizogenschicht P 280 Rhizogenum R 259 DEUTSCHER INDEX rhizoidal R 263 Rhizoiden R 261 rhizokarpisch R 249 Rhizokarpium R 250 Rhizokollesie R 252 Rhizokormus R 253 Rhizoktonien R 254 Rhizom R 266 Rhizomanie R 267 rhizomatisch R 268 Rhizomitra R 271 Rhizomorphe R 272 Rhizoplast R 280 Rhizopodium R 281 Rhizosph&re R 283 Rhizotom R 286 Rhizozyst R 255 Rhodographie R 295 Rhodologie R 297 Rhodophyll R 298 rhomboidisch R 303 Rhoptometer R 305 Rhyacophyten R 307 richtend T 611 richtungswechselnd H 206 riechend О 65, 94 Riefe J 14 riemen- H 301, L 265 riemenartig L 265 riemenformig H 301, L 265 riesen- G 143 riesig G 143 Rille V 21 rillig V 22 rinde- -bewohnend С 834 -gehorig С 832 -hockerig L 96 -los D 22, E 14 -tragend С 833 Rinde С 810, 831, P 446 auBere- E 457 primire- P 1208 sekund&re- S 245 Rindebewohner E 254 Rindenbrand S 697 Rindenhdckerchen L 95 Rindenschicht S 1018 Rindenporen L 95 Rindenstoff P 448 rindig С 833, 903, P 446 Ring G 317 driisiger- A 800 Fleisch- S 72 -der Farnfrucht G 315 Holz- A 800 Haar- A 800 Jahres- A 800 Kambium- С 51 Schein- P 1457 Verdickungs- G 51 Ringborke R 315 ringentragend A 799 ringfOrmig A 798, G 314 Ringgef&Be A 798 ringsum- С 453, P 267 -ausspringend G 468 -behaart A 556 -bltitenst&ndig С 462 -durchldchert A 554 -gebogen С 461 -gefltigelt P 308 -gefurcht С 470 -grim A 547 -haarig P 325 -rauh A 556 -siebfdrmig A 554 -spaltend G 468 -sponnen С 469 -stachelig P 268 -wachsend A 565, G 464 -webt С 469 Rinne V 21 rinnenfOrmig С 59 rinnig С 59, R 325 etwas- S 1114 Rippe С 851, J 14 Mittel- G 851 Neben- D 368 Samen- R 66 Seiten- S 245 rippen- R 8 -los E 15 •tragend С 852 rippig G 852, R 8 Rispe P 69 locke- J 9 rispentragend P 70 rispig P 70 riB- R 325 RiB R 324 rissig L 115, R 325 RiBlein R 326 Ritze R 324 ritzen- R 226, 325 ritzig R 226, 325 roh С 897, R 397 rohrartig A 1050 rohrchen- T 640 -artig T 640 -formig T 640 Rohrchen T 639, 642 rohren- F 72, S 532 -formig F 72, T 638 -stachelig S 556 Rohre T 643 Bast- С 535 Kron- G 816 Luft- T 374 Mark- M 143 Milch- L 64 Milchsaft- L 64 Perigon- T 643 Sieb- С 885, T 643 Staubbeutel- S 1373 Rohrenblute T 641 79ft Rohrhalm С 15 rtihrig F 72, S 532 Rtihrlein T 642 Rohrzucker S 8 rollenftirmig T 581 rosablau R 294 rosen- R 288 -artig R 342 -biattrig R 299 -dornig R 289 -farbig R 342 -kranzfdrmig M 397 -stachelig R 289 Rosenbeschreibung R 295 Rosenfrucht G 1010 Rosengarten R 343 rosenrot R 288, 342 -fliigelig R 301 -frtichtig R 292 •kelchig R 291 Rosette R 356 kleine- S 897 rosettenartig R 357 rosettenbildend R 358 rosettig R 358 Rost R 371 rost- -braun F 39, R 370 -farbig R 370 -formig С 447 -haarig С 887 -rot X 28 rostig R 370 rosul&r R 358 rot E 347, R 368 bleich- H 103 blut- С 898, H 7, S 39 braun- R 370 braunlich- С 962 brennend- F 79 dunkel- A 1130, 1134, В 244, С 898, G 240,241,147, R 369, S 39 feuer- F 79, I 39 flamm- F 79 flammend- I 39 fleisch- С 94 gelb- A 243 gelblichrosen- S 24 gemein- R 368 gltihend- F 79, I 39 granat- G 240, P 460, 1659 hell- P 1203 heUhoch- R 400 hellkarmin- С 550 hellpurpur- P 1118 herbstrebenfarbig X 28 hoch- С 444, P 460, R 369 kardinal- G 85 karmesin- С 93, 300, 551 karmin- G 93, 300, 551 kirsch- G 234 korallen- С 804 kupfer- A 243, G 254, 962 797 mennig- M 370 orangen- A 1151 pfireichblut- P 346 purpur- P 460, 1114, 1662 roeen- R 288, 342 rotorange R 423 rubin- R 372 acharlach- С 551, S 126 schmutzig- V 1 trockenweinlaubfarbig X 28 wein- V 122 ziegel- L 61, T 146 zinnober- С 444 rot- -bliihend R 375 •bliitig R 375 -fleckig R 383 -friichtig E 348 -gefleckt R 383 -gelb A 243, 1151 -gerdnd^rt R 384 -gestreift R 387 -glSnzend R 422 -kelchig R 379 -saftig 3 1261 -stengelig R 374 -tonfarbig В 244 -umgiirtet R 380 -ums&umt R 380 -violettfarbig A 70 -werdend E 345, R 367 Rotalgen R 300 Rotation С 999, С 360 Rdte R 373 rotierend R 361 rOtlich E 345, P 1658, R 366 -blau R 378 -braun В 16, С 53, 159, С 244, 254, H 149, L 100, 163, R 382, 420 -gelb A 482, E 352, I 3, R 381, 422 -gelbbraun F 184 -grim R 386 -orangengelb R 377 -violett R 385 -weifl R 296, 376 -werdend R 398 riibenformig D 6, N 12 Rubenwurzel N 12 Rubenzucker S 8 rubinrot R 372 rtick- -beziiglich R 84 -gebildet A 1128 -l&ufig A 682, R 209 -schreitend R 131, 209 -wirkend R 204 Riickbildung С 177, D 42, I 279 Rucken T 126 riicken- T 124 -bauchig D 309, 370 -beetaubend N 164 -seitig D 368, T 124 -zusammengedruckt О 4 -spaltig L 243 -standig D 368 -wurzelig N 163 Ruckennaht D 368 Rtickenscharfe С 90 Riickeneeite T 126 Rtickfall A 1110 Riickgang R 130 riicklingsgelegt S 1301 Riickschlag A 1110, R 130 Entwicklungs- A 1110 Riickseite D 368 riickwarts- R 212 •gebogen R 111 -gebrochen R 207 -gedreht R 202 -gekehrt R 212 -geneigt R 85 -liegend S 1301 Riickwirkung R 74 Ruckzug R 130 Ruderalpflanzen С 353, R 391 Ruderalschutthaufen R 389 Rudiment R 396 rudimentar R 394 ruhe- H 565 Ruheakinete A 367 Ruheknospe D 367, P 1437 ruhend H 565, Q 29 Ruheperiode L 58 Ruhestand L 58 Ruhezelle A 367 ruhig L 58, T 384 rtihr mich an nicht N 141 Rumination R 406 ruminiert R 407 rund- О 200 -gedreht G 314 -wendelig G 314 rundlich R 363, S 1214 runzel- P 1625, R 313 -fruchtig R 314 -samig R 316 Runzel С 889, R 402 Runzelchen R 404 runzelig R 200, 313, 403 riissel- -artig P 1229 -blumig R 238 -fdrmig P 1229 -fruchtig R 309 ruBfarbig F 182 ruflig F 182 ruBschwarz F 182 riistig V 47 rutenfdrmig V 121, 127 Saat S 92, 276 Saatfeld S 253 DEUTSCHER INDEX saatfeldbewohnend S 255 Saatpflanzen S 255 Saatunkrftuter S 254 Sacharoee S 8 Sack S 10 sackartig S 5, T 148 sackchenfdrmig S 11 sackfOrmig S 5 sackig S 5 Saen S 87 safrandulkelgelb С 893 safrangelb С 893 safrangelblich S 1141 Saft H 446, L 208, S 1266 Honig- N 51 Kern- G 139, N 192 Pflanzen- H 446 Vakuolen- S 1266 ZeU- С 1058, E 122, S 1266 Saftdecke N 59 Saftdriise N 53 Saftholz A 381 saftig S 1263 saftliebend О 195 Saftpflanzen С 413, S 1264 Saftraum V 3 saftraumig V 5 safttragend С 414, S 1257 saftreich S 1263 sageblattrig S 441 sagebliitig S 440 sagefdrmig S 448 sagemehlfOrmig S 197 sagezahnig S 439, 447 Sagezkhnung S 446 Saisondimorphismus H 424, О 207 Saisonpolymorphismus О 208 Salinenpflanzen H 16 Salpeterbildung N 124 Salpeterpflanzen N 126 salpeterzerstdrend D 64 Salpinganthie S 25 Salzbergwerk S 21 Salzboden S 27 salzbodenliebend S 23 Salzbodenpflanzen H 16 salzig S 23 etwas- S 27 salzliebend H 14, S 23 salzmeidend H 15 Salzpflanzen H 16 Same S 276 samen- S 334, 639 -bewohnend S 337 -fOrmig S 339 -los A 1074 -tragend S 338 Samenanhangsel С 131 Samenanlage G 78, О 299 umgewendete- A 682 Samenausstreuung D 324 DEUTSCHER INDEX Samenbeschreibung S 666 Samenblatt M 57 Samendecke A 1020, S 680 Samendeckel О 185 SameneiweiB A 378, E 184 Samenepithel E 306 Samenhaut I 204 -auBere- T 145 -innere- E 176, T 48 Samenhiille A 582, 1020, E 293, I 204, S 680 Samenkeimsfederchen P 856 Samenkern N 195 Samenkndpfchen G 78 Samenknopfchendecke I 204 Samenknospen G 78 Samenknospendecke I 204 Samenkuchen P 724 Samenkunde S 687 Samenlappen С 853 aufliegende- I 108 Samenlappenkorper С 854 samenlappenlos A 104 samenlappig С 855 Samenleiste P 724, S 689 samenleistetragend P 727 Samenliste D 47 Samenmangel A 1075 Samenmantel A 1020, E 293, S 680 samenmantellos E 420 Samennabel H 300 Samennaht R 66 Samenoberhaut A 582, E 293 Samenpflanzen A 850, P 414, S 668 Samenrippe R 66 Samens&ulchen С 647 Samenschale 1 204, T 145 auBere- E 480 fleischige- S 78 innere- S 248, T 48 Samenschwiele С 131 Samenstiel F 194 Samenstrang F 194 Samentrager P 724, S 689 Samenwarze С 131 -samig S 334, 639 Sammelart G 587, 621, S 1314 Sammelfrucht A 915, G 574, С 747, S 1393 Sammelsteinfrucht N 197 Sammlung S 732, 1331 Sammlung A 1108 samt- V 53 samtartig (etwas-) S 1250 Samthaar V 52 samthaarig V 53 samtschwarz A 1116 Sand A 1001, S 4 sand- P 1451 -bewohnend A 492, 1002, S 2 -liebend A 1002, P 1454, S 3 sandbankliebend S 1472 Sandbankpflanzen A 521, S 1473 Sandgrube A 1003 sandig A 1002, S 3 Sandpflanzen A 493, 1002, P 1455 Sandplatz A 1003, S 1 Santonin S 41 saphirblau S 47 Saponin S 45 Saprobien S 48 Saprobionten S 48 Saprobiose S 49 saprobiotisch S 50 saprogen S 51 Saprogeophyten S 52 sapropelisch S 55 saprophag S 56 Saprophyten S 58 saprophytisch S 59 Saprophytismus S 60 Saproplankton S 61 Sarkochoren S 67 Sarkodermis M 251 Sarkokarp S 64 sarkokarpisch S 65 Sat-Chromosom S 83 Satellit S 83 Satellitenchromosom S 83 satt S 91 -braun В 297 -gelb H 556, L 280 -grim S 90 Sattel S 273 sattelformig S 274 sauer A 59, 66, 89 -liebend A 86 s&uerlich A 65, 88 Sauerstoff О 310 Sauerstoffreizbewegung A 277 Sauggewebe A 23 Saughaare A 22 Saugorgan H 55 Saugspannung T 657 Saugwarze H 55 Saugwurzel H 55 Saulchen С 647 s&ulchenartig С 648 saulchenfdrmig С 648 Saule С 649, S 893 Befruchtungs- A 733, С 649, G 309 Griffel- A 733, С 649, G 309 Pistill- A 733, G 309 saulenformig С 650, P 1222 saulenfriichtig P 1224 Saulenkristalle S 1074 saum- L 251 798 Saum L 178, M 108 -saumig L 251 saureliebend О 314 saurescheuend О 315 saurochor S 96 Saurochorie S 95 Sazellus S 12 schachbrettartig T 143 Schaden N 171 Schadigung N 171 schadlich N 172, P 339 schaft- S 113 -blumig S 121 -formig S 122 -tragend S 120 Schaft S 123 -schaftig S 113 Schale T 649, V 25 Frucht- P 275 Haut- T 649 NuB- P 1669 Samen- 1 204, T 145 Stein- P 1669 schalenformig A 64 Schalenfrucht A 67 Schalenfruchtkranz A 68 schalig T 650 schamhaft P 1636 schamlos I 70 scharf A 59, 170, 1014, S 105 -kantig A 91 -spitzig A 166 Scharfe A 90 scharflich A 171, S 1016, scharlachrot С 85, 55 S 126 schatten- -bewohnend U 24 -liebend H 80, S 158, U 24 Schatten U 21 Schattenpflanzen S 161 SchattenriB S 162 schattig I 258, U 26 Schatz T 286 Schaubild D 136 schauend S 631 schaumartig S 835 schaumig S 835 Scheda S 133 scheiben- D 303 •formig D 303 -los A 202 -rund О 210 Scheibe D 312, Blatt- L 178 Bliiten- D 312 Frucht- H 529 Haft- A 197, 952 Honig- D 312 Zwiebel- В 306, D 312 Scheibenbltite F 96 Scheidchen V 17 Scheide V 13 79» Blatt- V 13 Bliiten- S 614 Frucht- С 127 Keim- С 610 Keimblatt- G 610 Kleb- S 621 Mark- V 13 Nebenblatt- О 50 Schutz- E 150 Sporen- G 127 Wurzel- С 611 scheidebildend Y 15 scheiden- G 605 -ahnlich С 605 -wurzelig E 179 Scheidewand D 325, S 424 falsche- D 325, P 1491, S 424 ohne- A 1068 scheidewand--abreiflend S 420 -formig S 419 -los E 356 -spaltig S 416 -tragend S 418 scheidewandig S 411 scheidig С 605 schein- P 1456 -bliitig P 1460 -samig P 1571 Scheinachse S 1365 Scheinahre P 1572 Scheinarillus P 1465 scheinbar S 836 -einzahlig P 1527 -gefassig P 1588 -gerandert P 1520 -gipfelst&ndig P 1582 -kriechend P 1565 -septiert P 1568 -sitzend P 1570 -verzweigt P 1561 Scheinbeere P 1472, S 594 Schein blatt P 1549 scheinblattartig P 1500 Scheinblattstiel P 1545 Scheinbliite P 1459 Scheindichotomie P 1489 Scheindolde С 1004, P 799 scheinend S 519 Scheinfach S 836 Scheinfrucht P 1479 ScheinfiiBchen P 1554 Scheinklappe P 1587 Scheinkork P 1579 Scheinlager P 1583 Scheinloch P 1559 Scheinnektarium P 1529 Scheinquirl P 1589, V 89 Scheinrinde P 1486 Scheinring P 1457 Scheinrosette P 1567 Scheinschmarotzer P 1536 ScheinsproB С 192 Scheinwirtel P 1589 Scheinwurzel P 1566 Scheinzweiglein P 1562 Scheinzwiebel P 1475 scheitel- A 106 -recht V 87 -sichtig A 136 -stSndig A 903 Scheitel A 889, V 86 Scheitelwachstum T 127 Scheitelzellen I 161 scherbengelb T 146 scherenformig F 124 -scheuend P 454 Schicht S 1018 Antheren- E 481 Frucht- H 529 Gonidial- S 1018 Gonidien- G 208 Keim- С 52, M 123 Korkrinden- P 427 Kraut- S 1018 Mark- S 1018 Rinden- S 1018 Sporen- H 529 Sprungs- M 270 Subhymenial- H 621 schichtenbildend S 1015 schichtig S 1015, T 6 Schichtung S 1014 schief- О 15, P 730 -biattrig P 736 -wachsend A 353 schiefer--farbig S 136 -grau A 998, S 136 -liebend S 136 schieferig S 141 Schiffchen G 90, N 35 schiffchenformig С 91, N 34 schild- P 230 -artig S 225 -formig P 230, S 225 -tragend P 230 Schild A 1078, S 228 Schildchen P 229, S 227 schildchenformig S 226 Schildhaare S 225 Schildhaare L 105 Schimmel M 500 schimmelgrOn G 163 schimmelig M 494 schimmernd G 838, L 270, N 122, S 164, 768 schindelig I 49 Schirm U 13 schirmbiattrig S 160 Schirmchen U 15 Schirmrispe С 841 schirm tragend U 14 schizogen S 149 schizogenetisch S 149 Schizogenie S 148 DEUTSCHER INDEX Schizogonie S 148 Schizokarpium S 144 Schizokonidie S 146 Schizokotylie S 147 schizo-lysigen S 151 schizomer S 152 Schizophyten S 154 schizo-rhexigen S 155 Schizostele S 156 Schizostelie S 157 Schlaf S 582 Sommer- A 283 Schlafbewegung N 215 schlafbringend S 581 schlafend D 367 schlaferzeugend S 581 schlaff F 75, L 73 SchlagfluB A 932 Schlamm L 189 schlammbewohnend L 180 schlammig L 187 schiangelnd S 435, T 360 schlangen- О 188 -ahnlich S 437 -artig S 437 -formig S 436 -totend A 761 schlank G 230 schlapp F 75 schlauch--artig U 97 -fOrmig U 97 -fiihrend A 1057 Schlauch A 607, 1066, U 99 Befruchtungs- T 643 Blatt- A 1056 Frucht- U 99 Hull- S 826 Pollen- T 643 Sporen- A 1066 Schlauchbalg U 99 Schlaucherzeuger A 1060 schlauchig U 98 Schlauchkapsel S 12 Schlauch trager A 1062 Schlauchzelle A 1066 schlecht M 85 -riechend M 78 Schleier С 835, V 51 Schleierchen I 128, M 184 unechtes- P 1515 schleierformig С 837 schleierlos A 109, 1230 schleifenartig L 92 schleifenfdrmig T 16 schleim- G 172 -absondernd M 496 -artig M 497 ♦ -tragend M 495 Schleim M 499 schleimig M 494, 498 Schleuderer E 75 Schleuderfriichte В 21 DEUTSCHER INDEX Schleuderung В 246 Schleuderzellen E 75 schlieB- С 503, I 114 -frtichtig С 508 SchlieBfrucht A 67, С 82, С 509, I 114 einfltigelige- M 442 gefltigelte- S 34 SchlieBfrtichtigkeit С 507 SchlieBfrtichtler A 69 Schlietikapsel С 82 SchlieBzapfen P 92 SchlieBzeUen S 1003 schlingl&ufig В 275 Schlingpflanze L 151 schlund- F 25 -artig F 25 Schlund F 26 schltipfrig L 269 schmackhaft S 42 schmal- A 767, 769, L 116, S 901 -ahrig S 931 -astig S 909 -biattrig S 924 -bltitig S 902 -fltigelig S 926 -frtichtig S 906 -kantig S 915 -kelchbiattrig S 927 -kronbiattrig S 921 -samig S 930 -saumig S 919 -traubig S 904 -zweigig S 909 -zwiebelig S 905 schmarotzend P 127 Schmarotzer P 130 echter- H 346 fakultativer- P 130 wirtsvage- P 130 Schmarotzerpflanze P 127 Schmarotzertum P 128 schmetterlingsartig P 79 Schmetterlingsblumen L 109 Schmetterlingsgalle L 107 Schmetterlingsmine L 108 Schmierbrand U 84 Schmiere V 143 schmierig G 188, V 142 schmink- F 175 schmtickend D 23 schmutzig S 586, 837 -braun L 277 -farbig S 837 -gelb L 277, S 837 -rtitlich V 1 -weifl S 586 schnabel- R 308, 352 -biattrig R 311 -bltitig R 353 -formig R 354 -frtichtig R 309 -los E 341 -samig R 312 -Schnabel R 355 Schnabelchen R 351 schnecken--artig L 176 --gekrtimmt H 73 -gerollt С 449 -bltitig M 75 •ftirmiggedreht С 558 -gewunden S 1043 Schneckenbltitler M 76 schnee- С 308 -weifl С 308, N 128 -bltitig N 130 Schnee N 127, 129 Schneebewohner С 907 Schneeflora С 908 Schneegrenze (unterhalb der-) H 580 schneeig N 127 Schneeschtitzlinge С 309 Schneidigkeit A 90 schnell- T 8 schnellend E 77 schnitt- I 89 -schnittig S 244, T 329 schokoladebraun С 1 schon- В 64, С 14, 248, P 1639, V 64 -biattrig A 318 sehr- P 358 schopf- С 651 -schopfig С 651 schorfig С 903, L 115 Schooling F 78, S 82 schoflling--artig S 79 -treibend S 80 Schotchen S 501 nuflartiges- N 175 schdtchen--formig S 502 -tragend S 503 Schote S 504 kleine- S 501 schoten-•formig S 505 -frtichtig S 506 -tragend S 506 schrag С 524, О 15 -gesttitzt О 31 Schragzeilen P 135 Schraube S 753 schraubel- В 252 -fdrmig В 252 Schraubel В 253 Schraubeldolde С 1007 schrauben--bltitig S 757 -formig A 172, S 754, T 581 -frtichtig S 760 -spornig S 761 nicht -formig A 1079 800 Schraubgefftsse V 39 schraubiggewunden S 754 Schreckbewegung P 455 Schreckreaktion P 455 Schreibfehler L 52 schriftartig G 238 Schrifteteller A 1144 schroff P 1194 schrotsagefdrmig R 411 •fiederspaltig R 410 schrund- R 226 schrundig R 226 schuhfdrmig С 22 schtilferig L 103 Schtilfern L 105 Schtippchen F 131, S 841 schuppchen--formig S 843 -tragend S 842 schuppen- L 103, S 838 -artig S 840 -formig S 840 -frtichtig L 106 -los A 387, D 104, E 357 -tragend S 838 Schuppe S 839 Ausschlag- R 50 Blatt- S 839 Hohl- F 131 Honig- N 54 Htill- S 839 Knospen- P 355, R 50 Nektar- N 54 Spreu- P 30, R 50 Zwiebel- S 839 Schuppenborke R 315 Schuppenhaar L 105, S 838 schuppig L 103, S 838 schutt- -bewohnend Q 52, R 391 -liebend R 391 Schutthaufen R 389 schuttig R 393 Schuttpflanzen С 353, R 391 Schuttpiatze R 389 schtitzend A 394, P 1343, T 47, 644 Schutzgebiet R 162 Schutzgewebe T 55 Schutzlosigkeit A 664 Schutzscheide E 150 schwach- D 7, P 195, S 1085 -beschuppt S 1234 -behaart О 129, P 692 -filzig T 325 -flaumig P 1631 -gekerbt S 1139 -gekielt S 1116 -gekrtimmt С 972, S 1142 •gedhrt S 1106 •gesagt S 1229 801 -gezahnt P 197, S 1148 -rauhhaarig S 1190 -weichhaarig P 1631 schwachlich D 7 Schwamm F 191 schwammartig S 772 Schwammchen S 773 schwammig S 775 schwanenweiB О 136 schwankend F 98, О 273, V 82 Schwanzchen С 190 schwanzformig С 188 schwarmend V 108 Schwarmer Z 53 Schwarmspore P 747, Z 53 schwarz- A 1116, M 172, N 118 -fleckig S 696 -griin A 1138 -purpurrot A 1130 -samig G 3 -werdend A 1126, N 117, N 120a, S 1211 -schwarz biaulich- С 988 braunlich- M 185, P 677 dunkel- A 857 gianzend- С 802, 839 hell- L 141 kohl- A 857 leber- H 149 pech- P 677 raben- A 857, G 802, 839 ruO-, ruBig- F 182 samt- A 1116 satt- В 297 teer- P 677 tin ten- A 1125 Schwarze N 120 Schwarzfarbung M 173 schwarzlich N 117, 120a, S 1211 -braun A 1127 Schwarzung M 175 Schwebckorper P 1586 schwebend F 98 schwefel--gelb S 1282, T 239 -liebend T 297 Schwefelbakterien T 296 Schweifchen С 190 schweiBtreibend S 1268 schwelgend L 284 schwellend T 645 Schwellung T 657 schwer G 254, P 1093 schwert- E 210 -formig E 210 -stachelig A 878 Schwiele С 31 schwielig G 30 Schwimmblase A 267 schwimmenerleichtemd N 23 schwimmend F 99, N 22 Schwimmgewebe A 257 Schwimmhalm H 475 Schwimmpflanzen N 22 schwindend G 767 schwindnervig R 417 schwingend F 98, О 273, V 108 Scytinum S 231 sechs- H 272, S 471 -biattrig H 283 -bliitig H 279 -eckig H 275 -fach S 479 -facherig S 477 -flachig H 274 -fufllang H 280 -griffelig H 276 -haltend S 389 je- S 389 -kantig H 275 -kronbiattrig H 281 -mannig H 278 -quirlig H 273 -paarig S 476 -reihig S 475 -seitig H 274 -stammig H 282 -weibig H 276 -zahlig H 277 -zahnig S 474 see- -bewohnend L181 -blau V 57 -liebend T 220 Seepflanzen T 221 Segel V 51 Segelstange A 816 Segment S 258 segmentiert S 257 Segmentierung S 256 Segregation S 259 sehen V 113 sehr P 253, 1156 seiden- S 432 -artig S 432 -gianzend S 432 -haarig S 432 fast- S 1227 seidig S 432 seifenartig S 44 seirolytisch S 262 Seirospore S 263 Seismochorismus S 264 Seismonastie S 265 Seismotropismus S 266 Seite L 71, P 10 seiten- L 60, P 824 -blumig P 826 -fruchtig A 641, P 830 -laufig P 843 -samig P 838 DEUTSCHER INDEX seiten--sprossig С 1008 -standig L 60 -wimperig P 842 -wurzelig P 837 Seitennerv S 245, T 402 Seitenrippe S 245 Seitenwurzel R 41 -seitig F 5, P 824 seitlich L 60 seitlichentspringend P 833 seitwarts О 15 Sekretion S 239 Sekretionsgewebe S 240 Sektor S 242 sektorial S 243 sekundar S 245 Sekundine S 248 selbst--befruchtend A 1175 -bestaubend A 1175 -verbreitet A 1167 Selbstbefruchtung A 1172 Selbstbestaubung A 1174, A 1199 Selbstdifferenzierung A 1170 Selbstentwicklung A 1176 Selbsterzeugung A 10 Selbstfriichtigkeit A 1164 Selbststerilitat A 1206 Selbststeuerung R 135 Selbstverbreiter (vegeta-tiver-) S 811 Selbstverbreitung A 1165 -durch Fruchtengewicht В 30 Selbstverstiimmelung A 1210 Selektion S 268 selektiv S 269 Selenotropismus S 272 seiten- R 71 semilatent S 323 Semilichen S 327 semipermeabel S 382 Semispezies S 365 Semisterilitat S 368 semisymphyostemon S 374 semmelfarbig G 904 Seneszenz S 391 Senker T 20 senkrecht E 320, P 343, V 87 Sepalodie S 400 Separatdr.uck S 404 sepiafarbig S 407 Sept S 424 septal S 410 Septaldriisen S 410 Septalnektarien S 410 septiert S 411 septizid S 416 Septobasidie S 422 DEUTSCHER INDEX serial S 430 Serie S 433 serpentinliebend S 437 Seston S 459 Sestonologie S 460 Sexokarpie S 478 sexual S 480 Sexualitat S 481 Sexualzelle G 41 sichel- F 12 -formig F 12, S 331 -frtichtig D 374, S 271 fast sichelfOrmig S 1177 Sichel D 373 sichelig F 12 sicher G 241 sichtbar A 946, P 383, 413 -nervig P 416 -sichtig S 207 siebartig С 885 -dtfrchl6chert G 885 sieben- H 150, S 409 -biattrig H 154 -griffelig H 151 -lappig S 413 -mannig H 153 -nervig S 414 -spaltig S 412 -zahlig H 152, S 407 siebfdrmig С 885 Siebgefasse V 39 Siebrohr T 643 Siebrdhren С 885 Siebrohrenteil P 448 Siebteil L 123, P 448 siegelartig S 494 sigmaformig S 495 silber--farbig A 1010 -haarig A 1010 -weiB A 1010 silberig A 1010 silikatbodenbewohnend S 499 silikol S 499 Similisymmetrie S 516 Sinistrostylie S 526 Sinn S 397 Siphonanthie S 533 Siphonogamie S 535 Siphonophyten S 534 Siphonoplast S 536 Siphonostele S 537 Siraplankton S 538 Sitotropismus S 539 sitz- -biattrig S 457 -bltitig S 456 sitzend S 458 -bltitig S 456 fast- S 1230 Skaphidie S 116 skaphidientragend S 115 Skelett S 131 Skelettgewebe S 947 Skiophyten S 161 Skizze A 220 skizziert D 51 Skleranthium S 174 Sklereiden S 176 Sklerenchym S 177 sklerenchymatisch S 178 Sklerenchymzellen S 176 Sklerobasidie S 180 sklerogen S 186 Sklerogonidie S 187 Sklerokaulie S 184 Sklerophyten S 189 Sklerotium S 194 Skobina S 198 Skolekokonidium S 200 Skolekospore S 201 skorpionartig S 210 Skorpionschwanzwickel G 429 Skotophobismus S 212 Skotophyten S 213 Skotoplankton S 214 Skototaxie S 215 Skototropismus S 216 smaragdgrtin S 542 Sohn (der-) F 2 Solarisation S 55.4 Solenaidie S 558 Soleniaplankton S 559 Solenostele S 560 solid S 563 solitar S 565 Solution S 569 somatisch S 572 Somatoblast S 573 somatogenisch S 575 Somatophyten S 577 Somatoplasma S 578 Somatotropismus S 579 sommer--annuel A 797 -fleckig L 98 Sommer A 279 Sommerglashaus A 282 sommerlich A 281 Sommerpflanzen (einjahri-ge-) T 285 Sommerschlaf A 283 Sommerspore P 1416, U 87 Sonderdruck S 404 Sonderung D 200 Sonne S 552 sinnig S 553 sonnen- H 76 -liebend A 956, H 79, S 553 -meidend H 80 -scheu H 80, P 503 -wendig H 84, 88 Sonnenbett S 555 Sonnenblatt H 81 80S Sonnenbltiten S 553 Sonnenpflanzen H 82 Sonnenstich H 85, I 191 sonnig A 956, S 553 Sorale S 584 Sordago S 585 sordidegrau S 586 Soredie S 588 soredientragend S 587 Sorema S 589 Sorte P 1271 Sortengruppe G 788 Sortentypus A 346 Sorus S 596 sorustragend S 591 Soziabilitat S 545 Soziation S 547 Soziologie S 550 Soziomorphologie S 551 spalt- S 135 -bar F 68, S 168 -biattrig S 139 -bltitig S 143 -fltigelig S 140 -frtichtig S 138, 145 -kelchig S 137 -kronbiattrig S 153 -randig S 150 -raumig S 150 Spalte R 324 Spaltenpflanzen С 271 Spaltfrucht С 571, S 144 spaltig С 422, F 54, R325, S 135 Spaltkapsel С 82 Spaltdffnung S 1001 spal tof f nungen tragend S 1004 Spal tof fnungsapparat S 1001 Spaltung С 365, F 69 Gabel- В 135 Zwei- В 199 Spanandrie S 604 spannenlang D 358 Spannkraft Б 73, T 333 Spannung T 98 Spanogynie S 607 sptirlich P 148, S 613 sparrig S 846 etwas- S 847 Sparsioplasten S 612 spat S 454, T 30 -bltihend S 454, T 29 -frtihlingszeitig P 1144 -zeitig S 434 spatelfdrmig S 620 spatelig S 620 Spatha S 614 Spathilla S 619 Speiranthie S 634 Speirema S 635 Spektrum S 632 spelz- G 185 -ftirmig G 186 808 Spelzchen P 33 spelzchen tragend P 34 Spelze Bliiten- P 30 Deck- P 30 Gras- P 30 Hull- T 48 spelzen--fdrmig P 32 -hiillig G 185 spelzig G 185, P 31 Spermamoeba S 642 Spermangium S 643 Spermapodium S 646 Spermatide S 651 spermatien&hnlich S 653 spermatientragend S 652 spermatisch S 650 Spermatium S 655 Spermatogamet S 661 spermatogen S 663 Spermatogenese S 662 Spermatogonium S 665 Spermatokarpie S 656 spermatokinetisch S 667 Spermatophyten S 668 Spermatoplasma S 669 Spermatoplast S 670 Spermatozoid S 673 Spermatozoidmutterzelle S 651 Spermatozyst S 658 Spermatozytium S 660 Spermogon S 686 spermogoniumtragend S 685 Spermokarp S 677 Spermosphare S 692 Spermospore S 691 Spermotypus S 695 Spermozentrum S 679 Spezialisierung S 623 speziell S 622 Spezies S 624 spezifisch S 625 Speziolen S 627 Speziologie S 628 Sphagnologie S 720 Sphagnophyten S 721 Sphalerokarp S 722 Spharenchyma S 702 spharisch S 699 Spharochorise S 705 Spharokristallen S 700 Spharom S 707 Spharophyten S 709 Spharoplankton S 701 Spharoraphiden S 700 Spharosporangium S 715 Spharotheka S 717 Sphygmismus S 727 Spielart L 278 spieB- H 53 -fOrmig H 53 -lanzettlich L 42 spieBig H 53 Spikularzellen A 1097 spindel- R 8 -ffirmig F 203 Spindel R 12 Spindelchen R 9 Spindelfaser (achromatische) A 75 Spindelfaseransatz С 219 spindelig F 203 Spindelwurzel R 41 spinnwebehaarig A 966 spinnenwebig A 966 Spiraldrehung S 756 Spirale S 753 spiralformig S 754 Spiralgefasse S 754, V 39 spiralig S 754 -gedreht T 358 -gelappt S 764 -gereiht С 976 nicht- A 1079 Spiralisation S 755 spiralisch-absteigend С 185 Spiralismus S 756 Spiralmine H 75 Spiralwindung G 317 Spirem S 758 Spirille S 759 Spiroismus S 763 spiro trop S 765 spirozyklisch S 762 Spirre A 820 spitz- A 98, 106, О 303 -driisig О 304 -kronblattrig A 130 -laufend A 85 -laufig A 120 -samig О 316 -standig A 125 ziemlich- A 171 Spitze A 165, 889 Ahren- A 1021 Vor- A 165 spitzen--standig A 903, T 127 -unterstandig I 146 spitzig A 59, 170, 904,1014, С 214 fast- S 1089 spitzlich A 171 Splint A 381 Spodogramm S 770 Spongophyll S 776 Spongioplasma S 774 sporadisch S 780 Sporangidium S 782 Sporangie S 789 Sporangiengruppe S 596 Sporangiensorus S 787 sporangientragend S 781, S 783 Sporangiole S 785 DEUTSCHER INDEX Sporangiophor S 786 Sporangiospore S 788 Sporangiumfrucht S 802 Sporangiumhulle P 284 -spor S 790 Sporchen S 831 sporchentragend S 833 -Spore S 779 AuBen- E 476 Befruchtungs- A 730 Brand- U 87 Chlamydo- С 319 Dauer- A 367, С 401, S 879, T 63 Endo- E 185 Gameto- G 36 Gipfel- A 138 Glieder- A 1044 G16o- G 175 GroB- M 51 Haplo- H 41 Hetero- H 252 Hydro- H 501 Hypno- H 566 Karpo- С 123 Lang- M 51 Makro- M 51 Makroandro- M 8 Makroaplano- M 11 Makrozoo- M 62 Meio- M 167 Meri- M 198 Meso- M 252 Mikro- A 730, M 353 Mikrozoo- M 364 Moos- В 301 Partheno- P 167 Schwarm P 747, Z 53 Seiro- S 263 Sommer- P 1416, U 87 Spermo- S 691 Stylo- S 1076 Tekno- T 40 Teleuto- T 63 Tetra- T 201 Uredo- P 1416, U 87 Wachstum- A 1227 Wind- A 751 Winter- T 63 Zono- С 589 Spore mSnnliche- A 730 querwandige- P 518 ruhende- H 566 zweizellige- D 194 sporenahnlich S 817 Sporenast S 804 Sporenbehalter С 475, S 789, T 231 Befruchtungs- A 731 Sporenbehalterchen S 785 Sporenbildung S 799, 812 DEUTSCHER INDEX Sporenblase S 806 Sporenblatt S 822 sporenerzeugend S 813 Sporenfrucht A 1066, S 802 Sporengehause S 789 Sporenhaufchen A 63 mit- S 597 Sporenhauschen S 785 Sporenhaut S 809 auBere- E 295, 477 innere- E 186 Sporenhtille P 284 Sporenkapsel T 231 Sporenkapselstiel S 461 Sporenknospe S 821 Sporenkunde S 687 Sporenlager A 940, H 529, S 1018 Sporenlagertrager H 531 sporenlos A 1081 -vermehrend A 1080 Sporenlosigkeit A 935 Sporenmutterzelle S 807 Sporenpflanzen С 919 Sporensack S 10 Sporenscheide G 127 Sporenschicht H 529 Sporenschichttrager H 531 Sporenschlauch A 1066 sporenschlaucherzeugend A 1059 Sporenschleuder E 75 sporentragend S 797 Sporentrager S 688, 819 Sporidie S 796 sporidienformig S 792 sporidientragend S 791 Sporidiolum S 794 Sporiparitat S 799 -sporisch S 790 sporn- G 214 -formig С 21 -frtichtig P 797 -los E 5 Sporn С 18 spornig С 19 Sporochoren S 803 Sporodochium S 810 Sporogamie S 811 Sporogenese S 812 Sporogon S 816 Sporokarpium S 802 Sporophyade S 821 Sporophyll S 822 Sporophyt S 824 sporophytisch S 823 Sporosom S 825 Sporotheka S 828 Sporotrophophyll S 829 Sporozyst S 806 Sporozyt S 807 Sporozytium S 808 Sporule S 831 Spreite L 36 Blatt- L 36 falsche- P 1516 sprengwedelfdrmig A 1073 sprengwedelig A 1073 Spreu S 1010 Spreublatt P 30 Spreublattchen P 33 spreublattfdrmig P 32 spreubiattrig P 31 spreuformig G 186, P 32 spreuig P 31 Spreuchuppe P 30, R 50 Springfrucht E 76, R 237 Springkapsel E 76, R 127 SproB G 132 Dehn- M 14 Erd- R 266 Flach- P 559, 790 geophiler- G 106 Haupt- С 195 Luft- A 259 Nieder- С 161 Peitschen- F 78 Schein- С 192 Stauch- В 272 Stock- S 543, T 660 Vermehrungs- A 1224 SproBdorn S 742 sproBend В 231, I 164, P 1272 sproBenreich S 1317 sproBentragend S 1317 SproBknolle T 623 SproBling P 1271 sproBlingtragend P 1272 SproBpflanzen С 812 SproBung G 71, P 1273 Endungs- A 107 SproBverkettung S 1365 Sprungschicht M 270 Spur V 99 Squamodium S 844 stabchenformig В 4, 15 Stabiloplasten S 849 Stabzellen M 46 stachel- A 30 -borstig С 769 -ftirmig A 161 -frtichtig E 10 -los A 636, I 131 -sporig E 12 Stachel A 29, 164 Stachelchen A 163 Stachelkugeln A 31 stachelig A 30, 160, H 432 etwas- S 1088 Stadt О 196 Stagnoplankton S 855 stahl--Ыаи С 257 -drahtfOrmig G 256 grau С 257 -hart С 257 801 staminal S 858 Staminodie S 861 stamm--bewohnend T 618 -gebtirtig T 619 -los A 41 -standig S 996 Stamm S 987, 997, T 620 Haupt- С 189 Niederblatt- S 1176 phylogenetischer- P 590 Stammbaumentwicklung С 482 Stammbltitigkeit G 193 stammend О 239 Stammesentwicklungslehre P 586 Stammesgeschichte der Or-ganismen P 585 stammesgeschichtlich P 587 Stammform A 990 Stammglied I 220 Stammknospe P 856 Stammpflanzen С 812 Stand D 320, P 1126 standhaft С 763 Standort H 3, N 21, S 873 Standortsform О 67 Standortsklima M 318, T 344 StandortraBe О 83 standortsvag E 390 stark G 254, R 339 -duftend G 253 -nervig N 103 -riechend F 253, 146. Starke A 626 starkebildend A 619 Starkebildung A 618 Starkekorner A 626, P 1699 bewegliche- S 877 Starkemehl A 626 starkemehlartig A 614 starr R 319 -biattrig I 349 -dornig R 320 -werdend R 318 ziemlich- R 322 starrend H 432 Starrezustand R 321 starrlich R 322 Stasis S 867 Stasimorphie S 866 Stasigenese S 865 stasophil S 868 Stasophyten S 869 Statenchym S 870 Stathmokinesis S 871 statisch S 872 statistisch S 874 statokrat S 875 Statolithen S 877 Statoplasten S 878 806 Statozysten S 876 Staub P 1651 staubartig P 1646 Staubbeutel A 821 staubeutellos A 660 Staubbeutelrohre S 1373 StaubbeuteltrSger A 828 Staubbeu tel verwachsung A 830, S 1377 Staubblaschen С 736 Staubblase С 736 staubblatt--formig S 860 -los A 659 -reich S 862 Staubblatt M 358, S 857 Staubblattformation A 699 Staubblattnachreife P 1365 Staubblattvorreife P 1361 Staubbliite F 96 Staubfaden F 57 Staubfadenbiindel P 411 staubfadenlos A 659 Staubfadenvereinigung A 182 Staubfadenverwachsung S 1373 StaubgefaB S 857 StaubgefaBbundel P 411 staubgefaBformig S 860 StaubgefaBnachreife P 1365 StaubgefaBrudiment S 861 StaubgefaBsaule S 1417 StaubgefaBvorreife P 1361 staubgefaBtragend M 113, S 859 StaubgefaBtrager A 722 staubig P 1646 Staubkolbchen A 821 Stauchling В 272 StauchsproB В 272 Staude F 170, P 261, S 997, S 1272 staudenartig F 169 staudig S 1274 Staurokonidium S 882 Staurophyll S 885 Stauros S 886 stechend A 59, P 1657 Steckling P 753, T 20 Steckreis T 20 Stegmata S 888 stehend S 854 -bleibend P 348 steif A 98, F 65, R 318, 319, S 173, 1030 -aufrecht S 1030 -biattrig S 948 -borstig H 308 -dornig R 320 etwas- R 322 -gespitzt M 503 -haarig H 308 -stengelig S 950 -werdend R 318 steigend A 801 steil С 531, P 1194 stein- L 213 -bewohnend L 49, 50 -brechend S 101 -hart L 50 -kernig P 1696 -kernlos A 958 -liebend P 380 -samig L 223 -schalig P 1670 -wachsend P 380 Stein P 1669, S 104 Steinbeerchen A 94 Steinfrucht D 380, P 1695 aufspringende- T 621 zusammengesetzte- P 982 Steinfriichtchen A 94, D 381 Steingewebe S 182 steinig L 50, P 378, S 103> 222 Steinkern P 1669 Steinobst D 380 Steinpflanzen L 222 Steinschale P 1669 Steinzelle В 278, С 27, S 176 Steironothie S 891 stelar S 892 Stele С 215, S 893 Stelle L 246, S 252, 540 Stellung D 320, S 540 stellvertretend S 1253, V 109 Stelolemme S 899 stelzartig G 231 Stelzwurzel R 41 stempel--artig P 716 -los A 348 -tragend P 717 Stempel P 720 Stempelbliite F 96 Stempelboden G 285, 301 fleischiger- S 63 Stempeldecke G 308 StempelfuB G 285 Stempelgebilde G 290 Stempelgesamtheit G 290 Stempelhaube G 308 Stempelpolster G 285 Stempeltrager A 848, В 44, G 301, S 689 stengel--los A 41 fast- S 1086 -standig С 194 -umfassend A 601 -biattrig A 603 Stengel G 195, S 997 astloser- S 518 einfacher- S 518 Haupt- P 1208 DEUTSCHER INDEX Keim- H 583 Klammer- A 206 kletternder- S 112 Neben- S 245 fleischiger- S 66 Stengelanlage С 191 Stengelchen des Keimlings С 191 Stengelgebilde С 198 Stengelglied I 220 stengelig С 194 Stengelzusammenwachsung С 197 Stengelzwerghaftigkeit A 40 stenobatisch S 903 Stenochorie S 907 stenohalin S 916 stenohydrisch S 917 stenohygrisch S 918 stenophotisch S 923 Stenoplastizitat S 925 Stenospermokarpie S 929 Stenosis S 928 stenosynusisch S 932 stenothermisch S 933 Stenotopie S 934 stenotopisch S 935 stenotropisch S 936 Stenoxybionten S 937 stenozisch S 914 stenozonisch S 910 Stenozonose S 911 Stenozyst S 912 Stephanodophyten S 940 Steppe S 941 Stereiden S 944 Stereom S 947 Stereoplasma S 949 Sterigma S 955 steril N 110, S 956 Sterilisierung S 957 Sterilitat S 958 unbedingte- S 891 stern- A 144, S 895 -artig S 895 -formig S 895 -haarig A 1093 Stemchen S 897 Sternhaaren S 895 sternotrib S 959 Stichidie S 964 Stichobasidie S 966 stichokarpisch S 967 Stickstoff A 1246 Stickstoffschleim P 1412 stiefelartig О 51 stiel- P 890 -formig S 989 -fruchtig P 894 -los S 458 -rund T 123 -tellerformig H 584 DEUTSCHER INDEX Stiel С 227, P 362 Ast- G 487 Blatt- P 377 Bliiten- P 217 Bltitenstand- P 217 Dolden- R 40 Frucht- С 118, P 217 Samen- F 194 Trug- P 1554 Stielchen P 376 -stielig P 363, 890 stigmatisch S 971 Stigmatomykose S 974 stillwasserig L 93 Stinken О 64 stinkend F 103 Stipelle S 985 Stirne F 159 Stock С 189, S 987 Erd- R 266 Wurzel- R 266 Zwiebel- В 306, D 312 Stockknospe T 660 Stockpflanzen С 812 Stockspross S 543, T 660 Stoff S 1235 Befruchtung- F 140 Blattfaser- L 154 EiweiO- A 378 Holz- L 166 Farb- P 682 Kleb- G 187 Kork-P 428, S 1172 Oberhaut- D 84 Rinden- P 448 Stick- A 1246 Ursprung- P 1412 Wirk- H 429 Wuchs- A 1223 Zell- С 210 Zellenbildungs- С 1031 Stoffangleichung A 1084 Stoffwechsel M 262 zerlegender- С 162 Stolon S 998 Stoma S 1001 stoma tar S 1002 stomatisch S 1003 Stomium S 1007 Storungsentwicklung С 8 StoBreizbewegung S 265 straff S 1030 strahl- A 144 -bliitig R 34 Strahl R 40 Strahlbltite F 96, R 16 strahlen- A 144, R 19 -artig R 17 -fOrmig A 151, R 16 -lftufig A 149 strahlend R 17 Strahlenmine A 1092 etrahlig A 144, 151, R 16, ■19, 37 Strahlung R 18 Strahlungsmesser A 150 strand--bewohnend L 227, M 110, N 96 -liebend L 227, P 1449 Strand L 228 Strandpflanzen A 352, P 1450 Strang G 362 strangfdrmig F 186, 192 Stratiobotanik S 1016 Strauch A 974, F 170 strauchartig F 169 strauchig D 389, F 171 strauB- T 306 -fOrmig T 307 StrauBchen S 453 Streckzellengewebe P 1317 streiche aus D 48 Streichwurzel S 1289 Streifchen S 1025 Streifen L 190, S 1025, V 152 streifen--aderig P 107 -formig S 1034 -los A 100 Streifenbrand U 94 streifig S 1029 Streifung S 1028 Strepsinema S 1020 Strepsitan S 1021 Streufrucht R 237 Streufrtichte D 323 Streuung D 317 strich--formig L 191 -lanzettlich L 43 strichelig L 193 Strichlein L 210 strickformig F 186 Striegelhaar S 1032 striegelhaarig S 1033 striegelig S 1033 Strieme S 1025, V 152 striemig V 153 Stroh S 1010 strohgelb S 1012 Stroma S 1040 stromal oid S 1042 stroma tragend S 1041 Strombus S 1044 stromliebend R 306 Strompflanzen R 307 Stromung С 452 Strophantin S 1046 Strophismus S 1048 Strophogenese S 1049 Strophotaxis S 1051 Struktur S 1052 Strunk S 987, T 620 strunkbewohnend T 618 struppig L 12 806 Strychnin S 1058 Sttick Binde- J 12 Mittel- J 220 stumpf M 592, О 34 -faltig U 32 -spitzig H 59 Sttitze A 207, F 180 sttitzend F 178, S 1275 Sttitzwurzel R 41 Stygobionten S 1062 stylar S 1064 Stylidium S 1066 Styliplankton S 1070 Stylodium S 1072 Stylogonidie S 1073 Styloiden S 1074 Stylospore S 1076 subalpin S 1093 subarktisch S 1100 Subassoziation S 1104 subatlantisch S 1105 Subdidzie S 1155 subdiozisch S 1156 subendemisch S 1164 subepidermal S 1165 subepistatisch S 1166 Suberin S 1172 suberogen S 1174 subfloral S 1180 subfossil S 1183 subgynOzisch S 1189 subhymenial S 1191 Subhymenialschicht H 621 Subhymenium S 1192 subhypostatisch S 1193 Subikulum S 1194 Subklimax S 1126 Subkutikula S 1144 sublitoral S 1205 submikronisch S 1218 submikroskopisch S 1209 Submikrosom S 1210 subnival S 1212 subspontan S 1233 Substrat S 1237 substoma tisch S 1236 subtermal S 1238 Subtridzie S 1245 subtropisch S 1246 stid- M 196 stidlich A 1158, M 196 stidpolar A 814 Sukkulenten S 1264 Sukzession S 1255 Sukzessionslehre S 1416 sumpf- H 68 -bewohnend L 181, P 55, 59, S 961, T 67 -liebend H 69, S 961, T 68, U 5 -wachsend S 853 Sumpf P 58, S 856 Sumpfbewohner H 70 807 sumpfig P 56, 59, T 67, U 5 Sumpfpflanzen H 70, L 187, P 59, S 962, T 69 -des siiflen Wassers H 98 Superfdtation S 1292 Superparasit S 1296 Superspezies S 1298 Suppression S 1303 Suspensor S 1320 suB- D 388, G 189 SuBwasserpflanzen D 388, L 184 SiiBwasserplankton L 185 Sutur S 1323 sutural S 1324 Sykoze S 1328 Symbasis S 1334 Symbionten S 1335 Symbiose S 1336 symbiotiseh S 1337 symbiotroph S 1340 Symbiotrophismus S 1339 Symmetrie S 1343 radiare- R 16 symmetrisch S 1344 radiar- A 151 symmetrischbliitig S 1342 sympatrisch S 1346 Sympeda S 1347 symperianth S 1348 Symphyllodium S 1352 Symphyogenese S 1354 symphytisch S 1359 symphytogyn S 1360 Symplast S 1362 sympodial S 1364 Sympolymorphismus S 1366 Symptom S 1367 Symptomatolologie S 1368 Synakinete S 1371 • Synandrie S 1373 Synandrodie S 1374 Synangium S 1375 Synantherie S 1377 Synanthese S 1378 Synanthie S 1380 Synanthodie S 1381 Synaphose S 1383 Synapsis S 1384 Synaptospermie S 1386 Synarmophyten S 1388 Synchorologie S 1400 synchorologisch S 1401 synchron S 1402 Synchronogamie S 1403 Synchronologie S 1404 Syndese S 1411 syndetocheil S 1412 Syndimorphismus S 1413 syndiploid S 1415 Syndiploidie S 1414 Syndynamik S 1416 Synenchym S 1418 Synergie S 1419 Synergiden S 1420 Synergismus S 1419 Syngameon S 1421 Syngametie S 1423 Syngamie S 1424 Syngenetik S 1427 Syngramma S 1428 synhaploid S 1430 Synkarpie S 1391 synkarpisch S 1392 Synkarpium S 1393 Synkaryon S 1395 synkaryotisch S 1397 Synkolliphyten S 1406 Synkotylie S 1408 Synmorphologie S 1432 Synnema S 1433 Synokologie S 1437 synokologisch S 1438 Synonym S 1440 epithetonliefernde- В 49 Synonymie S 1439 synoptisch S 1442 Synozie S 1435 syndzisch S 1436 synspor S 1448 Synsporangium S 1447 Syntaxon S 1450 Syntaxonomie S 1451 syntelomitisch S 1452 syntepal S 1453 Syntriploide S 1454 Syntrophie S 1455 syntropisch S 1458 Syntypus S 1459 Synusie S 1460 synzoisch S 1461 Synzoogonidium S 1463 Synzoospore S 1464 Synzyanose S 1409 Synzygie S 1465 Synzytium S 1410 Syphogenie S 1466 Syringodendron S 1469 Syrrozien S 1470 Syrtidium S 1471 syrtidophil S 1472 Syrtidophyta S 1473 Syssomata S 1474 Systellophyten S 1475 System S 1476 natiirlisches- N 26, S 1476 Systematik S 1477, T 38 systematisch S 1478 Systematisierung S 1479 Systole S 1480 systolisch S 1481 Systrophe S 1482 szissipar S 170 tabakbraun T 1 tabakfarben T 1 Tachygenese T 10 DEUTSCHER INDEX Tachysporie T 11 Tafel T 4 tafelartig T 5 Tagebuch A 227, D 151 Tagesbericht A 143 Tagfalterblumen P 1599 t&glich Q 54 tags- H 104 -bliihend D 345 -uberbliihend H 105 Taiga T 19 taktisch T 12 Taktismus T 14 Tal С 786, V 24 talbewohnend V 23 Talchen V 21 talgartig S 234 tangahnlich F 174 tangential T 21 Tanggelbstoff P 545 tannenartig A 9, S 43 tannenduftend S 43 Tannin T 22 Tapesium T 23 tapetal T 24 Tapete T 25 Tapetenzelle T 25 Taphrenchym T 26 Taschenbuch V 9 taschenformig С 899 tassenformig P 179 tatig A 156 Tau P 1441, R 341 taub F 24, I 79, V 8 taubenfarbig С 646 taubengrau С 646 tauglich I 38 taumelnd О 273 Taumesser D 379 tauschend D 16, M 190, S 519 tausend- M 620 -bliitig M 621 -fuBlerahnlich S 203 Tautonym T 32 Tauwurzel S 1289 Taxiterie T 35 Taxon T 37 Taxonomie T 38 taxonomisch T 39 teer P 722 -farbig P 677 teich- H 68 -bewohnend L 26 -wachsend S 853 Teich L 25, S 856 Teichosom T 54 Teichplankton H 72 teil- M 192 Teil P 158 zum- P 158 teilbar S 168 Teilblatt F 112 Teilfrucht M 195 DEUTSCHER INDEX Teilfrtichtchen M 195 •teilig M 192, P 170, T 329 TeilnuO С 82 Teilung D 351 Aquations- A 246 Gabel- В 135, D 175, F 197 Kern- D 351 Reduktions- M 165 Reifungs- M 165 Zell- A 520, С 1036, 1055, D 351 Zwei- В 135, D 175 teilungsfahig M 200 Teilungsgewebe С 52, M 199 teilweise- P 168 Teilzylinder S 156 Teknospore T 40 Tektoparatypus T 41 Tektoplesiotypus T 42 Tektotypus T 43 Teleplastiden T 59 Teleutosorus T 62 Teleutospore T 63 Teller О 211 tellerformig H 584, P 179 Telmatoplankton T 70 Telochromomeren T 73 Telochromosom T 74 Telogonidie T 76 telokrat T 75 Telom T 78 Telomeren T 79 Telophase T 81 Telosynapsis T 83 telozentrisch T 72 Tentakel T 101 -tepal T 110 Tepale T 109 Tepidarium T 115 Teratogenie T 116 Teratologie T 117 teratologisch T 118 Teratom T 119 Terminalbliite T 127 Terminalisation T 128 Terminalknospe T 127 Terminologie T 130 ternar T 132 terrestrisch T 136 Terriphyten T 139 tertiar T 141 -nordpolar A 994 Terzine T 120 Tetrachane T 158 Tetrachotomie T 159 Tetrade T 196 Tetradogenesis T 166 tetradynamisch T 168 tetraedrisch T 169 Tetragonidangium T 172 Tetragonidium T 173 Tetrahybride T 177 Tetrakotyledone T 161 tetramer T 180 tetrameristelisch T 179 tetramorph T 181 tetraphyletisch T 186 tetraploid T 189 tetraplostemon T 190 tetrarch T 194 tetrasomisch T 199 Tetrasporangium T 202 Tetraspore T 201 tetrasporentragend T 203 Tetrasporophyt T 204 tetrastigmatisch T 209 tetrazyklisch T 162 Tetrazyten T 163 Thalassoplankton T 222 Thallidium T 223 Thallochlorum T 225 Thallophyten T 226 Thallus T 227 Thallusgehause A 590 Thanatotopus T 230 Thecium T 238 Thekaphor T 232 Thelyblast T 245 Thelygenie T 248 Thelykaryon T 246 thelykaryotisch T 247 Thelytokie T 249 theoretisch T 253 therapeutisch T 254 Theriak T 255 thermal T 256 Thermauxismus T 257 thermisch T 258 -indifferent T 264 Thermoasthesie T 259 Thermochorismus T 260 Thermodiffusion T 262 thermogen T 263 Thermokleistogamie T 261 thermolabil T 265 Thermolyse T 266 Thermomegatherme T 281 Thermomesotherme T 282 Thermomikrotherme T 28 Thermomorphose T 268 Thermonastie T 269 Thermoperiodizitat T 270 Thermophase T 271 thermophylaktisch T 273 Thermophyten T 274 Thermoregulation T 275 thermostabil T 276 Thermotaktismus T 277 thermotolerant T 279 Thermotropismus T 280 therophyll T 284 Therophyten T 285 These T 287 thigmisch T 288 Thigmonastie T 290 Thigmotaxie T 292 Thigmotropismus T 293 808 Thiobakterien T 296 Thixotropie T 298 Thyllen T 302 thyllen&hnlich T 304 Thyllenbildung T 303 tief P 1248, 1250 -braun В 297, U 25 -gezahnt P 1250 -griinend S 89 Tiefe P 1249 tier- Z 10 -bltitig Z 15, 46 -verbreitet Z 28 Tierbltitigkeit Z 14 Tierfrtichtigkeit Z 27 Tiergalle Z 26 Tierverbreitung Z 27 tigerfleckig T 313 tilge D 48 tintenschwarz A 1125 Tischgenosse С 664 Tochterzelle G 208 todlich L 135 fast- S 1203 Tokozygote T 321 Tomiangium T 328 tomipar T 330 ton- -gelb A 1011 -haftig A 1012 -liebend S 737 -reich A 1012 Tonesie T 332 tonig A 1012 -tonisch T 334 tonnchenformig О 213 Tonoplast T 335 Tonoplastenhaut T 335 Tonoplastenmembran T 335 Tonosis • T 336 Tonotaxis T 337 topisch T 341 Topobionten T 342 Topochemotaxie T 343 Topogalvanotaxie T 345 Topophototaxie T 347 Topotaxie T 348 Topotropismus T 349 Topotypus T 350 torf- -artig T 654 -bewohnend T 654 -liebend T 654 Torf T 653 Torfmoore T 655 Torfmooskunde S 720 Torfpflanzen T 654 Torsion T 357 Torus T 363 Toxikologie T 369 Toxine T 370 Toxizitat T 368 Trabant S 83 Trabekeln T 372 809 Tracheen T 374 Tracheiden T 375 Trachenchym T 376 Tracht H 4 tragbar F 40, M 532, P 1274 Tragblatt В 280 tragend F 35, P 464, T 96 Trager G 362 Befruchtungs- G 221 Bliiten- A 848 Driisen- A 192 Elateren- E 78 Embryo- E 103 Farbstoff- С 377 Frucht- G 116 Fruchtknoten- G 301 Gametangium- G 19 Gonidien- G 206 Karpell- С 116 Konidangium- G 727 Konidien- С 730 Korbchen- С 16 Makrosporen- M 56 Mikrosporen- M 357 Narben- S 976 Perithecium- P 323 Samen- P 724, S 689 Schlauch- A 1062 Sporen- S 688, 819 Staubbeutel- A 828 StaubgefaB- A 722 Stempel- A 848, В 44, G 301, S 689 Vererbungs- G 80 Wurzel- R 275 Zysten- G 1021 Tragknospe F 162 Traktellum T 381 tranen--ahnlich D 1 -formig D 1, L 20 Tranen L 19 tranend L 18 Transformismus T 387 transitorisch T 389 Translator R 198, T 392 Translokation T 393 Transpiration T 397 Transpirometer T 398 Transplantation T 399 trapezahnlich T 403 trapezformig T 403 Traubchen R 6 Traube A 94, R 7 einfache- R 7 zusammengesetzte- R 7 trauben- В 262 -bliitig R 2 -formig R 3, 4 -tragend R 1 Traubenkorper G 1020 Taubenstein С 1020 trbig В 262, R 4 traumatisch T 404 Traumatochorismus T 405 Traumatodinese T 406 Traumatonastie T 407 Traumatotaxie T 408 Traumatotropismus T 409 traurig T 565 Tremmatologie T 299 trennbar S 168, 566 Trennung D 141, M 445, S 569 treppenformig S 109 TreppengefaBe V 39 Triachane T 414 triadelphisch T 415 triandrisch T 417 Tribus T 426 Trichilium T 437 Trichi ten T 438 Trichoblast T 441 Trichogyn T 451 Trichom T 453 Trichophorum T 456 Trichoplankton T 459 Trichosporangium T 464 trichterformig I 154 trichterig I 154 tridynam T 481 Trieb Kurz- В 272 Lang- M 14 Peitschen- F 78 Wurzel- S 543, T 660 Triebknospe F 110 Trift P 173 triftbewohnend P 174 trigenerisch T 493 Trihybride T 500 trilet T 503 Trimeristele T 508 Trimonozie T 510 trinominell T 516 Triozie T 519 triozisch T 520 triphyletisch T 525 Triplasie T 531 triploid T 542 triplokaulisch T 541 Triplostemonie T 543 tripolar T 546 Triposplankton T 547 Tripton T 549 trisomatisch T 559 trisomisch T 559 Tristylie T 567 trivalent T 574 Trixenie T 579 trizyklisch T 473 trocken A 1016, R 200, S 173, 488, T 357, X 27 -biattrig S 486, X 41 -blatig S 175, X 29 DEUTSCHER INDEX -friichtig X 32 -hautig S 125 -liebend X 39 -schuppig R 49 -warm X 46 -weinlaubfarbig X 28 Trockenfrucht S 488 Trockenheit S 485, 487 -liebend X 39 -meidend X 40 Trockenheitspflanzen X 42 Troglobiont T 584 trogloxen T 586 trompetenblutig S 26 trompetenformig H 584, T 638 Tropaxis T 587 Tropenpflanzen M 61 Tropfchen G 263 Tropfen G 263 tropfen- G 265 Trophie T 588 trophisch T 589 Trophobiose T 590 Trophochromatin T 591 Trophochromidie T 592 trophogen T 596 Trophokotophyll T 593 Trophokotosom T 594 Trophomixis T 597 Trophomorphose T 598 Trophonukleus T 600 Trophophyll T 601 Trophoplasma T 602 Trophosom T 604 Trophosporophyll T 606 Trophosporosom T 607 Trophotropismus T 609 Trophozyt T 595 tropisch T 610, 611 Tropismus T 612 Tropomorphismus T 613 Tropophyten T 614 triib О 22, 24 -farbig T 565 Trugdolde G 1004, P 799 eingabelige- M 403 zusammengesetzte- D 188 zweigabelige D 170 trugdoldenartig С 1008 trugdoldig С 1008 triigerisch D 16, M 190, P 1456 Trugperidie P 1540 Trugpolster P 1577 trugseitenstandig P 1517 trugseitlich P 1517 Trugsporidienbehalter P 1540 Trugstiel P 1554 Trugwirtel P 1589, V 89 truncigen T 619 Tryma T 621 Tuberkel T 630 DEUTSCHER INDEX Tubfflus T 639 Tundra T 648 Ttipfel P 1656 Ttipfelbl&schen T 302 tupfelfOrmig P 1655 turbanfOrmig T 651 Ttirfltigel V 25 Turgeszenz T 657 Turgonastie T 659 Turgor T 657 turnfOrmig T 661 Ttite О 50 ttiten--artig О 51 -fdrmig О 51 --gerollt С 794 tycholimnetisch T 664 tychopelagisch T 665 Tychoplankton T 666 tychopotamisch T 667 Tychothelytokie T 668 tychozOnotisch T 663 typisch E 360, T 673 Typogenese T 674 Typologie T 675 Typolyse T 676 Typonym T 677 Typostase T 678 Typus T 679 Choro- С 368 Karyo- С 154 Klasto- С 494 Klima- G 518 Klono- С 534 Gattungs- G 88 Holo- H 354 Iko- I 12 Ikono- I 7 Iso- I 344 Isosyn- I 340 Lekto- L 79 Meta- M 296 Meso- M 212 Neo- N 92 Para- P 146 Proto- P 1423 Sorten- A 346 Spermo- S 695 Tekto- T 43 Ur- P 1423 iibel M 78 -riechend M 78, N 116, О 107 uber- E 229, H 536 -deckend О 26 -deckt О 27 -fallend I 261 -fliissig H 551, S 1291 -ganglich T 389 -gehend A 8, T 388 -gerollt С 794, S 1300 tiber- -gipfelt S 1308 •grundst&ndig S 1305 •h&ngend С 240, N 205 -irdisch S 1315 -kleidet T 650 -lagernd E 318 -m&Oig H 536 -mundig H 550 -ragend E 425, S 1284 -schreitend S 1284 -schwimmend S 1295 -sichtlich S 1442 -standig S 1299 -streut A 1076, С 760 -wachsend S 1288 -wiegend P 1174 -winternd H 290 -wintert H 292 -zahlig A 179, S 1311 -zogen О 8 uberall P 63 -wachsend О 146 tiberblatt--standig S 1309 . -stichstandig S 1312 Uberbleibsel R 140 Gberblick С 759, R 218, S 1441 tibereinander--gerollt S 1300 -gestellt I 108, S 1297 ubereinstimmend С 725, H 396 Ubereinstimmung H 50 Uberempfindlichkeit A 419 Uberentwicklung H 553 Uberftillung L 283 Ubergang T 390 Uberpflanzen A 273, E 283 Uberreife S 1310 Uberrest R 164 Uberschwemmung P 1280 Ubersicht С 759, S 1330 Ubertragung T 391 Uberwinterung H 291 Uberwinterungsknospe H 288, T 660 Uberzug I 124 ubiquist U 3 Ubiquisten U 3 ufer- -bewohnend A 158, 523, R 330 -liebend R 330 Ufer L 228 steiles- R 329 Uferpflanzen R 330 ultramarinblau U 8 Ultramikron U 9 Ultramikroskop U 10 Ultraplankton U 11 810 Ultraseston U 12 um- G 453, P 267 umbrabraun U 25 Umbrakulum U 23 Umdifferenzierung M 285 Umfang С 460 umfassend A 495, 600 umgeben С 431, 441, 785 umgebend A 495, 600, С 440 umgebogen A 758, 635 Umgebung A 204 umgedreht О 29 Umgegend A 204 umgekehrt I 267, О 2, R 186 -doppelmannig О 7 -konisch О 5 umges&umt L 177 umgeschlagen R 155 umgestaltet M 276 Umgestaltung A 667 umgestulpt R 186 umgewandelt M 276 umgewandt I 267 umgewendet A 682, R 186 umgtirtelt Z 21 umgiirtend С 440 umgtirtet С 431, 441 umherschweifend V 10 umherwandernd E 344 umhtillend I 275 umkehrbar R 214 Umkehrung (vollstandige-) R 185 Umkreis A 499, С 460 umkreis--bltitig R 34 -standig P 295 -wendig P 326 umkronbiattrig P 294 Umlauf С 452 umliegend A 203 umrandend M 106 UmriB A 499, С 460, D 50, S 162 umscheidend V 15 umschanzt О 36 Umsprosser A 541 umwallt С 785, О 36 Umwandlung M 275 umweibig P 288 Umwindung G 471 umzingelnd G 440 umzingelt С 431, 441 un- E 1, 415, I 45 -ahnlich D 316, 327 -ausgebildet R 394 -anhangend I 74 -anschnlich I 99 -beachtet P 1199 -bebaut I 107, S 778 -bedeckt A 887, 1114, D 72, E 466, G 266 -begrannt E 421 -bekannt I 40 811 un--mir N 150 -behaart G 149, I 69, P 410 -bekelcht A 27 -belebt A 12 -bem&ntelt E 420 -berindet E 14 -beringt A 349 -beschuppt E 357 -bespitzt M 592 -bestandig A 497, 1088, I 86, M 586 -bestimmt I 86, 113 -bewaffnet I 131 -bewehrt M 592 fast- S 1198 -bewimpert A 14 -deutlich A 180, I 122, 0 16, 24 -durchdringlich I 63 -durchsichtig A 199, О 181 -echt A 218, F 14, N 162, S 836 -farbig A 75 -fruchtbar S 956 teilweise- T 320 -geadert A 1232, E 204 -gefleeht I 50 -gefliigelt A 957 -gegliedert A 101, E 422, 1 82 -gegiirtelt A 1245 -gehiillt E 448 -geoffnet 1 81 -geohrlt E 423 -gepaart I 59 -gepflegt I 107 -gerippt E 15 -geschlechtlich A 298, A 1069 -geschnabelt E 341 -geschuppt A 387 -gesehen I 272 -gesetzlich I 42 -gespornt E 5 -gestaltblattrig A 529 -gestaltig D 202 -gestielt S 458 —bliitig S 456 -gestreift E 358 -gesund I 176 -geteilt I 123, 201 -biattrig (fast-) S 1200 ganz— 1 202 -getrennt 1 121 -gewendet A 1131 -gewiB I 86, 113 -gewohnlich A 16, I 192 -gezahnt E 47 >kundig I 40 -merklich I 99,122 -paarig I 59 -gefiedert I 60 un- -rechtm&Big I 42 -regelmaflig A 16, 804 -verteilt S 613 -reif G 897, I 51, 69 -reihig A 1094 -schadlich 1 166 -scheinbar О 24 -scheinlich О 22 -sicher A 497, I 86 -sichtbar A 20, I 271 -tatig I 73 -teilbar A 1120 -trennbar I 181 -umkehrbar I 283 -unterbrochen С 775 -verbunden D 307 -verandert I 58 -veranderlich I 264 -verletzt I 201 - (ganz-) I 202 -verwachsen I 74 -verzweigt A 96, S 518 -vollkommen I 62 -vollstandig I 98, M 89 -wesentlich A 44 -wirksam I 73 -zeitig A 18 Unantastbarkeit I 57 Undurchdringlichkeit I 64 Unempfindlichkeit I 57 Unfruchtbarkeit A 297, S 958 ungleich A 774, D 316, H 175, I 59, 75 -biattrig H 236 -dornig H 176 -farbig D 306 -formig H 228 -gehullt H 192 -geschnitten H 264 -gezahnt H 205, I 76 -halbiert S 1154 -halftig О 15 -kantig A 784 -keimig A 778 -maBig A 441 -paarig D 316 -gefiedert I 60 -schichtig H 224 -seitig I 77, S 110 -zahlig H 224 -zahnig I 76 Ungleichbiattrigkeit A 788 unifazial U 48 unilokuiar U 62 uninominal U 64 unipolar U 68 Unkraut H 156, I 260 Unkrauter X 45 unten- I 134, 144 nach- I 134 tief- I 71 DEUTSCHER INDEX unter- H 533, I 144, S 1085 -befindlich I 137 -bliitig S 1180 -erdig H 589 -fruchtig H 578 -getaucht D 55, I 52, S 1207 -laufend H 588 -gipfelig I 146 -gipfelstandig S 1238 -grundig G 119 -irdisch G 119, H 589, S 1239 -reifend H 576 -mischt I 219 -rindig S 1137 -seeisch S 1206 -standig I 137 -stempelig H 591 -stutzend F 178, S 1275, S 1322 -stutzt S 1276 -weibig H 591 -winkelstandig I 147 Unterabart S 1249 Unterabteilung S 1159 unterarmlang С 942 Unterart S 1231 Unterblatt G 176 unterbrochen D 307, 313, F 141,I 229 -fiederschnittig I 228 Untereinordnung S 1215 Unterentwicklung A 13 unterer I 137 Unterfamilie S 1178 Unterform S 1181 Unterformation S 1182 Untergattung S 1185 Unterhautgewebe H 586 Unterklasse S1123 Unterlage H 617, S 1237 Unterlippe L 6 Unterordnung S 1216 Unterreich S 1220 unterscheidend D 199 unterscheidet sich D 201 unterschiedlich D 336 unterseits- H 533 Untersektion S 1226 Unterserie S 1228 unterster I 71 Unterthallus H 619 Untertribus S 1244 Untervarietat S 1249 unterwarts I 134 iippig L 284 Uppigkeit L 283 uralt A 685, 976, 1112, P 15 Urbildung A 10 Urbildungsform P 1423 Ur blatt A 817 Urceolus U 63 DEUTSCHER INDEX Uredosorus U 86 Uredospore P 1416, U 87 urerzeugt P 1392 Urform A 990 Urmeristem A 988, P 1281 Urne U 89 urnen- С 415 Urpflanzen P 1410 Urplasma A 989 Ursinen U 91 Ursporophyll A 817 Ursprung G 89, О 240 urspriinglich С 719, N 24, О 238 Ursprungstoff P 1412 Urstele P 1418 Urtrophophyll A 818 Urtrophosporphyll A 819 Urtypus P 1423 ururalt A 685 Urwesen P 1373 Urwesenlehre P 1374 Urzeugung A 10 Utriculus U 99 vaginal V 14 vakuolar V 4 Yakuole V 3 kontraktile- С 779 Vakuolensaft S 1266 Vakuolenwand T 335 Vakuolisation V 6 Vakuom V 7 Valenz V 20 variabel V 30 Variabilitat V 31 Variation V 33 Varietat V 36 Varietatengruppe С 788 variierend V 32 vatergleich P 193 Vaterland P 190 vegetabilisch V 44 Vegetation V 45 Vegetationsdauer T 87 Vegetationsgeschichte S 1404 Vegetationskegel С 784, V 46 Vegetationskdrper С 825 Vegetationsorgane О 232 Vegetationsperiode T 87 Vegetationspunkt С 784, V 46 Vegetationsscheitel С 784, V 46 Vegetationsspitze С 784 vegetativ V 46 veilchenblau I 1, V 125 veilchenblaulich V 126 veilchenfarbig V 125 Velum (allgemeines-) V 51 partielles- V 51 Venter V 59 Verahnlichung A 1084 Veralterung С 177 veranderlich M 586, V 30 Veranderlichkeit V 31 verandert M 591 Veranderung M 275 verarmt D 74 verastelt R 53, 60 Verastelung R 55 Verbanderung F 20 verbessernd A 506 verbessert A 507, E 106 -durch E 106 -von С 828 Verbesserung (zur-) С 829 Verbindung J 19, N 113 Gelenk- A 1046 Quer- A 671 Verbindungsfaden P 760 Verbindungsfadenkomplex P 523 Verbindungsnaht S 1323 Verbindungsstelle S 1465 verblasst D 234 verbleichend P 39 verbliiht D 38 verborgen A 20, С 207, С 489, 914, D 53, L 57, 58, О 42, R 88 -ehig С 921 -nervig С 927 Verborgengeschlechtigkeit С 920 Verbreiterung F 20 -verbreitet С 370, D 231 allgemein- G 668 iiberall- С 849 Verbreitung D 317, 339, P 1293 endozoische- E 196 Fremd- A 428 Gesellschafts- S 1400 Menschen- A 860 Selbst- A 1165, В 30 Tier- Z 27 Wind- A 739 Verbreitungseinheit D 154 Verbreitungsgebiet A 1000 verbriidert A 181 verbunden A 205, С 654, 740, С 744, J 20, Z 58 -artig С 653 Verdampfung E 410 verdauend D 200, 211 Verdauungsbtichse D 211 Verdauungsdriise D 211, G 161 Verdauungssamlinge E 198 Verdauungsvakuole V 3 verdeckend О 26, 186 verdeckt О 27, 187, T 46 -ahrig С 916 812 verderblich D 106, P 339 verdichtet С 701 verdicken- T 589 verdickt С 862, I 102 Verdickung С 861, 1101 Verdickungsring С 51 verdoppelt D 191, G 67, R 109 Verdoppelung С 365, D 32, 394 Verdorren I 191 verdunkelnd M 120 a Verdunkelung M 175 verdiinnt A 1140, D 234, T 104 Verdiinstung E 410, T 397 Verein S 549 vereinigt A 328, 1086, С 567. 654, 685, 741, J 20 Vereinigung F 204 Geschlechtszellen- С 739 Staubfaden- A 182 symbiotische- С 758 Vereinigungsnaht R 66 vereint- G 37, P 794 -nervig S 1356 -staubbeutelig S 1376 vereinzelt A 638, I 320, R 71, S 565, 613, 780 verengert A 768 Verengerung S 928 verengt С 765, 780 Vererbung H 168 Vererbungslehre G 90 Vererbungstrager G 80 Verfasser A 1144 verfielfaltigend M 558 verfielfaitigt M 559 Verfielfaitigung M 557 verflacht С 678 verflochten I 65, 236, P 794 -runzelig R 407 vergangen P 1198 verganglich F 177 vergeseUschaftet S 548 vergiftend T 366, V 56 vergleiche С 708 Vergleichung G 674 vergraben I 143 vergroBemd С 883 vergroflert A 604, 1146 VergroBerung A 50, 605 Vergr6Berungsglas L 94 vergriinend V 127 Vergriinung V 128 verhaitnismaBig P 1308, R 139 verhartet I 126, S 193 Verhartung S 179 verholzend L 161 Verholzung L 165, S 179 verhiillend T 47 verhiillt V 49 -samig A 760 818 verjtingend I 164 Verjiingung I 165, J 23, R 138 verkehrt I 267, О 2, R 186 -dreieckig О 30 -eifdrmig О 19 -herzfdrmig О 6 -kegelformig О 33 -kegelig О 5, T 652 -keulenfdrmig О 3 -lanzettlich О 12 -liegend A 874 -oval О 18 -ovoidal О 20 -pyramidenfdrmig О 21 -ziegeldachig О 11 verkettet С 182 Verkieseln S 500 verkleinert D 56, 240 V erkleinerungsnachsilbe E 93 verkniipft A 793, С 744 verkorkt S 1175 Verkorkung S 1169 verkrustet I 105 verktimmert A 18,1128, R 104, 394 verktirzt A 4, С 545, 780 verlangert E 94, P 1244, P 1278, 1427 Verlangerung A 948, P 1277 verlarvt P 349 Verlaubung F 155 Verletzungskrtimmung T 409 verloschend E 408 vermehrend (durch Samen-) О 295 vermehrt A 1146, M 559 Vermehrung A 605, M 557, R 157 abnormale- P 1273 geschlechtlose- A 301 vegetative- V 46 vermehrungsfahig P 1274 Vermehrungsfahigkeit V 147 Vermehrungsorgane О 232 VermehrungssproB A 1224 vermindernd R 106 vermindert D 56, M 373, R 104 Verminderung R 105 vermischt С 667, M 374 Vermischungsgenossenschaft С 665 Vermutung P 1197 Vernalisation V 74 Vernarbung С 419, О 40 vernichtend С 422 verpflichtet О 14 verringert D 240 verschieden D 316, 329, 349, H 175, P 899, V 38 -artig H 218, V 38 -biattrig H 236 -ehig H 215 -farbig D 306, H 195 -frtichtig A 543, H 189 -gestaltig H 228 -gliederig H 224 -griffelig H 256 -hausig H 208 -keimbiattrig H 199 -kreisig H 200 -mannig H 178 -quirlig H 200 -sporig H 253 -stachelig H 176 -teilig H 224 -ursprtinglich H 217 -wendig H 221 -zahnig H 205 -zeitig A 431, D 129, H 197, P 968 Verschiedenartigkeit V 31 Verschiedenbiattrigkeit H 235 Verschiedenbltitigkeit H 181 Verschiedenfarbigkeit H 194, P 964 Verschiedenfrtichtigkeit H 188 Verschiedengestaltigkeit H 188, 227, P 1005 Verschiedengriffeligkeit H 255 Verschiedenheit V 36 Verschiedenstaubiattrig-keit H 254 Verschiedenwurzeligkeit H 246 verschleiert С 836, I 127, V 49 verschlossen G 503, О 25, О 41 -bltitig С 511 verschlungen I 65 verschmaiert A 768, 1140 verschmelzend D 52 Verschmelzung F 204 Verschneidung С 160 verschwtirzend N 117, 120a, S 1211 verschwindend E 408 verschwistert С 752 versehen I 199, M 579, N 157, P 1173 versengt A 222 versenkt D 55, I 42 Versommerung V 74 verspatet T 30 versteckt A 20, С 207, 489, G 914, D 53, I 52, L 57, О 42, R 88 versteinert F 135 teilweise- S 1183 Versteinerung F 136 Bliiten- A 842 DEUTSCHER INDEX Frucht- С 114 Pflanzen- В 259 Wurzel- R 264 verstopft О 25 verstrickt I 236 versttimmelt M 593, P 1671, T 617 Versuch T 102 verteidigend D 34 verteilt D 340 Verteilung D 320, 339 natiirliche- N 26 vertikal V 87 vertreibend E 77 vertretend S 1253 vertrocknend A 1004, S 483 vertrocknet A 1016 verungestaltet D 40 verunreinigt С 762 vervollstandigt E 106 Vervollstandigung A 1145 verwachsen A 52, 194, 793 G 543, 699, 709, 741, G 37, S 1350, 1359 -beutelig S 1376 -biattrig S 1353 -bltitig S 1379 -fadig S 1357 -fruchtbiattrig S 1392 -frtichtig G 40, S 1351 S 1392 -griffelig G 54 -keimbiattrig S 1407 -kelchbiattrig S 1445 -kopfig S 1398 -kronbiattrig G 39, S 1349, 1444 -nervig S 1356 nicht- L 152 -samig S 1446 -staubbeutelig S 1372 -staubfadig S 1372 -wurzelig S 1443 Verwachsenbiattrigkeit G 49 verwachsend С 697 Verwachsung С 544, 601, G 698, S 1358 Bliiten- S 1380 Fruchtbiatter- С 572 Friichten- S 1391 GefaBbtindel- G 42 Knospen- G 43 Staubbeutel- A 830, 195 S 1377 Staubfaden- S 1373 Verwachsungslinie R 66 Verwachsungsnaht S 1323 verwallt О 36 verwandelt M 276 Verwandlung M 275 Verwandschaft A 290 verwandt A 289, С 597, С 713, 718, 752 nicht- A 402 DEUTSCHER INDEX verwebt С 771, I 236 verwechselt С 670 Verwelken M 102 verwelkend M 100 verwelkt E 95, L 44, M 101 verwerfend R 137 Verwesungspflanzen S 58 verwickelt I 65 verwildert E 51, S 1233 verwirrt С 717, I 236 verwischt О 16 verwitternd (leicht-) E 375 verworren I 65, 249 verwundet T 404 Verzeichnis С 170, E 217 verzweigend R 54 verzweigt С 478, R 56, 60 wenig- S 1219 Yerzweigung R 55 gabelige- D 175 razemose- R 4 seitensprossige- С 1008 Verzwergung N 7 verziert A 214, E 471, S 224 Viabilitat V 106 Vicinovariieren V 110 viel- С 213, M 367, 506, 577, M 620, P 798, 857, 933 -achsig M 512 -aderig P 868, 1007, 1022 -ahrig P 1055 -astig M 564, P 970 -beerig P 972 -biattrig F 113, P 1028 -bltitenkopfig M 514 -bltitig M 535, 621 -borstig P 1045 -brtiderig P 937 -deckblattrig M 513 -dornig P 934 -drtisig P 938 -eckig A 765, M 507, P 993 -ehig P 989 -fah M 556 -facherig M 549, 547 -farbig M 525 -fingerig P 979 -fliigelig P 1038 -formig P 1006 -frtichtig P 950 -geiselig P 1075 -gestaltig P 1006 -gliederig P 1002 -grannig M 510 -griffelig P 995, 1066 -gtirtelig M 576 -haarig P 1075 -hakig P 939 -hdrnig P 959 -jahrig A 794 -jochig M 544 -kammerig P 876, 1024 -kantig A 765, M 507, P 993 viel- -kapselig M 515 •keimbiattrig P 973 -kelchbiattrig P 1044 -kernig P 869, 1010, 1039 -kielig M 516 -klappig M 575 -kleinfacherig M 548 -kopfig M 514 -kronbiattrig P 1017 -lappig M 547 -mannig P 940, 1059 -mtindig P 1064 -namig P 1009 •narbig P 1062 -nervig N 103, P 868, P 1022, 1007 -peitschentragend M 534 •punktiert P 1061 -queffacherig P 876, 1024 -reihig P 877, 1060 -rippig P 863 •sagezahnig M 568 -sammenknospig P 1015 -sammenlappig P 973 -samig P 1050 -schnittig M 565 -schotenfrtichtig M 570 -schotig M 570 -schuppig P 999 -schwanzig P 1079 sehr- P 814, 337 -seitig M 545 -spaltig F 71, M 533 -sporig P 1054 -spornig P 957 -stachelig P 934 -stammig P 1026 -staubbiattrig P 942 -steinkernig P 1039 -stengelig M 519, P 1032 -streifig M 546 -strichelig M 546 -teilig M 533, P 871, P 1002, 1072 -warzig P 1070, V 81 -weibig P 995 -wimperig M 522, P 1075 -wurzelig P 1040 -zahlig P 1002 -zahnig P 864 -zeilig P 877, 1060 •zerschnitten M 565 -zweigig M 564, P 970, R 60 Vielstammigkeit P 1025 Vieiastigkeit P 969 Vielbiattrigkeit P 1027 Vielehigkeit P 988 vielmal--frtichtig P 950 -gegliedert M 511 -gesagt M 568 814 -getetit P 1072 -zusammengesetzt D 19 Vielverastelung P 969 Vielweibigkeit P 994 vier- Q 1, 26, T 151 -ahrig T 206 -beerig Q 7 -biattrig Q 13 -bltitig Q 12 -dornig T 153 -drtisig T 164 -eckig Q 2 -gelappt T 175 -ecksfrtichtig T 174 -fach Q 23, T 188 -facherig Q 17 -fadig T 207 -fingerig Q 9 -flachig T 169 -fliigelig T 191 -fruchtbiattrig Q 6, T 176 -frtichtig T 155 -gabelig Q 14 -gestaltig T 181 -gliederig T 180 -grannig Q 3 -griffelig T 176, 210 -hdrnig T 157 fast- S 1240 -kapselig Q 5 -kelchbiattrig T 198 -kernig T 184 -kronbiattrig T 185 -lappig Q 16 -machtig T 168 -mannig T 182 -narbig T 209 -querwandig Q 20 -quirlig T 162 -reihig Q 21 -samig T 200 -schnittig Q 19 -seitig Q 15, T 169 -spaltig Q 11 -sporig T 205 -spornig T 156 -staubbeutelig T 183 -steinkernig T 192 -strahlig T 194 -teilig Q 18, T 180 -weibig T 176 -zahlig T 180 -zahnig Q 8 -zeilig Q 21 Vierlingsfrucht T 158 viermal Q 25, T 188 -gezweit T 165 vierte Q 24 Vierteilungsspore T 201 Vikarianten V 109 vikariierend V 109 815 violett I 1, V 125 -farbig V 125 -werdend V 126 Vireszenz F 155, V 128 Virulenz V 138 Virulenzperiode E 221 Virus V 140 viskos V 142 Vitalismus V 146 Vitalit&t V 147 vogel- О 243 -bliitig О 245 -verbreitet О 244 Vogelfutter dienlich (als-) A 1234 volatil A 287 Volksnamen V 72 volkstiimlich V 72 voll О 205, P 798, 815 -buchtig S 529 -gestopft F 16 vollkommen P 262 ganz- I 202 Vollsaftigkeit P 1043 vollstandig С 681 vollzahlig С 681, P 262 vor P 1056, 1360 voralpenbewohnend S 1093 Voralpenpflanzen О 250 Vorbereitung P 1192 vorbergig P 1189 vorbeugend P 1302 Vorbeugung P 1303 Vorbildungslehre P 1183 Vorblatt P 1304 vorderarmlang С 942 Vorderlage A 872 Vorderseite F 159 vorgebildet P 1183 Vorgebirge P 1288 vorgehend P 1163 voreiszeitlich P 1185 vorgeschlagen P 1309 vorgezogen P 1244 vorhanden P 1195 Vorhandensein P 1196 Vorhang V 51 vorher P 1156 vorherrschend D 365, P1175 fast- S 1161 Vorhof V 97 vorig E 59 vorjahrig A 796 Vorkeim P 1245, 1371 Vorkern P 1291 Vorkommen H 3 vorkommend О 44 Vorlager P 1371 vorl&ufig P 1170, 1439 vorm&nnig P 1362 Vormannlichkeit P 1361 vorragend P 1284 vorratig P 1437 Vorrede P 1176 Vor-Riicklage D 158 Vorschau S 1441 Vorspelze P 30 Vorspitze A 165 vorspringend P 1322 Vorsprung P 1262, 1285 Vorstadium darstellend P 1375 voriibergehend E 228 vorweibig P 1366 Vorweibigkeit P 1365 Vorwort P 1176 vorzeitig P 1270 vorzellig A 815 vorziiglich P 1177 waagerecht H 425 wabenartig F 27 Wabenplasma T 602 wabig F 27 Wachen der Pflanzen V 116 Wachs G 228 wachsartig С 229 wachsend G 604, 883, G 94, H 2 -auf E 229 wachsgelb С 239 wachsig G 237 WachsmaBe M 114 Wachstum A 50, I 103 kompensatorisches- G 676 Wachstumausgleich С 676 Wachstumbewegung N 206 Wachstumlangsamkeit В 284 Wachstumschnelligkeit T 9 Wachstumsmesser A 1220 Wachstumsorgane О 232 Wachstumsspore A 1227 Waffen A 1027 waffenlos I 131 wahr G 99, V 91 Wahrnehmung P 255 Wald N 76, S 507 waldbewohnend N 75, S 510 Waldchen S 514 waldig S 30, 508, 513 Waldkultur S 511 Waldlichtung L 272 waldliebend S 508 Waldpflanzen S 508 Waldsteppe S 512 waldwachsend S 508 Walze С 1003 walzenformig G 1001, T 123 fast- S 1145 walzig С 1001 Wand P 152 Frucht- P 275 Quer- D 325, S 424 Querscheide- T 402 Scheide- D 325, S 424 Vakuolen- T 335 Zell- G 1041, M 181 DEUTSCHER INDEX wandbriichig S 420 wandernd M 365, V 10 wandspaltig S 416 wandst&ndig P 153 wankend V 82 wanzen- С 809 -tibelriechend С 427 w&rmeliebend T 272 Warmemesser T 267 Warmhaus G 28, F 43 warmquellig T 256 wSrzchen tragend V 81 Warze V 78 Brust- M 86 kleine- V 80 Kork- L 95 Nabel- G 131 Samen- G 131 Saug- H 55 warzig V 79 wasser- H 463 -anziehend H 519 -befruchtend H 480 -bewohnend A 959 -bliitig H 480, 489 -dicht I 63 -frei A 772 -fiihrend A 961 -haltend A 961 -hell A 960, H 448 -liebend H 489 -meidend H 490 -reich A 965, M 68 -verbreitend H 472 Wasserausscheidung G 264 Wasserbliitigkeit H 479, 564 Wasserdichtigkeit I 64 Wasserdriise H 460 Wasserdunstung T 397 wasserig A 965 Wasserkultur H 477 Wasserpflanzen H 493 Wasserplankton H 495 Wasserreiser P 1269 Wasserschweber H 496 Wasserspalte H 460 Wasserstoffionenexponent P 382 Wasserstoffionenkon-zentration P 382 Wasserstoffionenzahl P 382 Wassersucht A 669 Wassertrieb P 1269 Wasserzustand H 464 WSssrigkeit A 964 wechsel--blattrig A 475 -fadig A 407 -lebig A 539 -seitig M 595, R 84 -standig A 472 Wechsel Abbau- С 162 DEUTSCHER INDEX Generations- A 473 Kernphase- С 144 Stoff- С 162 Wechselbefruchtung D 173 Wechselbeziehung С 827 wechselnd A 873, M 586, V 30, 32 Wechselpflanzen T 614 Wechselwirkung С 827, I 206 weg- A 913 -wachsend V 107 Weg I 347 wegeliebend V 107 wehrlos I 131 weibermannig A 710 weiblich F 33 weich- H 22, M 74, 390, T 97 -haarig P 1633 -spitzig M 503 Weichharze В 26 Weichmachung M 2 Weichspitzchen M 504 Weichspitze M 502 Weide В 302, P 173 weide--bewohnend P 174 -liebend N 147 Weidepflanzen N 149, P 1098 Weideplatz P 173 weiden- S 18 -ahnlich S 18 Weiden (wachsend unter-) S 18 Weidengebusch S 19 weiherbewohnend T 316 weihrauchtragend T 301 Weinbaulehre О 87 weinbeerkerntihnlich G 144 Weinbergpflanzen V 123 weingartenbewohnend V 123 Weinlehre О 87 Weinpropf R 163 weinrot V 122 weinsteinartig T 31 weiB A 382, L 136 blaulich- С 987 blei- G 243 elfenbein- E 3, 6 gelblich- E 3, 6, X 8 gips- G 311 gianzend- G 62 grau- С 66, T 113 graulich- S 771 hermelin- E 339 kreide- G 884 matt- A 382, С 884, V 130 milch- G 4, L 22 rein- G 63, H 344, N 128 rdtlich- R 296, 376 schnee- С 308, N 128 silber- A 1010 schwan- О 136 weiB--blattrig L 143 -frtichtig L 137 -grauwerdend С 64 -haarig L 147 unterseits- H 595 -werdend G 62 Weiflftirbung A 374 WeiBfleckigkeit A 374 weifllich A 375, С 62 -gelb L 148, О 53 -grau С 64, L 142 -ockergelb О 53 -rot E 349 -schwarz L 141 weit A 606 -abstehend P 180 -ausgebreitet E 56 -laufiggestellt L 73 -schweifig D 203 -stehend R 143 -verbreitet E 386 welk E 95, L 44, M 101 welkend M 100 wellen- U 32 -fdrmig U 32 wellig U 32 Weltbtirger С 850 weltbtirgerlich A 560, G 849 weltlich T 66 Wendel G 317 wendend nach T 611 -wendig S 207 wenig О 108, P 195, S 603 -ahrig О 126 -behaart О 129 -bltitig P 198 -frtichtig A 500, О 112 -gebogen С 972 -gekerbt P 196 -gezahnt P 197 -mannig О 109 -samig О 125 sehr- P 342 -strahlig P 200 Werg S 1059 wergartig S 1060 wergig S 1061 Werk О 206, S 1449 floristisches- С 329 voriaufiges- P 1241 in dem zitierten- О 206 Wertigkeit Y 20 wespentragend T 103 westlich 0 39 Wettbewerb A 813, С 677 Wetteifer A 813 Wetterkluft R 324 wetterprophetisch H 510 Wetterstreit A 813 Wickel С 429 Wickeiahre P 1572 wickelig С 428 widderhornig A 1017 816 widerbestehend R 176 Widerhaken G 171 widerhakenahnlich H 51 Widerhakchen G 170 widerhakig G 169 widerlich N 31 widerstandig R 176 widerstandsfahig R 176 Widerstandsfahigkeit R 177 -widrig A 864, N 31 wieder--auflebend A 632, 670, R 102 -bltihend R 112 -lebend R 102 -ergrtinend R 217 -kehrend R 84 -scheinend R 119 -verwildert S 1233 Wiederaufbltihen R 113 Wiederaufleben R 219 Wiederauskeimen R 124 Wiederbelebung A 631 Wiedereinmtindung A 671 Wiedererzeugung R 121, 157 wiederholt 1 348, R 136 -bltihend P 914 -gabelig D 176 Wiese P 1206 wiesenbewohnend P 1204 Wiesenpflanzen P 1204 wild F 42, S 778 -wachsen F 42 -wachsend A 334, E 344, S 778 Wimpel V 104 wimper- В 241 -haarig G 423 Wimper С 426 Wimperbakterien T 440 Wimperchen С 426 Wimperhaare С 426 wimperig С 423 wind- A 738 -bltitig A 743 -verbreitet A 740 -und wasserverbreitet A 744 Windblumen A 742 Windbltitler A 742 Winden С 998 windend T 358, T 159 Windfrtichtigkeit A 739 Windmesser A 745 windmtihlartiggefltigelt ' M 389 Windpflanze L 151 Windplankton A 750 Windspore A 751 Windstreuerung В 245 Windung G 317, S 753 spirale- С 471 Windverbreitung A 739 Windwanderung A 739 Winkel A 766, G 202 817 Blatt- A 1239 Divergenz- A 766 Neigungs- A 766 Winkeldivergenz D 348 winkelig A 764 Winter- H 296 winter--dauemd H 289 -liebend С 277 -meidend С 278 Winterhaus H 288 Winterknospe D 367, H 288 winterlich В 295, H 289, 295 Winterruhe H 291 Winterschlaf H 291 Winterspore T 63 winzig E 444, M 373, P 1665 -klein A 1120, P 345, 1665 wirksam A 157, P 1151 Wirkstoff H 429 Wirkungsstarke V 20 Wirtel С 1000, V 90 wirtelfOrmig V 88 wirtelig V 88 Wirtpflanzen H 440 wirtschaftlich О 75 wirtsvag P 813, 1020 wirtwechselnd H 208 wiBbegierig P 438 Wissenschaft H 317 wogend F 98 wogig U 32 wohl E 360 -riechend A 528, О 65, S 1083 -schmeckend S 42 Wohlgeruch О 64 Wohlstand P 1329 Wohnbezirk A 1000 Wohngebiet A 100^ -wohnig О 66 Wohnort H 3, N 21 wolbig F 130 etwas- S 1001 Wolbung F 131 wolftotend L 285 wolfvergiftend L 285 wolkig N 36, 173 woll- E 334, L 40 -flaumig L 47 -flockig F 83 -haarig L 40 Wollbehaarung L 48 Wolle L 39, 48 Wollenflaum L 48 Wollflaumhaar L 47 Wollhaar L 47 wollig G 229, L 40 -bebiattert С 560 -behaart L 54 etwas- S 1202 unterseits- H 594 wuchernd L 284 Wucherung P 1273 Wuchsigkeit V 147 Wuchsstoff A 1223 wulst- О 152, P 591, 592 -fOrmig S 1056 Wulst G 31, V 162 wulstig G 30, P 592 WundeverschlieBung О 40 Wundgewebe С 31 wundheilend V 166 Wundhormone N 44 wtirfelig G 941, T 143 wurm--abtreibend S 40 -ahnlich L 273 -formig H 92, V 68 -fraBig С 92 -treibend V 69 -widrig V 69 WurmfraB V 70 Wurmkrankheit V 70 wurstformig В 266 wurzel- R 240 -ahnlich R 262 -artig R 27, 262 -bewohnend R 24 -biattrig R 278 -blumig R 26 -biirtig R 258 -entsprossend R 258, S 544 -formig R 27, 273 -fressend R 28 -fruchtig R 249 -kopfig R 251 -liebend R 274 -los A 1041 -rankig S 80 -reich R 29 -samig R 282 -sprossentragend S 544 -standig R 20 -stockformig R 269 -stockig R 270 -tragend R 25, 276 Wurzel R 41 einfache- S 518 holzige- R 41 kugelige- N 12 knollige- T 636 sproBbiirtige- A 224 wachsend auf- E 291 -Wurzel Bei- A 224, S 245 Ersatz- A 224 Faser- R 41 Haft- A 206 Haupt- P 1208 Klammer- A 206 Luft- A 259 Neben- R 23, S 245 Pfahl- P 28 Pilz- M 612 Ruben- N 12 Saug- H 55 Schein P 1566 DEUTSCHER INDEX -Wurzel Seiten- R 41 Spindel- R 41 Stelz- R 41 Streich- S 1289 Sttitz- R 41 Tau- S 1289 Zug- G 779 Wurzelanhang R 246 Wurzelanordnung R 21, 284 Wurzelausiaufer S 543, 998 Wurzelausschlag S 543 Wurzelbeschreibung R 260 Wurzelbildung R 257 Wurzelblatt R 20, 277 Wurzelbiischel M 607, R 285 Wurzelchen R 30, 287 Wurzeldornen R 20 Wurzelfaserchen R 20 Wurzelfasern F 44 Wurzelgabelung D 3 Wurzelhaare A 22, R 20 Wurzelhals С 633 Wurzelhaube G 611, 46, P 687 Wurzelhaut R 256 Wurzelhiille V 48 wurzelig R 25, 240 Wurzelkeimer R 248 Wurzelknolle T 630, 636 Wurzelknospen R 20 Wurzelknotchen R 33 Wurzelmiitzchen G 46 wurzelnd R 20 Wurzelung R 21 Wurzelpflanzen R 279 Wurzelscheide G 611 Wurzelschneider R 286 Wurzelschoflling S 543 WurzelsproB S 543, 1318 Wurzelstellung R 284 Wurzelstock R 266 Wurzelsymbiose M 612 Wurzelsystem S 1476 Wurzeltasche R 271 Wurzeltrager R 275 Wurzeltrieb S 543, T 660 Wurzelversteinerung R 264 wiirzig A 1033 wiisten- E 321 -bewohnend T 142 -liebend E 324, T 142 Wiistenpflanzen E 325 Xanthin X 6 Xantholeuziten X 9 Xanthophor X 12 Xanthophyll X 13 Xenie X 15 Xenoautogamie X 17 Xenobiose X 16 Xenogamie X 21 Xenokarpie X 18 xenonoth X 25 DEUTSCHER INDEX xenoplastisch X 26 xendzisch X 20 xenozdnisch X 19 Xerobolen X 31 Xerochasie X 33 Xerogeophyten X 35 Xerohelophyten X 36 Xerokleistogamie X 34 Xeromorphie X 37 Xerophyten X 42 xerophytisch X 43 xeropoiaphil X 44 Xeropoiophyten X 45 xero therm X 46 Xerothermophyten X 47 Xerotropismus X 49 Xylem X 53 Xylochrom X 55 Xylolith X 58 Xylostroma X 64 Xylotomie X 65 zah T 92 etwas- T 89 -fliiBig V 142 -zahlig M 192 zahlreich С 797, 866, N 200 fast- S 1133 zahn- О 61 -biattrig О 63 -los E 47 fast- S 1163 Zahn S 66 Zahnchen D 70 zahnig- О 61 -gesaumt О 62 Zapfchen G 783 zapfen--artig S 1036 -formig G 726, S 1036 -tragend С 735, S 1037 Zapfen G 784, S 1039 zapfig С 735 zart E 445, H 22, L 116, S 1241, T 95, 97, 105 Zaun S 13 lebendiger- S 13 zaunbewohnend S 14 Zeaxanthin Z 2 zebrastreifig Z 4 zehn- D 8, 14 -gliederig D 11 -mannig D 13 gewdhnlich- S 1146 -zahlig D 11 Zehnweibige D 9 Zeichen N 156, S 497 kleines- N 165 Zeichner I 44 zeigend M 465, P 1161 Zeigepflanzen I 116 Zein Z 5 Zeit T 87 Blute- A 833 Reife- M 125 Zeitraum P 293 Zellanatomie G 1029 Zelldifferenzierung G 1067 Zelle G 208 innerhalb der- I 243 somatische- S 572 vegetative- V 46 -Zellen AnschluB- H 605 Begleiter- G 660 Charakter- D 386 Dauer- G 1016 Deck- S 888 Ei- N 12 Fortpflanzungs- G 41 GegenfuBler- A 871 Geschlechts- G 17 Grenz- H 201 Hilfs- В 249, S 1420 Keim- G 17, 41 Kloster- G 571 Korper- S 572 Libriform- L 154 Mutter- С 208, M 122 Ophiuren- A 1097 Pollen- G 252 Primordial- P 1212 Reproduktiv- T 59 Ruhe- A 367 Schlauch- A 1066 Schleuder- E 75 SchlieB- S 1003 Sexual- G 41 Sklerenchym- S 176 Spikular- A 1097 Sporenmutter- S 807 Stab- M 46 Stein- В 278, С 27, S 976 Tapeten- T 25 Tochter- G 208 Zellenanhaufung A 327 zellenartig (nicht-) A 55 Zellenbildungsstoff С 1031 Zellengrundstoff P 1412 Zellenlehre G 1057 Zellenpflanzen С 209 Zellenspannung T 657 zellenzerstdrend С 1060 Zellfamilie G 636 Zellgewebe С 772 Zellhaut M 181 Zellhdhlung L 274 zeilig G 209, 1028 ZeUkern С 143, 1032, N 195 Zellkerndegeneration С 149, 1058 Zellkernmembran M 181 Zellkernplasma С 145 Zellkolonie С 571 Zellkonjugation С 1045 Zellkdrnchen С 1051 818 Zellmembran M 181 Zellplasma P 1412 Zellraum L 274 Zellsaft G 1058, E 122, S 1266 ZeUstoff С 210 Zellteilung G 1036, 1055, D 351 direkte- A 520 indirekte- С 137 zeUuiar С 209 Zellulose G 210 Zellverein С 571 Zellwand G 1041, M 181 Zenanthie С 212 Zenotropismus Z 7 zentral G 215 Zentralkdrperchen С 222 Zentralplazentation С 215 Zentralzylinder G 215, 1003, S 893 zentrifugal G 216 zentripetal С 218 Zentromer G 219 Zentroplasma С 220 Zentroplast G 221 Zentrosom G 222 Zentrosphare G 223 zepterformig S 132 Zeratomanie G 236 zerbrechlich F 143, R 416 Zerealien С 238 ZerfaUen F 144 zerfetzt D 229, L 12, 15 zerflieBend D 52 zerliegend A 656 Zergliederung A 655, 677 zerkluftet R 407 zerknittert С 830 Zerlegung A 655, 677, D 331 zernagt R 407 zerplatzend R 408 zerreiBend D 299, R 408 ZerreiBung (entstanden durch-) R 236 zerrissen D 229, L 12 zerschlitzt D 229, L 12 zerschnitten D 322 Zersetzung С 89 zerstorend D 106 zerstreut D 203, 318, 329, E 56, S 613, 780, V 18 -biattrig S 611 -blutig S 610 zerteilend M 197 zerteilt F 54 Zerteilung D 351 Zettelchen S 134 Zeugite Z 78 Zeugungsorgane G 95 Zeuxis Z 9 Zezidie С 206 819 Zezidiologie С 202 Zezidiophyten С 204 Zezidiozden С 205 ziegel--bewohnend T 53 -dachfOrmig I 49 -farbig T 146 -rot L 61 Ziegel I 48 ziemlich S 1085 -breit L 66 zieren D 23 zierend D 21, О 241 zierlich D 21, G 230 Zierpflanzen D 21, О 241 Zil С 426 ziliograd С 424 zimtbraun С 445 zimtfarbig С 445 zimtriechend С 445 zinnoberrot С 444 Zipfel L 14 Zipfelchen L 16 zipfelig L 15 zirkular С 451 Zirkulation С 452 zirkumboreal С 456 zirkumfloral С 462 Zirkumlateralismus С 463 zirkumpolar С 467 zitiert С 476 zitronen- С 477 -gelb G 477 zitterig T 411, V 108 zitternd T 411 Zoandrospore Z 13 Zoidiogamie Z 14 Zoidiospore Z 18 Zoll P 920 zollang P 921 Zoloblast С 565 Zolonema С 566 Zonation Z 22 Zone С 442, Z 20 Zonobionten G 569 Zonobiospore С 570 Zdnobium С 571 Zonogamet С 578 ZCnogenese С 579 Zonoglda С 580 ZOnogonidium С 581 zonokarp С 573 Zdnokarpie С 572 Zonokarpium С 574 Zonoklaaie С 576 ZOnologie С 582 Zonomonoezie С 583 zdnophil С 584 Zonoprothallium С 585 Zdnose G 586 Zdnospezies С 587 Zdnosph&re С 588 Zonospore G 589 Zonotaxonomie S 1451 Zonozentrum С 575 Zonozoogonidium G 591 ZOnozygote С 592 Zonozyt С 577 zoobiotisch Z 24 Zoodiodangium Z 32 Zoodomatie Z 33 zoogam Z 36 Zoogamie Z 35 zoogen Z 37 Zoogloa Z 38 Zoogonangium Z 39 Zoogonidangium Z 40 Zoomorphose Z 43 Zooparasit Z 44 zoophil Z 46 zoophob Z 47 zoophytisch Z 48 Zooplankton Z 49 Zoosiphonogamie Z 50 Zoosph&re Z 52 Zoosporangiophor Z 54 Zoospore Z 53 Zoosporenbehalter Z 55 Zoozezidie Z 26 Zoozonozyt Z 29 Zoozygospore Z 57 Zoozyst Z 30 zottel- L 54, V 120 zottig L 54, M 83, V 120 Zottigkeit V 118 Zuchtwahl S 268 natiirliche- N 26 zuckerig S 6 zuckerhaltig S 6 zuckersiifi S 6 zuckertragend S 7 zuersterzeugt P 1392 zuerstgebildet P 1375 zufailig A 44, 224 Zuflucht R 118 zugegen sein A 217 zugekehrt С 792 zugewandet С 792 zugewendet A 226 Zugwurzel G 779 Zulagen A 178 Zunahme I 103 Zunder F 118 zunehmend A 1146 ziingelchenformig L 171 zungen- G 178, L 173, 194 -ahnlich G 178 -bliitig S 309 Zungenbliite F 96, L 173 ZungenfuB G 180 zuruck- -bildend R 131, 209 -bleibend R 142, 165 -gebeugt R 111 -gebildet R 104 -gebogen С 777, R 85, 101, R 111, 206 DEUTSCHER INDEX zuriick- -gebrochen R 115 -gedreht R 186, 202, 221 -gefaltet R 155 -gekehrt R 202 -geknickt R 115, 207 -gekrummt R 101, 205 -geneigt R 85 -gerichtet R 212 -gerollt R 221 -geschlagen D 37, R 109, R 155, 206 -gewendet R 212 -gezogeri R 203 -laufend R 99 -rollbar R 220 -strahlend R 119 -tretend R 83 zusammen S 1369 -fallend G 613 -flieflend A 672, С 715 -geballt A 323, С 721 -gedrangt A 323, С 545, 672, G 710 -gedreht С 778 -gedriickt С 672, 678, 686 etwas-- S 1128 -gefaltet D 395, P 849 -gefeflelt С 765 -geflacht G 673 -gehauft С 539, 722, 724 -geheftet G 744 -gejocht С 740, Z 58 -gekettet G 687 -geklebt A 194, С 723 -geknauelt С 722 -gelegt С 705 -geleimt С 723 -gelotet С 709 -gepresst С 545, 686, 765 -gerollt С 794 fast-- S 1132 -gerunzelt С 830 -gesetzt С 654, 682, 685, 763 vielfach- - S 1307 -gestellt A 328, С 720, 724 -gewachsen A 181, 212, G 543, 699, 741 -gewebt G 711 -gewunden С 778, 794 -gezogen С 780 -laufend С 790 -lebend С 567, S 1337 -neigend С 745, 790 -treffend С 789 -wachsend С 543, 599 -ziehbar С 779 -ziehend S 1082, 1481 Zusammenballung G 544 Zusammenfassung S 4 1330 Zusammenhalt G 601 Zusammenhang С 601 Zusammenleben S 1336 DEUTSCHER INDEX Zusammenmtindung A 671 Zusammenstellung С 652, S 1476 Zusammenziehung S 1480 Zusatzfieder A 893 zusatzlich A 179, 224 Zustand P 423, S 540, 880 latenter- L 58, 59 trockene- S 487 Zwangbestaubung P 1484 Zwangsdrehung В 80, S 756, 1050, T 357 zwanzig- I 8 -fadig I 10 -flachig I 9 -mannig I 10 ' Zwanzigmannigen I 11 zwei- В 69, D 172, 391 -achsig В 82 -astig В 207 -banderig В 226 -bandstreifig В 226 -beerig В 101 -bettig D 179, 252 -blattzungig В 144 -biattrig В 130 -blumenblattrig D 257 -bliitendeckig D 256 -bltitenhtillig D 171 -bltitig В 129 teilweise-- S 1109 -borstig В 215 -bruderig D 131 -deutig A 254, 497 -eckig В 75 -eiig В 197 -facherig В 146 -farbig В 103, D 178 -fiederiggeteilt В 203 -fingerig В 119 -formig D 243 -fruchtblattrig В 93 -furchig В 218 -gabelig В 136, D 176 -geiBelig В 128 -geschlechtig A 710, В 216, H 171 -gestaltig D 243 -gipfelig В 77 -gliederig D 238 -grannig В 78 -griffelig D 222, 341 -gtirtelig В 227 -hakiggekrtimmt В 222 -hausig D 252 - -vielehig D 251 -hohlig В 146 -hornig В 108 -htillig D 171 -jtihrig В 122, D 187 -kammig В 113 -kantig A 684, В 75 -kapselig В 91 zwei- -keimbiattrig D 180 -kelchig В 88 -kernig D 297 -keulig В 100 -kielig В 92 -klappig В 225 -knospig В 138 -kdpfig В 90 -kronbiattrig D 257 -lappig В 145 fast-- S 1110 -lippig В 142 -locherig В 201 -machtig D 196 -mannig D 144 -monatig В 148 -nagelig В 223 -namig В 153 -narbig D 222 -nervig В 151 -ohrig В 81 -paarig В 105 -querfacherig В 212 -reihig В 213, D 335 -rindig В 110 -rippig В 111 -samenlappig D 180 -schnabelig В 208 -schneidig A 684 -schnittig В 211 -schuppig D 232 -schwielig В 87 -seitig A 684, В 102, В 123, 143 --gewolbt В 107 -spaltig В 127 -spelzig В 140 -spitzig В 77, 115 -spornig В 86 -stammig D 260 -staubbeutelig В 76 -steinkernig D 297 -strahlig В 206, D 150 -streifig В 226 -striemig В 226 -tagig В 121 -teilig В 127, 200 -weibig D 222 -wimperig В 98 -winkelig В 75 -wirtelig В 116, D 187 -wolbig В 89 -wulstig В 87 -zahlig В 150, D 238 -zahnig В 117 -zeilig В 94, D 335 -zinkiggegabelt В 136 -ztingelig В 144 zweien (zu-) В 152 Zweierleibildung D 242 zweifach- В 69, D 393 zweifelhaft D 16, 385 Zweifrtichtigkeit A 542 820 zweig- С 478 -bewohnend R 52 -bltitig R 57 -fdrmig R 58, V 129 -tragend R 53 Zweig R 63, V 132 blattartiger- P 559 Zweigeschlechtigkeit H 170 Zweigestaltigkeit D 242 -zweigig С 478, 514 Zweiglein R 62, S 1318 Zweihausigkeit D 250 zweimal- В 69, D 393 -bltihend В 126 -doppelt В 105 -dreibltitig В 221 -durchbohrt В 201 -frtichtend В 126 -gedreht D 190 -gekronnt В 109 -gekrtimmt В 217 -gestiumt В 99 -schwarmend D 263 -umgtirtet В 99 -vorderarmlang В 114 -zugespitzt В 71 -zweispaltig В 210 Zweispaltung В 199 Zweiteilung В 199, D 175 zweiter S 249 Zwerchfell D 148 zwergartig N 5 Zwergbaumchen S 1099 Zwergflora N 8 Zwergform N 5 Zwergheit N 7 zwergig N 5, P 1652 Zwergluftpflanzen N 9 Zwergplankton N 10 Zwergstrauch F 173, S 1099 Zwergwuchs N 7 Zwiebel В 309 schalige- T 650 -Zwiebel Brut- В 305, 308 Knollen- В 307 Knospen- В 305 Schein- P 1475 zwiebel- -artig A 421, В 303 -fdrmig В 303 -tragend В 304 Zwiebelhaute S 839 , zwiebelig В 304 Zwiebelknolle В 307 Zwiebelkuchen В 306, D 312 Zwiebelschale I 204 Zwiebelscheibe В 306, D 312 Zwiebelschuppen S 839 Zwiebelstock В 306, D 312 Zwillingsachene D 128 Zwillinge G 68 zwillings--artig D 191 821 -paarig G 67 Zwillingsknollen T 623 zwischen- I 305 -artig 1 232 -blattstielst&ndig I 222 -gestellt I 225 -gewoben I 236 -liegend I 225 •standig I 205, 217 -zellig I 210 Zwischenband С 743 Zwischenbander С 800 Zwischenknoten I 220 Zwischenknotenstiick I 220 Zwischenraum I 235 Zwischenzellraume I 210 Zwitter H 169 Zwitterbildung A 711 Zwitterblute F 96 zwitterbliitig H 17 Zwitterreife H 383 Zwittertum H 170 zwittrig A 710, В 216, H 171 zwolf- D 355 Zwolfmannige D 357 Zwolfweibige D 356 zyanophil G 989 Zyanophyzin С 990 Zyanophyll G 991 Zyanoplast С 992 Zyathium С 994 Zyathus С 995 Zyanozyst С 986 Zygoauxospore Z 59 Zygogamet Z 61 Zygogamie Z 62 Zygogenese Z 63 zygogenisch Z 64 Zygolyse Z 65 zygomorph M 453, Z 68 Zygomorphie Z 67 Zygonema Z 69 Zygophase Z 70 Zygophy ten Z 71 Zygosis Z 72 Zygosporangium Z 77 Zygotaktismus Z 79 Zygotan Z 80 Zygote Z 78 zygotisch Z 81 Zygozoospore Z 82 Zygozyst Z 60 zyklisch G 996 Zyklochorise G 997 Zyklonastie С 998 Zyklose С 999 Zyklus С 1000 Zylinder G 1003 Zylindrenchym С 1002 zylindrisch G 1001 zymos G 1008 zymotisch Z 84 Zyphelle С 1012 Zyst С 1016 Zystentrager С 1021 Zystide С 1018 Zystokarp G 1019 Zystolith С 1020 Zystosorus С 1022 Zystosphare G 1023 Zystotyl С 1025 Zytase С 1027 -zytisch G 1028 Zy toaster С 1030 DEUTSCHER INDEX Zytoblast С 1032 Zytochemie С 1035 Zytochimare С 1034 Zytochrom С 1037 Zytochylem G 1038 Zytochym G 1039 Zytode G 1042 Zytodynamik С 1044 Zytogamie G 1045 Zytogenese G 1046 Zytogenetik G 1047 Zytogeographie G 1050 Zytogonie G 1049 Zytogranule G 1051 Zytographie G 1052 Zy tohydrolyse G 1054 Zytoklese G 1056 Zytologie С 1057 Zytolymphe С 1058 Zytolysin G 1059 zytolytisch G 1060 Zytomechanik G 1062 Zytomitom G 1064 Zytomixis С 1065 Zytomorphologie С 1066 Zytomorphose G 1067 Zytophysiologie С 1068 Zytoplasma С 1069 innere- E 173 Zytorrhyse С 1070 Zytosarka С 1071 Zytoskelett С 1072 Zytosom G 1073 Zytostatik G 1074 Zytothesis С 1076 Zytotoxin С 1077 Zytotropismus С 1078 INDEX FRANfAIS abaxial A 2 aberrant A 5 aberration A 6 abidtin A 9 abiogendse A 10 abioseston A 11 abiotique A 12 ablastie A 13 abondance A 24, U 2 abondant О 205 aboriginal A 17 abortif A 18, С 767 abouchement A 671 abrdgd A 4 abrdgement A 3 abrdviation A 3 abritant P 1343 abrupt A 19 absent A 21 absorbant A 22 absorption A 23 abyssal A 26 acalical A 27 acaliculd A 28 acanthosphdres A 31 acarifdre A 32 acariose A 33 acarocdcidie A 34 acarodomaties A 35 acarophile A 36 acarpe A 37 acarpotropique A 38 acaule A 41 presque- S 1086 acaulescence A 40 accessoire A 43 accidentel A 44 acclimatation A 45 acclimatement A 45 acclimatisd I 172 accolld A 326 accombant A 53 accommodation A 175 accommodd A 48 accompagnant С 657 accompagnd С 658 accouplg С 740, Z 58 accrementitiel A 49 accrescent A 51 accrochant A 198 accrochd A 688 accru A 52 accumuld A 54, С 539 acellulaire A 55 acentrique A 57 acdphale A 58 acerbe A 60, S 1082 асёгё A 170 асёгеих A 61 acervule A 63 ac£tabuliforme A 64 ac£teux A 66 ac6tosell6 A 65 achaine A 67 achascophytes A 69 acheilarie A 71 ach£node A 68 achlamyd6 A 72, G 267 achromatine A 76 achromatique A 75 achromocentre A 79 achroocyste A 80 achyrophytes A 81 acicole A 84 aciculaire A 61, 85 aciculd A 85 aciculiffere A 85 acide A 89 acidophile A 86 acidule A 88 acinaire A 93 acine A 94 aclade A 95 aclythrophytes A 97 астё A 99 acotyledong A 104 acotyledonges A 103 acquis A 105 acr-, aero- A 106 acramphibrye A 107 acrandrie A 108 acre A 59 acroblaste A 113 acroblastfese A 112 acrocarpie A 115 acroc6cidie A 116 acrocentrique A 117 acroconidie A 118 acrocyste A 119 aerodrome A 120 acrofixg A 121 acrofuge A 122 acrogamie A 123 acrogfene A 125 acrogenfese A 124 acrogyne A 127 acrone A 128 acropdte A 129 acrophile A 131 acroplaste A 133 acropleurogfene A 134 acrosarque A 135 acroscope A136 acrospire A 137 acrospore A 138 acrosyncarpie A 139 acrosyndfese A 140 actes A 143 actinauxisme A 145 actinenchyme A 146 actinisme A 147 actinobiologie A 148 actinodrome A 149 actinomfetre A 150 actinomorphe A 151 actinomycose A 152 actinostfele A 153 actinotactisme A 154 actinotropisme A 155 activateur A 156 activity vitale В 186 actophile A 158 actophytes A 159 acicule A 168 аси1её (faiblement-) S 1088 acul6iforme A 161 аси1ёо1ё A 162 aculescent A 161 аситшё A 166 acuminute A 167 acutiuscule A 171 acydique A 172 adaptability A 174 adaptable A 173 adaptation A 175 -active A 157 -chromatique G 372 -parallfele С 791 -passive P 176 aaapty A 48 adaxiale A 177 additionnel A 179 additions A 178 82t -adelphe A 181 adelphie A 182 -adelphique A 181 adelphocarpie A 183 adelphogamie A 184 adelphoparasitisme A 185 adelphophagie A 186 adelphotaxie A 187 adtnocyste A 189 adtnocyte A 190 adtnopttalie A 191 adtnophore A 192 adtsmie A 193 adh6rence A 195 adhtrent A 194 adhtsif A 197 adhtsion A 196 adiaphane A 199 adicnogamie A 200 adipeux A 201 adiscal A 202 adnation A 211 adnt A 212, С 699 adoniste A 213 adosst A 215 adsorption A 216 adulte A 219 aduste A 222 adventice A 224 adventif A 225, N 161 adverse A 226 adynamandrie A 228 adynamogynie A 229 atrenchyme A 257 atricole A 260 atrien A 259, E 301 atriftre A 261 atrobiontes A 262 atrobiose A 263 atrobiotique A 264 atrocarpie A 265 atrocarpotropique A 266 atrocyste A 267 atromorphose A 269 atrophytes A 272 atrophytobiontes A 273 atroplancton A 275 atroplanctophytes A 275 atrotactisme A 276 atrotropisme A 277 aererrantia A 258 atthalie A 285 affaibli T 3 afficht A 291, 793 affinitt A 290 agamandrotcie A 292 agame A 298 agamton A 293 agamttange A 295 agamtte A 294 agametocyte A 296 agamie A 297 agamobie A 299 agamocyte A 300 agamogentse A 301 agamogtnttique A 302 agamogynotcie A 304 agamohypnospore A 307 agamogynomonotcie A 305 agamomonotcie A 308 agamonte A 309 agamospecies A 311 agamospermie A 312 agamospore A 313 agamotrope A 314 agar-agar A 316 agatin A 70 tgt A 284, 794, V 102 agtntsie A 319 agtotropique A 320 agglomert A 323, С 710, 720, G 176 -en peloton G 722 agglutinant A 321 agglutination A 325 agglutint A 326 agrandi A 604 agrandissement A 605 agrtable A 527, J 11, S 1084 agrtgation A 327 -de cellules A 327 -moltculaire T 18 agrtgt A 328, G 539 presque- S 1188 agrtment A 526 agressivitt A 329 agreste A 332 agriotype A 333 agrobioctnose A 335 agrobiologie A 336 agrobotanique A 337 agrologie A 338 agronomique A 339 agrophile A 340 agrophytoctnose A 343 agrostographie A 344 agrotype A 346 agrozooctnose A 347 agynique A 348 ahtliotropique A 350 aigre A 60, 66, 89 aigrelet A 65, 88 aigrette P 84 sans- E 223 aigrettt P 83 aigu A 59, 98, 170, 1014 С 214, О 303 peu- A 171 aiguillon A 29, 164 aiguillons к — cendrts T 112 к plusieurs- P 934 sans- I 131 aiguillonnt A 160 presque- S 1088 aile, ailes A 369 en forme d’- A 371, 404 INDEX FRANQAIS k- ttroites S 926 a plusieurs- P 1038 к quatres - T 191 к - raides S 191 к - roses R 301 к trois- T 416 ailt A 372, 403, P 1606 presque- S 1092 aileron A 481 ailette A 481 aimable A 488 aimant P 437 aire A 1000 -de distribution A 1000 aisselle A 1239 aiphyllophytes A 355 airosome A 356 aithalophytes A 357 akaryote A 39 aktne A 67 akintse A 366 akinete A 367 akinetosporange A 368 alabastre A 370 albication A 374 albigo A 376 albigrane A 377 albiriisme A 374 albumen A 378 albumineux A 380 albuminoides A 379 alcalin A 383 alcaliotropisme A 384 alcicorne A 385 altne (en forme d’-) S 1247 aletophytes A 388 aleurone A 389 aleurospore A 390 alexipharmaque A 391 alexittre A 393 algact A 395 algale P 534 algicole A 397 algide A 398 algoide A 396 algologie A 399 algotrophisme A 400 algues A 396 des- P 534 -rouges R 300 aliftre A 403 allant (s’en — en) A 8 allassotonique A 409 allautogamie A 410 allelogtne A 413 allelopathie A 416 allelositisme A 417 allelomorphie A 414 allelotrique A 418 allergie A 419 alltsie A 420 alliact A 421 allobiogentse A 424 INDEX FRANQAIS allobiose A 425 allocarpie A 426 allochlorophylle A 427 allochore A 429 allochorie A 428 allochronique A 431 allochtone A 432 allocyclie A 433 allogame A 435 allogamie A 434 allogtnttique A 436 allogonie A 437 alloiogentse A 439 alloiometron A 440 allomttrique A 441 allongt E 94, 017, P 1244, P 1278, 1427 alloparalectotype A 443 allopatrique A 444 alloptlagique A 445 alloplasme A 447 alloplo'idie A 449 allopolyploidie A 450 allorhytmie A 451 allosome A 452 allosperme A 453 allospore A 454 allosyndtse A 456 allotetraploidie A 457 allotriploidie A 458 allotrope A 460 allotrophique A 459 allotype A 462 allozygote A 463 alluvial A 464 alnicole A 466 alpestre A 467 alphabttique A 468 alpicole A 467 alpigtne A 469 alpin A 467 altemance A 473 -des gtntrations A 473 alternatif A 474 alternation A 473 alterne A 472 altimttre A 477 alvtolaire A 484 alvtolation A 485 alvtole A 483 -ntctariffere N 54 alvtolt A 486 amadou F 118 amande A 611 amasst A 62 ambigu A 497 ambrt (jaunttre-) E 80 ambrosiaque A 503 ambulacre A 504 ameiose A 505 amtlioratif A 506 amtliort A 507, E 106 ament A 511 amentact A 508 824 amentiftre A 509 amentiforme A 508 amer A 491 ltgtrement- A 489 amtristique A 512 amtroconidie A 513 amtrospore A 514 amtthystin A 515 amiantine A 517 amibiforme A 525 amiboidal A 525 amicronique A 518 amidon A 626 aminci A 1140, T 104 amitose A 520 amnion A 524 amoindrt D 56, 240 amorphophytes A 530 amptlographie A 532 amptlologie A 533 amphanthe A 534 amphiapomictes A 535 amphiaster A 536 amphiatlantique A 537 amphibie A 539 amphibionte A 538 amphibrye A 541 amphicarpe A 543 amphicarpie A 542 amphicarpium A 544 amphicarpogtne A 545 amphicaryon A 546 amphicline A 549 amphicoele A 550 amphicotyledon A 551 amphicriblt A 554 amphicryptophytes A 555 amphidermis A 557 amphigame A 562 amphigamie A 561 amphigastrie A 563 amphigtne A 565 amphigonie A 566 amphilepsis A 568 amphimixie A 569 amphinucltole A 572 amphinucleus A 573 amphipacifique A 574 amphiptte A 575 amphiphloique A 576 amphiphotique A 577 amphiplasme A 579 amphiplastie A 580 amphisarque A 581 amphisperme A 582 amphisporangit A 584 amphistomatique A 586 amphisyncotyle A 587 amphisyncotylie A 588 amphitactisme A 589 amphithtce A 590 amphitokie A 592 amphitrique A 593 amphitrope A 595 amphitrophie A 594 amphivasale A 596 amphogtnique A 597 amphohtttrogonie A 598 amphoriforme A 599 ample A 606 amplexicaule A 601 amplexiflore A 602 amplexifolit A 603 amplification A 605 ampoulact A 608 ampoule A 607 ampoult A 608 amputation A 609 amyctlique A 610 amygdaliffcre A 612 amygdaliforme A 613 amylact A 614 amylase A 615 amylotrythrine A 617 amylogtne A 619 amylogentse A 618 amylolytique A 622 amyloplaste A 623 amylosphtres A 624 anabiontes A 630 anabiose A 631 anabiotique A 632 anablaste A 633 anabolisme A 634 anachorfcse A 637 anachromase A 639 anaclinotropisme A 640 anacrogyne A 641 anatrttique A 643 anatrobiontes A 645 anatrobiose A 644 anatrophyte A 647 anaesthesie A 648 anagentse A 649 anagtotropisme A 650 anagramme A 651 analectes A 652 analogie A 654 analyse A 655 -pollinique P 925 analytique A 656 anamttadrome A 657 anamorphose A 658 anandre A 659 anaphase A 661 anaphorfcse A 662 anaphototropisme A 663 anaphylaxie A 664 anaphyse A 665 anaphytose A 666 anaplasie A 667 anasarque A 669 anastatique A 670 anastomose A 671 anastomost A 672 anastrale A 673 anastrophe A 674 825 anataximorphose A 675 anatomie A 677 -v6g6tale P 673 anatonique A 678 anatonose A 679 anatraumatotropisme A 680 anatrope A 682 anatropisme A 681 ancestral A 685, 1112 anchoriforme A 686 ancien P 15 ancipitd A 684 andro- A 690 androcde A 699 androchore A 691 androcline A 692 androconidie A 693 androcyte A 694 androdio6cie A 695 -tr^cique A 695 androdyname A 697 androdynamie A 696 androdcie A 698 androgametange A 701 androgamdte A 700 androgam6tophore A 702 androgamie A 703 androgamone A 704 androgfcne A 707 androgendse A 705 androg6n6tique A 706 androgdnique A 706 androgonium A 709 androgyne A 710 androgynie A 711 -trio6cique A 711 androgynodio6cie A 713 androgynophore A 714 androhermaphrodites A 715 andron^rogonie A 716 andromono6cie A 717 -trioique A 717 andromorphose A 718 androp6talie A 719 androphaen A 720 androphore A 722 androphylle A 723 androphyte A 724 androplasme A 725 androplasmique A 726 andropldogamie A 727 androsome A 729 androsporange A 731 androspore A 730 androstyle A 733 androtype A 734 androzygote A 737 апёто- A 738 апётосЬоге A 740 апётос1юпе A 739 a^moentomophilie A 741 a^mogame A 743 an6mogames A 742 апёто-hydrochore A 744 апётотё1ге A 745 апётотогрЫе A 746 апётотугтесос1юге A 747 апётор!1Це A 743 апётор1апск>п A 750 апётоэроге A 751 a^motaxie A 752 a^motropisme A 753 апётогоосЬоге A 754 aneuplo'idie A 755 aneusomatie A 756 aneusporie A 757 anfractueux A 758 angio- A 759 angiosperme A 760 angle A 766 -de divergence A 766, D 348 angles a - aites P 1618 a - ёЬо№ S 915 a quatre- Q 2 anguicide A 761 angulaire A 764 anguleux A 763, 764, G 202 trfcs- A 765 anguli- A 763 angusti- A 767 anl^liotrope A 770 anhydre A 772 anhydrobiose A 771 animaux (par les-) Z 10 aniso- A 774 anisoaplanogan^te A 775 anisocotylie A 777 anisodyname A 778 anisogamfete A 779 anisogan^tangiogamie A 780 anisogamie A 782 anisogёnie A 783 anisogone A 784 anisogyne A 785 anisohologamie A 786 anison^rogamie A 787 anisophyllie A 788 anisoplo'ide A 789 anisostylie A 790 anisotropie A 791 annales A 792 anneau A 800, G 317 -annuel A 800 -cambial G 51 -glandulaire A 800 -de cette аппёе H 430 -des poils A 800 аппе1ё A 799 fausement- P 1504 annotation A 795 annuel A 797 annulaire A 798 annuliforme A 798 anomodromie A 805 INDEX FRANQAIS апототёпе A 806 anorganique A 807 anorganotrophique A 808 anormal A 16, 804 апог11^ёпёве A 809 anorthoplo'ide A 810 annotin A 796 anserine A 812 antagonisme A 813 antarctique A 814 antecellulaire A 815 antenne A 816 ant6rieur E 59 antesporophylle A 817 antetrophophylle A 818 antetrophosporophylle A 819 anthfcle A 820 anth6range A 822 апШёге A 821 -dorsifixe D 369 sans- A 660 anth6ridange A 823 antl^ridie A 825 antl^ridiophore A 824 anth£ro'ides A 826 апШёготаше A 827 апШёгорЬоге A 828 anth6rophyllie A 829 antl^rosymphysie A 830 antl^rozoide A 831 апШёэе A 833 anthesmolyse A 834 anthesmotaxie A 835 anthocarpe A 837 anthochlore A 838 anthocline A 839 anthocyane A 840 anthode A 841 antholithe A 842 anthologie A 843 antholyse A 844 anthophaeine A 845 anthophage A 846 anthophile A 847 anthophore A 848 anthophytes A 850 anthophytose A 851 anthoplancton A 852 anthoptose A 853 anthotaxie A 854 anthotropisme A 855 anthoxanthine A 856 anthracnose A 858 anthropochorie A 860 anthropophile A 861 anthropophytes A 862 anthure A 863 anticlinal A 866 antidrome A 867 antienzyme A 868 antiferment A 868 antipodes A 871 antistrophe A 872 antitl^tique A 873 INDEX FRANQAIS antitrope A 874 antizymotique A 875 antre A 876 anuclet A 39 anucleobiontes A 877 aodtt M 128 aoOtement M 125 apatrotropisme A 880 apandrie A 882 apanthisme A 883 aptriantht A 72, 884 aperture A 886, О 237 -tisodiale E 59 aperturt (non-) N 151 apttale A 888 aphaptotropisme A 890 aphercotropisme A 892 aphltbie A 893 aphotique A 894 aphotomttrie A 895 aphototropisme A 897 aphragmium A 898 aphrodisiaque A 899 aphydrotaxie A 900 aphyllie A 901 aphyllopode A 902 apical A 903, T 127 apici- A 904 apicillaire A 903 apilarie A 906 aplanogamttange A 908 aplanogamtte A 917 aplanosporange A 911 aplanospore A 910 aplasie A 912 aplati С 678, D 80, P 723, 742 -en bandelette F 21 apobiotique A 914 apocarpe A 915 apocarpique A 916 apochimiotaxie A 917 apochlorose A 918 apocyte A 919 apogalvanotaxie A 920 apogamttie A 921 apogamie A 922 apogtnie A 923 apogtotropisme A 924 apogynie A 925 apolaire A 926 apomtiose A 927 apomixie A 928 apophyse A 929 apophytes A 930 apoplastidie A 931 apoplexie A 932 aporogamie A 933 apospermie A 934 aposporie A 935 aposporogonie A 936 apostase A 937 apostrophe A 938 apotaximorphose A 939 apothtcie A 940 apothermotaxie A 941 apothigmotaxie A 942 apotrope A 944 apotropisme A 943 apparaissant P 1240 appareil A 945 apparement P 1456 apparence [к-) О 199 apparent A 946, С 761, P 383, 413, S 519 peu- I 99 apparentt A 289, 402, С 597, 713, 752, P 1305, 1440 apparition A 1071 appartenant P 353 appauvri D 74 appendice A 178, 948 -allongt P 1233 appliqut A 949, 953 -contre A 951 appost A 951 apposition A 950 appresst A 949 appressorium A 952 apprimt A 953 approchant (s’-) V 67 approcht (trts-) P 1440 appui A 207, F 180 appuyant F 178, S 1275 appuyt F 179, S 1276 4pre A 1072, T 378 aprts-midi P 1142 aptfere A 957 аругёпе A 958 aquatique A 959 aqueux A 965 aqu№re A 961 aquositt A 964 arachnoide A 966 araneux A 966 arborescent A 969, D 59 arboricole A 971 arboriculture A 972 arbre A 968 arbrisseau F 170 -nain F 173 arbuscule A 974 arbuste (petite-) F 170 archaique A 976 archallaxis A 977 archebiose A 978 archegone A 980 archtgoniophore A 979 archtophytes A 975 archespore A 981 archianthemum A 982 archibenthal A 983 archicarpe A 984 archicleistogamie A 985 archige^se A 10 archigonie A 10 агсМтёпз1ёте A 988 archiplasme A 989 826 architype A 990 arctique A 992 arctophile A 993 arctotertiaire A 994 ardent A 997, S 982 rouge- R 388 ardoise S 136 ardoist A 998, S 141 arenact A 1002 arenicole A 492, 1002 artographie A 1005, С 367 artolaire A 1007 artolation A 1008 artole A 1006 artolt A 1007 artte A 90, 1021 sans- E 421, M 592 arttes к plusieurs- M 510 к quatre- Q 3 argentt A 1010 argillact A 1011 argilleux A 1012 argillophile S 737 argotaxie A 1013 aride A 1016 ariditt S 485 arille A 1020 arillt A 1018 arillode A 1019 aristt A 1022 aristerostyle A1023 aristiforme A 1025 aristule A 1026 агтё A 1028 armiDe A 1030 armillt A 1031 armure A 1027 aromatique A 528, 1033 aromorphose A 1034 arqu6 A 996, F 130, T 371 arracht A 1236 arrangement D 320 arrhenocaryotique A 1037 arrhenogtnie A 1038 arrhenotokie A 1039 arrhize A 1041 arrhizoblaste A 1040 arrondi G 200, О 210, R 363 arrosage R 323 arthrospore A 1044 arthrosterigme A 1045 article A 1048 articulation A 1046, J Д9 articult A 1047 artificiel A 1049 arundinact A 1050 asbestine A 1053 ascendant A 1054 presque- S 1102 ascidie A 1056 ascidit A 1055 авсНёге A 1057 ascocarpe A 1058 827 ascog£ne A 1059 ascogone A 1060 ascoma A 1061 ascophore A 1062 ascorbique A 1063 ascospore A 1064 ascostrome A 1065 aseptique A 1068 asexu6 A 1069, N 110 asomatophytes A 1070 aspect A 1071, F 6, H 4 asperg6 A 1076 aspergilliforme A 1073 asperm6 A 1074 aspermie A 1075 aspersoir (en-) A 1073 asporogfene A 1080 asque A 1066 assemblage S 1330 assemble A 328, P 794 assimilable A 1083 assimilation A 1084 assis sur I 67, 186 assise S 1018 associ6 A 328, 1086, С 567, S 548 association A 1085, С 586 -v6g6tale P 616 astatique A 1088 astelie A 1089 aster A 1090 аа1ёгопотит A 1092 asterotrique A 1093 astringent S 1082 astrobotanique A 1095 astroscte^ides A 1097 astrosphfcres A 1098 astyle A 1099 asymblastie A 1101 asyn^trique A 1102 asynchronique A 1104 asyndfcse A 1106 asyngamie A 1107 aubier A 381 augmentation A 1145 augn^^ A 176, 1146 aulophytes A 1150 aunaie A 465 auricule A 1154 auricu№ A 1155 aurigo A 1157 atactostele A 1109 atavisme A 1110 atavistique A 1111 ataxinomique A 1113 а1ё1о1тШрде A 1115 athrocytose A 1119 atonie A 1121 atopie A 1122 atractoplasme A 1123 atrope A 1131 a tropic A 1128 atrophy tes A 1129 attaclu§ A 291, 793, I 185 attirant I 41 attouchement T 15 attrayant I 41 atypique A 1142 auparavant P 1156 austral A 1158 autёcique A 1171 а^ёви^е A 1159 auteur A 1144 autoallogamie A 1160 autocarpie A 1164 autochore A 1167 autochorie A 1165 autochorisme A 1166 autochromosome A 1168 autodifferentiation A 1171 au^cologie A 1189 autofёcondation A 1172 autofertile A 1175 autogame A 1175 autogamie A 1174 autogfcne A 1177 autoge^se A 1176 auU^netique A 1177 autohomogamie A 1180 autoinfection A 1181 autolyse A 1182 automixis A 1183 automnal A 1216 automnation A 1217 automnixanthine A 1218 automorphose A 1184 autonastie A 1185 autonyctinastique A 1186 autonymie A 1188 autoorthotropisme A 1190 autoparasite A 1192 autoparasitisme A 1191 autoparthёnogenёse A 1193 auto^lagique A 1194 аи1ор)1у1^ёше A 1195 autophyte A 1196 autoplaste A 1198 autopollinisation A 1199 autopolyploidie A 1200 autopotamique A 1201 autoscoliotropique A 1203 autosome A 1204 autospore A 1205 аи1оа1ёпШё A 1206 autosyndfcse A 1208 autotetraploidie A 1209 autotomie A 1210 autotoxine A 1211 autotrophie A 1212 autotropisme A 1213 autotype A 1214 autour С 453, P 267 autre С 245 autrefois P 15 auxanographe A 1219 аихапотё^е A 1220 auxiliaire A 1222 auxine A 1223 INDEX FRANQAIS auxoblaste A 1224 auxose A 1226 auxospore A 1227 auxotonique A 1228 avec S 1369 aviculaire A 1234 avoisinant A 203,1082, V 1 11 avoisi^ A 289, С 773, P 1440 avorte A 18 axe A 1242 -principal P 1208 axial A 1237 axiforme R 8 axillaire A 1240 axiodrome A 1241 axogamie A 1243 axosperme A 1244 ayant H 1 azonal A 1245 azote A 1246 azotobacter A 1247 агигё A 1248 azygote A 1251 Ьассасё В 2 baccif£re В 3 bacciforme В 2 bacilli for me В 4 bactericide В 5 bacteries nitrifiantes N 123 bacteriforme В 6 bact6rioc6cidies В 7 bacteriologie В 8 bacteriolyse В 9 bacteriophage В 10 bacteriorrhize В 11 bacteriostatique В 12 bact6riotoxine В 13 baculiforme В 15 baguette [k forme d’une-) В 15 bai В 16, S 600 baie A 94, В 1, U 100 к - С 548 -double В 83 -fausse P 1472 к plusieurs baies P 972 b&illant H 287 baisse D 57 balai -de sorciere S 204 en forme de- S 205 servant к faire de- S 205 balanographie В 18 balauste В 20 ballistes В 21 ballistique В 22 ballochores В 21 ballsspore В 23 balsamifere В 25 balsamique В 24 bande Z 20 INDEX FRANQAIS -intermtdiaire С 800 bandelette V 152 bandelettes (k deux-) В 226 к -rouges R 387 banderollt T 16 barbt В 28 barbellt В 29, P 906 barbu В 28 baricaut (en-) D 360 barochorie В 30 baromttrique В 31 barotaxie В 32 barotropisme В 33 barritres О 10 barymorphose В 34 bas H 444, P 1652 le plus- I 71 basal В 35 feuilles basales В 35 base В 52 -de la feuille В 52 -de la limbe В 52 к -large В 47 baside В 40 basidial В 36 basidiocarpe В 37 basidiophore В 38 basidiospore В 39 basifixe В 41 basifuge В 42 basigamie В 43 basigyne В 44 basilaire В 35 basilattral В 46 basinervie В 48 basionyme В 49 basiptte В 50 basiphile В 51 basique A 383 basiscopique В 53 basisolutt В 54 basitone В 55 bastardocarpie В 58 batard H 455, N 162 b&tarde H 458 bathyal В 60 batographie В 61 batologie В 61 batrachosperme В 62 baume В 26 stcrttant de- В 25 btant H 287, 318, R 327 beau (belle) С 248, P 1639 trts-P 358 к- С 14 beaucoup С 866, M 577, P 706 QQQ a- С 213, M 367, 506, 620 bee R 355 dtpourvu de- E 341 к deux bees В 208 en forme de- R 308 petit- R 351 btchique В 63 belle (к-) С 14 benthale В 66 benthique В 66 benthos В 68 bi- D 172 -acumint В 71 -ailt В 74 -angult В 75 -annuel В 122 -anthtriftre В 76 -apicult В 77 -aristt В 78 -articult В 79 -auricult В 81 -axiftre В 82 -bractet В 84 -bracttolt В 85 -caulicult В 88 -calleux В 87 -cannellt В 218 -capitt A 684 -capsulaire В 91 -cartnt В 92 -carpellaire В 93 -carpellt В 93 -ceinturt В 99 -cellulaire В 94 -centrique В 95 -cilit В 98 -cipitt В 90 -clavt В 100 -cloisonnt В 212 -collateral В 102 -colore В 103, D 178 -compost В 104 -conjugut В 105 -contournt В 106, D 190 -convexe В 107 -come В 108 -costt В 111 -couronnt В 109 -crtnt В 112 -cristt В 113 -cubitale В 114 -cuspidt В 115 -cyclique В 116 -dentt В 117 --en scie В 214 -denticult В 118 -digitt В 119 -tperonnt В 86 -facial В 123 -factoriel В 124 -fendu В 127 -ftre В 126 -fidt В 127 doublement-- В 210 -flagellt В 128 -flore В 129 -folit В 130 -fort В 201 -forme D 243 -furqut В 136 bi- -gemint В 46 -gemmt В 138 -gtntrique В 139 -glumt В 140 -labit В 142 -lattral A 684, В 143 -ligult В 144 -lobt В 145 -locellt В 146 -loculaire В 146 -mensuel В 148 -nervt В 151 -nominal В 153 -onguicult В 223 -ovult В 197 -palmt В 198 -parti В 200 -pennt В 202 -pennipartite В 203 -perfort В 201 -polaire В 204 -rameux В 207 -rayt В 206 -rostrt В 208 -stqut В 211 -strit В 213, D 335 -stte В 215 -sexut В 216 -sexuel A 710, В 216 -sillonnt В 218 -symttrique В 219 -ternt В 220 -triflore В 221 -uncint В 222 -zonal В 227 biaiomttamorphose В 72 biaiomorphose В 73 biastrepsis В 80 bifollicule В 131 bifurcation В 135, F 197 bigarrt V 35 binaire В 150, 153 bint В 150 binominalisme В 154 bioblaste В 155 bioctnologie В 159 bioctnose В 160 biochore В 156 biochrome В 157 bioclimatologie В 158 biocycle В 161 bioderme В 162 biodynamique В 163 biotntrgttique В 164 biotnergie В 165 biogentse В 166 biogtnttique В 167 biogtnie В 167 biogtoctnose В 168 biogtographie В 169 biolithe В 170 biologie В 171 -florale A 836 829 biologique В 172 bioluminescence В 173 biolyse В 174 biometrie В 175 biomorphose В 176 bionomie В 178 bionte В 177 biophage В 179 biophile В 180 bioplaste В 183 biopsie В 184 biose В 186 bioseston В 185 biosome В 187 biosphere В 189 biosynth6se В 190 biotaxonomie В 192 biotique В 193 biotonus В 194 biotope В 195 biotype В 196 bipartition В 199 bipolarite В 205 bisannuel D 187 biscontourne В 217 bivalent В 224 bivalve В 225 blanc, blanche A 382, L 136 -au dessous H 595 brunatre- P 399 -cendre С 64 -d’argent A 1010 -de chaux С 884 -de craie С 884 -grisatre G 64, 66, T 113, X 8, S 771 -de gypse G 311 -d’hermine E 339 -d’ivoire E 6 -jaundtre d’ivoire E 6 -jaunatre С 408, X 8 -de lait G 4, L 22 -luisant G 62 -de neige С 308, N 128 -plombe С 243 -pur С 63, H 344, О 136, V 130 rougeatre- R 376 verdatre- С 335 blanchatre A 375, С 62 -sale S 586 blasteme В 228 blastese В 230 blastocarpe В 232 blastogenese В 233 blastographie В 234 blastomanie G 484 blastophylle В 237 blastospore В 238 Ыёте L 277, P 40 blepharoplaste В 243, M 120 blessure N 171 blettissement S 1310 bleu С 11 -brillant U 8 -cendr6 С 12 -claire С 547 -cobaltine С 547 de bluet G 984 -de ciel A 1248, С 7, 11 -fonc6 G 984 -grisatre С 12, N 173 -de hyacinthe H 447 indigo- 1 119 -de lavande L 72 -marin T 219, V 57 -saphir S 47 -verdatre С 12 -vert A 278 bleutitre С 10 bleuissant С 10 bocage L 272, M 514 bois L 169, N 76, S 507 a — dur S 196 de - N 75 devenant- L 161 -fossile L 225 -fossilise X 58 bois6 S 30, 513 bolaire В 244 Ьо1ёоапётосЬопе В 245 boleoautochorie В 246 bolisme В 247 ЬотЬё en face P 1433 bombement P 1434 bombylifere В 249 bon В 250 bord M 108 -foliaire M 108 bordant M 106 borde L 177, M 107 bordure M 108 a -dentee О 62 a -etroite S 919 a -fendue S 150 a -rouge R 384 Ьогёа1 В 251 -alpin В 251 -occidental В 251 -oriental В 251 borne L 179 bosquet V 134 bosse G 141, U 19 bosseie G 142, U 20 bossette U 20 bossu G 142 bossu6 S 17 bostryciforme В 252 bostryx В 253 botanique В 255 botanique В 254 -descriptive D 61, P 630 -economique О 75 -forestiere S 29 -de jardinage В 254 botaniste В 256, 257, H 160 botanographie В 258 INDEX FRANQAIS botanolithe В 259 botryocyme В 264 botte (en-) R 4 botuliforme В 266 bouche О 272 boucie F 50 bouclier A 1078 bouffi T 658 bouquet S 453 bourbe L 188 bourbeux L 187 bourdons (portant des-) В 249 bourgeon G 69, 132 -k feuilles F 110 -a fleurs F 91 -a fruits F 162 -accessoire A 43 -adventif A 224 -axillaire A 1240 -cache I 52 -collateral С 619 -couvert T 46 -dormant D 367, P 1437 -floral A 370, F 91 -foliaire F 110 -hibernant H 288 -mixte M 385 -nu N 198 -proventif P 1437 -radical R 20 -simple S 518 -terminal T 127 bourgeons a deux- В 138 -en s6rie S 430 bourgeonne G 72 bourgeonnement G 71 bourrelet cicatriciel С 31 bourse (en forme de-) С 899, S 5 boursoufie В 310 bouteille (en forme de-) L 3J bouton A 370, F 91 bouture M 82, T 20 brachial В 268 brachy bias te В 272 brachydodrome В 275 brachypode В 277 brachysclereides В 278 brachystylie В 279, M 359 bractee В 280 bractees a plusieurs- M 513 sans- E 4 bractee В 281 bracteole В 282 bracteomanie В 283 bradyauxese В 284 bradygenese В 285 bradysporie В 286 branche R 63 -de rejeton V 132 INDEX FRANQAIS branches к- С 478 к - ail6es P 1616 к - larges P 791 к plusieurs- P 970 a - velues 447 sans- A 96 bras {k longueur d’un-) В 268 brevidiume В 289 brievete В 291 brillant С 838, F 181, L 270, N 122, P 418, R 119, S 164, 768, V 76 brindille R 62 briquete L 61 bris6 F 141 -en dehors R 115 bromatologie В 293 bronze A 243, G 962 brou de la noix N 30 broussaille F 172 vivant dans la- P 531 brousse D 390, F 172 brout S 543 broute D 73 bruissant S 1019 brtilant A 997, T 356, U 88 brtiie D 115 brOlure U 84 brun В 297, F 202 -bai В 16 -cervine С 244 -ch&tain В 16 -de bois L 163 -de caffe A 222, С 596, S 407 -de chocolat С 1, T 252 •de foie H 149 -de hamster N 121 -de lifevre L 114 -de renard V 167 -de rouille F 39 -fauve chamois С 53, 244 -fonc6 A 963, В 16, 297, С 1, H 149, P 1640, T 252, U 25 -presque - fonc6 S 1097 gris&tre- T 322 jaun&tre- T 137 -marron С 159 -ptile A 482, L 277 rouga&tre- С 445 --de canneDe С 445 --fonc6 P 1019 -sombre F 202 -tabacin N 114, T 1 brunatre В 296, F 183, 201 devenu- I 155 -de noisette A 1231 -jaune F 184 --clair A 1011 brunissant F 201 brusquement A 19 bruyant С 882 Ьгиуёге E 335 bryologie В 299 bryophile В 300 bryospore В 301 buisson D 390, F 172, V 132 vivant dans le- V 131 buissonnant F 171 buissonneux D 389 bulbace В 303 bulbe В 309 к - etroit S 905 -axillaire В 305 -tunique T 650 bulbeux В 304 bulbifere В 304 bulbiforme В 303 bulbille В 305 bulbode В 306 bulbo-tuber В 307 bulie В 310 bulletin A 143 bursaire С 899 bursicule В 311 cache A 20, С 207, 489, 914, D 53, I 52, L 57, 58, О 42, R 88 cacogenese G 3 caconyme С 4 caduc С 6, D 15 caenogenfcse G 8 caeome С 9 cafe (brun de-) S 407 caieu В 308 cal С 31 calame С 15 calathidiphore С 16 calcareux С 20 calcariforme G 21 calceiforme С 22 calcicole С 23 calcifuge G 24 calciphile С 25 calcul С 27 calendrier de flore С 29 calice С 50 a - G 40 к - fendu S 137 к - rose R 291 ci - rouge R 379 a - velu T 442 -externe С 44 -gamosepale P 175 sans- A 27 calice G 42 calicule С 44 calicuie С 43 calleux G 30 callosite С 31 callushomoeoplasie G 33 callusheleroplasie S 32 callusmetaplasie С 35 callushypertrophie С 34 880 calmant S 251 caloritropisme С 37 calotte digestive D 211 calycanthemie С 41 calymme M 123 calyphomie С 45 calyptre С 46 calyptr6 С 47 calyptriforme С 48 calyptrogenum С 49 cambial С 51 cambium С 52 -fasciculaire F 22 -interfasciculaire 1 213 campanulace G 54 camptodrome С 57 campylotrope G 58 canal D 387, F 134, V 152 -laticifere L 64 -medullaire M 143 -resinifere D 387 canaux aimant les- T 27 -intercellulaires I 210 canalicuie С 59 cancelie С 60 candelabriforme С 61 candicant G 62 canin С 1009, О 65 canneie С 59, G 191, S 1278 cannelure H 598 capable P 1151 capacite F 10, P 1152 capeline G 944 capillace С 67 capillaire С 67 capillarite С 68 capillitium G 69 capite С 71 capitule С 72 к -velu T 446 capitule С 71 capituliforme С 71 capreoie С 75 caprification С 77 capsule С 78, T 231 -rompante S 12 capsule С 79 capsulifere С 79 capuchon С 46, 944 capuchonne С 943 caractere С 260, P 1310 caracteres distinctifs D 336 сагЬопасб С 81 ' сагсёги1е С 82 carcinomateux С 84 carcinome С 83 cardinal С 85 сагёпе G 90 сагепб С 91 caricographie С 88 carie С 89 carie С 92 carne С 94, I 85 т carnet de notes A 227 carnivore I 180 caroncule С 131 carottne С 98 carpelle G 103, M 57 к carpelles soudtes G 39 carpellodie С 101 carpellomanie С 102 carpoctphale С 105 carpoclonium С 106 carpode G 107 carpogamie С 108 carpogentse С 109 carpogone G 110 carpolithe G 111 carpologie С 112 carpolyse С 113 carpomanie С 114 carponome С 115 carpophore С 116 carpopode С 118 carpoptose С 119 carposome G 120 carposperme С 121 carposphtre G 122 carposporange G 124 carpospore С 123 carpostegium С 125 carpostome С 126 carpothtque С 127 carpotropisme С 128 carritre de sable A 1003 carte T 4 cartilagineux G 130 caryoclastique С 134 caryogamie С 135 caryogramme С 136 caryokintse С 137 caryologie С 138 caryolymphe С 139, N 192 caryolyse С 140 caryophase С 144 caryoplasme С 145 caryoplasmogamie С 146 caryoplaste G 147 caryopse С 148 caryorrhezis С 149 caryosome С 150 caryosymphyse С 151 caryothtque С 152 caryotine С 153 caryotype С 154 casteux С 155 castolaire С 155 casque С 157, G 59 casqut G 156, G 10 castration С 160 -parasitaire P 126 cachant D 53 catablaste С 161 catabolisme G 162 catachromasie С 163 cataclinotropisme G 164 catacorolle С 165 catadrome С 166 catagenese С 167 catagtotropisme С 168 catalogue С 170, D 47 •de semences D 47 catalyse С 171 catapttalisme С 172 cataphylle С 176 cataphortse G 173 cataphototropisme С 174 cataplasie С 117 cataplasme G 178 catatonose G 179 catatraumatotropisme G 180 catent С 182 catharobiontes С 183 cathartique G 184 cathodique G 185 catotrope G 186 caudt G 188 caudex С 189 caudicule С 190 caulidium С 192 cauliflorie G 193 caulinaire G 194, S 996 caulocalice С 196 caulocollesie G 197 caulome С 198 caulotaxis С 199 cavitt A 876, L 23 -cellulaire L 274 ctcidie G 206 ctcidiologie С 202 ctcidiophore С 203 ctcidiophytes G 204 ctcidiozoa С 205 ceinturt С 431, 441 cellulaire С 209, 1028 cellule С 208 -absorbante A 22 -auxiliaire A 1222 -de bordure H 201 -fille С 208 -initiale I 161 -mtre С 208, M 122 -primordiale P 1212 -rtproductive T 59 -somatique S 572 -stomatique S 1003 -vtgttative V 46 cellulose С 210 ctlonema G 566 ctnanthe С 568 ctnanthide G 568 ctnanthie G 212 cendre G 443 cendrt С 433 ctnobie С 571 ctnobiontes С 569 ctnobiospore С 570 ctnocarpe С 573, 574 ctnocarpie С 572 ctnocentre С 575 ctnocladie С 576 INDEX FRANQAIS ctnocyte С 577 ctnogamtte С 578 ctnogentse С 579 ctnoglte С 580 ctnogonidie С 581 ctnologie С 582 ctnomonotcie С 583 ctnophile G 584 ctnoprothalle С 585 ctnose С 586 ctnospecies G 587 ctnosphtre G 588 ctnospore С 589 ctnotaxonomie S 1451 ctnozoogonidie С 591 ctnozygote G 692 cent [к-) G 213, H 60 central С 215 centrifugal С 216 centrifuge G 216 centriptte С 218 centromtre G 219 centroplasme С 220 centroplaste G 221 centrosome С 222 centrosphtre С 223 ctphalode G 226 сtract С 229 ctratium G 235 ctratomanie С 236 cercle G 100Э cerclt G 431 ctrtales G 238, F 167 cerise (de-) С 233 certain С 241 ctrult С 11 presque- S 1111 ctrulten (bleuatre- ) G 163 cervine С 244 cespiteux С 13 chaenochloranthie С 247 chaetoplancton G 250 chagrint A 482 chaint G 182 chainette (en-) С 182 chair С 97 aimant la- С 879 couleur de- I 85 chalaze С 252 chalazogamie G 253 chalicodophytes С 255 chalumeau G 15 chalybeiforme G 256 chamtphytes С 258 champ A 321, R 419 -ensemenct S 253 champetre A 332, 1051, С 55, R 418, 421 champignon F 191 de- M 596 champignons M 600 champs labourt A 1052 chancellant О 273 chanci M 494 INDEX FRANQAIS chancre С 83, N 49 chaudifcre С 28 change С 670, 792, M 276, 591 non- I 58 changeable F 98, M 586, V 30 changeant V 32 chapeau P 688 chaperonn6 P 684 charbon U 94 charmant A 527 charme A 526 charnu С 96, 863, S 62, 1263 presque- S 1117 chartostfcge С 262 chasmandro6cie G 264 chasmantherie С 265 chasmocleistogamie С 267 chasmogamie С 269 chasmop6talie С 270 chasmophytes С 271 chassant D 75 chatain С 159 chaton A 511, N 175 petit- A 510 chaume С 950 cheilomanie С 275 cheimonophobe С 278 cheiropt6rophile С 280 chercher (de-) I 174 chercheur I 110 -scientifique I 269, S 223 chersophytes С 301 chevauchant E 318 chevelu С 651 chiasma G 302 chiastobasidie С 303 chien (de-) С 1009 chiffonn6 G 830, P 849 сЫтёге G 306 chimioauxisme G 283 chimiochorisme С 284 chimiocinfcse С 287 chimiodinese G 285 chimiodolichose С 286 chimioesth6sie G 282 chimioluminescence С 288 chimiolyse G 289 chimiom6trie С 290 chimiomorphose С 291 chimionastie G 292 chimiophobotactisme С 293 chimiosynthfese С 294 chimiotactisme G 295 chimioth6rapie G 296 chimiotrophique С 297 chimiotropisme С 298 chimiozoophobe С 299 chinois S 521 chionophytes G 309 chironyme С 310 chirotype G 311 chlamydogonidie С 318 chlamydocyste С 317 chlamydospore С 319 chloranthie V 128 chlorenchyme С 326 chlorocyste С 332 chloroglobine С 333 chloroleucytes С 334 chloronema G 336 chlorophyUigfcre С 341 chlorophylle С 343 contenant de- С 341 chlorophyllolyse С 342 chloroplaste С 346 chlorescence С 347 chlorose С 347 chlorovaporisation С 250 choisi S 270 chomophytes С 354 chondriocin6se С 356 chondriocontes С 355 chondriome С 357 chondriomites G 358 chondriosome С 359 chondriosphfcre С 360 chorise G 365 chorologie С 367 chorotype С 368 chortonomie С 369 chose R 161 chromatide С 373 chromatine С 374 chromatique С 372 chromatologie С 375 chromatolyse С 376 chromatophore С 377 chromatoplasme С 378 chromidie С 383 chromidiocentre С 379 chromidiogamie С 380 chromisme G 384 chromocentre С 385 chromochondrie С 386 chromocyte С 387 chromogene G 388 chromoleucytes С 389 chromolipoides С 390 chromomeres С 391 chromonema С 392 chromophile С 394 chromophobe С 395 chromoplaste С 397 chromosome С 398 chromotropisme С 399 chronique С 400 chronisporange С 402 chronispore G 401 chronizoospore С 403 chrysogonide С 407 chrysophylle С 410 chrysotannine С 411 chu D 46 chute L 52 -des fleurs A 853 chymifere С 414 882 cicatrice С 418 к - triradiee T 503 marque de cicatrices С 417 cicatricule С 418 cicatrisation С 419 cicatrise С 84, 417 -cide С 422 ciel J 21 cil С 426 garni de cils С 423 sans cils A 14 сШё В 241, С 423 -dente en scie S 443 ciliograde С 424 cilioie С 425 cincinne С 429 cincinne С 428 cinenchyme С 432 cinerascent С 434 cinetoneme С 437 cinetoplastes G 438 cinetosome G 439 cinguie С 441 cinoplasme С 446 cinq Q 32 k- Q 32, P 237 -fois Q 50 par- Q 30 cinquieme Q 51 cinqlobe Q 43 circine G 449 circoncis С 468 circonference A 499, С 460 circonflex С 461 circonfloral С 462 circonvalie С 785 circonvolution С 471 circulaire С 451, 996, О 210 non- A 349 circulairement С 453 circulation С 452 circumboreal С 456 circumlateralisme С 463 circumnutation С 465 circumpolaire С 467 cire С 228 cire G 237 cirri- С 472 cisalpine С 474 ciseau (en-) F 124 cistelle G 475 cite С 476 au lieu- С 476 citri- С 477 cladenchyme С 479 cladode С 480 cladodystrophie С 481 cladogene G 483 cladogenese С 482 cladomanie G 484 cladophore С 485 cladopode С 487 cladoptose G 488 888 INDEX FRANQAIS clair С 761, D 233, 234 clairement P 413 clairifere L 272 classe С 492 classification С 491 classique G 490 lieu- L 246 clastotype С 494 clave С 497 inversement- О 3 claviforme С 497 clef analytique A 656 clef dichotomique С 500 cl6istandro6cie G 504 cl6istanth6rie С 505 cleistocarpe С 508, 509 cleistocarpie С 507 cleistogame G 511 cieistogamie G 510 cl6istop6talie G 512 climacorhizes G 515 climaterique С 516 climatique С 517 climatype С 518 climax С 519 clinandre С 520 clinanthe С 521 clinide С 522 clinog6otropisme С 525 clinotropisme G 529 clitochores С 530 clivage D 351, F 69 cloison D 325, S 424 fausse- D 325, P 1491, S 424 a plusieurs cloisons P 876, 1024 -transversale T 402 cloisonne S 411 faussement- P 1568 non- A 1067 clone С 533 clonotype С 534 cl os С 496, О 41 clostre С 535 clou (en-) G 194 clusium G 536 cnephoplancton С 538 coagulation С 542 coalescence С 544, S 1358 coalescent С 543 coarcte G 545 coarcture С 633 cobaltine С 547 coccine С 551 coccogone С 552 coccolithe G 554 coccosphfere С 555 coccus С 556 cochl6aire С 557 сосЫёё С 558 Code international de la nomenclature botanique С 559 codominante С 561 coeloblaste С 565 coenzyme С 593 coeur -de bois D 402 en- G 86, 806 cohabitant С 599 coherence С 601 cohesion С 601 coiffe G 46 coiffe С 47 coilocarpie С 603 coin A 766 en- С 959, S 698 col С 633 col6ogene С 606 col6opt6roc6cidie С 608 coieopteronome С 609 coieoptile С 610 col6orhize G 611 colesule G 612 collaborates G 614 collage A 325 collaplancton С 615 collateral С 619 colie С 723 collecte L 80, 83 collecteurs G 622 collectif С 621 collection S 732, 1331 collections A 1108 collenchyme G 623 collet С 442, 633 к - С 630 colleterae С 624 collicole С 625 соШёге (en-) М 397 collinaire G 531, 625 colline G 532, 629 colliquescent С 628 colloidomorphose G 632 colombin С 646 colonie G 636 -de cellules G 571 colonistes G 637 colonnaire С 650 colonne G 649 colorable G 372 facilement- С 394 colorant T 314 coloration С 640, P 681 colore С 371, 639, F 175, P 679 faiblement- S 1127 colpenchyme G 642 columellaire G 648 columelle С 647 columelliforme С 648 columnace С 650 combinaison nouvelle G 652, N 77 combination С 652 combine G 654 -veineux С 653 come J 9 comestible E 50 comites G 660 comme P 1225 commemor6 G 661 commensal С 663 commensalisme G 664 commiscuum G 665 commissure С 666 commun С 668, T 577 communaute С 669, 758 commune P 13 compact С 672, P 815, S 563 compagine С 673 comparaison G 674 comparez С 708 compensation С 676 competition С 677 complementation С 680 complet G 681, О 144, P 262 compietement H 320, P 63 complexe С 682 compose С 685, 763 comprime С 672, 686, 765 faiblement- S 1128 concaulescence G 688 concave G 689 concentration -en ions-hydrogene P 382 concentrique С 690 conceptacle С 475, 691 concernant P 353 conchidium С 693 concolore G 694, M 405 presque- S 1130 concomitant M 406 concrescence С 698 concrescent С 697 condense G 701 condimentaire С 702 condition С 703 conducteur С 704 conduplicatif С 705 condyle С 707 cone G 784, S 1039 en - renvers6 О 5 -v6g6tatif G 784, Y 46 conelette G 783 confervoide С 711 configuration С 712 confluence A 671 confluent A 672, G 715 conforme С 716 conf us G 717 nom- С 717 cong6n6rique С 718 congenital С 719, I 157 conglobe С 721 conglomer6 С 722 conglutine С 723 congrege С 724 congru С 725 INDEX FRANQAIS 884 conidange G 728 conidangiophore С 727 conidie С 734 conidiifSre С 729 conidiophore С 523, 730 conidiostrome С 733 conifSre С 735, S 1037 coniforme С 726 coniocyste С 736 coniothSque G 737 conique С 726 conjoint С 654, 740 conjugaison С 739 -cellulaire G 1045 conjugation С 73.9 conjuguS G 740, G 67, Z 58 connS С 543, 741, S 1350 connectif С 743 connexe С 744 connexS A 205 connexion N 113 connivent С 745 connu С 598 connubium G 746 conocarpe G 747 conoidal С 726 conophorophytes G 749 consanguin С 752 conscription G 752a conservation (de-) H 565 conservS С 753 nom gSnSrique- С 753 conserver С 754 consignation des plantes С 752a consortium С 758 conspect G 759 constant С 763 constipS С 764 constructif С 766 contabescent С 767 contact (de-) T 288 contagieux G 768 contenant С 774, I 91 contigu С 773 continu С 775 contorts С 778, S 1300 contortoplancton С 776 contortupliquS С 777 contour A 499 contournS С 778 -en coquille С 588 -en spirale S 1043 contracts С 765, 780 contractile С 779 racine- С 779 vacuole- С 779 contre A 864 contrepoison A 391, 865 contribution S 1341 convariantes С 787 convariStS С 788 convenable 1 38 convergence С 791 convergent С 790 convexe С 793 convolutS С 794 convolutif С 794 copaline С 796 copieux С 797, О 205 coprivore С 798 coprophile G 798, M 191 coprophytes G 799 copulation G 739, 801 copules G 800 coque G 556 к deux coques В 101 coqueluchon С 944 coralliforme С 803 corallin G 804 cordS G 806 cordiforme С 806 presque- S 1134 cordon G 362 -ombilical F 194 corSmium С 807 coriacS С 808 corme С 813 cormautochores G 811 cormophytes С 812 согпб С 814 corne d’abondance semblable a une-G 815 comes de bSlier (a-) A 1017 corni- С 814 cornucopioide С 815 corollacS С 817 corolle С 816 dents de la- С 816 -dialypStale G 816 -gamopStale С 816 -ligulSe L 173 limbe de la- С 816 lobes de la- G 816 -papilionacSe P 79 -personnSe P 349 tube de la- С 816 corollS С 819 corollifSre С 819 corollin G 817 corollule G 820 coronacS С 822 coronaire С 822 coronule С 824 corps -cotylSdonaire С 854 -de fructification С 825, F 163, T 216 -ligneux С 825 •vSgStatif С 825 corpuscule С 826 -reproductif S 825 corrSlation С 827 correspondant G 725, 789 corrigenda £ 829 corrugatif С 830 cortex С 831 cortical G 832 corticatS С 833, P 446,, corticifSre С 833 corticole С 834 cortine С 835 cortinS С 836 cortiniforme С 837 corymbe С 842 corymbS С 840 corymbeux С 840 corymbifSre С 840 coryphophytes С 845 coryphyllie С 844 corysymphyllie G 846 cosmesthSsie G 847 cosmobiologie С 848 cosmopolitain A 560 cosmopolite G 849 cosmopolites С 850 costS G 852 costifSre С 852, J 13 cdte A 90, 766, С 851, J 14, L 228 -dorsale D 368 -mSdiane С 851 -sScondaire S 245 cotes (S-) J 202 к - aigues A 91 aimant les- P 1449 a cinq- Q 34 a - inSgales A 784 sans- E 15 & - velues R 15 coteau С 629 cotS L 71 к -L 60 cdtelS R 8 cdtier L 227, N 96 cotonneux G 229 cotylSdon G 853 cotylSdons -incombantes I 108 к plusieurs- P 973 cotylSdonaire С 954 cotylSdonS С 855 couche P 1648, S 335, 1018 -corticale S 1018 -germinative M 123 -gonidiale S 1018 -herbacSe S 1018 -mSdullaire S 1018 -nutritive S 1237 -sporifSre S 1018 couchS S 1301, I 108 -sur la sole H 443, P 1336 -sur la terre P 1238 coudS brusquement- I 148 -en genou G 92 coudSe (k longueur d’une-) С 942 coulant F 78, S 82, 543 885 couleur С 638 -de l’arc en ciel I 282 -de bois L 163 -de chair С 94, I 85 -de feu F 79, 1 39 -de foie H 149 -de l’herbe H 161 •d’isabelle G 146 -de pavon P 204 -de perroquet P 1598 -de plomb L 230, P 854 -de porcelaine P 1103 -de prune P 1443 -de renard V 167 -de rouille R 370 -saumon6e S 24 -de suie F 182 -de tabac T 1 -de terre T 137 -vive L 27 coulisse С 59 соирё P 1671, S 1262 coupe С 995, S 241 -longitudinale S 241 -transversale T 402 couple de folioles J 14 courant С 967 courbe A 635, 689, С 56, 58, С 973, H 454 -к droit D 125 -en anneau G 314 -en arc A 996 -en агпёге R 205, S 1301 -en bas D 28 -en dedans I 109, 1250 -en dehors R 101 legerement- S 1142 en peu- H 585 courbure С 971, G 317 couronnant С 823 couronne С 821 соигоппё С 823, S 938 courroie (en-) H 301 cours С 968 court В 270, 287 coussinet P 1650 couvert A 20, 759, С 207, С 314, 914, О 27, 187, S 889, T 46, V 49 a epi- G 916 non- A 1114 -de ros6e I 286 couvrant О 26, 186, T 47 cramoisi С 93, 300 cramponnant A 206 craquant G 882 craspedium С 858 craspedodrome С 860 crateriforme С 865 crayeux С 884 cresmatoplancton С 867 cremnophytes G 869 сгётосагре С 871 сгепё С 873 finement- С 877 cr6neie С 877 faiblement- Р 196 cr6nelure С 872 к crenelures demi-rondes S 292 cr6nobiontes G 874 cr6nophytes С 875 crenoplancton С 876 crepage G 889 cr6pidul6 G 880 cr6pitacle С 881 crepitant С 882 сгбри С 890, U 7 cr6tac6 С 884 cret6 С 812 crete С 891 к deux ere tes В 113 -de coq С 891 en— A 386 muni d’une- С 892 creus6 -de petites fossettes 5 218 -en canal G 59 profond6ment- E 424 creux G 158, 201, 564, 689, I 79, V 8 crevassant (se-) D 94 crevasse R 324 crevasse R 325 cribie С 885 cribleux С 885 cribriforme G 885 cribrovasale G 886 criniere (en-) G 887 pourvu de- J 10 crispe G 890 cristal С 936 cristallin G 932 crochet H 21, U 31 en- H 18, 51 petit- H . 20 к petit- H 19 crochets к plusieurs- P 939 crochu A 198, 221, 688, H 18, 51, L 51, О 152, U 29 -en агпёге R 107 crois6 С 896, H 458 croisement H 456 -asexue H 456 -sexue H 456 croissance A 50, I 103 к - apicale A 133 6 - oblique A 353 -de plantes V 45 -en epaisseur P 5 -r6tardataire В 284 -terminale T 127 croissant С 883, H 2 en- L 276 croiss6 D 29 croix С 905 INDEX FRAN^AIS crossing-over С 894 croOte С 901 crouteux G 903, L 115 cru С 897, I 51 cruche (en-) U 82 crustace С 902 cryobiontes С 907 cryoflore G 908 cryophile С 909 cryoplancton G 910 cryoplanctophytes С 911 cryoscopique G 912 cryotropisme С 913 cryplocecidie С 918 cryptogames G 919 -vasculaires С 919 cryptogamie G 920 cryptogamique G 921 cryptog6n6tique С 922 cryptohaplomitose С 923 cryptohybride С 924 cryptomerie G 925 cryptomitose С 926 cryptophytes G 928 cryptoplasme G 929 cryptopore С 930 cryptostomate С 931 crystallochores С 933 crystallogene С 934 crystalloides G 935 cteinophytes G 937 ctetologie С 939 ctetosome G 940 cubital С 942 cuculie С 943 cucullifere С 943 cuculliforme С 943 cucumiforme G 945 cucurbitac6 С 946 cuUler (en forme de-) G 557 cuir (comme le-) С 808 cuivr6 A 243, С 962 culinaire С 948 cultiforme С 951 cultig6ne G 952 cultigrex С 953 cultiplex С 954 cultivar G 955 cultive С 957, S 88 non- I 107, S 778 cultiver G 634 cultovariete G 955 cun6aire С 959 cuneiforme G 959, S 698 cupe S 230 cupulaire С 964 cupule G 963 cupule С 965 сириШёге С 965 cupuliforme G 964 curatif I 2, M 138, О 88, S 33 curvatif С 972 INDEX FRANQAIS curvinervS С 974 curvipStalitS С 975 curvisSriS С 976 cuspide С 978 cuspidS С 977 cuticule G 979 cutine G 981 cutinisation С 982 cutis С 983 cyanocyste С 986 cyanoleuque С 987 cyanophile С 989 cyanophycine С 990 cyanophylle С 991 cyanoplaste С 992 cyathe G 994 cycle G 1000 -vitale С 1000 cyclique G 996 cyclochorise G 997 cyclonastie С 998 cyclose С 999 cylindre С 1003 -central С 215, 1003, S 893 cylindrenchyme G 1002 cylindrique С 1001 cyme С 1004 -bipare D 170 -scorpioide G 429 -unipare M 403 cymeux С 1008 cymobotrya С 1007 cynarrhode С 1010 cyphelle С 1012 cystide G 1018 cystocarpe G 1019 cystolithe G 1020 cystophore G 1021 cystosore С 1022 cystosphSre С 1023 cystotyle С 1025 cytase С 1027 -cytique С 1028 cytoanatomie С 1029 cy toaster С 1030 cytoblaste G 1032 cytoblastSme С 1031 cytochimSre G 1034 cytochimie С 1035 cytochrome С 1037 cytochylSme С 1038 cytochyme С 1039 cytode С 1042 cytoderme С 1041 cytodynamique G 1044 cytogamie G 1045 cytogenSse С 1046 cytogSnStique С 1047 cytogSographie С 1050 cytogonie С 1049 cytogranule С 1051 cytographie С 1052 cytohydrolyse С 1054 cytokinSse С 1055 cytoklSse С 1056 cytologie С 1057 -nuclSaire С 138 cytolymphe G 1058 cytolysine С 1059 cytolytique С 1060 cytomScanique С 1062 cytomitome С 1064 cytomixie С 1065 cytomorphologie G 1066 cytomorphose С 1067 cytophysiologie С 1068 cytoplasme G 1069 cytorrhyse С 1070 cytosarque С 1071 cytosome С 1073 cytosquelette G 1072 cytostatique G 1074 cytothesis С 1076 cytotoxine С 1077 cytotropisme С 1078 dacryoide D 1 dactyl orrhize D 3 damier (en-) T 143 dangereux P 339 dauciforme D 6 dSbile D 7 decagynie D 9 decamSre D 11 dScandre D 13 dScandrie D 12 dSchiquetS L 15 dSchirant (se-) E 346, R 408 dSchromatisation С 163 dSclinS D 17 dScoloration A 78 dScolorS D 18 dScombant D 25 dScombrS R 393 dScombres R 389 croissant sur les- R 391 dScomposant L 294 dScomposS D 19 dScomposition С 89 dSconjugation D 20 dScoratif D 21 dScorS О 242, S 224 dScortiquS D 22, E 14 dScoupS D 322, E 431, I 89, T 329 -en laniSres L 15 -irrSguliSrement L 12 dScoupure I 88, L 232 dScouvert A 887, G 266, I 266 dScouvreur I 265 dScrescent D 24 dScurrent D 26 dScursif D 26 dScussS D 29 dedans (en-) I 241 886 dSdiS D 30 dSdifferentiation D 31 dSdoublS D 191 dSdoublement С 365, D 32, 394 dSduplication D 32 dSfectif D 33 dSfendant T 644 dSfensif A 394, D 34 dSfeuillS D 39 dSfini D 36 dSflSchi D 17, 37 dSfleuri D 38 dSformS D 40, M 467 dSfrondation D 41 dSgSnSration D 42 -du noyau С 140 dSgSnSrS D 43 dSgoutant N 31, T 17 dShiscence D 45 -loculicide L 243 -valvaire V 27 dShiscent G 422, D 44 -avec SlasticitS D 326 dehors E 16 au- E 449 deleatur D 48 dSlicat H 22, T 95 dSlices D 49 dSlinSation D 50 dSliquescent D 52 deltoide D 54 dSmangeant P 1447 demi- H 110, S 277 -adhSrent S 278 -amplectif S 280 -anthSre T 231 -aride S 286 -bifide S 287 -biloculaire S 288 -caliciforme S 289 -capsulS S 291 -casquS S 312 -cloison S 363 -clos S 295 -cotonneux S 377 -couvert S 384 -croisS S 303 -cylindrique S 300, 376 -dressS S 308 -embrassant S 280 -engainant S 381 -enroulS S 297 -SpiS S 366 -espSce S 365 -StalS S 349 -feuillet S 321 -fleuronnS S 309 -grillagS S 290 -haploide H 132 -hastS S 315 -infSre S 319 -lenticulaire S 324 887 demi--liane S 325 -libre S 326 •limbe S 322 -loculaire S 329 -loge S 330 -margin^ S 332 -orbiculaire L 276 -ouvert S 284, 349 -ov6 S 346 -palme S 347 -parasite H 133 -p6ctine S 350 -permeable S 352 -pStaloide S 353 -plonge S 318 -renvers6 H 111 -rond S 293 -salin S 1225 -sillonne S 372 -sommeillante H 131 -soude S 296 -submerge S 318 -supSre S 373 -transparent S 351 -verticilie S 383 -vetu S 384 -volubile S 1252 demons tratif D 58 dendrobionte D 60 dendrochronologie D 61 dendro'ide D 59 dendrologie D 62 denitrifiant D 64 denomination D 65 -dans le manuscrit С 310 dense D 68, P 1675 densifoliS P 1685 dent D 66 dents к - courtes В 276 к -petites L 121 к - rigides S 185 к six- S 474 -de la corolle С 816 presque dSpourvu de-S 1163 dente D 67, О 61 profondSment- P 1250 dente en scie S 439, 447 faiblement— S 1229 simplement— U 72 trois fois— T 557 denteie finement- en scie S 445 dentelure к - variSe H 205 denticide D 69 denticule D 70 denude D 71 d6nu6 D 71 d6opercul6 D 72 dSpassant E 425, 436, 494, S 1284 d6pauper6 D 74 depSrissant T 3 d6p6rissement T 2 d6perulation D 77 dSpigmentation A 374, D 78 depile D 79 dSplacement E 32 dSpouilie E 518 dSpourvu A 1, 628, 879, С 87, E 1, 415, I 45 -de dents E 47 deprimS D 80 deprive D 105 dermatocalyptrogSne D 82 dermatocyste D 83 dermatogSne D 84 dermatoplasme D 85 dermatoplaste D 86 dermatosome D 87 dSroulant (se-) E 414 dSsassimilation D 328 descendant С 166, D 88, P 1257 descendance D 89 description D 90 descrip tif D 91 dSserticole E 321, T 142 desinence D 97 desmochores D 100 desmolyse D 102 desmoplancton D 103 dessSchant A 1004, S 483 dessSche A 1016, E 114, 497, S 484, T 356 dessSchement D 93, E 496 dessiccation D 93 dessin I 5 -de contour S 162 dessinateur I 44 dessinS D 51 dessous au- H 536, I 134, 144, S 1085 en- H 533, I 134 dessus (en-) A 629 destructif D 106 dSsuni D 311 desynapsis D 108 detachable S 235 detache S 238, 405, 570 detachement S 237 determination D 111, I 16 determine D 112 detorque D 338 detourne A 1233, P 359 detritus D 114 detruant С 422, D 106 deuterogamie D 116 deutoplasme D 117 deux D 391 к - В 69, 152 deux к- G 67 -fois В 69, D 393 par- В 150 INDEX FRANQAIS devant (au-) P 1156 d6velopp6 A 52, 219, E 413 d6veloppement A 50 -canalise H 377 devenant A 8 d6vou6 D 30 dexiostyle D 123 diachrone D 129 diadelphe D 131 diadrome D 132 diageotropisme D 133 diagnose D 134 diagonal D 135 diagramme D 136 -floral D 136 diaheiiotropisme D 137 diakene С 871, D 128 diakinese D 138 dialydesmie D 140 dialyse D 141 diamesogamie D 143 diandre D 144 diapherie D 146 diaphragme D 148 -medullaire M 143 diaphyse D 149 diarche D 150 diaschistique D 152 diaspase D 153 diaspore D 154 diastase D 155 diaster D 156 diastole D 157 diastrophe D 158 diatmesis D 159 diatropisme D 161 dibiose D 163 dibotrys D 164 dicaryobionte D 165 dicaryocyte D 166 dicaryon D 167 dicaryophase D 168 dicentrique D 169 dichasium D 170 dichlamyde D 171 dichogamie D 173 dichopodium D 174 dichotome D 176 dichotomie В 135, D 175 dichotypie D 177 dicline D 179, M 417 dicotyledone D 180 dictyodrome D 183 dictyospore D 185 dictyostele D 186 dicyclique D 187 dicyme D 188 didiplo'ide D 189 didymanthie D 192 didymocarpe D 193 didymospore D 194 didyname D 196 didynamie D 195 dientomophilie D 197 INDEX FRANQAIS differe de D 201 different D 316, 327, 349 differentiation D 200 differentiel D 199 differer D 337 difforme D 202 diffuse D 203 digamStique D 206 digestif D 211 digits D 213 -composS D 214 -lobS D 215 -palmS D 216 -pennS D 217 digitifidS D 219 digitinervS D 220 digitipartite D 221 digyne D 222 dihaploide D 223 dihybride D 227 dilacSrS D 229 dilatS D 231, 334 diluS D 234 dimSgalie D 235 dimSre D 238 dimidiS A 247, D 239 -cordS D 239 inSgalement- S 1154 diminuS A 1140, D 56, 240 diminution R 105 dimonoScie D 241 dimorphe D 243 dimorphisme D 242 -saisonnier О 207 dinSse D 244 diode D 245 diodogone D 248 dioScie D 250 dioScique-polygame D 251 dioique D 252 diosmose D 254 dipSrianthS D 171, 256 dipStale D 257 diphylStique D 260 diphytique D 258, 262 diplanStique D 263 diplasie D 264 diplobionte D 268 diplochromosome D 270 diplocyte D 271 diplogamSte D 273 diplogenSse D 274 diplogonidie D 275 diplohaplobionte D 276 diploide D 277 diploidisation D 278 diplonastie D 279 diplonema D 280 diplopSristomiS D 282 diplophase D 283 diplophylle D 284 diplose D 286 diplosome D 287 diplosporange D 289 diplospore D 288 diplostemone D 290 diplotSne D 292 diploxylS D 293 dipterocScide D 295 dipteronome D 296 dipyrSne В 297 diremption D 298 dirigS V 85 -en dedans I 253 -en dehors E 516 -vers M 83, S 207, 631, T 611 diruption D 300 disamare D 301 discentration D 302 discentrique D 410 disciforme D 303 disclimax D 304 discocarpe D 305 discoide D 303, 304 discolore D 306 discontinu D 307 discoplancton D 308 discopodium D 309 disgSnique D 411 disjoint D 313 disjonction S 569 disomie D 314 disomique D 315 disparaissant E 408, О 16 dispersS D 318, 329, S 613, S 780 dispersion D 317 -endozoique E 196 disphotique D 412 dispirSme D 319 disposS С 631, D 321 -en croix С 896 -en sSrie S 430 -en toit I 49 -entre I 205 -par paires С 740 disposition D 320 disque D 312 -adhSsif A 197, 952 -embryonnaire E 101 -nectarifere D 312 -rScSptaculaire D 312 dissemblable D 327, I 59 dissSminant D 323 dissSmination D 324, S 336 dissSpiment D 325 dissequS D 322 dissimilation С 162 dissipS I 233 dissociation D 331 dissolu S 570 dissolution D 332, L 293 distant D 333, R 143 distendu D 334 distinctif D 336 distique D 335 distribuS D 340 888 distribution D 339 к large- E 386 -naturelle N 26 district С 659 distrophique D 413 diurne D 345 divariquS D 346 divergence D 348 angle do- D 348 divergent D 347 divers V 38 diversement H 175 diversifoliS H 236 diversitS V 36 divisS D 322, 353, M 192, T 329 non- I 201 profondSment- S 135 divisible S 168 division D 351 -cellulaire С 1036, D 351 -gquationnelle A 246 -nucfeaire D 351 -feductionnelle M 165 divisionnaire M 197 dix (k-) D 8, 14 dod6cagynie D 356 dodёcandгie D 357 doigt {k longueur d’un-) D 212 dolabriforme D 359 doleiforme D 360 dolichonfeme D 362 dolichosis D 363 dolichostyfe D 364 dominance D 366 dominant D 365 dommage N 171 dor6 A 1153 dormant D 367, H 565, Q29 dorsal D 368, T 124 dorsifixe D 369 dorsiventral D 370 dos T 126 double В 150, D 330, 393 G 67 1 doublement D 393 douteux A 497, D 16, 385, I 86 doux D 388, G 189 douze [k-) D 355 drapeau V 104 drepanium D 373 dress6 A 1035, E 320 , droit A 1131, О 251, R 90 presque- R 98 dromotropisme D 378 drosomfetre D 379 drupe D 380 drupgole D 381 druse D 382 duces D 386 dunes (vivant sur les-) T 294 889 duplicatif D 395 dur D 406, L 50, S 222, 5 173, G 257 duramen D 402 durant un mois M 189 durci 1 126 dur6e T 87 -de presentation T 87 -de la vegetation T 87 -de la vie D 403 durement G 259 duret D 405, S 1162 durete D 404, R 338 duvet I 124, L 39, P 852, P 1634 duvete H 56, L 47, P 853, P 855, 1622, 1633 6 feuilles duvetees С 560 dynamique D 407 dynamochorie D 408 eau (avec, dans, de, sur 1-’) H 463 ebauche A 220 ebracte E 4 • ebume e 6 ecade О 67 ёсаШе S 839 -anthodiale S 839 -du bulbe S 839 -nectarifere N 54 -s6che R 50 -vout6e F 131 6cailles к - charnues S 71 к deux - D 232 к -fonc6es A 494 & - glabres P 1597 к plusieurs - P 999 к - serr6es P 1684 & - velues T 452 sans-A 387, D 104 ecailleux L 103, S 838 non- E 357 ёса1е de noix P 1669 ecarlate С 551, S 126 ecart A 6 ecartant (s’-) A 5 ecarte D 333, R 143 ecblastese E 7 echalas A 207 echancre E 97 echancrure E 96, S 530 echange des genes С 894 echappe E 51 echasses (ressemblant aux-) G 231 echelle (ressemblant к une-) S 109 echine E 9 echinocarpe E 10 echinospore E 12 ecidie A 235 ecidiiforme A 230 ecidiole A 232 6cidiosore A 233 ecidiospore A 234 eclatant E 489, F 181 ecobiotique О 69 ecoclimatique О 70 6cogeographique О 71 6cologie О 72 ecologique О 73 6comorphose О 74 6conomique О 75 6coparasite О 76 6coprot6randrie О 77 6coprot6rogynie О 78 бсогсе С 810, 831 к- P 446 -moyenne M 226 -primaire P 1208 sans- E 14 -secondaire S 245 ecorces (e deux-) В 110 ecospecies О 79 ecotone О 81 ecotope О 82 ecotype О 83 -climatique С 518 ecourte A 4, С 545, 780 ecrit S 217 ectauxese E 17 ectexine E 18 ectobaside E 19 ectobionte E 20 ectocyanose E 23 ectocyclique E 24 ectoendoparasite E 25 ectoendotrophe E 26 ectogenese E 27 ectogonidie E 28 ectoparasite E 29 ectoperidium E 30 ectophytes E 31 ectopie E 32 ectoplasme E 33 ectoplastes E 34 ectospore E 37 ectosporium E 36 ectotrophe E 38 ectotropique E 39 6cuelle (en-) P 179 6cumeux S 835 ecusson S 228 6cussonn6 P 230, S 225 edaphique E 41 edaphogene E 42 edaphologie E 43 edaphon E 44 edaphophytes E 45 edaphotope E 46 edente E 47 edite E 49 edition E 48 INDEX FRANq A IS edoiographie A 237 edoiologie A 238 6doiotomie A 239 efficace P 1151 effiie A 1140, T 105, V 129 efflorescence E 52 eflagelie E 57 6gal A 245, H 355, I 292, P 87 egalant A 245 egalement A 244 eglanduleux E 58 eisodiale E 59 ejection E 60 elaboration E 64 elaioplancton E 68 eiaioplastes E 69 eiaiosome E 70 61aiosphere E 71 eiance P 1232 elargi A 604, 606, D 231, E 502 eiasticite E 73 eiastique E 74 elateres E 75 elaterium E 76 eiaterophore E 78 electrolyse E 81 electronastie E 82 eiectrophor6se С 173 eiectrotaxis E 84 electrotonus E 85 eiectrotropisme E 86 eieve С 211, E 79, 89, P 1232 peu- H 444 elimination E 60, 90 ellipsoidale E 91 elliptique E 92 eioignant (s1-) A 5 eioigne D 333, R 143 eioignement A 6 eloigner (s1-) D 337 emarcide E 95 6margination E 96 emargine E 97 embellissant D 23 embranchement D 351 embrassant A 600 embrouilie I 236 embryogenie E 99 embryologie E 100 embryon E 98 embryonnaire E 101 етЬгуоппё E 102 embryophore E 103 embryophytes E 104 embryotege E 105 emend6 E 106 6meraldine S 542 6merg6 E 109 emergence E 108 emetique Y 163 6mettant E 113 INDEX FRANQAIS 840 еттё1ё I 249 6mondage A 609 kmonssk H 59, M 592, R 213 empan (& longueur d’un petit-) P 43 enalides Б 205 enantiobiose Б 116 enantioblastique Б 117 enantiomorphe E 118 enantiostyle E 119 6nation E 120 encens (produissant de 1’-) T 301 епсЬатё С 687 enchevetr6 I 65, 249 encrout6 I 105 endarche E 125 end6mique A 17, E 127 end6misme E 128 end6mite E 129 endobaside E 130 endobionte E 131 endobiophytie E 132 endobiotique E 133 endoblfcme E 134 endocarpe E 135 endocatadrome E 137 endochite E 138 endochroa E 139 endochrome E 140 endochyle E 141 endoci^tique E 142 endocortex E 144 endocyanose E 145 endocyclogfcne E 146 endocyste E 148 endodendrobionte E 149 endoderme E 150 endogaion E 152 endogamie E 153 endogfcne E 154 endogonidie E 155 endogone E 156 endohaustorium E 157 endolithique E 158 endolithophytes E 159 endom6iose E 160 endom6ristfcme E 161 endomitose E 162 endomixie E 163 endoparasite E 164 endopelon E 165 endoperidium E 166 endopetrion E 167 endophlofcme E 168 endophytes E 172 endophytique E 169 endophytisme E 170 endophytobionte E 171 endoplasme E 173 endoplaste E 174 endoplastide E 175 endoplfcvre E 176 endopsammion E 177 endoptile E 178 endorhize E 179 endosaprophytisme E 180, P 125 endoscl£rote E 181 endoscopique E 182 endosmose E 183 endosperme E 184 endospore E 185 endosporium E 186 endostome E 187 endosymbiose E 188 endott^que E 189 endotherme E 190 endotoxine E 191 endotrophe E 192 endotropisme E 193 endoxyle E 195 endoxylophytes E 194 endozo'ique E 196 endozoobionte E 197 endozoochores E 198 endozoophytes E 200 endroit -classique L 246 -ombrag6 U 23 energfcse E 202 energide E 203 6nervi6 E 204 епПё I 139, T 646, 658 enfonc6 I 52 enfoui I 143, 177, S 428 enfum6 F 185, N 36 engainant V 15 engain6 V 16 non- E 407 engelure P 340 engraiss6 S 943 enharmonie E 206 6nivrant S 489, T 88 еп1асё С 771 enn6agynique E 208 епгастё R 22 enracinement R 21 епгои1ё G 794, I 280, V .161 -sur soi-тёте G 777 ensemble S 1369 епэетепсё S 93 ensemencement S 87, 92 ensiforme E 210 ensoleill6 A 956 entailte E 431 entass6 A 62, 323, С 539, G 176 entier С 681, I 123, 201, О 144, T 365 complement- I 202 presque- I 203 entifcrement H 320 entomoc6cidie E 213 entomogame E 214 entomologie E 215 entonnoir (en-) I 154 entortillant (s’-) T 355, T 358, V 159 entortilte A 635, D 338, I 240, T 354, V 161 entourant A 495, 600, С 440 entour6 С 431, 441, 453, 785 -d’une fossette С 470 -de rouge R 380 entrecoup6 I 230 entrelac6 С 771, I 65, 236, P 794, 845 -circulairement С 469 entrenoeud I 220 ёпитёгаЫоп E 217 envahissant I 261 enveloppant I 275 enveloppe I 204, P 42, T 48 -du bulbe I 204 -florale I 204 епуе1оррё T 50 environnant A 203 environs A 204 envote A 1235 enzyme E 218 enzymologie Z 86 enzymolyse E 219 eoplasme E 220 epJcme E 221 ёра1э С 863, P 2 £paisseur G 864 -d’un poil С 70 ёра1&81 С 862, I 102 ёра18&18&етеп1 С 861, I 101 ёpanodie Е 222 ёрапош С 263, Е 56 ёрагрШё S 613 ёраге D 329, R 71, S 613, V 18 en forme d’- Е 210 epenchyme Е 224 ёрегоп С 18 -nectariffere N 54 ёреговд к cinq - Р 240 к plusieurs - Р 957 к quatre- Т 156 к - spirals S 761 sans- Е 5 ёрегоппё С 19, 214 epharmonie Е 225 ёphebogenёse Е 226 , ёрЬётёге Е 228 ёрЬётёгорЬу!ез Е 227 ephydrogamie Е 230 ёр1 S 728 к- А 1117, S 850 -к deux rangs S 728 -сотроБё S 728 faux- P 1572 -гаппПё S 728 -simple S 728 841 4pis к - en globe S 716 к peu d1- О 126 к -serrte P 1688 6piage 1 194 epibasale E 231 epibaside E 232 epibenthos E 233 epibionte E 234 epibiose E 235 epibiote E 236 epibiotique E 237 epiblaste E 240 epiblasteme E 238 epiblastese E 239 epicarpe E 243 epichile E 244 epicline E 246 epicopule E 247 epicormique E 248 epicorolline E 249 epicotyle E 251 epicotyledonaire E 250 epictese E 252 epicutis E 253 epidendrobionte E 254 epiderme E 255 epidiscal E 256 epie S 730, 850 epiet S 733 epigaion E 258 epig6 E 257, 301 epigfcne E 259 epg6otropisme E 260 epgone E 261 epgyne E 262 epgynique E 262 eplimnion E 263 eplithique E 264 epllet S 733 epmatium E 266 epnastie E 267 epnatante E 268 ёрпе A 29, S 742 epaulinaire S 742 ёроИасёе S 742 eptipulanee S 742 epines S 741 к -en croix S 881 к -ensiformes A 878 к -6paisses P 3 к quatre- T 153 к -raides R 320 к -roses R 289 к -tubuleuses S 556 к -velues T 445 entoure d’- P 268 -radicales R 20 sans- A 636 ёртёте E 269 epineux A 30, 1028, H 432, S 741, 749 epinycte E 270 epiontologie E 271 epipelon E 273 epipelte E 274 epipetale E 276 epiphloeme E 278 epiphragme E 279 epiphylle E 280 epiphytes E 283 epiphytique E 282 epiplancton E 284 epiplasme E 285 epiplastes E 286 epipievre E 287 epipode E 288 epipsamnion E 289 6pirhize E 291 epirr6ologie E 290 episepale E 292 episperme A 582, E 293 episporange E 294 6pispore E 295 epistaminal E 296 epistaminie E 297 epistasie E 298 epistomatique E 299 epistrophe E 300 epithalle E 303 epithalline E 302 epithecie E 305 epithelium E 306 epitheme E 307 epitheque E 304 epithete E 308 epitonie E 310 epitrope E 312 epitrophie E 311 6pizoique E 315 epizoochorie E 316 epoicophytes E 317 epuratif С 184 equationnel A 246 equatorial A 247 equilateral I 318 equinoxial A 249 6quipolaire A 250 equipotentiel A 251 equitant E 318 equivalentogenese A 253 equivoque A 254 ёгапtheme E 319 ёгете E 326 ёгёторЫ1е E 324 eremophytes E 325 ergasioapophytes E 327 ergasiolipophytes E 328 ergasiophygophytes E 329 ergasiophytes E 330 ergasiosyntrophophytes E 331 ergesie E 332 ergogenese E 333 ergot С 502 ericetum E 335 erige E 320 бгтасё E 337 INDEX FRANQAIS erode E 342, T 583 erostre e 34i errata С 829 erratique E 344 erreur L 52, S 723 еггопб M 85 erubescent E 345 6rugineux A 278 6rythroleuque E 349 6rythrophile E 350 6rythrophylle E 351 escarpe С 531, P 1194 escarostrophe E 354 espace L 73, R 143 esp6ce S 624, 997 -collective С 621 -hybridique H 458 -nouvelle N 169 -vicariante V 109 esquisse A 220, D 50, S 162 esquisse D 51 essai T 102 est- ce que? A 627 esthesie A 280 estival A 281 estivation A 283 etage T 6, Z 20, 21 etaie D 203, E 56, 502 largement- P 180 -en rond R 362 -sur le sol S 1301 etamine M 358, S 857 etamine S 859 etamines a -alternantes A 407 a cinq - S 301 a deux- A 585 a huit- О 56 a -longues M 4 a -membraneuses H 528 a neuf- E 209 a une seule etamine M 394 a sept- H 153 к -soudees S 1357 к trois- T 417 к vingt- I 10 sans - A 659 etang S 856 des etangs S 853 L 25 vivant dans 1’- T 316 etat S 540, 880 ete A 279 d’ete A 281 etendard V 104 etendu E 56, 502 eternuant P 1604 etherique A 287 ethnobotanique E 359 etiogene A 358 etoiie A 144, R 19, S 895 etiolement A 374 etiologie A 288 etiomorphose A 359 etionastie A 360 INDEX FRANQAIS etiotropisme A 361 etiquette d’herbier S 133 6touffant S 1270 etoupe S 1059 etoupeux S 1061 etranger A 225, 402, X 14 6trangl6 F 25, S 1013 etroit A 769, 995, S 901 etroitement A 767 -6tal6 P 194 -cylindrique T 123 6tude preiiminaire P 1241 etudes A 773 etui Y 13 euanthie E 361 euapogamie E 362 euapophytes E 363 euaposporie E 364 euarcheophytes E 365 euc6cidie E 366 euc6nique E 370 eucleistocarpique E 369 eucyclique E 371 eudichotomie E 372 euephemere E 373 eugenetique E 374 eugeogfcne E 375 eug6ophytes E 376 euhaline E 377 eumitose E 378 euphotique E 380 euphotometrique E 381 euplancton E 383 eurybathyque E 385 euryc6notique E 387 eury6cique E 390 euryhalin E 388 euryhygrique E 389 euryoxybionte E 391 euryphotique E 392 euryplasticite E 393 eurysynusique E 394 eurytherme E 395 eurytope E 396 eusporangie E 397 eusporie E 398 eusteie E 400 eusyncarpique E 401 euth6ropnytes E 402 eutrophique E 404 eutropie E 405 eux6rophytique E 406 6vacu6 E 53 6vagin6 E 407 evanescent E 408 evaporation E 410 6ventail (en-) D 132, F 74 evident С 761, M 91, P 383 evitant P 454 evolue E 413 evolution E 412 exalbumine E 417 exare E 419 exarilie E 420 exariste E 421 exarticuie E 422 exauricuie E 423 excav6 С 200, E 424 excentrique E 427 excessif H 536 excipule E 429 excise E 431 excision E 430 excitabilite E 432 excitation E 433 exclu E 434 excrescent E 436 excretation E 437 excreteur E 438 excroissance S 1053 excurrent E 439 exemplaire S 626 exfolie E 442 exigu E 444 exine E 446 exintine E 447 exinvolucre E 448 exocatadrome E 453 exochiton E 454 exochomophytes E 455 exoconidie E 456 exocortex E 457 exoderme E 458 exogamie E 459 exogene E 460 exogyne E 461 exolithique E 462 exolithophytes E 463 exomeristeme E 464 exoneurose E 465 exopercuie E 466 exop6ridie E 467 ехорМоёше E 468 exorhize E 472 exoscl6rote E 473 exoscopique E 474 exosmose E 475 exospore E 476 exosporium E 477 exostome E 478 exostose E 479 exoteste E 480 exothecium E 481 exothermie E 482 exotoxine E 483 exotrophe E 484 exotropisme E 485 explorateur de la nature N 25 exposant E 443 exposition E 492 expressivite E 493 expulsif E 77 exsert E 494 exsiccata E 495 exsiccation E 496 extipuie E 498 exstirpation E 499 840 exsudant E 500 exterieur E 16, 449, 503 externe E 503 extraaxillaire E 506 extracellulaire E 507 extrachromosome E 508 extrafloral E 509 extrafoliace E 510 ex trait E 309 extranucieaire E 511 extrastaminale E 513 extravaginale E 514 extravasation E 515 extrors E 516 exudant L 18 exulc6ration E 517 fabac6 F 4 face L 71, P 10 -frontale F 159 -inf6rieure D 368 -facial F 5 facies F 6 facile F 7 facteur F 9 -latent L 59 facteurs edaphiques E 41 facultatif F 11 faculte F 10 faible D 7 faiblement P 195, S 1085 faisceau F 22a en- F 22 -bicollateral В 102 -collateral С 619 falci- F 12 falciforme F 12, S 331 falqu6 (presque-) S 1177 familie F 15 fane L 44, M 101 farinace F 17 farineux A 614, F 18 fasciation F 20 fascicule F 22a fascicule D 98, F 22 fascie F 21 fastigie F 23 faucille D 373 en- F 12 faute L 52, S 723 -d’6criture L 52 -d’impression E 343 fauve F 184 -chamois С 53, 244 -sordide V 1 faux (fausse) A 218, F 14, N 162, P 1456, S 836 faveoie F 27 febrifuge A 392 fecond F 32, P 1274, U 1 fecondant F 29 fecondation F 30, N 203 feconde F 31 848 INDEX FRANQAIS f£condit6 U 2 tecule A 626 femelle G 275 relatif aux organes reppro-ductifs femelies G 275 feminin F 33 fendant les rochers 3 101 fendill6 F 71 fendu F 54, H 318, *R 226, S 135, 171, T 329 6galement- I 341 finement- T 108 -en sept S 412 -au sommet В 77 fenestr6 F 34 fente R 324 к — circulaire С 468 fent6 R 325 fer de flfcche (en-) S 15 -ttre P 464 ferme F 65, О 41 ferm6 С 496, 503, I 81 presque- S 1124 ferment F 38 fermentation F 37 fertile F 32, 36, 40, M 532, P 1274, U 1 fertilisation F 30 -croiss6e A 434 fertilise F 31, G 37 fertility U 2 festom^ R 147 f6tide N 116, О 107 feu couleur de- F 79 rouge de-P 1692 feuillage F 108, 158 feuille F 114 -асёгеиэе A 61 -compos6e С 685 -florale В 280 -fossile L 221 -radicale R 20 -primordiale P 1212 -simple S 518 СеиШё F 109, P 549 abodamment- F 113 feuilles k-P 549 -a6riennes A 259 к - alternes A 475 к - amphoriformes P 550 k- arist6es A 1024 к - belles A 318 k- blanches L 143 к - brunes P 402 к - charnues S 74 к cinq - P 248 к - coriac6es S 233 к - denies О 63 к - difformes A 529 a - duvet6es P 1623 к - Gcussom^es S 225 к - ёрагзез S 611 feuilles к - 6troitee S 924 &-fendues S 139 &-fibreuses I 170 к - filamenteuses N 73 к - gгaminacёes A 341 a-larges P 792 й-liegeuses S 1170 a - membraneuses S 124 a - minces L 127 к - obliques P 736 к - en parasol S 160 к - persistentes A 354 a - рНёев P 1627 к plusieurs - P 1028 a - ропсШёеэ S 969 й-роигргёеэ P 1121 a quatre - Q 13 a-ratines R 278 a - rigid^rectes I 348 a - roses R 299 ci - rost^es R 311 ё - rouges P 1710 a - s6ches X 41 a sept - H 154 a - serrutees S 451 a - sessiles S 457 a six - H 283 ё-soudёes S 1353 i-s^es S 1027 - уетёеэ P 444 к - velues T 458 a-vertes G 344 presque sans- S 1095 feuillet F 112 fibre F 44 fibres radicales F 44 fibreux F 49 fibriforme F 45 fibrille F 46 ПЬгШё F 48 fibrilles radicales R 20 fibrilleux F 48 -Шё F 54 МёШ F 53 figue F 51 figure F 55, I 5 fil N 67 en -d’acier G 256 filament F 57, N 67, 68 -achromatique A 75 Шате^асё F 56 filamenteux F 56, N 68 filet F 57 filiciforme F 59 fils (le-) F 2 fimbri6 F 63 fin^taire F 64 fin A 1014, S 1241 fissile F 68 fission F 69 fissu^ R 226 fistulaire F 72 fistuleux F 72 fixateur A 206 Пхё A 291, F 73, S 848 ПаЬе11ё F 74 flagellaire F 76 flagel^ F 77 flagelliffcre M 117 flagelliforme F 76 flagellum F 78 ПатЬё F 79 flamme rouge- P 451 flaque L 23 flasque F 75 Пёаи jen-) F 76 ftechi (en агпёге) R 206 -en dedans I 140 -en dehors R 111 ftetri A 1016, L 44, M 101 ftetrissement M 102 ftetrissure M 102 fleur F 96 -а^^ёе A 328 -Ыэехиёе F 96 -compete G 681 -en tube F 96 ^pigyne F 96 -femelle F 96 -hermaphrodite F 96 -hypogyne F 96 -тГёге F 96 -ligutee F 96, L 173 -male F 96 -marginale F 96 -neutre N 110 -nue N 198 ^rigyne F 96 -pistiltee F 96 -pleine P 815a -radiaire R 16 -solaire S 553 -stamu^e F 96 -з1ёп1е S 956 -эирёге F 96 -1ёпшпа1е T 127 -tubule T 641 fleurs (i-) A 832 к - аИёеэ P 1607 к - blanches G 6, N 130 к cent- H 61 к cinq- Q 38 k- de lilas S 1468 к - denies en scie 5 441, 440 к - ё1го11ез S 902 й-fendues S 143 к - grandes M 5 к - nasiformes R 238 к - nombreuses H 61 к - nues G 267 6 - persistentes A 351 к - radi£es R 34 к • rostrtes R 353 к - rouges R 375 INDEX FRANQAIS 644 к- БёсЬев S 175, X 29 &-series P 1676 к - serrul6es S 450 ё - sessiles S 456 к six- H 279 к - spiral6es S 757 fleuraison F 87 fleurette F 97 fleurissant (tardivement) S 454 toujours- S 386 fleuron F 97 -discal F 96 flexueux О 188, F 82, S 437 floconneux F 83, M 83, P 72 floculeux F 84 floraison A 833, E 52, F 87 floral F 86 flore С 329, F 85 -naine N 8 floribond F 88 floricole F 89 floriculture F 90 floriffcre F 91 florigraphie F 92 florilfege F 93 floripare F 94 florule F 95 flottant F 98, 99, N 22 flotteur A 267 flOte (en forme de-) T 310 fluvial F 100 fluviatile F 100 foie {k couleur de-) H 149 foin F 102 foliac6 F 104 foliaire F 106 folian6 F 105 foliation F 107 foli6 P 549 foliivore P 573 foliole F 112 foliol6 F 111 folioles к - совШёгеэ R 10 -involucrales I 274 folliculaire F 115 follicule F 117 folliculode F 116 fonc6 A 1127, F 200, О 22, N 118, 173, P 397, 1640, S 91 fondu T 3 fongac6 F 187 fongal M 596 fongicide F 188 fongicole F 189 fongiforme F 187 fongivore F 190 fonticole F 120 Гогатшё F 122 force P 1152, R 338, V 141 -vitale V 146 forestier S 29, 508 for6t L 272, N 76, S 507 de- N 75 forSts -aciculaires A 61 -d’aune A 465 -mixtes M 385 formant F 126 formation -de sous-arbrisseaux S 1273 forme С 712, F 125, 128, M 473 -de cousin С 748 -de couteau С 956 -de culture С 951 к la тёте- С 716 -naine N 5 -nouvelle F 125 -de printemps V 73 -de violon P 65 form6 F 127 ргегтёгетеЫ> P 1375 formule F 129 fort G 254, R 339, V 19 fortifiant A 653 fosse F 134 fossette A 483, 1006, S 219, F 138 fossett6 A 1007, С 415, F 137, 139 fossiles F 136 fossilis6 F 135 fouet F 78, M 117 fougёгe к forme d’une- F 59 fourchu D 176, F 198 fourchure В 135 fourmi (de-) M 622 fourragfere P 1 fov6ole F 138 fov6ol6 F 139 foville F 140 fraction^ D 307 fragi- F 142 fragile F 143 fragment F 145 fragmentation F 144 frais A 471, R 77 fraise F 147 frange F 62 en- T 309 frangg F 63 frequence F 151 fr6quent F 150 frigidarium F 152 froid A 471, F 153, P 1600 froncement С 889 fronde F 158 frondescence F 155 frondescent F 154 frondeux F 157 frondi- F 156 front F 159 fructicole F 161 ЛгисШёге F 162, P 1243 fructifiant F 162 fructification F 163 fructivore F 164 fruit F 165 -agr6g6 A 328 -charnu S 64 -de figue S 1327 -de rosier С 1010 ^18&ётшап1е D 32a faux- P 1479 -u^hiscent I 114 -sec S 488 -s6c6dente S 235 fruits a - C 99 - -ail6s P 1613 - -anguleux G 212 - -avort6s A 500* - -blanches L 137 - -crochus H 52 - -en drapeau S 275 - -ёрегоппёэ P 797 - -6troits S 906 - -en faucille D 374, S 271 - -fendus S 138 - -glabres P 1596 - -grands M 6 - -grill6s С 430 - -larges P 788 - -lisses L 88 - -longs R 223 - -luisants L 38 - -Iunul6s S 271 - -nus G 270 - -oviformes О 9ft -quatre- T 155 - -rid6s R 314 - -roses R 292 - -rost^s R 309 - -^ёэ T 582 - -rouges E 348 - -rudes T 379 - -secs X 32 - -semblables H 360 - serr6s P 1681 - -soud£s G 40 - -sub6reux P 426 - -sutur6s R 227 - -velus L 55 -un seul fruit E 323 fruitier F 40 frutescent F 169 fucac6 F 174 fucoide F 174 fugace F 177 -fuge F 176 fulcre F 180 fuligineux A 222, F 182 Гитё S 943 fumier (aimant le-) С 798 croissant sur le- R 391 846 fungivore M 604 funiculaire F 192 funicule F 194 funiculi F 193 funiforme F 186 ГигГигасё F 199 fuseau F 205 en- F 203, R 8 fusiforme F 203 fusion F 204 -nucteaire С 151 futaie N 76 gaine V 13 -foliaire V 13 en forme de- С 605 -n^dullaire V 13 gainule V 17 galbanifdre G 7 galbule G 8 gateiforme G 11 gal£ricul6 G 12 galle G 206, G 13 galliforme G 14 -game G 37 gan^tange G 20 gan^tangiogamie G 18 gan^tangiophore G 19 gam6te G 17 gan^tique G 21 gan^tisation G 22 gan^toblaste G 24 gan^tocyste G 25 gan^tocyte G 26 gan^togamie G 27 gan^togenfese G 28 gamёtophoгe G 31 gan^tophyte G 34 gamёtophytique G 33 gan^toplasme G 35 gamёtospoгe G 36 -gamique G 37 gamobium G 38 gamocyte G 41 gamodesmie G 42 gamogemmie G 43 gamoge^se G 44 gamon^rie G 46 gamomorphose G 47 gamopёtale S 1349 gamophyllie G 49 gamost^lie G 53 gamostyle G 54 gamotropisme G 56 gangr6ne G 59, S 696 garni T 46 gasoplancton G 60 gauche L 30, S 523 gazon (couvert de-) G 237 gazonnant С 13 presque- S 1112 gazonneux С 13 geitonocarpie G 62 geitonogamie G 61 gёlatineux G 63 gete G 64 gёlification G 65 gelivure R 324 gёminё D 191, G 67, J 13, Z 58 gemini G 68 gemmacё G 70 gemmation G 71 gemmification G 74 gemmipare G 77 gemmipar^ G 76 gemmule G 78 gёne G 80 ^ёпе G 94 gёnёгant G 84 gёnёratif G 86 gёnёгation G 85 -acc^mentitielle A 49 -авехиёе G 85 -k n chromosomes N 1 -k 2n chromosomes N 2 -diploide N 2 -filiale F 3 -haploi'de N 1 -эехиёе G 85 -sponta^e A 10 gёnёrique G 87 gёnёгitype G 88 ge^se G 89 gёnёtique G 90, 91 gёniculё G 92 gёnotype G 98 genouilte G 92 genre G 100 -nouvel N 169 -des plantes G 83 gёo- G 102 gёobionte G 104 gёoblaste G 106 gёobotanique G 107 gёocarpie G 108 gёocarpotгopique G 109 gёoёcotype G 116 gёoesthёsie G 103 gёographie botanique P 628 gёonastie G 114 gёonyctinastie G 115 gёonyctitropie G 115 gёopaгallelotгopisme G 118 gёophile G 119 gёophytes G 120 gёoplagiotropisme G 121 gёospecies G 122 gёosphёre G 123 gёotaxie G 125 gёotonus G 126 gёotorsion G 127 gёotortisme G 127 gёotrophie G 128 gёotropisme G 128, 130 -1а1ёга1 G 130 -^gatif G 130 INDEX FRANQAIS -positif G 130 gerbe M 194 germe G 132, E 98 gern^ G 138 germinabil^ G 134, V 147 germinable G 133, V 105 germinant В 231, G 135 germinatif G 137 germination G 136 -ёpigёe E 257 gerontomorphose G 139 gibbeux G 142 gibbos^ G 141 gigantesque G 143 gigartin G 144 glabre G 149, P 410, 1594 presque- G 148, S 1186 glabre^ G 150 glabrescence G 150 glabrescent G 148 glaciaire G 151 glacial G 151 glaiseux A 1012 gland В 19, N 210 de- В 17 -de chene G 161 glandacё G 153 glande digestive D 211, G 161 glandes aigues [к-) О 304 glandi- G 153 glandulaire G 155 glandule G 154, 161 ^ctarif6re N 54 ^ptale S 410 glanduleux A 188, G 156 -сШё G 157 -сгёпё G 158 ^еп1ё G 159 -5ё1асё G 160 glanure S 732 glaucescent G 164 glauque G 163 presque- G 164 gtebe G 165 glissant L 269 globoides G 167 globulaire G 166, S 699 globule G 168 globuleux G 166, S 699 glochide G 170, 171 glochidё G 169 poil- G 169 gloeocystide G 174 gloeospore G 175 glon^^ G 176 glomerule A 63, G 177 glossopode G 180 glu V 143 gluant G 188, I 350, L 99, V 142 glumacё G 182 glume G 181, T 48 - externe G 181 - interne G 181 glume G 185 INDEX FRANQAIS glumelle P 30 glumiffere G 185 glumiforme G 186 gluten G 187 glutineux G 188 gneisac6 G 192 gneisogamie G 193 goitre S 1053 goitreux S 1054 gommil'fere G 261 gommose G 262 gomphostyle G 195 gonangium G 197 goneocline G 199 gonfle С 706, I 139, P 591, P 592, T 646, V 61 gonflement P 1434 gonflent (se-) I 255, T 645 gonidange G 203 gonidial G 204 gonidie G 207 gonidio^me G 208 gonidiophore G 206 gonidimium G 205 gonimoblaste G 210 gonimolobe G 211 goniotrique G 216 gonohyphema G 220 gonophore G 221 gonoplasme G 222 gonosome G 223 gonospore G 224 gonotaxis G 225 gonotocontes G 226 gonotropisme G 228 gorge F 26 к- G 630 -de la corolle С 816 goudron P 722 gousse L 84 -lomentac6 В 147, L 253 goutte G 263 gouttelettes (couvert de-) R 340 goutti£re (en-) С 91 gracieux V 64 gracile G 230 grain G 252 -de pollen G 252, M 353, P 918 -de raisin (comme le-) G 144 grains (qui ravage les-) G 239 graine S 276 graines (k-) S 639 A-aigues О 316 к - cannetees A 1149 к - charnues S 77 к - dures S 951 к - 6troites S 930 к - larges P 793 к - lisses L 90 к - nues G 273 &-roetr£es R 312 к - velues T 463 sans - A 1074 gralliforme G 231 graminac£ G 233 graminicole G 235, 239 granaire G 239 granatine G 240 grand G 242, M 3, 72 trfcs- M 161, P 333 grandeur M 73 grandidentg G 243 grandifolig G 244 grandissant С 883 granifAre G 245 graniticole G 246 granitique G 246 granivore G 247 granulaire G 239, 249 granule G 251 granulg G 248 granuliforme G 186, 249 grappe R 7 en- В 262, R 4 -compos6e R 7 -simple R 7 gras P 696 grave G 254 grav6 I 177 graveleux G 162 greffage G 746, I 184, 188, T 399 -en oeil О 58 grelfe -en ёсиввоп О 5S -de vigne R 163 greffё I 189 greffon E 236, I 190 g^gaire G 255 grele D 7, E 445, G 230, L 116, T 95, 97, 105 grenade G 241 grex G 256 grillage (en-) С 495 grillagё G 60 grille (en forme de-) С 447 gril№ С 448 grimpant S 112 grinsant S 1031 gris С 66, G 258, P 911 -ardoise A 998, S 136 bleuAtre- L 230 --d’acier С 257 brun&tre- L 230, S 599 -cend^ G 433, G 258, L 142, S 769, T 111 - -pAle С 434 -de colombe С 646, P 57 -de 1итё F 185 -de plomb L 230, M 391, P 854 -de souris M 583, G19 devenant- S 390 noirfttre- F 185 846 grisAtre G 257 gros P 2 grossi A 1146 grossiёrement G 259 grotte S 638 groupe G 256 •de sporanges S 596 -taxonomique T 37 groupA G 255 grumelA G 260 grumeleux G 260, S 17 g^ret V 84 g^rissant la colique T 351 guide H 319 guirlande (en-) S 452 guttation G 264 guttulaire G 265 gymnoblaste G 268 gymnocarpe G 270 gymnocyte G 202, 271 gymnoplaste G 272 gymnosperme G 273 gynandre G 278 gynandrie G 277 gynandrique G 278 gynandromonoёcie G 279 gynandrophore G 281 gynantl^re G 282 gynёcёe G 290 -pseudomonon^re P 1527 gynixus G 284 gyno- G 275 gynobase G 285 gynochlamydё G 286 gynodimorphisme G 287 gynod^cie G 288 gynodyname G 289 gynoёcie G 291 gynogan^tange G 293 gynogan^te G 292 gynogan^tophore G 294 gynoge^se G 295 gynogenum G 296 gynohermaphrodite G 298 gynomonoёcie G 299 gynophaene G 300 gynophore G 301, S 689 gynophyllie G 302 gynophytes G 303 gynosporange G 306 gynospore G 274 gynostёge G 308 gynostёme С 649, G §09 gypsacё G 310 gypsophile G 312 gyrome G 315 habitant H 2, I 94, 95, 159 habitat H 3 habitation H 3 hache (en forme de-) S 250 hadrocentrique H 5 hadrome H 6 847 haie S 13 -vive S 13 hallier D 390, F 172 halobenthos H 10 halobionte H 11 halodrymium H 12 halonereides H 13 halophile H 14 halophobe H 15 halophytes H 16 haloplancton H 17 Ьате$оппё H 18, L 51 hampe S 123 k- S 113 hamuleux H 19 hapaxanthe H 23 haplobionte H 25 haplocaule H 26 haplochlamyd6 H 27 haplocyte H 28 haplodiplobionte H 29 haploge^se H 30 haplogonidie H 31 haplo'ide H 32 haplomitose H 33 haplonte H 25 haplop6ristome H 35 haplop£tale H 36 haplophase H 37 haplopolyploide H 38 haplose H 39 haplosomie H 40 haplosporange H 42 haplospore H 41 Ьар1оз1ё1е H 43 haplost6monie H 44 haplost6monop6tale H 45 1шр1ёгез H 46 haptomorphose H 47 harmonie H 50 harpon (en-) H 51 haste H 53 hasted H 53 hasti- H 53 haut G 211, E 79, P 1232 assez- A 479 le plus- S 1316 t^s- P 1159 hauteur A 478 hebeclade H 57 1^ёгасё H 62 1^ёп- H 62 hekistothermique H 67 heleophytes H 71 heleoplancton H 72 l^licisme H 74 l^licolde H 73 l^liconomium H 75 ЬёНорЬЦе A 956, H 79 l^liophobe H 80 №liophylle H 81 l^liophytes H 82 l^liosciophytes H 83 l^lioscope H 84 ЬёНоБв H 85 l^liotortisme H 87 l^liotropique H 88 l^liotropisme P 514 l^lioturgotropisme H 90 11ё1тт1Носёс^е8 H 91 t^lohylophile H 95 Imlolochmophile H 96 l^loplancton H 99 l^lorgadophile H 100 l^lotisme H 101 l^matochrome H 8 ЬётёгапМге H 105 hёmёгodiaphore H 106 ЬётёгорЬПе H 107 ЬётёгорЬоЬе H 108 l^n^rophytes H 109 l^miangiocarpe H 112 l^miapophytes H 113 h^miautophytes H 114 l^mibaside H 115 Ьётюагуоп H 116 l^micellulose H 117 ЬётюЫап^ё H 118 l^micleistocarpe H 119 l^micleistogame H 120 l^micryptophytes H 121 l^micyclique H 122 l^midibiose H 124 hёmidystгophie H 125 l^miendobiotique H 126 l^miendophytique H 128 hёmiёpigyne H 129 l^n^piphytes H 130 hemigamotrope H 131 l^mipentacotyle H 134 hemiphanerophytes H 135 Ьёт|р1оШе H 136 l^misaprophytes H 137 hёmisphёriquo S 314 Immisyncarpe H 139 l^misyncotyle H 140 hёmisyngynique H 141 hem№ie H 143 l^mitl^rophytes H 144 Ьёгтtrope H 145 Ьё1тхёгорЬу1ез H 146 hёmostatique I 289 l^paticologie H 148 hёpatique H 149 l^ptagyne H 151 Ьёр1атёге H 152 l^ptaphylle H 154 ЬегЬасё G 233, H 157 herbe G 232, H 156 couleur de- H 161 -mauvaise H 156, X 45 herbette H 165 herbeux G 237, H 163 herbicides H 162 herbier H 159 herbivore H 164, P 656 herborisation H 158 herboriste H 160 INDEX FRANQAIS herbu H 163 hercogamie H 166 l^ditaire H 167, I 157, I 162 Ьё^Нё H 168 Ьё^эё H 306, 432 -de piquants E 337 ЬёпБзоппё E 9 hermaphrodite H 169, 171, M 407 hermaphroditisme H 170 herpisme H 172 hertzotropisme H 173 Ьеврё^е H 174 Ьё1ёгасапШе H 176 Ьё1ё1^е1рЫе H 177 hёtёгandre H 178 hёtёrantagonisme H 179 11ё1ёгапШёпе H 180 Ьё1ёгапЫйе H 181 Ьё1ёгаихёБе H 182 Ьё1ёгоаихте H 183 hёtёrobaside H 186 ЬёЬёгоЫаБ^ие H 187 11ё1ёгосагре H 189 1гё1ёгосагр1е H 188 Ьё1ёгосагуоп1е H 190 Ьё1ёгосагуоБе H 191 Ьё1ёгосЫап^ё H 192 hёtёгochoгique H 193 Ьё1ёгос1гготе H 195 Ьё1ёгосЬго]те H 194 Ьё1ёгосЬготозоте H 196 Ьё1ёгос11гопе H 197 Ьё1ёгосо1у1е H 199 Ьё1ёгосуclique H 200 Ьё1ёгосуз1е H 201 1^ё1ч^ю1^агте H 202 Ьё1ё^1з1уНе H 204 hёtёгodгome H 206 Ьё1ё^упате H 207 l^ten^cique H 208 hёtёгogame H 215 hёtёrogamёtange H 211 hёtёrogamёte H 209 Ьё1ё^атё^ие H 212 Ьё1ё^аппе H 213 hёtёrogamogonie H 214 1иНё^ёпе H 218 hёtёгogenёse H 216 hёtёгogёnёtique H 217 11ё1ёгоктёзе H 220 Ьё1ёгота1е H 221 Ьё1ёготёге H 224 Ьё1ёготёпсагр1е H 223 1гё1ёготёие H 222 hёtёromёsogamie H 225 Ьё1ёго1тх1е H 226 Ьё1ёготогр11е H 228 11ё1ёготогрЫе H 227 l^romorphose H 229 l^rophage H 232 1гё1ёгор1^дие H 233 1гё1ёгор11ёте H 230 INDEX FRANQAIS hAtArophAnogamie H 231 hAtArophyadique H 234 hAtArophylle H 236 hAtArophyllie H 235 hAtArophytes H 237 hAtArophytique H 238 hAtAroplasie H 239 hAtAroplasme H 240 hAtAroplastomatique H 241 hAtAroploide H 242 hAtAroprosphytiase H 243 hAtAroprothallie H 244 hAtAropycnose H 245 hAtArorhizie H 246 hAtAroschisis H 247 hAtArose H 248 hAtArospArmie H 250 hёtёrosporangiё H 251 hAtArospore H 252, 253 hAtArostAmonie H 254 hAtArostylA H 256 hAtArostylie H 255 hёtёrosymbiontique H 257 hAtArosynapsis H 258 hёtёгosyndёse H 259 hAtArotactique H 260 hAtArotaxie H 261 hAtArotetraploide H 262 hAtArothallisme H 263 hAtArotome H 264 hAtArotope H 265 hAtArotristylie H 266 hAtArotrophe H 267 hёtёrotypique H 269 hёtёrozygote H 271 hAtArocyclique H 273 hexaAdre H 274 hexagonal H 275 hexagone H 275 hexagyne H 276 Ьехатёге H 277 hexandre H 278 hexandrique H 278 hexapёdale H 280 hexapAtale H 281 hexaphylAtique H 282 hexaploide H 284 hibernacle H 288 hibernal H 289, 295 hibernant H 290 hibernation H 291 ЫЬегпё H 292 hierobotanicon H 297 hilaire H 298 hile H 300 ЫШёге H 299 hippocrApiforme H 304 hircine H 305 hirsutA H 306 hirsuteux H 306 hirte H 307 hispide H 308 histodialyse H 309 histogAne H 311 histogenAse H 310 histogenum H 312 histoire H 317 -naturelle S 163 histologie H 313 histolyse H 314 histolytique H 315 hiver H 296 d’- H 289, 295 aimant 1’- С 277 hivernal В 295 holarctique H 321 holisme H 322 holobaside H 323 holobenthique H 324 holoblastique H 325 holochlamydA H 326 holocAnose H 328 holocyclique H 329 holodibiose H 330 holoendobiotique H 331 holoendophytes H 332 holoendozoaires H 333 holoenzyme H 334 holoApiphytes H 335 hologamAte H 337 hologamie H 338, M 26 hologAnie H 340 hologAnotype H 341 hologymnocarpe H 342 hologynique H 343 holomorphose H 345 holoparasite H 346, P 130 holopAtalaire H 347 holophytique H 348 holophytisme H 349 holoplancton H 350 holosaprophytes H 351 holotype H 354 homalochore H 356 homalotrope H 357 homAomAre H 374 homAomorphe H 375 homAoplasie H 376 homAorhAse H 377 homAosis H 378 homAostase H 379 homme (A 1’-) A 859 homoandrie H 372 homoblastique H 359 homocaryonte H 361 homocAne H 367 homochlamydA H 362 homochrone H 364 homocyclique H 368 homodichogamie H 369 homodrome H 370 homodyname H 371 homoAcique H 373 homoeosynapsis H 380 homogan^te H 382 homogame H 384 homogamie H 383 )юп^ёпе H 388 848 homogAnAitA H 385 homogenAse H 386 homogAnAtique H 387 homogone H 390 homogonie H 389 homohAtArostylie H 391 homoiocaryose H 392 homoiodipArianthe H 393 homoiohydrature H 395 homoiotherme H 381 homoiokinAse H 365 homologue H 396 homomale H 397 homomArie H 398 homomixie H 399 homomorphose H 401 homonyme H 402 homophage H 403 homophasique H 404 homophyadique H 405 homophylique H 406 homophyllie H 407 homophytique H 408 homoplo'ide H 409 homosporie H 410 homostAmonie H 412 homostylie H 413 homotactique H 415 homothallisme H 416 homotome H 417 homotopie H 418 homotrope H 419 homotypique H 420 homozygose H 421 homozygote H 422 homozygotique H 423 hospitateurs H 440 horizontal H 425 horloge de flore H 431 horlogique H 431 hormocyste H 426 hormogonimium H 427 hormogonium H 428 hormone H 429 horticole H 433 horticulture H 435 hortifuge H 436 hote H 439 comme- X 14 houppA С 651, D 98 houppier С 821 huile О 104 huilleux О 91, P 696 A lustre- I 259 huit (A-) О 55 humectA H 411, I 286, M 67, S 1277 humeur M 69 humide H 412, 508, M 68, U 4 humiditA M 69 humifuse H 443 hyalin H 448 hyalocyste H 449 848 hyalonema H 450, M 123 hyaloplasme Н 451 hyalosome Н 452 hyalosperme Н 453 hybridation Н 456 -naturelle N 46 hybride H 455 -de greffe С 306, P 1511 -nothoxfcne N 161 -v6g6tatif V 46 hybridogamie H 457 hydathode H 460 hydrature H 464 hydrobiologie H 467 hydroblaste H 468 hydrobotanique H 469 hydrocarpie H 470 hydrocarpotropique H 471 hydrochore H 472 hydrocleistogamie H 473 hydroclinie H 474 hydrocorme H 475 hydrocryptophytes H 476 hydroculture H 477 hydrocyte H 478 hydro6stl^sie H 466 hydrogame H 480 hydrogamie H 479 hydroharmose H 481 hydrolyse H 483 hydrome H 484 hydrom6gatherme H 485 hydrom6t6orique H 486 hydromorphose H 487 hydronastie H 488 hydrophile H 489 hydrophobe H 490 hydrophylle H 492 hydrophytes H 493 hydrophytologie H 494 hydroplancton H 495 hydroplanctophytes H 496 hydroplaste H 497 hydroplastides H 498 hydrose H 500 hydrospore H 501 hydrost6r6ides H 502 hydrotaxie H 503 hydrotrichome H 504 hydrotrophie H 505 hydrotropisme H 506 hygrochasie H 509 hygron^trique H 510 hygromorphie H 511 hygromorphisme H 512 hygrophile H 514 hygrophilie H 513 hygrophobe H 515 hygrophytes H 516 hygroplasme H 517 hygroscopic^ H 518 hygroscopique H 519 hygroscotophile H 520 hylodophytes H 523 hylogamie H 524 hym6nium H 529 -nu A 63 hym6nophore H 531 hym6nopt6ride H 532 hypanthe H 534 hypanthode H 535 hyperanisogamie H 537 hyperbor6al H 538 hyperchimfcre H 539 hyperchromaticit6 H 540 hyperchromatique H 541 hyperdiploide H 542 hyperdromie H 543 hyperhaplo'ide H 544 hyperhydrique H 545 hyperparasite H 547 hyperplasie H 548 hyperpolyploide H 549 hyperstomatique H 550 hypertonique H 552 hypertrophie H 553 hypertrophytes H 554 hypertypie H 555 hyphalmyroplancton H 558 hyphasme H 559 hyphe H 421, 557 hyphema H 560 hyphenchyme H 561 hyphopode H 562 hyphydrogamie H 564 hypnosporange H 567 hypnospore H 566 hypobasale H 569 hypobaside H 570 hypoblaste H 574 hypocarpe H 575, 578 hypocarpogё H 576 hypochion£ H 580 hypochile H 579 hypocopule H 582 hypocotyle H 583 hypocrateriforme H 584 hypoderme H 586 hypodiploide H 587 hypodrome H 588 hypogё H 589, S 1139 hypogёocarpie H 590 hypogyne H 591 hypohaplo'ide H 592 hypolithique H 596 hyponastie H 597 hyponyme H 599 hypoph^ode H 601 hypophylle H 603, 604 hypophyllopode H 602 hypophyse H 605 hypoplancton H 606 hypoplasie H 607 hypoplfcvre H 608 hypoploide H 609 hypopode H 610 hypopolyploide H 611 hyposporange H 613 INDEX FRANQA1S hypostase H 614 hypostatique H 615 hypostomatique H 616 hypostrome H 617 hypothalle H 619 hypothallium H 618 hypothecium H 621 hypotonique H 622 hypotrophie H 623 hypotypie H 624 hypovalve H 625 hypsophylle H 626 hysterantl^ H 627 hysterogfcne H 628 iconographie I 6 iconotype I 7 icosa6dre I 9 icosandrie I 11 icotype I 12 ictfcre I 14 identification I 16 identique I 15 idioblaste I 19 idiobiologie I 18 idiobotanique I 20 idiochorologie I 21 idiochromatine I 22 idio6cologie I 24 idiogamie I 25 idiogёnёtique I 26 idiogramme I 27 idion^trique I 28 idiomorphose I 29 idiomutation I 31 idioplasme I 32 idiosome I 33 idiotёгie I 34 idiotope I 35 idiotype I 36 ig^ I 39 iles (ргёГёгап! les-) N 107 iltegitime I 42 illustrateur I 44 image I 5 imbibition I 47 тЫ^иё I 49 immacute I 50 immature I 69 immigrantes I 53 immigration I 54 immig^ A 225, I 55 шпивсё I 56 immuable G 763 immun^ I 57 impair D 316, I 59 imparfait I 62 imparipen^ I 60 шрегтёаЫШё 1 64 трегтёаЫе I 63 imp^g^ О 8 impression E 40 йприЬёге I 69 INDEX FRANQAIS impudique 1 70 inactif I 73 inadhArent I 74 inanition I 80 inapergu P 1199 inarticulA A 101, I 82 incertain A 497, I 86 incisA D 322, 1 89 faiblement- S 1197 incision I 88 inclinant N 205 inclinA A 46, G 524, 1 90, P 1194 -en bas G 240 inclus I 91 inclusion I 92 incolorable A 75, С 395 incolore D 18, H 448, I 96 incombant I 108 incomplet I 98, M 89 inconnu I 40 -pour moi N 150 incrassA I 102 incrustation I 104 incubation I 106 incurvA I 109, 250 indAfini A 180, I 113 indAhiscent I 114 indAterminA I 113 indicateur M 465 indiffArent I 117, N 111 indigo-bleu I 119 indirect I 120 indiquant P 1161 indiquA D 94 indistinct I 122, О 22, 24 indivis I 123 indivisible A 1120 indubitable G 241 indument I 124 indupliquA I 125 indurA I 126 indusie I 128 indusiA I 127 induvie I 130 in Agal A 774, D 316, 159,75 inAgalement H 175, I 75 -dentA I 76 inAquilatAral I 77, S 110 inerme I 131 presque- S 1198 infection I 132 inf Are 1 137 infArieur H 533, I 137 infertile S 956 infertilitA A 297 inflAchi I 140, 251 inflexible R 319 inflorescence 1 141 -compoeAe G 685 -racAmeuse R 4 -simple S 518 -tArminale T 127 Influence T 15 infraapical I i46 infraaxillaire I 147 inframicrobe I 149 inframicrobiologie I 150 infraspAcifique 1 151 infrutescence F 163, I 153 infundibulA 1 154 infundibuliforme 1 154 infusion 1 156 inhabituel 1 192 inhibiteurs I 160 initial 1 161 innascent I 162 innA G 719, I 157 innovation 1 165 inocarpe I 167 inodore I 169 inoffensif I 166 inondation P 1280 inquilinisme I 171 insectes (par les-) E 212 insecticides I 178 insectifAre I 179 insectivore I 180 insAparable 1 181 insAration I 182 insArA A 291, D 321,1 185 insertion 1 184 insipide I 187 presque- S 1199 insolation I 191 insolite I 192 installation I 197 insuffisant M 89 interaction I 206 intercellulaire I 210 intercalaire I 142, 208 intercutis I 212 interfasciculaire I 213 intergAnArique I 214 intArieur E 124, I 221 interkinAse I 211 intermAdiaire I 217 intermelA I 219 interne 1 221 interpAtiolaire I 222 interphase I 223 interposA I 225 interposition I 224 interprAtation I 226 interrAduplication I 227 interrompu D 313, F 141, I 229 non- С 775 interruptipennisequA 1 228 interspAcifique 1 232 interstArilitA I 234 interstice I 235 intexine I 238 intine I 239 intraaxillaire 1 242 intracellulaire I 243 intraflorale I 244, N 204 intrapAtiolaire I 245 m intraspAcifique I 246 intrastaminale I 247 intravaginale I 248 introduction I 288 introflAchi I 251 introgressif I 252 introrse I 253 intumescence I 256 intussusception I 257 inutile I 260 invagination 1 262 invaginA I 263 invariable I 58, 264 inveinA E 204 inverse О 2 inversement О 2 inviabilitA I 270 invisible A 20, I 271 involucelle I 273 involucral I 274 involucrant I 275 involucre I 277 privA d’- E 448 involucrA I 276 involutif I 280 involution I 279 involvant I 275 ions-hydrogAne concentration en- P 382 iridescent I 282 irisA 1 282 irrAgulier A 804, 16 irreversible I 283 irrigation R 323 irritant S 982, U 88 isabelle (couleur de-) G 146 isabelline I 287 isobilatAral 1 294 isocarpe I 297 isocAne I 302 isocAnose I 303 isochromocentrique I 299 isocline I 301 isodiamAtrique I 305 isogamAtangiogamie 1 308 isogamAtes I 307 isogamie 1 309 isogAnAtique I 311 isogAnomatique 1 312 isogone I 315 isogyne I 316 isolation 1 319 isohologamie I 317 isolA A 638, С 364, 1,320 isomAre I 323 isomArie 1 322 isomArogamie 1 324 isomorphe 1 327 isomorphie 1 325 isomorphose I 326 isophAne 1 329 isophAnogamie 1 328 isophotique I 331 isophylle 1 333 861 isophyllie I 332 isoplanogam6tes I 334 isoploide 1 335 isoprosphytiase I 335 isoprotnallie I 336 isospore 1 337 isosporie H 410 isostique I 338 isostyte I 339 isosyntype I 340 isotonique I 343 isotype I 344 isozygotique I 345 issu E 470, G 94, N 29, О 235, 270, P 1436 ^ologie I 346 №ratif I 348 jaculateur J 1 jaillissant S 20 jardin H 438 -botanique H 438 -ё fleurs H 438 -fruitier H 438, P 1086 -potager H 438, О 102 jardinage H 435 -ornamental T 340 jardinier H 433 jardiniers (des-) H 437 jardins (des-) H 438 -cultiv6 dans les- H 438 jasp£ J 3 jaun&tre F 80, L 279, X 5 -атЬгё E 80 -blanc d’ivoire E 6 -rouge A 243 jaune F 81, L 280, X 3 -d’abricot A 1029 -атЬгё A 502, E 80 -de beurre С 868 blanch&tre- L 148, О 53 -de bronze В 294 brun£tre- F 184, I 287 -citron С 477 -clair A 1011, F 80, G 146, L 279, S 1011 -do^ A 1153, 1151, С 405 complement- - H 327 -Гопсё С 409 --de cire С 239 grisdtre- R 73 -d’isabelle G 146 -luisant R 64, X 3 -de miel H 102, M 176 -d’ocre О 49 -d’oeuf L 280, V 148 -d’or A 1151 -paille S 1012 -рё1е L 277 -pure F 81 rouge£tre- E 352, F 184, I 3, R 381, 422 --de cuir A 482 -safran С 893 -sale S 837 -soufre S 1282, T 239 --clair S 1281 verdatre- С 327, 351, I 13 -vif G 6, H 556 jaunissant F 80 jaunisse 1 14 jet S 543 jeune J 22, N 169 le- F 2 jeunesse J 24 joint J 20 jointure G 93 joli В 64, P 1639, V 64 ]опсасё J 18 Зопсё J 18 jonction A 671, J 19 jordanisme J 7 journal A 227, D 151 jours ё deux- В 121 de trois- T 479 jubiforme J 10 jugamentum J 12 Jupiter J 21 jus L 208, S 1266 ё- rouge S 1261 -laiteux L 62 juteux S 1263 ЗиуёпЦе J 22 juxtaposition J 25 Kyste С 1016 labelle L 3 1аЬе11ё L 1 labellisation L 2 1аЫё G 272, L 4 labyrinthiforme M 70 labyrinthique L 8 lac L 25 1асёгё L 12 lache С 251, L 73 lacini6 L 15 laciniure L 14 laciniures -calicinales L 14 -corollaires L 14 -p^rigoniales L 14 lacinule L 16 1асти1ё L 17 lacrimant L 18 lacrimation L 19 lacrimiforme L 20 1аЫё G 4, L 22 lactescent L 21 lactiffere L 21 lacune L 23 lacuneux L 24 lacustre L 26 lageniforme L 31 INDEX FRANQAIS laine L 39 laineux L 40 abondamment- L 47 laiteux L 21 lamarckisme L 32 lambourde F 162 lame L 178 lamellaire L 34 lamelle L 33 1ате11ё L 35 1ате1НГёге L 35 lamelliforme L 34 1апсёо1ё L 41 -Ьаз1ё L 42 langue du lion (comme la-) L 101 languette L 170 languettes (a deux-) В 144 1ашёге L 14 en- L 265 lanifcres ^ёсоирё en-) L 15 lanugineux E 334, L 47 presque- S 1202 lapidicole L 49, 50 laque L 10 large E 384, L 68, M 3, P .787 peu- L 66 tr6s- P 331 largeur L 65 lasiocarpe L 55 latence L 59 latent L 58 1а1ёга1 L 60, P 824 1а1ёга1етеп1 P 824 1а1ёпПоге P 826 latex L 62 lati- L 68 laticif6re L 64 1аШоНё L 69 latitude L 65 lato-elliptique L 70 lecanorine L 76 Mcideine L 77 lectoallotype L 78 lectotype L 79 tegferement S 1085 tegitime L 82 tegumc О 101, 137 teguminace L 85 16gumineux L 86 ^nifiant S 251 tenitique L 93 lent L 99 lenticelte L 96 lenticelles L 95 lenticulaire L 97 lentigineux L 98 lentille L 94 1ёрюёпе L 104 №pidocarpe L 106 lёpidoptёrocёcidie L 107 lёpidoptёronome L 108 lёpidoptёrophiles L 109 INDEX FRANQAIS 862 16pisme L 112 16pocyte L 113 1ёргеих L 115 16pyrophyllie L 134 leptome L 123 1ер1опёше L 124 leptophlc^me L 126 leptosporange L 129 leptot&ne L 131 leptoxyteme L 132 leptozyg(^ne L 133 16tal L 135 leucocyane L 139 leucocyste L 140 leucoplaste L 144 leucosome L 145 leucospermie L 146 tevre L 6 -infGrieure L 6 -sup6rieure L 6 16zard (de-) S 94 dissemii^ par les lezards S 94, 96 liane L 151 liber L 153 libre G 364, E 88, L 152 -entre eux D 139 libriforme L 154 lichen L 155 lich6nisme L 156 lich6nographie L 157 lich£nologie L 158 Ш J 20 libge S 1167 faux- P 1579 liegeux S 1175 lieu L 246, S 252 -classique L 246 -natal N 21 ligne L 190 lignes (marqu6 de-) L 193 lign6 G 238 lignescent L 161 ligneux L 162, X 52 lignicole L 164 lignification L 165, S 179 lignine L 166 ligniperde L 167 lignirode L 167 lignivore L 167 ligulac6 L 171 ligulaire L 172 ligule L 170 ligul£ L 173 liguliforme L 171 lilacin L 174 1Шасё L 175 limaciforme L 176 limbe L 36, 178 -de la corolle С 816, L 178 faux- P 1516 -foliaire L 178 limbiforme G 178 limicole L 180 limite L 179, T 131 limit6 D 36 limn£tique L 181 limnobiologie L 182 limnophytes L 184 limnoplancton L 185 limoneux L 187 lin6aire G 238, L 191 -1апсёо1ё L 43 1шёо1ё L 193 linguiforme L 194 lingute L 194 lipase L 197 lipochondres L 198 lipochrome L 199 lipocyanine L 201 lipoides L 202 lipolytique L 203 НрорЬапёгоБе L 204 lipophile L 205 lipoplaste L 206 Нрохёте L 207 lirelle L 210 lisse A 248, G 149, L 29, 87, N 122 ^ё L 28 lithiase L 214 lithocyste L 217 lithophytes L 222 lithosperme L 223 lithotelma L 224 littoral L 227 livre portatif V 9 lobation L 232 lobe L 237 lobes к cinq- Q 43 к deux- В 145 к- ёgaux I 321 -de РапШёге L 244 -de la corolle G 816 1оЬё L 233 non- I 201 lobule L 236 1оЬи1ё L 235 local T 341 locelle L 239 1осе11ё L 238 locomoteur L 240 loculaire L 242 locule L 244 1оси1ё L 242 loculicide L 243 lodicule L 248, S 841 loge L 244 fausse- S 836 -ovarienne L 244 loges к deux- В 89, 146 к trois- T 505 logette L 244 logonyme L 249 logotype L 250 loin A 913 1отеп1асё L 252 long L 255, M 3 -d’un empan D 358 trks- P 332 longidentё L 256a longidiurne L 257 longiflore L 258 longifo^ L 259 longirost^ L 260 longistyle L 261 longtemps (vivant-) L 256 longueur L 262 k- d’un pied P 208, 362 k- des brasses О 233 к- d’un petit empan S 767 к- d’une toise О 234 lorique L 266 loriq^ L 267 losangё R 303 loupe L 94 lourd P 1093 luisant С 838, L 37, 270, N 122, S 768 -au dessous H 593 lumbriciforme L 273 lumen L 274 китёге L 282 de- H 76 luminescent L 275 lumineux D 233 1ипё L 276 1ипи1ё L 276 luride L 277 lust^ L 270 lusus L 278 luteux L 281 lutte pour la vie G 677 luxuriance L 283 luxuriant L 284 luxurieux L 284 1угё L 288 lyriforme L 288 lysenchyme L 289 lysicarpe L 290 lysigёne L 291 lysine L 292 -lytique L 294 mac6ration M 2 mVehement M 116 тасгоаёгорМ1е M 7 macroandrospore M 8 macroaplanogan^te M 9 macroaplanosporange M 10 macroaplanospore M 11 macrobiotique M 13 macroblaste M 14 macrocarpe M 15 macroclimat M 16 858 macroconidie M 17 macrocyste M 18 macro6volution M 21 macrogamtiange M 23 macrogamfcte M 22 macrogam6tocyte M 24 macrogam6tophyte M 25 macrogamie M 26 macrogonidie M 27 macrogynospore M 28 macromutation M 29 macrophyle M 30 macronucleus M 31 macrophyllum M 33 macrophytes M 35 macroplancton M 37 macroplanogamfete M 38 macroplastes M 39 macropleuston M 40 macroprothalle M 41 macropycnide M 42 macropycnoconidie M 43 macropycnospore M 44 macroseston M 48 macroscl6r6ides M 46 macroscopique M 47 macrosome M 49 macrospecies M 50 macrosporange M 52 macrospore M 51 macrosporogenfcse M 54 macrosporogonarium M 55 macrosporophore M 56 macrosporophylle M 57 macrostyle M 59 macrostylospore M 58 macrosymbiote M 60 macrozoogonidie M 62 macrozoospore M 62 maculation M 65 macule M 64 к macules rouges R 383 таси!ё M 66, S 217 mag^totropisme M 71 magnifique S 1286 maigre A 1016 maillet (ressemblant ё un-) M 81 malacogame M 75 malacophiles M 76 maladie M 471 -des plantes M 471 -de vermine P 532 maladif A 240, I 176, M 470 тё1е A 690, M 113 maliforme M 80 та11ёо1е M 82 mamelle M 86 mamelon U 19 mamillaire M 87 татШё M 88 mangeant V 164 manifestant P 1161 manil'este M 91 manifestement P 413 manne M 93 manquant A 21, С 87, D 105, N 199 manquer D 107 тапиЬпё M 96 manubrium M 97 manuel E 123, M 95 manuscrit M 98 marais P 58, S 856 aimant les- H 69, T 68 croissant dans les- S 813, T 67 тагЬгё M 111 marcescent E 95, M 100 marcotte T 20 ma^cage P 58 croissant dans les тагё-cages S 961 ma^cageux H 68, P 56, 59, U 5 та^агНасё M 104 marge L 178, M 108 marginal M 105 margin L 251, M 107 marin M 109 maritime M 110 marquant С 761 marque (petite-) N 165 та^иё N 157, S 496 та^ие!ё T 143 marsupium M 112 masaedium M 131 masculin M 113 masse M 114 -сёгасёе M 114 -cireuse M 114 -de microspores M 115 -pollinique P 922 massule M 115 mastigodesmose M 118 mastigo^mes M 119 mastigosome M 120 та!ёопуте M 121 maternal M 122 matinal M 129 matrice M 123 matroclinie M 124 maturation M 125 mature M 127 mauvais M 85 mauvaise herbe H 156, I 260, X 45 -des semies S 254 maxilliforme M 130 n^andriforme M 70 тёа! M 132 -intercellulaire L 23, M 132 n^canique M 133 n^canomorphose M 134 n^canotropisme M 135 INDEX FRANQAIS n^dian M 136, 213 n^diastin M 137 n^dicinal I 2, M 138, О 8ft n^difixe M 140 п^Неггапёеп M 141 n^dullaire M 143 n^dulle M 142 m^dulleux M 144 п^аёУо1ииоп M 146 n^galogan^togen6se M 150 n^galosporocyte M 15ft n^gathermique M 159 тёюрЬуШе M 164 тёюэе M 165 n^iosporange M 168 тёюзроге M 167 n^iotique M 169 n^iothermique M 170 тё^ё G 667, I 219, M 374 n^lanisme M 173 тё1апозе M 175 тё1ё M 385 тёНиорЬПе M 180 melliffcre M 177 mellivore M 179 n^lonide P 252 тетЬгапасё M 182 membrane M 181 -cellulaire С 1041, M 181 -mince L 120 -nucteaire G 152, M 181 -protoplasmique M 181 membraneux H 527, M 182 membraniffcre M 183 membranule M 184 mendelisme M 186 mensuel M 189 mention^ С 476, 661 menu M 373 тег M 103 merdicole M 191 тёгепсЬуте M 193 тёпсагре M 195 n^ridional A 1158, M 196 nwrismatique M 197 тёпэроге M 198 тёпз1ёта^ие M 200 n^ristfcme M 199 -primaire M 199 -secondaire M 199, S 245 тёга^ёпе M 201 n^ristrophe M 202 n^roblastique M 204 n^roconidie M 205 n^rogamie M 327 n^rogonie M 208 тёготогрЬоэе M 209 тёгор1апс!оп M 210 n^rotomie M 211 тёго!уре M 212 INDEX FRANQAIS mgsarche M 214 m&enchyme M 215 mgsendobiotique M 216 n^sexinium M 218 m6sidium M 219 m6soa6rophile M 220 тёвосагре M 222 n^sochiton M 224 тёБосоПе M 225 тёБосогЬех M 226 n^socotyle M 227 n^socycle M 228 n^socyste M 229 n^sodendrobionte M 230 mёsoderme M 231 n^sogamie M 233 n^sogonidie M 234 mёsogonimique M 235 n^sohygrophytique M 236 n^sologie M 237 n^somitose M 238 n^sophai^rophytes M 240 n^sophile M 241 тёзорМоёте M 242 n^sophotique M 243 тёэорЬуБе M 244 n^sophytes M 245 n^soplancton M 246 тёзоэаргоЬе M 248 n^sosaprophytes M 249 m6sosperme M 251 m£sospore M 252 n^sosporinium M 253 n^sostylie M 254 mёsothёque M 255 n^sothermophile M 256 n^soxerophytique M 257 mestome M 259 mesurant M 301 n^tabiose M 260 n^tabolisme M 262 тё1асёс^1е M 263 n^tachromatique M 265 n^tadrome M 266 n^tagynie M 268 тё1актёзе M 269 тёЫшшоп M 270 n^tallescent M 271 n^tamerique M 273 n^tan^risation M 272 n^tamitose M 274 n^tamorphose M 275 тё1атогрЬозё M 276 n^tanaphytose M 277 n^tandrie M 278 тё1апёте M 279 n^tantl^se M 280 n^taphase M 281 тёирЬёпе M 282 тёирЫоёте M 283 n^taphylle M 284 n^taplasie M 285 n^taplasme M 286 n^tastaminode M 287 n^tastase M 288 тёЬазупёёзе M 290 n^tatonique M 291 raёtatopique M 292 тё1а1гасЬёа1 M 293 n^tatrophie M 294 n^tatype M 296 n^tatypie M 295 т61ахёте M 297 тё!аху1ёте M 299 mёtёorique M 300 тё1опуте M 302 тёШ1е M 305 meurtrier S 130 micelle M 308 1ШсгоаёгорЫ1е M 310 microanalyse M 311 microaplanogan^te M 312 microaplanospore M 313 microbenthos M 314 microbiologie M 315 microclimat M 318 microconidie M 319 microcyste M 320 тюгоё1ётеп!з M 321 mic^volution M 322 microflore M 323 -du sol P 621 microgan^te M 324 microgan^tophyte M 326 microgamie M 327 microgonidie M 328 тгсготёге M 329 micromutation M 330 micron M 331 micronucteole M 332 micronucleus M 333 microorganisme M 334 microparasite M 335 micropha^rophytes M 336 microphytes M 338 microphytologie M 339 microphytoplancton M 340 microplancton M 341 microplanogan^te M 342 micropleuston M 343 microprothalle M 344 micropyle M 346 microsc^rote M 347 microscopique M 348 microseston M 349 microsome M 350 microsorus M 351 microspecies M 352 microsporange M 354 microspore A 730, M 353 microsporocyte M 355 тгсгозрогодепёзе M 356 microsporophore M 357 microsporophylle A 723, M 358 microstylie M 359 microstylospore M 360 microtaxinomie M 361 microthermophile M 362 microthermophytes M 363 microzoospore M 364 miel M 171 jaune de- H 102 mielte M 176, 178 miellure M 178 mienne (la-) M 1 miettes A 652 migrant M 365 migrateur V 10 migratoire M 365 milieu au- M 139 de- M 213 millefo№ M 621 millimicron M 368 mince G 230, I 290, L 116, M 373, N 145, P 172, T 105 mine F 101 neutralisation M 369 minuscule A 1120 mischomanie M 375 mitoclastique M 377 mitose G 137 mixie M 381 mixochromosome M 382 mixoplo’idie M 383 mixotrophe M 384 mixte M 385 mobile A 330, M 386 modifie M 276 modioliforme M 387 modique P 148 moelle M 142 moelleux M 144 moi-meme ^ёсгН par-) M 1 moindre M 162, 372 le- P 345 moins (au-) S 28 moisi M 494 moisissure M 500 moisson M 258 mol M 390 то1ёсиЫге M 388 molendinacё M 389 mommification M 578 monadelphe M 394 monandre M 394 monangique M 395 топаз1ёге M 396 moniliforme M 397 mono- M 392 -carpique M 399 » -сЫап^ё M 404 •chrome С 694, M 405 -chronique M 406 -clade U 41 • cline M 407 -clonale M 408 -coty№don6 M 409 -cydique M 411 ж -desmique М 413 -dyname М 414 -game М 417 -gfene М 419 -g6n6tiquc М 419 -gyne М 422 -тёге М 429 -morphe М 430 -phage М 432 -phyletique М 433 -phytique М 435 -plan^tique М 436 -pl6urique М 437 -podiale М 439 -ругёпе М 441 -siphonique М 444 -sperme М 447 -st6mone М 451 -sym6trique М 453 -tl^que М 455 -topique М 457 -trique М 458 -trope М 460 -trophique М 459 -typique М 461 -хёпе М 462 -zygotique М 463 monoblaste М 398 monocarpe М 400 monochasium М 403 monoculture М 410 monogenёse М 418 monohybride М 423 monoique М 415 monokaryonte М 427 monolepsis М 428 monopode М 440 monosamare М 442 monose М 445 monosome М 446 monosporange М 449 monospore М 448 топо&1ё1е М 450 monstrueux М 467 monstruosit6 М 466 montagnard М 468 montagne (de-) М 468 montant А 46, 801, 1054 monticole С 629 montrant Е 443 morbide М 470 mordu Р 1190 morphestl^ie М 474 тогр!1о§ёпе М 477 morphoge^se М 475 morphogёnie М 476 morphographie М 478 morphologie М 479 morphologique М 480 morphonomie М 481 morphonyme М 482 morphophyloge^se М 483 morphoplancton М 484 morphoplasie М 485 morphose М 486 morphotype М 487 mortel L 135 presque- S 1203 mosaique foliaire M 489 тоШНё M 492 той H 22, M 74, 390 mouche (semblable ё une-) M 616 тоиШё M 67 mousse M 585 mousses (aimant les-) В 300 moussu M 584 mouvant A 330, M 384 mouveable M 491 mouvement M 493 moyen M 139 титГёге M 495 mucilage M 499 mucilagigёne M 496 mucilaginё M 497 mucilagineux M 494, 498 mucren M 502 тисгопё M 503 mucronule M 504 mult-, multi- M 577, 506 -angulaire M 507, P 993 -angute M 507, P 993 -articute M 511 -ах1Гёге M 512 -сарНё M 514 -capsulaire M 515 -сагепё M 516 -caudё P 1079 -caule P 1032 -сёрЬа1е M 514 -сШё M 522 -corne P 959 -сов1ё P 863 -dentё P 864 —en scie M 568 -digH^ P 979 -factoriel M 530 -ibre M 532 -Мё M 533 -flagelte M 534 -flore M 535 -forme P 1006 -gone P 993 -^ё M 544 -1а1ёга1 M 545 -Нпеё M 546 -1оЬё M 547 -1осеИё M 548 -loculaire M 549 -пегуё P 1007 -пенпё P 868, 1022 -nominale P 1009 -пис1её P 869, 1010 -ОУи1ё P 870, 1015 -partit P 871 INDEX FRANQAIS -polaire M 560 -ропс1иё P 1061 -rameux M 564 -гауоппё P 943 -вер1ё P 876, 1024 -Бёциё M 565 -вёпё P 877, 1060 -зё1е P 1045 -valent M 574 -уаКё M 575 -гопё M 576 multiple M 556 multiplicatif M 558 multiplication A 605, M 557 тиШрПё M 559 muni I 199, M 579, P 1173 muqueux M 498 mur M 128 non- G 897, I 51 mural M 580 muriforme M 582 muriquё M 581 muscoide В 298 musquё M 490 mutabilH^ M 587 mutagёnes M 588 mutants M 589 mutation M 590 тиШё M 593, P 1671 mutique M 592 mutualisme M 594 mutuel M 595 тусёЫге M 597 тусёПит M 598 -secondaire S 245 тусё1оМе M 599 тусё^епёве M 601 mycёtophage M 604 тусосё^1е M 606 mycodomatie M 607 mycoflore M 608 mycologie M 609 mycolytique M 610 mycopateontologie M 611 mycorrhize M 612 -ectotrophe M 612 -endotrophe E 192, M 612 mycorrhizome M 613 mycose M 614 mycotrophique M 615 myiophile M 617 тугтёсосЬоге M 623 myrn^codomatie M 624 тугтёсорЬЦе M 625 myrn^cophytes M 626 тугтёсозутЬ1о5е M 627 myrrhe M 628 myrtilline M 629 myxoba^ries M 632. myxosporange M 634 myxospore M 633 INDEX FRANQAIS Sib nacelle С 90 en- N 34 nageant N 22 nain E 444, H 414, N 5, P 1652 naissance G 89 naissant N 17 nanandrique N 6 nanisme N 7 nanophan£rophytes N 9 nanoplancton N 10 nanoseston N 11 парасё N 12 napiforme N 12 narcotique N 15 narcotropisme N 16 nasique N 20 nastie N 18 nastique N 19 natal N 21 natatoire N 23 natif N 24 naturalisation N 27 natural I 172 nature N 25 naturel N 26 naucum N 30 nautohydrochores N 33 naviculaire N 34 navicules N 35 ne me touchez pas N 141 пё N 29, О 270 nebuleux N 36 ^cessaire N 38, О 14 ^cridies N 39 пёсгоЫоэе N 40 пёсгосёпозе N 41 ^crocyste N 42 пёсп^ёпе N 43 пёсгоЬогтопе N 44 пёсгопе N 45 ^crophage N 46 пёсгор1аБте N 47 ^croplaste N 48 пёсгове N 49 -de Гёсогсе S 697 Serotype N 50 nectaire N 56 nectar N 51 пес1а^ёпе N 53 nectaries N 52 пеЫапГёге N 54 nectarilyme N 55 nectarine N 56 nectarivore N 57 nectarostёge N 59 nectarostigmate N 60 nectarotl^que N 61 nectisme N 62 necton N 63 ^gatif N 64 ^gativement A 913 neidioplacton N 65 neige N 129 blanc de-C 308, N128 neisme N 66 ^matoplancton N 70 ^matosporange N 74 ^matt^que N 69 nёoendёmisme N 78 ^oformation N 79 nёogёen N 80 ^oge^se N 81 пёотогрЬе N 85 пёотогрЫе N 82 пёотогр!^ёпе N 83 ^omorphose N 84 пёопуте N 86 nёoontologie N 87 ^ophytes N 88 пёор1аате N 89 пёо!ёше N 90 ^otropique N 91 пёо!уре N 92 ^^ides N 94 nёritique N 96 пёгор1апси>п N 97 nerval N 98 nervation N 99 пепгё N 100 trts- N 103 nerveux N 103 пепйё N 100, Р 441 ёvidemment- Р 416 nervi- N 100 nerville N 101 nen^quent N 102 nervule N 101 nervuleux N 104 nervure N 106 -1а1ёга1е S 245 -mёdiane С 851, M 136, P 1208 -principale P 1208 -secondaire S 245 -transversale T 402 nervures к - сасЬёеэ С 927 к deux- В 151 ^-роигргёеэ Р 1119 ^l-soudёes S 1356 к - velues Т 454 sans- А 1232 neuf N 166 к- Е 207, N 166 neuro- N 100 neuston N 109 neutre N 110, 111 neutrophile N 112 nichant N 115 nictiflore N 132 nidiforme N 115 nidulant N 115 nielle С 319 nigro- N 118 nitrifiant N 123 nitrification N 124 п^^ёпе A 1246 nitrophile N 125 nitrophytes N 126 ппгёа1 N 127 noce N 203 nocturne N 133, 211 nodal N 134 nodos№ N 136 nodule N 139 noduleux N 137 nodulifdre N 137 noduliforme N 138 noeud A 1046, G 58, N 140 noir A 1116, M 172, N 118 blanchatre- L 141 bleu&tre- С 988 brun&tre- M 185 -corbeau С 802 -d’anthracite A 857 -d^bene E 2 -d’encre A 1125 -de poix P 677 -de suie F 182 Лопсё A 857, 1116 grisatre- T 114 -luisant С 802 noiratre N 117, 120a, 5 1211, T 565 -vert A 1138 noirceur N 120 noirci A 1127, N 119 noircissant A 1126, N 117, 120a, S 1211 noircissure N 120 noisette N 196 noix N 210 de- С 132 пот N 142 -abortif A 18 -alternatif A 474 -ambigu A 487 -confus С 717 -douteux N 142 ^^rique G 97 --conserve С 753 -iltegitime I 42 -tegitime L 82 -nouveau N 169 -nu N 198 -ргёоссирё P 1191 -k rejeter R 137 -seminude S 340 -эрёш^ие S 625 -vernaculaire V 72 noms (& -) N 217 / nombr.eux С 797, N 200, P 857 6 - H 60, M 620 trfcs- P 337, 814 nomenclateur N 143 nomenclature N 144 -binaire В 153, N 144 -botanique P 646 nomium N 145 поттё N 217 867 nomophylle N 148 non A 1, 628, 1 45, N 150 non vu par moi N 150 nonperfor6 N 152 nord (de-) В 251 nordique H 538, S 415 normal N 153 nosologie N 154 nosophytes N 155 note N 156 not6 N 157 notes A 773 nothogamie N 159 nothomorphe N 160 nothoxfene N 161 notice N 165 notorrhize N 163 nototribe N 164 noueux N 135 nourricier T 589 nouveau N 169 nouveau t6 N 168 noyau N 195 ё - pierreux P 1696 -cellulaire G 143, 1032 -du macrogamfcte T 246 sans- A 39 noyaux ё plusieurs- P 1039 ё quatre- T 192 ё trois- T 517, 550 de- С 132 nu G 149, 266, N 198, P 410 nuag6 N 173 nuageux N 36 писасё N 174 nucamentum N 175 nucelle N 176 nuciffcre N 177 nuciforme N 178 nucteaire N 179 nucteation N 180 пис1её N 181 nucteobiontes N 183 nucteocentrosome N 184 nucteodesme N 186 nucteoides N 188 пис1ёо1е N 190 -de chroma tine С 150 пис1ёо1ё N 189 пис1ёоте N 191 nucteoplasme С 145 nucteoprote'ides N 193 nucteosome N 194 nucteoplasme N 192 nuculaine N 197 nucule N 196 nuisible N 172, P 339 non- I 166 nuit N 170 nul N 199 питёго!уре N 201 nummulaire N 202 nuptial N 204 nutation N 206 nutricisme N 207 nutritif N 208 nutrition N 209 nyctanthie N 213 nyctigame N 214 nyctinastie N 215 пусирё1а^ие N 216 nyctitropisme N 215 oangium О 1 оЬсотрптё О 4 obconique О 5 obcord£ О 6 оЬ(Ир1о81ётопе О 7 оЫтЫ^иё О 11 оЬ1апсёо1ё О 12 obligatoire О 14 oblique С 524, О 15 obliquement О 15, Р 730 оЫИёгё О 16 oblong О 17 obovale О 18 оЬоуё О 19 obovoide О 20 obpyramidale О 21 obscure А 894, О 22 observation N 156, О 23 observations А 773 obstacles О 10 оЬэ^иё О 25 obtriangulaire О 30 obtronq^ О 31 obturateur О 32 оЬШгЬтё О 33 obtus О 34 presque- S 1213 obtusi- О 34 оЬуаИё О 36 оЬуо1и1ё О 38 obvolutif О 38 occindental О 39 occlusion О 40 occupant О 43 осёапор1^ез О 45 осёапор1ап^оп О 46 осё11а1ге О 47 осе11ё О 47 ocelle О 48 осгасё О 49 осгёасё О 51 осгеё О 52 осгёе О 50 ocroleuque О 53 octandre О 56 octogynique О 57 odeur О 64 ё - de О 274 ё - ag^able S 1083 ё mauvaise- G 253 ё - d’oignon А 423 mauvaise- О 64 odorant F 146, О 65, 94 INDEX FRANQAIS оёсез1з О 68 oeil О 59 oenologie О 87 oeuvre О 206 -floristique G 329 officinal О 88 -oide О 60 oidie О 89 oiseau (d’-) О 243 oteagineux О 91 о1ё11‘ёге О 93 о1ёосогрэ О 95 o^oplasme О 96 oteoplaste О 97 oteo-resines О 98 о1ёовоте О 99 o^osperme О 100 о1ёгасё О 103 olfactif О 105 oliban О 106 oligo- -сагре О 112 -dyname 0114 -тёге О 116 -nitrophile О 117 -рё^ие О 118 -phage О 119 -photique О 120 -photon^trique О 121 -phy^tique О 122 -saprobiotique О 124 -sperme О 125 -э1ётопе О 109, 127 -trique О 129 -trophe О 130 -trophophile О 131 -tropique О 132 oligotaxie О 128 оНуасё О 134 oloiotrophe О 135 ombelle U 12 -сотровёе U 13 -simple U 13 отЬе11ё U 14 отЬе1Шёге U 14 ombellule U 15 отЬе11и1ё U 16 отЬеИиШёге U 16 ombilic U 18 ombiliq^ U 17 ombracule U 23 отЫ^ё I 258, U 26 ombrageant О 35 ombraticole U 24 ombre U 21 aimant l’ombre S 158 ombreux I 258, U 26 ombrocteistogamie О 138 ombromorphose О 140 ombrophile О 141 ombrophobe О 142 ombrophytes О 143 omis P 1199 omnicole О 146 INDEX FRANQAIS omnipotence О 147 omnivore О 148 omoplephytes О 149 ompnalode О 151 опсшё U 29 onctueux U 30 ond6 U32 ondul6 U 32 onduleux U 32 onglet U 35 onglettg U 34 onguiculaire U 33 onguicul6 U 34 ontogenfcse О 154 ontog6nie О 154 onze (&-) E 126 ooapogamie О 155 ooblast6me О 156 oocentre О 158 oocinfcse О 166 oocyste О 159 oogan^te О 162 oogamie О 163 oogenfcse О 164 oogone О 165 oolyse О 167 oonucleus О 170 ooplasme О 173 oosome О 175 oosphfcre О 177 oosporange О 179 oospore О 178 oothfeque О 180 opaline О 182 opaque A 199, О 181 operculaire О 183 opercule О 185 opercul6 О 184 ophionomium О 189 opinion S 397 opisthial e О 191 opisthodrome О 192 opium О 193 opophile О 195 oppose A 226, 864, 1233, О 2, 197 opprimant О 198 opseospermata О 200 opsigonie О 202 optimal О 203 optimum О 204 -6cologique О 73 opulent О 205 orange A 1152 orang£ A 1151 -rouge R 377, 423 orbiculaire О 210 orbicule О 211 orbicu№ О 210 orchidologie О 212 ordre О 215 oreillette A 1154 sans- E 423 orgadophytes О 218 organe О 232 organes -accessoires A 43 -fixateurs H 46 -de fructification О 232 -g6n£ratives О 232 -de propagation P 1293 -de reception R 82 -r6producteurs G 95, О 232 -reproductifs femelles G 275 -v6g6tatifs О 232 organelles О 219 organique О 220 organisation S 1052 organisme О 221 organites О 219 organogfcne О 223 organogenese О 222 organographie О 224 organoleptique О 225 organonymie О 227 organophylie О 228 organophylogenfcse О 229 organoplastique О 230 organotrophique О 231 oriental О 236 orient6 V 85 orifice A 886, О 237, 272 petit- P 1125 originaire О 239 original О 238 origine G 89, О 240 огпё A 214, О 242, S 224 ornemental О 241 огпете^ё A 214, E 471 ornithochore О 244 ornithogame О 245 ornitho-sphingophile О 247 orographie О 248 orthoge^se О 253 orthogёotropisme О 254 ortho№liotropique О 256 orthonastie О 257 orthophototaxie О 258 orthophototropisme О 259 orthoploidie О 261 orthoploque О 260 огитвё^сНоп О 262 orthosperme О 263 orthospirale О 264 orthosporange О 265 orthostiques О 266 огИю1ё1о1ш^ие О 267 orthotrope О 268 orthotype О 269 orygome О 271 oscillant О 273, V 82 osier (semblable к un-) V 121 osmomfetre О 275 osmomorphose О 276 osmor6glage О 277 858 osmose О 278 osmotaxie О 279 osmotique О 280 osmotropisme О 281 osseux О 282 ostariphytes О 284 osteosclereides О 285 osteosperme О 286 ostiole О 288 ostio№ О 287 ouvert А 887, С 246, 263, Р 361 ouverture О 237 ouvrage О 206, S 1449 dans 1* - cit^ О 206 s’ouvrant brusquement R 166 ovaire G 132, О 292 -demi-sup6re S 373 -inffcre О 292 -semiu^re О 292 -supfcre О 292 ovale О 291 ovё О 293 oviforme (inversement-) О 19 ovipare О 295 ovocentre О 296 ovoide О 297 ovule G 78, О 299 -anatrope A 682 ovute О 298 ovules (k — nus) G 273 охаШёге О 301 oxalileucytes О 302 oxygfene О 311 oxygёnomorphose О 308 oxygёnotropisme О 310 oxygёophytes О 312 oxylophytes О 313 oxyphile Р 314 oxyphobe О 315 oxytropisme О 317 расЬупёте Р 4 pachynose Р 5 pachytene Р 6 page Р 10 pagon Р 11 pagophytes Р 12 раШе С 950, S 1010 pailette Р 30 -externe Р 30 -interne Р 30 paUletb G 185 pair Р 87 paires (par-) G 67 ра1асё Р 14 palaire Р 28 palais Р 29 pftle D 234, Р 40 ра1ёасё Р 31 pa№iforme Р 32 86* pal6oarch£ophytes P 16 pal6oarctique P 17 pal£obiologie P 18 pal£obotanique P 19 ра1ёоёсо1об1е P 20 pal£oendemisme P 21 pateofloristique P 22 pateohybride P 23 ра1ёо1е P 33 ра1ёо1ё P 34 pal^ophytes P 1410 palёophytique P 25 palёotropique P 27 palingenfese P 36 palisadique P 37 palisadoderme P 38 p&lissant P 39 pallium P 42 palmaire P 43 ра1тё P 44 palmella (stade-) P 52 palmelloide P 53 palmi- P 44 -сотроБё P 45 -fidё P 46 -1оЬё P 48 -пегуё P 49 -partite P 50 -Бёциё P 51 paludёen P 59 paludicole P 55 palustre P 59 palynologie P 60 pampinodie P 61 рапасЬё P 899, V 35 раЫигё P 65 panduriforme P 65 pangei^se P 67 panicule P 69 -lache J 9 -отЬе11ёе С 841 рашси1ё P 70 panmixie P 71 panphoton^trique P 73 panphyton P 74 рапи^ёпе P 76 pantropique P 78 paon (couleur de-) P 204 рарШопасё P 79 papille P 80 papilleux P 81 papillule P 82 pappe P 84 pappifёгe P 83 раругасё P 86 par D 127 parabiose P 89 parabiotes P 90 paracarpe P 94 paracarpelle P 92 paracarpide P 93 paracarpique P 95 parachromatine P 96 parachromophore P 97 parachute P 84 paraclimax P 98 paracme P 99 paracorolle С 821, P 100 paracytique P 101 paradiphylle P 102 paragramme P 103 para^liotropisme P 104 paralimnique P 105 рага11ё1е P 106 рагаИеПпепгё P 107 parallelotropisme P 109 paralysant T 353 paralysateur P 111 paramastigote P 112 paranastie P 113 рагапёте P 114 рагарё^опе P 116 рагарё!а1е P 118 рагарё!а1оМе P 117 paraphyllie P 120 paraphyse P 121 paraplancton P 122 paraplasme P 123 paraplectenchyme P 124 parasaprophytisme P 125 parasitaire P 126 parasite P 130 -facultatif P 130 faux- P 1536 -monophage P 130 -polyphage P 130 parasitique P 127 parasitisme P 128 parasitologie P 129 paras tades P 132 paras 1ёп1Нё P 134 parastiques P 135 paras trophe P 136 parastyle P 137 paгasyndёse P 140 parathecium P 141 paratonique P 142 paratracl^al P 143 paratype P 146 paravariantes P 147 pare Y 134 рагсЬеттё M 182, P 266 parcourrant P 256 pa^cique P 156 pared A 245, С 789, I 15 parenchymatique P 150 parenchyme P 149 parent P 151 рагеп1ё A 290 parfait P 262 parfum О 64 рагГитё О 65 рапё1а1 Р 153 рагтеппё Р 154 рапреппё Р 155 paroi Р 152 INDEX FRANQAIS paronyme Р 157 рагеетё А 1076, С 760, D 329, I 233 раг!адё D 353 partt^noapogamie Р 159 рагШёпосагре Р 161 рагШёпосагр1е Р 160 partl^nogan^te Р 162 partl^nogamie Р 163 parU^noge^se Р 164 partl^nogonidie Р 165 partl^nospore Р 167 particulier Р 1166, S 622 partie Р 158 dh^ en parties Р 1072 partiel Р 168 partiellement Р 158 partite Р 170 partout О 144, Р 63 passant par Р 361 passantes Е 227 pass6 Р 1198 passif Р 176 patelle Р 178 patelliforme Р 179 pathogёne Р 183 pathogёnie Р 182 pathologie Р 185 pathologique Р 186 pathomorphogёne Р 187 pathophyte Р 188 pathotype Р 189 patrie Р 190 patrocline Р 191 patromorphe Р 193 p£turage В 302, Р 173 de-P 174 aimant les paturages N 147 раш^еп1ё P 197 pauciflore P 198 paucifo^ P 199 раисй^Аё P 200 pauvre P 148 pavilion V 104 peau С 810, 983 рес^пё P 205 pedati- P 209 ^de P 363 pёdiaiгe P 209 pёdicelle P 211 -du fruit С 118 pёdicellё P 210 pёdiforme P 212 pёdogamie P 6 pёdogёne P 214 pёdogenёse P 8 pёdologie P 215 pёdoncule P 217 pёdonculё P 216 peint P 679 pёlagique P 218 рё^орЬу1ез P 219 pelliculaire P 222 INDEX FRANQAIS pellicule P 221 pellicu№ P 223 pellucide P 224 pelochthophytes P 225 pelophytes P 226 pelopsamm<^ne P 227 pelorie P 228 pelte P 229 реНё P 230 pelure E 243 penchant A 46, P 232 pench6 С 240, 524, D 57v N 205 -en avant P 1292 pendant С 870, D 76, P 232 -en avant P 1296 -le jour H 104 рёпёи-ant P 233 рёшсШё P 234 pennati--conjuguё P 708 -dentk P 709 -fide P 700 -1оЬё P 702 -partite P 704 -Бёдиё P 706 penne P 697 реппё P 698 сотроэё- P 699 penni--tolik P 701 -пепгё P 703 penta--carpe P 239 -cyclique P 242 -gonal P 243 -gyne P 244 -тёге P 245 -phytetique P 247 -ploide P 249 pentandre С 532 pente С 532 рёрт G 252 рёрЫёге A 970, P 335, 750 рёроп P 252 pёponide P 252 peranosis P 254 регсё F 123, P 264, 1113 perception P 255 perenchyme P 260 регеппе P 261 регГоНё P 263 регГогё F 123, P 264 J^riandrique P 269 рёпапиге P 270 рёпапМоташе P 271 рёпах1е1 P 282 рёпЫёте P 273 рёпсагре P 275 рёпсЬёве P 277 рёпсЬейит P 277 рёпс^е P 278 рёпсНпе P 279 рёпсус1е P 280 рё^егте P 281 j^ridesme P 282 рё^ю1е P 283 рё^шт P 284 j^rigamium P 285 pёrigone P 286 pёrigyne P 288 рё^упшт P 287 ^rihadromatique P 289 pёrimёdullaire P 290 perine P 291 рёг^е P 293 -de la fleuraison P 87 -d’incubation L 59 -de latence L 59 рёг^гсНё P 292 pёripёtale P 294 pёriphёгique P 295 pёriphyllogёnie P 299 рёпрЬузе P 301 рёпрЬу1еБ P 302 I^riplasme P 303 рёгф1азп^е P 304 рёпр1а81е P 305 рёпр!ёгё P 308 рёпэрегте P 309 рёг^роге P 311 рёпвЦгтпё P 313 рёпБ^те P 317 рёпэ^тё P 318 рёпэ^орЬе P 319 рёпз!у^ие P 320 рёгНЬаИе P 321 рёпШёте P 324 рёгНЬёсюрЬоге P 322, 323 pёгitгique P 325 рёгНгоре P 326 рёп vasal e P 327 pёrixylique P 328 рётопе P 329 рег1ё M 104 permanent P 334 регтёаЬННё P 335 регтёаЫе P 336 permutation P 338 pernicieux P 339 perpendiculaire P 343 persistant P 348 регеоппё P 349 perthophytes P 352 рёги1е P 355 рёги1ё P 356 pёtale P 370 -pёtale P 364 рё!а1ё P 365 p6tales к- P 364 k- aigues A 130 &- 6troits S 921 k- fendus S 153 a- minces L 125 k- tordus S 1024 рё!аШёге P 365 880 p6taliforme P 367 pёtalodie P 368 рё!а1оЫе P 367 рё!а1отате P 369 рёио1асё P 371 рёНоЫге P 372 рёНо1е P 377 -аиё P 377 commun P 377 -гепПё P 377 рёНо1ё P 373 рёиоНсо1е P 374 рёНо1и1е P 376 рёио1и1ё P 375 petit E 444, P 172, 1652 к -M 309 plus- M 162, 372 le plus- M 371 trks- M 371, N 5, P 1665 petitesse N 7 рё!псо1е P 380 рё^Шё F 135 рё!горЫ1е P 380 рё!горЬу1ез P 381 peu P 195, S 1085 k-0 108, S 603 -apparent О 24 -tenace T 89 trts- P 342 pH P 382 -phage P 409 phagocytose P 407 phagoplancton P 408 phalange P 411 pha^rogame P 415 pha^rogames P 414 pha^rophytes P 417 phaoplancton P 419 pharmacodynamie P 420 pharmacognosie P 421 pharmacologie P 422 phase P 423 -de contraction S 1480 phelteme P 424 phelloderme P 427 р}1е1^ёпе P 428 phelloide P 429, 430 phellosperme P 432 pl^nocopie P 384 pl^nocytologie P 385 phёnogёnёse P 387 phёnogёnёtique P 388 pl^nohybride P 389 pl^noleuque P 399 pl^nologie P 390 pl^nologique P 391 pl^nophase P 392 pl^nospermie P 393 pl^notherraique P 394 pl^notype P 396 phёnotypique P 395 pl^ophylle P 401 pl^oplaste P 403 861 ph£osome P 405 ph£ospore P 406 philomatique P 438 philosophie P 440 рЫоЬар11ёпе P 447 рЫоёше P 448 phlyctioplancton P 453 -phobe P 454 phobisme P 455 phobochemotactisme P 456 phobophototropisme P 458 pholadophytes P 461 phol£obiontes P 462 phonotaxie P 463 -phore P 464 phor6sie P 466 phosplancton P 469 phot&olique P 470 photique P 471 photisme P 472 photoauxisme P 474 photoblaste P 475 photochimique P 476 photochromatique P 477 photocl6istogamie P 478 photoclinie P 479 photocolorim6trique P 480 photodii^se P 481 photodynamie P 482 photodynamique P 483 photo6pinastie P 484 photoesth§sie P 473 рЬо^ёпе P 485 photographotype P 486 photohyponastie P 487 photokii^se P 488 photol6psie P 489 photolyse P 490 photon^tre P 493 photon^trie P 491 photom6trique P 492 photomorphose P 494 photonastie P 495 photonastique P 496 р!ю^рёгю<1е P 500 photop6riodique P 498 photop6riodisme P 499 photophase P 501 photophile P 502 photophobique P 503 photoplagiotropique P 505 photor6duction P 506 photosyntl^se P 507 phototactisme P 508 phototonus P 510 phototrophe P 513 phototrophie P 512 phototropisme P 514 -n6gatif С 174 phototype P 486 phragmatospore P 518 phragmoplaste P 523 phragmospl^re P 525 phragmosome P 524 phragmostichobaside P 527 phreatophytes P 528 photophile P 529 phryganophile P 531 phycoc6cidies P 535 phycochrome P 536 phycocyane P 537 phycodomaties P 538 рЬусоёгуШппе P 539 рЬусорЬёте P 541 phycoporphyrine P 542 phycopyrrine P 543 phycorrhize P 544 phycoxanthine P 545 phylesis P 547 -phytetique P 548 phyllobiologie P 554 phylloblaste P 555 phyllocarpique P 557 phylloclade P 559 phyllocolie P 560 phyllocyanine P 561 phyllode P 563 phyllodie P 569 рЬу1^ёпе P 564 phyllogёnёtique P 564 phyllogonie P 565 phyllomanie P 568 phyllome P 567 phyllomorphie P 569 phyllomorphose P 570 рЬуИопёсгове P 571 phyllonomie P 572 phyllophage P 573 phyllopode P 575 phylloptose P 576 phyllotaxie P 577 -secondaire S 245 phyllotype P 578 phylocёnogenёse P 583 phyloembryoge^se P 584 phylogenёse P 585 phylogёnёtique P 586, 587 рЬу^ёше P 585 phylogёrontique P 589 phylum P 590 physioge^se P 594 physiognomie P 595 physiographie P 596 physiologie P 597 physodes P 598 physonomium P 599 phytique P 601 phyto- P 601 phytobenthos P 604 phytobiologie P 605 phytobiologique P 606 phytobiotique P 607 phytoblaste P 608 phytocteidie P 609 phyUK^noge^se P 614 INDEX FRANQAIS рЬуОсёпо^1е P 615 рЬу^сёпоэе P 616 рЬу1осёпо1уре P 617 phytochimie P 610 phytochorologie P 612 phytocytologie P 618 phytodomatium P 619 phytodynamique P 620 phy^cologie P 647 phyUOdaphon P 621 phyUOlectroge^se P 622 phytogamie P 623 рЬу^ёпе P 626 phytoge^se P 624 рЬуи^ёпё^ие P 625 phytogёogenёse P 627 phyk^ographie P 628 phytographie P 630 phytohistologie P 631 phytohormones P 632 р!1ук)1^1ёпе P 633 phyto'ide P 634 phytomatotechnie P 644 phytome P 638 phytomerum P 639 phytomorphologie P 641 phytomorphose P 642 phytoncides P 643 phytonomie P 645 phytoontoge^se P 648 phytoorganographie P 649 phytoorganologie P 650 phytoparasite P 652 phytopathologie P 654 phytoplOnologie P 655 phytophysiologie P 657 phytoplancton P 658 phytopleuston P 659 рЬук^осёс^е P 661 phytoptose P 662 phytose P 663 phytosociologie P 615, 664 phytotaxonomie P 666 phytotechnie P 667 phytotelma P 668 рЬу!о1ёга1о^1е P 669 phytotl^rapeutique P 671 phytotl^rmoge^se P 672 phytotomie P 673 phytotoxine P 674 phytotrophie P 675 pied P 362, S 987 ё - P 363, 890 -de champignon С 227, S 987 -de coq G 900 pierre S 104 pierreux L 50, P 378 piezotropisme P 680 pigment P 682 pigmentation P 681 piteiforme P 685 pi^ocystide P 686 рИёогЫге P 687 INDEX FRANQAIS pileux P 683 pilidium P 689 pilositg P 691 -lanugineuse L 48 piluliforme P 693 pinceau (en-) P 234 pinnati • P 698 pinnatiscisse P 705 pinnule P 712 piquant A 59, P 1657 pisiforme P 715 pistil P 720 &-moindre M 163 pistils & huit- О 57 к neuf- E 208 pistillaire P 716 pistillg P 717 pistilliffere P 717 pistillodie P 719 pivotante P 28 racine- P 28 place L 246, P 1126, S 252 -verdoyante V 134 р1асё С 631, P 1128, S 541 -sur I 67, 186 placenta P 724, 6 689 placentation P 726 -centrale С 215 placenta P 727 placentiffere P 727 placochromatique P 728 placoplastes P 729 plagiodrome P 731 plagiophototaxie P 734 plagiophototropisme P 735 plagiotropique P 737 plaine P 743 plan P 742, 754 -commissurel P 754 -diagonal D 135 -mgdian M 136 -transversal T 402 planctologic P 738 plancton P 739 -de lumigre P 469 planogamgte P 745 planospore P 747 planozygote P 748 plantage P 751 plantation P 751, S 92 plante P 601, 749, S 997 -fossile В 259, P 636 -тёге P 151 -nourissante N 208 -parasite P 127 -perenne P 261 -vivace P 261 р!ап1ё S 88 plantes ~k fleurs A 850 - & racines R 279 - к semences S 668 plantes - к spores С 919 -adventices A 225 -alpines A 132, 845, О 217 -arenicoles P 1455 -arvicoles S 255 -attachges A 291 -borgales M 363 -bourbeuses L 187 -carnivores 1 180 -cellulaires С 209 -champgtres A 332 -cultivges A 342, С 957 -d’eau douce D 388 -de bancs de sable A 521, S 1473 -de bocages A 470 -de dёcombres С 353, R 391 -de jardin P 749b -de p&turage N 149, P 1098 -de plateux P 213 -de prairie P 1204 -de printemps V 73 -de rivages R 330 -de ruisseau N 4 -de sable mouvant M 386 -de terrains cailleuses С 255 -des canaux T 28 -des dunes T 295 -des endroits ombrages S 161 -des ёtangs T 317 -des forgts S 508 -des marais H 70, T 69, U 5 -des margcages H 98, S 962 -des murailles M 580 -des rochers L 222, R 413 -des sables A 493 -des toits T 45 -des tourbigres T 654 -des vignobles V 123 -dgcoratives D 21 -gchappges E 51 -gdificatrices A 236 -exotiques P 749a -indicatrices I 116 -indiffgrentes N 111 -insectivores I 180 -ligneuses X 62 -limeuses L 187 -littorales A 352, P 1450 -margcageuses P 59 -maritimes T 221 -mgdicinale6 M 138 -mellifgres M 177 -mgridiennes С 675 -montagnardes M 468 -natantes N 22 -nocturnes N 133 •ornamentales О 241 -parasitges H 440 -polaires С 906 -potaggres О 101 Ж plantes -protegges T 662 -rudgrales R 391 -rupicoles R 413 -sablonneuses A 1002 •sёgёtales S 255 -spontanges S 778 -subalpines О 250 -succulentes С 413, S 1264 -terrestres С 412, T 139 -thermophiles T 274 -tinctonales T 315 -tourbeuses T 654 -tropicales M 61 -ubiquistes U 3 -unicellulaires P 1410, U 42 -vasculaires V 40 plantule G 132, P 753 plaque gquatoriale A 247 plasmaleme P 756 plasmatique P 757 plasmodesme P 760 plasmodie P 762 plasmodiocarpe P 761 plasmogamie P 763 plasmogengse P 764 plasmolyse P 766 plasmolytique P 767 plasmongme P 768 plasmophage P 769 plasmotype P 771 plasmotomie P 773 plastide P 775 plastidome P 776 plastidule P 777 plastine P 778 plastique P 774 plastochrone P 780 plastodesme P 781 plastodynamie P 782 plastoggne P 784 plastotype P 786 plat P 723, 742 presque- P 744 plateau de bulbe D 312 platycladium P 790 plectenchyme P 795 plectenchymatique P 796 plein F 16, P 815, S 563 pleiochasium P 799 pleiocyclique P 800 pleiomgre P 801 pleiontisme P 803 pleiotaxie P 809 pleiotropie P 811 pleioxgne P 813 plerenchyme P 827 р1ёготе P 819 plgsiasmie P 820 plgsiobiotique P 821 plgsiotype P 823 plguridie P 828 868 p]6uroblastique P 829 pl6urocarpe P 830 pl&irocystide P 831 pl6urodiscal P 832 р1ёи^ёпе P 833 pteurogyne P 834 pteuromitique P 835 pteuroplastique P 836 pleurorrhize P 837 pleurosperme P 838 pleurosporange P 840 pleurospore P 839 pleurotribal P 841 pleurotrique P 842 pleurotrope P 843 pleuston P 844 р1ёуге P 825 pli P 846, R 402 -nectar^re S 1280 plicatile P 847 рНё P 849, 1625, R 403 doublement- en longueur С 705 plissage P 848 рИБвё P 849 -in^gu^rement С 830 plissement P 848 plococarpe P 850 plomb (couleur de-) L 230, P 854 р1ошЬё P 859 -p£le P 220 ркн^ё D 55, I 52, S 1207 plotophytes P 851 pluie 1 46, P 1165 . plume P 852, 697 plumeux P 855 plumule G 78, P 856 pluriannuel P 858 pluricarpellaire P 859 pluricellulaire P 860 plus (ou moins) P 881 -en avant P 1360 -que P 798 plusieurs С 684, M 577, P 857, 933 к- M 506 pluvial P 882 pluvion^tre О 139 p^umatocyste P 884 pneumatodes P 885 pneomatophore P 886 poculiflore P 888 poculiforme P 889 -pode P 363 podetium P 891 podicelle P 812 podocarpe P 893 podocarpique P 894 podoptёre P 896 podosyncarpie P 898 poil С 70, P 694 -absorbant A 22 -anchoriforme A 686 -collecteur С 622 -ёсаШеих L 105, S 838 -ёсивзоппё S 225 -ёЫ1ё S 895 -fascicu^ P 694a -fourchu P 694b -glanduleux G 156 -Ьатедоппё H 18 -laineux L 47 -mucilagineux С 624 -radicaux R 20 -зёсгё1еиг G 156 -excitable T 101 -urticant U 88 -уе1ои!ё V 52 -verticil^ P 694c poils a-T 432 ё-blanches L 147 k-longs L 887 k- luisants P 436 k- raides S 195 poilu P 683 finement- P 690 ^ёгетепк P 692 poikilodynamie P 900 poikilogёotropisme P 901 poikilosyndёse P 903 poikilothermie P 904 ро1кПохёгор1^ез P 905 point P 1656 ^ё1аШ С 784 pointe A 165, 889 pointill6 P 1653 poire sauvage A 74 poisseux G 188 poix P 722, R 168 polaire P 908 polarity P 909 pole P 932 poli L 28, 29, N 122 non- I 66 polioplasme P 912 pollachanthe P 914 pollaplasie P 916 pollen P 918 pollenine P 919 pollicaire P 921 pollinie P 922 роШшГёге P 926 pollinique P 925 pollinisation P 923 -artificielle P 923a -спнввёе A 434, P 923, S 884, X 21 -iltegitime P 923 -tegitime L 82 -naturelle P 923 роНйшё P 924 -par les chauves-souris С 280 -par les escargots M 75 pollinode P 929 pollinose P 930 INDEX FRANQAIS ро11ар1оз1ётопорё1а1е P 917 poloique P 931 poly- P 933 -adelphe P 937 ^ёпе P 938 -andre P 940 -anthe M 535, P 941 -апШёгё P 942 -carpique P 950 -caryotique P 955 -centrique P 956 -chromatophile P 965 -chrome M 525 -chromosomique P 966 -chronique P 968 -clade P 970 -clonale P 971 -cyclique P 976 ^mique P 980 -game P 989 -g6n6tique P 991 -gonal P 993 -gyne P 995 -haploide P 997 -mastigote P 1000 -тёге P 1002 -mictique P 1003 -morphe P 1006 -nitrophile P 1009 -nominale P 1009 -ovute P 1015 -p6tale P 1017 -phage P 1020 -phytetique P 1026 -phylle P 1028 -plastique P 1030 -plectique P 1031 -ploide P 1035 -rhize P 1040 -saprobe P 1042 -5ёра1е P 1044 -siphonique P 1046 -somique P 1049 -sperme P 1050 -sporangiё P 1053 -stacl^ P 1055 ^ё^ие P 1058 ^ётопе P 1059 -stign^ P 1062 -stique P 1060 -stomatique P 1063 -stome P 1064 -stromatique P 1065 -syn^trique A 151, P 1068 -thalamique P 1069 -Ше1ё P 1070 -tome P 1072 -tope P 1074 -trique P 1075 -trophe P 1077 -typique P 1078 ро1уакёпе P 935 INDEX FRANQAIS polyaster P 945 polyblaste P 946 polycarpe P 951 polycarpophorie P 952 polycaryonte P 954 polychorie P 962 polychromatisme P 964 polycladie P 969 polycotylgdonie P 974 polyculture P 975 polydactylie P 978 polyderme P 981 polydrupe P 982 polygcie P 1013 polyembryonie P 983 polygnergide P 984, 985 polyfollicule F 116, P 987 polygamie P 988 polygengse P 990 polygynie P 994 polyhybride P 998 polymgrie P 1001 polymitose P 1004 polymorphisme P 1005 -foliaire H 235 -saisonnier О 208 polyonyme P 1011 polyoplasme P 1014 polypgtalie P 1016 polyphasie P 1021 polyphylie P 1025 polyphyllie P 1027 polyphyloggnie P 1029 polyploidation P 1034 polypioide P 1033 polyploidie P 1036 polyplostgmonie P 1037 polysaccharides P 1041 polysarcie P 1043 polysomatie P 1047 polysomie P 1048 polyspermie P 1051 polyspore P 1052 polystgle P 1056 polystglie P 1057 polysymgtrie P 1067 polytomie P 1071 polytopie P 1073 polytrophie P 1076 polyzygosis P 1084 ротасё P 1085 pomifgre P 1089 pomiforme P 1090 pomme M 84, P 1092 de- M 79 pomologie P 1091 poncticulg P 1654 ponctiforme P 1655 ponctug P 1653, S 968 pondereux P 1093 pontique P 1095 pontophile P 1096 pontophytes P 1097 populaire V 72 population P 1100 porandrique P 1101 porcellaine (couleur de-) P 1103 pore P 1125 -opisthiale О 191 porenchyme P 1104 poreux P 1113 poricide P 1105 porogame P 1108 porogamie P 1107 poroides P 1109 poromgtre P 1110 porophyUe P 1111 porositg P 1112 porphyrandre P 1115 роггасё P 1122 porrigg P 1123 port H 4 portant F 35, T 96 -des guepes T 103 porte-greffe H 572 poruleux P 1124 positif P 1127 position P 1126, S 540 postadaptation P 1129 postcarpotropisme P 1131 postclimax P 1132 postdiluviale P 1133 postgrieur О 191, P 1134, P 1139 postgstival P 1130 postfertilisation P 1135 postfloral P 1136 postfloration P 1137 postglaciaire P 1138 postmaturation P 1140 postmgiotique P 1141 postreduction P 1143 postvernal P 1144 postzygotique P 1145 potager О 103, 133 potamicole P 1146 potamobotanique P 1147 potamophile P 1148 potamophytes P 1149 potamoplancton P 1150 potentiel P 1151 potentiomgtre P 1153 potetomgtre P 1154 potomgtre P 1155 pouce P 920 poudrg P 1442 poudreux P 1646, 1647 pour P 1225 роигргё P 460, 1114, 1662 к fleurs -es P 1116 -clair P 1118 -foncg A 1130 jaun&tre- X 11 devenant- P 1661 pourri P 1672 devenant- P 1674 pourriture С 89, P 1673 Ш pourvu H 1, I 199, M 579, P 1173 poussant В 231, P 1240, 1322 pousse S 543 -courte В 272 к-В 281 poussg E 121 poussigre P 1651 -glauque P 1441 praecedenda P 1162 prairie P 1206 de- P 1204 praticole P 1204 ргё- P 1156 prgadaptation P 1157 prgalpin P 1158 prganthgse P 1160 prgcgdent P 1163 prgcipitation P 1165 prgcis S 1441 prgclimax P 1167 ргёсосе P 1169 prgcocitg P 1168 ргёсигееиг P 1170 prgdgtermination P 1171 prgdisposition P 1172 prgdominant P 1175 prgface P 1176 prgferentiel P 1177 prgfeuille P 1304 prgfloraison P 1178 -alternative A 474 -cochlgaire С 557 -conduplicative С 705 -contournge С 778 -corrugative С 830 -embrassante A 600 -imbriquge I 49 -plissge P 849a -valvge V 27 prgfoliation P 1180 -circinnge С 449 -convolutge С 794 -obvolutge О 38 -rgvolutge R 221 prgformation P 1182 prgformg P 1183 prgformisme P 1182 prgfusoriel P 1184 prgglaciaire P 1185 prghaustoria P 1186 prghensile P 1207 prgjudice N 171 prgjudiciable N 172 prgmaturg P 1188, 1270 premier P 1214, 1375 premigrement P 1360 prgmontane P 1189 prgoccupait (se-de) С 966 ргёоссирё P 1191 prgparation P 1192 prgreduction P 1193 8*6 prfcs de P 88 ё peu-S 1085 presence P 1196 present P 1195 fitre-A 217 pr6somption P 1197 press6 С 866 pression osmotique О 280 prevalent D 365 prevalence P 1201 prevernal P 1202 primaire P 1208 primine P 1210 primorde P 1213 primordial P 1212 principal С 85, P 1208, 1215 principe P 1216 printanier V 73 printemps V 66 priorite P 1221 prismatique P 1222 prismatocarpe P 1224 рпуё С 87, О 209 proanthese P 1226 proanthropique P 1227 probaside P 1228 proboscide P 1229 procambium P 1230 procarpe P 1231 procaryogamete P 1264 procaryogametisation P 1265 ргосёБ P 1233 proche A 42, 209, P 88, 1305 prochromatine P 1234 prochromosome P 1235 proclimax P 1236 procombant P 1238 prodrome P 1241 productif F 36, P 1243, U 1 productive P 1242 produissant G 84, P 171, 1240 -de pus4 P 1691 proembryon P 1245 ргоёттепсе P 1285 petite- M 86 proeminent P 1284 legerement- P 1285 proferment P 1247 profond P 1250 profondal P 1248 profondeur P 1249 progame P 1255 progamete P 1252 progametisation P 1253 progametophyte P 1254 progenfcse P 1256 progeniture P 1257,1271 progeotropisme P 1258 progres P 1259 progressif P 1260 prohydrotropisme P 1261 projecture P 1262 prolete en dehors S 20 ргоктёве P 1266 prolamines P 1267 prolepsis P 1269 proleptique P 1270 proliferation P 1273 ргоШёге P 1272 prolification P 1273 prolifique P 1274 prolongation P 1277 prolongё E 94, P 1278, 1427 -en dehors E 439 proluviale P 1279 promёгistёmatique P 1282 promeristeme P 1281 prometaphase P 1283 promitose P 1287 promontoire P 1288 рготусёИит P 1289 ргопис1ёо1е P 1290 pronucleus P 1291 propagatif P 1294 propagation P 1293 organes de- P 1293 -vёgёtative V 46 propagule G 69, P 1295 prophase P 1297 prophototaxie P 1300 prophototropisme P 1301 prophylactique P 1302 prophylaxie P 1303 proplastide P 1306 propontique P 1307 proportionnel P 1308 propose P 1309 propre I 38, P 1311, S 622 propriete P 1174, 1310 prosaerotaxie P 1313 proschemotaxie P 1314 prosenchymatique P 1318 prosenchyme P 1317 prosgёotropisme P 1320 prosheiiotropisme P 1321 prosoplasie P 1323 prosoplasmatique P 1325 prosoplasme P 1324 prosopiectenchyme P 1326 prososmotaxie P 1327 prospecies P 1328 рговрёгНё P 1329 prosphytiasis P 1330 prosporange P 1331 prosporie P 1332 prostadie P 1333 prosteiique P 1334 prothermotaxie P 1335 рговкё P 1336 protandre P 1362 protandrie P 1361 protandrique-homogame P 1339 protanthese P 1341 INDEX FRANQAIS proteases P 1342 protection de la nature N 2& protecteur P 1343, T 644 protege M 57 9, T 662 proteides P 1345 proteification P 1353 proteine P 1347 proteinique P 1344 proteinoplastes P 1346 proteisme P 1348 protenchyme P 1349 proteochemotropisme P 1351 proteohydrolyse P 1354 proteolyse P 1355 pгotёolytique P 1356 proteoplaste P 1357 proteosome P 1358 proteosynthese P 1359 proterandrie P 1361 protёrandгique P 1362 proteranthe P 1363 proterogenese P 1364 proterogynie P 1365 proterogynique P 1366 proteropetalie P 1367 proterosepalie P 1368 proterotype P 1369 prothaUe P 1371 prothalloide P 1372 protistes P 1373 protistologie P 1374 protoblaste P 1378 protocaryonte P 1380 protocaryocinese P 138t protochlorophylle P 1382 protochromosome P 1383 protocollenchyme P 1384 protocorme P 1385 protocrate P 1386 protoderme P 1387 protoepiphytes P 1388 protogamie P 1389 protogene P 1392 protogenese P 1399 protogёnёtique P 139, 1392 protogonidie P 1393 protohemicryp tophy tes P 1397 protologue P 1399 protolyse P 1400 protomyceiium P 1404 protonema P 1405 protontes P 1406 protoparenchyme P 1407 protophloeme P 1408 protophylle P 1409 protophytes P 1410 protoplasmatologie P 1413 protoplasme P 1412 protoplaste P 1414 protoscterenchyme P 1415 protospore P 1416 protosporophyte P 1417 protostele P 1418 INDEX FRANQAIS protostrophes P 1419 prototropnie P 1421 prototrophe P 1422 prototype P 1423 protoxylgme P 1424 protozoophile P 1425 protozygote P 1426 protropique P 1430 protuberance P 1434 protuberant P 1433 prouvant P 1161 provenant E 470, N 21, О 235, P 1436 province P 1438 provisoire P 1439 pruine P 1441 pruine G 163, P 1442 pruineux P 1442 prune P 1446 prunifgre P 1444 pruniforme P 1445 prurigineux P 1447 psalliotique P 1448 psamatophile P 1449 psammoggne P 1453 psammophile P 1454 psammophytes P 1455 pseudannuel P 1462 pseudannulus P 1457 pseudanthe P 1460 pseudanthie P 1458 pseudanthium P 1459 pseudoamitose P 1461 pseudoanaphase P 1467 pseudoapogamie P 1463 pseudoaposporie P 1464 pseudoarille P1465 pseudoautogcique P 1468 pseudoautosyndgse P 1466 pseudoauxospore P 1469 pseudoaxillaire P 1470 pseudobotrytique P 1473 pseudobulbe P 1475 pseudobulbiUe P 1474 pseudocambium P 1477 pseudocarpe P 1479 pseudocarpie P 1478 pseudocgcidie P 1480 pseudocgphalodium P 1481 pseudochromosome P 1482 pseudocil P 1483 pseudoclgistogamie P 1484 pseudoclgistoggnie P 1485 pseudocortex P 1486 pseudocyste P 1488 pseudodichotomie P 1489 pseudodichotomique P 1490 pseudodystrophie P 1492 pseudoendomitose P 1493 pseudogphgmgre P 1494 pseudogpiphytes P 1496 pseudofasciculg P 1497 pseudofgcondation P 1498 pseudofertilitg P 1499 pseudofoliacg P 1500 pseudogamgtange P 1501 pseudogamie P 1502 pseudoggocarpie P 1503 pseudohaustorium P 1505 pseudohercogamie P 1506 pseudohgrgditg P 1507 pseudohermaphroditisme P 1508 pseudohgtgrocarpie P 1509 pseudohomonyme P 1510 pseudohybridation P 1512 pseudohybride P 1511 pseudohymenium P 1513 pseudoimprggnation P 1514 pseudoinausie P 1515 pseudolimbe P 1516 pseudolatgral P 1517 pseudolatex P 1518 pseudolichen P 1519 pseudomarging P 1520 pseudomgtaphase P 1522 pseudomitose P 1523 pseudomixie P 1524 pseudomonocarpie P 1525 pseudomonocotyledong P 1526 pseudomonomgre P 1527 pseudomycorhize P 1528 pseudongctaire P 1529 pseudongmathgque P 1530 pseudonuclgole P 1531 pseudonucleus P 1532 pseudoparaphyse P 1533 pseudoparasite P 1536 pseudoparasitique P 1534 pseudoparasitisme P 1535 pseudoparenchyme P 1537 pseudopglorie P 1538 pseudopgrianthe P 1539 pseudopgridie P 1540 pseudopgrigone P 1541 pseudopgristome P 1542 pseudopgrithecium P 1543 pseudopetalie P 1544 pseudopgtiole P 1545 pseudophelloide P 1546 pseudophotomgtrique P 1547 pseudophylle P 1549 pseudophyllopode P 1548 pseudophyse P 1550 pseudoplancton P 1551 pseudoplasmodie P 1552 pseudoplaste P 1553 pseudocode P 1554 pseudopolyembryonie P 1555 pseudopolymorphisme pseudopolyplo'idie P 1557 pseudopore P 1559 pseudopycnide P 1560 pseudorameux P 1561 pseudorampant P 1565 Ж pseudoramule P 1562 pseudoraphg P 1563 pseudorgauction P 1564 pseudorhize P 1566 pseudorosette P 1567 pseudosessile P 1570 pseudosperme P 1571 pseudosporange P 1573 pseudostgle P 1575 pseudostipelle P 1576 pseudostrome P 1577 pseudostrophiole P 1578 pseudosuber P 1579 pseudosymbiose P 1580 pseudosyncarpique P 1581 pseudotgrminale P 1582 pseudothalle P 1583 pseudotige С 192 pseudotrichophore P 1584 pseudotype P 1585 pseudovacuole P 1586 pseudovalve P 1587 pseudovasculaire P 1588 pseudoverticille P 1589, V 89 pseudovicariisme P 1590 pseudoviviparie P 1591 pseudoxgrophytes P 1592 pseudozygospore P 1593 psychophiles P 1599 psichroclgistogamie P 1601 psychroclinie P 1602 psychrophytes P 1603 ptarmique P 1604 ptgnophyllophytes P 1605 ptgridographie P 1608 ptgridophytes P 1610 ptgridospore P 1611 pterochores P 1615 ptgrogone P 1618 ptgropode P 1619 ptychonomium P 1626 ptyosome P 1628 puant F 103, G 253, M 78, N 116, О 107 -к bouc H 305 -k punaise G 427 pubgrulent P 1631 pubescence P 1634 pubescent P 1633 publication P 1635 pudique P 1636 pugioniforme P 1638 puissance P 1152 puissant P 1151 pulpe С 97, P 1643, S 64 pulpeux G 96, P 1644 pulsatil P 1645 pulvgracg P 1646 pulvgrulent P 1647 pulvinaire P 1649 pulving P 1649 pulviniforme P 1649 punaise (comme la-) С 809 867 pur P 1663 purgatif G 184, P 1660 pustule P 1666 pustule P 1667 pusules P 1668 putamen P 1669 putamine P 1671 putrefaction P 1673 pycnide P 1679 pycnidiophore P 1677 pycnidiospore P 1678 pycnium P 1680 pycnose P 1686 pyogfcne P 1691 pyramidal P 1693 pyrenarium P 1695 ругбпосагре P 1698 pyr6noldes P 1699 pyrenophore P 1700 pyrenosome P 1701 pyricarpe P 1703 pyriffere P 1704 pyriforme P 1705 pyrophile P 1708 pyrophytes P 1711 pythmen P 1712 pyxide P 1715 pyxide P 1713 pyxidiforme P 1714 quadrangulaire Q 2 quadri- -capsulaire Q 5 -carpellaire Q 6 -coque Q 7 -curne T 157 -dente Q 8 -digite Q 9 -fide Q 11 -flore Q 12 -furqu6 Q 14 -g6mine T 165 -lateral Q 15 •lobe Q 16 -loculaire Q 17 -partite Q 18 -petale T 185 -septe Q 20 -s6que Q 19 -serie Q 21 -valent Q 22 quadruple Q 23, T 188 quatre Q 26 ё-Q 1, T 151 -fois Q 23 par- Q 25 quatrieme Q 24 quercicole D 384 -qufetre Q 28 quiescent Q 29 quinaire Q 30 quinconcial Q 31 quinque--dente Q 35 -farie Q 36 -fide Q 37 -juguei Q 41 -laterai Q 42 -loculare P 238 -partite Q 45 -petale Q 46 quintuple Q 50 quisquiliaire Q 52 quotidien Q 54 rabattu R 85 raboteux S 706, 105, 222 rabougri R 104 raccourci A 4 race P 1271, S 997 racemes etroits (ё-) S 904 racemeux R 4 rac6mifere R 1 rac6miflore R 2 racemiforme R 3 race mule R 6 rac6muleux R 5 rach6ole R 9 rachis R 12 rachitis R 13 rachitisme R 14 racine R 41 -adventive A 224 -a6rienne A 259 -d’appui R 41 -contractile С 779 -crampon A 206 -fibreuse R 41 -fusiforme R 41 -laterale R 23, 41 -ligneuse R 41 -napiforme N 12 -pivotante P 28 -principale P 1208 -renfiee T 636 -secondaire S 245 -simple S 518 -superficielle S 1289 -tragante S 1289 -tractrice С 779 -tubereuse T 636 racines ё-R 240 ё beaucoup de- R 29 ё-charnues S 76 ё-grandes M 45 ё-lignifiees X 63 ё-pendentes E 8 ё plusieurs- P 1040 portant des-R 276 racie D 81 radiaire A 144, R 16, 37 radial R 16 radiant R 17 radiation R 18 INDEX FRANQAIS radical R 20 radicant R 20 radication R 21 radice R 22 radicelle R 23 radicicole R 24 radicifere R 25 radiciflore R 26 radiciforme R 27, 27£ radicivore R 28 radiculaire R 31 radicule R 30 radicuie R 32 radiculode R 33 radie R 19 radieux R 37 radiobiologie R 35 radiogenetique R 36 radiotropisme R 39 rafle R 12 raide A 98, F 65, H 432„ R 319, 397, S 1030 devenant- R 318 raideur R 321 ralenti L 58 ramaire R 46 ramasse A 323, С 710» -en boule С 721 гатёа1 R 46 rameau R 63, V 132 -adventif A 224 -sporifere S 804 rameaux ё-chamus S 68 ё-courts В 274 ё-denses P 1682 ё-droits О 252 ё-etroits S 909 ё-minces L 119 гатёеп R 47 ramentace R 49 rameux В 269, R 60 ramicole R 52 ramiffere R 53 ramifiant R 54 ramification R 55 -cymeuse С 1008 -rac6meuse R 4 ramifie В 269, С 478, R 53* R 56 non- S 518 tres- R 60 ramiflore R 57 ramiforme R 58 ramille R 62 ramosite R 59 rampant R 150 ramule R 62 ё-С 514 ramuleux R 61 range О 214 rangs (ё plusieurs-) P 1060 r&pe (en forme de-) R 42 raphe R 66 INDEX FRANQAIS raphides R 68 raphidioplancton R 69 rapide T 8 rapiforme N 12 rapprochant par le sommet (se-) С 745 rapprochg A 209, 954 rare R 71 rari- R 71 ras6 D 81 rassemblg A 1118, С 567, С 620 ratating R 200 ratissg D 81 rattachg A 205 rayon R 40 rayons -de l’ombelle R 40 -mgdullaires M 143. R 40 rayonnant R 17 rayonng A 144 rayonnement R 18 rgaction R 74 rebord M 108 rebroussg R 312 recapitulation R 75 recaulescence R 76 rgcent R 77 receptacle С 227, 523, R 79, T 363 -commune С 521 -conique С 750 rgceptaculaire R 78 rgceptif R 81 rgceptivitg R 80 rgcessif T 83 recherche E 87, I 111, 268 -botanique P 603 rgciproque M 595, R 84 rgcling D 37, R 85 recombination R 87 recommandation С 662 reconnu R 86 reconquillg С 449 recourbg A 689, С 973, R 101 -en arrigre R 202, 206 -en crochet A 221, U 29 -en dehors R 111 -en haut R 167 recouvert I 129, О 27 partiellement- S 1196 recrudescence R 89 rectangulaire R 91 recti- R 90 rectifig par С 828 rectigradation R 94 rectinerve R 95 rectipgtalitg R 96 rectisgrig R 97 rectiuscule R 98 recurrence R 100 •recurrent R 99 rgdivive R 102 redressant (se-) E 336 redressg A 1054 reduction R 105 rgductionnel R 106 rgduit R 104, 394 rgduplicatif R 109 reduplication R 108 rgdupliqug R 109 rgflgchi A 635 • rgflgchissant R 119 refleurissant R 112 refleurissement R 113 rgflexion R 110 reflorescence R 113 rgfractg R 115 rgfractif R 114 refraichissant A 653, R 116 refuge R 118 regard I 254 rgggngrabilitg R 120 rgggngration N 81 regeneratum R 122 rgggngrg R 123 rgggngrescence R 121 rgggrmination R 124 rggion D 343, R 125 regional R 126 rggle R 132 rgglementairement R 331 regma R 127 regmacarpe R 127 rggne R 129 -vgggtal R 129, Y 44 rggressif R 131, 209 regression R 130 rggulariforme R 133 regulation R 135 rggulier R 134 rein (en-) R 145 rgitgrg R 136 rejet S 1318 rejeter (&-) R 137 rejeton P 1271, S 543, 998, S 1318 rejeunissement J 23, R 138 rgjouissant С 248 relatif R 139 relation N 113 relativement к Q 53 relevg С 752a -des plantes A 795 -phytosociologique С 752a relique R 140 reliquefaction R 141 rgmanent R 142 remarquable С 761 remarque A 795 remontant A 642, R 112, S 386 remplacant P 1437 remplacement (de-) P 1437 rempli F 16, R 154 renaissant R 102 renfermant I 91 868 renflg D 334, I 139, О 152, P 591, 592, T 646, 658, V 61 -en massue С 497 renflement A 929, T 647 rgniforme R 145 renonculacg R 64 renouvelant I 164 renvers6 A 682, I 267, О 2, P 359, R 186 rgorientation R 146 rgpand R 147 rgpandu par С 370 reparation R 148 repartition D 320 rgpertoire R 151 rgpgtg I 348 repletum R 153 rgplicatif R 155 replig R 155 replum R 156 reproductif R 158 reproduction P 1293, R 157 -asexuge A 301, M 418 -sexuelle G 44, S 1425 reprogression R 159 rgpulsif pour P 454 rgseau R 189 en- С 495, R 190 reserve naturelle R 162 rgsidu R 164 rgsiduel R 165 rgsilient R 166 rgsinacg R 169 rgsine R 168 rgsineux R 175 rgsinifgre R 170 rgsinocyste R 172 rgsinoggne R 173 rgsinose R 174 resistant R 176 rgsistibilitg R 177 rgsorption R 179 respiration R 180 respiromgtre R 181 ressemblance S 517 ressemblant к A 242, О 60 rgsserrg С 545, 672, 780 rgsserrement S 928 restitution R 184 rgsupination R 185 rgsuping 1 267, R 186 resurrection R 187 / retardation R 188 reticulation R 191 reticule A 1007, R 190, 195 -ride R 199 trgs- R 194 -vein6 R 192 rgtinacle G 154, R 198 retinacuie R 197 retordu R 202 retourng A 682, R 186, 212 869 retract* R 203 retranch* О 36 retreci A 768, 1140, С 765 retroactif R 204 retrofiechi R 206 r6trofracte R 207 retrogradation R 208 retrogressif R 209 retromorphose R 211 r6tus R 213 reuni A 328, S 1359 -en masse С 724 reunion A 327 -des etamines A 182 reunissant (se-) С 715 reversible R 214 revetu О 8 revirescent R 217 revision R 218 revivification R 219 reviviscent A 632, 670 r6voluble R 220 revolute R 221 revolutif R 221 rhabdoides R 224 rheobiontes R 229 rheocrene R 230 rheomorphose R 231 rheophile R 232 rheophobe R 233 rh6ophytes R 234 rheotropisme R 235 rh6xigene R 236 rhexocarpe R 237 rhipidium R 239 rhiz- R 240 rhizautoique R 241 -rhize R 240 rhizelle R 242 rhizidium R 243 rhizines R 244 rhizinophylles R 245 rhiziophyse R 246 rhizo- R 240 rhizobia R 247 rhizoblaste R 248 rhizocarpe R 250 rhizocarpien R 249 rhizocephale R 251 rhizocoliesie R 252 rhizocormus R 253 rhizoctonics R 254 rhizocyste R 255 rhizoderme R 256 rhizogene R 258 rhizogenese R 257 rhizogenetique R 258 rhizogenum R 259 rhizographie R 260 rhizo'idale R 263 rhizoide R 262 rhizoides R 261 rhizolithe R 264 rhizolithophytes R 265 rhizomanie R 267 rhizomateux R 270 rhizomatiforme R 269 rhizomatique R 268 rhizome R 266 rhizomitre R 271 rhizoiribrphe R 272 rhizophile R 274 rhizophore R 275, 276 rhizophylle R 277 rhizophytes R 279 rhizoplaste R 280 rhizopode R 281 rhizosperme R 282 rhizosphere R 283 rhizotaxie R 284 rhizothamnion R 285 rhizotome R 286 rhizule R 287 rhodographie R 295 rhodoleuque R 296 rhodologie R 297 rhodophylle R 298 rhombe R 303 rhomboidal R 303 rhoptometre R 305 rhyacophytes R 307 rhytidome R 315 -annulaire R 315 -6cailleuse R 315 -lamellaire R 315 riche О 205 ride R 402 petite- R 404 rides (ё petites-) R 405 ride С 891, P 1625, R 313, R 403 rigide F 65, R 319, S 173, S 1030 rigidifolie S 188 rigidite R 321 rigidule R 322 rime R 324 rimule R 326 ringent R 327 ringentiflore R 328 rivage R 329 -de la mer L 228 rive R 329 riverain A 523, R 330 rivicole R 332 rivulaire R 332, 334 robuste R 339 roche S 104 rocher S 104 rochers des- R 413 fendant les- R 415 dans, sur, les- L 213 rocheux S 103 rompant (se-) R 408 rompu D 299, F 141 ronceraie Y 65 roncin* R 411 INDEX FRANQAIS -pennatifide R 410 ronge E 342 rongement M 116 roride R 340 rosace R 342 rose R 288, 342 de- R 288 -fonc6 A 1132 jaunatre- S 24 -рё1е R 347 ros6e P 1441, R 341 roseraie R 343 rosette R 356 petite- S 897 rostelle R 351 rostelie R 350 rostre R 355 rostre R 308, 352 rostriforme R 354 rosulace R 357 rosulaire R 358 rosuie R 358 rotace R 362 rotatif R 361 rotation R 360 rotatoire R 361 rouge E 347, R 368 -ardent F 79, I 39, R 38» bleuatre- G 254, R 378 -brique L 61, T 146 brunatre- R 398 --fonce X 28 -carmin С 93, 551 -claire R 400 -corail С 804 -cramoisi С 93, 300, 551 -clair С 550 -de chair С 94 -de cinabre С 444 -de cerise G 234 -de cuivre A 243, С 254 -de flamme F 79, P 451 -de grenade P 1659 -d’oieandre О 92 -de pgcher P 346 -de rubis R 372 -cyane R 294 -6carlate С So 55i, S 12в -feu A 997, I 79, I 31» P 1692 -flambe F 79 -fonce A 1134, В 244» G 147, 240, R 369 -granatin G 240 -igne I 39 jaunatre- A 243 --fonce С 893 -minium M 370 orange- A 1151, R 377, 423 -paie H 103 -ponceau P 1659 INDEX FRANQAIS -роигргё P 1114, 1662, 'V 122 -purpurin foncg M 472 -sang С 898, H 7, S 39 -sanguin A 1135 -sammong S 24 -sombre A 1133 -vermilion P 460 -vif S 126 -violac6 R 385 -violet A 70 rouge4tre E 345, P 1658, R 366 -fonc6 A 1133 -jaune A 1151 rougeur R 373 rouille R 371 couleur de- R 370 rouUlg R 370 rouilleux F 39 roulg -en crosse С 449 -en dedans I 280 -en dehors R 221 -sur soi-тёте С 794 roussatre R 398 roussi D 115 route I 347 poussant sur le- V 107 rubang F 21, L 82, 265, T 16, V 153 rubescent R 367 rubicond R 369 rubigineux R 370 rude A 1072, R 397, S 105, T 378 presque- S 1103 rudgral R 391 rudiment R 396 rudimentaire R 394 rugueux R 313, 403 ruguleux R 405 -ruisseau R 336 de- R 332 ruisselet R 335 rumination R 406 ruming R 407 rupestre R 413 rupicole R 414 ruptile E 346, F 143, R 416 •ruptinerve R 417 rural R 418 ruricole R 418 rustique R 421 aable A 1001, S 4 sableux S 3 sabligre S 1 ^ablonneux A 1002, P 1451, S 3 sabulicole S 2 sac S 10 -agrigre S 10 -embryonnaire E 101, M51, S 10 -pollinique M 354, S 10 -sporifgre S 10 saccharifgre S 7 saccharin S 6 saccharose S 8 sacciforme S 5 sacelle S 12 sacelliforme S 11 safran (jaunatre-) S 1141 safrang (bleu&tre-) G 985 sagittg S 15, T 371 sagittifolig S 16 saillant E 112, 494, P 1284 saillie P 1285 -longitudinale P 1262 sain S 32, V 19 sale G 626, 762, S 586, 837 salicine S 18 salin S 23 saline S 21 salpinganthie S 25 salsugineux S 27 sol- S 27 salutaire S 33 samare S 34 double- D 301 samarifgre S 35 samaroide S 36 sandaliforme S 38 sang (rouge de-) H 8, S 39 sanguin S 39 sans A 1, 628, 879, 913, E 1, 415, I 45 santonine S 41 saphir (bleu-) S 47 saphirine S 47 sapide S 42 sapinoid S 43 saponacg S 44 saponine S 45 saprobiontes S 48 saprobiose S 49 saprobiotique S 50 saproggne S 51 saproggophytes S 52 sapromyiophilae S 53 sapromyiophile S 54 sapropgle S 55 saprophage S 56 saprophile S 57 saprophyte S 59 saprophytes S 58 saprophytisme S 60 saproplancton S 61 sarcicarpe S 64 sarclage R 409 sarcobase S 63 sarcocarpique S 65 sarcochores S 67 sarcoderme M 251 870 sarcoide S 70 sarcome S 72 sarcopgde S 75 sarcotesta S 78 sarment F 78, S 82 sarmentacg S 79 sarmenteux S 80 satellite S 83 saturg S 91 saulaie S 19 saule (de-) S 18 saumonge (couleur-) S 24 saurochore S 96 saurochorie S 95 saussaie S 19 sautant en dehors D 95 sauvage A 334, F 42, S 778 devenu- E 51 saveur S 46 savonneux S 44 savoureux S 42 saxatile S 100 saxicole S 100 saxifrage S 101 scabre S 105 lgggrement- S 106 trgs- S 108 scabreux S 105 scabride S 106 scabriuscule S 106 scabrositg S 107 scalariforme S 109 scalpelliforme S 111 scape S 123 scaphidiifgre S 115 scaphidium S 116 scapifgre S 120 scapiflore S 121 scapiforme S 122 scarieux S 125 seep triforme S 132 schgde S 133 schgdule S 134 schistacg S 136 schisteux S 141 schistoptgre S 140 schizocarpe G 571, S 144, S 145 schizoconidie S 146 schizocotylie S 147 schizoggne S 149 schizogengse S 148 schizoggngtique S 149 schizolysiggne S 151 schizomgre S 152 schizophytes S 154 schizorhexiggne S 155 schizostgle S 156 schizostglie S 157 sciadophile S 158 seiadophytes S 161 scie dentg en- S 439, 447 dentelg en- S 445 871 en forme de- S 448 science H 317, S 163 -naturelle S 163 scintillant S 164 sciophytes S 161 scissile S 168 scission F 69 scissipare S 170 sciuro'ide S 172 sd£ranthe S 174 scier6ides S 176 scierenchymatique S 178 scl6renchyme S 177 scarification S 179 scl6rites S 176 scl6robaside S 180 scierocarpe S 182, 183 scl6rocaulie S 184 scl6rocytes S 176 scl6rog6ne S 186 scl6rogonidie S 187 scl6rophylle S 188 scierophytes S 189 scl6rote S 194 scl6rotique S 193 scobicuie S 197 scobiforme S 197 scobine S 198 scobine S 199 scolecoconidie S 200 scolecospore S 201 scolopendrin S 203 scopaire S 205 scopiforme S 206 -scopique S 207 scorodophylle S 209 scorpioide S 210 scotophobisme S 212 scotophytes S 213 scotoplancton S 214 scototaxie S 215 scototropisme S 216 scrobicuie S 218 scrotiforme S 221 scrutateur S 223 scutelle S 227 scutelliforme S 226 scyphus S 230 scytine S 231 s6bac6 S 234 sec A 1016, S 488, X 27 s6c6dente P 713, S 235 sfcche S 173 s6ch6 R 200 s6cheresse S 485 second S 249 secondaire A 43, S 245 secondiflore S 246 secondifolie S 247 secondine S 248, T 48 s6cr6tion S 239 s6cr6toire S 240 secteur S 242 section S 241 -transversale T 402 sectoriel S 243 segetal S 255 segment S 258 -de la feuille S 258 segmentation S 256 segmente S 257 segregation S 259 seirolytique S 262 seirospore S 263 seismochorisme S 264 seismonastie S 265 s6ismotropisme S 266 s6lectif S 269 selection D 47, S 268 -artificielle S 268 -naturelle N 26, S 268 -des plantes S 268 seiectionn6 S 270 s616notropisme S 272 selle S 273 selliforme S 274 semailles S 92, 336 semblable A 42, 208, 242, H 358, I 292, M 473, О 60, О 199, P 87, S 515 tres- P 347 semblant S 519 sem6 S 88 semence S 276 semences ё-aiiees P 1620 к cinq-P 251 ё-noires G 3 к quatre- T 200 ё-ridees R 316 &-sph6riques S 713 semi-. S 277 -amplexicaule S 281 -amplexiflore S 282 -annulaire S 283 -circulaire S 293 -cordiforme S 298 -coste S 299 -cylindrique S 376 -decurrent S 302 -dehiscent S 304 -dente en scie S 364 -digyne S 305 -double S 306, 355 -6quitant S 307 -flosculeux S 309 -gamop6tale S 313 -globuleux S 314 -grille S 290 -humide S 317 -integrifolie S 320 -latent S 323 -lobe S 328 -lunaire S 331 -mesophytique S 333 -nude S 340 -orbiculaire S 344 INDEX FRANQAIS semi- -ovale S 345 -реппё S 354 -plisse S 356 -radie S 357 -refl6chi S 358 -r6niforme S 359 -reticule S 360 -sagitte S 361 -septe S 362 -siccatif S 367 -staminaire S 368 -strie S 370 -subuie S 371 -symphyostemone S 374, -trigyne S 379 -turbaniforme S 380 -valve S 382 semi-apogamie S 285 semi-hercogamie S 316. semi-lichen S 327 seminal S 334, 639 semination S 336 s6minicole S 337 s6minifere S 338 s6miniforme S 339 semi-species S 365 semi-sterilite S 369 sens S 397 sensibilite S 395 sensible S 396 sensitif P 1636, S 396 sentant comme la cannelle-С 445 senteur О 64 sentier S 375 -de borne V 84 s6pale S 402 sepales ё-S 403-ё-etroites S 927 ё-velus T 462 s6palodie S 400 s6paloide S 399 s6palule S 401 separable S 566 separation D 331, S 237». S 259, 569 separe D 139, 299, 311, 313». D 364, I 320, S 238, 405». S 570 non- I 121 s6piac6 S 407 sepiaire S 14 sepicole S 14 sept (A-) H 150, S 409* par- S 409 septal S 410 septe S 411 non- E 356 transversalement- T 401» septemlobe S 413 septemnervie S 414 septentrional S 415 INDEX FRANQAIS 873 septicide S 416 septiffcre S 418 septiforme S 419 septifrage S 420 septique S 417 septobaside S 422 «eptul£ S 423 s£pulcral S 427 «6qu6 S 244 s6rie S 433 $6ri6 S 431 non- A 1094 ~s6ri6 F 19 s6rotin S 434 serpentant S 435, 437, T 360 serpentiforme О 188, S 435 serpentine S 437 serratifoli6 S 441 serrature S 446 -chaude С 28, F 43 -d’6te A 282 -k temperature tifcde T 115 «еггё A 995, G 710, 764, С 866, D 68, P 1675, S 984 peu- L 73 ttes С 720 serriforme S 448 sertiforme S 452 sertule S 453 sessile S 458 seston S 459 sestonologie S 460 s6tac6 S 464 -dent6 S 462 s6teux S 468 s6tiflore S 465 s6tifoli6 S 466 s6tiforme S 464 s6tuleux G 249 «6tulifSre S 470 seul H 24, S 565 к un-M 392, U 36 sSve H 446 sexe S 482 sexfari6 S 475 sexjugu6 S 476 sexloculaire S 477 sexocarpie S 476 sextuple S 479 sexualite S 481 sexuel A 298, S 480 siccifo№ S 486 siccite S 487 sidSrophile S 492 sidSrophobe S 493 sigilte S 494 sigmoide S 495 signe N 156 signes S 497 signS S 496 siliceux S 498 silicicole S 499 silicification S 500 silicule S 501 -uniloculaire N 175 siliculeux S 503 siliculiforme S 502 silique S 504 siliques (k plusieurs-) M 570 siliqueux S 506 siliquiforme S 505 sillon С 644, S 1280 -nectariffere S 1280 sillons к cinq- Q 48 &-profonds E 41 sillonnS С 641, S 1278 non- A 1100 sinueusement- R 333 similaire S 515 similitude S 517 similisym6trie S 516 simple H 24, S 518 simultan6 G 541, S 520 singulier S 522 sinistrogyre S 524 sinistrorse S 525 sinistrostylie S 526 sinu6 S 527 sinueux A 758, С 641, M 70, S 529 sinuolS S 528 sinus S 530 siphonanthie S 533 siphonS S 532 siphonogamie S 535 siphonophytes S 534 siphonoplaste S 536 siphonostele S 537 siraplancton S 538 sitotropisme S 539 situation S 540 situ6 P 1128, S 541 -au-dessous О 191, S 1201 -au-dessus E 229 six {к-) H 272, S 389, 471 contenant- S 389 sobole S 543 sobolifSre S 544 sociabilite S 545 social S 546 sociation S 547 societS S 549 sociologie S 550 sociomorphologie S 551 soie S 461 petite- S 469 soies к cinq- P 241 S-mucronSes S 463 & petites-S 470 ё-raides С 769 soit effacSI D 48 sol S 567 solaire S 553 solarisation S 554 solarium S 555 soleil S 552 de- H 76 solenaidie S 558 soleniaplancton S 559 solenostSle S 560 soli- H 76 solide S 563 solidite S 562 solitaire A 638, E 321, I 320, S 522, 565, U 36 soliveau (en-) T 312 soluble S 566 solution S 569 somatique S 572 somatoblaste S 573 вота^ёпе S 575 somatophytes S 577 somatoplasme S 578 somatotropisme S 579 sombre О 22, T 565 sommaire E 309 sommeil S 582 -des plantes S 582 sommeillant (non-) A 314 sommet A 889, С 949, V 86 au- A 106, 904 вотпНёге S 581 sorale S 584 sordago S 585 sordide S 586 sore S 596 к sores S 597 sor6die S 588 sor£di£ S 587 sorema S 589 эопГёге S 591 sorose S 594 sortant E 470 sorte P 1271 souche S 1318 soudant (se-) A 210 soud6 A 52, 181, 194, 212, A 793, С 543, 709, 741, G 37, S 1359 non- E 88 -tout к l’entour С 464 soudure G 544 souillg I 173 source F 119, S 129 souris comme la queue de- M 631 gris de- M 583, 619 ressemblant a une- M 618 sous-arbrisseau S 1099, 1272 sous-arbustif S 1274 sous-association S 1104 sous-classe S 1123 sous-езрёсе S 1231 sous-famille S 1178 sous-forme S 1181 878 sous-frutescent S 1271 sous-genre S 1185 sous-ligneux S 1204 sous-ordre S 1216 sous-rfcgne S 1220 sous-section S 1226 sous-s6rie S 1228 sous-tribu S 1244 sous-vari6te S 1249 soutenant F 178, S 1275, S 1322 soutenu S 1276 souterrain G 119, H 58, S 1239 soutien F 180 soyeux S 432 compietement- H 352 presque- S 1227 spadice S 602 spadice S 598, 600 spadiciflore S 601 spanandrie S 604 spanogynie S 607 sparsiflore S 610 sparsifolie S 611 sparsioplastes S 612 spathace S 615 spathe S 614 ё-S 616 spathe S 616 spathiforme S 615 spathille S 619 spathuie S 620 spatole S 621 special P 1166, 1311, S 622 specialisation S 623 specifique S 625 specimen S 626 specioles S 627 speciologie S 628 spectre S 632 -d’absorbtion A 23 -biologique S 632 speiranthie S 634 speireme S 635 speieologie S 637 spermamibe S 642 spermangium S 643 spermapode S 646 spermatide S 651 spermatiifere S 652 spermatio'ide S 653 spermatique S 650 spermatium S 655 spermatocarpie S 656 spermatocinetique S 667 spermatocyste S 658 spermatocytium S 660 spermatogamete S 661 spermatogene S 663 spermatogenese S 662 spermatogonium S 665 spermatographie S 666 spermatophytes S 668 spermatoplasme S 669 spermatoplaste S 670 spermatozo'ide S 673 spermocarpe S 677 spermocentre S 679 spermoderme S 680 spermogonie S 686 spermogoniif6re S 685 spermologie S 687 spermophore S 689 spermophorium S 633 spermosphfere S 692 spermospore S 691 spermotype S 695 sphaceie S 696 sphac61e S 697 sphagnologie S 720 sphagnophytes S 721 sphalerocarpe S 722 sph6raplancton S 701 spherenchyme S 702 sph6rique G 166, S 69У largement- О 13 presque- S 1187 sph6rocarpe S 704 spherochorise S 705 spherocristals S 700 spherome S 707 sph6rophytes S 709 spheroraphides S 700 spherosp orange S 715 sph6rotheque S 717 spherule S 718 sphingophile S 725 sphygmisme S 727 spicif6re S 730 spiciforme S 731 spicule S 733 spicule S 734 spiculiforme S 735 spinelle S 743 spinelie S 744 spinescent S 745 spini- S 741 -carpe S 746 -folie S 747 -forme S 748 spinule S 743 spinuleux S 744, 751 -dente S 752 spiraie S 754 non- A 1079 spiralisation S 755 spiralisme S 756 spire S 753 spireme S 758 spirille S 759 spirocarpe S 760 spirocyclique S 762 spirolobe S 764 spirotrope S 765 spiroisme S 763 spodogramme S 770 spongieux S 775 INDEX FRANQAIS spongiforme S 772 spongiole S 773 spongioplasme S 774 spongiophylle S 776 spontane E 344, S 778 sporadique S 780 sporange S 789, T 231 sporangidium S 782 sporangie S 781 sporangifere S 783 sporangiole S 785 sporangiophore S 786 sporangiosore S 787 sporangiospore S 788 -spore S 790 spore S 779 -bicellulaire D 194 -de conservation G 401, H 566, S 879 -nue G 274 -de r6sistence С 1016 spores a beaucoup de- P 1054 sans- A 1081 sporidie S 796 sporidiifere S 791 sporidiiforme S 792 sporidiole S 794 sporifere S 797 sporiparite S 799 sporocarpe S 802 sporochores S 803 sporoclade S 804 sporocyste S 806 sporocyte S 807 sporocytium S 808 sporoderme S 809 sporodoque S 810 sporogamie S 811 sporogene S 813 sporogenese S 812 sporogone С 78, S 816 sporo'ide S 817 sporophore S 461, 819 sporophyade S 821 sporophylle S 822 sporophyte S 824 sporophytique S 823 sporosome S 825 sporostege S 826 sporotheque S 828 sporotrophophylle S 892 sporule S 831 sporulifere S 833 spumescent S 835 squalide S 837 squame S 839 squamelle S 841 squamellifere S 842 squamelliforme S 843 squameux S 838 squami- S 838 -fere S 838 -forme S 840 INDEX FRANQAIS squamodie S 844 squamuleux S 842 squamuliforme S 843 squarreux S 846 squarruleux S 847 squelette S 131 stabiloplastes S 849 stable С 763, S 848 stade P 423 -palmella P 52 stagnant S 854 stagnoplancton S 855 staminaire S 848 staming M 113 stamineux S 862 staminiffere S 859 staminiforme S 860 staminode S 861 stasigenfese S 865 stasimorphie S 866 stase S 867 stasophile S 868 stasophytes S 869 statenchyme S 870 stathmokinfcse S 871 station H 3, S 873 statique S 872 statistique S 874 statocrate S 875 statocystes S 876 statolithes S 877 statoplastes S 878 stauroconidie S 882 staurophylle S 885 stauros S 886 stegmates S 888 stegocarpique S 890 steironothie S 891 stelaire S 892 st61e G 215, S 893 stellule S 897 stellul6 S 898 stelolemme S 899 st6nobathique S 903 stёnocёnique S 910 81ёпосёпозе S 911 81ёпос1юге S 908 Б1ёпос11опе S 907 stёnocyste S 912 51ёпоёа(1ие S 914 81ёпоЬа1те S 916 stёnohydrique S 917 stёnohygгique S 918 в1ёпотогрЬе S 920 stёnophotique S 923 51ёпор1а81юНё S 925 81ёпо&е S 928 st6nospermocarpie S 929 81ёпо81асЬуё S 931 stёnosynusique S 932 stёnothermique S 933 &1ёпо1ор1е S 934 Бtёnotopique S 935 в1ёпо!горе S 936 stenoxybiontes S 937 stephanocarpe S 939 stephanodophytes S 940 steppe S 941 stercophile S 942 stereiaes S 944 Б1ёгёоте S 947 81ёгёорЬу11е S 948 Б1ёгёор1а8те S 949 st6r6ope S 950 stёrigme S 955 stёгigmаte S 955 stkrde A 298, 1068, N 110, S 956 relativement- T 320 sterilisation S 957 sterilto A 297, S 958 -absolue S 891 sternotribe S 959 sternutatoire S 960 stlrrophile S 961 stichidium S 964 stichobaside S 966 stichocarpe S 967 stigmate S 970 stigmateux S 979 Б^таШёге S 972 stigmatiforme S 973 stigmatique S 971 stigmatomycose S 974 stigmatonomium S 975 stigmatophore S 976 stigmaU^ge S 978 stipe С 189, S 987 k-P 890 ё-brun P 404 ё-гепШ О 85 stipelle S 985 stipelte S 986 stip^ S 988 stipitiforme S 989 stipula^ S 992 stipule S 990 stipute S 993 stipuleux S 995 stipuliffere S 993 stipuliforme S 994 stolon S 998 stoloniffere S 999 stoloniforme S 1000 stomataire S 1002 stomate S 1001 stomatitere S 1004 stomatique S 1003 stomatocarpe S 1006 stomium S 1007 stratification S 1014 Btratifi6 H 224, S 1015, T 6 stratiobotanique S 1016 strepsinema S 1020 streps№ne S 1021 striation S 1028 stridulant S 1031 874 strie SJ025, V 152 stries &-noir&tres A 1136 sans-A 100, E 358 sink S 1029, V 129, 153 finement- S 1026 striga S 1032 strigueux S 1033 striiforme S 1034 striote S 1035 з^оЬИасё S 1036 strobile С 784, S 1039 strobite S 1037 81гоЬ1Шёге С 735 stroma S 1040 Б^отаШёге S 1041 stromatoide S 1042 strombus S 1044 strophanthine S 1046 strophisme S 1048 Б1гор1^епё8е S 1049 strophomanie S 1050 strophotaxie S 1051 structure S 1052 -floristique S 1052 strumeux S 1055 strun^re S 1055 strumiforme S 1056 strychnine S 1058 в^расё S 1060 81ирёПап1 N 15, T 88 stygobiontes S 1062 stylaire S 1064 style S 1081 &-S 1063 &-en clou G 195 k-duvetk P 1624 ё-long D 364 sans-A 1099 styles &deux- D 341 ё-filiformes L 130 к plusieurs-P 1066 -style S 1063 styleux S 1079 в1уШёге S 1065 stylidium S 1066 styliduc S 1067 styliforme S 1068 styliplancton S 1070 stylo- S 1063 stylode S 1072 stylogonidie S 1073 stylo'ides S 1074 stylopode S 1075 stylospore S 1076 stylostёge S 1077 suave S 1084 sub- -aigu S 1089 -alpin S 1093 -anguleux S 1094 -arborescent S 1098 -arctique S 1100 876 sub--arqu6 S 1101 -atlantique S 1105 -auricuie S 1106 -biflore S 1109 -bilobe S 1110 -barbu S 1108 -campanuie S 1112 -canalicuie S 1114 -capillaire S 1115 -carene S 1116 -cartilagineux S 1118 -central S 1120 -cilie S 1121 -claviforme S 1125 -concentrique S 1129 -conique S 1131 -convolute S 1132 -copieux S 1133 -coriace S 1136 -cortical S 1137 -corymbeux S 1138 -сгепё S 1139 -crispe S 1140 -cylindrace S 1145 -decandre S 1146 -d6current S 1147 -dente S 1148 -deprim6 S 1149 -dichotome S 1151 -difforme S 1152 -digite S 1153 -dioique S 1156 -distique S 1157 -dominant S 1161 -6gale S 1090 -endemique S1164 -6pidermale S 1165 -6pistatique S 1166 -equilateral S 1091 -erige S 1168 -fascicule S 1179 -florale S 1180 -glabre S 1186 -globulaire S 1187 -gyno6cique S 1189 -hirsute S 1190 -hymeniale S 1191 -hypostatique S 1193 -imbrique S 1195 -integrifoli6 S 1200 -littoral S 1205 -marin S 1206 -merge I 52, S 1207 presque-- S 1196 -mers6 D 55 -micronique S 1208 -microscopique S 1209 -microsome S1210 -niveal S 1212 -ombelle S 1248 -orbiculaire S 1214 -ov6 S 1217 -rameux S 1219 sub- -reniforme S 1221 •rostre S 1223 -sessile S 1230 -spontane S 1233 -squameux S 1234 -stomatique S 1236 -terminal S 1238 -tetragone S 1240 -tomenteux S 1242 -tropical S 1246 -veloute S 1250 -verticilie S 1251 subclimax S 1126 subcuticule S 1144 subdio6cie S 1155 subdivision S 1159 sub6reux S 1175 sub6rification S 1169 sub6rine S 1172 suberogfene S 1174 subex S 1176 subformation S 1182 subfossile S 1183 subhymenium S 1192 subiculum S 1194 subordination S 1215 substance S 1235 substratum S 1237 subtil S 1241 subtrio6cie S 1245 subuie S 1247 sue L 208, S 1260 -cellulaire G 1058, E 122, S 1266 -mielleux N 51 -nucl6aire G 139 -vacuolaire S 1266 succ6dane S 1253, 1256 successibilite S 1254 successif S 1256 succession S 1255 succifere С 414, S 1257 succulent S 1263 succulentes S 1264 sugoir H 55 sugoirs initials P 1186 sucre (contenant de-) S 6 sucr6 S 6 sud (de-) M 196 sudorifique S 1268 suffixe diminutif E 93 suffocant S 1270 suie couleur de- F 182 suivant P 1134, S 249, 429 superbe S 1286 supercrescent S 1288 superespece S 1298 superficiel E 16, S 1289 superfetation S 1292 superflu H 551, S 1291 sup6rieur S 1294, 1299 superparasite S 1296 INDEX FRANQAIS superpose S 1297 supervolutif S 1300 supplement M 94, S 1302 supplements A 178 supplemental A 179 support P 362 supra--axillaire S 1304 -basal S 1305 -decompose S 1307 -fastigie S 1308 -p6tiolaire S 1312 -terrestre S 1315 suprasp6cies S 1314 supression S 1303 sur E 229 surcule S 1318 surculeux S 1317 surculifere S 1317 sure G 241 surface A 1000, S 1290 surfoliace S 1309 surgeon S 1318 surmaturation S 1310 surnageant E 268, S 1295 surnum6raire S 1311 suspendu S 1321 suspenseur S 1320 suturale S 1324 suture R 66, S 1323 -dorsale D 368 -ventrale Y 60 suture S 1325 sutureux S 1325 suturifere S 1325 svelte E 445 sycone S 1327 sycose S 1328 sylvestre S 508 sylvicole S 510 sylviculture S 511 sylvosteppe S 512 symbasis S 1334 symbiotes S 1335 symbiose S 1336 symbiotique S 1337 symbiotrophique S 1340 symbiotrophisme S 1339 symetranthe S 1342 symetrie S 1343 к — radiaire R 38 -radiaire R 16 symetrique S 1344 sym6trocarpe S 1345 sympatrique S 1346 sympeda S 1347 symperianthe S 1348 sympetale S 1349 symphicarpe S 1351 symphyllode S 1352 symphyogenese S 1354 symphytique S 1359 symphytogyne S 1360 symplaste S 1362 INDEX FRANQAIS sympode S 1365 sympodiale S 1364 sympolymorphisme S 1366 symptomatologie S 1368 symptdme S 1367 synakinete S 1371 synandre S 1372 synandrie S 1373 synandrodium S 1374 synangium S 1375 synanthe S 1379 synanthfere S 1376 synanth6rie S 1377 synanthfcse S 1378 synanthie S 1380 synanthodie S 1381 synaphose S 1383 synapsis S 1384 synaptospermie S 1386 synarmophy tes S 1388 syncarpe S 1392, 1393 syncarpie S 1391 syncaryonte S 1395 syncaryotique S 1397 sync6phate S 1398 synchorologie S 1400 synchorologique S 1401 synchrone S 1402 synchronique S 1402 synchronogamie S 1403 synchronologie S 1404 syncolliphytes S 1406 syncotyledon6 S 1407 syncotylie S 1408 syncyanose S 1409 syncyte S 1410 syndёse S 1411 synd6toch6ile S 1412 syndimorphisme S 1413 syndiplo'ide S 1415 syndiploidie S 1414 syndynamique S 1416 syn6cique S 1436 syn6cologie S 1437 syn6cologique S 1438 вупёте S 1417 synenchyme S 1418 synergides S 1420 synergisme S 1419 syngam6on S 1421 syngantetie S 1423 syngamie S 1424 syngёnёtique S 1427 syngrammes S 1428 synhaploide S 1430 synmorphologie S 1432 synema S 1417, 1433 syno6cie S 1435 eynonyme S 1440 -porteur de l^pitltete В 49 synonymie S 1439 synoptique S 1442 eynorrhize S 1443 synp6tale 8 1444 synsgpale S 1445 synsperme S 1446 synsporange S 1447 synspore S 1448 syntaxon S 1450 syntaxonomie S 1451 synteiomitique S 1452 syntgpale S 1453 syntl^e S 1330 syntriploidie S 1454 syntrophie S 1455 syntropique S 1458 syntype S 1459 synusie S 1460 synzoique S 1461 synzoogonidie S 1463 synzoospore S 1464 synzygie S 1465 synphonogёnie S 1466 syringodendron S 1469 syrrotia S 1470 syrtidium S 1471 sytidophile S 1472 syrtidophytes S 1473 syssomata S 1474 systellophytes S 1475 syst6matique S 1477, 1478 systematisation S 1479 ву51ёте S 1476 -naturel N 26, S 1476 -des plantes S 1476 -radiculaire S 1476 systole S 1480 systolique S 1481 systrophe S 1482 tabac (couleur de-) T 1 tabacin T 1 1аЬёв T 2 tabescence T 2 tabescent T 3 table T 4 tablier L 3 tabulaire T 5 tache M 64 -circulaire A 1006 -oculaire S 970 t&ches a-noires S 696 tach£ С 762, I 173, M 66 -en goutte G 265 tachet6 J 3, L 98, M 66, N 36, P 679, S 968, T 313 1асЬуаихёве T 9 tachygenfese T 10 tachysporie T 11 tactile T 13 tactique T 12 tactisme T 14 taiga T 19 tangentiel T 21 tannin T 22 878 tapesium T 23 tapgtale T 24 1арё№т T 25 taphrenchyme T 26 tardif S 434, 454, T 30 tardiflore T 29 tartareux T 31 tass6 A 54 tautonyme T 32 taxit6rie T 35 taxon T 37 taxonomie T 38 taxonomique T 39 tecnospore T 40 tectoparatype T 41 tectopl6siotype T 42 tectotype T 43 t6gmentac6 T 49 t6gmin6 T 50 t£gulicole T 53 t6gument I 204, T 48, 649 -externe de la graine T 145 -ovulaire I 204 -8ётша1 I 204 teichosome T 54 teignant T 314 t£leutosore T 62 teleutospore T 63 telmaplancton T 70 teiocentrique T 72 teiochromomeres T 73 t61ochromosome T 74 1ё1осга1е T 75 tёlogonidie T 76 telom T 78 1ё1отёгев T 79 1ё1орЬа&е T 81 1ё1о8упар815 T 83 tёmoignё par T 147 1етрёгап1 T 85 1етрёгё T 86 temporaire E 228, F 177 temps T 87 tenace T 92 tenant T 96 tendre T 97 1ёпёЬгеих T 94 1ёпёЬпсо1е T 93 tension T 98 tentaculaire T 99 tentacule T 101 1еп1аси1ё T 100 tenuifo№ T 107 1ёра1е T 109 k t6pales T 110 -1ёра1е T 110 tёpidarium T 115 1ёга^ёте T 116 teratologie T 117 tёratologique T 118 teratome T 119 tercine T 120 tereti- T 128 terminal T 127 т tergdmid Т 125 terme Т 181 •technique Т 181 terminal А 106» 903 terminaliaation Т 128 terminant (ее-) D 96» Т 129 termini en queue С 188 terminologie T 180 ternaire T 182 terne-brun С 904 tern* T 133 deux foie- В 220 terre 8 567» T 135 couleur de- T 137 croieeant eur-ealine 8 23 •ruineuee R 889 terreetre G 102, T 66, 136 terricole T 138 terriphytee T 139 territoire T 140 tertiaire T 141 teeeeta T 143 teeta T 145 teatad T 146 teeticulaire T 148 testicuta T 148 tlte С 80 tltra--cyclique T 162 -aidyme T 165 •dyname T 168 -Idrique T 169 -gonocarpe T 174 -gonolobe T 175 -gyne T 176 -mire T 180 -mlristllique T 179 -morphe T 181 -nuclei T 184 -pitale T 185 ^ -‘ique T 186 -phytatique _ •plolde T 189 -ptlre T 191 -dpale T 198 -aomique T 199 -spore T 205 -sporiflre T 203 •stachyl T 206 -atlmone T 207 -stigmata T 209 •stique Q 21 -atytt T 210 tatrachotomie T 159 tltracotylldon T 161 tatracytae T 168 tatrade T 198 Utradlme T 164 tatradbgentae T 166 tatregonidange T 172 tatragonidie T 178 tltrnhybride T 177 tatraktae T 158 tatrandre T 182 tatranthfcre T 183 tatraplostamone T 190 tatrarche T 194 tatrasporange T 202 tatraspore T 201 tatrasporophyte T 204 textOi T 212 thatamiflore T 215 thalamium T 216 thalaesophile T 220 thalaeeqplancton T 222 thalle T 227 thallidie T 223 thallochlore T 225 thalldde T 224 thaUophytee T 226 thamnium T 228 the oa to tope T 230 tttacaphore T 232, 233 th6ciforme С 605, T 237 thfeium T 238 thelyblaete T 245 thelycaryonte T 246 thelycaryotique T 247 thelygtaie T 248 thelytokie T 249 th8orttique T 253 thfcque T 231 th6rap6utique T 254 thtoiaque T 255 thermal T 256 thermauxisme T 257 thermique T 258 thermochorieme T 260 thermocl6istogamie T 261 thermodiffusion T 262 thermofeth6sie T 259 thermogfcne T 263 thermoindifferent T 264 thermolabile T 265 thermolyse T 266 thermontatre T 267 thermomorphoee T 268 thermonastie T 269 thermopGriodicita T 270 thermophase T 271 thermophile T 272 thermophylactique T 273 thermophytes T 274 thermoregulation T 275 thermostable T 276 thermotactisme T 277 thermotolerant T 279 thermotropisms T 280 theromtgatherme T 281 theromteotherme T 282 theromicrotherme T 883 therophylle T 284 therophytes T 285 thtee T 287 thigmonaetie T 290 thigmotaxie T 292 INDEX PRANQAIS thigmotropisme T 293 thinicole T 294 thiobactaries T 296 thiophile T 297 thixotropie T 298 thylles T 302 thyllisation T 303 thyllolde T 304 thyrsi- T 306 -forme T 307 tige С 195, 8 997 -charnue S 66 -cramponnante A 206 -grimpante S 112 -principale P 1208 -seconaaire S 245 -simple 8 518 4 tige add P 1614 ё-атёге A 490 ё-snguleuse G 213 ё-courts В 273 ё-droite В 93 ё-filiforme N 71 ё-сг*1е Ь 117 ё-targe Р 789 ё-mince Т 106 ё plusieurs tiges М 519, Р 1032 ё-rouge R 374 ё-вШоппёе 8 1279 ё-tordue 8 1023 ё-velue Т 444 tigdle de l’embryon С 191 tigrd Т 313 tinctorial Т 314 tiphicole Т 316 tiri-4-part 8 404 tisd рё1е-тйе 1 236 tissu С 213, 772 -d’absorption A 23 -аёгНёге A 257 -assimitateur С 326 •cellulaire G 772 -conducteur T 55 -connectif T 55 -entretad T 55 -fibreux С 772 -fondamental С 772, P 1349 -ligneux P 827 -meristamatique M 199 -palin&dique С 772 -primaire С 772 -protacteur T 55 -secondaire С 772 -sferttoire 8 240 -de soutien S 947 -vascntaire T 55 tocoiygote T 321 toise О 233 tombant G 6, 613, D 15, E 63, P 713, S 235 tomb* D 46 tome T 831 INDEX FRANQAIS tomenteux T 326 faiblement- T 325 finement- T 325 tomentum T 327 tomiange T 328 tomipare T 330 tondu D 113 ton6sie T 332 tonicita T 333 -tonique T 334 tonnelet (ressemblant & un-) О 213 tonoplaste T 335 tonose T 336 tonotaxie T 337 tonsile T 339 topique T 341 topobiontes T 342 topochemotaxie T 343 topoclimat T 344 topogalvanotaxie T 345 topographie T 346 topophototaxie T 347 topotaxie T 348 topotropisme T 349 topotype T 350 tordu A 689, D 338, С 778, G 314, S 754,1022, T 354,358 -en агпёге О 29 -en dedans 1 240 -en dehors R 202 doublement- В 217 falsement- P 1504 -a gauche S 524 presque- S 1158 torface T 654 torrents (aimant les-) R 306 torride T 356 torsion G 317, T 357 tortile T 358 tortilla S 1022, T 354 tortueux A 758, L 8, T 360 toruleux T 362 torus T 363 touchant A 1141 se- С 773 touffe de poils P 235 touffu С 13, 651, S 984 toundra T 648 toupie (en-) T 652 tour S 753 tourbe T 653 tourbeux T 654 tourbiares T 655 tourn£ S 631 -en arrifere R 212 -5 gauche S 525 -vers G 792 tournoyant G 314 tout О 144, P 63, T 365 -5 fait P 63 toxicity T 368 toxicologie T 369 toxiffere T 367 toxines T 370 toxique T 366, V 56 trab£cu№ T 373 trab6cules T 372 trabant R 150 trace E 40, V 99 trach6es T 374 trach&des T 375 trachenchyme T 376 tractellum T 381 tractrice racine- С 779 traits T 380 trame T 383 tranchant A 90,170 tranche S 1262 tranquille T 384 transformisme T 387 transient T 388 transition T 390 transitoire T 389 translateur T 392 translocation T 393 translucide P 224, T 394 transparence T 396 transparent A 960, С 932t H 448, T 395 presque- S 1150 transpiration T 397 transpiromfetre T 398 transplantation T 399 transport T 391 transversal T 402 trap£ziforme T 403 trap6zoidal T 403 traumatique T 404 traumatochorisme T 405 traumatodinfese T 406 traumatonastie T 407 traumatotaxie T 408 traumatotropisme T 409 treillisa С 60, T 212 tremblant T 411 tremmatologie T 299 trempa S 1277 trfcs P 253, 1156 tr^sor T 286 tress6 P 794 tri- T 413 -adelphe T 415 -andre T 417 -angulaire D 54, T 418, T 496 -anthteiffere T 419 -arche T 421 -arista T 423 -articuia T 424 -bractei T 425 -capsulaire T 428 -сагепё T 429 -carpellaire T 430 -ctpnale T 431 tri- -chlamyda T 439 -colore T 468 -corne T 469 -costt T 470 -cotyledon6 T 471 -cuspida T 472 -cyclique T 473 -dactyle T 474 -denta T 475 -digita T 474 --penna T 477 -dyname T 481 -ennal T 482 -faria T 556 -fide T 484 -flore T 420 -folia T 486 -folioia T 487 -forme T 512 -furqua T 490 -game T 491 -ganarique T 493 -glochidia T 494 -glume T 495 -gone T 496 -gonocarpe T 497 -gyne T 498 -hilifare T 499 -lataral T 502 -late T 503 -loba T 504 -loGulaire T 505 -macula T 506 -тёге T 507 -morphe T 512 -nerva T 515 -nominal T 516 -nuclea T 517 -oacique T 520 -ovuia T 521 -parti T 523 -partible T 522 -реппё T 527 -patale T 524 -phyiatique T 525 -pinnatifide T 528 -pinnatipartite T 529 •pinnatisaqua T 530 -polaire T 546 -ругёпе T 550 -radia T 552 -sapale T 554 -septa T 555 -saqua T 553 -sana т 556 -sateux T 558 -sillonna T 569 -somique T 559 •sperme T 560 -spore T 561 -stachya T 562 -stigmata T 564 •stria T 566 87t -style T 568 -ternatisdqua T 570 -temd T 571 -tubercuia T 572 -uncina T 573 -valent T 574 -valve T 575 -vasculaire T 576 -zona T 580 triachaine T 414 tribu T 426 trichanthe T 434 trichilium T 437 trichitee T 428 trichobactaries T 440 trichoblaste T 441 trichocalyca T 442 trichocarpe T 443 trichocoque T 448 trichodonte T 450 trichogyne T 451 trichoide T 449 trichome T 453 trichopatale T 455 trichophore T 456 trichoplancton T 459 trichopode T 460 trichosporange T 464 trichotnallique T 466 trichotome T 467 trihybride T 500 trimaristaie T 508 trimestriel T 509 trimonoacie T 510 trioacie T 519 triplasie T 531 triple T 532 triplocaule T 541 triplofde T 542 triplostamonie T 543 triplostique T 544 triposplancton T 547 tripton T 549 triste T 565 tristylie T 567 trivial T 577 trixanie T 579 trochiaaire T 581 troglobionte T 584 troglodyte T 585 trogloxane T 586 trois T 412 a-T 413 -a trois T 133 trompette (en-) H 584 a fleurs en- S 26 trompeur D 16, M 190, S 519 tronc G 189, S 997, T 620 -des palmiers S 987 troncatuia T 616 tronqud T 617 tropaxis T 587 •trope T 611 trophie T 588 trophique T 589 trophobiose T 590 trophochromatine T 591 trophochromidie T 592 trophocotophylle T 593 trophocotosome T 594 trophocyte T 595 trophog&ne T 596 trophomixie T 597 trophomorphose T 598 trophonucleus T 600 trophophylle T 601 trophoplasme T 602 trophosome T 604 trophosporophylle T 606 trophosporosome T 607 trophotropisme T 609 tropical T 610 tropisme T 612 tropomorphisme T 613 tropophytes T 614 troua F 34 troupe G 256 trouvant (se-) О 44 truelliforme T 615 truncicole T 618 truncigane T 619 tryma T 621 tube T 643 а-court В 292 -calicinal T 643 -de la corolle С 816 -cribia T 643, С 886 -parigoniaire T 643 -pollinique P 925, T 643 tuner gemmiforme T 634 tubarascent T 624 tubercule T 623, 630 tubercuia T 626 tubercules geminas T 623 tuberculeux T 629 tuberculiforme T 627 tuberculisation T 628 tubareux T 636 tubariforme T 633 tubarosita T 635 tubiforme T 638 tubille T 639 tubulaire T 640 tubule T 642 tubuleux S 532, T 641 tubuliforme T 640 tuent les loups L 285 tuUe I 48 tumafia S 1054 tumescent T 645 tumeur S 1053, T 647 tumide T 646 tunique T 649 tuniqud T 650 turbaniforme T 651 turbina T 652 turgescence T 657 turgescent T 656 INDEX FRANQAIS turgide T 658 turgidita T 657 turgonastie T 659 turion T 660 turriforme T 661 tychocanotique T 663 tycholimnatique T 664 tychoplancton T 666 tychopaiagique T 665 tychopotamique T 667 tychothelytokie T 668 type T 679 -ancestrale P 1423 -du taxon P 1423 typique E 360, T 673 typogenase T 674 typologie T 675 typolyse T 676 typonyme T 677 typostase T 678 ubiquiste U 3 uligineux U 5 ultramicron U 9 ultramicroscope U 10 ultraplancton U 11 ultraseston U 12 un U 81 -et demi S 455 uni С 744, J 20 uni- -bracteta U 37 -capsulaire U 40 -caule U 41 -cellulaire U 42 -cilia U 43 -cloisonna U 70 -colore G 694, M 405 -costa U 45 -denta U 46 -embryonna U 47 -aperonna U 38 -facial U 48 -fare U 51 -feuilia M 434 -flageUa U 52 -flore U 53 -folia U 54 -follicule U 55 -forme H 355, U 56 •gamina U 58 -jugua U 58 •labia U 59 -lataral U 60 •loba и 6i -loculaire | M 455, U 62 -nerva U 63 -nominal U 64 •nuclea U 65 -ovuia U 66 -polaire U 68 -saria U 71 -serua D 179, M 417 INDEX FRANQAIS -sexuel U 73 -spirate U 74 -stratifi6 U 75 -tegminO U 76 -valve U 78 -valvulaire U 78 -vore M 432 unicelles U 42 union S 1358 unique S 522, 565, U 36 universel U 79 игсёо1е U 83 игсёо1ё U 82 uredosore U 86, 87 u^dospore P 1416 urne U 89 a urncs С 415 urniforme U 82 ursines U 91 urticant U 88 uterus U 95 utile U 96 utriculaire U 97 utricule U 99 utricute U 98 utriculiforme U 97 vacuolaire V 4 vacuole V 3 -contractile С 779 -digestive V 3 vacuolA V 5 vacuolisation V 6 vacuome V 7 vade-mecum V 9 vagile V 12 vaginal V 14 vaginule V 17 vague V 18 vaisseau V 39 vaisseaux -аппйёв A 798 -спЫёв T 643, V 39 -laticiffcres Y 39 -ligneux V 39 -^ticutes V 39 -scalariformes V 39 -spirals S 754, V 39 valence V 20 valide V 19 val№cule V 21 val№cu№ Y 22 valtee С 786, V 24 pussant dans les vallAes V 23 valvacA V 26 valve V 25 valvA V 27 valviforme V 26 valvule V 29 variabilitA Y 31 variable D 349, M 586, Y 30 variation Y 33 vai^ H 175, P 899, V 38 va^gation V 34 variёtё V 36 variifo№ H 236 vasculaire V 40 vёgёtaЫe V 44 vёgёtatif V 46 vёgёtation V 45 veille des plantes Y 116 veine V 54 a veines poilues P 445 veinA P 441, V 58 veinuleux Y 63 velamen V 48 velout^ V 53 velu L 54, T 432, V 120 -au dessous H 594 complement- H 353 linement- V 119 -tout autour A 556 venation V 55 vёnёneux V 56 ventral V 60 ventre V 59 ventriforme V 61 ventru V 61 verdatre С 327, Y 127, 137 -blanc A 517, 1053 -1опсё S 89 -jaune С 327 verdissage V 128 verdissant V 127 verdissement V 128 verdoyant V 127 ve^ V 129 verger P 1086 vёrifier (de-) I 174 >^ritable V 91 vermiforme H 92, V 68 vermifuge S 40, V 69 vermilion (rouge-) P 460 vermoulu С 92 vermoulure V 70 vernaculaire V 72 vernal V 73 vernalisation Y 74 vernissё V 76 verrucule V 80 verrucute V 81 verruculeux V 81 verruculifere V 81 verrue V 78 к plusieurs verrues P 1070 verruqueux V 79 versant С 532 versatile О 273, V 82 vert С 324, V 136 blanch&tre- О 163 bleufttre- A 278, С 331, T 219 bunfttrre- G 74 complfetement- A 547 -emeraude P 1203, S 542 -fonc£ С 337, P 360, 961, S 90 № •de gazon G 234 -de l’herbe H 161 jaunAtre- С 352, 406, X 7 - -d’or С 330, 338 -d’olive О 134 -perroquet P 1598 -poireau P 1122, 1203 •pomme P 1085 -ргё G 234 rougeAtre- R 386 toujours- S 387 vertical V 87 verticille С 1000, V 90 faux- P 1589 verticillA С 996, V 88 vёsicant V 94 vAsicatoire V 94 vёsicule A 607, V 93 vёsiculeux P 593, V 95 vёsiculifёгe V 95 vespAral V 96 vestibule V 97 vestige V 99 vetO С 314, I 129, T 46 versatile V 82 vexillA V 103 viabilitA V 106 viable V 105 vibratile V 108 vibratoire V 108 vicariante V 109 vicinisme V 110 vide С 158, E 53, F 24, I 79, V 8 vidA E 53 vie -ralentie L 58 sans- E 114 viellissant S 390 viellissement S 391 vieux A 794, V 102 vif L 27, V 47, 155 vignobles (des-) Y 123 vigoureux R 339, V 47 village V 112 ville О 196 villeux V 120 villositA V 118 vingt (A-) I 8 violacA V 125 violascent Y 126 violet I 1, V 125 -foncA A 1137 violon (en forme de-) P 65 virescence F 155, V 128 virginal V 130 virulence V 138 virulent V 139 virus V 140 visible P 383 visiteur H 439 visqueux G 172, 188, i 350, L 99, V 142 881 vital V 145 vitalisme V 146 vitalite V 147 vitreux V 151 vivace P 261, 800 vivant V 115, 155 -sur С 604, О 66 -tou jours S 388 vivipare V 159 voile V 48, 51 -general V 51 -partiel V 51 -radiculaire V 48 sans- A 109, 1230 voile V 49 voir V 113 voisin С 713, G 140, V 111 volant V 157 volatil A 287, V 158 voluble V 159 volute V 161 volve V 162 vomitif N 31, V 163 -vore V 164 voute A 996, С 793, F 130 voOte F 131 voyage I 347 vrai E 360, G 99 vrille С 473 -de la vigne P 62 -simple S 518 -stipulanee S 992 vrille С 75, 472 vrillifere С 472 vu (non-) I 272 vue I 254 -generale С 759, S 1441 vulgaire С 65, 668, V 165 vuln6raire у 166 xanthine X 6 xantholeucites X 9 xanthophore X12 xanthophylle X 13 xenie X 15 xenoautogamie X 17 xenobiose X 16 xenocarpie X 18 xenocenique X 19 x6noecique X 20 xenogamie G 193, X 21 x6nonothe X 25 xenoplastique X 26 xerampelin X 28 xeroboles X 31 xerochasie X 33 xerocieistogamie X 34 x6rog6ophytes X 35 x6roh61ophytes X 36 x6romorphie X 37 xerophile X 39 x6rophobe X 40 xerophyte X 43 x6rophytes X 42 xerophytique X 43 x6ropoiophile X 44 xeropoiophytes X 45 xerote X 39 x6rotherme X 46 xerothermique X 46 x6rothermophytes X 47 xerotropisme A 49 xytame X 53 -secondaire S 245 xylochrome X 55 xylographie X 56 xylolithe X 58 xylologie X 59 xylophage X 60 xylophile X 61 yxlostrome X 64 xylotomie X 65 zeaxanthine Z 2 zebrine Z 4 z6ine Z 5 z6notropisme Z 7 zeugite Z 8 zeuxis Z 9 zoandrospore Z 13 zo'idiogame Z 15 zoidiogamie Z 14 zoidiospore Z 18 zonation Z 22 zone С 442, Z 20 zone Z 21 zonule Z 23 INDEX FRANQAIS zoobiotique Z 24 zoocecidie Z 26 zoocenocyte Z 29 zoochore Z 28 zoochorie Z 27 zoocyste Z 30 zoodiodange Z 32 zoodomatium Z 33 zoogame Z 36 zoogamie Z 35 zoogene Z 37 zoogloee Z 38 zoogonange Z 39 zoogonidange Z 40 zoomorphose Z 43 zooparasite Z 44 zoophile Z 46 zoophobe Z 47 zoophytique Z 48 zooplancton Z 49 zoosiphonogamie Z 50 zoosphere Z 52 zoosporangiophore Z 54 zoosporange Z 55 zoospore Z 53 zoozygospore Z 57 zygoauxospore Z 59 zygocyste Z 60 zygogamete Z 61 zygogamie Z 62 zygogenese Z 63 zygog6netique Z 64 zygolyse Z 65 zygomfcre Z 66 zygomorphe M 453, Z 68 zygomorphie Z 67 zygonema Z 69 zygophase Z 70 zygophy tes Z 71 zygosporange Z 77 zvgotactisme Z 79 zygote Z 78 zygotene Z 80 zygotique Z 81 Zygozoospore Z 82 zymase Z 83 zymogene P 1247, Z 84 zymologie Z 86 zymotique Z 84 MAGTAE вгбДЕОТгЁК abaxialis A 2 abioszeszton A 11 ablakos F 34 ablaszt A 13 abszorpcid A 23 abszorpcids spektrum A 23 abundancia A 2z acdlhuzal alaku С 256 acdlkemeny С 257 acdlkdk G 257 acentrikus A 57 acidofil A 86 aciklikus A 172 adaldk S 1341 adaxialis A 177 adelfia A 182 adelfofagia A 186 adelfogamia A 184 adelfokarpia A 183 adelfoparazitizmus A 185 adelfotaxis A 187 adenociszta A 189 adenocita A 190 adenopetdlia A 191 adezmia A 193 adhdzi A 196 adinamandria A 228 adinamoginia A 229 adichogdmia A 200 -ad6 P 171 adonista A 213 adosszdlt A 215 adszorpcid A 216 aerencnim-szdvet A 257 aererrantia A 258 aerob A 264 aerobiontdk A 262 aerobidzis A 263 aerofit&k A 272 aerofitobiont&k A 73 aerokarpia A 265 aerokarpotrdpikus A 266 aeromorfdzis A 269 aeroplanktofitdk A 275 aeroplankton A 274 aerotaktizmus A 276 aerotropizmus A 277 afldbia A 893 afotometria A 895 afototropizmus A 897 afragmium A 898 afgaamandrodcia A 292 agameon A 293 agamdta A 294 agametangium A 295 agametocita A 296 agamia A 297 agamobium A 299 agamocita A 300 agamogenetikus A 302 agamogenezis A 301 agamoginodcia A 304 agamoginomonodcia A 305 agamohipnospdra A 307 agamomonodcia A 308 agamont A 309 agamospeciesz A 311 agamospermia A 312 agamospdra A 313 agamotrdpikus A 314 agar-agar A 316 agenezis A 319 ageotropikus A 320 agresszivitds A 329 agriotipus A 333 agrobiocondzis A 335 agrobioldgia A 336 agrobotanika A 337 agrofitocdndzis A 343 agroldgia A 338 agrozoocondzis A 347 agyagos A 1012, L 281 -talajt kedveld S 737 agyagsdrga A 1011 agyagszeru A 1011 agyaros R 411 aheliotrdpikus A 350 aifillofitdk A 355 airoszdma A 356 ajak L 6 alsd- L 6 felsd- L 6 ajakldb H 579 ajaknydl H 579 ajaknydlvdny (oldal-) P 828 aiakos L 4 aiakos- G 272 ajdnlds С 662 aj&nlott D 30 •ajkd С 272 akaddlyok О 10 akantoszfdrdk A 31 akaridta A 39 akaridzis A 33 akarpotrdpikus A 38 akaszkodo S 112 akindtesz A 367 akindtosporangium A 368 akindzis A 36 akirofit&k A 816 akl&dium A 95 aklimatizdcid A 45 aklitrofitdk A 97 akmd A 99 akrandria A 108 akroblasztdzis A 112 akrocecidium A 116 akrocentrikus A 117 akrociszta A 80, 119 akrofitdk A 132 akrogdmia A 123 akrogendzis A 124 akroginikus A 127 akrokonidium A 118 akromatin A 76 akromocentrum A 79 akronusz A 128 akropet&lis A 129 akroplasztikus A 133 akropleurogdnikus A 134 akroszinddzis A 140 akroszinkarpia A 139 akrotdnikus A 141 aktinauxizmus A 145 aktinenchima A 146 aktinobioldgia A 148 aktinomdter A 150 aktinomikdzis A 152 aktinosztdle A 153 aktinotaktizmus A 154 aktinotropizmus A 155 aktiv A 157 aktivdtor A 156 aktofitdk A 159 alacsony D 57, E 444, H 444, N 5, P 1652 alak С 712, F 125 alakfejlddds M 475 alakitd M 477, P 774 alakkdpzd M 477 888 alaktalan D 202 majdnem- S 1152 alaktan M 479 belsd- A 677 alaku F 128, M 473 azonos- U 56 hasonld- С 716 kis- S 920 alakult F 127 alalak S 1181 alant I 134 alap В 52 -alatti H 569 -felA irdnyuld В 50 -felA nAzd В 53 -feletti E 231 levdlnyAl- P 575 alapi В 35 -rogzitAsO В 41 alapigazsdg P 1216 alapon feluli S 1305 alaprajz D 136 alapszovet С 772, P 149, P 1349 levegotartd- A 257 -alatti I 144, S 1085 alameriilt D 55, S 1207 fAlig- S 318 aldrendelAs S 1215 aldtdmasztd S 1275, 1322 aldtdmasztott F 179, S1276 albigrdna A 377 albinizmus A 374 alborszovet H 586 albumen A 378 albuminoid anyagok A 379 alcsaldd S 1178 aletofitdk A 388 aleuronszemcse A 389 aleurospdra A 390 alfaj S 1231 alformdcid S 1182 algdk A 396 algaszeru A 395 algotrofizmus A 400 alhavasi S 1093 -ndvAnyek О 250 alig S 1085 aljafas F 171 aljnovAnyzet S 1018 aljzat M 123, S 1237 alkalikus A 383 alkaliotropizmus A 384 alkalmas 1 38 alkalmazkodds A 175 cselekvd- A 157 passziv- P 171 alkalmazkodd A 173 alkalmazkodott A 48 alkalmazkodottsdg A 175 alkat G 712, S 1052 alkotd F 126 allautogdmia A 410 allelogAn A 413 allelomorfia A 414 allelopdtia A 416 alleloszitizmus A 417 allergia A 419 allevAl С 176 -mdjmohdkndl A 563 allAzia A 420 allobiogenezis A 424 allobidzis A 425 allochor A 429 allochdria A 428 allociklia A 433 allogdmia A 434 allogenetikus A 436 allogdnia A 437 alloiogenAzis A 439 alloiometron A 440 allokarpia A 426 alloklorofill A 427 allometrikus A 441 aDoparalektotipus A 443 allopatrikus A 444 alloplazma A 447 alloploidia A 449 allopoliploidia A 450 alloritmia A 451 allosperma A 453 allospdra A 454 alloszindAzis A 456 alloszdma A 452 allotetraploidia A 457 allotriploidia A 458 allotipus A 462 allotrdfikus A 459 allotrdpikus A 460 allozigota A 463 alma- M 79 alma M 84 -alaku M 80, P 1090 almaszeru P 1085 almatermAs P 1092 almatermo P 1089 almazold P 1084 alnemzedAk S 1185 al61 I 134 alorszdg S 1220 alosztdly S 1123 alraj S 1244 alregnum S 1220 alrend S 1216 alsd В 35, I 71, 137, 144 -dlldsu H 591 fAlig-- S 319 -rAszAn H 533, I 134 alsdrendu ndvAnyek С 919 alsorozat S 1228 altatd S 581 alternativ A 474 altdrzs S 1159 altribusz S 1244 alul H 533 -fehAr H 595 -levd I 137, О 191, S 1201 aluli I 144 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK alvadds G 542 alvdltozat S 1249 alvis S 582 alveoldcid A 485 alveol&ris A 484 alvd D 367, Q 29 -riigy D 367, P 1437 alvd- H 565 ambrasdrga A 502 ambrdzia illatd A 503 ameidzis A 505 amerisztikus A 512 amerokonidium A 513 amerospdra A 514 ametisztkAk A 515 amfdnthium A 534 amfiapomiktdk A 535 amfiatlantikus A 537 amfibria A 541 amfidermisz A 557 amfifdtikus A 577 amfigdmia A 561 amfigdmikus A 562 amfigAn A 565 amfigAnikus A 597 amfigdnia A 566 amfikarion A 546 amfikdrpia A 542 amfikdrpikus A 543 amfikdrpium A 544 amfikdrpogAn A 545 amfiklinikus A 549 amfikotiledon A 551 amfikribrdlis A 554 amfikriptofitdk A 555 amfilepszis A 568 amfimixis A 569 amfinukleolusz A 572 amfinukleusz A 573 amfipacifikus A 574 amfipetdlis A 575 amfiplasztia A 580 amfiplazma A 579 amfisporangiumos A 584 amfiszinkotil A 587 amfisztomatikus A 586 amfitaktizmus A 589 amfitAcium A 590 amfitdkia A 592 amfitrich A 593 amfitrdfia A 594 amfivazdlis A 596 amfoheterogdnia A 598 amfora alakii A 599 amikrdnikus A 518 amildz A 615 amiloeritrin A 617 amilolitikus A 621 amiloplasztisz A 623 amiloszfArdk A 624 ' amitdzis A 520 amnion A 524 amdba alakii A 525 amdbaszerA A 525 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK amorfofitdk A 530 ampelogrdfia A 532 ampeloldgia A 533 ampulla A 607 ampullaszerii A 608 anabidtikus A 632 anabidzis A 631 anablaszt A 633 anabolizmus A 634 anaeretikus A 643 anaerob A 646 -szervezetek A 645 anaerobiontdk A 645 anaerobidzis A 644 anaerofita A 647 anafdzis A 661 anafilaxis A 664 anafizis A 665 anafordzis A 662 anafototropizmus A 663 anagenezis A 649 anageotropizmus A 650 anagramma A 651 anaklinotropizmus A 640 anakordzis A 637 anakroginikus A 641 anakromdzis A 639 analitikus A 656 -hatdrozdkulcs A 656 analizis A 655 analdgia A 654 anametadrom A 657 anamorfozis A 658 anapldzia A 667 anasztdtikus A 670 anasztrdlis A 673 anasztrdfa A 674 anasztrdfazis A 674 anataximorfdzis A 675 anatdmia A 677 anatdnikus A 678 anatondzis A 679 anatraumatotropizmus A 680 anatrop A 682 anatropizmus A 681 androcita A 694 androdinam A 697 androdindmia A 696 androdidcia A 695 trioikus- A 695 androfdn A 720 androfillum A 723 androfita A 724 androforum A 722 androgamdta A 700 androgametoforum A 702 androgdmia A 703 androgamon A 704 androgendzis A 705 androgdnikus A 706 androgdnum A 707 androginia A 711 trioikus- A 711 androginikus A 710 androginodidcia A 713 androginoforum A 714 androgdnium A 709 androhermafroditdk A 715 androkonidium A 693 andromerogdnia A 716* andromondcia A 717 trioikus- A 717 andromorfdzis A 718 androocia A 698 andropetdlia A 719 androplazma A 725 androplazmikus A 726 andropleogdmia A 727 androspdra A 730 androspordngium A 731 androszdma A 729 androsztilium A 733 androtipus A 734 androzigdta A 737 anemochdria A 739 anemoentomofilia A 741 anemomirmekochor A 747 anemomorfia A 746 anemospdra A 751 anemotaxis A 752 anemotropizmus A 753 anemozoochor A 754 aneuploidia A 755 aneusporia A 757 aneuszomdcia A 756 anhidrobidzis A 771 anizoaplanogamdta A 775 anizofillia A 788 anizogamdta A 779 anizogametdngiogdmia A 780 anizogdmia A 782 anizogdnia A 783 anizoginikus A 785 anizogdnikus A 784 anizohologdmia A 786 anizokotilia A 777 anizomerogdmia A 787 anizotrdpia A 791 anomodrdmia A 805 anomomeria A 806 anorganikus A 807 anorganotrdfikus A 808 anortogenezis A 809 antagonizmus A 813 antarktikus A 814 antenna A 816 anterangium A 822 anteridangium A 823 anteridium A 825 anteridiumtartd A 824 anteroidea A 826 anteromdnia A 827 anterozoid A 831 anterosporofillum A 817 anteszmotaxis A 835 antetrofofillum A 818 884 antetrofosporofillum A 819 antienzim A 868 antifermentum A 868 antiklindlis A 866 antocidn A 840 antofein A 845 antofitdk A 850 antofitdzis A 851 antokdrpium A 837 antoklinium A 839 antokldrum A 838 antolizis A 844 antoplankton A 852 antotaxis A 854 antotropizmus A 855 antoxantin A 856 antrakndzis A 858 antropofil A 861 antropofitdk A 862 antropochdria A 860 anturusz A 863 anukleobiontdk A 877 anyag S 1235 anyagcsere M 262 anyagok (albuminoid-) A 379 anyahimes G 278 anyahimtartd G 281 anyai M 122 anyanovdny P 151 anyarozs G 502 anyasejt С 208, M 122 anyaspdratartd M 5*2 anyatdj G 290 apaerotropizmus A 880 apai alaku P 193 apandria A 882 apardtus A 945 aphaptotropizmus A 890 apherkotropizmus A 892 aphidrotaxis A 900 apildria A 906 aplanogamdta A 907 aplanogametdngium A 908 aplanospdra A 910 aplanospordngium A 911 apldzia A 912 apobidtikus A 914 apocita A 919 apofitdk A 930 apofizis A 929 apogalvanotaxis A 920 apogamdcia A 921 apogdmia A 922 rdszleges- S 285 apogdnia A 923 apogeotropizmus A 924 apoginia A 925 apokemotaxis A 917 apomeidzis A 927 apomixis A 928 apoplasztidium A 931 aporogdmia A 933 apospermia A 934 885 apospdria A 935 aposporogdnia A 936 aposztdzis A 937 aposztrdf-helyzet A 938 apotaximorfdzis A 939 apotdcium A 940 apotermotaxis A 941 apotigmotaxis A 942 apotrop A 944 apotropizmus A 943 appresszdrium A 952 aprd A 1120, M 373, P 172, P 345 aprd- M 309 -hegyO A 905 -kopdcs V 29 -nyilds P 1125 -papilla P 82 -tiiskds A 162 aprdtiiskds (durvdn- ) M 581 aranysdrga A 1151, 1153, С 405, L 280 halvdny- M 176 aranyszinu A 1153 araszhosszd D 358 aratds M 258 aranyos P 1308 ardnyu egyenlo- I 323 eltdrd- A 441 archallaxis A 977 archebidzis A 978 archegdnium A 980 archegoniumtartd A 979 archegonium-zacskd M 112 archeofitdk A 975 archespdra A 981 archetipus A 990 archianthemum A 982 archibentdlis A 983 archikarpium A 984 archikleisztogdmia A 985 archizoblasztikus A 1040 areogrdfia A 1005 argotaxis A 1013 arhenokaridtikus A 1037 arhenogdnia A 1038 arhenotdkia A 1039 arillddium A 1019 arktikus A 992 armilla A 1030 armillds A 1031 aromds A 528 aroma tikus A 1033 aromorfdzis A 1034 artrospdra A 1044 artroszterigma A 1045 aszdlyos A 1016 aszimblasztia A 1101 aszimmetrikus A 1102 aszinddzis A 1106 aszingdmia A 1107 aszkafdrum A 1062 aszkogdnium A llit aszkdma A 1061 aszkostroma A 1065 aszkusztermds A 1058 aszmag N 196 aszomatofitdk A 1070 asszimildcid A 1084 asszimildld szdvet С 326 asszocidcid A 1085 asztalkdzossdg С 664 aszter-dllapot A 1090 aszter-pdr A 536 aszterondmum A 1092 asztrobotanika A 1095 asztroszfdrak A 1098 asztroszklereiddk A 1097 ataktosztdle A 1109 atavisztikus A 1111 atavizmus A 1110 ataxinomikus A 1113 atelomitikus A 1115 atkagubacs A 34 atkakedvelo A 36 atkalakok A 35 atkdt hordozd A 32 atdnia A 1121 atdpia A 1122 atraktoplazma A 1123 atrocitdzis A 1119 atrofidlt A 1128 atrofitdk A 1129 aulofitdk A 1150 aurigd A 1157 autoallogdmia A 1160 autochorizmus A 1166 autoesztdzia A 1159 autofillogdnia A 1195 autofiton A 1196 autogdm A 1175 autogametikus megporzds E 153 autogdn A 1177 autogenetikus A 1177 autogenezis A 1176 autohomogdmia A 1180 autokdrpia A 1164 autokromoszoma A 1168 autolizis A 1182 automixis A 1183 automorfdzis A 1184 autonasztia A 1185 autoniktinasztikus A 1186 autonimia A 1188 autoortotropizmus A 1190 autoparazita A 1192 autoparazitizmus A 1191 autopartenogenezis A 1193 autopeldgikus A 1194 autoplasztum A 1198 autopoliploidia A 1200 autopotamikus A 1201 autospdra A 1205 autoszinddzis A 1208 autoszkoliotrdpikus A 1203 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ£K autoszdma A 1204 autotetraploidia A 1209 autotipus A 1214 autotoxin A 1211 autotrdfia A 1212 autotropizmus A 1213 autocikus A 1171 autdkoldgia A 1189 autumndcid A 1217 autumnixantinum A 1218 auxanogrdf A 1219 auxanomdter A 1220 auxin A 1223 auxospdra A 1227 auxotdnikus A 1228 auxozis A 1226 axogdmia A 1243 axospermikus A 1244 azbesztszinO A 517, 1053 azigdta A 1251 azonos С 716, H 358, I 15 -alaku I 327 -irdnyu H 419 -jellegu H 420 -nemzetsdgd С 718 -orvu H 368 -sorozatu I 338 -szdrmazdsu H 387 azonositds I 16 azurkdk A 1248 dbra I 5 dbrakdszitd I 44 dbrdzolds S 632 dg R 63 -alaku R 58 -eredetii R 47 dgacska R 62 dgacskds R 61 dgak (jdruldkos-) A 224 dgakat hordozd R 53 dgas В 269, С 478, R 53, 60 alig- S 1219 -fiizdr S 728 dgassdg R 59 dgat helyettesito R 47 dgatlan A 96 dgazd (el nem-) S 518 dghdnalj A 1239 dgon (-dlld) R 46 -did R 52 -keletkezd С 483 -virdgzd R 57 dgszeru R 58 dgtetozd A 903, T 127 dgtdvis S 742 »dgd С 478, 514 egyenes- О 252 hdrom- T 467 keskeny- S 909 sok- R 60 szdles- P 191 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK dl-A 218, F 14, P1456, S 838 -fotometrikus P 1547 -fiirtds P 1473 -hardntfalas P 1568 -magvd P 1571 -monopodidlis S 1364 -nyaldbos P 1497 -oldaldlldsd P 1517 -parazitikus P 1534 -szdrtetozd P 1582 -szegdlyes P 1520 •szinkarpikus P 1581 -termindlis P 1582 -tfilevdlrdzsds H 602 -vdlaszfalas P 1568 -villds eldgazdsu P 1490 -virdgu P 1460 dlapogdmia P 1463 dlaposppdria P 1464 dlarcos P 349 dldgacska P 1562 dlbogyd P 1472, S 594 dlcds P 349 dlcsdsze С 44 dlcsdszds С 43 dlcsillangd P 1483 dldisztrdfia P 1492 dleddnyes P 1588 dlegydves P 1462 dlegysziku P 1526 dleldgazdsd P 1561 dldloskod6 P 1536 dlendomitdzis P 1493 dlepifitdk P 1496 dlerny6 D 170 dlfdtyolka P 1515 dlfelloid-rdteg P 1546 dlfiizdr P 1572 dlgametangium P 1501 dlgeokdrpia P 1503 dlgubacs P 1480 dlgydkdr P 1566 dlgyfirfl P 1457 dlhagyma P 1475 dlhagymdcska P 1474 dlhermafroditizmus P 1508 dlheterokdrpia P 1509 alhibrid P 1511 dlhibriddcid P 1512 dlhim S 861 dlhimdnium P 1513 dlhomonim P 1510 dlinduzium P 1515 dlkambium P 1477 dlkdreg P 1486 dlkleisztogdmia P 1484 dlkopdcs P 1587 dlkromoszdma P 1482 dllkapocsszerd M 130 dlldb P 1554 dllandd G 763, P 334 dllanddsdg (helyi-) F 151 dUanddsult С 763, S 848 dUapot S 540, 880 fesziiltsdgi- T 333 magpdros- D 167 nydri alvdsi- A 283 dllds D 320 dlldsd (forditott-) R 186 dUat- Z 10 dllatbeporzoddsd Z 15 dllatmards elleni szerek T 255 dUatmegporzds Z 14 dllatok dltal terjedo S 1461, Z 28 dllatporozta Z 15, 46 dllemez P 1516 dllepel P 1541 dllevdl P 563, 1549 dllev61r6zsds P 1548 dllo S 854 dlldviz S 856 dllovizek -novdnyei S 856, 869 -planktonja S 855 dlldvizeket kedvelo S 868 dlldvizi S 853 dlmagkopeny A 1019, P 1465 dlmegtermdkenyiilds P 1498, P 1514 dlmetafdzis P 1522 dlmdzfejto P 1529 dlmikoriza P 1528 dlmitdzis P 1523 dlmonokdrpia P 1525 dlmot hozd S 581 dlnematdcium P 1530 dlnukleolusz P 1531 dlorv P 1589, V 89 dipara P 1579 dlparafizis P 1533 dlparazitizmus P 1535 dlparenchima P 1537 dlpeldria P 1538 dlperidnthium P 1539 dlperidium P 1540 dlperitdcium P 1543 dlpiknidium P 1560 dlplankton P 1551 dlplazmddium P 1552 dlpoliembridnia P 1555 dlpolimorfizmus P 1556 dlpoliploidia P 1557 dlpdrus P 1559 dlporzd S 861 dlperzdk osszenOvese S 1374 dlredukcid P 1564 dlrekesz S 836 dlrekeszfal P 1491 dlsejtmag P 1532 disporangium P 1573 dlstrofiola P 1578 dlstrdma P 1577 886 dl-szdjpdrkdnyzat P 1542 dl-szdjperem P 1542 dlszdracska С 192 dlszimbidzis P 1580 dlszivdka P 1505 dlszdvet P 1537 dlsztdle P 1575 dltalam leirva M 1 dltaldnos T 577, U 79 -elterjeddsu С 849 dltejnedv P 1518 dltelep P 1583 dltengely S 1365 dltengelyes S 1364 dltermdkenysdg P 1499 dltermds P 1479 dltipus P 1585 dltrichoforum P 1584 dlureg S 836 dlvakuola P 1586 dlvdlaszfal D 325, P 1491, S 424 -perem R 156 dlvarrat P 1563 dlvikariizmus P 1590 dlvillds eldgazds P 1489 dl-virdgtakar6 P 1539 dlxerofitdk P 1592 dlzigospdra P 1593 dlzuzmd P 1519 dr а1акй S 1247 dradds P 1280 draddsi P 1279 fdlig-- S 371 dramlds G 452 -mentes L 93 dramld (-mozgds) С 452 -vizekben dl6 R 306 -vizeket kedveld R 232 -кегШб R 233 -vizek novdnyei R 307 drkos E 419 drkolt С 59 drnyas U 26 -hely U 23 dmydk U 21 -ban dl6 ndvdnyek S 213 -n5v6 U 24 drnydkkedvel6 S 158 -nOvdnyek S 161 drnydkolt I 258 dmydkos I 258, U 26 drok F 134 droknOvdnyek T 28 drtalmas N 172, P 339 drtalraatlan 1 166 drtalom N 171 drteruleti A 464 drviz P 1280 dsatag F/135 dsttd R 327 dt- D 127 887 dtalakulds M 275 dtalakult M 276 dtdlenes О 197 dteresztd P 336 fdlig- S 352 nem- I 63 dteresztdkdpessdg P 335 dtfdnyld T 394 dthasonitds A 1084 dthasonithatd A 1083 dthatd G 254, P 233 -szagii G 253 dthatolhatdsdg P 335 dtjdrhatatlansdg I 64 dtldtszatlan О 181 dtldtszd A 960, С 932, H 448, T 395, V 151 fdlig- S 351 -magvii H 453 majdnem- S 1150 nem- A 199 dtldtszosdg T 396 dtld irdnyii sik D 135 dtlds D 135 dtlyukasztott F 123, P 264 nem- N 152 dtmenet T 390 dtmeneti I 217, T 388, 389 dtmend A 8, T 388 dtndzds R 218 dtndzet G 759, S 1330, 1441 dtndzeti S 1442 dtndtt (-levelu) P 263 dtndvds D 149 virag- A 834 dtdrdkitds H 168 dtdrdklds H 168 ldtszdlagos- P 1507 mendelezd- M 186 dtdrdklddds H 168 dtOrOklddd H 167 dttekintds С 759 dttelelds H 291 dttelelo H 290 -nyugvdspdra T 63 -riigy T 660 -sejt С 1016 dttelelden elszdradd M 100 dttelelt H 292 dttetszd P 224, T 394 fdlig- S 351 dtiiltetds T 399 dtvdltozd T 388 dtvildgld P 224 dtvitel T 391 dtvizsgdlds R 218 babszerfi F 4 babugos V 79 bacflus alakii В 4 ЬакЬйгй H 305 bakszagii H 305 bakteriocecidhimok В 4, 7 bakteriolizis В 9 bakterioldgia В 8 bakteriosztatikus В 12 bakteriotoxin В 13 baktdrium alakii В 6 baktdriumok (csiUangds-) T 440 baktdriumdld В 5 bal S 523 -feld L 30 baloldali L 30, S 523 balraforduld S 525 balzsam В 26 balzsamos В 24 baobab-termds A 581 barackvirdgpiros P 346 bardzda С 644, S 1280, Y 21 bardzddlt V 22 mdlyen- E 419 bardzddlddds S 256 bardzdds С 59, 641, G 191, S 1278, V 22 fdlig- S 372 bardzddtlan A 100, 1100 barimorfdzis В 34 barka A 511, N 175, J 17 aprd- A 510 barkds A 509, J 15, 16 barkaszeru A 508 barkavirdgzat A 511 barkdt hordozd A 509, J 16 barlang A 876, S 638 barlanglakd T 585 barlangtan S 637 barna В 297, F 202, P 397 borszin- A 482 csokolddd- С 1, T 252 datolya- S 600 dohdny- N 114, T 1 fahdj- С 445 faszin- L 163 fdnylo- S 600 gesztenye- В 16, С 159 irrha- A 482 kdvd- С 596 mdj- H 149 mogyord- A 1231 oroszldn- L 100 dz- С 244 rozsda- F 39 rdt- В 297, F 148, L 100 sdrgds- F 184 sotdt- С 1, 596, P 1650 szennyes- L 277 teve- С 53 vdros- R 420, X 28 vdrdses- В 16, С 159, 244, H 149, L 163, P 397, R 401, 420 MAGYAR SZOJtGYZEK barnaspdrds P 406 barnds В 296, F 183, 201 -fehdr P 399 -fekete M 185, P 677 -sdrga С 796, I 287, L 277, О 49 -sziirke S 599, T 322 -voros С 254, P 397, R 398, 401 -zold С 74 barnuld F 183, 201 barochdria В 30 barometrikus В 31 barotaxis В 32 barotropizmus В 33 bastardokdrpia В 58 batidlis В 60 bazididlis В 36 bazidiokdrpium В 37 bazidiospdra В 39 bazidium В 40 kiilsd- E 19 bazidiumtartd В 38 bazifil В 51 bazifugdlis В 42 bazigdmia В 43 bazionim В 49 bazipetdlis В 50 bazitdnikus В 55 bdnya F 101 bdrdszeru D 359 bdrsonyos V 53 bdrsonyszdr V 52 bdrsonyszdros V 53 kissd- S 1250 bdzikus A 383 bedgyazott I 143 bedrnydkold О 35 bedsott I 143, 177, S 2g9 beboritd I 275, T 47 beburkolt T 46, 650, V 44 becd S 504 -alakii S 505 cikkes- В 147 becdke S 501 -alakii S 502 egy mag vii- N 175 zdrt- N 175 becdketermds S 501 becdkds S 503 becds S 506 becdtermds S 504 bedkelddds 1 224 bedkelodott I 225 befedett О 27, 184 befedd О 26, 186 beforradds О 40 begdngydloddtt G 794, I 280 begongyolt С 794 majdnem- S 1132 begdrbiilt I 140 begyokerezett R 22 begydjtott L 80 begyfljtdtte L 83 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK behajlitott I 140 behantolt S 428 behatds T 15 behatold I 252, P 233 behengeredett 1 280 behintett С 760 behurcolt A 225, I 172 bejdrati E 59 bekunkorodott С 449 beleszdvdddtt I 236 belsd E 124, I 221 beltili I 241 bemazolt С 626 bemetszds E 430, I 88 bemetszett D 322, I 89 kissd- S 1197 bemetszetten- I 89 bemetszdsu egyforma- H 417 bemdlyeddsu (ives-) S 527 bemdlyedt I 143, 177, N 115 bemutato D 58 bennsziilott A 17, E 127 nem- A 432 bentdlis В 66 bentosz В 68 beoltott I 189 beosztds I 182 beobldsodds I 262 beozdnld I 261 bepiszkolt С 626 beporzds P 923 keresztezett- P 923 mestersdges- P 923a beporzdsd G 37 beporzott P 924, 1647 berek В 302, L 272 berekndvdnyek A 470 besorolas 1 182 besorolt 1 185 besiiUyesztett I 52 beszedett L 80 beszdrt A 1076, С 760 betakard I 275, О 26, 186, T 47 betakart I 129, О 8, 27, T 50 beteges A 240, I 176, M 470, P 186 betegsdg M 471 betegsdget -el6iddz6 P 183 -megel6z6 P 1302 betekeredett С 794, I 240, I 280 betelepulds I 197 betomdtt О 25 betdrendes A 468 betdsoros A 468 betfiszerd G 238 bevdgds 1 88 bevagdalt F 71, 1 89 bevdgott D 322, I 89, T 329 szarnyasan- P 705 bevdndorlds 1 54 bevdndorldk I 53 bevdndorolt A 225, I 55 bevdsoddtt I 177 bevetds P 1176 bevezetds I 288 bevont О 8 bezdrt I 91, О 25, 41 bdkatojdsszeru В 62 bdl M 142 bdlcsatorna M 143 bdlhuvely V 13 bdlrekesztdk D 148 bdlreteg M 142, S 1018 bdlsugarak M 143, R 40 bdlszeru M 143 bdlszdvet M 142 bdlszdvetes M 144 bdlszoveti M 143 bdlyeg С 260 bdnito T 353 biaiometamorfozis В 72 biaiomorfozis В 73 biastrepszis В 80 bibe S 970 -alaku S 973 bibeszalszerd- S 1072 bibealap G 285 bibekorona S 1077 bibeoszlop A 733, С 649, G 309 bibepdrna S 1075 bibeszal S 1081, 1063 -alakd S 1068 -koruli P 320 -ndlktili A 1099 bibeszdlas S 1065 bibeszdlcsd S 1067 bibeszdlegyenldsdg A 790 bibeszdlegyfdlesdg H 413 bibeszdlra vonatkozo S 1064 bibeszdlrdvidsdg M 359 -bibeszdlii S 1063 egyenld- I 339 fonalas- L 130 hosszii- D 364, M 59, S 1079 kidlld- E 461 dsszendtt- G 54 bibeszeru S 973 bibetakard S 978 bibetartd S 976 bibevdnkos S 1075 -bibdjd baloldali- A 1023 felemds- H 256 sok- S 979 bibdjfisdg kuldnbdzd- H 255 bibdre vonatkozd S 971 bibds S 972 bibdt 888 -hordozd S 972 -tartd S 1065 bibircs V 78 bibircses V 79 -szdrd S 1033 bibircsszdr S 1032 biborpiros P 1114, 1662 -ba dtmend P 1661 sdtdt- H 149 biborvdrds P 460, 1662 bicska alakii S 111 bifaktoridlis В 124 bigenerikus В 139 bikollaterdlis В 102 bimbd A 370 bimbdzds G 71 binomindlis В 153 biobldszt В 155 biochor В 156 biochrdm В 157 biociklus В 161 biocdnoldgia В 159 biocdndzis В 160 bioderma В 162 biodinamika В 163 bioenergetika В 164 biofdg В 179 biofil В 180 biogenetika В 167 biogenezis В 166 biogdnia В 167 biogeocondzis В 168 biogeogrdfia В 169, С 367 biokatalizdtor E 218 bioklimatoldgia В 158 biolit В 170 biolizis В 174 bioldgia В 171 bioldgiai В 172 -spektrum S 632 biometria В 175 biomorfdzis В 176 bionomia В 178 bionta В 177 bioplaszt В 183 biopszis В 184 bioszeszton В 185 bioszfdra В 189 bioszintdzis В 190 bioszdma В 187 biotaxondmia В 192 bidtikus В 193 biotipus В 196 biotonus В 194 biotop В 195 bidzis В 186 bipoldris В 204 bird H 1, P 1151, 1173 birtok P 1174 bivalens В 224 bizonyos С 241 bizonytalan A 497, D 116, D 385, I 86, V 18 biztos С 241 889 blasztdzis В 230 blasztogendzis В 233 blasztokdrpikus В 232 blasztogrdfia В 234 blasztomdnia С 484 blasztospdra В 238 blefaroplaszt В 243, M 120 bdbita Р 84 -ndlkuli Е 223 bdbitas Р 83 bocskor V 162 bdditd N 15, T 88 bodros С 890 bodrosodds С 889 bog A 1046, G 1004, N 140 bogas G 92, С 1008, N 135 -eldgazds С 1008 gazdagon- N 137 bogdrgubacs G 608 bogernyo D 170 dsszetett- D 188 bogldrkaszerii R 64 bogvirdgzat (fiirtds-) В 264 bogyd A 94, В 1, U 100 bogyd- С 548 -alakii В 2 -bogyojii С 548 bogyos В 3 bogyoszeru A 93, В 2 bogydtermds В 1 hiisos- A 135 bogydtermd В 3 bokold G 240, N 205 bokor F 170 bokrdta S 453 bokros D 389, F 171, V 131 -hely V 132 -telep T 228 bokrosodd F 169, S 1271 boleoanemochdria В 245 bolizmus В 247 boltozat F 131 boltozatos A 996, G 793, F 130 bolyhocskds F 84 bolyhos F 83, M 83, V 120 finoman- V 119 bolyhossdg V 118 bomlasztd D 106 bonctan A 677 bordszattan О 87 borda G 851, J 14 bordds С 852, J 13, R 8 hdrom- T 470 borddtlan E 15 borddzott (fdlig-) S 299 boredlis В 251 boritds D 366 borkdszerfi T 31 borostds H 308, S 1033 borostydnkdsdrga E 80 borsd а1акй P 715 borulas (fdligdvezd-) О 38 borzas H 306 -szdru H 306 kissd-- S 1190 rdvid-- H 307 boszorkdnyseprfi G 484, S 204 botanika В 254 botanikus В 255, 256, H 160 botanikuskert H 438 botanikusnd В 257, H 160 botanizdlds H 158 bozontos L 54, V 120 alul- H 594 bozontossdg V 118 bo A 606, D 231, О 205 bogre alaku U 82 bolcselet P 440 bdr G 810 bdrkdrreteg A 557 bdrnemu С 808 bdros- С 808 bdrezeru С 808 majdnem- S 1136 bdrezinbarna A 482 bdrezovet С 983 elsodleges- E 255 borszdvetkdpzo D 84 bdrszovetrendszer harmadlagos- R 315 bdsdg A 24, U 2 bdsdges С 797 eldg- S 1133 bdsdgszarvszeru С 815 bdtermdsu U 1 bdvitett A 176, 1146 bradigenezis В 285 bradispdria В 286 brakteomdnia В 283 bronzszinu A 243 bdbos G 142 buga P 69 bugds P 70 bugds- T 306 bugaszeru T 307 bujtds M 82, T 20 biijtddg M 82 bunko alakii С 497 majdnem- S 1125 bunkds С 497 bunkdszeru G 497 burjdn H 156 burjdnzds P 1273 burkolat T 649 burok I 204, Y 48 kiilsd- E 481 burokhdrtya-foszldny С 835 burokhdj A 557 buroklevdl S 614 buroklevelek I 277 burokleveles S 616 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK buroklevdlszerd S 615 burszikula В 311 biizavirdgkdk G 984 buzogdnyszerfi (forditott-) О 3 biidds F 103, M 78, N 116, О 107, P 1672 biidossdg О 64 biitykds G 706, M 397, N 135 biityok N 140 biitydkkdz I 220 buzds N 116 cafat L 14 cafrang F 62 cafrangos F 63 cecidiofitdk G 204 cecidiologia G 202 cecidiozoa G 205 cefalddium G 226 celluldz С 210 cenantia С 212 cenogenezis G 8 centrifugdlis С 216 centripetdlis G 218 centromerum G 219 centroplaszt С 221 centroplazma G 220 centroszfdra С 223 centroszoma С 222 ceoma С 9 ceratium G 235 ceratomdnia G 236 cddula (kis-) S 134 chalaza С 252 chalazogdmia G 253 chasmandrocia С 264 chasmantdria С 265 chasmofitdk С 271 chasmogdmia G 269 chasmokleisztogdmia G 267 chasmopetdlia С 270 cheilomdnia G 275 chenoklordncia G 247 chenoplankton G 250 chionofitdk С 309 chirdnium G 310 chirotipus С 311 chlamidociszta G 317 chlamidogonidium G 318 chlamidospdra G 319 chomofitdk G 354 cianociszta G 986 cianoficin С 990 cianofil С 989 cianofillum G 991 cianoplasztisz G 992 cicafark A 511 cikkelyes A 1047 cikkeshiively L 253 cikkeshiivelyes L 252 cikkeshiivelyszerii L 252 MAGYAR SZOjtGYZEK cikkgyujtemdny С 169 cikkgytijtemdnyek A 652, A 1108 ciklikus С 996 ciklochorizis С 997 ciklonasztia С 998 cikldzis С 999 ciklus С 1000 cilindrenchima С 1002 cilindrikus С 1001 ciliogrdd С 424 cilioldlt С 425 cimpa L 14, P 697 cimpdcska P 712 cimpds L 15 cindbervords С 444 ciphella С 1012 cirkumboredlis С 456 cirkumlateralizmus С 463 ciszta С 1016 cisztella G 475 cisztidium С 1018 cisztoforum G 1021 cisztokdrpium С 1019 cisztolit С 1020 cisztoszfdra С 1023 cisztoszdrus G 1022 cisztotile С 1025 citdz С 1027 citoaszter G 1030 citoblaszt С 1032 citoblasztdma С 1031 citochima С 1039 citdda С 1042 citoderma С 1041 citodinamika G 1044 citofizioldgia С 1068 citogdmia С 1045 citogenetika С 1047 citogenezis G 1046 citogeogrdfia С 1050 citogdnia С 1049 citogrdfia С 1052 citogranula С 1051 citohidrolizis С 1054 citokildm G 1038 citokimdra С 1034 citokldzis С 1056 citokrom G 1037 citolimfa G 1058 citolitikus G 1060 citolizin С 1059 citoldgia С 1057 citomekanika С 1062 citomitom G 1064 citomixis С 1065 citomorfdzis С 1067 citoplazma G 1069 -dramlds D 244 citorrizis С 1070 citostatika G 1074 citoszdrka С 1071 citoszdma С 1073 citotdzis С 1076 citotom С 1064 citotoxin С 1077 citotropizmus С 1078 citrom- С 477 citromsdrga С 477 cdloblaszt С 565 colondma С 566 conobiontdk G 569 cdnobiospdra С 570 cdnobium С 571 conocentrum С 575 conocita G 577 cdnofil G 584 conogameta G 578 conogenezis С 579 conoglda С 580 cdnogonidium С 581 conokdrpia G 572 conokdrpikus С 573 conokdrpium G 574 conoklddia С 576 conoldgia G 582 cdnomondcia С 583 conoprotdllium С 585 conospeciesz С 587 conospdra С 589 conoszfdra С 588 conozigota С 592 conozis G 586 conozoogonidium G 591 „crossing-over“ С 894 cukorddes S 6 cukortermo S 7 cukros S 6 csaldd F 15 csaldnozd U 88 csalanszor U 88 csaldnszdrds A 997 csalit D 390, F 172 csalma О 185 csalmds G 468, О 184 csalogatd I 41 csaldka D 16, M 190, S 519 csapaddk P 1165 csatlakozd С 657 csatld G 743 csatlderesztdk G 743 csatorna F 134 csatornds С 59 kissd- S 1114 oblosen- R 333 csatos F 50 csattand G 882 csattogd G 882 csavar alakd T 581 csavarodds G 317, S 753, T 357 befeld- I 279 rendellenes- S 756, 1050 csavarodd T 355, 358 balra- S 524 csavarodott G 778, D 338, 890 G 314, S 754, T 354 befeld- С 449, 1 240, 280, S 1300 fdlig- S 297, 1252 kifeld- R 202 kissd- S 1158 ldtszdlagosan- P 1504 csavaros S 754, T 581 csavart С 778 csavart- S 1022 csavarvonalas (nem-) A 1079 csdkd G 9 csdp A 816 csecsbimbds M 88 csecsbimbdszeru M 87 csekdly- О 108 csembdk G 177 csemete P 753 csemeteiskola S 335 csendes T 384 csenevdsz D 7, T 3 csepegd L 18 cseplye D 390 csepp G 263 cseppkivdlasztds G 264 cseppszeru G 265 csepd S 1059 csepds S 1061 csepdszerd S 1060 cserepes L 115 cseresznye- С 233 -piros G 234 cserdlddds A 473 cserdlddd A 873 cserdp 1 48 -szind T 146 cserje A 974, F 170 kdszd- L 151 fdlig-- S 325 cserjebokor V 132 cserjds В 302, D 389, 390, F 171, 172, V 132 cserjdsedo F 169, S 1271 cserjdses V 131 cserzdanyag T 22 csdsze G 50 -alakd P 179 fdlig-- S 289 forrt- P 175 kiilsd- G 44 -ndlkuli A 28 dsszendtt- P 175 csdsze- С 40 csdszecimpdk L 14 csdszecsd H 534, T 643 csdszecsdr R 355 csdszelevdl S 402 csdszelevelekkel -szembeni E 292 csdszelevdlke S 401 csdszelevdlszerd S 399 csdszeleveld S 403 forrt- S 1445 т csdszdjd (termdhdz fdlighozzdndtt-) H 141 csdszds С 42 csdszds- С 40 csdszikespdra A 234 csigahdzszeruen csavaro-dott С 558 csigaszeru L 176 csigavonalas A 172, С 558, H 73, S 754, 1043 -csavarodds G 471 csik S 1025, V 152 csikolt S 1029, V 129 fdlig- S 370 csikoltsdg V 34 csikos V 153 finoman- S 1026 csikozatlan E 358 csikszeru S 1034 csikii (aprd-) S 1035 csillag- S 895 csillagallapot M 396 csillagocska S 897 csillagocskds S 898 csillagos S 895 csillagosan A 144 csillagstddium M 396 csillagszeru S 895 csillagszdrok S 895 csillagszoros A 1093 csillango С 426, F 78 -ndlktili A 14 csillangds Ft 77 kdroskorul- P 325 oldalt- P 842 csillapito T 85 csillogo С 838, L 37, N 122, R 119 csipdelkds R 411 csipkebogyd G 1010 csipkefogak G 872 csipkds G 873 csipkdzett С 872, 873 dupldn- В 112 fdlkorszeruen- S 292 finoman- G 877 gyengdn- P 196, S 1139 lekerekitetten- S 292 csipdkdszuldk R 198 -nydl T 392 csira E 98, G 132 fdld alatti- G 106 csiradllapotii E 101 csirafejlddds E 99 csirafuggesztd F 194, S 1320 csirafiiggesztds F 193 csirafuggesztdsejt H 605 csiragyokocske R 30 csirahiively С 610 csirakapu M 346 csirakdpzddds E 99 csirakorong E 101 csiralemez (kdzdpsd-) M 231 csiralevdl G 853 csiramentes A 1068 csiraplazma I 32 csirasejt G 17, Z 78 csiraszdvet В 228 csiratelep P 1371 csira tengely С 191, H 583 csira test G 854 csiratomld (gombdkndl) P 1289 csirazacskd S 10 csirds E 102 csirdtlanitds S 957 csirdtlansdg S 958 csirdzds G 136 fold feletti- E 257 csirdzdsi G 137 csirdzd В 231, G 135 -rdteg M 123 csirdzdkdpes G 133, V 105 csirdzdkdpessdg G 134, V 147 egyenlotlen- A 778 csokoldddbarna G 1 csokor S 453 csokorszeru S 452 csomd G 58, N 136, 140 csomocska N 139 csomdcskds N 137 csomdkban dlld F 22 csomdkoz A 1048, I 220 csomdra vonatkozd N 134 csomds N 135 csomdsodds T 635 csomdvirdgzat F 22a csdnak G 90 -alakii N 34 csdnakos N 34 kissd- S 1116 csonakszeru С 91 csonakii (hdrom-) T 429 csonka M 89, 593 csonkahegyd (kissd-) T 616 csonkitott M 593, P 1671 csontdr D 380, P 1695 tobbes- P 982 csonthdj P 1669 csonthdjas L 223, P 1670 csontkemdny О 282 csontmag P 1669 -ndlkuli A 958 csontmag vas P 1696 csoport G 256 csoportos A 54, 323, 328, С 567, 724, G 176, 255, P 799 lazdn - S 1188 csoportosulds A 327 csorba E 97 csorbitottsdg E 96 csd T 643 -alakii T 638 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK csokevdny (bibeszdl-) P 137 csokevdnyes A 18, R104, 394 csdkevdnyesedd G 767 csdkkends R 105 csdkkentett D 56 csoporzdjii S 1376 csdr R 355 csdrocske R 351 csdrdcskds R 350 csdros R 352 csdros- R 308 csdrszeru F 72, R 354 csdrtelen E 341 -csdrii R 308 csovecske T 642 -alaku T 640 -szeru T 640 csovecskds T 641 csoves F 72, S 532 csoves- T 638 csovesvirdgiisdg S 533 csiics- A 106, 904 -alatti I 146, S 1238 -feld ndzd A 136 csiics A 165, 889, G 949, V 86 csiicsdlldsii A 903, T 127 csucsi A 104, 903, 904 csiicskoveto A 129 csiicsnovekedds T 127 keringd- G 465 csiicson levd A 903 csiicsrugy T 127 dttelelo- H 288 csiicsspdra A 138 csiicsu (egyenld-) F 23 csiicsvirdg T 127 csuklds G 92 csuklya С 944 csuklyds С 156, 943 csukott I 81 fdlig- S 295 csupasz A 72, D 71, G 149, 266, L 87, N 198, P 1594 -csirdjii G 268 fdlig- S 340 -pikkelyu P 1597 csucskos L 15 csiicsok L 14 csiingd P 232, S 1321 csungd- G 870 dagadd T 645 dagadt P 591, 592, T 646, 658 daganat S 1053, T 635, 647 -alakii S 1056 daganatos S 1055 daganatszerfi G 84 dajkaszovet A 378 darazsakat hordozd T 103 datolyabarna S 600 ddrda alakii H 53 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZAK ddrdds- H 53 fdlig- S 315 ddrddsan l&ndzs&s L 42 dedifferencidlddds D 31 degenerdcid (vakudlds-) V 6 degenerdlddds D 42 degenerdlddd D 411 dekonjugdcid D 20 deltoid D 54 dendrobion D 60 dendrokronoldgia D 61 dendroldgia D 62 denitrifikdld D 64 dependdcid D 77 depigmentdcid D 78 derdkszdgu R 91 deres G 163, P 1442 dermatociszta D 83 dermatokaliptrogdn D 82 dermatoplaszt D 86 dermatoszdma D 87 dermokaliptrogdn D 82 deszinapszis D 108 detritusz D 114 deuterogdmia D 116 dezmochor novenyek D 100 deutoplazma D 117 dezmolizis D 102 dezmoplankton D 103 ddl- M 196 ddli A 1158, M 196 ddlsarki A 814 ddlutdni P 1142 ddlviddki A 1158 diafdria D 146 diafragma (bdlszoveti-) M 143 diageotropizmus D 133 diagnozis D 134 diagonalis D 135 diagram D 136 diaheliotropizmus D 137 diakindzis D 138 dialidezma D 140 dializis D 141 * diamezogdmia D 143 diarch D 150 diaspdzis D 153 diaspdra D 154 diasztdz D 155 diaszter D 156 diasztole-dllapot D 157 diasztrdf-helyzet D 158 diatmezis D 159 diatropizmus D 161 dibidzis D 163 dibotrisz D 164 dicentrikus D 169 dichdzium D 170 dichogdmia D 173 dichopddium D 174 dichotipia D 177 dichotdmia В 135, В 175 dichotdmikve D 176 didimantia D 192 didimospdra D 194 didindm D 196 didindmia D 195 didiploid D 189 dientomofilia D 197 differencidlis D 199 diffuz D 203 difildtikus D 260 difitikus D 262 difdtikus D 258 digametikus D 206 dihaploid D 223 dihibrid D 227 dikariobion D 165 dikariocita D 166 dikariofdzis D 168 dikarion D 167 diktiospdra D 185 diktiosztdle D 186 dimegdlia D 235 dimdr D 238 dimonocia D 241 dimorfizmus D 242 dinamikus D 407 dinamochdria D 408 dinamogendzis D 409 dindzis D 244 did G 132, N 210 -alaku N 178 --zold hdja N 30 didda D 245 diodogonium D 248 didhdj P 1669 diokemdny N 174 didszeru N 174 dioszmdzis D 254 didtermo N 177 diocia D 250 diocikus D 252 diplanetikus D 263 dipldzia D 264 diplobionta D 268 diplocita D 271 diplofdzis D 283 diplofillum D 284 diplogameta D 273 diplogenezis D 275 diplogonidium D 275 diplohaplobionta D 276 diploid D 277 diploidizdcid D 278 diplokromoszoma D 270 diplonasztia D 279 diplondma D 280 diplospdra D 288 diplosporangium D 289 diploszdma D 287 diplosztdmon D 290 diplotdn D 292 diploxil D 293 dipldzis D 286 dipterocecidium D 295 898 dipterondmium D 296 dirempcid D 298 dirupcid D 300 dispirdm-stddium D 319 diszcentrdcid D 302 diszes D 23, S 224 diszfdtikus D 412 diszitett A 214, E 471, О 242, S 224 diszitd D 21, О 241 diszkert V 134 diszklimax D 304 diszkokarpium D 305 diszkoplankton D 308 diszkopddium D 309 diszndvdnyek D 21, О 241 diszdmia D 314 diszdmikus D 315 disztrofikus D 413 disszimildcid D 328 disszimilatdrikus folyamat С 162 divergdld D 347 divergencia D 348 dobozfdl alsd resze H 625 dohdnybarna T 1 dolgozat О 206, S 1449 dolichondma D 362 dolichozis D 363 dolog R 161 domb С 532, 629 domblako G 625 dombord С 793 mindkdt oldaldn- В 107 dombos G 531 dominans D 365 majdnem- S 1161 dongdkat hordozd В 249 dorziventrdlis D 70 dogevo N 46, S 56 drapszinu T 322 drogismeret P 421 dromotropizmus D 378 drupeola D 381 duces D 386 dudor G 141, M 86, P 80, 1666, T 647 dudorodds G 141 dudoros G 142, P 81, T 629 dudva H 156 dudvaszdr С 195 dudvds H 157, 163 dugvdny M 82, P 753, T 20 dupla В 150, D 330, G 67 dupldn В 69 dupldzott (fdlig-) S 306 durva A 1072, R 397, S105, S 173, 222 durvaszdrfl H 308, S 195 durvdn- G 259 dds О 205 duzzadds P 1434, T 657 duzzaddsoe T 362 duzzadd T 645, 656 80S duzzadtC 706, D 334, 1 139, О 152, P 591, 592, T 646, 658, V 61 echma E 13 ecidiolum A 232 ecidiospdra A 234 ecidioszdrus A 233 ecidium A 235 ecidiumszeru A 230 ecset A 820 ecsetszerfl P 234 ecsetvirdgzat A 820 edafikus E 41 edafofitdk E 45 edafogdn E 42 edafon E 44 edafotop E 46 eddny V 39 eddnyek csavarvonalas- S 754 spirdlis- U 39 eddnyes V 40 eddnynyaldb M 259 bikollaterdlis- В 102 kollaterdlis- С 619 edifikatorndvdnyek A 236 edoiogrdfia A 237 edoioldgia A 238 edoiotdmia A 239 efebogenezis E 226 efemerofitdk E 227 egdrfarkszeru M 631 egdrszeru M 618 egdrsziirke M 583 egdsz I 201, T 365 egdszen H 320 egdszsdges S 32, V 19 egdszsdgtelen I 176 egy M 392, U 36, 81 -ajku U 59 -alakd M 430 -anyas M 422 -bibdju M 422 -bordds U 45 -csavarodasii U 74 -csillangos M 458, U 43 -csirds U 47 -csontarii M 441 -csovii M 444 -embrids U 47 -eru U 63 -dves A 797 -falkds M 393 -fdle H 388 -fogti U 46 -gazddjti M 462 -himes M 394 -ivard D 179, M 417, U 73 -kardju U 61 -kopacsu U 78 -kdrfi M 411 -laki H 373, M 415, S 1436 egy- -levelfl M 434, U 54 -magdudoros U 66 -magrugyes U 66 -magvd M 447 -murvds U 37 -nemd H 388, U 73 -nevd U 64 -nydri A 797, M 399, 411 -oldalas С 619 -oldald U 60 -ostoros U 52 -orvos M 411 -pillds U 43 -porzdkoros M 451 -porzds M 394 -rekeszes U 61, 62 -rdtegd U 75 -sarkantyus U 38 -sarkdsdgu U 68 -sejtmagvu U 65 -sejtu U 42 -soros U 71 -szdrd U 41 -sziku M 409 -szimmetrids M 453, Z 68 -szinu G 694, M 405 majdnem- S 1130 -tagu M 429 ldtszdlag- P 1527 -takards M 404, U 76 -tengelyu H 26 -termdsu E 323 -termdju M 422 -termdlevelu M 399 -tokos M 455, U 40 -tdrzsu M 433 -iiregd M 455, U 62 -valaszfalu U 70 -viragu U 53 egy ds fel S 455 egybedgazds A 671 egybedgazott A 672 egybefolyds A 671 egybefolyo A 672, С 715 egybeforradt С 741 egybefiiggd G 744 egybekapcsolt A 793 egybekapcsolodds J 19 egybekapcsolddott J 20 egybeldncolt G 182 egybeolvadds F 204 egyedfejlddds О 154 novdnyi- P 648 egyedmegporzds I 25 egyediil dlld S 565 egyediili S 522, 565, LT 36 egyenesA 1131,0 251, R 90 majdnem- R 98 -sorozatu R 97 egyenesen feldlld E 320 egyenesen futd О 268 egyenesirdnydsdg R 96 egyenletes A 248 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK egvenld A 244, 245, 256, С 716, H 355, I 292, P 87 -erejfi H 371 majdnem- S 1090 -oldald S 1091 -megvildgitdsu I 331 -osztatd H 374 egyenlden A 244 egyenldleveldsdg I 332 egyenldszdmdsdg I 322 egyenldtlen A 774, D 316, i 59, 75 -oldalu I 77, S 110 egyenldtlenul H 175, I 75 -felezett S 1154 -szdrnyalt I 60 egyesbog M 403 egyesulds A 671, F 204 egyesiilt G 740, J 20 egyetlen H 24, M 392, S 522 egydni fejlddds folyamata О 154 egyfdlesdg H 385 egyforma A 245, U 56 egyformdn H 355 -hasadt I 341 -drvds H 368 egyidejd G 541, H 364, M 406, S 520, 1402 nem- A 431, H 197 egyirdnyba futd H 370 egyirdnyu H 397 egykoru С 541 egylakisdg S 1435 egymds mellctti С 619 egymdsba- -fonodott С 771, I 236 -gdngydlddott E 318 -hajtogatott E 318 -kapcsolddd С 715 -ldncolt G 687 -szdtt T 212 -torkold A 672 egymdsra--csavarodott С 778 fdlig -gdngydlddott S 307, О 38 -helyezett I 108 egymasrahatds (kdlcsonos-) 1 206 egymasrakovetkezds S 1255 egyoldalon levd С 619 egyoldalra hajld H 397 egyontetusdg H 385 egysejtiiek U 42 egyszavas elnevezdsu U 64 egyszer--furdszes U 72 -rajzd M 436 -termd M 399, U 51 -virdgzd H 23 -virltd E 228 egyszeres H 24 egyszerre tdrtdnd S 520 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK egyszerfi H 24, S 518 egyfitt S 1369 egyfittdld С 567, 599, S 1337 egyfitt lehulld С 613 egyfittes С 621 egyfittdlds (harmdnikus-) S 1336 ehetd E 50 eiszodidlis nyilds E 59 ekblasztdzis E 7 ektauxdzis E 17 ektexinium E 18 ektobazidium E 19 ektobionta E 20 ektociandzis E 23 ektociklikus E 24 ektoendoparazita E 25 ektoendotrdf E 26 ektofitdk E 31 ektogenezis E 27 ektogonidium E 28 ektoparazita E 29 ektoperidium E 30 ektdpia E 32 ektoplasztdk E 34 ektoplazma E 33 ektospdrds E 37 ektospdrium E 36 ektotrdf E 38 -mikorrhiza M 612 ekvatoridlis A 247 ekvdcids A 246 ekvivalentogenezds A 253 eldgazds F 197, L 558, 559, R 55 dlvillds- P 1489 ffirtos- R 4 villds- E 372, F 197 eldgazd В 269, R 54 eldgazolt С 478, R 56 eldgazottsdg R 59 elaioplankton E 68 elaioszfdra E 71 elaioszoma E 70 eldlld fdlig- S 349 kissd- P 194 szdlesen- P 180 elaterium E 76 elektrofordzis С 173 elefdntcsontfehdr E 6 elegyitett 1 56 elektrolizis E 81 elektromossdgkdpzddds (no-vdnyi-) P 622 elektronasztia E 82 elektrotaxis E 84 elektrotdnusz E 85 elektrotropizmus E 86 elemzds A 655 elemzd A 656 elenydszd E 408 devenszfilds(dl-) P 1591 elevenszfild V 156 elfajzott D 43 elfdsodds L 165 elfdsodd S 1271 elfdsodott 1 126, S 1271 majdnem- S 1204 elfehdredds A 374 elfeketedds M 175 elfoglald О 43 elfojtd S 1270 elforduld (egymdstdl-) A 874 elfordult A 1233, P 359 elhajlds D 348 elhaldst okozd L 135 elhalt E 114 elhdritd A 394 elhelyezds D 320, P 1126, S 540 elhelyezett D 321, P 1128, S 541 egymds felett- S 1297 ujjasan- P 44 elhelyezkedds (ovszeru-) Z 22 elkeskenyedett A 768 elkeskenyedd A 1140 elkfilonitett I 320, S 405 elkfildnitheto S 566 elkfilonfilds С 365, D 200, M 445, S 237, 259, 569 elkfilonfilt С 364, D 311, 313, S 238 elldtott H 1, I 199, M 579, P 1173 ellen- A 864 ellendlld R 176 ellendlldkdpessdg I 57, R 177 ellenfutd A 874 ellenhatds R 74 ellenmdreg A 391, 865 ellentdt A 813 ellentdtes A 226, 873, 1233 ellentdtesen О 2 ellipszoiddlis E 91 elliptikus E 92 elmelldzott P 1199 elmdleti T 253 elmosodott О 22, 24 elmfilt P 1198 elnevezds D 65, N 142 kdtnevfi- В 153, N 144 elndzett P 1199 elnyomd О 198 eloszlds D 339 elosztds D 320 elosztdsfi (egyenld-) H 374 elosztddds D 339 eldbb P 1360 eldbbvirdgzd P 1363 eldcsira P 1245 eldfehdrje P 1412 eldforduldsi N 21 -hely H 3, N 21 -kdrfilmdnyek S 873 eldforduldsfi (esetleges-) T 663 Ж eldforduld О 44 tavakban iddlegesen- T 664 vdletlenfil- A 44 eldhegy P 1288 eldiddzd (betegsdget -) P 183 eldirdsosan R 331 eld j dvd P 1437 eldkdszitds P 1192 eldlevdl P 1304 eldlevdlke В 282 eldljdrd P 1241 eldmag P 1291 eldpitvar E 59, V 97 eldrecsfingd P 1296 eldredolt P 1292 eldrehajlott P 1292 eldrehaladd P 1260 eldrekdpzett P 1183 eldrekdpzddds P 1182 eldrenyult P 1123 eldspdra P 1416 eldszd P 1176 eldtelep P 1371 eldtelepszeru P 1372 eldtti P 1156 eldtfind P 1240 eldzd P 1170 -eldzd P 1360 elpardsodds S 1169 elpdrolgds T 397 elsatnyuld С 767 elsatnyult A 1128, R 104, R 394 elsorvadds T 2 elsorvadd С 767, T 3 elsd P 1214, 1375 elsobbsdg P 1221 elsddleges P 1208, 1212,1215, P 1375 -keletkezdsfi P 1392 elszalagosodds F 20 elszalagosodott F 21 elszdradd L 44, M 100 dttelelden- M 100 elszdradt E 114 elszdradtan visszamarado E 95 elszigetelddds I 319 elszigetelt I 320 elszintelenedds A 78, 374 elszirmosodds A 829 elszdrtelenedett D 79 elszfikfilt nyfldsfi F 25, eltakart О 27 eltdvolitds E 90 eltdvolitd E 438 eltdvolodds A 5, 6 elterjedds D 317, 339, P 1293 -dllatok fitjdn Z 27 fdldraizi- A 1000 elterjeddsi P 1294 -tertilet A 1000 elterjeddstan С 367 elterjeddsfi (dltaldnos ) С 849 89ft eltdrds A 6 eltdrni D 337 eltdrd A 5, D 327 eltdrdlevelfisdg H 235 eltorzult D 40 eltdmldsddds S 1466 eltOnd E 408, О 16 hamar- F 177 eliilfekvds A 872 elul-hdtulfekvds D 158 eliilsd rdsz F 159 elvadult E 51, S 1233 -ndvdnyek E 51 elvdlaszthatatlan I 181 elvdlasztott I 229 nem- I 121 elvdkonyodd A 1140 elvdkonyodott G 780, T 104 elvetdlt A 18 elvetendo R 137 -ndv R 137 elvirdgzott D 38 elzdldiilds V 128 embrid E 98 embriofitdk E 104 embriofdrum E 103 embriogdnia E 99 embrioldgia E 100 embriondlis E 101 embrids E 102 embriotdga E 105 embridzsdk E 101, M 51, S 10 emeletes T 6 emelkedo (fokozatosan-) A 46 emergencia E 108 emdsztd D 211 emdsztdmirigy D 211, G161 emdsztdtok D 211 emldkezteto A 208 emlitett С 476, 661 endcid E 120 enaliddk E 205 enantiobiozis E 116 enantioblasztikus E 117 enantiomorf E 118 enantiosztil E 119 endarchikus E 125 endemikus E 127 endemit E 129 endemizmus E 128 endobazidium E 130 endobiofitia E 132 endobionta E 131 endobidtikus E 133 fdlig- H 126 rdszben- M 216 endoblema E 134 endochil E 141 endochiton E 138 endochroa E 139 endociandzis E 145 endociklogdn E 146 endociszta E 148 endodendrobionta E 149 endodermisz E 150 endofitdk E 172 endofitikus (fdlig-) H 128, E 169 endofitizmus E 170 endofitobionta E 171 endoflodm E 168 endogaion E 152 endogdmia E 153 endogdn E 154 endogonium E 156 endogonidium E 155 endohausztorium E 157 endokdrpium E 135 endokatadrom E 137 endokinetikus E 142 endokortex E 144 endokroma E 140 endolitikus E 158 endolitofitdk E 159 endomeidzis E 160 endomerisztdma E 161 endomitdzis E 162 endomixis E 163 endoparazita E 164 endopelon E 165 endoperidium E 166 endopetrion E 167 endoplasztidium E 175 endoplasztum E 174 endoplazma E 173 endopleura E 176 endopszammion E 177 endoptil E 178 endospermium E 184 endospdra E 185 endospdrium E 186 endoszaprofitizmus E 180, P 125 endoszimbidzis E 188 endoszklerdtium E 181 endoszkopikus E 182 endoszmozis E 183 endosztdma E 187 endotermikus E 190 endothdcium E 189 endotoxin E 191 endotrdf E 192 -mikorrhiza E 192, M 612 endotropizmus E 193 endoxilofitdk E 194 endozoikus E 196 -elterjedds E 196 endozoobionta E 197 endozoofitdk E 200 endozoochor ndvdnyek E 198 energezis E 202 energiaprodukcid E 202 energida E 203 enharmdnia E 206 entomogdm E 214 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK enzim E 218, F 38 zsirbontd- L 197 enzimkdpzd Z 84 enzimolizis E 219 enydm M 1 enyhitd S 251 enyves V 142 eoplazma E 220 epakme E 221 epanddium E 222 epenchima E 224 eper F 147 eper- F 142 epharmonia E 225 ephidrogdmia E 230 epibazdlis E 231 epibazidium E 232 epibentosz E 233 epibionta E 234 epibidta E 236 epibiotikus E 237 epibidzis E 235 epiblaszt E 240 epiblasztema E 238 epiblasztdzis E 239 epichilium E 244 epidermisz E 255 epifitdk E 283 dl- P 1496 epifitikus E 282 epiflodm E 278 epifragma E 279 epigaion E 258 epigenetikus E 259 epigeotropizmus E 260 epigin E 262 epigonium E 261 epikdrpium E 243 epiklin E 246 epikopula E 247 epikormikus E 248 epikorollin E 249 epikotil E 251 epiktdzis E 252 epikutisz E 253 epilimnion E 263 epimdcium E 266 epinasztia E 267 epindma E 269 epiontoldgia E 271 epipelon E 273 epiplankton E 284 epiplasztiszok E 286 epiplazma E 285 epipleura E 287 epipddium E 288 epireoldgia E 290 epispermium E 293 epispdra E 295 epispordngium E 294 epipszamnion E 289 episzepdl E 292 episztaminia E 297 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZEK episztdzis Б 298 episztomatikus E 299 epitdllusz E 303 epitdcium E 305 epitdka E 304 epitdlsejtrdteg E 306 epitdlium E 306 epitdma E 307 epiteton E 308 epitdnia E 310 epitrdfia E 311 epizoikus E 315 epizoochoria E 316 epoikofitdk E 317 erdei N 75, S 508 erddszet S 511 erddszeti S 29 erdd L 272, N 76, S 507 erddben lako S 510 erddcske S 514 erdogazdasdg S 511 erddk tflleveles- A 61 vegyes- M 385 erddlako N 75 erddmuvelds S 511 erdds S 30, 513 erddstyepp S 512 erecske N 101, V 62 erecskds V 58 eredet О 240 eredeti О 238 eredetu belso- E 154 kettds- A 565 kiilso- E 460 eredds G 89 eredd О 235, 239, 270, P 1436 ereket koveto N 102 eremusz E 326 eres N 100 ereszes H 584, L 177 eresztdk С 743 csatld- С 743 erezet N 99 erezeti N 98, 100 erezett N 100, P 441 alapjdtdl- В 48 erdsen- N 103 gazdagon- P 868, 1022, 1007 ivesen- С 974 pdrhuzamosan- P 107 szdrnyasan- P 703 tenyeresen- P 49 ujjasan D 220, P 49 erezetlen A 1232, E 204 erezetii N 100, P 441 aprd- N 104 biboros- P 1119 egyenes- R 95 egyenld- P 154 Idthatd- P 416 dsszendtt- S 1356 szembetdnd- P 416 szdrds- P 445 ergaszioapofitdk E 327 ergasziofitak E 330 ergasziolipofitdk E 328. ergaszioszintrofofitdk E 331 ergdzis E 332 ergogenezis E 333 ericdtum E 335 eritrofil E 350 eritrofillum E 351 erjedds F 37 erjeddsgdtlo A 875 erjeddst okozo Z 84 erjeddstan Z 86 erjeszto F 38 -enzim Z 83 ernyedt F 75 ernyo alaku F 74 ernydcske U 15 ernyocskds U 16 ernyds U 14 kissd- S 1248 -levelu S 160 emydsbuga С 841 ernydsugarak R 40 ernydvirdgzat U 13 egyszerii- S 453, U 13 osszetett- U 13 его P 1152, V 141 eros F 65, G 254, R 339 erds- A 98 -szagu G 253 erdsito A 653 erdssdg R 338, V 20 erdteljes О 205, P 1151, R 339, V 19, 47, 155 esetleges A 44, 224 •barlanglakd T 586 esd J 46 esdkedvelo О 141 esdkeriild О 142 esdmdro О 139 esdre vonatkozo P 882 esdt jelzd P 882 este nyild V 96 esti V 96 esztdzia A 280 etdlium A 285 eterikus A 287, V 158 etiogdn A 358 etioldgia A 288 etiomorfdzis A 359 etionasztia A 360 etiotropizmus A 362 etnobotanika E 359 eudntium-elmdlet E 361 euapogdmia E 362 euapofitdk E 363 euapospdria E 364 euarcheofitdk E 365 eucecidium E 366 euciklikus E 371 886 eucdnikus E 370 eudichotdmia E 372 euefemer E 373 eufdtikus E 380 eufotometrikus E 381 eugenetika E 374 eugeofitdk E 376 eugeogdn E 375 euhalin E 377 eukleisztokarpikus E 369 eumitozis E 378 euplankton E 383 euribatikus E 385 euricondtikus E 387 eurifdtikus E 392 eurihalin E 388 eurihigrikus E 389 eurioxibionta E 391 euriocikus E 390 euriplaszticitds E 393 euriszinuzikus E 394 euritermikus E 395 euritopikus E 396 eusporangiumos E 397 euspdria E 398 euszinkarpikus E 401 eusztdle E 400 euterofitdk E 402 eutrdf E 404 eutrdpia E 405 euxerofitikus E 406 evolucid E 412 -evd P 409, V 164 excentrikus E 427 excipulum E 429 exine E 446 exintine E 447 exkrdcid E 437 exkretorikus E 438 exochiton E 454 exochomofitdk E 455 exodermisz E 458 exoflodm E 468 exogdmia E 459 exogdn E 460 exokatadrom E 453 exokonidium E 456 exolitikus E 462 exolitofitdk E 463 exomerisztdma E 464 exoneurdzis E 465 exoperidium E 467 exospdra E 476 exospdrium E 477 exoszkdpikus E 474 exoszmdzis E 475 exosztdma E 478 exosztdzis E 479 exotermikus E 482 exotdcium E 481 exotoxin E 483 exotrdfikus E 484 exotropizmus E 485 expldzids E 489 897 expresszivitds E 493 exsiccata E 495 extracelluldris E 507 extraflordlis E 509 extrakromoszdma E 508 extra vazdcid E 515 ezer- M 620 ezdvi H 430 eziist--fehdr A 1010 -szinu A 1010 -szdru A 1010 dbenfafekete E 2 ddes D 388, G 189 cukor- S 6 dg J 21 dgeres A 465 dgerfaerdo A 465 dgeto A 997, S 982, U 88 dgett szinu A 222 dghajlati С 517 dgdpiros F 79, I 39 dgdvoros F 79 dgszinkdk A 1248, С 7, 11 kissd- S 1111 djszaka N170 djszakai N 133, 211 dk alakii С 959, S 698 dkesitett A 214 dl A 90, G 851, M 108 dlelmet add T 596 dlelt A 764 -szarii G 213 dies A 59 diet- V 145 diet В 186, V 144 lappango- A 631 eletciklus В 161, С 1000 dleterd В 165, V 146 dletfolyamat В 161, С 1000 dletfoldrajz В 169 dlethely В 195 dletkdpes V 105, 145 dletkdpessdg V 106, 147 dletkdptelensdg I 270 dletkor A 284 dletkorzet В 156 dletkozossdg В 62, 160, M 594 ndvdnyi- P 616 dlettan В 171, P 597 dlettani В 172 dlettartam D 403 dlettelen A 12 dletterulet В 156 dlettdr В 195 dletmddtan О 72 dletmukodds В 186 dletrevaldsdg V 147 dlettudomdny В 171 dletfi (hosszii-) M 13 dletzdna В 156 dldnk szinu V 47 dldnkpiros С 93, R 388, 422 dldnksdrga G 6, H 556 -did G 604 did H 2, V 115, 155 agyagos porondon- P* 227 alacsony cserjdsben- P 531 bdrhol- О 146, P 76 bokrokban- V 131 dgerfdn- A 466 egynapig- D 345 erddben- N 75 elszdrtan- S 780 gyokdren- E 291 kovon- P 380 levdlnydlen- P 374 medencdben- P 529 mocsdrban- S 961 novdnyen- E 282 OrOkkd- S 388 seregesen- S 546 tozegen- T 654 trdgydn- С 798, S 942 firiildken- M 191 vizben- A 959 dldsdi P 127 dldskodds P 128 dldskodd P 127, 130 alkalmi- P 130 al- P 1536 allati- Z 44 belso- E 131, 164 kiilso- E 29 novdnyi- P 652 polifdg- P 130 valddi- H 346 dldskoddi P 126 -ivartalanitds P 126 dlosovdny S 13 dlu Q 28 egyenlo- I 315 egyenldtlen- A 784 egyforma- H 390 dies- A 91, 170 keskeny- S 915 dp I 123 -dlu I 201 -szdlu I 201 --majdnem I 203 --teljesen I 202 dpitd С 766 dr N 106 fd- P 1208 mdsodlagos- S 245 oldal- S 245, T 402, Y 54 drcpdnz alakii N 202 drdes- T 378 drdes A 1072, R 397, S 105 erosen- S 108 kissd- S 106 -szdrfi H 308 drdeskds S 107, 1103 drdessdg S 107 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZEK dretlen С 897, I 51, 69 drett M 128 drettsdg M 127 tiil- S 130 drds M 135 korai- P 1168 utd- P 1140 drdsi iddpont M 125 drintds T 15 drintkezdsi T 288 -hely G 666 drintkezd С 773 drintdleges T 21 drlelodo M 126 drtekezds T 102 drtelem S 397 drtelmezds I 226 drtdku (azonos-) A 251 drzdkelds P 255 drzdkeny P 1636, S 396 drintdsre- T 13 drzdkenysdg A 280, S 395 tiil- A 419 -betegsdgre R 80 -vegyi hatdsokra С 282 drzdstelenitds A 648 drzo S 396 -mirigyszor T 101 -mirigyszdros T 100 drzug A 1239 dszaki В 251, H 538, S 415 -alpin В 251 -mdrsdkelt ovi H 321 -sarki A 992 -sarkoriili С 456 dszakkeleti В 251 dszaknyugati В 251 dszlelet О 23 dszrevdtelek A 773 dtkezd (egyfitt-) С 663 dveld P 261, 800 dvgyuru A 800 dvi (hdrom-) T 482 dvkonyvek A 792 fa- D 59, X 52 fa L 169 -alakii A 969, D 59, M 582 majdnem-- S 1098 mdsodlagos- S 245 -szinu L 163 faanyag L 166 faeddnyek T 374, V 39 faevd L 167, X 60 fagocitdzis P 407 fagoplankton P 408 fagydaganat P 340 fagyos G 64 fagyfirfi A 800 faggyiiszerfi S 234 fahdjbarna G 445 fahdj illatii G 445 fahdj szinu G 445 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK faiskola A 970, P 750, S 335 faismeret X 59 faismerettan D 62 faj S 997, 624 -alatti I 151 kollektiv- G 62, 587, S 1314 dj- N 169 faji S 625 fajkeverdk H 455 fajlagos S 622, 625 fajndv S 625 faj ok kezdo- S 627 -kozotti I 132 faj on beliili I 246 fajra jellemzd S 625 fajta P 1272, S 997 fajtatipus A 346 fakindzdsu A 969 fakd G 146 fakdbarna G 904 fakdsdrga I 287 fakdvulet L 225, X 58 fakuld F 80 fakultativ F 11 -parazita P 130 fal P 152 -menti P 153 sejtmag- M 181, G 152 spdra- E 186, 295 termds- P 275 vdlasz- D 325, S 424 faleirds X 56 fali fekvdsu P 153 falka G 256 -falkas A 181 falkds С 741, G 176 falkdssdg A 182 falu V 112 falusi R 418, 421 fanerofitdk P 417 fanerogdm P 415 fanyar A 60, S 1082 faoplankton P 419 faparenchima P 827 fardgd L 167, X 60 fardk G 83 fardsz X 53 -cseranyaga X 55 elsddleges- P 1424 kdzponti- H 6 fardszt kdrdlvevd H 5 farkasirtd L 285 farkos С 188 farmakodinamia P 420 farmakoldgia P 422 farmakogndzia P 421 farokszerd С 188 farontd L 167 farost L 154 fasejtek eddny alakii- T 375 faszerd A 969, L 162 faszdvet X 53 fatenydszet A 972 fatest G 825, X 53 fatdrzs T 620 fatdrzshasadds P 340 fatorzsdn keletkezett T 619 faultetvdny A 970 fdban did L 164 fdciesz F 6 fdhoz hasonld D 59 fdn -lakd A 971, L 164 -did X 61 -novd E 314, X 61 fas L 162 fds- X 52 -gyokerd X 63 -ndvdnyek X 62 fdsodds L 165 fdsodd L 161 fdtylas С 836 fdtyol С 835, V 51 -ndlkiili A 109 rdszleges- V 51 teljes- V 51 fatyolka I 128 dl- P 1515 fdtyolos С 836, I 127, V 49 fdtyolszerd С 837 fdtyoltalan A 1230 fedeldkes I 49 kissd- S 1195 fedetlen A 887, 1114, G 246, D 72, G 266, N 198 fedett A 20, 759, С 207, С 314, 496, 914, I 129, S 889, T 46 fdlig- H 118 teljesen- H 326 fedd О 185, T 47 feddlevdl В 280 fedds О 184 feddszerd О 183 fegyvertelen I 131 fegyverzet A 1027 fehdr A 382, L 136 alul- H 595 elefdntcsont- E 6 ezust- A 1010 fdnyld- С 62, N 128 fdnytelen- A 382, V 130 gipsz- G 311 hattyd О 136 hermelin- E 339 hd- С 308, N 128 kdkes- G 987 krdta- G 884 pirosas- R 296, 376 porcelldn- P 1103 sdrgds- С 408, E 6, X 8 szennyes- S 586 szdrkds- G 64, S 771, T 113 tej- G 4, L 22 886 tiszta- G 63, H 344, О 136 zdldes- A 517, 1053, G 335 fehdres A 375, С 62 -fekete L 141 -piros E 349 -sdrga L 148, О 53 -sziirke L 142 fehdrje P 1347 eld- P 1412 fehdrjdk A 379 fehdrjds P 1344 fehdrjeszintdzis P 1359 fehdrlevelu L 143 fehdrleveldsdg A 374 fehdrmagvdsdg L 146 fehdrszurke G 66 fej С 80 fejecs G 72 fejecske ndlkiili A 58 fejecskevirdgzat G 72 isszenitt- S 1398 fejecskds С 71 hdrom- T 431 fejes G 71 fejetlen A 58 fejletlen E 101 fejlett A 219 fejlddds A 50, 605, E 412, P 1259 alak- M 475 csira- E 99 kanalizdlt- H 377 lelassult- В 285 os- A 10 tul- H 248 vissza- С 167, 177, D 42, I 279 fejlddds-alaktan M 476 fejldddsmenet A 473 feilddd (csiicsfeld-) A 133 fejsze alaku D 359, S 250 fekete A 1116, M 172, N 118 dbenfa- E 2 fehdres- L 141 fdnyes- G 802 fdnytelen- T 565 holld- A 857, G 802 kdkes- С 988 korom- A 857, F 182 sdtdt- A 857 szdn- A 857, 1116, G 81 szurok- P 677 szurkds- N 117, T 114 tinta- A 1125 vildgos- L 141 fekete -magvii G 3 -pettyes S 696 feketedd A 1126 feketesdg N 120 feketeuszdk N 49 feketdld A 1126, N 117,120a, S 1211 89» feketds A 1127, N 117,120a, S 1211 -sziirke F 185 fekdlyesedds E 517 fekvdsfi (keriileti-) P 295 fekvd (keresztben-) T 402 feldlld egyenesen- E 320 majdnem-- S 1168 fdlig- S 308 mereven- A 1035 felbomlds С 89, D 332 felbdr С 979 felcserdlt С 670 feldarabolt S 257 feldolgozds E 64, T 380 felegyenesed6 A 1054, E 336 felelevenedd R 102 felemds D 243 felemdsbibdjusdg H 255 felemdslevelusdg H 235 felemdsvirdgiisdg P 988 felemelkedd A 1054 alig- S 1102 felesleges H 551, S 1291 feletti E 229, H 536 felezett D 239 felezd A 247 -korong A 247 -sik M 136 feldledds R 219 feldpitds S 1052 feldpitd folyamat A 634 felfedezett I 266 felfedezd I 265 felfegyverzett A 1028 f elf eld irdnyuld A 1054, E 312 felfrissitd R 116 felfutd S 112 felfiivddds I 256 felfiivddd I 255 felfiivddott 139 felhajld R 167 felhalmozddott С 539 felhalmozott A 54 felhasadd L 243, R 416 nem- I 114 felhds N 36, 173 felismert R 86 feljavitd A 506 feljegyzds A 795 felkiiszd S 112 fellema P 424 fellevdl H 626 felloderma P 427 fellogdn P 428 felmend A 801 felloid P 430 felnyilds D 45 -felnyildsd С 422 felnyild D 44 fdlig- S 304 fogazottan- D 69 kifeld- E 516 nem- I 81, 114 szabdlytalaniil- R 408 vdlaszfal mentdn- S 416 feloldhatd S 566 feloldd L 294 feloldddds D 332, L 293, S 569 feloldott S 570 felpattands D 45 felpattand E 489, E 166 nem- I 114 felrepedds D 45 felrepedd D 44, E 346, R 408 felsorolds E 217 felsd S 1299 -dlldsii E 262 fdlig-- S 373 felsdbb S 1294 felszakadd R 408 felszini E 229, S 1289 felszivd A 22 felszivddds R 179 feltdtel G 703 feltdtelezds P 1197 feltund С 761 feliilet S 1290 feluleti E 16, S 1289 -kdplet E 108 -tdpldlkozdsii E 38 feliiletu egyenetlen- S 17 sima- A 248 -feliili H 536 feliilmiild E 425, S 1284 felvdtelezds fitocdnoldgiai- С 752a fennlakd E 282 fenntartd S 1322 fenocitoldgia P 385 fenofdzis P 392 fenogenetika P 388 fenogenezis P 387 fenohibrid P 389 fenokdpia P 384 fenoldgia P 390 fenoldgiai P 391 fenospermia P 393 fenotermikus P 394 fenotipikus P 395 fenotipus P 396 fenyd illatii S 43 fenydbarna S 600 fenyderddk A 61 fenydn did A 9 fenydszerfi A 9, S 43 feofillum P 401 feoplasztisz P 403 feoszdma P 405 ferde D 135, С 524, P 730, О 15 -sik D 135 ferddn О 15, 34 -dlld A 353, С 524 -lehajld D 17 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK ferment F 38 fertdzds I 132 fertdzd С 768 fertdzdkdpes V 139 fertdzdkdpessdg V 138 fertdzdtt S 417 festett P 679 festdkanyag P 682 festd T 314 festddd G 372 festdndvdnyek T 315 feszessdg T 657 feszitds T 98 feszultsdg T 98 -feszultsdgu T 334 fdl- S 277 -hengeres S 300, 376 -kleisztogdm H 120 -tojdsdad alakii S 346 turbdn alaku S 380 -vdlaszfalas S 362 fdlbeszdrnyalt I 228 fdlcserje S 1099, 1272 fdlcserjdk H 135 fdlcserjds S 1274 -formdcid S 1273 fdlepifitdk H 130 fdldlOskodO H 133 fdlgombszeru S 314 fdlherkogdmia S 316 fdlhold alakii L 276 fdlholdszerii S 331 fdlig- H 110, S 277 -alkalmazkodott H 145 -dtereszto S 352 -csavarodott H 145 -nyitottan porzodd H 120 -osszendtt sziklevelu H 140 --termdlevelu H 139 -rejtve teleld novdnyek H 121 fdligzuzmd S 327 fdlkamrdcska S 330 fdlkor alakii S 293, 344 fdlkoros H 122 fdlkoru S 293 fdllemez S 322 fdllemezke S 321 fdlmeddosdg S 369 fdlrekesz S 330 fdlspeciesz S 365 fdlszaprofitdk H 137 fdlszeres L 173 fdlvdlaszfal S 363 fdlxerofitdk H 146 fdm fdnyfi M 271 fdmszin M 271 fdny L 282 fdny- H 76, P 471 fdnyes С 838, F 181, L 28, 29, 37, 270, S 768, V 76 alul- H 593 fdnydrzdkeny papilla О 48 fdnydrzdkenysdg P 473, 510 MAGYAR SZ6jEGYZtK fdnyforrdsra irdnyuld О 256 fdnyigdnyes H 79, P 502 fdnyigdnyu (kevds-) О 120 . -kdzepes- M 243 fdnyindifferens ndvdnyek N 111 fdnykedveld H 79, P 502 fdnykelto P 485 fdnykeriild H 80, P 503 fdnylevdl H 81 fdnyld С 838, L 270, N 122, P 418, S 768, Y 76 -fehdr С 62, N 128 fdnymdro P 493 fdnyplankton P 469 fdnyszakasz P 500 fdnyszakaszos P 498 fdnytelen A 894, I 66, О 181 fdnytermeld P 485 fdnyu csillogo- S 164 olajos- I 259 fdreg alakii spdra S 201 fdregszeru H 92 fdreguzd V 69 fdsu alakii (fdlig-) S 350 fdstis P 205 fdsiisen P 205 fdszek- N 115 fdszekorv I 277, P 279 fdszekpikkelyek I 274, S 839 fdszekszeru N 115 fdszektdnydr С 521 fdszekvacok R 79 fdszekvirdg F 97 fdszekvirdgzat A 841 fia F 2 fiatal J 22, N 169 fiatalkor J 24 fiatalkori J 22 fibulds F 50 fikocidn P 537 fikodomdciumok P 538 fikoeritrin P 539 fikofein P 541 fikokrom P 536 fikopirrin P 543 fikoporfirin P 542 fikorrhiza P 544 fikoxantin P 545 -fildtikus P 548 fildzis P 547 filidlis nemzeddk F 3 fillidium P 553 filloblaszt P 555 fillocianin P 561 fillodia P 569 fillodium P 563 fillokarpikus P 557 filloklddium P 559 fillokollia P 560 fillom P 567 fillomdnia P 568 fillomorfia P 569 fillonomium P 572 fillopodium P 575 filloptdzis P 576 filocdnogenezis P 583 filoembriogenezis P 584 filogenetika P 586 filogenetikus P 587 filogenezis P 585 filogdnia P 585 filogerontikus P 589 filozdfia P 440 finom A 1014, L 116, S 1241, T 95, 97, 105 -erecskds V 63 fidkhagyma В 308 fitobentosz P 604 fitobidtikus P 607 fitoblaszt P 608 fitocecidium P 609 fitocitologia P 618 fitoconogenezis P 614 fitoconoldgia P 615 fitoconoldgiai felvdtelezds С 752a fitoconotipus P 617 fitocondzis P 616 fitodomdcium P 619 fitoedafon P 621 fitogdmia P 623 fitogenezis P 624 fitogeogenezis P 627 fitogeogrdfia P 628 fitogrdfia P 630 fitohormonok P 632 fitokoroldgia P 612 fitoma P 638 fitomerum P 639 fitomorfdzis P 642 fitoncidok P 643 fitondmia P 645 fitodkoldgia P 647 fitopatologia P 654 fitoplankton P 658 fitopleuszton P 659 fitoptocecidium P 661 fitoptozis P 662 fitoszocioldgia P 664 fitotelma P 668 fitotermogenezis P 672 fitotoxin P 674 fitotrdfia P 675 fitdzis P 663 fiziogdnia P 594 fiziogndmia P 595 fizioldgia P 597 fiziondmia P 595 fizdddk P 598 fizondmium P 599 fliktioplankton P 453 flobafen P 447 flodm P 448 kozdpsd- M 242 floemgyfirus (kettds-) A 576 fldra С 329, F 85 900 fldramO С 329 kis- F 95 florisztikai feldpitds S 1052 fobizmus P 455 fobochemotaktizmus P 456 fobofototropizmus P 458 fodros С 890, U 7 kissd- S 1140 fodrosodds С 889 fog- О 61 fog D 66 fogacska D 70 fogas D 67 furdszesen- S 437 fogasan- D 67 fogazatlan E 47 majdnem- S 1163 fogazott D 67, О 61 alig- S 1148 dupldn- В 117 egyenlotlenul - H 205, I 76 gyengdn- P 197 -levelu О 63 szdrnyasan- P 709 -szdlu О 62 toviskdsen- S 752 fogdkony R 81 fogdkonysdg R 80 fogodzkodd P 1207 fogodzd A 206 fogii О 61 apro- L 121 durva- S 185 kevds- P 197 fojtd S 1270 fokhagyma -levelfi S 209 -szagii A 423 fokozott- H 536 fokuszfekvds E 354 foladofitdk P 461 folt M 64 kerek- О 48 -ndlkiili I 50 folios С 762, M 66, S 217 foltossdg M 65 folyaddk L 208 folyaddkfeszes T 656 folyamat P 1233 feldpitd- A 634 folyds С 968 folydkonnyd vdld G 628 folyd С 967 csendesen- L 93 ' folydkban -did F 100 -tenydszd F 100 folydmenti A 523 folydplankton P 1150 folydt kedveld P 1148 folydvizben did P 1146 folydvizek -ndvdnytana P 1147 -ndvdnyzete P 1149 eoi folytatdlagos С 775, S 1256 fonal F 44 -alakii F 56 sejt- H 557 rdgzitd- P 1712 fonalas С 711, F 49, 56, N68 -levelu N 73 -szdrfi N 71 -telepfi T 466 fonalgomolyag spdratermo- G 210 fonalka F 46 fonalkds F 48 fonalszdlak akromatikus- A 75 fonalszerfi F 45, L 191 -fonalfi N 68 fonalzat sejtmag- R 195 fondkja (levdlnek) P 10 fonotaxis P 463 fonnyadt L 44 fonnyadtsdg M 102 forditott О 2, A 629 -alldsfi A 682 -haromszdgfi О 30 forduldsfi ellentdtes- A 867 fordulo T 611, V 85 fordult balra- S 525 befeld- I 253 jobbra- D 125 kifeld- E 516 fordzia P 466 forgo С 429 forgd-tobbesbog С 994 forgds С 428 forgovirdgzat С 429 forma F 125 uj- F 125 formalokdpes P 774 formdtlan D 202 forradds R 66, S 1323 hasi- V 60 hati- D 368 forradasos S 1325 forrds F 119, S 129 forrdskedvelo F 120 forrdslakd F 120 -novdnyek С 875 forrdslakdk С 874 forrdsplankton С 876 forrdzat I 156 forrd T 356 forrddgov alatti S 1246 forrddgovi M 159, T 610 -novdnyek M 61 forrt- - G 37 -porzdjfi S 1357 -szirmii S 1349, 1444 fdlig-- S 313 -szirmii pdrta С 816 foszladozott L 12 foteolikus P 470 fotikus P 471 fotizmus P 472 fotoauxizmus P 474 fotoblaszt P 475 l'otodinamia P 482 fotodinamikus P 483 fotodindzis P 481 fotoepinasztia P 484 fotofdzis P 501 fotofil P 502 fotogdnikus P 485 fotografotipus P 486 l'otohiponasztia P 487 fotokdmikus P 476 fotokindzis P 488 fotokleisztogamia P 478 fotoklinia P 479 fotokolorimetrikus P 480 fotokromatikus P 477 fotolepszis P 489 fotolizis P 490 fotomdter P 493 fotomdtria P 491 fotomdtrikus P 492 fotomorfdzis P 494 fotonasztia P 495 fotonasztikus P 496 fotoperiodizmus P 499 fotoplagiotrdpikus P 505 fotoredukcid P 506 fotoszintdzis P 507 fototaktizmus P 508 fototaxis P 508 fototipus P 486 fototdnus P 510 fototrof P 513 l'ototrdfia P 512 fototropizmus P 514 negativ- С 174 fo С 85, P 1208, 1215 fodr P 1208 fogyokdr P 1208 fold S 567, T 135 -alatti G 119, H 589, S 1239 - -sarj S 998 -feletti A 259, E 301, S 1315 --csirdzds E 257 -feld gdrbiild С 186 -szinfi T 137 foldben telelo novdnyek G120 foldet mfivelni G 634 foldgomb G 123 foldgombre vonatko zd T 66 foldi G 102, T 66, 136 foldkozitengeri M 141 folmfiveldsi A 339 foldon did T 136 foldrajzi elterjedds A 1000 foldreterfild P 1238 foldszint alatti H 589 fdszdr P 1208 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK fotengely P 1208 valddi- M 440 fdzdshez haszndlt С 948 ldzet I 156 fragmatospdra P 518 fragmentdcid F 144 fragmoplaszt P 523 fragmoszfdra P 525 fragmoszdma P 524 fragmosztihobazidium P 527 freatofitdk P 528 friss R 77 frissitd A 653 fukuszszerfi F 174 fulldnkszdr U 88 furulyaszerfi T 310 -futd F 176 aldmeriilten- H 588 csiicshoz- A 120 ffi G 232, H 156 ffi- G 233 ffievo H 164, P 656 fiige F 51 fiigetermds S 1327 fuggeldk A 929, 948 szdrszdl- T 453 ffiggeldkek A 178 fiiggeszto G 362 csira- F 194, S 1320 fiiggo P 232, S 1321 ftiggo- С 870 -gyokerfi E 8 ftiggdleges P 343, V 87 fuggony С 835 fulecske A 1154 -ndlkuli E 423 -szerfi A 1156 ftilecskds A 1155 kissd- S 1106 ffilevelfi A 341 fiilezett A 1155 ffinemfi G 233, H 157 ffirdsz alaku S 448 ffirdszelt dlu (sokszor-) M 568 ffirdszes S 447 dupldn- В 214 kissd- S 1229 -levelfi S 441 finoman-- S 451 --virdgfi S 450 ffirdszfogas S 437, 447 fdlig- S 364 -virdgfi S 440 ffirdszfogazat S 446 ffirdszfogfi S 437, 447 finoman- S 445 hdrom- T 557 ffirt R 7 -alakii R 3 egyszerfi- R 7 osszetett R 7 ffirtocske R 6 ffirtos- В 262 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK fiirtds R 1, 4 -bogvirdgzat В 264 -eldgazds R 4 -virdgu R 2 -virdgzat R 4 fiirtot hordozd R 1 fiirtszeru R 4 -furtu В 262 keskeny- S 904 fiirtvirdgzat R 7 fiistos F 185 fiistszinu F 185 fiistsziirke F 185, N 36 fdszdr С 950 fdszerezd С 702 fuszeru G 233, H 157 fuvecske H 165 fuveken. did G 235 fuves G 237, H 163 fdvdsz В 256, H 160 ffivdszet В 254 fuvdszeti В 255 fdvdszkert H 438 fuvdszno В 257, H 160 fuz- S 18 fiizes S 19 fiizesben termd S 18 fuzdr S 728 fdl- P 1572 egyszerii- S 728 osszetett- S 728 fuzdres A 1117, S 850 fiizdres S 730 fiizdrke S 733 fuzdrkeszeru S 735 fiizdrketengely R 9 fiizdrkds S 734 fuzdrszerii S 731 fiizdrtengely R 12 -fiizdrii S 850 fiizdrviragzat S 728 fuzold G 234 fuzold szinii H 161 fuzszerii S 18 gabona С 238, F 167 gabonafold S 253 gabonaszdr С 950 galambszurke С 646 galldr I 277 galldrka A 1030, I 273 galldrkalevelek I 273 galldrkas A 1031 galldrlevelek I 277 galldrleveles I 276 galldrozd I 274 -levelek I 274 galy R 62 gamdta G 17 gametangiofdrum 3 19 gametangiogdmia G 18 gametan^ium G 20 dl- P 1501 gametikus G 21 gametoblaszt G 24 gametociszta G 25 gametocita G 26 gametofiton G 34 gametoforum G 31 gametogdmia G 27 gametogenezis G 28 gametoplazma G 35 gametospdra G 36 -gamikus G 37 gamdbium G 38 gamodezmia G 42 gamophillia G 49 gamogenezis G 44 gamomdria G 46 gamomorfdzis G 47 gamotropizmus G 56 garagolyaszeru G 231 gatyds A 372 gazdagon- P 933 gazdanovdny N 208 gazdanovdnyek H 440 gazdanovdnyt vdltoztatd H 208 gazdasdgi О 75 -novdnytan О 75 gazoplankton G 60 gdtldk I 160 gdtoros С 495 gdzcserenyilds S 1001 utdpitvari- О 191 geitonogdmia G 61 geitonokdrpia G 62 gemini G 68 gemmiparitds G 76 generdcid G 85, N 1, 2 diploid- N 2, G 85 haploid- G 85, N 1 n kromoszdmds- N 1 2n kromoszdmds- N 2 generativ G 86 -szervek О 232 genetika G 90 genetikai novdnyfdldrajz E 271 genetikus G 91 gennyeseddst okozd P 1691 gennykeltd P 1691 genotipus G 98 geobionta G 104 geoblaszt G 106 geobotanika G 107 geoesztdzia G 103 geofil G 119 geofitdk G 120 geokdrpia G 108 dl- P 1503 geokarpotrdpikus G 109 geonasztia G 114 gconiktinasztia G 115 geoniktitrdpia G 115 geodkotipus G 116 geoparallelotropizmus G 118 909 geoplagiotropizmus G 121 geospeciesz G 122 geoszfdra G 123 geotaxis G 125. geotdnusz G 126 geotorszid G 127 geotortizmus G 127 geotrdfia G 128 geotrofizmus G 128 geotropizmus G 130 negativ- G 130, Z 7 oldalirdnyu- G 130 pozitiv- С 168, G 130 gerendaszerti T 312 gerendds T 312 gerinc R 12, С 90 levdl- R 12 gerjedelmet fokozd A 899 gerontomorfdzis G 139 geszt D 402 gesztenyebarna В 16, G 159 gdn G 80 -dtkeresztezddds С 894 -drvdnyestilds mdrtdke E 493 gdnkicserdlddds С 894 gilisztahajtd S 39, V 69 gilisztaszeru L 273 gimnocita G 271 gimnoplaszt G 272 ginanaria G 277 ginandrikus G 278 ginandromondcia G 279 ginantdrikus G 282 ginixus G 284 ginobdzis G 285 ginodimorfizmus G 287 ginodiocia G 288 ginocia G 291 ginofenum G 300 ginofillia G 302 ginofitdk G 303 ginogameta G 292 ginogametdngium G 293 ginogametoforum G 294 ginogenezis G 295 ginogenum G 296 ginohermafrodita G 298 ginomonocia G 299 ginospordngium G 306 ginosztdgium G 308 ginosztdmium G 309 gipszes G 310 -talajt kedveld G 312 gipszfehdr G 311 gipszkedveld G 312 giroma G 315 glacidlis G 151 gleba G 165 gleccserlakd G 151 globoiddk G 167 glochidium G 170 glosszopddium G 180 gldocisztidium G 173 gldospdra G 175 •08 glutdn G 187 gneszieg&mia G 193 gdlyal&bszerfi G 231 golyva S 1053 -alakii S 1056 golyvds S 1055 golyvaszerfi S 1054 gomba F 191 gomba- M 596 gombaevd T 190 gombafldra M 608 gombafonal H 557 elsddleges- P 1289 -ndlkuli A 610 gombafonalkdteg M 598 gombafonalnyaldb M 598 mdsodlagos- S 245 gombafonalrdteg H 560 gombafonalszeru M 599 gombafonal-szoveddk M 598 gombagubacs M 606 gombagyokdr M 612 gombairtd F 188 gombakalap P 688 gombalakds M 607 gombaszerfi F 187 gombatan M 609 gombatonk С 227, S 987 -hiively V 162 gombdk M 600 gombdn dlo F 189 gombdra vonatkozd M 596 gombdval tdpldlkozd M 604 gombolyagszerfien halmozott С 722 gombos С 71 gombvirdgzat С 72 gomoly G 177 gomolyos G 722 gomolyvirdgzat G 177 gonangium G 197 gondoskodott С 966 goneoklin G 199 gonidangium G 203 gonididlis G 204 gonidiondma G 208 gonidimium G 205 gonidium G 207 -rdteg G 208, S 1018 -tartd G 206 gonimoblaszt G 210 gonimolob G 211 gonohiphema G 220 gonoplazma G 222 gonospdra G 224 gonotaxis G 225 gonotokontdk G 226 gonotropizmus G 228 gonoszdma G 223 gordos I 139 gdcs N 140 gdcsos G 92 gdddr F 134 gdddrke A 483, F 138 -alakulds A 1008 gdddrkeszeru A 484 gdddrkds A 486, 1007, С 415, F 139, S 17 -gdddrkds F 27 gddrocske A 1006, F 138, S 219 gddrdcskds A 486, S 218 godrds A 486 gdmb- S 699 -kaldszii S 716 -termdsfi S 704 gombkristdlyok S 700 gdmbocske G 168, S 718 gdmbdlyded G 166, S 1187 gdmbdlyfi G 166, S 699 -magvii S 713 szdlesen- О 13 gombosen osszedlld С 721 gombszerfi G 166, S 699 gorbe A 689, G 973 gorbe- С 56, H 454 gorbdn- С 56 -futd С 57 gorbulds С 971 gdrbiildses ingerm ozgds T 612 gorbfild f elf eld- R 167 fold feld- С 186 jobbfeld- D 125 kifeld- E 39 gdrbfilt A 635, 689, 996, С 58, 973 gdrbfilt- С 56 befeld- С 461 boltozatosan- С 461 kifeld- A 944, D 37, R 101, 206 kissd- С 972, H 585, S 1142 patkdszerfien- A 595 gneiszon dlo G 192 granitikus G 246 grdndtalma В 20, G 241 -szin P 1659 grdndtpiros G 240, P 1659 grdniton termo G 246 grex G 256 gubacs С 206, G 13 atka- A 34 dl- P 1480 dllati- Z 26 csucsi- A 116 gomba- M 606 rejtett- G 918 rovar- E 213 gubacshordozd С 203 gubacskcltd dllatkdk G 205 gubacsos G 203 gubacsszerfi G 14 gubacstan С 202 gumigyantdt add G 261 gumilakk L 10 gummdzis G 262 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK gumd T 623 -alakii В 303, T 633 iker- T 623 rtigyszerfi- T 634 gumdcska N 136, T 630 -alakii T 627 -kdpzddds T 628 gumdcskds С 260, T 626, 629 gumdjii (keskeny-) S 905 gumds В 304, T 636 -gydkdr T 636 gumdsodd T 624 gumdszerfi В 303 guttdcid G 264 gyakori С 866, F 150 gyandnt P 1225 gyanta R 168 gyantafolyds R 174 gyantajdrat D 387 gyantaszeru R 169 gyantdk (olajos-) О 98 gyantds R 175 gyantdt -szolgdltatd G 7 -termd R 170, 173 -vezetd R 170 gyapjas- E 334 gyapjas L 40 gazdagon- L 47 -levelfi С 560 -szdrfi L 39, 40 kissd-- S 1202 -szdr L 47 -szdrzet L 48 gyarapitott A 1146 gyenge D 7 -tfiskds S 745 gyengdn S 1085 -molyhos T 325 gyepes С 13 gyepkdpzd С 13 gyertyatartdszerfi С 61 gydr R 71 gyik- S 94 gyikok dltal S 94 --terjedd S 96 gyilkold S 130 gydgydszati О 88, T 254 gydgyhatdsii S 33 gydgyitd I 2, M 138, О 88» S 33, T 254 sebet- V 166 gydgynovdnyek M 138 gydgynovdnytan P 671 gydgyszer A 393 gydgyszertan P 422 gyom I 260 gyomirtd szerek H 162 gyomldlds R 407 gyomnovdny H 156 gyomndvdnyei muvelt teriiletek- E 331 szemetes teriiletek- R 391 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK gyomndvdnyek X 45 vetdsi- S 254 gyomos H 163 gyors T 8 gydkerecske R 30 gyokereket kedveld R 274 gydkeres R 22, 25, 276 gazdagon- R 29 gydkeres ndvdnyek R 279 gyokeresedds R 21 gyokereket (-fejleszto) R 258 -kdpzd R 276 -rdgo R 28 gyokerezo R 20 gyokerezddds R 21 -gyokerd R 240 belsd- E 179 csiingo- E 8 eros- R 29 fedetlen- E 472 fedett- E 179 fiiggo- E 8 dsszendtt- S 1443 gyokdr- R 20, 240 -alaku R 27, 273 gydkdr R 41 dl- P 1566 bojtos- R 41 egyszerii- S 518 fds- R 41 fo- P 1208 gomba- M 612 gumos- T 636 harmat- S 1289 jaruldkos- A 224 karo- P 28 kotdl- S 1289 kupos- N 12 melldk- R 23, S 245 oldal- R 41, S 245 orso- R 41 osszehiizddo- С 779 rdpa alaku- N 12 rostos- R 41 szellozteto- P 886 hajszdl- R 20 ldg- A 259 pot- A 224 gyokdrdg R 23 gyokdrdUas R 284 gyokdrbdrszovet R 256 gyokdrburok Y 48 gyokdrdaganat M 607 gyokdrdimorfizmus H 246 gyokdrdudor R 285 gyokdreldgazds D 3 gyokdren did R 24 gyokdrfejes R 251 gyokdrfonalak F 44 gydkdrfonalkdk R 20, 261 gydkdrfoveg С 46 gyokdrfuggeldk R 246 gydkdrgumd T 630, 636 gydkdrgumds T 626 904 gydkdrgumd В 11 gydkdrgyGszCL R 271 gyokdrhajszdlak A 22, R 20 gydkdrhajtds S 543 gyokdrhajtdsos S 544 gyokdrhiively С 611 gyokdri R 20 gyokdrkezdemdny R 30 gyokdrkdpzddds R 257 gydkdrkoviilet R 264 gyokdrkdzeli (-mag vu) R 282 -virdgu R 26 gyokdrleirds R 260 gyokdrleveld R 278 gydkdrlevdl R 277 gyokdrnyak С 633 -gyokdrnyaku С 630 gyokdrre vonatkozd R 31 gyokdrrendszer S 1476 gyokdrrugyek R 20 gyokdrsarj S 543 gyokdrsarjas S 544 gydkdrsiiveg С 46, P 687 -kdpzd rdteg С 49 gyokdrszeru R 27, 262 -levdl R 277 gydkdrszorszalak R 20 gyokdrtarack S 998 gyokdrtarto R 275 gydkdrtelen A 1041 gyokdrtorzs R 266 gydkdr to visek R 20 gydkdrvdgd R 286 gyokocske R 30 csira- R 30 -csucs R 33 -huvely С 611 gydkocskds R 32 gyoktorzs R 266 gyoktorzses R 270 gyoktorzsszeru R 269 gyoktorzsu (eros-) R 270 gyongysor alaku M 397 gyongyszeru M 104 gydnyorkodtetds A 526, D 49 gyujtemdny G 169, S 732, 1331 gyiimolcs F 165 gyiimolcsdrds F 163 gyiimolcsdszet P 1091 gyiimdlcshiis С 97, P 1643, S 64 gyumolcsismerettan P 1091 gyiimdlcskdsa G 97, P 1643 gyiimolcskert H 438 gyumolcskovesedds G 114 gyiimolcsos H 438 gyumolcsdskert P 1086 gyumolcsozd F 162 gyiimolcsrdgd F 164 gytimolcstan С 112 gyiimolcstermd F 162 -gyumdlcsd G 99 gyurt С 830 -virdgborulds С 830 gyfirfi A 800 -alakii A 798 dl- P 1457 dv- A 800 fa- A 800 kambium- G 51 szdr- A 800 gyuriis A 798, 799, G 317 -eddnyek A 798 -kdreg R 315 fdlig- S 283 ldtszdlagosan- P 1504 gyuruzott A 799, 1031 habos S 835 habszerd S 835 hadrocentrikus H 5 hagyma В 309 dl- P 1475 burkolt- T 650 fidk- В 308 kopenyes- T 650 hagymaboruldk I 204 hagymagumd В 307 hagymahdj I 204 hagymapikkelyek S 839 hagymariigy В 305 hagymaszagd A 423 hagymaszerd A 421 hagymatdnydr В 306 hagymatdnk В 306, D 312 hagymazold P 1203 hagymdt termd В 304 haj С 70 hajlamossag drokldtt- P 1172 hajlatu (egyenld-) I 301 hajlitott A 635 hajlongd F 82, О 188 hajlott I 90 kifeld- R 85 hajszdlcsoves С 67 hajszdlcsovessdg С 68 hajszdlfinom G 67 hajszdlgyokerek R 20 hajszdlvastagsdg G 70 hajszdlvdkony G 67 majdnem- S 1115 hajtds В 228, G 132, P 753, T 660 heverd- S 82 hosszii- M 14 nyiilt szdrtagii- M 14 rovid- В 272, 273 sarj- I 165 szaporitd- S 82 szentjdnos- P 1269 szdld- R 163 tdrpe- В 272 viz- P 1269 hajtdsgumd T 623 905 hajtdsos ndvdnyek С 812 ha ltd С 184 hajtogatott levelfi P 1627 -hajfi P 683 haladd csficsfeld- A 129, В 42 felfeld- A 642 halastavi novdnyek T 317 halastdban did T 316 haldlt okozd L 135 majdnem-- S 1203 halmazka A 63 halmocskas G 260 halmozott A 62, 323, С 710, 720, 724, G 176 halobentosz H 10 halobiosz H 11 halodrimium H 12 halofitdk H 16 halom G 629 halonereidak H 13 haloplankton H 17 halvaszuletett ndv A 18 halvdny D 234, P 40 halvdnybarna A 482 halvanypiros H 103 halvanysarga F 80, G 146, L 277, О 53 halvanyuld P 39 halvdnyvoros S 24 halvanyzold V 137 hamis A 218, F 14, N 162, P 1456, S 836 hamu С 443 hamusziirke S 769 hamv P 1441 hamvas G 163, P 1442 hamvasodo G 164 hamvasszurke С 433, T 111 hangds hely E 335 hangya- M 622 -kedvelo M 625 hangyalakds M 624 hangydk fitjdn terjedo M 623 hanyatlas R 130 haplobionta H 25 haplocita H 28 haplodiplobionta H 29 haplofdzis H 37 haplogenezis H 30 haplogonidium H 31 haploid H 32 -generdcid N 1 -szakasz H 37 fdl- H 132 haplomitdzis H 33 haplonta H 25 haploperisztomatikus H 35 haplopoliploid H 38 haplospdra H 41 haplosporangium H 42 haploszdmia H 40 haplosztdle H 43 haplosztemdnia H 44 haplosztemonopetdlis H 45 hapldzis H 39 hapterdk H 46 haptomorfozis H 47 haragosvoros R 369 haragoszold S 90 harang alakii G 54 harangszerfi G 54 majdnem- S 1113 haraszt-eldtelep G 31 harasztok P 1610 hardnterek T 402 hardntfal D 148, S 424 hardntfalas S 411, T 401 hardntfekvo T 401 -vdlaszfal T 402 harantfuto P 731 hardntgerendds T 373 hardntosztdddsii D 152 hardntsik T 402 harmadkori T 141 -sarkkoruli A 994 harmadrendfi T 141 harmat P 1441, R 341 harmatgyokdr S 1289 harmatmdro D 379 harmatos I 286, P 1442, R 340 harmdnia H 50 harmdnikus egyuttdlds S 1336 hasadds F 69 kis- R 326 teratologikus- M 557 hasaddsos R 226, 325 -feloldddasos keletkezdsfi S 151 -keletkezdsfi S 149, 170 -szakaddsos keletkezdsfi S 155 hasadassal szaporodo S 170, T 330 hasaddk R 324 hasadd F 68, S 168 rdszekre- S 152 hasadd novdnyek S 154 hasaddtermds С 571 hasadt- S 135 hasadt В 127, H 318, R 226, S 171 -kelyhfi S 137 -levelfi S 139 szdrnyasan- P 700 -szdrnyii S 140 -szdlfi S 150 -szirmii S 153 tenyeresen- P 46 -termdsfi S 138 ujjasan- D 219 -virdgfi S 143 hasas V 61 hasdb S 258 -alakii P 1222 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK hasdbos P 1222 -termdsfi P 1224 hashajtd P 1660 hasi ds hdti oldalfi D 370 hasioldali V 60 hasitdsfi (hdrom-) T 484 hasithatd S 168 hasitott F 54, T 329 tobbszor- M 533, 565 hasogatott F 71, S 244 tobbszor- M 565 kacfirosan szdrnyasan-R 410 hasonlatossdg S 517 hasonlitd A 208, V 67 hasonld A 42, 242, H 355, H 358, I 292, M 473, О 60, P 87, S 515, 519 -alakii H 375 mindkdt oldaldn- U 48 nagyon- P 347 nem- D 327 hasonldalakfisdg I 325 hasonldsag S 517 hasonnemfi H 396 hasonszerfi H 396 hasonszerfisdg A 654 hasonszinfi G 694, M 405 hasznos U 96 haszontalan I 260 hat- H 272, S 471 -anyas H 276 -dlfi H 275 -i'ogfi S 474 -himes H 278 -kords H 273 -ldb hosszfi H 280 -levelfi H 283 -oldalfi H 274 -osfi H 282 -osztatfi H 277 -porzos H 278 -rekeszes S 477 -soros S 475 -szirmii H 281 -szogletfi H 275 -termojfi H 276 -virdgfi H 279 hatdr L 179, T 131 hatdrold T 129 hatdrolt G 713 hatdros A 203 hatdrozatlan A 180, I 113 hatdrozdkulcs A 656, С 500 hatdrozott С 241 hatdrsejt H 201 hatdsos P 1151 hatbdl dlld S 389 hatonkdnt S 389 hatszor S 479 -pdros S 476 hattyfifehdr О 136 hausztdrium H 55 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZtK havas N 127 -viddkek fldrdja С 908 havasalji P 1158, S 1093 -ndvdnyek P 12 havasi A 467 -ndvdnyek G 845, О 217 havason did A 467 havat- С 308 havi M 189 haza P 190 hdlds D 183, R 190 fdlig- S 356 surun- R 194 . hdldsan- R 190 -erecskds R 192 -rdncos R 199 hdldszerd R 190 hdldszeruen lefutd D 183 hdlozat R 189, 191 hdldzatos A 1007, R 190 hdldzott R 190 hdm G 901 kiilso- E 457 hdncs L 12S kiilsd- E 468 hdncsnyaldb L 153, P 448 hdncsrdsz L 123, P 448 -кбгйИ A 596 elsddleges- P 1408 hdncstest L 153 hdnytatd N 31, V 163 hdrmankdnt T 133 hdrmas T 132, 532 -hibrid T 500 -leszdrmazdsd T 525 -levelu T 486 hdrmasdval T 133 hdrmaskaszat T 414 hdrom T 412, 413 -dgu T 490 -alaku T 512 -anyds T 498 rdszben-- S 379 -bardzdds T 569 -bibeszald T 568 -csdszelevelu T 554 -csiku T 566 -csontmagvd T 550 -eddnyu T 576 -elnevezdsd T 516 -eru T 515 -did T 418 -falkds T 415 -kdros T 473 -fogd T 475 -gumds T 572 -hlmes T 417 -hdnapig tartd T 509 -kaldszos T 562 -kampds T 573, 594 -kopdcsd T 575 -laki T 520 •levdlkdjd T 487 hdrom--levelfl T 486 -magdudord T 521 -magvd T 550, 560 -napos T 479 -nevfl T 516 -oldald T 496 -osztatu T 507, 523 -drvds T 473, 544 -pettyes T 506 -porzds T 417 -rdszre oszthatd T 522 -rovdtkds T 566 -sejtmagvu T 517 -soros T 544, 556 -spdrds T 561 -sugard T 552 -szdlkds T 423 -szdrnyd T 416 -szirmd T 524 -tengelyu T 541 -termdjd T 564 -termos T 498 -ujjas T 474 -vdlaszfalas T 555 -villdjd T 490 -virdgii T 420 hdromfdle bibdjusdg H 266 hdromlakisdg T 519 hdromszor (-hdrmas) T 571 •hdromhasitdsd T 570 -ovezett T 580 -pdros T 125 -szdrnyalt T 527 -szdrnyasan hasadt T 528 -szdrnyasan osztott T 529 -szdrnyasan szeldelt T 530 -szeldelt T 553 hdromszoros T 532 hdromszog- T 496 -termdsd T 497 hdromszogd D 54, T 418, 496 forditott- О 30 hdrtya M 181, P 221 sejtmag- С 152, M 181 spdra- 1 128 vakudla- T 335 hdrtyaszerd M 182, P 222 hdrtydcska M 184 hdrtyds M 183, H 527, P 223 -leveld S 124 -porzdjd H 528 hdtgyokdcskds N 163 hdthasi D 370 hdti D 368 -forradds D 368 -oldal D 368 -oldalhoz tapadd N 164 hdtoldali D 368, T 124 -kozdpdr D 368 hdtoldalon izesiild D 369 hdtracsapodd R115 hdtracsavarodott R 202 9oe hdtragdngydlddd R 221 hdtragdrbiilt R 111, 205 hdtrahajld R 111 fdlig- S 358 hdtrahajlott R 85, S 1301 hdtratdrt R 115, 207 hdtsd oldal T 126 hdttal beporzd N 164 hdtulfutd О 192 hdtulsd О 191, P 1134, 1139 hdzcserepeken did T 53 hdztetd T 45 hdztetdk ndvdnyzete T 45 hdztetdn did T 53 heg С 31, 418 hegeddses С 30 hegedd alakii P 65 heges С 417 hegszeru С 84 hegszovet G 31 -kdpzodds С 419 hegy A 165, 889, С 532, M 464 hegyalji P 1189 hegyben vdgzddd A 170 nem-- M 592 hegyen inneni С 474 hegyes A 59, 170, 1014, С 214 hegyes- A 98, О 303 alig- S 1089 kissd- A 171 -magvu О 316 -mirigyd О 304 hegyi M 468 -ndvdnyek M 468 hegylakd M 468 hegyoldal С 629 lejtds- С 532 hegyrajzleirds О 248 -hegyd A 106 csonka- T 617 dies- A 170 levdgott- R 213, T 617 hekisztdtermikus H 67 heleofitdk H 71 helicizmus H 74 helikondmium H 75 heliofil H 79 heliofitdk H 82 helioszkiofitdk H 83 heliotortizmus H 87 heliotrdpikus H 88 nem- A 770 heliotropizmus P 514 helioturgotropizmus H 90 heli6zis H 85 hely L 246, S 252 bokros- D 390, F 172 illeszkeddsi- 1 184 izesiildsi- I 184 helyettesltd P 1437, S 1253 egymdst- Y 109 helyezett (fdld-) S 1297 907 helyi T 341 -klima M 318 helyrajz T 346 helysdg L 246 helyzet P 1126, S 540 -helyzetfi P 1128 helyzetvdltoztatd ingermoz-gds N 18 helmintocecidiumok H 91 helofitdk H 98 helohilofil H 95 helolohmofil H 96 heloplankton H 99 helorgadofil H 100 helotizmus H 101 hematokrom H 8 hemerofitdk H 109 hemiapofitdk H 113 hemiautofitdk H 114 hemibazidium H 115 hemiceHuldz H 117 hemidibidzis H 124 hemidisztrdfia H 125 hemigamotrdpikus H 131 hemikarion H 116 hemijkriptofitdk H 121 hemipentakotil H 134 hemiploid H 136 hemiteria H 143 hemiterofitdk H 144 henger С 1003 kozponti- С 215, 1003, S 893 hengeredett befeld- G 777 kifeld- R 221 hengeres С 1001 keskeny en- T 123 majdnem- S 1145 henye P 1336 herbarium H 159 -cddula S 133 hereszeru T 148 herkogdmia H 166 hermafrodita H 169 hermafroditizmus H 170 al- P 1508 hermelinfehdr E 339 hernyordgds V 70 hernyoszeru H 92, V 68 herpizmus H 172 hertzotropizmus H 173 hervadt M 101 hervadtsdg M 102 heteradelfia H 177 heterantagonizmus H 179 heterantdria H 180 heterdntia H 181 heterauxdzis H 182 heteroauxin H 183 heterobazidium H 186 heteroblasztikus H 187 heterociklikus H 200 heterociszta H 201 heterodihogdmia H 202 heterodindm H 207 heterodisztilia H 204 heterodrom H 206 heterofdg H 232 heterofdzikus H 233 heterofdnia H 230 heterofenogdmia H 231 heterofiadikus H 234 heterofillia H 235 heterofitdk H 237 heterofitikus H 238 heterogdm H 215 heterogamdta H 209 heterogametdngium H 211 heterogametikus H 212 heterogdmia H 213 heterogdmogdnia H 214 heterogdn H 218 heterogenetikus H 217 heterogenezis H 216 heterokarion H 190 heterokaridzis H 191 heterokdrpia H 188 dl- P 1509 heterokindzis H 220 heterochdrikus H 193 heterokromatizmus H 194 heterokrdmia H 194 heterokromoszdma H 196 heteromer H 224 heteromdria H 222 heteromerikdrpia H 223 heteromezogdmia H 225 heteromixis H 226 heteromorfia H 227 heteromorfdzis H 229 heteropikndzis H 245 heteroplasztomatikus H 241 heteropldzia H 239 heteroplazma H 240 heteroploid H 242 heteroproszfitidzis H 243 heteroprotdllia H 244 heterorhizia H 246 heterospermia H 250 heterospdra H 252, 253 heterosporangikus H 251 heteroszimbiontikus H 257 heteroszinapszis H 258 heteroszinddzis H 259 heteroszkizis H 247 heterosztil H 256 heterosztilia H 255 heterotakszis H 261 heterotaktikus H 260 heterotallizmus H 263 heterotetraploid H 262 heterotipikus H 269 heterotdpikus H 265 heterotrisztilia H 266 heterotrdf H 267 heterozigdta H 271 heterdzis H 248 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZtK heterdcikus H 208 hetesdvel S 409 heverd P 1238, 1336, S 1301 -hajtds S 82 hexafiletikus H 282 hexapeddlis H 280 hexaploid H 284 hdj С 810, 831, 901, T 649 did- P 1669 termds- P 275 hdjas T 650 hdjkdreg R 315 hdt- H 150, S 409 -anyds H 151 -erfi S 414 -himes H 153 -fzfi H 152 -kardlyfi S 413 -levelu H 154 -mdretfi H 152 -osztatii H 152 -porzds H 153 -tagii H 152 -termoju H 151 hdtszer hasitott S 412 hiacintkdk H 447 hialociszta H 449 hialondma M 123, H 450 hialoplazma H 451 hialoszdma H 452 hidnyos D 33, I 98, M 89 hidnyozni D 107 hidnytalan G 681 hidnyzd A 21, G 87, D 105, N 199 hiba L 52, S 723 hibrid H 455, 458 hdrmas- T 500 dl- P 1511 paleo- P 23 hibriddcid H 456 dl- P 1512 hibridfaj H 458 hibridogdmia H 457 hidathdda H 460 hideg- P 1600 hideg A 471, F 153 hidegfdny-termelokdpessdg В 173 hideghdz F 152 hidegkedveld A 398, 993, G 909, F 153 hidrobioldgia H 467 hidroblaszt H 468 hidrobotanika H 469 hidrocitisz H 478 hidroesztdzia H 466 hidrofil H 489 hidrofillum H 492 hidrofitdk H 493 hidrofitoldgia H 494 hidrofdb H 490 hidrogdm H 480 hidrogdmia* H 479 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK hidrogdn-ion koncentrdcid P 382 hidroharmdzis H 481 hidrochdr H 472 hidrokdrpia H 470 hidrokarpotrdpikus H 471 hidrokleisztogdmia H 473 hidroklinia H 474 hidrokriptofitdk H 476 hidrokultura H 477 hidrolizis H 483 hidrdma H 484 hiuromegaterm H 485 hidrometeorikus H 486 hidromorfdzis H 487 hidronasztia H 488 hidroplanktofitdk H 496 hidroplasztiddk H 498 hidroplasztisz H 497 hidrospdra H 501 hidrostereiddk H 502 hidrotaxis H 503 hidrotrichoma H 504 hidrotrdfia H 505 hidrotropizmus H 506 hidrdzis H 500 hierobotanikon H 297 hifa H 557 szivd- H 55 hifdlmikroplankton H 558 hifenchima H 561 hifopddium H 562 higitott D 234 higrochazia H 509 higrofil H 514 higrofilia H 513 higrofitdk H 516 higrofob H 515 higrometrikus H 510 higromorfia H 511 higromorfizmus H 512 higroplazma H 517 higroszkopicitds H 518 higroszkdpikus H 519 higroszkotofil H 520 hilodofitak H 523 hilogdmia H 524 him- A 690 him M 113 al- S 861 -elotelep M 344 himenium H 529, P 1513 himenofdrum H 531 himenopterds H 532 himeteldzds P 1365 himetelozd P 1366 himfonalas (rdvid-) N 6 himgameta A 700 himivarsejt A 831, 700, S 655, 670 himivarsejt mozgd- S 673 himivarsejttartd *A. 701 himnds В 216, H 171, M 407 -virdg F 96 himndssdg H 170 himpor P 918 himporbehintds P 923 himpormassza P 922 himportartalom F 140 himritkasdg S 604 himspdra A 730, M 353 himspdratartd A 731 him-szuznemzds A 705 himtdj A 699 himtartd A 722 himtipus A 734 himvirdg F 96 himzigdta A 737 hiperanizogdmia H 537 hiperboredlis H 538 hiperdiploid H 542 hiperdrdmia H 543 hiperhaploid H 544 hiperhidrikus H 545 hiperkimdra H 539 hiperkromatikus H 541 hiperkromatdzis H 540 hiperparazita H 547 hiperpldzia H 548 hiperpoliploid H 549 hiperoszmdtikus H 552 hipersztomatikus H 550 hipertipia H 555 hipertdnikus H 552 hipertrdfia H 553 hipertrofitdk H 554 hiphasma H 559 hiphidrogdmia H 564 hipnospdra H 566 hipnosporangium H 567 hipobazidium H 570 hipoblaszt H 574 hipodermisz H 586 hipofillum H 603 hipofizis H 605 hipogeokdrpia H 590 hipogin virdg F 96 hipohaploid H 592 hipokarpium H 575 hipokopula H 582 hipokotil-szdr H 583 hiponasztia H 597 hiponim H 599 hipondmium H 598 hipoplankton H 606 hipopldzia H 607 hipopleura H 608 hipoploid H 587, 609 hipopddium H 610 hipopoliploid H 611 hipospordngium H 613 hipostatikus H 615 hipostdzis H 614 hipostrdma H 617 hiposztomatikus H 616 hipotdllium H 618 m hipotdllusz H 619 hipotdcium H 621 hipotipia H 624 hipotdnikus H 622 hipotrdfia H 623 hipovalva H 625 hipszofillum H 626 hiszterantikus H 627 hiszterogdn H 628 hisztodializis H 309 hisztogdn H 311 hisztogenezis H 310 hisztogdnum H 312 hisztolitikus H 315 hisztolizis H 314 hisztoldgia H 313 hivatkozott С 476 hd alatti H 580 hdfehdr С 308, N 128 -virdgii N 130 holarktikus H 321 holizmus H 322 holldfekete A 857, С 802 holobazidium H 323 holobentikus H 324 holoblasztikus H 325 holociklikus H 329 holocdndzis H 328 holodibidzis H 330 holoendobidtikus H 331 holoendofitdk H 332 holoendozodk H 333 holoenzim H 334 holoepifitdk H 335 holofitikus H 348 holofitizmus H 349 hologamdta H 337 hologdmia M 26, H 338 hologenezis H 340 hologenotipus H 341 hologimnokarpikus H 342 hologinikus H 343 holomorfdzis H 345 holoparazita H 346 holopetdlis H 347 holoplankton H 350 holoszaprofitdk H 351 holotipus H 354 hdlyag A 607, V 93 liszd- A 267 hdlyagkdpzd V 94 hdlyagocska P 1666 hdlyagocskds P 1667 hdlyagos A 93, В 310, P* 593, V 95 hdlyagosodds I 257 hdlyagszeru A 608, V 95 homalochorikus H 356 homalotrop H 357 homdlyban did T 93 homdlyos A 199, О 22, T 94 homeordzis H 377 homeostdzis H 379 homlok F 159 909 homoblasztikus H 359 homociklikus H 368 homocdn H 367 homodichogdmia H 369 homodinamikus H 371 homodrom H 370 homofdg H 403 homofdzikus H 404 homofiadikus H 405 homofiletikus H 406 homofilikus H 406 homofillia H 407 homofitikus H 408 homogdm H 384 homogamdta H 382 homogdmia H 383 homogdn H 388 homogenetikus H 387 homogenezis H 386 homogdnia H 389 homoheterosztilia H 391 homoiodiperiantikus H 393 homoiohidratura H 395 homoiokariozis H 392 homoioterm H 381 homok A 1001, S 4 homok- P 1451 homokarion H 361 homokbanya A 1003 homokbuckdk novdnyei T 295 homokbuckdn did T 294 homoki A 1002, P 1451, S 3 -novdnyek A 493, P 1455 homokindzis H 365 homokkedveld A 1002 homokkdpzd P 1453 homoklako A 492, P 1454, S 2 homokon dlo P 1454, S 3 homokos A 1002 -hely A 1001, S 1 -teriilet A 1003 homokpadon novo S 1472 homokzdtony -formdcid S 1471 homoldg H 396 homomdria H 398 homomixis H 399 homomorf H 375 homomorfozis H 401 homonim H 402 dl- P 1510 homodcikus H 373 homooszinapszis H 380 homopldzia H 376 homoploid H 409 homorfi С 689 mindkdt oldaldn- A 550 homosporia H 410 homotaktikus H 415 h omotallizmus H 416 homotipikus H 420 homotom H 417 homotdpia H 418 homotrop H 419 homozigota H 422 homozigdtikus H 423 homozigdzis H 421 homodzis H 378 hdnalj A 1239 dg- A 1239 -alatti I 147 -feletti S 1304 hdnalji A 1240 hdnalji (ldtszdlagosan-) P 1470 hdnaljhagyma В 305 hdnalj riigy A 1240 hoporjds T 626 horddcskaszerii О 213 hordozd F 35, P 464, T 96 termot- P 717 horgas A 221, H 18, L 51, U 29 horgas- U 29 kdtszer- В 222 horgasan futd В 275 horgasszor H 18 horgocska H 20 horgocskds H 19 horgony alaku A 686, 1471 horgonyszorok A 686 horgos- A 221, 688, H 18, 29 H 51, L 51 -termdsfi H 52 horgosan- H 18 hormociszta H 426 hormogonimium H 427 hormogdnium H 428 hormon H 429 horny olds S 1028 horog H 21, U 31 horogszerfi H 18, 51 hdsdv alatti H 580 hossz- О 17 hosszabb S 1284 -ideig tarto С 400 hosszanti -borda P 1262 -vetiilet P 103 hosszmetszet S 241 hosszfi L 255 hosszfi- M 3 -bibeszalfi L 261 -csdrii L 260 -dletfi L 256 -fogfi L 256a -levelu L 259 nagyon- P 332 -nappalos L 257 -porzdjfi M 4 -szdrfi С 887 -termdsfi R 223 -virdgfi L 258 hosszfihajtds M 14 hosszfikds E 94, О 17 hosszfisdg L 262 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK hdviddki N 127 hozzdadds A 1145 hozzdcsatolt A 205 hozzddrd A 1141, С 773 hozzdfordult G 792, E 312 kozzdkapcsolt A 793 hozzdndtt A 212 fdlig- S 278 hozzdnovo A 210 hozzdszokas A 175 hozzdtartozo P 353 hd- T 258 hodllandd T 276 hoellendlld T 273 hodrzdkenysdg T 259 hofejleszto T 263 hdkdzdmbos T 264 hdmdrsdklet-onszabdlyozas T 275 homdrsdkletfi (alacsony-) H 67 hdtermo T 263 hotfiro T 279 horcsogbarna N 121 hullahely T 230 hullakozossdg N 41 hullatag С 6 hullatdr T 230 hulldmos U 32 apron -did R 147 hulldmszerfi U 32 humuszlakd novdnyek S 58 hfisevd I 180 -novdnyek I 180 hfiskedvelo С 879 hfisos С 96, 863, S 62, 1263 -dgfi S 68 -belfi P 1644 -bibealap S 63 -gyokerfi S 76 kissd- S 1117 -korong S 72 -levelfi S 74 -maghdj S 78 -magvfi S 77 -pikkelyfi S 71 -szdr S 66 -termds S 64 -termdsfi S 65 -toboz G 8 -tonkfi S 75 hfispiros С 94 hfisszerfi S 70 hfis szinfi С 94, I 85 -hfisfi S 62 hfisz- I 8 -himes I 10 -oldalfi I 9 -porzds I 10 hfiszhimesek I 11 hfisdg F 53 hiively L 84, V 13 cikkelyes- L 253 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ£K hiively cikkes- С 253 csira- С 610 rdmds- G 858 htivelybe zdrt I 263 htivelyes С 605, V 16 htivelyezd V 15 fdlig- S 381 hiivelyhez tartoz6 V 14 hiivelyke V 17 hiivelykszdles P 920, 921 hiivelyszerd С 605 htivelytelen E 407 hiivelytermds L 84 hiively termdsu L 86 hiivelytermdsszeru L 85 huvds A 471, F 153 huvdsebb dghajlati M 170 ibolyakdk I 1, V 125 ibolya szinO V 125 idegen- X 14 idegen A 402 idegenmegporzds A 434, G 193, X 21 idegenmegtermdkenyiilds E 459 idei H 430 ideiglenes P 1439 iddzett С 476 -helyen С 476 -muben О 206 idiobioldgia I 18 idioblaszt 1 19 idiobotanika I 20 idiogdmia I 25 idiogenetika I 26 idiogram I 27 idiokoroldgia I 21 idiokromatin I 22 idiometrikus 1 28 idiomorfdzis I 29 idiomutdcid I 30 idionim I 31 idiookoldgia I 24 idioplazma I 32 idioteria I 34 idiotipus I 36 idiotop I 35 idioszdma I 33 idd T 87 lappangdsi- I 106, L 59 vegetdcids- T 87 iddbeli С 400 kiilonbozd- A 1104, P 968 iddeldtti A 18, P 1169, P 1270 idodrzd M 300 iddjdrdst jelzd В 31 iddleges E 228 idds A 794 iddszak P 293, T 87 virdgzdsi- T 87 iddszakossdg P 292 ifjabb F 2 igazi E 360, V 91 igazolja T 147 iker- D 191, G 67, Z 58 iker G 740 ikerbogyd В 83 ikergumdk T 623 ikerkaszat G 871, D 128 ikerlependdk D 301 ikerszdrnyas lependdk D 301 ikertermdsd D 193 ikertiiszd В 131 ikonogrdfia I 6 ikonotipus I 7 ikotipus 1 12 mat О 64 illatos A 528, О 65, 274 illattalan I 169 -illatii balzsam- В 24 bdditd- F 146 kellemes- S 1083 illeszkeddsi hely I 184 md A 287, V 158 illusztrdcid kdnyv- I 6 imbibicid I 47 immunitds I 57 impermeabilitds I 64 inaktiv I 73 inda S 82 indaszeru S 79 indigdkdk I 119 indirekt I 120 induzium M 184 dl- P 1515 inframikrdba I 149 inframikrobioldgia I 150 infraspecifikus 1 151 infrukteszcencia I 153 infdzid I 156 inger E 433 ingerelhetdsdg E 432 ingerldkenysdg E 432 ingermozgds T 612 drintdsi- T 293 orbiildses- T 612 elyzetvdltoztatd- N 19 rdzkdddsi- S 265 ingerm ozgdsd N 19 ingd О 273, V 82 ingovdnyos U 5 inhibitor P 111 inhibitorok I 160 inkdbbnd G 289 inkrusztdcid I 104 inkrusztdlt I 105 inkubdcid I 106 inkvilinizmus 1 171 interfdzis I 223 intergenerikus I 214 interkindzis I 211 interkutisz I 212 910 interreduplikdcid I 227 interspecifikus I 232 intersterilitds I 234 intexin I 238 intine 1 239 intraspecifikus I 246 intrasztamindlis 1 247 intravagindlis I 248 introgressziv I 252 involucid I 279 involukrdlis I 274 iratok A 143 irdnyii drintd- T 21 ferde- P 737 vizszintes- P 737 irdnyuld M 83, S 207, 631, T 611, V 85 irdshiba L 52 irdsos S 217 irdsszerd G 238 irhaszinfi A 482 ird A 1145 irreverszibilis I 283 ismert С 598 ismeretlen I 40 -eredetu С 922 iszap L 189 iszaplakd L 180 iszapnovdnyek L 187 iszapos A 464, L 187 iteoldgia I 346 iv alaku A 996 ivaddk G 85, P 1257 ivaros- G 34, 85 ivartalan S 824 ivaddkcsere A 473 ivardrett A 219 egyidejfileg- H 384 ivardrettsdg egyidejii- H 383 ivari kiilondrettsdg D 173 ivarlevdl С 103 ivaros G 33 -keresztezddds H 456 -nemzeddk G 34, 85 -szaporodds G 44, S 1425 -szdrmazdsd G 86 ivaroszlop A 733, G 308 kdzponti- G 649 ivarsejt G 17, 41 -alakulds G 22 mozgdkdpes- P 745 ndi- M 22, О 177 ivarsejtek egyesuldse S 1424 ivarsejtek pdrosoddsa С 739, 1045 ivarsejti S 650 ivarsejtkeletkezds G 28 ivarsejttartd G 20 ivarszerves mohandvdnyke G 31 ivarszervtartd С 691 911 ivartalan A 298,1069, N 110. V 46 -ivaddk S 824 -nemzeddk G 85 -szaporodds M 418, V 46 ivartartd G 221, 281 ivarii egyfdle- H 384 kiildnfdle- H 215 rejtett- G 921 ivelt A 996, F 130, T 371 kissd- S 1001 ives A 996 -bemdlyedds S 530 ivesen futd С 57 iz S 46 izeletlen I 82 izelt A 1047 izeltsdg A 1046 izesiiletlen A 101 izesulds A 1046, J 19 -ndlkiili E 422 izesiildsi hely I 184 izesiildsti (hdrom-) T 424 izesiilt 1 185 izetlen I 187 izidium 1 291 izkdz A 1048, I 220 izletes S 42 izobilaterdlis I 294 izocdndtikus 1 302 izocondzis I 303 izodiametrikus I 305 izofdn. I 329 izofenogdmia I 328 izofotikus 1 331 izogametdk I 307 izogametangiogdmia I 308 izogdmia 1 309 izogdmogdnia I 310 izogdn I 311 izogenetikus I 311 izogenomatikus 1 312 izohologdmia I 317 izokromocentrikus 1 299 izoldcio I 319 izomdria 1 322 izomerogdmia 1 324 izomorf I 327 izomorfia I 325 izomorfdzis I 326 izoplanogametdk 1 334 izoploid I 335 izoprotdllia I 336 izoproszfitidzis 1 335 izospdria H 410 izoszintipus I 340 izotipus 1 344 izotdnids 1 343 izotdnikus I 343 izozigotikus 1 345 iziilet A 1046 izzasztd S 1268 jakuldtor J 1 jarovizdcid V 74 lavasolt P 1309 lavltanddk С 829 javltott A 505, E 106 javltotta С 828 javltva E 106 jdcintkdk H 447 jdrat D 387, V 152 tej- L 64 jdratok sejtkozotti- I 210 jdratos L 24 jdromspdra Z 60, 78 jdruldkos A 43, 179, 224, A 1222 jdruldkos -gyokerek A 224 jeggyel elldtott S 496 jegyzetfuzet A 227 jegyzdke (elnevezdsek-) N144 jel N 156 jelecske N 165 jelek S 497 jelen lenni A 217 jelenlevS P 1195 jelenldt P 1196 jelentdktelen I 99 jelentos G 490 jelleg С 260, P 1310 latens- L 59 megkiildmbdztetS- D 336 ellegezds D 134 jellegu (dllanddsult-) I 283 jellegzetes T 673 jelzett N 157 jelzd M 465 , elzdndvdnyek I 116 , dgdrak fldrdja С 908 idghideg G 64 jdgkorszak elotti P 1185 jdgkorszak utdni P 1138 jdgkorszakbeli G 151 jd В 250, E 360 jobbfeld gorbiild D 125 jobbracsavarodd D 125 jobbrahajld bibeszdlii D 123 jdizii S 42 jdltermd M 532 jordanizmus J 7 jdszagu F 146, О 65, S 1083 jovevdny A 225, N 161 -hibrid N 161 jugamentum J 12 Jupiter J 21 kabaktermds P 252 kacures R 411 kacs С 473 egyszerii- S 518 pdlha- S 992 szdld- В 62 kacskaringd G 473 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK kacsos G 75, 472 kacsosodds P 61 kagyldhdjszerfl С 558 kagylds levdl G 693 kaiszlnbaracksdrga A 1029 kakasldb С 900 kakastardj С 891 kakastardjszeru A 386 kakogenezis G 3 kakonim G 4 kalap alakii P 685 kalapdcsszeru M 81 kalapos P 684 kalapszeru P 684 kalatldium- tartd С 16 kalauz H 319 kaldsz S 728 -alaku S 731 kdtsoros- S 728 kaldszbaszokds I 194 kaldszka S 733 -alaku S 735 kaldszkaorsd R 9 kaldszkapelyva G 181 kaldszkatengely R 9 kaldszkdpzddds 1 194 kaldszorsd R 12 kaldszos S 730, 850 fdlig- S 366 fedett- G 916 kevds- О 126 kalifidmia G 45 kalikantdmia G 41 kalikodofitdk G 255 kalimma M 123 kaliptrogdnum G 49 kalluszheteropldzia G 32 kalluszhipertrdfia G 34 kalluszhomoiopldzia G 33 kalluszmetapldzia С 35 kaloritropizmus G 37 kambidlis G 51 kambium G 52 dl- P 1477 kambiumgyuru G 51 kamefitdk G 258 kampd U 31 kampds- О 152 kampds A 198, 221, 635, H 18, L 51, U 29 kampdsan visszagorbiilt A 198, R 107 kamposszdr H 18 kamrdcska L 244 kamrdkra osztott S 411 kamrds (fdlig-) S 362 kanalas- С 557 kandlszerd С 557 kancsdleveld P 550 kanyargds A 758, M 70 kapaszkodd A 206, S 112 -szdr S 112 kapcsolat N 113 kaprifikdcid С 77 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK kapucniszerd С 943 karaktersejtek D 386 karcinoma С 83 karcsd E 445, G 230 kard- E 210 •alakd E 210 kardalakdan tdskds A 878 kardin&lis С 85 kardj L 237 kardjocska L 236 kardjos L 233 fdlig- S 328 szarnyasan- P 702 tenyeresen- P 48 ujjasan- D 215, P 48 kardj osodds L 232 kardjd (egyenld-) J 321 hdrom- T 504 karhossz О 233 karhosszu В 268, О 234 karikogrdfia С 88 karima L 178, M 108 karimds L 177, M 107 kariofdzis С 144 kariogamia С 135 kariogram С 136 kariokindzis С 137 karioklasztikus С 134 kariolimfa С 139 kariolizis С 140 karioldgia С 138 karioplaszt С 147 karioplazmogamia С 146 kariorexis С 149 karioszdma С 150 kariotin С 153 kariotipus С 154 karmazsinpiros G 300 karminpirosC 93, 551, S 126 kard A 207 kardgyokdr P 28 karoszeru P 28 karotin С 98 karpellddia G 114 karpellodium С 101 karpellomdnia G 102 karpocefdlum С 105 karpddium G 107 karpofdrum С 116 karpogdmia С 108 karpogdnium G 110 karpokldnium С 106 karpolizis С 113 karpondmium С 115 karpoptdzis С 119 karposperma С 121 karpospdra С 123 karpospordngium С 124 karposzfdra С 122 karposztdgium С 125 karposztdmium С 126 karpotropizmus С 128 karunkula С 131 kaszat iker- С 871, D 128 kettds- D 128 tobbes- P 935 kaszattermds A 67 csoportos- A 68 kasztrdcid С 160 katablaszt С 161 katabolizmus С 162 katafordzis С 173 katafototropizmus С 174 katagenezis С 167 katageotropizmus С 168 kataklinotropizmus С 164 katakromdzis С 163 katalizis С 171 kataldgus С 170, D 47, R 151 katapetalizmus С 172 katapldzia С 177 katarobiontdk С 183 katatraumatotropizmus С 180 katddikus С 185 kaulidium С 192 kaulifloria С 193 kaulokdlix С 196 kaulom С 198 kaulotaxis С 199 kavicsos G 162 kavicsos tala j ok novdnyei С 255 karos N 172 kdrosodas N 171 kdsds С 155 kdtrdny P 722 kdvdbarna A 222, С 596, S 407 kedves A 488, 527, S 1084 -kedvelo P 437 arnydk- S 158 fdny- H 79, P 502 nedves erdoket- H 95 nem- P 454 vizet- H 79, P 502 kedvtelds A 526, D 49 kehely С 50 -alakii P 889 kehelysallangok L 14 kehelyszeru A 64 keleti О 236 keletkezett N 29, О 270 kdsdbb- H 628 keletkezds G 89, О 240 keletkezdsi N 21 -keletkezdsfi G 94 csilcsi- A 113 keletkezd E 470, N 17, О 235, P 1240, 1436 benne- I 162 csilcsi ds oldali rdszen- A 134 csilcson- A 125 nem- A 641 912 kellemes A 527, С 248, J 11, S 1084, V 64 kellemetlen szagil G 253, M 78 kelyhes С 42 kemdny D 406, F 65, S 563 csont- О 282 did- N 174 -fdju S 195 kissd- D 405, S 1162 -levelu S 948 -magvii S 951 -termdsu S 183 -tdnku S 950 kemdnyito A 626 kemdnyitdkdpzddds A 618 kemdnyitdszemcse A 626 mozgd- S 877 kemdny itoszeru A 614 kemdnyitdt bontd A 621 kemdnyitdt termeld A 619 kemdnysdg D 404, R 338 kemoauxizmus G 283 kemodindzis G 285 kemodolichdzis С 286 kemoesztdzia С 282 kemofobotaktizmus С 293 kemokindzis С 287 kemokorizmus С 284 kemolizis С 289 kemolumineszcencia С 288 kemometria С 290 kemomorfdzis С 291 kemonasztia G 292 kemoszintdzis С 294 kemotaktizmus G 295 kemoterapia С 296 kemotrdfikus С 297 kemotropizmus G 298 kemozoofob С 299 kerek- G 200 kerek С 451, О 210 kerekded G 200, О 210, S 1214 kerekitett О 210 kereszt С 905 -alakii С 896 keresztben D 29 -dlld С 896, D 29 fdlig- S 303 keresztezds H 456 keresztezett H 458 keresztezddds H 456 ivaros-- H 456 termdszetes- N 26 vegetativ- H 456 keresztezdddsi kdptelensdg 1 234 keresztmetszet T 402 keresztdlmend P 361 kerdkagyszerd M 387 kerdkszerd R 362 keringds С 452, 999 keringd V 159 018 keringdmozgds С 465 kerszofitdk С 301 kert H 438 botanikus- H 438 disz- V 134 fuvdsz- H 438 rdzsa- R 343 vetemdnyes- О 102 virdgos- H 438 zoldsdges- О 102 kertekben tenydsztett H 433 kertekd H 438 kertdsz H 437 kertdszek alkotdsa 11 437 kertdszekd H 437 kertdszet H 435 kertdszeti novdnytan В 254 kerti H 433 kertiszdkevdny H 436 kerulet A 499, С 460 keriildkes E 92 -kertilo fdny- H 80, P 503 vizet- H 490, P 454 kesernyds A 489 keseru A 491 -szdrii A 490 keskeny- A 767, S 901 keskeny A 769, 995, L 116 kettenkdnt В 150 kettesdvel В 152 kettddgazds В 135 kettdhasadt В 127 fdlig- S 287 kettdosztddds В 199 kettdosztott В 200, D 239 kettdszelt I 230 kettdvdgott I 230 kettos В 150, С 740, D 191, D 393, G 67 -bogvirdgzat D 170 kettosbogyd В 83 kettos- -csillagstddium D 156 -egylakisdg D 241 -elnevezdsu В 153 -gomolydllapot D 319 -ovezetu В 227 -takarojii H 192 -tuszdtermds В 131 kettdskaszat D 128 kettozotten- В 69 keverdkfaj H 458 kevert I 56, M 374, 385 kevds- О 108, S 603 kevds P 148, 195 nagyon- P 342 kevdsorvusdg О 128 kezdemdny P 1213 szerv- В 228 sziklevdl- В 237 kezdeti I 161, P 1375 -alakii P 1212 -szivdkdk P 1186 kezdetleges R 394 kezdd I 161 kezddsejtek 1 161 kdk С 11 acdl- С 257 ametiszt- A 515 aziir- A 1248 biizavirdg- С 984 dgszin- A 1248, С 7, 11 hiacint- H 447 ibolya- I 1, V 125 indigd- I 119 jdcint- H 447 kdkelld С 10 levendula- L 72 lilds- A 515 opdl- О 182 pdvaszin- P 204 ragyogd- U 8 sotdt- G 984 szilva- P 1443 sziirkds- С 12, G 163, N 173 tenger- T 219, V 57 ultramarin- U 8 vildgos- A 1248, С 547 voroses- R 378 zafir- S 47 zoldes- С 12, P 204 kdkelld G 10 kdkes G 10 -sdfrdnysdrga С 985 -fehdr G 987 -fekete С 988 -lila V 126 -sztirke L 230 -zold A 278, С 331, G 163, T 219 kdnbaktdriumok T 296 kdnkedvelo T 297 kdnsdrga S 1282, T 239 vildgos- S 1281 kdp I 5, T 4 kdpes P 1151 kdpessdg F 10, P 1152 alkalmazkoddsi- A 174 csirdzd- G 134, V 147 regenerdldddsi- R 120 kdplet F 129 feliileti- E 108 szor- T 453 virdg- D 136 kdpzddds csira- E 99 sejtmag- N 180 spdra- S 812 termds- С 109 tetrdd- T 166 lijra- R 121 kdpzddd (levelen-) P 564 kdpzdszovet M 199 mdsodlagos- С 52 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK kdreg С 831, 901 -alatti H 601, S 1137 dl- P 1486 elsddleges- P 1208 gyuriis- R 315 kiilsd- E 278, 457 lemezes- R 315 mdsodlagos- S 245 pikkelyes- R 315 kdregcserdp R 315 kdreghatdr E 150 kdreglakd G 834, E 254 kdregnekrdzis S 697 kdregpdrusok L 95 kdregre vonatkozd С 832 kdregrdteg S 1018 kdregszeru С 902 kdregtelen E 14 kdregiiszkosodds S 697 kdrges G 833, 903, L 115 kdrgi С 832 -kdrgu P 446 dupla- В 110 kds alakii G 956 kdsedelmes T 30 kdsoi S 434, 454, T 30 kdsdn virdgzd T 29 kdsotavaszi P 1144 kdt- В 69, D 172, 191 -ajkii В 142 -alakii D 243 -anyds D 222 -agii В 136, 207, D 176 -bardzdds В 218 -bogydjii В 101 -bordds В 111 -csikos В 226 -csillangds В 98 -csdnakii В 92 -csontdrii D 297 -csontmagvii D 297 -csoru В 208 -csiicsii В 77 -eru В 151 -dlu A 684, В 75 -dves В 122, D 187 -falkds D 131 -feju A 684, В 90 -fdle D 243 -fogacskds В 118 -foporzds D 196 -fiilecskds В 81 -gumdcskds T 148 -havi В 148 -himes D 144 -ivarii A 710, В 216, H 171, M 407 -virdg F 96 -kamrds В 89, 146 -kardjii В 145 majdnem- S 1110 -kelyhu В 88 -kopdcsii В 225 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZtiK kdt- -kdrmds В 223 -kdrds В 116, D 187 -kdzpontd В 95 -laki D 252 —felemdsvirdgu D 251 -leples D 256 -leveld D 130 -ligulds В 144 -lyukas В 201 -magkezdemdnyes В 197 -murvdcskds В 85 -murvds В 84 -napi В 121 -neinu A 710, В 216, H 171 -nevu В 153 —elnevezds В 153, N 144 -nydri В 122, D 187 -nyelvecskds В 144 -oldali В 102, 143 -oldalii A 684, В 123, 143 -ostoros В 128 -osztatu В 200, D 176, 238 -orvu D 187 -pelyvds В 140 -portoku В 76 -porzdkoros D 290 -porzds A 585, D 144 -rekeszes В 146 fdlig- S 288 -rofos В 114 -rugyes В 138 -sarkantyds В 86 -sarku В 75, 204 -sebpards В 87 -sejtu В 94 —spdra D 194 -sertdju В 215 -soros В 213, D 335 majdnem- S 1157 -sugaru В 206, D 150 -szarvu В 108 -szdlkahegyu В 115 -szegletu В 75 -sziku D 180 -szlnd В 103, D 178 -szirmu D 257 -tagu D 238 -tardjd В 113 -tengelyu В 82 -term die veld В 93 -termds D 222, 341 -tokos В 91 -iiregd В 146 -vdlaszfald В 212 -villds dgd В 135 -virdgtakards D 171 -virdgd В 129 rdszben- S 1109 kdtalakdsdg D 242 dvszakbeli- О 207 kdtes D 385, I 86 -ndv N 142 kdtdltu A 539 -szervezet A 538 kdtdrtelmd A 254, 497 -ndv A 497 kdtfdporzdsok D 195 kdtivariisdg H 170 kdtlakisdg D 250 kdtnemdsdg A 711, H 170 kdtnevusdg В 154 kdtoldaldan rdszardnyos В 219 kdtoldalusdg dvszakbeli- О 207 ketsarkdsdg В 205, P 909 kdtsdges A 497, D 16, 385 kdtszer- В 69 -bunkds В 100 -csavarodott В 106, 217, D 190 -fogazott В 117 -hdrmas В 200 -virdgd В 221 -ikres В 105 -lzelt В 79 -kettdhasadt В 210 -kihegyzett В 71 -osszetett В 104 -pdros В 105 -rajzd D 263 -szdrnyalt В 74, 202 -szdrnyasan osztott В 203 -szeldelt В 211 -tenyeres В 198 -termd В 126 -ujjas В 119 -virdgzd В 126 kdtszeres D 393 kdttdnyezos В 124 kdve M 194 kdzikonyv E 123, M 95 kdzirat M 98 kdziratban adott ndv С 310 kiadds E 48 kiadva E 49 kiadvdny P 1635 kialakuld N 17 kriasztobazidium G 303 kiazma С 302 kidlld E 494, P 1284 kissd- P 1286 kibocsdtd E 113 kibontakozd E 414 kicsapddds С 542, P 1165 kicsepegds G 264 kicsi E 444, P 172, 1652 nagyon- A 1120, M 371, N 4, P 345 kicsinyitett D 240 kicsinyitd kdpzd E 93 kicsipett E 97 kicsipettsdg E 96 kicsirdzott G 138 914 kidobd E 77 kidomborodd С 793, P 1433 kidddorodds M 86, P 1434, U 19 kiduzzadd P 1433 kiegdszitett A 176, 1146, E 106 kiegdszitds A 1145, M 94 kiegdszltd A 179 kiegyenlitddds novekeddsi- С 676 kiemelkedds P 1285 kiemelkedd E 89, 109, 112, 494, P 1284 gyengdn- P 1286 vizbdl- E 109 kidhezettsdg I 80 kifejezds T 131 kifejlddds -elmaraddsa A 13 gyors- T 10 kifejlddott A 52, 219, E 413 kifejtett E 413 kifeld -felnylld E 516 -fordult R 516 -gdrbiilt D 37 -ndzd E 516 kigyd alakd S 436 ldgydt old A 761 kigydzd- О 188 kigydzd F 82, S 435, 437, T 360 kihajitd E 77 kihajt P 1322 kihajtd I 164, P 1264 kiharapott E 97 kihegyesedd (lassan-) S 1247 kihegyzett A 170 finoman- G 977 hosszasan-A 166, С 977 vdkonyan- A 167 kihdzott P 1427 kiigazitotta G 828 kiinduld (alapbdl-) В 42 kiirtds E 499 kiizzadd E 500, L 18 kijeldlt D 94 kikdszitds P 1192 kikiiszdbblds E 90 kilenc E 207, N 166 -anyds E 208 -himes E 209 -porzds E 209 -term6jd E 208 kimagasld E 79, P 1284 kimetszett E 431 kimdra С 306, P 1511 kimutatd E 443, P 1161 kinai S 521 kincs T 286 kincseshdz T 286 kinenchima С 432 kinetondma С 437 818 kinetoplasztiszok С 438 kinetoszdma С 439 kindzds A 1071, F 6, H 4 kindzdsd О 199 kinoplazma С 446 kind P 1322 kindtt E 122 kindvds E 120, S 1053 kindvd E 121, 435, N 17 kinyiild E 494, P 1123, P 1240, 1284 kinyiilt E 502 kipattand D 95 kirdgott E 342, T 583 csatorndsan- С 92 kis- M 309 -csdru S 1223 -fiirtu R 5 -gdddrkds F 137 -kardjos L 235 -novdsu H 444 -osztatd M 329 -pdrusii P 1124 -sisakii G 12 -szakdllii В 29 -szemolcsos V 81 -termoiu M 163 kisebb M 162, 372 kisebbedd D 23, 240, R106 kisebbedden D 24 kisebbitett D 56 kisdrlet T 102 kisdrd С 657, 658 kisdrdsejtek С 660 kisfaj M 352 kisodrddd E 414 kissd- S 1085, P 195 kiszdradds D 93 kiszdradd A 1004 kiszdradt A 1016, S 484 kiszdritds D 93, E 496 kiszdlesedett A 604, D 231, D 334 kiszdrds E 60 kiszdrd D 75, 323 kiszdrddd S 20 kiszokken P 1322 kitartd P 348 -riigy T 660 -sejt M 18 -spdra С 401, T 63 kitdgult A 604 kitelt F 16 kitenydsztett kertekben- H 438 kiterjedt D 334 kiteruld E 502 kitettsdg E 492 dgtdji- E 492 kitund P 1166 kiugrd D 95, S 20 kiiiriilt E 53 kivdgds E 430 kivdgott E 431 kivdjt С 200, 689, E 419 mdlyen- E 424 kivdlasztds E 437, S 239 csepp- G 264 kivdlasztd S 240 kivdlasztddds S 268 mestersdges- S 268 termdszetes- S 268 kivdlasztott L 80, S 270 kivdlogatds D 47 kivdlogatd S 269 kivetds E 60 kivirdgzds E 52 kivonat E 309 kivul dU6 E 503 kizdrva E 434 kizdlduld (iljbdl-) R 217 kladenchima С 479 kladodisztrdfia С 481 kladddium С 480 kladoforum С 485 kladogenezis С 482 kladomdnia С 484 kladopddium С 487 kladoptdzis С 488 klasztotipus С 494 klasszifikdcid G 491 klasszikus G 490 kleisztandrocia G 504 kleisztanthdria С 505 kleisztogdm G 511 kleisztogdmia G 510 dl- P 1484 kleisztokdrp С 508, 509 kleisztokdrpia С 507 kleisztopetdlia G 512 klima helyi- M 318 klimakorhizdk С 515 klimatdrikus G 516 klimatikus С 517 klimatipus С 518 klimax G 519 klinidium G 522 klinogeotropizmus С 525 klinotropizmus С 529 klitochor-novdnyek С 530 klon G 533 klonotipus G 534 klorenchima G 326 klorociszta С 332 klorofill G 343 klorofillolizis С 342 klorofillt tartalmazd С 341 kloroglobin G 333 kloroleucitdk С 334 klorondma G 336 kloroplasztisz G 346 klorovaporizdcid G 350 klordzis С 347 klosztrum G 535 kluzium G 536 knefoplankton G 538 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK koaguldcid С 542 kobaltszinkdk G 547 kockds G 941, T 143 kocsdny P 217 termds- G 118, P 217 td- S 123 virdg- P 217 kocsdnyka P 211 kocsdnykds P 210 kocsdny os P 216 kocsdnytalan S 458 kocsdnyii (szdrnyalt-) P 896 kocsonyds G 63 kocsonydsodds G 65 kodomindns G 561 koenzim С 593 kohledris borulds G 557 koilokdrpia G 603 kokkogdnium G 552 kokkolit G 554 kokkoszfdra G 555 kokkusz G 556 kolbdsz alaku В 266 koleogdnum G 606 koleopterondmium С 609 koleoptil G 610 koleszula G 612 kdlikdt enyhito T 351 kollaplankton С 615 kollaterdlis G 619 -eddnynyaldbok С 619 -melldkriigyek G 619 kollektiv G 621 kollektivfaj С 587, 621 kultivdlt- G 954 kollektor-szdrok G 622 kollenchima G 623 kolleterdk G 624 kolloidomorfdzis С 632 koloncos T 636 koldnia sejt- G 636 kolonista ndvdnyek G 637 kolpenchima G 642 kombindcid G 652 kombindcid (uj-) G 652, N 77 kommenszdlizmus G 664 kommiszkuum С 665 kompassz-ndvdnyek С 675 komplementdcid G 680 koncentrdcid hidrogdn-ion-P 382 koncentrikus С 690 kissd- S 1129 konceptdkulum С 691 kondilusz С 707 kondriokindzis G 356 kondriokontdk G 355 kondridma G 357 kondriomitdk С 358 kondrioszfdrdk С 360 kondrioszdma G 359 konfervoid G 711 koniddngium G 728 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZiK koniddngiumtartd С 727 konidiostrdma G 733 konidium С 734 konidiumot tartd С 729 konidiumtartd С 730 -csoport A 63 kdnikus G 726 koniociszta G 736 koniotdka С 737 konjugdcid С 739 konkauleszcencia С 688 konoforofitdk С 749 konokdrpium С 747 konszorcium С 758 kontortoplankton С 776 kontur A 499 konturrajz S 162 konnubium G 746 konvaridnsok С 787 konvergdlo С 790 konvergencia С 791 konyhai haszndlatii С 948 konyhakert О 102 konyult F 75 kopasz D 71, G 149, P 410 majdnem- S 1186 kopaszodo G 148 kopaszsdg G 150 kopdcs V 25 kopdcsszeru V 26 kopacsos V 27 -kovadds V 27 fdlig - S 382 kopdcsii (sok-) M 575 kopal szinu С 796 koprofitak G 799 kopulacio С 739 kopuldk С 800 koradrett P 1188 korai P 1169, T 8 -drds P 1168 koran lehulld F 177 korareggeli M 129 kora tavaszi P 1202 kordbban P 1360 -lefoglalt P 1191 korabbisag P 1221 korallpiros С 804 korallszeru С 803 kordll szinu G 804 korcs H 455, 458 vegetativ- V 46 korcsositas H 456 kordmium С 807 korhadds С 89, P 1673 korhado P 1674 korhadt P 1672 korifillia С 844 korifofitdk С 845 koriszimfillia С 846 korizis G 365 korldtlan I 113 korldtolt ndvekeddsd D 36 kormautochor-ndvdnyek С 811 kormdnypdlcaszerfi S 132 kormofitdk С 812 kormusz С 813 kdrokozd P 183 novdnyi- P 188 kdroktan A 288 korollula G 820 koroldgia С 367 koromfekete A 857, F 182 korom szinu F 182 kozmesztdzia С 847 kozmobioldgia С 848 kozmopolita A 560, С 849 kozmopolitdk С 850 ко S 104 ко- L 213 kdfali M 580 -novdnyek M 580 kog С 521 kogvirag F 96 kohogds elleni В 63 kokemdny L 50 kolcsonhatds С 827 kolcsonos M 595, R 84 -egymdsrahatds I 206 -megporzas A 435 kdlcsdndssdgen alapuld M 595 koldok U 18 mag- H 300, U 19 no \ 7c_ T T i Q koldokalap О 151 kdlddkdudor С 131 koldokfolt H 300 koldokfoltos U 17 kdlddkds U 17 kdlddkpiip О 151 kolddkszemdlcs С 131, О 150 kdlddkvarrat R 66 komag P 1669 kdmagos P 1670 kdnnycseppszeru D 1, L 20 kdnnyezds G 264, L 19 konnyezd L 18 кбппуй F 7 konyokbehajlott I 148 kdnydkhosszii С 942 kdnydkszeruen hajlott G 92 kdnyv-illusztrdcid I 6 konyvlapszeruen egymdsra-helyezett С 673 kdpeny T 649 mag- A 1020 kopenyes T 650 kor С 1000 -alakii С 451, О 210 majdnem- S 1214 kdrbeforduld P 326 korbe-rdcsavarodds С 998 kdrfogat С 460 kdrfolt A 1006 korfoltos A 1007 korkords С 690, G 314 816 kdrmds U 34 kdrnyezetet kedveld emberi- A 861 kornyezeti О 73 kdrnyezettan О 72 kornydk A 204 kornydkbeli A 203 korontd S 101 kordmhossz U 35 kordmhosszii U 33 kordmszeru U 33 koromszdles U 33 kdrds С 996 kordskorul С 453, P 267 korszeru С 451, О 210 nem- A 349 korte alakii P 1705 kOrtekovesedds L 214 korte termdsu P 1703 kortetermo P 1704 korul С 453 -arkolt С 470 -felrepedt С 468 -fogd A 600, С 440 fdlig- S 280 korulfogott С 431 korulhasadt С 468 -koriili P 267 koriilnott С 464 kdriildlelo A 600 kdruldvezett С 431, 441 kdtszer- В 99 kOriildvezo A 600, 495 korulsdncolt С 470, 785, О 36 korulszdrnyalt P 308 koriilszOvddOtt С 469 kortiltiiskdzett P 268 kdriilvevo A 495, G 440, P 326 korulvdlgyelt С 785 kosejt С 27 kdsejtek В 278, S 176 kotelezd О 14 kotet T 331 kotetrdsz T 331 kotdlgyokdr S 1289 kotdlszeru T 186 kotoszdvet T 55 kovecses S 222 kovek alatti H 596 koves L 50, 213, P 378 kovetkezd P 1134, S 429, S 249 egymds utdn- S 1256 kovetd С 657, S 429 kdvdr A 201, P 696 kovon- L 213 -did E 264, L 49, 50 kdviiletek F 136 koviileti F 135 koz M 132 kdzalapos M 439 kdzbeesd I 205, 208 917 kdzbedkelddds I 224 kdzbefekvd I 225 kdzbeiktatddd I 208 kdzbeiktatott I 208, 225 -ndvekedds I 257 kdzbelsd M 136 kdzbendlld I 217 kdzbensd I 217 kdzbeszdrt I 233 kdzbetett I 225 kdzeldllds A 290 kdzeldlld A 954, С 713 kdzeledo V 67 egymdshoz- С 790 kdzelfekvd A 209 kdzeli A 209, 954, P 88, 1305 kdzdp- M 213 kdzdpen M 139, 213 -dlld M 136 kdzdpdr С 851, M 136, P 1208 hdtoldali- D 368 kdzdphagyd С 216 -kdzdpi M 213 kozdpkdreg M 226 kdzepdre erdsitett M 140 kozdpnedvessdgu talajt ked-vel6 M 241 kozdpre tartd С 218 kozdpsik M 136 kozdpso M 136, 139 kozdpszakasz M 281 kozismert V 165 kozlemdny P 1635 kozlony A 143 kdzdmbos A 1088, I 117, N 111 kozonsdges С 65, 668, T 577, VI65 kdzos С 668 -vacok С 521 kozossdg С 669 asztal- С 664 -kozotti I 205 kozpont -feld haladd С 218 -koriili С 690 -melletti S 1120 kozponti С 215 -fardsz H 6 -henger С 215 1003 -oszlop С 647 -oszlopszeru С 648 kozponton kiviili E 427 kozponttdl (-eltdvolodott) D 410 -tdvolodd С 216 kozsdg P 13 koztesszakasz I 223 -kozti I 205 kozvetett I 120 -sejtmagosztddds С 137 krdter alaku С 865 kremasztoplankton С 867 kremnofitdk С 869 kremokdrpium С 871 krenobiontdk С 874 krepitdkulum С 881 krdmsdrga С 868 krdtafehdr С 884 krdtakori С 884 krdtaszeru С 884 kribrovazdlis С 886 kriobiontdk С 907 kriofldra С 908 krioplanktofitdk С 911 krioplantkon С 910 krioszkdpikus С 912 kriotropizmus С 913 kriptofitdk G 928 kriptogdm novdnyek G 919 kriptogdmia С 920 kriptogenetikus G 922 kriptohaplomitdzis С 923 kriptohibrid С 924 kriptomdria С 925 kriptomitdzis G 926 kriptoplazma G 929 kriptosztoma С 931 krisogonidium С 407 kristdllochor-novdnyek С 933 kristdlloiddk С 935 kristdly G 936 kristdlydruza D 382 kristdlyfiirt С 1020 kristdlykdpzd С 934 kristdlykdvdk R 68 kristdly sejt L 217 kristdlytiszta G 932 krizofilium С 410 krizotannin С 411 kromatida-atkeresztezodes С 302 kromatidium С 373 kromatikus С 372 kromatin G 374 kromatinmagocska С 150 kromatofdrum G 377 kromatolizis С 376 kromatoldgia G 375 kromatoplazma С 378 kromidiocentrum С 379 kromidiogdmia С 380 kromidium G 383 kromizmus G 384 kromocentrum С 385 kromocita С 387 kromofil С 394 kromofdb G 395 kromogdn G 388 kromokondrium G 386 kromoleucitdk С 389 kromolipoidok G 390 kromomdrdk С 391 kromondma G 392 kromoplaszt С 397 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK kromoszdma G 398 dl- P 1482 bivalens- G 68 kromoszdma-darabka(kisdrd-) S 83 kromoszdma-szerelvdnyu (hat-) H 284 kromoszomds pdratlan- A 789, 810 tobb- P 966 kromotropizmus С 399 kronispdra С 401 kronisporangium G 402 kteinofitak С 937 ktetoldgia С 939 ktetoszdma С 940 kultigrex С 953 kultiplex G 954 kultivdlt С 957, S 88 kultivdr С 955 kulturbiocondzis A 335 kulturfaj С 952 kulturfajta G 955 kulturforma С 951 kulturnovdnyek megtelepedett- H 109 nem honos- E 330 kulturszokevdny S 1233 kulturszokevdnyek E 329 kulturvaltozat-csoport G 953 kunkor- В 252, 253 -alakii В 252 kiip alakii С 726, N 12 kupa G 995 kupacs G 963 -alaku С 964 termds- С 963 kupacsos С 965 kupacsszeru С 964 kupak О 185 kupakos О 184 -tok P 1715 -toktermds alakii P 1714 -toktermdsu P 1713 kupakszeru О 183 kupaktalan D 72, E 466 kiipos G 726 forditott- T 652 majdnem- S 1131 -vacok G 750 kurta В 270 kurvipetalitds С 975 kusza S 613 -levelu S 611 -viragii S 610 kuszdlt 1 249 kiiszd es legyokerezd R 150 latszdlagosan- P 1565 -mozgdsii A 525 kiiszdcserje L 151 kutatds E 87, I 111, 268 kutatd I 110 tudomdnyos- I 269 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK kutikula G 979 kutin С 981 kutinosodds С 982 kutisz G 983 kutya- С 1009 kutydnak vald С 65 kiilalak H 4 kulondlld D 333 kiilonbdzik D 201 kiildnbozni D 337 kiilonbozo D 316, 327, 349, V 38 -alakii H 228 -ideju D 129 -osszetdteld H 260 -szinu D 306 kiildnbdzd-alakiisdg H 227, P 1105 kiildndrettsdg ivari- D 173 kiilonfdle H 175, 218 -bemetszdsfi H 264 kiilonfdlesdg V 36 kiilonfdle-szinusdg P 964 kiilonleges P 1166, S 622 kiilonlenyomat S 404 kiilonnemu H 218 kiilonvdlt D 311, 313 kiilsd E 16, 449, 503 -eredetu E 460 -megjelends H 4 -pdrta С 165 -szdrmazdsii E 460 kiilsdcsdsze ndlkuli A 28 kurtd О 50 kiirtos О 52 kiirtoszerii О 51 labdacsszeru P 693 labellizacid L 2 labellum-elsatnyulds A 71 labellumos L 1 labirintusos L 8 labirintusszeru M 70 -laki О 66 lakkfdnyu V 76 lakd G 604, H 2, I 95, 159 fatorzson- T 618 lakds I 94 lamarckizmus L 32 lankadt F 75 lant alakii L 288 lantos L 288, P 65 lantszeru L 288 lap L 36, P 10 lapdt alakii S 620 lapos- H 355 lapos С 678, D 80, P 723, 742 majdnem- P 744 laposhajtds P 790 laposodott szdr G 480 lappangds L 59 lappangdsi -dllapot L 59 -idd I 106, L 59 lappangd L 58 fdlig- S 323 lassii L 99 lassiisdg ndvekeddsi- В 284 latencia L 59 latens jelleg L 59 latex L 62 laza С 251, L 73 lazac szinu S 24 ldb P 362 -alakii P 212 ldbhossz P 362 ldbhosszii P 208 -ldbii P 363, 890 ldgy- H 22, M 74, 390 ldgyszdrii H 157 ldgy szdru P 1633 ldncszeru С 182 ldndzsaszerd L 41 ldndzsds G 41 ferditott- О 12 ldndzsdsan- L 41 ldngpiros A 997 lang szinfi F 79 ldngvoros F 79 ldtds T 9^4 ldthataUan G 489, I 271 ldthatd P 413 alig- I 99 jdl- С 761, P 383 ldtni V 113 ldtogatd H 439 ldtott (nem-) I 272 ldtszd (alig-) О 24 ldtszolagos L 47, N 162, S 519, 836 ldtszdlagosan P 1456 -kiiszd P 1565 -iild P 1570 ldzcsillapitd A 392 lednysejt С 208 lebomlds G 162 lebontds D 328 lecandraszeru L 76 lecideaszerd L 77 lecsepult A 53, H 443, P 1336 lecsupaszitott E 518 lecsiingd С 240, D 76, P 232 leddrzsdlddott D 81 leesds L 46 leesd D 15 lefekvd A 53, D 25, H 443, P 1238, 1336, S 1301 lefeld haladd С 166 lefesld С 6, D 15 lefoglalt ndv P 1191 lefutd D 26 csiicstdl- A 122 918 dlig- S 302 kissd- S 1147 lefiiggd D 76 leffizddds G 71 legaldbb S 28 legeld В 302, P 173 legeldn did N 147 legeldt kedveld N 147 legfelsd S 1316 legitim L 82 -megporzds L 82 -ndv L 82 legkedvezdbb О 203 legkisebb M 371 legkozelebbi P 1440 legnagyobb M 161 legorbiild D 28 legorbiilt D 37 legyezds F 74 legyezdszeru F 74 legyezdszerden szdtfutd D 132 legyezdvirdgzat R 239 legyokerezd indds S 80 lehajlo С 240, D 17, 37, 57 lehdntott D 22, E 14 lehullds L 52 lehulld D 15, E 63, P 713, S 235 lehullott D 46 leirds D 90 alaktani- M 478 virdg- F 92 leirdsa novdnyszervek-nek P 649 leird D 91 -novdnytan D 91 lejtds A 46 lekerekitett R 363 lektoallotipus L 78 lektotipus L 79 lelegelt D 73 leldhely H 3, N 21 eredeti- L 246 ldasszikus- L 246 lemend D 88 lemez L 36, 178 dl- P 1516 csira- M 231 trama- T 383 -alakii L 34 lemezes L 35 lemezesen levdlt E* 442 lemezke L 33 lemezszerd L 34 lencseszeru L 97 fdlig- S 324 lengd О 273, V 82 lenitikus L 93 lenticelldk L 95 lenyesds A 609 lenyirt D 113 lenyomat E 40 019 lepel P 286 dl- P 1541 melldk- P 116 lepelcimpdk L 14 lepelcsd T 643 l^elcsdkevdny L 248, -lepellevelCL T 110 egykdrds- H 27, M 404 forrt- S 1453 lepellevdl T 109 lepelpikkely L 248, P 33 lepelserte L 248 lependdk A 609 egyszdrnyii- M 442 iker- D 301 ikerszdmyas- D 301 lependdkes S 35 lependdket termd S 35 lependdkszeru S 36 lepdnyvirdgzat С 568 lepkegubacs L 107 lepkeporozta virdgok L 109 lepkevirdgok (nappali-) P 1599 lepicena L 104 lepidopterondmium L 108 lepironllia L 134 lepizma L 112 lepocitisz L 113 leprds L 115 leptoflodm L 126 leptondma L 124 leptospordngium L 129 leptotdn-szakasz L 131 leptozigotdn-szakasz L 133 leptoxildm L 132 lerajzolds D 50 lerdgott D 73, P 1190 leromlds D 42 leszakitott A 1236 leszdUd D 88 leszdrmazds D 89, P 1257 leszdrmazdsd P 548 hdrmas- T 525 leszdrmazott P 1271 letdlis L 135 leteriilo P 1336 ldtdrt folyo kiizdelem G 677 leukocidn L 139 leukociszta L 140 leukoszdma L 145 levdgds A 609 levdgott P 1671, S 1262 levdlasztott A 1236 levdlds S 237 levdldsi A 49 -nemzeddk A 49 levdld E 63, P 713, S 235 levdlt S 238, 405, 570 levegdnyflds S 1001 levegdnyildsos S 1004 levegdre utalt A 264 levegds A 259 levegdtartd alapszdvet A 257 leveleken kivtil dlld E 510 levelen levd E 280 leveles F 109 egyoldalon- S 247 gazdagon- F 113 levelesedds F 107 levelet eldzd virdgzdsii H 627 levendulakdk L 72 levdl- P 549 levdl F 114 al- С 176 -alatti H 604 dl- P 563, 1549 burok- S 614 csdsze- S 402 csira- С 853 egyszeru- S 518 eld- P 1304 -eredetu F 105 fedd- В 280 -feletti S 1309 fel- H 626 fdny- H 81 kagylds- С 693 kancsds- A 1056, P 550 osszetett- G 685 pajzsos- S 225 spdratermd- S 822 tdpldld- T 601 termd- С 103, M 57 td- R 20 tu- A 61 levdlalap В 52 levdldllds P 577 mdsodlagos- S 245 levdldlldsd vdltakozd- A 475 levdlbioldgia P 554 levdlborulds P 1180 kifeldhengeredett- R 221 levdlcimpa P 697, 852 levdlcsukld P 1650 levdlelhalds P 571 levdlerezet N 99 levdlevd P 573 levdldr N 106 levdlfordulat ferdesord- P 135 levdlgerinc R 12 levdlhasdb S 258 levdlhez tartozd F 106 levdlhdnalj A 1239 levdlhdnalj i 1 242 levdlhdnalj on kiviili E 506 levdlhullds iddeldtti- P 576 levdlhiively V 13 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK levdlhiivelyen beluli I 248 levdlhiivelyen kiviili I 514 levdlke F 112 levdlkenydl P 376 levdlkepdr J 14 levdlkdjCL (bordds-) R 10 levdlkdplet P 567 -rendellenessdg H 143 levdlkdpzo P 564 levdlkdpzdddsi elmdlet P 565 levdlkds F 111 levdlkoviilet L 221 levdlkiirtd О 50 levdllemez L 36, 178 -alap В 52 -die M 108 -szdle M 108 levdlmorfdzis P 570 levdlmozaik M 489 levdlnyelecske P 376 levdlnyeles P 375 levdlnyelvecske L 170 levdlnydl P 377 -alap P 575 dl- P 1545 duzzadt- P 377 -feletti S 1312 felfiijt- P 377 gatyds- P 377 kozos- P 377 -kozotti I 222 szdrnyalt- P 377 levdlnydlen beluli I 245 levdlnydlhez tartozd P 372 levdlnydlszeru P 371 levdlnyilds F 107 levdlosszenovds G 49 levdlpdrna P 1650 levdlpikkely S 841 levdlrdgd P 573 levdlripacs G 418 levdlrdzsa R 356 dl- P 1548 levdlrxigy F 110 levdlsdrga X 13 levdlsebhely С 418 levdlszdrny P 697 levdlszdmyacska P 712 levdlszegdnysdg M 164 levdlszeru F 104 ldtszdlag- P 1500 levdltelen (majdnem-) S 1095 levdltelenitett D 39 levdltelensdg A 901 levdltipus P 578 levdltomld A 1056 levdltomlds A 1055 levdltovis S 742 levdltu A 168 levdltiiremlds P 1180 betekeredett- С 794 osszehengeredett- G 794 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK 920 -levelu F 109, P 549 alaktalan- A 529 barna- P 402 biborpiros- P 1121 bfirds- S 233 csikolt- S 1027 cs6r6s- R 311 durva- S 188 еНёгб- H 236 erezett- P 444 felem&s- H 236 ferde- P 736 f61ig osztatlan- S 320 finoman fur6szes- S 451 fiir£szes- S 441 кетёпу- S 948 keskeny- S 924 kev6s- P 199 kitarto- A 354 maradd- A 354 nagy- M 34 nydltelen- S 457 osztatlan S 1200 drokzold- A 354 osszenott- S 1353 sz&lkas- A 1024 szirnyas- P 701 sz&rdlelo- A 603 sz61es- P 792 iilo- S 457 -levelus6g egyf61e- I 333 egyforma- H 407 Iev61v411 В 52 lev61zet F 108 -egyenlotlens6g A 788 lev61zdld С 343 -hiany A 918, С 347 16dus S 1263 16ggyok6r A 259 kapaszkodd- A 206 tdmasztd- R 41 16gh61yag A 267, S 10 16glakd A 260 teglevelek A 259 lggplankton A 750 16gtarto-szovet A 257 16giireg С 23 16gzacsk6 S 10 ^гёэ R 180 ^гёэтёгб R 181 tegz6nyil£s S 1001 -alatti S 1236 №gz6nyil&sii osszetett- S 1412 №gyporozta M 617 ldgyszeru M 616 lёlegzбgyдkёr P 886 1ёр V 143 16pcs6 alakii S 109 16pcs6s S 109 1ёрёэпу P 208 tetraforma S 109 lidn L 151 libdk dltal kedvelt A 812 lichenizmus L 156 lichenogr&fia L 157 liget S 514 lignin L 166 lignink6pzo S 186 likacsos F 34, P 264, 1113 -felnyil&sii P 1105 lila szinu L 174 Ш&кёк A 515 lil&spiros A 70 lil&svdrds R 385 liliomszeru L 175 limnobioldgia L 182 limnofitdk L 184 limnoplankton L 185 linea L 190 lipAz L 197 lipochondridk L 198 lipoci&nin L 201 lipofanerdzis L 204 lipofil L 205 lipoidok L 202 lipokrom L 199 lipolitikus L 203 lipoplasztisz L 206 Нрохёша L 207 lirella L 210 lisztes A 614, F 18 lisztesed6s A 376 lisztszeru F 17 liti&zis L 214 litikus L 294 litociszta L 217 litordlis L 227 litotelma L 224 lizenchima L 289 lizig6n L 291 lizikdrp L 290 lizin L 292 lizis L 293 lodikula L 248 logonim L 249 logotipus L 250 lomb- F 156 lombhiillatd erd6k nov6nyzete P 1605 lombhull&s D 41 lombkorona С 821 lombleveles F 157 lomblev61 F 158, N 148 lomblev№116s P 577 lombocska P 856 lombos F 157 lombosod&s F 155 lombosodd F 154 lombozat F 158 16patk6szerd H 304 ldrika L 266 lovagld Б 318 ldgos A 383 lumen L 274 luzus L 278 luxuria L 283 luxuri&ns L 284 luktet6 P 1645 -vakuola С 779 lyukas F 122 maceraci6 M 2 madarak iltal terjesztett О 244 maddr- О 243 -beporz&sii О 245 mad&rnak val6 A 1234 mag G 252, S 276 csont- P 1669 csonth6jas- N 195 elo- P 1291 ко- P 1669 magamegporz&s A 1174, 1199 magamegporzd A 1175 magas A 480, С 211, E 79, 89, P 1232 el6g- A 479 nagyon- P 1159 magass&g A 478 magassdgmdro A 477 magabafoglalo С 774, I 91 mag&baz£r6 I 91 magdnos A 638, E 321, I 320, S 522, 565, U 36 -term6s M 400 -tuszoterm6s U 55 magbeltakard E 176 magburok E 243, I 204 magburoknvil&s kulso- E 478 magdudor G 78, О 299 -beltakard S 248 magdudoros О 298 tobb- P 870 magevo G 239 mag6r6s F 163, M 125 magfeh6rje A 378, E 184 bels6- E 184 kuls6- P 309 -пё1киИ E 417 magfeh6rj6s A 380 magforrad&s R 66 magftiggel6k С 131 maghaz G 132, О 282 -alatti H 578, 591 als6 &ll£su- О 292 f61ig— О 292 -feletti E 262 fels6 dlldsii- О 292 f61ig— S 373 -k6ruli P 288 -oldali P 834 magh&zmedd6s6g С 603 magh&ztart6 P 893 maghdzureg A 876, L 244 magh6j E 243, 1 204, S 680, T 145 bels6- T 48 кбгёрзб- M 251 921 kiilsd- A 582, E 293, 480, T 145 maghdjszerii T 146 maghdjszdvet (belsd-) S 248 maghullatds D 324 magbullatd D 323 -termdsek D 323 magkataldgus D 47 magkezdemdny G 78, О 299 -alap С 252 -bdl N 176 -burok I 204 visszafordult- A 682 magkipergds D 324 magkiszdrddds S 336 magkoldok H 300, U 18 magkoldoki H 298 magkolddkos H 299 hdrom- T 499 magkopeny A 1020 dl- A 1019, P 1465 maglakd G 239 magleiras S 666 maglepel A 1020 magldc P 724 magldces P 727 magnetotropizmus M 71 magok ut j an szaporodd 0 295 magokkal tdpldlkozd G 247 magon dlo S 337 magosztddds feldre csokkend- M 165 redukcids- M 165 szdmcsokkentd- M 165 magpdros dllapot D 167 magra vonatkozd S 334 magriigy G 78, О 299 magriigybdl N 176 -alap С 252 magriigyburok I 204 -nyilds M 346 magriigy-koldokzsindr F 195 magriigy tartd kiilso- P 1210 magszeru S 339 magszdrds D 324 korai- T 11 parittydzd- В 246 magszdrddds D 324 magtakard A 1020, E 293, 1 204, S 680 -ndlkuli E 420 magtakards A 1018 magtalan A 958, 1074 magtalansdg A 1075, S 958 magtan S 687 magtanya P 724, S 689 magtartd S 689 magtdpldldszovet A 378 belsd- E 184 kiilsd- P 309 magtobbfdlesdg H 250 magvakat termd G 245, S 338 magvarrat R 66 magvas- S 639 -mag vii S 639, 334 bardzdds- A 1149 csontos- О 286 csdros- R 312 csupasz- G 273 fedett- A 760 hegyes- О 316 kemdny- S 951 keskeny- S 930 kevds- О 125 koves- L 223 dsszendtt- S 1446 parafds- P 432 szdles- P 793 magzsindr F 194 magzsindros F 194 magzsindrszeru F 192 majdnem S 1085 makk В 19, G 161, N 210 makk- В 17, G 153 szarnyas- S 34 makkocska С 83, N 196 makkocskdkra oszlo termds С 83 makkszeru G 153 makktermds В 19, G 161 makktermdsek tana В 18 makrdaplanogamdta M 9 makroaplanospora M 11 makroaplanospordngium M 10 makroandrospdra M 8 makrobiokdrpia M 12 makrociszta M 18 makroevolucio M 21 makrofillum M 33 makrofitdk M 35 makrofitoplankton M 36 makrogameta M 22 makrogametangium M 23 makrogametocita M 24 makrogematofita M 25 makrogametogenezis M 150 makrogdmia M 26 makroginospdra M 28 makrogonidium M 27 makroklima M 16 makrokonidium M 17 makromiofil M 30 makromutdcid M 29 makronukleusz M 31 makropiknidium M 42 makropiknokonidium M 43 makropiknospdra M 44 makroplankton M 37 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZEK makroplanogameta M 38 makroplasztiszok M 39 makropleuszton M 40 makroprotdllium M 41 makrospeciesz M 50 makrospdra M 51 -keletkezds M 54 -tartd M 52 makrospordngium M 52 makrosporofilium M 57 makrosporofdrum M 56 makrosporogondrium M 55 makrostilospdra M 58 makroszeszton M 48 makroszimbionta M 60 makroszklereiddk M 46 makroszkdpikus M 47 makroszdma M 49 makrotermikus M 159 makrozoogonidium M 62 makrozoospdra M 62 mandula A 611 -alakii A 613 -termo A 612 mangrove-formdcid H 12 manna M 93 manubrium M 97 maradando P 334 maraddk V 99 maradvdny R 140, 164 maradvanyos R 165 markolatos M 96 marsziipium M 112 massza M 114 masszula M 115 masztigodeszmozis M 108 masztigonemdk M 119 masztigoszoma M 120 mateonim M 121 matroklinia M 124 matt О 181 mazedium M 131 majmohdk tana H 148 mdjszinu H 149 mdmorito S 489 mdrvdnyeres M 111 mdrvdnytengeri P 1307 mdsik С 245 mdsodik S 249 mdsodlagos A 43, S 245 -dr S 245 -fa S 245 -gombafonal nyalab S 245 -kdreg S 245 -levdldllds S 245 -osztoddszovet M 199, S 245 mdsodndv megkiilonbdzteto- E 308 mdsodvirdgzds M 280, P 1226, R 113 mechanikai M 133 mechanomorfdzis M 134 mechanotropizmus M 135 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK meddd A 298, I 79, N 110, S 956 -virdg S 956 medd6pelyva G181 bels6 ds kiilsd- G 181 medd6porz6 S 861 medddsdg A 297, S 958 kdztes- I 234 teljes- S 891 virdg- С 212 meder A 487 medidnsik M 136 mediasztinum M 137 megaevolucio M 146 megasporocita M 156 megatermikus M 159 megbarnult 1 155 megegyezd С 725, 789 megelozds (betegsdg-) P 1303 megelozd P 1163, 1170 megelozeen P 1360 megfdsodds S 179 megfdsodd L 161 megfeketedett N 119 megfelelo I 38 egymasnak- С 789 megfiatalddds J 23, 1 165, R 138 megfigyelds О 23 megfordult A 629, I 267, R 186 megfosztott D 105, О 209 meghatdrozds D 111, 1 16 meghatarozdkulcs С 500 meghatdrozta D 112 meghonositds A 45 meghonosodott I 172 meghosszabbodds P 1277 meghosszabbodott P 1278 megismdtelt I 348, R 136 meg jegyzds N 156 megjegyzdsek A 773 megjelends (kiilsd-) A 1071 megjeleno (vdratlanul-) A 224 megjelolt S 496 megkemdnyedett I 126, S 103 megkemdnyedds S 179 megkett6z6dds С 365, D 32 megkettdzott R 109 megkdtszerezddds D 394 megkovesedett F 135 megkozelitd A 954 raegkiilonbdztethetd (nem-) I 122 megkiilonbdztetd D 199, D 336 -jellegek D 336 -mdsodndv E 308 meglevd P 1195 megmaradd S 854 megmentd S 33 megmivelt С 957 megndtt A 52 megnydlt E 94, P 1244, P 1278, 1427 megdrizni С 754 megdrzendd С 753 -nemzetsdgnevek С 753 megporzds P 923 autogametikus- E 153 dllat- Z 14 egyed- I 25 idegen- A 434, G 193, P 923, X 21 illegitim- P 923 kdlcsdnds- A 434, S 884, X 21 szomszdd- G 61 termdszetes- P 923 viz alatti- H 564 zdrt- G 510 megporzdsu kolcsdnos- A 435 vizi- H 480 megrovidiilt A 3, С 545 megszakadt D 313 megszakitott D 307, F 141, I 229 nem- С 775 megszakitottan- F 141 megszdradd S 483 megszildrdult I 126 megtaldlt I 266 megtartando С 753 megtartani С 754 megtdmasztott S 1276 megtermdkenyitett F 31, G 37 megtermdkenyitd F 29 megtermdkenyiilds F 30, N 203 dl- P 1498, 1514 -eldtti P 1255 idegen- E 459 kdlcsdnds- A 434 megtdvesztd M 190, S 519 megtord R 114 megiijhodds R 138 megdjhoddsi R 123 megdjulds I 165 megiijuld 1 164 megvastagodds G 861, I 101, T 635 megvastagodott С 862, I 102 megvdltozott С 792, M 591 megvizsgdlandd I 174 megye С 659 meiefillia M 164 meiospdra M 167 meiospordngium M 168 meiotermikus M 170 meiotikus M 169 meidzis M 165 melanizmus M 173 melandzis M 175 922 melegdgy P 1648, S 335 meleghdz С 28, F 43 melegkedveld T 272 melegvizi T 256 melletti G 140, P 88 melldhelyezds G 25 melldkborddk S 245 melldkerezet V 55 melldkerezetd dsszekapcsolt- С 653 melldkgydkdr R 23 melldkgydkerek S 245 melldklepel P 116 melldklevdl S 990 -kdpzddmdny P 120 meUdkpdrta С 821, P 100 melldkriigyek A 43, 224 kollaterdlis- С 619 sorban dlld- S 430 melldkszdr S 245 melldkszirom P 118 melldksziromszerd P 117 mellozendd R 137 mendelezd dtordklds M 186 mendelizmus M 186 meneddk R 118 meredek С 531, P 1194 merenchima M 193 merev F 65, R 319, S 173, S 1030 -dllapot R 321 kissd- R 318, 322 -levelii I 349 -szdrnyu S 191 -szdru H 308 -tonku S 190 -tovisu R 320 -tiiskds H 432 merevedd R 318 merevitd T 353 merevsdg R 321 beszdraddsos- A 631 merispdra M 198 merisztematikus M 200 merisztogenetikus M 201 merisztrdfe M 202 meroblasztikus M 204 merogdmia M 327 merogdnia M 208 merokonidium M 205 meromorfdzis M 299 meroplankton M 210 merotipus M 212 merotdmia M 211 merdleges P 343 mesexinium M 218 mesgye V 84 mestersdges A 1049 -beporzds P 923 meszes G 20 -talajt kedveld С 884 mesztom M 259 metabidzis M 260 928 metabolizmus M 262 metacecidium M 263 metadrom M 266 metafdzis M 281 metaferia M 282 metafillum M 284 metaflodm M 283 metaginia M 268 metakindzis M 269 metakromatikus M 265 metalimnion M 270 metamer M 273 metamerizdcid M 272 metamitdzis M 274 metamorfdzis M 275 metanafitdzis M 277 metandria M 278 metandma M 279 metapldzia M 285 metaplazma M 286 metaszinddzis M 290 metasztaminddium M 287 metasztdzis M 288 metatipia M 295 metatipus M 296 metatdnikus M 291 metatopikus M 292 metatrachedlis M 293 metatrdfia M 294 metaxdnia M 297 metaxildm M 299 metedrikus M 300 metonim M 302 metszet S 241 metszds A 609 metula M 305 mez I 124, P 1634 mezarchikus M 214 mezei A 332, 1051, G 55, R 418 mezendobidtikus M 216 mezenchima M 215 mezidium M 219 mezoaerofil M 220 mezociklus M 228 mezociszta M 229 mezodendrobion M 230 mezofanerofitdk M 240 mezofil M 241 mezofillum M 244 mezofitdk M 245 mezofitikus (fdlig-) S 333 mezoflodm M 242 mezofotikus M 243 mezogdmia M 233 mezo£onidium M 234 mezogonimikus M 235 mezohigrofitikus M 236 mezokdrpium M 222 mezokiton M 224 mezokolla M 225 mezokotil M 227 mezoldgia M 237 mezomitdzis M 238 mezoplankton M 246 mezospermium M 251 mezospdra M 252 mezosporinium M 253 mezoszaprofitdk M 249 mezoszeszton M 250 mezosztilia M 254 mezotdcium M 255 mezotermofil M 256 mezoxerofitikus M 257 mezd A 321, R 419 mezdgazdasdgi A 332, 339 mezdgazdasdgtan A 338 mezdn did С 55 mezdn novd R 418 mezdt kedveld A 340 meztelen D 71 mdhbeporzdsd M 180 mdhporozta M 180 mdly P 1250 mdlyen -alul I 71 -fogazott P 1250 mdlysdg P 1249 mdlysdgi P 1248 mdlytengeri A 445 mdregtan T 369 mdretu M 301 egyenld- I 305 mdrget add T 367 mdrgezd T 366, V 56 -fehdrjdk T 370 -hatds T 368 mdrsdkelt T 86 mdszkedvelo С 23, 25 mdszkeriild G 24 mdszlakd G 23 mdz M 171 mdzajak L 3 mdzbardzda S 1280 mdzelo M 177 -novdnyek M 177 mdzfejto N 56 dl- P 1529 rekeszfali- S 410 mdzfejtdjelzo N 40 mdzfejtokorong D 312 mdzfejtdmirigy N 53 mdzfejtdtakard N 55, 59 mdzfogyasztd M 179 mdzga V 143 mdzgds G 188, I 350, L 99, V 142 -bibefeliilet G 284 mdzgds- G 172 mdzgodorke N 54 mdzgyfijtd N 54 mdzharmat M 178 mdzmirigy N 54 mdzpikkely N 54 mdzsdrga H 102, M 176 mdzszeru M 176 mdztartd N 54, 56, 61 miceldris M 597 MAGYAR SZfijEGYZfiK micdlium M 598 micdliumtdmeg (kitartd-) S 194 micella M 308 micetogenezis M 601 mikodomdcium M 607 mikolitikus M 610 mikoldgia M 609 mikopaleontoldgia M 611 mikorrhiza M 612 mikorizoma M 613 mikotrof M 615 mikdzis M 614 mikroaerofil M 310 mikroanalizis M 311 mikroaplanogamdta M 312 mikroaplanospdra M 313 mikrobentosz M 314 mikrobioldgia M 315 mikrociszta M 320 mikroelemek M 321 mikroevolucid M 322 mikrofanerofitdk M 336 mikrofitdk M 338 mikrofitoldgia M 339 mikrofitoplankton M 340 mikrofldra M 323 mikrogameta M 324 mikrogametofiton M 326 mikrogdmia M 327 mikrogonidium M 328 mikroklima M 318 mikrokonidium M 319 mikromutdcid M 330 mikron M 331 mikronukleolusz M 332 mikronukleusz M 333 mikroorganizmus M 334 mikroparazita M 335 mikropile M 346 mikroplankton M 341 mikroplanogameta M 342 mikropleuszton M 343 mikrospeciesz M 352 mikrospora A 730, M 353 -kdpzddds M 356 mikrospordngium M 354 mikrospdratartd M 354, 357 mikrospdratermo levdl M 358 mikrospdra - tcmeg M 115 mikrosporocita M 355 mikrosporof ilium M 358 mikrostilospdra M 360 mikroszklerotium M 347 mikroszkdpikus M 348 mikroszeszton M 349 mikroszdma M 350 mikroszdrus M 351 mikrosztilia M 359 mikrotaxonomia M 361 mikrotermofil M 362 mikrotermofitdk M 363 mikrozoospdra M 364 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK millimikron M 368 minden О 144 mindenevd О 148 mindenutt О 144, P 63 mineralizdcid M 369 miniumvoros M 370 mint P 1225 mirhamdzga M 628 mirigy G 154, 161 emdszto- D 211, G 161 nektdr- N 54 pollindrium- R 198 szeptdlis- S 410 mirigyes A 188, G 156 -szdr G 156 mirigy esen •csipkds G 158 -fogazott G 159 -serteszdros G 160 -villds G 157 mirigygyuru A 800 mirigykorong G 154 mirigysejt nektdrkivdlasztd- N 56 mirigyszeru G 155 mirlgyszor G 154 enyves- G 624 drzo- T 101 tapadd- T 101 mirigy tartd A 192 mirigytelen E 58 mirmekofil M 625 mirmekochor M 623 mirmekoszimbidzis M 627 mirtuszzold M 629 mischomdnia M 375 mitoklasztikus M 377 mitozis С 137 mivelds (vegyes-) P 975 mixis M 381 mixobaktdriumok M 632 mixokromoszdma M 382 mixoploidia M 383 mixospora M 633 mixosporangium M 634 mixotrof M 384 mocsarakban dlo P 59, T 67 mocsaras P 56 mocsdr P 58, S 856 mocsdr- H 68 mocsdrban did P 56 mocsdri P 56, 59, S 853, T 67, U 5 -ndvdnyek H 70, 98, P 59, U 5 mocsdrkedveld H 69, T 68 mocsdrlakd L 181, P 55 mocsdrlakdk H 70 mocsdmdvdnyek L 184, T 69 mocsdrplankton H 72, T 70 mocskos G 762 mddosulds M 275 mddosult M 276 mogyordbarna A 1231 moha M 585 mohaeldtelep P 1405 mohanovdnyke (ivarszer-ves-) G 31 mohasapka С 46 mohaspdra В 301 mohasuveg С 46 mohaszdr S 1318 mohaszerd В 298 mohatan В 299 mobatok-nydl S 461 mohatokocska U 89 mohdt kedveld В 300 moholy T 327 mohos M 584 mdkusfarkszeru S 172 molekula-csoportosuldsokTl 8 molekuldris M 388 molyhos T 326 fdlig- S 377 kissd- S 1242 monangikus M 395 monoblaszt M 398 monochasium M 403 monociklikus M 411 monodezmikus M 413 monodindm M 414 monofdg M 432 -parazita P 130 monofiletikus M 433 monofitikus M 435 monogdm M 417 t monogdn M 419 monogenezis M 418 monogdnikus M 419 monohibrid M 423 monokarion M 427 monokdrpikus M 399 monokdrpium M 400 monoklin M 407 monoklondlis M 408 monokultura M 410 monolepszis M 428 monopleurikus M 437 monopodidlis M 439 monopodium M 440 monospdra M 448 monospordngium M 449 monoszimmetrikus M 453 monoszdma M 446 monosztdle M 450 monotdkds M 455 monotipikus M 461 monotopikus M 457 monotnch M 458 monotrdf M 459 monotrop M 460 monoxdn M 462 monozigdtikus M 463 mondzis M 445 monstrozitds M 466 924 monstrdzus M 467 morfoesztdzia M 474 morfofilogenezis M 483 morfogdn M 477 morfogenezis M 475 morfogdnia M 476 morfogrdfia M 478 morfoldgia M 479 morfonimum M 482 morfondmia M 481 morfoplankton M 484 morfopldzia M 485 morfotipus M 487 morfdzis M 486 mostani R 77 moszat- P 534 moszatgubacsok P 535 moszatlakd A 397 moszatok A 396 moszatszeru A 395 moszattan A 399 mozaikszerd T 143 mozgds M 493 dramld- С 452 csucskeringo- N 206 keringd- R 360 ndvekeddsi- N 206 szdtdramld- G 452 mozgdsi kdpessdg M 492 mozgdsd (keringd-) R 361 mozgdkony A 330, M 386, V 108 mozgo M 386, О 273 mozgokdpes M 491 mdldkony E 228 multifaktoridlis M 530 multinomindlis P 1009 multiplikdcid M 557 multipoldris M 560 multivalens M 574 mumifikacid M 578 munkatdrs С 614 murokszeru D 6 murva В 280 murvakor I 277 murvalevdl В 280 -ndlkuli E 4 murvalevelu (hdrom-) T 425 murvdcska В 282 murvds В 281 murvdtlan E 4 mutabilitds M 587 mutagdn anyagok M 588 mutaid M 465 mutdcid M 590 mutdnsok M 589 mutualizmus M 594 mu О 206 mdkertdszet T 340 mdkifejezds T 131 mdkddd (nem-) P 176 mdszd T 131 mdszdkincs T 130 т muveletlen I 107 mdvelds alatt vdltozd H 106 nagy G 243, M 72 igen- P 333 nagy- M 3 -fogd G 243 -gydkerd M 45 -levelu G 244 -mdlysdgi A 26 -orrii N 20 -termdsu M 6 -virdgd M 5 nagyfaj M 50 nagyitdlencse L 94 nagyitouveg L 94 nagyobb H 536 nagyobbitott A 1146 nagyobbodd С 883 nagyon P 253, 1156 -kicsi P 1665 nagysag M 73 nanizmus N 7 nanofanerofitdk N 9 nanoplankton N 10 nanoszeszton N 11 narancs A 1152 -szinu A 1151 narancspiros R 423 narancstermds H 174 narancsvoros A 1151 narkotikus N 15 narkdtropizmus N 16 nap S 552 nap- H 76 napdjegyenlosdgi A 249 napfeld fordul6 H 88 napfdnykedvelo A 956, H 79 napld A 227 naponkdnti Q 54 napos A 956, S 553 napot kedvelo S 553 -virdgok S 553 nappal- H 104 -viragzo H 105 nappali D 345 napraforgd H 84 naprandzd H 84 napsugdrmdrd A 150 napsutotte A 956 napszdras H 85, I 191 narancs szinu A 1151 nasztia N 18 nasztikus N 19 -mozgds N 18 nativ N 24 naturalizdcid N 27 naukum N 30 navikuldk N 35 nddcukor S 8 nddszerd A 1050 ndrcisz szinfi G 6 ndsz N 203 ne nyulj hozzdm N 141 nedv H 446, L 208, S 1266 sejt- С 1058, E 122, S 1266 nedvdds S 1263 nedvkdpzd S 1257 nedvszdllitd С 414 nedvben did О 195 nedves M 68, H 442, 508, U 4 fdlig- S 317 -helyek novdnyzete H 516 nedvesitett H 441, M 67, S 1277 nedvessdg M 69 nedvessdg- H 508 -jelzo H 510 -kedvelo H 514 -keriild H 515 nedvet vezeto S 1257 nedviireg V 3 negativ N 64 negyeddves T 509 negyedik Q 24 nehdz P 1093 neidioplankton N 65 neizmus N 66 nekem ismeretlen N 150 nekriddk N 39 nekrobidzis N 40 nekrociszta N 42 nekrocondzis N 41 nekrofdg N 46 nekrogdn N 43 nekrohormon N 44 nekron N 45 nekroplazma N 47 nekroplasztisz N 48 nekrotipus N 50 nekrdzis N 49 sejt- С 1054 nektdr N 51 nektdrfogyasztd N 57 nektdrgdddrke N 54 nektdrium N 56 -takard N 59 -vddo N 55 nektdrkivdlasztd N 54 -mirigysejt N 56 -pikkely N 54 nektdrmirigy N 54 nektdrral tdpldlkozd N 57 nektarszeru N 52 nektizmus N 62 nekton N 63 nem (mint kategdria) G 100 nem (mint nemisdg) S 482 nem (mint tagadds) A 1, 627, I 45, N 150 nem Idttam N 150 nematdcium N 69 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK dl- P 1530 nematoplasztisz N 70 nematospordngium N 74 nemezes P 72 nemi S 480 nemisejt G 17 nemisdg S 481 nemtelenitds С 160 nemu (hdrom-) T 491 nemzeddk G 85 filidlis- F 3 ivaros- G 34, 85 ivartalan- G 85 nemzeddkvdltakozas A 473 nemzetkozi botanikai no-menklaturdlis kodex G 559 nemzetsdg G 100 uj- N 169 nemzetsdgcsoport T 426 nemzetsdg - tipus G 88 nemzetsdgi G 87 nemzetsdgndv G 97 neoendemizmus N 78 neofitdk N 88 neoformdcio N 79 neogenezis N 81 neomorf N 85 neomorf ia N 82 neomorfogdn N 83 neomorfdzis N 84 neonim N 86 neoontoldgia N 87 neoplazma N 89 neotdnia N 90 neotipus N 92 neotrdpikus N 91 nereidak N 94 neritikus N 96 -plankton N 97 neuszton N 109 neutrofil N 112 nevezdktan N 144 nevu N 217 kdt- В 153 tobb- P 1009 ndgy Q 26 ndgy- Ql, T 151 -alakd T 181 -anyas T 176 -bibds T 209 -bibeszdlii T 210 -bogydjii Q 7 -csdszelevelu T 198 -csontmagvu T 192 -did Q 2 gyengdn- S 1240 -drtdku Q 22 -fogii Q 8 -fdporzds T 168 •himes T 182 -kaldszii T 206 -kardjos Q 16 -kdrds T 162 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK ndgy- - kromoszdmds Q 22 -levelfi Q 13 -magvii T 200 -mirigyes T 164 -oldald Q 15 -osztatd Q 18, T 180 -drvds T 162 -portokd T 183 -porzds T 182, 207 -rekeszu Q 17 -sarkantyds T 156 -sarkos -tardjii T 175 -termdsd T 174 -sarkd Q 2 -sejtmagvu T 184 -soros Q 21 -spdrds T 205 -sugaru T 194 -szarvacskds T 157 -szdlkds Q 3 -szdrnyacskds T 191 -szegletu Q 2 -szirmd T 185 -tagu T 180 -termdsd T 155 -termdlevelu Q 6 -termds T 176 -tokos Q 5 -tuskdju T 153 -uregu Q 17 -vdlaszfalas Q 20 -villds Q 14 -virdgd Q 12 ndgyenkdnt Q 25 ndgyes csoport T 196 ndgyeskaszat T 158 ndgyszer Q 23 -hasitott Q 11 -szeldelt Q 19 -pdros T 165 -ujjas Q 9 ndgyszeres szdmu T 189 ndgyszeresen Q 23, T 188 ndlkuli A 1, 6£8, 879, 913, E 1, 415, I 45 ndmileg S 1085 ndpi V 72 -elnevezdsek V 72 ndv N 142 csupasz- N 198 fdlig- S 340 faj- S 625 felesleges- M 121 kdtes- N 142 kdtdrtelmu- A 497 kdziratban adott- С 310 nemzetsdg- G 97 szabdlyellenes- I 42 tdrs- S 1440 dj- N 86, 169 vagylagos- A 474 zavaros- С 717 ndvadd A 1144 ndvazonossdg rdszleges- P 1510 ndvjegyzdk G 170, N 143, N 144 ndzet S 397 ndzds I 254 ndzd S 207 kifeld- E 516 niktinasztia N 215 niktinasztikus mozgds N 215 niktipelagikus N 216 nitrdtkedveld N 125 nitrifikdcid N 124 nitrifikdld N 123 -baktdriumok A 1247, N 123 nitrofil N 125 nitrofitdk N 126 nitrogdn A 1246 nivdlis N 127 ndmium N 145 noszofitdk N 155 noszoldgia N 154 notogdmia N 159 notomorfa N 160 notoriz N 163 nd-eldtelep M 41 ndeldzds P 1361 noi F 33, G 275 -ivarszervekre vonat-kozd G 275 ndritkasdg S 607 ndt-eldzd P 1362 novekedds A 50, 605, I 103 appozicids- A 950 csdcsi- A 107, T 127 gyorsabb- T 9 kozbedkeldddses- I 257 novdnyi- V 45 vastagoddsi- P 5 ndvekeddsi A 49, V 46 -kiegyenlltddds G 676 -lassdsdg В 284 -mozgds N 206 -sarj A 1224 novekeddsmdrd A 1220 novekeddsu egyoldali- M 437 korldtolt- D 36 novekedd С 883 csdcson- A 125 utd- A 51 ndvesztdspdra A 1227 novdny- P 601 novdny P 749, S 997 anya- P 151 dveld- P 261 gazda- N 208 gyom- H 156 megkdvesult- P 636 tdpldld- N 208 ndvdnyalaktan P 641 ndvdny-kivdlasztddds S 268 ndvdnydpoldstan P 667 ndvdnybetegsdg M 471, P 663 ndvdnybioldgia P 605 ndvdnybioldgiai P 606 ndvdnybonctan P 673 ndvdnydinamika P 620 ndvdnyegdszsdgtan P 633 novdnyegyedek tana I 20 ndvdnyei dlldvizek- S 869 drdkzold bozdtok- A 357 ndvdnyek alhavasi- О 250 alsdrendd- С 919 anya- P 151 dmydkkedveld- S 161 drok- T 28 behurcolt- A 225 berek- A 470 betelepult- С 637 csigdkporozta- M 76 dezmochor- D 100 disz- D 21, О 241 eddnyes- V 40 edifikdtor- A 236 egydves- T 285 cgysejtfi- P 1410, U 42 elvadult- E 51 erdei- S 508 exdtikus- P 749a ddesvizi- D 388 djszaka nyfld- N 183 dldsdi- P 127 fanerogdm- P 414 fdnlakd- A 272 fennlakd- E 283 fennsiki- P 213 festd- T 315 fdligrejtve teleld- H 121 fdnyindifferens- N 111 fdnykedveld- H 82 forrdslakd- С 875 forrddgovi- M 61 foldben did- T 139 foldben teleld- G 120 gazda- H 440 gydgy- M 138 gyom- X 45 gydkeres- R 279 najtdsos- С 812 halastavi- T 317 hasadd- S 154 havasalji- P 12 havasi- A 132, G 845, О 217 hegyi- M 468, О 250 homokbuckdn did- A 521 homoki- A 493, 1002, P 1455 humuszlakd- S 58 hiisevd- 1 180 iszap- L 187 •27 ndvdnyek ielzd- 1 116 ldvevdny- A 225 kerti- P 749b kolonista- С 637 kompassz- С 675 korhaddk- S 58 kdfali- M 580 kriptogdm- С 919 kultivdlt- A 342 Idgyszdrii- H 156 legeldi- N 149, P 1098 magvas- S 668 meghonosodott behurcolt-E 317 melegkedveld- T 274 mdzeld- M 177 mindenutt lak6- U 3 mirmekofil- M 626 mocsdri- H 70, 98, L 184, P 59, S 962, T 69, U 5 mozgdhomoki- M 386 nautohidrochor- N 33 nedvdiis- G 413 nitrdtkedveld- N 126 6s- P 1410 parittydzd- В 21 parti- A 159, R 330 pataki- N 4 pozsgds- S 1264 pusztai- E 325 rejtve telel6- G 928 rdti- P 1204 rom- G 353, R 391 rovarevd- I 180 rogzitett- A 291 sarki- G 906 spdrds- G 919 sporochor- S 803 szapromiiofil- S 53 szdntdfoldi- A 332 szdntofoldi gyom- S 254 szdras- G 812 szdrazfoldi- G 412 szdrazsdgdlld- X 42 szdrazsdgturo- X 42 szdlbeporzdsd- A 742 szikla- L 222, P 381, R 413 szdloskerti- V 123 sdturd- H 16 talajjelzd- I 116 tavaszi- V 73 tavi- L 184 telepes- T 226 tengerfelszini- P 219 tengeri- P 1097, T 221 tengerparti- A 352, P 1450 termesztett- G 957 tdzegldpos- T 654 ubikvista- U 3 liszd- N 22 vadontermd- S 778 vetdsi- S 255 vetdsi gyom- S 254 vddett- T 662 vildgpolgdr- G 850 virdgtalan- G 919 virdgos- A 850, P 414 virdgpelyvds- A 81 vizi- H 493 zdrttermdsii- A 69 ndvdnyek -alvdsa S 582 -dbrenldte V 116 ndvdnyelnevezdstan P 644, P 646 novdnyelterjeddstan P 612 ndvdnyfelvdtelezds A 795, G 752a ndvdnyfenoldgia P 655 ndvdnyfiatalitds A 666 novdnyfiziologia P 657 novdnyfoldrajz P 628 genetikai- E 271 novdnygutaiitds A 932 ndvdnygydgytan P 671 novdnygydjtemdny H 159 ndvdnygyujtds H 158 ndvdnyhaz (nydri-) A 282 novdnyi P 601, V 44 -eredeta P 626 -gyanta R 168 luzdrdlagosan- H 348 -novekedds V 45 vizplankton H 496 novdnykdmia P 610 ndvdnykdrtan P 654 novdnykornyezettan P 647 ndvdnykdviilet В 259 novdnykutatd В 256, H 160 novdnymdreg P 674 novdnynemzetsdgek G 83 novdnyorszdg R 129, V 44 novdnyosszeirds A 795, G 752a novdnyrendszer S 1476 novdnyrendszertan P 666 novdnysejttan P 618 novdnyszdrmazdstan P 625 novdnyszeru P 634 novdnyszervtan P 650 novdnyszdlhudds A 932 ndvdnyszocioldgia P 615, P 664 novdnyszdvetkezet P 616 novdnyszovetkezetek kdr-nyezettana S 1437 novdnyszovettan P 631 ndvdnytakard V 45 ndvdnytan В 254 bibliai- H 297 erddszeti- S 29 kertdszeti- В 254 leird- В 258, P 630 mezdgazdasdgi- A 337 ds- P 19 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK ndvdnytana (folydvizek-) P 1147 novdnytani kutatds P 603 ndvdnytdpldlkozds P 675 novdnytdrsulds A 1085, P 616 novdnytdrsuldstan P 615 novenytdrsuldsok elter-jeddse S 1400 novdnytdrsuldsok tdrzs-fejldddstana S 1427 novdnyteratoldgia P 669 novdnytermesztdstan P 667 ndvdnytetfl - betegsdg P 532 novdnyvildg R 129, V 44 novdnyzet F 85, V 45 alj- S 1018 vizfendki- P 604 novdnyzete agyagos talajok- P 226 agyagos tengerpartok P 225 folydvizek- P 1149 sziklarepeddsek- G 271 sziklds helyek- G 869 novdnyzold С 343 -szemcse G 346 novds buja- L 283 torpe- N 7 ndvirdg F 96 novo H 2 bujdn- L 284 ferddn- A 353 havason- A 131 tolgyon- D 384 tul- E 436 nucellusz N 176 nukledris N 179 nukleobiontdk N 183 nukleocentroszdma N 184 nukleodezma N 186 nukleoiddk N 188 nukledlds N 189 nukledlusz N 190 dl- P 1531 nukleoma N 191 nukleoplazma N 192 nukleoproteidek N 193 nukleoszdma N 194 nukuldnium N 197 numerotipus N 201 nupcidlis N 204 nutdcid N 206 nutricizmus N 207 nyak G 633 -nyakii G 630 nyaldb F 22a nyaldbcsoport - egybe-olvadds G 42 nyaldbkambium F 22 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK nyaldbkdzi I 213 -kambium I 213 nyaldbos F 22, D 98 kissd- S 1179 nydk M 499 nydkszerd G 63 nydlka M 499 sejt- С 1069 nydlkaszerd M 497 nydlkds M 494, 498 nydlkdt -kdpzd M 496 -szdllitd M 495 nydr A 279 nydrelozd A 281, P 1144 nydri A 281 nydrkoveto P 1130 nydrutdi P 1130 nyeles M 96, P 373 nyelv L 178 nyelvecske L 170 nyelvecskeszeru L 171 nyelvecskdhez tartozd L 172 nyelvecskds L 173 -virdgu S 309 nyelves- G 178, L 194 nyelves L 173, 177 -parta L 173 -virdg L 173 nyelvszeru G 178, L 194 -nyelvu L 194 nyereg S 273 -alakd S 274 nyers С 897, I 51 nyesheto T 339 nydl S 987 ajak- H 579 -alaku S 989 levdl- P 377 levdlszeru- P 563 termds- G 118 tok- T 232 nydlelt P 373, S 988 nydlrefutd D 26 nydltelen S 458 nyil alaku S 15 fdlig- S 361 nyilas- S 15, T 371 nyilas S 15 -levelu S 16 nyilds A 887, О 237, 272, О 288 eiszodidlis- E 59 Idgzd- S 1001 -ndlkiili N 151 szelldztetd- P 885 viz- H 460 vizkivalasztd- H 460 nyildsos О 287 nyild befeld- I 253 djszaka- N 133 este- E 270 nyllt A 887 nyilvdnvald С 761, M 91 nyirhatd T 339 nyirkos H 442, M 68, U 4 fdlig- S 317 nyitott A 887, С 246, 263, G 266, P 361 fdlig- S 284, S 349 szdlesen- H 287, 318, P 180, R 327 nyitvamaradd A 314 nyitvatermo G 273 nyolc- О 55 -anyds О 57 -himes О 56 -porzds О 56 -termos О 57 nyom V 99 nyomds oszmdtikus- О 280 nyomelemek M 321 nyugati О 39 nyugvd H 565, I 73, L 58, Q 29, S 872 -dllapot L 58 nyugvdspdra H 566 attelelo- T 63 nyuldnk E 94, 445 nydlbarna L 114 nyultszdrtagu hajtds M 14 nyulvdny A 948, P 1233 oangium О 1 obdiplosztdmon О 7 obligdt О 14 -parazita P 130 obturdtor О 32 ocednofitdk О 45 ocednplankton О 46, T 222 ocellusz О 48 odaerositett (csucsdval-) A 121 odandzd S 631 odaragadds A 325 odaragadd A 197 odaragadt A 326 odatapadd (fdlig-) S 278 oddlakd T 585 odvas С 201 ofiondmium О 189 oidium О 89 okkersdrga О 49 olajat szolgdltatd О 93 olajbogyd-zold О 134 olajkdpzd zdrvdnyok E 69 olajos О 91, U 30 -fdnyu I 259 -gyantdk О 98 -magvd О 100 olajszerd О 91 olajtartalmd О 91 928 olajvezetd О 93 olajzdld О 134 oldal L 71, P 10 hdti- D 368 hdtsd- T 126 oldal- P 824 -fekvdsfi A 53, L 60, M 105 alapi - В 46 -irdnyu P 843 -keletkezdsd P 833 -magvd P 838 -termdsu P 830 -virdgu P 826 oldalas О 15 oldaldr S 245, T 402, V 54 oldalgydkerek R 41, S 245 oldalgyokdcskdju P 837 oldalhelyezkedds P 136 oldali L 60, P 824 -virdgdtnovds E 7 oldalrdl osszenyomott О 4 oldalt dlld L 60 -oldald F 5 azonos- I 318 egyenld- I 318 kdt- I 294 hdrom- T 502 oldat S 569 oldhatd S 566 olednderpiros О 92 oleokorpusz О 95 oleoplasztum О 97 oleoplazma О 96 oleoszdma О 99 olibdnum О 106 oligodinamikus О 114 oligoelemek M 321 oligofdg О 119 oligofiletikus О 122 oligofotikus О 120 oligofotometrikus О 121 oligonitrofil О 117 oligopelikus О 118 oligoszaprobidtikus О 124 oligotrdf О 130 oligotrofofil О 131 oligotrdpikus О 132 ollds F 124 olldszeru F 124 oloiotrdfikus О 135 dlom szinu С 243, L 230, P 854 dlomszdrke P 854 halvdny- P 220 oltds G 746, I 184, 188, T 399 oltdsi alany H 572 oltddg E 236, I 190 92» oltvdny E 236, I 190 szdld- R 163 olvadd D 52, T 3 ombrofil О 141 ombrofitdk О 143 ombrokleisztogdmia О 138 ombromorfdzis О 140 omnipotencia О 147 omoplefitdk О 149 ooapogdmia О 155 ooblasztema О 156 oocentrum О 158 oogamdta О 162 oogdmia О 163 oogenezis О 164 oogdnium О 159, 165 ookindzis О 166 oolizis О 167 oonukleusz О 170 ooplazma О 173 ooszfdra О 177 ooszdma О 175 oospdra О 178 oospordngium О 179 ootdka О 180 opdlkdk О 182 opisztidlis О 191 -pdrus P 191 opisztodrom О 192 opium О 193 opszeospermata О 200 opszigonia О 202 optimdli3 О 203 optimum О 204 okoldgiai- О 73 dra szerinti H 431 orbikulusz О 211 orchidologia О 212 orgadofitdk О 218 organelldk О 219 organikus О 220 organizmus О 221 organofilia О 228 organofilogenezis О 229 organogdn О 223 organogenezis О 222 organogrdfia О 224 organoleptikus О 225 organonimia О 227 organoplasztikus О 230 organotrofikus О 231 drids G 143 dridsi G 143, M 161 origoma О 271 ormdnyszeru P 1229 ormos С 91 ornitoszfingofil О 247 orofitdk О 250 orogrdfia О 248 oroszldnbarna L 100 oroszldnnyelvszerd L 101 orrszeru virdgd R 238 orsd F 205 -alakd F 203 orsdgydkdr R 41 ortofototaktizmus О 258 ortofototropizmus О 259 ortogenezis О 253 ortogeotropizmus О 254 ortoheliotrdpikus О 256 ortonasztia О 257 ortoploidia О 261 ortoplok О 260 ortosperm О 263 ortospirdl О 264 ortospordngium О 265 ortoszelekcid О 262 ortosztihonok О 266 ortotelomitikus О 267 ortotipus О 269 ortotrop О 268 orvosi I 2, M 138 os tor- M 117 ostor F 78 -ndlkuli E 57 ostorinda F 78 -alakd F 76 ostoros F 77, M 117 ostorszeru F 76 oszld termds S 144 oszlop -alaku С 650 bibe- A 733, С 649, G 309 kozponti- G 647 -alaku С 648 oszlopkristdlyok S 1074 oszlopos P 37 oszlopszeru С 650 oszmomdter О 275 oszmomorfdzis О 276 oszmoreguldcid О 277 oszmotaxis О 279 oszmotikus О 280 -beszivdrgds E 183 -kiaramlas E 475 -nyomds О 280 oszmotropizmus О 281 oszmdzis О 278 osztarifitdk О 284 osztatlan E 356, I 123, I 201 -osztatu M 192 harom- T 467, 484 osztdlyozds С 491, T 38 oszteoszklereiddk О 285 oszthatatlan A 1120 oszthatd S 168 osztiolds О 287 osztiolum О 288 osztddds D 351 szamtartd- A 246 osztodd M 192, 197, 20 osztdddszdvet M 199 elsddleges- M 199 mdsodlagos- M 199, S 245 osztott D 353, P 170 pdrosan- Z 66 szdrnyasan- P 704 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK tenyeresen- P 50 ujjasan- D 221, P 50, 704 ovdlis О 291 fdlig- S 345 forditott- О 18 dvd P 1302, 1343 ovocentrum О 296 ovoiddlis О 297 forditott- О 20 dvdszovet G 31 -kdpzddds G 419 oxalileucitdk О 302 oxdlsavas-kristdlyt kdpzd О 301 oxifil О 314 oxigeofitdk О 312 oxigdn О 311 oxigdnt igdnylo kevds- M 310 sok- M 7 oxigdnkeruld О 315 oxigdnomorfozis О 308 oxigenotropizmus О 310 oxilofitdk О 312 oxitropizmus О 317 oblocskds S 528 oblos A 758, G 641, S 527 gazdagon- S 529 oblosen- S 527 -csatornds R 333 obdl S 530 dcdzis О 68 okiofitdk О 86 okobidtikus О 69 okogeografikus О 71 okoklimatikus О 70 okologia О 72 okoldgiai О 73 -optimum О 73 okomorfozis О 74 okoparazita О 76 okoproterandria О 77 okoproteroginia О 78 dkospeciesz О 79 okotipus О 83 dghajlati- G 518 okotdnusz О 81 okotop О 82 olbefogott P 209 olbefogottan P 209 olhossz О 233 -616 С 422, P 409 baktdrium- В 5 onbeporzas A 1199 onbeporzd A 1175 onelkiilonulds A 1170 onelldtds A 1212 onelterjedds A 1165 onelterjeddsu A 1167 onfertozodds A 1181 onmeddosdg A 1206 onmegcsonkitds A 1210 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK dnmegporzds A 1174 dnmegtermdkenyulds A 1172 onmegtermdkenyiilo A 1175 zdrtan- С 511 Onszabdlyozds R 135 hdmdrsdklet- T 275 6nmegtermdktiletlensdgA1206 ontdzds R 323 oreg V 102 oregedds S 391 oregeddsi folyamatbanlevd P 589 oregedo S 390 ordkkd dlo S 388 orokletes H 167 orokldkenysdg S 1254 -hordozd G 80 orokldstan G 90 ordkldstudomdny G 90 alkalmazott- E 374 orokldddsi tdnyezo G 80 ordklddd I 162 droklott G 91, I 157, H 167 -hajlamossdg P 1172 ordkvirdgzd S 386 drokzdld S 387 orv G 1000, V 90 dl- P 1589, V 89 orvdnkdnt vdltozd tagii H 200, 224 orvos С 996, V 88 fdlig- H 122, S 383 majdnem- S 1251 nem- A 172 rdszben- H 122 orvosen dlld V 88 dsalak P 1423 osanyasejt A 981 osfejlodds A 10 dshonos A 17 dsi A 685, 1112 dsivarsejt (him-) S 665 dskeletkezdsu P 1392 dslakd A 17 dsldnytan P 18 osmaradvdnyok F 136 dsmerisztdm A 988 dsnovdnyek P 1410 osndvdnytan P 19 dsplazma A 989 dsrdgi A 685, 976, P 15 dssztdle P 1418 ostipus A 990 dsvdny S 375 osvildgi F 135 dszi A 1216 dseze- S 1369 -aszott R 200 -dllt A 328, С 543 -drd A 1141 -folyd G 715 -fonddott I 65, P 794, 845 ossze- -forraddsi vonal С 666 -forrt A 52, 194, 212, С 709 nem- L 152 -gyujtdtt С 620 -gydlt G 539 -hajld С 745, 790 zdrdddan— С 745 -hajtogathatd P 847 -hajtogatott G 70, P 849, P 1625 fdlig- S 356 hosszdban- D 395 feldben- С 705 szabdlytalanul- G 830 -virdgborulds P 849a -hengeredett С 794 -levdlturemlds G 794 -hdzd S 1082 -hdzdddsi S 1481 -huzddd G 779 -gyokdr G 779 -huzodott G 780 -kapcsolo rdsz J 12 -kapcsoltC 654,740,|744,Z 58 -melldkerezetu С 653 -kevert С 667, I 219 -kotott С 744 -ktiszdlt I 65, 236 -ndtt A 52, 181, 212, 793. G 543, 699, 741, G 37, S 1350, 1359 —bibeszdld G 54 -erezetu S 1356 -fejecskdju S 1398 fdlig- S 296 -gydkeru S 1443 -koroskoriil G 464 —levelu S 1353 -magvii S 1446 -portokd S 1372, 1376 -spdrds S 1448 —sziklevelu S 1407 -termdsd G 40, S 1351, 1392 -termdleveld G 39, S 1392 -virdgii S 1379 -novdsi S 1324 -novd С 543, 697 -nyomott С 545, 678, 686, G 710, D 80 gyengdn- S 1149 kissd- S 1128 oldalrdl- О 4 -szdradt R 200 -szoritott С 764, 765 -szdtt С 771 -szdkitett С 765 -szukult S 1013 -tapadd A 194 nem ~ I 74 -tapadt A 326 szorosan- С 723 -tett G 682, 685, 763 980 -bogemyd D 188 -fiirt R 7 -fdzdr S 728 hdrmasan- T 133 kdtszer- D 19 -levdl С 685 -ldgzdnyildsii S 1412 nem - S 518 szdrnyasan - P 699 tenyeresen- P 45 tdbbszordsen- D 19, S 1307 ujjasan- D 214 -virdgzat С 685 -vegyitett С 667, I 219 dsszedllds С 544 osszedUitds G 652 osszefoglalds S 1330 osszefonddds T 213 dsszefuggds G 601 kdlcsdnds- G 827 dsszehalmozddds 327 dsszehasonlitds G 674 osszehiizddds S 1480 osszeirds С 752a osszendvds A 195, G 544, С 601, 698, S 1358 alporzd- S 1374 levdl- G 197, G 49 portok- A 830, S 1377 porzdszdl- A 182 rendellenes- A 211 riigy- G 43 szdr- G 49, С 197 sziklevdl- A 588, S 1408 sztdle- G 53 termds- S 1391 termdlevdl- G 572 virdg- S 1380 dsszeszukdlds S 928 osszetapadds A 195, 325, G 601 osszetdtel S 1052 dsszhang H 50 ot P 237, Q 32 -bardzdds Q 48 -borddjii Q 34 -did P 243 -fogii Q 35 -kardjii Q 43 -kdrds P 242 -levelu P 248 -magvd P 251 -oldald Q 42 -osztatd P 245, Q 45 -orvds P 242 -dsd P 247 -porzds P 246, S 301 -rekeszd P 238 -rdtd Q 31 -sertdjd P 241 -soros Q 36 -szdgletd P 243 -tagd P 245 981 •termdsu P 239 -termdjd P 244 -dregd P 238 •virdgd Q 38 dtddik Q 51 Otdnkdat Q 30 otszdr Q 50 -hasitott Q 37 -pdros Q 41 dtszordsen Q 30, 50 ov С 442, Z 20 dvek(kdzbensd-) С 800 ovezet G 442, Z 20 dvezeti Z 21 ovezett G 441, Z 21 ovezetlen A 1245 ovezetu (kettos-) В 227 ovszeru elhelyezkedds Z 22 ozbarna С 244 ozonviz utdni P 1133 pachindma P 4 pachindzis P 5 pachitdn-fdzis P 6 pagofitdk P 12 pajzs A 1078, S 228 -alakd P 230 pajzskoldok U 19 pajzsocska P 229, S 227 -alakd P 230, S 226 pajzsos P 230, S 225 feliil- E 274 -levdl S 225 -szdr S 225 pajzsszerii S 225 palack alakd A 608 palackszeru L 31 palaszinszurke A 998 palasziirke S 135 palatum P 29 paldnta P 753 palds S 141 -talajt kedveld S 136 paleoarcheofitdk P 16 paleoarktikus P 17 paleobioldgia P 18 paleobotanika P 19 paleoendemizmus P 21 paleofitikum P 25 paleoflorisztikus P 22 paleohibrid P 23 paleodkoldgia P 20 paleotrdpikus P 27 palingenezis P 36 palinoldgia P 60 palisz&d-szdvet С 772 paliszddikus P 37 paliszddodermisz P 38 palkaszdr С 15 palmella-stddium P 52 palmellaszerd P 53 pamacsszerii A 1073 panfotometrikus P 73 panmixia P 71 panfiton P 74 pantogdn P 76 pantrdpikus P 78, 1227 papagdlyzold szlnd P 1598 papilla P 80 fdnydrzdkeny- О 48 papillds P 81 papirszeru P 86 papirszerden fedett С 262 paprikavords R 369 papucs alakd G 22, S 38 papucsos С 880 papucsszeru С 880 para S 1167 dl- P 1579 paraalapszovet P 427 paraanyag S 1172 parabidtdk P 90 parabidzis P 89 parabdr P 281 paradifillum P 102 parafillium P 120 paraflzis P 121 dl- P 1533 paragram P 103 paraheliotropizmus P 104 parakarpellum P 92 parakarpidium P 93 parakarpikus P 95 parakarpium P 94 parakdpzo S 1174 parakdreg P 281 paraklimax P 98 parakme P 99 parakromatin P 96 parakromoforikus P 97 paralellotropizmus P 109 paralizator P 111 paramasztigdta P 112 paranasztia P 113 parandma P 114 parandzis P 254 paraplankton P 122 paraplazma P 123 paraplektenchima P 124 parasterilitds P 134 parasztadesz P 132 paraszaprofitizmus P 125 paraszemolcsok L 95 paraszemolcsds L 96 paraszeru P 429 paraszinddzis P 140 paraszovet P 281 parasztichonok P 135 paratdcium P 141 paratipus P 146 paratdnikus P 142 paratrachedlis P 143 parazita P 130 kizdrdlagos- P 130 parazita P 130 adto- A 1192 ekto- E 29 MAGYAR SZdJEGYZtiK endo- E 164 monofdg- P 130 polifdg- P 130 obligdt- P 130 parazitdrius P 126 parazitizmus P 128 dl- P 1535 parazitoldgia P 129 pardnyi P 345 pards S 1175 -leveld S 1170 parenchima P 149, 260 dl- P 1537 parittydzd В 22 -magszdrds В 246 -novdnyek В 21 -spdra В 23 -termdsd novdnyek В 21 park V 134 parlagi I 107 paronim P 157 parocikus P 156 part L 228 szakaddkos- R 329 partenoapogdmia P 159 partenogamdta P 162 partenogdmia P 163 partenogenezis P 164 partenogonidium P 165 partenokdrpia P 160 partenokdrpium P 161 partenospdra P 167 parti novdnyek R 330 partkozeli L 227, S 1205 partlako L 227, R 330 partmelldki R 330 parton dlo A 158 passziv P 176 patak R 336 pataklako P 1146, R 332 patakmenti A 523, R 332 pataki novdnyek N 4 patakocska R 335 -menti R 334 patakpart R 329 patella P 178 patogenitds P 182 patoldgia P 185 patoldgikus P 186 patotipus P 189 patroklin P 191 patromorf P 193 pattogd С 882 pdfrdny- F 59 -alakd F 59 pdfrdny tan P 1608 pdlcika alakd В 4 pdlcikaszerd В 15 pdlha eredetu S 992 pdlhakacs S 992 pdlhakiirtd О 50 pdlhaleveles S 993 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK 982 pdlhalevdl S 990 dl- P 1576 -ndlkuli E 498 pdlhaszeru S 994 pdlhatdvis S 742 pdlhdcska S 985 pdlhdcskds S 986 pdlhdjd (nagy-) S 995 pdlhds S 993 pdllium P 42 pdlmaszdr S 987 pdncdl (alsd-) H 625 pdncdlos L 267 pdngenezis P 67 pdntlikaszeru T 16 pdnyvdzo F 178 pdratlan D 316, I 59 parhuzamos P 106 -alkalmazkodds G 791 -sejtu P 101 pdrhuzamosan -erezett P 107 -futd A 1241 pdrkdny L 178 pdrkdnyos L 177 pdrnaszerd P 1649 pdrnds P 1649 pdrolgds E 410 * pdrologtatds T 397 pdros В 150, С 740, D 191, G 67, J 13, P 87, Z 58 egyszer- U 58 tobbszor- M 544 pdrta G 816 dlarcos- P 349 fdlszeres- L 173 forrtszirmd- G 816 kicsi- С 820 kiilso- С 165 melldk- G 821, P 100 -ndlkiili A 888 nyelves- L 173 pillangds- P 79 6zabadszirmii- С 816 vdltszirmu- С 816 virdg- G 816 pdrtacimpdlc G 816, L 14 pdrtacsd G 816 pdrtafogak С 816 pdrtakarima G 816, L 178 pdrtaperem G 816, L 178 pdrtaszeru С 817 pdrtatorok С 816 pdrtdra nott E 249 pdrtds G 819 pdvaszln P 204 pdzsitfdtan A 344 pdzsitos G 13 kissd- S 1112 pdzsitzold G 234 pecsdtes S 494 pedogdmia P 7 pedogenezis P 8 pedogdnikus P 214 pedoldgia P 215 pehely P 852 pejszind В 16 peldgikus P 218 peldgofitak P 219 pelofitdk P 226 peldria P 228 dl- P 1538 pelyhes H 56, P 1622, 1631 -dgd H 57 -bibdju P 1624 -leveld P 1623 pelyhesedd P 1633 pelyhessdg P 1634 pelyva G 181, T 48 takard- G 181 iires- G 181 vacok- P 30 virdg- P 30 pelyvapikkely L 248 pelyvaszeru G 182, 186 pelyvds G 185 pendsz M 500 pendszes M 494 pentafiletikus P 247 pentaploid P 249 percepcio P 255 perec A 800, 1030 perem L 178 pdrta- С 816, L 178 urna- P 317 peremfogacskds (dupla-) D 282 peremi P 295 pergamentszerd P 266 periandrikus P 269 periantomdnia P 271 periaxidlis P 272 peribldma P 273 perichdcium P 277 periciklus P 280 periderma P 281 peridezma P 282 peridiola P 283 peridium P 284 dl- P 1540 perifillogdnia P 299 perifitdk P 302 perifizis P 301 perigdmium P 285 periginium P 287 perihadromatikus P 289 periklddium P 278 periklinium P 279 perimedulldris P 290 perinium P 291 periplasztisz P 305 periplazma P 303 periplazmodium P 304 perispermium P 309 perispdrium P 311 perisztamindlis P 313 perisztdmds P 318 perisztdmium P 317 perisztrdf-helyzet P 319 peritdllium P 321 peritdciofdrum P 323 peritdcium P 324 dl- P 1543 peritdciumos P 322 perivazdlis P 327 perixilikus P 328 permutdcid P 338 pertofitdk P 352 perzselt A 222 -szind D 115 pesziotipus P 823 petalodium P 368 petalomdnia P 369 petesejt M 22, О 177 megtermdkenyiilt- С 121, О 156 petesejtmag T 246 petesejttartd A 980 petyhudt F 75 petymeg A 67 petty M 64 pettyes С 762, G 265, I 173, J 3, L 98, M 66, N 36, P 769, S 968 pettyezettsdg M 65 pdlddny S 626 pdpszeru С 155 pdzsmaillatd M 490 peizotropizmus P 680 pigmentdcio P 681 pH P 382 pikkely S 839 -alakd S 840 levdl- S 841 pajzsos- L 105 pelyva- L 248 nektdrkivdlaszto- N 54 rugy- P 355 termd- S 689 pikkely- S 838 pikkelyes L 103, S 838 -kdreg R 315 kissd- S 1234 -termdsu L 106 pikkelylevdl G 176, I 274, S 839 pikkelylevdlke S 841 -alakd S 843 pikkelylevdlkds S 842 pikkelyszerd S 840 pikkelyszdrdk L 105, $ Bo8 pikkelytelen A 387, D 104, E 357 piknidiospdra P 1678 piknidium P 1679 dl- P 1560 -tartd P 1677 piknium P 1680 pikndzis P 1686 pileocisztidium P 686 pilidium P 689 pffla С 426 988 pillangds P 79 -pdrta P 79 pillangdszerfi P 79 pillaszfir G 426 pillaszdrds G 423 pilldcskds С 425 pillds В 241, G 423 kissd- S 1121 -szdrfi G 423 pilldsan ffirdszes S 443 piloriza P 687 piramis alaku P 1693 forditott- О 21 pirenofdrum P 1700 pirenoidok P 1699 pirenokdrpium P 1698 pirenoszdma P 1701 pirofil P 1708 pirofitdk P 1711 piros R 368 agdtko- A 70 barackvirdg- P 346 bibor- M 472 cseresznye- G 234 dgd- F 79, I 39 dldnk- С 93, R 388, 422 fehdres- E 349 grdndt- G 240, P 1659 grdndtalmavirdg- P 460 halvdny- H 103 hfis- G 94 karmazsin- С 300 kdrmin- G 93, 551, S 126 korall- С 804 ldng- A 997 lilds- A 70 meggy- С 234 minium- M 370 narancs- R 423 olednder- О 92 paprika- R 369 rubin- R 372 skdrldt- С 551, S 126 sotdt- A 1134 sdrgds- A 243 tdgla- L 61, T 146 tfiz- A 997, I 39, P 451, 1692 vdr- H 7, S 39 vilagos kdrmin- С 550 piros--kelyhfi R 379 -nedvfi S 1261 -szarfi R 374 -szegdlyfi R 384 -szdlfi R 384 -termdsfi E 348 -virdgfi R 375 pirobaa* kdrulOvezoti Л / piresasfehdr R 296, 376 pirosas-narancssdrga R 377 pirosassdrga A 1151, E 352 pirosld E 345, P 1658, 1661 -sdrga R 422 pirosodd E 345 pirossdg R 373 piszkos szinu S 586, 837 pisztillddium P 719 pitmen P 1712 placenta P 724 placentdcid P 726 placentds P 727 kdzponti- С 215 plagiofototaxis P 734 plagiofototropizmus P 735 plagiokromatikus P 728 plagioplasztdk P 729 planktoldgia P 738 plankton P 739 dl- P 1551 dllovizek- S 855 felszini- P 419 lebegteto nyulvdnyos- G 867 ldg- A 750 szezondlis- M 210 td- H 72 torpe- N 10 ultra- U 11 viz- H 495 planogameta P 745 planospdra P 747 planozigota P 748 plasztida P 775 szintelen- L 144 plasztidom P 776 plasztidula P 777 plasztin P 778 plasztisz P 775 plasztodezma P 781 plasztodindmia P 782 plasztogdn P 784 . plasztokron P 780 plasztotipus P 786 plazma P 755 ds- A 989 tdpldlo- T 602 termdkenyito- G 222 plazmadramlds G 999 plazmabor P 756 plazmafonal P 760 plazmalemma P 756 plazmalepedo P 762 plazmardteg (hatarolo-) P 305 plazmatikus P 757 plazmodezma P 760 plazmodiokarpium P 761 plazmodium P 762 al- P 1552 plazmofdg P 769 plazmogamia P 763 plazmogenezis P 764 plazmolitikn* p 7C7 piazmolizis P 766 plazmondma P 768 plazmoptizis P 771 plazmotdmia P 773 pleiontizmus P 803 pleiotaxis P 809 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ£K pleiotrdpia P 811 pleioxdnikus P 813 plektenchiraa P 795 plektenchimatikus P 796 pleroma P 819 plezidzmia P 820 pleziobidtikus P 821 pleziotipus P 823 pleura P 825 pleurenchima P 827 pleuroblasztikus P 829 pleurocisztidium P 831 pleurogdn P 833 pleurokdrpium P 850 pleuromitikus P 835 pleuroplasztikus P 836 pleurospora P 839 pleurosporangium P 840 pleurotribdlis P 841 pleurotrdp P 843 pleuszton P 844 plotofitdk P 851 pluviomdter О 139 pneumatociszta P 884 pneumatoddk P 885 pneumatoforum P 856 pocsolya L 23 poddcium P 891 podicellus P 892 podoszinkdrpia P 898 pohdrvirdgfi P 888 poikilodinamikus P 900 poikilogeotropizmus P 901 poikiloszinddzis P 903 poikilotermikus P 904 poikiloxerofitdk P 905 pokhalos A 966 -szdrfi A 966 pokhdldszerfi A 966 polaritds P 909 poliaszter P 945 poliblaszt P 946 policentrikus P 956 polichoria P 962 polidaktilia P 978 polidemikus P 980 polidermisz P 981 poliembrionia P 983 dl- P 1555 polienergida P 984 polienergidas P 985 polifdg P 1020 -dldskodd P 130 polifdzia P 1021 polifiletikns P 1026 polifilia P 1025 puiiHlogdnia P 1029 poligdm P 989 poligdmia P 988 poligenetikus P 991 poligenezis P 990 poligondlis P 993 polihaploid P 997 polihibrid P 998 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK polikarion P 954 polikaridtikus P 955 polikdrpikus P 950 polikdrpium P 951 polikdrpofdria P 952 poliklddia P 969 poliklondlis P 971 polikromatizmus P 964 polikromatofil P 965 polimer P 1002 polimeria P 1001 polimiktikus P 1003 polimitdzis P 1004 polimorf P 1006 polimorfizmus P 1005, 1556 polinitrofil P 1008 polionim P 1011 polioplazma P 912 polidcia P 1013 polipetdlia P 1016 polioplazma P 1014 poliplasztikus P 1030 poliplektikus P 1031 poliploid P 1035 poliploida P 1033 poliploiddcid P 1034 poliploidia P 1036 dl- P 1557 poliplosztemdnia P 1037 polispermia P 1051 pclispdra P 1052 polispordngiumos P 1053 polisaccharidok P 1041 poliszaprdb P 1042 poliszdrka P 1043 poliszifonikus P 1046 poliszimmetria P 1067 poliszimmetrids P 1068 poliszomdcia P 1047 poliszdmia P 1048 poliszomikus P 1049 polisztdle P 1056 polisztdlia P 1057 polisztelikus P 1058 polisztemon P 1059 politalamikus P 1069 politipikus P 1078 politomia P 1071 politop keletkezds P 1073 politdpia P 1073 politdpikus P 1070 politrof P 1077 politrdfia P 1076 polizigdzis P 1084 pollapldzia P 916 pollaplosztemonopetdlis P 917 pollen P 918 pollenanalizis P 925 pollenin P 919 pollenszemcse G 252, P 918 pollentdmeg P 922 pollentdmlo P 925, T 643 pollenzacskd S 10 pollenzsdk M 354, S 10 pollindrium M 115, P 922 -mirfgy R 198 pollinium-nyelecske С 190 pollinddium P 929 poldikus P 931 poloska- С 809 -szagii С 427 polus P 932 pompds S 1286 pont P 1656 pontikus P 1095 pontocskds P 1654 pontofitdk P 1097 pontozott P 1653, S 968 finoman- P 1654 -levelu S 969 pontszeru P 1655 populdcid P 1100 por P 1651 porandrikus P 1101 porceldnfehdr P 1103 porcogds С 130 porcos С 130 rdszben- S 1118 pordhagyma- zold P 1122 porenchima P 1104 porhanyitds M 2 porogdm P 1108 porogdmia P 1107 poroidok P 1109 porond S 4 porondos G 162 poros feliiletfl P 1647 porozitds P 1112 pordzus P 1113 porszerfi P 1646 portok A 821 -ndlkuli A 660 portokburok (kiilsd-) E 481 portokcsd S 1373 portokfdl A 821, T 231 portokgddorke A 692, С 520 portokodd A 692, С 520 portokosszendvds A 830, S 1377 portokrekesz С 737, L 244» T 231 portoktartd A 828 -portokd hdrom- T 419 dsszendtt- S 1372, 1376 pdrus P 1125 dl- S 861 opisztidlis- О 191 rejtett- С 930 pdrusmdrd P 1110 pdrusos leveld P 1111 porzd M 358, S 857 dl- S 861 porzd- A 690 -alakd S 860 -feletti E 296 984 hdtoldalon izesiild- D 369 -ndlkuli A 659 satnya- S 861 porzdcsdkevdny S 861 porzddd csigdkkal- M 75 denevdr dltal- С 280 ddglegyekkel- S 54 djjeli lepkdkkel- S 725 djszaka- N 214 fdlignyitottan- H 120 porzdegyfdlesdg H 412 porzdegyformasdg H 372 porzdfalka P 411 porzdjd biborpiros- P 1115 kevds- О 109 kiildnfdle- H 178 vdltakozd- A 407 porzokor A 699 porzd koriili P 269 porzdkiilonfdlesdg H 254 porzdlevdl S 857 porzdn -beluli I 247 -fejlddd E 296 porzdnyaldb P 411 porzdoszlop S 1417 porzddsszendvds S 1373 porzdra vonatkozd S 858 porzds M 113, S 859 fdlig- S 368 fdlig dsszendtt- S 374 -virdg F 96 porzdszdl F 57 porzdszdlak osszendvdse A 182 porzdt hordozd S 859 porzdtartd A 722 porzdtdj A 699 egykdros- H 44 hdromkoros- T 543 porzdtdj on kiviili E 513 porzdteldzds P 1365 porzdteldzd P 1366 posztadaptdcid P 1129 posztdiluvidlis P 1133 posztfertilizdcid P 1133 posztflordcid P 1137 posztglacidlis P 1136 posztkarpotropizmus P 11.11 posztklimax P 1132 posztmeidtikus P 1141' posztredukcid P 1143 posztzigdtikus P 1145 potamobotanika P 1147 potencidmdter P 1153 potetomdter P 1154 pdtgydkerek A 224 pdtldk M 94, S 1302 pdtldkok A 178 potomdter P 1155 pozitiv P 1127 ш pozsgds С 96, 863, S 1263 -ndvdnyek S 1264 pdrgettyfi- T 652 pdrgettyfiszerG T 652 pdrkdlt szinG A 222 praecedenda P 1162 preadaptdcid P 1157 prealpin P 1158 preantdzis P 1160 predetermindcid P 1171 preferencidlis P 1177 preformdcid P 1182 preformizmus P 1182 prefuzoridlis P 1184 prehausztdridk P 1186 preklimax P 1167 prekocitds P 1169 preredukcid P 1193 prevalencia P 1201 prezentdcids iddtartam T 87 primine P 1210 primordidlis P 1212 -levdl P 1212 -sejt P 1212 primordium P 1213 principium P 1216 prioritds P 1221 proantdzis P 1226 probazidium P 1228 prdbdlkozds T 102 profdzis P 1297 profermentum P 1247 profilakszia P 1303 profototaktizmus P 1300 profototropizmus P 1301 profunddlis P 1248 progamdta P 1252 progametizdcio P 1253 progametofita P 1254 progamikus P 1255 progenezis P 1256 progeotropizmus P 1258 prohidrotropizmus P 1261 prokambium P 1230 prokariogamdta P 1264 prokariogametizdcid P 1265 prokdrpium P 1231 prokindzis P 1266 proklimax P 1236 prokromatin P 1234 prokromoszdma P 1235 prolaminok P 1267 proleptikus P 1270 proliferdcid P 1273 prolifikdcid P 1273 promerisztematikus P 1282 prometafdzis P 1283 promicdlium P 1289 promitdzis P 1287 pronukleuolusz P 1290 pronukleusz P 1291 propagulum P 1295 proplasztida P 1306 propontikus P 1307 prosenchima P 1317 prospeciesz P 1328 prospordngium P 1331 prosporia P 1332 prostddium P 1333 proszaerotaxis P 1313 proszfitidzis P 1330 proszgeotropizmus P 1320 proszheliotropizmus P 1321 proszkemotaxis P 1314 proszoplazma P 1324 proszoplazmatikus P 1325 proszoplektenchima P 1326 proszoszmotaxis P 1327 proszperitds P 1329 prosztelikus P 1334 prosztermotaxis P 1335 protdllium P 1371 protdlliumszeru P 1372 protantdzis P 1341 protedzok P 1342 proteidek P 1345 protein P 1347 proteinikus P 1344 proteinoplasztiszok P 1346 proteizmus P 1348 protenchima P 1349 proteifikdcio P 1353 proteohidrolizis P 1354 proteokemotropizmus P 1351 proteolitikus P 1356 proteolizis P 1355 proteoplaszt P 1357 proteoszintdzis P 1359 proteoszdma P 1358 proterandria P 1361 proterandrikus P 1362 -homogdm P 1339 proterogenezis P 1364 proteroginia P 1365 proteropetdlia P 1367 proteroszepdlia P 1368 proterotipus P 1369 protisztologia P 1374 protoblaszt P 1378 protoderma P 1387 protoepifitdk P 1388 protofillum P 1409 protofitdk P 1410 protoflodm P 1408 protogdmia P 1389 protogdn P 1392 protogenetika P 1391 protogenezis P 1390 protogonidium P 1393 protohemikriptofitdk P 1397 protokariokindzis P 1381 protokarion P 1380 protoklorofill P 1382 protokollenchima P 1384 protokormusz P 1385 protokrdt P 1386 protokromoszdma P 1383 protolizis P 1400 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZtK protolog P 1399 protomicdlium P 1404 protondma P 1405 protontdk P 1406 protoparenchima P 1407 protoplasztisz P 1414 protoplazma P 1412 -hdrtya M 181 protoplazmatoldgia P 1413 protospdra P 1416 protosporofita P 1417 protoszklerenchima P 1415 prolosztdle P 1418 prototrdf P 1422 protostrofe P 1419 prototipus P 1423 prototrdfia P 1421 protoxildm P 1424 protozigdta P 1426 protozoofil P 1425 protropikus P 1430 prozenchimatikus P 1318 prozopldzia P 1323 pszallidtikus P 1448 pszeudantia P 1458, 1459 pszeudoamitozis P 1461 pszeudoanafdzis P 1467 pszeudoautocikus P 1468 pszeudoautoszinddzis P 1466 pszeudoauxospdra P 1469 pszeudocefalddium P 1481 pszeudociszta P 1488 pszeudoefemer P 1494 pszeudofizis P 1550 pszeudogdmia P 1502 pszeudoherkogdmia P 1506 pszeudokdrpia P 1478 pszeudokleisztogdnia P 1485 pszeudokortex P 1486 pszeudomixis P 1524 pszeudopetdlia P 1544 pszeudoplasztisz P 1553 pszihrofitdk P 1603 pszihrokleisztogdmia P 1601 pszihroklinia P 1602 pteridofitdk P 1610 pteridospdra P 1611 pterochor-novdnyek P 1615 ptihondmium P 1626 ptioszdma P 1628 publikdcio P 1635 puha- M 74 puha M 390 puhdradztatds M 2 рйр T 647 pfipos G 142, U 20 pfipozott U 20 puszta S 941 pusztai E 321 -novdnyek E 325 pusztdkat kedveld E 324 pusztdkon lakd T 142 puszuldk P 1668 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK rabdoidok R 224 rafidioplankton R 69 rafidok R 68 ragadds G 188, I 350, L 99, V 142 -korong S 621 ragya О 89 ragyogd F 181, S 164 ragyogdkdk U 8 ragyogdsdrga L 280, X 3 ragyogdvoros R 369 rahitisz R 13 rahitizmus R 14 raj T 426 rajta- E 229 -szdradd M 100 -uld I 186 rajz I 5 rajzd V 108 rajzolatos N 157 rajzold 1 44 rajzolt D 51 rajzdspdra Z 53 csШang6s- P 747 raktdrozd (vizet-) A 961 rassz P 1271 racs alakd С 447 rdcsavarodds V 160 rdcsavarodd V 159 rdcsavarodott S 1300, V 161 rdcscserjdk G 258 rdcsos G 60, 448, 495 fdlig- S 290 -termdsd С 430 rdcsozott С 448 rdcsszerd G 495 rddiobioldgia R 35 rddiogenetika R 36 rddiotropizmus R 39 rderdsitett A 291, I 185, M 579 rdfekvd A 949, 953, E 246, I 108 rdgds M 116 rdhelyezett A 951, С 631, I 67, 186 rdmds hiively С 858 rdnc С 889, P 846, R 402 rdncocska R 404 rdncocskds R 405 rdncolt (oblosen-) R 407 rdncos С 830, P 849, 1625, R 313, 403 kissd- R 405 -raagvd R 316 -termdsd R 314 rdncosan hajtogatott R 407 rdncossdg P 848 rdncosodds С 889 oblds- R 406 rdndvd S 1288 rdnyomott A 949, 953 rdoltott I 189 rdragadd A 194, 324 rdrakodds A 950 rdrakoddssal bevont I 105 rdrakodott A 951 rdsimuld I 108 -sziklevelek I 108 rdspolyos feliiletfi S 199 rdspolyszeru R 42 rdzkoddsi ingermozgds S 265 receptorok R 82 recessziv R 83 reeds A 1007 -eddnyek V 39 redd G 889, P 846, R 4^ reddcske R 404 redds P 849, R 403 redukdlt R 104, 394 redukcids magosztddds M 165 reduplikdcid R 108 reflexid R 110 regenerdcid R 121 regenerdlddds N 81, R 121 rdszleges- M 209 regenerdloddsi kdpessdg R 120 regenerdtum R 122 regiondlis R 126 regma R 127 regmakdrpium R 128 rejtett С 207, 489, 914, D 53, I 52, L 57, 58, О 42, R 88 -erezetu С 927 fdlig- S 1196 -gubacs С 918 -ivarii G 921 -pdrus G 930 -riigy I 52 rejtettivarusdg С 920 rejtdzd D 53 rejtve teleld ndvdnyek G 928 rekauleszcencia R 76 rekapituldcid R 75 rekesz L 244 dl- S 836 -ndlkuli E 356 rekeszecske L 239 rekeszecskds L 238 rekeszes L 242, S 411 fdlig- S 329 -kovadds L 243 hdrom- T 505 rekeszfal S 424 dl- P 1491 rekeszfali S 410 -mdzfejtdk S 410 rekesztdhdrtya D 148 rekombindcid R 87 rekrudeszcencia R 89 rektigraddcid R 94 rektipetalitds R 96 rekurrencia R 100 reliquefakcid R 144 reliktum R 140 remek S 1286 986 rend О 215 rendellenes A 16, 804, M 467, T 118 -alakuldsok tana T 117 -csavarodds S 1050 -sarjadzds P 1273 -szdvet С 178 -tagiisdg A 806 rendellenessdgek (novdnyi-) P 669 rendes N 153, R 134 rendezett О 214 rendszer S 1476 bdrszovet- R 315 gydkdr- S 1476 termdszetes- N 26, S 1476 rendszerezds T 38 rendszerezdsi T 39 rendszerezd S 1478 rendszertan T 38 reobiontdk R 229 reofil R 232 reofitdk R 234 reofdb R 233 reokrdn R 230 reomorfdzis R 231 reorientdcid R 146 reotropizmus R 235 repardcid R 148 repedezett R 325 repeddk R 324 repeddses R 325 repitdhdlyag S 10 repertdrium R 151 repkdny- H 62 repkdnyszerd H 62 repletum R 153 reprogresszid R 159 repuld A 1235, V 157 •Oszdg U 94 restitucid R 184 reszeldk alakii S 197 reszeldkszerii S 197 reszeldszerO R 42 reszketd T 411 reszupindcid R 185 retaradcid R 188 retek alakii N 12 retikulum R 195 retrograddcid R 208 retromorfdzis R 211 reverzibilis R 214 revizid R 218 rezervdcid R 162 rezg5 T 411, V 108 rezinociszta R 172 rexigdn R 236 rdgi A 794, V 102 ‘ rdnszarvas-agancsszerfi A 385 rdpa alakii N 12 -gydkdr N 12 rdpacukor S 8 rdslakdk P 462 987 rdsz P 158 alsd- В 52 rdszardnyos S 1344 kdtoldalfian- Z 68 sugarasan- A 151 tdbboldalfian- P 1068 -termdsfi S 1345 -virdgfi S 1342 rdszardnyossdg S 1343 kdtoldali- Z 67 sugaras- R 16 tobboldalfi- P 1067 rdszardnytalan A 1102 rdszben csak- P 158 -takart S 1196 rdszdn (alsd-) H 533, I 134 rdszleges P 168 -apogdmia S 285 -regenerdlddds M 209 rdszlegesen meddd T 320 rdszletes A 606 rdsztermds M 195 rdsztermdske M 195 rdt P 1206 rdteg S 1018 dlfeiloid- P 1546 bdl- M 142, S 1018 borkor- A 557 csirdzd- M 123 gonidium- G 208, S 1018 ielbdr alatti- S 1144 lcdreg- S 1018 spdratermfi- S 1018 szdrzet- С 69 tapdta- T 25 termd- H 529, S 1018 vddo- A 557 viasz- M 114 rdteges S 1015 takaro- T 50 rdtegezett II 224 rdtegezodds S 1014 rdti P 1204 -ndvdnyek P 1204 rdtlakd P 1204 rdzbarna С 254 rdzrozsda szinu A 278 rdz szinu A 243, С 962 rdzvords G 962 rdzsfitos О 15 riadofitdk R 307 ripacs G 418 ripacsos С 417, R 325 ritiddma R 315 ritka R 71 ritkds D 329, 333, R 71, 143, S 613 rizautdikus R 241 rizella R 242 rizidinm R 243 rizindk R 244 rizinofilldk R 245 rizobidk R 247 rizoblaszt R 248 rizociszta R 255 rizodermisz R 256 rizofdrum R 275 rizogdn R 258 rizogdnum R 259 rizoiddk R 261 rizoiddlis R 263 rizokdrpikus R 249 rizokdrpium R 250 rizokollezia R 252 rizokormusz R 253 rizoktdnidk R 254 rizolitofitdk R 265 rizdma R 266 rizomatikus R 268 rizomdnia R 267 rizomorfa R 272 rizoplasztum R 280 rizopddium R 281 rizoszfera R 283 rizula R 287 robband E 489 rodofillum R 298 rodogrdfia R 295 rodoldgia R 297 rojt F 62 rojtos F 63, L 15, T 809 rdka szinfi R 398, V 167 rdkavdrds R 401, V 167 rokon (nem-) A 402 rokoni A 289, G 597, 718, G 718, 752, P 1305, 1440 rokonsdg A 290 romboiddlis R 803 rombold D 106 rombos R 303 rombszerfi R 303 romndvdnyek G 353, R 891 romon ndvfi R 391 romos teriiletek R 389 roptomdter R 305 rossz M 85 rost С 772 rosta alakfi С 885 rostacsdvek С 885, T 643 rostaeddnyek V 39 rostaeddnyekhez tartozd G 886 rostds G 885 kOrOskdriil- A 554 rostaszerfien dtlyukasztott G 885 rostaeddnynyaldb M 259 rostdlyos G 60, 495 rostos E 49 -levelfi I 170 6ьипо -termdsfi I 167 .18 4. rostszdvet G 772 rosztellum R 351 rothadds С‘89, P 1678 rothaddst okozd 3 51, 417 rothadd P 1674 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ£K rothasztd S 51 rothadt P 1672 rovar- E 212 rovarevd I 180 -ndvdnyek I 180 rovargubacs E 213 rovarokat hordozd I 179 rovarold szerek I 178 rovarporozta E 214 rovartan E 215 rovdtka S 1025 -ndlkuli E 358 rovdtkolt G 59 durvdn- S 1278 finoman- S 1029 nem- A 100 rovdtkossdg S 1028 rozetta R 356 kis- S 897 rozettaszeru R 357 rozuldris R 358 rdzsa- R 288 rdzsakert R 343 rdcsalugas R 343 rdzsaszerfi R 342 rdzeatan R 297 rdzsdk leirdsa R 295 rdzsaszin- R 288 -kelyhfi R 291 •levelfi R 299 -szdrnyacskds R 301 •termdsfi R 292 -tdvisfi R 289 rdzsaszinkdk R 294 rdzsaszinu R 342 halvdny- R 347 rozsdabarna F 39, R 370 rozsdabetegsdg R 371, U 84 rozsdavdrds R 370 rdf-hosszfi G 942 rdgzitett A 291, F 73 •ndvdnyek A 291 rdgzitdsfi (alapi-) В 41 rdgzltdfonal P 1712 rdgzitdszerv A 952, H 46 rdt szinfi F 184 rdtbarna В 297, L 100, R 370 rdvid В 270, 287 -arasznyi S 767 -dgfi В 271, 274 •bibeszdrfisdg В 279 -dletfi E 228 dl- P 1494 -csdvfi В 292 -drdsfi P 1169 -fogfi В 276 •jegyzet N 165 -ldbfi В 277 -nappalos В 289 •szdrfi В 273 -tdnkfi В 277 rdvidhajtds В 272 rdviditett A 3 MAGYAR SZdJEGYZRK roviditds A 3 rdvidsdg В 291 bibeszdl- M 359 rubinpiros R 372 ruderalis R 391 rudimentum R 396 rugalmas E 74 rugalmassdg E 73 rugalmasan szdtrepedd D 326 ruganyossdg E 73 rtigy- G 72 riigy G 69, 132 alvd- D 367, P 1437 dtteleld- T 660 csdcs- T 127 csupasz- N 198 egyszeru- S 518 fedett- I 52, T 46 jdruldkos- A 43, 224 kitartd- T 660 levdl- F 110 meUdk- A 43, 224 nyugvd- P 1437 rejtett- I 52 szemz6- О 59 szeridlis- S 430 telelo- H 288 termd- F 162 vegyes- M 385 vdg- T 127 virdg- A 370, F 91 riigyecske G 78, P 856 riigyes G 72 riigyezds G 71 rugyezfi В 231 rugyfakadds G 71 iddeldtti- P 1269 kds6i- О 202 riigyhtively С 610 riigykdpzfi G 77 riigykdpzddds G 74 riigydsszenovds G 43 riigypikkely P 355 rugypikkelyes P 356 riigypikkelyszeru T 49 rilgyszeru G 70 -gumd T 634 riigytan В 234 riigytengely S 1318 sajdt P 1311 sajdtsdg С 260 sajdtsdgos P 1166, 1311, S 622, T 673 sajtdhibdk С 829 -jegyzdke E 343 sakktdblaszerd T 143 sallang F 62, L 14 sallangocska L 16 sallangocskds L 17 sallangos F 63, L 15 sar; sar; sar; sar; sar, sar sar, sar, sar sarj P 1271, S 1318 fold alatti- S 593, 998 ndvekeddsi- A 1224 td- S 543 sarjadzd В 231, I 164, P 1272 sarjadzds G 71, I 165 rendellenes- P 1273 as S 1317 gumd T 634 hagyma В 305 hajtds I 165 morzsa G 69, S 588 morzsds S 587 termd P 1272 testecske G 69 rantyd С 18 -alakd С 21 -ndlkuli E 5 sarkantyus С 19, 22 csavart- S 761 -mdzeddny N 54 -nektdreddny N 54 sarki P 908 -ndvdnyek С 906 sarkitds P 909 sarkitottsdg P 909 sarkkori С 467 sarkkdruli С 467 sarkos A 764 sarkossdg ndlkuli A 926 -sarkd A 763 hdrom- T 546 sarkusdgd (egyenld-) A 250 sarkviddk alatti S 1100 sarkviddki A 992 sarld D 373 -alakd F 12, S 331 sarlds F 12 kissd- S 1177 -termdsu D 374, S 271 sarldszerd F 12 sarldvirdgzat D 373 sarok A 766 satnya porzd S 861 savanykds A 65, 88 savanyd A 59, 60, 66 -kozegben did A 86 sdfrdnysdrgds S 1141 sdfrdny-sdtdtsdrga С 893 sdfrdnyszin С 893 sdnc (finom-) S 1025 sdnc kedveld T 27 sdncolt S 1278 sdpadt P 40 sdpadtsdg G 347 sdpadtsdrga S 1011 sdpkorsdg G 347 sdrga F 81, L 280, X 3 agyag- A 1011 ambra- A 502 arany- A 1153,1151, С 405, L 280 barnds- G 796 № o“*Bu borostydnkd- E 80 bronzszin- В 294 citrom- С 477 dldnk- G 6, H 556 fakd- I 287 fehdres- L 148, О 53 fdnyld- R 64 halvdny- F 80, G 146, L 277, M 176, О 53 kajszinbarack- A 1029 kdkes sdfrdny- С 985 kdn- S 1282, T 239 kopdl- С 796 krdm- С 868 mdz- H 102, M 176 okker- О 49 pirosas- A 1151, E 352 -narancs- R 377 pirosld- R 422 ragyogd- L 280, X 3 sdfrdny- С 893, S 1141 sdpadt- S 1011 sotdt- С 239, 409, R 222» V 148 szalma- S 1012 szennyes- S 837 szdrkds- R 73 teljesen- H 327 tiszta- F 81 tojds- L 280, V 148 vajszin- С 868 viasz- С 239 vildgos- F 81, G 146, L 148, 279 vorhenyes- F 184 voroses- I 3, R 381 zoldes- С 327, 351, I 13 sdrgasdg I 14 sdrgdlld X 5 sdrgds L 279, X 5 sdrgdsbarna F 183,184, T 137 vildgos- A 1011 sdrgds-biborszind X 11 sdrgdsfehdr С 408, E 6, X 8 sdrgdspiros A 243 sdrgds-rdzsaszin S 24 sdrgdsvords A 482 sdrgdszdld С 338, 352, 406, X 7 •'drguld F 80 sator С 842 satorozd С 840 rdszben- S 1138 -viragzat С 842 sdtorvirdgzat С 842 sdtorvirdgzatd С 840 sdv V 152 sdvocska Z 23 sdvolt S 1029 sdvos V 153 dupldn- В 226 sdvszerfi S 1034 schizofitdk S 154 939 schizogdn S 149 schizogenezis S 148 schizogdnia S 148 schizokonidium S 146 schizokotilia S 147 schizosztdle S 156 schizosztdlia S 157 sebhelyes (hdrorasugarfi-) T 503 sebpara С 31 sebparas С 30 sebszovet G 31 segddsejtek S 1420 segitd A 1222 segitosejtek A 1222, S 1420 sejt- С 1028 sejt С 208 anya- G 208, M 122 dttelelo- С 1016 betokosodott- С 1016 csira- G 17, Z 78 csirafiiggesztd- H 605 csupasz- G 272 -elotti A 815 kitartd- M 18 ко- С 27 kristdty- L 217 ledny- С 208 mirigykivdlasztd- A 190 -ndlkuli A 55 szomatikus- S 572 tdpldld- T 595 testi- S 572 vegetativ- V 46 viz- H 478 sejtanatdmia G 1029 sejtanyag P 1412 sejtbontd G 1060 sejtcsaldd G 636 sejtek ellenldbas- A 871 felszivo- A 22 libriform- L 154 segdd- S 1420 segitd- A 1222, S 1420 spikuldris- A 1097 szaporitd- G 552, G 203, T 59 szildrditd- S 944 szdrd- E 75 takard- S 888 tdmd- T 302 vizszdllitd- T 375 zdro- S 1003 sejten -beluli I 243 -kiviili E 507 sejtes С 209 -ndvdnyek G 209 sejtfal G 1041, M 181 sejtfalplazma D 85 seltfesziiltsdg T 657 sejtfonal H 557 sejthez tartozd С 209 sejtkeletkezds G 1046 sejtkdmia G 1035 sejtkolonia G 636 sejtkdz M 132 sejtkdzdtti I 210 -jdratok 1 210 -iireg L 23, M 132 sejtleirds G 1052 sejtmag С 143, 1032, N 195 dl- P 1532 nagy- M 31 -ndlkuli A 39 sejtmag- N 179 sejtmagburok С 152 sejtmag-degenerdlddds С 140 sejtmag-egybeolvadds M 381 seitmagegyesiilds G 135, 151 sejtmagfal G 152, M 181 se j tmag-f dzis vdltakozds G 144 sejtmagfonalzat R 195 seltmag-gerenddzat G 153 sejtmaghdrtya С 152, M 181 sejtmagkdpzddds N 180 sejtmagnedv С 139 sejtmagocska N 190 sejtmagon kiviili E 511 sejtmagosztddds D 351 kdzvetett- G 137 kdzvetlen- A 520 szdmtartd- G 137 sejtmagosztdddsi eldszakasz P 1297 sejtmagplazma G 145, N 192 sejtmagtan С 138 sejtmagvas N 181, С 132 sejtmorfoldgia С 1066 sejtnedv G 1058, E 122, S 1266 sejtnekrdzis С 1054 sejtnydlka С 1069 seltosztddds G 1036, 1055, D 351 sejtrombold С 1060 sejtszdvet С 772 -elhalds N 49 seittan G 1057 sejttdrsulds A 327, G 571 -sejtfi С 1028 SejtiiregL 274, V 3 Sejtvdz С 1072 sejtzdrvdny I 92 selyemszerii S 432 selymes szdrfi S 432 gyengdn- S 1227 teljesen- H 352 semleges N 110 semmi N 199 seprfi S 204 -alakfi S 206 -kdszitdsre haszndlt S 204 -szerfi S 205 seregesen did S 546 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZBK serleg S 230 -alakfi A 64, G 865 vacok- H 534 -virdgfi P 888 -virdgzat H 535 serte S 461 -alakfi S 464 aprd- S 469 szigonyos- G 171 serteszerfi S 464 -levelfi S 466 serteszdr S 461 serteszdrds H 432, S 464 gazdagon- S 468 -virdgfi S 465 sertdjfi aprd- S 470 hdrom- T 558 sertds G 249 durvdn- G 769 -levelfi S 466 sertdsen -fogazott dlfi S 462 -szdlkahegyfi S 463 sdriildses T 404 sdtdny (fasoros-) A 504 sik felezo- M 136 -felilletfi P 742 varrati- P 754 sikamlds L 269 sikdr G 187 sikhelyzet P 754 sikos L 269 siksdg P 743 sima L 28, 87, N 122, P 742 -felfiletfi L 29 -levelfi L 89 -magvfi L 90 -termdsfi L 88 simitott L 28 sirokat diszitd S 427 sisak G 157, G 9 sisakos G 156, G 10 fdlig- S 312 sisakszerfi G 11 skafidium S 116 skafidiumos S 115 skdrldtpiros G 551, S 126 skdrldtvdros G 85, M 370 skolekospdra S 201 skorbut elleni A 1063 skorpidszerfi S 210 skotofobizmus S 212 smaragdzdld S 542 sdbdnya S 21 eodort G 778, S 1022 nem- A 1079 -szdrfi S 1023 -szdlfi G 794 -szirmfi S 1024 -virdgborulds G 778 sok С 213, H 59, M 367, MAGYAR SZdJEGYZiX M 506, 620, 577, N 200, О 684, P 857, 798, 938 -dgd M 564, P 970 -becdjd M 570 -bibdju P 1062 -bogyds P 972 -bordas P 863 -csdszeleveld P 1044 -csillangds M 522, P 1075 -csontdrmagvd P 1039 -eru N 103, P 868, 1007, 1022 -dlu M 507, P 993 -falkas P 937 -farkd P 1079 -fejecskds M 514 -feju M 514 -fogu P 864 -gyokeru P 1040 -horgii P 939 -izesuldsu M 511 -kaldszd P 1055 -kareju M 547 -levelu P 1028 -magvu P 1050 -mirigyu P 938 -murvds M 513 nagyon- P 337, 814 -oldalu M 545 -ostoru M 534 -osztatu M 533, P 801, 871, M 1072 -ovezetu M 576 -pikkelyu P 999 -pillaju M 522, P 1075 -pontozdsu P 1061 -porzoju P 940, S 862 -rekeszes M 547, 549, P 1024 -sarkanytyds P 957 -sarkd A 765 -sejtmagvu P 1039 -sertdju P 1045 -soros P 877, 1060 -spdrds P 1054 -sugaru P 943 -szarvacskds P 959 -szdlkdju M 510 -szdrnyacskds P 1038 -szdru M 519, P 1032 -szemolcsd P 1070 -szind M 525 -szirmd P 1017 -szdgletu A 765, M 507, P QQ4 -szdgd P 993 -szdrd P 1075 -sztdldju P 1058 -tagd P 801 -tengelyd M 512 -termdsd P 950 -tovisd P 934 -tuskdjd P 934 -uregd M 549 -vdjatd M 516 -virdgd H 61, M 535, 621 -zugos A 765 eokalakdsdg P 1005 sokdgdsdg P 969 sdkedveld H 14 sdkeruld H 15 sokleveldsdg P 1027 sokszor •szeldelt M 565 -termd P 950 sokszoros M 556 sokszorositd M 558 sokszorosodott M 559 sor S 433 sorban dllo S 430 nem- A 1094 -soros F 19 sorozat S 433 sorozatban dlld S 431 sorozatd (csavarmenetes-) G 976 sds S 23 kissd- S 27 -talajt kedveld S 23 sdsvizek planktonja H 17 edturd S 23 kissd- S 1225 sdrdnyes G 887 sdtdt A 1127, M 488, N 118, О 22, P 397,1640, S91,T 94 -aranysdrga G 409 -barna A 222, 963, В 16, 297, G 596, F 202, P 1640, U 25 majdnem- S 1097 -bibor A 1130 -biborpiros M 472 -bordd A 1130 -csikos A 1136 -fekete A 857 -ibolyaszind A 1137 -kdk G 984 -Ша A 1137 -pikkelyu A 494 -piros A 1134 -pirosas A 1133 -rdzsaszinu A 1132 -sdrga С 239, 409, R 222, V 148 -szinu N 173, P 397, T 200 -szurke M 583 -vdrvdrds A 1135 -vdrds В 244, I 85, R 369 -vdroses barna P 1019 -vdrdsld A 1133 -zdld A 1138, С 337, P 360, P 961, S 90 sdtdten zdldeld S 89 sdtdtld F 201 sdvdny S 13 -lakd S 14 spanandria S 604 spanoginia S 607 sparzioplasztlszok S 612 specidlis S 622 specializdcid S 623 specioldk S 627 specioldgia S 628 spektrum S 632 abszorbcids- A 23 bioldgiai- S 632 spermamoba S 642 spermangium S 643 spermapddium S 646 spermatidium S 651 spermatikus S 650 spermatium S 655 -hordozd S 652 -szerd S 653 spermatociszta S 658 spermatocitium S 660 spermatofitdk S 668 spermatogameta S 661 spermatogdn S 663 spermatogenezis S 662 spermatogdnium S 665 spermatokdrpia S 656 spermatokinetikus S 667 spermatoplazma S 669 spermatozoid S 673 spermocentrum S 679 spermofdrum S 689 spermogdnium S 686 -tartd S 685 spermokarpium S 677 spermospora S 691 spermoszfdra S 692 spermotipus S 695 spikuldris sejtek A 1097 spirdlis H 73, S 754 spirdlisan -bekunkorodott S 764 -csavarodd S 1043 -leszdlld С 185 spiralizdcid S 755 spirdma S 758 spirillum S 759 spirociklikus S 762 spiroizmus S 763 spodogram S 770 spongiola S 773 spongioplazma S 774 spongya alakd S 772 spdra S 779 andro- A 730 anemo- A 751 cdno- G 589 ' csdszike- A 234 csdcs- A 138 csupasz- G 274 eld- P 1416 fdreg alakd- S 201 Izelt - A 1044 kdtsejtu- D 194 kdzfalas- P 518 kulsd- E 476 nydri- P 1416, U 87 •41 nyugvd- H 566 parittydzd- В 23 partheno- P 167 rajzd- Z 53 tdli- T 63 tomld- A 1064 uredo- U 87 spdraanyasejt S 807 spdraburok S 809 spdrafal belsd- E 186 kiilsd - E 295 spdrahdrtya I 128 spdrakdpzd S 813 spdrakdpzddds S 812 sporangidium S 782 sporangiofor S 786 sporangiola S 785 sporangiospdra S 788 sporangium S 789 dl- P 1573 andro- A 731 -csoport S 596 sporangiumos S 781, 783 -szdrus S 787 sporangiumtartd S 786 spdranydl S 955 sporaszerii S 817 spdraszord fonalak E 75, H 46 sporaszdrd sejttartd E 78 spdratan S 687 sporatartd S 116, 688, 789, S 819 spdratdka S 828 spdratelep H 529 spdratermd S 813 -fondlgomolyag G 210 nem- A 1080, S 956 -levdl S 822 -rdteg S 1018 -szovet G 165 spdratok С 127, S 789, 816, 828 -gyfirfi G 315 -nyilds S 1007 spdratdmld A 1066 sporatomlds A 1057 spdrazsak S 10 spordjfi (egyfdle-) I 337 spdrdk ndlkiil szaporodd A 1080 fitjdn terjedd S 803 spdrds S 790, 797 -dg S 804 -ndvdnyek С 919 osszendtt- S 1448 -szaporodds S 799 spdrdtlan A 1081 spdrdtlansdg A 935 sporidiolum S 794 sporidium S 796 -alakfi S 792 -hordozd S 791 sporidiumos S 791 sporochor ndvdnyek S 803 sporociszta S 806 sporocita S 807 sporocitium S 808 sporoderma S 809 sporodochium S 810 sporofidda S 821 sporofillum S 822 sporofita S 824 sporofitikus S 823 sporogdmia S 811 sporogenezis S 812 sporogdnium S 816 sporokarpium S 802 sporokldaium S 804 sporotrofofillum S 829 sporoszdma S 825 sporula S 831 sporulds S 833 stabiloplasztiszok S 849 staszigenezis S 865 staszimorfia S 866 statenchima S 870 statikus S 872 statisztikai S 874 statmokindzis S 871 statocisztdk S 876 statokratikus S 875 statolitok S 877 statoplasztiszok S 878 staurofillum S 885 staurokonidium S 882 stefanodofitdk S 940 stereoplazma S 949 staurosz S 886 stdzis S 867 stazofitdk S 869 sterigma S 955 sterilizdlds S 957 stilospora S 1076 strepszindma S 1020 strepszitdn S 1021 strofantin S 1046 strofizmus S 1048 strofogenezis S 1049 strofomdnia 9 1050 strofotaxis S 1051 strdma S 1040 strdmaszerfi 9 1042 strdmds S 1041 strombusz S 1044 struktura 9 1052 suddr P 1232 sugarak R 40 sugaras A 151, R 16, 19, 37 fdlig- 9 357 -rdszardnyossdg R 16 -virdgfi R 34 sugarasan A 144, R 19 -rdszardnyos A 151 -szdtfutd A 149 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ£Z -sugarfi R 19 hdrom- T 421 kevds- P 200 sugdr R 40 -irdnyfi R 16 sugdrhatds A 147 sugdrszerii A 151 sugdrvirdg F 96, R 16 sugdrzds R 18 sugdrzd R 17 suhogd 9 1031 sfilyos P 1093 susog6 S 1019 sfimAlcsos С 30 siindiszndszerii E 337 siindiszndtiiskds E 9 sfirfi G 701, 866, D 68 -levelfi P 1685 sfirfin- D 68 -dgas P 1682 -4116 G 710, 720 •pikkelyes P 1684 sfirfisdg F 151 sfiveg alakfi С 48 siiveges G 47 siivegszerfi G 48 ezabad G 364, I 74, L 152, a 570 szabad- D 139, E 88 -alapfi В 54 fdlig- 9 326 -gydkerfi E 472 -mozgdsfi L 240, V 12 •szirmfi pdrta G 816 -termdsfi G 270 szabadfalfekvds E 300 szabadviz feliiletdn levfi P 218 szabdly R 132 szabdlyellenes I 42 -ndv I 42 szabdly os N 153, R 134 -alakfi R 133 szabdlyosan R 331 szabdlytalan A 804, I 42 szabdlytalanfil -felnyild R 408 -tok 9 12 -dsszehajtogatott G 830 szacchardz S 8 szacellusz 9 12 szag О 64 szagldsi О 105 szagos О 94 szagtalan 1 169 -szagfi О 94, 274 bak- H 305 bfizfis- N 31 kellemetlen- G 253, M 78 polos ka- G 427 azakaddsos keletkezdsfi R 236 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK szakaddkos P 1194 •part R 329 szakadd- F 143 szakadozott D 229, 299, L 12 -erezetd R 417 -folytonossdgd D 307 szakasz P 423 vdg- T 81 zdrd- T 81 6zakdllas В 28, P 906 szakdllszdros В 28 kissd- S 1108 -szakdlld P 906 szalagos F 21, V 153 szalagszeru L 92, 265 szalma S 1010 szalmasarga S 1012 szalmaszdr С 950 szalmavirdgd X 29 szalpingantia S 25 szamdca F 147 szanddlszeru S 38 szantonin S 41 szaponin S 45 szaporitds A 605 szaporito G 21, 84, 86, M 558, P 1294, R 158 -hajtds S 82 szaporitosejt С 552, G 203 ndi- G 292 szaporito szervek F 163, G 95, О 232, P 1293 szaporitotest С 825, P 1295, S 825 ivartalan- A 294 szaporodds G 85, M 557, P 1293, R 157 ivaros- A 566, 569, G 44, S 1425 ivartalan- A 301, В 233, M 418, V 46 spdrds- S 799 vegetativ- V 46 szaporodd P 1274 hasaddssal- T 330 magok dtjan- О 295 szappanszerd S 44 szaprobiontdk S 48 szaprobidtikus S 50 szaprobidzis S 49 szaprofdg S 56 szaprofita S 59 szaprofitdk S 58 szaprofitikus S 59 szaprofitizmus S 60 szaprogdn S 51 szaprogcofitdk S 52 szapromiiofil ndvdnyek S 53 szapropelikus S 55 szaproplankton S 61 szarv- G 814 szarvacskds С 814 szarvd (hdrom-) T 469 szat-kromoszdma S 83 szatellit S 83 szaurochdria S 95 szdj О 272 szdjfogazat P 317 szdjpdrkdnyos P 318 egyszeru- H 35 szdjpdrkdnyzat P 317 dl- P 1542 szdjpercm (al-) P 1542 szdjd (csukott-) P 349 szdl F 57, N 67 bibe- S 1081 szdlas С 67, F 49, 56, L 191, N 68 -ldndzsds L 43 szdlka A 1021 aprd- A 1026, M 504 szdlkahegy С 978, M 502 szdlkahegyu hdrom- T 472 kdt- В 78 szdlkaszeru A 1025 szdlkds A 1022, M 503 szdlkdsan M 503 szdlkds hegyu M 503 szdlkdtlan E 421, M 592 szdllitd G 704 levegot- A 261 szdllitdeddnyek (letras-) V 39 szdllitdszovet kdpzo P 819 szdmcsokkento Ml 69, R 106 -magosztddds M 165 szdmfeletti A 179, S 1311 szdmfelezd R 106 szdmos С 797, 866, M 577, N 200, P 933 szdmtalan M 620, N 200 -virdgu M 621 szdmtarto A 246 szdmd egyenld- I 323 novekedett- M 559 szdntdfold A 321, 1052 szdntdfoldi A 332, 1051, R 418 -gyomnovdnyek S 254 szdr С 195, S 997 dudva- С 195 egyszerd- S 518 felfutd- S 112 fo- P 1208 foldfeletti- A 259 fd- С 950 kapaszkodd- S 112, A 206 laposodott- G 480 levdlszeru- P 559 melldk- S 245 palka- G 15 pdlma- S 987 szalma- G 950 szikalatti- 11 583 942 szikfcletti- E 251 szikkdzdpi- M 227 telepszerd- F 158 td- С 189 dszd- H 475 szdracska С 191 dl- С 192, P 856 csavarodott- A 137 szdradd (fdlig-) S 367 szdras alig- A 41 -ndvdnyek С 812 szdraz A 1016, S 173, 488, T 356, X 27 -dghajlati X 46 fdlig- S 286 -hdrtyds S 125 -homokzdtonyok novenyei S 1473 -legeldket kedvelo X 44 -leveld S 486, X 41 -pikkely R 50 -pikkelyes R 49 -termds S 488 -termdsu X 32 -virdgu S 175, X 29 szdrazfoldi novenyek С 412 szdrazsdg S 485, 487 szdrazsdgdllo X 43 -ndvdnyek X 42 szdrazsdgkedvelo X 39 szdrazsdgkerulo X 40 szarazsdgtdrd X 43 -ndvdnyek X 42 szarbdl M 143 szdrcsomd G 93, N 140 szarhoz tartozd G 194 szdritott E 497 -allapot S 487 szariz A 1048, I 220 szdrkdplet С 198 szdrkochor-ndvdnyek S 67 szdrkoz A 1048, I 220 szdrmazds G 89, О 240 szuldk ndlkuli- A 10 szdrmazdsi G 91, N 21 szdrmazdstan G 90, P 586 szdrmazdsd G 94 szdrmazd E 470, О 239 feloldddasbdl- L 291 havasrdl- A 469 szarmazott О 270 szdrmaztatd G 84, P 171 szdrny A 369 " -alakd A 371, 404 szdrnyacska A 481 szdrnyalt A 372, 403, P 698, P 1606 -agu P 1616 fdlig- S 354 hdromszor ujjasan- T 477 kissd- S 1092 pdratlanul- I 60 •48 pdrosan- P 155, 708 szaggatottan- 1 228 szdlesen- M 389 ujjasan- D 217 szdrnyas A 372, P 698, 1606 -magvfi P 1620 -termdsu P 1613 -tdnkfi P 1619 -virdgfi P 1607 szdrnyasan P 698 -dlelt P 1618 -szeldelt P 706 szarnyatlan A 957 szdrnyszerfi A 371 szdrnyfi bordds- R 10 keskeny- S 926 szdron dllfi S 996 szdron lev6 С 194 szdronnyilds С 192 szdrdleld A 601 fdlig- S 281 szdrdsszenovds G 197 szdrrafutd D 26 szdrtag A 1048, I 220 szdrtalan A 41 majdnem- S 1086 szdrtalansdg A 40 szdrtetdzd A 903, T 127 -virdgzat T 127 szdrtorpesdg A 40 szdrtovis S 742 -szdrfi P 363 bardzdds- S 1299 egyenes- R 93 eldgazatlan- H 26 keseru- A 490 szdrnyalt- P 1614 szdrvirdgzds С 193 szdz- G 213, H 60 szdzldbfiszerfi S 203 szdzviragfi H 61 szcitinum S 231 szedertan В 61 szeg alakfi G 194 -bibeszdlfi G 195 szegdly L 178, M 108 szegdlyes L 177, 251, M 107 fdlig- S 332 szegdlyezett M 107 szegdlyezd M 106 szegdiyi M 105 -szegdlyfi M 107 szegdnyes D 74, О 108, P 148 szegdnyesen P 195 i szeglet A 766 szegletes A 763, 764, G 202 kissd- S 1094 -termdsfi G 212 szegletfi (keskeny-) S 915 szegmentdcifi S 256 szegmentdlt S 257 szegregdcid S 259 szeirolitikus S 262 szeirospdra S 263 szeiszmochorizmus S 264 szeiszmonasztia S 265 szeiszmotropizmus S 266 szekcid S 241 szekrdcid S 239 szekszokdrpia S 478 szekszudlis S 480 szektor S 242 szektoridlis S 243 szeldelt I 89, S 244, T 329 finoman- T 108 tenyerosen- P 51 ujjasan- P 51 szelekcid S 268 szelektiv S 269 szelence T 231 -alakfi P 1714 szelenotropizmus S 272 szelet- A 738 szelet S 258 szem G 69, О 59 szemben A 864 -dlld О 197 -levd A 226 szembedtld A 946, G 761, M 91, P 383 szembetfind A 946, M 91, P 413 nom- I 99 szemcse G 252 aprd- G 251 virdgpor- G 252, P 918 szemcseszerfi G 249 szemcsds G 239, 248, 249 szemelvdnyek A 652 szemeten tenydszd Q 52 szemetes R 393 -helyen termd R 391 -talajok R 389 -teriiletek gyomnovdnyei R 391 szemdrmes P 1636 szemdtdombok R 389 szemfoltocska S 970 szemfoltos О 47 szemdlcs P 80, V 78 aprd- V 80 szemolcsds V 79 szemtermds G 148 szemzds О 58 szemzdrugy О 59 szentjdnos-hajtds P 1269 szennyes I 173 -barna L 277 -fehdr S 586 -sdrga S 837 -szinfi S 586, 837 -vdros V 1 szennyezdddst tfird kozepes- M 248 szepalddium S 400 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZSK szepldfoltos L 98 szeptdlis mirigyek S 410 szeptikus S 417 szeptobazidium S 422 szer (rovardld-) I 178 szeridlis riigyek S 430 szerkezet S 1052 szerpentinkedveld S 437 -szerfi M 473, О 60, 199 szerv О 232 csdkevdnyes- R 396 -kezdemdny В 228 kezdeti- R 396 -kdpzd О 223 rogzitd- A 952, H 46 szaporitd- D 154 szivd- H 55 tapadd- A 952 tdmasztd- F 180 szervdtiiltetds T 399 szerveltolddds M 282 szervek elterjesztdsi- P 1293 felfogd- R 82 generativ- О 232 jdruldkos- A 43 szaporitd- F 163, G 95, О 232, P 1293 tenydszd- О 232 vegetativ- О 232 szerves О 220 szervezet О 221 barlanglakd- T 584 kdtdltfi- A 538 szervetlen A 807 szervezetek (anaerdb-) A 645 szervezettan M 479 szervtan О 224 szerzett A 105 szerzo A 1144 szeszton S 459 szesztonoldgia S 460 szezondlis plankton M 210 szezondimorfizmus H 424 szdgyentelen I 70 szdl- A 738 -beporzdsfi A 743 -ndvdnyek A 742 -ds viz dltal terjedd A 744 szdle (szervnek) A 90, L 71, 178, M 108 szdles E 384, L 68, P 787 -alapfi В 47 -elliptikus L 70 -elterjeddsfi E 386 -levelfi L 69 kissd- L 66 nagyon- P 331 -szdrfi P 789 szdlesen L 68, P 787 -gombdlyfi О 13 -kiterjedt E 56 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZiK 044 -nyitott H 318, R 327 -szdrnyalt M 389 szdlessdg L 65 szdlessdgi fok L 65 szdlezett M 107 szdldvel odaforrt P 14 szdlhezfutd С 860 szdlmalomszdrnyszerfi M 389 szdlmdrS A 745 szdlporozta A 743 szdlso M 105 -virag F 96 szdlu begorbult- I 125 keskeny- S 919 kifeld gorbult- R 109 вгёпа F 102 szdnaldz P 930 szdnfekete A 857, 1116, С 81 szdp P 1639, Y 64, С 14. 248 -levelu A 318 nagyon- P 358 szdpia szinu S 407 szdtdgazas Б 55 szetagazo D 347 szdtagazott R 56 szdtdilo D 203, 346 szdtaramlo mozgds С 452 szdtbomlas D 331 szdtdarabolodas F 144 szdtfolyo D 52 szdtfolyt E 56 szdtfuto (sugarasan-) A 149 szdthasadd -termds S 144 -termdsu S 145 -tok R 127 szetmallo (konnyen-) E 375 szdtomlo D 203 szdtosztott D 340 szdtpattand termds R 237 szdtrepedo E 346, R 408, 416 -tok S 12 szdtszakitott, D 229 szdtszorodas D 317 szdtszdrt D 203, 318, 329, S 613, V 18 -szdtterjedt E 56 szdtvdlaszthatatlan 1 181 szdtvdlasztodas D 200 szdtvdlas С 365, D 331 szdtvalt G 364, D 299, S 405, 570 szfagnofitdk S 721 szfalerokdrpium S 722 szfdrenchima S 702 szfdrikus S 699 szfdrochorizis S 705 szfdrofitdk S 709 szfdrokristdlyok S 700 szfdroma S 707 szfdroplankton S 701 ssfdrorafidok S 700 esfdrospordngium S 715 ssfdrotdcium S 717 ufigmizmus S 727 szifogdnia S 1466 ezifonofitdk S 534 Biifonogdmia S 535 ssifonoplasztisz S 536 вх!1опоБг1ё1е S 537 szigetkedvelfi N 107 szigetlako N 107 szigma alaku S 495 szigonyos G 169 -serte G 171 -sz6r G 169, 171 -tiiske G 171 szij- H 301 -alakd H 301 ezij&cs A 381 szijas- L 265 szljszeru L 265 szikalatti szar H 583 szikdr A 1016 szikes S 27 kiss6- S 1225 -talaj S 27 szikfeletti E 250 -szdr E 251 szikla R 412, S 104 sziklai S 100 -nбvёnyek R 413 sziklalako novenyek L 222 sziklalakdk P 381 вziklanдvёnyek L 222 вziklarepedёkben gyokerezd nбvёnyek R 265 sziklareped6sek novenyzete С 271 sziklatoro S 101 szikldn 616 R 413, S 100 szikldn novo R 414 -novdnyek R 413 szikldn termo S 100 sziklds R 413, S 103 -helyek novdnyzete С 869 szikldt hasito R 415, S 101 szikldt kedvelo P 380 szikldt toro R 415 szikleveli С 854 sziklevelu С 855 egyenlotlen- H 199 fdlig 6sszen6tt- H 140 hdrom- T 471 sziklevdl С 853 -feletti E 250 •kezdemdny В 237 -ndlkuli A 104 -ndlkiiliek A 103 -6sszen6vds A 588, S 1408 Bzlkleveld (dsszetett-) S 1407 Bzikdzis S 1328 eziktelen A 104 szildrd S 563 szildrditd M 133 -sejtek S 944 -sz6vet S 947 szildrdsdg S 562 szilva P 1446 -alakd P 1445 -kdk P 1443 -szinu P 1443 -termd P 1444 szimbdzis S 1334 szimbiontdk S 1335 szimbiotikus S 1337 -tdrsulds G 758 szimbiotrdfikus S 1340 szimbiotrofizmus S 1339 szimbiozis S 1336 al- P 1580 szimfillodium S 1352 szimfiogenezis S 1354 szimfitogin S 1360 szimiliszimmetria S 516 szimmetria S 1343 szimmetrias sokoldalu- A 151 szimmetrikus S 1344 szimpatrikus S 1346 szimpeda S 1347 szimperiantikus S. 1348 szimplasztum S 1362 szimpodidlis S 1364 szimpodium S 1365 szimptomatologia S 1368 szin G 638 szinakinetesz S 1371 szinandria S 1373 szinandrddium S 1374 szinangium S 1375 szinanteria S 1377 szinantdzis S 1378 szinantodium S1381 szinanyagtermelo G 388 szinaphozis S 1383 szinapszis S 1384 szinaptospermia S 1386 szinarmofitdk S 1388 szincianozis S 1409 szincitium S 1410 szinddzis S 1411 szindiformizmus S 1413 szindinamika S 1416 szindiploid S 1415 szindiploidia S 1414 szine (levdlnek) P 10 szinehagyott I) 18 szinenchima S 1418 szinergidak S 1420 szinergizmus S 1419 szines С 371, 639, T 31% szines- F 175 alig- S 1127 szinezett С 639, F 17. erosen- H 541 szinezfi T 314 •4* szinezddds С 640, P 681 szinezdddsi alkalmazkodds С 372 szinczddd С 372 szinezddd kdpessdg elvesz-tdse С 163 szinezddd konnyen- С 394, H 541 nem- A 75, G 395 savban- A 86 szindtvesztett D 18 szingameon S 1421 szingametia S 1423 szingdmia S 1424 szingenetika S 1427 szingrammdk S 1428 szinhaploid S 1430 szinisztrosztilia S 526 szinkarion S 1395 szinkariotikus S 1397 szinkdrpia S 1391 szinkarpikus S 1392 szinkdrpium S 1393 szinkdp S 632 szinkollifitdk S 1406 szinkoroldgia S 1400 szinkoroldgikus S 1401 szinkotilia S 1408 szinkronogdmia S 1403 szinkronologia S 1404 szinmorfologia S 1432 szinnema S 1433 szinonima S 1440 szinonimia S 1439 szinokoldgia S 1437 szinokologikus S 1438 szinpclimorfizmus S 1366 szinsporangium S 1447 szintakszon S 1450 szintakszonomia S 1451 szintelen A 75, D 18, H 448, I 96 -plasztida L 144 szintelensdg A 78 szintelomitikus S 1452 szintestecske G 377, P 682 szintipus S 1459 szintriploidia S 1454 szintrdfia S 1455 szintropikus S 1458 szinusz S 530 szinuzium S 1460 szinu G 371 agdtkd- A 70 bibor- P 1114 eltdro- D 306 elenk- L 27 harom- T 468 sotdt- A 1127, M 488, N 118, О 22, P 397, 1640, S 91, T 94 szarvas- С 244 szivdrvdny- I 282 vilagos- D 234 szinzigia S 1465 szinzoikus S 1461 szinzoogonidium S 1463 szinzoospdra S 1464 sziraplankton S 538 sziringodendron S 1469 szirmon iilб E 276 szirmos P 365 egydrvosen- H 36 -szirmii P 364 aprd- L 125 keskeny- S 921 sodort- S 1024 szirom- P 364 szirom P 370 -alakfi P 367 -kdrmds U 34 -koriili P 294 melldk- P 118 sziromkdrom U 35 sziromlevdl P 370 sziromlevelfi hegyes- A 130 keskeny- S 927 ot- Q 46 sziromnemu G 817 sziromszerfi С 817, P 367 fdlig- S 353 sziromtalan A 888 sziromtartd A 848 szirrolidk S 1470 szirtidium S 1471 szirtidofitdk S 1473 sziszego S 1031 szisztellofitdk S 1475 szisztematika S 1477 szisztematikus S 1478 szisztematizdlis S 1479 szisztole S 1480 szisztolikus S 1481 szisszomatdk S 1474 szisztrofe S 1482 szitotropizmus S 539 szittyoszerfi J 18 szivacsocska S 773 szivacsos S 775 -levdl S 776 szivacsszeru S 772 sziv alakfi G 86 fdlig-- S 298 forditott-- О 6 majdnem-- S 1134 szives- С 86, 806 fdlig- D 239 forditott- О 6 szivdhifa H 55 szivdka H 55 dl- P 1505 kezdeti- P 1186 szivos T 92 kissd- T 89 szivoszerv H 55 szivszeru G 806 szkdda S 133 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ&K szkddula S 134 szklerantium S 174 szklereiddk S 176 szklerenchima S 177 szklerenchimatikus S 178 szklerobazidium S 180 szklerdcium S 194 kiilsd- E 473 szklerofitdk S 189 szklerogonidium S 187 szklerokaulia S 184 szklerokdrpium S 182 szkobina S 198 szkolekokonidium S 200 szkotofitdk S 213 szkotoplankton S 214 szkototakszis S 215 szkototropizmus S 216 szkvamodium S 844 szpatilla S 619 szpatola S 621 spirdntia S 634 spirdma S 635 szocidcid S 547 szocioldgia S 550 szociomorfoldgia S 551 szokatlan I 192 szokdsos N 153 szoldrium S 555 szolarizdcio S 554 szolenaidia S 558 szoleniaplankton S 559 szolenosztdle S 560 szolgdltato P 1161 szomatikus S 572 -sejt S 572 szomatoblaszt S 573 szomatofitak S 577 szomatogdn S 575 szomatoplazma S 578 szomatotropizmus S 579 szomorfi T 565 szomszddmegporzds G 61 szomszddos A 203, 289, G 713, V 111 szordlium S 584 szorddgd S 585 szorddium S 588 szordma S 589 szoros A 995, G 710, S 984 szoros- A 1118 szorosan osszetapadt G 723 szordsejtek E 75 szordzis S 594 szdrt S 613 -levelfi S 611 -virdgfi S 610 szdrus S 596 sporangium os- S 787 szdrusos S 591, 597 szorvdnyos S 613, 780 szog (elhajldsi-) A 766, D 348 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK szogben nyitott hegyes-- P 194 szdgleti A 764 szdkdrdteg M 270 szdldszettan О 87 szolofajta-ismeret A 532 szdlohajtds R 163 szdlokacs P 62 szdldmagszerd G 144 szdldoltvdny R 163 szoloskerti V 123 -ndvdnyek Y 123 szdloszemszeru A 93 szor P 694 szdrcsomd P 235 szdrgyiiru A 800 szorkdplet T 453 szorkoszoru P 84 szorok dgas- P 694b bdrsony- V 52 bibircs- S 1032 csaldn- U 88 csillag- S 895 gyapjas- L 47 kollektor- С 622 mirigy- G 154 mirigyes- G 156 nyaldbos- P 694a drvds- P 694c pajzsos- S 225 pikkely- L 105, S 838 pilla- С 426 szigonyos- G 169, 171 villds- P 694b virdgporgyujtd- С 622 szdros P 683, T 432 -dgu T 447 -bogyoju T 448 -borddjd R 15 -csdszelevelu T 462 -csdszdju T 442 -erezetd T 454 -fogu T 450 gyengdn- P 692 kissd- P 1631 koriil- A 556, P 325 -levelu T 458 -magvd T 463 mindkdt oldaldn- A 418 -pikkelyu T 452 -szirmd T 455 -szdrd T 444 teljesen- H 353 -termdsu T 443 -tonku T 460 -tuskdju T 445 -virdgfejecskds T 446 -virdgu T 434 szorosen dlelt G 216 szdrosodd P 1633 szdrdssdg P 691 szdrdzet I 124, P 1634 szdrpamat P 84 szorszdlfdggeldk T 453 szdrszerd T 449 szdrtakard I 124 szdrtelen G 149, I 69, L 29, P 410 majdnem- G 148 szdrtelensdg G 150 szdrtincses С 651 -szdru P 683, T 432 bolyhos- G 229 csillogd- P 436 fehdr- L 147 finom- P 690 kevds- О 129 szorzet P 1634 szdrzetrdteg С 69 szdsz S 1059, T 327 szdszos S 1061, T 326, V 120 finoman- T 325 szovet С 772, T 55, 213 abszorbedld- A 23 aerenchima- A 257 alap- С 772, P 149, 1349 albdr- H 586 al- P 1537 bdl- M 142 bor- С 983 csira- В 228 dajka- A 378 eddnyes- T 55 egymdsbafonddott- T 55 elsodleges- С 772 heg- С 31 kdpzd- M 199 kivdlasztd- S 240 kotd- T 55 levegos- A 257 ldgtartd- A 257 magtdpldld belsd- E 184 mdsodlagos- С 772 merenchima- M 193 osztodd M 199 ovd- С 31 paliszdd- С 772 para- P 281 parakdpzd osztodd- P 428 rendellenes- С 178 rost- G 772 seb- С 31 sejt- С 772 spdratermd- G 165 szdllitd- T 55 szildrditd- S 947 vddd- T 55 szdvetfeloldddds H 314 szovetkdpzd H 311 szovetkeletkezds H 310 szovetelkuldniilds H 309 szovetszerd T 212 szdvettan H 313 szdvevdnyes I 249, L 8 szpeirdma S 635 sztegmatdk S 888 sztelolemma S 899 946 sztenobatikus S 903 sztenochor S 908 sztenochdria S 907 sztenociszta S 912 sztenocdnikus S 910 sztenocdndzis S 911 sztenofotikus S 923 sztenohalin S 916 sztenohidrikus S 917 sztenohigrikus S 918 sztenoplaszticitds S 925 sztenospermokdrpia S 929 sztenoszinuzikus S 932 sztenotermikus S 933 sztenotdpia S 934 sztenotdpikus S 935 sztenotrop S 936 sztendzis S 928 sztenoxibiontdk S 937 sztendcikus S 914 sztereiddk S 944 szteredma S 947 szternotrib S 959 sztdle С 215, S 893 dl- P 1575 -hidny A 1089 nyaldbokra bomlott- S 156 os- P 1418 -dsszenovds G 53 sztdldre vonatkozd S 892 sztichidium S 964 sztichobazidium S 966 sztichokarpikus S 967 sztigmatomikdzis S 974 sztigmatondmium S 975 sztigobiontdk S 1062 sztilidium S 1066 sztiliplankton S 1070 sztilodium S 1072 sztilogonidium S 1073 sztilosztdgium S 1077 sztdma S 1001 sztomatdlis S 1002 sztomatikus S 1003 sztomatokdrpium S 1003 sztratiobotanika S 1016 sztrichnin S 1058 sztyepp S 941 szubasszocidcio S 1104 szubatlantikus S 1105 szubdioikus S 1156 szubdidcia S 1155 szubendemikus S 1164 szubepidermdlis S 1165 szubepisztatikus S 1166 szubex S 1176 szubformdcid S 1182 szubfosszilis S 1183 szubgdnusz S 1185 szubgindcikus S 1189 gzubhimenidlis S 1191 szubhimenium S 1192 szubhiposztatikus S 1193 szubikulum S 1194 947 szubkliroax S 1126 szubkutikula S 1144 szubmikrdnikus S 1208 szubmikroszkdpikus S 1209 szubmikroszdma S 1210 szubnivdlis S 1212 szubszckcio S 1226 szubtriocia S 1245 szubtropikdlis S 1246 szukcesszid S 1255 szfinyogszeru С 748 szuperfotdcid S 1292 szuperparazita S 1296 szuperpondlt S 1297 szuperspeciesz S 1298 szupresszid S 1303 szurkos R 175 szurok P 722, R 168 szurokszeru R 169 szurokszin P 677 sziiros A 85, 59, H 432 -hegyu P 1657 szuk A 769, 995 -elterjeddsfi S 908 szuksdges N 38 sziiksdgszeru О 14 sziiletett N 29 sziiletds G 89 sziiletdsi N 21 sziild P 151 sziirke С 66, G 258, P 911, T 111 egdr- M 583 fehdres- L 142 fust- F 185, N 36 galamb- С 646 halvdny- P 220 hamu- S 769 hamvas- G 433, T 111 kdkes- L 230 61om- С 243, L 230, P 854 pala- A 998, S 136 sotdt- M 583 vildgos- G 434 sziirke tovisfi T 112 sziirkds G 164, 257 -fehdr G 64, S 771, T 113 -fekete N 117, T 114 -kdk С 12, G 163, N 173 -sdrga R 73 -zold G 163 sziirkuld С 64, 434, G 164, S 390 sziityd U 99 szuzies V 130 szfiznemzds P 164 him- A 705, E 226 szfiznemzdebdl keletkezett T 247 szfiztermds P 160 tachigenezis T 10 tacskdtermds F 117 tafrenchima T 26 tafrofitdk T 28 tagolatlan I 82, 123 tagolddds D 200 tagolt A 1047, D 353 tagoltsdg A 1046 -tagfi M 192 аргб- M 329 egyenlo- I 323 hdrom- T 507 kevds- О 116 kiildnbdzd- H 224 orvdnkdnt vdltozd-H 200, 224 tajga T 19 takarmdnyozdsi P 1 takard I 204, P 42, T 48, T 649 bibe- S 978 egymdst rdszben- I 49 szdr- I 124 termds- I 130, S 826 virdg- I 204, P 270 takardjfi kettos- H 192 hdrom- T 439 takardpelyva G 181 takardrdteges T 50 takardsejtek S 888 takart С 314, 496, 914, S 889, T 46 fdlig- H 118, S 384 taktikus T 12 taktizmus T 14 talaj S 567, E 41 szikes- S 27 talajjelzd novdnyek I 116 talajlakd G 104, T 138 talajmikrofldra P 621 talajokozta E 42 talajtan E 43, P 215 talaj tdnyezdk E 41 -talan A 628, 879, E 1, 415, I 45 tallidium T 223 tallokldrum T 225 -talpfi P 890 tamnium T 228 tannin T 22 tanulmdny (bevezetd-) P 1241 tanulmdnyok A 773 tanulmdny ozandd I 174 tanusitja T 147 tanfisitd P 1161 tapadd A 197 hasi oldalhoz- S 959 -mirigyszdr T 101 tapaddkorong A 197, 952 tapaddszerv A 952 tapezium T 23 tapetum T 25 -rdteg T 25 tapetdlis T 24 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZtR tapintd T 13 tapld F 118 tarack S 998 fold alatti- G 106 tarackos S 999 tarackszeru S 1000 taraj С 891 tarajos С 892 tardju (dupla-J В 113 tarka J 3, M 111, P 899, V 34 tarkasdg V 34 tarldzas S 732 tartalmazd С 774 tartalrmi (cukor-) S 6 tarto P 362, T 96 egy honapig- M 189 tartomdny P 1438 tautonim T 32 tavakban iddlegesen eldfordulo T 664 tavalyi A 796 tavasz V 66 tavaszi V 73 -alak V 73 tavasziasitds V 74 tavi L 26, 181 -ndvdnyek L 184 tavilakd L 26 taxiteria T 35 taxon T 37 taxonomia T 38 taxondmiai egysdg T 37 taxonomikus T 39 tdbla T 4 tdblaszeru T 5 tablas T 6 tag D 231, L 73 takos G 497 tdlacskaszeru P 179 tdmaddkonysdg A 329 tdmasz A 207 tdmasztdk F 180 tdmasztd F 178, S 1275 -szerv F 180 tdnydrszdles P 43 tdpanyagban gazdag E 404 tdpldldkszegdny О 130 -kozegben dlo О 131 tdplalkozds N 209 tdpldlkozdsi T 589 tdpldlkozd (egyiitt-) С 663 tapldlkozdstan В 293 tdpldlkozdsfi (feliileti-) E 38 tdpldlkozd (magokkal-j G 247 tdpldld N 208 -ndvdny N 208 tdpldldanyag-felvdtel R 179 tdpldldlevdl T 601 tdpldldplazma T 602 tdpldldsejt T 595 tdpldldszovet (kozponti-) С 647 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK tdplalotestecske T 604 tdptalaj S 1237 tdrsas S 546 tdrsas termds A 915 tdrsasdg S 549 tdrsndv S 1440 tdrsulat S 549 tdrsulds A 327, С 586 sejt- A 327, С 571 szimbidtikus- С 758 tdrsuldskdpessdg S 545 tdrsuldstan S 550 tdrsult A 1086, G 567, S 548 taska S 501 tdtogatd R 327 -virdgii R 328 tdtogo H 318 tdtongd H 287 tdtott H 287 tdvkoz I 235 tdvoldllo D 333, R 143 tdvoli A 913, R 143 teichoszoma T 54 tej szinu L 22 tejcsd L 64 tejeddnyiik Y 39 tej eld L 21 tejfehdr G 4, L 22 -virdgii G 6 tejjdrat L 64 tejnedv L 62 dl- P 1518 tejnedvet -eresztd L 21 -szdllitd L 64 tekerddzo T 358, V 159 tekervdnyes A 758, T 360 teknospdra T 40 tektoparatipus T 41 tektopleziotipus T 42 tektotipus T 43 tele F 16 telek P 1174 teleldhdz H 288 teleldrugy H 288 -telen A 1 telep T 227 dl- P 1583 csira- P 1371 eld- P 1371 levdlszeru- F 158 telepen novd E 302 telepes ndvdnyek T 226 telepszeru T 224 -szar F 158 teleszdrt A 1076, G 760 telet kedvelo S 277 -nem- С 278 teletdkia T 249 telepu (fonalas-) T 466 teleutospdra T 63 teleutoszdrusz T 62 televdnykedveld S 57 televdnylakdk S 58 teliblaszt T 245 teligdnia T 248 telikaridtikus T 247 teljes G 681, О 144, P 262, T 365 -dtalakulds H 345 -csavarodds R 185 -medddsdg S 891 -szdmii P 262 -virdg С 681 teljesen H 320, P 63 -aranysdrga H 327 -fedett H 326 telocentrikus T 72 telofazis T 81 telogonidium T 76 telokrdt T 75 telokromomerdk T 73 telokromoszdma T 74 telom T 78 telomeidk T ?? teloszinapszis T 83 telt P 815, R 15i fdlig- S 355 -virag P 815a tengely A 1242 dl- S 1365 csira- G 191, H Я 1 -feloli A 177 tengelyi A 1237 tengelytol eldllo A i -tengelyu R 8 tenger M 103 -alatti S 1206 tengerben dlo M 108, P 1096, T 220 tengerfendki В 66 tengeri M 109 -ndvdnyek P 1097, T 221 tengerkdk T 219, V 57 tengermelldki M 110 tengerpart L 228 tengerparti L 227, M 110, N 96 -ndvdnyek P 1450 tengerparton did P 1449 tentdkulum T 101 tentdkulumszerd T 99 tentdkulumos T 100 tenyeres fdlig- S 347 ujjasan- D 216 tenyeresen P 44 -erezett P 49 -hasadt P 46 -kardjos P 48 -osztott P 50 -osszetett P 45 -szeldelt P 51 tenydrszerfi P 44 tenydszeti V 46 tenydszkert S 335 tenydszd I 95, 159, V 46 bdrhol- U 3 94* konnyen- H 107 legeldn- P 174 szemeten- Q 52 -szervek О 232 utakon- V 107 tenydszdcsiics G 784, V 46 tenydszdkiip С 784 tenydszdlevdl T 601 tenydszdtest С 825 tenydsztett С 957, S 88 tenydszthetd (nehezen-) H 108 teoretikus T 253 tepiddrium T 115 teratogenia T 116 teratoldgia T 117 teratologikus T 118 teratoma T 119 tercina T 120 terebdlyes buga J 9 terjedelmes A 606 terjedd С 370 dllatok dltal- S 146\ Z 28 emberek dltal- A 691 hangydk dltal- M 623 szdl litjdn- A 74€ szdl ds viz dtjdn- A 744 viz litjdn- H 472 termauxizmus T 257 termdlis T 256 termeldkenysdg P 1242 termeld P 1243 termeszteni G 634 termesztett ndvdnyek С 957 termdkeny F 32, 36, 40, P 1243, 1274, U 1 termdkenyito plazma G 222 termdkenysdg U 2 dl- P 1499 termdketlen S 956 termdketlensdg A 297 termds- С 99 -alatti H 578 termds F 165 alma- P 1092 aszkusz- A 1058 dl- P 1479 baobab- A 581 becd- S 504 becdke- S 501 bogyd- A 135, В 1 csonthdjas- D 380, P 1695 csoportos- A 915 eper- F 147 felnyild csonthdjas- T 621 fel nem nyild- 1 114 fuge- S 1327 hiisos- S 64 hiively- L 84 kabak- P 252 kaszat- A 67 magdaot- M 400 шакк- В 19f G 161 makkocskdkra oszld- С 83 omld- S 144 rdsz- M 195 tzamdca- F 147 szdraz- 8 488 szem- С 148 szdthasadd- S 144 szdtpattand- R 237 tacskfi- F 117 tdreas- A 915 tok- С 78 tdk- P 252 tOmld- U 99 tfiszd- F 117 zdrt- I 114 termdsalakuldsfi kdtfdle- A 543 termdsdgazat С 574 bogyd»* 3 504 termdsburok P 275, 8 826 termdscsoport A 68, 915, P 951 termdscsOr R 355 termdeek csoportoe- A 328 maghullatd- D 323 termdsen did F 161 termdsdrds M 125 fOld alatti- G 108, H 590 termdsfal P 275 belsO- E 135 kdzdpsd- M 222 ktllsd- E 243 termdshdi P 275 belsd- E 135 kdzdpsd- M 222 ktilso- E 243 termdshozds (csficsi-) A 115 termdehozd F 36, 162, P 1243 termdehulids iddeldtti* С 119 termdshds M 222, P 1643» S 64 termdskdpzddds С 109 termdskocsdny С 118, P 217 termdskdviilet С 111 termdskupacs С 963 termdsnydl G 118 termdsdsszendvde 3 1391 termdstakard 1 130, S 826 termdstan G 112 termdstartd С 116 termdst evd F 164 termdet tartd F 162 termdstelen A 37 termdsfi boxontoe- L 55 csavart- 8 760 termdsfi csoportos- A 916, 8 1351 csdrfls- R 309 csupasz- P 1596 durva- L 55 egyfdle- I 297, H 360 elvetdlt- A 500 drdes- T 379 fedett- S 890 fehdr- L 137 fdlhold- S 271 fdnyes- L 38 fdld alatt drd- H 576 hosszfi- M 15 kemdny- S 183 kerdkszerfi- T 582 keskeny- S 906 kevds- A 500, О 112 koronds- 8 939 kupakos- 3 890 magdnos- E 323 nagy- M 15 Osszendtt- G 40, S 1351 pards- P 426 sarkanytyfis- P 797 szdles- P 788 talpas- P 894 tdrsas- A 917 tdvises- E 10, S 746 zdszlds- S 275 termdszet N 25 termdszetes G 99, N 26 -eloszlds N 26 -keresztezddds N 26 -kivdlogatddds N 26 -kivdlasztddds 3 268 -rendszer N 26, S 1476 termdszetkutatd N 25 termdszetleirds P 596 termdszetrajz S 163 termdszettudomdnv S 163 termdszetvddelem N25 termikus T 258 terminalizddd T 128 terminoldgia T 130 termodiffuzid T 262 termofdzis T 271 termofil T 272 termofilaktikus T 273 termofitdk T 274 termoindifferens T 264 termokleisztogdmia T 261 termokorizmus T 260 termolabilis T 265 termolizis T 266 termomdter T 267 termomezoterma T 282 termomorfdzis T 268 termonasztia T 269 termoperiodicitds T 270 termoreguldcid T 275 termostabOiB T 276 termotaktixmus T 277 termotolerdns T 279 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK termotropizmus T 280 •termd G 883, F 35 balzsamot- В 25 bogyd- В 3 egyszer- M 399, U 51 gazdagon- О 205 kdsdn- S 434 korhaddkon- S 57 magvakat- G 245, S 338 szemeten- R 391 szikldn- S 100 tdbbszdr- M 532, P 950 tdmjdni- T 301 trdgydn- F 64 vadon- A 334, E 344, F 42, S 778 vetds kOzt- S 255 termd P 720, 1243 -alatti H 591 -feletti E 262 «-porzdk E 297 fdlig - H 129 -kdrfili P 288 -ndlkuli A 348 termdalap В 44, G 285 termdhely E 46, H 3, 3 873 -forma О 67 termdgdmb О 165 termdndz tartozd P 716 termdjfi fedett- О 286 kilenc- E 208 termdkdr G 290 termdlevdl С 103, M 57 csdkevdnyes- G 107 termdlevelek dsszendvdse С 572 termdlevelfi egyenld szdmfi- I 316 fdlig Osszendtt H 139 hdrom- T 430 kdt fdlig Osszendtt- 3 305 Osszendtt- G 39, S 1392 termOpikkely S 689 termdrdsz T 216 termdrdteg H 529, 3 1018 -tartd H 531 termdrfigy F 162 termds F 33, P 717 -virdg F 96 termdtartd G 301 termdtdj G 290 dl-egytagfi- P 1527 termdteldzds P 1361 termdteldzd P 1362 termdtest A 940, С 120, 475, H 529, О 232, T 216 -burok P 284 csupasz- A 63 -tartd H 531 termdtestfi fedeUen- G 270 fdlig csukott- H 119 fdlig zdrt- H 112 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZfiK termdtvezdrld G 289 terofill T 284 terofitak T 285 teromegaterma T 281 teromikroterma T 283 terpedt D 346 terpedten -eldgazd S 846 kissd- alld S 847 terrifitdk T 139 terulet Л 1000, T 140 homokos- A 1003 sik- P 743 test С 825 csira- С 854 tenydszo- G 825 termd- A 940, G 120, 475, H 529, T 216 testi S 572 -sejt S 572 tetracitek T 163 tetrdd T 196 tetradkdpzodds T 166 tetraedrikus T 169 tetrafiletikus T 186 tetragoniddngium T .172 tetragonidium T 173 tetrahibrid T 177 tetrakotiledon T 161 tetrahotomia T159 tetramerisztdlikus T 179 tetraploid T 189 tetraplosztdmon T 190 tetraspdra T 201 tetrasporangium T 202 tetraspdrdt kdpzd T 203 tetrasporofita T 204 tetraszdmikus T 199 tevebarna szinu С 53 tevdkeny A 157 tdcium T 238 tdglavoros L 61, T 146 tdl H 296 tdli В 295, H 289, 295 tdlispdra T 63 tdnyezd F 9 orokldddsi- G 80 talaj- E 41 tdrdes G 92 tdrkdp T 4 tdrkoz I 235 tdtel T 287 tdvedds L 52, S 723 tdves M 85 tdzis T 287 ticholimnetikfls T 664 tichopelagikus T 665 tichoplankton T 667 tichopotamikus T 667 tichothelitdkia T 668 tigmonasztia T 290 tigmotaxis T 292 tigmotropizmus T 293 tigrispettyes T 313 tines J 9 tincses J 10 tincsszerd J 10 tintafekete A 1125 tiobaktdriumok T 296 tiofU T 297 tipikus E 360, T 673 tipogenezis T 674 tipolizis T 676 tipoldgia T 765 tiponim T 677 tiposztdzis T 678 tipus T 679 alio- A 462 dl- P 1585 idio- I 36 izo- I 344 holo- H 354 lekto- L 79 lektoallo- L 78 neo- N 92 ds- A 990 para- P 146 szin- S 1459 tipustdl eltdrd A 1142 tirzus alakd T 307 tiszta D 233, P 1663 -fehdr С 63, H 344, О 136 -sdrga F 81 tisztds L 272 tisztitd G 184 tiz- D 8, 14 -himes D 13 -osztatd D 11 -porzds D 13 rendszerint-- S 1146 -tagd D 11 porzosok D 12 termdsdk D 9 enegy- E 126 enkdt- D 355 tizenkdtanydsak D 356 tizenkdthimesek D 357 tixotrdpia T 298 td L 25, S 856 tdban did L 26, 181 toboz G 784, S 1039 -alakd G 726, S 1036 husos- G 8 tobozbogyd G 8 tobozka С 783 tobozos С 735, S 1037 tobozszeru S 1036 toboz termd С 735, S 1037 tobozvirdgzat С 784, S 1039 tobozt hordozd G 735 tdcsa L 23 tojds alakd О 293 forditott- О 19 tojdsdad О 293 majdnem- S 1217 -termdsfi О 90 950 tojdssdrga szinfi V 148, L 280 tojdsszerfi О 297 tok С 78, V 13 -alakd T 237 kupakos- P 1715 szabdlytalandl felnyild-S 12 szdthasadd- R 127 szdtrepedd- S 12 tokba zdrt (fdlig-) S 291 tokldsz P 30 -alakd P 32 also- P 30 belsd- P 30 felsd- P 30 kiilsd- P 30 tokldszszeru P 31 toklaszka L 248 tokldszkds P 34 tokldszos P 31 toknydl T 232 tokocska T 231 tokocskds С 415 tokos С 79 tokot tartd T 233 tokozigdta T 321 toktermds С 78 feddvel nyild- P 1715 toktermdses С 79 toktermdsd kupakos- P 1713 sok- M 515 tdldaldk S 1302 tdldaldkok A 178 toU P 8.v2 tollas P 8J3, 855 tollhiba L 52 tomiangium T 328 tompa О 34 -csdcsu О 34 ferddn- О 31 -hegyu H 59 majdnem- S 1213 -szdgd О 34 tompdn- О 34 tompitott R 213, T 617 tondzis T 332 tonicitds T 333 -tdnikus T 334 tonoplasztum T 335 tonotaxis T 337 tondzis T 336 tdparti L 227, P .105 topikus T 341 tdplankton H 72 topobiontdk T 342 topofototaxis T 347 topogalvanotaxis T 345 topogrdfia T 346 topokemotaxis T 343 topoklima T 344 topotaxis T 348 m topotipus Т 350 topotropizmus Т 349 torkos F 25 -torkd F 25 tornyos F 23 torok F 26 torokpikkely (ivelt-) F 131 toronyszeru T 661 tdrusz T 363 torz D 40 torzkdpzdddsu M 467 torzkdpzodmdny M 466 torzsa S 602 -virdgd S 601 torzsaburoklevdl S 614 torzsaszerd S 600 torzsa virdgzat S 602 torzsa virdgzatot hordozd S 593 tovdbbfejlddd A 51 tovdbbfutd E 439 toxikoldgia T 369 toxinok T 370 todlld В 35 tobb С 684, P 798 tobb- M 506, P 857 -alakd P 1006 -anyds P 995 -bibeszdld P 1066 -csillangds P 1000 -energidds P 985 -dr tel mu A 254 -eves A 794, P 261, 858 -falkds P 937 -himes P 940 -irdnyd H 221 -kampdjd P 939 -kamrds P 876, 1024 -magdudoros P 1015 -nevd P 1009 -nydri P 858 -nyfldsd P 1064 -oldald M 545 -osztatd P 1002 -6rvu P 800, 976 -portokd P 942 -porzds P 1059 -polusd M 560 -rekeszecskds M 548 -sarkd M 560 -sejtmagvas P 869, 955, P 1010 -sejtd P 860 -soros P 877, 1060 -strdmds P 1065 -szavas P 1009 -szikleveld P 973 -szimmetrids P 1068 -tagd P 1002 -termdjd P 995 -termdleveld P 859 -tdrzsfi P 1026 tdbbalakdsdg (dvszakbeli-) О 208 tdbbanydssdg P 994 tdbbcsirdjdsdg P 983 tdbbd- kevdsbbd P 881 tdbbesbog P 799 tdbbeskaszat P 935 tdbbi С 245 tdbboldald rdszardnyossdg P 1067 tobboldaldan rdszardnyos P 1068 tdbboldaldsdg (dvszakbeli-) tdbbszikleveldsdg P 974 tdbbszdr -bemetszett P 1072 -hasogatott M 565 -pdros M 544 -osszetett D 19 -termd M 532, P 950 -virdgzd P 914, R 112 -viritd P 950 tdbbszdros M 556 tObbszordsen osszetett S 1307 tdbbszdrtermdk A 630 tdke R 266 tdkdletes P 262 tokdletesitett E 106 tokdletlen 1 62, 98 tdkocsdny S 123 tdkocsdny- S 113 tdkocsdny os S 113, 120 -virdgd S 121 tokocsdnyszerd S 122 tokszerd С 946 toktermds P 252 tolcsdr alakd 1 154 tolcsdrszerd I 154 tdlevdl В 35, R 20 -ndlkuli A 902 tdlevdlrdzsa R 356 dl- P 1567 tdlevdlrdzsds R 358 tdlgyon novd D 384 tdlgytan В 18 tomeg M 114 tomjdnt termd T 301 tdmlo A 607, U 99 -alakd U 97 csira- P 1289 tomldkdpzd A 1059 tdmlds A 1055, U 98 tdmldspdra A 1064 tdmldszerd U 97 tdmldtermds U 99 tdmdr С 672, S 563 tdmdrult С 764 tdmdsejtek T 302 tdmdsejt- kdpzddds T 303 tdmdsejtszerd T 304 tdmdtt С 672, 701, 710, P 2, 1675, S 563 -kaldszd P 1688 -termdsd P 1681 -virdgd P 1676 MAGYAR SZ6JEGYZ&K tdmdtten- D 68 -dlld G 720 tdnk S 987 dgas- G 487 gomba- S 227, 987 tdnkszerd S 989 -tdnkd P 363, 890 barna- P 404 hdsos- S 75 kemdny- S 950 szdrnyalt- P 896 vas tag- О 55 tdr alakd P 1638 tdreddk F 145 tordkeny F 143 tdrlendd D 48 toroid D 48 torpe N 4, P 1652 -hajtdsd В 271 torpedg В 272 tdrpecserje F 173, G 258 tdrpefdcska S 1099 torpefldra N 8 torpehajtds В 272 torpendvds N 7 tdrpeplankton N 10 tdrt F 141 befeld- I 148, 251 tdrtdnelem H 317 tdrvdnyszerd L 82 torzs С 189, D 351, S 997, T 620 filogenetikai- P 590 torzsfejlddds folyamata P 585 torzsfeildddsi P 587 tdrzsfejldddstan P 586 tdsarj S 543 toszdr G 189 tovis A 29, S 742 -alakd S 748 dg- S 742 levdl- S 742 pdlha- S 742 tdvisbozdt V 65 tdvises A 30, S 741, 749 gyengdn- S 1088 -leveld S 747 -termdsd E 10, S 746 toviske S 743 toviskds S 744, 751 toviskdsen fogazott S 752 tdvistelen A 636 majdnem- S 1198 -tovisu S 741 csdves- S 556 keresztben dlld- S 881 kdldnfdle- H 176 tdzeg T 653 tdzegen did T 654 tdzeges T 654 tdzegldpok T 655 tdzegldpos ndvdnyek T 654 tdzegmohatan S 720 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZEK 962 tAzegszerA T 654 trabant S 83 trabekulAk T 372 trabekulAs T 373 trachcAk T 374 tracheidAk T 375 trachenchima T 376 trAgyAn term А С 798, F 64, S 942 trAgyAzott S 943 traktellum T 381 tramalemez T 383 transzformizmus T 387 transzlator T 392 transzlokAciA T 393 transzpirAciA T 397 transzpiromAter T 398 transzplantAciA T 399 trapAz alakii T 403 trapAzszeru T 403 traumatodinAzis T 406 traumatochorizmus T 405 traumatonasztia T 407 traumatotaxis T 408 traumatotropizmus T 409 tremmatolAgia T 299 triarehikus T 421 tribusz T 426 trichilium T 437 trichitek T 438 trichoblaszt T 441 trichoforum T 456 Al- P 1584 trichogin T 451 trichoma T 453 trichoplankton T 459 trichosporangium T 464 tridinAm T 481 trigenerikus T 493 trimerisztAle T 508 trimonocia T 510 triAcia T 519 trioikus T 520 triplAzia T 531 triploid T 542 triplosztemonia T 543 tripolAris T 546 triposzplankton T 547 tripton T 549 triszAmikus T 559 trisztilia T 567 trivalens T 574 trixAnia T 579 trAfia T 588 trofikus T 589 trofobiozis T 590 trofocita T 595 trofofillum T 601 trofogAn T 596 trofokotofillum T 593 trofokotoszoma T 594 trofokromatin T 591 trofokromidium T 592 trofomixis T 597 trofomorfizmus T 613 trofomorfAzis T 598 trofonukleusz T 600 trofoplazma T 602 trofosporofillum T 606 trofosporoszoma T 607 trofoszAma T 604 trofotropizmus T 609 trombita -alakii H 584, T 638 -virAgii S 26 -trop T 611 tropaxis T 587 tropizmus T 612 tropofitAk T 614 trApusi T 610 tubillusz T 639 tubulusz T 642 tudomAny H 317, S 163 -kedvelA P 438 tudomAny os kutatA S 223 tulajdon P 1174, 1310 tiilArettsAg S 1310 tiilArzAkenysAg A 419 tiilfejlAdAs H 248 tiilfutA E 439 tiilhaladA S 1284 tiilmeno E 425 tiilnovo E 436 tengely csiicsAt- S 1308 tAlsAly P 1201 tiilsiilyban levA D 365, P 1175 tiiltAplaltsAg H 553 tiiltengAs P 1201 tundra T 648 tunika T 649 turbAn alakii T 651 turfa T 653 turgeszcencia T 657 turgonasztia T 659 turgor T 657 -csokkenAsi A 409 turgornyomAs-csokkenAs С 179 tiirAszerfl С 155 tualakii A 85 tukristAlyok R 68 tuhegyu A 61, 85 tuIevAl A 61 tulevelen A1A A 84 tAleveles erdok A 61 tulevAltartA P 575 turemlAs (bekunkorodott-) С 449 tArA csekAly szennyezddAst-O 124 nem- P 454 sA- novAnyek H 16 tiiske A 29, 164 aprA- A 163 szigonyos- G 171 tuskeszerA A 161 tuskAjA A 30 vastag- P 3 tuskAs A 30, 160, 1028, E 9, 337 gyenge- S 745 -spArAjA E 12 tuskAtlen I 131 tuskAsedA A 161, S 745 tAszerA A 85 tuszA -csokor F 116, P 987 iker- В 131 -termAs F 117 --csoport P 987 kettAs-- В 131 magAnos- - U 55 tuszAtermAsszerA F 115 tusszentAst okozA P 1604, S 960 tuz- P 1692 -piros A 997, I 39, P 451, P 1692 --levelA P 1710 -szinA I 39 ttizes A 997 ubikvista novAnyek С 850 uborka alaku С 945 ugyanakkori S 520 ugyanaz I 15 Aj N 169 -faj N 169 Anusz N 169 ombinAciA С 652, N 77 -nemzetsAg N 169 -nAv N 86, 169 Ajabbkori R 77 AjdonsAg N 168 AjitA 1 164 ujjas D 213 majdnem- S 1153 tobbszor- P 979 ujjasan- D 213 -erezett D 220, P 49 -hasadt D 219 -karAjos D 215, P 48 -osztott D 221, P 50 -osszetett D 214 -szArnyalt D 217 -szeldelt P 51 -tenyeres D 216 ujjhosszA D 212 AjracsirAzAs R 124 AjraAledAs A 631, R 187 AjraAledA A 632, 670, R 102 AjrakApzAdAs R 121 AjrakApzAdAtt R 123 AjvilAgi N 80 ultramarinkAk U 8 ultramikron U 9 ultramikroszkAp U 10 ultraplankton U 11 ultraszeszton U 12 ш umbrdkulum U 23 undoritd N 31, T 17 undort keltd T 17 unipoldris U 68 uralkodd D 365, P 1175 uredospdra U 87 uredoszdrus U 86 urna U 89 urnaperem P 317 urnaperemfogazat kiilsd- E 478 liszdst eldsegito N 23 liszd F 98, 99, H 463, N 22 felszinen- E 268 -ndvdnyek N 22 vlzszindn- N 22 liszdhdlyag A 267 liszdszdr H 475 lit I 347 utald E 443 utazds 1 347 utdni P 1134 utdnzd A 242 uterusz U 95 dtinapld D 151 dtmutatd H 319 utddrds P 1140 utdnovekeddsi A 51 utdnovekedd A 51 utdpitvari gdzcserenyilds О 191 iidiildsi G 516 iiltetett S 88 iiltetds S 92, T 751 iiltetvdny P 751 did S 458 ldtszdlagosan- P 1570 majdnem- S 1230 szirmon- E 276 ureg A 483, 876, L 244 dl- S 836 maghdz- A 876, L 244 kdztes- I 235 ldg- L 23 sejtkozdtti- L 23, M 132 iiregecske M 132 iiregecskds L 238 iireges G 158, 201, 564, I 79, L 24, 242 -iiregfi (hdrom-) T 505 iires С 158, E 53, F 24, I 79, V 8 iirespelyva G 181 iiriildken did G 798 iistdkds G 651 iistdkszerd J 10 -iistdkfi G 651 iiszkds S 696 dszkdsodds G 59 iiszdg С 502 repiild- U 94 uszdk С 319, G 59 uszokfdltos S 696 iiveghdz (langyos-) T 115 iivegszeru H 448, V 151 vackorkdrte A 74 vacok R 79, T 363 kdzos- С 521 kiipos- G 750 -virdgii T 215 vacokcsd H 534 vacokkorong D 312 vacokpdrna D 312 vacokpelyva P 30 vacokserleg G 534 vad F 42 vadkorte A 74 vadontermd A 334, E 344, F 42, S 778 -ndvdnyek S 778 vagindlis V 14 vajon A 627 vajszinsdrga G 868 vakoldkandl alakii T 615 vakuola V 53 emdsztd- V 3 luktetd- G 779 vakuolaburok T 335 vakuolahdrtya T 335 vakuoldris V 4 -nedv S 1266 vakuolds V 5 vakuolizdcid V 6 vakuoma V 7 valamennyi О 144 valamikori P 15 Valencia V 20 valddi E 360, G 99, V 91 -dloskddo H 346 -fdtengely M 440 nem- A 218 valvula Y 29 varacsos G 417 varidcid V 33 varidnsok (pdrhuzamos-) P 147 varrasodds E 479 varrat С 666, S 1323 dl- P 1563 varrati S 1324 varratos S 1325 -termdsu R 227 ^kedveld S 492 -keriild S 493 vasmacska alakii A 686 vastag G 863, I 102, P 2 -tdnkfi О 55 -tiiskdjfi P 3 vastagoddsi novekedds P 5 vastagsdg G 864 vdjat H 598, S 219 vdjatos S 218 vdjatii (csdnakos-) С 91 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZtK vdladdkanyag-eltdvolitds E 437 vdlaszfal D 325, S 424 dl- D 325, P 1491, S 424 hardntfekvd- T 402 -mentdn felnylld S 416 -ndlklili A 1067 vdlaszfalas S 411, 418 tobb- P 876 vdlaszfali S 410, 416 vdlaszfalszerii S 419 vdlaszfaltdl felnyilo S 420 vdlaszfalii (kis-) S 423 vdllii (levdgott-) R 213 vdltakozds A 473 vdltakozd A 472, 474, 873, -virdgborulds A 474 vdltogatd A 472 vdltozat V 33, 36 -csoport С 788 vdltozatlan G 763, I 58, 264 -hdmdrsdkletii H 381 vdltozatos V 30, 38 -alaku P 1006 vdltozdkony V 30, M 586 vdltozdkonysdg V 31 vdltozd F 98, M 586, V 32 -irdnyban futd H 206 vdltszirmii pdrta G 816 vdndorld E 344, M 365, T 389, V 10 vdros О 196 vaz S 131 vdzlat A 220, S 162 vdzolds D 50 vdzolt D 51 vegetdcids ido T 87 vegetativ V 46 -keresztezddds H 456 -szervek О 232 vegyes H 175, M 374, 385 -riigyek M 385 -tovisu H 176 velamen V 48 velesziiletett G 719, I 157, N 24 velesziiletd I 162 venddg H 439 venddg- X 14 venter V 59 vernalizdcid V 74 versengds G 677 vesd ossze G 708 vese alakii R 145 fdlig-- S 359 majdnem- - S1221 vesds R 145 veszdlyes P 339 vesszds V 129 vesszdszeru V121,129 vesszdtermdsu R 223 vetemdnyek О 101 vetemdnyeskert H 438, О 102 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK vetAs S 87, 92, S 253, 336 vetAsi S 255 vetett S 88, 93 vetulet (hosszanti-) P 103 vetiileti kAplet D 136 vezetAk D 387 vezetA С 704 vAdelmezett T 662 vAdelmezA D 34 vAdett M 579, T 662 -nAvAnyek T 662 -teriilet R 162 vAdettsAg I 57 vAdA A 394, D 34, P 1343, T 644 vAdAburok I 204 vAdArAteg A 557 vAdAszovet T 55 vAdtelensAg A 664 vegAllA A 903, T 127 vAgigfutA P 256 vAglAnyek P 1373 vAglAnytan P 1374 vAgrugy T 127 vAgszakasz T 81 vAgzAdAs D 97 vAgzAdA D 96, T 129 hirtelen- A 19 vAkony E 445, I 290, L116, S 1241, T 95, 97, 105 -Agu L 119 -falii L 120 -kalAszfi S 931 -levelfi L 127, T 107 -szArfi L 117, T 106 vArpiros H 7, S 39 vArvArAs S 39 vArzAsAllitA I 289 vArzAscsillapitA I 289 viasz С 228 viaszos С 237, P 1442 viaszrAteg M 114 viaszsArga G 239 viaszszerfi С 229 viasztAmeg M 114 vicinizmus V 110 vidAk D 343, R 125 vidAki R 421 vikariAns V 109 -fajok V 109 vilAg R 129 nAvAny- R 129, V 44 vilAgitA L 275 vilAgos D 233, L 27 -bibor P 1118 -fekete L 141 -karminpiros С 550 -kAk A 1248, С 547 -sfirga F 81, G 146, L 148, 279 -szinfi D 234 -sziirke С 434 •zdld P 1203 vilAgossAg nAlkuli A 894 vilAgpolgAr nAvAnyek С 850 villAs В 136, D 176, F 198 -elAgazAs В 135, D 175 -elAgazAsfi F 198 -hegyfi В 77 majdnem- S 1151 viola szinfi I 1 virAg- A 832, F 86 -alatti S 1180 -kAruli С 462 virAg F 96 csoves- T 642 csucs- T 127 csupasz- N 198 fAlszeres- L 173 hiAnytalan- G 681 him- F 96 himnfis- F 96 hipogin- F 96 ivartalan- N 110 kAtivaru- F 96 maghAz alatti- F 96 maghAz feletti- F 96 maghAz kAruli- F 96 nyelves- F 96, L 173 perigin- F 96 porzAs- F 96 sugAr- F 96, R 16 szAlsA- F 96 teljes- С 681 telt- P 815a termAs- F 96 virAgalaprajz D 136 virAgAllAs A 854 virAgAtnAvAs A 834 oldali- E 7 virAgAtAlelo (fAlig-) S 282 virAgbimbA A 370 virAgbiolAgia A 836 virAgborulAs P 1178 Arinlkezo V 27 fedelAkes- I 49 fAlbehajtogatott- С 705 gyiirt- G 830 Alelo- A 600 Asszehajtogatott- P 849a sodort- С 778 vAltakozA- A 474 virAgcsokor F 93 virAgcsomA A 63 virAgevA A 846 virAgfeslAs E 52 virAghullAs'A 853 virAghuvelylevAl S 614 virAgkedvelA A 847 virAgkAplet D 136 virAgkocsAny P 217 virAgkAviilet A 842 virAgleirAs F 92 virAgmeddAsAg С 212 virAgnaptAr С 29 virAgnyilAs A 833, E 52 virAgocska F 97 virAgok (csoportos-) A 328 Ш virAgon -beluli I 244, N 204 -A16 F 89 -kiviili E 509 virAgAra H 431 virAgos F 91 virAgos nAvAnyek A 850 egyAves-- E 402 virAgoskert H 438 virAgot -hordozA F 91 -koriilfogo A 602 -termA F 94 virAgosszenovAs S 1380 virAgpArta С 816 virAgpelyva P 30 virAgpor A 730, P 918 -elemzAs P 925 -hordozA P 926 virAgporgyfijtA szArAk С 622 virAgporra vonatkozA P 925 virAgporszem M 353 virAgpor-szemcse G 252, P 918 virAgportan P 60 virAgriigy A 370, F 91 virAgtakarA I 204, P 270 Al- P 1539 -nAlkuli A 72, E 448 virAgtakarAjfi egyetlen- H 27 egynemfi- H 362 kulAnfAle- H 192 virAgtakarAtAj P 270 virAgtalan С 92 -novAnyek С 919 virAgtalanok (edAnyes-) С 919 virAgtalansAg A 883 virAgtan A 843 virAgtartA nAlkuli A 884 virAgtAmasztA-levAl В 280 virAgtengely-csavarodAs S 634 virAgtenyAsztAs F 90 -virAgfi A 832, F 86 biborpiros- P 1116 borostyAn- S 1468 csavart- S 757 csArAs- R 353 csupasz- G 267 felemAs- P 989 finoman ffirAszes- S 450 ffirAszfogas- S 440 fiirtos- R 2 keskeny- S 902 kevAs- P 198 kitartA- A 351 kocsAnytalan- S 456 osszendtt- S 1379 rAszarfinyos- S 1342 trombita- S 26 Кб aid- S 456 vacok- T 215 virdgvacok G 227, 523, R 79 yirdgvacokhoz tartozd R 78 virdgzat 1 141 dtndtt- A 834 barka- A 511, J 17 bog- В 264 bogas- С 1004 bogas-furtds- G 1007 csomd- F 22a ecset- A 820 egyszeru- S 518 ernyd- U 13 fejecske- С 72 fdszek- A 841 furtds- R 4 fuzdr- S 728 gomb- G 72 gomoly- G 177 lepdny- С 568 osszetett- С 685 sarld- D 373 sator- С 842 satorozd- G 842 serleg- H 535 szdrtetdzd- T 127 toboz- С 784, S 1039 torzsa- S 602 virdgszerd- P 1459 virdgzati burok S 614 virdgzds A 833, E 52, F 87 -eldtti V 130 djszakai- N 213 iddeldtti- P 1226 masod- M 280, P 1226, R 113 -utdn levelesedd P 1363 -utdni P 1136 virdgzdsi iddszak A 351 virdgzo dllanddan- A 351 ddlutdn- P 1142 egynapig- D 345, E 373 egyszer- H 23 djszaka- N 132 folyton- S 386 gazdagon- F 88, S 246, M 535 kdsdn T 29, S 434, 454 kdt hdnapig- В 148 kordn- E 319 nydron- A 281 tavasszal- V 73 tdbbszdr- P 914, R 112 djbdl- R 112 virdgzdldulds F 155, P 568, V 128 vireszcencia V 128 virftds F 87, E 52 virus V 140 -viseld F 35, P 464 viszkettetd P 1447 viszonossdg С 827 viszonylagos R 139 visszacsavarodott G 777 visszacsavart О 29 visszaesds R 130 visszafejlddds G 167, 177, D 42, I 279 visszafeld irdnyuld R 212 visszafejlddd R 131, 209 visszafejldddtt A 1128, R 104, 394 visszafordithatatlan I 283 visszafordithatd R 214 visszaforduld R 99 visszafordult A 682, G 58, R 155 fdlig- H 111 visszafutd R 99 visszagdrbult R 101, 206, R 212 visszahajld R 111 visszahajlott R 155 visszahanyatlott R 209 visszahatds R 74 visszahatd erejd R 204 visszahdzodott R 203 visszamaradd P 348, R 142 visszaragyogd R 119 visszasodrodd R 220 visszatort R 207 visszavadult S 1233 visszautds az dsokre A 1110 visszavdgott P 1190 visszds О 2 -kdp alakd О 5, 33 -sziv alakd О 6 -tojdsdad О 19 visszdsan О 2, R 212 -fedeldkes О 11 vitalizmus V 146 vitalitds V 147 vitorla V 104 vitorlds V 103 viz H 463 -alatti D 55, S 1207 - -megporzds H 564 -dtjdn terjedd H 472 vizben did A 959 vizelldtds H 464 vizen lebegd N 22 vizenyossdg A 669, 964 V-kedvdd H 489 -keruld H 490 -vezetd A 961 vizfelvdtel I 47 vizhajtds P 1269 vizhatlan I 63 vizi A 959, H 463 -beporzdsd H 489 -megporzdsd H 480 -ndvdny levele H 492 MAGYAR SZOjEGYZtK -ndvdnyek H 493 -tenydszet H 477 vizkivdlasztd nyilds H 460 vizmegporzds H 479 viznyilds H 460 vizplankton H 495 novdnyi- H 496 vizsejt H 478 viztelen A 772 vizteres V 5 viztelitettsdg H 464 azonos- H 395 viztdr V 3 viztiszta A 960 viztdltengds A 669 vizszdllito A 961 -csdvek T 374 -sejtek T 375 vizszinen dszd N 22 vizszintes H 425 vizsgdlt nem- I 272 szabad szemmel- M 47 volva V 162 vonal L 190 dsszeforraddsi- С 666 vonalas L 191, 193 vonalazott L 193 gazdagon- M 546 vonalszeru G 238, L 191 vonatkozdlag Q 53 vonatkoztatva Q 53 vonzd I 41 volgy С 786, V 24 volgylakd V 23 vorhenyes R 401 -barna R 398 -sdrga F 184 -szinu E 345 vorhenyesedo R 422 voros R 368 -csikd R 387 -pettyezetd R 383 sotdt- R 369 -szdrd R 374 vildgos- R 400 vdrosbor szind V 122 vordses R 366 -barna В 16, С 159, 244, H 149, L 163, R 382 voroses--kdk R 378 -sdrga I 3, R 381 -zold R 386 vorosld R 367 vdrdsmoszatok R 300 vdrosodd R 367 xanthin X 6 xanthofill X 13 xanthofdrum X 12 xantholeucitdk X 9 xanthoplasztikus X 26 MAGYAR SZOJEGYZRK xenia X 15 xenobiAzis X 16 xenoautogfimia X 17 xenocdniaus X 19 xenogAmia X 21 xenokArpia X 18 xenotAnikus X 25 xenAcikus X 20 xerobol-nAvAnyek X 81 xerochAzia X 33 xerofitAk X 42 -Al- P 1592 xerofitikus X 43 xerogeofitAk X 35 xerohelofitfik X 36 xerokleisztogAmia X 34 xeromorfia X 37 xerotermikus X 46 xerotermofitAk X 47 xerotropizmus X 49 xilAm X 53 xilogrAfia X 56 xilokroma X 55 xilostrAma X 64 xilotAmia X 65 zacskA S 10 -alaku С 899 csira- S 10 16g- S 10 pollen- S 10 zafirkAk S 47 zamatos A 1033 zavaros G 716 -nAv G 717 zArAdoan AsszehajlA С 745 zArAsejtek S 1003 zArAsejtes (sok-) P 1063 zArAszakasz T 81 zArt A 759, G 496, 503, I 81, О 41 -becoke N 175 -megporzAs С 510 majdnem- S 1124 -termAs G 509, I 114 -magvfi A 760 -termAsu A 760, G 508 --novAnyek A 69 zarlan -lehullA termAsek S 235 -AnmegtermAkenyulA С 511 zArvatermA A 760 zArvAny I 92 sejt- I 92 olajkApzd- E 69 zAszlA V 104 zAszlAs V 103 -termAsfi S 275 zeaxanthin Z 2 zebracsikos Z 4 zein Z 5 zenotropizmus Z 7 zeugita Z 8 zeuxis Z 9 zigoauxospAra Z 59 zigociszta Z 60 zigofAzis Z 70 zigofitAk Z 71 zigogamAta Z 61 zigogAmia Z 62 zigogenezis Z 63 zigogAnikus Z 64 zigolizis Z 65 zigomorf M 453, Z 68 zigomorfia Z 67 zigonAma Z 69 zigospAra Z 76 Al- P 1593 zigosporAngium Z 77 zigAta Z 78 zigotaktizmus Z 79 zigotAn Z 80 zigAtikus Z 81 zigAzis Z 72 zigozoospAra Z 82 zimAz Z 83 zimAtikus Z 84 zizegA S 1019 zoandrospAra Z 13 zoidiogAmia Z 14 zoidiospAra Z 18 zona Z 20 zonAciA Z 22 zoobiotikus Z 24 zoocecidium Z 26 zoochor Z 28 zoochAria Z 27 zoociszta Z 30 zooconocita Z 29 zoodiodAngium Z 32 zoodomAcium Z 33 zoofitikus Z 48 zoofob Z 47 zoogAm Z 36 zoogAmia Z 35 zoogAn Z 37 zoogloa Z 38 zoogonangium Z 39 zoogonidAngium Z 40 zoomorfAzis Z 43 zooplankton Z 49 zoospAra Z 53 kitartA- С 403 zoosporAngium Z 55 -tartA Z 54 zoospAratartA Z 55 zooszfAra Z 52 zooszifonogAmia Z 50 zoozigospAra Z 57 zold С 324, V 136 alma- P 1084 ffi- G 234, H 161 •И zdld hagyma- P 1203 halvAny- V 137 haragos- S 90 kAkes- A 278, С 331, G163, T 219 mirtusz- M 629 olajbogyA- О 134 olaj- О 134 Ardk- S 387 papagAly- P 1598 pAzsit- G 234 pArAhagyma- P 1122 sArgAs- G 338, 352, 406, X 7 smaragd- S 542 sAtAt- A 1138, С 337, P 360, 961, S 90 sziirkAs- G 163 teljesen- A 547 vilAgos- P 1203 voroses- R 386 zAld -levelfi С 344 nem- С 639 zAldellA G 327 zAldes С 327 -aranysArga С 330 -hely V 134 -fehAr A 517, 1053, С 335 -kAk С 12, P 204 -sArga G 351, 327, I 13 -szinfi V 127 zoldsAg О 137 zoldsAges О 103, 133 -kert О 102 zoldsAgfAlAk О 101 zoldiilA V 127 zug A 766 Ar- A 1239 zfigA S 1031 zuzmA L 155 Al- P 1519 zuzmAismeret L 158 zuzmAk leirAsa L 157 zuzmAtelep alakulAs В 230 zsAk S 10 embriA- E 101, M 51, S 10 zsAkocska alakfi S 221 zsAkocskaszerfi S 11, T 148 szAkos S 5 szAkszerfi S 5 zsebkAnyv V 9 ' zsemlyeszin G 904 zsenge H 22 zsinaelyes I 49 zsinAr С 362 zsinorszerfi F 192 zsirbontA enzim L 197 zsiros P 696 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ абахсиальный А 2 аберрация А б абиогенез А 10 абиосестон А 11 абиотический А 12 абиссальный А 26 абласт А 13 аборигенный А 17 абортивный А 18 абрикосово-жёлтый А 1029 абсорбирующий А 22 абсорбция А 23 авксанограф А 1219 авксанометр А 1220 автоаллогамия А 1160 автогамия А 1174 автогамный А 1175 автогенез А 1176 автогенетически й А 1177 автогенный А 1177 автогомогамия А 1180 азтодифференциация А 1170 автоинфгкция А 1181 аатокарпыя А 1164 автолиз А 1182 автомиксис А 1183 автоморфоз А 1184 автонастия А 1185 автониктинастический А 1186 автонимия А 1188 автопаразит А 1192 автопаразитизм А 1191 автопартеногенез А 1193 автопелагический А 1194 автопласт А 1198 автополиплоидия А 1200 автопотамический А 1201 автор А 1144 автоортотропизм А 1190 автосиндез А 1208 автосколиотропный А 1203 автосома А 1204 автоспора А 1205 автостерильность А 1206 автотетраплоидия А 1209 автотип А 1214 автотоксин А 1211 автотомия А 1210 автотропизм А 1213 автотрофность А 1212 автофиллогения А 1195 автофит А 1196 автохоризм А 1166 автохория А 1165 автохорный А 1167 автохромосома А 1168 автоэстезия А 1159 автумнация А 1217 автумниксантин А 1218 агамандроэция А 292 агамеон А 293 агамета А 294 агаметангий А 295 агаметоцит А 296 агамия А 297 агамный А 298 агамобиум A 29S агамогенез А 301 агамогенетический А 302 агамогиноэция А 304 агамогиномоноэция А 305 агамогипноспора А 307 агамомоноэция А 308 агамонт А 309 агамный А 298 агамоспермия А 312 агамоспора А 313 агамотропический А 314 агамоцнт А 300 агар А 316 агатоцветный А 70 агглютинация А 325 агглютинированный А 316 агглютинирующийся А 324 агелиотропный А 350 агенез А 319 агрессивность А 329 агриотип А 333 агробиология А 336 агробиоценоз А 335 агроботаника А 337 агрозооценоз А 347 агрология А 338 агрономический А 339 агростография А 344 агротип А 346 агрофитоценоз А 343 агрофиты А 342 адаксиальный А 177 адаптация А 175 активная-А 157 хроматическая- С 372 адвентивный А 225, Н 161 адгезия А 196 адезмия А 193 адельфия А 182 адельфогамня А 184 адельфокарпия А 183 адельфопаразитизм А 185 адельфотаксис А 187 адельфофагия А 186 аденопеталия А 191 аденофор А 192 аденоциста А J89 аденоцит А 190 адинамандрия А 228 адинамогиния А 229 адихогамия А 200 адонист А 213 адоссальный А 215 адсорбция А 216 азигота А 1251 азональный А 1245 азот А 1246 азотобактер А 1247 айросома А 356 айталофиты А 357 айфиллофиты А 355 акантосферы А 31 акариоз А 33 акариота А 39 акародомаций А 35 акарофильный А 36 акароцецидий А 34 акарпотропный А 38 акаулесценция А 40 акинез А 366 акинета А 367 акинетоспорангнй А 368 акклиматизация А 45 аккрементицйальный А 49 акладиум А 95 аклитрофиты А 97 акме А 99 акрамфибрия А 107 акрандрия А 108 акробластез А 112 акробластический А 113 акрогамия А 123 акрогенез А 124 акрогенный А 125 акрогинпчный А 127 акрокарпия А 115 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ акроконидия А 118 акронус А 128 акропластный А 133 акроплеврогенный А 134 акросарка А 135 акросиндез А 140 акросинкарпия А 139 акроскопический А 136 акроспора А 138 акротонический А 141 акрофиты А 132 акр о центрический А117 акро циста А 119 акроцецидий А 116 аксиодромный А 1241 аксогамия А 1243 актинауксизм А 145 активатор А 156 активный А 157 ахтиненхима А 146 актинизм А 147 актинобиология А 148 актинодромный А 149 актинометр А 150 актиномикоз А 152 актиноморфный А 151 актиностела А 153 актинотактизм А 154 актинотропизм А 155 актофильный А 158 актофиты А 159 алевроспора А 390 алейрон А 389 алетофиты А 388 алкалиотропизм А 384 аллассотонический А 409 аллаутогамия А 410 аллелогенный А 413 аллеломорфия А 414 аллелопатия А 416 аллелоситизм А 417 аллелотрихный А 418 аллергия А 419 аллесия А 420 аллея А 504 аллобиогенез А 424 аллобиоз А 425 аллогамия А 434 аллогамный А 435 аллогенетический А 436 аллогония А 437 алпозигота А 463 аллойогенез А 439 аллойометрон А 440 аллокарпия А 426 алломстрический А 441 аллопаралектотип А 443 аллопатрический А 444 аллоплазма А 447 аллоплоидия А 449 аллополиплоидия А 450 аллоритмия А 451 аллосиндез А 456 аллосома А 452 аллосперма А 453 аллоспора А 454 аллотетраплоидия А 457 аллотип А 462 аллотриллоидия А 458 аллотропический А 460 аллотрофный А 459 аллохлорофилл А 427 аллохория А 428 аллохорный А 429 аллохронически й А 431 аллохтонный А 432 аллоциклия А 433 аллювиальный А 464 ал софиты А 470 алфавитный А 468 алый Р 1662 альбедо А 374 альбиграна А 377 альбинизм А 374 альбинос А 374 альбуминоиды А 379 альвеола А 483 альвеолация А 485 альвеолированный А 486 альвеолярный А 484 алыидный А 398 альгология А 399 альготрофизм А 400 алылгенный А 469 альпийский А 131, 467 альтернативный А 474 альтиметр А 477 амбражёлтый А 502 амёбовидный А 525 амебоидный А 525 амеиоэ А 505 аментула А 510 амероконидия А 513 амероспора А 514 аметистовый А 515 амилаза А 615 амилогенез А 618 амилогенный А 619 амилолитический А 621 амилопласт А 623 амилопластический А 619 амилосферы А 624 амилоэритрин А 617 амитоз А 520 аммохтофиты А 521 амнион А 524 аморфолистный А 529 аморфофиты А 530 ампелография А 532 ампелология А 533 амплификация А 605 ампула А 607 ампуловидный А 608 амфантиум А 534 амфиапомикты А 535 амфиастер А 536 амфиатлантический А 537 амфибионт А 538 068 амфибрия А 541 амфивазальный А 596 амфигамия А 561 амфигамный А 562 амфигастрий А 563 амфигенный А 565 амфигония А 566 амфидермис А 557 амфикарион А 546 амфикарпиум А 544 амфикарпический А 543 амфикарпия А 542 амфикарпогенный А 545 амфиклинный А 549 амфикотиледон А 551 амфикрибральный А 554 амфикриптофиты А 555 амфилепсис А 568 амфимиксис А 569 амфинуклеолус А 572 амфинуклеус А 573 амфипацифический А 574 амфипетальный А 575 амфиплазма А 579 амфипластия А 580 амфисарка А 581 амфисинкотиледонный А 587 амфисинкотилия А 58 амфиспермий А 582 амфиспорангиатный А 584 амфистоматический А 586 амфитактизм А 589 амфитеций А 590 амфитокия А 592 амфитрих А 593 амфитропный А 595 амфитрофия А 594 амфифлойный А 576 амфифотический А 577 амфогенный А 597 амфогетерогония А 598 амфоролистный Р 550 амфорообразный А 599 анабиоз А 631 анабионты А 630 анабиотический А 632 анабласт А 633 анаболизм А 634 анагенез А 649 анагеотропизм А 650 анаграмма А 651 анадромный А 642 анаклинотропизм А 640 анакрогиничный А 641 анализ А 655 пыльцевой — Р 925 аналитический А 656 аналогия А 654 анаметадромный А 657 анаморфоз А 658 ан аплазия А 667 анасарка А 669 анастатический А 670 анастомоз А 671 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ анасггомозирующий А 672 анастральный А 673 анастрофе А 674 анатаксиморфоз А 675 анатомия А 677 -растений Р 673 анатонический А 678 анатоноэ А 679 анатрауматотропизм А 680 анатропизм А 681 анатропный А 682 анафаза А 661 анафиза А 665 анафилаксия А 664 анафитоз А 666 анафорез А 662 анафототропизм А 663 анахореэ А 637 анахромаз А 639 анаэритический А 643 анаэробиоз А 644 анаэробионты А 645 анаэробный А 646 анаэрофит А 647 антидробноз А 771 андрогамета А 700 андрогаметангий А 701 андр огаметофор А 702 андрогамия А 703 андрогамон А 704 андроген А 707 андрогенез А 705 андрогенетический А 706 андрогенный А 706 андрогермафродиты А 715 андрогиния трёхдомная-А 711 андрогинодиэцня А 713 андрогинофор А 714 андрогоний А 709 андродинамический А 697 андродинамия А 696 андродиэция А 695 трёхдомная-А 695 андро зигота А 737 андроклиний А 692 андроконидия А 693 андромерогония А 716 андромоноэция А 717 трёхдомная-А 717 андроморфоз А 718 андропеталия А 719 андроплазма А 725 андроплазмический А 726 аядроплеогамия А 727 андросома А 729 андроспора А 730 андроспорангий А 731 андростиль А 733 андротип А 734 андрофен А 720 андрофилл А 723 ацдрофит А 724 андрофор А 722 андрохорный А 691 андроцей А 699 андроцит А 694 андроэция А 698 анемо- А 738 анемогамный А 743 анемогпдрофорный А 744 анемозоохорный А 754 анемометр А 745 анемомирмекохорный А 747 анемопланктон А 750 анемоморфия А 746 анемоспора А 751 анемотаксис А 752 анемотропизм А 753 анемохорня А 739 анемохорный А 740 анемоэнтомофилия А 741 анестезия А 648 анизо- А 774 анизоапланогамета А 775 анизогамета А 779 анизогамет ангиогамия А 790 анизогамия А 782 анизогения А 783 анизогологамия А 786 анизогонный А 784 анизодинамный А 778 анизокотилия А 777 анизомерогамия А 787 анизоплоидный А 789 анизостилия А 790 анизотропия А 791 анизофиллия А 788 анналы А 792 аннотация А 795 -растений А 795 аномальный А 804 аномодромия А 805 аномомерия А 806 анорганотрофный А 808 анортогенез А 809 анортоплоидный А 810 антагонизм А 813 антарктический А 814 антела А 820 антенна А 812 антерангий А 822 антеридангий А 823 антеридиеносец А 824 антеридий А 825, С 707 антерозоид А 831 антероидеа А 826 антеромания А 827 антеросимфиз А 830 антерофиллия А 829 антерофор А 828 антесмолизис А 834 антесмотаксис А 835 антеспорофилл А 817 антетрофоспорофилл А 819 антетрофофилл А 818 антецеллюлярный А 815 антидромный А 867 антизимотичеосий А 875 антиклинальный А 866 антиподы А 871 антистрофе А 872 антитетический А 873 антитропный А 874 антиэнзим А 868 антобиология А 836 антодий А 841 антокарпий А 837 антоклиний А 839 антоксантнн А 856 антолиз А 844 антолит А 842 антология А 843 антопланктон А 852 антотаксис А 854 антотропизм А 855 антофеин А 845 антофильный А 847 антофиты А 850 антофитоз А 851 антофор А 848 антохлор А 838 анто циан А 840 антракноз А 858 антропофильный А 861 антропофиты А 862 антропохория А 860 ануклеобионты А 877 анцестральный А 685 анэуплоидия А 755 анэусомация А 756 анэуспория А 757 апандрия А 882 апаэротропизм А 880 апгаптотропизм А 890 апгеркотропизм А 892 апгидротаксис А 900 апекс А 889 апельсин А 1152 апертура А 886 апикальный А 903 апилария А 906 апиренный А 958 аплазия А 912 апланогамета А 907 апланогаметангий А 908 апланоспора А 910 апланоспорангий А 911 апобиотический А 914 апогальванотаксис А 920 апогаметия А 921 апогамия А 922, 933 апогения А 923 апогеотропизм А 924 апогиния А 925 апокарпий А 915 апокарппый А 916 апомейоз А 927 апомкксис А 928 апопластида А 931 апоплексия А 932 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ апоспермия А 934 апоспорогония А 936 апофиза А 929 апофиты А 930 апоспория А 935 апостаз А 937 апострофия А 938 апотаксиморфоз А 939 апотермотаксис А 941 апотеций А 940 апотигмотаксис А 942 апотропизм А 943 апотропыый А 944 апохемотаксис А 917 апохлороз А 918 апоцит А 919 аппарат А 945 аппозиция А 950 аппрессорий А 952 арборетум А 970 арготаксис А 1013 ареал А 1000 географический- А 1000 ареография А 1005 ареола А 1006 ареолированный А 1007 ареоляция А 1008 аридный А 1016 ариллодий А 1019 ариллус А 1020 ложный-А 1019 ариллусом (с-) А 1018 ариста А 1021 аристеростильный А 1023 аристоносный А 1022 арка F 131 арктический А 992 арктотретичный А 994 ароматный А 528, 1033 ароморфоз А 1034 артикуляция А 1046 артроспора А 1044 артростеригма А 1045 архаический А 976 архаллаксис А 977 архебиоз А 978 архегоний А 980 архегоняоносец А 979 археногения А 1038 архенокариотический А 1037 архенотокия А 1039 археофиты А 975 археспора А 981 архиантемум А 982 архибентический А 983 архизобластный А 1040 архикарп А 984 архиклеистогамия А 985 архимеристема А 988 архиплазма А 989 архитип А 990 аршинный В 268 асбестовый А 517 асептированный А 1067 асептический А 1068 асимбластня А 1101 асимметричный А 1102 асингамия А 1107 асиндезис А 1106 асинхронный А 1104 аск А 1066 аскогенный А 1059 аскогон А 1060 аскокарп А 1058 аскома А 1061 аскорбический А 1063 аскоспора А 1064 аскострома А 1065 аскофор А 1062 асоматофиты А 1070 аспект А 1071 аспорогенный А 1080 ассимилируемый А 1083 ассимиляция А 1084 ассоциация А 1085 ассоциированный А 1086, С 567 астатический А 1088 астелия А 1089 астероном А 1092 астра А 1090 астроботаника А 1095 астросклереиды А 1097 астросферы А 1098 асцидия А 1056 атавизм А 1110 атавистический А 1111 атаксиномический А 1113 атактостела А 1109 ателомитический А 1115 атония А 1121 атопия А 1122 атрактоплазма А 1123 атропный А 1131 атрофированный А 1128, С 767 атрофиты А 1129 атроцитоз А 1119 аукенн А 1223 ауксобласт А 1224 ауксоз А 1226 ауксоспора А 1227 ауксотонический А 1228 аулофиты А 1150 ауриго А 1157 аутэкология А 1189 афиллия А 901 афиллоподный А 902 афлебия А 893 афотический А 894 афотометрия А 895 афототропизм А 897 афрагмиум А 898 ахаскофиты А 69 ахирофиты А 81 ахламидный А 72 ахроматин А 76 ахроматический А 75 ахромоцентр А 79 ахрооцист А 80 ацентрический А 57 ацидофильный А 86 ациклический А 172 аэренхима А 257 аэрерранция А 258 аэробиоз А 263 аэробионты А 262 аэробный А 264 аэрокарпня А 265 аэрокарпотропический А 266 аэроморфоз А 269 аэропланктон А 274 аэропланктофиты А 275 аэротактизм А 276 аэротропизм А 277 аэрофитобионты А 273 аэрофиты А 272 аэроцист А 267 багровый R 369 багрянистый Р 1661 багряный С 551, Р 1662 базальный В 35 базигамия В 43 базигиний В 44 базидиальный В 36 базидпеносец В 38 базидиокарп В 37 базидиоспора В 39 базидия В 40 базионим В 49 базипетальный В 50 базископический В 53 базитоническнй В 55 базифильный В 51 бактериообразный В 6 бактериолиз В 9 бактериология В 8 бактериориза В 11 бактериостатический В 12 бактериотоксин В 13 бактериофагный В 10 бактериоцецидий В 7 бактерицидный В 5 баланография В 18 балауста В 20 балкообразный Т 312 баллистоспора В 23 бальзам В 26 , бальзамический В 24 бальзамоносный В 25 бариморфоз В 34 барометрический В 31 баротаксис В 32 баротропизм В 33 барохория В 30 бархатистый V 53 бархатный V 53 слегка-S 1250 •61 бастардокарпия В 58 батиальный В 60 батография В 61 батология В 61 бахрома F 62 бахромка А 1030 бахромообразный С 837 бахромчато- Т 309 бахромчатый С 836, F 63 башмачковидный С Ж башневидный Т 661 без А 1, 628, 879, 913, Е 1, Е 415,1 45, N 199 -влагалища Е 407 -бороздок А 100 -диска А 202 -железок Е 58 -коры Е 14 -кровельковый Е 420 -крышечки D 72, Е 466 -мицелия А 610 -обвёртки Е 448 -перегородок А 1067 -перианций А 884 -подчашия А 28 - покрывала А 1230 - спор А 1081 - хохолка Е 223 - чашечки А 27 безбелковый Е 417 безбороздный А 1100 безвкусный I 187 почти-S 1199 безводный А 772 безволосый G 149, I 69, Р 410 безвредный I 166 безголовый А 58 бездеятельный I 73 безжилковый А 1232, Е 204 безэубчатый (почти-) S 1163 беззубый Е 47 безиглистый А 636 безклювый Е 341 безлистный (почти-) S 1095 безостый Е 421 беэплодие А 1075 безполярный А 926 безразличный I 117 беэрёберный Е 15 безресничный А 14 безцветковность А 883 безъядерный А 39 безлепестный А 888 -бежный F 176 беление А 374 белеющий А 375, С 62 белковый А 380 белковостовидный S 172 бело- L 136 беловато-жёлтый L 148 беловато-чёрный L 141 беловатый А 375, С 62 беловолосистый L 147 беложёлтый О 53 белок А 378, Р 1347 белолистный L 143 белоплодный L 137 белоснежно-цветковы й N 130 белоснежный С 63, 308, N 128 белый А 382, L 136 белоснежно- С 63, N 128 гипсово- О 311 жёлто- X 8 жёлтовато- Е 3,6 зеленовато- А 1053, С 335 золотисто- С 408 коричнево- Р 399 красно- Е 349 красновато- R 376 лебедо- О 136 мелово- С 884 молочно- G4, L 22 М 81 пепельно- S 77, Т 113 розово-R 296 свинцово- С 243 серебристо- А 1010 снежно- N 128 снизу- Н 595 сине- С 987 сплошь-Н 344 фарфоро- Р 1103 чисто- V 130 бельмо А 376 бентический В 66 бентос В 68 берег L 228, R 329 береговой А 523, R 330 бес- А I, 628, 879, Е 1, 415 -клеточный А 55 -корневой А 1041 -корый D 22 -крылый А 957 -перегородочный Е 356 -пестичный А 348, 1099 -плодный А 37, Е 53, S 956 -мицелий Н 559 -покровный А 72 -полезный I 260 -полосый Е 358 -полый А 1069, N 110 -прилистниковый Е 498 -прицветниковый Е 4 -пыльиковый А 660 -семядольный А 104 -семянный А 958, 1074 -стебельный А 41 почти - - S 1086 •стыдный I 70 -тычиночный А 659 -цветный А 75, D 18, Н 448 -черешковый S 458 -чешуйный А 387 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ бесплодие S 958 бесчисленно- М 620 -цветковый М 621 бесшпорцевый Е 5 биаиометаморфоз В 72 биаиоморфоз В 73 биастрепсис В 80 бивалент В 224 биколлатеральный В 102 -пучок В 102 бинарный В 153 биномиальный В 153 биноминализм В 154 биобласт В 155 биодерма В 162 биодинамика В 163 биогенез В 166 биогенетика В 167 биогения В 167 биогеография В 169, С 367 биогеоценоз В 168 биозис В 186 биоклиматология В 158 биолизис В 174 биолит В 170 биологический В 172 биология В 171 биолюминесценция В 173 биометрия В 175 биоморфоз В 176 биономия В 178 бионт В 177 биопласт В 183 биопсия В 184 биосестон В 185 биосинтез В 190 биосома В 187 биосфера В 189 биотаксономия В 192 биотип В 196 биотический В 193 биотонус В 194 биотоп В 195 биофагныйВ 179 биофильный В 180 биохор В 156 биохромный В 157 биоценоз В 160 биоценология В 159 биоцикл В 161 биоэнергетика В 164 биоэнергид В 165 биполярность В 205 биполярный В 204 бисексуальный В 216 бисимметричный В 219 бифакториальный В 124 бициклический В 116 биче- М 117 -видный F 76 благовонный А 1033 благоуханный S 1083 благоухающий А 503, F 146 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ бластезис В 230 бластема В 228 бластогенез В 233 бластография В 234 бластомания С 484 бластоспора В 238 бледнеющий Р 39 бледноватый Р 39 бледно-жёлтый G 146, S 1011 бледно-красный Н 103 бледно-охряный О 53 бледно-рыжеватый R 400 бледно-свинцовосерый Р 220 бледносерно-жёлтый S 1281 бледноярко-красный С 550 блестяще- L 37, Р 418 -волосистый Р 436 -жёлтый R 64 -плодный L 38 блестящий С 838, L 270, S 164, 768 блефаропласт В 243 ближайший Р 1440 близкий А 42, 209, 289, G 140, Р 1305 блистающий F 181 блуждающий Е 344, V 10 блюдцевидный Р 179 блюдцеобразный Н 584 блюдчатый А 64 боб L 84 бобовидный F 4, L 85 бобовый L 86 бобоносный L 86 бок L 71 бокалец 3 230 бокалообразный С 865, Р 889 бокалоцветковый Р 88S бокальчик С 995 боко- L 60, Р 824 боковой С 619, L 60 -геотропизм G 130 -корень R 41 боковолосый Р 842 бокопестичный Р 834 бокоплодный Р 830 бокосемянный Р 838 бокоцветковый Р 826 более или менее Р 881 болезненный А 240, I 176, М 470 болезнетворный Р 183 болезнь М 471 -растений М 471 болеоавтохория В 246 болеоанемохория В 245 болизм В 247 болотистый Р 56, 59, Т 67 болотный L 181, Р 56, 59 болотнолюбивый Т 68 болото Н 68, Р 58 болотолюбивый Н 69 большой М 72 самый - М 161 бореальный В 251 бородавка V 78 бородавочка V 80 бородавчатый V 79 бородо- Р 906 -бородчатый Р 906 бороздка С 644, S 1280, V 21 бороздчато G 191, S 1278 -семянный А 1149 -стебельчатый S 1279 бороздчатый В 28, С 641, S 1278 борьба за жизнь С 677 ботаник В 256, 257, Н 160 ботаника В 254 библейская - Н 297 описательная - В 258, D 91, Р 630 садовая-В 254 экономическая - О 75 ботанический В 255 -сад Н 438 бочкообразный D 360 бочонковидный О 213 боящийся солнца Н 80 брадиауксезис В 284 брадигенез В 285 брадиспория В 286 брактеомания В 283 брактея В 280 братственный А 181 брахибласт В 272 брахидодромный В 275 брахисклереидий В 278 бриология В 299 бриоспора В 301 бродильный Z 84 брожение F 37 броматология В 293 бронзоцветный В 294 брюшко V 59 брюшной V 60 -шов V 60 бугорковидный Т 627 бугорковый S 17 бугорконосный Т 626 бугорок Р 1434, 1666, Т 630 бугорчато- С 706 бугорчатый Т 626 бугристый G 260 бугритость Т 635 буквовидный G 238 букетец S 453 булавовидный С 497 почти - S 1125 булкоцветный С 904 бумагообразный Р 86 бумажисто-покрытый С 262 бумажистый Р 86 буреющий В 296, F 201 буроватый В 296, F 201 буровато-жёлтый О 49 063 буро-жёлтоватый F 183 буро-жёлтый F 184 бурый F 202 грязно- L 277 жёлтовато-Т 137 каштаново- В 16, С 159, S 600 коричнево- Н 149, Р 397 кофейно- С 596 красно- L 277 лисо- V 167 медно- С 254 рыжевато- С 53, Н 149, R 401, 420 темно — Н 149 светло- А 1011 серовато- Т 322 табачно- N 144, Т 1 темно- В 297, С 1, F 202, Р 1640, Т 252, U 25 шоколадно- С1, Т 252 бурьян Н 156, I 260 бурьяны X 45 бутон А 370 бутылковидный А 608 бутылкообразный L 31 бутыльчатый L 31 бухта S 530 быть А 217 вайя F 158 вакуолизация V 6 вакуолизированный V 5 вакуоль V 3 контрактильная - С 779 пищеварительная - V 3 вакуолярный V 4 -сок S 1266 вакуом V 7 валентность V 20 валентный V 19 валунный Е 344 вальва V 25 вальковато- Т 123 вальковатый Т 123 вариабильность V 31 варианты параллельные - Р 147 вариация V 33 вариетет V 36 варьирующий V 32 васильово-снний С 984 васкулярный V 40 > ватообразный G 229 введение I 288, Р 1176 вверх А 629 -изогнутый R 167 вдавленный R 213 вдоль сложенный С 705 вегетативный V 46 вегетация V 45 веер R 239 веерообразный D 132, F 74 968 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ вездесущий С 146 веламен V 48 великолепный S 1286 величина М 73 величиной в малую пядень - S 767 -пяденью D 358 велюм V 51 венец С 821 вениковидный S 205, 452 венозный V 58 веночек S 453 вентральный V 60 венцеобразный С 822 венцеплодный S 939 венчающий С 823 венчик С 816 масковидный - Р 349 мотыльковый - Р 79 наружный - С 165 -небольшого цветка С 820 раздельный - С 816 спайный - С 816 язычковый -L173 венчика доли-С 816 зев - С 816 зубы - С 816 лациния - L 14 отгуб - С 816 пластинка -L 178 трубка - С 816 венчиковидный С 817 венчиконосный С 819 верёвковидный F 186 верёвкообразный F 192 верёвчатый F 186 веретено F 205 веретеновидно- R8 веретеновидный F 203 верность F 53 вертикальный V 87 верхний S 1294, 1299 верхо- А 106 -бежный В 42 -лепестный А 130 -ростыый А 129 верхушечно- А 106, 904 верхушечный А 903, 905, Т 127 верхушка А 889, V 86 вершина С 949 весенний Е 319, V 73 весна V 66 веснущатый L 98 весь Т 365 ветвеобразный R58 ветвеносный R 53 ветвецветущий R57 ветвистость R59 ветвистый С 478,' 514, R 60 ветвление R 55 дихотомическое - D 175 кистевидное - R 4 ветвь R 63 замещающая - R 47 ложная - Р 1562 филогенетическая - Р 590 ветвящийся R 54 ветка R 63 придаточные ветки А 224 веткоцветный R 57 веточка R 62 веточный R 46 ветро- А 738 -опыляемый А 743 вечерний V 96 вечноживущий S 388 вечнозелённый А 354, S 387 вещество S 1235 ядерное - N 192 взаимный М 595 взаимодействие I 206 взгляд I 254 вздувающийся I 255, Т 645, Т 656 вздутие I 256, Р 1434, Т 647 вздуто- О 152, Р 591, 592, 593 вздутый D 334, 1 139, Р 592, Т 646, 658, V 61 взнос S 1341 вибрирующий V 108 вид S 624, 997 агамный-А 311 внешний-А 1071, Н 4 коллективный - С 587, 621, S 1314 новый- N 169 сборный - С 621, М 50 видеть V 113 видимый О 199 -видный О 60 видовой S 625 видоизменение V 33 виду (по-) О 199 викарирующий V 109 вильчатоусиковый С 75 вильчатый D 176, F 198 виннокаменный Т 31 вино-красный V 122 виноградниковый V 123 виноградно-семяновидный G 144 виноделие О 87 винто- Н 73 вирулентность V 138 вирулентный V 139 вирус V 140 висло- С 870 вислоплодник С 871 висячекорневой Е 8 висячий Р 232, S 134 витализм V 146 вицинизм V 110 вишнёво- С 233 -красный С 234 вклад S 1341 вкладной Е 318 включение I 92, 224 включённый I 91, 185 вкус S 46 вкусный S 42 влага М 69 влагалище V 13 корневое - С 611 листовое - V 13 маленькое - V 17 сердцевидное - V 13 влагалищем (с -) V16 влагалищный I 263, V 14 влаголюбивый Н 514 влажно- Н 508 влажный Н 442, 508, М 68, U 4 власть Р 1152 влияние Т 15 вместилище С 691 вне- Е 16, 449 внедренный I 177 внезапно прорывающийся Е 346 внеклеточный Е 507 внелистный Е 510 внепазушный Е 506 внеплодник Е 243 внетычиночный Е 513 внецветковый Е 509 внешний Е 16. 449, 503 -вид Н 4 внеядерный Е 511 внизу 1134 внутренний I 221 внутренняя оболочка семени Т 48 внутренняя цветковая чешуя Р 30 внутри Е 124,1 241 внутривидовой I 246 внутривлагалищий I 248 внутригнёздник Е 189 внутриклеточный I 243 внутрилежащый I 221 внутрипазушый I 242 внутриплодник Е 135 внутрицветковый I 244 внутричерешковый I 245 внутрь завернутый -1 280 загнутый-I 140, 251 изкривлённый -1250 обращённый -1 253 сложенный-I 125 во всяком случае S 28 вогнутый С 689, Е 424 водный А 959 -настой I 156 водо- Н 463 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 964 водолюбивый Н 489 водоносный А 961 водоросле- Р 534 водорослевидный F 174 водорослевый А 395 водоросли (морские-) Т 221 водоросли А 396 водянистый А 965 водяной А 959 возбуждаемость Е 432 возбуждающий А 899 возбуждение Е 433 возвышенный Е 78, Р 1159 возделанный С 957 воздухоносный А 261 воздушный А 259 возле Р 88 возникающий Е 121, 470, G 94, N 17, Р 1436, О 235 -из листа F 105 -на ветвях С 483 -на стволах Т 619 -неоднократно Р 968 возникновение G 89 -жизни А 10 возникший О 270 возобновление I 165 возобновляющийся 1164 возраст А 284 возрастание I 103 возрастающий С 883 возрождение R 187 войлок Т 327 войлочный Т 326 волнисто- U 32 волнистый U 32 волокна (древесные -) V 39 волокнистолистный I 170 волокнистоплодный I 167 волокнистый F 49 волокно F 44 волокновидный F 45 волоконце F 46 волос С 70 волоса (мер-) С 70 волосатый С 67 почти-S 1115 волосисто- L 54, Р 683, Т 432 -ветвистый Т 447 -иглистый Т 445 -лепестный Т 455 -листный Т 458 -нервный Т 454 -ножковый Т 460 •орешковый Т 448 -плодный Т 443 -ребристый R 15 -семянный Т 463 -стебельчатый Т 444 -цветковый Т 434 волосисто--чашелистиковый Т 462 -чашечковый Т 442 -чешуйчатый Т 452 волосистость I 124, Р 691 волосистый Р 683, Т 432 несколько-Р 690 воиосками (с чувствительными- Т 100 волоски ветвистые - Р 694 вильчатые - Р 694 звездчатые - S 895 корневые-А 22, F44, R 20, 244 мутовчатые - Р 694 пучковатые - Р 694 собирающие - С 622 чешуйчатые - L 105 волосистоголовчатый Т 446 волосистозубчатый Т 450 волоско- Р 683 волос©видный С 67, Т 449 волосок Р 694 гучий-U 88 железистый - G 156 крючковатый - G169, Н 18 чешуйчатый - S 838 шерстистый - L 47 щитовидный - S 225 волосы (якоревидные-) А 686 волосяница С 69 вольва V 162 вонючий F 103, М, 78, N 116, О 107 вооружение А 1027 вооружённый А 1028 воронковидный I 154 вороно-чёрный С 802 ворсинчатость V 118 ворсистый V 120 ворсо- V 120 воск С 228 восковидный С 229 восковой С 229, 239 воскрешение R 187 восприимчивость R 80 воспринимающий R 81 восприятие А 280, R 255 воспроизведение R 157 воспроизводительный R 158 восстановление R 121 восточный О 236 восходящий А 1054, 46, 801, О 235 почти - S 1102 восьми- О 55 восьмитычиночный О 56 восьмипестичный О 57 впадина L 23 впереди Р 1156 впитывание I 47 впячивание I 262 врачебный I 2 вращательный R 361 вращение С 471, N 206, R 360 круговое - С 465 вредный N 172, Р 339 врезанный I 177 временный D 15 время Т 87 -предъявления Т 87 -цветения F 87 врождённый С 719, I 157 всасывание 1 47 все-О 144 всеядный О 148 вскрывающийся D 44 всплывающий Е 109, Р 1284 вспомогательный А 1222 вставочный I 208 встречаемость F 151 встречающий О 54 встречающийся кое-где S 780 всход Р 753 всюду Р 63 всякий О 144 вторичный S 245 второй S 249 втулковидный М 387 втягивающийся С 779 втянутый R 203 вульгарный V 165 выбрасывающий В 22, Е 489 выводковый Р 1274 выгнутый F 130 выгон В 302, Р 173 выгрызенно- Т 583 выгрызенный Е 342 выдавшийся Е 494 выдающийся Е 89,443, Р1284 слегка-Р 1286 выделение Е 437, S 239 выделительный Е 438, S 240 выделяющий слизь М 496 выдолбленный С 200 вызванный гниением S 51 вызывающий -гниение S 51 -зуд Р 1447 выемка Е 96, S 530 выемчато- S 527 выемчатый С 641, Е 97, S 527 выкинтоплодный А 500 вылощенный L 28 выпадающий Е 63 выполненный F 16, S 984 -сердцевиной М 144 выпотевающий Е 18, L 18 выпуклина U 19 выпуклость Р 1285, U 19 выпуклый С 793 выпускающий Е 113 выпрямляющийся Е 336 выпрячивающийся Р 1433 966 вырастающий I 162 вырез Е 430 вырезание Е 430 вырезка I 88 вырезной Е 431, I 177, 89 выродившийся D 43 вырост Е 120, Р 1262 выскакивающий Р 1322 высокий А 480, С 211, Е 79, Р 1232 достаточно- А 479 очень - Р 1159 высокогорный А 467 высокорослый Р 1232 высота А 478 высохший S 484 выставляющийся Е 494 выстилающий слой Т 25 выступ М 86, Р 1233, 1285 выступающий Е 112, 425, Р 1240, 1284 слегка - Р 1286 выступивший наружу Е 109 высушенный Е 497, S 484 высушивание D 93, Е 496 высыхающий А 1004 выталкивающий D 75 вытянутый Е 94, Р 1123, 1427 вышележащий S 1297 вьющийся S 112, V 159 -стебель 112 выступ Р 1262 вяжущий S 1082 вязкий L 99, Т 92 вялый Е 95, L44, М 101 габитус Н 4 гадром Н 6 гадроцентрический Н 5 газопланктон G 60 галбаноносный G 7 галечниковый G 162 галечный G 162 галл С 206, G 13 ложный - Р 1480 несущий галлы С 203 галлообразный G 14 галобентос Н 10 галобион Н 11 галодримиум Н 12 галонереиды Н 13 галопланктон Н 17 галофильный Н 14 галофиты Н 16 галофобный Н 15 гамета G 17 гаметангий G20 г аметангиогамия G18 гамет ангиофор G 19 гаметизация G22 гаметнческий G 21 гаметный G 21 гаметобласт G24 гаметогамия G 27 гаметогенез G28 гаметоплазма G 35 гаметоспора G36 гаметофит G 34 гаметофитический G 33 гаметофор G 31 гаметоцист G25 гаметоцит G26 -гамный G 37 гамобий G 38 гамогеммия G 43 гамогенез G 44 гамодезмия G42 гамомерия G 46 гамоморфоз G47 гамостелия G 53 гамотропизм G 56 гамофиллия G49 гамоцит G41 ганглий G58 гангрена G 59, S 697 гангренозный S 696 гапаксантный Н 23 гаплобионт Н 25 гаплогенез Н 30 гаплогонидия Н 31 гаплодиплобионт Н 29 гаплозис Н 39 гаплозомия Н 40 гаплоидный Н 32 гапломитоз Н 33 гаплонт Н 25 гаплоперистоматный Н 35 гаплополиплоидный Н 38 гаплоспора Н 41 гаплоспорангий Н 42 гаплостела Н 43 гаплостемония Н 44 гаплостемонопетальный Н 45 гаплофаза Н 37 гаплоцит Н 28 гаплохламидный Н 27 гаптоморфоз Н 47 гармония Н 50 гарпуно- Н 51 -образный Н 51 -плодный Н 52 гаусторий Н 55 гвозде- G 194 -столбиковый G 195 гейтоногамия G61 гейтонокарпия G 62 гекистотермический Н 67 гексаплоидный Н 284 гексафилетический Н 282 гексациклический Н 273 гелеопланктон Н 72 гелеофиты Н 71 геликономиум Н 75 гелиоз Н 85 гелиоскопичный Н 84 гелиосциофиты Н 83 гелиотортизм Н 87 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ гелиотропизм Р 514 гелиотурготропизм Н 90 гелиофилл Н 81 гелиофильный Н 79 гелиофиты Н 82 гелиофобный Н 80 гелификация G 65 гели ни зм Н 74 гелминтоцецидий Н 91 гелолохмофильный Н 96 гелопланктон Н 99 гелоргадофильный Н 100 гелофиты Н 98 гелохилофильный Н 95 гематохром Н 8 гемеродиафорный Н 106 гемерофиты Н 109 гемиапофиты Н 113 гемиаутофиты Н 114 гемибазидия Н 115 гемигамотропный Н 131 гемидибиоз Н 124 гемидцстрофность Н 125 гемикарион Н 116 гемиклеистокарпный Н 119 гемикриптофиты Н 121 гемиксерофиты Н 146 гемини G 68 гемипентакотильный Н 134 гемиплоидный Н 136 гемисапрофиты Н 137 гемисимфиостемонный S 374 гемисингинический Н 141 гемитерия Н 143 гемитерофиты Н 144 гемитропный Н 145 гемифанерофиты Н 135 гемицеллюлоза Н 117 геми циклически й Н 122 гемиэндофитический Н 128 геммипаритет G 76 гемостатический I 289 ген G 80 генез G 89 генеративный G 86 генерация G 85 2H-N 2 гаплоидная - N 1 диплоидная-N 2 первая филиальная - F 3 генетика G90 генетический G 91 -генный G 94 генотип G 98 геобионт G 104 геобласт G106 геоботаника G 107 географический ареал А 1000 география растений Р 628 геокарпия G108 геокарпотропический G 109 геонастия G 114 геониктлнастия G115 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 966 геониктитропия G 115 геопараллеяотрошэм G 118 геоплагиотропизм G 121 геоспециес G122 геосфера G123 геотаксис G 125 геотонус G 126 геоторсия G127 геотортизм G 127 геотропизм G 130 боковой - G 130 отрицательный - G 130 положительный - G 130 геотрофизм G 128 геотрофия G 128 геофилы й G 119 геофиты G 120 геоэкопш G 116 геоэстезия G 103 гепатикология Н 148 гептамерный Н 152 гербаризация Н 158 гербарий Н 159 гербициды Н 162 геркогамия Н 166 гермафродит Н 169 гермафродитизм Н 170 гермафродитный Н 171, 216, М 407 герминативный G 137 геронтоморфоз G 139 герпизм Н 172 герцотропизм Н 173 гесперидий Н 174 гетерадельфия Н 177 гетерантагонизм Н 179 гетерантерия Н 180 гетер антия Н 181 гетерауксез Н 182 гетероауксин Н 183 гетеробазидия Н 186 гетеробластический Н 187 гетерогамета Н 209 гетерогаметанги й Н 211 гетерогаметный Н 212 гетерогамия Н 213 гетерогамный Н 215 гетерогамогония Н 214 гетерогенез Н 216 гетерогенетический Н 217 гетерогенный Н 218 гетеродинамный Н 207 гетеродистилия Н 204 гетеродихогамия Н 202 гетеродромный Н 206 гетерозигота Н 271 гетерозис Н 248 гетерокариоз Н 191 гетерокарион Н 190 гетерокарпия Н 188 гетерокинез Н 220 гетеромезогамия Н 225 гетеромерикарпия Н 223 гетеромерия Н 222 гетеромерный Н 224 гетеромиксис Н 226 гетероморфия Н 227 гетероморфный Н 228 гетероморфоз Н 229 гетеропикноз Н 245 гетероалазия Н 239 гетероплазма Н 240 гетеропластоматический Н 241 гетероплоидный Н 242 гетеропроталлия Н 244 гетероризия Н 246 гетеросимбионтнческий Н 257 гетеросинапсис Н 258 гетеросиндезис Н 259 гетероскизис Н 247 гетероспермия Н 250 гетероспора Н 252 гетероспор ангически й Н 251 гетеростемония Н 254 гетеростилия Н 255 гетеросфитиазис Н 243 гетеротаксис Н 261 гетеротактический Н 260 гетероталлизм Н 263 гетеротетраплоидный Н 262 гетеротипный Н 269 гетеротопный Н 265 гетеротристилия Н 266 гетеротрофный Н 267 гетерофагный Н 232 гетерофазный Н 233 гетерофения Н 230 гетерофеногамия Н 231 гетерофиадический Н 234 гетерофиллия Н 235 гетерофитический Н 238 гетерофиты Н 237 гетерохламидный Н 192 гетерохроматизм Н 194 гетерохромия Н 194 гетерохромосома Н 196 гетероциклический Н 200 гетероциста Н 201 гиалиновый Н 448 гиалонема Н 450, М 123 гиалоплазма Н 451 гиалосома Н 452 гиацинтосиний Н 447 гиалоциста Н 449 гибернация Н 291 гибрид Н 455 адвентивный - N 161 вегетативный - V 46 межвидовой -Н 458 гибридизация Н 456 натуральная - N 26 неполовая -Н 456 половая -Н 456 гибридный Н 458 гибридогамия Н 457 гигантский G 143 пирометрический Н 510 пироморфизм Н 512 гигроморфия Н 511 гигроплазма Н 517 гигроскопичность Н 518 гигроскопичный Н 519 гигроскотофильный Н 520 гигрофилия Н 513 гигрофилый Н 514 гигрофиты Н 516 гигрофобный Н 515 гигрохазия Н 509 гидатода Н 460 гидратура Н 464 гидробиология Н 467 гидробласт Н 468 гидроботаника Н 469 гидрогамия Н 479 гидрогамный Н 480 гидрогармоз Н 481 гидрозис Н 500 гидрокарпия Н 470 гидрокарпотропный Н 471 гидроклеистогамия Н 473 гидроклиния Н 474 гидрокормус Н 475 гидрокриптофиты Н 476 гидрокультура Н 477 гидролиз Н 483 гидрома Н 484 гидромегатермный Н 485 гидрометеорический Н 486 гидроморфоз Н 487 гидронастия Н 488 гидропланктон Н 495 гидропланктофиты Н 496 гидропласт Н 497 гидропластиды Н 498 гидроспора Н 501 гидростереиды Н 502 гидротаксис Н 503 гидротрихома Н 504 гидротропизм Н 506 гидротрофия Н 505 гидрофилла Н 492 гидрофильный Н 489 гидрофитология Н 494 гидрофиты Н 493 гидрофобный Н 490 гидрохорный Н 472 гидроцит Н 478 гидрогамия Н 524 гидроэстезис Н 466 гилодофиты Н 523 гимений Н 529 гименоптеридный Н 532 гимен офор Н 531 гимнокарпный G 270 гимнопласт G 272 гимноспора G 274 гимноцит G 271 гинандрический G 278 967 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ гинандрия G 277 гинандромоноэция G 279 гинандрофор G 281 гинантерический G 282 гинецей G 290 псевдомономерный - Р1527 гпниксус G 284 гинобазис G 285 гиногамета G 292 гиногаметангий G 293 гиногаметофор G 294 гиноген G 296 гиногенез G 295 гиногермафродит G 298 гинодиморфизм G 287 гинодинамический G 289 гинодиоэция G 288 гиномоноэция G 299 диноспорангий G 306 гиностегий G 308 гиностемий G 309, 649 гинофен G 300 гинофиллия G 302 гинофиты G 303 гинофор G 301, S 689 гиноэция G 291 гипантий Н 534 гипантодий Н 535 гипгидрогамия Н 564 гиперанизогамия Н 537 гипер гаплоидны й Н 544 гипергидрический Н 545 гипер диплоидны й Н 542 гипердромия Н 543 гиперкроматичность Н 540 гиперпаразит Н 547 гиперплазия Н 548 гиперполиплоидный Н 549 гиперстоматический Н 550 гипертипия Н 555 гипертонический Н 552 гипертрофиты Н 554 гипертрофия Н 553 гиперхимера Н 539 гиперхроматный Н 541 гипноспора Н 566 гипноспорангий Н 567 гипобазальный Н 569 гипобазидия Н 570 гипобиота Н 572 гипобласт Н 574 гиповальва Н 625 гипогаплоидны й Н 592 гипогеокарпия Н 590 гиподерма Н 586 гиподиплойдный Н 587 гипокарпий Н 575 гипокарпный Н 578 гипокарпогеальный Н 576 гипокопула Н 582 гипокотиль Н 583 птолитический Н 586 гипонастия Н 597 гипоним Н 599 гипономиум Н 598 гипоплазия Н 607 гипопланктон Н 606 гипоплевра Н 608 гипоплойдный Н 609 гипоподий Н 610 гипополиплоидны й Н 611 гипоспорангий Н 613 гипостаз Н 614 гипостатичный Н 615 гипостоматический Н 616 гипострома Н 617 гипоталлиум Н 618 гипоталлом Н 619 гипотеций Н 621 гипотипия Н 623 гипотонический Н 622 гипофиза Н 605 гипофилл Н 603 гипофиллоподный Н 602 гипофлеодный Н 601 гипохилий Н 579 гипсово-белый G 311 гипсовый G 310 гипсолюбивый G 312 гипсофилл Н 626 гирлянда S 453 гирома G 315 гистерантный Н 627 гистерогенный Н 628 гистоген Н 312 гистогенез Н 310 гистогенный Н 311 гистодиализ Н 309 гистолиз Н 314 гистолитический Н 315 гистология Н 313 гитарообразный Р 65 гифа Н 557 гифазма Н 559 гифалмиропланхтон Н 558 гифема Н 560 гифенхима Н 561 гифоподий Н 562 глава С 80 главный С 85, Р 1208, 1215 гладкий А 248, L 29, 87 гладко- L 29, 87 -листный L 89 -плодный L 88 -семяный L 90 глаз О 59 глазок О 48, 59, S 970 глазчатый О 47 глеба G 165 гленчатолистный S 124 глеоспора G 175 глеоцистида G 173 глинисто-жёлтый А 1011 глинистый А 1012 глинолюбивый S 737 глистовидный Н 92 глистогонный S 40 глобоиды G 167 гломерулярный G 176 глоссоподий G 180 глохидий G 170 глубина Р 1249 глубокий Р 1250 глубоководный Р 1248 глубоковыемчатый S 529 глубоко-зубчатый Р 1250 глыба G 165 глянцевитый V 122, V 76 -гнездный L 242 гнездо L 244, N 115 -завязи L 244 ложное - S 836 -пыльника С 737 семенное - А 876 гнездовидный N 115 гнездовой N 115 гнездоразрывной L 243 гнездчатый L 242 гниение С 89, Р 1673 вызывающий - S 51 гнесиогамия G 193 гнилой Р 1672 гниющий Р 1674 годичный А 796 годовалый А 796 голарктический Н 321 голизм Н 322 голо- G 266, L 87, Р 410, 1594 голобазидия Н 323 голобентический Н 423 голобластический Н 325 голова С 80 головка С 72 головкообразный С 71 головня (стеблёвая-) U 94 головчатый С 71 гологамета Н 337 гологамия Н 338, М 26 гологенез Н 340 гологепотип Н 341 гологимнокарпный Н 342 гологинный Н 343 голодибиоз Н 330 голокорешковый Е 472 голоморфоз Н 345 голопаразит Н 346 голопетальный Н 347 голопланктон Н 350 голоплодный G 270, Р 1596 голоростковый G 268 голосапрофиты Н 351 голосеменный G 273 голотип Н 354 голофитизм Н 349 голофитический Н 348 го л охл амидны й Н 326 голоцветковый G 267 голоценоз Н 328 голоциклический Н 329 голочешуйчатый Р 1597 голоэндобиотический Н 331 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ голоэндозоары Н 333 голоэндофиты Н 332 голоэнзим Н 334 голоэпифиты Н 335 голубесерый С 646 голубеющий С 10, S 1111 голубоватосерый С 12 голубой С 11 аэорево- А 1248 аметистов о- А 515 зелено- С 331 индиго- А 119 лавандово- L 72 лазурно- А 1248, L 74 красновато- R 378 небесно- С 7 серовато- С 12 сизо- G 163 голый G 149, N 198, Р 1594 почти-G 148, S 1186 гомалотропный Н 357 гомалохорный Н 356 гомеозис Н 378 гомеомерный Н 374 гомеорезис Н 377 гомеосинапсис Н 380 гомеостаз Н 379 гомеотермический Н 381 гомоандрия Н 372 гомобластический Н 359 гомогамета Н 382 гомогамия Н 383 гомогамный Н 384 гомогенез Н 386 гомогенетический Н 387 гомогенность Н 385 гомогенный Н 388 гомогетеростилия Н 391 гомогония Н 389 гомодинамический Н 371 гомодихогамия Н 369 гомодромный Н 370 гомозигота Н 422 гомозиготность Н 421 гомозиготный Н 423 гомойогидратура Н 395 гомойодипериантный Н 393 гомойокариоз Н 392 гомокарион Н 361 гомокинез Н 365 гомологичный Н 396 гомомерия Н 398 гомомиксис Н 399 гомоморфный Н 375 гомоморфоз Н 401 гомоним Н 402 гомоплазия Н 376 гомоплойдный Н 409 гомоспория Н 410 гомостемония Н 412 гомостилия Н 413 гомотактически й Н 415 гомоталлиэм Н 416 гомотипический Н 420 гомотопия Н 418 гомотропный Н 419 гомофагный Н 403 гомофазный Н 404 гомофиадический Н 405 гомофилический Н 406 гомофиллия Н 407 гомофитный Н 408 гомохламидный Н 362 гонангий G 197 гонеоклиный G 199 гонидангий G 203 гонидиальный G 204 гонидимия G 205 гонидионема G 208 гонидиофор G 206 гонидня G 207 -лишайников S 635 гонимобласт G 210 гонимолоб G 211 гоногифема G 220 гонозома G 223 гоноплазма G 222 гоноспора G 224 гонотаксис G 225 гонотоконты G 226 гонотропизм G 228 гонофор G 221 горбато -G 142 горбатый G 142 горбик G 141 горбина U 19 горбистый G 142 горизонтальный Н 425 гориодиморфизм Н 424 горло F 26 гормогоний Н 428 гормогонимий Н 427 гормон Н 429 гормоны растений Р 632 гормоциста Н 426 горносстаевый Е 339 горный М 468 город О 196 городчатость С 872 городчатый С 873 гороховидный Р 715 горький А 491 горьковатый А 489 горькостебелчатый А 490 господствующий D 365, Р 1175 гост- X 14 гость Н 439 гравий S 4 гранат В 20, G241 гранатник G241 гранатово-красный Р 460 гранатовый Р 1659 гранатоцветный G240 гранитный G246 граница L179, Т 131 гранный Q 28 968 гранулированный G 248 графство С 659 гребенчато- Р 205 гребенчатый С 892, Р 205 гребень С 891 петуший-С 891 гребешок С 891 гребне- Р 205 греке G 256 гриб F 191 головнёвый - U 94 пенек гриба S 987 грибница М 598 грибной М 596 грибо- М 596 грибовидный F 187 грибоядный F190, М 604 грибы М 600 грива J 9 гривистый С 887 грозде- В 262 грубый R 397 грувистый J 10 группа G 256 -разновидностей С 788 груша (лесная-) А 74 грушевидноплодны й Р 1703 грушевидный Р 1705 грушеносный Р 1704 грязно-бурый L 277 грязно-жёлтый L 277, S 837 грязный S 586, 837 губа L 6 верхняя - L 6 маленькая - L 3 нижняя - L 6 губастый L 4 губительный Р 339 губкообразный S 772 губо- С 272 губчатый S 775 -губый С 272, L 4 губы (дегенерация-) А 71 гудрон Р 722 гуммоз G 262 гумор Н 446 гусиный А 812 густо- А 1118, D 68, Р 2, 1675 -расположенный С 866 густоветвистый Р 1682 густой С 701, D 68 густоколосый Р 1688 густолистный Р 1685 густоплодный Р 1681 густо цветковый Р 1676 густочешуйчатый Р 1684 гуттация G 264 давление (осмотическое-) О 280 далеко А 913 т РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ дающий Р 1161 -отпрыски S 544 два В 69, D 391 двадцати- I 8 -гранный 1 9 -тычиночный 1 Ю дважды D 393 -пальчатый В 119 -сложный В 104 -трехцветковый В 221 -цветущий В 126 двенадцати- D 355 движение М 493 двоелистовка В 131 дво- В 69 двойно- •булавовидный В 100 -закрученный В 106 -коровой В 110 -мелкозубчатый В 118 -окружённый В 99 -увенчанный В 109 двойной В 69, 150, D 393 двойственный А 497 двойчато- Z58 -сложный С 740 двойчатые В 152 двойчатый В 150, D 191 двояко--вогнутый А 550 -выпуклый В 107 -зазубренный В 112 -перистораздельный В 203 -перистый В 202 -тройчатый В 220 дву- В 69, D 172, 191, 330 -бежный D„190 -бороздчатый В 218 -братственный D 131 -ветвистый В 207 -вильчатый В 136 -главый А 684, В 90 -гнездный В 146 -гребенчатый В 113 -губый В 142 -дольный D 180 -домно-полигамный D 251 •домный D 252 -жгутиковый В 128 -жилочный В 151 -заострённый В 71 -зональный В 227 -зубчатый В 117 -камеральный В 89 -килевой В 92 -клеточный В 94 -клювы й В 208 -коробочный В 91 -косточковый D 297 •кратно-закрученный В 217 -кратно-раздвоенный В 210 дву- -крылый В 74 -крючковатый В 222 -лепестный D 257 -летний В 122, D 187 -листный В 130 -локтевой В 114 -лопастный В 145 почти --S 1110 -лучевой В 206 -лучистый D 150 -мозолистый В 87 -надрезный В 127 -ноготковый В 223 -околоцветниковый D 171 -ореппсовый В 101 -осевой В 82 -остроконечный В 77, 115 -парный В 105 -периантный D 256 -пестичный D 222, 341 -пильчатый В 214 -плёнчатый В 140 -плодный D 193 -плодолистиковый В 93 -полосатый В 226 -полый А 710, В 216 -почечный В 138 -прицветничковый В 84, 85 -продырявленный В 201 -пыльниковый В 76 -раздельный В 200, 212 -рассечённый В 211 -ребристый В 111 -реснитчатый В 98 -рогий В 108 родовой 139 -рядный В 213, D 335 почти - S 1157 -семенодольный D 180 -сильный D 196 -сложный В 150 -смысленный А 254 -створчатый В 225 -сторонный А 684, В 123, 143 -тычинковый А 585 -тычиночный D 144 -ухий В 81 двудомность D 250 двукрылатка D 301 двуполость Н 170 двуполузонтик D 188 двусемянка D 128 двух- В 69 -дневный В 121 -месячный В 148 -пальчатый В 198 -полюсный В 204 -рядный колос S 728 -угловатый В 75 -цветковый В 129 частично-- S 1109 -цветный D 178, В 103 •центрический D 169 -центричный В 95 -цикличный D 187 -чашечный В 88 -чешуйчатый D 232 -членистый В 79 -членный D 238 -шпорцевый В 86 -щетинковый В 215 -язычковый В 144 -яйцевой В 197 девственный V 130 девяти- Е 207, N 166 -пестичный Е 208 -тычинковый Е 207 девять N 166 дегенерация D 42 дегенерованный D 43 деградация Т 2 дедифференцировка D 31 дезмолиз D 102 дезмохорые D 100 дейстевенный Р 1151 декагиния D 9 декамерный D 11 декандрия D 12 деконьюгация D 20 декоративный D 21, О 241 дексиостильный D 123 деление D 351, F 69 -клеток С 1036, 1055, D 351 меиотическое- М 165 -на сегменты S 256 редукционное- М 165 ядерное- D 351 эквационное- А 246 дело R 161 дельтовидно- D 54 дельтовидный D 54 делящийся 3 168, 566 демонстративный D 58 дендробионг D 60 дендрология D 62 дендрохронология D 61 денитрифицирующий D 64 деперулация D 77 депигментация D 78 деревенский R 418 деревня V 112 дерево А 968 деревовидный А 969 деревцо А 974 деревянисто- X 52 деревянистый L 162 дерматоген D 84 дерматозома D 87 дерматокалиптроген D 82 дерматоплазма D 85 дерматопласт D 86 дерматоцист D 83 дернистый С 13 почти- S 1112 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ дернообразный С 13 десинапсис D 108 десмопланктон D 103 деструктивный D 106 десяти- D 8, 14 -тычинковый D 13 детрит D 114 деутерогамия D 116 деутероплазма D 117 дефектный D 33 деформированный D 40 дефрондация D 41 диагелиотропизм D 137 диагеотропизм D 133 диагноз D 134 диагональный D 135 -план D 135 диаграмма D 136 -цветка D 136 диадромный D 132 диакинез D 138 диалидезмия D 140 диализ D 141 диамезогамия D 143 диархный D 150 диаспаз D 153 диаспора D 154 диастаз D 155 диастер D 156 диастола D 157 диастрофе D 158 диасхистический D 152 диатмез D 159 диатропизм D 161 диаферия D 146 диафиз D 149 диафрагма D 148 медуллярная- М 143 дибиоз D 163 диботрис D 164 дивергентный D 347 дивергенция D 348 дигаметически й D 206 дигаплоидный D 223 дигибрид D 227 дидимантия D 192 дидимоспора D 194 диптптямия D 195 дидиплоидный D 189 дикариобионт D 165 дикарион D 167 дикариофаза D 168 дикариоцит D 166 дикий F 42 дикорастущий А 332, 334, Е 344, F 42, S 778 диктиоспора D 185 диктиостела D 186 димегалия D 235 димерный D 238 димоноэция D 241 диморфизм D 242 корешковый- Н 246 сезонный- О 207 диморфный D 243 динамический D 407 динамогенез D 409 динамохория D 408 динез D 244 диода D 245 диодогоний D 248 диосмоз D 254 диплазия Б 264 дипланетический D 263 диплобионт D 268 диплогамета D 273 диплогаплобионт D 276 диплогенез D 274 диплогонидия D 275 диплоксилический D 293 диплозис D 286 диплойдизация D 278 диплойдный D 277 диплонастия D 279 диплонема D 280 диплоперистомный D 282 диплозома D 287 диплоспора D 288 диплоспорангий D 289 диплостемонны й D 290 диплотена D 292 диплофаза D 283 диплофиллум D 284 диплохромозома D 270 диплоцит D 271 диптерономиум D 296 диптероцецидий D 295 диремция D 298 дисгенический D 411 диск D 312 -луковицы В 312 нектароносный- D 312 прирастающий- А 197, 952 цветоложный- D 312 эмбриональный- Е 101 дисклимакс D 304 диско- D 303 дисковидный D 303 дискокарпий D 305 дископланктон D 308 дископодиум D 309 дисомический D 315 дисомия D 314 дисперсия D 317 эндозоическая- Е 196 диспирема D 319 диссеминация D 324 диссимиляция С 162, D 328 диссоциация D 331 дистрофический D 413 дисфотический D 412 дисцентральный D 410 дисцентрация D 302 дифилетический D 260 дифитический D 262 дифотический D 258 дифференциальный D 199 970 дифференциация D 200 диффузный D 203 дихазий D 170 дихогамия D 173 дихоподий D 174 дихотипия D 177 дихотомический D 176 дихотомия D 175 диэнтомофилия D 197 длане- Р 44 дланевидно- D 213 -жилковатый Р 49 -пальчатый D 216 •раздельный Р 50 -рассечённый Р 51 -сложный Р 45 дланолопастной Р 48 длина L 262 длинно- L 255, М 3 -волосатый С 887 -дневной L 257 -зубчатый L 256 а -клювы й L 260 -листный L 259 -остроконечный С 977 -пестичный D 364, L 261 -плодный М 6, R 223 -столбиковый М 59, S 1079 -цветковый L 258, М 5 длинный L 255 очень- Р 332 длиной в палец D 212 длительность D 403 дневник D 151 дневной D 345 днём Н 104 цветущий- Н 105 добавочный А 43 довольно - нежный Т 95 додекагиния D 356 додекандрия D 357 дожделюбивый О 141 дождеметр О 139 дождливый Р 882 дождь I 46, Р 1165 доказывает Т 147 долговечный L 256, М 13 доледниковый Р 1185 долина V 24 долихозис D 363 долихонема D 362 долотовидный D 359 долька L 16 дольчатый L 15 доля L 14 доминантность D 366 доминантный D 365 доминирование D 366 доминирующий Р 1175 -домный О 66 дополнение А 948,1145, М 94, S 1302 дополнения А 178 дополненный А 176, 1146 971 дополнительный А 179 -воздушный корень R 41 дорсальный D 368, Т 124 дорсивентральный D 370 дощина V 24 древенеющий L 161 древесина С 825, L 169 вторичная- S 245 окаменевшая- L 225 ядровая- D 402 древесинный L 162, X 52 почти- S 1204 древесиной питающийся- L 167, X 60 древесиноцветный L 163 древеснеющий L 161 древесно- X 52 -корешковый X 63 древний А 685 древо- D 59 древовидный D 59 неполно- S 1098 дробный плод М 195, R 237 -распадающийся плод S 144 дрожащий Т 411 дромотропизм D 378 дросометр D 379 дротико- Н 53 другой С 245 друза D 382 дряхлеющий S 390 дублирование I 224 дуболюбивый D 384 дубрава N 76 дубравный N 75 дуто- Т 371 дуговидно- С 56 дугожильный С 974 дугонервный С 974 дугообразный А 996 почти- S 1101 дудчато- F 72 дудчатый F 72 дупликация D 394 дуцес D 386 душистый F 146, О 65, S 1083 дымчатый F 185, N 36 дырчатый F 122, Р 1113 дыхание R 180 дыхательный корень Р 886 дюйм Р 920 дюймовый Р 921 дюнолюбивый Т 294 единичный S 522 единокровный С 752 единственный U 36 едкий А 59 ежевидно-колючий Е 9 ежевидный Е 337 ежедневный Q 54 ежистый Е 9 ежовый Е 337 ерицетум Е 335 естественный N 26 естествознание S 163 жакульатор J 1 жатва М 258 жевание М 116 жгутик F 78 жгутиковидпый F 76 жгутиконосный F 77 жгучий А 59,997, U 88 -волосок U 88 жгущий S 982 желвак S 1053 желваконосный S 1055 желвакообразный S 1056 железа G 154, 161 нектароносная- N 53, 54 пищеварительная- D 211, G 161 железисто- А 188, G 156 -городчатый G 158 -жетинистый G 160 -зубчатый G 159 -ресничатый G 157 железистый А 188, G 156 желёзка G 154 водная- Н 460 желёзки (септальные-) S 410 железко- G 155 -видный G 155 железолюбивый S 492 железоотталкивающий S 493 желоб V 21 желобчатый С 59, F 137, V 22 желтеющий F 80 жёлто- X 3 -белый X 8 -зелёный С 327, 338, 352, X 7 -коричневый А 482 желтовато--белый Е 6 -бурый Т 137 -зелёный С 406 -красный R 422 -розовый S 24 желтоватый F 80, L 279, X 5 желтопунцовый X 11 желточно-жёлтый V 148 желтуха 114 желтушный 113 желтый F 81, L 280, X 3 абрикосово- А 1029, Е 80 амбра - А 502 бело - О 53 беловато- L 148 бледно- G 146, S 1011 бледносерно- S 1281 блестяще- R 64 буро- F 184 буровато- О 49 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ восково- С 239 глинисто- А 1011 грязно- L 277 золотисто- А 1153, 1151, L 280 древесинно- L 163 желточно- V 148 зеленовато- С 351,1 13 золотисто- А 1151, 1153, L 280 изабелло- G 146, I 287 кожано- А 482 красно- Е 352 красновато- I 3, R 381 лимонно- С 477 львино- L 100 медово- Н 102, М 176 нарциссо- J 6 померанцево- А 1151 светло- F 81 серно- S 1282, Т 239 серо- I 287, R 73 серовато- А 482 соломенно- S 1012 темно- Н 556, R 222 шафрано- С 893 янтарно Е 80, Н 103 желуде- В 17, G 153 -видный G 153 жёлудь В 19, G 161, N 210 жемчужный М 104 женский F 33, G 275 женско- F 33 жёсткий R 319, S 173, 193 жёстко- А 98, R 319, S 173 жёстковатый R 318, 322, S 1162 жёстковолосистый Н 306 коротко- Н 307 жёстковолосый Н 306, S 195 жёстко- -древесинный S 196 -зубчатый S 185 -колючковый R 320 -крылый S 191 -листный S 188, 948 -ножковый S 190, 950 -плодный S 183 -семянный S 951 -Цветковый S 175 -щетинистый С 769 жёсткостебельность S 184 жёсткость R 321 живой V 155 живородящий V 156 животно- Z 10 живущий Н 2, I 95 -в озёрах L 181 -на водорослях А 397 -на животных Е 315 -на камнях L 49 -на крышах Т 53 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 972 -на скалах S 100 -на цветках F 89 жидкость L 208 жизненный V 145 -цикл С 1000 жизненность V 147 жизнеспособность V 106 жизнеспособный V 105 жизнь В 186, V 144 жилка N 106, V 54 вторичная- S 245 главная - С 851, М 136, Р 1208 поперечная- Т 402 срединная- М 136 средняя- N 136 жилко- N 100 жилкование N 99, V 55 жилковато- Р 441 -листный Р 444 жилковатый N 100, Р 441, V 58 жилковолосистый Р 445 жилконосный N 100 жилочка N 101, V 62 жирный А 201 Р 696, U 30 жорданизм J 7 жорданон М 352 заболонь А 381 забор S 13 заборный S 14 завёрнутый С 794, R 111 -назад R 109, 206 почти- S 1132 завертывающий I 275 завершенный С 681 завивающийся V 159 почти- S 1252 зависящий Р 232 завитой С 449, 461, S 754, V 161 завиток С 429, S 753 завядающий М 100 завязи (гнездо-) L 244 завязь G 132, О 292 -верхняя О 292 -нижняя О 292 -полуверхняя S 373 -полунижняя О 292 заглушающий S 1270 загнутый -назад R 205, S 1301 -крючком R 107 загороженный G 25 загрязненный С 762, I 173 загущенно- А 1118 заднелетный Р 1130 задний О 191, Р 1139 заканчивающий Т 129 заключающий I 91 заключенный I 91 законный L 82 закреплённый F 73 закруглённый О 210, R 363 закрученно- S 1022 закрученный С 449,778Д5 338, Т 354 двукратно- В 217 -назад R 221 почти- S 1158 закручивание Т 357 спиральное- V 160 закручивающийся Т 355 закрытие О 40 закрыто- С 503 закрытый С 496, I 81, О 41 залив S 530 заломленный назад R 207 заманчивый I 41 заметка N 156, 165 коротенькая- S 134 заметки А 652, 773 заметный С 761, Р 383 замечание О 23 замещающий S 1253, V 109 замкнутый С 496, О 41 почти- S 1124 занесенный снегом N 127 занимающий О 43, Т 96 заносный А 225 заострённый А 61, 166, 170, S 734 едва - А 171, S 1089 коротко- А 167 тонко- А 167 заостряющийся S 745 западный О 39 запаздывание R 188 запасной Р 1437 запах О 64 неприятный- О 64 приятный- О 64 записывание С 752а фитоценологическое- С 752 а заплесневевший М 494 заповедник R 162 заподышевый ярус М 123 запутанный I 249 заражение червями V 70 зараженный С 762 зараза I 132 заразный С 768 зародыш Е 98 зародышевый Е 101 зародышем (с-) Е 102 заросль V 132 -кустарников D 390 заростка Р 1410 заростоки Р 1371 заросший кустарником V 131 зарытый 1 143 заслонённый О 25 засоленный S 23 засуха S 485, 487 затвердевший I 126 затенённый I 258, Т 94 захват света Р 489 зацветание Е 52 зацепка G 171 зачаток R 396 -первого листа А 137 защитительный А 394 защитный D 34, Р 1343 защищающий Т 644 защищённый М 579 заяцобурый L 114 звезда А 1090 материнская- М 396 звёздо- А 144 -видные S 895 звёздочка S 397 звёздчато- А 144, S 895 -волосистый А 1093 звёздчатые S 895 -волоски S 895 здоровый S 32, V 115 зеаксантин Z 2 зев F 26 -венчика С 816 зеин Z 5 зеленеющий С 338, V 127 зелёно- С 324, V 136 -голубой С 331 -золотистый С 330 -листный С 344 -синий С 331 зеленовато--белый А 1053, С 335 -жёлтый С 351, I 13 зеленоватый С 327, V 127, 137 зеленоцветковновсть V 128 зелёный V 136 жёлто- С 327, 338, 352, Х7 жёлтовато- С 406 коричнево- С 74 луково- Р 1203 лукпорео- Р 1122 медно- А 278 мирто- М 629 насыщенно- S 90 оливково- О 134 попугайо- Р 1598 светло- V 137 сизо- G 163 сине- А 278 синевато- N 173, Т 219 смарагдово- S 542 сплошь- А 547 тёмно- А 1138, С 337, Р 360, 961 травянисто- G 234 травяно- Н 161 яблочно- Р 1085 зелень О 101 землистый Т 137 земля G 123, Т 135 978 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ землянико- F 142 земляника F 147 земляной Т 136 земноводный А 539 земной Т 66 зенотропизм Z 7 зернами (питающийся-) G 247 зернистый G 248 зерно G 252 пыльцевое- Р 918 зерновка С 148, G 252, S 276 зерновой G 239, 249 зерновые С 238 зерноносный G 245 зернышко G 248, 251 пыльцевое- G 252, М 353 Р 918 зернышкообразный G 249 зеугит Z 8 зеуксис Z 9 зигоауксоспора Z 59 зигогамета Z 61 зигогамия Z 62 зигогенез Z 63 зигогенный Z 64 • зигоз Z 72 зигозооспора Z 82 зигомерный Z 66 зиголиз Z 65 зигоморфия Z 67 зигоморфный М 453, Z 68 зигонема Z 69 зигоспорангий Z 77 зигота Z 78 зиготактизм Z 79 зиготена Z 80 зиготический Z 81 зигофаза Z 70 зигофиты Z 71 зигоцист Z 60 зияющий R 327 зима Н 296 зим аза Z 83 зимний В 295, Н 289, 295 зимовка Н 291 зимология Z 86 зимующий Н 290 зияющий Н 287 злак G 232 злака (стебель-) С 950 злако- G 233 злаков (плёночка-) L 248 злаковый G 233, 237 зловонный F 103, М 78, О 107, Р 1672 змее- О 188 -видный S 437 -образный S 436 змеяубивающий А 761 знаки (условные-) S 497 значение S 397 знойный Т 356 зоацдроспора Z 13 зоидиогамия Z 14 зоидиогамный Z 15 эоидиоспора Z 18 зола С 443 золотисто- С 405 -белый С 408 -жёлтый А 1153, L 280 золотистый А 1153, С 405 зона С 442, Z 20 зональность Z 22 зональный Z 21 зонтик U 13 простой- U 13 сложный- U 13 зонтика (лучи-) R 40 зонтиковидный (слегка-) S 1248 зонтиколистный S 160 зонтиконосный U 14, 16 зонгичек U 15 зонтичковый U 16 зонтичный U 14 зообиотический Z 24 зоогамия Z 35 зоогамный Z 36 зоогенный Z 37 зооглея Z 38 зоогонангий Z 39 зоогонидангий Z 40 зоодиодангий Z 32 зоодомаций Z 33 зоозигоспора Z 57 зооморфоз Z 43 зоопаразит Z 44 зоопланктон Z 49 зоосифоногамия Z 50 зооспора Z 53 зооспорангий Z 55 зооспорангиофор Z 54 зоосфера Z 52 зоофильный Z 46 зоофитический Z 48 зоофобный Z 47 зоохория Z 27 зоохорный Z 28 зооценоцит Z 29 зооцецядий Z 26 зооцист Z 30 зрелость М 127 зрелый А 219, М 128 зуб D 66 зубец D 66 зубо- О 61 -отороченный О 62 зубчато- D 67, О 61 -вскрывающийся D 69 -листный О 63 -окаймлённый О 62 -цветковый S 440 зубчатый D 67, О 61 слегка- S 1148 зубчик D 70 зубы венчика С 816 -зубый О 61 зуд (вызывающий-) Р 1447 ивняк S 19 иво- S 18 -видный S 18 игла А 29, 168, S 742 лиственная- S 742 пршшстниковая- S 742 стеблевая - S 742 иглисто- S 741 иглистый А 30, Е 337, S 741 игло- А 30 -видный А 85 -носный А 85 игольчатый А 61, 85 -лист А 61 идентификация 116 идентичный 115 идиобиология I 18 идиобласт 1 19 идиоботаника I 20 идиогамия I 25 идиогенетика I 26 идиограмма I 27 идиометрический I 28 идиоморфоз I 29 идиомутация I 30 идиоплазма I 32 идиосома I 33 идиотерия I 34 идиотип I 36 идиотоп I 35 идиохорология I 21 идиохроматин I 22 идиоэкологяя 1 24 изабелло-жёлтый G 146 иэабелловый I 287 избирательный S 269 изборожденный Е 419 избранные сочинения С 169 известковый С 20 известный С 598 известняковый С 20 извилина В 253 извилисто- F 82 -канальчатый R 333 извилистый А 758, F 82, L 8, Т 360 извлечение Е 309 изгнание Е 60 изгородь (живая-) S 13 издание Е 48, Р 1635 изданный Е 49 изядия I 291 изкривлекный С 973 излишний Н 551, S 1291 излом G 93 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 974 излучение R 18 излучины М 70 изменение V 33 измененный М 276, 591 изменчивость V 31 изменчивый F 98, V 30 изменяющийся V 32 измеряющий М 301 изобилие U 2 изобилующий О 205 изображение D 50, I 5, S 632 изогаметангиогамия 1 308 изогаметы I 307 изогамия I 309 изогенный I 311 изогеноматический I 312 изогнуто- С 973, Н 454 изогнутый А 635, 996, С 973, G 314 коленчато- G 92 слабо- Н 585 изогологамия 1 317 изодиаметрический I 305 изозиготный I 345 нзоклинный I 301 изолированный I 320 изоляция I 319 изомерия I 322 изомерный 1 323 изомерогамия I 324 изоморфия I 325 изоморфный I 327 изоморфоз I 326 изонланогаметы I 334 изоплоидный I 335 изопросфитиазис 1 335 изопроталлия I 336 изорванный L 12 иэосинтип I 340 изоспория Н 410 изотип I 344 изотомный I 341 изотонический I 343 изофенный I 329 изофеногамия I 328 изофиллия I 332 изофотический I 331 язохромодентрический I 299 изоценоз I 303 иэоценотический I 302 изпещренно- S 968 -листный S 969 израстающий Р 1272 изувеченный Р 1671 изукрашенный Е 471 изумрудный S 542 изучение (прелиминарное-) Р 1241 изученный С 598 изъявление Е 517 изыскатель I 110 изящный D 23, G 230 иконография I б иконотип I 7 икосандрия 111 икотип I 12 ил L 188 илистый L 187 иллюстратор I 44 иловатый L 187, 281 иловый L 281 илотизм Н 101 имение Р 1174 имеющий Н 1, Р 1161 -лабеллу L 1 -много корней R 29 -нитевидный таллом Т 466 -перегородки S 418 -покрывало S 616 -прилистики S 993 -спикулы S 734 -шлем G 10 иммигранты I 53 иммиграция I 54 иммигрированный I 55 иммунитет I 57 именем (с-) N 217 инвагинация I 262 инвертированный I 267 инволюция I 279 ингибитор Р 111 ингибиторы I 160 индиго цветный I 119 индифферентный 1117, N 111 ицдузий I 128, М 184 иней Р 1441 инициальный I 161 инквилинизм 1171 инкистация I 112 инкрустация I 104 инкрустированный С 903, I 105 инкубация I 106 инокуляция О 58 иностранный X 14 инсектициды 1178 инсерация I 182 инсоляция I 191 интегумент I 204 интексина I 238 интеркалярный I 208 интеркинез I 211 интеркутис I 212 интерредупликация I 227 интерфаза I 223 интина I 239 интрорзный I 253 интуссусцепция I 257 инфекция I 132 инфрамикроб I 149 инфрамикробиология I 150 искажённый D 40 исключенный Е 434 ископаемый F 135 почти- S 1183 ископаемые F 136 искривление С 971 искривлённый А 689, С 778, D 28,1 109 внутрь- I 250 искрящийся S 164 искусственный А 1049 -отбор S 268 испарение Е 410, Т 397 исполинский G 143 исправил Е 106 исправлен от С 828 исправления С 829 иеправденнный Е 106 испятнанный С 626 исследование Е 87, I 111, I 268 исследователь I 110, 269, S 223 истечение сока Е 515 истинный Е 360, G 99, V 91 исток F 119 истолкование I 226 история Н 317 -растительности S 1404 источниковый F 120 истошение I 80 исчезающий Е 408 исчисление Е 217 исцеляющий раны V 166 итеология I 346 кавернозный С 201 кайма L 178, М 108 какогенез С 3 каконим С 4 калатидиофор С 16 календарь (цветочный-) С 29 калик антемия С 41 калнптра С 46 с калиптрой С 47 калиптроген С 49 калифномия С 45 каллус С 31 каллусгетероплазия С 32 каллусгипертрофия С 34 каллусгомеоплазия С 33 каллусметаплазия С 35 калоритропизм С 37 кальцефильный С 25 кальцефобный С 24 камбиальный С 51 камбий С 52 межпучковый- I 213 пучковатый- F 22 камеденосный G 261 камедь R 168 каменистый L 50, Р 378 каменный Р 378 камень С 27, S 104 камера L 239 камеральный L 238 камне- L 213 -любивый Р 380 975 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ -семянный L 223 кампилотропный С 58 камптодромный С 57 канава F 134 канавчатый F 137 канал сердцевинный- М 143 -столбика S 1067 канальчатый С 59 канделяброобразный С 61 капелька G 263 капилляций С 69 капиллярность С 68 каплей (с-) G 265 капля G 263 капрификация С 77 капсула С 78 кардинальный С 85 каршсография С 88 кариогамия С 135 кариограмма С 136 кариокинез С 137 кариокластический С 134 кариолизис С 140 кариолимфа С 139 кариология С 138 кариоплазма С 145 кариоплазмогамия С 146 кариопласт С 147 кариорексис С 149 кариосимфиз С 151 кариосома С 150 кариотека С 152 кариотип С 153 кариотнп С 153, 154 карпофаза С 144 карликовый N 5, Р 1652, S 920 карминно-красный С 93 каротин С 98 карпеллодия С 101 карпелломания С 102 кариогамия С 108 карпогенез С 109 карпогоний С 110 карподия С 107 карпоклониум С 106 карполиз С 113 карпология С 112 карпомания С 114 карпономиум С 115 карпоплазма N 192 карпоптоз С 119 карпосперм С 121 карпоспора С 123 карпоспорангий С 124 карпостегий С 125 карпостомий С 126 карпосфера С 122 карпотека С 127 карпотропизм С 128 карпофор С 116 карта Т 4 карункула С 131 карцерула С 83 карцинома С 83 касающийся А 1141 кастрация С 160 паразитарная- Р 126 катабласт С 161 катаболизм С 162 катадромный С 162 катагенез С 167 катагеотропизм С 168 катаклинотропизм С 164 катализ С 171 каталог С 170, R 151 катапетализм С 172 катаплазия С 177 катаплазма С 178 катаробионты С 183 кататоноз С 179 кататравматотропизм С 180 катафилл С 176 катафорез С 173 катафототропизм С 174 катахромазия С 163 категория (систематическая-) Т 37 католический С 185 катотропный С 186 катушечный Т 581 каудекс С 189 каулидиум С 192 каулифлория С 193 каулокалиюс С 196 каулоколлезия С 197 каулома С 198 каулотаксис С 199 качающийся М 386, О 273, V 82 качестве (в-) Р 1225 каштановый С 159, S 600 квадривалентный Q 22 квинкунциальный Q 31 кеглевидный Т 652 кератомания С 236 килеватый С 91 килевидный (слегка-) S 1116 киль С 90 киненхима С 432 кинетонема С 437 кинетопласты С 438 кинетосома С 439 кинжаловидный Р1638 кинноварно-красный С 444 киноплазма С 446 кирпично-красный L 61, Т146 кирпичный L 61, Т 146 кисловатый А 65, 88 кислород О 310 кислый А 66, 89 кисте- В 262 -видный R 4 -носный R 1 -образный R 3 -цветковый R 2 кисточка Р 235 кисточковидный Р 234 кисть R 7 маленькая- R 6 полузонтичная- С 1007 простая- R 7 сложная- R 7 китайский S 521 кладенхима С 479 кладогенез С 482 кладогенный С 483 кладодий С 480 кладодистрофия С 481 кладомания С 484 кладоподий С 487 кладоптозис С 488 кладофор С 485 класс С 492 классификация С 491 классический С 490 кластотип С 494 клеевые ворсинки С 624 клей G 187, V 143 клейкий G 188, V 142 клейковина G 187 клеистандроэция С 504 клеистантерия С 505 клейстогамия С 510 клеистогамный С 511 клеистокарпий С 509 клеистокарпия С 507 клеистокарпный С 508 клеистопеталия С 512 клетка С 208 вегетативная- V 46 воздушная- А 267 дочернал- С 208 материнская- С 208, М 122 —споры S 807 питающая- Т 595 половая- G 17 примордиальная - Р 1212 соматическая- S 572 клетки абсорбирующие- А 22 вспомогательные- А 1222 деление- D 351 замыкающие- S 1003 инициальные- I 161 каменистые- S 176 полость- L 274 развитие- С 1046 -размноженная- Т 59 сопровождающие- С 660 характерные- D 386 ядро- С 143 клетко- С 1028 клеткоскопление А 327 клеток деление- С 1036, 1055 конъюгация- С 1045 клеточный С 209 -сок Е 122 клтчеатка С 210 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ •76 клетчатый Т 143 клещеносный А 32 клин о- С 939, S 698 •видный С 959, S 698 климакоризий С 313 климакс С 519 климатерический С 516 климатип С 518 климатический С 517 клинидия С 522 клиногеотропиэм С 525 клинотропизм С 529 клитохоры С 530 кпобучковый С 943 клобучкообразный С 943 клобучок С 944 клон С 533 клонотип С 534 клопо- С 809 клоповый С 427 клострум С 535 клочковато-опушенный F 83 клочковатый F 83, М 83 клубенек Т 630 клубень Т 623 почкообразный- Т 634 клубеньковидный Т 627 клубневидный Т 633 становящийся- Т 624 клубневой Т 636 клубнелуковица В 307 клубок G 177 клубочек G 177 клубочко- G 176 -видный G 176 -образующий G 176 клузиум С 536 клюв R 355 клювик R 351 клювистый R 352 клюво- R 308, 352 .видный R 308, 354 •листный R 311 -образный R 354 -плодный R 309 -семянный R 312 •цветковый R 353 ключ S 129 -для определения С 500 определённый- А 656 ключевой F 120 кнефопланктон С 538 книга S 1449 коагуляция С 542 кобальтовый С 547 кодекс С 559 ко доминантны й С 561 кожа С 810 кожано-жёлтый А 482 кожисто- С 808 -листный S 233 кожистый С 808 слегка- S 1136 кожица (наружная-) Е 255 козлиный Н 305 коилокарпия С 603 кокк С 556 кохкогоний С 552 кокколит С 554 коккосфера С 555 колбасовидный В 266 колеблющийся О 273, V 82 коленный G 92 колено G 93, Т 426 иадсеменодольное- Е 251 надсемядолъное- Н 583 коленчатка L 253 коленчато- G 92 -изогнутый G 92 коленчатый С 92 колеоген С 606 колеоптер ономиум С 609 колеоптероцецидий С 608 колеоптиль С 610 колеориза С 611 колесовидный R 362 колесоплодный Т 582 колесула С 612 коллапланктон С 615 коллатеральный С 619 коллективный С 621 коллекция S 732, 1331 колленхима С 623 коллоидоморфоз С 632 колоковидный (слегка-) S 1113 колокольчатовидный С 54 колокольчатый С 54 колония С 571, 636 колонка С 647, 649, G 309 -тычинок S 1417 колонковидный С 650 колончатый С 650, Р 37 колос S 728 ветвистый- S 728 двухрядный- S 728 ложный- Р 1572 простой- S 728 сложный - S 728 колосистый А 1117, S 730 колосо- S 850 колосование I 199 колосовидный S 731 колосок S 733 колосоносный S 730 -колосый S 850 колпаковидный G 12 колпачковидный С 48 колпачок С 46 колленхима С 642 кольчатый А 799, 1031, G 314 кольцевидный А 798 кольцевой С 451 кольцо А 800, G 317 -из волос А 800 годичное- А 800 железистое- А 800 камбиальное- С 51 ложное- Р 1457 колюче- А 30, S 741 -зубчатый S 752 -листный S 747 -плодный Е 10, S 746 -спорый Е 12 колючка А 29, S 742 маленькая- S 743 колючий А 30, 61, L 51 Р 1657, S 741, 749 слегка- S 745 -кустарник V 65 колючки (корневые-) R 20 колючковидный S 748 колючховый А 30 колючконосный А 1028 колющий Р 1657 ком G 165 комаровидный С 748 комбинация С 652 новая- С 652 N 77 комбинированный С 654 комменсализм С 664 комменсальный С 663 коммискуум С 665 коммиссура С 666 комочек М 114 компенсация С 676 комплексный С 682 комплементация С 680 конварианты С 787 конвергентный С 790 конвергенция С 791 конгруентный С 725 конечный Т 127 конидангиофор С 727 конидангия С 728 конидиеносный С 729 конидиострома С 733 конидиофор С 523, 730 конидия С 734 кониоцист С 736 кониотека С 737 конический С 726 почти- S 1131 конкаулесценция С 688 коннубиум С 746 конокарпий С 747 конофорофиты С 749 консистенция (водянист ая-А 964 консорций С 758 конспект С 759, S 1441 конспективный S 1442 константный С 763 контагиозный С 768 контактный Т 288 контортопланктон С 776 контрактильный С 779 контур А 499 контурный S 162 конус С 784 -нарастания С 784 •77 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ Г нарастающий- V 46 конусообразный S 1036 конфервоидный С 711 конфигурация С 712 конхидиум С 693 концентрация водородных ионов Р 382 концентрический С 690 почти- S 1129 конъюгация С 739 копалоцветной С 796 копрофипьный С 798 копрофиты С 799 копулы С 800 копуляция С 739 копь (солевая-) S 21 копье- Н 53 -видно-ланцетный L 42 -видный Н S3 кора С 831, R 315 вторичная- S 245 кольцевидная- R 315 ложная- Р 1486 некроз коры S 697 первичная- Р 1208 пластинчатая- R 315 чешуйчатая- R 315 коралло- С 803 -видный С 803 -красный С 804 коралловый С 804 коремий С 807 коренной А 17, N 24 корень R 41 веретеновидны й- R 41 воздушный- А 259 главный- Р 1208 деревянистый- R 41 ложный- Р 1566 дополнительный воздушпый-R 41 дыхательный- Р 886 зародышевый- R 30 клубневидный- Т 636 контрактильный- С 779 мочковатый- R 41 неразветвлённый- S 518 поверхностный- S 1289 поддерживающий- R 41 реповндный- N 12 стелющийся- S 1289 стержневой- Р 28 корешковый R 31, 240 корешком (с-) R 32 корешок R 23, 287 первичный- R 23, 30 корзинка А 841 корисимфиллия С 846 корифиллия С 844 корифофиты С 845 коричнево- Р 397 -белый Р 399 -зелёный С 74 -каштановый В 16 -листный Р 402 -ножковый Р 404 -серый S 599 -черный М 185 коричневый В 297, С 445, Н 149 корка С 901 корковидный С 902, L 115 корм С 813 кормаутохорные С 811 кормовой Р 1 кормофиты С 812 корне- R 240 -видный R 27, 262, 273 корневище R 266 -видный R 269 корневой R 20, 240 -отпрыск S 543 корнеголовчатый R 251 корнелистный R 278 корнелюбивый R 274 корнеобразный R 27 корнеплодный R 249 корнераэветвление D 3 корнерасположение R 284 корнесеменной R 282 корнецветковый R 26 корнеядный R 28 корни (боковые-) S 245 несущий- R 25,276 образующий- R 258 побочные- S 245 придаточные- А 224 цепляющиеся- А 206 корнями (с-) R 22 коровой С 832 коробочка С 78, Т 231 дробная- R 127 -мхов Р 1715 разрывающаяся- S 12 коробочконосный С 79 коробчатый С 79 корой (с-) С 833, Р 446 покрытый- С 833 коронка С 821 коронку С 823 короновидный С 822 коро ночка С 824 корончато- S 938 корончатый С 823, S 938 короткий В 287 коротко-В 270, 287 -ветвистый В 271, 274 -ворсистый V 119 -дневной В 289 -жестковолосистый Н 307 -заострённый А 167 -зубчатый В 276 -ножковый В 277 -стебелчатый В 273 -трубчатый В 292 короткопестичность В 279 корпускула С 826 корреляция С 827 кортина С 835 косвенный I 120 космато- L 54 -плодный L 55 косматый С 887, L 54 космобиология С 848 космополитический А 560 космополитный С 849 космополиты С 850 космэстезия С 847 косо- Р 730 косой О 15 косолистный Р 736 косоусечённый О 31 костесемянный О 286 костный О 282 косточка N 195, Р 1669 косточковый Р 1696 костянка D 380 многогнёздная- N 197 сборная- S 1393 сложная- Р 982, S 1393 остяночка А 94, D 381 котиледон С 853 котиледоны (налегающие-) к1 108 отловина С 786 кофейный С 596, S 407 кошенильный С 300 коэнзим С 593 краевой М 105 краекорешковый Р 837 краечерешковый Р 14 край М 108 -листа М 108 родной- N 21 красиво- С 14 красивый В 64, Р 1639, V 64 очень- Р 358 красильный Т 314 краснеющий Е 345, R 367, R 422 красно- R 368 -белый Е 349 -бурый R 370, С 244 -жёлтый Е 352 -ленточный R 387 -окружённый R 380 -отороченный R 384 -плодный Е 348 -пятнистый R 383 -сочный S 1261 -стебельчатый R 374 -чашечковый R 379 -цветковый R 375 красновато-- белый R 376 -буроватый R 382 -голубый R 378 -жёлтый I 3, R 381 -зеленеющий R 386 -коричневый L 163 -оранжевый R 377 -фиолетовый R 385 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ •78 красноватый Е 345, R 366 краснота R 373 красный Е 347, R 368 багряно- С 551, Р 1662 бледно- Н 203 бледноярко- С 550 винно- V 122 вишнево- С 234 гранатово- G 240, Р 460, 1659 желтовато- R 422 кармино- С 93 кирпич но- L 61, Т 146 кинноварно-С 444 кораллово- С 804 кошенильно- С 300 кроваво- С 898, Н 7, S 39 матово- М 370 мясо- С 94, I 85 медно- А 243, С 962 огненно- А 997, F 79, I 39 Р 1692 олеандро- О 92 оранжево- А 1151, R 423 пламенно-1 39 пунцово- Р 460, 1659 пурпурово- Р 1114, 1662 ржаво- R 370 розово- R 288, 293, 342 рубино- R 372 румяно- R 369 рыжевато- V 1 темно- А 1130, 1134, В 244, G 147, 240, R 369, X 28 тёмнобуро- Р 1019 тёмнокровяно- С 85 шарлахово- С 551 ярко- С 551, Р 460, R 388, S 126 краспедий С 858 краспедодромный С 860 красящий Т 314 краткость В 291 крахмал А 626 крахмальный А 614 кремастопланктон С 867 кремнистый S 498 кремнофиты С 869 кремовый С 868 кренобнонты С 874 кренопланктон С 876 кренофиты С 875 крспитакулы С 881 крепкий F 65, Р 1151, V 47 крест С 905 крестовидный С 896 крестошиповатый S 881 хрибровазалный С 886 кривизна С 971 криворяжный С 976 криобионты С 907 криопланктон С 910 хриопланктофиты С 911 криоскопический С 912 криотропизм С 913 криофлора С 908 криптогамия С 920 кршггогамы (васкулярные-) С 919 криптогапломитоз С 923 криптогенетический С 922 криптогибрид С 924 криптомерия С 925 криптомитоз С 926 кршггоплазма С 929 криптопора С 930 криптостома С 931 криптофиты С 928 криптоцецидий С 918 кристалл С 936 кристаллический С 932 кристаллогенный С 934 кристаллоиды С 935 крист аллохоры С 933 кровавокрасный Н 7, S 39 кровелька А 1020 кровля Т 45 кроссинг- овер С 894 крохотный Р 1665 крошечный А 1120 кругло- С 996, G 200, S 699 -колосый S 716 -плодный S 704 -семянный S 713 круглый О 210 круговой С 451, 996 кругом С 453, Р 267 -приросший С 464 кругообразный О 210 кругополярный С 467 кругоцветковый С 462 крупичатый G 260 крупно- G 143, 242, 259, М 3 -зубчатый G 243 -корневой М 45 -листный G 244, М 34 -плодный М 15 -тычинковый М 4 крупный G 143, 242, М 72 очень- Р 333 крутой А 19, Р 1194 крученый I 240, Т 358 крылатка S 34 однокрылая- М 442 крылатко--видный S 36 -носный S 35 крылато- Р 1606 -цветковый Р 1607 _ крылатый А 371, 372, Р 1606 почти- S 1092 крыло А 369, S 614, крыло- Р 1606 -ветвистый Р 1616 -видный А 371, 404 -ногий Р 1619 -носный А 403 -плодный Р 1613 -ребристый R 10 -семянный Р 1620 -стебельчатый Р 1614 -угольный Р 1618 -крылый Р 1606 крылышко А 481 крыночка Р 1715 крыночковидны й Р 1714 крыша Т 45 крышечка О 185 крышечковидный О 183 крючко- А 688, Н 51 -видный Н 18 крючковато- О 152, U 29 -изогнутый А 221 крючковатый А 198, G 169, Н 18, U 29 крючок Н 21, U 31 крючочек G 171, Н 20 ксантин X 6 ксантолеуциты X 9 ксантофилл X 13 ксантофор X 12 ксения X 15 ксеноавтогамия X 17 ксенобиоз X 16 ксеногамия X 21 ксенокарпия X 18 ксенонотный X 25 ксенопл астически й X 26 ксено цснотически й X 19 ксеноэцический X 20 ксероболийх X 31 ксерогелофиты X 36 ксерогеофиты X 35 ксероклеистогамия X 34 ксероморфия X 37 ксеропоиофильный X 44 ксеротермический X 46 ксеротермофиты X 47 ксеротропизм X 49 ксерофильный X 39 ксерофитный X 43 ксерофиты X 42 ксерофобный X 40 ксерохазия X 33 ксилема X 53 ксилография X 56 ксилология X 59 ксилострома X 64 ксилотомия X 65 ксилофиты X 62 ксилохром X 55 ктейнофиты С 937 ктетология С 939 ктетосома С 940 кубарчатый Т 652 кубический С 941 кувшинчато- U 82 кувшинчатый U 82 кувшинчик А 1056, U 83 кудряво- С 890 кудрявый В 252, С 428 979 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ кулинарный С 948 культивар С 955 культивировать С 634 культивируемый С 957, S 88 культиген С 952 культигрекс С 953 культиплекс С 954 кулътпформа С 951 курвилетальность С 975 курчаво- U 7 курчавый С 428, 890 кусок F 145 кустарник D 390, F 170 низкий- F 173 колючий- V 65 кустарника заросль- F 172, V 132 кустарниковый D 389, F 169, F 171, V 131 кустарничек S 1099, 1272 кустистый F 169 кутикула С 979 кутин С 981 кутинизация С 982 кутис С 983 -кучевой S 597 кучка А 63, S 596 маленькая- А 63 -спорангиев S 787 лабеллиэация L 22 лабиринтообразный L 8, М 70 лавандовый L 72 лавандоцветный L 72 ладан (производительный-) Т 301 ладонный Р 43 ладьевидный С 91, N 34 лазающий S 112 лазоревый А 1248, V 57 лазурный А 1248 лазящий А 206, S 112 лак L 10 лакированный V 76 лаковидный V 76 лакримация L 19 лакуна L 23 ламаркизм L 32 лануго L 48 ланцетный L 41 копьевидно- L 42 ланцето- L 41 -видный L 41 латекс L 62 содержащий- L 64 латентность L 59 латентный L 58 латеральный L 60 лациния L 14 лебедобелый О 136 лево- L 30 -вращающий S 525 -скрученный S 524 левый L 30, S 523 легкий F 7 легкокультивируемый Н 107 ледниковый G 151 ледяной G 151 лежачий D 25, Н 443, Р 1238, Р 1336, S 1301 лежащий сверху I 108 лейкозома L 145 лейкопласт L 144 лейкоспермия L 146 лейкоциан L 139 лейкоцист L 140 леканориновый L 76 лекарственный О 88 лекарство против укуса животных Т 255 лектоаллотип L 78 лектотип L 79 леннтический L 93 ленга V 152 лентообразный Т 16 ленточно- V 153 -видный L 92 ленточный V 153 лепестками (с-) Р 365 лепестко- Р 364 -видный С 817, Р 367 лепестковый Р 367 лепестный Р 364 лепесток Р 370 лепидоптерономиум L 108 лепидоптерофилые L 109 лепидоптероцецидий L 107 лепизма L 112 лепирофиллия L 134 лепицена L 104. лепоцит L 113 лепрозный L 115 лептозиготена L 133 лептоксилема L 132 лептома L 123 лептонема L 124 лептофлоэма L 126 лептоспорангий L 129 лептотена L 131 лес S 507 окаменевший- X 58 смешанный- М 385 хвойный- А 61 лесистый S 30 лесной S 29, 508 лесоведение S 29 лесоводство А 972, S 511 лесок L 272, S 514 лесообразующий S 30 лесостепь S 512 лёсс L 188 лестничный S 109 лестницеобразный S 109 летальный L 135 летающий V 157 летний А 281 лето А 279 летописи А 792 летучий V 158 летучка Р 84 лечебный О 88 лецидеиновый L 77 ли? А 627 лиана L 151 либриформ L 154 лигнин L 166 лигнификация L 165 лигула L 170 лижённый С 87 лизенхима L 289 лизигенный L 291 лнзикарпный L 290 лизин L 292 лизис L 293 лилейный L 175 лиловый L 174 лимнобиология L 182 лнмнопланктон L 185 лимнофиты L 184 лимонно- С 477 лимонно-жёлтый С 477 лпнза L 94 линейно- L 191 -видный G 238 -ланцетный L 43 линейный L 191 линия L 190 липаза L 197 лшнсий G 188, I 350, V 142 липоиды L 202 липоксения L 207 липолитический L 203 липопласт L 206 липофанероз L 204 липофильный L 205 липохондрия L 198 линохром L 199 липоцианин L 201 лирелла L 210 лирообразный L 288 лисоцветный V 167 лист F 114 губчатый- S 776 игольчатый- А 61 ископаемый- L 221 ложный -Р 1549 прикорневой- R 20 примордиальный- Р 1212 простой- S 518 сложный- С 685 щитовидный- S 225 листа зачаток первого- А 137 край- М 108 основание- В 52 ось- Р 575 пластинка- L 36, 178 сегмент- S 258 листва F 109, 158 лиственный F 109, 157 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 980 листвеющий F 154 листный F 109, Р 549, S 513 коричнево- Р 402 листо- F 109, 156, Р 549 листоватое слоевище F 158 листоватый F 104 листовидный F 104 листовка F 117 листовковидный F 115 листовой F 106 листок (зародышевый-) В 237 листообразующий Р 564 листообъемлющий А 603 листопад D 41 листорасположение Р 577 листотип Р 578 листочек F 112 -околоцветника Т 109 листочковый Fill листоядный Р 573 листья воздушные- А 259 -гидрофитов Н 492 низовые- В 35 обвёртываю щие-1 274 литический L 294 литоральный L 227 литотелма L 224 литофиты L 222 лито цист L 217 литиаз L 214 лихенизм L 156 лихенография L 157 лихенология I. 158 -лицевой F 5 лишайник L 155 ложный- Р 1519 лишайника (слоевшце-) В 228 лишённый D 105, О 209 -узлов А 101 -чешуй D 104, Е 357 логоним L 249 логотип L 250 лодикула L 248 лодочка С 90 ложбинка V 21 ложбинчатый V 22 ложе R 79, Т 363 -соцветия R 79 ложецветковый Т 215 ложно- Р 1456 -верхушечный Р 1582 -ветвистый Р 1561 ложнобоковой Р 1517 ложковидно- С 557 ложковидный С 557 -кистевой Р 1473 -кольчатый Р 1504 -кручёный Р 1504 -листовидный Р 1500 -однодольный Р 1526 -однолетний Р 1462 ложно- -окаймлёыный Р 1520 -перегородчатый Р 1568 -ползущий Р 1565 -пучковатый Р 1497 -семянный Р 1571 -сидячебрюхий Р 1570 -сосудистый Р 1588 ложный F 14, N 162, Р 1456, S 836 лоза S 82 лозовидный S 79 лозоносный S 80 локальный Т 341 локомоторный L 240 локтевой С 942 лопастинка L 236 лопастность L 232 лопастный L 233 лопасть L 237 лопаткообразный S 620 лопатчатый S 620 лопающийся D 326 лосинорогатый А 385 лоснящийся N 122 лососевый S 24 лохматый Р 72 луб L 153, Р 448 луг Р 1206 луговой Р 1204 лужа L 23 лузус L 278 луковица В 309 луковице--видный В 303 -носный В 304 -образный В 303 луковичка В 305 ложная- Р 1474 -детка В 305 луковичный В 304 луковица ложная- Р 1475 плёнчатая- Т 650 луковицы донце- В 306 луковка В 308 луково-зелёный Р 1203 лукгорео-зелёный Р 1122 луновидный L 276 лупа L 94 луч R 40 цветки луча R 16 луче- А 144 -бежный А 149, 151 лучевой R 1о, 19, 37 лучи -зонтика R 40 образующий- R 17 сердцевинные- М 143, R 40 лучисто- R 19 -цветковый R 34 лучистый R 19 лысо- Р 1594 лысый Р 1594 львино-жёлтый L 100 львиноязычковый L 101 -любивый Р 437 лютиковидный R 64 лягушкосемянный В 62 магнетотропизм М 71 мазедий М 131 макроандроспора М 8 макроапланогамета М 8 макроапланоспора М 11 макроапланоспорангий М 10 макроаэрофильный М 7 макробиокарпия М 12 макробласт М 14 макрогамета М 22 макрогаметангий М 23 макрогаметофит М 25 макрогаметоцит М 24 макрогамия М 26 макрогиноспора М 28 макрогонидия М 27 макрозоогонидий М 62 макрозооспора М 62 макроклимат М 16 макроконидия М 17 макромиофильный М 30 макромутация М 29 макронуклеус М 31 макропикнида М 42 макропикноконидия М 43 макропикноспора М 44 макропланогамета М 38 макропланктон М 37 макропласты М 39 макроплеустон М 40 макропроталлиум М 41 макросестон М 48 макросимбионт М 60 макросклереиды М 46 макроскопический М 47 макросома М 49 махроспециес М 50 макроспора М 51 макроспорангий М 52 махроспорогенез М 54 макроспорогонариум М 55 макроспорофилл М 57 макроспорофор М 56 макростилоспора М 58 макротермофиты М 61 . макрофилл М 33 макрофитоплашггон М 36 макрофиты М 35 макроциста М 18 макроэволюция М 21 макула М 64 малакогамный М 75 малакофильны М 76 маленький А 1120, М 373, Р 172 очень- М 371, Р 345 •81 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ мало- О 108, Р 195, S 603 -ветвистый S 1219 •волосый О 129 -зубчатый Р 197 -колосистый О 126 -листный Р 199 •плодный А 500, О 112 -рослый N 5, Р 1652 •семянный О 125 -тычинковый О 109 малый М 309, Р 172 манна М 93 манубриум М 97 маргинальный М 105 масковидный Р 349 масличносемянный О 100 масличный О 91, 93 маслоносный О 93 маслосмолы О 98 маслянистый О 91 масляно-блестящий I 259 масса М 114 воская- М 114 микроспорная- М 115 пыльцевая- Р 922 массула М 115 мастигодесмоз М 118 мастигосома М 120 мастигонемы М 119 матеоним М 121 материнский М 122 матка V 95 матово-красный М 370 матовый А 199, I 66, О 181 матрица М 123 матроклиния М 124 махровый Р 815 мацерация М 2 мегалогаметогенез М 150 мегаспороцит М 156 мегатермический М 159 мегаэволюция М 146 мёд М 171 медианный М 136 медицинский М 138 медленный Т 30 медлительный L 99 медно-бурый С 254 медно-зелёный А 278 медно-красный А 243, С 962 медный А 243, С 962 медовник N 56 медовожёлтый Н 102, М 176 медовый М 176 медоносный М 177, N 54 медососущий М 179 медохранилище N 61 медуллярный М 143 меж- I 205 межвидовой I 232 междородовой I 214 междоузлие А 1048, I 220 между I 205 международный кодекс бота- нической номенклатуры С 559 межи V 84 межклетник М 132 межклетники I 210 межклеточный 1 210 межплодник М 222 мясистый- S 64 межпучховый I 213 межродовой I 214 межтычиночный I 247 межчереппсовый 1 222 мезархический М 214 мезидиум М 219 мезоаэрофилъный М 220 мезогамия М 233 мезогигрофитный М 236 мезогонидия М 234 мезогонимический М 235 мезодендробионт М 230 мезодерма М 231 мезокарпий М 222 мезокиста М 229 мезоколла М 225 мезокортекс М 226 мезокотиль М 227 мезоксерофитическпй М 257 мезология М 237 мезомитоз М 238 мезопланктон М 246 мезосапробный М 248 мезосапрофиты М 249 мезосестон М 250 мезосперм М 251 мезоспора М 252 мезоспориниум М 253 мезостилия М 254 мезотермофиьлный М 256 мезотеций М 255 мезофанерофиты М 240 мезофилл М 244 мезофильный М 241 мезофиты М 245 мезофлоэма М 242 мезофотический М 243 мезохитон М 224 мезоцикл М 228 мезэкзина М 218 мезэндобиотический М 216 мезенхима М 215 мейоз М 165 мейоспора М 167 мейоспорангий М 168 мейотермический М 170 мейотический М 169 мейофиллия М 164 меланизм М 173 меланоз М 175 мелкий Р 1721* мелко- L 116, М 162, 309, Р 172 -бородавчатый V 81 -бородчатый В 29 -ветвистый R 61 мелко- -волокнистый F 48 -выемчатый S 528 -городчатый С 877 -дольчатый L 17 -жилковатый N 104, V 63 -звездчатый S 898 -зубчатый L 121 -кистевидный R 5 -клочковатый F 84 -клювистый R 350 -колючий М 581, S 744, 751 -крючковатый Н 19 -лопастный L 235 -морщинистый R 405 -носатый S 1223 -перегородчатый S 423 -пестичный М 163 -пористый Р 1124 -ресничатый С 425 -точечный Р 1654 -чешуйчатый S 842 -шиповатый А 162 -штрихованный S 1035 -щетинистный S 470 -ямчатый F 139 -ячеистый F 27 мелкопильчато-- листный S 451 -цветковый S 450 мелкопильчатый S 445 мелово-белый С 884 меловой С 884 мембрана М 181 менделизм М 186 меньший М 162, 372 меняющийся М 586 мера волоса С 70 меренхима М 193 мерикарпий М 195 мерисматичсский М 197 мериспора М 198 меристема М 199 вторичная- М 199, S 245 главная- М 199 меристематический М 200 меристогенетический М 201 меристрофе М 202 -мерный М 192 меробластический М 204 мерогамия М 327 мерогония М 208 мероконидия М 205 мероморфоз М 209 меропланктон М 210 меротип М 212 меротомия М 211 мёртвый Е 114 местный V 72 место L 246, S 252 песчаное- А 1003, S I тенистое- U 23 местома М 259 местонахождение L 246 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 982 классическое- L 246 местообитание Н 3 месячный М 189 метабиоз М 260 метаболизм М 262 метагиния М 268 метадромный М 266 метакинез М 269 метаксения М 297 метаксилема М 299 металимнион М 270 металлоцветный М 271 метамеризация М 272 метамерный М 273 метамитоз М 274 метаморфоз М 275 метанафитоз М 277 метандрия М 278 метанема М 279 метантез М 280 метаплазия М 285 метаплазма М 286 метасиндезис М 290 метастаз М 288 метастаминодий М 287 метатип М 296 метатипия М 295 метатоиический М 291 метатопический М 292 метатрахеалъный М 293 метатрофия М 294 метафаза М 281 матаферия М 282 метафил лум М 284 метафлоэма М 283 метахроматический М 265 метацецидий М 263 метёлка Р 69, S 204 -колдунья S 204 рыхлая- J 9 сложная- А 820 щитковидная- С 841 метелко- Т 306 метельчатый Р 70 метеорический М 300 метловидный S 205 метлообразный S 206 метоним М 302 метула М 305 механический М 133 механоморфоз М 134 механотропизм М 135 мече- Е 210 мечевидно-колючковый А 878 мечевидный Е 210 мешковидный S 5 мешкообразный С 899 мешок S 10 зародышевый- S 10 пыльниковый- S 10 пыльцевой- М 354 спороносный- S 10 мешотчатый S 5 мешочек S 10, U 99 воздушный- S 10 зародышевый- М 51 эмбриональный- Е 101 мешочковидный F 115, U 97 мешочкообразный S 11 мигрирующий М 365 мииофильный М 617 микодомациум М 607 микоз М 614 миколитический М 610 микология М 609 микопалеонтология М 611 микориза М 612 ложная- Р 1528 эктотрофная- М 612 эндотрофная- Е 192, М 612 микорризома М 613 микотрофный М 615 мтсофлора М 608 микоцецидий М 606 микроанализ М 311 микроапланогамета М 312 микроапланоспора М 313 микроаэрофильный М 310 микробентос М 314 микробиология М 315 микровид М 352 микрогамета М 324 микрогаметофит М 326 микрогамия М 327 микрогонидия М 328 микрозооспора М 364 микроклимат М 318 микроконидия М 319 микромерный М 329 микромутация М 330 микрон М 331 микронуклеус М 333 микронуклеолус М 332 микроорганизм М 334 микропаразит М 335 микропиле М 346 микропланктон М 341 микропланогамета М 342 микроплеустон М 343 микропроталлиум М 344 микросклероций М 347 микроскопический М 348 микросестон М 349 микросома М 350 микросорус М 351 микроспора А 730, М 353 микроспорангий М 354 микроспорогенез М 356 микроспорофилл М 358 микроспорофор М 357 микроснороцит М 355 микростилия М 359 микростилоспора М 360 микротаксономия М 361 микротермофильный М 362 микротермофиты М 363 микрофанерофиты М 336 мнкрофитология М 339 микрофитопланктон М 340 микрофиты М 338 микрофлора М 323 почвенная- Р 621 микроциста М 320 микроэволюция М 322 микроэлементы М 321 миксис М 381 миксобактерии М 632 миксоплоидия М 383 миксоспора М 633 миксоспорангии М 634 миксотрофный М 384 миксохромосома М 382 миллимикрон М 368 миндалевидный А 613 миндаленосный А 612 миндалина А 611 минерализация М 369 мир (растительный-) F 85 мирмекодомациум М 624 мирмекосимбиоз М 627 мирмекофильный М 625 мирмекофиты М 626 мирмекохорный М 623 мирто-зелёный М 629 мирха М 628 мисхомания М 375 митоз С 137 митокластический М 377 мицелиевидный М 599 мицелиевый М 597 мицелий М 598 бесплодный- Н 559 вторичный- S 245 мицелла М 308 мицетогенез М 601 младший F 2 млеконосный L 21 млечный L 22 многие С 684 многий М 506 очень- Р 337 много- С 213, М 367, 506, Н 60, Р 798, 857, 933 -бородавчатый Р 1070 -братственный Р 937 -бугорчатый Т 629 -вздутый Т 362 -ветвистый М 564, Р 970, R 60 -волосистый Р 1075 -гнездный М 549 -головчатый М 514 -домный Р 989 , -жгутиковый М 534 -железистый Р 938 -жилковатый N 103, Р 868, Р 1007, 1022 -зевный Р 1064 -зубчатый М 568, Р 864 -иглистый Р 934 -камеральный М 548 -камерный Р 1069 •88 много- -капсулпрованны й М 515 -килевой М 516 -клеточный Р 860 -колосый Р 1055 -корешковый Р 1040 -корневищный R 270 •косточковый Р 1039 -кратносложный S 1307 -кратный М 556 -круговой Р 976 •крылый Р 1038 -крючковатый Р 939 -летний А 794, Р 261, 800 -линейчатый М 546 -лист ний Р 1028 -лепестный Р 1017 -лопастный М 547 -лучистый Р 943, R 37 -надрезный М 533, 565, Р 1072 -ножковидный S 203 -образный Р 1006 -орешковый Р 972 -осевой М 512 -остистый М 510 -пальчатый Р 979 -парный М 544 -перегородчатый Р 876, 1024 -пестичный Р 995 плодный Р 950 -плодолистнковый Р 859, 950 -поисковый М 576 -прилистниковый S 995 -прицветниковый М 513 -пыльниковый Р 942 -раздельный D 19, М 533, Р 871, 1072 -ребристый Р 863 -ресничатый М 522, Р 1075 -рогатый Р 959 -рыльцевый Р 1062, S 979 -рядный Р 877, 1060 -семядольный Р 973 -семянный Р 1050 -споровый Р 1054 -стебельный М 519, Р 1032 -столбиковый Р 1066 -сторонный М 545, Р 993 -сторучковый М 570 -творчатый М 575 -точечный Р 1061 -трубчатый Р 1046 -тычинковый Р 940, S 862 -тычиночный Р 1059 -угловатый А 765 -угольный М 507, Р 993 -узелковый N 137 -хвостый Р 1079 -цветковый М 535, Н 61 -цветный D 306, М 525 -центрический Р 956 -циклический Р 800 -чашелистиковый Р 1044 -чешуйчатый Р 999 -численный С 796,866, М, 577 N 200 Р 814 -членистый М 511 -членный Р 1002 -шиповатый Р 957 -щетинковый Р 1045 -ядерный Р 869,1010, Р 1039 -ядный Р 1020 -яйцевой Р 870, 1015 многодомность Р 988 многолетники Р 858 многоплодник Р 951 многосемядольность Р 974 многосемянка А 68, Р 935 многоэмбриония Р 983 множественный М 556 мною (описапный) М 1 мозаика (листовая-) М 489 мозаичность V 34 мозолистый С 30 мозоль С 31 мой М 1 молекулярный М 388 молодой J 22, N 169 молодость J 24 молотковидный М 81 молочно- G 4 -белый G 4, L 22 -цветковый G 6 монангический М 395 монастер М 396 монетообразный N 202 монобласт М 398 моногамный М 417 моногенез М 418 моногенетически й М 419 моногенный М 419 моногибрид М 423 монодесмический М 413 монодинамный М 414 монозиготный М 463 монокарион М 427 монокарпий М 400 монокарпический М 399 монокарпный М 399 моноклинически й М 407 моноклональный М 408 монокультура М 410 монолепсис М 428 мономерный М 429 мономорфный М 430 монопластический М 436 моноплеурический М 437 монопо диальны й М 439 монополий М 440 моносимметрически й М 453 моносис М 445 моносома М 446 моноспермический М 447 моноспора М 448 моноспорангий М 449 моностела М 450 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ моностемонный М 451 монотипный М 457, 461 монотропный М 460 монотрофный М 459 монофагный М 432 монофилетический М 433 монофитический М 435 монохазий М 403 коноциклический М 411 море М 103 морелюбивый Т 220 моркововидный D 6 морозный А 471, G 64 морской М 109, Р 218 морскосиннй Т 219 морфогенез М 475 морфогения М 476 морфогенный М 477 морфография М 478 морфоз М 486 морфологический М 480 морфология М 479 морфоним М 482 морфономия М 481 морфопланктон М 484 морфоплазия М 485 морфотип М 487 морфофилогенез М 483 морфэстезис М 474 морщина С 889 морщинисто- R 313 морщинистоплодный R 314 морщинисто-семянный R 316 морщинистый R 313, 403, 407 морщинка R 402 небольшая- R 404 мотыльковый Р 79 мох М 585 мохнатый V 120 моховидный В 298 мохолюбивый В 300 мочки (корневые-) R 20 мошонкообразный S 221 мощный R 339 мраморный М 111 мрачный Т 565 мужской М 113 мулътиполярны й М 560 мумификация М 578 муравь- М 622 муральный М 580 мускусный М 490 мусорники R 391 мустовчатый V 88 почти- S 1251 мутабильность М 587 мутагены М 588 мутанты М 589 мутация М 590 мутовка С 1000, V 90 ложная- Р 1589, V 89 мутуализм М 594 муховидный М 616 мучнистый F 18 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 984 мучновидный F 17 мшистый М 584 мыльный S 44 мышевидный М 618 мыщелок С 707 мышехвостый М 631 мышино-серый М 583 мягкий М 74, 390 мягко- Н 22, М 74 мякотный Р 1644, S 70 мякоть С 97, Р 1643 плодовая- Р 1643 мясисто- S 62 -ветвистый S 68 -корешковый S 76 -листный S 74 -ножковый S 75 -плодный S 65 -семянный S 77 -чешуйчатый S 71 мясистый С 96, 863, S 62, 1263 несколько-S117 мясокрасный С 94, I 85 мясолюбивый С 879 Н-генерация NI на Е 229 набегающий I 49 наблюдение А 795, О 23 навикулы N 35 навозный С 789, F 64, М 191 S 942 навощенный С 237 наглядный С 761, D 58 над- Е 229 надвид S 1298 наделенный Р 1173 надземный Е 257, 301, S 1315 надкожица С 979 надлистный Е 280, S 1309 надломленный I 148 надпазушный S 1304 надпестичный Е 262 надплодник Е 243 надравновысокий S 1308 надрез I 88 надрезанный I 89, L 15 надрезно- I 89 надрезный F 54, Т 329 надсемядольный Е 250 надувание I 256 надчерешковый S 1312 назад завёрнутый- R 109, 206 загнутый- R 205, S 1301 закрученный- R 221 заломленный- R 207 зарнутый R 205 обращенный- R 212 отклонённый- R 85 отогнутый- R 101, 111, 155 оттянутый- R 203 название N 142 абортивное- А 18 альтернативное- А 474 -без описания N198 видовое- S 625 законное- L 82 незаконное-1 42 новое- N 86, 169 отвергаемое- R 137 полуголое-S 340 путающее- С 717 родовое- С 753, G 97 с- названием N 217 сомнительное- А 497, N 142 туземное- V 72 наземно- G 102 наземный Е 257, Т 136 найденный I 266 наименование D 65 найменыпий М 371 накипной С 902 наклонённый D 17,1 90 наклонный С 524, Р 1292 налегающий 1 108 налёт Р 1441 налётом (покрытый-) Р 1442 с- Р 1442 наличие Р 1196 наложенный А 949,1 67 наматофиты N 4 нанандрический N 6 нанизм N 7 нанопланктон N 10 наносестон N 11 нанофлора N 8 нанофанерофиты N 9 нападающий I 261 написанный S 217 наполненный R 154 направленный М 83, S 207, Т 611, V 67 напряжение Т 98 наплыв С 31 нарисованный D 51 наркотический N 15 наркотропизм N 16 нарост S 1053 наростовидный S 1054 наружная семенная кожура Т 145 ___ наружная цветковая чешуя Р 30 наружный Е 16, 503 наружу (выступивший) Е 109 нарциссо-жёлтый J 6 наряженный А 214 насаждение Р 751 насаждения (древесные-) V 134 насекомо- Е 212 -носный I 179 -ядный I 180 -яды 1178 наскальный R 413, S 100 насколько Q 53 наследственность Н 168 ложная- Р 1507 наследственный Н 167 настический N 19 настия N настой I 156 настоящий G 99 насыщенно-зелёнеющий S 89 насыщенно-зелённый S 90 насыщенный S 91 натальный N 21 натрое (целящийся-) Т 522 натурализация N 27 натуральный N 26 наука Н 317, S 163 наукум N 30 наутогндрохоры N 33 находящиеся на чащелистн-ках Е 292 начало G 89, Р 1213, 1216, начальный 1 161 не- А 1,628,913, Е 415,145, N 150 -известна N 150 -увидела N 150 небесно-голубой С 7 нёбо J 21, Р 29 неважный Р 148 неведомый I 40 неветвистый А 96 невидимый I 271 невидный I 272 невозделанный I 107 невооружённый 1131 почти- S 1198 негелиотропный А 770 негеотропичный А 320 неделимый А 1120 недолговечный F 177 недоразвитый А 18, D 74 недоставать D 107 недостаточный М 89 недостающий N 199 недостоверный 1 86 недотрога N 141 нежгутиковый Е 57 нежизнеспособность 1270 нежно- Н 22 нежный Т 97 довольно- Т 95 незаконный I 42 незаметный I 99, О 24 незапятнанный 1 50 нездоровый 1 176 незрелый С 897, I 51, 69 нейдиопланктон N 65 неизвестный I 40 неизм N 66 неизменный I 58, 264 неизучаемый 1 272 неистон N 109 985 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ нейтральный N 110, 111 нейтрофильный N 112 неколючий I 131 нехриды N 39 некробиоз N 40 некрогенный N 43 некрогормон N 44 некроз N 49 -коры S 697 некрон N 45 некроплазма N 47 некропласт N 48 иекротип N 50 некрофагный N 46 некроценоз N 41 некроцист N 42 нектар N 51 нектарий N 56 нектария N 52 нектарник N 56 ложный- Р 1529 нектарника (покров-) N 55, 59 нектаром (питающийся-) N 57 нектароносный N 54 нектарохранилище N 61 нектизм N 62 нектон N 63 нематеций N 69 нематопласт N 70 нематоспорангий N 74 немногий (очень-) Р 342 немного- Р 195 -городчатый Р 196 -зубчатый Р 197 -листный Р 199 -лучистый Р 200 -цветковый Р 198 -численный Р 195 ненормальный А 16 ненужный I 260 необработанный А 334 необратимый I 283 необходимый N 38 необычный I 192 необитаемый I 107 неогенез N 81 неодинаковый D 316, I 75 неодновременный А 431 неоднородный D 202 почти- S 1152 неокрашенный А 75, I 96 неокруглый А 349 неоморфия N 82 неоморфный N 85 неоморфогенный N 83 неоморфоз N 84 неоним N 86 неоонтология N 87 неоплазма N 89 неопределённый А 497,1 113 неорганический А 807 неотделимый I 181 неотения N 90 неотип N 92 неоткрытый I 81 неотропнческий N 91 неофиты N 88 неоэндемизм N 78 непарно-1 59 -перистый 1 60 непарный D 316,1 59 непахнущий I 169 непахучий I 169 неподвижный S 848 непокрытый А 1114 неполно древовидный S 1098 неполностью хрящевой S 1118 неполный I 98 непостоянный V 30 непохожий D 327 неправильный А 804, Z 68 непрерывный С 775 непривычный I 192 неприлегающий I 74 неприличный I 70 неприметный I 99 непродырявленный N 152 непрозрачный А 199 непромокаемость I 64 непромокаемый I 63 неравно- А 774, Н 175,1 75 -бокий А 353, I 77, О 15, S 110 -зубчатый I 76 -круговой Н 200 -мерный Н 224 -пестичный А 785 -половинчатый S 1154 -разделённый Н 264 -семенодольный Н 199 -сторонный О 15 -угольный А 794 неравнолистность А 788 неравный I 75 неразветвлённый S 518 неразделённый 1 123, 201 нераздельный I 121, 181 нераздельнополый М 407 нерастрескивающийся 1 114 нерасцветший V 130 нерв N 106 нервация N 99 нервный N 100 нереиды N 94 неритовый N 96 неровный S 222 неропланктон N 97 нерядный А 1094 несвоевременное опадение листьев Р 576 несегментированный А 512 несовершенный D 3, I 62, 98 несочленённый Е 422, I 82 неспиральный А 1079 несущий F 35, Р 464 ■галлы С 203 -иглы S 741 -кисти R 4 -корни R 25, 276 -крыночку Р 1713 -кучки S 591 -лепестки Р 365 -отпрыски Р 1272 -побеги S 1317 -семяпочки О 298 -скафидий S 115 -сок С 414, S 1257 -соредий S 587 -спермаций S 652 -спорангий S 783 -строму S 1041 -стручочки S 503 -стручки S 506 -сумки А 1057 -теку Т 233 -усики С 472 -цветонос Р 216 нетипичный А 1142 неустойчивый на теплоте Т 265 неушковатый Е 423 неясный А 180, О 22,24,1122 низбггающий D 26 почти- S 1147 ниже- I 144 нижний I 137 низкорослый Н 444 низменный D 57 низовой В 35 никакой N 199 никтантия N 213 никтигамный N 214 никтинастия N 215 никтипелагический N 216 нихтитропизм N 215 нисходящий D 88 ните- N 68 нитевидно-столбиковый L 130 нитевидный F 56 нитестебельчатый N 71 нити (неокрашенные-) А 75 ниточный F 56 нитрификация N 124 нитрифицирующий N 123 питрофильный N 125 нитрофиты N 126 нитчато- N 68 -листный N 73 нитчатый F 56, N 68 нить F 57, N 67 грибная- Н 557 тычиночная- F 57 ничтожный Е 444 новинка N 168 новокомбинация N 77 новообразование N 79 новый N 169 -вид N 169 нога Р 362 -петуха С 900 -ногий Р 363 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 986 ноготками (с-) U 34 ноготкоьидный U 33 ноготок U 35 ноготь U 35 ножевидный С 956 ножка Р 211, S 987 -поллинария С 190 ножко- Р 890 -видный S 989 -ножковый Р 363, 890 коричнево- Р 404 ножкокрылый Р 896 ножкоплодный Р 894 ножницевидный F 124 ножно- С 605 номенклатура N 144 бинарная- В 153, N 144 -растений Р 646 номиум N 145 номофилл N 148 нормальный N 153 носатый N 20 носик R 351, 355 -носный F 35, Р 464 носология N 154 нософиты N 155 носоцветковый R 238 нотогамия N 159 нотоморфа N 160 нототрибный N 164 ночной N 133, 211 ночью N 170 ночью (цветущий-) N 132 нуклеарный N 179 нуклеация N 180 нуклеобионты N 183 нуклеодесма N 186 нуклеоидий N 188 нуклеома N 191 нуклеоплазма N 192 нуклеопротеиды N 193 нуклеосома N 194 нуклеоцентросома N 184 нумеротип N 201 нунциальный N 204 нутация N 206 нутрицизм N 207 пуцеллус N 176 оангий О 1 обвёртка I 277, S 614 общая- Р 279 обвёрточка I 273 обвёрточный I 274 обвитый О 38 обдиплостемонный О 7 обедненный D 74 обезлиственный D 39 обесцвеченный D 18 обесцвечивание А 78 обзор R 218, S 1330, 1441 обилие А 24 обильно- - лиственный F 113 -сетчатый R 194 -цветущий F 88 -шерстистый L 47 -щетинистый S 469 обильный С 797, О 205, U 1 почти- S 1133 обитание Н 3 обитатель I 94 обитающий С 604, Н 2,1 95, 159 -в долине V 23 -в лесу S 510 -в новом свете N 80 -в пещерах Т 585 -в пустыне Т 142 -в садах Н 433 -на болоте Р 55 -на ветвях R 52 -на воздухе А 260 -на гипсе G 312 -на гнейсе G 192 -на горах М 468 -на граните G 246 -на грибах F 189 -на деревьях А 971 -на древесине L 164, X 61 -на земле Т 138 -на злаках G 235 -на известняках С 23 -на камнях L 50 -на коре С 834 -на корне R 24 -на кустарниках Р 531 -на навозе С 798 -на ольхе А 466 -на пастбищах N 147 -на песке А 1002, S 2 -на плодах F 161 -на почвах L 180 -на реках Р 1146 -на силиций S 499 -на скалах Р 380, R 414 -на сланцах S 136 -на стволах Т 618 -на хвое А 84 -на холмах С 625 -на экскрементах М 191 область D 343, R 125, Т 140 облачный N 173 облегчающий колики Т 351 облепленный I 105 облигатный О 14 облик Н 4, F 6 облиственис F 107, Т 155 облиственность F 109 облиственный F 109 облитерированный 0 16 обломок F 145 обманчивый D 16, М 190 S 519 обморожение Р 340 обнажённый D 71 обновление I 165 обновляющийся I 164 ободок G 317 ободранный Е 518 обоеполость А 711 обоеполый А 710, В 216, Н 171, М 407, Р 262 обожжённый S 696 обозначенный D 94, S 496 обозрение С 759, S 1441 оболочка М 181, Т 649 клеточная- С 1041, М 181 протоплазматическая- М 181 ядерная- М 181 -ядра С 152 оболочкой (покрытый-) Т 650 обонятельный О 105 оборванный А 19 оборонительный D 34 оборот С 1000 обострённый А 91 обоюдный М 595 обоюдоострый А 684 обрабатывать С 634 обработанный С 957 образец S 626 -образный F 128, М 473 образование складок Р 848 образованный F 127 образующий Р 171, 1240 -влагалище V 15 обрамляющий М 106 обратимый R 214 обратно- О 2 -булавовидный О 3 -закрученный О 29 -конусовидный О 5 -кубарчатый О 33 -ланцетовидный О 12 -овальный О 18 -овоидный О 20 -пирамидальный О 21 -сжатный О 4 -сердцевидный О б -треугольный О 30 -черепитчатый О 11 -яйцеобразный О 19 обратный А 682, 874, I 267, О 2 обращённый А 226, S 631, V 67, 85 обрестывающий I 275 4 обрубленный Т 617 слегка- Т 616 обрызганный А 1076 обсеменение S 336 обстриженный D 113 обтуратор О 32 обугленный А 222 D 115 обширный А 606 общественность S 545 общественный S 546 •37 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ общество S 549 общий С 65, 668, U 79 -черешок Р 377 объеденный D 73 объединённый С 567 объемлющий А 206,600, Е 318 обыкновенный С 668, Т 577 обычно R 331 -десятитычинковмй S 1146 обязательный О 14 овальноплодный О 90 овальный О 291 овогенез О 164 овойдный О 297 овоцентр О 296 овощи О 101, 137 овощной О 103 огибающий С 461 огненно- Р 451, 1692 -красный А 997, F 79, I 39, Р 1692 -листный Р 1710 оголенный D 71, 79 оголяющийся G 148 огород Н 438, О 102 огородный О 103, 133 ограда S 13 ограниченный D 36 огрубевший А 1072 огурцеобразный С 945 одетый I 129, Т 46 один U 31, 81 одинадцати- Е 126 одинако- Н 358 -плодный Н 360 одинаковый А 245,1 15, U 56 одиночноплодный Е 323 одиночный А 638,1 320, S 565 одичавший Е 51, S 1233 одно- Е 321, Н 24, М 392, U 36 -бокий V 60 -братственный М 393 -брачный М 417 -волосистый М 458 -временный С 541, Н 364, М 406, S 520 -гнездный М 455, U 62 -губый V 59 -дневный D 345, Е 228 -дольный М 409 -домный Н 367, М 415, S1436 -жгутиковый М 458, U 52 -жилковатый U 63 -зародышевый U 47 -зубчатый U 46 -клеточный U 42 -коробочный U 40 •косточковый М 441 -летний А 797 -листный М 434, U 54 -лопастный U 61 -образный С 716, Н 375, М 430, U 56 одно- , -парный U 58 •перегородчатый U 70 -пестичный М 422 -пильчатый U 72 -пленный М 429 -плодолистиковый М 399 -плодный М 399 -плодущий U 51 -покровный Н 27, М 404 -покрытый U 76 -полый U 73 -прицветниковый U 37 -ребристый U 45 -ресничатый U 43 -рядный U 71 -семенодольный М 409 -семянный М 447 -слойный U 75 -спиральный U 74 -створчатый U 78 -стебельчатый Н 26, U 41 -типпый М 461 -трубчатый М 444 -тычинковый М 394 -хозяйственный А 1171, Н 373, М 462, Р 1468 -цветковый U 53 -цветный С 694, М 405 почти- S 1130 -шпорцевый U 38 -ядерный U 65 -яйцевой U 66 однолетники Т 285 однолистовка U 55 одпороднопокровный Н 362 однородность Н 385 однородный С 718, Н 388, S 515 односторонне--листный S 247 -цветковый S 246 односторонний U 48, 60 одревеснение L 165 оживающий А 670, R 102 озёрный L 26 озеро L 25 ойдий О 89 окаймленно- L 251 окаймлённый С 441, 469, L 251, М 107 окамене- L 213 океанопланктон О 46 океанофиты О 45 окклюзия О 40 около- Р 267 -волосистый Р 325 -иглистый Р 268 -лепестный Р 288, 294 -тычиночный Р 269, 313 околоплодник Р 275 околоустье Р 317 околоцветник Р 270 ложный- Р 1539 околоцветника (лациний-) L 14 окончание D 97 окраина Р 317 окраска С 638, Р 681 окрашенно- С 371 окрашенный С 372, 374, 639 F 175, 1 173, Т 315 окрашивание С 640 окрашивающийся С 394 окрестности А 204 округлённый R 363 округлозубчатый С 873 округлошертистый А 556 округлый О 210 почти- S 1214 окружающий А 495, С 440 окружённый С 431,453, С 470, 785 -валом О 36 -крылышком Р 308 окружность С 460 окружный С 451 оксалатоносный О 301 оксалилевциты О 302 оксигеноморфоз О 308 оксигенотропизм О 310 оксигеофиты О 312 оксилофнты О 313 окситропизм О 317 окснфильный О 314 оксифобный О 315 окулировка О 58 окутанный О 38 олеандрокрасный О 92 олеокорпус О 95 олеоплазма О 96 олеопласт О 91 олеорезины О 98 олеосома О 99 олибан О 106 оливково-зелёный О 134 оливковый О 134 олигодинамический О 114 олигомерный О 116 олигонитрофильный О 117 олигопелический О 118 олттосапробный О 124 олиготаксис О 128 олиготропный О 132 олиготрофный О 130 олиготрофофильный О 131 олигофагный О 119 олигофилетический О 122 олигофитический О 120 олигофотометричный О 121 олоиотрофный О 135 омброкпеистогамия О 138 омброморфоз О 140 омброфиты О 143 омброфобный О 142 омертвевший S 696 омертвение N 49 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 988 омнипотенция О 147 омоложенне J 23, R 138 омоплефиты О 149 онтогенез О 154 онтогения О 154 ооапогамия О 155 ообластема О 156 оогамета О 162 оогамия О 163 оогенез О 164 оогоний О 165 оокинез О 166 оолизис О 167 оонуклеус О 170 ооплазма О 173 оосома О 175 ооспора О 178 ооспорангий О 179 оосфера О 177 оотека О 180 оонентр О 158 оо цист а О 159 опавший D 46 опадающий С 6, D 15, Р 713 опалённый А 222, S 696 опаловый О 182 опахало R 239 оперенный Р 855 оперкулум О 185 опилкообразный S 197 опись -растений С 752а фитоценологическая-С 752а описание D 90 -природы Р 596 -цветков F 92 описательный D 91 описка L 52 опистиальный О 191 опистолромный О 192 опиум О 193 оплодотворение N 203 внутривидовое- G 193 ложное- Р 1498, 1514 перекрестное- А 434, X 21 оплодотворённый G 37 опора F 180 опоясанный С 431, Z 21 определение D 111, I 16 определённый С 241, D 36 -ключ А 656 определил D 112 опробкование S 1169 опсеоспермата О 200 опсигония О 202 оптимальный О 203 оптимум О 204 экологический- О 73 опухолевидный С 84 опушение I 124, Р 1634 опушения (отсутствие-) G 150 опушённо- Р 1622 опушённый Р 1633 клочковато- F 83 коротко- Р 1631 -вниз D 57 опушка М 108 опыление Р 923 естественное- Р 923 иллегитимное- Р 923 искусственное- Р 923 легитимное- L 82 перекрёстное- Р 923, S 884, X 21 опылённый Р 924 опыляемый улитками М 75 опылять Р 924 опыт о растениях Р 603 опьяняющий S 489, Т 88 оранжево-красный R 423 оранжевый А 1151 оранжерея С 28, F 43 летняя- А 282 холодная- F 152 орбикулус О 211 оргадофиты О 218 орган О 232 листовой- Р 567 органеллы О 219 организм О 221 органический О 220 органов (смещение-) М 282 органогенез О 222 органогенный О 223 органография О 224 органолептический О 225 органонимия О 227 органопластический О 230 органотрофный О 231 органофилия О 228 органофнлогенез О 229 органы вегетативные О 232 -оплодотворения- О 232 половые- G 95 придаточные- А 43 репродуктивные- О 232 -размножения О 232, Р 1293 орех С 132 ореховидный N 174,178 орехоносный N 177 орешек С 556, N 196 -орешковый С 548 оригинальный О 238 оригома О 271 орнитогамный О 245 орнито-сфингофильный О 247 орнитофильный О 245 орнитохорный О 244 орография О 248 орофиты О 250 орошенные R 323 орошенный I 286 ортогелиотропный О 256 ортогенез О 253 ортогеотропизм О 254 ортонастия О 257 ортоплойдия-О 261 ортоплокный О 260 ортоселекция О 262 ортоспермный О 263 ортоспираль О 264 ортоспорангий О 265 ортостихи О 266 ортотеломитический О 267 ортотип О 269 ортотропный О 268 ортофототаксис О 258 ортофототропизм О 259 орхидология О 212 осаждение Р 1165 освежающий R 116 -осевидный R 8 осевой А 1237 осевосемянный А 1244 осенний А 1216 осиноносный Т 103 осмоз G 278 осмометр О 275 осмоморфоз О 276 осморегуляция О 277 осмотаксис О 279 осмотический О 280 осмотропизм О 281 основа В 52, Р 1216 -пластинка листа В 52 -рубчика семени О 151 -семяпочки С 252 основнобоковой В 46 основной В 35, Р 1215 основножильковатый В 48 основносвободный В 54 осново- А 106 основоростный А 122 особый S 522, 622 остарифиты О 284 остаток R 140, 164, 396, V 99 остающийся Р 334, 348, R 142, 165 остеосклереидий О 285 остистый А 1022 остриё А 90, 165, 168 остро- А 98, 106, С 214,0 303 -бежный А 120 •железистый О 304 -закрепленный А 121 -листный А 1024 -образный А 1025 -семянный О 316 островатый А 171, S 1089 островолюбивый N 107 островырезной Е 431 остроконечие А 165, М 502 длинное- С 978 короткое- М 504 осгроконечно- М 503 остроконечный А 166, М 503 острый А 59,170,1014, С 214 ость А 1021 осушающий S 483 осыпанный С 760 989 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ осыпающийся С 6, D 15 ось А 1242 главная- Р 1208 маленькая- А 1026 -колоска R 9 -листа Р 575 одностопная- М 440 нервнчная- Р 1208 -сложного колоса R 12 -соцветия R 12 осязательный Т 13 отбор D 47, S 268 естественный- S 268 отвращенный А 1233 отвергаемый R 137 отвернутый R 111, 202, 221 отверстие А 886,0 237, 288 маленькое- Р 1125 эйсодиальное- Е 59 с отверстием О 287 отверстий (лишенный-) N 151 отверстиями (с тремя-) Т 499 отвесносжатный О 4 отвесный Р 343, V 87 отвислый F 75 отводок I 190, М 82 отворачивающийся R 220 отвратительный N 31 отгиб L 178 с отгибом L 177 отгор Р 1288 отдалённый R 143 отдел D 351 отделение S 237, 569 отделённый D 313, I 320, S 405, 570 отделившийся S 238 отеняющий О 35 отклонённый Р 180 слегка- Р 194 отклоняется от D 201 отклоняющийся А 5 открыватель I 265 открыто- С 246, 263 открытый А 887, Р 361 откушенный Р 1190 отлетающий А 1235 отличительный D 336 отмерший Е 114 отмеченный N 157 относительно Q 53 относительный Р 353, R 139 относящийся (к колонке) С 648 -к корневищу R 268 -к ложу R 78 -к расщеплению S 170, Т 330 -к семядолям С 854 -к язычку L 172 отобранный S 270 отогнутый D 37 отождествление 116 оторванный А 1236 отороченный L 177, М 107 оторочка А 1030, С 835 отплодотворение F 30 отплодотворенный F 31 отплодотворяющий F 29 отпрыск Р 1271, S 543 корневой- S 543 отпрыски дающий- S 544 несущий- Р 1272 отражающий R 119 отрицательный N 64 отросток Р 1233 отрубовидный F 199 отскакивающий D 95, Р 1322, R 166, S 20 отслаиваться Е 442 отстоять D 337 отстоящий D 333 отсутствующий А 21 отталкивающий Р 454 оттиск Е 40, S 404 оттопыренный Р 180, S 846 несколько- S 847 оттянутый А 1140, Т 104 отходящий А 8 отцветший D 38 офиономиум О 189 охватывающий А 600, С 682, I 175 охрана природы N 25 охраняющий Т 644 охряный О 49 очевидно Р 1456 очевидный А 946 очень Р 253, 1156 очередной А 472 очерк А 220, S 162, Т 102 очертание А 499, С 460, 712 очерченный D 51 очищающий С 184, Р 1660 ошибка L 52, S 723 ощетиненный Н 432 павлиноцветный Р 204 пагофиты Р 12 пагубный N 172 падение L 52 пазуха А 1239 пазушный А 1240 паклевидный S 1060 паклей (покрытый-) S 1061 пакля S 1059 палевый Н 102 палеоарктический Р 17 палеоархеофиты Р 16 палеобиология Р 18 палеоботаника Р 19 палеогибрид Р 23 палеотропический Р 27 палеофитикум Р 25 палеофиты Р 1410 палеофлористический Р 22 палеоэкология Р 20 палеоэндемизм Р 21 палингенез Р 36 палинология Р 60 палисадный Р 37 палисадодермис Р 38 палмеллевидный Р 53 палочковидный В 4, 15 пальчато- D 213, Р 44 -жилковатый Р 49 -лопастной Р 48 -лопастный D 215 -надрезный D 219, Р 46 -нервный D 220 -перистый D 217 -раздельный D 221, Р 50 -сложный D 214 пальчатый D 213, Р 44 почти-S 1153 пампинодиум Р 61 пангенезис Р 67 панмиксия Р 71 пантогенный Р 76 пантропический Р 78 панфитон Р 74 панфотометрический Р 73 панцирный L 267 панцирь L 266 папоротнико- F 59 -видный F 59 пара листьев J 14 парабиоз Р 89 парабиоты Р 90 парагелиотропизм Р 104 параграмма Р 103 парадифиллум Р 102 паразит Р 130 ложный- Р 1536 многоядный- Р 130 облигатный- Р 130 одноядный- Р 130 факультативный- Р 130 паразитарный Р 126 паразитизм Р 128 паразитический Р 127 паразитология Р 129 паракарпеллум Р 92 паракарпидий Р 93 паракарпий Р 94 паракарпный Р 95 параклимакс Р 98 паракме Р 99 парализатор Р 111 парализующий Т 353 параллелотропизм Р 109 параллельный Р 106 параллельнонервный Р 107 парамастигота Р 112 паранастия Р ИЗ паранема Р 114 параперигоний Р 116 параплазма Р 123 парапланктон Р 122 параплекгенхима Р 124 парасапрофитизм Р 125 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 990 парасиндез Р 140 парастерильность Р 134 парастихи Р 135 парастрофе Р 136 паратеций Р 141 паратип Р 146 паратонический Р 142 пара трахеальный Р 143 парафиза Р 121 парафилл Р 120 парахроматин Р 96 парахромофорный Р 97 паралитический Р 101 паренхима Р 149 листовая- М 244 паренхиматозный Р 150 паренхимный Р 150 париетальный Р 153 парк V 134 парник Р 1648 парно- G 67, Z 58 парножильковый Р 154 парноперистый Р 155 парный G 67, J 13, Р 87 пароним Р 157 пароэцический Р 156 партеноапогамия Р 159 партеногамета Р 162 партеногамия 163 партеногенез Р 164 партеногонидий Р 165 партенокарпий Р 161 партенокарпия Р 160 иартеноспора Р 167 парус V 104 парусоносный V 103 пассивный Р 176 пастбище В 302, Р 173 пастбищный Р 174 пателла Р 178 патогенный Р 183 патогеность Р 182 патологический Р 186 патология Р 185 патоморфогенный Р 187 патотил 189 патофит Р 188 патроклинный Р 191 патрог.юрфный Р 193 паутинистый А 966 пахинема Р 4 пахиноз Р 5 пахитена Р 6 пахнущий О 94, 274 пахучий F 146, G 253, О 65 пашенный А 332, 1051, S 255 пашня А 321, S 253 педиофиты Р 214 пелогамия Р 7 педогенез Р 8 пектиповый Р 205 пелагический Р 218 пелагофиты Р 219 пелликула Р 221 пелликулой (покрытый-) Р 223 нелликулярны й Р 222 пелопсаммогенный Р 227 пелория Р 228 пелофиты Р 226 пелохтофиты Р 225 пенек гриба С 227 пенистый S 835 пентамерный Р 245 пентапл оидны й Р 249 пентафилетический Р 247 пенящийся S 835 пепел С 443 пепельно- Т 111 -белый S 771, Т 113 -иглистый Т 112 -серый С 434, L 142, S 769, Т 111 -черноватый F 185 -чёрный Т 114 пепельный S 769, Т 111 перанозис Р 254 первенство Р 1221 первичный Р 1208, 1212 первый Р 1214, 1375 пергаментный Р 266 перевёрнуто- О 2 перевёрнутый I 267, Р 359, R 186 перевёртывание R 185 перевод Т 391 переводчик Т 392 перегородка D148,325, R 156, S 424 ложная- D 325, Р 1491, S 424 поперечная- Т 402 перегородчатый S 411 перёд F 159, Р 1156 перезимовавший Н 292 перекладиний Т 372 перекладчатый Т 373 перекрестно- С 896, D 29 перекрестный D 29 переменчивый С 670, М 586 перемешанный I 219 перемещение Т 393 перемычка J 12 переносчик Т 392 перенхима Р 260 переплетенно-скрученный С 777 переплетённый I 65, 236 перепонка М 181 перепоночка М 184 перепончатый М 182 перепутанный I 65, 249 переработка Е 64 пересадка Т 399 пересекающийся I 230 пересеченный I 230 переспелость S 1310 пересыпанный I 233 перетянутый С 765, 780, S 1013 переход Т 390 переходный Т 389 переходящий А 8, Е 439, Т 388 перечень D 47, N 143 -семян D 47 перечисление Е 217 перешнурованный С 765, S 1013 периаксиальный Р 272 периантомания Р 271 перианций Р 270 периблема Р 273 перибазальный Р 327 перигадроматический Р 289 перигамиум Р 285 перигиний Р 287 перигоний Р 286 перидерма Р 281 перидесма Р 282 перидий Р 284 перидиола Р 283 перизоний Р 329 перикарпий Р 275 перюсладий Р 278 периксилический Р 328 перимедуллярный Р 290 периний Р 291 период Р 293 вегетативный- Т 87 латентный- L 59 -цветения Т 87 периодичность Р 292 перипласма Р 303 периплазмодий Р 304 перипласт Р 305 перисперм Р 309 периспорий Р 311 перистилический Р 320 перисто- Р 698 -жилковатый Р 703 -зубчатый Р 709 -листный Р 701 -лопастный Р 702 -надрезный Р 700 -нервный Р 703 -разделённый Р 704 -рассечённый Р 706 -расщеплённый Р 705 -сдвоенный Р 708 -сложный Р 699 перистом Р 317 ' перистомный Р 318 перистрофия Р 319 перистый Р 698 периталлиум Р 321 перитециеносец Р 323 перитециеносный Р 322 перитециефор Р 323 перитеций Р 324 ложный- Р 1543 991 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ перитропный Р 326 перифиза Р 301 перифиллогения Р 299 перихеций Р 277 пери цикл Р 280 периферический Р 295 перифиты Р 302 пермутация Р 338 перо Р 697, 852 перовидный Р 853, 855 перпендикулярный Р 343 перцепция Р 255 перышко Р 712, 856 пертофиты Р 352 пески А 1003 песко- Р 1451 -любивый А 492, Р 1454 песок А 1001, S 4 песочный Р 1451 пестик Р 720 пестиковый Р 716 пестиконосный Р 717 пестичный F 33, Р 717 пёстро- Р 899 пёстрый Р 899, V 35 песчаный А 1002, S 3 петалодия Р 368 петаломания Р 369 петрофиты Р 381 петуший гребень-образный А 386 печаточный S 494 печёночный Н 149 пещера А 876, S 638 пещеристый С 201 пигмент Р 682 пигментация Р 681 пигментообразующий С 388 пиезотропизм Р 680 пикнида Р 1679 пикнидиенссец Р 1677 пикнидиоспора Р 1678 пикниум Р 1680 пикноз Р 1686 пиксидий Р 1715 пилеоцистида Р 686 пилидий Р 689 пиловидный S 448 пильчато--зубчатый S 439 -листный S 441 пильчатость S 446 пильчатый S 447 слегка- S 1229 пиннула Р 712 пиогенный Р 1691 пирамидальный Р 1693 пиреноиды Р 1699 пиренокарпий Р 1698 пиреносома Р 1701 пиренофор Р 1700 пирофильный Р 1708 пирофиты Р 1711 пирофобный Р1709 пистиллодий Р 719 пистобелый V 130 питание N 209 питательный N 208 питающий N 208 питмен Р 1712 питомник Р 750, S 335 древесный- А 970 пихтовидный А 9, S 43 пищеварительный D 211 пищевой С 948 плавательный N 23 плавающий F 98, N 22 -на поверхности Е 268 -сверху S 1295 плагиодромный Р 731 плагиотропный Р 737 плагиофототаксис Р 734 плагиофототропизм Р 735 плазмалемма Р 756 плазмогамета Р 745 плазматический Р 757 плазмогамия Р 763 плазмогенез Р 764 плазмодесма Т Р 760 плазмодий Р 762 плазмодиокарпий Р 761 плазмолиз Р 766 плазмолитический Р 767 плазмонема Р 768 плазмоптизис Р 771 плазмотомия Р 773 плазмофагный Р 769 плакопласты Р 729 плакохроматический Р 728 пламенно-красный I 39 план(диагональный-) D 135 планктология Р 738 планктон Р 739 глубиный- S 214 планозигота Р 748 планоспора Р 747 плантация Р 751 пластида Р 775 пластидом Р 776 пластидула Р 777 пластин Р 778 пластинка L 33, 36, 178 -венчика L 178 -листа L 36, 178 ложная- Р 1516 экваториальная- А 247 пластинконосный L 35 пластинкообразный L 34 пластинчатый L 35 пластический Р 774 пластоген Р 784 пластодесма Р 781 пластодинамия Р 782 пластотяп Р 786 пласгохрон Р 780 платикладий Р 790 плацента Р 724, S 689 плацентация Р 726 центральная- С 215 плацентоносный Р 727 плевра Р 825 плевренхима Р 827 плевридий Р 828 плевробластический Р 829 плеврогенный Р 833 плевродискалъный Р 832 плевромитический Р 835 плевропластический Р 836 плевроспора Р 839 плевроспорангий Р 840 плевротрибальный Р 841 плевротропный Р 843 штевроцистида Р 831 пледолистик М 57 плезиазмия Р 830 плезиобиотический Р 821 плезиотип Р 823 плейоксенный Р 813 плейомерный Р 801 плейонгизм Р 803 плейотаксия Р 809 плейотропия Р 811 плейохазий Р 799 плейстон Р 844 плектенхима Р 795 плектенхимный Р 796 плёнка G 181, М 181, Р 30 плёнко- G 185 -видный G 186, Р 32, S 843 -носный G 185, М 183, Р 34, S 842 плёночка М 184, S 841 -злаков L 248 плёнчато- G 185 -тычинковый Н 528 плёнчатый G 182, 185, Н 527, М 182, Р 31 плерома Р 819 плете- М 117 -видный F 76 плетеный Т 212 плеть F 78 пловучий F 99, N 22 плод F 165 дробный- М 195, R 237 косточковый- Р 1695 ложный- Р 1479 мясистый- S 64 нер аскрывающи йся- I 114 окаменевший- С 111 ореховидный- N 175 распадающийся- S 144 растрескивающийся- R 128 сухой- S 488 членистый- L 253 яблочный- Р 1092 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 992 плод шиповника С 1010 плодик С 103 плодио-С 99 плодный С 99 плодовитость (ложная-) Р 1499 плодовитый М 532 плодовый F 162 плодвголовка С 105 плодолистик С 103 плодоножка С 118 плодородность U 2 плодонос С 116 плодоносный F 162 плодоносящий F 162 плодоношение F 163 плодопрорастающий В 232 плодородие U 2 плодородный F 32, 36, О 205, U 1 плодоядный F 164 плодущий F 40, 162, М 532, Р 1243, 1274 плоды растрескивающиеся- D 323 сложные- А 328 плококарпий Р 850 плоский Р 742 плоско- Н 355, Р 723,742, 787 -ветвистый Р 791 -горный Т 5 -стебельчатый Р 789 плосковатый Р 744 плоскость Р 743, 754 коммиссуральная- Р 754 поперечная- Т 402 срединная- М 136 плотный С 672, 701, 720, D 68, S 563 плотофиты Р 851 плотоядный I 180 плохой М 85 площадка А 1000 площадочка А 1006 площадочный А 1007 плывущий F 99 плюще- Н 62 -видный Н 62 плюска С 963 плюсковидный С 964 ллюсконосный С 965 пневматоды Р 885 пневматофор Р 886 пневматоцист Р 884 по доказанном Т 147 побег S 543, 998, 1318 корневой- S 1318 с побегами S 1317 побеги (несущий-) S 1317 побережье L 228 побережьелюбивый Р 1449 побуревший I 155 повернутый S 631, V 85 поверхность F 6, S 1290 поверхностный Е 259, S 1289 поверхностями (-с) С 673 повисающий D 76 повислый D 76, F 75 повреждение N 171 повсеместный С 668, V 165 повторносложный D 19 повторноцветущий Р 914 повторный I 348, R 136 повторяемость R 100 погнутый D 37 погребенный S 428 погружённый D 55, Н 588, I 52, 143, S 1207 почти- S 1196 под S 1085 под- Н 533, I 144 -забота С 966 подавление S 1303 подверхушечный I 146 подвесок S 1320 подвешенный S 1321 подвид S 1231 подвидовой I 151 подвижной V 12 подвижность М 492 подвижный А 330, М 386, 491 подводный D 55,1 52, S 1206 поддерживающий S 1322 подеций Р 891 маленький- Р 892 подземно- G 102 подземный Н 589, S 1239 подзона Z 23 подкласс S 1123 подколено S 1244 подкоровой S1137 подлежащий исследованию I 174 подлежащий сохранению С 753 подлистный Н 604 подмикронный А 518 поднимающийся Е 425 подносовидный Н 584 подобие S 517 подобный А 208, Р 87 подокарпий Р 893 подосинкарпий Р 898 подпазушный I 147 подпёртый F 179, S 1276 подпестичный Н 591 подпирающий F 178, Р 28, S 1275 подплодный Н 432, 578 подпорка А 207, F 180, Р 362 подпорядок S 1216 подраздел S 1159 подразновидность S 1249 подрезанный S 1262 подрод S 1185 подряд S 1228 подсекция S 1226 подсемейство S 1178 подсерия S 1228 подслоевшце Н 619 подслойка S 1194 подснежный Н 580, S 1212 подставка U 23 подстолбие S 1075 подтриба S 1244 подушечка- Р 1650, 1666 листовая- Р 1650 подушковидный Р 1649 подформа S 1181 подходящий I 38 подчарство S 1220 подчапше С 44 с подчашием С 43 подчинение S 1215 подцветковый S 1180 позднейший Р 1134 поздноцветущий S 454, Т 29 поздний S 434, 454, Т 30 позеленение F 155, V 128 позитивный Р 1127 пойкилогеотропизм Р 901 пойкилодинамический Р 900 пойкилоксерофиты Р 905 по йкилосиндезис Р 903 пойкилотермный Р 904 показывающий М 465 покатый Р 1194, 1292 поколение G 85, Р 1257 аккрементициальное- А 49 бесполовое- G 85 бесполое- S 824 половое- G 85 покоящийся Н 565, Q 29 покров I 204, Р 42, Т 48 -воздушных корней V 48 луковицный- I 204 плодовый- I 130 почечный- Р 355 -семени 1 204 семяпочпый-1 204 цветочный- 1 204 покровительствуемый Т 662 покрововидный Т 49 покровом (с-) Т 50 с почечным- Р 356 покрывала (лишенный-) А 109 покрывало S 614, V 51 общее- V 51 частное- V 51 покрываловидный S 615 покрывалом (с-) I 276, V 49 покрывальце I 128 имеющий- I 127 покрывающий О 26, Т 47 покрыто- А 759, С 914, S 889 -пестичный G 286 -плодный S 890 -семенной А 760 покрытый С 314, I 52, 129, О 8, 27, S 889, Т 46, V 49 ш РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ пол S 482 поле А 321, 1012, R 419 засеянное- S 253 полевой А 332,340,1051, С 55 полезный U 96 ползучий S 435 ползущий R 150, S 435 полиастер Р 945 полибласт Р 946 поливалентный М 574 полигамия Р 988 политанпоидный Р 997 полигамный Р 989 полигенез Р 990 полигенетически й Р 991 полигибрид Р 998 полигиния Р 994 полигинный Р 995 полидактилия Р 978 полидемический Р 980 полидерма Р 981 полизигозис Р 1084 поликарион Р 954 поликариотический Р 955 поликарпий Р 951 поликарпичесхий Р 950 поликарпофория Р 952 поликладия Р 969 полихлоновый Р 971 поликотилия Р 974 поликультура Р 975 полимастиготический Р 1000 полимерип Р 1001 полимерный Р 1002 полимиктический Р 1003 полимитоз Р 1004 полиморфизм Р 1005 сезонный- О 208 полиморфный Р 1006 полинитрофиль ны й Р 1008 полиномиальный Р 1009 полионим Р 1011 полиопласма Р 912,1014 полипеталия Р 1016 полипластический Р 1030 полиплектически й Р 1031 полиплойда Р 1033 полиплоидация Р 1034 полиплоидия Р 1036 полиплоидный Р 1035 полиплостемония Р 1037 полированный L 28 полисапробный Р 1042 полисарция Р 1043 полисахариды Р 1041 полисимметричны й А 151, Р 1068 полисимметрия Р 1067 полисомация Р 1047 полисомический Р 1049 полясомия Р 1048 полиспермия Р1051 полиспора Р 1952 полиспорангиатный Р 1053 полистела Р 1056 полистелический Р 1058 полистелия Р 1057 полистоматический Р 1063 полистроматический Р 1065 политипический Р 1078 политомия Р 1071 политопия Р 1073 политопный Р 1074 политрофия Р 1076 политрофный Р 1077 полифазия Р 1021 полифакториальный М 530 полифипетический Р 1026 полифилия Р 1025 полифиллия Р 1027 полифилогения Р 1029 полифолликул Р 987 полихория Р 962 полихроматизм Р 964 полихроматофильный Р 965 полихромосомический Р 966 полихронический Р 968 полициклический Р 976 полиэнергида Р 984 полиэнергидический Р 985 полиэция Р 1013 полл аплазия Р 916 поллаплостемонопетальный Р 917 полленин Р 919 поллинарий Р 922 поллиний Р 922 поллинодий Р 929 поллиноз Р 930 полно- Н 320 полностью Р 63 полный С 681, Р 262, 815 поло- С 564 половинчато- D 239 половинчатый D 239 половой S 480 положение Р 1126, S 540, Т 287 положения (смещение-) Е 32 положенный Р 1128 -сверху S 1297 положительный Р 1127 полоический Р 931 полосатый S 1029, V 129, 153, Z 4 полоска S 1025, V 152 полоскообразный S 1034 полосчатолистный S 1027 полосчатость S 1028 полосчатый L 193 полу- Н 110, S 277 -анатропный Н 111 -бороздчатый S 372 -вальный S 345 -верхний S 373 -влагалищный S 381 -влажный S 317 полу- -войлочный S 377 -вскрывающийся S 304 -высушивающий S 367 -гаплоидный Н 132 -гебневидный S 350 -гнёздный S 329 -голый S 340 -двойной S 306 -двугнёздный S 288 -двунадрезный S 287 -двупестичный S 305 -дюймовый U 33 -завёрнутый S 297 -закрытый S 295 -засушливый S 286 -зонтичный С 1008 -клеистогамный Н 120 -колосистый S 366 -кольцевидный S 283 -копьевидный S 315 -коробчатый S 291 -кругло-голодчатый S 292 -круглый S 293 -кустарниковый S 1271, 1274 -латентный S 323 -лепестковидыый S 353 -лопастный S 328 -лунноплодный S 271 -лунный L 276, S 331 -махровый S 355 -мезофитный S 333 -мутовчатый S 383 -надпестичный Н 129 -нижний S 319 -низбегающий S 302 •объемлющий S 280, 307 -окаймлённый S 332 -округлый S 344 -отвёрнутый S 358 -открытый S 284, 349 -пальчатый S 347 -перегородчатый S 362 -перекрестный S 303 -перистый S 354 -пильчатый S 364 -повёрнутый Н 145 -погружённый S 318 -покровный Н 118 -покрытоплодный Н 112 -полосатый S 370 -почковидный S 359 -прилегающий S 278 -прикрытый S 384 -приросший S 278, 296 -прозрачный S 351 -проницаемый S 352 -прямостоячий S 308 -ребристый S 299 -решетчатый S 290 -свободный S 326 -сердцевидный S 298 -сетчатый S 360 -синкарпный Н 139 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 994 -складчатый S 356 -синкотильный Н 140 -спайнолепестный S 313 -створочный S 382 -стеблеобъемлющий S 281 -стреловидный S 361 -трёхпестичный S 379 -тычиночный S 368 -тюрбановидный S 380 -чашечковидный S 289 -чечевичковидный S 324 -цветкообъемлющий S 282 -цветочковый S 309 -цельнокрайний S 320 -цилиндрический S 300, 376 -шаровидный S 314 -шиловидный S 371 -шлемовидный S 318 -эндобнотичный Н 126 -яйцевидный S 346 полувид S 365 полугеркогамия S 316 полугнездо S 330 полузонтик С 1004 кистевидный- В 264 полукруговой Н 122 полукустарник S 1099, 1272 полулиана S 325 полулишайник S 327 полулучевой S 357 полумутовка Р 1589, V 89 полупаразит Н 133 полуперегородка S 363 полупластинка S 321, 322 полу стерильность S 369 полутора- S 455 полуэпифиты Н 130 полюс Р 932 полярность Р 909 полярный Р 908 помелообразный А 1073 померанец Н 174 померанцевый А 1151 поместье Р 1174 помеченный N 157 помещенный С 631 помология Р 1091 помолодение J 23, R 138 поникающий N 205 пониклый С 240 поникший С 240, N 205 понтичный Р 1095 понтофильный Р 1096 понтофиты Р 1097 поофиты Р 1098 попеременно-- листный А 475 •тычиночный А 407 попеременный А 472 поперечно- -перегородчатый Т 401 поперечный Т 402 попугайоцветный Р 1598 популяция Р 1100 попытка Т 102 пора Р 1125 опистиальная- О 191 поражающий О 43 •черешки Р 374 порандрический Р 1101 поренхима Р 1104 пористолистный Р 1111 пористость Р 1112 пористый Р 1113 поровый Р 1105 порогамия Р 1107 порогамный Р 1108 порождающий почки G 77 пороиды Р 1109 порометр Р 1110 поросль S 543 порошкообразный Р 1646 порошок Р 1651 порфировый Р 1114 порядок О 215 посвящённый D 30 посев S 87, 92, 253 посевной S 88 поселенецы С 637 поселившийся I 172 посетитель Н 439 посеянный S 93 послевесенний Р 1144 последовательность S 1154 последовательный S 1256 последующий S 429 послеледниковый Р 1138 послеполуденный Р 1142 пособие (справочное-) V 9 постадаптация Р 1129 постдилувиальный Р 1133 постенный Р 153 постзиготенный Р 1145 посткарпотропизм Р 1131 постклимакс Р 1132 постматурация Р 1140 постме йотически й Р 1141 постоянноцветущий А 351 постоянный С 763 постредукция Р 1143 постфертилизация Р 1135 постфлоральный Р 1136 постфлорация Р 1137 потамоботаника Р 1147 потамопланктон Р 1150 потамофиты Р 1149 потенциометр Р 1153 потетометр Р 1154 по тковообразный Н 304 потогонный S 1268 потоколюбивый R 306 потометр Р 1155 потомство Р 1257 потравленный D 73 потрескивающий С 882 похожий А 42, 242, S 519 -на мел С 884 -на рог изобилия С 815 очень- Р 347 початковый S 600 с початком S 598 початкоцветковый S 601 початок S 602 почва S 567 почвенный Е 41 почвоведение Е 43, Р 215 почвообразующий Р 214 почек (образование-) G 74 почерневший А 1127, N 119 почернение М 175 почечка G 78, Р 856 выводковая- G 69 почка G 69, 132 верхушечная- Т 127 гольная- N 198 зимующая- Н 288 листовая- F 110 неразветвлённая- S 518 пазушная- А 1240 плодоносная- F 162 придаточная- А 43 скрытная- I 52 спящая- D 367, Н 288 цветочная- А 370, F 91 почки запасные- Р 1437 коллатеральные- С 619 корневые- R 20 покоящиеся- Р 1437 покрытые- Т 46 придаточные- А 224 сериальные- S 430 смешанные- М 385 спящие- Р 1437 почко- G 72 почкование G 71 почковидный G 70, R 145 слегка- S 1221 почколуковица В 305 почконосный G 72 почкосложение альтернативное цветочное-А 474 вдольное- С 705 кохлеарное цветочное-С 557 листовое- С 449, Р 118Q объемлющее- цветка А 600 отвернутое- R 221 окутанное- О 38 свернутое листовое- С 794 складчатое- Р 849 сморщенное цветочное-С 830 створчатое- V 27 -цветка Р 1178 996 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ черепитчатое-1 49 почти S 1085 пояс Z 20 поясок С 442, Z 23 правило R 132 правильно-- образный R 133 -разделённый Н 417 правильный N 153, О 214, R 134 правоизогнутый D 125 пре- Р 1156 преадаптация Р 1157 преальпийский Р 1158 преантезис Р 1160 преваленция Р 1201 превосходящий S 1284 превращение М 275 превращённый С 792, М 276 превышающий S 1284 прегаусторий Р 1156 пред- Р 1156 предальпийский С 474 предварительный Р 1439 предвидение Р 1197 предгорный Р 1189 предгорье Р 1288 преддверие V 97 предел L 179 предетерминация Р 1171 предзародыш Р 1245 предисловие Р 1176 предлист Р 1304 предложенный Р 1309 предотвращение возражений Р 1269 предпочтительный Р 1177 предрасположение Р 1172 предросток мхов Р 1405 представляющий Р 1161, Е 443 предшествующий Р 1170 предыдущий Р 1163 прежде- Р 1360 -цветнйй Р 1363 прежный Р 1360 презумпция Р 1197 преимущественный Р 1166 преклимакс Р 1167 прекрасно- С 248 прекращающийся D 96 прелести D 49 прелестный А 527 прелесть А 526 преломлённый R 115 преломляющий R 114 прематурный Р 1188 преобразованный Р 1183 препарирование Р 1192 препятствие О 10 прерванный I 229 прередукция Р 1193 прерывисто- F 141 -жилковый R 417 -перисторассеченный I 228 прерывистый D 307,1 229 прецеденда Р 1162 преципитация Р 1165 преходящий F 177 преформация Р 1182 преформизм Р 1182 префузориалъный Р 1184 при Р 88 приближающийся А 954 прибрежный L 227, N 96 привенчик С 821, Р 100, 132 прививка С 746, I 184, 188 привитый I 189 привлекательный I 41 придавленный D 80 придаток А 948 придаточный А 43, 179, 224 придорожный V 107 прижатый А 53, 953 прижизненный V 145 приземистый Н 444 призматический Р 1222 призматокарпный Р 1224 признак С 260, N 156, Р 1310 отличительные признаки D 336 признанный R 86 прикорневой R 20 прикосновение Т 15 прикрепившийся А 206 прикрепление А 195, I 184 место прикрепления 1 184 прикреплённый А 291, 793, I 185 -основанием В 41 •серединой М 140 -спинной D 369 -спинкой (пыльник-) D 369 прикрывающий О 26, 186, Т 47 прикрытый С 207, 314, О 27, О 187, Т 46, 50 прилегающий А 53,194, С 773 прилежащий А 203, 951 прилепестншс Р 118 прилепестниковидный Р 117 прилипальце G 154, R 198 с прилипальцем R 197 прилипающий А 197 прилистник S 990 замещающий- S 992 ложный- Р 1576 прилистничками (с) S 986 прилистниковидный S 994 прилистниковый S 993 прилистничек S 985 примечание А 795, N 156 примешанный I 56 прнмина Р 1210 примордиальный Р 1212 примордий Р1213 приморский М 110 принадлежающий Р 353 принцип Р 1216 приобретённый А 105 приозёрный Р 105 приоритет Р 1221 приподнимающийся Е 89 приподнятый S 1168 приправный С 702 припудренный Р 1647 припухлость Т 647 приращение I 103 прирастающий А 197, 210 природа N 25 исследователь природы N 25 прирождённый 1 162 прирост I 103 приросший А 52, 194, 212, 793 приручейный R 332 присеменник С 131 присоска Н 55, S 1318 приспособление А 175 пассивное- Р 176 приспособленный А 48 приспособляемость А 174 приспособляющийся А 173 присуствующий Р 1195 приступленный Н 59 присуствие Р 1196 присутствовать А 217 притупленный R 213 прицветник В 280 прицветниконосный В 281 прицветничек В 282, Р 1304 прицветный F 86 прицепка Н 46 прицепки R 244 приятно- С 248 " -облиственный А 318 приятный А 488, 527. J 11, S 1084 проантез Р 1226 проантропический Р 1227 пробазидия Р 1228 пробка S 1167 ложная- Р 1579 пробко--видный Р 429 -листный S 1170 -плодный Р 426 -семянный Р 432 пробковый S 1175 прободающий Р 264 провинция Р 1438 проводник Н 319 проводящий С 704 проволоковидный С 256 прогалина L 272 прогамета Р 1252 прогаметизация Р 1253 прогаметофит Р 1254 прогамный Р 1255 прогенеэ Р 1256 прогеотропизм Р 1258 прогидротропизм Р 1261 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 996 прогресс Р 1259 прогрессивный Р 1260 продолговато- О 17 продолговатый О 17 продолженный Р 1278 продолжительность D 403 продуктивность Р 1242 продуктивный Р 1243 продырявленный F 34, Р 2 прозенхима Р 1317 прозенхимный Р 1318 прозрачно-семянный Н 453 прозрачность Т 396 прозрачный А 960, С 932, Ы 448, Р 224, Т 395, V 151 почти- S 1150 произведение Р 1257, 1271 производительный Р 1243 производящий G 77, 84,0 239 -теплоту Т 263 происходящий D 88, Е 121 происхождение D 89, G 89, 0 240 сходного происхождения 1 311 прокамбий Р 1230 прокариогамета Р 1264 прокариогаметизация Р 1265 прокарпий Р 1231 прокинез Р 1266 проклимакс Р 1236 проксимальный Р 1440 проламины Р 1267 пролептический Р 1270 пролиферация Р 1273 пролиферирующий Р 1272 пролификация Р 1273 пролифицирующий Р 1274 пролювиальный Р 1279 пролювий Р 1280 промежуток I 235 промежуточный I 217, 225 промеристема Р 1281 промеристематический Р 1282 прометафаза Р 1283 промитоз Р 1287 промицелий Р 1289 пронзённолистный Р 263 пронзённый Р 264 пронизанный Р 256 пронизывающий Р 256 проникающий I 252, Р 233 проницаемость Р 335 проницаемый Р 336 пронуклеолус Р 1290 пронуклеус Р 1291 пропагула Р 1295 пропитанный О 8 пропластида Р 1306 прополка R 409 пропонтический Р 1307 пропорциональный Р 1308 пропущенный Р 1199 прорастание G 136 надземное- Е 257 прорастаность V 147 прорастательность G 134 прорастающий В 231, G 135, G 137 проросток G 132, Р 753 прорывающийся внезапно- Е 346 просаэротаксис Р 1313 просверленный F 123 просвечивающий Т 394 просгелиотропизм Р 1321 просгеотропизм Р 1320 просмотренный Р 1199 просоплазия Р 1323 просоплазма Р 1324 просоплазматический Р 1325 просоплектенхима Р 1326 прососмотаксис Р 1327 проспециес Р 1328 проспорангий Р 1331 проспория Р 1332 простадия Р 1333 простелический Р 1334 простертый S 1301 простирающийся Р 1336 просто- Н 24 -лепестный Н 36 -стебельчатый Н 26 простой S 518 пространство (межклеточное-) L 23 просфитиазис Р 1330 просхемотаксис Р 1314 проталлий Р 1371 проталловидный Р 1372 протандрический Р 1362 протандрия Р 1361 протантезис Р 1341 протеазы Р 1342 протеиды Р 1345 протеизм Р 1348 протеин Р 1347 протеинический Р 1344 протеинопласты Р 1346 протенхима Р 1349 протеогидролиз Р 1354 протеолиз Р 1355 протеолитический Р 1356 протеопласт Р 1357 протеосинтез Р 1359 протеосома Р 1358 протеофикация Р 1353 протеохемотропизм Р 1351 протерандрический Р 1362 протерандрическо-гомогам-ный Р 1339 протерандрия Р 1361 протермотаксис Р1335 протерогенез Р 1364 протерогинический Р 1366 протерогиния Р 1365 протеропеталия Р 1367 протеросепалия Р 1368 протеротип Р 1369 противный N 31, Т 17 противо- А 864 -глистный V 69 -кашельный В 63 -лихорадочный А 392 -положный А 226 -цынготный А 1063 противоядие А 391, 865 протисты Р 1373 протистология Р 1374 протобласт Р 1378 протогамия Р 1389 протогемикриптофиты Р 1397 протогенеэ Р 1390 протогенетика Р 1391 протогенный Р 1392 протогонидия Р 1393 протодерма Р 1387 протозигота Р 1426 протозоофильный Р1425 проток D 387, V 152 молочный- L 64 протокариокинез Р 1381 протокарионт Р 1380 протоколленхима Р 1384 протокорм Р 1385 протократный Р 1386 протоксилема Р 1424 протолиз Р 1400 протолог Р 1391 протомицелий Р 1404 протонема Р 1405 протонты Р 1406 протопаренхима Р 1407 протоплазма Р 1412 протоплазматология Р 1413 протопласт Р 1414 протосклеренхима Р 1415 протоспора Р 1416 протоспорофит Р 1417 протостела Р 1418 протострофес Р 1419 прототип Р 1423 прототрофия Р 1421 прототрофный Р 1422 протофилл Р 1409 протофиты Р 1410 протофлоэма Р 1408 протохлорофилл Р 1382 протохромосома Р 1383 протоэпифиты Р 1388 протропически й Р 1430 протяженность Р 1277 * протяженный Р 1244 протянутый Р 1123 профаза Р 1297 профермент Р 1247 профилактика Р 1303 профилактический Р 1302 профилл Р 1304 профототаксис Р 1300 профототропизм Р 1301 проход М 132 997 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ прохроматии Р 1234 прохромосома Р 1235 процветание Р 1329 процесс Р 1233 прочий С 245 прочный F 65 прошлый Р 1198 проэмбрион Р 1245 пруд S 856 прудовой L 181, S 853 прудовый S 853 пружинистый Е 77 прутовидный V 121 прутьевидный V 129 пряжкой (с-) F 50 прямо- Е 320, О 251, R 90 -ветвистый О 252 -жилковатый R 95 -листный I 349 -направленный Н 397 -параллельный F 23 -семянный О 263 -стебельный R 93 -стоящий Е 320 -стремительный R 96 -торчащий А 1035 -угольный R 91 -рядный R 97 прямоватый Р 98 прямой А 1131, Е 320, О 268, R 90, S 1030 псаллиотический Р 1448 псамматофиты Р 1450 псаммогенный Р 1453 псаммофильный Р 1454 псаммофиты А 493, Р 1455 псевданциевый Р 1460 псевданций Р 1459 псевданция Р 1458 псевдоаксиллярный Р 1470 псевдоамитоз Р 1461 псевдоанафаза Р 1467 псевдоапогамия Р 1463 псевдоапоспория Р 1464 псевдоариллус Р 1465 псевдоауксоспора Р 1469 псевдоаутосиндез Р 1466 псевдовакуоль Р 1586 псевдовивипария Р 1591 псевдовикариизм Р 1590 псевдогаметангий Р 1501 псевдогамия Р 1502 псевдогаусторий Р1505 псевдогеокарпия Р 1503 псевдогеркогамия Р 1506 псевдогермафродитизм Р Г508 псевдогетерокарпия Р 1509 псевдогибрид Р 1511 псевдогибридизация Р 1512 псевдогимений Р 1513 псевдогомоним Р 1510 пдевдодистрофия Р 1492 псевдодихотомически й Р1490 псевдодихотомия Р 1489 псевдозигоспора Р 1593 псевдоиндузий Р 1515 псевдокамбий Р 1477 псевдокарпия Р 1478 псевдоклеистогамия Р 1484 псевдоклеистогения Р 1485 псевдоксерофиты Р 1592 псевдолатекс Р 1518 псевдометафаза Р 1522 псевдомиксис Р 1524 псевдомитоз Р 1523 псевдомонокарпия Р 1525 псевдомономерный Р1527 псевдонематеций Р 1530 псевдонуклсолус Р 1531 псевдопаразит Р 1536 псевдопаразитизм Р 1535 псевдопаразитический Р 1534 псевдопарафиза Р 1533 псевдопаренхима Р 1537 псевдопелория Р 1538 псевдоперианций Р 1539 псевдоперигоний Р 1541 псевдоперидий Р 1540 псевдоперистом Р 1542 псевдоперитеций Р 1543 псевдопеталия Р 1544 псевдопикнида Р 1560 псевдоплазмодий Р1552 псевдопланктон Р 1551 псевдопласт Р 1553 псевдоподий Р 1554 псевдополиморфизм Р 1556 псевдополиплоидия Р 1557 псевдополиэмбриония Р 1555 псевдопора Р 1559 псевдоредукция Р 1564 псевдосимбиоз Р 1580 псевдосинкарпический Р 1581 псевдоспорангий Р 1573 псевдостела Р 1575 псевдострома Р 1577 псевдострофиола Р 1578 псевдотип Р 1585 псевдотрихофор Р 1584 псевдофеллоид Р 1546 псевдофиза Р 1550 псевдофиллоподный Р 1548 псевдофотометрический Р 1547 псевдохромосома Р 1482 псевдоцефалодий Р 1481 псевдоциста Р 1488 псевдоэндомитоз Р 1493 псевдоэпифиты Р 1496 псевдоэфемерный Р 1494 психофилы Р 1599 психроклеистогамия Р 1601 психроклиния Р 1602 психрофиты Р 1603 птенофиллофиты Р 1605 птеридография Р 1608 птеридоспора Р 1611 гггсридофиты Р 1610 птерохоры Р 1615 птиосома Р 1628 нтихономиум Р 1626 птице- О 243 птичий А 1234 публикация Р 1635 пузыре- Р 593 пузырёк А 607, U 99, V 3, 93 пузырчатый В 310, Р 593, V 95 пульсирующий Р 1645 пункт Р 1656 пунцовый Р 460, 1659 пупок U 18 пупырчатый Р 1667 пупырышек Р 1666 пурпурно- Р 1114 -жилковатый Р 1119 -листный Р 1121 -тычиночный Р 1115 -цветковый Р 1116 пурпурный Р 1662 слегка- Р 1661 пурпуровый Р 1114 пустой С 158, Е 53, F 24, I 79, V 8 пустошь Е 335 пустула Р 1666 пустыне- Е 321 пустынелюбивый Е 324 пустынный Е 321 пустырь R 389 пусулы Р 1668 путаный С 717 путеводитель V 9 путешествие I 347 путь I 347 пучка F 22 а коллатеральные пучки С 619 пучковато- D 98 пучковатый D 98, F 22 почти- S 1179 пучок F 22а биколлатеральный- В 102 пушисто- Е 334, Н 56, Р 1622 -ветвистый Н 57 -листный Р 1623 -столбиковый Р 1624 пушистый Р 1633 пуппсоватый Р 1631 пушок V 52 пчёлами (опыляемое-) М 180 пыль Р 1651 пыльник А 821 Т 231 гнездо пыльника С 737 гнёзды пыльников L 244 пыльный Р 1647 пыльца Р 918 пыльцевой Р 925 пыльцевход М 346 пыльценосный Р 926 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ •98 пышность L 283 пышный L 284, S 1286 пятерной Q 30 пяти- Р 237, Q 32 -бороздчатый Q 48 -гнёздный Р 238 -зубчатый Q 35 -круговой Р 242 -лепестный Q 46 -листный Р 248 -лопастный Q 43 -надрезный Q 37 -парный Q 41 -пестичный Р 244 -плодный Р 239 -раздельный Q 45 -рёбристый Q 34 -рядный Q 36 -семянный Р 251 -сторонный Q 42 -тычинковый Р 246, S 301 -угольный Р 243 -цветковый Q 38 -членный Р 245 -шиповатый Р 240 -щетинистый Р 241 пятнистость М 65 пятнистый С 762, L 98, М 66, N 36, пятно М 64 пятнышко М 64 пятый Q 51 пять Q 32 -раз Q 30, 50 рабдоидий R 224 работа (флористическая-) С 329 равнина Р 743, R 419 равнинный С 55 равно- А 244, Н 358, I 292 -вершинный F 23 -вильчатый I 341 -бокий (почти-) S 1091 -высокий F 23 -двусторонный I 294 -действенный А 249 -круговой Н 368 -листный I 333 -лопастный I 321 -наклоненный I 301 -пестичный I 316, 339 -плодный I 297 -поляный А 250 -потенциальный А 251 -рядный I 338 -светный I 331 -споровый I 337 -сторонный I 318 -угольный Н 390,1 315 равно- -членный I 323 равный А 245, Р 87 почти- S 1090 радиально-симметричный R 38 радиальный R 16 радиация R 18 радикулодий R 33 радиобиология R 35 радиогенетика R 36 радиотропизм R 39 радиус R 40 радужный I 282 разведение деревьев А 972 разведённый D 234 развернувшийся Е 413 развёртывающийся Е 414 развесистый Е 56 разветвление F 197, R 55 полузонтичное- С 1008 разветвлённый R 56 развивающий Е 414 развившийся А 219, Е 413 развилина В 135, Е 197 развитие А 50, 605, Е 412, Р 1259 замедленное- В 285 развитой Е 413 разводимый С 957 разводить С 634 раздвоение В 135 раздвоенный В 127,136, F198 раздел D 351 разделение В 199, С 365, D 351 разделённый С 364, D 311, 353, Р 170 разделимый М 197 раздельно- С 364, D 139 -полый D 179, М 417 раздельный Р 170 раздутый Т 658 разжижающийся С 628 разламывающий [перегородку S 420 разлитой Е 56 различный D 199, 349, V 38 размётанный Е 56 размножающийся Р 1294 размножение А 605, G 85, М 557, Р 1293 бесполое- А 301, М 418 вегетативное- V 46 девственное- Р 164 половое- А 566, G 44, S 1425 размножения ( к женским органам-) G 275 размноженный М 558 разно- D 349, Н 175, Р 899 -временный D 129, Н 197 -глубинный А 445 -зубчатый Н 205 -колючковый Н 176 -листный Н 236 -направленный Н 221 -образный Н 228, V 38 -плодный Н 189 -полый D 179 -споровый Н 253 -тычинковый Н 178 -хозяйственный Н 208 -цветный D 306, Н 195 -ценотический Н 192 равновидность V 36 разнолистность Н 235 разнороднопокровный Н 192 разнородный D 202, Н 218 разностолбиковость Н 255 разобщённый D 313 разорванный D 229, L 12 разостланный Н 443 разрастающийся А 51, Е 436 разрезанный S 244 разрушающий D 106 разрушающийся С 92 разрушение М 2 разрывающий D 299, R 408 разрывной R 416 разъединенный D 313 раковинообразный С 558 ранее занятый Р 1191 ранневесенный Р 1202 ранний Р 1169 раса Р 1271 раскалывание D 300 раскалывающийся F 68 раскидистый В 269, D 203, Р 180, V 10, 18 расколото- S 135 -крылый S 140 -лепестный S 153 -листный S 139 -окаймленный S 150 -плодный S 138 -цветковый S 143 -чашечковый S 137 расколотый S 135 раскрашенный Р 679 раскрывание D 45 раскрывающийся D 44 раскрытоцветковый R 328 раскрытый Н 287, 318, R 327 распад L 293 распадающийся S 235, Р 713 -плоды S 235 распределение D 339 расписной Р 679 расплывающийся D 52 < расположение D 320, S 540 -корней D 21 -рядом J 25 сетчатое -R 191 вторичное- S 245 расположенный С 631 D 321, S 541 густо- С 866 -на стволе S 996 999 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ -по жилкам N 98 •под S 1201 -рядами S 431 распростёртый D 231, 334, D 346, Е 502 распространение Р 1293 -ветром А 739 натуральное- N 26 распространённый D 340 распространяемый С 370 -ящерицами S 96 распухший I 139, Т 646 рассадник S 335 рассеивание D 324 рассеивающий D 323 рассечённый D 322, S 244 рассеяние D 317 рассеянно- С 251 -листный S 611 -цветковый S 610 рассеянный D 318, 329, S 613 раставленный D 329, 333, R 143 раствор S 569 растворение D 332 -ядра С 140 растворимый S 566 растение Р 749, S 997 альпийское- С 845, О 217 бессемядольное- А 103 горное- О 217 декоративное- О 241 ископаемое- Р 636 криптогамное- С 919 материнское- Р 151 многолетнее- Р 261 окаменевшее- В 259 паразитическое- Р 127 питающее- N 208 растениеядный Р 656 растений бдение- V 116 болезнь- М 471 география- Р 628 гормоны-Р 632 записывание- С 752 а роды- G 83 селекция- S 268 царство- R 129, V 44 растения адвентивные- А 225 анемофильные- А 742 баллохорные- В 21 береговые- R 330 болотные- Н 70, 98, Р 59, S 962, Т 69 весенние- V 73 виноградниковные- V 123 влаголюбивые- Н 516 горные- М 468 декоративные- D 21 деревянные- X 62 растения дикорастущие- S 778 -дюн Т 295 илистные- L 187 -индикаторы I 116 клеточные- С 209 компассные- С 675 красильные- Т 314 кровельные- Т 45 культивирующие- Н 109 культурные- С 957 лесные- S 508 луговые- Р 1204 медоносные- М 177 морские- Т 221 муральные- М 580 нагорные- Р 213 наземные- Т 139 насекомоядные- I 180 наскальные- R 413 нейтральные- N 111 ночные- N 133 огородные- О 101 одноклеточные- Р 1410, U 42 отличающие- Е 51 охранительные- Т 662 пастбищные- N 149 пашенные- S 255 песковые- А 1002 плавающие- N 22 плотоядные-1 180 побережные- Р 1450 -подвижных песках М 386 полевые- А 332 полярные- С 906 пресноводные- D 388 прикреплённые- А 291 прудовые- Т 317 рудеральные- С 353, R 391 садовые- Р 749 семенные- S 668 слоевищные- Т 226 сорные- R 391 сорнополевые- S 254 сосудистые- V 40 стеблевые- С 812 суккулентные- С 413 сухопутные- А 352 -суши С 412 теневые- S 161 топяные- U 5 торфяные- Т 654 тропические- М 61 убиквистные- U 3 -хозяева Н 440 экзотические- Р 749 явнобрачные- Р 414 растеньце Р 753 растительность V 45 -осипей С 255 растительный Р 601, V 44 растопыренный D 346 растрескавшийся С 422, D 326, F 71, R 325 растрескивание D 45 -по створкам V 27 растрескивающийся -кольцом С 468 -по перегородкам S 416 -по створкам L 243 раструб О 50 с раструбом О 52 раструбовидный О 51 растущий А 51, С 883, Р 1436 -в затенении Т 93 -в прудах Т 316 -в семенах G 239 -на древесине Е 314 -на корнях Е 291 -на листьях Р 564 -на отбросах Q 52 -на пестике Е 296 -на семенах S 337 -на талломе Е 302 -сверху S 1288 растянутый D 334, Р 1244 расходящийся D 347 лучеобразно- R 17 расхождение D 348 расщепление D 331, F 69, S 259 расщеплённый F 54, Н 318, S 171 расщепляющийся S 168 расширённый А 604, 1146, D 231 рафидопланктон R 69 рафиды R 68 рахитизм R 14 рахитис R 13 рашпиловидный R 42, S 199 рваный L 12 рвотный N 31, V 163 реакция R 74 ребристо- С 852, R 8 ребристый С 852, J 13, R 8 ребра (вторичные-) S 245 ребро С 851, J 14 спинное- D 368 ревивификция R 219 ревизия R 218 регенеративность R 120 регенератум R 122 регенерация N 81, R 121 регенерированный R 123 регерминация R 124 региональный R 126 регма R 127 регрессивный R 131 регрессия R 130 регулярный R 134 регулирование R 135 редкий R 71, S 613 редко- R 71 -колючковый S 1088 редукциональны й R 106 редукция R 105 редупликация R 108 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1000 редуцированный R 104 резание А 609 резанный Т 329 резистентный R 176 резко- А 19 резорбция R 179 резцевидный S 111 рекапитуляция R 75 рекаулесценция R 76 реколюбивый Р 1148 рекомбинация R 87 рекомендация С 662 рекрудесценция R 89 рексигенный R 236 ректиградация R 94 рекуррентный R 99 рекурренция R 100 реликвефакция R 141 реликт R 140 ремне- Н 301, L 265 ремневидный Н 301, L 265 ремонтантный R 112 реобионты R 229 реокренический R 230 реоморфоз R 231 реориентация R 146 реотропизм R 235 реофильный R 232 реофиты R 234 реофобный R 233 репарация R 148 реплетум R 153 реповидный N 12 репрогрессия R 159 репродуктивный R 158 репродукция R 157 -спорообразованием S 799 репчатый N 12 ресиногенный R 173 ресиноз R 174 ресиноциста R 172 реснице- С 423 ресничато- В 241, С 423 -пильчатый S 443 ресничатый В 241, С 423 ресничка С 426, F 78 ложная- Р 1483 респирометр R 181 реституция R 184 ретроактивный R 204 ретроградация R 208 ретрогрессивный R 209 ретроморфоз R 211 рефлексия R 110 рефугиум R 118 рецепторы R 82 рецессивный R 83 реципрокный R 84 речной F100 решётчато--образный С 447 -плодный С 430 решётчатый С 60, 448, 495, С 885 ржавокрасиый R 370 ржавчина R 371 ржавчинник U 84 ржавый F 39 риакофиты R 307 ризавтои чески й R 241 ризелла R 242 ризидиум R 243 ризинофиллы R 245 ризины R 244 ризиофиза R 246 ризобий R 247 ризобласт R 248 ризогенез R 257 ризогенум R 259 ризография R 260 ризодермис R 256 ризоидальный R 263 ризоидный R 262 ризоиды R 261 ризокарпий R 250 ризоколлеэия R 252 ризокорм R 253 ризолит R 264 ризолитофиты R 265 риэомания R 267 ризомитра R 271 ризоморфа R 272 ризопласт R 280 ризоподия R 281 ризосфера R 283 ризотамнион R 285 ризотом R 286 ризофилл R 277 ризофиты R 279 ризофор R 275 ризохтоны R 254 ризоциста R 255 рисовальщик I 44 рисунок I 5, S 162 ритидома R 315 ров F 134 ровно- Н 355 ровный А 245 рогатый А 1017, С 814 -рогий С 814 рого- С 814 -видный С 814 род G 100 новый- N 169 родина Р 190 родитель Р 151 родник S 129 родной N 21 родовалый Н 430 родовой G 87 родография R 295 родология R 297 родофилл R 298 родофиты R 300 родственный А 289, С 597, С 752, Р 1305, 1440 родство А 290 рождающий G 94, Р 171 рождающийся N 17 рожденный N 29 рожки S 194 розарий R 343 розетка R 356 ложная- Р 1567 розетконосный R 358 розетовидный R 357 розеточка S 897 розеточный R 358 розо- R 342 -видный R 342 розоватый R 347 розово- R 288 -белый R 296 -колючковый R 289 -крылатый R 301 -листный R 299 -плодный R 292 -синий R 294 -чашечковый R 291 розовый R 288, 342 ромбический R 303 ромбовидно- R 303 ромбовидный R 303 роптометр R 305 роса Р 1441, R 341 медвяная- М 178 росистый R 340 роскошный L 284 рост А 50 верхушечный - Т 127 карликовый- N 7 роста (точка-) С 784 росток В 228, G 132 ротация R 360 роща L 272, N 76 ольховая- А 465 рубец С 418 листовой- С 418 рубинокрасный R 372 рубцеватый С 417 рубчик С 418, U 18 с рубчиком U 17 рубчико- Н 299 -носный Н 299 рубчшеовый Н 298 рудеральный R 391, 393 рудимент R 396 рудиментарный R 394 рудник F 101, Н 300 руководство Е 123, М 95 рукопись М 98 рукоятка М 97 с рукояткой М 96 " руминация R 406 руминированный R 407 румяный R 369 русло А 487 ручеек R 335 ручеечный R 334 ручей R 336 ручейный R 332 рыжевато- loot РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ -бурый С 53, R 420 красный V 1 -темнобурый Н 149 рыжеватый Р 1658, R 398, 401 рыжеющий R 398 рыжий R 401 рыльце S 970 -видный S 973 -носный S 972 рыльцевый S 971 рыхло- L 73 -группированный S 1188 рыхлый L 73 ряд О 215, G 433 -рядный F 19, S 431 саврохория S 95 сагиттальный S 15 сад Н 438, V 134 ботанический- Н 438 плодовый- Р 1086 фруктовый- Н 438 садов Н 438 садовник Н 437 садовников Н 437 садоводобеглый Н 436 садоводство Н 435 декоративное- Т 340 садовый Н 433 саженец Т 20 саженный О 234 сажень 0 233 сажистый F 182 сальный S 234 сальпингантия S 25 самый (-верхний) S 1316 -нижний I 71 самооплодотворение А 1172 самоопыление А 1199 самопроизвольный S 778 самофертилъны й А 1175 сантонин S 41 сапонина S 45 сапробиоз S 49 сапробионты S 48 сапробный S 50 сапрогенный S 51 сапрогеофиты S 52 сапромийофилъный S 54 сапромийофилы S 53 сапропелевый S 55 сапропланктон S 61 сапрофагный S 56 сапрофильный S 57 сапрофитизм S 60 сапрофитный S 59 сапрофиты S 58 саркобаза S 63 саркодерма М 251 саркокарпий S 64 саркома S 72 саркотеста S 78 саркохорны S 67 сахар (тростниковый-) S 8 сахаристый S 6 сахароза S 8 сахароносный S 7 сацеллус S 12 сбегающий Б 439 сближенный С 745 сборник А 652, 1108, S 732, 1331 сборный С 621, Р 1069 свадьба N 203 свежий R 77, V 47 сверкающий F 181 свёрнутый С 794, 1 240 -спиралью S 1043 свёртывание С 542 свёртывающийся С 794 сверх- Н 536 сверхкомплектный S 1311 сверхпаразит S 1296 сверхужитовидный Е 274 свет L 282 света захват- Р 489 избегающий- Р 503 светло- -бурый А 1011 -жёлтый F 81 -зелёный V 137 -лиловый А 515 -порфировый Р 1118 -синий С 547 светлый D 233, 234, L 270 светобоязливый Н 80, Р 503 световой Р 471 светолюбивый Р 502 светящийся L 275 свисающий Р 232, 1296 свинцово-серый С 243, L 230, Р 854 свинцовый L 230 свободный L 152 свободно- Е 88 свод F 131, R 151 сводчато- С 564 сводчатый F 130 свойство С 260, Р 1310 связанный А 205, С 744 связник С 743 связь N 113 сглаженный D 81, L 28 сгруппированный А 62, 323, G 255, S 548 сдвоенный С 740, D 395, G 67 сев S 87 северный А 993, В 251, Н 538, S 415 северо-- альпийский В 251 -восточный В 251 -западный В 251 сегмент S 258 -листа S 258 сегментация S 256 сегментированный S 257 сегрегация S 259 седеющий С 64 седло S 273 седловидный S 274 сёдлышко (мясистое-) S 63 седоватый С 64 седой С 66, Р 911 сеиролити чески й S 282 сеироспора S 263 сейсмонастия S 265 сейсмотропизм S 266 сейсмохоризм S 264 секирообразный S 250 секреторный S 240 секреция S 239 сексокарпия S 478 сексуальность S 481 сексуальный S 480 сектор S 242 секториальный S 243 секундина S 248 секция S 241 селективный S 269 селекция S 268 естественная- N 26 сепенотропизм S 272 село Р 13 сельский R 421 семезачаток О 299 семейство F 15 семена образующий- S 663 поражающий- S 337 семени (покров-) I 204 семенной S 334, 650 семено- -воспроизведённый О 295 -носный S 338 -образный S 339 семерной S 409 семи- Н 150, S 409 -жилковый S 414 -листный Н 154 -лопастный S 413 -надрезный S 412 -пестичный Н 151 -членный Н 152 -тычинковый Н 153 семиапогамия S 285 семя S 276 семявход М 346 семядольный С 855 семядоля С 853 семянка А 67, S 276 -семянный S 334, 639 семяножка F 194, R 198 с семяножкой R 197 семяноко--видный F 192 -носный F 193 семяпочка G 78, О 299 анатропная- А 682 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1002 несущий семяпочки О 298 сено F 102 сепалодий S 400 септальный S 410 септический S 417 септобаэидия S 422 сердце- С 86, 806 -видный С 806 почти- S 1134 -винный М 143 сердцевина М 142 сердцевиной (выполненный-) М 144 серебристо-белый А 1010 серебристый А 1010 серёжка А 511, N 175 серёжконосный А 508, 509 серёжчатый А 508 сериальный S 430 серия S 433 серновидный S 331 серножёлтый S 1282, Т 239 серо- Р 911 -жёлтый I 287, R 73 -коричневый А 1231 -любивый Т 297 серовато--бурый Т 322 -голубой С 12 -жёлтый А 482 сероватый G 257 серп D 373 серпентинный S 437 серпо- F 12 -видный F 12 почти— S 1177 -плодный D 374, S 271 серый G 258 -верёвчато- F 185 серый голубе- С 646, Р 57 голубовато- С 243, L 230, М 391, Р 854 дымчато- F 185 коричнево- S 599 мышино- М 583, 619 пепельно- С 433, 434, L 142, S 769, Т 111 свинцово- С 243, L 230, М 391, Р 854 сине- S 136 стально- С 257 сланцего- А 998, S 136 сестон S 459 сестонология S 460 сетка S 189 сеточка R 195 сетчато- R 190 -бежный D 183 -жилковатый R 192 -морщинистый R 199 сетчатость R 191 сетчатый С 60, D 183, R 190 сечение поперечное- Т 402 продольное- S 241 сеянный S 88 сжатие С 889 сжатый С 545, 686, 701, 780 слегка- S 1128 сжимающийся С 545 сигмовидный S 495 сидерофобный S 493 сидячий S 458 почти- S 1230 сидячно--листный S 457 -цветковый S 456 сидящий А 1082, I 186 сизо- -голубой G 163 -зелёный G 163 сизоватый G 164 сизый G 163 сикоз S 1328 сикон S 1327 сиконий S 1327 сила R 338, V 141 силицификация S 500 сильнопахнущий G 253 сильношероховатый S 108 сильный R 339, V 19 симбазис S 1334 симбиоз S 1336 симбионты S 1335 симбиотический S 1337 симбиотропизм S 1339 симбиотрофический S 1340 симилисимметрия S 516 симметрично-цветковый S 1342 симметричный S 1344 симметрия S 1343 радиальная- R 16 симметроплодный S 1345 симметрический S 1346 симпеда S 1347 симпериантный S 1348 симпласт S 1362 симподиальный S 1364 симподий S 1365 симполиморфизм S 1366 симптом S 1367 симптоматология S 1368 симфиз S 1358 симфиллодий S 1352 симфиогенез S 1354 симфитогинный S 1360 синакинета S 1371 синангий S 1375 синандрий S 1373 синандродий S 1374 синантезия S 1378 синантерия S 1377 синантия S 1380 синантодий S 1381 синапоспермия S 1386 синапсис S 1384 синармофиты S 1388 синафозис S 1383 сингамеон S 1421 сингамеция S 1423 сингамия S 1424 сингенетика S 1427 синграммы S 1428 сингаплоидный S 1430 синдезис S 1411 сицдетохеильный S 1412 синдиморфизм S 1413 синдинамика S 1416 синдиплоидия S 1414 синдиплоидный S 1415 сине- -белый С 987 -зелёный А 278 -чёрный С 988 синевато- -зелёный N 173, Т 219 -чёрный А 857 синеватый V 57 синема S 1417 синенхима S 1418 синергиды S 1420 синергизм S 1419 синесерый S 136 синеющий С 10 синзигия S 1465 синзоический S 1461 синзоогонидия S 1463 синзооспора S 1464 синий С 984 васильово- С 984 гиацинто- Н 447 зелёно- С 331 кобальтово- С 547 морско- Т 219 розово- R 294 светло- С 547 темно- V 57 ултрамариново- U 8 шафранно- С 985 синистростилия S 526 синкарион S 1395 синкариотический S 1397 синкарпий S 1393 синкарпия S 1391 синкарпный S 1392 синколлифиты S 1406 синкотилия S 1408 синморфология S 1432 синема S 1433 * синоним S 1440 синонимия S 1439 синспорангий S 1447 синтаксономия S 1451 синтеломитическнй S 1452 синтепальный S 1453 синтип S 1459 синтриплоидия S 1454 синтропический S 1458 синтрофия S 1455 1008 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ синуэня S 1460 синхорологический S 1401 синхорология S 1400 синхронный S 1402 синхроногамия S 1403 синхронология S 1404 синцианоз S 1409 синцитий S 1410 синэкологический S 1438 сикэкология S 1437 синэция S 1435 сирапланктон S 538 сиреневоцветковый S 1468 сирингодендрон S 1469 сирроцнй S 1470 сиртидиум S 1471 сиртидофильный S 1472 сиртидофиты S 1473 сиссомата S 1474 систеллофиты S 1475 система S 1476 естественная- N 26, S 1476 корневая- S 1476 -растений S 1476 систематизация S 1479 систематика S 1477 систематический S 1478 систола S 1480 систолический S 1481 систрофе S 1482 ситниковидный J 18 ситотропизм S 539 сифогения S 1466 сифонантия S 533 сифоногамия S 535 сифонопласт S 536 сифоностела S 537 сифонофиты S 534 сияющий L 270 скала R 412, S 104 скалистый Р 378, R 413, S 103 скалоломный R 415, S 101 скальпелевидный S 111 скафидий S 116 сквамодий S 844 скелет S 131 скипетровидный S 132 складка Р 846, R 402 нектароносная- S 1280 складчато- Р 1625 -листный Р 1627 складчатый Р 849, R 403 склеенный А 326, С 723 склер антий S 174 склереиды S 176 склеренхима S 177 склеренхиматический S 178 склерификация S 179 склеробазидия S 180 склерогенный S 186 склерогонидия S 187 склерокарпий S 182 склеротичный S 193 склерофиты S 189 склероций S 194 склон С 632 склонёныо- С 524 склонённый D 17, Р 1292 скобина S 198 сколекокоыидия S 200 сколекоспора S 201 сколупой (со-) Р 1670 скользкий L 269 -скопический S 207 скопление А 327 скорлупа ореха Р 1669 скоро- Т 8 скороспелость Р 1168 скороспелый Р 1169 скорпионовидный S 210 скотопланктон S 214 скототаксис S 215 скототропизм S 216 скотофиты S 213 скотофобизм S 212 скрещивание Ы 456 скрипкообразный Р 65 скрипучий S 1031, С 882 скрученно- G 314, S 1022 -лепестный S 1024 -стебельный S 1023 скрученный С 778, S 1300 скручивание Т 357 скручивающийся Т 358 скрывающий С 207 скрывающийся D 53 скрыто- С 914 -колосистый С 916 -корешковый Е 179 -нервный С 927 скрытый А 20, С 207, 489, 1 52, L 57, 58, О 42, R 88 скудно-волосистый Р 692 скудный D 74, Е 444, Р 148 скутеллум S 227 с кутум S 228 скученность S 545 скученный А 54,62,323, С 539, С 672 710, 720, 724, 764, S 984 слабительный С 184, Р 1660 слабо- -бородчатый S 1108 •ветвистый S 1219 -войлочный Т 325 -городчатый S 1139 -желобчатый S 1114 -жестковолосистый S 1190 •зонтичный S 1248 •изогнутый С 972, S 1142 -кудрявый S 1140 -надрезанный S 1197 -окрашенный S 1127 -прижатый S 1149 -пушистый S 1242 -ресничатый S 1121 -угловатый S 1094 слабо- •уппсоватый S 1106 •чешуйчатый S 1234 -шероховатый S 1103 -шерстистый S 1202 слабый D 7 сладкий D 388, S 1084 сладко- G 189 сланцевоцветный А 998 сланцевый S 141 слегка S 1085 след V 99 следный D 234 следующий S 249, 429 -по жилкам N 102 слезовидный D 1 слезообразный L 20 слестящий N 122 слива Р 1446 сливающийся С 715, 543 сливовый Р 1443 сливоносный Р 1444 сливообразный Р 1445 сливяно-чёрный Р 1443 слизе- G 172 -видный М 497 -носный М 495 слизистый М 494, 498 слизняковый L 176 слизь М 499 выделяющий- М 496 слипание А 196 слипшийся С 723 слияние А 671, С 544, 739, F 204, J 19 слоевище Т 227 листоватое- F 158 ложное- Р 1583 первичное- Р 1371 тустистое- Т 228 слоевищеобраэный Т 224 слоевищный Т 224 сложенный (внутрь-) I 125 сложный С 685 слой S 1018 выстилающий- Т 25 гонидиальный- S 1018 корковый- S 1018 рыхлый- М 142 сердцевинный- S 1018 споровый- Н 529 спороносный- S 1018 слоистый Н 224, Т 6 сломанный F 141 случайный А 44 смарагдовый S 542 смежный А 203, 949, 951, С 713, 773 смена А 473 смертельный L 135 смешанно- М 385 смешанный С 667, 717,1 219, М 374, 385 смола Р 722, R 168 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1004 смолистый R 175 смоловидный R 169 смолоносный G 7, R 170 смоляно-чёрный Р 677 сморщенный С 830, R 200 смоченный S 1277 смысл S 397 смятый С 830 снабжённый I 199, М 579, О 242, Р 210, 1173 -асцидней А 1055 -ножкой S 988 -хохлом С 651 снег N 129 снеговой N 127 снежно- С 308 -белый N 128 снежный N 127 снизу Н 533 -белый Н 595 -блестящий Н 593 -косматый Н 594 снова зеленеющий R 217 сноп М 194 снотворный S 581 собако- С 1009 собачий С 65 собирал L 83 собрание S 1331 -цветков F 93 молекулярные собрания Т 18 собранный А 328, С 620, 710, L 80 -в клубок С 722 собственность Р 1310 собственный Р 1311, S 622 совершенное бесплодие S 891 совершенный Р 262 совпадающий С 725 современный R 77 согласно Т 147 согласованный С 725, 789 согнуто- С 56 согнутый С 56, 58, 973, Т 611 содержащий С 774 соединение А 182, С 601, 739 соединённый, А 205, С 740, 741, 744, J 20, Р 794 сожительство S 1336 сожительствующий С 599 созревание М 135 ранное- Р 1168 созревающий М 126 созревший М 128 сок S 1266 вакуолярный- S 1266 клеточный- С 1058, Е 122, S 1266 любящий- О 195 млечный- L 62 несущий- С 414, S 1257 ядерный- С 139 сокращение А 3, С 889 сокровищница Т 286 соларизация S 554 солевой S 23 солелюбивый Н 14 соленаидия S 558 солениапланктон S 559 соленостеле S 560 солнечный А 956, S 553 солнце S 552 солнце- Н 76 -любивый Н 79 солома S 1010 соломенно-жёлтый S 1012 соломина С 950 солонцеватый S 1225 солонцевый S 27 солончак S 27 солярий S 555 соматический S 572 соматобласт S 573 соматогенный S 575 соматоплазма S 578 соматотропизм S 579 соматофиты S 577 сомнительный А 497, D 385, I 86 сон S 582 -растений S 582 сообщество С 586, 669, S 549 растительное- Р 616 соответствие С 601 соответствовать С 789 соплодие I 153 сопредельный С 713 соприкасающийся С 774 сопровождаемый С 658 сопровождающий С 657 сопротивление R 177 соралий S 584 сордаго S 585 соревнование С 677 соредия S 588 несущий соредий S 587 сорема S 589 сорный R 391 сорняк Н 156, I 260 сорозир S 594 сорус S 596 сорусы S 591 соседний С 713, 773, V 111 сосочек М 86, Р 80 маленький- Р 82 с сосочками М 88 сосочконосный Р 81 сосочкообразный М 87 сосредоточенный С 764 состояние S 880 палмелло- Р 52 скрытое- L 59 состоящий С 763 сосуд V 39 сосудистый V 40 сосуды кольчатые- А 798 лестничные- V 39 млечные- V 39 решетчатые- V 39 спиральные- S 754, V 39 сотканный С 771 сотрудник С 614 сохранять С 754 соцветие 1141 верхушечное- Т 127 кистевидное- R 4 простое- S 518 сложное- С 685 соцветия (ось-) R 12 социальный S 546 социация S 547 социология S 550 социоморфология S 551 сочинение О 206, S 1449 сочленение А 1046, J 19 сочленённый А 1047 сочный S 1263 спадающийся С 613 спайка С 666 спайно- G 37, S 1350, 1369 -жильный S 1356 -лепестный S 1444 -листный S 1349, 1353 •плодный G 40 -плодолистиковый G 39 -семенодольный S 1407 -семянный S 1446 -споровый S 1448 -столбиковый G 54 -тычинковый S 1357 -чашелистиковый S 1445 спанандрия S 604 спаногиния S 607 спаренный С 740 спарсиопласты S 612 спасительный S 33 спатилла S 619 спатола S 621 спаянный С 709 спейрантия S 634 спектр S 632 биологический- S 632 -поглощения А 23 спелость М 127 спеология S 637 спермамёба S 642 спермангий S 643 спермаподий S 646 сперматида S 651 сперматиовидный S 653 спермато- S 639 сперматогамета S 661 сперматогенез S 662 сперматогенный S 663 сперматогоний S 665 сперматография S 666 сперматозоид S 673 сперматокарпия S 656 сперматокинетический S 667 сперматоплазма S 669 1005 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ сперматопласт S 670 сперматофнты S 668 сперматоцист S 658 сперматоцитиум S 660 спермаций S 655 несущий- S 652 спермо- S 639 спермогоний S 686 спермогононосный S 685 спермодерма S 680 спермокарпий S 677 спермология S 687 спермоспора S 691 сперм осфера S 692 спермотип S 695 спермофор S 689 спермоцентр S 679 специализация S 623 специальный Р 1311, S 622 специология S 628 специолы S 627 спикула S 733 спикулообразный S 735 спина Т 126 спиннокорешковый N 163 спиннобрюшной D 370 спинной D 368 спиралевидный Н 73 спирализация S 755 спирализм S 756 спираль S 753 спирально--дольный S 764 -плодный S 760 -цветковый S 757 спиральный S 754 спирема S 758 спирилла S 759 спиро- -тропный S 765 -центрический S 761 -циклический S 762 спяроизм S 763 список С 170, S 1441 -опечаток Е 343 сплете- Р 845 сплетённый Р 794, 845 сплошной С 775 сплюснутый С 678 сплющенный С 678, D 80 сплошь -белый Н 344 -зелёный А 547 сподограмма S 770 спокойный Т 384 спонгиола S 773 спонгиоплазма S 774 спонтанный S 778 спора S 779 зимняя- С 401, 563 маленькая- S 794, 831 покоящаяся- С 1016, Н 566 S 879 червеобразная- S 201 спорадический S 780 спорангидиум S 782 спорангиеносец S 786 спорангиеспора S 788 спорангий S 789, Т 231 несущий- S 783 с- S 781 спорангиола S 785 споридиевидный S 792 споридиеносный S 791 споридий S 796 споровидный S 817 -споровый S 790 спорогамия S 811 спорогенез S 812 спорогенный S 813 спорогоний S 816 спородерма S 809 спородохий S 810 спорокарпий S 802 спорокладий S 804 споронос S 688, 955 спороносный S 797 споросома S 825 споростегиум S 826 споротека S 828 споротрофофилл S 829 спорофиадий S 821 спорофилл S 822 спорофит S 824 спорофитический S 823 спорофор S 461, 819 спорохоры S 803 спороциста S 806 спороцит S 807 спороцитиум S 808 спорула S 831 спорулоносный S 833 споры (производящий-) S 813 спорынья С 502 способность F 10, Р 1152 способный Р 847, 1151 -прорастать G 133 спростно- S 1350 -плодный S 1351 спутник хромосомы S 83 спящий D 367 сравнение С 674 сравни с кем-то С 708 срастание А 605, С 544, 698 ненормальное- А 211 -семядолей S 1408 -цветков S 1380 срастающийся С 543, 697 сращение А 195, С 544, S 1358 сращённый А 212 сревный Р 15 средиземноморский М 141 срединный М 136 средне- М 139, 213 средний М 139, 213 средостение М 137 средство (спасительное-) А 393 сродный С 587 сродство А 290 сростно- G 37, S 1369 -головчатый S 1398 -корешковый S 1443 -пестичный С 573 -пыльниковый S 1376 -тычиночный S 1372 -цветковый S 1379 сросшийся С 543, 699, 741, S 1359 ссыхающийся Т 3 стабилопласты S 849 стабильный S 848 ставроконидия S 882 ставрос S 886 ставрофилл S 885 стагнопланктон S 855 стадия Р 423 лептотенная- L 131 -покоя L 58 стаз S 867 стазиморфия S 866 стазофильный S 868 стазофиты S 869 стайность S 545 стальной С 257 -цвет С 257 стаминодий S 861 старение S 391 стареющий S 390 стародавный А 1112 старость S 391 старый А 794, V 102 стасигенез S 865 статенхима S 870 статистический S 874 статический S 872 статмокинез S 871 статократный S 875 статолиты S 877 статопласты S 878 статоцисты S 876 стация S 873 ствол С 189, S 997, Т 620 створка V 25 ложная- Р 1587 створочка V 29 створочный V 26 створчатый V 27 стебелёк С 191 стебель С 195, S 997 воздушный- А 259 вторичный- S 245 вьющийся- S 112 главный- Р 1208 -злака С 950 листообразный- Р 559 мясистый- S 66 неразветвлённый- S 518 облиственный- S 1318 первичный- Р 1208 стебли (объемлющие-) А 206 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ стеблевой С 194 стеблеобъемлющий А 601 стегмата S 888 стейронотия S 891 стекающий каплями L 18 стекло (увеличительное-) L 94 стекловидный V 151 стеклянный V 151 стела С 215, S 893 стеле С 1003, S 893 стелолемма S 899 стелющийся D 25, Р 1336 стелярный S 892 стена Р 152 сгенковидный М 582 стенной М 580 стенобатый S 903 стеногалинный S 916 стеногигрический S 918 стеногидрический S 917 стеноз S 928 стеноксибионты S 937 стенопластичность S 925 стеносинузический S 932 стеноспермокарпия S 929 стенотермный S 933 стенотопия S 934 стенотопный S 935 стенотропный S 936 стенофотический S 923 стенохория S 907 стенохорный S 908 стеноценический S 910 стеноценоз S 911 стеноцист S 912 стеноэцический S 914 степь S 941 стереиды S 944 стереом S 947 стереоплазма S 949 стереть D 48 стержень R 12 стержнеобраэный V 129 стеригма S 955 стерилизация S 957 стерильность А 297, S 958 перекрестная- I 234 стерильный 179, N 110, S956 стернотрибный S 959 стеррофильный S 961 стеррофчты S 962 стёртый О 16 стефанодофиты S 940 стигма S 970 стигматомикоз S 974 стигматономиум S 975 стигматостегиум S 978 стигматофор S 978 стигобионты S 1062 стилидий S 1066 стилипланктон S 1070 стилогонидия S 1073 стилодий S 1072 стилоиды S 1074 стилоподий S 1075 стилоспора S 1076 стилостегий S 1077 стихидий S 964 стихобазидия S 966 стихокарпный S 967 сто- С 213, Н 60 столбик С 647, S 1081 неплодущий- Р 137 столбико- S 1063 -видный S 1068 -носный S 1065 столбиковый S 1063, 1064 столбичек С 116, 649 столон S 998 столоно--видный S 1000 -носный S 999 стома S 1001 стоматальный S 1002 стоматический S 1003 стоматокарпий S 1006 стомиум S 1007 стоповидно- Р 209 стоповидный Р 209 стопообразный Р 212 сторона L 71, Р 10 передняя- F 159 спинная- D 368 тыльная- Т 126 -сторонный F 3, 5 стоцветковый Н 61 стоячий S 854 страна R 125 страница Р 10 стратиоботаника S 1016 стратификация S 1014 стратифицированный S 1015 страшный Н 432 стрелка S 123 стрелко-S 113 -носный S 120 -образный S 122 -цветковый S 121 стрело- S 15, Т 371 -видный S 15 -листный S 16 стрепсинема S 1020 стрепситена S 1021 стрига S 1032 стриженый Т 339 стрижовый Т 339 стрихнин S 1058 стробил S 1039 строение S 1052 стройный G 230 строительный С 766 строма S 1040 стромбус S 1044 стромовидный S 1042 строфантин S 1046 строфизм S 1048 строфогенсз S 1049 1006 строфомания S 1050 строфотаксис S 1051 струговидно-перистонадре> ный R 410 струговидный R 411 структура S 1052 флористическая- S 1052 струповатый L 115 стручкообразный S 505 стручок S 504 членистый- В 147 стручочек S 501 односемянный- N 175 стручочкообразный S 502 студенистый G 63 ступенчатый S 109 стыдливый Р 1636 стянутый С 780 субальпийский S 1093 субарктический S 1100 субассоциация S 1104 субатлантический S 1105 субгимениальный S 1191 субгимений S 1192 субгиноэцический S 1189 субгипостатический S 1193 субдиоический S 1156 субдиоэция S 1155 су б дихотомически й S 1151 субдоминанты й S 1161 субекс S 1176 суберин S 1172 суберогенный S 1174 субклимакс S 1126 субкутикула S 1144 сублетальный S 1203 сублиторальный S 1205 субмикронический S 1208 субмикроскопический S 1209 субмикросома S 1210 субординация S 1215 субстанция S 1235 субстоматический S 1236 субстрат М 123, S 1237 субтерминальный S 1238 субтеграгонапьный S 1240 субтриоэция S 1245 субтропический S 1246 субформация S 1182 субэндемичный S 1164 субэпидермальный S 1165 субэпнстатический S 1166 сужающийся С 545 сужение S 928 суженный А 768 < суккулентый S 1263 суккуленты S 1264 сукцессия S 1255 султан А 863 сумка А 1066 защитная- М 112 материнская- U 95 несущий сумки А 1057 сумкообразный С 899 1007 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ сумочка В 311, U 99 сумочковидный U 97 суперфетация S 1292 супрабаэальный S 1305 супротивно- 0 2, 197 супротивный О 197 суроко-коричневый N 121 суспенэор S 1320 суставчатый А 1047 сухо- S 173, X 27 -листный S 486, X 41 - любив ый X 39 •плодный X 32 -цветковый X 29 сухой А 1016, R 128, 200, S 173, 488 -плод S 488 сухость S 485, 487 сученный С 765 сушка D 93 сфагнология S 720 сфагнофиты S 721 сфалерокарпий S 722 сфера маленькая- S 718 сферапланктон S 701 сференхнма S 702 сферический S 699 сфероидальный S 699 сферокристаллы S 700 сферома S 707 сферорафиды S 700 сфероспорангий S 715 сферотеций S 717 сферофиты S 709 сферохоризис S 705 сфигмизм S 727 сфингофильный S 725 сформированный F 127 схизогенез S 148 схизогенетический S 149 схиэогенный S 149 схизогония S 148 схиэокарпий С 571, S 144 схизокарпный S 145 схизоконидия S 146 схизокотилия S 147 схизолисигенный S 151 схизомерный S 152 схизорексигенный S 155 схизостеле S 156 схизостелия S 157 схиэофиты S 154 сходный А 289 сходство S 517 сходящийся С 745, 790 сцепление С 601 сцепленный С 687 сцепно-жилковатый С 653 сциадофиты S 161 сцитинум S 231 сцифа S 230 съедобный Е 50 сын F 2 сырный С 155 сырой Н 442, U 4 табачнобурый Т 1 табачный Т 1 табес Т 2 табличатый Т 6 таблица Т 4 тавтоним Т 32 тайга Т 19 тайнобрачие С 920 тайнобрачный С 921 такситерия Т 35 таксон Т 37 таксономический Т 39 тахсономия Т 38 тактизм Т 14 тактический Т 12 талассопланктон Т 222 таллидиум Т 223 таллоклор Т 225 талломный Т 224 таллофиты Т 226 танатотоп Т 230 тангентальный Т 21 таннин Т 22 тапезиум Т 23 тапетальный Т 24 тапетум Т 25 тафренхима Т 26 тафрофильный Т 27 тафрофиты Т 28 тахиауксез Т 9 тахигенез Т 18 тахиспория Т 11 тающий D 52, Т 3 твёрдо- S 173 твердоватый D 405, S 1162 твёрдость D 404, R 338, S 562 твёрдый D 406, L 50, S 173, 563 творожистый С 155 тегмен Т 48 тезис Т 287 теихосома Т 54 тека Т 231 пищеварительная- D 211 текафор Т 232 текноспора Т 40 тековидный С 605, Т 237 техстура Т 213 тектопаратип Т 41 тектоплезиотип Т 42 тектотип Т 43 текучий С 967 телейтосорус Т 62 телейтоспора Т 63 телеопластиды Т 59 телесный I 85 телибласт Т 245 телигениа Т 248 теликарион Т 246 теликариотический Т 247 телитокия Т 249 телматопланктон Т 70 тело С 825 вегетативное- С 825 оплодотворённое- С 825 плодовое- С 120, Т 163, 216 семядольное- С 854 телогонидия Т 76 телократный Т 75 телом Т 78 теломеры Т 79 телосинапсис Т 83 телофаза Т 81 телохромомерий Т 73 телохромосома Т 74 телоцентрический Т 72 тельце С 826 тёмно- А 1127, N 118, Р 397 -багряный М 472 -бурокрасный Р 1019 -бурый В 297, С 1, F 202, Р 1640 -жёлтый Н 556, R 222 -зелёный А 1138, С 337, Р 360, 961 -золотистый С 409 -каштановый В 16 -коричневый А 963 —слегка S 1097 -краслеющий А 1133 -красный А 1134, В 244, G 240, R 369, X 28 -кровавый А 1135 -кровянокрасный С 85 -лиловый А 1137 -полосатый А 1136 -пурпурный А 1130 -розовый А 1132 -синий V 57 -споровый Р 406 -чешуйчатый А 494 тёмный А 1116, F 200, М 488, N 118, 173,0 22, Р 397, 1640 теневыносливый U 24 тенелюбивый Н 80, S 158, U 24 тенелюбы S 161 тенистый U 26 тень U 21 теоретический Т 253 теория (эвантовая-) Е 361 -тепальный Т 110 теплица С 28, Т 115 зимняя- Н 288 тепло- -кровный Н 381 -терпимый Т 279 -устойчивый Т 276 тёплый Т 256 терапевтический Т 254 тератогения Т 116 тератологический Т 118 тератология Т 117 тератома Т 119 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1003 термальный Т 256 термауксизм Т 257 термин Т 131 технический- Т 131 терминализация Т 128 терминальный Т 127 терминология Т 130 термический Т 258 термогенный Т 263 термодиффузия Т 262 термоиндифферент Т 264 термоклейстогамия Т 261 термолабильный Т 265 термолиз Т 266 термометр Т 267 термоморфоз Т 268 термонастия Т 269 термопериодичность Т 270 терморегуляция Т 275 термотактизм Т 277 термотропизм Т 280 термофаза Т 271 термофилактический Т 273 термофильный Т 272 термофиты Т 274 термохоризм Т 260 термоэстеэис Т 259 терновник V 65 теромегатерм Т 281 теромезотерм Т 282 теромикротерм Т 283 терофиллый Т 284 терофиты Т 285 терпкий А 60 терпко- S 1082 территория Т 140 терцина Т 120 тесно сплетённый С 771 тесный А 995 теста Т 145 теставидный Т 146 тестикулярный Т 148 тесьмовидный Т 16 тетрагибрид Т 177 тетрагониданги й Т 172 тетрагонидий Т 173 тетрада Т 196 тетрадогенез Т 166 тетракотиледон Т 161 тетрамеристельный Т 179 тетрамерный Т 180 тетраморфный Т 181 тетраплоидный Т 189 тетраплостемонный Т 190 тетрархный Т 194 тетрасомический Т 199 тетраспора Т 201 тетраспорангий Т 202 тетраспороносный Т 203 тетраспорофит Т 204 тетрафилетический Т 186 тетрахотомия Т 159 тетрациты Т 163 теций Т 238 течение С 968 тигмический Т 288 тигмонастия Т 290 тигмотаксис Т 292 тигмотропизм Т 293 тигровый Т 313 тиксотропия Т 298 тиллизация Т 303 тилловидный Т 304 тиллы Т 302 тиофильный Т 294 тинофиты Т 295 тиобактерий Т 296 тирсовидый Т 297 тирсовидный Т 307 тип Т 679 первичный- Р 1369 -рода G 88 типичный Е 360, Т 673 типогенез Т 674 типолиз Т 676 типология Т 675 типоним Т 677 типостаза Т 678 тихолимнетический Т 664 тихопелагический Т 665 тихопланктон Т 666 тихопотамический Т 667 тихотелитокия Т 668 тихоценотический Т 663 ткань С 772, Т 213 абсорбирующая- А 23 воздухоносная- А 257 волокнистая- С 772 вторичная- С 772 главная- С 772 защитная- Т 55 клеточная- С 772 механическая- S 947 образовательная- М 199 палисадная- С 772 паренхиматозная- Р 149 первичная- С 772 переплетённая- Т 55 проводящая- Т 55 секреторная- S 240 соединительная- Т 55 сосудистая- Т 55 фундаментальная- С 772 хлорофиллоносная- С 326 тканый Т 212 тоже? А 627 токозигота Т 321 токсикология Т 369 токсины Т 370 токсичность Т 368 токсичный Т 366 толсто- С 863, Р 2 -колючковый Р 3 -ногий О 85 толстый С 863 толщина С 864 том Т 331 томиангий Т 328 тонезис Т 332 -тонический Т 334 тоничность Т 333 тонкий Е 445, G 230, L 116, S 1241, Т 97, 105 тонко- L 116, Т 105 -ветвистый L 119 -войлочный Т 325 -заострённый С 977, L 120 -лепестный L 125 -листный L 127, Т 107 -перепончатый S 125 -полосчатый S 1026 -рассечённый Т 108 -стебельчатый L 117, Т 106 -щетинистый S 1033 тонозис Т 336 тонопласт Т 335 тонотаксис Т 337 тонический Т 341 топобяонты Т 342 топогалванотаксис Т 345 топография Т 346 топоклимат Т 344 топообразный D 359 топотаксис Т 348 топотип Т 350 топотропизм Т 349 топофототаксис Т 347 топохемотаксис Т 343 топяной U 5 тор Т 363 торзия Т 357 торф Т 653 торфяники Т 655 торфяной Т 654 торчащий S 1030 прямо- А 1035 точечный Р 1653, S 968 точка Р 1656 точкообразный Р 1655 тощий Е 445 трабекулы Т 372 трава Н 156 сорная- Н 156 травка Н 165 травматический Т 404 травматодинез Т 406 травматонастия Т 407 травматотаксис Т 408 травматотропизм Т 409 травматохоризм Т 405 травник Н 159 травянистолистный А 341 травоядный Н 164 травянисто-зелёный G 234 травянистый G 233, Н 157, 163 -слой S 1018 травяно-зелёный Н 161 трактат Т 380 трактеллум Т 381 1009 трама Т 383 транслокация Т 393 транслятор R 198, Т 392 с транслятором R 197 транспирация Т 397 транспирометр Т 398 трансплантация Т 399 трансформизм Т 387 трапециевидный Т 403 трапециеобразный Т 403 трахеи Т 374 трахеиды Т 375 трахенхима Т 376 тремматология Т 299 трескучка R 127 третичный Т 141 треугольный D 54 трёх- Т 413 -бороздчатый Т 569 -браственный Т 415 -бугорчатый Т 572 -вилчатый Т 490 -главый Т 431 -гнеэдный Т 505 -гольноплодный Т 497 -дневный Т 479 -домный Т 520 -жилковый Т 515 -зубчатый Т 475 -килевой Т 429 -колосый Т 562 -коробчатый Т 428 -косточковый Т 550 -круговой Т 473 -крылый Т 416 -крючковатый Т 494, 573 -лепестный Т 524 -летний Т 482 -листный Т 486 -листочковый Т 487 -лопастный Т 504 -лучевой Т 421, 552 -месячный Т 509 -надрезный Т 484 -остный Т 423 -остроконечный Т 472 -парный Т 125 -перистораздельный Т 529 -перисторассеченный Т 530 -перистгородчатый Т 555 -пестичный Т 498 -пильчатый Т 557 -плёнчатый Т 495 -плодолистиковый Т 430 -покровный Т 439 -полосатый Т 566 -полярный Т 546 -прицветниковый Т 425 -пыльниковый Т 419 -пятнистый Т 506 -раздельный Т 523 -рассечённый Т 553 -реберный Т 470 -рогий Т 469 трёх- -родный Т 493 -рубцовый Т 503 -рыльцевый Т 564 -рядный Т 544, 556 -семядольный Т 471 -семянный Т 560 -семяпочковый Т 521 -сильный Т 481 -сосудистый Т 576 -споровый Т 561 -створчатый Т 575 -стебельный Т 541 -столбиковый Т 568 -сторонний Т 496, 502 -тройчаторазрезанный Т 570 -тычинковый Т 417 -цветковый Т 420 -цветный Т 468 -цикличный Т 473 -чашелистиковый Т 554 -членистый Т 424 -членный Т 132, 507 -щетинковый Т 558 -шиповый Т 562 -ядерный Т 517 трёхдомность Т 519 трёхпальчато-перистый Т 477 трёхпальчатый Т 474 трёхсемянка Т 414 трёхугольно- Т 496 трёхугольный Т 418, 496 трещина R 324 трещинка R 326 трещиновато- R 226 трещиноватый R 226, 325 три Т 412 -архический Т 421 -валентный Т 574 -гамный Т 491 -зональный Т 580 -мерный Т 507 -морфный Т 512 -номиальный Т 516 -плоидный Т 542 -сомический Т 559 -филетический Т 525 -хламидный Т 439 триба Т 426 тривиальный Т 577 тригибрид Т 500 трижды перистый Т 527 трижды перистонадрезный Т 528 триксения Т 579 трима Т 621 тримеристеле Т 508 тримоноэция Т 510 триплазия Т 531 триплостемония Т 543 трипоспланктон Т 547 триптон Т 549 тристилия Т 567 трихилиум Т 437 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ трихиты Т 438 трихобактерий Т 440 трихобласт Т 441 трихогина Т 451 трихома Т 453 трихопланктон Т 459 трихоспорангий Т 464 трихотомический Т 467 трихофор Т 456 триэция Т 519 троглобионт Т 584 троглоксенный Т 586 тройной Т 132, 532 тройчатый Т 133 тропа S 375 тропаксис Т 587 тропизм Т 612 тропический Т 610, 611 -тропный Т 611 тропоморфизм Т 613 тропофиты Т 614 тростник С 15 тростниковидный А 1050 трофический Т 589 трофия Т 588 трофобиоз Т 590 трофогенный Т 596 трофокотосома Т 594 трофокотофилл Т 593 трофомиксис Т 597 трофоморфоз Т 598 трофонуклеус Т 600 трофоплазма Т 602 трофосома Т 604 трофоспоросома Т 607 трофоспорофилл Т 606 трофотропизм Т 609 трофофилл Т 601 трофохроматин Т 591 трофохромидий Т 592 трофоцит Т 595 трубка Т 642, 639 околоцзетная- Т 643 пыльцевая- Т 643 решетчатая- С 885, Т 643 -чашечки Т 643 трубкоколючковый S 556 трубкообразный Т 638 трубочка Т 642 пыльцевая- Р 925 с трубочкой Т 641 трубочковидный Т 310 трубочкообразный Т 640 трубчато- S 532 трубчатый S 532, Т 641 труде О 206 в цитированном- О 206 трудно-культивируемыйН 108 труды А 143 трут F 118 трухлявый С 92 туаз О 233 туберкулизация Т 628 туземный А 17, N 24, V 72 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1010 туманный N 36 тундра Т 648 туника Т 649 имеющий тунику Т 650 тупо- О 34 тупой М 592, О 34 почти- S 1213 тупоконечный М 592, О 34 тургесценция Т 657 тургонастия Т 659 тургор Т 657 турион Т 660 тусклый I 66, О 181 туфлевидный С 880 туфлеобразный S 38 тучный Р 696 тыква Р 252 тыквина Р 252 тыквовидный С 946 тыльный D 368 тычинка М 358, S 857 недоразвившаяся- S 861 тычинконосный S 859 тычинкообразный S 860 тычинок (пучок-) Р 411 тычиночно- А 690 тычиночный А 690, М 113, S 859 тюрбановидны й Т 651 тяжёлый G 254, 1013 убежище R 118 убивающий волков L 285 убийственный S 130 убиквистный U 3 убывающий D 24 увеличенный А 176 увенчанный С 823 увесистый Р 1093 увечный М 593 увлажнённый Н 441, I 286, М 67 увядание М 102 увядающий М 100 увядший Е 95, L 44, М 101 углистый С 81 угло- А 763 угловато- G 202 -волосистый G 216 -плодный G 212 -стебельчатый G 213 угловой А 764 углубление (медовое-) N 60 углубления (маленькие-) Р1109 угнетённый О 198 угол -расхождения А 766, D 34® угольно-чёрный А 857 угольный С 81, G 202 удаление Е 499 удвенноэазубренный В 112 удвоение С 365, D 32, 394 удвоенный D 395, R 109 удлиненно- Е 94 -остроконечный С 977 удлинённый Е 94, Р 1123, Р1244, 1427 удобный I 38 удушенный F 25, S 1013 узел G 58, N 140 узелковидный N 138 узелок N 139 узкий А 769, 995 узко- А 767,1 290, S 901 -ветвистый S 909 -кистевой S 904 -холосый S 931 -крылый S 926 -лепестный S 921 -листный S 924 -луковичный S 905 -отороченный S 919 -плодный S 906 -семянный S 930 -угольный S 915 -цветный S 902 -чамелистиковый S 927 узло- N 135 узлов (лишённый-) А 101 узловатость N 136 узловатый С 706, N 135, Т 362 узловой N 134 укоренение R 21 укоренившийся R 22 укореняющийся R 20 укороченный А 4, С 545 -побег В 272 украшенный А 214, О 242, S 224 укреплённый F 73 укрепляющий А 653 уксусницеобразный А 64 улитка В 253 улитковидный С 558 улучшающий А 506 улучшенный А 507 ультрамариновый U 8 ультрамикрон U 9 ультрамикроскоп U 10 ультрапланктон U 11 ультрасестон U 12 уменьшающийся D 24 уменьшение R 105 уменьшенный D 56, 240 уменьшительный суффикс Е 93 умеренный Т 86 умноженный А 1146, М 559 унавоженный S 943 Унаследованный 1 157 универсальный U 79 уникальный U 36 униномиальный U 64 униполярный U 68 унифациалъный U 48 уничтожающий С 422 уплощенный (горизонтально-) Т 5 упоительный S 489 упомянутый С 661 упрощение D 42 упругий Е 74 упругость Е 73 уравнительный А 246 уредокучка U 86 уредосорус U 86 уредоспора Р 1416, U 87 урна U 89 урно- С 415 урночка С 78 уродливость М 466 уродливый М 467 урсины U 91 ус F 78 усвоение А 1084 усечённый Т 617 усеянный А 1076, С 760 усик С 473 -винограда Р 62 неразветвлённый- S 518 прилистниковый- S 992 усико- С 472 -носный С 472 условие С 703 условия (эдафические-) Е 41 успокаивающий Т 85 установка Р 1126 установление I 197 устарелый V 102 устойчивый R 176 устройство S 1052 устье 0 237, 272 устьице О 288, S 1001 скрытое- С 931 устьиценосный S 1004 устьичный S 1002 усыпанный А 1076 утолщение С 861,1 101 утолщённый С 862, I 102 утончённый А 1140, Т 104 утренний М 129 утрикулярный U 98 утроенно--двойчатый Т 125 -перистый Т 527 -тройчатый Т 571 утроенный Т 532 участок А 1000 учение цветка А 843 ушко А 1154 ушковатый А 1155 ушковидный А 1156 •фагный Р 409 фагопланктон Р 408 фагоцитоз Р 407 фаза Р 423 фактор F 9 1011 факультативный F 11 фаланга Р 411 фальшивый А 218 фанерогамный Р 415 фанерофнты Р 417 фаоппанктон Р 419 фармакогнозия Р 421 фармакодинамия Р 420 фармакология Р 422 фарфоробелый Р 1103 фасциация F 20 фасцийрованный F 21 фация F 6 феллема Р 424 феллоген Р 428 феллодерма Р 427 феллоида Р 430 феногеиез Р 387 феногенетика Р 388 фелогибрид Р 389 фенокопия Р 384 фенологический Р 391 фенология Р 390 феноспермия Р 393 фенотермический Р 394 фенотип Р 396 фенотипический Р 395 фенофаза Р 392 феноцитология Р 385 феопласт Р 403 феосома Р 405 феофилл Р 401 фермент F 38 ферментация F 37 фертильный F 40 фига F 51 фигура F 55 физиогенез Р 594 физиология Р 597 физиономия Р 595 физоды Р 598 физономиум Р 599 фикодомаций Р 538 фикокром Р 536 фикоксантин Р 545 фикопиррин Р 544 фикопорфирин Р 542 фикориза Р 544 фикофеин Р 541 фихоцецидий Р 535 фикоциан Р 537 фикоэритрин Р 539 фила Р 590 филезис Р 547 -филетичееккй Р 548 филлидия Р 553 филлобиология Р 554 филлобласт Р 555 филлогония Р 565 филлодий Р 563 филлодия Р 569 филлокарпический Р 557 филлокладий Р 559 филлоколлия Р 560 филлом Р 567 филломания Р 568 филломорфия Р 569 филломорфоз Р 570 филлонскроз Р 571 филлономиум Р 572 филлоподий Р 575 филлоптоз Р 576 филлотаксис вторичный- S 245 филлотип Р 578 филлофагный Р 573 филлоцианин Р 561 филогенез Р 585 филогенетика Р 586 филогенетический Р 587 филогения Р 585 филогсронтический Р 589 филоматический Р 438 философия Р 440 филоценогенез Р 583 филоэмъриобенез Р 584 фиолетовый I 1, V 125 почти- V 126 -фитический Р 601 -фитный Р 601 фито- Р 601 фитобентос Р 604 фитобиологический Р 606 фитобиология Р 605 фитобиотический Р 607 фитобласт Р 608 фнтогамия Р 623 фитогенез Р 624 фитогенетика Р 625 фигогенный Р 626 фитогеогенез Р 627 фитогеография Р 628 фитогигиена Р 633 фмтогисгология Р 631 фитогормоны Р 632 фитография Р 630 фитодинамика Р 620 фитодомация Р 619 фитоз Р 663 фитоидный Р 634 фитома Р 638 фитомера Р 639 фитоморфоз Р 642 фитоморфология Р 641 фитономатотехния Р 644 фитономия Р 645 фитонциды Р 643 фитоонтогенсз Р 648 фитоорганография Р 649 фитоорганология Р 650 фитопаразит Р 652 фитопатология Р 654 фитоплейстон Р 659 фитопланктон Р 658 фитоптоэ Р 662 фитоптоцецидий Р 661 фитосоциология Р 615, 664 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ фитотаксономия Р 666 фитотелма Р 668 фитотерапия Р 671 фитотератология Р 669 фитотермогенез Р 672 фитотехника Р 667 фитотоксин Р 674 фитотрофия Р 675 фитофенология Р 655 фитофизиология Р 657 фитохимия Р 610 фитохорология Р 612 фитоценогенез Р 614 фитоценоз Р 616 фитоценология Р 615 фитоценотип Р 617 фитоцецидий Р 609 фитоцитология Р 618 фитоэдафон Р 621 фитоэкология Р 647 фитоэлектрогенез Р 622 флаг V 104 флагоносный V 103 флагоплодный S 275 фликтиопланктон Р 453 флобафен Р 447 флора С 329, F 85 местная- F 95 флоэма Р 448 флюктуирующий F 98 фляжковидный L 31 фобизм Р 455 -фобный Р 454 фобофототропизм Р 458 фобохемотактизм Р 456 фовилла F 140 фоладофиты Р 461 фэлеобионты Р 462 фолликул F 117 сложный- F 116, Р 987 фолликулярный F 115 фонотаксис Р 463 форезия Р 466 форма F 125 весенняя- V 73 карликовая- N 5 новая- F 125 формация полукустарников S 1273 формирующий F 126 -в садах Н 438 формообразование М 475 формула F 129 фоспланктон Р 469 фотеолический Р 470 фотизм Р 472 -фотический Р 471 фотоавксизм Р 474 фотобласт Р 475 фотовосстановление Р 506 фотогенический Р 485 фотогенный Р 485 фотогипонастия Р 487 фотографотип Р 486 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ фотодинамический Р 483 фотодинамия Р 482 фотодинез Р 481 фотокинез Р 488 фотоклеистогамия Р 478 фотоклиния Р 479 фотоколориметрически й Р 480 фотолиз Р 490 фотометр Р 493 фотометрический Р 492 фотоморфоз Р 494 фотометрия Р 491 фотонастический Р 496 фотонастия Р 495 фотопериод Р 500 фотопериодизм Р 499 фотопериодически й Р 498 фотоплагиотропный Р 505 фоторедукция Р 506 фотосинтез Р 507 фототаксис Р 508 фэтотактизм Р 508 фототип Р 486 фототонус Р 510 фототропизм Р 514 отрицательный- С 174 фототрофия Р 512 фототрофный Р 513 фотофаза Р 501 фотофильный Р 502 фотохимический Р 476 фотохроматически й Р 477 фотоэпинастия Р 484 фэтоэетезия Р 473 фрагматоспора Р 518 фрагмент F 145 фрагментация F 144 фрагмопласт Р 523 фрагмосома Р 524 фрагмостихобазидия Р 527 фрагмосфера Р 525 фреатофильный Р 529 фреатофиты Р 528 фрукт F 165, Р 1092 фруктификация F 163 фруктоядный F 164 фтириазис Р 532 фунгицидный F 188 фуникулюс F 194 фут Р 362 футовый Р 208 хазмандроэция С 264 хазмантерия С 265 хазмогамия С 269 хаэмоклеистогамия С 267 хаэмопеталия С 270 хазмофиты С 271 халаза С 252 халазогамия С 253 хамефиты С 258 хватательный Р 1207 хвойный С 735 хвостатый С 188 хвостик С 190 хвоя А 61 хеиломания С 275 хеимонофильный С 277 хеимонофобный С 278 хемоауксизм С 283 хемодинез С 285 хемодолихоз С 286 хемозоофобный С 299 хемокинез С 287 хемолизис С 289 хемолюминесценция С 288 хемометрия С 290 хемоморфоз С 291 хемонастия С 292 хемосинтез С 294 хемотактизм С 295 хемотерапия С 296 хемотропизм С 298 хемотрофный С 297 хемофоботактизм С 293 хемохоризм С 284 хемоэсгезия С 282 хенохлорантия С 247 херсофиты С 301 хетопланктон С 250 хиазма С 302 хиастобазидия С 303 хилый D 7 химера С 306, Р 1511 хионофиты С 309 хироним С 310 хироптерофильный С 280 хиротип С 311 хламидогонидия С 318 хламидоспора С 319 хламидоциста С 317 хлеб F 167 хлоренхима С 326 хлоровапоризация С 350 хлороглобин С 333 хлороз С 347 хлоролейциты С 334 хлоронема С 336 хлоропласт С 346 хлорофилл С 343 хлорофиллолиз С 342 хлорофиллоносный С 341 хлороцист С 332 хмельной Т 88 хоботковидный Р 1229 хоботоцветковый S 26 ход D 387 межклеточный- М 132 смоляной- D 387 ходуловидный G 231 хозяины Н 440 холм С 629, 532 холмистый С 531 холодный А 398, 471, F 153, G 64 холодо- Р 1600 -любивый С 909 1019 хомофпгы С 354 хондриокинез С 356 хоидриоконты С 355 хондриома С 357 хондриомиты С 358 хондриосома С 359 хондриосфера С 360 хорда С 362 хориз С 365 хориспорангий С 402 -хорный С 370 хорология С 367 хоротип С 368 хороший В 250 хорошо Е 3 50 хортономия С 369 хохлато- С 651 хохлатый С 651, D 98, Р 83 хохло- С 651 хохолконосный Р 83 хохолок Р 84 хохолообразный J 10 хризогонидий С 407 хризоганнин С 411 хризофилл С 410 хроматида С 373 хроматин С 374 хроматический С 372 хроматолиз С 376 хроматология С 375 хроматоплазма С 378 хроматофор С 377 хромидиогамия С 380 хромидиоцентр С 379 хромидия С 383 хромизм С 384 хромогенный С 388 хромолейциты С 389 хромолипоиды С 390 хромомеры С 391 хромонема С 392 хромопласт С 397 хромосома С 398 -со спутником S 83 бивалентные хромосомы G 68 хромофильный С 394 хромофобный С 395 хромотропизм С 399 хромохондрия С 386 хромо центр С 385 хромоцит С 387 хронизооспора С 403 хрониспора С 401 , хронический С 400 хрупкий F 143 хрупко- F 143 хрящеватый С 130 царство R 129 -растений R 129 цвет С 638 стальной- С 257 1018 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ цвета -воска С 239 -кофе С 596 персикового- Р 346 -ржавчины F 39 -сапфира S 47 -сепия S 407 -сланца S 138 -сурика М 370 телесного- С 94 -умбры U 25 цветение А 833, F 87 повторное- R 113 цаетения время- F 87 период- Т 87 цзетень Р 918 цветка диаграмма- D 136 закрученное почкосложение-С 778 покровы- Р 270 почкосложение- Р 1178 цветки бесполые- N 110 собранные- А 328 солнечные- S 553 -цветковий А 832, F 86 цветковые А 850, Р 414 цветкообъемлющий А 602 цветник Н 438 цветно- С 639, F 175 цветный С 639 цвето- А 832, F 86 цветок F 96 верхушечный- Т 127 гермафродитный- F 96 голый- N 198 -диска F 96 женский- F 96 краевой- F 96 махровый- Р 815 мужской- F 96 обоеполый- F 96 околопестичный F 96 пестичный- F 96 подпестичный- F 96 полный- С 681 радиальный- F 96 рождающий- F 94 стерильный- S 956 трубчатый- Т 641 тычиночный- F 96 эпигиничный- F 96 язычковый- F 96, L 173 цветоводство F 85, 90 цветоложе С 227, 523, Т 363, R 79 коническое- С 750 общее- С 521 цветоножка Р 211, R 79 цветонос Р 217 несущий- Р 216 цветоносец А 848 цветоносный F 91, Р 216 цветопад А 853 цветорасположение I 141 цветочек F 97 цветочный F 86 цветоядный А 846 цветущий (постоянно-) S 386 целебный О 88, S 33 целиком золотистый Н 327 целлюлоза С 210 целобласт С 565 целонема С 566 цельно- Н 320 -волосистый Н 353 -крайный I 202 -лепестный Н 347 -листный (почти-) S 1200 -шелковистый Н 352 цельный I 123, 201, Т 365 почти- I 203 ценантия С 212 ценантиум С 568 ценобий С 571 ценобионты С 569 ценобиоспора С 570 ценогамета С 578 ценогенез С 8, 579 ценоглея С 580 ценоз С 586 ценозигота С 592 ценогонидия С 581 ценозоогонидий С 591 ценокарпий С 574 ценокарпия С 572 ценокарпный С 573 ценокладия С 576 ценология С 582 ценомоноэция С 583 ценопроталлий С 585 ценоспора С 589 ценосфера С 588 ценотаксономия S 1451 ценофильный С 584 ценоцентр С 575 ценоцит С 577 центральный С 215 почти- S 1120 -цилиндр S 893 центробежный С 216 центромер С 219 центроплазма С 220 центропласт С 221 центросома С 222 центростремительный С 218 центросфера С 223 цеома С 9 цепкий Т 92 несколько-Т 89 цеплящийся S 112 цепляющийся А 206 цепочечный С 182 цепочках (в-) С 687 цепочкообразный С 182 цератия С 235 цефалодий С 226 цецидий С 206 цецидиозоа С 205 цецидиология С 202 цецидиофиты С 204 цианопласт С 992 цианофилл С 991 цианофильный С 989 цианофицин С 990 цианоцист С 986 циатий С 994 -цидный С 422 цякатризация С 419 цикл С 1000 жизненный- С 1000 циклический С 996, V 88 циклоз С 999 циклонастия С 998 циклохориз С 997 цилиндр С 1003 центральный- С 215, 1003 S 893 цилиндренхима С 1002 цилиндрический С 1001 почти- S 1145 цилиоградный С 424 цимозный С 1008 циркуляция С 452 циркумбореальный С 456 циркумлатерализм С 463 циркумполярный С 467 циста С 1016 цистида С 1018 цистокарпий С 1019 цистолит С 1020 цистосорус С 1022 цистосфера С 1023 цистотил С 1025 цистофор С 1021 цистула С 475 цитаза С 1027 цитированный в цитированном месте С 476 -цитный С 1028 -цито- С 1028 цитоанатомия С 1029 цитоастер С 1030 цитобласт С 1032 цитобластема С 1031 цитогамия С 1045 цитогенез С 1046 цитогенетика С 1047 цитогеография С 1050 цитогидролиз С 1054 цитогония С 1049 цитогранула С 1051 цитография С 1052 цитода С 1042 цитодерма С 1041 цитодинамика С 1044 цитокинез С 1055 цитоклезис С 1056 цитолизин С 1059 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1014 цитолимфа С 1058 цитолитический С 1060 цитология С 1057 цитомеханиха С 1062 цитомиксис С 1065 цитомитома С 1064 цитоморфоз С 1067 цитоморфология С 1067 цитоплазма С 1069 циторризис С 1070 цитосарка С 1071 цитоскслет С 1072 цитосома С 1073 цитостатика С 1074 цитотеэкс С 1076 цитотоксин С 1077 цитотропизм С 1078 цитофизиология С 1068 цитохилема С 1038 цитохима С 1039 цитохимера С 1034 цитохимия С 1035 цитохром С 1037 цифелла С 1012 часовой Н 431 частично Р 158 -стерильный Т 320 частота F 151 частый С 710, 866, F 150, Р 168 часы (цветочные-) Н 431 часть Р 158 чахнущий Т 3 чашевидно- Т 615 чашевидный Т 615 чашелистик S 402 маленький- S 399 -чашелистиковый S 403 чашечка С 50 гамосепальная- Р 175 лацинии чашечки L 14 наружная- С 44 чашечко- С 40 чашечковый волосисто- Т 442 чашечкой снабженный- С 42 человек- А 859 челюстевидный М 130 червеобразный L 273, V 68 чередование А 473 -поколений А 473 чередующийся А 472 через D 127 черенок Е 236, I 190, R 163 черепитчатый I 49 почти- S 1195 черепица 1 48 черешковидный Р 371 черешковый Р 372 черешок Р 377 вздутый- Р 377 крылатый- Р 377 ложный- Р 1545 общий- Р 377, R 12 черешочек Р 376 с черешочком Р 375 черешчатый Р 373 чернеющий А 1126, N 120а, 117, S 1211 черно- А 1127, М 172, N 118 черноватый А 1126, N 117, N 120а, Т 565 черновики А 227 чёрносемянный G 3 чернота N 120 чёрный А 1116, F 200, М 172, N 118 вороно- С 802, 839 беловато- L 141 коричнево- М 185 пепельно- Т 114 сажисто- F 182 сине- С 988 синевато- А 857 сливяно- Р 1443 смоляно- Р 677 темно- А 116, F 200 угольно- А 857 чернило-А 1125 черновато- N 117 чертёж D 50 чесночнозапахный А 423 чесночнолистный S 209 чесночный А 421 четверно- Q 23, Т 188 четверной Q 23 четвёртый Q 24 чётковидпый М 397 четыре Q 26 по- Q 25 -раза Q 23 четырёх- Q 1, Т 151 -вильчатый Q 14 -гнездный Q 17 -гранный Q 2, Т 169 -железистый Т 164 -зубчатый Q 8 -иглый Т 153 -колосый Т 206 -коробочный Q 5 -кочковый Т 192 -круговой Т 162 -крылый Т 191 -лепестный Т 185 -листный Q 13 -лопастной Q 16 -надрезный Q 11 -ореппсовый Q 7 -остистый Q 3 -пальчатый Q 9 -парный Т 165 -перегородчатый Q 20 -пестичный Т 176, 210 -плодный Т 155 -плодолистикоый Q 6 -пыльниковый Т 183 -раздельный О 18 -рассеченный Q 19 -рогий Т 157 -рыльцевый Т 209 -семенный Т 200 -сильный Т 168 -споровый Т 205 -сторонно-лопастный Т 175 -сторонноплодный Т 174 -сторонный Q 2, 15 -тычинковый Т 207 -тычиночный Т 182 -угольный Q 2 -чашелистиковый Т 198 -членный Т 180 -цветковый Q 12 -шпорецный Т 156 -рядный Q 21 -ядерный Т 184 четырёхсемянка Т 158 чехлик С 46 корневой- Р 687 чехлнкозидный С 48 чечевички L 95 с чечевичками L 96 чечевичковидный L 97 чешуе- L 103, S 838 -видный S 840 -носный S 838 -плодный L 106 чешуи -корзинки S 839 -луковицы S 839 чешуйка R 50, S 839, 841 воловидная- S 1032 чешуйки L 105 чешуйкообразный S 843 чешуйчатый L 103, S 838 волосисто- Т 452 чешуя S 839 колосковая- G 181, Т 48 медоносная- N 54 нектароносная -N 54 цветковая-Р 30 чихательный Р 1 604 чиховыющий S 960 членик А 1048 -колосового стержня R 9 членистый А 1047, L 252 членный М 192 чувствительность S 395 чувствительный Р 1636, S'396 -и железистый в олосок Т 101 чуждый А 402 чужой А 402 шарик G 168 шариковидный G 166 шарикообразный Р 693 шарлаховый С 551 1016 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ шаро- G 166 шаровидно- S 699 -скученный С 721 шаровидный G 166 почти- S 1187 шарообразный S 699 шатающийся О 273 шафранно--жёлтый С 893 -синий С 985 шафранный С 893 почти- S 1141 шахматный Т 143 шейка С 442, 633 корневая- С 633 с шейкой С 630 шелестящий S 1019 шелковистый S 432 почти-S 1227 шелково- S 432 шелковый S 432 шелушинка R 50 шелушистый R 49 шелушиться Е 442 шероховато- Т 378 -плодный Т 379 шероховатость S 107 шероховатый А 1072, S 105, Т 31 слегка- S 106 шерстеносный L 40 шерстисто- L 40 -листный С 560 шерстистый L 40 шерсть L 39, 48, V 52 шершаво- L 54 -плодный L 55 шершавый S 105 шестерной S 389, 479 шести- Н 272, S 471 -гнёздный S 477 -гранный Н 274 -зубчатый S 474 -лепестный Н 281 -листный Н 283 -мутовчатый Н 273 -парный S 476 -пестичный Н 276 -рядный S 475 -тычинковый Н 278 -угольный Н 275 -футовый Н 280 -цветковый Н 279 -членный Н 277 шея F 26 шило- S 1247 -видный S 1247 шип А 164 ши пик А 163 шиповатый А 160, Е 9 шиповидный А 161 ширина L 65 широкий А 606, L 68 очень- Р 331 широко- Е 384, L 68, Р 787 -выемчатый R 147 -крылый М 389 -листный L 69, Р 792 -основный В 47 -плодный Р 788 -семянный Р 793 -шаровидный 0 13 -эллиптический L 70 широковатый L 66, S 1037 широта L 65 шишечка С 783 шишка С 784, S 1039 шишковатый Т 636, U 20 шишко- -видный S 1036 -носный С 735, S 1037 -образный С 726 шишкоягода G 8, Р 1479 шкура С 810 шлем С 157, G 9 шлемовидный С 156, G 11 шляпка Р 688 шляпкообразный Р 685 шляпочный Р 684 шмелоносный В 249 шов R 66, S 1323 брюшной- V 60 ложный- Р 1563 семенной- R 66 спинной- D 368 шовноплодный R 227 шовный S 1325 шоколадно-бурый С 1 шпорец С 18 медоносный- N 54 шпорцами (со-) С 19 шпорце- С 214 -видный С 21 -плодный Р 797 штрих S 1025 щебень R 389 щелистый R 325 щелочной А 383 щель R 324 щетина S 461 щетинисто- С 249 -волосистый Н 308 -зубчатый S 462 -остроконечный S 463 щетинистый S 464, 468 щетинка S 461 щетинко--видный S 464 -листный S 466 -цветковый S 465 щетиночка S 469 щетиночконосный S 470 щит S 228 щитковатый С 840 почти-S 1138 щитконосный С 840 щито- Р 230 -видный Р 230, S 225, 226 -образный Р 230 щиток Р 229, S 227, А 1078, С 842 щупальце Т 101 -видный Т 99 -носный Т 100 эбеночёрный Е 2 эвапорация Е 362 эвапоспория Е 364 эвапофиты Е 363 эвархеофиты Е 365 эвгенетика Е 374 эвгешенный Е 375 эвгеофиты Е 376 эвдихотомия Е 372 эвклеистокарпный Е 369 эвкссрофитический Е 406 эволюция Е 412 эвпланктон Е 383 эврибатный Е 385 эвригигрический Е 389 эвриэцический Е 390 эвриоксибионт Е 391 эврипластичность Е 393 эврисинусический Е 394 эвритермный Е 395 эвритопный Е 396 эврифотический Е 392 эврихалинный Е 388 эврихорный Е 386 эвриценотический Е 387 эвеинкарпный Е 401 эвепорангиатный Е 397 эвепория Е 398 эветела Е 400 эвтерофиты Е 402 эвтропия Е 405 эвтрофный Е 404 эвфотометрнческий Е 381 эвценотический Е 370 эвцецидий Е 366 эвциклический Е 371 эвэфемерный Е 373 эдафический Е 41 эдафогенный Е 42 эдафон Е 44 эдафотоп Е 46 эдафофиты Е 45 эдификаторы А 236 эдоиография А 237 эдоиология А 238 эдоиотомия А 239 эисодиальный Е 59 экада О 67 экбластеэ Е 7 экваториальный А 247 эквивапентогенез А 253 экземпляр S 626 экзина Е 446 экзогамия Е 459 экзогенный Е 460 РУССКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ 1016 экэогинический Е 461 экзодерма Е 458 экзокатадромный Е 453 экзоконидия Е 456 экзокортекс Е 457 экзолитический Е 462 экзолитофиты Е 463 экзомеристема Е 464 экзоневроз Е 465 экзоперндий Е 467 экзосклероций Е 473 экзоскопический Е 474 экзосмоз Е 475 экзоспора Е 476 экзоспорий Е 477 экзостоз Е 479 экзостом Е 478 экзотермический Е 482 экзотеста Е 480 экзотеций Е 481 экзотоксин Е 483 экзотропизм Е 485 экзотрофный Е 484 экзофлоэма Е 468 экзохитон Е 454 экзохомофиты Е 455 экиофиты О 86 экобиотически й О 69 эковид О 79 экогеографически й О 71 экоклиматически й О 70 экологический О 73 экология О 72 экономический О 75 экопаразит О 76 экопротерандрия О 77 экопротерогиния О 73 экотип О 83 экотонус О 81 экотоп О 82 эксикката Е 495 эксинтина Е 447 экскреторный Е 438 экспозиция Е 492 экспрессивность Е 493 экстравагинальный Е 514 экстрафлоральный Е 509 экстрахромосома Е 508 экстрацеллюлярный Е 507 экстрорзный Е 516 эксцентричный Е 427 эксципул Е 429 эктауксезис Е 17 эктекзина Е 18 эктобазидий Е 19 эктобионт Е 20 эктогенез Е 27 эктогонидия Е 28 эктопаразит Е 29 эктоперидий Е 30 эктопия Е 32 эктоплазма Е 33 эктопласты Е 34 эктоспориум Е 36 экгоспороаый Е 37 экготропный Е 39 эктотрофный Е 38 эктофиты Е 31 эктоцианоз Е 23 эктоциклический Е 24 эктоэндопаразит Е 25 эктоэндотрофный Е 26 элайопланкгон Е 68 элайопласты Е 69 элайосэма Е 70 эластичность Е 73 элатериум Е 76 элатерофор Е 78 элатеры Е 75, Н 46 элаюсфера Е 71 электролиз Е 81 электронастия Е 82 электротаксис Е 84 электротонус Е 85 электротропизм Е 86 электрофорез С 173 элиминация Е 90 эллипсоидальный Е 91 эллиптический Е 92 эмбриогенез Е 99 эмбриология Е 100 эмбрион Е 98 эмбриональный Е 101 эмбриотега Е 105 эмбриофиты Е 104 эмбриофор Е 103 эмергенция Е 108 эналиды Е 205 энантиобиоз Е 116 энантиобластический Е 117 энантиоморфный Е 118 энантиостильный Е 119 энаций Е 120 энгармония Е 206 эндархический Е 125 эндемизм Е 128 эндемит Е 129 эндемичный Е 127 эндобазидия Е 130 эндобионт Е 131 эндобиотичный Е 133 эндобиофития Е 132 эндоблема Е 134 эндогамия Е 153 эндогайон Е 152 эндогаустория Е 157 эндогенный Е 154 эндогонидия Е 155 эндогоиий Е 156 эндодендробионты Е 149 эндодерма Е 150 эндозоический Е 196 эндозообионт Е 197 эндозоофиты Е 200 эндозоохоры Е 198 эндокарпий Е 135 отвердевший- Р 1669 эндокатадромный Е 137 эндокинетически й Е 142 эндокортекс Е 144 эндоксилофиты Е 194 эндоксильный Е 195 эндолитический Е 158 эндолитофиты Е 159 эндомейоз Е 160 эндомеристема Е 161 эндомиксис Е 163 эндомитоз Е 162 эндопаразит Е 164 эндопелон Е 165 эндоперидий Е 166 эндопетрион Е 167 эндоплазма Е 173 эндопласт Е 174 эндопластида Е 175 эндоплевра Е 176 эндопсаммион Е 177 эндоптильный Е 178 эндосапрофитизм Е 180, Р125 эндосимбиоз Е 188 эндосклероций Е 181 эндоскопический Е 182 эндосмоз Е 183 эндосперм Е 184 эндоспора Е 185 эндоспорий Е 186 эндостом Е 187 эндотермический Е 190 эндотеций Е 189 эндотоксин Е 191 эндотропизм Е 193 эндотрофный Е 192 эндофитизм Е 170 эндофитный Е 169 эндофитобионт Е 171 эндофиты Е 172 эндофлоэма Е 168 эндохил Е 141 эндохитон Е 138 эндохроа Е 139 эндохрома Е 140 эндоцианоз Е 145 эндоциклогенный Е 146 эндоциста Е 148 энергезис Е 202 энергида Е 203 энзим Е 218 энзимолиз Е 219 энология О 87 энтомогамный Е 214 энтомология Е 215 энтомоцецидий Е 213 эоплазма Е 220 эпакме Е 221 эпанодия Е 222 эпгидрогамия Е 230 эпибазальный Е 231 эпибазидия Е 232 эпибентос Е 233 эпибиоз Е 235 эпибионт Е 234 эпибиота Е 236 Redactor: DOINA CIO AC A Tehnoredactor: CONSTANTIN IORDACHE Coli de tipar: 63,75 Bun de tipar: 15.09.1980 Tlparul executat sub comanda nr. 2082 la Intreprinderea poligraficS „13 Decembrle 1918". str. Grlgore Alexandrescu nr. 89—97 Bucuregtt, Republlca Socialists Romania